Betelhem Takele

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Research assignment on questionnaire for Assessment of business tax collection practices of

category “C”: The case of Bole sub city Wereda 13 administration office. 1

1. Betelhem Takele

2. Bezawit zeray

3. Biruk yemane

4. Etsub mesfin

5. Hilina Tesfaye

6. Hermela Farus

7. Hermona dereje

8. Kebron wondimu

9. Kebreten getachew

10. Natenael sileshi

Advisor : Mr Jemal

December, 2023

Addis Ababa , Ethiopian 1

Department of Accounting and finance

Questionnaire to be filled by

Dear respondents,

This questionnaire is prepared by the fourth year students in Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirement for the B.A Degree in Accounting and Finance to assess business tax collection
practices of category “C” in case of Bole sub city Wereda 13 administration office.

Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. There are no foreseeable risks
associated with this project. However, if you feel uncomfortable answering any questions, you
can withdraw from the survey at any point. It is very important for us to learn your opinions.

Your survey responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will be reported
only in the aggregate. Your information will be coded and will remain confidential.

Thank you very much for your time and support.

 General question

Make a ✓ mark on the box to give your response

1. Are you Ethiopian



2. Gender :-



3. Age :-

18 - 30

31 - 45

46 - 60
Above 60

3. Annual personal income

0 - 5000

5000 - 10000

10000 - 20000

20000 - 30000

Above 30000

4. What is your highest level of education

No schooling completed

Nursery school to 8th grade

Some high school, no diploma

High school graduate, diploma

Some college credit, no degree

Associate degree

Bachelor’s degree

Master’s degree

5. What is your current occupation?

Business Owner/Entrepreneur

Employee (Corporate Sector)

Government Employee

Self-Employed Professional (e.g., Consultant, Freelancer)




Question related to the study

Make a ✓ mark on the box to give your response

Point Scale

1 – Very strong

2 – Strong

3 – Moderate

4 – Weak

5 – Very weak

No Tax assessment and payment 1(VS) 2( S) 3(M) 4(W) 5(VW)


6 On scale of 1-5, How clear do you

perceive the communication of tax
assessment criteria for catagory C
businesses in Bole sub-city?

7 How effective is the current tax

assessment process for catagory C
businesses in Bole sub-city in
ensuring fairness and impartiality?
8 How satisfied are you with the
consistency and accuracy of tax
assessments conducted for catagory
C businesses in Bole sub-city?

9 On scale of 1-5, how would you rate

the complexity of tax regulations
affecting compliance for businesses
in Bole sub-city?

10 Rate the level of awareness and

understanding among businesses
regarding their tax obligation in Bole
sub-city on scale from 1-5

Make a √ mark according to your response

Challenges in meeting Income Tax obligation and measures to enhance compliance

11. Indicate the various challenges you face as a catagory C Business owner in meeting your
income tax obligation

Lack of clarity on tax assessment procedures

High complexity in tax regulations

Limited access to tax-related resources and information

Insufficient guidance/support from tax authorities

Cash flow issues impacting tax payments

Administrative burdens in complying with tax requirements


12. Check the measures or improvements you believe would enhance compliance with income
tax obligations among Category C businesses in Bole Sub City Wereda 13

Simplification of tax regulations and procedures

Enhanced outreach programs for educating businesses on tax compliance

Providing accessible and comprehensive tax-related guidance or assistance

Implementing incentives or tax relief schemes for compliant businesses

Strengthening audit and enforcement activities for non-compliant businesses

Improving communication and transparency between tax authorities and businesses


13. Select the factors or components that you believe affect the efficiency of the current
business income tax collection mechanisms in Bole Sub City Wereda 13 for Category C

Clarity in tax assessment guidelines and procedures

Timeliness and effectiveness of tax collection processes

Transparency in tax calculation and assessment

Accessibility to tax authorities for queries and support

Use of technology in facilitating tax filing and payments

Consistency in applying tax laws and regulations

Cooperation and compliance from businesses in providing necessary tax information

Adequacy of resources and staff for tax collection and enforcement


14. Select the strategies or measures you believe could streamline tax collection processes for
Category C businesses in Bole Sub City Wereda 13 and enhance revenue collection:

Implementing a user-friendly online tax payment system

Conducting regular tax education and awareness programs for businesses

Simplifying tax assessment procedures and guidelines

Introducing incentives for early or timely tax payments

Enhancing collaboration between tax authorities and businesses for compliance

Increasing transparency in tax collection procedures

Utilizing data analytics to identify non-compliant businesses

Improving customer service and support for tax-related inquiries


15. Select the areas or aspects you think require immediate attention or improvement to boost
revenue collection from Category C businesses in Bole Sub City Wereda 13:

Strengthening tax audit and enforcement activities

Enhancing communication and engagement with businesses regarding tax obligations

Investing in technology for better tax administration and monitoring

Simplifying tax laws and regulations to reduce compliance burdens

Offering incentives or rewards for compliant businesses

Improving the accuracy and consistency of tax assessments

Conducting regular evaluations and updates of tax collection strategies


Effectiveness of digital transformation and localized Tax policies

16. On a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate the effectiveness of the recent digital
transformation initiatives in tax administration (e.g., online services, electronic filing) in Bole
Sub City Wereda 13?

1 -───Very Ineffective

2 -─── Ineffective

3 ───- Neutral

4 - ───Effective

5 -─── Very Effective

17. Based on your experience, rate the level of compliance among category C businesses with
regards to income tax regulations in Bole Sub City Wereda 13 on a scale from 1 to 5:

1 ───- Very Low Compliance

2 -─── Low Compliance

3 ───- Moderate Compliance

4 ─── High Compliance

5 ───Very High Compliance

18. Considering recent localized tax policies tailored to the economic landscape of Bole Sub City
Wereda 13, how effective do you perceive these policies in addressing the challenges faced by
businesses? Rate on a scale from 1 to 5:

1─── Not Effective

2 ───Somewhat Effective

3─── Moderately Effective

4─── Effective

5 ─── Highly Effective

19. Rate the impact of taxpayer education programs conducted in the past five years in Bole
Sub City Wereda 13 on compliance among category C businesses on a scale from 1 to 5:

1 ─── No Impact

2 ─── Low Impact

3─── Moderate Impact

4─── Significant Impact

5─── Very Significant Impact

20. On a scale of 1 to 5, how efficient do you find the current tax collection mechanisms in
optimizing revenue for the administration office in Bole Sub City Wereda 13?

1 ─── Very Inefficient

2 ─── Inefficient

3 ───Moderately Efficient

4─── Efficient

5 ───Very Efficient

Complexity of recent tax regulations and government's enforcement measures

21. Please rate the level of effectiveness in enhancing tax compliance

:Inadequate ─────── Effective ─────

22. Rate the level of complexity in understanding recent tax regulations:

Simple ────────Complex─────

23. Describe the current state of taxpayer cooperation:

Uncooperative ─────── Cooperative─────

24. Evaluate the level of taxpayer awareness regarding their tax obligations:

Low Awareness ─────── High Awareness─────

25. Rate the government's enforcement measures in reducing non-compliance:

Ineffective ─────── Effective─────

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