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Copyright(C) by Foxit Corporation,2005-2009
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reloading curve

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€ € €

Name Index

Index Terms

Aas.G. 122 473
Adams, J. I. 78 473
AASHO 14 16 26 27 29 36
398 473
AREA 398 473
ASCE 473
ASP 473
ASTM 5 8 9 14 15 16
24 27 28 36 42 112
113 122 215 473
Atterberg A. 21 48 473
Avery, S. B., Jr. 476

Bagnold, R. A. 160 474
Baker, B. 443 444 474
Baker, C. N., Jr. 243 304 474
Baker, G. L. 330 480
Barden, L. 413 474
Barkan, D. D. 259 474
Basore, C. E. 330 474
Baumann, F. 184
Belcher, D. J. 124 474
Berkey, C P. 159
Berman, H. 12 479
Bishop, A. W. 101 109 121 305 358 474
Bjerrum, L. 78 93 96 161 268 305
Index Terms

Bjerrum, L. (cont.)
329 363 472 474 478
Boersma, L. 323 485
Boitano, J. D. 330 474 485
Boussinesq, J. 288
Brinch Hansen, J. 420 474
Brink, A. B. A. 346 474
Brinkhorst, W. H. 258 474
Brissette, R. F. 329 476
Broms, B. 304 305 477 481
Bryant, F. G. 304 481
Brzezinski, L. S. 305 47
Burmister, D. M. 36 474
Button, S. J. 358 475

Cadling, L. 122 475
Carlson, E. D. 358 475
Carson, A. B. 174 475
Casagrande, A. 2 22 23 27 36 43
55 60 61 63 72 77
78 94 95 96 119 161
304 305 474 475
Casagrande, L. 182 305 475
Cedergren, H. R. 56 475
Chan, C. K. 482
Chellis, R. D. 227 475
Clevenger, W. A 346 475
Condron, T L. 166 476
Cooke, R. W. 304 485
Corps of Engineers 27
Coulomb, C. A. 413 420
Coyle, H.M. 227 478
Crain, H. M. 122 479
Index Terms

Crawford, C. B. 79 305 476

Cummings, A. E. 202 227 257 304 476
Curtis, L. 230

D’Appolonia, E. 200 329 330 476
D’Appolonia, D. J. 200 259 305 329 330 476
Darcy, H. 39 40 53
Darragh, R. 472 486
Davisson, M.T. 215 222 224 227 230 476
Dawson, R. F. 79 346 76
Deere, D. U. 30 31 36 112 158 304
476 480
deRuiter, J. 133 479
DeSimone, S. V. 413 476
Devata, M. 305 483
Dudley, J. H. 346 476
Duncan, J. M. 472 474
duPont, E. I. de Nemours 476

Eades, J. L. 199 476
Eggestad, A. 329 474 477
Eide, O. 305 474
Endo, M. 305 477
Estes, H. M. 370 483

Fadum, R. E. 43 56 72 304 475
Fausold, M Jr. 305 483
Feda, J. 329 477
Feld, J. 259 266 477
Fellenius, B. H. 162 305
Index Terms

Fellenius, W. 162
Fenneman, N. M. 159 383 477
Ferguson, P.M. 383 477
Fisk, H. N. 148 477
Fletcher, G. F. A. 121 477
Flint, R. F. 124 160 477
Foster, C. R. 200 484
Fricano, S. P. 358 475
Frimann Clausen, C. J. 472 474

Gammon, K. M. 166 477
Gardner, W. S. 243 485
Gauntt, G. C. 304 477
Gerber, E. 423 477
Gerwick, B. C., Jr. 227 477
Gibbs, H. J. 66 121 477 478
Gill, G. W. 190 477
Glossop, R. 182 477
Goodell, W. G. 374
Gould, J. P. 413 476
Gray, R. E. 259 477
Greer, D. M. 243 485
Gregg, L. E. 124 485
Grim, R. E. 35 199 476 477

Hagerty, D. J. 160 304 477 484
Hallenbeck J. J., Jr. 358 477
Hammer M. J. 346 477
Hanna, T. H 472 478
Hanrahan, E. T. 78 478
Harlan, R. C. 482 484
Hazen, A. 38 40 48
Index Terms

Hedefine, A. 243 478

Heiland, C. A. 122 478
Hendron, A. J. 95 478
Henkel, D. J. 95 101 341 474 478
Hennion, F. B. 56 479
Hetenyi, M. 413 478
Highway Research Board 26 122 478
Hirsch, T.J. 227 478
Hirschfeld, R. C. 94 475
Holtz, W. G. 66 121 30 477 478
Horn, H. M. 304 479
Hubbard, P. G. 330 478
Hunter, A. H. 330 478
Hunter, J. W. 166 478
Huntington, W. C 189 424 444 478
Hvorslev, M. J. 95 101 102 107 121 138

Ireland, H. O. 121 248 301 306 325 346
378 481

Jenkins, D. S. 124 474
Jennings, J. E. 334 341 346 478
Johannessen, I. J. 305 474 479
Johnson, S. J. 182 200 305 358 479
Johnston, R E. 358 477
Judson, . 159 479

Kallstenius, T. 121 479
Kantey, B. A. 346 474
Index Terms

Kaplar, C. W. 56 479
Kaufman, R. I. 182 330 480
Kawasaki, T. 305 477
Kenney, T. C. 133 479
Kerkhoff, G. O. 304 476
Kézdi, Á. 329 479
Khan, F. 243 304 474
Kiersch, G. 122
Klohn, E. J. 304 479
Knight, K. 346 478
Kolb, C.R. 160 479
Kotzias, P. C. 200 479
Krinitzsky, E. L. 160 479

Lambe, T. W. 35 56 304 305 476 479
Larsen, E. S. 12 479
Laursen, E. M. 330 479
Leet, L. D. 159 479
Legget, R. F. 160 479
Lennertz, R. 358 479
Leonards, G. A. 122 159 182
LeRoy, L.W. 122 479
Linell, K. A. 56 479
Liu, T. K. 160 484
Lobacz, E. F. 56 479
Lockwood, M. G. 259 479
Lovell, C. W., Jr 159 485
Lowery, L L 227 478
Lowitz, C. A. 304 478
Lumb, P. 161 479
Lundgren, R. 346 482 485
Lynch, T. J. 330 479
Index Terms

MacDonald, D. H. 133 266 305 479 482
Mansur, C. I. 182 330 480
Martin, C. B. 305 483
Matallana, G. A. 472 478
Math, E. R. 166 476
Means, R. E. 340 346 481
Meese, R. H. 122 482
Mesri, G. 12 73 74 480
Meyerhof, G. G. 78 266 305 310 314 329
464 480
Meyers, J. F. 259 477
Miles, R. D. 159 485
Miller, R. P. 31 100 330 476 480
Minou, A. 305 477
Mitchell, J. K. 200 480 482
Mohr, H. A. 104 121 480
Mohr, E. C. J. 161 480
Moore, R. W. 119 480
Moorhouse, D. C. 331 480
Moran, D. E. 182 228 480
Moretto, O. 121 478
Morgenstern, N. R. 358 480
Mueser, W. H. 182 228 480

Newmark, N. M 288 289 349 480
Nilson, A. H 383 485
Nordlun , R. L. 304 330 480

Odenstad, S. 122 475
Olson, R. E. 12 480
Index Terms

O’Neill, M. W. 238 243 480

Orrje, O. 304 481
Osterberg, J.O. 121 481

Paige, S. 159 481
Parcher, J.V. 340 346 481
Parola, J. F. 221 481
Parsons, J. D. 330 481
Peck, O.K. 346 481
Peck, R. B. 132 160 161 166 190 248
259 266 283 301 304 305
308 346 370 472 474 476
477 481 482
Pedgrift, G. F. 166 477
Pettijohn, F. J. 161 481
Poulos, H.G. 305 481
Poulos, S. 182 475
Prandtl, L. 271
Price, V. E. 358 480
Proctor, C. S. 182 480
Proctor, R. R. 14 36 481

Rankine, W.J. M. 419 481
Reddy, A.S. 358 481
Reed, W.C. 132 160 481
Reese, L. C. 238 243 480 481
Reiche, P. 160 481
Résal, J. 420
Richart, F. E 375
Riggs, L.W. 243 481
Root, J. W. 185
Rosenqvist, I. Th. 35 481
Index Terms

Rowe, P. W. 453 472 481

Rutledge, P. C. 79 182 476 480 482

Salley, J.R. 266 482
Samson, C. H., Jr. 227 478
Sanger, F. J. 182 482
Sanglerat, G. 115 121 482
Scheidig, A. 86 482
Schmertmann, J. H. 61 78 121 482
Schousboe, I. 243 482
Scott, E.W., Jr. 166 482
Sebastyan, G. Y. 78 305 480
Seed, H.B. 95 346 482
Selby, K.G. 305 483
Shannon, W. L. 122 472 482
Shibata, T. 305 477
Shockley, W. G. 160 479
Silano, L. G. 243 478
Simons, N. E. 93 474
Skempton, A. W. 44 56 62 80 92 93
97 161 190 266 271 279
304 305 329 474 482
Smith, G. D. 160 483
Sokolovski, V. V. 420 483
SooySmith, W. 230 262
Sowers, G. B. 471 482
Sowers, G. F. 161 266 305 359 471 483
Spangler, M. G. 423 483
Spock, L. E 159 483
Squier, L. R. 370 483
Stagg, K. G. 31 36 370 483
Stamatopoulos, A. C. 200 479
Index Terms

Steinman, D. B. 243 483

Stermac, A. G. 305 483
Stevenson, R. 176
Strazer, R. J. 472 482
Sutherland, J. G. 305 476
Swiger, W. F. 182 370 483

Talbot, A. N. 374 375
Taylor, A. W. 35 483
Taylor, D. W. 71 298 299 483
Teng, C. Y. 248 30 13 481 483
Terzaghi, K. 44 49 56 59 70 78
81 135 149 159 161 266
298 308 310 413 417 419
443 444 454 472 483 484
Thompson, M. R. 200 346 484
Thompson, O. B. 346 477
Thon, J. G. 472 484
Thornburn, T. H. 122 160 484
Thornbury, W. D. 159 484
Thornley, J. H. 227 484
Tomlinson, M. J. 283 305 484
Trask, P. D. 160 484
Tschebotarioff, G. 453 472 484
Turnbull, W. J. 160 200 479 484

USBR 27 36 49 484 485
USDA 25 29 36 129 137 144
160 485
Index Terms

Van Baren, F. A. 161 480
Van der Veen, C. 323 485
Vargas, M. 121 478
Varnes, D. J. 122
Vesić, A. 329 485
Vitrivius 204

Ward, E. R. 472 484
Ward, W. H. 346 485
Ware, T. M. 330 476
Warkentin, B. P. 35 56 486
WES 36 485
Werblin, D. A. 182 485
Wheeless, L. D. 359 485
Whitaker, T. 304 305 485
White, E. E. 252 485
White, Lazarus 250
White, L. S. 304 484
White, R. E. 243 250 370 485
White, W. A. 22
Whitman, R. V. 35 200 330 476 479
Willis, E. A. 158 485
Wilson, L. L. 305 483
Wilson, S. D. 96 122 446 475 476 482
Winter, G. 383 485
Woods, K B 124 159 474 485
Woodward, R. J. 243 279 346 482 485
Woolf, D. O 36 485
Wosser, T. O. 472 486
Index Terms

Yong, R. N. 35 56 486

Zeevaert, L. 140 160 254 305 348 476
Zienkiewicz, O. C. 31 36 370 483
Subject Index

Page numbers in boldface indicate definitions of terms or major discussions.

