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Design and Performance Analyses of Condensing

Heat Exchangers for Recovering Water and Waste
Heat from Flue Gas
Nipun Goel
Lehigh University

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Goel, Nipun, "Design and Performance Analyses of Condensing Heat Exchangers for Recovering Water and Waste Heat from Flue
Gas" (2012). Theses and Dissertations. Paper 1164.

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Design and Performance Analyses of Condensing Heat Exchangers for Recovering

Water and Waste Heat from Flue Gas


Nipun Goel

A Thesis

Presented to the Graduate and Research Committee


Lehigh University

in Candidacy for the Degree of

Master of Science


Mechanical Engineering

Lehigh University

May 2012

Nipun Goel

Approval Sheet

Thesis is accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Science
in Mechanical Engineering.

Design and Performance Analyses of Condensing Heat Exchangers for Recovering Water
and Waste Heat from Flue Gas

Nipun Goel


Date Approved


Dr. Edward K. Levy

Thesis Advisor


Dr. Gary Harlow

Department Chair Person


I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Dr. Edward Levy and the Energy Research

Center for all the support and encouragement during my graduate studies. Dr. Levy has been

forever inspiring and I look forward to future opportunities of working with him.

I would like to thank Dr. Harun Bilirgen, Mr. Zheng Yao and Mr Joshua Charles of the

Energy Research Center for all their help and guidance. I would like the thank Michael Kessen,

Daniel Hazell and Gordon Jonas for their unlimited help and support in my research. I would like to

extend my thanks to Jodie Johnson and Ursla Levy of the Energy Research Center for their

commitment to make the experience of working at Energy Research Center last for a lifetime.

I would also like to thank Namrata Maski, my family and my friends for believing in me and

their unconditional support throughout the course of my study at Lehigh University.

Table of Contents

Approval Sheet ................................................................................................................................ III

Acknowledgments........................................................................................................................... IV
Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................. V
List of Figures .................................................................................................................................. VI
List of Tables ................................................................................................................................... IX
Abstract ............................................................................................................................................ 1
Nomenclature .................................................................................................................................. 2
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 5
2. Theory ...................................................................................................................................... 7
2.1. Condensing Flue Gas Heat exchanger ................................................................................ 7
2.2. Water‐to‐Water Heat Exchanger ..................................................................................... 15
2.3. Estimation of Cost ............................................................................................................ 21
2.3.1. Capital Cost .............................................................................................................. 21
2.3.2. Operating Cost ......................................................................................................... 22
3. Effects of Operating Conditions ............................................................................................. 24
4. Effect of Tube Diameter on Performance and Cost ............................................................... 27
5. Heat Exchanger Arrangements .............................................................................................. 34
5.1. Heat Exchanger placed Upstream of Wet FGD, Flue gas at 303°F ................................... 34
5.2. Heat Exchanger placed Downstream of Wet FGD, Flue Gas at 135°F .............................45
5.3. Precooled Flue Gas using Water Spray, Flue Gas at 155°F .............................................. 48
5.4. Coupled Heat Exchanger, Flue gas at 135°F..................................................................... 52
5.5. Cascaded Heat Exchanger, Flue Gas at 300°F ‐135°F ....................................................... 62
6. Discussion of Results & Conclusion........................................................................................ 84
7. Assumptions ........................................................................................................................... 87
References ..................................................................................................................................... 89
Appendix A ..................................................................................................................................... 91
Vita ................................................................................................................................................. 96

List of Figures

Figure 1 - Typical temperature distributions inside a heat exchanger ............................................. 8

Figure 2 - Thermal resistances between flue gas and cooling water in the absence of condensation

....................................................................................................................................................... 10

Figure 3 - Water-to-Water Heat Exchanger Model ........................................................................ 15

Figure 4 - Shell Side Leakage Streams and Eddy Formation due to Baffles ................................ 20

Figure 5 - Change in Gross Unit Power output with Boiler Feed Water Temperature at exit of Heat

Exchanger (14)............................................................................................................................... 25

Figure 6 - Change in Cycle Heat Rate with Boiler Feed Water Temperature at exit of Heat

Exchanger (14)............................................................................................................................... 25

Figure 7 - Change in Boiler Feed Water Flow Rate with Boiler Feed Water Temperature at exit of

Heat Exchanger ............................................................................................................................. 26

Figure 8 - Impact of Tube Diameter on Total Heat Transfer .......................................................... 29

Figure 9 - Impact of Tube Diameter on Rate of Condensation ...................................................... 29

Figure 10 - Impact of Tube Diameter on Cooling Water Temperature at exit of Heat Exchanger. 30

Figure 11 - Impact of Tube Diameter on Total Annual Cost of Heat Exchanger ........................... 30

Figure 12 - Impact of Diameter on Power Requirements for 20ft long Heat Exchanger ............... 32

Figure 13 - Impact of Diameter on Total Annual cost for 20ft long Heat Exchanger ..................... 33

Figure 14 - Impact of using high temperature BFW on Condensation Efficiency of Heat Exchanger

placed Upstream of Wet FGD ........................................................................................................ 37

Figure 15 - Impact of high temperature BFW on temperature of BFW at the exit of Heat

Exchanger, placed Upstream of Wet FGD..................................................................................... 37

Figure 16 - Impact of high Temperature BFW on Total Annual Cost of Heat Exchanger Placed

Upstream of Wet FGD.................................................................................................................... 38

Figure 17 - Temperature Profiles for subcases with variable BFW inlet temperatures for heat

exchanger upstream of wet FGD ................................................................................................... 40

Figure 18 - Temperature Profiles for Subcases 1-4, Model 1, System without FGD .................... 43

Figure 19 - Cost Benefit Analysis of Heat Exchanger placed before Wet FGD and Boiler

Feedwater extracted before FWH1 (14) ........................................................................................ 44

Figure 20 - Change in Net Power for Heat Exchanger placed before Wet FGD and Boiler

Feedwater extracted before FWH1 (14) ........................................................................................ 44

Figure 21 - Impact of Transverse Pitch on Condensation Efficiency of Heat Exchanger placed

Downstream of Wet FGD ............................................................................................................... 46

Figure 22 - Impact of Transverse Pitch on Temperature of Cooling Water at the Exit of Heat

Exchanger placed Downstream of Wet FGD ................................................................................. 47

Figure 23 - Impact of Transverse Pitch on Total Annual cost of Heat Exchanger placed

Downstream of Wet FGD ............................................................................................................... 47

Figure 24 - Condensation Efficiency for Heat Exchanger with Precooled Flue Gas compared to

UHX and DHX ................................................................................................................................ 50

Figure 25 - Boiler Feedwater Exit Temperature for Heat Exchanger with Precooled Flue Gas

compared to UHX and DHX ........................................................................................................... 51

Figure 26 - Total Annual Cost for Heat Exchanger with Precooled Flue Gas compared to UHX and

DHX ................................................................................................................................................ 51

Figure 27 - Flow diagram for Coupled Heat Exchanger Arrangement .......................................... 53

Figure 28 - Trend for Temperature of Feedwater at the exit of Coupled Heat Exchanger assembly

compared to system using only Boiler Feedwater or only Cooling Water for various Cooling Water

to Flue Gas Mass Flow Rate Ratios .............................................................................................. 57

Figure 29 - Condensation Efficiency for Coupled Heat Exchanger assembly compared to system

using only Boiler Feedwater or only Cooling Water for various Cooling Water to Flue Gas Mass

Flow Rate Ratios ............................................................................................................................ 58

Figure 30 - Total power required for Coupled Heat Exchanger assembly compared to system using

only Boiler Feedwater or only Cooling Water for various Cooling Water to Flue Gas Mass Flow

Rate Ratios .................................................................................................................................... 58

Figure 31 - Impact of cooling water to flue gas mass flow rate ratio on effectiveness of HX2 of

Coupled Heat Exchanger Assembly .............................................................................................. 59

Figure 32 - Impact of Cooling Water to Flue Gas Mass Flow Rate Ratio on Temperature of Cooling

Water at the inlet of HX1 of Coupled Heat Exchanger Assembly .................................................. 60

Figure 33 - Process Flow Diagram for Coupled Heat Exchanger with Cooling Water to Flue Gas

Mass Flow Rate Ratio of 1.0 .......................................................................................................... 61

Figure 34 - Process Flow Diagram for Coupled Heat Exchanger with Cooling Water to Flue Gas

Mass Flow Rate Ratio of 1.5 .......................................................................................................... 61

Figure 35 - Flow Diagram for Cascaded Heat Exchanger Arrangement ....................................... 62

Figure 36 - Trend for Temperature of Boiler Feedwater at the Exit of DHX for various Target

Feedwater Temperatures at the Exit of UHX-DHX Assembly. ...................................................... 64

Figure 37 - Trend for Rate of Condensation in DHX for various Target Boiler Feedwater

Temperatures at the Exit of UHX-DHX Assembly. ........................................................................ 65

Figure 38 - Total Capital Cost associated with DHX for various Target Boiler Feedwater

Temperatures at the Exit of UHX-DHX Assembly. ........................................................................ 66

Figure 39 - Annual Operating Cost associated with DHX for various Target Boiler Feedwater

Temperatures at the Exit of UHX-DHX Assembly ......................................................................... 66

Figure 40 - Trend for Total Annual Cost associated with DHX for various Target Boiler Feedwater

Temperatures at the Exit of UHX-DHX Assembly ......................................................................... 67

Figure 41 - Temperature Profiles in UHX of UHX-DHX assembly for various target Temperatures

of Boiler Feedwater at the Exit of UHX .......................................................................................... 74

Figure 42 - Condensation Efficiency and Total Annual Cost for UHX of UHX-DHX Assembly for

various target boiler feedwater temperatures at the exit of UHX ................................................... 75

Figure 43 - Rate of Condensation for UHX-DHX assembly compared to UHX only and DHX only

cases for different Target Boiler Feedwater Temperatures ........................................................... 79

Figure 44 - Total Annual Cost for UHX-DHX assembly compared to UHX only and DHX only cases

for different Target Boiler Feedwater Temperatures ...................................................................... 79

Figure 45 - Change in Turbine Power with Target Boiler Feedwater Exit Temperature ................ 82

Figure 46 - Net Profit from using UHX-DHX assembly compared to system with Only UHX and

Only DHX ....................................................................................................................................... 82

List of Tables

Table 1 - Coefficients, ci, for calculating Euler’s constant for in-line square banks (11). .............. 19

Table 2 - Fixed Process Conditions for studying the impact of Tube Diameter............................. 28

Table 3 - Fixed Heat Exchanger Geometry for studying the impact of Tube Diameter ................. 28

Table 4 - Variable Parameters for studying the impact of Tube Diameter..................................... 28

Table 5 - Impact of Tube Diameter on Pressure Drop for 20ft Heat Exchanger Length ............... 31

Table 6 - Impact of Tube Diameter on Total Annual Cost for 20ft Heat Exchanger Length .......... 32

Table 7 - Fixed Process Conditions for Heat Exchanger Placed Upstream of Wet FGD .............. 35

Table 8 - Fixed Heat Exchanger Geometry for Heat Exchanger Placed Upstream of Wet FGD .. 36

Table 9 - Various Process Conditions for Heat Exchanger Placed Upstream of Wet FGD .......... 36

Table 10 - Simulation results for the sub-cases A-F for Heat Exchanger placed upstream of the

Wet FGD Unit ................................................................................................................................. 41

Table 11 - Simulation results for the sub-cases 1 – 4 for Heat Exchanger placed upstream of the

Wet FGD Unit ................................................................................................................................. 42

Table 12 - Fixed Process Conditions for Heat Exchanger placed Downstream of Wet FGD........ 45

Table 13 - Fixed Heat Exchanger Geometry for Heat Exchanger placed Downstream of Wet FGD

....................................................................................................................................................... 46

Table 14 - Variable Parameter for Heat Exchanger placed Downstream of Wet FGD ................. 46

Table 15 - Fixed Process Conditions for Precooled Flue Gas using Water Spray ........................ 49

Table 16 - Fixed Heat Exchanger Geometry for Precooled Flue Gas using Water Spray ............ 49

Table 17 - Variable Parameter for Heat Exchanger for Precooled Flue Gas using Water Spray.. 49

Table 18 - Fixed Process Conditions for UHX without using Water Spray for Precooling Flue Gas

....................................................................................................................................................... 49

Table 19 - Fixed Process Conditions for DHX without using Water Spray for Precooling Flue Gas

....................................................................................................................................................... 50

Table 20 - Fixed Process Conditions for system using Boiler Feedwater for comparison with

Coupled Heat Exchanger ............................................................................................................... 55

Table 21 - Fixed Heat Exchanger Geometry for system using Boiler Feedwater for comparison

with Coupled Heat Exchanger ....................................................................................................... 55

Table 22 - Fixed Process Conditions for system using Cooling Water for comparison with Coupled

Heat Exchanger ............................................................................................................................. 55

Table 23 - Fixed Heat Exchanger Geometry for system using Cooling Water for comparison with

Coupled Heat Exchanger ............................................................................................................... 55

Table 24 - Fixed Process Conditions for Coupled Heat Exchanger Assembly.............................. 56

Table 25 - Fixed Geometry for HX1 of Coupled Heat Exchanger Assembly ................................. 56

Table 26 - Fixed Geometry for HX2 of Coupled Heat Exchanger Assembly ................................. 56

Table 27 - Variable Process Condition for system using Cooling Water and Coupled Heat

Exchanger ...................................................................................................................................... 57

Table 28 - Fixed Process Conditions for DHX of Cascaded Heat Exchangers Assembly ............ 63

Table 29 - Fixed Heat Exchanger Geometry for DHX of Cascaded Heat Exchangers Assembly. 63

Table 30 - Variable mass flow rate of boiler feedwater for DHX and UHX of Cascaded Heat

Exchangers Assembly (14) ............................................................................................................ 64

Table 31 - Simulation results for DHX of Duct Length 12ft and various Boiler Feedwater Target

Temperatures at the Exit of Cascaded Heat Exchanger Assembly ............................................... 69

Table 32 - Fixed Process Conditions for UHX of Cascaded Heat Exchanger Assembly .............. 70

Table 33 - Fixed Heat Exchanger Geometry for UHX of Cascaded Heat Exchangers Assembly. 70

Table 34 - Simulation results for UHX of UHX-DHX Assembly for various Boiler Feedwater Target

Temperatures at the Exit of Cascaded Heat Exchanger Assembly ............................................... 71

Table 35 - Results from Simulations for various Boiler Feedwater Target Temperatures at the Exit

of UHX-DHX Assembly .................................................................................................................. 77

Table 36 - Results from Simulations for various Boiler Feedwater Target Temperatures at the Exit

of System with Only UHX ............................................................................................................... 78

Table 37 - Results of Cost Benefit Analysis for system with Only DHX ........................................ 81

Table 38 - Results of Cost Benefit Analysis for system with Only UHX ........................................ 81

Table 39 - Results of Cost Benefit Analysis for system with UHX-DHX Assembly ....................... 81


There has been an increasing interest in new technologies to improve the efficiency of

coal based thermal power plants and to reduce the consumption of cooling water for cooling

towers. This report discusses the opportunities of recovering heat and water from flue gas using

condensing heat exchangers.

Simluations were performed to develop heat exchanger designs for one or more heat

exchangers used upstream and/or downstream of the wet FGD. The impact on water

condensation efficiency, total heat transfer and total annual cost were analyzed for five different

arrangements. The impact of heat exchanger design parameters such as heat exchanger tube

diameter and tube transverse pitch was analyzed. Additionally, the prospects of precooling the flue

gas using water spray and its impact on performance of heat exchanger was also studied.


Symbol Meaning Units

Aeff Tube effective surface area ft
Ai Tube inner surface area ft
Aic Tube inner surface area for one cell ft
Ao Tube outer surface area ft
Aoc Tube outer surface area for one cell ft
C Empirical coefficient depending on tube arrangement -
Cbfw Heat capacity rate of boiler feedwater BTU/hr·°F
ci Tube geometry constant for calculation of Euler's constant -
Cmax Maximum heat capacity rate of cooling water BTU/hr·°F
Cmin Minimum heat capacity rate of cooling water BTU/hr·°F
Cp,cw Specific heat of cooling water BTU/lbm·°F
Cp,fg Specific heat of flue gas BTU/lbm·°F
di Tube inner diameter in
do Tube outer diameter in
Eu Euler's constant -
f Friction factor -
hbfw Convective heat transfer coefficient for boiler feedwater BTU/hr·ft ·°F
hcw Convective heat transfer coefficient for cooling water BTU/hr·ft ·°F
hf Convective heat transfer coefficient for condensate film BTU/hr·ft ·°F
hfg Convective heat transfer coefficient for wet flue gas BTU/hr·ft ·°F
hl Latent heat of water vapor BTU/lb
k Specific heat ratio -
kbfw Thermal conductivity of boiler feedwater BTU/hr·°F·ft
kcw Thermal conductivity of cooling water BTU/hr·°F·ft
kfg Thermal conductivity of flue gas BTU/hr·°F·ft
KL Pressure loss coefficient -
km Mass transfer coefficient lb/mol·hr·ft
kw Thermal conductivity of tube material BTU/hr·°F·ft
L Length of tube ft
m Empirical coefficient depending on tube arrangement -
m Mass flow rate of cooling water lb/hr

m Mass flow rate of flue gas lb/hr
N Total number of tubes in Heat Exchanger -
Nb Number of baffle plates -
NL Total number of tube rows -
Ntu Number of transfer units -
Nubfw Nusselt number for boiler feedwater -
Nucw Nusselt number for cooling water -
Nufg Nusselt number for flue gas -
Patm Atmospheric Pressure psi
pbfw Pressure of boiler feedwater psi
pcw Pressure of cooling water psi
pfg Pressure of flue gas psi
Pin Pressure of flue gas at the exit of exchanger psi
Pout Pressure of flue gas at the inlet of exchanger psi
Pr Prandtl number -
Prs Surface Prandtl number -
Ptot Total pressure of flue gas psi
q Rate of heat transfer BTU/hr
Q Total volume flow rate of cooling water ft /s
Rboiler feedwater Thermal resistance of boiler feedwater hr·°F/BTU
Rcooling water Thermal resistance of cooling water hr·°F/BTU
Rebfw Reynolds number of boiler feedwater -
Recw Reynolds number of cooling water -
Recw,max Maximum Reynolds number of cooling water -
Refg,max Maximum Reynolds number of flue gas -
Rfl Thermal resistance due to fouling on tube inner wall hr·°F/BTU
Rflue gas Thermal resistance of flue gas hr·°F/BTU
ri Tube inner radius in
ro Tube outer radius in
Rtotal Total thermal resistance of control volume hr·°F/BTU
Rwall Thermal resistance of tube wall hr·°F/BTU
Sl Longitudinal Pitch in
St Transverse pitch in

Tbfw Temperature of boiler feedwater °F
Tcw Bulk mean temperature of cooling water °F
Tfg Bulk mean temperature of flue gas °F
Ti Gas-condensate film interfacial temperature °F
Tow Tube outer wall temperature °F
U0 Overall heat transfer coefficient BTU/hr·ft2·°F
Vavg Aaverage velocity of cooling water ft/s
Vcw Velocity of cooling water ft/s
Vcw,max Maximum velocity of cooling water ft/s
Vbfw,avg Average velocity of boiler feedwater ft/s
Vmax Maximum velocity of flue gas ft/s
Wpump Pump power hp
yH2O Mole fraction of water vapor in the flue gas vol%wet
yi Mole fraction of water vapor at the wall interface vol%wet

Greek Symbols:

∆ Difference or change -
η Efficiency -
ε Heat exchanger effectiveness -
ρ Density lb/ft3
Pressure drop correction factor -

1. Introduction

Power plants are a larger consumer of water than any other industry. Water is used for

generating steam, cooling and other process requirements. The demand for electricity is ever-

growing and thus the demand of water for power generation. As a result, water availability issues

are becoming more and more important. A lot of emphasis is laid on recovering and re-using as

much water as possible. This study will concentrate on recovering water from flue gas.

