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Prepare yourself to enter a world of battle and death, of violence and madness. Chaos infects this world like a malignant
disease from which there can be no recovery. Logic, reason and sanity have no place here. Even the land and the air are
suffused with raw magic – ancient trees come alive, men devolve into monsters and mysterious citadels rise from the earth at
dusk, only to fade away by dawn. In this blasted realm, you will see wonders and horrors alike that you shall carry to the grave.

From the north, tribe upon tribe of barbarians and iron-clad Yet amidst all of the fire, flame and fury, it is a world of
immortals come, bringing death and destruction in honour of mighty heroes, of bold deeds and of great courage. These few
their dark gods. Under the heat of the southern sun, skeletal champions stand against the encroaching darkness, rallying
legions and armies of living statues rise from the desert sands their warriors with acts of valour and the hope of victory. The
to war eternally with their neighbours and reclaim their lost deafening roar of battle rises above them all, the sound of a
lands from hosts of plate-armoured knights. Across the Old thousand times a thousand brave soldiers crashing body, blade
World, bestial and nameless things pour out from the endless and shield against the endless hordes of enemies.
forests to besiege, burn and topple fortress-cities. Orc warlords
lead vast mobs of raucous warriors, slime-skinned trolls and The fate of the world, be it damnation or salvation, hangs in
ramshackle war engines to endless wars, from mountain peak the balance.
to distant coast. In the earth below, Goblin hosts clash with
unyielding shieldwalls of grim Dwarf tunnel-guards who fight This is a world of eternal war and fleeting glory.
daily for the survival of their cavernous dominions. From
the far-off lands of the Elves, great fleets of elegant ships This is Warhammer: the Old World, the game of fantasy
sail to war, the skies above alight with the fire of legions of battles in a world of legends.
duelling Dragons.
W elcome to the Old World. Sound the trumpets and beat loud the drums of war, for the weighty tome you hold in your
hands is your key to entering a dark and bloody land. It is a world of Daemons and sorcery, a brutal era of warfare
and conquest. Warhammer: the Old World – the game of fantasy battles – brings all the action onto your tabletop. You
command armies of miniatures in a game that promises bold manoeuvre, daring riposte and untold slaughter.

The Old World is a land torn asunder by strife and conflict. that endlessly raid and make war for war’s sake, and by
From the fertile farmlands of civilised nations to the arid the corrupted beasts of the deep, dark forests, the children
wastelands of the untracked wilderness, armies march to the of Chaos.
beat of drums and the blaring of horns, beneath a canopy of
resplendent banners and gleaming standards. Across the oceans of the world, the High Elves of Ulthuan
fight a bitter centuries-long war against their twisted kin, the
All across the Old World, the nations of Men, Dwarfs and Dark Elves. To the south lie the sandy realms of the undying
Elves defend their borders against the hordes of armoured Tomb Kings who guard the riches of their necropolis cities
warriors and marauders that flow from the north, worshippers from plundering raiders and threaten the lands of the living
of the Dark Gods that seek only to topple civilisation. with their eternal might.
From within, they are beset by tribes of Orcs and Goblins

The Warhammer Hobby The Rules
This section lays out the full rules for how to move, shoot,
Warhammer: the Old World is a game unlike any other cast magic and fight with your models. In addition to the core
because it is so much more than a game. It is an engaging and ‘how to play’ rules, you will find advanced rules for monsters,
engrossing pastime – a hobby with a host of different aspects. heroes, weapon types, allies, army selection rules and, of
There are armies of Citadel miniatures to collect and paint, course, how to go about fighting a battle.
fantastical battlefields to create, a rich history to explore and
endless gaming challenges. It is a hands-on hobby, limited only Miniatures Showcase
by the bounds of your imagination. If all this sounds like a lot This glorious section shows off a fantastic assortment of
of work – it is! But glory won lightly is no glory at all. Citadel miniatures from the Warhammer range. There are
examples from many armies displaying lavishly painted
How This Book Works models from the talented members of the world-famous
’Eavy Metal team. Looking through this section should
This book contains everything you need to know in order to inspire anyone!
play games of Warhammer: the Old World on your tabletop.
For ease of navigation, the book is divided into the following Warhammer Battles
main sections: The final section is all about putting the rules, background
and the models together. In addition to tips about setting up
The Warhammer World and playing your own games, you’ll find a range of exciting
The Warhammer world is a strange, magical realm full of scenarios to play, along with advice on running your own
battle and strife. This section provides histories, tales of the campaigns and recreating awe-inspiring Legendary Battles.
major epochs and a glimpse at the many realms and nations of
the world during the era in which the action is set.
Between yourself and your opponent, you will need the following items to recreate the bloody battles of the Warhammer world:

Armies Of Citadel Miniatures (1) Tape Measure (3)

Both you and your opponent will need an army to lead into The bounce of a cannonball, the flight of a Griffon, the charge
battle. Warhammer: the Old World has many armies to of a regiment of Knights or the range of a Wizard’s fireball
choose from and each force is different and characterful in its are all measured in inches. A tape measure or ruler marked in
own right, but best of all, each army can be built in countless inches is therefore a necessity.
combinations. Players can choose their favourite models,
exploit a favourite game tactic or collect as their whims A Battlefield (4)
dictate. No two armies need be alike.
Any flat surface can become the battlefield for armies to fight
Rulebook (2) over. A dedicated playing space is ideal, but a kitchen table, flat
workbench, large desk or even the floor will do. To this, you
When first learning how to play, you will find yourself might wish to add a number of terrain features, making your
consulting this very Rulebook often. But fear not, after a few tabletop better resemble a field of battle in a fantasy realm.
games the bulk of the rules will become second nature and
you will soon find that you only need to look up an occasional
reference or find a clarification for an unusual situation.

Terrain (5) Dice (7)
For games of Warhammer: the Old World, you will need only Warhammer: the Old World uses six-sided dice to work
a few choice pieces of terrain, such as forests, rivers, or the out effects such as combat and shooting. A few differently
heaped skull-totems of a barbaric race. Warhammer armies, coloured dice are handy to work out specific rolls for heroes.
consisting of tightly regimented formations, prefer to do You will also need an Artillery dice and a Scatter dice to work
battle across open fields where possible. However, a wise and out certain spell and war machine effects (see page 95).
cunning general will use terrain to their benefit – protecting
a vulnerable flank with dense forests, advancing skirmishers Pen & Paper
through rough ground, and so on.
In the midst of battle, it is easy to forget small details. Having a
Templates (6) pen and paper handy on which to jot down how many wounds
have been inflicted upon large monsters, or which unit has
Some weapons, such as stone throwers, affect a large area been cursed with an ongoing spell, will allow you to get on
and can destroy many models at once. By placing a template, with the game instead of trying to remember minutia.
players can determine how many models are hit (see page 95).
The world was once an ice-clad jewel in the heavens,
nurtured by beings older than time. To look upon this
world was to witness the hopes of forgotten gods made
manifest. Above lush jungles, winged lizards soared.
White-crested mountains grazed the heavens, sapphire
blue oceans caressed the lands under endless turquoise
skies. For a while, the world knew harmony.

Then came Chaos.

The Great Cataclysm shook the firmament with such force

its echoes still pervade, and always will. All semblance of
tranquillity was blasted away in an instant. A screaming
gale of raw magic enveloped the lands and the beasts
that dwelt within, remaking them into forms disturbing
and unclean.

Today, the ordered kingdoms of the world face constant

War Unending
adversity, their bustling fortress-cities ever besieged by
barbaric and murderous enemies eager to desecrate and
destroy these monuments to civilisation.

Under storm-wracked skies surging legions clash. Battle

lines slam together with the force of tidal waves. Roaring
behemoths lumber out of their lairs, and evil warlocks
summon searing conflagrations of raw magic that turn
whole battalions to ash. The muted roar of warfare
resounds from the uncaring peaks.

The gods of strife shall feast upon this day, and every day
hence, until the end of time..
The Rules

This section is divided into three parts. The first This means you can get playing as quickly as
focuses upon some general principles for all players possible, learning to move, cast spells, shoot and
to be aware of. This includes commonly used terms, fight deadly combat with your models.
conventions, dice and other accessories, as well
as explanations of the models, their profiles and The third part expands upon the basics by
so forth. introducing more advanced rules for different
troop types, characters, weapons and more. From
This is followed by the basic rules as they apply to there, the only limits are your imagination and
the most common type of model – formed infantry. your dreams of conquest!
T his page summarises the sequence you will follow when playing a game of Warhammer: the Old World and points you
to the relevant parts of the book that explain how each stage works.

1. Muster Your Forces! 4. Deploy Armies

To play a game of Warhammer: the Old World, each player The rival armies are deployed facing each other across the
will need an army to command, so the first thing to do is battlefield, ready to fight. Details of how to deploy can
assemble your forces. You can simply use all the models in be found in the Warhammer Battles section. Each of the
your collection, but most players use points values and army pitched battle scenarios includes a map showing where on the
lists to ensure their forces are evenly matched for a closely battlefield each player can place their models, and tells which
fought battle. This system is explained in the Warhammer side will take the first turn of the game.
Armies section on page 276.
5. To Battle!
2. Choose Scenario
The players fight out the battle, each taking turns in which
The Warhammer Battles section on page 287 presents six their army will move, shoot, wield mighty magic and fight
‘pitched battles’. Each of these explains how to play a slightly vicious combat. All of this is done using the rules that follow.
different type of battle, ranging from a straightforward clash These rules start with basic rules that apply to all models and
of forces to a fight in a mountain pass or the defence of a cover the standard sequence of moving, shooting, fighting and
watchtower. Players can roll a dice to decide which pitched more. Each pitched battle also explains how many rounds to
battle they will play or simply choose one. play before the game ends.

3. Set Up The Battlefield 6. Aftermath

Next, you will need a battlefield, which can be set up on anyOverview of the
In the Game of the battle, the players must work out
flat surface, be it the kitchen table, the floor or a dedicated which side stands victorious. Each pitched battle explains
wargames table. The players set up terrain for their armies how to work out who has won the game. In most cases, the
to fight over, representing woods, fortified watchtowers and victor is the side that has destroyed more of the enemy and
other features that make up the landscape of the Warhammer so it is often obvious who has won, as the enemy army lies in
world. How to do this is covered in the Warhammer Battles tatters – dead or fleeing! Other battles are decided by claiming
section on page 285. objectives, such as seizing enemy banners or capturing a
watchtower. Whatever the outcome, only a rematch will give
you the chance for further glory or sweet revenge.
B efore going further, it is worth establishing some general principles regarding some commonly used terms,
conventions, dice and other accessories, and the game of Warhammer in general.

Take-backs & Changing One’s Mind Measurement

General Principles
It is not uncommon for players of any game to occasionally In games of Warhammer: the Old World, all distances are
second guess themselves, saying they are about to do measured in inches ("), using a ruler or tape measure, and can
something before immediately changing their mind. Players be measured at any time. Distances between models and all
should be tolerant of this in their opponents, as they will likely other objects (which can be other models, terrain features and
do it themselves. so on) are always measured from the closest point on one base
to the closest point on the other base (see diagram below).
However, once dice have been rolled for any reason, or a move
committed to and made, players must abide by their decision; For example, if any part of a model’s base is within 6" of the
they can no longer go back and change anything that came base of an enemy model, the two models are said to be within
before the dice roll or the act of moving! 6" of each other.

Moving Through Units Sometimes, units will be mounted on movement trays for
ease. Nevertheless, always use the model’s base, and not
As a general rule, no unit can move through another unit, Measurement
the movement tray, as the reference point when taking
though there are exceptions. For example, a fleeing unit may your measurements.
be obliged to move through another unit.
Directly Towards & Directly Away
Alternatively, the corner of a unit may have no choice but to A unit may be required to move directly towards, or directly
move through another unit during a manoeuvre. In such cases, away from, another unit or object. To do so, draw an
it is acceptable for one unit to pass through another and the imaginary line between the centre of the moving unit and the
rules will make allowance for this. centre of the unit or object it is moving towards or away from.
As the unit moves, its centre moves along this line.
Dice Modifying Dice Rolls
Dice To modify a dice roll, simply roll the dice and then add or
Warhammer: the Old World uses dice of different types subtract the modifier(s) shown, effectively changing the result
to determine the outcome of various actions and events. of the roll. If the rules ever instruct you to divide a dice roll,
These are: any fractions are rounded up, unless the rules state otherwise.
Modifiers are applied after division or multiplication.
The most frequently used dice is a regular six-sided dice, Natural Rolls
marked 1 to 6. It is common for the ‘6’ to be replaced by a logo The term ‘natural’ roll describes the actual number shown
on many dice. once a dice has been rolled. In other words, a natural roll is the
result before any modifiers are applied.
D3: The rules may call for a D3 to be rolled, but an actual
three-sided dice is not necessary. To roll a D3, simply roll a D6 Rolling Off
and half the result, rounding fractions up. The rules may call for players to ‘roll-off’. To do this, each
player rolls a dice (usually a D6) and the highest score wins. In
Artillery & Scatter Dice the case of a tie, roll again unless otherwise instructed.
Warhammer: the Old World uses two special dice: the
Artillery dice (marked 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and Misfire) and a Scatter Re-rolls
dice (marked with arrows and Hit! symbols). These are In some situations, the rules may allow you to re-roll a dice.
often used together to represent the effects of war machines. This is exactly what it sounds like – pick up the dice and roll
Sometimes, the Scatter dice is used with one or more D6 to it again. You must accept the result of the re-roll, even if it is
determine a random direction and distance. worse than the first. No single dice can be re-rolled more than
once, regardless of the source of the re-roll.
Dice Rolling
During a game, you will be required to make many If you re-roll a multiple dice roll, you must re-roll all of the
different dice rolls. The rules will often use a specific term dice, unless the rule granting the re-roll specifies otherwise.
or abbreviation to describe the dice roll. These are defined
as follows:

Single Dice Rolls: If the rules say ‘roll a D6’, simply roll a
single six-sided dice.

Target Number Rolls: The rules will often require you to roll
a specific number followed by a ‘+’. This is a ‘target number
roll’. If you are required to roll a 4+, for example, a roll of
4, 5 or 6 on a D6 would be a success, but a roll of 1, 2 or 3
would not.

Multiple Dice Rolls: The rules may require you to roll 2D6,
3D6 and so forth. In such cases, simply roll the number of
D6 indicated and add the results together. This is a multiple
dice roll.

The Most Important Rule

Warhammer: the Old World is a complex game and,
as such, players will occasionally disagree in their
interpretation of the rules. Should disagreements
arise, players are encouraged to look up the rule(s) in
question, reach an agreement and move on. Should this
prove impossible, a roll-off should determine whose
interpretation will apply for the remainder of the game.
What matters more than any rule is that players enjoy
their game and that rivalries remain friendly!
Permission to photocopy for personal use only.
© Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2023.
Templates Scatter
A rule may call for an object to be placed and then ‘scattered’.
Templatesthe Old World, templates are used to
In Warhammer: To do so:
represent the effect of certain weapons:
1 Place the object on the battlefield, as instructed by the
• Blast Templates rule. Roll a Scatter dice to determine a direction, and any
A blast template is a round template 3" or 5" in diameter. other dice required by the rule to determine a distance
• Flame Templates (in inches).
A flame template is a teardrop-shaped template, 2 If a ‘Hit!’ is rolled on the Scatter dice, the object does not
approximately 8" in length. move – leave it in place and resolve the rest of the rule.
3 If an arrow is rolled, move the object the distance (in
These templates are used to determine which models are hit inches) indicated by the roll of the other dice in the
by an attack that has an area of effect or blast radius. If an direction indicated, ignoring intervening terrain, units,
attack uses a template, the rules will explain how to position it, etc., unless the rule states otherwise. With the object’s final
and how it might scatter (as described opposite). position determined, resolve the rest of the rule.

Risk Of Being Hit

To determine which models risk being hit by a template,
hold it in place and look to see which models’ bases lie
underneath it:

• A model whose base lies completely underneath a

template, or partially underneath the central hole of a blast
template, is hit automatically.
• A model whose base lies partially underneath a template is
hit on a D6 roll of 4+.
Model Profiles
T he Citadel miniatures used to play games of Warhammer: the Old World are referred to as ‘models’ in the rules that
follow. Models represent a huge variety of troops, each with its own skills and capabilities. To reflect this, each model
has its own characteristics profile.

Characteristics Profile
Each model in Warhammer: the Old World has a profile of nine characteristics:

Soldier of the Empire
Characteristics Profile 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7

These are used to describe the various attributes of different Toughness (T)
models. All characteristics are rated on a scale from 0 to 10 – This is a measure of a model’s ability to resist physical damage
they cannot go below 0 and only in the rarest of cases will they and pain, and reflects such factors as the resilience of a
rise above 10. These characteristics are: creature’s flesh and its ability to shrug off injury.

Movement (M) Wounds (W)

This shows the number of inches a model can move on the This shows how much damage a model can take before it
battlefield under normal circumstances. For example, a Man succumbs to its injuries. Most human-sized models have a
with a Movement of 4 (M4) can move up to 4". single Wound. Large monsters and mighty heroes able to
withstand more damage will usually have more Wounds.
Weapon Skill (WS)
This defines how skilled a warrior is with their weapons, or Initiative (I)
how determined and vicious a monster is. This indicates how fast a model can react. In combat,
Initiative dictates the order in which models fight.
Ballistic Skill (BS)
This shows how accomplished a model is with ranged weapons Attacks (A)
such as bows or handguns. This shows the number of attacks a model makes in combat.
Most models have a single Attack. Elite troops, monsters or
Strength (S) heroes may be able to strike several times and will usually have
Strength gives a measure of how strong a model is and how more Attacks.
easily it can hurt an enemy it has struck in combat.
Leadership (Ld)
Leadership shows how courageous, determined and self-
controlled a model is. A creature with a low Leadership
characteristic is very unruly or cowardly, to say the least!
Split Profiles Characteristic Tests
Some Profileshave two or more rows on their characteristics A model will sometimes be called upon to make a characteristic
profile, often with gaps in each (shown as a dash ‘ - ’). Each test. Such a test could be made against any characteristic the
row represents a different model, combined together into a model has. For example, a Toughness test is a characteristic test.
single profile. For example, one row might represent a rider, Characteristic Tests
the next their mount. Split profiles are explained in greater To make a characteristic test, roll a D6 and compare the result
detail in the advanced rules. to the relevant characteristic on the model’s profile. If the
result is equal to or less than the value of the characteristic,
Characteristics Of Zero the test is passed. If, however, the result is greater, the test has
been failed.
If a model has a characteristic of ‘0’, it has no ability
whatsoever in what the characteristic represents. This is seen Where a model (or unit) has more than one value for the same
most often with Ballistic Skill, as many models simply lack the characteristic, use the highest value.
ability to make any form of ranged attack.
Automatic Pass and Fail: When making a characteristic test
If any model or object has a Weapon Skill of 0 then it is unable a natural roll of 6 is always a failure, and a natural 1 is always
to defend itself in combat, and any blows struck against it will a success, regardless of any other modifiers. Additionally, if
therefore automatically hit. If at any time a model’s Strength, the model has a characteristic of 0 or ‘ - ’ it automatically fails
Toughness or Wounds characteristic is reduced to 0, it is slain the test.
and removed from play.
Characteristics of Zero Leadership Tests
At various times, a model or unit might be called upon to
make a Leadership test, or to otherwise test against Leadership
in some way.

To make a Leadership test, roll 2D6. If the result is equal to or

less than the model’s Leadership value, then the test has been
passed. If the result is greater than the model’s Leadership
value, the test has been failed. This will all too often result in
the unit fleeing (as described on page 132).

Whenever Leadership is used, a unit that contains models

with different Leadership values will always use the highest –
warriors naturally look to the most steadfast of their number
for guidance.

Automatic Pass and Fail: When making a Leadership test a

natural roll of 12 (i.e., rolling a double 6) is always considered
to be a fail, regardless of any modifiers that might apply,
whereas a natural roll of 2 (i.e., rolling a double 1) is always
considered to be a pass.

Modifying Characteristics
The rules will often call for a characteristic to be modified. To
do this, simply add or subtract the modifier(s) shown to the
characteristic, effectively increasing or decreasing the value.
Other Model Information Base Size
With very few exceptions, all models used in a game of
In addition to its profile, a model’s rules include other Warhammer: the Old World should be mounted upon a
information vital to the game. What this is varies from square or rectangular base, the dimensions of which are given
model toOther
and inInformation
many cases not all of the following here in millimetres (mm). Sometimes, a range of sizes will be
information will be included for every model (not every model given. In such cases, the base the model is provided with is the
can use magic, for example). correct base to use.

Points Value Unit Size

Almost every model will have a points value given within its This tells you how many models of this type form a unit (as
profile. Points values reflect a model’s worth within its army. described on page 100). Most often, this will be presented as
a number followed by a ‘+’ symbol, 5+ for example, indicating
Most models have a basic points value that increases as that a unit made up of this type of model must contain at least
various optional items of equipment (weapons, armour, magic five models.
items, for example) are added. By adding together the points
values of all of the models you have selected, you find the total In some cases, this may be a number range, 5-30 for example,
points value of your army. Knowing this enables players to indicating that a unit made up of this type of model must
play evenly matched battles. contain at least five models, but no more than thirty. In other
cases, most notably in the case of characters, chariots or
Points values and the rules for building an army are explained monsters, this will be presented as a simple number, usually a
in greater detail in the Warhammer Armies section on ‘1’, telling you exactly how many models make up the unit.
page 276.
Armour Value
Troop Type Most models wear armour, and the type of armour they wear
All models have a troop type given as part of their rules. There determines their ‘armour value’ (see page 220). However, in
are five broad categories of troop type: Infantry, Cavalry, the case of large models with multiple riders or crew, such as
Chariots, Monsters and War Machines, each of which is monsters and chariots, an armour value is not always easy
further divided into sub-categories. to determine. To avoid confusion, and if appropriate, such
models will have an armour value given within their rules.
Additionally, some models have the word ‘Character’ in
brackets after their troop type. This denotes that the model
is a character, one of the brave and powerful heroes that lead Base Sizes (Designer’s note)
an army. As stated above, all models used in a game of
Warhammer: the Old World should be mounted upon a
Troop types and their rules are explained in brief on page correctly sized and shaped base. However, many players
104, and in greater detail in the Advanced Rules. Characters will have in their collections older models, the base sizes
are explained in greater detail in the Characters section on of which can vary. Whilst it is possible to play a game of
page 202. Warhammer: the Old World without needing to re-base
such models, in Matched Play events players are required
to use correctly based models to ensure all aspects of the
game are as fair as possible. To assist with re-basing an
existing collection, separate bases are available as part of
the Citadel Miniatures range.
Equipment Special Rules
Almost all models carry equipment of some sort, from a In addition to the special rules associated with their troop
simple sword or axe to an array of arms and armour. The type, many models have one or more special rules. These fall
equipment a model carries will be listed and is factored into into three broad categories:
its points value. Many models, particularly monsters, will
have natural weapons listed as equipment, their claws, teeth • Universal Special Rules: These are rules that appear in
and even breath weapons being the weapons they ‘carry’ all armies, a full list of these can be found on page 166. If a
into battle. model has one or more universal special rules, their names
will be listed as part of its rules.
The rules for many of the weapons and armour carried and • Army Special Rules: These are special rules unique to
worn by models can be found in the ‘Weapons of War’ section the army the model belongs to. If a model has one or more
on page 212. army special rules, their names will be listed as part of
its rules.
Magic • Unique Special Rules: Some models have special rules
In Warhammer: the Old World, many models represent unique to them. If a model has one or more unique special
powerful Wizards, able to bend the Winds of Magic to their rules, these will be listed as part of its rules.
will. Whilst not all models are able to wield such powers, those
that can have this information within their rules. This details Note that army and unique special rules are included within each
the Lore(s) of Magic they can choose spells from and their army list.
‘Level of Wizardry’.
Magic Items
Magic is explained in greater detail on page 106. Some models, notably named characters, are equipped with
their own unique magic items. Where this is the case, these
Options items will be described and their rules given along with the
Many models have a number of options given. This includes a model’s.
number of weapons they may be armed with, upgrades to their
armour, and so forth. In the case of those models that form Unique Equipment
units, most have the option to upgrade some of their number Some models are equipped with items that are unique to them,
to become command models (see page 198). equipment not found on any other models. In such cases, these
items will be described and their rules given along with the
T he models that make up your army must be formed into ‘units’ before battle commences, ideally when writing your
‘muster list’, as described on page 276. A unit usually consists of several models of the same type that have banded
together and adopted a specific formation.

Additionally, single, powerful models such as a character, a chariot or a Dragon, a war machine and its crew, and so on, are
also considered to be a ‘unit’. Therefore, whenever the rules that follow refer to ‘units’, this also includes units of one model.

Formation Types Close Order Formation

All units must adopt a formation. The type of formation a unit A unit arrayed
Close in serried
Order ranks is said to be in a ‘Close Order’
adopts will influence how it acts in battle; how it moves, how formation. A unit in Close Order consists of two or more
it fights, and so on. Each type of formation has its own rules. models that are arranged in base contact with each other,
Formation Types edge-to-edge and front corner to front corner, as shown in Fig
The type(s) of formation a unit can adopt are indicated by 100.1.
a special rule of the same name. Models with more than
one such special rule may choose their formation during All models in such a unit must face the same direction. In
deployment, and may change it and adopt a different addition, the models must be arranged into a formation that
formation by reforming during the game (see page 125). consists of one or more horizontal rows called ranks, and
a number of vertical rows called files (from this formation
Close Order formations are by far the most usual. Therefore, comes the term ‘rank and file’).
the core ‘how to play’ rules focus upon such units. Examples
of more unusual types of formation include ‘Skirmish’ and As far as possible, there must be the same number of models in
‘Open Order’, the rules for which are covered in the advanced each rank. Where this is not possible, it must be the rear rank
rules section. Additionally, some army lists introduce special that has fewer models. Once formed into a unit, the models
formation types unique to them. move and fight as a single entity for the entire battle.
Unit Shape Combat Result Bonus: Whilst in Combat Order, a Close
The shape of a unit in Close Order is also important as Order formation may claim a bonus of +1 combat result point
such units gain bonuses in certain situations. Based upon (see page 151).
this, such units can be said to be in ‘Combat Order’ or in
‘Marching Column’. Marching Column
A unit that is deeper than it is wide (i.e., that has more models
Combat Order per file than per rank, as shown in Fig 101.2) is said to be in
A Close Order formation that is wider than it is deep (i.e., that Marching Column. A Marching Column cannot claim a Rank
has more models per rank than per file, as shown in Fig 101.1) Bonus and cannot make a charge move, but may triple its
or that is square (i.e., has the same number of models per file Movement characteristic when Marching (see page 123).
as per rank) is said to be in Combat Order. Such units are able
to count a ‘Rank Bonus’ in certain situations:
Disrupted Units
Rank Bonus: If a unit in Close Order formation is wide Disruption represents a unit having lost some of its
enough, it can claim a Rank Bonus of +1 for each rank behind cohesion. A unit becomes Disrupted if:
the first, up to the maximum determined by its troop type:
It is engaged in the flank or rear by an enemy unit
• How many models a rank must contain to claim a Rank with a Unit Strength of five or more.
Bonus, as well as the maximum Rank Bonus a unit can It ends its movement with a quarter (25%) or more of
claim, is determined by its troop type (see pages 104 its models within difficult terrain or if it is straddling a
and 188). low linear obstacle.
• Certain special rules may increase the Rank Bonus a unit
can claim beyond the maximum normally allowed by its A Disrupted unit cannot claim a Rank Bonus.
troop type (see page 104).
Note that enemy Skirmishers (see page 184) do not
Note that this bonus can be claimed for an incomplete rear rank, as cause Disruption.
long as there are sufficient models in it. However, if your unit has
become Disrupted it cannot claim a Rank Bonus.

This unit is wider than it is deep (i.e., it has more models per This unit is deeper than it is wide (i.e., it has more models per
rank than it has per file). Therefore, this unit is said to be in file than it has per rank). Therefore, this unit is said to be in
‘Combat Order’. ‘Marching Column’.

Rulebook FAQ v1.0

Q: Can a unit arrayed in Close Order or Open Order
formation be one model wide?
A: Yes.
Removing Casualties
T hroughout the course of a game, models will suffer ‘wounds’ from enemy attacks (in combat, from shooting, from
magic spells and so on). Some of these wounds will be saved by a model’s armour, but others will not.

For each unsaved wound a model suffers, it loses one Wound from its profile. When a model is reduced to zero Wounds, it
becomes a casualty and is removed from play.

Single Wound Models Removing Casualties From Units

Single Wound Models
Most models have only a single Wound on their profile. When When removing casualties, models are always removed from
this is lost, they are removed from the battlefield as a casualty. one end of the Removing
back rank, Casualties
either left to right or from right to
left, as the owning Unitsprefers, ensuring where possible that
Multiple Wound Models the remaining models are adjacent to one another, as shown in
Fig 102.1.
Some models have more than one Wound on their profile.
Should a unit of such models lose Wounds, you must remove Stepping Forward
as many wholeWound
as possible. In other words, Wounds Although models are removed from the back of their unit,
are lost by a single model until its Wounds characteristic is very often the casualties will have fallen elsewhere, usually in
reduced to zero. Wounds are then lost by the next model, and the front or ‘fighting’ rank. Removing models from the back
so on. You cannot spread the loss of Wounds throughout the of a unit represents warriors behind the front rank ‘stepping
unit to avoid casualties. forward’ to fill gaps in the front rank.

For example, a unit of Ogres, each with three Wounds on its However, a model cannot make any form of attack (shooting
profile (W3), loses five Wounds. One Ogre will lose all three or combat) during a phase in which it stepped forward. It is
of its Wounds and be removed as a casualty, and one Ogre will too busy clambering over the fallen bodies of its comrades.
lose two Wounds, leaving it with only one Wound remaining.
Single Rank Units
If a unit contains only a single rank, casualties must be
removed evenly from either end of the rank.
M ost models have a front, flank and rear arc based on the direction they are facing. These arcs are used to determine
what the model can see, and to determine the direction of an enemy charge.
Model & Unit Facing

A model’s front, flank and rear arcs extend out from the Models can only draw a line of sight to things that lie within
corners of its base at 45° angles, forming four 90° quadrants, as their ‘vision arc’. Unless stated otherwise, models have a 90°
shown in Fig 103.1 below. A unit’s facings are determined by vision arc, corresponding to their front arc.
the facing of its constituent models.

Whether a unit consists of one model or many, its facings are determined by its constituent models, as shown here.

Line Of Sight Obscured Line Of Sight

Line of sight may be partly obscured by terrain features or by
You will often need to determine if one model or unit has other models. In such cases, the other model or unit is said to
a line of sight to another. To check a line of sight between be ‘in cover’. To check if a model or unit is in cover, stoop down
models, stoop down to look from the model’s point of view: to look from the first model’s point of view:

• If a straight, uninterrupted line can be drawn from within • If the other model or unit is fully visible, they are not in
the model’s vision arc to any part of the other model, there cover (i.e., they are ‘in the open’).
is a line of sight. • If up to half
Lineofofthe other model or unit is obscured, they are
• If no such line can be drawn to the other model due to in partial cover.
intervening terrain, or without crossing over or through • If more than half of the other model or unit is obscured,
another model, there is no line of sight. they are in full cover.

A model is always within its own vision arc and always has a The benefits of partial and full cover are discussed in more
line of sight to itself and its unit. If at least one model in a unit detail under the rules for shooting on page 139.
has a line of sight to at least one model from another unit, that
unit can ‘see’ the other unit.

Note that models and units always block line of sight. Therefore, it
is normally only the models in the front rank of a unit that have a
line of sight.
A s mentioned previously, all models have a troop type. These, along with the type of formation units of such models adopt,
determine how they function throughout the rules (as well as providing an insight into the role such models fulfil upon
the battlefield). Troop types and their rules are explained in greater detail in the advanced rules, on page 188. The following
pages present some brief but important information needed to better understand the core ‘how to play’ rules that follow.

Troop Types at a Glance

Categories Of Troop Type Chariots

A chariot is usually a wheeled war vehicle drawn into battle
There are five main categories of troop type, each of which is by beasts of some kind and crewed by warriors, armed to
further divided into sub-categories. For example, particularly the teeth. This category can also include large objects, such
large Infantry fall into the ‘Monstrous Infantry’ sub-category as mobile altars, that are pushed along or carried. Chariots
of Infantry. In such cases, when the rules refer to Infantry are split into two sub-categories: Light Chariots and
units, Monstrous Infantry must also follow those rules unless Heavy Chariots.
an exception is stated for Monstrous Infantry.
A model’s troop type determines the minimum number of Monsters are the largest beings in the Warhammer world,
such models a rank must contain to claim a Rank Bonus, the creatures so powerful that they usually roam the battlefield
maximum Rank Categories
Bonus aofunit
Troop Typemodels is able to claim,
of such alone. In spite of this, due to their size they function as Close
and the ‘Unit Strength’ of such a model, as shown on the Order units, rather than as Skirmishers. This category includes
page opposite. Dragons, Gryphons and so on. Monsters are split into two
sub-categories: Monstrous Creatures and Behemoths.
Infantry includes all units of foot troops, be they Goblins, War Machines
Men, Ogres, Trolls or any other of the myriad Warhammer War machines such as cannon and bolt throwers are powerful
races fighting on foot. Infantry forms the backbone of most units on the field of battle, able to pulverise whole regiments,
armies and is split into four sub-categories: Regular Infantry, breach stone walls or even slay fearsome monsters with a
Heavy Infantry, Monstrous Infantry and Swarms. single, well-placed shot. This is a broad category with varied
rules that cover the many different weapons to be found in
Cavalry the Warhammer world, the most commonly seen of which are
The term cavalry refers to any riders mounted on war beasts dealt with in their own section (see page 222).
– commonly warhorses or similar creatures. It can also include
war beasts on their own as packs of animals which will often
function in a manner more similar to cavalry than infantry.
Cavalry is split into four sub-categories: Light Cavalry, Heavy
Cavalry, Monstrous Cavalry and War Beasts.
Troop Type Table
Troop Type Table
This table summarises the most important information for each troop type. More detail
is given in the Advanced Rules section. Referencing this table will help you to better
understand some of the rules contained in the core ‘how to play’ rules.

Troop Type Table

Models Maximum Unit Strength
Troop Type per Rank* Rank Bonus** per Model
Regular Infantry 5 +2 1
Heavy Infantry 4 +2 1
Monstrous Infantry 3 +2 3
Swarms - - 3
Light Cavalry 5 +1 2
Heavy Cavalry 4 +1 2
Monstrous Cavalry 3 +1 3
War Beasts 5 +1 1
Light Chariots 3 +1 3
Heavy Chariots - - 5 “Owt in shaden wodespan
Monsters dwelt the murdrus beaste,
Monstrous Creatures - - As Starting Wounds
Behemoths - - As Starting Wounds Vitalling on the sack-for-
War Machines homes, gor-laden with
War Machines - - As Starting Wounds his feaste,

*Note that this is the minimum number required to claim a Rank Bonus. Ranks can contain more Stalkering ’tween the leafen
or fewer models as you wish, but in order for a rank to count towards Rank Bonus, it must contain glade, preying ’pon the weake,
at least this many models.
Glutting the hardy and
**Note that in some cases the maximum Rank Bonus a unit can claim can be increased by special the poor, e’en dinning on
rules. The maximum Rank Bonus a unit can claim can also be reduced by its formation, by spell the meake.”
effects, or by terrain.
Nursery tale, common in
Unit Strength Unit Strength Nordland, from the tale of
Tomas Wanderer
Sometimes, you may be required to work out the ‘Unit Strength’ of a unit. There are a
number of reasons you might need to know this, for example, to determine if one of your
units is outnumbered by an enemy. Simply counting the number of models does not
account for the sheer power of large and ferocious creatures. Unit Strength represents
this well.

To determine Unit Strength, simply count the number of models currently in the unit and
multiply this by the Unit Strength per model as shown on the Troop Type table.
T he Warhammer world is an intrinsically magical place. In battle, magic is a force as real and potent as a sword blade,
its use limited only by the imagination and skill of the Wizard that wields it. Magic can be a subtle force, infusing allies
with strength and valour, or enemies with frailty and dread. More commonly, however, Wizards unshackle the raw power
that lies at the heart of magic’s chaotic nature, summoning hungry firestorms or devastating bolts of eldritch power.

It is therefore only right that magic should form a core part of Lores Of Magic
the game of Warhammer: the Old World as well. Wizards are The Lores of Magic are lists from which Wizards generate
able to cast spells of different types throughout the turn, and their spells. Each Lore of Magic represents a particular
players must protect them accordingly, ensuring they are able approach towards the study and use of magic, giving each
to cast the right spell at the right moment, or to thwart the its own character reflected by the spells within it. Different
casting attempts of their rivals. Wizards have access to different Lores of Magic.

That being the case, explaining how magic works early on is Accompanying every Wizard’s profile you will find the Lore(s)
important and the following pages do just that. New players of Magic they know. In some cases, it will be stated that they
can skip over this section for now if they wish, focusing instead know spells from a single, given Lore of Magic, whilst in others
on the more mundane rules and returning to this section once it will be stated that they know spells from one of a number
a few games have been played. of given Lores of Magic. Where this is the case, you must
choose one of these Lores when writing your muster list (see
Wizards page 276).

Only beings that possess awesome mental might can even The Lores of Magic most commonly seen in the Old World
hope to bend the powers of magic to their will. Lesser persons are presented on page 319.
would be consumed in an instant, their souls torn apart by
terrible energies. In Warhammer: the Old World, all models Spells & Spell Generation
that can cast spells are known collectively as ‘Wizards’, Players randomly generate spells for each of their Wizards
although specific armies might use other terms. You may see before armies are deployed. If your army contains more than
names such as sorcerer, shaman or seer, for example, but all of one Wizard, you may generate spells for each in an order of
these and others are considered to be types of Wizard. your choosing.

Levels Of Wizardry Each Lore of Magic contains seven spells: six numbered (1-6)
Naturally, not all Wizards are equal – mastery of magic and a seventh ‘signature’ spell. To determine the spells your
increases through dedicated practice (and, occasionally, WizardsWizard knows, roll a number of D6 equal to their Level of
through sheer luck). To represent this, Wizards are divided Wizardry, re-rolling any duplicate results. The result(s) show
into four degrees of ability called ‘Levels of Wizardry’ (often which spell(s) your Wizard knows.
shortened simply to ‘Level’ in the rules that follow). The
higher a Wizard’s Level, the greater their knowledge of magic: If you wish, your Wizard may then discard one of these
randomly generated spells and instead select the signature
• Level 1: Wizards of the first level are those of spell of their chosen Lore of Magic. Any number of Wizards in
humble ability. your army may do this.
• Level 2: Wizards of the second level are
experienced spellcasters.
• Level 3: Wizards of the third level are great sorcerers of a
kind rarely seen.
• Level 4: Wizards of the fourth level are the mightiest of all
Wizards, the very equal of crowned monarchs within the
realms of sorcery.
Spell Categories Magic Missiles: These are sorcerous projectiles hurled at
Spells fall into six categories. These determine during which the foe. Magic Missiles can only target enemy units and the
phase of the game they can be cast. These are: Wizard must have a line of sight to the target. A successfully
cast Magic Missile automatically hits its target; there is no
Enchantment: These spells empower the caster’s allies in need to make a roll To Hit.
some way. Enchantment spells that require a target can only
target friendly units. Most often they affect friendly units, Magical Vortex: These are roiling globes of magical energy
but may occasionally have an effect on enemy units. Casting that travel across the battlefield. A Magical Vortex does not
the same Enchantment spell more than once on the same unit require a target – instead, it uses a round template which is
during the same turn has no further effect. placed on the battlefield, not touching the bases of any models,
and with its central hole within the range given by the spell.
Hex: The opposite of Enchantment spells, weakening the Once placed, Magical Vortexes remain on the battlefield
enemy in some way. Hex spells that require a target can only (unless they move off it).
target enemy units. Most often they affect enemy units, but
may occasionally have an effect on friendly units. Casting the Some Magical Vortexes move at the start of each turn. If a
same Hex spell more than once on the same unit during the Magical Vortex ever ends such a move over a unit, continue
same turn has no further effect. to move it in the same direction until it can be placed on the
battlefield, not touching the bases of any models.
Note that bonuses and penalties from different Hex and
Enchantment spells are cumulative, but cannot take any Assailment: These spells are deadly attacks that strike the
characteristic above 10 or below 1. foe without warning. Assailment spells can only be cast by
Wizards that are engaged in combat and can only target
Conveyance: These spells enable Wizards to enhance enemy units that the caster is engaged in combat with. A
movement or transport units from place to place. Conveyance successfully cast Assailment spell always hits its target; there is
spells that require a target can only target friendly units. A no need to make a roll To Hit.
unit cannot be affected by the same Conveyance spell more
than once per turn.
Casting Spells Casting Roll, Casting Result & Casting Value
To cast a spell, you must make a ‘Casting’ roll. To make a
When a spell can be cast depends upon its type: Casting roll, roll 2D6. This represents the Wizard’s attempts
Casting Spells to draw raw magical power from the æther and shape it to
• Enchantment and Hex spells can be cast during the their will.
Conjuration sub-phase of your Strategy phase.
• Conveyance spells can be cast at any point during the The casting Wizard’s Level is then added to the result of this
Remaining Moves sub-phase of your Movement phase. roll to give a ‘casting result’. For example, if a Level 2 Wizard
• Magic Missiles and Magical Vortex spells can be cast when makes a Casting roll of 1 and 6, the total casting result
a Wizard is chosen during your Shooting phase. would be 9 (1 + 6 = 7 for the Casting roll, plus 2 for the Level
• Assailment spells can be cast when a Wizard fights during of Wizardry).
any Combat phase.
Keep the dice in front of you for the moment – the scores will
A Wizard can only attempt to cast each of their spells once per be needed if your opponent makes a dispel attempt.
turn. Wizards that are fleeing cannot cast spells. Unless stated
otherwise, Wizards that are engaged in combat can only cast Each spell has an associated ‘casting value’. Spells with a higher
Assailment or range ‘self’ spells (see below). casting value have greater effect, but require more power:

To cast a spell, a Wizard declares which spell they wish to cast • If the casting result equals or exceeds the spell’s casting
and its target (if required). value, the spell is successfully cast (though your opponent
may subsequently dispel it).
Choosing A Target • If the casting result is less than the casting value, the spell is
Unless stated otherwise, the following rules apply when not cast.
choosing a target:

• The target must lie within the Wizard’s vision arc, but the Magic Resistance (-X)
Wizard does not need a line of sight to the target. Some models have the Magic Resistance (-X) special rule,
• The target must lie within the spell’s range. making them resistant to the magic of their enemies. The
• Spells cannot target units engaged in combat. Casting roll of any spell (including Bound spells) that
targets an enemy unit that includes one or more models
Note that different spell categories and some individual spells waive with this special rule suffers a modifier, as shown in
some of these rules and/or introduce others. brackets after the name of this special rule (shown here
as ‘-X’).
Range ‘Self’ Spells: Spells with a range of ‘Self’ do not require
a target, instead being focused upon the casting Wizard. Some Note that this special rule is not cumulative. If two or more
such spells have an ‘aura’ of effect, measured from the caster. models in a unit have this special rule, use the highest modifier.
As mentioned previously, a Wizard can cast a range ‘self’ spell
whilst engaged in combat.
Miscasts & Perfect Invocations
Should a Wizard mispronounce a single word, the magic they are wielding might
shatter its bindings in a burst of energy. At other times, the Wizard may channel the
Winds of Magic with near-perfection, and the magic will burst forth irresistibly.

Perfect Invocations: If a natural double 6 is rolled when making a Casting roll, the
spell is cast regardless of its casting value or of any modifiers that may apply to the
Casting roll. A perfect invocation cannot be dispelled.

Miscast: If a natural double 1 is rolled when making a Casting roll, regardless

of the casting result, it has been ‘miscast’ and, unless stated otherwise, is not
cast. Roll immediately on the Miscast table below to see what fate befalls your
unfortunate Wizard:

Miscast Table
2D6 Result
2-4 Dimensional Cascade: The summoned magic breaks free, creating an
ethereal tornado. Centre a 5" blast template over the Wizard. Every model
(friend or foe) whose base lies underneath the template risks being hit (as
described on page 95) and suffering a single Strength 10 hit with an AP
of -4.
5-6 Calamitous Detonation: Roiling magic explodes from the Wizard in a
flash of light. Centre a 3" blast template over the Wizard. Every model
(friend or foe) whose base lies underneath the template risks being hit (as
described on page 95) and suffering a single Strength 6 hit with an AP
of -2.
7 Careless Conjuration: The Wizard mispronounces a syllable, causing the
spell to backfire, knocking them to the ground. The Wizard suffers a single
Strength 4 hit with an AP of -1.
8-9 Barely Controlled Power: The Wizard manages to control the magic, but
at the expense of great power. The spell is cast (at its casting value, for the
purpose of dispel attempts). However, you cannot attempt to cast any more
spells for the remainder of the current turn.
10-12 Power Drain: With a deafening boom, the summoned magic is unleashed
and an unnatural calm descends. The spell is cast with a perfect invocation.
However, you cannot attempt to cast any more spells for the remainder of
the current turn.

Bound Spells
Some models have ‘Bound’ spells, which may be contained within a magic item
or given by a special rule, and which they can cast in the usual manner. If a
‘Power Level’ is given, this is added to the result of the Casting roll to give the
casting result. If no Power Level is given, nothing is added – the result of the
Casting roll is itself the casting result. When casting a Bound spell, there is no
risk of a miscast or chance of a perfect invocation.

You may attempt to dispel a Bound spell as usual. Magic items that dispel or
destroy spells work as normal against Bound spells. When dispelling a Bound
spell, there is no risk of being outclassed in the art (see page 110).

A model can only cast a single Bound spell per phase. Possessing a Bound spell
does not make a model a Wizard.
Dispel Dispel Roll & Dispel Result
To dispel a spell, you must make a ‘Dispel’ roll. To make a
Whenever your opponent casts a spell, you can make a
Dispel Dispel roll, roll 2D6. This represents either the efforts of a
dispel attempt (unless, of course, the spell was cast with a Wizard to counter enemy magic, or the twists of fate that can
perfect invocation). The type of dispel you attempt will affect see the Winds of Magic suddenly dissipate.
its chances.
If you are attempting a Wizardly dispel, add the Wizard’s
Types Of Dispel Level to the result of this roll to give a ‘dispel result’. If you are
Before making a dispel attempt, you must first decide if one attempting a Fated dispel, nothing is added – the result of the
of your Wizards will attempt a ‘Wizardly dispel’, or if you will Dispel roll is itself the dispel result:
trust to fate and attempt a ‘Fated dispel’:
• If the dispel result exceeds the casting result, the spell is
Wizardly Dispel: To attempt a Wizardly dispel, nominate a successfully dispelled and immediately ends.
single Wizard in your army that is within ‘Dispel range’ of the • If the dispel result is equal to or less than the casting result,
Wizard that cast the spell. Dispel range varies depending upon the dispel attempt has failed. The spell is not dispelled.
the Level of the Wizard nominated:
Outclassed In The Art & Unbinding
• Level 1 and Level 2 Wizards have a Dispel range of 18". Sometimes, no matter the skill of the casting Wizard,
• Level 3 and Level 4 Wizards have a Dispel range of 24". the Winds of Magic prove fickle and a spell is destined to
unbind. At other times, a Wizard can be so outclassed by
Wizards that are engaged in combat, that are fleeing or that their opponent’s skill that they are themselves bombarded by
are not on the battlefield cannot be nominated. magical energy:

Fated Dispel: Once per turn, if you do not have any Wizards Unbinding: If a natural double 6 is rolled when attempting
able to make a Wizardly dispel attempt, or if you wish to avoid any type of dispel, the magic unbinds and the spell is dispelled
the risk, you may instead attempt a Fated dispel. and immediately ends, regardless of the casting result.

Note that a perfect invocation cannot be dispelled, even by

an unbinding.

Outclassed in the Art: If a natural double 1 is rolled when

attempting a Wizardly dispel, the Wizard is outclassed by
their opponent’s skill. Roll immediately on the Miscast table
to see what fate befalls your Wizard (changing references from
‘cast’ to ‘dispel’ and from ‘perfect invocation’ to ‘unbinding’).
Spell Resolution Wizards & Armour
Generally speaking, Wizards dislike armour. Its stifling
Once a spell has been successfully cast and if the enemy bulk creates a deadening aura about the Wizard’s physical
has failed their dispel attempt (or not even made a dispel body that blinds their Mage sight and makes it all but
attempt!), the casting is complete and the spell’s effect is now impossible for them to manipulate the Winds of Magic.
resolved. Each Resolution
spell in Warhammer: the Old World provides
all the information you need. To represent this, a Wizard cannot wear armour or carry
a shield. Should a Wizard ever do so, they are unable to
Spell Duration make any Casting or Dispel rolls. This penalty applies to
Many spells are cast instantly and their effect is worked out all armour and shields, magical or otherwise, but does not
straight away. In such cases, the spell has no further effect until include barding (which is worn not by the Wizard, but by
cast again. However, some spells last for longer than this, for their mount).
one or more phases or turns. For example, some spells expire at
the end of the casting player’s current turn, whilst other spells Note, however, that there are some exceptions. Certain special
last until the start of the next round, expiring at the beginning rules, such as ‘Chaos Armour’ (found in the Warriors of
of the casting player’s next Start of Turn sub-phase. Chaos army list), make a Wizard exempt from this penalty.
Similarly, some suits of magical armour are crafted in such a
Remains In Play way as to be exempt from this penalty.
Some spells are marked ‘Remains in Play’. Such spells stay
in effect indefinitely when cast. They only come to an end
when the caster is slain, chooses to end the spell (which they Rulebook FAQ v1.0
can do at the start of any sub-phase) or leaves the battlefield. Magic
The casting Wizard can continue to cast other spells (but Q: If a Wizard miscasts and rolls 8 or higher on the Miscast
not the same Remains in Play spell) as it requires only a little table, is it only that Wizard that cannot attempt to cast any
concentration to keep a Remains in Play spell going. more spells for the remainder of that turn, or is it all Wizards
in their army?
Dispelling Remains in Play Spells: If not immediately A: A roll of 8 or higher on the Miscast table affects all
dispelled when cast, you may attempt to dispel a Remains friendly Wizards.
in Play spell cast by your opponent during the Conjuration
sub-phase of any of your subsequent turns. To do so, you may Q: What happens to a Remains in Play spell that is already in
attempt either a Fated dispel or a Wizardly dispel (provided effect if the Wizard that cast it attempts to cast it again?
the Wizard making the attempt is within Dispel range of the A: It ends immediately.
Wizard that cast the spell).
Q: Can a model wearing armour or carrying a shield cast a
Remains in Play spells do not retain the energy of their Bound spell?
casting, and so you do not need to beat the original casting A: Yes.
result if attempting to dispel in subsequent turns, but rather
the minimum casting value given in the spell’s description. Q: Does a Wizard that has joined a unit need to be in base
contact with an enemy model to cast an Assailment spell, or
Perfect Invocations: A Remains in Play spell cast with a do they only need to be within the fighting rank?
perfect invocation cannot be dispelled immediately, but may A: They only need to be within the fighting rank.
be dispelled in the Conjuration sub-phase of a subsequent
turn, as described above. Q: If a Wizard declines a challenge and retires from combat,
does their unit lose the benefits of any range ‘Self ’ spells that
Wizard has cast?
A: Yes.

Q: If a unit with the Fly (X) special rule moves over a magical
vortex that counts as dangerous terrain, is it affected by it?
A: Yes. Magical vortexes are considered tall enough to affect even
models that are flying high above the battlefield.
Core Rules

The following pages cover the core rules of the game. for those troops to adopt. Where necessary, the rules will
Starting with an explanation of the turn sequence, you will reference these things and point you towards where to find
go on to discover how your units move, shoot and fight a more complete explanation in the advanced rules.
deadly combat against the enemy, how to rally your troops,
and much more. Note that the following pages introduce many terms that are
explained later in greater detail. So if you are not yet familiar
For the most part, this section focuses upon how units of with the game, be prepared to do a little flicking back and forth
Close Order infantry perform, though as we have learned, as you read through this section.
there are a great many different troop types and formations
B attle is a chaotic thing. Units of bellowing warriors charge and counter-charge, hacking at the foe with axe, sword and
cleaver. The ground trembles to the hooves of galloping cavalry, archers blacken the skies with arrows and puissant
The Turn Sequence
sorcerers wield devastating magics.

A Game Of Rounds & Turns The Turn Sequence

A game of Warhammer: the Old World is broken down into a Each player’s turn is split into four ‘phases’, each consisting
number of ‘rounds’. During each round, each player takes one of four steps referred to as ‘sub-phases’. These sub-phases are
complete ‘turn’, so that by the end of the game both players will explained in greater detail on the following pages:
have played the same number of turns. Players alternate taking
turns until the battle is over. 1. The Strategy Phase
During the Strategy phase, the active player attempts to cast
Whenever a rule refers to a ‘turn’, it means one player’s turn. Enchantment or Hex spells and makes use of certain special
If a rule encapsulates both player’s turns, it will specifically rules, before attempting to rally any fleeing units.
state ‘round’.
2. The Movement Phase
First Turn The Movement phase starts with the declaration of charges
Which player takes the first turn of the game will be and of charge reactions, then the movement of charging
determined by the scenario being played. Usually, this is units. After this comes compulsory movement. Finally, any
decided by rolling off, although it can be decided in other ways. remaining movement is carried out and Conveyance spells
are cast.
Game Length
Most games last for six rounds, but sometimes a game can last 3. The Shooting Phase
for seven rounds or be over in only five. In some scenarios, the During the Shooting phase, the active player shoots with those
game length varies. units in their army armed with missile weapons, with their
war machines, and attempts to cast Magic Missile and Magical
Active & Inactive Player Vortex spells.
A game of Warhammer: the Old World consists of a number
of rounds. During each of which, each player takes a turn. 4. The Combat Phase
During your turn, you are referred to as the ‘active’ player and During this phase, units fight in deadly hand-to-hand
your opponent is referred to as the ‘inactive’ player. melee and Wizards attempt to fend off their attackers with
Assailment spells. Units that have lost combat may be driven
back or become broken and flee. At the end of this phase, once
all combats have been resolved, the active player’s turn ends.
D uring the Strategy phase, the active player begins to enact their plans for the turn ahead. Key to this is Wizards
channelling and manipulating the Winds of Magic and commanders rallying their forces through strict orders or
inspiring words.

The Strategy Phase

The Strategy Phase Sequence 1. Start Of Turn

Work your way through the sub-phases shown in the Some units will have special actions they have to perform or
summary below. The units in your army can generally act in tests they have to make at the start of the turn. Such rules
the order you choose within each sub-phase, providing that are not common, and their details will be clearly stated in
you complete one sub-phase before moving onto the next. the model’s rules. Such actions are performed and tests made
during this sub-phase, in an order chosen by the active player.

1. Start Of Turn Sometimes, a scenario may require you to make a test at the
The rules will often call upon a player to make certain start of each turn, or pause to determine if a victory condition
tests or perform specific actions at the start of a turn. has been achieved before playing on. These things are also
These things are done now. done now, before the turn begins in earnest.

2. Command This sub-phase should also be used as a moment in which

Some characters have special rules that may represent to think between turns, during which you can remove stray
bold heroes seeking to inspire their comrades, or fabulous casualties, errant dice and other bits of gaming detritus that
abilities granted by magic items. These special rules are have accumulated. Often, players will have questions to ask
used now. their opponent, such as how a special rule works or what a
magic item does. This is the perfect time to ask such questions,
3. Conjuration and an opponent should never begrudge giving answers during
Many Wizards use their magic to aid their allies in battle. this natural pause in the action.
Others use it to inflict terrible curses upon their enemies.
Known respectively as Enchantment and Hex spells, these
spells are cast now.

4. Rally Fleeing Troops

As warriors fall, many units turn tail and flee. During this
sub-phase, you have a chance to rally any fleeing units.
Those that are successful will return to the fray. Those
that are not will continue to flee.
2. Command 4. Rally Fleeing Units
During this sub-phase, powerful abilities, both magical and During this sub-phase, the active player must attempt to rally
mundane, are unleashed in the form of special rules. any of their units that are fleeing by making a ‘Rally’ test for
each such unit. To make a Rally test, choose a fleeing unit
The active player chooses one of their models (usually a and test against its Leadership characteristic, as described on
character) that is not fleeing and that has one or more special page 97:
rules that can be used during the Command sub-phase. The
player states which special rule (if any) they intend to use and, • If this test is failed, the unit has been unable to rally and it
if necessary, which unit(s) will be affected, before making any continues fleeing.
tests required. The active player then repeats the process for • If this test is passed, the unit has successfully rallied.
all models in their army that have any special rules that can be
used during the Command sub-phase. Then, the active player chooses another fleeing unit, repeating
the process until all fleeing units have had a chance to rally.
Note that, unless stated otherwise, a model can only use a special
rule once per Command sub-phase. Rallied Units
A unit that passes a Rally test regains its composure and
3. Conjuration returns to the fight. Upon rallying, a unit may immediately
perform a free reform (see page 125). The unit cannot charge
Many Wizards are able to cast Enchantment spells to the during this turn and counts as having moved for the purposes
benefit of friendly units. Other Wizards are able to cast Hex of shooting, but can otherwise act as normal.
spells, hindering the enemy in some way.
Insurmountable Losses
The active player chooses one of their Wizards that is not If a unit has suffered a large number of losses, the remaining
fleeing. If that Wizard knows any Enchantment or Hex models may lack the intestinal fortitude required to return to
spells, the player may attempt to cast them now. If the spell is the fray:
cast successfully, the inactive player may then make a dispel
attempt. The active player then chooses another Wizard, • Any unit that has been reduced below half (50%) of its
repeating the process for all of the Wizards in their army. starting number of models suffers a -1 modifier to its
Leadership when attempting to rally.
• Any unit that has been reduced below a quarter (25%) of
its starting number of models can only pass its Rally test on
a roll of a natural double 1.

Fleeing Units
Units that fail to rally will continue to flee during the
Movement phase, as described on page 132.
The Movement Phase PHASE
M astery of the Movement phase is vital to victory on the battlefield. It is in this phase that you will attempt to
outmanoeuvre your foe, by moving archers into positions from which to dominate the battlefield, advancing cavalry
along a flank to exploit enemy weaknesses and positioning regiments to intimidate the enemy before charging boldly into
combat when the time is right.

As movement is such a vital part of the game, this section is broken down into two parts. The first gives an overview of the
Movement phase itself. The second explains movement in greater detail. As always, if you are not yet familiar with the game, be
prepared to spend some time checking other sections of the rules as you read through this section.

The Movement Phase Sequence The 1" Rule

As with other phases of the game, the Movement phase is There is one ruleThe 1" Rule that applies throughout the
of movement
broken down into four sub-phases. Work your way through game – the 1" rule. Quite simply, with the exception of units
these in the order shown below. The units in your army engaged in combat, no unit can end its movement within 1" of
can act in whatever order you wish within each sub-phase, an enemy unit.
providing that you complete one sub-phase before moving
onto the next. Often, a unit will have to move within 1" of another unit
during its move. This is perfectly acceptable, provided that, at
1. Declare Charges & Charge Reactions the end of the movement, there is 1" between it and any enemy
The active player declares which of their units will units. At times, once movement is complete, players may have
charge, nominating one unit at a time and indicating to nudge units further apart, by the smallest amount possible,
which enemy unit it will charge. Once all charges have to maintain this rule, and this is also perfectly acceptable.
been declared, the inactive player declares and resolves Both players should agree upon how best to do this and ensure
each charged unit’s charge reaction. neither gain any unfair advantage.

2. Charge Moves
Once all charges have been declared and all charge
reactions have been resolved, the active player moves
their charging units in an order of their choosing.

3. Compulsory Moves
Sometimes, a player has no choice over whether or not to
move a unit; for example, a fleeing unit is obliged to make
a flee move. All compulsory moves are made during this

4. Remaining Moves
During this sub-phase, the active player advances their
battle line, moving those units that did not move during
the Charge Moves or Compulsory Moves sub-phases.

“The kinbands must march to war. Blood must be spilt.”

Naieth the Prophetess

1. Declare Charges & Charge Reactions Who Can Charge?
Not all units can charge. Units that are already engaged in
At the start of your Movement phase, the first thing you combat, that are fleeing, or that rallied during the Strategy
must do is declare which units (if any) will charge. Units phase of this turn cannot declare a charge or make a charge
are not normally obliged to charge unless a special rule move. Units that are in Marching Column can declare a
states otherwise. charge, but cannot make a charge move. In rarer cases, units
may be prevented from either declaring a charge, or making a
Charging is the only way for a unit to move itself into combat charge move, by a special rule or spell effect.
with the foe. If you want to engage an enemy in combat then
you must charge them – you cannot simply move into combat Additionally, a unit cannot declare an impossible charge – i.e.,
without having first declared a charge. one that it cannot possibly complete, either because the enemy
unit lies beyond the chargers’ maximum possible charge range
To declare a charge you must indicate which of your units (see page 121), or because intervening obstructions make it
is charging, and which enemy unit it is going to charge. A impossible for the unit to make a charge move that allows it to
charged unit is often referred to as the ‘charge target’. move into contact.

When you declare a charge, one or more of the models in your Note that if such an obstruction is another unit, and there is a
unit must be able to draw a line of sight to the charge target, chance that the intervening unit will move out of the chargers’ way
and the charge target must lie at least partially within the before the charge is completed, the charge is ‘possible’, and therefore
charging unit’s front arc. can be declared (remember that you still need to see the target to
declare the charge though).
You are always allowed to measure the distance between
your unit and the potential charge target before declaring the Charging More Than One Unit
charge, and should take into account any terrain that might Normally, a unit can only declare a charge against a single
slow the unit down (see page 135), as this might well affect enemy unit. However, should a unit be unable to charge its
your decision whether or not to declare a charge. intended target without making contact with one or more
other enemy units, a charge must also be declared against
Charge movement is explained in greater detail on page 126. each of those units. In such cases, each charged unit is
considered to be a charge target and each must declare and
resolve its own charge reaction (in an order chosen by their
controlling player).
Charge Reactions Flee: Any unit that is not already
Once the active player has declared all of engaged in combat may Flee as a charge
their charges, the inactive player declares reaction. Units already fleeing must Flee
a ‘charge reaction’ for each of the charge when charged.
targets. There are three charge reactions
available to the inactive player: Hold, Stand When a unit chooses to Flee from a
& Shoot and Flee: charge, it flees directly away from the
charging unit:
Hold: The unit opts to stand its ground
and receive the charge. This is the usual • Pivot the unit about its centre (see
response for units that do not have missile page 125) so that it is facing directly
weapons or those units that favour their away from the centre of the charging
chances in the fight ahead. enemy unit.
• After pivoting, the unit makes an
Fleeing units cannot Hold. Units already immediate flee move (see page 132).
engaged in combat when charged must
Hold. Any unit that forgets to declare a Should a fleeing unit not run far enough,
charge reaction will Hold. it may be ‘run down’ and destroyed by the
“Shroud the eyes, shroud charging unit (see page 129).
the soul, Stand & Shoot: If a unit is armed with
missile weapons and can draw a line of Charge Reactions
Turn to face the east, sight to the charging unit, it may declare & Multiple Charging Units
that it will attempt to Stand & Shoot. A unit can only Stand & Shoot in response
Respect the dead when Measure the distance between the two to one charge per turn, even if charged by
Morr’s bell tolls units. If the distance is less than the multiple units. Once all charges have been
Movement characteristic of the charging declared, the inactive player can choose
Or await the fang’ed beast.” unit, the charged unit is unable to raise its which charging unit to Stand & Shoot at.
weapons in time and must either Hold or The unit will then Hold against the other
Funeral verse, Flee instead. charging units.
popular in Stirland
Otherwise, even if the distance between If a unit charged by multiple enemy units
the two units is greater than the maximum chooses to Flee, it will flee directly away
range of the charged unit’s weapons, the from the enemy unit with the highest Unit
charged unit will shoot at the charging Strength. If two enemy units have the same
unit (see page 137). Once this shooting has Unit Strength, randomly determine which
been resolved, the charged unit will Hold the unit flees directly away from.
and await the charging unit. Charging units
are not required to make Panic tests (see Note that, in its haste to flee from one charging
page 160). enemy unit, a unit might flee through another
enemy unit (see page 133)!
Fleeing units and units already engaged
in combat when charged cannot Stand
& Shoot.
2. Charge Moves Failed Charge
A unit that makes a failed charge has started towards the
With charge reactions declared and resolved, it is time to enemy, but is unable to cover the distance. The warriors in
see whether or not the charges are successful. Work through the unit simply lose impetus. If a unit makes a failed charge it
charges one at a time, in an order decided by the active player, moves directly towards the target a distance equal to the result
completing each before moving on to the next. of the Charge roll, wheeling as required.

Determine Charge Range

How far a unit can charge is based on its Movement
characteristic. However, because a charge represents warriors
rushing forward at speed, units can charge further than their
basic Movement characteristic.

To represent this, as well as the caprices of fate, a unit’s ‘charge

range’ is determined by first making a ‘Charge’ roll. To make
a Charge roll, roll two D6 and discard the lowest result. The
highest result is the result of the Charge roll. If both dice roll
the same result, discard either. The result of the Charge roll is
then added to the unit’s Movement characteristic to give the
unit’s charge range.

With its charge range established, the charging unit makes its
‘charge move’. If the charging unit has insufficient movement
to complete its charge move, it is unable to reach the enemy
and instead makes a ‘failed charge’ (see Fig 121.1).

The Charge Move: Moving a charging unit is often a

complicated procedure. For this reason, the charge move itself
is covered in greater detail on page 126, after the basics of
movement and manoeuvre have been explained.

Maximum Possible Charge Range: A unit’s maximum

possible charge range is determined by adding six (the highest
possible result of an unmodified Charge roll) to its current
Movement characteristic (taking into account any modifiers
that might apply to its Movement characteristic).
Unit A has declared a charge against unit B. Unit A’s
Movement characteristic is 4" and a Charge roll of 1 and 5 has
been made, for a total charge range of 9". Alas, unit B is 10"
away, so the charge has failed. Unit A must now move 5" (the
highest result of the two dice rolled).
3. Compulsory Moves 4. Remaining Moves
Generally speaking, a player can move their units however With all charges and compulsory moves attended to, you
they wish within the confines of the rules. However, can now move the rest of your army. While it might lack the
sometimes units behave of their own accord. All compulsory drama of charging or the jeopardy of compulsory moves, the
movement is carried out in this sub-phase, after charges have Remaining Moves sub-phase is no less important.
been resolved, but before other movement takes place.
During this sub-phase players manoeuvre their remaining
Fleeing Units units in order to set up charges for future turns, as well as
Units that failed to Rally during the Strategy phase will attempt to deny future charges their opponent will wish to
continue to flee during the Compulsory Moves sub-phase. make. This is also the time to manoeuvre missile troops and
Fleeing units must be moved at the beginning of this sub- Wizards so that they have suitable targets, seize important
phase, before moving any other units that are obliged to make areas of the battlefield, and so on. Finally, Conveyance spells
a compulsory move. can be cast at any point during this sub-phase.

Moving a fleeing unit is often a complicated procedure. For Note that units which are fleeing, that charged this turn or that
this reason, fleeing itself is covered in greater detail on page moved during the Compulsory Moves sub-phase cannot move again
132, after the basics of movement and manoeuvre have been during this sub-phase. Their movement for the turn has already
explained in more detail. been completed.

Other Types Of Compulsory Movement

Other units that must move in the Compulsory Moves
sub-phase follow the normal movement rules, unless stated
otherwise. Any special rules that apply to units that have a
compulsory move will be described within their rules. For
example, some units have a random Movement characteristic.
In other cases, a unit might be obliged to move in a specific
direction, or even in a random direction.

Whatever the case, any compulsory moves are resolved now,

after all fleeing units have moved. These compulsory moves
can be resolved in any order the controlling player wishes.
M oving an army is an important and often decisive part of the game. When opposing commanders are well matched,
move and counter move can become complex and challenging as the rival armies search for an advantage.
Movement in Detail

This section begins with the rules for basic movement and manoeuvre, before delving into the intricacies of charging and fleeing.
Finally, you will find an explanation of how different types of battlefield terrain can hinder, or even halt, movement.
Basic Movement
Basic Movement Marching
Most units are able to ‘march’, allowing them to move
The most basic move any model or unit can make is to move rapidly across the battlefield. A marching unit can double
forward a number of inches up to its Movement characteristic, its Movement characteristic. Whilst marching a unit can
as shown in Fig 123.1. If there is more than one Movement wheel to change direction, but cannot perform any other
characteristic within a unit, the entire unit moves at the rate manoeuvres. However, a unit that marched in the Movement
of the slowest model. phase cannot shoot during the Shooting phase (including
casting Magic Missile or Magical Vortex spells).
Units arrayed in rank and file are cumbersome, and find it
hard to change direction. Models (and units) must move Note that whilst in Marching Column, a Close Order formation
forward in a straight line, unless performing a manoeuvre. may triple its Movement characteristic when Marching.

Enemy Sighted: Units are often unwilling to march when

the enemy is close. If you wish a unit to begin a march move
whilst within 8" of an enemy unit (ignoring enemy units that
are fleeing), it must first make a Leadership test. If this test is
failed, the unit refuses to march but may move normally. If
this test is passed, the unit may march.

Note that if a unit attempts an Enemy Sighted test in order

to march and fails, it is considered to have marched, even if its
controlling player then elects to not move the unit at all.

The distance a model moves is measured from the front of its

base. The model is then moved and the front of its base placed
in line with the end of the tape measure.
Manoeuvres 2. Turn
To execute a turn, all the models remain in place but
There are six types of manoeuvre to choose from: wheel, turn, are turned through 90° or 180° to face their side or
move backwards, move sideways, redress the ranks and reform. rear. For every 90° it turns, a unit uses a quarter of its
During its movement, a unit may perform a single manoeuvre. Movement characteristic.
Regardless of the manoeuvre performed, no model can move
more than twice its Movement characteristic. When a unit turns, all models in complete ranks simply turn
on the spot. Any models in an incomplete rear rank are moved
1. Wheel to the rear of the new formation.
‘Wheeling’ is the best way of making an alteration to the
direction a unit is facing whilst still being able to advance. To When a unit is turned to face its side or rear, any Command
wheel, the leading edge of the unit moves forward, pivoting models it contains (see page 198) are automatically placed into
round one of its front corners, as shown in Fig 124.1. the new front rank. If there is not enough space in the front
rank, such models are placed in the second rank.
When a unit wheels, every model counts as having moved
as far as the outside model. Once the wheel is complete, you
may use any movement the unit has remaining. Unless it is
charging, a unit can wheel more than once during its move and
can alternate between moving forward and wheeling.

From its initial position in Fig 124.2, the unit may spend a
quarter of its movement to turn 90°, as shown in Fig 124.3, or
half of its movement to turn 180°, as shown in Fig 124.4.
3. Move Backwards 6. Reform
Units can move backwards as well as forward, but tend A reform represents the most complex of manoeuvres a
to shuffle carefully rather than stride purposefully. To unit can perform on the battlefield, but on the tabletop it is
represent this, a unit that moves backwards must halve its quite straightforward. Reforming allows a unit to sacrifice its
Movement characteristic. entire movement in order to both pivot about its centre to
change its facing by up to 180°, and to rearrange its ranks and
4. Move Sideways files as required to either change its formation, or to adopt a
Units can move sideways as well as forward, but do so different formation.
with caution in order to maintain their formation. To
represent this, a unit that moves sideways must halve its
Movement characteristic. Pivoting
Sometimes, the rules will require a unit to ‘pivot,’ usually
5. Redress The Ranks about its centre. This is exactly as it sounds. The unit
Units can redress the ranks by moving models to or from is not performing any of the manoeuvres previously
their rear ranks to decrease or increase the number of models described – instead it spins on the spot, using its centre
in their front rank. A unit may use half of its Movement as a pivot point, ignoring the presence of other units or
characteristic in order to deduct up to five models from its terrain whilst it does so.
front rank (as shown in Fig 125.1), or to add up to five models
to its front rank (as shown in Fig 125.2).
The Ends Of The World
The models in the remaining ranks are then rearranged to It is important to note that the edge of the battlefield does not
match the number of models in the front rank and maintain represent the end of the world. It is perfectly acceptable for
a correct formation. Remember, there must be the same a corner of a unit to cross beyond the edge of the battlefield
number of models in each rank. Only the rear rank may have during a manoeuvre, provided the unit is able to end its
fewer models. movement completely upon the battlefield.

This unit uses half of its movement to reduce its frontage by five models. As a result it goes from ten wide to five wide, gaining an
extra rank.

This unit uses half of its movement to increase its frontage by five models. As a result it goes from five wide to ten wide.
The Charge Move
As mentioned previously, moving a charging unit can often
be quite complex. This is because a charging unit is obliged to
fulfil certain criteria:
The Charge Move

1 A charging unit must endeavour to bring as many models

as possible within its front rank into base contact with
models in the charged unit.
2 A charging unit must move by the shortest route possible
to reach its charge target.
3 A charging unit must move forward in as straight a line
as possible. 1. Declare Charge.
4 After moving, a unit that charged must ensure that it is
aligned against the charge target.

Manoeuvring During A Charge

Unless stated otherwise, a charging unit cannot perform a
turn, move backwards, move sideways, redress the ranks or
reform manoeuvre during its charge move.

However, a charging unit must endeavour to bring the

maximum number of models from both sides into base
contact, which will often require some degree of manoeuvre.
To facilitate this, a charging unit may wheel once, at any point,
during its move, as shown in Fig 126.2.
2. Wheel to maximise contact.
Note that a charging unit does not have to complete its wheel if
doing so would cause it to make a failed charge or would prevent the
completion of a charge declared by another unit.

Once a charging unit has completed any required wheel, it

completes its movement, moving straight ahead towards the
charge target and stops as soon as the two units touch.

Aligning To The Enemy

Usually, moving a charging unit in the manner described will
leave it and the charged unit in base contact at a peculiar angle
with an odd gap in between. In a real battle warriors would
quickly move to attack their enemies and, in so doing, close
the gap – which is exactly what happens in the game. 3. Move in.

Once the charging unit contacts the charge target, it must

perform a second, free wheel (if required) to bring its front
facing into flush contact with the facing of the enemy unit that
has been charged, as shown in Fig 126.4.

4. Align to the enemy.

Flank & Rear Charges
Sometimes, your unit will be able to charge into the flank
or rear of an enemy unit. This is particularly beneficial
because an attack from an unexpected direction gives you an
advantage in combat.

A charging unit’s position when the charge is declared

determines whether it charges into the front, flank or rear of
the enemy unit. A unit’s position in relation to its potential
charge target is determined when the charge is declared.

If the charging unit is in the charge target’s front arc when the
charge is declared, it charges into that unit’s front. As units
generally begin the game facing each other, this is the most
common situation that will arise.

However, if the charging unit is within a flank arc of its

charge target when the charge is declared, it charges into that
unit’s flank. If the charging unit is within the rear arc of its
charge target when the charge is declared, it charges into that
unit’s rear.

Resolving Uncertainties: Sometimes, a charging unit will

straddle two arcs. In such cases, count how many models in
the front rank of the charging unit lie within each arc. If there
are more models in one arc, the unit is considered to be in
that arc. Unit A has been charged by units B and C. Unit B is
completely within unit A’s front arc. Unit C, however,
If it is still unclear, the charging unit is considered to be in the straddles unit A’s flank and rear arc. Three of the models
arc that gives it the least advantage in terms of combat result in unit C’s front rank are in the flank arc, whilst only two
(see page 151). For example, if you cannot determine whether models are in the rear arc. Unit C is therefore considered to
a charging unit is in the flank or rear arc, it is in the flank arc. be in unit A’s flank and will charge accordingly.
Unusual Situations (Charging) Charging Through Terrain
A charging unit must move by the shortest route possible to
Unusual situations can arise as units charge. The following reach its charge target. Therefore, charging units will often
pages attempt to deal with these. However, should a situation be obliged to move through difficult or dangerous terrain, or
ever arise that cannot easily
Unusual be resolved,
Situations players should agree
(Charging) across low linear obstacles. This is perfectly acceptable, but a
with one another upon the most logical course of action, and charge made through any form of terrain is more difficult, and
avoid getting bogged down in overly long debates. often much slower, than a charge made across open ground.

Unable To Align Before making a charging unit’s Charge roll, check to see if
On occasion, a charging unit will be able to make contact with any part of the unit will move through difficult or dangerous
its charge target, but unable to align to it because something terrain, or across a low linear obstacle, when it makes its
lies in the way. In such cases, the charge target should align charge move. If so, that unit must discard the highest result
itself against the charging unit. If this is not possible, simply when making its Charge roll, rather than the lowest, and
leave a gap. In either case, the charging unit has made a will suffer a -1 modifier to its Movement characteristic (to a
‘disordered charge’, as shown in Fig 128.1 and Fig 128.2: minimum of 1) when making its charge move.

Disordered Charge: A unit that has made a disordered Finally, if a unit ends its charge move with a quarter (25%)
charge does not gain the Initiative modifier for charging (see or more of its models within difficult terrain, or straddling a
page 146). low linear obstacle, it becomes Disrupted and cannot claim a
Rank Bonus.

Unit A charges unit B. It wheels to bring as many models After making contact, unit A cannot align to unit B – the
into base contact as possible, and to avoid the terrain before terrain is in the way. Unit B then wheels to align. Not being as
moving in. wide as unit A, it moves past the terrain and the gap is closed.
Charging A Fleeing Enemy Redirecting a Charge: Once the charge target has completed
When a charged unit turns tail and flees, the charging unit has its flee move, the charging unit may attempt to redirect its
two options: attempt to ‘run down’ an enemy that flees from charge if there is an eligible alternative charge target, as shown
it, or attempt to ‘redirect’ its charge. in Fig 129.1. This can be:

Running Down the Foe: Once the charge target has • A unit which the charging unit could have declared a
completed its flee move, the charging unit makes its charge charge against at the beginning of this phase.
move as normal. If the charging unit makes contact with the • A unit that has been revealed by the movement of the
fleeing unit, it will wheel to align as normal. Caught by the fleeing unit.
enemy, the fleeing unit is hacked to pieces and immediately
removed from play. If the charging unit wishes to redirect, it must first make a
Leadership test. If this test is failed, the unit must attempt to
The charging unit may then attempt to reform by making run down the fleeing unit. If this test is passed, the unit may
a Leadership test. If this test is failed, the unit is unable to redirect, immediately declaring a charge against its new target.
reform. If this test is passed, the unit may make a free reform.
In either case, the unit cannot move again this turn. The target of a redirected charge does not have time to Stand
& Shoot, the only charge reactions available to it are Hold and
If the charging unit does not make contact with the fleeing Flee. Should it Flee, the charge cannot be redirected again.
unit, it moves forward its full charge range. It has not made a
failed charge – the charge target ran away. When a charge is redirected, the original charge target is not
run down and will flee to safety. A charge cannot be redirected
if there are no eligible alternative charge targets.

Unit A declared a charge against unit B, which chose to Flee, and fled 3". Once unit B has completed its flee move, unit A attempts to
redirect its charge against unit C. To do so, it must make a Leadership test. Unit A passes this test with ease, and is free to redirect its
charge against unit C.
Multiple Charging Units
When two or more units are charging into the same arc of a
single enemy unit, they are considered to move simultaneously
and both units must try to bring the maximum number of
models from both sides into base contact.

Multiple Charge Targets

A unit may be unable to charge its intended target without
making contact with other enemy units. In such cases, the
charging unit must declare a charge against all of the enemy
units it will contact, and each is able to declare its own
charge reaction.
Units A and B have both declared a charge against unit
If the charging unit is unable to align itself to all of the C. They use their movement to ensure that the maximum
enemy units once contact has been made, those enemy units number of models from each unit make base contact with
the charging unit cannot align against must themselves models in unit C.
align against it. The charging unit counts as having made a
disordered charge (as described on page 128) against any unit
that was obliged to align against it.

Unit A wishes to charge unit C. However, due to the width of

unit A, it cannot do so without contacting both units B and
D as well. Unit A therefore declares a charge against all three
and all three declare their charge reactions.

Once unit A has moved, it is unable to align against units B

and D. Therefore, units B and D must align to unit A. Unit A
is considered to have made a disordered charge against units B
and D (but not against unit C).
Accidental Contact Accidental Contact During A Charge
A charging unit might find its path unexpectedly blocked by
Sometimes, particularly during the push and pull of combat, another enemy unit, usually one that has fled from another
units Contact contact with enemy units. Should this
make accidental charge. If the charging unit is able to wheel to avoid the unit
prove unavoidable, there are several ways to resolve this. and complete its charge, it should. If this is not possible, or if
doing so will cause a failed charge, the charging unit has two
If a unit is contacted in its front arc, and if it is not itself options – it can halt its charge, or it can continue ahead.
already engaged in combat, the unit may either:
Halting a Charge: If the charging unit wishes to halt its
• Commit to combat, aligning against the enemy unit that charge, it is moved towards its charge target as normal,
made accidental contact with it (neither unit counts as stopping 1" away from the unit that has blocked its path. A
having charged and both fight in Initiative order). halted charge is not a failed charge.
• ‘Give Ground’ (see page 134) to avoid being drawn into an
unwanted combat. Continuing Ahead: If the charging unit chooses to continue
ahead, the outcome will depend upon the enemy unit:
However, if a unit is accidentally contacted in its flank or rear
arc, or is itself already engaged in combat, its owning player • If a charging unit makes accidental contact with a fleeing
must move it (and, if necessary, any units it is in combat with) enemy unit, it will wheel to align as normal. The fleeing
aside by the minimum amount necessary to ensure it is both unit is considered to have been run down by the charging
1" away from the unit that accidentally contacted it and still unit and is immediately removed from play. The charging
engaged in its own combat. unit’s movement comes to an end and, due to the confused
circumstances, cannot attempt to reform.
Accidental Contact When • If a charging unit makes accidental contact with an enemy
Running Down The Foe unit that is not fleeing, simply treat the charging unit as
A charging unit that has chosen to run down a fleeing charge having redirected its charge into that unit.
target may make accidental contact with another enemy unit.
When this happens, the charging unit is considered to have
redirected its charge against that unit (as described on page
129) and the fleeing unit escapes.

If the charging unit makes accidental contact with two or

more enemy units, treat it as you would a unit charging
multiple charge targets, as described previously.
Flee! The Flee Move
To determine how far a fleeing unit moves, make a ‘Flee’ roll
Units flee for many reasons. Units that fail to rally during the after pivoting it (if required). To make a Flee roll, roll 2D6.
Strategy phase will flee in the Compulsory Moves sub-phase, The result of this roll is the distance in inches that the fleeing
others will flee from a charging enemy, and so forth. When a unit moves. A fleeing unit:
unit flees, it abandons all formation and heads to safety by the
most direct route possible. • Moves straight ahead in the direction it is facing.
• Must move the full distance rolled, even if doing so would
Direction Of Flight take the unit off the battlefield.
When a unit flees, the direction of its flight will be determined • May change direction by pivoting only if required to move
by whatever caused it to flee. In most cases, this is an enemy around impassable terrain.
unit. Units that fail to Rally will continue in the direction of
their earlier flight, rarely changing direction. Destruction of a Fleeing Unit: Should any part of a fleeing
unit move into contact with, or cross beyond, the edge of the
Fleeing from an Enemy Unit: When the rules call for a unit battlefield, the entire unit is removed from play and counts as
to flee directly away from an enemy unit, pivot the fleeing having been destroyed.
unit about its centre so that it is facing directly away from the
centre of the enemy unit it is fleeing from, as shown in Fig Flee!
132.1. After pivoting, the unit makes an immediate flee move,
as shown in Fig 132.2.

Fleeing as a Compulsory Move: Units that fail to rally during

the Strategy phase and continue to flee during the Compulsory
Moves sub-phase of the Movement phase will continue along
their previous path. When a unit flees as a compulsory move,
it moves straight ahead in the direction it is facing.

1. Unit A is fleeing from unit B. Therefore, unit A pivots 2. Unit A then moves forward a distance equal to its Flee roll.
around its centre point until facing directly away from
unit B.
Fleeing Through Friendly Units Fleeing Through Terrain
As fleeing units have broken formation, they are able to move A fleeing unit moves through difficult and dangerous terrain
through friendly units without stopping or slowing. If the flee without suffering any negative modifiers to its Movement
move would result in the fleeing unit ending up ‘on top’ of a characteristic, though it must make any Dangerous Terrain
friendly unit, then it carries on fleeing straight forward until it tests required (see page 135). Should a fleeing unit come
is clear of the unit, and will then halt. into contact with impassable terrain, it must pivot around
its centre in order to move around it by the shortest
Fleeing Through Enemy Units possible route.
Sometimes, a fleeing unit will run through an enemy unit.
This is obviously extremely perilous. To represent this, once The Greater The Danger
a fleeing unit’s movement is complete, make a ‘Peril’ test for If a unit is required to flee directly away from two or more
each model in the unit that moved through an enemy unit, as enemy units at the same time, it will flee directly away from
shown in Fig 133.1. To make a Peril test, roll a D6. On a roll of the enemy unit with the highest Unit Strength. If two enemy
4+, the model escapes without incident. On a roll of 1-3, the units have the same Unit Strength, randomly determine which
model is struck by the enemy and loses a single Wound. the unit flees from.

If the flee move would result in the fleeing unit ending up The Limits Of Endurance
‘on top’ of or within 1" of an enemy unit, it carries on fleeing No matter how determined the coward, there is a limit to how
straight forward until it is 1" away from the enemy unit, and far a model can run. A unit can only ever make one flee move
will then halt. per phase of the game. Should a unit ever be required to make
a second flee move during a phase in which it has already fled,
Note that there is no limit to how many Peril tests a unit may be it does not pivot (if required to do so) and will flee 0".
required to make during a single move.

Unit A must flee through an enemy unit, causing eight models to make a Peril test.
Give Ground & Oddball Stuff (Movement)
Fall Back In Good Order Oddball Stuff (Movement)
Give Ground The movement rules are comprehensive and detailed. Despite
The rules will often call for units to ‘Give Ground’ or ‘Fall this, there will always be situations in which something
Back in Good Order’. Most often, they will do this after losing is unclear.
a round of combat or after suffering heavy casualties from
enemy shooting. Conveyance Spells
If any of the active player’s Wizards know any Conveyance
Give Ground spells, they may attempt to cast them at any point during the
A unit that Gives Ground does so reluctantly, maintaining Remaining Moves sub-phase.
its formation whilst attempting to put a bit of much needed
distance between itself and the enemy. Lone Models
Lone models, such as characters, monsters or chariots, are
When a unit Gives Ground, it moves 2" directly away from the units and move as such.
enemy unit or units that caused it to Give Ground, without
turning, pivoting or otherwise changing its facing in any Different Formations
way, stopping immediately should it come into contact with The rules in this section deal with units in Close Order
another unit or terrain, or if continuing to move would bring formation. Units in different formations may move differently.
it within 1" of an enemy unit. These formations are explained in greater detail on page 182.

Fall Back In Good Order Moving Off The Battlefield

When a unit Falls Back in Good Order, it is beating a Except in the case of fleeing units (as discussed previously) and
hasty retreat, but has not yet lost all courage and is able pursuing units (see page 157), no unit is permitted to move off
Fall its
to quickly rally Back in Good
fighting Order
spirit. A unit that Falls Back the battlefield.
in Good Order moves exactly like a fleeing unit, with the
following exceptions: Reinforcements
A unit that enters the battle as reinforcements does so during
• When making its Flee roll, a unit that Falls Back in Good the Compulsory Moves sub-phase. It is placed with its rear
Order rolls two D6 and discards the lowest result. If both arc in full contact with the battlefield edge (upon which edge,
dice roll the same result, discard either. and where, will depend upon the rule that triggers its arrival)
• A unit that Falls Back in Good Order automatically facing towards the centre of the battlefield.
rallies at the end of its flee move (exactly as described on
page 117). A unit that enters as reinforcements cannot march and
counts as having moved for the purposes of shooting, but
can otherwise move normally during the Remaining Moves
Terrain & Movement Dangerous Terrain
Terrain & Movement Dangerous terrain hinders movement just like difficult terrain.
Terrain is covered in more detail in the Battlefield Terrain In addition, make a ‘Dangerous Terrain’ test for each model in
section. For now, it is sufficient to explain that terrain is the unit that either begins its movement in dangerous terrain,
divided into seven categories; open ground, hills, difficult, passes through dangerous terrain during its movement, or
dangerous and impassable terrain, linear obstacles (including ends its movement in dangerous terrain. To make a Dangerous
both low and high) and woods. Terrain test, roll a D6. On a roll of 2+, the model successfully
negotiates the dangers of the terrain without incident. On a
This page focuses on how certain types of terrain hinder roll of 1, the model has suffered a terrible mishap and loses a
movement. Players should discuss before the battle begins single Wound.
which category a terrain feature falls into.
Note that a model must make a Dangerous Terrain test for
Open Ground & Hills each separate dangerous terrain feature it encounters during a
Any part of the battlefield not taken up by a terrain feature is single move.
open ground. Unless otherwise agreed, hills are open ground.
Open ground does not impede movement at all. Impassable Terrain
Impassable terrain is terrain so difficult to move through that
Difficult Terrain it cannot be crossed during the course of a battle. Units must
If any part of a unit moves through difficult terrain, that go around impassable terrain.
unit suffers a -1 modifier to its Movement characteristic
(to a minimum of 1). This modifier is applied whether the High Linear Obstacles: For the purposes of movement, high
unit begins its movement in difficult terrain, passes through linear obstacles (i.e., 2" high or more), such as castle walls, are
difficult terrain during its movement, or ends its movement in treated as impassable terrain.
difficult terrain.
In addition, a unit that ends its movement with a quarter For the purposes of movement, woods are treated as either
(25%) or more of its models within difficult terrain (or difficult or dangerous terrain, as agreed by the players.
straddling a low linear obstacle, below) becomes Disrupted.
Battlefield Decoration
Low Linear Obstacles: For the purposes of movement, Some terrain features are so small that, whilst they might
low linear obstacles (i.e., less than 2" high), such as walls and provide a vital objective in a scenario, they cannot reasonably
hedges, are treated as difficult terrain. be expected to interfere with movement. Models can freely
move through very small decorative elements of terrain less
than 2" across.
Rulebook FAQ v1.0

Movement Q: When a unit redirects a charge, can it charge a unit that lies
Q: Is a unit’s maximum possible charge range the maximum beyond its maximum possible charge range?
distance from an enemy unit at which it can declare a charge, A: No.
or the maximum distance it can move when making a
charge move? Q: If a unit that is arrayed in Open Order wishes to use
A: It is the maximum distance from an enemy unit at which it can the Fast Cavalry special rule to perform a Quick Turn after
declare a charge. marching, can any of the models within that unit move
further than twice their Movement characteristic?
Q: When a unit performs a manoeuvre, can its front edge pass A: No. As stated on page 124, no model can move further than
through another unit? twice its Movement characteristic. However, there are obvious
A: No. The only exception to this is when a unit pivots. exceptions to this, such as when a Marching Column marches, or
when a dice roll determines a unit’s movement.
Q: When a unit wheels, is it acceptable for a rear corner to
pass through another unit? Q: When a unit enters the battle as reinforcements, is there a
A: Yes, provided the unit does not end its movement ‘on top’ of limit to how far onto the battlefield models can be placed?
another unit or within 1" of an enemy unit. When a unit wheels, A: Yes. The unit is considered to have moved onto the battlefield.
those at its rear do not really follow a long, curving path, as it might Therefore, no model can be placed more than twice its Movement
appear when moving a large block of models on the table. In reality, characteristic from the edge of the battlefield its unit enters from.
they would take a more direct route, following the path of the front
rank and resuming their formation behind it.
D uring the Shooting phase, your armyThe lets Shooting Phase
fly with the missile weapons at its disposal, be they humble bows, fantastical
war machines or devastating spells. Most armies will contain a unit or two of archers, a war machine or a Wizard
that knows various deadly spells, and will use these to thin the enemy ranks. Other armies will field masses and masses of
missile units, intending to seize victory in the Shooting phase by obliterating the enemy at long range.

This section covers the shooting rules for common weapons and the majority of troop types, including Wizards able to cast Magic
Missile or Magical Vortex spells, as described on page 107. War machines and other, more peculiar, devices of destruction are
explained in greater detail in their own section (see page 222). However, even the most colossal trebuchet is governed by many of
the same rules as the humble bow and arrow, so it is worth reading through this section before unlimbering your organ gun.

The Shooting Phase Sequence

1. Choose Unit & Declare Target
Just like the other phases of the game, the Shooting phase The active player chooses a unit in their army that is able
is broken down into four sub-phases. However, unlike the to shoot. They then check the unit’s range and line of
Strategy and Movement phases, the Shooting phase sequence sight to any potential targets before declaring its target.
is followed in full for each unit, one at a time.
2. Roll To Hit
Simply choose a unit in your army, then complete all four The active player rolls To Hit for the shooting unit.
sub-phases for that unit in the order shown opposite. You may Sometimes, not all models will be able to shoot, and of
then choose another unit, repeating the process until all units those that can, certain modifiers may need to be applied
have had a chance to shoot or cast spells. to their roll To Hit.

3. Roll To Wound & Make Armour Saves

For each successful roll To Hit, the player makes a roll To
Wound. For each of these rolls that cause a wound, their
opponent may be able to make an Armour Save roll.

4. Remove Casualties & Make Panic Tests

For each unsaved wound caused, the target unit loses one
Wound. Models reduced to zero Wounds are removed as
casualties. If enough casualties are caused, the unit will
have to take a Panic test.
1. Choose Unit & Declare Target Check Range
All missile weapons have a maximum range. A model cannot
The active player chooses one unit in their army that is able shoot at a target if it lies beyond this maximum range. Often,
to shoot and completes the Shooting phase sequence for that not every model in a unit will be within range of the target.
unit. This process is repeated until all units have had a chance Therefore, you must check the range for each model in a
to shoot. unit individually.

Who Can Shoot? The one exception to this is when a unit chooses to Stand &
Not all units are able to shoot. Only units equipped with Shoot as a charge reaction. In such cases the charging enemy is
missile weapons (including war machines) or that can cast assumed to have entered the weapons’ range before any shots
certain types of spell (such as magic missiles) can shoot. A unit are fired.
cannot shoot if:
Declare Target
• It charged or marched during the preceding With line of sight and range checked, the active player
Movement phase. must declare which enemy unit will be the target of the
• It is engaged in combat. shooting unit.
• It is fleeing.
How Many Shots?
Check Line Of Sight A unit can shoot only once per Shooting phase, and most
In order to shoot at something, a model must be able to draw models can make only one shooting attack (the number of
a line of sight to it, as described on page 103. Often, not every Attacks a model has does not affect the number of shots it
model in a unit will be able to draw a line of sight to the target. can make).
Therefore, when shooting with a unit you must determine line
of sight for each and every model in the front rank. “We Can’t All Shoot!”
Units cannot split their shooting between two or more targets.
Normally, only models in the front rank of a unit can shoot. Therefore, any models within a unit that do not have a line of
However, sometimes the rules will allow models in the rear sight to the target, or that are not within range of the target,
ranks to shoot. In such cases, models in the rear ranks are able cannot shoot.
to see what the model at the front of their file can see.
2. Roll To Hit
To determine whether a model hits its target, you must make a roll ‘To Hit’. To make a roll
To Hit, roll a D6 for each model that is shooting and look up the target number needed on
the table below. Any dice that equal or beat the target number shown (after applying any
modifiers) have hit the target:

Ballistic Skill 1 2 3 4 5
D6 roll To Hit 6+ 5+ 4+ 3+ 2+

Fast Dice Rolling

To speed the process up, rather than rolling one dice at a time for each model, count how
many models in your unit are shooting and roll a batch of that many dice. If there are a lot
of models, you might prefer to roll several smaller batches.

However, if your unit contains models that have different characteristics (such as Ballistic
Skill or Strength), or models that are equipped with weapons that have different profiles,
the target numbers required To Hit or To Wound may vary. In such cases, you must roll
Gunpowder different batches of dice, making it clear to your opponent what each batch represents and
Throughout the Old World, the target number you need.
scholars and historians often
attribute the invention and Rolls of a Natural 1: Regardless of a warrior’s skill, shots can go awry. When making a roll
spread of gunpowder to the To Hit, a roll of a natural 1 is always a fail, regardless of modifiers.
Dwarfs, who created many
wondrous things during BS Of 6 Or Higher
their ‘Era of Invention’. Yet If a model has BS6 or higher, it gains a re-roll should it fail to hit whilst shooting. The
for all the ingenuity of the second roll usually has a lower chance of hitting. On the table below, the first target
Dwarfs, others discovered number given is for the first roll, the second is the target number when re-rolling:
black powder independently;
designs and knowledge flowed Ballistic Skill 6 7 8 9 10
from distant lands in the D6 roll To Hit 2+/6+ 2+/5+ 2+/4+ 2+/3+ 2+/2+
east along the Ivory Road to
Tilea and Estalia, while tales To Hit Modifiers
of twisted, stunted creatures Many battlefield conditions can reduce the accuracy of shooting. These are represented by
marching to battle with a series of modifiers that are applied to rolls To Hit.
thunderous weapons have
long been told by the warriors To Hit modifiers for shooting are cumulative (except when noted otherwise). The most
of Kislev. commonly encountered To Hit modifiers are as follows, though others may also apply:

• Moving and Shooting -1

• Firing at Long Range -1
• Standing and Shooting -1
• Target Behind Partial Cover -1
• Target Behind Full Cover -2

In the case of models with a BS of 6 or higher, these modifiers are only applied to the first
dice roll.

Note that it is quite possible for modifiers to be applied to some models in a shooting unit, but not
to others. Where this happens, simply resolve two (or more) sets of shots separately.
Range & Movement Modifiers 7+ To Hit
This page explains To Hit modifiers for shooting in greater Sometimes, the negative modifiers applied to a roll To Hit
detail. Shooting whilst on the move, over a great distance, or at may result in you needing to roll a 7 or more on a single
rapidly approaching enemies, can be particularly challenging. D6. For example, a model with BS2 normally hits on a roll
of 5 or above. But if you apply a -2 modifier to a roll of 5
Moving and Shooting: Models that have moved for any it becomes a roll of 3. Therefore, you would need to roll a
reason during this turn (including rallying and reforming) 7 to achieve the target number of 5+, which is not, strictly
have less time to aim and suffer a -1 To Hit modifier. speaking, possible on a six-sided dice.

Firing at Long Range: Missiles lose power and accuracy at In such cases, there is still a chance of hitting. Roll To Hit
long range, so any shots taken at an enemy that is further as normal. Each dice that rolls a natural 6 represents that
away than half the weapon’s maximum range suffer a -1 To chance of hitting and is rolled again, as shown below:
Hit modifier.
D6 Roll Will Hit On A Natural 6…
Standing and Shooting: Taking careful aim whilst the enemy Needed
charges ever closer can be difficult. Models that are making a 7 followed by a 4+
Stand & Shoot charge reaction suffer a -1 To Hit modifier. 8 followed by a 5+
9 followed by a 6
Note that models making a Stand & Shoot charge reaction do not 10 Impossible!
suffer any additional modifiers for Firing at Long Range.
To continue the previous example, if a unit of models
Cover Modifiers with BS2 suffered a -2 To Hit modifier, simply roll To
Cover is determined as described on page 103, based on how Hit as normal. Then, take each dice that rolls a natural 6
heavily obscured the line of sight between the shooting model and roll it again. Each of these dice that rolls a 4 or more
and its target is. is a hit.

Target Behind Partial Cover: If up to half of the target

model (if shooting at a lone model) is obscured, or up to half
of the models within the target unit (if shooting at a unit) are “Fill the moat with the corpses of your comrades! Pile
obscured, by terrain or other models, they are in partial cover. the broken carcasses until they reach the ramparts! Bring
Models shooting at a target in partial cover suffer a -1 To down their walls with the weight of the dead!”
Hit modifier.
Arbaal the Undefeated
Target Behind Full Cover: If more than half of the target
model (if shooting at a lone model) is obscured, or more than
half of the models within the target unit (if shooting at a
unit) are obscured by terrain or other models, they are in full
cover. Models shooting at a target in full cover suffer a -2 To
Hit modifier.
3. Roll To Wound To Wound Chart
& Make Armour Saves Target’s Toughness
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
For each successful roll To Hit, a hit has been caused on the
target. However, hitting the target is not enough to wound 1 4+ 5+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ - - - -
it – sometimes a hit results in little more than a trivial
2 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ - - -
flesh wound.
3 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ - -

Weapon’s Strength
Roll To Wound
4 2+ 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ -
To determine how many hits cause wounds, you must make a
roll ‘To Wound’ for each hit. To make a roll To Wound, pick 5 2+ 2+ 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+
up each dice that caused a hit and roll it again. Then, consult
the To Wound chart, cross-referencing the weapon’s Strength 6 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+ 6+ 6+
characteristic, given in its profile, with the target’s Toughness. 7 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+ 6+
Any dice that equal or beat the target number shown (after
applying any modifiers) have caused a wound. 8 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+
9 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+
Profiles for the most common missile weapons can be found
on page 216. More unusual, army specific weapons can be 10 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 3+ 4+
found in the relevant army list.

Note that if you rolled different batches of dice when rolling To Hit, Rolls of a Natural 1: No matter how powerful the weapon,
you must continue to roll dice in those same batches when rolling some shots just fail to make a mark. When making a roll
To Wound. Just like when rolling To Hit, you must make it clear To Wound, a roll of a natural 1 is always a fail, regardless
to your opponent what each batch of dice represents (hits caused of modifiers.
by models with different characteristics, or hits caused by weapons
with different profiles), and the target numbers you need. Too Tough to Wound: If your Strength is six or more points
lower than your target’s Toughness characteristic, you cannot
wound them. They are simply too tough!
Make Armour Saves Ward Saves
Few warriors enter battle without the protection of armour. A Ward save represents the magical protection offered by an
To represent this, your opponent can make an ‘Armour enchanted talisman or suit of armour. The armour value of a
Save’ roll for each wound caused by your shooting. To make Ward save will always be shown either in the description of
an Armour Save roll, roll a D6 for the wounded model and the item that grants it, or in a special rule. The key difference
compare the result to that model’s ‘armour value’: between a Ward save and a regular armour save is that a
Ward save can never be modified by the AP characteristic of
• If the Armour Save roll equals or exceeds the model’s a weapon.
armour value, the model is saved by its armour and the
wound discarded. More Than One Save
• If the result is less than the model’s armour value, the A model that can make both an Armour Save roll and a
model’s armour has proved ineffective and the wound Ward save makes its Armour Save roll first. If this is failed (or
is ‘unsaved’. modified to the point at which the model cannot pass it), the
model makes its Ward save.
Rolls of a Natural 1: Even the heaviest and most finely
crafted of armour has gaps in it. When making an Armour Note that only one Ward save can be attempted and that different
Save roll (of any type), a roll of a natural 1 is always a fail, Ward saves cannot be combined together. If a model has more than
regardless of modifiers. one Ward save, simply use the best.

Determining Armour Value

A model’s armour value is determined by the armour it wears.
Armour value is presented as a target number, meaning the
lower the value, the better the chance of making a successful
Armour Save roll. Light armour, for example, grants an
armour value of 6+.

A model’s armour value can be improved (to a maximum

of 2+) by other equipment carried. For example, a shield
improves its bearer’s armour value by 1, meaning that a model
wearing light armour and carrying a shield would have an
armour value of 5+.

Note that a model that wears no armour should be considered to

have an armour value of 7+ for the purposes of Armour Save roll
modifiers and any rules that improve armour value.

Armour Piercing
A weapon’s Armour Piercing (AP) characteristic represents
its ability to cut through armour. This is always presented as a
negative modifier, which is applied to the Armour Save roll.

For example, if the target of an attack made by a weapon with

an AP characteristic of -1 has an armour value of 5+, it would
need to roll a 6 when making its Armour Save roll. A roll of 5
would give a result of 4 once the modifier is applied.

“The gods are great, but only a fool would forego sturdy
armour and entrust their life to a god!”

Borya Bearfinder, Priest of Ursun

4. Remove Casualties & Make Panic Tests Fall Back in Good Order: If a unit still contains more than
half (50%) of the models it contained at the start of the battle,
Unsaved wounds are applied to the target unit, causing models it will Fall Back in Good Order. The unit moves directly away
to be removed as casualties. If a unit loses enough models, it from the enemy unit whose shooting caused it to make the
will have to take a ‘Panic’ test and may fall back or flee. Panic test, as described on page 134.

Remove Casualties Flee: If a unit contains only half (50%), or fewer than half,
Each unsaved wound is applied to the target unit, each causing of the models it contained at the start of the battle, it will
one Wound to be lost, as described on page 102. When a immediately turn tail and flee. The unit flees directly away
model is reduced to zero Wounds, it becomes a casualty and from the enemy unit whose shooting caused it to make the
is removed from play. This continues until there are no more Panic test, as described on page 134.
unsaved wounds to be applied to the unit, or there are no
models remaining to be removed as casualties. No Need For Hysterics
A unit is only required to make a single Panic test during
Make Panic Tests any Shooting phase. For example, if a unit loses more than a
Rarely does shooting alone destroy an army, but it can thin the quarter of its number to shooting from one enemy unit but
enemy’s numbers considerably, causing regiments to lose their passes its Panic test, it will not have to take another Panic
nerve. When they do, they will often fall back and, sometimes, test during that same Shooting phase even if it then suffers
turn tail and flee. more casualties from another enemy unit. This is because,
whilst shooting is resolved one unit at a time, in reality all
If, during a single Shooting phase, a unit loses more than units would shoot more or less simultaneously. Therefore, all
a quarter (25%) of the models it contained at the start of casualties would fall at roughly the same time.
that Shooting phase, it must immediately make a ‘Panic’
test. To make a Panic test, test against the unit’s Leadership
characteristic. If this test is failed, the unit has succumbed to
panic. If this test is passed, the unit remains resolute and does
not panic.

Fall Back Or Flee

What happens to a unit that fails a Panic test will depend
upon how many casualties it has suffered. A unit that has
suffered only a few casualties will Fall Back in Good Order,
whereas a unit that has suffered a significant amount of
casualties will turn tail and flee.
Oddball Stuff (Shooting) Automatic Hits
Some attacks hit automatically, simply causing a number
Despite the detail of the previous pages, there will always be of hits with no roll To Hit required. In such cases, it is
situations in which something is unclear. This is especially true exactly as it sounds – do not make a roll To Hit, the attack
when more advanced rules are introduced. hits automatically.

Magic Missile & Magical Vortex Spells Hits That Inflict Multiple Wounds
If any ofOddball Stuff
the active (Shooting)
player’s Wizards know any Magic Missile Some weapons are so destructive that each unsaved wound
or Magical Vortex spells, they may attempt to cast them when they inflict is multiplied into more than one wound. In such
chosen during the Shooting phase. cases, roll To Hit and To Wound as normal and then make
any Armour Save rolls as normal. For each unsaved wound,
Shooting Into Combat determine how many wounds are caused and apply those to
Except in rare cases, units cannot shoot at enemy units that the model hit. A model cannot suffer more wounds than it has
are engaged in combat – the risk of hitting their own comrades on its profile. Should a model do so, it dies instantly and any
is far too high. excess wounds are wasted.

Shooting With More Than One Rank Instant Kills

Usually, only the models in a unit’s front rank can shoot. There Some attacks do not inflict wounds, but simply require
are, however, exceptions: models to be removed as casualties. Where this is the case,
not only are no saves of any kind permitted (unless specified
Shooting from a Hill: A unit on a hill is in an ideal position otherwise), but the number of wounds on the victim’s profile is
to fire, so can fire with one additional rank compared to a unit completely irrelevant.
on flat ground. For example, a unit armed with crossbows can
shoot with its first two ranks when standing on a hill. Resolving Unusual Attacks
Some unusual attacks or special rules may inflict hits during
Volley Fire: Some units are armed with weapons that have the Strategy or Movement phase. Such hits are resolved using
the ‘Volley Fire’ special rule. This special rule allows half of the steps outlined in sub-phases 3 and 4 of the Shooting phase.
the models in each rank other than the front rank (or front
two ranks if the unit is on a hill) to fire over the heads of those
in front.

In either case, if there is ever any question over how many

models can fire, always round up, not down.

Note that when shooting with a unit you must determine range for
each model individually.
Rulebook FAQ v1.0

Shooting Q: Can a unit on a hill draw a line of sight across and shoot
Q: Can a model use a breath weapon after marching? over another unit on the same hill?
A: No. A model cannot shoot during the Shooting phase if it A: A unit that is closer to the top of a hill (i.e., the centre of the hill
marched during the preceding Movement phase and, although they or the edge of the battlefield) can draw a line of sight across and
work differently to most missile weapons, breath weapons are a type shoot over one that is closer to the bottom. Units cannot draw a line
of missile weapon. of sight across or shoot over units that are closer to the top of a hill
than they are.
Q: Can a unit that is partially on a hill shoot in two ranks or
draw a line of sight across other units that are not themselves Q: Can a cannon target a point on the ground if woods or a
on a hill? hill lie between it and that point?
A: Only with those models that are on the hill. For example, if a A: No, a cannon cannot shoot over woods or hills, even if it is on a
unit consists of twenty models in two ranks of 10 and only 5 models hill. However, a stone thrower can if it chooses to fire indirectly.
in each rank are on the hill, only those 10 models can claim the
benefits of shooting from a hill. Q: Can a cannon target a point on the ground if another unit
lies between it and that point?
A: Not unless that cannon is on a hill and the unit is not. However,
as above, a stone thrower can if it chooses to fire indirectly.
W ith the foe outmanoeuvred and weakened by spellcraft and shooting, it is time to finish the job! The Combat phase
is when your warriors hack, slice Combat Phase
pummel their way through the enemy ranks. A successful Combat phase can
completely change the fortunes of your army and, if you have prepared well in your earlier phases, victory is likely to be
your reward.

The Combat phase heavily involves both players, although the active player will be the one choosing the order in which each of
the combats is fought and resolved. All combats must be resolved during this phase – a unit engaged in combat with the enemy
cannot choose not to fight.

The Combat Phase Sequence End Of Turn

Once all combats have been resolved, the active player’s
As usual, the Combat phase is broken down into four sub- turn ends. Play then passes to the inactive player and their
phases. This sequence is followed
The Combat PhaseinSequence
full for each combat (see turn begins. As each turn ends and a new one begins, it is
page 145), one at a time. worth making a note of how many turns and rounds have
been played.
The active player simply chooses a ‘combat’ and both players
complete all four sub-phases in the order shown below. Once
this sequence has been completed for the chosen combat, that
‘round’ of combat is complete and the active player chooses
another combat, repeating the process until all combats have
been fought.

1. Choose & Fight Combat

The active player chooses a combat and, starting with
the models with the highest Initiative, attacks are made,
wounds inflicted and casualties removed. Then, surviving
models with lower Initiative repeat this process until all
models involved in the combat have fought.

2. Calculate Combat Result

With the fighting done, work out which side has won
the combat and by how much. Unless the combat is a
stalemate, one side will have lost by 1, 2 or more ‘combat
result’ points.

3. Break Test
Each unit on the losing side of a combat must make a
Break test. The outcome of this test determines whether
the losing unit Gives Ground, Falls Back in Good Order
or turns tail and flees.

4. Follow Up & Pursuit

Units on the winning side of a combat can choose to
follow up an enemy that Gives Ground, to pursue an
enemy that Falls Back in Good Order or breaks, or to
restrain from pursuit.
1. Choose & Fight
1. Choose Combat
& Fight Combat Who Can Fight?
It is rare that every model in a unit is able to fight. Usually,
The Choose Combat & Fight sub-phase is further broken only models in a ‘fighting rank’ can fight, whilst the models
down into four steps. These are: behind them press forward, ready to take the place of
the fallen.
1.1. Choose Combat & Determine Who Can Fight.
Base Contact: Any model that is in base contact with an
1.2. Roll To Hit. enemy model can fight, even if the enemy model is in contact
with its flank or rear and even if the models’ bases only touch
1.3. Roll To Wound & Make Armour Saves. at the corner.

1.4. Remove Casualties. The Fighting Rank: When two opposing units are engaged in
combat, any row of models (be it a rank or file) that has one
1.1. Choose Combat & or more models in base contact with the enemy is called the
Determine Who Can Fight ‘fighting rank’. Every model within the fighting rank can fight.
This represents models in that row but not in base contact
Any units that are in base contact with one or more enemy with the enemy encircling the foe.
units are ‘engaged in combat’. Each individual engagement
between two or more units is referred to as a ‘combat’. The Supporting Attacks: Some models are equipped with
active player chooses one combat to be resolved in full, weapons that allow them to make a ‘supporting attack’. To
referred to as fighting a ‘round’ of combat. This process is make a supporting attack, a model must be directly behind
repeated until all combats have been fought. a friendly model that is itself in a fighting rank. However,
supporting attacks cannot be made to a unit’s flank or rear, nor
can they be made by a model that is itself in a fighting rank.

Units A and B are engaged in combat. Every model in the front rank of unit A and several models in the front rank of unit B are in
base contact with enemy models. Therefore, the front rank of each unit is the ‘fighting rank’.

Although not every model in the front rank of unit B is in base contact with an enemy model, those that are not would, in reality,
encircle the foe (rather than stand by and watch). Therefore, every model that belongs to the fighting rank of unit B can fight.
How Many Attacks? Simultaneous Combat
When a model fights in combat, it makes a number of ‘attacks’. If models on both sides of a combat have the same Initiative
How many is determined by its Attacks characteristic and its value (after modifiers), they will attack at the same time. To
proximity to the enemy: simplify this, the active player should resolve their attacks
first, followed by their opponent. Casualties caused by the
• If a model is in base contact with an enemy model, it makes active player during simultaneous combat do not reduce the
a number of attacks equal to its Attacks characteristic. number of attacks made by enemy models with the same
• If a model is able to fight but is not in base contact with an Initiative value.
enemy model, it can make only one attack, regardless of its
Attacks characteristic. “We Can’t All Fight!”
Not every model will be able to fight. Many will be removed as
Who Strikes First? casualties before they have their chance.
A model’s Initiative characteristic determines when it attacks.
Work your way through the Initiative values of the models, Fallen Warriors: If a model in the fighting rank is slain by
starting with the highest and ending with the lowest. Models an enemy with a higher Initiative characteristic before it has
make attacks when their Initiative value is reached. made its attack(s), it cannot fight and its attacks are lost.

Charging Units: Charging into the enemy gives a considerable Stepping Forward: A model cannot fight during a phase in
advantage, which is increased when charging into an enemy’s which it stepped forward into the fighting rank, regardless of
vulnerable flank or rear. To represent this, every model within its Initiative.
a charging unit modifies its Initiative characteristic for the
remainder of that turn (to a maximum of 10):

• Charging an enemy in their front arc: +1 Initiative per

full inch moved (prior to making contact), to a maximum
of +3.
• Charging an enemy in their flank or rear arc: +1
Initiative per full inch moved (prior to making contact), to
a maximum of +4.

Disordered Charges: In certain situations, a unit’s charge may

become disordered. A unit that makes a disordered charge
does not gain the Initiative modifier for charging.
Multiple Units In Combat
A unit may find itself fighting multiple enemies, sometimes
even being engaged by enemy units in different arcs. In
such cases the models within that unit may have to divide
their attacks:

Dividing Attacks Fighting On Multiple Fronts

If a model is in base contact with more than one enemy model, If engaged with enemy units in more than one of its arcs, as
it can choose which one to attack. If a model has more than shown in Fig 147.2, a unit will have more than one fighting
1 Attack, it can divide its Attacks. This must be made clear rank. For example, if a unit is engaged to both its front and a
before rolling To Hit. flank, both its front rank and the file of models engaged in the
flank will be a fighting rank.
If a fighting rank is engaged with more than one enemy unit,
as shown in Fig 147.1, models within that fighting rank must, If a model is within more than one fighting rank it must, if
if possible, direct their attacks against the enemy models they possible, direct its attacks against an enemy it is in base contact
are in base contact with. A model that is not in base contact with, as the player chooses. If the model is not in base contact
with the enemy must direct its attacks against the closest with any enemy, it must direct its attacks against the closest
enemy unit. If two enemy units are equally close, the player enemy unit. If two enemy units are equally close, the player
can choose which one the model attacks. can choose which one the model attacks.

Unit A is in combat with two enemy units and must divide Unit A has two fighting ranks: one shaded red, the other
its attacks. The models shaded blue must attack the enemy shaded blue. The model on the corner (shaded purple) is in
they are in base contact with. One model, shaded red, is not in both fighting ranks and in base contact with both enemy units.
base contact with any enemy. As neither enemy is closer to this It may choose which enemy unit to direct its attacks against.
model than the other, it can choose which enemy to attack.
1.2. Roll To Hit Fast Dice Rolling
As with shooting, you can speed this process up by counting
Not all models are skilled fighters, meaning that not every how many models in your unit are fighting and how many
attack made has an equal chance of hitting the enemy. To attacks each of those models makes, and rolling one or more
complicate matters, the enemy will try to defend themselves, batches of dice.
meaning their fighting prowess must also be taken
into account. However, if your fighting rank contains models that have
different characteristics (such as Weapon Skill or Strength),
When a model’s turn to fight comes, you must make a number models that are equipped with weapons that have different
of rolls To Hit equal to that model’s Attacks characteristic. profiles, or models that are directing their attacks towards
To make a roll To Hit, roll a D6 and consult the To Hit chart, targets with different characteristics, the target numbers
cross-referencing the Weapon Skill of the attacking model required To Hit or To Wound may vary. In such cases, you
with that of the target model. Any dice that equal or beat the must roll different batches of dice, making it clear to your
target number shown (after applying any modifiers) have hit opponent what each batch represents and the target numbers
the target: you need.

To Hit Chart Rolls of a Natural 1: Regardless of a warrior’s skill, some

Target’s Weapon Skill blows struck just fail to find their mark. When making a
roll To Hit, a roll of a natural 1 is always a fail, regardless
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
of modifiers.
1 4+ 4+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+
Rolls of a Natural 6: Even the most unskilled fighter can
2 3+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+ sometimes land a lucky blow against a superior foe. When
Attacker’s Weapon Skill

3 2+ 3+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+ making a roll To Hit, a roll of a natural 6 is always a success,

regardless of modifiers.
4 2+ 3+ 3+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 5+ 5+
5 2+ 2+ 3+ 3+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+
6 2+ 2+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+
7 2+ 2+ 2+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+
8 2+ 2+ 2+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 4+ 4+ 4+
9 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 4+ 4+
10 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 4+
1.3. Roll To Wound Make Armour Saves
& Make Armour Saves As few warriors enter battle without the protection of armour,
your opponent can make an Armour Save roll for each wound
As described in the Shooting section, for each successful roll caused by your attacks. To make an Armour Save roll, roll a
To Hit, a hit has been caused. Unfortunately, causing a hit is D6 for the wounded model and compare the result to that
not always enough to cause a wound. model’s ‘armour value’:

Roll To Wound • If the Armour Save roll equals or exceeds the model’s
To determine how many hits cause wounds, you must make armour value, the model is saved by its armour and the
a roll To Wound for each hit. To make a roll To Wound, pick wound discarded.
up each dice that caused a hit and roll it again. Then, consult • If the result is less than the model’s armour value, the
the To Wound chart, cross-referencing the weapon’s Strength model’s armour has proved ineffective and the wound
characteristic, given in its profile, with the target’s Toughness. is ‘unsaved’.
Any dice that equal or beat the target number shown (after
applying any modifiers) have caused a wound. Rolls of a Natural 1: Even the heaviest of armour can be
breached by a lucky blow. When making an Armour Save roll
Rolls of a Natural 1: No matter how strong the attacker, some (of any type), a roll of a natural 1 is always a fail, regardless
blows just fail to wound. When making a roll To Wound, a roll of modifiers.
of a natural 1 is always a fail, regardless of modifiers.
Determining Armour Value
Note that, as with shooting, if you rolled different batches of dice The value of a model’s armour is determined by the
when rolling To Hit, you must continue to roll dice in those same equipment it carries. This is worked out as described in the
batches when rolling To Wound. Shooting section, on page 141.

To Wound Chart
Target’s Toughness

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 4+ 5+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ - - - -
2 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ - - -
3 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ - -
Weapon’s Strength

4 2+ 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ -
5 2+ 2+ 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+
6 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+ 6+ 6+
7 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+ 6+
8 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+
9 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+
10 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 3+ 4+

“They might look like an undisciplined rabble to you

Sergeant, but a soldier fights twice as hard when they are
defending home and hearth.”

Captain Edwalst von Hilde

1.4. Remove Casualties Set Casualties Aside
It is a good idea not to immediately remove casualties from the
Each unsaved wound is applied to the target unit, causing one battlefield during the Combat phase, but to temporarily place
Wound to be lost, as described on page 102. When a model is them next to their unit. There are two reasons for this:
reduced to zero Wounds, it becomes a casualty and is removed
from play. This continues until there are no more unsaved • Firstly, when it comes to working out who has won the
wounds to be applied to the unit, or there are no models combat, you will need to know how many Wounds have
remaining to be removed as casualties. been inflicted this turn. This can most often be quickly
determined by counting the number of models removed
Stepping Forward & Closing In as casualties.
In combat, casualties are removed from the back rank of their • Secondly, models removed as casualties before having a
unit as normal, even though it is models within the fighting chance to attack, and models that stepped forward during
rank(s) that are being slain. Slain models are considered to the current phase, cannot attack. Therefore, the number of
have been removed from the end(s) of the fighting rank. This casualties inflicted on a unit will often reduce the number
represents members of the rear ranks ‘stepping forward’ to fill of models able to fight back. By placing casualties next to
gaps, whilst models remaining in the fighting rank ‘close in’ their unit, you can tell at a glance how many models have
upon the enemy. been removed from the fighting rank.

Note that a model cannot attack during a phase in which it stepped Excess Casualties
forward into the fighting rank. However, any models that remain in It can sometimes happen that a unit suffers more casualties
the fighting rank after casualties have been removed are more likely than it has models in its fighting rank. Should this happen,
to be in base contact with the enemy, having closed in upon them. casualties are removed as normal, representing casualties
caused in the rank (or file) behind the fighting rank.

In such cases, and if the unit suffering the casualties is able to

make supporting attacks, any excess casualties will reduce the
number of supporting attacks.

Fight On!
With casualties removed, check to see if there are any models
with a lower Initiative still to fight in this combat. If there
are, repeat steps 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 for those models. If there are
no models left to fight in this combat, move on to the next
2. Calculate Combat Result Unsaved Wounds Inflicted
2. Calculate Combat Result Each side’s basic combat result is equal to the number of
Once every model engaged in the combat has fought, you unsaved wounds it caused during this Combat phase, plus any
must determine which side has won that round of combat. unsaved wounds a unit caused by shooting if it chose to Stand
If one side has been completely wiped out, the other side is & Shoot as a charge reaction during this turn. In other words,
automatically the winner, regardless of the rules that follow. each Wound the enemy side lost this turn due to a Stand &
Shoot charge reaction or during the Combat phase is counted
Combat Result Score and is worth 1 combat result point.
To determine your combat result score, consult the table
below and calculate how many ‘combat result points’ your Should an attack or rule cause an enemy model to be removed
unit(s) scored: from play as a casualty, it counts as having lost a number of
Wounds equal to the number it had remaining at the time it
Combat Result Table was removed.
Unsaved wounds inflicted 1 point each
Rank Bonus +1 point/rank Note that it is important to count the number of Wounds lost,
Standard +1 point rather than the number of casualties, because many models have
Battle Standard +1 point more than one wound.
Flank attack +1 point
Rear attack +2 points Rank Bonus
High ground +1 point Depending upon its formation, and if it is wide enough, a unit
Overkill +1 point/excess wound can claim a Rank Bonus of +1 for each extra rank behind the
Other bonuses As applicable first, up to the maximum determined by its troop type. How
many models a rank must contain to claim a Rank Bonus,
as well as the maximum Rank Bonus a unit can claim, is
determined by its troop type (see page 105).

Note that this bonus can be claimed for an incomplete rear rank, as
long as there are sufficient models in it. However, a Disrupted unit
cannot claim a Rank Bonus.
Standards Overkill
Warriors fight all the harder beneath the colours and symbols If a character fighting in a challenge kills their opponent
of their city, nation, tribe or god: and causes more unsaved wounds than their opponent has
Wounds remaining, then for each excess wound you may
• Standard: If your unit includes a standard bearer, you may claim a bonus of +1 combat result point, up to a maximum
claim a bonus of +1 combat result point. Standard bearers of +5.
are covered in the ‘Command Groups’ section on page 200.
• The Battle Standard: If your unit includes a Battle Challenges are a special type of combat fought between
Standard, you may claim an additional bonus of +1 combat characters, and are covered in the ‘Characters’ section on
result point, cumulative with any bonus for a ‘normal’ page 210.
standard. Battle Standards are covered in the ‘Characters’
section on page 203. Other Bonuses
Many special rules confer additional bonus combat result
Flank & Rear Attacks points. For example, a Close Order formation that is in
Fighting a foe in its flank or rear is a great advantage as Combat Order may claim a bonus of +1 combat result point.
tightly formed units cannot easily turn to face their foe. To Any special rules that confer such bonuses will detail the
represent this: criteria that must be met and how many bonus combat result
points can be claimed.
• Flank Attack: If your unit is engaged with the enemy’s
flank arc, you may claim a bonus of +1 combat result point. Who Is The Winner?
• Rear Attack: If your unit is engaged with the enemy’s rear Once both sides have calculated their combat result, you will
arc, you may claim a bonus of +2 combat result points. be able to determine the winner of that round of combat,
i.e., the side that scored the most. If there is a clear winner,
Note that these bonuses are cumulative. the loser will have to make a ‘Break’ test during the next
The High Ground
If the fighting rank of your unit occupies a higher position Drawn Combat: If both sides have the same score, the combat
than that of the enemy, for example, your unit is fighting is a draw. In such cases, the units remain locked in place until
along the crest of a hill, you may claim a bonus of +1 combat the next player’s turn when the combat will continue and they
result point. will fight another round, hoping to break the deadlock.
Combat Results & Multiple Units In Combat Flank & Rear Attacks: Bonuses for flank and rear attacks can
It is possible (indeed, it is highly likely) that more than only be earned once per enemy unit – having multiple units
two units will become engaged in a single combat. When engaging the same enemy unit in either its flank or in its rear
this happens, calculating the combat result can become does not grant additional bonuses.
quite complex. This page attempts to offer some clarity to
confusing situations. For example, if you have two units engaging a single enemy
unit in combat, each of which is engaging a different flank
Rank Bonus In Multiple Combats: Where you have several of that unit, you can only claim a single flank attack bonus.
units engaged in a single combat, you do not count the Rank However, if one unit is engaging the enemy unit’s flank and the
Bonus for all of them. Instead, count only the Rank Bonus that other is engaging the enemy unit’s rear, you can claim both the
grants the highest number of bonus combat result points. flank attack and the rear attack bonus.

For example, if you have two units engaging a single enemy The High Ground: Only a single unit engaged in a multiple
unit in combat, one of which has a Rank Bonus of +1, the combat can claim the combat result bonus granted for the
other of which has a Rank Bonus of +2, you may claim a bonus high ground. The unit that has its fighting rank in the highest
of +2 combat result points as that is the higher. position may claim this bonus for its side. If two opposing
units are tied in terms of position, they will cancel one another
Standards: Regardless of how many units engaged in a single out and neither side may claim this bonus.
combat have standards, you may only claim the combat result
bonus granted by a single standard. If one or more of those Other Bonuses: As mentioned previously, many special rules
standards grants additional bonuses (as many magic standards confer additional bonus combat result points. Unless stated
do, for example), you may choose which standard to count. otherwise, these other bonuses can always be counted. For
example, a Close Order formation that is in Combat Order
As most armies can only include a single Battle Standard, may claim a bonus of +1 combat result point. If two such units
this is counted as normal, regardless of how many units are are engaged in the same multiple combat, you may claim this
engaged in the combat. bonus twice because the rule that grants it (see page 101) does
not state otherwise.
3.3. Break Test
Break Test Loser Breaks & Flees
The losing unit Breaks, immediately
Unless the combat is a draw (as described turning tail and fleeing, as described on
on page 152), each unit belonging to the page 132. A unit that Breaks and flees
losing side must make a ‘Break’ test. To from combat flees directly away from
make a Break test, roll 2D6 and modify the the winning unit with the highest Unit
result by adding the difference between Strength. If two enemy units have the same
the winner’s and the loser’s combat Unit Strength, randomly determine which
result scores. the unit flees from.

Then, compare the result to the unit’s Loser Falls Back

Leadership characteristic (remember, a In Good Order
unit that contains models with different The losing unit Falls Back in Good Order,
Leadership values will always use as described on page 134, moving directly
the highest): away from the winning unit with the
highest Unit Strength. If two enemy units
• If the result of the natural roll is higher have the same Unit Strength, randomly
than the unit’s Leadership, the unit determine which the unit flees from.
“The armies of this nation ‘Breaks’ and flees.
are mine to command, just • If the result of the natural roll is equal However, if the winning side significantly
as the world is mine for the to or lower than the unit’s Leadership, outnumbers the losing side, it will
taking, just as I shall conquer but the modified result is higher than overwhelm the loser. If the Unit Strength
death himself. For I am the unit’s Leadership, the unit Falls Back of the winning side is more than twice that
Khemrikhara, King Settra the in Good Order. of the losing side, any losing unit that rolled
Imperishable, and all eternity • If the modified result is equal to or this result when making its Break test will
shall bow before my will.” lower than the unit’s Leadership, or if Break instead.
the roll is a natural double 1, the unit
Settra the Imperishable, Gives Ground. Note that Unit Strength is worked out at the
Eternal King of Kings end of the Combat phase, not at the beginning,
Note that, unlike other tests you may be and that where you have several units engaged
required to make, a Break test has three in a single combat, you must add together the
possible outcomes. These are intended to reflect Unit Strength of each to determine the Unit
the way in which opposing battle lines push Strength of your side.
forward and are pressed back before ultimately
becoming overwhelmed and breaking. 1" Apart
If a unit that Breaks or Falls Back in Good
Order is still in base contact with one
or more enemy units after moving, the
players should nudge the units apart, by the
smallest amount possible, to maintain the
1" rule. Both players should agree upon how
best to do this and ensure neither gains any
unfair advantage.
Loser Gives Ground Most often this will mean that the losing
The losing unit Gives Ground, as described unit simply moves 2" backwards or
on page 134, breaking contact with, and sideways, directly away from a single enemy
moving 2" directly away from, the enemy unit. At other times, especially if a unit is
unit(s) without turning, pivoting or engaged by enemy units in two adjacent
otherwise changing its facing in any way, arcs (for example, a unit that has been
stopping immediately should it come into charged in both its front and a flank arc),
contact with another unit or terrain, or if this will cause the unit to move diagonally
continuing to move would bring it within a away from two or more enemy units.
1" of another enemy unit.
Surrounded: It may happen that a losing
When a unit Gives Ground in this way, unit is unable to break contact with one
it must move as directly as possible away or more of the enemy units engaging it.
from all of the enemy units engaging it, In such cases, the unit’s movement stops
and must break from base contact with the immediately and the units instead remain
victorious enemy unit(s), as shown in Fig locked in place until the next player’s turn
155.1. when they will fight another round of
combat, exactly as if the combat had been
a draw.
“Most bizarre of creatures is
the dreaded Chimera: it has a
body the size of a house, and
has wicked claws longer than
daggers. Its tail lashes like an
iron whip, as huge, leathery
wings carry it through
the skies.

This loathsome creature has

three heads. One horned, like
the head of a ram; one is the
head of a lion; the third, most
fearsome of all, is that of a
scaled dragon, belching fire
and smoke.

Chimera hunt in the northern

wastes, and meat of Man
is its delicacy. It will hunt
relentlessly, through day and
night, and day again, to feast
upon its prey.”

Excerpt from the

Unit A must Give Ground. In order to move as directly as possible away from both units B Grimoire Beterricus
and C, it cannot simply move as shown by the red lines. Instead, it moves as shown by the blue
arrow, moving diagonally away from both enemy units.
4. Follow Up & Pursuit The Pursuit Move
When a unit makes a pursuit move, pivot it
Once Break tests have been made, but about its centre so that it is facing directly
before any units belonging to the losing towards the enemy unit it is pursuing and
side Give Ground or make a Flee roll, the make a ‘Pursuit’ roll. To make a Pursuit
winning unit(s) must decide what they roll, roll 2D6. The result of this roll is
will do next: restrain and reform, follow the distance in inches that the pursuing
up or pursue. These choices are in part unit moves, directly towards the unit it
determined4.byFollow Up &of
the actions Pursuit
the foe. is pursuing.

Restrain & Reform Overrun

Most units may attempt to ‘restrain and If a unit completely destroys its enemy
reform’, rather than making a follow up before the Break Test sub-phase, it may
or pursuit move, by making a ‘Restraint’ attempt to restrain and reform, or it may
test. To make a Restraint test, test against ‘overrun’. A unit that overruns makes
the unit’s Leadership characteristic. If this a normal pursuit move but must move
test is failed, the unit must either follow directly forwards, without pivoting.
up or pursue. If this test is passed, the
“I order the execution of unit remains where it is and may make a Unable To Follow Up Or Pursue
the prisoners with extreme free reform. A unit may find itself unable to follow up
prejudice. It is righteous or pursue:
judgement upon these Follow Up
barbarous wretches.” A unit can make a ‘follow up’ move when Still Engaged: A unit that is still in base
an enemy unit it was engaged in combat contact with an enemy unit cannot follow
Baron Rikhardt of Stirland with Gives Ground. A unit that makes a up or pursue.
following the follow up move simply follows the enemy
Battle of Bogwurst unit, moving back into contact with it. The Unable to Move: A unit may be unable
two units then become engaged in combat to complete its chosen move due to the
once more and remain locked in place until presence of other friendly units or terrain.
the next player’s turn when the combat In such cases, the unit moves as far as
will continue. possible before halting.

Change Facing: Before making a follow

up move, a unit may ‘change facing’ by
performing a free turn manoeuvre (of 90°
or 180°).

A unit that won combat can ‘pursue’ a
single losing unit that Falls Back in Good
Order or flees. If there is more than one
losing unit, the pursuing unit must declare
which it is pursuing before any Flee rolls
are made. Once all of the losing units have
completed their moves, pursuit moves are
made, one at a time, in an order chosen by
the controlling player.
Catching The Curs! Pursuit Into A Fresh Enemy
Once the unit being pursued has completed its move, the Pursuing units will often make contact with an enemy unit
pursuing unit is moved. If the pursuing unit makes contact other than the one they are pursuing. In such cases, the
with the pursued unit, it has caught its enemy and halts: pursuing unit counts as charging the enemy unit it will make
contact with, wheeling to maximise contact if required and
• If the enemy unit is fleeing, it is hacked to pieces and wheeling to align as normal. The unit that was being pursued
immediately removed from play, exactly as if it had been is not caught.
run down by a charging unit. The pursuing unit may then
attempt to reform, as described on page 129. Pursuit into a Fleeing Enemy: If a pursuing unit makes
• If the enemy unit Fell Back in Good Order, the units contact with a fleeing enemy unit, that fleeing enemy unit is
become engaged in combat once more, becoming locked run down exactly as if caught by a charging unit. The pursuing
in place until the next player’s turn when the combat will unit may then attempt to reform, as described on page 125.
continue. During the next turn, the pursuing unit counts as
having charged. Pursuit into a New Combat: If a pursuing unit makes contact
with an enemy unit that is not fleeing, the units become
Pursuit Into An Obstacle engaged in combat. If the enemy unit was engaged in combat
Units making a pursuit move are affected by terrain as normal. at the start of this phase, and if that combat has not yet been
A pursuing unit must stop moving if it makes contact with a fought, the pursuing unit will fight again when that combat
friendly unit or with impassable terrain. is fought (and counts as having charged). However, it cannot
pursue again this turn. Instead, it will automatically restrain
Pursuit Off The Battlefield and reform with no Restraint test required.
Should any part of a pursuing unit move into contact with, or
cross beyond, the edge of the battlefield, it is removed from Otherwise, the units become locked in place until the next
play but is not destroyed. The unit returns to the battlefield player’s turn when they will fight a round of combat. During
during its controlling player’s next Compulsory Moves sub- the next turn, the pursuing unit counts as having charged.
phase as if it were a unit of reinforcements, and must be placed
as close as possible to the point at which it left the battlefield.
Oddball Stuff (Combat) Incomplete Ranks
If a unit is fighting to its flank or rear, or has been joined by
Despite theOddball
detail ofStuff (Combat)pages, there will always be
the previous a character that does not fit neatly within its ranks (see page
situations in which something is unclear. This is especially true 207), its fighting rank might be incomplete. In such cases,
of combat. warriors from the middle of the unit would press forward to
complete the rank. To represent this, a fighting rank is always
Assailment Spells assumed to contain the same number of models as the largest
If a Wizard that is engaged in combat knows any Assailment rank or file behind it.
spells, they may attempt to cast them in addition to making
normal attacks when it is their turn to fight, as determined by Split Profiles
their Initiative. If a model with a split profile has Attacks at two or more
Initiative values, each set of Attacks is resolved when their
Templates: Hits caused by an Assailment spell that uses a Initiative value is reached. If the model is slain before it can
template are distributed among the rear ranks of the enemy make all of its attacks, any not yet made are lost. Similarly, a
unit – in other words, they do not reduce the number of model with a split profile might be unable to make all of its
models within the fighting rank. attacks if all of its potential targets have been slain.

Shrinking Units Different Weapons

The removal of casualties may cause units engaged with one It is not uncommon for models in the fighting rank to be
another to no longer be in base contact. In such cases, move equipped with different weapons. In such cases, you must roll
the units by the smallest amount possible to bring them different batches of dice when rolling To Hit and To Wound,
back into base contact. This move cannot be used to alter making it clear to your opponent what they represent, where
facing, nor is it an opportunity to redress the ranks or engage they are being directed and the target number you need.
another unit.
Characteristics Of Zero
No More Foes Some models have a Weapon Skill or Attacks characteristic
In multiple combats, the shrinking of units can make it of 0 and will find themselves at the mercy of their enemies.
impossible for all of the units to maintain contact. In such If a model has a WS of 0, all of its attacks miss automatically,
cases, a unit that can no longer make base contact with the whilst attacks directed against it will hit automatically. If a
enemy ceases to be part of the combat at the end of the turn. model has 0 Attacks, it simply cannot make any attacks.
Terrain & Combat Linear Obstacles
Terrain & Combat Linear obstacles can have a considerable impact upon combat,
Terrain is covered in more detail in the Battlefield Terrain depending upon their height.
section. This page explains how certain types of terrain affect
combat. Players should discuss before the battle begins which Low Linear Obstacles: Should a unit engaged in combat ever
category a terrain feature falls into. find itself straddling a low linear obstacle (i.e., less than 2"
high), such as walls and hedges, it becomes Disrupted.
Open Ground & Hills
Open ground is the ideal setting for combat. However, care Defended Low Linear Obstacles: A unit behind a low linear
should be taken to consider the role of hills when calculating obstacle can defend it by moving its front rank into base
combat results. Remember, units that occupy the high ground contact with the obstacle. Enemies can charge the defenders
can claim a bonus. as normal but do not have to physically cross the obstacle.
Instead, the front rank of a charging unit moves into base
Difficult Terrain contact with the opposite side of the obstacle. Unless it has
If a quarter (25%) or more of the models within a unit are the Fly (X) special rule, a unit that charges an enemy behind a
within difficult terrain at the start of the Combat phase, it defended obstacle makes a disordered charge.
becomes Disrupted and cannot claim a Rank Bonus.
High Linear Obstacles: For the purposes of combat,
Dangerous Terrain & Woods high linear obstacles (i.e., 2" high or more) are treated as
For the purposes of combat, both dangerous terrain and impassable terrain.
woods are treated as difficult terrain.
Battlefield Decoration
Impassable Terrain Some terrain features are so small that they cannot reasonably
Should a charging unit ever be unable to align to the enemy be expected to interfere with combat. Very small decorative
due to the presence of impassable terrain, the charging unit elements of terrain less than 2" across, such as a signpost or
has made a disordered charge. In addition, should it prove well, should be ignored as if they were not there – units can
impossible to align the units once contact has been made, freely fight around them. Should the presence of such a feature
causing a gap to be left, the charging unit becomes Disrupted. ever interfere with the positioning of units, simply make
note of its position and move it aside, replacing it when it is
convenient to do so.
Rulebook FAQ v1.0

Combat Q: What happens if a unit that wishes to make a pursuit or

Q: If my unit loses a round of combat and either Gives overrun move cannot move due to the presence of other units?
Ground or Falls Back in Good Order, can it choose to use A: It may happen that it is simply impossible for a pursuing or
different weapons in the next turn if the enemy made a follow overrunning unit to move without it ending up ‘on top’ of another
up or pursuit move? unit. In such cases, the unit does not move, but is considered to have
A: No. Even though the units separated momentarily, they remain made a pursuit or overrun move.
locked in place and engaged in combat once the follow up or pursuit
move has been made. In other words, the combat is ongoing and Q: If a unit completely destroys its enemy in combat
neither unit has the time to stow one weapon in exchange for and makes an overrun move, can it attempt to reform
another (the exception being the time it takes to discard a broken after moving?
lance or spear and draw a sword). A: Unless it pursued into a fresh enemy, yes. A unit that overruns
makes a normal pursuit move and, since its enemy has already been
Q: What happens to a unit that Gives Ground whilst within 2" wiped out, it may attempt to reform as if it had run down its foe, as
of the edge of the battlefield? described on page 129.
A: Should any part of a unit cross beyond the edge of the battlefield
whilst it is Giving Ground, the entire unit is removed from play and
counts as having been destroyed.

Q: What happens to a unit that cannot Give Ground due to

the presence of another unit?
A: The unit’s movement stops immediately, as if it were surrounded.
T he battlefield is full of
The Psychology of noise,
War confusion and death. Faced with allies and comrades meeting grisly ends all around whilst
battling fearsome foes, you may find that your warriors succumb to panic and scatter, rather than fight on.

The psychological trauma of battle can cause even the bravest of warriors to panic, and when they do they are likely to flee.
Consequently, panic (and more importantly, resisting the urge to give in to panic) plays an important role in Warhammer: the
Old World.

Panic Tests Fall Back in Good Order: If more than half (50%) of the
models the unit contained at the start of the battle still remain,
Panic tests have been covered briefly in previous sections, it will Fall Back in Good Order, as described on page 134.
particularly in the Shooting section. On the following pages,
Panic tests and their causes are covered in greater detail. Flee: If only half (50%), or fewer than half, of the models the
unit contained at the start of the battle still remain, it will
A Panic test is a test made to determine if a unit can hold its immediately turn tail and flee, as described on page 132.
nerve and follow orders under tremendous pressure. If two or
more units from the same army have to make Panic tests at the No Need For Hysterics
same time, the controlling player chooses the order in which A unit only needs to make one Panic test in each phase of the
the tests are made. To make a Panic test, test against the unit’s game, even if there are multiple reasons to take Panic tests.
Panic Tests
Leadership characteristic: Most Panic tests are made immediately, and in larger games
you may find it helpful to mark units that have already made
• If this test is failed, the unit has succumbed to panic and a Panic test.
must either Fall Back in Good Order or flee (see opposite).
• If this test is passed, the unit remains resolute in the face of In addition, a unit is not required to make a Panic test if:
enemy fire and does not panic.
• It is making a Charge move.
What happens to a unit that fails a Panic test will depend • It is engaged in combat.
upon how many casualties that unit has suffered. A unit that • It is already fleeing and has yet to rally.
has suffered only a few casualties will retreat, but will quickly
rally, whereas a unit that has suffered a significant amount of
casualties will turn tail and flee.
Common Causes Of Panic Nearby Friend Flees Combat: If a unit with a Unit Strength
There are many special rules, spells and magic items that of 5 or more loses a combat and, after making its Break
can cause an enemy to make a Panic test. In such cases, the test, either Breaks and flees or Falls Back in Good Order, all
description of the special rule, spell or magic item itself will friendly units within 6" must immediately make a Panic test.
provide details. However, there are certain circumstances that
arise regularly in games which always cause units affected to Leave the friendly unit that caused the Panic test in place until
make a Panic test. the tests are made in order to give a point to measure from.
Once all tests have been made, any unit that failed its Panic
Heavy Casualties: If, during any single phase other than the test will flee directly away from the nearest enemy unit which
Combat phase, a unit loses more than a quarter (25%) of the is not itself fleeing.
Unit Strength it had at the start of that phase, it must make a
Panic test. Note that it does not matter if the unit that lost combat Breaks and
flees or Falls Back in Good Order as, amidst the clamour of battle,
A unit that fails a Panic test caused by heavy casualties will friendly units are seldom able to tell the difference.
flee directly away from the enemy unit that caused those
casualties. If the casualties were not caused by an enemy unit, Fled Through: A unit must immediately make a Panic test if a
the unit will instead flee from the nearest enemy unit which is friendly unit moves through it whilst fleeing or falling back in
not itself fleeing. good order. For simplicity, resolve the movement of the fleeing
unit before making and resolving the Panic test.
Note that heavy casualties caused during the Combat phase do
not cause Panic tests. During combat, the urgency of defeating the A unit that fails a Panic test after being fled through will
enemy and driving them back (represented by calculating combat flee directly away from the nearest enemy unit which is not
results and making Break tests) takes precedence. itself fleeing.

Nearby Friend Destroyed: If a unit with a Unit Strength Note that this can prove the most destructive form of panic, as one
of 5 or more is destroyed, all friendly units within 6" must unit can panic and flee through another unit, which in turn might
immediately make a Panic test. panic and flee through a further unit, and so on until your battle
line is in total disarray.
Leave the destroyed unit in place until the tests are made in
order to give a point to measure from. Once all tests have been
made, any unit that failed its Panic test will flee directly away
from the nearest enemy unit which is not itself fleeing.
Rulebook FAQ v1.0

The Psychology of War Q: Units must make a Panic test when a nearby friendly unit
Q: Are units required to make Panic tests due to the actions of with a Unit Strength of 5 or more is destroyed. When is Unit
friendly models? For example, if a Wizard miscasts and rolls a Strength counted – from the start of the turn, the start of the
2-4 on the Miscast table, causing a Dimensional Cascade and phase, or the point at which the unit is destroyed?
inflicting sufficient casualties on a friendly unit to cause it to A: From the start of the phase during which the unit was
Panic, must that unit make a Panic test? destroyed. For example, if a friendly unit with a Unit Strength of
A: Yes (that example sounds to us like something that really would 10 is destroyed by enemy shooting during a single Shooting phase,
cause panic amongst the ranks!). it causes panic in nearby friendly units. Players are not expected
to remember the Unit Strength of every unit from turn to turn
or phase to phase, but should keep track of Unit Strength during
each phase.
Advanced Rules

This section contains the advanced rules. Everything not Once you are comfortable with the core rules, you can
covered in the core ‘how to play’ rules is explained here. expand your games by introducing models that make use of
This includes the many universal special rules, rules for the the rules in this section. Doing so will greatly enhance your
most commonly seen formation types other than formed experience and bring the game of Warhammer: the Old
infantry, in-depth descriptions of the different troop types, World to life in ever more detail upon your tabletop.
rules for characters and command, and the rules and
profiles for a wide range of weapons and war machines.
As mentioned previously, the models that make up a Warhammer army must be
formed into ‘units’ Formations
before battle commences and all units must adopt a formation. The
core rules cover in detail Close Order formations, which are by far the most commonly
seen – but by no means the only – type of formation.

The following pages introduce the rules for ‘Open Order’ and ‘Skirmish’ formations. These
are the two most frequently seen unusual formations, and every army will have the option
to include units that can adopt them. A wise general will make full use of such units to
exploit terrain, to harass the enemy from unexpected quarters and to protect their own
vulnerable flanks.

Adopting & Changing Formation

The Stir River Patrol All units must adopt a formation. As mentioned previously, the type(s) of formation a unit
The mighty Stir River runs can adopt are indicated by a special rule of the same name as the formation type. Models
from the Worlds Edge with more than one such special rule may choose their formation during deployment (see
Mountains to the Reik. page 285), and may change it and adopt a different formation by reforming during the
This watery highway, one game (as described on page 125).
of the busiest trade routes
in the Old World, must be Open Order Formation
constantly patrolled as the
wealthy merchant barges A unit arrayed in an Open Order formation closely resembles one in a Close Order
attract attention of the formation; the key differences
Openlie in how
Order the unit moves and interacts with terrain. As
worst kind. The Stir River with a unit in Close Order, a unit in Open Order consists of two or more models that are
Patrol operates from many arranged in base contact with each other, edge-to-edge and front corner to front corner, as
harbours along the length of shown in Fig 182.1.
the great river, and has fought
bravely on land and water All models in such a unit must face the same direction (as described on page 100). In
in battles beyond counting. addition, all models in the unit must be arranged in a formation that consists of one or
Consequently, the regiment’s more horizontal rows, called ranks, and a number of vertical rows, called files.
green and white uniform is
recognised and revered far As far as possible, there must be the same number of models in each rank. Where this is
and wide. not possible, it must be the rear rank that has fewer models.
Highly Manoeuvrable Combat Order
An Open Order formation that is wider
Open Order units tend to adopt a looser than it is deep (i.e., that has more models
formation. Where the warriors within a per rank than per file) or that is square (i.e.,
Close Order formation will fight shoulder has the same number of models per file as
to shoulder, protecting one another with per rank) is said to be in Combat Order.
shield and spear, warriors in an Open Such units are able to count a ‘Rank Bonus’
Order formation fight in a more individual in certain situations:
manner, striking and parrying with sword
and buckler, or swinging great, double- Rank Bonus: If a unit in Open Order
handed weapons. Whatever the case, Open formation is wide enough, it can claim a
Order units are far more manoeuvrable Rank Bonus of +1 for each rank behind the
than Close Order units. first, up to the maximum determined by its
troop type:
To represent this, units arrayed in
an Open Order formation have the • How many models a rank must contain
following abilities: to claim a Rank Bonus, as well as the
maximum Rank Bonus a unit can claim, Forest Patrols
Quick Turn: After moving, unless it is determined by its troop type, as Ancient, primordial forest
charged, marched or fled, a unit that is in described on pages 104 and 188. covers much of the Empire
Open Order formation may pivot about its • Certain special rules may increase the with a canopy of darkness.
centre to change its facing by up to 90°. Rank Bonus a unit can claim beyond the Roads theoretically connect
maximum normally allowed by its troop the far-flung towns and
Dispersed Ranks: Units in Open Order type, as described on page 104. villages, but contact
formation do not become Disrupted by is tenuous at best. For
difficult or dangerous terrain. Note that, as normal, this bonus can be protection a vast network
claimed for an incomplete rear rank, as long as of forts, fortified inns and
Unit Shape there are sufficient models in it. watchtowers are stationed
As with units in Close Order formation, along the highways. Patrols
the shape of a unit in Open Order is also Marching Column regularly travel between
important as such units gain bonuses in A unit that is deeper than it is wide (i.e., stations, rotating garrison
certain situations. Based upon this, such that has more models per file than per duty with other regiments.
units can be said to be in ‘Combat Order’ or rank) is said to be in Marching Column. A Occasionally, troops will
in ‘Marching Column’. Marching Column cannot claim a Rank band together, often drawn
Bonus and cannot make a charge move, from either side of provincial
but may triple its Movement characteristic borders and in defiance of
when Marching, as described on page 123. the wishes of courtiers and
politicians, to mount an
expedition into the forests
to seek out and destroy
bandits, nests of Goblins or
Beastman encampments.
Skirmish Formation Facing & Line Of Sight
Skirmish Formation Unlike models in tightly ranked units,
A unit of models in Skirmish formation Skirmishers can see more of the battlefield
(often referred to as ‘Skirmishers’ in the around them. To represent this, whilst in
rules that follow) never consists of rigid Skirmish formation, models do not have
ranks and files. Instead, it moves as a flank or rear arcs (as described on page
single loose group or rough line. This 103). Instead, every arc is considered to be
enables Skirmishers to move quickly and their front arc, giving Skirmishers a 360°
take advantage of terrain to shelter from vision arc. Therefore, units in Skirmish
the enemy. formation can declare charges and shoot in
any direction – they are not limited by the
1" Apart constraints of a 90° front arc or vision arc.
The models that make up a unit in
Skirmish formation are not placed in base Other units can see through units in
contact with one another. Instead, they Skirmish formation if a line of sight can
are deployed on the battlefield in a single be drawn between the individual models.
loose but contiguous group, in which The individual models block line of sight
every model is within 1" of another model as normal.
Dawi Rangers belonging to the same unit, as shown in Fig
The Dawi are famed for 184.1.
living in great holds under the
mountains but not all do so. A Coherency: A unit of Skirmishers must
few clans dwell above ground, end its movement as a coherent unit, as
establishing outposts and described above. When removing casualties
businesses, such as mines and from a unit of Skirmishers, you cannot
breweries, from which they remove a model if doing so would cause
trade with the realms of Men. the unit to lose its coherency – you must
To defend these communities, instead remove a different model.
bands of Dwarfs patrol the
surrounding land to drive off Should it ever occur that a unit of
threats and settle grudges. Skirmishers has lost its coherency, you
Known as Rangers, these must remove models from play as casualties
bands consist of rugged until only a single, coherent group remains.
warriors adapted to living In such cases, the models removed are
off the land far from holds assumed to have fled the battle in a most
and supplies. cowardly fashion.

A unit of Skirmishers. Note that whilst

there is more than 1" between some of the
models, each model is within 1" of at least
one other model in the unit.
Movement & Manoeuvre Skirmishers In Combat
Each model within a unit of Skirmishers moves as an When engaged in combat, Skirmishers do not remain in
individual. The unit does not turn, wheel or otherwise their usual, dispersed formation. Instead, they will ‘form up’
manoeuvre (although it may reform to adopt a different into base contact with one another, edge-to-edge and front
formation, if possible). Instead, each model is free to move corner to front corner, against the enemy in order to create a
in any direction without penalty, provided unit coherency fighting rank. Skirmishers that charge the enemy, or that are
is maintained. themselves charged by the enemy, must always form up in
this way once contact is made. Any Skirmishers that cannot
Moving Through Skirmishers make base contact with the enemy cannot form part of the
Other units cannot move through the gaps between models fighting rank and must instead form up into ranks behind the
within a unit of Skirmishers, though Skirmishers can be fled fighting rank.
through just like any other unit.
Skirmishers will maintain this close formation until the
combat is over (i.e., until they are not engaged with any enemy
at the end of a Combat phase), at which point they will once
again adopt Skirmish formation.

Skirmishers & Rank Bonus: Despite forming up when

engaged in combat, a unit that is in Skirmish formation when
it becomes engaged in combat cannot claim a Rank Bonus.

Skirmishers & Disruption: Enemy units do not become

Disrupted when engaged in their flank or rear by a unit that is
Skirmishers As Reinforcements in Skirmish formation.
If a unit of Skirmishers enters the battle as reinforcements, it is
placed so that each model is within 1" of the battlefield edge. Characters Joining Skirmishers
Characters may only join a unit of Skirmishers if they are
Skirmishers & Shooting of the same sub-category of troop type. For example, a
As mentioned previously, Skirmishers can shoot in any character whose troop type is light cavalry could join a unit of
direction. However, individual models within a unit of Skirmishers that are also light cavalry, but could not join a unit
Skirmishers do still block line of sight as normal, which of Skirmishers that are heavy cavalry. This is an exception to
includes the line of sight of other models within the same unit. the normal rules for characters joining units (see page 207).

Enemy Fire: Due to their comparatively small size and ability

to make use of all available cover, enemy units shooting at a Unusual Formations
unit of Skirmishers that consists entirely of models with a Unit Q: Some attacks allow a specific model
Strength of 1 suffer a -1 To Hit modifier. within a unit to be targeted. Can such an
attack be used to break the coherency
Skirmishers & Panic of a unit of Skirmishers and cause other
Skirmishers cause panic in friendly units as normal should models to be removed as well?
they be annihilated or Break and flee, as described on page A: No. As stated on page 184, you cannot
160. Skirmishers cause panic in friendly Skirmishers if they remove a model from
flee through them as normal. However, Skirmishers do not a unit of Skirmishers if doing so would cause
cause panic in formed friendly units of any type (be they the unit to lose
Close Order, Open Order and so on) that they themselves coherency. However, if an attack targets a
flee through. specific model (such as a champion or a
character), that model must be removed if
the attack reduces it to zero Wounds. In such
“Orgulous and grim, the Northmen would not give, for cases, simply replace the removed model with
they sought glory or death in the eyes of their bloody gods.” another model belonging to the same unit,
one that
From the Rise of Bretonnia and Gilles le Breton, could be removed as a casualty, in order to
scribed by Adelrond of Couronne maintain unit coherency.
Skirmishers & Charging
A unit of Skirmishers may charge an
enemy that is visible to at least one of
its models when charges are declared.
In which arc the enemy is charged is
determined as normal.

When a unit of Skirmishers charges,

each model is moved individually,
starting with the model closest to the
charge target, as shown in Fig 186.1.
Each model moves as directly as possible
towards the charge target in order to
make base contact with it and form a 1. The Skirmisher closest to 2. The remaining Skirmishers move.
fighting rank. Models that cannot make the formed unit is moved into Seven can make base contact with
base contact with the charge target must base contact. the enemy, forming a fighting rank.
form up behind the fighting rank, as The eighth model cannot make base
shown in Fig 186.2. contact with the enemy so forms up
behind the fighting rank.
Formed Units
Charging Skirmishers
When a formed unit of any type (be
it Close Order, Open Order and so
on) charges a unit of Skirmishers, it
must endeavour to move as directly as
possible into contact with the closest
visible model in the target unit. As
usual, the charging unit may wheel once,
at any point, during its move, as shown
in Fig 186.3.
1. The formed unit is charging the unit of Skirmishers. It wheels and moves directly
Once the charging unit has made towards the closest model in the unit of Skirmishers.
contact with the target unit, it does not
wheel to align. Instead, the Skirmishers
must form up against the fighting rank
of the charging unit, as shown in Fig
186.4 and Fig 186.5. However, no model
in the charged unit can move further
than its Movement characteristic. Any
Skirmishers that cannot make base
contact must instead form up behind
the fighting rank.
2. The formed unit completes its charge move.

3. The Skirmishers form up against the charging unit. One of the Skirmishers cannot
make base contact with the enemy, so forms up behind the fighting rank.
Skirmishers Charging
When a unit of Skirmishers charges
another unit of Skirmishers, each model
is moved individually, starting with
the model closest to the charge target
(which must move by the shortest route
possible to reach the charge target).
Once the first model’s move is complete,
as shown in Fig 187.1, the remaining
models in the charging unit are moved 1. The Skirmisher closest to a model in the charged unit is moved into base contact
as directly as possible towards the with that model.
charge target in order to form a fighting
rank with the first model that moved,
as shown in Fig 187.2, making sure that
this model is as close to the centre of
this rank as possible. Any models that
do not have sufficient movement to
form part of the fighting rank must
form up behind it.

Once the charging unit has completed

its charge move, models in the target
unit form up against the charging unit’s 2. The rest of the models in the charging unit are moved forward and form up around
fighting rank, as shown in Fig 187.3. the first model moved. However, three of these models do not have sufficient movement
However, no model in the charged unit to join the fighting rank so must form up behind it.
can move further than its Movement
characteristic. Any Skirmishers that
cannot make base contact must instead
form up behind the fighting rank.

3. Finally, the models in the charged unit are formed up against the charging unit,
making sure that none of them move further than their Movement characteristic.
B retonnian knights make use of a powerful formation called the ‘Lance’. This formation enables them to charge deep
into enemy lines, causing great devastation.

Forming The Lance

The Lance In Combat
A Lance formation consists of two or more models arranged In combat, only the model at the front of a Lance is required to
edge-to-edge in base contact. All models in the unit must face make base contact with the enemy. If this model cannot make
the same direction and must be arranged in a formation that base contact with the enemy, the Lance becomes ‘blunted’.
consists of one or more horizontal rows, called ranks. The Whilst engaged in combat, every model on the outside of
front rank of the unit contains one model, the second rank a Lance is considered to be within its fighting rank and in base
contains two models, the third contains three, and so on, as contact with the enemy unit’s fighting rank.
shown in Fig 110.1.
Rank Bonus: A unit in Lance formation can claim a Rank
Lance Facings Bonus of +1 for each rank that contains enough models, as
The front, flank and rear arcs of a unit in Lance formation determined by its troop type.
are determined by the models in the second rank and the last
rank, as shown in the diagram. Combat Result Bonus: A unit in Lance formation may claim
a bonus of +1 combat result point.
Command Group Models
Command group models are placed at the front of the unit, in Flank Charges: If a Lance is charged in its flank, align
the first and second rank, as shown in Fig 110.1. The standard the enemy unit against its widest rank. The Lance then
bearer should take precedence at the front of the unit. becomes ‘blunted’.

Manoeuvring A Lance
A unit in Lance formation may not turn or redress the
ranks, but may wheel, move backwards, move sideways and
reform as normal. When a unit in Lance formation wheels, Fig. 110.1
its movement is measured from its second rank. All other
movement is measured from the model at the front of
the formation.
Blunting The Lance Lance Formations & Skirmishers
In the tumult of combat, a Lance can become ‘blunted’. When a unit of Skirmishers charges or is charged by a Lance,
A Lance becomes blunted if: the Skirmishers will not form up once contact has been made.
Instead, each Skirmisher is moved as directly as possible
• The model at its front cannot make base contact with towards the Lance in order to make base contact with it and
the enemy. with one another.
• It makes a disordered charge.
• It is charged by an enemy unit but does not, or cannot, Models that can make base contact with the Lance are within
perform a Counter Charge. the fighting rank. Models that cannot are placed behind the
fighting rank.
A blunted Lance immediately reforms to adopt a Close
Order formation, as shown in Fig 111.1 and Fig 111.2. Place Note that Skirmishers cannot blunt a Lance.
a number of models equal to the Lance’s number of complete
ranks in base contact with the enemy unit that caused it to Characters Joining A Lance
become blunted, then rearrange the remaining models to When a character joins a unit in Lance formation, they are
maintain a correct close order formation with command placed on the outside of the Lance, in any rank, displacing one
models in the unit’s new front rank. or more rank and file models to the rear rank as usual. Should
you wish, a character can take the position of a command
Note that, once this reform is complete, it may be necessary to group model in the first or second rank of the Lance. In such
nudge an enemy unit forward, backwards or sideways, by the cases, that command group model must be placed further
smallest amount possible, to make space for, or to maintain base back, on the outside of the Lance and will in turn displace
contact with, the blunted Lance. In such cases, charging enemy units another model to the rear rank of the unit.
should be moved first.
If a character that has joined a Lance is required to ‘retire’ to
Note also that the blunting of a Lance by a charging enemy unit the rear of the unit, they may be placed in the middle of any
may cause subsequent charges during the same phase to fail. rank (not including the first or second). A character that has
retired cannot occupy a position on the outside of the Lance
Casualty Removal and will no longer be within the fighting rank.
When removing casualties from a Lance, you may remove
models from the middle of the back rank, rather than from
one end as usual.

Fig. 111.1 Fig. 111.2

The Lance has been charged in its flank by an enemy unit. Four models are placed in base contact with the charging unit and the rest
are rearranged behind these. The Lance has been blunted.
All models have a troop type. These, along with the Types
type ofinformation
Detail units of such
models adopt, determine how they function throughout the rules. Troop types were
explained in brief, on page 104. The following pages cover them in greater detail
and present any additional rules that may apply, as well as providing more in-depth
descriptions of what they represent.

Categories Of Troop Type

There are five main categories of troop type, each of which is further divided into sub-
categories. For example, particularly large infantry fall into the ‘monstrous infantry’
sub-category of infantry. In such cases, when the rules refer to ‘infantry’ models or
units, monstrous infantry must also follow those rules unless an exception is stated for
“The Halfling is rotund and monstrous infantry.
hairy, and stands but half
as tall as a Man but hath a A model’s troop type also determines the minimum number of such models a rank must
greater appetite. Halflings do contain to claim a Rank Bonus, the maximum Rank Bonus a unit of such models is able to
dwell in their own land called claim, and the Unit Strength of such a model, as shown on the pages that follow.
the Moot, where they reside
within holes burrowed ’neath In most cases it will be fairly obvious which main category of troop type a model falls into.
hills, often most grumpily, Sub-categories are more complex and exist to help better understand the exact role of a
except when eating, drinking unit in battle and to better reflect this in games through the use of different rules.
and telling bawdy tales.
The Halfling is a goodly
shotte with a bow, but does Some models will have the word ‘Character’ in brackets after their troop type, indicating
not oft display valour though that the model is a character. This section does not cover characters in detail. Instead, and
it harbours a strong dislike for because characters are such a powerful and important part of Warhammer: the Old World,
Goblins and other sneaking they have a section all to themselves later in the book.
things that would raid its
pantry. Should such foes
approacheth their stored
provisions, then do they
grow most wrathful and fight
fiercely in defence of their
next meal.”

Excerpt from the

Grimoire Beterricus
Troop Type Tables Unit Strength
Sometimes, you may be required to work out the ‘Unit
Each of the following categories is accompanied by a table Strength’ of a unit. There are a number of reasons you might
containing a summary of the important information needed need to know this, for example, to determine if one of your
for that troop type: units is outnumbered by an enemy, and if they are, by how
much. Simply counting the number of models does not
Models Per Rank account for the sheer power and destructive ability of large
This is the minimum number required to claim a Rank Bonus. and ferocious creatures. Unit Strength represents this well.
Ranks can contain more models or fewer models, as you wish,
but in order for a rank to count towards Rank Bonus, it must To determine Unit Strength, simply count the number of
contain at least this many models. models currently in the unit and multiply this by the Unit
Strength per model as shown on the Troop Type table.
Maximum Rank Bonus
This is the maximum Rank Bonus a unit can claim. In some
cases this can be increased by special rules and other effects.
Infantry includes all units of foot troops and forms the backbone of most armies. Infantry
is split into four sub-categories, some of which are subject to their own rules:

Regular Infantry
This sub-category covers all the roughly human-sized warriors of the Warhammer world,
be they Men, Elves, Dwarfs, Orcs, Zombies and so on. Regular infantry will normally form
the core of your Warhammer army, the troops upon which you rely to get the job done.
Regular infantry can be expected to adopt almost any formation to fulfil any role.

Regular Infantry Rules

Due to their ubiquity, the basic rules of Warhammer: the Old World are written around
regular infantry, so no additional rules apply to this troop type.

Models Maximum Unit Strength

The Swords of Ulric Troop Type per Rank Rank Bonus per Model
The Swords of Ulric are one Regular Infantry 5 +2 1
of many regiments formed
by and funded by the Temple Heavy Infantry
of Ulric in Middenheim.
The formidable training of This sub-category covers the many warriors that are larger than the average man, but not
the Swords of Ulric consists monstrously large, and the heavily armed or armoured elites that the rank and file aspire
not of parade ground drill, towards and that generals turn to as bodyguards and more. Close Order formations of
but of regular war parties heavy infantry can usually be found where the fighting is thickest.
that venture deep into the
Drakwald Forest. Initiates Heavy Infantry Rules
hoping to join the unit must Steady in the Ranks: Due to their solid stature, heavy armour and often elite nature,
accompany such excursions heavy infantry are rarely concerned by inferior numbers. To represent this, a unit of
and only those that fight heavy infantry arrayed in either Close Order or Open Order formation does not become
with honour and survive are Disrupted when engaged in its flank or rear unless the enemy unit has a Unit Strength of
admitted. Since the regiment’s ten or more.
founding in the days when
Count Mandred rallied the Models Maximum Unit Strength
Empire and became Emperor, Troop Type per Rank Rank Bonus per Model
the Swords of Ulric have Heavy Infantry 4 +2 1
borne yellow shields to battle.
By tradition, each shield
bears a variation of the same
device – a red wolf, signifying
Ulric embattled.
Monstrous Infantry
The monstrous infantry sub-category covers things like Trolls, Ogres and Minotaurs –
creatures that are (roughly) man-shaped and fight on foot, but that are two or three times
the size of regular or heavy infantry. Monstrous creatures vary wildly, from Ogres who
fight as mercenaries all across the Old World, to Trolls, who shamble to war in search of
food and fight together in irregular formations.

Monstrous Infantry Rules

Clumsy: A unit with this rule can only be joined by a character that also has this rule.
Smaller characters are unwilling to risk being trampled.

Models Maximum Unit Strength

Troop Type per Rank Rank Bonus per Model
Monstrous Infantry 3 +2 3

Swarms are seething masses of small creatures, such as rats, snakes or insects, summoned
to the battlefield by magical means or herded there by beast masters and handlers to be set Dogs of War
loose upon the enemy. Individually, the critters in a swarm pose little threat, but their sheer Tilea is known across the
weight of numbers more than compensates for their size. Swarms are made of a number of Old World as a land of
bases. Each base includes many creatures, but counts as a single model. mercenaries. Local legends say
that an Orc invasion was once
Swarm Rules defeated when the Tileans
Insignificant: Swarms consist of small and insignificant creatures. As such, a line of sight hired half of the Orc army to
can be drawn across a swarm as if it wasn’t there. In addition, swarms are ignored when attack the remainder; though
attempting to target enemy characters. how such an agreement was
negotiated is unclear. Since
No One Cares: No one really cares about swarms. Swarms never cause Panic in friendly then, the use of mercenaries
units, regardless of what happens to them. has become ingrained in
Tilean culture and sell-swords
Undisciplined: A unit with this rule cannot use the Inspiring Presence rule of the army’s flock to the nation safe in the
General (see page 203) nor the Hold your Ground rule of a Battle Standard (see page 203). knowledge that they will find
a commander to sell their
Models Maximum Unit Strength services to, be that within
Troop Type per Rank Rank Bonus per Model Tilea or upon distant shores.
Swarms - - 3
The term cavalryCavalry
refers to any riders mounted on war beasts – commonly warhorses or
similar creatures. It can also include war beasts on their own as packs of animals which will
often function in a manner more similar to cavalry than infantry. Cavalry is split into four

Light Cavalry
Be they mounted on swift steeds, savage wolves, giant spiders or daemonic beasts, light
cavalry are fast moving riders that range far and wide, encircling the foe. Such riders excel
as scouts and outriders as well as warriors, and will often send word of enemy movement
back to their commanders before launching lightning-fast strikes intended to demoralise
the foe.

Light Cavalry Rules

Split Profile (Cavalry): Most cavalry models (but by no means all) consist of not one, but
two models – rider and mount, together making a single model. To represent this, many
Heraldry of Bretonnia cavalry models have a split profile, as described on page 97. In game terms, this works
Every knight in Bretonnia, as follows:
from the King down to the
Knights Errant, possesses • Unless noted otherwise, any special rules that apply to one element (rider or mount)
their own individual apply to the other as well.
heraldry. Each is a coat of • The rider and mount each use their own Weapon Skill, Ballistic Skill, Strength,
arms that bears symbols Initiative and Attacks characteristics, and their own weapons.
and colours that tell of a • In combat, all enemy rolls To Hit are made against the rider’s Weapon Skill.
knight’s allegiance, familial • Impact Hits and/or Stomp Attacks use the mount’s Strength.
heritage and, on occasion, • When this model makes an Armour Save roll, it uses the rider’s armour value.
deeds of renown. A knight’s • If the rider is reduced to zero Wounds, the model as a whole is removed from play.
heraldry can change over
their lifetime; the inclusion of Cavalry Support: Whilst a rider may be able to reach above a comrade to strike at the foe,
a Grail after becoming a Grail their mount cannot. Should a cavalry model be able to make a supporting attack, only the
Knight is a common example. rider can attack, not the mount.
The heraldry of the most
esteemed knights are known Models Maximum Unit Strength
throughout all the dukedoms Troop Type per Rank Rank Bonus per Model
and commoners flock to get Light Cavalry 5 +1 2
a glimpse of them when such
knights ride through town.
Heavy Cavalry
Across the battlefields of the Old World, the thunderous charge of heavy cavalry turns
the bowels of even the bravest infantryman to water. Heavy cavalry are the heavily armed
and armoured knights of the Old World’s armies, warrior elites mounted atop mighty
warhorses, bellowing boars and cold-blooded reptiles that charge fearlessly into the fray
time and time again.

Heavy Cavalry Rules

Split Profile (Cavalry): See Light Cavalry entry, on page 192.

Cavalry Support: See Light Cavalry entry.

Models Maximum Unit Strength

Troop Type per Rank Rank Bonus per Model
Heavy Cavalry 4 +1 2

Monstrous Cavalry
“Sir Balduin charged, with
Just as horse-sized beasts can be pressed into service as mounts, so too can their monstrous greatsword raised
cousins. Monstrous cavalry are rare, as most such creatures are so strong-willed that great
patience (or violence) is needed to break them to the saddle. This combination of mass and His downward stroke the
stubborn muscle makes monstrous cavalry a much-feared sight upon the battlefields of the Ogre grazed,
Warhammer world.
The monster’s club came
Monstrous Cavalry Rules arcing down
Split Profile (Cavalry): See Light Cavalry entry, on page 192.
And landed hard on
Clumsy: See Monstrous Infantry entry, on page 191. Balduin’s crown,

Models Maximum Unit Strength There came a grisly

Troop Type per Rank Rank Bonus per Model snapping sound,
Monstrous Cavalry 3 +1 3
The knight was pitched unto
War Beasts the ground,

Some armies employ hunting animals, such as hounds or wolves. Whilst not particularly But Balduin’s tale does not
intelligent, such creatures can be formidable foes in close combat, and cover ground at an end here,
incredible rate.
For in the mountains, all
War Beast Rules is dear.”
Undisciplined: A unit with this rule cannot use the Inspiring Presence rule of the army’s
General (see page 203), nor the Hold Your Ground rule of a Battle Standard (see page 203). Excerpt from Quest’s End, a
parody of a popular Bretonnian
Models Maximum Unit Strength folk story, sung to the tune of
Troop Type per Rank Rank Bonus per Model ‘Carroburg Fayre’
War Beasts 5 +1 1
A chariot is usually a wheeled war vehicle drawn into battle by beasts of some kind and
crewed by heavily armed and armoured warriors. This category can also include large
objects, such as mobile altars, that are pushed along or carried. Chariots are split into two

Light Chariots
Fast moving and lightly made, light chariots are often used as mobile platforms from which
skilled warriors rain missiles on the enemy, or from which noble heroes shout challenges to
the foe. They are often deployed in units and, much like light cavalry, they will harass the
flanks of the enemy before closing in for the kill.

Light Chariot Rules

Split Profile (Chariots): A chariot consists of several models – the chariot itself, the
crew and (usually) the beasts that draw it – together making a single model. To represent
this, a chariot model has a split profile, as described on page 97. In game terms, this works
Sigmar’s Hammer as follows:
Ghal Maraz, meaning Skull
Splitter, is the two-handed • Unless noted otherwise, any special rules that apply to one element (chariot, crew or
hammer passed down from beasts) apply to the others as well.
Emperor to Emperor. It is • This model uses the Movement characteristic of the beasts that draw it or, if there are
a magnificent rune-forged no beasts, of the chariot itself.
weapon that embodies • The crew and beasts each use their own Weapon Skill, Ballistic Skill, Strength, Initiative
Mankind’s triumph over the and Attacks characteristics, and their own weapons.
forces of darkness. Many are • In combat, all enemy rolls To Hit are made against the crew’s Weapon Skill.
the times it has lived up to • Impact Hits and/or Stomp Attacks use the chariot’s Strength.
the title Skull Splitter, for the • If the chariot is reduced to zero Wounds, the model as a whole is removed from play.
Empire’s rulers have ever led
their people to battle upon Iron Shod Wheels: Chariots are not designed for use in terrain. This model treats all
the field of war. difficult terrain as dangerous terrain and treats all linear obstacles as impassable terrain. In
addition, if this model rolls a 1 when making a Dangerous Terrain test, it loses D3 Wounds.

Churning Wheels: A unit with this rule can only be joined by a character that also has this
rule. Other characters are unwilling to risk falling beneath the unit’s wheels.

Firing Platform: From the cab of a chariot, warriors can shoot in all directions. For the
purposes of shooting and casting spells, this model has a 360° vision arc.

Models Maximum Unit Strength

Troop Type per Rank Rank Bonus per Model
Light Chariots 3 +1 3
Heavy Chariots
Built for strength and durability, heavy chariots deliver crushing charges deep into the
ranks of the enemy. Where light chariots move quickly and harass the foe, heavy chariots
move slowly, gradually building their speed before crashing like the fist of an angry god into
the quaking battle lines of the opposing army.

Often, the charge of a heavy chariot will cause the serried ranks of the enemy to buckle
and crumple as scythed wheels hew through limbs and armoured beasts trample all before
them. The survivors of such a charge fare no better, for heavy chariots are invariably
crewed by mighty warriors that use the armoured cab of their vehicle as a platform from
which to slay their enemies with brutal efficiency.

Heavy Chariot Rules

Split Profile (Chariots): See Light Chariots entry, on page 194.

Scythed Wheels: Built to wreak destruction, heavy chariots are adorned with sharpened
spikes and scything blades, the better to cut down the foe. Any Impact Hits caused by a
heavy chariot have an Armour Piercing characteristic of -2. “All did seem lost for the
Bretonni, and the land
Lumbering: Perhaps due to their large size, their weight, or a combination of skittish draft itself did weep and wail in
animals and slow turning wheels, models with this rule are not especially manoeuvrable. heart-grief as all life was
To represent this, a Lumbering model is considered to be, and follows all of the rules for, a choked away. Greatly sought
Close Order formation, even when included in your army as a single model. upon was the safety of the
castle strongholds, and the
However, even the largest single model enjoys slightly more manoeuvrability than a tightly swordswains of our fair
formed regiment of many models. Therefore, after moving, unless it charged, marched or nation did stand aghast as
fled, a Lumbering model may pivot about its centre to change its facing by up to 90°. their lands were consumed.

Finally, a Lumbering model cannot join a unit or be joined by a character. But lo! In fair Bastonne, the
young lord Gilles did refuse to
Iron Shod Wheels: See Light Chariots entry. concede his land to the dark.
Upon a mighty charger he
Firing Platform: See Light Chariots entry. rode out against the foe, those
faithful to his sword and to
Models Maximum Unit Strength the lands upon his heel. Many
Troop Type per Rank Rank Bonus per Model of his proud knights did fall
Heavy Chariots - - 5 and join the land, but afore
the tip of Gilles’ lance the
canker devouring Bastonne
was cleansed.”

From the Rise of Bretonnia

and Gilles le Breton, scribed by
Adelrond of Couronne
Creatures so large and powerful that they normally do not form into units, but roam the
battlefield on their own. In spite of this, due to their size, they function as Close Order
units, rather than as Skirmishers. Monsters are split into two sub-categories:

Monstrous Creatures
There are many mighty and wondrous creatures in the Warhammer world that, whilst not
large enough to shake the earth with their tread, are considerably larger than monstrous
infantry or monstrous cavalry. Such beasts are referred to as ‘monstrous creatures’ and they
are formidable foes.

Monstrous Creature Rules

Ridden Monster: Some characters can ride monstrous creatures, as explained on page 204.

Lumbering: See Heavy Chariots entry, on page 195.

Models Maximum Unit Strength

Troop Type per Rank Rank Bonus per Model
Dragons Monstrous Creature - - As Starting Wounds
Dragons are amongst the
oldest of all living creatures. Behemoths
They predate even the coming
of the Old Ones, and rode the Behemoths are the largest beings in the Warhammer world. This category includes such
thermals of ancient volcanoes terrors as mighty Dragons, be they noble or corrupted; Greater Daemons of Chaos, the
long before warm-blooded most accursed of the Dark Gods’ servants; towering Giants; lumbering constructs of
creatures ruled the world. science and sorcery, and far more besides.
Every land has its legends
and folk tales concerning Behemoth Rules
Dragons. In such tales, they Ridden Monster: Some characters can ride behemoths, as explained on page 204.
are cruel and whimsical
tyrants, given to the slaughter Lumbering: See Heavy Chariots entry, on page 195.
of peoples and the ruination
of cities. Certainly, Dragons Thunderstomp: Colossal feet and gigantic hooves do damage beyond imagining when they
are capable of such things, for kick and stomp upon the enemy. Any Stomp Attacks made by a behemoth have an Armour
they are massive creatures Piercing characteristic of -2. However, this rule cannot be used against another monster
of enormous strength, able (monstrous creature or behemoth) – they are simply too big to be stomped on effectively.
to tear any foe to pieces with
their formidable claws and Models Maximum Unit Strength
fangs, and to immolate entire Troop Type per Rank Rank Bonus per Model
regiments of troops with a Behemoth - - As Starting Wounds
blast of their fiery breath.
War Machines
War machines such as cannon and bolt throwers are powerful
weapons on the field of battle, able to pulverise whole
regiments, breach stone walls or even slay fearsome monsters
with a single, well-placed shot. The most commonly seen types
of war machine are dealt with as weapons in greater detail in
their own section (see page 222). War machines in general as a
category ofWar
troop type have the following rules:

War Machine Rules

Split Profile (War Machine): A war machine consists of “We’re Not Paid to Fight”: Should a war machine ever Break
several models – the war machine itself and the crew that and flee from combat, its crew will abandon it to be wrecked
operate it, together making a single model. To represent this, a by the enemy and beat a hasty retreat. Treat the model as
war machine model has a split profile, as described on page 97. having been completely destroyed and remove it from play.
In game terms, this works as follows:
Note that a war machine that loses a round of combat may Fall
• This model is treated as a single model and, unless noted Back in Good Order or Give Ground as normal.
otherwise, any special rules that apply to one element (war
machine or crew) apply to the other as well. Weapon of War: War machines are built to be strong and
• In combat, use the Toughness and Wounds characteristics durable rather than for speed and, as such, they are slow and
of the crew. cumbersome to move once erected. To represent this, war
• When not in combat, use the Toughness and Wounds machines cannot march, declare a charge or make a pursuit
characteristics of the war machine. move. Additionally, war machines suffer a -1 modifier to the
• For each Wound the crew loses, it suffers a -1 modifier to result of any Flee roll they make (to a minimum of 1).
its Attacks characteristic.
• When this model makes an Armour Save roll, it uses the However, a war machine can pivot freely at any time during
crew’s armour value. its turn (the better to face the enemy) and may make a follow
• If either the crew or the war machine is reduced to zero up move as normal. Should a war machine pivot, it does not
Wounds, the model as a whole is removed from play. count as having moved.

Troop Type Models per Rank Maximum Rank Bonus Unit Strength per Model
War Machines - - As Starting Wounds
N Command
ot all models within a unit are created equal. It Groups
is quite normal for warriors to march into battle under the leadership
of a seasoned officer or brave champion, with banners flying proud in the mist-strewn air, the pounding of drums and
bellow of horns driving the warriors onward. A unit’s champion, standard bearer and musician are collectively referred to
as the unit’s ‘command group’.

Most units can include a command group of some kind, as What’s In A Title?
detailed in the relevant army list. Most can include what is
referred to as ‘full command’ – a champion, standard bearer In most army lists, the term ‘standard bearer’ is used
and musician – whilst others will only be able to include throughout, though the model in question might actually
perhaps one or two of these options. Command group models carry an icon, pennant or other such totem. Similarly, a
are always purchased as upgrades to normal rank and file ‘musician’ might bear a drum, flute, horn, zither, hurdy-gurdy
models in a unit, as described in the relevant army list. or some other weird and wonderful instrument – they will
still be described as a musician.
Note that, for the purposes of any rule that refers to ‘rank and file
models’, models belonging to a command group are considered to be Champions differ somewhat – they will often be given a rank
rank and file models unless stated otherwise. or name specific to their unit or army. Whatever this may be,
they follow all the rules for a unit champion given here.

Position Within The Unit

Except in rare cases, a command group will be found in the
forefront of the fighting, leading by example. Unless noted
otherwise, the models that make up a unit’s command group
must be placed in the front rank of the unit, as close to the
centre of the rank as possible. If the command group includes
a standard bearer, this model should take precedence in the
centre of the rank (or as close to the centre as is possible), with
other members of the command group placed to either side.

Not Enough Room

Sometimes there is not enough room in the front rank for the
command group to fit. Should this occur, as many command
group models as possible must be placed in the front rank and
any remaining models are placed in the rank behind.

“Make Way!”
If the unit turns or reforms, the command group automatically
pushes its way back to the front. Accordingly, when a unit
has completed its movement, the models that make up its
command group must be repositioned into the new front rank.

“The allied armies of this great Empire are like the walls
of a stout castle. These days, however, those alliances are
worn so thin that the castle looks set to fall.”

Albert Kornhammer, Priest of Sigmar

Champions Champions As Casualties
Unlike other members of their unit, a champion can only
Most units can include just one champion, but some can be removed as a casualty under specific circumstances. If a
include more. Champions are extremely skilled or tough, champion is removed as a casualty, the model is removed and
and comrades look to them for leadership and take pride in replaced with an ordinary rank and file model.
their prowess.
Shooting: A champion is not counted amongst casualties
Characteristics caused by enemy shooting unless:
A unit’s champion usually has slightly better characteristics
than their fellows. These will be shown in the model’s profile. • They are the last remaining model in the unit.
• They are targeted by an attack that allows a specific model
Equipment within a unit to be targeted.
Usually, champions count as having the same equipment as • They find themselves lying underneath a template.
the other members of their unit, regardless of the equipment
shown on the model. However, some champions do have “Look Out, Sir!”: If a champion is hit by a shooting attack,
the option to take equipment that is not available to other and if there are five or more rank and file models in the unit,
members of their unit. Where this is the case, it will be the champion can make a “Look Out, Sir!” roll. To make a
clearly stated. “Look Out, Sir!” roll, roll a D6. On a roll of 1, the champion is
hit. On a roll of 2+, another member of the unit is hit in the
Champions & Shooting champion’s place.
When a unit shoots, its champion must shoot at the same
target, using their own characteristics. Combat: A champion is not counted amongst casualties
caused by enemy attacks in combat unless:
Champions In Combat
In combat, a champion that is within the fighting rank • They are the last remaining model in the unit.
fights as normal. Enemy models that are in base contact • The attacks were directed against the champion by enemy
with a champion can direct attacks against that champion if models in base contact.
they wish.
Note that any excess wounds inflicted upon a champion do not ‘spill
Champions & Challenges: Champions can issue and accept over’ onto their unit.
challenges in the same manner as a character (see page 210).
Standard Bearers Trophies Of War
The standards of defeated enemies are highly prized as
A unit often fights beneath a standard or banner of some kind; trophies, so an army will collect as many as it can, drawing
a glorious token of their allegiance, history and pride. Such a great satisfaction from their enemy’s shame. If a fleeing unit is
standard is much treasured by the warriors that fight beneath run down by an enemy unit, or if a unit is destroyed in combat
it and they will battle all the harder whilst it still flies. by an enemy unit, its standard is claimed as a trophy.
Standard Bearers
Characteristics & Equipment Standards claimed in this way are worth bonus Victory Points
A standard bearer always has the same characteristics as at the end of the battle (see page 286). Once a standard has
the other models in their unit. Similarly, they are always been lost in this way, it cannot be reclaimed.
considered to be equipped in the same way as the other models
in their unit. Note that if a unit is destroyed by any means other than being
run down whilst fleeing or being destroyed in combat (by enemy
In reality, a model that represents a standard bearer will shooting, for example), its banner is not claimed by the enemy as a
likely be equipped differently, often not carrying a shield, or trophy of war.
replacing a weapon with the standard, for example. Any such
deficiency in terms of equipment is compensated for by the Standard Bearers As Casualties
efforts of those around them to protect their standard. If a standard bearer model is slain, another rank and file
model belonging to the same unit, but that is not a command
Combat Result Bonus group model, will step forward to raise the fallen standard.
As described in the Combat section, a unit with a standard Therefore, a unit cannot lose its standard bearer unless it
will be inspired to fight all the harder. This determination to and the champion (if there is one) are the last two remaining
vanquish the foe is represented by a combat result bonus. If models in the unit. This applies even if the standard bearer
a unit includes a standard bearer, it may claim a bonus of +1 is targeted by an attack that allows a specific model within
combat result point. a unit to be targeted, or finds themselves lying underneath
a template.

If the only other remaining model in a unit is the champion,

the standard bearer must be removed as a casualty before
the champion.
Musicians Quick Time
Should a unit that contains a musician wish to march whilst
When an Musicians
army marches, it does so to the inspirational beat of within 8" of an enemy unit, it may apply a +1 modifier to its
drums and blare of horns (or the doot of a spectral flute). For Leadership characteristic, up to a maximum of Leadership 10,
trained troops, a prearranged sequence of notes can carry as when making its Leadership test.
much information as a bellowed order, and can do so more
clearly and with greater speed amidst the tumult of battle. Musicians As Casualties
If a musician model is slain, another rank and file model
Characteristics & Equipment belonging to the same unit, but that is not a command group
A musician always has the same characteristics as the other model, will retrieve the fallen instrument and take their
models in their unit. Similarly, they are always considered to place. Therefore, a unit cannot lose its musician unless it, the
be equipped in the same way as the other models in their unit. standard bearer and the champion are the only remaining
models in the unit. This applies even if the musician is targeted
In reality, a model that represents a musician will likely be by an attack that allows a specific model within a unit to be
equipped differently, often carrying their instrument in place targeted, or finds themselves lying underneath a template.
of weapons. Any such deficiency in terms of equipment
is compensated for by the efforts of those around them to If the only other remaining models in a unit are the champion
protect the musician, and by the damage that a heavy, brass- and standard bearer, the musician must be removed as a
bound horn or drum can inflict upon the foe when swung casualty before either.
in anger.

“Onwards To Victory!”
If, once the combat result has been calculated, both sides
have the exact same number of points each, the side that has
a musician in the front rank of one or more of its units may
claim a bonus of +1 combat result point.

If, however, the opposing side has a musician also, the

redoubled efforts (and almighty clamour) cancel each other
out and neither side may claim this bonus.

Steadying Rhythm
If a fleeing unit contains a musician, it may apply a +1
modifier to its Leadership characteristic whenever it attempts
to rally, up to a maximum of Leadership 10.
T he Warhammer world would not be what it is without the presence of great lords, valiant heroes and mighty Wizards.
Such powerful individuals add a new dimension to your games of Warhammer: the Old World, either as inspiring
leaders or skilled warriors able to trounce hordes of lesser fighters. Such potent personages are called ‘characters’.

Characters are generally known by different names Character Models

appropriate to their nation or race. Orc characters, for
example, are known by suitably ‘Orcy’ names, such as BossCharactersCharacter models are a special type of unit that can either
and Warboss, whilst the leaders of the Empire are Captains, operate on their own, or that can join another unit belonging
Warrior Priests and Engineers. to their army. They usually have superior characteristic values
compared to ordinary members of their race, often have a
The types of character available to an army will vary to reflect number of special rules (sometimes unique) and invariably
the personality of that army. Most races of the Warhammer have more options in terms of equipment, including access to
world can call upon the services of powerful fighters and highly prized magic items.
wise Wizards in equal measure, some have unique types
of specialist character, and a few have jack-of-all-trades All character models will have the word ‘Character’ in
characters that are adept in many different aspects of war. brackets after their troop type. This indicates that a model is a
character and, as such, follows the rules given here.

Command Range
All characters have a ‘Command range’. This is used most
often in conjunction with any special rules the character
may have. A character’s Command range is equal to their
Leadership characteristic in inches. For example, a character
with a Leadership characteristic of 7 would have a Command
range of 7".

General & Battle Standard: The most important characters

in any army are the General and Battle Standard Bearer. Such
bold and inspirational leaders are natural commanders, able to
hold together their forces even in the worst of situations. To
represent their importance, your General and Battle Standard
Bearer each have a Command range of 12", regardless of their
Leadership characteristic.

If your General or Battle Standard Bearer has the Large Target

special rule or is mounted on a model with this special rule (as
described on page 172), their Command range is increased
further; from 12" to 18".
The General The Battle Standard
The General
Every army is led by a General, a heroic character to whom Armies often include a Battle Standard Bearer – a trusted
command of the army has been entrusted. The General model warrior who holds aloft the General’s personal heraldry. A
is a miniature representation of you as the controlling player Battle Standard Bearer is a rallying point for the army, from
– they are your physical avatar upon the battlefield and the The
which friendly Battlecan
soldiers Standard
take heart and draw strength.
heart of your army.
The Battle Standard Bearer Model
Selecting Your General A Battle Standard Bearer is a heroic model carrying a
The General is the character in your army with the highest particularly impressive banner, and it will be presented as an
Leadership. If more than one character shares the highest option in your chosen army list. The Battle Standard is carried
Leadership value, you may choose which one is the General by a character model and, unless specified otherwise, the
when writing your muster list. You must tell your opponent model that carries the Battle Standard cannot be the General.
which model is your General before deploying your army.
Unlike normal standards, the Battle Standard is lost if the
Note that a character with the Loner special rule cannot be bearer is slain – other models cannot pick it up, even if they
your General. are in the same unit.

Inspiring Presence: Warriors fight all the better under the Combat Result Bonus: A Battle Standard grants a bonus
stern gaze of their General. Unless your General is fleeing, of +1 combat result point. Unlike other standards, a Battle
all friendly units within their Command range can use their Standard grants this bonus even if another standard is present.
Leadership characteristic instead of their own (so rally your If, by some unusual circumstance, there are two Battle
General first!). Standards on the same side in the combat, you can only count
the bonus for one.

“Hold Your Ground”: To represent the Battle Standard’s

steadying presence, unless your Battle Standard Bearer is
fleeing, friendly units within the Battle Standard Bearer’s
Command range may re-roll any failed Panic or Rally test. In
addition, friendly units within the Battle Standard Bearer’s
Command range may re-roll the 2D6 when making a Break
test. However, you must accept the result of the second roll,
even if it is worse than the first.

“We stood with the Dwarfs as one that day. It was an

unspoken code of honour that would not go forgotten.”

Chief Ragni of the Jeutones

Characters & Troop Type Characters & Ridden Monsters
If a character is mounted upon a ridden
Just like any other model, character models monster (be it a ‘monstrous creature’ or a
have a troop type. In most cases, this will ‘behemoth’), the whole model is treated
be a sub-category of ‘infantry’, although as being of the mount’s sub-category of
some characters, such as Greater Daemons troop type.
of Chaos, are so large that their troop
type will be a sub-category of ‘monster’. In Split Profile (Ridden Monster): Not
addition, the majority of characters can be unlike any other mounted model, a
mounted in some way and, if they are, their character that is mounted upon a Ridden
troop type will change accordingly. Monster will have a split profile, as
Characters & Troop Type described on page 97. In game terms, this
Mounted Characters works as follows:

Many characters ride into battle atop a • Unless noted otherwise, any special
mount of some kind. In most cases, this rules that apply to one element
Mounted Characters
will be something quite straightforward (character or mount) apply to the other
like a warhorse, giant wolf or boar. In other as well.
Wizards of the Old World cases, the character will have the option to • This model uses the Movement
The treatment of ride atop a monster or a chariot, chosen characteristic of the mount.
practitioners of magic varies from elsewhere within their army list. • The character and mount each use
greatly across the human their own Weapon Skill, Ballistic
nations of the Old World. In Characters & Cavalry Mounts Skill, Strength, Initiative and Attacks
Bretonnia, gifted girl-children If a character has a cavalry mount characteristics, and their own weapons.
become the Daughters of the (be it ‘light’, ‘heavy’ or ‘monstrous’), • In combat, all enemy rolls To Hit
Grail, priestesses who are the model is treated as being of the are made against the character’s
revered and held above the mount’s sub-category of troop type. Weapon Skill.
law. Elsewhere, in Kislev, a Not unlike any other mounted model, • Impact Hits and/or Stomp Attacks use
land beset by hostile enemies a mounted character will have a split the mount’s Strength.
and extreme environments, profile, as described on page 97, with the • When this model makes an Armour
practitioners of magic are following addition: Save roll, it may use either the mount or
valued commodities. In the character’s armour value, whichever
contrast, Wizards are often • When moving, this model uses the is better.
outcasts in the Empire, Movement characteristic of the mount. • If the character is reduced to zero
shunned and distrusted Wounds, the model as a whole is
for their deviant ways yet Improved Characteristics: Some cavalry removed from play.
employed clandestinely by mounts are big and tough enough that
nobles who desire their power being mounted upon one will increase the Improved Characteristics: Ridden
or counsel. Further east, character’s Toughness and/or Wounds monsters are invariably huge and fearsome
practitioners take many roles; characteristics. In such cases, this will be beasts, and being mounted upon one will
wise advisors, deadly battle noted within the mount’s profile. increase the character’s Toughness and/or
mages and skilled healers are Wounds characteristics. In such cases, this
but a few examples. will be noted within the mount’s profile.
Characters & Chariot Mounts
If a character is mounted upon a chariot (be it ‘light’ or ‘heavy’), the whole model is treated
as being of the chariot’s sub-category of troop type.

Split Profile (Chariot Mount): Not unlike any other chariot, a character that is mounted
upon a chariot will have a split profile, as described on page 97. In game terms, this works
as follows:

• Unless noted otherwise, any special rules that apply to one element (chariot, character,
crew or beasts) apply to the others as well.
• This model uses the Movement characteristic of the beasts that draw the chariot or, if
there are no beasts, of the chariot itself.
• The character, crew and beasts each use their own Weapon Skill, Ballistic Skill, Strength,
Initiative and Attacks characteristics, and their own weapons.
• In combat, all enemy rolls To Hit are made against the character’s Weapon Skill.
• Impact Hits and/or Stomp Attacks use the chariot’s Strength.
• Enemy rolls To Wound are made against either the chariot’s or the character’s
Toughness, whichever is the highest.
• When this model makes an Armour Save roll, it may use either the chariot’s or the
character’s armour value, whichever is better.
• If the chariot is reduced to zero Wounds, the model as a whole is removed from play.
The Creatures of the North
Improved Characteristics: When a character mounts a chariot, they join its crew, All manner of foul and
bolstering their strength, fighting ability and survivability. To represent this, the Wounds mutated creatures stalk
characteristic of the character is added to that of the chariot. For example, if a character the northern wastes. The
with W3 is Characters
mounted upon& Formations
a chariot with W4, the model would have seven Wounds. Marauder tribes hunt such
beasts, the most ambitious
Characters & Formations warriors eager to claim the
greatest trophies. Taking
Character models rarely have any formation special rules. Instead: a beast alive often earns
greater renown than simply
• A character that has joined a unit adopts the formation of that unit. killing it and some Marauder
• A Lone character (see page 206) is always considered to be in a Skirmish formation. chieftains ride to battle atop
• A character mounted on a ridden monster or chariot adopts the formation of chariots pulled by snarling
their mount. wolves while the greatest go
to war within the howdahs of
towering mammoths.
Lone Characters
Whilst manyLone Characters
characters ride to battle aboard a chariot or atop a monster, many more bold
leaders and dangerous fighters prefer to move around the battlefield as individuals, fighting
a solitary battle against the foe:

• Any character whose troop type is ‘infantry’ or ‘cavalry’ and that has not joined a unit is
considered to be a ‘Lone character’.

During the course of a game, a Lone character may join a friendly unit (see page 207),
bringing their might and leadership to the unit to strengthen its ranks. Upon joining a unit,
a character ceases to be a Lone character.

A Lone character benefits from the following rules:

Lone characters are able to move quickly out of harm’s way. Unless they are fleeing or
engaged in combat, a Lone character that would be contacted by an enemy unit that is
Warrior Priests making a pursuit move may attempt to ‘evade’.
There are many gods
worshipped in the Empire, Before moving the enemy unit, make an Initiative test for the character. If this test is
some of whom require their passed, the character may move a number of inches up to their Movement characteristic,
clergy to march to war. away from any enemy units (i.e., the character cannot end this movement closer to any
Priests that take up arms are enemy unit than they were before moving). Once this move is complete, the enemy unit
often referred to as Warrior completes its pursuit move.
Priests. The most common
are those of Sigmar and Ulric, Targeting Lone Characters
but Morr and Taal also have A Lone character might offer a desirable target for enemy shooting or spell casting, but
large numbers of militant picking out any one individual from the bustle of the enemy battle line is difficult to say the
servants who oppose the least. Unless the character obliges the enemy by standing out in the open, that is.
restless dead and the defilers
of nature respectively. A Lone character cannot be targeted by enemy shooting or by enemy spells whilst it is
within 3" of a friendly unit (that is not itself fleeing) that contains five or more models of
the same troop type as the character (i.e., ‘infantry’ or ‘cavalry’), unless the Lone character
is the closest target.

Unit A wishes to shoot an enemy character. Characters 1 and 2 are both within 3" of a
friendly unit (unit B), but character 3 is not. However, despite being within 3" of a friendly
unit, character 2 is the closest target. Therefore, the unit can shoot at either character 2 or 3.
Characters & Units Fleeing units: Should a unit joined by
a character flee, the character must flee
Unless somehow prevented (by a special with it (regardless of any special rules the
rule or by their troop type, for example), character may have that would normally
most characters can join a friendly unit. prevent it from fleeing). If the unit is run
A character can join a friendly unit: down by an enemy whilst fleeing, the
Characters & Units character is slain as well.
• During deployment, by being placed
with the unit. Positioning Characters
• During the Remaining Moves sub- When a character joins a unit they are
phase, by moving into base contact with placed in its front rank, displacing one or
a unit that is not engaged in combat more rank and file models (not including
or fleeing. command group models) to the rear rank
as required, as shown in Fig 207.1. If the
A unit cannot move after being joined by character’s base does not fit neatly within
a character during the Remaining Moves the unit’s ranks, position the model on the
sub-phase. However, the unit only counts unit’s flank, adjacent to, and in base contact
as having moved if it did so before the with, its front rank.
character moved to join it.
Should a unit turn or reform, any character
Note that a unit can be joined by more than models within, or adjacent to, its front
one character, but two characters cannot join rank must be repositioned into, or adjacent The Mark of a Champion
one another to form an ad hoc unit. to, the new front rank once the unit’s Though the followers of
movement is complete. Chaos acknowledge and
Unit Strength: Upon joining a unit, and worship the entire pantheon
for as long as they remain part of it, a If there is no room for a character within of Chaos gods, many are
character adds their Unit Strength to that a unit’s front rank, it is placed in the drawn to a single patron.
of the unit. rear rank. Should one of the Ruinous
Powers notice the deeds of a
Spells: When a character joins a unit that Leaving A Unit would-be champion, it marks
is under the effect of a spell that affects A character can leave a unit during the them as its own. From that
the entire unit, the character becomes Remaining Moves sub-phase by simply moment, the champion’s
likewise affected. Similarly, if a character moving away from the unit before the unit deeds are observed closely
is under the effect of a spell that is able makes its own move. However, if the unit and, if the champion is
to affect a unit, the unit joined becomes cannot move in this phase for any reason, found worthy, they will be
likewise affected. the character cannot leave it. Once they greatly rewarded.
have moved away, a character is no longer
joined to the unit.