Index Terms

A-frame anchorage 452
AASHO classification 25 27 128
compaction test 15 198
Abrasion 126
Abutment 229 247ff 385
base slab 439
cantilever 441
design 437
gravity 248
joints 439
loads 439
pile-bent 248
spill-through 248
types 248
U 248
ACI Building Code 375 379 390
Acker drill 121
Active earth pressure 385 418ff
Active Rankine state 418ff 459
Adhesion between pile a d soil 214
Adsorbed ion 21ff
Aeolian oil 126
Aerial ph tography 128 130 137 139 144
Aggregate properties 8
relations among 17
Air bubble 42
Index Terms

Airfield classification system 27

Airphoto 135 137
interpretation 128
pattern 130ff 137 139 144
Albion Mill 190
Allowable contact pressure 361
on jointed rock 362
Allowable load on rock 362 368
Allowable pile load 383
Allowable settlement 266
Allowable soil pressure 186ff
on clay 273 276
on rafts on sand 319
Alluvial fan 147
Alluvial soil 126 130
Alpine glacier 129
Alteration, hydrothermal 30
Alumina octahedron 10
Aluminum-micarta pile cushion 220 222
Aluminum oxide 155
Ambassador Bridge 228
Analysis, effective stress 101
total stress 101
Anchor 172
beam 448
grouted 468
pile 214 448
plate 448
prestr ssed 468
rod 455
test 468
wall 448
Index Terms

Anchorage, A-frame 452

bulkhead 448 452
of tieback 467
Anchored bulkhead, see Bulkhead
Andesite 31
Angle, contact 48
of internal friction 90
of wall friction 423
Angular particles 66
Anion 21
Anthracite coal 31
Aplite 31
Apparent cohesion 48 99 118 170
Apparent pressure envelope for strut loads 460
Approach slab 440
Area ratio 108
Arkose 31
Arlington, Ore. 100
Armco pipe pile 205
Asbestos pile cushion 220
Asphalt spray 363
Atterberg limits 20ff
see also Limit, Atterberg
Auditorium Building 187
Auger 231 237 238
boring 103
bucket 104 117
helical 104
hollow stem 104 115
I wan 104
pile 206
post-hole 104
power 117 230
Index Terms

Auger (Cont.)
samples 106

Backfill 197 247 301
Backswamp deposit 145
Bailer 106 237
Bank of America 472
Baraboo, Wis. 100
Barre, Vt. 100
BART 472
Basalt 31 100
Base failure of cut in clay 461
Base width of retaining wall 415
Basement wall 173
Baton Rouge, La. 147
Batter pile 203 225 302 430 432 435
slump of concrete 213
Beach deposit 147
Beach ridge deposit 136
Beam, anchor 448
T- 188
Bearing capacity 166 264 307 311 313
of clay 270ff 304
factor 271 278 310 464
failure 256 265 269 271 308 318
of pier n sand 322
of p le cluster 283
of sand 307ff 329
ultimate net 271
Bearing pile in dense sand 322ff
Bearpaw shale 332
Index Terms

Bedding plane 30 44 99 149 370

joints 367
Bedford, Ind. 100
Bedrock 164
unweathered 149ff
Belgium 296
Belled pier 172 230 236 239ff 281
Belling bucket 239
Bending strength of pile 302
Bent, pile 225ff
Bentonite 106 237
Berm 233
Bit, chopping 104
drilling 106
Bituminous coal 31
Bituminous coating 369
Black cotton soil 159
Blasting 257 369
Block sampling 113
Blocky structure 339
Blow-up of excavation 459
Boiling 46 326
Bond strength 65
Bore-hole camera 117
Boring 102ff
auger 103
depth 164
exploratory 103ff
hollow stem auge 105
number of 164
rotary 106
in rock 109ff
wash 104
Index Terms

Boston 78 305 413

Boulder 4 235
penetration test in 115
residual 153
Boulder, Colo. 101
Bounce chamber 211
Boundary condition, flow net 51
Braced cut 259 446 456ff
in clay 461ff
crippling of wale 456 461
design 463 465
failure of base in clay 461
lateral movement adjacent to 463
in sand 459ff
settlement adjacent to 463
tieback system 466ff
Braced trench 173
Bracing 169ff
cross-lot 463
inclined 172 463
prestressing 463
Braided stream 144ff
Bridge pier 325 385 395
progressive movement in lay 301
scour 330
Bridge trestle 226
Breccia 31
British Columbia 78 131 133 135 305
Brunspile 206
Bucket auger 104 117
Buckling of pile 213
of strut 456 461
Building code 187 215 265 361 362
Index Terms

Bulkhead 446
anchorage 452
anchored 447ff 472
design 452 455
dredge 448
failure 449
fill 448
loads 449ff
settlement of anchor rods 455
sheet-pile moment 453
Bulking 49 198
Buoyancy of raft 320
Buried channel 130 140
Buried valley 139ff

c/p ratio 93 98
Cable tendon 370
Cable-tool drilling 106
Caisson 229 232ff 243 256 281 326
floating 234
open dredged 243
pneumatic 235 243 262 327
Calcium carbonate 147 153
California 147 358
Caliper log 153
Camden, N. J. 228
Camera, bor hol 117
Canada 9 124 126 131 133 135
160 176 337
Cantilever abutment 441
Cantilever footing 185ff 402 405
Cantilever retaining wall 246 415 427
Index Terms

Capacity factor (concrete design) 375 378

Capacity of pile 215 218 225
to resist lateral load 227
in sand 323
Capillarity 47 179
Capillary moisture 99 118 190
Capillary phenomena 47ff
Capillary rise 47 48
Capillary zone 118
Carbonation 126
Carbon dioxide 126
Carbonic acid 126
Cased hole 229
Cased pile 205
Franki 205
Casing 104 235ff
dimensions 112
drilled pier 240ff
Cast-in-place concrete pile 205ff
effect of slump 213
Castle Rock. Colo. 9
Catalyst 181
Cation exchange 21
capacity of clay minerals 21
Cave 32 152
Caving 235
Cavity 99
in limestone 366
solution 44
Cedar R pids, Iowa 146
Cedar River, I wa 145 146
Cellular cofferdam 232
Cementation 159 170
Index Terms

Cemented rock, 30
Cemented sand 236 333
Cement grout 181
Central Valley, Cal. 147
Channel, buried 130
Channel markings 130
Chart, for correction of N-values 312
plasticity 22
for pressure on retaining
wall 424 425
triangular 25 127
Chemical alteration 65
Chemical grouting 182
Chemical injection 181
Chemical stabilization 22 343
Chemical weathering 125 369
Chicago 79 129 132 133 160 184
187 190 230 243 262 304
305 365 400
Chicago Bridge and Iron Co. 384
Chicago clay 184
Chicago method 239
Chicopee, Mass. 146 149
Chlorite 151
Chopping bit 104
Circle, Mohr, see Mohr’s circle
Classification, AASHO 25 27 128
airfield 27
engineering 128
MIT 25 30
of rock 30 32
of soil 24
textural 25 28
Index Terms

Classification, AASHO (Cont.)

triangular chart 25
Unified system 25 27ff 36 128
visual 107
Classification tests 4 7
Clay 5 164 196 247
allowable soil pressure 273 276
bearing capacity 270ff 304
braced cut 461ff
Chicago 184
cone resistance 115
consistency 20
consolidation of sensitive 64
contact pressure 277
creep strength 95
critical slope 298
effect of lowering water table 257
erratic 290
excavation 256 297ff
expansive 79
extrasensitive 20 65 66
failure of base of cut 461
fat 22
fissured 98 273 297
footings on 270ff
foundations on 269ff
gross soil pressur 277
highly plastic 96
inorganic 22 27
join s 297
lacustrin 79 348
lateral displacement due to vertical load 301ff
lean 22
Index Terms

Clay (Cont.)
Leda 138
montmorillonitic 334
net allowable soil pressure 272
net ultimate soil pressure for piers 278
normally loaded 61 66 73 290 292
open cut 461ff
organic 7 22 27
overconsolidated 61 63 67 73 93 98
290 292
Paulding 136
penetration resistance 114
penetration tests 115
permeability 43
pier design 277ff
preloaded 61 63 67 73 93 98
290 292
progressive lateral movement 301
quick 20 137
raft on 276ff
remolded 59 162
residual 155
resistivity of 120
sensitive 20 290
settlement 265 286ff
shear strength 97 102
skin friction on p ers 281
slickensides 297
soft 91 242
soft ning 170
stability f slopes 98 170 297ff 300 305
static capacity of friction piles 283
stiff 236 299
Index Terms