A coal based power plant burning lignite coal releases roughly 16% moisture by volume

(wet basis) in the flue gas as lignite coal contains 40% moisture by mass. Employing a wet

scrubber after the ESP further increases the moisture content in flue gas. For example, consider a

600 MW power plant unit using PRB coal. The flue gas flow rate is of the order of 6.33 million lb/hr.

Of this nearly 12% by volume (0.76 million lb/hr) is moisture. If the unit has a wet FGD to remove

SO2 from flue gas stream, the flue gas coming out of the FGD will be saturated with water.

Furthermore, typical evaporation rate of cooling tower for 600MW unit is 1.6 million lb/hr. All this

water in flue gas and the cooling tower is simply lost to the atmosphere.

Recovering water from the flue gas using condensing flue gas heat exchangers can help

reduce the water intake requirements and also recover waste heat from the flue gas which can be

used for other processes like supplying sensible heat to feed water or pre-drying the coal. Besides

this, with moisture taken out from the flue gas, the load on the Induced Draft fan is also reduced

thus reducing the unit auxiliary power.

In this study, five different heat exchanger arrangements were investigated.

1. Heat exchanger placed upstream of the FGD unit, also referred to as UHX in the


2. Heat exchanger placed downstream of the FGD unit, also referred to as DHX in

the study.

3. Heat exchanger with pre-cooled flue gas using water spray.

4. DHX coupled with a water-to-water shell and tube heat exchanger to obtain space


5. Combined use of UHX and DHX (cascaded arrangement).

All the heat exchangers are counter cross flow type with bare tube banks in inline

arrangement. Hot flue gas flows outside the heat exchanger tubes and cooling water flows inside

the tubes. The flue gas will be cooled down as it travels through the heat exchangers and the

cooling water will absorb this heat. When the tube wall temperature goes below the water vapor

dew point temperature, water vapor in the flue gas will start condensing out.

The total cost associated with the use of the heat exchanger can be divided into two parts:

1) manufacturing and installation cost, & 2) operating cost. The manufacturing cost comprises

primarily the cost of tube material and the labor cost. The operating cost will be from the additional

fan power required due to the pressure drop in flue gas across the tube bank and the pump power

required due to the pressure drop in the cooling water as in passes through heat exchanger tubes.

The effects of changing the tube diameter, keeping the tube thickness at schedule 40, on the cost

and performance of the heat exchanger were investigated.

Lastly the advantages and disadvantages associated with different heat exchanger

models were evaluated.

2. Theory

In this study, we have used heat exchangers for two different purposes. The first heat

exchanger (at times referred to as HX1) is also called a condensing flue gas heat exchanger

having flue gas and water as the two fluid streams. The other exchanger is a water-to-water shell

and tube heat exchanger and is at times referred to as HX2 in this report. As the name indicates,

HX2 has water flowing inside as well as outside the heat exchanger tubes. Both HX1 and HX2 are

counter-cross flow heat exchangers with inline tube arrangement.

For the condensing flue gas heat exchanger, a MATLAB code was developed by Jeong

(1) to simulate the heat and mass transfer processes occurring inside the exchanger. The results

from the code were verified with data obtained from a lab scale model of the exchanger. The

results are available in Jeong’s Ph.D. dissertation report. The code was modified by Lavigne (2)

and then further by Hazell (3) to calculate the pressure drop in flue gas and cooling water streams

as they pass through the heat exchanger.

A separate MATLAB code was developed for the water-to-water heat exchanger. This

code only approximately determines the heat transfer between the fluids and the pressure drop

for both the fluid streams as they pass through the exchanger.

The governing equations for both the condensing heat exchanger and the water-to-water

heat exchanger are described in the following sections.

2.1.Condensing Flue Gas Heat Exchanger

Flue gas can be described as a mixture of water vapor and non-condensable gases.

Typically for a counter flow heat exchanger, the temperature profile of flue gas and the cooling

water along the length of the heat exchanger will be as indicated in the Figure (1). Further, the

temperature of the tube wall in contact with the flue gas will also decrease along the length as

indicated. When the tube wall temperature goes below the dew point temperature of water vapor in

flue gas at any given location, (For example in Figure (1) the wall temperature goes below the dew

point temperature at approximately 50% down the length of the exchanger), the water vapor in the

flue gas stream will start condensing.

perature Prrofile insid
de Heat Exc
300 Tdew

Temperature (F)




50 This is only an
a example case. The X
axis indicates
s the percentag ge travel
down the lengtth of the heat exc
0 10 2
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 10
ength of Ex
xchanger (%

Figure 1 - Typical
T temperrature distribu
utions inside a heat exchanger

As a result of the
e vapor condensation ph
henomenon, both sensible and laten
nt heat

transfers are observed

o in the
t system. In 1934, Colburn and Ho oped a fundamental
ougen develo

transport equa
ation for conde
ensation in th
he presence of nsable gases (4):
o non-conden

In the above equattion, on the left hand side

e, the first terrm represents the sensiblle heat

transfer from fllue gas to tub

be and the se epresents the latent heat trransfer due to
econd term re o vapor

ondensation. hfg is the con
nvective heat transfer coeffficient on wett flue gas side
e; Tfg and Ti are
a the

ulk temperatu
ure of flue ga
as and gas-ccondensate fiilm interfacial temperature
e, respectively. The

arameters km and hl are th
he mass transsfer coefficien
nt and latent heat
h of water vapor, respecctively.

yH2O and yi are

e the mole fra
action of wate
er vapor in bu
ulk and at the gas-condenssate interface of flue

as, respectiv
vely, and Tcw
w is the temp
perature of co
ooling water. U0 is the overall heat trransfer

oefficient exp
pressed as shown below:

1 1 1 1

where, Aeff is the effective area and is assumed to be the same as tube outer surface Area Ao,

and, Ai is the tube inner surface area. Rfl is the thermal resistance due to fouling on the inside of

the tube. hcw and hf are the convective heat transfer coefficient for cooling water and the

condensate film formed on the outer surface of the tube. Rwall is the thermal resistance of the tube

wall and depends on the tube material as well as the inner and outer diameters.

where, do and di are the outer and inner diameters of the tube, kw is the thermal conductivity of the

tube material and L is the overall length of the tube.

In most cases, when using a clean source of cooling water, very little or no fouling is

observed inside the tubes and hence thermal resistance due to tube fouling can be neglected.

Further, the thickness of the condensate film on the tube outer surface is negligible and thus the

thermal resistance due to the condensate film can also be neglected. Substituting the surface area

as the product of the circumference and the overall length of the tube, L, and solving for U0, the

equation reduces to:

Substituting the value of U0 from above in the Colburn-Hougen equation and rearranging,

the expression for Ti can be deduced as follows:

In the absence of condensation, the interfacial temperature Ti is replaced by the outer tube

wall temperature Tow and the mass transfer term can be dropped from the Colburn-Hougen

equation. The rate of heat transfer reduces to a simple equation:

where, Rtotal is the total thermal resistance of the control volume and is the sum of the individual

thermal resistance of flue gas, tube wall and cooling water.


1 1

1 1

Figure 2 - Thermal resistances between flue gas and cooling water in the absence of condensation

The heat is first transferred from flue gas to the tube wall and then from the wall to the

cooling water. It is necessary to discretize the heat exchanger and calculate the tube inner and

outer wall temperature for each discrete cell as the flue gas and cooling water temperatures

change through the length of the heat exchanger as indicated in Figure (1). Consider that the tube

section shown in Figure (2) represents a discretized cell, for the first iteration, the total thermal

resistance and the inlet conditions for flue gas and cooling water are known. Assuming no

condensation at the beginning of the heat exchanger (the first cell), the heat transferred to the tube

wall from flue gas is given by:

where, Aoc is the tube outer wall surface area for the cell and Tow is the temperature of the tube

outer wall. The equation can be rearranged to obtain an expression for initial tube outer wall

temperature as:

The wall temperatures thus calculated for the first cell and the flue gas and cooling water
temperatures can be used as the inlet conditions to the next successive cell. At any i cell along

the length of the tube, the law of conservation of energy between the change in enthalpy of the

flue gas and the heat transferred to the tube wall can be applied to calculate the flue gas
temperature at the exit of the new cell by using the Tfg,2, Tcw,2, Tow,2, Tiw,2 from the (i-1) cell as

the inlet conditions to the i cell.

, , , ,

where, Tfg is the mean of the flue gas inlet and exit temperature for the cell. Rearranging,

, 0.5 ∗ ∗ , ,
, 0.5 ∗

Similarly, from energy balance, the total change in enthalpy of the cooling water should be
equal to the total heat transferred to the wall from the flue gas. Thus for the same i cell:

, , , ,

rearranging, , , , ,

In the presence of condensation, it is necessary to modify the above equation using

Colburn-Hougen relation and the wall temperature Tow,1 is replaced by the temperature of the gas-

condensate interface, Ti,1. The temperatures Tfg,2 and Tcw,2 can be rewritten as:

, 0.5 ∗ ∗ , ,
, 0.5 ∗

, ,

The enthalpy change in cooling water can then be used to calculate the temperature of the

tube inner wall. From the law of conservation of energy, the convective heat transfer from the wall

to the cooling water should be equal to the change in enthalpy of the cooling water as expressed


, , , , ,


, , ,
, ,

Lastly, the outer wall temperature at the exit of the cell can be obtained from energy

balance between the enthalpy change in cooling water and rate of heat transfer between the tube

outer and inner wall.

, ,
, , ,

Substituting the expression for Rwall in the above expression and rearranging,

, , , ln
, ,

It must be noted here that the temperature of both the inner and the outer wall depend

only on the change in temperature of the cooling water. Thus, these equations apply irrespective

of water condensation outside the tube.

For the calculation of all the temperatures described in the equations above, it is

necessary to calculate the water vapor mole fraction at the interface as well as the convective heat

transfer coefficients for flue gas and cooling water. All the thermodynamic properties described

below are calculated at each discrete cell and then averaged over the entire tube length. For

exchanger with bank to bare tubes in inline arrangement, an empirical relation to calculate the

Nusselt number was proposed by Zukauskas (5).


where, Pr is the Prandtl number and Prs is the Surface Prandtl number. All variables except Prs

are calculated at the bulk of flue gas. The variables C and m depend on the Reynold’s number.

For the range 10 , 2 10 , C is typically 0.27 and m is evaluated graphically based

on experimental data from Zukauskas (5). The convective heat transfer coefficient for flue gas can

be calculated as:

On the cooling water side, the Nusselt number is obtained from the expression by

Gnielinski (6)

⁄8 1000
1 12.7 ⁄8 1

where, the friction factor f is calculated for 3 10 5 10 from the Moody Diagram by

using the relationship (7),

0.79 1.64

The convective heat transfer coefficient for cooling water is calculated using the Nusselt

number for cooling water as:

The water vapor mole fraction yi at the interface is calculated and the beginning of each

cell using the Antoine equation (8)

where, a = 16.262, b = 3799.89 and c = 226.35 and Ptot is the total pressure of flue gas.

As the two fluids, flue gas and cooling water, travel through the heat exchanger, they

experience pressure drops. The drop in pressure on the flue gas side and the cooling water side

determines the additional power required by the ID fan and cooling water circulation pump. It is

assumed that the flow both inside and outside the tubes is fully developed and remains turbulent

throughout the length of the heat exchanger.

Zukauskas developed a relationship to determine Pressure drop on the flue gas side for

an exchanger with tubes in inline arrangement as a function of the Longitudinal and Transverse

Pitch, number of tube rows and the maximum Reynold’s number of the flue gas flow (5) as:


where, NL is the total number of rows, is the correction factor, is the density of flue gas,

Vmax is the maximum velocity between the tubes and f is the friction factor. The correction factor

depends on the tube longitudinal and transverse pitch while the density velocity and friction factor

are calculated for each cell and then averaged for the entire heat exchanger. Assuming that the

fan works as an isentropic compressor, the additional power required is obtained from the

pressure drop by using simple thermodynamic equation:

, 1

where, Pin is atmospheric pressure, Patm and Pout is the sum of Patm and the pressure drop

calculated above, k is the ratio of specific heat at constant pressure and constant volume, is

the efficiency of the fan.

On the cooling water side, a large proportion of the pressure drop is observed through the

length of the tube and can be calculated using the Darcy-Weisbach equation (9):



where, ∆ is the pressure loss along the length of the tube, f is the friction factor and can be

obtained from the Moody Diagram (7), L is the total length of the tube, is the density of cooling

water and di is the inner diameter of the tube.

. Besides this, minor pressure losses are also observed in the inlet and the outlet header,

in the 180° elbows and due to sudden contraction and expansion of the cooling water. The details

of the pressure loss calculations are available in Hazell’s thesis (3). Given the total volume flow

rate of cooling water, Q, and the pump efficiency, , the total pump power required to pump

the cooling water through the tubes can then be calculated from the total pressure drop as:

2.2.Water‐to‐Water Heat Exchanger

HX1 described above is essentially a bank of tubes placed directly in the existing flue gas

duct. The tubes move up and down through the height of the exchanger with 180° bends at each

end till they reach the other end of the exchanger. In contrast to HX1, the water-to-water heat

exchanger, or HX2, is modeled as a typical shell and tube heat exchanger with two tube passes

and one shell. Cooling water enters HX2 from the top, as illustrated in Figure (3), and Boiler Feed

Water flows inside the tubes such that the two fluids move in a counter cross flow fashion.

Figure 3 - Water-to-Water Heat Exchanger Model

For HX2, we know the inlet and exit temperature of cooling water and the inlet

temperature of boiler feed water. We use the NTU method for calculating the effectiveness of the

heat exchanger. The exit temperature of boiler feed water is then calculated from the heat

exchanger effectiveness. The heat exchanger effectiveness is defined as a function of the number

of transfer units as (10):

where, Cmin and Cmax are the minimum and maximum of the heat capacity of cooling water and

the boiler feed water, and, Ntu is the number of transfer units and is given as:

In the above equation, N is the total number of tubes, U0 is the overall heat transfer coefficient and

Aeff is the effective surface area of each tube. For the ease of calculation, it is assumed the Aeff is

the same as the outer surface area Ao of the tube.

Similar to the thermal resistances in condensing heat exchanger as shown in Figure (2),

the rate of heat transfer equation for the water-to-water heat exchanger can also be represented

as the sum of thermal resistances:

where Rcooling water, Rwall and Rboiler feedwater are the thermal resistance of the cooling water, the

tube wall and the boiler feed water, respectively, and are given as:

1 1

1 1

here, hcw and hbfw are the convective heat transfer coefficient for cooling water and boiler feed

water, ro and ri are the outer and inner radii of the water-to-water heat exchanger tube, and L is the

total length of the tube.

For the calculation of the convective heat transfer coefficients for the cooling water and the

boiler feed water, it is necessary to calculate the Nusselt number first. Nusselt number for the

cooling water can be obtained by using the relation given by Zukauskas (5) for heat transfer

across a tube bank:


where Re is the Reynold’s number, Pr is the Prandtl number, Prs is the surface Prandtl number. It

must be noted here that, although the equation is the same as that used for calculation of

convective heat transfer for flue gas in HX1, but, unlike HX1 all the physical variables are

calculated at the mean of the inlet and exit temperatures of cooling water. Also, Prs is assumed to

be the same as Pr to simplify the calculations. The constants C and m depend on the maximum

Reynold’s number for the cooling water and are obtained graphically from the experimental data

by Zukauskas (5). The maximum velocity in a flow across tube bank occurs between two

successive tubes and is given as:

, ∗

here, Vcw is the velocity of the fluid before it approaches the tube bank, St is the transverse pitch

between the tubes, and do is the tube outer diameter.

The convective heat transfer coefficient for cooling water can be calculated as:

The calculations for heat transfer coefficient for boiler feed water flowing inside the heat

exchanger tubes are similar to those for cooling water for the condensing heat exchanger with

Nusselt number obtained from equation given by Gnielinski (6) as:

⁄8 1000
1 12.7 ⁄8 1

Where f is the friction factor and is calculated from the Moody diagram. All the physical

variables for boiler feed water are calculated at the inlet temperature of boiler feed water since the

exit temperature is unknown.