Unit A has been joined by two characters which are placed within the front rank of the unit,
displacing a total of three rank and file models to the rear rank.

Unit B has been joined by a character that will not fit neatly within its ranks. Therefore,
the character model is positioned on the unit’s flank, adjacent to, and in base contact with,
the front rank.
Measurement Movement
Distances to or from a unit that has been A unit that has been joined by a character
joined by a character are measured from moves as normal, the character model
the unit as a whole, taking into account any moving as part of the unit. A character
character models positioned adjacent to model that is positioned adjacent to the
the unit. unit must remain adjacent to, and in base
contact with, the front rank of the unit at
When required to measure to or from the the end of its movement.
character (for example, when measuring
the character’s Command range), measure A unit that has been joined by a character
from the model itself as normal. always uses the Movement characteristic
of the slowest model. If either is subject
Unit Facing & Line Of Sight to any movement restrictions, these apply
Both line of sight to or from a unit that has to both. For example, if a unit with M8 is
been joined by a character, and its vision joined by a character with M4, the unit can
arcs, are determined from the unit as a only move 4".
whole, taking into account any character
models positioned adjacent to the unit. Moving Through The Ranks
A character whose unit is engaged in
WAAAGH! When required to determine line of sight combat may sometimes be required to
A Waaagh! is the name the for the character (for example, when ‘move through the ranks’. To do so, simply
nations of the Old World give casting a spell), do so from the character move the character model (displacing other
the massed invasions of Orcs, model itself as normal. In such cases, the models as required) so that it occupies the
derived from the creatures’ unit does not block the character’s line desired space, within or adjacent to the
bellowing cries. They arise of sight. appropriate rank, as shown in Fig 208.1
when a powerful Warboss and 208.2.
conquers large numbers of If required to determine line of sight to
Orc tribes and turns their the character, do so to the character model A character that moves through the
gaze upon the lands of other itself. In such cases, the unit may block line ranks to occupy a space anywhere other
races. Then, an unstoppable of sight to the character. than within the front rank of their unit
sea of green-skinned monsters must return to their previous position
swarms the land, slaughtering immediately once their unit is no longer
and razing all in their path. engaged in combat.
Eventually, a Waaagh! will
falter, be it due to a lack of
fresh foes splintering the
Orc horde or the defeat or
death of the Warboss. In its
wake, nations lie in ruins, the
Waaagh’s! passage forever
scarring the land.

Unit A, which has a character within its In this example, the character is adjacent
front rank, has been charged in its flank. The to unit B’s front rank. It moves through the
character moves through the ranks, into the ranks to take up a position adjacent to the
fighting rank. fighting rank.
Characters & Shooting Characters In Combat
If a character equipped with a missile Characters can always be found where the
weapon has joined a unit equipped with fighting is thickest. In combat, a character
missile weapons, both must shoot at the that has joined a unit:
same target, using their own characteristics.
• May, if they are not within the fighting
Note that this only applies to missile weapons, rank when their combat is chosen
not to Magic Missile or Magical Vortex spells. during Step 1.1 of the Choose Combat
& Fight sub-phase, and starting with
Enemy Shooting: A character that has characters belonging to the inactive
joined a unit cannot be hit by enemy player, move through the ranks to join
shooting unless: the fighting rank.
• May, if they are within the fighting
• They are targeted by an attack that rank, make a number of attacks
allows a specific model within a unit to determined by their Attacks
be targeted. characteristic and their proximity to the
• They find themselves lying underneath enemy, as described on page 146.
a template. • Can direct their attacks against, or
• There are fewer than five rank and file divide them between, any enemy Liche Priests
models in the unit. models they are in base contact with. The Mortuary Cult of
• Can only be hit by enemy attacks Nehekhara was commanded
If there are fewer than five rank and file (including Impact Hits or Stomp by the Great Land’s monarchs
models in the unit, the controlling player Attacks) that are directed against them, to conquer death and,
must first allocate hits to the unit until made by enemy models that are in base over the course of several
one hit has been allocated to each model it contact with them. generations, their studies
contains. Any remaining hits are divided as • Can only have Impact Hits or Stomp proved successful. The fifth
equally as possible between the character(s) Attacks directed against them if there generation of Liche Priests did
and the unit. are fewer than five rank and file models not die, they merely withered
in the unit. and aged until they were little
“Look Out, Sir!”: If a character is hit by more than living corpses.
a shooting attack, and if there are five or Note that characters adjacent to a fighting Such was their mastery
more rank and file models in the unit, the rank are considered to be within it. over ritual and sorcery,
character can make a “Look Out, Sir!” roll. painstakingly developed over
To make a “Look Out, Sir!” roll, roll a D6. Too Many Characters: Unless a unit countless centuries, that
On a roll of 1, the character is hit. On a roll contains only a single rank, its fighting their incantations bound the
of 2+, a member of the unit is hit in the rank cannot contain more characters than Winds of Magic to their will.
character’s place – resolve the hit against it does rank and file models. If it does, one
the unit. or more must ‘retire’ from combat. Upon
retiring, a character:

• Moves through the ranks to take up a

position away from the fighting rank.
• Cannot make any attacks or have
attacks directed against them.
• Confers no benefits to the unit in the
form of Leadership, special rules, or
anything else.

Excess Wounds
Excess wounds inflicted upon a unit do not
‘spill over’ onto any characters that have
joined it, and vice versa.
Challenges Refusing A Challenge
A warrior that refuses a challenge will
Challenges between mighty characters invariably attempt to hide from the foe.
and brave unit champions are a dramatic Thus is their cowardice revealed to all as
feature of Warhammer: the Old World, they hastily retreat into the rear ranks of
representing the final showdown between their unit.
opposing warlords or hated rivals. It’s not
unusual for the result of a battle to hinge on If the opposing player refuses to accept
who wins a challenge! a challenge, the player that issued the
challenge may nominate one of the
Issuing A Challenge characters or champions that could have
Challenges are issued when a combat is accepted it. The nominated model must
chosen during Step 1.1 of the Choose immediately ‘retire’ from combat. Upon
Combat & Fight sub-phase. Only one
Challenges retiring, the nominated model:
challenge can be issued per combat. The
active player has the opportunity to issue • Moves through the ranks to take up a
a challenge first. If they choose not to, the position away from the fighting rank.
Ulric inactive player can issue a challenge. • Cannot make any attacks or have
Sigmar himself worshipped attacks directed against them.
Ulric, the god of war, wolves To issue a challenge, a player must • Confers no benefits to the unit in the
and winter. Ulric is one of the nominate an eligible character or champion form of Leadership, special rules, or
most ancient gods, revered by to be the challenger. To be eligible, the anything else.
primitive human tribes long model must be within, or adjacent to, the
before the Unberogen tribe fighting rank. If a player does not have an Once a character or champion has been
came to prominence. Indeed eligible model, no challenge can be issued. retired from combat in this way, they
it was Ar-Ulric, the High cannot return to the fighting rank whilst
Priest of that primal creed, Accepting A Challenge their unit is still engaged with the enemy
who crowned Sigmar as the Once a challenge has been issued, the model that issued the challenge – they are
first Emperor. opposing player can nominate an eligible far too occupied with their cowardice!
character or champion to accept it. To
be eligible, the model must be within, or
adjacent to, the fighting rank. If a player
does not have an eligible model, a challenge
cannot be accepted.

Note that if there are no characters or

champions in the enemy unit, any challenge
issued goes unanswered.
Nowhere To Run Overkill
Sometimes, a challenge is simply impossible Seeing a mighty hero hacked to pieces by a
to refuse. A character or champion cannot despicable foe will certainly have an effect
refuse a challenge if: upon a unit’s fighting spirit. If a character
fighting in a challenge kills their opponent
• They are not part of a unit, or they are and causes more unsaved wounds than
the last remaining model in a unit. their opponent has Wounds remaining,
• They are part of a unit which is engaged then for each excess wound you may claim
in all four of its arcs (i.e., a unit that is a bonus of +1 combat result point, up to a
completely surrounded). maximum of +5.

In such cases, the character or champion Note that this is an exception to the norm.
has nowhere to run and nowhere to hide, Usually, only the number of Wounds lost is
and must meet their enemy’s challenge. counted for the purposes of the combat result,
not the number of unsaved wounds caused.
Fighting A Challenge
Once a challenge has been accepted, the To The Death!
two combatants will direct all of their If both participants in a challenge survive The Fauschlag
attacks against one another, in Initiative the round of combat, and if the combat It is said that in times past
order. Whilst the challenge is ongoing, continues into the next player’s turn, Ulric led the Teutogen tribes
other models engaged in the same combat the challenge will also continue. Further to the heart of the deep forest,
cannot direct their attacks against either of challenges cannot be issued in that smashing asunder the peak
the duelling models. combat until the existing challenge has of a tall mountain with his
been resolved. fist and leaving a great, flat
If possible, the models engaged in the plateau in its place. This is
challenge should both be moved through Challenges & Mounts known today as the Fauschlag
the ranks and placed in base contact with If either participant in a challenge is rock and it is here that the
one another, the better to reflect their mounted, their mount (including the great city of Middenheim
heroic duel. However, sometimes this is just crew of a chariot) must direct its attacks thrives, holding fast against
not practical, so it is perfectly acceptable to against the other participant. If the rival the evils that stalk the
leave them in place. participant is slain before a mount’s attacks Old World.
are made (because the mount has a lower
Initiative, for example), the mount’s attacks
may be made against the rival as normal for
the purposes of Overkill.

Rulebook FAQ v1.0

Q: If a Wizard engaged in a challenge
knows and uses an Assailment spell
that uses a template, are the hits
distributed amongst the rear ranks of
the enemy unit, as described on page
158, or is it only the other participant
in the challenge that
is hit?
A: It is only the other participant in the
challenge that is hit.
Characters Q: Cannon do not directly target enemy
Q: When a character takes a chariot as models; they target a point on the
a mount, do they replace one of the ground. How does this work with
crew? targeting Lone characters? Can a
A: No. The points you pay for a chariot cannon be fired in such a way as to
include its crew, whether that chariot is hit a Lone character that would
included in your army on its own or as a normally be protected from shooting by
mount for a character. However, in reality their proximity to a friendly unit?
it might prove difficult to fit a character A: The purpose of the Targeting Lone
and the full complement of crew into the Characters rule is to protect characters
chariot model itself. If so, it is perfectly from enemy shooting, even from shooting
acceptable to remove one or more of the that does
crew models to make space for the not follow the usual rules (though it does
character. In such cases, we can think of the not protect them from templates).
missing crew model’s profile(s) as a way of Therefore, and in the spirit of this rule,
representing that the beasts pulling a unless they are the closest target to the
character’s chariot are bound to be bigger, cannon, an enemy character that is within
stronger and better trained than normal. 3" of a friendly unit that contains five or
more models of the same troop type cannot
Q: If a Warband character (as described be struck by a cannonball, even if their base
on page 180) joins a Warband with a lies directly under the path of the bouncing
Rank Bonus of +1 or more, does the cannonball. However, if a Lone character’s
modifier to their Leadership base lies directly underneath the strike
characteristic increase their Command point of a cannonball, they are hit.
A: Yes. Q: If a named character is equipped
with a mundane weapon such as a lance
or cavalry spear and a magic weapon,
can they choose to use the lance or
cavalry spear, or must they use their
magic weapon?
A: They must use their magic weapon.
However, some named characters will
carry a ‘back-up’ weapon which they can
use should their magic weapon be
Weapons, War Machines, Magic & Special Rules
Across the grim and dangerous Old World and beyond, warriors employ many
different types of weapons of War
against a multitude of foes. From the well-wrought
axes of the Dwarfs to the less-sophisticated choppas of the Orcs, every race has its
favoured weapons.

It is usual for all the models in a unit to carry the same weapons. It is acceptable for models
belonging to the command group to be differently armed for the sake of identification.

Weapon Profiles
Just like the models that carry them, all weapons have a profile. This includes the weapon’s
characteristics and lists any special rules it has:

R S AP Special Rules
Flail Combat S+2 -2 Requires Two Hands
Notes: A flail’s Strength modifier applies only during the first round of combat.
The Sword of Khaine
Off the northern coast of Range (R) Armour Piercing (AP)
Ulthuan sits the Blighted Isle, All weapons have a Range characteristic, This shows how good the weapon is at
a dismal island upon which telling you at what distance the weapon punching through armour. This is always
resides the Sword of Khaine. can be used: a negative modifier, which is applied to
It is a weapon of terrible the dice rolled when making an Armour
power that was once wielded • If the weapon’s Range is ‘Combat’, Save roll.
by Aenarion, first of the the weapon can only be used in
Phoenix Kings and defender combat, against enemies the wielder is Special Rules
of Ulthuan when Chaos was engaged with. Many weapons confer a universal special
first unleashed upon the • If the weapon’s Range is a number of rule to attacks made by their wielder (as
world. Its form is mutable, inches, the weapon is a missile weapon, described on page 165).
changing to fit those who used to shoot at the enemy. The
set eyes upon it. Embedded number given indicates the weapon’s Notes
within the Shrine of Khaine, maximum range. Some weapons have notes specifying when
the Elven god of death, the • If the weapon has two Range they can be used (such as during a turn in
weapon awaits the day a new characteristics, both shown as a number which the wielder charged), when their
wielder comes and the tide of of inches, the first is its minimum range, modifiers apply (such as only during the
death that will soon follow. the second its maximum. For example, first round of combat), or what type of
a stone thrower has a Range of 12-60", model can wield them (such as ‘models
meaning it can only shoot at things whose troop type is ‘cavalry’ only’). In
which lie between 12" and 60" away. addition, some weapons have their own
Anything less than 12" away is too close. unique rules. Such notes and any unique
rules are contained here.
Strength (S)
The weapon’s Strength is used when
making rolls To Wound against the
enemy. For missile weapons, this is shown
as a simple numerical value. For combat
weapons this may be shown as ‘S’, indicating
that the Strength of the wielder is used, or
as ‘S’ with a modifier (for example, ‘S+2’),
meaning the Strength of the wielder is used
but with a modifier applied.
Combat Weapons
The following pages detail some of the many types of combat weapon found in the
Warhammer world. Unusual
Combat Weaponsweapons that are specific to individual races or armies are
covered in the army list for that particular race.

More Than One Combat Weapon

Many models carry two or more combat weapons, giving them a choice of which to use
upon entering the fray:

• If a unit is equipped with two or more combat weapons, you must choose which it will
use when its combat is chosen during Step 1.1 of the Choose & Fight Combat sub-phase.
• The entire unit, including command, must use the same weapon (with the possible
exception of units with the Motley Crew special rule). Characters can always choose
separately – they are not obliged to use the same weapon as a unit they have joined.
• If a unit champion has the option to be equipped differently to the rest of their unit,
they can choose which weapon they will use separately.
• Unless the weapon itself states otherwise (as do lances, for example), a unit cannot
change weapons between rounds of combat if it remains locked in place and engaged in
combat. The weapon chosen for the first round of a combat (i.e., the first round fought
following a charge) must be used for the duration of the combat. Tribes of the Badlands
Since the infamous Battle of
Hand Weapons Black Fire Pass when Sigmar
Even the most poorly prepared warrior will arm themselves with a hand weapon, such as and his foundling Empire
a simple sword or axe. It may even be that the model’s natural weapons, such as teeth and hurled back an enormous
claws, fulfil this role. Regardless of the form it takes, almost every model, even a cavalry invasion, the Badlands have
mount, is considered to be armed with a hand weapon with the following profile: been infested with Orcs and
Goblins. Unable to gain a
R S AP Special Rules permanent foothold in the
Hand Weapon Combat S - - lands of the Empire, Orc
Notes: Unless specified otherwise, all models are assumed to be equipped with a hand weapon. and Goblin tribes have made
their lairs across the Border
Two Hand Weapons/Additional Hand Weapon Princes, the Badlands and the
Not content with a single hand weapon, some warriors carry two – one in each hand – the better vast mountain ranges that
to rain blows down upon their foes. encircle those barren lands.
The Dragonback Mountains
R S AP Special Rules in particular have long been
Two/additional Combat S - Extra Attacks (+1), a favoured stomping ground
hand weapon Requires Two Hands for Orcs and Goblins, and
the largest peak of them
all, Mount Bloodhorn, has
become something of a
spiritual home to the tribes in
the area.
A flail is a cumbersome, heavy weapon used with both hands. It consists of heavy weights, often
spiked, attached to a pole or handle by heavy chains. A flail drains the user’s stamina quickly, but
is incredibly destructive nonetheless, its impact smashing shields and splintering bones.

R S AP Special Rules
Flail Combat S+2 -2 Requires Two Hands
Notes: A flail’s Strength modifier applies only during the first round of combat.

Great Weapon
Great weapons are especially large and heavy weapons wielded with both hands. This includes
great hammers, great axes, two-handed swords and so forth. A blow from a great weapon can cut
a foe in half and shatter the thickest armour.

R S AP Special Rules
Great weapon Combat S+2 -2 Armour Bane (1), Requires Two Hands,
Strike Last

The Old Alliance Halberd

The alliance of Men and The halberd is a heavy bladed weapon, mounted on a sturdy shaft. The steel blade has a point
Dwarfs stretches back to the like a spear and a heavy cutting edge like an axe which, in the hands of a trained soldier, can cut
time of Sigmar, before the through armour with alarming ease. It is held in both hands and used to chop as well as thrust.
founding of the Empire. As
a young man, Sigmar saved R S AP Special Rules
Kurgan Ironbeard – then Halberd Combat S+1 -1 Armour Bane (1), Requires Two Hands
High King of the Dwarfs –
leading both Man and Dwarf
to pledge to aid one another
in times of war. Soon after
came the Battle of Black Fire
Pass, where Sigmar and King
Kurgan threw back a vast
horde of Orcs. The alliance,
though tested at times,
has remained strong ever
since with Man and Dawi
marching side by side against
their foes many times. Morning Star
A morning star is a single-handed weapon that consists of one or more spiked balls on a chain. Like
the larger flail which it resembles, it is a tiring weapon and its advantage lies in the initial flurry
of combat.

R S AP Special Rules
Morning star Combat S+1 -1 -
Notes: A morning star’s Strength modifier applies only during the first round of combat.

Consisting of one or more long lengths of braided leather fitted to a stout handle, in the hands of
a skilled user a whip can cause terrible injuries. When sharpened blades and hooked spikes are
added, it can inflict truly devastating, often fatal, injuries.

R S AP Special Rules
Whip Combat S - Fight in Extra Rank, Strike First
Often called the king of weapons, spears are the most diverse type of weapon found in
the Warhammer world. From long, elegant, thrusting spears favoured by serried ranks of
infantry, to short, heavy, throwing spears preferred by hunters and skirmishers.

A lance is a long, heavy spear, wielded to devastating effect by charging cavalry. Couched under
the arm of its wielder, the brutal point of a lance is driven into the foe with the full weight and
momentum of the charge. Such a devastating weapon can make short work of even the toughest of
enemies, which is just as well because few lances survive the first shock of impact!

R S AP Special Rules
Lance Combat S+2 -2 Armour Bane (1)
Notes: Models whose troop type is ‘cavalry’ or ‘monster’ only. A lance can only be used during a
turn in which the wielder charged. In subsequent turns (or if the wielder did not charge) the model
must use its hand weapon instead.

Cavalry Spear
Lighter than a lance, what cavalry spears lack in terms of shuddering impact on the charge they Runic Magic
more than make up for in terms of versatility, enabling their wielders to bring their numbers to Dwarfs are not magical by
bear against the enemy. nature and only those Dawi
who dwell in the Dark Lands
R S AP Special Rules prove capable of bending
Cavalry spear Combat S+1 -1 Fight in Extra Rank the Winds of Magic to their
Notes: Models whose troop type is ‘cavalry’, ‘monster’ or ‘chariot’ only. A cavalry spear’s Strength whim. However, the Dwarfs
and Armour Piercing modifiers apply only during a turn in which the wielder charged. A model have no equal in forging
wielding a cavalry spear cannot make a supporting attack during a turn in which it charged. and the binding of magic to
their creations. Runesmiths
Throwing Spear bind the Winds to runes,
Short, heavy throwing spears are weapons favoured by hunters, be they on foot or mounted. In potent sigils that harness
battle, they can be hurled over the heads of the front rank by those behind as their wielders charge, and tame magic without
often to devastating effect, cutting down many foes before sword blades meet. hampering its destructive
tendencies. A skilled artisan
R S AP Special Rules can enchant a suit of gromril
Throwing spear Combat S - Fight in Extra Rank into a nigh-impenetrable
Notes: A throwing spear can only be used during a turn in which the wielder charged. In raiment, bestow a pickaxe
subsequent turns (or if the wielder did not charge) the model must use its hand weapon instead. with runes that guide it to
metal veins and transform a
Thrusting Spear simple hammer into a weapon
The favoured weapon of massed infantry regiments. Although too long to be used effectively on the capable of sundering the
charge, thrusting spears are the ideal defensive weapon. Their length enables their wielders to fight mightiest fortress.
in multiple ranks whilst keeping the enemy at a (comparatively) safe distance and robbing them of
their impetus, forcing them to battle past jabbing spear tips to close the distance.

R S AP Special Rules
Thrusting spear Combat S - Fight in Extra Rank
Notes: Models whose troop type is ‘infantry’ only. A model wielding a thrusting spear cannot
make a supporting attack during a turn in which it charged. During a turn in which it was
charged in its front arc, a model wielding a thrusting spear gains a +1 modifier to its Initiative
against the charging unit(s).
Chaos Dwarf Combat Weapons

Blood Of Hashut
This powerful alchemical substance is saturated with daemonic magic that bursts into molten
flame upon contact with metal.

Single use. Instead of attacking normally during the Combat phase, a model equipped with
one or more vials of the Blood of Hashut can make a single attack to expend one vial.
Make a single roll To Hit. If successful, the enemy suffers D6 hits. These hits can be
directed against a unit or against a single enemy model.

When rolling To Wound, the target number is the same as the armour value of the model
(s) hit. For example, if the model(s)hit wear heavy armour, the target number for the rolls
To Wound would be 5+, the same as the armour value of heavy armour. No armour save is
permitted against wounds caused by the Blood of Hashut (Ward and Regeneration saves
can be attempted as normal). Hits caused by the Blood of Hashut have the Flaming
Attacks and Magical Attacks special rules.

Darkforged Weapon
These weapons vary in style and shape, as do the abilities granted them by the twisted runes
inscribed upon them.

A Darkforged weapon is a hand weapon, and can be used in conjunction with the
Ensorcelled Weapons special rule. In addition, after deployment but before the first turn
begins, roll on the table below to determine an attribute for the weapon. The weapon has
this attribute for the duration of the battle:

Darkforged Weapon Table

D6 Result
1 Infernal Blade: This weapon gains the Flaming
Attacks special rule.
2 Malignant: The bearer of this weapon gains the
Hatred (all enemies) special rule.
3 Life Bane: This weapon gains the Multiple Wounds
(D3) special rule.
4 Dweomer Leach: The bearer of this weapon gains
the Magic Resistance (-1) special rule.
5 Hell-forged: This weapon has a Strength
characteristic of S+1.
6 Spell-wrought: If the bearer of this weapon is a
Wizard, they may apply a +1 modifier to any Casting
roll they make. If the bearer of this weapon is not a
Wizard, improve the Armour Piercing characteristic
of this weapon by 1.
Daemonic Combat Weapons

Each life taken by a Hellblade’s wicked edge strengthens its bearer, filling the Daemon with an
overwhelming need to take more skulls for the throne of Khorne.

R S AP Special Rules
Hellblade Combat S -1 Cleaving Blow

Lamprey’s Bite
Screamers flock around creatures larger than them, latching on to their enemy’s flanks with their
hideous jaws and tearing chunks from their flesh.

R S AP Special Rules
Lamprey’s bite Combat S -1 Multiple Wounds (D3)
Notes: The Multiple Wounds (D3) special rule only applies against enemy models whose troop
type is ‘monster’.
“They are wickedness made
flesh, cruel licentiousness
Piercing Claws
given form. Truth will not
The Daemons of Slaanesh strike at their foes with wicked claws, slicing through the sturdiest
save you, for truth has no
armour with ease to sever limbs and claim souls for their thirsting master.
hold over such aberrations.
Courage cannot save you,
R S AP Special Rules
for they sup your courage
Piercing claws Combat S -1 Armour Bane (2), Extra Attacks (1),
as readily as your fear. Faith
Requires Two Hands
is the only defence you
Plaguesword can trust.”
From the pitted edges of these ugly weapons loathsome toxins ooze, infecting the jagged wounds
they inflict with innumerable maladies.
–Arch Lector Markad to the
Congregation of Ulric
R S AP Special Rules
Plaguesword Combat S - Armour Bane (1)
Notes: Regeneration saves are not permitted against wounds caused by this weapon (armour and
Ward saves can be attempted as normal).
High Elf Combat Weapons

Ceremonial Halberd
The favoured weapon of the Phoenix Guard is the halberd. The silent guardians of Asuryan’s
shrine wield their long, heavy bladed weapons with a skill and precision unmatched by the clumsy
warriors of other races.

R S AP Special Rules
Ceremonial Combat S+1 -1 Armour Bane (1), Fight in Extra Rank,
halberd Magical Attacks, Requires Two Hands
Notes: A model wielding a ceremonial halberd cannot make a supporting attack during a turn in
which it charged.

Chracian Great Blade

White Lions proudly bear the traditional woodsman’s axe into battle, many of which are ancient
heirlooms. Handed down across centuries untold they never lose their keen edge, and can fell a tree
Khaine, or cleave a foe in half with but a single blow.
The Bloody-Handed God
Khaine is the Elf god R S AP Special Rules
of war, murder, hatred Chracian Combat S+2 -3 Requires Two Hands, Strike Last
and destruction. He is great blade
the destroying god, who
represents to the Elves the Sword Of Hoeth
fact that in order for there The elegant blade of a sword of Hoeth is as long as an Elf is tall, yet balanced to seem as light as
to be life there must also be a feather. So keen is its edge, and so enduring its enchantments, that the sharpness of the blade is
death, in order to have peace never dulled, no matter how many helms are cloven by its strikes.
there must also be war, in
order to have happiness there R S AP Special Rules
must be suffering. The High Sword of Hoeth Combat S+2 -2 Magical Attacks, Requires Two Hands
Elves seek Khaine’s blessings
only rarely – his bloodlust
is there to be invoked when Ogre Combat Weapons
danger threatens, but it must
be controlled and used wisely. Ironfist
The nobles of Nagarythe, in Many Ogres wrap their off-hand and forearm in heavy gauntlets of spiked iron and thick plates
particular, are wary of the of armour. They use these brutal implements both as a weapon and as protection, swinging their
lure of Khaine’s glories and mighty fists to clobber their victims and fend off their futile attempts at retaliation.
know the seductive call of the
Bloody-handed God better R S AP Special Rules
than any. They live in the Ironfist Combat S - Extra Attacks (1), Requires Two Hands
twilight of Khaine’s immortal Notes: An Ironfist is an additional hand weapon (as described on page 213 of the Warhammer:
shadow, forever reaching the Old World rulebook. In addition, a model equipped with an Ironfist improves its armour value
towards the light. by 1. An Ironfist cannot be used alongside a magic weapon to gain an extra attack, or to improve
the wielder’s armour value.
Skaven Combat Weapons

A Doom-flayer is a motorised ball of whirling blades which, when propelled at speed into
the ranks of the enemy, is capable of wreaking horrific damage upon even the most heavily
armoured warriors.

R S AP Special Rules
Doom-flayer Combat 4 -1 Counter Charge, Extra Attacks (D6),
Impact Hits (D6+1)
Notes: Impact Hits caused by this weapon have an Armour Piercing characteristic of -2.

R S AP Special Rules
Plague censer Combat S+2 -1 Poisoned Attacks, Requires Two Hands
Notes: A plague censer’s Strength modifier applies only during the first round of combat. In
addition, during the Combat phase, a model armed with a plague censer may re-roll any rolls To
Wound of a natural 1.

R S AP Special Rules
Poisoned Wind 9" 2 - Move & Shoot, Poisoned Wind, Quick Shot
Notes: If the roll To Hit is successful, a Poisoned Wind globe causes D3 hits to the target enemy
unit, rather than the usual one. However, if a natural 1 is rolled when making a roll To Hit with
this weapon, immediately roll another D6. On a roll of 1, D3 hits are caused on the shooting unit.

R S AP Special Rules
Things-catcher Combat S -1 Fight in Extra Rank, Killing Blow,
Requires Two Hands

R S AP Special Rules
Warpstone claws Combat S -1 Armour Bane (1), Magical Attacks

Warp Grinder
A Warp Grinder is a powerful tunnelling device, capable of rapidly boring through the earth and
leaving a wide tunnel in its wake, through which the Skaven scurry to ambush their enemies.

R S AP Special Rules
Warp Grinder Combat 5 -3 (Ambushers), Killing Blow,
Requires Two Hands
Notes: If a Weapon Team is equipped with a Warp Grinder, both it and its parent unit gain the
Ambushers special rule.
Missile Weapons
The following pages list many of the most popular types of missile weapons seen in the
Warhammer world. Unusual weapons that are specific to individual races or armies are
Missile Weapons
covered in the army list for that particular race.

More Than One Missile Weapon

As with combat weapons, some models carry two or more missile weapons:

• If a unit is equipped with two or more missile weapons, you must choose which it will
use when it is chosen to shoot during step 1 of the Shooting phase.
• The entire unit, including command, must use the same weapon. Characters can
always choose separately – they are not obliged to use the same weapon as a unit they
have joined.
• If a unit champion has the option to be equipped differently to the rest of their unit,
they can choose which weapon they will use separately.

The Wurtbad Deathjacks The humble bow is used extensively in warfare. It is a compact, long-ranged weapon that is,
The Deathjacks are renowned for the most part, cheap to make and easy to maintain. The many races of the Warhammer
archers who can track a foe at world use various types, each reflecting the preferences of their makers.
speed through any forest. First
recorded on the Wurtbad roll Longbow
of honour in the year 2004, A longbow is capable of firing at an incredible range and with quite alarming power. A skilled
the Deathjacks would scout archer can hit an enemy from a great distance, only increasing in deadliness as the range shortens.
ahead of the main Stirland
army during the civil wars R S AP Special Rules
between the Three Emperors. Longbow 30" 3 - Armour Bane (1), Volley Fire
Though dubbed the Mutton-
stickers or Thieving-jacks Shortbow
by their own comrades for Small, short-ranged bows are favoured by light troops, cavalry and Goblins (who are too short
their pillaging and poaching to use a longbow). A skilled archer can load, draw and loose a shortbow without breaking stride,
ways, the Deathjacks have thanks to its compact design.
continued in service to this
day, recruiting the finest R S AP Special Rules
archers and woodsmen out of Shortbow 18" 3 - Quick Shot, Volley Fire
the Great Forest.
The most commonly seen type of bow can best be described as a ‘warbow’. Often made from
composite materials and cunningly recurved, a warbow is designed to transfer the strength of the
archer directly into every shot.

R S AP Special Rules
Warbow 24" S - Volley Fire
Black Powder Weapons
Considered the cutting edge of weapon technology in many human realms, black powder
has long been utilised by the Dwarfs and by several human nations. Black powder weapons
are overly large and noisy, though the craftsmanship that goes into their construction
is considerable.

A handgun is a simple firearm, consisting of a metal barrel mounted on a wooden stock. More
advanced versions boast complex mechanisms of levers and springs. Others rely on a long, slow
burning fuse soaked in saltpetre to ignite the powder. Handguns have a respectable range and hit
very hard, making them valued weapons indeed.

R S AP Special Rules
Handgun 24" 4 -1 Armour Bane (1), Ponderous

Pistols are smaller versions of handguns, made using similar methods. Their smaller form means The Carroburg Greatswords
that, whilst their range is reduced, they can be wielded single-handed, and their heft makes them The Carroburg Greatswords
effective clubs to be used at close quarters once their charge is spent. first earned their reputation
during the Siege of Carroburg
R S AP Special Rules in IC 1865.After holding the
Pistol 12" 4 -1 Armour Bane (1), Quick Shot breach for a full day against
the army of Middenland,
Brace Of Pistols the surviving members of
Warriors that can do so will enter battle with a matched pair of pistols (or more), enabling the regiment changed their
them to snap off multiple shots. In combat, a skilled duellist can shoot, club, parry and jab with uniforms from the white of
their pistols. Reikland to a deep, visceral
red to honour that most
Brace of Pistols R S AP Special Rules blood-drenched of victories.
Ranged 12" 4 -1 Armour Bane (1), Multiple Shots (2),
Quick Shot
Combat Combat S - Extra Attacks (+1), Requires Two Hands
Notes: A brace of pistols has two profiles, representing how the weapons are used in combat.

Repeater Guns
Some believe that more is better, and what could be better than a multi-barrelled gun? A repeater
gun consists of several barrels welded together. They look splendid, but are time consuming to load.

R S AP Special Rules
Repeater handgun 24" 4 -1 Armour Bane (1), Multiple Shots (3),
Repeater pistol 12" 4 -1 Armour Bane (1), Multiple Shots (3),
Quick Shot
A crossbow consists of a short, strong bow stave mounted on a wooden or metal stock.
They are heavy weapons that are slow to load, and it requires considerable strength to
wind back the string of a crossbow. They make up for this with their tremendous range
and power.

The average crossbow is brutally powerful and relatively easy to use. Compared to handguns, they
are quick and easy to manufacture and to learn the use of. All told, this makes them the ideal
weapon for large regiments and poorly trained conscripts in provincial armies.

R S AP Special Rules
Crossbow 30" 4 - Armour Bane (2), Ponderous

Repeater Crossbow
To address how slow crossbows are to load, some races have experimented with repeater crossbows.
Sacrificing raw power for speed, the strings of repeater crossbows can be levered back quickly, ready
Geheimnisnacht for a fresh bolt to drop into place from a hopper mounted atop the weapon.
There is a night every year
that is viewed as an accursed R S AP Special Rules
eve within the Old World Repeater crossbow 24" 3 - Armour Bane (1), Multiple Shots (2)
– Geheimnisnacht. It is the
only night of the year when Repeater Handbow
the moon of Morrslieb Based on the same principles as a repeater crossbow, a repeater handbow is a small, rapid-firing
is always full. When the weapon. Such weapons lack strength and range, and they are prone to malfunction, but this is
sickly green moon hangs more than compensated for by their versatility. In fact, such is their versatility that some warriors
brightly in the sky, it is said arm themselves with a brace, enabling them to deliver a withering amount of fire. Such weapons
the dead stir within their are favoured by assassins for their discreet size and almost silent operation.
graves and the servants of
dark gods roam the land. R S AP Special Rules
Each Geheimnisnacht, the Repeater handbow 12" 3 - Multiple Shots (2), Quick Shot
ordinary folk bar their doors Brace of repeater 12" 3 - Multiple Shots (4), Quick Shot
and windows, stoke their fires handbows
high and pray to their gods
that they will survive to see
the dawn.
Thrown Weapons
The most simple type of missile weapon is one that is thrown at the enemy. Yet for how
simple such weapons are in principle, great variety and ingenuity can be seen in their
design. Some are light, enabling the user to throw them a considerable distance; others are
heavy, intended to hit with huge impact. Still others employ a secondary lever, enhancing
the strength of the wielder’s arm.

Throwing Weapons
Throwing weapons, such as stars and knives, are small, easily concealed weapons and, consequently,
they are favoured by assassins and lightly armed infiltrators. Despite being short ranged, such
weapons can be used at a run.

R S AP Special Rules
Throwing weapon 9" S - Multiple Shots (2), Move & Shoot,
Quick Shot

The javelin is a light spear designed for throwing, which is far too flimsy to be used in hand-to-
hand fighting. It is not a particularly common weapon as it has a short range, but it is popular The Southlands
enough amongst the light troops of several races. Far to the south of the
Empire, past the ragged
R S AP Special Rules Badlands and beyond
Javelin 12" S - Move & Shoot, Quick Shot the parched Lands of the
Dead, lie the jungles of the
Sling Southlands. In the Old
Not truly a throwing weapon, slings consist of a looped string of cloth or leather into which a stone World, little is known of this
is placed and then launched with surprising strength and accuracy. The sling itself greatly increases land, a fact which has piqued
how far a stone can be thrown, and with how much force. Skilled users can launch rapid volleys of the interest of countless
shots with barely a break in their stride. bands of treasure seekers;
the abandoned hold of Karak
R S AP Special Rules Zorn; the lost temple-city of
Sling 18" 3 - Multiple Shots (2) Zlatlan; the haunted streets
of the Temple of Skulls. Each
Throwing Axe supposedly offers great wealth
Throwing axes are keenly balanced weapons that can be thrown accurately despite their weight. to those brave enough to
Despite this, even the strongest warrior cannot throw such a hefty weapon very far. Yet if a dare the thick jungle, though
throwing axe hits its target, the effect can be quite devastating. few return alive from such
foolhardy expeditions.
R S AP Special Rules
Throwing axe 9" S+1 - Quick Shot
Chaos Dwarf Missile Weapons

A Fireglaive is a compact, heavily constructed repeating handgun
that incorporates a single-edged chopping blade, allowing a skilled
fighter to wield it in combat much like a halberd.

Fireglaive R S AP Special Rules

Ranged 18" 4 -1 Armour Bane (1)
Combat Combat S+1 -1 Armour Bane (1),
Requires Two Hands
Notes: A Fireglaive has two profiles, representing its duality of
purpose as both a ranged and combat weapon.

Hailshot Blunderbuss
A Hailshot blunderbuss is a broad-barrelled weapon that fires
a concentrated but short-ranged burst of shot. When fired in
massed ranks, these weapons produce a deadly storm, capable of
obliterating enemy formations.

R S AP Special Rules
Hailshot 12" 3 -1 Multiple Shots (D3),
blunderbuss Volley Fire
Notes: A model armed with a Hailshot blunderbuss suffers no
negative modifiers for firing at long range, for using the Multiple
Shots (D3) special rule, or whilst making a Stand & Shoot charge
reaction. In addition, if 20 or more models belonging to the same
unit shoot at the same target with Hailshot blunderbusses, they
may re-roll any rolls of a natural 1 when rolling To Wound.

Naptha Bombs
Containing sorcerous concoctions of sulphurous chemicals and
the distilled essence of sundered fire-Daemons, Naptha bombs are
unstable explosive flasks which shatter when thrown, unleashing a
mass of seething flame.

R S AP Special Rules
Naptha 6" 3 - Flaming Attacks,
bomb Ponderous,
Quick Shot
Notes: If the roll To Hit is successful, a naptha bomb causes D3+1
hits to the target enemy unit, rather than the usual one.
Daemonic Missile Weapons

Death’s Heads
Their openings sealed with coarse thread and their insides filled with pus and viscera, these crude
grenades wreak terrible damage upon the flesh of their victims.

R S AP Special Rules
Death’s heads 12" S+1 -1 Move & Shoot, Multiple Wounds (D3)

Flames Of Tzeentch
From the iridescent flesh of their blazing limbs, Horrors and Flamers alike hurl bolts of roiling
magical flame and writhing chaos energy at the foe.

R S AP Special Rules
Flames of Tzeentch 18" 3 - Flaming Attacks, Multiple Shots (2),
Quick Shot

High Elf Missile Weapons

Bow Of Avelorn
High Elves are famed archers and in every province of Ulthuan, the gleaming ranks of citizen
militia are equipped with splendid longbows as a matter of course. Yet, it is the artisans of Avelorn
that craft the finest bows in all of Ulthuan.

R S AP Special Rules
Bow of Avelorn 30" S - Armour Bane (1), Magical Attacks,
Volley Fire
Empire Missile Weapons

Grenade Launching Blunderbuss

This unusual weapon fires a small explosive charge that unleashes a burst of shrapnel capable of
tearing through the thickest suit of armour.

R S AP Special Rules
Grenade launching 24" 4 -2 Cumbersome, Ponderous
Notes: If the roll To Hit is successful, a grenade launching blunderbuss causes D3+1 hits to the
target enemy unit, rather than the usual one hit.

Hochland Long Rifle

The long-barrelled hunting rifles for which Hochland is famed are often fitted with cunning
telescopic scopes designed to aid with accurate aiming over tremendous distances.
Sitting at the heart of the R S AP Special Rules
Old World’s southern trade Hochland long rifle 36" 4 -1 Armour Bane (1), Cumbersome, Ponderous
routes, Nuln is the Empire’s Notes: A model armed with a Hochland long rifle can target a specific model within its target
second largest city that, in unit, such as a champion or a character.
previous times, was home
to the court of the Emperor. Pigeon Bombs
Today, the city stands as an Many Engineers experiment with the idea that homing pigeons can be trained to deliver bombs to
independent free state and the enemy, but most such research ends with a feathery blast and a burning loft.
remains Altdorf’s largest
rival, both politically and Instead of shooting normally during the Shooting phase, a model equipped with pigeon
economically. Nuln is most bombs may release one. Choose an enemy unit that is within 24" of the model and roll on
famed for being the home the Pigeon Bomb table below:
of the Imperial Gunnery
School, a sprawling network Pigeon Bomb Table
of forges and smelteries D6 Result
where veteran gunsmiths 1 Bird Brain: Confused by the tumult of battle, the pigeon returns to its handler.
manufacture and maintain Centre a small (3") blast template over the model that released the pigeon bomb.
the Imperial artillery trains. Any model whose base lies underneath the template risks being hit and suffering
Steam-powered air pumps a Strength 4 hit with an AP of -1.
work night and day to vent 2-3 Fly Away Home: Perhaps wisely, the pigeon sets off towards the distant horizon.
the acrid fumes of the blazing The bomb has no effect.
foundries, and portions of 4-5 Dud: The pigeon drops its package over its target, but the bomb fails to detonate,
Nuln are forever wreathed instead falling earthwards at tremendous speed. The target unit suffers a single
in palls of choking soot and Strength 5 hit with an AP of -2.
black smoke. Indeed, the dark 6 Perfect Delivery: The pigeon delivers its package. Place a small (3") blast
smog clouds hanging over template so that its central hole is directly over the centre of the target unit.
Nuln are such a permanent Any model whose base lies underneath the template risks being hit and suffering
feature that many travellers a single Strength 4 hit with an AP of -1.
use them to navigate.
Ogre Kingdoms Missile Weapons

Harpoon Launcher
A harpoon launcher is a huge crossbow that fires a long and heavy barbed bolt. Many Ogres attach The Wanderers
long coils of rope to these bolts, tethering prey so that it cannot escape. Many Ogres feel compelled
to leave the Mountains
R S AP Special Rules of Mourn and wander
Harpoon launcher 36" 6 -2 Multiple Wounds (D3), Ponderous the world, often hiring
themselves out as
mercenaries and following
Ogre Pistol the lucrative call of battle.
Ogres often carry large barrelled pistols made by modifying handguns used by Men and Dwarfs to
Thus Ogres can be found
fit their massive fists. Although seldom well-maintained, such weapons delight their proud owners
throughout the Old World,
with the volume of their report.
from the lawless lands of
the Border Princes to the
R S AP Special Rules
great cities of the Empire.
Ogre pistol 24" 4 -1 Armour Bane (1), Quick Shot
Those who leave their home
always intend to return one
Brace Of Ogre Pistols day, although whether they
As with most races that make use of black powder weapons, those Ogres that can carry two pistols
survive to do so is another
invariably will. Ogres armed in this way will fire a quick volley of shots into the ranks of the enemy
matter. Ogres remaining in
before reversing their grip upon the spent weapons and using them as brutal clubs.
the Mountains of Mourn
always welcome back such
Brace of Ogre Pistols R S AP Special Rules
travellers, eager to hear
Ranged 24" 4 -1 Armour Bane (1), Multiple Shots (2),
tales of great battles and
Quick Shot
exotic lands.
Combat Combat S - Extra Attacks (1), Requires Two Hands
Notes: A brace of Ogre pistols has two profiles, representing how the weapons are used in combat.
Skaven Missile Weapons Infantry

Weapon Teams
R S AP Special Rules The industrious and
Billowing Death N/A 2 N/A Breath Weapon, Magical Attacks innovative Clan Skryre is
Notes: When making a roll To Wound for this weapon, a roll of a natural 6 is always a success, responsible for all manner
even if the target’s Toughness is so high that the weapon would not normally be able to wound of wild and dangerous
it. In addition, no armour save is permitted against wounds caused by this weapon (Ward and battlefield inventions,
Regeneration saves can be attempted as normal). including the various weapon
teams that accompany the
Skaven hordes into battle.
From bullet-spitting cannons
Poisoned Wind Mortar to motorised whirling
This muzzle-loaded weapon lobs the infamous Poisoned Wind globes of Clan Skryre a much blades, each of these devices
greater distance than the feeble arms of any mere Skaven could. has just as much chance
of annihilating those who
R S AP Special Rules operate them as they do of
Poisoned 6-24" 2 (4) - Bombardment, Cumbersome, slaying their intended targets!
Wind mortar Move or Shoot, Poisoned Wind
Notes: This weapon shoots like a stone thrower, using the ‘Bombardment’ special rule, a 3" blast
template and the Black Powder Misfire table.

Ratling Gun
A relatively modern invention, the multi-barrelled Ratling Gun spews a tremendous amount of
lead shot, capable of quickly reducing enemy ranks to a bloody pulp and a red mist.

R S AP Special Rules
Ratling Gun 18" 4 -1 Armour Bane (1), Multi-Barrelled,
Quick Shot
Notes: This weapon shoots like an organ gun, using the ‘Multi-Barrelled’ special rule and the
Black Powder Misfire table.
Warpfire Thrower
A Warpfire Thrower unleashes a hellish torrent of powdered warpstone and highly flammable
chemicals that can turn an entire formation into a twitching pile of steaming goo.

R S AP Special Rules
Warpfire Thrower 6" 4 -1 Column of Fire, Cumbersome,
Flaming Attacks
Notes: This weapon shoots like a fire thrower, using the ‘Column of Fire’ special rule and the Black
Powder Misfire table. Any unit that suffers one or more unsaved wounds from this weapon must
make a Panic test as if it had taken heavy casualties.

R S AP Special Rules
Warplock musket 24" 5 -2 Magical Attacks, Ponderous
Notes: If the wielder of a warplock musket rolls a natural 1 when making a roll To Hit when
shooting this weapon, immediately roll another D6. On a roll of 1, the wielder loses a single Wound.

R S AP Special Rules
Warplock pistol 12" 4 -2 Magical Attacks, Quick Shot
Notes: If the wielder of a warplock pistol rolls a natural 1 when making a roll To Hit when
shooting this weapon, immediately roll another D6. On a roll of 1, the wielder loses a single Wound.

R S AP Special Rules
Warplock jezzail 36" 6 -3 Cumbersome, Magical Attacks,
Move or Shoot
Notes: If the wielder of a warplock jezzail rolls a natural 1 when making a roll To Hit when
shooting this weapon, immediately roll another D6. On a roll of 1, the wielder is removed from
play as a casualty.
Weapons of Athel Loren
T he weapons of the Wood Elves are as finely made as those of their distant kin.
Yet where the Elves of Ulthuan forge weapons of steel and Ithilmar in magically
charged forge fires, the Asrai craft their weapons from the gifts of the forest itself.

Treesingers play their enchanted instruments in hidden glades, slowly teasing the new
growth of ancient trees into forms that, once harvested, can be worked into elegant bows
and arrow and spear shafts of incredible straightness and durability. To these fine forms are
affixed slender and deadly arrowheads and spear blades worked from stone or forged from
Ithilmar over charcoal fires.

Asrai Longbow
To carry one of the famed longbows of Athel Loren is to possess the finest weapon a hunter could
possibly wield. If the eye is true, there is no quarry such a weapon cannot slay. Vaul, the Maker
Vaul is the god of the forge,
R S AP Special Rules the patron of artisans, smiths
Asrai longbow 32" S - Armour Bane (1), Volley Fire and armourers. Wounded by
Khaine during the long ago
Enchanted Arrows wars of the gods, Vaul is both
Regardless of rank or station, all Wood Elves craft their own arrows; something so crucial to crippled and blind. Yet still
survival should never be left to another’s hand. Many Wood Elves craft enchanted arrows, and it he labours, night and day, to
is common that entire kinbands of warriors will carry with them arrows of a specific type. Such create weapons of incredible
arrows can be made in many different ways, the methods by which they are made varying from potency to aid both gods
kindred to kindred, yet throughout Athel Loren, certain types of arrow are favoured. and Elves, his tears of shame
hissing upon the forge and
Some models in the Wood Elf Realms army have the option to purchase enchanted arrows. falling to the mortal world as
These are used in conjunction with the model’s Asrai longbow, modifying the weapon’s shards of flint.
profile as follows:
Glade Guards revere Vaul
• Arcane Bodkins: Armour offers no protection against these ensorcelled arrows. An greatly, for a hunter is
Asrai longbow with Arcane Bodkins has an AP of -2. naught without a quiver of
• Hagbane Tips: Even a scratch from an arrow dipped in Hagbane sap can prove fatal. arrows that fly true. Every
An Asrai longbow with Hagbane Tips has the Poisoned Attacks special rule. Glade Guard carries a single
• Moonfire Shot: Glowing eerily with pale light, the touch of these arrows brings searing flint-headed arrow, lovingly
agony. An Asrai longbow with Moonfire Shot has the Flaming Attacks and Magical crafted from a stone from
Attacks special rules. the realm of Torgovann
• Swiftshiver Shards: These arrows seem to fly from the bow of their own accord. An inscribed with the words
Asrai longbow with Swiftshiver Shards has the Multiple Shots (2) special rule. ‘Ethris Yl Idrion’ – the Maker’s
• Trueflight Arrows: These enchanted arrows seek out their targets with unerring Tear. Such a weapon is used
accuracy. An Asrai longbow with Trueflight Arrows has the Ignores Cover and Quick against only the direst of
Shot special rules. foes; a shard of godly sorrow
should not be wasted upon
inconsequential enemies.
Few warriors venture onto the battlefield without some measure of protection, be it only a
padded leather jerkin or a gleaming suit of plate mail. Many creatures shun conventional
armour, protected instead by their own thickened skin or scaly hides.

Whatever the case, the level of protection given is represented by the Armour Save roll – a
test made against a model’s ‘armour value’ – the more armour a model wears, the better its
armour value becomes and the more likely it is to successfully pass an Armour Save roll, as
described on page 141.

Armour Value
Although in some cases a model will have an armour value given, the armour value of most
models is determined by their equipment. The most common types of armour are:

Common Armour Types

Type of Armour Armour Value
Light armour 6+
The Wild Hunt Heavy armour 5+
Each summer, a horn echoes Full plate armour 4+
throughout Athel Loren. It
is a clarion cry that rouses Light Armour: Representing incomplete suits of mail, occasional plates of armour and
the fair folk to war, an even the thick, calloused hides of some creatures, light armour offers a degree of protection
overwhelming call to hunt. to vital areas.
The blood of the Elves burns
with savagery and their hearts Heavy Armour: Some warriors own heavy coats of mail and quilted leather armour.
pound with restless vigour. Others are protected by thick scales that cover their skin. Heavy armour provides good all-
Those who heed the call form around protection upon the field of battle.
the Wild Hunt, a towering
avatar of their god at its head. Full Plate Armour: Those warriors that can encase themselves from head to foot in plate
The earth thunders with the armour layered upon mail of chain and padded undersuits are said to wear full plate,
pounding of his cloven hooves whereas some creatures are protected by skin as hard as steel and scales as tough as jewels.
and all quake before the host
of Elves and forest spirits Maximum Armour Value
that follow him, spilling forth Regardless of the armour it wears or the equipment it carries, a model can never have
from Athel Loren to bring an armour value better than 2+. Any bonuses, be they granted by equipment, special
fire and ruin down upon the rules, spells or from any other source, that would improve a model’s armour further have
mortal races. no effect.

No Armour
A model that wears no armour is considered to have an armour value of 7+ for the
purposes of Armour Save roll modifiers and any rules that improve armour value. This
represents the model’s natural resilience and the protection proffered by the clothing and
jewellery it wears, however little this may be. For example, if a model with no armour
carries a shield, it would have an armour value of 6+.
Unusual Armour
In addition to the armour types listed here, many armies have access to unique materials or
spell craft which can enhance their armour still further. This is usually represented by an
army special rule whichArmour
Unusual represents these types of armour.

Additional Equipment
Many models carry equipment (or have the option to carry equipment) that improves
upon their armour value. The two most common types – the humble shield and barding
for a trusty mount – are detailed below.
Additional Equipment
Note that, regardless of the equipment carried, a model can never have an armour value better
than 2+. Any bonuses that would improve a model’s armour further have no effect.

Shield: A shield may be a simple wooden board, or it may be an ornate and finely
decorated thing – layers of wood, leather and resin trimmed and faced with beaten metal
and finished with carefully painted symbols and heraldry. Whatever form it takes, shields
are carried by warriors of all races.
Strange Structures
A model that carries a shield improves its armour value by 1. For example, a model The wild and isolated
equipped with light armour has an armour value of 6+. Should that model also carry a places of the Old World are
shield, its armour value would be improved by 1 by lowering the target number from 6+ to dotted with many strange
5+. and eerie towers. Such
structures frequently house
Note that if a model uses a weapon that has the Requires Two Hands special rule in combat, it Wizards and Shamans who,
cannot also use a shield. often persecuted in the
larger towns and cities by
Barding: Barding is the name given to the armour worn by a mount. This can take many superstitious populations
forms, from heavy cloth draperies, to formed and fitted armour plates. Barding is seen and intolerant priests of
often on the mounts of cavalry, but only rarely upon monsters ridden by characters (it is a various gods, seek refuge
challenge to tailor a suit of barding to an unwilling gryphon!). in solitude. Such towers
invariably appear abandoned
A model that rides a barded mount improves its armour value by 1. For example, a cavalry at first glance, derelict and
model equipped with heavy armour has an armour value of 5+. Should that model’s mount tumbledown. Only on closer
be barded, its armour value would be improved by 1 by lowering the target number from inspection does it become
5+ to 4+. apparent that they are
inhabited. Unfortunately,
close inspection often
Wizards & Armour proves fatal as Wizards are
Wizards cannot wear armour. Should a Wizard ever do so, they would be unable prone to protecting their
to make any Casting or Dispel rolls. This penalty applies to all armour and shields, privacy with potent and
magical or otherwise, but does not include barding (which is worn not by the Wizard, deadly enchantments.
but by their mount).
W ar machines are mechanical constructions that hurl massive projectiles at the foe. Bolt throwers, cannon and stone
throwers are all war machines, and there are many other bizarre contraptions to be found in the Warhammer world.
War Machines

The following pages present the rules and weapon profiles

for the most commonly seen types of war machine. Still Basing War Machines
more exotic types can be found in the various army lists, Although war machines and their crew are treated as a
representing war machines unique to a certain race. For single model (as described on page 197), the models that
the most part, these exotic war machines will use the rules represent the crew are most often based individually,
presented here with a few minor alterations or additional separate to the war machine itself. Accordingly, a war
special rules, the better to reflect their unique nature. machine’s profile will give a base size for both the war
machine and its crew. The benefit of basing a war machine’s
For clarity, any war machine that uses one of the profiles crew separately is that, for each Wound the crew loses, you
presented here will have the name of the weapon and profile can remove one of the crew models as a reminder.
given as part of its ‘equipment’.
During deployment, the models representing a war
machine’s crew should be positioned adjacent to and in
base contact with it. Once placed, the models must remain
in position, adjacent to their war machine. Individual crew
models should be ignored for the purposes of measurement
or when determining line of sight.

However, many players like to base their war machines

and crew together on a single large base, making of their
war machines small dioramas that show the crew hard at
work. This is perfectly acceptable.
Bolt Throwers
Bolt throwers are huge crossbows that shoot spear-sized missiles. They are relatively simple
weapons, Throwers
less prone to malfunction than many, supposedly more advanced, war machines.

R S AP Special Rules
Bolt thrower 48" 6 -3 Cumbersome, Move or Shoot, Multiple
Wounds (2), Through & Through
Repeater bolt thrower 48" 6 -3 Cumbersome, Move or Shoot, Multiple
Wounds (2), Rapid Fire, Through &

Bolt Thrower Special Rules

Through & Through: A bolt thrower shot can cut through several ranks of troops. If the
target of a bolt thrower is a formed unit of any type (be it Close Order, Open Order and so
on), and if the roll To Hit is successful, the shot causes:

• One hit per rank (including the rear rank, even if it is incomplete), if the bolt thrower
lies in the unit’s front or rear arc. Athel Loren
• One hit per file, if the bolt thrower lies in the unit’s flank arc. The forest of Athel Loren,
bordering the nations of
However, a bolt can quickly lose power as it passes through armour and flesh. To represent Bretonnia and the Empire,
this, the bolt thrower suffers a -1 modifier to its Strength characteristic for each hit after holds many secrets. Legends
the first. say that Elves make their
homes within the forest’s
Note that, should the Strength of a hit be reduced to 0, it has no effect and no further hits boughs and trunks, dancing
are caused. amongst the treetops and
slaying any who stray into
the forest. Other tales speak
Repeater Bolt Thrower Special Rules of living trees whose wrath
Rapid Fire: Instead of shooting normally, a repeater bolt thrower can ‘rapid fire’ a becomes manifest should any
number of smaller bolts, with the profile given below. If this special rule is used, all threaten the arboreal realm.
shots must be at the same target. Regardless of the truth, to
enter Athel Loren is to know
R S AP Special Rules death awaits, for that which
Rapid Fire 48" 4 -1 Armour Bane (1), Cumbersome, dwells beneath its canopy
Move or Shoot, Multiple Shots (D3+3) cares not for the ignorance of
lesser creatures.

The bolt thrower lies within the enemy unit’s flank arc, causing one hit per file. As the
unit is five models wide, five hits are caused. Each hit after the first suffers a reduction to
its Strength.
Stone Throwers
Stone throwers lob large rocks high into the air to come crashing upon enemy ranks. The very
largest can hurl a projectile big enough to flatten monsters and knock down city walls.

R S AP Special Rules
Stone thrower 12-60" 4 (8) -1 (-3) Stone Throwers Cumbersome, Move or
Shoot, Multiple Wounds (D3+1)
Notes: This weapon does not use its crew’s Ballistic Skill. Instead, it shoots using the
‘Bombardment’ special rule. This weapon uses a 3" blast template and the Stone Thrower Misfire
table. The Multiple Wounds (D3+1) special rule applies only to a single model whose base lies
underneath the central hole of the blast template.

Stone Thrower Special Rules

Bombardment: When shooting with this weapon, work your way through the
following steps:

1. Choose Target: Choose an enemy unit that is within the war machine’s line of sight and
between its minimum and maximum range to be the target and place the blast template so
that its central hole is directly over the centre of that unit.
Northern Raiders
To the north of the Empire 2. Scatter: Once the template has been placed, it will scatter. Roll an Artillery dice and a
and Bretonnia lies the land of Scatter dice:
Norsca, inhabited by peerless
sailors that raid coasts • If a ‘Misfire’ is rolled on the Artillery dice, something has gone horribly wrong. Roll
throughout the Old World immediately on the appropriate Misfire table to determine exactly what.
and the New. Nations across • If a ‘Hit!’ is rolled on the Scatter dice, the shot has landed on target and the number
the world have felt the wrath shown on the Artillery dice is ignored.
of the Norscans but they are • If an arrow is rolled on the Scatter dice, move the template a number of inches equal to
more than mere raiders; they the roll of the Artillery dice in the direction the arrow points.
are traders who sell the rare
goods they have pillaged, 3. Damage: Any model whose base lies underneath the template risks being hit, as
settlers of far-off lands and described on page 95:
explorers of unmatched skill.
Yet the lands of Norsca are • A single model whose base lies underneath the central hole of the blast template is
bathed in the baleful light of struck by the projectile and suffers a hit with higher Strength and Armour Piercing
the polar gates and its people characteristics, as shown in brackets on the war machine’s profile.
worship strange, animalistic • All other hits are resolved using the war machine’s normal Strength and Armour
deities that demand blood Piercing characteristics.
and sacrifice; when they call
for war, the Norscan fleets
will drown the Old World in
fire and blood.

16 models lie underneath the blast template. 4 are hit automatically, 12 are hit on a D6 roll of 4+.
Indirect Fire An indirect shot is not as accurate as one where the crew can
A weapon that shoots using the Bombardment special rule see their target:
can do so even if it cannot draw a line of sight to its target
by hurling a shot high into the sky, passing over intervening • If an arrow is rolled on the Scatter dice, resolve the scatter
regiments and even terrain. However, such indirect fire is as normal.
inaccurate at best, as the war machine’s crew have to guess • If a ‘Hit!’ is rolled on the Scatter dice, the shot does not
where their foe lies, based upon information provided land on target (as would normally be the case) but merely
by scouts. scatters less – how much less depends greatly on the skill
of the crew. Use the small arrow above the Hit! symbol
If you wish to fire indirectly, declare that you will do so to determine the direction of the scatter and move the
before taking the war machine’s shot. An indirect shot does template a number of inches equal to the roll of the
not require a line of sight to the target unit, but is otherwise Artillery dice minus the crew’s Ballistic Skill characteristic
treated as a normal shot. (to a minimum of zero).

Stone Thrower Misfire Table

D6 Result
1 Destroyed: The weapon cannot take the strain! Bits of wood and metal debris are thrown into the air and the stone
tumbles to the ground. The model is destroyed and immediately removed from play.
2-4 Malfunction: One of the crew has become caught in the firing mechanism. This problem can be fixed, but only by
partially dismantling the weapon, the crew member, or both. The crew immediately loses one Wound, the model fails to
shoot this turn and cannot shoot before the end of the next round.
5-6 Twang: Something has snapped. This is a rather minor mishap, but one that will require plenty of elbow grease and
strong language to repair. The model fails to shoot this turn.
Cannon are devastating, if sometimes unpredictable, weapons. When they work, cannon can
shatter an enemy’s lines. However, should they misfire, the results can be spectacular.

The following profiles represent the sizes of cannon most often seen:

R S AP Special Rules
Cannon 48" 8 -2 Armour Bane (2), Cannon Fire,
Cumbersome, Move or Shoot,
Multiple Wounds (D3)
Great cannon 60" 10 -3 Armour Bane (2), Cannon Fire,
Cumbersome, Move or Shoot,
Multiple Wounds (D3+1)
Notes: Cannon (of any type) do not use their crew’s Ballistic Skill. Instead, they shoot using the
‘Cannon Fire’ special rule. This weapon uses the Black Powder Misfire table.

Cannon Special Rules

Cannon Fire: When shooting with a cannon, work your way through the following steps:
The Floating Isles
Legend tells that a squall of 1. Choose Target Point: Choose a point within both the war machine’s line of sight and
screaming winds once came maximum range. This does not have to be an enemy model; it can be a point on the ground.
wailing southwards from the Once you have chosen your target point, mark it with a small marker.
Realm of Chaos. Contained
within the darksome tempest 2. Fire: Once the target point has been marked, roll an Artillery dice:
was so much magical power
that the very earth began • If a ‘Misfire’ is rolled, something has gone horribly wrong. Roll immediately on the
to break apart. Such was appropriate Misfire table to determine exactly what.
the fury of the wild magic • If a number is rolled, move the target point marker that many inches, directly away
unleashed that the broken from the cannon. This is the ‘strike point’ – the point at which the cannonball strikes
landmasses rose up like the ground.
inverted mountains, floating
high into the air. Even as the 3. Bounce: Unless the cannon misfired, the cannonball will bounce from the strike point,
hellish clouds dissipated, tearing through anything in its path. To determine how far the cannonball bounces, roll
these floating isles were sent another Artillery dice:
scudding southwards, pushed
by the wind as is a ship under • If a ‘Misfire’ is rolled, the cannonball buries itself in the ground and comes to a rest.
sail. Whether these strange • If a number is rolled, the cannonball bounces, as shown in Fig 226.1. Measure the
aerial islands are still adrift, distance of the bounce from the strike point, directly away from the cannon.
none can say.

The first roll of the Artillery dice is a 2, meaning the cannonball strikes the ground 2" ahead
of the target point. The second roll is an 8, so the cannonball bounces 8".
4. Determine Hits: Once the strike point and the distance of the bounce have been
established, it is time to determine which models (if any) have been hit:

• Any model whose base lies underneath the strike point is hit automatically.
• Any model whose base lies under the path of the bouncing cannonball is
hit automatically.

However, should a cannonball bounce through a formed unit, it can hit a maximum of:

• One model per rank, if the cannon lies in the unit’s front or rear arc.
• One model per file, if the cannon lies in the unit’s flank arc.

Models that lie fully beyond the distance of the bounce are not hit.

5. Crunch: Sometimes, a bouncing cannonball will encounter something that stops it dead:

• If the cannonball hits a model whose troop type is ‘monstrous creature’ or ‘behemoth’, it
stops immediately. No further models are hit.
• If the cannonball hits impassable terrain or a high linear obstacle, it stops immediately. The Imperial Gunnery
No further models are hit. School of Nuln
The Imperial Gunnery
School, located in the city
Grapeshot of Nuln, is the foremost
Instead of firing normally, cannon crew can opt to fire grapeshot. They do this by manufacturer of black
loading the gun with canisters filled with rusty nails, handgun bullets and other small powder weapons in the
projectiles – effectively creating a huge blunderbuss. Empire. It also serves as a
centre of erudition, training
R S AP Special Rules new generations of engineers,
Grapeshot 12" 4 -1 Cumbersome, Move or Shoot, artillery crews and firearm-
Needs More Nails wielding soldiers, giving
Notes: Cannon (of any type) do not use their crew’s Ballistic Skill when firing grapeshot. the city a firm advantage
Instead, they shoot using the Needs More Nails special rule. This weapon uses the Black in the civil war. Much of
Powder Misfire table. Nuln’s knowledge of black
powder was learnt from the
Special Rules Dwarfs, though in recent
Needs More Nails: Loading a cannon with shrapnel is not a precise art. When firing years the Imperial Gunnery
grapeshot, check range and declare a target as normal, then roll an Artillery dice: School has laboured to
forge new inventions with
If a ‘Misfire’ is rolled, something has gone horribly wrong. Roll immediately on the varying success.
appropriate Misfire table to determine exactly what.
If a number is rolled, the target unit suffers that many automatic hits.
Organ Guns
The multi-barrelled organ gun is so called because its array of barrels resembles the pipes of a
musical organ. An organ gun lacks the range and power of a cannon, but fires a barrage of shots.

Organ Guns R S AP Special Rules

Organ gun 30" 5 -1 Armour Bane (2), Cumbersome,
Move or Shoot, Multi-Barrelled
Notes: This weapon uses the Black Powder Misfire table.

Organ Gun Special Rules

Multi-barrelled: When shooting with an organ gun, roll two Artillery dice before making
any rolls To Hit. The number of shots fired is equal to the total of both Artillery dice:

• If a Misfire is rolled on one of the Artillery dice, the complex firing mechanism displays
one of its all too common faults. All shots fired from the organ gun this turn suffer an
additional -1 To Hit modifier.
• If a Misfire is rolled on both of the Artillery dice, no shots are fired and a critical
The Wisdom of the Woods fault has occurred. Roll immediately on the appropriate Misfire table to determine
The people of the Empire exactly what.
have long feared and avoided
the dark swathes of woods After determining the number of shots, roll To Hit for each as normal, using the crew’s
that surround their meagre Ballistic Skill and applying all appropriate modifiers.
hamlets. Woodsmen cut their
paths carefully around the Mortars
forests’ edges and huntsmen
know not to follow game These short, heavy weapons lob a hollow, explosive shell high into the air to drop onto its target.
too far into the gloom. This shell explodes with great force, scattering razor-sharp shrapnel capable of cutting easily
The messages of all the Mortars
through even the heaviest of armour over a wide area.
superstitions and child-
scaring tales are clear. Danger R S AP Special Rules
lurks in the woods, and these Mortar 12-48" 2 (6) -2 (-3) Armour Bane (1), Bombardment,
are no mere fables… Cumbersome, Move or Shoot,
Multiple Wounds (D3)
Notes: This weapon does not use its crew’s Ballistic Skill. Instead, it shoots like a stone thrower,
using the ‘Bombardment’ special rule. This weapon uses a 5" blast template and the Black Powder
Misfire table. The Multiple Wounds (D3) special rule applies only to a single model whose base lies
underneath the central hole of the blast template.
Fire Throwers
A fire thrower consists of an airtight copper-lined barrel and a fluid chamber filled with a sticky
alchemical sludge. When triggered, a fire thrower launches a torrent of noxious chemicals, which
ignite as they pass over an ignition flame in the weapon’s barrel, incinerating anyone and anything
unfortunate enough to be caught in the blast.
Fire Throwers

R S AP Special Rules
Fire thrower 12" 5 -1 Column of Fire, Cumbersome,
Flaming Attacks, Move or Shoot
Notes: Fire throwers do not use their crew’s Ballistic Skill. Instead, they shoot using the ‘Column of
Fire’ special rule. This weapon uses the Black Powder Misfire table.

Fire Thrower Special Rules

Column of Fire: When shooting with a fire thrower, use the flame template, placing the
narrow end so that it touches the model’s base edge anywhere along its front arc and the
broad end so that it points towards the intended target. The template may then be moved a
number of inches directly away from the fire thrower, up to its maximum range, measured The Geomantic Web
from the narrow end of the template. The Geomantic Web is a
great network of ley-lines
Note that this does allow the broad end of the flame template to extend beyond the fire thrower’s constructed by the Old Ones
maximum given Range. to channel magic around
the world, powering their
Once the flame template has been placed, roll an Artillery dice: world-building engines
and maintaining their
• If a ‘Misfire’ is rolled, something has gone horribly wrong. Roll immediately on the great enchantments. The
appropriate Misfire table to determine exactly what. sprawling temple-cities of the
• If a number is rolled, move the flame template that many inches, directly away from the Lizardmen were constructed
fire thrower. This is where the column of fire shot from the weapon lands. upon points of convergence
within this great web. At the
Any model whose base lies underneath the template risks being hit, as described on centre of each temple-city
page 95. the mighty Slann were able to
commune with their masters
Black Powder Misfire Table and, through their mastery of
Black powder weapons are temperamental and prone to malfunctioning – often in magic, shape the world as the
spectacular fashion. Whenever a black powder weapon misfires (be it a cannon, organ Old Ones wished.
gun, mortar, fire thrower, or something more exotic), roll on the table below and apply the
result immediately:

Black Powder Misfire Table

D6 Result
1 Destroyed: The weapon explodes with a thunderous noise, leaving a hole in the
ground and a cloud of black smoke hanging in the air. The model is destroyed and
immediately removed from play.
2-4 Malfunction: The charge misfires, terminally inconveniencing one of the crew
and knocking the war machine over. It can be righted, but it will take time. The
crew immediately loses one Wound, the model fails to shoot this turn and cannot
shoot before the end of the next round.
5-6 Pffft: The fuse has gone out. As far as mishaps go, it is not very serious, but one of
the crew will be feeling rather foolish! The model fails to shoot this turn.
W izards are a formidable force on the battlefield, able to wreak incredible destruction, weaken or strengthen other
warriors, or summon terribleThe Lores
beasts of Magic
to fight at their side. The rules for using Wizards and casting spells in your
games have already been covered in detail in the ‘Magic’ section, found on page 106. On the following pages, you will find
the Lores of Magic – lists from which Wizards generate their spells.

Each Lore of Magic represents a particular approach towards Spell Categories

the study and use of magic, giving each a particular character Spells fall into six categories. These determine during which
reflected by the spells within it. Different Wizards have access phase of the game they can be cast. These are:
to different Lores of Magic.
Enchantment: Spells that empower the caster’s allies,
Every Wizard’s rules include the Lore(s) of Magic they know. protecting them with sorcerous wards and magically
In some cases, it will be stated that they know spells from a enhancing their fighting prowess.
single, given Lore of Magic, whilst in others it will be stated
that they know spells from one of a number of given Lores of Hex: The opposite of Enchantment spells, spells that weaken
Magic. Where this is the case, you must choose one of these the enemy in some way, perhaps slowing them down or
Lores when writing your muster list. sapping their strength.

Spells & Spell Generation Conveyance: These spells enable Wizards to enhance
Each player randomly generates spells for each of their movement or transport units from place to place.
Wizards before armies are deployed. If your army contains
more than one Wizard, you may generate spells for each in an Magic Missiles: These are sorcerous projectiles that the
order of your choosing. Wizard hurls at the foe. Magic Missiles can only target
enemy units.
Each Lore of Magic contains seven spells: six numbered (1-6)
and a seventh ‘signature’ spell. To determine the spells your Magical Vortex: These are roiling globes of magical energy
Wizard knows, roll a number of D6 equal to their Level of that travel across the battlefield wreaking all kinds of havoc.
Wizardry, re-rolling any duplicate results. The result(s) show
which spell(s) your Wizard knows. Assailment: These spells are deadly attacks that strike the foe
without warning.
If you wish, your Wizard may discard one of these randomly
generated spells and instead select the signature spell of their
chosen Lore of Magic. Any number of Wizards in your army
may do this.

Note that Wizards in the same army may know the same spell(s),
so individual spells may be duplicated within your army. However,
no single Wizard can know the same spell twice.
Lore of Athel Loren LORE OF ATHEL LOREN
W ood Elf Mages have a unique relationship with the forest. They are a part of it, much like Dryads and Treemen, yet
possessed of a greater sense of individuality. This bond allows them to commune with the forest, to entreat with it on
behalf of their kin and, in times of war, to awaken it to their aid.

A Wizard with the ‘Lore of Athel Loren’ special rule may discard one of their randomly generated spells as normal. When they do
so, they may select instead either the signature spell of their chosen Lore of Magic, or one of the spells listed below.

Tree Singing Forest Walker

The melodious song of the Wizard rouses the forest spirits, At the Wizard’s bidding a hidden gateway into the Eternal
awakening them from their deep slumber. In moments, fresh Realms reveals itself. Beyond this lies a series of vaulted
growth bursts from the fertile earth, reaching rapidly towards chambers, each leading to a similar portal; some nearby, other
the heavens above. many leagues away.

Type: Magical Vortex Type: Conveyance

Casting Value: 7+/9+ Casting Value: 10+
Range: 15" Range: 24"
Effect: Remains in Play. If this spell is cast with a casting Effect: This spell can only target a friendly Wood Elf
result of 7 or more, place a small (3") blast template so that character that is completely within a woodland terrain
its central hole is within 15" of the caster. If this spell is cast feature. If the target is not fleeing, you may immediately
with a casting result of 9 or more, place a large (5") blast remove it from the battlefield and replace it so that it
template so that its central hole is within 15" of the caster. is completely within a different wood anywhere on the
Whilst in play, the template does not move and is treated battlefield, but not within 6" of any enemy models. The
as a woodland terrain feature. Enemy units treat these target cannot move again during this Movement phase.
woods as dangerous terrain.
Flock Of Doom
With a mighty bellow, the Wizard summons forth a great flock
of hawks and shrikes to strike at their enemies and drive them
from their forest realm.

Type: Magic Missile

Casting Value: 9+
Range: 18"
Effect: Place a small (3") blast template so that its central
hole is directly over the centre of the target enemy
unit. Any enemy model whose base lies underneath the
template risks being hit and suffering a single Strength 3
hit with an AP of -1.
In the heat of battle, mighty Wizards summon columns of fire to burn through the enemy. In the deadly swirl of melee
combat, powerful warrior mages smiteBattle
their Magic
foes with fists that fall like hammers. In the Old World and beyond, Battle
Magic is one of the most widely practised magical arts, for here battle is the one constant in life.

Unlike many Wizards who spend long hours in darkened

rooms studying their arcane arts by candlelight, practitioners
of Battle Magic tend to be hardy individuals, as at home on
the battlefield as they are in their libraries. This is because,
unlike other lores that may be studied, Battle Magic is openly
offensive and tailored towards use upon the field of battle
(which, given the Lore’s name, should come as no surprise),
and it is here that masters of the Lore hone their skill.

Practitioners of Battle Magic are favoured by cunning generals

all across the Old World and beyond, and their services are
often in high demand. Many an opposing army has been
undone by devastating fireballs cast from afar, found a cloying
mist obscuring their view, their path blocked by a bend in
the river that was not there before, or their courage sapped as
arrows fell upon them with supernatural accuracy.

Those that wield Battle Magic will draw their power from
whichever of the Winds of Magic suits their purpose. They
grasp at the red wind, summoning forth fire from the air to
rain upon the enemy, the green wind to armour themselves
with the strength of oak, the grey wind to cow and demoralise
their foe, and more besides. To a Battle Mage, the incorporeal
dangers of harnessing several Winds of Magic at once are of
little concern – what matters most is turning the tide and
ensuring swift victory.

Hammerhand (Signature Spell)

As the Battle Mage chants an invocation, their fists become
like hammers, falling upon their foes with great and
terrible power.

Type: Assailment
Casting Value: 7+
Range: Combat
Effect: A single enemy unit the caster is engaged in
combat with suffers 2D3 Strength 4 hits, each with an AP
of -2.
1. Fireball 4. Arcane Urgency
With a snap of the fingers, the Battle Mage summons forth a As the Battle Mage’s allies march, time around them slows,
roiling ball of magical flame and hurls it at a nearby foe. allowing them to cover great distance in the blink of an eye.

Type: Magic Missile Type: Conveyance

Casting Value: 8+ Casting Value: 10+
Range: 24" Range: 15"
Effect: The target enemy unit suffers 2D6 Strength 4 hits, Effect: If the target friendly unit is not fleeing and has
each with an AP of -. This spell has the Flaming Attacks already moved during this Movement phase, it may
special rule. immediately move again.

2. Curse Of Arrow Attraction 5. Oaken Shield

With a cry and a flourish, the Battle Mage curses an enemy, The Battle Mage summons a mighty spectral oak around
causing missiles to seek them out with almost sentient awareness. themselves and their allies, protecting them from the weapons of
their enemies.
Type: Hex
Casting Value: 7+ Type: Enchantment
Range: 21" Casting Value: 7+
Effect: Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, you may Range: Self
re-roll any rolls To Hit of a natural 1 when shooting at the Effect: Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, the caster
target enemy unit. and any unit they have joined gain a 5+ Ward save against
any wounds suffered.
3. Pillar Of Fire
6. Curse Of Cowardly Flight
The Battle Mage conjures a fireball which quickly grows to
become a towering pillar. Loosed from their grasp, it advances As the war drums beat, the Battle Mage reaches into the minds
towards the enemy. of the enemy, tapping into their fears and weakening their
intestinal fortitude.
Type: Magical Vortex
Casting Value: 9+ Type: Hex
Range: 12" Casting Value: 9+
Effect: Remains in Play. Place a small (3") blast template Range: 15"
so that its central hole is within 12" of the caster. Whilst Effect: The target enemy unit must immediately make a
in play, the template is treated as dangerous terrain. The Panic test. If the target unit automatically passes any Panic
template moves D6" in a direction of the caster’s choosing tests it is required to make for any reason, it must still make
during every Start of Turn sub-phase. Any unit (friend or this test and, should it fail, it will Give Ground.
foe) the moving template touches or moves over suffers
D3+3 Strength 3 hits, each with an AP of -2. These hits
have the Flaming Attacks special rule.
Lore of Beasts
B ray-Shamans are born into magic, and wield it with an instinctive ease. A palpable miasma of fell sorcery surrounds
them and when their wrath is roused, reality itself is distorted and maimed. Tree roots twist and writhe at their
passing, the undergrowth boils with unholy life and repugnant parasites scurry at their feet.

A Wizard with the ‘Lore of Beasts’ special rule may discard one of their randomly generated spells as normal. When they do so,
they may select instead either the signature spell of their chosen Lore of Magic, or one of the spells listed below.

Viletide Devolve
The Shaman calls to the creeping things that nest in the decaying Delving into their enemies’ minds, the Shaman magnifies the
undergrowth, creating a vile wave of spiders, centipedes and slug- savage and animalistic parts of their psyche until they are no
beetles that swarm over the foe. more than growling beasts.

Type: Magic Missile Type: Magic Missile

Casting Value: 8+ Casting Value: 8+
Range: 15" Range: 15"
Effect: The target enemy unit suffers 5D6 Strength 1 hits, Effect: The target enemy unit must immediately make a
with no armour save permitted (Ward and Regeneration Leadership test. If this test is failed, it loses a number of
saves can be attempted as normal). Wounds equal to the amount by which it failed the test.

Mantle of Ghorok
Ghorok was a legendary Minotaur, ferocious as a storm. When
possessed by his spirit-mantle, a Shaman becomes a terror on the
battlefield, though to summon his rage is not without risk.

Type: Enchantment
Casting Value: 8+
Range: Self
Effect: Until the end of this turn, the caster gains a +D6
modifier to their Strength and Attacks characteristics (to a
maximum of 10). However, if a 6 is rolled, this modifier is
lost and the caster instead loses a single Wound.

Beastmen Brayherds 117

Lore of Chaos LORE OF CHAOS
C haos Sorcerers are gifted understanding of dark magic by the Ruinous Powers which they serve. Spells creep into their
minds through dreams, visions, and the whispers of the Dark Gods themselves.

A Wizard with the ‘Lore of Chaos’ special rule may discard one of their randomly generated spells as normal. When they do so,
they may select instead either the signature spell of their chosen Lore of Magic, or the spell that corresponds to their Mark of
Chaos listed below.

Winds of Chaos Blue Fire

(Mark of Chaos Undivided) (Mark of Tzeentch)
A cold and vicious gale blows from the Northern Wastes, As the Sorcerer’s hands draw strange runes in the air, their
carrying with it the laughter of Dark Gods. enemies are consumed by blue flames.

Type: Hex Type: Magic Missile

Casting Value: 7+/9+ Casting Value: 9+
Range: 21" Range: 18"
Effect: If this spell is cast with a casting result of 7 or more, Effect: The target enemy unit suffers D6+3 Strength 4
the target enemy unit suffers a -1 modifier to its Movement hits, each with an AP of -2 and with the Flaming Attacks
characteristic (to a minimum of 1). If this spell is cast with a special rule.
casting result of 9 or more, the target enemy unit suffers a -2
modifier to its Movement characteristic (to a minimum of 1).
This spell lasts until your next Start of Turn sub-phase.

(Mark of Slaanesh)
The enemy is humbled by the beauty of Slaanesh, letting their
weapons fall limply to their sides.

Type: Hex
Casting Value: 6+
Range: 12"
Effect: Until the end of the Combat phase, the target enemy
unit becomes subject to the Strike Last special rule.

Fleshy Abundance
(Mark of Nurgle)
Great wobbling mounds of fat spill out from beneath the armour
of the Sorcerer and their comrades.

Type: Enchantment
Casting Value: 7+
Range: Self
Effect: Remains in Play. Whilst this spell is in play, the
caster and any unit they have joined gain a +1 modifier to
their Toughness characteristic (to a maximum of 7).

Warriors of Chaos 83

T hose that make study of the Realm of Chaos – that twisted and warped nether world in which the Ruinous Powers
reside – are known as Daemonologists. These cursed souls are drawn to their study in the vain hope of gaining mastery
over the daemonic denizens of that realm and turning their power back against the Chaos gods. Seldom are such noble
intentions realised, for those that converse with Daemons are inevitably corrupted by their whispered lies.

When a denizen of the Old World thinks of Daemons, they

imagine the nightmare servants of the Chaos powers. Yet
the pantheon of daemonic beings is far greater than this.
Within the Realm of Chaos there dwells an infinite number
of creatures that owe no allegiance to the Ruinous Powers.
Such creatures often manifest within the mortal realm, some
masquerading as elemental sprites, mischievous spirits of
house and hearth, others possessing a host and bending it to
their will.

In truth, denizens of the Old World think of Daemons

rarely, fearful that doing so might summon them forth! In
this superstitious belief, Daemonologists are not like others.
Through rituals and invocations shared and perfected within
secretive covens, they endeavour to summon forth the most
powerful of Daemons, hoping to entrap them and bind them
to their will. Some use props in their craft, binding daemonic
servants into mundane items such as books, oil lamps, staffs,
even weapons of war. Thus bound, a Daemon becomes
subservient to the Wizard that summoned it and must comply
with its master’s wishes. Yet Daemons are ever dishonest,
their words and deeds selfish and cruel. Consequently, most
Daemonologists quickly fall foul of the very beings they
believed they had mastered.

For all their mysticism and ritual, their secret orders and
wealth of arcane knowledge, Daemonologists are not the
enlightened seekers of truth many believe themselves to be.
They are mere slaves to the powers they seek to master – there
are no champions of Chaos, only the lost and the damned.

The Summoning (Signature Spell)

From the Realm of Chaos, the Daemonologist summons forth
daemonic beasts to strike at their foes.

Type: Magic Missile

Casting Value: 9+
Range: 18"
Effect: The target enemy unit suffers 2D6 Strength 4 hits,
each with an AP of -1.
1. Steed Of Shadows 4. Daemonic Vessel
Coal-black daemonic steeds materialise from the air, bearing At the Daemonologist’s bidding, otherworldly entities rush
warriors aloft on wings of shadow. forth to take possession of their allies, filling their bodies with
unnatural ferocity.
Type: Conveyance
Casting Value: 9+ Type: Enchantment
Range: 15" Casting Value: 10+
Effect: This spell can only target friendly models whose Range: Self
troop type is ‘infantry’. If the target friendly unit is not Effect: Until the end of this turn, the caster, their mount
fleeing and has not already moved during this Movement and any unit they have joined, gain a +1 modifier to their
phase, it gains the Fly (12) special rule until your next Start Strength and Attacks characteristics (to a maximum of 10),
of Turn sub-phase. and improve the Armour Piercing characteristic of their
weapons by 1.
2. Gathering Darkness
5. Vortex Of Chaos
At the Daemonologist’s command, strange forms gather about
the foe, their whispered taunts draining the enemy’s courage. A swirling tear in reality opens, through which daemonic beasts
grasp at those that venture too close.
Type: Hex
Casting Value: 9+ Type: Magical Vortex
Range: 12" Casting Value: 8+
Effect: Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, the Range: 15"
target enemy unit suffers a -2 modifier to its Initiative Effect: Remains in Play. Place a small (3") blast template
characteristic (to a minimum of 1), a -2 modifier to its so that its central hole is within 15" of the caster. Whilst
Leadership characteristic (to a minimum of 2) and cannot in play, the template is treated as dangerous terrain. The
use their General‘s Inspiring Presence special rule. This spell template moves D6" in a random direction during every
may target an enemy unit engaged in combat. Start of Turn sub-phase. Any unit (friend or foe) the
moving template touches or moves over suffers D6+1
3. Daemonic Familiars Strength 3 hits, each with an AP of -.

The Daemonologist’s many familiars fall upon the foe, slashing 6. Daemonic Vigour
and biting with incorporeal claws and teeth.
As the Daemonologist mutters verses aloud from a proscribed
Type: Assailment text, their allies fill with a daemonic vitality.
Casting Value: 8+
Range: Combat Type: Enchantment
Effect: A single enemy unit the caster is engaged in combat Casting Value: 9+
with suffers 2D6 Strength 2 hits, with no armour save Range: 15"
permitted (Ward and Regeneration saves can be attempted Effect: Until the end of this turn, the target friendly unit
as normal). gains a +1 modifier to its Movement, Toughness and
Initiative characteristics (to a maximum of 10).
Lore Of Daemons
A Daemon’s sorcerous powers – indeed its entire being – are fixed at the moment of creation. Daemons cannot grow,
develop or learn as mortals can. Those Daemons steeped in the mysteries of magic were created with that knowledge
and, though it rarely grows or diminishes, such power is a primal expression of the Dark Gods’ will.

A Wizard with ‘Lore of Daemons’ special rule may discard one of their randomly generated spells as normal. When they do so,
they may select instead either the signature spell of their chosen Lore of Magic, or one of the spells that corresponds to their
Daemonic Alignment listed below.

Plague Wind (Daemons Of Nurgle) Pink Fire (Daemons Of Tzeentch)

A debilitating cloud of noxious air forms, swirling around the As the cackling Daemon prances and gestures, pink flames rise
battlefield and infecting all it touches. from the earth to envelope its enemies.

Type: Magical Vortex Type: Magic Missile

Casting Value: 7+ Casting Value: 8+
Range: 12" Range: 18"
Effect: Remains in play. Place a small (3") blast template Effect: The target enemy unit suffers D3+3 Strength 3
so that its central hole is within 12" of the caster. Whilst hits, each with an AP of - and with the Flaming Attacks
in play, the template is treated as dangerous terrain. The special rule.
template moves D6" in a random direction during every
Start of Turn sub-phase. Any unit (friend or foe, but Gift Of Mutation (Daemons Of Tzeentch)
not including Daemons of Nurgle) the moving template
touches or moves over suffers a -1 modifier to its Toughness The Daemon cackles maniacally as the warping magic of
characteristic for the remainder of the turn. Tzeentch flows through its enemies, sending waves of mutation
through their minds and bodies.
Cacophonic Hymn (Daemons Of Slaanesh)
Type: Hex
The Daemon’s unnatural song peels away the enchantments that Casting Value: 8+/12+
protect its enemies and its perverse melody boggles their wits. Range: 12"
Effect: If this spell is cast with a casting result of 8 or more,
Type: Hex the target enemy unit suffers a -D3 modifier to one of the
Casting Value: 10+ following characteristics (to a minimum of 1, chosen by the
Range: 12" casting player). If this spell is cast with a casting result of 12
Effect: Remains in play. If this spell is cast, the effects of or more, the target enemy unit suffers a -D3 modifier to two
any enchantment spell previously cast on the target unit of the following characteristics (to a minimum of 1, chosen
immediately expire. In addition, whilst this spell is in play, by the casting player). This spell lasts until your next Start
the target unit becomes subject to the Stupidity special rule. of Turn sub-phase:

• Weapon Skill
• Strength
• Toughness
O nce, only pure magic flowed into the world. Whole and unsullied, it was a natural force under the control of a race of
god-like beings. With the coming of Chaos, this was to change as a darker, more unstable form of magic was unleashed
into the mortal realm, one which refused to be chained by the hand of any mere mortal.

Dark Magic

With the collapse of the polar gates, Chaos came into the
world. As it did, the pure and refined magic harnessed by
the Old Ones came into contact with its influence for the
first time within the mortal realm. Almost immediately, the
corrupting power of Chaos began to work upon it as surely as
it did the bodies and minds of mortals. Twisted and warped by
Chaos, the unseen strands of colour that composed pure magic
merged and bled into one another, causing the Winds of Magic
to grow blackened and ever more unstable.

Amongst the Elves of Ulthuan, there were those drawn to this

phenomenon. Sensing a raw source of power, magic which
could be mastered more easily, they began to experiment
with its use. Quickly, most learned the dangers – that magic
corrupted by Chaos would quickly corrupt those that sought
to master it – yet there were those that persisted.

Today, Dark Magic still torments the world. Wherever the

touch of Chaos is felt most strongly, the Winds of Magic
twist and coalesce into dark, roiling clouds. Many Wizards
feel compelled to study and use Dark Magic, wielding it with
careless abandon, enraptured by its potency and the apparent
ease of its mastery. Yet those that dabble with Dark Magic
are fools, for Dark Magic is like nothing so much as the raw
stuff of chaos, and its use is a path to certain damnation and
eternal servitude.

Doombolt (Signature Spell)

At the Dark Mage’s bidding, a bolt of black lightning tears
from the heavens and stabs at the earth.

Type: Magic Missile

Casting Value: 8+
Range: 24"
Effect: Place a small (3") blast template so that its central
hole is directly over the centre of the target enemy
unit. Any enemy model whose base lies underneath the
template risks being hit (as described on page 95) and
suffering a single Strength 3 hit with an AP of -2.
1. Word Of Pain 4. Phantasmagoria
The Dark Mage chants incomprehensible syllables, each more Dark visions beset the enemy ranks, driving warriors into blind
torturous than the last. panic or suicidal rage.

Type: Hex Type: Magical Vortex

Casting Value: 10+ Casting Value: 9+
Range: 18" Range: 12"
Effect: Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, the Effect: Remains in Play. Place a small (3") blast template
target enemy unit suffers a -1 modifier to its Strength and so that its central hole is within 12" of the caster. Whilst in
Toughness characteristics (to a minimum of 1). This spell play, the template does not move and is treated as dangerous
may target an enemy unit engaged in combat. terrain. Enemy units that end their movement within 12"
of the template must immediately make a Panic test. Those
2. Stream Of Corruption that fail will Fall Back in Good Order or flee directly away
from the template. Those that pass (or that do not have to
From the fingertips of the Dark Mage corrupted magic flows, make the test) become subject to the Impetuous special rule
flaying the flesh of the enemy. whilst they remain within 12" of the template.

Type: Assailment 5. Battle Lust

Casting Value: 8+
Range: Combat Rage builds within those near to the Dark Mage, filling them
Effect: Place a flame template so that the narrow end with a terrible lust for bloodshed.
touches the caster’s base edge and the broad end is over a
unit they are engaged in combat with. Any model (friend or Type: Enchantment
foe) whose base lies underneath the template risks being hit Casting Value: 9+
(as described on page 95) and suffering a single Strength 3 Range: 12"
hit with an AP of -1. Effect: Until the end of this turn, the target friendly unit
gains the Frenzy and Hatred (all enemies) special rules.
3. Infernal Gateway
6. Soul Eater
The Dark Mage reveals a hidden passageway through the Realm
of Chaos. The Dark Mage reaches out a taloned hand to tear at the very
soul of their enemy.
Type: Conveyance
Casting Value: 10+ Type: Assailment
Range: 12" Casting Value: 7+
Effect: This spell can only target friendly characters, but Range: Combat
may target characters engaged in combat. If the target Effect: A single enemy model the caster is engaged in
friendly character is not fleeing, you may immediately combat with suffers a single Strength 3 hit with the Multiple
remove it from the battlefield and replace it anywhere Wounds (3) special rule and with no armour save permitted
within 12" of its original location, but not within 6" of any (Ward and Regeneration saves can be attempted as normal).
enemy models.

Note that this spell allows a character to leave combat.

A ll across the Old World there dwell Wizards able to bend the Winds of Magic to their will to such an extent that they
can harness the power of the elements themselves to do their bidding. Such mages summon gale force winds and
torrential rains from the heavens, raise earthen ramparts, and even call forth elemental spirits to do their bidding.


Wizards that study Elementalism will often hide their art

from the uneducated masses, for the powers they wield can
easily be mistaken for darker arts such as Daemonology or
Necromancy, summoning as they do elemental spirits from
the ætheric netherworld. But for all the suspicion that haunts
their study, their abilities are often in great demand. Many a
farming community has sought out the aid of an Elementalist
to end a period of drought; their ability to summon rain from
a clear sky the difference between a prosperous and a failed
harvest. Many a ship’s captain will seek an Elementalist’s
services for long and dangerous voyages, hoping that
their charms can deliver favourable winds and settle a
restless ocean.

Still other Elementalists conceal their craft behind a more

mundane façade. Many a skilled blacksmith or farrier secretly
manipulates the red wind to heat their forge and the iron that
glows within it by arcane means, producing works of great
wonder. Other Elementalists prefer to turn their magical
powers to a different, more scientific purpose, melding arcane
knowledge of the yellow wind and study of natural philosophy
within the halls of academia to study alchemy.

In battle, the powers an Elementalist wields are a considerable

blessing, able as they are to disrupt the enemy lines, entrench
and defend their own, and even cause the weapons of allies to
burn with the heat of their forging whilst the armour of their
foes crumbles to rust.

Storm Call (Signature Spell)

The Elementalist channels the fury of a storm towards their
foes, causing strong winds and icy rains to batter against them.

Type: Hex
Casting Value: 7+
Range: 12"
Effect: Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, the
target enemy unit suffers a -1 modifier to its Movement
and Initiative characteristics (to a minimum of 1). If this
spell is cast, the effects of any other Hex previously cast
on the target unit immediately expire.
1. Flaming Sword 4. Earthen Ramparts
With a simple gesture, the Elementalist summons a great, At the Elementalist’s summoning, mighty earthen ramparts rise
flaming sword with which to strike at their enemies. up about their allies.

Type: Assailment Type: Enchantment

Casting Value: 8+ Casting Value: 10+
Range: Combat Range: 15"
Effect: A single enemy unit the caster is engaged in combat Effect: Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, the target
with suffers D6+1 Strength 3 hits, each with an AP of -. friendly unit gains a 5+ Ward save against any wounds
These hits have the Flaming Attacks special rule. suffered and counts as being behind a defended low linear
obstacle if charged. However, whilst this spell is in play the
2. Plague Of Rust target unit cannot march or charge.

As the Elementalist utters a curse, the armour of the enemy loses 5. Wind Blast
its lustre, corroding and crumbling from their bodies.
A mighty wind rips enemy warriors from their regiments,
Type: Hex dashing them against the hard earth.
Casting Value: 9+
Range: 21" Type: Magic Missile
Effect: Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, the target Casting Value: 8+
enemy unit suffers a -2 modifier to its armour value. This Range: 15"
spell may target an enemy unit engaged in combat. Effect: The target enemy unit suffers D3+3 Strength 5 hits,
each with an AP of -1. Once these hits have been resolved,
3. Summon Elemental Spirit the unit must Give Ground.

The Elementalist summons forth a powerful spirit of earth, 6. Travel Mystical Pathway
wind, water or fire to do their bidding.
Tapping into the power of the Geomantic Web, the Elementalist
Type: Magical Vortex opens a portal through which their allies can travel.
Casting Value: 9+
Range: 15" Type: Conveyance
Effect: Remains in Play. Place a small (3") blast template Casting Value: 10+
so that its central hole is within 15" of the caster. Whilst Range: 9"
in play, the template is treated as dangerous terrain over Effect: If the target friendly unit is not fleeing and has
which no line of sight can be drawn. The template moves not already moved during this Movement phase, you may
D6" in a random direction during every Start of Turn sub- immediately remove it from the battlefield and replace it
phase. Any enemy unit the moving template touches or anywhere within 12" of its original location, but not within
moves over suffers D3+3 Strength 4 hits, each with an AP 6" of any enemy models. The target friendly unit cannot
of -1. move again during this Movement phase.
Lore of Gork LORE OF GORK
S urrounded by Boyz, Orc Shamans tap into the superstitious beliefs of their mates to conjure spells that are, much like
the wildly gesticulating and gibbering Shamans themselves, flamboyant and rowdy, but brutal in their effects.

A Wizard with the ‘Lore of Gork’ special rule may discard one of their randomly generated spells as normal. When they do so,
they may select instead either the signature spell of their chosen Lore of Magic, or one of the spells listed below.

Brain Bursta Gaze of Gork

Channelling the violence of their peers, the Shaman projects it Gork gives the Shaman the ability to project beams of
against their enemies in a brain-bursting wave. coruscating energy from their eyes, burning massive holes through
everything they look at.
Type: Assailment
Casting Value: 10+ Type: Magic Missile
Range: Combat Casting Value: 9+
Effect: A single enemy model the caster is engaged in Range: 5D6"
combat with suffers a single Strength 6 hit with the Effect: Draw a straight line, 5D6" in length, from the caster’s
Multiple Wounds (D3) special rule and with no armour base edge. Any model (friend or foe) whose base falls under
or Regeneration saves permitted (Ward saves can be this line suffers a Strength 5 hit, with an AP of -3.
attempted as normal).
Lore Of The Great Maw
E missaries of the Great Maw suck marrow from cracked bones or stuff huge chunks of raw meat into their mouths to aid
their magical abilities. As they do, those around them feel replenished, the gnawing hunger that eternally chews at their
guts subsiding.

A Wizard with the ‘Lore of the Great Maw’ special rule may discard one of their randomly generated spells as normal. When
they do so, they may select instead either the signature spell of their chosen Lore of Magic, or one of the spells listed below.

Toothcracker Trollguts
Consuming a chunk of granite, the Butcher bestows the rock’s Downing the repulsive innards of a Troll, the Butcher grants the
resilience upon their brethren. beast’s healing ability onto their companions.

Type: Enchantment Type: Enchantment

Casting Value: 7+/10+ Casting Value: 8+/11+
Range: 12" Range: 15"
Effect: If this spell is cast with a casting result of 7 or more, Effect: If this spell is cast with a casting result of 8 or more,
the target friendly unit gains a +1 modifier to its Toughness the target friendly unit gains the Regeneration (6+) special
characteristic (to a maximum of 10). If this spell is cast with rule. If this spell is cast with a casting result of 11 or more,
a casting result of 10 or more, the target friendly unit gains a the target friendly unit gains the Regeneration (5+) special
+2 modifier to its Toughness characteristic (to a maximum rule. This spell lasts until your next Start of Turn sub-phase.
of 10). This spell lasts until the end of this turn.
Lore Of Hashut
T he Chaos Dwarfs study forge-craft, weapon making and the dark magics of Hashut himself in equal measure. Using
this forbidden lore, they forge their terrible weapons and craft their arcane devices.

A Wizard with the ‘Lore of Hashut’ special rule may discard one of their randomly generated spells as normal. When they do so,
they may select instead either the signature spell of their chosen Lore of Magic, or one of the spells listed below.

Curse Of Hashut Storm Of Ash

Channelling the malediction that inflicts their own twisted body, The sorcerer summons forth a hellish storm of choking hot ash,
the sorcerer turns the dark curse of Hashut upon their enemies, scalding and blinding anything and anyone unfortunate enough
causing their bones to petrify and their flesh to grow grey and to be caught in its path.
brittle, before crumbling to dust.
Type: Hex
Type: Magic Missile Casting Value: 10+
Casting Value: 9+ Range: Self
Range: 18" Effect: Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, all
Effect: This spell can only target enemy characters. enemy units suffer a -1 modifier to any rolls To Hit made
However, it may target any enemy character that is within whilst within 9" of the caster’s model (rolls of a natural 6
range and that the caster can draw a line of sight to, are unaffected).
regardless of the usual rules for targeting characters, and
may even target an enemy character that has joined a unit Flames Of Hashut
or that is engaged in combat.
The fiery breath of Hashut erupts around the sorcerer, engulfing
The target enemy character must immediately make a their body and scorching their foes.
Toughness test. If this test is passed, it suffers D3 Strength
2 hits, each with an AP of -. If, however, this test is Type: Assailment
failed, it suffers D3+2 Strength 5 hits, with no armour Casting Value: 9+
or Regeneration saves permitted (Ward saves can be Range: Combat
attempted as normal). Effect: A single enemy unit the caster is engaged in combat
with suffers D3+1 Strength 4 hits, each with an AP of -1.
These hits have the Flaming Attacks special rule.
High Magic
I n its purest form, magic glistens like a silver haze that fills the air, visible in and around all things to those gifted with the
mage-sight. It is a wondrous thing, there to be manipulated by those with the talent and the learning. With long decades
of study, a mage can manipulate pure magic to perform almost any deed imaginable, but the work is exhausting and the
rituals complex.

With the collapse of the polar gates, a torrent of magic was

unleashed, the gentle clouds of silvery light becoming gusting
gales and swirling storms. Upon completion of the Elves’ great
ritual – performed to lessen the magic flooding the world – the
arcane works of the Old Ones shattered, causing the silver
light of magic to fragment, revealing the kaleidoscopic Winds
of Magic.

Students of High Magic study each of these winds closely,

becoming intimately familiar with their properties and
potential over long years. With mastery of each wind,
the mage edges closer to understanding High Magic and,
eventually, becomes able to draw all of the winds together,
crafting High Magic.

This may seem similar to the use of Dark Magic, similar

even to the lesser Lores of Magic. It is not. Where other
Wizards grasp clumsily at the Winds of Magic, or warp them
into darker hues, High Mages carefully bring all eight winds
together, seeking the silvery light of pure magic and crafting
spells of such sublime potency that lesser Wizards are struck
dumb to witness. A simple fireball cast by a Battle Mage may
burn hot with the power of the red wind, but one conjured
by a High Mage will burn incandescently bright, searing the
world and blinding all that gaze upon it. Such is the power of
High Magic.

Drain Magic (Signature Spell)

As the High Mage draws the Winds of Magic to themselves,
other Wizards find themselves struggling to access
their powers.

Type: Hex
Casting Value: 9+
Range: Self
Effect: Remains in Play. Whilst this spell is in play, enemy
Wizards that are within 24" of the caster’s model when
attempting to cast a spell must increase that spell’s casting
value by 2.
1. Walk Between Worlds 4. Corporeal Unmaking
The High Mage causes their allies to drift in and out of reality, The physical forms of the High Mage’s enemies begin to unravel,
enabling them to pass through terrain as if it was not there. turning to dust on the wind.

Type: Conveyance Type: Assailment

Casting Value: 10+ Casting Value: 8+
Range: Self Range: Combat
Effect: Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, the caster Effect: A single enemy unit the caster is engaged in
and any unit they have joined gain the Ethereal and Reserve combat with suffers D3 Strength 5 hits, with no armour
Move special rules. or Regeneration saves permitted (Ward saves can be
attempted as normal).
2. Fiery Convocation
5. Fury Of Khaine
At the High Mage’s bidding, a roiling storm of fire erupts within
the midst of the enemy line. The High Mage beseeches Khaine, God of Murder, to bestow his
fury on the High Mage’s allies.
Type: Magic Missile
Casting Value: 10+ Type: Enchantment
Range: 18" Casting Value: 9+
Effect: Place a large (5") blast template so that its central Range: 12"
hole is directly over the centre of the target enemy unit. Effect: Until the end of this turn, the target friendly unit
Once placed, the template will scatter D3+1". Any enemy gains the Extra Attacks (+1) special rule. This spell may
model whose base lies underneath the template’s final target a friendly unit engaged in combat.
position risks being hit (as described on page 95) and
suffering a Strength 4 hit with an AP of -2. These hits have 6. Shield Of Saphery
the Flaming Attacks special rule.
White light bursts forth from the High Mage’s outstretched
3. Tempest hands, clinging to armour and arcing overhead to form a
protective barrier around their allies.
The High Mage summons forth a tempest of rain and sleet, the
centre of which is all but impenetrable. Type: Enchantment
Casting Value: 9+
Type: Magical Vortex Range: 18"
Casting Value: 9+ Effect: Until the end of this turn, the target friendly unit
Range: 12" gains a 5+ Ward save against any wounds suffered. If this
Effect: Remains in Play. Place a small (3") blast template spell is cast, the effects of any other Enchantment previously
so that its central hole is within 12" of the caster. Whilst in cast on the target unit immediately expire.
play, the template does not move and is treated as dangerous
terrain. Whilst within 6" of the template, enemy units treat
open ground as difficult terrain and difficult terrain as
dangerous terrain.
Lore Of The Horned Rat
S kaven believe all magic originates from the same source, their powerful and fickle god – the Horned Rat. In truth, the
potent and destructive magic of the Skaven relies upon the manipulation of the Winds of Magic, without which even
the most devout and cunning Skaven would be unable to weave the simplest spell.

A Wizard with the ‘Lore of the Horned Rat’ special rule may discard one of their randomly generated spells as normal. When
they do so, they may select instead either the signature spell of their chosen Lore of Magic, or one of the spells listed below.

Skitterleap Warp Lightning

With a puff of smoke and a loud pop of inrushing air, the Skaven The Skaven Wizard points a fleshy paw, from which bolts of
Wizard disappears, only to reappear elsewhere on the battlefield. greenish-black lightning arc outwards.

Type: Conveyance Type: Magic Missile

Casting Value: 8+ Casting Value: 10+
Range: 18" Range: 18"
Effect: This spell can only target friendly characters whose Effect: The target enemy unit suffers D3+1 Strength 5 hits,
Troop Type is ‘infantry’, but may target characters engaged each with an AP of -3.
in combat. You may immediately remove the target friendly
character from the battlefield and replace it anywhere Cloud Of Corruption
completely within 24" of its original location, but not within
6" of any enemy models. The target cannot move again With a flourish of their palsied paws, the Skaven Wizard
during this Movement phase. summons forth a stinking cloud of foul contagion.
Note that this spell allows a character to leave combat.
Type: Magical Vortex
Casting Value: 10+
Range: 9"
Effect: Remains in play. Place a small (3") blast template so
that its central hole is within 9" of the caster. Whilst in play,
the template is treated as dangerous terrain over which no
line of sight can be drawn. Whilst within 3" of one or more
of these templates, enemy units suffer a -1 modifier to their
Toughness characteristic (to a minimum of one).
T he art of Illusion is a strange Lore of Magic. Where most Wizards wield their arcane might to change the world around
them in direct fashion, Illusionists prefer to change the world in subtle ways, hiding their power to control minds and
emotions behind the façade of stagecraft and trickery. For an Illusionist, it is the glamour and splendour of the casting
itself, the use of magical power to confoundIllusion
and confuse, that is the aim of their conjuring.

Many Illusionists travel the Old World, manipulating the

innocent and subjecting the unwary to their will. Others
find shelter within the entourage of a powerful lord or lady,
masquerading as entertainers before courtiers and guests.
Almost all maintain a pretence of stagecraft in everything they
do, carefully crafted charms working to befuddle the minds of
those around them, lulling an audience into an almost trance-
like state in which the Illusionist’s victims remain convinced
that, no matter how overt the magic practiced before their
eyes, they are witnessing a simple mummers act.

Behind this pretence, Illusionists practise a profane art which

thrives upon deceit and misdirection. They work the Winds
of Magic in subtle ways, crafting mirage images that fill the
mind with counterfeit memories and imposter emotions. It is
by these means that Illusionists are able to manipulate those
around them, bending them to their will, causing them to
react to realities that are not, in fact, real.

Illusion is, perhaps, the most dangerous of lores, both for

those that practise it as well as those that witness it. A careless
Illusionist can find themselves drawn into their own deceits,
the Winds of Magic entrapping them and pulling their mind
into a world that does not truly exist.

Glittering Robe (Signature Spell)

Shimmering light radiates from the Illusionist’s garb, dazzling
and confounding the enemy.

Type: Enchantment
Casting Value: 8+
Range: Self
Effect: Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, enemy
units suffer a -1 modifier to any rolls To Hit made against
the caster and any unit they have joined. If this spell is
cast, the effects of any other Enchantment previously cast
on any of the affected models immediately expire.
1. Mind Razor 4. Confounding Convocation
Torturous illusion grips the enemy. Only those with the strongest The enemy is bombarded by wild and disorienting images and
of wills can resist. dancing lights that render them all but blind to the world
around them.
Type: Magic Missile
Casting Value: 7+ Type: Hex
Range: 15" Casting Value: 9+
Effect: The target enemy unit must immediately make a Range: 9"
Leadership test. If this test is passed, it suffers D3 Strength Effect: Remains in Play. Whilst this spell is in play, the
3 hits, each with an AP of -. If, however, this test is failed, it target enemy unit becomes subject to the Stupidity
suffers D3+3 Strength 4 hits, each with an AP of -3. special rule.

2. Shimmering Dragon 5. Spectral Doppelganger

An incorporeal Dragon materialises over the battlefield, stooping Like the surface of a mirror struck a mighty blow, the Illusionist’s
low to bear aloft a mighty champion. image fractures, revealing myriad doppelganger likenesses.

Type: Conveyance Type: Assailment

Casting Value: 8+ Casting Value: 9+
Range: 12" Range: Combat
Effect: This spell can only target friendly characters. If the Effect: A single enemy unit the caster is engaged in combat
target friendly character is not fleeing and has not already with suffers 2D6 hits, resolved using the characteristics and
moved during this Movement phase, it gains the Fly (10) special rules of the caster and of any weapon they carry.
special rule until the end of this turn.
6. Miasmic Mirage
3. Column Of Crystal
Around the feet of the enemy, the earth itself shifts and
The Illusionist conjures forth an illusory column of crystal. All blurs, causing warriors to trip and stumble upon half-
that see it believe it to be utterly impenetrable. imagined obstacles.

Type: Magical Vortex Type: Hex

Casting Value: 10+ Casting Value: 11+
Range: 9" Range: 15"
Effect: Remains in Play. Place a large (5") blast template so Effect: Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, the
that its central hole is within 9" of the caster. Whilst in play, target enemy unit suffers a -2 modifier to its Movement
the template does not move and is treated as impassable characteristic (to a minimum of 1) and cannot march or
terrain over which no line of sight can be drawn. charge. If this spell is cast, the effects of any other Hex
previously cast on the target unit immediately expire.
Lore of the Lady LORE OF THE LADY
T he magical powers of the Handmaidens of the Lady all resemble religious observance as much as they do sorcery. With
hands clasped in devotion and rapturous joy upon her brow, a Damsel or Prophetess beseeches her goddess to protect
and empower her dutiful followers.

A Wizard with the ‘Lore of the Lady’ special rule may discard one of their randomly generated spells as normal. When they do so,
they may select instead either the signature spell of their chosen Lore of Magic, or one of the spells listed below.

The Lady’s Gift The Lady’s Wrath

As the Damsel prays solemnly to the Lady of the Lake, silvery Enraged to see the lands of fair Bretonnia invaded by enemies, the
light emanates from her most ardent followers, knitting their Damsel invokes the wrath of the Lady of the Lake, strengthening
wounds and gilding their armour. the sword arms of her companions.

Type: Enchantment Type: Enchantment

Casting Value: 7+/10+ Casting Value: 9+
Range: 12" Range: Self
Effect: Remains in Play. If this spell is cast with a casting Effect: Remains in Play. Whilst this spell is in play, the
result of 7 or more, the target friendly unit gains the caster, their mount and any unit they have joined gain a +1
Regeneration (6+) special rule. If this spell is cast with a modifier to their Strength characteristic (to a maximum
casting result of 10 or more, the target friendly unit gains of 10), and improve the Armour Piercing characteristic
the Regeneration (5+) special rule. This spell may target a of their weapons by 1.
friendly unit engaged in combat.

Burning Gaze
Beams of cleansing white light flow from the Damsel’s eyes,
searing all traces of evil from her sight.

Type: Magic Missile

Casting Value: 10+
Range: 5D6"
Effect: Draw a straight line, 5D6" in length, from the
caster’s base edge. Any enemy model whose base falls under
this line suffers a single Strength 4 hit with no armour save
permitted (Ward and Regeneration saves can be attempted
as normal).
Lore Of Lustria
T he Slann Mage-Priests are masters of magic able to wield tremendous power with almost contemptuous ease. With
this power they are able to alter the environment around them and the fates of their loyal servants, summoning rains
to wash away their foes, or calling upon the Winds of Magic to heal their champions.

A Wizard with the ‘Lore of Lustria’ special rule may discard one of their randomly generated spells as normal. When they do so,
they may select instead either the signature spell of their chosen Lore of Magic, or one of the spells listed below.

Apotheosis Monsoon
Waves of pure magic infuse the caster’s ally, healing their wounds Without warning, an eight-winded storm breaks about the
and giving them a palpable aura of power and dread. foe. Torrential rain drenches weapons and armour, loosening
bowstrings and soaking black powder.
Type: Enchantment
Casting Value: 10+/12+ Type: Magical Vortex
Range: 24" Casting Value: 8+
Effect: This spell can only target friendly characters whose Range: 15"
troop type is ‘infantry’ or ‘cavalry’, but may target characters Effect: Remains in play. Place a large (5") blast template
engaged in combat. If this spell is cast with a casting result of so that its central hole is within 12" of the caster. Whilst in
10 or more, the target friendly model immediately regains play, the template is treated as dangerous terrain over which
D3 lost Wounds. If this spell is cast with a casting result of no line of sight can be drawn. The template moves D6" in
12 or more, the target friendly model immediately regains a random direction during every Start of Turn sub-phase.
D3+1 lost Wounds. Any enemy unit the moving template touches or moves
over becomes ‘drenched’ for the remainder of the game.
In addition, the target friendly character gains the Fear
special rule. If they already have the Fear special rule, they A drenched unit suffers a -1 To Hit modifier during the
instead gain the Terror special rule. Shooting phase. A drenched model whose troop type is ‘war
machine’ must roll a D6 before shooting. On a roll of 1, the
model fails to shoot this turn.
Lore of Mork LORE OF MORK
G oblin Shamans delight in casting cunning curses upon their enemies. These petty charms are intended to disrupt and
confuse the foe, leaving them vulnerable to sneaky attacks.

A Wizard with the ‘Lore of Mork’ special rule may discard one of their randomly generated spells as normal. When they do so,
they may select instead either the signature spell of their chosen Lore of Magic, or one of the spells listed below.

Mork’s Curse Itchy Nuisance

The Shaman points a bony finger at the enemy and utters a The Shaman begins vigorously scratching and cackling
curse. Almost immediately, buckles begin to break and rivets pop, maniacally, their antics causing their enemies to feel
causing armour plates to slip. uncomfortably hot and itchy.

Type: Hex Type: Hex

Casting Value: 8+ Casting Value: 9+
Range: 18" Range: 15"
Effect: Remains in Play. Whilst this spell is in play, the Effect: Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, the target
target enemy unit must re-roll any Armour Save roll of a enemy unit suffers a -D3 modifier to its Toughness and
natural 6. Initiative characteristics (to a minimum of 1).

Orc & Goblin Tribes 47

Lore Of Naggaroth
L ike their High Elf Kin, Dark Elves are skilled manipulators of the Winds of Magic. Yet where the power available to the
Elves of Ulthuan is limited by their cautious approach, Dark Elves know no such limit, weaving high and dark magic
with reckless abandon.

A Wizard with the ‘Lore of Naggaroth’ special rule may discard one of their randomly generated spells as normal. When they do
so, they may select instead either the signature spell of their chosen Lore of Magic, or one of the spells listed below.

Cursing Word Black Horror

As the Sorceress utters a string of forbidden words and curses, The Sorceress tears the veil between reality and the æther, and
the bodies of her enemies bend and buckle, wracked with waves a black cloud of roiling energy sweeps across the battlefield,
of agony. trailing slimy tentacles that drag unfortunate victims to an
unknown fate.
Type: Hex
Casting Value: 9+ Type: Magical Vortex
Range: 12" Casting Value: 9+
Effect: Remains in play. Whilst this spell is in play, Range: 18"
the target enemy unit reduces either its Weapon skill Effect: Remains in play. Place a large (5") blast template
characteristic, or its Ballistic Skill characteristic (chosen by so that its central hole is within 18" of the caster. Whilst
the casting Wizard’s controlling player) to 1. If this spell in play, the template is treated as dangerous terrain. The
is cast, the effects of any other Hex previously cast on the template moves 2D6" in a random direction during every
target unit immediately expire. Start of Turn sub-phase. Any enemy unit the moving
template touches or moves over must immediately make
D6 Strength tests. For each test that is failed, the unit loses a
single Wound.

O f all the mages that study the Lores of Magic, those that practise the art of Necromancy are the most shunned and
reviled, yet simultaneously often the most sought after. Necromancy is the study of death, and of more than death –
Necromancy is the means by which those trapped within the mortal coil can penetrate through the shroud of death into
Morr’s dark realm, to commune with the spirits of the departed and witness the wisdom of ancestors.

Necromancers make use of the darker Winds of Magic, the

purple wind of death and the grey wind of shadow most
often, melding them with the green wind of life and the
amber wind of beasts. From these disparate strands of ætheric
power they craft charms and incantations that grant them
a power to reach beyond death’s embrace. With this power,
Necromancers summon spirits and commune with the dead,
channelling the spirits of the departed that they may speak
with the living.

Still others take their study further into the dark, dallying with
the blackest of magics, the raw power of chaos. Some utilise
foul warpstone to enhance their control of this writhing, evil
force, using the wicked material to draw bleak power ever
more closely about their withered forms, channelling this dark
energy into the husks of dead things and crafting vile unlife
from cold, lifeless corpses pulled from the dark earth.

For every Necromancer gainfully employed in spiritualism,

communing with the souls of departed loved ones, there is
certain to be another skulking in graveyards and mausoleums,
disturbing the dead and seeking to extend their own life by
means magical and profane. This is why Necromancers are so
untrusted and unloved – for honest and good citizens of the
Old World can never be sure just how deep into the shadows a
Necromancer has delved.

The Dwellers Below

(Signature Spell)
Beneath the enemy the cold dirt parts, revealing spectral
hands that reach to grasp at the foe and pull them into
the underworld.

Type: Assailment
Casting Value: 7+
Range: Combat
Effect: Place a small (3") blast template so that its central
hole is directly over the centre of a unit the caster is
engaged in combat with. Once placed, the template
will scatter D3+1". Any enemy model whose base lies
underneath the template’s final position risks being hit (as
described on page 95) and suffering a single Strength 3 hit
with an AP of -.
1. Deathly Cabal 4. Curse Of Years
From beyond the veil of death, unquiet spirits gather protectively As dead things draw near, they feed hungrily upon the vital
around the Necromancer, their presence causing the foe to recoil energy of the living, ageing them rapidly.
in fear and dread.
Type: Hex
Type: Enchantment Casting Value: 10+
Casting Value: 10+ Range: 15"
Range: Self Effect: Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, the target
Effect: Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, the caster enemy unit suffers a -1 modifier to its Movement, Weapon
and any unit they have joined gain a 6+ Ward save against Skill and Toughness characteristics (to a minimum of 1). If
any wounds suffered that were caused by a non-magical this spell is cast, the effects of any other Hex previously cast
enemy attack. In addition, whilst this spell is in play, the on the target unit immediately expire.
affected models gain the Fear special rule. If they already
have the Fear special rule, they instead gain the Terror 5. Spectral Steed
special rule.
As the Necromancer chants words of dark power, a ghostly steed
2. Unquiet Spirits forms from the night air.

Evil spirits gather around the enemy, their spectral talons Type: Conveyance
creeping beneath armour to tear at flesh. Casting Value: 9+
Range: 12"
Type: Magic Missile Effect: Remains in Play. This spell can only target friendly
Casting Value: 8+ characters whose troop type is ‘infantry’. Whilst this spell is
Range: 15" in play, the target friendly character gains the Ethereal and
Effect: The target enemy unit suffers 3D6 Strength 2 hits, Fly (10) special rules.
with no armour save permitted (Ward and Regeneration
saves can be attempted as normal). 6. Spirit Leech
3. Spiritual Vortex Chill winds gust and long shadows gather, sapping the enemy’s
will and sowing seeds of dread.
The Necromancer gestures and dark energy swirls, opening a
vortex into the realm of Morr, god of death. Type: Hex
Casting Value: 8+
Type: Magical Vortex Range: 18"
Casting Value: 11+ Effect: Until the end of this turn, the target enemy unit
Range: 12" suffers a -2 modifier to its Leadership characteristic (to a
Effect: Remains in Play. Place a large (5") blast template minimum of 2) and cannot use their General’s Inspiring
so that its central hole is within 12" of the caster. Whilst in Presence special rule. This spell may target an enemy unit
play, the template does not move and is treated as dangerous engaged in combat.
terrain. Whilst within 8" of the template, enemy units
suffer a -1 modifier to their Leadership characteristic (to
a minimum of 2) and cannot use their General’s Inspiring
Presence special rule.
Lore of Nehekhara LORE OF NEHEKHARA
T he magic of Nehekhara was perfected millennia ago and has remained unchanged in the long centuries since. The
wording of every incantation used in the preservation and reanimating of the dead is recorded on dusty papyrus in the
mysterious hieroglyphs of Nehekhara’s ancient language, to be uttered aloud in long, monotonous ritual.

A Wizard with the ‘Lore of Nehekhara’ special rule may discard one of their randomly generated spells as normal. When
they do so, they may select instead either the signature spell of their chosen Lore of Magic, or one of the spells listed below.

Djaf’s Incantation Of Cursed Blades Usekhp’s Incantation Of Desiccation

As the Liche Priest utters this ancient mantra, the weapons of As the Liche Priest intones the curse of desiccation every syllable
the Nehekharan warriors gathered about them become imbued strips the moisture from their victims’ bodies, sapping their
with the essence of Djaf, the jackal-headed god of the dead, who strength and vitality.
hungers for the souls of the living above all things.
Type: Hex
Type: Enchantment Casting Value: 10+
Casting Value: 7+ Range: 15"
Range: Self Effect: Until the end of this turn, the target enemy
Effect: Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, any unit suffers a -1 modifier to its Strength and Toughness
friendly unit that has the Nehekharan Undead special rule characteristics (to a minimum of 1). If this spell is cast, the
and that is within the caster’s Command range may re-roll effects of any other Hex previously cast on the target unit
any rolls To Hit of a natural 1. immediately expire.

Khsar’s Incantation Of The Desert Wind

Harnessing the power of Khsar, god of the desert winds, the Liche
Priest summons forth a sandstorm that engulfs the undying
warriors of Nehekhara and carries them across the battlefield.

Type: Enchantment
Casting Value: 6+/10+
Range: Self
Effect: If this spell is cast with a casting result of 6 or more,
a single friendly unit that has the Nehekharan Undead
special rule and is within the caster’s Command range gains
the Reserve Move special rule. If this spell is cast with a
casting result of 10 or more, every friendly unit that has the
Nehekharan Undead special rule and is within the caster’s
Command range gains the Reserve Move special rule. This
spell lasts until the end of this turn.

Tomb Kings Of Khemri 155

Lore of Saphery LORE OF SAPHERY
W hile lesser races study magic in its corrupted, broken form, High Elf Mages harness its power as pure mystical energy.
Within the White Tower, mages learn to smooth the tumultuous eddies of the Winds of Magic, bringing all eight
together to create the silvery hue of pure magic.

A Wizard with the ‘Lore of Saphery’ special rule may discard one of their randomly generated spells as normal. When they do so,
they may select instead either the signature spell of their chosen Lore of Magic, or one of the spells listed below.

Hand Of Khaine Courage Of Aenarion

With a simple gesture, white light bursts forth from the Mage’s The High Elf Mage draws upon the Winds of Magic to conjure
outstretched hand, banishing the life force of the foe. glorious images of Aenarion in the minds of their allies. So
inspired, already brave warriors are filled with the unbreakable
Type: Assailment courage of the first Phoenix King.
Casting Value: 8+
Range: Combat Type: Enchantment
Effect: A single enemy model the caster is engaged in Casting Value: 10+
combat with suffers a single Strength 4 hit with no armour Range: 15"
save permitted (Ward and Regeneration saves can be Effect: Remains in Play. Whilst this spell is in play, the
attempted as normal). target friendly unit gains the Unbreakable special rule.
If this spell is cast, the effects of any other Enchantment
previously cast on the target unit immediately expire. This
spell may target a friendly unit engaged in combat.

Vaul’s Unmaking
Glowing swords grow dim, blood-warm chalices cool and
enchanted scrolls crumble into dust, their magical energies
drained as the Mage turns the fury of Vaul’s forge upon the
magical trappings of the enemy.

Type: Hex
Casting Value: 11+
Range: 12"
Effect: This spell can only target enemy characters.
However, it may target any enemy character that is within
range and that the caster can draw a line of sight to,
regardless of the usual rules for targeting characters, and
may even target an enemy character that has joined a unit
or that is engaged in combat.

The casting player chooses a single magic item carried

by the target. This magic item is immediately ‘unmade’,
rendering it completely useless. The chosen magic item
cannot be used for the remainder of the game.
Lore Of Undeath
M ystery shrouds the study of Necromancy. To learn this dark art, an aspirant must find a willing tutor and become
their apprentice, or acquire forbidden books rich in the secrets of undeath. It is this intrinsic mystery that drives
Necromancers to become servants of the Vampire Counts, hoping to learn first-hand from the masters of undeath.

A Wizard with the ‘Lore of Undeath’ special rule may discard one of their randomly generated spells as normal. When they do so,
they may select instead either the signature spell of their chosen Lore of Magic, or one of the spells listed below.

Vanhal’s Danse Macabre Hellish Vigour

Filled with magical energy, the Undead jerk forwards on the The caster invigorates their ghastly warriors, who advance upon
attack with tireless and unnatural speed. the foe with uncanny vigour.

Type: Enchantment Type: Enchantment

Casting Value: 8+/12+ Casting Value: 9+/12+
Range: 12" Range: Self
Effect: If this spell is cast with a casting result of 7 or more,
Effect: If this spell is cast with a casting result of 8 or more, a single friendly unit that has the Necromantic Undead
the target friendly unit gains a +D3 modifier to one of the special rule and is within the caster’s Command range gains
following characteristics (to a maximum of 10). If this the Reserve Move special rule. If this spell is cast with a
spell is cast with a casting result of 12 or more, the target casting result of 10 or more, every friendly unit that has the
friendly unit gains a +D3 modifier to two of the following Necromantic Undead special rule and is within the caster’s
characteristics (to a maximum of 10). This spell lasts until Command range gains the Reserve Move special rule. This
your next Start of Turn sub-phase. spell lasts until the end of this turn.

• Movement
• Weapon Skill
• Initiative

Raise Dead
One skilled in the dark arts M WS BS S T W I A Ld
of Necromancy can awaken Risen Zombie 4 2 0 3 3 1 1 1 2
mortal remains to reinforce
the Undead legions under Troop Type: Regular infantry
their control. Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 2D3
Type: Enchantment Equipment: Hand weapons
Casting Value: 10+ Special Rules: Necromantic Undead, Regeneration (6+), Skirmishers, the Newly Dead
Range: 12"
Effect: Place a unit of Note that Risen Zombies are not worth any Victory Points.
2D3 Risen Zombies on
the battlefield anywhere
completely within 12" of this
model, but not within 1"
of any enemy models. This
unit cannot declare a charge
during the turn in which it
was raised:

W hen Orc and Goblin tribes march to war (as they are given to do with alarming regularity), they are accompanied by
Waaagh! Magic
powerful shamans. These ‘Weirdboy’ and ‘Oddgit’ shamans, as Orcs and Goblins call them, are each a living conduit
to Gork and Mork, the primitive gods of their kind, and each can wield such arcane might that even the most learned of
Elven mages would have to be impressed.

The power of Orc and Goblin Shamans does not come

primarily from the Winds of Magic, but from the raw
Waaagh! magic radiated by their kind. A potent force barely
understood by mages of other races, Waaagh! magic can
consume the Winds of Magic, absorbing them and deadening
the mage-sight of other Wizards. As Orcs and Goblins rush
into battle, the Waaagh! rises in great storms that spring forth
to drown entire regions, before draining away once more,
leaving only wisps of magical potential behind.

An Orc or Goblin Shaman, blessed by Gork (or possibly

Mork) can focus the Waaagh! through the power of their mind
(such as it is), casting spells as brutal and cunning as Gork
and Mork themselves. These shamans have been known to
burst the skulls of their foes, to shoot beams of crackling green
death from their beady eyes or to summon almighty green
appendages from the skies to punch and kick the enemy.

Yet with great power comes great peculiarity, and shamans

are a most peculiar breed. Constant exposure to the raw
Waaagh! and the will of their gods causes Orcs and Goblins
to become somewhat unhinged. Consequently, their shamans
are prone to drifting into trances, breaking uncontrollably into
spasmodic dancing, and talking animatedly to unseen entities.
Of course, for the average Orc or Goblin, such behaviour is a
bonus – after all, how can one be impressed by a Wizard that
doesn’t act the part?

Fist Of Gork (Or Mork)

(Signature Spell)
In response to the Shaman’s frantic hopping and gesticulating,
a great green fist materialises from the air and wallops the foe!

Type: Assailment
Casting Value: 9+
Range: Combat
Effect: Place a large (5") blast template so that its central
hole is directly over the centre of a unit the caster is
engaged in combat with. Once placed, the template will
scatter D3"+1. Any model (friend or foe) whose base lies
underneath the template’s final position risks being hit (as
described on page 95) and suffering a single Strength 4 hit
with an AP of -1.
1. Vindictive Glare 4. Evil Sun Shinin’
Their brows furrowed and their teeth clenched, the Shaman’s The sun is out and there’s an enemy army over there – it’s a great
glare is so intense that their enemies visibly wither. day for a battle! ’Ave at it Boyz!

Type: Magic Missile Type: Enchantment

Casting Value: 8+ Casting Value: 9+
Range: 21" Range: Self
Effect: The target enemy unit suffers a single Strength 7 hit Effect: Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, friendly
with the Multiple Wounds (D3) special rule and with no units that are within the caster’s Command range may re-
armour save permitted (Ward and Regeneration saves can roll any rolls To Hit of a natural 1, and improve the Armour
be attempted as normal). This spell may target an enemy Piercing characteristic of their weapons by 1.
unit engaged in combat.
5. ’Ere We Go!
2. Hand Of Mork (Or Gork)
The Shaman begins a simple chant which is quickly and
A huge green hand appears from above and, with great care, enthusiastically taken up by their friends.
flicks a hero across the battlefield.
Type: Enchantment
Type: Conveyance Casting Value: 9+
Casting Value: 7+ Range: Self
Range: 18" Effect: Any friendly unit that is within the caster’s
Effect: This spell can only target friendly characters, Command range during the Declare Charges & Charge
but may target characters engaged in combat. You may Reactions sub-phase of this turn increases its maximum
immediately remove the target friendly character from possible charge range by 3" and, when it makes a Charge roll,
the battlefield and replace it anywhere within 2D6" of its may apply a +D3 modifier to the result.
original location, but not within 3" of any enemy models.
However, if a double 1 is rolled, the character lands badly 6. Foot Of Gork (Or Mork)
and loses a single Wound.
There’s a massive green foot on the battlefield and it seems to
Note that this spell allows a character to leave combat. be moving!

3. Bad Moon Rizin’ Type: Magical Vortex

Casting Value: 8+
The Shaman summons a great pale moon above the battlefield. Range: 15"
Trembling under its baleful gaze, the enemy can barely lift Effect: Remains in Play. Place a large (5") blast template
their weapons! so that its central hole is within 15" of the caster. Whilst
in play, the template is treated as dangerous terrain. The
Type: Hex template moves 2D6" in a random direction during every
Casting Value: 10+ Start of Turn sub-phase. Any unit (friend or foe) the
Range: 15" moving template touches or moves over suffers D3+3
Effect: Until the end of this turn, the target enemy unit Strength 5 hits, each with an AP of -1.
suffers a -D3 modifier to its Weapon Skill and Initiative
characteristics (to a minimum of 1).
Magic Items

T he Warhammer world is rich in magical artefacts and holy relics of great power. Soul-drinking swords, impenetrable
suits of armour, ancient tomes of sorcerous knowledge and lost rings of incalculable might – many a long war has been
fought solely for the possession of such treasures and the power they bestow.

Using Magic Items Types Of Magic Item

There are six categories of magic item: magic weapons, magic
The pages that follow detail ‘common’ magic items. These armour, talismans, magic standards, enchanted items and
represent magic items of similar types that are crafted and arcane items.
used by all the races of the world and that share common
design, purpose or magical properties. Unless stated otherwise, Magic Weapons: Most often swords, but also axes, maces,
common magic items are available to each and every army. spears, bows and so forth. A magical weapon is a great boon to
a warrior.
In addition, each army list includes a number of magic
items unique to that army – items which can only be carried Magic Armour: Helms, shields, breastplates, even partial and
and used by models belonging to that army. Think of the full suits of armour, all can be ensorcelled in some way.
common magic items given here as rules given to represent
popular ideas and designs favoured by all races, and those Talismans: Talismans, charms, amulets and wards are tokens
that accompany each army list as more specialised and Using Magic Items
of magical protection.
specific items.
Magic Standards: Be it an honoured relic of a famous
Purchasing Magic Items regiment, a fine tapestry blessed by a priest, or even the
If a model can purchase magic items, this will be listed among head of a mighty beast stuck on a pole, many standards are
the options given in its rules, along with a limit to how many quite magical.
points can be spent on magic items for that model. Usually,
only characters can purchase magic items, though some unit Enchanted Items: Many magic items are rather unique in
champions or standard bearers have the option to purchase design or of a very particular type, such as rings, amulets,
magic items as well. magic boots, and so forth. These items are enchanted items.

Any magic items purchased should be noted down and their Arcane Items: Be it a spell book, a scroll, even a wand or staff,
points added to that of the model that carries them on your these are items carried by Wizards to increase their powers or
muster list. enhance their knowledge.
Limitations & Uniqueness Single Use Magic Items
As a general rule, most magic items are considered to be quite Some magic items are noted as being ‘single use’. Such magic
unique. Even common magic items are, for the most part, items can only be used once per game. Once used, the item’s
common only in that they are available to all races – they are magic is spent and it cannot be used again.
not so common as to be available to each and every character
in your army. To represent this, only one of each magic item What’s In A Name?
can be included in your army. In addition, a model can only The magic items listed on the following pages often have a
purchase one magic item from each category. name that describes them quite specifically, but this does
not mean a model has to carry or wear that exact item. The
There are, of course, exceptions to this rule of uniqueness. important thing to remember with common magic items is
These are magic items carried by named characters and items that the rules given represent something that might appear in
considered to be ‘extremely common’: any army – something with a quite common magical effect,
but an appearance unique to the race that created it.
Named Characters: Famous and powerful individuals from
the Warhammer world, named characters have access to the For example, in the hands of a General of the Empire, it would
finest equipment. A named character may carry two or more make sense for a ‘Sword of Striking’ to resemble a fine rapier,
items from a single category. but when wielded by an Orc Warboss that same rapier would
look out of place. It is perfectly acceptable for the model of
Note that named characters may also be equipped with truly an Orc Warboss equipped with a Sword of Striking to carry
unique magic items which they and they alone can use. a large and brutal cleaver instead. What matters is that the
points have been paid to include the item in your army, and
Extremely Common Magic Items: Some types of magic item that a suitable weapon is wielded by the model so that your
are more common than others: scrolls on which simple spells opponent can easily remember what it represents.
are written that crumble to dust upon being read aloud; stones
that contain magical power which can be cracked open to aid
a Wizard’s conjuration; even humble shields that bear runes
of protection. “There are no problems which cannot be solved
with cannon.”
Any magic item marked with an asterisk (*) is considered to
be extremely common. Such items are seen in great number Chief Engineer Boris Kraus of Nuln
and, as such, can be purchased alongside other magic items
from the same category. In addition, there is no limit to how
many duplicates of such items can be included in an army,
or even how many duplicates a character can carry (beyond
the limit of how many points that character can spend on
magic items).
Magic Weapons
Magic weapons grant the wielder extra abilities, new special rules or an improved profile,
the better to slay enemies. Unless otherwise stated, the following rules apply to all
magic weapons:
Magic Weapons
• A magic weapon cannot be used alongside an additional hand weapon, magical or
mundane, to gain an extra attack.
• A character that wields a magic weapon cannot set it aside to use a mundane equivalent.
For example, a character cannot set aside a magic combat weapon to use a mundane
great weapon instead.
• If a character has more than one magic combat weapon, you must choose which they
will use when their combat is chosen during Step 1.1 of the Choose & Fight Combat
sub-phase and, unless the weapon itself states otherwise, the weapon chosen for the first
round of a combat must be used for the duration of the combat.
• If a character has more than one magic missile weapon, you must choose which they
will use when they are chosen to shoot during Step 1 of the Shooting phase.

Weapons of the Old World

Berserker Blade..............................................................................................20 points
In a place as riven by war
Quenched in the blood of untold fallen enemies, the Berserker Blade eternally hungers for battle.
as the Old World, it should
come as no surprise that its
R S AP Special Rules
denizens forge many and
Berserker Blade Combat S+1 - Frenzy, Magical Attacks
varied weapons. What is
perhaps a little surprising is
how many of these weapons Biting Blade..................................................................................................... 15 points
are attributed magical The serrated length of the Biting Blade cuts through armour of plate and mail with terrible ease.
properties. Whilst some are
certainly forged with the aid R S AP Special Rules
of magic, such as the runic Biting Blade Combat S -2 Armour Bane (1), Magical Attacks
weapons of the Dwarfs or
the enchanted, Ithilmar
weapons of the Elves, others
Burning Blade* .................................................................................................5 points
are blessed by priests or
Once unsheathed, the cutting edge of the Burning Blade writhes endlessly with a living flame.
enchanted by spells after
their creation, imbuing them
R S AP Special Rules
with powers that may not
Burning Blade Combat S - Flaming Attacks, Magical Attacks
be especially long lasting, or
that may only manifest in
the hands of a true believer.
Dragon Slaying Sword ..................................................................................50 points
Others seem to develop
A mighty blade, wielded by many great heroes in their endless quests to slay foul monsters.
their wondrous powers
through their use in battle,
R S AP Special Rules
taking on the personality or
Dragon Combat S - Magical Attacks, Monster Slayer
temperament of the warrior
Slaying Sword
that wields them.
Duellist’s Blades.............................................................................................55 points
Fine weapons, forged by the greatest of swordsmiths and imbued with potent runes of quickening.

R S AP Special Rules
Duellist’s Blades Combat S -1 Extra Attacks (+2), Magical Attacks,
Requires Two Hands
Giant Blade ..................................................................................................... 30 points
A broad and heavy blade wrought with powerful enchantments that only increase the weight of its
blows, the Giant Blade is an unsubtle weapon.

R S AP Special Rules
Giant Blade Combat S+1 - Armour Bane (2), Magical Attacks,
Multiple Wounds (2)

Headsman’s Axe.............................................................................................45 points

A wide bladed axe, steeped in the blood of its countless helpless victims.

R S AP Special Rules
Headsman’s Axe Combat S+1 -1 Killing Blow, Magical Attacks,
Requires Two Hands

Ogre Blade....................................................................................................... 65 points

A broad and heavy blade, the Ogre Blade is, much like its namesake, an unsubtle weapon.

R S AP Special Rules
Ogre Blade Combat S+2 -2 Armour Bane (1), Magical Attacks, The Runefangs
Multiple Wounds (D3) Second only to Ghal Maraz
in renown, the Runefangs of
Spelleater Axe.................................................................................................35 points the Empire are amongst the
Forged of rune-encrusted brass, the Spelleater Axe is anathema to the Winds of Magic. most prized magical artefacts
in all of the Old World. At
R S AP Special Rules the dawn of the Empire, the
Spelleater Axe Combat S -1 Magical Attacks, Magic Resistance (-2) Dwarf Runesmith Alaric
the Mad forged these dozen
magical swords for Sigmar’s
Sword Of Battle..............................................................................................60 points twelve chieftains. Each was a
A simple weapon, yet finely crafted, blessed by mighty mages and revered priests. masterpiece, requiring all the
skill and ancient knowledge
R S AP Special Rules of runecraft to create. The
Sword of Battle Combat S+1 -1 Armour Bane (1), Extra Attacks (+1), Runefangs are thus blades
Magical Attacks of unsurpassed power, able
to carve through gromril
Sword Of Might*............................................................................................20 points plate and Dragon scale. They
Bound around with powerful runes that increase its power and enhance the strength of its bearer. are amongst the oldest and
most treasured artefacts still
R S AP Special Rules
surviving in the Old World,
Sword of Might Combat S+1 -1 Magical Attacks
and today the Runefangs are
synonymous with the status,
Sword Of Striking*........................................................................................15 points power and authority of the
Engraved with runes of accuracy and swiftness, the Sword of Striking is an elegant weapon of Empire’s rulers.
great precision.

R S AP Special Rules
Sword of Striking Combat S - Magical Attacks
Notes: During the Combat phase, the wielder of the Sword of Striking has a +1 modifier to their
rolls To Hit.

Sword Of Swiftness .......................................................................................25 points

Crafted from magically attuned materials and ensorcelled to strike as if with a life of its own.
R S AP Special Rules
Sword Combat S - Magical Attacks, Strike First
of Swiftness
Magic Armour
Only a model that is equipped with (or that has the option to Charmed Shield* ..................................................5 points
be equipped with) armour, a shield or barding may purchase A simple shield hung with charms and fetishes to bring the bearer
a magical equivalent. A model can only wear a single suit good fortune. In the heat of battle, such ornamentation rarely
of armour and canArmour
only carry one shield, and a mount can survives intact for long.
only wear a single suit of barding. Therefore, magic armour
replaces any mundane equivalent the model is, or may be, The Charmed Shield is a shield. In addition, once per game the
equipped with. Charmed Shield gives its bearer a 5+ Ward save against a single
wound. Once this Ward save has been used, the Charmed
Magic armour follows the same rules as its mundane Shield is considered to be an ordinary, non magical shield.
equivalent (if given). For example, a suit of magical heavy
armour will grant its wearer an armour value of 5+. Enchanted Shield*..............................................10 points
A finely crafted and sturdy shield that protects its bearer from
Armour Of Destiny...........................................70 points harm time and time again.
The potent Armour of Destiny protects its wearer from all but the
most grievous of harm. The Enchanted Shield is a shield. In addition, its bearer has a
6+ Ward save against any wounds suffered that were caused by
The Armour of Destiny is a suit of heavy armour. In addition, a non-magical enemy attack.
its wearer has a 4+ Ward save against any wounds suffered.
Glittering Scales.................................................35 points
Armour Of Meteoric Iron ...............................20 points Each and every scale of this armoured surcoat is crafted from shards
This heavy armour was forged of ore mined from a meteor that fell of precious metal.
from the heavens.
The Glittering Scales is a suit of light armour. In addition,
The Armour of Meteoric Iron gives its wearer an armour once per turn, you may make your opponent re-roll a single
value of 5+, which cannot be improved in any way. However, roll To Hit made against the wearer.
nor can this armour value be reduced in any way either.
Shield Of The Warrior True............................30 points
A heavy shield of oak and iron that turns aside all but the most
Armour Of Silvered Steel ................................40 points
deadly of missiles.
Polished to a mirror shine, the Armour of Silvered Steel encases its
wearer from head to toe.
The Shield of the Warrior True is a shield. In addition, its
bearer has a 5+ Ward save against any wounds suffered during
The Armour of Silvered Steel is a suit of armour that gives its
the Shooting phase.
wearer an armour value of 3+ which cannot be improved in
any way. Spellshield*..........................................................25 points
The Winds of Magic lose their power when in the presence of the
Bedazzling Helm................................................60 points brass-bound Spellshield.
A gleaming helm that confuses and confounds enemies, causing
their blows to fall wide of their mark. The Spellshield is a shield. In addition, its bearer has a 5+
Ward save against any wounds suffered that were caused by a
May be worn with other armour. The wearer of the Magic Missile, a Magical Vortex, or an Assailment spell.
Bedazzling Helm improves their armour value by 1 (to a
maximum of 2+). In addition, any enemy model that directs
its attacks against the wearer during the Combat phase suffers
a -1 modifier to its rolls To Hit.
Talismans Magic Standards
Talismans Magic Standards
Talismans are tokens of magical protection, worn by warriors Some units have the option to purchase magic standards.
to protect them from harm both physical and magical. To do so, the unit must include a standard bearer. The only
character that can carry a magic standard is your army’s Battle
Dawnstone...........................................................35 points Standard Bearer.
The magic trapped within this semi-precious stone binds together
shattered armour plates. Banner Of Iron Resolve....................................50 points
No regiment that stands beneath the Banner of Iron Resolve has
The bearer of the Dawnstone may re-roll any Armour Save ever fled from the foe.
roll of a natural 1.
A unit carrying the Banner of Iron Resolve gains the Stubborn
Luckstone*...........................................................15 points
special rule.
Can luck be trapped within a dull stone pendant? Possibly.
The Blazing Banner...........................................25 points
Single use. The bearer of a Luckstone can re-roll a single failed An eternal flame flickers about the weapons of those that march
Armour Save roll. beneath the Blazing Banner.

Obsidian Lodestone* .........................................20 points A unit carrying the Blazing Banner gains the Flaming Attacks
An air of chill hangs about obsidian, stilling the Winds of Magic in special rule.
its presence.

A model may purchase up to three Obsidian Lodestones. Rampaging Banner............................................30 points

A model that bears a single Obsidian Lodestone has Magic As a matter of honour, those that fight beneath the Rampaging
Resistance (-1), a model that bears two has Magic Resistance Banner are always first into the fray.
(-2), and a model that bears three has Magic Resistance (-3).
When a unit carrying the Rampaging Banner declares a
charge, it may re-roll its Charge roll.
Paymaster’s Coin*..............................................25 points
This heavy golden coin may not be enchanted, but its weight in its Razor Standard ..................................................40 points
owner’s pocket certainly inspires heroism. Hung with hundreds of wickedly sharp blades, an air of sharpness
radiates outwards from the Razor Standard.
Single use. The bearer of a Paymaster’s Coin can re-roll any
failed rolls To Hit made during the Combat phase. A unit carrying the Razor Standard gains the Armour Bane
(2) special rule.
Talisman Of Protection ...................................30 points
A powerful magical aura surrounds this humble talisman,
protecting its wearer from harm. War Banner.........................................................25 points
A proud banner of great age. Those that march beneath the War
The Talisman of Protection gives its bearer a 5+ Ward save Banner fight with grim resolve.
against any wounds suffered.
When calculating its combat result, a unit carrying the
War Banner may claim an additional bonus of +1 combat
result point.
Enchanted Items Potion Of Strength*...........................................25 points
A concoction of strength-giving vegetables and roots, mixed
The enchanted items category includes all manner of together with a touch of magic.
wonderful artefacts too unique or specific to be included in
another category. Items
Enchanted items are often amongst the most Single use. During the Command sub-phase of their turn, the
prized magical items a character might possess. bearer of a Potion of Strength can consume it. Until the end
of that turn, the model has a +D3 modifier to its Strength
Note that a model can only consume a single potion (of any type) characteristic (to a maximum of 10).
per Command phase.
Potion Of Toughness* .......................................20 points
Flying Carpet......................................................40 points Distilled by magical means, this potion is sure to make the drinker
Woven from the finest silks in a far-off land, this splendid rug does all but invulnerable.
more than warm the feet!
Single use. During the Command sub-phase of their turn, the
Models whose troop type is ‘regular infantry’ or ‘heavy bearer of a Potion of Toughness can consume it. Until the end
infantry’ only. The bearer of the Flying Carpet gains the Fly of that turn, the model has a +D3 modifier to its Toughness
(8) and Swiftstride special rules. However, the bearer cannot characteristic (to a maximum of 10).
join a unit.
Ruby Ring Of Ruin ...........................................30 points
Healing Potion* ..................................................35 points Uttering a simple command, the wearer of the ring can hurl a
Purveyors of magical potions make many bold claims. Sometimes flaming ball of ruin at their foes.
they are true, sometimes not.
The wielder of the Ruby Ring of Ruin can cast the Fireball
Single use. During the Command sub-phase of their turn, spell from the Lore of Battle Magic (as described on page 321)
the bearer of a Healing Potion can consume it. The model as a Bound spell, with a Power Level of 2.
immediately recovers D3 lost Wounds.
Wizarding Hat ...................................................45 points
Potion Of Foolhardiness*...................................5 points This splendid hat, once the property of a long dead Wizard, is still
A magical brew that fills the drinker with courage… it may haunted by their ghost.
actually just be strong liquor.
The wearer is a Level 1 Wizard and knows one randomly
Single use. During the Command sub-phase of their turn, the generated spell from a Lore of Magic of your choosing.
bearer of a Potion of Foolhardiness can consume it. Until the However, the whispers of the ghostly Wizard haunting the
end of that turn, the model gains the Immune to Psychology hat are often confusing. Therefore, the wearer also becomes
special rule. subject to the Stupidity special rule.

Potion Of Speed*................................................10 points Q: Can the wearer of the Wizarding Hat cast spells whilst
A powerful potion with a terrible aftertaste that sharpens the wits wearing armour?
and speeds the reactions. A: Yes. The wearer of the Wizarding Hat is not actually a Wizard
– their magical powers are granted by a haunted hat which is not
Single use. During the Command sub-phase of their turn, affected by any armour the model may wear.
the bearer of a Potion of Speed can consume it. Until the end
of that turn, the model has a +D3 modifier to its Initiative Q: Can the wearer of the Wizarding Hat also wear a magic
characteristic (to a maximum of 10). helmet, such as the Bedazzling Helm?
A: Yes, because one is an enchanted item, the other is a type of
magic armour, but we hope anyone equipping a model in such a
way would make the effort to depict it wearing two hats!
Arcane Items Power Scroll*.......................................................20 points
Unfurling a scroll bearing runes of power can greatly increase the
Arcane itemsItems
are items that enhance a Wizard’s magical spell’s power.
powers in some fashion. Only Wizards can purchase
Arcane Items. Single use. A Wizard may use this scroll when attempting to
cast a spell. If they do so, roll an extra D6 when making the
Arcane Familiar.................................................15 points Casting roll and discard the lowest result. However, if a double
Many Wizards are accompanied by familiars gifted with 1 is rolled on any two of the dice rolled, the spell is miscast.
arcane knowledge. These creatures constantly whisper secrets to
their master. Scroll Of Transmogrification* ........................50 points
For a Wizard, there are few things better than the rush of joy felt
The owner of an Arcane Familiar knows spells from two upon turning a rival into a frog!
Lores of Magic, rather than the usual one. When determining
the spells the Wizard knows, you must roll for each Lore Single use. The bearer may use this scroll instead of making a
separately. Duplicate spells are re-rolled as normal. The Wizardly dispel attempt. The spell is cast as normal. Once the
Wizard may discard one randomly generated spell as normal, spell has been resolved, the casting player must roll equal to or
replacing it with the signature spell of the same Lore of Magic. lower than the casting Wizard’s Level of Wizardry on a single
D6. Should they fail, the Wizard turns into a frog.
Dispel Scroll* ......................................................20 points
The Wizard reads aloud a charm of unbinding from an Whilst transmogrified, the Wizard cannot cast or dispel
enchanted scroll. any spells, cannot use any of their equipment (magical or
mundane) and reduces all of their characteristics (excluding
Single use. A Wizard may use this scroll when attempting a Wounds) to 1. During each Start of Turn sub-phase, a player
Wizardly dispel. If they do so, roll an extra D6 when making may roll a D6 for each transmogrified Wizard in their army.
the Dispel roll and discard the lowest result. However, if a On a roll of 4+, the Wizard returns to normal (but retains a
double 1 is rolled on any two of the dice rolled, the Wizard is love of water).
outclassed in the art. Q: If the Scroll of Transmogrification is successfully used
Earthing Rod ........................................................5 points against a Wizard mounted on a ridden monster (a Dragon, for
Inert metal runs the length of the Wizard’s staff, drawing magical example), what happens to the mount?
overloads safely into the earth. A: The Wizard is transmogrified, but not their mount. In the
example given, you would be left with a Frog riding a Dragon.
Single use. Should they miscast a spell, a Wizard can use the
Earthing Rod to re-roll the result rolled on the Miscast table. Wand Of Jet ........................................................45 points
Carved from brittle jet, this wand refines a Wizard’s power, but is
Feedback Scroll ..................................................60 points easily broken.
When read aloud, this charm causes ætheric energy to flood back
towards the enemy Wizard. The bearer of the Wand of Jet may apply a +1 modifier to
any of their Casting or Dispel rolls. However, should they roll
Single use. The bearer may use this scroll instead of making a any natural double when making a Casting or Dispel roll, the
Wizardly dispel attempt. The spell is cast as normal. Once the Wand of Jet is destroyed and it cannot be used again.
spell has been resolved, roll two D6. For each roll of a 4+, the Note that this is a modifier to the result of a roll – it does not
casting Wizard loses a single Wound. negate a roll of a natural double 1.
Lore Familiar......................................................30 points
By creating a magical homunculus, a Wizard is able to better recall
forgotten details of their studies.

The owner of a Lore Familiar does not randomly generate

their spells. Instead, they may choose which spells they know
from their chosen lore (including that lore’s signature spell).
Special Rules

A game of Warhammer: the Old World is packed with fantastic creatures and skilled warriors with abilities so incredible
and varied that the basic rules cannot possibly cover them all. For such circumstances we have
special rules – uncommon rules to govern uncommon circumstances.

What Are Special Rules? What Special Rules Does It Have?

When a creature has an ability that deviates in some way from Whilst many special rules are given directly to a model, a
the core game rules, it is represented by a special rule. It is model can also gain special rules from its equipment. Most
through the use of the special rules that Dragons breathe fire, often, this will take the form of special rules attached to
assassins strike with lightning speed and Giants cause bowel- weapons, but special rules can be granted by armour and,
loosening terror in their enemies. especially in the case of characters, by magic items.

A model might also gain special rules as the result of a spell

that has been cast upon it or by some other game effect,
possibly by the rules governing a terrain feature, for example.
Where this is the case, the description of the game effect in
question will make it clear.

Rule Priority
Sometimes, special rules can seem a bit contradictory. Army
special rules take precedence over universal special rules or
rules associated with a model’s troop type. Unique special rules
take precedence over universal special rules, army special rules
or rules associated with a model’s troop type.

Special rules fall into three broad categories: Cumulative Special Rules
Unless noted otherwise, if the effect of a special rule in some
• Universal Special Rules: These are rules that can appear way alters a characteristic, the result of a dice roll, or any
in all armies. They may be attached to a model itself, or to other value (such as a model’s armour value), that effect is
an item of equipment it carries. cumulative. This means that the effects of duplicate versions
• Army Special Rules: These are special rules unique to the of the same rule combine together, increasing its effect.
army the model belongs to, a full list of which is included as
part of the army list the model is drawn from. For example, if a model is under the effects of a spell that
• Unique Special Rules: Some models and some special grants it Armour Bane (2) and carries a weapon that has
items of equipment have special rules unique to them. Armour Bane (1), the model would be considered to have
These will be included, in full, as part of the model or Armour Bane (3).
weapon profile.
List of Special Rules
On the following pages you will find a full description for each
of the special rules.

Ambushers Aquatic
Stealthy warriors specialise in outflanking the foe, appearing from Many of Lustria’s denizens have an affinity for water, moving with
an unexpected quarter. equal ease through swamp and river as they do over land.

A unit with this special rule may be held in reserve rather Models with this special rule do not suffer any modifiers
than be deployed at the start of the game. From the beginning to their Movement characteristic when moving through
of round two onwards, roll a D6 during each of your Start of any difficult or dangerous terrain feature which has been
Turn sub-phases for each unit of Ambushers in your army designated a ‘water feature.’ This might include shallow
that is held in reserve. On a roll of 1-3, the unit is delayed streams or fords, swampy ground, fast flowing rivers, ponds or
until your next turn at least. On a roll of 4+, the unit arrives, lakes, and players should agree prior to the game if any terrain
entering the battle as reinforcements during the Compulsory is a water feature.
Moves sub-phase. The unit may be placed on any edge of
the battlefield, chosen by its controlling player, but cannot Arcane Vassal
be placed within 8" of an enemy model. If any Ambushers Slann Mage-Priests are able to view the world and channel
are still held in reserve by the start of round five, they their sorcery through the eyes of their attendant Skink Priests
arrive automatically. and Oracles.

Rulebook FAQ v1.0 Once per turn, unless this model is fleeing or engaged in
Q: Can you choose not to roll for the arrival of Ambushers combat, a single friendly Slann Mage-Priest that is within
during your Start of Turn sub-phase? 12" of this model may ‘channel’ a spell through this model.
A: No. Unless the unit itself or the scenario being played has a If they do, the range, targeting restrictions and all effects of
special rule that changes the way in which Ambushers arrive, you the spell are measured from this model, rather than from the
must roll for their arrival during each of your turns, from round caster. If the spell requires a line of sight, it is determined from
two onwards. However, any special rules that affect the arrival of this model.
Ambushers which take effect after the Start of Turn sub-phase but
before the Compulsory Moves sub-phase may be used as normal,
regardless of the result of the Ambushers roll.
Armour Bane (X) Arrows Of Isha
Some weapons are particularly well-suited to piercing armour, Many High Elf nobles fill their quivers with finely crafted arrows.
though they often require great skill. Bound with enchantments and blessed by the touch of the Tears of
If a model with this special rule rolls a natural 6 when making Isha, such arrows are anathema to the enemies of Ulthuan.
a roll To Wound, the Armour Piercing characteristic of its
weapon is improved by the amount shown in brackets after Any bow (longbow, shortbow, warbow or Bow of Avelorn)
the name of this special rule (shown here as ‘X’). carried by a model with this special rule has the Armour Bane
(1) special rule and an Armour Piercing characteristic of -1.
For example, if a natural 6 is rolled when rolling To Wound
with a weapon that has an AP of ‘ - ’ and the Armour Bane Arrows of Asaph
(1) special rule, its AP counts as being -1 when making an These arrows carry the blessing of the goddess Asaph, and they seek
Armour Save roll against that wound. out their enemies with unerring accuracy.
Q: If a weapon with the Armour Bane (X) special rule also
has the Poisoned Attacks special rule, what happens if I roll a Units with this special rule never apply any modifiers to
natural 6 when rolling To Hit? their rolls To Hit when shooting, regardless of the source of
A: A rule such as Armour Bane (X) can have no effect if no roll To the modifier.
Wound is made. In such cases, you may choose to roll To Wound as
Authority Of The Hierophant
normal in the hope of improving the weapon’s AP characteristic,
Flanked by towering undead constructs, living statues and the
but if you do the effect of Poisoned Attacks is lost and you must
swarming husks of the countless desert creatures that infest the
accept the result of the roll To Wound.
necropolises, the priests of the Mortuary Cult march to war.

Armoured Hide (X) A Mortuary Cult army must include at least one Liche
Many creatures have gnarled, tough or scaly skin that offers the Priest to be its Hierophant. The Hierophant of a Mortuary
same protection as wrought armour. Cult army must also be its General, even if they are not the
The hide of some creatures forms natural armour and character with the highest Leadership in your army.
improves their armour value (and that of their rider). By how
much armour value is improved varies from model to model,
as shown in brackets after the name of this special rule (shown
here as ‘X’).
Note that a model that wears no armour is considered to have
an armour value of 7+ for the purposes of rules that improve
armour value.
Backstab Blackshard Armour
Hobgoblins are treacherous and underhanded creatures that excel Glowing eternally with the flame of its forging, Blackshard armour
at stabbing their enemies (and often their friends) in the back. protects its wearer from fire and heat.

If a unit with this special rule is engaged with an enemy unit’s A model with this special rule has a 5+ Ward save against any
flank or rear arc, it may re-roll any failed rolls To Hit made wounds suffered that were caused by an attack that has the
against that enemy unit. Flaming Attacks special rule. In addition, a Wizard with this
special rule may wear armour without penalty.
Banished Lords
Though once-noble knights and lords find themselves banished Blazing Body
from the lands of Bretonnia, many seek to find an end to their This creature’s flesh burns with the intensity of a furnace, wreathing
exile and return to the Lady’s light. its form in clouds of black smoke and burning embers.

Barons and Paladins within a Bretonnian Exiles army cannot At the start of every Combat phase, any model (friend or foe)
have the Grail Vow. However, the following characters and that is in base contact with this model and that does not also
units may replace the Knight’s Vow with have this special rule suffers a single Strength 3 hit with an AP
the Exile’s Vow for free: of -. This hit has the Flaming Attacks special rule.

• Baron or Paladin Note that any Wounds lost due to these hits do not count towards
• Knights of the Realm on Foot the combat result.
• Knights Errant
• Mounted Knights of the Realm
• Pegasus Knights Blessings Of Asuryan
The most devoted servants of Asuryan seem to blaze with a
fiery intensity borne of unshakeable faith. In battle, such faith is
Beast Handlers
rewarded by the Creator God of the Elves.
Salamanders and Razordons are wild creatures that are often
herded into battle by teams of fearless Skink Handlers.
A model with this special rule has a 5+ Ward save against any
wounds suffered that were caused by an attack that has the
When an enemy unit shoots at a Salamander or Razordon
Flaming Attacks special rule.
Pack that contains one or more Skink Handlers, the enemy
player must roll a D6 for each successful roll To Hit before
making any rolls To Wound. On a roll of 1-4, the hit is
inflicted upon a Salamander or Razordon. On a roll of 5+,
the hit is inflicted upon a Skink Handler. In combat, enemy
models must allocate their attacks against a model they are
in base contact with (or against the closest model if they are
within the fighting rank but not in base contact) before rolling
To Hit.

Big ’Uns
The biggest, strongest and fightiest Orcs band together into mobs
accurately, if unimaginatively, called Big ’Uns.

When engaged in combat, a model with this special rule has

a +1 modifier to its Strength characteristic, and gains the
Armour Bane (1) special rule.
Blessings Of The Lady Breath Weapon
Prior to battle, it is the custom of all pious servants of the Lady to Some creatures or constructs belch clouds of flame or noxious
kneel and pray most fervently for her blessings and protection. choking fumes at their foes. Dragons are the most famous of such
beasts, but they are by no means alone.
Once deployment is complete, instead of rolling off to
determine which player takes the first turn, the Kingdom of A model with a Breath Weapon can use it once per round,
Bretonnia army may kneel and pray for the Blessings of the during the Shooting phase of its turn. Place the flame template
Lady. If it does so, the opposing player counts as having won with its broad end over the intended target and its narrow end
the roll-off and the Lady’s Blessing is granted, giving all models touching the model’s base edge anywhere along its front arc.
in the Kingdom of Bretonnia army with this special rule: The template must lie entirely within the model’s vision arc.
Any model whose base lies underneath the template risks
• A 6+ Ward save against any wounds suffered. being hit, as described on page 95. The Strength and any
• A 5+ Ward save against any wounds suffered that were special rules of the breath weapon will be detailed in the
caused by an attack with a Strength of 5 or higher. creature’s rules.

Note that if there is no roll-off to determine which player takes the Breath weapons cannot be used when making a Stand & Shoot
first turn, the Kingdom of Bretonnia army cannot kneel and pray charge reaction, or when the model is engaged in combat.
for the Blessing.

Note also that, should two Kingdom of Bretonnia armies face one
another, neither may kneel and pray for the Blessings of the Lady.
The Lady will not give her blessings to those that wage internecine
wars, and no knight would presume to ask!

Losing The Blessing: Unlike other special rules, the Blessings

of the Lady can be lost during a game. Any model or unit
that flees, or any character that refuses a challenge, will
immediately lose this special rule.

Note that, for the purposes of this special rule, Falling Back in Good
Order does not count as fleeing.

Blood Greed
At times, the blood-fuelled frenzy of the Beastmen is so great that
they fall upon their foes in a butcherous rage, feeding upon the flesh
of the fallen in theheat of battle.

Whilst Frenzied, this model hasa+2 modifier to its Attacks

characteristic (rather than theusual +1). However, such is
this model’s desperate need to feed upon flesh that it rolls
only a single D6 when making a Pursuit roll (rather than the
usual 2D6).

Blood Rage
In the tumultof battle, Beastmen are easily overcome by their
primal urges, becoming frenzied with a bloodlust that can only be The flame template is placed with the narrow end touching
slaked with an excess of slaughter. the model’s base edge, within its forward arc, and the broad
end over the target unit.
If, when testing to seeif it becomes subject to Primal Fury (see
page 116), this unit passes its Leadership test with any roll of a Bull-gors
natural double, it will also become Frenzied. Aunit with this The very ground itself trembles and shakes beneath the unstoppable
special rule maybecome Frenzied in this way even if it haslost
thunder of a Minotaur’s charge.
Frenzy earlier in the game.
Impact Hits caused byamodel with this special rule have an
Armour Piercing characteristic of -1.
Chaos Armour (X+) Close Order
Chaos Armour is the living gift of the gods. As champions progress The mainstay of any army is its regiments of close order infantry
towards glory, their armour becomes ever more heavy and baroque and cavalry.
as new plates are added, each new piece obscuring more of
their humanity. A unit consisting of models with this special rule may adopt a
Close Order formation, as described on page 100.
A model with this special rule has a Ward save against any
wounds suffered. The armour value of this Ward save is shown Cold Blooded
in brackets after the name of this special rule (shown here as To other races, the cold blooded Lizardmen seem incapable
‘X+’). In addition, a Wizard with this special rule may wear of emotion.
armour without penalty.
When required to make a Fear, Panic or Terror test, models
Chariot Runners with this special rule may roll an extra D6 and discard the
Chariots are often accompanied by light troops that fight at their highest result.
side, protecting their vulnerable flanks from the enemy.
Counter Charge
Friendly models whose troop type is ‘chariot’ can draw a line Particularly bold and brash warriors view offence as the best form
of sight over or through models with this special rule and of defence.
can move through friendly units of Chariot Runners that are
in Skirmish formation. If the chariot’s move would result in This special rule can only be used by units that consist entirely
it ending up ‘on top’ of a Chariot Runner, simply nudge the of models with this special rule. When a unit with this special
Chariot Runner aside, by the smallest amount possible, to rule is charged in its front arc by an enemy unit whose troop
make space for the chariot. Whilst in Skirmish formation type is ‘cavalry,’ ‘chariot’ or ‘monster’, it may declare a ‘Counter
units of Chariot Runners can treat friendly chariots that are Charge’ charge reaction:
within 1" of one or more of the unit’s models as a part of the
unit for the purposes of unit coherency. Counter Charge: The unit surges forward to meet the enemy
charge. Measure the distance between the two units. If the
Choppas distance is less than the Movement characteristic of the
Orc weapons are big, crude and not very sharp… much like the charging unit, the charged unit has not enough time to meet
creatures that wield them! the enemy charge and must either Hold or Flee instead.

During a turn in which it charged, a model with this special Otherwise, pivot the unit about its centre so that it is facing
rule may re-roll any rolls To Wound of a natural 1, and directly towards the centre of the charging enemy unit.
improves the Armour Piercing characteristic of its weapon(s) After pivoting, the unit moves D3+1" directly towards the
by 1. enemy unit. Both units are considered to have charged during
this turn.
Note that this special rule only applies to non-magical weapons and
does not apply to a model’s mount (should it have one). If the model Fleeing units and units already engaged in combat when
is using a magic weapon, this special rule ceases to apply. charged cannot Counter Charge. A unit can only Counter
Charge in response to one charge per turn, even if charged
by multiple units. Once all charges have been declared,
Cleaving Blow the inactive player can choose which charging unit to
A swift and deadly strike can cleave through the thickest of armour. Counter Charge. The unit will then Hold against the other
charging units.
If a model with this special rule rolls a natural 6 when making
a roll To Wound for an attack made in combat, it has struck
a ‘Cleaving Blow’. Enemy models whose troop type is ‘regular Q: Some mounted models have the Counter Charge special
infantry’, ‘heavy infantry’, ‘light cavalry’, ‘heavy cavalry’ or rule but others do not, even though they have the same type of
‘war beasts’ are not permitted an armour or Regeneration mount. Is this intentional?
save against a Cleaving Blow (Ward saves can be attempted A: Yes. Counter Charge is a rule that represents the skill and
as normal). ferocity of the rider, not their mount. In other words, not every
rider is willing or able to perform a counter charge, regardless of
Note that if an attack wounds automatically, this special rule their mount.
cannot be used.
Crusading Knights The Crusader’s Vow
When chivalrous knights gather in large numbers to embark upon a “…To journey far beyond the borders of fair Bretonnia, into the lair
sacred crusade or errantry war, they become gripped by a religious of my foe. To take the battle to the enemies of the Lady of the Lake,
fervour, swearing fresh vows to the Lady of the Lake. wherever they might linger. This is my sacred vow…”

Within an Errantry Crusade army, the following characters The Crusader’s Vow is a Chivalrous Vow, as described on
and units gain the Crusader’s Zeal special rule. In addition, any page 108 of Forces of Fantasy. A model with this Chivalrous
of the following characters or units that have the Knight’s Vow Vow has the Veteran special rule. In addition, a model with
may replace it with the Crusader’s Vow for free: this Chivalrous Vow does not have to make a Panic test when
a friendly unit with the Peasantry special rule is destroyed
• Baron or Paladin whilst within 6" of it, or when it is fled through by a friendly
• Knights of the Realm on Foot unit with the Peasantry special rule.
• Battle Pilgrims
• Knights Errant A unit with this Chivalrous Vow cannot be joined by a
• Mounted Knights of the Realm character with the Peasantry special rule. A character with
• Questing Knights this Chivalrous Vow cannot join a unit with the Peasantry
• Grail Knights special rule.
• Pegasus Knights
• Mounted Yeomen Crusader’s Zeal
Filled by a ferocious zeal, the brave defenders of Bretonnia
rush towards the foe, their lust for battle driving them across
great distances.

A unit with this special rule increases its maximum possible

charge range by 1" and, when it makes a Charge roll, may apply
a +1 modifier to the result. In addition, a unit with this special
rule gains the Impetuous special rule.

Some missile weapons are too cumbersome to be raised and aimed
ata chargingfoe.

Weapons with this special rule cannot beused when making a

Stand& Shoot charge reaction.

Curse of the Necropolis

A powerful curse hangs over the rulers of Nehekhara. Those that
would dare strike down these ancient lords find their blood turned
to sand and their bodies engulfed in swarms of desert locusts.

If a model with this special rule loses its last Wound to an

enemy attack, the unit that made the attack must immediately
make a Leadership test. If this test is failed, the enemy unit
suffers D3 Strength 2 hits, each with an AP of -.
Da Boyz Daemonic Instability
Black Orcs will only follow the biggest and strongest leaders, which When the tide of battle turns, a Daemon’s grasp upon its physical
in their opinion means another Black Orc. Black Orc Bosses think form becomes ever more tenuous.
the same, and will surround themselves with their own elite mob of
hand-picked Black Orc boyz. If a unit with this special rule loses a round of combat, it must
make a Leadership test (before it Gives Ground) with a +1
Your army must include one Black Orc Boss for every Black modifier to the result for every combat result point by which
Orc Mob it includes, and vice versa. In other words: it lost:

• For each Black Orc Mob your army includes, it must also • If this test is passed, all is well.
include one Black Orc War Boss or Big Boss. • If this test is failed, the unit loses a number of Wounds
• For each Black Orc War Boss or Big Boss your army equal to the amount by which it failed the test. If the unit
includes, it must also include one Black Orc Mob. contains any characters, allocate wounds to the unit until
each model has been allocated one wound. Any remaining
wounds are divided as equally as possible between the
character(s) and the unit.
Daemons are creatures of magic that advance inexorably
• If this test is failed on a roll of a natural double 6, the unit
into battle, yet fade quickly into nothingness when struck a
is dragged back into the æther. The unit is immediately
banishing blow.
removed from play.
Models with this special rule are ‘Daemonic’. All Daemonic
Daemonic Locus
models have a 5+ Ward save against any wounds suffered that
Daemonic Heralds act as loci for the Winds of Magic, infusing
were caused by a non-magical enemy attack. In addition, all
others of their kind with power.
Daemonic models have the following universal special rules:
Friendly units with the same Daemonic Alignment as this
• Daemonic Instability
model reduce the number of wounds suffered due to the
• Fear
Daemonic Instability special rule by 1 whilst within 12" of this
• Immune to Psychology
model. In addition, friendly units with the same Daemonic
• Magical Attacks
Alignment as this model that roll a natural double 6 when
• Unbreakable
making a Leadership test for Daemonic Instability whilst
• Warp-spawned
within 12" of this model are not immediately removed from
play. Instead, they lose a number of Wounds equal to the
A character with this special rule cannot join a unit without
amount by which they failed the test.
this special rule, and vice versa.

Orc & Goblin Tribes 45

Daemonic Alignment
Every Daemon is a splinter of its divine master, a distorted reflection of mortal yearning, a shard of emotion and dark desire given form
and licence to destroy. Thus does every Daemon reflect something of its master’s presence and personality.

Many models in this army list have the Daemons of Khorne, Daemons of Nurgle, Daemons of Slaanesh or Daemons of
Tzeentch special rule listed among their special rules. These special rules represent the Daemonic Alignment of that model,
indicating to which of the Ruinous Powers the Daemon is bound:

• A model cannot have more than one Daemonic Alignment.

• All models within a unit must have the same Daemonic Alignment.
• A character with a Daemonic Alignment can only join a unit with the same Daemonic Alignment, or with no
Daemonic Alignment.
• A character with no Daemonic Alignment can join any unit as normal.

Daemon(s) Of Khorne Daemon(s) Of Slaanesh

The ranks of Khorne’s daemonic hosts are filled with ferocious Shrouded in hypnotic glamour, the Daemons of Slaanesh surge
and frenzied fiends, fuelled by a constant hunger to spill blood across the battlefield on lithe limbs, capering from foe to foe,
and claim skulls. claw-hands slicing through flesh and armour.

Daemons of Khorne have the Hatred (Daemons of Daemons of Slaanesh have the Hatred (Daemons of
Slaanesh) special rule. In addition, during a turn in which Khorne) special rule. In addition, Daemons of Slaanesh
it made a charge move, a Daemon of Khorne (but not its increase their maximum possible charge range by 1" and
mount) gains a +1 modifier to its Strength characteristic. have a +1 modifier to the result of any Charge or Pursuit
roll they make.
Daemon(s) Of Nurgle
Enshrouded in dense clouds of flies, the legions of Nurgle trudge Daemon(s) Of Tzeentch
across the battlefield, spreading his multitudinous gifts and Created from the raw stuff of magic by the Changer of Ways,
cataloguing their effects upon mortals. the Daemons of Tzeentch blur with ever-changing colours and
crawling warpflame.
Daemons of Nurgle have the Hatred (Daemons of
Tzeentch) special rule. In addition, any enemy model that Daemons of Tzeentch have the Hatred (Daemons of
directs its attacks against a Daemon of Nurgle during the Nurgle) special rule. In addition, a Daemon of Tzeentch
Combat phase must re-roll any rolls To Hit of a natural 6. that is also a Wizard may apply a +1 modifier to any Casting
roll they make.

Note that this is a modifier to the result of a roll – it does not

negate a roll of a natural double 1.
Dark Vitality Dragon Armour
Vampires and Necromancers are powerful beings able to exist Dragon armour is forged in the heart of a volcano by the most
without the animating will of another. skilled of artificers and decorated beyond the skill of any mere
mortal artisan. Yet, more than its exquisite form, what makes
Models with this special rule are not subject to the Death of a Dragon armour so desirable are the many potent enchantments
General rule. In addition, unless they have joined a unit that that ward against the blows of the enemy.
does not have this special rule they (and their mounts) can
march as normal. A model with this special rule has a 6+ Ward save against any
wounds suffered. In addition, a Wizard with this special rule
Deathblow may wear armour without penalty.
Slayers are bitter fighters who seek their doom in battle, yet so fierce
is their pride and so sacred are the vows of the Slayer Cult that they Drilled
are incapable of accepting their fate graciously. Upon their death, a Some regiments spend endless hours training to perform
Slayer will use their final breath to strike at the foe. complex manoeuvres.

When a model with this special rule is reduced to zero Unless it is fleeing, a Drilled unit may perform a free redress
Wounds by an enemy attack during the Combat phase, the the ranks manoeuvre immediately before moving. Once this
unit that made the attack suffers a Strength 3 hit, with an AP manoeuvre is complete, the unit moves as normal. In addition,
of -1. a Drilled unit can march whilst within 8" of an enemy unit
without first having to make a Leadership test.
Note that if this model is reduced to zero Wounds whilst engaged
in a challenge, it is the model that made the attack that suffers this Note that any character that joins a Drilled unit is considered to be
hit, rather than its unit. Drilled as well.

Large regiments may be accompanied by smaller detachments.

A unit with this special rule can be fielded as a ‘detachment’

(see page 282).

Dragged Along
Great war engines may be dragged to battle by hordes of infantry.

A model with this special rule that begins its movement

within 1" of a friendly unit whose troop type is ‘infantry,’ that is
not fleeing and that contains ten or more models, may replace
its Movement characteristic with that of the unit.
Drop Rocks Dry as Dust
Entombed beneath the arid desert, the remains of living things
Skinks train Terradons to glide over the battlefield clutching great
become as dry as the dust in which they lay and, should they catch
rocks in their talons.
aflame, the fire quickly spreads.
Once per game, a unit with this special rule may perform a
Each time this model suffers an unsaved wound from a
‘Drop Rocks’ attack against a single enemy unit that is not
Flaming Attack, your opponent may roll a D6. On a roll
engaged in combat. To do so, this unit must move (by flying)
of 1-3, the flames quickly die down and this model escapes
over the unit it wishes to attack during the Remaining Moves
further harm. On a roll of 4+, the flames take hold and this
sub-phase. Once this unit’s movement is complete, the enemy
model loses one additional Wound.
unit suffers D3 Strength 4 hits, each with an AP of -, for each
model in this unit that moved over it.
Note that excess wounds caused to a model will have no additional
effect except in the case of a character that is part of a challenge, in
Drunken which case this special rule counts for Overkill. Excess wounds do
Centigors are inclined to drink vast quantities of noxious liquor not ‘spill over’ onto other models in the unit.
before battle. While this sometimes turns them into berserk fighters,
it can also severely incapacitate them.
Dwarf Crafted
Dwarfs craft missile weapons with a skill and precision of both form
During the Start of Turn sub-phase of each of your turns, roll
and function that is not seen in the weapons of other races.
on the Drunken table for each unit with this special rule that is
not currently Frenzied, that is not engaged in combat and that
Models with this special rule do not suffer the usual -1 To Hit
is not fleeing:
modifier when making a Stand & Shoot charge reaction.
Drunken Table
D6 Result
1 Unsteady: The unit has become somewhat unsteady.
Until its next Start of Turn sub-phase, the unit is
subject to the Random Movement special rule and
its Movement characteristic becomes D6+2.
2-5 Sobering Up: The alcohol has no discernible effect
upon the unit.
6 Belligerent Drunks: The unit has turned quite
belligerent. Until its next Start of Turn sub-phase,
the unit is subject to the Frenzy special rule. A unit
with this special rule may become Frenzied in this
way even if it has lost Frenzy earlier in the game.
Earn Your Spurs Ensorcelled Weapons
During an Errantry Crusade, Knights Errant pursue the enemy Many of the Chaos gods’ chosen champions brandish ensorcelled
with great fervour, seeking out trophies that speak of their knightly weapons, their heavy, black blades inscribed with dark runes that
prowess and bear witness to their valorous acts. glow with infernal power.

Any enemy standard captured by a unit of Knights Errant [in A hand weapon carried by a model with this special rule has
an Errantry Crusade Army of Infamy] is worth 100 Victory the Magical Attacks special rule and an Armour Piercing
Points as a trophy of war. In addition, whilst within 6" of a characteristic of -1.
friendly model with the Grail Vow, or any Lord of Bretonnia,
a unit of Knights Errant may re-roll any rolls To Hit of a Note that this special rule only applies to a single, non-magical
natural 1. hand weapon and does not apply to a model’s mount (should it
have one). If the model is using two hand weapons or any other sort
of weapon, this special rule ceases to apply.
Elven Reflexes Eternal Hatred
Elves possess phenomenal speed and grace, striking at their enemies
The Dark Elves believe they have been wronged greatly by their
faster than the eye can see.
enemies over and over again, and the hatred they harbour has
grown to become an all-consuming passion.
A model with this special rule (but not its mount) has a +1
modifier to its Initiative characteristic (to a maximum of 10)
Against High Elves, this model’s Hatred applies in every round
during the first round of any combat.
of close combat, not just the first.

Note that this special rule does not apply to this model’s mount
(should it have one).

Lacking physical bodies, some beings are immune to
mundane weapons.
Ethereal creatures treat all terrain as open ground for the
purposes of movement. They cannot end their movement
inside impassable terrain, though they can pass through it. In
addition, Ethereal creatures can only be wounded by Magical
attacks. Characters that are not Ethereal cannot join units that
are, and vice versa.
Evasive Fear
In the face of enemy fire, it is often wise to step Particularly large or disturbing creatures
back! Some warriors are particularly adept at provoke terrible fear in the foe.
this manoeuvre.
Models with this special rule cause Fear:
Once per turn, when this unit is declared
the target during the enemy Shooting • If a unit wishes to declare a charge
phase, it may choose to Fall Back in Good against an enemy unit that both causes
Order and will flee directly away from the Fear and has a higher Unit Strength,
enemy unit shooting at it. Once this unit it must first make a Leadership test. If
has completed its move, the enemy unit this test is failed, the unit cannot charge.
may continue with its shooting as declared. It does not move and is considered to
have made a failed charge. If this test is
The Exile’s Vow passed, the unit can charge as normal.
“... Though my time within the lands of the • If a unit is engaged with an enemy
Lady has come to pass, my time serving her has unit that both causes Fear and has a
not. By my hand and her mercy, my honour higher Unit Strength when its combat
shall be restored, even if it is to be my final is chosen during any Choose & Fight
Knights of the White Wolf quest in this life…” Combat sub-phase, it must make a
The ferocious and revered Leadership test. If this test is failed,
Knights of the White Wolf The Exile’s Vow is a Chivalrous Vow, as any models in the unit that direct their
are devoted followers of Ulric, described on page 108 of Forces of Fantasy. attacks against the Fear-causing enemy
based in Middenheim within A model with this Chivalrous Vow has suffer a -1 modifier to their rolls To Hit.
the Temple of Ulric itself. the Stubborn and Veteran special rules. In
Knights of the Order can be addition, a model with this Chivalrous Vow A unit only needs to make one Fear test per
found throughout the Empire, does not have to make a Panic test when turn. Models that cause Fear are immune
but are far more common in a friendly unit with either the Levies or to Fear. A unit that does not cause Fear
the northern lands. They ride Peasantry special rule is destroyed whilst does not become immune to Fear when
to war bareheaded to show within 6" of it, or when it is fled through joined by a character that does.
their disdain of their enemy’s by a friendly unit with either the Levies or
meagre fighting prowess, Peasantry special rule. Fear of Elves
their broad shoulders draped Goblins don’t like Elves. They smell of soap,
in the pelts of great white they walk funny and they’re too tall.
Extra Attacks (+X)
wolves from the Drakwald
Through fury, extra limbs, or being armed to
Forest. Knights of the White Elves of any type cause Fear in models
the teeth, this warrior can strike more blows.
Wolf bear the colour red on with this special rule.
their banner, barding and
A model with this special rule has a
sometimes even on weapon Feigned Flight
modifier to its Attacks characteristic,
hafts. A white wolf or a Some units are adept at escaping from the
as shown in brackets after the name of
hammer always features on foe and regrouping, drawing the enemy
this special rule (shown here as ‘+X’). If
their banners. into careless charges before vanishing into
this modifier is determined by the roll of
the distance.
a dice, roll when the model’s combat is
chosen during any Choose & Fight Combat
If this unit chooses to Flee (or Fire & Flee)
as a charge reaction, it automatically rallies
at the end of its move, as described on
Fast Cavalry
page 117.
A highly trained unit of cavalry is able to
perform complex manoeuvres, even at a
full gallop.

If all of the models (including characters)

within a unit arrayed in an Open Order
formation have this special rule, the unit
may perform its Quick Turn (see page 183)
even if it marched.
Fight In Extra Rank Finest Warhorses
Certain weapons, such as thrusting or The Warhorses of Bretonnia are bred to
throwing spears, allow warriors not in bear the weight of a fully armoured knight.
the fighting rank to attack from behind
their comrades. When a unit with this special rule makes
a Charge, Flee or Pursuit roll, it may
A model with this special rule may make re-roll any dice that roll a natural 1,
a supporting attack, as described on before discarding any dice that are
page 145. required to be discarded.

Fire & Flee First Charge

The boldest of warriors armed with missile The thundering charge of heavily armed and
weapons will face down a charging enemy with armoured warriors, freshly arrived upon the
volleys of fire, before turning and fleeing at the battlefield and eager for the fray, is devastating
last possible moment. to the cowering foe.

A unit with this special rule that is also If this unit’s first charge of the game is
armed with missile weapons may declare successful (i.e., if the unit makes contact
that it will ‘Fire & Flee’ as a charge reaction: with the charge target), the charge target A Horrifying Reality
becomes Disrupted until the end of the Most humans of the Old
Fire & Flee: The unit launches a volley of Combat phase of that turn. World know little of its true
weapons fire before turning to flee from horrors, for most do not stray
the enemy. If a unit with this special rule is far from their homesteads.
armed with missile weapons and can draw What little they know is
a line of sight to the charging unit, it may told in stories meant to scare
declare that it will Fire & Flee. The unit children into obedience.
will Stand & Shoot (as described on page When war calls, many such
120) before turning tail and fleeing from citizens are drafted into
the charge. However, due to the time spent armies and sent forth to
shooting at the charging foe, when making battle all manner of foes. On
its Flee roll the unit rolls two D6 and the battlefield the truth is
discards the lowest result. If both dice roll revealed – foul creatures call
the same result, discard either. the world their home, and
their hunger for destruction
Note that, if the distance between this unit and is limitless.
the charging unit is less than the Movement
characteristic of the charging unit, this unit
must either Hold or Flee.
Flaming Attacks Fly (X)
Fire is a fearsome thing on the battlefield, Many creatures of the Warhammer world can
but some creatures are more vulnerable to it fly, held aloft either by mighty pinions or by
than others. means of magic, soaring from one side of the
battlefield to the other.
Any attack made or hits caused by a model
with this special rule, or made using a A model with this special rule can Fly.
weapon or spell with this special rule, is a Models that can Fly can choose either to
‘Flaming’ attack. In addition, a model with move normally on the ground (using their
this special rule causes Fear (as described Movement characteristic), or to move by
on page 168) in models whose troop type is flying. How many inches a model can Fly
‘war beasts’ or ‘swarms’. varies from model to model, and will be
shown in brackets after the name of this
Unless otherwise stated, a model with this special rule (shown here as ‘X’). Models
special rule makes Flaming attacks both that choose to move by flying:
when shooting and in combat (though any
spells cast by the model are unaffected, as • May move as normal (i.e., they may
are any attacks made with magic weapons charge, march and manoeuvre as if
“Where march you folk they might be wielding). moving on the ground), except that
of Reikland, they are able to pass freely above other
Where carry you halberds Flammable models, units and terrain features
and swords? Some creatures are especially vulnerable to fire. without any penalty, and they can
Once flame has been set to their flesh, it will march whilst within 8" of an enemy
We march to war for burn out of control. unit without first having to make a
our Emperor, Leadership test.
For Sigmar – our saviour A model with this special rule cannot • May end their movement in terrain,
and lord. make a Regeneration save against a wound but will suffer its effects if they do. They
caused by a Flaming attack. cannot end their movement ‘on top’ of
Tomorrow we go to war, impassable terrain or another unit, or
to face the hosts of Chaos. within 1" of an enemy unit.

Tomorrow we will be buried, Models that can Fly must begin and end
In the cold graves that all of their movement on the ground. A
await us. character with this special rule cannot
join a unit without this special rule, and
And when this war is done, vice versa.
And my body lies on the field
at night,

Hear my prayer, save my soul,

Lord Sigmar, take me to
your light.”

Old soldier’s song from Reikland

Foe Render Frenzy
The crude weapons of Beastmen are For warriors gripped by a fighting frenzy, all
empowered by their bearer’s primal hatred rational thought is consumed by a hunger
for the trappings of civilisation. for violence.

Whilst subject to Primal Fury, a hand A Frenzied model has a +1 modifier to its
weapon carried by a model with this Attacks characteristic. This modifier does
special rule has an Armour Piercing not apply to the model’s mount (in the case
characteristic of -2. of a cavalry model), to the beasts that draw
it (in the case of a chariot), or to its rider
Note that this special rule only applies to a (in the case of a monster).
single, non-magical hand weapon and does
not apply to a model’s mount (should it In addition:
have one). If the model is using two hand
weapons or any other sort of weapon, this • If the majority of the models in a unit
special rule ceases to apply. are Frenzied, the unit automatically
passes any Fear, Panic or Terror tests it
is required to make.
Furious Charge • If a unit that includes one or more
Some creatures charge with such fury, the very Frenzied models is able to declare a
ground shakes beneath their feet. charge during the Declare Charges & The Floating Village
Charge Reactions sub-phase of its turn, Deep within the Badlands
During a turn in which it made a charge it must do so. can be found the Floating
move of 3" or more, a model with this • If the majority of the models in a unit Village, the origins of which
special rule gains a +1 modifier to its are Frenzied, it cannot choose to Flee as are shrouded in mystery. The
Attacks characteristic. a charge reaction, nor can it ever choose primitive huts and wooden
to make a Restraint test. longhouse that make up the
village itself float twenty
Losing Frenzy: Unlike other special rules, feet above the ground yet
Frenzy can be lost during a game. Any never seem to be affected by
model that loses a round of combat will the fierce winds that sweep
immediately lose this special rule. across the region. During the
day the village is tethered
to the ground, but at sunset
the ropes are released and it
floats back into the sky, where
the sleeping inhabitants are
protected very well indeed
from the dangers of their
lawless land.
Gaze of the Gods “Grind Them Down!”
Champions of Chaos constantly strive to draw their patron’s Only the finest charioteers served in the Royal Hosts of Nehekhara,
attention upon the battlefield. But the gods are fickle, and their and none granted such an honour would dare to disappoint their
blessing can be a curse. master in battle.

During the Command sub-phase of their turn, a character Whilst within the General’s Command range, friendly models
with this special rule may choose to roll on the Gaze of the whose troop type is ‘Chariot’ may re-roll the dice when rolling
Gods table: to determine the number of Impact Hits they cause.

Gaze of the Gods Table Gromril Armour

D6 Result The metal the Dwarfs call gromril is the toughest and sturdiest
1 Damned by Chaos: The Champion is beset in the known world, able to turn aside any blow. Armour forged
with visions of the Realm of Chaos. This model of gromril is highly coveted for its protective value and full suits of
becomes subject to the Stupidity special rule for gromril armour are treasured and valued heirlooms.
the remainder of the game. If they already have
this special rule, they suffer a -1 modifier to their A model with this special rule may re-roll any roll of a natural
Leadership (to a minimum of 2). 1 made when making an Armour Save roll.
2 Unnatural Quickness: To the Champion, time itself
seems to slow around them. Until your next Start of Gromril Weapons
Turn sub-phase, this model gains a +1 modifier to Many Dwarf warriors bear weapons forged of gromril. Such fine
their Initiative characteristic (to a maximum of 10). weapons, family heirlooms passed down through many generations,
3 Iron Skin: Beneath their baroque armour, the possess remarkable sharpness and durability.
Champion’s skin becomes like iron. Until your
next Start of Turn sub-phase, this model gains a A hand weapon carried by a model with this special rule has
+1 modifier to their Toughness characteristic (to a an Armour Piercing characteristic of -1.
maximum of 10).
4 Murderous Mutation: Long tentacles whip from Note that this special rule only applies to a single, ordinary hand
beneath the Champion’s armour to grasp at their weapon. If the model is using two hand weapons or any other sort
enemies. For the remainder of the game, this of weapon, or if their hand weapon is inscribed with any Weapon
model gains a +1 modifier to their Weapon Skill runes, this special rule ceases to apply.
characteristic (to a maximum of 10).
5 Dark Fury: A terrible rage grips the Champion.
For the remainder of the game, this model gains
a +1 modifier to their Attacks characteristic (to a
maximum of 10).
6 Apotheosis: The Champion is blessed with
Daemonic vitality. For the remainder of the game,
this model gains a +1 modifier to both their Strength
and Leadership characteristics (to a maximum
of 10).

Note that any benefits granted by the Gaze of the Gods apply only
to the Champion, not to their mount (should they have one).
Harmonious Incantations Hellbound
When the Liche Priests of the Mortuary Cult Although a touch of the daemonic enters
gather together into all the works of the Chaos Dwarfs,
in numbers, their incantations are some war machines have hellish entities
strengthened by their harmonious chanting. bound into their very frames, creating
possessed engines of wrath and ruin.
If a Liche Priest within a Mortuary Cult
army uses the Arise!special rule whilst A Hellbound model has a 6+ Ward save
within the Command range of one or more against any wounds suffered that were
other friendly Liche Priests, the number of caused by a non-magical enemy attack
lost Wounds the chosen unit recovers is and gains both the Fear and Magical
increased by 1. Attacks special rules. If the model
already has the Fear special rule, it
Hatred (X) instead gains the Terror special rule.
Enmity is rife in the Warhammer world, but Additionally, once per game, a
hatred is nurtured over thousands of years. Hellbound model may re-roll one
Scatter dice or one Artillery dice.
A model with this special rule may re-roll However, should a Hellbound model
any failed rolls To Hit made against a hated ever have to make a roll on a Misfire
enemy during the first round of combat. table, it suffers a -1 modifier to the
Which enemies are hated varies from
model to model and will be shown in Horde
brackets after the name of this special rule Some troops find strength in numbers,
(shown here as ‘X’). Some models hate gathering in deep formations that crowd
‘all enemies’, meaning they hate all enemy together tightly.
models equally.
A unit with this special rule may increase
Hekarti’s Blessing the maximum Rank Bonus it can claim (as
Dark Elf Sorceresses make devotions to determined by its troop type) by one.
Hekarti, the Hydra Queen and Elven
goddess of conjurations. Howdah
A howdah is an armoured platform built
Once per game, a model with this atop a mighty behemoth. From here, a crew
special rule may re-roll a single failed of warriors rain missiles upon the enemy.
Casting roll.
To represent its howdah and crew, a
behemoth with this special rule has a split
profile and follows both the ‘Split Profile
(Chariots)’ and ‘Firing Platform’ rules (see
page 194). In all other respects, this
model is a behemoth.
Ignores Cover Immune To Psychology
Even dense cover offers no safe haven There are warriors so brave, or perhaps so
from a skilled marksman wielding a well- jaded by the dangers of the world, that they
crafted weapon. heed no peril.

If a model making a shooting attack has If the majority of the models in a unit
this special rule, it ignores any To Hit are Immune to Psychology, the unit
modifiers caused by partial or full cover. automatically passes any Fear, Panic
or Terror tests it is required to make.
However, if the majority of the models in a
Ignore Goblin Panic unit have this special rule, the unit cannot
Orcs expect Goblins to run away. As far as the choose to Flee as a charge reaction.
average Orc is concerned, running away is
what Goblins are best at! Note that this special rule does not make
a unit immune to any test made against
This unit does not have to make a Panic Leadership not stated here.
test when a friendly Goblin unit is
destroyed or Breaks and flees from combat Impact Hits (X)
Vanhal’s Legacy whilst within 6" of it. Nor does this unit The impact of a charge can itself cause
In 1111, the dead walked in have to make a Panic test when it is fled severe casualties amongst the foe.
the Empire. Corpses marked through by a friendly Goblin unit.
with the black blotches of The number of Impact Hits caused
plague shambled about the Note that, for the purposes of this rule, a varies from model to model, and will
land, needing only a will Goblin unit is considered to be any unit that is be shown in brackets after the name
to guide them. They found made up entirely of Goblins of any kind, of this special rule (shown here as ‘X’).
it in the form of Baron mounted or otherwise. This includes any war Often, this is determined by the roll of
Frederick van Hal (later machine or chariot that is crewed entirely by a dice.
known as Vanhal or Vanhel). Goblins. Should a Goblin unit be joined by an
After conquering the land Orc character, it is no longer considered to be Resolving Impact Hits: Impact Hits
that eventually became a Goblin unit. can only be made by a charging model
Sylvania, he built the castle of that moved 3" or more and that is in
Vanhaldenschlosse. During Ignore Panic base contact with the enemy. Impact
the height of the Black Black Orcs don’t expect much in the way hits are attacks made in combat that
Death, Vanhal’s necromantic of bravery or discipline from their always strike at Initiative 10
domain expanded greatly, dim-witted kin, so are rarely perturbed by (regardless of modifiers), and that hit
and would have continued to the sight of them legging it. automatically using the unmodified
do so but for the treachery Strength characteristic of the model.
of his apprentice, Lothar This unit does not have to make a Panic
von Diehl. Since that dark test when a friendly unit that does not
also have this special rule is destroyed
time, many noble-born The eagerness of brash and brave warriors
descendants of Vanhal have or Breaks and flees from combat whilst
can lead them into foolish charges.
devoted their lives to the within 6" of it. Nor does this unit have to
service of Sigmar or Morr, make a Panic test when it is fled through
If during the Declare Charges & Charge
taking the oaths of a Witch by a friendly unit that does not have this
Reactions sub-phase of its turn, a unit
Hunter in an attempt to special rule..
that includes one or more Impetuous
atone for the sins of their models is able to declare a charge, roll a
heretical ancestor. D6. On a roll of 1-3, the unit must
declare a charge. On a roll of 4+, the
unit may act as normal.
Infernal Favour (X) Ithilmar Armour/Ithilmar Barding
Powerful Daemons can maintain their corporeal form long after Ithilmar is a wondrous and lightweight metal found only in
lesser Daemons Vaul’s Anvil, the largest volcano in Ulthuan. A warrior
have been banished. wearing a gleaming suit of Ithilmar armour enjoys great
protection and freedom of movement, enabling them to
A unit with this special rule reduces the number of wounds traverse the most hostile of terrain with ease.
suffered due to the Daemonic Instability special rule
by the number shown in brackets (shown here as ‘X’). A model with this special rule may re-roll any rolls of 1
when making Dangerous Terrain tests. In addition, a
Note that this special rule is not cumulative. If two or more Wizard with this special rule may wear armour without
models in a unit have this special rule, use the highest value for the penalty.
entire unit.
Ithilmar Weapons
Weapons crafted of Ithilmar are incredibly lightweight and
balanced to perfection. Such blades slice swiftly through the
Indomitable (X)
clumsy parries and counter-thrusts of enemies.
Within the legions of the Tomb Kings march creatures with
an indomitable will to hang on to the last vestiges of life no
When engaged in combat, a model with this special
matter what.
rule thatis fighting with a hand weapon may re-roll any
rolls To Hit of a natural 1.
A unit with this special rule reduces the number of wounds
suffered due to the Unstable special rule by the number shown
Note that this special rule only applies to a single,
in brackets (shown here as ‘X’).
non-magical hand weapon and does not apply to a model’s
mount (should it have one). If the model is using two hand
Note that this special rule is not cumulative. If two or more models
weapons or any other sort of weapon, this special rule ceases
in a unit have this special rule, use the highest value for the entire
to apply.
unit. For example, if a character with Indomitable (2) joins a
unit with Indomitable (1), the whole unit uses the character’s
Indomitable (2) special rule.

Tomb Kings Of Khemri 153

Khopesh Lance Formation
A Khopesh is a heavy curved blade of bronze with a cutting edge Bretonnian knights make use of a powerful formation called the
hammered to a wicked sharpness. It is an excellent hacking weapon, ‘Lance’.
able to cut easily through armour and shields to sever limbs and
cleave skulls. A unit consisting of models with this special rule may adopt a
Lance formation, as described on page 110.
A hand weapon carried by a model with this special rule has
The Language Of The Priests
an Armour Piercing characteristic of -1.
Many were the monarchs of ancient Nehekhara that endeavoured
to learn the secrets of the Mortuary Priests, but few were those that
Note that this special rule only applies to a single, ordinary hand
became proficient.
weapon and does not apply to a model’s mount (should it have
one). If the model is using two hand weapons or any other sort of
The General of a Nehekharan Royal Host must be a Tomb
weapon, this special rule ceases to apply.
King or a Tomb Prince. For +35 points, this character may
have the Arise! special rule and be a Level 1 Wizard. If so,
this character knows spells from the Lore of Necromancy
Killing Blow and must also be chosen to be the army’s Hierophant, even
The most skilled of warriors can slay their enemies with a single if it does not have the highest Level of Wizardry in your
deadly blow. army. A Wizard with this special rule may wear armour
without penalty.
If a model with this special rule rolls a natural 6 when making
a roll To Wound for an attack made in combat, it has struck a Large Target
‘Killing Blow’. Enemy models whose troop type is ‘infantry’ or Monstrous creatures tower above the battlefield, visible to all for
‘cavalry’ are not permitted an armour or Regeneration save leagues around.
(see page 176) against a Killing Blow (Ward saves can be
attempted as normal). If an enemy model whose troop type is Enemy models never suffer To Hit Modifiers for full or
‘infantry’ or ‘cavalry’ suffers an unsaved wound from a Killing partial cover when shooting at models with this special rule.
Blow, it loses all of its remaining Wounds. In addition, a model can draw a line of sight to a model with
this special rule over or through other models, and vice
Note that if an attack wounds automatically, this special rule versa.
cannot be used.
Largely Insignificant
No matter how many Gnoblars meet violent ends, there always
seems to be plenty more. Consequently, the usual response to the
Q: Can a model with the Large Target special rule draw a line
plight of a Gnoblar is laughter.
of sight over or through another model with the Large Target
special rule?
Units with this special rule never cause friendly units to make
A: No.
Panic tests. However, a unit with this special rule cannot be
joined by a character without this special rule.
Lay In Wait Lion Cloak
When the enemies of Settra march upon his lands, the great king of The thick pelt of a Chracian White Lion offers exemplary
Nehekhara calls upon those who rest in hidden barrows and graves protection against arrows and shot, though to wear such a trophy
across the landscape to attack the enemy from unexpected positions. a warrior must have earned the right, and this honour is reserved
only for those that have completed the rites of a Chracian warrior.
• 0-1 unit of Skeleton Skirmishers per 1,000 points may have
the Ambushers special rule for free. A model with this special rule improves its armour value by 1
(to a maximum of 2+) against non-magical shooting attacks.