Clay (Cont.)
strength 94 97 102
stress-deformation characteristics 90
swelling 67 195 199
ultimate bearing capacity 270ff
undisturbed 162
undrained strength reduction factor 96
varved 138
Clay-filled joints 151
Clay grouting 181
Clay minerals 10 35 127 155
cation exchange capacity 21
Clay slurry 181 326
Clay-slope stability number 298
Clay structure, disturbance 291
Clay-tile drain 189
Clay till 133
Cleavage, vertical 142
Climate 127
Closed-ended steel pipe pile 208
Coal, anthracite 31
bituminous 31
Coarse-grained soil 4 8 13 27 99 133
Cobbles 153 235
Cobi pile 205
Coefficient, of active earth pressure 419
of compressibility 73
of consolidation 70 294
of curvature 9 28
of e rth press re at rest 417
of passiv earth pressure 419
of permeability 40 43 70 177 326
of secondary consolidation 73
Index Terms

Coefficient, of active earth pressure (Cont.)

of subgrade reaction 413
uniformity 9 28 30
of volume compressibility 70 73
Cofferdam 54 229ff 243
cellular 232
double wall sheet-pile 232
leakage 232
single wall 244
single wall sheet pile 232
Cohesion 5 13 177 235
apparent 48 99 118
of loess 141
of sand 257
Cohesionless sand 176 196
Cohesionless silt 307
Cohesionless soil 198
Cohesive granular material 196
Cohesive soil 198 237
Collapsible soil 65 164 333ff
Colloidal particle 10
Color 7
Colorado 9 101 116 134 136 142
143 335
Colluvial soil 126
Column footing 185
Columnar jointing 32
Combined footing 185ff 401ff
Compacted fill 94 193ff 198
foundations on 193ff
Compaction, by flooding 197
control 198ff
of fill 195ff
Index Terms

Compaction, by flooding (Cont.)

modified AASHO 16
percent 15 16 18
piles 200 323ff
standard AASHO 16
test 14ff 36
by vibration 327 330
100% 15
Compensated foundation 188 277 291 353
Composite pile 209
Composite shore deposit 150
Composition, mineralogical 10 2
Compressed air 235 256
caisson 243 327
pier construction 230
Compressibility 193 270
coefficient 73
evaluation in practice 66
of rock 151
Compression index 62 290
Compression test, confined 59ff
triaxial 83ff
unconfined 19ff 92
Compressive strength, intact ro k 100
triaxial, of sand 85
unconfined, of clay 19
Compressive wave 218
Concentrated load, ear h pressure due to 423
Concrete, dental 365
desi n 383
deteriora i n 147
encasement of steel piles 208
guide tube 240
Index Terms

Concrete, dental (Cont.)

pneumatically placed 363 369
segregation 240
slump 213 240 242
tremie 240
vibration 240
Concrete pier 240
Concrete pile 205ff 219
Armco pipe 205
auger 206
Bruns precast sectional 206
cased Franki 205
cast-in-place 205
Cobi 205
deterioration 207
Franki 205 206
Fuentes 206
pedestal 206
precast 205ff
precast sectional 206 207
prestressed 207
Raymond step-taper 205
sectional precast 206 207
uncased Franki 205
Union Metal monotube 205
working load 207
working stress 213
Concretion 19 159
Cone penetration t st 113 115 133 136
Cone res stance 115
Cane test, Du h 113 115 198 323
static 121
Index Terms

Confined compression test 59

see also Consolidation, test
Confining pressure 86
Conglomerate 31
Consistency 19 121
measurement 112ff
Consolidation 58 68ff 92 96 98 179
180 182 192 226 282 285
coefficient 70 294
of secondary 73
characteristics of, collapsible soil 65ff
residual soil 65
sand 66
sensitive clay 64ff
degree 71ff
differential equation 70
drainage by 50
paired 333ff
primary 72 73
rate 73
secondary 73 195
by surcharging 192
test 42 59 270 290
theory 68ff 81
Consolidation pressure, initial 68
Consolidated undrained test 88
Constant head permeameter 41
Construction, damage due t 254ff
methods 167 255
of p ers 244 326
procedur , influence on design 259
slopes 169
Contact angle 48
Index Terms

Contact moisture 48
Contact pressure 351
on clay 277
Continental glacier 129
Continental deposit 144 146
Continuous back drain, retaining wall 247
Continuous footing 185
Continuous sample 164
Contraction during shear 126
Contraflexure, point in sheetpile bulkhaed 453 456
Control observations 196
Control of compaction 198ff
Controlled blasting 370
Controlled fill 193
Core 165 212
see also Rock core
Core barrel 109 111 112 164
double tube 111
shot 117
single tube 111
triple tube 111
Core catcher 108 109
Core drill 109
Core lifter 111
Correction factor for water table in sand 313
Corrosion of steel pile 208
Coulomb, earth press re theory 420
equation 87 417
Counterfort retaini g wall 246
Cracks in soil 19 20 30 93 159 177
Cracking, pre st concrete pile 218
Creep 95 341
Creosoted timber pile 204
Index Terms

Crib wall 247

Critical circle 298 358
Critical frequency of vibrations 327
Critical height of slope 299
Critical hydraulic gradient 45
Critical pressure 335
Critical section (concrete design) 376
of pile 213
of pile footing 379
Critical void ratio 86
Cross-lot bracing 463
Crushing of grains 66 83
Culpeper, Va. 100
Curvature, coefficient of 9 28
Cushion blasting 370
Cushion blocks, pile driving 220 221
Cuttings from drilling 106 110
Cut, braced, see Braced cut
Cut, open, see Open cut
tieback 446 447
Cutting shoe 107
Cyclic mobility 95
Cylindrical pipe pile 224

Dacite 31
Damage due to adjac nt construction 254ff
due to future construction 259
due to swelling and shrinking 332 339 340
to p int of pil 208
Damp proofing 189ff
Darcy’s law 39 51
Dead load on pier 341
Deadman 448 452
Index Terms

Decay of piles 204

Deep-seated settlement 194ff 199
Deep well pump 180 326
Defects in piers 241
Deformation condition for, Rankine theory 418
open cut in sand 459
Deformation of rock 99
Degree of, compaction 16ff 337 342
consolidation 68 71 72
disturbance 108
saturation 12 17 18 47
Delft 115
Delmag pile hammer 210
Delta deposit 146 149
Dense sand 66 88 325
Dense silt 325
Dense or stiff layer over soft deposit 350ff
Densest state 13 14
Densification, by blasting 200
by pile driving 195
by vibroflotation 195
Density, dry 12 18
relative 11 13 14 112ff 117 118
198 307 308
soil aggregate 13
Density index 13ff 66 198
Dental concrete 365
Denver, Colo. 9 116 134 136 142 160
Depletion zone of 127
Deposit, back swamp 145
beach 147
beach ridge 136
braided stream 147
Index Terms

Deposit, back swamp (Cont.)

composite shore 150
compressible 188
continental 144 146
delta 146 149
erratic 147 164
flood plain 145 147
glacial 126 132 149
glacial drift 129
glacial lake 129 135ff
glacial moraine 135ff
glacial outwash 129 137
glacial till 43 129 131
glaciofluvial 129 133ff
heterogeneous 293
lacustrine 135 145
laminated 135
marsh 134 147
organic 134 135 147
permeability of stratified 42
river 144ff
shore 147 150
shoreline 136
stream-channel 144
valley 145
varved 135
windblown 140ff
Deposition, profile of 126
Depth of b ring 164
of embedmen of sheeting 452
of footing 378
of foundation 270
of scour 325
Index Terms

Depth of boring (Cont.)

of surcharge 270 311
Desiccation, drainage by 50
Desiccation cracks 297
Design, charts for footing on sand 311ff
of footing 375ff
on clay 273ff
on sand 313ff
of foundations, in swelling soil 340ff
on unwetted collapsible soil 334ff
loads on foundation 264ff
of raft foundation 405ff
reinforced concrete 383
Detailed exploration 164
Deterioration of concrete piles 207
of shale 363
Development length, critical section
(concrete design) 376
Dewatering 237 330 367 458
Diabase 31 100
Diagonal tension 376
Diesel hammer 209ff 220
damage to piles 212
Differential equation of consol dation 70
Differential expansion 126
Differential settlement 188 193 254 265 273 286
319 320 343
Differential steam hammer 210
Dike 153ff
Dilatancy 5 7 86 90 114 325
Dimension-st ne footing 185
Diorite 31
Dip 151
Index Terms

Direct shear test 83

Direction of earth pressure 423
Discharge velocity 40
Dispersed structure 19 20
Dispersing agent 8
Dispersion test 6
Displacement due to filling 194
due to pile driving 258
Dissipation of pore pressure 96
Distribution of earth pressure 423
Disturbance 65 97 107 108 291
Ditches 177ff
Dolerite 31
Dolomite 31 100 152ff
Double acting steam hammer 210
Double oedometer test 333ff
Double shaft pier 245
Double tube core barrel 111
Double wall sheet pile cofferdam 232
Downdrag on pile 226 285
Drain, clay tile 189
floor 189
footing 189ff
intercepting 189
perforated pipe 189
sand 180ff 195
Drainage 39 169 176 177ff 189ff 248
by consolidation 50
by desiccation 50
by e ectrical methods 22
gravity 49
permanent 177
by pumping 348
Index Terms

Drainage (Cont.)
surface 128
time required by pumping 326
well 180
Drainage methods 181ff
Drainage pattern, see Airphoto pattern
Drained angle of internal friction 90
Drained test 88 97 101
Dredge bulkhead 448
Dredge level 448
Dredging 256
of caissons 326ff
wells 234
Drift, glacial 129
Drift plain 130
Drilled pier 230 235ff 243 340 366 368
belling 239ff
bottom cleaning 241
casing 241
concreting 240
conditions for success 242
danger of gas 241
excavation 237ff
inspection 241
lateral displacement 341
lining 241
pulling casing 240ff
in stiff clay 292
use of telltales in concreting 242
vert cality 241
Drill hole pat n for blasting 369
Drilling, cable tool 106
percussion 106 109
Index Terms

Drilling, cable tool (Cont.)

pneumatic 153
rotary 106ff
Drilling bit 106
Drilling fluid 106 110 111
Drilling machine 104 231
Drilling mud 106 107 173 235 237 326
Drill rods, dimensions 112
Drive head 210
Driving of piles, see Pile Driving
Driving resistance 212
Driving stress in precast concrete pile 207
Drop hammer 209
Drought, effect on shrinkage 343
Dry density 12 18
maximum 15
Drying, effect on limits 157
Dry strength 5
Dry unit weight 12 15 18
Dune sand 141 143
Dutch cone penetrometer 113 115 198 323
Dynamic analysis of pile driving 216ff
Dynamic penetration test 112 121 133 136
cone 164
Dynamic pile formula 227 282
Dynamic pile resistance 222 223 323
correlation with s atic 217

Earth pr ssure 414 417ff
active 385 418
against flexible support 448
at rest 417
charts for retaining wall 424ff
Index Terms

Earth pressure (Cont.)