The convective heat transfer coefficient for boiler feed water can be calculated as:

The effectiveness of a heat exchanger is defined as the ratio of actual heat transfer to the

maximum possible heat transfer and can be represented as:

, ,

, ,

where, Cbfw is the heat capacity rate of boiler feed water and effectiveness is calculated from the

Ntu relationship given above.

The expression can then be rearranged to obtain Tbfw,out as:

∗ , ,
, ,

Similar to the condensing heat exchanger, cooling water and boiler feed water fluid

streams experience pressure drop as they flow through the heat exchanger. The calculation of

these pressure drops is important in estimating the pump power required to circulate the two fluids

through the exchanger. The pressure drop on the shell side or the drop in pressure of the cooling

water as it flows across the tube bank depends on the type of tube arrangement-inline/staggered,

tube spacing, number of rows of tube in the bank, and flow velocity and is given as:



Here, Eu is the Euler’s constant. It depends on the tube transverse and longitudinal pitch

and is obtained from the experimental correlations given by Zukauskas and Ulinskas (11) in the

power law form as:

where, ci depends on the tube geometry and the Reynolds number of flow and is provided in the

table below. Here, a and b are the ratio of Transverse and longitudinal pitch w.r.t. the tube outer

diameter. a=St/do, b=Sl/do.

Table 1 - Coefficients, ci, for calculating Euler’s constant for in-line square banks (11).

a=b Re Range C0 C1 C2 C3 C4

1.25 3-2 X 103 0.272 0.207 X 103 0.102 X 103 0.286 X 103 -
1.25 2 X 103 - 2 X 106 0.267 0.249 X 104 -0.927 X 107 0.10 X 1011 -
1.5 3-2 X 103 0.263 0.867 X 102 -0.202 X 101 - -
3 6 4 8 11
1.5 2 X 10 - 2 X 10 0.235 0.197 X 10 -0.124 X 10 0.312 X 10 -0.274 X 1014
2 7 - 800 0.188 0.566 X 102 -0.646 X 103 0.601 X 104 -0.183 X 105
2 800 - 2 X 106 0.247 -0.595 0.15 -0.137 0.396

The pressure drop on the shell side is directly proportional to the number of baffle plates

provided in the shell. The pressure drop calculated from the above relations is the drop observed

in a heat exchanger without baffles. Therefore, for a heat exchanger shell with Nb number of

baffles the total pressure drop is given by:

∆ , ∆ ∗ 1

The flow losses due to leakage across the baffle plates, as indicated in Figure (4a.), were

neglected. Here the stream B is the main cross flow stream while the streams A, C and E are tube

to baffle hole leakage stream, bundle bypass stream and baffle to shell leakage stream,

respectively. The number of baffle plates, their size and spacing between the plates has not been

optimized at this stage and the pressure loss due to formation of eddies, Refer Figure (4b, 4c), is

also neglected. Also, the losses at the inlet and exit and any other minor losses were neglected.

Figure 4 - Shell Side Leakage Streams and Eddy Formation due to Baffles

The tube side pressure drop for boiler feed water is obtained from Darcy Weisbach

equation (9):



where, ∆ is the pressure loss along the length of the tube, f is the friction factor and can be

obtained from the Moody Diagram (7), L is the total length of the tube, is the density of boiler

feed water and di is the inner diameter of the tube.

Beside the pressure drop along the tube length, some minor pressure losses are observed

in the inlet and outlet manifolds as the fluid suddenly contracts and expands, respectively, and the

pressure drop in the inlet manifold is given as (9):


where, KL is the loss coefficient and for the case of sudden contraction at sharp edges, KL is

usually assumed to be 0.5.

At the outlet header, sudden expansion is observed and the pressure drop can be

calculated as (9):

∆ 1

here, the term 1 is the loss coefficient and depends on the ratio of the area of cross-

section of the tube to the manifold. The minor losses are added to the pressure drop in the tube to

obtain the overall pressure drop for boiler feed water.

Minor losses in the 180° tube bends and any other leakage losses were neglected. The

total addition power required for the pump can then be calculated from the total pressure drop as:

here, Q is the total flow rate of boiler feed water or cooling water and ∆ is the total pressure

drop in the fluid.

2.3. Estimation of Cost

The heat exchangers can be used in variety of configurations. A few of them will be

discussed in detail in Section 5. Each of these configurations has its own set of advantages and

the size of these heat exchangers can quickly grow very large if we try to recover maximum

possible heat or water from the flue gas stream. As such, it becomes necessary to take into

account the economics of the heat exchanger. Heat exchangers have two types of costs

associated with them, the capital cost and the operating cost.

2.3.1. Capital Cost

The capital cost, also referred to as fixed cost, consists of the cost of material and the

manufacturing and installation cost for the shell and the tubes. Since a condensing heat exchanger

is essentially a tube bundle placed in the flue gas duct, this exchanger does not require a shell.

Therefore, the capital cost of condensing heat exchangers is primarily the cost of the tube material

and their production/installation. In studies done on cost estimation of shell and tube heat

exchangers (12), it was observed that with the increase in size of the heat exchangers, the cost of

manufacturing/labor cost remained more than the cost of material even though the cost of material

starts increasing with size while the fabrication costs decreases steadily with increase in size.

The type of tube material used for the tubes also plays a key role. Assuming that the same

technology and labor skills are required to manufacture tubes irrespective of the tube material, the

use of expensive materials like Nickel alloy 22 results in higher material cost than the fabrication

cost. For condensing heat exchangers, Nickel alloy 22 is used as tube material up-to the point

where water starts condensing out to save the tubes from acid corrosion and stainless steel

SS304 is used thereafter. The choice of materials is based on the detailed study done by Hazell

(3). Hazell also obtained quotations from suppliers of stainless steel and Nickel alloy 22 tubes.

Assuming negligible hike in the pricing since his study, the same pricing of $14.89/ft for

manufacturing and installation cost for both SS304 and nickel alloy 22 tubes of 2” diameter NPS

and 0.195” thickness has been used. The cost of material was assumed to be $10.69/ft for SS304

tubes and $110.71/ft for Nickel alloy 22 tubes of 2” diameter NPS and 0.195” thickness.

Assuming the life expectancy of 20 years for the heat exchanger, over which a loan would

be raised to build the heat exchanger, and an annual rate of interest of 5% be levied on the loan, a

monthly payment factor was calculated using the equation (13):

1 1

where, PF is the monthly payment factor, i is the monthly rate of interest and n is the period of loan

in months. The annual fixed cost of the heat exchanger can then be calculated from the total fixed

cost as:

12 ∗ ∗

where, AFC is the annual fixed cost and TIF is the taxes and insurance factor and has been

assumed to be 0.015 in this study.

Unlike the condensing heat exchanger, for the water-to-water heat exchanger, we will

need a shell and the tube material has been assumed to be Seamless Low alloy 213 T11 for

higher thermal conductivity. The cost analysis for the shell and the tubing has not been done at

this stage.

2.3.2. Operating Cost

The operating cost is the annual expenses that would be observed upon bringing the heat

exchanger into operation. As explained in Section 2.1 and Section 2.2 of this report, there is

pressure drop observed in both the streams on either side of the tubes. To assist flow, pumps are

employed to run the cooling water through the tubes and additional power is required by the ID fan

to blow the flue gas out into the stack. The additional power requirements can be calculated from

the pressure drop (also explained in above sections). Assuming that the heat exchanger will

remain in service for 7000 hours per year and the cost of electricity is $60/MWhr, the annual

operating cost is given as:

∗ ∗ $60

Here, AOC is the Annual Operating Cost and Power is the total power required to operate

the heat exchanger.

3. Effects of Operating Conditions

The use of boiler feed water instead of a secondary cooling water loop comes with an

added advantage. Not only is it possible to recover water from the flue gas stream but the heat

absorbed from the flue gas can be used to improve the unit heat rate. In a previous study by

Hazell (3), the impacts of varying mass flow rate ratio of cooling water and flue gas and the cooling

water inlet temperature were studied. These results show that the size of the exchanger increases

rapidly for higher heat transfer rates.

The mass flow rate of boiler feed water is typically less than that of flue gas. In other parts

of this study, the ratio of the mass flow rate of boiler feed water and flue gas was assumed to be

constant at 0.443. But, in a study conducted by Jonas (14), it was shown that the mass flow rate of

boiler feed water is proportional to the targeted temperature of the boiler feed water as it exits the

heat exchanger.

For the 600MW power plant analyzed here, the temperature of boiler feedwater flowing

from the condenser hot well is at a temperature of 87°F, as obtained from the supercritical steam

cycle used by Jonas (15) provided in Appendix‐A Figure (A.1), and, the temperature of feed water

is raised to ~500°F before it enters the economizer. The boiler feed water is passed through a

series of feed water heaters where it is heated using steam extracted from various stages of the

turbine. As a result of using the condensing heat exchanger to preheat the feed water, the duty on

the feed water heaters is reduced. As a result, steam, which would have otherwise been extracted

for the heaters, now passes through the turbine and adds to the total turbine power output. If more

steam passes through the LP turbine into the condenser, the boiler feed water flow rate will

increase accordingly.

Jonas developed an ASPEN model to determine the relationship between turbine cycle

heat rate, change in net power output and mass flow rate of boiler feed water with respect to the

temperature of the boiler feed water at the exit of the condensing heat exchangers. See Figure (5),

Figure (6) and Figure (7) below.

Power Increase
Change in Gross Unit Power (MW)


80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220
Boiler Feedwater Outlet Temperature (°F)

Figure 5 - Change in Gross Unit Power output with Boiler Feed Water Temperature at exit of Heat
Exchanger (14)

Change in Cycle Heat Rate


Change in Cycle Heat Rate




80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220
Boiler Feedwater Outlet Temperature (°F)

Figure 6 - Change in Cycle Heat Rate with Boiler Feed Water Temperature at exit of Heat Exchanger

BFW Flow Rate

Boiler Feedwater flow rate ( million lb/hr) 3.05








80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220
Boiler Feedwater Outlet Temperature (°F)

Figure 7 - Change in Boiler Feed Water Flow Rate with Boiler Feed Water Temperature at exit of Heat

From the Figures (5) and (6), it is clear that with the increase in temperature of boiler

feedwater at the exit of the heat exchanger, the change in net power increases steadily and the

heat rate improves. Further in Figure (5), we can identify two knee points on the curve at 150°F

and 190°F at which the slope of the curve increases slightly indicating higher change in net power

for the same increase in boiler feedwater exit temperature. This can be explained by looking at the

supercritical cycle used by Jonas (14), refer Appendix A Figure A.1, which indicates that at a

temperature of 153°F, the FWH1 can be completely taken off and similarly FWH2 can be

completely taken off at feedwater temperature of 193°F. Also, from Figure (7), it is observed that

the curve for mass flow rate of boiler feedwater with respect to feedwater temperature is a straight

line indicating that the mass flow rate of boiler feed water is directly proportional to the feedwater

exit temperature.

Unless stated otherwise, the above observations were taken into account in this study and

the feed water flow rate was changed with respect to the temperature of feed water coming out of

the condensing heat exchanger.

4. Effect of Tube Diameter on Performance and Cost

The choice of tube diameter is an important issue. The Reynold’s number of the flow is

inversely proportional to tube diameter and the pressure drop observed as the fluid passes though

the tube or the across the tube bank is directly proportional to the tube inner and outer diameter,

respectively. For the condensing flue gas heat exchanger, the density of flue gas is much lower

than the cooling water circulating inside the tubes. As a result, the pressure drop observed in flue

gas stream is much less than in cooling water. Analyses were performed to determine how the

increase in tube diameter would influence the total heat transferred to the cooling water from flue

gas and also the cost impact of it.

A set of simulations were run for different tube diameters and for various ratios of mass

flow rate of cooling water and flue gas. In each case it was assumed that the tubes will have

standard dimensions as per ASME B36.19 and the tube thickness will match Schedule 40S.

Through a series of experiments, Zukauskas (5) established that the heat transfer in bank

of tubes depends on the tube spacing parameters defined as:


where, St and Sl are the transverse and longitudinal pitch, respectively. The possible range of ‘a’

and ‘b’ is obtained from empirical formulas as:

1.20 2.70 & 1.25 2.60

Since the diameter of the tube is varied for different simulations, the tube wall thickness

was also varied. Further, the cross-sectional dimensions of the duct were kept constant at 40’ X

40’. As a result, the number of rows and columns for a given length of the duct also changed. The

transverse pitch (St) was kept constant at 6.17” while the values of ‘b’ were kept at minimum in the

above range and the longitudinal pitch (Sl) was calculated for each tube diameter. Refer to the

Tables below for details of the fixed and variable process conditions and heat exchanger


Table 2 - Fixed Process Conditions for studying the impact of Tube Diameter

Fixed Inlet Conditions

Mfg (lbm/hr) Tfg (°F) Tbfw (°F) yH2O (%)
6.31E+06 135 87 17.4

Table 3 - Fixed Heat Exchanger Geometry for studying the impact of Tube Diameter

Fixed Heat Exchanger Geometry

Tube Wall
St (in) Sl (in) Duct Depth (ft) Duct Height (ft)
Schedule 40S 6.17 1.25 X Tube OD 40 40

Table 4 - Variable Parameters for studying the impact of Tube Diameter

Variable Parameter
Duct Length Tube Diameter
Flow Ratio
(ft) NPS (in)
5 0.443 2
7 1 2.5
10 1.5 3
12 3.5

For the mass flow rate ratio of 0.443, the tube diameter was not increased, as increasing

the tube diameter beyond 2” NPS resulted in a decrease in Reynold’s number with the flow

becoming laminar, which is undesirable. But, still it was interesting to compare the results from

exchangers with larger diameter tubes and higher flow ratio with those for flow ratio of 0.443 and

tube diameter 2” NPS.

Total Hea
at Transfer Rate vs. Length
L of Heat
H Excha

Total Heat Transfer (million BTU/Hr) 350



3 dia=2in
flow=1.0 diia=2in
flow=1.0 diia=2.5in
150 flow=1.0 diia=3in
flow=1.0 diia=3.5in
100 flow=1.5 diia=2in
flow=1.5 diia=2.5in
50 flow=1.5 diia=3in
flow=1.5 diia=3.5in
0 5 10 15 20
0 25
5 3
gth of Heat Exchanger
E (ft

e 8 - Impact off Tube Diamete
er on Total He
eat Transfer

Rate of Condensation vs. Le

ength of He
eat Exchan

Rate of condensation (10^3 lb/Hr)


0.443 dia=2in
1.0 dia=2in
150 flow=1
1.0 dia=2.5in
1.0 dia=3in
100 flow=1
1.0 dia=3.5in
1.5 dia=2in
1.5 dia=2.5in
1.5 dia=3in
1.5 dia=3.5
0 5 10 15
5 20 2
25 30
ngth of Heat Exchanger (fft)

Figure 9 - Impact of Tube

T Diameterr on Rate of Condensation

Tcw out vs
s. Length of
o Heat Exc



Tcw out(F)

=0.443 dia=2inn
=1.0 dia=2in
110 flow=
=1.0 dia=2.5in
=1.0 dia=3 in
105 flow=
=1.0 dia=3.5in
=1.5 dia=2in
=1.5 dia=2.5in
95 flow=
=1.5 dia=3in
=1.5 dia=3.5in
0 5 10 15
5 20 2
25 30
ngth of Heat Exchanger (ft)

Figure 10 - Impact of Tube Diameter on

o Cooling Wa
ater Temperatture at exit of Heat
H Exchang

Total A
Annual Co
ost vs. Leng
gth of Hea
at Exchang
443 dia=2in
9 flow=1.0
0 dia=2in
0 dia=2.5in
Total Annual Cost (million $)

0 dia=3in
7 flow=1.0
0 dia=3.5in
5 dia=2in
5 dia=2.5in
5 flow=1.5
5 dia=3in
5 dia=3.5in

0 5 10 15
5 20 2
25 30
ngth of Heat Exchanger (fft)

gure 11 - Impa
act of Tube Diameter on Tottal Annual Cost of Heat Exc

From the
t Figures (8
8), (9), and (1
10), it is evide
ent that for a given flow ra
ate ratio and size of

he heat exch e total heat transfer rate, rate of con
hanger (Duct Length), the ndensation and the

temperature of the cooling water at the exit of the heat exchanger remain nearly the same with

increase in tube diameter. The reason for this observation is that the overall surface area of the

tubes for each diameter is nearly the same. Even though the number of tubes decreases due to

the fixed cross-section of the duct, the likely reduction in surface area is compensated by the

increase in diameter of the tubes. But, from Figure (11), it can be observed that the total annual

cost is greatly reduced for a given mass flow rate with the increase in tube diameter. This

observation can be attributed to the reduction in pressure drop in the cooling water, as it passes

through the heat exchanger tubes, with increase in tube diameter.

The total annual cost of the heat exchanger comprises of fixed cost and annual operating

cost as explained in Section 2.3. The details of the annual operating costs and total fixed costs as

well as the pressure drop in flue gas and cooling water streams are available in Tables (5) and (6)

below, respectively. It must be noted that the Tables (5) and (6) are provided only for heat

exchangers of Duct Length 20ft as from the above figures it is reasonable to assume that the

curves for rate of condensation, total heat transfer and Temperature of cooling water at the exit of

heat exchanger become nearly flat.

