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SY 2023-2024
NAME: ______________________GRADE& SEC.:______________Date:_________Score:_______
DIRECTION: Carefully read each item and choose only the letter of the best answer for each test
item. Write your answer on the space provided.
_____1. What does “Buddha” means?
A. The anointed one B. The chosen one C. The enlightened one D. The favored one
_____2. What did Queen Mahamaya dreamt about prior to her pregnancy?
A. Cat B. Cow C. Elephant D. Monkey
_____3. What Seer Asita predicted about baby Siddhartha Gautama would one day be?
A. A great king B. A great teacher C. A great leader D. A great spiritual leader
_____4. What is the last four passing sights that Siddhartha Gautama had the sight of?
A. An old man B. An ascetic monk C. A decaying corpse D. A sick man
_____5. One who has achieved enlightenment with the guidance of the Buddha is called
A. An arhat B. A guru C. A Buddha D. A sangha
_____6. What is meant by Yogachara?
A. “Practice of Yoga” B. “Practice of Action” C. “Practice of Faith” D. “Practice of Yoga”
_____7. Which symbolizes symbolizes purity?
A. eight-spoke wheels B. lotus C. mudras D. pudras
_____8. Which means different hand gestures?
A. eight-spoke wheels B. lotus C. mudras D. pudras
_____9. Which represents the dharma?
A. eight-spoke wheels B. mudras C. lotus D. pudras
_____10. Which consists of a variety of schools and family of religions.
A. Buddhism B. Hinduism C. Confucianism D. Mahayana
_____11. What is the sacred Buddhist text recognized by both Theravada Buddhism and
Mahayana Buddhism?
A. Heart Sutra B. Pitaka C. Lotus Sutra D. Tripitaka
_____12. Which is described as the “Diamond Vehicle?”
A. Mahayana Buddhism C. Theravada Buddhism
B. Tindai Buddhism D. Vajrayana Buddhism
_____13. Which is described as the “Great Vehicle?”
A. Mahayana Buddhism C. Theravada Buddhism
B. Tindai Buddhism D. Vajrayana Buddhism
_____14. What is the Mahayana doctrine that Buddha has three bodies?
A. Trimurti B. Tripitaka C. Trikaya D. Triheart
_____15. What is the ideal Buddhist of Theravada Buddhism?
A. an arhat B. a bodhichitta C. a bodhisattva D. a theravadins
_____16. The principle of the yin and yang is also called the ___________—the forces of yin and
yang reversing with one another
A. Law of the Dao B. Law of Motion C. Law of Energy D. Law of Reversion
_____17. It is a nature-based philosophy and religion that focuses its idea on relationship of
human beings and the nature in order to achieve harmony and balance.
A. Buddhism B. Confucianism C. Daoism/Taoism D. Shintoism
_____18.MeiMei believes in the principle where the concept of harmony among opposites is
included. What principle is this?
A. Chi B. Wu-Wei C. Dao D. Yang and Ying
_____19. It pertains to the natural energy or life force that sustains living beings and literally
means “Air” or “Vapor”.
A. Chi B. Dao C. Wu-Wei D. Yin and Yang
_____20. Which of the following concept or doctrine of Daoism advocates a “go with the flow”
attitude by cultivating a state of being wherein our actions are in harmony with the natural
cycles of the universe
A. Chi B. Dao C. Wu-Wei D. Yin and Yang
_____21. Rica will visit Japan, this holiday. Which of the following religion’s culture should she
A. Buddhism B. Confucianism C. Shintoism D. Taoism
_____22. The term “Shinto” was derived from the Japanese pronunciation of the Chinese term
shen \ dao, which means _____________.
A. the way of god B. the way of life C. the way of truth D. the way of kingdom
_____23. It is generally referred to as sacred, spiritual beings, which are also thought of as gods
and goddesses.
A. Dami B. Kami C. Rami D. Zami
_____24. The purpose of holding this festival is to guarantee the safety of rice planting.
A. Rainy Festival B. Spring Festival C. Summer Festival D. Winter Festival
_____25. These texts constitute the sacred texts of Shinto.
A. Kojiki and Nihongi B. Kojiki and Nihong C. Kojiki and Nipongo D. Kojiki and Nipon
_____26. What sacred Buddhist text recognized by Theravada Buddhism?
A. Heart Sutra B. Sutta Pitaka C. Lotus Sutra D. Tripitaka
_____27. What part of the Tripitaka consists of the systematic analysis of the categories of
Buddhist thought?
