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P‐19: Cost and Management Audit ‐ Bit Questions

Choose the most appropriate answer giving justification.

1. Part C of the Annexure to the Cost Audit Report in CRA 3 deals with ________ .
(A) Manufacturing Sector
(B) Service Sector
(C) Regulated Sector
(D) Unregulated Sector

2. Cost Accounting Standard 8 is a Cost Accounting Standard on ___________ .

(A) Employee Cost
(B) Utilities Cost
(C) Pollution Control Cost
(D) Selling and Distribution Cost

3. Under the Generally Accepted Cost Accounting Principles, the cost of cane supplied
from own farm to the sugar mill is treated as ___________.
(A) Direct Materials Cost
(B) Indirect Materials Cost
(C) Production Overhead
(D) Administrative Overhead

4. Constitution of Audit Committee by the Board of Directors is mandatory for _________.

(A) all companies
(B) all listed companies only
(C) all listed companies and those prescribed under the Companies (Meetings of
Board and its Powers) Rules only
(D) all public companies having turnover of ₹100 crore or more only

5. Cost Auditing Standard 102 deals with ______________.

(A) planning an Audit of Cost Statements
(B) Cost Audit Documentation
(C) knowledge of process and business
(D) overall objectives of the Independent Cost Auditor

6. As per the Central Excise Valuation Rules 2000, the assessable value of goods used
for captive consumption is __________.
(A) at actual cost of production of such goods
(B) at marginal cost of production of such goods
(C) at 110% of cost of production of such goods
(D) at market price of such goods

7. A shoe manufacturing company has a plant capacity of producing 700 shoes per
shift. During the year of 300 working days, 3 shifts of 8 hours with half-hour recess per
shift, it produces 35.91 lakh shoes. The Normal Capacity Utilization percentage is ____.
(A) 82%
(B) 76%
(C) 74%
(D) 78%

8. Propriety Audit in the context of Government Audit seeks to ensure that _______.
(A) public money are not spent for the benefit of a particular person
(B) public officer should exercise same vigilance as in respect of expenditure of
his/her own money

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P‐19: Cost and Management Audit ‐ Bit Questions

(C) no authority should pass an order which will be directly or indirectly to its own
(D) All the above

9. The Cost Accounting Standard 15 is a Cost Accounting Standard on _______.

(A) Employee Cost
(B) Utilities Cost
(C) Pollution Control Cost
(D) Selling and Distribution Overheads Cost

10. Overall Objectives of the independent Cost Auditor and conduct of an Audit in
accordance with Cost Auditing Standard is dealt in _____________.
(A) Cost Auditing Standard 101
(B) Cost Auditing Standard 102
(C) Cost Auditing Standard 103
(D) Cost Auditing Standard 104

11. A company, engaged in construction business, is covered under the Companies

(Cost Records and Audit) Rules, 2014 but does not include _____________.
(A) outsourcing by a sub-contracting company
(B) a company working on BOT (Build, Operate, Transfer) mode
(C) a company working in a Special Economic Zone
(D) a project undertaken as EPC (Eng., Procurement, Constn.) contract

12. A manufacturing unit showed, during the Financial Year 2016-17, the following
financial data (in ₹lakh): Net Sales 1,250, Export Incentives 85, Other income 106, Adj.
of Finished Stock (+) 95, Materials 634, Salaries 425, Overheads 101.8, and Tax 52.6.
The Value Added as per Rules is (in ₹lakh) _____________.
(A) 946
(B) 796
(C) 755
(D) 688

13. Royalty paid on production ₹35,000, Job Charges ₹20,000, Special Design Charges ₹
20,000, Software Development Charges related to Production ₹27,000, and Travelling
abroad for Training ₹25,000 The Direct Expenses as per CAS 10 is ₹ _____________.
(A) 92,000
(B) 1,00,000
(C) 1,02,000
(D) 1,27,000

14. Operational Audit can lead to better management with the focus on_____________.
(A) Transaction-based analysis for Fraud Prevention
(B) Compliance of Rules
(C) Risk Identification, Process Improvement
(D) Budget Monitoring

15. Penalty paid to PF authorities is _____________ in Employee Cost.

(A) included
(B) excluded
(C) based on individual case
(D) partly included

16. Item appearing only in Cost Records is _____________.

(A) Profit on Sale of Assets
(B) Interest Received

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(C) Loss on Sale of Assets

(D) Notional Interest on Capital

17. _____________ Analysis is evaluation of every resources declared in the industry.

(A) Capacity
(B) Energy
(C) Productivity
(D) Efficiency

18. Which one of the following is not a professional misconduct in relation to Cost
Accountants in Practice as per the Second Schedule of The CWA Act, 1959?
(A) He/she fails to invite attention to any material departure from the generally
accepted procedure of costing and pricing applicable to the circumstances
(B) He/she does not exercise due diligence or is grossly negligent in the conduct of
his/her professional duties
(C) He/she fails to report a material misstatement known to him/her to appear in a
cost or pricing statement with which he/she is concerned in a professional
(D) In the opinion of the Council, he/she brings disrepute to the Profession or the
Institute as a result of his/her action whether or not related to his/her professional

19. In which CRA Form, is the Cost Audit Report of a company filed with the Central
(A) CRA-4
(B) CRA-3
(C) CRA-1
(D) CRA-2

20. CAS 23 deals with .........................................

(A) Quality Control
(B) Manufacturing Cost
(C) Overburden Removal Cost
(D) Treatment of Revenue in Cost Statements

21. As per the Cost Auditing Standard 101, the risk of Material Misstatements has two
components, viz., ……………………………..
(A) Inherent Risk and Control Risk
(B) Detection Risk and Audit Risk
(C) Material Risk and Implicit Risk
(D) Financial Risk and Explicit Risk

22. As per Part D, Para 4 of the Companies (Cost Records and Audit) Rules, 2014, Value
Addition and Distribution of Earnings are to be computed based on
(A) Audited Financial Data
(B) Cost Record Data
(C) Unaudited Financial Data
(D) Both (A) and (B)

23. The audit of data or information, depicting social performance of a business in

contrast to its normal economic performance as measured in financial audit, is
(A) Energy Audit
(B) Efficiency Audit
(C) Social Audit

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(D) Propriety Audit

24. Which of the following is not a Professional Misconduct as per the First Schedule of The
CWA Act, 1959, in relation to the Cost Accountants in Practice?
(A) Pays or allows or agrees to pay or allow, directly or indirectly, any share,
commission or brokerage in the fees or profits of his/her professional work, to any
person other than a member of the Institute or a partner or a retired partner or the
legal representative of a deceased partner
(B) Enters into a partnership, in or outside India, with any person other than a Cost
Accountant in Practice or such other person who is a member of any other
professional body having such qualifications as may be prescribed
(C) Advertises his/her professional attainments or services or uses any designation or
expression other than Cost Accountant on professional documents, visiting cards,
letter heads or sign boards, unless it is a degree of a University established by law
in India or recognised by the Central Government or a title indicating
membership of The ICAI or any other institution that has been recognised by the
Central Government or may be recognised by the Council
(D) Expresses his/her opinion on cost or pricing statements of any business or
enterprise in which, he/she, his/her firm or a partner in his/her firm has substantial

25. Remuneration of the Non-Executive Directors is treated as ....................

(A) Employee Costs
(B) Administrative Overheads
(C) Salaries and Wages
(D) Management Expenses