Coulomb’s theory 420
direction 423
distribution 423
due to concentrated load 423
due to live load 423
locus 422
passive 419
point of application 423
Rankine theory 417ff
trial wedge method 422
wedge theories 420ff
Earthquake 97 195
Eccentrically loaded footing 274 314 385ff
Ecology 129
Effective grain size 9 48
Effective stress 44 56 88
analysis 101
principle of 44 68
Efficiency equation 292
Efficiency of pile hammer 211 220
Elasticity, modulus of 81
Electrical methods of drainage 22
Electrolyte 19
Electron microscope 9 10
Electroosmosis 182 200
Elizabeth, N. J. 192
E-log p curve 60 333
Embedment of she t piles 452 462
of s ldier piles 462
Empress Hot l 305
End bearing pile, load test 215
End moraine 129
Index Terms

Engineering-News formula 217 324

Engineering report 165
Epoxy coating on pile 208
Equilibrium moisture content 337
Equipotential drop 53
Equipotential line 51
Erosion 128
Erosion tunnel 49
Erratic deposit 147 164
of clay 290
of sand 314
settlements on 292ff
Error in N-value 114ff 314
Esker 135
Evaporation 339
Excavation 169ff 173 174 177 194
blow-up of bottom 459
bracing 170ff
in clay 256 297ff
drilled pier 237ff
in stratified deposits 256
movements due to 173ff
open 169ff
in rock 369ff
in sand 255ff 325ff
settlement 255
shallow 169
of slopes in non-uniform soil 354ff
stability 177
test 93
with uns pported slopes 169ff
below water table in sand 325ff
wide 172
Index Terms

Excess pressure 68
hydrostatic 40
porewater 53 70 96 195 269
Expansion 126
Expansive soil 79 346
Exploration, detailed 164
geophysical 122 153
preliminary 163
program 163ff
resistivity 120
seismic 118
soil 103ff 129 163ff 236
Exploratory boring 103ff
Exploratory program, 103ff 163ff
Explosive gases, drilled pier 241
Extrasensitive clay 20 65 66

Fabric of rock 30 32
Fact-finding survey 163
Factor, bearing capacity, see Bearing capacity
factor capacity (concrete design) 375 378
load (concrete design) 375 379
safety 265 271 277 301 335
Failure, bearing capacity, see Bearing capacity
of anchored bulk ead 448
modes of (concrete design) 376
plane 84
by s our 325
of slop 225
wedge 420
Falling head permeameter 41
Fargo elevator 304
Index Terms

Fault 30 99 125 149 151 366

gouge 151 366
Feather wedge 370
Felsite 31
Field density test 16
Field exploration, records 120
Field measurements 122
Field observations 174 258ff 446
Fill 301
compacted 94 198
compaction 195ff
controlled 193
effect on piles in clay 285
Fill bulkhead 448
Fill-supported structure 193ff
Filter 49 177 178 247
particle-size requirement 49
ratio 49
skin 41 42 181
Filter-protected sump 178
Fine-grained soil, see Soil, fine-gra ned
Fissured clay 98
Flapper valve 108
Flat slab analogy, raft design 406
Flexible earth-retaining structure 447ff
Flexible support, earth pressure against 448
Flexure, critical ection (concrete design) 376
minimum reinfor ement 379
Floating ype open caisson 234
Flocculated s ucture 19
Flocculation 8 20 136
Index Terms

Flooding, compaction by 197 198

of foundation soil 336
Flood-plain deposit 145 147
Floor drain 189ff
Floor, soil supported 199
Flow channel 53
Flow line 51ff
Flow net 51ff
Flow slide 138 139
Fluid, drilling, see Drilling fluid
Fold 125 151
Foliated rock 30
Footing 368
cantilever 185 186 402 405
on clay 270ff 291
design 273ff
column 375ff
column loads on 403
combined 185ff 401ff
on compacted fill 199
continuous 185
depth 378
design of 375ff
dimension-stone 185
distribution of soil pressure beneath 386
eccentrically loaded 274 314 385ff
individual column 185 186
isolated 185
moment about both axes 391
mas nry 185
minimum depth curves (concrete design) 378
on piles 379
proportioning 187
Index Terms

Footing (Cont.)
reinforced concrete 185 186
reinforcement 377
rubble-stone 185
on sand 307ff
above clay layer 352
bearing capacity 309ff
design 311ff
proportioning 308
settlement 308ff
water table influence 312
settlement 290ff
spread 185
steel I-beam 185
subject to moment 384ff
trapezoidal 01 404
types 185 186ff
unsymmetrical 392
wall 185 186 375ff
Footing drain 189ff
Footing foundation 185ff
see also Foundations
Formula, pile 202
Fossil 149
Foundation, compensated 291
on clay 269ff 286ff
on collapsible soi 334ff
on compacted fill 193ff
depth 270
foot ng 185ff
grillage 185 187
load 289
mat 185ff 188 400ff
Index Terms

Foundation, compensated (Cont.)

on nonplastic silt 307ff
on nonuniform soil 349ff
pier 188 229ff
pile 188 203ff 281ff
on plastic silt 269ff
raft 185 188 400ff
on rock 361ff
on sand 307ff
on swelling soil 337ff
subject to moment 384ff
types 167ff 259 263ff
uplift due to swelling 345
on weathered rock 367ff
Foundation blasting 369
Franki pile 209 324
Fraser River 78
Free water surface 47 55 177
Freeze of pile 207 223ff 282ff 323 325
Freezing 126 153
stabilization by 182
Friction, wall 423
Friction angle 90
drained, sand 87ff
silt 87ff
Friction pile 212ff 281 304
in clay, settlemen 291ff
group in clay 284
load t st 215
Frost act on 50 247 424
Frost heave 56
Frost penetration 186
Fuentes pile 206
Index Terms

Fully compensated foundation 277

Gabbro 31
Gap grading 5 9 66
Geologic classification of rock 32
Geologic processes 125
Geologic terminology 126
Geology 29 120 122 127 129 159
Geophysical investigation 118ff 122 153
George Washington Bridge 228
Georgia 153 154
Glacial deposit, see Deposit, glacial
Glacial epoch 125
Glacial ice 64
Glacial lake 139
Glaciation 125 129ff
Glacier 126 129
Glass, volcanic 31
Gneiss 31 32 100 127
Gothenberg 363
Gouge, see Fault gouge
Gradation 5 9
Grade beam 203 204 340
Graded filter 49
Gradient, hydraulic 40 45 47 68
pressure 40
Grain elevator 335
Grain properties 8 10
Grain size 8 311
distribu ion 8 9 25
effective 9 30 48
requirement for filter 49
Grains, crushing of 66 83
Index Terms

Granite 31 32 100 127 155 158

Granite gneiss 31
Grant Park Underground Garage, Chicago 400
Gravel 4 9 27 53 196 247
permeability 43
resistivity 120
river 143
seismic velocity 120
shear strength 87 97 99
stress-strain relations 85
Gravity abutment 248
Gravity retaining wall 246 415
Graywacke 31
Great Lakes 135 140
Great Plains 146
Granada, Miss. 9
Grillage foundation 185 187
rail 185
timber 185
Grooving tool 24
Gross soil pressure, on clay 277
on sand 310 320
Ground moraine 133
Groundwater 152 153 235
observations 118
recharge 330
Groundwater level 47 189
lowering 64
Groundwater table 176
Group index 26
Group of pile 215ff
Grout 366
cement 181
Index Terms

Grout (Cont.)
chemical 182
slush 365
Grouted anchor 468
Grouting 181 200 237 242 366
cement 182
chemical 182
clay 181 182
Guadalupe Shrine 58
Gypsum 31 32 153

Hackensack, N. J. 100
Hammer, pile, see Pile hammer
Hammer cushion 210
Hammerhead pier shaft 245
Hand carved sample 112 117 121
Hand excavated pit 230
Hand-held pneumatic tamper 197
Hard driving, piles 208
Hawaii 126 154 156 157 158
Head, hydraulic 40 47
piezometric 39 47
position 39
velocity 45
Header pipe 178
Heave, due to excava ion 256 291 348
of desiccated clay 346
due to pile driving 212 258 304
Height o capillary rise 47ff
Helical aug r 104
Hennepin, Ill. 306 384
Heterogeneous deposit 293
Holland 258 296 323
Index Terms

Hollow stem auger 104 105 115

H pile 171 172
damage to 208
point reinforcement 208
stresses 207
Horizon, soil 127
Horizontal load on pile 225 432
Hornfels 31
Houston 259
Humid tropics 126
Hydrated lime 199 200
Hydration 126
Hydraulic gradient 40 45 47 68 180
critical 45
Hydraulic head 40 47
Hydraulic properties of soil 39ff
Hydrometer 8
Hydrostatic pressure 170
excess 40
Hydrostatic uplift on raft 320
Hydrothermal alteration 30
Hydrous aluminosilicate 10
Hydrous iron oxide 155

I-beam grillage footing 185
Ice lenses 50
Idaho 100
Igneous rock 31 32 368
seismic veloc ty 120
Illinois 9 129 131 133 134 139
141 142 160 306 384
Illite 10 11 21
Index Terms