Table 5 - Impact of Tube Diameter on Pressure Drop for 20ft Heat Exchanger Length

Cooling Water to Flue Gas Mass Flow Rate Ratio = 1.0

Tube Diameter Cooling Flue Gas ID Fan Cooling Water Total
(NPS) Water ∆p ∆p Power Pump Power Power
(in) (psi) (psi) KW KW KW
2 696.897 0.046 25.21 4774.40 4799.61
2.5 203.078 0.057 34.72 1391.28 1425.99
3 66.201 0.081 55.25 453.54 508.79
3.5 36.173 0.117 86.18 247.82 334.01

Cooling Water to Flue Gas Mass Flow Rate Ratio = 1.5

Tube Diameter Cooling Flue Gas ID Fan Cooling Water Total
(NPS) Water ∆p ∆p Power Pump Power Power
(in) (psi) (psi) KW KW KW
2 1540.297 0.045 24.32 15828.74 15853.06
2.5 447.017 0.056 33.48 4593.74 4627.22
3 145.504 0.079 53.35 1495.26 1548.61
3.5 79.671 0.114 82.81 818.73 901.54

Table 6 - Impact of Tu
ube Diameter on Total Annu
ual Cost for 20
0ft Heat Excha
anger Length

ng Water to Flue
F Gas Mas
ss Flow Rate
e Ratio = 1.0
Tube Diamete
T er Total Annual Annua al To
Cond. Rate Total HT
(NPS) Capital Co
ost Fixed Cosst Operating Cost Annua
al Cost
(in) [10^3 lb/hr]] [10^6 BTU/h
hr] $ million $ million $ millio
on $ milllion
2 240.34 272.29 5.98 0.56 2.02 2.5
2.5 236.10 267.40 4.9 0.46 0.6 1.0
3 235.98 266.38 3.98 0.38 0.21 0.5
3.5 235.50 265.41 3.52 0.33 0.14 0.4

ng Water to Flue
F Gas Mas
ss Flow Rate
e Ratio = 1.5
Tube Diamete
T er Total Annual Annua al To
Cond. Rate Total HT
(NPS) Capital Co
ost Fixed Cosst Operating Cost Annua
al Cost
(in) [10^3 lb/hr]] [10^6 BTU/h
hr] $ million $ million $ millio
on $ milllion
2 291.31 331.55 5.98 0.56 6.66 7.2
2.5 287.49 327.22 4.9 0.46 1.94 2.4
3 286.58 326.21 3.98 0.38 0.65 1.0
3.5 291.00 330.79 3.52 0.33 0.38 0.7

From the
t above tab
bles, assumin
ng a 20ft long heat exchang
ger, the total power require
ed and

he total annual cost were plotted for different
d ass flow rate ratios.
tube diameters att different ma

Refer Figure (1
12) and Figurre (13) below..

Power Req
16 dia=2.5
Total Power Required (in MW)

14 dia=3in


0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7
ooling Waterr to Flue Gas Mass Flow Rate
R Ratio

e 12 - Impact of
o Diameter on
n Power Requirements for 20ft
2 long Heat Exchanger

otal Annual Cost
7 dia=2..5in
Total Annual Cost (million $)


0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7
Cooling Water to Flue Gas Mass flow Rate
R Ratio

ure 13 - Impactt of Diameter on
o Total Annu
ual cost for 20
0ft long Heat Exchanger

ming that the pricing of tub
be per lbm is same for diffe
erent diamete
er tubes conssidered

ere, it is obse e (6) that the fixed cost de
erved in Table ecreases with
h increase in tube diamete
er. This

an be attributted to lesser material requirement for larger diameter tubes kee

ca eping same surface

arrea. Further, it is also ob

bserved that the total pow
wer consume
ed by the syystem reduce
es with

ncrease in dia
ameter of tube
es due to reduction in overrall pressure drop. Thus, the total annu
ual cost

h the heat exchanger also decreases as can be seen in Figure (13).

asssociated with

5. Heat Exchanger Arrangements

Flue gas entering the condensing heat exchanger can be cooled down using air or water.

A detailed study on condensing water from flue gas using air is described by Kessen in his

dissertation (15). The present study concentrates on water cooled condensing heat exchangers

with flue gas flowing outside the exchanger tubes and water flowing inside the tubes. For the

cooling water, we have the option of using boiler feedwater from the steam circuit or cooling water

from another external source. For the 600 MW unit described here, the boiler feedwater extracted

before the first feedwater heater is at a temperature of nearly 87°F. The use of boiler feedwater

serves in recovering water from the flue gas and also improves the power plant heat rate by using

the recovered heat to preheat boiler feedwater. If a separate source of cooling water is used, the

condensed flue gas moisture can be routed through the cooling tower. As a third possibility, a

combination of boiler feed water and cooling water can be used such that the cooling water flows

through the tubes of the condensing heat exchanger and then transfers the heat absorbed from

the flue gas to the boiler feedwater in a separate shell and tube heat exchanger. The details of

these models are provided in the subsequent sections.

For all the models discussed, the inlet conditions of flue gas were based on a 600MW

conventional coal-fired power plant unit burning PRB coal with flue gas flow rate of 6.3 million lb/hr

after the ESP. If the system has a wet FGD unit, the flue gas will be saturated with water, thus

increasing the mass flow rate to 6.716 million lb/hr. The increased mass flow rate of flue gas for a

system with FGD has been taken into account in all heat exchanger arrangements discussed in

this study, unless otherwise noted. Further details of the process conditions are provided in

subsequent sections.

5.1.Heat Exchanger placed Upstream of Wet FGD, Flue gas at 303°F

It is not an uncommon practice for power plants to use a low sulfur coal and avoid

altogether wet FGD unit while still abiding by the emission limits issued by EPA. For a coal fired

power plant, flue gas after the ESP is usually at temperatures close to 300°F. The mass flow rate

of flue gas is around 6.3 million lb/hr with a moisture content of roughly 12%. The heat exchangers

placed in flue gas stream, upstream of the wet FGD unit, are exposed to corrosive environment

due to the presence of H2SO4 in flue gas. As a result, it becomes necessary to use corrosion

resistant Nickel alloy 22 material for the heat exchanger tubes until the tube wall temperature

reaches below the dew point temperature of moisture in the gas stream. The choice of material

and its impact on cost and total heat transfer were studied in detail by Hazell (3). Hazell also

discussed the effect of temperature of cooling water at the inlet of the heat exchanger and the

effect of ratio of mass flow rate of cooling water to flue gas on rate of condensation, total heat

transfer and the total annual cost associated with the system. In this study, we looked at the

impact of using high temperature boiler feed water coming out of different feed water heaters by

assuming that the heat exchanger is placed before low pressure feedwater heater 1,2 or 3.

The temperature and flow rate ratio of boiler feedwater to flue gas depends on where, in

the steam circuit, the feed water is extracted from and how much heat is intended to be recovered

from the flue gas as explained in Section 3. Different process conditions were analyzed based on

mass flow rate of boiler feedwater as obtained from Jonas’ ASPEN model (14).

For these analyses of heat exchangers upstream of the FGD unit, pipe size was kept

constant at 2” diameter and tube wall thickness of 0.195” was assumed. Larger diameter, which

was identified as advantageous in Section 4, was not used for tubes in these analyses since the

effects of tube ID were investigated only for heat exchangers downstream of the FGD unit. The

tube spacing of St = 6.17” and Sl = 2.97” were used based on the optimization analysis done by

Hazell (3). The fixed process conditions and heat exchanger geometry are summarized in Table

(7) and Table (8), respectively. The variable parameters are provided in Table (9).

Table 7 - Fixed Process Conditions for Heat Exchanger Placed Upstream of Wet FGD

Inlet Conditions
Mfg (lb/hr) yH2O (%) Tfg (°F)
6.31E+06 11.6 303

Table 8 - Fixed Heat Exchanger Geometry for Heat Exchanger Placed Upstream of Wet FGD

Fixed Heat Exchanger Geometry

Tube Diameter Tube Wall
St (in) Sl (in) Duct Depth (ft) Duct Height (ft)
NPS (in) Thickness (in)
2 0.195 6.17 2.97 40 40

Table 9 - Various Process Conditions for Heat Exchanger Placed Upstream of Wet FGD

Variable Process Conditions

BFW Inlet
Sub-Case Flow ratio
Temp (°F)
A 98 0.462
B 87 0.437
C 87 0.45
D&E 152 0.503
F 194 0.503

Six different subcases were studied. Each case had a distinct inlet temperature of boiler

feedwater and boiler feedwater to flue gas mass flow rate ratio. A summary of the input

parameters of these subcases is provided in Table (9) above. It must be noted here that case ‘D’

and ‘E’ have same inlet process conditions but they have different target temperature of boiler

feedwater at the exit of heat exchanger which can be attained by increasing the heat exchanger

duct length, or equivalently, the surface area. The detailed process conditions of each case are

provided in Appendix-A Table (A.1). For these subcases, trends for rate of condensation, the

temperature of boiler feedwater at the exit of the heat exchanger and the total annual cost are

analyzed for different heat exchanger lengths are provided below in Figure (14), Figure (15) and

Figure (16), respectively.

ensation Effficiency vs.. Length of Heat Excha


ti Effi i


Tbfw=87, flow ratio 0.437
C d

Tbfw=87, flow ratio 0.45
2 T
Tbfw=98, flow ratio 0.462
Tbfw=152, flow
w ratio 0.503
Tbfw=194, flow
w ratio 0.503
5 10 15 20 25 3
Length of Heat Ex
xchanger (ft))

Figure 14 - Im
mpact of using
g high temperrature BFW on
n Condensatio
on Efficiency of
o Heat Exchanger
ed Upstream of
o Wet FGD

xit Tempera
ature vs. Length
L of Heat
H Excha


Temperature (°F)



160 Tbfw=87, flow

w ratio 0.437
Tbfw=87, flow
w ratio 0.45
Tbfw=98, flow
w ratio 0.462
Tbfw=152, flo
ow ratio 0.503
Tbfw=194, flo
ow ratio 0.503
5 10
0 15 20 25 3
gth of Heat Exchanger
E (ftt)

Figure 15 - Im
mpact of high temperature BFW
B on tempeerature of BFW
W at the exit of
o Heat Exchan
ed Upstream of
o Wet FGD

Total Annual Co
ost vs. Len
ngth of Hea
at Exchang

Total Annual Cost (million $) 4.00




Tbfw=87, flow
w ratio 0.437
1.50 Tbfw=87, flow
w ratio 0.45
Tbfw=98, flow
w ratio 0.462
Tbfw=152, flo
ow ratio 0.503
0.50 Tbfw=194, flo
ow ratio 0.503

5 1
10 15 20 25 30
ngth of Heat Exchanger (fft)

Figure 16 - Impact of hig

gh Temperature BFW on Tootal Annual Co
ost of Heat Exchanger Place
Upstream of Wet

From the
t above plo
ots, it can be
e observed th
hat for a give
en length of th
he heat exch

ondensation efficiency
e deccreases with increase in temperature of water at the inlet of
o boiler feedw

eat exchange
er and for the
e boiler feedw o 152°F and 192°F, there
water inlet temperatures of e is no

ondensation observed at all. g a 20ft long heat exchanger, the temp
a Assuming perature profiles for

hese subcase ed below in Figures (17 a-e
es are provide e) below:

perature Pro
ofile Subcasse A Tempe
erature Profiile Subcase B
HX Lengthh = 20.5 ft HX Length = 10 ft
350 350
Tfgg Tfg
300 Tddew 300 Tdeww
Tccw Tcw

( )
250 Twwall 250 Twall


200 200

150 150

100 100

50 50

0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 2
20 40 60 80 100
L of Ex
xchanger (%)) Le
ength of Exchanger (%)

17(a) - Tbfw
w_in = 98°F 17(b) - Tbfw_in
n = 87°F

perature Pro
ofile Subcas
se C Tempe
erature Proffile Subcase
HX Length = 4 ft HX Lengthh = 22 ft
350 350
Tffg Tfgg
300 Tddew 300 Tddew
Tccw Tccw
Temperature (°F)

( )

Twwall Twwall
250 250

200 200

150 150

100 100

50 50

0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 2
20 40 60 80 100
L of Ex
xchanger (%) Le
ength of Exch
hanger (%)

w_in = 87°F
17(c) - Tbfw 17(d) - Tbfw_in
n = 152°F

mperature Prrofile Subcas
se F
HX Length = 12 ft
300 Tcw






0 20 40 60 80 100
L of Exchanger (%)

17(e) - Tbfw
w_in = 194°F

Figure 17 - Temperature
e Profiles for subcases
s with
h variable BFW
W inlet temperratures for heat
exchannger upstream
m of wet FGD

From the
t above plo
ots of temperrature profiless, it is eviden
nt that the po
oint of conden

moves further down the le
ength of the heat
h exchang e in temperature of
ger duct with the increase

oiler feedwatter at the inlet of the heat exchanger resulting in

bo n lower condensation efficciency.

ment of condensation poin

Further, movem nt away from the upstream
m end of the heat
h exchange
er also

means that the
e length of tu om Nickel alloy 22 material will increasse to ensure higher
ubes made fro

co stance which results in an increase in to

orrosion resis ost of the heatt exchanger, as can
otal annual co

e seen in Figu
ure (16).

er, the resultss obtained fro
om Jonas (14) indicate tha
at the flow ratte ratio depen
nds on

th xit temperature of the boiler feedwa

he target ex ater. Simulations were ru
un to design
n heat

exxchangers to edwater exit temperaturess for ratios off mass flow rate of
o obtain speccific boiler fee

oiler feedwate
er to flue gas as provided in Appendix‐A
A Table (A.1). Results from
m the simulatio
ons for

hese exchang
gers are given
n below in Tab
ble (10).

Table 10 - Simulation results for the sub-cases A-F for Heat Exchanger placed upstream of the Wet
FGD Unit

Sub- Sub- Sub- Sub- Sub- Sub-

Case A Case B Case C Case D Case E Case F
Length of
ft 20.5 10 4 22 7.5 12
m° FG [10^6 lb/hr] 6.309 6.309 6.309 6.309 6.309 6.309
m° BFW [10^6 lb/hr] 2.914 2.839 2.757 3.173 3.173 3.173
Ratio BFW/FG 0.462 0.45 0.437 0.503 0.503 0.503
% length
Cond. from
79.01 60.38 21.18 100.00 100.00 100.00
Point upstream
end of HX
lb/hr 20892.34 27029.65 18965.83 0.00 0.00 0.00
% 4.67 6.04 4.24 0.00 0.00 0.00
Tfg in (°F) 303 303 303 303 303 303
Tfg out (°F) 182.09 221.71 265.53 206.24 254.55 253.68
Tbfw In (°F) 97.66 86.89 87.36 152.00 151.97 194.02
Tbfw Out (°F) 177.22 146.89 118.46 205.14 178.86 221.23
BFW ∆p (psi) 159.40 74.21 27.93 199.63 67.68 108.62
FG ∆p (psi) 0.058 0.029 0.011 0.064 0.022 0.035
Installed $ Million 25.08 9.79 1.96 32.37 10.54 17.32
Power kW 540.55 247.58 91.25 729.04 248.20 398.84
Operating $ Million 0.23 0.10 0.04 0.31 0.10 0.17
Annual $ Million 2.59 1.03 0.22 3.36 1.10 1.80

From the above table, it was observed that the total annual cost associated with heat

exchangers placed before the FWH1 were lowest. It was also apparent that, for boiler feedwater at

a given temperature at the inlet of the heat exchanger, the total annual cost depends on the

temperature to which boiler feedwater is heated in the heat exchanger. In order to identify the most

appropriate target temperature to which boiler feedwater should be heated in the condensing heat

exchangers, four more heat exchangers with duct length 20ft, 15ft, 7ft and 3ft, and, process

conditions similar to those for the heat exchangers placed before the FWH1, detailed in Table (10)

above, were simulated. More detailed process conditions for these additional sub-cases numbered

1-4, as obtained from Jonas (14) are provided in Appendix-A Table (A.2). The results from these

subcases including the ones with least total annual cost are provided in Table (11).

Table 11 - Simulation results for the sub-cases 1 – 4 for Heat Exchanger placed upstream of the Wet
FGD Unit

Sub- Sub- Sub- Sub- Sub- Sub-

Case 1 Case 2 Case B Case 3 Case C Case 4
Length of
ft 20 15 10 7 4 3
m° FG [10^6 lb/hr] 6.309 6.309 6.309 6.309 6.309 6.309
m° BFW [10^6 lb/hr] 2.922 2.894 2.839 2.801 2.757 2.732
Ratio BFW/FG 0.463 0.459 0.45 0.44 0.437 0.433
lb/hr 36595.46 31677.44 27029.65 21954.34 18965.83 18313.9
% length
Cond. from
73.27 69.62 60.38 51.45 21.18 0.75
Point upstream
end of HX
% 8.18 7.08 6.04 4.91 4.24 4.09
Tfg in (°F) 303 303 303 303 303 303
Tfg out (°F) 181.02 198.43 221.71 240.97 265.53 275.28
Tbfw In (°F) 87.03 86.59 86.89 87.70 87.36 86.88
Tbfw Out (°F) 175.09 164.64 146.89 135.47 118.46 111.53
BFW ∆p (psi) 148.16 105.12 74.21 49.08 27.93 20.84
FG ∆p (psi) 0.056 0.043 0.029 0.020 0.011 0.008
Installed $ Million 23.11 16.55 9.79 6.00 1.96 0.79
Power kW 491.74 341.89 247.58 160.37 91.25 67.95
Operating $ Million 0.21 0.14 0.10 0.07 0.04 0.03
Annual $ Million 2.38 1.70 1.03 0.63 0.22 0.10

From the
t above sim
mulation resu
ults, it is obse
erved that the
e cost of matterial plays a major

ole in variatio
on of the totall annual cost. The temperrature distribu
ution for each
h heat exchan
nger is

prrovided in Fig
gure (18 a-d), respectively..

Temperature Pro
ofile Subcas
se 1 Tempe
erature Profiile Subcase 2
HX Lengtth = 20 ft HX Length = 15 ft
350 350
w Tcw
300 Tfg
g 300 Tfg
Tdew Tde

( )
250 Tw
wall 250 Twaall

200 200

150 150

100 100

50 50

0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 2
20 40 60 80 100
Length of Ex
xchanger (%)) Le
ength of Exchanger (%)

18(a) 18(b)

erature Profiile Subcase 3 Tempe
erature Profile Subcase 4
HX Lengthh = 7 ft HX Lengthh = 3 ft
350 Tcw 350
300 Tdew 300
( )

250 250 Tcw


200 200

150 150

100 100

50 50

0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 2
20 40 60 80 100
Length of Ex
xchanger (%)) Le
ength of Exc
changer (%)

18(c) 18(d)

ure 18 - Tempe
erature Profile
es for Subcase
es 1-4, Model 1, System without FGD

From the Table (11), it can be noticed that the total len
ngth of the he
eat exchange
er duct

educes with decrease
d in te
emperature of
o boiler feedw
water at the exit
e of the heat exchangerr. Also,

he point of co
ondensation moves
m closer to the beginn
ning of the he
eat exchange
er. This reducces the

quantity of expensive Nickel alloy 22 material for tubes. The overall Cost-benefit analysis for these

sub-cases was done by Jonas (14) as illustrated in Figure (19) and Figure (20) below.