Levies Loner
Many regiments are made up of unwilling fighters, pressed into Some warriors do not mix well with others, preferring to keep
service. their distance.

Models with this special rule cannot use the Inspiring A character with this special rule cannot be your General
Presence rule of the army’s General nor the Hold your and cannot join a unit without this special rule. A unit with
Ground rule of a Battle Standard. However, little is this Special rule cannot be joined by a character without this
expected from Levies in battle. Therefore, units that do not special rule.
have this special rule are not required to make a Panic test
when a friendly unit of Levies Breaks and flees from Look-Out Gnoblar
combat. Gnoblars are often coerced to climb into makeshift crow’s-nests at
the top of Ogre banners. From their precarious perch, the Gnoblar is
Lileath’s Blessing expected to give warning to the Ogres below of incoming enemy fire.
Lileath is the patron of seers and prophets, and many are her gifts
to the Elves of Ulthuan. Those students of High Magic that earn A champion or character that has joined a unit with this
her blessing become possessed of a profound understanding and special rule may make a “Look Out, Sir!” roll if there are two
ability to control the Winds of Magic. or more rank and file models in the unit (rather than the usual
five). In addition, you may re-roll a “Look Out, Sir!” roll if
Once per turn, a model with this special rule may re-roll a there are five or more rank and file models in the unit.
single failed Casting roll.
Marks Of Chaos
Those who bear the favour of the Dark Gods are marked by them. Their appearance becomes shaped by the signs and stigmata of their
patron, proclaiming their loyalty for all to see.

Many models in this army list have the Mark of Chaos Undivided listed among their special rules. Of those that do, some have
the option to replace it with the Mark of a specific Chaos god:

• A model cannot have more than one Mark of Chaos.

• All models within a unit must have the same Mark of Chaos.
• A character with the Mark of a specific Chaos god can only join a unit with the same Mark, with the Mark of Chaos
Undivided, or with no Mark.
• A character with the Mark of Chaos Undivided can join any unit as normal.

Note that, with the exception of Daemonic Mounts, the benefits granted by a Mark of Chaos apply only to its bearer, not to their mount
(should they have one).

Mark of Chaos Undivided: Many warriors from the cold North worship the Gods of Chaos
as a pantheon, favouring no one deity above the others.

Models with the Mark of Chaos Undivided can re-roll any failed Fear, Panic or Terror test.

Mark of Khorne: Warriors marked by Khorne are consumed with a violent rage and the
constant need to shed the blood of their foes.

Models with the Mark of Khorne have the Frenzy special rule.

Mark of Nurgle: Those marked by Nurgle are eternally accompanied by thick clouds of flies,
blinding, deafening and choking their enemies.

Any enemy model that directs its attacks against a model with the Mark of Nurgle during
the Combat phase must re-roll any rolls To Hit of a natural 6.

Mark of Slaanesh: Devotees of Slaanesh have experienced sensations beyond comprehension,

rendering them insensible to mortal fears.

Models with the Mark of Slaanesh have +1 Initiative during the first round of any
combat. Additionally, if the majority of the models in a unit have the Mark of Slaanesh,
the unit automatically passes any Panic tests it is required to make.

Mark of Tzeentch: Those who bear the ever-burning Mark of Tzeentch have a natural
capacity to manipulate magic and unbind the weak spells of mere conjurors.

Models with the Mark of Tzeentch have the Flaming Attacks and Magic Resistance
(-1) special rules. In addition, if a Wizard with the Mark of Tzeentch has joined a unit
with the Mark of Tzeentch that has a Unit Strength of 10 or more, they may apply a
+1 modifier to any Casting roll they make. Should they leave the unit for any reason, or
should the unit’s Unit Strength fall below 10, this modifier is lost.

82 Warriors of Chaos
Magical Attacks Martial Prowess
The Warhammer world is a deeply Elven soldiers spend many hours perfecting
magical place. Consequently, their battlefield drill,
magical weapons are quite commonplace. masterfully wielding their long spears with a
skill and grace absent from the ranks of their
Any attack made or hit caused by a enemies.
model with this special rule, or made
using a weapon with this special rule, is A unit with this special rule can make
a ‘Magical’ attack. supporting attacks to its flank or rear, as
well as to its front.
Note that all spells are considered to have
this special rule, as are any hits caused by
magic items. Masterful Outriders
The horsemen of a Royal Host are well
Magic Resistance (-X) practised at fighting beside their lord’s
Some creatures are naturally resistant to chariots.
magic, whilst others bear charms or Feeding an Army
fetishes intended to ward off its effects. • 0-1 unit of Skeleton Horse Archers An army marching to war is a
per 1,000 points may logistical nightmare involving
The Casting roll of any enemy spell have the Chariot Runners special rule the transportation of arms
(including Bound spells)that targets a for free. and armours, warding against
unit that includes one or more models ambushes and the feeding of
with this special rule suffers a Mercenaries thousands of soldiers. When
modifier, as shown in brackets after Mercenary bands roam the Warhammer crossing friendly territory,
the name of this special rule (shown world, looking for employment in the armies of food can be bought from
here as ‘-X’). foreign lands. local merchants, while in the
lands of their foe, pillaging is
Often, an army can include certain common. Groups of hunters
Note that this special rule is not
units drawn from another army list as are employed to range far
cumulative. If two or more models in a
mercenaries. Any such units included and wide to forage for food.
unit have this special rule, use the highest
in your army gain this special rule. Although not all races share
Mercenaries cannot use the Inspiring such concerns: the undead
Presence rule of the army’s General (see need no sustenance, while
page 203) nor the Hold your Ground the armies of chaos and
rule of a Battle Standard (see page 203). destruction simply take what
they want, from whoever
Mercenaries cannot be joined by characters they want.
drawn from another army list.
Monster Handlers Motley Crew
Colossal beasts are goaded into battle by Some regiments contain an assortment of
beastmasters hurrying at their heels. differently armed and armoured warriors.

A monster with this special rule is Units with this special rule may include
accompanied by one or more models models of the same type that are equipped
representing its handlers. During differently to one another, and/or models
deployment, position these models of different types that fight together in a
anywhere that is adjacent to, and in base single unit. If necessary, the army list entry
contact with, the monster. If the handlers for such units will be accompanied by a
are found to be blocking movement or line brief explanation of the unit’s composition.
of sight, simply move them aside.
Different Weapons: The fighting rank
In combat, each handler adds its attacks of a Motley Crew may contain models
to those of the monster. If the monster that are armed with different weapons. In
suffers an unsaved wound, roll a D6. On a such cases, the controlling player must roll
roll of 1-4 the monster loses a Wound, but different batches of dice for the different
on a roll of 5+ a handler model suffers the models, making it clear to their opponent
Marienburg wound instead. If the monster is removed which model’s attacks they represent and
“Anything you want, a from play, so are its handlers. where they are being directed. These
Marienburger already has” attacks are made in the Initiative order of
is a common phrase in the the individual models, as usual.
Empire – a matter of pride to Monster Slayer
the people of Westerland and Legends tell of warriors so mighty they can slay Different Armour: Models within a
derision in other provinces. terrible monsters with but a single blow! Motley Crew may have different armour
Within it lies a measure of values. In combat, use the armour value of
truth, for Marienburg is If a model with this special rule rolls a the majority of the models in the fighting
a thriving centre of trade, natural 6 when making a roll To Wound rank. Against enemy shooting, use the
renowned for its sailors for an attack made in combat, it has struck armour value of the majority of the models
and frequented by trade a ‘Monster Slaying Blow’. Enemy models in the unit.
ships from across the world, whose troop type is ‘monster’ are not
including Ulthuan and the permitted an armour or Regeneration save Casualty Removal: Against enemy
far east. As a result, the (see page 176) against a Monster Slaying shooting, casualty removal should be
Westerlands are the most Blow (Ward saves can be attempted as divided as equally as possible between
prosperous claimant to the normal). If an enemy model whose troop the different models within the unit. In
throne of the Emperor and type is ‘monster’ suffers an unsaved wound combat, casualties should be removed from
their armies are regularly from a Monster Slaying Blow, it loses all of among the majority of the models that
supplemented with its remaining Wounds. make up the fighting rank. In either case,
foreign mercenaries. available models are brought forward from
Note that if an attack wounds automatically, rear ranks to fill any gaps, as chosen by the
this special rule cannot be used. controlling player.

Mournfang Charge
Driven by the momentum of the charge, the
monstrous tusks of a Mournfang pierce
through armour with ease to gore the enemy

Impact Hits caused by a model with this

special rule have the Armour Bane (1)
special rule and an Armour Piercing
characteristic of -1.
Move & Shoot Multiple Wounds (X)
Weapons that are easy to use when moving at The most powerful attacks strike with
speed may lack power or range, but make up crushing force, causing massive damage to
for it with their versatility. their victim.

A weapon with this special rule can be used Each unsaved wound inflicted by an attack
in the Shooting phase even if the model with this special rule is multiplied by the
equipped with it marched this turn. number shown in brackets after the name
of this special rule (shown here as ‘X’).
Move Or Shoot For example, Multiple Wounds (2) would
Artillery weapons sacrifice a speedy reload and mean that each unsaved wound would
manoeuvrability for range and power, making cause the target to lose two Wounds.
them impossible to fire on the move. Where the number of Multiple Wounds is
generated by a dice roll, roll separately for
A weapon with this special rule cannot each unsaved wound.
be used in the Shooting phase if the
model equipped with it moved for any Note that excess wounds caused to a model will
reason during this turn (including rallying have no additional effect unless that model is a
and reforming). character, in which case this special rule counts
for Overkill. Excess wounds do not ‘spill over’
Move Through Cover onto other models in the unit.
A well-trained or naturally skilled warrior
can traverse unhindered through the Murderous
densest terrain. Trained in the arts of murder from a
young age, devotees of Khaine are deadly
Models with this special rule do not killers able to strike mortal wounds upon
suffer any modifiers to their Movement even the most resilient of foes.
characteristic for moving through difficult
or dangerous terrain. In addition, a model When engaged in combat, a model with this
with this special rule may re-roll any rolls special rule that is fighting with a hand
of 1 when making Dangerous Terrain tests. weapon may re-roll any rolls To Wound of a
natural 1.
Multiple Shots (X)
Some weapons fire a fusillade of shots, Note that this special rule only applies to
sacrificing accuracy for sheer volume. a single, non-magical hand weapon and does
not apply to a model’s mount (should it have
A weapon with this special rule can either one). If the model is using two hand weapons or
fire a single shot as normal, or it can be any other sort of weapon, this special rule ceases
fired a number of times, as shown in to apply.
brackets after the name of this special rule
(shown here as ‘X’). If multiple shots are
fired, each roll To Hit suffers an additional
-1 To Hit modifier. All models in a unit
equipped with weapons with this special
rule must fire either a single or Multiple
Shots. Where the number of Multiple
Shots is generated by a dice roll, roll
separately for each model.
Necromantic Undead Resurrecting The Fallen
The Undead legions of the Vampire Counts march under the In a Vampire Counts army, it is possible to heal a unit by
command of powerful Necromancers. recovering lost Wounds, and to resurrect fallen warriors.
Wounds recovered in this way follow a strict order:
Models with this special rule are ‘Undead’. Undead models
cannot march (unless they have the Fly (X) special rule and • First, any characters that have joined the unit
choose to move by flying). In addition, all Undead models are healed. A character that has been reduced
have the following universal special rules: to zero Wounds and removed from play cannot
be resurrected.
• Fear • Second, models with more than one Wound on their
• Immune to Psychology profile are healed.
• Unbreakable • Next, the unit champion is resurrected, displacing
• Unstable rank-and-file models as required, followed by the
standard bearer and musician.
A character with this special rule cannot join a unit without • Finally, rank-and-file models are resurrected.
this special rule, and vice versa.
Note that, in the case of multiple Wound models, each model
must be fully healed, recovering all of its lost Wounds, before
The Newly Dead
another can be healed or resurrected.
Those that fall in battle may be compelled by necromantic magic to
rise again and fight against their former comrades.
Note also that at least one model must remain in order for a
unit to be healed. In other words, a unit that has been reduced
When resurrecting the fallen, a unit with this special rule can
to zero Wounds and removed from play cannot be resurrected.
be taken beyond its starting size.

Resurrected models are added to the front rank until it

reaches the minimum required to claim a Rank Bonus,
after which additional models can be added to the front
or rear rank. If the unit already has more than one rank,
models can only be added to the rear rank. A unit cannot
be taken beyond its starting size.
Nehekharan Phalanx
The warriors of ancient Nehekhara are implacable foes and, with Resurrecting the Fallen
their tall shields locked together, present an all but immovable In a Tomb Kings of Khemri army, it is possible to heal
barrier to the enemy’s advance. a unit by recovering lost Wounds, and to resurrect
fallen warriors. Wounds recovered in this way follow a
A unit with this special rule that is arrayed in a Close Order strict order:
formation, and that is equipped with and chooses to use
shields, may choose not to Give Ground should it lose a round • First, any characters that have joined the unit
of combat. are healed. A character that has been reduced
to zero Wounds and removed from play cannot
However, if the winning side significantly outnumbers the be resurrected.
losing side, it will overwhelm the loser. If the Unit Strength • Second, models with more than one Wound on their
of the winning side is more than twice that of the losing side, profile are healed.
this unit cannot use this special rule and must Give Ground as • Next, the unit champion is resurrected, displacing
normal. rank-and-file models as required, followed by the
standard bearer and musician.
Nehekharan Undead • Finally, rank-and-file models are resurrected.
The legions of the Tomb Kings are no longer beings of flesh and
blood, but sun-bleached bones animated by ritualistic magic that Note that, in the case of multiple Wound models, each model
stride slowly but inexorably towards their enemies. must be fully healed, recovering all of its lost Wounds, before
another can be healed or resurrected.
Models with this special rule are ‘Undead’. Undead models
cannot march (unless they have the Fly (X) special rule and Note also that at least one model must remain in order for a
choose to move by flying). In addition, all Undead models unit to be healed. In other words, a unit that has been reduced
have the following universal special rules: to zero Wounds and removed from play cannot be resurrected.

• Fear • Unbreakable Resurrected models are added to the front rank until it
• Immune to Psychology • Unstable reaches the minimum required to claim a Rank Bonus,
after which additional models can be added to the front
A character with this special rule cannot join a unit without or rear rank. If the unit already has more than one rank,
this special rule, and vice versa. models can only be added to the rear rank. A unit cannot
be taken beyond its starting size.

Numbing Chill
The Mountains of Mourn are deathly cold, and the terrible chill
of the high peaks clings eternally to the hide of the creatures that
dwell there.

Whilst in base contact with this model, enemy models suffer a

-1 modifier to their Weapon Skill and Initiative characteristics,
to a minimum of 1.

154 Tomb Kings Of Khemri

Obsidian Blades Ogre Charge
Lizardmen favour weapons studded with shards of razor sharp Ogres barge into combat using their great lumbering mass as a
volcanic glass that cut through flesh and armour with ease. weapon, harnessing their tremendous momentum to crush anything
they collide with.
A hand weapon carried by a model with this special rule has
an Armour Piercing characteristic of -1. The Armour Piercing characteristic of any Impact Hits
caused by a model with this special rule (but not its mount)
Note that this special rule only applies to a single, non-magical is improved by the current Rank Bonus of its unit (or, in the
hand weapon and does not apply to a model’s mount (should it case of characters, the current Rank Bonus of any unit they
have one). If the model is using two hand weapons or any other sort have joined).
of weapon, this special rule ceases to apply.

Open Order
Many regiments adopt an open formation, increasing their

A unit consisting of models with this special rule may adopt an

Open Order formation, as described on page 182.
Peasantry Ponderous
The low-born peasants of Bretonnia habitually Many weapons are too unwieldy to be used
look to their knightly betters for leadership. with any accuracy by a warrior on the move.

If a unit with this special rule is within 6" of A weapon with this special rule suffers
a friendly model that has the Knight’s Vow, a To Hit modifier of -2 for Moving and
the Questing Vow or the Grail Vow, Shooting, rather than the usual -1.
and if that model is not fleeing, this unit can
use that model’s Leadership characteristic Primal Fury
instead of its own. In addition, a standard Goaded on by their chieftains and shamans,
carried by a unit with this special rule and enraged by the presence of intruders on
cannot be counted as a trophy of war. A their bloodgrounds, Beastmen become
character with this special rule can only join consumed by a savage fury, tearing apart the
a unit that also has this special rule. hated foe.

Poisoned Attacks When this unit’s combat is chosen during

Deadly toxins can turn an otherwise minor Step 1.1 of any Choose & Fight Combat
injury into a mortal wound. sub-phase, it must make a Leadership test.
If this test is passed, the unit becomes
If a model with Poisoned Attacks rolls subject to ‘Primal Fury’ until the end of
a natural 6 when making a roll To Hit, this Combat phase. A unit subject to Pirates of the Black Gulf
that hit will wound automatically. Unless Primal Fury may re-roll any rolls To Hit of From the Bay of Wrecks to
otherwise stated, a model with this special a natural 1. the very harbours of Barak
rule may use it when making both shooting Varr, the Pirates of the Black
Quick Shot
and combat attacks. Any spells cast by the Gulf have been a thorn in
Weapons designed for speed can be brought to
model are unaffected, as are any attacks the side of merchants and
bear in less than a heartbeat.
made with magic weapons. traders for years beyond
remembering. Consisting
A weapon with this special rule does not
Note that if an attack needs a To Hit roll of of a motley fleet ranging
suffer the usual -1 To Hit modifier for
7+, or hits automatically, this special rule from Sartosan galleons to
Moving and Shooting. In addition, a unit
cannot be used. seafaring Orc hulks, the
equipped with weapons with this special
Pirates of the Black Gulf
rule can use them to make a Stand & Shoot
are arguably the principle
charge reaction regardless of how close the
Poisoned Wind reason that the formidable sea
charging unit is.
Poisoned Wind is one of the most infamous defences of Barak Varr are so
weapons of the Skaven, who first deployed it vigorously maintained. This
during bitter tunnel fighting against the continued presence requires
Dwarfs of the Worlds Edge Mountains. the Ironclads of the Dwarf
navy to regularly patrol the
When a model using a weapon with this gulf, and skirmishes between
special rule makes a roll To Wound, a roll of Dwarf and pirate vessels are a
6+ is always a success, even if the target’s frequent occurrence.
Toughness is so high that the weapon would
not normally be able to wound it. Finally,
no armour save is permitted against Q: What happens if a
wounds caused by a weapon with this weapon is subject to both the
special rule (Ward and Regeneration saves Ponderous and Quick Shot
can be attempted as normal). special rules?
A: The rules effectively cancel
Note that models wielding weapons that have one another out, meaning the
this special rule are immune to this special weapon would suffer a -1 To
rule. Hit modifier for Moving and
The Quickening Storm Random Movement
Bathed in invigorating lightning, Dragon Ogres are warded against Some creatures rush forward at one moment, only to falter clumsily
the effects of hostile magic. in the next.

A model with this special rule has a 5+ Ward save against Models with this special rule do not have a normal Movement
any wounds suffered that were caused by a Magic Missile characteristic. Instead, a dice roll is given (2D6, for example).
or a Magical Vortex spell. In addition, if a model with this Whenever a model with this special rule moves (for any
special rule, or the unit it belongs to, suffers one or more hits reason), roll the dice to determine how far it must move.
from Storm Call (see page 104), it becomes ‘Quickened’. A
Quickened model has a +1 modifier to both its Initiative and Models with this special rule move during the Compulsory
Attacks characteristics. This Quickening lasts until your next Moves sub-phase. They cannot march or declare a charge.
Start of Turn sub-phase. They can wheel to change direction, but cannot perform any
other manoeuvres. If the model is able to make contact with
Quell Impetuosity an enemy unit during the Compulsory Moves sub-phase or
Where most Orcs and Goblins are impetuous, Black Orcs are whilst pursuing, it may do so and counts as having charged.
disciplined warriors. This discipline is usually extended to those The model aligns against the enemy unit and stops moving.
around them through threats and intimidation. A unit charged in this way must Hold.

Whilst within 6" of a unit with this special rule, friendly units If every model in a unit has this special rule, roll once for the
may choose to ignore the Impetuous special rule. entire unit. If two or more models in a unit have different
Random Movement characteristics, roll for each and use the
Rallying Cry lowest result for the entire unit.
Striking a heroic pose, a bold leader treats their loyal followers to
a short but inspiring speech. Razor Tusks
Tuskgors and Razorgors bristle with viciously sharp tusks and
During the Command sub-phase of their turn, if they are not spines which, when charged into the enemy, can wreak utter
engaged in combat, this character may nominate a single devastation.
fleeing friendly unit that is within their Command range.
The nominated unit immediately makes a Rally test. If this During a turn in which it charged, the Armour Piercing
test is failed, the unit may attempt to rally again as normal characteristic of a Tuskgor’s or Razorgor’s tusks (hand
during the Rally sub-phase. weapon) is improved by 1.
Q: Can a character that is fleeing use the Rallying Cry
Note that this special rule only applies to attacks made by a
special rule?
Tuskgor or Razorgor, not to a chariot or its crew.
A: No, because no one would hear them over the sound of them
running away.

Random Attacks
Not all creatures fight with discipline; many flail about in careless
abandon with unpredictable results.

Models with this special rule do not have a normal Attacks

characteristic. Instead, a dice roll is given (D3+1, for example).
Each time a model with this special rule attacks in combat, roll
the dice to determine the number of attacks it will make, then
roll To Hit as normal. If a fighting rank contains more than
one model with this special rule, roll separately for each, unless
specified otherwise.
Reclaimed Glory Requires Two Hands
Those banished from Bretonnia know that it is through deeds, not
Many weapons are unwieldy, requiring a firm two-handed grip in
prayers, that the Lady may look favourably upon them once again.
order to use effectively.

A Bretonnian Exiles army cannot pray for the Blessings of the

A model cannot use a shield alongside a weapon with this
Lady at the beginning
special rule during the Combat phase (a shield can still be used
of the game. However, should a unit with the Blessings of the
against wounds caused by shooting or magic during other
Lady special rule make an overrun move or make contact
phases of the game).
a fleeing enemy unit during a charge or pursuit move, that Reserve Move
unit will immediately gain the benefits of the Blessings of the Warriors that excel at hit and run warfare advance quickly,
Lady special rule as if it had prayed at the start of the game. unleashing a deadly volley before withdrawing.
Additionally, should a character with the Blessings of the
Lady special rule kill an enemy character in a challenge, they Unless it charged, marched or fled during the Movement
(and any unit they have joined) will immediately gain the phase of its turn, a unit with this special rule may make a
benefits Reserve move at the end of the Shooting phase of its turn,
of the Blessings of the Lady special rule. after all shooting has been resolved. A unit making a Reserve
move moves as described in the Basic Movement rules. It may
However, should the benefits of the manoeuvre normally, but cannot
Blessing of the Lady special rule be lost during a game, they
cannot be regained again in this way. Resolute
Dwarfs are grim and determined warriors that abandon a position
with great reluctance.
Regeneration (X+)
Foul and unnatural creatures, such as Trolls, Daemons and the
Models with this special rule suffer a -1 modifier to the result
Undead, can regenerate all but the most grievous of wounds
of any Flee roll or Pursuit roll they make (to a minimum of 1).
with ease.
Rune Lore
A model with this special rule can make a ‘Regeneration’
Dwarf runesmiths are masters of crafting potent runes that entrap
save. The armour value of a Regeneration save is shown in
raw magic, harnessing its power to be unleashed upon command.
brackets after the name of this special rule (shown here as
At the very heart of their craft lies the ability to resist and confound
‘X+’). A Regeneration save can never be modified by the AP
the petty conjurings of mere Wizards.
characteristic of a weapon and can be made in addition to an
armour save and a Ward save. However, any wounds saved
A model with this special rule may be nominated to attempt
by a Regeneration save are still counted for the purposes of
a Wizardly Dispel, as if it were a Wizard. For the purposes of
calculating the combat result.
Wizardly Dispel attempts:
Note that models with this special rule are often vulnerable to the
An Anvil of Doom counts as a level 3 Wizard
Flaming Attacks or Magical Attacks special rules.
A Runelord counts as a Level 2 Wizard
Q: If a model with the Regeneration (X+) special rule passes A Runesmith countsas a Level 1 Wizard
its Regeneration save against an attack with the Multiple
Wounds (X) special rule, do I still need to roll the dice if the
number of Multiple Wounds is generated by a dice roll?
A: Yes. Even though the wounds were saved, they will still count
towards the combat result.

Regimental Unit
Sometimes, large units are supported in battle by
smaller detachments.

A unit with this special rule can be accompanied by

‘detachments’ (see page 282).
Scouts Scurrying Masses
Scouts are advance troops who sneak onto the battlefield in order to Although not brave by nature, Skaven find courage and discipline
seize vital locations before the two armies clash. in large numbers.

Units with this special rule may be deployed after all other Whilst within 3" of a friendly unit, this model gains a positive
units from both armies. They can be deployed anywhere on (+) modifier to its Leadership characteristic equal to that
the battlefield that is more than 12" away from an enemy unit’s current Rank Bonus, up to a maximum of Leadership 10.
model. If deployed in this way, Scouts cannot declare a charge
during their first turn. Sea Dragon Cloak
The pelt of a Sea Dragon is worn by Dark Elf pirates and corsairs,
If both armies contain Scouts, a roll-off should determine both as a mark of their rank and as armour against the missiles of
which player deploys Scouts first. The players then alternate the foe.
deploying their scouting units one at a time, starting with the
player who won the roll-off. A model with this special rule improves its armour value by 1
(to a maximum of 2+) against non-magical shooting attacks.
Q: Can a unit that deploys using the Scouts special rule make a
Vanguard move?
A: No.

Scurry Away
Wherever possible, Skaven prefer to run from danger rather than
face it head-on.

Models with this special rule have a +1 modifier to the result

of any Flee roll they make.
Sepulchral Animus Shieldwall
Drawing from the powerful magics that animate the great undead Presenting an impenetrable wall of shields to the foe, a regiment
constructs of Nehekhara, the Priests of the Mortuary Cult can becomes almost unmovable.
strengthen their spells and incantations.
Once per game, during a turn in which it was charged, a unit
Before making a Casting roll, any Liche Priest within a with this special rule that is arrayed in a Close Order formation,
Mortuary Cult army may draw upon the magical animus of and that is equipped with and chooses to use shields, may
any nearby undead constructs. To do so, nominate a friendly Give Ground rather than Fall Back in Good Order.
unit that has the Nehekharan Undead special rule, that is
within the Liche Priest’s Command range and whose troop
type is ‘swarms’, ‘monstrous infantry’, ‘monstrous cavalry’,
Units of skirmishers move quickly and freely, harassing the
‘monstrous creature’ or ‘behemoth’. The nominated unit
enemy’s flanks.
immediately loses 1-3 Wounds, as chosen by the controlling
player. The Liche Priest may then modify their Casting roll by
A unit consisting of models with this special rule may adopt a
adding the number of Wounds lost by the nominated unit to
Skirmish formation, as described on page 184.
the result.

Note that this is a modifier to the result of a roll – it does not Stampede
negate a roll of a natural double 1. When Bull Centaurs charge, the ground itself trembles and the
enemy is crushed beneath their brazen hooves.

Impact Hits caused by a model with this special rule have an

Armour Piercing characteristic of -2.
Steadfast Discipline Strike First
Only the most disciplined were chosen to serve in the ranks of a Some warriors are gifted with supernatural speed and reactions,
Royal Host, maintaining a near-constant rate of bow fire whilst whilst others bear weapons enchanted to move like quicksilver
advancing towards the enemy. through the air.

A unit with this special rule can Volley Fire during a turn During the Combat phase, a model with this special rule that
in which it moved, or whilst performing a Stand & Shoot is engaged in combat improves its Initiative characteristic
charge reaction. to 10 (before any other modifiers are applied). If a model
has both this rule and Strike Last, the two rules cancel one
another out.
Stomp Attacks (X)
Some creatures are so massive that their sheer bulk is a threat all of Strike Last
its own. Some warriors are incredibly slow and ponderous by nature,
whilst others may be encumbered by massive weapons that slow
The number of Stomp Attacks caused varies from model to them down.
model, and will be shown in brackets after the name of this
During the Combat phase, a model with this special rule that
special rule (shown here as ‘X’). Often, this is determined by
is engaged in combat reduces its Initiative characteristic to 1
the roll of a dice.
(before any other modifiers are applied). If a model has both
this rule and Strike First, the two rules cancel one another out.
Resolving Stomp Attacks: Stomp Attacks can only be made
by a model that is in base contact with the enemy. Stomp Stubborn
Attacks are attacks made in combat that always strike at Elite troops will often fight on, refusing to flee from the enemy,
Initiative 1 (regardless of modifiers), and that hit automatically regardless of casualties.
using the unmodified Strength characteristic of the model.
The first time this unit is required to make a Break test it may
Stone Skeleton choose not to and will automatically Fall Back in Good Order
A Stonehorn is akin to a living fossil, its massive skeleton having instead, even if the Unit Strength of the winning side is more
hardened to rock. than twice that of the losing side. A unit that is not Stubborn
does not become Stubborn when joined by a character that is.
This model is less vulnerable to the Multiple Wounds (X) A Stubborn character cannot use this special rule whilst part
special rule. If it suffers an unsaved wound from an attack with of a unit that is not Stubborn.
this special rule, reduce the number of Wounds lost by 1, to a
minimum of 1.
Dull-witted creatures can often become hopelessly confused by the
tumult of battle.

Unless it is engaged in combat, a unit with this special rule

must make a ‘Stupidity’ test during the Start of Turn sub-
phase of its turn. To make a Stupidity test, test against the
unit’s Leadership characteristic. If this test is failed, the unit
becomes Stupid. A Stupid unit:

• Moves during the Compulsory Moves sub-phase.

• Must move straight ahead, without performing
any manoeuvres.
• Cannot march or declare a charge.
“Does evil approach on
A unit or mount that does not have this special rule becomes this fair day? If so, then it
subject to it when joined or ridden by a character that does approaches rough lands, but
(Stupidity is contagious). they are lands I claim as my
own and I do not wish to
Swiftstride welcome it! If this evil thinks
Mounted warriors, warbeasts and to find us weak in this barren
place, it shall discover that
chariots, amongst others, are swift when the flower of Bretonnia
and deadly, crossing the battlefields grows from parched earth, it
of the Old World with grows thorns!”
unexpected speed.
Sir Cecil Gastonne,
A unit with this special rule the Wyrm Slayer
increases its maximum possible
charge range by 3" and, when it
makes a Charge, Flee orPursuit
roll, may apply a +D6 modifier to
the result.

Talismanic Tattoos
Some Asrai decorate themselves with swirling tattoos, the mystical
meanings of which protect the wearer from harm.

Talismanic Tattoos give their wearer a 6+ Ward save against

any wounds suffered.

Q: When a unit that does not have the Stupidity special rule is
joined by a character that does, the unit becomes subject to the
special rule. What happens if the character leaves the unit?
A: The unit ceases to be subject to Stupidity the moment the
character leaves the unit.

Outcast Nobility 31
Terror The Terrors Below
There are creatures so fierce that their mere appearance can cause From beneath the shifting and treacherous desert sands, tunnelling
the bravest to flee. undead creatures strike at their enemies, dragging them to a grisly
fate before bursting from the surface and into the fray.
Models with this special rule cause Terror. Models that cause
Terror also cause Fear, as described on page 168: Any Tomb Scorpion or unit of Necroserpents may have this
special rule for +2 points per model. When a unit with this
• When a unit that causes Terror declares a charge, the special rule is placed on the battlefield as a result of using
charge target must immediately make a Leadership test. If the From Beneath the Sands special rule, it may nominate a
this test is failed, it must Flee. If this test is passed, it can single enemy unit that is within 8" of it and whose troop type
declare its charge reaction normally. is ‘regular infantry’ or ‘heavy infantry’. The nominated enemy
• If the winning side of a combat includes one or more units unit must immediately make a number of Initiative tests equal
that cause Terror, each unit that belongs to the losing side to the Unit Strength of this unit. For each test that is failed, a
must apply a -1 modifier to its Leadership characteristic single model belonging to the nominated unit is removed from
when making its Break test. play as a casualty.

Note that if a charged unit cannot choose to Flee, it does not make
Thunderous Charge
this Leadership test.
The ground trembles and shakes beneath the thunderous charge of
a Stonehorn.
Models with the Fear special rule Fear models that cause
Terror. Models that cause Terror are immune to Terror. A
Impact Hits caused by this model have an Armour Piercing
unit that does not cause Terror does not become immune to
characteristic of -2.
Terror when joined by a character that does.
Timmm-berrr! Tree Whack
When a behemoth falls in battle, it can cause utter devastation. The largest tree spirits do not fight with grace or finesse,
but with huge sweeping blows that strike home with enough
When this model is reduced to zero Wounds, the winner of force to shatter stone.
a roll-off chooses one of its arcs (front, flank or rear) for it to
fall into. Any units that are within the chosen arc and in base
contact with this model suffer D6 hits, each using the Strength Once per turn, during the Combat phase,
characteristic of this model, with an AP of -1. Once these hits a model with this special rule may use one of its Attacks to
are resolved, this model is removed from play. make a single ‘Tree Whack’ attack. To make a Tree
Whack attack, nominate a single model within an enemy
Tree Spirit unit that this model is engaged in combat with to be the
The ancient spirits of Athel Loren march to war beside the Asrai in target of the attack. That model must immediately make
defence of their realm, though they remain aloof and distant from an Initiative test:
their closest allies.
• If the test is failed, the target suffers D3 hits, each using
the Strength characteristic of this model,
A character with this special rule cannot join a unit without
with no armour save permitted (Ward and Regeneration
this special rule. A unit with this special rule cannot be joined
saves can be attempted as normal).
by, or use the Leadership characteristic of, a character without
• If the test is passed, the target manages to avoid the
this special rule. However, a unit with this special rule can use Tree Whack.
the Leadership characteristic of a friendly character with this
special rule that is not fleeing whilst within that character’s
Command range.
Tusker Charge Valour Of Ages
A charging War Boar is an ill-tempered Throughout the ages, the High Elves of
mound of bloody-minded muscle with savage Ulthuan have stood firm against the
tusks and a terrible attitude. multitudinous forces of the ruinous powers.
They have faced daemonic legions, hordes of
During a turn in which it charged, a War black armoured Chaos warriors, and even
Boar’s Tusks (hand weapon) have a their own treacherous kin, sacrificing all to
Strength characteristic of S+1 and an defend their realms.
Armour Piercing characteristic of -1.
A unit with this special rule may re-roll
Note that this special rule only applies to any failed Panic test caused by taking
attacks made by a War Boar, not to their heavy casualties or by being fled through
rider, a chariot or its crew. by a friendly unit.

Unbreakable Vanguard
Some warriors are so fearless that they will An army’s vanguard advances to occupy
Vanhal’s Legacy never run from and engage the foe ahead of their
In 1111, the dead walked in the enemy. comrades.
the Empire. Corpses marked
with the black blotches of If a unit with this special rule loses a round After deployment, units with this special
plague shambled about the of combat, it is not required to make a rule may make a Vanguard move. A unit
land, needing only a will Break test. Instead, it will automatically making a Vanguard move moves as
to guide them. They found Give Ground as it is pushed back by the described in the Basic Movement rules. It
it in the form of Baron enemy. Characters that are not may manoeuvre normally but cannot
Frederick van Hal (later Unbreakable cannot join units that are, and march.
known as Vanhal or Vanhel). vice versa.
After conquering the land If both armies contain Vanguard units, a
that eventually became Unstable roll-off determines who moves first. The
Sylvania, he built the castle of Many evil creatures are not truly alive, but are
players then alternate moving their
Vanhaldenschlosse. During driven instead by magic. Should the tide of
Vanguard units one at a time, starting with
the height of the Black battle turn, this magic can quickly fail.
the player who won the roll-off.
Death, Vanhal’s necromantic
domain expanded greatly, If a unit with this special rule loses a round
and would have continued to of combat, it loses one additional Wound Veteran
do so but for the treachery for every combat result point by which it Veteran warriors have seen and done it all,
of his apprentice, Lothar lost. These Wounds are lost after combat and it takes a lot to unsettle them.
von Diehl. Since that dark results have been calculated but before
time, many noble-born Break tests are made. If the majority of the models in a unit
descendants of Vanhal have have this special rule, the unit may re-roll
devoted their lives to the If an Unstable unit contains any Unstable any failed Leadership test.
service of Sigmar or Morr, characters, allocate wounds to the unit
taking the oaths of a Witch until each model has been allocated one Note that a Break test is not a Leadership
Hunter in an attempt to wound. Any remaining wounds are divided test.
atone for the sins of their as equally as possible between the character
heretical ancestor. (s) and the unit.

Q: If a character without the Vanguard special rule joins a unit Q: Can a character without the Veteran special rule that has
with it during deployment, can the character make a Vanguard joined a unit with the Veteran special rule benefit from it
move with the unit? when attempting to use a special rule that requires them to
A: No. What’s more, if the unit is formed, it will not be able make a Leadership test (Rallying Cry, for example)?
to make a Vanguard move. However, if the unit is in Skirmish A: No. When a character attempts to use a special rule that
formation, it can make its Vanguard move as normal, leaving the requires them to make a Leadership test, they must use their own
character behind. Leadership characteristic and, unless specifically stated otherwise,
cannot use any additional special rules they themselves do not have.
Verminous Valour Waaagh!
Notorious cowards, Skaven leaders often prefer to lead from The invigorating power of a good war cry should never be
the back. underestimated, and Orcs have the best war cry of them all.

A character with this special rule that has joined a unit that Once per game, during the Command sub-phase of their
has a Unit Strength of 10 or more may voluntarily ‘retire’ to turn, this character may attempt to invoke the power of
the rear of the unit at any time, moving through the ranks and the Waaagh! by making a Leadership test (using their own
taking up a position away from the combat. Should they do so, Leadership). If this test is passed, until your next Start of Turn
they are no longer within the fighting rank and cannot make sub-phase this character, their mount and any Orc unit they
any attacks or have attacks directed against them. However, have joined may re-roll any rolls To Hit of a natural 1 and,
the unit may still use this character’s Leadership. when calculating its combat result, may claim an additional
bonus of +1 combat result point.

Volley Fire Note that, for the purposes of this rule, an Orc unit is considered to
Bows and other weapons can loose their projectiles in a high-arcing be any unit that is made up entirely of Orcs or Black Orcs, mounted
volley. Even warriors who cannot see the foe can shoot in their or otherwise. Should an Orc unit be joined by a Goblin character,
general direction. it is no longer considered to be an Orc unit. This special rule is
not cumulative.
When a unit with this special rule makes a shooting attack,
half of the models in each rank other than the front rank
(or front two ranks if the unit is on a hill), rounding up, can
shoot (in addition to the usual models that shoot from the
front rank, or front two ranks if the unit is on a hill). A unit
cannot Volley Fire if it has moved for any reason during this
turn (including reforming), or when making a Stand & Shoot
charge reaction.

Note that models in rear ranks use the line of sight of the model at
the front of their file.

10 Orc & Goblin Tribes

Wailing Dirge Warpaint
The chilling howl of a restless spirit is an omen of death and despair, Some superstitious Orcs adorn their bodies with charms and
capable of crippling even the most resilient prey. warpaint to protect them from harm. Such is their faith in these
measures that they actually seem to work!
During the Shooting phase of its turn, unless it marched
during the preceding Movement phase, a model with this Warpaint gives its wearer a 6+ Ward save against any wounds
special rule may make a ‘Wailing Dirge’ attack. A Wailing suffered. However, a model with this special rule can never
Dirge attack may target any enemy unit that is within 8" of wear armour of any sort (though they may carry a shield).
this model (including units that are engaged in combat) and
that this model can draw a line of sight to, or that this model is
engaged in combat with.
Warpstone Weapons
The target must make a Leadership test with a -2 modifier Skaven often use the highly unstable properties of warpstone to
to its Leadership characteristic (to a minimum of 2). If this create devilishly deadly weapons.
test is failed, the target suffers a number of wounds equal to
the amount by which it failed the test, with no armour or A hand weapon carried by a model with this special rule has
Regeneration saves permitted (Ward saves can be attempted the Magical Attacks special rule and an Armour Piercing
as normal). characteristic of -1.

Note that a Wailing Dirge attack can target an enemy character, Note that this special rule only applies to a single, ordinary hand
regardless of the usual rules for targeting Lone characters. weapon. If the model is using two hand weapons or any other sort
of weapon, this special rule ceases to apply.
A warband is an unruly mob, keen for the fray but easily dismayed
when things go poorly. Warp-spawned
Creatures of the supernatural feed upon magic to manifest as
Unless it is fleeing, a Warband gains a positive (+) modifier to physical beings and, as such, are vulnerable to magical attacks.
its Leadership characteristic equal to its current Rank Bonus,
up to a maximum of Leadership 10. However, a Warband A model with this special rule cannot make a Regeneration
cannot use this modifier to its Leadership should it ever save against a wound caused by a Magical attack. In addition,
choose to make a Restraint test. In addition, if the majority characters that are not Warp-spawned cannot join units that
of the models in a unit have this special rule, it may re-roll its are, and vice versa.
Charge roll.

Note that unless a character also has this special rule, their Woodland Ambush
Leadership cannot be modified by this special rule. A Warband can Wood Elf Realms armies emerge unexpected from woodlands
use either its own modified Leadership, the modified Leadership of the world over, travelling along mystical and unseen pathways
a Warband character, or the unmodified Leadership of a non- to strike at their enemies however far from Athel Loren they
Warband character, whichever is the higher. may hide.

Once players have finished placing terrain, a Wood Elf

Realms player may place one additional wood measuring
between 8" and 12" at its widest point. This may be placed
anywhere on the battlefield that is not within their
opponent’s deployment zone and not within 12" of the
centre of the battlefield.
The Forces of Fantasy & the Ravening Hordes:
Mustering your Army for the Old World
B uilding and painting a collection of models for Warhammer: the Old World is a satisfying experience and, it must
be said, often a long term project. But as your collection grows, you will want to use it in games – to command your
miniatures on the field of battle.

Points Values & Size Of Game Recommended Size Of Game

Quite what size a game should be depends largely upon how
Prior to a game, theValues
Points players&must
Size decide
of Gamehow many ‘points’ long the players want their game to last. Armies of 2,000
their armies will be worth. The higher the points value, the points will give players familiar with the rules a game that
larger the game. The points value dictates the maximum will last a couple of hours. Games with smaller armies can be
points you can spend on your army. For example, if two played in less time, whereas a game with much larger armies
players decide to play a 3,000 point game, the total points might occupy most of a day. Players are encouraged to play
value of each player’s army must be as close to 3,000 points as games with different points values to find the size of game
possible without exceeding the agreed limit. they most enjoy.

Minimum Three Units

An army must include a minimum of three non-character
units, not including units whose troop type is ‘swarms’, ‘war
beasts’ or ‘war machines’.

The General
All armies must include at least one character to act as the
General. If an army includes more than one character, its
General is selected as described on page 203.

The Muster List

A muster Muster
is a list,List
written by the player, of all the units
that make up the army they will be using during a game. A
muster list should include the size of each unit (i.e., how many
models it contains at the start of the battle), the equipment
those models carry, and any optional upgrades that have been
included, be they equipment, command models, magic items
and so forth.

Most importantly, the muster list should include the total

points value of each unit and of the army as a whole, thus
ensuring that your army is within the agreed size!

Players should share their muster lists with one another

before deployment.

More Detail: Many players find it useful to include greater

detail in their muster lists – model and weapon profiles,
special rules, even spell and magic item descriptions. Including
such detail is by no means necessary, but will reduce how
much time is spent flicking through the pages of books during
a game.
Army Lists Understanding Army Composition Lists
An army composition list is broken down into a number of
Each faction in Warhammer: the Old World has an army list. categories, each listing the units that belong to it:
This gives profiles and rules for all of the models that make
up that faction. An army list is broken down into six parts, • Characters: The characters that lead your army, powerful
though not all of these will be present in every army list. Some individuals possessed of fearsome martial or magical might.
armies, for example, do not include any chariots, whilst others • Core: The heart of your army, the iconic troops who make
might shun the use of war machines: up the bulk of every warband and warhost.
• Special: Skilled and veteran troops, capable of anchoring a
• Characters battle line of lesser warriors, or performing great deeds in
• Infantry their own right.
• Cavalry • Rare: The most unusual models in your army, mighty
• Chariots monsters, weird war machines and elite soldiers of
• Monsters unsurpassed skill.
• War Machines Army Lists
In addition, many army composition lists will include one or
Army Composition Lists both of the following categories:
An ‘army composition list’ tells you what role the various units
from your army list fulfil within your army. There are two • Mercenaries: Some armies can include specific units
types of army composition list: drawn from other army lists as mercenaries (see page 279).
• Allies: Most armies can include an allied contingent drawn
Grand Army: This is the default army composition list for from another army list (see page 280).
each faction. Using this army composition list to write your
muster list will give you the widest variety of units to choose “I call you out, Magnus, son of Megnin, son of Murbad!
from and create a broad and balanced force. Gather your armies if you can, for your head is mine to
hew from its neck, just as your grandsire took my father’s
Army of Infamy: These are supplementary and characterful hand a century hence today!”
army composition lists. They differ from the Grand Army in
a number of ways, often omitting some of the units available Thrundil Barrelbeard, settling an old debt
to the Grand Army and instead focussing on a particular type
of unit or upon those units favoured by an army drawn from
a certain region. Army of Infamy composition lists allow you
to create more specialised armies at the expense of a degree of
tactical flexibility.
Percentages Number Of Units
Each category of a composition list is accompanied by a Number
Next to the names of Units
of some units as they appear in the various
percentage. This is the percentage of points that you either can army composition lists are numbers, and these require
or must spend on units drawn from that category. In the case some explanation.
of Grand Army composition lists, these percentages are quite
uniform. For example: • In some cases, this may be a number range, 0-2 for example,
indicating that an army built using this composition list
• Characters (up to 50%) may contain between zero and two units made up of this
• Core (at least 25%) type of model.
• Special (up to 50%) • In other cases, the name may be preceded by a number
• Rare (up to 25%) followed by a ‘+’ symbol, 1+ for example, indicating that an
• Mercenaries (up to 20%) army must contain at least one unit made up of that type
• Allies (up to 25% may be spent on a single of model.
allied contingent) • In some rare cases, you might encounter the term ‘up to X
per 1,000 points’, with ‘X’ being a number. For example, up
This means that, in a 2,000 point army, you would have to to 3 per 1,000 points, indicating that an army may contain
spend a minimum of 500 points (25% of 2,000 points) on Core no more than three units made up of that type of model
units. By contrast, the most you could spend on Special units for every full 1,000 points of army size (as described on
would be 1,000 points (50% of 2,000 points). page 276).

“Betwixt the peaks, an ogre waits, with club and sack to fill If no such number or range of numbers is present, there is no
its plate. B’tween the trees, the goats walk tall with baying minimum or maximum to how many units made up of that
maws, they’ll eat you all. From icy wastes, the dark ones type of model your army can include.
ride to steal you back across the tide. Hence spoil’d crypt,
the dead do stride, from lifeless eyes no one can hide. Named Characters
Down below the Goblin crawls, your death betoken by Many armies have access to named characters from the
twisted wrawls. So hold thy sword, stand tall and strong or Warhammer world. These are usually mighty warriors and
to Morr’s garden, you’ll be a’long.” powerful leaders, often with unique equipment and their own
special rules. As each of these represents an individual, an
Battle Song of the Mauls of Morr, army can only contain one of each named character.
a Mercenary Band from Ostermark
Mercenaries Misbehaving Mercenaries Table
Mercenaries D6 Result
Some army composition lists include a ‘mercenaries’ section, 1 Heavy Night: The mercenaries spent the night
which lists a number of units from different army lists. These before the battle drinking their way through their
units can be ‘hired’ from those army lists to fight for your army pay. They arrive on time, but smelling like a brewery
as mercenaries. Using mercenaries in this way can greatly and wincing at loud noises. The mercenaries gain
enhance the appearance and character of your army, as well as the Stupidity special rule. If the unit already has the
improve its fighting abilities. Stupidity special rule, it must apply a +1 modifier to
the dice roll every time it makes a Stupidity test.
Any mercenary unit included in this way gains the 2-3 You Get What You Pay For: The mercenaries do
‘Mercenaries’ special rule, (as described on page 173). not feel they have been paid particularly well to
take part in this battle. This has caused considerable
Misbehaving Mercenaries grumbling in the ranks and, consequently, the
Hiring mercenaries does not come without risk. Mercenaries mercenaries are dragging their feet rather than
can sometimes prove unwilling to endanger themselves for an getting stuck in. The unit suffers a -1 modifier to
employer, no matter how much gold they have received. To both its Movement and Initiative characteristics (to
represent this, roll a D6 for each mercenary unit your army a minimum of 1) for the duration of the battle.
includes prior to deployment: 4-5 “Sorry, the Cockerel Didn’t Crow”: The
mercenaries arrive, but late. However, their late
• On a roll of 2+, the mercenaries have held up their side of arrival means they enter the battlefield from an
the contract, arriving on time and willing to fight. The unit unexpected direction. The mercenaries gain the
is treated as being a part of your army, as if drawn from ‘Ambushers’ special rule (as described on page 166)
your own army list. and must be held in reserve at the start of the battle.
• On a roll of a 1, the mercenaries have proven to be If the mercenaries already have the Ambushers
unreliable. Immediately roll on the Misbehaving special rule, they will only arrive during turn 2 on a
Mercenaries table opposite to find out the extent of roll of a natural 6 (rather than the usual 4+).
the betrayal: 6 General Apathy: For whatever reason, the
mercenaries do not appear to be especially invested
in their employer’s cause. Consequently, they
feel little reason to stick around when the going
gets tough. The unit suffers a -1 modifier to its
Leadership characteristic (to a minimum of 2) for
the duration of the battle.
Allied Contingents Allied Contingent Special Rules
The following special rules apply to an allied contingent:
Most army composition lists include an ‘allies’ section, which
lists a number of different armies from which an ‘allied • Units belonging to an allied contingent can only be joined
contingent’ can be drawn. These are small armies within an by characters that belong to the same allied contingent.
army that Allied Contingents
represent the forces of an ally fighting alongside the • Characters belonging to an allied contingent can only join
main bulk of your army. units that belong to the same allied contingent.
• Units belonging to an allied contingent cannot use the
Creating An Allied Contingent Inspiring Presence rule of the main army’s General nor the
An allied contingent is effectively a miniature army in its Hold your Ground rule of a Battle Standard belonging to
own right. Accordingly, an allied contingent must abide by the main army.
the army composition rules and the percentages given for the • Units belonging to the main army cannot use the Inspiring
army composition list used to create it: Presence rule of an allied contingent’s General nor the
Hold your Ground rule of a Battle Standard belonging to
Points Limit: An allied contingent must fall within the an allied contingent.
percentage of points allowed for allies given in the army • Army special rules that affect units belonging to the main
composition list used to create the army as a whole. For army do not affect units belonging to an allied contingent.
example, the most you could spend on an allied contingent • Army special rules that affect units belonging to an allied
within a 2,000 points army would be 500 points (25% of contingent do not affect units belonging to the main army.
2,000 points). • For all other purposes (Panic tests, spell effects, combat
results, etc.), units and characters belonging to an allied
The Allied General: An allied contingent must include at contingent are considered to be part of the main army.
least one character to act as its General.

Number of Units: An allied contingent must include a

minimum of one non-character unit. There is no upper limit
to how many units it can include.
Types Of Alliance Suspicious Allied Contingents
The vast majority of alliances between an army and an allied In rare cases, an alliance of necessity might be formed between
contingent are made between trusted allies. As such, most two forces that are openly hostile to one another. They might
allied contingents follow the rules already given. However, not be warring at present, but they certainly have been in the
sometimes an allied contingent may be noted as being ‘Uneasy’ past and, once the current threat is dealt with, could quickly
or even ‘Suspicious’. In such cases, the allied contingent start warring again.
represents an alliance between two forces that might not
usually be on the best of terms. An allied contingent that is noted as being Suspicious follows
all the rules given previously for an Uneasy allied contingent.
Uneasy Allied Contingents In addition:
Sometimes alliances are formed between forces that, whilst
not openly hostile to one another, could hardly be described • Should a unit belonging to a Suspicious allied contingent
as firm friends. Neither party has any reason not to trust the flee through a unit belonging to the main army, or vice
other – they just can’t quite bring themselves to do so. versa, it must make Peril tests, exactly as if it had fled
through an enemy unit.
An allied contingent that is noted as being Uneasy follows all • Units belonging to a Suspicious allied contingent suffer a -1
the normal rules for an allied contingent. In addition: modifier to their Leadership characteristic whilst within 6"
of a unit belonging to the main army, and vice versa.
• All units belonging to an Uneasy allied contingent are
considered to have the ‘Levies’ special rule by all units
belonging to the main army.
• Units belonging to an Uneasy allied contingent are not
considered to be ‘friendly’ by Wizards belonging to
the main army for the purposes of spell targeting, and
vice versa.
Regimental Units & Detachments Creating a Regimental Unit: Creating a regimental unit
is simple – when writing your muster list, simply create a
Some armies of the Old World are particularly well-drilled, unit with the ‘Regimental Unit’ special rule as you normally
their units acting in support of one another with a discipline would and make a note of the detachments that accompany
that shames their more chaotic and unruly foes. It is not that unit. A regimental unit can be accompanied by up to
uncommon to see large and imposing units flanked by smaller two detachments.
detachments. These detachments can prove invaluable by
guarding the vulnerable
Regimentalflanks of their parent units, firing in
Units Creating a Detachment: To create a detachment, simply
their defence and, in some cases, counter-charging to disrupt
& Detachments choose a unit with the ‘Detachment’ special rule and create a
the enemy. unit as follows:

Using Regiments & Detachments • A detachment can range in size from a minimum of five
In some army lists, certain units will have the option to be models to a maximum of half the number of models in the
accompanied by up to two smaller support units known as regimental unit it accompanies (rounding down).
‘detachments’. Such units are known as ‘regimental units’ and • The models in a detachment can purchase any optional
are marked by having the ‘Regimental Unit’ special rule. Units upgrades listed as normal.
that can be taken as detachments are marked by having the • A detachment cannot include a command group or any
‘Detachment’ special rule. command models.

In some cases, a model may have both special rules. This A detachment must accompany a regimental unit. This
simply means that a unit consisting entirely of such models means that every detachment included in your army must be
can be either a detachment or a regimental unit. It cannot be assigned to a regimental unit and a note made of this on your
both, however, and you must ensure it is clear when writing muster list. A detachment cannot be assigned to more than
your muster list which rule the unit will use (if either). one regimental unit.
You should also ensure this is made clear to your opponent
during deployment. Detachments are normal units in all regards that benefit
from additional rules, given opposite. With the exception of
these special rules, detachments are completely separate and
independent from their regimental unit (i.e., spells, magic
items and special rules affecting the regimental unit do not
affect its detachments unless specifically stated otherwise).
Detachment Special Rules Supporting Actions: Detachments are trained to support
Detachments follow a number of special rules, representing their regimental unit in battle. When an enemy unit declares
the specialised way in which they function alongside their a charge against a regimental unit, and if that regimental unit
regimental units: does not Flee as a charge reaction, each of its detachments that
is within 3" of it, not engaged in combat and not fleeing can
Regimental Deployment: Detachments must be deployed at declare a Supporting Action.
the same time as the regimental unit they are assigned to, and
must be deployed within 3" of that unit. If the regimental unit A detachment can only attempt a single Supporting Action
is held in reserve as reinforcements, its detachment(s) will as per turn:
well and will arrive with it.
• Supporting Fire: A detachment armed with missile
Regimental Leadership: In battle, regimental units provide weapons may declare that it will offer ‘Supporting Fire’. A
leadership to their detachments. Unless the regimental unit is detachment that does so immediately attempts to make
fleeing, a detachment may use the Leadership characteristic of a Stand & Shoot charge reaction, as if it were the charge
its regimental unit whilst it is within 3" of that unit. target. If the detachment is unable to Stand & Shoot (for
example, if the enemy unit is too close), it will stand idly by
Note that if the detachment’s Leadership characteristic is higher, it – it cannot declare another Supporting Action.
may use its own Leadership instead. • Supporting Charge: Any detachment that is able to
make a Supporting Action may declare that it will make a
Regimental Psychology: Detachments fight so closely ‘Supporting Charge’. At the end of the Charge Moves sub-
alongside their regimental units that they are affected by the phase, a detachment that declared a Supporting Charge
same battlefield psychology. If a regimental unit has any of the and that is not engaged in combat or fleeing makes an out-
special rules listed below, it confers those special rules onto its of-sequence charge against one enemy unit that charged
detachments whilst they are within 3" of it: into contact with its regimental unit during this turn.

• Frenzy • Immune to Psychology

• Hatred (X) • Stubborn
Army Lists of the Old World
The Beasts of The Forest BEASTMEN BRAYHERDS
T he Beasts of Chaos are the true Children of the Dark Gods. Grotesque hybrids of fierce animal and primitive human,
these horned and stinking warrior-beasts infest the blighted forests that cover the Old World. Their savage tribes
explode from the depths of the haunted woods to wage bitter war against the civilised races, and so profound is the Beastmen’s
hatred of order and reason that they seek to drag the world kicking and screaming into a barbaric and primal age.

The Beasts Of The Forest Beastmen Warherds are extremely dangerous in battle;
a ferocious mass of brutish warriors and great lumbering
Beastmen are not natural creatures; they first came into chariots eager to tear apart any enemies that dare to stand
existence when the polar gateway of the Old Ones collapsed, in their way. Towering above the Beastmen come bellowing
showering the world with corrupting warpstone. It worked Minotaurs and Dragon Ogres, while feral Centigors lope
a dreadful change on many of the ancestors of Men, causing through the woods around them. Often, the horde breaks
severe mutations. Hence, Beastmen were created half-man, quickly into warring factions, for Beastmen are Children of
half-animal, wholly chaotic. Chaos and organisation and order is a concept which is alien
to them. Only the very strongest Beastlords with a will of
The Children of Chaos, as they call themselves, are wild and iron can hold together their hordes for long enough to pose a
brutish creatures that care little for other beings and despise serious threat to Men, Elves, Dwarfs or Orcs and Goblins, but
the race of Men above all else. In battle, they combine ferocity when this happens the mortal lands are in dire peril.
with a savage lack of discipline, fighting and battling amongst
themselves in their eagerness to get at the enemy. There are
several types of Beastmen, but they can be divided into two
rough categories: Ungors, which are twisted creatures that
combine the worst qualities of a man and a beast, and Gors,
a gigantic breed of Beastmen, a mix of some powerful animal
and human. Beastmen willingly embrace their twisted heritage
– they have the intelligence of a Man, but employ it with the
base cunning of a wild animal.

These creatures are the most numerous of the beasts of Chaos.

Their numbers can only be guessed at, but many scholars fear
that they outnumber Mankind. They pose an unavoidable
threat to travellers on forest roads and to small villages and
farmsteads. Often, homes or hamlets are raided in the night,
their inhabitants slain, buildings burned down and animals
carried away to be consumed by the Beastmen.

The Beastmen build no cities, for order and construction

are anathema to them. They live instead in tribal warbands,
called Warherds by the creatures themselves, each led by the
strongest among them – a true Champion of the Ruinous
Powers. These Warherds roam far and wide, following the
scent of fresh meat. They infest the forests and the wastelands
of the Old World and the other nations of Mankind, being
most numerous in the far north and the Drakwald Forest,
but also gathering in numbers in the lands of the south such
as chivalrous Bretonnia and bright Tilea where the ancient
forests harbour hidden Beastmen camps. Eastwards to Cathay
and westwards across the great ocean beyond Naggaroth,
Beastmen have also made their lairs. Wherever Men once
roamed or still dwell, the Beastmen can be found.

Beastmen Brayherds 89
Calling The Brayherd Calling The Brayherd The Horde Rises
Rival Beastmen Warherds fight against each other all the The tactics employed by the Beastmen are not the practised
time, be it over disputed territory, looted riches or to gain the drills of many other races, but the inherent guile of a pack
notice and earn the favour of the Chaos gods. At other times, of wild animals stalking and encircling its prey. They sense
the Beastmen of many Warherds band together in strength, weakness and smell fear, surging forward for the kill and falling
answering the call of a single chieftain to form a Brayherd. upon their prey in an orgy of butchery.
The Horde Rises
The calling of a Brayherd starts with a chieftain, guided by The coming of the horde is always presaged by a cacophonous
some portent or dream, building a massive pyre, visible for braying. As if to amplify their already deafening war cries, the
leagues around. From far and wide, rival Warherds answer Beastmen employ war horns fashioned from the horns of slain
the summons, the chieftain of each stepping into the clearing rivals, along with a bewildering array of banners daubed with
and making their presence known. Once the Warherds have crude runes. At the centre of the horde are heavily armoured,
gathered, the chieftain that called the Brayherd demands elite Bestigors. Equipped with huge axes, these Beastmen hack
that all present submit to their will and follow them to war. into the enemy as farmers scythe down wheat. The Bestigors
Inevitably, others will challenge the caller’s right to lead the will fight to the death to take the banners of their foe,
Brayherd, and a series of ritual combats will ensue. When at trampling enemy standards into the mud as the bulk of the
last a single mighty champion remains, the assembled Bray- horde comes on in their bloody wake. All the while, Gors and
shamans will announce that the matter is decided and declare Ungors stalk through the undergrowth to encircle the enemy,
the victor the Beastlord. before springing horribly effective ambushes upon the flanks
and rear of an opposing army.
The instant the Beastlord is acknowledged, the assembled
Beastmen erupt into a frenzy of action. Led by chanting, Alongside the Warherd come the Minotaurs, driven to
shrieking Bray-shamans, the Beastmen drag forth captives extremes of violence by the scent of blood. Above the
for sacrifice before the herdstones. The forest resounds with battlefield, ragged flocks of Harpies screech and squabble over
screams, such that Men for leagues in every direction tremble the remains of the dead. Even larger creatures accompany the
within their hovels and pray to their gods. The scent of horde; terrifying Cygors, rot-clad Giants of the forests, and
butchered flesh hangs heavy in the air, attracting Minotaurs bloated, betentacled things that lurk within the wooded bogs
and worse to the herdstone. and can swallow whole a dozen men in a single gulp.

As dawn breaks, from the shrouded treeline the atonal droning When the herds form up for battle, the sight strikes terror into
of warhorns sounds, accompanied by the dolorous, arrhythmic even the bravest warriors, for such a menagerie of horrors can
pounding of mighty drums made from the flayed skins of consume all before it.
defeated foes. Soon, massed figures emerge from the mists and
the horde becomes visible in all its terrible glory.

90 Beastmen Brayherds
T his page details the Grand Army composition list for the Beastmen Brayherds. This is the default army composition
list for this faction. Using this army composition list to write your muster list will give you the widest variety of units
to choose from and create a broad and balanced force.
Beastmen Brayherds Army List

This army list is intended for use alongside the ‘Forming Units’ and ‘Warhammer Armies’ sections of the Warhammer: the Old
World rulebook. Over the following pages you will find profiles and rules for each of the models in your army. These pages give
you all of the information that you need to shape your collection of models into the units which will in turn form a force ready
for battle.

Grand Army Composition List

Grand Army Composition List
Characters Rare
Up to 50% of your army’s points value may be spent on: Up to 25% of your army’s points value may be spent on:

• 0-1 Beastlord, Great Bray-Shaman or Doombull • Dragon Ogre Shaggoths, Jabberslythes, Cygors, Ghorgons
per 1,000 points and Chaos Giants
• Wargors, Bray-shamans, Gorebulls and Centigor Chieftains • Chaos Trolls and Chaos Spawn (see Warriors of Chaos
army list)
At least 25% of your army’s points value must be spent on: Mercenaries
Up to 20% of your army’s points value may be spent
• 1+ Gor Herd on mercenaries.
• Ungor Herds, Chaos Warhounds, Razorgor Herds and
Tuskgor Chariots Allies
• If your General is a Beastlord or Wargor, 0-1 Bestigor Herd Up to 25% of your army’s points value may be spent on a single
may be taken as a Core choice allied contingent drawn from:
• If your General is a Doombull or Gorebull,
0-1 Minotaur Herd may be taken as a Core choice • Any Beastmen Brayherds Army of Infamy composition list
• One of the following Grand Army composition lists:
Special - Orc & Goblin Tribes (Uneasy)
Up to 50% of your army’s points value may be spent on: - Warriors of Chaos
- Tomb Kings of Khemri (Suspicious)
• Bestigor Herds, Harpies, Minotaur Herds, Centigor Herds,
Dragon Ogres, Razorgor Chariots and Cockatrice
• Chaos Ogres (see Warriors of Chaos army list) Battle Standard Bearer
• If your General is a Great Bray-Shaman or Bray-Shaman, A single Wargor in your army may be upgraded to be
0-1 Jabberslythe or Cygor may be taken as a Special choice your Battle Standard Bearer for +25 points. In addition to
• If your General is a Doombull or Gorebull, 0-1 Ghorgon their usual allowance of points to spend on magic items,
may be taken as a Special choice a Battle Standard Bearer can purchase a single magic
standard with no points limit.

Beastmen Brayherds 91
Character Beastmen Chieftains
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Beastlord 5 6 3 5 5 3 5 4 8 115
Wargor 5 5 3 4 5 2 4 3 7 55

Troop Type: Heavy infantry (character)

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm (min) 30 x 30 mm (max)
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hand weapon

• May take one of the following:
- Additional hand weapon...................................................................................................+3 points
- Great weapon........................................................................................................................+4 points
• May take one of the following:
Beastmen Chieftains - Light armour .........................................................................................................................+2 points
Beastlords and Wargors are - Heavy armour.......................................................................................................................+4 points
the leaders of the Warherds, • May take a shield........................................................................................................................+2 points
but they care not how their • May take Chaos Mutations (see page 111) up to a total of..........................................50 points
underlings are fed or how • 0-1 per 1,000 points may:
disputes are settled. The - Have the Ambushers special rule.................................................................................+10 points
only thing that concerns Or:
them is battle. They are - Be mounted on a Tuskgor Chariot..........................................................................See page 103
hairy, musclebound brutes - Be mounted on a Razorgor Chariot........................................................................See page 103
possessed of a raw and savage • A Beastlord may purchase magic items up to a total of..............................................100 points
might that carry themselves • A Wargor may purchase magic items up to a total of ....................................................50 points
with swaggering confidence,
revelling in their own Special Rules: Blood Rage, Brayhorn (General only), Foe Render, Gaze of the Gods,
superiority over lesser beasts. Mark of Chaos Undivided, Primal Fury, Warband
Their thick, hairy skulls are
crowned with magnificent Brayhorn
sets of horns as sharp and Carved from the horn of a slain rival, the clarion call of a brayhorn is a chieftain’s summons to any
hard as any blade, and their Beastmen who hear it.
robust and heavily-thewed
bodies are covered with scar From the beginning of round 2 onwards, if your General is on the battlefield during the
tissue and crudely rendered Command sub-phase of their turn, they may attempt to sound the Brayhorn by making
tattoos. The threat of violence a Leadership test. If this test is passed, you may immediately roll again for each unit of
is implicit in their every Ambushers in the army that is held in reserve and that did not arrive during the Start of
gesture. Upon the battlefield a Turn sub-phase of this turn.
Beastlord is a force of untold
destruction, gouging and Note that this special rule may only be used by a Beastlord or Wargor that has been selected to be
butchering with horn, blade the General of the army.
and claw.

92 Beastmen Brayherds
Beastmen Shamans
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Great Bray-Shaman 5 5 3 4 5 3 4 2 8 150
Bray-Shaman 5 4 3 3 4 2 3 1 7 65

Troop Type: Regular infantry (character)

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm (min) 30 x 30 mm (max)
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Braystaff (see below)

Magic: A Great Bray-Shaman is a Level 3 Wizard. A Bray-Shaman is a Level 1 Wizard.

Every Beastman Shaman knows spells from one of the following Lores of Magic:
• Daemonology
• Dark Magic
• Elementalism

• May take Chaos Mutations (see page 111) up to a total of..........................................50 points Beastmen Shamans
• 0-1 per 1,000 points may: The Shamans of the
- Have the Ambushers special rule.................................................................................+10 points Beastmen race are vile to
Or: behold, their filthy bodies
- Be mounted on a Tuskgor Chariot..........................................................................See page 103 covered in matted fur into
- Be mounted on a Razorgor Chariot........................................................................See page 103 which all manner of crude
• A Great Bray-Shaman may: fetishes and grim charms
- Be a Level 4 Wizard ..........................................................................................................+30 points are woven. Their twisted
- Purchase magic items up to a total of .........................................................................100 points features are often covered
• A Bray-Shaman may: in a ragged hood and they
- Be a Level 2 Wizard ..........................................................................................................+30 points bear heavy braystaffs as
- Purchase magic items up to a total of ............................................................................50 points both brutal weapons and the
symbol of their position in
Special Rules: Braystaff, Gaze of the Gods, Lore of Beasts, Mark of Chaos Undivided, the Warherd. Bray-Shamans
Primal Fury, Warband occupy a unique niche in the
brutal and bitter world of the
Braystaff Beastmen. They have no need
As a crude badge of office, Bray-Shamans often carry a heavy staff hung with bones, shells and to defend themselves from
skulls, with pieces of stone and metal embedded into its length. other members of their tribe,
for none would dare assault
When this model’s combat is chosen during Step 1.1 of any Choose & Fight Combat them. Not even the mightiest
sub-phase, it must choose to use its Braystaff offensively or defensively. Used offensively, a Beastlord would harm a
Braystaff counts as a great weapon. Used defensively, a Braystaff counts as a hand weapon Bray-Shaman, for they speak
and gives its wielder an Armour Value of 5+. the will of the Dark Gods, and
those that defy the gods pay
the highest price of all.

Beastmen Brayherds 93
Minotaur Champions
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Doombull 6 6 3 6 5 5 5 5 8 210
Gorebull 6 5 3 5 5 4 4 4 7 130

Troop Type: Monstrous infantry (character)

Base Size: 50 x 50 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hand weapon

• May take one of the following:
- Additional hand weapon...................................................................................................+3 points
- Great weapon........................................................................................................................+4 points
• May take one of the following:
- Light armour .........................................................................................................................+3 points
- Heavy armour.......................................................................................................................+6 points
Minotaur Champions • May take a shield........................................................................................................................+5 points
When Morrslieb, the Chaos • May take Chaos Mutations (see page 111) up to a total of..........................................50 points
moon, hangs full in the sky, • A Doombull may purchase magic items up to a total of ............................................100 points
the Doombulls roar out a • A Gorebull may purchase magic items up to a total of..................................................50 points
bellowing call that resounds
around the forest for many Special Rules: Armour Bane (1), Blood Greed, Blood Rage, Bull-gors, Fear, Foe Render,
miles, attracting yet more Gaze of the Gods, Impact Hits (1), Mark of Chaos Undivided,
Minotaurs and invoking the Primal Fury, Slaughterer’s Call, Warband
bloodgreed that runs through
all of their kind. Soon, Slaughterer’s Call
the forest will echo to the The bloodlust of a Minotaur Champion is infectious. When blood is scented, all rational thought
thunder of gargantuan hooves is driven from the minds of those around them, replaced with an unquenchable thirst for slaughter.
as Minotaurs gather by the
hundred at the herdstone, Whilst this model is Frenzied, any unit it has joined will also become Frenzied.
pawing the ground in their
haste to trample and crush.
It is not only Minotaurs who
heed the call – others are
overcome by the primal urge
to fight and feed. As bands of
Minotaurs crash through the
trees towards the settlements
and fortifications of the
civilised races, so groups
of Gors, Ungors and other,
far worse things follow in
their wake.

94 Beastmen Brayherds
Centigor Chieftains
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Warhoof 8 5 3 5 4 3 3 4 7 75

Troop Type: Light cavalry (character)

Base Size: 30 x 60 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hand weapon

• May take one of the following:
- Cavalry spear.........................................................................................................................+2 points
- Great weapon........................................................................................................................+4 points
• May take one of the following:
- Light armour .........................................................................................................................+2 points
- Heavy armour.......................................................................................................................+4 points Centigor Chieftains
• May take one of the following: Merged together in ages
- Throwing axes ......................................................................................................................+2 points past by the warping power
- Javelins.....................................................................................................................................+2 points of Chaos, Centigors are a
• May take a shield........................................................................................................................+2 points disturbing cross between
• 0-1 per 1,000 points may have the Ambushers special rule ......................................+10 points four-legged creatures, such as
• May take Chaos Mutations (see page 111) up to a total of..........................................50 points horses and oxen, and bipedal
• May purchase magic items up to a total of ........................................................................50 points Beastmen. Centigor herds are
led by Chieftains known as
Special Rules: Drunken, Fast Cavalry, Gaze of the Gods, Mark of Chaos Undivided, Warhoofs. Strong, vital and
Move through Cover, Primal Fury, Stomp Attacks (1), Swiftstride, crude, these musclebound
Warband brutes possess a raw and
savage might. They carry
themselves with swaggering
confidence, revelling in their
own superiority over lesser
beasts. When the Warherds
are summoned, it is not
uncommon for Centigors to
heed the call along with the
Beastmen. While Beastman
Chieftains and their Shamans
observe the rituals of the
Warherd, the Warhoofs
strut and swagger about
with vulgar bravado, swilling
looted wine by the skinful
and making outrageous boasts
about their own prowess.

Beastmen Brayherds 95
Infantry Bestigor Herds
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Bestigor 5 4 3 4 4 1 4 1 7 13
Gouge-horn 5 4 3 4 4 1 4 2 8 +8

Troop Type: Heavy infantry

Base Size: 30 x 30 mm
Unit Size: 5+
Equipment: Hand weapons, great weapons and heavy armour

• Any unit may:
- Upgrade one model to a Gouge-horn (champion)..................................+8 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+6 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+6 points per unit
- Purchase a magic standard worth up to........................................................................50 points
• A Gouge-horn may take:
Bestigor - Chaos Mutations (see page 111) up to a total of .......................................................25 points
The strongest and most - Magic items up to a total of ..............................................................................................25 points
vicious of Beastmen are • 0-1 unit in your army may:
known as Bestigors. Because - Have the Stubborn special rule....................................................................+1 point per model
of their size and ferocity, - Have the Veteran special rule.......................................................................+1 point per model
Bestigors carve out a
privileged position within Special Rules: Blood Rage, Close Order, Mark of Chaos Undivided, Primal Fury,
the Warherd. They form Warband
the chieftain’s inner circle
of retainers, constantly
enforcing their superiority
upon the Gors and Ungors
with random acts of excessive
violence. Bestigors typically
carry massive axes and wear
solid, heavy plates of armour
and chainmail adorned with
all manner of grisly trophies
taken from those that have
put up a fight before being cut
into pieces. Because Bestigors
have the pick of the arms
and armour laid before the
herdstones, it is not unheard
of for a band of Bestigors to
look almost like a coherent
force upon the battlefield.

96 Beastmen Brayherds
Gor Herds
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Gor 5 4 2 3 4 1 3 1 6 7
True-horn 5 4 2 3 4 1 3 2 7 +7

Troop Type: Regular infantry

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 5+
Equipment: Hand weapons

• The entire unit must take one of the following:
- Additional hand weapons...........................................................................................................Free
- Shields................................................................................................................................................Free
• Any unit may:
- Upgrade one model to a True-horn (champion) .....................................+7 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+5 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+5 points per unit Beastman Gors
• A True-horn may: Gors form the great mass
- Replace a hand weapon or its shield with a great weapon ..............................................Free of the Warherds. Their
- Purchase magic items up to a total of ............................................................................25 points appearance varies, but the
• 0-1 unit per 1,000 points may: base form of the Beastman
- Have the Ambushers special rule................................................................+1 point per model is the head and legs of a
- Purchase a magic standard worth up to........................................................................50 points goat and the upper torso of
a Man, albeit a particularly
Special Rules: Bestial Charge, Blood Rage, Horde, Mark of Chaos Undivided, hairy and malodorous one.
Move through Cover, Open Order, Primal Fury, Skirmishers, Warband They have the savage fangs
of wolves with which to tear
Bestial Charge great chunks of flesh from
Driven by their hatred of civilisation and order, Beastmen Gors fall upon the foe with terrible their foes, and muscular
ferocity, their crude weapons and horned skulls granted strength by the fury of their charge. and robust (if flea-ridden)
bodies, well-suited to acting
During a turn in which it made a charge move of 3" or more, a model with this special rule out their primal urges. One
gains a +1 modifier to its Strength characteristic. thing all true Beastmen have
in common is their horns,
without which they cannot
be considered real Gors. A
Beastman who possesses a
fine set of horns is said to be
a ‘True-horn’, or ‘True-gor’,
and it is these who are the
strongest and most intelligent
of all Gors.

Beastmen Brayherds 97
Ungor Herds
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Ungor 5 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 5 5
Half-horn 5 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 6 +7

Troop Type: Regular infantry

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 10+
Equipment: Hand weapons and shields

• The entire unit may take one of the following:
- Thrusting spears ...............................................................................................+1 point per model
- Throwing spears................................................................................................+1 point per model
Ungors - May replace shields with shortbows.......................................................................................Free
Ungors are smaller than • Any unit may:
other Beastmen and their - Upgrade one model to a Half-horn (champion)......................................+7 points per unit
horns, if they have any, - Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+5 points per unit
are less impressive. While - Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+5 points per unit
Gors may have long and • 0-1 unit per 1,000 points may have the Ambushers special rule............+1 point per model
spectacular horns, Ungors
usually have short prongs or Special Rules: Chariot Runners, Horde, Mark of Chaos Undivided, Move through Cover,
horn buds sprouting from Open Order, Primal Fury, Skirmishers, Warband
their skulls. Because of this,
Ungors are not considered Harpies
to be ‘proper’ Beastmen by
the Gors. Ungors take to the M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
field of battle in large herds, Harpy 5 3 0 3 3 1 5 2 6 11
arming themselves with stout
spears with which to impale Troop Type: Regular infantry
their prey, and carrying Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
crude shields to protect their Unit Size: 5+
grotesque potbellied bodies. Equipment: Claws (counts as hand weapons)
Special Rules: Fly (10), Move through Cover, Scouts, Skirmishers, Swiftstride
Harpies are particularly
loathsome, winged creatures
with a body that is a parody of
the human form. They follow
the Warherds as scavengers
and are drawn to battle to
prey upon the injured and
the dying.

98 Beastmen Brayherds
Minotaur Herds
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Minotaur 6 4 3 5 4 3 3 3 7 47
Bloodkine 6 4 3 5 4 3 3 4 7 +6

Troop Type: Monstrous infantry

Base Size: 50 x 50 mm
Unit Size: 2+
Equipment: Hand weapons and light armour

• Any model in the unit may take one of the following:
- Additional hand weapon..............................................................................+3 points per model
- Great weapon...................................................................................................+4 points per model
• Any model in the unit may take a shield .....................................................+2 points per model
• Any unit may:
- Upgrade one model to a Bloodkine (champion)......................................+6 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+6 points per unit Minotaurs
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+6 points per unit Minotaurs are massive
- Purchase a magic standard worth up to........................................................................50 points bull-headed monstrosities
• A Bloodkine may take: that constantly hunger for
- Chaos Mutations (see page 111) up to a total of .......................................................25 points hot blood and red meat.
- Magic items up to a total of ..............................................................................................25 points Often growing to twice the
• 0-1 unit in your army may have the Ambushers special rule ................+3 points per model height of a Man and far
greater in muscular bulk,
Special Rules: Blood Greed, Blood Rage, Bull-gors, Close Order, Fear, Foe Render, their thick-skulled heads are
Impact Hits (1), Mark of Chaos Undivided, Motley Crew, broad and ugly, and their
Primal Fury, Warband horns can eviscerate with a
single thrust. To a Minotaur,
the battlefield is a place of
maddening excess. The scent
of gore drives them wild and
they bellow their hunger for
all to hear. They charge with
a thundering impact, horns
lowered to impale, striking
blow after blow against the
enemy. Once their victims
lie slain, the Minotaurs slake
their thirst by tearing greedily
at raw flesh and gulping down
great hunks of steaming meat,
even whilst the battle rages on
around them.

Beastmen Brayherds 99
Cavalry Centigor Herds
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Centigor 8 4 3 4 4 1 2 1 6 19
Gorehoof 8 4 3 4 4 1 2 2 7 +8

Troop Type: Light cavalry

Base Size: 30 x 60 mm
Unit Size: 5+
Equipment: Hand weapons and shields

• The entire unit may take one of the following:
- Cavalry spears....................................................................................................+1 point per model
- Throwing spears................................................................................................+1 point per model
- May replace shields with great weapons ..................................................+1 point per model
• The entire unit may take one of the following:
Centigors - Throwing axes ...................................................................................................+1 point per model
Strong of limb and fleet of - Javelins..................................................................................................................+1 point per model
foot, Centigors are powerful • Any unit may:
creatures. However, they are - Upgrade one model to a Gorehoof (champion).......................................+8 points per unit
not especially agile and while - Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+6 points per unit
they have great strength, - Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+6 points per unit
they lack the dexterity to • A Gorehoof may purchase magic items up to a total of ................................................25 points
manipulate objects with any • 0-1 unit in your army may have the Ambushers special rule ..................+1 point per model
skill or control. Centigors • 0-1 unit per 1,000 points may purchase a magic standard worth up to...................50 points
are bitter and spiteful,
resenting their awkward Special Rules: Drunken, Fast Cavalry, Horde, Mark of Chaos Undivided,
nature, and harbour a deep Move through Cover, Open Order, Primal Fury, Skirmishers,
jealousy of creatures whose Stomp Attacks (1), Swiftstride, Warband
minds and bodies are better
matched. Centigors live on
the northern and eastern
edges of the forests of the
Old World, where the trees
reluctantly yield to the sparse
grasslands of the Northern
Wastes. They are nomadic,
without settlements or
even encampments of any
kind. Often, they will join
the Warherd of a Beastmen
Chieftain, for the rewards of
violence and plunder from
such an allegiance are great.

100 Beastmen Brayherds

Dragon Ogres
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Dragon Ogre 7 4 2 5 4 4 2 3 8 56
Shartak 7 4 2 5 4 4 2 4 8 +7

Troop Type: Monstrous cavalry

Base Size: 50 x 75 mm
Unit Size: 1-9
Equipment: Hand weapons and light armour

• The entire unit may take one of the following:
- Additional hand weapons............................................................................+3 points per model
- Great weapons.................................................................................................+4 points per model
- Halberds ............................................................................................................+3 points per model
• The entire unit may replace light armour with heavy armour.............+3 points per model Dragon Ogres
• Any unit may upgrade one model to a Shartak (champion)......................+7 points per unit When forks of lightning
• A Shartak may: sunder the night sky and
- Take Chaos Mutations up to a total of .........................................................................25 points the roar of thunder booms
- Purchase magic items up to a total of ............................................................................25 points through the peaks, the elders
of the north whisper that the
Special Rules: Armour Bane (1), Armoured Hide (2), Close Order, Fear, Dragon Ogres are waking.
Ensorcelled Weapons, Immune to Psychology, Stomp Attacks (2), They tell their superstitious
The Quickening Storm kin of enormous scaled
monsters that duel upon the
crests of the Worlds Edge
Mountains, their prize an
eternity of warfare. These
are the Dragon Ogres, and
they are said to be amongst
the oldest of all living things.
The incredible longevity of
the Dragon Ogres is the work
of the Gods of Chaos. Aeons
ago, the elders of their race
made a pact with the Ruinous
Powers, embracing eternal life
and damnation in order to
save themselves from a slow
decline towards extinction.

Beastmen Brayherds 101

Chaos Warhounds
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Chaos Warhound 7 4 0 3 3 1 3 1 6 6

Troop Type: War beasts

Base Size: 25 x 50 mm
Unit Size: 5+
Equipment: Claws and fangs (counts as a hand weapon)

• Any unit may have:
- The Armoured Hide (1) special rule.........................................................+1 point per model
- The Poisoned Attacks special rule..............................................................+1 point per model
- The Vanguard special rule ...............................................................................+5 points per unit

Special Rules: Loner, Move through Cover, Open Order, Swiftstride

Chaos Warhounds
In the darkest forests, massive, Razorgor Herds
twisted hounds hunt their
prey. They often stalk around M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
encampments, searching for Razorgor 7 3 0 5 5 3 2 4 6 52
scraps and lone creatures to
attack. When the Beastmen Troop Type: War beasts
muster for an attack, these Base Size: 50 x 75 mm
hounds lope alongside them, Unit Size: 1+
drawn by the promise of fresh Equipment: Tusks (counts as a hand weapon) and
meat. Some Beastmen rear calloused hide (counts as light armour)
these vicious hounds, training Special Rules: Armour Bane (1), Fear, Foe Render, Impact Hits (D3), Loner, Open Order,
them for battle, though they Primal Fury, Razor Tusks, Swiftstride
can never be truly tamed.

Razorgors are massively
mutated mountains of
muscle, covered in spines,
tusks and coarse hair. They
are voracious omnivores but
prefer a diet of fresh meat. So
great is their appetite and so
fearsome their jaws that they
are able to gobble down both
a knight in full plate mail and
their barded horse in a matter
of seconds.

102 Beastmen Brayherds

Tuskgor Chariots Chariot
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Chariot - - - 5 4 4 - - - 85
Bestigor Crew (x1) - 4 3 4 - - 4 1 7 -
Gor Crew (x1) - 4 3 3 - - 3 1 7 -
Tuskgor (x2) 7 3 - 4 - - 2 1 - -

Troop Type: Heavy chariot

Base Size: 50 x 100 mm
Unit Size: 1
Armour Value: 4+
• Bestigor Crew: Hand weapon and great weapon
• Gor Crew: Hand weapon and cavalry spear
• Tuskgors: Tusks (counts as hand weapons)

Special Rules: Close Order, First Charge, Impact Hits (D6+1), Mark of Chaos Undivided,
Primal Fury, Razor Tusks, Warband Beastmen Chariots
The chariots of the Beastmen
are ramshackle constructions,
Razorgor Chariots built from heavy pieces of
lumber, scavenged from the
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points ruins of Man’s buildings. They
Chariot - - - 5 5 4 - - - 120 are roughly nailed together
Bestigor Crew (x1) - 4 3 4 - - 4 1 7 - with huge spikes; even the
Gor Crew (x1) - 4 3 3 - - 3 1 7 - largest chariot shows no sign
Razorgor (x1) 7 3 - 5 - - 2 4 - - of craftsmanship or finesse.
This matters little, however,
Troop Type: Heavy chariot because the brute strength
Base Size: 50 x 100 mm and ferocity of the evil-
Unit Size: 1 tempered beasts that draw
Armour Value: 4+ these chariots – pugnacious
and stubborn Tuskgors and
Equipment: hideously mutated Razorgors
• Bestigor Crew: Hand weapon and great weapon – far outmatches that of mere
• Gor Crew: Hand weapon and cavalry spear horses, and the sheer weight
• Razorgor: Tusks (counts as a hand weapon) of the chariot is enough to
inflict terrible damage in its
Special Rules: Armour Bane (1, Razorgor only), Close Order, Fear, First Charge, own right. Should the chariot
Foe Render (Razorgor only), Impact Hits (D6+2), shatter at the point of impact
Mark of Chaos Undivided, Primal Fury, Razor Tusks the crew care little, for they
will have ridden down great
swathes of the enemy in
Character Mount: A Tuskgor Chariot or Razorgor Chariot may be included in your the process.
army as a character’s mount. If so, its points are added to that of its rider.

Beastmen Brayherds 103

Monster Dragon Ogre Shaggoth
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Shaggoth 7 6 2 6 5 6 4 5 9 225

Troop Type: Monstrous creature

Base Size: 50 x 75 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hand weapon and light armour

• May take one of the following:
- Additional hand weapon...................................................................................................+3 points
- Great weapon........................................................................................................................+4 points
• May replace light armour with heavy armour ................................................................+6 points
• May take Chaos Mutations (see page 111) up to a total of..........................................50 points
Dragon Ogre Shaggoths • May purchase magic items up to a total of ........................................................................50 points
When great storms roll
across the world, the Dragon Special Rules: Armour Bane (2), Armoured Hide (2), Close Order, Ensorcelled Weapons,
Ogre Shaggoths that slumber Immune to Psychology, Large Target, Stomp Attacks (D3+1), Storm Call,
beneath the mountains stir. Terror, The Quickening Storm
Their dreaming minds hear,
echoed in the thunder, the
roar of the Chaos gods calling Storm Call
them to battle. As lightning
splits the skies, they scale cliff The oldest Dragon Ogres are able to
and glacier with iron-hard summon storms and call lightning down
claws, hacking at each other from the heavens.
with ancient axes and battling
to reach the highest peaks. This model can cast the following
They do this in order to bathe Bound spell, with a Power Level of 1.
in lightning, rejoicing in the This model can cast this Bound spell
raw forces of nature, for it even if it is engaged in combat:
is the storm that invigorates
them and fills them with Type: Magic Missile
deadly energy for the coming Casting Value: 7+
battle. Shaggoths are the same Range: Self
creatures that bartered once Effect: If this Bound spell is cast, all
with the Chaos gods; beings units within 6" of this model (friend or
that bargained with divinity, foe), including units engaged in combat
and not only survived, but and this model, suffer D3 Strength 4
won their immortality. hits, each with an AP of -1.

104 Beastmen Brayherds

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Jabberslythe 6 4 4 5 5 5 3 5 9 195

Troop Type: Monstrous creature

Base Size: 60 x 100 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Wicked claws (see below), slythey tongue (see below) and
scaly skin (counts as heavy armour)
Special Rules: Close Order, Fly (9), Large Target, Maddening Aura, Poisoned Attacks,
Spurting Bile Blood, Stomp Attacks (D3), Swiftstride, Terror

Maddening Aura
So ghastly and unnatural is a Jabberslythe, that a mere glance can drive all sanity and reason
from the minds of those that behold it. Wherever such a beast passes, brave souls fall shrieking and
babbling in its wake.

During the Command sub-phase of its turn, any enemy unit that is within 8" of this model, Jabberslythes
including units that are fleeing or that are engaged in combat, must make a Leadership test. Jabberslythes are amongst the
If this test is failed, the unit suffers D3 Strength 3 hits, with no armour or Regeneration most foul of all the creatures
saves permitted (Ward saves can be attempted as normal). of the deep forest. They
are truly repugnant to look
Spurting Bile Blood upon, having such grotesque
When harmed, a Jabberslythe’s boiling, acidic blood sprays its enemies, burning through their and twisted features that
armour and into their flesh. even the clearest pools of
water will not offer up their
For each Wound this model loses during the Combat phase, the attacking enemy unit reflection. A sickening fusion
suffers a Strength 4 hit, with an AP of -1. of toad, sludge-drake and
many-limbed insect, the
R S AP Special Rules Jabberslythe encompasses all
Wicked claws Combat S -2 - that is unwholesome and vile
about nature and magnifies
R S AP Special Rules it a hundredfold. Ungainly
Slythey tongue 12" 5 -1 Move & Shoot, Quick Shot and clumsy creatures,
Jabberslythes have mutated
the better to catch prey,
but the most horrendous
of all their weapons is their
vile appearance. There is
something so unearthly and
unsettling about these beasts
that to even set eyes upon
one is to go immediately and
permanently insane.

Beastmen Brayherds 105

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Cockatrice 4 4 5 4 5 4 6 6 6 170

Troop Type: Monstrous creature

Base Size: 50 x 50 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Claws (counts as a hand weapon), petrifying gaze (see below) and
scaly skin (counts as heavy armour)

• May have acidic vomit ...........................................................................................................+20 points
• May have the Poisoned Attacks special rule...................................................................+10 points

Special Rules: Close Order, Fly (10), Large Target, Stomp Attacks (1), Stony Stare,
Swiftstride, Terror

Cockatrice Stony Stare

The Cockatrice is not a Where the creature’s gaze falls, its enemies turn painfully to stone.
bold fighter and prefers to
lurk in wait for easy prey. At the start of each Combat phase, enemy models in base contact with this model must
Yet despite this inclination make an Initiative test. If this test is failed, they suffer D3 Strength 2 hits, with no armour
for self-preservation, only a save permitted (Ward and Regeneration saves can be attempted as normal).
very foolish warrior would
confront a Cockatrice. When R S AP
Special Rules
the beast is threatened, it goes Petrifying gaze 18" 2 N/A
Magical Attacks,
quickly berserk, shrieking and Multiple Wounds (D3)
clawing at all who approach Notes: When making a roll To Wound for an attack made with this weapon, substitute the
it with a maddened ferocity target’s Toughness with its Initiative. No armour save is permitted against wounds caused by this
that more than compensates weapon (Ward and Regeneration saves can be attempted as normal).
for its innate cowardice.
Despite its lack of courage, R S AP Special Rules
the Cockatrice possesses a Acidic vomit N/A 3 -1 Breath Weapon
curious ability that makes
it the equal of even the
mightiest Dragon. The
Cockatrice can petrify foes
with its magical gaze, turning
them to stone with a glance.
This makes the Cockatrice
a deadly opponent, for a
warrior must try to vanquish
the beast without ever setting
sight upon it.

106 Beastmen Brayherds

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Cygor 7 2 1 6 5 6 3 4 8 215

Troop Type: Behemoth

Base Size: 60 x 100 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Claws (counts as a hand weapon), hurl attack (see below) and
calloused hide (counts as light armour)
Special Rules: Close Order, Ghostsight, Immune to Psychology, Large Target, Soul-eater,
Stomp Attacks (D3), Stubborn, Terror, Timmm-berrr!

The swirling melee of combat is an indistinct blur to the Cygor, confusing and disorientating.
Enemies imbued with magic, however, it can see with unearthly clarity.
During the Combat phase, a Cygor may re-roll any failed rolls To Hit made against enemy Cygors are huge, malformed
Wizards, enemy models or units equipped with any magic items, or enemy models or units giants, similar in form
with a Ward or Regeneration save. to Minotaurs, yet each
possessed of but a single eye
Soul-eater in the centre of its forehead.
The presence of a Cygor is intensely unsettling to any nearby Wizards, for they know Cygors crave Through this eye, the Cygor is
their souls above all else. cursed to see not the material
realm that mortals perceive,
Any enemy Wizard that wishes to cast a spell whilst within 12" of one or more Cygors must but the ever-shifting Winds of
first make a Leadership test. If this test is failed, the Wizard has lost their nerve and, should Magic as they blow through
they fail to cast the spell (i.e., should their casting result be less than the casting value of the world. Cygors roam the
the spell), the spell has been miscast and the active player immediately rolls on the Miscast forests of the Old World,
table to see what fate befalls the unfortunate Wizard. If this test is passed, the Wizard can smashing through trees they
continue with their casting attempt as normal. cannot see and laying waste to
anything in their path. They
R S AP Special Rules hunger eternally, for they can
Hurl attack 12-36" 4 (8) -1 (-3) Bombardment, Cumbersome, scarce perceive mundane prey
Multiple Wounds (D3+1) and are only able to detect
Notes: This weapon shoots like a stone thrower, using the ‘Bombardment’ special rule and a 3" those possessed of magical
blast template. If a ‘Misfire’ is rolled on the Artillery dice, this model loses a single Wound (instead powers, who blaze with
of rolling on a Misfire table). The Multiple Wounds (D3+1) special rule applies only to a single searing light. These gigantic,
model whose base lies underneath the central hole of the blast template. eldritch predators constantly
hunt mages, warlocks and
witches, desperate to consume
their flesh and thereby ingest
the bright souls within.

Beastmen Brayherds 107

Chaos Giant
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Chaos Giant 6 3 1 6 6 6 2 * 10 200

Troop Type: Behemoth

Base Size: 50 x 50 mm (min), 50 x 75 mm (max)
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Giant’s club (see opposite) and calloused hide (counts as light armour)

• May have scaly skin (counts as heavy armour) .............................................................+10 points
• May have the Regeneration (6+) special rule ................................................................+20 points

Special Rules: Close Order, *Giant Attacks, Immune to Psychology, Large Target,
*Pick Up And…, Stomp Attacks (D6), Terror, Timmm-berrr!, Unbreakable

*Giant Attacks
Chaos Giants Giants do not attack in the same way as other creatures. They are far too large and fractious to
Giants are monstrous take orders and much too scatter-brained to have any sort of coherent plan.
humanoids that dwell most
often in the cold, rocky climes Instead of attacking normally during the Combat phase or making a Pick Up And… attack,
of the north. Those that a Giant may choose to make a ‘Giant Attack’. To make a Giant Attack, nominate an enemy
live in the forests of the Old unit that the Giant is engaged in combat with to be the target of the attack and roll on the
World are a particularly vile Giant Attacks table below to determine what the Giant does:
example of their breed. Their
skin is often covered in green Giant Attacks Table
and brown mould, fungus and D6 Result
moss, while their long beards 1 ’Eadbutt: The Giant singles out a lone enemy and ’eadbutts them. Nominate
are matted and tangled with a single model in the fighting rank of an enemy unit the Giant is engaged with
ivy and creepers. Giants do to be the target of this attack. That model is hit and suffers D3+1 wounds with
not make common cause with no armour or Regeneration saves permitted (Ward saves can be attempted
the Warherds, rather they as normal).
follow in their wake, joining 2 Belly Flop: The Giant crashes down bodily upon the enemy. Place a small (3")
in with the slaughter and blast template so that its central hole is directly over the centre of the target
slaking their hunger on cattle unit. Any model (friend or foe, but not including this model) whose base lies
and their thirst on looted underneath the template risks being hit and suffering a single hit, using the
barrels of ale. Occasionally, Strength characteristic of this model, with an AP of -2.
one might be bound to the 3-4 Mighty Swing: The Giant swings its club through the enemy ranks. For this
will of a Bray-Shaman, and attack, the Giant is subject to the Random Attacks special rule and has an
such a beast emerging from Attacks characteristic of D6+1, and the Giant’s club has a Strength characteristic
the trees is enough to fill of S+1 and an AP of -2.
superstitious soldiers with 5 Thump With Club: The Giant grasps its club two-handed and cracks its enemy
heart-stopping horror. on the head. Nominate a single model in the fighting rank of an enemy unit the
Giant is engaged with to be the target of this attack. For this attack, the Giant’s
club has a Strength characteristic of S+4, an AP of -4 and the Multiple Wounds
(D6) special rule.
6 Jump Up & Down: The Giant jumps around, kicking and flattening the enemy.
For this attack, the Giant does not use its club. Instead, the target unit suffers
D6+1 hits, each using the Strength characteristic of this model, with no armour
save permitted (Ward and Regeneration saves can be attempted as normal).

108 Beastmen Brayherds

*Pick Up And…
Sometimes, Giants forget there is a battle raging around them and, when faced with rank upon Monster
rank of bite-sized snacks, will become distracted, reaching down and grabbing enemies by the
handful. What happens to these unfortunate souls varies; some are thrust into a sack or under the
Giant’s clothing for later, others are eaten on the spot, and still others are tossed carelessly aside to
bounce off the scenery. Whatever the case, such unfortunates are rarely seen again.

Instead of attacking normally during the Combat phase or making a Giant Attack, a Giant
that is engaged in combat with one or more units whose troop type is ‘regular infantry’ or
‘heavy infantry’ may choose to make a ‘Pick Up And…’ attack. To make a Pick Up And…
attack, nominate an enemy unit of regular or heavy infantry that the Giant is engaged in
combat with. The unit must immediately make an Initiative test:

• If this test is failed, a victim is picked up by the Giant. What happens next does not
bear thinking about but, whatever it is, a single model belonging to the target unit is
immediately removed from play as a casualty.
• If this test is passed, the warriors manage to duck and dodge away from the Giant’s
grasping hands. No one is picked up and the attack has no effect.
Chaos Giants
Next, roll a D6: Preferring the cold, rocky
climes of the Troll Country
• On a roll of 1-3, the Giant forgets what it is doing and makes no further attacks. and Norsca, Giants are
• On a roll of 4+, the Giant attempts to pick up another enemy. The target unit must encountered far more
make another Initiative test. frequently in the north than
in other areas of the Old
This continues until the Giant forgets what it is doing and stops making attacks, or until World, although they will
the target unit is destroyed. occasionally descend from
lairs in the Worlds Edge or
Enemy models removed from play are considered to have been removed from the fighting Middle Mountains to join
rank of the enemy unit. bands of Orcs or Beastmen.
Some Giants, especially those
R S AP Special Rules who make their homes far
Giant’s club Combat * * * to the north where Norsca
Notes: *A Giant’s club may have different characteristics and special rules depending upon what begins to give way to the
they do with it, as described in the Giant Attacks special rule. Chaos Wastes, are warped
still further by the power
of Chaos. The mutations
caused by the influence of the
Dark Powers are even more
terrifying when displayed by
such monstrous creatures,
and Giants moulded by
Chaos into even more
fearsome shapes can turn the
bravest warrior to flight.

Beastmen Brayherds 109

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Ghorgon 7 4 0 6 6 6 4 5 9 245

Troop Type: Behemoth

Base Size: 60 x 100 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Cleaver-limbs (see below) and calloused hide (counts as light armour)
Special Rules: Blood Greed, Close Order, Frenzy, Large Target, Primal Fury,
Regeneration (6+), Stomp Attacks (D3), Stubborn, Swallow Whole,
Terror, Timmm-berrr!

Swallow Whole
As the Ghorgon rampages through the enemy’s battle line, it feeds hungrily upon its foes. As it does
so, its flesh flushes red and wounds re-knit.
When the Beastmen go to During the Command sub-phase of its turn, a Ghorgon that is engaged in combat with
war they are accompanied one or more units of ‘regular infantry’ or ‘heavy infantry’ may choose to make a ‘Swallow
by sickening fiends that Whole’ attack. To make a Swallow Whole attack, nominate an enemy unit of regular or
have grown to impossible heavy infantry that the Ghorgon is engaged in combat with. The unit must immediately
dimensions on a diet of raw make an Initiative test:
flesh and warping magic.
The Ghorgon is such a beast, • If this test is failed, the Ghorgon grabs a victim from the unit and stuffs them into its
a many-limbed, ox-headed gullet. A single model belonging to the target unit is immediately removed from play as
slaughterer, possessed of a casualty.
an urgent need to devour • If this test is passed, the warriors manage to avoid the grasping Ghorgon. No one is
and destroy. During battle, picked up and the attack has no effect.
a Ghorgon wades into the
enemy, grasping great gobbets Each time an enemy model is removed from play in this way, the Ghorgon recovers a single
of flesh to stuff into its maw. lost Wound.
In its insatiable lust for food,
the Ghorgon has been known R S AP Special Rules
to swallow victims whole, the Cleaver-limbs Combat S -2 Killing Blow, Monster Slayer
entire body bolted down in a
savage display of gluttonous
delight. Smeared with gore
and drooling slather, a
Ghorgon can regain new
strength from its flesh feast.
Yet, no matter how much a
Ghorgon devours, the hideous
beast remains as ravenous
as ever.

110 Beastmen Brayherds

A s Beastmen grow in power and infamy, they attract the attention of the Chaos powers. This is both a blessing and a
curse, for many mutations pleasing to the gods are anathema to those they are thrust upon.

To represent these strange attributes, some models may be given Chaos Mutations. Each Mutation may only be chosen once
per army.

Slug-skin ..............................................................50 points Rune of the Beast Ascendant..........................25 points

This grotesque gift of the Chaos gods causes the recipient’s skin to The Beastman’s horns have twisted into the semblance of a
constantly ooze with a vile, foul smelling slime. potent daemonic rune. This promise of ascendency to the ranks of
Daemonhood fills its followers with courage.
Any enemy model that directs its attacks against this model
or any unit it has joined during the Combat phase suffers a -1 Beastman Chieftains only. Unless this character is fleeing,
modifier to its rolls To Hit. friendly Bestigor, Gor and Ungor Herds gain a +1 modifier to
their Leadership characteristic whilst within this character’s
Crown of Horns .................................................45 points Command range (to a maximum of 10).
A Beastman that sprouts an excessively sharp, large or twisted set of
horns is supremely confident in their position at the pinnacle of the Many-limbed Fiend...........................................20 points
Warherd, so obvious are the Dark Gods’ blessings. Some Beastman grow additional arms, allowing them to unleash
even more carnage upon the battlefield.
Characters only. This character and any unit they have joined
gains the Stubborn special rule. This model (but not its mount) has a +1 modifier to its
Attacks characteristic. However, this bonus attack must be
Muscular Monstrosity......................................35 points made using an ordinary hand weapon.
The Beastman has been blessed by the Gods of Chaos, and its torso
bulges with huge muscles. Gnarled Hide ......................................................15 points
The Beastman’s skin has encysted, forming a dense layer of crusty
This model (but not its mount) has a +1 modifier to its natural armour as tough as chainmail.
Strength characteristic.
Models whose troop type is ‘infantry’ only. This model gains
Pelt of Midnight.................................................35 points the Armoured Hide (1) special rule.
The Beastman’s pelt exudes clouds of smokey darkness, hiding them
from the eyes of the enemy. Uncanny Senses..................................................10 points
The Dark Gods gift some Beastman with acute senses, additional
Characters only. Any enemy model that targets this character eyes or even extra heads, granting them unnaturally fast reactions.
or any unit they have joined during the Shooting phase suffers
an additional -1 To Hit modifier. This model (but not its mount) has a +1 modifier to its
Initiative characteristic.
Gouge-tusks ........................................................30 points
This Beastman’s lower incisors have grown into sharp or excessively
large tusks with which they gouge savage wounds into the flesh of
their enemies.

During the Combat phase, the Armour Piercing characteristic

of any weapon used by this model (but not its mount) is
improved by 1.

Beastmen Brayherds 111

Magic Items
Magic Items
The pages that follow detail magic items unique to Beastmen Brayherds armies. These
can be purchased by models within a Beastmen Brayherds army in exactly the same
way as common magic items, as described in the Warhammer: the Old World rulebook.

Extremely Common Magic Items: Any magic item marked with an asterisk (*)
is considered to be extremely common, as described in the Warhammer: the Old
World rulebook.

Magic Weapons
Primeval Club.................................................................................................. 60 points
This ancient club, bound in cracked leather and infested with spiders and slugs, has been stained
red with blood since the dawn of civilisation and is the bane of all order and hope.

Treasures of R S AP
Special Rules
the Herdstone Primeval Club Combat * -3
Hatred (Empire), Magical Attacks,
Deep within the forests of Poisoned Attacks
the Old World, Beastmen Notes: The Strength characteristic of the Primeval Club is equal to the current Leadership
raise their herdstones. These characteristic of the model that wields it.
monolithic rocks are sacred
to their kind, and it is upon Axe of Men....................................................................................................... 50 points
these that mighty Beastmen A single, mighty stroke from this fearsome axe can cut even the most powerful warrior clean in
Chieftains record their half, a sight which emboldens the bearer’s followers and horrifies their enemies in equal measure.
deeds, their Bray-Shamans
etching them into the rock R S AP Special Rules
in the foul runes of the dark Axe of Men Combat S -1 Killing Blow, Magical Attacks
tongue. Around these sacred Notes: Should the wielder of the Axe of Men kill an enemy character (including champions) in a
stones, artefacts of power challenge, they gain the Terror special rule for the remainder of the game.
and trophies of war are piled
high. Amongst the tattered Mangelder......................................................................................................... 40 points
and desecrated banners of The Mangelder saps the strength of its victims’ minds as well as of their bodies, and those few who
the armies of Men lie the survive wounds inflicted by the weapon rarely fight again.
remnants of powerful magic
weapons and armour. When R S AP Special Rules
the Brayherds gather, these Mangelder Combat S+1 -1 Magical Attacks, Terror
treasures are snatched up and Notes: The wielder of the Mangelder causes Terror. Any enemy unit that suffers one or more
claimed by the strongest of unsaved wounds from the Mangelder suffers a -1 modifier to its Leadership characteristic (to a
Champions who bind broken minimum of 2) until the end of the turn.
blades to sturdy wooden
hafts and hang precious Hunter’s Spear................................................................................................. 35 points
amulets from their twisted Crafted to fell the mighty beasts of the far north, this thick-hafted spear bears enchantments
horns. Thus are the treasures allowing it to penetrate yards of flesh and muscle, skewering the foe through-and-through.
of civilisation turned back
against their foes. R S AP
Special Rules
Hunter’s Spear 24" 6 -3
Cumbersome, Magical Attacks,
Multiple Wounds (2), Through & Through
Notes: The Hunter’s Spear shoots like a bolt thrower, using the ‘Through & Through’ special rule.

112 Beastmen Brayherds

Magic Armour Magic Standards
Pelt of the Dark Young .....................................40 points Totem of Rust.....................................................50 points
The Pelt of the Dark Young is shrouded in tendrils of darkness that Little more than a jagged spike upon which the corroded remains
gather about the wearer. of armoured warriors are impaled, the Totem of Rust spreads an
all-consuming aura of entropy.
May be worn with other armour. The wearer of the Pelt of the
Dark Young improves their armour value by 1 (to a maximum Every model (friend or foe) within 6" of the model carrying the
of 2+). In addition, its wearer (and any unit they have joined) Totem of Rust suffers a -1 modifier to its Armour Save rolls.
has Magic Resistance (-2).
Manbane Standard............................................40 points
The Blackened Plate..........................................25 points The Manbane Standard is a corpse beset by carrion birds. Any who
This battered suit of plate mail is blackened with the soot of behold it are filled with the dread that it will be upon their eyes
burning palaces and temples. that the birds next feast.

The Blackened Plate is a suit of full plate armour. In addition, All enemy units within 6" of the model carrying the Manbane
its wearer has a 3+ Ward save against any wounds suffered Standard suffer a -1 modifier to their Leadership characteristic
that were caused by an attack that has the Flaming Attacks (to a minimum of 2).
special rule.
Vitriolic Totem...................................................30 points
Talismans This gnarled and twisted bough is hung with the heads of the fallen.
From these rotted trophies drips a constant rain of blackened ichor
Rune of the True Beast.....................................30 points and poisoned blood.
This sigil of pure savagery is carved into the flesh of only the
mightiest Beastlords, causing even the greatest of monsters to cower A unit carrying the Vitriolic Totem gains the Poisoned
before the unbridled ferocity of this raging predator. Attacks special rule.

Enemy models whose troop type is ‘monster’ suffer a -1 Banner of Outrage .............................................25 points
modifier to their Weapon Skill characteristic whilst within 6" This stolen standard has been befouled and stained as a terrible
of the bearer of the Rune of the True Beast. affront to the enemy. Its presence drives Beastmen to ever more vile
extremes of savagery.
Dark Heart* ........................................................25 points
Beastmen rip the still beating hearts from their defeated rivals. A unit carrying the Banner of Outrage may re-roll its
In battle, they will feed upon these grisly trophies, claiming the Leadership test when testing for Primal Fury.
strength of their vanquished enemies.

Single use. During the Command sub-phase of their turn,

the bearer of a Dark Heart can consume it. The model
immediately recovers one lost Wound.

Beastmen Brayherds 113

Enchanted Items Arcane Items
Stone of Spite ......................................................45 points The Plague Chalice ............................................40 points
Contained within this glowing stone is the soul of an Ungor, slain in This rotted wooden chalice is filled with a vile brew of blood and
a hideous ritual. When crushed underhoof, a wave of bitterness and pus. Any Shaman that sups from it is wracked with pain, even as
spite is released, banishing the Winds of Magic. raw magic courses through their veins.

Single use. During the Command sub-phase of their turn, If the bearer of the Plague Chalice rolls any natural double
if they are not engaged in combat, this character may use when making a Casting roll (not including rolls of a natural
the Stone of Spite. Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, double 1), the spell is cast as a perfect invocation, regardless of
all Wizards (friend or foe) suffer a -2 modifier to their its casting value or of any other modifiers. However, each time
Casting rolls. the bearer casts a perfect invocation, they suffer a Strength 4
hit with no armour save permitted (Ward and Regeneration
Horn of the First Beast.....................................30 points saves can be attempted as normal).
This immeasurably ancient, fossilised horn is said to be taken from
the skull of the First Beast. When it is sounded, Beastmen find the Hagtree Fetish ....................................................30 points
savage fury of their race swelling within their hearts. A crudely carved effigy of a hagtree, this shamanic heirloom can
spell doom for the Bray-Shaman’s foe when brandished with the
Unless the bearer of the Horn of the First Beast is fleeing, appropriate curse.
any friendly unit that is within 18" of this model may use its
Leadership characteristic when testing for Primal Fury. Whenever the bearer of the Hagtree Fetish successfully casts a
Magic Missile, they may re-roll any failed rolls To Wound.
Skin of Man ........................................................15 points
The wearer of this flayed and sigil-encrusted human pelt is under Jagged Dagger .....................................................15 points
a glamour, making them appear no more than a particularly ugly This potent sacrificial tool radiates the pain and anger of a
peasant. When the skin is cast aside, the awful truth is revealed. thousand ritual offerings made to the Ruinous Powers.

Beastmen Chieftains and Beastmen Shamans whose troop The Jagged Dagger can only be used by a Wizard that has
type is ‘infantry’ only. The wearer of the Skin of Man gains the joined a unit. Before making a Casting roll, the bearer of the
Scouts and Vanguard special rules. Jagged Dagger may make a sacrifice. One model belonging
to the bearer’s unit is immediately removed from play as a
casualty. The bearer may then modify their Casting roll by
adding the Wounds characteristic of the sacrificed model to
the result.

Note that this is a modifier to the result of a roll – it does not

negate a roll of a natural double 1.

114 Beastmen Brayherds

Lore of Beasts
B ray-Shamans are born into magic, and wield it with an instinctive ease. A palpable miasma of fell sorcery surrounds
them and when their wrath is roused, reality itself is distorted and maimed. Tree roots twist and writhe at their
passing, the undergrowth boils with unholy life and repugnant parasites scurry at their feet.

A Wizard with the ‘Lore of Beasts’ special rule may discard one of their randomly generated spells as normal. When they do so,
they may select instead either the signature spell of their chosen Lore of Magic, or one of the spells listed below.

Viletide Devolve
The Shaman calls to the creeping things that nest in the decaying Delving into their enemies’ minds, the Shaman magnifies the
undergrowth, creating a vile wave of spiders, centipedes and slug- savage and animalistic parts of their psyche until they are no
beetles that swarm over the foe. more than growling beasts.

Type: Magic Missile Type: Magic Missile

Casting Value: 8+ Casting Value: 8+
Range: 15" Range: 15"
Effect: The target enemy unit suffers 5D6 Strength 1 hits, Effect: The target enemy unit must immediately make a
with no armour save permitted (Ward and Regeneration Leadership test. If this test is failed, it loses a number of
saves can be attempted as normal). Wounds equal to the amount by which it failed the test.

Mantle of Ghorok
Ghorok was a legendary Minotaur, ferocious as a storm. When
possessed by his spirit-mantle, a Shaman becomes a terror on the
battlefield, though to summon his rage is not without risk.

Type: Enchantment
Casting Value: 8+
Range: Self
Effect: Until the end of this turn, the caster gains a +D6
modifier to their Strength and Attacks characteristics (to a
maximum of 10). However, if a 6 is rolled, this modifier is
lost and the caster instead loses a single Wound.

Beastmen Brayherds 117

T he Bretonnians are a warlike and valiant people who willingly seek out battle as a way of securing personal honour and
pride. Any who invade their domain face the fury of powerful knights, exceptional warriors and guardians of a glorious
nation all, feared and respected throughout the Old World. These armies march to war in the name of the Lady of the Lake
and for the glory of their king, sweeping aside evil on the field of battle.

The Land of Chivalry Creeds & Tenets

The Land Of Chivalry Creeds & Tenets

The kingdom of Bretonnia lies to the south and west of the The social order of Bretonnia is determined by a series of
Empire, between the Grey Mountains and the Middle Sea. creeds and tenets laid down hundreds of years ago in the time
Here, the gleaming, white stone spires of Bretonnia’s great of Gilles le Breton, and formally recorded by his son, Louis.
cities rise towards the heavens in imitation of the ancient Each stratum of Bretonnian society rigidly adheres to their
High Elf towers that stretch along the nation’s coast. Yet, particular code. However, due to the antiquity of the original
compared to the large and wealthy cities of the Empire, these documents, much can be misconstrued by the opportunistic or
cities present a mere mask of cosmopolitan sophistication the foolish.
to the world, behind which lurks the truth – that the cities
of Bretonnia are overcrowded and disease-ridden places, The lower orders of Bretonnian society, very few of whom are
parochial, run-down and impoverished. literate, gather on the first day of each month to have their
credo read to them by a squire of their lord and be reminded
Beyond the whitewashed and crumbling walls of Bretonnia’s of how privileged they are to serve a lord who serves a king,
cities, the feudal nature of the realm and the glaring and of the duty they owe in exchange for such blessings. In
differences between the nobility and peasantry become reality, the peasants of Bretonnia live hand to mouth, toiling
increasingly apparent. Throughout the land, the peasantry in the fields day in and day out in absolute, destitute poverty.
seemingly exist only to serve their masters, and those masters Most will not survive to see middle age, nor live to earn
exist only to pursue the chivalric ideal of what a knight should the thanks of their masters for the devotion they show. Yet,
be: to rule and to protect. Safe behind castle walls, the knights without the produce of the peasant’s labour and the taxing of
of Bretonnia dedicate their time to the feudal arts; hunting, their meagre earnings, the knights could ill afford to live in the
jousting and so forth, whilst their subjects toil to feed their manner to which they are accustomed.
lords and fill their coffers.
The knights of Bretonnia themselves are given to routinely
Bretonnia’s nobility enjoy their grand halls, hung with ancient copying out their vows in painstakingly illuminated scripts
tapestries, decorated with fine golden carvings and filled with that they treat with reverential care. The knights recite these
feasting knights and their noble families, whilst the peasants of vows before an image or token of the Lady which, depending
Bretonnia live with large extended families in hovels gathered on the knight’s status, can range from a candlelit sketch to a
about the castle walls. So poor is the craft of these peasants gilded triptych. To break any aspect of their vows is the worst
and so meagre the trade of the land that the nobility must crime imaginable to these noble, if narrow-minded, warriors.
hire artisans from other parts of the Old World to build or
maintain their keeps.
“In Service
“In Service of theOf The Lady…”
Lady…” No base creatures or evildoers can profane her sacred places,
and this is a duty that every knight in Bretonnia, not just the
Bretonnian folklore is replete with the mighty feats of famous Grail Knights, takes very seriously indeed. The Bretonnian
knights as they battle against the odds to defeat their evil foes code of chivalry is inextricably linked with the Lady of the
and win the day in the name of the Lady of the Lake. In these Lake, as it is she who rewards honour and virtue, and the
stories and poems, noble knights seek out and slay ferocious supreme sign of a knight’s favour is to receive her blessing.
Dragons that terrorise the realms, battle and defeat evil
warriors and destroy hordes of Orcs single-handed. Weaned Throughout Bretonnia, there are many Grail chapels built
from a young age on these stories of individual heroism and upon sites where the Lady is said to have been encountered.
bravery, it is every knight’s utmost desire to serve this goddess These range from humble roadside shrines, where travellers
and live forever in her name. and pilgrims pause to give thanks and make offerings, praying
for swift and safe passage under the gaze of the goddess, to
Since the days of Gilles le Breton, the Bretonnians have great cathedrals incorporated into a lord’s estates, where
worshipped the Lady of the Lake as their goddess, a figure of robed monks endlessly chant hymns and prayers in the nave
myth and legend who guides their kings and protects their and chapels, and walk the cloisters in silent prayer, ensuring
land from harm. It is said that she first appeared before Gilles the Lady hears nought but perpetual praise and that her holy
and his knightly Companions on the dawn of the Great house be constantly maintained. It is the sacred duty of the
Victory of Bordeleaux. Wreathed in a fey light, the Lady Grail Knights to protect these shrines and often such knights
rose from the water, bearing a grail which overflowed with will devote the remainder of their lives to defending the Lady’s
light that spilled into the waters of the lake and blessed the shrine from defilement. These knights are known as hermit-
assembled knights until dawn’s light broke over the mountains. knights and spend their lives defending the shrine and the
Gilles famously dipped his bloodied and tattered banner into relics housed within.
the radiant waters of the lake crying, “Lady, bless my banner!”
only to lift it from the waters, magically restored and bearing
the image of the Lady and her glittering grail.

Gilles and his knights rode out and defeated the Orcs that
beset the land, then returned to the lake after the battle to give
thanks to the Lady for her blessing. And at this lake, Gilles
and his Companions swore great oaths to serve the Lady
and remain together to free the land of Bretonnia from the
monsters that assailed it. In the years that followed, they went
on to win many great victories and since those days, worship
of the Lady has spread throughout Bretonnia. The Lady
herself is very rarely seen, and only in the most verdant depths
of the land may she be found by a few privileged and pure
souls. Those who do find her are regarded as highly favoured
and are themselves revered.

Appearing as an ageless maiden of unearthly beauty, the Lady

will only appear to those who have faced great peril and are
pure of heart. Many knights, wishing to prove their valour,
declare that they will go on a Grail Quest and seek the Lady
of the Lake to sup from her sacred chalice and become one of
the legendary Grail Knights, warriors of unsurpassed skill who
are incapable of malice and impure thought. Sacred groves and
areas of mystical power are her dwelling places, and the Grail
Knights are her protectors, devoting themselves to upholding
her honour.
I t is not uncommon to find outposts of Bretonnian society and culture scattered far and wide – tiny feudalistic realms
where the Lady of the Lake is revered and in which the traditions of the Code Chivalric are upheld, to a greater or lesser
extent, by knightly lords of often questionable honour.

Exiled Lords The Limits Of Chivalry

It is perhaps a measure of the Bretonnian people and their love Whilst the means by which a knight can find themselves
affair with noble deeds and chivalrous acts of self-sacrifice that cast from their homeland varies, and the fates of those facing
the scattered vassal states of Bretonnia’s many exiles are often banishment or choosing exile can differ, there is one thing that
spoken of fondly in their former homeland. This is especially unites all expatriated members of the Bretonnian nobility –
true of those knights that have confronted accusations of honour of questionable measure. For though a knight that
dishonour head-on and chosen to take the Exile’s Vow rather serves a king is bound by the tenets of the Code Chivalric and
than serve a penance they believe unjustified for actions they governed by the rules of honour, an outcast is, by definition, a
do not regret. To the people of Bretonnia, stubbornly choosing knight without honour, one set free from the constraints of the
exile over humility is considered noble indeed. Yet, such exiled Code Chivalric.
nobles continue to serve their homeland, enacting the wishes
of their distant king and bringing war to Bretonnia’s enemies Though there are those outcast lords that stubbornly adhere
on far flung battlefields, hoping to expunge their dishonour to the Code Chivalric come what may, there are more who
and to one day be welcomed home. take the view that their honour can hardly be diminished
further by the deeds they commit whilst languishing in
In contrast, of those unconscionable villains whose actions exile. Thus do many exiles take to the field of battle in the
have earned them banishment from Bretonnia very little company of soldiers no true Bretonnian knight would deign
is spoken. Where an exiled knight might venture into the to share the field of glory with. Brigands and mercenaries fill
wilderness in the company of their most trusted retainers the ranks of Bretonnia’s exiled lords, often wielding shunned
and members of their household, those despicable knights and unchivalrous black powder weapons, or manning great,
whose actions lead to banishment are forced to travel into booming field guns.
the unknown alone with their ignominy. Destitute and
impoverished, such disgraced knights invariably fall in with But well-justified are these exiles in employing unscrupulous
worse company, attracting the companionship of brigands, tactics on the battlefield, for their households are small and
cutthroats and mercenaries of questionable character. the number of bold Bretonnian knights they boast in their
For some, there is glory to be found leading an army of retinues can only decrease with each battle waged. Thus, for
desperados to conquest in the wildernesses beyond the the chivalrous knightly class of Bretonnia, such unknightly
borders of the nations of Man. But for most, only a lonely and conduct is quite acceptable amongst outcasts, and many an
unremembered death awaits, the forgotten knight bleeding exile has earned the right to return to their homeland through
their lifeblood into the cold soil far from their homeland. acts that, were they committed by a chivalrous peer, would
warrant tremendous acts of penance.

Outcast Nobility

28 Outcast Nobility
W hen a knight chooses exile over penance, it is common that they amend the heraldry they wear accordingly. For most,
this serves to distance the knight from their household and set them apart as an outcast. For some, this is done in protest
against what they consider to be unjust treatment.

In their exile, some knights choose to shun the heraldry Alternatively, many exiles choose to deface their heraldry.
of their homeland entirely, creating instead new coats of Some will remove the devices, displaying only a plain or
arms. Such designs are often defiant, revealing much about divided field in its place. Others will obscure their coats of
the bearer to anyone familiar with the subtle nuance of arms entirely behind black paint, thus hiding their identity
heraldic imagery. from the world.

A bold knight, cast out from the court of Brionne for some long-forgotten indiscretion,
leads his faithful Yeoman Guard to battle in lawless lands.

Outcast Nobility 29
T he chivalrous knights of Bretonnia are nothing if not fervent in their desire to defend their lands and the humble
peasants that dwell within them. So great is their zeal, that it is quite common for a lord of Bretonnia to summon
their warriors and declare a crusade against any potential foe, even those that might think themselves safe in their
faraway homeland.

The First Crusade Errantry Crusades

In the year 1448 of the Imperial Calendar, some 470 years In the years since the first crusade, the armies of Bretonnia
after the blessed Gilles united the land, news reached have frequently ridden to war in faraway lands, bringing glory
Bretonnia that Estalia, its southerly neighbour, had been to themselves and honouring the Lady of the Lake in all they
invaded by enemies and faced certain defeat. Upon hearing do. Over time, the simple act of going on-crusade to confront
this news, there were some amongst Bretonnia’s dukes and evil wherever it lurks has, like so many things in Bretonnia,
barons reluctant to ride so far to defend such distant lands. evolved to become an integral part of the Code Chivalric,
Yet, their views were quickly changed when their king, Louis complete with its own traditions and customs passionately
the Righteous, granted the Grand Masters of several Knightly upheld by all knights.
Orders from the Empire permission to cross his lands en route
to Estalia. Seeing at last the opportunity to claim glory, and One such tradition derives from the ancient custom of the
honour the tenets of the Code Chivalric by riding to the aid of ‘Errand of Knighthood’, a practice whereby aspiring young
the Estalians, the dukes petitioned their king to summon his Knights Errant, alone or in the company of their peers, are
knights and ride south with the dour warriors of the Empire. set tasks by their lords to prove their worth and earn their
spurs. Where in ages past this errand might have entailed the
Ceding to their petitioning, in order to protect his own hunting and slaying of a monster that plagued the land, it has
borders from advancing enemy armies, King Louis agreed become customary for a band of Knights Errant to be tasked
and sent out a call to all knights of his realm who wished to with going on-crusade and returning with trophies that attest
win glory in distant lands to muster at Aquitaine. Thus was to their deeds, returning to their homes, there to be honoured
the first crusade launched, with the gleaming and chivalrous as Knights of the Realm.
knights of Bretonnia riding to war in a faraway land in the
company of the austere knights of the Empire. Indeed, in calamitous times, when enemies amass on all sides,
the lords of Bretonnia will use this custom to their benefit,
Against such an army of noble warriors, Empire and mustering large numbers of Knights Errant in defence of
Bretonnian alike, the enemies of Estalia stood little chance the realm. Thus are Errantry Crusades declared, drawing
and, as the crusading knights swept through the land, the together knights from dukedoms and baronies far and wide
invaders were driven before them, harried beyond the into colourful warhosts that proudly display the heraldry of
Southern Sea and into their far-off homelands. And so the hundreds of households. Far from home, Knights Errant can
first crusade was deemed a great success, and a proud tradition earn great glory on the field of battle, proving their worth in
was established amongst the knights of Bretonnia. the eyes of their elders.

Bold Crusaders

32 Bold Crusaders
A ll true knights of Bretonnia feel the urge to crusade into distant lands and confront evil wherever it may lurk.
Thus, when a lord of Bretonnia declares a crusade, knights from all across the realm will seek leave of their duties at
home and ride to answer the call.

Because crusading armies attract bold knights from far and In amongst such a startling array of colours and patterns,
wide, it is usual to see a tremendous array of heraldry upon charges and devices, it is not uncommon for knights to adapt
display, even within a single regiment. On crusade, knights their heraldry to include symbols of their purpose. For those
from as far afield as Couronne and Carcassonne, Parravon and that return, these emblems form a lasting element within their
Lyonesse ride shoulder to shoulder. heraldry and are viewed as a mark of honour.

Bearing the heraldry of a dozen dukedoms, a host of crusading knights charge across the scalding sands to bring their wrath to
bear against the enemies of fair Bretonnia.

Bold Crusaders 33
Kingdom Of Bretonnia Army List

T his page details the Grand Army composition list for the Kingdom of Bretonnia. This is the default army composition
list for this faction. Using this army composition list to write your muster list will give you the widest variety of units to
choose from and create a broad and balanced force.

This army list is intended for use alongside the ‘Forming Units’ and ‘Warhammer Armies’ sections of the Warhammer: the Old
World rulebook. Over the following pages you will find profiles and rules for each of the models in your army. These pages give
you all of the information that you need to shape your collection of models into the units which will in turn form a force ready
for battle.

Grand Army
Army Composition
Composition List List
Characters Rare
Up to 50% of your army’s points value may be spent on: Up to 25% of your army’s points value may be spent on:

• 0-1 Duke • Grail Knights

• 0-1 Baron or Prophetess per 1,000 points • 0-1 Field Trebuchet per 1,000 points
• Paladins, Damsels and Sergeants at Arms
Core Up to 20% of your army’s points value may be spent
At least 25% of your army’s points value must be spent on: on mercenaries.

• 1+ unit of Knights of the Realm on Foot and/or Mounted Allies

Knights of the Realm Up to 25% of your army’s points value may be spent on a single
• 1+ unit of Men-at-Arms and/or Peasant Bowmen allied contingent drawn from:
• 0-1 unit of Knights Errant per unit of Knights of the Realm
on Foot or Mounted Knights of the Realm taken • Any Kingdom of Bretonnia Army of Infamy
composition list
Special • One of the following Grand Army composition lists:
Up to 50% of your army’s points value may be spent on: - Dwarfen Mountain Holds (Suspicious)
- Empire of Man
• Squires, Questing Knights, Pegasus Knights and - High Elf Realms
Mounted Yeomen - Wood Elf Realms (Suspicious)
• 0-2 units of Battle Pilgrims per 1,000 points

Battle Standard Bearer

A single Paladin in your army may be upgraded to be
your Battle Standard Bearer for no additional cost. In
addition to their usual allowance of points to spend on
magic items, a Battle Standard Bearer can purchase a
single magic standard with no points limit.
T his Army of Infamy composition list is designed to be used with the Kingdom of Bretonnia army list found in
Warhammer: the Old World – Forces of Fantasy, and alongside the ‘Forming Units’ and ‘Warhammer Armies’ sections of
the Warhammer: the Old World rulebook.

If you wish to field an army of Bretonnian Exiles in your games of Warhammer: the Old World, you may write your muster list
using the Army of Infamy composition list below instead of the Grand Army composition list found in Forces of Fantasy. Over the
following pages you will find new profiles and rules for certain models in your army, representing units unique to a Bretonnian
Exiles army:

Army Of Infamy Composition List

Characters Rare
Up to 50% of your army’s points value may be spent on: Up to 33% of your army’s points value may be spent on:

• 0-1 Baron per 1,000 points • Questing Knights and Border Princes Brigands
• 0-1 Damsel • 0-1 Field Trebuchet per 1,000 points
• Paladins, Outcast Wizards and Sergeants-at-Arms • 0-1 Border Princes Bombard per 1,000 points

Core Mercenaries
At least 25% of your army’s points value must be spent on: Up to 25% of your army’s points value may be spent on
mercenaries, including:
• 1+ unit of Knights of the Realm on Foot and/or
Mounted Knights of the Realm • Free Company Militia and Empire Archers (see the Empire
• 1+ unit of Yeoman Guard and/or Peasant Bowmen of Man army list on page 59 of Forces of Fantasy)
• 0-1 unit of Knights Errant per 1,000 points
• Men-at-Arms and Mounted Yeomen Note that mercenary units drawn from another army list gain the
Mercenaries special rule and become subject to the ‘Misbehaving
Special Mercenaries’ rules, as described on page 279 of the Warhammer:
Up to 33% of your army’s points value may be spent on: the Old World rulebook.

• Squires and Pegasus Knights

• 0-1 unit of Battle Pilgrims per 1,000 points Battle Standard Bearer
A single Paladin in your army may be upgraded to be
your Battle Standard Bearer for no additional cost. In
addition to their usual allowance of points to spend on
magic items, a Battle Standard Bearer can purchase a
single magic standard with no points limit.

Magic Items
Any models within this army that have the option to
purchase magic items may purchase magic items from the
Common or Kingdom of Bretonnia magic items lists.

Kingdom of Bretonnia – Bretonnian Exiles

30 Outcast Nobility
T his Army of Infamy composition list is designed to be used with the Kingdom of Bretonnia army list found in
Forces of Fantasy, and alongside the ‘Forming Units’ and ‘Warhammer Armies’ sections of the Warhammer: the Old
World rulebook.

If you wish to field an Errantry Crusade army in your games of Warhammer: the Old World, you may write your muster list
using the Army of Infamy composition list below instead of the Grand Army composition list found in Forces of Fantasy. Over
the following pages you will find new profiles and rules for certain models in your army, representing units unique to an Errantry
Crusade army:

Army Of Infamy Composition List

Characters Rare
Up to 50% of your army’s points value may be spent on: Up to 33% of your army’s points value may be spent on:

• 0-1 Duke • Grail Knights and Mounted Yeomen

• 0-1 Baron or Prophetess per 1,000 points • 0-1 Field Trebuchet
• 1+ Paladin
• Damsels and Sergeants-at-Arms Mercenaries
Up to 25% of your army’s points value may be spent on
Core mercenaries, including:
At least 33% of your army’s points value must be spent on:
• Empire Knights and Inner Circle Knights (see the Empire
• 1+ unit of Knights Errant per 1,000 points of Man army list on pages 64 & 65 of Forces of Fantasy)
• 0-1 unit of Battle Pilgrims may be taken as a Core choice
• Knights of the Realm on Foot, Squires and Mounted Note that mercenary units drawn from another army list gain the
Knights of the Realm Mercenaries special rule and become subject to the ‘Misbehaving
Mercenaries’ rules, as described on page 279 of the Warhammer:
Special the Old World rulebook.
Up to 50% of your army’s points value may be spent on:

• Men-at-Arms, Peasant Bowmen, Battle Pilgrims, Questing Battle Standard Bearer

Knights and Pegasus Knights A single Paladin in your army may be upgraded to be
your Battle Standard Bearer for no additional cost. In
addition to their usual allowance of points to spend on
magic items, a Battle Standard Bearer can purchase a
single magic standard with no points limit.

Magic Items
Any models within this army that have the option to
purchase magic items may purchase magic items from the
Common or Kingdom of Bretonnia magic items lists.

Kingdom of Bretonnia – Errantry Crusade

34 Bold Crusaders
Lords Of Bretonnia
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Character Duke 4 7 3 5 4 4 5 5 9 175
Baron 4 6 3 4 4 3 5 4 9 100
Paladin 4 6 3 4 4 2 4 3 8 60

Troop Type: Regular infantry (character)

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hand weapon and heavy armour

• May take one of the following:
- Morning star .........................................................................................................................+3 points
- Great weapon........................................................................................................................+4 points
- Lance (if appropriately mounted)..................................................................................+4 points
• May take a shield........................................................................................................................+2 points
Bretonnian Lords • May be mounted....................................................................................................................See page 89
The dukes that rule • A Baron or Paladin may replace the Knight’s Vow with either:
Bretonnia and the barons - The Questing Vow ............................................................................................................+15 points
that serve them are all- - The Grail Vow....................................................................................................................+20 points
powerful and renowned • May take a single Knightly Virtue ................................................................................See page 102
warriors, for they could not • A Duke may purchase magic items up to a total of .....................................................100 points
retain their station were they • A Baron may purchase magic items up to a total of .......................................................75 points
not. Many of these mighty • A Paladin may purchase magic items up to a total of ....................................................50 points
heroes are Grail Knights,
having drunk from the Grail Special Rules:
and become the epitome • Duke: Blessings of the Lady, Rallying Cry, the Grail Vow
of chivalric knighthood, • Baron & Paladin: Blessings of the Lady, Rallying Cry, the Knight’s Vow
magically infused beings of
near-immortality from whom
the radiance of the Lady of The Lord’s Banner
the Lake shines eternally. A single Paladin in your army may be upgraded to be your Battle Standard Bearer.
But there are many, certainly Unlike other armies, there is no additional cost for this upgrade in a Kingdom of
amongst the ranks of barons, Bretonnia army.
who have never attained the
station of Grail Knight, yet
are in no way lesser heroes
for that. Sometimes, the
responsibilities of governing
may hold a knight back from
embarking on their Grail
quest and, as heart-rending as
this may be for the individual,
it is a state of affairs borne
stoically by many amongst
the nobility of Bretonnia.
Handmaidens Of The Lady
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Prophetess 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 8 135
Damsel 4 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 7 60

Troop Type: Regular infantry (character)

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hand weapon

Magic: A Prophetess is a Level 3 Wizard. A Damsel is a Level 1 Wizard. Every

Handmaiden of the Lady knows spells from one of the following Lores of Magic:
• Battle Magic
• Elementalism
• Illusion

• May be mounted....................................................................................................................See page 89 Handmaidens of the Lady
• A Prophetess may: Sometimes, young children
- Be a Level 4 Wizard ..........................................................................................................+30 points within Bretonnia are seen
- Purchase magic items up to a total of .........................................................................100 points to have strange and mystical
• A Damsel may: powers. Before they are
- Be a Level 2 Wizard ..........................................................................................................+30 points grown, almost all such
- Purchase magic items up to a total of ............................................................................50 points children will be visited by
the Fay Enchantress, who
Special Rules: Aura of the Lady, Blessings of the Lady, Lore of the Lady, Magical Attacks, takes them with her to the
Magic Resistance (-2), Shield of the Lady Otherworld. In their absence,
these children are mourned
Aura Of The Lady by their parents as if they
The Handmaidens of the Lady and their loyal companions are ever in the presence of their goddess, were no longer living. Many
and a magical aura hangs like silvery light in the air about them. of the girl-children return
to Bretonnia years later as
Any unit this character has joined gains the Magical Attacks special rule. Damsels and Prophetesses
of the Lady, powerful
Shield Of The Lady individuals who, in their
To march to war in the company of a Handmaiden of the Lady is a great privilege, and the Knights years away from Bretonnia,
of Bretonnia consider it their sacred duty to protect these emissaries of their goddess from harm. have honed and tempered
their innate abilities, growing
If this character has joined a unit that has a Unit Strength of 10 or more, and that has a into powerful Wizards
Chivalrous Vow (see page 108), they may voluntarily ‘retire’ to the rear of the unit at any under the tutelage of older
time, moving through the ranks and taking up a position away from the combat. Should handmaidens of the Lady.
they do so, they are no longer within the fighting rank and cannot make any attacks or Riding into battle, they
have attacks directed against them. However, they continue to confer benefits to the unit use their powers to lend
in the form of Leadership and special rules, and may cast spells as if they were within the protection to the noble
fighting rank. warriors of Bretonnia,
warding away foul enemy
magics and casting down
the foe with their own
powerful spells.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Sergeant-at-Arms 4 4 2 4 3 2 4 2 7 45

Troop Type: Regular infantry (character)

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hand weapon and light armour

• May take one of the following:
- Halberd ...................................................................................................................................+2 points
- Additional hand weapon...................................................................................................+2 points
- Cavalry spear (if appropriately mounted) ..................................................................+2 points
• May take a shield........................................................................................................................+2 points
Sergeants-at-Arms • May be mounted on a Warhorse ........................................................................................+12 points
Amongst the ranks of • May purchase magic items up to a total of ........................................................................25 points
peasantry that fight in the
armies of Bretonnia, there Special Rules: Levies, Peasant’s Duty, Peasantry, Warband
are, invariably, men and
women that display a natural Peasant’s Duty
aptitude for leadership and It is the role of a Sergeant-at-Arms to keep discipline amongst the ragged ranks of commoners.
a degree of warrior prowess Should they fail and cause their liege embarrassment upon the field, the penalties can be
not normally associated with most severe.
their station. Of course, such
individuals cannot join the This character and any unit they have joined may choose to Give Ground rather than Fall
ranks of the knighthood, but Back in Good Order, and does not have to make a Panic test when a friendly unit of Levies
the lords they serve invariably Breaks and flees from combat whilst within 6" of it. Additionally, unless this character is
feel it only right and proper fleeing, any friendly unit that is within their Command range and has the Levies special
to reward and recognise the rule may re-roll a failed Panic test.
effort it must have taken
for that peasant to elevate
themselves above the level of
their peers. So it is then that
the peasant regiments that
serve the Lords of Bretonnia
come to be led in battle by
Sergeants-at-Arms. These
officers not only lead with
courage, but inspire their
subordinates, their rank proof
that a humble peasant can
receive the recognition of
the nobility.
Outcast Wizards
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Outcast Wizard 4 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 7 45

Troop Type: Regular infantry (character)

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hand weapon

Magic: An Outcast Wizard is a Level 1 Wizard. Every Outcast Wizard knows spells from
one of the following Lores of Magic:
• Battle Magic
• Daemonology
• Dark Magic
• Elementalism
• Illusion
• Necromancy
Outcast Wizards
Throughout the Old World, Options:
there are those that practise • May be mounted on a Warhorse ........................................................................................+12 points
the mystical arts in secrecy, • An Outcast Wizard may:
hiding their magical prowess - Be a Level 2 Wizard ..........................................................................................................+30 points
and arcane knowledge - Be a Level 3 Wizard ..........................................................................................................+60 points
from their neighbours and - Purchase magic items up to a total of ............................................................................75 points
maintaining the appearance
of wise scholars or learned Special Rules: Magical Attacks, Magic Resistance (-1), Untutored Arcanist
physicians. Such caution
is sensible, for in many Untutored Arcanist
regions the practise of magic Many Outcast Wizards are poorly schooled in the arcane arts. Thus, when their spellcasting
is outlawed and Wizards falters, great calamity can befall them.
are frequently prosecuted
by ignorant magistrates or When required to roll on the Miscast table, a Wizard with this special rule must roll an
persecuted by zealous priests. extra D6 and discard the highest result.
Thus do many Outcast
Wizards find themselves
driven to the edges of Warhorse
civilisation, fleeing their
homes ahead of angry mobs. M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Such fugitives often seek Warhorse 8 3 - 3 - - 3 1 - +12
shelter in the courts of exiled
nobles from distant lands, Troop Type: Light cavalry
proffering their services as Base Size: 25 x 50 mm
counsellors and advisers. Unit Size: 1
These Wizards are often Equipment: Iron-shod hooves (counts as a hand weapon)
willingly embraced for they Special Rules: Fast Cavalry, Swiftstride
bring with them valuable
knowledge of the strange and
foreign lands such exiled lords
invariably find themselves
obliged to settle in.
Outcast Wizards

42 Kingdom of Bretonnia
The Green Knight
The Green Knight may be included in any Kingdom of Bretonnia army made using any
army composition list. He must be fielded as presented here.

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
The Green Knight - 7 3 4 4 4 6 4 9 275
The Shadow Steed 8 4 - 4 - - 4 1 - -

Troop Type: Heavy cavalry (named character)

Base Size: 30 x 60 mm
Unit Size: 1
• The Green Knight: The Dolorous Blade (see opposite), heavy armour and shield
• The Shadow Steed: Iron-shod hooves (counts as a hand weapon) and barding

Special Rules: Aura of the Fay, Blessed Knight, Ethereal, Guardian of the Sacred Sites,
Immune to Psychology, Loner, Move through Cover, Rallying Cry, Terror,
The Green Knight Unbreakable, Unstable
The Green Knight is amongst
the most well-known figures Aura Of The Fay
of Bretonnian folklore. He The Green Knight is a supernatural being of great power. Should he be vanquished by a foe, he
is a popular character in disappears into thin air, only to reappear once more and return to the fray.
the plays and puppet shows
of wandering troubadours When the Green Knight loses his last Wound, he is removed from play as usual, but is not
and courtly bards alike, and slain. His controlling player may attempt to awaken him again during any of their Start
everyone in the land – young of Turn sub-phases in which he is not on the battlefield, using the Guardian of the Sacred
or old, peasant or noble – Sites special rule (as described opposite). However, each time the Green Knight is slain, he
cheers his acts of heroism is weakened, and suffers a -1 modifier to the dice roll when attempting to awaken him, and
with equal enthusiasm. In a -1 modifier to his Wounds characteristic (to a minimum of 1).
such performances, the
Green Knight always appears Note that the enemy player can only win Victory Points for the Green Knight if he is not on the
bedecked in a pale green battlefield at the end of the game.
livery of intertwining vines
and roots, long plumes of
ivy cascading from his great
helm. Yet, little do many
realise that these tales are
bound in fact. The Green
Knight is the sacred protector
of Bretonnia, the chosen
champion of the Lady of the
Lake. Many are the tales of
an eerie twilight falling upon
the land and a green mist
rising, heralding the arrival
of the Green Knight – a
spectral figure with glowing
eyes, mounted upon a steed
of shadow.

The Green Knight

36 The Green Knight

Blessed Knight
The Green Knight is the eternal champion of the Lady of the Lake, and her blessings are always Named Character
upon him, protecting him from the weapons of her enemies.

The Green Knight has a 5+ Ward save against any wounds suffered.

Guardian Of The Sacred Sites

The Green Knight appears unexpectedly before his foes, bursting from within the bole of the most
ancient trees, or galloping furiously from still lakes or rushing waterfalls.

The Green Knight is not placed on the battlefield during deployment – he slumbers until
he is awakened during the game. During any of your Start of Turn sub-phases in which
the Green Knight is not on the battlefield (even if he was removed from play as a casualty
during a previous turn), you may attempt to awaken him by rolling a D6. On a roll of 1-2,
he continues to slumber until your next turn at least. On a roll of 3+, the Green Knight
awakens. If the Green Knight has not yet been awakened by the start of round five, he
awakens automatically. The Champion of the Lady
The Green Knight is the
When the Green Knight awakens, he may be placed completely within any ‘natural’ terrain chosen champion of the
feature anywhere on the battlefield. For the purposes of this rule, a ‘natural’ terrain feature Lady of the Lake, the sworn
includes any woods, or any difficult or dangerous terrain (as described on page 269 of the protector of her sacred sites.
Warhammer: the Old World rulebook). It does not include any constructions, such as walls Often, he appears before
or buildings. Before the game starts, the players should agree upon which terrain features lonely Questing Knights,
are natural and which are not. lost in the deep forests of
Bretonnia, challenging them
In addition, rather than moving normally during the Remaining Moves sub-phase, if the in her name and testing
Green Knight is completely within a natural terrain feature and is not engaged in combat, their worth. Those able to
you may remove him from the battlefield and replace him so that he is completely within strike his spectral form a
a different natural terrain feature anywhere on the battlefield. The Green Knight cannot mortal blow tell of his body
move again during this Movement phase. dispersing like mist on the
wind, and the landscape
Note that when the Green Knight appears within a natural terrain feature, he must abide by the itself changing, revealing
1" rule. In other words, the Green Knight cannot be placed within 1" of an enemy unit. a path that leads to the
culmination of their quest
The Dolorous Blade and an audience with the
The Dolorous Blade is a sword of great weight that glows with an eerie light. In battle, the Green Lady herself.
Knight wields it with awesome strength and skill.
At other times, he will
The Dolorous Blade R S AP Special Rules appear in the midst of battle,
Rapid strikes Combat S -1 Extra Attacks (D6), Magical Attacks bursting from a copse of
Deadly blows Combat S+2 -1 Armour Bane (1), Magical Attacks, trees or galloping furiously
Multiple Wounds (2) from the mists that cling to
Notes: The Dolorous Blade has two profiles. You must choose which the wielder will use at the a still lake. At such times,
start of each round of combat. he will throw in his lot with
the defenders of Bretonnia,
fighting ferociously alongside
the Knights of the Realm,
only to disappear once more
when the battle is won.

The Green Knight 37

Sir Cecil Gastonne, The Wyrm Slayer
Sir Cecil Gastonne is a Baron. He may be included in any Kingdom of Bretonnia army
made using any army composition list that includes this option. He must be fielded as
presented here.

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Sir Cecil Gastonne 4 7 3 4 4 3 5 4 9 165

Troop Type: Regular infantry (named character)

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Sorrow’s End (see below), Dragonhide Cloak (see below), heavy armour
and shield
Special Rules: Blessings of the Lady, Rallying Cry, The Wyrm Slayer, the Exile’s Vow

The Wyrm Slayer

The exploits of the Wyrm Slayer are not only famous within the lands of Bretonnia, but also
amongst its enemies. Sir Cecil Gastonne,
the Wyrm Slayer
Should Sir Cecil Gastonne kill an enemy model whose troop type is ‘monstrous infantry’,
‘monstrous cavalry’, ‘monstrous creature’ or ‘behemoth’ during any Combat phase, he gains “Call the banners and send
the Terror special rule for the remainder of the game. word to King Louen. If the
Corpse King of Khemri
Dragonhide Cloak thinks he can reach even
After slaying the dragon Norndrak the Tyrant, Sir Cecil had the creature’s hide fashioned the borders of Bretonnia
into a cloak, which is said to be near-impervious to mundane weapons and can even ward off unchallenged whilst I still
intense flame. draw breath, he is both
arrogant and a fool!”
The Armour Piercing characteristic of any non-magical weapon used to attack Sir Cecil is
reduced by 2. In addition, Sir Cecil is immune to the Killing Blow and Multiple Wounds – Cecil Gastonne upon hearing
(X) special rules. If he suffers an unsaved wound from an attack with either of these special of Settra’s invasion fleet
rules, he loses a single Wound. Finally, Sir Cecil has a 3+ Ward save against any wounds
suffered that were caused by an attack that has the Flaming Attacks special rule.

Sorrow’s End
This enchanted axe has brought about the end of all manner of monsters, both man and beast alike.

R S AP Special Rules
Sorrow’s End Combat S+1 -1 Magical Attacks, Monster Slayer,
Multiple Wounds (2)

Sir Cecil Gastonne 39

Lady Élisse Duchaard
Lady Élisse Duchaard is a Prophetess. She may be included in any Kingdom of Bretonnia
army made using any army composition list that includes this option. She must be fielded
as presented here.

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Lady Élisse Duchaard - 4 3 3 4 5 3 2 8 225
Ariandir 10 4 - 4 - - 5 2 - -

Troop Type: Monstrous cavalry (named character)

Base Size: 40 x 60 mm
Unit Size: 1
• Lady Élisse Duchaard: Hand weapon, Chalice of Brionne (see below) and the Staff of
the Elements (see below)
• Ariandir: Hooves and horn (counts as a hand weapon)

Magic: Lady Élisse Duchaard is a Level 3 Wizard. She knows spells from the Lore Lady Élisse Duchaard
of Elementalism.
“For as long as your faith in
Special Rules: Arcane Backlash, Armour Bane (2, Ariandir only), Armoured Hide (1), the Lady remains strong, you
Aura of the Lady, Beguiling Aura, Blessings of the Lady, Counter Charge, have no cause for fear. Now
Lore of the Lady, Magical Attacks, Magic Resistance (-2), go and strike down those
Shield of the Lady, Stomp Attacks (1), Swiftstride who seek to bring ruin to
fair Bretonnia!”
Arcane Backlash
Lady Élisse is adept in the art of protective magic, easily redirecting harmful spells back at those –Lady Élisse at the battle of the
who attempt to harm her allies. Citadelle Bouelia

Lady Élisse may apply a +1 modifier to any of her Dispel rolls. In addition, should she roll
any natural double when making a Dispel roll (not including rolls of a natural double 1),
the spell is unbound and the casting Wizard immediately loses a single Wound.

Chalice Of Brionne
This gilded relic draws power away from those who would harm the servants of the Lady.

Whilst within this model’s Command range, enemy characters that attempt to use any
special rule or magic item that requires them to make a Leadership test (Rallying Cry, for
example) suffer a -2 modifier to their Leadership characteristic (to a minimum of 2).

The Staff Of The Elements

This gnarled wooden staff acts as a conduit for the Winds of Magic, allowing Lady Élisse to better
manifest the power of the elements.

If you wish, Lady Élisse may discard two of her randomly generated spells (rather than the
usual one) and instead select two signature spells from the Lore of Elementalism and/or the
Lore of the Lady.

Lady Élisse Duchaard 41

Character Mounts
A character that can be mounted may choose a mount from the following list. Most
mounts are covered in detail on the following pages. Those that are not have their own
dedicated entries later in this army list.

A Duke, Baron or Paladin may be mounted on a:

• Bretonnian Warhorse ............................................................................................................+16 points
• Barded Pegasus..........................................................................................................................+30 points
• Royal Pegasus ............................................................................................................................+60 points
• Hippogryph (Duke and Barons only)...........................................................................See page 100

A Prophetess or Damsel may be mounted on a:

• Bretonnian Warhorse ............................................................................................................+16 points
• Warhorse.....................................................................................................................................+12 points
• Royal Pegasus (Prophetess only) ........................................................................................+60 points
• Unicorn .......................................................................................................................................+35 points

A Sergeant-at-Arms may be mounted on a: Bretonnian Warhorses

• Warhorse.....................................................................................................................................+12 points The Bretonni have always
been renowned horsemen
Bretonnian Warhorse and in turn, their warhorses
are still believed to be the
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points best in the Old World. Some
Bretonnian Warhorse 8 3 - 3 - - 3 1 - +16 old tales recount how the
original bloodline had been
Troop Type: Heavy cavalry strengthened with that of the
Base Size: 30 x 60 mm northern warhorses, breeding
Unit Size: 1 in their endurance and fiery
Equipment: Iron-shod hooves (counts as a hand weapon) and barding temper. Others impart that
Special Rules: Counter Charge, Finest Warhorses, First Charge, Swiftstride the essence of fay steeds
pulses strong, deep within the
inheritance of the modern-
Warhorse day warhorses. Whatever
the cause, it is true that
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points Bretonnian knights owe their
Warhorse 8 3 - 3 - - 3 1 - +12 success not only to their own
valour and skill, but also to
Troop Type: Light cavalry the endurance and temper of
Base Size: 25 x 50 mm their steeds. So highly valued
Unit Size: 1 are these beasts that a royal
Equipment: Iron-shod hooves (counts as a hand weapon) decree of many centuries
Special Rules: Fast Cavalry, Swiftstride standing forbids the export of
these magnificent animals.
Barded Pegasus
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Barded Pegasus 7 3 - 4 - (+1) 4 2 - +30
Note: A character mounted on a Pegasus has +1 Wound.

Troop Type: Monstrous cavalry

Base Size: 40 x 60 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Iron-shod hooves (counts as a hand weapon) and barding
Special Rules: Counter Charge, First Charge, Fly (10), Swiftstride

Royal Pegasus
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Royal Pegasus 8 4 - 5 (+1) (+1) 5 3 - +60
Note: A character mounted on a Royal Pegasus has +1 Toughness and +1 Wound.
A pegasus is stronger Troop Type: Monstrous cavalry
and faster than even the Base Size: 50 x 50 mm
mightiest warhorse, easily Unit Size: 1
able to crush a man’s skull Equipment: Iron-shod hooves (counts as a hand weapon) and barding
with its flailing hooves and Special Rules: Armour Bane (1, Royal Pegasus only), Counter Charge, First Charge,
cover great distances swiftly. Fly (10), Stomp Attacks (2), Swiftstride
Indeed, in the more wild
and inaccessible domains of
Bretonnia there is real merit Unicorn
to a steed that is not prone to
becoming mired in mud or M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
entangled in thorns. Unicorn 10 4 - 4 - (+1) 5 2 - +35
Note: A character mounted on a Unicorn has +1 Wound.
Royal Pegasus
The purest of all pegasus, Troop Type: Monstrous cavalry
legend has it that these Base Size: 40 x 60 mm
creatures are descended Unit Size: 1
from Glorfinial himself, Equipment: Hooves and horn (counts as a hand weapon)
the steed of Agilgar, first Special Rules: Armour Bane (2, Unicorn only), Armoured Hide (1), Beguiling Aura,
Duke of Parravon and Grail Counter Charge, Magical Attacks, Stomp Attacks (1), Swiftstride
Companion of Gilles le
Breton. Noble and proud, Beguiling Aura
these creatures are amongst Unicorns shimmer with magical power, a gleaming aura that also bears an enfolding glamour that
the most intelligent of beasts. bewitches and beguiles any who come near.
Those nobles fortunate
to own a Royal Pegasus Enemy models must make a Leadership test before making any rolls To Hit against this
treat it with the greatest model during the Combat phase. If this test is failed, only rolls of a natural 6 will hit.
respect, often charging the
young Knights Errant in
their retinue with its care,
rather than risk the stench
of a peasant offending
the creature.
Knights Of The Realm On Foot
Infantry Infantry
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Knight of the Realm 4 4 2 3 3 1 3 1 8 11
First Knight 4 4 2 3 3 1 3 2 8 +6

Troop Type: Heavy infantry

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 5+
Equipment: Hand weapons, heavy armour and shields

• The entire unit may:
- Take great weapons........................................................................................+2 points per model
- Replace shields with great weapons ...........................................................+1 point per model
• Any unit may: Foot Knights
- Upgrade one model to a First Knight (champion) ..................................+6 points per unit The majority of Bretonnia’s
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+6 points per unit knightly class consists of
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+6 points per unit minor nobles belonging to the
- Purchase a magic standard worth up to........................................................................25 points extended family of a baron or
• A First Knight may purchase magic items up to a total of ...........................................25 points duke. These knights proudly
display the colours and motifs
Special Rules: Blessings of the Lady, Close Order, Furious Charge, the Knight’s Vow of their lord’s heraldry, often
further embellished with
personal devices, identifying
Squires them as belonging to a single,
extended family whilst
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points maintaining and declaring
Squire 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 7 their individualism and their
Esquire 4 3 4 3 3 1 3 2 7 +7 own stature as nobles.

Troop Type: Regular infantry Squires

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm In Bretonnia, tradesmen,
Unit Size: 5+ scholars and merchants
Equipment: Hand weapons and longbows occupy an awkward position
in the social hierarchy. Not
Options: quite peasants, but by no
• Any unit may: means noble, the sons and
- Upgrade one model to an Esquire (champion).........................................+7 points per unit daughters of such families
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+5 points per unit will frequently enter the
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+5 points per unit service of a knight as their
- Have the Fire & Flee special rule.................................................................+1 point per model Squire, hoping to elevate
- Have the Scouts special rule..........................................................................+1 point per model their status. Squires maintain
their master’s panoply of war,
Special Rules: Move through Cover, Open Order, Peasantry, Skirmishers, Vanguard supervise their estates and,
in times of war, accompany
them onto the battlefield,
protecting them from the
harassment of the enemy’s
light troops.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Man-at-Arms 4 2 2 3 3 1 3 1 5 4
Yeoman 4 2 2 3 3 1 3 2 6 +7
Grail Monk 4 2 2 3 3 1 2 2 6 +7

Troop Type: Regular infantry

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 10+
Equipment: Hand weapons, polearms (see below), light armour and shields

• Any unit may:
- Upgrade one model to a Yeoman (champion) ..........................................+7 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a Grail Monk (see below) ...................................+7 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+5 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+5 points per unit
Men-at-Arms • A Grail Monk may be equipped with a Blessed Triptych..........................................+25 points
Each midsummer,
commoners flock to their Special Rules: Close Order, Horde, Levies, Peasantry, Shieldwall, Warband
lord’s castle to present their
children in the hope that they Grail Monk
will be trained as Men-at- The rural areas of Bretonnia are dotted with many small Grail monasteries, places of quiet
arms. For a peasant to have a solitude in which pious peasants dedicate their lives in devotion to the Lady of the Lake. In times of
child accepted into the ranks war, bold monks will march to war beside the peasant levies.
of a noble household is a great
honour. Successful candidates A Grail Monk is a command group model that follows all of the rules for a champion.
are paid a seemingly In other words, a unit that contains both a Yeoman and a Grail Monk contains two
generous wage, though they champions.
actually receive only a mere
fraction of this, if indeed Blessed Triptych
they receive anything at all. Often when members of Bretonnia’s monastic orders march to war, they will carry with them some
Every conceivable expense sacred triptych taken from their holy sanctum. In the presence of such relics, humble peasants find
is deducted from this salary, great courage.
from equipment and uniform,
to food and accommodation. A unit that contains a model equipped with a Blessed Triptych gains the Stubborn
Most must even pay a levy special rule.
towards the cost of any future
funeral expenses incurred! Polearm R S AP Special Rules
Single-handed Combat S - Fight in Extra Rank
In times of war, these Double-handed Combat S+1 -1 Requires Two Hands
regiments, poor though Notes: A polearm has two profiles. You must choose which the unit will use at the start of the first
they are, accompany their round of a combat (i.e., the first round fought following a charge). A model wielding a polearm
employers, their numbers cannot make a supporting attack during a turn in which it charged.
swelling the ranks and
providing vital infantry
support for the knights.
Peasant Bowmen
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Peasant Bowmen 4 2 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 5
Villein 4 2 4 3 3 1 3 1 7 +7

Troop Type: Regular infantry

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 10+
Equipment: Hand weapons and longbows

• The entire unit may take light armour............................................................+1 point per model
• Any unit may:
- Upgrade one model to a Villein (champion).............................................+7 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+5 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+5 points per unit
• Any unit may:
- Be equipped with defensive stakes..............................................................+10 points per unit Bretonnian Archers
- Be equipped with burning braziers.............................................................+20 points per unit When the call to war comes,
Or: every peasant able to fight
- Replace the Close Order special rule with Skirmishers ...................................................Free must serve in the armies
of Bretonnia, a willingness
Special Rules: Close Order, Levies, Peasantry reinforced by the promised
bounty of a copper coin
Burning Braziers for any who survive the
Wrought iron braziers full of smouldering coals not only ward against the morning’s chill, they also campaign. Though a few
allow the bowmen to rain burning arrows down upon the foe. are pressed into service
alongside the standing
The longbows of a unit equipped with burning braziers gain the Flaming Attacks companies of Men-at-Arms,
special rule. most are employed as levies
of longbowmen and are
Defensive Stakes expected to engage enemies
Rough-hewn stakes hammered into the soft earth provide simple but effective defences against a unworthy of a knight’s
charging enemy. attention from afar.

When a unit equipped with defensive stakes is deployed, the stakes are placed in base Unlike Men-at-Arms,
contact with its front arc and will remain there for the duration of the game, unless the unit Peasant Bowmen are
moves – should the unit move for any reason (including reforming), the stakes are lost and responsible for providing
are removed from play. All measurement to and from the unit is done from the unit itself – their own equipment. Thus,
ignore the stakes. their longbows will often
be their own possessions,
Enemy units can charge the front of a unit equipped with defensive stakes as normal but handed down from parent to
do not have to physically cross the stakes to do so. Instead, the front rank of a charging child, and accordingly can be
unit moves into base contact with the stakes, making a disordered charge and becoming of variable quality. To make
Disrupted. A model whose troop type is ‘cavalry’ or ‘chariot’ must make a Dangerous their numbers count, these
Terrain test if it ends its charge move in base contact with the stakes. longbowmen congregate
into massed units on the
battlefield, directing volley
after volley into the enemy.
Battle Pilgrims & Grail Reliquae
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Battle Pilgrims 4 2 2 3 3 1 3 1 8 8
Grail Reliquae 4 2 2 3 3 6 3 6 8 +65

Troop Type: Heavy infantry

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm (Battle Pilgrims), 50 x 75 mm (Grail Reliquae)
Unit Size: 5-30
Equipment: Hand weapons, light armour and shields

• May include a Grail Reliquae ..............................................................................................+65 points

Special Rules:
• Battle Pilgrims: Close Order, Hatred (All Enemies), Levies, Peasantry, Stubborn
Battle Pilgrims • Grail Reliquae: Blessings of the Lady, Close Order, Grail Reliquae,
Wherever the Grail Hatred (All Enemies), Levies, Peasantry, Retinue of the Saints, Stubborn
Knights travel, they gather
a procession of fanatical Grail Reliquae
worshippers whose only Driven by obsession, Grail Pilgrims collect anything a Grail Knight casts away. To the pilgrims, the
goal in life is to bask in the reliquae fashioned from this detritus is an icon of devotion to both the Lady and her saints.
reflected glory of these
mighty individuals. Driven The Grail Reliquae is placed in the centre of the front rank of its unit (or as close to
by relentless obsession, these the centre as possible) and occupies the space of, and counts as, six models; two in the
pilgrims collect anything front rank, two in the second and two in the third. If the unit turns or reforms, the Grail
that a Grail Knight casts Reliquae must be repositioned into the new front rank.
away, whether it be scraps of
ruined armour, clothing, or Casualties are removed from the unit as normal, but the Grail Reliquae cannot lose any
even discarded food. Such is Wounds whilst any Battle Pilgrims remain. Only once all of the Battle Pilgrims have been
their burning passion, these removed from the unit can the Grail Reliquae itself lose Wounds.
religious scavengers will
follow their idols through all The Grail Reliquae counts as both a standard bearer and a musician for its unit. Whilst the
weathers and lands, exulting Grail Reliquae model itself is within 12" of a friendly model that has the Grail Vow and is
in their acts and praising not fleeing, its unit gains the Immune to Psychology and Unbreakable special rules.
their words. Many bands of
pilgrims construct a sacred Retinue Of The Saints
reliquae, a gaudy melange of Wherever the Grail Knights travel, they gather a following of fanatical worshippers whose only
discarded trinkets with the purpose in life is to bask in the reflected glory of such mighty individuals.
corpse of a departed knight
resting at its centre. The Your army may include up to one Grail Reliquae for every character or unit with the Grail
pilgrims devote themselves Vow it includes.
to this construction,
supplicating themselves
before it as if it were a living
Grail Knight, praying for
their blessings.
Border Princes Brigands
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Brigand 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 6 4
Desperado 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 7 +7

Troop Type: Regular infantry

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 10+
Equipment: Hand weapons and light armour

• Any model in the unit may take one of the following:
- Additional hand weapon..............................................................................+2 points per model
- Shield.....................................................................................................................+1 point per model
• Any model in the unit may take one of the following:
Outlaws & Brigands - Pistol....................................................................................................................+2 points per model
The Border Princes is a wild - Blunderbuss (see below)...............................................................................+4 points per model
and lawless land, home to - Crossbow ...........................................................................................................+3 points per model
outcasts and exiles, fallen • Any unit may:
nobles and failed politicians - Upgrade one model to a Desperado (champion).....................................+7 points per unit
from all corners of the Old - Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+5 points per unit
World. These petty lords - Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+5 points per unit
come to the region in the • A Desperado may purchase magic items up to a total of ..............................................50 points
hopes of starting a new life, • 0-1 unit per 1,000 points may:
of recreating what they have - Replace the Open Order special rule with Close Order ..................................................Free
lost – power, wealth and - Replace the Open Order special rule with Skirmishers...................................................Free
influence – on the edges • A unit of Skirmishers may take one of the following special rules:
of civilisation. - Ambushers........................................................................................................+2 points per model
- Scouts....................................................................................................................+1 point per model
But it is not just the great
and the good that come to Special Rules: Horde, Impetuous, Levies, Motley Crew, Open Order, Warband
the Border Princes in their
shame; outlaws and brigands R S AP Special Rules
flock there, eager to exploit Blunderbuss 12" 3 -1 Multiple Shots (D3), Volley Fire
the lawlessness that thrives Notes: A model armed with a blunderbuss suffers no negative modifiers for firing at long range,
in a region best known for for using the Multiple Shots (D3) special rule, or whilst making a Stand & Shoot charge reaction.
its ever changing rulers and
governments. These thieves
and vagabonds excel in such Representing This Unit In Your Games
an unstable environment, Painted in the heraldic colours of their employer, or featuring components from other
preying upon the weak and kits, both Bretonnian Men-at-Arms and Empire Militia are ideal for representing
destitute, and selling their Border Princes Brigands.
services as mercenaries to the
wealthy and strong.

Border Princes Brigands

44 Kingdom of Bretonnia
Yeomen Guard
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Yeoman Guard 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 6 5
Warden 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 6 +6
Grail Monk 4 3 2 3 3 1 2 2 6 +7

Troop Type: Regular infantry

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 10+
Equipment: Hand weapons, light armour and shields

• The entire unit must take one of the following:
- Halberds ...........................................................................................................................................Free
- Polearms (see below) .......................................................................................+1 point per model
- Thrusting spears ............................................................................................................................Free
• Any unit may:
- Upgrade one model to a Warden (champion) ..........................................+6 points per unit Yeomen Guard
- Upgrade one model to a Grail Monk (see below) ...................................+7 points per unit Though an outcast, a baron
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+6 points per unit might start their life of exile
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+6 points per unit in the company of many loyal
- Purchase a magic standard worth up to........................................................................25 points knights. However, the passage
• A Grail Monk may be equipped with a Blessed Triptych..........................................+25 points of time, constant hardships
and deadly conflicts an exile
Special Rules: Close Order, Horde, Peasantry, Shieldwall, Veteran, Warband must endure can take their
toll. Thus do outcast nobles
Grail Monk come to increasingly rely
To those servants of the Lady that live in exile far from Bretonnia, the sight of a Grail Monk upon low-born soldiers to fill
amongst their ranks is most welcome. the ranks of their retinues.
Of those peasant Men-at-
A Grail Monk is a command group model that follows all of the rules for a champion. Arms that accompany an
In other words, a unit that contains both a Warden and a Grail Monk contains exiled lord into new lands,
two champions. those that endure, surviving
privations and war to prove
Blessed Triptych their loyalty and their
Even far from their homes, the humble soldiers of Bretonnia still find great courage in the presence bravery, might be rewarded
of holy relics. with the rank of Yeoman
Guard. These veteran soldiers
A unit that contains a model equipped with a Blessed Triptych gains the Stubborn have earned that which is
special rule. considered most valuable
to a Bretonnian peasant – a
Polearm R S AP Special Rules modicum of respect from
Single-handed Combat S - Fight in Extra Rank their lord and the knights
Double-handed Combat S+1 -1 Requires Two Hands they fight beside.
Notes: A polearm has two profiles. You must choose which the unit will use at the start of the first
round of a combat (i.e., the first round fought following a charge). A model wielding a polearm
cannot make a supporting attack during a turn in which it charged.

Representing This Unit In Your Games Yeomen Guard

Painted in the colourful uniforms of their lord rather than a peasant’s rags, or featuring
components from other kits, Bretonnian Men-at-Arms are ideal for representing
Yeoman Guard.

Kingdom of Bretonnia 43
Cavalry Errant
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Knight Errant - 3 2 3 3 1 3 1 7 19
Gallant - 3 2 3 3 1 3 2 7 +6
Bretonnian Warhorse 8 3 - 3 - - 3 1 - -

Troop Type: Heavy cavalry

Base Size: 30 x 60 mm
Unit Size: 5+
• Knights Errant: Hand weapons, lances, heavy armour and shields
• Bretonnian Warhorse: Iron-shod hooves (counts as a hand weapon) and barding

• Any unit may:
- Upgrade one model to a Gallant (champion) ...........................................+6 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+6 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+6 points per unit Knights Errant
- Purchase a magic standard worth up to........................................................................25 points Knights Errant are the
youthful sons and daughters
Special Rules: Blessings of the Lady, Close Order, Finest Warhorses, First Charge, of Bretonnia’s noble class,
Impetuous, Lance Formation, Swiftstride, the Knight’s Vow bold young warriors that have
yet to earn their spurs and
attain the rank of knight. By
Mounted Knights Of The Realm the chivalric code, a young
knight’s worth can only
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points be proven in combat, thus
Knight of the Realm - 4 2 3 3 1 3 1 8 24 Knights Errant take to the
First Knight - 4 2 3 3 1 3 2 8 +7 field of battle. Full of bravado
Bretonnian Warhorse 8 3 - 3 - - 3 1 - - and hot-headed impetuosity,
they charge boldly into the
Troop Type: Heavy cavalry fray, heedless of danger, to
Base Size: 30 x 60 mm earn either great honour or a
Unit Size: 5+ memorable death.
• Knights Of The Realm: Hand weapons, lances, heavy armour and shields Knights of the Realm
• Bretonnian Warhorse: Iron-shod hooves (counts as a hand weapon) and barding Once a Knight Errant has
proven worthy of their
Options: station, they are confirmed
• Any unit may: as a Knight of the Realm.
- Upgrade one model to a First Knight (champion) ..................................+7 points per unit Knights of the Realm make
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+7 points per unit up the bulk of Bretonnia’s
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+7 points per unit nobility and its armed might,
- Purchase a magic standard worth up to........................................................................25 points and they command great
• A First Knight may purchase magic items up to a total of ...........................................25 points respect for both their station
and the deeds performed to
Special Rules: Blessings of the Lady, Close Order, Counter Charge, Finest Warhorses, attain it.
First Charge, Lance Formation, Swiftstride, the Knight’s Vow
Questing Knights
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Questing Knight - 5 2 4 3 1 4 1 8 26
Paragon - 5 2 4 3 1 4 2 8 +7
Bretonnian Warhorse 8 3 - 3 - - 3 1 - -

Troop Type: Heavy cavalry

Base Size: 30 x 60 mm
Unit Size: 5+
• Questing Knights: Hand weapons, great weapons, heavy armour and shields
• Bretonnian Warhorse: Iron-shod hooves (counts as a hand weapon) and barding

• Any unit may:
- Upgrade one model to a Paragon (champion) ..........................................+7 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+7 points per unit
Questing Knights - Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+7 points per unit
Since the days of Gilles le - Purchase a magic standard worth up to.....................................................................100 points
Breton, the Grail has been • A Paragon may take:
the ultimate symbol of - A single Knightly Virtue ............................................................................................See page 102
Bretonnian chivalry, and - Magic items up to a total of ..............................................................................................25 points
the ultimate goal of any
true knight. When a knight Special Rules: Blessings of the Lady, Close Order, Finest Warhorses, First Charge,
takes up the Grail quest, Lance Formation, Swiftstride, the Questing Vow
they relinquish all worldly
possessions and all ties to
their home, setting aside
their lance and their vows
until their quest is complete.
The following months and
years of the knight’s life
are filled with trials and
hardships that strengthen
the mind, body and soul.
Driven by visions, a knight
may travel for countless
leagues, far from their home
and beyond the borders of
Bretonnia itself. Yet when the
armies of Bretonnia march
to war, wandering Questing
Knights join their ranks,
banding together into ad-hoc
regiments to face Bretonnia’s
enemies and further
their quest.
Grail Knights
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Grail Knight - 6 2 4 4 1 5 2 9 38
Grail Guardian - 6 2 4 4 1 5 3 9 +7
Bretonnian Warhorse 8 3 - 3 - - 3 1 - -

Troop Type: Heavy cavalry

Base Size: 30 x 60 mm
Unit Size: 3+
• Grail Knights: Hand weapons, lances, heavy armour and shields
• Bretonnian Warhorse: Iron-shod hooves (counts as a hand weapon) and barding

• Any unit may:
- Upgrade one model to a Grail Guardian (champion)............................+7 points per unit Grail Knights
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+7 points per unit Only when a Questing Knight
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+7 points per unit has proved their worth does
- Purchase a magic standard worth up to.....................................................................100 points the Lady of the Lake appear
• A Grail Guardian may take: to them, proffering forth the
- A single Knightly Virtue .............................................................................................See page 102 Grail and permitting them
- Magic items up to a total of ..............................................................................................50 points to drink of the blessed water
held within this most sacred
Special Rules: Blessings of the Lady, Close Order, Counter Charge, Finest Warhorses, chalice. Those who drink
First Charge, Lance Formation, Living Saints, Swiftstride, the Grail Vow from the Grail are changed
forever; they exude an aura
Living Saints of power and purity, their
Each Grail Knight is a mighty champion in their own right. Together, they form a pantheon of physical prowess grows by
living deities, their names spoken as a reverent mantra throughout the land. an order of magnitude, they
are granted lifespans many
Every model in a unit of Grail Knights can issue and accept challenges in the same manner times that of normal men,
as a character. as well as other stranger and
more ethereal gifts. From
that moment on, the knight
is committed to the service
of the Lady and the Grail, a
bond that can only be broken
by death. Thus, whilst many
Grail Knights return to
their home, others commit
themselves to the solitary and
pious life of a hermit-knight.
Pegasus Knights
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Pegasus Knight - 4 2 4 4 2 3 1 8 55
First Knight - 4 2 4 4 2 3 2 8 +7
Barded Pegasus 7 3 - 4 - - 4 2 - -

Troop Type: Monstrous cavalry

Base Size: 40 x 60 mm
Unit Size: 3+
• Knights of the Realm: Hand weapons, lances, heavy armour and shields
• Barded Pegasus: Iron-shod hooves (counts as a hand weapon) and barding

• Any unit may:
- Upgrade one model to a First Knight (champion) ..................................+7 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+7 points per unit
Pegasus Knights - Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+7 points per unit
Whilst Pegasus Knights - Purchase a magic standard worth up to........................................................................50 points
are present in the retinues
of most dukes and barons, Special Rules: Blessings of the Lady, Counter Charge, Dispersed Formation, First Charge,
the great majority hail from Fly (10), Furious Charge (Pegasus Knights & First Knight only),
around the mountainous Lance Formation, Skirmishers, Swiftstride, the Knight’s Vow
borders of Bretonnia, where
the gentle hills rise steeply to Dispersed Formation
meet the Grey Mountains With their great wings extended, Pegasus Knights descend upon the foe from on high.
and where many of these
noble mounts can be found. Whilst in Skirmish formation, every model in a unit of Pegasus Knights must be within 2"
Their numbers are made up of another model belonging to the same unit, rather than the usual 1".
almost exclusively of Knights
of the Realm, but only the
richest and most influential
knights can boast of owning
a battle-trained pegasus, for
the creatures are difficult to
capture and harder still to
train. Accordingly, to own
such a beast is the ultimate
symbol of wealth and success
for their owners, but in
truth a pegasus is also a
great practical boon for any
knight fortunate enough to
acquire one.
Mounted Yeomen
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Mounted Yeoman - 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 6 13
Warden - 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 6 +5
Warhorse 8 3 - 3 - - 3 1 - -

Troop Type: Light cavalry

Base Size: 25 x 50 mm
Unit Size: 5+
• Mounted Yeoman: Hand weapons, cavalry spears and shortbows
• Warhorse: Iron-shod hooves (counts as a hand weapon)

• The entire unit may take any of the following:
- Light armour ....................................................................................................+2 points per model
- Shields...................................................................................................................+1 point per model
• Any unit may: Yeomen
- Upgrade one model to a Warden (champion) ..........................................+5 points per unit As they hold such privileged
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+5 points per unit positions as head gaolers and
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+5 points per unit militia sergeants, to become
- Have the Feigned Flight special rule ........................................................+2 points per model a yeoman is the highest
rank to which a peasant can
Special Rules: Fast Cavalry, Fire & Flee, Levies, Open Order, Peasantry, Reserve Move, aspire. It takes many years of
Skirmishers, Swiftstride dedicated service for a man-
at-arms to be so promoted
and even then, only an act
of bravery on the battlefield
will guarantee such a lofty

Though no peasant may ride

the steeds of the Bretonnian
lords, favoured yeomen are
permitted to ride to battle
on draught horses. Such
troops will often scout ahead
of the main army and keep
their lords informed of
enemy movements. This is
a dangerous task, and one
which earns no honour, so
it is a task that the nobility
believe is best performed
by peasants.
Monster Monster
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Hippogryph 7 5 - 5 (+1) (+3) 5 4 - +120
Note: A character mounted on a Hippogryph has +1 Toughness and +3 Wounds.

Troop Type: Monstrous creature

Base Size: 50 x 50 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Wicked claws (see below), serrated maw (see below) and
griffonic pelt (counts as heavy armour)

• May have barding ....................................................................................................................+15 points

Special Rules: Close Order, Counter Charge, Fly (9), Large Target, Stomp Attacks (D3),
Swiftstride, Terror

Hippogryph R S AP Special Rules

Ferocious and wild, Wicked claws Combat S -2 -
hippogryphs inhabit the
upper reaches of the Grey R S AP Special Rules
Mountains, occasionally Serrated maw Combat S - Armour Bane (2), Multiple Wounds (2)
prowling the green lands Notes: In combat, this model must make one of its attacks each turn with this weapon.
below for stray sheep and
cattle. They are fierce beasts
and will fight to the death Character Mount: A Hippogryph may only be included in your army as a character’s
against any creature that mount. Its points are added to that of its rider.
strays into their territory,
whether it be a lost peasant
or roaming Dragon. Only
the most committed can
ride one of these beasts, for
hippogryphs are strong-willed
and ill-tempered, more than
willing to fling their rider
from the saddle should they
prove lax upon the reins.

To successfully train a
hippogryph, the animal must
be captured and broken at a
very young age but, given the
relentless territorialism of
adult hippogryphs, acquiring
a chick or an egg can prove
to be a very dangerous
proposition indeed.
Border Princes Bombard
War Machine
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Bombard - - - - 7 3 - - - 100
Crew 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 7 -

Troop Type: War machine

Base Size: 50 x 50 (war machine), 25 x 25 (crew)
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Bombard (see below), hand weapons and light armour
Special Rules: Levies, Skirmishers

R S AP Special Rules
Bombard 48" 8 -3 Armour Bane (2), Cannon Fire,
Cumbersome, Move or Shoot,
Multiple Wounds (D3+1)
Notes: This weapon shoots like a cannon, using the ‘Cannon Fire’ special rule. This weapon uses
the Bombard Misfire table.
Mercenary War Machines
Bombard Misfire Table In the lawless expanses of the
D6 Result Border Princes, sophisticated
1 Destroyed: The weapon explodes with a thunderous noise, leaving a hole in the weapons of war are in short
ground and a cloud of black smoke hanging in the air. The model is destroyed and supply. Whilst the armies of
immediately removed from play. more civilised lands make
2-3 Malfunction: The charge misfires, terminally inconveniencing one of the crew great use of devastating
and knocking the war machine over. It can be righted, but it will take time. The artillery, designed by brilliant
crew immediately loses one Wound and the model fails to shoot this turn. engineers and crafted by
4-5 Pffft: The fuse has gone out. As far as mishaps go, it is not very serious, but one of expert smiths and artisans,
the crew will be feeling rather foolish! The model fails to shoot this turn. the ad hoc armies of the
6 Boom!: The bombard discharges with an ear-splitting boom, the powerful many outlaw princes and
report knocking the gun from its carriage. This weapon shoots this turn, as if a robber barons of the region
‘2’ had been rolled on the Artillery dice, rather than a ‘Misfire’. However, it will must rely on more archaic
take some time to right the toppled gun. This weapon cannot shoot during the war machines. Those
next round. mercenaries with access to
primitive bombards and field
guns are in great demand
Representing This Unit In Your Games and, though they charge a
Accompanied by crew models taken from Empire war machines, both Empire and premium for their services,
Dwarf cannon are ideal for representing these mercenary weapons. there is no shortage of willing
employers. Even the exiled
nobles of Bretonnia have been
known to employ mercenary
gunners, preferring to use
such ignoble weapons against
their foes than have them
fight for their enemies.

Border Princes Bombard

Kingdom of Bretonnia 45
Field Trebuchet
War Machine
War Machine
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Field Trebuchet - - - - 7 3 - - - 100
Peasant crew 4 2 2 3 3 4 3 4 6 -

Troop Type: War machine

Base Size: 60 x 100 mm (war machine), 25 x 25 mm (crew)
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Field trebuchet (see below) and hand weapons
Special Rules: Levies, Peasantry, Skirmishers

R S AP Special Rules
Field trebuchet 12-72" 5 (10) -1 (-4) Bombardment, Cumbersome,
Immovable Object, Move or Shoot,
Multiple Wounds (D3+1)
Notes: This weapon shoots like a stone thrower, using the ‘Bombardment’ special rule, a 3" blast
template and the Stone Thrower Misfire table. The Multiple Wounds (D3+1) special rule applies
only to a single model whose base lies underneath the central hole of the blast template. Field Trebuchets
A trebuchet is an immense
Immovable Object wood-built siege engine
Constructing a trebuchet is a substantial undertaking involving the moving and lifting of huge greatly favoured by the
wooden beams. Once erected, a trebuchet is not easily moved. armies of Bretonnia. Through
a series of levers, cogs and
Once a field trebuchet has been placed on the battlefield during deployment, it cannot be winding mechanisms, the
moved by its crew during the Remaining Moves sub-phase. large arm with its huge, stone
counterweight, is drawn
Note that a field trebuchet can still pivot freely at any time during its turn (the better to face the down into a firing position.
enemy) and may make a follow up move as normal. A large sling is attached to
the arm of the trebuchet that
can hold rocks, masonry or
even dead cattle. When the
trebuchet is fired, the extra
impetus that the sling adds
to the firing arm means that
it can fire further and with
more power than a regular
catapult. Such is the size of
a trebuchet, and so essential
is it to Bretonnian warfare,
that smaller versions of these
machines, known as field
trebuchets, are sometimes
deployed on the field
of battle.
T he history of Bretonnia is replete with tales of honour and glory, and no tales are more glorious than those of Gilles
and his knightly Companions. Each of these knights represented the pinnacle of chivalry and exemplified a particular
knightly virtue, and every knight since has sought to emulate the virtue of one of these bold heroes.

To represent this, some models may be given a Knightly Virtue. Each Virtue may only be chosen once per army.

Virtue Of Knightly Temper ............................70 points Virtue Of The Ideal...........................................45 points

With a heart of stone and resolute temper Beren stood unbowed, Unmatched was Landuin, his chivalry above all others. Alas, as
each sweep of blade spilling the blood of many. great was his skill, so too was his arrogance.

During a turn in which it charged, a model with this Virtue Duke, Baron or Paladin only. A character with this Virtue
gains the Extra Attacks (+D3) and Hatred (all enemies) has a +1 modifier to its Weapon Skill, Initiative, Attacks and
special rules. Leadership characteristics. However, this character cannot be
your army’s General or join a friendly unit.
Virtue Of Heroism ............................................60 points
Known as the Slayer of Monsters, Gilles fought and killed many Virtue Of The Impetuous Knight..................40 points
great beasts that stalked the Massif Orcal, mounting their heads on In the glory of the charge was Balduin most alive. Though others
the walls of his fastness. better controlled their ardour, he was ever in the forefront of battle.

Unless using a magic weapon, a model with this Virtue gains A model with this Virtue gains the Impetuous special rule.
the Killing Blow and Monster Slayer special rules. In addition, this model (and its unit) increases its maximum
possible charge range by 3". Finally, when this model (and its
Virtue Of Stoicism ............................................55 points unit) makes a Charge roll, you may apply a +D3 modifier to
Awe inspiring are the tales that tell of grim Lambard, standing the result.
alone against evil hordes to save his dukedom.
Virtue Of Audacity ...........................................35 points
A model with this Virtue (and its unit) may re-roll the 2D6 A master of feint and riposte, Agilgar’s skill at turning an enemy’s
when making a Break test. skill against them was legendary.

Virtue Of The Penitent ....................................50 points A model with this Virtue may re-roll any failed rolls To Hit
A penitent hermit-knight, Duke Corduin set aside his vows of made against an enemy model with a higher Weapon Skill
solitude when summoned to fight for his king. characteristic than it.

Duke, Baron or Paladin only. A character with this Virtue Virtue Of Purity ................................................30 points
gains the Unbreakable special rule. However, this character Chaste and untainted by base emotions, Duke Rademund was the
cannot join a friendly unit. Lady’s most virtuous champion.

A model with this Virtue always benefits from the Blessings

of the Lady special rule and always has a 5+ Ward save, even if
this model’s army did not pray at the start of the game.
Virtue Of Duty...................................................25 points Virtue Of Noble Disdain .................................10 points
Most loyal of Companions, brave Duke Thierulf of Lyonesse did Fredemund held in pure contempt those that would strike at their
lament most painfully when Gilles did fall… enemy from afar with a coward’s weapon.

Duke, Baron or Paladin only. Unless the General of their army A model with this Virtue may re-roll any failed rolls To Hit
has been removed from play as a casualty, when calculating its made during the first round of combat when engaged with an
combat result, this character may claim a bonus of +1 combat enemy equipped with any missile weapons.
result point. This character cannot be your army General or
join a friendly unit. Virtue Of Discipline ...........................................5 points
Famed for his discipline, Marcus took to the field of battle
Virtue Of The Joust...........................................20 points undaunted by his enemies.
Great was Duke Folgar of Artois’ skill at the tilt. None could
withstand the thrust of his lance. A model with this Virtue (and its unit) can march whilst
within 8" of an enemy unit without first having to make a
A model with this Virtue may re-roll any failed rolls To Leadership test.
Wound made when using a lance.
Virtue Of Empathy..............................................5 points
Virtue Of Confidence .......................................15 points A champion of the people, Martrud fought shoulder to shoulder
Haughty, proud and skilful, Carleond of Couronne took never a with the peasants he protected.
backward step in the face of adversity.
Duke, Baron or Paladin only. A character with this Virtue can
A model with this Virtue must always issue and accept join a unit with the Peasantry special rule.
challenges (if possible). During a challenge, this model may
re-roll any failed rolls To Hit.
Magic Items Items
The pages that follow detail magic items unique to Kingdom of Bretonnia armies.
These can be purchased by models within a Kingdom of Bretonnia army in exactly
the same way as Common magic items, as described in the Warhammer: the Old
World rulebook.

Extremely Common Magic Items: Any magic item marked with an asterisk (*)
is considered to be extremely common, as described in the Warhammer: the Old
World rulebook.

Magic Weapons
Sword Of The Quest......................................................................................70 points
This large hand-and-a-half sword has been passed down from knight to knight, aiding generations
of heroes on their noble quests.
Sacred Artefacts
Sacred items are of great Sword of the Quest R S AP
Special Rules
significance to the people of Single-handed Combat S+1 -1
Magical Attacks, Strike First
Bretonnia, and many such Double-handed Combat S+2 -2
Magical Attacks, Multiple Wounds (2),
artefacts are carried into Requires Two Hands, Strike Last
battle by its knights. Most Notes: The Sword of the Quest has two profiles. You must choose which the wielder will use at the
of these artefacts have been start of each round of a combat.
wielded for decades, if not
centuries, by past heroes, Sword Of Heroes............................................................................................60 points
and often it is the valorous This mighty blade has powerful enchantments against evil bound into it. Its long and bloody
actions of these past heroes history has seen its wielders kill enough fantastical creatures to fill a menagerie many times over.
that grants the artefact
its significance. A sword R S AP Special Rules
swung by a brave knight Sword of Heroes Combat S - Magical Attacks, Monster Slayer
to slay a Dragon, a shield Notes: When making a roll To Wound for a hit caused with the Sword of Heroes, a roll of 5+ is
that miraculously turned always a success, regardless of the target’s Toughness.
aside the blows of a mighty
enemy, even a trinket borne Heartwood Lance...........................................................................................50 points
by a Damsel, whose blessed This unbreakable lance is crafted from the heart of the Major Oak, the largest tree in Bretonnia,
magic vanquished an evil which was shattered by lightning the moment Gilles was struck down.
Necromancer. All these
humble objects and more R S AP Special Rules
have become legendary Heartwood Lance Combat S+3 -3 Magical Attacks
through the deeds of their Notes: Models whose troop type is ‘cavalry’ or ‘monster’ only. The Heartwood Lance can only be
past owners and, perhaps due used during a turn in which the wielder charged. In subsequent turns (or if the wielder did not
to the zealous faith of the charge) the model must use its hand weapon instead.
Bretonnians, have come to be
viewed as magical artefacts. Morning Star Of Fracasse ...........................................................................40 points
This mighty morning star has a hatred of magical trickery and unholy artefacts. It will entangle
and rip a magic weapon from the hands of any foe.

R S AP Special Rules
Morning Star Combat S+1 -1 Magical Attacks
of Fracasse
Notes: Any magic weapon carried by an enemy model that suffers one or more unsaved wounds
from the Morning Star of Fracasse is destroyed and cannot be used for the remainder of the game.
Magic Items
The following pages expand upon the Kingdom of Bretonnia magic items found in
Forces of Fantasy. These magic items are unique to Kingdom of Bretonnia armies and
can be purchased in exactly the same way as Common magic items, as described in the
Warhammer: the Old World rulebook.

Extremely Common Magic Items: Any magic item marked with an asterisk (*)
is considered to be extremely common, as described in the Warhammer: the Old
World rulebook.

Magic Weapons (Arcane Journal)

Crusader’s Lance............................................................................................60 Points
In the hands of young Bretonnian heroes throughout the kingdom’s many errantry wars, this keen
lance has struck down scores of Orcs, Goblins and Beastmen.
Treasures Of The
Wilderness R S AP
Special Rules
In the best traditions of the Crusader’s Lance Combat S+2 -2
Armour Bane (2), Furious Charge,
zealous Bretonnians, artefacts Hatred (all enemies), Magical Attacks
and heirlooms wielded in Notes: The Crusader’s Lance may only be taken by a model in an Errantry Crusade Army of
battle by great heroes of the Infamy whose troop type is ‘cavalry’ or ‘monster’ only. The Crusader’s Lance can only be used
past or carried about the during a turn in which the wielder charged. In subsequent turns (or if the wielder did not charge),
persons of noble servants the model must use its hand weapon instead.
of the Lady are considered
blessed, even magical, by bold Frontier Axe....................................................................................................30 Points
crusaders and ignominious Enchanted to ensure it never lost its razor-sharp edge while felling lumber, this tool, turned weapon
outcasts alike. To those of war, can sever limbs and sunder armour in a single swing.
that dedicate themselves to
crusading into distant lands, R S AP
Special Rules
the weapons and armour of Frontier Axe Combat S+2 -3
Magical Attacks, Multiple Wounds (2),
similarly inclined forebears Requires Two Hands
have particular significance, Notes: The Frontier Axe may only be taken by a model in a Bretonnian Exiles Army of Infamy.
their very existence
reminding their wielder of Sword Of The Stout Hearted.......................................................................25 Points
those that went into the Imbued with the courage of Gilles le Breton himself, this sword fills the wielder with the fortitude
unknown before them and to face down any enemy.
returned victorious. By
contrast, in the rugged and R S AP Special Rules
lawless realms of exiled lords Sword of the Combat S+2 -1 Armour Bane (1), Immune to Psychology,
weapons of dubious honour Stout Hearted Magical Attacks, Requires Two Hands
might be favoured, for when
a knight’s honour has been Foebreaker.......................................................................................................20 Points
questioned, they often feel Even those tough enough to survive a pummeling from this mighty warhammer are left disoriented
justified in acting accordingly. and staggered by its heavy blows, making them vulnerable to any further onslaught.

R S AP Special Rules
Foebreaker Combat S+1 - Magical Attacks
Kingdom of Bretonnia Magic Items Notes: Any enemy model that suffers one or more unsaved wounds from the Foebreaker must
immediately make a Toughness test. If the test is failed, the wounded model suffers a -1 modifier
to its Weapon Skill and Attacks characteristics (to a minimum of 1) until the end of the next
Combat phase.

46 Treasures of the Wilderness

Magic Armour Magic Standards
Gilded Cuirass....................................................60 points Valorous Standard.............................................60 points
Inscribed with the words of the Grail Vow, the blessings of the Lady Knights who ride under this banner sing lustily and cry in joy for
shine upon the wearer. the sheer love of battle.

The Gilded Cuirass is a suit of heavy armour. In addition, its A unit carrying the Valorous Standard rolls 3D6 when making
wearer has the Regeneration (5+) special rule. a Break test and discards the highest result.

Gromril Great Helm.........................................40 points Conqueror’s Tapestry........................................40 points

This ornate helm, a gift from the Dwarf King Grundhar, bears a The morning after a battle, the victorious knights awaken to find
potent rune of protection. their exploits depicted within this enchanted tapestry.

May be worn with other armour. The wearer of the Gromril Any enemy standard captured by a unit carrying the
Great Helm improves their armour value by 1 (to a maximum Conqueror’s Tapestry is worth 100 Victory Points as a trophy
of 2+). In addition, the wearer may re-roll any roll of a natural of war.
1 made when making an Armour Save roll.
Errantry Banner ................................................30 points
Talismans This tattered banner has travelled the length and breadth of the
Old World and beyond, instilling its bearers with fiery zeal.
Mantle Of The Damsel Elena..........................25 points
Legend has it that Elena continued fighting the Goblin hordes even All models in a unit carrying the Errantry Banner have a
as the venom of a thousand spider bites coursed through her veins. +1 modifier to their Strength characteristic during a turn in
which they charge. However, the unit also gains the Impetuous
The bearer is immune to the Poisoned Attacks special rule. If special rule.
the bearer is wounded by an attack with this special rule, the
attacker must roll To Wound as normal. Banner Of Châlons............................................20 points
Awestruck enemies are unable to tear their gaze away from this
Sirienne’s Locket ................................................25 points magnificent banner.
Sirienne, as skilled at conventional arts as she was at the art of
magic, crafted this exquisite charm into a likeness of the Lady. Enemy units cannot declare a Stand & Shoot charge reaction
against a unit carrying the Banner of Châlons.
Models whose troop type is ‘infantry’ or ‘cavalry’ only. The
bearer is immune to the Multiple Wounds (X) special rule. If
the bearer is wounded by an attack with this special rule, they
suffer a single wound.
Magic Armour (Arcane Journal) Magic Standards (Arcane Journal)
Anointed Armour..............................................45 Points Banner Of The Lady’s Grace ...........................75 Points
Whilst the wearer’s faith in the Lady of the Lake holds fast, so too This finely crafted standard depicts the Lady’s first meeting with
shall the wards of protection placed upon this armour. Gilles le Breton, the first king of Bretonnia, inspiring courage and
valour in all who fight alongside it.
Models with the Grail Vow whose troop type is ‘infantry’
or ‘cavalry’ only. The Anointed Armour is a suit of heavy A unit carrying the Banner of the Lady’s Grace ignores all
armour. In addition, as long as the wearer has the Blessing negative modifiers to its Leadership characteristic.
of the Lady, they are immune to the Killing Blow and
Multiple Wounds (X) special rules. If the wearer suffers an Crusader’s Tapestry ..........................................40 Points
unsaved wound from an attack with either of these special Those that fight beneath this silken banner are inspired to ever
rules, they lose a single Wound. Should the wearer ever lose greater acts of heroism, hoping that maybe their own exploits will
the Blessing of the Lady, this effect is lost. be woven into its rich history.

Ironspike Shield .................................................20 Points The Crusader’s Tapestry may only be taken by a model in
Covered in large, sharpened spines, this deadly looking shield is as an Errantry Crusade Army of Infamy. A unit carrying the
dangerous as any mace. Crusader’s Tapestry gains the Frenzy special rule.

The Ironspike Shield may only be taken by a model in a Banner Of The Zealous Knight......................25 Points
Bretonnian Exiles Army of Infamy. The Ironspike Shield is a Filled with religious vigour, those who ride into battle under this
shield. Whenever an opponent rolls a natural 1 To Hit or To imposing standard are eager to close with the enemy as swiftly
Wound the wielder of the Ironspike Shield in combat, they as possible.
immediately suffer a Strength 3 hit with an AP of -1.
The Banner of the Zealous Knight may only be taken by
Talismans (Arcane Journal) a model in a Bretonnian Exiles Army of Infamy. A unit
carrying the Banner of the Zealous Knight gains the Vanguard
Grail Pendant .....................................................40 Points special rule.
The power of the Lady floods through her most devoted warriors,
giving them strength to endure the most grievous wounds. Banner Of Honourable Warfare ....................25 Points
Though no knight would ever take to the field of battle with bow or
Models with the Grail Vow only. Single use. When the wearer sling, those who fight under the banner pursue those who do with
of the Grail Pendant loses their last Wound, roll a D6. On a extreme prejudice.
roll of 2+, the Wound is not lost.
A unit carrying the Banner of Honourable Warfare must
Lucky Heirloom* ................................................25 Points re-roll any failed rolls To Hit made during the first round
Though it may appear as junk to others, some warriors dare not of combat when engaged with an enemy equipped with any
enter the fray without some charm they had about their person missile weapons.
when they first escaped death.

A Lucky Heirloom may only be taken by a model in a

Bretonnian Exiles Army of Infamy. Once per round, the
bearer of the Lucky Heirloom can re-roll a single failed roll
To Hit or To Wound, or re-roll a failed Armour Save or Ward
Save roll.

Treasures of the Wilderness 47

Enchanted Items Arcane Items
Falcon-horn Of Fredemund ............................40 points Silver Mirror.......................................................35 points
This ancient horn was used by the Grail Companion, Duke This lethal trinket is at first sight merely a vanity mirror, but woe
Fredemund of Aquitaine. When blown, it emits a piercing cry, and betide the magic user that underestimates its true abilities...
the skies become filled with flocks of hunting birds.
Single use. The bearer of the Silver Mirror may use it when
During the Command sub-phase of their turn, if they are attempting a Wizardly dispel. If they do so, roll an extra D6
not engaged in combat, this character may attempt to use the when making the Dispel roll and discard the lowest result. If
Falcon-horn of Fredemund by making a Leadership test (using a double 1 is rolled on any two of the dice rolled, the bearer is
their own unmodified Leadership). If this test is passed, until outclassed in the art and the dispel attempt fails. If the dispel
your next Start of Turn sub-phase enemy units cannot use the attempt is successful, the spell is dispelled and the casting
Fly (X) special rule. Wizard suffers a Strength 4 hit with an AP of -2.