26. As per the CAS 23, the activity of Overburden Removal that benefits the identified
component of an ore to be mined by the entity is called as ......
(A) Mining Activity
(B) Overburden Removal
(C) Stripping Activity
(D) Advance Stripping

27. Cost Information _____________ the organization to structure the cost, understand it
and use it for communicating with the stakeholders.
(A) Enables
(B) Disables
(C) Useful
(D) None of these

28. Costing is an important tool in _____________ organizational performance in terms of

shareholder and stakeholder value.
(A) Determining
(B) Calculating
(C) Assessing
(D) None of these

29. Costing includes product, process, and resource-related information covering the
_____________ of the organization and its value chain.
(A) Performance
(B) Ability
(C) Consistency
(D) Functions

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P‐19: Cost and Management Audit ‐ Bit Questions

30. Cost Records are maintained on ______________ basis.

(A) Accrual
(B) Cash
(C) Actual
(D) None of these

31. Cost Audit represents true and faire view of the ____________ of any product.
(A) Cost of sale
(B) Cost of raw material consumption
(C) Cost of production
(D) None of these

32. Cost Audit _____________ conducted by a Chartered Accountant.

(A) May be
(B) Can be
(C) Cannot be
(D) May not be

33. The Cost Auditor appointed has to render the cost audit report to the board of
directors of the Company, as per the specified time limit, in Form ____________.
(A) CRA-3
(B) CRA – 1
(D) CRA – 2

34. The cost records are to be maintained as specified in:

(A) CRA3
(B) CRA1
(C) CRA 4
(D) CRA 2

35. ‘Sugar and Industrial Alcohol’ belong to __________________ sector for the purpose of
Application of Cost Records.
(A) Regulated
(B) Non-Regulated
(C) Both depending on circumstances
(D) None of above

36. Cost Audit was initially introduced in the year _____________

(A) 1959
(B) 1965
(C) 1949
(D) 1975

37. The Central Govt. released the CCRA – Rules, 2014 in pursuance to the powers vested
with it U/s ---------- of the Companies Act, 2013
(A) Section 469
(B) Section 148
(C) Section 465
(D) Section 469 and 148

38. The CCRA – Rules, 2014 supersedes

(A) Companies (Cost Accounting Records) Rules, 2011
(B) Companies (Cost Audit Report) Rules, 2011
(C) Cost Accounting Records (Telecommunication Industry) Rules, 2011
(D) All the above

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P‐19: Cost and Management Audit ‐ Bit Questions

39. The provisions related to maintenance of cost records were introduced in the year ---
------ by amendment to the companies act, 1956.
(A) 1960
(B) 1965
(C) 1966
(D) 1970

40. The CCRA – Rules, 2014 is not applicable to

(B) Export oriented units
(C) Private limited companies
(D) Units operating from SEZ

41. The cost audit report under CCRA – Rules, 2014 is to be submitted in ---------------
(A) Form – 3
(B) Form – 4
(C) Form – 1
(D) Form – 2

42. The cost audit report under CCRA – Rules, 2014 is to be filed as an attachment to ------
(A) Form – 3
(B) Form – 4
(C) Form – 2
(D) None of the above

43. Which one of the below is not a regulated industry

(A) Fertilizers
(B) Aluminium
(C) Sugar
(D) Petroleum products

44. The turnover criteria for applicability of CCRA – Rules, 2014 is

(A) At the end of immediately preceding financial year
(B) At the end of the financial year
(C) Average of 3 preceding financial year
(D) When the company achieves the turnover during the current financial year

45. The cost auditor to be appointed within --------- days of the beginning of the financial
(A) 90 days
(B) 180 days
(C) 6 months
(D) 270 days

46. CCRA – Rules, 2014 is applicable from the financial year commencing on or after
(A) 01.01.2014
(B) 01.04.2014
(C) 01.07.2014
(D) 01.04.2015

47. Which Para in covered in Part D to the Annexures to Cost audit report.
(A) Profit Reconciliation
(B) Value addition and distribution of profit
(C) Reconciliation of Indirect taxes

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(D) Abridge Cost Statement

48. CAS 11 deals with:

(A) Administrative Overhead
(B) Factory Overhead
(C) Selling & Distribution Overhead
(D) Financial Cost

49. CAS 5 deals with__________

(A) Equalized cost of transportation
(B) Captive consumption
(C) Capacity determination
(D) Cost classification

50. The foreign exchange component of imported material is converted at the rate on –
(A) Date of Payment
(B) Date of Delivery
(C) Date of Transaction
(D) Date of Use

51. Variances due to abnormal reasons ------------ form part of cost as per GACAP.
(A) Will Not
(B) Is
(C) Are
(D) Will

52. As per CAS 2 Actual Capacity utilization shall be presented as a percentage of

_______ capacity.
(A) Installed Capacity
(B) Practical Capacity
(C) Abnormal Loss (%)
(D) Actual Production

53. CAS-20 deals with ___________

(A) Royalty and Technical Knowhow fee
(B) Material Cost
(C) Research & Development Cost
(D) Financial Cost

54. The objective of CAS – 101 is to _____________.

(A) Prepare cost records
(B) Prepare cost audit documentation
(C) Guide the members to make planning for the audit of cost statement
(D) Enable the cost auditor to have knowledge of the clients business

55. The procedures followed by the cost auditor to reduce the audit risk to an acceptable
level will not detect a misstatement that exists and that could be material is
(A) Inherent risk
(B) Detection risk
(C) Control risk
(D). None of these

56. Cost auditing standard deals with _______________.

(A) Auditors responsibility
(B) Auditors power

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(C) Auditors right

(D) Auditors flexibility

57. Cost auditing standards preface to the standards on ________________.

(A) Quality control
(B) Planning
(C) Development
(D) None of these

58. Cost auditing standards preface to the standards on auditing, quality control review
and related services rendered by the cost accountant has been issued by _________.

59. CAS _____________ ensures the achievement of audit objectives with available
resources and securing coordination with the auditee on audit work.
(A) CAS – 102
(B) CAS –104
(C) CAS – 103
(D) CAS- 101

60. CAS 104 enables the cost auditor ________________.

(A) To have knowledge of the clients business
(B) Overall objectives of the cost auditor and the conduct of an audit
(C) Guide the members to prepare cost audit documentation
(D) Making plan for audit of cost statement

61. Requirements of CAS – 104, the cost auditor shall _______________.

(A) Comply with the relevant ethical requirements
(B) Have adequate level of understanding of the knowledge of business
(C) Prepare audit documentation
(D) None of these

62. The cost auditing standards deal with the __________ of the cost auditor.
(A) Efficiency
(B) Effectiveness
(C) Qualifications
(D) Responsibility

63. The cost auditor is __________ for forming and expressing an opinion on the cost
(A) Responsible
(B) Reasonable
(C) Irresponsible
(D) Assessing

64. Which one of the following KPI is used to measure productivity & efficiency a
(A) % of Idle time to total available time
(B) Machine downtime ratio
(C) Cost per of Break-Down Hour
(D) Contribution per unit of material used

65. KPI can be classified in ________________ following Category.

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(A) Quantitative & Qualitative

(B) Actionable
(C) Trending
(D) All of the above

66. Which one of the following is covered under performance analysis report
(A) Cost per unit of material used
(B) Cost of utilities
(C) Impact of IFRS on the Cost Structure
(D) Impact of CAS and GACAP

67. The basic objective to prepare report on performance analysis is/are as under
(A) to improve profits and profitability
(B) to optimize resource allocation
(C) to optimize the product and services portfolio
(D) All of the above