Cost-Benefit Analysis
Total Costs
2.5 Total Benefit
Benefit minus Cost
Savings (million $)




80.0 100.0 120.0 140.0 160.0 180.0
BFW Temperature at Exit of Heat Exchanger (°F)

Figure 19 - Cost Benefit Analysis of Heat Exchanger placed before Wet FGD and Boiler Feedwater
extracted before FWH1 (14)

Change in Net Power (kW)

Changine in Net Power (MW)






80.0 100.0 120.0 140.0 160.0 180.0
BFW Temperature at Exit of Heat Exchanger (°F)

Figure 20 - Change in Net Power for Heat Exchanger placed before Wet FGD and Boiler Feedwater
extracted before FWH1 (14)

From the Figure (19), it can be inferred that the total profits associated with heat

exchangers increases steadily with increase in the temperature of boiler feedwater at the exit

reaching a maximum at approx. 135° F and then declines.

5.2.Heat Exchanger placed Downstream of Wet FGD, Flue Gas at 135°F

Wet FGD units are used after the ESP to remove SO2 from the flue gas stream. The flue

gas stream coming out of the FGD is at a temperature of approximately 135°F and is saturated

with water, i.e., the mole fraction of water vapor is 17.4%. For a 600MW plant, the mass flow rate

of flue gas leaving the wet FGD was assumed to be around 6.3 million lb/hr,

The impact of increase in the ratio of mass flow rate of cooling water to flue gas as well as

the temperature of the cooling water at the inlet of the heat exchanger on rate of condensation and

the rate of heat transfer were studied by Hazell (3). In this study, we looked at the impact of

changing the transverse pitch between the tubes.

Although the ratio of mass flow rate boiler feedwater to flue gas is typically in the range of

0.4 - 0.5, for these analyses it was assumed to be 1.5 with cooling water entering the heat

exchanger at a temperature of 87°F. The tubes were assumed to be 2” diameter NPS with wall

thickness of 0.195”. The fixed process conditions and heat exchanger geometry for this analysis

are summarized in Table (12) and Table (13), respectively. The variable parameters are provided

in Table (14) below. It must be noted here that there is only a relatively small window of

opportunity to recover heat from the flue gas, since the flue gas is at a temperature of 135°F as

compared to 300°F upstream of FGD unit.

Table 12 - Fixed Process Conditions for Heat Exchanger placed Downstream of Wet FGD

Inlet Conditions
Mfg (lbm/hr) Mbfw (lbm/hr) yH2O (%) Tfg (°F) Tbfw (°F)
6.31E+06 9.46E+06 17.4 135 87

Table 13 - Fixed
F Heat Exc
changer Geom
metry for Heat Exchanger pllaced Downstrream of Wet FGD

Fixed Heaat Exchangerr Geometry

Tube Diameter Tube Wa all Duct Deepth Ductt Height
Sl (in
NPPS (in) Thickness (in) (ft) (ft)
2 0.195 2.977 40 40

e 14 - Variable
e Parameter fo
or Heat Exchanger placed Downstream
D of Wet FGD

ariable Param
ansverse Pitcch St (in)

While choosing the

e values of Transverse Pittch as mentio
oned in Table
e (14), it wass made

ure that the tu
ube spacing parameter
p ‘a’ as determine
ed by Zukausskas (5) , give
en by, , is

within the spec o values established empirrically as 1.20
cified range of 0 2.7

The co
ondensation efficiency, temperature off cooling wate
er at the exitt of heat exch

nd the total annual cost were analyzzed for differe

an ent heat exchanger lengtths as illustra
ated in

Figure (21), Fig

gure (22) and
d Figure (23) below:

n Efficiency
y vs. Duct Length


Condensation Efficiency




St = 4.88in
10 St = 5.14in
St = 6.17in

0 5 10 15 20
Length of Heat Exchanger
E (fft)

Figure 21 - Impact of Tra

ansverse Pitch on Condenssation Efficien
ncy of Heat Ex
xchanger place
Dowwnstream of Wet

g Water Exit Tempera
ature vs. Duct Length



Temperature (°F)




90 Stt = 4.88in
Stt = 5.14in
85 Stt = 6.17in

0 5 10
0 15 20
ngth of Heat Exchanger (ft)

Figure 22 - Imp
pact of Transverse Pitch on Temperature of Cooling Water at the Exiit of Heat Exch
placed Downstream of Wet FGD

Total Annu
ual Cost vs
s. Duct Len
Total Annual Cost ( million $)




Stt = 4.88in
0.50 Stt = 5.14in
Stt = 6.17in

0 5 10
0 15 20
ength of Heatt Exchanger (ft)

Figure 23 - Imp verse Pitch on Total Annual cost of Heat Exchanger

pact of Transv E pla
aced Downstrream of

From the Figure (21) and (22), it can be noticed that the rate of condensation and the

temperature of cooling water at the exit of the heat exchanger increase with decrease in

transverse pitch. This can be attributed to the increase in total surface area of the tubes as the

total number of tubes in the bank increases, for a given size duct, due to reduction in the spacing

between the tubes. This also means that the total cost of material and the manufacturing and

installation cost will increase. Further, due to a more packed geometry for lower transverse pitch,

there is some increase in the pressure drop in flue gas stream. But, due to the increase in number

of tubes, the total mass flow rate of cooling water per tube is reduced, resulting in decrease in

pressure drop on cooling water side. This decrease in pressure drop for cooling water dominates

the annual operating cost, thus bringing the total annual cost down, as can be seen in the Figure


5.3.Precooled Flue Gas using Water Spray, Flue Gas at 155°F

Flue gas always contains some mole fractions of SO2 and SO3. Although SO3 reacts with

moisture in flue gas to form vapors of sulfuric acid and condenses out with moisture in flue gas,

FGD unit are required to remove SO2. In this section, we analyzed the impact of spraying low

temperature water in the flue gas stream to precool it to a temperature of 155°F on condensation

efficiency and total annual cost in comparison to that of a heat exchanger placed upstream or

downstream of a wet FGD without spraying.

For a 600MW plant, the mass flow rate of flue gas increases from 6.31 million lb/hr to 6.54

million lb/hr as a result of spraying additional water into the gas stream and the mole fraction of

water vapor in flue gas increased from 11.6% to 16.4%. The mass flow rate of feedwater was 2.83

million lb/hr for this model resulting in a flue gas to feedwater mass flow rate ratio of 0.443. It was

assumed that the mass flow rate of feedwater remains constant for all heat exchanger geometries

analyzed, irrespective of the temperature of boiler feedwater at the exit of the heat exchanger. The

tubes were assumed to be 2” diameter NPS with wall thickness of 0.195”. The fixed process

conditions and heat exchanger geometry for this configuration are summarized in Table (15) and

Table (16), respectively. The variable parameters are provided in Table (17). The detailed process

conditions as obtained from Jonas (14) are provided in Appendix-A Table (A.3).

Table 15 - Fixed Process Conditions for Precooled Flue Gas using Water Spray

Inlet Conditions
Mfg (lbm/hr) Mbfw (lbm/hr) yH2O (%) Tfg (°F) Tbfw (°F)
6.54E+06 2.839E+06 16.4 155 87

Table 16 - Fixed Heat Exchanger Geometry for Precooled Flue Gas using Water Spray

Fixed Heat Exchanger Geometry

Tube Diameter Tube Wall Duct Depth Duct Height
St (in) Sl (in)
NPS (in) Thickness (in) (ft) (ft)
2 0.195 6.17 2.97 40 40

Table 17 - Variable Parameter for Heat Exchanger for Precooled Flue Gas using Water Spray

Variable Parameter
Duct Length (ft) Surface Area (ft^2)
5 3.35E+04
10 7.08E+04
15 1.08E+05
20 1.45E+05

The results obtained for this configuration were compared with those for heat exchangers

with same geometry and mass flow rate of boiler feedwater, but, without precooling the flue gas

stream using water spray and placed upstream of FGD (UHX) as well as downstream of FGD

(DHX). The fixed process conditions for these systems are provided below in Table (18) and Table

(19), respectively.

Table 18 - Fixed Process Conditions for UHX without using Water Spray for Precooling Flue Gas

Inlet Conditions
Mfg (lbm/hr) Mbfw (lbm/hr) yH2O (%) Tfg (°F) Tbfw (°F)
6.309E+06 2.838E+06 11.6 303 87

Table 19 - Fiixed Process Conditions fo
or DHX without using Water Spray for Pre
ecooling Flue Gas

Inlet Condittions
Mfg (lbm/hr) Mbfw (lb
bm/hr) yH2O (%) Tfg (°F) Tbfw (°F)
6.76E+06 2.848E
E+06 17.4 135 87

ensation efficiency, temperrature of boile
er feedwater at
a the exit of heat
h exchang
ger and

otal annual co
ost for heat exchanger
e witth precooled flue gas werre compared with those fo
or UHX

nd DHX with regular flue gas. The plots for the sam
an ded below in Figure (24), Figure
me are provid

25) and Figure
e (26), respecctively.

sation Efficiency vs. Le
ength of Heat Exchang


Condensation Efficiency



Tfg_in = 155°F with
h water spray
4 Tfg_in = 303°F with
hout water spray
hout water spray
Tfg_in = 135°F with

0 5 10 15 20 25
Length of Heat Exchanger
E (fft)

Figure 24 - Co
ondensation Efficiency
E for Heat
H Exchang
ger with Preco
ooled Flue Gas
s compared to
and DHX

Boiler Fee
edwater Ex
xit Tempera
ature vs. Length
L of Heat


Temperature (°F)



Tfg_in = 155°F with water
w spray
120 Tfg_in = 303°F withou
ut water spray
Tfg_in = 135°F withou
ut water spray
0 5 10 15 20
0 25
ngth of Heat Exchanger
E (fft)

Figure 25 - Boiler Feedwaterr Exit Tempera

ature for Heat Exchanger with Precooled Flue Gas com
to UHX and DHX

Total Annual Cos

st vs. Lengtth of Heat Exchange

Tfg_in = 155°F with water

w spray

2.50 Tfg_in = 303°F without water spray

Tfg_in = 135°F without water spray
Total Annual Cost (Million $)





0 5 10 15 20
0 25
ength of Heatt Exchangerr (ft)

al Annual Cos
Figure 26 - Tota st for Heat Exc
changer with Precooled
P Flu
ue Gas compared to UHX an
nd DHX

From Figure (24) it is noticed that the condensation efficiency for precooled flue gas

remains lower than that for DHX. This can be explained by the fact that the flue gas downstream of

FGD is saturated with water at 135 °F with water vapor mole fraction of 17.4% while the precooled

flue gas at 155°F has water vapor mole fraction of 16.4% only, which indicated that the flue gas is

not saturated. As a result more water condensation will be observed in DHX, thus, higher

condensation efficiency. It is interesting to note from Figure (25) that the rise in temperature and

thus total heat transfer for heat exchanger with precooled flue gas and DHX are nearly equal while

that for UHX without water spraying is much higher. This can be attributed to higher temperature of

flue gas for UHX. On the contrary, though the precooled flue gas has higher temperature than that

for DHX, the nearly same heat transfer can be explained by the difference in mass flow rate of flue

gas for precooled flue gas and DHX. The higher temperature of flue gas compensates for the

lower mass flow rate of precooled flue gas.

This is also the reason for nearly same total annual cost for heat exchangers up-to a size

of 10ft as indicated in Figure (26). Up-to a size of 10ft, even though the heat exchanger for

precooled flue gas utilizes Nickel alloy 22 for tube material for some tube length, the higher cost

for material is compensated by the lower operating cost of the heat exchanger due to lesser

pressure drop. Beyond the size of 10ft, the cost of material becomes substantial and the heat

exchangers for precooled flue gas tend to have higher total annual cost.

It is also possible that the spraying of water into flue gas stream might have an impact on

the duty associated with FGD unit. This aspect has not been looked into at this stage.

5.4.Coupled Heat Exchanger, Flue gas at 135°F

Sometimes a thermal power plant is spread over a large area of land and the boiler unit is

at some distance from the turbine floor resulting in a large distance between the flue gas duct after

the ESPs and the boiler feedwater line after the condenser. Thus, the possibility of using boiler

feedwater as the cooling fluid for the condensing heat exchanger becomes questionable due to the

distance, space and arrangement inconvenience. In this model, we looked at the option of using

two sets of heat exchangers coupled together using cooling water as intermediate fluid which

absorbs heat from the flue gas in condensing heat exchanger (HX1) and afterwards rejects the

heat to boiler feedwater in the second heat exchanger (HX2). Since both the hot and the cold fluid

for HX2 are water, namely cooling water and boiler feedwater, in this study, HX2 is also referred to

as water-to-water heat exchanger. The basic system arrangement is provided below in Figure

(27). It must be noted here that the temperatures of cooling water in the Figure (27) are for cooling

water to boiler feedwater mass flow rate ratio of 0.75 only.

Figure 27 - Flow diagram for Coupled Heat Exchanger Arrangement

The detailed design of the water-to- water heat exchanger has been described in Section

2.2. There exists a limit on the maximum mass flow rate ratio of boiler feedwater that can be

obtained by altering the duty on low pressure FWHs. All the extractions from the low pressure

turbine eventually combine and this water is then pumped back into the steam circuit after the first

feedwater heater (FWH1) using the drain pump. The detailed steam cycle ASPEN Model as used

by Jonas (16) is available in Appendix-A, Figure (A.1). For a 600MW plant with FGD unit, the

maximum mass flow rate ratio of boiler feedwater to flue gas is limited to 0.503 after FWH1, as

observed from results obtained from Jonas (14). Assuming that the mass flow rate of flue gas after

the FGD is 6.31 million lb/hr, and HX2 is placed before FWH1, the mass flow rate of boiler

feedwater available is nearly 2.79 million lb/hr. The boiler feedwater enters HX2 at a temperature

of 87°F and the flue gas enters HX1 at 135°F and is saturated with water vapor. i.e, the mole

fraction of water is 17.4%. Cooling water is continuously circulated between the two heat

exchangers and energy and mass balance equations are used to calculate cooling water

temperatures at the inlet and exit of HX1.

To simplify the calculations, HX2 is assumed to be a shell and tube heat exchanger with a

shell of rectangular cross-section 10’X4’ with a horizontal separating plate at a height of 5’ dividing

the exchanger into two passes for cooling water flowing outside the heat exchanger tubes. Boiler

feed water flows inside the tubes. The tubes are assumed to be 1” NPS diameter with a wall

thickness 0.133” matching Schedule 40S as per ASME B36.19.

For HX1, the length of the duct was kept constant at 20’. The tube diameter was assumed

to be 3.5” with a wall thickness of 0.226” matching Schedule 40S as per ASME B36.19. The

choice of tube diameter was based on the results obtained from the study of impacts of tube

diameter as explained in Section 4 of this report.

Three different cases were evaluated with mass flow rate ratios of 0.75, 1.0 and 1.5

between cooling water and flue gas. Separate calculations were also done for condensing heat

exchangers with boiler feedwater and cooling water as cooling fluids and the results were

compared to those obtained for coupled heat exchangers. There are three possibilities compared

in this section:

1. Using boiler feedwater at water to flue gas mass flow rate ratio of 0.443.

For the possibility of using only the boiler feedwater as cooling fluid, the mass flow rate of

boiler feedwater is kept constant at 2.79 million lb/hr. For a 600MW unit, flue gas is at a

temperature of 135°F downstream of the FGD unit. As a result, there is a limitation on the

maximum amount of heat that can be recovered from the flue gas. A heat exchanger in 15ft long

duct was found to be appropriately long to heat boiler feedwater to nearly 134°F. The fixed

process conditions and heat exchanger geometry for the system using boiler feedwater are

summarized in below in Table (20) and Table (21), respectively.

Table 20 - Fixed Process Conditions for system using Boiler Feedwater for comparison with Coupled
Heat Exchanger

Inlet Conditions for system using Boiler Feedwater

Mfg (lbm/hr) Mbfw (lbm/hr) yH2O (%) Tfg (°F) Tbfw (°F)
6.31E+06 2.79E+06 17.4 135 87

Table 21 - Fixed Heat Exchanger Geometry for system using Boiler Feedwater for comparison with
Coupled Heat Exchanger

Fixed Heat Exchanger Geometry for system using Boiler Feedwater

Tube Diameter Tube Wall Duct Depth Duct Height Duct Length
St (in) Sl (in)
NPS (in) Thickness (in) (ft) (ft) (ft)
2 0.195 6.17 2.97 40 40 15

2. Using cooling water at water to flue gas mass flow rate ratios of 0.75,1.0 and 1.5.

For the system using cooling water instead of boiler feedwater, a heat exchanger of length
23ft was identified to have a total surface area of 163052.00 ft which is nearly the same as the

combined surface area of HX1 and HX2 for coupled heat exchanger assembly as detailed in third

possibility in this section. The mass flow rate ratio of cooling water to flue gas was varied. The

fixed process conditions and heat exchanger geometry for the system using cooling water are

summarized below in Table (22) and Table (23), respectively.

Table 22 - Fixed Process Conditions for system using Cooling Water for comparison with Coupled
Heat Exchanger

Inlet Conditions for system using Cooling Water

Mfg (lbm/hr) Tfg (°F) Tbfw (°F) yH2O (%)
6.31E+06 135 87 17.4

Table 23 - Fixed Heat Exchanger Geometry for system using Cooling Water for comparison with
Coupled Heat Exchanger

Fixed Heat Exchanger Geometry for Cooling Water

Tube Diameter Tube Wall Duct Depth Duct Height Duct Length
St (in) Sl (in)
NPS (in) Thickness (in) (ft) (ft) (ft)
3.5 0.226 6.17 2.97 40 40 23

3. Using coupled heat exchanger with cooling water to flue gas mass flow rate ratios of 0.75,

1.0 and 1.5.