Antlers Of The Great Hunt.............................25 points Sacrament Of The Lady*..................................30 points

The knight’s helm is adorned with a splendid set of antlers, the These thin, translucent wafers have been blessed by the Lady herself
quarry of a great hunt slain by the wearer. The antlers denote and imbued with a fragment of her power.
exceptional prowess as a horseman and hunter.
Single use. The bearer of a Sacrament of the Lady may use it
If the wearer of the Antlers of the Great Hunt is mounted on before making a Casting roll. If they do, they may apply a +2
a Barded Warhorse or a Warhorse, they and any unit they join modifier to that Casting roll.
gains the Move through Cover special rule.
Note that this is a modifier to the result of a roll – it does not
Gauntlet Of The Duel* .......................................5 points negate a roll of a natural double 1.
When cast down, this enchanted gauntlet magnifies even the tiniest
scrap of pride or conceit into a surge of righteous self-belief. Prayer Icon Of Quenelles ................................25 points
When opened, this prayer icon displays a meticulously rendered
Challenges issued by the bearer of a Gauntlet of the Duel image of the Lady that inspires unfettered devotion.
cannot be refused.
The bearer of the Prayer Icon of Quenelles increases their
Dispel range by 3". Additionally, when attempting to dispel a
Hex spell, the bearer of the Prayer Icon of Quenelles gains a
+1 modifier to their Dispel roll.
Enchanted Items (Arcane Journal) Arcane Items (Arcane Journal)
The Seal Of Parravon........................................35 Points Heart Of The Wilds ..........................................40 Points
Those with the skill-at-arms to win the famed tourney of Parravon Gifted to Damsel Elliea long ago by the Wood Elves of Athel Loren,
are masters of their chosen weapons and carry the Seal of Parravon this thrumming, mossy stone flows with magical power, drawing
as a token of their victory. upon the strength of nature to fuel its wielder’s arcane efforts.

When the bearer of the Seal of Parravon makes a roll To The bearer of the Heart of the Wilds may apply a +1 modifier
Hit, a roll of a 3+ is always a success, regardless of the target’s to any of their Casting rolls whilst within any ‘natural’ terrain
Weapon Skill. feature. For the purposes of this rule, a ‘natural’ terrain feature
includes any woods, or any difficult or dangerous terrain
Crusader’s Clarion.............................................25 Points (as described on page 269 of the Warhammer: the Old World
Upon hearing the sound of this gilded trumpet, the warhorses rulebook). It does not include any constructions, such as walls
beneath the gallant knights of Bretonnia thunder into battle with or buildings. Before the game starts, the players should agree
renewed strength and vigour. upon which terrain features are natural and which are not.

The Crusader’s Clarion may only be taken by a model in Diadem Of Power ..............................................35 Points
an Errantry Crusade Army of Infamy that is mounted on a When accompanying their baron’s knights into battle, damsels and
Bretonnian Warhorse only. On a turn in which the bearer of prophetesses have donned this jewel-studded band to help them
the Crusader’s Clarion charged, their mount and all mounts channel the more destructive power that they wield in order to
in the unit they have joined have a +1 modifier to their smite the Lady’s enemies.
Strength characteristic.
The Diadem of Power may only be taken by a model in an
Wyrmbreath Vial...............................................20 Points Errantry Crusade Army of Infamy. When attempting to cast
By consuming the deep red liquid contained within this vial, it a Magical Vortex, Magic Missile or an Assailment spell, the
is said that the drinker can summon forth the fury of the great bearer of the Diadem of Power gains a +1 modifier to their
Dragons that dwell in the mountain ranges surrounding the Casting roll.
Border Princes.
Flamestrike Wand .............................................15 Points
A Wyrmbreath Vial may only be taken by a model Crafted from the charred branch of an ancient oak that was almost
in a Bretonnian Exiles Army of Infamy. Single Use. totally consumed in a forest fire, this wand allows the bearer to
The Wyrmbreath Vial is a breath weapon with the summon forth that same devastating inferno.
following profile:
The Flamestrike Wand may only be taken by a model in a
R S AP Special Rules Bretonnian Exiles Army of Infamy. Single Use. The bearer
N/A 4 -1 Breath Weapon, of the Flamestrike Wand may cast the Fireball spell from the
Flaming Attacks, Lore of Battle Magic (see page 321 of the Warhammer: the Old
Magical Attacks World rulebook) as a Bound spell with a Power Level of 3.

48 Treasures of the Wilderness

A game of Warhammer: the Old World is packed with fantastic creatures and skilled warriors with abilities so incredible
and varied that the basic rules cannot possibly cover them all. For such circumstances we have special rules –
uncommon rules to govern uncommon circumstances.

On this page you will find a full description for each of the army special rules used by models drawn from the Kingdom of
Bretonnia army list:

Blessings Of The Lady Finest Warhorses

Prior to battle, it is the custom of all pious servants of the Lady to The Warhorses of Bretonnia are bred to bear the weight of a fully
kneel and pray most fervently for her blessings and protection. armoured knight.

Once deployment is complete, instead of rolling off to When a unit with this special rule makes a Charge, Flee or
determine which player takes the first turn, the Kingdom of Pursuit roll, it may re-roll any dice that roll a natural 1, before
Bretonnia army may kneel and pray for the Blessings of the discarding any dice that are required to be discarded.
Lady. If it does so, the opposing player counts as having won
the roll-off and the Lady’s Blessing is granted, giving all models Lance Formation
in the Kingdom of Bretonnia army with this special rule: Bretonnian knights make use of a powerful formation called the
• A 6+ Ward save against any wounds suffered.
• A 5+ Ward save against any wounds suffered that were A unit consisting of models with this special rule may adopt a
caused by an attack with a Strength of 5 or higher. Lance formation, as described on page 110.

Note that if there is no roll-off to determine which player takes the Peasantry
first turn, the Kingdom of Bretonnia army cannot kneel and pray The low-born peasants of Bretonnia habitually look to their
for the Blessing. knightly betters for leadership.

Note also that, should two Kingdom of Bretonnia armies face one If a unit with this special rule is within 6" of a friendly model
another, neither may kneel and pray for the Blessings of the Lady. that has the Knight’s Vow, the Questing Vow or the Grail Vow,
The Lady will not give her blessings to those that wage internecine and if that model is not fleeing, this unit can use that model’s
wars, and no knight would presume to ask! Leadership characteristic instead of its own. In addition, a
standard carried by a unit with this special rule cannot be
Losing The Blessing: Unlike other special rules, the Blessings counted as a trophy of war. A character with this special rule
of the Lady can be lost during a game. Any model or unit can only join a unit that also has this special rule.
that flees, or any character that refuses a challenge, will
immediately lose this special rule.

Note that, for the purposes of this special rule, Falling Back in Good
Order does not count as fleeing.
On this page you will find a full description for each of the army special rules that
apply to an army built using the Bretonnian Exiles Army of Infamy composition list.
These are in addition to the Kingdom of Bretonnia special rules found on page 107 of
Forces of Fantasy. In case of contradiction, the special rules below take precedence over
the Kingdom of Bretonnia special rules.

Banished Lords
Though once-noble knights and lords find
themselves banished from the lands of
Bretonnia, many seek to find an end to their
exile and return to the Lady’s light.
“Does evil approach on
Barons and Paladins within a Bretonnian this fair day? If so, then it
Exiles army cannot have the Grail Vow. approaches rough lands, but
However, the following characters and they are lands I claim as my
units may replace the Knight’s Vow with own and I do not wish to
the Exile’s Vow for free: welcome it! If this evil thinks
to find us weak in this barren
• Baron or Paladin place, it shall discover that
• Knights of the Realm on Foot when the flower of Bretonnia
• Knights Errant grows from parched earth, it
• Mounted Knights of the Realm grows thorns!”
• Pegasus Knights
Sir Cecil Gastonne,
the Wyrm Slayer

The Exile’s Vow Reclaimed Glory

“... Though my time within the lands of the Those banished from Bretonnia know that it is
Lady has come to pass, my time serving her has through deeds, not prayers, that the Lady may
not. By my hand and her mercy, my honour look favourably upon them once again.
shall be restored, even if it is to be my final
quest in this life…” A Bretonnian Exiles army cannot pray for
the Blessings of the Lady at the beginning
The Exile’s Vow is a Chivalrous Vow, as of the game. However, should a unit with
described on page 108 of Forces of Fantasy. the Blessings of the Lady special rule make
A model with this Chivalrous Vow has an overrun move or make contact with
the Stubborn and Veteran special rules. In a fleeing enemy unit during a charge or
addition, a model with this Chivalrous Vow pursuit move, that unit will immediately
does not have to make a Panic test when gain the benefits of the Blessings of the
a friendly unit with either the Levies or Lady special rule as if it had prayed at the
Peasantry special rule is destroyed whilst start of the game. Additionally, should a
within 6" of it, or when it is fled through character with the Blessings of the Lady
by a friendly unit with either the Levies or special rule kill an enemy character in a
Peasantry special rule. challenge, they (and any unit they have
joined) will immediately gain the benefits
of the Blessings of the Lady special rule.

However, should the benefits of the

Blessing of the Lady special rule be lost
during a game, they cannot be regained
again in this way.

Outcast Nobility 31
O n this page, you will find a full description for each of the army special rules that apply to an army built using the
Errantry Crusade Army of Infamy composition list. These are in addition to the Kingdom of Bretonnia special rules
found on page 107 of Forces of Fantasy. In case of contradiction, the special rules below take precedence over the Kingdom
of Bretonnia special rules.

Crusading Knights Crusader’s Zeal

When chivalrous knights gather in large numbers to embark upon a Filled by a ferocious zeal, the brave defenders of Bretonnia
sacred crusade or errantry war, they become gripped by a religious rush towards the foe, their lust for battle driving them across
fervour, swearing fresh vows to the Lady of the Lake. great distances.

Within an Errantry Crusade army, the following characters A unit with this special rule increases its maximum possible
and units gain the Crusader’s Zeal special rule. In addition, any charge range by 1" and, when it makes a Charge roll, may apply
of the following characters or units that have the Knight’s Vow a +1 modifier to the result. In addition, a unit with this special
may replace it with the Crusader’s Vow for free: rule gains the Impetuous special rule.

• Baron or Paladin The Crusader’s Vow

• Knights of the Realm on Foot “…To journey far beyond the borders of fair Bretonnia, into the lair
• Battle Pilgrims of my foe. To take the battle to the enemies of the Lady of the Lake,
• Knights Errant wherever they might linger. This is my sacred vow…”
• Mounted Knights of the Realm
• Questing Knights The Crusader’s Vow is a Chivalrous Vow, as described on
• Grail Knights page 108 of Forces of Fantasy. A model with this Chivalrous
• Pegasus Knights Vow has the Veteran special rule. In addition, a model with
• Mounted Yeomen this Chivalrous Vow does not have to make a Panic test when
a friendly unit with the Peasantry special rule is destroyed
whilst within 6" of it, or when it is fled through by a friendly
unit with the Peasantry special rule.

A unit with this Chivalrous Vow cannot be joined by a

character with the Peasantry special rule. A character with
this Chivalrous Vow cannot join a unit with the Peasantry
special rule.

Earn Your Spurs

During an Errantry Crusade, Knights Errant pursue the enemy
with great fervour, seeking out trophies that speak of their knightly
prowess and bear witness to their valorous acts.

Any enemy standard captured by a unit of Knights Errant

is worth 100 Victory Points as a trophy of war. In addition,
whilst within 6" of a friendly model with the Grail Vow, or any
Lord of Bretonnia, a unit of Knights Errant may re-roll any
rolls To Hit of a natural 1.

Bold Crusaders 35
T he knights of Bretonnia swear Chivalrous Vows of duty, based upon their station, which are copied into painstakingly
illuminated scripts and attached to their panoply of war for all to see. Knights live by these Chivalrous Vows, and the
breaking of any aspect is deemed among the worst crimes a knight can commit.

Many models in the Kingdom of Bretonnia army list have one of the following Chivalrous Vows listed among their special rules.
Of those that do, some have the option to replace it with another Chivalrous Vow:

The Knight’s Vow The Questing Vow

“…When the clarion call is sounded, I will ride out and fight in the “…I set down my lance, symbol of duty. I spurn my home and those
name of liege and Lady. Whilst I draw breath, the lands bequeathed whom I love, taking up instead the tools of my Quest. I give my
unto me will remain untainted by evil. Honour is all …” body, heart and soul to the Lady whom I seek…”

A model with this Chivalrous Vow does not have to make a A model with this Chivalrous Vow has the Stubborn special
Panic test when a friendly unit with the Peasantry special rule rule and can re-roll any failed Fear, Panic or Terror test. In
is destroyed whilst within 6" of it, or when it is fled through by addition, a model with this Chivalrous Vow does not have
a friendly unit with the Peasantry special rule. to make a Panic test when a friendly unit with the Peasantry
special rule is destroyed whilst within 6" of it, or when it is
A unit with this Chivalrous Vow cannot be joined by a fled through by a friendly unit with the Peasantry special
character that has the Peasantry special rule. A character with rule. However, a model with this Chivalrous Vow cannot be
this Chivalrous Vow cannot join a unit with the Peasantry equipped with a lance (be it magical or mundane).
special rule.
A unit with this Chivalrous Vow cannot be joined by a
character that has the Knight’s Vow or the Peasantry special
rule. A character with this Chivalrous Vow cannot join a unit
with the Peasantry special rule.

The Grail Vow

“…That which is sacrosanct, I shall preserve. That which is sublime,
I will protect. That which threatens, I will destroy, for my holy
wrath doth know no bounds…”

A model with this Chivalrous Vow has the Immune to

Psychology, Magical Attacks and Stubborn special rules. In
addition, models with this Chivalrous Vow always benefit
from the Blessings of the Lady special rule and do not have
to pray at the start of the game. However, a model with this
Chivalrous Vow cannot refuse a challenge.

A unit with this Chivalrous Vow can only be joined by

a character that also has this Chivalrous Vow or by a
Handmaiden of the Lady. A character with this Vow cannot
join a unit with the Peasantry special rule.
B retonnian knights make use of a powerful formation called the ‘Lance’. This formation enables them to charge deep
into enemy lines, causing great devastation.

Forming The Lance

The Lance In Combat
A Lance formation consists of two or more models arranged In combat, only the model at the front of a Lance is required to
edge-to-edge in base contact. All models in the unit must face make base contact with the enemy. If this model cannot make
the same direction and must be arranged in a formation that base contact with the enemy, the Lance becomes ‘blunted’.
consists of one or more horizontal rows, called ranks. The Whilst engaged in combat, every model on the outside of
front rank of the unit contains one model, the second rank a Lance is considered to be within its fighting rank and in base
contains two models, the third contains three, and so on, as contact with the enemy unit’s fighting rank.
shown in Fig 110.1.
Rank Bonus: A unit in Lance formation can claim a Rank
Lance Facings Bonus of +1 for each rank that contains enough models, as
The front, flank and rear arcs of a unit in Lance formation determined by its troop type.
are determined by the models in the second rank and the last
rank, as shown in the diagram. Combat Result Bonus: A unit in Lance formation may claim
a bonus of +1 combat result point.
Command Group Models
Command group models are placed at the front of the unit, in Flank Charges: If a Lance is charged in its flank, align
the first and second rank, as shown in Fig 110.1. The standard the enemy unit against its widest rank. The Lance then
bearer should take precedence at the front of the unit. becomes ‘blunted’.

Manoeuvring A Lance
A unit in Lance formation may not turn or redress the
ranks, but may wheel, move backwards, move sideways and
reform as normal. When a unit in Lance formation wheels, Fig. 110.1
its movement is measured from its second rank. All other
movement is measured from the model at the front of
the formation.
Blunting The Lance Lance Formations & Skirmishers
In the tumult of combat, a Lance can become ‘blunted’. When a unit of Skirmishers charges or is charged by a Lance,
A Lance becomes blunted if: the Skirmishers will not form up once contact has been made.
Instead, each Skirmisher is moved as directly as possible
• The model at its front cannot make base contact with towards the Lance in order to make base contact with it and
the enemy. with one another.
• It makes a disordered charge.
• It is charged by an enemy unit but does not, or cannot, Models that can make base contact with the Lance are within
perform a Counter Charge. the fighting rank. Models that cannot are placed behind the
fighting rank.
A blunted Lance immediately reforms to adopt a Close
Order formation, as shown in Fig 111.1 and Fig 111.2. Place Note that Skirmishers cannot blunt a Lance.
a number of models equal to the Lance’s number of complete
ranks in base contact with the enemy unit that caused it to Characters Joining A Lance
become blunted, then rearrange the remaining models to When a character joins a unit in Lance formation, they are
maintain a correct close order formation with command placed on the outside of the Lance, in any rank, displacing one
models in the unit’s new front rank. or more rank and file models to the rear rank as usual. Should
you wish, a character can take the position of a command
Note that, once this reform is complete, it may be necessary to group model in the first or second rank of the Lance. In such
nudge an enemy unit forward, backwards or sideways, by the cases, that command group model must be placed further
smallest amount possible, to make space for, or to maintain base back, on the outside of the Lance and will in turn displace
contact with, the blunted Lance. In such cases, charging enemy units another model to the rear rank of the unit.
should be moved first.
If a character that has joined a Lance is required to ‘retire’ to
Note also that the blunting of a Lance by a charging enemy unit the rear of the unit, they may be placed in the middle of any
may cause subsequent charges during the same phase to fail. rank (not including the first or second). A character that has
retired cannot occupy a position on the outside of the Lance
Casualty Removal and will no longer be within the fighting rank.
When removing casualties from a Lance, you may remove
models from the middle of the back rank, rather than from
one end as usual.

Fig. 111.1 Fig. 111.2

The Lance has been charged in its flank by an enemy unit. Four models are placed in base contact with the charging unit and the rest
are rearranged behind these. The Lance has been blunted.
Lore of the Lady LORE OF THE LADY
T he magical powers of the Handmaidens of the Lady all resemble religious observance as much as they do sorcery. With
hands clasped in devotion and rapturous joy upon her brow, a Damsel or Prophetess beseeches her goddess to protect
and empower her dutiful followers.

A Wizard with the ‘Lore of the Lady’ special rule may discard one of their randomly generated spells as normal. When they do so,
they may select instead either the signature spell of their chosen Lore of Magic, or one of the spells listed below.

The Lady’s Gift The Lady’s Wrath

As the Damsel prays solemnly to the Lady of the Lake, silvery Enraged to see the lands of fair Bretonnia invaded by enemies, the
light emanates from her most ardent followers, knitting their Damsel invokes the wrath of the Lady of the Lake, strengthening
wounds and gilding their armour. the sword arms of her companions.

Type: Enchantment Type: Enchantment

Casting Value: 7+/10+ Casting Value: 9+
Range: 12" Range: Self
Effect: Remains in Play. If this spell is cast with a casting Effect: Remains in Play. Whilst this spell is in play, the
result of 7 or more, the target friendly unit gains the caster, their mount and any unit they have joined gain a +1
Regeneration (6+) special rule. If this spell is cast with a modifier to their Strength characteristic (to a maximum
casting result of 10 or more, the target friendly unit gains of 10), and improve the Armour Piercing characteristic
the Regeneration (5+) special rule. This spell may target a of their weapons by 1.
friendly unit engaged in combat.

Burning Gaze
Beams of cleansing white light flow from the Damsel’s eyes,
searing all traces of evil from her sight.

Type: Magic Missile

Casting Value: 10+
Range: 5D6"
Effect: Draw a straight line, 5D6" in length, from the
caster’s base edge. Any enemy model whose base falls under
this line suffers a single Strength 4 hit with no armour save
permitted (Ward and Regeneration saves can be attempted
as normal).
Legacy Army List
Chaos Dwarfs Legacy Army List
T his page details the Grand Army composition list for the Chaos Dwarfs. This is the default army composition list
for this faction. Using this army composition list to write your muster list will give you the widest variety of units to
choose from and create a broad and balanced force.

This army list is intended for use alongside the ‘Forming Units’ and ‘Warhammer Armies’ sections of the Warhammer: the Old
World rulebook. Over the following pages you will find a profile and rules for each of the models in your army. These pages give
you all of the information that you need to shape your collection of models into the units which will in turn form a force ready
for battle.

Grand Army Composition List

Characters Rare
Up to 50% of your army’s points value may be spent on: Up to 25% of your army’s points value may be spent on:

• 0-1 Sorcerer-Prophet or Infernal Castellan per 1,000 points • 0-1 unit of Hobgoblin Wolf Riders per Hobgoblin
• 0-1 Bull Centaur Taur’ruk per unit of Bull Centaur Khan taken.
Renders taken • 0-1 war machine chosen from the following list per
• Daemonsmith Sorcerers, Infernal Seneschals and 1,000 points:
Hobgoblin Khans - Dreadquake Mortar
• 0-1 Black Orc Boss (see Orc & Goblin Tribes army list) - Hellcannon (see Warriors of Chaos army list)

Core Mercenaries
At least 25% of your army’s points value must be spent on: Up to 20% of your army’s points value may be spent
on mercenaries.
• 1+ unit of Infernal Guard
• Hobgoblin Cutthroats Allies
• 0-1 Black Orc Mob (see Orc & Goblin Tribes army list) Up to 25% of your army’s points value may be spent on a single
allied contingent drawn from one of the following Grand
Special Army composition lists:
Up to 50% of your army’s points value may be spent on:
• Warriors of Chaos
• Infernal Ironsworn, Sneaky Gits, K’daai Fireborn and
Bull Centaur Renders
• 0-1 Iron Daemon per 1,000 points Battle Standard Bearer
• 0-1 war machine chosen from the following list per A single Infernal Seneschal in your army may be
1,000 points: upgraded to be your Battle Standard Bearer for +25
- Deathshrieker Rocket Launcher points. In addition to their usual allowance of points
- Magma Cannon to spend on magic items, a Battle Standard Bearer can
• 0-2 Hobgoblin Bolt Throwers per 1,000 points purchase a single magic standard with no points limit.
Sorcerers Of Hashut
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Sorcerer-Prophet 3 5 4 4 5 3 2 3 10 195
Daemonsmith Sorcerer 3 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 9 85 Sorcerers of Hashut
Chaos Dwarf Sorcerers rule
Troop Type: Heavy infantry (character) over the desolate empire
Base Size: 25 x 25 mm of Zharr-Naggrund with
Unit Size: 1 iron-fisted malice, both
as lords and masters of all
Magic: A Sorcerer-Prophet is a Level 3 Wizard. A Daemonsmith Sorcerer is a Level 1 they survey and as priests
Wizard. Every Sorcerer of Hashut knows spells from one of the following Lores of Magic: of their dark god, Hashut.
• Daemonology Their lore is terrible and
• Dark Magic ancient, involving the study
• Elementalism of machines, the mastery of
forge-craft, weapon making
Equipment: Hand weapon and heavy armour and the terrible Chaos magics
gifted to them by Hashut.
Options: But the price these Sorcerer-
• May take any of the following: priests pay for their power
- Darkforged weapon (see page 22).................................................................................+10 points is a dark one indeed, for a
- Naptha bombs (see page 22)...........................................................................................+15 points great curse lays heavy upon
- Blood of Hashut (see page 22).......................................................................+20 points per vial them. As the magic they work
• A Sorcerer-Prophet may: seeps into their bodies, it
- Be a Level 4 Wizard...........................................................................................................+30 points evokes changes that are both
- Purchase magic items up to a total of.......................................................................... 100 points unique and horrific. Even
- Be mounted on a Bale Taurus or Great Taurus..................................................... See page 12 the most cautious and adept
- Be mounted on a Lammasu.......................................................................................... See page 13 of Sorcerers is not immune
• A Daemonsmith Sorcerer may: and, painfully and inexorably,
- Be a Level 2 Wizard...........................................................................................................+30 points their bodies are petrified into
- Purchase magic items up to a total of.............................................................................50 points immobile stone.
- Be mounted on a Great Taurus................................................................................... See page 12
- Be mounted on a Lammasu.......................................................................................... See page 13

Special Rules: Blackshard Armour, Ensorcelled Weapons, Infernal Engineer,

Lore of Hashut, Resolute, Sorcerer’s Curse, Stubborn

Infernal Engineer
Under the scornful gaze of their masters, the gun crews of Zharr-Naggrund are amongst the finest
artillerists in all the known world.

Unless this model is fleeing or engaged in combat, once per turn a friendly war machine
that is within its Command range may re-roll one Scatter dice or one Artillery dice.

Sorcerer’s Curse
The flesh of a Sorcerer of Hashut hardens and blackens over time, eventually turning to stone.

If this model miscasts a spell, it must immediately make a Toughness test. If this test is
failed, it loses a single Wound and gains a +1 modifier to its Toughness characteristic
instead of rolling on the Miscast table. If this test is passed, it rolls on the Miscast table
as normal.
Infernal Guard Commanders
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Infernal Castellan 3 6 4 5 5 3 3 4 10 125
Infernal Seneschal 3 5 4 4 5 2 2 3 9 60 Infernal Guard
Troop Type: Heavy infantry (character) There are relatively few
Base Size: 25 x 25 mm Chaos Dwarfs, and each
Unit Size: 1 and every one of them is a
Equipment: Hand weapon and heavy armour highly trained and disciplined
warrior sworn to the
Options: service of one of the Chaos
• May take one of the following: Dwarf Sorcerers body and
- Darkforged weapon (see page 22).................................................................................+10 points soul, whose martial skill is
- Great weapon......................................................................................................................... +4 points matched only by their cruelty.
• May take one of the following: Of these warriors, only
- Fireglaive (see page 22).....................................................................................................+10 points those rare few who achieve
- Hailshot blunderbuss (see page 22)..............................................................................+10 points great glory can hope to earn
• May take one of the following: promotion to the rank of
- Pistol.......................................................................................................................................... +5 points Seneschal or Castellan.
- Naptha bombs (see page 22)...........................................................................................+10 points
• May take a shield........................................................................................................................ +2 points Bull Centaur Taur’ruks
• An Infernal Castellan may purchase magic items up to a total of........................... 100 points Bull Centaur Taur’ruks are
• An Infernal Seneschal may purchase magic items up to a total of.............................50 points the most trusted vassals of the
Sorcerer-priests of Hashut.
Special Rules: Blackshard Armour, Ensorcelled Weapons, Rallying Cry, They are hulking, savage
Resolute, Stubborn creatures whose strength
and endurance far exceeds
that of a Chaos Dwarf and,
Bull Centaur Taur’ruk thanks to their strange
forms, they are far swifter
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points in battle. As they age, their
Taur’ruk 7 5 2 5 5 4 4 4 9 145 flesh hardens and distorts
almost as if it becomes living
Troop Type: Monstrous cavalry (character) metal, and rather than heal
Base Size: 50 x 75 mm naturally from injuries, they
Unit Size: 1 must instead rely upon their
Equipment: Hand weapon and heavy armour Sorcerer-masters to repair
their wounds with steel
Options: sutures and brazen splints.
• May take one of the following:
- Darkforged weapon (see page 22).................................................................................+10 points
- Additional hand weapon................................................................................................... +3 points
- Great weapon......................................................................................................................... +4 points
• May take a shield........................................................................................................................ +3 points
• May purchase magic items up to a total of.........................................................................75 points

Special Rules: Armour Bane (1), Armoured Hide (1), Blackshard Armour,
Ensorcelled Weapons, Fear, First Charge, Impact Hits (D3+1),
Loner, Stampede, Stubborn, Swiftstride
Hobgoblin Khan
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Hobgoblin Khan 4 5 4 4 4 2 5 3 7 45
Hobgoblin Khans
Troop Type: Regular infantry (character) Occasionally, the infighting
Base Size: 25 x 25 mm and backstabbing amongst
Unit Size: 1 Hobgoblin ranks produces
Equipment: Hand Weapon and throwing weapons a particularly successful and
feared killer who will rise
Options: to prominence and style
• May take one of the following: themselves ‘Khan’, taking
- Additional hand weapon................................................................................................... +3 points after the wilder nomadic
- Great weapon......................................................................................................................... +4 points Hobgoblin wolf clans of
- Cavalry spear (if appropriately mounted)................................................................... +2 points the Eastern Wastes. These
• May replace throwing weapons with shortbow............................................................... +2 points skulking killers can prove
• May take any of the following: useful for marshalling their
- Shield........................................................................................................................................ +2 points kin in battle, but should they
- Light armour.......................................................................................................................... +3 points prove too successful and
• May be mounted on a Giant Wolf......................................................................................+10 points threaten the dominance of
• May purchase magic items up to a total of.........................................................................50 points the Chaos Dwarfs, they will
most likely end up impaled
Special Rules: Backstab, Evasive, Levies, Warband over their lord’s gatepost as
a reminder to others that
Zharr-Naggrund is not
Giant Wolf a meritocracy.

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points Giant Wolves

Giant Wolf 9 3 - 3 - - 3 1 - +10 Hobgoblins living in tribes
across the great steppes of
Troop Type: Light cavalry Kislev employ Giant Wolves
Base Size: 25 x 50 mm as fast moving and ferocious
Unit Size: 1 mounts. Such beasts are
Equipment: Claws and fangs (counts as a hand weapon) highly prized for their ability
Special Rules: Fast Cavalry, Fire & Flee, Swiftstride to outrun most dangers.
Character Black Orc Bosses
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Black Orc Warboss 4 7 3 5 5 3 6 4 9 135
Black Orc Bosses
Black Orc Bigboss 4 6 3 4 5 2 5 3 8 75
Black Orc Bosses are huge and
powerful brutes, possessed
Troop Type: Heavy infantry (character)
of a cunning intelligence not
Base Size: 30 x 30 mm
often exhibited by their kin.
Unit Size: 1
They are creatures singularly
Equipment: Hand weapon and full plate armour
focused on war, an occupation
they take extremely seriously.
Where most Orc Bosses
• May take one of the following:
are given to wanton acts of
- Additional hand weapon...................................................................................................+3 points
bravado on the battlefield,
- Great weapon........................................................................................................................+4 points
charging into certain death
- Cavalry spear (if appropriately mounted) ..................................................................+2 points
to prove their courage to the
• May take a shield........................................................................................................................+2 points
Orcs they command, Black
• May be mounted....................................................................................................................See page 19
Orc Bosses are rigid in both
• A Black Orc Warboss may purchase magic items up to a total of ..........................100 points
discipline and adherence to
• A Black Orc Bigboss may purchase magic items up to a total of................................50 points
their battle plans. As a result,
they command the respect of
Special Rules: Choppas, Da Boyz, Furious Charge*, Ignore Panic, Quell Impetuosity,
Orcs and Goblins alike, and
Rallying Cry, Waaagh!
many Orc tribes are led by
a Black Orc Boss and their
*Note that this special rule does not apply to this model’s mount (should it have one).
cadre of brutal (but cunning)

12 Orc & Goblin Tribes

Character Mounts
A character that can be mounted may choose a mount from the following list. Some
mounts are covered in detail on the following pages. Those that are not have their own
dedicated entries later in this army list.

A Black Orc Warboss or Bigboss may be mounted on a:

• War Boar.....................................................................................................................................+16 points
• Boar Chariot............................................................................................................................See page 33
• Wyvern (Orc Warbosses and Black Orc Warbosses only) ......................................See page 35

War Boar
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
War Boar 7 3 - 3 - - 3 1 - +16

Troop Type: Heavy cavalry War Boars

Base Size: 30 x 60 mm A War Boar is a huge beast,
Unit Size: 1 boasting a tough hide and
Equipment: Tusks (counts as a hand weapon) wire-like pelt stretched
Special Rules: Armoured Hide (1), Counter Charge, Swiftstride, Tusker Charge taut over prodigious muscle
mass and topped off with
huge tusks and a wicked
temperament. In many ways,
this description could be
applied to the average Orc,
making it obvious why the
two species are so compatible.

Orc & Goblin Tribes 19

Infernal Ironsworn
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Infernal Ironsworn 3 5 3 4 4 1 2 2 9 19
Overseer 3 5 3 4 4 1 2 3 9 +7 Infernal Ironsworn
The Infernal Guard are
Troop Type: Heavy infantry drilled ceaselessly by cruel
Base Size: 25 x 25 mm Castellans and barracked in
Unit Size: 10+ the burning deeps beneath
Equipment: Hand weapons and full plate armour Zharr-Naggrund. Their
lot is to fight an unending
Options: battle against the horrors
• The entire unit may take one of the following: that abound in the desolate
- Great weapons.................................................................................................. +2 points per model wastes nearby – a regime
- Halberds...............................................................................................................+1 point per model that only the strongest
• The entire unit may take shields........................................................................+1 point per model survive. The greatest amongst
• Any unit may: this warrior elite will be
- Upgrade one model to an Overseer (champion)...................................... +7 points per unit selected to join the Infernal
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer.................................................... +7 points per unit Ironsworn – the personal
- Upgrade one model to a musician................................................................. +7 points per unit bodyguard of the covenant
- Purchase a magic standard worth up to...................................................................... 100 points of Sorcerer-prophets that
• An Overseer may take one of the following: rule over Zharr-Naggrund.
- Pistol ......................................................................................................................................... +3 points Each Infernal Ironsworn is a
- Naptha bombs (see page 22)............................................................................................. +6 points highly trained and disciplined
• An Overseer may purchase magic items up to a total of................................................25 points warrior, often with scores
of years of battle experience
Special Rules: Blackshard Armour, Close Order, Drilled, Ensorcelled Weapons, to draw upon, who goes
Quell Panic, Regimental Unit, Resolute, Shieldwall, Stubborn, Veteran into battle with the fire and
suffering of their dark realm
Quell Panic forged into the very fabric of
Infernal Ironsworn are the black-armoured custodians of Zharr-Naggrund. The mere presence of their blades and hammers,
these ruthless overseers is enough to bolster the nerve of cowardly conscripts. graven in smouldering runes
of torment and death.
Unless this unit is fleeing, any friendly unit that is within 6" of this unit and that has the
Levies special rule may re-roll a failed Panic test.
Infernal Guard
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Infernal Guard 3 4 3 4 4 1 2 1 9 11
Deathmask 3 4 3 4 4 1 2 2 9 +6 Infernal Guard
Chaos Dwarfs are an
Troop Type: Heavy infantry unnerving sight in battle.
Base Size: 25 x 25 mm They are brutish, grotesque
Unit Size: 10+ figures plated in black or
Equipment: Hand weapons and heavy armour burnished armour of heavy
plate and jagged scales,
Options: crowned with tall helms
• The entire unit may take one of the following: mounted with flame-tongue
- Great weapons.................................................................................................. +2 points per model spiked coronas or sharpened
- Fireglaives (see page 22)................................................................................ +4 points per model horns. Their livery is bright
- Hailshot blunderbusses (see page 22)....................................................... +5 points per model and bloody, and their
• The entire unit may take shields........................................................................+1 point per model distorted faces, if they are
• Any unit may: seen at all, are bestial and
- Upgrade one model to a Deathmask (champion).................................... +6 points per unit filled with malice. Their
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer.................................................... +6 points per unit presence is intended to
- Upgrade one model to a musician................................................................. +6 points per unit inspire fear in their foes, and
- Purchase a magic standard worth up to.........................................................................50 points they have lost none of the
• A Deathmask may take one of the following: toughness or skill-at-arms of
- Pistol ......................................................................................................................................... +3 points their western Dwarf kin.
- Naptha bombs (see page 22)............................................................................................. +6 points
• A Deathmask may purchase magic items up to a total of..............................................25 points K’daai Fireborn
• 0-1 unit per 1,000 points may: Created by the foul sorceries
- Have the Drilled special rule.........................................................................+1 point per model of the Sorcerer-priests
- Have the Blackshard Armour special rule................................................+1 point per model of Zharr-Naggrund, the
K’daai are almost mindless,
Special Rules: Close Order, Detachment, Regimental Unit, Resolute, elemental forces of
Shieldwall, Stubborn destruction. Half Daemon-
stuff and half raging fire
drawn from the magma of
K’daai Fireborn the deep earth, the K’daai are
birthed in the boiling blood
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points of Hashut’s burning sacrifices,
K’daai Fireborn 6 4 2 5 4 2 4 3 7 41 given form by and contained
Manburner 6 4 2 5 4 2 4 4 8 +7 within an armoured
framework of articulated iron
Troop Type: Monstrous infantry and rune-stamped bronze.
Base Size: 40 x 40 mm
Unit Size: 3+
Equipment: Rage and hellfire (counts as hand weapons)

• Any unit may upgrade one model to a Manburner (champion)............... +7 points per unit
• A Manburner may purchase magic items up to a total of.............................................25 points

Special Rules: Blazing Body, Close Order, Ensorcelled Weapons, Fear, Flaming Attacks,
Immune to Psychology, Regeneration (5+), Unbreakable, Unstable,
Hobgoblin Cutthroats
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Cutthroat 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 4 3
Boss 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 5 +7 Hobgoblin Cutthroats
Arguably the most
Troop Type: Regular infantry treacherous of all the Goblin
Base Size: 25 x 25 mm and Orc kin, Hobgoblins
Unit Size: 10+ are taller and leaner than
Equipment: Hand weapons and shields ordinary Goblins, yet
nowhere near as burly
Options: and brutal as Orcs. The
• The entire unit may replace shields with shortbows................................................................ Free Chaos Dwarfs long ago
• The entire unit may take light armour.............................................................+1 point per model realised the Hobgoblins
• Any unit may: were servile, craven and
- Upgrade one model to a Boss (champion).................................................. +7 points per unit malevolent – all traits which
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer.................................................... +5 points per unit made the Hobgoblins of
- Upgrade one model to a musician................................................................. +5 points per unit the Dark Lands eminently
suitable as lackeys and
Special Rules: Backstab, Close Order, Horde, Levies, Warband disposable minions.

Sneaky Gits
Sneaky Gits Sneaky Gits are rightly
regarded as being devious and
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points treacherous, and are utterly
Sneaky Git 4 4 4 3 3 1 4 1 5 6 distrusted even by their
Murder Boss 4 4 4 3 3 1 4 2 5 +6 own kind. These murderous
backstabbers are habitually
Troop Type: Regular infantry armed with many curved
Base Size: 25 x 25 mm daggers, and for every knife
Unit Size: 10+ they wear openly, it can be
Equipment: Two hand weapons and throwing weapons wagered there is at least
one more concealed about
Options: their person, ready to be
• The entire unit may take light armour.............................................................+1 point per model plunged into an unsuspecting
• Any unit may: foe’s back.
- Upgrade one model to a Murder Boss (champion)................................. +6 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a musician................................................................. +6 points per unit

Special Rules: Ambushers, Backstab, Evasive, Levies, Move through Cover,

Black Orc Mob Infantry
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Black Orc 4 4 3 4 4 1 3 1 8 12
Black Orc Boss 4 4 3 4 4 1 3 2 8 +6

Troop Type: Heavy infantry

Base Size: 30 x 30 mm
Unit Size: 5+
Equipment: Hand weapons and full plate armour

• Any model in the unit may take one of the following:
- Additional hand weapon................................................................................+1 point per model
- Great weapon...................................................................................................+2 points per model
• Any model in the unit may take a shield ........................................................+1 point per model
• Any unit may:
- Upgrade one model to a Boss (champion) .................................................+6 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+6 points per unit Black Orcs
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+6 points per unit Black Orcs are the biggest,
- Purchase a magic standard worth up to........................................................................50 points meanest and strongest of all
• A Boss may purchase magic items up to a total of...........................................................25 points Orcs, towering above their
• 0-1 unit in your army may: lesser kin. Many believe they
- Have the Stubborn special rule....................................................................+1 point per model get their name from their
- Have the Veteran special rule.......................................................................+1 point per model dark green hides, though in
truth, the name probably
Special Rules: Choppas, Close Order, Da Boyz, Furious Charge, Ignore Panic, originates from their dark
Motley Crew, Quell Impetuosity sense of humour (there is
little a Black Orc finds more
amusing than the misfortune
of others, other than being
the cause of that misfortune,
of course). Few in number
compared to their weedier
kin, Black Orcs tend to
group together into elite
and disciplined warrior
cadres that accompany only
the toughest of Warbosses
to battle.

Orc & Goblin Tribes 21

Hobgoblin Wolf Riders
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Hobgoblin Wolf Rider - 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 6 12
Boss - 3 4 3 3 1 3 2 6 +8 Hobgoblin Wolf Riders
Giant Wolf 9 3 - 3 - - 3 1 - - Chaos Dwarfs employ bodies
of Giant Wolf-mounted
Troop Type: Light cavalry Hobgoblin raiders as scouts
Base Size: 25 x 50 mm and light cavalry in battle.
Unit Size: 5+ These are commonly drawn
Equipment: from the more nomadic
• Hobgoblin Wolf Riders: Hand weapons, light armour and shields Hobgoblin tribes which roam
• Giant Wolves: Claws and fangs (counts as hand weapons) the fringes of the southern
Dark Lands. They are lured
Options: into service with the Dawi
• The entire unit may take any of the following: Zharr as mercenaries, though
- Cavalry spears.................................................................................................................................. Free the wages paid by Chaos
- Shortbows.............................................................................................................+1 point per model Dwarfs are notoriously poor.
• Any unit may: These raiders, all bandits and
- Upgrade one model to a Boss (champion).................................................. +8 points per unit robbers by disposition are, if
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer.................................................... +6 points per unit anything, even less reliable
- Upgrade one model to a musician................................................................. +6 points per unit than their footslogging kin –
• 0-1 unit per 1,000 points may: their mounts allowing them
- Have the Feigned Flight special rule......................................................... +2 points per model to flee with great speed when
- Have the Reserve Move special rule......................................................... +1 points per model the need arises.

Special Rules: Backstab, Evasive, Fast Cavalry, Fire & Flee, Levies, Open Order, Bull Centaurs
Skirmishers, Swiftstride As their name suggests,
Bull Centaurs are twisted
amalgams of Chaos Dwarf
Bull Centaur Renders and ferocious bull in aspect,
the unnatural fusion creating
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points hulking, monstrous beasts far
Bull Centaur Render 7 4 2 4 5 3 3 2 8 56 larger than either and filled
Bull Centaur Ba’hal 7 4 2 4 5 3 3 3 8 +6 with cannibalistic appetites.
Many centuries ago, when
Troop Type: Monstrous cavalry the Dwarfs of Zorn Uzkull
Base Size: 50 x 75 mm first turned to the worship of
Unit Size: 3+ Hashut, some amongst them
Equipment: Hand weapons and light armour became horrifically mutated,
their bodies warped into
Options: forms pleasing to the Father
• The entire unit may take one of the following: of Darkness. Thus were the
- Great weapons.................................................................................................. +4 points per model first Bull Centaurs born.
- Shields.................................................................................................................. +3 points per model
• Any unit may:
- Upgrade one model to a Ba’hal (champion)............................................... +6 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer.................................................... +6 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a musician................................................................. +6 points per unit
- Purchase a magic standard worth up to.........................................................................50 points
• A Ba’hal may purchase magic items up to a total of........................................................25 points

Special Rules: Armoured Hide (1), Blackshard Armour, Close Order,

Ensorcelled Weapons, Fear, First Charge, Impact Hits (D3),
Loner, Stampede, Stubborn, Swiftstride
Iron Daemon
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Iron Daemon 5 - - 8 7 7 - - - 275
Chaos Dwarf Crew (x3) - 4 4 3 - - 2 1 9 - Iron Daemon
The Chaos Dwarfs are
Troop Type: Heavy chariot masters of steam technology.
Base Size: 60 x 100 mm They build colossal steam-
Unit Size: 1 driven devices for working
Armour Value: 3+ their great mines, and engines
Equipment: of great destruction for
• Iron Daemon: Steam Cannonade (see page 11) crushing their enemies. One
• Chaos Dwarf Crew: Hand weapons design to see widespread
service is the Iron Daemon,
Options: a compact, armoured,
• May have the Hellbound special rule.................................................................................+35 points steam-driven traction engine.
• May replace its Steam Cannonade with a Skullcracker (see page 11)....................+10 points The steam boilers that
provide these machines with
Special Rules: Carriage Hauler, Close Order, Fear, Grinding Wheels, motive power to haul heavy
Immune to Psychology, Impact Hits (D6+1), Large Target, armaments and munitions to
Lumbering Destruction, Stomp Attacks (D3+1), Unbreakable the battlefield are cunningly
designed so that they can also
Carriage Hauler be used to work pressure-fed
An Iron Daemon is a steam-driven traction engine of truly incredible power, capable of hauling weapons such as cannonades
tremendous weights behind its armoured bulk. and wall-breakers. This
means that every Iron
During the Movement phase, up to two friendly war machines with the ‘Steam Carriage’ Daemon is also a powerful
upgrade that are completely within this model’s rear arc and within 8" of its base at the war machine in its own
beginning of the phase can be moved when this model moves. These war machines must right – a fully mobile artillery
finish their movement completely within this model’s rear arc and within 8" of its base. piece and murderous killing
Unless this model moves using the Lumbering Destruction special rule or makes a charge engine able to smash through
move, these war machines are not considered to have moved this turn. fortifications and hack down
ranks of living soldiers with
Grinding Wheels equal ease.
An Iron Daemon weighs many tonnes and moves upon huge wheels of spiked brass and iron. Any
enemy that falls before such an engine of destruction is quickly ground into the earth.

Stomp Attacks made by an Iron Daemon have an Armour Piercing characteristic of -2.
However, this rule cannot be used against models whose troop type is ‘behemoth’ – they
are simply too large to be caught beneath an Iron Daemon’s wheels.

In addition, and unlike other chariots, this model treats low linear obstacles as open terrain
rather than as impassable terrain.
Lumbering Destruction
The infernally-fuelled engines of the Chaos Dwarfs are mighty, smoke-belching powerhouses Chariot
capable of considerable speed, but cursed with the temperament of an imprisoned Daemon.

An Iron Daemon cannot march. Instead, you may roll a D6 and add its result to the “We will remake the world
model’s Movement characteristic. However, if a natural 1 is rolled when making this roll, into our domain, a land of
something has gone wrong deep within the infernal machine, rendering it immobile. The cinderash and the blackened
Iron Daemon halts immediately and cannot move again for the remainder of this turn. bones of our enemies, until
only we remain and those
Steam Cannonade broken bodies that cower at
Powered by the channelled pressure of the Iron Daemon’s furnace, a steam cannonade is a twin our feet.”
barrelled organ gun used to blast a lethal storm of red-hot shrapnel and curse-laden shot into the
ranks of the enemy. Lord Astragoth Ironhand

R S AP Special Rules
Steam Cannonade 18" 5 -1 Armour Bane (1), Cannonade, Cumbersome
Notes: When shooting with a steam cannonade, follow the normal Shooting phase sequence.

Cannonade: When shooting with a steam cannonade, roll two Artillery dice before
making any rolls To Hit. The number of shots fired is equal to the total of both
Artillery dice:

• If a Misfire is rolled on one of the Artillery dice, all shots fired from the steam
cannonade this turn suffer an additional -1 To Hit modifier (instead of rolling on a
Misfire table).
• If a Misfire is rolled on both of the Artillery dice, no shots are fired and this model loses
a single Wound (instead of rolling on a Misfire table).

After determining the number of shots, roll To Hit for each as normal, using the crew’s
Ballistic Skill and applying all appropriate modifiers.

A Skullcracker is a hissing and grinding arcane-mechanical conglomeration of iron hammers,
hacking blades and brutal picks designed to pulverise and shred anything unfortunate enough to be
caught in front of the machine.

An Iron Daemon equipped with a Skullcracker replaces the Impact Hits (D6+1) special
rule with the Impact Hits (2D6+2) special rule and gains the Armour Bane (1) special rule.
Orc Boar Chariots
M WS BS S T W IChariot
A Ld Points
Chariot - - - 5 5 4 - - - 90
Orc Crew (x2) - 3 3 3 - - 3 1 7 -
War Boars (x2) 7 3 - 3 - - 3 1 - -

Troop Type: Heavy chariot

Base Size: 50 x 100 mm
Unit Size: 1
Armour Value: 4+
• Orc Crew: Hand weapons and cavalry spears
• War Boars: Tusks (counts as hand weapons)

• May add a third Orc crew member.....................................................................................+5 points
• 0-1 per 1,000 points may have the Frenzy special rule................................+2 points per crew
• A Frenzied chariot may have the Warpaint special rule ............................................+10 points Boar Chariots
By lashing together roughly
Special Rules: Choppas, Close Order, First Charge, Ignore Goblin Panic, hewn planks and bolting
Impact Hits (D6+1), Impetuous, Tusker Charge, Warband round(ish) wheels to a
sturdy axel, Orcs can build
formidable chariots. These
Character Mount: An Orc Boar Chariot may only be included in your army as a bulky constructs are drawn by
character’s mount. If so, its points are added to that of its rider. War Boars reluctantly goaded
to motion by sharp prods.
Suitably encouraged, a pair of
War Boars can heave even the
heaviest chariot forward with
remarkable speed, building
up considerable momentum
as they thunder forwards.
Owning a chariot is a mark
of prestige amongst Orcs, and
a chariot’s crew are viewed
with great envy by their more
pedestrian comrades. Keen to
make the most of their status
in the eyes of others, Orc
charioteers will constantly
mess with their vehicle,
adding extra ornamentation
and painting them in bold,
flashy colours.

Orc & Goblin Tribes 33

The Great Tauruses
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Bale Taurus 6 5 - 6 (+1) (+4) 3 4 - +160
Note: A character mounted on a Bale Taurus has +1 Toughness and +4 Wounds. The Great Tauruses
The Great Tauruses of the
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points Dark Lands burn with a
Great Taurus 6 5 - 5 - (+4) 3 3 - +120 terrific intensity, so much
Note: A character mounted on a Great Taurus has +4 Wounds. so that their bodies are
wreathed in fire and choking
Troop Type: Behemoth smoke. Indeed, so angrily and
Base Size: 60 x 100 mm so hot do they burn that their
Unit Size: 1 flesh renders swords and axes
Equipment: Trampling hooves (see below) and goring horns (see below) molten and blunt. When a
Special Rules: Great Taurus moves across
• Bale Taurus: Blazing Body, Born of Fire, Close Order, Fly (9), Furious Charge, the ground, sparks fly from
Large Target, Stomp Attacks (D3+1), Swiftstride, Terror its horns and red lightning
• Great Taurus: Blazing Body, Born of Fire, Close Order, Fly (9), Furious Charge, plays about its hooves. As a
Large Target, Stomp Attacks (D3), Swiftstride, Terror Great Taurus swoops through
the air, heat waves shimmer
Born Of Fire at its coming and choking
The Great Tauruses are the living embodiments of Hashut’s fiery rage, creatures born of the intense black clouds swirl in contrails
heat and pressure found only within a volcano’s heart. behind it. With each snorting
exhale, flame erupts out of
A Bale Taurus or Great Taurus has a 3+ Ward save against any wounds suffered that were the beast’s flared nostrils,
caused by an attack that has the Flaming Attacks special rule. and an oily smoke curls from
its gaping maw. In its rage,
R S AP Special Rules even the monster’s eyes seem
Trampling hooves Combat S -1 Flaming Attacks to smoulder.

R S AP Special Rules
Goring horns Combat S+1 -3 Flaming Attacks, Strike First
Notes: In combat, this model may make one of its attacks each turn with this weapon.

Character Mount: A Bale Taurus or Great Taurus may only be included in your army
as a character’s mount. Its points are added to that of its rider.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Lammasu 6 4 - 5 - (+3) 2 2 - +95
Note: A character mounted on a Lammasu has +3 Wounds. Lammasus
The Lammasu is a wise and
Troop Type: Monstrous creature crafty beast that makes its
Base Size: 50 x 75 mm lair in the Dark Lands. The
Unit Size: 1 Chaos Dwarfs believe it to
Equipment: Claws and fangs (counts as a hand weapon) be a rare mutation of Great
Taurus, one that is not only
Options: acclimated to magic, but that
• May have a mace tail (see below)........................................................................................+10 points also lives and breathes the
• May have Sorcerous Exhalation (see below)...................................................................+15 points very stuff of sorcery. Indeed,
the Lammasu possesses a
Special Rules: Armour Bane (2), Close Order, Fly (9), Furious Charge, Large Target, minor, but potent spellcasting
Magic Resistance (-3), Sorcerous Miasma, Stomp Attacks (D3), ability, the backwash of which
Swiftstride, Terror manifests as sorcerous black
clouds that curl about the
Sorcerous Miasma beast every time it breathes.
Sorcerous black clouds curl about the Lammasu, protecting it from spells and befouling the magical This magical exhalation
weapons of its enemies, preventing them from striking the beast to full effect. protects the Lammasu from
hostile spells. Furthermore,
During the Combat phase, any enemy model that uses a magic weapon to attack enemies fighting a Lammasu
a character mounted on a Lammasu counts as being armed with a simple hand in melee often find the
weapon instead. smoky threads of sorcery
befouling their magic
R S AP Special Rules weapons, dampening their
Mace tail Combat S+1 -2 - power and preventing them
Notes: A Lammasu may make one additional attack each turn with this weapon. from striking the beast to
full effect.
R S AP Special Rules
Sorcerous N/A 4 -2 Breath Weapon, Magical Attacks

Character Mount: A Lammasu may only be included in your army as a character’s

mount. Its points are added to that of its rider.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Hellcannon 3 4 3 5 6 5 1 5 4 215
Chaos Dwarf 3 4 - 3 - - 2 1 9 -
Handlers (x3)

Troop Type: Behemoth

Base Size: 100 x 150 mm
Unit Size: 1
Armour Value: 4+
• Hellcannon: Doomfire (see below) and hand weapons
• Chaos Dwarf Handlers: Hand weapons

Special Rules: Armour Bane (1), Caged Fury, Close Order, Ensorcelled Weapons,
Immune to Psychology, Impact Hits (D6), Large Target,
Monster Handlers, Regeneration (6+), Terror, Unbreakable,
Hellcannon Warp-spawned
Part Daemon, part war
machine, a Hellcannon is a Caged Fury
massive construct of metal The Daemon bound within the Hellcannon constantly tests its bonds, attempting to break free.
that growls and shakes with
daemonic sentience. In battle, During the Start of Turn sub-phase of each of your turns, make a Leadership test for this
Hellcannons are guided by model. If this test is failed, roll immediately on the Hellcannon Misfire table.
teams of corrupt and sadistic
Chaos Dwarfs. These malign R S AP Special Rules
warsmiths escort and restrain Doomfire 12-60" 5 (10) -2 (-5) Bombardment, Cumbersome,
their charges, loading them by Move or Shoot, Multiple Wounds (D3)
shovelling the bodies of their Notes: This weapon shoots like a stone thrower, using the ‘Bombardment’ special rule, a 3" blast
enemies into the Hellcannon’s template and the Hellcannon Misfire table. Any unit that suffers one or more unsaved wounds
dire-furnace, where flesh from this weapon must make a Panic test as if it had taken heavy casualties.
runs like wax as the Daemon-
machine feasts on body and Hellcannon Misfire Table
bone. Soon, only the souls of D6 Result
its victims are left, harnessed 1 Free at Last! The Daemon breaks loose. Every unit (friend or foe) within 3D6"
in the Hellcannon’s gullet as suffers D6 Strength 5 hits, each with an AP of -1. Once these hits are resolved, the
crackling bolts of energy that Hellcannon is removed from play as a casualty.
are fired towards the enemy 2-4 Chomp! The Hellcannon’s handlers are sucked towards the furnace of the
in powerful spasms of malice. ravenous Daemon. Remove one of the Hellcannon’s Chaos Dwarf Handlers.
These crackling blasts of raw 5-6 Blooood! The Hellcannon breaks its chains, immediately moving 3D6" as if
energy soar through the air it were subject to the Random Movement special rule and as if this were the
into their targets, liquefying Compulsory Moves sub-phase.
anything they touch and
sending the survivors insane
with fear.

76 Warriors of Chaos
Wyverns Monster
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Wyvern 4 5 - 6 (+1) (+4) 3 3 - +130
Notes: A character mounted on a Wyvern has +1 Toughness and +4 Wounds.

Troop Type: Monstrous creature

Base Size: 50 x 100 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Wicked claws (see below), venomous tail (see below) and
scaly skin (counts as heavy armour)
Special Rules: Close Order, Fly (9), Large Target, Stomp Attacks (D3),
Swiftstride, Terror

R S AP Special Rules
Wicked claws Combat S -2 -

R S AP Special Rules
Venomous tail Combat S - Poisoned Attacks, Strike First Wyverns
Note: In combat, this model must make one of its attacks each turn with this weapon. From a distance, a Wyvern
swooping and soaring
between mountain peaks
Character Mount: A Wyvern may only be included in your army as a character’s might be mistaken for a
mount. Its points are added to that of its rider. Dragon. Up close, there can
be no such confusion. Where
Dragons are haughty and
noble creatures, Wyverns are
filthy, foul smelling beasts
with jagged and dirty teeth
protruding from their heavy
jaws, making a Wyvern the
perfect mount for any Orc
that possesses enough brute
force and ignorance to master
one. As mounts, Wyverns
are well-equipped for battle.
Their pot-bellied bodies are
protected by layers of fat
and thick, scaly hides. Their
gnarled feet and ragged wings
are tipped with savage claws,
and their long, lumpy tails
end in venomous barbs.

Orc & Goblin Tribes 35

Deathshrieker Rocket Launcher
War Machine
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Deathshrieker - - - - 6 3 - - - 120
Rocket Launcher Deathshrieker Rockets
Chaos Dwarf Crew 3 3 3 3 4 3 2 3 9 - The Deathshrieker is one of
the more diabolical weapons
Troop Type: War machine of the Chaos Dwarfs. Bound
Base Size: 50 x 75 mm (war machine), 25 x 25 mm (crew) up within its munitions are
Unit Size: 1 howling, malevolent fire
Equipment: Demolition Rockets (see below), Infernal Incendiaries (see below), spirits harvested from the
hand weapons and heavy armour cinders of Hashut’s sacrificial
altars, and it is the hellish
Options: shrieking of these spirits
• May have the Hellbound special rule.................................................................................+30 points when loosed that gives the
• May have a Steam Carriage...................................................................................................+10 points weapon its name. The packed
multiple warheads of the
Special Rules: Blackshard Armour, Skirmishers Deathshrieker detonate in
the air above the battlefield
Demolition Rockets & Infernal Incendiaries in a storm of fire. Screaming,
Each turn, a Deathshrieker rocket launcher can fire one of the two different types of rocket fanged tendrils of flame
described below. plunge downwards from
the blast and expend their
R S AP Special Rules strength actively seeking
Demolition rockets 12-48" 3 (6) - (-3) Armour Bane (1), Bombardment, out victims. The tormented
Cumbersome, Move or Shoot, spirits are far from discerning
Multiple Wounds (D6) though as to whose flesh
Notes: This weapon shoots like a stone thrower, using the ‘Bombardment’ special rule, a 3" blast they burn, and the Dawi
template and the Black Powder Misfire table. The Multiple Wounds (D6) special rule applies only Zharr must be cautious lest
to a single model whose base lies underneath the central hole of the blast template. their own suffer from the
wrathful weapon.
R S AP Special Rules
Infernal 12-48" 3 (3) - (-) Bombardment, Cumbersome,
incendiaries Flaming Attacks, Move or Shoot
Notes: This weapon shoots like a stone thrower, using the ‘Bombardment’ special rule, a 5" blast
template and the Black Powder Misfire table. Any unit that suffers one or more unsaved wounds
from this weapon must make a Panic test as if it had taken heavy casualties.
Dreadquake Mortar
War Machine
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Dreadquake Mortar - - - - 7 4 - - - 165
Chaos Dwarf Crew 3 3 3 3 4 3 2 3 9 - Dreadquake Mortars
Ogre Loader - 3 - 4 - (+2) 2 (+2) - +20 Dreadquake Mortars are
Note: The crew of a Dreadquake Mortar with an Ogre Loader has +2 Wounds and +2 Attacks, amongst the largest and
the Weapon Skill, Strength and Initiative of which are shown above. most effective of all the
mighty siege weapons
Troop Type: War machine deployed by the Dawi Zharr.
Base Size: N/A The Dreadquake’s deadly
Unit Size: 1 projectiles are fired by steam
Equipment: Dreadquake Mortar (see below), hand weapons and heavy armour pressure that is generated by a
boiler and contained within a
Options: pressure vessel – conventional
• May have an Ogre Loader......................................................................................................+20 points gunpowder being far
• May have the Hellbound special rule.................................................................................+30 points too dangerous given the
• May have a Steam Carriage...................................................................................................+10 points volatility of the Dreadquake’s
unique and powerful shells.
Special Rules: Blackshard Armour, Skirmishers These shells are of a secret
construction whose arcana is
R S AP Special Rules the sole preserve of the Chaos
Dreadquake 12-72" 3 (6) - (-3)Bombardment, Cumbersome, Dwarf Sorcerer Lords and
mortar Move or Shoot, Multiple Wounds (D6), prophets of Hashut. When
Quake, Slow Reload fired from the Dreadquake
Notes: This weapon shoots like a stone thrower, using the ‘Bombardment’ special rule, a 5" blast they burst into a roaring,
template and the Black Powder Misfire table. The Multiple Wounds (D6) special rule applies only blood-red light, smashing
to a single model whose base lies underneath the central hole of the blast template. into the ground like a
hammer-blow from the gods,
Dreadquake Mortar Special Rules shattering buildings and
Quake: Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, any unit (friend or foe) that was within bleeding crimson energy from
2D6" of the central hole of the blast template after scattering suffers a -1 modifier to its the wounded earth.
Movement characteristic and cannot use the Swiftstride special rule.

Slow Reload: If this weapon shot during your previous turn, it may be unable to shoot
during this turn. Roll a D6 before shooting with this weapon. On a roll of 1-2, the slow
and ponderous reload process has not yet been completed and the weapon does not shoot
this turn. If the Dreadquake Mortar has an Ogre Loader, you may apply a +1 modifier to
this roll.
Magma Cannon
War Machine
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Magma Cannon - - - - 6 3 - - - 125
Chaos Dwarf Crew 3 3 3 3 4 3 2 3 9 - Magma Cannon
A fiendish weapon first
Troop Type: War machine conceived of for use against
Base Size: 50 x 100 mm (war machine), 25 x 25 mm (crew) the ravening Trolls and other
Unit Size: 1 unwholesome monsters that
Equipment: Fire thrower, hand weapons and heavy armour spawn and multiply in the
Dark Lands, the Magma
Options: Cannon is something of a
• May have the Hellbound special rule.................................................................................+30 points cross between a field artillery
• May have a Steam Carriage...................................................................................................+10 points piece and a furnace. It is
designed to spew molten
Special Rules: Blackshard Armour, Skirmishers metal and fire upon its
victims, horrifically burning
them to death.
Hobgoblin Bolt Thrower
Hobgoblin Bolt Throwers
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points Hobgoblins are not deemed
Bolt Thrower - - - - 4 3 - - - 45 capable of crewing complex
Hobgoblin Crew 4 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 6 - war machines. Instead,
Hobgoblins wheel to battle
Troop Type: War machine crude but effective bolt
Base Size: 50 x 50 mm (war machine), 25 x 25 mm (crew) throwers. These lightweight
Unit Size: 1 war machines are fielded
Equipment: Bolt thrower, hand weapons and light armour to great effect in support
Special Rules: Levies, Skirmishers of the Dawi Zharr armies,
though it is not unheard of
for accidents to occur, leading
to the skewering of many an
unwary Chaos Dwarf !
Chaos Dwarfs Magic Items
Magic Items Cursed Artefacts
The pages that follow detail magic items unique to Chaos Dwarf armies. These can be The endlessly burning forge-
purchased by models within a Chaos Dwarf army in exactly the same way as Common fires of Zharr-Naggrund
magic items, as described in the Warhammer: the Old World rulebook. howl with the tortured souls
of the sacrifices that fuel
Extremely Common Magic Items: Any magic item marked with an asterisk (*) them. Within gargantuan
is considered to be extremely common, as described in the Warhammer: the Old workshops that teem
World rulebook. with rank upon rank of
indentured artificers, great
Magic Weapons steam hammers rise and
drop in a perpetual rhythm,
Black Hammer Of Hashut.............................................................................60 points their deafening clamour an
This burning, black-hafted hammer bears the horned rune of Hashut, Father of Darkness, and has unwavering drum beat that
been carried into battle for centuries by the champions of Zharr-Naggrund. sets an impossible pace for the
unfortunate workers that toil
R S AP Special Rules until they drop, forging the
Black Hammer Combat S+2 -1 (Killing Blow), Flaming Attacks, hellish weapons of the Dawi
of Hashut Magical Attacks, Multiple Wounds (D3) Zharr. Upon the still glowing
Notes: Against models with the Flammable special rule, this weapon also has the Killing Blow blades of the wicked axes, and
special rule. the baroque armour plates
that flow endlessly from
Dark Maul.........................................................................................................50 points these terrible workshops, the
This mysterious weapon of unknown origin smoulders with a dark power that seems to eat the Sorcerer-Priests of Hashut
light around it and devours the warmth of its victims, leaving them withered husks. inscribe evil runes and craft
leering, daemonic faces,
R S AP Special Rules binding the evil spirits that
Dark Maul Combat S -2 Killing Blow, Magical Attacks gather about their fires to the
Notes: Any enemy model that suffers one or more unsaved wounds from the Dark Maul must spoils of their industry, before
immediately make a Strength test. If this test is failed, the enemy model loses an additional Wound. quenching the shrieking
blades in great cauldrons
Dagger Of Malice.............................................................................................35 points of blood.
Said to have been found in an ancient barrow, this hooked blade whispers tales of murder and
violence to any that grasp its hilt. Its edge has never dulled, no matter how many lives it has taken.

Special Rules
Dagger of Malice Combat S -
Frenzy, Hatred (all enemies),
Magical Attacks
Notes: Unlike other Frenzied models, the wielder of the Dagger of Malice cannot lose this
special rule.

The Graven Sceptre.........................................................................................30 points

A badge of rank carried by the lords of Gorgoth, this iron staff carries the runic names of the
masters of the Black Fortress since its founding, bound up with the baleful prayers of Hashut.

R S AP Special Rules
The Graven Combat S+1 - Magical Attacks
Notes: When making a roll To Wound for a hit caused with the Graven Sceptre, a roll of 4+ is
always a success, regardless of the target’s Toughness.
Magic Armour Magic Standards
Armour Of Bazherak The Cruel..................... 50 points The Lammasu’s Beard........................................ 65 points
Once worn by the Castellan of the Tower of Gorgoth, this armour This totem depicts the leering face of an old man, beneath
was pulled from the Bitter Sea along with its owner’s drowned which bristles a blood-stained beard torn from the chin of an
corpse to stand as a warning to the arrogant of the price of hubris. ancient Lammasu.

The Armour of Bazherak the Cruel is a suit of full plate A unit carrying the Lammasu’s Beard has a 6+ Ward save
armour. In addition, its wearer has the Immune to Psychology against any wounds suffered and gains the Magic Resistance
and Magic Resistance (-2) special rules. (-2) special rule. In addition, whilst within 6" of the model
carrying this standard, friendly units have a 5+ Ward save
The Mask Of The Furnace................................40 points against any wounds suffered during the Shooting phase and
This iron mask contains the essence and agonies of all who have gain the Magic Resistance (-1) special rule.
perished before it in the fires of sacrifice.
Ashen Banner...................................................... 30 points
May be worn with other armour. The wearer of the Mask of Clouds of soot and ash billow from this smouldering pennant,
the Furnace improves their armour value by 1 (to a maximum concealing its bearers from their enemies.
of 2+). In addition, they have a 3+ Ward save against any
wounds suffered that were caused by an attack that has the Any enemy model that targets a unit carrying the Ashen
Flaming Attacks special rule. Banner during the Shooting phase suffers an additional -1 To
Hit modifier.
Overseer’s Sigil.................................................... 25 points
Mantle of Stone*................................................. 30 points Beneath this hateful banner the workers of Zharr-Naggrund must
Stitched from the flayed flesh of failed sorcerer-apprentices, a Stone swear devotion to their dark masters.
Mantle preserves the wearer and reminds them of failure’s price.
Whilst within 9" of the model carrying the Overseer’s Sigil,
The wearer of a Mantle of Stone has a +1 modifier to friendly units lose the Levies special rule.
their Toughness characteristic, but a -1 modifier to their
Initiative characteristic. Shroud Of The Ancestor .................................. 10 points
Those that march beneath this black pennant, supposedly torn
Hellshard..............................................................20 points from the corpse of an unnamed Ancestor in ages past, seethe with
The malice of its wearer resides within the Hellshard’s black depths, rage towards their hated western kin.
waiting to be unleashed on any who would dare spill their blood.
A unit carrying the Shroud of the Ancestor gains the Hatred
If the bearer of the Hellshard loses their last Wound to an (Dwarfs) special rule.
enemy attack during the Combat phase, the unit that made
the attack suffers D6 Strength 5 hits, each with an AP of -1.
Enchanted Items Arcane Items
Daemonic Familiar............................................. 30 points Daemon Flask...................................................... 50 points
The Chaos Dwarfs bind many daemonic creatures to their will. In This rune-inscribed vessel holds a raging daemonic entity of
battle, these entities cluster about their master’s enemies, feeding phenomenal power. When unleashed its screams can shatter stone
hungrily upon the wards that protect them. and cause the ground to split asunder as it flees into the æther.

Enemy models engaged in combat with the owner of a Single use. During the Command sub-phase of their turn, the
Daemonic Familiar must reduce the armour value of any bearer of the Daemon Flask may open it. When they do so, all
Ward or Regeneration save they have by 1, to a minimum of enemy units that are within this character’s Command range
6+. must make a Panic test.

Breath Of Hashut............................................... 25 points Vial Of Lammasu Blood...................................40 points

Through the blackest of sorceries, the breath of Hashut can be The blood of a Lammasu is a powerful ward against magic.
sealed within an earthen jar and unleashed upon his foes. Consuming it still warm allows a sorcerer to dispel the petty
conjurations of their rivals with ease.
Single use. The Breath of Hashut is a breath weapon with the
following profile: Single use. A Wizard may use this item instead of making a
dispel attempt. If they do so, the spell is automatically dispelled
R S AP Special Rules with no Dispel roll required.
N/A 4 -2 Breath Weapon,
Flaming Attacks, Note that a perfect invocation cannot be dispelled.
Magical Attacks
Scroll Of Binding*.............................................. 30 points
Obsidian Vambraces.......................................... 15 points Chaos Dwarf Sorcerers make many foul bargains with Daemons,
Carved of cold, hard obsidian, these powerful yet fragile artefacts hoping to increase their powers. These infernal contracts are etched
ward against magic. in blood upon scrolls of binding.

The wearer of the Obsidian Vambraces has a +1 modifier to Single use. A Wizard may use this scroll when attempting to
their Strength characteristic and the Magic Resistance (-1) cast a spell. If they do so, the Wizard rolls 3D6 when making
special rule. However, if they roll a natural 1 when making a their Casting roll (rather than the usual 2D6). However, if
roll To Hit during the Combat phase, the gauntlets shatter a double 1 is rolled on any two of the dice rolled, the spell
into pieces and can no longer be used. is miscast.
Chaos Dwarfs Special Rules
A game of Warhammer: the Old World is packed with fantastic creatures and skilled warriors with abilities so incredible
and varied that the basic rules cannot possibly cover them all. For such circumstances we have special rules –
uncommon rules to govern uncommon circumstances.

On this page you will find a full description for each of the army special rules used by models drawn from the Chaos Dwarfs
army list:

Backstab Hellbound
Hobgoblins are treacherous and underhanded creatures that excel Although a touch of the daemonic enters into all the works of the
at stabbing their enemies (and often their friends) in the back. Chaos Dwarfs, some war machines have hellish entities bound into
their very frames, creating possessed engines of wrath and ruin.
If a unit with this special rule is engaged with an enemy unit’s
flank or rear arc, it may re-roll any failed rolls To Hit made A Hellbound model has a 6+ Ward save against any wounds
against that enemy unit. suffered that were caused by a non-magical enemy attack and
gains both the Fear and Magical Attacks special rules. If the
Blackshard Armour model already has the Fear special rule, it instead gains the
Glowing eternally with the flame of its forging, Blackshard armour Terror special rule. Additionally, once per game, a Hellbound
protects its wearer from fire and heat. model may re-roll one Scatter dice or one Artillery dice.
However, should a Hellbound model ever have to make a roll
A model with this special rule has a 5+ Ward save against any on a Misfire table, it suffers a -1 modifier to the result.
wounds suffered that were caused by an attack that has the
Flaming Attacks special rule. In addition, a Wizard with this Resolute
special rule may wear armour without penalty. Chaos Dwarfs are grim and determined warriors that abandon a
position with great reluctance.
Blazing Body
This creature’s flesh burns with the intensity of a furnace, wreathing Models with this special rule suffer a -1 modifier to the result
its form in clouds of black smoke and burning embers. of any Flee roll or Pursuit roll they make (to a minimum of 1).

At the start of every Combat phase, any model (friend or foe) Note that this modifier does not apply to mounted characters.
that is in base contact with this model and that does not also
have this special rule suffers a single Strength 3 hit with an AP Stampede
of -. This hit has the Flaming Attacks special rule. When Bull Centaurs charge, the ground itself trembles and the
enemy is crushed beneath their brazen hooves.
Note that any Wounds lost due to these hits do not count towards
the combat result. Impact Hits caused by a model with this special rule have an
Armour Piercing characteristic of -2.
Ensorcelled Weapons
The blighted furnaces of Zharr-Naggrund endlessly churn out
heavy, black-bladed weapons, each inscribed with dark runes that
glow with an evil light.

A hand weapon carried by a model with this special rule has

the Magical Attacks special rule and an Armour Piercing
characteristic of -1.

Note that this special rule only applies to a single, non-magical

hand weapon and does not apply to a model’s mount (should it
have one). If the model is using two hand weapons or any other sort
of weapon, this special rule ceases to apply.
Lore Of Hashut
T he Chaos Dwarfs study forge-craft, weapon making and the dark magics of Hashut himself in equal measure. Using
this forbidden lore, they forge their terrible weapons and craft their arcane devices.

A Wizard with the ‘Lore of Hashut’ special rule may discard one of their randomly generated spells as normal. When they do so,
they may select instead either the signature spell of their chosen Lore of Magic, or one of the spells listed below.

Curse Of Hashut Storm Of Ash

Channelling the malediction that inflicts their own twisted body, The sorcerer summons forth a hellish storm of choking hot ash,
the sorcerer turns the dark curse of Hashut upon their enemies, scalding and blinding anything and anyone unfortunate enough
causing their bones to petrify and their flesh to grow grey and to be caught in its path.
brittle, before crumbling to dust.
Type: Hex
Type: Magic Missile Casting Value: 10+
Casting Value: 9+ Range: Self
Range: 18" Effect: Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, all
Effect: This spell can only target enemy characters. enemy units suffer a -1 modifier to any rolls To Hit made
However, it may target any enemy character that is within whilst within 9" of the caster’s model (rolls of a natural 6
range and that the caster can draw a line of sight to, are unaffected).
regardless of the usual rules for targeting characters, and
may even target an enemy character that has joined a unit Flames Of Hashut
or that is engaged in combat.
The fiery breath of Hashut erupts around the sorcerer, engulfing
The target enemy character must immediately make a their body and scorching their foes.
Toughness test. If this test is passed, it suffers D3 Strength
2 hits, each with an AP of -. If, however, this test is Type: Assailment
failed, it suffers D3+2 Strength 5 hits, with no armour Casting Value: 9+
or Regeneration saves permitted (Ward saves can be Range: Combat
attempted as normal). Effect: A single enemy unit the caster is engaged in combat
with suffers D3+1 Strength 4 hits, each with an AP of -1.
These hits have the Flaming Attacks special rule.
Weapons Of Zharr-Naggrund
R ightly are the Chaos Dwarfs known as the armourers of the Ruinous Powers, and their creations are made not simply
from iron and fire, but blood, souls and the raw stuff of chaos itself.

Many such accursed weapons are bartered and traded with the Champions of the north in return for captives, gold and stranger
treasures, but not all. The finest weapons of the Dawi Zharr are jealously hoarded.

Blood Of Hashut Fireglaive

This powerful alchemical substance is saturated with daemonic A Fireglaive is a compact, heavily constructed repeating handgun
magic that bursts into molten flame upon contact with metal. that incorporates a single-edged chopping blade, allowing a skilled
fighter to wield it in combat much like a halberd.
Single use. Instead of attacking normally during the Combat
phase, a model equipped with one or more vials of the Blood Fireglaive R S AP Special Rules
of Hashut can make a single attack to expend one vial. Make Ranged 18" 4 -1 Armour Bane (1)
a single roll To Hit. If successful, the enemy suffers D6 hits. Combat Combat S+1 -1 Armour Bane (1),
These hits can be directed against a unit or against a single Requires Two Hands
enemy model. Notes: A Fireglaive has two profiles, representing its duality of
purpose as both a ranged and combat weapon.
When rolling To Wound, the target number is the same as the
armour value of the model(s) hit. For example, if the model(s) Hailshot Blunderbuss
hit wear heavy armour, the target number for the rolls To A Hailshot blunderbuss is a broad-barrelled weapon that fires
Wound would be 5+, the same as the armour value of heavy a concentrated but short-ranged burst of shot. When fired in
armour. No armour save is permitted against wounds caused massed ranks, these weapons produce a deadly storm, capable of
by the Blood of Hashut (Ward and Regeneration saves can obliterating enemy formations.
be attempted as normal). Hits caused by the Blood of Hashut
have the Flaming Attacks and Magical Attacks special rules. R S AP Special Rules
Hailshot 12" 3 -1 Multiple Shots (D3),
Darkforged Weapon blunderbuss Volley Fire
These weapons vary in style and shape, as do the abilities granted Notes: A model armed with a Hailshot blunderbuss suffers no
them by the twisted runes inscribed upon them. negative modifiers for firing at long range, for using the Multiple
Shots (D3) special rule, or whilst making a Stand & Shoot charge
A Darkforged weapon is a hand weapon, and can be used in reaction. In addition, if 20 or more models belonging to the same
conjunction with the Ensorcelled Weapons special rule. In unit shoot at the same target with Hailshot blunderbusses, they
addition, after deployment but before the first turn begins, roll may re-roll any rolls of a natural 1 when rolling To Wound.
on the table below to determine an attribute for the weapon.
The weapon has this attribute for the duration of the battle: Naptha Bombs
Containing sorcerous concoctions of sulphurous chemicals and
Darkforged Weapon Table the distilled essence of sundered fire-Daemons, Naptha bombs are
D6 Result unstable explosive flasks which shatter when thrown, unleashing a
1 Infernal Blade: This weapon gains the Flaming mass of seething flame.
Attacks special rule.
2 Malignant: The bearer of this weapon gains the R S AP Special Rules
Hatred (all enemies) special rule. Naptha 6" 3 - Flaming Attacks,
3 Life Bane: This weapon gains the Multiple Wounds bomb Ponderous,
(D3) special rule. Quick Shot
4 Dweomer Leach: The bearer of this weapon gains Notes: If the roll To Hit is successful, a naptha bomb causes D3+1
the Magic Resistance (-1) special rule. hits to the target enemy unit, rather than the usual one.
5 Hell-forged: This weapon has a Strength
characteristic of S+1.
6 Spell-wrought: If the bearer of this weapon is a
Wizard, they may apply a +1 modifier to any Casting
roll they make. If the bearer of this weapon is not a
Wizard, improve the Armour Piercing characteristic
of this weapon by 1.
Legacy Army List
Daemons Of Chaos Legacy Army List
T his page details the Grand Army composition list for the Daemons of Chaos. This is the default army composition list
for this faction. Using this army composition list to write your muster list will give you the widest variety of units to
choose from and create a broad and balanced force.

This army list is intended for use alongside the ‘Forming Units’ and ‘Warhammer Armies’ sections of the Warhammer: the Old
World rulebook. Over the following pages you will find profiles and rules for each of the models in your army. These pages give
you all of the information that you need to shape your collection of models into the units which will in turn form a force ready
for battle.

Grand Army Composition List

Characters Special
Up to 50% of your army’s points value may be spent on: Up to 50% of your army’s points value may be spent on:

• 0-1 Greater Daemon (of Khorne, Nurgle, Slaanesh • Bloodletters, Flesh Hounds, Plaguebearers, Nurglings,
or Tzeentch) Daemonettes, Seekers, Pink Horrors, Blue Horrors and
• 0-1 Daemonic Herald of Khorne, Nurgle, Slaanesh or Brimstone Horrors
Tzeentch per unit with the same Daemonic Alignment • If your General is a:
• 0-1 Daemon Prince per 1,000 points - Daemon of Khorne, Bloodcrushers may be taken as
Special choices
Core - Daemon of Nurgle, Beasts of Nurgle and Plague Drones
At least 25% of your army’s points value must be spent on: may be taken as Special choices
- Daemon of Slaanesh, Fiends, Hellflayers and Seeker
• If your General is a: Chariots may be taken as Special choices
- Daemon of Khorne, Bloodletters and Flesh Hounds - Daemon of Tzeentch, Flamers and Screamers may be
may be taken as Core choices taken as Special choices
- Daemon of Nurgle, Plaguebearers and Nurglings may be
taken as Core choices Rare
- Daemon of Slaanesh, Daemonettes and Seekers may be Up to 25% of your army’s points value may be spent on:
taken as Core choices
- Daemon of Tzeentch, Pink Horrors, Blue Horrors and • Bloodcrushers, Beasts of Nurgle, Plague Drones, Fiends,
Brimstone Horrors may be taken as Core choices Hellflayers, Seeker Chariots, Flamers, Screamers, Burning
• Chaos Furies Chariots and Soul Grinders
• 0-1 Skull Cannon of Khorne per 1,000 points

Battle Standard Bearer

A single Daemonic Herald in your army may be upgraded
to be your Daemonic Locus for +25 points. A Daemonic
Herald that has been upgraded to be your Daemonic
Locus gains the ‘Daemonic Locus’ special rule (see
page 32). In addition to their usual allowance of points
to spend on Daemonic Gifts, a Daemonic Locus can
purchase a single Daemonic Icon with no points limit.
Bloodthirster – Greater Daemon Of Khorne
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Bloodthirster 8 10 5 6 6 6 7 6 9 355
Bloodthirsters of Khorne
Troop Type: Behemoth (character) Bloodthirsters are not only
Base Size: 50 x 50 mm (min), 100 x 150 mm (max) the most deadly of Khorne’s
Unit Size: 1 Daemons, but perhaps the
Equipment: Hand weapon and heavy armour mightiest of all Daemonkind.
A single such creature is a
Options: harbinger of bellowing death,
• Must take one of the following: destructive beyond measure
- Bloodflail (see below)........................................................................................................+25 points and lives only for slaughter,
- Great axe (see below)........................................................................................................+35 points mayhem and the ruination
- Lash of Khorne (see below).............................................................................................+15 points of all it encounters. It is the
• May purchase Daemonic Gifts up to a total of.............................................................. 100 points fury of battle given physical
form, the unfettered primal
Special Rules: Daemonic, Daemonic Charge, Daemon of Khorne, Fly (10), rage of the world made flesh.
Furious Charge, Impact Hits (D3), Impetuous, Infernal Favour (2), Such should be expected of a
Large Target, Magic Resistance (-2), Terror beast whose liege lord is the
god of bloodletting, slaughter
Daemonic Charge and murder. In one hand,
Filled with rage and fury, a charging Bloodthirster crushes its foes beneath its brazen hooves. the Bloodthirster carries an
ensorcelled axe that hungers
Impact Hits caused by this model have an Armour Piercing characteristic of -2. for blood and death; in the
other, the Daemon wields
R S AP Special Rules a barded lash with which it
Bloodflail Combat S+2 -2 Armour Bane (1), Multiple Wounds (D3) flays the flesh from the bones
Notes: A Bloodflail’s Strength modifier applies only during the first round of combat. of its victims.

R S AP Special Rules
Great axe Combat S+2 -3 Armour Bane (2), Monster Slayer,
Requires Two Hands, Strike Last

R S AP Special Rules
Lash of Khorne Combat S -2 Armour Bane (1), Strike First
Daemonic Herald Of Khorne
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Herald of Khorne 5 7 4 5 4 2 6 3 8 80
Heralds of Khorne
Troop Type: Heavy infantry (character) Most feared amongst the vast
Base Size: 30 x 30 mm hordes of Bloodletters are
Unit Size: 1 the dread Heralds of Khorne.
Equipment: Hellblade (see page 35) and calloused hide (counts as light armour) Driven insane by their
desperate need for slaughter,
Options: Heralds of Khorne attack
• May be mounted on a: their foes with a wrath that
- Juggernaut of Khorne........................................................................................................+50 points eclipses even that of other
- Blood Throne of Khorne..................................................................................................See page 7 Bloodletters. They hack and
• May purchase Daemonic Gifts up to a total of.................................................................50 points cleave at their foes in bloody
arcs, seeking to sever heads
Special Rules: Daemonic, Daemon of Khorne, Furious Charge*, Impetuous, and cut off limbs in the name
Infernal Favour (1), Magic Resistance (-1) of their blood-hungry god.

*Note that this special rule does not apply to this model's mount (should it have one). Juggernauts of Khorne
Juggernauts are massive
armoured creatures that
Juggernaut Of Khorne are part Daemon, part
ensorcelled steel and sinew.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points Fuelled by a primordial rage
Juggernaut of Khorne 7 4 - 5 (+1) (+1) 2 2 - +50 that courses through their
Note: A character mounted on a Juggernaut of Khorne has +1 Toughness and +1 Wound. body, Juggernauts thunder
towards the foe with near
Troop Type: Monstrous cavalry unstoppable momentum,
Base Size: 50 x 75 mm kicking up sparks with each
Unit Size: 1 step of their iron-shod hooves
Equipment: Brass bound hooves (see below) and brazen hide (counts as barding) as their brass snouts spew
Special Rules: Armoured Hide (1), Daemonic, Daemon of Khorne, First Charge, choking black steam into the
Impact Hits (2), Swiftstride air with every breath.

R S AP Special Rules
Brass bound Combat S -2 -
Bloodletters Of Khorne
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Bloodletter 5 5 3 4 3 1 4 1 7 14
Bloodreaper 5 5 3 4 3 1 4 2 7 +7 Bloodletters of Khorne
Bloodletters form the main
Troop Type: Heavy infantry body of the Blood God’s
Base Size: 30 x 30 mm armies. When loosed into
Unit Size: 8+ the fray, they sprint from one
Equipment: Hellblades (see page 35) and calloused hides (counts as light armour) enemy to another, swinging
their infernal Hellblades in
Options: long, sweeping cuts in order
• Any unit may: to hack their foes limb from
- Upgrade one model to a Bloodreaper (champion)................................... +7 points per unit limb. Before a foe’s severed
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer.................................................... +7 points per unit head has even touched the
- Upgrade one model to a musician................................................................. +7 points per unit ground, their killer will have
- May purchase a Daemonic Icon worth up to..............................................................50 points dashed off in search of more
skulls to offer in tribute
Special Rules: Close Order, Daemonic, Daemons of Khorne, Impetuous, to Khorne.
Magic Resistance (-1)
Flesh Hounds of Khorne
Flesh Hounds are rapacious
Flesh Hounds Of Khorne wolf-like Daemons, both
reptilian and savagely canine
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points in appearance. They are
Flesh Hound 8 5 0 4 4 2 4 2 7 32 Khorne’s blood-hunters,
powerful and swift in equal
Troop Type: Heavy cavalry measure. The Flesh Hounds
Base Size: 30 x 60 mm are valued above all others by
Unit Size: 5+ the Lord of Skulls, lavished
Equipment: Claws and fangs (counts as hand weapons) and with ornate brass collars to
calloused hides (counts as light armour) protect them from the effects
of hostile magic.
• 0-1 unit per 1,000 points may:
- The Ambushers special rule........................................................................ +3 points per model
- The Vanguard special rule............................................................................ +2 points per model

Special Rules: Armour Bane (1), Close Order, Counter Charge, Daemonic,
Daemons of Khorne, Impetuous, Magic Resistance (-2)
Bloodcrushers Of Khorne
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Bloodletter - 5 3 4 4 3 4 1 7 65
Bloodreaper - 5 3 4 4 3 4 2 7 +7 Bloodcrushers of Khorne
Juggernaut of Khorne 7 4 - 5 - - 2 2 - - The most favoured of all
Bloodletters are granted
Troop Type: Monstrous cavalry the privilege of becoming
Base Size: 50 x 75 mm Bloodcrushers. These brass-
Unit Size: 3+ bound brutes are Khorne’s
Equipment: shock cavalry, combining
• Bloodletters: Hellblades (see page 35) and calloused hides (counts as light armour) the deadly prowess of a
• Juggernauts of Khorne: Brass bound hooves (see below) and frenzied Bloodletter and
brazen hide (counts as barding) the unstoppable crushing
mass of a Juggernaut of
Options: Khorne. When the Lord
• Any unit may: of Skulls’ mighty legions
- Upgrade one model to a Bloodreaper (champion)................................... +7 points per unit march to war, bellowing
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer.................................................... +7 points per unit hordes of Bloodcrushers
- Upgrade one model to a musician................................................................. +7 points per unit stampede across the
- May purchase a Daemonic Icon worth up to..............................................................50 points battlefield, trampling
Khorne’s foes into a bloody
Special Rules: Armoured Hide (1), Close Order, Daemonic, Daemon of Khorne, smear. As soon as battle
Impact Hits (2), Impetuous, Magic Resistance (-1), Swiftstride commences, Bloodcrushers
relentlessly hurl themselves
R S AP Special Rules at the strongest points of the
Brass bound Combat S -2 - enemy’s lines. Here, they hack
hooves and slash their way through
the strongest troops the
foe can muster, honouring
Khorne’s name with savage
joy for each enemy slain.
Blood Throne Of Khorne
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Blood Throne 7 5 - 5 5 4 2 3 - +160
Bloodletter Crew (x2) - 5 3 4 - - 4 1 7 - Blood Thrones of Khorne
A Blood Throne of Khorne is
Troop Type: Heavy Chariot no mere bastion of command
Base Size: 50 x 100 mm as it might be amongst an
Unit Size: 1 army of mortal warriors, it
Armour Value: 4+ is instead a mighty Daemon
Equipment: Engine of armoured brass and
• Blood Throne: Brazen wheels and scything blades (counts as a hand weapon) bleached skulls. From atop
• Bloodletter Crew: Hellblades (see page 35) their macabre chariot, the
Heralds of Khorne eagerly
Special Rules: Close Order, Daemonic, Daemon of Khorne, First Charge, Gorefeast, observe the field of battle,
Impact Hits (D6+1), Impetuous, Totem of Endless Bloodletting hunting for a skull worthy
of claiming in the name of
Gorefeast the Blood God – prowling
The blood and skulls of the fallen are consumed by a Blood Throne, fed into its infernal workings to impatiently back and forth
bring the daemonic engine fresh vigour. in anticipation of the coming
slaughter. Should the Herald
For each Wound an enemy unit loses as a result of an Impact Hit caused by this model, roll riding the Blood Throne be
a D6. For each roll of 6, this model immediately recovers a single lost Wound. truly favoured by Khorne,
the Throne becomes a locus
Totem Of Endless Bloodletting of the Blood God’s power,
A Blood Throne is a physical manifestation of the Blood God’s favour. In its presence, Daemons of bestowing his divine gifts
Khorne are driven into a raging bloodlust. upon nearby Daemons,
lending his ferocity to their
Friendly Daemons of Khorne that are within this model’s Command range and that blows and driving them into a
made a Charge move this turn may re-roll any rolls To Hit of a natural 1 made during the maddened fury.
Combat phase.

Character Mount: A Blood Throne of Khorne may only be included in your army as
a character’s mount. Its points are added to that of its rider.
Skull Cannon Of Khorne
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Skull Cannon 7 5 - 5 5 4 2 3 - 185
Bloodletter Crew (x2) - 5 3 4 - - 4 1 7 - Skull Cannon of Khorne
Legend says that the mighty
Troop Type: Heavy Chariot Skull Cannons were forged by
Base Size: 50 x 100 mm Khorne’s own hand, wrought
Unit Size: 1 into being in the hellish
Armour Value: 4+ furnaces at the foot of his
Equipment: great throne, beat into shape
• Skull Cannon: Brazen wheels and scything blades (counts as a hand weapon) and upon a massive anvil and
cannon of Khorne (see below) quenched in the blood of the
• Bloodletter Crew: Hellblades (see page 35) slain. Fuelled by the burning
souls of warriors killed in
Special Rules: Brazen Wheels, Close Order, Daemonic, Daemon of Khorne, the name of Khorne, these
First Charge, Impact Hits (D3+1), Impetuous, Stomp Attacks (D3) brass-clad war machines
launch flaming skulls across
Brazen Wheels the battlefield towards the
The brazen bulk of a Skull Cannon grinds inexorably across the battlefield, its churning wheels, foe, shattering bones and
driven by its daemonic engine, crushing all before it. exploding in a blaze of
white-hot flame. It is not
Stomp Attacks made by a Skull Cannon of Khorne have an Armour Piercing characteristic only the powerful artillery
of -3. However, this rule cannot be used against models whose troop type is ‘behemoth’ – blasts that make these
they are simply too large to be caught beneath a Skull Cannon’s wheels. machines so feared, for their
churning wheels are not easily
Cannon of Khorne R S AP Special Rules slowed, grinding anything
Solid shot 36" 8 -2 Armour Bane (2), Cannon Fire, caught beneath them into a
Cumbersome, Multiple Wounds (D3) crimson puddle of gore and
Scatter shot N/A 4 -1 Breath Weapon splintered bone.
Notes: A Cannon of Khorne has two profiles, representing its two modes of firing. When firing
solid shot, this weapon shoots like a cannon, using the ‘Cannon Fire’ special rule. If a ‘Misfire’ is
rolled on the Artillery dice during step 2, this model loses a single Wound (instead of rolling on a
Misfire table).
Great Unclean One – Greater Daemon Of Nurgle
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Great Unclean One 5 6 3 6 7 7 4 5 9 330
Great Unclean Ones
Troop Type: Behemoth (character) The filth-riddled Daemons
Base Size: 50 x 50 mm (min), 150 x 100 mm (max) known as Great Unclean
Unit Size: 1 Ones, or Plague Lords, are the
Equipment: Hand weapon Greater Daemons of Nurgle.
These massive figures tower
Magic: A Great Unclean One is a Level 1 Wizard. Every Great Unclean One knows spells above their lesser kin, bloated
from one of the following Lores of Magic: with decay, disease and all
• Battle Magic imaginable kinds of physical
• Daemonology corruption. When roused to
• Dark Magic battle, Great Unclean Ones
are a truly horrifying sight;
Options: bellowing with unbridled joy
• May take one of the following: as they set about their foes
- Additional hand weapon................................................................................................... +6 points with massive swords that drip
- Bilesword (see below)........................................................................................................+10 points with virulent corruption, or
- Plagueflail (see below).......................................................................................................+25 points swinging monstrous, plague-
• May be a: ridden flails in devastating
- Level 2 Wizard....................................................................................................................+30 points arcs that crush and maim
- Level 3 Wizard....................................................................................................................+60 points those in their path. If their
- Level 4 Wizard....................................................................................................................+90 points physical onslaught were not
• May purchase Daemonic Gifts up to a total of.............................................................. 100 points enough to contend with, the
corpulent Daemons are often
Special Rules: Daemonic, Daemon of Nurgle, Infernal Favour (2), Large Target, incredibly potent magic users,
Lore of Daemons, Poisoned Attacks, Regeneration (5+), able to summon forth vast
Stomp Attacks (D3+1), Terror torrents of contagion and
plague with a simple gesture.
R S AP Special Rules
Bilesword Combat S -2 Armour Bane (1), Strike Last
Notes: Regeneration saves are not permitted against wounds caused by this weapon (armour and
Ward saves can be attempted as normal).

R S AP Special Rules
Plagueflail Combat S+2 -3 Multiple Wounds (D3)
Notes: A Plagueflail’s Strength modifier applies only during the first round of combat.
Daemonic Herald Of Nurgle
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Herald of Nurgle 4 5 5 5 5 2 4 3 8 95
Heralds of Nurgle
Troop Type: Regular infantry (character) Nurgle’s rot affects all of his
Base Size: 30 x 30 mm ‘children’ differently. The
Unit Size: 1 longer a victim endures
Equipment: Plaguesword (see page 35) against the rot, the greater
in the Plaguelord's standing
Magic: A Herald of Nurgle may be a Wizard (see below). A Herald of Nurgle that is a the resulting Daemon shall
Wizard knows spells from one of the following Lores of Magic: be, and it is from amongst
• Battle Magic these hardy individuals that
• Daemonology Nurgle chooses his heralds.
• Dark Magic These anointed champions
march at the head of Nurgle’s
Options: daemonic legions, standing
• May take death’s heads (see page 35).................................................................................+10 points as living reminders that even
• May be a: the strongest and most able
- Level 1 Wizard....................................................................................................................+30 points of folk cannot indefinitely
- Level 2 Wizard....................................................................................................................+60 points defy disease.
• May be mounted on a Palanquin of Nurgle....................................................................+40 points
• May purchase Daemonic Gifts up to a total of.................................................................50 points Palanquins of Nurgle
Oftentimes, a swarm of
Special Rules: Daemonic, Daemon of Nurgle, Infernal Favour (1), Lore of Daemons, Nurglings will carry a Herald
Poisoned Attacks, Regeneration (6+) of Nurgle atop a Palanquin –
an ornate throne decorated
with rotting finery. Though
Palanquin Of Nurgle slow-moving, Heralds of
Nurgle are happy to ride into
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points battle atop a Palanquin; for
Palanquin of Nurgle 4 3 - 3 - (+4) 3 D6+1 - +40 their lofty perch allows them
Note: A character mounted on a Palanquin of Nurgle has +4 Wounds. to easily survey the spread of
contagion and disease as the
Troop Type: Monstrous cavalry battle unfolds.
Base Size: 50 x 50 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Many grasping claws (counts as a hand weapon)
Special Rules: Daemonic, Daemon of Nurgle, Poisoned Attacks, Random Attacks
Plaguebearers Of Nurgle
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Plaguebearer 4 3 3 4 4 1 2 1 7 13
Plagueridden 4 3 3 4 4 1 2 2 7 +6 Tallymen of Nurgle
Plaguebearers are the rank
Troop Type: Regular infantry and file of Nurgle’s grotesque
Base Size: 30 x 30 mm legions, crafted from the
Unit Size: 7+ souls of mortals slain by
Equipment: Plagueswords (see page 35) Nurgle’s Rot. Plaguebearers
endeavour to keep track of
Options: the diseases their master
• Any unit may: unleashes, an onerous duty
- Upgrade one model to a Plagueridden (champion)................................. +6 points per unit that has earned them the
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer.................................................... +6 points per unit title of Nurgle’s Tallymen. In
- Upgrade one model to a musician................................................................. +6 points per unit battle, Plaguebearers lash out
- May purchase a Daemonic Icon worth up to..............................................................50 points at the enemy with wicked
blades covered in Nurgle’s
Special Rules: Close Order, Daemonic, Daemons of Nurgle, Poisoned Attacks, noxious gift.
Regeneration (6+)
Beasts of Nurgle
A Beast of Nurgle is no less
Beasts Of Nurgle deadly than it is morbidly and
irrefutably ugly. Its disgusting
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points form is both sticky and
Beast of Nurgle 5 3 0 4 5 4 2 D6+1 7 62 slimy, as virulent ooze seeps
from every disgusting pore.
Troop Type: Monstrous infantry Yet, despite its appearance,
Base Size: 50 x 75 mm the Beast is an affectionate
Unit Size: 2+ creature that behaves like an
Equipment: Hand weapons and writhing tentacles (see below) excitable, oversized puppy,
Special Rules: Attention Seeker, Close Order, Daemonic, Daemons of Nurgle, smothering its victims in a
Impetuous, Infernal Favour (1), Loner, Poisoned Attacks, playfully terminal embrace.
Random Attacks, Regeneration (5+), Slime Trail

Attention Seeker
Beasts of Nurgle bound enthusiastically towards newcomers, lavishing affection upon them.

Every model in a unit of Beasts of Nurgle can issue and accept challenges in the same
manner as a character.

Slime Trail
In their wake, Beasts of Nurgle leave prolific trails of thick slime through which those that follow
slip and slide most precariously.

Enemy units cannot claim any bonus combat result points for being engaged within this
unit’s flank or rear arc.

R S AP Special Rules
Writhing tentacles Combat S -1 Armour Bane (1)
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Nurglings 4 2 0 2 3 7 2 D3+1 5 45
Troop Type: Swarms Within the rotting bowels
Base Size: 40 x 40 mm of the Great Unclean Ones,
Unit Size: 3+ tiny malevolent Daemons are
Equipment: Hand weapons born of pus and contagion.
Special Rules: Daemonic, Daemons of Nurgle, Loner, Poisoned Attacks, Though the Nurglings usually
Random Attacks, Regeneration (6+), Skirmishers pass their time swarming
across the bloated form of
their sire, on occasion they
Plague Drones Of Nurgle will take to the field in great
chittering swarms, biting
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points and scratching at their foes
Plaguebearer - 3 3 4 5 3 2 1 7 63 with infected teeth and bile-
Plagueridden - 3 3 4 5 3 2 2 7 +7 soaked claws.
Rot Fly 1 3 - 5 - - 2 3 - -
Plague Drones
Troop Type: Monstrous cavalry High-ranking Plaguebearers
Base Size: 50 x 75 mm are known amongst the
Unit Size: 3+ legions of the Ruinous Powers
Equipment: as Plague Drones. As Nurgle’s
• Plaguebearers: Plagueswords (see page 35) and death’s heads (see page 35) favourites, these warriors
• Rot Flies: Filth-encrusted claws (counts as hand weapons) have the privilege of riding
into battle mounted upon
Options: Rot Flies – colossal daemonic
• Any unit may: insects whose foetid
- Upgrade one model to a Plagueridden (champion)................................. +7 points per unit appearance is so repugnant
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer.................................................... +7 points per unit it leaves festering scars upon
- Upgrade one model to a musician................................................................. +7 points per unit the minds of any mortals who
- May purchase a Daemonic Icon worth up to..............................................................50 points gaze upon them.
• The entire unit may take any of the following:
- Plague Proboscis (+1 Initiative)*................................................................ +2 points per model
- Venom sting (see below)............................................................................... +2 points per model

Special Rules: Armour Bane (2, Rot Fly only), Daemonic, Daemons of Nurgle, Fly (9),
Poisoned Attacks, Regeneration (6+), Skirmishers, Swiftstride

*Note that if this unit takes Plague Proboscises, the Initiative modifier applies only to the Rot Flies,
not to their riders.

R S AP Special Rules
Venom sting Combat S -1 Armour Bane (1)
Note: In combat, a Rot Fly makes one of its attacks each turn with this weapon.
Keeper Of Secrets – Greater Daemon Of Slaanesh
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Keeper of Secrets 8 7 6 6 6 6 7 6 9 330
Keeper of Secrets
Troop Type: Behemoth (character) A Keeper of Secrets is
Base Size: 50 x 50 mm (min), 100 x 150 mm (max) a despoiler of purity, a
Unit Size: 1 corrupter of the faithful and
Equipment: Impaling claws (see below) a harbinger of damnation
and sin. It draws its power
Magic: A Keeper of Secrets is a Level 1 Wizard. Every Keeper of Secrets knows spells from from the corruption of
one of the following Lores of Magic: others, feasting upon excess
• Daemonology as mortals might sup on
• Dark Magic fine wines and feast upon
• Illusion exquisite foods. In combat,
a Keeper of Secrets is a
Options: terrifying foe, for it delights
• May be a: in inflicting as much pain
- Level 2 Wizard....................................................................................................................+30 points as possible upon its victims.
- Level 3 Wizard....................................................................................................................+60 points With a graceful caress of its
- Level 4 Wizard....................................................................................................................+90 points razor-edged claws, it can slash
• May purchase Daemonic Gifts up to a total of.............................................................. 100 points through armour and bone
as easily as it parts flesh and
Special Rules: Daemonic, Daemon of Slaanesh, Infernal Favour (2), Large Target, muscle. No other Daemon,
Lore of Daemons, Stomp Attacks (D3), Swiftstride, Terror and few mortals, can hope
to match the fluid grace of a
R S AP Special Rules Keeper of Secrets, its clawed-
Impaling claws Combat S -2 Killing Blow, Strike First limbs and deadly weapons
moving like a blur as it dances
across the battlefield.
Daemonic Herald Of Slaanesh
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Herald of Slaanesh 6 6 4 4 3 2 6 3 8 85
Heralds of Slaanesh
Troop Type: Regular infantry (character) When not attending to
Base Size: 25 x 25 mm Slaanesh’s whimsical desires
Unit Size: 1 or plotting campaigns in
Equipment: Piercing claws (see page 35) their name, the chosen
favourites of the Dark Prince
Magic: A Herald of Slaanesh may be a Wizard (see below). A Herald of Slaanesh that is a are responsible for bringing
Wizard knows spells from one of the following Lores of Magic: news of courtly intrigue
• Daemonology and political strife to their
• Dark Magic perverse god. Furnished
• Illusion with such knowledge,
Slaanesh whispers into the
Options: easily corruptible minds of
• May be a: suspicious monarchs and
- Level 1 Wizard....................................................................................................................+30 points jealous warlords.
- Level 2 Wizard....................................................................................................................+60 points
• May be mounted on a: Steeds of Slaanesh
- Steed of Slaanesh................................................................................................................+16 points These daemonic mounts are
- Seeker Chariot................................................................................................................... See page 17 strange to behold, with long,
- Exalted Seeker Chariot................................................................................................... See page 17 sinuous bodies and skin tones
• May purchase Daemonic Gifts up to a total of.................................................................50 points that range from pastel yellows
to pale blues and soft pinks.
Special Rules: Daemonic, Daemon of Slaanesh, Infernal Favour (1), Lore of Daemons Stranger still is the long,
whip-like tongue constantly
flicking from the beast’s
Steed Of Slaanesh maw, ensnaring its rider’s
opponents and lacing them
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points with a hallucinogenic toxin.
Steed of Slaanesh 9 3 - 3 - - 5 1 - +16

Troop Type: Light cavalry

Base Size: 30 x 60 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Claws and fangs (counts as a hand weapon)
Special Rules: Armour Bane (1, Steed of Slaanesh only), Counter Charge,
Daemonic, Daemon of Slaanesh, Fast Cavalry,
Poisoned Attacks (Steed of Slaanesh only), Swiftstride
Daemonettes Of Slaanesh
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Daemonette 5 4 3 3 3 1 5 1 7 11
Alluress 5 4 3 3 3 1 5 2 7 +6 Daemonettes
Shrouded in a hypnotic
Troop Type: Regular infantry glamour that conceals the
Base Size: 25 x 25 mm truth of their repulsive
Unit Size: 6+ features behind a veil
Equipment: Piercing claws (see page 35) of beguiling beauty, the
Daemonettes are the most
Options: numerous of Slaanesh’s
• Any unit may: servants. Dancing across the
- Upgrade one model to an Alluress (champion)........................................ +6 points per unit battlefield with otherworldly
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer.................................................... +6 points per unit speed, Daemonettes carve
- Upgrade one model to a musician................................................................. +6 points per unit through their foes with claw-
- May purchase a Daemonic Icon worth up to..............................................................50 points like hands, slicing through
both flesh and armour
Special Rules: Close Order, Daemonic, Daemons of Slaanesh with ease.

Seekers of Slaanesh
Seekers Of Slaanesh Mounted atop swift-moving
steeds, these Daemonettes
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points dart across the battlefield
Seeker - 4 3 3 3 1 5 1 7 21 to launch sudden ambushes
Heartseeker - 4 3 3 3 1 5 2 7 +6 against unsuspecting prey.
Steed of Slaanesh 9 3 - 3 - - 5 1 - - How the Seekers choose
their targets is debated
Troop Type: Light cavalry greatly amongst mortal
Base Size: 30 x 60 mm daemonologists, but however
Unit Size: 5+ they do so, their quarry is
Equipment: doomed to face a painful
• Seekers: Piercing claws (see page 35) death at the hands of
• Steeds of Slaanesh: Claws and fangs (counts as hand weapons) Slaanesh’s hunters.

• Any unit may:
- Upgrade one model to a Heartseeker (champion)................................... +6 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer.................................................... +6 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a musician................................................................. +6 points per unit
- May purchase a Daemonic Icon worth up to..............................................................50 points

Special Rules: Armour Bane (1, Steed of Slaanesh only), Counter Charge,
Daemonic, Daemon of Slaanesh, Fast Cavalry, Open Order,
Poisoned Attacks (Steed of Slaanesh only), Skirmishers, Swiftstride
Fiends Of Slaanesh
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Fiend of Slaanesh 8 4 0 4 4 3 6 3 7 66
Fiends of Slaanesh
Troop Type: Monstrous cavalry There is something deeply
Base Size: 50 x 75 mm disturbing about how the
Unit Size: 3+ Fiends of Slaanesh move,
Equipment: Piercing claws (see page 35) and venomous tail (see below) twitching side to side in
Special Rules: Close Order, Daemonic, Daemons of Slaanesh, Soporific Musk, Swiftstride an erratic dance yet still
covering ground as swiftly
Soporific Musk as any warhorse. Those who
Fiends of Slaanesh exude a pervasive and oily musk that, when inhaled, numbs the mind and slows stand close to the Fiends find
the limbs of all who venture too close. themselves falling under the
beguiling influence of the
Enemy models engaged in combat with a model with this special rule cannot use the Strike heady musk that they exude,
First special rule. Enemy models that do not have the Strike First special rule become quickly losing the sensation
subject to the Strike Last special rule instead. in their muscles and finding
their senses dulled to all but
R S AP Special Rules the most intense stimulants.
Venomous tail Combat S - Poisoned Attacks, Strike First Only then will the Fiends
Note: In combat, this model must make one of its attacks each turn with this weapon. set about their prey with
their massive claws and
envenomed tails.
Hellflayer Of Slaanesh
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points These nightmarish chariots
Hellflayer - - - 4 4 4 - - - 145 are used in battle to carve
Exalted Alluress - 5 3 3 - - 5 2 7 - bloody swathes through
Daemonette Crew (x2) - 4 3 3 - - 5 1 7 - the enemy. Such is the
Steed of Slaanesh (x2) 9 3 - 3 - - 5 1 - - devastation wrought by a
Hellflayer, those in command
Troop Type: Light Chariot of it swiftly descend into
Base Size: 100 x 60 mm an impassioned frenzy of
Unit Size: 1 slaughter and bloodshed,
Armour Value: 5+ overcome by the intoxicating
Equipment: feeling of sowing sheer terror
• Exalted Alluress: Piercing claws (see page 35) and panic in their foe.
• Daemonette Crew: Piercing claws
• Steeds of Slaanesh: Claws and fangs (counts as hand weapons)

Special Rules: Armour Bane (1, Steed of Slaanesh only), Close Order, Counter Charge,
Daemonic, Daemon of Slaanesh, First Charge, Impact Hits (2D6+1),
Poisoned Attacks (Steed of Slaanesh only), Swiftstride
Seeker Chariot Of Slaanesh
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Seeker Chariot - - - 4 4 4 - - - 100
Daemonette Crew (x2) - 4 3 3 - - 5 1 7 - Seeker Chariots
Steed of Slaanesh (x2) 9 3 - 3 - - 5 1 - - As the straining steeds haul
a Seeker Chariot towards
Troop Type: Light Chariot the enemy at full speed,
Base Size: 50 x 100 mm the bladed-wheels let off a
Unit Size: 1-3 metallic clatter and the axles
Armour Value: 5+ screech in a disharmony akin
Equipment: to the wailing of tormented
• Daemonette Crew: Piercing claws (see page 35) souls. When the chariot
• Steeds of Slaanesh: Claws and fangs (counts as hand weapons) finally makes contact with
the foe, the sound of blades
Special Rules: Armour Bane (1, Steed of Slaanesh only), Counter Charge, Daemonic, carving through flesh is
Daemon of Slaanesh, First Charge, Impact Hits (D3+1), Open Order, matched only by the excited
Poisoned Attacks (Steed of Slaanesh only), Swiftstride shrieks and laughter of the
Daemonettes atop it.

Character Mount: A Seeker Chariot of Slaanesh may be included in your army as a Exalted Seeker Chariots
character’s mount. If so, its points are added to that of its rider. Some Heralds of Slaanesh are
permitted by their perverse
master to ride into battle atop
an Exalted Seeker Chariot,
Exalted Seeker Chariot Of Slaanesh a freakish combination of
both a Seeker Chariot and
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points a Hellflayer. From here,
Exalted Seeker Chariot - - - 4 4 6 - - - +185 the Herald can reach down
Daemonette Crew (x3) - 4 3 3 - - 5 1 7 - and pluck victims from the
Steed of Slaanesh (x4) 9 3 - 3 - - 5 1 - - chariot’s razored maw. This is
no act of kindness, however,
Troop Type: Heavy Chariot for those chosen will soon
Base Size: 100 x 150 mm beg and plead to be cast into
Unit Size: 1 the whirling blades below,
Armour Value: 4+ preferring a sudden and
Equipment: swift death in the chariot’s
• Daemonette Crew: Piercing claws (see page 35) scything wheels if it would
• Steeds of Slaanesh: Claws and fangs (counts as hand weapons) set them free of the Herald’s
cruel affections.
Special Rules: Armour Bane (1, Steed of Slaanesh only), Close Order, Daemonic,
Daemon of Slaanesh, First Charge, Impact Hits (D6+1),
Poisoned Attacks (Steed of Slaanesh only)

Character Mount: An Exalted Seeker Chariot of Slaanesh may only be included in

your army as a character’s mount. Its points are added to that of its rider.
Lord Of Change – Greater Daemon Of Tzeentch
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Lord of Change 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 9 310
Lords of Change
Troop Type: Behemoth (character) As might be expected of
Base Size: 50 x 50 mm (min), 100 x 150 mm (max) a creature that is not only
Unit Size: 1 born of pure magic and
Equipment: Hand weapon and staff of Tzeentch (counts as great weapon) chaos, but is also bound to
the will of the Master of
Magic: A Lord of Change is a Level 2 Wizard. Every Lord of Change knows spells from one Sorcery, a Lord of Change
of the following Lores of Magic: is a potent spell caster. The
• Battle Magic very Winds of Magic seem
• Daemonology bound to obey their every
• Dark Magic command, allowing them to
• Elementalism summon swirling tempests
• Illusion of change and mutation,
incinerate their foes with
Options: bolts of multicoloured fire,
• May take a Tzeentchian Wand (see below).....................................................................+20 points or unravel the minds of
• May be a: an enemy spellcaster with
- Level 3 Wizard....................................................................................................................+30 points little more than a gesture. In
- Level 4 Wizard....................................................................................................................+60 points addition to their prodigious
• May purchase Daemonic Gifts up to a total of.............................................................. 100 points sorcerous talents, Lords
of Change are also shrewd
Special Rules: Daemonic, Daemon of Tzeentch, Flaming Attacks, Fly (9), tacticians, combining their
Infernal Favour (2), Large Target, Lore of Daemons, ability to read the future with
Stomp Attacks (D3), Swiftstride, Terror their profound knowledge of
warfare, earned through the
R S AP Special Rules study of countless battles over
Tzeentchian Wand 18" 4 -1 Flaming Attacks, Multiple Shots (D3+1), their immortal lifespans.
Quick Shot
Daemonic Herald Of Tzeentch
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Herald of Tzeentch 4 3 4 3 3 2 3 2 8 90
Heralds of Tzeentch
Troop Type: Regular infantry (character) When Tzeentch needs a
Base Size: 30 x 30 mm servant of greater power,
Unit Size: 1 but does not wish to commit
Equipment: Hand weapon and flames of Tzeentch (see page 35) one of his Lords of Change,
he will summon a Herald
Magic: A Herald of Tzeentch is a Level 1 Wizard. Every Herald of Tzeentch knows spells to ensure his will is done.
from one of the following Lores of Magic: Though similar in appearance
• Battle Magic to the Horrors that make
• Daemonology up the bulk of the Great
• Dark Magic Deceiver’s armies, Heralds are
• Elementalism far more stable and have a far
• Illusion superior mastery of magic.

Options: Discs of Tzeentch

• May be a: Though Screamers are swift
- Level 2 Wizard....................................................................................................................+30 points and agile, their predatory
- Level 3 Wizard....................................................................................................................+60 points instincts and wilful nature
• May be mounted on a: make them dangerous
- Disc of Tzeentch.................................................................................................................+20 points mounts for a would-be rider.
- Chariot of Tzeentch........................................................................................................ See page 22 To combat this, Heralds will
- Burning Chariot of Tzeentch....................................................................................... See page 23 transmute a Screamer into a
• May purchase Daemonic Gifts up to a total of.................................................................50 points new form, a Disc, making it a
far safer mount from which
Special Rules: Daemonic, Daemon of Tzeentch, Infernal Favour (1), Lore of Daemons to bombard Tzeentch’s foes
with magic and warpfire.

Disc Of Tzeentch
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Disc of Tzeentch 1 3 - 4 - - 4 3 - +20

Troop Type: Light cavalry

Base Size: 50 x 50 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Tentacles (counts as a hand weapon)
Special Rules: Daemonic, Daemon of Tzeentch, Fly (10), Swiftstride
Pink Horrors Of Tzeentch
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Pink Horror 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 12
Iridescent Horror 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 7 +6 Pink Horrors
Pink Horrors are easily
Troop Type: Regular infantry identified by their
Base Size: 30 x 30 mm luminescent pink skin and
Unit Size: 9+ their high-pitched squeals
Equipment: Hand weapons and flames of Tzeentch (see page 35) of joy and laughter. There is
nothing that makes a Pink
Options: Horror happier than casting
• Any unit may: spells, hurling bolts of eldritch
- Upgrade one model to an Iridescent Horror (champion)..................... +6 points per unit flame towards the enemy
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer.................................................... +6 points per unit and howling with delight at
- Upgrade one model to a musician................................................................. +6 points per unit the destruction they bring.
- May purchase a Daemonic Icon worth up to..............................................................50 points Those who are able to slay
a Pink Horror find that the
Special Rules: Close Order, Daemonic, Daemons of Tzeentch, Scintillating Sorcery Daemons have one last trick
to play before they depart to
Scintillating Sorcery the Realm of Chaos.
Spellcasting fills Pink Horrors with joy, and they emit especial merriment as eldritch energy
screeches from their upraised hands. Blue Horrors
When slain, a Pink Horror
A unit of Pink Horrors knows one of the spells that corresponds to their Daemonic exhales a final lunatic cackle
Alignment, as listed on page 34 (chosen by their controlling player before armies are before rapidly decomposing
deployed). The unit may cast this spell as a Bound spell, with a Power Level equal to the into an ectoplasmic blob of
unit’s current Rank Bonus. gyrating magic, which swiftly
alters colour and divides
into two Blue Horrors –
Blue Horrors Of Tzeentch diminutive replicas of their
parent Daemon. Blue Horrors
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points are sullen and malicious, like
Blue Horror 4 2 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 9 evil tempered children, and
Ectoplasmic Horror 4 2 3 3 3 1 3 2 7 +6 sneer and grumble their way
through a battle.
Troop Type: Regular infantry
Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 9+
Equipment: Hand weapons and flames of Tzeentch (see page 35)

• Any unit may upgrade one model to an
Ectoplasmic Horror (champion).......................................................................... +6 points per unit

Special Rules: Daemonic, Daemons of Tzeentch, Move through Cover, Open Order
Flamers Of Tzeentch
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Flamer 6 2 4 4 4 2 4 2 7 40
Pyroclaster 6 2 5 4 4 2 4 2 7 +7 Flamers Of Tzeentch
Exalted Flamer 6 2 5 4 4 3 4 2 7 +40 Flamers are capable of a
fair turn of speed, expelling
Troop Type: Regular infantry gaseous ichor through the
Base Size: 30 x 30 mm fungoid ‘skirt’ at their base
Unit Size: 3-6 to bound and leap across the
Equipment: Hand weapons and warpflame (see below) ground with considerable
mischievous gusto. A Flamer
Magic: An Exalted Flamer is a Level 1 Wizard. Every Exalted Flamer knows spells from uses its blazing limbs to hurl
one of the following Lores of Magic: bolts of magical flame at
• Daemonology the foe. This is not fire in
• Dark Magic its truest sense, but a roiling
• Elementalism cloud of chaos energy. It does
• Illusion not burn, but warps reality.
A Flamer’s victim might
Options: briefly feel invigorated, before
• Any unit may upgrade one model to a Pyroclaster (champion)................ +7 points per unit collapsing into a writhing
• A Pyroclaster may be upgraded to an Exalted Flamer (champion)........................+40 points puddle of flesh.
• An Exalted Flamer may be a:
- Level 2 Wizard....................................................................................................................+30 points Brimstone Horrors
- Level 3 Wizard....................................................................................................................+60 points Upon the death of a Blue
• An Exalted Flamer may purchase Daemonic Gifts up to a total of...........................50 points Horror, flames erupt from
the daemonic ichor left in
Special Rules: Daemonic, Daemons of Tzeentch, Flaming Attacks, its wake – flames that burn
Infernal Favour (1, Exalted Flamer only), with the foul stench of
Lore of Daemons (Exalted Flamer only), brimstone and dance with
Move through Cover, Skirmishers an unnatural vitality. When
the Winds of Magic blow
R S AP Special Rules strong across a battlefield,
Warpflame 18" 4 -1 Flaming Attacks, Move & Shoot, these flames coalesce into
Multiple Shots (D3), Quick Shot swarming and malevolent
Brimstone Horrors.

Brimstone Horrors Of Tzeentch

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Brimstone Horrors 5 2 2 2 3 6 2 4 5 38

Troop Type: Swarms

Base Size: 40 x 40 mm
Unit Size: 2+
Equipment: Hand weapons
Special Rules: Daemonic, Daemons of Tzeentch, Flaming Attacks, Loner, Skirmishers
Screamers Of Tzeentch
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Screamer 1 3 0 4 4 2 4 2 7 44
Troop Type: War beasts Screamers are glimmering
Base Size: 40 x 60 mm sky-sharks that ride upon
Unit Size: 3+ the Winds of Magic as a
Equipment: Lamprey’s bite (see page 35) bird glides upon the breeze.
Special Rules: Daemonic, Daemons of Tzeentch, Fly (9), Loner, Skirmishers, They roam the skies, preying
Slashing Attack upon weaker creatures.
Once the Screamers catch
Slashing Attack their doomed prey, it is torn
Screamers’ slashing blades tear through the foe as they dive close and pass quickly by. to pieces in an eye-blink,
the gossamer shreds of its
A unit with this special rule may perform a ‘Slashing Attack’ against a single enemy unit soulstuff offered up as a gift
that is not engaged in combat. To do so, this unit must move (by flying) over the unit it to Tzeentch.
wishes to attack during the Remaining Moves sub-phase. Once this unit’s movement is
complete, the enemy unit suffers D3 Strength 4 hits, each with an AP of -, for each model Chariots of Tzeentch
in this unit that moved over it. The Chariots of Tzeentch
hurtle across the Realm of
Chaos like incandescent
Chariot Of Tzeentch meteors, bringing the Great
Sorcerer’s chosen emissaries
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points to every corner of existence.
Chariot of Tzeentch - - - 4 4 4 - - - +90 It is not uncommon for
Screamer (x2) 1 3 - 4 - - 4 2 - - a mischievous Herald of
Tzeentch to dream of
Troop Type: Heavy Chariot purloining such a chariot
Base Size: 50 x 100 mm from its true owner – one
Unit Size: 1 of Tzeentch’s Exalted
Armour Value: 4+ Flamers. With their prize
Equipment: secured, the Herald is free
• Screamer: Lamprey’s bite (see page 35) to swoop and dive across the
battlefield, cackling madly
Special Rules: Close Order, Daemonic, Daemon of Tzeentch, Fly (9), Impact Hits (D6+1), as they unleash their most
Slashing Attack (Screamers only, see above) fearsome sorceries.

Character Mount: A Chariot of Tzeentch may only be included in your army as a

character’s mount. Its points are added to that of its rider.
Burning Chariot Of Tzeentch
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Burning Chariot - - - 4 4 4 - - - 190
of Tzeentch Burning Chariots
Exalted Flamer - 2 5 4 - - 4 2 7 - of Tzeentch
Blue Horror Crew (x3) - 2 3 3 - - 3 1 7 - As they blaze through the
Screamer (x2) 1 3 - 4 - - 4 2 - - heavens of the mortal world,
the Burning Chariots of
Troop Type: Heavy Chariot Tzeentch are commonly
Base Size: 50 x 100 mm mistaken for comets, which
Unit Size: 1 are in turn interpreted as
Armour Value: 4+ omens of great events and
Equipment: terrible wars. The Exalted
• Exalted Flamer: Hand weapon and warpflame (see below) Flamers who ride atop the
• Blue Horror Crew: Hand weapons and flames of Tzeentch (see page 35) Burning Chariots are able
• Screamer: Lamprey’s bite (see page 35) to channel magical flame
to a far greater extent than
Magic: An Exalted Flamer is a Level 1 Wizard. Every Exalted Flamer knows spells from their lesser brethren, and can
one of the following Lores of Magic: conjure up great billowing
• Daemonology sheets of warp magic, or hurl
• Dark Magic bolts of sorcerous change that
• Elementalism make the very air sizzle with
• Illusion their passing. For their part,
the Discs and Screamers that
Options: make up the bizarre chariot
• An Exalted Flamer may be a: and the Blue Horrors that
- Level 2 Wizard....................................................................................................................+30 points crew them are drawn to the
- Level 3 Wizard....................................................................................................................+60 points Exalted Flamers, who exude
• An Exalted Flamer may purchase Daemonic Gifts up to a total of...........................50 points tasty sorcery from every
pore and wrinkle of their
Special Rules: Close Order, Daemonic, Daemon of Tzeentch, Fly (9), fungoid flesh.
Impact Hits (D6+1), Lore of Daemons,
Slashing Attack (Screamers only, as described on page 22)

R S AP Special Rules
Warpflame 18" 4 -1 Flaming Attacks, Move & Shoot,
Multiple Shots (D3), Quick Shot
Daemon Princes
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Daemon Prince 6 7 5 6 5 4 7 5 9 210
Daemon Princes
Troop Type: Monstrous infantry (character) Daemonhood is the ultimate
Base Size: 50 x 50 mm goal for mortals who tread
Unit Size: 1 the path of Chaos. It is the
Equipment: Hand weapon, ensorcelled weapon (see below) and light armour reward for dedication to
the Chaos gods, bestowing
Magic: A Daemon Prince that is a Wizard (see below) knows spells from one of the immortality, unimaginable
following Lores of Magic: strength and forbidden
• Battle Magic power. Many Daemon
• Daemonology Princes care little that the
• Dark Magic battlefield has changed –
they continue to rampage
Options: and slaughter in their god’s
• May replace light armour with heavy armour................................................................. +6 points name just as they did in their
• May have the Fly (9) special rule.........................................................................................+30 points previous lives. Others believe
• May be one of the following themselves to have escaped
- Daemon of Khorne............................................................................................................+10 points the role of pawn, and have
- Daemon of Nurgle..............................................................................................................+10 points their eyes set upon becoming
- Daemon of Slaanesh..........................................................................................................+10 points master of the Realm of
- Daemon of Tzeentch.........................................................................................................+10 points Chaos. They do not realise
• Unless it is a Daemon of Khorne, a Daemon Prince may be a Wizard: that to transcend a level of
- Level 1.....................................................................................................................................+25 points the Great Game merely binds
- Level 2.....................................................................................................................................+50 points them ever more tightly into
- Level 3.....................................................................................................................................+75 points their eternal damnation. The
- Level 4.................................................................................................................................. +100 points crowns of the gods are not for
• May purchase Daemonic Gifts up to a total of.............................................................. 100 points mortals to steal.

Special Rules: Chaos Armour, Daemonic, Infernal Favour (2), Lore of Daemons

Chaos Armour
Chaos armour is the living gift of the gods. As mortal champions progress towards glory, their
armour becomes ever more heavy and baroque as new plates are added, each new piece obscuring
more of their humanity.

This model has a 4+ Ward save against any wounds suffered.

R S AP Special Rules
Ensorcelled Combat S -1 -
Chaos Furies
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Chaos Fury 4 3 0 4 3 1 4 1 5 12
Troop Type: Regular infantry Furies are yowling shards of
Base Size: 30 x 30 mm malevolent energy – Chaos
Unit Size: 5+ in its purest form. With little
Equipment: Daemonic talons (see below) in the way of intelligence,
Furies are utterly subservient
Options: to the whims of the Dark
• Any unit may be: Gods and shift in aspect and
- Daemons of Khorne....................................................................................... +2 points per model power as the balance of the
- Daemons of Nurgle......................................................................................... +2 points per model pantheon alters. They are
- Daemons of Slaanesh..................................................................................... +2 points per model easily subjugated by other
- Daemons of Tzeentch.................................................................................... +2 points per model Daemons, whom they regard
with a mix of dread and
Special Rules: Daemonic, Fly (8), Furious Charge, Skirmishers, Swiftstride, Vanguard awe. Furies swarm at the
edges of the battle, avoiding
R S AP Special Rules the thickest fighting if they
Daemonic talons Combat S -1 - can. Only when they sight
a vulnerable victim do the
Furies descend, a wailing
mass from which there
can be no escape. The only
true defence against such
an attack is to stand your
ground, fending the Daemons
off until the magic that binds
them to the mortal plane
fades away.
Soul Grinder
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Soul Grinder 8 3 3 6 6 6 3 4 7 255
Soul Grinders
Troop Type: Behemoth When a Daemon’s physical
Base Size: 150 x 100 mm body is slain, it can surrender
Unit Size: 1 its true name to the Forge
Equipment: Hand weapon, iron claw (see below), harvester cannon (see below) and of Souls. The dark bargain
daemonic flesh (counts as heavy armour) thus sealed, the Daemon’s
crippled essence is bound
Options: to a mighty warpmetal
• May be a: hulk. Thus is the Daemon
- Daemon of Khorne............................................................................................................+10 points reborn as a Soul Grinder.
- Daemon of Nurgle..............................................................................................................+10 points No two Soul Grinders are
- Daemon of Slaanesh..........................................................................................................+10 points exactly the same, but all
- Daemon of Tzeentch.........................................................................................................+10 points are bizarre to look upon.
• May take one of the following: The transformation has
- Baleful torrent (see below)..............................................................................................+25 points a tendency to mimic the
- Warp gaze (see below)......................................................................................................+30 points Daemon’s inner desires and
then distort them just enough
Special Rules: Close Order, Daemonic, Furious Charge, Large Target, Reserve Move, so that even it finds the
Stomp Attacks (D6+1), Terror results loathsome. Yet, the
change also grants might far
R S AP Special Rules beyond that which a Daemon
Iron claw Combat S -3 Killing Blow normally enjoys. In exchange
for such might, a mortal
R S AP Special Rules might easily understand why
Harvester cannon 12" 4 -1 Cumbersome, Needs More Nails a fatally wounded Daemon
Notes: This weapon shoots like a cannon firing grape shot, using the ‘Needs More Nails’ special would be willing to surrender
rule. If a ‘Misfire’ is rolled on the Artillery dice, this model loses a single Wound (instead of rolling its very essence.
on a Misfire table).

R S AP Special Rules
Baleful torrent 12" 5 -1 Column of Fire, Cumbersome
Notes: This weapon shoots like a fire thrower, using the ‘Column of Fire’ special rule. If a
‘Misfire’ is rolled on the Artillery dice, this model loses a single Wound (instead of rolling on a
Misfire table).

R S AP Special Rules
Warp gaze 48" 6 -3 Cumbersome, Multiple Wounds (2),
Through & Through
Daemonic Gifts & Icons Magic Items
The pages that follow detail Daemonic Gifts and Icons – unique magic items which can
be purchased by models within a Daemons of Chaos army in the same way as Common
magic items, as described in the Warhammer: the Old World rulebook. Gifts of Chaos
Many are the gifts bestowed
Some units have the option to carry Daemonic Icons. To do so, the unit must include upon them in their
a standard bearer. The only character that can carry a Daemonic Icon is your army’s Daemonhood, and many
Daemonic Locus who, in addition to their usual allowance of points to spend on Daemonic are the weapons and magics
Gifts, can purchase a single Daemonic Icon with no points limit. at their disposal to slay the
enemies of Chaos, to befuddle
Extremely Common Gifts & Icons: With the exception of items marked with an asterisk their minds and terrify their
(*), each Daemonic Gift or Icon may only be chosen once per army. Items marked with an souls. But strange are the gifts
asterisk are extremely common, as described in the Warhammer: the Old World rulebook. of their dark masters, and
perverse they may appear in
the eyes of a mere mortal.
Chaotic Gifts Chaotic Icons
It is by these gifts that the
The following Daemonic Gifts can be The following Daemonic Icons can be Heralds of Chaos and the
purchased by any Daemon, regardless of purchased by any Daemon, regardless of Daemon Princes are known.
their Daemonic Alignment: their Daemonic Alignment: By their unique blessings does
each stand as an individual
Æther Blade........................... 55 points Banner Of from the next, a mighty
The Daemon’s weapon flickers in and out of Unholy Victory..................... 60 points warrior, a potent spellcaster,
reality, slipping through armour and into the Scenes from a million battles fill the minds of a lord of the daemonic
soft flesh beneath. those that gaze upon this banner. armies of the Realm of
Chaos, a god amongst the
No armour saves are permitted against When calculating its combat result, a unit tribes of the Chaos Wastes
wounds caused by this Daemon’s attacks carrying the Banner of Unholy Victory and a herald of the world’s
(Ward and Regeneration saves can be may claim an additional bonus of +D3 coming destruction.
attempted as normal). combat result points.

Many Arms*........................... 55 points Totem Of Eternal War........ 45 points

The Daemon has been blessed with a surfeit of The power of the æther flows from this
grasping and clawing appendages. accursed icon and into the Daemons that
march beneath it.
This model has a +1 modifier to its
Attacks characteristic. Daemonic Locus only. Friendly Daemonic
units reduce the number of wounds
Winged Horror.....................45 points suffered due to the Daemonic Instability
Gigantic wings sprout from the Daemon’s back, special rule by an additional D3 whilst
allowing it to dive upon the unprepared foe. within the command range of this model.

Daemonic Heralds whose troop type is Standard Of

‘regular infantry’ only. This model gains the Chaotic Glory.........................30 points
Fly (8) and Swiftstride special rules. This banner flickers in and out of existence,
creating a tear in reality through which the
Daemonic Robes....................35 points power of Chaos flows.
The Daemon is clad in shimmering robes that
reflect both the colours of the rainbow and the Daemonic Locus only. Friendly Daemonic
fury of incoming blows. units gain a +1 modifier to their Leadership
characteristic whilst within this character’s
This model cannot be wounded by a roll To command range (to a maximum of 10).
Wound of 2, regardless of the Strength of
the attack.
Gifts Of Khorne Icons Of Khorne
The following Daemonic Gifts can only be purchased by The following Daemonic Icons can only be purchased by
Daemons of Khorne: Daemons of Khorne:

Spell Eater............................................................ 50 points Skull Totem.......................................................... 50 points

Like a predator feasting upon the flesh of its prey, the Daemon The pole of this banner is thick-set with the captured skulls
hungrily consumes the magic of its enemies. of Khorne’s victims, each marked with a brass-etched rune
of slaughter.
This model may be nominated to attempt a Wizardly Dispel,
as if it were a Wizard. For the purposes of Wizardly Dispel A unit carrying the Skull Totem (but not its mounts) gains the
attempts, this model counts as a Level 2 Wizard. Furious Charge special rule.

Armour Of Khorne............................................40 points Great Standard Of Sundering.......................... 45 points

Clad in rune-laden armour, the Daemon’s hide is all but immune to Runes of warding crowd close about this banner, their power
the blows of mere mortals. focussed to deny enemy Wizards access to the Winds of Magic.

The Armour of Khorne is a suit of heavy armour. In addition, Any enemy Wizard that can draw a line of sight to the model
its wearer has a 5+ Ward save against any wounds suffered. carrying the Great Standard of Sundering suffers a -1 modifier
to any Casting roll it makes.
Axe Of Khorne*.................................................. 35 points
Screaming with the power of a bound Daemon, this unholy blade Icon Of Endless War.......................................... 30 points
thirsts for the blood of mortals. This brass standard constantly drips blood, the smell of which drives
all of Khorne’s followers mad with battle-lust.
R S AP Special Rules
Combat S+1 -1 Killing Blow, Magical Attacks, When a unit carrying the Banner of Rage declares a charge, it
Requires Two Hands may re-roll its Charge roll.

Might Of Khorne................................................ 25 points

Blessed by its patron, the Daemon’s massive limbs bulge with
strength and power.

This model has a +1 modifier to its Strength characteristic.

Collar Of Khorne*.............................................. 25 points

The dread sigils inscribed upon this brass necklace provide
protection against the most powerful of magics.

The wearer of a Collar of Khorne improves its Magic Resistance

by 1. For example, a model with Magic Resistance (-2)
wearing a Collar of Khorne would have Magic Resistance (-3).
Gifts Of Nurgle Icons Of Nurgle
The following Daemonic Gifts can only be purchased by The following Daemonic Icons can only be purchased by
Daemons of Nurgle: Daemons of Nurgle:

Nurgling Infestation.......................................... 45 points Icon Of Eternal Virulence................................ 50 points

Multitudinous Nurglings swarm about the Great Unclean One and Each drop of blood spilt beneath this dank shroud becomes infected
nestle within the folds of its skin. with every affliction known to Nurgle.

Great Unclean One only. Whilst engaged in combat, this When calculating its combat result, a unit carrying the Icon
model may make an additional D6 attacks. These attacks are of Eternal Virulence may claim an additional bonus of +1
resolved at Initiative 2, with a Weapon Skill and Strength of combat result point (to a maximum of +3) for each unsaved
2, and with an AP of -. Additionally, when this model loses wound caused by a Poisoned Attack.
its last Wound, place a Nurgling Swarm of D3 models so that
each model is within 3" of this model before removing this Standard Of Seeping Decay.............................. 35 points
model from play. A pervasive aura of pestilence surrounds this moth-eaten banner,
sapping the health of all around it.
Note that these Nurgling Swarms are not worth any Victory Points.
During the Combat phase, a unit carrying the Standard of
Sloppity Bilepiper............................................... 35 points Seeping Decay may re-roll any rolls To Wound of a natural 1.
The infectious tunes of a Bilepiper fill their companions with
joyous murrain. Rotten Icon.......................................................... 10 points
Pus and slime drip constantly from the Rotten Icon, turning the dry
Daemonic Heralds whose troop type is ‘infantry’ only. earth into noisome mud.
Friendly units with the Daemons of Nurgle special rule that
begin their movement within this model’s Command range Enemy units cannot claim any bonus combat result points
have a +1 modifier to their Movement characteristic. for being engaged with the rear arc of a unit carrying the
Rotten Icon.
Spoilpox Scrivener.............................................. 30 points
A Spoilpox Scrivener scrutinises the work of Nurgle’s Daemons as
they spread and record their master’s blessings.

Daemonic Heralds whose troop type is ‘infantry’ only. Whilst

within this model’s Command range, friendly units with the
Daemons of Nurgle special rule may re-roll any rolls To Hit of
a natural 1.

Stream Of Contagion*........................................ 25 points

Opening its gullet wide, the Daemon unleashes a stream of noxious
bile upon its foes.

R S AP Special Rules
N/A 3 -2 Breath Weapon,
Magical Attacks

Trappings Of Nurgle.......................................... 30 points

The Daemon is bedecked in rusted armour and rotted robes.

The Trappings of Nurgle is a suit of armour that gives its

wearer an armour value of 4+ which cannot be improved in
any way.
Gifts Of Slaanesh Icons Of Slaanesh
The following Daemonic Gifts can only be purchased by The following Daemonic Icons can only be purchased by
Daemons of Slaanesh: Daemons of Slaanesh:

Infernal Enrapturess......................................... 50 points Banner Of Acquiescence................................... 55 points

Weaving a discordant melody upon an accursed harp, the Daemon Beneath the shadow of this standard, enemies lower their weapons
enraptures those with the mage-sight. and bear their breasts to the blades of the foe.

Daemonic Heralds whose troop type is ‘infantry’ only. Whilst A single enemy unit engaged in combat with the bearer of the
within this character’s Command range, friendly Daemons Banner of Acquiescence suffers a -D3 modifier to its Weapon
of Slaanesh that are also Wizards (not including this model) Skill and Initiative characteristics (to a minimum of 1).
may apply a +1 modifier to any Casting roll they make. Whilst
within this character’s Command range, enemy Wizards suffer Rapturous Standard........................................... 35 points
a -1 modifier to any Casting roll they make. Gripped by a strange euphoria, enemy formations crumble into
confusion in the presence of this standard.
Allure Of Slaanesh............................................. 35 points
The Daemon is possessed of a peculiarly captivating and Any enemy unit that charges the front arc of a unit carrying
disarming visage. the Rapturous Standard makes a disordered charge.

Enemy units must make a Leadership test before making any Siren Standard..................................................... 25 points
rolls To Hit against this model during the Combat phase. If A Daemonic Siren is imprisoned in this banner, its seductive song
this test is failed, only rolls of a natural 6 will hit. lulling the senses of all who hear it.

Siren Song............................................................. 30 points If an enemy unit charged by a unit carrying the Siren Standard
The Daemon sings an alluring song, drawing its enemies to wishes to Flee (or Fire & Flee) as a charge reaction, it must
their doom. first make a Leadership test. If this test is passed, the unit may
Flee (or Fire & Flee). However, if this test is failed, the unit
Single use. At the start of your opponent’s Declare Charges & must Hold.
Charge Reactions sub-phase, nominate a single enemy unit
that is able to declare a charge against this model (or its unit).
That enemy unit must make a Leadership test. If this test is
passed, the unit may act as normal. However, if this test is
failed, it must declare a charge against this model (or its unit).

Soporific Musk*.................................................. 30 points

The Daemon exudes a heady and cloying musk that dulls the wits
of its enemies.

Enemy models engaged in combat with this model cannot use

the Strike First special rule. Enemy models that do not have
the Strike First special rule become subject to the Strike Last
special rule instead.

Enrapturing Gaze*.............................................20 points

The beguiling gaze of this Daemon holds the attention of all foolish
enough to meet it.

Enemy models engaged in combat with this model cannot use

the Inspiring Presence special rule of their General.
Gifts Of Tzeentch Icons Of Tzeentch
The following Daemonic Gifts can only be purchased by The following Daemonic Icons can only be purchased by
Daemons of Tzeentch: Daemons of Tzeentch:

Staff Of Change................................................... 65 points Banner Of Discord............................................. 60 points

The mere presence of this staff causes all natural things to cry out in The air around this warped banner shimmers with the explosive
pain as it reshapes the world according to the Daemon’s whim. unbinding of enemy spells.

R S AP Special Rules A unit carrying the Banner of Discord gains the Magic
Combat S -1 Flaming Attacks, Resistance (-3) special rule. In addition, friendly units
Magical Attacks within 6" of the model carrying this standard gain the Magic
Notes: Any enemy model that suffers one or more unsaved wounds Resistance (-1) special rule.
from the Staff of Change must immediately make a Toughness
test. If this test is failed, the wounded model loses all of its Banner Of Change.............................................. 45 points
remaining Wounds. So saturated is this banner with the power of change that it distorts
and mutates everything around it.
Will Of Tzeentch................................................ 55 points
The Daemon perceives the intricate pathways of fate and can tug At the start of the Combat phase, a single enemy unit engaged
upon the strands of destiny should it so desire. in combat with this model suffers 3D6 Strength 2 hits, each
with an AP of -.
Once per round, this model may re-roll a single D6. This may
be a D6 rolled on its own, as part of a batch of dice, or as part Icon Of Sorcery*................................................. 35 points
of a multiple dice roll. The runes upon this banner swirl and distort as they magnify the
sorcerous might of the Horrors that caper beneath it.
Power Vortex....................................................... 35 points
The Winds of Magic billow about the Daemon, but remain beyond Pink Horrors only. When a unit carrying the Icon of Sorcery
the reach of its enemies. casts a Bound spell, it does so with a power level equal to twice
its Rank Bonus.
Whilst within this Wizard’s dispel range, enemy Wizards
suffer a -1 modifier to their Casting rolls.

Iridescent Corona*.............................................. 30 points

Glittering multi-coloured fire encases the Daemon’s form,
confounding the aim of the enemy.

Any enemy model that targets this model during the Shooting
phase suffers an additional -1 To Hit modifier.

Twin Heads..........................................................20 points

Possessed of two personalities and two intellects, this two-headed
Daemon is a master of the Winds of Magic.

This model knows one more spell (chosen in the usual way)
than is normal for their Level of Wizardry.

Note that this does not increase the Wizard’s Level.

Daemons Of Chaos Special Rules
A game of Warhammer: the Old World is packed with fantastic creatures and skilled warriors with abilities so incredible
and varied that the basic rules cannot possibly cover them all. For such circumstances we have special rules –
uncommon rules to govern uncommon circumstances.

On the following pages you will find a full description for each of the Army special rules used by models drawn from the
Daemons of Chaos army list:

Cleaving Blow Daemonic Instability

With a swift and deadly strike, a skilled warrior can cleave When the tide of battle turns, a Daemon’s grasp upon its physical
through armour. form becomes ever more tenuous.

If a model with this special rule rolls a natural 6 when making If a unit with this special rule loses a round of combat, it must
a roll To Wound for an attack made in combat, it has struck make a Leadership test (before it Gives Ground) with a +1
a ‘Cleaving Blow’. Enemy models whose troop type is ‘regular modifier to the result for every combat result point by which
infantry’, ‘heavy infantry’, ‘light cavalry’, ‘heavy cavalry’ or it lost:
‘war beasts’ are not permitted an armour or Regeneration
save against a Cleaving Blow (Ward saves can be attempted • If this test is passed, all is well.
as normal). • If this test is failed, the unit loses a number of Wounds
equal to the amount by which it failed the test. If the unit
Note that if an attack wounds automatically, this special rule contains any characters, allocate wounds to the unit until
cannot be used. each model has been allocated one wound. Any remaining
wounds are divided as equally as possible between the
Daemonic character(s) and the unit.
Daemons are creatures of magic that advance inexorably • If this test is failed on a roll of a natural double 6, the unit
into battle, yet fade quickly into nothingness when struck a is dragged back into the æther. The unit is immediately
banishing blow. removed from play.

Models with this special rule are ‘Daemonic’. All Daemonic Daemonic Locus
models have a 5+ Ward save against any wounds suffered that Daemonic Heralds act as loci for the Winds of Magic, infusing
were caused by a non-magical enemy attack. In addition, all others of their kind with power.
Daemonic models have the following universal special rules:
Friendly units with the same Daemonic Alignment as this
• Daemonic Instability model reduce the number of wounds suffered due to the
• Fear Daemonic Instability special rule by 1 whilst within 12" of this
• Immune to Psychology model. In addition, friendly units with the same Daemonic
• Magical Attacks Alignment as this model that roll a natural double 6 when
• Unbreakable making a Leadership test for Daemonic Instability whilst
• Warp-spawned within 12" of this model are not immediately removed from
play. Instead, they lose a number of Wounds equal to the
A character with this special rule cannot join a unit without amount by which they failed the test.
this special rule, and vice versa.
Infernal Favour (X)
Powerful Daemons can maintain their corporeal form long after
lesser Daemons have been banished.

A unit with this special rule reduces the number of wounds

suffered due to the Daemonic Instability special rule by the
number shown in brackets (shown here as ‘X’).

Note that this special rule is not cumulative. If two or more

models in a unit have this special rule, use the highest value for the
entire unit.
Daemonic Alignment
Every Daemon is a splinter of its divine master, a distorted reflection of mortal yearning, a shard of emotion and dark desire given form
and licence to destroy. Thus does every Daemon reflect something of its master’s presence and personality.

Many models in this army list have the Daemons of Khorne, Daemons of Nurgle, Daemons of Slaanesh or Daemons of
Tzeentch special rule listed among their special rules. These special rules represent the Daemonic Alignment of that model,
indicating to which of the Ruinous Powers the Daemon is bound:

• A model cannot have more than one Daemonic Alignment.

• All models within a unit must have the same Daemonic Alignment.
• A character with a Daemonic Alignment can only join a unit with the same Daemonic Alignment, or with no
Daemonic Alignment.
• A character with no Daemonic Alignment can join any unit as normal.

Daemon(s) Of Khorne Daemon(s) Of Slaanesh

The ranks of Khorne’s daemonic hosts are filled with ferocious Shrouded in hypnotic glamour, the Daemons of Slaanesh surge
and frenzied fiends, fuelled by a constant hunger to spill blood across the battlefield on lithe limbs, capering from foe to foe,
and claim skulls. claw-hands slicing through flesh and armour.

Daemons of Khorne have the Hatred (Daemons of Daemons of Slaanesh have the Hatred (Daemons of
Slaanesh) special rule. In addition, during a turn in which Khorne) special rule. In addition, Daemons of Slaanesh
it made a charge move, a Daemon of Khorne (but not its increase their maximum possible charge range by 1" and
mount) gains a +1 modifier to its Strength characteristic. have a +1 modifier to the result of any Charge or Pursuit
roll they make.
Daemon(s) Of Nurgle
Enshrouded in dense clouds of flies, the legions of Nurgle trudge Daemon(s) Of Tzeentch
across the battlefield, spreading his multitudinous gifts and Created from the raw stuff of magic by the Changer of Ways,
cataloguing their effects upon mortals. the Daemons of Tzeentch blur with ever-changing colours and
crawling warpflame.
Daemons of Nurgle have the Hatred (Daemons of
Tzeentch) special rule. In addition, any enemy model that Daemons of Tzeentch have the Hatred (Daemons of
directs its attacks against a Daemon of Nurgle during the Nurgle) special rule. In addition, a Daemon of Tzeentch
Combat phase must re-roll any rolls To Hit of a natural 6. that is also a Wizard may apply a +1 modifier to any Casting
roll they make.

Note that this is a modifier to the result of a roll – it does not

negate a roll of a natural double 1.
Lore Of Daemons
A Daemon’s sorcerous powers – indeed its entire being – are fixed at the moment of creation. Daemons cannot grow,
develop or learn as mortals can. Those Daemons steeped in the mysteries of magic were created with that knowledge
and, though it rarely grows or diminishes, such power is a primal expression of the Dark Gods’ will.

A Wizard with ‘Lore of Daemons’ special rule may discard one of their randomly generated spells as normal. When they do so,
they may select instead either the signature spell of their chosen Lore of Magic, or one of the spells that corresponds to their
Daemonic Alignment listed below.

Plague Wind (Daemons Of Nurgle) Pink Fire (Daemons Of Tzeentch)

A debilitating cloud of noxious air forms, swirling around the As the cackling Daemon prances and gestures, pink flames rise
battlefield and infecting all it touches. from the earth to envelope its enemies.

Type: Magical Vortex Type: Magic Missile

Casting Value: 7+ Casting Value: 8+
Range: 12" Range: 18"
Effect: Remains in play. Place a small (3") blast template Effect: The target enemy unit suffers D3+3 Strength 3
so that its central hole is within 12" of the caster. Whilst hits, each with an AP of - and with the Flaming Attacks
in play, the template is treated as dangerous terrain. The special rule.
template moves D6" in a random direction during every
Start of Turn sub-phase. Any unit (friend or foe, but Gift Of Mutation (Daemons Of Tzeentch)
not including Daemons of Nurgle) the moving template
touches or moves over suffers a -1 modifier to its Toughness The Daemon cackles maniacally as the warping magic of
characteristic for the remainder of the turn. Tzeentch flows through its enemies, sending waves of mutation
through their minds and bodies.
Cacophonic Hymn (Daemons Of Slaanesh)
Type: Hex
The Daemon’s unnatural song peels away the enchantments that Casting Value: 8+/12+
protect its enemies and its perverse melody boggles their wits. Range: 12"
Effect: If this spell is cast with a casting result of 8 or more,
Type: Hex the target enemy unit suffers a -D3 modifier to one of the
Casting Value: 10+ following characteristics (to a minimum of 1, chosen by the
Range: 12" casting player). If this spell is cast with a casting result of 12
Effect: Remains in play. If this spell is cast, the effects of or more, the target enemy unit suffers a -D3 modifier to two
any enchantment spell previously cast on the target unit of the following characteristics (to a minimum of 1, chosen
immediately expire. In addition, whilst this spell is in play, by the casting player). This spell lasts until your next Start
the target unit becomes subject to the Stupidity special rule. of Turn sub-phase:

• Weapon Skill
• Strength
• Toughness
The Daemonic Armoury
The Daemons of Chaos wield many strange weapons of unnatural design and purpose.
Forged in the hellish furnaces of the Realm of Chaos, these ætheric weapons are made “They are wickedness made
not simply from iron and fire, but blood, souls and the raw stuff of chaos itself. flesh, cruel licentiousness
given form. Truth will not
Hellblade save you, for truth has no
Each life taken by a Hellblade’s wicked edge strengthens its bearer, filling the Daemon with an hold over such aberrations.
overwhelming need to take more skulls for the throne of Khorne. Courage cannot save you,
for they sup your courage
R S AP Special Rules as readily as your fear. Faith
Hellblade Combat S -1 Cleaving Blow is the only defence you
can trust.”
From the pitted edges of these ugly weapons loathsome toxins ooze, infecting the jagged wounds –Arch Lector Markad to the
they inflict with innumerable maladies. Congregation of Ulric

R S AP Special Rules
Plaguesword Combat S - Armour Bane (1)
Notes: Regeneration saves are not permitted against wounds caused by this weapon (armour and
Ward saves can be attempted as normal).

Death’s Heads
Their openings sealed with coarse thread and their insides filled with pus and viscera, these crude
grenades wreak terrible damage upon the flesh of their victims.

R S AP Special Rules
Death’s heads 12" S+1 -1 Move & Shoot, Multiple Wounds (D3)

Piercing Claws
The Daemons of Slaanesh strike at their foes with wicked claws, slicing through the sturdiest
armour with ease to sever limbs and claim souls for their thirsting master.

R S AP Special Rules
Piercing claws Combat S -1 Armour Bane (2), Extra Attacks (1),
Requires Two Hands

Flames Of Tzeentch
From the iridescent flesh of their blazing limbs, Horrors and Flamers alike hurl bolts of roiling
magical flame and writhing chaos energy at the foe.

R S AP Special Rules
Flames of Tzeentch 18" 3 - Flaming Attacks, Multiple Shots (2),
Quick Shot

Lamprey’s Bite
Screamers flock around creatures larger than them, latching on to their enemy’s flanks with their
hideous jaws and tearing chunks from their flesh.

R S AP Special Rules
Lamprey’s bite Combat S -1 Multiple Wounds (D3)
Notes: The Multiple Wounds (D3) special rule only applies against enemy models whose troop
type is ‘monster’.
Legacy Army List
Dark Elves Legacy Army List
T his page details the Grand Army composition list for the Dark Elves. This is the default army composition list for this
faction. Using this army composition list to write your muster list will give you the widest variety of units to choose
from and create a broad and balanced force.

This army list is intended for use alongside the ‘Forming Units’ and ‘Warhammer Armies’ sections of the Warhammer: the Old
World rulebook. Over the following pages you will find profiles and rules for each of the models in your army. These pages give
you all of the information that you need to shape your collection of models into the units which will in turn form a force ready
for battle.

Grand Army Composition List

Characters Rare
Up to 50% of your army’s points value may be spent on: Up to 25% of your army’s points value may be spent on:

• 0-1 Dark Elf Dreadlord or Supreme Sorceress per • Sisters of Slaughter, Bloodwrack Shrines, War Hydras,
1,000 points Kharibdyss and Bloodwrack Medusas
• Dark Elf Masters, Sorceresses, High Beastmasters, • 0-1 unit of Doomfire Warlocks per 1,000 points
Death Hags and Khainite Assassins • 0-2 Reaper Bolt Throwers per 1,000 points
• 0-1 Cauldron of Blood per 1,000 points (taken as a mount
for a Death Hag) Mercenaries
Up to 20% of your army’s points value may be spent
Core on mercenaries.
At least 25% of your army’s points value must be spent on:
• Dark Elf Warriors, Repeater Crossbowmen, Up to 25% of your army’s points value may be spent on a single
Black Ark Corsairs and Dark Riders allied contingent drawn from one of the following Grand
• If your army includes one or more Death Hags, 0-1 unit of Army composition lists:
Witch Elves may be taken as a Core choice
• Warriors of Chaos (Uneasy)
Up to 50% of your army’s points value may be spent on:
Battle Standard Bearer
• Har Ganeth Executioners, Witch Elves, Dark Elf Shades A single Dark Elf Master in your army may be upgraded
and Harpies to be your Battle Standard Bearer for +25 points. In
• 0-1 unit of Black Guard of Naggarond per addition to their usual allowance of points to spend on
Dark Elf Noble taken magic items, a Battle Standard Bearer can purchase a
• 0-1 unit of Cold One Knights per 1,000 points single magic standard with no points limit.
• 0-2 Scourgerunner Chariots or Cold One Chariots per
1,000 points
• If your General is a High Beastmaster, 0-1 War Hydra or
Kharibdyss may be taken as a Special choice
Dark Elf Nobles
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Dark Elf Dreadlord 5 7 7 4 3 3 6 4 10 130
Dark Elf Master 5 6 6 4 3 2 5 3 9 70 Dreadlords of Naggaroth
Dreadlords are the so-
Troop Type: Regular infantry (character) called noble-born rulers of
Base Size: 25 x 25 mm Naggaroth. Whilst some of
Unit Size: 1 these aristocrats are little
Equipment: Hand weapon and light armour more than sycophantic
schemers desperately clinging
Options: to whatever power they
• May take one of the following: can hold on to, others are
- Additional hand weapon................................................................................................... +3 points feared tactical commanders
- Great weapon......................................................................................................................... +4 points who have commanded the
- Halberd.................................................................................................................................... +3 points Dark Elf legions across
- Lance (if appropriately mounted).................................................................................. +4 points countless battlefields. Dark
• May take one of the following: Elf generals seldom inspire
- Repeater crossbow............................................................................................................... +6 points their warriors with heroic
- Repeater handbow............................................................................................................... +5 points speeches or displays of valour,
- Brace of repeater handbows............................................................................................+10 points preferring to rule through
• May take a shield........................................................................................................................ +2 points fear, intimidation and torture
• May replace light armour with: – the path most of them
- Heavy armour........................................................................................................................ +3 points walked in order to reach the
- Full plate armour.................................................................................................................. +6 points lofty heights of Dark Elf high
• May be mounted........................................................................................................................See page 8 society. When they take to
• May have the Sea Dragon Cloak special rule.................................................................... +4 points the field themselves, there
• A Dreadlord may purchase magic items up to a total of............................................. 100 points are few who have crossed
• A Master may purchase magic items up to a total of......................................................50 points blades with these corrupt
nobles and lived more than
Special Rules: Eternal Hatred, Hatred (High Elves)*, Murderous, Strike First* mere moments – for their
martial skill and savage
*Note that these special rules do not apply to this model’s mount (should it have one). cruelty has been honed over
many centuries of battle
and bloodshed.
Dark Elf Sorceresses
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Supreme Sorceress 5 4 4 3 3 3 5 2 8 150
Sorceress 5 4 4 3 3 2 4 1 8 75 Dark Elf Sorceresses
Unlike the mages of Ulthuan,
Troop Type: Regular infantry (character) the Sorceresses of Naggaroth
Base Size: 25 x 25 mm care not for the dangers of
Unit Size: 1 meddling with the darker
Equipment: Hand weapon Winds of Magic, for the
pursuit of power knows no
Magic: A Supreme Sorceress is a Level 3 Wizard. A Sorceress is a Level 1 Wizard. Every bounds within Dark Elf
Dark Elf Sorceress knows spells from one of the following Lores of Magic: society. Hidden within their
• Battle Magic great fortress, the Sorceresses
• Daemonology compete with one another in
• Dark Magic an effort to amass strength
• Elementalism and influence, constantly
• Illusion pushing the boundaries of
safety and sanity through
Options: bloody sacrifices and infernal
• May be mounted........................................................................................................................See page 8 rituals in the pursuit of
• A Supreme Sorceress may: power. The Sorceresses of
- Be a Level 4 Wizard...........................................................................................................+30 points the Dark Coven march to
- Purchase magic items up to a total of.......................................................................... 100 points war at the behest of the
• A Sorceress may: ruling elite of Naggaroth, but
- Be a Level 2 Wizard...........................................................................................................+30 points not without considerable
- Purchase magic items up to a total of.............................................................................50 points payment; be that prisoners
of war to sacrifice upon
Special Rules: Elven Reflexes, Eternal Hatred, Hatred (High Elves), Hekarti’s Blessing, dark altars, or hefty sums of
Lore of Naggaroth, Murderous treasure to further their own
nefarious machinations.
High Beastmasters
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
High Beastmaster - 7 7 4 3 3 5 3 9 75
Troop Type: Regular infantry (character) The Beastmasters of Clar
Base Size: (as mount) Karond and Karond Kar
Unit Size: 1 use a savage combination
Equipment: Hand weapon, whip and light armour of torment and cruelty to
enforce their will upon
Options: their charges. It matters not
• May take a cavalry spear.......................................................................................................... +2 points what the creature is, be it a
• May take a repeater crossbow................................................................................................ +6 points monstrous Hydra, a savage
• May take a shield........................................................................................................................ +2 points Manticore or even a mighty
• May replace light armour with heavy armour................................................................. +3 points Dragon, the Beastmasters
• Must be mounted on one of the following: will bring the creature to
- Scourgerunner Chariot.................................................................................................. See page 16 heel. When the Dark Elves
- Manticore............................................................................................................................ See page 19 take to the battlefield, the
• May have the Sea Dragon Cloak special rule.................................................................... +4 points Beastmasters drive their
• May purchase magic items up to a total of.........................................................................75 points charges towards the enemy
with barbed lashes and
Special Rules: Eternal Hatred, Goad Beast, Hatred (High Elves)*, Murderous, pointed blades, goading the
Strike First* poor beasts into a mindless
frenzy of gnashing teeth
*Note that these special rules do not apply to this model’s mount. and slicing claws. Thanks
to the callous treatment
Goad Beast of their charges, the Dark
The Beastmasters of Clar Karond excel at goading their charges to violence, none more so than the Elves’ monstrous menageries
High Beastmasters. are in constant need of
replenishment, forcing the
During the Command sub-phase of their turn, this character may goad a single friendly Beastmasters to regularly
model whose troop type is ‘monster’ and that is within their Command range (including venture into the wilds of
their own mount). Until the end of this turn, that model gains a +D3 modifier to its Naggaroth in search of new
Attacks characteristic (to a maximum of 10). beasts to subjugate.
Death Hags
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Death Hag 5 6 6 4 3 2 7 3 8 70
Death Hags of Khaine
Troop Type: Regular infantry (character) Death Hags are the warrior-
Base Size: 25 x 25 mm priestesses of the Witch Elves
Unit Size: 1 and the guardians of the
Equipment: Two hand weapons Murder God’s mysteries. It
is they who mix the heady
Options: potions that drive the Witch
• May take one of the following gifts of Khaine: Elves into their infamous
- Cry of War............................................................................................................................+15 points battle frenzy, sending
- Rune of Khaine....................................................................................................................+10 points themselves and their sisters
- Witchbrew............................................................................................................................+20 points into a state of total lust
• May be mounted on a Cauldron of Blood...................................................................... See page 15 for blood and death. They
• May purchase magic items up to a total of.........................................................................75 points also possess an intimate
knowledge of lethal poisons
Special Rules: Eternal Hatred, Frenzy, Hatred (all enemies), Loner, Murderous, and potent toxins – second
Poisoned Attacks, Strike First only to the Assassins of
Khaine themselves – with
which they craft fast-acting
Gifts Of Khaine concoctions to coat the
Blessed by Khaine, a Death Hag and her minions are a fearful sight to behold. blades of their followers.
Along with their alchemical
As described above, a Death Hag may take one of the following gifts of Khaine: practices, Death Hags evoke
the secret names of their god
• Cry of War: Enemy units suffer a -1 modifier to their Leadership characteristic to befuddle their foes and fill
whilst within the Command range of one or more Death Hags that have this their minds with a madness
special rule and that are not fleeing. that consumes all but the
• Rune of Khaine: This character has the Extra Attacks (+D3) special rule. strongest of foes.
• Witchbrew: This character, their mount and any unit they have joined cannot lose
the Frenzy special rule.
Khainite Assassins
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Khainite Assassin 5 8 7 4 3 2 7 3 8 80
Assassins of Khaine
Troop Type: Regular infantry (character) Masters of a subtle and
Base Size: 25 x 25 mm murderous magic, trained
Unit Size: 1 from infancy to be the
Equipment: Hand weapon and throwing weapons chosen warriors of Khaine,
these masterful killers move
Options: swiftly and silently about the
• May take one of the following: battlefield. Striking at their
- Additional hand weapon................................................................................................... +3 points target with weapons laced
- Repeater handbow............................................................................................................... +5 points with some of the deadliest
• May take one of the following forbidden poisons: toxins to be found, leaving
- Black Lotus............................................................................................................................. +5 points enemy commanders and high
- Dark Venom.........................................................................................................................+15 points ranking officials twitching
- Manbane................................................................................................................................+15 points in agony as the fast-acting
• May purchase magic items up to a total of.........................................................................50 points poison ravages their nervous
system and vital organs.
Special Rules: Eternal Hatred, Hatred (All Enemies), Hidden, Immune to Psychology, Even the serried ranks of
Murderous, Strike First Dark Elf city guard can be
unaware that an Assassin of
Hidden Khaine stalks amongst them
Khainite Assassins hide amongst the ranks of Dark Elf infantry, revealing themselves only to strike until they reveal themselves,
at the enemy. surging past their shields to
pounce upon their target
Khainite Assassins are not placed on the battlefield at the start of the game. Instead, they with paired swords or pointed
are ‘hidden’ within a friendly Dark Elf unit whose troop type is ‘infantry’ and that has a throwing daggers.
Unit Strength of ten or more (excluding Harpies). Make a note of which unit each Assassin
is hiding within. A hidden Assassin may be revealed during any Start of Turn sub-phase or
at the start of any Combat phase. Position the revealed Assassin as you would a character
that has joined the unit.

If a unit in which a Khainite Assassin is hiding is destroyed or flees the battlefield before
the Assassin is revealed, the Assassin is removed as a casualty. A Khainite Assassin cannot
be your army General.

Forbidden Poisons
Khainite Assassins coat their weapons with a variety of terrible and forbidden poisons.

As described above, a Khainite Assassin may take one of the following

forbidden poisons:

• Black Lotus: For each unsaved Wound inflicted upon them by this character,
enemy characters suffer a -1 modifier to their Leadership characteristic for the
remainder of the game.
• Dark Venom: This character has the Killing Blow special rule.
• Manbane: When this character makes a roll To Wound, a roll of 4+ is always a
success, regardless of the target’s Toughness.
Character Mounts
A character that can be mounted may choose a mount from the following list. Some
mounts are covered in detail on this page. Those that are not have their own dedicated
entries later in this army list. Dark Steeds
The horses of the Dark Elves
A Dark Elf Dreadlord or Master may be mounted on a: are treated no differently to
• Dark Steed...................................................................................................................................+14 points the many other beasts in the
• Cold One......................................................................................................................................+18 points armies of Naggaroth, making
• Cold One Chariot................................................................................................................... See page 16 them just as foul tempered
• Black Dragon (Dreadlord only)......................................................................................... See page 18 and spiteful as any other
• Manticore (Dreadlord only)............................................................................................... See page 19 creature. That being said, the
midnight-black steeds are as
A Supreme Sorceress or Sorceress may be mounted on a: swift as any horse to be found
• Dark Steed...................................................................................................................................+14 points on Ulthuan, and allow Dark
• Cold One......................................................................................................................................+18 points Riders to scout ahead of the
• Dark Pegasus...............................................................................................................................+35 points Dark Elf armies and terrorise
• Black Dragon (Supreme Sorceress only)......................................................................... See page 18 those who lie in their path.

A High Beastmaster must be mounted on one of the following: Cold Ones

• Scourgerunner Chariot......................................................................................................... See page 16 These large, single-minded
• Manticore.................................................................................................................................. See page 19 reptiles dwell in subterranean
tunnels beneath Hag Graef,
A Death Hag may be mounted on a: hunting whatever prey is
• Cauldron of Blood.................................................................................................................. See page 15 foolish enough to enter their
domain. Though it takes a
Dark Steed skilled hand to break them,
once they have been subdued
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points they serve as mounts for the
Dark Steed 9 3 - 3 - - 4 1 - +14 Dark Elves’ most elite knights.

Troop Type: Light cavalry

Base Size: 30 x 60 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hooves (counts as a hand weapon)
Special Rules: Fast Cavalry, Swiftstride

Cold One
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Cold One 7 3 - 4 (+1) - 2 2 - +18
Note: A character mounted on a Cold One has +1 Toughness.

Troop Type: Heavy cavalry

Base Size: 30 x 60 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Claws and teeth (counts as a hand weapon)
Special Rules: Armour Bane (1, Cold One only), Armoured Hide (1), Fear, First Charge,
Stupidity, Swiftstride
Dark Pegasus
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Dark Pegasus 8 3 - 4 - (+1) 4 3 - +35
Note: A character mounted on a Dark Pegasus has +1 Wound. Dark Pegasus
In the northernmost peaks
Troop Type: Monstrous cavalry of the Iron Mountains, Dark
Base Size: 40 x 60 mm Pegasus make their nests. It
Unit Size: 1 is from these lofty eyries that
Equipment: Hooves (counts as a hand weapon) the Dark Elves steal juvenile
Special Rules: Armour Bane (1, Dark Pegasus only), Counter Charge, First Charge, mounts to serve as steeds
Fly (10), Swiftstride for the Sorceresses of the
Dark Coven.
Dark Elf City Guard
Dark Elf Warriors M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Dark Elf Warrior 5 4 4 3 3 1 4 1 8 8
Lordling 5 4 4 3 3 1 4 2 8 +5 Dark Elf Warriors
Regiments of Dark Elves
Repeater Crossbowmen M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points armed with sharp swords and
Repeater Crossbowman 5 4 4 3 3 1 4 1 8 11 heavy-bladed spears are made
Lordling 5 4 5 3 3 1 4 1 8 +5 up of warriors, both male
and female, drawn from the
Troop Type: Regular infantry same city, and often the same
Base Size: 25 x 25 mm extended family. The role of
Unit Size: 10+ these warriors is to defend
Equipment: against enemy counter-
• Dark Elf Warriors: Hand weapons, light armour and shields attacks threatening the flanks
• Repeater Crossbowmen: Hand weapons, repeater crossbows and light armour of other formations, and
to protect the army’s war
Options: machines and missile troops.
• Any unit may:
- Upgrade one model to a Lordling (champion).......................................... +5 points per unit Repeater Crossbowmen
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer.................................................... +5 points per unit Armed with their signature,
- Upgrade one model to a musician................................................................. +5 points per unit magazine-fed crossbows,
• Any unit of Dark Elf Warriors may take thrusting spears........................+1 point per model repeater crossbowmen take
• Any unit of Repeater Crossbowmen may take shields...............................+1 point per model up position at the rear of
• 0-1 unit per 1,000 points may: the Dark Elf armies, dealing
- Have the Veteran special rule........................................................................+1 point per model death from afar. Though
- Purchase a magic standard worth up to.........................................................................50 points they prefer to avoid the cut
and thrust of a melee, they
Special Rules: Close Order, Elven Reflexes, Hatred (High Elves), Martial Prowess are no less cruel than the rest
of their kin – often forgoing
shots that would slay their
targets in favour of inflicting
debilitating wounds.
Black Ark Corsairs
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Corsair 5 4 4 3 3 1 4 1 8 11
Reaver 5 4 4 3 3 1 4 2 8 +6 Black Ark Corsairs
Those who live along the
Troop Type: Regular infantry coastlines of the Old World
Base Size: 25 x 25 mm have learned to fear the
Unit Size: 10+ Black Ark Corsairs, for these
Equipment: Hand weapons and light armour infamous raiders plunder
and pillage with no mercy.
Options: Though it is a hard and
• The entire unit must take one of the following: dangerous life that they lead,
- Additional hand weapons............................................................................................................ Free serving aboard a Black Ark
- Repeater handbows....................................................................................................................... Free can see both captain and
• Any unit may: crew propelled towards fame
- Upgrade one model to a Reaver (champion)............................................. +6 points per unit and fortune, for although
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer.................................................... +6 points per unit their voyages can last for
- Upgrade one model to a musician................................................................. +6 points per unit years, when they return to
- Purchase a magic standard worth up to.........................................................................50 points Naggaroth, they do so laden
with plunder.
Special Rules: Elven Reflexes, Hatred (High Elves), Move through Cover, Open Order,
Sea Dragon Cloak Black Guard
of Naggarond
Trained to show no mercy
Black Guard Of Naggarond and kill without thought, the
Black Guard are the finest
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points and most disciplined warriors
Black Guard 5 5 4 3 3 1 5 1 9 15 in all of Naggaroth, each of
Tower Master 5 5 4 3 3 1 5 2 9 +7 whom is willing to shed a
sea of blood in the name of
Troop Type: Regular infantry their ruler. Though the risk
Base Size: 25 x 25 mm of serving at the right hand
Unit Size: 10+ of their cantankerous lord is
Equipment: Hand weapons, dread halberds (see below) and full plate armour great, for the Dread-King will
often display his frustrations
Options: in a most violent fashion,
• Any unit may: those who serve him with
- Upgrade one model to a Tower Master (champion)............................... +7 points per unit loyalty and devotion are
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer.................................................... +7 points per unit richly rewarded.
- Upgrade one model to a musician................................................................. +7 points per unit
- Have the Drilled special rule.........................................................................+1 point per model
- Purchase a magic standard worth up to...................................................................... 100 points
• A Tower Master may purchase magic items up to a total of........................................50 points

Special Rules: Close Order, Elven Reflexes, Eternal Hatred, Hatred (High Elves),
Immune to Psychology, Martial Prowess, Stubborn

R S Special Rules AP
Dread halberd Combat S+1 -1
Armour Bane (1), Fight in Extra Rank,
Requires Two Hands
Notes: A model wielding a dread halberd cannot make a supporting attack during a turn in
which it charged.
Har Ganeth Executioners
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Executioner 5 5 4 4 3 1 5 1 9 15
Draich Master 5 5 4 4 3 1 5 2 9 +6 Executioners of
Har Ganeth
Troop Type: Regular infantry Har Ganeth is the spiritual
Base Size: 25 x 25 mm centre of Khaine’s worship,
Unit Size: 10+ with many shrines dedicated
Equipment: Hand weapons, Har Ganeth greatswords and heavy armour to the Murder God. It is here
that the Executioners learn
Options: the bloody craft of execution,
• Any unit may: becoming masters of dealing
- Upgrade one model to a Draich Master (champion).............................. +6 points per unit death with a single stroke of
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer.................................................... +6 points per unit their blades. These pitiless
- Upgrade one model to a musician................................................................. +6 points per unit killers are not like the wild
- Have the Drilled special rule....................................................................... +2 points per model and frenzied butchers that
- Purchase a magic standard worth up to.........................................................................50 points many Dark Elves become
• A Draich Master may purchase magic items up to a total of.......................................25 points on the battlefield, instead
they are cold-blooded
Special Rules: Close Order, Elven Reflexes, Hatred (High Elves), Murderous, Veteran professionals who take pride
in dispatching their foes with
R S AP Special Rules the minimum effort. Just as
Har Ganeth Combat S+2 -1 Cleaving Blow, Requires Two Hands famous as the Executioners
greatsword themselves are the great
blades that they wield, crafted
by their own hands in order
Dark Elf Shades to ensure that each weapon
is perfectly suited to the one
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points who carries it.
Shade 5 5 5 3 3 1 5 1 8 15
Bloodshade 5 5 6 3 3 1 5 1 8 +6 Dark Elf Shades
These outcast warriors
Troop Type: Regular infantry once belonged to the ruling
Base Size: 25 x 25 mm families of Clar Karond, but
Unit Size: 5+ since being betrayed and
Equipment: Hand weapons and repeater crossbows exiled by their kin, they now
wander the harsh wilderness
Options: of the Blackspine Mountains.
• The entire unit may take one of the following: Here, they move as silently
- Additional hand weapons...............................................................................+1 point per model as ghosts, slipping through
- Great weapons.................................................................................................. +2 points per model petrified forests and razor-
• The entire unit may take light armour.............................................................+1 point per model sharp boulder fields without
• Any unit may upgrade one model to a Bloodshade (champion)............... +6 points per unit leaving a trace.
• A Bloodshade may purchase magic items up to a total of.............................................25 points
• 0-1 unit in your army may:
- Have the Ambushers special rule.................................................................+1 point per model
- Have the Chariot Runners special rule......................................................+1 point per model
- Have the Veteran special rule........................................................................+1 point per model

Special Rules: Elven Reflexes, Evasive, Hatred (High Elves), Move through Cover,
Scouts, Skirmishers
Daughters Of Khaine
Witch Elves M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Witch Elf 5 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 8 11
Hag 5 4 4 3 3 1 5 2 8 +7 Witch Elves
Witch Elves live only to serve
Sisters of Slaughter M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points Khaine’s malevolent demands
Sister of Slaughter 5 5 4 3 3 1 6 2 9 17 for bloody sacrifice. Before
Hag 5 5 4 3 3 1 6 3 9 +7 battle, they consume the
blood of sacrificed prisoners
Troop Type: Regular infantry laced with all manner of
Base Size: 25 x 25 mm intoxicating herbs, driving
Unit Size: 10+ them into a religious frenzy
Equipment: that can only be sated by an
• Witch Elves: Two hand weapons orgy of slaughter and death.
• Sisters of Slaughter: Hand weapons and lash & buckler (see below)
Sisters of Slaughter
Options: There are countless
• Any unit may: gladiatorial arenas
- Upgrade one model to a Hag (champion)................................................... +7 points per unit throughout Naggaroth,
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer.................................................... +7 points per unit ranging from small pits
- Upgrade one model to a musician................................................................. +7 points per unit to grand stadia, but there
- Purchase a magic standard worth up to.........................................................................50 points is one thing common to
all – the presence of the
Special Rules: Sisters of Slaughter. These
• Witch Elves: Close Order, Elven Reflexes, Frenzy, Hatred (High Elves), Horde, Loner, talented gladiators fight with
Murderous, Poisoned Attacks an intuitive and acrobatic
• Sisters of Slaughter: Dance of Death, Elven Reflexes, Hatred (High Elves), Impetuous, combat style honed over
Loner, Murderous, Open Order centuries. In battle, these lithe
and dextrous fighters vault
Dance Of Death over shield walls and scatter
Sisters of Slaughter weave through the enemy’s defences, plunging deep into their ranks. enemy formations with
cracks of their barbed lashes.
If this unit makes a successful charge move (i.e., if the unit makes contact with the charge
target), the charge target suffers a -1 modifier to its Maximum Rank Bonus until the end of Harpies
the Combat phase of that turn. Roosting atop the tallest
spires of Karond Kar, these
Special Rules winged hunters delight in
Lash & buckler Combat S -1
Armour Bane (1), Fight in Extra Rank, the torment of their prey.
Requires Two Hands On the battlefield, Harpies
Notes: A model equipped with a lash & buckler improves its armour value by 1. descend from the heavens
like frenzied birds of prey,
slicing at their foes’ eyes and
Harpies faces with their dagger-like
talons, only finishing their
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points victims off once the delight
Harpy 5 3 0 3 3 1 5 2 6 11 of their torment has finally
lost its charm.
Troop Type: Regular infantry
Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 5+
Equipment: Claws (counts as hand weapons)
Special Rules: Fly (10), Move through Cover, Scouts, Skirmishers, Swiftstride
Cold One Knights
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Cold One Knight - 5 4 4 4 1 5 1 9 31
Dread Knight - 5 4 4 4 1 5 2 9 +7 Cold One Knights
Cold One 7 3 - 4 - - 2 2 - - The skill of the Cold One
Knights and the viciousness
Troop Type: Heavy cavalry of their mounts sets them
Base Size: 30 x 60 mm above the cavalry of lesser
Unit Size: 5+ races. They are often found
Equipment: at the forefront of the attack,
• Cold One Knights: Hand weapons, lances, heavy armour and shields smashing into the enemy’s
• Cold Ones: Claws and teeth (counts as hand weapons) most deadly regiments. But
it is a daring Dark Elf who
Options: purchases a Cold One to ride,
• Any unit may: for the lizards savagely attack
- Upgrade one model to a Dread Knight (champion)................................ +7 points per unit all who come near them,
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer.................................................... +7 points per unit recognising warm-blooded
- Upgrade one model to a musician................................................................. +7 points per unit creatures by their smell.
- Purchase a magic standard worth up to.........................................................................50 points This is dangerous in itself
- Replace heavy armour with full plate armour...................................... +4 points per model and no few strutting nobles
• A Dread Knight may purchase magic items up to a total of.........................................50 points have been savaged by their
own mounts, much to the
Special Rules: Armour Bane (1, Cold One only), Armoured Hide (1), Close Order, amusement of their rivals.
Elven Reflexes, Fear, First Charge, Hatred (High Elves), Stupidity,
Swiftstride Dark Riders
In the time when Daemons
Dark Riders besieged Ulthuan, the Dark
Riders were the ever vigilant
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points sentinels that kept watch
Dark Rider - 4 4 3 3 1 4 1 8 16 for signs of invasion and
Herald - 4 4 3 3 1 4 2 8 +6 carried word of the Daemons’
Dark Steed 9 3 - 3 - - 4 1 - - movements. Ever since the
civil war that tore Ulthuan
Troop Type: Light cavalry in two, these cloaked riders
Base Size: 30 x 60 mm have become heralds of woe,
Unit Size: 5+ ranging ahead of the Dark
Equipment: Elves, sowing terror and
• Dark Riders: Hand weapons, cavalry spears and light armour disorder as the armies of
• Dark Steeds: Hooves (counts as hand weapons) the Dread-King approach.
In battle, Dark Riders skirt
Options: the edge of the fight in order
• The entire unit may take: to attack the flanks of their
- Repeater crossbows......................................................................................... +2 points per model enemy rather than engage
- Shields....................................................................................................................+1 point per model head-on, chasing down
• Any unit may: exposed war machines and
- Upgrade one model to a Herald (champion)............................................. +6 points per unit cutting off supply lines in
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer.................................................... +6 points per unit order to disrupt the enemy.
- Upgrade one model to a musician................................................................. +6 points per unit
• 0-1 unit per 1,000 points may:
- Have the Fire & Flee special rule..................................................................+1 point per model
- Have the Scouts special rule...........................................................................+1 point per model

Special Rules: Elven Reflexes, Fast Cavalry, Hatred (High Elves), Open Order,
Skirmishers, Swiftstride
Doomfire Warlocks
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Doomfire Warlock - 4 4 4 3 1 5 1 8 22
Master - 4 4 4 3 1 5 2 8 +6 Doomfire Warlocks
Dark Steed 9 3 - 3 - - 4 1 - - Cursed by the Dread-King
long ago, the Doomfire
Troop Type: Light cavalry Warlocks have since teetered
Base Size: 30 x 60 mm between the mortal world
Unit Size: 5+ and the Realm of Chaos.
Equipment: Whilst many Dark Elves
• Doomfire Warlocks: Hand weapons fear the grip of Chaos, the
• Dark Steeds: Hooves (counts as hand weapons) Doomfire Warlocks feel
the lure of dark powers far
Options: more keenly, knowing full
• Any unit may upgrade one model to a Master (champion)........................ +6 points per unit well that their fate is to be
• A Master may purchase magic items up to a total of......................................................25 points claimed by the Ruinous
Powers. In an effort to fend
Special Rules: Cursed Coven, Dark Runes, Elven Reflexes, Fast Cavalry, off their inevitable demise,
Hatred (High Elves), Open Order, Poisoned Attacks, Swiftstride Doomfire Warlocks take to
the battlefield to find worthy
Cursed Coven souls to offer up as a sacrifice
Devoted servants of the Ruinous Powers, the Warlock covens of Hag Graef practise in their place – the mightier
powerful sorcery. and purer the soul, the more
time it grants them. Yet, no
A unit of Doomfire Warlocks knows a single spell (chosen by their controlling player before matter how many souls they
armies are deployed) from either the Dark Magic or Daemonology Lore of Magic. The unit offer up in their place, their
may cast this spell as a Bound spell: damnation cannot be averted.

• If the unit has a Unit Strength of 10 or more and includes a Master, it may cast this
Bound spell with a Power Level of 2.
• If the unit includes a Master, but has a Unit Strength of 9 or less, it may cast this Bound
spell with a Power Level of 1.
• Otherwise, the unit may cast this Bound spell with a Power Level of 0.

Dark Runes
Infernal runes crawl across the skin of a Doomfire Warlock, blazing with an unholy fire when
death draws near.

This unit has a 5+ Ward save against any wounds suffered that were caused by a non-
magical enemy attack.
Cauldron Of Blood
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Cauldron of Blood 2 - - 5 5 5 - - - +150
Witch Elf Crew (x2) - 4 4 3 - - 5 1 9 - The Cauldrons of Blood
These gruesome altars are
Troop Type: Heavy Chariot rumoured to be divine gifts
Base Size: 60 x 100 mm from Khaine himself, a
Unit Size: 1 reward for the Witch Elves’
Armour Value: 4+ single-minded devotion to
Equipment: his cause – or so the Hag
• Witch Elf Crew: Two hand weapons Sorceress Morathi claims.
Though they are usually kept
Special Rules: Close Order, Dragged Along, Elven Reflexes, Frenzy, Hatred (High Elves), deep within the chambers
Impact Hits (D6+1), Large Target, Magic Resistance (-1), Murderous, of Khaine’s great temples,
Poisoned Attacks, Terror they will occasionally be
brought forth to accompany
the worshippers of the god of
Blessings Of Khaine murder onto the battlefield,
where the accursed artefact
As the Cauldron of Blood fills, the baleful spirit of Khaine surrounds his devoted daughters. can be supplied with a near-
constant stream of fresh
Even if engaged in combat, this model can cast the following Bound spell, with a sacrifices. The seemingly-
Power Level of 2: bottomless brass cauldrons
greedily drink the vast
Type: Enchantment quantities of sacrificial blood
Casting Value: 9+ that are poured into them,
Range: Self empowering the followers
Effect: Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, this model and every friendly Death of Khaine with renewed
Hag, unit of Witch Elves or unit of Sisters of Slaughter that is within its Command strength and vitality until
range gains one of the following: there is no blood left to spill.

• Fury of Khaine (the Furious Charge special rule)

• Strength of Khaine (the Cleaving Blow special rule)
• Bloodshield of Khaine (a 5+ Ward save against any wounds suffered)

Character Mount: A Cauldron of Blood may only be included in your army as a

character’s mount. Its points are added to that of its rider.
Scourgerunner Chariots
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Chariot - - - 4 4 4 - - - 85
Beastmaster Crew (x2) - 4 4 3 - - 4 1 8 - Scourgerunner Chariots
Dark Steed (x2) 9 3 - 3 - - 4 1 - - Beastmasters race about
the battlefield aboard
Troop Type: Light chariot swift chariots, seeking out
Base Size: 50 x 100 mm monsters amongst the enemy
Unit Size: 1-3 ranks upon which they might
Armour Value: 5+ turn their wicked ravager
Equipment: harpoons. But death is not
• Chariot: Ravager harpoon (see below) their objective, instead the
• Beastmaster Crew: Hand weapons, cavalry spears and repeater crossbows crews of Scourgerunner
• Dark Steeds: Hooves (counts as hand weapons) Chariots will seek to subdue
and capture the war beasts of
Special Rules: Elven Reflexes, Hatred (High Elves), Impact Hits (D6), Open Order, the foe before hauling them
Sea Dragon Cloak, Swiftstride back to the gladiatorial pits
of Naggaroth.
R S AP Special Rules
Ravager harpoon 24" 6 -3 Cumbersome, Multiple Wounds (D3), Cold One Chariots
Ponderous Cold One Chariots are
Notes: During the Shooting phase, one of the Beastmaster Crew may fire this weapon instead of occasionally given as gifts
their repeater crossbow. to those knights who have
pleased the Dread-King
with their devotion to him
Cold One Chariots and their prowess in battle.
To possess such a vehicle is
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points a symbol of great prestige,
Chariot - - - 5 5 4 - - - 125 ranked amongst the highest
Knight Charioteer (x2) - 5 4 4 - - 5 1 9 - stations of battle, even
Cold One (x2) 7 3 - 4 - - 2 2 - - though the Cold Ones’ erratic
behaviour can often bring the
Troop Type: Heavy chariot chariot to a jarring halt at the
Base Size: 50 x 100 mm worst moments.
Unit Size: 1
Armour Value: 4+
• Knight Charioteers: Hand weapons, cavalry spears and repeater crossbows
• Cold Ones: Claws and teeth (counts as hand weapons)

Special Rules: Armour Bane (1, Cold One only), Close Order, Elven Reflexes, Fear,
First Charge, Hatred (High Elves), Impact Hits (D6+1), Stupidity

Character Mount: A Scourgerunner Chariot or Cold One Chariot may be included

in your army as a character’s mount. If so, its points are added to that of its rider.
Bloodwrack Shrine
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Bloodwrack Shrine 2 - - 5 5 5 - - - 175
Shrinekeeper (x2) - 4 4 3 - - 5 1 8 - Bloodwrack Shrines
Bloodwrack Medusa - 5 5 4 - - 5 3 - - Long ago, each Bloodwrack
Medusae was a Sorceress
Troop Type: Heavy chariot of Ghrond who used her
Base Size: 60 x 100 mm magic and blood-feasting
Unit Size: 1 rituals to make herself so
Armour Value: 4+ beautiful her visage rivalled
Equipment: that of the gods. In doing
• Shrinekeepers: Cavalry spears so, these Sorceresses earned
• Bloodwrack Medusa: Cavalry spear and petrifying gaze (see below) the attention of Atharti, the
goddess of pleasure, who was
Special Rules: Close Order, Dragged Along, Elven Reflexes, Frenzy, Hatred (High Elves), outraged that mortals would
Impact Hits (D6+1), Large Target, Magic Resistance (-1), Murderous, dare to compete with her
Poisoned Attacks, Stony Stare, Terror beauty. In her rage, she caged
the upstart mortals within
Stony Stare pain-wracked, serpentine
Where the creature’s gaze falls, its enemies turn painfully to stone. bodies and reduced their
minds to those of ferocious
At the start of each Combat phase, enemy models in base contact with this model must beasts. So great is their
make an Initiative test. If this test is failed, they suffer D3 Strength 2 hits, with no armour suffering, those around
save permitted (Ward and Regeneration saves can be attempted as normal). them feel every ounce of
anguish the poor beasts
R S AP Special Rules endure, provoking a feeling
Petrifying gaze 18" 2 N/A Magical Attacks, Multiple Wounds (D3) of great unease in most, but
Notes: When making a roll To Wound for an attack made with this weapon, substitute the striking pure ecstasy within
target’s Toughness with its Initiative. No armour save is permitted against wounds caused by this the corrupt hearts of the
weapon (Ward and Regeneration saves can be attempted as normal). Dark Elves.
Black Dragon
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Black Dragon 6 6 - 7 (+3) (+6) 4 6 - +280
Note: A character mounted on a Black Dragon has +3 Toughness and +6 Wounds. Black Dragons
Black Dragons soar through
Troop Type: Behemoth the air upon great leathery
Base Size: 60 x 100 mm wings, sowing death wherever
Unit Size: 1 their vast shadow passes.
Equipment: Wicked claws (see below), serrated maw (see below), Rather than spewing roaring
noxious breath (see below) and flame from its massive jaws,
draconic scales (counts as full plate armour) Black Dragons expel noxious
Special Rules: Close Order, Fly (10), Hatred (High Elves), Large Target, gas that withers the lungs
Stomp Attacks (D6), Swiftstride, Terror of its victims and desiccates
their flesh. Those fortunate
R S AP Special Rules enough to survive the choking
Wicked claws Combat S -2 - fumes and land a blow upon
the beast often find their
R S AP Special Rules blades turned aside by a thick
Serrated maw Combat S - Armour Bane (2), Multiple Wounds (2) armoured hide, impervious
Notes: In combat, this model must make one of its attacks each turn with this weapon. to all but the most potent
weapons. Few linger long
R S AP Special Rules enough to test their steel
Noxious breath N/A 4 N/A Breath Weapon against the Dragon however,
Notes: Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, every model in a unit that suffers one or more for even the sight of such
unsaved wounds from this weapon suffers a -1 modifier to its Weapon Skill characteristic (to a a beast is so terrifying that
minimum of 1). No armour save is permitted against wounds caused by this weapon (Ward and most warriors turn tail and
Regeneration saves can be attempted as normal). flee for their lives.

Character Mount: A Black Dragon may only be included in your army as a

character’s mount. Its points are added to that of its rider.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Manticore 6 5 - 5 (+1) (+4) 5 4 - +130
Note: A character mounted on a Manticore has +1 Toughness and +4 Wounds. Manticores
Dark Elves hold no creature
Troop Type: Monstrous creature in higher esteem than the
Base Size: 60 x 100 mm Manticore, for they believe
Unit Size: 1 that the ferocious beast is one
Equipment: Wicked claws (see below) and scaly skin (counts as heavy armour) of the many incarnations of
Khaine. Daring Beastmasters
Options: will journey deep into the
• May have a venomous tail (see below)..............................................................................+15 points Chaos Wastes and perilous
mountains of Naggaroth in
Special Rules: Close Order, Fly (9), Large Target, Stomp Attacks (D3), Swiftstride, search of young Manticores
Terror, Wilful Beast to sell at auction, as the
wealthy will pay great sums
Wilful Beast of gold for the chance to own
Some monsters can never truly be tamed by a rider and, during the heat of battle, can be prone to one for themselves. Though
giving in to their wild and frenzied nature. Manticores can be tamed
enough to accept a rider, they
During the Start of Turn sub-phase of each of their turns, this model must make a still remain feral at heart,
Leadership test (using its own unmodified Leadership). If this test is passed, the rider is occasionally ignoring the
able to keep control of their mount. If, however, this test is failed, the rider has lost control will of its master in favour of
and their mount becomes subject to the Frenzy special rule until their next Start of Turn pursuing its own ends – but,
sub-phase. a Dark Elf will consider this a
risk worth taking considering
Note that the rider does not gain a +1 modifier to their Attacks characteristic. the fear and respect that
owning such a mount brings.
R S AP Special Rules
Wicked claws Combat S -2 -

R S AP Special Rules
Venomous tail Combat S - Poisoned Attacks, Strike First
Notes: In combat, this model must make one of its attacks each turn with this weapon.

Character Mount: A Manticore may only be included in your army as a character’s

mount. Its points are added to that of its rider.
War Hydra
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
War Hydra 6 4 0 5 5 5 3 2 6 200
Beastmaster Handlers (x2) 6 4 - 3 - - 4 1 8 - War Hydras
Only the Dark Elves could
Troop Type: Behemoth look upon a beast as vicious
Base Size: 60 x 100 mm and powerful as a Hydra
Unit Size: 1 and deem it insufficient
Armour Value: 5+ for the task of murder and
Equipment: destruction. Ever since the
• War Hydra: Wicked claws, serrated maws and fiery breath (see below) Dread-King’s Beastmasters
• Beastmaster Handlers: Hand weapons and whips first tamed the creatures, they
have continually been bred
Special Rules: Close Order, Extra Attacks (+remaining Wounds), to increase the raw ferocity
Immune to Psychology, Large Target, Monster Handlers, and power of successive
Regeneration (5+), Stomp Attacks (D3), Terror generations. Thus the War
Hydras of Naggaroth’s armies
R S AP Special Rules are a far more daunting foe
Wicked claws Combat S -2 - than those the Dark Elves
first encountered many long
R S AP Special Rules centuries ago in the Annulii
Serrated maws Combat S - Armour Bane (1), Multiple Wounds (2) Mountains. When a Hydra
Notes: In combat, this model must make each attack granted by the Extra Attacks (+remaining sets about the enemy, it
Wounds) special rule with this weapon. does so without hesitation
or thought, with some of its
R S AP Special Rules heads tearing a foe to shreds,
Fiery breath N/A * -1 Breath Weapon, Flaming Attacks as others try to swallow
Notes: The Strength characteristic of this weapon is equal to this model’s remaining Wounds. their prey whole or bathe its
victims in burning flame.

Bloodwrack Medusa Bloodwrack Medusa

Not every Bloodwrack
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points Medusa is goaded into battle
Bloodwrack Medusa 7 5 5 4 4 4 5 3 7 85 atop a massive, monolithic
shrine. Some emerge willingly
Troop Type: Monstrous creature from their lairs or are turned
Base Size: 40 x 40 mm loose to pursue the scent of
Unit Size: 1 blood and war. But they are
Equipment: Hand weapon, petrifying gaze (see below) and light armour unreliable allies who pay no
Special Rules: Close Order, Elven Reflexes, Fear, Frenzy, Hatred (High Elves), mind to strategy or battle
Magic Resistance (-1), Murderous, Poisoned Attacks, Stony Stare plans, seeking only to share
their own torment with
Stony Stare their victims.
Where the creature’s gaze falls, its enemies turn painfully to stone.

At the start of each Combat phase, enemy models in base contact with this model must
make an Initiative test. If this test is failed, they suffer D3 Strength 2 hits, with no armour
save permitted (Ward and Regeneration saves can be attempted as normal).

R S AP Special Rules
Petrifying gaze 18" 2 N/A Magical Attacks, Multiple Wounds (D3)
Notes: When making a roll To Wound for an attack made with this weapon, substitute the
target’s Toughness with its Initiative. No armour save is permitted against wounds caused by this
weapon (Ward and Regeneration saves can be attempted as normal).
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Kharibdyss 6 5 0 7 5 5 3 5 6 195
Beastmaster Handlers (x2) 6 4 - 3 - - 4 1 8 - Kharibdyss
The Beastmasters of Clar
Troop Type: Behemoth Karond covet the Kharibdyss
Base Size: 60 x 100 mm more than any other
Unit Size: 1 creature, a prize beyond any
Armour Value: 5+ treasure. For not only is the
Equipment: beast incredibly difficult to
• Kharibdyss: Cavernous maw (see below) and writhing tentacles (see below) capture, requiring the aid of a
• Beastmaster Handlers: Hand weapons and whips Sorceress to bait the creature
to the ocean’s surface, its
Special Rules: Abyssal Howl, Close Order, Immune to Psychology, Large Target, destructive wrath is all but
Monster Handlers, Stomp Attacks (D3+1), Terror unmatched on the battlefield.
With a crown of flailing
Abyssal Howl tentacles powerful enough to
The mournful wail of a Kharibdyss echoes across the battlefield and saps the courage of the enemy. drag a ship to the inky depths
and jaws strong enough to
Whilst within 6" of this model, enemy units suffer a -1 modifier to their Leadership crack the hull of even the
characteristic (to a minimum of 2). largest vessels, armoured
warriors and gallant knights
Note that this modifier is not cumulative. stand little chance of avoiding
a painful, but mercifully
R S AP Special Rules sudden, death.
Cavernous maw Combat S -2 Armour Bane (1), Killing Blow
Notes: In combat, this model must make one of its attacks each turn with this weapon.

R S AP Special Rules
Writhing tentacles Combat S -2 Poisoned Attacks
Reaper Bolt Thrower
War Machine
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Reaper Bolt Thrower - - - - 6 2 - - - 80 Reaper Bolt Throwers
Dark Elf Crew 5 4 4 3 3 2 4 2 8 - Used at sea to clear the decks
of enemy ships and on land
Troop Type: War machine to scythe down ranks of
Base Size: 50 x 50 (war machine), 25 x 25 (crew) enemy warriors, the Reaper
Unit Size: 1 Bolt Thrower deals death
Equipment: Repeater bolt thrower, hand weapons and light armour from afar. Through clever
Special Rules: Elven Reflexes, Hatred (High Elves), Skirmishers engineering, the oversized
crossbow can either shoot a
hail of smaller bolts to cut
down infantry, or launch
a single massive projectile
with enough force to pierce a
Dragon’s hide.
Dark Elves Magic Items
Magic Items
The pages that follow detail magic items unique to Dark Elves armies. These can be Magic Items
purchased by models within a Dark Elves army in exactly the same way as Common The weapons and armour of
magic items, as described in the Warhammer: the Old World rulebook. the Dark Elves are as finely
made as any Elven artefact.
Extremely Common Magic Items: Any magic item marked with an asterisk (*) Long, slender blades that
is considered to be extremely common, as described in the Warhammer: the Old slice effortlessly through the
World rulebook. air, exquisitely embroidered
banners and finely wrought
Magic Weapons suits of armour are as
commonplace within the
Executioner’s Axe............................................................................................70 points ranks of the Druchii as they
A single blow from this huge, black-bladed weapon can cut any opponent in half. are amongst their hated kin.
What sets apart the weapons
R S AP Special Rules and wargear of the Dark Elves
Executioner’s Axe Combat S -2 Killing Blow, Magical Attacks, Strike Last is the detail. Where the Elves
Notes: When making a roll To Wound for a hit caused with the Executioner’s Axe, a roll of 2+ is of Ulthuan craft refined and
always a success, regardless of the target’s Toughness. elegant weapons and armour,
the Druchii adorn their
Sword Of Ruin..................................................................................................65 points creations with jagged blades
The wickedly sharp edge of the Sword of Ruin can cleave through armour as if it were air. and wicked cutting edges
– cruel weapons that cause
R S AP Special Rules grievous injury and searing
Sword of Ruin Combat S * Magical Attacks pain to their victims.
Notes: No armour, Ward or Regeneration saves are permitted against wounds caused by the
Sword of Ruin.

Lifetaker............................................................................................................35 points
Finely fashioned from blackest steel, Lifetaker fires bolts dipped in the venom of a Black Dragon.

R S AP Special Rules
Lifetaker 24" 3 -1 Armour Bane (1), Magical Attacks,
Multiple Shots (D3+1), Poisoned Attacks

Whip Of Agony................................................................................................30 points

An heirloom of the feared Beastlords of clan Rakarth, the Whip of Agony inflicts enduring
torment upon its victims.

R S AP Special Rules
Whip of Agony Combat S+1 -1 Magical Attacks, Strike First
Notes: High Beastmasters only. Any enemy model that suffers one or more unsaved wounds from
the Whip of Agony suffers a -1 modifier to its Toughness characteristic (to a minimum of 1) for
the remainder of the game.
Magic Armour Magic Standards
Shield Of Ghrond...............................................40 points Banner Of Nagarythe........................................ 65 points
The Daemon-faced Shield of Ghrond consumes the strength of the The personal banner of the Dread-King proclaims his reign over the
enemy’s attacks Elven Kingdoms.

The Shield of Ghrond is a shield. In addition, all attacks A unit carrying the Banner of Nagarythe gains the Stubborn
directed against its bearer suffer a -1 modifier to their special rule. In addition, when calculating its combat result,
Strength characteristic. the unit may claim an additional bonus of +1 combat
result point.
Blood Armour..................................................... 30 points
When anointed with the blood of the foe, this armour becomes ever Standard Of Slaughter.......................................40 points
more endurable. Anointed with the blood of an Ulthuan Elf, this banner exudes a
sense of bitter determination.
The Blood Armour is a suit of armour that gives its wearer
an armour value of 5+. For each unsaved wound the wearer When calculating its combat result during a turn in which it
inflicts, this armour value is improved by 1, to a charged, a unit carrying the Standard of Slaughter may claim
maximum of 2+. an additional bonus of +D3 combat result points.