68. Performance Prism is basically used for the purpose of ____________

(A) Cost Reduction
(B) Cost Control
(C) Total performance management
(D) None of the above

69. Kaizen Costing & Lean Manufacturing (Management Accounting Tool) are used as
(A) Cost Reduction Tool
(B) Cost Computation Tool
(C) Performance Measure Tool
(D) Control Tool

70. Management audit is the unique process of _____ the performance of directors,
managers or the performance of Management.
(A) Appraising
(B) Calculating
(C) Auditing
(D) Planning

71. Management audit is normally presumed to be a _________________ into a

performance of a manager or group of managers.
(A) Routine investigation
(B) Non-routine investigation
(C) Auditing
(D) None of these

72. The main objectives of management audit is to ________________.

(A) Suggest improvement in methods of operations
(B) Framing basic policies for the organization
(C) Setting up an organizational framework
(D) None of these

73. Management audit _______________ on financial matters.

(A) Involves
(B) Only concentrate
(C) Does not concentrate
(D) None of these

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P‐19: Cost and Management Audit ‐ Bit Questions

74. The main emphasis of Management Audit is:

(A) Problem solving
(B) Problem identification
(C) Problem definition
(D) Problem avoidance

75. Efficiency Audit ensures ____________ return on Capital Employed

(A) optimum
(B) maximum
(C) minimum
(D) average

76. There are no fixed items of evidence to be checked by Management Auditor

(A) The statement is true
(B) The statement is false
(C) The statement is partly true
(D) The statement is partly false

77. Consumer Service Audit is part of ___________________

(A) Business Activity Audit
(B) Social Audit
(C) Service Audit
(D) None of Above

78. Management Audit Report Submitted to:

(A) Cost Audit Branch
(B) Audit Committee
(C) Central Government
(D) Management of Concern

79. There are no fixed items of evidence to be checked by Management Auditor. A

Management Auditor has to rely more on ___________
(A) his experience and acumen
(B) Auditors Working Paper
(C) Physical Verification Sheet
(D) Information Provided by Management

80. Assurance engagements involve _______________

(A) Only Individual Parties
(B) Three separate parties
(C) Contractor and Contractee
(D) None of them

81. Zero base budget (ZBB) system was modeled by _______________

(A) Peter A Woodcock
(B) Peter A Phyrrh
(C) P F Ducker
(D) None of them

82. Important point in Corporate planning is___________________

(A) Time and Work Study
(B) Imposing Control System
(C) Forecasting and goal setting
(D) SWOT analysis.

83. Who is the developer of Management Audit

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P‐19: Cost and Management Audit ‐ Bit Questions

(A) T. G. Rose
(B) T. G. Tailors
(C) M. C. Sukla
(D) None of them

84. Internal control system can be comprised of

(A) Preventive Control
(B) Detective Control
(C) Corrective Control
(D) All of the above

85. Who can be appointed as Internal Auditor as per the Companies Act, 2013
(A) A Chartered Accountant
(B) A Cost Accountant
(C) Such other professional
(D) All of the above

86. Which section of Companies Act deals with Internal Audit

(A) Section 138
(B) Section 148
(C) Section 139
(D) Section 192

87. One of the major components of government audit is/are

(A) Government Revenue
(B) Union Budget and Control
(C) Government Expenditure
(D) Taxation and Fiscal Policies

88. Internal Audit can be performed by

(A) Employee of the Organization
(B) External Agencies
(C) Management itself
(D) Both (A) and (B)

89. NGO(s) are incorporated under

(A) Societies Registration Act, 1860
(B) India Trust Act, 1882
(C) As Section 8 Company
(D) All of the above

90. The management auditor shall consider in the evaluation of capacity utilization –
(A) Method of measuring base machine capacity
(B) Capacity measurement is based on “capital output ratio” or sundry other factors
(C) Technical terminology like licensed capacity, installed capacity, rated capacity
etc should be properly defined
(D) All of the above

91. Qualities of good Internal Auditor are/is

(A) Right Attitude
(B) Technical Expertise
(C) Communication and other soft skills
(D) All of the above

92. An audit of or for a government agency is composed

(A) Financial compliance

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(B) Economy and efficiency

(C) Program results
(D) All of the above

93. Aspects may be taken into consideration for proper inventory control
(A) Maximum, minimum and reorder level fixation
(B) Fixed order quantity system and different replenishment systems
(C) Fast moving, slow moving and non-moving analysis etc
(D) All of the above

94. Internal Audit is ____________________

(A) One time activity
(B) A continuous activity
(C) Half yearly
(D) None of above

95. There is no requirement of Audit Working Papers while conducting audit and they only
result in loss of time.
(A) The Statement is Correct
(B) The Statement is Incorrect
(C) The Statement is Incomplete
(D) None

96. Co-operative Auditor has to conduct an examination of the overdue debts, if any,
and a valuation of the assets and liabilities of the society while conducting internal
audit as per
(A) Section 17(3) of the Cooperative Societies Act, 1912
(B) Section 17(2) of the Cooperative Societies Act, 1912
(C) Section 17(5) of the Cooperative Societies Act, 1912
(D) Section 37(2) of the Cooperative Societies Act, 1912

97. Field Balance Sheet Approach to audit can be applied in case of audit of the
(A) Co-Operative societies
(B) Local Body Corporate
(C) Self-Help Group
(D) Club

98. Under ‘propriety audit’, the auditors try to bring out what type of expenditure:
(A) Improper
(B) Avoidable
(C) In fructuous
(D) All of the above

99. __________ States about the audit of accounts of Municipalities.

(A) Article 243Z of the Constitution
(B) Article 243J of the Constitution
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of the above

100. What is the first step to conduct Hospital Audit?

(A) Check the letter of appointment
(B) Study Trust Deed
(C) Examine Records
(D) Physical Verification

101. Who appoint the auditor for Government Company?

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(A) Board of Directors

(B) Audit Committee
(C) C&AG

102. C&AG has right to direct the manner in which the company’s accounts shall be
audited by the auditor and to give such auditor instructions in regard to any matter
relating to the performance of his functions as per section_______________
(A) 44AB of income Tax
(B) 143 of the Companies Act, 2013
(C) 173 of the Companies Act, 2013
(D) 134 of the Companies Act, 2013

103. Financial Administration of Local Bodies includes

(A) Budgetary Procedure
(B) Expenditure Control
(C) Accounting System
(D) All of the above

104. Non-Governmental Organizations can be incorporated as a company

(A) Section 25 of the Companies Act, 1956
(B) Section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013
(C) Section 28 of the Companies Act, 2013
(D) None of the above

105. The government also engages in commercial activities and for the purpose it may
incorporate _________ type of entities.
(A) Five
(B) Three
(C) Many
(D) Various

106. Which one of the followings in an example of “Profitability Ratio”

(A) Inventory Turnover Ratio
(B) Proprietary Ratio
(C) Expenses Ratio
(D) Capital Gearing Ratio

107. Which one of the followings in an example of “Solvency Ratio”

(A) Capital turnover Ratio
(B) Debt Equity ratio
(C) Debtors Turnover Ratio
(D) None of above

108. Which one of the following is not an utilities.

(A) Steam
(B) Water
(C) Compressed Air
(D) Broadband internet services

109. Cost of Inventory does not include

(A) Costs of Purchase
(B) Costs of Conversion
(C) Other Direct Cost
(D) Administrative overheads that do not contribute to bringing inventories to their
present location and condition

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P‐19: Cost and Management Audit ‐ Bit Questions