Impact pile hammer 209

characteristics 210
Impedance of pile 218ff 224
Inclined bracing 172 463
Index, compression 62
density 13 14 17 18 66 198
group 26
liquidity 23
plasticity 21 26 98
Index properties 4 7 2 24 163
of glacial lake deposits 137
of glacial moraine deposits 137
of rock 30
of tills 131
of wind blown deposits 142
Indiana 100 137 142 143
Individual column footings 186 375ff
Inevitable movement 255
Influence chart for vertical pressure 288ff
Initial consolidation pressure 68
Initial tangent modulus 86
Injection well 348
Inorganic clay 22 27
Inorganic silt 5 22 27
permeability 43
Injection methods of soil stabiliz tion 181 182
Inspection of drilled pier 241
Inspection pit 116
Inspection haft 116
Inside cl arance r tio 108
Installation of piles 209ff
Interlocking fabric, rock 30
Intermontane basin 146
Index Terms

Internal friction 90
Investigation, subsurface 103ff
Ion, adsorbed 21
Ion exchange 21 35
Iowa 143 145 146 346
Iroquois moraine 129
Irregular deposit 353ff
Iron 159
Isochrome 68
Isolated footing 185
Istanbul 444
Iwan auger 104

Jackson County, Ill. 139
Jack pile 252
Jacking of piles 252
Jet-eductor 178 179
Jetting of piles 212
John Hancock Building, Chicago 365
Joint 19 20 30 44 98 99
149 152 153 177 361 370
in abutment at wing wall 439
clay-filled 151
in clay 297
columnar 32
in rock 361 362 364
relict 154

Kame 135
Kansas 335
Kansas City 230
Kaolinite 10 21
Index Terms

Karst 152
Kern 387
Kicker block 463

Lacustrine deposit 79 126 135 138 139 145
Lagging 171 172 230 471
Lake Agassiz 135 138
Lake Bonneville 138
Lake Chicot 146 148
Lake Michigan 147 150
Lake, Oxbow 145
Laminated deposit 145
Laminated rock 30
Land form 128
Landslide 341
Lateral displacement, in clay 301ff
of drilled pier 341
of pile 324
Lateral load on pile 213 225ff 227 324
Lateral movement 174 258
due to pile driving 212 304
of excavation walls 463
Laterite 155
Laterization 155 157 159
Lattice structure 10
Layered deposit 135
Lead, pile driving 209
Leakage cofferdam 232
Leaching 127 137 155
Leda clay 138
Legal importance of field observations 258
Lenticular deposit 353
Index Terms

Levee, Natural 145

Lift thickness 369
Lime stabilization 199 200 343 346
Limestone 31 32 100 149 153 154
155 159 363
Bedford 100
cavities 366
seismic velocity 120
Solenhofen 100
Limit, Atterberg 20ff 36 9 107 270
effect of drying 157
liquid 21 26 27 64 66
plastic 21 64
shrinkage 21 24
Limnoria 204
Line drilling 370
Line load, earth pressure due to 423
Line of seepage 47 55
Liner 108
for drilled pier 241
Link Belt pile hammer 210
Lithology 32
Liquefaction 97 137 195
Liquidity index 23
Liquid limit, see Limit, Atterberg
Load, for settlement calculation 289
on abutment 439
on footing 403
on raft 188
repe itive 95
shock 97
in struts 460
transient 97
Index Terms

Load factor (concrete design) 265 375 379

Load-settlement relation 117 144 281 282 307 334
375 379
Load test 93 117 270 283 284 352
on fissured clay 273
on pile 214 215ff 224 227 292 323ff
on rock 367
standard 118 143 164 198 272
Loading, rate 95
Loess 66 141 1 2 160 164 333
334 336 3 6
London 176 305
Long-term stability, slope 98
Longyear Co. 122
Loose sand 66 88 214 308 324
cemented by salt 333
Loosest state of sand 13 14
Loss of ground, drilled pier 242
Louisiana 147
Lowering of water table 64 256

Magmatic water 127
Mandrel 181 205 207 219
Manganese 159
Manhattan schist 360
Map, pedologic 128
Marathon, Ont. 9 135
Marble 31 100
Marina City 304
Marine soil 126
Marsh deposit 134 147
Masonry footing 185
Maskinongé River 138 139
Index Terms

Massachusetts 9 146 149

Mat foundation 188
Maximum dry density 15ff
Meander 145 148
Mechanical analysis 8 107
Meltwater 129 145
Membrane water proofing 189ff
Metamorphic rock 31 32 368
seismic velocity 120
Metamorphism 125
Method of, isolated piers 184
slices 354ff
modifications 358
Mexico City 58 65 79 137 138 139
160 348
Mica 66
Microrelief 128
Millisecond delays 369
Milwaukee River 149 150
Mineral, clay 10 35 127 155
three-layer 10
two-layer 10
Mineralogical composition 10
Mineralogy of rock 32
Minimum depth curves, concr te footing 378
Minnesota 131
Mississippi 9 142 143 160
Mississippi River 139 147 148
Missouri valley 144 146 337 368
MIT 304
classific tion system 25 30
Mixing time, concrete 242
MKT pile hammer 210
Index Terms

Modified AASHO compaction 198

test 15
Modified swelling pressure test 343
Modulus of elasticity 81
initial tangent 86
of intact rock 100
of subgrade reaction 408
Mohr’s circle of stress 83ff 91 417
Mohr’s rupture diagram 86 418
Moisture, contact 48
capillary 99 118 190
optimum 15
Moisture-density relation 15 94 128 157 158 198
test 14
Moment, on foundation 384ff 391
on pile footing 392ff
in sheet pile bulkhead 453
Moment of inertia, pile group 393
Monolithic retaining wall 247
Monotube pile, working loads 207
Montana 9
Montmorillonite 10 11 21 151 334
Montour, Iowa 346
Montreal 176
Moraine 129 133 134
Iroquois 129
Movement, associated with xcavation 173ff
of braced excavation 463
lateral 174
vert cal 174
Muck 7 147
Mud, drilling 106 107
Mud line 448
Index Terms

Mud wave 192 453

Multiple stage wellpoint 178ff
Muskeg 78 147
Mylonite 152

Natural levee 145
Natural water content 23
Nebraska 142 143
Needle beam 251 252
Negative pore pressure 88 96 325
Negative skin friction 226 285 305 322 323 336
Net soil pressure 378
allowable 272 320
ultimate 271 278 310
Netherlands 115
Neutral stress 44
Nevada 100
New Hampshire 131
New Jersey 100 192 360
New York 100 137 151 173 330 366
Thruway 151
Nonplastic silt, foundation on 307ff
Nonuniform soil, slopes in 354ff
Normally loaded clay 61 66 73 90 290 292
North Carolina 155 158
Norway 28 161
Norwegi n Geote hnical Institute 268
Notched-wall shoring 251
Nuclear density meter 17
Nuclear moisture meter 17
Index Terms

N-value 113ff 198 310 311 314

correction for overburden pressure 114
errors 114ff 314

Oahu 154 156
Oakland, Cal. 358
Observational method 166 196 446
Observation well 42 237
Odor 7
Oedometer test 59
double 337
Ohio 131 137 138
Oklahoma 337
Ontario 9
Open caisson 2 4ff
dredged 243
sand island 234
Open cut 172 174 178 456ff
base failure in clay 461
embedment of piles 462
in clay 461ff
lateral movement 463
settlement 463
sheeting design 463
strut loads 459ff 462
tieback system 466ff
Open-end diesel hammer 209
Open excav tion 169ff
Optimum moistur content 15 18 195 198
Oregon 100
Organic matter 127
Organic soil 7 27 78 164 195
clay 7 22
Index Terms

Organic soil (Cont.)

deposit 134 145 147
silt 7 22 27 43 179 257
Oslo 363
Outwash 129 130
plain 134
Overburden pressure, correction of N-value 114 312
Overcompaction 197
Overconsolidated clay 61 90 93 98
Overconsolidation 60 337
ratio 60 93
Overdriving of piles 363
Oven drying 23
effect on liquid limit 23
Overturning moment 384
Oxbow lake 145
Oxidation 126

Pacific Coast Range 147
Paired consolidation test 334
Parapet wall 441
Parent material 127 128
Partially saturated soil, streng h 99
Particle, angular 66
crushing of 83
plate-shaped 66
rounded 66
shape 5
size 8
see also Grain size
size distribution 8 25
for filter 49
Index Terms

Passive earth pressure 419

Paulding clay 136 137
Pea gravel 9
Peat 27 78 133 134 137 147
164 192 257 323
Pedestal pile 206
Pedologic map 128
Pedologic profile 127
Pedology 29 120 122 127ff 159 160
Pegmatite 31
Penetration resistance 114 121 133 134 136 146
Penetration test 112ff 12
cone 113 115 133 136
dynamic 112 121 131 136 164
standard 97 108 113ff 121 133 136
141 142 147 150 164 198
270 308 311ff
corrections 114 312
errors 114ff 314
static 112
Penetrometer 112 121 163
conical drive point 113
Dutch cone 113 115
static 115
Peoria, Ill. 9
Per cent compaction 15 16 18 198
Percussion drilling 106 109
Perforated drain 178 189
Peridotite 31
Permafrost 56
Permeability 39ff 97 146 149 180 181
coefficient 40 43 70 177
of bedrock 149
Index Terms

Permeability (Cont.)
of clay 43
of delta deposits 146
of flood plain deposits 145
of glacial till 43
of gravel 43
of inorganic silt 43
of organic silt 43
of rock 44 151
of sand 43
of silt 43
of stratified deposits 43
of till 43
Permeability test 41 56
constant head 41
falling head 41
Pervious blanket 180
Philadelphia, Pa. 228
Photography, aerial, see Airphoto
Phyllite 31
Physical weathering 125
Physico-chemical changes 137
Physico-chemical properties of soil 35
Physiography 159
Pier 203 229 243 256 335 368
allowable load 281
belled 239ff
below water table 326
bridge 244ff 385 395
in c ay 277ff
construc i n 229ff 244 262
dead load 341
defective 241
Index Terms

Pier (Cont.)
double-shafted 245
drilled, see Drilled pier
large diameter 231
on rock 363
on sand 321ff
settlement 292
on swelling clay 343
tensile forces in 340
Pier shaft 229 244ff
Pierre, S. D. 332
Pierre shale 332
Piezometer 39ff 118 119 195 196
Piezometric head 39 47
Piezometric level 39 47 51 174
Piezometric tube 39 47
Pike’s Peak 100
Pile 203 335 336 368
adhesion 214
anchor 214 448
Armco 205
auger 206
batter 203 204 225 226 302 430
432ff 448
bearing in dense sand 322ff
behavior 212ff
bending strength 302
Bruns 206
buckling 213
capacity 215 218 225 323
cased 205
cast in place 205 206 213
capacity 282
Index Terms