Talismans Banner Of Har Ganeth..................................... 25 points

Under the influence of this ancient banner, warriors strike with
Pendant Of Khaeleth.........................................40 points deadly precision.
The protection offered by this amulet grows to match the power of
an enemy’s attack. A unit carrying the Banner of Har Ganeth improves the
Armour Piercing characteristic of its combat weapons by 1.
The Pendant of Khaeleth gives its bearer a 5+ Ward save
against any wounds suffered that were caused by an attack Cold-Blooded Banner........................................20 points
with a Strength of 4 or lower, and a 4+ Ward save against any Those that march beneath this Cold One blood-soaked banner
wounds suffered that were caused by an attack with a Strength display a steely discipline.
of 5 or higher.
Single use. A unit carrying the Cold-blooded Banner may use
Pearl Of Infinite Bleakness.............................. 15 points it when making any test against its Leadership characteristic,
Swirled with red and black veins, this magical pearl emits a soul- including a Break test. When it does, it may roll an extra D6
numbing aura. and discard the highest result.

The bearer of the Pearl of Infinite Bleakness and any unit they
have joined gains the Immune to Psychology special rule.
Enchanted Items Arcane Items
Black Dragon Egg............................................... 35 points Black Staff............................................................ 55 points
When a Black Dragon egg is eaten, the properties of the Dragon are A Black Staff is the talisman of the High Mistresses of the Convent
temporarily passed on. of Sorceresses.

Single use. During the Command sub-phase of their turn, the The bearer of the Black Staff may use it when attempting to
bearer of a Black Dragon Egg can consume it. Until the end cast a spell. If they do so, roll an extra D6 when making the
of that turn, the model has a Toughness characteristic of 6 Casting roll and discard the lowest result. However, if a double
(which cannot be improved further) and gains noxious breath 1 is rolled on any two of the dice rolled, the spell is miscast.
(see page 18).
Focus Familiar*................................................... 10 points
Hydra’s Tooth...................................................... 30 points The Wizard channels their spells through the eyes of an
Fangs are taken from the maw of a slain Hydra and crafted into arcane homunculus.
deadly throwing weapons.
Single use. The owner of a Focus Familiar may use it when
A Hydra’s Tooth is a missile weapon with the following profile: they attempt to cast a spell. Place a marker (such as a Familiar
model) completely within 12" of the owner. The range and
R S AP Special Rules all effects of the spell are measured from this marker, rather
9" S -3 Magical Attacks, than from the owner. If the spell requires a line of sight, this is
Move & Shoot, Quick Shot determined from the marker (which has a 360° vision arc).
Notes: This weapon can target a specific model within the target
unit, such as a champion or a character. Tome Of Furion.................................................. 15 points
Furion of Clar Karond inscribed his knowledge onto sheets of
The Guiding Eye.................................................. 25 points flayed skin.
Set in black iron, this oval ruby grants mystical sight to the wearer.
The bearer of the Tome of Furion knows one more spell
Single use. The bearer of the Guiding Eye and any unit they (chosen in the usual way) than is normal for their Level
have joined may re-roll any failed rolls To Hit made during the of Wizardry.
Shooting phase.
Dark Elves Special Rules
A game of Warhammer: the Old World is packed with fantastic creatures and skilled warriors with abilities so incredible
and varied that the basic rules cannot possibly cover them all. For such circumstances we have special rules –
uncommon rules to govern uncommon circumstances.

On this page you will find a full description for each of the Army special rules used by models drawn from the Dark Elves army list:

Cleaving Blow Hekarti’s Blessing

With a swift and deadly strike, a skilled warrior can cleave Dark Elf Sorceresses make devotions to Hekarti, the Hydra Queen
through armour. and Elven goddess of conjurations.

If a model with this special rule rolls a natural 6 when making Once per game, a model with this special rule may re-roll a
a roll To Wound for an attack made in combat, it has struck single failed Casting roll.
a ‘Cleaving Blow’. Enemy models whose troop type is ‘regular
infantry’, ‘heavy infantry’, ‘light cavalry’, ‘heavy cavalry’ or Martial Prowess
‘war beasts’ are not permitted an armour or Regeneration Elven soldiers spend many hours perfecting their battlefield drill,
save against a Cleaving Blow (Ward saves can be attempted masterfully wielding their long spears with a skill and grace absent
as normal). from the ranks of their enemies.

Note that if an attack wounds automatically, this special rule A unit with this special rule can make supporting attacks to its
cannot be used. flank or rear, as well as to its front.

Elven Reflexes Murderous

Elves possess phenomenal speed and grace, striking at their enemies Trained in the arts of murder from a young age, devotees of Khaine
faster than the eye can see. are deadly killers able to strike mortal wounds upon even the most
resilient of foes.
A model with this special rule (but not its mount) has a +1
modifier to its Initiative characteristic (to a maximum of 10) When engaged in combat, a model with this special rule that is
during the first round of any combat. fighting with a hand weapon may re-roll any rolls To Wound
of a natural 1.
Eternal Hatred
The Dark Elves believe they have been wronged greatly by their Note that this special rule only applies to a single, non-magical
enemies over and over again, and the hatred they harbour has hand weapon and does not apply to a model’s mount (should it
grown to become an all-consuming passion. have one). If the model is using two hand weapons or any other sort
of weapon, this special rule ceases to apply.
Against High Elves, this model’s Hatred applies in every round
of close combat, not just the first. Sea Dragon Cloak
The pelt of a Sea Dragon is worn by Dark Elf pirates and corsairs,
Note that this special rule does not apply to this model’s mount both as a mark of their rank and as armour against the missiles of
(should it have one). the foe.

A model with this special rule improves its armour value by 1

(to a maximum of 2+) against non-magical shooting attacks.
Lore Of Naggaroth
L ike their High Elf Kin, Dark Elves are skilled manipulators of the Winds of Magic. Yet where the power available to the
Elves of Ulthuan is limited by their cautious approach, Dark Elves know no such limit, weaving high and dark magic
with reckless abandon.

A Wizard with the ‘Lore of Naggaroth’ special rule may discard one of their randomly generated spells as normal. When they do
so, they may select instead either the signature spell of their chosen Lore of Magic, or one of the spells listed below.

Cursing Word Black Horror

As the Sorceress utters a string of forbidden words and curses, The Sorceress tears the veil between reality and the æther, and
the bodies of her enemies bend and buckle, wracked with waves a black cloud of roiling energy sweeps across the battlefield,
of agony. trailing slimy tentacles that drag unfortunate victims to an
unknown fate.
Type: Hex
Casting Value: 9+ Type: Magical Vortex
Range: 12" Casting Value: 9+
Effect: Remains in play. Whilst this spell is in play, Range: 18"
the target enemy unit reduces either its Weapon skill Effect: Remains in play. Place a large (5") blast template
characteristic, or its Ballistic Skill characteristic (chosen by so that its central hole is within 18" of the caster. Whilst
the casting Wizard’s controlling player) to 1. If this spell in play, the template is treated as dangerous terrain. The
is cast, the effects of any other Hex previously cast on the template moves 2D6" in a random direction during every
target unit immediately expire. Start of Turn sub-phase. Any enemy unit the moving
template touches or moves over must immediately make
D6 Strength tests. For each test that is failed, the unit loses a
single Wound.
T he gleaming ranks of a Dwarf throng are a formidable sight, their shields and banners identifying clans, guilds and
gods. Its doughty steel-clad infantry are supported by powerful engines of war, machinery of destruction that no foe
can match. Though Dwarfs are unwilling to wield magic, they long ago mastered the art of inscribing runes to bind eldritch
forces into the crafting of potent weapons and armour. Full of grim determination, when Dwarfs join battle, there is no
retreat, only victory or death.

The Mountain Realm

The Mountain Realm In a bygone era, the Dwarfs once dominated the Old World.
While the race of Man were naught more than fur-clad
The Dwarfs are an ancient race, and the lands they claim as savages using stone tools, the bright shieldwalls of the Dwarfs
their own lie at the edge of the so-called civilised realms of marched across the continent, an implacable steel-clad
Men. There, rising high above the world in an endless series advance. They were driven by an endless quest for precious
of jagged peaks, stand the Worlds Edge Mountains. Beneath minerals, for Dwarfs lust after gold and gems, and their mining
those snow-covered pinnacles, the Dwarfs have dug into the expeditions spread to distant lands. In those days, even the
bedrock of the world, carving out mines and halls into their poorest of holds could boast of riches beyond the wealthiest
kingdom, which they call the Karaz Ankor, meaning either kings of other races. That Golden Age is now long gone.
‘the Everlasting Realm’ or ‘the mountain realm’ as the Dwarf However, woe betide anyone who dares speak of this decline
word for mountain and extreme durability are the same. within earshot of a Dwarf, for they remain a proud people and
There, towering peaks are crowned with lookout towers, even the slightest remark or insult (real or perceived) can goad
impenetrable gates are wrought into the mountainsides and them into fury.
hidden entrances are hewn where they are least expected,
secreted in tumbling chasms, behind waterfalls or fashioned to Dwarfs do not forget grudges, indeed they harbour them,
blend seamlessly into rugged cliff faces. and there is no word for forgiveness in their language. Once
someone has made an enemy of a Dwarf, they have made a foe
From these formidable strongholds, the Dwarf armies, that will last their lifetime and the lives of their descendants as
known as throngs, march forth to do battle. The Worlds Edge well. Dwarfs record any slight or transgression against them,
Mountains are a harsh and unforgiving environment where and each stronghold has its own Book of Grudges. Within
avalanches and freezing winds that can strip the hide off a bear Karaz-a-Karak, the capital of the Dwarf realm and seat of
are not considered the main threats. It is a rocky realm where the High King, resides the Dammaz Kron, the Great Book
monsters hunt amongst the peaks and the passes are the main of Grudges. That its creation dates back to the Dwarfs’ first
paths for invading armies. Living tides of Orcs and Goblins ancestors speaks of how deeply grudge-bearing is ingrained
sweep the lands, while from the east stomp Ogre armies into the Dwarf psyche. Given that their history is rife with
seeking to prey upon the weak. To the north are barbarian bloody battles, tragedies and invasions suffered, there is a
tribes of Men who draw upon the Dark Gods for unnatural lengthy backlog of wrongdoing against their kind, a legacy of
powers. Only by dint of their stubborn vigilance and sturdy unrequited vengeance inherited from their fathers and, in
axe work have the Dwarfs endured. turn, from their ancestors of old.
The Mountain
The Mountain ClansClans Khazalid
Although many of their ancient strongholds now lie in ruin, The ancient high language of the Dwarfs is called
overrun by Orcs, Goblins, Trolls and things far worse, the Khazalid, a language that has not changed noticeably in
glories of their past are not forgotten by the Dwarfs. Long thousands of years either in its spoken or written form.
ages of warfare have forged them into a hardy and grim race The Dwarfs are very proud of their tongue which they
of warriors. What they may lack in numbers compared to the rarely speak in the company of other races and never
younger races of the world, the Dwarfs more than compensate teach to other creatures. To humans it is the ‘secret
for through their matchless martial prowess and sheer tongue of the Dwarfs’, occasionally overheard, but never
determination, to say nothing of the unrivalled quality of their properly understood.
arms and armour.
The sound of Khazalid is not much like human speech
Dwarfs fight as heavy infantry, eschewing cavalry, for it is not and very unlike the melodious sound of Elvish –
their way to ride upon beasts. In truth, the rugged mountains comparisons have been drawn to the rumble of thunder.
they call home are not conducive to cavalry, and regardless, All Dwarfs have very deep, resonant voices and a
a Dwarf is too short of stature to ride upon a horse, although tendency to speak more loudly than is strictly necessary.
they are far too proud to admit it. Instead, Dwarfs fight on This can make Dwarfs sound rowdy and irascible (which
foot, as is proper and as they have always done. Each warrior many are).
is clad in finely crafted mail and is armed with a superbly
forged axe, hammer or mattock, which they can wield to The vocabulary of Khazalid ably reflects the unique
deadly effect. preoccupations of the Dwarf race. There are hundreds
of words for different kinds of rock, for passages and
Behind the stoic ranks of the Dwarf throng, stand the deadly tunnels, and most of all for precious metals. Indeed, there
war machines of the Engineer’s Guild. From these, cannonballs are hundreds of words for gold alone, reflecting on its
roar through the air, while Grudge throwers launch rune- qualities of colour, lustre, purity and hardness. In their
inscribed rocks onto the heads of the enemy. Bolt throwers dealings with others, Dwarfs choose their words carefully.
glowing with runic magic hurl gleaming spears through the A Dwarf will not venture an opinion on anything not
ranks of the foe. Even more outlandish engines, such as the first considered deeply, and once voiced their view will be
fire-belching Flame Cannon and the multi-barrelled Organ as immovable as a mountain. Dwarfs do not change their
Gun, sweep away whole regiments of the Dwarfs’ foes at short opinions except in the face of overwhelming necessity –
range, guarded by their experienced crews. and not always then. Many would rather die stubbornly
than admit to a mistake! For this reason, Dwarfs take
Should a foe survive being blasted by cannonballs and sheets of oaths very seriously indeed. In all the Dwarf language,
fire, they must weather the bolts and bullets shot by crossbows the word ‘unbaraki’ is the most condemning of all – it
and handguns. Thus thinned and bloodied, the enemy must means ‘oathbreaker’.
then confront the Dwarf shieldwall. There, faced with axe,
hammer and red-hot wrath, few stand for long. And many Curiously the Dwarf word for the race of Men is ‘umgi’
foes down the ages have learned that pleading to Dwarfs for whilst its abstract form of ‘umgak’ means ‘shoddy’ – the
mercy is a lost cause – they are easy to offend, and the only Dwarf word being equivalent to ‘man-made’.
reparations they accept are paid in blood.
T his page details the Grand Army composition list for the Dwarfen Mountain Holds. This is the default army
composition list for this faction. Using this army composition list to write your muster list will give you the widest
variety of units to choose from and create a broad and balanced force.

Dwarfen Mountain Holds Army List

This army list is intended for use alongside the ‘Forming Units’ and ‘Warhammer Armies’ sections of the Warhammer: the Old
World rulebook. Over the following pages you will find profiles and rules for each of the models in your army. These pages give
you all of the information that you need to shape your collection of models into the units which will in turn form a force ready
for battle.

Grand Army
Grand Army Composition
Composition List List
Characters Rare
Up to 50% of your army’s points value may be spent on: Up to 25% of your army’s points value may be spent on:

• 0-1 King, Anvil of Doom or Runelord per 1,000 points • Rangers, Irondrakes and Gyrobombers
• Thanes, Runesmiths, Daemon Slayers, Dragon Slayers and • 0-2 war machines chosen from the following list
Dwarf Engineers per 1,000 points:
- Organ Gun
Core - Flame Cannon
At least 25% of your army’s points value must be spent on:
• Dwarf Warriors, Quarrellers and Thunderers Up to 20% of your army’s points value may be spent
• 0-1 unit of Rangers may be taken as a Core choice on mercenaries.
• If your General is a King, 0-1 unit of Longbeards may be
taken as a Core choice Allies
Up to 25% of your army’s points value may be spent on a single
Special allied contingent drawn from:
Up to 50% of your army’s points value may be spent on:
• Any Dwarfen Mountain Holds Army of Infamy
• Longbeards, Ironbreakers, Miners, Slayers and Gyrocopters composition list
• 0-1 unit of Hammerers per King or Thane taken • One of the following Grand Army composition lists:
• 0-3 war machines chosen from the following - Empire of Man
list per 1,000 points: - Kingdom of Bretonnia (Uneasy)
- Bolt Thrower - High Elf Realms (Suspicious)
- Grudge Thrower
- Cannon
Battle Standard Bearer
A single Thane in your army may be upgraded to be
your Battle Standard Bearer for +25 points. In addition
to their usual allowance of points to spend on Weapon,
Armour and Talismanic runes, a Battle Standard Bearer
can purchase Standard runes with no points limit.
Character Dwarf Lords
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
King 3 7 4 4 5 3 4 4 10 125
Thane 3 6 4 4 5 2 3 3 9 60

Troop Type: Heavy infantry (character)

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hand weapon and full plate armour

• May take one of the following:
- Great weapon........................................................................................................................+4 points
- Crossbow ................................................................................................................................+6 points
- Handgun.................................................................................................................................+6 points
• May take a pistol ........................................................................................................................+5 points
• May take a shield........................................................................................................................+2 points
Dwarf Lords • May take one of the following:
The leaders of a Dwarf - Oathstone.............................................................................................................................+15 points
throng are its kings and - Shieldbearers.......................................................................................................................+60 points
thanes, warriors with vast • May purchase Weapon, Armour and Talismanic runes:
experience of battle and well - A King may purchase runes up to a total of.............................................................125 points
tutored in the art of war by - A Thane may purchase runes up to a total of ............................................................75 points
the elders of their clans and
the venerable runesmiths. Special Rules: Ancestral Grudge, Dwarf Crafted, Gromril Armour, Gromril Weapons,
When the time comes for Hatred (Orcs & Goblins), Magic Resistance (-1), Rallying Cry,
them to lead, they will have Resolute, Stubborn
learnt more than most
commanders ever know Ancestral Grudge
and will have been tried Dwarfs never forget a wrong, imagined or otherwise, with lords and thanes being particularly
and tested on the battlefield overburdened with inherited grudges. These can never be forgotten, only settled or nurtured.
many times. This experience
and wisdom is reflected in A model with this special rule has the Hatred (enemy characters) special rule, meaning it
the length of their beards, hates all characters in the opposing army. If this character joins a unit of Longbeards or
a clear indication that the Hammerers, that unit will also gain this special rule. Should this character leave a unit of
other Dwarfs in the throng Longbeards or Hammerers they have joined for any reason, that unit loses this special rule.
would do well to follow
their example. When battle
is joined it is the kings and
thanes, with their finely
crafted armour and rune-
inscribed axes, who seek out
the enemy’s most powerful
combatants, matching
bestial fury or dark magic
with courage, honour and
honest steel.
By standing atop a dressed stone inscribed with powerful runes and ancestral oaths of vengeance, a
Lord increases the resolve of their followers and ensures that no foe can escape their wrath.

Challenges issued by a character with an Oathstone cannot be refused. In addition, a

character with an Oathstone and any unit they have joined automatically passes any Panic
tests they are required to make, but cannot choose to Flee as a charge reaction.

As a symbol of their station and stature, a Dwarf lord may be carried into battle standing proudly
atop a great shield, its tremendous weight borne upon the shoulders of their most loyal (and
strongest) retainers.

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Shieldbearers 3 5 - 4 - (+3) 2 3 - +60 Dwarf Lords
Note: A character with Shieldbearers has +3 Wounds. While Dwarfs are notably
an infantry force, there are
Troop Type: Heavy infantry a few exceptions among
Base Size: 50 x 50 mm their leaders. Some lords
Unit Size: 1 are carried into battle
Equipment: Hand weapons by Shieldbearers – stout
Special Rules: Borne Aloft, Gromril Weapons, Hatred (Orcs & Goblins), Resolute warriors who heft a shield
to serve their liege as a
Borne Aloft fighting platform. This was
Carried upon the broad shoulders of their most trusted retainers, a Dwarf lord towers above the common amongst Dwarfs of
serried ranks of their army. the southern holds and has
been continued elsewhere,
A model with Shieldbearers consists of not one, but four models – the character and three notably by the Kings of
loyal retainers – occupying a single base and acting together as a single entity. To represent Karak Hirn. In other clans,
this, a model with Shieldbearers has a split profile and follows the ‘Split Profile (Cavalry)’ especially northern ones,
rule. In all other respects, this model is heavy infantry. lords and thanes prefer to
fight atop Oath Stones,
rocks upon which runes are
struck – listing out the clan’s
honour, or perhaps the lord’s
lineage or deeds. The stone is
a symbol of their homeland,
a piece of their stronghold
made manifest.
Anvil Of Doom
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Anvil of Doom - - - - 7 5 - - - 235
Forgefather 3 6 4 4 5 4 3 5 9 -
& Anvil Guard

Troop Type: War machine (character)

Base Size: N/A
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hand weapons, heavy armour and shields

• May purchase Weapon, Armour and Talismanic runes up to a total of ..............100 points

Special Rules: Ancestral Shield, Gromril Armour, Gromril Weapons,

Hatred (Orcs & Goblins), Immune to Psychology, Magic Resistance (-3),
Resolute, Rune Lore, Skirmishers, Strike the Runes, Unbreakable
The Anvils of Doom
In times of great need, the Ancestral Shield
runesmiths will bring forth An Anvil of Doom is a potent artefact steeped in runic magic. This power protects the anvil’s loyal
an Anvil of Doom, one of the guardians as surely as it destroys the enemies of the Dwarfs.
most ancient and valuable
heirlooms of the Dwarf race. An Anvil of Doom and the Forgefather & Anvil Guard have a 5+ Ward save against any
It is on these very anvils that wounds suffered.
the greatest rune weapons in
history were forged. Anvils Immovable Object
which, many runesmiths An Anvil of Doom is a tremendously heavy object, rarely moved from within its keeper’s forge.
believe, were created by the When properly set atop a perfectly level dais of stone blocks, it is not easily moved.
great forgefather, Grungni
himself, when the world was Once an Anvil of Doom has been placed on the battlefield during deployment it cannot be
still young. moved by its crew during the Remaining Moves sub-phase.

Each anvil is covered in runes Note that an Anvil of Doom can still pivot freely at any time during its turn (the better to face the
that modern runesmiths enemy) and may make a follow up move as normal.
cannot begin to fathom.
When striking runes on the
anvil, each runelord uses
techniques taught to them by
their master that were in turn
taught by their master and
so on, back to the dawn of
time. Because of this, no two
anvils function in exactly the
same way.
Strike The Runes
An Anvil of Doom is crafted with the express intention of attracting the Winds of Magic. Character
The runic inlays enable a skilled smith to channel these into their work, thus creating the
rune magic their people are famed for. In battle, certain runic devices can be forged and then
broken, unleashing their full might upon the foe.

An Anvil of Doom can cast the following Bound spells, with a Power Level of 3:

Rune Of Oath & Steel

Dwarf mail hardens, each suit of armour remembering the hammer blows that forged it.

Type: Enchantment
Casting Value: 7+ /11+
Range: 24"
Effect: If this Bound spell is cast with a casting result of 7 or more, the target friendly
unit may re-roll any failed Armour Save rolls. If this Bound spell is cast with a casting
result of 11 or more, the target friendly unit may re-roll any failed Armour Save rolls
and improves its armour value by 1 (to a maximum of 2+). This spell lasts until your The Anvils of Doom
next Start of Turn sub-phase. The powers possessed by
the anvils are influenced by
Rune Of Hearth & Home the character traits of the
Ancestor Gods. For example,
Dawi hearts fill with a mighty desire to defend their hold, clan and ancestors. the influence of Grimnir is
his fury, and runes struck
Type: Enchantment in his likeness unleash his
Casting Value: 7+ wrath and rage within his
Range: Self descendants. The influence of
Effect: Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, all friendly Dwarf units within 21" of Grungni is his determination
the Anvil of Doom gain the Immune to Psychology special rule. and mastery of the forge,
thus runes struck in his
Rune Of Haste & Urgency name increase the power
of arms and the strength of
As the runes are struck, time slows around the marching Dwarf throng. armour. Whilst the influence
of Valaya is her bravery and
Type: Conveyance loyalty, and runes struck in
Casting Value: 10+ her honour bolster the spirits
Range: 24" of the Dwarfen throng and
Effect: If the target friendly unit is not fleeing and has already moved during this fill the enemy with fear and
Movement phase, it may immediately move again. doubt. By striking carefully
prepared runes in the correct
Rune Of Wrath & Ruin order upon the face of the
anvil, a patient runelord can
The very earth cracks beneath the feet of the enemy, venting forth fire and sulphur. unleash this power upon
the battlefield.
Type: Magic Missile
Casting Value: 9+
Range: 27"
Effect: The target enemy unit suffers 2D6 Strength 4 hits, each with an AP of -2.
Dwarf Runesmiths
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Runelord 3 6 4 4 5 3 3 3 9 120
Runesmith 3 5 4 4 4 2 2 2 9 65

Troop Type: Heavy infantry (character)

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hand weapon and heavy armour

• May take a great weapon.........................................................................................................+4 points
• May take a shield........................................................................................................................+2 points
• May replace heavy armour with full plate armour........................................................+3 points
• May take an Oathstone .........................................................................................................+15 points
• May purchase Weapon, Armour and Talismanic runes:
Dwarf Runesmiths - A Runelord may purchase runes up to a total of....................................................125 points
The ancient Guild of - A Runesmith may purchase runes up to a total of....................................................75 points
Runesmiths is one of the
oldest and most respected Special Rules: Armour Bane (1), Forgefire, Gromril Armour, Gromril Weapons,
institutions in all of Hatred (Orcs & Goblins), Magic Resistance (-2), Resolute,
Karaz Ankor, its origins Rune Lore, Stubborn
stretching back to the days
of Grungni himself. Its Forgefire
members work spells with In the heat of battle, the weapons of a runesmith’s companions glow white-hot with the heat of
their hammercraft, binding their forging, cutting through the inferior armour of the enemy with ease.
the Winds of Magic into
mighty runes of power. In If this character joins a unit, that unit will gain the Armour Bane (2) and Flaming Attacks
battle, Runesmiths aid their special rules. Should this character leave a unit it has joined for any reason, that unit loses
kin by dampening enemy these special rules.
magic – earthing spells
harmlessly before they can
wreak havoc amongst the
Dwarfen ranks. Whether
by some gift of Grungni,
or perhaps as a side effect
of centuries of hammering
magical runes into white-hot
metal, when a Runesmith
feels the rage of battle, their
weapons, and those of their
kin, begin to glow and radiate
heat as if remembering the
forgefires from which they
were created.
Slayers Of Legend
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Daemon Slayer 3 7 3 4 5 3 5 4 10 130
Dragon Slayer 3 6 3 4 5 2 4 3 10 70

Troop Type: Heavy infantry (character)

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hand weapon

• May take one of the following:
- Additional hand weapon...................................................................................................+3 points
- Great weapon........................................................................................................................+4 points
• A Daemon Slayer may purchase:
- Weapon runes up to a total of.......................................................................................100 points
- Talismanic runes up to a total of.....................................................................................25 points
• A Dragon Slayer may purchase Weapon runes up to a total of ..................................75 points The Slayer Cult
Dwarfs are, above all, proud
Special Rules: individuals that do not cope
• Daemon Slayer: Deathblow, Gromril Weapons, Hatred (Orcs & Goblins), well with failure or loss and
Immune to Psychology, Killing Blow, Loner, Magic Resistance (-2), should a Dwarf suffer some
Resolute, Slayer of Daemons, Unbreakable, Vanguard terrible personal tragedy,
• Dragon Slayer: Deathblow, Gromril Weapons, Hatred (Orcs & Goblins), they become inconsolable.
Immune to Psychology, Killing Blow, Loner, Magic Resistance (-2), Whatever the cause, Dwarfs
Resolute, Slayer of Dragons, Unbreakable, Vanguard who have suffered what they
perceive to be a serious loss
Slayer Of Daemons of honour might take the
In their quest to meet a mighty doom, some Slayers seek out daemonic creatures. Those that fail solemn and binding vows
to find a foe able to best them in combat invariably become skilled in the grim work of banishing of the Slayer Cult, forsaking
such fiends. their home and kin in self-
imposed exile. These exiles
When this character makes a roll To Wound, a roll of 4+ is always a success, regardless of cut their beards short, shave
the target’s Toughness. In addition, each unsaved wound inflicted by this character against their cheeks and temples, and
an enemy model with the Warp-spawned special rule, or whose troop type is ‘behemoth’, grease their hair with animal
has the Multiple Wounds (D3) special rule. fat in honour of Grimnir.
Taking only their axe, they
Slayer Of Dragons venture into the wilderness
Those Slayers that hunt the mightiest of wyrms must learn quickly how best to slay such creatures to seek a great doom in battle
in battle, lest their eventual doom be considered unworthy. at the hands of a worthy
enemy. Those that survive the
When this character makes a roll To Wound, a roll of 4+ is always a success, regardless longest, eluding their doom
of the target’s Toughness. In addition, each unsaved wound inflicted by this character and besting every foe fate
against an enemy model whose troop type is ‘behemoth’ has the Multiple Wounds (D3) places before them, become
special rule. legendary, if melancholic,
figures amongst their kin.
Dwarf Engineers
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Engineer 3 4 5 4 4 2 2 2 9 50

Troop Type: Heavy infantry (character)

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hand weapon and heavy armour

• May take one of the following:
- Pistol.........................................................................................................................................+6 points
- Brace of pistols....................................................................................................................+10 points
• May take any of the following:
- Great weapon........................................................................................................................+4 points
- Handgun.................................................................................................................................+8 points
• May purchase Weapon, Armour and Talismanic runes up to a total of .................50 points
Dwarfen Engineers
Dwarf Engineers are experts Special Rules: Artillery Master, Dwarf Crafted, Entrenchment, Gromril Armour,
in many fields. They are Hatred (Orcs & Goblins), Magic Resistance (-1), Resolute,
first and foremost doughty “Stand Back Chief”, Stubborn
warriors and skilled
marksmen whose prowess Artillery Master
in battle alone merits a place Engineers are quick to advise artillery crews how best to aim and fire a war machine.
of honour in the Dwarfen
throng. In addition, they Unless this character is fleeing or engaged in combat, once per turn, during the Shooting
are consummate craftsmen phase, a friendly unit of Quarrellers, unit of Thunderers or Dwarf war machine that is
who can perform any task within its Command range can either re-roll any rolls To Hit of a natural 1, or re-roll a
relating to metal or stone, single Artillery dice.
from forging cannon barrels
to designing steam engines Entrenchment
to drafting the plans for An Engineer will direct the rapid construction of effective entrenchments that protect both war
fortifications and mines. machine and crew.

A throng which utilises During deployment, you may ‘Entrench’ a single non-character model whose troop type is
Dwarf-made war machines ‘war machine’ for each character in your army with this special rule. An Entrenched war
will often be accompanied machine is considered to be behind partial cover and to be defending a low linear obstacle.
by at least one Engineer. Not Should the war machine move for any reason, it is no longer Entrenched.
only to help repair damage
done to these cherished “Stand Back Chief”
weapons of war, but also to Hunkering down behind their war machines, an Engineer is well-protected from enemy fire.
direct their crews with a skill
born of intimate familiarity A character with this special rule cannot be targeted by enemy shooting or by enemy spells
with the workings of whilst it is within 3" of a friendly unit whose troop type is ‘war machine’.
each device.
Infantry Warriors
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Warrior 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 9 8
Veteran 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 2 9 +5

Troop Type: Heavy infantry

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 5+
Equipment: Hand weapons and heavy armour

• The entire unit may take any of the following:
- Great weapons...................................................................................................+1 point per model
- Shields...................................................................................................................+1 point per model
• Any unit may:
- Upgrade one model to a Veteran (champion) ..........................................+5 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+5 points per unit Dwarf Warriors
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+5 points per unit In times of war, clan leaders
• A Veteran may purchase Weapon runes up to a total of ..............................................25 points call the muster and any
• 0-1 unit per 1,000 points may: Dwarfs old enough to fight
- Have the Drilled special rule ........................................................................+1 point per model form together into regiments.
- Have the Veteran special rule.......................................................................+1 point per model Most of the individuals that
- Purchase Standard runes up to a total of .....................................................................50 points answer the call to battle
are craftsmen of some sort
Special Rules: Close Order, Hatred (Orcs & Goblins), Magic Resistance (-1), – stone-carvers, brewers,
Resolute, Shieldwall minters, and the like. But
once they don their well-
forged mail and an axe in
hand, they leave behind the
artisan, turning that same
industrious nature to their
other calling – warfare.

Dwarfs make formidable

fighters – they are strong
and extremely resilient,
broad of shoulder and wide
of girth, with large, strong
hands and broad, flat feet.
When they charge into battle,
the momentum generated
by their wide, armour-clad
bodies is remarkable, hitting
the foe with a resounding
impact, splintering the
enemy’s shields and carving
through their formations.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Longbeard 3 5 3 4 4 1 2 1 9 12
Elder 3 5 3 4 4 1 2 2 9 +6

Troop Type: Heavy infantry

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 5+
Equipment: Hand weapons and heavy armour

• The entire unit may take any of the following:
- Great weapons...................................................................................................+1 point per model
- Shields...................................................................................................................+1 point per model
• Any unit may:
- Upgrade one model to an Elder (champion).............................................+6 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+6 points per unit
Dwarf Longbeards - Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+6 points per unit
Longbeards are the oldest, - Purchase Standard runes up to a total of .....................................................................50 points
most experienced Dwarf • An Elder may purchase:
warriors, a fact evidenced by - Weapon runes up to a total of..........................................................................................25 points
the length of their beards. - Talismanic runes up to a total of.....................................................................................25 points
This ensures that they • 0-1 unit per 1,000 points may have the Drilled special rule.....................+1 point per model
receive all due respect from
younger Dwarfs, who have Special Rules: Close Order, Gromril Weapons, Hatred (Orcs & Goblins),
been taught, quite rightly, Magic Resistance (-1), Resolute, Shieldwall, Venerable, Veteran
to respect their elders.
Longbeards have fought in Venerable
more wars, beaten more Longbeards tend to look down their beards at younger Dwarfs. In their turn, younger Dwarfs pay
enemies, and endured greater dutiful attention to the words and deeds of their elders, hoping to emulate their courage.
hardships than any young
Dwarf can imagine. They Unless this unit is fleeing, friendly units within 6" of it can re-roll any failed Panic test.
constantly grumble about
how nothing is as good as it
was in their youth, be it the
quality of the enemy, the
ale in their flagons, even the
warmth of the sun and the
freshness of the mountain
air. In such matters, no young
Dwarf would dare gainsay a
Longbeard, as their wealth of
experience and the length of
their beards renders offering
a contradictory opinion
quite futile.
Quarrellers & Thunderers
Quarrellers M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Quarreller 3 3 3 3 4 1 2 1 9 9
Veteran 3 3 4 3 4 1 2 1 9 +5

Thunderers M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Thunderer 3 3 3 3 4 1 2 1 9 10
Veteran 3 3 4 3 4 1 2 1 9 +5

Troop Type: Heavy infantry

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 5+
• Quarrellers: Hand weapons, crossbows and heavy armour
• Thunderers: Hand weapons, handguns and heavy armour

• The entire unit may take any of the following: Quarrellers
- Great weapons.................................................................................................+2 points per model Since the Dwarfs first came to
- Shields...................................................................................................................+1 point per model the Worlds Edge Mountains,
• Any unit may: the crossbow has been their
- Upgrade one model to a Veteran (champion) ..........................................+5 points per unit ranged weapon of choice,
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+5 points per unit though in recent times,
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+5 points per unit devotees of the handgun
• A Veteran may replace their crossbow or handgun with: have grown in number. The
- Pistol ..................................................................................................................................................Free crossbow will never disappear
- Brace of pistols......................................................................................................................+5 points entirely though, for many
Dwarfs prefer to trust the
Special Rules: weapons of their forebears. If
• Quarrellers: Close Order, Dwarf Crafted, Hatred (Orcs & Goblins), nothing else, many begrudge
Magic Resistance (-1), Resolute the cost of blackpowder
• Thunderers: Close Order, Dwarf Crafted, Hatred (Orcs & Goblins), when a bit of elbow grease
Magic Resistance (-1), Resolute will propel a quarrel as far as
a bullet.

Being of a mechanically gifted
folk, Dwarf Thunderers
tend to modify their own
handguns so that no two are
alike. These modifications
incorporate additional
improvements of the owner’s
own devising, or the latest
ideas from noted Engineers.
There is some rivalry between
Thunderers regarding what
makes for the most accurate
weapon, resulting in Dwarf
handguns being the most
precise weapons of their type
in the world.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Ranger 3 4 4 3 4 1 2 1 9 11
Ol’ Deadeye 3 4 4 3 4 1 2 2 9 +6

Troop Type: Heavy infantry

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 5+
Equipment: Hand weapons, crossbows and heavy armour

• The entire unit may take any of the following:
- Great weapons.................................................................................................+2 points per model
- Shields...................................................................................................................+1 point per model
• Any unit may either:
- Take throwing axes ..........................................................................................+1 point per model
Dwarf Rangers - Replace crossbows with throwing axes..................................................................................Free
Not all Dwarf clans are • Any unit may:
content to live in great - Upgrade one model to an Ol’ Deadeye (champion) ...............................+6 points per unit
holds built deep under the - Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+6 points per unit
mountains. Some dwell - Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+6 points per unit
above ground, occupying - Purchase Standard runes up to a total of .....................................................................25 points
remote locations, far from the • An Ol’ Deadeye may replace their crossbow with:
protection of stone walls, but - Pistol ..................................................................................................................................................Free
close to the trade routes of - Brace of pistols......................................................................................................................+5 points
the Old World. These clans
trade with Men and operate Special Rules: Dwarf Crafted, Hatred (Orcs & Goblins), Magic Resistance (-1),
their own businesses such Move through Cover, Open Order, Resolute, Scouts, Skirmishers
as mines, blacksmiths and
breweries. For such clans,
the battle against enemies is
a daily challenge, with raids
from Orc and Goblin tribes
commonplace. The tradition
has developed for these
Dwarfs to band together in
defence of their communities
against these threats and to
settle grudges by hunting
down the culprits. Such
bands have become known as
Rangers. Armed with their
preferred great axes and
crossbows, bands of Rangers
have brought a bloody
reckoning to many an enemy.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Hammerer 3 5 3 4 4 1 3 1 9 16
Royal Champion 3 5 3 4 4 1 3 2 9 +7

Troop Type: Heavy infantry

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 5+
Equipment: Hand weapons, great hammers (see below) and heavy armour

• The entire unit may take shields........................................................................+1 point per model
• Any unit may:
- Upgrade one model to a Royal Champion (champion) ........................+7 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+7 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+7 points per unit
- Have the Drilled special rule ........................................................................+1 point per model
- Have the Veteran special rule.......................................................................+1 point per model Hammerers
- Purchase Standard runes up to a total of .....................................................................75 points The most skilled warriors
• A Royal Champion may purchase: in a Dwarf hold are its
- Weapon runes up to a total of..........................................................................................25 points Hammerers, individuals
- Talismanic runes up to a total of.....................................................................................25 points drawn from different units,
and perhaps even clans, who
Special Rules: Close Order, Gromril Weapons, Hatred (Orcs & Goblins), have proven themselves in
Magic Resistance (-1), Resolute, Royal Guard, Shieldwall, uncountable battles, showing
Stoic Defenders, Stubborn not just great strength
and martial prowess, but
Royal Guard also steadfast loyalty and
A Hammerer’s duty is a sacred thing and, bound by oath, they will fight to the death to protect the a bold, courageous nature.
royal blood. For the leader of the throng, a Hammerer will gladly give their life rather than face the In addition to being a
dishonour of failure. formidable fighting unit,
the Hammerers act as a
Your army may include one unit of Hammerers for every King or Thane it includes. Any king’s personal bodyguard,
model in a unit of Hammerers that has been joined by a King or Thane can issue and each bound by a sacred
accept challenges in the same manner as a character. Should the King or Thane leave the oath to protect their liege
unit for any reason, the unit loses this ability. and, if necessary, lay down
their life to fulfil their vow.
Stoic Defenders Outfitted in heavy Dwarf
Hefting their Gromril great hammers, a regiment of Hammerers stands ready to meet the enemy’s mail, Hammerers wade
charge with a flurry of deadly blows. into combat swinging their
weapons in sweeping arcs,
During a turn in which it was charged by the enemy, a model with this special rule gains a smiting their enemies with
+1 modifier to its Initiative and Attacks characteristics. such vigour that Dwarf battle
lines have been known to
R S AP Special Rules cheer at the sight of the great
Great hammers Combat S+2 -2 Armour Bane (2), Magical Attacks, hammers rising and falling
Requires Two Hands around their king’s banner.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Ironbreaker 3 5 3 4 4 1 2 1 9 15
Ironbeard 3 5 3 4 4 1 2 2 9 +7

Troop Type: Heavy infantry

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 5+
Equipment: Hand weapons, full plate armour and shields

• Any unit may:
- Upgrade one model to an Ironbeard (champion)....................................+7 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+7 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+7 points per unit
• An Ironbeard may replace their shield with one of the following:
- Brace of drakefire pistols (see below)..........................................................................+10 points
Ironbreakers - Drakegun (see below).......................................................................................................+10 points
Most of the Karaz Ankor • An Ironbeard may take cinderblast bombs (see opposite) ........................................+15 points
lies beneath the ground. • An Ironbeard may purchase Weapon runes up to a total of........................................25 points
From the towering vaults and • 0-1 unit per 1,000 points may:
labyrinthine galleries of the - Have the Drilled special rule ........................................................................+1 point per model
holds, to the endless tunnels - Purchase Standard runes up to a total of .....................................................................50 points
of the Underway, to the
shafts of countless mines, this Special Rules: Close Order, Gromril Armour, Gromril Weapons,
is a part of the Everlasting Hatred (Orcs & Goblins), Magic Resistance (-1), Regimental Unit,
Realm that remains a Resolute, Runes of Protection, Shieldwall, Stubborn
mystery to all but the
Dwarfs and their ancestral Runes Of Protection
enemies. All manner of fell Ironbreakers venture into the dark beneath the world protected from the terrors it hides by rune
creatures lurk below and the encrusted suits of gromril armour.
Ironbreakers guard the deep
abandoned tunnels from This unit has a 6+ Ward save against any wounds suffered that were caused by a non-
those that would otherwise magical enemy attack.
invade the hold. They spend
much of their time below Brace Of
ground in the deepest, least Drakefire Pistols R S AP
Special Rules
visited corners of the Dwarf Ranged 12" 5 -1
Armour Bane (2), Dwarf Crafted,
realm. In these dark places, Flaming Attacks, Multiple Shots (2), Quick Shot
ambush and rockfall are Combat Combat S - Extra Attacks (1), Flaming Attacks,
commonplace hazards and Requires Two Hands
survival is often dependent Notes: A brace of drakefire pistols has two profiles, representing how the weapons are used
on wearing the right armour. in combat.
Accordingly, Ironbreakers
wear fine suits of gromril R S AP Special Rules
plate as both protection Drakegun 18" 5 -1 Armour Bane (2), Dwarf Crafted,
against the dangers of Flaming Attacks, Quick Shot
the deep and as a badge
of honour.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Irondrake 3 4 4 4 4 1 2 1 9 15
Ironwarden 3 4 5 4 4 1 2 1 9 +6

Troop Type: Heavy infantry

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 5+
Equipment: Hand weapons, drakeguns (see opposite) and full plate armour

• Any unit may:
- Upgrade one model to an Ironwarden (champion)................................+6 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+6 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+6 points per unit
• An Ironwarden may replace their drakegun with one of the following:
- Brace of drakefire pistols (see opposite).......................................................................+5 points Irondrakes
- Trollhammer torpedo (see below)...............................................................................+15 points Irondrakes fight stoically
• An Ironwarden may take cinderblast bombs (see below) .........................................+15 points alongside the Ironbreakers
• 0-1 unit per 1,000 points may: in the defence of the endless
- Have the Drilled special rule ........................................................................+1 point per model miles of dark tunnels that
- Purchase Standard runes up to a total of .....................................................................50 points form the Underway from the
constant attacks of twisted
Special Rules: Close Order, Detachment, Gromril Armour, Hatred (Orcs & Goblins), and evil enemies. Similar to
Magic Resistance (-1), Resolute, Runes of Warding, Stubborn their Ironbreaker comrades,
Irondrakes wear heavy suits
Runes Of Warding of gromril armour, but where
The armour of an Irondrake protects its wearer from the flames of battle as well as it does from the the Ironbreakers engrave
heat of their drakeguns. their armour with runes
of protection, Irondrake
A model with this special rule has a 5+ Ward save against any wounds suffered that were armour is inscribed with
caused by an attack that has the Flaming Attacks special rule. runes of warding, the better
to protect them from the
R S AP Special Rules heat of their drakeguns.
Cinderblast bombs 8" 5 -1 Flaming Attacks, Quick Shot These short-ranged but
Notes: A unit hit by a cinderblast bomb suffers D6+1 hits (rather than the usual one). potent weapons fire searing
blasts of alchemical fury
R S AP Special Rules that easily punch fist-sized
Trollhammer 24" 8 -3 Dwarf Crafted, Flaming Attacks, holes through the flesh of an
torpedo Multiple Wounds (D3) enemy. When fired in unison
and in sufficient numbers,
these weapons are capable
of flooding even the largest
sections of the Underway
with unquenchable fire and
quickly turning even the
largest force of invaders
to ash.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Miner 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 9 12
Prospector 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 2 9 +6

Troop Type: Heavy infantry

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 5+
Equipment: Hand weapons, great weapons and heavy armour

• The entire unit may take blasting charges (see below) ............................+2 points per model
• Any unit may:
- Upgrade one model to a Prospector (champion).....................................+6 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+6 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+6 points per unit
• A Prospector may take a steam drill (see below) ..........................................................+20 points
Dwarf Miners • 0-1 unit per 1,000 points may:
Even the smallest Dwarf - Replace the Close Order special rule with Open Order ..................................................Free
holds are populated with - Have the Veteran special rule.......................................................................+1 point per model
a fair number of Miners. As - Purchase Standard runes up to a total of .....................................................................25 points
an underground dwelling
race, Dwarfs always need Special Rules: Ambushers, Close Order, Hatred (Orcs & Goblins),
experts at delving into Magic Resistance (-1), Resolute, Vanguard
bedrock, and this, coupled
with the race’s insatiable R S AP Special Rules
lust for gold, ensures that Blasting charges 6" 3 -1 Armour Bane (1), Flaming Attacks,
all mountain abodes are Quick Shot
riddled with any number
of deep shafts dug down in R S AP
Special Rules
search of precious metals and Steam drill Combat S+3 -3
Furious Charge, Requires Two Hands,
gems. When Dwarfs march Strike Last
to war, many mining clans Notes: A unit of Miners held in reserve that includes a Prospector equipped with a steam drill
form regiments to join the may re-roll the D6 when rolling to determine if they arrive on the battlefield.
battle. As a point of pride,
they do not bear axes, but
instead wield the same heavy,
two-handed mining picks
and mattocks they use to
laboriously carve out tunnels.
There are many benefits
to having such troops in an
army, notably they can use
their skills to tunnel beneath
the enemy and gain the
advantage of surprise.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Troll Slayer 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 10 12
Giant Slayer 3 5 3 4 4 1 3 2 10 +7

Troop Type: Regular infantry

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 5+
Equipment: Hand weapons

• Any number of models may take one of the following:
- Additional hand weapon................................................................................+1 point per model
- Great weapon...................................................................................................+2 points per model
• Any number of models may be upgraded to Giant Slayers....................+7 points per model
• Any unit may:
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+6 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+6 points per unit Dwarf Slayers
- Purchase Standard runes up to a total of .....................................................................50 points The Slayer way of life – a
constant search for battle
Special Rules: and foes – means that Slayers
• Troll Slayers: Deathblow, Hatred (Orcs & Goblins), Immune to Psychology, cannot shirk from battle.
Loner, Magic Resistance (-2), Motley Crew*, Open Order, Resolute, Thus, in times of need, when
Slayer, Unbreakable the throng gathers, Slayers
• Giant Slayers: Deathblow, “Fight Me!”, Hatred (Orcs & Goblins), arrive from the wilderness to
Immune to Psychology, Loner, Magic Resistance (-2), Motley Crew*, join their kin, drawn by the
Open Order, Resolute, Slayer, Unbreakable promise of enemies in great
numbers to test themselves
*Giant Slayers always occupy the front rank(s) of the unit, pushing past any Troll Slayers to get against, and eager to lend
there if necessary (such as when the unit turns). If a unit that includes a standard bearer and their considerable combat
musician includes enough Giant Slayers, both its standard bearer and musician will be Giant skills to the Dwarf cause.
Slayers. If a unit that includes a standard bearer and musician includes only one Giant Slayer, that Many desperate wars have
Giant Slayer will be its standard bearer. been won by the ferocity
and sheer determination of
“Fight Me!” the Slayers. Although they
In their quest to seek a mighty doom, Giant Slayers seek out ever more dangerous foes. prefer to hew down towering
monsters they will, at need,
Any model with this special rule can issue and accept challenges in the same manner as turn their axes to scything
a character. down any enemy. Even when
bloodied and battered after
Slayer a battle’s end, they will pause
To persist for long as a Slayer, a warrior must be exceptionally skilled and ferocious. only long enough to slake
their thirst before beginning
When this model makes a roll To Wound, a roll of 4+ is always a success, regardless of the their doomed quest anew.
target’s Toughness.
Cavalry M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Gyrocopter 1 4 3 4 5 3 2 2 9 60

Troop Type: Monstrous cavalry

Base Size: 50 x 50 mm
Unit Size: 1-6
Equipment: Hand weapon, steam gun (see below) and
armoured fuselage (counts as full plate armour)

Any Gyrocopter may replace its steam gun with one of the following:
Brimstone gun (see below) ..........................................................................+5 points per model
Clattergun (see below)................................................................................+10 points per model

Special Rules: Dive Bomb, Fire & Flee, Fly (9), Impact Hits (D3), Skirmishers,
Gyrocopters Swiftstride, Vanguard
Gyrocopters are flying
machines whose rotor blades Dive Bomb
are propelled by an ingenious Gyrocopters carry small bombs fitted with mechanical flints to light their fuse. Once the fuse is lit,
lightweight steam engine. the pilot must quickly release the bomb. All too often unlit bombs are dropped or, worse, lit bombs
They were invented by the are not dropped at all!
Engineers Guild, although it
took many centuries before Once per game, a unit with this special rule may perform a ‘Dive Bomb’ attack against
the flying machines gained a single enemy unit that is not engaged in combat. To do so, this unit must move (by flying)
acceptance from the more over the unit it wishes to attack during the Remaining Moves sub-phase. Once this unit’s
conservative Dwarfs. As the movement is complete, the enemy unit suffers D6 Strength 3 hits, each with an AP of -1,
legend goes, the inventor for each model in this unit that moved over it. However, for each roll of a natural 1 made
was inspired by watching when determining the number of hits, a bomb has misfired and this unit loses a single
Dragons swooping down Wound instead.
from inaccessible mountain
crags to combine the function R S AP Special Rules
of wings with that of the Steam gun N/A 3 -1 Breath Weapon
engines used to drive drilling
machines. R S AP Special Rules
Brimstone gun 18" 5 -2 Dwarf Crafted, Flaming Attacks,
Although originally used to Multiple Shots (D3+1), Quick Shot
fly over difficult mountain
terrain, and to drop supplies R S AP Special Rules
and messages to beleaguered Clattergun 24" 4 -1 Armour Bane (1), Dwarf Crafted,
settlements besieged by foes, Move & Shoot, Multiple Shots (D6),
the Gyrocopter was soon Quick Shot
tested over battlefields with
great success. Now, even small
strongholds have an airborne
fleet and skilled Engineer
pilots as part of their throng.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Gyrobomber 1 4 3 4 5 4 2 2 9 95

Troop Type: Monstrous creature

Base Size: 50 x 50 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hand weapon, steam gun and
armoured fuselage (counts as full plate armour)

Any Gyrobomber may replace its steam gun with one of the following:
Brimstone gun (see opposite) .....................................................................+5 points per model
Clattergun (see opposite)...........................................................................+10 points per model

Special Rules: Bombing Run, Close Order, Fly (8), Impact Hits (D3+1), Swiftstride

Bombing Run Gyrobombers

Armed with mechanical racks that bristle with Grudgebuster bombs, Gyrobombers stream over Since the flight of the
the Dwarf battle lines seeking to obliterate the foe’s largest formations. first Gyrocopter, Dwarf
Engineers have sought ways
This model may perform a ‘Bombing Run’ attack against a single enemy unit that is not to upgrade the diminutive
engaged in combat. To do so, this model must move (by flying) over the unit it wishes to craft’s payload. There were
attack during the Remaining Moves sub-phase. Once this model’s movement is complete, times, such as when Orc
roll on the Bombing Run table below: and Goblin invasions filled
the valleys, swarming up
Bombing Run Table a mountain’s flanks to besiege
D6 Result a Dwarf stronghold, that
1 Premature Detonation: The release mechanism jams and a bomb explodes no number of Gyrocopters
prematurely. This model loses a single Wound. buzzing around the enemy’s
2 Dud: A solitary bomb is released, but fails to detonate before landing squarely flanks were able to break
upon the head of an unfortunate enemy. The enemy unit loses a single Wound. up the attack. With some
3-4 Direct Hit: A cluster of bombs lands directly on-target. Place a large (5") careful reconfiguration, the
blast template so that its central hole is directly over the centre of the enemy Engineers Guild were able
unit. Once placed, the template will scatter D6". Any model whose base lies to significantly increase
underneath the template’s final position risks being hit and suffering a single the size and number of
Strength 4 hit with an AP of -1. bombs carried. Thus was
5-6 Bombs Away: A cluster of bombs is released, falling over a wide area. Place two the Gyrobomber invented.
small (3") blast templates so that their central hole is over the enemy unit. Once Armed with their impressive
placed, each template will scatter D6". Any model whose base lies underneath a bomb racks filled with
template’s final position risks being hit and suffering a single Strength 4 hit with multiple rows of devastating
an AP of -1. grudgebuster bombs and
a choice of potent nose-
mounted guns, Gyrobombers
stream over the Dwarf battle
lines seeking to obliterate the
foe’s largest formations.
Bolt Throwers
War Machine
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
War Machine Bolt Thrower - - - - 6 3 - - - 55
Dwarf Crew 3 3 3 3 4 3 2 3 9 -

Troop Type: War machine

Base Size: 50 x 50 mm (war machine), 25 x 25 mm (crew)
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Bolt thrower, hand weapons and light armour

May purchase Engineering runes up to a total of.........................................................100 points

Special Rules: Hatred (Orcs & Goblins), Magic Resistance (-1), Skirmishers, Stubborn

Grudge Throwers
Bolt Throwers
Tried and true, many clans M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
still swear by the Bolt thrower Grudge Thrower - - - - 7 3 - - - 95
– a war machine the Dwarfs Dwarf Crew 3 3 3 3 4 3 2 3 9 -
have used since the days of
the Ancestor Gods. Bolt Troop Type: War machine
throwers are large versions Base Size: 50 x 75 mm (war machine), 25 x 25 mm (crew)
of crossbows, able to fire a Unit Size: 1
huge bolt over a long distance. Equipment: Stone thrower, hand weapons and light armour
Reliable and accurate, some
Bolt throwers have been in Options:
service for thousands of years, May purchase Engineering runes up to a total of.........................................................100 points
yet they can still bring down
a flying Wyvern or skewer Special Rules: Hatred (Orcs & Goblins), Magic Resistance (-1), Skirmishers, Stubborn
a Troll.

Grudge Throwers
Catapults were one of the
earliest of the Dwarf-made
war machines and have
been used to command
the approaches to Dwarf
strongholds for many
millennia. During the War of
Vengeance, so wrathful were
the Dwarfs that they began
the practice of inscribing
grudges on the rocks used as
ammunition. This custom
stuck, and many believe that
a catapult is only as good as
the grudges it throws.
War Machine
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Cannon - - - - 7 3 - - - 100
Dwarf Crew 3 3 3 3 4 3 2 3 9 -

Troop Type: War machine

Base Size: 50 x 50 mm (war machine), 25 x 25 mm (crew)
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Cannon, hand weapons and light armour

May purchase Engineering runes up to a total of.........................................................100 points

Special Rules: Hatred (Orcs & Goblins), Magic Resistance (-1), Skirmishers, Stubborn

Organ Guns Cannon

One of the most potent of
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points war machines, a cannon
Organ Gun - - - - 7 3 - - - 120 can shatter the most heavily
Dwarf Crew 3 3 3 3 4 3 2 3 9 - armoured foe, pour shot into
massed enemy formations,
Troop Type: War machine level a foe’s cities or
Base Size: 50 x 50 mm (war machine), 25 x 25 mm (crew) fortifications and topple the
Unit Size: 1 largest of monsters.
Equipment: Organ gun, hand weapons and light armour
Special Rules: Hatred (Orcs & Goblins), Magic Resistance (-1), Skirmishers, Stubborn Organ Guns
An invention of the Dwarf
Engineers Guild, the Organ
Flame Cannon Gun is so called because its
array of barrels resembles
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points the pipes of a musical organ.
Flame Cannon - - - - 6 3 - - - 125 With all its barrels firing to
Dwarf Crew 3 3 3 3 4 3 2 3 9 - maximum effect, an Organ
Gun has been known to blow
Troop Type: War machine away entire enemy units at
Base Size: 50 x 75 mm (war machine), 25 x 25 mm (crew) a time.
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Fire thrower, hand weapons and light armour Flame Cannon
Special Rules: Hatred (Orcs & Goblins), Magic Resistance (-1), Skirmishers, Stubborn The Flame Cannon is a
deadly weapon capable of
inflicting extreme damage.
It is a brave Dwarf who
volunteers to crew this
extraordinary cannon, as
there is a strong chance that,
when the volatile concoction
of hot oil and molten tar is
unleashed, the cannon will
instantaneously explode!
B eing extremely resistant to magic and its influence, Dwarfs have learned to use its power by crafting it into magic items
such as weapons and armour. The Dwarfs are the greatest of all races when it comes to making magic items. Indeed,
many of the most powerful magic weapons used by Elves and Men were, in fact, forged by the Dwarfs.

Rune Magic Rules Of The Runes

Binding magic in the form of runes is no simple thing, and the
Unlike other armies, models in a Dwarfen Mountain Holds creation of runic items is governed by certain unbreakable rules
army cannot purchase any of the magic items listed in the established by runesmiths long ago to avoid calamity. To represent
Warhammer: the Old World rulebook. Instead, Dwarfs may this, all runic items in your army must abide by the following rules:
be equipped with runic items. These are effectively magic
items tailored to your own requirements by purchasing and The Rule Of Three: No single item can have more than
combining the runes given on the following pages. three runes. No model can have more than three runes
from each category.
Creating A Runic Item The Rule Of Form: No item can have a rune not intended
There are five categories of rune: Weapon, Armour, for that item. For example, a hand weapon cannot have an
Talismanic, Standard and Engineering. Runes from each of Engineering rune.
these categories can be inscribed upon an item carried by The Rule Of Pride: No two runic items in your army can
certain models or units, thus creating a runic item. To do this, be identical. This applies to items with only a single rune
simply choose the runes you want a model or unit to have and and to items with two or three runes.
note down their names and the item they have been inscribed The Rule Of Jealousy: Each Master rune may only be
upon when writing your muster list, remembering to add the chosen once per army. No item can have more than one
cost of each rune to that of the model, just as you would for a Master rune.
magic item. The Rule Of Duplication: Only runes marked with an
asterisk (*) can be duplicated on the same item, combining
For example, you may wish to inscribe a Weapon rune upon together and increasing their effect.
the hand weapon carried by a Dwarf Thane, effectively arming
that model with a magic weapon. After choosing from the list It is also important to remember that a runic item is no
of Weapon runes, simply record on your muster list that this different in principle to any other magic item, and that all of
Thane wields a hand weapon inscribed with your chosen rune. the usual rules for magic items apply to runic items as well.

Single Use Runes

Some runes are noted as being ‘single use’. Such runes can only
be used once per game. Once used, the rune’s magic is spent
and it cannot be used again.
Weapon Runes Master Rune Of Dragon Slaying....................35 points
With this mighty rune the Dwarfs have slain many great wyrms
Weapon runes can be inscribed upon a hand weapon or great and foul creatures of Chaos.
weapon (whatever form it takes). A model cannot have more
than three Weapon runes, no matter how many weapons it When making a roll To Wound against an enemy whose
carries. A weapon with one or more runes inscribed upon it troop type is ‘behemoth’ with a weapon inscribed with the
is a magic weapon (as described in the Warhammer: the Old Master Rune of Dragon Slaying, a roll of 2+ is always a success,
World rulebook) and automatically gains the Magical Attacks regardless of the target’s Toughness.
special rule.
Master Rune Of Flight.....................................25 points
Master Rune Of Smiting..................................75 points This cunning rune has been used to surprise the Dwarfs’ foes from
The secret of this rune was preserved in the Rundrokikron, an afar since the world was young.
ancient tome kept in the treasure troves of Karak Kadrin.
Hand weapon only. Once per turn, during the Shooting phase,
A weapon inscribed with the Master Rune of Smiting gains a weapon inscribed with the Master Rune of Flight can be
the Multiple Wounds (D6) special rule. thrown with the following profile (which may be modified by
additional runes):
Master Rune
Of Skalf Blackhammer.....................................65 points R S AP Special Rules
Runesmith Skalf forged many hammers of great might, and some 12" S - Magical Attacks,
maintain that even the hammer of Sigmar, Ghal Maraz itself, was Move & Shoot, Quick Shot
his work.
Master Rune Of Swiftness...............................25 points
When making a roll To Wound with a weapon inscribed with This rune was first struck by Thurgrom the Hermit, the last
the Master Rune of Skalf Blackhammer, a roll of 2+ is always a runesmith to study Elven crafts.
success, regardless of the target’s Toughness.
The wielder of a weapon inscribed with the Master Rune of
Master Rune Of Alaric The Mad...................45 points Swiftness gains the Strike First special rule.
Alaric the Mad forged the famous Runefangs for the Elector Counts
of the Empire before meeting an unknown fate. Master Rune Of Breaking ...............................25 points
Runesmiths take pride in seeing the inferior works of other races
No armour save is permitted against wounds caused by a break beneath a hammerblow.
weapon inscribed with the Master Rune of Alaric the Mad
(Ward and Regeneration saves can be attempted as normal). Any magic weapon carried by an enemy model that suffers
one or more unsaved wounds from a weapon inscribed with
the Master Rune of Breaking is destroyed and cannot be used
for the remainder of the game.

Note that even if their magic weapon is destroyed, the model is still
considered to be armed with a hand weapon.
Weapon Runes Rune Of Might* .................................................20 points
A weapon inscribed with Runes of Might can fell a Giant in
Rune Of Parrying ..............................................35 points a flurry of blows.
A weapon with this rune moves like quicksilver to block the attacks
of the enemy. For each Rune of Might inscribed upon a weapon, its wielder
has a +1 modifier to their Strength characteristic.
Any enemy model that directs its attacks against a model
wielding a weapon inscribed with a Rune of Parrying during Rune Of Cleaving*.............................................15 points
the Combat phase suffers a -1 modifier to its rolls To Hit. This rune was first made for mining tools, to allow them to break
through rock with ease.
Rune Of Banishment ........................................25 points
First crafted in the days of the Ancestor Gods, the touch of this Hand weapon only. For each Rune of Cleaving inscribed upon
potent rune is anathema to the creatures of Chaos. a weapon, its Armour Piercing characteristic is improved by 1.

Enemy models with the Warp-spawned special rule cannot Rune Of Striking*..............................................15 points
make any Ward saves against hits caused by a weapon A weapon with this rune moves to strike the foe’s most vulnerable
inscribed with the Rune of Banishment. area with an uncanny precision.

Rune Of Fury*....................................................25 points For each Rune of Striking inscribed upon a weapon, its wielder
A Rune of Fury is an emblem of the anger all Dwarfs feel towards has a +1 modifier to their Weapon Skill characteristic.
the enemies of their ancestors.
Rune Of Fire .......................................................10 points
For each Rune of Fury inscribed upon a weapon, its wielder Struck whilst the weapon glows white-hot, a Rune of Fire forever
has a +1 modifier to their Attacks characteristic. binds the heat of the forge.

Grudge Rune* .....................................................20 points The wielder of a weapon inscribed with a Rune of Fire gains
Grudge Runes seek out the enemies of the Dwarfs with the Flaming Attacks special rule.
unerring accuracy.
Rune Of Speed* ....................................................5 points
For each Grudge Rune inscribed upon a weapon, its wielder This rune enhances its bearer’s awareness and quickness, catching
may re-roll a single roll To Hit of a natural 1 made during the unwary enemies by surprise.
Combat phase.
Hand weapon only. For each Rune of Speed inscribed
upon a weapon, its wielder has a +1 modifier to their
Initiative characteristic.
Armour Runes Rune Of Preservation .......................................25 points
The Rune of Preservation was first struck to counter the
Armour runes can only be inscribed upon armour. If you give decapitating blows of Elven swordmasters.
a model an Armour rune, it is inscribed upon the armour that
model is equipped with. A model cannot have more than three A model wearing armour inscribed with a Rune of
Armour runes, even if it carries additional equipment such as Preservation is immune to both the Killing Blow and Multiple
a shield. Wounds (X) special rules. If the wearer suffers an unsaved
wound from an attack with either of these special rules, they
Master Rune Of Adamant.............................100 points lose a single Wound.
The Master Rune of Adamant makes flesh harder than granite and
more impervious than steel. Rune Of Shielding*............................................15 points
In ages past, entire regiments would march to war bearing shields
A model wearing armour inscribed with the Master Rune struck with the Runes of Shielding.
of Adamant has a Toughness characteristic of 10. This rune
cannot be combined with any other Armour runes. A model wearing armour inscribed with a single Rune of
Shielding has a 6+ Ward save against any wounds suffered. For
Master Rune Of Gromril.................................45 points each additional Rune of Shielding, this Ward save is improved
In its purest form, Gromril holds runes better than any other by 1.
substance in all the world.
Rune Of Stone*.....................................................5 points
A model wearing armour inscribed with the Master Rune A simple but brittle rune, the Rune of Stone is the first rune taught
of Gromril has an armour value of 2+, which cannot be to apprentice runesmiths.
improved in any way.
Single use. For each Rune of Stone inscribed upon their
Rune Of Iron ......................................................35 points armour, a model may re-roll a single failed Armour Save roll.
Worked into suits of armour, the potent Rune of Iron increases the
durability of the wearer.

A model wearing armour inscribed with a Rune of Iron has +1

Wound on its profile.

Rune Of Fortitude* ...........................................30 points

Runes of Fortitude turn flesh to iron and turn aside the enemy’s
blades with ease.

For each Rune of Fortitude inscribed upon their armour,

a model has a +1 modifier to its Toughness characteristic
(to a maximum of 10).
Talismanic Runes Master Rune Of Spite.......................................35 points
Created to protect the gates of Dwarfen holds, this rune is cunningly
Talismanic runes are inscribed upon all manner of small, used on many other devices.
personal items, such as rings, amulets and bracelets. All
models are considered to wear or carry such items onto which Each time the bearer of the Master Rune of Spite loses a
Talismanic runes can be inscribed. A model cannot have more Wound to an enemy attack during the Combat phase, the unit
than three Talismanic runes. that made the attack suffers a Strength 5 hit with an AP of -2.

Master Rune Of Calm ......................................50 points Rune Of Spellbreaking* ...................................25 points

When the power of this rune is unleashed, the Winds of Magic are It is said that this powerful rune was first crafted by Grungni and
stilled, leaving enemy Wizards unable to cast even the most simple Valaya working as one.
of spells.
Anvil of Doom and Dwarf Runesmiths only. Single use. The
The bearer of the Master Rune of Calm can cast the following bearer of a Rune of Spellbreaking may use it instead of making
Bound spell, with a Power Level of 2: a dispel attempt. If they do so, the spell is automatically
dispelled with no Dispel roll required.
Type: Hex
Casting Value: 8+/11+ Rune Of Warding*.............................................20 points
Range: Self Runes of Warding are potent but fragile, and their magic easily
Effect: If this Bound spell is cast with a casting result of 8 or expended all too soon.
more, enemy Wizards that are within 18" of this model when
attempting to cast a spell must increase that spell’s casting Single use. Each Rune of Warding gives its bearer a 2+ Ward
value by 2. If this Bound spell is cast with a casting result of save against a single wound.
11 or more, enemy Wizards that are within 36" of this model
when attempting to cast a spell must increase that spell’s Rune Of Luck*....................................................15 points
casting value by 2. This spell lasts until your next Start of Turn The runesmith who first struck this rune supposedly acquired a
sub-phase. fortune in gold through gambling.

Master Rune Of Balance..................................35 points Single use. The bearer of a Rune of Luck may use it to re-roll
Forged in the glowing embers of a burning book of spells, this rune a single failed roll To Hit or To Wound, or to re-roll a single
hungers after the Winds of Magic. failed Armour Save roll.

Anvil of Doom and Dwarf Runesmiths only. Once per turn, Rune Of The Furnace .........................................5 points
the bearer of the Master Rune of Balance may use it when Intended to aid Dwarfs working hot forges, this rune has been
attempting a Wizardly dispel. If they do so, roll an extra D6 adapted for use in battle.
when making the Dispel roll and discard the lowest result.
The bearer of a Rune of the Furnace has a 3+ Ward save
against any wounds suffered that were caused by an attack
that has the Flaming Attacks special rule.

Rune Of Passage...................................................5 points

This rune causes even the most treacherous of terrain to part and
become level underfoot.

The bearer of a Rune of Passage gains the Move through

Cover special rule. Any unit joined by the bearer also gains the
Move through Cover special rule. Should the bearer leave the
unit for any reason, the unit loses this special rule.
Standard Runes Rune Of Fear ......................................................30 points
Those that carry this banner to battle seem to tower over the
Standard runes can only be inscribed upon a standard carried enemy, looming like mythical giants.
by a Battle Standard Bearer or by a standard bearer within
a unit that has the option to purchase Standard runes. A A unit carrying a standard inscribed with the Rune of Fear
standard cannot have more than three Standard runes. A unit gains the Fear special rule.
joined by a Battle Standard Bearer is considered to also be
carrying their standard. Rune Of Battle....................................................25 points
In ages past, even lesser strongholds and fortified mines had a
Master Rune Of Grungni ................................80 points standard bearing this humble rune.
This rune stirs the Winds of Magic until their swirling forces
protect those that march beneath it. When calculating its combat result, a unit carrying a standard
inscribed with a Rune of Battle may claim an additional bonus
Battle Standard Bearer only. A unit carrying a standard of +1 combat result point.
inscribed with the Master Rune of Grungni has a 5+ Ward
save against any wounds suffered. In addition, whilst within Strollaz’ Rune .....................................................25 points
6" of the model carrying this standard, friendly units have Tireless by nature, Dwarfs that march beneath Strollaz’ Rune
a 6+ Ward save against any wounds suffered during the become relentless in their advance.
Shooting phase.
A unit carrying a standard inscribed with Strollaz’ Rune gains
Master Rune Of the Vanguard special rule.
Stromni Redbeard .............................................75 points
This rune was first carved onto the Battle Standard of Durgin, son Rune Of Courage ...............................................15 points
of Grindo, son of Grimnir. This inspirational rune further bolsters the already considerable
courage of all Dwarfs near it.
When calculating its combat result, any friendly unit within
the Command range of the model carrying the standard A unit carrying a standard inscribed with the Rune of Courage
inscribed with the Master Rune of Stromni Redbeard may automatically passes any Fear or Terror tests it is required
claim an additional bonus of +1 combat result point. to make.

Master Rune Of Hesitation.............................45 points

The presence of this rune causes the enemy to hesitate before the
Dwarfen throng and falter in their charge.

An enemy unit that charges the front arc of a unit carrying a

standard inscribed with the Rune of Hesitation does not count
as having charged for the purposes of choosing which weapon
to use or using any special rules it may have.

Note that the unit carrying this rune still counts as having been
charged by the enemy unit.

Rune Of Confusion ...........................................35 points

Under the shadow of this rune, the enthusiasm of charging enemies
quickly wanes.

Any enemy unit that charges the front arc of a unit carrying
a standard inscribed with the Rune of Confusion makes a
disordered charge.
Engineering Runes Rune Of Skewering............................................20 points
During the War of the Beard, the Elves paid dearly for their help in
Engineering runes can only be inscribed upon a model whose crafting this rune.
troop type is ‘war machine’. These runes are inscribed upon the
war machine itself, rather than upon the equipment carried Bolt throwers only. A bolt thrower inscribed with this rune
by its crew, meaning that the war machine (but not its crew) has a +1 modifier to its Strength characteristic. In addition,
gains both the effect of the rune and the Magical Attacks no armour save is permitted against wounds caused by a
special rule. A war machine cannot have more than three bolt thrower inscribed with a Rune of Skewering (Ward and
Engineering runes. Regeneration saves can be attempted as normal).

Master Rune Of Immolation ..........................30 points Rune Of Forging*...............................................15 points

Devised so that war machines never fall into enemy hands, this rune This rune ensures the war machine is free from imperfections and
is invoked only rarely. deadly accurate.

Cannon only. Single use. If a cannon inscribed with the Master Single use. A war machine inscribed with a Rune of Forging
Rune of Immolation loses its last Wound to an enemy attack may use it to re-roll a single misfire on the Artillery dice.
during the Combat phase, it may be exploded by its crew.
Every enemy unit in base contact with this model suffers D6 Rune Of Burning ...............................................10 points
Strength 5 hits with an AP of -2. The cannon is then removed Shots fired by a war machine with this rune burst into flames when
from play as a casualty. they strike the target.

Master Rune Of Disguise ................................25 points A war machine inscribed with a Rune of Burning gains the
This rune magically distorts the shape of the war machine, Flaming Attacks special rule.
rendering it almost invisible.
Rune Of Reloading ..............................................5 points
A war machine inscribed with the Master Rune of Disguise is War machines inscribed with this rune are almost sentient in their
always considered to be behind full cover. willingness to allow repairs.

A war machine inscribed with a Rune of Reloading can shoot

every turn, even if it misfired and malfunctioned during its
previous turn.

Stalwart Rune.......................................................5 points

The crew of this war machine will fight with great boldness to
defend their beloved engine of war.

When calculating its combat result, a war machine inscribed

with a Stalwart Rune may claim a bonus of +1 combat
result point.
A game of Warhammer: the Old World is packed with fantastic creatures and skilled warriors with abilities so incredible
and varied that the basic rules cannot possibly cover them all. For such circumstances we have special rules –
uncommon rules to govern uncommon circumstances.

On this page you will find a full description for each of the army special rules used by models drawn from the Dwarfen Mountain
Holds army list:

Deathblow Gromril Weapons

Slayers are bitter fighters who seek their doom in battle, yet so fierce Many Dwarf warriors bear weapons forged of gromril. Such fine
is their pride and so sacred are the vows of the Slayer Cult that they weapons, family heirlooms passed down through many generations,
are incapable of accepting their fate graciously. Upon their death, a possess remarkable sharpness and durability.
Slayer will use their final breath to strike at the foe.
A hand weapon carried by a model with this special rule has
When a model with this special rule is reduced to zero an Armour Piercing characteristic of -1.
Wounds by an enemy attack during the Combat phase, the
unit that made the attack suffers a Strength 3 hit, with an AP Note that this special rule only applies to a single, ordinary hand
of -1. weapon. If the model is using two hand weapons or any other sort
of weapon, or if their hand weapon is inscribed with any Weapon
Note that if this model is reduced to zero Wounds whilst engaged runes, this special rule ceases to apply.
in a challenge, it is the model that made the attack that suffers this
hit, rather than its unit. Resolute
Dwarfs are grim and determined warriors that abandon a position
Dwarf Crafted with great reluctance.
Dwarfs craft missile weapons with a skill and precision of both form
and function that is not seen in the weapons of other races. Models with this special rule suffer a -1 modifier to the result
of any Flee roll or Pursuit roll they make (to a minimum of 1).
Models with this special rule do not suffer the usual -1 To Hit
modifier when making a Stand & Shoot charge reaction. Rune Lore
Dwarf runesmiths are masters of crafting potent runes that entrap
Gromril Armour raw magic, harnessing its power to be unleashed upon command.
The metal the Dwarfs call gromril is the toughest and sturdiest At the very heart of their craft lies the ability to resist and confound
in the known world, able to turn aside any blow. Armour forged the petty conjurings of mere Wizards.
of gromril is highly coveted for its protective value and full suits of
gromril armour are treasured and valued heirlooms. A model with this special rule may be nominated to attempt
a Wizardly Dispel, as if it were a Wizard. For the purposes of
A model with this special rule may re-roll any roll of a natural Wizardly Dispel attempts:
1 made when making an Armour Save roll.
An Anvil of Doom counts as a level 3 Wizard
A Runelord counts as a Level 2 Wizard
A Runesmith counts as a Level 1 Wizard
Sigmar’s Empire THE EMPIRE OF MAN
T he Empire is both one of the largest and most powerful realms of Man in the Old World, and a land torn asunder by
civil war. Where once the powerful states and provinces stood shoulder to shoulder, united against their common
enemies, today they stand alone, divided by politics. In recent years, the question of which great lord should bear the title
of Emperor has divided the land further, causing the armies of the Elector Counts to be forever on the march.

Sigmar’s Empire These early human tribes were a far cry from the civilised
Men of the Empire today; clad in rough furs, they dwelt in
The nation that would grow to become the Empire took its mud huts and carried crude weapons of stone or bronze. The
first fledgling steps nearly two and a half thousand years Dwarf records tell that these Men were fierce and courageous,
ago, and much of what is known of it comes from the Dwarf battling the hordes of Orcs and Goblins for possession of the
records of the time. The long wars between the Dwarfs and dark forests. The mightiest of these Men was known as Sigmar,
Elves were over; the Dwarfs had retreated to their mountain the first son of the Unberogen chieftain, whose birth was
holds in the Worlds Edge Mountains and the Elves abandoned heralded by a twin-tailed comet blazing across the sky. Sigmar
their cities on the Old World, crossing the sea back to the was a warrior of great nobility and strength, a true friend to
safety of their islands. Though the Dwarfs remained, their the Dwarfs and, by the time of his coronation as Emperor, a
influence was much weakened, for many of their most renowned warrior who had swung his mighty warhammer,
powerful kings were dead and their holds overrun. When Ghal Maraz, in scores of battles against his enemies.
the mountains of the east erupted in flames and were riven
by mighty earthquakes, the power of the Dwarfs was finally Yet, Sigmar’s reign could not last forever, and though he ruled
broken and a new enemy was to rise in strength and ambition wisely from his capital of Reikdorf (later renamed Altdorf) for
– Orcs and Goblins. fifty years and saw the rough villages of his people blossom and
grow into great towns and cities, in his eightieth year Sigmar
Hordes of the destructive brutes poured across the Worlds would abdicate his throne and set off into the east, passing
Edge Mountains, through the passes previously guarded by from the lands of Men and into legend. In his absence, the
Dwarf fortresses, to ravage the lands west of the mountains. tribal chieftains that had ruled under him elected a successor
As the Dwarf realm reeled from the never ending attacks and, for a time, the Empire continued to thrive.
of Orcs and Goblins, many Human tribes began migrating
southwards: Unberogens, Teutogens, Thuringians, Cherusens, But peace in the Empire would not last, for Mankind is ever
Norsii and Merogens to name but a few. Fighting in common warlike and quarrelsome. Men are eternally jealous and
cause against Orc and Goblin warlords, it is certain that both suspicious of their neighbours in equal measure, and strife
Dwarfs and Men quickly recognised great potential in one amongst even the closest of allies is a surety. Within a hundred
another. The Dwarfs saw allies who could help them win back years of Sigmar’s disappearance, rivals for his throne were
their lost empire, and Men were eager to learn the secrets plotting and politicking. Within a thousand, plots had turned
of metalworking and the means of forging strong weapons to threats and the threat of civil war began to loom…
of iron.
The Empire
The Empire Of Man
of Man The Armies
The Armies Of State
of State

The Empire lies at the heart of the Old World and it is the A mass of brightly uniformed infantry forms the bulk of
most powerful of all the realms of Men. But it is a realm in every Empire army. Disciplined ranks of Spearmen and
constant turmoil, beset on all sides by the ferocious and the grim Halberdiers march into battle alongside companies of
unholy and seemingly irrevocably torn asunder from within flamboyant Swordsmen, their advances covered by the fire of
by the war-mongering of power-hungry Elector Counts, more vast blocks of Archers, Handgunners and Crossbowmen.
interested in battling against their rivals over the Imperial
throne than uniting against their enemies. Truly, the Empire is Countless thousands of these loyal soldiers stand ready
a land of ever-present danger where death and war are never to defend their realm. Beside these brave troops march
far away. Yet, despite the bloodshed, this great nation endures disillusioned bands of Flagellants, fiery Warrior Priests
still, its cosmopolitan cities and military strongholds forming and grim Witch Hunters tasked with dealing out righteous
bulwarks against the sea of savagery. retribution to the manifold evils of the world.

The Empire stretches from the shores of the icy Sea of Claws The armies of the Empire’s many warring states can also call
in the north to the cloud-wreathed peaks of the soaring upon the expertise of the famous Gunnery School which,
Black Mountains in the south. It is a land covered by dense, from prolific forges within the free state of Nuln, produces
primordial forests and surrounded by mountain ranges, all an endless supply of mighty cannons and mortars to blast
infested by murderous brigands, the roving warbands of Chaos the foe from afar. Alongside the tried and true guns of the
Champions, foul mutants and ravenous monsters. Isolated Gunnery School, the armies of the Empire readily employ the
against this treacherous backdrop are prosperous cities, experimental creations of the Imperial Engineers School, the
where skilled craftsmen and affluent merchants trade their inventive students of which eagerly supply some of the most
wares, and where brave soldiers and noble statesmen work to unpredictable and deadly tools of war imaginable to sponsors
safeguard the Empire’s future. from all corners of the Empire. Both revered institutions claim
no political affiliation, and seem content to sell their weapons
Beneath this veneer of sophistication, however, the Empire of war without any thought for how such weapons might be
is a brooding land full of ignorance and superstition, where used to further the ambitions of warring Electors.
fearful peasants clutch talismans to ward off evil sorceries
and appease the gods of old. In stark contrast to the wealthy Finally, the armies of the Empire are bolstered by the heavy
districts are slums, rife with thieves, vagabonds and heretical cavalry of the Knightly Orders, noble-born warriors clad in
cults that prey on their fellow man. All aspects of human the finest polished steel. When war calls, the Grand Masters
endeavour can be found within the Empire, and for every of the Knightly Orders lead their men forth, galloping towards
noble hero that walks the streets, there is a murderous the foe in sweeping charges as they drive their lances deep into
cutthroat lurking nearby in their footsteps. the heart of the enemy battle line.

The Old Alliance

In the history of the world, there has never been a greater
alliance than that struck between the ancient tribes of
Men and the Dwarfs, for in Sigmar, the Dwarfs found an
ally worthy of their respect and trust. Dwarfs have long
memories and they have not forgotten Sigmar’s deeds, nor
the pledge of friendship they made with the barbarian
king. Thus, they will always march in defence of the old
alliance – for in a world infested by savage enemies, true
friends are hard to find.
The Empire Of Man Army List

T his page details the Grand Army composition list for the Empire of Man. This is the default army composition list
for this faction. Using this army composition list to write your muster list will give you the widest variety of units to
choose from and create a broad and balanced force.

This army list is intended for use alongside the ‘Forming Units’ and ‘Warhammer Armies’ sections of the Warhammer: the Old
World rulebook. Over the following pages you will find profiles and rules for each of the models in your army. These pages give
you all of the information that you need to shape your collection of models into the units which will in turn form a force ready
for battle.

Grand Army
Grand Army Composition
Composition List List
Characters Rare
Up to 50% of your army’s points value may be spent on: Up to 25% of your army’s points value may be spent on:

• 0-1 General of the Empire or Grand Master • Flagellants

per 1,000 points • 0-1 war machine chosen from the following list
• 0-1 Lector of Sigmar or High Priest of Ulric per 1,000 points:
per 1,000 points - Helblaster Volley Gun
• Captains of the Empire, Wizard Lords, Master Mages, - Helstorm Rocket Battery
Chapter Masters, Witch Hunters, Priests of Sigmar, Priests • 0-1 Steam Tank per 1,000 points
of Ulric and Empire Engineers
• 0-1 War Altar of Sigmar (taken as a mount for a Lector Mercenaries
of Sigmar) Up to 20% of your army’s points value may be spent
on mercenaries.
At least 25% of your army’s points value must be spent on: Allies
Up to 25% of your army’s points value may be spent on a single
• 0-1 unit of Veteran State Troops per 1,000 points allied contingent drawn from:
• State Troops, State Missile Troops, Free Company Militia,
Empire Archers and Empire Knights • Any Empire of Man Army of Infamy composition list
• One of the following Grand Army composition lists:
Special - Dwarfen Mountain Holds
Up to 50% of your army’s points value may be spent on: - Kingdom of Bretonnia
- Wood Elf Realms (Suspicious)
• 0-1 unit of Inner Circle Knights per 1,000 points
• Empire Greatswords, Pistoliers, Outriders and
Demigryph Knights Battle Standard Bearer
• 0-3 war machines chosen from the following list per A single Captain of the Empire in your army may be
1,000 points: upgraded to be your Battle Standard Bearer for +25
- Great Cannon points. In addition to their usual allowance of points
- Mortar to spend on magic items, a Battle Standard Bearer can
purchase a single magic standard with no points limit.
Commanders Of The Empire
Character M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
General of the Empire 4 5 5 4 4 3 5 3 9 90
Captain of the Empire 4 5 5 4 4 2 4 2 8 45

Troop Type: Regular infantry (character)

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hand weapon and light armour

• May take one of the following:
- Additional hand weapon...................................................................................................+3 points
- Great weapon........................................................................................................................+4 points
- Halberd ...................................................................................................................................+3 points
- Lance (if appropriately mounted)..................................................................................+4 points
- Handgun.................................................................................................................................+6 points
Commanders of the Empire - Longbow .................................................................................................................................+4 points
The armies of the Empire are • May take any of the following:
led by warriors well-trained - Pistol.........................................................................................................................................+5 points
to direct their forces as - Brace of pistols....................................................................................................................+10 points
effortlessly as a swordsman • May take a shield........................................................................................................................+2 points
wields a blade. First and • May replace light armour with:
foremost amongst these - Heavy armour.......................................................................................................................+3 points
great leaders are the Elector - Full plate armour.................................................................................................................+6 points
Counts, inspirational and • May be mounted....................................................................................................................See page 55
famous individuals whose • A General of the Empire may purchase magic items up to a total of ....................100 points
mere presence can steady • A Captain of the Empire may purchase magic items up to a total of .......................50 points
a wavering battle line. Others
are trusted officers chosen Special Rules: “Hold the Line!”, Rallying Cry
to lead their province’s
forces. Many such officers “Hold The Line!”
will also be of noble birth, To command an army of the Empire, one must be a proven veteran, worthy of respect. The grim
educated in martial pursuits determination and dedication to duty of such an individual is both an inspiration and an example
from an early age – falconry, to the soldiers they command.
swordsmanship and hunting
Beastmen in the forests. Still This character and any unit they have joined automatically passes any Panic tests they are
others have risen through the required to make.
ranks from humble origins.
But regardless of their station,
the vast majority will be
tried and tested veterans of
many years who have a fine
understanding of the craft of
soldiering, having spent most
of their lives fighting.
Empire Wizards
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Wizard Lord 4 4 3 3 4 3 3 2 8 130
Master Mage 4 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 7 60

Troop Type: Regular infantry (character)

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hand weapon

Magic: A Wizard Lord is a Level 3 Wizard. A Master Mage is a Level 1 Wizard. Every
Wizard knows spells from one of the following Lores of Magic:
• Battle Magic
• Daemonology
• Dark Magic
• Elementalism
• Illusion
• Necromancy Wizards of the Old World
The status of Wizards varies
Options: greatly from one province
• May be mounted....................................................................................................................See page 55 of the Empire to another.
• A Wizard Lord may: In the Reikland, seat of the
- Be a Level 4 Wizard ..........................................................................................................+30 points Cult of Sigmar, magic is
- Purchase magic items up to a total of .........................................................................100 points universally outlawed and its
• A Master Mage may: practitioners, when caught,
- Be a Level 2 Wizard ..........................................................................................................+30 points are burnt at the stake as
- Purchase magic items up to a total of ............................................................................50 points witches. In neighbouring
Talabecland, by contrast,
Special Rules: Magical Attacks, Magic Resistance (-1) where the worship of Taal is
commonplace, Wizards enjoy
greater freedom to practise
their craft.

Yet, wherever Wizards reside,

superstition and distrust of
their powers is rife amongst
common folk, leading most
sensible Wizards to seek the
favour and protection of
Imperial nobles and military
officers. As such, practitioners
of magic can be found in
courts and barracks across
the Empire, masquerading
as wise advisers and trusted
counsellors, only revealing the
extent of their powers when
called upon to do so in battle.
Masters Of The Knightly Orders
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Grand Master - 6 3 4 4 3 6 4 9 145
Chapter Master - 5 3 4 4 2 5 3 8 75

Troop Type: Heavy cavalry (character)

Base Size: (as mount)
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hand weapon and heavy armour

• May take one of the following:
- Additional hand weapon...................................................................................................+3 points
- Great weapon........................................................................................................................+4 points
- Lance........................................................................................................................................+4 points
• May take a shield........................................................................................................................+2 points
• Must be mounted on one of the following:
Grand Masters - Barded Warhorse.............................................................................................................See page 55
The Knightly Orders of the - Pegasus.................................................................................................................................See page 56
Empire are organised along - Demigryph.........................................................................................................................See page 56
strict lines of hierarchy, • May replace heavy armour with full plate armour........................................................+3 points
with every novice trained • A Grand Master may purchase magic items up to a total of....................................100 points
in martial virtues and the • A Chapter Master may purchase magic items up to a total of ...................................50 points
chivalric code until they are
ready to take up the mantle Special Rules: Counter Charge, First Charge, Immune to Psychology, Master of Battle,
of a fully-fledged knight. As Rallying Cry, Stubborn, Swiftstride, Veteran
a warrior attains honour on
the battlefield and proves Master Of Battle
their worth, they will ascend The masters of the Knightly Order are bold and ferocious warriors, fearless in the face of even the
through the ranks of their most terrifying enemies.
Order, hoping one day to join
the Order’s veteran knights If this model joins a unit of Empire Knights, Inner Circle Knights or Demigryph Knights,
in the inner circle. From here, that unit will gain the Immune to Psychology special rule. Should this model leave a unit it
the most capable warriors has joined for any reason, that unit loses this special rule.
can progress to command
their own chapter house and,
perhaps one day, attain the
rank of Grand Master. When
an Imperial noble petitions a
Knightly Order for aid, it is
sometimes a condition that
the Chapter Master or Grand
Master personally take
command of the army.
Witch Hunters
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Witch Hunter 4 4 4 4 4 2 5 2 8 55

Troop Type: Regular infantry (character)

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hand weapon and light armour

• May take one of the following:
- Additional hand weapon...................................................................................................+3 points
- Great weapon........................................................................................................................+4 points
• May take one of the following:
- Crossbow ................................................................................................................................+6 points
- Handgun.................................................................................................................................+6 points
• May take one of the following:
- Pistol.........................................................................................................................................+5 points Witch Hunters
- Brace of pistols....................................................................................................................+10 points The Empire is a land
• May be mounted....................................................................................................................See page 55 torn asunder by civil war
• May purchase magic items up to a total of ........................................................................50 points and besieged by myriad
evil threats. In such an
Special Rules: Immune to Psychology, Killing Blow, Suffer Not… environment, it should
come as no surprise that the
Suffer Not… many churches that vie for
Many Witch Hunters stalk the Old World, guided by the teachings of their church and their the faithful servitude of the
personal biases to seek out the multifarious enemies of Man and deliver them unto justice. citizens would take it upon
themselves to hunt out evil.
Each Witch Hunter in your army must have one of the following ‘specialisms’, chosen when Thus, Witch Hunters roam
writing your muster list. This specialism indicates which of the many enemies of humanity the land in the service of
the Witch Hunter is tasked with hunting. You must tell your opponent which specialism all the great churches and
each Witch Hunter in your army has when deploying your army: temples, all intent upon
casting out that which their
• The Witch: The Witch Hunter and any unit they have joined gains the Hatred (enemy patron considers most evil.
Wizards) and Magic Resistance (-2) special rules. Zealous templars of Sigmar
• The Revenant: The Witch Hunter and any unit they have joined gains the Hatred hunt mutants, heretics and
(Undead models) and Flaming Attacks special rules. witches, whilst fanatical
• The Mutant: The Witch Hunter and any unit they have joined gains the Hatred priests of Morr seek out
(Warriors of Chaos & Beasts of Chaos) and Magic Resistance (-1) special rules. Necromancers and Vampires.
• The Daemon: The Witch Hunter and any unit they have joined gains the Hatred Yet, for all the diversity
(Daemonic models) and Magical Attacks special rules. shown by Witch Hunters, one
thing remains constant; their
arrival in an isolated town
provokes fear and bloodshed.
Warrior Priests Of Sigmar
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Lector of Sigmar 4 5 3 4 4 3 5 3 8 110
Priest of Sigmar 4 4 3 4 4 2 4 2 7 60

Troop Type: Regular infantry (character)

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hand weapon and light armour

• May take one of the following:
- Additional hand weapon...................................................................................................+3 points
- Great weapon........................................................................................................................+4 points
• May take a shield........................................................................................................................+2 points
• May replace light armour with heavy armour ................................................................+3 points
• May be mounted....................................................................................................................See page 55
Priests of Sigmar • A Lector of Sigmar may purchase magic items up to a total of ...............................100 points
Sigmar, the patron god of • A Priest of Sigmar may purchase magic items up to a total of....................................50 points
the Empire, is a warrior god,
and to follow his creed is to Special Rules: Magical Attacks, Magic Resistance (-1), Prayers of Sigmar
live a life of battle. The Cult
of Sigmar demands that Prayers Of Sigmar
its followers must fight all The solemn hymns and chanted prayers of Sigmar’s Warrior Priests do more than simply
forms of evil with strength strengthen the faith of believers; through them, Sigmar’s power is made manifest.
of arm and sword as well as
faith, and many of its priests During the Command sub-phase of their turn, this character may attempt to invoke
accompany the Empire’s Sigmar’s blessings by chanting a single Prayer from the list below and making a Leadership
armies as they march to war. test (using their own Leadership). If this test is passed, the Prayer takes immediate effect:
In this role, they not only
lead and inspire troops in • Hammer Of Sigmar: Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, this model, its mount
battle, but also minister to and a single friendly unit that is within its Command range when this Prayer is chanted*
their spiritual well-being. On may re-roll any rolls To Hit or To Wound of a natural 1 made during the Combat phase.
many occasions, a rousing • Shield Of Faith: Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, this model and a single
speech or tour of camp by a friendly unit that is within its Command range when this Prayer is chanted* has a 5+
Warrior Priest of Sigmar has Ward save against any wounds suffered during the Shooting phase.
restored faith, brought hope • Soulfire: A single enemy unit this model is engaged in combat with immediately suffers
or stayed a mutiny when D6 Strength 3 hits, each with an AP of -2. These hits have the Flaming Attacks and
the words of even the most Magical Attacks special rules.
respected general have fallen
on deaf ears. *Note that if more than one friendly unit is within this model’s Command range when this Prayer
is chanted, you must tell your opponent which unit is affected.

Note also that the effects of these Prayers on friendly units are not cumulative. In other words, a
friendly unit cannot be affected by the same Prayer more than once during the same turn.
Warrior Priests Of Ulric
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
High Priest of Ulric 4 5 3 4 4 3 5 3 8 110
Priest of Ulric 4 4 3 4 4 2 4 2 7 60

Troop Type: Regular infantry (character)

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hand weapon and light armour

• May take one of the following:
- Additional hand weapon...................................................................................................+3 points
- Great weapon........................................................................................................................+4 points
• May take a shield........................................................................................................................+2 points
• May replace light armour with heavy armour ................................................................+3 points
• May be mounted....................................................................................................................See page 55
• A High Priest of Ulric may purchase magic items up to a total of .........................100 points Priests of Ulric
• A Priest of Ulric may purchase magic items up to a total of .......................................50 points Ulric is the mighty god of
battle, wolves and winter,
Special Rules: Magical Attacks, Magic Resistance (-1), Prayers of Ulric a proud warrior-god who
expects his followers to make
Prayers Of Ulric their way in the world by
The ferocious Priests of Ulric beseech the god of battle, wolves and winter to witness the deeds of his directness, bravery and force
brave followers, and to reward their courage and prowess with his blessings. of arms. He is acknowledged
across the Old World but
During the Command sub-phase of their turn, this character may attempt to invoke Ulric’s the centre of his worship is
blessings by chanting a single Prayer from the list below and making a Leadership test Middenheim, the city of the
(using their own Leadership). If this test is passed, the Prayer takes immediate effect: White Wolf, in the north
of the Empire. Ulric is a
• Battle Howl: Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, when this model and a single pragmatic god and his church
friendly unit that is within its Command range when this Prayer is chanted* makes a is less overtly pious than that
Charge roll, you may apply a +D3 modifier to the result. This Prayer may only affect of Sigmar, rarely inclined
models whose troop type is ‘infantry’ or ‘cavalry’. to dogmatic preaching.
• Winter’s Chill: Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, any enemy model that directs However, Ulric is the patron
its attacks against this model, its mount or any unit it has joined during the Combat of soldiers and every priest of
phase must re-roll any rolls To Hit of a natural 6. his cult is a warrior, first and
• Wrath Of Winter: Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, this model, its mount and foremost. Thus, many of his
any unit it has joined gains the Multiple Wounds (2) special rule. priests find their calling in
formal armies and mercenary
*Note that, if more than one friendly unit is within this model’s Command range when this Prayer regiments, strengthening the
is chanted, you must tell your opponent which unit is affected. faith of Ulric’s followers by
their own example.
Note also that the effects of these Prayers on friendly units are not cumulative. In other words,
a friendly unit cannot be affected by the same Prayer more than once during the same turn.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Empire Engineer 4 3 4 3 3 2 3 1 7 45

Troop Type: Regular infantry (character)

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hand weapon

• May take one of the following:
- Grenade launching blunderbuss (see page 77)........................................................+10 points
- Hochland long rifle (see page 77).................................................................................+10 points
- Repeater handgun ...............................................................................................................+8 points
- Repeater pistol......................................................................................................................+8 points
• May take pigeon bombs (see page 77) .............................................................................+20 points
• May take light armour .............................................................................................................+3 points
Imperial Engineers • May purchase magic items up to a total of ........................................................................50 points
Imperial Engineers are
eccentric scientists, many Special Rules: Clouds of Soot & Smoke, Master of Ballistics
of whom can be found in
the Imperial Engineers Clouds Of Soot & Smoke
School in Altdorf, tinkering Imperial guns produce prodigious clouds of smoke, concealing Engineers from enemy fire.
with new and experimental
technologies. Their burning This model is considered to be behind full cover whilst it is within 3" of a friendly unit
need to try out their whose troop type is ‘war machine’.
latest creations also brings
them onto the battlefield, Master Of Ballistics
where they employ their Learned veterans of the Empire’s colleges, Engineers quickly assess the preparation of their war
most successful pieces of machines and guide their crews towards greater accuracy.
machinery to the advantage
of their comrades. Engineers Unless this model is fleeing or engaged in combat, once per turn a friendly Empire war
are normally occupied machine that is within its Command range can either use this model’s Ballistic Skill
sniping at the enemy with characteristic, or re-roll a single Artillery dice.
a variety of powerful
experimental handguns,
but sometimes they cannot
resist the appeal of being in
charge of the artillery fire,
muttering incomprehensible
gobbledygook and bustling
from one machine to another.
Even if the gunners are quite
puzzled by the Engineers’
unintelligible theories about
the parabolic motion of
projectiles, their presence
does increase the accuracy of
the artillery.
Character Mounts
A character that can be mounted may choose a mount from the following list. Some
mounts are covered in detail on the following pages. Those that are not have their own
dedicated entries later in this army list.

A General of the Empire or Captain of the Empire may be mounted on a:

• Barded Warhorse .....................................................................................................................+16 points
• Empire Warhorse.....................................................................................................................+12 points
• Pegasus.........................................................................................................................................+30 points
• Demigryph .................................................................................................................................+50 points
• Griffon .......................................................................................................................................See page 70
• Imperial Griffon (Generals of the Empire only).........................................................See page 70

A Wizard Lord, Master Mage or Witch Hunter may be mounted on a:

• Empire Warhorse.....................................................................................................................+12 points
• Pegasus.........................................................................................................................................+30 points
• Imperial Griffon (Wizard Lords only)...........................................................................See page 70
Imperial Warhorses
A Grand Master or Chapter Master must be mounted on one of the following: The many states and
• Barded Warhorse .....................................................................................................................+16 points provinces of the Empire all
• Pegasus.........................................................................................................................................+30 points favour their own unique
• Demigryph .................................................................................................................................+50 points breeds of horse. The horses
of Averland, for example,
A Lector of Sigmar, Priest of Sigmar, High Priest or Priest Of Ulric may be are famed for their strength
mounted on a: and speed, those of the
• Barded Warhorse .....................................................................................................................+16 points Reikland are thick-boned and
• Empire Warhorse.....................................................................................................................+12 points renowned for their stamina,
• 0-1 War Altar of Sigmar (Lectors of Sigmar only).....................................................See page 67 and those of Marienburg are
prized for their turn of speed
Barded Warhorse and fiery natures. These
different character traits and
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points this variety of physical type
Barded Warhorse 7 3 - 3 - - 3 1 - +16 means that, in the armies of
the Empire, different cavalry
Troop Type: Heavy cavalry roles can easily be met by a
Base Size: 30 x 60 mm plentiful supply of horses best
Unit Size: 1 suited by reason of type and
Equipment: Iron-shod hooves (counts as a hand weapon) and barding temperament. Knights and
Special Rules: Counter Charge, First Charge, Swiftstride officers of the Empire ride to
war mounted upon large and
powerful destriers, seemingly
Empire Warhorse unencumbered by the weight
of barding and armour they
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points carry. By contrast, light
Empire Warhorse 8 3 - 3 - - 3 1 - +12 cavalry, such as Pistoliers, are
often mounted atop fast and
Troop Type: Light cavalry agile horses.
Base Size: 30 x 60 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Iron-shod hooves (counts as a hand weapon)
Special Rules: Fast Cavalry, Swiftstride
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Pegasus 8 3 - 4 - (+1) 4 2 - +30
Note: A character mounted on a Pegasus has +1 Wound.

Troop Type: Monstrous cavalry

Base Size: 40 x 60 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Iron-shod hooves (counts as a hand weapon)
Special Rules: Counter Charge, First Charge, Fly (10), Swiftstride

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Demigryph 7 4 - 5 - (+1) 4 3 - +50
Note: A character mounted on a Demigryph has +1 Wound.
The Pegasus is a winged beast Troop Type: Monstrous cavalry
that looks much like a horse, Base Size: 50 x 75 mm
but is cunning and intelligent Unit Size: 1
beyond the measure of Equipment: Wicked claws (see below) and barding
any ordinary steed. To be Special Rules: Counter Charge, First Charge, Fear, Swiftstride
properly tamed, they must
be caught and reared as foals, R S AP Special Rules
taken from their nests high Wicked claws Combat S -2 -
in the Grey Mountains.
Once tamed, they are loyal
creatures who willingly obey
their masters and respond to
the slightest command.

In the heart of the Reikwald
Forest there lurks many
foul and fearsome creatures.
However, there also dwell
beasts of a more noble
heritage. Of these it is, most
famously and frequently,
Demigryphs that are chosen
as mounts for the most
virtuous and battle-hardened
knights, for these great beasts
have proven themselves as
loyal and powerful steeds on
countless battlefields in the
Empire’s proud history.
Infantry State Troops
State Troops M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
State Trooper 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 5
Sergeant 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 7 +5

Veteran State Troops M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points

Veteran State Trooper 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 7
Veteran Sergeant 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 2 7 +5

Troop Type: Regular infantry

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 10+ (5+ if a detachment)
Equipment: Hand weapons and light armour

• The entire unit may take one of the following:
- Halberds ..............................................................................................................+1 point per model
- Thrusting spears ...............................................................................................+1 point per model State Troops
• The entire unit may take shields........................................................................+1 point per model Every province and city-state
• Any unit may: in the Empire has its own
- Upgrade one model to a Sergeant (champion) .........................................+5 points per unit standing army of professional
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+5 points per unit soldiers, equipped and
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+5 points per unit maintained at the expense
• Any unit of Veteran State Troops may: of that realm. These brave
- Have the Drilled special rule ........................................................................+1 point per model troops are armed with a wide
- Purchase a magic standard worth up to........................................................................50 points variety of weapons, from
• A Veteran Sergeant may purchase magic items up to a total of .................................25 points spears to handguns, but they
are all known collectively as
Special Rules: state troops.
• State Troops: Close Order, Detachment, Regimental Unit,
• Veteran State Troops: Close Order, Detachment, Regimental Unit, Veteran State troops are paid as full-
time professional soldiers,
ready to answer the call to
arms at all times. In addition
to forming a standing army
to repel enemy attack, state
troops also serve as city
guards, the fire watch and
the enforcers of the law.
However, most of the time
these soldiers spend their
days drilling and training
with various weapons to
the barked instructions of
grim-faced sergeants and
veteran marksmen.
State Missile Troops
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
State Missile Trooper 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 7
Sergeant 4 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 7 +5

Troop Type: Regular infantry

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 10+ (5+ if a detachment)
Equipment: Hand weapons and crossbows

• The entire unit may replace crossbows with handguns.............................+1 point per model
• The entire unit may take light armour............................................................+1 point per model
• Any unit may:
- Upgrade one model to a Sergeant (champion) .........................................+5 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+5 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+5 points per unit
State Troops • A Sergeant may replace their crossbow or handgun with:
Every state trains its - Brace of pistols .....................................................................................................................+5 points
regiments to fight together, - Hochland long rifle .............................................................................................................+8 points
providing each other with - Repeater handgun ...............................................................................................................+5 points
mutual protection on the • 0-1 unit per 1,000 points may:
battlefield. State regiments - Have the Drilled special rule ........................................................................+1 point per model
often march to battle with - Purchase a magic standard worth up to........................................................................25 points
detachments of differently
armed troops to aid them. Special Rules: Close Order, Detachment, Regimental Unit
These detachments form
up close to their regimental
units, where they guard
vulnerable flanks and provide
battlefield support, either
by joining their regimental
units in the bloody melee of
close combat, or by showering
oncoming enemies with
missile fire. Swordsmen
fight shoulder to shoulder
with Spearmen, the close
range parries and ripostes
of swords complimenting
the longer reach of the
spear. Handgunners and
Crossbowmen fell their
foes with withering volleys
of fire, but should a foe
survive through such salvos,
a detachment of Halberdiers
will bravely intercept them,
cutting them down with
heavy bladed polearms.
Free Company Militia
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Militia Fighter 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 6 6
Militia Leader 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 7 +7

Troop Type: Regular infantry

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 10+ (5+ if a detachment)
Equipment: Mixed weapons (counts as two hand weapons and throwing weapons)

• Any unit may upgrade one model to a Militia Leader (champion).........+7 points per unit

Special Rules: Detachment, Horde, Impetuous, Levies, Open Order, Warband

Empire Archers
Free Companies
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points Militia are regiments
Archer 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 7 recruited (willingly or not) to
Marksman 4 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 7 +5 fight as required, and no one
can foretell how many will
Troop Type: Regular infantry answer the count’s muster.
Base Size: 25 x 25 mm Some of these troops will
Unit Size: 5+ be grim mercenaries used
Equipment: Hand weapons and warbows to living by the strength
of their sword arm, while
Options: others will be peasants levied
• Any unit may upgrade one model to a Marksman (champion) ...............+5 points per unit from the local countryside.
• Any unit may: Consequently, the quality
- Have the Fire & Flee special rule.................................................................+1 point per model of militia regiments
- Have the Scouts special rule..........................................................................+1 point per model varies wildly.

Special Rules: Detachment, Move through Cover, Open Order, Skirmishers, Vanguard Archers of the Empire
The Empire’s archers are
normally organised into
small groups of skirmishers
who support the regimented
units in battle. Trappers and
hunters from the wilder,
less civilised provinces are
often called to serve in such
roles. These masters of the
wilderness scout ahead of
the main body of the army to
gather intelligence, disrupt
enemy movements and pick
off war machine crews with
deadly accurate bowfire.
Empire Greatswords
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Greatsword 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 1 8 11
Count’s Champion 4 5 3 3 3 1 3 2 8 +8

Troop Type: Regular infantry

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 5+
Equipment: Hand weapons, great weapons and full plate armour

• Any unit may:
- Upgrade one model to a Count’s Champion (champion).....................+8 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+6 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+6 points per unit
• A Count’s Champion may purchase magic items up to a total of ..............................50 points
• 0-1 unit per 1,000 points may:
Imperial Greatswords - Have the Drilled special rule ......................................................................+2 points per model
Every member of a - Have the Veteran special rule.......................................................................+1 point per model
Greatsword regiment is a - Purchase a magic standard worth up to........................................................................50 points
distinguished and decorated
veteran of the State Troops, Special Rules: Close Order, Regimental Unit, Stubborn
personally chosen to serve
amongst the ranks of the elite
by their commanding officers.
Equipped with deadly two-
handed swords and superb
suits of full plate armour,
Greatswords swear to never
give ground to the enemies
of the Empire, fighting to the
death if need be. The history
of the Empire is rich with
episodes where these brave
soldiers were cut down to a
man in a last stand around
their banner after all the
rest of the army had been
defeated. Such devotion is
well-rewarded, as veterans of
this elite corps are sometimes
knighted, a great honour for a
humble warrior.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Flagellant 4 3 2 3 3 1 3 1 5 13
Prophet of Doom 4 3 2 3 3 1 3 2 5 +7

Troop Type: Regular infantry

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 5+
Equipment: Hand weapons and flails

• Any unit may:
- Upgrade one model to a Prophet of Doom (champion) .......................+7 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+7 points per unit

Special Rules: Close Order, Fanatical Zeal, Feel No Pain, Furious Charge,
Immune to Psychology, Impetuous, Hatred (all enemies), Unbreakable
Fanatical Zeal The Old World is a dangerous
Flagellant warbands are viewed with a mixture of fear and disdain by more level-headed soldiers. and often cruel place, where
As a result, few are willing to fight amongst their ranks. war, plague and the vagaries
of nature can destroy
A unit with this special rule can be joined by a Lector of Sigmar or a Priest of Sigmar. whole towns and force
However, these are the only characters that can join this unit. A Lector of Sigmar or Priest their inhabitants to become
of Sigmar that joins a unit of Flagellants is considered to have the Unbreakable special rule beggars, vagabonds and
for as long as they remain with the unit. brigands. It is probably no
wonder that many are driven
Note that a unit with the Unbreakable special rule cannot normally be joined by a character mad by the terrible hardships
without it. This rule provides an exception that represents the fanaticism of Sigmar’s priesthood. that they suffer, and many see
their condition as a sign that
Feel No Pain they are living in the last days
Driven into a frenzied euphoria by their hymns and prayers, and goaded to battle by the bite of of a dying world. It is quite
their flails, Flagellants appear almost immune to the weapons of the enemy. common for these hordes
of penniless zealots to band
A model with this special rule has: together under the leadership
of some ranting madman,
• A 6+ Ward save against any wounds suffered that were caused by a non-magical a preacher of apocalyptic
enemy attack. doom. These bands travel the
• A 5+ Ward save against any wounds suffered that were caused by a non-magical enemy towns and cities of the Old
attack with a Strength 5 or higher. World, following in the wake
of marching armies to spread
their nightmarish vision of
doom and despondency.
Cavalry M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Pistolier - 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 6 16
Veteran - 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 7 +8
Empire Warhorse 8 3 - 3 - - 3 1 - -

Troop Type: Light cavalry

Base Size: 30 x 60 mm
Unit Size: 5+
• Pistoliers: Hand weapons, brace of pistols and heavy armour
• Empire Warhorse: Iron-shod hooves (counts as a hand weapon)

• Any unit may:
- Upgrade one model to a Veteran (champion) ..........................................+8 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+6 points per unit
Pistoliers • A Veteran may replace their brace of pistols with:
Regiments of Pistoliers are - Grenade launching blunderbuss (see page 77)..........................................................+5 points
recruited from the younger - Repeater handgun ...............................................................................................................+5 points
sons and daughters of - Repeater pistol................................................................................................................................Free
Imperial nobles eager to win • 0-1 unit per 1,000 points may have the Vanguard special rule..............+2 points per model
their spurs as knights and for
whom the clarion call to arms Special Rules: Counter Charge, Fast Cavalry, Fire & Flee, Impetuous, Open Order,
pounds in their veins. Some Skirmishers, Swiftstride
may gather their friends and
form regiments of their own,
but most join the ranks of the
Pistolkorps, a semi-formal
organisation funded by the
College of Engineers and
several Knightly Orders. In
battle, Pistoliers act as light
cavalry who gallop around
the enemy flanks, disrupting
formations and launching
devastating hit-and-run
attacks with their pistols
blazing. Equipped from the
opulent armouries of their
families, each Pistolier cuts
a dashing figure with their
flamboyant livery, plumed
helmet and brace of pistols.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Outrider - 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 7 19
Sharpshooter - 3 5 3 3 1 3 1 7 +6
Empire Warhorse 8 3 - 3 - - 3 1 - -

Troop Type: Light cavalry

Base Size: 30 x 60 mm
Unit Size: 4+
• Outriders: Hand weapons, pistols, repeater handguns and heavy armour
• Empire Warhorse: Iron-shod hooves (counts as a hand weapon)

• Any unit may:
- Upgrade one model to a Sharpshooter (champion)................................+6 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+6 points per unit
• A Sharpshooter may replace their repeater handgun with: Outriders
- Brace of pistols ...............................................................................................................................Free Most of the young men and
- Grenade launching blunderbuss (see page 77)........................................................+10 points women who survive their
- Repeater pistol................................................................................................................................Free time in the Pistoliers go on
to join a Knightly Order and
Special Rules: Fast Cavalry, Fire & Flee, Open Order, Skirmishers, Swiftstride, Vanguard put the skills and scars they
have earned to good use as
a fully armoured knight.
Others, for whom the thrill
and excitement of life in
the Pistoliers is too hard to
relinquish, stay with their
regiment or go on to become
drill instructors in the
Pistolkorps. These veterans
typically wear more ornate
armour and frequently lead
the headstrong Pistoliers into
battle. At other times, they
form separate regiments of
Outriders for the College of
Engineers, each equipped
with deadly repeater
handguns, weapons capable
of unleashing devastating
storms of lead at long range.
Empire Knights
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Empire Knight - 4 3 3 3 1 3 1 8 21
Preceptor - 4 3 3 3 1 3 2 8 +6
Barded Warhorse 7 3 - 3 - - 3 1 - -

Troop Type: Heavy cavalry

Base Size: 30 x 60 mm
Unit Size: 4+
• Knights: Hand weapons, heavy armour and shields
• Barded Warhorse: Iron-shod hooves (counts as a hand weapon) and barding

• The entire unit must take one of the following:
- Great weapons...................................................................................................+1 point per model
- Lances ...................................................................................................................+1 point per model
Knightly Orders Or:
The noble-born warriors of - May replace shields with great weapons ...............................................................................Free
the Empire do not form part • Any unit may:
of any state’s standing army - Upgrade one model to a Preceptor (champion).......................................+6 points per unit
or rub shoulders with the - Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+6 points per unit
common soldiery. Instead, - Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+6 points per unit
they typically fight for one of - Purchase a magic standard worth up to........................................................................25 points
the Knightly Orders; heroic • A Preceptor may purchase magic items up to a total of................................................25 points
brotherhoods of warriors • 0-1 unit per 1,000 points may:
who ride into battle atop - Have the Drilled special rule ........................................................................+1 point per model
mighty barded warhorses. - Have the Stubborn special rule..................................................................+2 points per model
Knights are magnificent
figures, clad in gleaming suits Special Rules: Close Order, Counter Charge, First Charge, Swiftstride
of heavy plate armour and
armed with weaponry of
the finest quality. The sight
of a regiment of knights
charging full tilt at the enemy
is a terrifying prospect for
the Empire’s foes to face.
As the knights thunder
onwards, they are likened
to an avalanche of steel and
muscle, and those enemies
not spitted on the end of
sharpened lances are crushed
beneath the trampling of
iron-shod hooves.
Inner Circle Knights
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Inner Circle Knight - 4 3 4 3 1 4 1 9 29
Inner Circle Preceptor - 4 3 4 3 1 4 2 9 +7
Barded Warhorse 7 3 - 3 - - 3 1 - -

Troop Type: Heavy cavalry

Base Size: 30 x 60 mm
Unit Size: 4+
• Inner Circle Knights: Hand weapons, full plate armour and shields
• Barded Warhorse: Iron-shod hooves (counts as a hand weapon) and barding

• The entire unit must take one of the following:
- Great weapons...................................................................................................+1 point per model
- Lances ...................................................................................................................+1 point per model
Or: The Inner Circle
- May replace shields with great weapons ...............................................................................Free Knightly Orders are
• Any unit may: organised along strict lines of
- Upgrade one model to an Inner Circle Preceptor (champion)...........+7 points per unit hierarchy, and every knight
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+7 points per unit adheres rigidly to the codes
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+7 points per unit of conduct and etiquette
- Have the Stubborn special rule..................................................................+2 points per model their station demands. At the
- Purchase a magic standard worth up to........................................................................50 points top of this hierarchy are the
• An Inner Circle Preceptor may purchase magic items up to a total of....................50 points Knights of the Inner Circle,
an elite warrior-brotherhood
Special Rules: Close Order, Counter Charge, Drilled, First Charge, Inner Circle, of the order’s most
Swiftstride, Veteran celebrated veterans. These
heroic warriors epitomise
Inner Circle the warrior virtues of the
Knights of the Inner Circle are counted amongst the best warriors of the Empire, and when they go Knightly Orders for they have
to war it is only to fight the most diabolical enemies. The presence on the battlefield of even a single accomplished mighty feats
regiment of Inner Circle knights is worth many times their number. of arms, slaying their foes on
countless battlefields. The
When engaged in combat, a model with this special rule (but not its mount) may re-roll Knights of the Inner Circle
any rolls To Hit of a natural 1. are the elite of the elite, and
amongst the best fighting
men of the entire Empire.
When the courageous
Knights of the Inner Circle
go to war it is only to fight
the most diabolical enemies,
and their presence on the
battlefield is worth many
times their number.
Demigryph Knights
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Demigryph Knight - 4 3 4 4 3 4 1 8 58
Demigryph Preceptor - 4 3 4 4 3 4 2 8 +7
Demigryph 7 4 - 5 - - 4 3 - -

Troop Type: Monstrous cavalry

Base Size: 50 x 75 mm
Unit Size: 2-12
• Demigryph Knights: Hand weapons, heavy armour and shields
• Demigryph: Wicked claws (see below) and barding

• The entire unit must take one of the following:
- Halberds ...........................................................................................................................................Free
- Lances ................................................................................................................................................Free
Demigryph Knights • Any unit may:
Amongst some Knightly - Upgrade one model to a Demigryph Preceptor (champion)...............+7 points per unit
Orders, the final trial laid - Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+7 points per unit
before one that would join - Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+7 points per unit
the Inner Circle is to capture - Purchase a magic standard worth up to........................................................................50 points
a Demigryph and break it to - Replace heavy armour with full plate armour .....................................+5 points per model
their will. Unsurprisingly, • A Demigryph Preceptor may purchase magic items up to a total of........................50 points
many fail and are torn to
bloody ribbons. As a result, Special Rules: Close Order, Counter Charge, First Charge, Fear, Swiftstride
there are relatively few
Demigryph Knights in the R S AP Special Rules
Empire and even the Knights Wicked claws Combat S -2 -
Griffon, who count dozens
of these majestic beasts
amongst the honoured
tenants of their magnificent
stables, still rely primarily
on more conventional
steeds. In battle, Demigryph
Knights prefer to engage the
enemy in protracted assaults
where the strength and
endurance of their fearsome
mounts becomes decisive.
Demigryphs are well-suited
to the savage and bloody
nature of such fighting, with
their claws and razor-sharp
beaks cutting a bloody swathe
through their foes.
War Altar Of Sigmar
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
War Altar - - - 5 5 5 - - - 135
Barded Warhorse (x2) 7 3 - 3 - - 3 1 - -

Troop Type: Heavy Chariot

Base Size: 60 x 100 mm
Unit Size: 1
Armour Value: 4+
• Warhorses: Iron-shod hooves (counts as a hand weapon)

Special Rules: Close Order, First Charge, Holy Fervour, Impact Hits (D6+1),
Large Target, Magic Resistance (-2), Stubborn,
Symbol of Might, Terror, Witch Bane

Holy Fervour
The presence of the War Altar of Sigmar fills those that march beside it with courage and a grim War Altars
resolve to overcome their fears in defence of the Empire. To the devout citizens of the
Empire, there can be few
Unless this unit is fleeing, friendly units within 6" of it automatically pass any Fear tests sights more inspirational than
they are required to make and can re-roll any failed Panic tests. that of a Lector of the Cult of
Sigmar riding to war atop a
Symbol of Might gleaming war altar, protected
The War Altar of Sigmar is an imposing structure. From atop its mighty pulpit, the prayers of a within an armoured pulpit
Warrior Priest resonate across the battlefield. as they deliver their sermons
and extol their followers
The Command range of a Lector of Sigmar mounted on the War Altar is increased from 8" to greater fervour. These
to 12". magnificent carriages of
lacquered wood and dressed
Note that, if this model is your General, it has a Command range of 18" as normal. stone, drawn to war by
powerful barded warhorses,
Witch Bane creak beneath the weight
The Golden Griffon is a sacred relic of the Cult of Sigmar and a powerful reminder to all witches of towering effigies, such
and warlocks of how the Heldenhammer once cast their wickedness from his lands. as gilded griffons and great
stone warhammers, their
All Wizards within this model’s Command range (friend or foe) suffer a -2 modifier to iron-bound wheels carving
their Casting rolls. deep ruts into the earth
behind them. Though once a
common sight, these glorious
Character Mount: A War Altar may only be included in your army as a character’s chariots have become scarce
mount. Its points are added to that of its rider. during long years of civil war;
many having been desecrated
and destroyed by the priests
of rival cults.
Empire Steam Tanks
Chariots M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Steam Tank 4 - - 6 7 10 - - - 265
Engineer - 3 4 3 - - 3 1 8 -
Commander (x1)

Troop Type: Heavy chariot

Base Size: 60 x 100 mm
Unit Size: 1
Armour Value: 3+
• Steam Tank: Steam Cannon (see opposite) and steam gun (see opposite)
• Engineer Commander: Hand weapon

• The Engineer Commander may take:
- Hochland long rifle (see page 77).................................................................................+10 points
Steam Tanks - Pigeon bombs (see page 77) ...........................................................................................+20 points
Steam Tanks are monstrous, - Repeater pistol......................................................................................................................+8 points
smoke-belching engines of
war, powered by a pressurised Special Rules: Close Order, Grinding Wheels, Immune to Psychology,
boiler that siphons steam Impact Hits (D6+1), Large Target, Steam Power, Stomp Attacks (D3+1),
through pipes and pistons. Temperamental, Terror, Unbreakable
In battle, they rumble
towards the enemy, firing Grinding Wheels
deadly cannonballs from The armoured bulk of a Steam Tank weighs many tonnes, and any enemies unfortunate enough to
their steam-powered guns. fall beneath its metal-bound wheels are crushed to a paste.
The advance of these iron
behemoths is terrifying to Stomp Attacks made by a Steam Tank have an Armour Piercing characteristic of -2.
behold, as arrows ricochet However, this rule cannot be used against models whose troop type is ‘behemoth’ – they
from armoured hulls and are simply too large to be caught beneath a Steam Tank’s wheels.
enemy warriors are crushed
beneath their immense bulk. In addition, and unlike other chariots, this model treats low linear obstacles as open terrain
rather than as impassable terrain.
Only twelve Steam Tanks
were originally built, and Steam Power
those that remain are Whilst a Steam Tank is capable of great speed, the fires that heat its boiler require constant
carefully maintained by stoking. Should the stamina of the crew falter, its thunderous pace can be reduced to a crawl.
the College of Engineers.
Should one be destroyed in A Steam Tank cannot march. Instead, you may make a ‘Steam Power’ roll and add the
combat, all efforts are made result to the model’s Movement characteristic. To make a Steam Power roll, roll two D6
to recover and, wherever and discard the lowest result. The highest result is the result of the Steam Power roll. If
possible, rebuild the machine. both dice roll the same result, discard either.
However, many of the secrets
of their construction have
been lost, and the surviving
Steam Tanks are becoming
increasingly unreliable
and inefficient.
The inner workings of a Steam Tank are extremely experimental, temperamental and dangerous, Chariots
and the crew must constantly monitor the gurgling and hissing from boiler and pipes, and heed the
clouds of vapour that accumulate around them. A moment of inattention can lead to irreparable
damage and, in extreme cases, boiled crew!

If a natural 1 is rolled on either of the dice when the Steam Tank makes a Steam Power roll
or a Charge roll, the pressure has reached dangerous levels and, if not quickly released, will
cause irreparable damage. Choose one of the following:

• Bang! The crew ignores the building pressure which, inevitably, finds its own release.
The Steam Tank loses a single Wound.
• Phweee! Amidst billowing clouds of steam and with an ear splitting whistle, the
pressure is released, rendering the Steam Tank immobile. The Steam Tank halts
immediately and cannot move again for the remainder of this turn.

However, if a natural 1 is rolled on both of the dice, the pressure is too great to be released
safely. The Steam Tank loses a single Wound and halts immediately. It cannot move again
for the remainder of this turn. Steam Tanks
In battle, the Engineer
Steam Cannon Commander of a Steam Tank
Steam Tanks are armed with a steam-powered cannon that can send a spinning ball of iron directs the pressurised steam
whirling into the foe’s ranks with all the power of a traditional black powder cannon. to whichever portion of the
tank requires it, be it the
R S AP Special Rules pistons that drive the wheels
Steam cannon 24" 8 -2 Armour Bane (2), Cannon Fire, or the tank’s steam-powered
Cumbersome, Multiple Wounds (D3) weapons. As the Steam
Notes: This weapon shoots like a cannon, using the ‘Cannon Fire’ special rule. If a ‘Misfire’ is Tank is not built with any
rolled on the Artillery dice during step 2, this model loses a single Wound (instead of rolling on a instruments for determining
Misfire table). the pressure in the boiler, the
Commander must instead
Steam Gun rely on the intensity of the
Steam Tanks are also fitted with a turret-mounted steam gun as standard. Connected to the boiler, gurgling noises, the hissing
this weapon can engulf nearby enemies in great gouts of scalding steam. sound of steam escaping from
imperfectly sealed piping,
R S AP Special Rules and the clouds of vapour that
Steam gun N/A 2 N/A Breath Weapon accumulate around him. It
Notes: No armour save is permitted against wounds caused by this weapon (Ward and is a delicate art to judge how
Regeneration saves can be attempted as normal). much pressure the boiler can
hold. If too much pressure
builds, the Engineer runs the
risk of rupturing the boiler;
an event that typically entails
a catastrophic effect.
Monster M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Griffon 6 5 - 5 (+1) (+3) 5 4 - +130
Notes: A character mounted on a Griffon has +1 Toughness and +3 Wounds.

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Imperial Griffon 6 5 - 6 (+1) (+4) 4 4 - 160
Notes: A character mounted on an Imperial Griffon has +1 Toughness and +4 Wounds.

Troop Type:
• Griffon: Monstrous creature
• Imperial Griffon: Behemoth

Base Size:
• Griffon: 50 x 50 mm
• Imperial Griffon: 60 x 100 mm

Griffons Unit Size: 1

Griffons are wild creatures Equipment: Wicked claws (see below) serrated maw (see below) and
that hunt from the tallest griffonic pelt (counts as heavy armour)
crags of the Worlds Edge
Mountains, soaring on huge, Options:
feathered wings. A Griffon’s • An Imperial Griffon may have Two Heads ....................................................................+20 points
head and forequarters
resemble those of a powerful Special Rules:
eagle, its hooked beak and • Griffon: Close Order, Fly (9), Large Target, Stomp Attacks (D3),
clawed forelegs easily able to Swiftstride, Terror
tear through plate armour. • Imperial Griffon: Close Order, Fly (9), Large Target, Stomp Attacks (D3+1),
Behind its wings a Griffon’s Swiftstride, TerrorTwo Heads
body is furred and massively
powerful, its hindquarters Two Heads
those of a mighty lion. Their Through careful and selective breeding, the menageries and zoos of the Empire have been able to
pelts can vary enormously produce young Griffons with not one, but two heads.
in appearance, some with
golden or striped fur like that An Imperial Griffon with Two Heads gains a +1 modifier to its Attacks characteristic.
of a great, exotic cat. Brave
Empire adventurers seek out R S AP Special Rules
Griffon nests and steal their Wicked claws Combat S -2 -
chicks to raise in captivity,
singling out the strongest, R S AP Special Rules
cleverest and most ferocious Serrated maw Combat S - Armour Bane (2), Multiple Wounds (2)
to be raised and trained as Notes: In combat, this model must make one of its attacks each turn with this weapon. If this
mounts for their lords. model has Two Heads, it must make two of its attacks each turn with this weapon.

Character Mount: An Imperial Griffon may only be included in your army as a

character’s mount. Its points are added to that of its rider.
Great Cannon
War Machine
War Machine
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Great Cannon - - - - 6 3 - - - 125
Gun Crew 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 7 -

Troop Type: War machine

Base Size: 50 x 75 mm (war machine), 25 x 25 mm (crew)
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Great cannon and hand weapons

• May have the Veteran special rule .....................................................................................+10 points

Special Rules: Skirmishers

Great Cannon
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points The Great Cannons of the
Mortar - - - - 6 3 - - - 95 Imperial Gunnery School are
Gun Crew 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 7 - the terror of the Empire’s foes.
Their thunderous fire sends
Troop Type: War machine iron balls hammering into
Base Size: 50 x 75 mm (war machine), 25 x 25 mm (crew) the ranks of enemy warriors,
Unit Size: 1 each impact ploughing
Equipment: Mortar and hand weapons bloody furrows through
tightly packed regiments.
Options: Even the mightiest creatures
• May have the Veteran special rule .....................................................................................+10 points cannot ignore the power of a
Great Cannon.
Special Rules: Skirmishers
More squat than Great
Cannons, Mortars lob shells
high into the air, which then
fall amongst the enemy.
Instead of solid shot, Mortars
fire hollow shells topped with
a fizzing fuse and filled with
blackpowder. Shells explode
in the heart of a target
regiment, sending fragments
of burning iron scything
through enemy ranks and
killing whole swathes of
warriors at once.
Helblaster Volley Guns
War Machine
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Helblaster Volley Gun - - - - 6 3 - - - 120
Gun Crew 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 7 -

Troop Type: War machine

Base Size: 50 x 75 mm (war machine), 25 x 25 mm (crew)
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Helblaster Volley Gun (see below) and hand weapons
Special Rules: Skirmishers

R S AP Special Rules
Helblaster 24" 5 -1 Armour Bane (2), Cumbersome, Helblaster,
Volley Gun Move or Shoot
Notes: This weapon uses the Black Powder Misfire table.

Helblaster Volley Gun Special Rules

Helblaster Volley Guns Helblaster: When shooting a Helblaster Volley Gun, roll three Artillery dice before
The Helblaster Volley Gun making any rolls To Hit. The number of shots fired is equal to the total of all three
is one of the most infamous Artillery dice:
black powder weapons ever
invented, its devastating • If a Misfire is rolled on one of the Artillery dice, all shots fired from the Helblaster
firepower able to tear apart Volley Gun this turn suffer an additional -1 To Hit modifier.
an entire regiment in one • If a Misfire is rolled on two of the Artillery dice, no shots are fired and a critical
thunderous volley. Its nine fault has occurred. Roll immediately on the appropriate Misfire table to determine
separate barrels are divided exactly what.
into three ‘decks’ and are • If a Misfire is rolled on all three of the Artillery dice, all of the barrels fire
turned by means of a central simultaneously, with devastating effect. The Helblaster Volley Gun fires 30 shots, but
crank, which means that is destroyed and immediately removed from play. All shots fired from the Helblaster
it can unleash devastating Volley Gun this turn suffer an additional -1 To Hit modifier.
hails of shot that engulf
its unfortunate target in a After determining the number of shots, roll To Hit for each as normal, using the crew’s
firestorm of leaden death. Ballistic Skill and applying all appropriate modifiers.
But with such devastating
power comes great risk.
Helblaster Volley Guns are
notoriously prone to sudden,
cataclysmic explosions. As a
result, those crewmen who
operate a machine so prone
to catastrophically blowing
them to tiny pieces tend to
be paid up with the priests
of Morr.
Helstorm Rocket Batteries
War Machine
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Helstorm Rocket Battery - - - - 6 3 - - - 125
Gun Crew 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 7 -

Troop Type: War machine

Base Size: 50 x 75 mm (war machine), 25 x 25 mm (crew)
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Helstorm Rocket Battery (see below) and hand weapons
Special Rules: Skirmishers

R S AP Special Rules
Helstorm 12-48" 3 -1 Cumbersome, Helstorm, Move or Shoot
Rocket Battery
Notes: This weapon uses a number of 3" blast templates and the Black Powder Misfire table.

Helstorm Rocket Battery Special Rules

Helstorm: A Helstorm Rocket Battery launches a barrage of rockets high into the sky, Helstorm Rocket Batteries
passing over intervening regiments and even terrain. When shooting with this weapon, The Helstorm Rocket Battery
work your way through the following steps: was inspired by a particularly
impressive fireworks display.
1. Choose Target: No line of sight is required for this weapon. Instead, choose an enemy Early prototypes blew apart
unit that is between its minimum and maximum range to be the target and place D3 blast an entire floor of the Imperial
templates so that the central hole of each is over that unit. Engineers School, but the
soot-blackened Engineers
2. Scatter: Once each template has been placed, it will scatter. Roll an Artillery dice and a persevered and succeeded
Scatter dice for each template in turn: in creating a deadly, if
unpredictable, weapon. The
• If a ‘Misfire’ is rolled on the Artillery dice, the rocket has failed to launch. Once all shots shrieking rockets fired by
from this weapon have been resolved, roll once on the appropriate Misfire table for each this bizarre machine are
Misfire rolled. wildly inaccurate weapons
• If a ‘Hit!’ is rolled on the Scatter dice, use the small arrow above the Hit! symbol to that have little chance of
determine the direction of the scatter and move the template a number of inches hitting anything other than
equal to the roll of the Artillery dice minus the crew’s Ballistic Skill characteristic (to a (eventually) the ground.
minimum of zero). Many refinements, such as
• If an arrow is rolled on the Scatter dice, move the template a number of inches equal to fins, counter-balances and a
the roll of the Artillery dice in the direction the arrow points. launch carriage to direct the
early portion of a rocket’s
3. Damage: Any model whose base lies underneath a template risks being hit by flight, have all been made
this weapon. to improve the stability and
accuracy, though none have
met with any particular
success. However, when these
rockets do land on target,
the results are devastating;
entire regiments being blown
apart by a series of earth-
shaking explosions.
Magic Items
The pages that follow detail magic items unique to Empire of Man armies. These can
be purchased by models within an Empire of Man army in exactly the same way as
Common magic items, as described in the Warhammer: the Old World rulebook.

Extremely Common Magic Items: Any magic item marked with an asterisk (*)
is considered to be extremely common, as described in the Warhammer: the Old
World rulebook.

Magic Weapons
Runefang........................................................................................................ 100 points
Treasure of the Empire At the dawn of the Empire, a dozen magical blades were forged for Sigmar’s chieftains. Those that
The museums and treasure survive are treasured artefacts, potent symbols of the status and authority of their wielders.
houses of the Empire
are filled with wondrous R S AP Special Rules
artefacts of great power Runefang Combat S -2 Magical Attacks, Strike First
and significance. Many of Notes: When making a roll To Wound for a hit caused with a Runefang, a roll of 2+ is always a
these were forged by the success, regardless of the target’s Toughness.
hands of human smiths
and artisans, and either Mace Of Helsturm ........................................................................................65 points
blessed by the prayers of This mace was used in battle by the first Grand Theogonist, Johann Helsturm. It is said that
priests or enchanted by the Helsturm’s faith in Sigmar was strong enough to shatter the walls of a castle.
magic of Wizards, but more
were crafted by the hands Mace Of Helsturm R S AP
Special Rules
of other races, such as the Single-handed Combat S -
Magical Attacks
Dwarfs of the Worlds Edge Double-handed Combat 10 -5
Magical Attacks, Multiple Wounds (D6),
Mountains or the Elves of Requires Two Hands
Ulthuan. Whilst most of Notes: The Mace of Helsturm has two profiles. You must choose which the wielder will use at the
these treasures have come start of each round of a combat. If used double-handed, the wielder may make only one attack,
into the possession of their regardless of their Attacks characteristic.
owners fairly, given freely
as gifts or traded through Sword Of Justice.............................................................................................50 points
honest means, others came The Sword of Justice is an ancient weapon studded with Dwarf runes of vengeance and retribution
as the spoils of war, trophies that bestow the power of unswerving accuracy and deadly retribution upon it.
taken from the corpses of
vanquished foes. Whatever R S AP
Special Rules
the case, the warriors of the Sword of Justice Combat S -1
Armour Bane (1), Magical Attacks,
Empire are seldom short of Multiple Wounds (2)
magical assistance when they Notes: The wielder of the Sword of Justice may re-roll any failed rolls To Wound.
march to war.
Dragon Bow .................................................................................................... 25 points
A relic from the ancient Elven colonies of the Old World, this wondrously crafted bow enables the
wielder to outshoot the finest archers in the Empire.

R S AP Special Rules
Dragon Bow 36" 6 -2 Magical Attacks, Multiple Wounds (2)
Notes: Commanders of the Empire only.
Magic Armour Magic Standards
Armour Of Fortune ..........................................45 points Imperial Banner.................................................60 points
Engraved with runes of luck and providence, the Armour of This fine silken standard is a proud reminder of a time when the
Fortune turns aside fatal blows harmlessly. Empire was unified as one.

The Armour of Fortune is a suit of heavy armour. In addition, All friendly units within the Command range of the model
its wearer has a 6+ Ward save against any wounds suffered carrying the Imperial Banner roll 3D6 when making a Fear,
and is immune to the Killing Blow special rule. If the wearer Panic or Terror test and discard the highest result.
is struck a Killing Blow, they are permitted armour and
Regeneration saves as normal. If the wound is unsaved, they Griffon Standard ...............................................50 points
lose a single Wound. A unit flying the Griffon Standard resolutely stands its ground, and
few foes can break them.
Armour Of Tarnus ............................................35 points
This cunning armour was crafted to the specifications of the When determining your combat result, a unit carrying the
warrior-Wizard von Tarnus. Griffon Standard can claim a Rank Bonus of +2 for each extra
rank behind the first, rather than the usual +1.
The Armour of Tarnus is a suit of light armour which may
be purchased and worn by an Imperial Wizard, even if they The Gleaming Pennant.....................................15 points
do not have the option to be equipped with armour, a shield Shining with an inner radiance, the Gleaming Pennant offers hope
or barding, without penalty. In addition, its wearer has a 5+ to those that march beneath it.
Ward save against any wounds suffered.
Single use. A unit carrying the Gleaming Pennant may re-roll
Talismans a single failed Leadership test.

The White Cloak................................................30 points Note that a Break test is not a Leadership test.
Blessed by Ar-Ulric, the magics within this fine cloak protect the
wearer from the hottest flame. Banner Of Duty .................................................10 points
This venerable banner steels the hearts of despairing warriors,
The wearer of the White Cloak has a 5+ Ward save against renewing their will to fight on.
any wounds suffered, and a 3+ Ward save against any wounds
suffered that were caused by an attack that has the Flaming A unit carrying the Banner of Duty may re-roll any failed
Attacks special rule. Rally test.

Jade Amulet*.......................................................25 points

Potent jade talismans are given in thanks for services performed on
behalf of the Cult of Sigmar.

The bearer is immune to the Killing Blow special rule. If the

bearer is struck a Killing Blow, they are permitted armour and
Regeneration saves as normal. If the wound is unsaved, they
lose a single Wound.
Enchanted Items Arcane Items
Laurels Of Victory.............................................40 points Book Of Ashur ...................................................85 points
Celebrated heroes of the Empire are decorated with golden Written by an Elven Mage, this comprehensive book of magic is
laurels which magnify their fearsome reputation in the eyes of a priceless text for those that practice the art of magic… unless this
their enemies. copy is a poorly proofread and badly edited reproduction, that is.

When determining your combat result, each unsaved wound The bearer of the Book of Ashur increases their Dispel range
caused by an attack made by the bearer of the Laurels of by 3" and, unless they roll any natural double, may apply a +1
Victory is worth 2 combat result points, rather than the modifier to any of their Casting or Dispel rolls. However, if
usual 1. the bearer rolls any natural double when making a Casting or
Dispel roll, the book has proven to be a poor reproduction,
The Silver Horn..................................................15 points full of glaring errors, and the +1 modifier cannot be applied to
The triumphant call of this elegant hunting horn lends speed to the that roll.
hooves of even the weariest steed.
Wizard’s Familiar*............................................35 points
Characters with the Swiftstride special rule only. The bearer of Many Wizards keep familiars, supernatural creatures that aid
the Silver Horn (and any unit they have joined) may re-roll the them in their arcane studies. Often, this aid is apparent in the ease
D6 when using the Swiftstride special rule. with which the Wizard dispels the conjurations of their enemies.

Shroud Of Iron...................................................10 points 0-1 per Wizard. The owner of a Wizard’s Familiar may apply
This strange device resembles a market trader’s awning. When a +1 modifier to any of their Dispel rolls.
unfurled, the Shroud of Iron protects its bearer from harm falling
from on high. Note that this is a modifier to the result of a roll – it does not
negate a roll of a natural double 1.
The bearer of the Shroud of Iron (and any unit they have
joined) has a 6+ Ward save against any wounds suffered that Wizard’s Staff*...................................................20 points
were caused by a non-magical template. Throughout the Old World, Wizards carry ensorcelled staffs
through which they can channel and direct their powers.

The bearer of the Wizard’s Staff gains a +1 modifier to their

Casting roll when attempting to cast an Assailment spell or
a Magic Missile.
Weapons of the Empire
T he many colleges of the Empire produce a constant stream of artisans, all eager
to make their mark upon the world. From these great centres of learning emerge
a surprising number of Engineers who choose to do this not through great works of
civil engineering, but through the innovation of new and exciting weapons.

Whilst the vast majority of such creations and the brilliant minds that concocted them are
remembered only as cautionary tales, some have found their way into the standing armies
of several provinces and states.

Grenade Launching Blunderbuss

This unusual weapon fires a small explosive charge that unleashes a burst of shrapnel capable of
tearing through the thickest suit of armour.

R S AP Special Rules
Grenade launching 24" 4 -2 Cumbersome, Ponderous
Notes: If the roll To Hit is successful, a grenade launching blunderbuss causes D3+1 hits to the Nuln
target enemy unit, rather than the usual one hit. Sitting at the heart of the
Old World’s southern trade
Hochland Long Rifle routes, Nuln is the Empire’s
The long-barrelled hunting rifles for which Hochland is famed are often fitted with cunning second largest city that, in
telescopic scopes designed to aid with accurate aiming over tremendous distances. previous times, was home
to the court of the Emperor.
R S AP Special Rules Today, the city stands as an
Hochland long rifle 36" 4 -1 Armour Bane (1), Cumbersome, Ponderous independent free state and
Notes: A model armed with a Hochland long rifle can target a specific model within its target remains Altdorf’s largest
unit, such as a champion or a character. rival, both politically and
economically. Nuln is most
Pigeon Bombs famed for being the home
Many Engineers experiment with the idea that homing pigeons can be trained to deliver bombs to of the Imperial Gunnery
the enemy, but most such research ends with a feathery blast and a burning loft. School, a sprawling network
of forges and smelteries
Instead of shooting normally during the Shooting phase, a model equipped with pigeon where veteran gunsmiths
bombs may release one. Choose an enemy unit that is within 24" of the model and roll on manufacture and maintain
the Pigeon Bomb table below: the Imperial artillery trains.
Steam-powered air pumps
Pigeon Bomb Table work night and day to vent
D6 Result the acrid fumes of the blazing
1 Bird Brain: Confused by the tumult of battle, the pigeon returns to its handler. foundries, and portions of
Centre a small (3") blast template over the model that released the pigeon bomb. Nuln are forever wreathed
Any model whose base lies underneath the template risks being hit and suffering in palls of choking soot and
a Strength 4 hit with an AP of -1. black smoke. Indeed, the dark
2-3 Fly Away Home: Perhaps wisely, the pigeon sets off towards the distant horizon. smog clouds hanging over
The bomb has no effect. Nuln are such a permanent
4-5 Dud: The pigeon drops its package over its target, but the bomb fails to detonate, feature that many travellers
instead falling earthwards at tremendous speed. The target unit suffers a single use them to navigate.
Strength 5 hit with an AP of -2.
6 Perfect Delivery: The pigeon delivers its package. Place a small (3") blast
template so that its central hole is directly over the centre of the target unit.
Any model whose base lies underneath the template risks being hit and suffering
a single Strength 4 hit with an AP of -1.
T here are few sights more glorious than an army of High Elves. Serried ranks of pristine soldiers take to the field
alongside proud knights, potent Mages and ancient creatures of legend. The High Elves are an elite force who, warrior-
for-warrior, can outmatch almost any other race in the Warhammer world. Over the long millennia of their existence,
they have mastered every style of fighting – whether you seek phalanxes of spears, unstoppable cavalry, deadly archers or
peerless charioteers, you will find them here.
The Elves of Ulthuan

The Elves Of Ulthuan This state of harmony did not last, as perhaps was inevitable
given the very different natures of the two races. For whilst
The history of the High Elves of Ulthuan is the history of Dwarfs are quiet, serious, hardworking and materialistic with
the world. They were once the masters of the mortal realm, little time for frivolity, the Elves are an expressive race, quick
and their actions have shaped the fates of many lands. Alas, to laughter and song, but proud and haughty in their dealings
the High Elves are now passing into twilight, their works with others.
and deeds fading alongside them. The empire of the Phoenix
Kings, which once ruled entire continents, is now confined The war between the Dwarfs and Elves lasted for many
to the kingdoms of Ulthuan and scattered colonies overseas. years and caused unending bitterness between the two races.
Alabaster cities that once bustled with vibrancy are now Eventually, the Elves abandoned their great cities in the
naught but empty echoes of a bygone age, and lands that knew Old World, retreating to the coast and sailing back to their
nothing but beauty and nobility now reek with the blood and own realms in the far west. Today, the High Elves have no
fury of unremitting war. The time of the High Elves has all but permanent settlements of their own upon the mainland of
passed, yet such is their pride that they fight on nonetheless. If the Old World, keeping instead to their islands off the coast,
oblivion is indeed to be their fate, they have chosen to face it where their fortified harbours keep close watch over the
with arrow nocked and sword held high, defending the world maritime fleets of other nations.
they love to the last.
Yet, many trading ships still ply the seas between Ulthuan and
Many thousands of years ago, the High Elves of the kingdoms the great trading ports of the Old World, and many merchants
of Ulthuan, who call themselves the Asur, sailed across the and ambassadors from Ulthuan keep splendid mansions
Great Ocean to the Old World far to the east of their island within coastal human cities. Marienburg in particular has
continent. There they discovered the Dwarfs, and the fathers a substantial Elven quarter inhabited by merchants and
of Men, and built cities along the coasts for their ships to adventurers. Elves and Men trade and prosper, and on the
harbour. In those days, the swift ships of the Elves were busy whole relations between the two races are good. Indeed, when
indeed, carrying Dwarf gold and precious stones back to the need is great, Elven armies will sail to the lands of Men
Ulthuan, returning with rare woods, silk and exotic wares to support their struggle against the many evils that beset the
from the far west. Whilst Dwarfs burrowed and mined world. So do the white-garbed hosts of Ulthuan march to war,
beneath the mountains, the Elves raised tall towers amongst their banners streaming in the wind, their ranks advancing
the forests, and both races prospered. across the plains with their scaled armour glittering like
diamonds in the sun, every warrior reconciled to death in
service of a greater cause.
The Hosts Of Ulthuan From the lands of Caledor come the Dragon Princes, who
The Hosts of Ulthuan once rode to battle atop the backs of mighty drakes. Now,
Although Elves are not wantonly aggressive, the people of the Dragons rarely wake from their slumber and the Dragon
Ulthuan are haughty and their lords are proud of their status. Princes wage war from armoured Elven steeds. Though their
Wars between the kingdoms are often swift and bloody, for power is much diminished from the time when the Elves were
Elves are determined and mighty warriors. at their height, they are still a match for even the toughest foes.

Since the days of Aenarion, the first Phoenix King, the The swift Reaver Knights of Ellyrion are mounted archers
Elven armies have waged war in the interests of protecting and expert horsemen. They ride ahead of the Elven host to
both Ulthuan and the wider world from evil. Due to the spy out the land and locate the foe. In battle, their fast steeds
constant struggle Ulthuan has endured for survival in the gallop around the flanks of the enemy, where the Reavers sow
face of destructive Orcs and Goblins, twisted Chaos hordes, confusion and disorder.
conquering legions of Undead, vengeful Dwarfs and even their
own treacherous kin, all High Elves must learn the art of war. Just as accomplished are the silent Phoenix Guard. Guardians
Thus, from an early age all High Elves become accomplished of the sacred flame of the god Asuryan, the Phoenix Guard are
warriors with spears, swords and bows through service in the fearsome foes matching their skill with their halberds with an
militia. Those of noble birth learn to ride with exceptional eerie silence that can unman even the most seasoned veteran.
skill, and they are taught to bear the arms of the Silver
Helms, as the High Elven knights are named. With tall lances, Ulthuan is an intrinsically magical land, and the High
glittering armour, highbrowed helmets and long plumes, the Elves have developed arts of Wizardry far beyond the
Silver Helms are the proudest and most deadly amongst their accomplishments of others. The very Winds of Magic have
own kingdoms. Other Elves fight in tight phalanxes armed been harnessed to protect the land of Ulthuan itself and
with glittering spears, protecting the ranks of deadly archers without the conjurations of the Elves, the entire continent
that form the rest of the army’s core. would sink beneath the waves forever. In Hoeth, the slender
pillar of the White Tower rises high into the azure skies.
The kingdoms of the outer coast of Ulthuan are more used Here the greatest Mages of the Elves hone their magical arts.
to battle, for they are exposed to the raids of hateful outcasts The High Elven Mages are mighty and versatile spellcasters
and fierce Norsemen. From here hail the Shadow Warriors; whose fiery blasts and protective enchantments have won
magnificent scouts whose hearts have become deadened to many battles for the Phoenix King and his generals. Protecting
the horrors of war through centuries of bitter fighting. The Hoeth from attack are the Swordmasters. Having dedicated
great Mists of Yvresse and swift ships from the Kingdom of their lives to mastering the skill of their long blades, they are
Cothique protect the eastern approaches, and Elven fleets swift and deadly beyond compare. Very few foes have opposed
patrol the wide oceans. To the north, the dour Elves of Chrace the Swordmasters in battle and survived to warn of their
– foremost amongst them being the fierce White Lions who unsurpassed skill.
act as bodyguard to the Phoenix King – and the vengeful
chariot-riding folk of Tiranoc guard the approaches from
the Shadowlands.
High Elf Realms Army List

T his page details the Grand Army composition list for the High Elf Realms. This is the default army composition list
for this faction. Using this army composition list to write your muster list will give you the widest variety of units to
choose from and create a broad and balanced force.

This army list is intended for use alongside the ‘Forming Units’ and ‘Warhammer Armies’ sections of the Warhammer: the Old
World rulebook. Over the following pages you will find profiles and rules for each of the models in your army. These pages give
you all of the information that you need to shape your collection of models into the units which will in turn form a force ready
for battle.

Grand Army
Grand Army Composition
Composition List List
Characters Rare
Up to 50% of your army’s points value may be spent on: Up to 25% of your army’s points value may be spent on:

• 0-1 High Elf Prince or Archmage per 1,000 points • Sisters of Avelorn, Lion Chariots of Chrace and
• 0-1 Dragon Mage or Handmaiden of the Everqueen Lothern Skycutters
per 1,000 points • 0-1 Flamespyre or Frostheart Phoenix (not counting
• High Elf Nobles and Mages character mounts) per 1,000 points
• 0-2 Great Eagles per 1,000 points
Core • 0-2 Eagle Claw Bolt Throwers per 1,000 points
At least 25% of your army’s points value must be spent on:
• Elven Spearmen, Elven Archers, Lothern Sea Guard, Up to 20% of your army’s points value may be spent on
Ellyrian Reavers and Silver Helms mercenaries.
• If your General is a Handmaiden of the Everqueen, 0-1
unit of Sisters of Avelorn may be taken as a Core choice Allies
Up to 25% of your army’s points value may be spent on a single
Special allied contingent drawn from:
Up to 50% of your army’s points value may be spent on:
• Any High Elf Realms Army of Infamy composition list
• White Lions of Chrace, Swordmasters of Hoeth, • One of the following Grand Army composition lists:
Phoenix Guard, Shadow Warriors and Tiranoc Chariots - Empire of Man (Uneasy)
• 0-1 unit of Dragon Princes of Caledor per 1,000 points - Kingdom of Bretonnia
• If your General has the Chracian Hunter Elven Honour, - Wood Elf Realms
0-1 Lion Chariot of Chrace may be taken as a Special
choice per 1,000 points
• If your General has the Sea Guard Elven Honour, 0-1 Battle Standard Bearer
Lothern Skycutter may be taken as a Special choice A single High Elf Noble in your army may be upgraded
to be your Battle Standard Bearer for +25 points. In
addition to their usual allowance of points to spend on
magic items, a Battle Standard Bearer can purchase a
single Magic Standard with no points limit.
High Elf Lords
Character M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Prince 5 7 7 4 3 3 6 4 10 130
Noble 5 6 6 4 3 2 5 3 9 70

Troop Type: Regular Infantry (character)

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hand weapon and light armour

• May take one of the following:
- Additional hand weapon...................................................................................................+3 points
- Cavalry spear (if appropriately mounted) ..................................................................+2 points
- Great weapon........................................................................................................................+4 points
- Halberd ...................................................................................................................................+3 points
- Lance (if appropriately mounted)..................................................................................+4 points
• May take one of the following:
High Elf Lords - Longbow .................................................................................................................................+4 points
The noble families of - Bow of Avelorn (see page 187)......................................................................................+12 points
Ulthuan have led the High • May take a shield........................................................................................................................+2 points
Elves through times of peace • May replace light armour with:
and conflict for thousands of - Heavy armour.......................................................................................................................+3 points
years. They pride themselves - Full plate armour.................................................................................................................+6 points
on their deep sense of honour • May be mounted..................................................................................................................See page 160
and mastery of the arts of • May take a single Elven Honour.....................................................................................See page 179
diplomacy and war, taught • A Prince may purchase magic items up to a total of....................................................100 points
to them from a young age. • A Noble may purchase magic items up to a total of .......................................................50 points
In times of conflict, they
demonstrate this prowess Special Rules: Ithilmar Weapons, Strike First*, Valour of Ages
through their flexibility,
perfectly capable of fighting *Note that this special rule does not apply to this model’s mount (should it have one).
blade to blade in the press of
combat, or commanding vast
armies from a distance. Yet,
the High Elf nobility delights
in intrigue and politics as
well. So much so, that armies
have sometimes been trusted
to individuals based on
political alignment rather
than ability. Fortunately,
these instances are rare, for
there is no shortage of brave
and talented commanders
among the Asur.
High Elf Mages
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Archmage 5 4 4 3 3 3 5 2 8 155
Mage 5 4 4 3 3 2 4 1 8 80

Troop Type: Regular infantry (character)

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hand weapon

Magic: An Archmage is a Level 3 Wizard. A Mage is a Level 1 Wizard. Every High Elf
Mage knows spells from one of the following Lores of Magic:
• Battle Magic
• Elementalism
• High Magic
• Illusion High Elf Mages
By lineage and inclination,
Options: the High Elves are a magical
• May be mounted..................................................................................................................See page 160 race. They are fascinated
• May take a single Elven Honour.....................................................................................See page 179 by the secrets of sorcery,
• An Archmage may: and their Mages’ nimble
- Be a Level 4 Wizard ..........................................................................................................+30 points minds can embrace a deeper
- Purchase magic items up to a total of .........................................................................100 points understanding of its subtleties
• A Mage may: and whims than other
- Be a Level 2 Wizard ..........................................................................................................+30 points Wizards. It is well that this is
- Purchase magic items up to a total of ............................................................................50 points so, for without the magics of
the High Elf Mages, Ulthuan
Special Rules: Elven Reflexes, Ithilmar Weapons, Lileath’s Blessing, Lore of Saphery, would have long since slipped
Valour of Ages beneath the waves or been
overwhelmed by the black
sorceries of its enemies.
Indeed, not only Ulthuan, but
the entire world owes much
to the disciplined and selfless
actions of High Elf Mages,
for it is by their efforts alone
that the Great Vortex and the
network of waystones that
feed it are maintained, and
the dread power of Chaos is
kept in abeyance.
Dragon Mages
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Dragon Mage - 4 4 3 5 6 5 2 8 275
Sun Dragon 6 5 - 5 - - 4 4 - -

Troop Type: Behemoth (character)

Base Size: 60 x 100 mm
Unit Size: 1
• Dragon Mage: Hand weapon and light armour
• Sun Dragon: Wicked claws (see below), dragon fire (see below) and
draconic scales (counts as full plate armour)

Magic: A Dragon Mage is a Level 1 Wizard. Every Dragon Mage knows spells from one of
the following Lores of Magic:
• Battle Magic
• Elementalism

High Elf Dragon Mages Options:

Into every generation of the • May be a Level 2 Wizard.......................................................................................................+30 points
Caledorian nobility, a handful • May purchase magic items up to a total of ........................................................................50 points
of Dragon Mages are born,
Elves who have a sensitivity Special Rules: Blessings of Asuryan, Close Order, Dragon Armour, Elven Reflexes,
not only to magic, but also Fly (10), Impetuous, Ithilmar Weapons, Large Target, Lileath’s Blessing,
to the minds of slumbering Lore of Saphery, Stomp Attacks (D6), Swiftstride, Terror, Valour of Ages
Dragons. Many nascent
Dragon Mages only recognise R S AP Special Rules
their destiny when their sleep Wicked claws Combat S -2 -
becomes haunted by dreams
of fire and blood, in which R S AP Special Rules
they ride Dragons the colour Dragon fire N/A 4 -1 Breath Weapon, Flaming Attacks
of the setting sun. When able,
the Dragon Mage journeys to
the sulphur-clogged caverns
below the mountains of
Caledor, there to awaken a
slumbering Sun Dragon. This
is a process that normally
takes months, or even years,
yet a Dragon Mage can fully
awaken a Dragon with but
a whisper of its name. Thus
begins a bond that lasts until
either mage or Dragon is slain
in Ulthuan’s defence.
Handmaidens Of The Everqueen
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Handmaiden 5 6 7 4 3 2 6 2 8 65
of the Everqueen

Troop Type: Regular Infantry (character)

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hand weapon, Handmaiden’s spear, Bow of Avelorn (see page 187) and
light armour

• May replace light armour with heavy armour ................................................................+3 points
• May purchase magic items up to a total of ........................................................................50 points
• 0-1 Handmaiden of the Everqueen may take the Horn of Isha ..............................+25 points

Special Rules: Arrows of Isha, Evasive, Ignores Cover, Immune to Psychology,

Ithilmar Armour, Ithilmar Weapons, Strike First
Horn Of Isha of the Everqueen
The Horn of Isha is fashioned from a single pearl-white seashell. The melodious call of Handmaidens are not the
this beautiful instrument is said to rouse the mother goddess to grant a blessing upon her mere courtiers that their
favoured children. name might suggest, but
warrior guards sworn to live
Single use. During the Command sub-phase of their turn, this character may attempt to and die in the service of their
use the Horn of Isha by making a Leadership test (using their own Leadership). If this test mistress. They are paragons
is passed, until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, this character and any unit they have of Elvenkind, as peerless in
joined gain a +1 modifier to both their rolls To Hit and their rolls To Wound. artistic pursuits as they are in
the bloody business of battle.
R S AP Special Rules Tradition dictates that the
Handmaiden’s Spear Combat S -1 - Handmaidens always number
Notes: During a turn in which it was charged, a model wielding a Handmaiden’s spear gains a +1 one hundred warrior-maids,
modifier to its Initiative against the charging unit(s). but seldom are more than
a handful seen at any one
time. They normally serve as
heralds and messengers for
the Everqueen, acting as her
eyes and ears outside Avelorn.
Should a Handmaiden grace a
battlefield with her presence,
she is treated with reverence
by the High Elves who fight
at her side, for the presence of
a Handmaiden is a clear sign
of the Everqueen’s favour, and
a portent of ultimate victory.
Character Mounts
A character that can be mounted may choose a mount from the following list. Some
mounts are covered in detail on this page. Those that are not have their own dedicated
entries later in this army list.

A Prince or Noble may be mounted on a:

• Elven Steed.................................................................................................................................+14 points
• Barded Elven Steed..................................................................................................................+18 points
• Tiranoc Chariot....................................................................................................................See page 171
• Griffon .....................................................................................................................................See page 173
• Moon Dragon (Princes only)...........................................................................................See page 174
• Star Dragon (Princes only)...............................................................................................See page 174
• Great Eagle.............................................................................................................................See page 177

An Archmage or Mage may be mounted on a:

Elven Steeds • Elven Steed.................................................................................................................................+14 points
The Elves of Ulthuan breed • Barded Elven Steed..................................................................................................................+18 points
splendid warhorses. Fast and • Moon Dragon (Archmages only)...................................................................................See page 174
agile creatures, yet strong of • Star Dragon (Archmages only) .......................................................................................See page 174
heart and limb, these steeds • Great Eagle.............................................................................................................................See page 177
are capable of carrying their
riders over vast distances Alternatively, a Prince, Noble, Archmage or Mage with the:
without tiring, and are • Chracian Hunter Elven Honour may be mounted on a:
courageous enough to lead - Lion Chariot...................................................................................................................See page 171
the charge without wavering. • Sea Guard Elven Honour may be mounted on a:
- Lothern Skycutter .........................................................................................................See page 172
The schooling of an Elven • Blood of Caledor Elven Honour may be mounted on a:
warhorse takes many years, - Sun Dragon......................................................................................................................See page 174
and is done with great • Anointed of Asuryan Elven Honour may be mounted on a:
patience and kindness. The - Flamespyre Phoenix .....................................................................................................See page 175
knights and cavalrymen of - Frostheart Phoenix .......................................................................................................See page 176
Ulthuan know that to rush
the training of a steed for Elven Steed
war is foolish, for the horse
must have absolute faith in M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
its rider, and the rider must Elven Steed 9 3 - 3 - - 4 1 - +14
be able to trust their mount
implicitly. Rushing such Troop Type: Light cavalry
schooling, or turning to the Base Size: 30 x 60 mm
stick should the beast waver, Unit Size: 1
only produces skittish and Equipment: Hooves (counts as a hand weapon)
fearful steeds. Special Rules: Fast Cavalry, Swiftstride

Barded Elven Steed

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Barded Elven Steed 8 3 - 3 - - 4 1 - +18

Troop Type: Heavy cavalry

Base Size: 30 x 60 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hooves (counts as a hand weapon) and barding
Special Rules: Counter Charge, First Charge, Ithilmar Barding, Swiftstride
Infantry Militia
Elven Spearmen M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Elven Spearman 5 4 4 3 3 1 4 1 8 9
Sentinel 5 4 4 3 3 1 4 2 8 +5

Elven Archers M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points

Elven Archer 5 4 4 3 3 1 4 1 8 10
Sentinel 5 4 5 3 3 1 4 1 8 +5

Troop Type: Regular infantry

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 5+
• Elven Spearmen: Hand weapons, thrusting spears, light armour and shields
• Elven Archers: Hand weapons and longbows

• Any unit may:
- Upgrade one model to a Sentinel (champion) ..........................................+5 points per unit Ulthuan Militia
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+5 points per unit Long ago, the Phoenix King
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+5 points per unit Morvael introduced a levy
• Any unit of Elven Spearmen may have the Shieldwall special rule .......+10 points per unit system. Through this he
• Any unit of Elven Archers may take light armour......................................+1 point per model assured that all Elves would
• 0-1 unit of Elven Spearmen per 1,000 points may: be called upon to form a
- Replace the Valour of Ages special rule with Veteran .........................+1 point per model militia and fight in defence
- Purchase a magic standard worth up to........................................................................50 points of their homeland, and laid
• 0-1 unit of Elven Archers per 1,000 points may: the foundations upon which
- Replace the Valour of Ages special rule with Veteran .........................+1 point per model all Elven armies would come
- Purchase a magic standard worth up to........................................................................25 points to be built, even to this day.
So effective is this system
Special Rules: that countless battles have
• Elven Spearmen: Close Order, Elven Reflexes, Martial Prowess, Regimental Unit, been won by the longbows
Valour of Ages and spears of Ulthuan’s
• Elven Archers: Close Order, Detachment, Elven Reflexes, Valour of Ages militia alone.

When a levied Elf begins

their martial training,
they first learn the arts
of swordsmanship and
archery. Only once they
have mastered both blade
and bow are they inducted
into the ranks of an archer
regiment. After a decade
or so of service, those that
prove worthy are called to
join the serried ranks of a
spear regiment.
Lothern Sea Guard
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Sea Guard 5 4 4 3 3 1 4 1 8 11
Sea Master 5 4 5 3 3 1 4 2 8 +7

Troop Type: Regular infantry

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 5+
Equipment: Hand weapons, thrusting spears, warbows and light armour

• The entire unit may take shields........................................................................+1 point per model
• Any unit may:
- Upgrade one model to a Sea Master (champion)....................................+7 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+5 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+5 points per unit
- A Sea Master may purchase magic items up to a total of.......................................25 points
• 0-1 unit per 1,000 points may:
Lothern Sea Guard - Replace the Valour of Ages special rule with Veteran .........................+1 point per model
When the armies of Ulthuan - Purchase a magic standard worth up to........................................................................50 points
go to war, the Sea Guard
plays a crucial part, crewing Special Rules: Close Order, Elven Reflexes, Martial Prowess, Naval Discipline,
the warships and acting Valour of Ages
as the vanguard for the
oncoming host. These elite Naval Discipline
marine regiments fight as The citizens of Lothern are justifiably proud of the discipline of the Sea Guard regiments. These
effectively on land as at sea, skilled warriors drill for many hours, perfecting the art of firing a volley of shots even as they
and are equally resolute redress their ranks to receive the enemy’s charge.
when defending the shores
of Lothern as they are when A unit of Lothern Sea Guard may use this special rule when it makes a Stand & Shoot
battling on the deck of a charge reaction. A unit that does so can make a Stand & Shoot charge reaction regardless
ship. These dangerous duties of how close the charging unit is. Once this shooting has been resolved, the charged unit
require the Sea Guard to may make a free redress the ranks manoeuvre, after which it will Hold and await the
maintain a flexible armoury. charging unit.
The vast majority are well-
trained in the use of spear, Units that are fleeing, that are already engaged in combat when charged, or that have been
shield and bow – the better joined by a character that does not have this special rule cannot use this special rule.
to combine the finest aspects
of Ulthuan’s spear and
archer regiments of militia.
Indeed, it is a point of pride
in Lothern that the discipline
of their warriors far surpasses
that of any found elsewhere
in Ulthuan.
White Lions Of Chrace
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
White Lion 5 5 4 4 3 1 5 1 8 14
Guardian 5 5 4 4 3 1 5 2 8 +6

Troop Type: Regular infantry

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 5+
Equipment: Hand weapons, Chracian great blades (see page 187) and heavy armour

• Any unit may:
- Upgrade one model to a Guardian (champion) .......................................+6 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+6 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+6 points per unit
- Replace the Valour of Ages special rule with Veteran .........................+1 point per model Chracian Hunters
- Purchase a magic standard worth up to........................................................................50 points The White Lions have
• A Guardian may purchase magic items up to a total of ................................................25 points served the Phoenix Kings
since the time of Caledor
Special Rules: Chracian Warriors, Elven Reflexes, King’s Guard, Lion Cloak, the First. Whilst hunting in
Move through Cover, Open Order, Stubborn, Valour of Ages Chrace, Caledor received
the news that he was to be
Chracian Warriors the next Phoenix King. He
White Lions form an insular kindred bound together by the arduous rights they have completed. immediately set out to the
The only outsiders welcomed into their number are the nobles they are sworn to protect. Shrine of Asuryan, but was
waylaid by assassins. He
A unit with this special rule may only be joined by your army’s General, or by a character would surely have died, but
with the Chracian Hunter Elven Honour. for the intervention of a party
of Chracian woodsmen who
King’s Guard swept out of the forest to
Since the time of Caledor the First, the fierce warriors of Chrace have been the closest bodyguards defend him. Once crowned,
of Elven kings and princes. Caledor’s first act was to form
the Chracians into an official
Any model in a unit of White Lions of Chrace that has been joined by your army’s General bodyguard based in Lothern.
can issue and accept challenges in the same manner as a character. Should your General
leave the unit for any reason, the unit loses this ability. A warrior can only join the
ranks of the White Lions
after displaying considerable
valour and skill upon the
battlefield. They must then
also complete the traditional
rite of a Chracian warrior –
to hunt and kill a white lion.
Swordmasters Of Hoeth
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Swordmaster 5 6 4 3 3 1 6 1 8 14
Bladelord 5 6 4 3 3 1 6 2 8 +6

Troop Type: Regular infantry

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 5+
Equipment: Hand weapons, swords of Hoeth (see page 187) and heavy armour

• Any unit may:
- Upgrade one model to a Bladelord (champion) .......................................+6 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+6 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+6 points per unit
- Have the Drilled special rule ........................................................................+1 point per model
- Purchase a magic standard worth up to........................................................................50 points
• A Bladelord may purchase magic items up to a total of ................................................50 points
Sentinels of the
White Tower Special Rules: Cleaving Blow, Close Order, Deflect Shots, Elven Reflexes,
The Swordmasters are Ithilmar Armour, Magic Resistance (-1), Valour of Ages,
exemplars of the martial Warriors of the White Tower
arts, capable of incredible
feats of arms. At the White Cleaving Blow
Tower of Hoeth, the greatest With a swift and deadly strike, a skilled warrior can cleave through armour.
seat of learning in the world,
these warrior-scholars train If a model with this special rule rolls a natural 6 when making a roll To Wound for an
arduously, mastering every attack made in combat, it has struck a ‘Cleaving Blow’. Enemy models whose troop type
nuance and facet of sword is ‘regular infantry’, ‘heavy infantry’, ‘regular cavalry’, ‘heavy cavalry’ or ‘war beasts’ are not
fighting. Each Swordmaster permitted an armour or Regeneration save against a Cleaving Blow (Ward saves can be
has studied warfare and attempted as normal).
personal combat for decades,
often centuries, developing Note that if an attack wounds automatically, this special rule cannot be used.
an expertise so complete that
there is no group of warriors Deflect Shots
that can match them. In It is said that, as the Swordmasters advance into battle, their blades blur and weave faster than the
battle, the Swordmasters are eyes of the enemy can see, knocking aside arrows in mid-flight.
deadly opponents, for only in
battle can they truly unleash A model with this special rule has a 6+ Ward save against any wounds suffered that were
all of their ability. They fight caused by a non-magical shooting attack.
with great sweeps of their
blades, the air itself humming Warriors Of The White Tower
as the Swordmaster weaves The swordmasters of the White Tower fight with a precision and unity unattainable by lesser
a web of death that only the warriors. To join their ranks, one must have studied their art under the Blademasters of Hoeth.
very best fighters in the world
could hope to survive. A unit with this special rule may only be joined by a High Elf Mage, or by a character with
either the Warden of Saphery or Loremaster Elven Honour.
Phoenix Guard
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Phoenix Guard 5 5 4 3 3 1 5 1 9 16
Keeper of the Flame 5 5 4 3 3 1 5 2 9 +7

Troop Type: Heavy infantry

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 5+
Equipment: Hand weapons, ceremonial halberds (see page 187) and full plate armour

• Any unit may:
- Upgrade one model to a Keeper of the Flame (champion) ..................+7 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+7 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+7 points per unit
- Have the Drilled special rule ........................................................................+1 point per model
- Purchase a magic standard worth up to.....................................................................100 points
• A Keeper of the Flame may purchase magic items up to a total of ...........................25 points
Chosen of Asuryan
Special Rules: Blessings of Asuryan, Close Order, Elven Reflexes, Fear, Martial Prowess, The Phoenix Guards are
Veteran, Witness to Destiny the guardians of the Shrine
of Asuryan, the great
Witness To Destiny pyramid temple in the Sea of
Cursed with the knowledge of their own demise, the Phoenix Guard are able to effortlessly avoid Dreams. Deep within lies the
the mundane weapons of the enemy with a disturbing ease. Chamber of Days upon the
walls of which, it is said, are
This unit has a 6+ Ward save against any wounds suffered that were caused by a non- the histories of past, present
magical enemy attack. and future, etched in words of
fire. Legend tells that any who
behold that wall shall forever
be cursed with knowledge of
their own death. The Phoenix
Guard are a silent order,
forbidden from uttering a
single word lest they tell of
the secrets of time revealed to
them. In battle, they are grim
and resolute, clad in ornate
armour, and armed with tall
halberds, their stony quiet
and the aura of godly might
that surrounds them striking
fear into the hearts of the foe.
Shadow Warriors
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Shadow Warrior 5 5 5 3 3 1 5 1 8 14
Shadow-walker 5 5 6 3 3 1 5 1 8 +6

Troop Type: Regular infantry

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 5+
Equipment: Hand weapons, longbows and light armour

• Any unit may upgrade one model to a Shadow-walker (champion) ......+6 points per unit
• A Shadow-walker may purchase magic items up to a total of.....................................25 points
• 0-1 unit in your army may:
- Have the Ambushers special rule................................................................+1 point per model
Shadow Warriors - Have the Chariot Runners special rule .....................................................+1 point per model
When Nagarythe was riven - Have the Feigned Flight special rule ..........................................................+1 point per model
by civil war, most of the Elves
there sided with the traitor Special Rules: Elven Reflexes, Evasive, Fire & Flee, Ithilmar Weapons,
Malerion, but a small number Move through Cover, Scouts, Skirmishers, Veteran,
remained faithful to the Warriors of Nagarythe
Phoenix King and swore to
fight their treacherous kin. Warriors Of Nagarythe
These ill-fated Elves became There is no respite for the warriors of Nagarythe, only a ceaseless vigil against the approach of their
the Shadow Warriors, the traitorous kin. This eternal watchfulness casts them as outsiders amongst their own kind, and
darkest, most sinister and many High Elves mistrust them, feeling ill at ease with their stony hearts and ruthless ways.
brutal of all the High Elves.
From carefully concealed A unit with this special rule may only be joined by a character with the Shadow Stalker
hiding places deep within Elven Honour.
the Shadowlands these
loyal Nagarythe fought a
long and blood-soaked war
against the traitors. Ambush
and deception were their
tools, and the battles they
fought were short and
decisive. Quarter was neither
asked nor offered, and the
Shadow Warriors earned
a gruesome and fearful
reputation that would last
throughout the ages for their
willingness to commit acts
deemed barbarous by other
High Elves.
Sisters Of Avelorn
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Sister of Avelorn 5 5 5 3 3 1 5 1 8 15
High Sister 5 5 6 3 3 1 5 1 8 +7

Troop Type: Regular infantry

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 5+
Equipment: Hand weapons, bows of Avelorn (see page 187) and light armour

• Any unit may upgrade one model to a High Sister (champion) ...............+7 points per unit
• A High Sister may purchase magic items up to a total of .............................................50 points
• 0-1 unit in your army may:
- Have the Ambushers special rule................................................................+1 point per model
- Have the Stubborn special rule....................................................................+1 point per model

Special Rules: Arrows of Isha, Evasive, Ignores Cover, Immune to Psychology,

Ithilmar Armour, Ithilmar Weapons, Open Order, Skirmishers, The Maiden Guard
Strike First of Avelorn
There are regions of Avelorn
that are forbidden to enter.
Some are sacred places of
power, others are dark and
dangerous, places from which
the touch of Chaos has never
truly faded. It is the duty
of the Sisters of Avelorn to
guard such places, ensuring
that the sacred lands remain
sacrosanct. The Sisters
of Avelorn are keen-eyed
archers who prefer to fight
their battles at range, yet they
shrink not from the swirling
melee of combat, for no
battlefield peril can overcome
one who walks the dark paths
of Avelorn. Before charging
knights or rampaging Trolls,
the warrior-maids stand their
ground. With precise aim
and steady hearts, they loose
arrows until the foe is full
upon them, then draw their
swords and step into the fray.
Ellyrian Reavers
Cavalry M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Ellyrian Reaver - 4 4 3 3 1 4 1 8 16
Harbinger - 4 5 3 3 1 4 2 8 +8
Elven Steed 9 3 - 3 - - 4 1 - -

Troop Type: Light cavalry

Base Size: 30 x 60 mm
Unit Size: 5+
• Elyrian Reavers: Hand weapons, cavalry spears and light armour
• Elven Steeds: Hooves (counts as a hand weapon)

• The entire unit may:
- Take shortbows ...............................................................................................+2 points per model
- Replace cavalry spears with shortbows.....................................................+1 point per model
Ellyrian Reavers • Any unit may:
Ellyrian Reavers are the - Upgrade one model to a Harbinger (champion)......................................+8 points per unit
descendants of generations - Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+6 points per unit
of expert cavalry from - Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+6 points per unit
Ellyrion, a land renowned • A Harbinger may purchase magic items up to a total of...............................................25 points
for the quality of the horses • 0-1 unit per 1,000 points may:
it breeds and skilled riders - Have the Scouts special rule........................................................................+2 points per model
it produces. They are lightly - Have the Skirmishers special rule ...............................................................+1 point per model
armed cavalrymen, experts - Purchase a magic standard worth up to........................................................................25 points
at scouting, who act as eyes
and ears for the armies Special Rules: Elven Reflexes, Fast Cavalry, Open Order, Swiftstride, Valour of Ages
of Ulthuan. When the
armies of Ulthuan march
to war, the Reavers range
many miles ahead, seeking
enemy troops, places of
ambush and advantageous
sites where the marching
army can camp, or where
battle lines can be formed
to meet the enemy. Once
battle is joined, the Reavers
ride swiftly to outflank the
enemy lines, skirmishing
with the outriders and
scouts of the foe and sowing
confusion amongst the ranks,
before charging into the
disrupted flanks.
Silver Helms
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Silver Helm - 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 8 23
High Helm - 4 4 3 3 1 5 2 8 +6
Barded Elven Steed 8 3 - 3 - - 4 1 - -

Troop Type: Heavy cavalry

Base Size: 30 x 60 mm
Unit Size: 5+
• Silver Helms: Hand weapons, lances and heavy armour
• Barded Elven Steeds: Hooves (counts as a hand weapon) and barding

• The entire unit may take shields........................................................................+1 point per model
• Any unit may: Silver Helms
- Upgrade one model to a High Helm (champion)....................................+6 points per unit Of all the High Elf knights, it
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+6 points per unit is the Silver Helms who are
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+6 points per unit seen as the perfect exemplars
- Purchase a magic banner worth up to ...........................................................................25 points of martial grace and valour
• A High Helm may purchase magic items up to a total of.............................................25 points to which young Elves should
aspire. They are recruited
Special Rules: Close Order, Elven Reflexes, First Charge, Ithilmar Barding, Swiftstride, purely from families of noble
Valour of Ages blood; young warriors raised
to be proud without being
haughty, and brave without
being undisciplined. The
Silver Helms are willing
to throw themselves into
the most dangerous of
battles. They do so in the
understanding that glory
awaits those who prevail, and
they are confident enough in
their prowess as warriors to
believe they can succeed, no
matter the odds. For these
young nobles, there can be
no hesitation in facing any
foe – it is those victories that
are hardest won which bring
about the sweetest glories and
earn the grandest renown.
Dragon Princes
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Dragon Prince - 5 4 3 3 1 5 2 9 37
Drakemaster - 5 4 3 3 1 5 3 9 +7
Barded Elven Steed 8 3 - 3 - - 4 1 - -

Troop Type: Heavy cavalry

Base Size: 30 x 60 mm
Unit Size: 5+
• Dragon Princes: Hand weapons, lances, full plate armour and shields
• Barded Elven Steeds: Hooves (counts as a hand weapon) and barding

• Any unit may:
- Upgrade one model to a Drakemaster (champion) ................................+7 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+7 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+7 points per unit
Dragon Princes of Caledor - Purchase a magic banner worth up to ...........................................................................50 points
The nobles of Caledor, who • A Drakemaster may purchase magic items up to a total of .........................................50 points
once rode Dragons, regard
themselves as the elite even Special Rules: Close Order, Counter Charge, Dragon Armour, Drilled, Elven Reflexes,
amongst the nobility of First Charge, Impetuous, Ithilmar Barding, Ithilmar Weapons,
Ulthuan’s kingdoms. Only Sons of Caledor, Swiftstride, Valour of Ages
in the thick of battle does
a Dragon Prince’s true Sons Of Caledor
character emerge. Hauteur Dragon Princes consider themselves superior to Ulthuan’s other soldiers. Worse, they pay little heed
gives way to determination; to orders given by commanders they consider their inferiors (though they may consent to consider
arrogance to courage. Gone is the suggestions of a noble).
the aloof noble who disdains
the company of anyone not A unit with this special rule may only be joined by your army’s General, or by a character
considered an equal. In its with the Blood of Caledor Elven Honour.
place, rides a warrior who
would die without hesitation
if such a sacrifice would save
but one of Ulthuan’s people.
Only when the battle-light
fades from the Dragon
Prince’s eyes does the aspect
of the Caledorian noble slide
back into place. Callous pride
returns, leaving those who
saw the selfless hero behind
the mask to question if they
ever truly saw it at all.
Chariot Chariots
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Tiranoc Chariot - - - 5 4 4 - - - 75
Tiranoc Charioteer (x2) - 4 4 3 - - 4 1 8 -
Elven Steed (x2) 9 3 - 3 - - 4 1 - -

Troop Type: Light Chariot

Base Size: 50 x 100 mm
Unit Size: 1-4
Armour Value: 5+
• Tiranoc Charioteers: Hand weapons, cavalry spears and longbows
• Elven Steeds: Hooves (counts as a hand weapon)

Special Rules: Elven Reflexes, Impact Hits (D6), Open Order, Quick Shot, Swiftstride,
Valour of Ages

Lion Chariot Of Chrace Tiranoc Chariots

In battle, Tiranoc charioteers
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points weave between enemy units
Lion Chariot - - - 5 4 4 - - - 125 at full speed, raining arrows
Lion Charioteer (x2) - 5 4 4 - - 4 1 8 - onto unprotected flanks and
War Lion (x2) 8 5 - 4 - - 4 2 - - raking enemy lines with steel-
tipped spears. Only when
Troop Type: Heavy Chariot the enemy is sufficiently
Base Size: 50 x 100 mm weakened do the Tiranoc
Unit Size: 1 charioteers crash into the
Armour Value: 4+ press of melee in a glorious
Equipment: massed charge, the steeds
• Lion Charioteers: Hand weapons and Chracian great blades biting and kicking, the riders
• War Lions: Claws and fangs (counts as a hand weapon) thrusting spears into the
hearts of their foes.
Special Rules: Close Order, Elven Reflexes, Fear, First Charge, Impact Hits (D6),
Lion Cloak, Stubborn, Valour of Ages Lion Chariots
The white-timbered chariots
of Chrace, drawn by pairs of
Character Mount: A Tiranoc Chariot or Lion Chariot may be included in your army snarling War Lions, charge
as a character’s mount. If so, its points are added to that of its rider. headlong into the fray. As the
War Lions tear into the foe
with fang and claw, the crew
cleave heads from shoulders
with every axe-blow. Such
daring charges have become
the hallmark of the Lion
Chariots, earning them a
well-deserved reputation as
the bane of even the most
determined shieldwall.
Lothern Skycutters
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Skycutter - - - 5 4 4 - - - 90
Sea Guard Crew (x3) - 4 4 3 - - 4 1 8 -
Swiftfeather Roc (x1) 2 5 - 4 - - 4 2 - -

Troop Type: Heavy Chariot

Base Size: 60 x 100 mm
Unit Size: 1
Armour Value: 4+
• Sea Guard Crew: Hand weapons, cavalry spears and shortbows
• Swiftfeather Roc: Wicked claws (see below)

Lothern Skycutters • May take an eagle-eye bolt thrower (see below)..........................................................+25 points
When the swift Hawkships of
Lothern slip their moorings, Special Rules: Close Order, Fear, Fly (10), Elven Reflexes (Sea Guard Crew only),
they are accompanied to the Impact Hits (D3+1), Swiftstride, Valour of Ages
open sea by Skycutters –
sleek, airborne chariots that R S AP Special Rules
rest upon a cushion of magic Wicked claws Combat S -2 -
and are drawn into battle by
the Swiftfeather Rocs that R S AP Special Rules
nest along the Glittering Eagle-eye 24" 5 -3 Cumbersome, Multiple Wounds (D3)
Coast. These serve as the bolt thrower
eyes and ears of Lothern’s
fleets, allowing them to plan
engagements long before Character Mount: A Lothern Skycutter may be included in your army as a
the enemy is even aware of character’s mount. If so, its points are added to that of its rider.
their presence. Skycutters
also serve as the outriders of
Lothern’s armies, for they can
go where their grounded kin
cannot. Should a Skycutter’s
crew encounter a foe, their
goal is to clear the skies
with steel shot fired from
their compact eagle-eye
bolt throwers, ensuring that
Lothern will dominate the
heavens in the battle to come.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Griffon 6 5 - 5 (+2) (+3) 5 4 - +130
Notes: A character mounted on a Griffon has +2 Toughness and +3 Wounds.

Troop Type: Monstrous creature

Base Size: 50 x 50 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Wicked claws (see below), serrated maw (see below) and
griffonic pelt (counts as heavy armour)
Special Rules: Close Order, Fly (9), Large Target, Stomp Attacks (D3),
Swiftstride, Terror

R S AP Special Rules
Wicked claws Combat S -2 -

R S AP Special Rules
Serrated maw Combat S - Armour Bane (2), Multiple Wounds (2)
Notes: In combat, this model must make one of its attacks each turn with this weapon. Griffon
The Griffons of the Annulii
Mountains are creatures
Character Mount: A Griffon may only be included in your army as a character’s of noble bearing and keen
mount. Its points are added to that of its rider. intelligence. Such is the
Griffon’s wild appearance
that a stranger to Ulthuan
might deem it merely
another savage beast of the
mountains. Yet, all Elves
know that Griffons are
seldom given to cruelty – at
least so long as no harm is
offered to those they think of
as kin. For an Elf to have any
hope of mastering a Griffon,
the beast must be captured
and trained while still young,
forging a bond that only
death can shatter. Griffons
are particularly favoured by
those who fight in the thick
of the fray, and many a battle
has been won by the descent
of a shrieking Griffon into the
heart of the enemy army.
Dragons Of Ulthuan
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Sun Dragon 6 5 - 5 (+2) (+4) 4 4 - +180
Note: A character mounted on a Sun Dragon has +2 Toughness and +4 Wounds.

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Moon Dragon 6 6 - 6 (+2) (+5) 3 5 - +235
Note: A character mounted on a Moon Dragon has +2 Toughness and +5 Wounds.

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Star Dragon 6 7 - 7 (+3) (+6) 2 6 - +290
Note: A character mounted on a Star Dragon has +3 Toughness and +6 Wounds.

Troop Type: Behemoth

Base Size: 60 x 100 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Wicked claws (see below), dragon fire (see below) and
draconic scales (counts as full plate armour)
The Dragons of Ulthuan Special Rules:
On Ulthuan, Dragons • Sun Dragon: Close Order, Fly (10), Impetuous, Large Target, Stomp Attacks (D6),
are not the subject of the Swiftstride, Terror
terrifying folk tales told by • Moon Dragon: Close Order, Fly (10), Large Target, Stomp Attacks (D6),
the superstitious savages Swiftstride, Terror
of the Old World, they are • Star Dragon: Close Order, Fly (10), Large Target, Stomp Attacks (D6+1),
considered bold and noble Swiftstride, Terror
creatures. Indeed, without
the Dragons of Ulthuan, the R S AP Special Rules
High Elves would have been Wicked claws Combat S -2 -
annihilated thousands of
years ago, for the Dragons are R S AP Special Rules
the Elves’ oldest and greatest Dragon fire N/A 4 -1 Breath Weapon, Flaming Attacks
allies. Within Ulthuan,
the realm of Caledor is
the home of the Dragons, Character Mount: A Sun Dragon, Moon Dragon or Star Dragon may only be
and in ancient days, those included in your army as a character’s mount. Its points are added to that of its rider.
noble beasts seemed almost
without number. However,
times have changed. Now, in
colossal caverns found deep
within the Dragon Spine
Mountains, the Dragons
sleep away the centuries.
A mysterious languor that
began in the earliest years of
Tethlis’ reign has caused more
and more Dragons to enter
a slumber from which only
ancient Caledorian songs can
rouse them.
Flamespyre Phoenix
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Flamespyre Phoenix 2 5 0 5 5 5 4 3 7 170

Troop Type: Monstrous creature

Base Size: 50 x 100 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Wicked claws (see below) and blazing plumage (counts as heavy armour)
Special Rules: Blessings of Asuryan, Close Order, Fear, Flaming Attacks, Fly (10),
From the Ashes, Large Target, Stomp Attacks (2), Swiftstride, Wake of Fire

From The Ashes

Should a Phoenix be slain, it explodes in a shower of flaming cinders. If the Winds of Magic are
strong, these fiery fragments swiftly coalesce and the Phoenix is reborn.

When a Flamespyre Phoenix loses its last Wound, roll a D6 before removing the model Flamespyre Phoenix
from play: The Phoenixes of Ulthuan
dwell amongst the
• On a roll of 1-2, the Phoenix crumbles into cold ashes and is removed from play. Flamespyres – great alabaster
• On a roll of 3-5, the Phoenix explodes into flame. Every enemy unit in base contact with pillars of rock that stand
it suffers D6 Strength 3 hits, each with an AP of -1 and the Flaming Attacks special rule. sentinel above the Shrine
Once these hits are resolved, this model is removed from play. of Asuryan and around
• On a roll of 6, the Phoenix (and its rider, should it have one) are briefly consumed in a which the Winds of Magic
ball of flames, and are immediately reborn, recovering D3 Wounds. blow a constant gale. Over
generations, the Phoenixes
Wake Of Fire of the Flamespyres have
When a Flamespyre Phoenix is enraged, its plumage explodes into a magical flame, causing the become attuned to these
creature to leave a trail of angry fire in its wake. winds, harnessing them at
whim. Flamespyre Phoenixes
This model may perform a ‘Wake of Fire’ attack against a single enemy unit that is not lack the gift of a civilised
engaged in combat. To do so, this model must move (by flying) over the unit it wishes to tongue. However, they
attack during the Remaining Moves sub-phase. Once this model’s movement is complete, understand the Elven tongue
the enemy unit suffers D6 Strength 4 hits, each with an AP of -1 and with the Flaming well enough and, if treated
Attacks special rule. with proper respect, can be
bargained with. Indeed, an
R S AP Special Rules accord exists between them
Wicked claws Combat S -2 - and the Phoenix Guard,
with the latter often calling
upon the birds to serve as
Character Mount: A Flamespyre Phoenix may be included in your army as a war-mounts. This is a truly
character’s mount. If so, its points are added to that of its rider. When taken as a fearsome combination, the
character mount, a Flamespyre Phoenix has the following profile: clear-headed judgement of
the Phoenix Knight directing
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points the Flamespyre’s fires to
Flamespyre Phoenix 2 5 - 5 (+2) (+3) 4 3 - +170 where they can cause the
Note: A character mounted on a Flamespyre Phoenix has +2 Toughness and +3 Wounds. most damage.
Frostheart Phoenix
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Frostheart Phoenix 2 6 0 6 6 5 3 4 8 205

Troop Type: Monstrous creature

Base Size: 50 x 100 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Wicked claws (see below) and
frozen plumage (counts as full plate armour)
Special Rules: Blizzard Aura, Close Order, Fear, Fly (9), Large Target,
Stomp Attacks (2), Swiftstride

Blizzard Aura
The ice that sheathes a Frostheart Phoenix is as hard as glass, and enemies find their own strength
and resolve eaten away by its chill presence.

Whilst in base contact with this model, enemy models become subject to the Strike Last
special rule.
Frostheart Phoenix
As a Flamespyre Phoenix R S AP Special Rules
ages, its body cools until, Wicked claws Combat S -2 -
finally, the plumage that once
blazed with fire grows heavy
with frost and ice. Once this Character Mount: A Frostheart Phoenix may be included in your army as a
occurs, the Phoenix must character’s mount. If so, its points are added to that of its rider. When taken as a
leave the Flamespyres, for character mount, a Frostheart Phoenix has the following profile:
the chill that surrounds it
causes pain to its brightly M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
burning kin. Most Frostheart Frostheart Phoenix 2 6 - 6 (+3) (+3) 3 4 - +205
Phoenixes end their days in Note: A character mounted on a Frostheart Phoenix has +3 Toughness and +3 Wounds.
lonely exile on the crags of the
Eataine coast. Others return
to the Shrine of Asuryan,
to offer their final days in
service as war-steeds. Whilst
a Frostheart Phoenix may
not possess the vigour and
fire of its youth, it is a much
hardier mount. Without the
power to resurrect itself, a
Frostheart Phoenix fights all
the harder, determined to
end its existence striking a
final blow against the enemies
of Ulthuan.
Great Eagles
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Great Eagle 2 5 0 4 4 3 4 3 6 60

Troop Type: Monstrous creature

Base Size: 50 x 50 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Wicked claws (see below) and serrated maw (see below)
Special Rules: Close Order, Fear, Fly (10), Stomp Attacks (1), Swiftstride

R S AP Special Rules
Wicked claws Combat S -2 -

R S AP Special Rules
Serrated maw Combat S - Armour Bane (2), Multiple Wounds (2)
Notes: In combat, this model must make one of its attacks each turn with this weapon.

Character Mount: A Great Eagle may be included in your army as a character’s Great Eagles
mount. If so, its points are added to that of its rider. When taken as a character The Great Eagles of Ulthuan
mount, a Great Eagle has the following profile: have always been firm allies
to the Elves. The histories
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points tell that the two races have
Great Eagle 2 5 - 4 (+1) (+1) 4 3 - +60 fought in one another’s cause
Note: A character mounted on a Great Eagle has +1 Toughness and +1 Wound. since the time of the Great
Cataclysm and during the
War against Chaos, but
legend carries the friendship
deeper into the past. Indeed,
in some tales, it was Talyn,
King of the Eagles, who bore
Ereth Khial away to the
Underworld at Asuryan’s
command. Like the High
Elves, Great Eagles are
haughty creatures who long
remember insults, and do
not suffer foolish company
gladly. When High Elf armies
assemble, the noble Eagles
too join the battle. They
swoop down upon the crew of
enemy war machines, tearing
them apart with powerful
talons before using mighty
wings to glide swiftly away.
War Machine Eagle-Claw Bolt Throwers
War Machine
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Eagle-claw Bolt Thrower - - - - 6 2 - - - 80
Sea Guard Crew 5 4 4 3 3 2 4 2 8 -

Troop Type: War machine

Base Size: 50 x 50 mm (war machine), 25 x 25 mm (crew)
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Repeater bolt thrower, hand weapons and light armour
Special Rules: Elven Reflexes, Skirmishers, Valour of Ages

Eagle-claw Bolt Throwers

The Elves of Ulthuan
have never developed the
unreliable gunpowder
technology or crude stone
throwers favoured by other
races of the Old World.
Instead, the Asur rely on a
more elegant weapon – the
Eagle-claw bolt thrower.
These weapons bristle
from the sides of Ulthuan’s
warships and the battlements
of her fortresses. Its clever
design allows its crews to
alternate between different
modes of fire – one moment
shooting single shots
capable of disembowelling a
rampaging Giant, the next
unleashing clutches of smaller
bolts to mow down massed
infantry before they reach
the High Elf lines. Such is the
skill of its Sea Guard crew,
and the speed with which
they reload, that only seconds
separate one deadly volley
from the next.
T hroughout their long lives, Elves are able to spend considerable time in pursuit of their various interests, mastering
their skills and earning much respect for their abilities. Many walk a particular path for so long that they become
exemplars of their craft, and this is particularly true of those nobles that dedicate themselves to military causes.

To represent this, some characters drawn from the High Elves army list may be given an Elven Honour, chosen from those
detailed on this page. Each Honour gives the character certain benefits in the form of unique equipment and additional
special rules:

Loremaster ..........................................................35 points Anointed Of Asuryan.......................................15 points

Amongst the seers and scholars that reside within the Tower In matters both martial and spiritual, the Phoenix Guard take
of Hoeth, there are those that practise both the mystical and their lead from the Anointed of Asuryan, learned sages that have
martial arts as one. Such dedication marks a Loremaster from a for centuries been immersed in Asuryan’s teachings.
mere scholar.
A character with the Anointed of Asuryan Elven Honour:
High Elf Lords only. A character with the Loremaster
Elven Honour: • May be mounted on a Flamespyre Phoenix or a Frostheart
Phoenix (but cannot choose any other mount options).
• Cannot be mounted. • May be equipped with a ceremonial halberd (see page
• Is a Level 1 Wizard and knows one randomly generated 187) for no additional points. If so, they may not take any
spell from one of the following Lores of Magic: additional, non-magical weapons.
- Battle Magic • Gains the Blessings of Asuryan, Fear and Witness to
- Elementalism Destiny special rules.
- High Magic • Replaces the Valour of Ages special rule with the Veteran
- Illusion special rule.
• May be equipped with a Sword of Hoeth (see page 187)
for no additional points. If so, they may not take any
additional, non-magical weapons.
• Gains the Ithilmar Armour, Lileath’s Blessing and Lore of
Saphery special rules.

Shadow Stalker ..................................................20 points

Like all denizens of Nagarythe, Shadow Stalkers are outcasts.
Many choose to travel far beyond the borders of Ulthuan, fighting
unseen wars in the eternal defence of their homeland.

A character with the Shadow Stalker Elven Honour:

• Cannot be mounted.
• May be equipped with a bow of Avelorn (see page 187)
for no additional points. If so, they may not take any
additional, non-magical weapons.
• Cannot have heavy armour or full plate armour.
• Gains the Ambushers, Evasive, Fire & Flee, Move through
Cover and Scouts special rules.
Blood Of Caledor...............................................15 points Warden Of Saphery...........................................10 points
Ulthuan was once dominated by the valour and wisdom of When Ulthuan marches to war, the Swordmasters of Hoeth are led
Caledor’s Dragon Princes. Today, the royal bloodline has faded, yet by the Wardens of Saphery, exemplars of the martial arts who have
the haughty pride of Caledor’s warrior elite still shines bright. studied warfare and personal combat for decades.

A character with the Blood of Caledor Elven Honour (but not A character with the Warden of Saphery Elven Honour:
their mount):
• Cannot be mounted.
• Must be mounted on either a Barded Elven Steed, a Sun • May be equipped with a Sword of Hoeth (see page 187)
Dragon, a Moon Dragon, or a Star Dragon. for no additional points. If so, they may not take any
• Has a +1 modifier to their Weapon Skill characteristic. additional, non-magical weapons.
• May be equipped with full plate armour for no • Gains the Deflect Shots, Ithilmar Armour and Killing Blow
additional points. special rules.
• Gains the Dragon Armour and Impetuous special rules.
Pure Of Heart..............................................................Free
Chracian Hunter ...............................................10 points Though Ulthuan’s Golden Age is a distant memory, there are still
In Chrace, a warrior’s skill at arms and strength of character a few nobles that embody all that is glorious about the High Elves,
matters almost as much as the nobility of their blood, and the their presence reminding others of the heroic past of their race.
foremost warriors quickly rise to prominence within the ranks of the
White Lions. Unless this character is fleeing, all friendly units within their
Command range can use their Leadership characteristic
A character with the Chracian Hunter Elven Honour (but not instead of their own. In addition, this character and any unit
their mount): it has joined automatically passes any Panic test it is required
to make.
• May only be mounted on a White Lion Chariot (but
cannot choose any other mount options). Sea Guard .....................................................................Free
• May be equipped with a Chracian great blade Many nobles of Lothern choose to serve within the ranks of the
(see page 187) for no additional points. If so, they may not Sea Guard, rising quickly to command the disciplined ranks of
take any additional, non-magical weapons. Ulthuan’s navy and hone their skill on distant battlefields.
• Gains the Lion Cloak, Move through Cover and Stubborn
special rules. A character with the Sea Guard Elven Honour:

• May only be mounted on a Lothern Skycutter (but cannot

choose any other mount options).
• May be equipped with a warbow for no additional
points. If so, they may not take any additional, non-
magical weapons.
• Gains the Naval Discipline and Rallying Cry special rules.
Magic Items HIGH ELF REALMS Armoury
T he pages that follow detail magic items unique to High Elf Realms armies. These
can be purchased by models within a High Elf Realms army in exactly the same
way as Common magic items, as described in the Warhammer: the Old World rulebook.

Extremely Common Magic Items: Any magic item marked with an asterisk (*)
is considered to be extremely common, as described in the Warhammer: the Old
World rulebook.

Magic Weapons
The White Sword...........................................................................................70 points
A legendary blade forged for Aren, one of the first Swordmasters of Hoeth. The White Sword The Forges of Vaul
stands as tall as an Elf, yet its wide blade is as light as a willow switch. Within the Shrine of Vaul,
priests forge weapons of
Special Rules great power and devices of
The White Sword Combat S+3 -2
Magical Attacks, Monster Slayer, infinite cunning for the lords
Requires Two Hands, Strike Last and ladies of Ulthuan. The
Notes: Models whose troop type is ‘infantry’ or ‘chariot’ only. members of this strange
priesthood are all blind,
The Blade Of Leaping Gold .........................................................................50 points having ritually put out their
To the valiant, the Blade of Leaping Gold lends supernatural speed and vigour; to the craven own eyes upon entering
and the corrupt, it brings only swift death. A more finely balanced sword than this has never service of their god. Through
been made. this act of self mutilation
they sacrifice their earthly
R S AP Special Rules sight, but they gain something
The Blade of Combat S - Armour Bane (2), Extra Attacks (+D3), far more valuable. They are
Leaping Gold Magical Attacks bestowed with the skill and
shrewdness of their patron
Reaver Bow...................................................................................................... 40 points deity, and the understanding
Some believe this wondrous bow is the same one that was forged for Prince Arathion of Ellyrion a of the sorrow and suffering
thousand years ago. that Vaul has undergone
to protect the Elves. This
R S AP Special Rules knowledge and wisdom
Reaver Bow 30" S+1 - Magical Attacks enables them to harness the
Notes: The Reaver Bow counts as a Bow of Avelorn. The wielder of the Reaver Bow may make a fickle Winds of Magic and
number of shooting attacks equal to their Attacks characteristic, rather than the usual one. This use them to create weapons
model does not suffer any modifiers for firing multiple shots. of incredible potency for the
High Elves who fight the wars
Foe Bane........................................................................................................... 20 points to protect Ulthuan.
This strangely twisted Elven blade was taken from the body of a Chaos champion. Quite how they
came to possess it is unknown, as is the name of the brave Elf that reclaimed it.

R S AP Special Rules
Foe Bane Combat S - Magical Attacks
Notes: When the wielder of Foe Bane makes a roll To Wound, a roll of 4+ is always a success,
regardless of the target’s Toughness.
Magic Armour Magic Standards
Armour Of Caledor...........................................35 points Banner Of Arcane Protection.........................70 points
Every piece of the Armour of Caledor has been taken from the The heavy fabric of this banner is interwoven with powerful
recovered fragments of now-lost armour that was once worn by a protective charms.
mighty Caledorian hero.
A unit carrying the Banner of Arcane Protection gains the
The Armour of Caledor is a suit of full plate armour. Magic Resistance (-3) special rule. In addition, friendly units
In addition, its wearer has a 5+ Ward save against any within 6" of the model carrying this standard gain the Magic
wounds suffered. Resistance (-1) special rule.