110. Which one of the following costs appeared only in Cost Accounts?
(A) Interest on mortgage and loans
(B) Notional Interest on Capital
(C) Dividend equalization fund, sinking, fund etc
(D) Loss due to scrapping of plan and machinery

111. Royalty paid on sales ₹30,000; Royalty paid on units produced ₹20,000, Hire Charges
of equipment used for production ₹2,000, Design charges ₹15,000, Software
development charges related to production ₹22,000. The Direct Expenses amount is:
(A) ₹88000
(B) ₹89000
(C) ₹99000
(D) ₹98000

112. The Balance Sheet of X Ltd As on 31st March 2017 showed the following information:
Capital - ₹1500 lacs, Reserves - ₹696 lacs, Loans - ₹600 lacs, Sundry Creditors ₹774
lacs, Total assets -₹3570 lacs. For the year 16-17, PBT - ₹900 lacs, Provision for tax is ₹
360 lacs and proposed dividend is ₹300 lacs.Return on Networth is:
(A) 30.41 %
(B) 29.41 %
(C) 28.41 %
(D) 27.41%

113. Royalty paid on units produced ₹20,000, Hire Charges of equipment used for
production ₹2,000, Design charges ₹15,000, Software development charges related to
production ₹22,000. The Direct Expenses is:
(A) ₹57000
(B) ₹59000
(C) ₹37000
(D) ₹44000

114. A cotton textile mill had cumulative waste percentage of 8% in Blow Room, 6% in
Carding, 4% in Drawing, 4% in Simplex and 9% in Ring Frame. For an input of 1000 kg.
of cotton in Blow Room, the output at Ring Frame is _________.
(A) 735.27 Kg
(B) 725.27 Kg
(C) 745.27 Kg
(D) 755.27 Kg

115. Gross Sales ₹16500 lacs, Excise Duty ₹1240 lacs, Increase in stock ₹42 lacs,Cost of raw
materials ₹6250 lacs, Power ₹2220 lacs, other overheads ₹215 lacs, Value Added is:
(A) ₹15260 Lac
(B) ₹6617 Lac
(C) ₹6533 Lac
(D) ₹15302 lac

116. Rule 4 of the Companies (Cost Records and Audit) Rules, 2014 deals with:
(A) Application of Cost Records
(B) Application of Cost Audit
(C)Appointment of Cost Auditor
(D) Cost Audit Report

117. Abnormal Loss due to flood or earthquake is charged to:

(A) Administrative Overhead Cost
(B)Material Cost

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(C) Costing Profit and Loss Account

(D) Selling and Distribution Cost

118. XBRL is a language based on:

(A) XBL family of languages
(B) XRL family of languages
(C) XML family of languages
(D) XGL family of languages

119. Part B of the Annexure to Cost Audit Report deals:

(A) Service Sector
(B) Manufacturing Sector
(C) Both manufacturing and service sector
(D) None of the above

120. CAS 14 deals with:

(A) Repair and Maintenance Cost
(B) Pollution Control Cost
(C) Direct Expenses
(D) Packing material cost

121. Operating Expense does not include:

(A) Rent
(B) Equipment
(C) Interest
(D) Payroll

122. Outward transportation cost shall form part of :

(A) Cost of material
(B) Cost of Sale
(C) Packing material
(D)Administration Overhead

123. Rule 6 of the Companies (Cost Records and Audit) Rules, 2014 deals with:
(A) Application of Cost Records
(B) Application of Cost Audit
(C) Appointment of Cost Auditor
(D) Cost Audit Report

124. Product and Profitability Statement (For audited products/services) is shown under
______________ of Annexure to Cost Audit Report.
(A) Part A
(B) Part B
(C) Part C
(D) Part D

125. Any casual vacancy in the office of a cost auditor, shall be filled by the Board of
Directors within _______________ days of occurrence of such vacancy.
(A) 180
(B) 90
(C) 30
(D) 60

126. The Companies are required to maintain Cost Records if turnover exceeds
____________ crores or more during immediately preceding Financial Year in respect
of the products and services specified

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(A) ₹25
(B) ₹30
(C) ₹35
(D) ₹10

127. Which one of the following is not a professional misconduct in relation to Cost
Accountants in Practice as per the First Schedule of The CWA Act, 1959?
(A) discloses information acquired in the course of his professional engagement to
any person other than his client so engaging him, without the consent of his
client, or otherwise than as required by any law for the time being in force
(B) allows any person to practice in his name as a cost accountant unless such
person is also a cost accountant in practice and is in partnership with or
employed by himself
(C) accepts or agrees to accept any part of the profits of the professional work of a
person who is not a member of the Institute
(D) secures, either through the services of a person who is not an employee of such
cost accountant or who is not his partner or by means which are not open to a
cost accountant, any professional business

128. CAS 9 deals with

(A) Direct Material Cost
(B) Indirect Material Cost
(C) Packing Material Cost
(D) Imported Material Cost

129. Operational Audit is a _______________ Level Management Audit.

(A) Macro
(B) Micro
(C) Depends on situation
(D) None of the above

130. Exemptions from application of the Rules are provided to Companies whose revenue
from exports, in foreign exchange, exceeds ________________ of total revenue and
companies operating from Special Economic Zones.
(A) 45%
(B) 50%
(C) 75%
(D) 80%

131. In XBRL Format process of determining the elements that correspond to lines and
columns in a financial statement and which elements must be created by extension
(A) Mapping
(B) Label
(C) Hierarchy
(D) Scaling

132. Before submission to the Auditor for Report, the Form CRA 3 should be signed by
(A) The Secretary and the Chief Finance Officer of the company
(B) The Secretary and the Cost Accounts Officer of the company
(C) The Secretary and one Director of the company
(D) The Chief Finance Officer and the Managing Director of the company

133. Cost of self-generation utilities for own consumption shall comprise ___________.
(A) Administrative overheads

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(B) Distribution cost

(C) Factory overheads
(D) None of the above

134. The useful life of an intangible asset, like amount paid on technical knowhow, shall
not exceed _________ from the date it is available for use.
(A) 5 years
(B) 8 years
(C) 10 years
(D) 12 years

135. Cost Audit Documentation is dealt in the ____________

(A) Cost Auditing Standard 101
(B) Cost Auditing Standard 102
(C) Cost Auditing Standard 103
(D) Cost Auditing Standard 104

136. A member of The ICAI shall be deemed to be guilty of other misconduct, if he/she is
held guilty by any civil or criminal court of an offence which is punishable with
imprisonment ___________.
(A) For a term exceeding 3 years
(B) For a term exceeding 3 months
(C) For a term exceeding 6 months
(D) For a term exceeding 2 years

137. Costing Taxonomy is best defined as a _________________.

(A) Dictionary
(B) Made Easy
(C) Tax Ready Reckoner
(D) Referencer

138. Which of the following ratios appears as Profitability Ratio in Part D of Annexure to the
Cost Audit Report ?
(A) Net Profit to Net Sale
(B) Value added to Net Sales
(C) Profit before Tax to Value Added
(D) Net Profit to Share Capital

139. CAS 24 deals with ____________.

(A) Overburden Removal Cost
(B) Interest and Financing Charges
(C) Royalty and Technical Knowhow Fee
(D) Treatment of Revenue in Cost Statements

140. ORS Ltd is a multi-product company having annual turnover of ₹103 crore, Table A
items under CARO being ₹26 crore, Table B items ₹8 crore and the rest are not
covered in either of the Tables. Cost Audit will be ___________ .
(A) not applicable to the company
(B) applicable for Table A products only
(C) applicable for all products
(D) applicable for Table A and Table B products only