Pile (Cont.)
choice of type 225
in clay 281ff
progressive movement 302
reduction factor for adhesion 286
uplift resistance 286
cluster 215ff 283 291 329
concrete 205ff 213 219
compaction 200 323ff
composite 209
creosoted 204
critical section 213
cushion 210 219ff
cushion block 220
cylindrical pipe 224
damage to point 208
decay 204
downdrag 226 285
driver 209ff
dynamic analysis 223ff 323
efficiency 292
end bearing, load test 215
extractor 212
footing 379
moment on 392ff
formula 202 216 217 227 282
defects 217
Engineering News 217
found tion 188 203ff 216 286
ateral lo d 225ff
freeze 207 223ff 323 325
Franki 206 209 324
friction 212ff 281
Index Terms

Pile (Cont.)
load test 215
increase of capacity with time 283
settlement in clay 291ff
group 215ff 283 291 329
moment of inertia 393
safe load 285
H 172
steel points 363
hard driving 208
head assembly 219
heave 212 30
horizontal load 225 432
impedance 218ff
installation 209ff
lateral displacement 324
lateral support 213 227
leads 209
load, allowable 383
ultimate 215
load test 214ff 224 227 283 284 324
interpretation 215
long-time 292
negative skin friction 226 285 305 323
overdriving 363
parallel sided 214
pipe 208
point bearing 212ff 216 281
safe load in clay 284
settl ment in clay 292
precast concrete 205ff
cracking 218
Index Terms

Pile (Cont.)
driving stresses 207
rate of settlement in clay 294
Raymond step-taper 205
redriving test 225 285ff 292
reduction coefficient on adhesion 282
relaxation 223 325
resistance to penetration 224 281ff 285
roughness 330
safe load 281ff 285ff
in sand 322ff
uplift resistance 325
scour prevention 325
seismic velocity 218
settlement 226
sheet 171ff
see also Sheet pile
in silt 324ff
skin friction 213 216 223 291
soldier 172 292
spacing 284
spotter 209
spudding 212
steel 207ff 219
corrosion 208
H, point reinforcement 208
H, stresses 207
pipe 207ff
sheet 171ff
working tresses 213
stres 223
stress-transmission characteristics 219
subject to tension 394
Index Terms

Pile (Cont.)
support for retaining wall 428
taper 213 324 330 452
timber 203ff 219 363
tip, precast concrete 214
transmission of driving stress 218
types 203ff
ultimate capacity 222
uncased concrete 205
uplift 225
velocity of wave propagation 218
verticality 209
Wakefield 231 448
wave analysis 218ff 227
wood 203ff 219 363
sheet 231
working load 207
Z 244
Pile bent 225ff 248
Pile driving 195 209ff 257 304
cause of displacement 258
cause of vibration 323
dynamics 216ff 222
equipment 209
lateral movement due to 212
resistance 212 223
stress transmission 218
with vibatory equipment 209 211
wave nalysis 218ff 227
Pile hammer 209ff 219 220
closed-ended diesel 209
Delmag 210
diesel 211
Index Terms

Pile hammer (Cont.)

differential steam 210
double acting steam 210
efficiency 211 220
drop 209
impact 209 210
Kobe 210
Link Belt 210
manufacturer’s rating 211
MKT 210
open-ended diesel 209
racking 211
Raymond 210
single acting steam 209
Vulcan 210
Pine plywood pile cushion 221
Pinnacled limestone 153 154
Pipe, perforated 178
Pipe pile 207ff
Piston sampler 109ff 121
Pit, inspection 116
Pittsburgh, Pa. 259
Plasticity 5 6
index 21 26 98 337 343
Plastic limit, see Limit, Atterberg
Plastic range 21
Plastic silt 5 290
Plate, settlement 196
vibrating 197
Plate-shaped parti le 66
Plucking 126
Pneumatic caisson 235 262
Pneumatic drilling 152
Index Terms

Pneumatic tamper 197

Pneumatic-tired roller, see Roller, pneumatic-tired
Pneumatically placed concrete 363 369
Point-bearing pile 212ff 216 281 292
Point of application of earth pressure 423
Point of contraflexure, sheet pile bulkhead 453 456
Point reinforcement of H pile 208
Poisson’s ratio 81
Polymer stabilization 181
Poorly graded soil 5 9 27
Pore-air pressure 94
Pore pressure 88 118 217 324 325
dissipation 96
during shear 90
excess 96 195 269
negative 88 96 325
Porewater pressure 44 68 70 94
excess 53
Porosity 11 13 17
Porous tube piezometer 196
Port Alberni 133 135
Port Allen Lock 330
Port Everglades 330
Portland cement stabilization 199
Portsmouth 166
Portugal 234
Position head 39
Post hole auger 104
Powder fa tor 369
Power auger 117 230
Precast concr te pile 205ff
see also Concrete pile
reinforcement for handling 207
Index Terms

Precast concrete pile (Cont.)

tips 214
Precompression 200
Preconsolidation load, see Preconsolidation
Preconsolidation pressure 60 78
graphical procedure 60
Predrainage 325
Predrilling 212 336
Preliminary exploration 163
Preloaded clay 61 63 67 73 290 292
Preloading 60 200
Preshearing 370
Presplitting 370
Pressure, allowable soil 186ff
on base of retaining wall 25
confining 86
earth, see Earth pressure
envelope for strut loads 460
excess 53 68 96 195
excess hydrostatic 40
excess porewater 53 96 195
hydrostatic 170
initial consolidation 68
preconsolidation, see Pre onsolidation pressure
pore, see Pore pressure
pore-air 94
porewater, s e Porewat r pressure
seepage, see S epage pressure
tota 44
Prestressed pil , working stress 213
Prestressing 250 252
anchors 468
Index Terms

Prestressing (Cont.)
bracing 463
piles 207
struts 174
Prewetting by flooding 342
Primacord 369
Primary consolidation 72 73
Primary structure 18
Principal stress 84
Principle of effective stress 68
Proctor test 14 15 94 342
standard 15 18 198
Profile, soil 126 127
of deposition 126
pedological 127
of weathering 126 153
Progressive movement in clay 301
bridge piers 301
piles 302
Properties, index, see Index properties
Puerto Rico 126
Pulling casing, drilled pier 241
Pulling test, pile 282
Pullman, Wash. 100
Pull-rise curve, pile 282
Pumice 31
Pump, deep well submersib e 180
Pumping 64
test 42 164 326
well 42

Q-test 92ff
Quarry blasting 369
Index Terms

Quartzite 31 32 100 127

Quebec 131 137 138 139
Quick clay 20 137 334
Quick condition 46 54 212 326
Quicksand 46 458

R-test 88ff 91 97
Racking of pile hammer 211
Raft, allowable soil pressure 319
on clay 276ff
compensated 188
flat-slab analogy 406
flexible 412
loads 188
on sand 3 8ff
hydrostatic uplift 320
stiff 412
stiffened 188
Raft foundation 152 185ff 188 400ff
compensated 277
design 405ff
differential settlement 320
rigid frame 188
settlement 291 293
stiffened 188
Rail grillage 185 187
Raker 170 172 174 251 463 464
Rankine earth pre sure theory, see Earth Pressure
Rankine state, act ve 418 459
Rate of consolidation 68ff
of loading 95
of secondary consolidation 73 296
of settlement 68ff 81 195
Index Terms

Rate of consolidation (Cont.)

piles in clay 294
Ratio, area 108
c/p 93 98
filter 49
inside clearance 108
overconsolidation 60 93
Poisson 81
recovery 111 151
Raymond pile hammer 210
Raymond step-taper pile 207
Rebound curve 60
Recharge of groundwater 330
Recovery ratio 111 151
Redriving of pile 292
test 225 285ff
Reduction coefficient, piers in clay 280
piles in clay 282 283 286
Reduction factor, strength of undrained clay 96
Refraction, seismic 118ff
Reinforced concrete design 375ff 383
Reinforced concrete footing 185 186
Reinforcement, placement 377
spacing 377
Relative density 11 13 14 117 118 198
307 308 311 325 327
correct measurement 112ff
Relaxation of pil s 223 224 325
Relict joint 154
Reloading curve 60
Remolded cl y 59 162
Remolded soil 20 23
Removal of casing, drilled pier 240ff
Index Terms

Repetitive loading 95
Report, engineering 165
Representative sample 107 108 163
Residual boulder 153
Residual clay 155
Residual soil 153ff 333
collapsible 335
consolidation characteristics 65
Resistance, cone 115
penetration, see Penetration resistance
shearing 214
uplift 384
Resistance diagram of pile 224 285
Resistivity survey 120
Resonance 327
Resonant pile driver 212
Retaining wall 246ff 385 414ff
backfill 247
base width 415
cantilever 246 247 415 427
continuous back drain 247
counterfort 246
crib 246ff
damage due to overcompa tion 197
earth-pressure charts 424 425
gravity 246 415
monolithic 247
pile-support d 428
pressu e again t base 425
rock supported 426
semi-gra ity 246 415
sliding resistance 426
soil-supported 426
Index Terms

Rate of consolidation (Cont.)

stability analysis 416 424
weep hole 247
Retarder 181
Rhyolite 31
Richmond, Va. 305
River deposit 144ff
River gravel 143
Robert College 444
Rock 3
allowable pressure 361 362
anchor 360
bedding plane joint 367
blasting 369
bolts 370
cemented 30
classification 30
compressibility 151
load test 367
core 36 109ff 121
defects 149
treatment 364ff
deformation 99
engineering characteristics 31
excavation 369ff
fabric 31 32
foliated 30
foundation 361ff
on weathered 367ff
igneous 31 32 368
index pr perties 30
joint, see Joint
laminated 30
Index Terms