A. Discipline Basket B. Special Teaching Basket C. Discourse Basket D. Ultimate Doctrine
_____28. The Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha are regarded as Buddhism’s _________________?
A. Three Baskets B. Three Gems C. Three Marks of Existence D. Three Sutras
_____29. Which refers to the community of Buddhist monks and nun?
A. Annica B. Dharma C. Sangha D. Stupas
_____30. What Buddhist concept that rejects the belief in an eternal soul or the Hindu concept of
A. Impermanence B. No-self C. Khandas D. Suffering
_____31. Indian Mahayana Buddhism was developed within the context of the two major schools.
What are they?
A. The Madhyamika and the Yogachara B. The Mudras and the Yoga
C. The Madhyamika and the chara D. The yamika and the Yogachara
_____32. They are frequently associated with the paramitas (“perfections”), What is it?
A. bodhisattvas B. bhumis C. buddah D. Paramitas
_____33. Among the Bodhisattvas, which is the embodiment of wisdom, intelligence, and
A. Ksitigarbha B. Manjushri C. Opera D. Samanthabhadra
_____34. If you generally, do things in accordance to the Golden Rule: “Do not do unto others
what you do not want others to do unto you.” What virtue do you try to perceive?
A.Li (propriety) B.Wen (culture) C.Ren (benevolence/humaneness
D.Shu (reciprocity) E.Xiao (filial piety)
_____35. If you generally do things that cultivate one’s sense and appreciation of culture, which
includes acquiring artistic skills (in the areas of music, painting, dance, and others) and art
appreciation (like watching concerts, visiting art museums, attending art exhibits, and others)
What virtue do you try to perceive?
A.Li (propriety) B.Wen (culture) C.Ren (benevolence/humaneness
D.Shu (reciprocity) E.Xiao (filial piety)
_____36. If you generally do things that benefit other people. A person practicing ren has
compassion for others—as “compassion for others is the mark of a good person”. What virtue do
you try to perceive?
A.Li (propriety) B.Wen (culture) C.Ren (benevolence/humaneness
D.Shu (reciprocity) E.Xiao (filial piety)
_____37. If you, generally do things that show love, respect, and devotion to the members of one’s
family. What virtue do you try to perceive?
A.Li (propriety) B.Wen (culture) C.Ren (benevolence/humaneness
D.Shu (reciprocity) E.Xiao (filial piety)
_____38. If you generally do things that are appropriate in a given situation. It originally refers to
proper ways of performing religious rites and to proper behavior in court ceremonies. What
virtue do you try to perceive?
A.Li (propriety) B.Wen (culture) C.Ren (benevolence/humaneness
D.Shu (reciprocity) E.Xiao (filial piety)
_____39. Read and analyze the statements. Which of the following statement tells TRUE about
A.Daoist believe that when the precious incense burns in the golden incense burner, the
smoke travels up to the heavens.
B. Daoism advocates the idea that we should control the nature instead of letting them
lead, for humans are natural creatures who should live in control with nature.
C. As a philosophy, Daoism focuses on the achievement of long life and immortality while
as a religion, it focuses on great mysteries of the Dao.
D. Daoist concept of salvation focuses on after life rather than their present life.
_____40. What is the cause of suffering, according to the Four Noble Truths?
A. Craving or desire B. Immorality C. Dissatisfaction D. Misfortune
_____41. In which eightfold path group do right action, right speech and right livelihood of
A. Path of ethics B. Path of meditation C. Path of morality D. Path of wisdom
_____42. What is the basic code of ethics for lay followers of Buddhism?
A. Four Noble Truths B. Five Precepts C. Law of Karma D. Law of Dependent Arising
_____43. When you show your respect to your dead relatives and visit them at least once a year
from what belief did we adopt this tradition?
A. Taoism B. Confucianism C. Shintoism D. Buddhism
_____44. Gushiken Family has a good harvest for the year. They prepare for this festival by
preparing incense for the ritual of thanks giving. Base from the description what festival are they
going to celebrate?