141. The wages of employees of contractor engaged in the organization for the past
period is ___________ Employee Cost.
(A) included in
(B) excluded from

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(C) included to the extent of statutory contribution of employer

(D) partly included

142. The figures below are available for Reliable Ltd Budgeted production - 800 units,
Standard hours per unit 25, Actual production 576 units and actual working— 12000
hours. What is the Efficiency Ratio?
(A) 110%
(B) 120%
(C) 100%
(D) 125%

143. Machinery used in defense, space and atomic energy sector and fulfilling turnover
criteria is under
(A) regulated sector
(B) unregulated sector
(C) exempted by different statute
(D) not applicable category

144. Cost Auditing Standard 102 deals with ___________ .

(A) knowledge in performing of audit of cost statements, records etc
(B) ensuring conduct of audit of cost statements
(C) planning on audit of cost statements, records etc
(D) documentation of audit of cost statements, records etc

145. The abridged cost statement (CRA 3) need not be separate for
(A) each product with separate (CTA) CETA heading
(B) each product having separate industry specific expenses
(C) each product having different unit of measure
(D) self/captive consumption of each product

146. The Management Auditor should evaluate MIS of an organization after ___________ .
(A) studying content, quality and source of information
(B) studying flow of information
(C) studying correlation of information in decision areas
(D) studying all the above

147. The first step in audit of Educational Institutions —

(A) Read through the minutes of the meetings of the Managing Committee or
Governing Body
(B) Check admission fees with admission slips signed by the head of the institution
and confirm that the amount had been credited to a Capital Fund
(C) Verify the annual statement of accounts
(D) To examine the Trust Deed or Regulations

148. SHYAN LTd has a machine of productive capacity of 1500 unit per hour. It runs 3 shifts
with 1 weekly off and 12 holidays per year, each shift has one hour stoppage due to
lunch, change shift etc Maintenance is done in running time. The Normal Capacity of
the plant as per CAS-2 will be
(A) 131.40 lakh units
(B) 94.815 lakh units
(C) 108.36 lakh units
(D) None of the above

149. BORS & Co., a firm of Cost Accountants was appointed as Cost Auditor of PANTEX LTD
on 31.07.2018 for auditing the cost records for the FY 2018-19. The Auditor appointed
as such shall continue in such capacity upto

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(A) 31.07.2019, on expiry of one year of appointment

(B) 30.09.2019, on expiry of six months from close of accounts
(C) 30.08.2019, date of submission date of Cost Audit Report
(D) 15.09.2019, date of holding of Annual General Meeting of PANTEX LTD

150. Which one of the following KPI (Key Performance Indicator) is used to measure
efficiency of manufacturing performance?
(A) Production per Machine Hour
(B) Operating Cycle of Materials turnover
(C) Material as % of Total Cost
(D) % of idle time to total available time

151. The consumer service audit critically examines:

(A) Outstanding payment of consumers
(B) Price consumers are ready to pay for particular product/service
(C) An appraise management of business enterprise of responsibility towards
(D) Demand of a product by consumers

152. “Related Party” with relation to a party means

(A) a Director or his relative
(B) a Key Managerial Person or his relative
(C) a firm, in which a Director, Manager or his relative is a partner
(D) Either or all of the above

153. Once the instance document is successfully validated from the tool, the next step is to
(A) download XBRL validation tool
(B) pre-scrutinize the validated instance document
(C) convert to human readable format and verify correctness of the instance
(D) attach instance document to the Form CRA-4

154. The Bureau of Energy Efficiency is formed under

(A) The Electricity Act, 2003
(B) The Energy Conservation Act, 2001
(C) The Electricity (Supply) Act, 1948
(D) The Electricity Regulatory Commission Act, 1998

155. The knowledge of Entity’s Internal Control is to be understood by the Cost Auditor as
required by
(A) Cost Auditing Standard 101
(B) Cost Auditing Standard 102
(C) Cost Auditing Standard 103
(D) Cost Auditing Standard 104

156. Profit Reconciliation of the company as a whole is dealt in

(A) Part D para 2 of the Annexure to Cost Audit Report
(B) Part C para 1 of the Annexure to Cost Audit Report
(C) Form of the Cost Audit Report
(D) Part A para 1 of the Annexure to Cost Audit Report

157. The following details relating to MENG LTD are given:

Royalty paid on Units produced 25,000
Hire charges on Equipment 20,000
Design Charges 18,000

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Software Development Charges for 22,000

What will be the Direct Expenses of the Company (as per CAS-10)?
(A) ₹60,000
(B) ₹63,000
(C) ₹65,000
(D) ₹85,000


(1) (B) Service Sector

Part C of the Annexure to the Cost Audit Report in Form CRA 3 pursuant to the Rule
6(4) of the Companies (Cost Records and Audit) Rules, 2014, gives quantitative
information and abridged cost statement for services in the Service Sector.
(2) (B) Utilities Cost
CAS 8 deals with the Cost Accounting Standard on cost of utilities.
(3) (A) Direct Material Cost
As per the GACAP, Direct Materials Cost includes cost of procurement and freight
inwards of the materials.
(4) (C) All listed companies and those prescribed under the Companies (Meetings of
Board and its Powers) Rules only
The Rule covers all listed companies, public companies having capital of ₹10 crore
and more, annual turnover of ₹100 crore and more, outstanding deposits, loans and
borrowings of ₹50 crore or more.
(5) (B) Cost Audit Documentation
The Cost Auditing Standard 102 is to provide guidance to the members in the
preparation of audit documentation in the context of the audit of cost statements,
records and other related documents.
(6) (C) at 110% of cost of production of such goods
Liability of Excise Duty arises as soon as the goods covered under the Excise Duty are
manufactured but the Excise Duty is collected at the time of removal or clearance
from the place of manufacture even for captive consumption.
(7) (B) 76%
Available capacity = 300 × (8-0.5) × 3 × 700 = 47.25 lakh units
Actual Capacity Utilization % = 35.91/47.25 = 76%
(8) (D) All the above
The objective of Propriety Audit is that public money is not spent for the benefit of a
particular person. Public officer should exercise same vigilance as in respect of
expenditure of his/her own money and no authority should pass an order which will
be directly or indirectly to its own advantage
(9) (D) Selling and Distribution Overheads Cost
CAS 15 deals with the principles and methods of classification, measurement and
assignment of Selling and Distribution Overheads, for determination of the cost of
sales of product or service, and the presentation and disclosure in cost statements.
(10) (C) Cost Auditing Standard 103
Cost Auditing Standard 103 deals with the overall objectives of the independent cost
auditor, the nature and scope of a cost audit and independent auditor’s overall
responsibilities when conducting an audit of cost statements in accordance with cost
auditing standards. It also explains the requirements establishing the general
responsibilities of the independent auditor applicable in all audits, including the
obligation to comply with the cost auditing standards.
(11) (C) a company working in a Special Economic Zone
As per Rule 4(3) (ii) of the Companies (Cost Records and Audit) Rules 2014 such units
would be outside the purview of cost audit.