For coupled heat exchanger arrangement, the geometry of HX2 was chosen from multiple

trial and error combinations of duct height, depth and length and the tube diameter to obtain

maximum heat transfer. Also, the tube material chosen for HX2 was low alloy carbon steel as it

has a higher thermal conductivity compared to stainless steel and nickel alloy 22. The impact of

the new tube material on the total annual cost has not been assessed at this stage. The surface
2 2
areas of both the heat exchangers were kept constant i.e. 144,242.24 ft for HX1 and 17,065.96 ft

for HX2 resulting in an overall total surface area of 161308.2 ft . The fixed process conditions and

heat exchanger geometry for the coupled heat exchanger are summarized below in Table (24),

Table (25) and Table (26), respectively.

Table 24 - Fixed Process Conditions for Coupled Heat Exchanger Assembly

Inlet Conditions for Coupled Heat Exchanger Assembly

Mfg (lbm/hr) Mbfw (lbm/hr) yH2O (%) Tfg (°F) Tbfw (°F)
6.31E+06 2.79E+06 17.4 155 87

Table 25 - Fixed Geometry for HX1 of Coupled Heat Exchanger Assembly

Fixed Heat Exchanger Geometry for HX1 of Coupled Heat Exchanger Assembly
Tube Diameter Tube Thickness St Sl Duct Depth Duct Height Duct Length
NPS (in) (in) (in) (in) (ft) (ft) (ft)
3.5 0.226 6.17 2.97 40 40 20

Table 26 - Fixed Geometry for HX2 of Coupled Heat Exchanger Assembly

Fixed Heat Exchanger Geometry for HX2 of Coupled Heat Exchanger Assembly
Tube Diameter Tube wall St Sl Duct Depth Duct Height Duct Length
NPS (in) Thickness (in) (in) (in) (ft) (ft) (ft)
1 0.133 1.7 1.7 4 5 27

The only variable parameter for a heat exchanger system using only cooling water and

system using coupled heat exchangers is the mass flow rate ratio of cooling water to flue gas as

provided in Table (27). The heat exchanger using only boiler feedwater, on the other hand, has

fixed geometry and inlet process conditions.

Table 27 - Varriable Process
s Condition forr system using Cooling Water and Couplled Heat Exchanger

Variable Para
Mcw/Mfgg Mcw (m
million lb/hr)
0.75 4.73
1.00 6.31
1.50 9.47

The co
ondensation efficiency,
e tem
mperature of boiler feedwa
ater at the exit of heat exch

nd total press
sure drop forr the heat exxchanger asse
embly were analyzed
a and
d compared to
o what

w observed from analysiss of heat exch

was hangers with boiler feedwa
ater and cooling water for cooling

flu e (28), Figure (29) and Figure (30)). It must be noted herre that
uids. Refer below Figure

ondensation efficiency
e for the assemblyy is actually th
he condensattion efficiencyy of HX1 (sincce HX2

water heat excchanger) and the temperatture of boiler feedwater, ass depicted in Figure
iss a water-to-w

28), is the tem
mperature of boiler
b feedwatter at the exit of HX2.

w or Tcw at
a the exit of
o Heat Exc

Using BF
134 Using CW
Coupled HX
Temperature (°F)





0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7

Cooling Water to Flue Gas

G Mass Flo
ow Rate Ratio

Figure 28 - Trend
T for Tem
mperature of Fe
eedwater at th
he exit of Coup
pled Heat Excchanger assemmbly
compared to system
c s using only
o Boiler Fe
eedwater or on
nly Cooling Water
W for variou
us Cooling Wa
ater to
Flue Ga as Mass Flow
w Rate Ratios

densation Efficiency

Condensation Efficiency 45


35 U
Using BFW
Using CW
Coupled HX



0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7

Cooling Wate
er to Flue Ga
as Mass Flow
w Rate Ratio

Figure 29 - Condensation
C Efficiency forr Coupled Heaat Exchanger assembly com mpared to sys
using only Boiler Feedwater or only Coolling Water for various Cooling Water to Flue
u F Gas Mass
s Flow
Rate Ratio

Tottal Power Requireme

R ent

Power Required (kW)



ng BFW
ng CW
Coupled HX

0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7
Cooling Watter to Flue Gas Mass Flow
w Rate Ratio

Figure 30 - To
otal power req
quired for Cou
upled Heat Excchanger assem
mbly compare ed to system using
only Boiler Fe
eedwater or on
nly Cooling Water
W for various Cooling Water to Flue Gas
G Mass Flow w Rate

From the Figure (28), it is observed that the temperature of feedwater at the exit of HX2 of

coupled heat exchangers assembly increases with the increase in cooling water to flue gas mass

flow rate ratio. This can be explained as the effectiveness of HX2 increases with increase in mass

flow rate of cooling water. The trend for effectiveness is provided in Figure (31) below.

HX2 Effectiveness





0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7

Cooling Water to Flue Gas Mass Flow Rate Ratio

Figure 31 - Impact of cooling water to flue gas mass flow rate ratio on effectiveness of HX2 of
Coupled Heat Exchanger Assembly

Further, it must be noted here that it gets harder to improve the effectiveness of HX2

above 0.95, and thus, increase the exit temperature of feedwater above 130°F. In contrast to the

trends observed for coupled heat exchanger arrangement, for heat exchanger using cooling water,

the temperature of cooling water at the exit of the heat exchanger decreases with increase in mass

flow rate of cooling water. Moreover, even though the total rate of heat transfer increases with

increase in mass flow rate of cooling water, the exit temperature of cooling water drops for the

heat exchanger using only cooling water as can be seen in Figure (28).

If the aim of the heat exchanger is to condense out as much water from the flue gas as

possible, clearly the best option is using only cooling water. The condensation efficiency for

coupled heat exchanger assembly is found to be lower compared to that of heat exchanger using

either boiler feedwater or cooling water only as can be observed from Figure (29). This is due to

the fact that in couplde heat exchangers, cooling water is at higher temperature at the inlet of HX1,

and, the temperature further increases with increase in the cooling water to flue gas mass flow rate

ratio. The trend for the temperature of cooling water at the inlet of HX1 is provided in Figure (32)


Temperature of cooling water at inlet of HX1



Temperature (°F)





0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7
Cooling Water to Flue Gas Mass Flow Rate Ratio

Figure 32 - Impact of Cooling Water to Flue Gas Mass Flow Rate Ratio on Temperature of Cooling
Water at the inlet of HX1 of Coupled Heat Exchanger Assembly

The reason for increase in temperature of cooling water at the inlet of HX1 is that the

cooling water is not routed through cooling tower to bring down its temperature; rather it is

circulated continuously between HX1 and HX2. Any heat loss to the environment in the process of

circulation has been neglected at this stage. Figure (33) and Figure (34) below depict the process

flow diagram for coupled heat exchangers with cooling water to flue gas mass flow rate ratio of 1.0

and 1.5, respectively.

Figure 33 - Process Flow Diagram for Coupled Heat Exchanger with Cooling Water to Flue Gas Mass
Flow Rate Ratio of 1.0

Figure 34 - Process Flow Diagram for Coupled Heat Exchanger with Cooling Water to Flue Gas Mass
Flow Rate Ratio of 1.5

From the Figure (30), it can be noticed that the total power requirements for coupled heat

exchanger assembly remains more than that for heat exchanger using only cooling water. The

increased power requirements can be attributed to the additional pressure drop due to usage of an

additional heat exchanger in coupled heat exchangers assembly.

Overall, the use of feedwater directly with flue gas in condensing heat exchanger proves

to be the ideal choice if the main aim of the system is to recover heat with reasonable power

requirements, but, it is better to use cooling water at higher mass flow rates if we intend to

condense out as much water as possible. The choice of coupled heat exchanger assembly is

appropriate only, at higher mass flow rate ratios, when we have space constraints or the feed

water line is at a distance from the flue gas duct after the ESP.

5.5.Cascaded Heat Exchanger, Flue Gas at 300°F ‐135°F

In this case, two heat exchangers are arranged in cascading across the FGD. The first

heat exchanger, referred to as UHX, is placed upstream of the FGD and the second heat

exchanger, referred to as DHX is placed downstream of the FGD. After the ESP, flue gas passes

through the UHX and then enters the FGD where it is desulfurized. Saturated flue gas after the

FGD enters the DHX. Boiler feedwater enters from downstream of the DHX, bypasses the FGD,

and then re-enters the UHX such that an overall counter flow arrangement is obtained for both

DHX and UHX. Refer Figure (35) below for the detailed process diagram.

Figure 35 - Flow Diagram for Cascaded Heat Exchanger Arrangement

The analysis of this configuration was done in two stages. First, the DHX was optimized

separately. It is possible to optimize DHX separately because irrespective of the temperature of

flue gas at the exit of UHX, the inlet conditions of flue gas at the inlet of DHX will always remain

constant due to the presence of FGD. For a coal fired power plant, flue gas downstream of the

FGD is saturated at a temperature of about 135°F. Keeping the temperature of boiler feedwater at

the inlet of DHX fixed at 87°F, the only variable parameter is the mass flow rate of boiler

feedwater. The mass flow rate of boiler feedwater depends only on the final temperature of boiler

feedwater as it comes out of the UHX-DHX assembly, which decides the FWH duty required as

explained in Section 3 of this report.

The flow rate of flue gas is 6.329 million lb/hr before it enters FGD, where it gets saturated

and the flue gas flow rate increases to 6.716 million lb/hr due to the addition of water in FGD. The

diameter of the tubes for DHX and UHX was kept constant at 2” NPS and wall thickness of 0.218”.

Setting a target temperature of boiler feedwater at the exit of UHX-DHX assembly, the mass flow

rate of boiler feedwater was obtained from Jonas (14). Simulations were run by the author for

multiple target temperatures of boiler feedwater and variable DHX duct lengths, and, the rate of

condensation in DHX and total annual cost associated with DHX were obtained. A summary of the

fixed process conditions and heat exchanger geometry for DHX is provided in Table (28) and

Table (29) below:

Table 28 - Fixed Process Conditions for DHX of Cascaded Heat Exchangers Assembly

Inlet Conditions for DHX

Mfg (lbm/hr) Tfg (°F) Tbfw (°F) yH2O (%)
6.72E+06 135 87 17.4

Table 29 - Fixed Heat Exchanger Geometry for DHX of Cascaded Heat Exchangers Assembly

Fixed Heat Exchanger Geometry for DHX

Tube Diameter Tube Wall Duct Depth Duct Height
St (in) Sl (in)
NPS (in) Thickness (in) (ft) (ft)
2 0.195 6.17 2.97 40 40

The variable boiler feedwater mass flow rates and the corresponding boiler feedwater

temperature at the exit of the assembly are summarized below in Table (30).

Table 30 - Varia
able mass flow
w rate of boile
er feedwater fo
or DHX and UH
HX of Cascaded Heat Excha
Assembly (14)

ble Process Conditions
Tbfw at exit of
Mbfw (lb/hr)
40 2.82E+06
50 2.85E+06
60 2.88E+06
70 2.91E+06
80 2.93E+06
90 2.97E+06
00 2.99E+06

The plots for tempe

erature of feed
dwater at the exit of DHX and
a rate of co
ondensation in DHX

ass observed for

f variable fe
eedwater ma able (30) are available be
ass flow ratess listed in Ta elow in

Figure (36) and

d Figure (37), respectivelyy.

perature off Boiler Fe
eedwater att exit of DH



Temperature (°F)



122 Tbfw
120 Tbfw
118 Tbfw

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
ength of Heatt Exchanger (ft)

Figure 36 - Trend for Temperrature of Boile

er Feedwater at
a the Exit of DHX
D for variou
us Target Feedwater
Teemperatures ata the Exit of UHX-DHX
U Asssembly.

nsation Effficiency off DHX


Condensation Efficiency


11 Tbfw=
7 Tbfw=

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
ength of Heatt Exchanger (ft)

Figure 37 - Tre
end for Rate off Condensatio
on in DHX for various
v Targe
et Boiler Feedw
water Temperratures
at the Exit of UHX-DH
HX Assembly.

From Figure (36), it can be noticed that the temperature of boiler feed
dwater at the exit of

DHX is nearly the same for all boiler feed
dwater mass flow rates sim
mulated. The inlet tempera
ature of

ue gas and boiler
b feed wa
ater being con
nstant for all the tests, the
e impact of sllight changess in the

mass flow rate
e of boiler fee
edwater is neg
gligible on the
e total heat trransferred fro
om flue gas to
o boiler

eedwater resu
ulting in identtical temperattures of boiler feedwater at
a the exit of DHX. Althoug
gh, the

hange in ma
ass flow rate of boiler fee
edwater results in conden
nsation efficie
ency variation
n from

6.1% to 17.1% between the lowest and highest ta

16 arget tempera
ature cases but the incre
ease in

ondensation efficiency
e betw
ween two succcessive case
es is negligiblle as can be seen
s in Figure
e (37).

Plots were
w also ge
enerated to id
dentify the im
mpact of varia
ation in masss flow rate off boiler

eedwater with
h target temp
perature of bo er at the exitt of UHX-DHX assembly on the
oiler feedwate

otal capital co
ost as well ass the annual operating cost. These plo ded below in Figure
ots are provid

38) and Figure
e (39), respecctively.

Total Capital Cost asso
ociated witth DHX


Total Capital Cost (Million $)




1.50 Tbfw
1.00 Tbfw
0.50 Tbfw

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
ngth of Heat Exchanger
E (fft)

Figure 38 - Tottal Capital Cos

F st associated with DHX for various
v Targe
et Boiler Feedw
water Temperratures
at the Exit of UHX-DH
HX Assembly.

nual Opera
ating Cost associated with DHX

0.25 Tbfw
Annual Operating Cost (Million $)

0.20 Tbfw




2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
ngth of Heatt Exchanger (ft)

Figure 39 - Annual Ope

erating Cost as
ssociated withh DHX for various Target Bo
oiler Feedwate
Temperatures at the Exit of UHX-DHX Ass sembly

From Figure
F (38), itt is observed that for a givven duct leng
gth, the total capital
c cost re

he same irres
spective of th
he target boiler feedwater temperature. This is exp
pected becausse flue

as entering the DHX is sa
aturated and therefore wa
ater vapor sta
arts condenssing as the flu
ue gas

nters the hea
at exchanger.. Therefore, Nickel
N alloy 22
2 tubing is not
n required here.
h Thus, iff we fix

he length of the duct off the heat exchanger, th ociated with manufacturin
he cost asso ng and

nstallation an
nd the tubing
g will remain
n constant irrespective off the mass flow rate of boiler

eedwater. Furrther, the diffe
erence betwe
een the masss flow rates of
o boiler feedw
water is quite
e small

or different tarrget temperattures of boilerr feedwater at
a the exit of UHX-DHX
U asssembly. As a result,

he annual ope
erating cost fo e same as can be seen in Figure
or all the cases simulated is nearly the

39) above.

Since, the total capital cost and

d operating cost
c associatted with the DHX,
D of give
en duct

ength, were nearly
n the sam
me, the resultting total ann
nual cost for the hat duct length was
t DHX of th

ound to be ap
pproximately the
t same for all target tem
mperatures att the exit of UHX-DHX
U asssembly

ass can be seen

n below in Fig
gure (40).

Tottal Annual Cost asso

ociated witth DHX

(Milli $)

C t (Million

l Cost
T t l Annual

0.3 Tbfw



2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
gth of Heat Exchanger
E (ftt)

Figure 40 - Trend
T for Tota
al Annual Costt associated with
w DHX for various Target Boiler Feedw
Temperatures at the Exit of UHX-DHX Asssembly

Since the temperature of boiler feedwater at the exit of DHX, condensation efficiency in

DHX and the total annual cost associated with DHX are nearly the same for different target

temperatures of boiler feedwater at the exit of UHX-DHX assembly; it is acceptable to choose a

fixed geometry of DHX in the UHX-DHX assembly.

Following the results analyzed above, DHX with a duct length of 12ft was selected. The

total heat transfer, total annual cost, pressure drop etc associated with DHX of duct length 12 ft

and various target temperatures of boiler feedwater at the exit of UHX-DHX assembly are provided

below in Table (31).

Table 31 - Simulation results for DHX of Duct Length 12ft and various Boiler Feedwater Target Temperatures at the Exit of Cascaded Heat Exchanger

Tbfw_Target at the exit of UHX (°F) 200 190 180 170 160 150 140
Length of DHX ft 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
m° Boiler Feedwater UHX-DHX [10^6 lb/hr] 2.994 2.960 2.930 2.905 2.876 2.848 2.819
m° Flue Gas for DHX [10^6 lb/hr] 6.720 6.720 6.720 6.720 6.720 6.720 6.720
Total Cond. Rate in DHX [10^3 lb/hr] 124.35 125.7 123.29 122.14 121.01 118.22 120.11
Total Heat Transfer in DHX [10^6 BTU/hr] 138.7624 140.3588 137.5914 136.2948 135.0164 131.7309 133.9525
DHX Tfg in (°F) 135 135 135 135 135 135 135
DHX Tfg out (°F) 129.06 128.96 129.11 129.17 129.23 129.4 129.27
DHX Tbfw In (°F) 87 87 87 87 87 87 87
DHX Tbfw Out (°F) 133.9 133.9 133.97 134.02 134.07 134.11 134.11
Boiler Feedwater ∆p in DHX (psi) 110.228 108.212 106.031 104.024 102.036 100.115 98.198

Flue Gas ∆p in DHX (psi) 0.031 0.031 0.031 0.031 0.031 0.031 0.031
Total Surface Area of DHX 2
ft 85720.06 85720.06 85720.06 85720.06 85720.06 85720.06 85720.06
% distance from
Cond. Point in DHX the upstream end 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
of HX
yH2O-EXIT of DHX 0.1489 0.1486 0.1491 0.1493 0.1496 0.1502 0.1498
Total Installed Cost for DHX Million $ 3.53 3.53 3.53 3.53 3.53 3.53 3.53
Annual Fixed Cost for DHX Million $ 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33
ID Fan Power for DHX kW 18.95 18.94 18.96 18.98 18.99 19.01 19
BFW Pump Power for DHX kW 358.37 348.41 337.82 328.15 318.66 309.62 300.6
Total Power Req. for DHX kW 377.33 367.35 356.78 347.12 337.65 328.63 319.6
Annual Operating Cost for DHX Million $ 0.1585 0.1543 0.1498 0.1458 0.1418 0.138 0.1342
Total Annual Cost for DHX Million $ 0.4906 0.4864 0.482 0.4779 0.474 0.4702 0.4664
Once the length of DHX was selected, simulations were performed for UHX to attain the

target temperatures for boiler feedwater. It must be noted here that the target temperature of boiler

feed water at the exit of UHX-DHX assembly is the temperature of boiler feedwater at the exit of

UHX. The mass flow rate of flue gas upstream of the FGD is 6.329 million lb/hr with 12% moisture

by mole fraction. The flue gas is at a temperature of 300°F upstream of the UHX. Assuming, no

heat loss in pumping boiler feedwater around the FGD from DHX to UHX, boiler feedwater will

enter the UHX at a temperature of 134°F which is the same temperature at which boiler feedwater

exits DHX. A summary of the fixed process conditions and heat exchanger geometry for UHX is

provided in Table (32) and Table (33) below. The mass flow rate of boiler feedwater for UHX will

be the same as that for the DHX. Therefore the variable parameters for UHX will be the same as

that for DHX as provided in Table (30).