A. New Year’s Celebration C. Summer Festival
B. Spring festival D. Autumn Festival
_____45. How does Confucianism describe destiny?
A. Everything is being willed by heaven and people should follow the will of heaven not out
of fate but as a way of performing the duties assigned to them as individuals.
B. “non-action” does not mean not taking any action at all
C. advocates the idea that every person has a destiny to follow, a mission to fulfill which
will make one’s life worthwhile
D. it is impossible to discover destiny when one has lost natural purity
_____46. Instill a value of discipline in your family using Confucian Values.
A. “Do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself”
B. Believe in Karma
C. You rip what you sow
D. Military discipline
_____47. Gina prepare for this festival to guarantee the safety of their rice plants of the farmers.
What festival is she preparing for?
A. New Year’s Celebration B. Spring festival
C. Summer Festival D. Autumn Festival
_____48. How does one achieve the state of being one with the Dao?
A. Human nature must deviate with the rest of nature
B. Human nature should be aligned with the other cosmic deities and practice meditation
and yoga
C. Human nature should be aligned with the rest of the nature to achieve harmony and
D. Human nature should focus their belief in one God in Daoism and emphasize on
D. Living in harmony with nature is the way of living the Dao, which will lead to good
health and long life because there is a balance of yin yang
_____49. In Daoism, in order to obtain longevity and immortality, one must practice the following
A. Breathing Technique B. Grain Practice Meditation
C. Refrain from eating D. Use of Potions
_____50. Mr. Lee is a Taoist. He practices the doctrine which encourages inaction in nature and
advocates the quiet and passive nature of a person. Which doctrine does he practice?
A. The Dao B. The De C. Wu-Wei D. Yin-Yang
_____51. Yu Xie wants a simple life. She is avoiding extremes and includes contentment,
compassion, moderation and humility as her virtue. Which of the following religion does she
A. Taoism B. Confucianism C. Shintoism D. Buddhism
_____52. Naruto is a native of Japan. He includes patriotism and nationalism as his virtues.
What religion does he reflect?
A. Taoism B. Confucianism C. Shintoism D. Buddhism
_____53. Tara is karma believer. She strongly believes that you reap what you sow. What religion
does she reflect?
A. Taoism B. Confucianism C. Shintoism D. Buddhism
_____54. Instill a value of discipline in your family using Confucian Values.
A. “Do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself”
B. Believe in Karma
C. You rip what you sow
D. Military discipline
_______,_______,_______,_______55-58. Compose statements that supports Daoism.
A. Daoism advocates the idea that we should control the nature instead of letting them
lead, for humans are natural creatures who should live in control with nature.
B. Daoist believe that when the precious incense burns in the golden incense burner, the
smoke travels up to the heavens.
C. Inaction in Daoism is often misinterpreted as not doing anything, when in fact it means
doing things naturally by taking the natural action without the use of force.
D. It refers to the basic principles of moral philosophy while for the Legalists, it is the way
of power
E. Daoism does not have a God unlike other religions in the world.
_____59. Make a statement explaining the concept of Dao?
A. Dao is the origin of heaven and earth according to the Shinto
B. Dao is the origin of heaven and earth and the path through success
C. Dao is the origin of heaven and earth and the way to perfect enlightenment
D. Dao is the origin of heaven and earth and it is also the way in which heaven and earth
now live
_____60. Create a statement explaining the concept of Shintoism.
A. “All forms of Shinto share the belief that the ruler of Japan, the land of the kami, which
is divine”
B. Living in harmony and balance with only one God is the way of living with the Dao
C. Living in harmony with Supreme Being and good relationship with others will lead to
the Dao
D. Living in harmony with nature is the way of living the Dao, which will lead to good
health and long life because there is a balance of yin yang
1C 11D 21C 31A 41C 51A
2C 12D 22A 32B 42B 52C
3D 13A 23B 33B 43B 53.A
4B 14A 24B 34D 44D 54C
5A 15D 25A 35B 45A 55b in
6A 16D 26D 36C 46B 56c any
7B 17C 27D 37E 47B 57d
8C 18D 28B 38A 48B 58e order
9A 19B 29C 39A 49C 59d
10D 20C 30A 40A 50B 60 A

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