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(12) (B) 796

(Sales 1250 + Export Incentive 85 + Adj of Finished stock 95) - (Materials 634) = ₹796
(13) (D) 1,27,000
[direct expenses as per CAS 10 = royalty paid on production + Job charges + Special
Design Charges + Software development charges related to production + Travelling
abroad for training = ₹ (35,000 + 20,000 + 20,000 + 27,000 + 25,000) = ₹1,27,000 ]
(14) (C) Risk Identification, Process Improvement
The objective is to assist the organization in performing functions more effectively and
economically with focus on efficiency and effectiveness of operations, giving an
early warning system for detection of potentially destructive problems.
(15) (B) Excluded
Penalty paid to PF authorities is not normal cost and hence is excluded as per CAS 7
from employee cost.
(16) (D) Notional interest on capital
This does not involve actual outlay of funds but is included in cost records as an
opportunity cost to determine product cost. The other three items are not related to
actual production and this do not form part of cost records.
(17) (C) Productivity
The Productivity audit is basically an analysis of the productivity of the resources
deployed by any organization. It is generally done to generate information about the
status of productivity in the organization for the purpose of determining the scale of
efficiency and effectiveness of “resource utilization”.
(18) (D) In the opinion of the Council, he/she brings disrepute to the Profession or the
Institute as a result of his/her action whether or not related to his/her professional
Bringing disrepute to the profession or the institute is not considered a misconduct as
per the Second Schedule of the CWA Act 1959. It is a misconduct as per the First
Schedule, Part IV of the Act.
(19) (A) CRA-4
Pursuant to Section 148 (6)of the Companies Act, 2013, and Rule 6 (6)of the
Companies (Cost Records and Audit) Rules, 2014, the Cost Audit Report is to be filed
in Form CRA-4 with the Central Government.
(20) (C) Overburden Removal Cost
Cost Accounting Standard (CAS) 23 is issued by the Council of The Institute of Cost
Accountants of India on "Overburden Removal Cost". It is applicable from 1st April,
(21) (A) Inherent Risk and Control Risk
As per the Cost Auditing Standard (CAS-101) on Planning an Audit of Cost
Statements, the risk of material misstatement has two components, viz., Inherent Risk
and Control Risk.
(22) (A) Audited Financial Data
As per part D, para 3 of the Companies (Cost Records and Audit) Rules, 2014, Value
Addition and Distribution of Earnings are to be computed based on Audited Financial
(23) (C) Social Audit
Social Audit is generally defined to be the audit of data or information depicting
social performance of a business in contrast to its normal economic performance as
measured in financial audit. A lot of research and experimentation have been
conducted to devise techniques or models, which can measure the contribution of
an enterprise to the Society.
(24) (D) Expresses his/her opinion on cost or pricing statements of any business or
enterprise in which, he/she, his/her firm or a partner in his/her firm has substantial
As per the Second Schedule Part 1 of the Cost and Works Accountants Act,1959, a
Cost Accountant in Practice shall be deemed to be guilty of Professional Misconduct,

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if he/she expresses his/her opinion on cost or pricing statements of any business or

enterprise in which, he/she, his/her firm or a partner in his/her firm has substantial
All the other options are Professional Misconduct as per the First Schedule of The Cost
and Works Accountants Act, 1959 in relation to the Cost Accountants in Practice.
(25) (B) Administrative Overheads
As per the Generally Accepted Cost Accounting Principles (GACAP), Remuneration
of the non-Executive Directors will not be considered as part of Employee Costs but
will be treated as part of Administrative Overheads.
(26) (C) Stripping Activity
As per the Cost Accounting Standard on Overburden Removal Cost, the Stripping
Activity refers to the activity of overburden removal that benefits the identified
component of an ore to be mined by the entity
(27) (A) Enables
(28) (C) Assessing
(29) (D) Functions
(30) (A) Accrual
(31) (C) Cost of production
(32) (C) Cannot be
(33) (A) CRA-3
(34) (B) CRA1
Pursuant to Rule 5(1) of the Companies (Cost Records and Audit) Rules, 2014.
(35) (A) Regulated
As per Rule 3 of the Companies (Cost Records and Audit) Rules, 2014 Table (A)
(36) (B) 1965
(37) (D) Section 469 and 148
(38) (D) All the above
(39) (B) 1965
(40) (A) MSME
(41) (A) Form – 3
(42) (B) Form – 4
(43) (B) Aluminium
(44) (A) At the end of immediately preceding financial year
(45) (B) 180 days
(46) (B) 01.04.2014
(47) (D) Abridge Cost Statement
(48) (A) Administrative Overhead
This standard deals with the principles and methods of classification, measurement
and assignment of administrative overheads, for determination of the Cost of product
or service, and the presentation and disclosure in cost statements.
(49) (A) Equalized cost of transportation
The objective of the standard is to bring uniformity in the application of principles and
methods used in the determination of averaged/ equalized transportation cost.
(50) (C) Date of Transaction
This is as per CAS 6 and GACAP
(51) (A) Will Not
(52) (A) Installed Capacity
(53) (A) Royalty and Technical Knowhow fee
(54) (C) Guide the members to make planning for the audit of cost statement
(55) (B) Detection risk
(56) (A) Auditors responsibility
(57) (A) Quality control
(58) (C) CAASB
(59) (D) CAS- 101
(60) (A) To have knowledge of the clients business
(61) (B) Have adequate level of understanding of the knowledge of business

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(62) (D) Responsibility

(63) (A) Responsible
(64) (B) Machine downtime ratio
It is a ratio which indicates the efficiency and productivity of a machine. So, it is a key
performance indicator to measure performance of a machine
(65) (D) All of the above
The KPIs could be:
(A) Quantitative – these can be financial or non-financial
(B) Qualitative – these are often lead indicators i.e. they influence future performance
(C) Actionable – those which can be influenced by enterprise actions or controllable
(D) Trending – those which need to be assessed over a period of time to observe
whether they are improving or not
(66) (C) Impact of IFRS on the Cost Structure
The Report on Performance Analysis may include the following.
(i) Manpower Analysis
(ii) Impact of IFRS on the Cost Structure, Cash-Flows and Profitability
(iii) Application of Management Accounting Tools etc
(67) (D) All of the above
The basic objective to prepare a Report on Performance Analysis is to provide an
actionable insight into costs and profitability for the management in the strategic and
operational context. It aims at discovering various drivers of costs and profitability and
their impact on the selected performance variables. It would help the organizations:
 To improve profits and profitability
 To optimize resource allocation
To optimize the product and services portfolio
(68) (C) Total performance management
Performance Prism is a management accounting tool which is used to measure total
performance of organization.
(69) (A) Cost Reduction Tool
(70) (A) Appraising
(71) (B) Non-routine investigation
(72) (A) Suggest improvement in methods of operations
(73) (C) Does not concentrate
(74) (B) Problem identification
Management Audit pinpoints the areas requiring attention of management, it
evaluates the existence of well defined objectives, it seeks to review appraise and
evaluate the corporate plans and policies based on certain standards of objectivity.
(75) (A) optimum
The main purpose of Efficiency Audit is to ensure —
 That every rupee invested in capital or in other fields give optimum returns, and
 The balancing investment between different functions and aspects designed to
give optimum results.
(76) (A) The statement is true
A Management Auditor has to rely more on his experience and acumen to identify
areas of review.
(77) (B) Social Audit
Consumer Service Audit is an audit of public responsibility of business enterprise in
relation to its customers and is a part of social audit. The audit is based on the
philosophy that the role of business should be conducive to raising the quality of life
through its contribution in terms of better product-quality and services.
(78) (D) Management of Concern
Management audit undertakes examination of the effectiveness of management in
controlling the total activities of the organization in the accomplishment of the
organization objectives.
(79) (A) his experience and acumen