Table 32 - Fixed Process Conditions for UHX of Cascaded Heat Exchanger Assembly

Inlet Conditions
Mfg (lbm/hr) Tfg (°F) Tbfw (°F) yH2O (%)
6.33E+06 300 134 12

Table 33 - Fixed Heat Exchanger Geometry for UHX of Cascaded Heat Exchangers Assembly

Fixed Heat Exchanger Geometry

Tube Diameter Tube Wall Duct Depth Duct Height
St (in) Sl (in)
NPS (in) Thickness (in) (ft) (ft)
2 0.195 6.17 2.97 40 40

Simulations were run to identify the length of duct required for UHX so that the boiler feed

water coming out of the UHX is heated to specific target temperatures. The changes in

condensation efficiency and total annual cost, associated with UHX, with increase in target

temperature of boiler feedwater at the exit of UHX were recorded. Table (34) below provides the

details of total installed capital cost and annual operating cost as well as the fan and pump power

requirements associated with UHX for various target temperatures of boiler feedwater at the exit of


Table 34 - Simulation results for UHX of UHX-DHX Assembly for various Boiler Feedwater Target Temperatures at the Exit of Cascaded Heat Exchanger

Tbfw_Target at the exit of UHX (°F) 200 190 180 170 160 150 140
Length of UHX ft 26 18 13 9 6 3.5 1.9
m° Boiler Feedwater UHX-DHX [10^6 lb/hr] 2.994 2.960 2.930 2.905 2.876 2.848 2.819
m° Flue Gas for UHX [10^6 lb/hr] 6.329 6.329 6.329 6.329 6.329 6.329 6.329
Total Cond. Rate in UHX [10^3 lb/hr] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total Heat Transfer in UHX [10^6 BTU/hr] 198.6517 166.1798 137.3053 106.7773 77.5051 46.1311 23.785
UHX Tfg in (°F) 300 300 300 300 300 300 300
UHX Tfg out (°F) 186.65 205.46 222.11 239.63 256.32 274.1 286.68
UHX Tbfw In (°F) 133.89 133.88 133.9 133.89 133.71 133.72 133.46
UHX Tbfw Out (°F) 200.16 189.89 180.68 170.65 160.67 149.92 141.91
Boiler Feedwater ∆p in UHX (psi) 236.728 160.579 113.423 76.789 49.936 28.214 15.407

Flue Gas ∆p in UHX (psi) 0.074 0.052 0.038 0.026 0.017 0.009 0.005
Total Surface Area of UHX 2
ft 190060.27 130437.29 93172.93 63361.44 41002.83 22370.65 11191.34
% distance from
Cond. Point in UHX the upstream end 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
of HX
yH2O-EXIT of UHX 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12
Total Installed Cost for UHX Million $ 38.39 26.35 18.82 12.8 8.28 4.52 2.26
Annual Fixed Cost for UHX Million $ 3.62 2.48 1.77 1.21 0.78 0.43 0.21
ID Fan Power for UHX kW 46.93 33.77 25.09 17.75 11.92 6.75 3.46
BFW Pump Power for UHX kW 769.65 517.01 361.37 242.23 155.95 87.26 47.16
Total Power Req. for UHX kW 816.57 550.78 386.46 259.99 167.87 94.01 50.63
Annual Operating Cost for UHX Million $ 0.34 0.23 0.16 0.11 0.07 0.04 0.02
Total Annual Cost for UHX Million $ 3.96 2.71 1.94 1.31 0.85 0.47 0.23
From Table
T (34), It can be notice
ed that total rate
r of conden
nsation within
n UHX remain
ns zero

or all target te
emperatures of
o boiler feedw
water at the exit
e of UHX. This can be attributed
a to the fact

hat the tempe
erature of the
e tube wall always
a remain an the dew point temperature of
ns higher tha

moisture in flu m as can be observed from the temperature distribution plots fo
ue gas stream or UHX

prrovided below
w in Figure (4 ach target temperature off boiler feedw
41 a-g) for ea water as provided in

Table (30).

mperature Prrofile in UHX
X Tempe
erature Proffile in UHX
Tbfw_exit = 200°F T
Tbfw_exit = 190°F
350 350
Tfg Tfg
ew Tde
300 Tcw
w 300 Tcw
Twaall Tw
250 250

( )

200 200

150 150

100 100

50 Le
ength of Exchan
nger = 26 ft Len
ngth of Exchan
nger = 18 ft

0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 2
20 40 60 80 100
Length of Exc
changer (%) Le
ength of Exch
hanger (%)

41(a) - Tbfw_Ta
arget = 200°F 41(b) - Tbfw_Tarrget = 190°F

mperature Prrofile in UHX
X Temperature Proffile in UHX
Tbfw_exit = 180°F T
Tbfw_exit = 170°F
350 350
Tfg Tfg
ew Tde
300 Tcw
w 300 Tcw
Twaall Twaall
250 250

( )


200 200

150 150


100 100

50 Le
ength of Exchan
nger = 13 ft 50 Leng
gth of Exchang
ger = 9 ft

0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 2
20 40 60 80 100
L of Ex
xchanger (%)) Length of Exc
changer (%)

41(c) - Tbfw_Ta
arget = 180°F 41(d) - Tbfw_Tarrget = 170°F

perature Pro
ofile in UHX Temp
perature Proffile in UHX
Tbfw_exit = 160°F T
Tbfw_exit = 150°F
350 350 Tffg
Tdew Tddew
300 Tcw 300 Tccw
Twall Twwall

250 250
Temperature (°F)

Temperature (°F)
( )

200 200

150 150

100 100

50 Length
L of Excha
anger = 6 ft 50
gth of Exchang
ger = 3.5 ft

0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 2
20 40 60 80 100
Length of Ex
xchanger (%) Le
ength of Exc
changer (%)

41(e) - Tbfw_Ta
arget = 160°F 41(f) - Tbfw_Targ
get = 150°F

mperature Prrofile in UHX
Tbfw_exit = 140°F







50 Le
ength of Exchanger = 1.9 ft

0 20 40 60 80 100
L of Exc
changer (%)

41(g) - Tbfw_Ta
arget = 140°F

Figure 41 - Te
emperature Profiles in UHX
X of UHX-DHX assembly for various targe
et Temperature
es of
Boiler Fe
eedwater at th
he Exit of UHX

Since there is no condensation observed in the UHX as conclude

ed above, the
e heat

exxchanger tubes will be req

quired to be made
m entirelyy from Nickel alloy 22 mate
erial to protecct from

orrosion whic osts. Also, it must be note
ch leads to hiigher fixed co ed here that the
t size of th
he heat

creases with increase in target temperrature of boile

exxchanger inc er feedwater at the exit of
o heat

exxchanger which would ressult in higher fixed costs and

a operating he total annual cost
g costs. So, th

asssociated with UHX increa

ases with incrrease in temp
perature of bo
oiler feedwate
er at the exit of

ass can be se
een in Figurre (42) below
w. Figure (42) also show densation efficiency
ws the cond

asssociated with
h the UHX forr various target temperatures of boiler feedwater
f at the
t exit of UH

on Efficien
ncy and To
otal Annual Cost for UHX
U of
UHHX-DHX Assembly
100 5

90 4..5

80 Con
nd. Eff. 4

Total Annual Cost (million $)

Condensation Efficiency

70 Tottal Annual Cos

st 3..5

60 3

50 2..5

40 2

30 1..5

20 1

10 0..5

0 0
130 140 150 16
60 170 180 190 20
00 210
Temperature (°F)

Figure 42 - Con
ndensation Effficiency and Total
T Annual Cost
C for UHX ofo UHX-DHX Assembly
A for various
et boiler feedw
water temperaatures at the ex
xit of UHX

To obttain the overrall performan

nce of the asssembly; the total rate of condensation
n, total

ower requirements and to
otal annual cost
c of the assembly werre obtained by
b summing up the

ndividual quan HX and DHX. The results are provided below in Table (35). It must
ntities for UH m be

oted here tha
at the informa
ation provided e (35) is for the entire asssembly, i.e., th
d in the Table he flue

as and boilerr feed water temperature
t a at the inle
are et as well as exit of the UHX-DHX assembly.

Similarly, the overall size of duct, the

e total heat transfer,
t tota
al cost, presssure drop etcc., are

ummation of individual
i ressults for UHX and DHX.

Also, the
t case with
h boiler feedw
water target te o 134°F is a limiting case as the
emperature of

oiler feedwatter gets heate
ed to this tem
mperature at the exit of DHX
D us, UHX will not be
and thu

equired for this case. The limiting case
e has been included to com
mpare the pe
erformance off UHX-

DHX assembly
y with system with only UH
HX and system
m with only DHX.

For Comparative study, simulations were also run for a system where only the UHX is

used in the flue gas stream, similar to the arrangement discussed in Section 5.1 in this study, and

the length of heat exchanger was determined to heat boiler feedwater, entering UHX at 87°F, to

target temperatures same as that for UHX-DHX assembly. These cases have been referred to as

UHX only for differentiation and the results are available in Table (36). Among these simulations

the case with target temperature 134°F was run for UHX i.e, for flue gas conditions upstream of


Table 35 - Results from Simulations for various Boiler Feedwater Target Temperatures at the Exit of UHX-DHX Assembly

UHX-DHX Assembly
Tbfw Target (°F) 200 190 180 170 160 150 140 134
Total Length UHX+DHX ft 38 30 25 21 18 15.5 13.9 12
m° Boiler Feedwater [10^6 lb/hr] 2.994 2.960 2.930 2.905 2.876 2.848 2.819 2.800
m° Flue Gas for UHX [10^6 lb/hr] 6.329 6.329 6.329 6.329 6.329 6.329 6.329 6.72
Total Cond. Rate
[10^3 lb/hr] 124.35 125.70 123.29 122.14 121.01 118.22 120.11 119.19
Total Heat Transfer [10^6
337.41 306.54 274.90 243.07 212.52 177.86 157.74 132.86
UHX Tfg in (°F) 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 135
DHX Tfg out (°F) 129.06 128.96 129.11 129.17 129.23 129.4 129.27 129.32
DHX Tbfw In (°F) 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87
UHX Tbfw Out (°F) 200.16 189.89 180.68 170.65 160.67 149.92 141.91 134.13

Boiler Feedwater ∆p
(psi) 346.96 268.79 219.45 180.81 151.97 128.33 113.61 97.06
Flue Gas ∆p UHX+DHX (psi) 0.105 0.083 0.069 0.057 0.048 0.04 0.036 0.031
Total Surface Area 2
ft 275780.33 216157.35 178892.99 149081.50 126722.89 108090.71 96911.40 85720.06
yH2O at Exit of DHX 0.1489 0.1486 0.1491 0.1493 0.1496 0.1502 0.1498 0.15
Installed Capital Cost
Million $ 41.92 29.88 22.35 16.33 11.81 8.05 5.79 3.53
Annual Fixed Cost
Million $ 3.95 2.81 2.1 1.54 1.11 0.76 0.54 0.33
Total Power Req.
kW 1193.90 918.13 743.24 607.11 505.52 422.64 370.23 314.33
Annual Operating Cost
Million $ 0.50 0.38 0.31 0.26 0.21 0.18 0.15 0.13
Total Annual Cost
Million $ 4.45 3.20 2.42 1.79 1.32 0.94 0.70 0.46
Table 36 - Results from Simulations for various Boiler Feedwater Target Temperatures at the Exit of System with Only UHX

UHX Only
Tbfw_Target (°F) 200 190 180 170 160 150 140 134
Length of UHX alone ft 43 32 24 18.5 14.5 11 8.5 7
m° Boiler Feedwater [10^6 lb/hr] 2.990 2.960 2.930 2.905 2.880 2.848 2.819 2.802
m° Flue Gas [10^6 lb/hr] 6.329 6.329 6.329 6.329 6.329 6.329 6.329 6.329
% distance
Cond. Point from upstream 78.99 76.98 74.14 70.94 66.80 61.54 54.90 48.40
end of UHX
Total Cond. Rate [10^3 lb/hr] 57.76 48.80 43.03 37.99 34.66 29.90 26.54 24.52
Total Heat Transfer [10^6 BTU/hr] 336.92 303.50 271.51 240.62 212.68 179.90 151.89 132.67
Tfg in (°F) 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300
Tfg out (°F) 140.54 154.74 169.97 184.95 199.18 215.28 229.4 239.23

Tbfw In (°F) 87.31 87.79 87.25 87.05 86.37 86.77 86.9 86.94
Tbfw Out (°F) 199.8 190.15 179.83 169.93 160.37 149.99 140.83 134.33
Boiler Feedwater ∆p (psi) 399.41 288.34 211.96 160.32 123.28 91.74 69.44 56.45
Flue Gas ∆p (psi) 0.119 0.089 0.068 0.053 0.041 0.032 0.024 0.02
Total Surface Area ft 320485.53 234777.5 175154.52 134163.73 104352.24 78267.19 59635.01 48455.7
yH2O-EXIT 0.1067 0.1088 0.1101 0.1113 0.1121 0.1132 0.1139 0.1144
Installed Capital
Million $ 53.9 38.73 28.1 20.83 15.51 10.97 7.72 5.77
Annual Installed
Million $ 5.08 3.65 2.65 1.96 1.46 1.03 0.73 0.54
Total Power kW 1367.83 981.38 716.58 538.59 411.48 304.35 228.82 185.27
Annual Operating
Million $ 0.57 0.41 0.30 0.23 0.17 0.13 0.10 0.08
Total Annual Cost Million $ 5.65 4.06 2.95 2.19 1.63 1.16 0.82 0.62
The plots for rate of
o condensatio
on and total annual
a cost were
w develope
ed and compa
ared to

he results for the UHX on
nly and DHX only cases. These
T a available in Figure (43) and
plots are

Figure (44) bellow:

Rate of Condensat
C tion vs. Tem
mperature of BFW a
at exit of
Heat Excchanger
Rate of Condensation (10^3 lb/hr)





DHX Only
20 UHX Only
DHX Assembly
130 140 150 160 17
70 180 190 200 210
ature (°F)

Figure 43 - Ratte of Condens
sation for UHX X-DHX assemb bly compared to UHX only and
a DHX only cases
forr different Targ
get Boiler Fee
edwater Tempe

Total Annual Cost vs. Tempe

erature of BFW at exit of Heat
Total Annual Cost (million $)




DHX Only
1.00 UHX Only
DHX Assembly
130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210
Temperrature (°F)

Figure 44 - Tottal Annual Cost for UHX-DHHX assembly compared
c to UHX
U only and DHX only cas
ses for
different Targe
et Boiler Feedw
water Temperratures

From Figure (43), it is clear that the total rate of condensation for the UHX-DHX assembly

remains higher than that observed for system with only UHX. It is also noticed that the rate of

condensation is comparable to that observed for only DHX case. This can be attributed to the fact

that there is no condensation observed in the UHX of the assembly and the variation in the rate of

condensation is minimal in DHX for small change in mass flow rate of boiler feedwater as

observed in Figure (37). It must be noted here that the flue gas entering DHX is saturated, while

for the UHX only case, flue gas has only 12% moisture by mole fraction. The percentage of

moisture in flue gas at the exit of the heat exchanger is provided in Table (35) for UHX-DHX

assembly and Table (36) for the UHX only case.

It is also observed that the total annual cost for the UHX-DHX assembly is less than that

associated with usage of only UHX as indicated in Figure (44). It can be explained by looking at

the heat exchanger geometry and material employed. For the UHX-DHX assembly, 12ft of the

duct serves as the DHX for which the tubes will be made of stainless steel (SS304) as the flue gas

entering DHX is saturated with water. The remaining duct length serves as UHX which is entirely

made from Nickel Alloy 22 material, as explained earlier in this section. On the contrary, for the

UHX only case, Nickel alloy 22 material is used for tube material up-to the point where

condensation begins and SS304 is used thereafter. The point of condensation for UHX only case

is also provided in Table (36). It was observed that for any given target temperature of boiler

feedwater, the total tube length of nickel alloy 22 material required for UHX only case was more

than that for UHX-DHX assembly for the same target temperature of boiler feedwater. This results

in lower total installed cost for UHX-DHX assembly as compared to a system using only UHX for a

given target exit temperature of boiler feedwater. Further, even though the UHX-DHX assembly

tends to have a longer overall duct length compared to system using only UHX to attain the given

target exit temperature of boiler feedwater, the annual operating cost which depends only on the

overall length of the duct, is overshadowed by the annual installed cost in estimation of total

annual cost

To assess the cost benefits associated with UHX-DHX assembly, cost associated with the

treatment of condensed water (16), monetary savings from using this condensed water as make

up water in cooling tower (16) and benefits from selling the additional power generated due to

improvement in plant heat rate (14), were done by Dr. Levy. The cost benefits calculated for DHX

only, UHX only and UHX-DHX assembly are available provided below in Table (37), Table (38)

and Table (39), respectively.