Rock (Cont.)
metamorphic 31 32 368
mineralogy 32
permeability 44 151
pier, design 363
quality 112 150
resistivity 120
sampling 122
sedimentary 31 32 151 367
seismic velocity 120
settlement on 361
solubility 30
solution features 152
see also Solution
splitting 370
strength 99
of intact 30
structural features 370
tangent modulus 100
texture 32
unconfined compressive strength 30
volcanic 154
weathered 153ff
weathering 368
Rock flour 5 9 153
Rock mechanics 36
Rock quality designat on 112
Rock salt 31 32 153
Rocky Mountains 146
Roller, pneumatic tired 195 197 200
sheepsfo t 196 197 200
vibratory 196 200 330
Roothole structure 142
Index Terms

Rotary drilling 106ff 212

Rounded particles 66
RQD 112 150 151 361 370
Rubber balloon method 16
Rubble stone footing 185
Rubber tired roller, see Roller, pneumatic-tired
Rupture circle 86ff 92 418 419
Rupture diagram 86ff
Rupture line 417

S-test 88 97
Safe load, on friction pile 281ff
on group of piles 285 286
on piles in clay of increasing stiffness with
depth 2 5ff
on point-bearing piles 284 322ff
Safe soil pressure 271 276
Safety factor 266
St. Lawrence River 78 138
St. Lawrence Valley 334
St. Thuribe, Que. 137
Salt 153
Salt Lake, Utah 138
Sample 102
auger 106
continuous 164
hand carved 117 121
representativ 107 108 163
spoon 107
tube 147 164
undisturbed 107 108 163 164
Sampler, piston 109 121
split barrel 108 164
Index Terms

Sampler, piston (Cont.)

thin walled 109
Sampling 106ff 122
block 113
spoon 107 121
San Antonio 343
San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge 228 243
Sand 5 27 95 145 153 170
177 178 247
bearing capacity 307ff 318
braced cut in 456
cemented 236
cohesion in 257
cohesionless 176 196
compaction 200
by vibration 327
by vibratory roller 330
cone resistance 115
consolidation characteristics 66
dense 66 88
deposits, significant characteristics 307
design charts, footings 311ff
design of raft foundation 318ff
drained friction angle 87
dune 141ff
effect of, lowering water table 257
vibrations 327ff
erratic depo it 314
excav tion 255ff 325ff
flow ng 242
footing o 307ff 314ff
gap graded 66
load-settlement diagram 117
Index Terms

Sand (Cont.)
loose 66 88 214 308
penetration resistance 114 146
permeability 43
piers on 321ff
piles in 322ff
quick condition 326
resistivity 120
seismic velocity 120
settlement 265 308
due to vibration 327ff
shear strength 87 97
slope 170 325
strength 97 99
stress-strain relations 85
strut load, open cut 459ff
undisturbed sample 109
uniform 66
well graded 66
wind blown 141ff
Sand cone method 16
Sand drain 180ff 195
Sand island caisson 234
Sandstone 31 100
seismic velocity 120
Saprolite 153 369
Saturated unit weight 13 17 18
Saturation, degree 12 17 18 47
Scandinavia 65 138 334
Schist 31 32
Schistosity 153 370
Scour 245
of bridge pier 330
Index Terms

Scour (Cont.)
depth 325
use of piles to prevent 325
Seattle First National Bank 472
Secondary consolidation 73 195
coefficient 73
rate 73 296
Secondary structure 19 116 269 270
Sectional precast concrete pile 206
Sedimentary rock 31 32 15 367
Sedimentation 8
Seepage 51ff 235
force 177
line of 47 55
pressure 39 46 49 51 177 180
182 451
Segregation 41 50
of concrete 240
Seismic survey 118
Seismic velocity 119 120
in pile 218
Semi-arid climate 65 334
Semi-gravity retaining wall 246 247 415
Sensitive clay 20 290
consolidation characteristics 64
penetration test 115
Sensitivity 20 137 139
Serpentine 31 151
Settlement 58 59 62 67 166 173
174 187 195 252 256 258
264 269 270 284 307 334
335 350 351
adjacent to open cut 463
Index Terms

Settlement (Cont.)
of anchor rods 455
on clay 265
computation 62 290
deep seated 194ff 199
differential 188 193 254 319
due to, defects in rock 361
excavation 255
lowering water table 257
vibration 257 327ff
effect, of water table fluctuation 257
on structures 266
on erratic deposit 292ff
of footing 290ff
on clay 291
on sand 308ff
forecast, reliability 290
of foundation 290ff
underlain by clay 286ff
of friction piles in clay 291ff
of pier in clay 292
of pier on sand 322
of piles 216 226 292
of raft foundation 291 293
on sand 265
rate 68ff 81 195
piles in clay 294
Settlement plate 195 196
Settlement time cu ve 71
Shaft, in pection 116
Shaking test 5
Shale 31 136 363 368 369
deterioration 363
Index Terms

Shale (Cont.)
seismic velocity 120
swelling 67
Shallow excavation 169
Shape of particle 5
Shear, critical section (concrete design) 376
granular mass 81ff
pore pressure during 90
test, direct 83
zone 30 99 1 9 151 366 370
Shear apparatus, vane 116
Shearing resistance 170 21
clay 97 102
direct measurement 116
dry sand and gravel 87
gravel 87 97
mylonite 152
sand 97
silt 97
undrained 80 269
unsaturated soil 94
Shearing strength, see Shearing res stanc
Sheepsfoot roller 196 197 200
Sheet pile 173
arch web 171
cutoff 51
design for, bulkh ad 452
open cut 463
flat w b 171
splined 231
steel, typ 171
tongue and groove 231
Wakefield 231
Index Terms

Sheet pile (Cont.)

wood 231
Z 171
Sheeted pit 229
Sheeting 170ff
depth of embedment 452
design for, bulkhead 452
open cut 463
Shock loading 97
Shore deposit 125 147 150
Shoring 251
Shoreline deposit 136 138
Shot core barrel 117
Shrinkage 159 186 247 337 343
crack 247
limit 21 24
steel 390
stress 64 390
Sierra-Cascades 146
Sieve 8
Silica tetrahedron 10
Silt 5 145 164 179 196 242
cohesionless 307
piles in 324ff
deposits, significant characteristics 307
drained friction a gle 87
foundat ons on plastic 269ff
inorganic 5 22 27
nonplastic, fo ndations on 307ff
organic 7 22 27 192 257
penetration resistance 146
permeability 43
Index Terms

Silt (Cont.)
plastic 5 290
foundations on 269ff
resistivity 120
seismic velocity 120
shear strength 97
skin friction on pier 281
stress-deformation characteristics 90
wind blown 141ff
Silty clay, strength 94
Siltstone 31 100
Single acting steam hammer 209
Single grained structure 19
Single tube core barrel 111
Single wall cofferdam 232 244
Sinkhole 30 32 152 153 257 366
Skin friction 216 279 284 291 292
pier 280 281
pile 213 223
Slaking 50
Slate 31 32
Slickenside 19 20 30 93 98 152
272 297 339 340 343
Slide 169
flow 138 139
Sliding of retaining wall 426
Slope 128 169 177
clay 170 299
construction 169
criti al heigh in clay 299
in homog neous soft to medium clay 298ff
in stiff clay 98 299ff
Slope circle 298
Index Terms

Slope stability 298 325

in clay 300
in nonuniform soil 358
Sloping rock surface 363
Slump of concrete 240
cast in place pile 213
Slurry 173 181 237 238 256
Slurry trench 173
Slurry wall 360 472
Slush grout 365
Smead, Mont. 9
Smectite 10 1
Soapstone 31
Soil 3 126 127
aeolian 126
aggregate, consistency 18
structure 18
aggregate properties, relations 17
alluvial 126
black cotton 159
chemical stabilization 22
classification 24ff
shortcomings 28
coarse grained 4 8 13 27
strength 99
creep 341
collapsible 65 164 334ff
colluvial 126
color 128
cons ituents, pecific gravity 12
deposits, e Deposit
disturbance of structure 180
exploration 103ff
Index Terms

Soil (Cont.)
see also Exploration, soil
fine grained 4 5 8 13 27
strength 90ff 99
gap graded 9
glacial 126
heave 348
horizon 127
lacustrine 126
lime treated 200 346
marine 126
normally loaded 61 73
organic 7 78 164 195
partially saturated strength 99
physico-chemical properties 35
poorly graded 9 27
preloaded 61
profile, see Profile, Soil
remolded 23
residual 65 126 153ff
collapsible 335
sampling 122
saturated strength 97
series 127
shrinkage 343
solidification 181
stabilization 182
strength, see Shearing r sistance
stress train relations 59 81
swamp 27
transport d 126
tropical weathering 156
types 4
Index Terms

Soil (Cont.)
uniform 9
well graded 9 27
Soil pressure, allowable 186ff
distribution beneath footing 396
net 378
allowable 272
ratt on sand 318ff
safe 271
Soil survey 128 164
Soldier pile 172
design 463
Solidification of soil 181
Solubility of rock 30
Solum 127
Solution 126 153 165
cavity 44
channel 125
features 149 367
of rock 152
of rock salt 32
Sounding 102
South Africa 346
South Dakota 332
Spacing of piles 285
Specific gravity 13
of solid constitue ts 12
Spheroidal weathering 154 157
Spill-through abutments 248
Splined heet pile 231
Split barrel s pler 108 164
Spread footing 185
Spring 257
Index Terms

Spoon, sampling 107 108 164

Spotter, pile 209
Sprague and Henwood 121
Spudding of pile 212
Stability, cuts in clay 297ff
excavations 177
long term 98
number 298
retaining wall 416 424
slope 298 305 354f 358ff
Stabilization 177ff 337
chemical 22
freezing 182
lime 199 200
Portland cement 199
Static cone test 121
Standard load test 118 143 164 198
Standard penetration resistance, see Penetration
test, standard
Standard penetration test, see Penetration te t,
Standard Proctor test, see Proctor test
Static cone test, see Cone test
Static penetration test 112 115
Statistical relationships 66
Steam hammer 209 220
Steel, sheeting 171 172
shoe for pile 204
shrinkage reinfor ement 390
Steel det rioration in soil 147
I-beam g illage footing 185 187
pile 207ff 219
concrete encasement of 208
Index Terms

Steel deterioration in soil (Cont.)