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A Management Auditor has to rely more on his experience and acumen to identify
areas of review. There are no fixed items of evidence to be checked by
Management Auditor
(80) (B) Three separate parties
The parties are a public accountant in practice, a responsible party and intended
(81) (B) Peter (A) Phyrrh
Zero base budget (ZBB) System was modeled by Peter (A) Phyrrh
(82) (D) SWOT analysis
A SWOT - strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats analysis can help identify
and understand key issues affecting the business
(83) (A) T. G. Rose
T. G. Rose developed the concept of Management Audit as a logical system of
evaluating the quality of Management
(84) (D) All of the above
Internal control system can be classified in three types Preventive Control, Detective
Control and Corrective Control
(85) (D) All of the above
AS per Section 138 of the Companies Act , 2013 an internal auditor, shall either be a
chartered accountant or a cost accountant, or such other professional as may be
decided by the Board to conduct internal audit of the functions and activities of the
(86) (A) Section 138
Section 138 of the Companies Act 2013 deals with provisions of Internal Audit
(87) (C) Government Expenditure
Audit of Government Expenditure is one of the major components of government
audit conducted by the office of C & AG
(88) (D) Both (A) and (B)
Internal audit is a management tool performed by employees of the organization or
external agencies specially assigned for this purpose
(89) (D) All of the above
Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) are generally incorporated as societies
under the Societies Registration, Act, 1860 or as a trust under the India Trust Act, 1882,
or under any other law corresponding to these Acts enforced in any part of Indi(A)
NGO’s can also be incorporated as a company under section 8 of the Companies
Act, 2013
(90) (D) All of the above
Yes, the management auditor shall consider the following points in the evaluation
and measurement of capacity utilization
(91) (D) All of the above
According to ‘Technical Guide on Internal Auditing’ by The Institute of Cost
Accountants of India, Internal Auditor should have following three traits:
• Technical Expertise
• Right Attitude
• Communication and other soft skills.
An Internal Audit team has to have representation from diverse professional fields in
order to understand the organization better.
(92) (D) All of the above
An audit of or for a government agency is composed of three elements are as under
1. Financial compliance,
2. Economy and efficiency, and
3. Program results.
The typical definition of a financial audit would not include elements 2 and 3. These
are operational auditing techniques.
(93) (D) All of the above
The following aspects may be taken into consideration for proper inventory control –

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1. Maximum, minimum and reorder level fixation

2. VED analysis
3. Just-in time (JIT) purchasing
4. Fast moving, slow moving and non-moving analysis.
(94) (B) A continuous activity
Internal Audit is a continuous and systematic process of examining and reporting the
operations and records of a concern.
(95) (B) The Statement is Incorrect
Audit working papers are the record of the planning and execution of the audit
Auditors retain a set of working papers for each audit engagement for each year.
(96) (B) Section 17(2) of the Cooperative Societies Act, 1912
Section 17 (2) of the Co-operative Societies Act, 1912 specifically requires the auditor
to conduct an examination of the overdue debts, if any, and a valuation of the
assets and liabilities of the society.
(97) (C) Self-Help Group
Field Balance Sheet Approach to audit can be applied in case of audit of the Self-
Help Group. The auditor prepares the Field Balance Sheet for the group, as on the
date of the audit, based on the SHG’s internal records and then cross checks the
correctness of balance sheet items. The primary objective is to ascertain the retained
earnings of the SHG.
(98) (D) All of the above
Under ‘propriety audit’, the auditors try to bring out cases of improper, avoidable, or
in fructuous expenditure even though the expenditure has been incurred in
conformity with the existing rules and regulations
(99) (A) Article 243Z of the Constitution
Article 243J of the Constitution states that the Legislature of a State may, by law,
make provisions with respect to the maintenance of accounts by the Panchayats
and the auditing of such accounts.
Article 243Z of the Constitution states about the audit of accounts of Municipalities.
The Legislature of a State may, by law, make provisions with respect to the
maintenance of accounts by the Municipalities and the auditing of such accounts
(100) (A) Check the letter of appointment
Check the letter of appointment to ascertain the scope of responsibilities.
(101) (C) C&AG
The auditor of a government company is appointed by the C&AG
(102) (B) 143 of the Companies Act, 2013
The C&AG have powers under section 143 of the Companies Act, 2013 as follows:
To direct the manner in which the company’s accounts shall be audited by the
auditor and to give such auditor instructions in regard to any matter relating to the
performance of his functions as such
(103) (D) All of the above
Financial Administration of Local Bodies has three components Budgetary Procedure,
Expenditure Control and Accounting System
(104) (B) Section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013
Non-Governmental Organisations are generally incorporated as societies under the
Societies Registration, Act, 1860 or as a trust under the India Trust Act, 1882, or under
any other law corresponding to these Acts enforced in any part of Indi(A) NGO’s can
also be incorporated as a company under section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013
(105) (B) Three
The government also engages in commercial activities and for the purpose it may
incorporate following types of entities:
(A) Departmental enterprises engaged in commercial and trading operations.
(B) Statutory corporations created by specific statues such as LIC, Air India, etc
(C) Government companies, set up under the Companies Act, 2013
(106) (C) Expenses Ratio

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Expenses Ratio is a profitability ratio with respect to sales. It is a ratio of a particular

expense to sales.
(107) (B) Debt Equity ratio
Debt Equity ratio represent the long term solvency position of an entity. It is a ratio of
debt to equity representing ratio of debt in capital structure
(108) (D) Broadband internet services
The term ‘Utilities’ refer to significant inputs such as power, steam, water, compressed
air and the like which are used for manufacturing process but do not form part of the
final product.
(109) (D) Administrative overheads that do not contribute to bringing inventories to their
present location and condition
Costs that are excluded from inventory valuation Certain costs are excluded in
valuing inventory are:-
 Abnormal amounts of wasted materials, labor, or other production costs
 Storage costs unless they are essential to the production process
Administrative overheads that do not contribute to bringing inventories to their
present location and condition etc
(110) (B) Notional Interest on Capital
Any Notional Costs are appeared only in cost accounts but not entered in financial
accounts as actual outlay has not occurred
(111) (B) ₹89000
Direct expenses = Royalty paid on sales + Royalty on unites produced + Hire charges
on equipment + Design
Charges + Software development charges = ₹(30000 + 20000 + 2000 + 15000 + 22000)
= ₹89000.
(112) (B) 29.41 %
Networth = Capital + Reserves - Revaluation reserve (if any) - accumulated losses (if
any) - deferred expenditure (if any) - misc expenditure not written off (if any)
Networth = ₹1500 + ₹696 - ₹360 = ₹1836, Total Earning = ₹900 - ₹360 = ₹540
Return on Networth = ₹540 / ₹1836 = 29.41%
(113) (B) ₹59000
Direct expenses = Royalty paid on units produced+ Hire Charges of equipment used
for production+ Design charges + Software development charges related to
production = 20000 + 2000 + 15000 + 22000 = 59000/-
(114) (B) 725.27 Kg
Output at Ring Frame
= 1000 × (100-92)% × (100-94)% × (100-96)% × (100-96)% × (100-91)%
= 725.27 kgs
(115) (B) ₹6617 Lac
Value Addition = Gross sales less Excise Duty Add Increase in stock less Cost of Raw
materials less
Power less Other Overheads = 16500 – 1240 + 42 - 6250 - 2220 - 215 lac = 6617 lac
(116) (B) Application of Cost Audit
Rule 4 of the Companies (Cost Records and Audit) Rules, 2014 prescribes the turnover
based threshold limits for applicability of Cost Audit.
(117) (C) Costing Profit and Loss Account
Rule 5(1) prescribes that any abnormal cost/loss should not be part of Material,
Administrative or Selling and Distribution overheads or any other item of cost.
(118) (C) XML family of languages
XBRL belongs to Extensible Markup Language family. It has been defined specifically
to meet requirements of business and financial information
(119) (B) Manufacturing Sector
This is as per Companies(Cost Records and Audit) Rules, 2014
(120) (B) Pollution Control Cost