Dragon Helm ......................................................10 points Battle Banner......................................................60 points

Crafted into the likeness of a great wyrm, the Dragon Helm This intricate banner, festooned with gemstones, bears detailed
remembers the heat of its forging, protecting its wearer from the scenes of Ulthuan’s victories.
touch of flame.
When calculating its combat result, a unit carrying the
May be worn with other armour. The wearer of the Dragon Battle Banner may claim an additional bonus of +D3 combat
Helm improves their armour value by 1 (to a maximum result points.
of 2+). In addition, its wearer has a 6+ Ward save against any
wounds suffered that were caused by an attack that has the Lion Standard .....................................................25 points
Flaming Attacks special rule. The renowned courage of a Chracian Lion fills the hearts of those
who serve under this banner.
A unit carrying the Lion Standard automatically passes any
The Loremaster’s Cloak....................................25 points Fear or Terror tests it is required to make.
Wrapped in this pale grey cloak, the wearer seems somehow
insubstantial and almost illusory. Banner Of Ellyrion............................................20 points
This depiction of Korhandir, the father of all horses, imbues a
The bearer of the Loremaster’s Cloak and any unit they have regiment with tireless energy.
joined has a 4+ Ward save against any wounds suffered that
were caused by a Magic Missile. A unit carrying the Banner of Ellyrion gains the Move
through Cover special rule.
Opal Amulet*......................................................20 points
Potent yet fragile, an Opal Amulet offers powerful protection, but
can easily be broken.

Single use. An Opal Amulet gives its bearer a 2+ Ward save

against a single wound.
Enchanted Items Arcane Items
Null Stone............................................................75 points Sigil Of Asuryan*...............................................40 points
Those with the Mage sight see the bearer of this smooth, black stone The sigil is tattooed on the hand of the Mage using inks prepared
pendant as a dark void, an unsettling patch of nothingness in the in the sacred flame of Asuryan itself. After use it quickly fades
realm of magic. to nothing.

Whilst within the Command range of the bearer, all Wizards Single use. A Wizard may use this item instead of making a
(friend or foe) suffer a -1 modifier to their Casting and dispel attempt. If they do so, the spell is automatically dispelled
Dispel rolls. with no Dispel roll required.

In addition, during the Command sub-phase of their turn, if Note that a perfect invocation cannot be dispelled.
they are not engaged in combat, this character may attempt
to use the Null Stone by making a Leadership test (using Annulian Crystal...............................................30 points
their own unmodified Leadership). If this test is passed, until Dug from beneath the Annulii Mountains, this crystal has been
your next Start of Turn sub-phase, this character cannot shaped by the magical vortex that swathes Ulthuan, so that it
be targeted by any spells and is immune to the effects of draws magical energy towards it.
any spells.
Once per turn, upon successfully casting a spell, the bearer
The Cloak Of Beards.........................................30 points of the Annulian Crystal can choose to forget that spell and
An aura of fear and anger hangs about this grisly trophy of the War immediately generate another (not including signature spells)
of the Beard, filling allies and enemies alike with unease. in the usual manner.

The wearer of the Cloak of Beards causes Terror. However, Note that it is possible the Wizard might generate the spell they just
so unnerving is the cloak that other models cannot use the forgot, or one forgotten in a previous turn. Consider it fate.
wearer’s Leadership.
Silvery Wand.......................................................15 points
Seed Of Rebirth* ................................................20 points This slender wand is covered with many intricately carved lines of
A seed from the heart of Athel Loren, gifted to the High Elves by winding runes in an ancient script.
their distant kin, the bearer is imbued with life-giving magic.
The bearer of the Silvery Wand knows one more spell (chosen
The Seed of Rebirth gives its bearer the Regeneration (5+) in the usual way) than is normal for their Level of Wizardry.
special rule.
Note that this does not increase the Wizard’s Level.
A game of Warhammer: the Old World is packed with fantastic creatures and skilled warriors with abilities so incredible
and varied that the basic rules cannot possibly cover them all. For such circumstances we have special rules –
uncommon rules to govern uncommon circumstances.

On the following pages you will find a full description for each of the army special rules used by models drawn from the High Elf
Realms army list:

Arrows Of Isha Blessings Of Asuryan

Many High Elf nobles fill their quivers with finely crafted arrows. The most devoted servants of Asuryan seem to blaze with a
Bound with enchantments and blessed by the touch of the Tears of fiery intensity borne of unshakeable faith. In battle, such faith is
Isha, such arrows are anathema to the enemies of Ulthuan. rewarded by the Creator God of the Elves.

Any bow (longbow, shortbow, warbow or Bow of Avelorn) A model with this special rule has a 5+ Ward save against any
carried by a model with this special rule has the Armour Bane wounds suffered that were caused by an attack that has the
(1) special rule and an Armour Piercing characteristic of -1. Flaming Attacks special rule.

Dragon Armour
Dragon armour is forged in the heart of a volcano by the most
skilled of artificers and decorated beyond the skill of any mere
mortal artisan. Yet, more than its exquisite form, what makes
Dragon armour so desirable are the many potent enchantments
that ward against the blows of the enemy.

A model with this special rule has a 6+ Ward save against any
wounds suffered. In addition, a Wizard with this special rule
may wear armour without penalty.
Elven Reflexes Lileath’s Blessing
Elves possess phenomenal speed and grace, striking at their enemies Lileath is the patron of seers and prophets, and many are her gifts
faster than the eye can see. to the Elves of Ulthuan. Those students of High Magic that earn
her blessing become possessed of a profound understanding and
A model with this special rule (but not its mount) has a +1 ability to control the Winds of Magic.
modifier to its Initiative characteristic (to a maximum of 10)
during the first round of any combat. Once per turn, a model with this special rule may re-roll a
single failed Casting roll.
Ithilmar Armour/Ithilmar Barding
Ithilmar is a wondrous and lightweight metal found only in Lion Cloak
Vaul’s Anvil, the largest volcano in Ulthuan. A warrior wearing The thick pelt of a Chracian White Lion offers exemplary
a gleaming suit of Ithilmar armour enjoys great protection and protection against arrows and shot, though to wear such a trophy
freedom of movement, enabling them to traverse the most hostile of a warrior must have earned the right, and this honour is reserved
terrain with ease. only for those that have completed the rites of a Chracian warrior.

A model with this special rule may re-roll any rolls of 1 when A model with this special rule improves its armour value by 1
making Dangerous Terrain tests. In addition, a Wizard with (to a maximum of 2+) against non-magical shooting attacks.
this special rule may wear armour without penalty.
Martial Prowess
Ithilmar Weapons Elven soldiers spend many hours perfecting their battlefield drill,
Weapons crafted of Ithilmar are incredibly lightweight and masterfully wielding their long spears with a skill and grace absent
balanced to perfection. Such blades slice swiftly through the clumsy from the ranks of their enemies.
parries and counter-thrusts of enemies.
A unit with this special rule can make supporting attacks to its
When engaged in combat, a model with this special rule that flank or rear, as well as to its front.
is fighting with a hand weapon may re-roll any rolls To Hit of
a natural 1. Valour Of Ages
Throughout the ages, the High Elves of Ulthuan have stood firm
Note that this special rule only applies to a single, non-magical against the multitudinous forces of the ruinous powers. They have
hand weapon and does not apply to a model’s mount (should it faced daemonic legions, hordes of black armoured Chaos warriors,
have one). If the model is using two hand weapons or any other sort and even their own treacherous kin, sacrificing all to defend
of weapon, this special rule ceases to apply. their realms.

A unit with this special rule may re-roll any failed Panic test
caused by taking heavy casualties or by being fled through by a
friendly unit.
Lore of Saphery LORE OF SAPHERY
W hile lesser races study magic in its corrupted, broken form, High Elf Mages harness its power as pure mystical energy.
Within the White Tower, mages learn to smooth the tumultuous eddies of the Winds of Magic, bringing all eight
together to create the silvery hue of pure magic.

A Wizard with the ‘Lore of Saphery’ special rule may discard one of their randomly generated spells as normal. When they do so,
they may select instead either the signature spell of their chosen Lore of Magic, or one of the spells listed below.

Hand Of Khaine Courage Of Aenarion

With a simple gesture, white light bursts forth from the Mage’s The High Elf Mage draws upon the Winds of Magic to conjure
outstretched hand, banishing the life force of the foe. glorious images of Aenarion in the minds of their allies. So
inspired, already brave warriors are filled with the unbreakable
Type: Assailment courage of the first Phoenix King.
Casting Value: 8+
Range: Combat Type: Enchantment
Effect: A single enemy model the caster is engaged in Casting Value: 10+
combat with suffers a single Strength 4 hit with no armour Range: 15"
save permitted (Ward and Regeneration saves can be Effect: Remains in Play. Whilst this spell is in play, the
attempted as normal). target friendly unit gains the Unbreakable special rule.
If this spell is cast, the effects of any other Enchantment
previously cast on the target unit immediately expire. This
spell may target a friendly unit engaged in combat.

Vaul’s Unmaking
Glowing swords grow dim, blood-warm chalices cool and
enchanted scrolls crumble into dust, their magical energies
drained as the Mage turns the fury of Vaul’s forge upon the
magical trappings of the enemy.

Type: Hex
Casting Value: 11+
Range: 12"
Effect: This spell can only target enemy characters.
However, it may target any enemy character that is within
range and that the caster can draw a line of sight to,
regardless of the usual rules for targeting characters, and
may even target an enemy character that has joined a unit
or that is engaged in combat.

The casting player chooses a single magic item carried

by the target. This magic item is immediately ‘unmade’,
rendering it completely useless. The chosen magic item
cannot be used for the remainder of the game.
Armoury of Ulthuan
T he High Elves are as renowned for their art and craftsmanship as they are for their
mastery of magic and skill as warriors. Elven artisans create wondrous weapons of
war in the form of long, slender blades and finely wrought bows.

Such weapons are often mistaken by foolhardy foes for mere ornaments, too fragile to
be of any real worth in battle. In truth, Elven blades possess a strength and sharpness
unattainable by other races.

Bow Of Avelorn
High Elves are famed archers and in every province of Ulthuan, the gleaming ranks of citizen
militia are equipped with splendid longbows as a matter of course. Yet, it is the artisans of Avelorn
that craft the finest bows in all of Ulthuan.

R S AP Special Rules
Bow of Avelorn 30" S - Armour Bane (1), Magical Attacks,
Volley Fire Khaine,
The Bloody-Handed God
Ceremonial Halberd Khaine is the Elf god
The favoured weapon of the Phoenix Guard is the halberd. The silent guardians of Asuryan’s of war, murder, hatred
shrine wield their long, heavy bladed weapons with a skill and precision unmatched by the clumsy and destruction. He is
warriors of other races. the destroying god, who
represents to the Elves the
R S AP Special Rules fact that in order for there
Ceremonial Combat S+1 -1 Armour Bane (1), Fight in Extra Rank, to be life there must also be
halberd Magical Attacks, Requires Two Hands death, in order to have peace
Notes: A model wielding a ceremonial halberd cannot make a supporting attack during a turn in there must also be war, in
which it charged. order to have happiness there
must be suffering. The High
Chracian Great Blade Elves seek Khaine’s blessings
White Lions proudly bear the traditional woodsman’s axe into battle, many of which are ancient only rarely – his bloodlust
heirlooms. Handed down across centuries untold they never lose their keen edge, and can fell a tree is there to be invoked when
or cleave a foe in half with but a single blow. danger threatens, but it must
be controlled and used wisely.
R S AP Special Rules The nobles of Nagarythe, in
Chracian Combat S+2 -3 Requires Two Hands, Strike Last particular, are wary of the
great blade lure of Khaine’s glories and
know the seductive call of the
Sword Of Hoeth Bloody-handed God better
The elegant blade of a sword of Hoeth is as long as an Elf is tall, yet balanced to seem as light as than any. They live in the
a feather. So keen is its edge, and so enduring its enchantments, that the sharpness of the blade is twilight of Khaine’s immortal
never dulled, no matter how many helms are cloven by its strikes. shadow, forever reaching
towards the light.
R S AP Special Rules
Sword of Hoeth Combat S+2 -2 Magical Attacks, Requires Two Hands
Legacy Army List
Lizardmen Army List
T his page details the Grand Army composition list for the Lizardmen. This is the default army composition list for this
faction. Using this army composition list to write your muster list will give you the widest variety of units to choose
from and create a broad and balanced force.

This army list is intended for use alongside the ‘Forming Units’ and ‘Warhammer Armies’ sections of the Warhammer: the Old
World rulebook. Over the following pages you will find profiles and rules for each of the models in your army. These pages give
you all of the information that you need to shape your collection of models into the units which will in turn form a force ready
for battle.

Grand Army Composition List

This is the Grand Army composition list for a Rare
Lizardmen army: Up to 25% of your army’s points value may be spent on:

Characters • 0-1 Salamander Pack or Razordon Pack per 1,000 points

Up to 50% of your army’s points value may be spent on: • 0-1 Stegadon or Troglodon per 1,000 points

• 0-1 Slann Mage-Priest Mercenaries

• 0-1 Saurus Oldblood or Skink Priest per 1,000 points Up to 20% of your army’s points value may be spent
• Saurus Scar-Veterans and Skink Chiefs on mercenaries.

Core Allies
At least 25% of your army’s points value must be spent on: Up to 25% of your army’s points value may be spent on a single
allied contingent drawn from the following Grand Army
• 1+ unit of Saurus Warriors composition list:
• Skink Skirmishers and Jungle Swarms
• 0-1 unit of Temple Guard • High Elf Realms

Up to 50% of your army’s points value may be spent on: Battle Standard Bearer
A single Slann Mage-Priest, Saurus Scar-Veteran or Skink
• Chameleon Skinks, Kroxigor and Cold One Riders Chief in your army may be upgraded to be your Battle
• 0-1 unit of Terradon Riders per Skink Hero taken Standard Bearer for +25 points. In addition to their usual
• 0-1 unit of Ripperdactyl Riders per Skink Hero taken allowance of points to spend on magic items, a Battle
• 0-2 Bastiladons per 1,000 points Standard Bearer can purchase a single magic standard
with no points limit. A Slann Mage-Priest may be both
your army’s Battle Standard Bearer and its General.
Slann Mage-Priests
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Slann Mage-Priest 2 2 3 3 4 5 2 1 9 285
The Slann
Troop Type: Monstrous infantry First amongst the Old Ones’
Base Size: 50 x 50 mm servants, the Slann are
Unit Size: 1 beings of incredible intellect
Equipment: Hand weapon and unparalleled magical
ability. Although they are
Magic: A Slann Mage-Priest is a Level 4 Wizard. Every Slann Mage-Priest knows spells not physically menacing,
from one of the following Lores of Magic: the Slann wield magic so
• Battle Magic powerful they can topple
• Elementalism cities, wash away their foes
• High Magic in torrents of flame or even
• Illusion terraform the earth itself
• Necromancy with a simple gesture. Even
the mightiest Wizards will
Options: find their most potent spells
• May take a single Discipline of the Old Ones............................................................... See page 16 unravelled effortlessly by the
• May purchase magic items up to a total of...................................................................... 100 points Slann, before being scorched,
crushed or otherwise laid
Special Rules: Arcane Shield, Cold Blooded, Fly (8), Large Target, Lore of Lustria low by the Mage-Priest’s
own magic. From atop their
Arcane Shield floating palanquins, the Slann
Pure magic shimmers about the Slann, shielding it from the blows of the enemy. continue to enact the will
of the Old Ones and work
This character has a 5+ Ward save against any wounds suffered. towards the completion of
the Great Plan.

Saurus Heroes Saurus Heroes

The longer a Saurus lives, the
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points tougher and more ferocious
Saurus Oldblood 4 6 0 5 5 3 3 5 8 140 it becomes; their hardened
Saurus Scar-Veteran 4 5 0 5 5 2 3 4 8 90 scales grow as hard as iron,
lethal protrusions sprout
Troop Type: Heavy infantry from their bodies and their
Base Size: 30 x 30 mm corded muscles become so
Unit Size: 1 powerful they can break rock
Equipment: Hand weapon and scaly skin (counts as heavy armour) with their bare hands. It is
these experienced warriors
Options: who lead the Lizardmen in
• May take one of the following: battle when the Children of
- Additional hand weapon................................................................................................... +3 points the Old Ones are marshalled
- Cavalry spear (if appropriately mounted)................................................................... +4 points for war.
- Great weapon......................................................................................................................... +4 points
- Halberd.................................................................................................................................... +3 points
• May take a shield........................................................................................................................ +2 points
• May be mounted........................................................................................................................See page 5
• A Saurus Oldblood may purchase magic items up to a total of................................ 100 points
• A Saurus Scar-Veteran may purchase magic items up to a total of............................50 points

Special Rules: Cold Blooded, Furious Charge*, Obsidian Blades, Rallying Cry

*Note that this special rule does not apply to this model’s mount (should it have one)
Skink Heroes
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Skink Priest 6 2 3 3 2 2 4 1 6 60
Skink Chief 6 4 5 4 3 2 6 3 6 45 Skink Heroes
On occasion, a Skink
Troop Type: Regular infantry spawning will not produce
Base Size: 25 x 25 mm a horde of the diminutive
Unit Size: 1 Lizardmen, but will instead
Equipment: Hand weapon and calloused hide (counts as light armour)* birth just one – a rare
occurrence that is said
Magic: A Skink Priest is a Level 1 Wizard. Every Skink Priest knows spells from one of the to mark the individual
following Lores of Magic: for greatness. Those who
• Battle Magic scurry forth that show any
• Elementalism proficiency in the arcane will
• Illusion be trained as Skink Priests;
assistants to the mighty
Options: Slann. Whilst they are unable
• A Skink Priest may be a Level 2 Wizard...........................................................................+30 points to wield the world-bending
• A Skink Chief may take one of the following: arcana of their masters,
- Additional hand weapon................................................................................................... +3 points the Skink Priests’ mastery
- Cavalry spear (if appropriately mounted)................................................................... +4 points of magic is still akin to the
- Blowpipe (see below)........................................................................................................... +4 points Wizards of the younger races.
- Javelins...................................................................................................................................... +3 points Those who don’t display
• A Skink Chief may take a shield............................................................................................ +2 points magical proficiency will
• A Skink Priest or Skink Chief may: become Skink Chieftains;
- Be mounted...........................................................................................................................See page 5 cunning leaders who become
- Purchase magic items up to a total of.............................................................................50 points responsible for marshalling
war parties, organising
Special Rules: construction and other such
• Skink Priest: Arcane Vassal, Aquatic**, Cold Blooded, Lore of Lustria tasks to ensure the wheels
• Skink Chief: Aquatic**, Cold Blooded, Poisoned Attacks of the Great Plan remain
in motion.
*Note that a Skink Priest can make Casting and Dispel rolls as normal. Whilst their calloused hide
is as protective as a suit of light armour, they do not wear armour.

**Note that this special rule does not apply to this model’s mount (should it have one).

R S AP Special Rules
Blowpipe 12" 3 - Multiple Shots (2), Poisoned Attacks
Character Mounts
A character that can be mounted may choose a mount from the following list. Some
mounts are covered in detail on this page. Those that are not have their own dedicated
entries later in this army list. Cold Ones
Cold Ones emerge from
A Saurus Oldblood or Scar-Veteran may be mounted on a: their subterranean lairs to
• Cold One......................................................................................................................................+18 points prowl in packs across Lustria,
• Carnosaur.................................................................................................................................. See page 12 sprinting through the jungle
on their strong hind legs as
A Skink Priest may be mounted on a: they slash and bite at any prey
• Ancient Stegadon.................................................................................................................... See page 13 within reach.

A Skink Chief may be mounted on a: Terradons

• Terradon......................................................................................................................................+30 points These dangerous predators
• Ripperdactyl...............................................................................................................................+35 points hunt with sharp talons and
• Stegadon..................................................................................................................................... See page 13 elongated beaks filled with
needle-like teeth. Intruders
Cold One to the jungle quickly learn
to fear the ominous shadow
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points of their wide wingspan or to
Cold One 7 3 - 4 - - 2 2 - +18 hear their shrill and piercing
cries as they swoop overhead.
Troop Type: Heavy cavalry
Base Size: 30 x 60 mm Ripperdactyls
Unit Size: 1 Amongst the most aggressive
Equipment: Claws and teeth (counts as a hand weapon) creatures in Lustria,
Special Rules: Armour Bane (1, Cold One only), Armoured Hide (1), Fear, Ripperdactyls soar above
Stupidity, Swiftstride the jungle canopy constantly
on the hunt for fresh prey.
Terradon Although they are vicious
killers, there is one foe that
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points always drives these airborne
Terradon 2 3 - 4 (+1) (+1) 2 1 - +30 reptiles into a mindless rage –
Note: A character mounted on a Terradon has +1 Toughness and +1 Wound. the Lustrian blot toad.

Troop Type: Monstrous cavalry

Base Size: 40 x 40 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Claws and teeth (counts as a hand weapon)
Special Rules: Armoured Hide (1), Drop Rocks, Fear, Fly (10), Swiftstride

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Ripperdactyl 2 3 - 4 (+1) (+1) 2 2 - +35
Note: A character mounted on a Ripperdactyl has +1 Toughness and +1 Wound.

Troop Type: Monstrous cavalry

Base Size: 40 x 40 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Claws and teeth (counts as a hand weapon)
Special Rules: Armoured Hide (1), Cleaving Blow (Ripperdactyl only), Fear, Fly (9),
Furious Charge (Ripperdactyl only), Impetuous, Swiftstride,
Toad Rage (see page 11)
Temple Guard
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Temple Guard 4 4 0 4 4 1 1 2 8 16
Revered Guardian 4 4 0 4 4 1 1 3 8 +7 Temple Guard
Temple Guard are a prized
Troop Type: Heavy infantry and rare spawning of Saurus
Base Size: 30 x 30 mm warrior. Created for the sole
Unit Size: 10+ purpose of protecting the
Equipment: Hand weapons, halberds, scaly skin (counts as heavy armour) and shields Slann and the temple cities
in which they dwell, Temple
Options: Guard use heavy ornamental
• Any unit may: halberds to dispatch anything
- Upgrade one model to a Revered Guardian (champion)...................... +7 points per unit that might threaten their
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer.................................................... +7 points per unit charges. These deadly
- Upgrade one model to a musician................................................................. +7 points per unit warriors dedicate themselves
- Purchase a magic standard worth up to..................................................................... 100 points to their task with every fibre
• A Revered Guardian may purchase magic items up to a total of................................50 points of their being, displaying a
single-minded determination
Special Rules: Close Order, Cold Blooded, Guardians, Obsidian Blades, that results in either the
Shieldwall, Stubborn safeguarding of the Slann or
their own deaths. It has been
Guardians known for Temple Guard
Temple Guard protect the Mage-Priests with their tough, scaled bodies and interlocking shields. to stand sentry for centuries
at a time whilst a Slann
Should a friendly Slann Mage-Priest model that is within 3" of this unit suffer a hit during meditates, remaining poised
the Shooting phase, roll a D6. On a roll of 2+, you may choose to transfer that hit and all of to neutralise any threat to
its effects onto this unit. In addition, any model in a unit of Temple Guard that is within the vulnerable Mage-Priest
the Command range of a Slann Mage-Priest can issue and accept challenges in the same even as dust gathers on their
manner as a character. scaled hides.

Saurus Warriors
Saurus Warriors When the armies of the
Lizardmen are called to war,
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points it is the Saurus who make
Saurus Warrior 4 3 0 4 4 1 1 2 8 14 up the hardened core of
Spawn Leader 4 3 0 4 4 1 1 3 8 +7 their fighting forces; which
should come as no surprise,
Troop Type: Heavy infantry for the Old Ones created
Base Size: 30 x 30 mm the Saurus for this very
Unit Size: 10+ purpose. Unarmed, Saurus
Equipment: Hand weapons, scaly skin (counts as heavy armour) and shields are extremely dangerous –
their razor-sharp claws can
Options: gouge rock as easily as rend
• The entire unit may take thrusting spears......................................................+1 point per model flesh, whilst a blow from
• Any unit may: their heavy tails can crush
- Upgrade one model to a Spawn Leader (champion)............................... +7 points per unit bone and crack armour.
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer.................................................... +7 points per unit If that were not enough,
- Upgrade one model to a musician................................................................. +7 points per unit their crocodilian jaws are
• A Spawn Leader may purchase magic items up to a total of........................................25 points filled with enormous teeth
• 0-1 unit per 1,000 points may have the Shieldwall special rule................+1 point per model capable of severing limbs and
crushing steel.
Special Rules: Close Order, Cold Blooded, Obsidian Blades
Skink Skirmishers
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Skink 6 2 3 3 2 1 4 1 5 5
Patrol Leader 6 2 4 3 2 1 4 1 5 +5 Skink Skirmishers
Skittish and swift, Skinks
Troop Type: Regular infantry are unique amongst the
Base Size: 25 x 25 mm otherwise sluggish and
Unit Size: 10+ physically intimidating
Equipment: Hand weapons and calloused hides (counts as light armour) Lizardmen. These diminutive
creatures were created by
Options: the Old Ones to perform
• The entire unit must take one of the following: many different roles and,
- Blowpipes.............................................................................................................+1 point per model without them, Lizardman
- Javelins and shields......................................................................................................................... Free society would quickly begin
• Any unit may upgrade one model to a Patrol Leader (champion)........... +5 points per unit to collapse. With excellent
• 0-1 unit per 1,000 points may have one of the following: physical and mental dexterity,
- The Scouts special rule....................................................................................+10 points per unit Skinks can slip through the
- The Vanguard special rule................................................................................ +5 points per unit jungle with ease, enabling
them to outflank and
Special Rules: Cold Blooded, Move through Cover, Poisoned Attacks (javelins only), surround the enemy with
Skirmishers little risk of discovery.

Chameleon Skinks
Chameleon Skinks With their innate ability to
mirror the patterns of their
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points environment, Chameleon
Chameleon Skink 6 2 4 3 2 1 4 1 6 11 Skinks are the ultimate
Patrol Leader 6 2 5 4 2 1 4 1 6 +6 ambush warriors. Able to
sneak within arms length
Troop Type: Regular infantry of the enemy, Chameleon
Base Size: 25 x 25 mm Skinks will fire a hail of toxic
Unit Size: 5+ blowpipe darts at their targets
Equipment: Hand weapons, blowpipes (see below) and with incredible accuracy,
calloused hides (counts as light armour) before slinking undetected
back into the jungle.
• Any unit may upgrade one model to a Patrol Leader (champion)........... +6 points per unit

Special Rules: Cold Blooded, Evasive, Move through Cover, Scouts, Skirmishers

R S AP Special Rules
Blowpipe 12" 3 - Multiple Shots (2), Poisoned Attacks
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Kroxigor 6 3 0 5 4 3 3 3 7 49
Ancient 6 3 0 5 4 3 3 4 7 +7 Kroxigors
Initially created by the
Troop Type: Monstrous infantry Old Ones to aid with the
Base Size: 40 x 40 mm construction of the great
Unit Size: 3+ temple cities, Kroxigor are
Equipment: Great weapons and scaly skin (counts as heavy armour) hulking muscular creatures
with an enormous maw
Options: filled with dagger-like teeth.
• Any unit may upgrade one model to an Ancient (champion)................... +7 points per unit During times of war, these
brutes are used as destructive
Special Rules: Aquatic, Close Order, Cold Blooded, Fear, Skirmish Screen shock troops as they set about
enemy battle lines with huge
Skirmish Screen clubs, each taller than a man
In battle, Skinks swarm around the legs of Kroxigor. When the enemy draws near, the Kroxigor and twice as heavy.
charge through the Skinks, who instinctively know to get out of their way.
Jungle Swarms
A unit with this special rule can draw a line of sight over or through friendly units of Skink When threatened by
Skirmishers and can move through friendly units of Skink Skirmishers that are in Skirmish invaders, or when amassing a
formation. If this unit’s move would result in it ending up ‘on top’ of a friendly Skink force to strike at far-off lands,
Skirmisher, simply nudge that model aside, by the smallest amount possible, to make space a Skink Priest will call upon
for this unit. Whilst in Skirmish formation units of Skink Skirmishers can treat friendly the jungle’s smaller denizens
models with this special rule that are within 1" of one or more of the unit’s models as a part to aid them in the coming
of the unit for the purposes of unit coherency. battle, forming a writhing
carpet of highly venomous
snakes, spiders and insects.
Jungle Swarms
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Jungle Swarms 5 3 0 2 2 5 1 5 5 40

Troop Type: Swarms

Base Size: 40 x 40 mm
Unit Size: 3+
Equipment: Hand weapons
Special Rules: Cold Blooded, Immune to Psychology, Loner, Move through Cover,
Poisoned Attacks, Skirmishers, Unbreakable, Vanguard
Salamander Packs
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Skink Handler 6 2 3 3 2 1 4 1 5 5
Salamander 6 3 3 5 4 3 4 2 4 75 Salamanders
Large predatory animals
Troop Type: Regular infantry (Skink handlers), War beasts (Salamanders) that stalk the swamplands of
Base Size: 25 x 25 mm (Skink Handlers), 50 x 75 mm (Salamanders) Lustria, Salamanders propel
Unit Size: 3+/1+* themselves around with four
Equipment: thickly muscled legs and a
• Skink Handlers: Hand weapons and calloused hides (counts as light armour) powerful tail that allows
• Salamanders: Wicked claws (see below), fiery breath (see below) and them to swiftly manoeuvre
scaly skin (counts as heavy armour) on both land and in water.
Salamanders hunt by sight
Special Rules: Aquatic, Beast Handlers, Cold Blooded, Fear, Skirmishers and bring down their prey
by launching a torrent of
*When writing your muster list, a Salamander Pack must contain at least three Skink handlers for highly corrosive venom at
every one Salamander. their target – this venom is
so volatile that it ignites upon
R S AP Special Rules contact with flesh, metal
Fiery breath N/A 4 -1 Breath Weapon, Flaming Attacks or stone and burns their
victim alive.

Razordon Packs Razordons

Covered from nose to tail
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points in great spines of hardened
Skink Handler 6 2 3 3 2 1 4 1 5 5 bone, Razordons cast a most
Razordon 6 3 4 5 4 3 4 2 4 60 intimidating silhouette. As
defensive protection goes,
Troop Type: Regular infantry (Skink handlers), War beasts (Razordons) being covered in iron-hard
Base Size: 25 x 25 mm (Skink Handlers), 50 x 75 mm (Razordons) spines is enough to put off
Unit Size: 3+/1+* most of Lustria’s predators,
Equipment: but a Razordon’s spines are
• Skink Handlers: Hand weapons and calloused hides (counts as light armour) not just for protection. When
• Razordons: Wicked claws (see below), razor barbs (see below) and angered, a Razordon can
scaly skin (counts as heavy armour) discharge the spines from its
body with powerful muscle
Special Rules: Aquatic, Beast Handlers, Cold Blooded, Fear, Skirmishers spasms, showering any
would-be assailants in a hail
*When writing your muster list, a Razordon Pack must contain at least three Skink handlers for of deadly thorns.
every one Razordon.

R S AP Special Rules
Wicked claws Combat S -2 -

R S AP Special Rules
Razor barbs 18" 4 -1 Move & Shoot, Multiple Shots (D3),
Quick Shot
Cold One Riders
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Cold One Rider - 4 0 4 4 1 2 2 8 34
Pack Leader - 4 0 4 4 1 2 3 8 +7 Cold One Cavalry
Cold One 7 3 - 4 - - 2 2 - - Saurus warriors are already
deadly fighters, but when
Troop Type: Heavy cavalry mounted atop a charging
Base Size: 30 x 60 mm Cold One they become some
Unit Size: 5+ of the most fearsome shock
Equipment: cavalry to ever set foot on
• Cold One Riders: Hand weapons, scaly skin (counts as heavy armour) and shields the battlefield. Those who
• Cold Ones: Claws and teeth (counts as hand weapons) choose to hold against such
a cavalry charge will quickly
Options: find themselves under attack
• The entire unit may take cavalry spears..........................................................+1 point per model from not only the snapping
• Any unit may: jaws and slashing talons of the
- Upgrade one model to a Pack Leader (champion)................................... +7 points per unit Cold Ones, but also the keen
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer.................................................... +7 points per unit thrusts of the Saurus’ long-
- Upgrade one model to a musician................................................................. +7 points per unit bladed spears.
- Have the Drilled special rule....................................................................... +2 points per model
- Purchase a magic standard worth up to........................................................................50 points Terradon Riders
• A Pack Leader may purchase magic items up to a total of............................................25 points These fast moving flyers act
as scouts and messengers
Special Rules: Armour Bane (1, Cold One only), Armoured Hide (1), Close Order, during times of war, able
Cold Blooded, Fear, Obsidian Blades, Stupidity, Swiftstride to relocate at a moment’s
notice as they soar above the
jungle canopy. When battle
Terradon Riders commences, it is not just
the poison-tipped javelins
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points or scorching fireleech bolas
Terradon Rider - 2 3 3 3 2 4 1 5 32 that the enemy should watch
Sky Leader - 2 4 3 3 2 4 1 5 +6 for, as the Terradons are
Terradon 2 3 - 4 - - 2 1 - - notorious for bombarding
their prey with rocks as they
Troop Type: Monstrous cavalry swoop overhead, crushing
Base Size: 40 x 40 mm armour and skulls alike.
Unit Size: 3+
• Terradon Riders: Hand weapons, calloused hides (counts as light armour) and javelins
• Terradons: Claws and teeth (counts as hand weapons)

• The entire unit may replace javelins with fireleech bolas..........................+1 point per model
• Any unit may:
- Upgrade one model to a Sky Leader (champion)..................................... +6 points per unit

Special Rules: Armoured Hide (1), Cold Blooded, Drop Rocks, Fear, Fly (10),
Poisoned Attacks (javelins only), Skirmishers, Swiftstride

R S AP Special Rules
Fireleech bolas 6" S+1 - Flaming Attacks, Move & Shoot, Quick Shot
Ripperdactyl Riders
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Ripperdactyl Rider - 2 3 3 3 2 4 1 5 40
Ripperdactyl Champion - 2 3 3 3 2 4 2 5 +6 Ripperdactyl Riders
Ripperdactyl 2 3 - 4 - - 3 2 - - Forgoing the usual javelins
and blowpipes, Ripperdactyl
Troop Type: Monstrous cavalry riders don ceremonial
Base Size: 40 x 40 mm helmets and arm themselves
Unit Size: 3+ with long spears and shields;
Equipment: a far better combination
• Ripperdactyl Riders: Cavalry spears, calloused hides (counts as light armour) and shields of armaments given the
• Ripperdactyls: Claws and teeth (counts as hand weapons) Ripperdactyl’s inclination
towards tearing their prey to
Options: shreds with sword-like talons.
• Any unit may upgrade one model to a Ripperdactyl Champion............... +6 points per unit For reasons unknown, the
Ripperdactyl’s favourite food
Special Rules: Armoured Hide (1), Cleaving Blow (Ripperdactyl only), Cold Blooded, is the Lustrian blot toad, an
Fear, Fly (9), Furious Charge (Ripperdactyl only), Impetuous, Skirmishers, odorous creature that drives
Swiftstride, Toad Rage the flying reptiles to be even
more bloodthirsty than usual.
Toad Rage Skinks, being the cunning
Ripperdactyls are driven into a feeding frenzy by the scent of their favourite food – the Lustrian creatures that they are, will
blot toad. Should one of these ugly amphibians seek refuge amongst the ranks of the enemy, flocks hide blot toads amongst
of ravenous Ripperdactyls will quickly descend upon them. important targets within the
enemy’s ranks, marking them
Before the game starts, but after Scouts have been deployed, you may place one Lustrian for a particularly gruesome
blot toad marker for each unit of Ripperdactyl Riders in your army (counting only units, death as soon as a pack of
not including characters mounted on Ripperdactyls). A single blot toad marker can be Ripperdactyls catches the
placed on any enemy unit on the battlefield, this marker remains throughout the battle. scent of their favourite prey.

When engaged in combat with an enemy unit with a blot toad marker, Ripperdactyls (but
not their riders) gain the Extra Attacks (1) special rule, and may re-roll any roll To Hit of a
natural 1.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Carnosaur 7 3 0 7 (+1) (+4) 2 4 - +170
Notes: A character mounted on a Carnosaur has +1 Toughness and +4 Wounds. Carnosaurs
A Carnosaur’s roar is so
Troop Type: Behemoth greatly feared by the denizens
Base Size: 50 x 100 mm of Lustria, it will silence
Unit Size: 1 the surrounding jungle as
Equipment: Slashing talons (see below) and scaly skin (counts as heavy armour) it echoes through the trees
Special Rules: Blood Frenzy, Close Order, Cold Blooded, Large Target, Stomp Attacks (2), as beasts great and small
Swiftstride, Terror run and hide in an effort
to avoid becoming its next
Blood Frenzy meal – even Stegadons are
Carnosaurs are huge, aggressive creatures that become almost impossible to control when they taste forced to huddle together
the blood of the enemy. and present a wall of pointed
horns in the hopes of
When this model (but not its rider) inflicts an unsaved wound upon an enemy model, it driving the Carnosaur away.
becomes subject to the Frenzy special rule. A model with this special rule may become Once it has tasted blood, a
Frenzied in this way even if it has lost Frenzy earlier in the game. Carnosaur will enter a state
of total bloodlust; biting and
Note that this model’s rider does not gain a +1 modifier to their Attacks characteristic. tearing at any living creature
it can find. Carnosaur eggs
R S AP Special Rules are highly prized by the
Slashing talons Combat S -3 Multiple Wounds (D3) Lizardmen, as the hatchlings
Notes: The Multiple Wounds (D3) special rule only applies against enemy models whose troop can eventually be trained
type is ‘monster’. to accept a rider and act
as mounts for the most
venerated Saurus Oldbloods
Character Mount: A Carnosaur may only be included in your army as a character’s and Scar-Veterans.
mount. Its points are added to that of its rider.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Stegadon 6 3 - 5 6 5 2 4 - 215
Ancient Stegadon 6 4 - 6 6 5 1 3 - 230 Stegadons
Skink Crew (x5) - 2 3 3 - - 4 1 6 - Stegadons are squat creatures
of immense size and weight,
Troop Type: Behemoth whose huge heads are covered
Base Size: 60 x 100 mm with crests thicker than any
Unit Size: 1 forged armour, out of which
Armour Value: 4+ project enormous horns that
Equipment: skewer and stab at those
• Stegadon/Ancient Stegadon: Great horns (see below) and giant bow (see below) foolish enough to stand in
• Skink Crew: Hand weapons and javelins their path. Since the earliest
days of their existence,
Options: the Lizardmen have used
• A Stegadon may replace its giant bow with giant blowpipes................................................. Free Stegadons to clear roadways
• An Ancient Stegadon may replace its giant bow with: through the jungle, drag huge
- Giant blowpipes (see below)....................................................................................................... Free blocks of masonry to building
- Engine of the Gods.............................................................................................................+25 points sites and other tasks suited
to such a massive beast of
Special Rules: Close Order, Cold Blooded, Howdah, Immune to Psychology, burden. In war, they carry
Impact Hits (D3+1), Large Target, Poisoned Attacks (javelins only), out devastating shock attacks
Stomp Attacks (D3+2), Stubborn, Terror as they trample and gore
those in their path, as crews
Engine Of The Gods of Skinks hurl javelins and
An Ancient Stegadon equipped with an Engine of the Gods gains the following special rules: shoot darts from the safety of
large howdahs attached to the
Arcane Configuration: If your army contains two or more Engines of the Gods, friendly beasts’ backs.
Wizards may apply a +1 modifier to any Casting roll they make whilst within 6" of an
Engine of the Gods. Ancient Stegadons
As Stegadons get older, they
Burning Alignment: This model can cast the following Bound spell, with a Power Level of 3: grow stronger and more
resilient. The most revered of
Type: Magic Missile these venerable creatures are
Casting Value: 8+ chosen to carry the archaic
Range: 15" war machine known as the
Effect: The target enemy unit suffers 2D6 Strength 4 hits, each with an AP of -. This Engine of the Gods. Though
Bound spell has the Flaming Attacks special rule. the secrets of these ancient
machines have been lost to
R S AP Special Rules time, when its thrumming
Great horns Combat S -3 - runes are activated in a
certain order, lances of light
R S AP Special Rules fly from the arcane device,
Giant bow 36" 5 -2 Multiple Wounds (D3), Poisoned Attacks sundering the enemies of
the Lizardmen.
R S AP Special Rules
Giant blowpipes 18" 3 - Cumbersome, Multiple Shots (2D6),
Poisoned Attacks

Character Mount: A Stegadon or Ancient Stegadon may be included in your army as

a character’s mount. If so, its points are added to that of its rider.

Note that, because it has the Howdah special rule, a Stegadon or Ancient Stegadon is
considered to be a chariot mount, rather than a ridden monster.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Bastiladon 4 3 - 4 5 4 1 3 - 160
Skink Crew (x3) - 2 3 3 - - 4 1 6 - Bastiladons
A walking fortress of armour
Troop Type: Monstrous creature plates, the Bastiladon is one
Base Size: 60 x 100 mm of the most heavily armoured
Unit Size: 1 creatures in Lustria. Covered
Armour Value: 3+ in rock-hard leathery skin,
Equipment: even the Bastiladon’s most
• Bastiladon: Thunderous bludgeon (see below) and Ark of Sotek vulnerable areas are all but
• Skink Crew: Hand weapons and javelins impervious to most weapons,
and the massive iron-like
Options: plates that cover its back and
• A Bastiladon may: head can even thwart the bite
- Replace its Ark of Sotek with a Solar Engine...........................................................+15 points of a Carnosaur. When ridden
- Add a fourth Skink crew member.................................................................................. +5 points to war by Skinks, Bastiladons
will bear the great weight
Special Rules: Close Order, Cold Blooded, Immune to Psychology, Impact Hits (D3), of treasured weapons from
Impervious Defence, Large Target, Poisoned Attacks (javelins only), deep within the bowels of
Stomp Attacks (D3+1), Stubborn, Terror the temple cities’ vaults, such
as a blessed Ark of Sotek or
Impervious Defence the destructive might of a
A Bastiladon is protected by a thick leathery skin, scales and massive iron-like plates. Solar Engine.

Enemy units cannot claim any bonus combat result points for being engaged with this Arks of Sotek
model’s flank or rear arc. As the Bastiladon pounds
towards its enemies, the
Ark Of Sotek Skink crew activate strange
A Bastiladon equipped with an Ark of Sotek gains the following special rules: glyphs and rake the coals
beneath. From out of the
Slithering Serpents: During the Command sub-phase of its turn, every enemy unit within Ark’s sacred confines pour
D6" of this model suffers 2D6 Strength 2 hits, each with an AP of -. forth an endless supply of
serpents, eager to attack the
Spawn of Sotek: During the Command sub-phase of its turn, roll a D6. On a roll of 4+, a nearest foe.
single Jungle Swarm within 6" of this model regains D3 lost Wounds.
Solar Engine
Solar Engine When activated, a Solar
A Bastiladon equipped with a Solar Engine gains the following special rules: Engine radiates invigorating
rays that, when the attending
Solar Radiance: Whilst within 6" of one or more Solar Engines, friendly units with the Skink crew intone the correct
Cold Blooded special rule have a +1 modifier to their Initiative characteristic. blessings to Chotec, coalesce
into an intense beam of heat
Beam of Chotec: This model can cast the following Bound spell, with a Power Level of 2: which burns the foe like the
rays of the sun itself.
Type: Magic Missile
Casting Value: 9+
Range: 24"
Effect: The target enemy unit suffers 3D3 Strength 5 hits, each with an AP of -2. This
Bound spell has the Flaming Attacks special rule.

R S AP Special Rules
Thunderous Combat S -3 Strike Last
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Troglodon 7 3 - 5 5 5 2 3 - 200
Skink Oracle - 2 3 3 - - 4 1 8 - Troglodons
Known as the Pale Death,
Troop Type: Monstrous creature Troglodons are dangerous
Base Size: 50 x 100 mm subterranean creatures that
Unit Size: 1 only emerge from their dens
Equipment: to hunt. Near-blind, they rely
• Troglodon: Venomous talons (see below), venom spray (see below) and upon a keen sense of smell
scaly skin (counts as heavy armour) and quill-like whiskers to
• Skink Oracle: Hand weapon track movement and hunt
their prey, before delivering a
Magic: A Skink Oracle is a Level 1 Wizard. Every Skink Oracle knows spells from one of powerful, venom-empowered
the following Lores of Magic: bite. If that wasn’t deadly
• Battle Magic enough, they can also
• Illusion spray that same venom in
a powerful stream, bathing
Special Rules: Arcane Vassal, Aquatic, Close Order, Cold Blooded, any would-be attackers in
Immune to Psychology, Large Target, Lore of Lustria, Primeval Roar, the caustic fluid. Whilst
Stomp Attacks (2), Stubborn, Terror these twin-tailed beasts are
near untamable to most,
Primeval Roar they will swiftly submit to
The wailing cry of a Troglodon stirs the savagery within all Lizardmen and proves they have the Skink Oracles should the
Old Ones’ favour. diminutive priests need the
great beasts’ aid. Mounted
Once per game, during the Command sub-phase of their turn, this model may attempt to atop a Troglodon, a Skink
unleash the primeval savagery of the Lizardmen by making a Leadership test (using its own Oracle will travel the length
Leadership). If this test is passed, until the end of that turn all friendly Lizardmen units and breadth of Lustria in
within 7" of this model gain the Furious Charge special rule. search of the Old Ones’
lost artefacts in the hopes
R S AP Special Rules of divining more of the
Venomous talons Combat S -2 Poisoned Attacks Great Plan.

R S AP Special Rules
Venom spray N/A 3 -1 Breath Weapon
Notes: When a model using this weapon makes a roll To Wound, a roll of 5+ is always a success,
regardless of the target’s Toughness.
Disciplines Of The Old Ones
T he Slann Mage-Priests possess prodigious knowledge of matters both mundane and metaphysical, and they display an
impressive arsenal of arcane abilities and mental attributes.

A Slann Mage-Priest may purchase a single Discipline of the Old Ones.

Higher State Of Mind....................................... 60 points Transcendent Healing....................................... 35 points

So deep are the thoughts of the Mage-Priest that its physical body By force of will alone, the Slann heals the wounds inflicted upon
becomes a ghostly image as it slips further away from this reality. its body.

This character gains the Ethereal special rule. This character gains the Regeneration (5+) special rule.

Becalming Cogitation........................................ 50 points Sorcerous Void..................................................... 30 points

With a belching croak, the Slann smothers the power of Closing its eyes and breathing deeply, the Slann Mage-Priest calms
enemy spells. the Winds of Magic, causing enemy spells to falter and fail.

Once per turn, the Slann Mage-Priest may re-roll one of the This character gains the Magic Resistance (-D3) special rule.
D6 when making a Wizardly dispel attempt. In addition, this Roll the D3 before armies are deployed.
character increases their Dispel range by 3".
Harrowing Scrutiny...........................................20 points
Wandering Deliberations..................................40 points The unblinking gaze of this Slann Mage-Priest carries a measure of
The wandering mind of the Slann reflects upon the nature of many the scrutiny of the Old Ones.
and varied magical disciplines.
This character gains the Terror special rule.
Instead of generating spells normally, this character
knows four signature spells, chosen from the following Soul Of Stone....................................................... 10 points
Lores of Magic: Battle Magic, Daemonology, Dark Magic, Both the mind and body of the Slann Mage-Priest is hardened
Elementalism, High Magic, Illusion and Necromancy. The against the ill effects of magic.
character may discard one of these signature spells in favour of
a spell from the Lore of Lustria (see page 21). When rolling on the Miscast table, this character can modify
the result by -1 (to a minimum of 2), or by +1 (to a maximum
of 12).
Lizardmen Magic Items
Magic Items
The pages that follow detail magic items unique to Lizardmen armies. These can be Magic Items
purchased by models within a Lizardmen army in exactly the same way as Common The Old Ones were masters
magic items, as described in the Warhammer: the Old World rulebook. of the mystic arts, arcane
engineers who could
Extremely Common Magic Items: Any magic item marked with an asterisk (*) manipulate the very fabric
is considered to be extremely common, as described in the Warhammer: the Old of space and time with but
World rulebook. a thought. They created a
great many devices which
Magic Weapons they gifted to their subject
races, so that their servants
Blade Of Revered Tzunki..............................................................................65 points might wield a portion of the
Supposedly wielded by the legendary Tzunki, this exquisite weapon hums as it cuts through the air. Old Ones’ own powers in the
pursuance of the Great Plan.
R S AP Special Rules
Blade of Combat S+1 * Magical Attacks When the Great Catastrophe
Revered Tzunki struck and the Old Ones
Notes: *No armour or Ward saves are permitted against wounds caused by the Blade of Revered departed the world, a large
Tzunki (Regeneration saves can be attempted as normal). number of these devices
were lost with them. The
Scimitar Of The Sun Resplendent...............................................................50 points operation of the few artefacts
As light as a dagger, this curved blade invigorates its wielder with the power of the sun. that survive turned long ago
from science to superstition.
R S AP Special Rules Indeed, so great has the loss
Scimitar of the Combat S -1 Extra Attacks (+D3), Flaming Attacks, of knowledge been that it
Sun Resplendent Magical Attacks is believed there still exist
great repositories of magical
Staff Of The Lost Sun.....................................................................................40 points devices that the Lizardmen
Made of an alien metal, the Staff of the Lost Sun projects beams of hot light from its tip, searing have lost all knowledge of.
the flesh of those caught in the blast.

Staff of the Lost Sun R S AP Special Rules

Ranged 12" 4 -3 Magical Attacks, Multiple Shots (3)
Combat Combat S+1 - Magical Attacks, Requires Two Hands
Notes: The Staff of the Lost Sun has two profiles, representing its use as both a combat and
missile weapon.

Piranha Blade...................................................................................................35 points

The blade of this weapon is inlaid with thousands of tiny barbed teeth that rip and tear through
the flesh of the enemy.

R S AP Special Rules
Piranha blade Combat S -1 Magical Attacks, Multiple Wounds (2)
Magic Armour Magic Standards
Shield Of The Mirror Pool...............................40 points Sun Standard Of Chotec...................................40 points
Hostile enemy magic is absorbed by this ancient shield, and Beams of reflected sunlight blind all who look too long upon the Sun
reflected back upon the caster. Standard of Chotec.

The Shield of the Mirror Pool is a shield. In addition, each Enemy units cannot declare a Stand & Shoot charge reaction
time the bearer loses one or more Wounds to a Magic Missile, against a unit carrying the Sun Standard of Chotec. In
the caster suffers a single Strength 5 hit with an AP of -2. addition, any enemy model that targets a unit carrying this
banner during the Shooting phase suffers an additional -1 To
Hide Of The Cold Ones.....................................20 points Hit modifier.
The hide of a Cold One exudes a toxic slime that dulls the
wearer’s mind. Skavenpelt Banner.............................................. 35 points
The stench of this ragged Skaven hide fires the blood of those who
May be worn with other armour. The wearer of the Hide venerate Sotek.
of the Cold Ones improves their armour value by 1 (to a
maximum of 2+). However, its wearer is also subject to the A unit carrying the Skavenpelt Banner gains the Frenzy and
Stupidity special rule. Hatred (Skaven) special rules.

Talismans Totem Of Prophecy............................................30 Points

Those who look upon this totem witness the truth and learn of their
Glyph Necklace................................................... 45 points insignificance in the scheme of the Old Ones.
This ancient token of protection wards off attacks, causing enemies
to fumble their blows. A unit carrying the Totem of Prophecy gains the Fear
special rule.
The bearer of the Glyph Necklace has a 5+ Ward save against
any wounds suffered and gains the Magic Resistance (-2) Jaguar Standard..................................................20 points
special rule. Those in the shadow of this jungle beast hunt down their enemies
with relentless ferocity.
Aura Of Quetzl...................................................40 points
Blessed by Quetzl, this string of beaded shells, feathers and bones When a unit carrying the Jaguar Standard makes a Pursuit
exudes a powerful protective aura. roll, it may roll an extra D6 and discard the lowest result.

Any enemy model that directs its attacks against the bearer
of the Aura of Quetzl during the Combat phase suffers a -1
modifier to its rolls To Hit.
Enchanted Items Arcane Items
Cloak Of Feathers...............................................40 points Cube Of Darkness*............................................. 50 points
When the wearer of this finely woven cloak extends their arms, the Through careful contemplation, this small black cube may be
feathers rise up like powerful wings, lifting them into the air. opened for a fraction of a second, drawing the Winds of Magic into
its depths.
Skink Heroes whose troop type is ‘infantry’ only. The wearer
of the Cloak of Feathers gains the Fly (10) and Swiftstride Single use. A Wizard may use this item instead of making a
special rules. dispel attempt. If they do so, the spell is automatically dispelled
with no Dispel roll required. In addition, all ‘remains in play’
Venom Of The Firefly Frog............................... 15 points spells currently in play are dispelled, including spells cast by
Extracted from the rare and deadly firefly frog, even a tiny amount friendly Wizards.
of this poison can prove fatal.
Itxi Grub*............................................................. 30 points
All attacks made during the Combat phase by the bearer of The Wizard carries a gourd containing magically charged (and
the Venom of the Firefly Frog have the Poisoned Attacks and delicious) Itxi grubs.
Flaming Attacks special rules.
Single use. Before making a Casting roll, the bearer may
Note that this only applies to non-magical weapons and does not attempt to consume a single Itxi Grub by making a Toughness
apply to a model’s mount (should it have one). test. If this test is passed, the bearer may apply a +3 modifier
to the Casting roll. However, if this test is failed, the bearer
Horned One*........................................................ 10 points immediately loses a single Wound.
Horned Ones are a very rare, highly intelligent and preternaturally
swift sub-species of Cold One. Cupped Hands Of The Old Ones.................... 55 points
A sphere of glowing light extends around the bearer as the divine
This magic item may only be taken by a Saurus Hero mounted protection of the Old Ones deflects the uncontrolled maelstrom of
on a Cold One. This character’s mount loses the Stupidity the Winds of Magic.
special rule and has Movement characteristic of 8.
Should the bearer of the Cupped Hands of the Old Ones
miscast a spell, roll a D6. On a roll of 1, the bearer rolls on the
Miscast table as normal. On a roll of 2+, the bearer instead
nominates an enemy character. Centre a 3" blast template over
this character. Every model whose base lies underneath the
template risks being hit and suffering a single Strength 6 hit
with an AP of -2.
Lizardmen Special Rules
A game of Warhammer: the Old World is packed with fantastic creatures and skilled warriors with abilities so incredible
and varied that the basic rules cannot possibly cover them all. For such circumstances we have special rules –
uncommon rules to govern uncommon circumstances.

On this page you will find a full description for each of the army special rules used by models drawn from the Lizardmen army list:

Arcane Vassal Cleaving Blow

Slann Mage-Priests are able to view the world and channel With a swift and deadly strike, a skilled warrior can cleave
their sorcery through the eyes of their attendant Skink Priests through armour.
and Oracles.
If a model with this special rule rolls a natural 6 when making
Once per turn, unless this model is fleeing or engaged in a roll To Wound for an attack made in combat, it has struck
combat, a single friendly Slann Mage-Priest that is within a ‘Cleaving Blow’. Enemy models whose troop type is ‘regular
12" of this model may ‘channel’ a spell through this model. infantry’, ‘heavy infantry’, ‘light cavalry’, ‘heavy cavalry’ or
If they do, the range, targeting restrictions and all effects of ‘war beasts’ are not permitted an armour or Regeneration
the spell are measured from this model, rather than from the save against a Cleaving Blow (Ward saves can be attempted
caster. If the spell requires a line of sight, it is determined from as normal).
this model.
Note that if an attack wounds automatically, this special rule
Aquatic cannot be used.
Many of Lustria’s denizens have an affinity for water, moving with
equal ease through swamp and river as they do over land. Cold Blooded
To other races, the cold blooded Lizardmen seem incapable
Models with this special rule do not suffer any modifiers of emotion.
to their Movement characteristic when moving through
any difficult or dangerous terrain feature which has been When required to make a Fear, Panic or Terror test, models
designated a ‘water feature’. This might include shallow with this special rule may roll an extra D6 and discard the
streams or fords, swampy ground, fast flowing rivers, ponds or highest result.
lakes, and players should agree prior to the game if any terrain
is a water feature. Drop Rocks
Skinks train Terradons to glide over the battlefield clutching great
Beast Handlers rocks in their talons.
Salamanders and Razordons are wild creatures that are often
herded into battle by teams of fearless Skink Handlers. Once per game, a unit with this special rule may perform a
‘Drop Rocks’ attack against a single enemy unit that is not
When an enemy unit shoots at a Salamander or Razordon engaged in combat. To do so, this unit must move (by flying)
Pack that contains one or more Skink Handlers, the enemy over the unit it wishes to attack during the Remaining Moves
player must roll a D6 for each successful roll To Hit before sub-phase. Once this unit’s movement is complete, the enemy
making any rolls To Wound. On a roll of 1-4, the hit is unit suffers D3 Strength 4 hits, each with an AP of -, for each
inflicted upon a Salamander or Razordon. On a roll of 5+, model in this unit that moved over it.
the hit is inflicted upon a Skink Handler. In combat, enemy
models must allocate their attacks against a model they are Obsidian Blades
in base contact with (or against the closest model if they are Lizardmen favour weapons studded with shards of razor sharp
within the fighting rank but not in base contact) before rolling volcanic glass that cut through flesh and armour with ease.
To Hit.
A hand weapon carried by a model with this special rule has
an Armour Piercing characteristic of -1.

Note that this special rule only applies to a single, non-magical

hand weapon and does not apply to a model’s mount (should it
have one). If the model is using two hand weapons or any other sort
of weapon, this special rule ceases to apply.
Lore Of Lustria
T he Slann Mage-Priests are masters of magic able to wield tremendous power with almost contemptuous ease. With
this power they are able to alter the environment around them and the fates of their loyal servants, summoning rains
to wash away their foes, or calling upon the Winds of Magic to heal their champions.

A Wizard with the ‘Lore of Lustria’ special rule may discard one of their randomly generated spells as normal. When they do so,
they may select instead either the signature spell of their chosen Lore of Magic, or one of the spells listed below.

Apotheosis Monsoon
Waves of pure magic infuse the caster’s ally, healing their wounds Without warning, an eight-winded storm breaks about the
and giving them a palpable aura of power and dread. foe. Torrential rain drenches weapons and armour, loosening
bowstrings and soaking black powder.
Type: Enchantment
Casting Value: 10+/12+ Type: Magical Vortex
Range: 24" Casting Value: 8+
Effect: This spell can only target friendly characters whose Range: 15"
troop type is ‘infantry’ or ‘cavalry’, but may target characters Effect: Remains in play. Place a large (5") blast template
engaged in combat. If this spell is cast with a casting result of so that its central hole is within 12" of the caster. Whilst in
10 or more, the target friendly model immediately regains play, the template is treated as dangerous terrain over which
D3 lost Wounds. If this spell is cast with a casting result of no line of sight can be drawn. The template moves D6" in
12 or more, the target friendly model immediately regains a random direction during every Start of Turn sub-phase.
D3+1 lost Wounds. Any enemy unit the moving template touches or moves
over becomes ‘drenched’ for the remainder of the game.
In addition, the target friendly character gains the Fear
special rule. If they already have the Fear special rule, they A drenched unit suffers a -1 To Hit modifier during the
instead gain the Terror special rule. Shooting phase. A drenched model whose troop type is ‘war
machine’ must roll a D6 before shooting. On a roll of 1, the
model fails to shoot this turn.
Legacy Army List
Ogre Kingdoms Army List
T his page details the Grand Army composition list for the Ogre Kingdoms. This is the default army composition list
for this faction. Using this army composition list to write your muster list will give you the widest variety of units to
choose from and create a broad and balanced force.

This army list is intended for use alongside the ‘Forming Units’ and ‘Warhammer Armies’ sections of the Warhammer: the Old
World rulebook. Over the following pages you will find profiles and rules for each of the models in your army. These pages give
you all of the information that you need to shape your collection of models into the units which will in turn form a force ready
for battle.

Grand Army Composition List

Characters Mercenaries
Up to 50% of your army’s points value may be spent on: Up to 20% of your army’s points value may be spent
on mercenaries.
• 0-1 Tyrant or Slaughtermaster per 1,000 points
• Bruisers, Butchers, Hunters and Firebellies Allies
Up to 25% of your army’s points value may be spent on a single
Core allied contingent drawn from one of the following Grand
At least 25% of your army’s points value must be spent on: Army composition lists:

• 1+ Ogre Bulls • Orc & Goblin Tribes

• Ironguts, Gnoblar Fighters, Gnoblar Trappers and
Sabretusk Packs
Battle Standard Bearer
Special A single Bruiser in your army may be upgraded to be
Up to 50% of your army’s points value may be spent on: your Battle Standard Bearer for +25 points. In addition to
their usual allowance of points to spend on magic items,
• Leadbelchers and Yhetees a Battle Standard Bearer can purchase a single magic
• 0-1 unit of Maneaters per 1,000 points standard with no points limit.
• 0-1 unit of Mournfang Cavalry per 1,000 points
• 0-1 heavy chariot chosen from the following list per Bellowers & Musicians
1,000 points: Rather than using instruments, most Ogre ‘musicians’
- Ironblaster belong to a special caste known as Bellowers. As their
- Gnoblar Scraplauncher name implies, a Bellower’s instrument is their voice and
lungs, with which they can make an incredible noise, even
Rare if only another Ogre would find it musical.
Up to 25% of your army’s points value may be spent on:

• 0-1 Thundertusk Riders per 1,000 points

• 0-1 Stonehorn Riders per 1,000 points
• 0-3 Gorgers
• Giants
Tyrannical Overlords
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Tyrant 6 6 4 5 5 5 5 5 9 185
Bruiser 6 5 3 5 5 4 4 4 8 110 Tyrannical Overlords
Ogres call the leaders of
Troop Type: Monstrous infantry (character) their tribes Tyrants and it is
Base Size: 40 x 40 mm obvious why. These hulking
Unit Size: 1 beasts rule their domains
Equipment: Hand weapon and light armour with iron fists – both
figuratively and literally.
Options: Unlike the kingdoms of Men,
• May take one of the following: where ruling titles pass from
- Additional hand weapon................................................................................................... +4 points parent to child, the title of
- Ironfist (see page 26)........................................................................................................... +6 points Tyrant must be earned by
- Great weapon......................................................................................................................... +5 points defeating the existing Tyrant
• May take one of the following: in single combat. The loser of
- Ogre pistol (see page 26).................................................................................................... +6 points these leadership challenges is
- Brace of Ogre pistols (see page 26)...............................................................................+12 points then devoured by the victor
• May replace light armour with heavy armour................................................................. +3 points in a cannibalistic display of
• May be mounted*......................................................................................................................See page 7 dominance. Bruisers are a
• May take a single Big Name................................................................................................ See page 20 Tyrant’s closest cronies and
• A Tyrant may purchase magic items up to a total of.................................................... 100 points regularly act as enforcers and
• A Bruiser may purchase magic items up to a total of......................................................50 points disciplinarians. Sometimes,
a Bruiser will carry a tribe's
Special Rules: Armour Bane (1)**, Bull Charge**, Fear, Impact Hits (2), Ogre Charge standard into battle, massive
banners weighed down
*Note that if this option is chosen, this model loses the Impact Hits (2) special rule. with all manner of trophies
and tokens of the tribe’s
**Note that these special rules do not apply to this model’s mount (should it have one). many victories – which,
unsurprisingly, double
Bull Charge as effective bludgeoning
The sheer bulk of an Ogre Tyrant or Bruiser is such that the enemy is often crushed by the force of weapons in the hands of a
their charge alone. brutish Ogre!

Impact Hits caused by this model (but not its mount) have an Armour Piercing
characteristic of -1.
Emissaries Of The Great Maw
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Slaughtermaster 6 4 3 4 5 5 3 4 8 230
Butcher 6 3 2 4 5 4 2 3 7 105 Butchers &
Troop Type: Monstrous infantry (character) The grotesque, gore-
Base Size: 40 x 40 mm (50 x 100 mm with Butcher’s Cauldron) splattered creatures known
Unit Size: 1 as Butchers are amongst the
Equipment: Hand weapon few Ogres who can harness
the Winds of Magic, doing
Magic: A Slaughtermaster is a Level 3 Wizard. A Butcher is a Level 1 Wizard. Every so by consuming all manner
Emissary of the Great Maw knows spells from one of the following Lores of Magic: of unpalatable food. By
• Battle Magic swallowing down a pile of
• Elementalism steaming Troll guts, a Butcher
• Illusion can bestow regenerative
properties onto the Ogres
Options: around them. By grinding
• May take an additional hand weapon.................................................................................. +4 points chunks of rock with their
• May take a Butcher’s Cauldron............................................................................................+30 points teeth they can harden the
• May take a single Big Name................................................................................................ See page 20 flesh of their companions.
• A Slaughtermaster may: Butchers stand at the centre
- Be a Level 4 Wizard...........................................................................................................+35 points of Ogre society, for their
- Purchase magic items up to a total of.......................................................................... 100 points connection to the Great
• A Butcher may: Maw makes them akin to the
- Be a Level 2 Wizard...........................................................................................................+35 points priests and prophets of other
- Purchase magic items up to a total of.............................................................................50 points races. The most powerful
of these shaman-like
Special Rules: Armour Bane (1), Fear, Impact Hits (2), Lore of the Great Maw, figures are given the title of
Ogre Charge Slaughtermaster, Butchers of
incredible skill and brutality
Butcher’s Cauldron that have carved chunks from
Some Emissaries of the Great Maw drag behind them huge cauldrons, used to make offerings to most of the beings that have
their ravenous god. walked or crawled across the
Old World.
This character replaces the Impact Hits (2) special rule with the Impact Hits (D3+1)
special rule. In addition, during the Command sub-phase of their turn, if they are not
engaged in combat, a character with a Butcher’s Cauldron may attempt to make an offering
to the Great Maw by making a Leadership test (using their own Leadership). If this test
is passed, until your next Start of Turn sub-phase this character and any unit they have
joined gains the Regeneration (5+) special rule. However, if this test is failed, this character
immediately loses a single Wound.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Hunter 6 5 4 5 5 4 3 4 9 115
Ogre Hunters
Troop Type: Monstrous infantry (character) Fiercely independent
Base Size: 50 x 50 mm warriors who have spent
Unit Size: 1 years wandering the
Equipment: Hand weapon, great throwing spears (see below) and light armour dangerous Mountains
of Mourn, Hunters are
Options: experts at tracking and
• May take an additional hand weapon.................................................................................. +4 points bringing down the mighty
• May take a harpoon launcher (see page 26)....................................................................+10 points beasts that stalk between
• May be mounted*......................................................................................................................See page 7 the peaks. Hunters are easy
• Unless mounted, may have one of the following: to identify by their unique
- The Ambushers special rule...........................................................................................+10 points attire, covered in the pelts
- The Scouts special rule....................................................................................................... +5 points of the beasts they have slain
- The Vanguard special rule................................................................................................. +3 points and carrying a vast array of
• May take a single Big Name................................................................................................ See page 20 weapons: from large throwing
• May purchase magic items up to a total of.........................................................................50 points spears, to traps and clubs.
Though they prefer solitude,
Special Rules: Armour Bane (1)**, Fear, Impact Hits (1), Loner, Move Through Cover**, Hunters will occasionally
Ogre Charge, Running with the Pack haul an impressive kill back to
an Ogre encampment to feast
*Note that if this option is chosen, this model loses the Impact Hits (1) special rule. and to share stories of their
mighty hunts. Occasionally, a
**Note that these special rules do not apply to this model’s mount (should it have one). Hunter will be seen fighting
alongside the beasts they
Running With The Pack usually track – hunting
Many Hunters tame and train Sabretusks, running alongside large packs of the savage felines to their foes from the back of a
chase down prey. Stonehorn or Thundertusk,
or stalking the enemy in near-
A Hunter that joins a unit of Sabretusks gains the Swiftstride special rule for as long as perfect unison with a pack
they remain with the unit. In addition, for as long as the Hunter remains with the unit, the of Sabretusks.
Sabretusks lose the Impetuous special rule.

R S AP Special Rules
Great throwing 12" S+1 -1 Move & Shoot, Quick Shot
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Firebelly 6 3 2 4 5 4 2 3 7 110
Troop Type: Monstrous infantry (character) Ogre Firebellies roam the
Base Size: 40 x 40 mm land preaching of the Fire
Unit Size: 1 Mouth; an Ogre deity revered
Equipment: Hand weapon and flaming breath (see below) alongside the Great Maw.
Quick to anger, fire burns
Magic: A Firebelly is a Level 1 Wizard. Every Firebelly knows spells from one of the in them in both a literal
following Lores of Magic: and metaphorical sense, for
• Battle Magic the punishing trials they
• Elementalism undertake end with them
consuming lava from the
Options: Fire Mouth itself. In battle,
• May take a great weapon.......................................................................................................... +6 points Firebellies are able to draw
• May be a Level 2 Wizard........................................................................................................+35 points upon that inner flame to
• May purchase magic items up to a total of.........................................................................50 points not only protect themselves
from the flaming attacks of
Special Rules: Armour Bane (1), Blessings of the Volcano God, Fear, Flaming Attacks, their foes, but to also bathe
Impact Hits (1), Ogre Charge those foolish enough to stand
against them in the heat of
Blessings Of The Volcano God a volcano. If that were not
Every aspiring Firebelly must enter the caldera of the titanic volcano, Fire Mouth, where the heat is dangerous enough, Firebellies
such that their hair is burnt from their bodies. There they must fill a crucible with roiling lava and are also able to draw upon
down it in a single draught. Only those with the blessing of the volcano god can survive. the Winds of Magic to
bombard their enemies with
A model with this special rule has a 4+ Ward save against any wounds suffered that were balls of fire and pillars of
caused by an attack that has the Flaming Attacks special rule. scorching flame.

R S AP Special Rules
Flaming breath N/A 4 -1 Breath Weapon, Flaming Attacks
Character Mounts
A character that can be mounted may choose a mount from the following list. Most
mounts are covered in detail on the following pages. Those that are not have their own
dedicated entries later in this army list. Stonehorns
These living battering rams
A Tyrant, Bruiser or Hunter may be mounted on a: embody everything an
• Stonehorn................................................................................................................................. +195 points Ogre holds dear. They are
• Thundertusk............................................................................................................................ +165 points big, strong and destructive
in equal measure, able to
Stonehorn shatter stone and metal with
a thunderous head-butt.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points There are many stories of a
Stonehorn 7 3 - 6 (+1) (+4) 2 4 - +195 Stonehorn charging at full
Notes: A character mounted on a Stonehorn has +1 Toughness and +4 Wounds. speed into a cliffside, only for
the very mountain itself to
Troop Type: Behemoth give way to the beast’s assault.
Base Size: 100 x 150 mm
Unit Size: 1 Thundertusks
Equipment: Horns of stone (see below) and petrified flesh (counts as full plate armour) Solitary creatures that roam
Special Rules: Armour Bane (2, Stonehorn only), Close Order, First Charge, the frigid lands to the north,
Impact Hits (D6+1), Large Target, Stone Skeleton, Swiftstride, Terror, Thundertusks have walked
Thunderous Charge the Old World since the
dawn of time. Needing to
R S AP Special Rules consume vast quantities of
Horns of stone Combat S -2 - food to sustain their massive
bodies, Thundertusks hunt
using their icy breath to hurl
Thundertusk magically-infused icicles that
rend and tear the flesh of
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points their prey.
Thundertusk 6 3 - 6 (+1) (+4) 2 4 - +165
Notes: A character mounted on a Thundertusk has +1 Toughness and +4 Wounds.

Troop Type: Behemoth

Base Size: 100 x 150 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Great tusks (see below), chill breath (see below) and
frozen pelt (counts as heavy armour)
Special Rules: Close Order, First Charge, Impact Hits (D3), Large Target,
Numbing Chill, Stomp Attacks (3), Swiftstride, Terror

R S AP Special Rules
Great tusks Combat S -1 Armour Bane (2)

R S AP Special Rules
Chill breath N/A 2 -1 Breath Weapon, Multiple Wounds (D3)
Ogre Bulls
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Ogre 6 3 2 4 4 3 2 3 7 31
Crusher 6 3 2 4 4 3 2 4 7 +6 Bull Ogres
Ogres are simple-minded
Troop Type: Monstrous infantry creatures, well known
Base Size: 40 x 40 mm for their massive size and
Unit Size: 3+ violent disposition. They
Equipment: Hand weapons and light armour are voracious eaters, their
desperate desire to gorge
Options: themselves on fresh meat
• The entire unit may take one of the following: eclipsed only by their need
- Additional hand weapons............................................................................. +3 points per model to smash anything that
- Ironfists (see page 26).................................................................................... +4 points per model gets in the way of their
• Any unit may: messy feasting. On the
- Upgrade one model to a Crusher (champion)........................................... +6 points per unit field of battle, Ogres will
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer.................................................... +6 points per unit band together into large
- Upgrade one model to a Bellower (musician)............................................ +6 points per unit formations, before rushing
• A standard bearer may have the Look-out Gnoblar special rule............... +5 points per unit headlong at the foe with
• 0-1 unit per 1,000 points may purchase a magic standard worth up to....................50 points thunderous force, smashing
into the first few ranks
Special Rules: Armour Bane (1), Close Order, Fear, Impact Hits (1), Ogre Charge before laying into their
victims with crude clubs and
oversized blades.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points Usually composed of a
Irongut 6 3 2 4 4 3 2 3 8 39 mixture of a Tyrant’s
Gutlord 6 3 2 4 4 3 2 4 8 +7 immediate family and their
favoured cronies, Ironguts are
Troop Type: Monstrous infantry some of the best armed and
Base Size: 40 x 40 mm armoured Ogres in a tribe.
Unit Size: 3+ Carrying monstrous two-
Equipment: Hand weapons, great weapons and heavy armour handed weapons which range
from forged steel to stone
Options: clubs, a group of Ironguts
• Any unit may: can smash their way through
- Upgrade one model to a Gutlord (champion)........................................... +7 points per unit fortified gates as swiftly as
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer.................................................... +7 points per unit they would a regiment of
- Upgrade one model to a Bellower (musician)............................................ +7 points per unit soldiers. Each Irongut wears
• A Gutlord may purchase magic items up to a total of....................................................25 points an ornamental gut-plate and
• A standard bearer may have the Look-out Gnoblar special rule............... +5 points per unit covers their thick, muscular
• Any unit may: frames in heavy plates of
- Have the Veteran special rule...................................................................... +2 points per model scavenged metal from their
- Purchase a magic standard worth up to.........................................................................50 points many victories over the years.

Special Rules: Close Order, Fear, Impact Hits (1), Ogre Charge
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Leadbelcher 6 3 3 4 4 3 2 3 7 41
Thunderfist 6 3 4 4 4 3 2 4 7 +8 Leadbelchers
Ogres have learned to
Troop Type: Monstrous infantry respect the potency of black
Base Size: 40 x 40 mm powder weapons. Cannons
Unit Size: 2+ in particular encapsulate
Equipment: Hand weapons, leadbelcher guns (see below) and light armour everything that an Ogre
admires – they are big, loud
Options: and have an unprecedented
• Any unit may: ability to turn an enemy
- Upgrade one model to a Thunderfist (champion)................................... +8 points per unit into a bloody pulp. Without
- Upgrade one model to a Bellower (musician)............................................ +6 points per unit the ability to craft cannons
• Any unit may have the Veteran special rule................................................. +2 points per model for themselves, Ogres have
been forced to rely on
Special Rules: Close Order, Fear, Impact Hits (1), Ogre Charge looting cannons from the
battlefield or trading with
Leadbelcher gun R S AP Special Rules the Empire, Cathay or the
Solid shot 24" 5 -2 Armour Bane (1), Cumbersome, Chaos Dwarfs in order
Multiple Wounds (2) to acquire them. Called
Scatter shot 18" 3 - Armour Bane (1) Leadbelchers by their kin,
Notes: A Leadbelcher gun has two profiles, representing its two modes of firing. If the roll To Hit those Ogres that wield these
is successful when firing scatter shot, a leadbelcher gun causes D3 hits to the target enemy unit, weapons often end up with
rather than the usual one. faces full of black powder
and shrapnel following an
inevitable malfunction.
Gnoblar Trappers
Gnoblar Trappers
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points Rather than hunt their prey
Gnoblar Trapper 4 2 3 2 3 1 3 1 5 5 like Ogres would, Gnoblars
Snarefinger 4 2 4 2 3 1 3 1 5 +5 prefer the art of trapping;
ensnaring their prey in
Troop Type: Regular infantry serrated man-snappers,
Base Size: 25 x 25 mm spiked pitfalls and barbed
Unit Size: 10+ nooses. Once their quarry
Equipment: Sharp stuff (counts as hand weapons and throwing weapons) is in hand, they ‘play’ with
their prisoner awhile before
Options: settling in for a meal or
• Any unit may upgrade one model to a Snarefinger (champion)............... +5 points per unit presenting it to their masters
to enjoy as a snack.
Special Rules: Largely Insignificant, Move through Cover, Scouts, Skirmishers,
Traps & Snares

Traps & Snares

Endlessly opportunistic, Gnoblar Trappers deploy a wide array of snares and traps wherever they go.
This habit can prove quite perilous to any enemy or predator that ventures too close.

Any enemy model that ends its charge move in base contact with a model with this special
rule must make a Dangerous Terrain test.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Maneater 6 4 4 5 4 3 3 4 8 54
Maneater Captain 6 4 4 5 4 3 3 5 8 +7 Ogre Maneaters
Elite bands of mercenary
Troop Type: Monstrous infantry Ogres who have travelled
Base Size: 40 x 40 mm far are known as Maneaters.
Unit Size: 2+ A common sight in the
Equipment: Hand weapons and light armour warring lands of the Empire
and the Border Princes,
Options: these opportunistic soldiers
• Any model in the unit may take one of the following: of fortune eagerly fight for
- Additional hand weapon.............................................................................. +3 points per model anyone who can offer coin,
- Ironfist (see page 26)...................................................................................... +4 points per model exotic wargear or exorbitant
- Great weapon.................................................................................................... +4 points per model volumes of food and ale as
• Any model in the unit may take one of the following: payment. Should an Ogre
- Ogre pistol (see page 26)............................................................................... +6 points per model spend any great length of time
- Brace of Ogre pistols (see page 26)..........................................................+12 points per model in one particular region, they
• Any model in the unit may replace light armour with heavy armour.....+3 points per model will adopt the culture and
• Any unit may: fighting styles of their new
- Upgrade one model to a Maneater Captain (champion)...................... +7 points per unit homeland. Those who spend
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer.................................................... +7 points per unit years within the Empire
- Upgrade one model to a Bellower (musician)............................................ +7 points per unit will sport coloured breeches
• A Maneater Captain may purchase magic items up to a total of................................50 points or ostentatious feathered
• A standard bearer may have the Look-out Gnoblar special rule............... +5 points per unit caps and use handguns as
• 0-1 unit per 1,000 points may purchase a magic standard worth up to....................50 points oversized pistols, whilst those
• Any unit may have 0-2 of the following special rules: who do battle alongside the
- Immune to Psychology................................................................................................................. Free Orcs of the Badlands might
- Poisoned Attacks............................................................................................................................ Free sport colourful warpaint or
- Stubborn............................................................................................................................................ Free cover themselves in furs and
- Vanguard........................................................................................................................................... Free take to the battlefield with
heavy-bladed axes.
Special Rules: Close Order, Fear, Impact Hits (1), Motley Crew, Ogre Charge
Smaller and more cowardly
Gnoblar Fighters than their Goblin cousins,
Gnoblars willingly act as
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points servants to Ogres in return
Gnoblar Fighter 4 2 3 2 3 1 3 1 5 2 for a degree of protection.
Groinbiter 4 2 3 2 3 1 3 2 5 +5 When the Ogre tribe marches
to war, Gnoblars will band
Troop Type: Regular infantry together in large hordes
Base Size: 25 x 25 mm to pester the enemy with
Unit Size: 20+ whatever sharp stuff they
Equipment: Sharp stuff (counts as hand weapons and throwing weapons) can find.

• Any unit may upgrade one model to a Groinbiter (champion)................. +5 points per unit

Special Rules: Close Order, Horde, Largely Insignificant

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Yhetee 7 3 0 5 4 3 4 3 7 46
Greyback 7 3 0 5 4 3 4 4 7 +7 Yhetees
These monstrous beasts
Troop Type: Monstrous infantry inhabit the tallest peaks of
Base Size: 40 x 40 mm mountain ranges across the
Unit Size: 3+ world and have adapted well
Equipment: Grimfrost weapons to their frozen domains,
sporting thick coats of white
Options: fur and elongated claws
• Any unit may upgrade one model to a Greyback (champion)................... +7 points per unit that allow them to scale the
• 0-1 unit per 1,000 points may have one of the following: sheerest rock faces. Though
- The Scouts special rule.................................................................................. +3 points per model most Yhetees tear their prey
- The Vanguard special rule............................................................................ +2 points per model limb from limb with these
claws, some will snatch up
Special Rules: Armoured Hide (1), Fear, Flammable, Loner, Move through Cover, crude clubs which they freeze
Numbing Chill, Open Order, Swiftstride with their ice-cold breath and
use to bludgeon their foes to a
R S AP Special Rules bloody pulp.
Grimfrost weapon Combat S -1 Armour Bane (1), Magical Attacks
Sabretusk Packs
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Sabretusk 8 4 0 4 4 2 4 2 6 17
Troop Type: War beasts Thanks to its powerful frame,
Base Size: 25 x 50 mm a Sabretusk is able to leap
Unit Size: 2-10 upon its prey as it slashes
Equipment: Claws and fangs (counts as hand weapons) and stabs with its elongated
tusks, aiming to maim and
Options: incapacitate its quarry. Even
• Any unit may have may have one of the following: a solitary Sabretusk can easily
- The Ambushers special rule........................................................................ +3 points per model bring down a Man, but an
- The Scouts special rule.................................................................................. +2 points per model entire pack of these stealthy
- The Vanguard special rule..............................................................................+1 point per model hunters can bring down
even the mightiest beasts to
Special Rules: Armour Bane (1), Fear, Impetuous, Loner, Move Through Cover, be found in the Mountains
Open Order, Skirmishers, Swiftstride of Mourn.
Mournfang Cavalry
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Ogre - 3 2 4 4 4 2 3 7 64
Crusher - 3 2 4 4 4 2 4 7 +7 Mournfang Cavalry
Mournfang 8 3 - 5 - - 2 3 - - The taming of a Mournfang
is a dangerous and often
Troop Type: Monstrous cavalry fatal undertaking, for the
Base Size: 50 x 100 mm notoriously bad-tempered
Unit Size: 2+ beasts do not easily submit
Equipment: to a rider. The best time for
• Ogre: Hand weapons and light armour an Ogre to attempt to break
• Mournfang: Monstrous tusks (see below) a Mournfang is whilst it lies
exhausted from hunting
Options: and feeding, though even
• The entire unit may take one of the following: an exhausted Mournfang is
- Great weapons.................................................................................................. +4 points per model capable of throwing a would-
- Ironfists (see page 26).................................................................................... +4 points per model be rider from its back and
• The entire unit may replace light armour with heavy armour.............. +3 points per model goring them to death. Should
• Any unit may: an Ogre hang on long enough
- Upgrade one model to a Crusher (champion)........................................... +7 points per unit for the beast to submit, the
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer.................................................... +7 points per unit life of a Mournfang rider
- Upgrade one model to a Bellower (musician)............................................ +7 points per unit awaits them. The goring
• A Crusher may take: tusks and savage nature of
- A brace of Ogre pistols (see page 26)...........................................................................+12 points the Mournfang, combined
- Magic items up to a total of...............................................................................................25 points with the heavy weapons and
• 0-1 unit per 1,000 points may purchase a magic standard worth up to....................50 points brutality of the Ogre places
Mournfangs amongst the
Special Rules: Armoured Hide (1), Close Order, Fear, Impact Hits (D3), fiercest shock cavalry ever
Mournfang Charge, Swiftstride seen on the battlefields of the
Old World.
Weapon R S AP Special Rules
Monstrous tusks Combat S -1 Armour Bane (1)
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Ironblaster - - - 5 6 5 - - - 185
Leadbelcher (x1) - 3 3 4 - - 2 3 7 - Ironblasters
Gnoblar Scrapper (x1) - 2 3 2 - - 3 1 5 - Though rare, the Ogres will
Rhinox (x1) 6 3 - 5 - - 2 3 - - occasionally bring to bear
the massive bronze cannons
Troop Type: Heavy Chariot of the ancient Sky-titans,
Base Size: 60 x 100 mm hauling them into battle atop
Unit Size: 1 roughly-hewn sleds drawn by
Armour Value: 4+ foul-smelling Rhinox. These
Equipment: enormous artillery pieces
• Ironblaster: Cannon of the Sky-titans (see below) are packed to the brim with
• Leadbelcher: Hand weapon black powder and cannon
• Gnoblar Scrapper: Sharp stuff (counts as a hand weapon and throwing weapons) balls, which are unleashed
• Rhinox: Tusks and horns (counts as a hand weapon) towards the enemy with a
thunderous explosion – much
Special Rules: Armour Bane (2, Rhinox only), Close Order, Fear, First Charge, to the delight of any nearby
Impact Hits (D6+1), Large Target Ogres. In order for such a vast
machine to fire with some
Cannon Of The Sky-Titans regularity, gangs of Gnoblars
A cannon of the Sky-titans, despite being wielded crudely by Ogres, is actually a very robust will assist with the operation
and sophisticated weapon. It can fire whole clutches of cannonballs at once, allowing it to do a of these huge field guns,
tremendous amount of damage, although its range is limited. despite the risk of being shot
towards the foe along with
Cannon of the R S AP Special Rules the original payload if they do
Sky-Titans not finish loading the cannon
Solid shot 36" 10 -3 Armour Bane (2), Cannon Fire, swiftly enough!
Cumbersome, Multiple Wounds (D3+1)
Scatter shot N/A 4 -1 Breath Weapon
Notes: A Cannon of the Sky-Titans has two profiles, representing its two modes of firing. When
firing solid shot, this weapon shoots like a cannon, using the ‘Cannon Fire’ special rule. This
weapon uses the Ironblaster Misfire table.

Ironblaster Misfire Table

D6 Result
1 Kaboom! Constantly mistreated by the Ogres, the cannon explodes spectacularly.
The model is destroyed and immediately removed from play.
2-3 Krrack! With a tremendous crack, the cannon splits along its length, rendering it
useless. The model cannot shoot with this weapon for the remainder of the game.
4-6 Ack! Through its own ineptitude, the Gnoblar Scrapper has become stuck in
the mechanism. The model does not shoot this turn and cannot shoot with this
weapon during the next round.
Gnoblar Scraplauncher
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Scraplauncher - - - 5 5 5 - - - 140
Gnoblar Scrapper (x7) - 2 3 2 - - 3 1 5 - Gnoblar Scraplaunchers
Rhinox (x1) 6 3 - 5 - - 2 3 - - The Scraplauncher is a potent
war machine that hurls piles
Troop Type: Heavy Chariot of scavenged weapons soaring
Base Size: 60 x 100 mm towards the foe. Even though
Unit Size: 1 many of these rusted knives
Armour Value: 4+ and broken swords clang off
Equipment: armour or miss entirely, the
• Scraplauncher: Scraplauncher catapult (see below) sheer number of pointed
• Gnoblar Scrapper: Sharp stuff (counts as hand weapons and throwing weapons) projectiles means that some
• Rhinox: Tusks and horns (counts as a hand weapon) will find exposed flesh or gaps
in armour. The strange choice
Special Rules: Armour Bane (2, Rhinox only), Close Order, Fear, First Charge, of projectile is partly due to
Impact Hits (D6+1), Large Target the fact that these haphazard
war machines are crewed by
Scraplauncher Catapult Gnoblars, who are too small
Despite its appearance, a Scraplauncher catapult is a devastating engine of destruction that launches or, more likely, too lazy to
bundles of broken weapons and shards of scrap-metal into the tightly packed ranks of the enemy. haul around large rocks. The
other reason is that Ogres
R S AP Special Rules are far too large to make
Scraplauncher 12-48" 3 (4) - (-2) Bombardment, Cumbersome, use of the puny Man-sized
catapult Multiple Wounds (2) weapons that are scavenged
Notes: This weapon shoots like a stone thrower, using the ‘Bombardment’ special rule, a 5" blast from the battlefield, giving
template and the Scraplauncher Misfire table. The Multiple Wounds (2) special rule applies only the Gnoblars a near-endless
to a single model whose base lies underneath the central hole of the blast template. supply of ‘pointy bits’ to
launch towards the enemy.
Scraplauncher Catapult Misfire Table
D6 Result
1 Kerr-unch! The Scraplauncher comes apart in a shower of metal and wood. The
model is destroyed and immediately removed from play.
2-3 Snap! With an ear-splitting crack, the arm of the catapult snaps cleanly in two.
The model cannot shoot with this weapon for the remainder of the game.
4-6 Splang! The Scraplauncher sprays debris in all directions, but mainly straight up.
The model does not shoot this turn and cannot shoot with this weapon during
the next round.
Stonehorn Riders
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Stonehorn 7 3 - 6 6 6 2 4 - 245
Ogre Beast Rider (x1) - 3 3 4 - - 2 3 7 - Stonehorn Riders
Ogre Crew (x1) - 3 3 4 - - 2 3 7 - Ogres who prove themselves
capable of taming a mighty
Troop Type: Behemoth Stonehorn are revered and
Base Size: 100 x 150 mm respected by their tribe, for
Unit Size: 1 the domestication of such
Armour Value: 4+ a wild and unruly beast is a
Equipment: perilous, and usually fatal,
• Stonehorn: Horns of stone (see below) undertaking. Once a bond
• Ogre Beast Rider: Hand weapon and chaintrap (see below) has been formed between the
• Ogre Crew: Hand weapon and harpoon launcher (see page 26) beast and its crew of riders
however, a near-unstoppable
Options: relationship is formed as
• The Ogre Beast Rider may: the Stonehorn’s destructive
- Replace their chaintrap with a blood vulture (see below)...................................... +5 points prowess is given purpose and
- Take a harpoon launcher................................................................................................... +8 points direction by its new masters.
As the Stonehorn smashes
Special Rules: Armour Bane (2, Stonehorn only), Close Order, First Charge, Howdah, into the foe with devastating
Impact Hits (D6+1), Large Target, Stone Skeleton, Swiftstride, Terror, head-butts and tramples the
Thunderous Charge survivors under its hooves,
the riders fire harpoons from
R S AP Special Rules their oversized crossbows to
Horns of stone Combat S -2 - skewer those who avoid the
Stonehorn’s wrath.
R S AP Special Rules
Chaintrap 12" S+1 - Killing Blow

R S AP Special Rules
Blood vulture 36" 4 -1 Ignores Cover, Move & Shoot, Quick Shot
Thundertusk Riders
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Thundertusk 6 3 - 6 6 6 2 4 - 215
Ogre Beast Rider (x1) - 3 3 4 - - 2 3 7 - Thundertusk Riders
Ogre Crew (x1) - 3 3 4 - - 2 3 7 - Thundertusk Riders fight
differently from most units
Troop Type: Behemoth that make up the armies
Base Size: 100 x 150 mm of the Ogre Kingdoms,
Unit Size: 1 hammering the foe from afar
Armour Value: 5+ with powerful blasts of ice
Equipment: and bolts fired from harpoon
• Thundertusk: Great tusks (see below) and chill breath (see below) launchers. That is not to say
• Ogre Beast Rider: Hand weapon and chaintrap (see below) the Thundertusk lacks the
• Ogre Crew: Hand weapon and harpoon launcher (see page 26) ability to dish out damage
once it meets the enemy in
Options: close quarters, for its massive
• The Ogre Beast Rider may: tusks can gore foes the size
- Replace their chaintrap with a blood vulture (see below)...................................... +5 points of a Giant and sweep aside
- Take a harpoon launcher................................................................................................... +8 points formations of warriors as
easily as an Ogre might swat
Special Rules: Close Order, First Charge, Howdah, Impact Hits (D3), Large Target, a fly. If that were not enough,
Numbing Chill, Stomp Attacks (3), Swiftstride, Terror the frosty aura that surrounds
these primordial beasts
R S AP Special Rules quickly saps the strength of
Great tusks Combat S -1 Armour Bane (2) those brave enough to stand
their ground against the
R S AP Special Rules might of the Thundertusk
Chill breath N/A 2 -1 Breath Weapon, Multiple Wounds (D3) and its riders.

R S AP Special Rules
Chaintrap 12" S+1 - Killing Blow

R S AP Special Rules
Blood vulture 36" 4 -1 Ignores Cover, Move & Shoot, Quick Shot
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Giant 6 3 1 6 6 6 2 * 10 200
Troop Type: Behemoth Ever since they devoured
Base Size: 50 x 50 mm (min), 50 x 75 mm (max) the Sky-titans during the
Unit Size: 1 Big Migration, Ogres have
Equipment: Giant’s club (see page 18) and calloused hide (counts as light armour) harboured a near-compulsive
Special Rules: Close Order, *Giant Attacks, Immune to Psychology, Large Target, desire to kill and devour any
*Pick Up And…, Stomp Attacks (D6), Terror, Timmm-berrr!, Unbreakable Giant they happen across.
Some Tyrants are able to
*Giant Attacks restrain themselves from
Giants do not attack in the same way as other creatures. They are far too large and fractious to attacking a Giant on sight
take orders and much too scatter-brained to have any sort of coherent plan. however, and those who
do will try to recruit the
Instead of attacking normally during the Combat phase or making a Pick Up And… attack, lumbering brute to join their
a Giant may choose to make a ‘Giant Attack’. To make a Giant Attack, nominate an enemy tribe in battle, promising
unit that the Giant is engaged in combat with to be the target of the attack and roll on the payment in plenty of food
Giant Attacks table below to determine what the Giant does: and more ale than it can
drink. More brash Tyrants
Giant Attacks Table may try to intimidate a
D6 Result Giant into joining their tribe,
1 ’Eadbutt: The Giant singles out a lone enemy and ’eadbutts them. Nominate either by challenging the
a single model in the fighting rank of an enemy unit the Giant is engaged with lumbering behemoth to single
to be the target of this attack. That model is hit and suffers D3+1 wounds with combat or by scaring it with
no armour or Regeneration saves permitted (Ward saves can be attempted fiercely exaggerated tales of
as normal). the Tyrant and their tribe’s
2 Belly Flop: The Giant crashes down bodily upon the enemy. Place a small (3") past victories against the
blast template so that its central hole is directly over the centre of the target Sky-titans.
unit. Any model (friend or foe, but not including this model) whose base lies
underneath the template risks being hit and suffering a single hit, using the
Strength characteristic of this model, with an AP of -2.
3-4 Mighty Swing: The Giant swings its club through the enemy ranks. For this
attack, the Giant is subject to the Random Attacks special rule and has an
Attacks characteristic of D6+1, and the Giant’s club has a Strength characteristic
of S+1 and an AP of -2.
5 Thump With Club: The Giant grasps its club two-handed and cracks its enemy
on the head. Nominate a single model in the fighting rank of an enemy unit the
Giant is engaged with to be the target of this attack. For this attack, the Giant’s
club has a Strength characteristic of S+4, an AP of -4 and the Multiple Wounds
(D6) special rule.
6 Jump Up & Down: The Giant jumps around, kicking and flattening the enemy.
For this attack, the Giant does not use its club. Instead, the target unit suffers
D6+1 hits, each using the Strength characteristic of this model, with no armour
save permitted (Ward and Regeneration saves can be attempted as normal).
*Pick Up And…
Sometimes, Giants forget there is a battle raging around them and, when faced with rank upon Monster
rank of bite-sized snacks, will become distracted, reaching down and grabbing enemies by the
handful. What happens to these unfortunate souls varies; some are thrust into a sack or under the
Giant’s clothing for later, others are eaten on the spot, and still others are tossed carelessly aside to The Sky-Titans
bounce off the scenery. Whatever the case, such unfortunates are rarely seen again. A race as old as the
mountains, much taller and
Instead of attacking normally during the Combat phase or making a Giant Attack, a Giant more intelligent than the
that is engaged in combat with one or more units whose troop type is ‘regular infantry’ or Giants that lumber across the
‘heavy infantry’ may choose to make a ‘Pick Up And…’ attack. To make a Pick Up And… world today, the Sky-titans
attack, nominate an enemy unit of regular or heavy infantry that the Giant is engaged in were unbothered by the other
combat with. The unit must immediately make an Initiative test: races, hidden away in their
fortresses of carved stone in a
• If this test is failed, a victim is picked up by the Giant. What happens next does not realm above the clouds. This
bear thinking about but, whatever it is, a single model belonging to the target unit is was until the Big Migration
immediately removed from play as a casualty. drove the Ogres through their
• If this test is passed, the warriors manage to duck and dodge away from the Giant’s mountains, throwing the two
grasping hands. No one is picked up and the attack has no effect. sides into a bloody conflict.
Though the Sky-titans were
Next, roll a D6: much larger than the Ogres,
they were outnumbered
• On a roll of 1-3, the Giant forgets what it is doing and makes no further attacks. and outmatched by their
• On a roll of 4+, the Giant attempts to pick up another enemy. The target unit must ravenous foes. One by one,
make another Initiative test. the Sky-titans fell and were
devoured, and the Ogres grew
This continues until the Giant forgets what it is doing and stops making attacks, or until stronger with each Sky-titan
the target unit is destroyed. they consumed.

Enemy models removed from play are considered to have been removed from the fighting
rank of the enemy unit.

R S AP Special Rules
Giant’s club Combat * * *
Notes: *A Giant’s club may have different characteristics and special rules depending upon what
they do with it, as described in the Giant Attacks special rule.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Gorger 6 3 0 5 5 4 2 4 8 90
Ogre Gorgers
Troop Type: Monstrous creature Malformed infant Ogres are
Base Size: 50 x 50 mm abandoned in the caves of
Unit Size: 1 the Mountains of Mourn
Equipment: Wicked claws (see below), distensible jaw (see below) and by their tribes. Those that
calloused hide (counts as light armour) survive alone in the dark
become Gorgers, foul and
Options: barely sentient creatures
• May have the Scouts special rule........................................................................................... +3 points driven by ravenous hunger.
• May have the Vanguard special rule..................................................................................... +3 points Though they mostly live
underground, Gorgers will
Special Rules: Ambushers, Close Order, Fear, Frenzy, Ravenous Hunger, be drawn out of their lairs
Regeneration (6+), Swiftstride, Unbreakable by Ogres when the tribes
march to war, capturing the
Ravenous Hunger ravenous beasts in iron cages
When a Gorger latches onto the scent of its prey, it becomes an unstoppable juggernaut intent on to prevent them going on a
nothing other than feasting on a banquet of flesh and blood. killing spree before the battle
begins. Gorgers hunt their
When a Gorger declares a charge, it may re-roll its Charge roll. prey with elongated claws as
long and sharp as swords, and
R S AP Special Rules possess enough strength to
Wicked claws Combat S -2 - tear the head off a man in a
single, gruesome snap of their
R S AP Special Rules massive toothy maws.
Distensible jaw Combat S - Killing Blow
Note: In combat, this model must make one of its attacks each turn with this weapon.
Big Names
S ome Ogres gain such renown that they literally earn a name for themselves. Whilst many Ogres will be awarded humble
or humorous nicknames based upon their achievements, some can earn truly grandiose titles that inspire awe in their kin.

To represent this, some characters drawn from the Ogre Kingdoms army list may be given a Big Name, chosen from those
detailed on this page. Each Big Name gives the character certain benefits in the form of modified characteristics and additional
special rules:

Mawseeker............................................................ 30 points Kineater................................................................ 15 points

Those tough enough to survive the pilgrimage to the Great Maw Having achieved their rank by killing and eating a member of their
often return with part of themselves eaten away. own family in a pit fight, Kineaters are considered ruthless even by
their own tribe.
Models whose troop type is ‘infantry’ only. This character has
a +1 modifier to their Toughness characteristic. However, this Army General only. Unless this character is fleeing, friendly
character is also subject to the Stupidity special rule. models within this character’s Command range may re-roll
any failed Panic or Rally test.
Mountaineater..................................................... 25 points
Those able to scale the tallest peaks ritually consume part of the Longstrider........................................................... 10 points
mountain to mark their conquest. A Longstrider has hunted on the slopes of the mountains for
decades, and is even capable of running down a sprinting ice elk.
Models whose troop type is ‘infantry’ only. This character
cannot be wounded by a roll To Wound of 2, regardless of the Models whose troop type is ‘infantry’ only. This character has
Strength of the attack. a +1 modifier to their Movement characteristic.

Giantbreaker........................................................20 points Beastkiller.............................................................. 5 points

Any Ogre that has defeated a Giant in hand-to-hand combat can As a sign of their prowess as a hunter of monsters, a Beastkiller will
be, justifiably, supremely confident in their abilities. adorn their body with trophy horns and tusks.

This character (but not their mount) has a +1 modifier to Once per turn, this character may re-roll a single failed roll To
their Strength characteristic. However, this character cannot Wound made against an enemy model with the Large Target
refuse a challenge and neither they, nor any unit they have special rule.
joined, can Flee as a charge reaction.
Deathcheater.......................................................... 5 points
An Ogre that has escaped certain doom is considered blessed by
the Great Maw. Not surprisingly, Deathcheaters tend to have
impressive scars.

Once per game, you may make your opponent re-roll a single
roll To Wound made against this character.
Ogre Kingdoms Magic Items
Magic Items
The pages that follow detail magic items unique to Ogre Kingdoms armies. These can Plundered Treasures
be purchased by models within an Ogre Kingdoms army in exactly the same way as Ogres are drawn to shiny
Common magic items, as described in the Warhammer: the Old World rulebook. trinkets and elaborate attire,
driven by a compulsive need
Extremely Common Magic Items: Any magic item marked with an asterisk (*) is to possess such items and
considered to be extremely common, as described in the Warhammer: the Old World rulebook. flaunt them in front of others
to demonstrate their wealth
Magic Weapons and status. Similarly, though
the weapons they craft for
Thundermace....................................................................................................90 points themselves are simple and
Chiselled from a foundation stone taken from the base of a skycastle and bound with meteoric crude, they collect finely
iron, the weight of a collapsing castle explodes from the head of the Thundermace. made weapons even if their
gigantic and clumsy hands
Special Rules could never hope to wield
Thundermace Combat S+2 -2
Armour Bane (1), Magical Attacks, such things. Thus many
Requires Two Hands, Strike Last possess enchanted items
Notes: Rather than attacking normally, the wielder of the Thundermace may choose to make and blessed weapons, most
a special ‘Thunderstrike’ attack. If they do, make a single roll To Hit. If this is successful, place stolen from the corpses
a small (3") blast template so that its central hole is directly over the centre of the hit unit. Any of vanquished enemies,
enemy model whose base lies underneath the template risks being hit by this weapon. others taken in payment
for mercenary work. Such
Tenderiser..........................................................................................................70 points items might be turned into
The destructive power bound into the twin heads of this massive two-ended club is enough to jewellery or fashioned into
shatter a boulder with one strike. weapons and armour more
fitting of an Ogre’s physique
R S AP Special Rules by their new owners, and
Tenderiser Combat S+2 -3 Extra Attacks (+1), Magical Attacks, passed around amongst
Multiple Wounds (D3), Strike Last Tyrants and Bruisers for
generations to come.
Skullplucker......................................................................................................45 points
This heavy, spiked metal gauntlet was once worn by Big Agi Skullplucker, who enjoyed nothing
more than twisting his enemies’ heads off with this nasty-looking, bloodstained glove.

R S AP Special Rules
Skullplucker Combat S - Killing Blow, Magical Attacks, Strike First

Bloodcleaver......................................................................................................30 points
This revolting, gore-encrusted weapon possesses a Vampiric energy, channelling the life force from
its victims into its wielder.

R S AP Special Rules
Bloodcleaver Combat S -1 Magical Attacks
Notes: Emissaries of the Great Maw only. If the wielder of the Bloodcleaver causes one or more
unsaved wounds during the Combat phase, they recover a single lost Wound.
Magic Armour Magic Standards
Gut Maw ..............................................................45 points Dragonhide Banner............................................ 45 points
The wearer of this polished gut-plate is reinvigorated by the life This tattered trophy of a vanquished dragon passes its former
force of their defeated enemies. owner’s legendary ferocity onto its bearers.

The Gut Maw is a suit of heavy armour. In addition, for each A unit carrying the Dragonhide Banner may re-roll any
unsaved wound the wearer causes during a Challenge, they rolls To Hit of a natural 1. In addition, a unit carrying the
recover a single lost Wound. Dragonhide Banner has the Flaming Attacks special rule.

Mastodon Armour.............................................40 points Rune Maw............................................................40 points

This massive suit of armour was forged by the Chaos Dwarfs in Hung with stolen Dwarfen talismans, the Rune Maw roars its
exchange for many captives. anger when it detects magic.

The Mastodon Armour is a suit of full plate armour. When an enemy Wizard chooses a unit carrying the Rune
In addition, its wearer has a 6+ Ward save against any Maw as the target of a spell, roll a D6. On a 3+, the Wizard’s
wounds suffered. controlling player must choose another target. If there is no
other viable target in range, the spell cannot be cast.
Cannibal Totem.................................................. 30 points
Spangleshard........................................................ 35 points The Cannibal Totem protects those who devour the strong in
This dirt-encrusted and tarnished bauble barely resembles the fine honour of the Great Maw.
Elven ornament it once was, but its protective powers still linger.
A unit carrying the Cannibal Totem gains the Regeneration
The Spangleshard gives its bearer a 4+ Ward save against (5+) special rule, but rolls only a single D6 when making a
any wounds suffered. However, if a natural 1 is rolled, the Pursuit roll (rather than the usual 2D6).
Spangleshard is destroyed and it cannot be used again.
Bull Standard......................................................20 points
Cathayan Jet Pendant*...................................... 10 points The Bull Standard lends the strength of a charging Rhinox to the
Finely crafted Cathayan jet pendants are believed to protect against Ogres that march beneath it.
all forms of hostile magic.
A unit carrying the Bull Standard may re-roll any failed rolls
A Cathayan Jet Pendant gives its bearer a 6+ Ward save To Wound when resolving Impact Hits.
against any wounds suffered that were caused by a Magic
Missile, a Magical Vortex, or an Assailment spell.
Enchanted Items Arcane Items
Jade Lion............................................................... 25 points Halfling Cookbook............................................. 30 points
Jade Lions are revered in Cathay for their bravery, and amulets The culinary secrets contained within the Halfling Cookbook are a
carved into their likeness inspire great courage. source of great power.

The bearer of the Jade Lion and their unit may re-roll any The bearer of the Halfling Cookbook increases their
failed Fear, Panic, Rally or Terror test. Command range, Dispel range and the range of a single spell
chosen by their controlling player (not including range ‘self ’
Daemon-Slayer Scars*........................................20 points spells) by 3".
Daemonic beasts are hunted in the Warpstone Desert and bled into
lead jars. This acidic ichor is used as warpaint, giving the wearer a Hellheart..............................................................20 points
truly terrifying appearance. Biting into the heart of a Chaos Spawn, the Ogre creates a vortex of
magical anarchy.
The bearer of Daemon-slayer Scars gains the Terror
special rule. Single use. During the Command sub-phase of their turn, the
bearer of the Hellheart may consume it. When they do so,
Fistful Of Laurels*.............................................. 15 points they immediately lose a single Wound. However, until your
Symbols of leadership snatched from the corpses of enemy next Start of Turn sub-phase, if any enemy Wizard rolls any
commanders impress Ogres only briefly. natural double when making a Casting roll, the spell is miscast.

Single use. The bearer of a Fistful of Laurels and their unit Grut’s Sickle.........................................................40 points
may re-roll the 2D6 when making a Break test. Swinging the sickle of Grut the Bloodthirsty, a Butcher fuels their
magic with the blood of their kin.

After making a Casting roll, the bearer of Grut’s Sickle may

use it to roll an additional D3 and add its result to their
Casting roll. However, a single friendly model within 3" of the
bearer immediately loses a single Wound.

Note that the result of this additional D3 cannot cause a miscast or

a perfect invocation.
Ogre Kingdoms Special Rules
A game of Warhammer: the Old World is packed with fantastic creatures and skilled warriors with abilities so incredible
and varied that the basic rules cannot possibly cover them all. For such circumstances we have special rules –
uncommon rules to govern uncommon circumstances.

On this page you will find a full description for each of the Army special rules used by models drawn from the Ogre Kingdoms
army list:

Largely Insignificant Ogre Charge

No matter how many Gnoblars meet violent ends, there always Ogres barge into combat using their great lumbering mass as a
seems to be plenty more. Consequently, the usual response to the weapon, harnessing their tremendous momentum to crush anything
plight of a Gnoblar is laughter. they collide with.

Units with this special rule never cause friendly units to make The Armour Piercing characteristic of any Impact Hits
Panic tests. However, a unit with this special rule cannot be caused by a model with this special rule (but not its mount)
joined by a character without this special rule. is improved by the current Rank Bonus of its unit (or, in the
case of characters, the current Rank Bonus of any unit they
Look-Out Gnoblar have joined).
Gnoblars are often coerced to climb into makeshift crow’s-nests at
the top of Ogre banners. From their precarious perch, the Gnoblar is Stone Skeleton
expected to give warning to the Ogres below of incoming enemy fire. A Stonehorn is akin to a living fossil, its massive skeleton having
hardened to rock.
A champion or character that has joined a unit with this
special rule may make a “Look Out, Sir!” roll if there are two This model is less vulnerable to the Multiple Wounds (X)
or more rank and file models in the unit (rather than the usual special rule. If it suffers an unsaved wound from an attack with
five). In addition, you may re-roll a “Look Out, Sir!” roll if this special rule, reduce the number of Wounds lost by 1, to a
there are five or more rank and file models in the unit. minimum of 1.

Mournfang Charge Thunderous Charge

Driven by the momentum of the charge, the monstrous tusks The ground trembles and shakes beneath the thunderous charge of
of a Mournfang pierce through armour with ease to gore the a Stonehorn.
enemy deeply.
Impact Hits caused by this model have an Armour Piercing
Impact Hits caused by a model with this special rule have characteristic of -2.
the Armour Bane (1) special rule and an Armour Piercing
characteristic of -1.

Numbing Chill
The Mountains of Mourn are deathly cold, and the terrible chill
of the high peaks clings eternally to the hide of the creatures that
dwell there.

Whilst in base contact with this model, enemy models suffer a

-1 modifier to their Weapon Skill and Initiative characteristics,
to a minimum of 1.
Lore Of The Great Maw
E missaries of the Great Maw suck marrow from cracked bones or stuff huge chunks of raw meat into their mouths to aid
their magical abilities. As they do, those around them feel replenished, the gnawing hunger that eternally chews at their
guts subsiding.

A Wizard with the ‘Lore of the Great Maw’ special rule may discard one of their randomly generated spells as normal. When
they do so, they may select instead either the signature spell of their chosen Lore of Magic, or one of the spells listed below.

Toothcracker Trollguts
Consuming a chunk of granite, the Butcher bestows the rock’s Downing the repulsive innards of a Troll, the Butcher grants the
resilience upon their brethren. beast’s healing ability onto their companions.

Type: Enchantment Type: Enchantment

Casting Value: 7+/10+ Casting Value: 8+/11+
Range: 12" Range: 15"
Effect: If this spell is cast with a casting result of 7 or more, Effect: If this spell is cast with a casting result of 8 or more,
the target friendly unit gains a +1 modifier to its Toughness the target friendly unit gains the Regeneration (6+) special
characteristic (to a maximum of 10). If this spell is cast with rule. If this spell is cast with a casting result of 11 or more,
a casting result of 10 or more, the target friendly unit gains a the target friendly unit gains the Regeneration (5+) special
+2 modifier to its Toughness characteristic (to a maximum rule. This spell lasts until your next Start of Turn sub-phase.
of 10). This spell lasts until the end of this turn.
Weapons Of
The Ogre Kingdoms The Wanderers
Ogres wield a wide array of brutal weapons. Most favour simple but effective clubs Many Ogres feel compelled
carved from wood or stone and bound in heavy iron bands. Others prefer crude to leave the Mountains
blades, beaten from thick billets of rough iron. But some Ogres use more sophisticated of Mourn and wander
weapons, such as huge crossbows or savage snares and traps. Some even go so far as to the world, often hiring
purloin black powder weapons from other races. themselves out as
mercenaries and following
Harpoon Launcher the lucrative call of battle.
A harpoon launcher is a huge crossbow that fires a long and heavy barbed bolt. Many Ogres attach Thus Ogres can be found
long coils of rope to these bolts, tethering prey so that it cannot escape. throughout the Old World,
from the lawless lands of
R S AP Special Rules the Border Princes to the
Harpoon launcher 36" 6 -2 Multiple Wounds (D3), Ponderous great cities of the Empire.
Those who leave their home
Ironfist always intend to return one
Many Ogres wrap their off-hand and forearm in heavy gauntlets of spiked iron and thick plates day, although whether they
of armour. They use these brutal implements both as a weapon and as protection, swinging their survive to do so is another
mighty fists to clobber their victims and fend off their futile attempts at retaliation. matter. Ogres remaining in
the Mountains of Mourn
R S AP Special Rules always welcome back such
Ironfist Combat S - Extra Attacks (1), Requires Two Hands travellers, eager to hear
Notes: An Ironfist is an additional hand weapon (as described on page 213 of the Warhammer: tales of great battles and
the Old World rulebook. In addition, a model equipped with an Ironfist improves its armour value exotic lands.
by 1. An Ironfist cannot be used alongside a magic weapon to gain an extra attack, or to improve
the wielder’s armour value.

Ogre Pistol
Ogres often carry large barrelled pistols made by modifying handguns used by Men and Dwarfs to
fit their massive fists. Although seldom well-maintained, such weapons delight their proud owners
with the volume of their report.

R S AP Special Rules
Ogre pistol 24" 4 -1 Armour Bane (1), Quick Shot

Brace Of Ogre Pistols

As with most races that make use of black powder weapons, those Ogres that can carry two pistols
invariably will. Ogres armed in this way will fire a quick volley of shots into the ranks of the enemy
before reversing their grip upon the spent weapons and using them as brutal clubs.

Brace of Ogre Pistols R S AP Special Rules

Ranged 24" 4 -1 Armour Bane (1), Multiple Shots (2),
Quick Shot
Combat Combat S - Extra Attacks (1), Requires Two Hands
Notes: A brace of Ogre pistols has two profiles, representing how the weapons are used in combat.
O f the many armies available in Warhammer: the Old World, an Orc & Goblin Tribes army is one of the most bizarre
and eclectic. The units available to an Orc & Goblin Tribes general are a mix of ferocity and unreliability, many of
them behave in unusual ways and, possibly more than any other army, the range of options is both diverse and peculiar. As
such, Orc & Goblin Tribes armies are both a challenge and a pleasure to command in roughly equal measures.

The Green Menace

The Green Menace Warbosses
For an Orc, there is no greater joy than to be in the thick of Orc and Goblin tribes are led by a Warboss. This is the
a battle, where the biggest and meanest warrior carries the biggest and loudest member of the tribe, and they are
day. Such belligerence is both a strength and a weakness as it followed out of both respect and an understandable desire
means Orcs expend much of their energy fighting amongst to avoid a pummelling for not following. A tribe’s success is
themselves, rather than against a slightly more distant foe. highly reliant upon just how hard their Warboss can wallop
things. Warbosses rarely command great loyalty from their
Orcish skin is tougher than leather and curiously waxy. underlings, although a Warboss may be admired for their
As an Orc ages, its skin becomes gnarled and even more ability to push an opponent’s nose through their brainpan.
impenetrable, to the point where the most determined sword Orcs and Goblins are not sentimental creatures – they may
stroke can cause only a scratch. If the skin is pierced and remember a great leader but they certainly won’t mourn
the purplish-red blood begins to flow, there is no guarantee their loss. Upon the death of a Warboss, leadership swiftly
that the wound will prevent the Orc from pulverising their and inevitably falls to the next biggest and loudest Orc in the
opponent. Orcs are capable of healing at an incredible pace immediate vicinity.
and, quite naturally, take their robust bodies for granted,
regarding everyone else as weak, fragile and ‘squishy’. A Warboss will also inevitably face challenges from within
their own ranks, especially at times when enemies are in short
Smaller and more nimble than their Orcish cousins, Goblins supply and the fighting and looting has grown especially poor.
have a more developed sense of self-preservation. They are For Orcs, such challenges are typically direct and involve
cunning, rather than strong, and tend to leave the serious a large bladed or blunt implement (which can be a handy
business of fighting to the Orcs. Goblins prefer to guard the Goblin, in desperate circumstances).
rear of an army, though in desperate circumstances, they’ll
finish off an enemy so long as it has been given a clobbering by Being smaller and possessed of quite remarkable cowardice,
a mob of Orcs. Nevertheless, Goblin raiding parties are rightly the mantle of Goblin Warboss can be won in a direct
feared on the edges of the more civilised lands. When they challenge, but other methods are often preferred. It is not
attack, Goblins generally either have numbers on their side or uncommon for Goblin Warbosses to sleep with their back
something larger and meaner giving them orders. against a wall to guard against the daggers of their enemies,
and a wise Goblin Warboss will always insist one of their
underlings takes the first bite of any meal!
Waaagh! Fortunately for the people of the Old World, most such Orcish
Waaagh! crusades of violence end rather quickly (often in a flurry of
It is unknown how many Orc and Goblin tribes exist, for they infighting), leaving only a few ruined villages and scattered
seem to crop up everywhere, making it hard to gauge their armies in their wake. But not all invasions end quickly. The
numbers. The more civilised races – Men, Elves and Dwarfs, bigger and badder a Warboss is, the easier it will be for them
for example – know that there are Orc and Goblin tribes to maintain discipline amongst their followers and lead the
beyond counting in the wild regions of the world, but whether squabbling tribes under their command to many victories,
these tribes merely drift through the lands in disorganised each more magnificent than the last, and causing such
packs of unruly raiders, or mass in great numbers ahead of the commotion that ever more tribes will flock from ever further
next big Waaagh! is impossible to discern. afield to join the mighty commander.

A Waaagh! is akin to a migrating invasion, when a mighty In this way, a small Waaagh! can quickly become a large
Warboss, riding high upon the waves of their success, throws Waaagh! that, if left unchecked, will continue to attract tribes
everything they have against their chosen enemy and all the of Orcs and Goblins from many thousands of miles around
other Orcs and Goblins in the region flock to their banner. A as it charts an utterly unpredictable, zigzag course across the
Waaagh! generates much fervour amidst Orcs and Goblins, landscape, until it becomes an epoch-defining event. The
and sweeps violently over anything in its path, irrevocably largest Waaaghs! are the stuff of legend, and many times has
changing the landscape and laying bare great swathes of the earth itself been shaken until it trembled beneath the tread
territory. Some Waaaghs! travel a short distance before of immense armies, gathered to march forth and destroy. The
dispersing; others have crossed half the known world. devastation wrought by such invasions blots the sun behind
palls of smoke, covering great portions of the world in a
Commonly, a Waaagh! begins when a warband sweeps into shroud of darkness.
a village, slaughters the defenders and charges on, pausing
just long enough for the Warboss to make a really big pile The nature of the Waaagh! means that the history of Orcs
of severed heads upon which to sit and enjoy the cheering and Goblins, as passed down by word of mouth through the
adulation of their mates. Should word of this glorious victory tribes, is rather fragmented. Greenskin history is generally
spread to other tribes in the vicinity, they will flock to the an account of the rise and fall of huge Waaaghs! and their
banner of the victorious Warboss. This is partly because all glorious leaders. Other campaigns involving the Orcs and
Orcs and Goblins want to fight alongside a powerful Warboss Goblins do feature in the histories of other races, such as
who has built a reputation for leading their tribe to victories, Sigmar’s long wars that led to the Battle of Black Fire Pass, and
partly because they all want to fight on the winning side, and the travails of Gilles le Breton in the forming of the realm of
mostly because no mob of Orcs wants to miss a good scrap. Bretonnia, but the Orcs make little to no effort to remember
these – chiefly because they lost to ‘da squishy ’umies’.

10 Orc & Goblin Tribes

Orc & Goblin Tribes Army List

T his page details the Grand Army composition list for the Orc & Goblin Tribes. This is the default army composition
list for this faction. Using this army composition list to write your muster list will give you the widest variety of units
to choose from and create a broad and balanced force.

This army list is intended for use alongside the ‘Forming Units’ and ‘Warhammer Armies’ sections of the Warhammer: the Old
World rulebook. Over the following pages you will find a profile and rules for each of the models in your army. These pages give
you all of the information that you need to shape your collection of models into the units which will in turn form a force ready
for battle.

Grand Army Composition List

Grand Army Composition List
Characters Rare
Up to 50% of your army’s points value may be spent on: Up to 25% of your army’s points value may be spent on:

• 0-1 Black Orc Warboss, Orc Warboss or Orc Weirdnob • Arachnarok Spiders and Giants
per 1,000 points • 0-1 Mangler Squig per Night Goblin Chief or
• Black Orc Bigbosses, Orc Bigbosses, Orc Weirdboys, Night Goblin Shaman taken
Goblin Bosses, Goblin Shamans, Night Goblin Bosses and • 0-1 Goblin Rock Lobber per 1,000 points
Night Goblin Shamans • 0-1 Doom Diver Catapult per 1,000 points

Core Mercenaries
At least 25% of your army’s points value must be spent on: Up to 20% of your army’s points value may be spent
on mercenaries.
• Orc Mobs, Goblin Mobs, Snotling Mobs,
Goblin Spider Rider Mobs and Goblin Wolf Rider Mobs Allies
• 0-1 Night Goblin Mobs per Night Goblin Chief or Up to 25% of your army’s points value may be spent on a single
Night Goblin Shaman taken allied contingent drawn from:
• 0-1 Night Goblin Squig Herd per Night Goblin Chief or
Night Goblin Shaman taken • Any Orc & Goblin Tribes Army of Infamy composition list
• If your General is a Black Orc Boss, 0-1 Black Orc Mob • One of the following Grand Army composition lists:
may be taken as a Core choice - Warriors of Chaos (Uneasy)
- Beastmen Brayherds (Uneasy)
Special - Tomb Kings of Khemri (Suspicious)
Up to 50% of your army’s points value may be spent on:

• Black Orc Mobs, Troll Mobs, Orc Boar Boy Mobs, Battle Standard Bearer
Orc Boar Chariots, Goblin Wolf Chariots and A single Bigboss (Orc, Black Orc, Goblin or
Snotling Pump Wagons Night Goblin) in your army may be upgraded to be your
• 0-1 Night Goblin Squig Hopper Mob per Battle Standard Bearer for +25 points. In addition to
Night Goblin Chief or Night Goblin Shaman taken their usual allowance of points to spend on magic items,
• 0-2 Goblin Bolt Throwas per 1,000 points a Battle Standard Bearer can purchase a single magic
standard with no points limit.

Orc & Goblin Tribes 11

Character Black Orc Bosses
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Black Orc Warboss 4 7 3 5 5 3 6 4 9 135
Black Orc Bigboss 4 6 3 4 5 2 5 3 8 75

Troop Type: Heavy infantry (character)

Base Size: 30 x 30 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hand weapon and full plate armour

• May take one of the following:
- Additional hand weapon...................................................................................................+3 points
- Great weapon........................................................................................................................+4 points
- Cavalry spear (if appropriately mounted) ..................................................................+2 points
• May take a shield........................................................................................................................+2 points
• May be mounted....................................................................................................................See page 19
Black Orc Bosses • A Black Orc Warboss may purchase magic items up to a total of ..........................100 points
Black Orc Bosses are huge and • A Black Orc Bigboss may purchase magic items up to a total of................................50 points
powerful brutes, possessed
of a cunning intelligence not Special Rules: Choppas, Da Boyz, Furious Charge*, Ignore Panic, Quell Impetuosity,
often exhibited by their kin. Rallying Cry, Waaagh!
They are creatures singularly
focused on war, an occupation *Note that this special rule does not apply to this model’s mount (should it have one).
they take extremely seriously.
Where most Orc Bosses
are given to wanton acts of
bravado on the battlefield,
charging into certain death
to prove their courage to the
Orcs they command, Black
Orc Bosses are rigid in both
discipline and adherence to
their battle plans. As a result,
they command the respect of
Orcs and Goblins alike, and
many Orc tribes are led by
a Black Orc Boss and their
cadre of brutal (but cunning)

12 Orc & Goblin Tribes

Orc Bosses
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Orc Warboss 4 6 2 5 5 3 5 4 8 110
Orc Bigboss 4 5 2 4 5 2 4 3 7 55

Troop Type: Regular infantry (character)

Base Size: 30 x 30 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hand weapon and light armour

• May take one of the following:
- Additional hand weapon...................................................................................................+3 points
- Great weapon........................................................................................................................+4 points
- Cavalry spear (if appropriately mounted)...................................................................+2 points
• May take a shield........................................................................................................................+2 points
• May replace light armour with: Orc Bosses
- Heavy armour.......................................................................................................................+3 points Orc tribes are led by the
Or: biggest and brawniest of their
- The Frenzy special rule (0-1 per 1,000 points)..........................................................+3 points kind, hulking brutes that have
- A Frenzied Orc Boss may have the Warpaint special rule ....................................+5 points bashed their way to positions
• May be mounted....................................................................................................................See page 19 of authority above their peers.
• An Orc Warboss may purchase magic items up to a total of....................................100 points Such leaders amongst Orcs
• An Orc Bigboss may purchase magic items up to a total of .........................................50 points are known as ‘Bosses’ by their
underlings. The bigger and
Special Rules: Choppas, Furious Charge*, Ignore Goblin Panic, Impetuous, Rallying Cry, more powerful the Boss, the
Waaagh!, Warband more grandiose their title
will be. Whilst a humble Boss
*Note that this special rule does not apply to this model’s mount (should it have one). may lead a warrior band, a
Bigboss will lead a tribe and
get to boss around several
smaller Bosses. The biggest
and bestest Bosses, known
as Warbosses, will command
the loyalty of several tribes.
These mighty Orcs get to
boss everyone around (which
is great!).

Orc & Goblin Tribes 13

Orc Shamans
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Orc Weirdnob 4 4 2 4 5 3 4 2 8 140
Orc Weirdboy 4 3 2 3 4 2 3 1 7 65

Troop Type: Regular infantry (character)

Base Size: 30 x 30 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hand weapon

Magic: A Weirdnob is a Level 3 Wizard. A Weirdboy is a Level 1 Wizard. Every Orc

Shaman knows spells from one of the following Lores of Magic:
• Battle Magic
• Elementalism
• Waaagh! Magic

Orc Shamans • May be mounted....................................................................................................................See page 19
An Orc Shaman is a living • May have the Frenzy special rule (0-1 per 1,000 points) .......................................................Free
conduit to the gods of their - A Frenzied Orc Shaman may have the Warpaint special rule.............................+5 points
kind; Gork (famed for being • An Orc Weirdnob may:
brutal, but cunning) and - Be a Level 4 Wizard ..........................................................................................................+30 points
Mork (equally famed for - Purchase magic items up to a total of .........................................................................100 points
being cunning, but brutal). • An Orc Weirdboy may:
These strange creatures wield - Be a Level 2 Wizard ..........................................................................................................+30 points
great magical power drawn - Purchase magic items up to a total of ............................................................................50 points
not just from the Winds of
Magic, but from the power Special Rules: Choppas, Ignore Goblin Panic, Lore of Gork, Mob Rule, Warband
of belief generated by their
kin. As a result, Shamans Mob Rule
do whatever they can to Surrounded by big mobs of battle-hungry Orcs, Shamans crackle with barely-controlled energy,
increase the fervour of those causing their spells to burst forth with tremendous power.
around them, syphoning
off this metaphysical If this character has joined a unit of Orcs with a Unit Strength of 10 or more, they may
energy. Consequently, apply a +1 modifier to any Casting roll they make. Should they leave the unit for any
Orc Shamans are strange reason, or should the unit’s Unit Strength fall below 10, this modifier is lost.
individuals that prance and
gesticulate wildly, gibbering Note that, for the purposes of this rule, a unit of Orcs is considered to be any unit that is made up
and chanting. Whilst entirely of Orcs or Black Orcs, mounted or otherwise.
Orcs enjoy such displays,
many enemies find them
extremely disconcerting!

14 Orc & Goblin Tribes

Goblin Bosses
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Goblin Warboss 4 5 3 4 4 3 5 4 7 60
Goblin Bigboss 4 4 3 4 4 2 4 3 6 35

Troop Type: Regular infantry (character)

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hand weapon

• May take one of the following:
- Additional hand weapon...................................................................................................+3 points
- Great weapon........................................................................................................................+4 points
- Cavalry spear (if appropriately mounted) ..................................................................+2 points
• May take any of the following:
- Shield........................................................................................................................................+2 points
- Light armour .........................................................................................................................+3 points Goblin Bosses
• May be mounted....................................................................................................................See page 19 Where Orcs determine tribal
• A Goblin Warboss may purchase magic items up to a total of ................................100 points hierarchy by a simple method
• A Goblin Bigboss may purchase magic items up to a total of......................................50 points (biggest is best), Goblins must
pursue a less straightforward
Special Rules: Fear of Elves, Impetuous, Rallying Cry, Warband path to power. Amongst
Goblins, a devious mind is the
best weapon. This is hardly
surprising as few Goblins
have the physical strength
or skill at arms to command
the respect of others (though
there are certainly plenty
of hard-gitz that do).
Consequently, Goblin Chiefs
tend to be sneaky individuals,
capable of thinking up
cunning plans and complex
ruses to best their enemies,
stacking the odds in their
favour and ensuring their
kind’s physical weakness is
never an obstacle to victory.

Orc & Goblin Tribes 15

Goblin Shamans
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Goblin Oddnob 4 4 3 3 4 3 4 2 7 135
Goblin Oddgit 4 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 6 60

Troop Type: Regular infantry (character)

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hand weapon

Magic: A Goblin Oddnob is a Level 3 Wizard. A Goblin Oddgit is a Level 1 Wizard. Every
Goblin Shaman knows spells from one of the following Lores of Magic:
• Elementalism
• Waaagh! Magic

Goblin Shamans • May be mounted....................................................................................................................See page 19
Compared to the mighty • A Goblin Oddnob may:
magical prowess displayed by - Be a Level 4 Wizard ..........................................................................................................+30 points
Orc Shamans, the powers of - Purchase magic items up to a total of .........................................................................100 points
a Goblin Shaman are weedy • A Goblin Oddgit may:
and irritating. Or, at least, - Be a Level 2 Wizard ..........................................................................................................+30 points
that’s what Orc Shamans - Purchase magic items up to a total of ............................................................................50 points
tell other Orcs. In truth, the
magic wielded by a Goblin Special Rules: Fear of Elves, Lore of Mork, Warband
Shaman is no less destructive
than that of their larger
kin. Where they differ is
as performers. Whilst Orc
Shamans chant and gyrate
around the battlefield, Goblin
Shamans skulk close by their
kin, working their spells and
commanding their followers
away from the eyes of the
enemy. How this affects
their magic is unclear, but
Goblin Shamans certainly
seem to live longer than their
Orc counterparts.

16 Orc & Goblin Tribes

Night Goblin Bosses
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Night Goblin Warboss 4 5 3 4 4 3 5 4 6 55
Night Goblin Bigboss 4 4 3 4 4 2 4 3 5 30

Troop Type: Regular infantry (character)

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hand weapon

• May take one of the following:
- Additional hand weapon...................................................................................................+3 points
- Great weapon........................................................................................................................+4 points
- Cavalry spear (if appropriately mounted) ..................................................................+2 points
• May take any of the following:
- Shield........................................................................................................................................+2 points
- Light armour .........................................................................................................................+3 points Night Goblin Bosses
• May be mounted on a Giant Cave Squig.........................................................................+25 points The Night Goblin tribes that
• A Night Goblin Warboss may purchase magic items up to a total of....................100 points dwell in the deep caverns
• A Night Goblin Bigboss may purchase magic items up to a total of.........................50 points and abandoned Dwarf
strongholds found far beneath
Special Rules: Fear of Elves, Hatred (Dwarfs), Rallying Cry, Warband the Worlds Edge Mountains
are infamous across the
Old World for being petty
and cowardly creatures. In
truth, Night Goblins are as
vicious and cruel as any of
their surface-dwelling kin,
and their leaders even more
devious and audacious in
their schemes. Often, Night
Goblin Bosses will lead their
tribes in daring sneak attacks
through hidden tunnels
against Dwarf holds, raiding
ancient tombs for their
treasures and desecrating the
tunnels and vaults in which
the Dwarfs make their homes.
In this way, Night Goblin
Bosses keep alive the ancient
enmity that exists between
Dwarfs and their kind.

Orc & Goblin Tribes 17

Night Goblin Shamans
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Night Goblin Oddnob 4 4 3 3 4 3 4 2 6 130
Night Goblin Oddgit 4 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 5 55

Troop Type: Regular infantry (character)

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hand weapon

Magic: A Night Goblin Oddnob is a Level 3 Wizard. A Night Goblin Oddgit is a Level
1 Wizard. Every Night Goblin Shaman knows spells from one of the following Lores
of Magic:
• Illusion
• Waaagh! Magic

Night Goblin Shamans • A Night Goblin Oddnob may:
Under the watchful gaze of - Be a Level 4 Wizard ..........................................................................................................+30 points
their Shamans, Night Goblins - Purchase magic items up to a total of .........................................................................100 points
cultivate many strange types • A Night Goblin Oddgit may:
of fungus. Some of these - Be a Level 2 Wizard ..........................................................................................................+30 points
are used as food, but many - Purchase magic items up to a total of ............................................................................50 points
more are grown for their
hallucinogenic or intoxicating Special Rules: Fear of Elves, Hatred (Dwarfs), Lore of Mork, Warband
properties, or because they
affect the Goblin metabolism
in some other way. Night
Goblin Shamans prepare
for battle by brewing potent
fungus wines and beers
which greatly enhance their
magical prowess (or increase
their confidence as spell
casters, at least), if rendering
them paranoid and twitchy
at the same time. As they
grow steadily more drunk,
they sing loudly so that their
voices fill the tunnels of the
Worlds Edge Mountains
and echo through the
Dwarf strongholds.

18 Orc & Goblin Tribes

Character Mounts
A character that can be mounted may choose a mount from the following list. Some
mounts are covered in detail on the following pages. Those that are not have their own
dedicated entries later in this army list.

An Orc or Black Orc Warboss or Bigboss may be mounted on a:

• War Boar.....................................................................................................................................+16 points
• Boar Chariot............................................................................................................................See page 33
• Wyvern (Orc Warbosses and Black Orc Warbosses only) ......................................See page 35

An Orc Weirdnob or Weirdboy may be mounted on a:

• War Boar.....................................................................................................................................+16 points
• Wyvern (Orc Weirdnobs only).........................................................................................See page 35

A Goblin Warboss or Bigboss may be mounted on a:

• Giant Wolf..................................................................................................................................+10 points
• Gigantic Spider .........................................................................................................................+35 points War Boars
• Wolf Chariot............................................................................................................................See page 34 A War Boar is a huge beast,
boasting a tough hide and
A Goblin Oddnob or Oddgit may be mounted on a: wire-like pelt stretched
• Giant Wolf..................................................................................................................................+10 points taut over prodigious muscle
• Wolf Chariot............................................................................................................................See page 34 mass and topped off with
• Arachnarok Spider (Goblin Oddnobs only).................................................................See page 36 huge tusks and a wicked
temperament. In many ways,
A Night Goblin Warboss or Bigboss may be mounted on a: this description could be
• Giant Cave Squig......................................................................................................................+25 points applied to the average Orc,
making it obvious why the
War Boar two species are so compatible.

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points Giant Wolves

War Boar 7 3 - 3 - - 3 1 - +16 Standing as tall as a pony,
Giant Wolves are found all
Troop Type: Heavy cavalry across the Old World, from
Base Size: 30 x 60 mm the forests of the Empire to
Unit Size: 1 the open steppes of Kislev.
Equipment: Tusks (counts as a hand weapon) Goblins prize Giant Wolves
Special Rules: Armoured Hide (1), Counter Charge, Swiftstride, Tusker Charge as mounts for their speed and
ferocity. Giant Wolves prize
Goblins as keepers and riders
Giant Wolf because they are plentiful
and edible.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Giant Wolf 9 3 - 3 - - 3 1 - +10

Troop Type: Light cavalry

Base Size: 25 x 50 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Claws and fangs (counts as a hand weapon)
Special Rules: Chariot Runners, Fast Cavalry, Fire & Flee, Swiftstride

Orc & Goblin Tribes 19

Gigantic Spider
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Gigantic Spider 7 4 - 4 - (+1) 4 3 - +35
Note: A character mounted on a Gigantic Spider has +1 Wound.

Troop Type: Light cavalry

Base Size: 50 x 50 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Claws and fangs (counts as a hand weapon)
Special Rules: Armoured Hide (1), Fast Cavalry, Poisoned Attacks, Swiftstride

Giant Cave Squig

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Giant Cave Squig 3D6 4 - 5 - (+1) 3 3 - +25
Note: A character mounted on a Giant Cave Squig has +1 Wound.
Gigantic Spiders
Of the many foul creatures Troop Type: Monstrous cavalry
that reside within the forests Base Size: 50 x 50 mm
of the Old World, amongst Unit Size: 1
the most unpleasant to behold Equipment: Massive Gob (see below)
are Gigantic Spiders. These Special Rules: Armoured Hide (1), Hatred (Dwarfs), Impact Hits (D3), Loner,
creatures are highly valued Random Movement
by Goblins as mounts, both
for their speed through even R S AP Special Rules
the densest of terrain and Massive Gob Combat S -1 Armour Bane (1), Killing Blow
for their wickedly sharp and
venomous fangs.

Giant Cave Squigs

All Squigs are vicious mounts,
as dangerous to their riders
as to the enemy, but Giant
Cave Squigs are positively
deadly. These monstrous balls
of hatred are much stronger
and heavier than their riders,
and only the most courageous
of Night Goblins will survive
the process of mounting such
a beast.

20 Orc & Goblin Tribes

Black Orc Mobs Infantry
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Black Orc 4 4 3 4 4 1 3 1 8 12
Black Orc Boss 4 4 3 4 4 1 3 2 8 +6

Troop Type: Heavy infantry

Base Size: 30 x 30 mm
Unit Size: 5+
Equipment: Hand weapons and full plate armour

• Any model in the unit may take one of the following:
- Additional hand weapon................................................................................+1 point per model
- Great weapon...................................................................................................+2 points per model
• Any model in the unit may take a shield ........................................................+1 point per model
• Any unit may:
- Upgrade one model to a Boss (champion) .................................................+6 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+6 points per unit Black Orcs
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+6 points per unit Black Orcs are the biggest,
- Purchase a magic standard worth up to........................................................................50 points meanest and strongest of all
• A Boss may purchase magic items up to a total of...........................................................25 points Orcs, towering above their
• 0-1 unit in your army may: lesser kin. Many believe they
- Have the Stubborn special rule....................................................................+1 point per model get their name from their
- Have the Veteran special rule.......................................................................+1 point per model dark green hides, though in
truth, the name probably
Special Rules: Choppas, Close Order, Da Boyz, Furious Charge, Ignore Panic, originates from their dark
Motley Crew, Quell Impetuosity sense of humour (there is
little a Black Orc finds more
amusing than the misfortune
of others, other than being
the cause of that misfortune,
of course). Few in number
compared to their weedier
kin, Black Orcs tend to
group together into elite
and disciplined warrior
cadres that accompany only
the toughest of Warbosses
to battle.

Orc & Goblin Tribes 21

Orc Mobs
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Orc Boy 4 3 3 3 4 1 3 1 6 5
Boss 4 3 3 3 4 1 3 2 7 +7

Troop Type: Regular infantry

Base Size: 30 x 30 mm
Unit Size: 5+
Equipment: Hand weapons and light armour

• The entire unit may take one of the following:
- Warbows...........................................................................................................................................Free
- Additional hand weapons..............................................................................+1 point per model
- Thrusting spears ...............................................................................................+1 point per model
- Throwing spears................................................................................................+1 point per model
Orcs • The entire unit may take shields........................................................................+1 point per model
In battle, Orc Boyz (as Orc • Any unit may:
warriors call themselves) form - Upgrade one model to a Boss (champion) .................................................+7 points per unit
up into rag-tag regiments - Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+5 points per unit
that surge towards the enemy - Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+5 points per unit
with great enthusiasm. These • A Boss may purchase magic items up to a total of...........................................................25 points
mobs fight with a wide array • 0-1 unit in your army may:
of weapons, from crude hand - Have the Big ’Uns special rule....................................................................+2 points per model
weapons and hefty throwing - Replace the Close Order special rule with Skirmishers ...................................................Free
spears, to surprisingly • 0-1 unit per 1,000 points may:
effective bows. For all their - Replace light armour with the Frenzy special rule ...............................+1 point per model
enthusiasm, Orc mobs can - Purchase a magic standard worth up to........................................................................50 points
lack discipline, often rushing • A Frenzied unit may:
uncontrollably towards the - Have the Warpaint special rule ...................................................................+1 point per model
enemy, only to suddenly halt - Take Big Stabbas .................................................................................................+5 points per unit
for a breather, directly in the
path of an enemy charge. Yet, Special Rules: Choppas, Close Order, Ignore Goblin Panic, Impetuous, Warband
what they lack in direction,
Orcs more than make up for Big Stabbas
in ferocity, for when combat Some Orcs craft huge spears for hunting great beasts. When hurled from the ranks of a charging
is joined, an Orc mob is a mob, these oversized weapons can do tremendous damage.
terrible foe!
A unit with Big Stabbas has the Impact Hits (D3) special rule.

Note that this special rule applies to the unit as a whole, not to the individual models within it.

22 Orc & Goblin Tribes

Goblin Mobs
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Goblin 4 2 3 3 3 1 2 1 5 3
Boss 4 2 3 3 3 1 2 2 6 +7

Troop Type: Regular infantry

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 10+
Equipment: Hand weapons and shields

• The entire unit may:
- Take thrusting spears.......................................................................................+1 point per model
- Replace shields with shortbows...................................................................+1 point per model
• The entire unit may take light armour............................................................+1 point per model
• Any unit may:
- Upgrade one model to a Boss (champion) .................................................+7 points per unit Goblins
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+5 points per unit Individually, Goblins are
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+5 points per unit cowardly creatures, but the
- Include 0-3 Nasty Skulkers ..................................................................................+10 points each more Goblins there are, the
• 0-1 unit per 1,000 points may: safer each individual feels,
- Replace the Close Order special rule with Skirmishers ...................................................Free believing that harm is more
- Purchase a magic standard worth up to........................................................................50 points likely to befall someone
else. They also draw great
Special Rules: Close Order, Fear of Elves, Horde, Impetuous, Warband pleasure from seeing one
another maimed and killed
in gruesome fashion, and
the raucous laughter caused
by such tragedy emboldens
the survivors. Goblins are
not skilled warriors, but by
fighting in sufficiently large
numbers they can overcome
almost any enemy.

Orc & Goblin Tribes 23

Nasty Skulkers
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Nasty Skulker 4 4 3 3 3 1 4 2 6 +10

Troop Type: Regular infantry

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hand weapons and light armour
Special Rules: Armour Bane (2), Fear of Elves, Horde, Skulking Menace, Strike First

Skulking Menace
Hiding within Goblin ranks, out of sight of the enemy, Nasty Skulkers await their chance to strike.

Nasty Skulkers are not placed on the battlefield at the start of the game. Instead, make a
note of which Goblin Mobs include Nasty Skulkers, and of how many they include. These
units are referred to as ‘concealing’ units. At the start of its first round of combat, during
Step 1.1 of the Choose Combat & Fight sub-phase, a concealing unit must reveal its Nasty
Nasty Skulkers Skulkers – they cannot be revealed at any other time. Position each revealed Nasty Skulker
Hiding amongst the ranks as you would a character that has joined the unit. Once placed, Nasty Skulkers cannot
of Goblin mobs, Nasty leave their concealing unit. If a concealing unit is destroyed or flees the battlefield before its
Skulkers are Goblins Nasty Skulkers are revealed, they are removed as casualties.
particularly well-versed in
the art of stabbing an enemy
in the back. When battle is Snotling Mobs
joined, Nasty Skulkers will
spring forth to strike at the M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
unsuspecting enemy. Snotlings 5 2 2 2 2 6 3 5 4 35

Snotlings Troop Type: Swarms

Snotlings are diminutive Base Size: 40 x 40 mm
creatures with pea-sized Unit Size: 2+
brains that infest Orc and Equipment: Hand weapons and throwing weapons
Goblin encampments, Special Rules: Immune to Psychology, Impetuous, Loner, Open Order, Skirmishers,
scavenging, stealing and Unbreakable, Vanguard
generally getting in the way.
Yet their larger kin tolerate
them, for they take to the
most mundane of tasks
with boundless enthusiasm.
In battle, Snotlings swarm
together in vast numbers,
ignoring all danger as they
rush towards the enemy.

24 Orc & Goblin Tribes

Night Goblin Mobs
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Night Goblin 4 2 3 3 3 1 3 1 4 3
Boss 4 2 3 3 3 1 3 2 5 +7

Troop Type: Regular infantry

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 10+
Equipment: Hand weapons and shields

• The entire unit may:
- Take thrusting spears.......................................................................................+1 point per model
- Replace shields with shortbows...................................................................+1 point per model
• Any unit may:
- Upgrade one model to a Boss (champion) .................................................+7 points per unit Night Goblins
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+5 points per unit Long ago, Goblin tribes
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+5 points per unit ventured into the deep caves
- Have the Netters special rule........................................................................+20 points per unit and caverns beneath the
- Include 0-3 Fanatics................................................................................................+25 points each Worlds Edge Mountains.
• 0-1 unit per 1,000 points may purchase a magic standard worth up to...................50 points Here they found vast
underground realms to
Special Rules: Close Order, Fear of Elves, Hatred (Dwarfs), Horde, Warband inhabit and uncovered hidden
ways into the lairs of the
Netters Dwarfs, the better to make
In dark underground tunnels, Night Goblins throw nets to entangle their prey. war upon their enemies.
Over the centuries, these
When this unit’s combat is chosen during Step 1.1 of any Choose & Fight Combat sub- Goblins became distinct in
phase, it may attempt to ‘entangle’ one enemy unit it is engaged with. Roll a D6. On a roll of type and are now known as
1, the unit has entangled itself. On a roll of 2+, the enemy unit is entangled. Until the end Night Goblins. Night Goblins
of the Combat phase, an entangled unit suffers a -1 modifier to its Strength characteristic have become so accustomed
(to a minimum of 1). to the dark that when they
come out into the open, they
Note that this modifier is not cumulative. prefer to move around at
night and hide away during
the day. Many of them wear
long ragged cloaks, dangling
caps and hooded coats that
protect them from the
loathed sunlight.

Orc & Goblin Tribes 25

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Fanatic * * * 5 3 1 5 * 10 +25

Troop Type: Regular infantry

Base Size: 25 mm (round base)
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Fanatic ball & chain (see below)
Special Rules: Immune to Psychology, Release the Fanatics!

Release the Fanatics!

As the enemy draws near, mobs of Night Goblins unleash Fanatics in a whirlwind of destruction.

Fanatics are not placed on the battlefield at the start of the game. Instead, make a note of
which Night Goblin units include Fanatics, and of how many they include. These units are
referred to as ‘concealing’ units. A concealing unit may release one or more of its Fanatics
during any Start of Turn sub-phase.
Night Goblin Fanatics are When a Fanatic is released, it travels through the air to land spinning several feet away
crazed individuals that from its concealing unit, before embarking upon its erratic journey across the battlefield.
wield huge, spiked metal To represent this, place the model so that its base is within 3" of its concealing unit and not
balls attached to lengths of touching the bases of any other models.
chain. Fuelled by a potent
mushroom brew, these insane Fanatic Movement: During the Compulsory Moves sub-phase of the turn in which it
creatures are unleashed from was released, a Fanatic moves 2D6" in a direction chosen by its controlling player. During
mobs of Night Goblins to each and every other Compulsory Moves sub-phase, a Fanatic Moves 2D6" in a random
wreak havoc upon the enemy. direction. If a Fanatic’s movement brings it into contact with a unit (friend or foe), it moves
through that unit. Continue to move it in the same direction until it can be placed on the
battlefield with its base not touching the bases of any other models.

Note that, unlike other models, Fanatics ignore the 1" rule.

Moving Through a Fanatic: Although dangerous, any unit may move through a Fanatic.
Should a unit ever end its move ‘on top’ of a Fanatic, move the Fanatic by the shortest route
possible until it can be placed on the battlefield with its base not touching the bases of
any models.

Fanatic Ball & Chain: Any unit (friend or foe) that is moved through by a moving Fanatic,
or that moves through a Fanatic, suffers D6 Strength 5 hits, each with an AP of -3.

Death of a Fanatic: A Fanatic model cannot be charged, targeted or attacked in any way.
However, the life of a Fanatic is no less dangerous for this. Should a Fanatic find itself lying
fully or partially underneath a template (one placed over a nearby unit, for example, or
that has scattered), it risks being hit as normal. Additionally, if any natural double is rolled
for its movement, or if a Fanatic moves into any difficult, dangerous or impassable terrain,
or any type of linear obstacle, it comes to a sudden and terminal stop, and is immediately
removed from play as a casualty. Finally, if a concealing unit is destroyed or flees the
battlefield before its Fanatics have been released, they are removed as casualties.

26 Orc & Goblin Tribes

Night Goblin Squig Herds
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Squig Herder 4 2 3 3 3 1 3 1 6 3
Cave Squig 4 4 - 5 3 1 4 2 3 10

Troop Type: Regular infantry

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 1+/5+*
• Squig Herders: Assorted squig-herding implements (counts as hand weapons)
• Cave Squigs: Huge gobs (see below)

• Any Squig Herder in the unit may take a thrusting spear........................+1 point per model

Special Rules: Hatred (Dwarfs), Immune to Psychology, Impetuous, Loner,

Motley Crew*, Open Order, Skirmishers, Squigs Go Wild, Warband
Squig Herds
*When writing your muster list, a Night Goblin Squig Herd must contain at least one Squig Cave Squigs are improbable
Herder for every five Cave Squigs. Cave Squigs always occupy the front rank(s) of the unit, pushing creatures with almost
past any Squig Herders to get there if necessary (such as when the unit turns). spherical bodies, dominated
by huge mouths lined with
Squigs Go Wild jagged rows of teeth, above
A herd of Cave Squigs is held together by the weakest glue – the best efforts of a few Night Goblins. which perch snub noses
Once that glue breaks and control of a herd is lost, the Cave Squigs will bounce towards freedom. and beady eyes. They move
by means of hopping and
Should a Squig Herd ever Break and flee from combat, the Cave Squigs will go wild. If the bouncing upon a pair of
Squig Herd contains five or more Cave Squigs, every unit (friend or foe) within 2D6" of it muscular legs steered (for
suffers D3 Strength 5 hits, each with an AP of -1. For every additional five Cave Squigs the want of a better term) by
Squig Herd contains, apply a +1 modifier to the D3. Once these hits have been resolved, thick tails. These brutish
treat the unit as having been completely destroyed in combat and remove it from play. creatures are highly prized
by Night Goblins, both as
R S AP Special Rules war beasts and for their
Huge gob Combat S -1 Armour Bane (1) meat, which is considered
a delicacy. Cave Squigs are
herded together by brave
Night Goblins and goaded
into battle with long, sharp
sticks and clamorous music,
the combination of which
seems to rile them up very
well indeed!

Orc & Goblin Tribes 27

Troll Mobs
Common Troll Mobs M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Common Troll 6 3 1 5 4 3 2 3 4 41

River Troll Mobs M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points

River Troll 6 3 1 5 4 4 1 3 4 49

Stone Troll Mobs M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points

Stone Troll 6 3 1 5 4 3 1 3 5 45

Troop Type: Monstrous infantry

Base Size: 40 x 40 mm
Unit Size: 1-9
Equipment: Hand weapons, Troll vomit (see below) and
Calloused hides (counts as light armour)

Trolls Options:
Trolls are hulking creatures • The entire unit may take one of the following:
whose hunched appearance - Additional hand weapons............................................................................+3 points per model
belies their powerful nature. - Great weapons.................................................................................................+4 points per model
They can physically adapt
to their environment. River Special Rules:
Trolls, for example, are • Common Trolls: Armour Bane (1), Close Order, Fear, Flammable, Regeneration (5+),
bloated creatures with slimy Stupidity
hides and a terrible stench • River Trolls: Armour Bane (1), Close Order, Fear, Flammable, Regeneration (5+),
who dwell along river banks Stupidity
and deep within swamps • Stone Trolls: Armour Bane (1), Armoured Hide (1), Close Order, Fear, Flammable,
and marshes. Stone Trolls, Magic Resistance (-1), Regeneration (5+), Stupidity
by contrast, are long-limbed
brutes with stone-dry, R S AP Special Rules
cracked hides that can be Troll vomit Combat 3 -2 -
found wandering the slopes Notes: A Troll that is in base contact with an enemy model may make one additional attack each
and passes of the Old World’s turn with this weapon. This attack must be made last, after all other attacks have been made
many mountain ranges. (including Stomp Attacks), but hits automatically.

Despite their many physical

differences, all Trolls are dim
creatures with indiscriminate
appetites, and will eat
anything from flesh and bone,
to wood, rocks and even scrap
metal. Not surprisingly, the
stomach of a Troll contains
potent digestive juices which
Trolls can vomit up onto
their enemies.

28 Orc & Goblin Tribes

Orc Boar Boy Mobs Cavalry
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Boar Boy - 3 3 3 4 1 3 1 6 15
Boss - 3 3 3 4 1 3 2 7 +8
War Boar 7 3 - 3 - - 3 1 - -

Troop Type: Heavy cavalry

Base Size: 30 x 60 mm
Unit Size: 4+
• Boar Boyz: Hand weapons and light armour
• War Boars: Tusks (counts as hand weapons)

• The entire unit may take any of the following:
- Cavalry spears....................................................................................................+1 point per model
- Shields...................................................................................................................+1 point per model
• The entire unit may replace light armour with heavy armour...............+1 point per model Boar Boyz
• Any unit may: The War Boar is an extremely
- Upgrade one model to a Boss (champion) .................................................+8 points per unit tough beast that is notoriously
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+6 points per unit bad tempered, loudly
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+6 points per unit flatulent, wholly dangerous
• A Boss may purchase magic items up to a total of...........................................................25 points and wildly unpredictable – all
• 0-1 unit in your army may have the Big ’Uns special rule ......................+2 points per model qualities that Orcs greatly
• 0-1 unit per 1,000 points may: admire, so it is only natural
- Replace light armour with the Frenzy special rule ...............................+1 point per model that Orcs have adopted War
- Purchase a magic standard worth up to........................................................................50 points Boars as their mounts. Boars
• A Frenzied unit may have the Warpaint special rule .................................+1 point per model are slow to reach a full gallop,
but once they do, they are
Special Rules: Armoured Hide (1), Choppas, Close Order, Counter Charge, almost unstoppable, their
Furious Charge (Orc Boar Boys & Boss only), Ignore Goblin Panic, powerfully churning legs
Impetuous, Swiftstride, Tusker Charge, Warband propelling them into the
enemy where their goring
tusks and stamping hooves
can do untold damage. From
atop their precarious perch,
an Orc can set about the
foe with spear and choppa,
knowing that should they fall,
their mount will give them a
proper good kicking!

Orc & Goblin Tribes 29

Goblin Spider Rider Mobs
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Spider Rider - 2 3 3 3 1 3 1 5 12
Boss - 2 3 3 3 1 3 2 6 +7
Giant Spider 7 3 - 3 - - 4 1 - -

Troop Type: Light cavalry

Base Size: 25 x 50 mm
Unit Size: 5+
• Spider Rider: Hand weapons and shields
• Giant Spiders: Poisonous fangs (counts as hand weapons)

• The entire unit may take any of the following:
- Cavalry spears....................................................................................................+1 point per model
- Shortbows............................................................................................................+1 point per model
Goblin Spider Riders - Light armour ......................................................................................................+1 point per model
Many Goblin tribes can • Any unit may:
be found in the depths - Upgrade one model to a Boss (champion) .................................................+7 points per unit
of wooded areas and are - Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+5 points per unit
especially concentrated in a - Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+5 points per unit
wide forested belt south of the • 0-1 unit per 1,000 points may purchase a magic standard worth up to...................50 points
Empire, stretching the length
of the Border Princes from Special Rules: Fast Cavalry, Fear of Elves, Impetuous, Move through Cover, Open Order,
Black Fire Pass in the east Poisoned Attacks, Swiftstride, Warband
to Tilea in the west. These
forests are full of all kinds of
spiders, the largest of which
are hunted and captured by
Goblins, who highly value
them as mounts. Spiders are
good fighters, with mandibles
like steel pincers and, though
not as fast as wolves or
horses, are able to traverse
even the most hazardous of
terrain quickly thanks to their
many legs.

30 Orc & Goblin Tribes

Goblin Wolf Rider Mobs
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Wolf Rider - 2 3 3 3 1 3 1 5 10
Boss - 2 3 3 3 1 3 2 6 +7
Giant Wolf 9 3 - 3 - - 3 1 - -

Troop Type: Light cavalry

Base Size: 25 x 50 mm
Unit Size: 5+
• Wolf Riders: Hand weapons and shields
• Giant Wolves: Claws and fangs (counts as hand weapons)

• The entire unit may:
- Take cavalry spears........................................................................................................................Free
Or: Goblin Wolf Riders
- Replace shields with shortbows................................................................................................Free Many Goblin tribes are
• The entire unit may take light armour............................................................+1 point per model nomadic in nature, traversing
• Any unit may: the wildernesses of the Old
- Upgrade one model to a Boss (champion) .................................................+7 points per unit World and the Badlands in
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+5 points per unit huge, ramshackle caravans.
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+5 points per unit These nomadic Goblins breed
• 0-1 unit per 1,000 points may: Giant Wolves as mounts,
- Have the Feigned Flight special rule ........................................................+2 points per model fast and agile hunters that
- Have the Reserve Move special rule ..........................................................+1 point per model can cover vast distances with
- Purchase a magic standard worth up to........................................................................50 points ease. Roaming packs of Wolf
Riders proceed ahead of
Special Rules: Chariot Runners, Fast Cavalry, Fear of Elves, Fire & Flee, Impetuous, these caravans, scouting out
Open Order, Skirmishers, Swiftstride, Warband the land and pouncing upon
any foe foolish enough to be
caught alone in the wide-open
spaces. In battle, Goblins use
these mounts to great effect,
encircling the enemy, wearing
them down with arrows and
launching lightning-quick
attacks, then vanishing into
the distance before even a
single retaliatory blow can
be struck.

Orc & Goblin Tribes 31

Night Goblin Squig Hopper Mobs
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Squig Hopper - 2 3 3 3 1 3 1 5 12
Boss - 2 3 3 3 1 3 2 6 +6
Bounder Squig 3D6 4 - 5 - - 4 2 - -

Troop Type: Light cavalry

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 5+
• Squig Hoppers: Hand weapons
• Bounder Squigs: Huge gobs (see below)

• The entire unit may take any of the following:
- Cavalry spears....................................................................................................+1 point per model
- Light armour ......................................................................................................+1 point per model
Squig Hoppers • Any unit may upgrade one model to a Boss (champion) ............................+6 points per unit
All Squigs are naturally • A Boss may purchase magic items up to a total of...........................................................25 points
bouncy creatures, and the
most bouncy and energetic Special Rules: Hatred (Dwarfs), Immune to Psychology, Impact Hits (1), Loner,
are called Bounder Squigs Open Order, Random Movement, Skirmishers, Warband
by Night Goblins. Bounder
Squigs are highly prized as R S AP Special Rules
cavalry mounts for not only Huge gob Combat S -1 Armour Bane (1)
are they vicious brutes with
gigantic gobs lined with
razor-sharp teeth, but they
can literally bowl the enemy
over with their bodies as
they bound enthusiastically
forward into the enemy lines.
However, a Bounder Squig is a
treacherous mount, and many
a foolhardy Goblin has met
a sticky end trying to tame
their mount, either crushed
beneath its thrashing weight
or pulverised against the roof
of an underground cavern.

32 Orc & Goblin Tribes

Orc Boar Chariots
M WS BS S T W IChariot
A Ld Points
Chariot - - - 5 5 4 - - - 90
Orc Crew (x2) - 3 3 3 - - 3 1 7 -
War Boars (x2) 7 3 - 3 - - 3 1 - -

Troop Type: Heavy chariot

Base Size: 50 x 100 mm
Unit Size: 1
Armour Value: 4+
• Orc Crew: Hand weapons and cavalry spears
• War Boars: Tusks (counts as hand weapons)

• May add a third Orc crew member.....................................................................................+5 points
• 0-1 per 1,000 points may have the Frenzy special rule................................+2 points per crew
• A Frenzied chariot may have the Warpaint special rule ............................................+10 points Boar Chariots
By lashing together roughly
Special Rules: Choppas, Close Order, First Charge, Ignore Goblin Panic, hewn planks and bolting
Impact Hits (D6+1), Impetuous, Tusker Charge, Warband round(ish) wheels to a
sturdy axel, Orcs can build
formidable chariots. These
Character Mount: An Orc Boar Chariot may be included in your army as a bulky constructs are drawn by
character’s mount. If so, its points are added to that of its rider. War Boars reluctantly goaded
to motion by sharp prods.
Suitably encouraged, a pair of
War Boars can heave even the
heaviest chariot forward with
remarkable speed, building
up considerable momentum
as they thunder forwards.
Owning a chariot is a mark
of prestige amongst Orcs, and
a chariot’s crew are viewed
with great envy by their more
pedestrian comrades. Keen to
make the most of their status
in the eyes of others, Orc
charioteers will constantly
mess with their vehicle,
adding extra ornamentation
and painting them in bold,
flashy colours.

Orc & Goblin Tribes 33

Goblin Wolf Chariots
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Chariot - - - 5 4 3 - - - 53
Goblin Crew (x3) - 2 3 3 - - 3 1 6 -
Giant Wolves (x2) 9 3 - 3 - - 3 1 - -

Troop Type: Light chariot

Base Size: 50 x 100 mm (two wolves), 60 x 100 mm (three wolves)
Unit Size: 1-5
Armour Value: 5+
• Goblin Crew: Hand weapons, cavalry spears and shortbows
• Giant Wolves: Claws and fangs (counts as hand weapons)

• Any Goblin Wolf Chariot may add a third Giant Wolf..........................+5 points per model
Wolf Chariots • Any unit may upgrade one model to include a standard bearer ..............+5 points per unit
Surprisingly well-built from
scavenged materials, Goblin Special Rules: Fear of Elves, Impact Hits (D3+1), Impetuous, Open Order,
chariots are lightweight Swiftstride, Warband
things built for speed rather
than durability, the crews of
which much prefer to race Character Mount: A Goblin Wolf Chariot may be included in your army as a
around the enemy, raining character’s mount. If so, its points are added to that of its rider.
arrows upon them from afar,
than to charge thunderously
into melee. Drawn by fleet-
footed Giant Wolves, Goblin Snotling Pump Wagons
chariots race around the
battlefields of the Old World, M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
sowing havoc in their wake. Pump Wagon 2D6 - - 4 4 3 - - - 35
Snotling Crew (x6) - 2 2 2 - - 3 1 4 -
Snotling Pump Wagons
A Pump Wagon is little more Troop Type: Light chariot
than a ramshackle wooden Base Size: 50 x 75 mm (min), 50 x 100 mm (max)
hut on wheels. It moves under Unit Size: 1-6
its own power provided, Armour Value: 6+
not by draft animals, but Equipment:
by the frantic efforts of • Snotling Crew: Hand weapons and throwing weapons
Snotlings. This drives a
simple mechanism that keeps Special Rules: Armour Bane (3, Pump Wagon Impact Hits only), Immune to Psychology,
the Pump Wagon moving, Impact Hits (D3+1), Loner, Open Order, Random Movement
crushing and piercing any foes
unfortunate enough to fall
beneath it.

34 Orc & Goblin Tribes

Wyverns Monster
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Wyvern 4 5 - 6 (+1) (+4) 3 3 - +130
Notes: A character mounted on a Wyvern has +1 Toughness and +4 Wounds.

Troop Type: Monstrous creature

Base Size: 50 x 100 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Wicked claws (see below), venomous tail (see below) and
scaly skin (counts as heavy armour)
Special Rules: Close Order, Fly (9), Large Target, Stomp Attacks (D3),
Swiftstride, Terror

R S AP Special Rules
Wicked claws Combat S -2 -

R S AP Special Rules
Venomous tail Combat S - Poisoned Attacks, Strike First Wyverns
Note: In combat, this model must make one of its attacks each turn with this weapon. From a distance, a Wyvern
swooping and soaring
between mountain peaks
Character Mount: A Wyvern may only be included in your army as a character’s might be mistaken for a
mount. Its points are added to that of its rider. Dragon. Up close, there can
be no such confusion. Where
Dragons are haughty and
noble creatures, Wyverns are
filthy, foul smelling beasts
with jagged and dirty teeth
protruding from their heavy
jaws, making a Wyvern the
perfect mount for any Orc
that possesses enough brute
force and ignorance to master
one. As mounts, Wyverns
are well-equipped for battle.
Their pot-bellied bodies are
protected by layers of fat
and thick, scaly hides. Their
gnarled feet and ragged wings
are tipped with savage claws,
and their long, lumpy tails
end in venomous barbs.

Orc & Goblin Tribes 35

Arachnarok Spiders
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Arachnarok Spider 7 4 - 5 6 7 4 6 - 310
Goblin Crew (x8) - 2 3 3 - - 3 1 7 -

Troop Type: Behemoth

Base Size: 100 x 150 mm
Unit Size: 1
Armour Value: 4+
• Arachnarok Spider: Poisonous fangs (counts as a hand weapon) and
venom surge (see below)
• Goblin Crew: Hand weapons, cavalry spears and shortbows

• May take a spidersilk lobber ................................................................................................+35 points

Arachnarok Spiders Special Rules: Close Order, Howdah, Immune to Psychology, Large Target,
Of all the giant spiders that Move through Cover, Poisoned Attacks, Stomp Attacks (D6), Stubborn,
haunt the forests of the Old Swiftstride, Terror
World, the largest and most
terrible are the Arachnarok. R S AP
Special Rules
These hideous behemoths Venom surge Combat S -2
Multiple Wounds (D6), Poisoned Attacks,
spin their vast webs in the Strike First
deepest woods, preying Notes: In combat, this model may choose to make one of its attacks each turn with this weapon.
upon the great beasts that
dwell within these dark R S AP Special Rules
places. Goblin tribes view Spidersilk lobber 12-48" 2 (4) - (-1) Bombardment, Cumbersome
Arachnarok Spiders as Notes: This weapon shoots like a stone thrower, using the ‘Bombardment’ special rule and a 5"
god-like beings compared blast template. If a ‘Misfire’ is rolled on the Artillery dice, this model loses a single Wound (instead
to lesser arachnids. Some of rolling on a Misfire table).
Goblin Shamans have learned
to subdue and control
Arachnarok Spiders through Character Mount: An Arachnarok Spider may be included in your army as a
use of magic and hypnotising character’s mount. If so, its points are added to that of its rider.
dance. Suitably satiated
with tribute and lulled into Note that, because it has the Howdah special rule (and its own crew, which the character joins),
a trance by the gyrating an Arachnarok Spider is considered to be a chariot mount (as described in the Warhammer:
dance of a Shaman, many the Old World rulebook), rather than a ridden monster.
Arachnarok Spiders awaken
to find scaffolds and howdahs
of wood and hide erected
upon their backs, packed full
of Goblins eager for war.

36 Orc & Goblin Tribes

Mangler Squigs
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Mangler Squig 3D6 4 0 6 5 4 3 D6 4 95

Troop Type: Behemoth

Base Size: 50 x 75 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Colossal fang-filled gob (see below) and
scaly skin (counts as heavy armour)
Special Rules: Close Order, Hatred (Dwarfs), Immune to Psychology, Impact Hits (D6),
Ker-splat, Large Target, Random Attacks, Random Movement,
Spiked Ball & Chains, Stomp Attacks (D3), Timmm-berrr!

Mangler Squigs are careless beasts that bound merrily through life. Unfortunately, this can often
lead to injury when they encounter terrain unwilling to get out of their way!
Mangler Squigs
Mangler Squigs treat all difficult terrain as dangerous terrain. Only the most thoroughly
unhinged Night Goblin would
Spiked Ball & Chains try to catch a Great Cave
Night Goblins attempt to control Mangler Squigs by means of long, heavy lengths of spiked chain Squig, and only an absolute
fitted with heavy iron balls. This seldom works, but it does make them more dangerous. lunatic with little regard for
life would dare chain together
Impact Hits caused by this model have an Armour Piercing characteristic of -3. two Great Cave Squigs, climb
atop one, and then prod them
R S AP Special Rules with a pointed stick. Known
Colossal Combat S -2 Killing Blow as Mangler Squigs, these
fang-filled gob bounding balls of destruction
can tear apart a battle
line with brutal savagery.
Alternately pulling, yanking
and dragging each other
along, the two fettered Great
Squigs hurtle forwards in
great bounds. Upon landing,
Mangler Squigs produce
an impact that is nothing
short of spectacular. The
devastation such creatures
produce makes them truly
worthy of their name!

Orc & Goblin Tribes 37

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Giant 6 3 1 6 6 6 2 * 10 200

Troop Type: Behemoth

Base Size: 50 x 50 mm (min), 50 x 75 mm (max)
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Giant’s club (see opposite) and calloused hide (counts as light armour)
Special Rules: Close Order, *Giant Attacks, Immune to Psychology, Large Target,
*Pick Up And…, Stomp Attacks (D6), Terror, Timmm-berrr!, Unbreakable

*Giant Attacks
Giants do not attack in the same way as other creatures. They are far too large and fractious to
take orders and much too scatter-brained to have any sort of coherent plan.

Instead of attacking normally during the Combat phase or making a Pick Up And… attack,
a Giant may choose to make a ‘Giant Attack’. To make a Giant Attack, nominate an enemy
Giants unit that the Giant is engaged in combat with to be the target of the attack and roll on the
Giants are large, lumbering Giant Attacks table below to determine what the Giant does:
brutes that wander the world
seeking food and a fight (most Giant Attacks Table
food puts up a fight!). Giants, D6 Result
though quite rare, can be 1 ’Eadbutt: The Giant singles out a lone enemy and ’eadbutts them. Nominate
found in most parts of the a single model in the fighting rank of an enemy unit the Giant is engaged with
Old World and will often to be the target of this attack. That model is hit and suffers D3+1 wounds with
settle down for a time before no armour or Regeneration saves permitted (Ward saves can be attempted
moving on, leaving behind as normal).
ravaged and flattened farms 2 Belly Flop: The Giant crashes down bodily upon the enemy. Place a small (3")
and villages. They prefer to blast template so that its central hole is directly over the centre of the target
live solitary lives, but can unit. Any model (friend or foe, but not including this model) whose base lies
be coaxed to join an Orc underneath the template risks being hit and suffering a single hit, using the
or Goblin tribe. To most, a Strength characteristic of this model, with an AP of -2.
Giant represents raw might 3-4 Mighty Swing: The Giant swings its club through the enemy ranks. For this
and ruthless aggression, things attack, the Giant is subject to the Random Attacks special rule and has an
that Orcs and Goblins value Attacks characteristic of D6+1, and the Giant’s club has a Strength characteristic
highly. For their part, Giants of S+1 and an AP of -2.
are happy to hang around 5 Thump With Club: The Giant grasps its club two-handed and cracks its enemy
with Orcs and Goblins as it on the head. Nominate a single model in the fighting rank of an enemy unit the
significantly increases their Giant is engaged with to be the target of this attack. For this attack, the Giant’s
chances of eating regularly club has a Strength characteristic of S+4, an AP of -4 and the Multiple Wounds
and getting their hands on (D6) special rule.
strong ale. 6 Jump Up & Down: The Giant jumps around, kicking and flattening the enemy.
For this attack, the Giant does not use its club. Instead, the target unit suffers
D6+1 hits, each using the Strength characteristic of this model, with no armour
save permitted (Ward and Regeneration saves can be attempted as normal).

38 Orc & Goblin Tribes

*Pick Up And…
Sometimes, Giants forget there is a battle raging around them and, when faced with rank upon Monster
rank of bite-sized snacks, will become distracted, reaching down and grabbing enemies by the
handful. What happens to these unfortunate souls varies; some are thrust into a sack or under the
Giant’s clothing for later, others are eaten on the spot and still others are tossed carelessly aside to
bounce off the scenery. Whatever the case, such unfortunates are rarely seen again.

Instead of attacking normally during the Combat phase or making a Giant Attack, a Giant
that is engaged in combat with one or more units whose troop type is ‘regular infantry’ or
‘heavy infantry’ may choose to make a ‘Pick Up And…’ attack. To make a Pick Up And…
attack, nominate an enemy unit of regular or heavy infantry that the Giant is engaged in
combat with. The unit must immediately make an Initiative test:

• If this test is failed, a victim is picked up by the Giant. What happens next does not
bear thinking about but, whatever it is, a single model belonging to the target unit is
immediately removed from play as a casualty.
• If this test is passed, the warriors manage to duck and dodge away from the Giant’s
grasping hands. No one is picked up and the attack has no effect.
“’Ere we go, ’ere we go, ’ere
Next, roll a D6: we go!

• On a roll of 1-3, the Giant forgets what it is doing and makes no further attacks. ’Ere we go, ’ere we go, ’ere we
• On a roll of 4+, the Giant attempts to pick up another enemy. The target unit must go-oh!
make another Initiative test.
’Ere we go, ’ere we go, ’ere
This continues until the Giant forgets what it is doing and stops making attacks, or until we go!
the target unit is destroyed.
’Ere we go, ’ere we go, ’ere we
Enemy models removed from play are considered to have been removed from the fighting go-oh!”
rank of the enemy unit.
(Deep breath, start again)
R S AP Special Rules
Giant’s club Combat * * * Famous Orc verse,
Notes: *A Giant’s club may have different characteristics and special rules depending upon what sung to no particular tune
they do with it, as described in the Giant Attacks special rule.

Orc & Goblin Tribes 39

War Machine Goblin Bolt Throwas
War Machine
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Bolt Throwa - - - - 5 3 - - - 45
Goblin Crew 4 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 -

Troop Type: War machine

Base Size: 50 x 50 mm (war machine), 25 x 25 mm (crew)
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Bolt thrower and hand weapons

• May be accompanied by an Orc Bully.............................................................+10 points per unit

Special Rules: Fear of Elves, Skirmishers

War Machines Doom Diver Catapults

Orcs greatly enjoy war
machines for the sheer M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
devastation they can create, Doom Diver Catapult - - - - 5 3 - - - 95
yet seldom are they very Goblin Crew 4 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 -
interested in the work
involved in loading and firing Troop Type: War machine
one. Consequently, Orc Base Size: 50 x 75 mm (war machine), 25 x 25 mm (crew)
war machines are built and Unit Size: 1
crewed by Goblins. Equipment: Doom Diver catapult (counts as stone thrower) and hand weapons

Goblin Bolt Throwas Options:

Gigantic bows are easy to • May be accompanied by an Orc Bully.............................................................+10 points per unit
make from bits of wood and
scrap metal, making them Special Rules: Doom Diver, Fear of Elves, Skirmishers
a popular weapon among
Goblins. Yet, for all their Doom Diver
ramshackle appearance, Thanks to their large wings and aerodynamic headgear, a Doom Diver can steer their erratic
a Bolt Throwa is still a flight with remarkable accuracy. Sadly, this ability to control their flight is unlikely to soften
deadly weapon. their landing.

Doom Diver Catapults When shooting a Doom Diver catapult, follow the Bombardment special rule as usual.
A giant catapult is a powerful Once step 2, Scatter, is complete, you may roll a D3 and move the 3" blast template by that
but inaccurate weapon, so a many inches in any direction, representing the Doom Diver wildly flapping its arms to
projectile that can steer itself guide its erratic flight.
through the air is a great
bonus. Indeed, so great is the Should you choose to fire a Doom Diver catapult indirectly, the skill of the crew has no
prestige of soaring, however bearing on the accuracy of the shot. If a ‘Hit!’ is rolled on the Scatter dice, use the small
briefly, through the heavens, arrow above the Hit! symbol to determine the direction of the Scatter as usual, then move
that there is never any the template a number of inches equal to the roll of the Artillery dice minus D3 (to a
shortage of Goblins willing minimum of zero), representing the efforts of the Doom Diver to steer its flight.
to don the leather wings
and spiked helmet of the
Doom Diver.

40 Orc & Goblin Tribes

Goblin Rock Lobbers
War Machine
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Rock Lobber - - - - 6 4 - - - 75
Goblin Crew 4 2 3 3 3 4 3 3 4 -

Troop Type: War machine

Base Size: 60 x 100 mm (war machine), 25 x 25 mm (crew)
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Stone thrower and hand weapons

• May be accompanied by an Orc Bully.............................................................+10 points per unit

Special Rules: Fear of Elves, Skirmishers

Orc Bullies
Goblin Rock Lobbers
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points Orcs were introduced to (and
Orc Bully 4 3 3 3 4 1 3 2 7 +10 were most impressed by)
stone throwers long ago by
Troop Type: Regular infantry (character) their enemies. Though the
Base Size: 30 x 30 mm rough and ready rock lobbers
Unit Size: 1 built by Orcs and Goblins
Equipment: Hand weapon and whip bear little resemblance to
Special Rules: Bully, Choppas the war machines of other
races, they work admirably,
Bully launching huge rocks through
Goblins are prone to flights of fancy and daydreaming. Not desirable character traits amongst the the air to come crashing down
crew of a war machine, but nothing the presence of a glowering Orc can’t rectify! upon the distant enemy.

An Orc Bully is a special type of character that can be taken as an upgrade to accompany Orc Bullies
a war machine. During deployment, position an Orc Bully with its war machine, as you Older, wiser Orcs enjoy
would a character that has joined a unit. Once placed, an Orc Bully cannot leave its war devastation every bit as much
machine. Unless this model is fleeing, friendly war machines that are within its Command as their younger counterparts,
range can use this model’s Leadership instead of their own. but with age comes an
appreciation of watching it
from afar. For an Orc Bully,
there is little better than
seeing terrified Goblins rush
about, obeying their orders
and unleashing destruction
upon the enemy.

Orc & Goblin Tribes 41

Magic Items
Magic Items
The pages that follow detail magic items unique to Orc & Goblin Tribes armies. These
can be purchased by models within an Orc & Goblin Tribes army in exactly the same
way as Common magic items, as described in the Warhammer: the Old World rulebook.

Extremely Common Magic Items: Any magic item marked with an asterisk (*)
is considered to be extremely common, as described in the Warhammer: the Old
World rulebook.

Magic Weapons
Battleaxe of the Last Big Waaagh! ..............................................................75 points
Vague legend tells that this huge, beaten battleaxe once belonged to either Gork or Mork. How true
this is, there is no way of knowing, but it certainly is a great tool for hitting things with!

Magical Whatnots R S AP Special Rules

Orcs and Goblins seldom Battleaxe of the Combat S+2 -2 Extra Attacks (+D6), Magical Attacks,
create fine weapons or Last Big Waaagh! Requires Two Hands, Strike Last
armour, preferring roughly Notes: If a natural 6 is rolled for the Extra Attacks (+D6) special rule, the Battleaxe of the Last
made and unsubtle weapons Big Waaagh! loses the Extra Attacks (+D6) special rule at the end of the current Combat phase.
which they instinctively know
will cleave an enemy’s head Porko’s Pigstikka ............................................................................................ 40 points
with ease, and thick, heavy Most of the many spears wielded by Porko and his famous Boar Boyz lie shattered across a
plates of armour, which they thousand battlefields. But this particular spear is special, having never broken nor lost its
deem easily able to turn a perfect point.
blow aside. The items to
which they ascribe religious R S AP Special Rules
or spiritual importance Porko’s Pigstikka Combat S+1 -1 Armour Bane (1), Magical Attacks
tend to be crude fetishes Notes: Models whose troop type is ‘cavalry’, ‘monster’ or ‘chariot’ only. This weapon’s Strength and
and roughly made effigies, Armour Piercing modifiers apply only during the first round of combat. In addition, during a turn
artefacts that look the part, in which the wielder charged, Porko’s Pigstikka grants them +1 Attack for each rank the enemy
but that rarely carry any true unit has.
worth. Yet despite this, Orcs
and Goblins possess many Da Choppiest Choppa....................................................................................35 points
items which they believe to This broad, heavy bladed choppa boasts a wickedly sharp cutting edge. What’s more, no amount of
be potently magical, and this relentless chopping through armour and hacking through bone ever seems to dull it.
belief, fuelled by the power of
Waaagh! magic radiated by R S AP Special Rules
their kind, is often all it takes Da Choppiest Combat S+1 -3 Magical Attacks
to transform a ragged, old Choppa
banner, for example, into a
powerful magical artefact. Wollopa’s One Hit Wunda............................................................................15 points
The rebellious Goblin known as Wollopa wielded a wondrous weapon. Yet what he is most
remembered for is his turn of speed, being able to easily outpace even the most irate of Orcs.

R S AP Special Rules
Wollopa’s Combat 10 -3 Magical Attacks, Strike First
One Hit Wunda
Notes: Goblin and Night Goblin Bosses only. Single use. Once per game, during the first round
of combat, the wielder of this weapon can use it with this profile. At all other times, this weapon
counts as a hand weapon with the Magical Attacks special rule.

42 Orc & Goblin Tribes

Magic Armour Magic Standards
Trollhide Trousers* ...........................................40 points The Big Red Raggedy Flag ...............................50 points
Foul smelling and uncomfortable, Trollhide Trousers possess This tattered banner belonged to the great hero, Rowdy Porker,
remarkable regenerative properties. whose spirit imbues it to this day.

May be worn with other armour. The wearer of the Trollhide A unit carrying the Big Red Raggedy Flag has a +1 modifier
Trousers improves their armour value by 1 (to a maximum to its Weapon Skill characteristic (to a maximum of 10). In
of 2+). In addition, their wearer has the Regeneration (5+) addition, when calculating its combat result, the unit may
special rule. claim an additional bonus of +1 combat result point.

Armour of Mork ................................................30 points Waaagh! Banner.................................................40 points

This old and battered armour offers powerful protection Blessed by an Orc Shaman, this banner fills those that march under
against magic. it with a great sense of urgency.

The Armour of Mork is a suit of heavy armour. In addition, its A unit carrying the Waaagh! Banner increases its maximum
wearer has Magic Resistance (-2). possible charge range by 3" and, when it makes a Charge roll,
may apply a +D3 modifier to the result.
Da Banner of Butchery.....................................35 points
Glowy Green Amulet........................................35 points This rough-hewn totem has absorbed a great amount of primal
This unimposing green amulet glows ever brighter as it absorbs Orc fury.
magic. Sooner or later it is going to explode!
All models in a unit carrying Da Banner of Butchery have a
If the bearer (and any unit they have joined) is the target of an +1 modifier to their Strength characteristic during a turn in
enemy spell, they may use the Glowy Green Amulet instead of which they charge.
making a Wizardly dispel attempt. Roll a D6. On a roll of 2+,
the spell is dispelled. However, if a 1 is rolled, the Glowy Green Guff’s Windy Banner........................................20 points
Amulet explodes. The amulet is destroyed and cannot be used The banner of Guff’s Garrison eternally flutters in an inexplicable
again, and its bearer loses a single Wound. breeze. Those that fight in its shadow display remarkable
intestinal fortitude.
Note that the Glowy Green Amulet cannot be used against a
perfect invocation. A unit carrying the Guff’s Windy Banner may re-roll any
failed Panic test.
The Collar of Zorga ...........................................20 points
Zorga was a respected War Boar wrangler. When his magical collar
was stolen, he became a snack for his porcine pets.

Any enemy ‘beast of burden’ that directs its attacks against the
wearer of the Collar of Zorga or their unit during the Combat
phase suffers a -1 modifier to its rolls To Hit. For the purposes
of this rule, a beast of burden is the mount of any model
whose troop type is ‘cavalry’, the beast(s) that draw any model
whose troop type is ‘chariot’, and the mount of any mounted
character whose troop type is ‘monster’.

Orc & Goblin Tribes 43

Enchanted Items Arcane Items
Big Boss ’At .........................................................50 points Glittering Wotnots ............................................40 points
Orcs and Goblins are easily impressed, and this ornate helmet is Supposedly made from the shards of a shattered magic mirror,
particularly impressive. What’s more, the Boss insists that wearing these gaudy gems hung from a Shaman’s staff will sometimes reflect
it makes them braver and cleverer, which must be true. hostile magic back upon its caster.

During the Command sub-phase of their turn, a character If the bearer (or their unit) is the target of an enemy spell, they
wearing the Big Boss ’At that is not engaged in combat may may use the Glittering Wotnots instead of making a Wizardly
treat their comrades to some inspiring words by making a dispel attempt. Roll a D6. On a roll of 1-3, the Glittering
Leadership test (using their own Leadership). If this test Wotnots have no effect and the spell is cast as normal. On a
is passed, until your next Start of Turn sub-phase this roll of 4+, the spell is reflected back upon the caster and they
character and any unit they have joined gains the Unbreakable (and their unit) become the target of the spell. The caster may
special rule. make a Wizardly dispel attempt.

’Eadbuttin’ ’At*...................................................15 points Buzgob’s Knobbly Staff ....................................35 points

’Eadbuttin’ contests are popular in Orc culture. Especially cunning The famed Great Shaman Buzgob once attempted to channel so
(or brutal) participants employ magical means to improve much Waaagh! magic that he vanished in a flash of light, leaving
their odds. behind only his staff and sticky green mist.

An ’Eadbuttin’ ’At gives its wearer the Impact Hits (1) special Once per turn, the bearer of the Buzgob’s Knobbly Staff may
rule. This Impact Hit has an Armour Piercing characteristic re-roll a Casting roll.
of -2.
Idol of Mork........................................................30 points
Fungus Wine* .....................................................10 points On the eve of battle, Orc and Goblin Shamans often craft small
Night Goblins cultivate many strange fungi, the most potent of idols of Mork, hoping that the most cunning (but brutal) of deities
which are fermented into mind-altering wines. will watch over them.

Night Goblin characters only. Single use. During the The bearer of the Idol of Mork increases their Dispel
Command sub-phase of their turn, if they are not engaged in range by 3". Additionally, once per turn, when attempting a
combat, this character may attempt to distribute Fungus Wine Wizardly dispel, the bearer of the Idol of Mork may re-roll the
to a unit they have joined by making a Leadership test (using Dispel roll.
their own Leadership). If this test is passed, until your next
Start of Turn sub-phase this character and any unit they have
joined gains the Immune to Psychology special rule.

44 Orc & Goblin Tribes

Special Rules

A game of Warhammer: the Old World is packed with fantastic creatures and skilled warriors with abilities so incredible
and varied that the basic rules cannot possibly cover them all. For such circumstances we have special rules –
uncommon rules to govern uncommon circumstances.

On the following pages you will find a full description for each of the army special rules used by models drawn from the Orc &
Goblin Tribes army list:

Big ’Uns Fear of Elves

The biggest, strongest and fightiest Orcs band together into mobs Goblins don’t like Elves. They smell of soap, they walk funny and
accurately, if unimaginatively, called Big ’Uns. they’re too tall.

When engaged in combat, a model with this special rule has Elves of any type cause Fear in models with this special rule.
a +1 modifier to its Strength characteristic, and gains the
Armour Bane (1) special rule. Ignore Goblin Panic
Orcs expect Goblins to run away. As far as the average Orc is
Choppas concerned, running away is what Goblins are best at!
Orc weapons are big, crude and not very sharp… much like the
creatures that wield them! This unit does not have to make a Panic test when a friendly
Goblin unit is destroyed or Breaks and flees from combat
During a turn in which it charged, a model with this special whilst within 6" of it. Nor does this unit have to make a Panic
rule may re-roll any rolls To Wound of a natural 1, and test when it is fled through by a friendly Goblin unit.
improves the Armour Piercing characteristic of its weapon(s)
by 1. Note that, for the purposes of this rule, a Goblin unit is considered
to be any unit that is made up entirely of Goblins of any kind,
Note that this special rule only applies to non-magical weapons and mounted or otherwise. This includes any war machine or chariot
does not apply to a model’s mount (should it have one). If the model that is crewed entirely by Goblins. Should a Goblin unit be joined by
is using a magic weapon, this special rule ceases to apply. an Orc character, it is no longer considered to be a Goblin unit.

Da Boyz
Black Orcs will only follow the biggest and strongest leaders, which
in their opinion means another Black Orc. Black Orc Bosses think
the same, and will surround themselves with their own elite mob of
hand-picked Black Orc boyz.

Your army must include one Black Orc Boss for every Black
Orc Mob it includes, and vice versa. In other words:

• For each Black Orc Mob your army includes, it must also
include one Black Orc War Boss or Big Boss.
• For each Black Orc War Boss or Big Boss your army
includes, it must also include one Black Orc Mob.

Orc & Goblin Tribes 45

Ignore Panic Waaagh!
Black Orcs don’t expect much in the way of bravery or discipline The invigorating power of a good war cry should never be
from their dim-witted kin, so are rarely perturbed by the sight of underestimated, and Orcs have the best war cry of them all.
them legging it.
Once per game, during the Command sub-phase of their
This unit does not have to make a Panic test when a friendly turn, this character may attempt to invoke the power of
unit that does not also have this special rule is destroyed or the Waaagh! by making a Leadership test (using their own
Breaks and flees from combat whilst within 6" of it. Nor does Leadership). If this test is passed, until your next Start of Turn
this unit have to make a Panic test when it is fled through by a sub-phase this character, their mount and any Orc unit they
friendly unit that does not have this special rule.. have joined may re-roll any rolls To Hit of a natural 1 and,
when calculating its combat result, may claim an additional
Quell Impetuosity bonus of +1 combat result point.
Where most Orcs and Goblins are impetuous, Black Orcs are
disciplined warriors. This discipline is usually extended to those Note that, for the purposes of this rule, an Orc unit is considered to
around them through threats and intimidation. be any unit that is made up entirely of Orcs or Black Orcs, mounted
or otherwise. Should an Orc unit be joined by a Goblin character,
Whilst within 6" of a unit with this special rule, friendly units it is no longer considered to be an Orc unit. This special rule is
may choose to ignore the Impetuous special rule. not cumulative.

Tusker Charge Warpaint

A charging War Boar is an ill-tempered mound of bloody-minded Some superstitious Orcs adorn their bodies with charms and
muscle with savage tusks and a terrible attitude. warpaint to protect them from harm. Such is their faith in these
measures that they actually seem to work!
During a turn in which it charged, a War Boar’s Tusks (hand
weapon) have a Strength characteristic of S+1 and an Armour Warpaint gives its wearer a 6+ Ward save against any wounds
Piercing characteristic of -1. suffered. However, a model with this special rule can never
wear armour of any sort (though they may carry a shield).
Note that this special rule only applies to attacks made by a War
Boar, not to their rider, a chariot or its crew.

46 Orc & Goblin Tribes

Lore of Gork LORE OF GORK
S urrounded by Boyz, Orc Shamans tap into the superstitious beliefs of their mates to conjure spells that are, much like
the wildly gesticulating and gibbering Shamans themselves, flamboyant and rowdy, but brutal in their effects.

A Wizard with the ‘Lore of Gork’ special rule may discard one of their randomly generated spells as normal. When they do so,
they may select instead either the signature spell of their chosen Lore of Magic, or one of the spells listed below.

Brain Bursta Gaze of Gork

Channelling the violence of their peers, the Shaman projects it Gork gives the Shaman the ability to project beams of
against their enemies in a brain-bursting wave. coruscating energy from their eyes, burning massive holes through
everything they look at.
Type: Assailment
Casting Value: 10+ Type: Magic Missile
Range: Combat Casting Value: 9+
Effect: A single enemy model the caster is engaged in Range: 5D6"
combat with suffers a single Strength 6 hit with the Effect: Draw a straight line, 5D6" in length, from the caster’s
Multiple Wounds (D3) special rule and with no armour base edge. Any model (friend or foe) whose base falls under
or Regeneration saves permitted (Ward saves can be this line suffers a Strength 5 hit, with an AP of -3.
attempted as normal).

Lore of Mork LORE OF MORK

G oblin Shamans delight in casting cunning curses upon their enemies. These petty charms are intended to disrupt and
confuse the foe, leaving them vulnerable to sneaky attacks.

A Wizard with the ‘Lore of Mork’ special rule may discard one of their randomly generated spells as normal. When they do so,
they may select instead either the signature spell of their chosen Lore of Magic, or one of the spells listed below.

Mork’s Curse Itchy Nuisance

The Shaman points a bony finger at the enemy and utters a The Shaman begins vigorously scratching and cackling
curse. Almost immediately, buckles begin to break and rivets pop, maniacally, their antics causing their enemies to feel
causing armour plates to slip. uncomfortably hot and itchy.

Type: Hex Type: Hex

Casting Value: 8+ Casting Value: 9+
Range: 18" Range: 15"
Effect: Remains in Play. Whilst this spell is in play, the Effect: Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, the target
target enemy unit must re-roll any Armour Save roll of a enemy unit suffers a -D3 modifier to its Toughness and
natural 6. Initiative characteristics (to a minimum of 1).

Orc & Goblin Tribes 47

Legacy Army List
Skaven Legacy Army List
T his page details the Grand Army composition list for the Skaven. This is the default army composition list for this
faction. Using this army composition list to write your muster list will give you the widest variety of units to choose
from and create a broad and balanced force.

This army list is intended for use alongside the ‘Forming Units’ and ‘Warhammer Armies’ sections of the Warhammer: the Old
World rulebook. Over the following pages you will find profiles and rules for each of the models in your army. These pages give
you all of the information that you need to shape your collection of models into the units which will in turn form a force ready
for battle.

Grand Army Composition List

Characters Rare
Up to 50% of your army’s points value may be spent on: Up to 25% of your army’s points value may be spent on:

• 0-1 Skaven Warlord or Grey Seer per 1,000 points • 0-1 Hell Pit Abomination per 1,000 points
• 0-1 Clan Skryre Warlock Engineer, • If your army includes one or more Clan Skryre Warlock
Clan Eshin Master Assassin or Engineers, 0-1 of the following may be taken per
Clan Pestilens Plague Priest per 1,000 points 1,000 points:
• Skaven Chieftains - Doomwheel
- Warp Lightning Cannon
Core • If your army includes one or more Clan Pestilens Plague
At least 25% of your army’s points value must be spent on: Priests, 0-1 of the following may be taken per 1,000 points:
- Plagueclaw Catapult
• 0-1 unit of Stormvermin per 1,000 points - Unit of Plague Censer Bearers
• 1+ unit of Clanrats per 1,000 points
• Nightrunners, Giant Rats and Rat Swarms Mercenaries
Up to 20% of your army’s points value may be spent
Special on mercenaries.
Up to 50% of your army’s points value may be spent on:
• Gutter Runners Up to 25% of your army’s points value may be spent on a single
• 0-2 units of Rat Ogres per 1,000 points allied contingent drawn from one of the following Grand
• 0-1 unit of Plague Monks per Army composition lists:
Clan Pestilens Plague Priest taken
• 0-1 unit of Warplock Jezzails per • Warriors of Chaos (Uneasy)
Clan Skryre Warlock Engineer taken
• 0-1 unit of Poisoned Wind Globadiers per
Clan Skryre Warlock Engineer taken Battle Standard Bearer
A single Skaven Chieftain in your army may be upgraded
to be your Battle Standard Bearer for +25 points. In
addition to their usual allowance of points to spend on
magic items, a Battle Standard Bearer can purchase a
single magic standard with no points limit.
Commanders Of The Warlord Clans
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Skaven Warlord 5 6 4 4 4 3 7 4 7 90
Skaven Chieftain 5 5 4 4 4 2 6 3 6 45 Skaven Warlords
To hold the title of Warlord
Troop Type: Regular infantry (character) is to rule. Skaven do not
Base Size: 25 x 25 mm earn their rank through
Unit Size: 1 experience, noble birth or
Equipment: Hand weapon and light armour respect as other races do.
Instead, they sneak, cheat and
Options: murder their way to the top
• May take one of the following: – only the most devious and
- Additional hand weapon................................................................................................... +3 points cunning can hope to rule in
- Great weapon......................................................................................................................... +4 points the undercities. Any Skaven
- Halberd.................................................................................................................................... +3 points Warlord or Chieftain worth
• May take a shield........................................................................................................................ +2 points their fur knows that any one
• May replace light armour with heavy armour................................................................. +3 points of their underlings may one
• A Skaven Warlord may purchase magic items up to a total of................................. 100 points day challenge them for the
• A Skaven Chieftain may purchase magic items up to a total of..................................50 points right to lead, so even the most
powerful and proven leaders
Special Rules: Scurry Away, Verminous Valour, Warband, Warpstone Weapons possess an unhealthy level of
paranoia when it comes to
trust and betrayal.
Grey Seers
Grey Seers
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points Marked for greater purpose
Grey Seer 5 3 3 3 4 3 5 2 7 185 at birth by their rare white
fur, Grey Seers are different
Troop Type: Regular infantry (character) from other Skaven thanks to
Base Size: 25 x 25 mm the small nub-like growths
Unit Size: 1 on the tops of their heads.
Equipment: Hand weapon and Should the Grey Seer live
D3 Warpstone Tokens (see page 22, roll before armies are deployed) long enough, these will
eventually become fully
Magic: A Grey Seer is a Level 3 Wizard. Every Grey Seer knows spells from one of the formed horns that command
following Lores of Magic: fear and subjugation in
• Battle Magic other Skaven. Even the most
• Daemonology powerful of Skaven Warlords
• Dark Magic will confer with a Grey
• Elementalism Seer before enacting their
• Illusion nefarious plans.

• May be a level 4 Wizard.........................................................................................................+30 points
• May be mounted on a Screaming Bell............................................................................. See page 15
• May purchase magic items up to a total of...................................................................... 100 points

Special Rules: Lore of the Horned Rat, Magical Attacks, Magic Resistance (-1),
Scurry Away, Verminous Valour, Warband, Warpstone Weapons*

*Note that this special rule does not apply to this model’s mount (should they have one).
Clan Skryre Warlock Engineers
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Warlock Engineer 5 3 3 3 3 2 4 2 5 35
Clan Skryre
Troop Type: Regular infantry (character) The notorious Warlock
Base Size: 25 x 25 mm Engineers of Clan Skryre
Unit Size: 1 are the crazed inventors and
Equipment: Hand weapon and artificers of Skaven society,
D3 Warpstone Tokens (see page 22, roll before armies are deployed) blending the arcane with the
mechanical in an insane and
Magic: A Warlock Engineer may be a Wizard (see below). A Warlock Engineer that is a mind-boggling mix. For the
Wizard knows spells from one of the following Lores of Magic: other races of the world, it
can be difficult to discern
• Battle Magic where the science stops and
• Elementalism the magic begins, but that
naivety has never stopped the
Options: Warlock Engineers – for they
• May be a: truly see science and magic as
- Level 1 Wizard....................................................................................................................+40 points one. These sorcerer-inventors
- Level 2 Wizard....................................................................................................................+70 points often go to war carrying their
• May take one of the following: newest and most devastating
- Warplock musket (see below).......................................................................................... +9 points contraptions, whirring,
- Warplock pistol (see below).............................................................................................. +6 points hissing and clanking onto the
• May purchase magic items up to a total of.........................................................................50 points field as they unleash blasts of
warp lightning, warpfire and
Special Rules: Lore of the Horned Rat, Magical Attacks, Scurry Away, noxious gas.
Verminous Valour, Warband, Warpstone Weapons

R S AP Special Rules
Warplock musket 24" 5 -2 Magical Attacks, Ponderous
Notes: If the wielder of a warplock musket rolls a natural 1 when making a roll To Hit when
shooting this weapon, immediately roll another D6. On a roll of 1, the wielder loses a single Wound.

R S AP Special Rules
Warplock pistol 12" 4 -2 Magical Attacks, Quick Shot
Notes: If the wielder of a warplock pistol rolls a natural 1 when making a roll To Hit when
shooting this weapon, immediately roll another D6. On a roll of 1, the wielder loses a single Wound.
Clan Eshin Master Assassins
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Master Assassin 6 8 7 4 4 2 8 3 7 90
Master Assassins of
Troop Type: Regular infantry (character) Clan Eshin
Base Size: 25 x 25 mm Skaven Master Assassins
Unit Size: 1 are the skilful warriors and
Equipment: Two hand weapons and throwing weapons elite killers in the shadowy
Clan Eshin. Those few who
Options: know of the existence of the
• May purchase magic items up to a total of.........................................................................50 points black-clad Master Assassins
fear them above almost
Special Rules: Ambushers, Eshin Infiltration, Evasive, Feigned Flight, Fire & Flee, anything else; for once you
Hidden, Move through Cover, Poisoned Attacks, Scouts, Scurry Away, have been marked for death
Verminous Valour, Warpstone Weapons by the Shadow Clan, it is only
a matter of time before they
Eshin Infiltration find you. Sabotage, arson
Seldom will a Clan Eshin Master Assassin reveal their presence unless a hidden army of Gutter and poisoning all contribute
Runners lurks close by. to a Master Assassin’s fatal
bag of tricks, and these skills
When a friendly unit of Gutter Runners with the Ambushers special rule arrives from are relied upon by Skaven
reserve, it can be placed on the battlefield anywhere completely within 12" of a revealed Warlords to ensure their
Master Assassin, but not within 6" of any enemy models (rather than entering the battle as position of power is secure.
reinforcements). The unit cannot charge during this turn and counts as having moved for None rely upon the Master
the purposes of shooting, but can otherwise act as normal. Assassins as heavily as the
Grey Seers, who regularly call
Note that this character cannot use this special rule whilst it remains hidden. upon Clan Eshin’s services
to ensure the nefarious will
Hidden of the Great Horned Rat is
Clan Eshin Master Assassins hide amongst the teeming hordes of Skaven infantry, ready to strike carried out.
at the unsuspecting enemy.

Master Assassins are not placed on the battlefield at the start of the game. Instead, they
are ‘hidden’ within a friendly Skaven unit whose troop type is ‘infantry’ and that has a Unit
Strength of ten or more. Make a note of which unit each Master Assassin is hiding within.
A hidden Master Assassin may be revealed during any Start of Turn sub-phase or at the
start of any Combat phase. Position the revealed Master Assassin as you would a character
that has joined the unit.