Table 37 - Results of Cost Benefit Analysis for system with Only DHX

DHX Only
Annual Income Annual Expenses
Heat Water Total Net Profit
Target Power Water Total
Exchanger Treatment Annual Cost
(°F) $ (million) $ (million) $ (million) $ (million) $ (million) $ (million) $ (million)
134 1.24 0.147 1.387 0.462 0.1014 0.5634 +0.8236

Table 38 - Results of Cost Benefit Analysis for system with Only UHX

UHX Only
Annual Income Annual Expenses
Heat Water Total Net Profit
Target Power Water Total
Exchanger Treatment Annual Cost
(°F) $ (million) $ (million) $ (million) $ (million) $ (million) $ (million) $ (million)
200 4.22 0.0716 4.2916 5.65 0.0598 5.7098 -1.4182
190 3.58 0.0605 3.6405 4.06 0.0541 4.1141 -0.4736
180 3.08 0.0531 3.1331 2.95 0.0444 2.9944 +0.1387
170 2.52 0.0469 2.5669 2.19 0.0397 2.2297 +0.3372
160 2.11 0.0432 2.1532 1.63 0.0363 1.6663 +0.4869
150 1.68 0.0371 1.7171 1.16 0.0312 1.1912 +0.5259
140 1.4 0.0334 1.4334 0.83 0.0273 0.8573 +0.5761

Table 39 - Results of Cost Benefit Analysis for system with UHX-DHX Assembly

UHX-DHX Assembly
Annual Income Annual Expenses
Heat Water Total Net Profit
Target Power Water Total
Exchanger Treatment Annual Cost
(°F) $ (million) $ (million) $ (million) $ (million) $ (million) $ (million) $ (million)
200 4.22 0.147 4.367 4.4485 0.1018 4.5503 -0.1833
190 3.58 0.147 3.727 3.1943 0.1018 3.2961 +0.4309
180 3.08 0.147 3.227 2.4098 0.1018 2.5116 +0.7154
170 2.52 0.147 2.667 1.7958 0.1018 1.8976 +0.7694
160 2.11 0.147 2.257 1.3218 0.1018 1.4236 +0.8334
150 1.68 0.147 1.827 0.9380 0.1018 1.0398 +0.7872
140 1.4 0.147 1.547 0.6942 0.1018 0.7960 +0.7510

Plots were
w developed for the cha
ange in Turbine power and
d net profit asssociated with
h using

nly DHX or only
o UHX or UHX-DHX assembly
a in the
t system as
a illustrated in Figure (45
5) and

Figure (46) bellow:

ne Power vs
v Target Boiler
B Feed
dwater Exit
Change in turbine Power (MW)


4 ∆Turbine Pow
∆Turbine Pow
wer DHX only

130 140 150 1
160 170
0 180 190 200 210
Temperatture (°F)

e 45 - Change in Turbine Po
ower with Targ
get Boiler Feedwater Exit Te

Net Profit vs.

v Target Boiler Fee
edwater Ex
xit Tempera


Amount (million $)



DHX Only
UHX Only
X Assembly

130 140 150 1
160 170
0 180 190 200 210
ature (°F)

Figure 46 - Ne
et Profit from using UHX-DH
HX assembly compared to system
s with Only
O UHX and Only

In Figure (45), it must be noted that change in net turbine power would be same for both

UHX-DHX assembly and UHX Only cases as turbine power is a function of only the temperature of

boiler feedwater at the exit of heat exchanger as explained in Section 3 of this report. From Figure

(46), it is noted that the usage of UHX-DHX assembly proves beneficial for boiler feedwater

temperatures up to ~197°F compared to ~183°F for system with only UHX. Also, it is noted that

using UHX-DHX assembly to heat boiler feedwater to a temperature of around 160°F returns

maximum benefits which are slightly more than a system employing only DHX.

6. Discussion of Results & Conclusion

A previously validated Matlab code was used to analyze the performance of condensing

heat exchangers placed upstream and/or downstream of the wet FGD unit. Five different heat

exchanger arrangements were evaluated to identify the heat exchanger design that will return high

rate of condensation and rate of heat transfer and also generate revenue if possible.

The use of boiler feedwater as the cooling fluid in condensing heat exchangers offers the

benefit of recovering both heat and water from flue gas. The study, done in conjunction with Jonas

(16), indicated that the mass flow rate of boiler feedwater available at the inlet of FWH1 depends

on the temperature to which it is heated in the condensing heat exchanger. For the specific

600MW power plant analyzed here, the mass flow rate of boiler feedwater would vary between

2.673 million lb/hr for a boiler feedwater temperature of 87°F at the exit of the heat exchanger (of

infinitesimally small surface area) to 3.054 million lb/hr for an exit temperature of 220°F.

Both the flue gas and cooling water streams experience pressure drops as they pass

through the heat exchanger. Of these two, cooling water experiences higher pressure drops and

thus contributes a substantial part of the operating costs. As a result, for a heat exchanger with

tubes of 2” NPS diameter and duct length of 20 ft, the total annual cost can vary from $1.43 million

to $7.22 million for cooling water to flue gas mass flow rate ratio ranging between 0.75 and 1.5.

Increasing the tube diameter to 3.5” NPS brings down the total annual cost to between $0.41

million to $0.71 million for the same range of cooling water to flue gas mass flow rate ratio. Also, it

was observed that keeping surface area or length of heat exchanger constant, the change in tube

diameter had negligible impact on total heat transfer and condensation efficiency.

The condensing heat exchanger can be placed upstream or downstream of different low

pressure FWHs. Depending on the location of the heat exchanger, the temperature of boiler

feedwater can be as high as 194°F. It was observed that use of low temperature boiler feedwater

before FWH1 resulted in higher rate of heat transfer and condensation efficiency of the heat

exchanger. Also, the total installed cost of the heat exchanger was reduced since the point of

condensation moved closer to the upstream inlet end of the heat exchanger, thus reducing the

requirement of Nickel alloy 22 material for tubes. Taking into account the change in mass flow rate

of boiler feedwater with temperature to which feedwater is heated in the heat exchanger, a cost

benefit analysis indicated that increasing the temperature of boiler feedwater to a maximum of

~135°F would return maximum profit.

Keeping the area of cross-section of the heat exchanger constant, the transverse pitch St

was varied from 4.88” to 6.17” but the longitudinal pitch Sl was kept constant at 2.97”. It was

observed that the total rate of heat transfer and condensation efficiency increased with decrease

in transverse pitch. The decrease in transverse pitch helped accommodate more tubes in the

same duct cross-section thus increasing the total surface area of the tubes. It was observed that

for the heat exchanger placed downstream of wet FGD, the total annual cost associated with the

heat exchangers was dominated by the annual operating cost as expensive Nickel alloy 22

material was not required. Therefore, when the pressure drop for cooling water flowing inside the

tubes was reduced with increased number of tubes due to smaller transverse pitch, the annual

operating cost was reduced. Thus, the total annual cost also reduced.

Using water spray to precool flue gas to a temperature of 155°F upstream of the wet FGD

offered similar rate of heat transfer and condensation efficiency compared to a heat exchanger

placed downstream of the wet FGD unit. The total annual cost for this system was also

comparable to that observed for heat exchanger placed downstream of wet FGD unit up-to a heat

exchanger duct length of 10ft, beyond which the total annual cost started increasing rapidly. For

the system using precooled flue gas using water spray, the Nickel 22 alloy material requirements

for tube materials increased significantly with increase in duct length, thus, increasing the installed

capital cost for the heat exchangers.

The use of coupled heat exchangers provides space flexibility but appears beneficial only

at higher mass flow rates of cooling water. The combined fan and pump power required for

coupled heat exchanger is only marginally more than that required by a heat exchanger that uses

cooling water at higher cooling water to flue gas mass flow rate ratios. Although the rate of

condensation remains lower than that for a heat exchanger using cooling water at higher mass

flow rate ratios, the rate of heat transfer is higher for coupled heat exchanger assembly. It is also

observed that the use of boiler feedwater directly is more beneficial if the main aim of the system

is to recover maximum heat from flue gas.

The use of two cascaded heat exchangers offers the benefits of a heat exchanger both

upstream and downstream of the wet FGD unit. From the overall performance evaluation of the

cascaded heat exchanger assembly and its comparison with system using only UHX or only DHX,

it was observed that if the systems were designed to obtain the same rate of total heat transfer,

the cascaded heat exchanger offered higher condensation efficiency comparable to that of the

DHX but at lower total annual cost. The system designed to heat boiler feedwater to a temperature

of ~160°F was most beneficial. It is also observed that if we raise the temperature of boiler

feedwater to a temperature of 160°F, FWH1 can be completely taken off. The additional savings

on installed cost associated with FWH1 and the pressure drop that would have been otherwise

observed across FWH1 have not been accounted in this study.

7. Assumptions

 All the heat exchangers were assumed to have inline tube arrangement.

 All heat exchanger ducts are assumed to be perfectly insulated and any heat loss to the

environment is neglected.

 The cooling water to flue gas mass flow rate ratios are based on Jonas’s Aspen Model.

 Unlike the condensing heat exchanger, the calculations for water-to-water heat exchanger

are done at average of the inlet and exit temperatures.

 A detailed design analysis of baffle plates for the water-to-water heat exchanger HX2 was

not done at this stage. The possibilities to improve HX2 design by modifying baffle

arrangement and spacing has not been done at this stage.

 Any flow leakage across the baffle plate weld joints with the heat exchanger shell or along

the holes on baffle plates for tube support have been neglected.

 The possibility of fouling on tube surfaces has not been taken into account at this stage.

 Any changes in the price of tube material or manufacturing and installation cost since the

study done Hazell have been neglected.

 The cost of heat exchanger tubes is calculated as a function of the total weight of tube

material required. Also, the manufacturing and installation cost is assumed to be same for

all tube diameters.

 The pump power requirement to remove the condensed water from condensing heat

exchanger and transferring it to the treatment plant has not been accounted for.

 The pumping requirements for water spray to precool the flue gas have been neglected at

this stage.

 The pump power requirements to circulate cooling water from HX2 to HX1 and then return

from HX1 to HX2 have not been taken into account.

 The pump power requirements for transferring boiler feedwater from exit of DHX to the

inlet of UHX have been neglected.

 It is assumed that there is no heat loss while cooling water is circulated between HX1 and

HX2 or when boiler feedwater is pumped from DHX to UH.


1. Jeong, Dr. Kwangkook. Condensation of Water Vapor and Sulfuric Acid in Boiler Flue Gas. s.l. :
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Appendix A

Table Page.

A.1 Process Conditions for Subcases A - F as obtained from Jonas (14)………………….92

A.2 Process Conditions for Subcases 1 - 4 as obtained from Jonas (14)…………………..93

A.3 Process Conditions for Precooled Flue gas using Water Spray as obtained from Jonas

(14) ………………….………………….………………….………………….……………...94

Figure Page.

A.1 Supercritical Steam Turbine kit diagram used by Jonas (17)………………….………..95

Table A. 1 - Process Conditions for Subcases A - F as obtained from Jonas (14)

Process Conditions for Subcases A - F

Sub-case H G F E D C B A
Place Before This FWH N/A w/FGD FWH1 FWH3 FWH2 FWH2 FWH1 FWH1 FWH1
Flue Gas T in (°F) N/A 135 303 303 303 303 303 303 303
Net Power (kW) 591,857 594,539 603,156 596,137 594,175 598,246 593,782 595,605 597,622
∆ Net Power (kW) 0 2,682 11,300 4,281 2,318 6,389 1,925 3,748 5,765
Unit Heat Rate 9,133 9,092 8,962 9,067 9,097 9,036 9,103 9,076 9,045
∆ Unit Heat Rate % 0.00 -0.45 -1.87 -0.72 -0.39 -1.07 -0.32 -0.63 -0.96
Efficiency % 37.36 37.36 37.36 37.36 37.36 37.36 37.36 37.36 37.36
Duty FWH1 (kBtu/hr) 173,265 61,075 0 178,184 178,672 183,173 92,019 15,906 19,292
Duty FWH2 (kBtu/hr) 130,650 131,241 0 131,930 0 0 132,582 131,477 0
Duty FWH3 (kBtu/hr) 120,224 120,224 66,354 33,541 166,866 83,747 120,224 120,224 173,798

Duty FWH5 (kBtu/hr) 215,945 215,945 215,945 215,945 215,945 215,945 215,945 215,945 215,945
Duty FWH6 (kBtu/hr) 228,583 228,583 228,583 228,583 228,583 228,583 228,583 228,583 228,583
Duty FWH7 (kBtu/hr) 368,976 368,976 368,976 368,976 368,976 368,976 368,976 368,976 368,976
Duty Flue Gas
(kBtu/hr) 0 119,764 371,334 86,682 86,682 167,914 86,682 167,914 248,666
m° Condensation (lb/hr) 0 108,601 64,568 0 0 0 0 0 0
m° Flue Gas (lb/hr) 6,309,391 6,309,391 6,309,391 6,309,391 6,309,391 6,309,391 6,309,391 6,309,391 6,309,391
m° BFW (lb/hr) 2,792,411 3,018,950 3,175,031 3,175,032 3,175,033 2,759,411 2,838,911 2,915,950
m°bfw / m°fg 0.443 0.478 0.503 0.503 0.503 0.437 0.450 0.462
BFW T in (°F) 87.1 193.8 151.9 152.5 87.1 87.1 98.6
BFW T out (°F) 210 220.9 179.2 205.2 118.5 146.4 177
Table A. 2 - Process Conditions for Subcases 1 - 4 as obtained from Jonas (14)

Process Conditions for Subcases 1 - 4

Sub-case 4 C 3 B 2 1
Place Before This FWH N/A SSR Chg FWH1 FWH1 FWH1 FWH1 FWH1 FWH1
Flue Gas T in (°F) N/A 303 303 303 303 303 303 303
Net Power (kW) 591,857 591,603 593,097 593,535 594,631 595,392 596,498 597,975
∆ Net Power (kW) 0 1,494 1,932 3,028 3,790 4,896 6,372
Unit Heat Rate 9,133 9,137 9,114 9,107 9,090 9,079 9,062 9,040
∆ Unit Heat Rate % 0.00 -0.25 -0.33 -0.51 -0.64 -0.82 -1.07
Efficiency % 37.36 37.34 37.44 37.46 37.53 37.58 37.65 37.74
Duty FWH1 (kBtu/hr) 173,265 172,847 110,305 91,746 45,807 14,152 0 0
Duty FWH2 (kBtu/hr) 130,650 130,388 130,717 130,814 131,055 131,223 0 0
Duty FWH3 (kBtu/hr) 120,224 119,988 119,988 119,988 119,988 119,988 196,422 167,342

Duty Flue Gas Cooler (kBtu/hr) 0 0 66,761 86,471 135,518 169,396 224,244 257,084
m° Flue Gas (lb/hr) 6,309,391 6,309,391 6,309,391 6,309,391 6,309,391 6,309,391 6,309,391 6,309,391
m° BFW (lb/hr) 2,668,999 2,734,146 2,753,246 2,801,046 2,834,246 2,894,950 2,922,450
m°bfw / m°fg 0.423 0.433 0.436 0.444 0.449 0.459 0.463
BFW T in (°F) 87.1 87.1 87.1 87.1 87.1 87.1 87.1
BFW T out (°F) 87.1 111.5 118.5 135.5 146.9 164.6 175.1
LMTD (°F) 215.9543 183.2101 173.5686 149.5469 132.8506 105.3905 88.2051
Cost Benefit ($) 0 0 627,479 811,449 1,271,862 1,591,655 2,056,179 2,676,363
Table A. 3 - Process Conditions for Precooled Flue gas using Water Spray as obtained from Jonas (14)

Process Conditions for Precooled Flue gas using Water Spray

Flue Gas T in 87 135 155 165 175 200 250 300
Net Power (kW) 591,857 594,539 595,524 596,375 596,820 600,257 608,250 620,697
Unit Heat Rate 9,133 9,092 9,077 9,064 9,057 9,005 8,887 8,709
∆ Unit Heat Rate % 0.00 -0.45 -0.62 -0.76 -0.83 -1.40 -2.70 -4.65
Efficiency % 37.36 37.53 37.59 37.64 37.67 37.89 38.39 39.18
Duty FWH1 (kBtu/hr) 173,265 61,075 19,508 0 0 0 0 0
Duty FWH2 (kBtu/hr) 130,650 131,241 130,579 120,961 0 0 0 0
Duty FWH3 (kBtu/hr) 120,224 120,224 120,224 120,224 195,678 125,197 0 0
Duty FWH5 (kBtu/hr) 215,945 215,945 215,945 215,945 215,945 215,945 215,945 215,945
Duty FWH6 (kBtu/hr) 228,583 228,583 228,583 228,583 228,583 228,583 228,583 228,583
Duty FWH7 (kBtu/hr) 368,976 368,976 368,976 368,976 368,976 368,976 368,976 368,976

Duty Flue Gas Cooler (kBtu/hr) 0 119,764 164,123 194,419 225,869 305,105 475,346 663,759
m° Condensation (lb/hr) 0 108,601 118,342 128,809 140,270 169,314 235,422 307,291
Water Injected (lb/hr) 0 0 224,728 208,810 192,986 153,924 77,857 4,397
yH2O 17.4% 17.4% 16.4% 16.1% 15.7% 14.9% 13.3% 11.7%
m° Flue Gas (lb/hr) 6,309,391 6,309,391 6,534,119 6,518,201 6,502,377 6,463,315 6,387,248 6,313,788
m° BFW (lb/hr) 2,792,411 2,835,411 2,864,946 2,900,950 2,964,950 3,100,985 3,249,985
m°bfw / m°fg 0.443 0.434 0.440 0.446 0.459 0.485 0.515

Figure A. 1 - Supercritical Steam Turbine kit diagram used by Jonas (17)


Nipun Goel was born on July 4th, 1986 in Delhi, India. He received a Bachelor’s in

Technology in Power Engineering (with Mechanical Specialization) from National Power Training

Institute (NR), Delhi, India in 2008. After completing his undergrad, he worked with Bechtel India

Private Limited, Haryana, India, for two years where he gained industrial exposure. In the Fall of

2010, he joined Lehigh University to pursue M.S. in Mechanical Engineering.


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