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This standard deals with the principles and methods of classification, measurement
and assignment of pollution control costs, for determination of Cost of product or
service, and the presentation and disclosure in cost statements
(121) (C) Interest
Operating expenses typically exclude interest expense, nonrecurring items (such as
accounting adjustments, legal judgments, or one-time transactions), and other
income statement items not directly related to a company's core business operations
(122) (B) Cost of Sale
This is as per CAS 5
(123) (C) Appointment of Cost Auditor
According to Rule 6(1) , the category of companies specified in Rule 3 and the
thresholds limits laid down in Rule 4, shall within one hundred and eighty days of the
commencement of every financial year, appoint a cost auditor.
Provided that before such appointment is made, the written consent of the cost
auditor to such appointment, and a certificate from him or it, as provided in sub-rule
(1A), shall be obtained
(124) (D) Part D
Pursuant to Rule 6(4) of the Companies (Cost Records and Audit ) Rules, 2014
(125) (C) 30
Pursuant to Rule 6(3A) of the Companies (Cost Records and Audit) Rules, 2014
(126) (C) ₹35
Pursuant to Rule 3 of the Companies (Cost Records and Audit) Rules, 2014
(127) (A) discloses information acquired in the course of his professional engagement to
any person other than his client so engaging him, without the consent of his client, or
otherwise than as required by any law for the time being in force
It is a misconduct as per the Second Schedule, Part I of the CWA Act, 1959
(128) (C) Packing Material Cost
This standard deals with the principles and methods of determining the Packing
Material Cost
(129) (B) Micro
The objective of operational audit is to appraise the effectiveness and efficiency of a
division, activity, or operation of the entity in meeting organizational goals
(130) (C) 75%
The requirement of Cost Audit under these rules shall not apply to companies whose
revenue from exports in foreign exchange exceed 75% of total revenue and
companies operating in special economic zone
(131) (A) Mapping
This is as per XBRL glossary. Several technical terms are used, that have specific
meanings, in the context of using XBRL
(132) (C) The Secretary and one Director of the company
Annexure to the Cost Audit Report in CRA 3 shall be approved by the Board of
Directors and by signed by the Company Secretary and a Director authorized by the
Board before submission to the Auditor for Report
(133) (C) Factory overheads
As per CAS 8, the cost of self-generated utilities for own consumption shall comprise
direct material cost, direct employee cost, direct expenses and factory overheads
(134) (C) 10 years
CAS 16 on depreciation and amortization states that useful life of an intangible asset
shall not exceed 10 years from the date it is available for use
(135) (B) Cost Auditing Standard 102
CAS 102 deals with Cost Audit Documentation
(136) (C) For a term exceeding 6 months
Part III of the Second Schedule to the Cost & Works Accountants of India Act, 1959
finds a member guilty of other misconduct if he/she is held guilty by a court for
offences punishable with imprisonment for a term exceeding 6 months
(137) (A) Dictionary

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Cost Taxonomy is a Dictionary of all cost elements required in the Cost Audit Report
and Compliance Report
(138) (C) Profit before Tax to Value Added
This is one of the four ratios identified as Profitability Rations in Part D of Annexure to
the Cost Audit Report
(139) (D) Treatment of Revenue in Cost Statements
Effective from 1st April, 2017, CAS 24 on Treatment of Revenue in Cost Statements has
become applicable
(140) (B) applicable for Table A products only
Rule 4 to Companies (Cost Audit & Records) Rules, 2014 states that if the overall
turnover of the company is more than ₹100 crore, only products of Table A will be
covered if the sum total of all the products of the company covered under Table A
and Table B is more than ₹25 crore but less than ₹35 crore
(141) (B) excluded from
CAS 7 on Cost Accounting Standard on Employee Cost excludes benefits paid or
payable for the services rendered by employees of any contractor engaged in the
(142) (B) 120%
Efficiency Ratio = Actual output (576 units)/ Standard output (12000 hours/25 hours =
480 units); therefore, Efficiency ratio = 576/480 = 1.20 or 120%
(143) (B) unregulated sector
Machinery used in defense, space and atomic energy sector and fulfilling turnover
criteria is under Unregulated sector
(144) (D) documentation of audit of cost statements, records etc
The purpose of the Cost Auditing Standard 102 is to provide guidance to the
members in the preparation of audit documentation in the context of the audit of
cost statements, records and other related documents
(145) (D) self/captive consumption of each product
The abridged cost statement need not be separate for Self/Captive Consumption of
each product
(146) (D) studying all the above
The Management Auditor should evaluate MIS of an organization after studying
content, quality and source of information, studying Flow of information, studying
correlation of information in decision areas
(147) (D) To examine the Trust Deed or Regulations
The Trust Deed or Regulation is the basic document on which the composition of the
educational institution is framed
(148) (B) 94.815 lakh units
As per CAS 2, normal capacity is maximum productive capacity reduced by time lost
on preventive maintenance, holidays, Set up delays. Here, Normal capacity = (365-
52-12) x (8-1) x 3 x 1500 = 94.815 lakh unit
(149) (B) 30.09.2019, on expiry of six months from close of accounts
As per Rules, 2014, the Cost Auditor, unless removed or resigned from office, shall
continue till expiry of 180 days from closure of financial year or till he submits the cost
audit report. Here his submission of the report did not go beyond six months from
closure of financial year
(150) (B) Operating Cycle of Materials turnover
Key Performance indicator of manufacturing is the Operating cycle of Materia!, WIP,
Finished Goods Turnover
(151) (C) An appraise management of business enterprise of responsibility towards
The audit is based on the philosophy that the role of business should be conducive to
raising the quality of life through its contribution in terms of better product-quality and
services by making available the products and services of the right qualities at the
right time, in right quantity, at the right place and right price
(152) (D) Either or all of the above

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This is as per clause 76 section 2 of the Companies Act 2013

(153) (B) pre-scrutinize the validated instance document
Reason will be: Once the instance document is successfully validated from the tool,
the next step is to pre-scrutinize the validated instance document with the help of the
same tool using a working internet connection. In the Pre-scrutiny, the server side
validations shall be performed, using the MCA21 data base
(154) (B) The Energy Conservation Act, 2001
The Bureau is established by merging Energy Management Centre and controls
energy conservation. Alternative Reason: The Bureau of Energy Efficiency formed
under the Energy Conservation Act 2001. The agency's function is to develop
programs which will increase the conservation and efficient use of energy in India
(155) (D) Cost Auditing Standard 104
The Audit Standard 104 deals with knowledge of Business, its processes and Business
Environment, which includes knowledge on the Entity’s Internal Control
(156) (A) Part D para 2 of the Annexure to Cost Audit Report
This is pursuant to Rule 6(4) of the Companies (Cost Records and Audit) Rules
(157) (D) ₹85,000
Direct expenses = Royalty paid on units produced + Hire Charges of equipment used
for production + Design charges + Software development charges related to
= 25,000 + 20,000 + 18,000 + 22,000 = 85,000

The Institute of Cost Accountants of India 29

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