If a unit in which a Master Assassin is hiding is destroyed or flees the battlefield before
the Master Assassin is revealed, the Master Assassin is removed as a casualty. A Master
Assassin cannot be your army General.
Clan Pestilens Plague Priests
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Plague Priest 5 5 3 4 5 2 5 3 6 60
Plague Priests of
Troop Type: Regular infantry (character) Clan Pestilens
Base Size: 25 x 25 mm Plague Priests are the most
Unit Size: 1 degenerate ratmen of Clan
Equipment: Hand weapon Pestilens, leading their foul
kin in the creation of new and
Magic: A Plague Priest may be a Wizard (see below). A Plague Priest that is a Wizard virulent infections – forever
knows spells from one of the following Lores of Magic: searching for the ultimate
• Battle Magic contagion that will bring
• Daemonology the world to its knees. It is
• Dark Magic these fanatical individuals
that encourage and foster
Options: the frenzied zealotry of the
• May be a: Plague Monks, teaching
- Level 1 Wizard....................................................................................................................+30 points them dark litanies of hate
- Level 2 Wizard....................................................................................................................+60 points and sickness. Plague Priests
• May take one of the following: claim that the Horned Rat,
- Additional hand weapon................................................................................................... +3 points Harbinger of Disease, is the
- Plague censer (see below)................................................................................................... +6 points one who grants them arcane
• May be mounted on a Plague Furnace............................................................................ See page 16 powers on their disgusting
• May purchase magic items up to a total of.........................................................................50 points mission. Whether their
sorcerous might comes from
Special Rules: Cloud of Flies, Frenzy, Lore of the Horned Rat, Magical Attacks, some foul divine presence, or
Scurry Away, Verminous Valour, Warband, Warpstone Weapons* from many hours studying
the foetid Book of Woe, there
*Note that this special rule does not apply to this model’s mount (should they have one). is no denying the grim
effectiveness of the Plague
Cloud of Flies Priests’ noxious magic.
Swarms of fat flies surround the Plague Priests of Clan Pestilens, blinding and choking
their enemies.

Any enemy model that directs its attacks against this character during the Combat phase
suffers a -1 modifier to its rolls To Hit.

R S AP Special Rules
Plague censer Combat S+2 -1 Poisoned Attacks, Requires Two Hands
Notes: A plague censer’s Strength modifier applies only during the first round of combat. In
addition, during the Combat phase, a model armed with a plague censer may re-roll any rolls To
Wound of a natural 1.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Stormvermin 5 4 3 3 3 1 5 1 5 10
Fangleader 5 4 3 3 3 1 5 2 6 +8 Stormvermin
It is easy to tell Stormvermin
Troop Type: Regular infantry apart from their kin, for
Base Size: 25 x 25 mm they often stand a full head
Unit Size: 10+ and shoulders taller than
Equipment: Hand weapons, halberds and heavy armour their scrawny litter-mates,
with powerful muscles and
Options: silky-smooth pelts of dark
• The entire unit may take shields........................................................................+1 point per model brown and black. Serving
• Any unit may: alongside their Warlord or
- Upgrade one model to a Fangleader (champion)..................................... +8 points per unit Chieftain, Stormvermin
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer.................................................... +6 points per unit form the vanguard of most
- Upgrade one model to a musician................................................................. +6 points per unit Skaven forces where they
- Purchase a magic standard worth up to.........................................................................50 points can quickly take the fight to
- Have one attached weapon team...................................................................................See page 8 the enemy with their saw-
- A Fangleader may purchase magic items up to a total of........................................25 points bladed halberds.

Special Rules: Close Order, Horde, Scurry Away, Warband, Warpstone Weapons Clanrats
Most Skaven are Clanrats,
members of the vast horde of
Clanrats feral ratmen that belong to
one of the thousands of clans
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points scattered throughout the
Clanrat 5 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 4 4 Under-Empire. Whilst a lone
Clawleader 5 3 3 3 3 1 4 2 5 +7 Clanrat lacks the courage
to cause any real threat,
Troop Type: Regular infantry when they band together
Base Size: 25 x 25 mm in great numbers they will
Unit Size: 20-40 eagerly throw themselves
Equipment: Hand weapons and light armour towards the enemy with
animalistic ferocity.
• The entire unit may take any of the following:
- Thrusting spears................................................................................................+1 point per model
- Shields....................................................................................................................+1 point per model
• Any unit may:
- Upgrade one model to a Clawleader (champion)..................................... +7 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer.................................................... +5 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a musician................................................................. +5 points per unit
- Have one weapon team.....................................................................................................See page 8

Special Rules: Close Order, Horde, Scurry Away, Warband

Weapon Teams
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Weapon Team Crew 5 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 4 15
Clan Skryre
Troop Type: Regular infantry Clan Skryre specialises in the
Base Size: 25 x 50 mm insane blending of sorcery
Unit Size: 1 and arcane technology. Its
Equipment: Hand weapons and light armour inventive members build
infernal devices capable of
Options: fiendish destruction and
• A weapon team must take one of the following: manipulate the Winds of
- Doom-flayer....................................................................................................+40 points per model Magic to cast spells and
- Poisoned Wind Mortar...............................................................................+55 points per model intertwine enchantments
- Ratling Gun.....................................................................................................+50 points per model into mechanical form. From
- Warpfire Thrower.........................................................................................+60 points per model their warpforges under the
- Warp Grinder.................................................................................................+30 points per model mythical city of Skavenblight,
Clan Skryre has produced
Special Rules: Loner, Open Order, Scurry Away untold weaponry and risen
to become arguably the most
influential of all clans. By
Weapon Team Special Rules selling their weird arsenal of
Deploying Weapon Teams: A Weapon Team must be deployed at the same time devastation to the Warlord
as its ‘parent’ unit (the unit it was bought as an upgrade for), and must be deployed clans, Clan Skryre has grown
within 3" of that unit. wealthier than any other
clan. None dare offend Clan
Weapon Team Leadership: Whilst within 3" of its parent unit, a Weapon Team Skryre for fear of ending up at
gains a positive (+) modifier to its Leadership characteristic equal to the parent unit’s the wrong end of any number
current Rank Bonus, up to a maximum of Leadership 10. of weapons that could melt,
blast, desiccate, or otherwise
Targeting Weapon Teams: If it is within 3" of its parent unit, and if that unit contains cause grievous death.
five or more models (and is not itself fleeing), a Weapon Team cannot be targeted by
enemy shooting or by enemy spells, unless the Weapon Team is the closest target.
A Doom-flayer is a motorised ball of whirling blades which, when propelled at speed into Infantry
the ranks of the enemy, is capable of wreaking horrific damage upon even the most heavily
armoured warriors.
Weapon Teams
R S AP Special Rules The industrious and
Doom-flayer Combat 4 -1 Counter Charge, Extra Attacks (D6), innovative Clan Skryre is
Impact Hits (D6+1) responsible for all manner
Notes: Impact Hits caused by this weapon have an Armour Piercing characteristic of -2. of wild and dangerous
battlefield inventions,
Poisoned Wind Mortar including the various weapon
This muzzle-loaded weapon lobs the infamous Poisoned Wind globes of Clan Skryre a much teams that accompany the
greater distance than the feeble arms of any mere Skaven could. Skaven hordes into battle.
From bullet-spitting cannons
R S AP Special Rules to motorised whirling
Poisoned 6-24" 2 (4) - Bombardment, Cumbersome, blades, each of these devices
Wind mortar Move or Shoot, Poisoned Wind has just as much chance
Notes: This weapon shoots like a stone thrower, using the ‘Bombardment’ special rule, a 3" blast of annihilating those who
template and the Black Powder Misfire table. operate them as they do of
slaying their intended targets!
Ratling Gun
A relatively modern invention, the multi-barrelled Ratling Gun spews a tremendous amount of
lead shot, capable of quickly reducing enemy ranks to a bloody pulp and a red mist.

R S AP Special Rules
Ratling Gun 18" 4 -1 Armour Bane (1), Multi-Barrelled,
Quick Shot
Notes: This weapon shoots like an organ gun, using the ‘Multi-Barrelled’ special rule and the
Black Powder Misfire table.

Warpfire Thrower
A Warpfire Thrower unleashes a hellish torrent of powdered warpstone and highly flammable
chemicals that can turn an entire formation into a twitching pile of steaming goo.

R S AP Special Rules
Warpfire Thrower 6" 4 -1 Column of Fire, Cumbersome,
Flaming Attacks
Notes: This weapon shoots like a fire thrower, using the ‘Column of Fire’ special rule and the Black
Powder Misfire table. Any unit that suffers one or more unsaved wounds from this weapon must
make a Panic test as if it had taken heavy casualties.

Warp Grinder
A Warp Grinder is a powerful tunnelling device, capable of rapidly boring through the earth and
leaving a wide tunnel in its wake, through which the Skaven scurry to ambush their enemies.

R S AP Special Rules
Warp Grinder Combat 5 -3 (Ambushers), Killing Blow,
Requires Two Hands
Notes: If a Weapon Team is equipped with a Warp Grinder, both it and its parent unit gain the
Ambushers special rule.
Warplock Jezzails
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Jezzail Team 5 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 5 19
Warplock Jezzails
Troop Type: Regular infantry Named after their famous
Base Size: 25 x 50 mm long-barreled warplock rifles,
Unit Size: 3+ Jezzails are a two-rat team
Equipment: Hand weapons, warplock jezzails (see below) and pavise made up of a gunner and
Special Rules: Open Order, Scurry Away, Warband a loader. The gunner fires
a great warpstone-infused
Pavise rifle, whilst the loader feeds
A pavise is a large, heavy shield, anchored to the ground by iron spikes. rounds into the weapon and
shields them both with a
A pavise gives its wielder a 4+ armour value against attacks made by enemy models that lie large pavise. The rounds are
within the wielder’s front arc. However, a pavise offers no protection to its wielder against launched at such high speeds
attacks made by enemy models that lie within the wielder’s flank or rear arcs. that they can punch through
a breastplate and the body
R S AP Special Rules within it before coming to
Warplock jezzail 36" 6 -3 Cumbersome, Magical Attacks, a stop.
Move or Shoot
Notes: If the wielder of a warplock jezzail rolls a natural 1 when making a roll To Hit when Poisoned Wind
shooting this weapon, immediately roll another D6. On a roll of 1, the wielder is removed from Globadiers
play as a casualty. Though the Engineers of
Clan Skryre have attempted
many different methods for
Poisoned Wind Globadiers delivering their infamous
poison gas, none have
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points proved as effective as the
Globadiers 5 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 5 10 Globadiers. These specially
trained warriors hurl glass
Troop Type: Regular infantry orbs filled with the deadly
Base Size: 25 x 25 mm warpstone gas into the ranks
Unit Size: 2-10 of their foes.
Equipment: Hand weapons, Poisoned Wind globes (see below) and light armour
Special Rules: Scurry Away, Skirmishers, Warband

R S AP Special Rules
Poisoned Wind 9" 2 - Move & Shoot, Poisoned Wind, Quick Shot
Notes: If the roll To Hit is successful, a Poisoned Wind globe causes D3 hits to the target enemy
unit, rather than the usual one. However, if a natural 1 is rolled when making a roll To Hit with
this weapon, immediately roll another D6. On a roll of 1, D3 hits are caused on the shooting unit.
Rat Swarms
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Rat Swarms 6 2 0 2 2 5 4 5 4 36
Rat Swarms
Troop Type: Swarms Common rats swarm all
Base Size: 40 x 40 mm about the Skaven. Some are
Unit Size: 3+ used by the Grey Seers to spy
Equipment: Claws and fangs (counts as hand weapons) upon their enemies, others
Special Rules: Immune to Psychology, Loner, Skirmishers, Unbreakable, Vanguard are ‘blessed’ with contagion
by Clan Pestilens, whilst
others swarm towards the
Packmasters & Master Moulders Skaven’s enemies as a great,
chittering mass.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Packmaster 6 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 6 +5 Clan Moulder
Master Moulder 6 3 3 3 3 1 4 2 7 +7 Clan Moulder rose to
infamy by mastering the art
Troop Type: Regular infantry of breeding, mutating, and
Base Size: 25 x 25 mm surgically creating monstrous
Unit Size: (see Rat Ogre & Giant Rat profiles) fighting beasts. Quite how
Equipment: Hand weapons and light armour they stitch together disparate
parts of mutated creatures is
Options: unknown, for they jealously
• Any Packmaster in the unit must take one of the following: guard their methods. But it is
- Whip................................................................................................................................................... Free no secret that Clan Moulder
- Things-catcher (see below)............................................................................................... +5 points is one of the wealthiest
• A Master Moulder may purchase magic items up to a total of...................................25 points clans, or that a portion of
any Warlord clan’s military
Special Rules: Close Order, Horde, Leader of the Pack, Motley Crew, strength was birthed in Hell
Scurry Away, Warband Pit, the loathsome stronghold
of the Master Moulders.
Leader Of The Pack
Though they often prefer to hide from the enemy, the Packmasters of Clan Moulder take to the
battlefield to drive their bestial charges forward towards the foe.

Models with this special rule can only be taken as part of a unit of Rat Ogres, or a unit
of Giant Rats. Models with this special rule (including command group models) must be
positioned at the rear of their unit, making up its rear rank(s). Any Rat Ogres or Giant Rats
the unit contains must always occupy the front rank(s) of the unit, pushing past any models
with this special rule to get there if necessary (such as when the unit turns).

Note that a Master Moulder may issue and accept challenges even if they are not within the
fighting rank.

R S AP Special Rules
Things-catcher Combat S -1 Fight in Extra Rank, Killing Blow,
Requires Two Hands
Rat Ogres
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Rat Ogre 6 4 1 5 4 3 4 3 5 48
Rat Ogres
Troop Type: Monstrous infantry A nightmarish blend of
Base Size: 50 x 50 mm Ogre and Skaven, Rat Ogres
Unit Size: 3+ are created by Master
Equipment: Hand weapons and mutated hides (counts as heavy armour) Moulders using abominable
crossbreeding and arcane-
Options: enhanced surgery. In battle,
• Any unit may: they are driven towards the
- Include one Packmaster for every two Rat Ogres........................................... +5 points each enemy by their creators,
- Upgrade one Packmaster to a Master Moulder (champion)................................ +7 points where the beasts will set
about the enemy with
Special Rules: Armour Bane (2), Close Order, Fear, Frenzy, Horde, Safe from Harm, frenzied abandon; their thirst
Scurry Away, Warband for violence and desperate,
insatiable hunger sees them
Safe From Harm rip apart any who stand in
Rat Ogres are big, tough creatures and their Packmasters will instinctively shelter behind their their path before feasting on
enduring bulk. whatever remains.

When an enemy unit shoots at a unit of Rat Ogres that also contains one or more Giant Rats
Packmasters, the enemy player must roll a D6 for each successful roll To Hit before making Additional heads, extra
any rolls To Wound. On a roll of 1-4, the hit is inflicted upon a Rat Ogre. In combat, enemy clawed limbs, spines, bone-
models must allocate their attacks against a model they are in base contact with (or against spikes and even tusk-like
the closest model if they are within the fighting rank but not in base contact) before rolling incisors are all commonplace
To Hit. mutations upon the walking
abominations for which Clan
Moulder is renowned. In
Giant Rats battle, these mutant Giant
Rats will rip, tear and gnaw
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points at any enemy within reach
Giant Rat 6 3 0 3 3 1 4 1 3 3 – leaving little but cracked
skulls and chewed bones in
Troop Type: War beasts their wake.
Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 10+
Equipment: Claws and teeth (counts as hand weapons)

• Any unit may:
- Include one Packmaster for every three Giant Rats...................................... +5 points each
- Upgrade one Packmaster to a Master Moulder (champion)................................ +7 points

Special Rules: Close Order, Fight in Extra Rank, Horde, Scurry Away, Warband
Night Runners
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Night Runner 6 3 3 3 3 1 5 1 5 7
Nightleader 6 3 3 3 3 1 5 2 5 +6 Night Runners
Trained in the art of lightning
Troop Type: Regular infantry strikes and ambushes, Night
Base Size: 25 x 25 mm Runners are the footsoldiers
Unit Size: 10+ of Clan Eshin. They use
Equipment: Hand weapons darkened alleyways and
unprotected sewers to
Options: sneak into position before
• The entire unit may take additional hand weapons.................................. +2 points per model hammering the enemy with
• The entire unit may take one of the following: razor-sharp throwing stars
- Slings.................................................................................................................... +2 points per model and shards of rock launched
- Throwing weapons...........................................................................................+1 point per model from slings.
• Any unit may upgrade one model to a Nightleader (champion).............. +6 points per unit
Gutter Runners
Special Rules: Evasive, Fire & Flee, Scurry Away, Skirmishers Any Night Runners who
prove particularly skilled at
more clandestine battlefield
Gutter Runners missions, and survive such
perilous work, will earn
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points themselves the title of Gutter
Gutter Runner 6 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 7 14 Runner. These promising
Assassin 6 4 4 3 3 1 5 2 7 +7 recruits are taken away to
learn the mysterious fighting
Troop Type: Regular infantry style of the Clan Eshin
Base Size: 25 x 25 mm Master Assassins. Any who
Unit Size: 5+ survive the gruelling training
Equipment: Two hand weapons are formed into units of
fearsome infiltrators, skilled
Options: in the art of night raids, arson
• The entire unit may take one of the following: attacks and generally sowing
- Slings.................................................................................................................... +2 points per model chaos and disorder.
- Throwing weapons...........................................................................................+1 point per model
• Any unit may:
- Upgrade one model to an Assassin (champion)........................................ +7 points per unit
- Have the Ambushers special rule.................................................................+1 point per model
- Have the Poisoned Attacks special rule................................................... +2 points per model
• An Assassin may purchase magic items up to a total of.................................................25 points

Special Rules: Evasive, Feigned Flight, Fire & Flee, Move through Cover, Scouts,
Scurry Away, Skirmishers
Plague Monks
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Plague Monk 5 3 3 3 4 1 3 1 5 7
Plague Deacon 5 3 3 3 4 1 3 2 5 +6 Plague Monks
The zealous Plague Monks
Troop Type: Regular infantry of Clan Pestilens will stop
Base Size: 25 x 25 mm at nothing to ensure the
Unit Size: 10+ denizens of the Old World
Equipment: Hand weapons and beyond receive the gifts
of disease and pestilence.
Options: These hideous Skaven are
• The entire unit may take additional hand weapons.................................. +2 points per model instantly recognisable by
• Any unit may: their foetid robes and the
- Upgrade one model to a Plague Deacon (champion).............................. +6 points per unit soiled bandages that barely
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer.................................................... +6 points per unit cover the weeping sores, bony
- Upgrade one model to a musician................................................................. +6 points per unit growths and seeping blisters
• A Plague Deacon may purchase magic items up to a total of.......................................25 points that mark their bodies.
• 0-1 unit per 1,000 points may purchase a magic standard worth up to....................50 points
Plague Censer Bearers
Special Rules: Close Order, Frenzy, Horde, Scurry Away, Warband Only the most fanatical
Plague Monks are given the
honour of carrying a dreaded
Plague Censer Bearers plague censer. Filled with a
foul concoction of disease
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points and warpstone, the heads of
Censer Bearer 5 3 3 3 4 1 3 1 5 13 these spiked flails emit a toxic
green fog that chokes and
Troop Type: Regular infantry infects all who inhale it.
Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 2-10
Equipment: Hand weapons and plague censers (see below)
Special Rules: Frenzy, Scurry Away, Skirmishers, Stubborn, Warband

R S AP Special Rules
Plague censer Combat S+2 -1 Poisoned Attacks, Requires Two Hands
Notes: A plague censer’s Strength modifier applies only during the first round of combat. In
addition, during the Combat phase, a model armed with a plague censer may re-roll any rolls To
Wound of a natural 1.
Screaming Bell
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Screaming Bell 2 - - 5 6 5 - - - +185
Rat Ogre Crew (x1) - 3 0 5 - - 4 3 5 - Screaming Bells
Of all the strange
Troop Type: Heavy chariot contraptions that the Skaven
Base Size: 60 x 100 mm use in war, the Screaming
Unit Size: 1 Bell is perhaps the most
Armour Value: 4+ notorious. A large wheeled
Equipment: carriage supports the vast
• Rat Ogre Crew: Hand weapon weight of the ruinous war
machine as it is pushed into
Special Rules: Armour Bane (2, Rat Ogre only), Blessings of the Horned Rat, battle by a teeming horde
Dragged Along, Impact Hits (D6+1), Large Target, Magic Resistance (-3), of Skaven. From atop these
Scurrying Masses, Stubborn, Terror, Tolling the Bell unholy altars, Grey Seers
channel their power in
Blessings Of The Horned Rat order to enact the will of the
The Horned Rat protects its favoured followers, warding them against the weapons of Great Horned Rat – their
their enemies. chittering incantations
periodically drowned out
This model has a 5+ Ward save against any wounds suffered that were caused by a non- by the thunderous, mind
magical enemy attack. splitting tolling of the unholy
bell. As the noise reaches its
Tolling The Bell crescendo, the Skaven who
The tolling of a Screaming Bell declares the Horned Rat’s supremacy and fills the foe with dread. hear it seem to fight even
more fiercely than before and
A Screaming Bell may be rung during the Command sub-phase of your turn. Roll on the show no sign of their usually
table below to determine the effect this has: cowardly nature.

Tolling The Bell Table

2D6 Result
2 Magical Backlash: Every unit (friend or foe) that is within this model’s
Command range suffers D3 Strength 4 hits, each with an AP of -2.
3-4 Dissonant Peal: Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, all enemy units within
18" of this model suffer a -1 modifier to their Leadership characteristic (to a
minimum of 2).
5-6 Wall of Unholy Sound: Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, all friendly
Skaven units within 18" of this model gain the Fear special rule.
7 Resonant Power: Until the end of this turn, all friendly Skaven Wizards within
this model’s Command range may apply a +1 modifier to any Casting roll
they make.
8-9 Emboldening Clamour: Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, all friendly
Skaven units within 18" of this model gain the Immune to Psychology special rule.
10-11 Rapturous Ringing: Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, all friendly Skaven
units within 18" of this model gain the Extra Attacks (1) special rule.
12 Sonorous Knell: Any enemy unit that is within 18" of this model, including units
that are fleeing or that are engaged in combat, must make a Leadership test. If this
test is failed, the unit suffers D6 Strength 4 hits, with no armour or Regeneration
saves permitted (Ward saves can be attempted as normal).

Character Mount: A Screaming Bell may only be included in your army as a

character’s mount. Its points are added to that of its rider.
Plague Furnace
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Plague Furnace 2 - - 5 6 5 - - - +170
Plague Monk Crew (x3) - 3 0 3 - - 3 2 5 - Plague Furnaces
Inspired by the Screaming
Troop Type: Heavy chariot Bells of the Grey Seers, Plague
Base Size: 60 x 100 mm Furnaces are disease-ridden
Unit Size: 1 altars to the Great Horned
Armour Value: 4+ Rat and filthy pulpits from
Equipment: which the Plague Priests
• Plague Furnace: Billowing Death (see below) conduct their foul sermons.
• Plague Monk Crew: Hand weapons Hauled into battle by the
chanting minions of Clan
Special Rules: Dragged Along, Fear, Frenzy, Great Censer, Impact Hits (D3+1), Pestilens, the creaking
Large Target, Magic Resistance (-1), Poisoned Attacks, Scurrying Masses, structure lumbers towards
Stomp Attacks (D3+1) the enemy as a great censer
filled with poisonous
Great Censer warpstone gas swings
As the Plague Furnace crashes into the enemy ranks, the rusty chains holding the great censer are ominously back and forth.
loosed with devastating effect. The deadly fumes that radiate
from this unholy wrecking
Stomp Attacks made by a Plague Furnace represent the Great Censer being let loose ball weaken and enfeeble
to swing into the enemy with devastating effect. Any Stomp Attacks made by a Plague those who inhale the foul
Furnace have an Armour Piercing characteristic of -2. mixture, making them easy
prey for the fanatical Plague
In addition, whilst within 3" of one or more models with this special rule, the noxious Monks who accompany the
fumes billowing from the Great Censer cause enemy units to suffer a -1 modifier to their infernal device.
Toughness characteristic (to a minimum of 1).

R S AP Special Rules
Billowing Death N/A 2 N/A Breath Weapon, Magical Attacks
Notes: When making a roll To Wound for this weapon, a roll of a natural 6 is always a success,
even if the target’s Toughness is so high that the weapon would not normally be able to wound
it. In addition, no armour save is permitted against wounds caused by this weapon (Ward and
Regeneration saves can be attempted as normal).

Character Mount: A Plague Furnace may only be included in your army as a

character’s mount. Its points are added to that of its rider.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Doomwheel 3D6 - - 5 5 4 - - - 145
Warlock (x1) - 3 3 3 - - 3 1 7 - Doomwheels
Rats - 2 0 2 - - 4 2D6 5 - There are few devices that
capture the mind-bending
Troop Type: Heavy chariot insanity of the Warlock
Base Size: 50 x 100 mm Engineers as well as the
Unit Size: 1 Doomwheel. This odd-
Armour Value: 5+ looking war machine is
Equipment: a crazed blend of science
• Warlock: Hand weapon and sorcery, both simple
• Rats: Claws and fangs (counts as a hand weapon) and complex in design.
Rats scampering inside
Special Rules: Close Order, Crushing Bulk, Immune to Psychology, Impact Hits (D3+1), the enormous wheel act
Large Target, Random Attacks (Rats only), Random Movement, as the primary source of
Stomp Attacks (2), Zzzzap! locomotion, which in turn
powers the warpstone
Crushing Bulk generator which, if everything
The erratic movements and crushing weight of a Doomwheel combine to wreak havoc upon the goes to plan (which it seldom
ordered ranks of the enemy. does) will shoot lethal bolts
of warp lightning at anything
Any Stomp Attacks made by a Doom Wheel have an Armour Piercing characteristic of in the vicinity. Should the
-1. In addition, an enemy unit that suffers Impact Hits from this model must immediately devastating bolts of lightning
make a Leadership test. If this test is failed, the unit becomes Disrupted until the end of the fail to slay the foe, then the
current Combat phase. grinding iron-shod wheel is
likely to crush any survivors
Zzzzap! who fail to dive for cover.
As hordes of rats scamper in treadmills to propel a Doomwheel, warpstone generators spark into
life, unleashing lethal bolts of warp lightning across the battlefield.

At the end of every Shooting phase, after all shooting has been resolved, place up to three
small (3") blast templates so that their central hole is within 6" of this model. Once placed,
each template will scatter D6". Any model (friend or foe) whose base lies underneath a
template’s final position risks being hit and suffering a single hit, the Strength of which is
determined by rolling an Artillery dice. Each hit has an AP of -2.

If a ‘Misfire’ is rolled when rolling to determine the Strength of a template, this model
suffers the brunt of the warp lightning bolt. The template is removed and any models hit by
it are left unharmed, but this model loses a single Wound.
Hell Pit Abomination
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Hell Pit Abomination 3D6 3 1 6 5 6 4 D6+1 8 210
Hell Pit Abominations
Troop Type: Behemoth Clan Moulder is famous
Base Size: 60 x 100 mm for its monstrous, surgically
Unit Size: 1 enhanced beasts – but
Equipment: Warpstone claws (see below) none are as fearsome
Special Rules: Abominable Attacks, Close Order, Immune to Psychology, Large Target, and devastating as the
Magic Resistance (-1), Random Attacks, Random Movement, creatures known as Hell Pit
Regeneration (5+), Stomp Attacks (D3+1), Terror, Timmm-berrr!, Abominations. Using the
Too Horrible to Die, Unbreakable gargantuan Blindwyrm as
a starting point, the Master
Abominable Attacks Moulders of the Clan use
A Hell Pit Abomination drags its grotesque bulk across the battlefield, feeding hungrily upon those parts grafted from Rat Ogres
enemies not crushed beneath its bulk. to further enhance the beast’s
killing power. This results
Instead of attacking normally during the Combat phase, a Hell Pit Abomination may in a living mountain of
choose to make one of the following Abominable Attacks: misshapen flesh that slithers
and shambles after its prey,
• Feed: Nominate a single enemy model in base contact with the Hell Pit Abomination to rearing up to a towering
be the target of this attack. If that model is hit, it suffers D3 automatic wounds with no height before slamming its
armour save permitted (Ward and Regeneration saves can be attempted as normal). colossal bodyweight into
• Avalanche of Flesh: Place a small (3") blast template so that its central hole is directly anyone foolish enough to
over the centre of the target unit. Any model (friend or foe, but not including this stand their ground. Vast
model) whose base lies underneath the template risks being hit and suffering a single hit, boulder-sized fists smash
using the Strength characteristic of this model, with an AP of -2. their foes to a pulp and send
Men flying, whilst hungry
Too Horrible To Die jaws ravenously snap and
Even in the grips of its death throes, a Hell Pit Abomination writhes with dark vitality. chomp as it tries desperately
to devour all within reach.
The first time a Hell Pit Abomination loses its last Wound, roll a D6 before removing the
model from play:

• On a roll of 1-3, the beast wheezes its last breath and is removed from play.
• On a roll of 4 or 5, the great corpse shudders and a swarm of rats bursts forth. Place a
Rat Swarm of one model within 3" of this model, then remove this model from play.
• On a roll of 6, the Hell Pit Abomination jolts and shudders with unnatural vitality
before rising anew. This model immediately recovers D3 Wounds.

R S AP Special Rules
Warpstone claws Combat S -1 Armour Bane (1), Magical Attacks
Warp Lightning Cannon
War Machine
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Warp Lightning Cannon - - - - 6 4 - - - 110
Engineer & Crew 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 - Warp Lightning Cannon
An arcane contraption
Troop Type: War machine of devastating power, the
Base Size: 50 x 100 mm Warp Lightning Cannon
Unit Size: 1 was created by the Warlock
Equipment: Warp Lightning Cannon (see below), hand weapons and light armour Engineers to annihilate
Special Rules: Skirmishers anyone unfortunate enough
to be standing in front of
R S AP Special Rules the infernal device. Powered
Warp Lightning 8D6" * -3 Cumbersome, Lightning Strike, by an enormous hunk of
cannon Move or Shoot warpstone, the weapon emits
Notes: This weapon does not use its crew’s Ballistic Skill. Instead, it shoots using the ‘Lightning a crackling ball of warp
Strike’ special rule. This weapon uses the Warp Lightning Misfire table. energy that travels down
the rune-etched barrel to
Warp Lightning Special Rules enhance its destructive power
Lightning Strike: When shooting with this weapon, draw a straight line, 8D6" in length, as it rolls towards its target.
from the model’s base edge. Any model (friend or foe) whose base falls under this line suffers
a hit, the Strength of which is determined by rolling an Artillery dice. If a ‘Misfire’ is rolled Plagueclaw Catapults
when rolling to determine the Strength of this weapon, something has gone horribly wrong. Those splashed by the semi-
Roll immediately on the Warp Lightning Misfire table to determine exactly what. congealed liquids unleashed
from a Plagueclaw Catapult
Warp Lightning Misfire Table often find themselves
D6 Result quickly succumbing to the
1 Meltdown: The machine and its crew explode in a spectacular green fireball. The toxic fumes or accidentally
model fails to shoot this turn. Instead, it is destroyed and immediately removed ingesting the rotten payload
from play. – and they are the lucky
2-4 Energy Overload: Unfathomable energies spin the war machine around before it ones! For those who don’t
unleashes a potent blast of warp lightning. The Warp Lightning Cannon shoots fall swiftly, a far slower and
with a Strength of 6 in a random direction, determined by rolling a Scatter dice. more painful death awaits, as
5-6 Fzzzt: With a high-pitched screech, followed by a descending, whirring noise, the their flesh blisters and erupts
energy dissipates harmlessly. The model fails to shoot this turn. with boils and pustules as a
fatal fever begins to take hold,
from which few recover.
Plagueclaw Catapult
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Plagueclaw Catapult - - - - 6 4 - - - 110
Plague Monk Crew 5 3 3 3 4 3 2 D3+3 6 -

Troop Type: War machine

Base Size: 50 x 100 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Plagueclaw Catapult (see below), hand weapons and light armour
Special Rules: Random Attacks, Skirmishers, Stubborn

R S AP Special Rules
Plagueclaw catapult 12-72" 2 (4) -3 Bombardment, Cumbersome, Move or Shoot
Notes: This weapon shoots like a stone thrower, using the ‘Bombardment’ special rule, a 5" blast
template and the Stone Thrower Misfire table. When making a roll To Wound for this weapon,
a roll of a natural 6 is always a success, even if the target’s Toughness is so high that the weapon
would not normally be able to wound it.
Skaven Magic Items
Magic Items
The pages that follow detail magic items unique to Skaven armies. These can be Tools of Supremacy
purchased by models within a Skaven army in exactly the same way as Common magic From jagged blades that
items, as described in the Warhammer: the Old World rulebook. weep corrosive poisons, upon
whose pitted surfaces are
Extremely Common Magic Items: Any magic item marked with an asterisk (*) scratched foul runes in the
is considered to be extremely common, as described in the Warhammer: the Old tongue of the Great Horned
World rulebook. Rat, to warpstone-powered
engines that belch toxic
Magic Weapons black smoke as they gather
and harness the Winds of
The Fellblade..................................................................................................100 points Magic, Skaven magic items
This most terrible of weapons was forged to slay Nagash himself. No foe can stand before it and are destructive artefacts.
even the wielder must eventually succumb to its baleful effects. Indeed, when it comes to
the creation of powerful and
R S AP Special Rules unique artefacts, the Skaven
The Fellblade Combat 10 N/A Magical Attacks, Multiple Wounds (D3) seem driven by a desire to
Notes: No armour, Ward or Regeneration saves are permitted against wounds caused by this create ever more outrageously
weapon. However, during the Command sub-phase of their turn, the wielder of the Fellblade must destructive and deadly
roll a D6. On a roll of 1, they lose a single Wound. weapons and devices, with
little thought ever given to
Weeping Blade..................................................................................................50 points the dangers such items might
This weapon weeps a venom so corrosive it can melt through armour with ease to deeply pierce and pose. In fact, so dangerous are
poison the flesh beneath. these corrupted treasures that
they invariably pose as much
R S AP Special Rules risk to those that wield them
Weeping Blade Combat S -2 Magical Attacks, Multiple Wounds (D3), as they do to the enemies of
Poisoned Attacks the Skaven.

Blade Of Nurglitch..........................................................................................35 points

Blessed by the Plaguelord of Clan Pestilens, even a scratch from this filth-encrusted weapon can
turn into instant infection.

R S AP Special Rules
Blade of Nurglitch Combat S+1 - Magical Attacks
Notes: Any enemy model that suffers one or more unsaved wounds from the Blade of Nurglitch
must immediately make a Toughness test. If this test is failed, they suffer a -1 modifier to their
Toughness characteristic (to a minimum of 1) for the remainder of the game.

Death Globe*.....................................................................................................25 points

Warlock Engineers often carry much improved and far more deadly versions of the globes wielded
by Poisoned Wind Globadiers.

R S AP Special Rules
Death Globe 9" N/A N/A Magical Attacks, Move & Shoot
Notes: Single use. A model armed with a Death Globe must target a specific model within its
target unit, such as a champion or a character. Make a roll To Hit as normal. If successful, centre
a small (3") blast template over the target model. Any model whose base lies underneath the
template must make an Initiative test. If this test is failed, they lose a single Wound.
Magic Armour Magic Standards
Warpstone Armour*.......................................... 25 points Storm Banner...................................................... 65 points
Cunningly wrought of warpstone-infused iron, this heavy suit of This ancient banner possesses the power to wrack the sky with
armour protects without stifling the Winds of Magic. storms and tear the heavens apart with its fury.

Warpstone Armour is a suit of heavy armour which may be Single use. A unit carrying the Storm Banner may activate it
worn by a Wizard without penalty. during the Command sub-phase of their turn. Until your next
Start of Turn sub-phase, enemy units cannot use the Fly (X)
Cautious Shield...................................................20 points special rule and all enemy shooting suffers an additional -1 To
This large, magical shield emphasises an already prominent trait of Hit modifier.
Skaven nature.
Grand Banner Of Superiority.......................... 50 points
The Cautious Shield is a shield. In addition, its bearer may This ragged shroud, emblazoned with clan signs, proclaims the
choose to wield it with two hands when their combat is chosen superiority of the Warlord Clans.
during Step 1.1 of any Choose & Fight Combat sub-phase.
If they do, until the end of this Combat phase it improves its When calculating its combat result, a unit carrying the Grand
armour value by 3, but their Attacks characteristic is reduced Banner of Superiority may claim an additional bonus of +D3
to 0. combat result points.

Talismans Dwarf Hide Banner............................................40 points

Made from the tanned hides and shorn beards of vanquished
Shadow Magnet...................................................40 points Dwarfs, this banner fills the Skaven with the courage to face their
Warpstone-contaminated veins of ore can absorb light and cast an ancient enemies.
aura of deep, shadowy darkness.
A unit carrying the Dwarf Hide Banner gains the Hatred
Any enemy model that targets the bearer of the Shadow (Dwarfs) and Stubborn special rules.
Magnet or any unit they have joined during the Shooting
phase suffers an additional -1 To Hit modifier. Banner Of Verminous Scurrying.................... 35 points
A great, skittering urgency fills those that scurry beneath this
Warpstone Amulet............................................. 35 points tattered banner.
The Warpstone Amulet radiates disharmony and confusion, so that
anyone who attacks its bearer becomes dazed and bewildered. A unit carrying the Banner of Verminous Scurrying gains the
Swiftstride special rule.
The Warpstone Amulet gives its bearer a 4+ Ward save
against any wounds suffered that were caused by a non-
magical enemy attack.
Enchanted Items Arcane Items
Brass Orb.............................................................. 50 points Warp Condenser................................................. 50 points
This fist-sized orb of whirling cogs is capable of opening a crack into This rune-inscribed power pack is covered with copper coil wiring,
the twisting Realm of Chaos. flywheels, and enchanted mechanisms to draw extra energy from
the fickle Winds of Magic.
Single use. Instead of attacking normally during the Combat
phase, the bearer of the Brass Orb can toss it at a specific The bearer of the Warp Condenser increases their Dispel
model within a unit they are engaged in combat with, such range by 3". Additionally, when attempting to cast a Magic
as a champion or a character. Make a single roll To Hit. If Missile spell, the bearer of the Warp Condenser gains a +1
successful, the target model must make an Initiative test. If modifier to their Casting roll. Finally, should they miscast a
this test is failed, the target model is removed from play as spell, the bearer of the Warp Condenser can re-roll the result
a casualty. rolled on the Miscast table.

Skalm..................................................................... 35 points Storm Daemon.................................................... 30 points

This rare healing balm is smeared on wounds and is even rumoured Created by the Warlock Engineers of Clan Skryre, this warpstone-
to prolong a Skaven’s life. powered device crackles with barely contained power.

Single use. During the Command sub-phase of their turn, the This model can cast the following Bound spell, with a Power
bearer of Skalm can use it. The model immediately recovers a Level of 1:
single lost Wound and, until your next Start of Turn sub-
phase, has a +1 modifier to their Toughness characteristic. Type: Magic Missile
Casting Value: 8+
Skavenbrew*.........................................................20 points Range: 18"
Brewed from warpstone and blood, Skavenbrew drives humble Effect: The target enemy unit suffers D3+1 Strength 5 hits,
Skaven into a fighting frenzy. each with an AP of -2.

Single use. Skaven Warlords and Skaven Chieftains only. Warpstone Tokens*............................................ 15 points
During the Command sub-phase of their turn, if they are not Pieces of refined warpstone are consumed by power-hungry
engaged in combat, this character may attempt to distribute Skaven Wizards.
Skavenbrew to a unit they have joined by making a Leadership
test (using their own Leadership). If this test is passed, until A Wizard may purchase up to three Warpstone Tokens, each
your next Start of Turn sub-phase this character and any unit of which is single use. Before making a Casting roll, a Wizard
they have joined gains the Frenzy special rule. may choose to consume a single Warpstone Token. For each
Token consumed, they may roll an additional D3 and add its
result to their Casting roll. However, for each natural 1 that is
rolled, the Wizard loses a single Wound.
Skaven Special Rules
A game of Warhammer: the Old World is packed with fantastic creatures and skilled warriors with abilities so incredible
and varied that the basic rules cannot possibly cover them all. For such circumstances we have special rules –
uncommon rules to govern uncommon circumstances.

On this page you will find a full description for each of the army special rules used by models drawn from the Skaven army list:

Poisoned Wind Verminous Valour

Poisoned Wind is one of the most infamous weapons of the Skaven, Notorious cowards, Skaven leaders often prefer to lead from
who first deployed it during bitter tunnel fighting against the the back.
Dwarfs of the Worlds Edge Mountains.
A character with this special rule that has joined a unit that
When a model using a weapon with this special rule makes has a Unit Strength of 10 or more may voluntarily ‘retire’ to
a roll To Wound, a roll of 6+ is always a success, even if the rear of the unit at any time, moving through the ranks and
the target’s Toughness is so high that the weapon would taking up a position away from the combat. Should they do so,
not normally be able to wound it. Finally, no armour save they are no longer within the fighting rank and cannot make
is permitted against wounds caused by a weapon with this any attacks or have attacks directed against them. However,
special rule (Ward and Regeneration saves can be attempted the unit may still use this character’s Leadership.
as normal).
Warpstone Weapons
Note that models wielding weapons that have this special rule are Skaven often use the highly unstable properties of warpstone to
immune to this special rule. create devilishly deadly weapons.

Scurry Away A hand weapon carried by a model with this special rule has
Wherever possible, Skaven prefer to run from danger rather than the Magical Attacks special rule and an Armour Piercing
face it head-on. characteristic of -1.

Models with this special rule have a +1 modifier to the result Note that this special rule only applies to a single, ordinary hand
of any Flee roll they make. weapon. If the model is using two hand weapons or any other sort
of weapon, this special rule ceases to apply.
Scurrying Masses
Although not brave by nature, Skaven find courage and discipline
in large numbers.

Whilst within 3" of a friendly unit, this model gains a positive

(+) modifier to its Leadership characteristic equal to that
unit’s current Rank Bonus, up to a maximum of Leadership 10.
Lore Of The Horned Rat
S kaven believe all magic originates from the same source, their powerful and fickle god – the Horned Rat. In truth, the
potent and destructive magic of the Skaven relies upon the manipulation of the Winds of Magic, without which even
the most devout and cunning Skaven would be unable to weave the simplest spell.

A Wizard with the ‘Lore of the Horned Rat’ special rule may discard one of their randomly generated spells as normal. When
they do so, they may select instead either the signature spell of their chosen Lore of Magic, or one of the spells listed below.

Skitterleap Warp Lightning

With a puff of smoke and a loud pop of inrushing air, the Skaven The Skaven Wizard points a fleshy paw, from which bolts of
Wizard disappears, only to reappear elsewhere on the battlefield. greenish-black lightning arc outwards.

Type: Conveyance Type: Magic Missile

Casting Value: 8+ Casting Value: 10+
Range: 18" Range: 18"
Effect: This spell can only target friendly characters whose Effect: The target enemy unit suffers D3+1 Strength 5 hits,
Troop Type is ‘infantry’, but may target characters engaged each with an AP of -3.
in combat. You may immediately remove the target friendly
character from the battlefield and replace it anywhere Cloud Of Corruption
completely within 24" of its original location, but not within
6" of any enemy models. The target cannot move again With a flourish of their palsied paws, the Skaven Wizard
during this Movement phase. summons forth a stinking cloud of foul contagion.
Note that this spell allows a character to leave combat.
Type: Magical Vortex
Casting Value: 10+
Range: 9"
Effect: Remains in play. Place a small (3") blast template so
that its central hole is within 9" of the caster. Whilst in play,
the template is treated as dangerous terrain over which no
line of sight can be drawn. Whilst within 3" of one or more
of these templates, enemy units suffer a -1 modifier to their
Toughness characteristic (to a minimum of one).
T he Tomb Kings are the true monarchs of the Undead. They ruled a vast and mighty civilisation at a time when other
human nations were still barbarians, and now, thousands of years after their deaths, they have been awakened. Rising
from their sarcophagi, the mummified Tomb Kings possess the same thirst for conquest that drove them in life. They
march forth to reclaim their rightful dominion over the kingdoms of the living, and woe betide any that stand in their way.

The Land of The Dead

The Rulers of The Dead

The Land Of The Dead The Rulers Of The Dead

Far to the south of the Old World lies a desolate, wind-swept Through blasphemous necromantic magic, the entire
desert. No living thing stirs in this place, but it is far from population of Nehekhara was cursed to a living death. The
uninhabited. This is Nehekhara, the cursed Land of the Dead corrupt sorcerer Nagash instigated a great catastrophe that
and the domain of the Tomb Kings. at once destroyed every living thing in Nehekhara, and raised
the dead from their tombs. Thus, the Tomb Kings arose from
Nehekhara was once a land of magnificent architecture and their sleep of oblivion, not into the golden paradise they were
noble dynasties. Its warrior kings led golden armies against promised, but to discover that they had become repulsive
the barbarian tribes that envied the splendour of their realm, Undead creatures; bone-dry cadavers whose once-palatial
fighting their wars with phalanxes of spearmen that stretched realms were but a shadow of their former splendour.
across battlefields as far as the eye could see, with regiments
of archers that darkened the skies with arrows and battalions Many Tomb Kings endeavour to reign from their necropolises
of chariots that rumbled across the land. The Nehekharans as they once did, imitating the life they knew. Some among
crushed all before them in displays of martial brilliance until them behave as if nothing were awry, ruling as though they
their realm reached from the lizard-infested Southlands to the were still beings of flesh and blood. Perhaps some are truly
monster-haunted forests of the north. unaware that they are Undead, whilst others are in denial of
their cursed existence, or have been driven mad by the sight
However, the vain kings refused to let mere death cheat of their own hideous visage. Thus a Tomb King may demand
them of their accomplishments or rob them of their worldly a bowl of sweet figs and a goblet of fine wine, seemingly
possessions. It was the belief of every Nehekharan monarch oblivious to the fact that the contents of such a meal would
that, upon their death, they should be mummified in an spill through their desiccated bodies onto the floor.
elaborate ceremony and interred within a magnificent burial
pyramid. Here, they would await the Day of Awakening, when Others raged upon their awakening, discovering that their
they would arise into a golden paradise where they would once great land had become plagued by hordes of barbaric
reign supreme for all eternity. Over time, their necropolises invaders; its ancient cities and proud statuaries crumbling
outgrew the towns of the living. It is said that the honoured from long centuries of warfare and its bountiful riches
dead buried beneath Nehekhara outnumber those that plundered by countless tomb robbers. In their immortal
breathe in the Old World twice over, and that the dead do not wrath, these Tomb Kings now fight to restore their vast
rest easy… empire to its former majesty, striking forth from the desert to
reclaim the world from the living.

Tomb Kings Of Khemri 123

The Legions Of Khemri The Legions of Khemri To protect their masters throughout their journey to eternity,
the Liche Priests wrought statues of guardian creatures such
The armies of Nehekhara are led by its long dead monarchs, as the Tomb Scorpions, Ushabti and Necrosphinxes. These
great kings and princes that rule the Great Land through statues were fashioned from stone and precious metal, from
eternity. At their command are the legions of courtiers, wood, bone and flesh. Inside each was placed certain magically
soldiers and servants that accompanied their ruler into death. potent organs, granting them a spark of life. These huge
The chief and most trusted ministers of a Tomb King or constructs were situated within the tombs of the kings to
Prince are the Liche Priests – Wizards of great power whose guard their sacred bodies, and the Liche Priests still rouse the
sole job in life was to prepare the tomb of their liege lord and magic within them and send them to war.
ensure their lasting immortality. When one of Nehekhara’s
rulers died, their Liche Priests would continue to perform Giant birds, once revered as holy creatures in ancient
rituals of immortality in their mortuary temple, and now they Nehekhara, were often mummified and placed in the tombs
are responsible for the reawakening of long-dead armies. of the kings. Once, it was said that the Carrion would descend
after a battle to pluck the souls of the fallen from their bodies
Thousands upon thousands of troops were buried alive in and carry them away to eternity. Now, they are rotted and
the great pits of the kings of Nehekhara. In those days, it was bloated husks, bound by the spells cast upon them and serving
considered the duty of a warrior to follow their king even in the armies of the Tomb Kings.
death. Troops were interred in serried ranks complete with
all the weapons needed to protect their lord in the next life – When the Tomb Kings awoke, they ordered the more
spears, swords and shields. Many archers were also buried with obviously cognisant of their Undead subjects to rebuild
their masters together with a great stash of ammunition. They the cities of old and fill them with the carts, boats, markets
live again to send their flint, bronze and iron-tipped arrows and other things that they remembered from life. As no
against the foe. Alongside the infantry gallop the Skeleton trees grow in the Land of the Dead, all these things must be
Cavalry, their spear-tips glinting in the desert sun. made from stone or bone. The same is true of the gigantic
catapults constructed to bombard the armies and cities of the
When the Liche Priests and Necrotects built the great tombs Tomb Kings’ rivals. The heads of fallen foes make effective
of their kings, they employed legions of labourers and stone ammunition. The dry-screams of living skulls can be heard as
masons to craft building blocks and statues of immense size. they are propelled through the air, spreading panic amongst
To move these, they created Bone Giants from the bodies the enemy ranks.
of gigantic animals – abominations that they filled with a
simplistic, magical life. Once the tombs were complete, any
giants that remained would be cast into the brimming charnel
pits, their purpose complete. When Nagash cast his terrible
spell of awakening, the giants crawled faithfully from their
pits – bizarre amalgams of bone and sinew with awareness to
perform only the most rudimentary of tasks.

124 Tomb Kings Of Khemri

T hroughout the history of Nehekhara, its rulers, Settra foremost amongst them, have ravaged the lands of their
neighbours, claiming dominion over everything from humble farmsteads to fortified cities. When these warmongering
monarchs do march along the path of conquest, they are accompanied by warriors far more deadly than just massed legions
of common soldiers.

Wealth And Power Lead By Example

Even as an emerging nation, millennia ago, the people of At Settra’s command, the armies of Khemri underwent a
Nehekhara quickly became a powerful civilisation. Presiding profound change, training day and night to meet the king’s
over these mighty cities were beloved kings and queens who lofty expectations. Phalanxes of spearmen marched back
ruled with absolute authority, their every whim and want and forth with shields held high and spears levelled. Archers
catered for. Vast armies were raised in order to defend their filled the rear ranks of these cohorts and were expected to
prosperous homes from the barbarous tribes who inhabited maintain a steady rate of missile fire whilst keeping pace with
the neighbouring lands, and before long, the dominion their comrades. Under his intense scrutiny, chariots raced
of Nehekhara stretched
The Armies from coast to coast and beyond
of Kings across the parade grounds, flanked by fast moving cavalry in
distant horizons. complex manoeuvres.

Yet, despite the great wealth and power won by their many For those who could not meet the king’s exacting standards,
victories, the kings and queens of Nehekhara thirsted for more. of which there were many, there was little sympathy. Archers
Their desire for further conquest and glory eventually saw the unable to keep pace with the marching formations were
ruling elite turn their armies upon one another, each seeking left where they fell. Riders who failed to learn the danger
to become the sole, unopposed ruler of the Great Land. of a chariot’s scythed wheels were cut down without a
second thought, whilst charioteers who could not grasp
For centuries, this internecine warfare raged, leaving the the complexity of the king’s manoeuvres were flogged until
borders of Nehekhara unprotected as its rulers turned upon they attained perfection or their bodies were too broken
one another. This, in turn, saw invaders plague the land with to continue.
violence and death as they swept unchecked and unchallenged
across the Great Land. However, the needless infighting, Those who proved their excellence were welcomed into
foolish power struggles and rampaging invaders would come to the ranks of the king’s Royal Host, where they would
a swift end following the ascension of Settra to the throne of fight beside Settra himself. Within a few short years, this
Khemri, greatest of Nehekhara’s cities. doctrine of perfection saw Khemri’s armies become more
powerful than any in the Great Land. Settra’s elite host
swiftly brought the warring monarchs of the Great Land to
heel and those who bent the knee soon adopted the king of
Khemri’s training regimes for their own forces – thus the
Royal Hosts of Nehekhara would become renowned and
feared throughout the lands for their ruthless efficiency and
unshakable discipline.
The armies of the Tomb Kings feature the colours and sigils of their monarchs upon their armaments and standards.
In life, warriors from the city of Numas proudly covered their shields in scarab motifs, whereas the legions of Settra the
Imperishable are always clad in the iconic turquoise and scarlet of their liege.

The shields and banners of Settra’s legions proudly display their king’s colours for all to see. Those carried by the Tomb Guard of
Settra’s Royal Host are incredibly detailed and ornate in their design, an obvious example of the vast wealth commanded by the
King of Khemri and the other sovereigns of ancient Nehekhara.

Settra the Imperishable leads his Royal Host from the front, the wheels of his blessed chariot crushing all in his path as he plunges
deep into the ranks of the Orc and Goblin horde.
Long have the Mortuary Cult studied the mysteries of eternal life and the revival of
the dead, a task that has secured them a position of privilege and power within the city
of Khemri and beyond. Whilst much of their time is spent in dusty, secluded tombs,
discovering the secrets of a youthful and everlasting existence, occasionally they marshal
forces of their own to accompany them to forgotten temples in pursuit of this great power.

The Great Betrayal The Might Of The Priesthood

It is no secret that the kings and queens The priests of the Mortuary Cult vowed
of Nehekhara have lusted for not only to never be caught so unprepared in the
wealth and power, but also to escape death’s face of such a threat ever again and quickly
embrace and rule for all eternity. However, set a plan in motion. Each of the Cult’s
not even the mighty Settra could hope to High Priests secreted away some of their
defeat the inevitable passage of time, so great stone constructs in hidden temples
the Mortuary Cult was maintained over across Nehekhara and even beyond its
the centuries in order to awaken them vast borders. Thus, should one of their
from death, once such knowledge had been number turn upon the others, they would
A Armies
The Necessary Evil
of Priests uncovered. Endlessly the priests worked, only know of a select few sites from which
The armies of the Tomb each passing their wisdom onto those who they could amass a military force. This
Kings are held together came after them until they learned how also allowed the Mortuary Cult to plant
by the potent magic to bind their souls to their bodies and pockets of military presence across the
wielded by the priests of avoid death altogether. Though the priests kingdom that could not only be brought to
the Mortuary Cult. This had uncovered the secrets of eternal life, bear against any trespassers into the Land
is likely the only reason the ability to bestow the eternal youth of the Dead, but could also be mobilised
that Settra did not put the kings and queens desired remained to further the desires of the High Priests
the entire priesthood a mystery. when necessary.
to the sword when the
Great Necromancer’s Before they could complete their work, Not all of the constructs were left to
ritual saw the royalty of darkness fell upon Nehekhara and the sleep, however, as only a fool would
Nehekhara arise from nation’s centuries-long downfall began. leave treasures so valuable unguarded.
their graves in their From within the Mortuary Cult itself, Necroserpents and Tomb Scorpions,
awful, decaying forms. the Great Necromancer Nagash arose, renowned for their sudden and deadly
Despite the almighty subjugating Khemri and the surrounding ambushes, were often left with their
king’s great wrath, he lands with a vast army of skeletal warriors. magical animus intact in order to stand
knows that without After years of strife under this usurper, sentry over the rest of the Liche Priest’s
them, he would not have the living kings of Nehekhara and the constructs. That way, should anyone
the tools he needs to priests of the Mortuary Cult formed stumble across one of these hidden sites
reconquer the lands that an alliance in order to overthrow him. by accident, or have somehow learned of
now rest in the hands of Mortal soldiers bravely faced Nagash’s its existence and tried to gain entry, they
usurper emperors and undead hordes, fighting alongside the would meet their end by venomous fangs
lesser kings. massive stone constructs that once guarded or crushing claws – the secret of the site’s
the tombs of their ancestors, given life location dying with them.
by the magic of the Mortuary Cult.
Eventually, the combined forces of the
kings and priests found victory against the
Great Necromancer, felling many of his
lieutenants and sending him fleeing across
the deserts to plot his revenge.
Symbols and markings sacred to Usirian, God of the Underworld, feature heavily in the iconography of the Mortuary
Cults. The most prominent of which are the skull-carapaced Khepra Beetles and the giant Carrion, sacred to the Mortuary
Cult, that soar above the vast deserts of Nehekhara.

These banners and shields are decorated with the red and black of the Mortuary Cult rather than the colours of a specific
monarch or city. Skulls, bones and skeletal Carrion cast in gold and bronze are used to decorate such items, hinting at the power
and wealth the Mortuary Cult commands within Nehekhara as well as its religious and spiritual significance.

The priests of the Mortuary Cult draw upon the Winds of Magic as they command their legions towards the Warriors of Chaos,
returning their undead warriors to the fray just as quickly as the armoured servants of Chaos can cut them down.
T his page details the Grand Army composition list for the Tomb Kings of Khemri. This is the default army composition
list for this faction. Using this army composition list to write your muster list will give you the widest variety of units
to choose from and create a broad and balanced force.

Tomb Kings of Khemri Army List

Grand Army Composition List

This army list is intended for use alongside the ‘Forming Units’ and ‘Warhammer Armies’ sections of the Warhammer: the Old
World rulebook. Over the following pages you will find profiles and rules for each of the models in your army. These pages give
you all of the information that you need to shape your collection of models into the units which will in turn form a force ready
for battle.

Grand Army Composition List

Characters Rare
Up to 50% of your army’s points value may be spent on: Up to 25% of your army’s points value may be spent on:

• 1+ Tomb King or Tomb Prince • Necrolith Colossus, Necrosphinx

• 1+ High Priest or Mortuary Priest • 0-2 Screaming Skull Catapults per 1,000 points
• 0-1 Tomb King or High Priest per 1,000 points • 0-1 Casket of Souls per 1,000 points
• Royal Heralds and Necrotects
Core Up to 20% of your army’s points value may be spent
At least 25% of your army’s points value must be spent on: on mercenaries.

• 1+ unit of Skeleton Warriors and/or Skeleton Archers Allies

• Skeleton Skirmishers, Tomb Swarms, Skeleton Horsemen, Up to 25% of your army’s points value may be spent on a single
Skeleton Horse Archers and Skeleton Chariots allied contingent drawn from:
• 0-1 unit of Tomb Guard or Sepulchral Stalkers may be
taken as a Core choice • Any Tomb Kings of Khemri Army of Infamy
composition list
Special • One of the following Grand Army composition lists:
Up to 50% of your army’s points value may be spent on: - Orc & Goblin Tribes (Suspicious)
- Warriors of Chaos (Suspicious)
• Tomb Guard, Ushabti, Sepulchral Stalkers, Carrion and - Beastmen Brayherds (Suspicious)
Necropolis Knights
• 0-3 Tomb Scorpions per 1,000 points
• 0-2 Khemrian Warsphinx (not counting character mounts) Battle Standard Bearer
per 1,000 points A single Royal Herald in your army may be upgraded
to be your Battle Standard Bearer for +25 points. In
addition to their usual allowance of points to spend on
magic items, a Battle Standard Bearer can purchase a
single magic standard with no points limit.

Tomb Kings Of Khemri 125

This Army of Infamy composition list is designed to be used with the Tomb Kings of
Khemri army list found in Ravening Hordes, and alongside the ‘Forming Units’ and
‘Warhammer Armies’ sections of the Warhammer: the Old World rulebook.

If you wish to field a Nehekharan Royal Host in your games of Warhammer: the Old
World, you may write your muster list using the Army of Infamy composition list below
instead of the Grand Army composition list found in Ravening Hordes. Over the following
pages you will find new profiles and rules for certain models in your army, representing
units unique to a Nehekharan Royal Host:

Army Of Infamy Composition List

Settra’s Legion Characters
Of the many royal hosts to
be found within Nehekhara, Up to 50% of your army’s points value may Rare
there are none as feared be spent on: Up to 25% of your army’s points value may
that ofKings
Khemri Nehekharan Royal Host be spent on:
Imperishable. Even in life, • 1+ Tomb King or Tomb Prince
his warriors were tireless • Mortuary Priests and Royal Heralds • 0-2 Screaming Skull Catapults per
fighters of near-peerless skill, 1,000 points
whose reputation for their Core
deadly efficiency in combat At least 33% of your army’s points value
was known far and wide. must be spent on: Battle Standard Bearer
In death, these warriors A single Royal Herald in your army
have become even more • 1+ unit of Skeleton Chariots may be upgraded to be your Battle
dangerous, their undead • 0-1 unit of Tomb Guard or Tomb Standard Bearer for +25 points. In
fortitude allowing them to Guard Chariots may be taken as a addition to their usual allowance of
give little notice to wounds Core choice points to spend on magic items, a
that would have brought a • Skeleton Archers, Skeleton Infantry Battle Standard Bearer can purchase
swift end to a mortal life. Cohorts and Skeleton Cavalry Cohorts a single magic standard with no
points limit.
Up to 50% of your army’s points value may Magic Items Any models within
be spent on: this army that have the option to
purchase magic items may purchase
• Tomb Guard, Skeleton Skirmishers, magic items from the Common or
Skeleton Horse Archers, Ushabti, Tomb Kings of Khemri magic
Necropolis Knights and Tomb items lists.
Guard Chariots
• 0-2 Tomb Scorpions per 1,000 points
• 0-2 Khemrian Warsphinx (not counting
character mounts) per 1,000 points
This Army of Infamy composition list is designed to be used with the Tomb Kings of
Khemri army list found in Ravening Hordes, and alongside the ‘Forming Units’ and
‘Warhammer Armies’ sections of the Warhammer: the Old World rulebook.

If you wish to field an army of the Mortuary Cult in your games of Warhammer: the Old
World, you may write your muster list using the Army of Infamy composition list below
instead of the Grand Army composition list found in Ravening Hordes. Over the following
pages you will find new profiles and rules for certain models in your army, representing
units unique to the Mortuary Cult:

Army Of Infamy Composition List

Characters Rare
Eternal Servitude Up to 50% of your army’s points value may Up to 33% of your army’s points value may
Thanks to their centuries of be spent on: be spent on:
research into the secrets of
eternal life, the Liche Priests • 1+ High Priest or Mortuary Priest • Necrolith Colossus and Necrosphinx
of the Mortuary Cults walk • 0-1 Tomb Prince or Arch Necrotect per • 0-2 Screaming Skull Catapults per
a thin line between life 1,000 points 1,000 points
and death. Though they • Necrotects • 0-1 Casket of Souls per 1,000 points
have escaped the clutches
of death, they are cursed Core
to live out eternity in At least 33% of your army’s points value Battle Standard Bearer
Tomb Kings corpse-like
of Khemribodies must be spent on:
Mortuary Cult A single Mortuary Priest in your
rather than the glorious army may be upgraded to be your
immortal forms they had • Skeleton Warriors, Skeleton Archers, Battle Standard Bearer for +25 points.
promised to the rulers of Skeleton Skirmishers, Skeleton In addition to their usual allowance
ancient Nehekhara. Horsemen, Skeleton Horse Archers of points to spend on magic items, a
• 0-1 unit of Tomb Swarms may be taken Battle Standard Bearer can purchase
as a Core choice a single magic standard with no
• 0-1 unit of Ushabti may be taken as a points limit. This model replaces the
Core choice “Hold Your Ground” rule given in the
• 0-1 unit of Necroserpents may be taken Warhammer: the Old World rulebook
as a Core choice with the version given in the Banner of
the King special rule (see page 127 of
Special Ravening Hordes).
Up to 50% of your army’s points value may
be spent on: Magic Items Any models within
this army that have the option to
• 1+ Tomb Scorpion per 1,000 points purchase magic items may purchase
• Ushabti, Venerable Ushabti, Tomb magic items from the Common or
Swarms, Carrion, Sepulchral Stalkers, Tomb Kings of Khemri magic items
Necroserpents and Skeleton Chariots lists.
• 0-1 Necrolith Colossus or Necrosphinx
may be taken as a Special choice
Character Monarchs Of Nehekhara
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Tomb King 4 6 3 5 5 4 4 4 10 160
Tomb Prince 4 5 3 4 5 3 3 3 9 90

Troop Type: Regular infantry (character)

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 1
• Tomb King: Hand weapon and heavy armour
• Tomb Prince: Hand weapon and light armour

• May take one of the following:
- Additional hand weapon...................................................................................................+3 points
- Flail ...........................................................................................................................................+3 points
- Great weapon........................................................................................................................+4 points
Monarchs of Nehekhara - Halberd ...................................................................................................................................+3 points
The Monarchs of Nehekhara - Cavalry spear (if appropriately mounted) ..................................................................+2 points
are the ancient, long-dead • May take a shield........................................................................................................................+2 points
rulers of the Great Land. • May be mounted..................................................................................................................See page 131
They have been reborn to • A Tomb King may purchase magic items up to a total of..........................................100 points
a mocking imitation of life, • A Tomb Prince may purchase magic items up to a total of..........................................50 points
transformed into hideous
cadavers whose kingdoms Special Rules: Curse of the Necropolis, Dry as Dust, Flammable, Indomitable (2),
have been plundered and Khopesh, My Will Be Done, Nehekharan Undead, Regeneration (5+)
lost. Their mummified
corpses have been awakened My Will Be Done
and revived by the rituals of Although it is the magic of the Liche Priests that animates the armies of Khemri, it is the
the Liche Priests, and their indomitable will of the Tomb King that instils long-dead warriors with unyielding vigour.
bodies are now inhabited
by their undying, vengeful During the Command sub-phase of their turn, this character may attempt to exert their
spirits. A Monarch awakens will upon those around them by making a Leadership test (using their own Leadership).
from the sleep of death If this test is passed, choose one of the following modifiers. Until your next Start of Turn
possessing all the ambition sub-phase this character, their mount and any unit they have joined gain that modifier (to
and lust for power they a maximum of 10):
had in life. Every prince
or king seeks to reclaim • “Forward to Glory!”: +D3 Movement.
their plundered treasures • “My Worthy Champions!”: +1 Weapon Skill.
and restore their ancient • “Strike like the Cobra!”: +D3 Initiative.
glory. If this means the
subjugation and destruction Note that this special rule is not cumulative. In other words, using it more than once on the same
of foreign lands, then their unit during the same turn has no further effect.
great army, loyal even in
death, rises from its rest at
their command.

126 Tomb Kings Of Khemri

Royal Heralds
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Royal Herald 4 4 3 4 4 2 3 3 8 60

Troop Type: Regular infantry (character)

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hand weapon and light armour

• May take one of the following:
- Additional hand weapon...................................................................................................+3 points
- Flail ...........................................................................................................................................+3 points
- Great weapon........................................................................................................................+4 points
- Halberd ...................................................................................................................................+3 points
- Cavalry spear (if appropriately mounted) ..................................................................+2 points
• May take a shield........................................................................................................................+2 points
• May be mounted..................................................................................................................See page 131 Royal Heralds
• May purchase magic items up to a total of ........................................................................75 points Every Royal Herald is the
personal champion and
Special Rules: Banner of the King, Dry as Dust, Flammable, Indomitable (1), Khopesh, trusted bodyguard of one
Nehekharan Undead, Regeneration (5+), Sworn Protector of Nehekhara’s many rulers.
Obedient to a fault, these
Banner of the King mummified warriors cut
A Monarch’s personal icon is often carried into battle by a trusted Royal Herald. down their lord’s enemies
without pause or hesitation,
A Royal Herald that has been upgraded to be your Battle Standard Bearer replaces the slicing through flesh and
“Hold Your Ground” rule given in the Warhammer: the Old World rulebook with the version bone with every strike
given below: until all their foes lie dead
or dying at their feet. So
“Hold Your Ground”: Friendly units within the Battle Standard Bearer’s Command range devoted to their masters,
may re-roll any failed Leadership test. In addition, friendly units within the Battle Standard and so ever present are
Bearer’s Command range reduce the number of Wounds lost due to the Unstable special those bodyguards, that those
rule by D3. who would seek to harm
a member of Nehekhara’s
Note that this is not cumulative with the Indomitable (X) special rule (see page 153). If a unit is nobility can be assured that
affected by both, use the highest value. they will first have to deal
with their Herald. Yet, a
Sworn Protector Royal Herald had many
Anyone wishing to harm a Monarch of Nehekhara must first get past their Heralds, sworn duties in life aside from the
bodyguards who move to intercept any mortal blow, heedless of the danger to themselves. protection of their master.
Disputes between the rulers
Should a Monarch of Nehekhara model suffer a hit whilst within 3" of this model, you may of different cities would
choose to transfer that hit and all of its effects onto this model. be settled by a ritual duel
between their nominated
champions, and the Royal
Heralds usually fulfilled
this role.

Tomb Kings Of Khemri 127

Liche Priests
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
High Priest 4 3 3 3 4 3 2 2 8 140
Mortuary Priest 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 7 55

Troop Type: Regular infantry (character)

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hand weapon

Magic: A High Priest is a Level 3 Wizard. A Mortuary Priest is a Level 1 Wizard. Every
Liche Priest knows spells from one of the following Lores of Magic:
• Elementalism
• Illusion
• Necromancy

Liche Priests Options:

Liche Priests are the undying • May be mounted..................................................................................................................See page 131
members of Nehekhara’s • A High Priest may:
Mortuary Cult, and they - Be a Level 4 Wizard ..........................................................................................................+30 points
hold the secrets to unlife. - Purchase magic items up to a total of .........................................................................100 points
They know the rituals • A Mortuary Priest may:
needed to draw forth spirits - Be a Level 2 Wizard ..........................................................................................................+30 points
from the Realm of Souls - Purchase magic items up to a total of ............................................................................50 points
and bind them once more
into corporeal bodies. It is Special Rules: Arise!, Curse of the Necropolis, Indomitable (1), Khopesh,
the Liche Priests who rouse Lore of Nehekhara, Nehekharan Undead, Regeneration (5+),
the Tomb Kings and their From Beneath the Sands
courts from their slumber
and awaken their armies for Arise!
war. Liche Priests are also the As the Liche Priest intones words of power learned long ago from dusty papyrus, the broken forms
keepers of Nehekhara’s arcane of fallen skeletal legionaries begin to rise jerkily from the dust.
lore. Through ritualistic
incantations, they call upon During the Command sub-phase of their turn, if they are not engaged in combat, this
the power of ancient gods character may attempt to resurrect the fallen (see page 154) by making a Leadership
to bestow blessings upon test (using their own Leadership). If this test is passed, a single friendly unit that has the
the warriors of the Tomb Nehekharan Undead special rule and is within 12" of this character recovers a number of
Kings, infusing their ancient lost Wounds. However, magically repairing gigantic undead constructs is much harder than
bones with magical energy. raising skeletons from the sand. Therefore, how many Wounds are recovered depends upon
Similarly, Liche Priests cast the unit’s troop type and this character’s Level of Wizardry:
terrible curses upon their foes,
summoning vengeful desert • If the unit’s troop type is ‘regular infantry’, ‘heavy infantry’ or ‘swarms’, it recovers a
spirits to feast on their souls. number of Wounds equal to this character‘s Level of Wizardry +D3.
• If the unit’s troop type is ‘light cavalry’, ‘heavy cavalry’ or ‘war beasts’, it recovers a
number of Wounds equal to this character‘s Level of Wizardry +1.
• If the unit’s troop type is ‘monstrous infantry’, ‘monstrous cavalry’ or ‘light chariot’, it
recovers a number of Wounds equal to this character‘s Level of Wizardry.
• If the unit’s troop type is ‘heavy chariot’, ‘monstrous creature’, ‘behemoth’ or ‘war
machine’, it recovers a single Wound.

128 Tomb Kings Of Khemri

From Beneath the Sands
At the Liche Priest’s command, the sands begin to shift and churn, revealing their hidden treasures: Character
the dry bones of long dead warriors and the glistening wing cases of biting insects.

During the Command sub-phase of their turn, if they are not engaged in combat, this
character may choose a single friendly unit that has both the Nehekharan Undead and the
Ambushers special rules, and that is currently held in reserve, and attempt to summon it by
making a Leadership test (using their own Leadership):

• If this test is passed, the chosen unit is successfully summoned and can be placed on
the battlefield anywhere completely within 12" of this model, but not within 6" of any
enemy models. The unit cannot charge during this turn and counts as having moved for
the purposes of shooting, but can otherwise act as normal.
• If this test is failed, the Ambushers pay no heed to this model's summons and are
delayed until their controlling player’s next turn at least.

Note that Ambushers arrive automatically at the start of round five as usual.

The Immortal Priesthood

The Hierophant Upon its founding, the
‘Hierophant’ is the title given to an army’s highest-ranking Liche Priest. It is the Hierophant Mortuary Cult was
who awakens the Tomb King’s legions from their ancient slumber and, without their magic, commanded to study the
the spirits of these warriors will be dragged back to the Realm of Souls. arts of mummification
and communion with the
Your army must include at least one Liche Priest to be its Hierophant. If your army gods. Steadily, over many
includes several Liche Priests, the Hierophant will be the one with the highest Level centuries, the priests learned
of Wizardry. If two or more models have the highest Wizard Level, you may choose how to preserve a corpse
which one is the Hierophant when writing your muster list. You must tell your from decay until the art of
opponent which model is your Hierophant before deploying your army. embalming had become very
elaborate. The priesthood also
Should the Hierophant be slain, the magical animus of the army starts to dissipate. As devised a vast lore of magical
soon as the Hierophant is removed from play as a casualty, all friendly units with the incantations and rituals
Nehekharan Undead special rule lose the Regeneration (X) special rule. intended to bind the souls of
the dead kings back into their
In addition, at the end of the phase in which your Hierophant was removed from royal bodies.
play as a casualty, and during each of your Start of Turn sub-phases for the remainder
of the game, all friendly units with the Nehekharan Undead special rule that are Long ago, the Liche Priests
currently on the battlefield must make a Leadership test. If this test is failed, the unit used their accumulated
loses a number of Wounds equal to the amount by which it failed the test. knowledge to trap their
own souls within their
For example: Your army’s Hierophant is destroyed during your opponent’s Shooting bodies, extending their lives
phase. At the end of that phase a unit of Skeleton Warriors (Ld 5) makes a Leadership far beyond their mortal
test and rolls a 7 (failing the test by 2). That unit immediately loses two Wounds. span. However, whilst their
During your next Start of Turn sub-phase, the same unit makes another Leadership spirits never passed into the
test, this time rolling a 6, resulting in the loss of one Wound. Realm of Souls, their bodies
withered with the passing
of the centuries, and it is
their spirit alone that now
animates their forms.

Tomb Kings Of Khemri 129

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Necrotect 4 3 3 4 4 2 3 2 7 55

Troop Type: Regular infantry (character)

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hand weapon, whip and light armour

• May purchase magic items up to a total of ........................................................................50 points

Special Rules: Dry as Dust, Eternal Taskmaster, Flammable, Khopesh,

Nehekharan Undead, Regeneration (6+)

Eternal Taskmaster
Necrotects were the taskmasters of ancient Nehekhara. Under their stern gaze, armies of workers
Necrotects laboured relentlessly in the service of mighty kings.
Necrotects were the artisans
of ancient Nehekhara. During the Command sub-phase of their turn, this character may attempt to drive a
They were not common unit they have joined to greater efforts by making a Leadership test (using their own
labourers, but architects of Leadership). If this test is passed, until your next Start of Turn sub-phase this character
extraordinary skill whose and any unit they have joined gains the Extra Attacks (+1) and Hatred (all enemies)
ambitions far outpaced special rules.
what could be achieved in a
mortal lifespan. They were
the stern taskmasters who
oversaw tens of thousands
of Nehekharans as they
toiled under the blazing
sun to build the Necropolis
cities and craft the great
constructs that guarded
them. In unlife, Necrotects
constantly repair their work,
for many hieroglyphs have
faded through the passage
of time. When a Tomb King
awakens, the Necrotects
redouble their efforts as
they attempt to finish
their work. They tirelessly
restore the once great works
of the past and endlessly
goad the skeletal legions to
greater effort.

130 Tomb Kings Of Khemri

Arch Necrotect (Mortuary Cult Only)
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Arch Necrotect 4 4 3 4 4 3 3 3 8 90

Troop Type: Regular infantry (character)

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hand weapon, whip and light armour

• May purchase magic items up to a total of ........................................................................75 points

Special Rules: Dry as Dust, Flammable, Immortal Overseer, Khopesh,

Nehekharan Undead, Regeneration (5+), Stone Shaper

Immortal Overseer
Under the cruel gaze of an Arch Necrotect, even the emotionless skeletal servants and magical
Arch Necrotects constructs of the Mortuary Cult are driven to ever greater efforts.
Amongst the ranks of
ancient Nehekhara’s During the Command sub-phase of their turn, this character may attempt to drive a single
most skilled artisans and friendly unit within their Command range to greater efforts by making a Leadership test
architects thereNecrotect
Arch were those (using their own Leadership). If this test is passed, until your next Start of Turn sub-phase
that stood supreme, either that unit gains a +D3 modifier to its Initiative characteristic (to a maximum of 10).
for their mastery of their
chosen crafts or for their Stone Shaper
brutality as overseers in Schooled by the priests of the Mortuary Cult in crafting the potent symbols of animation, it is the
command of the Great duty of an Arch Necrotect to maintain the animus of Nehekhara’s legions of undead constructs.
Land’s armies of labourers.
Such individuals would During the Command sub-phase of their turn, if they are not engaged in combat, this
quickly rise to the rank of character may nominate a single friendly Necrolith Colossus, Necrosphinx, unit of Ushabti
Arch Necrotect, a privileged or unit of Venerable Ushabti that is within their Command range. Until the end of this
position that granted them turn, the nominated unit improves the armour value of its Regeneration save by 1.
a measure of the esteem to
which those they served
were accustomed. In death, Representing This Unit In Your Games
the Arch Necrotects are Painted in rich and vibrant colours, or mounted upon a scenic base, an Arch Necrotect
tasked with endlessly can easily be distinguished from a humble Necrotect.
driving legions of undead
to maintain and rebuild
the crumbling necropolis
cities of Nehekhara, and
with tending to the ranks
of animated statuary and
cyclopean undead constructs
that guard the tombs of
their masters and kings
through eternity.
Settra The Imperishable, The Great King Of Nehekhara
Settra the Imperishable is a Tomb King. He may be included in any Tomb Kings of Khemri
army made using any army composition list that includes this option. He must be fielded as
presented here.

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Settra the Imperishable - 7 3 6 5 - 3 5 10 445
Chariot of the Gods - - - 5 5 8 - - - -
Skeletal Steed (x4) 8 2 - 3 - - 2 1 - -

Troop Type: Heavy chariot (named character)

Base Size: 100 x 150 mm
Unit Size: 1
Armour Value: 4+
Equipment: Settra: The Blessed Blade of Ptra, the Chariot of the Gods, the Crown of
Settra The Imperishable Nehekhara, the Scarab Brooch of Usirian
Feared by all in both life Skeletal Steed: Skeletal hooves (counts as hand weapons)
and death, Settra the
Imperishable is the lord of Magic: Settra the Imperishable is a Level 1 Wizard. He knows spells from the
ruthless tyrant the Great King of Nehekhara
Imperishable, Lore of Necromancy.
whose appetite for conquest
cannot be satisfied, no Special Rules: Commander of Legions, Curse of the Necropolis, Dry as Dust, Flammable,
matter how many lands Impact Hits (2D3), Indomitable (3), Lore of Nehekhara,
he invades or people he My Will Be Done, Nehekharan Undead, Regeneration (5+), Settra Does
subjugates. During his Not Kneel!, Settra the Great.
natural life, the king of
Nehekhara was obsessed Commander Of Legions
with immortality and Though not as fully versed in the art of Necromancy as the Liche Priests, Settra’s will alone is
established the Mortuary enough for the dead to rise at his command.
Cult in an effort to unlock
the secrets of eternal life. Settra gains the Arise! special rule and, unlike other models with this special rule, may use
For centuries after his death, it even when engaged in combat.
the Mortuary Cult worked
tirelessly to give Settra Settra Does Not Kneel!
the immortality they had Settra views all people as his subjects and all lands as his to conquer; anyone that would challenge
promised him, but after his rule is swiftly and brutally punished.
Nagash’s betrayal, the lord of
Nehekhara was awoken in Settra must always accept a challenge unless Nekaph, Emissary of Settra is engaged in the
his broken, mummified body. same combat. In which case, Nekaph must accept the challenge on Settra’s behalf.
Ever since his premature
awakening, Settra has busied Settra The Great
himself with reconquering Settra is the most powerful and respected leader in Nehekhara’s long history and his command over
the lands that were once its mighty legions is unequalled.
his; lands that, in his long
absence, have fallen into If your army includes Settra, he must be the army’s General and must be chosen to be the
the hands of upstart lords army’s Hierophant, even if he does not have the highest Level of Wizardry in your army. In
and bickering emperors. In addition, Settra has a Command Range of 18".
time, all will bend the knee
before the supreme ruler of
Nehekhara once more.
The Chariot Of The Gods
This mighty chariot is blessed by all of the gods and goddesses of Nehekhara, causing its wheels to Character
blaze with divine flame.

Impact hits caused by the Chariot of the Gods have the Flaming Attacks and Magical
Attacks special rules. In addition, when fielded within a Nehekharan Royal Host army, this
model may join a unit of Tomb Guard Chariots as if its troop type were ‘light chariot’.

The Crown Of Nehekhara

Having incorporated the crowns of conquered rivals into his own, Settra’s regal headdress allows
him to instil his undying will into all those nearby.

Settra’s My Will Be Done special rule affects all friendly units with the Nehekharan
Undead special rule within 6" of him, not just a unit he has joined.

The Scarab Brooch Of Usirian

Made in the likeness of a skull-carapaced Khepra beetle, this talisman cloaks the wearer in
protective energies and the blessing of Usirian, god of the Underworld.
Titles Upon Titles
The Scarab Brooch of Usirian grants Settra a 5+ Ward save against any wounds suffered. Oh mighty Settra... Great
King of Nehekhara, the
The Blessed Blade Of Ptra Imperishable, Khemrikhara,
Blessed by the sun god, the blade of Ptra’s white-hot edge is infused with the heat of the desert sun. King of Kings, Opener of
It burns so brightly with divine fire that it blinds those who dare stand before the mighty Settra. the Way, Wielder of the
Divine Flame, Punisher
R S AP Special Rules of Nomads, The Great
The Blessed Combat S -3 Flaming Attacks, Magical Attacks, Unifier, Commander of
Blade of Ptra Requires Two Hands the Golden Legion, Sacred
Notes: Any enemy model that suffers one or more unsaved wounds from the Blessed Blade of Ptra of Appearance, Bringer of
suffers a -1 modifier to its rolls To Hit, both when shooting and in combat, for the remainder of Light, Father of Hawks,
the game. Builder of Cities, Protector
of the Two Worlds, Keeper
of the Hours, Chosen of
Ptra, High Steward of the
Horizon, Sailor of the Great
Vitae, Sentinel of the Two
Realms, The Undisputed,
Begetter of the Begat,
Scourge of the Faithless,
Carrion-feeder, First of the
Charnel Valley, Rider of
the Sacred Chariot, Mighty
Lion of the Infinite Desert,
Lord of the Shifting Sands,
He Who Holds the Sceptre,
Great Hawk of the Heavens,
Waker of the Hierotitan,
Monarch of the Sky, King
of the Shifting Sands,
Champion of the Gods, and
many, many more…
Prince Apophas, The Cursed Scarab Lord
Prince Apophas is a Tomb Prince. He may be included in any Tomb Kings of Khemri army
made using any army composition list that includes this option. He must be fielded as
presented here.

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Prince Apophas 4 4 3 4 3 4 1 5 8 130

Troop Type: Regular infantry (named character)

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hand weapon, swarming mass and light armour
Special Rules: Ambushers, Fly (9), Indomitable (2), Khopesh, Loner, Nehekharan
Undead, Regeneration (5+), Scarab Prince, Usirian’s Reaper, Terror

Scarab Prince
Apophas’ spirit resides in a swarm of scarabs which, should his spirit ever be banished back to the
Underworld, will drown those who brought about the prince’s end. Prince Apophas,
the Cursed Scarab Lord
Should Prince Apophas lose his last Wound, before his model is removed from play, all
enemy units within 2D6" of him suffer 2D6 Strength 2 hits with an AP of -1. “Prince Apophas. You are
found guilty of regicide,
Usirian’s Reaper the most heinous crime
In a desperate bid to escape his pact with the god of the Underworld, Apophas seeks out those of all within the lands of
whose souls he believes to be equal to his own, hunting them until their soul has been delivered Nehekhara. For slaying the
to Usirian. beloved King of Numas and
all his bloodline in an effort
After deployment, nominate a single character in your opponent’s Muster List. Apophas to usurp the throne, you are
may re-roll any failed rolls To Hit or To Wound made against that character. In addition, condemned to die a slow and
any hits inflicted by Apophas against the nominated character gain the Magical Attacks painful death. May Usirian
special rule. claim your soul and subject
it to an eternity of torment!”
Swarming Mass
As the swarm of scarabs in which Apophas’ accursed soul resides rises up from the dust of – The sentencing of
the desert, his gleaming skull opens its fleshless jaw wide, unleashing an all consuming cloud Prince Apophas of Numas
of flesh eating beetles upon his enemies.

R S AP Special Rules
Swarming Mass N/A 2 - Breath Weapon
Notes: When making a roll To Wound with this weapon, a roll of 4+ is always a success, regardless
of the target’s Toughness.
Nekaph, Emissary Of Settra
Nekaph, Emissary of Settra is a Royal Herald. He may be included in any Tomb Kings of
Khemri army made using any army composition list that includes this option. He must be
fielded as presented here.

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Nekaph, 4 5 3 4 4 2 4 3 8 120
Emissary of Settra

Troop Type: Regular infantry (named character)

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: The Flail of Conquered Kings and light armour
Special Rules: Dry as Dust, Flammable, Herald of Despair, Indomitable (2),
Killing Blow, Nehekharan Undead, Regeneration (5+), Settra’s Champion,
Sworn Protector

Herald Of Despair Nekaph,

The tidings of woe uttered by Nekaph before battle are enough to break the spirits of even the most Emissary of Settra
stout hearted folks.
“Settra the Imperishable is
Any enemy unit that is in base contact with Nekaph or a unit he has joined must roll an a wise and merciful lord,
extra D6 when making a Fear or Terror test, and discard the lowest result. for he offers you this one
chance to save the lives of
Settra’s Champion you and your people. Bend
In ancient Nehekhara, Nekaph would stand in Settra’s place should anyone be foolish enough to the knee to the Great King
challenge the king to single combat or call his honour into question. of Nehekhara and offer him
your undying fealty, or die a
Nekaph must always issue and accept challenges (if possible). However, challenges issued fool and find your pathetic
by Nekaph cannot be refused. In addition, whilst engaged in a challenge, Nekaph strikes dynasty absent from even
a Killing Blow if he rolls a natural 5 or 6 when making a roll To Wound, rather than the the footnotes of history.”
usual 6.
– Nekaph’s first and final
The Flail Of Conquered Kings warning to the Turjuk tribes
The skulls of many conquered monarchs have been collected and cast in gold to create this macabre
weapon. In Nekaph’s skeletal hands, it continues to aid the Emissary in his grim duty.

R S AP Special Rules
The Flail of Combat S+2 -2 Magical Attacks, Multiple Wounds (2),
Conquered Kings Requires Two Hands
Notes: The Flail of Conquered Kings’ Strength modifier applies only during the first round
of combat.
Character Mounts
A character that can be mounted may choose a mount from the following list. Some
mounts are covered in detail on this page. Those that are not have their own dedicated
entries later in this army list.

A Tomb King or Tomb Prince may be mounted on a:

• Skeletal Steed.............................................................................................................................+12 points
• Skeleton Chariot ......................................................................................................................+35 points
• Necrolith Bone Dragon (Tomb Kings only) ...............................................................See page 142
• Khemrian Warsphinx (Tomb Kings only)..................................................................See page 143

A Royal Herald may be mounted on a:

• Skeletal Steed.............................................................................................................................+12 points
• Skeleton Chariot ......................................................................................................................+35 points

A High Priest or Mortuary Priest may be mounted on a:

• Skeletal Steed.............................................................................................................................+12 points Skeletal Steeds
• Necrolith Bone Dragon (High Priests only)...............................................................See page 142 Skeletal steeds display a
supernatural discipline
Skeletal Steed and instinctively obey the
will of their riders. Only
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points occasionally do these
Skeletal Steed 8 2 - 3 - - 2 1 - +12 Undead horses twitch their
heads as a vestigial memory
Troop Type: Heavy cavalry of life surfaces. Even though
Base Size: 25 x 50 mm their flesh has long since
Unit Size: 1 vanished, skeletal steeds are
Equipment: Skeletal hooves (counts as hand weapons) as powerful as they were in
Special Rules: Nehekharan Undead, Swiftstride, Vanguard life, and they can crush a foe’s
skull with a single kick.

Skeleton Chariot Skeleton Chariots

Nehekhara was the first
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points human civilisation to breed
Chariot - - - 4 4 3 - - - +35 horses as beasts of war, but it
Skeletal Steed (x2) 8 2 - 3 - - 2 1 - - was considered undignified
for those of noble blood
Troop Type: Light chariot to ride such lowly brutes.
Base Size: 50 x 100 mm However, with the invention
Unit Size: 1 of the chariot, the rulers of
Armour Value: 5+ Nehekhara could take to
Equipment: battle with the speed of a
• Skeletal Steed: Skeletal hooves (counts as hand weapons) stallion. Thus, many great
kings and princes speed
Special Rules: Dry as Dust, Impact Hits (D3), Nehekharan Undead, Open Order, heroically into battle upon
Reserve Move, Swiftstride ornate chariots.

Tomb Kings Of Khemri 131

Infantry Tomb Guard
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Tomb Guard 4 3 3 4 4 1 2 1 7 10
Tomb Captain 4 3 3 4 4 1 3 2 7 +6

Troop Type: Regular infantry

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 5+
Equipment: Hand weapons, light armour and shields

• The entire unit may take halberds....................................................................+1 point per model
• Any unit may:
- Upgrade one model to a Tomb Captain (champion) .............................+6 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+6 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+6 points per unit
- Purchase a magic standard worth up to........................................................................50 points
Tomb Guard • A Tomb Captain may purchase magic items up to a total of ......................................25 points
The Tomb Guard are the • 0-1 unit per 1,000 points may:
partially mummified remains - Have the Drilled special rule ........................................................................+1 point per model
of a king’s elite guard, whole - Have the Nehekharan Phalanx special rule.............................................+1 point per model
regiments of which were
entombed beside their rulers. Special Rules: Cleaving Blow, Close Order, Indomitable (1), Khopesh,
Fully armed and armoured Nehekharan Undead, Regeneration (6+), Regimental Unit
in death, their bodies were
further decorated with gold
bracelets, headdresses and
scarab-shaped brooches
that fastened parchments
proclaiming their deeds of
bravery and devotion. The
Tomb Guard rest in stone
sarcophagi, arranged upright
around the royal tomb
chamber, until awakened
to serve once more. They
were exceptional warriors
in life, and maintain all
their discipline and martial
skill in death. In battle, they
form unwavering ranks
of armoured warriors.
They have spilled the
blood of their enemies for
countless centuries, and
numerous armies have
been dashed against their
implacable shieldwalls.

132 Tomb Kings Of Khemri

Skeleton Warriors
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Skeleton Warrior 4 2 2 3 3 1 2 1 5 4
Master of Arms 4 2 2 3 3 1 2 2 5 +5

Troop Type: Regular infantry

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 10+
Equipment: Hand weapons and shields

• The entire unit may take:
- Thrusting spears ...............................................................................................+1 point per model
- Light armour ......................................................................................................+1 point per model
• Any unit may:
- Upgrade one model to a Master of Arms (champion) ..........................+5 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+5 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+5 points per unit Skeleton Warriors
• A Master of Arms may purchase magic items up to a total of ...................................25 points The mighty armies of
• 0-1 unit per 1,000 points may: Nehekhara, made up of
- Have the Nehekharan Phalanx special rule.............................................+10 points per unit regiment after regiment of
- Purchase a magic standard worth up to........................................................................50 points valiant soldiers, swore oaths
of eternal loyalty before the
Special Rules: Close Order, Horde, Nehekharan Undead, Regeneration (6+), gods, to serve their monarch
Regimental Unit in life and beyond into
death. Thus, the bones of
those who perished in battle
were interred in their king’s
necropolis by the Liche
Priests. Soldiers who yet
lived after their liege lord
had died marched willingly
into cavernous vaults where
they would be entombed
alive. Bravely, these warriors
stood to attention in serried
ranks as hot sand was
poured into the tomb pits
until the tops of standard
poles disappeared from
sight. There they remained
until summoned by the
incantations of the Liche
Priests to heed the will of
their king once more.

Tomb Kings Of Khemri 133

Skeleton Archers
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Skeleton Archer 4 2 2 3 3 1 2 1 5 5
Master of Arrows 4 2 3 3 3 1 2 1 5 +5

Troop Type: Regular infantry

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 10+ (5+ if a detachment)
Equipment: Hand weapons and warbows

• The entire unit may take light armour............................................................+1 point per model
• Any unit may:
- Upgrade one model to a Master of Arrows (champion).......................+5 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+5 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+5 points per unit
Skeleton Archers
The kings of ancient Special Rules: Arrows of Asaph, Detachment, Nehekharan Undead, Open Order,
Nehekhara knew the Regeneration (6+)
importance of delivering
death from afar, and all of
them maintained legions of Skeleton Skirmishers
highly disciplined archers.
Loyal soldiers for all eternity, M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Skeleton Archers continue Skeleton Skirmisher 5 2 2 3 3 1 2 1 4 4
to practise their ways of
war as they did in centuries Troop Type: Regular infantry
long past, unleashing great Unit Size: 5-20
clouds of death that darken Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
the sky moments before Equipment: Hand weapons
falling amidst the ranks of
the enemy. Options:
• The entire unit may take one of the following:
Skeleton Skirmishers - Warbows..............................................................................................................+1 point per model
The armies of ancient - Shields...................................................................................................................+1 point per model
Nehekhara sometimes • 0-1 unit in your army may have the Ambushers special rule ..................+1 point per model
employed lightly armed
and armoured infantry to Special Rules: Arrows of Asaph, Chariot Runners, Nehekharan Undead,
skirmish ahead of squadrons Regeneration (6+), Skirmishers, Vanguard
of chariots or regiments of
cavalry. Such warriors were
tasked with harassing the
flanks of the enemy army
and slowing the advance
of its cavalry and chariot
regiments, all while fending
off rival skirmishers intent
on doing the same.

134 Tomb Kings Of Khemri

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Ushabti 5 4 3 4 4 3 2 3 8 49
Ancient 5 4 3 4 4 3 2 4 8 +7

Troop Type: Monstrous infantry

Base Size: 40 x 40 mm
Unit Size: 3+
Equipment: Hand weapons, ritual blades and heavy armour

• The entire unit may replace ritual blades with greatbows (see below) .............................Free
• Any unit may upgrade one model to an Ancient (champion) ..................+7 points per unit

Special Rules: Arrows of Asaph, Close Order, Indomitable (1), Khopesh,

Nehekharan Undead, Regeneration (6+)

R S AP Special Rules Ushabti

Ritual blade Combat S+2 -3 Requires Two Hands, Strike Last Carved into the likenesses
of the gods and goddesses
R S AP Special Rules of Nehekhara, Ushabti
Greatbow 30" 6 -1 Armour Bane (2), Multiple Wounds (2), stand as guardian statues
Volley Fire around the perimeters of
the necropolises and within
the passageways of the
great pyramids of the Tomb
Kings. Ushabti are imposing
monuments, and all who
pass beneath their shadows
tremble. In times of need,
the Liche Priests awaken
the Ushabti with powerful
incantations, and with the
sound of cracking stone, they
step down from their plinths
and daises, silent and ready
for war. In ancient times, the
living warriors of Nehekhara
took great strength from the
fact that the Ushabti fought
alongside them, for who
could fail to be inspired by
the physical representations
of their gods marching into
battle at their sides?

Tomb Kings Of Khemri 135

Tomb Swarms
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Tomb Swarm 5 3 0 2 2 5 1 5 10 37

Troop Type: Swarms

Base Size: 40 x 40 mm
Unit Size: 2-10
Equipment: Venomous bites and stings (counts as hand weapons)

• Any unit may have the Ambushers special rule.........................................+2 points per model

Special Rules: Dry as Dust, Nehekharan Undead, Poisoned Attacks,

Regeneration (6+), Skirmishers

Tomb Swarms
The tombs and pyramids M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
of the necropolises are Carrion 2 3 0 4 4 2 3 3 4 27
infested with the dried husks
of scorpions, scarabs and Troop Type: Monstrous infantry
countless other poisonous Base Size: 40 x 40 mm
creatures of the desert. Unit Size: 2+
Though long dead, the mere Equipment: Beaks and talons (counts as hand weapons)
presence of the Liche Priests Special Rules: Fly (10), Nehekharan Undead, Regeneration (6+), Skirmishers,
and Tomb Kings fills their Swiftstride
empty shells with animation,
and they scuttle from their
hiding places around the
mortuary temples and
beneath the scorched sands.

Repulsive carrion birds
with vast wingspans once
nested in the mountains
east of Nehekhara. Raised
into unlife by the evil
enchantments of the
Great Necromancer, their
decayed bodies are drawn
to battlefields where they
feast on the flesh of anything
they can find, from freshly
slaughtered corpses to
cadavers that have festered
for too long in the heat of the
desert sun.

136 Tomb Kings Of Khemri

Skeleton Infantry Cohorts (Royal Host Only)
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Royal Host
Skeleton WarriorCohorts 4
Infantry 2 2 3 3 1 2 1 5 5
Royal Host Archer 4 2 2 3 3 1 2 1 5 5
Master of Arms 4 2 2 3 3 1 3 2 5 +5

Troop Type: Regular infantry

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 10+/10+*
• Royal Host Warriors: Hand weapons, thrusting spears, light armour and shields
• Royal Host Archers: Hand weapons, light armour and warbows

• Any unit may:
- Upgrade one model to a Master of Arms (champion) ..........................+5 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+5 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+5 points per unit Infantry Cohorts
- Take a magic standard worth up to................................................................................50 points The mixed-infantry
- Have the Nehekharan Phalanx special rule.............................................+10 points per unit formations of the Royal
• A Master of Arms may purchase magic items up to a total of ...................................30 points Hosts allow the forces of
Nehekhara to advance under
Special Rules:
Venerable Arrows of Asaph, Close Order, Horde, Motley Crew*, Nehekharan Undead,
Ushabti the cover of bowfire without
Regeneration (6+), Regimental Unit, Steadfast Discipline (see page 31) leaving units of archers
vulnerable to the enemy.
*When writing your muster list, a Skeleton Infantry Cohort must contain at least ten Royal Host Those foolish enough to
Warriors and ten Royal Host Archers. Royal Host Warriors always occupy the front rank(s) of the charge the cohort head-on
unit, pushing past any Royal Host Archers to get there if necessary (such as when the unit turns). will likely find themselves
on the receiving end of
a volley of arrows before
Venerable Ushabti (Mortuary Cult Only) their advance is brought to
a standstill by the towering
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points shields of the cohort’s
Venerable Ushabti 4 5 3 5 4 3 2 3 8 56 impenetrable front ranks.
Venerable Ancient 4 5 3 5 4 3 2 4 8 +7
Venerable Ushabti
Troop Type: Monstrous infantry Amongst the innumerable
Base Size: 40 x 40 mm Ushabti that guard
Unit Size: 3+ necropolises and tombs of
Equipment: Hand weapons, ritual blades and heavy armour the Land of the Dead stand
some of truly ancient age,
Options: crafted by masons in the
• Any unit may upgrade one model to a Venerable Ancient ........................+7 points per unit earliest days of Nehekhara
in honour of gods and
Special Rules: Close Order, Indomitable (1), Khopesh, Magic Resistance (2), goddesses long since
Nehekharan Undead, Regeneration (6+) forgotten. Though their
surfaces have become pitted
R S AP Special Rules and eroded by the passage of
Ritual blade Combat S+2 -3 Requires Two Hands, Strike Last the centuries and the names
of the deities they represent
have been forgotten, they
Representing This Unit In Your Games remain powerful servants of
Venerable Ushabti can easily be distinguished from regular Ushabti by painting the the Mortuary Cult.
models in rich, vibrant colours or by placing them on scenic bases.
Skeleton Horsemen Cavalry
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Skeleton Horseman - 2 2 3 3 1 2 1 5 11
Master of Horse - 2 2 3 3 1 2 2 5 +6
Skeletal Steed 8 2 - 3 - - 2 1 - -

Troop Type: Heavy cavalry

Base Size: 25 x 50 mm
Unit Size: 5+
• Skeleton Horsemen: Hand weapons and shields
• Skeletal Steed: Skeletal hooves (counts as hand weapons)

• The entire unit may take:
- Cavalry spears....................................................................................................+1 point per model
- Light armour ......................................................................................................+1 point per model Skeleton Horsemen
• Any unit may: When the Liche Priests
- Upgrade one model to a Master of Horse (champion)..........................+6 points per unit summon the legions of
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+6 points per unit Nehekhara to rise from their
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+6 points per unit sandy graves, fully formed
• A Master of Horse may purchase magic items up to a total of...................................25 points cavalry columns stride out
• 0-1 unit per 1,000 points may: of the ancient pyramids
- Have the Counter Charge special rule ......................................................+1 point per model and tomb pits at the head
- Purchase a magic standard worth up to........................................................................50 points of the regiments of infantry.
When the enemy is sighted,
Special Rules: Close Order, Horde, Nehekharan Undead, Regeneration (6+), hornblowers signal the charge
Swiftstride, Vanguard and a deep unsettling discord
reverberates about the desert.
This otherworldly sound
shakes the dust from statues,
and a disquieting feeling
of dread permeates across
the battlefield. As one, the
undead steeds gallop towards
their quarry, the skeletal
riders on their backs raising
their tall shields and lowering
their heavy spears in perfect
unison. Gripped with fear, it
is a brave foe indeed that does
not flee before the charge of
these deathless horsemen.

Tomb Kings Of Khemri 137

Skeleton Horse Archers
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Skeleton Horse Archer - 2 2 3 3 1 2 1 5 11
Master of Horse - 2 3 3 3 1 2 1 5 +6
Skeletal Steed 8 2 - 3 - - 2 1 - -

Troop Type: Light cavalry

Base Size: 25 x 50 mm
Unit Size: 5+
• Skeleton Horse Archer: Hand weapons and warbows
• Skeletal Steed: Skeletal hooves (counts as hand weapons)

• The entire unit may take light armour............................................................+1 point per model
• Any unit may:
- Upgrade one model to a Master of Horse (champion)..........................+6 points per unit
Skeleton Horse Archers - Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+6 points per unit
Skeleton Horse Archers are - Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+6 points per unit
the outriders and scouts - Have the Chariot Runners special rule .....................................................+1 point per model
of the Tomb Kings army,
Undead horsemen possessed Special Rules: Arrows of Asaph, Nehekharan Undead, Open Order, Regeneration (6+),
of an innate ability to track Reserve Move, Scouts, Skirmishers, Swiftstride
and hunt their quarry
through the shifting dunes
and across the vast tracts of
open desert at a relentless
pace. Ranging ahead of the
Nehekharan battle lines, they
hinder the movements of
the enemy and harass their
flanks in fleeting, yet bloody
skirmishes, slowing the
advance of the enemy. When
Skeleton Horse Archers
attack, they strike without
warning or mercy. The first
an enemy soldier knows
of the danger they face is
when a black fletched arrow
plunges into the throat of a
friend and comrade, their
gurgling cry of pain a ghastly
prelude of the slaughter
to come.

138 Tomb Kings Of Khemri

Necropolis Knights
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Necropolis Knight - 4 3 4 4 3 3 2 8 54
Necropolis Captain - 4 3 4 4 3 3 3 8 +7
Necroserpent 7 3 - 5 - - 3 3 - -

Troop Type: Monstrous cavalry

Base Size: 50 x 100 mm
Unit Size: 2+
• Necropolis Knights: Hand weapons, cavalry spears, light armour and shields
• Necroserpent: Lashing tails (counts as hand weapons)

• Any unit may:
- Upgrade one model to a Necropolis Captain (champion) ...................+7 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+7 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+7 points per unit Necropolis Knights
- Purchase a magic standard worth up to........................................................................50 points Necropolis Knights are elite
• A Necropolis Captain may take: warriors who ride atop giant
- A great weapon ....................................................................................................................+3 points snake-shaped constructs
- Magic items up to a total of ..............................................................................................25 points called Necroserpents, vast
statues created in the image
Special Rules: Armoured Hide (1), Cleaving Blow (Necropolis Knights & Captain only), of skull-vipers, blood-asps or
Close Order, Impact Hits (1), Indomitable (1), Khopesh, Khemrian cobras to guard
Nehekharan Undead, Poisoned Attacks (Necroserpent only), the entrance ways of the
Regeneration (6+), Swiftstride Mortuary Cult’s temples.
Tethered to their mounts by
a sharp hook, held firm in
one mummified hand as the
other wields a heavy spear
that carves through mortal
flesh, Necropolis Knights
goad their mounts across
the battlefield, blades, fangs
and tails lashing out in all
directions, leaving a trail
of death and woe in their
wake. There are few who
can stand against the charge
of a Necropolis Knight, for
Necroserpents are incredibly
powerful and difficult to
destroy, and there are few
foes equal to the task.

Tomb Kings Of Khemri 139

Sepulchral Stalkers
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Sepulchral Stalker 7 3 3 4 4 3 3 2 8 52

Troop Type: Monstrous cavalry

Base Size: 50 x 100 mm
Unit Size: 2+
Equipment: Hand weapons, writhing tails (see below), halberds,
petrifying gaze (see below) and heavy armour

• 0-1 unit in your army may have the Ambushers special rule ................+2 points per model

Special Rules: Close Order, Indomitable (1), Nehekharan Undead,

Regeneration (6+), Swiftstride

Sepulchral Stalkers R S AP Special Rules

Created by the ancient Writhing tail Combat S -1 Extra Attacks (D3)
Nehekharans to protect the Notes: In combat, a Sepulchral Stalker may make an additional D3 attacks each turn, each of
borders of a king’s realm, which must be made with this weapon (roll separately for each model in the unit).
most Sepulchral Stalkers
have been swallowed by the R S AP Special Rules
shifting sands of the desert Petrifying gaze 18" 2 N/A Magical Attacks,
over the centuries and now Multiple Wounds (D3)
lie hidden beneath the dunes. Notes: When making a roll To Wound for an attack made with this weapon, substitute the
There, they wait in ambush target’s Toughness with its Initiative. No armour save is permitted against wounds caused by this
for intruders to pass, their weapon (Ward and Regeneration saves can be attempted as normal).
horrifying snake-like forms
bursting from the ground
to surround their prey. The
Sepulchral Stalkers impale
their foes on ornate staves
before they even realise they
are under attack. However, it
is not for this that Sepulchral
Stalkers are most feared, for
those who gaze into their
eyes are turned into pillars
of sand, standing as still as
statues themselves until a
gust of wind blows them
apart and scatters the grains
across the desert.

140 Tomb Kings Of Khemri

Skeleton Cavalry Cohort (Royal Host Only)
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Royal Host Horseman - 2 2 3 3 1 2 1 5 12
Royal Host Horse Archer - 2 3 3 3 1 2 1 5 11
Master of Horse - 2 2 3 3 1 3 2 5 +6
Skeletal Steed 8 2 - 3 - - 2 1 - -

Troop Type: Heavy cavalry

Base Size: 25 x 50 mm
Unit Size: 5+/5+*
• Royal Host Horseman: Hand weapons, cavalry spears, light armour and shields
• Royal Host Horse Archer: Hand weapons, light armour and warbows
• Skeletal Steed: Skeletal hooves (counts as hand weapons)

• Any unit may:
Cavalry Cohorts - Upgrade one model to a Master of Horse (champion)..........................+6 points per unit
Much like their infantry - Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+6 points per unit
counterparts, the mixed- - Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+6 points per unit
cavalry cohortsCavalry
Skeleton often seenCohort - Take a magic standard worth up to................................................................................50 points
in the Royal Hosts ensure - Have the Counter Charge special rule ......................................................+1 point per model
that its mounted forces • A Master of Horse may purchase magic items up to a total of...................................30 points
can harass the enemy
with bowfire, whilst still Special Rules: Arrows of Asaph, Close Order, Horde, Motley Crew*,
maintaining the ability to Nehekharan Undead, Regeneration (6+),
flatten an enemy formation Steadfast Discipline (see page 31), Swiftstride, Vanguard
with a devastating charge
from spear-armed horsemen. *When writing your muster list, a Skeleton Cavalry Cohort must contain at least five Royal Host
Horsemen and five Royal Host Horse Archers. Royal Host Horsemen always occupy the front
Necroserpents rank(s) of the unit, pushing past any Royal Host Horse Archers to get there if necessary (such as
Though they are most when the unit turns).
commonly seen serving as
mounts for Tomb Guard,
occasionally the Mortuary
Necroserpents Necroserpents (Mortuary Cult Only)
Cults will call upon
Necroserpents who do not M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
yet have a rider. Most of Necroserpent 7 3 0 5 4 3 3 3 7 38
these stone serpents were
built in the image of the Troop Type: Monstrous cavalry
hooded Khemrian Cobra, Base Size: 50 x 100 mm
a snake whose noxious Unit Size: 2+
venom is potent enough Equipment: Lashing tails and venomous fangs (counts as hand weapons)
to kill a dozen warhorses Special Rules: Ambushers, Armoured Hide (1), Impact Hits (1), Indomitable (1),
with a single drop – and Move Through Cover, Nehekharan Undead, Open Order,
the same toxin that drips Poisoned Attacks, Regeneration (6+), Swiftstride
from the fangs of the
Necroserpents themselves.
Representing This Unit In Your Games
Necroserpents are easily represented by using the Necroserpents from the Necropolis
Knights kit.
Skeleton Chariots Chariot
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Chariot - - - 4 4 3 - - - 43
Skeleton Crew (x2) - 3 2 3 - - 2 1 7 -
Master Charioteer - 3 2 3 - - 2 2 7 +6
Skeletal Steed (x2) 8 2 - 3 - - 2 1 - -

Troop Type: Light chariot

Base Size: 50 x 100 mm
Unit Size: 1+
Armour Value: 5+
• Skeleton Crew: Hand weapons, cavalry spears and warbows
• Skeletal Steed: Skeletal hooves (counts as hand weapons)

• Any unit may:
- Upgrade one model to include a Master Charioteer (champion) .....+6 points per unit Skeleton Chariots
- Upgrade one model to include a standard bearer ...................................+6 points per unit The pride of a Tomb King’s
- Upgrade one model to include a musician.................................................+6 points per unit army is their chariots.
- Purchase a magic standard worth up to........................................................................50 points Created by skilled artisans,
• A Master Charioteer may purchase magic items up to a total of ..............................25 points gilded and lacquered, and
covered with symbols of the
Special Rules: Arrows of Asaph, Dry as Dust, Horde, Impact Hits (D3), Mortuary Cult, in ages past
Nehekharan Undead, Open Order, Regeneration (6+), the fighting quality of a king’s
Reserve Move, Swiftstride chariots was a reflection of
their own martial prowess.
Note that a Master Charioteer, a standard bearer or a musician each replace a single Skeleton As such, a king permitted
Crewman, and that each must be placed aboard a different Chariot. only the finest warriors to
crew them in war. In battle,
their advance is heralded by
clouds of dust thrown high
into the air as they thunder
across the sands. Moments
later, squadrons of these
deadly machines crest the
dunes, wheels whirring as
they careen towards the foe.
Crashing into the enemy with
bone-shattering force, wave
upon wave of chariots crush
bodies beneath heavy wheels
as their Undead crew lay
about the disorientated foe.

Tomb Kings Of Khemri 141

Tomb Guard Chariots (Royal Host Only)
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Chariot - - - 4 4 3 - - - 53
Tomb Guard Crew (x2) - 3 3 4 - - 2 1 7 -
Tomb Captain - 3 3 4 - - 2 2 7 7
Skeletal Steed (x2) 8 2 - 3 - - 2 1 - -

Troop Type: Light chariot

Base Size: 50 x 100 mm
Unit Size: 3+
Armour Value: 4+
• Tomb Guard Crew: Hand weapons, halberds and shields
• Skeletal Steed: Skeletal hooves (counts as hand weapons)

• Any unit may:
- Upgrade one model to include a Tomb Captain (champion)..............+7 points per unit Tomb Guard Chariots
- Upgrade one model to include a standard bearer ...................................+7 points per unit Though traditionally
- Upgrade one model to include a musician.................................................+7 points per unit forming blocks of elite
- Purchase a magic standard worth up to........................................................................50 points infantry, it has been known
• A Tomb Captain may purchase magic items up to a total of ......................................50 points for a king’s Tomb Guard to
crew their prized chariots,
Special Rules: Cleaving Blow (Tomb Guard Crew only), Dry as Dust, riding into battle alongside
Tomb Guard Hits (D3+1), Indomitable (2), Khopesh, Nehekharan Undead,
Chariots their lord. These already
Open Order, Regeneration (6+), Reserve Move, Swiftstride deadly warriors become even
more dangerous atop these
Note that a Tomb Captain, a standard bearer or a musician each replace a single Tomb Guard fast moving chariots, as they
crew, and that each must be placed aboard a different chariot. can crash through any lesser
warriors using their crushing
momentum and focus their
Representing This Unit In Your Games precise strikes against their
Skeleton Chariots crewed by Tomb Guard infantry are ideal for representing Tomb more dangerous foes. With
Guard Chariots. such elite warriors forming
the tip of Settra’s invasion
spear, those who inhabit the
lands of the living should
tread lightly indeed – as the
sound of rumbling chariots
echoes across the Border
Princes and beyond.
Monster Necrolith Bone Dragon
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Necrolith Bone Dragon 6 4 - 6 (+1) (+5) 2 5 - +195
Note: A character mounted on a Necrolith Bone Dragon has +1 Toughness and +5 Wounds.

Troop Type: Behemoth

Base Size: 100 x 150 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Wicked claws (see below), breath of desiccation (see below) and
draconic bones (counts as full plate armour)
Special Rules: Close Order, Cloud of Dust, Dry as Dust, Fly (9), Indomitable (2),
Large Target, Nehekharan Undead, Stomp Attacks (D6),
Swiftstride, Terror

Cloud of Dust
Great clouds of desert sand and dust seethe and billow about a Necrolith Bone Dragon, hiding its
form from the eyes of its enemies.
Necrolith Bone Dragon
Long ago, great Dragons Any enemy model that targets this model during the Shooting phase suffers an additional
dwelled within the mountains -1 To Hit modifier.
east of Nehekhara and, at
the height of its civilisation, R S AP Special Rules
when rival kings warred for Wicked claws Combat S -2 -
the crown of the Great Land,
many were captured and R S AP Special Rules
bound to the will of human Breath of N/A 3 -2 Breath Weapon, Magical Attacks,
masters. Of these, many were desiccation Multiple Wounds (2)
slain, struck down in battle,
their carcasses left to wither
to dust in the desert heat. But Character Mount: A Necrolith Bone Dragon may only be included in your army as a
when Nagash undertook his character’s mount. Its points are added to that of its rider.
great ritual and cast the Great
Awakening, raising the dead
of all the land into a shadowy
unlife, the bones of these
behemoths also stirred. Since
that time the most powerful
Liche Priests of Nehekhara
have learned to reanimate the
skeletal remains of these great
wyrms once more, binding
their desiccated forms into
their service.

142 Tomb Kings Of Khemri

Khemrian Warsphinx
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Khemrian Warsphinx 6 4 - 5 6 5 1 4 - 175
Tomb Guard Crew (x2) - 3 3 4 - - 3 1 8 -

Troop Type: Behemoth

Base Size: 60 x 100 mm
Unit Size: 1
Armour Value: 5+
• Khemrian Warsphinx: Wicked claws (see below)
• Tomb Guard Crew: Hand weapons, cavalry spears and shortbows

• May add up to two additional Tomb Guard Crew ............................................+10 points each
• May take:
- Envenomed sting (see below) ..........................................................................................+5 points Khemrian Warsphinx
- Fiery roar (see below).......................................................................................................+20 points Khemrian Warsphinxes are
giant leonine statues created
Special Rules: Arrows of Asaph, Cleaving Blow (Tomb Guard Crew only), Close Order, to roam the tunnels and
Howdah, Indomitable (2), Khopesh (Tomb Guard Crew only), chambers of royal pyramids,
Large Target, Nehekharan Undead, Regeneration (6+), guarding the inner sanctums
Stomp Attacks (D3), Terror of great Tomb Kings. In
battle, they wade through the
R S AP Special Rules ranks of their foes, crushing
Wicked claws Combat S -2 - them underfoot as if they
were nothing more than
R S AP Special Rules bothersome insects. They are
Envenomed sting Combat S - Poisoned Attacks, Strike First almost impervious to harm,
Notes: In combat, this model may choose to make one of its attacks each turn with this weapon. and their stone-hard hides
protect them from all but
R S AP Special Rules the truest strikes; anything
Fiery roar N/A 4 -1 Breath Weapon, Flaming Attacks less than a direct hit from
a war machine is likely to
glance harmlessly away. Atop
Character Mount: This model may be included in your army as a character’s mount. each Khemrian Warsphinx
If so, its points are added to that of its rider. is an ornate howdah in
which several Tomb Guards
Note that, because it has the Howdah special rule (and its own crew, which the character ride. These elite warriors
joins), a Khemrian Warsphinx is considered to be a chariot mount (as described in the direct their mount’s actions
Warhammer: the Old World rulebook), rather than a ridden monster. as if it were an extension
of their own mummified
bodies, laying into the foes
below with great, double-
handed spears.

Tomb Kings Of Khemri 143

Tomb Scorpion
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Tomb Scorpion 7 4 0 5 5 3 3 4 8 70

Troop Type: Monstrous creature

Base Size: 75 x 50 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Decapitating claws (see below), envenomed sting (see below) and
bone carapace (counts as heavy armour)

• May have the Ambushers special rule ................................................................................+5 points

Special Rules: Close Order, Indomitable (1), Magic Resistance (-1),

Nehekharan Undead, Regeneration (6+), Stomp Attacks (D3),
Swiftstride, Vanguard

Tomb Scorpions R S AP Special Rules

Tomb Scorpions are powerful Decapitating claws Combat S -2 Killing Blow, Monster Slayer
creations of the Mortuary
Cult, formed from a R S AP Special Rules
combination of stone, metal, Envenomed sting Combat S - Poisoned Attacks, Strike First
lacquered wood and fused Notes: In combat, this model may choose to make one of its attacks each turn with this weapon.
bone. Burrowing beneath the
surface of the desert, they
attack suddenly and without
warning, exploding into the
fray in a shower of sand. They
are lethal foes, for a Tomb
Scorpion’s tail carries a potent
sting that can incapacitate
the largest enemies, and their
powerful pincers can slice a
man in half. Tomb Scorpions
are created in the likeness of
the giant, mythical scorpions
that are said to guard the
entrance to the Nehekharan
underworld. These fabled
creatures protect the Realm
of Souls from the predations
of dark Daemons who wish
to feed upon the spirits of
dead kings.

144 Tomb Kings Of Khemri

Necrolith Colossus
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Necrolith Colossus 6 3 2 6 6 5 1 4 8 160

Troop Type: Behemoth

Base Size: 50 x 50 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Paired great khopeshes (see below) and heavy armour
Special Rules: Close Order, Indomitable (2), Large Target, Nehekharan Undead,
Regeneration (6+), Stomp Attacks (D3), Terror, Timmm-berrr!,
Unstoppable Assault

Unstoppable Assault
A charging Necrolith Colossus is nigh impossible to stop, its huge arms raining blow upon blow
down on the foe, each sending dead and broken bodies flying in all directions.

During the Combat phase of any turn in which this model charged, every attack it makes
that causes an unsaved wound allows it to immediately make one additional attack. These Necrolith Colossus
additional attacks also benefit from this special rule. Towering over the Tomb
King’s skeletal legions,
Note that any unsaved wounds caused by the Stomp Attacks (D3) special rule do not benefit from mighty statues of venerated
this special rule. heroes and ancient kings
stride to battle. These stone
R S AP Special Rules giants are the Necrolith
Paired great Combat S -2 Killing Blow, Requires Two Hands Colossus, and none can
khopeshes stand against them. Made
to resemble immense heroes
of old, Necrolith Colossus
stand noble and proud.
Their forms are covered in
skulls, bones and mortuary
ornamentation. Indeed, such
was Nehekhara’s obsession
with death and immortality
that some Colossus have
even been carved to resemble
giant skeletons. Breastplates,
vambraces and sometimes
great crested helmets were
hammered onto the stone
bodies of these constructs,
each lavishly decorated
and engraved. Armed with
traditional weapons and
armour of massive scale,
wielding giant swords that
stand taller than a Troll,
a Necrolith Colossus is a
supremely powerful foe.

Tomb Kings Of Khemri 145

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Necrosphinx 6 4 0 5 6 6 1 5 8 195

Troop Type: Behemoth

Base Size: 60 x 100 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Cleaving blades (see below), decapitating strike (see below) and
heavy armour

• A Necrosphinx may take an envenomed sting (see below).........................................+5 points

Special Rules: Close Order, Fly (9), Indomitable (2), Large Target, Nehekharan Undead,
Regeneration (5+), Stomp Attacks (D3+2), Swiftstride, Terror

Necrosphinx Soul Reaper

A Necrosphinx is a bizarre A Necrosphinx embodies the malevolence of the gods of the underworld. In battle it will mark the
and horrifying construct, a souls of worthy enemies, speeding their journey into the realm of its masters.
strange amalgamation of the
mythical beasts that inhabit After deployment but before the first turn begins, nominate a single enemy character.
the Nehekharan underworld, This is the soul marked by the Necrosphinx to journey into the underworld by the
maintaining order amongst battle’s end. This model may re-roll any rolls To Hit of a natural 1 made against the
the honoured dead. It has the nominated character.
torso and face of a man, and is
armed with gigantic, scything R S AP Special Rules
blades that can sever the neck Cleaving blades Combat S -1 Killing Blow
of a Dragon in a single slice.
From its colossal leonine body R S AP Special Rules
grows the tail of a scorpion, Decapitating Combat S+5 -4 Killing Blow, Monster Slayer, Strike Last
and from its back sprouts strike
a pair of ornate, falcon-like Notes: This model may make one additional attack each turn with this weapon.
wings. A Necrosphinx glides
through the air in bounding R S AP Special Rules
leaps before falling amongst Envenomed sting Combat S - Poisoned Attacks, Strike First
its terrified prey, scything Notes: In combat, this model may choose to make one of its attacks each turn with this weapon.
down the living as mortals
reap the wheat of the field.
None can stand against such
terrifying beings, and only
when all before them have
been butchered will they stop.

146 Tomb Kings Of Khemri

Screaming Skull Catapult War Machine
War Machine
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Screaming Skull Catapult - - - - 6 3 - - - 105
Skeleton Crew 4 2 2 3 3 3 2 3 5 -

Troop Type: War machine

Base Size: 60 x 100 mm (war machine), 25 x 25 mm (crew)
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Screaming skull catapult (see below), hand weapons and light armour

• May have the Skulls of the Foe special rule.....................................................................+20 points

Special Rules: Dry as Dust, Indomitable (1), Nehekharan Undead, Regeneration (6+),

R S AP Special Rules
Screaming 12-60" 4 (8) -1 (-3) Bombardment, Cumbersome, Screaming Skull Catapults
Skull catapult Flaming Attacks, Magical Attacks, The catapults of a Tomb
Move or Shoot, Multiple Wounds (D3+1), King’s eternal army are akin
Screaming Skulls to the stone throwers of other
Notes: This weapon shoots like a stone thrower, using the ‘Bombardment’ special rule, a 3" blast races, but instead of flinging
template and the Stone Thrower Misfire table. The Multiple Wounds (D3+1) special rule applies rocks at the foe, they throw
only to a single model whose base lies underneath the central hole of the blast template. volleys of flaming skulls. The
Liche Priests cast terrible
Screaming Skull Catapult Special Rules curses upon these skulls,
Screaming Skulls: Any unit that suffers one or more unsaved wounds from this weapon enchanting them so that they
must make a Panic test as if it had taken heavy casualties. scream hideously as they are
hurled through the air. These
Skulls of the Foe: Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, any enemy unit that was are the very death screams
within 2D6" of the central hole of the blast template after scattering suffers a -1 modifier to of the skulls’ former owners,
its Leadership characteristic (to a minimum of 2). the wailing shrieks and the
agonised cries of vanquished
enemies. Many battle-
hardened warriors are driven
to the edge of insanity by the
blood-curdling sound. This
horrific ammunition bursts
into hellish, ethereal flames
when it is launched, and as
the skulls arc through the air,
they blaze an eerie trail of
green fire behind them.

Tomb Kings Of Khemri 147

Casket Of Souls
War Machine
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Casket of Souls - - - - 6 4 - - - 135
Casket Guardians 4 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 8 -

Troop Type: War machine

Base Size: N/A
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hand weapons, great weapons and light armour
Special Rules: Cleaving Blow, Covenant of Power, Dry as Dust, Immovable Object,
Indomitable (2), Nehekharan Undead, Regeneration (5+), Skirmishers,
Unbound Spirits, Vortex of Souls

Covenant of Power
A nimbus of sorcerous energy swirls around a Casket of Souls’ infernal form. So great is this power
that the incantations of nearby Liche Priests become infused with a portion of the casket’s energy.

Casket of Souls Whilst within 12" of a Casket of Souls, friendly Liche Priests may apply a +1 modifier to
At the heart of every mighty any Casting roll they make. Additionally, any model (friend or foe) that casts a Bound spell
Nehekharan king’s tomb, whilst within 12" of a Casket of Souls may apply a +1 modifier to the Casting roll.
inscribed with hieroglyphs
of malediction, lies a Note, however, that this bonus does not apply to any Bound spells cast by a Casket of Souls.
Casket of Souls. Within
this sarcophagus resides the Immovable Object
tormented souls of those A Casket of Souls is not borne, but is summoned by an incantation. As its Keeper intones the
who have incited the Tomb proper chants, a fountain of skulls bursts from the ground below, revealing the Casket atop a dais
King’s wrath, and powerful of bone.
binding inscriptions ensure
that these souls cannot Once a Casket of Souls has been placed on the battlefield during deployment it cannot be
leave their prison until the moved by its crew during the Remaining Moves sub-phase.
moment when the casket is
opened. When a Casket of Note that a Casket of Souls can still pivot freely at any time during its turn (the better to face the
Souls is opened, blinding light enemy) and may make a follow up move as normal.
spills across the battlefield
as countless souls scream
into the air, seeking freedom
from the suffering of their
confinement. These spirits
plunge through the bodies
of the Tomb Kings’ enemies,
the hapless victims suffering
unbearable agony as their
life essence is utterly drained
and their own souls become
ensnared by the power of
the casket.

148 Tomb Kings Of Khemri

Unbound Spirits
If the guardians of a Casket of Souls are slain, the tortured souls contained within the vessel will War Machine
escape their confines in a raging maelstrom of destruction and vengeance.

If the crew of a Casket of Souls is reduced to zero Wounds, immediately roll a D6 for every
unit (friend or foe) within 12" of the model. On a roll of 4+, the unit suffers D6 Strength
3 hits, with no armour or Regeneration saves permitted (Ward saves can be attempted as
normal). Once these hits are resolved, the Casket of Souls is removed from play.

Vortex of Souls
When a Casket of Souls is opened, blinding light is unleashed upon the battlefield as the
countless bound souls entombed within it scream into the air seeking freedom from their
suffering and confinement. These spirits soar forth, bound by the incantations of the Keeper
to do their will.

A Casket of Souls can cast the following Bound spells, with a Power Level of 3:
“Lightning will sunder the
Light Of Death skies, the rivers will flow with
blood, and war will come to
The unleashed spirits plunge through the bodies of the Tomb Kings’ enemies, their hapless the land. The legions of long-
victims suffering unbearable agony as their life essence is utterly drained. dead kings shall once more
rise in eternal conquest…
Type: Magic Missile
Casting Value: 7+ And death shall ride
Range: 36" beside them.”
Effect: The target enemy unit must immediately make a Leadership test. If this test
is passed, it suffers D3 Strength 3 hits, each with an AP of -1. If, however, this test is Settra the Imperishable,
failed, it suffers D6+3 Strength 6 hits, each with the Multiple Wounds (2) special rule Eternal King of Kings
and with no armour or Regeneration saves permitted (Ward saves can be attempted
as normal).

Light Of Protection
The freed souls cluster about the skeletal legions of the Tomb Kings, blinding their enemies
and turning aside their hostile blows.

Type: Enchantment
Casting Value: 8+
Range: Self
Effect: Remains in Play. Whilst this Bound spell is in play, this model and any friendly
unit within 18" of this model gains a 6+ Ward save against any wounds suffered. In
addition, whilst this Bound spell is in play, enemy units suffer a -1 modifier to any rolls
To Hit made against this model and any friendly unit within 18" of this model.

However, if this model casts the Light of Death Bound spell, this Bound spell will
immediately expire.

Tomb Kings Of Khemri 149

Magic Items
Magic Items
The pages that follow detail magic items unique to Tomb Kings of Khemri armies.
These can be purchased by models within a Tomb Kings of Khemri army in exactly
the same way as Common magic items, as described in the Warhammer: the Old
World rulebook.

Extremely Common Magic Items: Any magic item marked with an asterisk (*)
is considered to be extremely common, as described in the Warhammer: the Old
World rulebook.

Magic Weapons
Destroyer of Eternities ..................................................................................75 points
Imbued with powerful incantations, the great blade of this scything weapon is impossibly sharp
and is said to destroy the souls of its victims, denying them any hope of reaching the afterlife.
Artefacts of the Dead
In ancient Nehekhara, it was R S AP Special Rules
the custom that, when the Destroyer Combat S+2 -2 Killing Blow, Magical Attacks,
mortal remains of a Priest- of Eternities Requires Two Hands, Strike Last
King were interred within Notes: Rather than attacking normally, the wielder of the Destroyer of Eternities may choose to
their palatial mausoleum, make a special ‘Scything’ attack. If they do, the enemy unit they are directing their attacks against
they were accompanied by suffers D6 automatic hits, each resolved using the Destroyer of Eternities’ profile.
their armies for protection, by
their closest family members Crook & Flail of Radiance ............................................................................50 points
for companionship, by their These gleaming golden weapons represent the high status of the bearer, and all that enter their
servants and retainers for presence are humbled by the aura of majesty these weapons convey.
comfort, and by all the wealth
and riches they possessed R S AP Special Rules
in life as a mark of their Crook & Flail Combat S -1 Extra Attacks (+D3), Magical Attacks,
immortal greatness. Thus, the of Radiance Requires Two Hands, Strike First
tombs and mausoleums of Notes: Monarchs of Nehekhara only.
the necropolis cities contain
wealth unimagined amongst Flail of Skulls................................................................................................... 35 points
the lands of the living. This flail is made from the gilded skulls of conquered enemies. Foes struck by these skulls are
Amongst this opulence can lacerated and savaged by their sharpened teeth, and bleed profusely from their wounds.
be found arcane artefacts
and enchanted items beyond R S AP
Special Rules
counting, crafted by the Flail of Skulls Combat S+3 -1
Magical Attacks, Multiple Wounds (2),
skilled artisans of that ancient Requires Two Hands
land and bound around Notes: The Flail of Skulls’ Strength modifier applies only during the first round of combat.
with powerful magic by the
Priests of the Mortuary Serpent Staff .................................................................................................... 20 points
Cult, in the form of potent Crafted in the likeness of a rearing cobra, this tall, heavy-headed staff writhes with an unnatural
magic weapons, armour life, striking at the enemies of its bearer with venomous fangs.
and talismans.
R S AP Special Rules
Serpent Staff Combat S+2 -2 Magical Attacks, Poisoned Attacks,
Requires Two Hands
Notes: Liche Priests only.

150 Tomb Kings Of Khemri

Magic Weapons (Arcane Journal)
The following pages expand upon the Tomb Kings of Khemri magic items found in
Ravening Hordes. These magic items are unique to Tomb Kings of Khemri armies and
can be purchased in exactly the same way as Common magic items, as described in the
Warhammer: the Old World rulebook.

Blade Of Antarhak........................................................................................45 Points

Those cut by the Blade of Antarhak age by decades in the blink of an eye, their vitality stolen and
Artefacts of Power bestowed upon the wielder of this fell blade.
Secreted away in the grand
mausoleums of the kings and R S AP Special Rules
Tomb of Nehekhara
Kings of Khemri areMagic ItemsBlade of Antarhak Combat S+1 -1 Magical Attacks
riches and treasures beyond Notes: The Blade of Antarhak may only be taken by models in a Nehekharan Royal Host Army
the wildest imaginations of of Infamy. For each Wound an enemy unit loses as a result of an attack made with the Blade of
even the most ambitious Antarhak, its wielder immediately recovers a single lost Wound.
tomb raider. However,
alongside the mountains of The Conqueror’s Blade ..................................................................................55 Points
coins and rivers of precious Many a king and queen, warlord and emperor foolish enough to resist the rule of the Lord of
gemstones, were items of Nehekhara have found their heads parted from their bodies by this wicked weapon.
far greater value to those
who knew what lay before R S AP Special Rules
them. Though many of The Conqueror’s Combat S+2 -2 Killing Blow, Magical Attacks,
these ancient weapons Blade Requires Two Hands, Strike Last
and trinkets are relics of Notes: Whilst engaged in a challenge, the bearer of the Conqueror’s Blade strikes a Killing Blow
Nehekhara’s long lost glory, if they roll a natural 5 or 6 when making a To Wound roll, rather than the usual 6. In addition,
they have lost none of their should the wielder slay the enemy General in a challenge, you win a bonus of 100 Victory Points at
potency in their centuries the end of the game.
of dormancy.
Phakth’s Blades Of Justice ...........................................................................35 Points
Crackling lightning arcs from these twin blades as they slice through the ranks of Nehekhara’s foes.

R S AP Special Rules
Phakth’s Blades Combat S -1 Magical Attacks, Requires Two Hands
of Justice
Notes: Models whose troop type is ‘infantry’ only. Phakth’s Blades of Justice grant the wielder +1
Attack for each rank an enemy unit the wielder is engaged with has.

Staff Of Aeons ................................................................................................30 Points

A single blow from this accursed weapon can cause armour to rust and tarnish in a matter of
moments, leaving those wearing it vulnerable to the Liche Priest’s minions.

R S AP Special Rules
Staff of Aeons Combat S+2 -1 Magical Attacks, Requires Two Hands
Notes: The Staff of Aeons may only be taken by a Liche Priest in a Mortuary Cult Army of
Infamy. Any model that is hit by one or more close combat attacks made using this weapon suffers
a -1 modifier to its armour value for the remainder of the game.
Magic Armour Magic Armour (Arcane Journal)

Armour of the Ages...........................................50 points Royal Mantle .....................................................40 Points

Forged from bronze, cooled in blood and plated with gold, this It is said that the wisdom of the kings and queens of Nehekhara is
ancient armour can turn aside even the strongest blow. held within these armoured plates, giving counsel to the wearer as
they command their warriors on the battlefield.
The Armour of the Ages is a suit of light armour. In addition,
enemy models must re-roll successful rolls To Wound made The Royal Mantle may only be taken by models in a
against the wearer. Nehekharan Royal Host Army of Infamy. May be worn with
other armour. The wearer of the Royal Mantle improves their
Shield of Ptra ......................................................25 points armour value by 1 (to a maximum of 2+). In addition, the
Bursting from the face of this ornate shield, the radiance of the Sun wearer’s My Will Be Done special rule affects all friendly units
God Ptra blinds the enemy. with the Nehekharan Undead special rule within 6" of them,
not just a unit they have joined.
The Shield of Ptra is a shield. In addition, any enemy
model that directs their attacks against the bearer during Warding Splint ...................................................35 Points
the Combat phase suffers a -1 modifier to their Weapon Protective strips of bronze and iron inscribed with regenerative
Skill characteristic. hieroglyphics are placed across the Liche Priest’s shrivelled body, for
without their power the armies of the Tomb Kings will crumble.
The Warding Splint is a suit of heavy armour which may be
Crown of Kings*.................................................30 points purchased and worn by a Liche Priest, even if they do not have
Ancient and ornate crowns are a symbol that servitude extends the option to be equipped with armour, a shield or barding,
beyond the bounds of death. without penalty. In addition, its wearer has a 5+ Ward save
against any wounds suffered.
Monarch of Nehekhara only. During the Command sub-phase
of their turn, if they are not engaged in combat, the wearer Talismans (Arcane Journal)
of a Crown of Kings may attempt to resurrect the fallen (see
page 154) by making a Leadership test. If this test is passed, Amulet Of The Serpent ....................................30 Points
a single friendly unit of Skeleton Warriors, Skeleton Archers, Cast in antique gold with glittering emeralds for eyes, this magical
Skeleton Horsemen or Skeleton Horse Archers that is within snake amulet laces the weapons of nearby Nehekharan warriors
this model’s Command range recovers D3+1 Wounds. with a fast-acting and deadly venom.

Collar of Shapesh...............................................25 points The bearer of the Amulet of the Serpent and any unit they
This ornate collar is a powerful charm that trades the life of one for have joined gains the Poisoned Attacks special rule.
that of another.
Relic Of The Desert Sun ..................................25 Points
Single use. When the wearer of the Collar of Shapesh loses With their withered, mummified forms vulnerable to open
their last Wound, roll a D6. On a roll of 4+, the Wound is flame, some Tomb Kings placed their faith in the sun god Ptra to
not lost. Instead, a single friendly model within the wearer’s protect them.
Command range is removed from play as a casualty.
The bearer of the Relic of the Desert Sun is not subject to the
Dry as Dust or Flammable special rules.

Tomb Kings Of Khemri 151

Magic Standards Magic Standards (Arcane Journal)

Standard of the Cursing Word........................80 points Royal Standard Of Settra.................................50 Points

This potent icon contains a powerful curse, similar to that which When Settra’s personal banner marches to war, it is an
protects the mortal remains of the ancient monarchs of Nehekhara. omen of doom for those who stand against him. For the True
King of Nehekhara kneels to no one; all shall bow to him or
Battle Standard Bearer only. At the end of any phase in face annihilation.
which one or more models in a unit joined by the bearer of
the Standard of the Cursing Word lost its last Wound to an The Royal Standard of Settra may only be taken in a muster
enemy attack, the unit that made the attack must make a list that includes Settra the Imperishable and/or Nekaph,
Leadership test. If this test is failed, the enemy unit suffers D3 Emissary of Settra. A unit carrying the Royal Standard
Strength 2 hits, each with an AP of -, for each model that lost of Settra gains the Hatred (enemy characters) and Terror
its last Wound. special rules.

Icon of the Sacred Eye.......................................50 points Sigil Of Centuries ..............................................45 Points

The arcane power contained within this unblinking eye guides the Time behaves strangely around this odd icon, the weight of years
arms of those that march beneath it. slowing even the most agile warriors to a sluggish crawl.

A unit carrying the Icon of the Sacred Eye has a +1 modifier to All enemy units within 6" of the model carrying the Sigil of
its Weapon Skill characteristic (to a maximum of 10). Centuries suffer a -1 modifier to their Initiative characteristic
(to a minimum of 1).
Icon of Rakaph ...................................................40 points
Those that march beneath the banner of King Rakaph II are Tapestry Of Conquered Lands .......................35 Points
instilled with unrivalled discipline. Woven from the standards of vanquished enemies, this patchwork
banner serves as a warning to those who stand against the rulers
Unless making a charge move, a unit carrying the Icon of of Nehekhara.
Rakaph may perform a single free reform at any point during
its movement. Any enemy standard captured by a unit carrying the Tapestry
of Conquered Lands is worth 100 Victory Points as a trophy
Mirage Banner....................................................20 points of war.
Shimmering with the heat of the desert, this banner shifts
constantly, confusing the eye of the enemy. Banner Of The Desert Winds.........................30 Points
This tattered banner snaps and waves under the command of
Any enemy model that targets a unit carrying the Mirage a spectral breeze, whose gusts drive forward those who march
Banner during the Shooting phase suffers an additional -1 To under it.
Hit modifier.
Models whose troop type is ‘infantry’ only. A unit carrying the
Banner of the Desert Winds gains the Vanguard and Reserve
Move special rules.
Enchanted Items Arcane Items
Cloak of the Dunes ............................................50 points Enkhil’s Kanopi .................................................30 points
This tattered cloak is infused with the magic of the deserts, enabling Within this dusty clay vessel resides the wicked heart of the Liche
its wearer to transform into an abrasive storm of sand that cuts Priest Enkhil. Should it ever be opened, the spirit of the jealous
through the foe. priest consumes the magic of his rivals.

Models whose troop type is ‘infantry’ only. The wearer of the Single use. During the Command sub-phase of their turn, if
Cloak of the Dunes gains the Fly (9) special rule. In addition, they are not engaged in combat, the bearer of Enkhil’s Kanopi
any enemy unit the wearer moves over during the Remaining may attempt to unleash its contents by making a Leadership
Moves sub-phase suffers D6 Strength 2 hits, each with an AP test (using their own, unmodified Leadership). If this test
of -1. is passed, all ‘Remains in Play’ spells currently in play are
dispelled, including spells cast by friendly Wizards.
Icon of Rulership*..............................................35 points
The hero’s chariot bears a totemic standard that pulses with Hieratic Jar* ........................................................25 points
greatness and proclaims their many victories over their enemies. This earthenware jar, sealed with wax and bound with glyphs,
contains the magically charged remains of a once-mighty
Models whose troop type is ‘chariot’ only. This model doubles Liche Priest.
its Unit Strength, from 3 to 6. In addition, any Impact Hits
caused by this model have an Armour Piercing characteristic Single use. During the Command sub-phase of their turn, if
of -2 and the Magical Attacks special rule. they are not engaged in combat, the bearer of a Hieratic Jar
can release the power held within it. The bearer may attempt
Death Mask of Kharnutt .................................20 points to resurrect the fallen by using the Arise! special rule twice
The expressionless Death Mask of Kharnutt has borne witness to during this Command sub-phase (rather than the usual once).
the demise of untold thousands over its long millennia, causing an
aura of dread and despair to hang heavily about it. Scarab Brooch.....................................................20 points
From far beneath the desert sands, scuttling dead things are drawn
The wearer of the Death Mask of Kharnutt gains the Terror towards this blackened brooch.
special rule.
When using the From Beneath the Sands special rule, a
summoned unit can be placed on the battlefield anywhere
completely within 18" of a Liche Priest wearing the Scarab
Brooch, rather than the usual 12".

152 Tomb Kings Of Khemri

Enchanted Items (Arcane Journal)
Staff Of Awakening.......................................................................................50 Points
Carried only by the most revered Liche Priests, this powerful artefact amplifies the wielder’s
already formidable necromantic talents.

High Priest only. When the wielder of the Staff of Awakening uses the Arise! special rule
on a friendly unit whose troop type is ‘infantry’ or ‘cavalry’, that unit recovers an additional
D3 Wounds.

Orb Of Ptra.....................................................................................................40 Points

Upon uttering a prayer to the mighty Ptra, this orb becomes as bright as the midday sun,
confounding enemy archers.

Any enemy model that targets this character or any unit they have joined during the
Shooting phase suffers an additional -1 To Hit modifier.

Arcane Items (Arcane Journal)

Phâzerakt’s Kanopi .......................................................................................40 Points
It is said that Phâzerakt’s spirit can be unleashed from within the ornate vessel in which it is
trapped to aid in a mass summoning.

Single use. During the Command sub-phase of their turn, if they are not engaged in
combat, the bearer of Phâzerakt’s Kanopi may attempt to unleash its contents by making a
Leadership test (using their own, unmodified Leadership). If this test is passed, place a unit
of 2D6+3 Summoned Skeleton Warriors on the battlefield anywhere completely within 12"
of this model, but not within 1" of any enemy models:

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Skeleton Warrior 4 2 2 3 3 1 2 1 5 4

Troop Type: Regular infantry

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 2D6+3
Equipment: Hand weapons and shields
Special Rules: Horde, Nehekharan Undead, Regeneration (6+), Skirmishers

Note that Summoned Skeleton Warriors are not worth any Victory Points.

Curse-Weaver Wand .....................................................................................20 Points

The power within this accursed wand seeks only to enfeeble the enemies of its wielder.

The bearer of the Curse-weaver Wand gains a +1 modifier to their Casting roll when
attempting to cast a Hex spell.

Tablets Of Tahoth* ........................................................................................20 Points

These powerful relics of Tahoth’s wisdom crumble to dust once their power is spent.

A Wizard may purchase up to three Tablets of Tahoth, each of which is single use. Before
making a Casting roll, a Wizard may choose to use any number of their Tablets. For each
Tablet used, you may apply a +1 modifier to the result of the Casting roll.

Note that this is a modifier to the result of a roll – it does not negate a roll of a natural double 1.
A game of Warhammer: the Old World is packed with fantastic creatures and skilled warriors with abilities so incredible
and varied that the basic rules cannot possibly cover them all. For such circumstances we have special rules –
uncommon rules to govern uncommon circumstances.

Special Rules

On the following pages you will find a full description for each of the army special rules used by models drawn from the Tomb
Kings of Khemri army list:

Arrows of Asaph Dry as Dust

These arrows carry the blessing of the goddess Asaph, and they seek Entombed beneath the arid desert, the remains of living things
out their enemies with unerring accuracy. become as dry as the dust in which they lay and, should they catch
aflame, the fire quickly spreads.
Units with this special rule never apply any modifiers to
their rolls To Hit when shooting, regardless of the source of Each time this model suffers an unsaved wound from a
the modifier. Flaming Attack, your opponent may roll a D6. On a roll
of 1-3, the flames quickly die down and this model escapes
Cleaving Blow further harm. On a roll of 4+, the flames take hold and this
A swift and deadly strike can cleave through the thickest of armour. model loses one additional Wound.

If a model with this special rule rolls a natural 6 when making Note that excess wounds caused to a model will have no additional
a roll To Wound for an attack made in combat, it has struck effect except in the case of a character that is part of a challenge, in
a ‘Cleaving Blow’. Enemy models whose troop type is ‘regular which case this special rule counts for Overkill. Excess wounds do
infantry’, ‘heavy infantry’, ‘light cavalry’, ‘heavy cavalry’ or not ‘spill over’ onto other models in the unit.
‘war beasts’ are not permitted an armour or Regeneration
save against a Cleaving Blow (Ward saves can be attempted Indomitable (X)
as normal). Within the legions of the Tomb Kings march creatures with
an indomitable will to hang on to the last vestiges of life no
Note that if an attack wounds automatically, this special rule matter what.
cannot be used.
A unit with this special rule reduces the number of wounds
Curse of the Necropolis suffered due to the Unstable special rule by the number shown
A powerful curse hangs over the rulers of Nehekhara. Those that in brackets (shown here as ‘X’).
would dare strike down these ancient lords find their blood turned
to sand and their bodies engulfed in swarms of desert locusts. Note that this special rule is not cumulative. If two or more models
in a unit have this special rule, use the highest value for the entire
If a model with this special rule loses its last Wound to an unit. For example, if a character with Indomitable (2) joins a
enemy attack, the unit that made the attack must immediately unit with Indomitable (1), the whole unit uses the character’s
make a Leadership test. If this test is failed, the enemy unit Indomitable (2) special rule.
suffers D3 Strength 2 hits, each with an AP of -.

Tomb Kings Of Khemri 153

A Khopesh is a heavy curved blade of bronze with a cutting edge Resurrecting the Fallen
hammered to a wicked sharpness. It is an excellent hacking weapon, In a Tomb Kings of Khemri army, it is possible to heal
able to cut easily through armour and shields to sever limbs and a unit by recovering lost Wounds, and to resurrect
cleave skulls. fallen warriors. Wounds recovered in this way follow a
strict order:
A hand weapon carried by a model with this special rule has
an Armour Piercing characteristic of -1. • First, any characters that have joined the unit
are healed. A character that has been reduced
Note that this special rule only applies to a single, ordinary hand to zero Wounds and removed from play cannot
weapon and does not apply to a model’s mount (should it have be resurrected.
one). If the model is using two hand weapons or any other sort of • Second, models with more than one Wound on their
weapon, this special rule ceases to apply. profile are healed.
• Next, the unit champion is resurrected, displacing
Nehekharan Phalanx rank-and-file models as required, followed by the
The warriors of ancient Nehekhara are implacable foes and, with standard bearer and musician.
their tall shields locked together, present an all but immovable • Finally, rank-and-file models are resurrected.
barrier to the enemy’s advance.
Note that, in the case of multiple Wound models, each model
A unit with this special rule that is arrayed in a Close Order must be fully healed, recovering all of its lost Wounds, before
formation, and that is equipped with and chooses to use another can be healed or resurrected.
shields, may choose not to Give Ground should it lose a round
of combat. Note also that at least one model must remain in order for a
unit to be healed. In other words, a unit that has been reduced
However, if the winning side significantly outnumbers the to zero Wounds and removed from play cannot be resurrected.
losing side, it will overwhelm the loser. If the Unit Strength
of the winning side is more than twice that of the losing side, Resurrected models are added to the front rank until it
this unit cannot use this special rule and must Give Ground as reaches the minimum required to claim a Rank Bonus,
normal. after which additional models can be added to the front
or rear rank. If the unit already has more than one rank,
Nehekharan Undead models can only be added to the rear rank. A unit cannot
The legions of the Tomb Kings are no longer beings of flesh and be taken beyond its starting size.
blood, but sun-bleached bones animated by ritualistic magic that
stride slowly but inexorably towards their enemies.

Models with this special rule are ‘Undead’. Undead models

cannot march (unless they have the Fly (X) special rule and
choose to move by flying). In addition, all Undead models
have the following universal special rules:

• Fear • Unbreakable
• Immune to Psychology • Unstable

A character with this special rule cannot join a unit without

this special rule, and vice versa.

154 Tomb Kings Of Khemri

O n this page you will find a full description for each of the army special rules that apply to an army built using the
Nehekharan Royal Host Army of Infamy composition list. These are in addition to the Tomb Kings of Khemri special
rules found on page 153 of Ravening Hordes. In case of contradiction, the special rules below take precedence over the Tomb
Kings of Khemri special rules.

“Grind Them Down!” Masterful Outriders

Only the finest charioteers served in the Royal Hosts of Nehekhara, The horsemen of a Royal Host are well practised at fighting beside
and none granted such an honour would dare to disappoint their their lord’s chariots.
master in battle.
• 0-1 unit of Skeleton Horse Archers per 1,000 points may
Whilst within the General’s Command range, friendly models have the Chariot Runners special rule for free.
whose troop type is ‘Chariot’ may re-roll the dice when rolling
to determine the number of Impact Hits they cause. Steadfast Discipline
Only the most disciplined were chosen to serve in the ranks of a
The Language Of The Priests Royal Host, maintaining a near-constant rate of bow fire whilst
Many were the monarchs of ancient Nehekhara that endeavoured advancing towards the enemy.
to learn the secrets of the Mortuary Priests, but few were those that
became proficient. A unit with this special rule can Volley Fire during a turn
in which it moved, or whilst performing a Stand & Shoot
The General of a Nehekharan Royal Host must be a Tomb charge reaction.
King or a Tomb Prince. For +35 points, this character may
have the Arise! special rule and be a Level 1 Wizard. If so,
this character knows spells from the Lore of Necromancy
and must also be chosen to be the army’s Hierophant, even
if it does not have the highest Level of Wizardry in your
army. A Wizard with this special rule may wear armour
without penalty.

Lay In Wait
When the enemies of Settra march upon his lands, the great king of
Nehekhara calls upon those who rest in hidden barrows and graves
across the landscape to attack the enemy from unexpected positions.

• 0-1 unit of Skeleton Skirmishers per 1,000 points may have

the Ambushers special rule for free.
O n this page you will find a full description for each of the army special rules that apply to an army built using the
Mortuary Cult Army of Infamy composition list. These are in addition to the Tomb Kings of Khemri special rules
found on page 153 of Ravening Hordes. In case of contradiction, the special rules below take precedence over the Tomb
Kings of Khemri special rules.

Authority Of The Hierophant The Terrors Below

Flanked by towering undead constructs, living statues and the From beneath the shifting and treacherous desert sands, tunnelling
swarming husks of the countless desert creatures that infest the undead creatures strike at their enemies, dragging them to a grisly
necropolises, the priests of the Mortuary Cult march to war. fate before bursting from the surface and into the fray.

A Mortuary Cult army must include at least one Liche Any Tomb Scorpion or unit of Necroserpents may have this
Priest to be its Hierophant. The Hierophant of a Mortuary special rule for +2 points per model. When a unit with this
Cult army must also be its General, even if they are not the special rule is placed on the battlefield as a result of using
character with the highest Leadership in your army. the From Beneath the Sands special rule, it may nominate a
single enemy unit that is within 8" of it and whose troop type
Harmonious Incantations is ‘regular infantry’ or ‘heavy infantry’. The nominated enemy
When the Liche Priests of the Mortuary Cult gather together unit must immediately make a number of Initiative tests equal
in numbers, their incantations are strengthened by their to the Unit Strength of this unit. For each test that is failed, a
harmonious chanting. single model belonging to the nominated unit is removed from
play as a casualty.
If a Liche Priest within a Mortuary Cult army uses the Arise!
special rule whilst within the Command range of one or more
other friendly Liche Priests, the number of lost Wounds the
chosen unit recovers is increased by 1.

Sepulchral Animus
Drawing from the powerful magics that animate the great undead
constructs of Nehekhara, the Priests of the Mortuary Cult can
strengthen their spells and incantations.

Before making a Casting roll, any Liche Priest within a

Mortuary Cult army may draw upon the magical animus of
any nearby undead constructs. To do so, nominate a friendly
unit that has the Nehekharan Undead special rule, that is
within the Liche Priest’s Command range and whose troop
type is ‘swarms’, ‘monstrous infantry’, ‘monstrous cavalry’,
‘monstrous creature’ or ‘behemoth’. The nominated unit
immediately loses 1-3 Wounds, as chosen by the controlling
player. The Liche Priest may then modify their Casting roll by
adding the number of Wounds lost by the nominated unit to
the result.

Note that this is a modifier to the result of a roll – it does not

negate a roll of a natural double 1.
Lore of Nehekhara LORE OF NEHEKHARA
T he magic of Nehekhara was perfected millennia ago and has remained unchanged in the long centuries since. The
wording of every incantation used in the preservation and reanimating of the dead is recorded on dusty papyrus in the
mysterious hieroglyphs of Nehekhara’s ancient language, to be uttered aloud in long, monotonous ritual.

A Wizard with the ‘Lore of Nehekhara’ special rule may discard one of their randomly generated spells as normal. When
they do so, they may select instead either the signature spell of their chosen Lore of Magic, or one of the spells listed below.

Djaf’s Incantation Of Cursed Blades Usekhp’s Incantation Of Desiccation

As the Liche Priest utters this ancient mantra, the weapons of As the Liche Priest intones the curse of desiccation every syllable
the Nehekharan warriors gathered about them become imbued strips the moisture from their victims’ bodies, sapping their
with the essence of Djaf, the jackal-headed god of the dead, who strength and vitality.
hungers for the souls of the living above all things.
Type: Hex
Type: Enchantment Casting Value: 10+
Casting Value: 7+ Range: 15"
Range: Self Effect: Until the end of this turn, the target enemy
Effect: Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, any unit suffers a -1 modifier to its Strength and Toughness
friendly unit that has the Nehekharan Undead special rule characteristics (to a minimum of 1). If this spell is cast, the
and that is within the caster’s Command range may re-roll effects of any other Hex previously cast on the target unit
any rolls To Hit of a natural 1. immediately expire.

Khsar’s Incantation Of The Desert Wind

Harnessing the power of Khsar, god of the desert winds, the Liche
Priest summons forth a sandstorm that engulfs the undying
warriors of Nehekhara and carries them across the battlefield.

Type: Enchantment
Casting Value: 6+/10+
Range: Self
Effect: If this spell is cast with a casting result of 6 or more,
a single friendly unit that has the Nehekharan Undead
special rule and is within the caster’s Command range gains
the Reserve Move special rule. If this spell is cast with a
casting result of 10 or more, every friendly unit that has the
Nehekharan Undead special rule and is within the caster’s
Command range gains the Reserve Move special rule. This
spell lasts until the end of this turn.

Tomb Kings Of Khemri 155

Legacy Army List
Vampire Counts Legacy Army List
T his page details the Grand Army composition list for the Vampire Counts. This is the default army composition list
for this faction. Using this army composition list to write your muster list will give you the widest variety of units to
choose from and create a broad and balanced force.

This army list is intended for use alongside the ‘Forming Units’ and ‘Warhammer Armies’ sections of the Warhammer: the Old
World rulebook. Over the following pages you will find profiles and rules for each of the models in your army. These pages give
you all of the information that you need to shape your collection of models into the units which will in turn form a force ready
for battle.

Grand Army Composition List

Characters Rare
Up to 50% of your army’s points value may be spent on: Up to 25% of your army’s points value may be spent on:

• 1+ Wizard (see page 4) • 0-1 unit of Vargheists per 1,000 points

• 0-1 Vampire Count, Master Necromancer or • 0-2 Black Coaches
Strigoi Ghoul King per 1,000 points • 0-1 Terrorgheist or Varghulf per 1,000 points
• 0-1 Wight King or Banshee per 1,000 points • 0-1 unit of Blood Knights per 1,000 points
• Vampire Thralls, Necromantic Acolytes, Wight Lords • 0-1 unit of Hexwraiths per Cairn Wraith or
and Cairn Wraiths Tomb Banshee taken

Core Allies
At least 25% of your army’s points value must be spent on: Up to 25% of your army’s points value may be spent on a single
allied contingent drawn from one of the following Grand
• Skeleton Warriors, Zombies, Crypt Ghouls, Bat Swarms Army composition lists:
and Dire Wolves
• If your army includes one or more Wights, 0-1 unit • Tomb Kings of Khemri
of Grave Guard or Black Knights may be taken as a
Core choice
Battle Standard Bearer
Special A single Vampire Thrall or Wight Lord in your army
Up to 50% of your army’s points value may be spent on: may be upgraded to be your Battle Standard Bearer for
+25 points. In addition to their usual allowance of points
• 0-1 unit of Grave Guard or Black Knights per 1,000 points to spend on magic items, a Battle Standard Bearer can
• 0-1 unit of Crypt Horrors or Fell Bats per 1,000 points purchase a single magic standard with no points limit.
• 0-3 Corpse Carts
• 0-1 unit of Spirit Hosts per Cairn Wraith or
Tomb Banshee taken
• If your General is a Strigoi Ghoul King, 0-1 unit of
Vargheists or 0-1 Terrorgheist may be taken as a
Special choice
Resurrecting The Fallen
In a Vampire Counts army, it is possible to heal a unit by recovering lost Wounds, and to resurrect fallen warriors.
Wounds recovered in this way follow a strict order:

• First, any characters that have joined the unit are healed. A character that has been reduced to zero Wounds and
removed from play cannot be resurrected.
• Second, models with more than one Wound on their profile are healed.
• Next, the unit champion is resurrected, displacing rank-and-file models as required, followed by the standard bearer and
• Finally, rank-and-file models are resurrected.

Note that, in the case of multiple Wound models, each model must be fully healed, recovering all of its lost Wounds, before another can
be healed or resurrected.

Note also that at least one model must remain in order for a unit to be healed. In other words, a unit that has been reduced to zero
Wounds and removed from play cannot be resurrected.

Resurrected models are added to the front rank until it reaches the minimum required to claim a Rank Bonus, after which
additional models can be added to the front or rear rank. If the unit already has more than one rank, models can only be
added to the rear rank. A unit cannot be taken beyond its starting size.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Vampire Count 6 7 5 5 5 3 6 4 8 160
Vampire Thrall 6 6 4 5 4 2 5 3 7 75 Vampires
Vampires are the true masters
Troop Type: Regular infantry (character) of Undeath. Despite their
Base Size: 25 x 25 mm curse, Vampires retain all of
Unit Size: 1 their devious intelligence,
Equipment: Hand weapon ambition and desire. This
makes them very dangerous
Magic: A Vampire may be a Wizard (see below). A Vampire that is a Wizard knows spells indeed, for they can continue
from one of the following Lores of Magic: to grow and learn, spending
• Dark Magic eternity perfecting their skills
• Illusion and honing their diabolical
• Necromancy plans and schemes. A
Vampire is ultimately a selfish
Options: creature, driven by the traits
• May take one of the following: they possessed when mortal.
- Additional hand weapon................................................................................................... +3 points
- Great weapon......................................................................................................................... +4 points Vampires have no set
- Lance (if appropriately mounted).................................................................................. +4 points appearance, but most
• May take a shield........................................................................................................................ +2 points can pass as human at a
• May take one of the following: distance. Some are even
- Light armour.......................................................................................................................... +3 points more convincing mimics
- Heavy armour........................................................................................................................ +6 points of mankind, and hide their
• May be mounted........................................................................................................................See page 8 evil nature behind a veneer
• A Vampire Count may: of aristocratic nobility.
- Be a Level 1 Wizard...........................................................................................................+30 points Sometimes they are darkly
- Be a Level 2 Wizard...........................................................................................................+60 points handsome or disturbingly
- Purchase magic items up to a total of.......................................................................... 100 points beautiful, but only those that
- Take Vampiric Powers up to a total of........................................................................ 100 points feed well and regularly can
• A Vampire Thrall may: maintain the masquerade
- Be a Level 1 Wizard...........................................................................................................+30 points of the living for any length
- Purchase magic items up to a total of.............................................................................50 points of time.
- Take Vampiric Powers up to a total of...........................................................................50 points

Special Rules:
• Vampire Count: D ark Vitality, Flammable, Indomitable (2), Lore of Undeath,
Necromantic Undead, Regeneration (5+)
• Vampire Thrall: Banner of the Count, Dark Vitality, Flammable, Indomitable (1),
Lore of Undeath, Necromantic Undead, Regeneration (5+)
Banner Of The Count
The ensorcelled Battle Standards of the Vampire Counts magnify the invisible forces that give the Character
Undead strength.

A Vampire Thrall that has been upgraded to be your Battle Standard Bearer replaces the Vampires
“Hold Your Ground” rule given in the Warhammer: the Old World rulebook with the version For all of their guile and
given below: glamours, a Vampire is a
dead thing, possessed of no
“Hold Your Ground”: Friendly units within the Battle Standard Bearer’s Command range heartbeat and no breath.
may re-roll any failed Leadership test. In addition, friendly units within the Battle Standard It is a rotting corpse kept
Bearer’s Command range reduce the number of Wounds lost due to the Unstable special animated by its immortal
rule by D3. will and Dark Magic. The
strain of retaining their
Note that this is not cumulative with the Indomitable (X) special rule (see page 27). If a unit is appearance is a drain on a
affected by both, use the highest value. Vampire’s energies, and when
it is stressed or angered,
particularly in the heat of
The Death Of A General battle, its true face may be
The armies of the Vampire Counts are held together by the necromantic magic of their revealed. Some Vampires
generals. It is their will that raises the legions of Undeath from the cold earth and summons make no attempt to hide
unclean creatures from the wilds. Without this magical animus, the Undead fall lifeless to the their unholy nature. These
ground and the creatures of the night return to the dark forests. creatures revel in the
crapulence and decay of
Every Vampire Counts army is animated and driven onwards by the sorcery of its their existence. Their skin
General. To represent this, the General of a Vampire Counts army must also be a has sloughed off, their fangs
Wizard (be they a Vampire, a Necromancer or a Strigoi Ghoul King). If your army are prominent and their
includes only a single Wizard, that Wizard must be your General, even if they are not fingernails have become
the character with the highest Leadership in your army. curling talons. The scent
of grave dust hangs around
Should your General be slain, the magical animus of the army starts to dissipate. As them, mixed with the
soon as your General is removed from play as a casualty, all friendly units with the stench of rotted meat and
Necromantic Undead special rule lose the Regeneration (X) special rule. stale blood.

In addition, at the end of the phase in which your General was removed from play as
a casualty, and during each of your Start of Turn sub-phases for the remainder of the
game, all friendly units with the Necromantic Undead special rule that are currently
on the battlefield must make a Leadership test. If this test is failed, the unit loses a
number of Wounds equal to the amount by which it failed the test.

For example, your army’s General is destroyed during your opponent’s Shooting phase.
At the end of that phase a unit of Skeleton Warriors (Ld 5) makes a Leadership test
and rolls a 7 (failing the test by 2). That unit immediately loses two Wounds. During
your next Start of Turn sub-phase, the same unit makes another Leadership test, this
time rolling a 6, resulting in the loss of one Wound.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Master Necromancer 4 3 3 3 4 3 3 2 8 130
Necromantic Acolyte 4 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 7 60 Necromancers
Those individuals who turn
Troop Type: Regular infantry (character) to Necromancy are not
Base Size: 25 x 25 mm necessarily evil to begin with.
Unit Size: 1 Many seek to simply summon
Equipment: Hand weapon spirits and commune with
the dead, whilst others
Magic: A Master Necromancer is a Level 3 Wizard. A Necromantic Acolyte is a Level 1 desire knowledge for its own
Wizard. Every Necromancer knows spells from one of the following Lores of Magic: sake, or seek to save their
• Dark Magic own lives or that of a loved
• Illusion one. However, even if they
• Necromancy are not intrinsically bad
people, something about
Options: the unnatural pursuit of
• May be mounted........................................................................................................................See page 8 Necromancy invariably turns
• A Master Necromancer may: its practitioners onto a darker
- Be a Level 4 Wizard...........................................................................................................+30 points path. Perhaps it is the fear
- Purchase magic items up to a total of.......................................................................... 100 points and mistrust they engender
• A Necromantic Acolyte may: in those around them,
- Be a Level 2 Wizard...........................................................................................................+30 points or perhaps it is dabbling
- Purchase magic items up to a total of.............................................................................50 points with the horrors that lurk
beyond the veil of death that
Special Rules: Dark Vitality, Indomitable (1), Invocation of Nehek, Lore of Undeath, inevitably warps their minds.
Necromantic Undead, Regeneration (5+) Whatever the reason, for
Wizards that take to the path
Invocation Of Nehek of Necromancy, madness
The Necromancer intones the dread syllables handed down from Nagash himself, breathing unlife waits at its end.
into the lifeless cadavers strewn across the battlefield.

During the Command sub-phase of their turn, if they are not engaged in combat, this
character may attempt to resurrect the fallen (see page 28) by making a Leadership test
(using their own Leadership). If this test is passed, a single friendly unit that has the
Necromantic Undead special rule and is within 12" of this character recovers a number
of lost Wounds. However, magically repairing great Undead beasts is much harder than
raising Zombies from the dirt. Therefore, how many Wounds are recovered depends upon
the unit’s troop type and this character’s Level of Wizardry:

• If the unit’s troop type is ‘regular infantry’ or ‘heavy infantry’, it recovers a number of
Wounds equal to this character’s Level of Wizardry +D3.
• If the unit’s troop type is ‘swarms’, ‘light cavalry’ or ‘war beasts’, it recovers a number of
Wounds equal to this character’s Level of Wizardry +1.
• If the unit’s troop type is ‘monstrous infantry’, ‘heavy cavalry’, ‘monstrous cavalry’
or ‘light chariot’, it recovers a number of Wounds equal to this character’s Level
of Wizardry.
• If the unit’s troop type is ‘heavy chariot’, ‘monstrous creature’, ‘behemoth’ or ‘war
machine’, it recovers a single Wound.
Strigoi Ghoul Kings
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Strigoi Ghoul King 6 6 3 5 5 3 7 5 8 145 Strigoi
The pallid creatures known
Troop Type: Regular infantry (character) as Ghoul Kings are in fact
Base Size: 25 x 25 mm once-proud Strigoi Vampires
Unit Size: 1 forced into a troglodytic
Equipment: Hand weapon existence. Though all Strigoi
descend from the same
Magic: A Strigoi Ghoul King may be a Wizard (see below). A Strigoi Ghoul King that is a ancient lineage of Ushoran,
Wizard knows spells from one of the following Lores of Magic: they have devolved to become
• Battle Magic something far fouler and
• Dark Magic more hate-filled. These
• Necromancy creatures creep through the
hidden places of the world,
Options: surrounded by packs of
• May be mounted........................................................................................................................See page 8 flesh-eating Crypt Ghouls.
• May be a: These scavenging creatures
• Level 1 Wizard...........................................................................................................................+30 points are attracted to the Strigoi,
• Level 2 Wizard...........................................................................................................................+60 points forming grotesque courts
• May purchase magic items up to a total of.........................................................................75 points around them that mimic
• May take Vampiric Powers up to a total of.........................................................................75 points the grandeur of the courts
and palaces of the living. By
Special Rules: Dark Vitality, Flammable, Hatred (all enemies), Indomitable (1), cover of night, the Ghoul
Lore of Undeath, Necromantic Undead, Poisoned Attacks, Kings lead their followers to
Regeneration (5+), the Hunger war in a desperate attempt to
recreate the lost kingdom of
The Hunger Mourkain and wreak their
Consumed by the red thirst, a Strigoi Ghoul King will feed hungrily upon the hot blood of their vengeance upon the living at
foes, replenishing their own strength and vitality. the head of a shambling army
of Undead.
At the end of any Combat phase in which this character inflicted one or more unsaved
wounds, roll a D6. On a roll of 6, this character recovers a single lost Wound. However, so Cairn Wraiths
great is this character’s hunger that, whenever they (and any unit they have joined) make a Cairn Wraiths are hooded,
Pursuit roll, they roll only a single D6 (rather than the usual 2D6). spectral creatures that dwell
in the realms of nightmare,
haunting the dreams of Men.
Cairn Wraiths The icy touch of a Cairn
Wraith drains the essence of
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points mortals, its spectral talons
Cairn Wraith 6 4 0 3 3 3 2 2 6 50 reaching into the body of an
adversary and closing around
Troop Type: Regular infantry (character) their vital organs, sending
Base Size: 25 x 25 mm painful chills right through a
Unit Size: 1 mortal’s soul.
Equipment: Spectral scythe (see below)
Special Rules: Ethereal, Indomitable (1), Necromantic Undead,
Regeneration (6+), Terror

R S AP Special Rules
Spectral scythe Combat S N/A Magical Attacks, Multiple Wounds (D3)
Notes: No armour save is permitted against wounds caused by this weapon (Ward and
Regeneration saves can be attempted as normal).
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Wight King 4 5 0 5 5 3 4 3 9 85
Wight Lord 4 4 0 4 5 2 4 2 8 40 Barrow Wights
In ages past, the Men of
Troop Type: Regular infantry (character) the Old World buried their
Base Size: 25 x 25 mm dead beneath mounds of
Unit Size: 1 earth and stone, together
Equipment: Hand weapon and heavy armour with their battle gear and
worldly wealth. Although
Options: their bodies have decayed,
• May take one of the following: Wights are held together by
• Additional hand weapon.......................................................................................................... +3 points evil magic so strong that it
• Great weapon............................................................................................................................... +4 points can last for many centuries.
• Lance (if appropriately mounted)......................................................................................... +4 points They wear ancient armour
• May take a shield........................................................................................................................ +2 points of bronze and black iron,
• May be mounted........................................................................................................................See page 8 corroded by time and dusty
• A Wight King may purchase magic items up to a total of.......................................... 100 points with the years. They carry
• A Wight Lord may purchase magic items up to a total of.............................................50 points iron weapons inlaid with evil
runes, an accursed parody of
Special Rules: once powerful magical blades.
• Wight King: Indomitable (1), Killing Blow, Necromantic Undead, Some Vampires rule over
Regeneration (5+) entire regiments of Wights,
• Wight Lord: Killing Blow, Necromantic Undead, Regeneration (6+), Wight Banner warriors who dared challenge
them in life and now serve
Wight Banner them in death. Their ranks
The enchanted banners of long-dead kings are inscribed with powerful charms. are often joined by one of the
kings of old, returned from
A Wight Lord that has been upgraded to be your Battle Standard Bearer replaces the his tomb to lead them as a
“Hold Your Ground” rule given in the Warhammer: the Old World rulebook with the version Wight King.
given below:
Tomb Banshees
“Hold Your Ground”: Friendly units within the Battle Standard Bearer’s Command range Banshees are the restless
may re-roll any failed Leadership test. In addition, friendly units within the Battle Standard spirits of evil women. Their
Bearer’s Command range reduce the number of Wounds lost due to the Unstable special shades linger in the material
rule by D3. world, fearing to cross the
void to face punishment for
Note that this is not cumulative with the Indomitable (X) special rule (see page 27). If a unit is their dark deeds. Banshees
affected by both, use the highest value. howl in bitterness and
remembrance of when
the pleasures of life were
Tomb Banshees theirs. Their wail is lethal to
mortals and those who do
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points not have a will of iron may
Tomb Banshee 6 3 0 3 3 2 3 1 6 90 die of sheer horror upon
hearing it.
Troop Type: Regular infantry (character)
Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hand weapon
Special Rules: Ethereal, Indomitable (1), Magical Attacks, Necromantic Undead,
Regeneration (6+), Terror, Wailing Dirge
Character Mounts
A character that can be mounted may choose a mount from the following list. Some
mounts are covered in detail on this page. Those that are not have their own dedicated
entries later in this army list. Skeletal Steeds
Skeletal steeds display a
A Vampire Count or Vampire Thrall may be mounted on a: supernatural discipline
• Nightmare...................................................................................................................................+16 points and instinctively obey the
• Coven Throne.......................................................................................................................... See page 16 will of their riders. Only
• Abyssal Terror (Vampire Count only)............................................................................ See page 22 occasionally do these Undead
• Zombie Dragon (Vampire Count only).......................................................................... See page 20 horses twitch their heads
as a vestigial memory of life
A Master Necromancer or Necromantic Acolyte may be mounted on a: surfaces. Even though their
• Nightmare...................................................................................................................................+16 points flesh has long since vanished,
• Mortis Engine.......................................................................................................................... See page 17 skeletal steeds are as powerful
• Abyssal Terror (Master Necromancer only)................................................................ See page 22 as they were in life, and they
• Zombie Dragon (Master Necromancer only).............................................................. See page 20 can crush a foe’s skull with a
single kick.
A Strigoi Ghoul King may be mounted on a:
• Terrorgheist.............................................................................................................................. See page 21 Nightmares
Vampires do not ride to battle
A Wight King or Wight Lord may be mounted on a: atop mounts of mortal flesh
• Skeletal Steed..............................................................................................................................+14 points and blood, but mounted
upon great, unnatural
Skeletal Steed destriers called Nightmares,
dread warhorses brought
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points to life through necromantic
Skeletal Steed 7 2 - 3 - - 2 1 - 14 magic. Though their flesh
is withered and their skin
Troop Type: Heavy cavalry pocked and rank, these
Base Size: 30 x 60 mm mighty steeds can easily bite
Unit Size: 1 or kick an enemy soldier
Equipment: Skeletal hooves (counts as a hand weapon) and barding to death.
Special Rules: First Charge, Necromantic Undead, Swiftstride

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Nightmare 7 3 - 4 - - 2 1 - 16

Troop Type: Heavy cavalry

Base Size: 30 x 60 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Iron-shod hooves (counts as a hand weapon) and barding
Special Rules: Counter Charge, First Charge, Necromantic Undead, Swiftstride
Grave Guard
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Grave Guard 4 3 3 4 4 1 3 1 7 11
Seneschal 4 3 3 4 4 1 3 2 7 +6 Grave Guard
Grave Guard are ancient
Troop Type: Heavy infantry Wights, summoned from
Base Size: 25 x 25 mm their tombs to guard the
Unit Size: 10+ haunted keeps of their
Equipment: Hand weapons, heavy armour and shields necromantic masters.
Although their bodies have
Options: decayed leaving only bones
• The entire unit may replace shields with great weapons...........................+1 point per model and tattered flesh, Grave
• Any unit may: Guard are held together by
- Upgrade one model to a Seneschal (champion)........................................ +6 points per unit evil magic so strong that it
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer.................................................... +6 points per unit has endured for centuries.
- Upgrade one model to a musician................................................................. +6 points per unit These eerie, silent sentinels
- Purchase a magic standard worth up to.........................................................................50 points stand constant vigil on the
• A Seneschal may purchase magic items up to a total of.................................................25 points crumbling battlements and at
• 0-1 unit per 1,000 points may: the iron-bound gates, never
- Have the Drilled special rule....................................................................... +2 points per model resting, eternally ready to
- Have the Implacable Defence special rule................................................+1 point per model defend their Vampire master.
When a Vampire marches
Special Rules: Cleaving Blow, Close Order, Indomitable (1), Necromantic Undead, forth, their Grave Guard
Regeneration (6+) advances at the vanguard
of the Undead host. They
Implacable Defence form a formidable corps of
Through a combination of stout shields, thick armour plates and natural resilience, the warriors, protected by heavy
Grave Guard have become well-known amongst the nations of the Old World for their armour, their enchanted
implacable defence. blades cutting down the
toughest of enemies.
A unit with this special rule that is arrayed in a Close Order formation, and that is
equipped with and chooses to use shields, may choose not to Give Ground should it lose a
round of combat.

However, if the winning side significantly outnumbers the losing side, it will overwhelm the
loser. If the Unit Strength of the winning side is more than twice that of the losing side, this
unit cannot use this special rule and must Give Ground as normal.
Skeleton Warriors
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Skeleton Warrior 4 2 2 3 3 1 2 1 5 5
Skeleton Champion 4 2 2 3 3 1 2 2 5 +5 Skeleton Warriors
The battlefields of the Old
Troop Type: Regular infantry World are strewn with the
Base Size: 25 x 25 mm graves of countless warriors
Unit Size: 10+ that fell in battle and were
Equipment: Hand weapons, light armour and shields consigned to a hasty resting
place. But even in death there
Options: is no rest for these fallen
• The entire unit may take thrusting spears......................................................+1 point per model warriors, for they can be
• Any unit may: summoned back to the world
- Upgrade one model to a Skeleton Champion............................................ +5 points per unit of the living by black sorcery
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer.................................................... +5 points per unit and compelled to obey the
- Upgrade one model to a musician................................................................. +5 points per unit magic of the Necromancer
• 0-1 unit per 1,000 points may purchase a magic standard worth up to....................50 points that raised them.

Special Rules: Close Order, Horde, Necromantic Undead, Regeneration (6+) Zombies
Zombies are rotted corpses
brought back from the dead
Zombies by foul Necromancy. Their
necromantic overlords drive
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points them into battle in their
Zombie 4 2 0 3 3 1 1 1 2 3 thousands, using them to
exhaust the armies of the
Troop Type: Regular infantry living. Zombies are poor
Base Size: 25 x 25 mm fighters, but they never give
Unit Size: 20-40 up and will push against
Equipment: Hand weapons their enemies in a huge
engulfing mass.
• Any unit may:
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer.................................................... +5 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a musician................................................................. +5 points per unit

Special Rules: Close Order, Horde, Necromantic Undead, Regeneration (6+),

the Newly Dead
Crypt Ghouls
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Crypt Ghoul 5 3 3 3 4 1 3 2 5 9
Crypt Ghast 5 3 3 3 4 1 3 3 5 +6 Crypt Ghouls
Ghouls are stooped and ugly
Troop Type: Regular infantry creatures. Their skin is sallow
Base Size: 25 x 25 mm and filthy, their eyes are
Unit Size: 10+ bestial and insane, and their
Equipment: Hand weapons snarling lips reveal sharp-
pointed teeth in slavering
Options: mouths. Dressed only in
• Any unit may upgrade one model to a Crypt Ghast (champion)............. +6 points per unit the rags pulled from their
victims, Crypt Ghouls carry
Special Rules: Move through Cover, Necromantic Undead, Open Order, in their filthy claws weapons
Poisoned Attacks, Regeneration (6+), Reserve Move, Skirmishers they have crudely fashioned
from the remains of their
unwholesome meals.
Crypt Horrors
Crypt Horrors
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points The malformed monstrosities
Crypt Horror 6 3 0 4 5 3 2 3 5 46 known as Crypt Horrors –
Crypt Haunter 6 3 0 4 5 3 2 4 5 +7 Ghouls that have fed upon
the blood of a Vampire and
Troop Type: Monstrous infantry grown huge in stature – are,
Base Size: 40 x 40 mm thankfully, a rare sight.
Unit Size: 3+ Spoken of in hushed whispers
Equipment: Filth-encrusted claws (see below) by night watchmen, grave-
diggers and other nocturnal
Options: citizens of the Empire, the
• Any unit may upgrade one model to a Crypt Haunter (champion)........ +7 points per unit few persistent reports of
these looming and moon-mad
Special Rules: Indomitable (1), Move through Cover, Necromantic Undead, fiends are dismissed as the
Open Order, Regeneration (6+), Stomp Attacks (1) ravings of superstitious fools.

R S AP Special Rules Bat Swarms

Filth-encrusted Combat S -1 Poisoned Attacks When the armies of the
claws Undead march to war,
the skies above them are
obscured by multitudes of
Bat Swarms bats. Driven by the will of
Vampires and Necromancers,
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points hundreds of these animals
Bat Swarm 1 3 0 2 2 5 4 5 3 39 gather in living clouds to blot
out the light of sun and moon
Troop Type: Swarms alike, purposefully swathing
Base Size: 40 x 40 mm the battlefield in darkness,
Unit Size: 3+ the better to confound and
Equipment: Claws and fangs (counts as a hand weapon) demoralise the living.
Special Rules: Fly (7), Necromantic Undead, Regeneration (6+), Skirmishers
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Vargheist 6 4 0 5 4 3 4 3 7 61
Vargoyle 6 4 0 5 4 3 4 4 7 +7 Vargheists
These towering winged
Troop Type: Monstrous infantry humanoids, each several
Base Size: 40 x 40 mm times the size of a Man are
Unit Size: 3+ the darkness in a Vampire’s
Equipment: Wicked claws (see below) soul made manifest. They
are curse-born Vampires that
Options: have devolved into ravening
• Any unit may upgrade one model to a Vargoyle (champion)..................... +7 points per unit predators desperate for the
taste of blood. They prowl
Special Rules: Armour Bane (2), Dark Vitality, Flammable, Fly (9), Frenzy, the battlefield in packs, ready
Indomitable (1), Necromantic Undead, Regeneration (6+), Skirmishers to pounce upon the least sign
of weakness in the enemy
R S AP Special Rules ranks with crimson claw and
Wicked claws Combat S -2 - bloody fang.

Fell Bats
Fell Bats With a body as long as an
adult human, Fell Bats are
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points a fearsome sight. They are
Fell Bat 1 3 0 3 3 2 3 2 3 15 darker than midnight and
silent as death, even when
Troop Type: Monstrous infantry in full flight. Those who
Base Size: 40 x 40 mm have encountered them, and
Unit Size: 3+ lived, tell how they hunt with
Equipment: Claws and fangs (counts as a hand weapon) unerring accuracy, swooping
Special Rules: Fly (10), Necromantic Undead, Regeneration (6+), down to knock knights from
Skirmishers, Swiftstride their saddles or pick off lone
warriors unawares.
Spirit Hosts
Spirit Hosts
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points The unquiet spirits of the
Spirit Host 6 3 0 3 3 4 1 4 4 49 dead can often be seen
as mournful, swirling
Troop Type: Swarms mists, broken with wailing
Base Size: 40 x 40 mm faces and grasping hands.
Unit Size: 3-6 Their touch draws some
Equipment: Hand weapons of a victim’s soul into the
Special Rules: Bound Spirits, Ethereal, Magical Attacks, Necromantic Undead, underworld, dragging them
Open Order, Regeneration (6+), Reserve Move into a coma or stealing their
knowledge of who they were.
Bound Spirits Only a priest of Morr can
Snatched from Morr’s dark realm by the magic of a Necromancer, the tortured shades of the dead restore the mind of a person
are bound to the will of the one that summoned them. who has had their spirit
leached by a ghost.
Unlike other swarms, this unit is not subject to the Undisciplined rule. In other words, this
unit can use the Inspiring Presence rule of the army’s General and the Hold your Ground
rule of a Battle Standard.
Blood Knights
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Blood Knight - 5 3 4 4 1 4 2 7 39
Kastellan - 5 3 4 4 1 4 3 7 +7 Blood Knights
Nightmare 7 3 - 4 - - 2 1 - - Many years ago, the people
of the Old World would have
Troop Type: Heavy cavalry named the Knights of the
Base Size: 30 x 60 mm Blood Dragon amongst the
Unit Size: 5+ noblest of warriors defending
Equipment: their lands. Their great
• Blood Knights: Hand weapons, lances, heavy armour and shields fortress, Blood Keep, guarded
• Nightmares: Iron-shod hooves (counts as hand weapons) and barding the passes to Bretonnia and
was famed for the valour
Options: of its defenders. Today, the
• Any unit may: Vampiric remnants of that
- Upgrade one model to a Kastellan (champion)........................................ +7 points per unit once-noble order are amongst
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer.................................................... +7 points per unit the most fearsome cavalry in
- Upgrade one model to a musician................................................................. +7 points per unit all of the Old World. Blood
- Purchase a magic standard worth up to.........................................................................50 points Knights ride into battle with
- Replace heavy armour with full plate armour...................................... +5 points per model fangs bared through storms
- Have the Drilled special rule....................................................................... +3 points per model of arrow and shot. Such is
• A Kastellan may take: their honour that they will
- Vampiric Powers up to a total of......................................................................................25 points refuse no martial challenge,
- Magic items up to a total of...............................................................................................25 points and will fight at the forefront
of an Undead army without
Special Rules: Accursed Weapons, Close Order, Counter Charge, Dark Vitality, question. It is said that even
First Charge, Flammable, Indomitable (1), Martial Pride, the fabled Grail Knights of
Necromantic Undead, Regeneration (6+), Swiftstride Bretonnia cannot match the
Blood Knights lance for lance
Accursed Weapons upon the field.
The blades of the Blood Knights are fel weapons inscribed with dark runes, chased with precious
metals and fashioned in the likenesses of evil beasts.

A hand weapon carried by a model with this special rule has the Magical Attacks special
rule and an Armour Piercing characteristic of -1.

Martial Pride
Over time, the Blood Knights have become a macabre parody of the noble knights they once were,
toying with their foes mercilessly in one-sided duels to the death.

Every model in a unit of Blood Knights can issue and accept challenges in the same manner
as a character. However, a unit with this special rule cannot refuse a challenge – if a
challenge is issued and a model belonging to this unit could accept it, a model belonging to
the unit must accept it.
Black Knights
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Black Knight - 3 0 4 4 1 3 1 6 24
Hell Knight - 3 0 4 4 1 3 2 6 +6 Black Knights
Skeletal Steed 7 2 - 3 - - 2 1 - - In the times before the
Empire, it was common that
Troop Type: Heavy cavalry only a tribe’s nobility would
Base Size: 30 x 60 mm ride mounted into battle.
Unit Size: 5+ When these knights died
Equipment: their horses were ritually
• Black Knights: Hand weapons, heavy armour and shields slaughtered and buried in the
• Skeletal Steeds: Skeletal hooves (counts as hand weapons) barrows alongside them, to
carry them in the afterlife.
Options: Many centuries later, foul
• The entire unit may take any of the following: Necromancers summon the
- Lances.................................................................................................................. +2 points per model enchanted bones of these
- Barding................................................................................................................ +2 points per model ancient knights and their
• Any unit may: sorcerous steeds forth to
- Upgrade one model to a Hell Knight (champion).................................... +6 points per unit battle once more.
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer.................................................... +6 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a musician................................................................. +6 points per unit Dire Wolves
- Purchase a magic standard worth up to.........................................................................50 points All across the Old World,
• A Hell Knight may purchase magic items up to a total of.............................................25 points the corpses of great wolves
regularly return from the
Special Rules: Cleaving Blow (Black Knights & Hell Knight only), Close Order, dead and continue the hunt
First Charge, Necromantic Undead, Regeneration (6+), Swiftstride in unlife. Their fur matted
with blood and grime, the
Dire Wolves smell of decaying flesh clings
to these Dire Wolves, whilst
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points maggots writhe in open
Dire Wolf 9 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 3 8 wounds and skin hangs from
Doom Wolf 9 3 0 3 3 1 3 2 3 +6 their bones in ragged flaps.

Troop Type: War beasts

Base Size: 25 x 50 mm
Unit Size: 5-20
Equipment: Claws and fangs (counts as hand weapons)

• Any unit may upgrade one model to a Doom Wolf (champion)............... +6 points per unit

Special Rules: Necromantic Undead, Open Order, Regeneration (6+), Reserve Move,
Slavering Charge, Swiftstride, Vanguard

Slavering Charge
Fighting as a ferocious pack, charging Dire Wolves quickly overpower their enemies.

During a turn in which it charged, this model has a +1 modifier to its

Strength characteristic.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Hexwraith - 3 0 3 3 1 2 1 5 31
Hellwraith - 3 0 3 3 1 2 2 5 +6 Hexwraiths
Spectral Steed 8 2 - 3 - - 2 1 - - The origins of the
Hexwraiths are shrouded
Troop Type: Light cavalry in mystery, but it is said
Base Size: 30 x 60 mm that they were created on
Unit Size: 5-10 Hexensnacht, tearing their
Equipment: way into the mortal realm
• Hexwraiths: Hand weapons and great weapons from the very bowels of the
• Spectral Steeds: Skeletal hooves (counts as hand weapons) underworld. Their single-
minded purpose seems to
Options: be the pursuit of those evil
• Any unit may upgrade one model to a Hellwraith (champion)................. +6 points per unit souls who have cheated their
rightful fate, for a Hexwraith’s
Special Rules: Ethereal, Flaming Attacks, Fly (8), Magical Attacks, shade-like existence leaves it
Necromantic Undead, Open Order, Regeneration (6+), with a hunger that only the
Spectral Reapers, Swiftstride, Terror succour of a damned soul
can sate. Once the curse of
Spectral Reapers the Hexwraiths has been laid
Galloping above the battlefield upon spectral steeds, Hexwraiths lean low in their saddles to reap upon their prey, there can
the souls of the living. be no escape – the spectral
horsemen can hurtle across
A unit with this special rule may perform a ‘Spectral Reapers’ attack against a single enemy rivers and pass through
unit that is not engaged in combat. To do so, this unit must move (by flying) over the unit mountainsides on their
it wishes to attack during the Remaining Moves sub-phase. Once this unit’s movement is incorporeal steeds without
complete, the enemy unit suffers a single Strength 4 hit, with no armour save permitted slowing their headlong
(Ward and Regeneration saves can be attempted as normal), and with the Flaming Attacks charge, before cutting the
and Magical Attacks special rules, for each model in this unit that moved over it. souls from their prey and
vanishing once more in a
single, terrifying instant.
Coven Throne
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Coven Throne - - - 5 5 5 - - - +210
Pallid Handmaidens (x2) - 5 3 5 - - 5 2 7 - Coven Throne
Spirit Horde 6 3 0 3 - - 1 D6 - - Compensating for a cursed
existence with grandeur and
Troop Type: Heavy chariot luxury is a common theme
Base Size: 50 x 100 mm amongst the Vampire elite. A
Unit Size: 1 true lord or lady of undeath
Armour Value: 4+ refuses to churn through
Equipment: the mud of a battlefield like
• Pallid Handmaidens: Hand weapons a common peasant or be
• Spirit Horde: Hand weapons and lances content with the dubious
dignity of sitting astride a
Special Rules: Close Order, Dark Vitality, First Charge, Fly (8), Ghoulish Glamour, grave-beast. Instead, the
Impact Hits (D6+1), Large Target, Necromantic Undead, monarchs of the night
Random Attacks (Spirit Horde only), Regeneration (6+), Scrying Pool and their most trusted
handmaidens are often borne
Ghoulish Glamour to war on gilded palanquins
Mortals quail in awestruck disbelief at the sight of a Vampire coven lounging upon the decayed known as Coven Thrones,
luxury of a Coven Throne. bone-framed constructs held
aloft by departed spirits.
Enemy units must make a Leadership test before making any rolls To Hit against this Despite their luxury, these
model during the Combat phase. If this test is failed, only rolls of a natural 6 will hit. ostentatious platforms are
potent weapons upon the
battlefield. The Vampires
Scrying Pool themselves move so swiftly as
to be virtually invisible to the
The Coven Thrones bear great enchanted bowls full of fresh blood, within which the eye, but their true strength
Vampire’s handmaidens can scry the future. lies in their unity. A coven of
Vampires fighting as one is
Even if engaged in combat, this model can cast the following Bound spell, with a as formidable a prospect as
Power Level of 2: any Dragon.

Type: Enchantment
Casting Value: 9+
Range: Self
Effect: Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, this model may re-roll any rolls To
Hit of a natural 1.

Character Mount: A Coven Throne may only be included in your army as a

character’s mount. Its points are added to that of its rider.
Mortis Engine
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Mortis Engine - - - 5 5 5 - - - +195
Banshees (x3) - 3 0 3 - - 3 1 5 - Mortis Engines
Spirit Horde 6 3 0 3 - - 1 D6 - - Sometimes, the remains of
a once mighty lord of the
Troop Type: Heavy chariot Undead are enshrined within
Base Size: 50 x 100 mm a Mortis Engine, a cage of
Unit Size: 1 fused bone, surrounded by
Armour Value: 4+ trappings of grandeur and
Equipment: borne to war by a host of
• Banshees: Hand weapons spirits bound to the infernal
• Spirit Horde: Hand weapons and lances device. Though all that
remains of their evil sovereign
Special Rules: Accursed Reliquary, Blasphemous Tome, Close Order, Dark Vitality, may be a wizened skull or
First Charge, Fly (8), Impact Hits (D6+1), Large Target, a gilded finger bone, these
Necromantic Undead, Random Attacks (Spirit Horde only), spirits are forced to protect
Regeneration (6+), Wailing Dirge the unhallowed remains for
the rest of eternity. The evil
Accursed Reliquary soul that clings to the unholy
Powerful necromantic magic clings to the unhallowed remains enshrined within the heart of a relic attracts the attentions of
Mortis Engine, energising nearby Undead. wailing Banshees, who shriek
and howl in the air above the
Whilst within this model’s Command range, friendly units with the Necromantic Undead grotesque hearse. The Mortis
special rule gain a +1 modifier to their Movement and Initiative characteristics. Engines are watched over by
deathless attendants known
Blasphemous Tome as Corpsemasters, trusted
Rumoured to have been penned by Nagash himself, the Winds of Magic become nigh servants of the Vampire
uncontrollable in the presence of a Blasphemous Tome. Counts who have proven
immune to the dire energies
All Wizards (friend or foe) may apply a +1 modifier to any Casting roll whilst within this that emanate from the
model’s Command range. However, if any Wizard miscasts whilst within this model’s relics within.
Command range, they must roll twice on the Miscast table and apply both results.

Character Mount: A Mortis Engine may only be included in your army as a

character’s mount. Its points are added to that of its rider.
Corpse Cart
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Corpse Cart - - - 4 4 4 - - - 115
Corpsemaster (x1) - 3 0 3 - - 3 1 5 - Corpse Carts
The Restless Dead 4 1 0 3 - - 1 2D6 - - Corpse Carts act like magnets
to Dark Magic, drawing
Troop Type: Heavy chariot their power from the land
Base Size: 50 x 100 mm itself and animating the dead
Unit Size: 1 around them. Sometimes
Armour Value: 4+ a Corpse Cart is hung with
Equipment: a great bell, the clapper of
• Corpsemaster: Hand weapon which is a fel lodestone of
• The Restless Dead: Hand weapons eldritch provenance. When
necromantic magic is thick
Magic: A Corpsemaster is a Level 1 Wizard. Every Corpsemaster knows a spell from the in the air, the bell tolls
Necromancy Lore of Magic. and ripples of Dark Magic
emanate from the Corpse
Options: Cart. Under the influence of
• A Corpsemaster may take one of the following: this ominous knell, the dead
- Whip......................................................................................................................................... +3 points are drawn back together and
- Cavalry spear.......................................................................................................................... +3 points cadavers stagger to their feet.
• A Corpse Cart must take one of the following: Other Corpse Carts are lit
- Balefire Brazier....................................................................................................................+10 points by braziers that burn with
- Warped Tintinnabulation...............................................................................................+15 points infernal flames. The smoke
from these balefires contains
Special Rules: Close Order, Dark Vitality, First Charge, Impact Hits (D3+1), particles of warpstone that
Indomitable (1), Lore of Undeath, Necromantic Undead, can drive enemy Wizards
Random Attacks (The Restless Dead only), Regeneration (6+) temporarily insane.

Balefire Brazier
The acrid smoke of burning warpstone confounds rival Wizards.

Enemy Wizards that are within 15" of one or more models with this special rule when
attempting to cast a spell must increase that spell’s casting value by 1.

Warped Tintinnabulation
When warped bells toll, the dead stir and corpses stagger to their feet.

When a friendly unit that is within 15" of this model recovers a number of lost Wounds
due to a character using the Invocation of Nehek special rule, roll a D6. On a roll of 4+, the
unit recovers one additional Wound. In addition, friendly units within 15" of this model
reduce the number of Wounds lost due to the Unstable special rule by 1.

Note that this is cumulative with the Indomitable (X) special rule (see page 27).
Black Coach
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Black Coach - - - 5 6 4 - - - 205
Wraith (x1) - 3 0 3 - - 2 2 5 - Black Coaches
Nightmares (x2) 8 3 - 4 - - 2 1 - - In ramshackle and garlic-
hung taverns, grim tales are
Troop Type: Heavy Chariot told of the Black Coaches that
Base Size: 50 x 100 mm haunt the mountain passes.
Unit Size: 1 These morbid carriages are
Armour Value: 3+ omens of disaster and death.
Equipment: They are horrific, unholy
• Wraith: Spectral scythe (see below) things, neither wholly real
• Nightmares: Iron-shod hooves (counts as hand weapons) nor immaterial. A Black
Coach is a herald of famine,
Special Rules: Close Order, First Charge, Impact Hits (D6+2), Indomitable (1), war and murder, the sight of
Magical Attacks, Necromantic Undead, Regeneration (6+), which can drive a sane man
Spectral Coach, Terror to despair. Many an Imperial
road warden or Bretonnian
Spectral Coach knight has attempted to
Compelled by the undying spirit of its accursed passenger, a Black Coach shifts constantly between halt one of these ghastly
the world of the living and the realm of the dead. apparitions and died for
their trouble.
A Black Coach is not wholly corporeal. To represent this, a Black Coach may become
‘Incorporeal’ during the Command sub-phase of its turn, and will remain Incorporeal until Legend has it that the driver
your next Start of Turn sub-phase. Whilst Incorporeal, a Black Coach: of a Black Coach is a Wraith
of some kind, and that grisly
• Loses the Impact Hits (D6+2) special rule. Nightmares pull it to war. On
• Gains the Ethereal and Fly (10) special rules. the battlefield, a Black Coach
grows ever more powerful,
R S AP Special Rules feeding on magics wielded
Spectral scythe Combat S N/A Magical Attacks by mortal and immortal
Notes: No armour save is permitted against wounds caused by this weapon (Ward and sorcerers alike.
Regeneration saves can be attempted as normal).
Zombie Dragon
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Zombie Dragon 6 4 - 6 (+1) (+5) 2 5 - +215
Note: A character mounted on a Zombie Dragon has +1 Toughness and +5 Wounds. Zombie Dragons
In death, no creature is
Troop Type: Behemoth beyond the powers of the
Base Size: 100 x 150 mm Necromancer. From the
Unit Size: 1 smallest bat to the mightiest
Equipment: Wicked claws (see below), pestilential breath (see below) and Manticore, every Man,
draconic scales (counts as full plate armour) monster or beast can be
Special Rules: Carrion Feeders, Close Order, Fly (9), Large Target, pulled from death’s embrace
Necromantic Undead, Stomp Attacks (D6), Swiftstride, Terror and bound to fight once
more for a new master.
Carrion Feeders The elder race of Dragons
The decaying carcass of a Zombie Dragon is wreathed by swarms of buzzing carrion feeders that is no exception. Those
crawl greedily across the exposed flesh of its enemies, choking and blinding them. Vampires gifted in the art
of Necromancy bind the
Enemy units engaged in combat with this model suffer a -1 modifier to their corpses of the great drakes to
Initiative characteristic. their will, resurrecting them
as Zombie Dragons. These
R S AP Special Rules once majestic creatures
Wicked claws Combat S -2 - stagger upright once more
with a great despairing roar
R S AP Special Rules before stooping to allow
Pestilential breath N/A 2 -3 Breath Weapon their new master to ride atop
their powerful shoulders.
Wreathed in a fog of rot and
surrounded by swarms of
Character Mount: A Zombie Dragon may only be included in your army as a blood-hungry flies, a Zombie
character’s mount. Its points are added to that of its rider. Dragon can turn the tide of
a battle purely by dint of its
horrific presence.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Terrorgheist 6 3 0 5 6 6 3 4 4 205
Troop Type: Behemoth Ghoul Kings bind the mortal
Base Size: 100 x 150 mm remains of Terrorgheists,
Unit Size: 1 titanic bats the size of
Equipment: Filth-encrusted talons (see below), rancid maw (see below) and Dragons that haunt the
calloused hide (counts as light armour) sickly skies of Sylvania, to
Special Rules: Close Order, Fly (9), Indomitable (1), Infested, Large Target, their service. As Dark Magic
Necromantic Undead, Regeneration (5+), Stomp Attacks (D6), swirls around the monstrous
Swiftstride, Terror, Wailing Dirge remains of the cave-creature,
a bond of blood is formed
Infested between Vampiric master and
Legend has it that, when slain, Terrorgheists explode into great clouds of multitudinous, Undead beast.
swarming bats.
Guided by its master’s will,
When this model loses its last Wound, every unit in base contact with it (friend or foe) the monstrosity creaks
suffers D6 Strength 2 hits, each with an AP of -1. through the clouds above the
battlefield on blotch-skinned
R S AP Special Rules pinions, its rotten flesh and
Filth-encrusted Combat S -1 Armour Bane (1), Poisoned Attacks withered organs open to the

talons night air. Clotted hanks of fur
cling in patches to its skeletal
R S AP Special Rules neck, and its skull swings
Rancid maw Combat S -2 Armour Bane (1), Multiple Wounds (2) from side to side as it tracks
Note: In combat, this model must make one of its attacks each turn with this weapon. its prey on the plains below.

Character Mount: A Terrorgheist may be included in your army as a character’s

mount. If so, its points are added to that of its rider. When taken as a character
mount, a Terrorgheist has the following profile:

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Terrorgheist 6 3 - 5 (+1) (+5) 3 4 - +185
Note: A character mounted on a Terrorgheist has +1 Toughness and +5 Wounds.
Abyssal Terror
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Abyssal Terror 6 4 - 5 (+1) (+4) 2 3 - +120
Note: A character mounted on an Abyssal Terror has +1 Toughness and +4 Wounds. Abyssal Terrors
The most warlike Vampires
Troop Type: Monstrous creature ride to battle on the backs
Base Size: 50 x 100 mm of monstrous, winged,
Unit Size: 1 dread-inspiring mounts,
Equipment: Wicked claws (see below), poisonous tail (see below) and nightmarish creations of
scaly skin (counts as heavy armour) Dark Magic, bound with
Special Rules: Close Order, Fly (9), Large Target, Necromantic Undead, shadows and given bodies of
Stomp Attacks (D3), Swiftstride, Terror writhing blood and flayed
skin. The most common
R S AP Special Rules of these winged fiends are
Wicked claws Combat S -2 - known as Abyssal Terrors.
These fearsome horrors
R S AP Special Rules are borne to war on ragged
Poisonous tail Combat S - Poisoned Attacks, Strike First wings that allow their
Note: In combat, this model may make one of its attacks each turn with this weapon. Undead masters to strike at
the heart of the enemy army.