H- 207
pipe 207 208 223
point for H-pile 363
Stiff clay 20 236
crust 350 351
crust underlain by soft clay 352
slope 98 299ff
Stiffener in wale 463
Stiffening of raft 188
Stokes’ law 8
Straits of Mackinac 262
Stratified deposit, excavation 256
permeability 42
Stream, braided 146
channel deposit 144
Strength, clay 94 97 102
coarse-grained soil 99
compressive 85
creep 95
direct measurement 116
dry 5
dry sand 87
fine sand 90ff
fine-grained soil 99
gravel 87 99
rock 99 100
sand 99
soil 81ff
unconfined, r ck 20
undrained 80 116 269
Strength design (concrete) 375
Index Terms

Stress, circle of 83ff 417

in anchor rods 455
effective 44 56 88
lateral 97
neutral 44
principal 83
principle of effective 44
shrinkage 64
concrete 390
tensile 82
total 44 92 98
Stress-deformation characteristics, normally loaded
clay 90ff
overconsolidated clay 90
silt 90
Stress difference 84
Stress-strain characteristics, soil 59ff 81
dry sand and gravel 85
Stress transmission characteristics of piles 219
Structure, dispersed 19 20
fill supported 194
flocculated 19
lattice 10 11
primary 18
root hole 142
secondary 19 116
single grained 19
Strut 170ff 231
buckling 456 461
distance betw en 463
prestressi g 174
Strut load, open cut 460
clay 462
Index Terms

Strut load, open cut (Cont.)

sand 459ff
Subgrade reaction, coefficient 408 413
modulus 408 413
Submerged unit weight 44
Submersible pump 180
Subsidence 257
Subsurface exploration 103ff 125ff 236
program 163ff
Suction pump 178
Suffolk 166
Sump 177ff 326
filter-protected 178
Surcharge 192 195 196
depth of 270
Surface drainage 128
Surface tension 47ff 50
Survey, fact finding 164
geological 164
geophysical 118ff
resistivity 120
seismic 118ff
soil 128 164
Swamp soil 27
Swedish Geotechnical Commission 162
Swedish State Railways 162
Swelling 60 63 92 98 159 186
247 333
prevention, by pr wetting 342
of damag by 340
unsatisfa tory performance due to 339
Swelling capacity 337
Index Terms

Swelling clay 67 195 199

pier on 343
Swelling potential 198 199 337 343 346
Swelling pressure test 338 343
Swelling shale 67
Swelling soil 337
damage caused by 340
design of foundation on 340ff
foundation on 337ff
identification 337
Swelling test 337ff
modified 343
unrestrained 337
Syenite 31

Tagus River Bridge 234 243
Tampa, Fla. 359
Tamper, hand-held compacting 197
Tangent modulus, initial 86
Taper, pile 213 214 324 330
T-beam stiffened raft 188
Telltale 292
in drilled pier 242
Tensile force in pier 340
Tensile wave in pile 218
Tension, diagonal (c ncrete
design) 376
Tension pile 394 452
Tension n soil 82
Teredo 204
Terminal moraine 129ff
Termite 204
Terra rossa 154
Index Terms

Test, AASHO modified compaction 15

anchor 468
Atterberg limits, see Limit, Atterberg
classification 4 7
compaction 14 15 36
cone penetration, see Cone penetration test
confined compression 59
see also Consolidation test
consolidated undrained 88
consolidation 59
see also Consolidation test
direct shear 83
dispersion 6
double oedometer 333ff
drained 88 97 101
Dutch cone, see Cone test, Dutch
dynamic penetration 112
see Penetration test, dynamic
field density 16
liquid limit 16
load 93 117 270 282
see also Standard load test
on pile 292 323
on rock 367
modified swelling pressure 343
moisture-density 14
oedometer 59
permeability, see Perm ability test
penetration 121
see also Standard penetration test
pile load 214ff 224 283 284
pulling 282
redriving 285ff
Index Terms

Test, AASHO modified compaction (Cont.)

plastic limit 23
Proctor, see Proctor test
pumping, see Pumping test
Q 92
R 88 91 97
S 88 97
shaking 5
standard load 118 143 164 198
standard penetration, see Penetration
test, standard
standard Proctor, see Proctor test
static cone 121
static penetration 112
swelling 337ff
swelling pressure 338
torvane 92 116
triaxial, see Triaxial compression test
unconfined compression,
see Unconfined compression test
undrained 101
unrestrained swelling 338
vane 92 96 164 270
see also Vane
Test excavation 93
Test pit 116
Texas 79 337
Textural classification 25 28
Texture of rock 32
Thawing 153
Theory, of co olidation 68ff 81
of elasticity 288
of pile-driving dynamics 221
Index Terms

Thermal stabilization 200

Thin-wall sampler 109
Thixotropy 20 282
Three-layer mineral 10
Tieback 172
anchorage 467
cut 446
inclination 468
support system 173 360 466ff 472
Till 9 129 130 132
index properties 131
permeability 43
seismic velocity 120
Wisconsinan 130
Till plain 130 134
Timber grillage 185 187
Timber pile 203ff 363
working load 207
Time lag 118
Time factor (consolidation) 71
Time of consolidation 179
Time-settlement curve 71
Titanium 159
Tongue and groove sheet pile 231
Torvane 92 116
Total pressure 44
Total stress 44 92 98
analysis 101
Tower Latino Americ na 304 348
Transcona elevato 304
Transient load 97
Transmission of driving stress in pile 218
Transported soil 126
Index Terms

Trapezoidal footing 401 404

Trees, cause of shrinkage 343 346
Tremie 173 235 240 242
Trench, braced 173
slurry 173
Trench brace 170
Trial wedge method 422
Triangular classification chart 25 127
Triaxial compression test 83ff 88 101
Triple tube core barrel 111
Tropical weathering 155
Tropics 126
Truck-mounted drilling machine 104
Tube sample 109 147 164
Tuff 31 100
Two-layer mineral 10
Two-stage wellpoint system 306

U-abutment 248
Ultimate bearing capacity 276 351
clay 270ff
footing on sand 310
friction pile 283
net 271
pile 215 222 282
skin friction, pie 280
see also Bearing apacity
Uncased concrete pile 205
Franki 205
Unconfined compression test 19ff 92
Unconfined compressive strength 19 272 361
rock 30 100
Underpinning 58 251 252 295
Index Terms

Undisturbed clay 162

Undisturbed sample 107 108 163 164 366
sand 109
Undrained condition 92 96 461
Undrained strength 80 116 269
reduction factor, clay 96
Undrained test 101
Unified classification system 25 27ff 36 128
Uniform soil 5 9 66
Uniformity coefficient 9 28 30
Union Metal monotube pile 205
Unit weight 12 13
dry 12 15 18
zero air void 12
of solid constituents 12
saturated 12 13 17 18
submerged 44
Unsaturated soil, shear strength 94
Unsymmetrical footing 392
Unweathered bedrock 149ff
Uplift force on pile 225
Uplift of swelling soil 345
Uplift resistance 385
piles 226
in clay 286
in sand 325
Utilities, damage due o swelling soil 339
USDA 128
US Forest Service 129
USGS 129
Utah 138
Index Terms

Vacuum well point 179
Valley, buried 139
deposit 145
Vancouver, B. C 78 305
Vancouver Island 131
Vane 98 113 116 122 164
test 92 96 164 270
Varved clay 138
Varved deposit 135
Vegetative cover 128
Velocity, discharge 40
of longitudinal wave in pile 218
seismic 119 120
Velocity head 45
Venezuela 358
Vermiculite 341
Vermont 100
Vertical cleavage 142
Verticality, of drilled pier 241
of pile 209
Vertical joint 364 365
Vertical pressure, computation 287ff
influence chart 288ff
Vertical movements 174
Vibration, due to pile driving 323
of concrete 240
effect on, settlement 257
sand 327ff
Vibrating pl te ompactor 197
Vibratory pile driver 209 211
Vibratory roller 196 200 330
Vibroflotation 195 200 327
Index Terms

Victoria, B. C. 305
Virgin consolidation line 60
Virginia 100 305
Visual classification 107
Void ratio 11 13 17 18 60
critical 86
in densest state 13
in loosest state 13
Volcanic deposit 139
Volcanic glass 31 156
Volcanic rock 154 156
Volume change 85 9 333
damage due to 332
Volume compressibility 70
coefficient 73
Vulcan pile hammer 210

Wagoshance Lighthouse 262
Wakefield sheeting 231 448
Wale 170 171 174 231 467
crippling 456 461
design 463
stiffeners 463
Wall, anchor 448
parapet 441
retaining 385
Wall footing 185 186 375ff
reinforc men 377
Wall friction, ang e 423
Wash boring 104
Washington 100 142 143
Water, in drilled pier 240
Index Terms

Water content 11 17 64 198

natural 23
optimum 15 18 195 198
Water level 180
Water surface, free 47
Water table 42 47 118 120 169 307
308 311 313
correction factor for foundation on sand 313
effect on design in sand 316
fluctuation 257
lowering 47 226 256
effect on settlement 257
Waterproofing 189ff
Wave analysis of pile 216ff 224
Wave equation for pile driving 202 207 208 221 227 282ff
Weathered rock 153ff
Weathering 30 99 126 127 151 158
chemical 125 126 153 155
mechanical 153
physical 125 126
profile 153
spheroidal 154 157
tropical 155 156
Wedge theory, earth pressure 420ff
Weep hole 247
Weight-volume relationship 11
Well, drainage 180
dredging 234
observati n 42
pumping 42
Well graded soil 5 9 27 66
Index Terms

We point 54 178ff 326

multiple stage 179 306
vacuum 179
West Nyack, N. Y. 100
Wetting, effect on loess 144
Wheel load on abutment 440
Will County, Ill. 160
Winchester, Mass. 9
Wing wall 438 439
Winnipeg, Man. 79
Windblown deposit 140ff
Wire-line drilling 111
Wisconsin 100 131 149 150
Wood pile 219
cushion 220
resistance to driving 212
sheet piles 231
Working chamber 235
Working hours, pneumatic caisson 235
Working load on pile 207
Working stress, concrete pile 212
steel pile 213
Working stress method (concrete design) 375
World Trade Center 151 173 360 366 367

X-ray analysis, diffra tion 10

Yugoslavia 161

Z-pile 244
Zero air voids 12 18
Index Terms

Zone, capillary 118

of depletion 127
of seasonal variation 339

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