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Application Activity: Managing Finances

Name: Myra Nimfa Solidum Mendieta

Part 1: Self-Reliance
1. Give at least two reasons why the self-reliant approach to finances can lead to greater
peace and stability for you. Use at least one specific example from the course reading or
your own life to support each reason in your response.
a. Reason 1: The self-reliant approach leads me closer to Heavenly Father. Because it is a
way of showing obedience to Heavenly Father and the principles of the gospel, it gives me
greater peace and stability in the long run.
i. Example from the course or your life to support this reason: Paying tithes
and offerings, for example, may result in a temporary loss of money but it
comes with a promise of many blessings. It is a test of our priorities by
our Heavenly Father.
b. Reason 2: The self-reliant approach teaches me to prioritize building financial security
such as investing or saving up for future emergencies, thereby giving me greater peace and
ii. Example from the course or your life to support this reason: An
emergency fund is one way for us to build our financial security and
protect ourselves from unexpected financial troubles. When we have a
financial safety net for these emergency expenses, we experience peace
of mind and financial stability.
2. Give at least two reasons why interest can hurt or help your finances. Use at least one
specific example from the course reading or your own life to support each reason in
your response.
c. Reason 1: Interest can hurt finances because it is an added expense.
iii. Example from the course or your life to support this reason: High interest
bearing loans, for example, can take a big chunk of our budget.
d. Reason 2: Interest can hurt finances because it will take longer to pay off a loan.
iv. Example from the course or your life to support this reason: High interest
bearing loans take longer to be paid off and causes financial difficulty.

Part 2: Open and Download Needed Files for the Budget

3. Open your Expense Tracker Excel file. You were instructed to track all expenses and
income for two weeks.

a. If you had access to a bank, you didn’t need to track expenses on the Expense
Tracker file. It is now time to obtain a bank report of your recent account
4. Download the Budget Template Excel file. You will not turn in your actual budget but
use it to honestly answer the questions at the end of this document.
Part 3: Enter Income Sources and Budget Categories
5. On the budget template, enter the start and end dates for your budget. This is typically
the first of the month to the last day of the month or payday to payday. The budget
needs to span one month.
6. In column A, starting in row 10, list all your income sources for the coming month.
7. Then in column B, give your best estimate of the amount of money you expect to earn
from each source.
8. Consider the list of expense categories in column D, and the categories you used in your
Expense Tracker. Modify the categories to best fit your situation.
9. Once you have listed your expense categories in column D, use column E to indicate
whether each is a fixed or a variable expense. Your responses may differ from those in
the example.
10. Now, look at the expenses you tracked for the last two weeks to help you create a
budget for the coming month. Even though you have only tracked for two weeks, you
can multiply some of these items by 2 to fill a month. Enter the amount you plan to
spend in each category in the appropriate cells in column F.
Part 4. Balance Your Budget
11. Review that the total income you expect to earn is given in cell B8 and the total
expenses in cell F8. If the number in cell F8 is more than the number in B8, it means that
your planned expenses exceed your total income. Your budget is not balanced.
12. Though there is likely not much you can do to adjust your fixed expenses, look over your
variable expenses and make necessary adjustments until your Total Income expected
(cell B8) is equal to or only slightly greater than the Total Expenses budgeted (cell F8).
a. If you can’t balance your budget by adjusting the variable expenses, you will
need to consider what fixed expenses you can adjust (i.e. – reducing or canceling
services, subscriptions, etc.) or what other income you could acquire.
13. When you finish, your budget should look something like the following.
14. Notice this assignment did not ask you to put in any information into columns C and G.
Those columns are for you to fill in later. The course will not ask about this, but if you
stick to this budget, the actual amounts should generally be equal to or less than the
budgeted or expected amounts. It is up to you to manage your finances!

Part 5: Reflect
Answer the following questions:

15. Did you download and complete a budget? Yes

16. Did you classify all your expenses as fixed or variable? Yes
17. Did you adjust the budget so your expenses did not exceed your income?
 I didn’t need to

18. Describe at least one challenge to keeping a budget where your expenses do not exceed
your income.
One challenge is to maintain the variable expenses every month so that they won’t
become bigger when added to the fixed expenses and will not exceed my monthly

19. Describe at least one way to overcome this challenge.

One way to overcome this challenge is to make sure that variable expenses such as
entertainment and groceries are made within the monthly budget and will not exceed it.
Always keep in mind not to spend more than what I earn.

Submission Instructions
Just submit this document to the course for grading and feedback. You do not need to submit
the budget that you completed.

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