Character Mount: This model may only be included in your army as a character’s There are some Vampires
mount. Its points are added to that of its rider. that allow the animalistic
hunter within them to
consume them completely.
These feral predators
abandon the trappings of
Varghulf civilisation in order to run
unfettered through the
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points forest. Those who revel in
Varghulf 8 5 0 5 5 4 4 4 4 140 such behaviour become
physically changed beyond
Troop Type: Monstrous creature recognition by the Vampiric
Base Size: 50 x 50 mm curse. Hence are born the
Unit Size: 1 creatures known to the
Equipment: Wicked claws (see below) and calloused hide (counts as light armour) peasant folk as Varghulfs.
Special Rules: Bestial Fury, Close Order, Counter Charge, Dark Vitality, Flammable,
Frenzy, Indomitable (1), Necromantic Undead,
Regeneration (5+), Swiftstride, Terror

Bestial Fury
In battle, a Varghulf becomes a whirlwind of rage, turning to face the enemies that would surround
it with supernatural speed.

Enemy units cannot claim any bonus combat result points for being engaged with this
model’s flank or rear arc.

R S AP Special Rules
Wicked claws Combat S -2 -
Vampiric Powers
T hough they share the curse of undeath, Vampires are unique creatures with myriad abilities and traits. Some dedicate
their existence to mastering warfare, whilst others delve into arcane lore, create nations of Undead through political
manipulation, or willingly succumb to their bestial nature.

To represent their varying attributes, some models may be given Vampiric Powers. Each Vampiric Power may only be chosen
once per army.

Curse Of The Revenant..................................... 50 points Master Of The Black Arts................................ 30 points

Through magic, bloodletting or sheer force of will, the strength of The Winds of Magic bend easily to the will of this Vampire, so
this Vampire to survive the centuries is beyond compare. matchless is their magical prowess.

This Vampire has a +1 modifier to its Wounds characteristic. This Vampiric Power may only be taken by a Vampire Count
that is a Level 2 Wizard, or by a Vampire Thrall that is a Level
Beguile...................................................................40 points 1 Wizard. This Vampire increases their Level of Wizardry
The Vampire has an entrancing gaze that mesmerises their foes, by 1.
rendering them all but incapable of causing the Vampire harm.
Supernatural Horror.........................................20 points
Enemy units must make a Leadership test before making any This Vampire is hideous to look upon, having long since forsaken
rolls To Hit against this Vampire during the Combat phase. If the trappings of nobility and beauty and embraced the beast within.
this test is failed, only rolls of a natural 6 will hit.
This Vampire gains the Terror special rule.
Flying Horror...................................................... 35 points
The Vampire is able to take to the skies with great, membranous Lord Of The Night.............................................. 15 points
wings, or perhaps can even metamorphose into a monstrous bat. The Vampire howls into the cold night, their cry answered by the
baying of countless dark creatures.
Models whose troop type is ‘infantry’ only. This Vampire gains
the Fly (10) rule, but cannot join a unit. During the Command sub-phase of their turn, this Vampire
may attempt to resurrect fallen creatures of the night by
Dark Acolyte........................................................ 30 points making a Leadership test (using their own Leadership). If this
Some Vampires have an affinity for necromantic magic beyond that test is passed, a single friendly unit of Fell Bats, Bat Swarms
of their peers, which only increases with age and practice. or Dire Wolves that is within 12" of this model recovers D6
lost Wounds.
This Vampire gains the Invocation of Nehek special rule (as
described on page 5). For the purposes of using this special
rule, this model counts as a Level 1 Wizard.
Vampire Counts Magic Items
Magic Items
The pages that follow detail magic items unique to Vampire Counts armies. These can Magic Items
be purchased by models within a Vampire Counts army in exactly the same way as Just as there are men and
Common magic items, as described in the Warhammer: the Old World rulebook. women whose souls resonate
with cruelty even after
Extremely Common Magic Items: Any magic item marked with an asterisk (*) death, there are dark and
is considered to be extremely common, as described in the Warhammer: the Old unholy treasures in the
World rulebook. world that are saturated with
the energies of evil deeds.
Magic Weapons Many of these artefacts
have spent centuries in
Frostblade..........................................................................................................60 points the possession of potent
This blade of blue ice-steel is bound with such deadly spells that its merest touch will suck the soul Necromancers or Vampire
from its victim’s body. lords; some are even said to
have been stolen from the
R S AP Special Rules necropolises of mighty Tomb
Frostblade Combat S - Killing Blow, Magical Attacks Kings, or to have belonged
Notes: Any enemy model that suffers one or more unsaved wounds from the Frostblade must to the Great Necromancer
immediately make a Toughness test. If this test is failed, they gain the Strike Last special rule and Nagash himself. Nations
must reduce their Initiative characteristic to 1 for the remainder of the game. have mobilised their armies,
long wars have been fought
Sword Of Kings................................................................................................55 points and countless lives expended
This accursed blade of ancient and ageless design thirsts constantly for the souls of its over such nefarious items,
wielder’s enemies. for it is rumoured that
some can grant power over
R S AP Special Rules death itself.
Sword of Kings Combat S+1 -1 Killing Blow, Magical Attacks
Notes: The wielder of the Sword of Kings strikes a Killing Blow if they roll a natural 5 or 6 when
making a roll To Wound, rather than the usual 6.

Blood Drinker..................................................................................................45 points

This long, slender blade greedily drinks the blood of its victims, their life force revitalising
its master.

R S AP Special Rules
Blood Drinker Combat S -1 Magical Attacks
Notes: If the wielder of Blood Drinker causes one or more unsaved wounds during the Combat
phase, they recover a single lost Wound.

Dreadlance........................................................................................................40 points
Once wielded by an infamous Vampire knight, this lance is uncannily accurate, said to find its
target even in the dark of night.

R S AP Special Rules
Dreadlance Combat S+2 -2 Armour Bane (1), Magical Attacks
Notes: Models whose troop type is ‘cavalry’ or ‘monster’ only. The Dreadlance can only be used
during a turn in which the wielder charged. In subsequent turns (or if the wielder did not charge)
the model must use its hand weapon instead. The wielder of the Dreadlance may re-roll any failed
rolls To Hit made whilst using it.
Magic Armour Magic Standards
The Flayed Hauberk........................................... 35 points Banner Of The Barrows.................................... 65 points
Stitched from the flesh of countless victims, the wearer of the Flayed Woven from the wind and the cold, the chill of this banner touches
Hauberk is enshrouded and protected by the souls of the damned. the hearts of those who stand before it.

The Flayed Hauberk is a suit of heavy armour which may be Wight Lord Battle Standard Bearer only. During the Combat
worn by a Wizard without penalty. In addition, its wearer has phase, when a unit carrying the Banner of the Barrows makes
a 6+ Ward save against any wounds suffered. a roll To Hit, a roll of 3+ is always a success, regardless of the
target’s Weapon Skill.
The Accursed Armour....................................... 30 points
Some strange flaw renders the wearer of this armour resilient Drakenhof Banner.............................................. 50 points
beyond measure, yet robs them of dexterity. The infamous Count Vlad von Carstein had thrall Necromancers
enchant his household standard to sustain his bodyguard.
Models whose troop type is ‘infantry’ or ‘cavalry’ only. The
Accursed Armour is a suit of full plate armour. In addition, If a unit carrying the Drakenhof Banner has the Regeneration
its wearer has a +1 modifier to their Toughness characteristic, (X+) special rule, it improves the armour value of its
but suffers a -1 modifier to their Weapon Skill and Regeneration save by 1.
Initiative characteristics.
The Screaming Banner...................................... 45 points
Talismans Even the bravest warriors tremble in the presence of a haunted
banner that wails a constant dirge.
Von Carstein Ring..............................................40 points
An ancient heirloom of the lords of Sylvania, this ring is known to When an enemy unit makes a Leadership test due to Fear
make a Vampire carrying it almost impossible to kill. caused by a unit carrying the Screaming Banner, it must roll
an extra D6 and discard the lowest result.
Vampires only. Single use. When the wearer of the Von
Carstein Ring loses their last Wound, roll a D6. On a roll of Standard Of Hellish Vigour.............................40 points
2+, the Wound is not lost. The restless essence of the Vampire whose flesh was flayed to craft
this banner invigorates the Undead nearby.
Crown Of The Damned..................................... 35 points
The wearer of the Crown of the Damned draws revitalising energies A unit carrying the Standard of Hellish Vigour gains the
from the spirits imprisoned within it, but at times their eternal Reserve Move special rule.
wailing can become overpowering.

The Crown of the Damned gives its wearer a 4+ Ward save

against any wounds suffered. However, due to the wailing of
the spirits trapped within the crown, its wearer is also subject
to the Stupidity special rule.
Enchanted Items Arcane Items
Helm Of Commandment..................................40 points Skull Staff............................................................. 50 points
This ancient and corroded helmet can be used to infuse The Skull Staff constantly whispers to its bearer, revealing the
Undead servants with the wearer’s sentience, making them secrets of their foes and predicting the ebb and flow of the Winds
formidable fighters. of Magic.

Necromancers and Wights only. During the Command sub- The bearer of the Skull Staff increases their Dispel range by
phase of their turn, this character may attempt to enhance 3" and, when attempting a Wizardly dispel, may apply a +1
the sentience of those around them by making a Leadership modifier to their Dispel roll.
test (using their own Leadership). If this test is passed, until
your next Start of Turn sub-phase this character and any unit Note that this is a modifier to the result of a roll – it does not
they have joined gains a +D3 modifier to their Weapon Skill negate a roll of a natural double 1.
characteristic (to a maximum of 10).
Sceptre Of De Noirot......................................... 35 points
Hand Of Dust...................................................... 35 points The Necromancer de Noirot suffered a terrible demise when he
The severed hand of the Great Necromancer himself, the mere invoked the power of this sceptre and raised more of the Undead
proximity of this withered appendage can drain all life and vitality than he could control.
from mortals, leaving them as desiccated husks.
The bearer of the Sceptre of de Noirot may attempt to
Necromancers only. This model can cast the following Bound resurrect the fallen by using the Invocation of Nehek special
spell, with a Power Level of 2. Roll a D6 each time the Hand of rule twice during their Command sub-phase (rather than the
Dust is used. On a roll of 1, it crumbles to dust and cannot be usual once). Roll a D6 each time the sceptre is used. On a roll
used again: of 1, the bearer loses a single Wound.

Type: Assailment Spell Familiar*..................................................... 15 points

Casting Value: 9+ A spell familiar memorises a spell on its master’s behalf, constantly
Range: Combat rehearsing for its big moment until it is called upon to share its
Effect: The target enemy unit suffers 2D6 Strength 5 hits, arcane knowledge.
each with an AP of -1.
0-1 per Wizard. The owner of a Spell Familiar knows one
Cloak Of Mist & Shadows................................ 30 points more spell (chosen in the usual way) than is normal for their
This cloak frees the wearer from the bonds of their physical form, Level of Wizardry.
allowing them to move through solid matter like a ghost.
Note that this does not increase the Wizard’s Level.
Necromancers whose troop type is ‘infantry’ only. The wearer
of the Cloak of Mist & Shadows gains the Ethereal special rule.
Vampire Counts Special Rules
A game of Warhammer: the Old World is packed with fantastic creatures and skilled warriors with abilities so incredible
and varied that the basic rules cannot possibly cover them all. For such circumstances we have special rules –
uncommon rules to govern uncommon circumstances.

On the following pages you will find a full description for each of the Army special rules used by models drawn from the Vampire
Counts army list:

Cleaving Blow Indomitable (X)

With a swift and deadly strike, a skilled warrior can cleave Amongst the ranks of the Vampire Counts armies march creatures
through armour. with an indomitable will to hang on to the last vestiges of life, no
matter what.
If a model with this special rule rolls a natural 6 when making
a roll To Wound for an attack made in combat, it has struck A unit with this special rule reduces the number of wounds
a ‘Cleaving Blow’. Enemy models whose troop type is ‘regular suffered due to the Unstable special rule by the number shown
infantry’, ‘heavy infantry’, ‘regular cavalry’, ‘heavy cavalry’ or in brackets (shown here as ‘X’).
‘war beasts’ are not permitted an armour or Regeneration
save against a Cleaving Blow (Ward saves can be attempted Note that this special rule is not cumulative. If two or more models
as normal). in a unit have this special rule, use the highest value for the entire
unit. For example, if a character with Indomitable (2) joins a
Note that if an attack wounds automatically, this special rule unit with Indomitable (1), the whole unit uses the character’s
cannot be used. Indomitable (2) special rule.

Dark Vitality Necromantic Undead

Vampires and Necromancers are powerful beings able to exist The Undead legions of the Vampire Counts march under the
without the animating will of another. command of powerful Necromancers.

Models with this special rule are not subject to the Death of a Models with this special rule are ‘Undead’. Undead models
General rule. In addition, unless they have joined a unit that cannot march (unless they have the Fly (X) special rule and
does not have this special rule they (and their mounts) can choose to move by flying). In addition, all Undead models
march as normal. have the following universal special rules:

• Fear
• Immune to Psychology
• Unbreakable
• Unstable

A character with this special rule cannot join a unit without

this special rule, and vice versa.
The Newly Dead Resurrecting The Fallen
Those that fall in battle may be compelled by necromantic magic to In a Vampire Counts army, it is possible to heal a unit by
rise again and fight against their former comrades. recovering lost Wounds, and to resurrect fallen warriors.
Wounds recovered in this way follow a strict order:
When resurrecting the fallen, a unit with this special rule can
be taken beyond its starting size. • First, any characters that have joined the unit
are healed. A character that has been reduced
Wailing Dirge to zero Wounds and removed from play cannot
The chilling howl of a restless spirit is an omen of death and despair, be resurrected.
capable of crippling even the most resilient prey. • Second, models with more than one Wound on their
profile are healed.
During the Shooting phase of its turn, unless it marched • Next, the unit champion is resurrected, displacing
during the preceding Movement phase, a model with this rank-and-file models as required, followed by the
special rule may make a ‘Wailing Dirge’ attack. A Wailing standard bearer and musician.
Dirge attack may target any enemy unit that is within 8" of • Finally, rank-and-file models are resurrected.
this model (including units that are engaged in combat) and
that this model can draw a line of sight to, or that this model is Note that, in the case of multiple Wound models, each model
engaged in combat with. must be fully healed, recovering all of its lost Wounds, before
another can be healed or resurrected.
The target must make a Leadership test with a -2 modifier
to its Leadership characteristic (to a minimum of 2). If this Note also that at least one model must remain in order for a
test is failed, the target suffers a number of wounds equal to unit to be healed. In other words, a unit that has been reduced
the amount by which it failed the test, with no armour or to zero Wounds and removed from play cannot be resurrected.
Regeneration saves permitted (Ward saves can be attempted
as normal). Resurrected models are added to the front rank until it
reaches the minimum required to claim a Rank Bonus,
Note that a Wailing Dirge attack can target an enemy character, after which additional models can be added to the front
regardless of the usual rules for targeting Lone characters. or rear rank. If the unit already has more than one rank,
models can only be added to the rear rank. A unit cannot
be taken beyond its starting size.
Lore Of Undeath
M ystery shrouds the study of Necromancy. To learn this dark art, an aspirant must find a willing tutor and become
their apprentice, or acquire forbidden books rich in the secrets of undeath. It is this intrinsic mystery that drives
Necromancers to become servants of the Vampire Counts, hoping to learn first-hand from the masters of undeath.

A Wizard with the ‘Lore of Undeath’ special rule may discard one of their randomly generated spells as normal. When they do so,
they may select instead either the signature spell of their chosen Lore of Magic, or one of the spells listed below.

Vanhal’s Danse Macabre Hellish Vigour

Filled with magical energy, the Undead jerk forwards on the The caster invigorates their ghastly warriors, who advance upon
attack with tireless and unnatural speed. the foe with uncanny vigour.

Type: Enchantment Type: Enchantment

Casting Value: 8+/12+ Casting Value: 9+/12+
Range: 12" Range: Self
Effect: If this spell is cast with a casting result of 7 or more,
Effect: If this spell is cast with a casting result of 8 or more, a single friendly unit that has the Necromantic Undead
the target friendly unit gains a +D3 modifier to one of the special rule and is within the caster’s Command range gains
following characteristics (to a maximum of 10). If this the Reserve Move special rule. If this spell is cast with a
spell is cast with a casting result of 12 or more, the target casting result of 10 or more, every friendly unit that has the
friendly unit gains a +D3 modifier to two of the following Necromantic Undead special rule and is within the caster’s
characteristics (to a maximum of 10). This spell lasts until Command range gains the Reserve Move special rule. This
your next Start of Turn sub-phase. spell lasts until the end of this turn.

• Movement
• Weapon Skill
• Initiative

Raise Dead
One skilled in the dark arts M WS BS S T W I A Ld
of Necromancy can awaken Risen Zombie 4 2 0 3 3 1 1 1 2
mortal remains to reinforce
the Undead legions under Troop Type: Regular infantry
their control. Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 2D3
Type: Enchantment Equipment: Hand weapons
Casting Value: 10+ Special Rules: Necromantic Undead, Regeneration (6+), Skirmishers, the Newly Dead
Range: 12"
Effect: Place a unit of Note that Risen Zombies are not worth any Victory Points.
2D3 Risen Zombies on
the battlefield anywhere
completely within 12" of this
model, but not within 1"
of any enemy models. This
unit cannot declare a charge
during the turn in which it
was raised:

rom the frozen north march the Warriors of Chaos, merciless killers possessing brute strength and skill in fearsome
measure. With them come iron-clad Chaos Knights and mighty Chosen, their baroque armour aflame with the favour
of Dark Gods. These indomitable killers march to war alongside great hordes of barbarian marauders drawn from savage
tribes. Amongst their ranks stand Trolls, Chimerae and still fouler things, charged by their masters to lay waste to the
Old World.

The Hordes of Chaos

The Hordes Of Chaos Because of the omnipresence of the Dark Gods in the reaches
of the north, the tribes that carve out their lives there are
The Men of the north are fundamentally the same as devout indeed, making human sacrifices and offering up the
their southern kin, though they may differ in custom and deaths of those they slay on the battlefield with each passing
appearance. The differences between the barbarian tribesmen day. To the northlanders, the favour of their gods is a vital and
that dwell in the frozen north and those that reside in the glorious part of their lives. Marauder tribesmen commune
great cities of the south are laughably slight compared to with their deities directly, dedicating body and soul to the gods
the differences between Man and Dwarf, or Man and Elf. rather than offering prayers at the behest of sanctimonious
This similarity does not preclude war and strife between the priests or narrow-minded patriarchs.
differing civilisations, of course. After all, though all human
societies share a common heritage and belong to the same The Dark Gods are mighty forces that stand behind the tribes
race, in their secret hearts all Men harbour a desire to conquer of Chaos, rewarding the brave, confounding their foes, and
and control. destroying the weakling gods of the south. They play with the
lives and dreams of mortals much as a wicked child plays with
In the north, every day is a struggle to survive as the gods a teeming ant hill, for to the gods mortal lives and ambitions
play their deadly games, using Mankind as their pawns. The are as short-lived and insignificant as insects. They are feared
desolate harshness of the Northern Wastes does not encourage by all the races of Man, even those who whisper their names in
the luxury of introspection or encourage debate upon the dead of night. Barbaric and primal, the Dark Gods stand in
matters of philosophy and religion. The gods simply exist, as stark contrast to the refined, sophisticated and civilised deities
undeniable as the wind and the night, impossibly powerful of the south, and many legendary tales exist of wars in the
entities that mould the clay of human flesh and frozen earth heavens between the gods of Men, Dwarfs and Elves.
into grotesque new shapes at whim. To deny this state of
affairs would be as futile as denying that the sun sets each day, The gods are made real because they are unwittingly created
or that the moon rises each evening. in the minds of mortals. The idea of gods gives these entities
birth and endows them with power for good and ill. From the
minds of Men are born spirits of multitudinous kinds – all are
but the creations of mortal vice and virtue, of mortal strength
and frailty, from the greatest to the slightest, and from the
most noble to the most base. Such is the pantheon of Chaos, a
dark reflection of Mankind’s own nature.

Warriors of Chaos 53
Champions Of Chaos Champions of Chaos However, there is a worse fate than death, reserved for those
Champions who receive too many of their patron’s dubious
The Chaos gods value their human followers far above their gifts. Should the Champion’s mortal frame prove unable to
own minions, the Daemons that serve them and creatures of contain the arcane energies seething through it, their mind
Chaos whose forebears they created, for Daemons and Beasts and body will run like wax, reshaped by the raw essence of
of Chaos have little choice about their nature. The only way Chaos until it becomes a monstrous mass of flesh and fang
the Chaos gods can increase their power is by recruiting Men whose form defies all reason. Such gibbering brutes are called
or other intelligent, free-willed creatures to their cause. Chaos Spawn, and even the most vaunted Chaos Lord can find
their body hideously transmuted in an instant, consigned to a
The most important followers of the gods are therefore life of mindless violence merely for the entertainment of the
Champions of Chaos – warriors chosen by the Ruinous Dark Gods.
Powers as their greatest servants. Some of these souls are
easily won; brigands, bandits and outcasts who would willingly Yet, rather than be reviled by their people, such unfortunates
follow any leader that brought them plunder and offered them are given succour and allowed to remain in their tribe. Indeed,
protection. Such individuals are all too common in the Old in some ways the Chaos Spawn are revered by their kin, for
World, but there are few strong willed and powerful enough to the Marauder tribes believe that it is better to live even the
walk upon the path of damnation as a Champion of Chaos. briefest and most vile of existences at the behest of the gods
than to grow old without drawing their notice.
The Chaos gods take great interest in their Champions and
will favour them with all manner of gifts, including magical
weapons, armour and talismans, arcane abilities and –
strangest of all – physical mutations such as tentacles, bestial
faces and razor-sharp talons. These gifts are borne with pride
by the Champion as a symbol of their complete allegiance
to their master. Such Champions are representatives of the
Chaos gods and as such they constantly strive to outdo each
other. Sometimes their masters send them visions or direct
them to band together with other creatures of Chaos to sack a
castle or destroy an army. On other occasions rival Champions
will be deliberately set upon each other to determine who is fit
to be rewarded with fresh gifts.

Should one who has been chosen continue to excel, they may
rise to the rank of Chaos Lord and come to lead armies of
thousands. Chaos Lords are amongst the mightiest warlords
that walk the surface of the world, and their names blight all
of history. Fortunately for the civilised world, perhaps one in
several thousand who set foot upon the path of Chaos reach
this pinnacle of martial perfection.

The ultimate reward for a successful Champion is that they

should be gifted with immortality as a Daemon Prince, so
that they can live forever by their master’s side and continue
to fight on their behalf. It is this dream that drives the
Champions of Chaos onwards, although few will achieve
immortality. For most aspirants, the final reward for selling
their soul to Chaos will be an unmarked grave upon some
corpse-strewn battlefield.

54 Warriors of Chaos
T his page details the Grand Army composition list for the Warriors of Chaos. This is the default army composition list
for this faction. Using this army composition list to write your muster list will give you the widest variety of units to
choose from and create a broad and balanced force.

Warriors of Chaos Army List

Grand Army Composition List

This army list is intended for use alongside the ‘Forming Units’ and ‘Warhammer Armies’ sections of the Warhammer: the Old
World rulebook. Over the following pages you will find profiles and rules for each of the models in your army. These pages give
you all of the information that you need to shape your collection of models into the units which will in turn form a force ready
for battle.

Grand Army Composition List

Characters Rare
Up to 50% of your army’s points value may be spent on: Up to 25% of your army’s points value may be spent on:

• 0-1 Chaos Lord or Daemon Prince • Gorebeast Chariots

• 0-1 Exalted Champion or Sorcerer Lord per 1,000 points • 0-1 Hellcannon per 1,000 points
• Aspiring Champions and Exalted Sorcerers • 0-1 Dragon Ogre Shaggoth per unit of Dragon Ogres (see
Beastmen Brayherds army list)
Core • 0-1 Chaos Giant per 1,000 points (see Beastmen Brayherds
At least 25% of your army’s points value must be spent on: army list)

• Chaos Warriors, Chaos Marauders, Forsaken, Mercenaries

Chaos Knights, Marauder Horsemen and Up to 20% of your army’s points value may be spent
Chaos Warhounds on mercenaries.

Special Allies
Up to 50% of your army’s points value may be spent on: Up to 25% of your army’s points value may be spent on a single
allied contingent drawn from:
• 0-1 unit of Chosen Chaos Warriors
• 0-1 unit of Chosen Chaos Knights • Any Warriors of Chaos Army of Infamy composition list
• Chaos Ogres, Chaos Trolls, Chaos Spawn, Chaos Chariots • One of the following Grand Army composition lists:
and Chimeras - Orc & Goblin Tribes (Uneasy)
• Dragon Ogres (see Beastmen Brayherds army list) - Beastmen Brayherds
- Tomb Kings of Khemri (Suspicious)

Battle Standard Bearer

A single Exalted Champion or Aspiring Champion in
your army may be upgraded to be your Battle Standard
Bearer for +25 points. In addition to their usual
allowance of points to spend on magic items, a Battle
Standard Bearer can purchase a single magic standard
with no points limit.

Warriors of Chaos 55
Character Champions Of Chaos
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Chaos Lord 4 7 3 5 5 4 6 5 9 195
Exalted Champion 4 6 3 5 4 3 5 4 8 125
Aspiring Champion 4 5 3 4 4 2 4 3 8 70

Troop Type: Heavy infantry (character)

Base Size: 30 x 30 mm
Unit Size: 1
• Chaos Lord: Hand weapon and full plate armour
• Exalted Champion: Hand weapon and heavy armour
• Aspiring Champion: Hand weapon and heavy armour

• May take one of the following:
- Additional hand weapon...................................................................................................+3 points
Champions of Chaos - Flail ...........................................................................................................................................+3 points
Every Champion of Chaos - Great weapon........................................................................................................................+4 points
has travelled a long and - Halberd ...................................................................................................................................+3 points
perilous road to pre- - Lance (if appropriately mounted)..................................................................................+4 points
eminence, a road paved • May take a shield........................................................................................................................+2 points
with the broken corpses • May be mounted....................................................................................................................See page 59
of less successful aspirants. • May replace the Mark of Chaos Undivided with the:
Regardless of their individual - Mark of Khorne.................................................................................................................+10 points
abilities they are, without - Mark of Nurgle...................................................................................................................+10 points
exception, unceasingly - Mark of Slaanesh...............................................................................................................+10 points
powerful warriors, combining - Mark of Tzeentch..............................................................................................................+10 points
the strength of a Troll with • May take Gifts of Chaos (see page 77) up to a total of ..................................................50 points
the speed of a striking snake. • A Chaos Lord may purchase magic items up to a total of .........................................100 points
Each Champion’s abilities • An Exalted Champion may purchase magic items up to a total of ...........................75 points
are enhanced further by gifts • An Aspiring Champion may purchase magic items up to a total of .........................50 points
from their patrons, for none
save the Daemon Princes Special Rules: Chaos Armour (5+), Ensorcelled Weapons, Gaze of the Gods,
themselves enjoy more favour Mark of Chaos Undivided, Rallying Cry
in the eyes of the gods. A
Champion may have skin that
ripples with iridescent flame,
a forbidding gaze that can
turn a foe’s guts to water, or
the wrath of a wounded bear.
To stand against one of their
number is to invite a sudden
and brutal death.

56 Warriors of Chaos
Daemon Princes
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Daemon Prince 6 7 5 6 5 4 7 5 9 215

Troop Type: Monstrous infantry (character)

Base Size: 50 x 50 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hand weapon and light armour

Magic: A Daemon Prince may be a Wizard (see below). A Daemon Prince that is a Wizard
knows spells from one of the following Lores of Magic:
• Battle Magic
• Daemonology
• Dark Magic

• May replace light armour with heavy armour ................................................................+6 points
• May have the Fly (9) special rule........................................................................................+30 points Daemon Princes
• May replace the Mark of Chaos Undivided with the: There are those mortals who
- Mark of Khorne.................................................................................................................+10 points follow Chaos with a deep
- Mark of Nurgle...................................................................................................................+10 points and fervent faith, pledging
- Mark of Slaanesh...............................................................................................................+10 points themselves body and soul to
- Mark of Tzeentch..............................................................................................................+10 points the service of the Ruinous
• Unless it has the Mark of Khorne, a Daemon Prince may be a Wizard: Powers. They know that there
- Level 1....................................................................................................................................+25 points is a great prize for those who
- Level 2....................................................................................................................................+50 points show unflinching devotion.
- Level 3....................................................................................................................................+75 points Should a Champion survive
- Level 4.................................................................................................................................+100 points the endless battles and the
• May take Gifts of Chaos (see page 77) up to a total of ..................................................50 points ravaging mutations granted
• May purchase magic items up to a total of .....................................................................100 points by their masters whilst still
finding favour in the eyes of
Special Rules: Chaos Armour (4+), Ensorcelled Weapons, Fear, Gaze of the Gods, their fickle gods, they may
Immune to Psychology, Lore of Chaos, Mark of Chaos Undivided, attain the ultimate reward.
Regeneration (5+), Unbreakable, Unstable, Warp-spawned Elevated by their patron to
Daemonhood, a Daemon
Prince is a being of godlike
power that wages eternal
war in their patron’s name.
Tirelessly, they hunt the
enemies of their masters, for
their meat is human flesh and
their wine mortal souls.

Warriors of Chaos 57
Sorcerers Of Chaos
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Sorcerer Lord 4 5 3 4 4 3 4 3 8 195
Exalted Sorcerer 4 4 3 4 4 2 3 2 8 90

Troop Type: Heavy infantry (character)

Base Size: 30 x 30 mm
Unit Size: 1
• Sorcerer Lord: Hand weapon and heavy armour
• Exalted Sorcerer: Hand weapon and light armour

Magic: A Sorcerer Lord is a Level 3 Wizard. An Exalted Sorcerer is a Level 1 Wizard.

Every Sorcerer of Chaos knows spells from one of the following Lores of Magic:
• Battle Magic
• Daemonology
• Dark Magic
Sorcerers of Chaos
Chaos Sorcerers, as those Options:
Champions of Chaos who • May be mounted....................................................................................................................See page 59
seek mastery over the magical • May replace the Mark of Chaos Undivided with the:
arts are known, wield the - Mark of Nurgle...................................................................................................................+10 points
wild energies of Chaos itself, - Mark of Slaanesh...............................................................................................................+10 points
reshaping reality to better - Mark of Tzeentch..............................................................................................................+10 points
serve the whims of their dark • May take Gifts of Chaos (see page 77) up to a total of ..................................................50 points
masters. Where others glean • A Sorcerer Lord may:
their arcane skill through - Be a Level 4 Wizard ..........................................................................................................+30 points
diligent study, a Chaos - Purchase magic items up to a total of .........................................................................100 points
Sorcerer’s understanding of • An Exalted Sorcerer may:
the Winds of Magic is instant - Be a Level 2 Wizard ..........................................................................................................+30 points
and innate. A word and a - Purchase magic items up to a total of ............................................................................50 points
gesture from a Chaos Sorcerer
can strip the flesh of a single Special Rules: Chaos Armour (5+), Ensorcelled Weapons, Gaze of the Gods,
foe from their bones or cause Lore of Chaos, Mark of Chaos Undivided
an entire regiment to burst
into flame. But these strange
gifts are bought at a great
price, for they must sell their
soul in exchange for such pure
power, and eventually every
Sorcerer will be plunged into
insanity and damnation.

58 Warriors of Chaos
Character Mounts
A character that can be mounted may choose a mount from the following list. Some
mounts are covered in detail on this page. Those that are not have their own dedicated
entries later in this army list.

A Chaos Lord, Exalted Champion or Aspiring Champion may be mounted on a:

• Chaos Steed................................................................................................................................+16 points
• Daemonic Mount (Chaos Lords and Exalted Champions only) ............................+35 points
• Chaos Chariot.........................................................................................................................See page 71
• Gorebeast Chariot.................................................................................................................See page 72
• Manticore (Chaos Lords only)..........................................................................................See page 73
• Chaos Dragon (Chaos Lords only) ..................................................................................See page 74

A Sorcerer Lord or Exalted Sorcerer may be mounted on a:

• Chaos Steed................................................................................................................................+16 points
• Daemonic Mount ....................................................................................................................+35 points
• Chaos Chariot.........................................................................................................................See page 71
• Manticore (Sorcerer Lords only)......................................................................................See page 73 Chaos Steeds
• Chaos Dragon (Sorcerer Lords only) ..............................................................................See page 74 Chaos Steeds are gifts from
the Dark Gods themselves.
Chaos Steed They are vicious creatures
with the needle-sharp teeth
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points of a carnivore and a cruel
Chaos Steed 7 3 - 4 - - 3 1 - +16 intelligence that shows
subservience to their master
Troop Type: Heavy cavalry alone. Armoured for battle
Base Size: 30 x 60 mm with bladed, metal barding
Unit Size: 1 that no normal steed could
Equipment: Iron-shod hooves (counts as a hand weapon) and barding bear, Chaos Steeds gore and
Special Rules: First Charge, Swiftstride slash all that stand before
them with horns and hooves.

Daemonic Mount Daemonic Mounts

Known also as Steeds of the
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points Gods, Daemonic Mounts are
Daemonic Mount 8 4 - 5 - (+1) 3 2 - +35 created from foul sorcery and
Note: A character mounted on a Daemonic Mount has +1 Wound. summoned to the world by
ceremonies of dark sacrifice
Troop Type: Monstrous cavalry and appeasement. Many
Base Size: 40 x 60 mm (min), 50 x 75 mm (max) Daemonic Mounts have
Unit Size: 1 sharp horns, bony plates
Equipment: Daemonic hooves (counts as a hand weapon) and fangs of steel corrupting
Special Rules: Armour Bane (1, Daemonic Mount only), Fear, Magical Attacks, their immortal bodies, and
Mark of Chaos (as rider), Stomp Attacks (1), Swiftstride their eyes burn with the fires
of Chaos.

Warriors of Chaos 59
Infantry Chaos Warriors
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Chaos Warrior 4 5 3 4 4 1 4 1 8 13
Champion 4 5 3 4 4 1 4 2 8 +6

Troop Type: Heavy infantry

Base Size: 30 x 30 mm
Unit Size: 5+
Equipment: Hand weapons and heavy armour

• The entire unit may take one of the following:
- Additional hand weapons..............................................................................+1 point per model
- Great weapons.................................................................................................+2 points per model
- Halberds ..............................................................................................................+1 point per model
• The entire unit may take shields........................................................................+1 point per model
• The entire unit may replace the Mark of Chaos Undivided with the:
The Warriors of Chaos - Mark of Khorne..............................................................................................+2 points per model
A Chaos Warrior needs not - Mark of Nurgle................................................................................................+2 points per model
food, drink nor sleep, for their - Mark of Slaanesh............................................................................................+2 points per model
body and soul are nourished - Mark of Tzeentch...........................................................................................+2 points per model
by the carnage that they • Any unit may:
wreak. Their home is under - Upgrade one model to a champion...............................................................+6 points per unit
the cold, uncaring skies. Their - Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+6 points per unit
hearth is the baroque armour - Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+6 points per unit
that covers every inch of their - Purchase a magic standard worth up to........................................................................50 points
skin. They have no family • A Champion may purchase magic items up to a total of ..............................................25 points
other than the fellow warriors
that walk the land at their Special Rules: Close Order, Ensorcelled Weapons, Mark of Chaos Undivided
side, butchers and madmen
all. A Chaos Warrior is no
longer truly human, rather,
they are a living weapon of
the Ruinous Powers, honed
to perfection upon the anvil
of hardship and tempered in
the fires of battle. A Chaos
Warrior is a weapon wielded
by cruel gods in an unceasing
war upon the world and all
that dwell within it.

60 Warriors of Chaos
Chosen Chaos Warriors
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Chosen Chaos Warrior 4 5 3 4 4 1 4 2 9 17
Champion 4 5 3 4 4 1 4 3 9 +7

Troop Type: Heavy infantry

Base Size: 30 x 30 mm
Unit Size: 5+
Equipment: Hand weapons and heavy armour

• The entire unit may take one of the following:
- Additional hand weapons..............................................................................+1 point per model
- Great weapons.................................................................................................+2 points per model
- Halberds ..............................................................................................................+1 point per model
• The entire unit may take shields........................................................................+1 point per model
• The entire unit may replace the Mark of Chaos Undivided with the:
- Mark of Khorne..............................................................................................+2 points per model The Chosen Warriors
- Mark of Nurgle................................................................................................+2 points per model of Chaos
- Mark of Slaanesh............................................................................................+2 points per model There are those amongst the
- Mark of Tzeentch...........................................................................................+2 points per model ranks of the Chaos Warriors
• Any unit may: who bear the favour of the
- Upgrade one model to a champion...............................................................+7 points per unit Dark Gods more so than
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+7 points per unit their fellows. Known amongst
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+7 points per unit their kind as Chosen, they
- Purchase a magic standard worth up to.....................................................................100 points possess supernatural abilities
- Replace heavy armour with full plate armour .....................................+2 points per model to aid them in their constant
- Have the Drilled special rule ........................................................................+1 point per model war against order and sanity,
• A Champion may purchase magic items up to a total of ..............................................25 points and are dreaded across the
Old World and beyond.
Special Rules: Chaos Armour (6+), Close Order, Ensorcelled Weapons, The Chosen are shrouded
Mark of Chaos Undivided, Stubborn in legend and rumour: that
those who join their ranks
have never tasted defeat,
that each of them has killed
a Champion of a rival god in
single combat, that their skin
is as tough as rock and their
minds aflame with raw power.
One thing is certain – each
of them has pleased the gods
in some way and has been
rewarded accordingly.

Warriors of Chaos 61
Chaos Marauders
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Chaos Marauder 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 1 6 6
Marauder Chieftain 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 2 7 +7

Troop Type: Regular infantry

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 5+
Equipment: Hand weapons

• The entire unit may take one of the following:
- Great weapons.................................................................................................+2 points per model
- Flails ......................................................................................................................+1 point per model
• The entire unit may take any of the following:
- Light armour ......................................................................................................+1 point per model
- Shields...................................................................................................................+1 point per model
Chaos Marauders • The entire unit may replace the Mark of Chaos Undivided with the:
The innumerable peoples of - Mark of Khorne................................................................................................+1 point per model
the north are known as the - Mark of Nurgle..................................................................................................+1 point per model
Marauder tribes. The men - Mark of Slaanesh..............................................................................................+1 point per model
and women that belong to - Mark of Tzeentch.............................................................................................+1 point per model
these barbarian clans are • Any unit may:
natural fighters, born into - Upgrade one model to a Marauder Chieftain (champion) ..................+7 points per unit
hardship and brought up in a - Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+5 points per unit
world where surviving each - Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+5 points per unit
day is a small victory. Only • 0-1 unit in your army may:
the strong prosper in the - Replace the Close Order special rule with Skirmishers ...................................................Free
Marauder tribes of the north, - Replace the Close Order special rule with Open Order ..................................................Free
for the weak are weeded out
at an early age. Every member Special Rules: Close Order, Mark of Chaos Undivided, Shieldwall, Warband
of the tribe is expected to be
a tough and capable warrior,
independent and fierce. They
have no time for ploughshare
or sickle, for their tools are the
axe, the sword and the shield.
What their own lands cannot
provide they simply take by
force, mercilessly plundering
and pillaging the civilised
nations of the world.

62 Warriors of Chaos
Chaos Ogres
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Chaos Ogre 6 3 2 4 4 3 2 3 7 33
Champion 6 3 2 4 4 3 2 4 7 +6

Troop Type: Monstrous infantry

Base Size: 40 x 40 mm
Unit Size: 3-15
Equipment: Hand weapons and heavy armour

• The entire unit may take one of the following:
- Additional hand weapons............................................................................+3 points per model
- Great weapons.................................................................................................+4 points per model
• The entire unit may replace the Mark of Chaos Undivided with the:
- Mark of Khorne..............................................................................................+3 points per model
- Mark of Nurgle................................................................................................+3 points per model
Chaos Ogres - Mark of Slaanesh............................................................................................+3 points per model
Ogres are brutal, muscle- - Mark of Tzeentch...........................................................................................+3 points per model
bound thugs to whom only • Any unit may:
two things really matter: - Upgrade one model to a champion...............................................................+6 points per unit
fighting and eating. They - Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+6 points per unit
roam the world, often - Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+6 points per unit
hiring out their services as
mercenaries in exchange for Special Rules: Armour Bane (1), Close Order, Fear, Impact Hits (1),
weaponry and food. Though Mark of Chaos Undivided, Ogre Charge
they have the basic form of
a man, Ogres are twice as Ogre Charge
tall and far more savage in Ogres barge into combat using their great lumbering mass as a weapon, harnessing their
appearance. They are often tremendous momentum to crush anything they collide with.
(and quite rightly) thought
by other races to be ignorant The Armour Piercing characteristic of any Impact Hits caused by a model with this special
and gluttonous creatures rule is improved by the current Rank Bonus of its unit.
that only care about filling
their guts. Although Ogres
are resistant to mutation, the
baleful energies that spill into
the world from the Realm
of Chaos are strong indeed.
As a result, those that stray
into the far north are warped
and twisted in the manner
of all creatures that dwell in
the Wastes.

64 Warriors of Chaos
Chaos Spawn
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Chaos Spawn 2D6 3 0 4 5 3 3 D6 10 50

Troop Type: Monstrous infantry

Base Size: 50 x 50 mm
Unit Size: 1-4
Equipment: Flailing appendages (counts as hand weapons) and
scaly skin (counts as heavy armour)

• The entire unit may be one of the following:
- Spawn of Khorne............................................................................................+3 points per model
- Spawn of Nurgle..............................................................................................+2 points per model
- Spawn of Slaanesh ..........................................................................................+3 points per model
- Spawn of Tzeentch...........................................................................................+1 point per model

Chaos Spawn Special Rules: Armour Bane (2), Fear, Immune to Psychology, Open Order,
Those who follow the path Random Attacks, Random Movement, Stomp Attacks (1),
of Chaos are damned. The Unbreakable
only question left to one
who has put their fate in the Spawn of Khorne
hands of the Dark Gods is the Often referred to as Bloodbeasts of Khorne, the Spawn of the Lord of Skulls bristle with spikes of
nature of their damnation. bone and blades of living metal, their many limbs ending in wicked cleaver-blades.
Will they lose their reason,
reduced to a cackling wretch Spawn of Khorne have the Killing Blow special rule.
who can do naught but praise
the gods who robbed away Spawn of Nurgle
their sanity? Many lose their Sometimes called Rotbeasts, the Spawn of Nurgle are hideous creatures, their bloated flesh covered
self-control, becoming little with suppurating sores, their writhing limbs oozing toxic pus and slime.
more than mad slaughterers
that kill and kill until they Spawn of Nurgle have the Poisoned Attacks special rule.
themselves lie dead in the
dirt. But even then, there are Spawn of Slaanesh
worse fates than insanity and The Spawn of Slaanesh are hulking mounds of flesh that constantly warp and mutate as they try
death. There are those who to settle on a form pleasing to the eye of the Dark Prince.
fall even further from grace,
who lose everything and Spawn of Slaanesh have the Strike First special rule.
become gibbering mounds
of mutated flesh. They are Spawn of Tzeentch
known as Chaos Spawn, and The flesh of a Firewym of Tzeentch constantly ripples and shifts with the power of change. Skin
they are the true children of blisters into eyes, maws open on distended limbs and flames lick from screaming orifices.
the gods.
Spawn of Tzeentch have the Flaming Attacks and Magical Attacks special rules.

66 Warriors of Chaos
Chaos Trolls
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Chaos Troll 6 3 1 5 4 3 2 3 4 41

Troop Type: Monstrous infantry

Base Size: 40 x 40 mm
Unit Size: 1-9
Equipment: Hand weapons, Troll vomit (see below) and
calloused hides (counts as light armour)

• The entire unit may take one of the following:
- Additional hand weapons............................................................................+3 points per model
- Great weapons.................................................................................................+4 points per model

Special Rules: Armour Bane (1), Close Order, Fear, Flammable, Regeneration (5+),
Chaos Trolls
R S AP Special Rules Trolls are malformed and
Troll vomit Combat 3 -2 - dim-witted monsters with a
Notes: A Chaos Troll that is in base contact with an enemy model may make one additional taste for human flesh. They
attack each turn with this weapon. This attack must be made last, after all other attacks have tower over normal men and
been made (including Stomp Attacks), but hits automatically. when roused, their bestial
wrath is terrifying to behold.
They roam the northern
wastes, preying on isolated
villages and travellers. The
indomitable constitution
of these monsters makes
them the perfect clay for
the mutating energies of
Chaos. Trolls have powerful
regenerative abilities;
however, northern Trolls will
not regenerate their flesh
in the same form as their
previous incarnation, but
will instead sprout a new
limb, a screaming maw or
an even stranger mutation
from every new wound. So
it is that the oldest Trolls of
the north are true monsters
whose flesh plays host to
dozens of moaning heads and
grasping claws.

Warriors of Chaos 65
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Forsaken 5 4 0 4 4 1 3 D3 8 19

Troop Type: Heavy infantry

Base Size: 30 x 30 mm
Unit Size: 5+
Equipment: Mutated weapons (counts as hand weapons) and heavy armour

• The entire unit must be one of the following:
- Forsaken by Khorne: The unit has the Hatred (all enemies) special rule.
- Forsaken by Nurgle: The unit has the Fear special rule.
- Forsaken by Slaanesh: The unit has the Swiftstride special rule.
- Forsaken by Tzeentch: The unit has the Magic Resistance (-3) special rule.

Special Rules: Chaos Armour (5+), Ensorcelled Weapons, Furious Charge,

Immune to Psychology, Impetuous, Loner, Open Order, Forsaken
Rampant Mutation, Random Attacks, Stubborn Forsaken are frothing
maniacs that howl and
Rampant Mutation scream as they sprint towards
Damned by their dark masters, the bodies of the Forsaken constantly writhe and mutate, their the enemy’s lines, mutated
limbs forever reshaping into strange new forms. limbs flailing and distended
jaws snapping like those of
When this unit’s combat is chosen during Step 1.1 of any Choose & Fight Combat sub- ravenous beasts. Though
phase, roll on the table below to determine which mutation it is currently afflicted with: they were once proud and
mighty Chaos Warriors, the
Rampant Mutation Table severe mutations bestowed
D6 Result upon them have left them as
1-2 Venomous Fangs: With jaws distended, the Forsaken sink venomous fangs something less than human,
into their foes. Until the end of this Combat phase, the unit gains the Poisoned with no more understanding
Attacks special rule. of battlefield tactics than the
3-4 Razor Talons: With talons like the blades of daggers, the Forsaken slash at their hounds that gather around
enemies. Until the end of this Combat phase, all of the unit’s attacks have an their bone-strewn lairs. These
Armour Piercing characteristic of -2. unfortunates have been
5-6 Decapitating Claws: With gigantic, snapping claws, the Forsaken dismember forsaken by the gods, reduced
the enemy. Until the end of this Combat phase, the unit gains the Killing Blow to the level of animals that
special rule. snarl and growl in a guttural
parody of true language.
Where they once killed in the
name of martial ambition and
the glory of the Dark Gods,
they now kill with a savage
and unnatural hunger.

Warriors of Chaos 63
Chaos Knights Cavalry
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Chaos Knight - 5 3 4 4 1 4 1 8 27
Champion - 5 3 4 4 1 4 2 8 +6
Chaos Steed 7 3 - 4 - - 3 1 - -

Troop Type: Heavy cavalry

Base Size: 30 x 60 mm
Unit Size: 4+
• Chaos Knights: Hand weapons, heavy armour and shields
• Chaos Steeds: Iron-shod hooves (counts as a hand weapon) and barding

• The entire unit may take lances.......................................................................+2 points per model
• The entire unit may replace the Mark of Chaos Undivided with the:
- Mark of Khorne..............................................................................................+2 points per model
- Mark of Nurgle................................................................................................+2 points per model The Knights of Chaos
- Mark of Slaanesh............................................................................................+2 points per model Chaos Knights are towering
- Mark of Tzeentch...........................................................................................+2 points per model brutes clad in heavy plate.
• Any unit may: They ride to war with great
- Upgrade one model to a champion...............................................................+6 points per unit lances, evil-looking polearms
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+6 points per unit designed to impale and tear,
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+6 points per unit and their blades and maces
- Purchase a magic standard worth up to........................................................................50 points flicker with dark fire. A
• A Champion may purchase magic items up to a total of ..............................................25 points Chaos Knight’s spurs are
jagged blades, well-suited
Special Rules: Close Order, Ensorcelled Weapons, First Charge, to slicing through the flesh
Mark of Chaos Undivided, Swiftstride of the enemy. The frightful
reputation of Chaos Knights
is a weapon in its own right,
crippling those who would
stand against them before a
single blow is struck. Chaos
Knights consider themselves
superior to other warriors
of Chaos; they bow to none
save a Chaos Lord or Daemon
Prince, and even then, they
will not dip their banner, for
their collective pride is the
equal of their martial prowess.

Warriors of Chaos 67
Chosen Chaos Knights
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Chosen Chaos Knight - 5 3 4 4 1 4 2 9 36
Champion - 5 3 4 4 1 4 3 9 +7
Chaos Steed 7 3 - 4 - - 3 1 - -

Troop Type: Heavy cavalry

Base Size: 30 x 60 mm
Unit Size: 4+
• Chosen Chaos Knights: Hand weapons, heavy armour and shields
• Chaos Steeds: Iron-shod hooves (counts as a hand weapon) and barding

• The entire unit may take lances.......................................................................+2 points per model
• The entire unit may replace the Mark of Chaos Undivided with the:
- Mark of Khorne..............................................................................................+2 points per model
The Chosen Knights - Mark of Nurgle................................................................................................+2 points per model
of Chaos - Mark of Slaanesh............................................................................................+2 points per model
Most favoured of the gods - Mark of Tzeentch...........................................................................................+2 points per model
are the Chosen Knights of • Any unit may:
Chaos, each of whom has - Upgrade one model to a champion...............................................................+7 points per unit
been marked out for greatness - Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+7 points per unit
as a paragon amongst their - Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+7 points per unit
warrior brethren, for each has - Purchase a magic standard worth up to.....................................................................100 points
trod the path of damnation - Replace heavy armour with full plate armour .....................................+3 points per model
for many years. The Chosen - Have the Drilled special rule ......................................................................+2 points per model
Knights of Chaos have • A Champion may purchase magic items up to a total of ..............................................25 points
physical manifestations of
their god’s power, their bodies Special Rules: Chaos Armour (6+), Close Order, Counter Charge, Ensorcelled Weapons,
warped and strengthened by First Charge, Mark of Chaos Undivided, Stubborn, Swiftstride
mutation. A Chosen Knight’s
towering form is infused with
the power of Chaos, their
horned helmet may conceal a
twisted and permanent rictus
smile of sharp metallic fangs,
or a striking and cold beauty
that steals the breath away.
Few have a chance to find
out, for those who behold the
Chosen Knights of Chaos are
but moments away from a
grisly end.

68 Warriors of Chaos
Chaos Warhounds
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Chaos Warhound 7 4 0 3 3 1 3 1 6 6

Troop Type: War beasts

Base Size: 25 x 50 mm
Unit Size: 5+
Equipment: Claws and fangs (counts as a hand weapon)

• Any unit may have:
- The Armoured Hide (1) special rule.........................................................+1 point per model
- The Poisoned Attacks special rule..............................................................+1 point per model
- The Vanguard special rule ...............................................................................+5 points per unit
• Any unit may be accompanied by a Chaos Warhound Handler ...........+15 points per unit

Special Rules: Loner, Move through Cover, Open Order, Swiftstride

Chaos Warhounds
Chaos Warhounds are tireless
hunters built of little more Chaos Warhound Handler
than muscle and fang, made
all the more horrifying by M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
the warping effect of Chaos, Chaos Warhound 5 5 3 4 4 1 4 1 8 +15
causing them to sprout horns, Handler
tusks and spines. Warped
in mind as well as body, Troop Type: Regular infantry (character)
they prowl the wilderness Base Size: 30 x 30 mm
in ravening packs, running Unit Size: 1
down prey that ranges in size Equipment: Hand weapon and heavy armour
from stray children to young Special Rules: Handler, Loner, Mark of Chaos Undivided, Move through Cover,
ice mammoths. Vanguard

Chaos Warhound Handler Options:

Many among the Marauder • May take one of the following
tribes breed and train massive - Additional hand weapon.............................................................................................................Free
hounds for a variety of - Whip..................................................................................................................................................Free
purposes, such as hunting and
sport. Some Kurgan tribes Handler
delight in the spectacle of Chaos Warhounds are little more than wild animals and it requires the lash of an experienced
trained pit hounds fighting handler to discipline a pack of such beasts.
against bears, trolls and
other creatures. Generations A Chaos Warhound Handler is a special type of character that can be taken as an
of selective breeding by upgrade to accompany a unit of Chaos Warhounds. During deployment, position a Chaos
dedicated handlers has Warhound Handler with its unit of Chaos Warhounds, as you would a character that has
created the most vicious and joined a unit. Once placed, a Chaos Warhound Handler cannot leave its unit. Unless this
powerful hounds. model is fleeing, friendly units of Chaos Warhounds that are within its Command range
can use this model’s Leadership instead of their own.

70 Warriors of Chaos
Dragon Ogres
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Dragon Ogre 7 4 2 5 4 4 2 3 8 56
Shartak 7 4 2 5 4 4 2 4 8 +7

Troop Type: Monstrous cavalry

Base Size: 50 x 75 mm
Unit Size: 1-9
Equipment: Hand weapons and light armour

• The entire unit may take one of the following:
- Additional hand weapons............................................................................+3 points per model
- Great weapons.................................................................................................+4 points per model
- Halberds ............................................................................................................+3 points per model
• The entire unit may replace light armour with heavy armour.............+3 points per model
• Any unit may upgrade one model to a Shartak (champion)......................+7 points per unit
• A Shartak may:
- Take Chaos Mutations up to a total of .........................................................................25 points
Dragon Ogres
- Purchase magic items up to a total of ............................................................................25 points
When forks of lightning
sunder the night sky and
Special Rules: Armour Bane (1), Armoured Hide (2), Close Order, Fear,
the roar of thunder booms
Ensorcelled Weapons, Immune to Psychology, Stomp Attacks (2),
through the peaks, the elders
The Quickening Storm
of the north whisper that the
Dragon Ogres are waking.
They tell their superstitious
kin of enormous scaled
monsters that duel upon the
crests of the Worlds Edge
Mountains, their prize an
eternity of warfare. These
are the Dragon Ogres, and
they are said to be amongst
the oldest of all living things.
The incredible longevity of
the Dragon Ogres is the work
of the Gods of Chaos. Aeons
ago, the elders of their race
made a pact with the Ruinous
Powers, embracing eternal life
and damnation in order to
save themselves from a slow
decline towards extinction.
Marauder Horsemen
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Marauder Horseman - 4 3 3 3 1 3 1 6 12
Marauder Horsemaster - 4 3 3 3 1 3 2 7 +7
Warhorse 8 3 - 3 - - 3 1 - -

Troop Type: Light cavalry

Base Size: 30 x 60 mm
Unit Size: 5+
• Marauder Horsemen: Hand weapons and light armour
• Warhorses: Iron-shod hooves (counts as a hand weapon)

• The entire unit may take one of the following:
- Cavalry spears.................................................................................................................................Free
- Throwing spears.............................................................................................................................Free
- Flails ......................................................................................................................+1 point per model Marauder Horsemen
• The entire unit may take one of the following: Some among the Marauder
- Throwing axes ...................................................................................................+1 point per model tribes hold horses in high
- Javelins..................................................................................................................+1 point per model esteem, while others regard
• The entire unit may take shields........................................................................+1 point per model them at best as something
• The entire unit may replace the Mark of Chaos Undivided with the: to be treated with suspicion
- Mark of Khorne..............................................................................................+2 points per model and at worst a dangerous
- Mark of Nurgle................................................................................................+2 points per model liability. To many, a warhorse
- Mark of Slaanesh............................................................................................+2 points per model is a sign of status, and only the
- Mark of Tzeentch...........................................................................................+2 points per model best warriors may ride them.
• Any unit may: The steeds ridden by these
- Upgrade one model to a Marauder Horsemaster (champion) ...........+7 points per unit tribes are powerful beasts,
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+5 points per unit foul-tempered and strong of
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+5 points per unit limb. Once a rider has broken
such a horse, it will remain
Special Rules: Fast Cavalry, Fire & Flee, Mark of Chaos Undivided, Open Order, loyal until death, but remains
Skirmishers, Swiftstride, Warband vicious and unruly should a
stranger approach. Fed on
a diet of human flesh and
watered-down blood, these
snorting, high-spirited steeds
have a glint of intelligent
menace in their eyes and
will trample, kick and bite as
if berserk when engaged at
close quarters.

Warriors of Chaos 69
Chaos Chariots Chariot
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Chariot - - - 5 5 4 - - - 110
Chaos Charioteer (x2) - 5 3 4 - - 4 1 8 -
Chaos Steed (x2) 7 3 - 4 - - 3 1 - -

Troop Type: Heavy chariot

Base Size: 60 x 100 mm
Unit Size: 1
Armour Value: 3+
• Chaos Charioteers: Hand weapons and halberds
• Chaos Steeds: Iron-shod hooves (counts as a hand weapon)

• Any Chaos Chariot may replace the Mark of Chaos Undivided with the:
- Mark of Khorne.................................................................................................................+10 points
- Mark of Nurgle...................................................................................................................+10 points Chaos Chariots
- Mark of Slaanesh...............................................................................................................+10 points Chaos Chariots are more
- Mark of Tzeentch..............................................................................................................+10 points than just machines of war;
they are symbols of status and
Special Rules: Close Order, Ensorcelled Weapons, First Charge, Impact Hits (D6+1), power. Often, a Champion
Mark of Chaos Undivided of Chaos will ride to battle
upon a chariot festooned
with icons and pennants
Character Mount: A Chaos Chariot may be included in your army as a character’s fashioned from the remains
mount. If so, its points are added to that of its rider. of those they have ground
beneath their wheels, grisly
trophies proclaiming their
many victories and devotion
to the Dark Gods. Unlike the
comparatively flimsy wooden
chariots used by other races,
the carriages of Chaos war
machines are wrought of iron
and drenched in blood. Chaos
Chariots weigh so much that,
when they have gathered
pace, nothing short of a castle
wall can halt their charge.
Worse still, their stout wheels
sport great spinning scythes
that scream and shriek as they
slice into the foe.

Warriors of Chaos 71
Gorebeast Chariots
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Chariot - - - 5 5 4 - - - 135
Chaos Charioteer (x2) - 5 3 4 - - 4 1 8 -
Gorebeast (x1) 6 4 - 5 - - 2 3 - -

Troop Type: Heavy chariot

Base Size: 60 x 100 mm
Unit Size: 1
Armour Value: 3+
• Chaos Charioteers: Hand weapons and halberds
• Gorebeast: Goring horns (counts as a hand weapon)

• Any Chaos Chariot may replace the Mark of Chaos Undivided with the:
- Mark of Khorne.................................................................................................................+10 points
Gorebeast Chariots - Mark of Nurgle...................................................................................................................+10 points
Gorebeast Chariots are even - Mark of Slaanesh...............................................................................................................+10 points
heavier and sturdier than - Mark of Tzeentch..............................................................................................................+10 points
other Chaos Chariots. No
normal beast would have Special Rules: Armour Bane (1, Gorebeast only), Close Order, Ensorcelled Weapons,
the strength to pull such a First Charge, Impact Hits (D6+2), Killing Blow (Gorebeast only),
massive instrument of war, Mark of Chaos Undivided
and they are therefore pulled
into battle by a Gorebeast – a
muscular creature renowned Character Mount: A Gorebeast Chariot may be included in your army as a
for its violent temperament. character’s mount. If so, its points are added to that of its rider.
These grunting brutes strike
their prey with such shocking
force that those not impaled
upon jutting armour spikes
are torn apart by the impact.
Even the lowliest of beasts
recognise the bulky shape of
a Gorebeast as synonymous
with death. Each iron-clad
chariot drawn by one of these
formidable mutants is thus
followed, at some distance,
by circling carrion crows and
slinking scavenger hounds
waiting to feast on the bloody
remnants of the Gorebeast’s
grim harvest.

72 Warriors of Chaos
Chaos Dragon
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Chaos Dragon 6 6 - 7 (+1) (+6) 4 6 - +285
Note: A character mounted on a Chaos Dragon has +1 Toughness and +6 Wounds.

Troop Type: Behemoth

Base Size: 60 x 100 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Wicked claws (see below), Dark Fire of Chaos (see below),
Fumes of Contagion (see below) and
draconic scales (counts as full plate armour)
Special Rules: Close Order, Fly (10), Large Target, Stomp Attacks (D6), Swiftstride,
Terror, Two-headed Dragon

Two-headed Dragon
The twin maws of Chaos Dragons breathe death upon their foes; one exhaling dark flame whilst
the other emits corrosive gas.
Chaos Dragons
Once the proud and noble A Chaos Dragon may use either Dark Fire of Chaos or Fumes of Contagion during the
rulers of the skies, now split, Shooting phase of its turn. It cannot use both during the same turn.
changed and corrupted by
the Ruinous Powers, the R S AP Special Rules
terrible two-headed Dragons Wicked claws Combat S -2 -
of Chaos are nightmarish and
malevolent predators. Borne R S AP Special Rules
aloft on wings no longer made Dark Fire of Chaos N/A 4 -1 Breath Weapon, Flaming Attacks,
of mere flesh and bone, a Magical Attacks
Chaos Dragon is a nemesis
of order and sanity, a horror R S AP Special Rules
of ancient age and power Fumes of N/A 2 N/A Breath Weapon, Magical Attacks
that can break the backs of Contagion
armies with its steel claws Notes: No armour save is permitted against wounds caused by this weapon (Ward and
and teeth. Their twin maws Regeneration saves can be attempted as normal).
breathe death upon their
foes; one exhaling dark flame,
as the other emits corrosive Character Mount: A Chaos Dragon may only be included in your army as a
gas. Only the most powerful character’s mount. Its points are added to that of its rider.
Lords of Chaos can ride such
a monster, and even then it
is more an unholy alliance of
destruction than a matter of
master and servant.

74 Warriors of Chaos
Chaos Giant
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Chaos Giant 6 3 1 6 6 6 2 * 10 200

Troop Type: Behemoth

Base Size: 50 x 50 mm (min), 50 x 75 mm (max)
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Giant’s club (see opposite) and calloused hide (counts as light armour)

• May have scaly skin (counts as heavy armour) .............................................................+10 points
• May have the Regeneration (6+) special rule ................................................................+20 points

Special Rules: Close Order, *Giant Attacks, Immune to Psychology, Large Target,
*Pick Up And…, Stomp Attacks (D6), Terror, Timmm-berrr!, Unbreakable

*Giant Attacks
Chaos Giants Giants do not attack in the same way as other creatures. They are far too large and fractious to
Giants are monstrous take orders and much too scatter-brained to have any sort of coherent plan.
humanoids that dwell most
often in the cold, rocky climes Instead of attacking normally during the Combat phase or making a Pick Up And… attack,
of the north. Those that a Giant may choose to make a ‘Giant Attack’. To make a Giant Attack, nominate an enemy
live in the forests of the Old unit that the Giant is engaged in combat with to be the target of the attack and roll on the
World are a particularly vile Giant Attacks table below to determine what the Giant does:
example of their breed. Their
skin is often covered in green Giant Attacks Table
and brown mould, fungus and D6 Result
moss, while their long beards 1 ’Eadbutt: The Giant singles out a lone enemy and ’eadbutts them. Nominate
are matted and tangled with a single model in the fighting rank of an enemy unit the Giant is engaged with
ivy and creepers. Giants do to be the target of this attack. That model is hit and suffers D3+1 wounds with
not make common cause with no armour or Regeneration saves permitted (Ward saves can be attempted
the Warherds, rather they as normal).
follow in their wake, joining 2 Belly Flop: The Giant crashes down bodily upon the enemy. Place a small (3")
in with the slaughter and blast template so that its central hole is directly over the centre of the target
slaking their hunger on cattle unit. Any model (friend or foe, but not including this model) whose base lies
and their thirst on looted underneath the template risks being hit and suffering a single hit, using the
barrels of ale. Occasionally, Strength characteristic of this model, with an AP of -2.
one might be bound to the 3-4 Mighty Swing: The Giant swings its club through the enemy ranks. For this
will of a Bray-Shaman, and attack, the Giant is subject to the Random Attacks special rule and has an
such a beast emerging from Attacks characteristic of D6+1, and the Giant’s club has a Strength characteristic
the trees is enough to fill of S+1 and an AP of -2.
superstitious soldiers with 5 Thump With Club: The Giant grasps its club two-handed and cracks its enemy
heart-stopping horror. on the head. Nominate a single model in the fighting rank of an enemy unit the
Giant is engaged with to be the target of this attack. For this attack, the Giant’s
club has a Strength characteristic of S+4, an AP of -4 and the Multiple Wounds
(D6) special rule.
6 Jump Up & Down: The Giant jumps around, kicking and flattening the enemy.
For this attack, the Giant does not use its club. Instead, the target unit suffers
D6+1 hits, each using the Strength characteristic of this model, with no armour
save permitted (Ward and Regeneration saves can be attempted as normal).

108 Beastmen Brayherds

*Pick Up And…
Sometimes, Giants forget there is a battle raging around them and, when faced with rank upon Monster
rank of bite-sized snacks, will become distracted, reaching down and grabbing enemies by the
handful. What happens to these unfortunate souls varies; some are thrust into a sack or under the
Giant’s clothing for later, others are eaten on the spot, and still others are tossed carelessly aside to
bounce off the scenery. Whatever the case, such unfortunates are rarely seen again.

Instead of attacking normally during the Combat phase or making a Giant Attack, a Giant
that is engaged in combat with one or more units whose troop type is ‘regular infantry’ or
‘heavy infantry’ may choose to make a ‘Pick Up And…’ attack. To make a Pick Up And…
attack, nominate an enemy unit of regular or heavy infantry that the Giant is engaged in
combat with. The unit must immediately make an Initiative test:

• If this test is failed, a victim is picked up by the Giant. What happens next does not
bear thinking about but, whatever it is, a single model belonging to the target unit is
immediately removed from play as a casualty.
• If this test is passed, the warriors manage to duck and dodge away from the Giant’s
grasping hands. No one is picked up and the attack has no effect.
Chaos Giants
Next, roll a D6: Preferring the cold, rocky
climes of the Troll Country
• On a roll of 1-3, the Giant forgets what it is doing and makes no further attacks. and Norsca, Giants are
• On a roll of 4+, the Giant attempts to pick up another enemy. The target unit must encountered far more
make another Initiative test. frequently in the north than
in other areas of the Old
This continues until the Giant forgets what it is doing and stops making attacks, or until World, although they will
the target unit is destroyed. occasionally descend from
lairs in the Worlds Edge or
Enemy models removed from play are considered to have been removed from the fighting Middle Mountains to join
rank of the enemy unit. bands of Orcs or Beastmen.
Some Giants, especially those
R S AP Special Rules who make their homes far
Giant’s club Combat * * * to the north where Norsca
Notes: *A Giant’s club may have different characteristics and special rules depending upon what begins to give way to the
they do with it, as described in the Giant Attacks special rule. Chaos Wastes, are warped
still further by the power
of Chaos. The mutations
caused by the influence of the
Dark Powers are even more
terrifying when displayed by
such monstrous creatures,
and Giants moulded by
Chaos into even more
fearsome shapes can turn the
bravest warrior to flight.

Beastmen Brayherds 109

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Chimera 6 4 0 6 5 4 3 6 5 180

Troop Type: Monstrous creature

Base Size: 60 x 100 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Claws and fangs (counts as a hand weapon) and
scaly skin (counts as heavy armour)

• May have flaming breath.......................................................................................................+20 points
• May have a fiend tail...............................................................................................................+10 points
• May have the Regeneration (5+) special rule ................................................................+15 points
• May have the Poisoned Attacks special rule...................................................................+10 points

Special Rules: Armour Bane (2, claws and fangs only), Close Order, Fly (10),
Large Target, Stomp Attacks (1), Swiftstride, Terror Chimera
The three-headed Chimera
R S AP Special Rules is one of the most fearsome
Flaming breath N/A 4 - Breath Weapon, Flaming Attacks of all creatures, a beast whose
progenitors were so warped
R S AP Special Rules that it is now impossible to
Fiend tail Combat S -1 Extra Attacks (D3) say what manner of beast
Notes: In combat, a Chimera with a fiend tail may make an additional D3 attacks each turn, they might once have been.
each of which must be made with this weapon. Like all monsters that dwell
in or near to the Realm
of Chaos, the Chimerae
take many bizarre shapes.
However, Chimerae are
more susceptible than most
monsters to the twisting
power of Chaos. The heads of
some Chimerae breathe fire
in the manner of Dragons,
whilst others sprout razor-
sharp fangs or jaws that
drip with a poisonous slime.
Most Chimerae possess a
fiendish tail that ends in a
snapping maw possessed of
an intelligence and hunger of
its own.

Warriors of Chaos 75
Monster Dragon Ogre Shaggoth
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Shaggoth 7 6 2 6 5 6 4 5 9 225

Troop Type: Monstrous creature

Base Size: 50 x 75 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hand weapon and light armour

• May take one of the following:
- Additional hand weapon...................................................................................................+3 points
- Great weapon........................................................................................................................+4 points
• May replace light armour with heavy armour ................................................................+6 points
• May take Chaos Mutations (see page 111) up to a total of..........................................50 points
Dragon Ogre Shaggoths • May purchase magic items up to a total of ........................................................................50 points
When great storms roll
across the world, the Dragon Special Rules: Armour Bane (2), Armoured Hide (2), Close Order, Ensorcelled Weapons,
Ogre Shaggoths that slumber Immune to Psychology, Large Target, Stomp Attacks (D3+1), Storm Call,
beneath the mountains stir. Terror, The Quickening Storm
Their dreaming minds hear,
echoed in the thunder, the
roar of the Chaos gods calling Storm Call
them to battle. As lightning
splits the skies, they scale cliff The oldest Dragon Ogres are able to
and glacier with iron-hard summon storms and call lightning down
claws, hacking at each other from the heavens.
with ancient axes and battling
to reach the highest peaks. This model can cast the following
They do this in order to bathe Bound spell, with a Power Level of 1.
in lightning, rejoicing in the This model can cast this Bound spell
raw forces of nature, for it even if it is engaged in combat:
is the storm that invigorates
them and fills them with Type: Magic Missile
deadly energy for the coming Casting Value: 7+
battle. Shaggoths are the same Range: Self
creatures that bartered once Effect: If this Bound spell is cast, all
with the Chaos gods; beings units within 6" of this model (friend or
that bargained with divinity, foe), including units engaged in combat
and not only survived, but and this model, suffer D3 Strength 4
won their immortality. hits, each with an AP of -1.

104 Beastmen Brayherds

Manticore Monster
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Manticore 6 5 - 5 - (+4) 5 4 - +120
Note: A character mounted on a Manticore has +4 Wounds.

Troop Type: Monstrous creature

Base Size: 60 x 100 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Wicked claws (see below) and scaly skin (counts as heavy armour)

• May have a venomous tail ....................................................................................................+15 points

Special Rules: Close Order, Fly (9), Large Target, Stomp Attacks (D3), Swiftstride,
Terror, Wilful Beast

Wilful Beast
Some monsters can never truly be tamed by a rider and, during the heat of battle, can be prone to Manticores
giving in to their wild and frenzied nature. Manticores are huge, leonine
beasts that soar through
During the Start of Turn sub-phase of each of their turns, this model must make a the sky on leathery wings.
Leadership test (using its own unmodified Leadership). If this test is passed, the rider is They are amongst the most
able to keep control of their mount. If, however, this test is failed, the rider has lost control powerful of all the predators
and their mount becomes subject to the Frenzy special rule until their next Start of Turn that inhabit the bleak
sub-phase. mountain ranges of the frozen
north, and the mutating
Note that this model’s rider does not gain a +1 modifier to their Attacks characteristic. power of Chaos ensures
that no two Manticores
R S AP Special Rules are truly alike. Some have
Wicked claws Combat S -2 - manes of writhing serpents,
others pelts of iron scales,
R S AP Special Rules and many sprout spiked tails
Venomous tail Combat S - Poisoned Attacks, Strike First that excrete a poison strong
Notes: In combat, this model must make one of its attacks each turn with this weapon. enough to boil the blood of an
adult human in their veins.
However, all Manticores
Character Mount: A Manticore may only be included in your army as a character’s share one common trait
mount. Its points are added to that of its rider. – they are berserk killers
saturated with primal fury.
They are so fierce that they
are held by the Dark Elves to
be incarnations of Khaine,
God of Murder.

Warriors of Chaos 73
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Hellcannon 3 4 3 5 6 5 1 5 4 215
Chaos Dwarf 3 4 - 3 - - 2 1 9 -
Handlers (x3)

Troop Type: Behemoth

Base Size: 100 x 150 mm
Unit Size: 1
Armour Value: 4+
• Hellcannon: Doomfire (see below) and hand weapons
• Chaos Dwarf Handlers: Hand weapons

Special Rules: Armour Bane (1), Caged Fury, Close Order, Ensorcelled Weapons,
Immune to Psychology, Impact Hits (D6), Large Target,
Monster Handlers, Regeneration (6+), Terror, Unbreakable,
Hellcannon Warp-spawned
Part Daemon, part war
machine, a Hellcannon is a Caged Fury
massive construct of metal The Daemon bound within the Hellcannon constantly tests its bonds, attempting to break free.
that growls and shakes with
daemonic sentience. In battle, During the Start of Turn sub-phase of each of your turns, make a Leadership test for this
Hellcannons are guided by model. If this test is failed, roll immediately on the Hellcannon Misfire table.
teams of corrupt and sadistic
Chaos Dwarfs. These malign R S AP Special Rules
warsmiths escort and restrain Doomfire 12-60" 5 (10) -2 (-5) Bombardment, Cumbersome,
their charges, loading them by Move or Shoot, Multiple Wounds (D3)
shovelling the bodies of their Notes: This weapon shoots like a stone thrower, using the ‘Bombardment’ special rule, a 3" blast
enemies into the Hellcannon’s template and the Hellcannon Misfire table. Any unit that suffers one or more unsaved wounds
dire-furnace, where flesh from this weapon must make a Panic test as if it had taken heavy casualties.
runs like wax as the Daemon-
machine feasts on body and Hellcannon Misfire Table
bone. Soon, only the souls of D6 Result
its victims are left, harnessed 1 Free at Last! The Daemon breaks loose. Every unit (friend or foe) within 3D6"
in the Hellcannon’s gullet as suffers D6 Strength 5 hits, each with an AP of -1. Once these hits are resolved, the
crackling bolts of energy that Hellcannon is removed from play as a casualty.
are fired towards the enemy 2-4 Chomp! The Hellcannon’s handlers are sucked towards the furnace of the
in powerful spasms of malice. ravenous Daemon. Remove one of the Hellcannon’s Chaos Dwarf Handlers.
These crackling blasts of raw 5-6 Blooood! The Hellcannon breaks its chains, immediately moving 3D6" as if
energy soar through the air it were subject to the Random Movement special rule and as if this were the
into their targets, liquefying Compulsory Moves sub-phase.
anything they touch and
sending the survivors insane
with fear.

76 Warriors of Chaos
Gifts of Chaos GIFTS OF CHAOS
A s Champions of Chaos slaughter their way across the battlefields of the world, their deeds attract the attention of the
Ruinous Powers. This is both a blessing and a curse, for many mutations pleasing to the gods are anathema to those
they are thrust upon.

To represent these strange attributes, some characters may be given Gifts of Chaos. Each Gift may only be chosen once per army.

Dark Majesty ......................................................50 points Aura of Pain........................................................30 points

An air of oppression radiates from the champion, reducing the will The Champion’s damned form exudes an aura of pain which
of the bravest to that of a craven child. wracks their enemies with crippling agony.

Unless this character is fleeing, any enemy unit that is required Once per game, when this character’s combat is chosen during
to make a Fear or Terror test whilst within this character’s Step 1.1 of the Choose & Fight Combat sub-phase, a single
Command range does so with an additional -1 modifier to its enemy unit they are engaged with suffers D6 Strength 3 hits,
Leadership characteristic (to a minimum of 2). with no armour or Regeneration saves permitted (Ward saves
can be attempted as normal).
Daemon-flesh......................................................45 points
The Champion’s flesh crawls with ætheric energy, turning aside the Master of Mortals .............................................25 points
blows of the enemy. The Champion is worshipped as a god by their mortal followers,
who see in them the power of Chaos made manifest.
This character cannot be wounded by a roll To Wound of 2,
regardless of the Strength of the attack. Unless this character is fleeing, friendly units of Chaos
Marauders and Marauder Horsemen gain a +1 modifier to
Extra Arm ...........................................................40 points their Leadership characteristic whilst within this character’s
Gifted with an extra arm, the Champion rains many blows upon Command range (to a maximum of 10).
their enemies.
Acid Ichor............................................................15 points
This character (but not their mount) has a +1 modifier to The Champion’s blood is a boiling, acidic ichor. Those who would
their Attacks characteristic. harm them find themselves splashed with hissing, burning liquid.

Diabolic Splendour............................................35 points For every Wound this character loses during a challenge, their
The air around the Champion seethes with chaotic energy, enemy suffers a Strength 4 hit, with an AP of -2.
obscuring them from the arrows of the enemy.
Poisonous Slime .................................................15 points
Any enemy model that targets this character or any unit they The Champion’s flesh is saturated with a toxic slime that seeps from
have joined during the Shooting phase suffers an additional -1 their skin, poisoning anything it touches.
To Hit modifier.
This character (but not their mount) has the Poisoned
Enchanting Aura................................................35 points Attacks special rule.
An enchanting aura hangs about the Champion, ensnaring the
mind and slowing the limbs of enemies that venture too close.

Enemy units engaged in combat with this character cannot use

the Strike First special rule. Enemy models that do not have
the Strike First special rule become subject to the Strike Last
special rule instead.

Warriors of Chaos 77
Magic Items
Magic Items
The pages that follow detail magic items unique to Warriors of Chaos armies. These
can be purchased by models within a Warriors of Chaos army in exactly the same way
as Common magic items, as described in the Warhammer: the Old World rulebook.

Extremely Common Magic Items: Any magic item marked with an asterisk (*)
is considered to be extremely common, as described in the Warhammer: the Old
World rulebook.

Magic Weapons
Daemonsword..................................................................................................75 points
This most deadly of blades is a prison for the essence of a powerful but treacherous Daemon. For all
the might it grants its wielder, the Daemon within endlessly strives to be set free.

Accursed Artefacts R S AP
Special Rules
In darkened workshops, Daemonsword Combat S+D3 -2
Extra Attacks (+D3),
over infernal forge fires, Magical Attacks, Strike First
the armourers of Chaos Notes: Every roll of a natural 1 made when rolling To Hit with this weapon results in a hit which
toil endlessly, hammering must be resolved against the unit the wielder has joined, rather than the enemy. If the wielder has
blackened iron into brutal not joined a unit, this hit must be resolved against the wielder.
weapons and crude suits of
baroque plate mail. Many Chaos Runesword ........................................................................................... 45 points
of these wicked weapons are This evil blade was forged from black gromril by the thrice-cursed Dwarf Runesmith Grugni
inscribed with eye-watering Ironheart, a secret pawn of the Chaos gods.
runes and imbued with
malefic power, and many R S AP Special Rules
suits of forge-blackened plate Chaos Combat S+1 -1 Magical Attacks
are decorated with baroque Runesword
details which twist and writhe Notes: The wielder of the Chaos Runesword has a +1 modifier to their Weapon Skill and
with a life of their own. In Initiative characteristics.
unholy rituals, Sorcerers
chant strange syllables as they Filth Mace ........................................................................................................ 40 points
daub daemonic ichor onto This heavy-headed and rust-encrusted mace endlessly oozes a necrotic slime which can sap the
blood stained banners and strength and vitality of the strongest warriors, causing even minor wounds to become debilitating.
carve the likenesses of their
dark gods from chunks of R S AP Special Rules
warpstone and the bones of Filth Mace Combat S+1 -1 Magical Attacks
fallen enemies, creating evil Notes: Any enemy model that suffers one or more unsaved wounds from the Filth Mace must
charms and arcane tools, the immediately make a Toughness test. If this test is failed, the wounded model suffers a -1 modifier
better to control the Winds to its Toughness characteristic (to a minimum of 1) until the end of the turn.
of Magic and practise their
profane arts. Spellthieving Sword........................................................................................ 20 points
Forged of magically resistant ores and carved with dire runes of spell warding, the Spellthieving
Sword burns and blinds its victims, robbing them of their mage sight.

R S AP Special Rules
Spellthieving Combat S -1 Magical Attacks
Notes: Any enemy Wizard that suffers one or more unsaved wounds from the Spellthieving Sword
immediately forgets a single spell (determined at random) for the remainder of the game.

78 Warriors of Chaos
Magic Armour Magic Standards
Armour of the Damned....................................70 points Banner of the Gods ...........................................75 points
This ornate suit of Chaos armour shimmers with the eldritch Forged in the red-lit depths of Zharr-Naggrund, the Banner of the
energies of the Chaos Wastes, distorting the wearer’s outline and Gods induces dread in the enemy and unshakeable courage in the
clouding the minds of their foes. servants of Chaos.

The Armour of the Damned is a suit of full plate armour. In A unit carrying the Banner of the Gods ignores all negative
addition, during the Combat phase, enemy models must re- modifiers to its Leadership characteristic.
roll successful rolls To Hit made against the wearer.
Doom Totem .......................................................65 points
Crimson Armour of Dargan............................40 points A collection of ragged skins strung over a framework of bone, the
The rich crimson metal of this armour flares into a storm of blood- Doom Totem exudes a potent magic that demoralises and appals
coloured light when its wearer wills it, dazzling those who would all who look upon it.
strike a mortal blow.
All enemy units that can draw a line of sight to the model
Models whose troop type is ‘infantry’ or ‘cavalry’ only. The carrying the Doom Totem suffer a -1 modifier to their
Crimson Armour of Dargan is a suit of heavy armour. In Leadership characteristic.
addition, the wearer is immune to the Multiple Wounds (X)
special rule. If the wearer suffers an unsaved wound from an Blasted Standard................................................40 points
attack with this special rule, they lose a single Wound. The Blasted Standard burns with coruscating magical flames that
explode outward to consume any missile that comes near it.
A unit carrying the Blasted Standard may re-roll any rolls of
Crown of Everlasting Conquest......................40 points a natural 1 when making an Armour Save roll against wounds
The warrior’s helmet is crafted into a magnificent crown of spikes suffered during the Shooting phase.
and horns which radiate invigorating dark power.
Banner of Rage ...................................................35 points
The wearer of the Crown of Everlasting Conquest gains the Sewn from strings of congealed gore, this banner radiates a
Regenerate (5+) special rule. bloodlust so strong that those beneath it are goaded into a state of
permanent rage.
Brazen Collar*....................................................20 points
Champions are sometimes gifted with heavy, rune-etched brass A unit carrying the Banner of Rage gains the Frenzy special
collars. Worn around the neck, these marks of favour are potent rule. However, unlike other Frenzied units, this unit cannot
wards against magic. lose this special rule.

The wearer of a Brazen Collar has Magic Resistance (-2).

Warriors of Chaos 79
Enchanted Items Arcane Items
Pendant of Damnation .....................................30 points Skull of Katam ...................................................60 points
This pendant burrows deep into the owner’s chest and nestles beside The polished skull of the daemonologist Katam constantly whispers
their heart, filling them with vitality even as their mortal form its dark secrets into the mind of any Wizard nearby.
inches towards damnation.
The bearer of the Skull of Katam and any other Wizard within
Models whose troop type is ‘infantry’ or ‘cavalry’ only. The 3" (friend or foe) may apply a +1 modifier to any Casting roll
bearer of the Pendant of Damnation gains a +1 modifier to they make.
their Attacks characteristic for every Wound they lose.
Note that this is a modifier to the result of a roll – it does not
Helm of Many Eyes ...........................................20 points negate a roll of a natural double 1.
This ornate full face helm has no eyeholes, but is covered with
magical eyes that, it is said, can see into the souls and minds of men. Infernal Puppet..................................................50 points
Twisting and jerking upon its strings, this eldritch homunculus
The Helm of Many Eyes gives its wearer (but not their draws the Winds of Magic into itself, causing them to flow with
mount) the Strike First special rule. However, due to the strange currents that confound the wits of its master’s rivals.
confusing images the helm conjures up, its wearer is also
subject to the Stupidity special rule. Unless the owner of the Infernal Puppet is fleeing or engaged
in combat, they may use it whenever an enemy Wizard that
Favour of the Gods*.............................................5 points is within 24" of them makes a Casting roll. If they do so,
The Champion bears an obsidian pendant that marks them as the enemy Wizard must roll an extra D6 and discard the
having truly earned the favour of the Dark Gods. highest result.

Single use. The bearer of a Favour of the Gods may re-roll the Spell Familiar*....................................................15 points
D6 when rolling on the Gaze of the Gods table. A spell familiar memorises a spell on its master’s behalf, constantly
rehearsing for its big moment until it is called upon to share its
arcane knowledge.

0-1 per Wizard. The owner of a Spell Familiar knows one

more spell (chosen in the usual way) than is normal for their
Level of Wizardry.

Note that this does not increase the Wizard’s Level.

80 Warriors of Chaos
A game of Warhammer: the Old World is packed with fantastic creatures and skilled warriors with abilities so
incredible and varied that the basic rules cannot possibly cover them all. For such circumstances we have special rules
– uncommon rules to govern uncommon circumstances.

Special Rules

On the following pages you will find a full description for each of the army special rules used by models drawn from the Warriors
of Chaos army list:

Chaos Armour (X+) Gaze of the Gods

Chaos Armour is the living gift of the gods. As champions progress Champions of Chaos constantly strive to draw their patron’s
towards glory, their armour becomes ever more heavy and baroque attention upon the battlefield. But the gods are fickle, and their
as new plates are added, each new piece obscuring more of blessing can be a curse.
their humanity.
During the Command sub-phase of their turn, a character
A model with this special rule has a Ward save against any with this special rule may choose to roll on the Gaze of the
wounds suffered. The armour value of this Ward save is shown Gods table:
in brackets after the name of this special rule (shown here as
‘X+’). In addition, a Wizard with this special rule may wear Gaze of the Gods Table
armour without penalty. D6 Result
1 Damned by Chaos: The Champion is beset
Ensorcelled Weapons with visions of the Realm of Chaos. This model
Many of the Chaos gods’ chosen champions brandish ensorcelled becomes subject to the Stupidity special rule for
weapons, their heavy, black blades inscribed with dark runes that the remainder of the game. If they already have
glow with infernal power. this special rule, they suffer a -1 modifier to their
Leadership (to a minimum of 2).
A hand weapon carried by a model with this special rule has 2 Unnatural Quickness: To the Champion, time itself
the Magical Attacks special rule and an Armour Piercing seems to slow around them. Until your next Start of
characteristic of -1. Turn sub-phase, this model gains a +1 modifier to
their Initiative characteristic (to a maximum of 10).
Note that this special rule only applies to a single, non-magical 3 Iron Skin: Beneath their baroque armour, the
hand weapon and does not apply to a model’s mount (should it Champion’s skin becomes like iron. Until your
have one). If the model is using two hand weapons or any other sort next Start of Turn sub-phase, this model gains a
of weapon, this special rule ceases to apply. +1 modifier to their Toughness characteristic (to a
maximum of 10).
4 Murderous Mutation: Long tentacles whip from
beneath the Champion’s armour to grasp at their
enemies. For the remainder of the game, this
model gains a +1 modifier to their Weapon Skill
characteristic (to a maximum of 10).
5 Dark Fury: A terrible rage grips the Champion.
For the remainder of the game, this model gains
a +1 modifier to their Attacks characteristic (to a
maximum of 10).
6 Apotheosis: The Champion is blessed with
Daemonic vitality. For the remainder of the game,
this model gains a +1 modifier to both their Strength
and Leadership characteristics (to a maximum
of 10).

Note that any benefits granted by the Gaze of the Gods apply only
to the Champion, not to their mount (should they have one).

Warriors of Chaos 81
Marks Of Chaos
Those who bear the favour of the Dark Gods are marked by them. Their appearance becomes shaped by the signs and stigmata of their
patron, proclaiming their loyalty for all to see.

Many models in this army list have the Mark of Chaos Undivided listed among their special rules. Of those that do, some have
the option to replace it with the Mark of a specific Chaos god:

• A model cannot have more than one Mark of Chaos.

• All models within a unit must have the same Mark of Chaos.
• A character with the Mark of a specific Chaos god can only join a unit with the same Mark, with the Mark of Chaos
Undivided, or with no Mark.
• A character with the Mark of Chaos Undivided can join any unit as normal.

Note that, with the exception of Daemonic Mounts, the benefits granted by a Mark of Chaos apply only to its bearer, not to their mount
(should they have one).

Mark of Chaos Undivided: Many warriors from the cold North worship the Gods of Chaos
as a pantheon, favouring no one deity above the others.

Models with the Mark of Chaos Undivided can re-roll any failed Fear, Panic or Terror test.

Mark of Khorne: Warriors marked by Khorne are consumed with a violent rage and the
constant need to shed the blood of their foes.

Models with the Mark of Khorne have the Frenzy special rule.

Mark of Nurgle: Those marked by Nurgle are eternally accompanied by thick clouds of flies,
blinding, deafening and choking their enemies.

Any enemy model that directs its attacks against a model with the Mark of Nurgle during
the Combat phase must re-roll any rolls To Hit of a natural 6.

Mark of Slaanesh: Devotees of Slaanesh have experienced sensations beyond comprehension,

rendering them insensible to mortal fears.

Models with the Mark of Slaanesh have +1 Initiative during the first round of any
combat. Additionally, if the majority of the models in a unit have the Mark of Slaanesh,
the unit automatically passes any Panic tests it is required to make.

Mark of Tzeentch: Those who bear the ever-burning Mark of Tzeentch have a natural
capacity to manipulate magic and unbind the weak spells of mere conjurors.

Models with the Mark of Tzeentch have the Flaming Attacks and Magic Resistance
(-1) special rules. In addition, if a Wizard with the Mark of Tzeentch has joined a unit
with the Mark of Tzeentch that has a Unit Strength of 10 or more, they may apply a
+1 modifier to any Casting roll they make. Should they leave the unit for any reason, or
should the unit’s Unit Strength fall below 10, this modifier is lost.

82 Warriors of Chaos
Lore of Chaos LORE OF CHAOS
C haos Sorcerers are gifted understanding of dark magic by the Ruinous Powers which they serve. Spells creep into their
minds through dreams, visions, and the whispers of the Dark Gods themselves.

A Wizard with the ‘Lore of Chaos’ special rule may discard one of their randomly generated spells as normal. When they do so,
they may select instead either the signature spell of their chosen Lore of Magic, or the spell that corresponds to their Mark of
Chaos listed below.

Winds of Chaos Blue Fire

(Mark of Chaos Undivided) (Mark of Tzeentch)
A cold and vicious gale blows from the Northern Wastes, As the Sorcerer’s hands draw strange runes in the air, their
carrying with it the laughter of Dark Gods. enemies are consumed by blue flames.

Type: Hex Type: Magic Missile

Casting Value: 7+/9+ Casting Value: 9+
Range: 21" Range: 18"
Effect: If this spell is cast with a casting result of 7 or more, Effect: The target enemy unit suffers D6+3 Strength 4
the target enemy unit suffers a -1 modifier to its Movement hits, each with an AP of -2 and with the Flaming Attacks
characteristic (to a minimum of 1). If this spell is cast with a special rule.
casting result of 9 or more, the target enemy unit suffers a -2
modifier to its Movement characteristic (to a minimum of 1).
This spell lasts until your next Start of Turn sub-phase.

(Mark of Slaanesh)
The enemy is humbled by the beauty of Slaanesh, letting their
weapons fall limply to their sides.

Type: Hex
Casting Value: 6+
Range: 12"
Effect: Until the end of the Combat phase, the target enemy
unit becomes subject to the Strike Last special rule.

Fleshy Abundance
(Mark of Nurgle)
Great wobbling mounds of fat spill out from beneath the armour
of the Sorcerer and their comrades.

Type: Enchantment
Casting Value: 7+
Range: Self
Effect: Remains in Play. Whilst this spell is in play, the
caster and any unit they have joined gain a +1 modifier to
their Toughness characteristic (to a maximum of 7).

Warriors of Chaos 83
T he inhabitants of Athel Loren are mysterious and secretive beings, rarely seen beyond the borders of their forest
homeland and thus little understood by the outside world. In the defence of their woodland realm, the Wood Elves
and their allies are deadly and unforgiving. The Asrai often appear capricious and cruel to outsiders, though in truth, each
harmful act is performed in order to preserve their mysterious home and to uphold the natural balance of the wider world.
Or so they would claim…
The Forest Realm

The Forest Realm There are few safe paths through Athel Loren. An individual
that treks under the dark boughs for what seems like a couple
The forest of Athel Loren is a mystical place whose shadow of hours may, if they survive, return home to find that a
stretches far across the land. It extends along the banks of two hundred years have passed. Equally, one might wander lost
great rivers, named by the Bretonnians as the River Grismerie within the forest for decades, only to emerge later on the very
to the north and the river Brienne to the south. The forest day that they entered.
rises from the fertile plains of Bretonnia and reaches high
into the Grey Mountains, riddled with Dwarf mines and Navigating through Athel Loren is no easy task, for the forest’s
strongholds. Its outer bounds are marked with waystones, landmarks and glades are ever-shifting. What was open
placed there by the first Elves to settle upon the lush plains of clearing one night may be heavily wooded the next morning,
the Old World many centuries ago, to contain the wild things and pathways often disappear or turn back on themselves
that dwell beneath its boughs. without warning. Even if an intruder tries to walk a straight
path, they will invariably find that they have been turned
Within the forest’s span, great trees loom overhead, their about and are now facing out of the forest, their sanity tested
branches moving slowly, ever straining to escape the magical by the horrors and wonders they encountered within.
barrier of the waystones. Roots twist and claw across the fern-
covered rocks and loam, and low mists coil underfoot. None But not all forays end in disaster. The fortunate or the worthy
tread beneath these eaves without feeling the eyes of the forest might occasionally find passage between the changing paths,
and its innumerable denizens upon them. Every step is dogged guided perhaps by a welcome shaft of sunlight, or coming
by a sense of watchfulness that permeates each leafy glade and across a forest trail at an unexpected turn. Inspired by such
winding track. tales, there will always be those that dare enter the dark forest,
drawn by fanciful tales of treasures or of hidden knowledge
The verdant labyrinth of the forest unsettles even the most waiting to be won.
courageous soul, for all that enter are followed by movement
glimpsed from the corner of the eye, haunted by the voices of Most of the forest is a strange, almost perpetually twilight,
unseen creatures and the strange cries of unknown predators, world, bathed only in the muted sunlight or moonlight able to
and ever discomforted by the feeling that one is being watched penetrate the canopy of leaves. Only in the natural clearings,
at all times. Dark forms move through the twisting branches known as glades, can one look up and glimpse the sky or the
and dense undergrowth; tiny darting shapes flit between the stars. Other glades are vast tracts of land that could easily
trees. Only the insanely brave, mad or foolish dare to cross accommodate the largest of the Old World’s cities, and that
its bounds; all others shun it as a haunted place, filled with many a Bretonnian duke would claim as a proud domain. In
unquiet, malicious spirits. fact, some have, though never for very long.
The Deepwood
The Deepwood Host Host Thus does the host of Athel Loren march to war, hidden by
skeins of sorcerous mist. The battle starts with a single arrow,
The history of the Wood Elves is a search for balance and fired by the greatest marksman in the host and aimed at the
solitude tempered by ceaseless war. For thousands of years, enemy warlord’s heart. This signal given, Glade Guard and
they have lived in harmony with the sentient forest of Athel Waywatchers emerge from concealment and blacken the skies
Loren, and with the spirits that dwell beneath its boughs. with their own volleys, each shot guided by an instinct beyond
Here, they have learnt to dwell in concord with the seasons human comprehension. Only then do the hunting horns
and the weave of life and death that binds all living things sound, loosing the Wood Elves to the fray.
together. Unlike the other Elven races of the world, the Wood
Elves have never sought to rule, and wish only to see their The Wild Riders, devotees of the demi-god Orion, who dies
homeland persist through all the coming ages of the world. It in flame each year only to be born anew in the spring, and the
is this cause for which they fight, for no land endures long if it Sisters of the Thorn, mysterious followers of Ariel, the avatar
cannot take up arms against those that wish it harm, and the of the Elven goddess Isha, lead the charge, scattering enemies
waking woodland of Athel Loren has more than its fair share with every thrust of their spears, their furious steeds trampling
of enemies. any who survive the riders’ onset. Wardancers dart and spiral
through their bewildered opponents, their every cut and parry
To Man, dwelling on the fertile plains north and west of the an act of worship to their trickster god. Eternal Guard come
great forest, and to the Dwarfs, delving deeply beneath the next, brave protectors of the forest realm during the long, cold
mountains to its east, the forest is viewed as a brooding and months of winter and ferocious arbiters of Athel Loren’s lords
malicious foe, and perhaps they are correct. Neither the Wood and ladies. Behind these, stalk the grimly visaged and darkly
Elves, nor the forest spirits to which their fate is tied, care cowled Wildwood Rangers, guardians of the Wildwood and
for the lives of outsiders. They think nothing of resorting to gaolers of the ancient horrors confined within it, their great,
slaughter to ease affront, and there are always those who seem long-bladed glaives blurring as they strike.
eager to provoke their wrath. Dwarfs see Athel Loren’s boughs
as a resource to be harvested and put to work as fuel for their And the Elves do not fight alone, for they are joined by the
great machines. Reckless human Wizards too see the forest spirits of the forest. Lithe Dryads rip through their foes, their
as a wellspring of fuel, though it is not timber they crave, but quicksilver forms given purpose by the seething malice in
the magical essence which gives life to the trees and vigour to their thorny hearts. Colossal Treemen smash through the
those that live within the forest’s bounds. Then there are the enemy lines, their gnarled fists pulverising all in their path.
destructive Orcs and the foul Beasts of Chaos, creatures that Overseeing these battles are the Spellweavers of Athel Loren,
seek to topple the trees and defile the ground for no other who direct both dark and light magics to wherever they
reason than to cause destruction. are needed, bringing balms to wounded allies, and blasting
enemies apart with searing bolts of the blackest magic.
Wood Elf Realms Army List

T his page details the Grand Army composition list for the Wood Elf Realms. This is the default army composition list
for this faction. Using this army composition list to write your muster list will give you the widest variety of units to
choose from and create a broad and balanced force.

This army list is intended for use alongside the ‘Forming Units’ and ‘Warhammer Armies’ sections of the Warhammer: the Old
World rulebook. Over the following pages you will find profiles and rules for each of the models in your army. These pages give
you all of the information that you need to shape your collection of models into the units which will in turn form a force ready
for battle.
Grand Army Composition List
Grand Army Composition List
Characters Rare
Up to 50% of your army’s points value may be spent on: Up to 25% of your army’s points value may be spent on:

• 0-1 Glade Lord or Spellweaver per 1,000 points • Treemen

• 0-1 Treeman Ancient per 1,000 points • 0-1 unit of Waywatchers per Waystalker taken
• Glade Captains, Spellsingers, Shadowdancers, Waystalkers • 0-3 Great Eagles per 1,000 points
and Branchwraiths
Core Up to 20% of your army’s points value may be spent
At least 25% of your army’s points value must be spent on: on mercenaries.

• 1+ unit of Glade Guard Allies

• Eternal Guard, Dryads and Glade Riders Up to 25% of your army’s points value may be spent on a single
• 0-1 unit of Deepwood Scouts may be taken as a Core allied contingent drawn from:
choice per 1,000 points
• Any Wood Elf Realms Army of Infamy composition list
Special • One of the following Grand Army composition lists:
Up to 50% of your army’s points value may be spent on: - Empire of Man (Uneasy)
- Kingdom of Bretonnia
• Deepwood Scouts, Wildwood Rangers, Wardancers, - High Elf Realms
Sisters of the Thorn, Wild Riders and Warhawk Riders
• 0-2 units of Tree Kin per 1,000 points
Battle Standard Bearer
A single Glade Captain in your army may be upgraded
to be your Battle Standard Bearer for +25 points. In
addition to their usual allowance of points to spend on
magic items, a Battle Standard Bearer can purchase a
single Magic Banner with no points limit.
Wood Elf Nobles
Character M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Glade Lord 5 7 7 4 3 3 6 4 10 135
Glade Captain 5 6 6 4 3 2 5 3 9 70

Troop Type: Regular infantry (character)

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hand weapon, Asrai longbow (see page 147) and light armour

• May take one of the following:
- Additional hand weapon...................................................................................................+3 points
- Great weapon........................................................................................................................+4 points
- Cavalry spear (if appropriately mounted) ..................................................................+2 points
Wood Elf Nobles • May take a shield........................................................................................................................+2 points
The lords and ladies of • May take one of the following types of enchanted arrows (see page 147):
Athel Loren have ruled the - Arcane bodkins ....................................................................................................................+6 points
Wood Elves for millennia. - Hagbane tips..........................................................................................................................+6 points
Each Highborn is required - Moonfire shot.......................................................................................................................+3 points
to keep their domain free - Swiftshiver shards................................................................................................................+6 points
from intruders and has the - Trueflight arrows.................................................................................................................+3 points
ultimate responsibility over • May be mounted..................................................................................................................See page 126
the area of the forest in • May take Forest Spites (see page 141) up to a total of ...................................................50 points
which their followers dwell. • A Glade Lord may purchase magic items up to a total of..........................................100 points
Most often, this is a task • A Glade Captain may purchase magic items up to a total of ......................................50 points
that is accomplished by the
Highborn’s Eternal Guard Special Rules: The Arrow of Kurnous, Evasive, Fire & Flee, Ignores Cover,
and Glade Guard, though in Move through Cover, Rallying Cry, Strike First*
more dangerous times, they
will entreat the spirits of the *Note that this special rule does not apply to this model’s mount (should it have one).
forest, or even Elves from
other regions of Athel Loren, The Arrow Of Kurnous
to lend aid. Though the It is traditional for the Wood Elves not to launch into battle until one of their champions has
inhabitants of Athel Loren loosed a shot at the heart of the enemy leader. Seldom is this arrow fatal, but fatality is not the
are as proud as any of the intent. Rather, it is a goad to the enemy’s pride and a reminder of their frail mortality.
Elven races, they never allow
their own hubris to endanger Once deployment is complete, but before the roll-off to determine which player takes the
their home land. The defence first turn, if the General of your opponent’s army is within 36" of one or more models in
of Athel Loren is the one your army that has this special rule, one of those models may fire the Arrow of Kurnous. If
calling that is held above the Arrow of Kurnous is fired, the General of your opponent’s army immediately suffers a
all others. single Strength 3 hit, with no armour or Regeneration saves permitted (Ward saves can be
attempted as normal).

However, if the Arrow of Kurnous is fired, your opponent adds +1 to their roll when
rolling off to determine who takes the first turn.
Wood Elf Mages
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Spellweaver 5 4 4 3 3 3 4 2 8 155
Spellsinger 5 4 4 3 3 2 4 1 8 80

Troop Type: Regular infantry (character)

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hand weapon

Magic: A Spellweaver is a Level 3 Wizard. A Spellsinger is a Level 1 Wizard. Every Wood

Elf Mage knows spells from one of the following Lores of Magic:
• Battle Magic
• Elementalism
• High Magic
• Illusion
Options: Elves are intrinsically magical
• May have the Talismanic Tattoos special rule ...............................................................+15 points beings. In most, this talent
• May be mounted..................................................................................................................See page 126 is too weak to be developed,
• May take Forest Spites (see page 141) up to a total of ...................................................50 points presenting itself as occasional
• A Spellweaver may: forebodings, but in truly
- Be a Level 4 Wizard ..........................................................................................................+30 points gifted Elves, it can be shaped
- Purchase magic items up to a total of .........................................................................100 points into a tool of great power.
• A Spellsinger may: Such a boon is not without
- Be a Level 2 Wizard ..........................................................................................................+30 points danger, for raw magic is a
- Purchase magic items up to a total of ............................................................................50 points destructive thing if drawn
upon unwisely. Whilst other
Special Rules: Elven Reflexes, Lore of Athel Loren, Magical Attacks, Elves protect themselves
Move through Cover from such ravages through
ritual, the Spellweavers and
Spellsingers of Athel Loren
shield themselves by joining
their minds to the forest’s
sleeping consciousness. As
a result of this connection,
Wood Elf Mages have
an altogether unique
relationship with Athel
Loren. This bond allows
them to commune with the
forest, and some particularly
powerful Mages can use
their bond to reshape the
forest itself.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Shadowdancer 5 8 6 4 3 2 7 3 8 85

Troop Type: Regular infantry (character)

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hand weapon

Magic: A Shadowdancer may be a Wizard (see below). A Shadowdancer that is a Wizard

knows spells from one of the following Lores of Magic:
• Battle Magic
• Illusion

• May take one of the following:
Shadowdancers of Loec - Spear of Loec (see below)...........................................................................................................Free
Shadowdancers are the - Trickster’s Blades (see below) ....................................................................................................Free
closest thing that the • May take Forest Spites (see page 141) up to a total of ...................................................50 points
Trickster God has to a • May be a Level 1 Wizard.......................................................................................................+35 points
priesthood, and they are both • May purchase magic items up to a total of ........................................................................50 points
respected and feared as a
result. They, and only they, Special Rules: Evasive, Furious Charge, Immune to Psychology, Loner,
know all the paths through Move through Cover, Strike First, Talismanic Tattoos,
Athel Loren – indeed, it Troubadour of Loec
is said that they tread the
paths of the Dreaming Troubadour Of Loec
Wood as surely as they do The deadly dance of a Shadowdancer melds seamlessly with that of the troupe they lead.
the mortal world. In battle,
Shadowdancers are even A Shadowdancer that joins a unit of Wardancers is considered to have the Dances of Loec
more dazzlingly swift than special rule for as long as they remain with the unit (see page 131).
the Wardancers they lead.
At other times, they are R S AP Special Rules
less flamboyant, preferring Spear of Loec Combat S+1 -1 Armour Bane (2), Killing Blow
to confound others with
deceptions of the mind, R S AP Special Rules
rather than swiftness of body. Trickster’s Blades Combat S - Extra Attacks (+D3), Requires Two Hands
Indeed, many Shadowdancers
can create illusions, which
they inevitably use to further
distract their foes or mete
out a much-needed dose
of humility to Elves or
spirits that have forgotten
their station.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Waystalker 5 6 7 4 3 2 5 2 8 85

Troop Type: Regular infantry (character)

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hand weapon and Asrai longbow (see page 147)

• May take an additional hand weapon.................................................................................+3 points
• May take one of the following types of enchanted arrows (see page 147):
- Arcane bodkins ....................................................................................................................+6 points
- Hagbane tips..........................................................................................................................+6 points
- Moonfire shot.......................................................................................................................+3 points
- Swiftshiver shards................................................................................................................+6 points Waystalkers
- Trueflight arrows.................................................................................................................+3 points Waystalkers are solitary
• May take light armour .............................................................................................................+3 points individuals, perfectly at ease
• May take Forest Spites (see page 141) up to a total of ...................................................50 points within their forest homeland.
• May have the Ambushers special rule ..............................................................................+10 points Able to survive by their wits
• May purchase magic items up to a total of ........................................................................50 points and cunning in the wilds
they let years pass between
Special Rules: Elven Reflexes, Evasive, Feigned Flight, Fire & Flee, Hawk-eyed Archer, visits to Wood Elf halls
Ignores Cover, Move through Cover, Scouts and, on the rare occasions
when a Waystalker returns
Hawk-eyed Archer to their people, they stand
With the keen eyes of a hunting hawk, none that would dare encroach upon the hidden glades of alone as outsiders, apart from
Athel Loren are safe from the deadly arrows of a Waystalker. all others. A Waystalker’s
marksmanship shames even
A model with this special rule can target any enemy character it can draw a line of sight that of other Waywatchers.
to, regardless of the usual rules for targeting Lone characters. In addition, a model with They can pick out a single
this special rule can target a specific model within its target unit, such as a champion or enemy from a seething mass
a character. of troops and place the one
perfect shot that brings the
target, lifeless, to the ground.
Yet, the Waystalker finds
no reason to exult in the
application of their skills –
after all, what prey could
hope to escape one who has
dedicated their entire life to
the hunter’s art?
Treemen Ancients
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Treeman Ancient 5 5 5 5 6 6 2 3 10 265

Troop Type: Behemoth (character)

Base Size: 50 x 50 mm (min), 50 x 75 mm (max)
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Oaken fists (see below), Strangleroots (see below) and
arboreal armour (counts as full plate armour)

Magic: A Treeman Ancient is a Level 2 Wizard. Every Treeman Ancient knows spells
from the following Lores of Magic:
• Battle Magic
• Elementalism

Treemen Ancients • May be a:
Of all the Treemen of Athel - Level 3 Wizard....................................................................................................................+30 points
Loren, there are those – old - Level 4 Wizard....................................................................................................................+60 points
beyond mortal reckoning • May take Forest Spites (see page 141) up to a total of ................................................100 points
– whose names are revered
above all others; these are the Special Rules: Close Order, Flammable, Immune to Psychology, Large Target,
Treeman Ancients. When Lore of Athel Loren, Magical Attacks, Move through Cover,
first the pact between forest Regeneration (5+), Stomp Attacks (D3), Stubborn, Terror,
and Elf was formed, it was Timmm-berrr!, Tree Spirit, Tree Whack
they who spoke on behalf of
Athel Loren, and they were R S AP Special Rules
old even then. Oaken fists Combat S -2 -

Treeman Ancients seldom R S AP Special Rules

rouse themselves to Strangleroots 12" S -1 Multiple Shots (D6+1)
wakefulness. Finding the
waking world less vibrant as
they get older, they prefer to
retreat into a deep sleep. Thus
do the Treeman Ancients
pass through the centuries in
a state of dormancy, tended
by small groups of Dryads.
Only when dire times befall
are they awoken from
slumber, for only with their
leadership can Athel Loren be
roused to its full fury.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Branchwraith 5 6 6 4 4 2 6 2 8 80

Troop Type: Regular infantry (character)

Base Size: 30 x 30 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hand weapon and sapwood flesh (counts as light armour)

Magic: A Branchwraith is a Level 1 Wizard. Every Branchwraith knows spells from the
following Lores of Magic:
• Battle Magic
• Elementalism
• Illusion

• May take one of the following: Branchwraiths
- Additional hand weapon...................................................................................................+3 points Branchwraiths are the oldest
- Great weapon........................................................................................................................+4 points of the Dryads, shape-shifters
• May be a Level 2 Wizard.......................................................................................................+30 points that have protected their
• May take Forest Spites (see page 141) up to a total of ...................................................50 points forest home and served the
Ancients of Athel Loren
Special Rules: Fear, Flammable, Immune to Psychology, Lore of Athel Loren, with a dedication bordering
Magical Attacks, Move through Cover, Regeneration (6+), Tree Spirit upon the fanatical since the
world itself was young. Yet,
before the coming of the
Elves, the Branchwraiths
were so much more. In the
earliest days, it was they
who ruled within the forest
and tamed the Winds of
Magic to bring sustenance
to bough and branch. Thus
do few Branchwraiths think
kindly of the Elves, and
many hate them. Now the
Branchwraiths watch and
wait for the seasons to shift
once again. One day soon,
they believe, the usurpers
will be cast down from their
lofty perches and the natural
order restored.
Character Mounts
A character that can be mounted may choose a mount from the following list. Most
mounts are covered in detail on the following pages. Those that are not have their own
dedicated entries later in this army list.

A Glade Lord or Glade Captain may be mounted on a:

• Elven Steed.................................................................................................................................+14 points
• Great Stag ...................................................................................................................................+50 points
• Warhawk.....................................................................................................................................+30 points
• Forest Dragon (Glade Lord only)...................................................................................See page 138
• Great Eagle.............................................................................................................................See page 139

A Spellweaver or Spellsinger may be mounted on a:

• Elven Steed.................................................................................................................................+14 points
• Unicorn .......................................................................................................................................+35 points
Elven Steed • Warhawk.....................................................................................................................................+30 points
Descended from the purest • Great Eagle.............................................................................................................................See page 139
of all equine bloodlines, the
steeds of the Wood Elves Elven Steed
are swift and graceful, with
an agility that cannot be M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
matched by the lesser breeds Elven Steed 9 3 - 3 - - 4 1 - +14
employed in other kingdoms.
Where the warhorses of Troop Type: Light cavalry
Bretonnia and the Empire are Base Size: 30 x 60 mm
bred for strength, the horses Unit Size: 1
of Athel Loren are swift, agile Equipment: Hooves (counts as a hand weapon)
and cunning creatures. Special Rules: Fast Cavalry, Swiftstride

Great Stag
No beast in all of Athel Loren Great Stag
is more treasured than the
Great Stag, a creature that M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
the Wood Elves revere as Great Stag 8 4 - 5 (+1) (+1) 4 2 - +50
representing the true soul of Note: A character mounted on a Great Stag has +1 Toughness and +1 Wound.
the forest. Great Stags only
seem to appear at portentous Troop Type: Monstrous cavalry
times, most often to serve as Base Size: 50 x 50 mm
war-steeds for particularly Unit Size: 1
noble Elves. On occasion, a Equipment: Mighty antlers (see below)
Great Stag will appear at a Special Rules: Armoured Hide (2), Crown of Antlers, Fear, First Charge,
time of great celebration and Impact Hits (1), Move through Cover, Stomp Attacks (1), Swiftstride
feasting, a sure sign of the
forest’s blessing. Crown Of Antlers
When a Great Stag charges, its magnificent crown of antlers tears through armour and cuts deeply
into the flesh beneath.

Impact Hits caused by a model with this special rule have the Armour Bane (1) special rule
and an Armour Piercing characteristic of -1.

R S AP Special Rules
Mighty antlers Combat S -1 Armour Bane (1)
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Unicorn 10 4 - 4 - (+1) 5 2 - +35
Note: A character mounted on a Unicorn has +1 Wound.

Troop Type: Monstrous cavalry

Base Size: 40 x 60 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hooves and horn (counts as a hand weapon)
Special Rules: Armour Bane (2, Unicorn only), Armoured Hide (1), Beguiling Aura,
Counter Charge, Magical Attacks, Stomp Attacks (1), Swiftstride

Beguiling Aura
Unicorns shimmer with magical power, a gleaming aura that also bears an enfolding glamour that
bewitches and beguiles any who come near.

Enemy models must make a Leadership test before making any rolls To Hit against this Unicorn
model during the Combat phase. If this test is failed, only rolls of a natural 6 will hit. The Unicorn is an
innately magical creature
that finds the taste of
Warhawk magic intoxicating. Most
Spellsingers find this most
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points fortuitous, as a Unicorn
Warhawk 2 3 - 4 (+1) - 4 2 - +30 makes for an excellent steed.
Note: A character mounted on a Warhawk has +1 Toughness. Furthermore, the beast’s
nature protects its rider
Troop Type: Monstrous cavalry against hostile magics with
Base Size: 50 x 50 mm a devastating spell, often
Unit Size: 1 resulting in little more than
Equipment: Wicked claws (see below) a slightly inebriated and
Special Rules: Evasive, Fear, Feigned Flight, Fly (10), Swiftstride emboldened steed.

R S AP Special Rules Warhawks

Wicked claws Combat S -2 - Many large birds of prey live
in Athel Loren, especially
where it covers the foothills,
ravines and crags of the Grey
Mountains. These hawks and
shrikes grow to far grander
proportions than similar
species found elsewhere in
the Old World. Taken as a
fledgling and raised by an
Elf, such a hawk will develop
a powerful bond with its
master and will even bear
them into battle.
Wood Elf Archers
Glade Guard M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Infantry Glade Guard 5 4 4 3 3 1 4 1 8 11
Lord’s Bowman 5 4 5 3 3 1 4 1 8 +6

Deepwood Scouts M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points

Deepwood Scout 5 4 4 3 3 1 4 1 8 13
Lord’s Bowman 5 4 5 3 3 1 4 1 8 +6

Troop Type: Regular infantry

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 5+
Equipment: Hand weapons and Asrai longbows (see page 147)

• Any unit may take one of the following types of enchanted arrows (see page 147):
Glade Guard - Arcane bodkins ...............................................................................................+2 points per model
When an Elf comes of age, - Hagbane tips.....................................................................................................+2 points per model
they will be inducted into - Moonfire shot....................................................................................................+1 point per model
their household’s Glade - Swiftshiver shards...........................................................................................+2 points per model
Guard and, when Athel - Trueflight arrows..............................................................................................+1 point per model
Loren goes to war, it is the • Any unit may:
Glade Guard who form - Upgrade one model to a Lord’s Bowman (champion) ...........................+6 points per unit
the core of the army, for - Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+6 points per unit
all are trained in the arts - Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+6 points per unit
of the longbow as soon as • A Lord’s Bowman may purchase magic items up to a total of.....................................25 points
they can hold one. In Athel • 0-1 unit of Glade Guard per 1,000 points may:
Loren, archery is not just - Have the Fire & Flee special rule.................................................................+1 point per model
a tool of battle, but one of - Have the Vanguard special rule ...................................................................+1 point per model
many hunter’s skills vital - Purchase a magic standard worth up to........................................................................50 points
for survival.
Special Rules:
Deepwood Scouts • Glade Guard: Elven Reflexes, Move through Cover, Open Order
Deepwood Scouts hold the • Deepwood Scouts: Elven Reflexes, Evasive, Fire & Flee, Move through Cover,
responsibility of patrolling Scouts, Skirmishers
those areas of the forest
deemed too dangerous
for Glade Guard to enter,
where stealth is essential
to avoid predators. This
stealth serves them well upon
the battlefield, where they
hunt and ambush enemies
who stray too far from the
protection of their allies.
Eternal Guard
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Eternal Guard 5 5 4 3 3 1 4 1 9 13
Eternal Warden 5 5 4 3 3 1 4 2 9 +5

Troop Type: Regular infantry

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 5+
Equipment: Hand weapons, Asrai spears (see below) and light armour

• The entire unit may take shields........................................................................+1 point per model
• Any unit may:
- Upgrade one model to an Eternal Warden (champion)........................+5 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+5 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+5 points per unit Eternal Guard
- Purchase a magic standard worth up to........................................................................50 points Through the long winter
• An Eternal Warden may purchase magic items up to a total of.................................50 points months, the forest of
• 0-1 unit per 1,000 points may: Athel Loren is at its lowest
- Have the Drilled special rule ........................................................................+1 point per model ebb, made dormant and
- Have the Veteran special rule.......................................................................+1 point per model vulnerable through the cycle
of the seasons. During this
Special Rules: Close Order, Elven Reflexes, Martial Prowess, time, guardianship of the
Move through Cover, Stubborn most sacred of places falls to
the Eternal Guard, sons and
Martial Prowess daughters of the noble houses
Eternal Guard spend many hours mastering the art of the Asrai spear, wielding their weapons with of Athel Loren. Only skill on
a skill and grace absent from the ranks of their enemies. the field of battle can earn an
honoured place within the
A unit with this special rule can make supporting attacks to its flank or rear, as well as to ranks of the Eternal Guard,
its front. for their duty is a difficult
and dangerous one. Should
R S AP Special Rules the forest be assailed in the
Asrai spear Combat S -1 Fight in Extra Rank frozen months, they can
Notes: A model wielding an Asrai spear cannot make a supporting attack during a turn in which depend upon little or no aid,
it charged. During a turn in which it was charged in its front arc, a model wielding an Asrai spear and will be called upon to
gains a +1 modifier to its Initiative against the charging unit(s). hold fast against whatever
threat comes to challenge
them. Regardless of the foe,
the Eternal Guard stands
firm before it.
Wildwood Rangers
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Wildwood Ranger 5 5 4 3 3 1 4 1 9 14
Wildwood Warden 5 5 4 3 3 1 4 2 9 +6

Troop Type: Regular infantry

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 5+
Equipment: Hand weapons, ranger’s glaives (see below) and light armour

• The entire unit may take shields........................................................................+1 point per model
• Any unit may:
- Upgrade one model to a Wildwood Warden (champion)....................+6 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+6 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+6 points per unit
Wildwood Rangers - Purchase a magic standard worth up to........................................................................50 points
Athel Loren is not a safe • A Wildwood Warden may purchase magic items up to a total of .............................50 points
place, even for the Elves.
Even now, thousands of Special Rules: Close Order, Elven Reflexes, Guardians of the Wildwood,
years after the Elves settled Immune to Psychology, Move through Cover
within the great forest, there
are forest spirits who resent Guardians Of The Wildwood
their presence, and visit Those that take up the Ranger’s glaive have invariably suffered great tragedy at the hands of
great cruelties upon them. the dark spirits that reside within the Wildwood. Consequently, they will fight with tremendous
Banished to the sinister ferocity when faced with enemies that would cause a lesser soul to cower in fear.
south-eastern corner of
Athel Loren, known as the Whilst it is in base contact with an enemy model that causes Fear or Terror, a model with
Wildwood, these dark spirits this special rule gains a +1 modifier to its Attacks characteristics (to a maximum of 10) and
rail against the waystone the Multiple Wounds (2) special rule.
barrier that confines them
and dream of revenge on R S AP Special Rules
those who occupy their home. Ranger’s glaive Combat S+2 -2 Requires Two Hands
The task of guarding the
border between this shadowy
prison and the rest of Athel
Loren falls to the Wildwood
Rangers. Theirs is an
existence thoroughly at odds
with the gaiety and splendour
known by other Wood Elves,
for once the Ranger’s path has
been trodden, it is not easily
set aside.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Wardancer 5 6 4 3 3 1 6 1 8 16
Bladesinger 5 6 4 3 3 1 6 2 8 +6

Troop Type: Regular infantry

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 5+
Equipment: Hand weapons

• Any model in the unit may take one of the following:
- Additional hand weapon................................................................................+1 point per model
- Throwing spear ..............................................................................................................................Free
• Any unit may:
- Upgrade one model to an Bladesinger (champion).................................+6 points per unit
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+6 points per unit Wardancers
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+6 points per unit Wardancers roam Athel
- Purchase a magic standard worth up to........................................................................50 points Loren in tightly knit troupes,
• A Bladesinger may purchase magic items up to a total of ............................................25 points treading paths and secret
ways that few others know
Special Rules: Dances of Loec, Evasive, Furious Charge, Immune to Psychology, Loner, or dare use. Other Wood
Motley Crew, Move through Cover, Open Order, Skirmishers, Elves regard the Wardancers
Strike First, Talismanic Tattoos as wild and unpredictable,
and not without cause, for
Dances Of Loec they are the servants and
In battle, Wardancers perform the favoured rituals of the Trickster God, Loec, each instinctively worshippers of the Elven
enacting a pattern of lethal movements in perfect harmony with the rest of their troupe. trickster god, Loec. The
Wardancers lead the Elves
When this unit’s combat is chosen during Step 1.1 of any Choose & Fight Combat sub- in music and rejoicing,
phase, choose one of the following Dances of Loec for it to perform. Every model within and perform the intricate
the unit performs the same Dance: dance rituals that re-enact
the history of Athel Loren,
• Whirling Death: Until the end of this Combat phase, the Armour Piercing a form of storytelling
characteristic of this unit’s weapons is improved by 2. more important to the
• Storm of Blades: Until the end of this Combat phase, this unit gains the Extra Attacks Wood Elves than the more
(+1) special rule. conventional method of
• The Shadows Coil: Until the end of this Combat phase, this unit has a 4+ ward save writing. Wardancers are
against any wounds suffered. sublime warriors, with each
• Woven Mist: Any enemy model that directs its attacks against this unit during this Wardancer in the troupe
Combat phase suffers a -1 modifier to its rolls To Hit. leaping and pirouetting
through the enemy ranks
Note that a Shadowdancer that joins this unit is considered to have this special rule as well. to music only they hear,
gracefully evading clumsy
enemy blows before
dispatching their foe with an
impossibly swift strike.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Waywatcher 5 4 5 3 3 1 5 1 8 16
Sentinel 5 4 6 3 3 1 5 1 8 +6

Troop Type: Regular infantry

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 5+
Equipment: Hand weapons and Asrai longbows (see page 147)

• Any unit may take one of the following types of enchanted arrows (see page 147):
- Arcane bodkins ...............................................................................................+2 points per model
- Hagbane tips.....................................................................................................+2 points per model
- Moonfire shot....................................................................................................+1 point per model
Waywatchers - Swiftshiver shards...........................................................................................+2 points per model
Waywatchers are silent - Trueflight arrows..............................................................................................+1 point per model
sentinels, the guardians of • Any unit may upgrade one model to a Sentinel (champion) .....................+6 points per unit
the paths leading into Athel • A Sentinel may purchase magic items up to a total of ...................................................25 points
Loren. They are masters of • 0-1 unit in your army may:
concealment, and can lie - Have the Ambushers special rule................................................................+1 point per model
unmoving and unnoticed for - Have the Vanguard special rule ...................................................................+1 point per model
days on end before springing - Have the Veteran special rule.......................................................................+1 point per model
an ambush on startled and
unfortunate prey. The way Special Rules: Elven Reflexes, Evasive, Feigned Flight, Fire & Flee, Ignores Cover,
of the watcher is the natural Move through Cover, Scouts, Skirmishers
progression for those who
have trained as scouts. Over
time, an Elf may become
more comfortable in the
forest’s embrace than in
the presence of kin. They
drift further from the halls,
spending more and more time
in the forest, honing skills of
stealth and marksmanship.
Many never return from
this journey, for there are
corners of Athel Loren
that are dangerous even to
the Elves, yet those who
survive are skilled beyond
compare and hardened by
their experiences.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Dryad 5 4 4 3 4 1 4 2 8 13
Nymph 5 4 4 3 4 1 4 3 8 +5

Troop Type: Regular infantry

Base Size: 30 x 30 mm
Unit Size: 5+
Equipment: Hand weapons and sapwood flesh (counts as light armour)

• Any unit may upgrade one model to a Nymph (champion)......................+5 points per unit
• A Nymph may take Forest Spites (see page 141) up to a total of...............................25 points

Special Rules: Fear, Flammable, Immune to Psychology, Magical Attacks,

Move through Cover, Open Order, Regeneration (6+), Skirmishers,
Stubborn, Tree Spirit Dryads
Dryads are spiteful, shape-
shifting creatures with hearts
Tree Kin akin to shards of ice and an
uncompromising dedication
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points to Athel Loren. When the
Tree Kin 5 4 4 4 5 3 3 3 8 51 forest is threatened, the
Elder 5 4 4 4 5 3 3 4 8 +7 Dryads assume their war
aspect and prey upon its
Troop Type: Monstrous infantry enemies. Their lithe and
Base Size: 50 x 50 mm swift nature allows them to
Unit Size: 2+ cover great distance at speed,
Equipment: Hand weapons and hardwood flesh (counts as heavy armour) falling with ease upon foes
who, until moments before,
Options: thought themselves entirely
• Any unit may upgrade one model to an Elder (champion)........................+7 points per unit safe from harm.
• An Elder may take Forest Spites (see page 141) up to a total of.................................25 points
Tree Kin
Special Rules: Armour Bane (2), Close Order, Fear, Flammable, Immune to Psychology, A Tree Kin is a mighty
Magical Attacks, Move through Cover, Regeneration (5+), brute, an animated hulk
Stomp Attacks (1), Stubborn, Tree Spirit, Tree Whack of deadwood, formed into
a twisted and monstrous
parody of an Elf. It fights
with gnarled fists that batter
armour and pummel flesh to
bloody ruin. The Tree Kin is
implacable, fearing neither
pain nor death, for its body
no longer has the ability to
experience sensation and
the spirit that drives it is
long dead.
Glade Riders
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Cavalry Glade Rider - 4 4 3 3 1 4 1 8 18
Glade Knight - 4 5 3 3 1 4 1 8 +6
Elven Steed 9 3 - 3 - - 4 1 - -

Troop Type: Light cavalry

Base Size: 30 x 60 mm
Unit Size: 5+
• Glade Riders: Hand weapons, cavalry spears and Asrai longbows (see page 147)
• Elven Steeds: Hooves (counts as a hand weapon)

• Any unit may take one of the following types of enchanted arrows (see page 147):
- Arcane bodkins ...............................................................................................+2 points per model
Glade Riders - Hagbane tips.....................................................................................................+2 points per model
The Glade Riders are perhaps - Moonfire shot....................................................................................................+1 point per model
the greatest light cavalry of - Swiftshiver shards...........................................................................................+2 points per model
the Old World, their Elven - Trueflight arrows..............................................................................................+1 point per model
reflexes allowing them • Any unit may:
to perform an incredible - Upgrade one model to a Glade Knight (champion) ...............................+6 points per unit
variety of seemingly reckless - Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+6 points per unit
acts that are far beyond the - Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+6 points per unit
abilities of the younger races. - A Glade Knight may purchase magic items up to a total of ..................................25 points
Whether firing backwards • 0-1 unit per 1,000 points may:
while galloping full tilt - Have the Ambushers special rule..............................................................+2 points per model
through deep woods, or - Have the Drilled special rule ......................................................................+2 points per model
darting through the ranks of - Have the Reserve Move special rule ..........................................................+1 point per model
surprised enemy outriders, - Purchase a magic standard worth up to........................................................................50 points
Glade Riders routinely
survive their escapades Special Rules: Elven Reflexes, Fast Cavalry, Fire & Flee, Open Order,
unscathed through a Skirmishers, Swiftstride
formidable combination of
graceful skill and unflappable
confidence. Unlike most
cavalrymen, Glade Riders
do not view their horses as
subservient beasts. Instead,
over a period of many years,
a deep connection is formed
between rider and steed.
This bond is so deep that
horse and rider act as one,
communicating on an almost
spiritual level.
Sisters Of The Thorn
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Sister of the Thorn - 4 5 3 3 1 4 1 9 24
Handmaiden of the Thorn - 4 6 3 3 1 4 2 9 +8
Steed of Isha 8 3 - 4 - - 4 1 - -

Troop Type: Light cavalry

Base Size: 30 x 60 mm
Unit Size: 5+
• Sister of the Thorn: Hand weapons and blackbriar javelins (see below)
• Steeds of Isha: Hooves (counts as a hand weapon)

• Any unit may:
- Upgrade one model to a Handmaiden of the Thorn (champion) .....+8 points per unit Sisters of the Thorn
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+6 points per unit The Sisters of the Thorn
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+6 points per unit are Ariel’s handmaidens,
- Purchase a magic standard worth up to........................................................................50 points a sisterhood whose nature
• A Handmaiden of the Thorn may purchase magic items up to a total of ..............25 points and origins are shrouded
in mystery. This has not
Special Rules: Daughters of Eternity, Deepwood Coven, Elven Reflexes, prevented Wood Elf bards
Fast Cavalry, Fire & Flee, Move through Cover, Open Order, and skalds from recounting
Poisoned Attacks, Swiftstride stories that tell of such
things. If these tales are to
Daughters Of Eternity be believed, the Sisters of the
Like the Queen they serve, Sisters of the Thorn are eternal, seeming never to age or succumb Thorn could be anything
to injury. from Elf-maids possessed by
Dryads, splinters of Ariel’s
This unit has a 4+ Ward save against any wounds suffered. soul given life by Dark
Magic’s influence, or any
Deepwood Coven one of a hundred even more
Every Sister of the Thorn is imbued with a small measure of Ariel’s magic. outlandish theories.

A unit of Sisters of the Thorn knows a single spell (chosen by their controlling player before The Sisters have heard all of
armies are deployed) from either the Battle Magic or Elementalism Lore of Magic. The these stories – there is little
unit may cast this spell as a Bound spell: that occurs in Athel Loren
that escapes their notice –
• If the unit includes a Handmaiden of the Thorn, it may cast this Bound spell with yet, they do not care. The
a Power Level of 1. bards, by spreading these
• If it includes both a Handmaiden of the Thorn and a standard bearer, it may cast this tales, have done more to
Bound spell with a Power Level of 2. obscure the truth than the
• Otherwise, the unit may cast this Bound spell with a Power Level of 0. Sisters ever could.

R S AP Special Rules
Blackbriar javelin 12" S -1 Move & Shoot, Quick Shot
Wild Riders
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Wild Rider - 5 4 4 3 1 5 1 9 27
Wild Hunter - 5 4 4 3 1 5 2 9 +7
Steed of Kurnous 9 3 - 4 - - 4 1 - -

Troop Type: Light cavalry

Base Size: 30 x 60 mm
Unit Size: 5+
• Wild Riders: Hand weapons, hunting spears (see below) and light armour
• Steeds of Kurnous: Hooves (counts as a hand weapon)

• The entire unit may take shields........................................................................+1 point per model
• Any unit may:
Wild Riders - Upgrade one model to a Wild Hunter (champion) ................................+7 points per unit
The Wild Riders of Kurnous - Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+7 points per unit
are Orion’s personal guard, - Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+7 points per unit
each as aggressive and - Purchase a magic standard worth up to........................................................................50 points
impulsive as he. They are fey • A Wild Hunter may purchase magic items up to a total of .........................................25 points
and dangerous creatures who
are no longer truly the Elves Special Rules: Counter Charge, Elven Reflexes, Fast Cavalry, Fear, Frenzy, Furious
they once were. Now and Charge (Wild Riders & Wild Hunter Only), Move through Cover, Open
forever, they are a part of the Order, Swiftstride, Talismanic Tattoos
Wild Hunt’s eternal glory.
R S AP Special Rules
In appearance, Wild Riders Hunting spear Combat S+1 -2 Armour Bane (1)
are throwbacks to the ancient Notes: A hunting spear can only be used during a turn in which the wielder charged. In
days of the Elves. Their subsequent turns (or if the wielder did not charge) the model must use its hand weapon instead.
weapons are things of crude
iron, or even flint; their
ceremonial robes and armour
seldom more than the pelts
of animals slain during their
sacred hunts. Yet, there is an
otherworldliness and nobility
about the Wild Riders that
cannot easily be denied; the
power of Kurnous flows
through them as surely as it
does through Orion.
Warhawk Riders
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Warhawk Rider - 4 4 3 4 2 4 1 8 44
Wind Rider - 4 5 3 4 2 4 2 8 +8
Warhawk 2 3 - 4 - - 4 2 - -

Troop Type: Monstrous cavalry

Base Size: 50 x 50 mm
Unit Size: 3+
• Warhawk Riders: Hand weapons, cavalry spears and Asrai longbows (see page 147)
• Warhawks: Wicked claws

• Any unit may take one of the following types of enchanted arrows (see page 147):
- Arcane bodkins ...............................................................................................+2 points per model
- Hagbane tips.....................................................................................................+2 points per model Warhawk Riders
- Moonfire shot....................................................................................................+1 point per model A fledgling hawk raised by an
- Swiftshiver shards...........................................................................................+2 points per model Elf develops a powerful bond
- Trueflight arrows..............................................................................................+1 point per model with its master and will even
• Any unit may upgrade one model to a Wind Rider (champion)..............+8 points per unit bear them into battle. As
• A Wind Rider may purchase magic items up to a total of............................................25 points time passes, rider and hawk
become almost one creature,
Special Rules: Elven Reflexes, Evasive, Fear, Feigned Flight, Fire & Flee, Fly (10), existing for the call of the
Skirmishers, Swiftstride hunt and the thrill of the
chase alone. These Warhawk
R S AP Special Rules Riders scout their territory
Wicked claws Combat S -2 - for invaders and are skillful
enough to guide their steed
down through the trees to
strike at intruders. Those
who ride the Warhawks
display phenomenal agility
and balance, able to launch
volleys of arrows while their
mount flits and darts through
the forest at speed. In this
way, an intruder who strays
into the Pine Crags and
other mountainous realms
faces not only the fury of
the hawks, but also that of
the Elves.
Forest Dragons
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Monster Forest Dragon 6 6 - 7 (+3) (+6) 4 6 - +275
Note: A character mounted on a Forest Dragon has +3 Toughness and +6 Wounds.

Troop Type: Behemoth

Base Size: 60 x 100 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Wicked claws (see below), serrated maw (see below),
soporific breath (see below) and
draconic scales (counts as full plate armour)
Special Rules: Close Order, Fly (10), Large Target, Stomp Attacks (D6),
Swiftstride, Terror

R S AP Special Rules
Forest Dragons Wicked claws Combat S -2 -
Nothing dwells for long in
Athel Loren without being R S AP Special Rules
changed, and the Dragons Serrated maw Combat S - Armour Bane (2), Multiple Wounds (2)
that nest within the arboreal Notes: In combat, this model must make one of its attacks each turn with this weapon.
gloom are no exception,
having slowly become an R S AP Special Rules
extension of the forest’s Soporific breath N/A 2 N/A Breath Weapon
will. Though still voracious Notes: No armour save is permitted against wounds caused by soporific breath (Ward and
predators, the Dragons Regeneration saves can be attempted as normal).
hunt only when the forest
has need of them, resting
in a state of hibernation for Character Mount: A Forest Dragon may only be included in your army as
the remainder of the time. a character’s mount. Its points are added to that of its rider.
Should there be an intrusion
by creatures too mighty
for Athel Loren’s spirits,
the forest will occasionally
goad one or more Forest
Dragons to wakefulness in
order to counter the threat.
More often, the Elves will
themselves petition the aid
of a Dragon to serve as a
steed for a Glade Lord – a
request to which the beast
cedes with reasonable
grace, provided it wasn’t
disturbed from a particularly
fascinating dream.
Great Eagles
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Great Eagle 2 5 0 4 4 3 4 3 6 60

Troop Type: Monstrous creature

Base Size: 50 x 50 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Wicked claws (see below) and serrated maw (see below)
Special Rules: Close Order, Fear, Fly (10), Stomp Attacks (1), Swiftstride

R S AP Special Rules
Wicked claws Combat S -2 -

R S AP Special Rules
Serrated maw Combat S - Armour Bane (2), Multiple Wounds (2)
Notes: In combat, this model must make one of its attacks each turn with this weapon.
Great Eagles
More intelligent and nobler
Character Mount: A Great Eagle may be included in your army as a character’s of aspect than the smaller
mount. If so, its points are added to that of its rider. When taken as a character Warhawks that live on the
mount, a Great Eagle has the following profile: lower mountain slopes,
Great Eagles are creatures of
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points unceasing vigilance, possessed
Great Eagle 2 5 - 4 (+1) (+1) 4 3 - +60 of an abiding loathing for
Note: A character mounted on a Great Eagle has +1 Toughness and +1 Wound. creatures of evil heart. Ever
alert to the events occurring
in the lands beneath them,
the Great Eagles unceasingly
carry news to the Elven
nobles that dwell far below,
giving them a welcome,
and often crucial, advance
warning of invasion or
strife. On rare or desperate
occasions, a Great Eagle may
offer itself as a mount to a
particularly trusted Glade
Lord. This is a great honour
in the eyes of the Wood Elves,
and invariably forms the
start of a great and enduring
friendship that continues
to bind both parties, even
after death.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Treeman 5 6 4 5 6 5 2 5 9 215

Troop Type: Behemoth

Base Size: 50 x 50 mm (min), 50 x 75 mm (max)
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Oaken fists (see below), Strangleroots (see below) and
arboreal armour (counts as full plate armour)

• May take Forest Spites (see page 141) up to a total of ...................................................50 points

Special Rules: Armour Bane (1), Close Order, Flammable, Immune to Psychology,
Large Target, Magical Attacks, Move through Cover, Regeneration (5+),
Stomp Attacks (D3), Stubborn, Terror, Timmm-berrr!, Tree Spirit,
Treemen Tree Whack
The most powerful of Athel
Loren’s spirits are able R S AP Special Rules
to entwine their essence Oaken fists Combat S -2 -
with that of a living tree,
moulding it to their will. R S AP Special Rules
It is not a decision taken Strangleroots 12" S -1 Multiple Shots (D6+1)
lightly, for when a spirit
forms a bond with a living
tree, they become irrevocably
merged and cannot choose to
leave – only death can sever
the connection. From that
moment on, the will of the
spirit shapes and drives the
tree, using knotted bark and
gnarled branches to serve
where an insubstantial spirit
form cannot. Treemen are
revered by Elf and forest-
creature alike, and are
often infested with lesser
spirits living amongst their
branches, roots and hollows,
yet in battle, a Treeman can
be counted amongst the
mightiest and most wrathful
of all Athel Loren’s denizens.
A thel Loren is infested with all manner of capricious and unpredictable spirits. These beings can change form at will,
often appearing as shining orbs or malevolent pixies. Collectively known as ‘Spites’, these beings often attach themselves
to mighty heroes.

Some models drawn from the Wood Elf Realms army list may be accompanied by Forest Spites, chosen from those detailed on
this page. Each Spite may only be chosen once per army.

Note that Spites are not magic items, and are therefore unaffected by anything that affects magic items.

A Blight Of Terrors...........................................50 points A Lamentation Of Despairs ............................20 points

These malicious spites of gruesome appearance dwell in dark places. These creatures are much feared within Athel Loren, for they only
They delight in terrifying unsuspecting intruders and take great joy appear in times of woe. Outsiders who feel their gaze upon them
from the horror they instil into their prey. experience a deep and unnerving sense of dread.

This model and any unit it has joined gains the Terror Unless this model is fleeing, enemy units that are within
special rule. 6" of this model suffer a -1 modifier to their Leadership
characteristic when making a Fear, Panic or Terror test (to a
A Muster Of Malevolents................................40 points minimum of 2).
Aggressive defenders of Athel Loren, Malevolents dart through the
air in the wake of Asrai arrows, descending upon their victims with An Annoyance Of Netlings.............................15 points
needle-like talons and vicious fangs. Netlings scurry over their host with feverish abandon. Any enemy
that attempts to strike the host will find their weapon snagged in a
Wood Elf Nobles and Waystalkers only. An enemy model hit web of magical filaments.
by one or more shooting attacks made by this model’s Asrai
longbow suffers an additional D3 Strength 2 hits, each with an Whilst this model is engaged in a challenge, its opponent in
AP of -. These hits have the Armour Bane (1) special rule. the challenge suffers a -1 modifier to its rolls To Hit.

A Befuddlement Of Mischiefs........................30 points A Resplendence Of Luminescents .................10 points

Mischiefs appear as glowing orbs of light that dart around the As they bound from branch, to bow, to cloak, Luminescents leave
heads of their enemies, befuddling the minds of mortals. behind a magical spoor. Should they alight upon a weapon of any
kind, their presence bestows a minor enchantment.
During the Combat phase, a single enemy unit that is in
base contact with this model suffers a -1 modifier to both its This model and any unit it has joined gains the Magical
Weapon Skill and Initiative characteristics. Attacks special rule.

A Murder Of Spites...........................................25 points

Spites often hide within the cloaks of their hosts, awaiting the
opportunity to attack any who draw too near.

When this model’s combat is chosen during Step 1 of the

Combat phase, a single enemy unit it is engaged with suffers
D3 Strength 2 hits, each with an AP of -1.
Magic Items
The pages that follow detail magic items unique to Wood Elf Realms armies. These can
be purchased by models within a Wood Elf Realms army in exactly the same way as
Common magic items, as described in the Warhammer: the Old World rulebook.

Extremely Common Magic Items: Any magic item marked with an asterisk (*)
is considered to be extremely common, as described in the Warhammer: the Old
World rulebook.

Magic Weapons
Treasures of Athel Loren
Many are the magical Spear Of Twilight ..........................................................................................65 points
treasures kept by the lords When this spear strikes, the fury and rage of the wielder is channelled into the body of the foe with
and ladies of Athel Loren’s appalling and destructive force.
numerous Elven kindreds.
Amongst these are counted R S AP Special Rules
artefacts of eras long past, Spear of Twilight Combat S -2 Killing Blow, Magical Attacks
forged before the Elves settled Notes: When the wielder of the Spear of Twilight makes a roll To Wound, a roll of 3+ is always a
within the great forest. success, regardless of the target’s Toughness.
Elegant weapons, armour
and talismans, created by Blades Of Loec................................................................................................45 points
the artisans of Ulthuan The swirling and delicate patterns inscribed into these matched swords assume a life of their own
and wielded in ancient when sunlight falls upon them, dazzling and distracting the bearer’s opponent.
wars, sit beside artefacts of
great power, crafted by the R S AP
Special Rules
spirits of Athel Loren and Blades of Loec Combat S -
Extra Attacks (+D3), Magical Attacks,
given to the Elves as gifts Requires Two Hands
to aid them in their role Notes: The wielder of the Blades of Loec may re-roll any failed rolls To Wound.
as defenders of the forest
realm. To these treasures are Bow Of Loren ................................................................................................. 40 points
added those created by the Strung with a single hair from the head of Ariel, Queen of Loren, the wielder of the Bow of Loren is
Elves themselves; light and the Fey Queen’s champion, striking down her enemies with unnaturally swift precision.
supple armour, long spears,
magically infused bows and, R S AP Special Rules
perhaps most common of all, Bow of Loren 32" S - Armour Bane (1), Magical Attacks
enchanted arrows, crafted Notes: The Bow of Loren counts as an Asrai longbow. The wielder of the Bow of Loren may make
by the skilled hands of a number of shooting attacks equal to their Attacks characteristic, rather than the usual one. This
Elven warriors. model does not suffer any modifiers for firing multiple shots.

Asyendi’s Bane ...............................................................................................10 points

A malicious spirit dwells within the body of this light and elegant bow, ever eager to punish its
wielder if a shot misses its target.

Special Rules
Asyendi’s Bane 32" S -
Armour Bane (1), Magical Attacks,
Quick Shot
Notes: Asyendi’s Bane counts as an Asrai longbow. The wielder of Asyendi’s Bane may re-roll a
single failed roll To Hit made during the Shooting phase. However, if the re-roll also fails to hit, the
wielder suffers a single Strength 3 hit with an AP of -.
Magic Armour Magic Standards
Helm Of The Hunt ............................................50 points Banner Of The Wildwood................................40 points
This enchanted great helm imbues its wearer with the furious spirit The malevolence of the spirits that reside within the Wildwood
of Orion himself. clings to this tattered banner, chilling the souls of those that cast
their gaze upon it.
May be worn with other armour. The wearer of the Helm of
the Hunt improves their armour value by 1 (to a maximum A unit carrying the Banner of the Wildwood gains the Fear
of 2+). In addition, the wearer has a +1 modifier to both their special rule. If the unit already has the Fear special rule, it
Weapon Skill and Attacks characteristics during a turn in instead gains the Terror special rule.
which they charge.
Banner Of The Hunter King...........................25 points
Railarian’s Mantle.............................................35 points The tattered threads of this ancient standard resound with Orion’s
Woven by the eldest Branchwraiths, this armour is only gifted to eagerness for battle.
one chosen by Athel Loren itself.
A unit carrying the Banner of the Hunter King gains the
Railarian’s Mantle is a suit of light armour. In addition, whilst Vanguard special rule.
its wearer is within 6" of a woodland terrain feature, they have
a 4+ Ward save against any wounds suffered. Banner Of The Eternal Queen........................20 points
This banner was woven by no lesser hand than that of Ariel, Mage
Talismans Queen of Athel Loren.

Merciw’s Locus...................................................35 points When calculating its combat result, a unit carrying the
The eccentric Merciw held the concepts of personal honour and Banner of the Eternal Queen may claim an additional bonus
fairness in unusually high esteem. of +1 combat result point if it is within 6" of a woodland
terrain feature.
The Strength characteristic of the bearer of Merciw’s Locus
cannot be modified by any weapon. However, the Strength Banner Of Midsummer’s Eve..........................15 points
characteristic of any model that directs its attacks against the Glimmering with the light of the midsummer sun, this shining
bearer during the Combat phase cannot be modified by any pennant reveals the enemies of Athel Loren no matter where they
weapon either. may try to hide.

Glamourweave....................................................30 points A unit carrying the Banner of Midsummer’s Eve gains the
Enemies that view this brooch become entranced by its hypnotic Ignores Cover special rule.
colours and patterns.

Enemy models must make a Leadership test before making

any rolls To Hit against the wearer of the Glamourweave
during the Combat phase. If this test is failed, only rolls of a
natural 6 will hit.
Enchanted Items Arcane Items
Wraithstone ........................................................50 points Deepwood Sphere...............................................45 points
The screams of all who have met death within the bounds of Athel This twisted and thorny orb of ebony wood speaks to the trees in
Loren emit from within this crystal. the bitterest words of vengeance and spite, exhorting them to strike
down all who intrude upon them.
Unless the bearer of the Wraithstone is fleeing, enemy units
suffer a -1 modifier to their Leadership characteristic (to a Unless the bearer of the Deepwood Sphere is fleeing or
minimum of 2) whilst within 6" of the bearer. engaged in combat, they may use it when an enemy Wizard
that is within 6" of a woodland terrain feature successfully
Hail Of Doom Arrow*......................................35 points casts a spell. If they do so, no dispel attempt can be made and
When shot from a longbow, a Hail of Doom arrow splits into the spell is cast as normal. Once the spell has been resolved,
dozens of deadly shards. the enemy Wizard immediately suffers D3 Strength 4 hits,
each with an AP of -1.
Single use. Models with Asrai Longbow only. A Hail of Doom
Arrow can be fired as normal from the bearer’s Asrai longbow. Oaken Stave ........................................................40 points
If the roll To Hit is successful, place a small (3") blast template This crooked staff awakens the power of Athel Loren itself against
so that its central hole is directly over the centre of the target those enemies that would use their magic to harm it.
unit. Any model whose base lies underneath the template risks
being hit and suffering a single Strength 4 hit with an AP of -1 Whilst within 3" of a woodland terrain feature, the bearer
and the Magical Attacks special rule. of the Oaken Stave increases their Dispel range by 3".
Additionally, whilst within 3" of a woodland terrain feature,
Wailing Arrow*..................................................20 points the bearer may roll an extra D6 when making the Dispel roll
These arrows wail when they draw blood, chilling the soul of even and discard the lowest result.
the bravest warrior.
Wand Of Wych Elm ..........................................30 points
Single use. Models with Asrai Longbow only. A Wailing Fashioned from the innately magical Wych Elm tree, this humble
Arrow can be fired as normal from the bearer’s Asrai longbow. wand allows its bearer to easily bend the Winds of Magic to
Any unit that suffers an unsaved wound from this shot must their will.
make a Panic test as if it had taken heavy casualties.
Once per turn, if they are within 3" of a woodland terrain
feature, the bearer of the Wand of Wych Elm may re-roll a
failed Casting roll.
A game of Warhammer: the Old World is packed with fantastic creatures and skilled warriors with abilities so incredible
and varied that the basic rules cannot possibly cover them all. For such circumstances we have special rules –
uncommon rules to govern uncommon circumstances.

On this page you will find a full description for each of the army special rules used by models drawn from the Wood Elf Realms
army list:

Elven Reflexes Tree Whack

Elves possess phenomenal speed and grace, striking at their enemies The largest tree spirits do not fight with grace or finesse, but
faster than the eye can see. with huge sweeping blows that strike home with enough force to
shatter stone.
A model with this special rule (but not its mount) has a +1
modifier to its Initiative characteristic (to a maximum of 10) Once per turn, during the Combat phase, a model with this
during the first round of any combat. special rule may use one of its Attacks to make a single ‘Tree
Whack’ attack. To make a Tree Whack attack, nominate a
Talismanic Tattoos single model within an enemy unit that this model is engaged
Some Asrai decorate themselves with swirling tattoos, the mystical in combat with to be the target of the attack. That model must
meanings of which protect the wearer from harm. immediately make an Initiative test:

Talismanic Tattoos give their wearer a 6+ Ward save against • If the test is failed, the target suffers D3 hits, each using the
any wounds suffered. Strength characteristic of this model, with no armour save
permitted (Ward and Regeneration saves can be attempted
Tree Spirit as normal).
The ancient spirits of Athel Loren march to war beside the Asrai in • If the test is passed, the target manages to avoid the
defence of their realm, though they remain aloof and distant from Tree Whack.
their closest allies.

A character with this special rule cannot join a unit without Woodland Ambush
this special rule. A unit with this special rule cannot be joined Wood Elf Realms armies emerge unexpected from woodlands
by, or use the Leadership characteristic of, a character without the world over, travelling along mystical and unseen pathways
this special rule. However, a unit with this special rule can use to strike at their enemies however far from Athel Loren they
the Leadership characteristic of a friendly character with this may hide.
special rule that is not fleeing whilst within that character’s
Command range. Once players have finished placing terrain, a Wood Elf
Realms player may place one additional wood measuring
between 8" and 12" at its widest point. This may be placed
anywhere on the battlefield that is not within their
opponent’s deployment zone and not within 12" of the
centre of the battlefield.
Lore of Athel Loren LORE OF ATHEL LOREN
W ood Elf Mages have a unique relationship with the forest. They are a part of it, much like Dryads and Treemen, yet
possessed of a greater sense of individuality. This bond allows them to commune with the forest, to entreat with it on
behalf of their kin and, in times of war, to awaken it to their aid.

A Wizard with the ‘Lore of Athel Loren’ special rule may discard one of their randomly generated spells as normal. When they do
so, they may select instead either the signature spell of their chosen Lore of Magic, or one of the spells listed below.

Tree Singing Forest Walker

The melodious song of the Wizard rouses the forest spirits, At the Wizard’s bidding a hidden gateway into the Eternal
awakening them from their deep slumber. In moments, fresh Realms reveals itself. Beyond this lies a series of vaulted
growth bursts from the fertile earth, reaching rapidly towards chambers, each leading to a similar portal; some nearby, other
the heavens above. many leagues away.

Type: Magical Vortex Type: Conveyance

Casting Value: 7+/9+ Casting Value: 10+
Range: 15" Range: 24"
Effect: Remains in Play. If this spell is cast with a casting Effect: This spell can only target a friendly Wood Elf
result of 7 or more, place a small (3") blast template so that character that is completely within a woodland terrain
its central hole is within 15" of the caster. If this spell is cast feature. If the target is not fleeing, you may immediately
with a casting result of 9 or more, place a large (5") blast remove it from the battlefield and replace it so that it
template so that its central hole is within 15" of the caster. is completely within a different wood anywhere on the
Whilst in play, the template does not move and is treated battlefield, but not within 6" of any enemy models. The
as a woodland terrain feature. Enemy units treat these target cannot move again during this Movement phase.
woods as dangerous terrain.
Flock Of Doom
With a mighty bellow, the Wizard summons forth a great flock
of hawks and shrikes to strike at their enemies and drive them
from their forest realm.

Type: Magic Missile

Casting Value: 9+
Range: 18"
Effect: Place a small (3") blast template so that its central
hole is directly over the centre of the target enemy
unit. Any enemy model whose base lies underneath the
template risks being hit and suffering a single Strength 3
hit with an AP of -1.
Weapons of Athel Loren
T he weapons of the Wood Elves are as finely made as those of their distant kin.
Yet where the Elves of Ulthuan forge weapons of steel and Ithilmar in magically
charged forge fires, the Asrai craft their weapons from the gifts of the forest itself.

Treesingers play their enchanted instruments in hidden glades, slowly teasing the new
growth of ancient trees into forms that, once harvested, can be worked into elegant bows
and arrow and spear shafts of incredible straightness and durability. To these fine forms are
affixed slender and deadly arrowheads and spear blades worked from stone or forged from
Ithilmar over charcoal fires.

Asrai Longbow
To carry one of the famed longbows of Athel Loren is to possess the finest weapon a hunter could
possibly wield. If the eye is true, there is no quarry such a weapon cannot slay. Vaul, the Maker
Vaul is the god of the forge,
R S AP Special Rules the patron of artisans, smiths
Asrai longbow 32" S - Armour Bane (1), Volley Fire and armourers. Wounded by
Khaine during the long ago
Enchanted Arrows wars of the gods, Vaul is both
Regardless of rank or station, all Wood Elves craft their own arrows; something so crucial to crippled and blind. Yet still
survival should never be left to another’s hand. Many Wood Elves craft enchanted arrows, and it he labours, night and day, to
is common that entire kinbands of warriors will carry with them arrows of a specific type. Such create weapons of incredible
arrows can be made in many different ways, the methods by which they are made varying from potency to aid both gods
kindred to kindred, yet throughout Athel Loren, certain types of arrow are favoured. and Elves, his tears of shame
hissing upon the forge and
Some models in the Wood Elf Realms army have the option to purchase enchanted arrows. falling to the mortal world as
These are used in conjunction with the model’s Asrai longbow, modifying the weapon’s shards of flint.
profile as follows:
Glade Guards revere Vaul
• Arcane Bodkins: Armour offers no protection against these ensorcelled arrows. An greatly, for a hunter is
Asrai longbow with Arcane Bodkins has an AP of -2. naught without a quiver of
• Hagbane Tips: Even a scratch from an arrow dipped in Hagbane sap can prove fatal. arrows that fly true. Every
An Asrai longbow with Hagbane Tips has the Poisoned Attacks special rule. Glade Guard carries a single
• Moonfire Shot: Glowing eerily with pale light, the touch of these arrows brings searing flint-headed arrow, lovingly
agony. An Asrai longbow with Moonfire Shot has the Flaming Attacks and Magical crafted from a stone from
Attacks special rules. the realm of Torgovann
• Swiftshiver Shards: These arrows seem to fly from the bow of their own accord. An inscribed with the words
Asrai longbow with Swiftshiver Shards has the Multiple Shots (2) special rule. ‘Ethris Yl Idrion’ – the Maker’s
• Trueflight Arrows: These enchanted arrows seek out their targets with unerring Tear. Such a weapon is used
accuracy. An Asrai longbow with Trueflight Arrows has the Ignores Cover and Quick against only the direst of
Shot special rules. foes; a shard of godly sorrow
should not be wasted upon
inconsequential enemies.
Fighting Battles of
the Old World
Two armies, met by Warhammer Battles
chance or by design, must now battle for supremacy! Who knows
what grim deeds have brought them to this bloody ground? Whether they fight for
glory, vengeance, justice or the simple act of slaughter matters not. When the sun falls
upon the field, the carnage will begin, and only the routing of the foe or the fall of night
will bring it to an end.

Prepare For Battle Campaign Battles: Linking games

together, either by following an unfolding
Not all battles are the same – quite the narrative or simply to find the most
opposite in fact – and the rules given on the successful general within a group, is a great
following pages attempt to reflect this. This way to experience Warhammer: the Old
section is broken down into three parts, World. Campaign battles often require
A Deadly Legacy each covering the three main ways in which more preparation and commitment from
There is a mystic power about games of Warhammer: the Old World can the players, but the rewards are worth
battlefields and ancient cairns, be played. These are: the effort.
or any grounds hallowed by
a great many dead. There, in Pitched Battles: The most straightforward On page 300 you will find simple rules and
ages long past, the shamans type of game. Two (or more) players decide guidelines for linking your games together
of the primitive tribes wove to play a game, agree a points value for their into a campaign. Future supplements
spells of protection, for Man armies and select a pitched battle scenario will present far more in-depth campaign
has always considered it a to play. Pitched battles allow for well- rules, from simple ladder campaigns, to
great evil for the dead to rise balanced armies to meet and determine a map based campaigns and even unfolding
up and walk again. From victor with the minimum amount of fuss. quests and campaigns of conquest in which
wards and curses all the way armies battle to complete objectives and
to complex spirals of carefully From page 287 you will find six pitched earn rewards.
arranged hexstones, many of battle scenarios. Each of these differs in
these prehistoric locations terms of how armies are deployed and Narrative Battles: This is a very broad
can still be found, hiding offers different objectives. By using these category, often also described as ‘open
in the foundations of cities, simple scenarios, you are assured a fun and play’. Each of the pitched battle scenarios
in ruins scattered across balanced game that can be set up quickly includes rules for playing a historical
long-abandoned hilltops or and easily. recreation of a famous battle from the
secreted amidst eerie clearings Warhammer world. These introduce the
deep in the wilderness. The simplest form of narrative battle – one that
wise avoid such sites, for there recreates history. The challenge of such
lurks many unseen dangers. battles is to see if you could have led your
forces to a different outcome than your
imagined counterpart did in the history
books of this fantasy realm.

On page 302 you will find guidance on

taking your narrative games further.
This includes suggestions for plots and
objectives, as well as more explanation of
the role a ‘games master’ can play and how
their presence can enhance the experience
for everyone involved.
Setting Up Your Battlefield Deployment
With up your
your armiesBattlefield
selected and the type of game you want to All scenarios include a map showing deployment zones and
play decided, the next thing you will need to do is to set up a include instructions for the deployment of armies. These
suitable battlefield using the terrain in your collection. Deployment
instructions might describe a unique method, but most often
they will instruct players to follow the ‘alternating units’
Size Of Battlefield method. Some scenarios may also instruct players to keep a
For the average game of between 2,000 and 3,000 points, a portion of their army in ‘reserve’:
battlefield measuring 48"x72" upon a flat, stable surface is
normal. However, players may find the size of their battlefield Alternating Units: If a scenario calls upon players to alternate
limited by the space available. If you are unable to set up a deployment of units, the winner of a roll-off can choose
battlefield measuring 48"x72", refer to the table below for the which player will deploy the first unit. Players then take
minimum recommended size at different points values: turns, each deploying a single, non-character unit within their
deployment zone, saving characters until last.
Size Of Battlefield
Size of Game Minimum Size of Battlefield All of the war machines in your army must be deployed at
the same time, but can be placed at different locations within
Up to 1,000 points 30"x44" your deployment zone. All of the characters in your army are
1,001 to 3,000 points 44"x60" deployed last, and all at the same time, but can be placed at
3,001 points and above 44"x90" different locations within your deployment zone.

Placing Terrain Reserves: Some scenarios call for units to enter play as
The placement of terrain is described in detail on page 268. reserves. These units use the rules for reinforcements, as
For most games these guidelines are ideal. In addition, some described on page 134. The following additional caveats
scenarios might describe certain terrain features to include also apply:
and give instructions for placing such features.
• Units that are not normally allowed to move (for example,
Warhammer Battles if they contain models with a Movement characteristic of
Q: The rulebook lists the minimum size of battlefield as 0) are placed touching the battlefield edge.
30" x 44" for games of up to 1,000 points, 44" x 60" for 1,001 • Characters can choose to either enter the battle on their
to 3,000 points and 44" x 90" for games of 3,001 points or own or as part of a unit they have joined. If dice are used
above. Do we have to use these sizes? to determine when and where reserves enter, state if a
A: No. These are the minimum recommended sizes. The normal character is joining a unit before making any rolls. If so,
size battlefield for a game of between 2,000 and 3,000 points is make a single roll for both character and unit.
48" x 72" (4' x 6') and players are encouraged to use this. The
minimum sizes are based on the folding card battlefields Games
Workshop produces. These are ideal when space is an issue or for
smaller games. For example, we prefer a 44" x 60" battlefield for
a game of 1,000 or 1,500 points, rather than the more traditional
48" x 48" battlefield. We find the smaller, rectangular shape
more pleasing.
First Turn Victory Points
First Turn
How to determine which player takes the first turn is detailed Most scenarios use ‘Victory Points’ to determine the winner.
in each scenario. In most scenarios, the winner of a roll-off In order to win, one player must score at least 100 Victory
chooses who takes the first turn. Points more than their opponent – if one player scores twice
as many Victory Points as their opponent, that player has
Game Length Victory
achieved Pointsvictory! Any other result is a draw.
a crushing

Most games last for six rounds. Some last a variable number Victory Points are won in several ways:
of rounds – where this is the case, the details will be given in
the scenario. Dead or Fled: The most usual way to win Victory Points is
Game Length by destroying, routing or significantly reducing the fighting
Conceding: If one player concedes the battle, the game ends strength of enemy units:
and victory goes to their opponent, who is awarded all of the
available Victory Points. • Each enemy unit that has been destroyed or that has fled
off the battlefield is worth a number of Victory Points
Time Limit: A game of Warhammer: the Old World can equal to 100% of its points cost.
take several hours, not including time spent in conversation • Each enemy unit that is fleeing at the end of the battle is
and making cups of tea. To manage this, some players set a worth a number of Victory Points equal to 50% of its points
time limit. Once this is reached, the active player finishes the cost (rounding fractions up). For example, a unit that cost
current phase of their turn and the game ends. your opponent 351 points to field would be worth 176
Victory Points to you if it is fleeing when the battle ends.
• Each enemy unit that has been reduced to less than 25% of
its starting Unit Strength at the end of the battle is worth
a number of Victory Points equal to 25% of its points cost
(rounding fractions up).

The King is Dead: If the enemy General is slain, has fled off
the battlefield or is fleeing when the game ends, you win a
bonus of 100 Victory Points.

Trophies of War: You win a bonus of 50 Victory Points for

every enemy standard claimed as a trophy, as described on
page 200. Additionally, if the enemy Battle Standard Bearer
is slain, has fled off the battlefield or is fleeing when the game
ends, you win another bonus of 50 Victory Points.

Scenario Objectives: Some scenario special rules give special

objectives to complete. Should you do so, you win a Victory
Points bonus, as described in the scenario.

Special Features: If the players have agreed to the inclusion

of a special feature, or if the scenario specifies one must be
included, the player that controls it at the end of the battle will
win a Victory Points bonus, as described in the feature’s special
rules and/or as described in the scenario.
Pitched Battles Choosing A Pitched Battle Scenario
There are two methods players can use to decide a pitched
The pitched battle scenarios presented on the following pages battle scenario prior to a game. The first method is for the
are designed for armies of roughly the same size. In each players to simply discuss the matter and agree which scenario
Pitched Battle
scenario, Scenariosin which the armies clash gives neither
the situation to use. This gives the maximum amount of choice and ensures
side a particular advantage as they are each designed to give that you don’t end up with a scenario that neither player
both sides an equal chance of winning and have few, if any, particularly wants to play.
scenario special rules.
The second method is to choose randomly, by rolling a D6 and
Historical Recreation consulting the Pitched Battle table shown below:
As mentioned previously, each pitched battle scenario includes
guidance to recreate the historical battle that inspired it. Pitched Battle Table
In addition, the introduction to each scenario gives a brief D6 Scenario
description of the battle, telling why it was fought and the 1 The Plain of L’Anguille
outcome. Here you will learn which armies to use along (Open Battle, see page 288)
with suggestions of certain models or units to include in 2 The Doom of Odo Todmeyer III
order to represent historical figures or famous regiments. (Break Point, see page 290)
They may also specify certain terrain features to include, or 3 The Battle of Pine Crags
present special rules to use, the better to reflect the unique (Flank Attack, see page 292)
circumstances of that battle. 4 The Drakwald Forest Incident
(Meeting Engagement, see page 294)
These rules are intended for players who want to explore a 5 The Battle of Gisoreux Gap
more narrative style of play and should be treated as ideas (Mountain Pass, see page 296)
to explore freely, rather than as strict rules which must be 6 The Lonely Tower
adhered to. The challenge of such games is simple – were you (Command & Control, see page 298)
the general on that fateful day, would the history books record
a different outcome?
T errain plays an important role in games of Warhammer: the Old World, helping to set the scene and evoke the feeling
of a battle fought in a fantasy realm. Whilst battlefields need not be densely covered in terrain, carefully placed and
thematic terrain is essential, and cunning generals will learn to use it to their advantage.

How Much Terrain? Placing Terrain

If there is too much terrain, units will struggle to manoeuvre. Some scenarios include guidance on the terrain features to
If there is too little, the battlefield will be sparse and include and where on the battlefield they should be placed.
uninteresting.HowThe Much
best guide is to use one terrain feature
Terrain? Most of the time, especially if playing a simple pitched battle
per 12" of longest table edge (rounded up to the nearest (see page 287), the placement of the terrain is left to the
12"). For example, if the longest table edge is 72", six features players. The recommended way to do this is as follows:
should suffice.
1 Determine how many terrain features to set up, based on
The Size Of Things the size of your battlefield.
As a rule, a terrain feature should be no less than 2" and no 2 From the terrain available, each player chooses a number of
more than 12" across at its widest point. If it is less than 2" features, up to the maximum number of features needed.
across at its widest point, it should be treated as ‘battlefield 3 Once both players have chosen, the winner of a roll-off
decoration’ rather than terrain. places the first terrain feature.
4 Players then take turns to place a single terrain feature
To determine how the size of terrain affects how much you from all of those chosen until the agreed number of terrain
should use, follow this simple guide: features have been placed. Any unused terrain features are
set aside.
• Between 2" and 8" at its widest point – counts as one Placing Terrain
terrain feature. Players can place terrain features anywhere on the battlefield,
• Between 8" and 12" at its widest point – counts as two but not within 12" of a terrain feature placed by their
terrain features. opponent, and not within 12" of the centre of the battlefield.
• More than 12" at its widest point – counts as three The only exception to this are special features (see page
terrain features. 272), which must be placed within 12" of the centre of
the battlefield.

Should the players agree, or should the scenario require it,

battlefield decorations can be placed in the same manner.
Categories Of Terrain Dangerous
of Terrain
Some terrain can present a very real
Terrain is divided into seven categories: risk to life and limb. This might include
open ground, difficult, dangerous and particularly rocky ground, deep swamps,
impassable terrain, linear obstacles fast flowing rivers, and even unnatural
(including both low and high), woods or magical terrain features. Particularly
and hills. dense and dangerous woods or steep and
rock strewn hills can also be counted as
Open Ground dangerous terrain.
Any terrain not specifically classed as
something else is to be treated as open Dangerous terrain hinders movement just
ground. Open ground can be almost like difficult terrain. In addition, any model
anything – grassy fields, sandy flats, sun- (on its own or within a unit) that either
parched earth, and so on. begins its movement in dangerous terrain,
passes through dangerous terrain during
Difficult Terrain its movement, or ends its movement in
This includes any rough ground that dangerous terrain must make a Dangerous
might cause those attempting to cross it Terrain test. To make a Dangerous Terrain
to struggle. This can include scrub, rocky test, roll a D6. On a roll of 2+, the model “Be sure, my son, when you
ground, shallow streams or fords, even successfully negotiates the dangers of the swing your axe,
thick mud. Most woods will also count as terrain without incident. On a roll of 1, the
difficult terrain. model has suffered a terrible mishap and That the bough you strike
loses a single Wound. is dead,
If any part of a unit moves through difficult
terrain, that unit suffers a -1 modifier to its For the purposes of combat, dangerous For though winter is come,
Movement characteristic (to a minimum terrain is treated as difficult terrain. and the wind doth blow,
of 1). This modifier is applied whether
the unit begins its movement in difficult Note that a model must make a Dangerous Though the air is bitter and
terrain, passes through difficult terrain Terrain test for each separate dangerous terrain the fire is low,
during its movement, or ends its movement feature it encounters during a single move.
in difficult terrain. You may find that the bough
swings back,
Should a unit charge through difficult
terrain, it makes its Charge roll as normal To crush your skull and break
by rolling 2D6, but must discard the your back.
highest result, rather than the lowest.
Therefore, when charging through terrain, So you pay heed to what
the lowest result is the result of the I’ve said.
Charge roll.
And be sure the bough
Finally, a unit that ends its movement or is dead.”
begins a Combat phase with a quarter
(25%) or more of its models within difficult From a Bretonnian peasant’s
terrain becomes Disrupted and cannot working song
claim a Rank Bonus.
Impassable Terrain Woods
Impassable terrain is any terrain that completely blocks Woods (or forests) are one of the most commonly seen
movement. This includes rock spires, deep rivers, sheer cliffs battlefield terrain features. A wood might be classed as
and most buildings, as well as high linear obstacles such as difficult, dangerous or even impassable terrain, based upon
castle walls and fortifications. its size and density, and the feature as a whole will certainly
obscure line of sight to a greater or lesser extent.
Impassable terrain cannot be crossed during the course of
a battle – units must go around it. In addition, if it is not Woodland Boundaries: A woodland terrain feature must
possible to align a charging unit to the enemy unit due to the have a clearly defined edge. This allows individual trees to be
presence of impassable terrain, the charging unit has made a removed and replaced to facilitate the movement of models.
‘disordered charge’.
Regardless of the position of any individual trees within the
Low & High Linear Obstacles terrain feature, any model or unit counts as being behind
This category includes walls, hedges, fences; even ditches and partial cover as long as up to half of the model, or up to half of
furrows. A low linear obstacle is defined as being less than 2" the models within the unit, is within the woods (i.e., within the
high. Anything that is 2" high or more is a high linear obstacle. terrain feature’s clearly defined edge).

Low Linear Obstacles: For the purposes of movement, Arboreal Gloom: Woods of any size are dark places, filled
low linear obstacles are treated as difficult terrain. Should with branches and trailing vines. Seeing clearly through
a unit engaged in combat ever find itself straddling a low such arboreal gloom is difficult to say the least. If a wood
linear obstacle, it becomes Disrupted and cannot claim a lies between two models and if neither model is within the
Rank Bonus. wood, a line of sight can only be drawn between them if an
uninterrupted line can be drawn between their bases without
Defended Low Linear Obstacles: A unit behind a low linear crossing over or through the wood.
obstacle can defend it by moving its front rank into base
contact with the obstacle. Enemies can charge the defenders
as normal but do not have to physically cross the obstacle.
Instead, the front rank of a charging unit moves into base
contact with the opposite side of the obstacle. Unless it has
the Fly (X) special rule, a unit that charges an enemy behind a
defended low linear obstacle makes a disordered charge.

High Linear Obstacles: For the purposes of movement and

combat, high linear obstacles, such as castle walls, are treated
as impassable terrain.
Hills Battlefield Decoration
Hills are tactically important positions. Not only do they offer Very small decorative elements of terrain less than 2" across
bonuses in combat to the unit that holds the high ground, they at their widest point, such as a stack of barrels or a roadside
confer bonuses to shooting, allowing an additional rank to shrine, are called ‘battlefield decorations’. Such small features
shoot. Hills in general are treated as open ground. can be added to the battlefield in the same way as terrain and
in the same quantities. In addition, some scenarios might
Vantage Point: A unit on a hill is in an ideal position to fire specify that a number of battlefield decorations be included as
and is able to see over the heads of other units. To represent objectives or as part of the narrative element of the scenario.
this, a unit on a hill can fire with one additional rank
compared to a unit on flat ground. Due to their small size, battlefield decorations rarely interfere
with a battle. They are ignored for the purposes of both
In addition, any unit that is entirely on a hill can draw a line movement and combat, as if they were not there. Should the
of sight across or through other units or models that are not presence of such a battlefield decoration ever interfere with
themselves on a hill. However, due to its elevated position, the positioning of units, simply make note of its position and
a unit that is entirely on a hill can also be seen more easily. move it aside, replacing it when it is convenient to do so.
Therefore, any unit that is not on a hill can draw a line of sight However, they may obscure a line of sight.
to a unit that is entirely on a hill across or through other units
or models. Combining Terrain Categories
Whilst most terrain features will fall neatly into one category,
Beyond the Crest: For all the advantages they offer, few things many will not. A hill may feature an impassable cliff on one
obstruct line of sight better than a hill. To represent this, if side; a wooden fence may run through a forest, and so on.
a hill lies between two models and if neither model is upon
the hill, a line of sight can only be drawn between them if an Whenever a terrain feature combines two terrain categories,
uninterrupted line can be drawn between their bases without the players should agree upon how to deal with it before the
crossing over or through the hill. game starts. In most cases, this will be quite simple. If one side
of a hill is a steep cliff, for example, it can be agreed that, on
that side, the hill counts as impassable terrain.
Special Features
Special Features Occupancy: This means that a special feature can only be
controlled by a unit that is within it. A unit can occupy a
Special features are terrain features that represent an special feature by moving into base contact with it during the
important landmark. Some scenarios will specify that a certain Remaining Moves sub-phase of its Movement phase. Once
special feature should be set up on the battlefield. Otherwise, its movement is complete, the unit is placed within the special
players can agree to include a special feature when setting up feature. Whilst a unit occupies a special feature it:
the battlefield.
• Cannot charge.
Using Special Features • Can shoot (and cast spells) and is considered to have a 360°
Unless specified by the scenario, only a single special feature vision arc from the special feature itself.
should be used. A special feature follows all of the normal • Can be shot at (and be targeted by spells) by a unit (or
rules for the terrain feature it represents, in addition to its Wizard) that can draw a line of sight to the special feature.
special rules. However, the unit is considered to be behind full cover.

Placing Special Features All measurements to or from a unit that occupies a special
Special features must be placed within 12" of the centre of feature are made to or from the base of the feature, rather than
the battlefield. the individual model(s).

Controlling A Special Feature Special features do not tend to be particularly large. Therefore,
Special features can be controlled by units and, therefore, by they can only be occupied by a single unit.
the army the unit belongs to. There are two ways in which a
unit can control a special feature: proximity and occupancy. Unless it is fleeing, a unit occupying a special feature can leave
it during the Remaining Moves sub-phase of its Movement
Benefits of Control: Controlling a special feature grants a phase, by making a follow up move, or by pursuing an enemy.
unit certain benefits which will often extend to other units in Simply place the unit in formation, so that at least one model
the same army. However, the benefits of controlling a special is in base contact with the feature. The unit’s movement
feature last only whilst it is controlled. then ends.

Proximity: This means that a special feature can be controlled

by a unit that is within 6" of it, that has a Unit Strength of
five or more and that is not fleeing. If two or more eligible,
enemy units are within 6", the unit closest to the special feature
controls it. If two enemy units are equally close, the feature is
‘contested’ and neither unit controls it.
Arcane Monolith Monument Of Glory
All across the world are areas where magical energy pools and Many nations and races of the world celebrate their grand
gathers. Over the years, many races have attempted to tap into this achievements or righteous beliefs by erecting monuments to their
mystical power source. An arcane monolith can take many forms, leaders and gods. A monument of glory can take many forms. It
from Elven waystones to Beastmen herdstones and Chaos altars. could be represented by a small patch of tumbled-down columns,
a group of Dwarfen oath stones or a cairn of skulls and so forth. It
Controlling An Arcane Monolith might be a gilded statue of a god of war, a monolith declaring the
An arcane monolith is controlled by proximity (as described triumphs of a Chaos champion, or the rotted remains of the losers!
on page 272). The list is endless.

Special Rules Controlling A Monument of Glory

“A Tingle in the Air”: The air around the arcane monolith A monument of glory is controlled by proximity (as described
tingles strangely, and those that stand too close report of a on page 272).
funny taste in their mouth. The unit that controls an arcane
monolith gains Magic Resistance (-1). Special Rules
An Inspirational Sight: A monument of glory fills all
Locus of Power: Wizards are able to draw upon the power who look upon it with a sense of achievement (even if the
that seeps from the monolith, channelling it into their spells. achievements commemorated are not theirs) and inspires
If the arcane monolith is controlled by a Wizard, that Wizard them to ever greater acts of bravery. The unit that controls the
may re-roll a single dice that rolls a natural 1 when making any monument of glory may re-roll failed Panic tests. In addition,
Casting roll. all units that belong to the same army may re-roll failed
Rally tests.
Victory Points: Controlling an important landmark is a
significant achievement. To represent this, if either player Honour Thy Forebears: Many warriors are filled with a
controls this special feature at the end of the battle, that player sense of righteous pride when tasked with the defence of a
is awarded a bonus of 50 Victory Points. monument of glory, and will defend it vigorously. The unit
controlling the monument of glory gains the Hatred (all
enemies) special rule.

Victory Points: Controlling an important landmark is a

significant achievement. To represent this, if either player
controls this special feature at the end of the battle, that player
is awarded a bonus of 50 Victory Points.
Dark Ruins Defended Position: When an enemy unit charges a unit
within dark ruins, it charges the feature itself rather than the
The Old World is littered with dark and mysterious ruins, forgotten model(s) within it. When charged in this way a unit treats all
relics of bygone eras. A dark aura invariably surrounds such of its arcs as a front arc, meaning the enemy unit can claim
tumbled down stones, and coiling mists hang around their edges. no bonuses for a flank or rear charge. A unit that occupies
Dark ruins might include the remnants of collapsed walls standing dark ruins is always considered to be behind a defended low
in a forbidding forest dell, a rune-etched trilithon, or the desecrated linear obstacle.
tombs and mausoleums of a Garden of Morr.
Duck & Cover: A unit that flees whilst occupying dark ruins
Controlling Dark Ruins does not move. The unit counts as fleeing and must rally as
Dark ruins are a building (impassable terrain) that can be normal but, rather than run away, will seek cover in the safety
occupied by a unit whose troop type is ‘infantry’ and which of the walls.
has a Unit Strength of 20 or less, or by a character model
of any troop type. Dark ruins are controlled by a unit that In combat, a unit occupying dark ruins will not Give Ground
occupies them. or Fall Back in Good Order. Instead, the unit holds its ground
and the combat continues. Should a unit occupying dark ruins
Special Rules Break and flee from combat, it is completely destroyed and
Dark Aura: If the unit occupying the dark ruins causes Fear removed from play.
or Terror, all enemy units must apply a -1 modifier to their
Leadership characteristic when making a Leadership test due Huddled Together: Should dark ruins ever be hit by a
to Fear or Terror caused by the unit. If the unit occupying the template, every model currently occupying it is considered to
dark ruins does not cause either Fear or Terror, it becomes be underneath the template and risks being hit, as described
immune to both Fear and Terror. on page 95. However, due to the protection offered by the
walls of the feature, they are hit on a D6 roll of 5+, rather than
the usual 4+.

“Incoming!”: Should dark ruins ever be hit by a cannon whilst

occupied, the unit within it suffers D3 Strength 4 hits, each
with an AP of -1, as stones and shrapnel explode from the
structure. The cannonball then stops immediately.

Victory Points: Controlling an important landmark is a

significant achievement. To represent this, if either player
controls this special feature at the end of the battle, that player
is awarded a bonus of 100 Victory Points.
Tower Duck & Cover: A unit that flees whilst occupying a tower
does not move. The unit counts as fleeing and must rally as
Erected along roads and rivers, on the borders between provinces normal but, rather than run away, will seek cover in the safety
and the outskirts of towns and forests, solitary towers are a common of the walls.
sight in the Old World. They exist for many reasons; some may
be watchtowers, built for defence; others may be Wizards’ towers, In combat, a unit occupying a tower will not Give Ground or
erected for seclusion. Still others may be the derelict remains of Fall Back in Good Order. Instead, the unit holds its ground
forgotten forts or keeps. and the combat continues. Should a unit occupying a tower
Break and flee from combat, it is completely destroyed and
Controlling A Tower removed from play.
A tower is a building (impassable terrain) that can be occupied
by a unit whose troop type is ‘infantry’ and which has a Huddled Together: Should a tower ever be hit by a template,
Unit Strength of 10 or less, or by a character model whose every model currently occupying it is considered to be
troop type is ‘infantry’. A tower is controlled by a unit that underneath the template and risks being hit, as described on
occupies it. page 95. However, due to the protection offered by the walls
of the feature, they are hit on a D6 roll of 5+, rather than the
Special Rules usual 4+.
Eyrie: Protected by tall walls and steep stairways, a unit that
occupies a tower can only be charged by an enemy unit or “Incoming!”: Should a tower ever be hit by a cannon whilst
character model whose troop type is ‘infantry’, or by an enemy occupied, the unit within it suffers D3 Strength 4 hits, each
unit with the ‘Fly (X)’ special rule. with an AP of -1, as stones and shrapnel explode from the
structure. The cannonball then stops immediately.
When an enemy unit charges a unit within a tower, it charges
the feature itself rather than the model(s) within it. Whilst Victory Points: Controlling an important landmark is a
engaged in combat, both units are considered to be in Skirmish significant achievement. To represent this, if either player
formation (regardless of their actual formation). However, due controls this special feature at the end of the battle, that player
to the close confines of the tower, only five models from either is awarded a bonus of 100 Victory Points.
unit can join the fighting rank.

Panoramic Views: A tower is an elevated position that grants

those occupying it uninterrupted views across the battlefield.
However, the top of a tower can be seen from far and wide. To
represent this, a unit that occupies a tower can draw a line of
sight across or through other units or models. However, other
units can draw a line of sight to a unit that occupies a tower
across or through other units or models.

Lying between the Grey Mountains and the Great Ocean, The battle as shown is still in its early stages. The Bretonnian
Bretonnia is a rich and fertile land. Its many forests player has deployed to make use of the open space in the
and endless miles of green pasture are fed by numerous centre of the battlefield, while on their right flank the Pegasus
waterways, its meadows dotted with ponds and lakes. Knights skirmish through the terrain, hoping to outflank
the enemy.
The battlefield shown below reflects this in the terrain used.
Ponds have been placed close to its edges in the shade of The Wood Elf player has tried a similar tactic on the right
woods, creating the appearance of water-filled glades. In hand side of the battlefield, deploying their Warhawk Riders
the Bretonnian army’s deployment zone stands a humble and Wardancers to outflank the Bretonnians, while on the
peasant’s farmstead; a roughly made hovel surrounded by dry left, the Wild Riders face the Pegasus Knights, poised to
stone walls, hedgerows and the encroaching forest. charge. What happens on each flank is sure to be pivotal in
determining the outcome of the battle.
Both armies are fortunate to have hills within their
deployment zones, offering their archers a good vantage
point from which to rain arrows upon the foe. The hill on
the Wood Elves’ side of the battlefield is surrounded by trees,
giving the impression that the archers have emerged from the
arboreal gloom.
The Pegasus Knights charge boldly forwards, towards the flank Ahead of the Warhawk Riders, the fast-moving Wardancers
of the Wood Elf army, into range of the waiting Waywatchers. skirmish through the water-filled glades, hoping to outflank
the Bretonnian Knights.

The Empire is a land of deep, dark forests, criss-crossed with In the battle shown below, a couple of turns have passed. On
roads and divided by many great rivers. Its walled towns and the left, a short and bloody fight between the skirmishing
cities rise up from the primordial woodlands like islands from Imperial Archers and the Goblin Wolf Riders, advancing
a green sea, and stand sentinel over the many small villages menacingly towards the Empire player’s cannon, has resulted
and hamlets that cling to existence on the frontiers between in the Imperial Archers fleeing.
civilisation and wilderness.
On the right, a regiment of Imperial Knights, overly keen to
This battlefield has been set up to recreate the outskirts engage the Trolls, has been outflanked by a Snotling Pump
of a town in the Empire. In the deployment zone of the Wagon of all things, which advanced unseen behind the ruined
Empire player stands the tall, fortified gates of the town. house! In the centre of the battlefield, the opposing battlelines
Before these, either side of the rough road that leads to the prepare to charge into combat.
gates, stand several stone-built buildings in various states of
repair. Towards the edges of the battlefield rise several rocky
outcrops, around which cluster small copses of trees, perhaps
grown from the stumps of others cut down long ago to make
way for the roads and walls.
Fleeing ahead of the victorious Goblin Wolf Riders, the Charging boldly into a large mob of Stone Trolls, the Imperial
Imperial Archers run for their lives, back towards the safety of Knights are caught unawares by the unexpected arrival of a
their own ranks. Snotling Pump Wagon.

Far to the south of the Old World lies Nehekhara, the Land In the final turns of the battle, a vicious melee swirls in the
of the Dead, home to the cyclopean tomb cities of Khemri centre of the battlefield and the legions of the Tomb Kings
and Numas. Legend tells that, many millennia ago, the folk stand ready to engulf the High Elves that have dared intrude
of these lands lived happy and normal lives. This came to an into their lands.
end though when their lands were destroyed by the evil of
Nagash. Today, all that remains are the haunted desert and On the right, Shadow Warriors flee before the Carrion. On the
the sand-filled ruins of once vibrant cities. left, the Sisters of Avelorn stand boldly before the advancing
Skeleton Horsemen and the terrifying sight of a Necrolith
On this page, we see a battlefield created to capture the Bone Dragon. Should they falter, the Elven army will be
faded grandeur of this once mighty realm. From a dry and quickly surrounded.
arid plain rises an ancient and crumbling mausoleum, its
columned aisles long since collapsed into the dust. Rocky Yet hope remains, for if the Ellyrian Reavers can overcome
outcrops rear up within both players’ deployment zones, the Tomb Sphinx, they will sweep into the flank of the Tomb
and wind-eroded statues and columns loom large, hindering Kings army, whilst the Elven Prince atop his Sun Dragon
movement and obscuring lines of sight. stands poised to charge.
As the High Elf Mage summons her magical powers, the In the centre of the battlefield, a Lion Chariot charges into
Sisters of Avelorn stand defiantly before the charge of the the raging melee, crushing Skeleton Warriors whilst the
Necrolith Bone Dragon. Swordmasters trade blows with the Khemrian Warsphinx.
The Plain of L’Anguille

I n the summer of the Imperial year 2241, the Bretonnian king, Louen Orc-Slayer (who felt he had not yet truly earned
this bold epithet), led his armies against the might of Waaagh! Durgath.

For several seasons Orcs had beset fair Bretonnia; raiding, looting after wave of bow fire. This was quickly followed by the charge
and looking for war. The northern dukedoms had fared the worst of the knights, which crashed deep into the advancing Orc horde.
and, in late 2239, Couronne had been overrun; the once fair city Behind the knights marched massed ranks of men-at-arms. As they
sacked and left smouldering. From there the province of L’Anguille drew close, the already disarrayed Orc lines ruptured and brutish
had been invaded. It was here, at the provincial capital, that warriors streamed forth to meet them.
King Louen had amassed a magnificent host of knights and a far
larger (though considerably less magnificent!) army of peasants to The battle quickly descended into chaos – a swirling melee that
finally face and defeat the hordes of Waaagh! Durgath on the field lasted many hours. As dusk fell, Warboss Durgath paused to look
of battle. across a plain piled high with the dead and, seeing that there
would be no victory this day, turned his great bulk towards the
The armies had made their camps either side of the wide flood plain distant hills. As the great green brute turned and fled, so too did
before the city and in the pre-dawn light they drew their battlelines. his surviving warriors and the Orc retreat quickly became a rout.
As the sun climbed higher, the Orc host began its ill-disciplined As night fell across the field of battle, King Louen Orc-Slayer was
advance, whooping and hollering. In moments, the pale sunlight borne triumphantly through the gates of L’Anguille.
was obscured as the Bretonnian peasant levies unleashed wave
Open Battle
In the Warhammer world, disputes are settled upon the
bloody field of battle. In ideal circumstances, armies will form
up across a wide open plain, awaiting the dawn light for the
commencement of hostilities. As dusk draws in, one side will
often stand victorious, though it is not uncommon for a close
fought battle to result in both sides retreating into the gloom
to count their losses.

This scenario represents a classic battle fought between two

rival armies meeting at an ideal location for a day of fighting.

Deployment Zone A



Deployment Zone B
Set-up Historical Recreation
Place terrain as described on page 268. The Battle of L’Anguille Plain was fought between a vast
horde of Orcs and the glittering splendour of the knights
Deployment of Bretonnia. Both sides were led by mighty warlords
Once the battlefield has been set up, the winner of a roll-off – the Orcs by Warboss Durgath Spine Cracker and the
chooses which player will deploy the first unit. The winner Bretonnians by King Louen Orc-Slayer. To reflect this,
of this roll-off must also choose their deployment zone (A or each army should be led by an appropriate character
B), as shown on the map opposite. Players deploy their armies acting as the General. Warboss Durgath may fight on
using the alternating units method, as described on page 285. foot or may be mounted on a boar. King Louen must be
mounted on a warhorse.
First Turn
Once deployment is complete, the winner of a roll-off takes In addition, and to capture a measure of the size and
the first turn. The player that finished deploying their army splendour of the armies, a historical recreation should be
first adds +1 to their roll. played with armies of no less than 3,000 points.

Game Length The bulk of Waaagh! Durgath famously broke formation

Before the game begins, players can choose to play a ‘fixed’ early, displaying a proper Orcish desire to engage the
length game or a ‘random’ length game: enemy. However, this ill-disciplined charge into heavy
bow fire caused the Orcs to lose much of their advantage
Fixed Game Length: The battle will last for six rounds, until and, eventually, the battle. To represent this, the Orc
one side concedes, or until the time limit agreed by the players player will automatically take the first turn. In addition,
is reached, as described on page 286. any unit with the Impetuous special rule must declare a
charge on a roll of 1-4 (rather than the usual 1-3).
Random Game Length: The battle will last a random number
of rounds or until one side concedes. Starting at the end of the
fifth round, roll a D6 at the end of each round. Add the round
number to the dice roll. If the total is 10 or more, the battle
ends immediately. If the total is less than 10 then the battle
continues for at least one more round.

Scenario Special Rules

This scenario has no special rules.

Once the battle has ended, use Victory Points to determine
which player is the winner, as described on page 286.
Odo Todmeyer III
T he Wolf Emperor Odo Todmeyer III of Osterlund fought a long and bitter campaign against the Beasts of the Forest of
Shadows. Their destruction became an obsession, driving him to ever greater acts of aggression.

In the spring of the Imperial year 2251, as had by now become There followed a series of defeats for the armies of Osterlund, and
tradition, bold Odo led his army forth from the great city of many of the Wolf Emperor’s most trusted advisors implored him
Middenheim into the surrounding forests. The forces at his disposal to retreat to the Fauschlag, to conscript more troops and build
were a mix of veterans, who showed little fear as they marched strength. But Odo would not hear it – if his forces retreated to build
along well-worn trails to camps built in previous years, and new their strength, they granted the Beasts of the forest freedom to do
recruits who jumped and startled at every bird call heard or rabbit likewise. There followed a long and vicious campaign; the armies of
cough from the gloom. Osterlund fought more battles than in any year previously, slowly
regaining the upper hand despite grievous losses.
Unbeknownst to Odo, migrations from the south had bolstered
Beastmen numbers and emboldened the herds. The armies of the As summer turned to autumn and yearning for victory, Odo laid
Wolf Emperor were soon brought to battle, facing ambushes and plans for a final battle deep within the dark heart of the forest.
flank attacks as they marched along routes they believed secure, and Sadly for Odo this final battle was one too many and he was
it quickly became apparent that well-established marching camps dragged from his horse by the endless horde of braying Beastmen.
and forest forts had been destroyed in the long, cold winter months. The remnants of his battered and broken army fled back to
Middenheim, where what remained of his broken and bloodied
corpse was entombed beneath the Fauschlag rock.

Break Point
Some battles are bitter affairs, fought between armies that
offer no quarter and will expect no mercy. Where a pitched
battle might end after several hours with both armies falling
back, a battle fought until break point will rage on until one
side is literally broken and destroyed, its scattered remnants
cut down by pursuing enemies. Of the losing side, there is
seldom little trace left come the morrow.

This scenario represents a battle fought to the grim death – a

battle not unlike a pitched battle, but one that will rage until
one side is forced to concede.

9" Deployment Zone A 9"



9" Deployment Zone B 9"

Set-up Historical Recreation
Place terrain as described on page 268. The Doom of Odo Todmeyer III took place deep within
the Forest of Shadows. To represent this, you should
Deployment endeavour to include as many woods as possible when
Once the battlefield has been set up, the winner of a roll-off setting up the battlefield. The battle was fought between
chooses which player will deploy the first unit. The winner the remnants of the Grand Army of Osterlund (an
of this roll-off must also choose their deployment zone (A or Empire army) and a much larger force of Beastmen. The
B), as shown on the map opposite. Players deploy their armies Grand Army of Osterlund was led by Odo Todmeyer
using the alternating units method, as described on page 285. III, who should be represented by an Empire General
mounted on a warhorse.
First Turn
Once deployment is complete, the winner of a roll-off takes The Beastmen far outnumbered the Grand Army of
the first turn. The player that finished deploying their army Osterlund. To reflect this, the Beastman player should
first adds +1 to their roll. have at least 25% more points to spend on their army
than their opponent. However, much of this army
Game Length emerged from the dark woods to entrap the Osterlunders.
There is no turn limit for this scenario. Instead, the battle Therefore, at least half of all Beastman units with either
will last until one side reaches its ‘break point’ or until one the Ambushers or the Beastmen Ambush special rule
side concedes. should be held in reserve.

Scenario Special Rules

Break Point: All armies have a breaking point. This is equal to
a quarter (25%) of the total Unit Strength of the army at the
start of the game. To calculate the break point of your army,
simply add together the Unit Strength of every unit (including
characters) in your muster list and divide the total by four,
rounding fractions down.

With each model removed from play as a casualty and with

each unit destroyed, an army approaches its break point.
If, during any Start of Turn sub-phase, the remaining Unit
Strength of either army has fallen below its break point, that
army is considered to have ‘broken’. At this point, the game
ends as models begin to flee, crumble into dust, dematerialise,
and so forth.

Note that units that have pursued a fleeing enemy off the
battlefield and units held in reserve count as being on the battlefield
for the purposes of determining whether or not an army has reached
its break point.

If the game ends with one army having broken, the unbroken
army achieves a crushing victory. Should both armies fall
below their break point at the same time, use Victory Points
to determine which player is the winner, as described on
page 286.
I n the Imperial year of 1890, famed Dwarf treasure hunter Grimi Goldgather led an expedition from the Grey Mountains
into the heart of Athel Loren. There, he sought out the lost caravan of an earlier Dwarf adventurer – Grungni Goldfinder.

The Battle of Pine Crags

With little to guide his search but vague references to the ‘Pine As the Dawi unknowingly entered the Pine Crags, the Asrai rushed
Crags’, Grimi had little clue as to where his lost ancestors had made to confront them. Splitting their strength, the Wood Elves hoped
their last stand. He decided that the best way to find the Pine Crags that the main body of their force would halt the inexorable Dwarf
was to follow Grungni’s supposed route through the great forest advance and give time for a smaller flanking force to outmanoeuvre
towards the Wild Heaths. If this was where the famous Dwarf had the enemy, capturing them in a deadly trap.
been headed, his lost caravan must lie along this same route.
Yet much to the shock of the Elves, an advance force of Dwarf
More than happy to provoke the Wood Elves, the Dwarfs felled Rangers had roamed far ahead of Grimi’s caravan, and was even
many trees and burned much undergrowth as they carved a now circling back towards the Elven flank. No sooner had the two
road for their armoured wagons. This did not go unnoticed by main forces met than the flanking forces also arrived from opposite
the Asrai, who very quickly became outraged by this display of sides of the battlefield!
wanton destruction.
The battle quickly became a savage and swirling melee, from which
the Asrai would emerge victorious. And as for Grimi and his
followers? They would perhaps have taken some consolation from
their defeat had they but known their last stand was made a whole
hundred yards beyond the long overgrown bones of their ancestors’
ill-fated expedition.

Flank Attack
Sometimes a cunning general will divide their strength,
sending a portion of their army to range wide in order to
outflank the enemy. Such tactics are sound and, if all goes well,
are likely to deliver a swift victory. But there are times when
an equally cunning enemy has the same plan.

This scenario represents a battle in which both armies have

assigned a number of units the task of outflanking the enemy.
As these flanking forces choose their angle of attack in secret,
there is as equal a chance that they will deploy facing one
another as there is that they will find the unprotected flank of
the main enemy force.

Right Flank Deployment Zone A Left Flank

18" 12" 18"

18" 12" 18"

Left Flank Deployment Zone B Right Flank

Set-up Historical Recreation
Place terrain as described on page 268. The battle of Pine Crags took place within a rocky ravine
deep in Athel Loren. To represent this, you should
Deployment endeavour to include as many woods and areas of rocky
Once the battlefield has been set up, the winner of a roll-off terrain (be they difficult, dangerous or impassable)
chooses which player will deploy the first unit. The winner as possible when setting up the battlefield. The battle
of this roll-off must also choose their deployment zone (A or was fought between a rag-tag army of Dwarf treasure
B), as shown on the map opposite. Prior to deployment, both hunters and a (possibly larger) force of Wood Elves. The
players secretly divide their armies into two forces – the main Dwarf army should contain very few elite troops (such
force and the flanking force: as Hammerers, Ironbreakers or Irondrakes) and no war
machines or Runesmiths. Due to their important role, it
• A flanking force must contain at least one non-character must contain a unit of Dwarf Rangers in reserve.
unit and can be worth up to 33% of the total points value
of the army (for example, in a 2,000 points game, your The Wood Elves caught the Dwarf army largely by
flanking force may be worth up to 666 points). surprise as it marched through Athel Loren, cutting
• A flanking force may include characters, but cannot down trees. To represent this, the Wood Elf player will
include the General. automatically take the first turn.

Once flanking forces have been selected, each player secretly

makes a note of which flank (left or right) theirs will be
deployed upon. Then, starting with the player that won the
roll-off, the players deploy their main forces within their
central deployment zone, using the alternating units method,
as described on page 285.

Finally, after both players have finished deploying their main

forces, the players reveal where their flanking forces are to be
deployed. Starting with the player that won the roll-off, the
players deploy their flanking forces within their chosen 18"
flank zone, using the alternating units method.

First Turn
Once deployment is complete, the winner of a roll-off takes
the first turn.

Game Length
The battle will last for six rounds, until one side concedes,
or until the time limit agreed by the players is reached, as
described on page 286.

Scenario Special Rules

Other than the special deployment rules already given, this
scenario has no special rules.

Once the battle has ended, use Victory Points to determine
which player is the winner, as described on page 286.
The Drakwald Forest Incident

I n spring of the Imperial year 2248, following the suspicious death of Duke Ludwig XI of the Grand Duchy of Talabec,
the chilly relations between the rival provinces of Talabecland and Reikland for control of the Imperial throne
grew heated.

Forces of the Reikland, which had long crossed the border into the Rassel, might have agreed, but the Witch Hunter accompanying
neighbouring grand duchy on the pretence of patrolling the banks her, Dietrich Haslav, decided the matter. The fanatic demanded
of the River Talabec, had begun to push further into the Drakwald the Talabheimers clear the road so that he might be about Sigmar’s
Forest. Worse, many small towns within Talabecland reported work, threatening to have flogged any who refused his orders.
visitations from state troops of the Reikland accompanied by
Sigmarite Witch Hunters and missionaries bent on doing their god’s By way of reply, the Talabheimer troopers began forming battle lines
work. Rumours that priests of Taal had been hanged for heresy in around their captain. Battle was soon joined and escalated rapidly
the village of Garndorf quickly inflamed an already tense situation. as units from the rear of the columns joined the fray. The battle
itself was short-lived. The Reiklanders may have been the superior
In response, Duke Ludwig the XII increased the strength of his force, but they had been on the road for weeks previously, whilst the
patrols in the area. The first inevitable battle was fought when two Talabheimers were both fresh and impassioned. The Witch Hunter
rival marching columns met on the forest road outside Guttow. was captured, taken to Talabheim and tried. His execution was all
the excuse the rival provinces needed to declare open war.
During a brief parley, the captain of the Talabheimer patrol, one
Leonard van Obelmann, ordered the Reiklanders to return beyond Meeting Engagement
their borders. A seasoned veteran, he stated it was his duty to police
the roads hereabouts, not the Reiklanders, but avoided any mention It is not uncommon for two armies to cross paths
of rumoured hangings. The Reikland officer, Captain Magda unexpectedly and immediately deploy from Marching
Columns into battle lines. More often than not, the fighting
starts while rear elements of the armies are still marching
towards the battlefield. In such a sudden clash, there is little
time for careful consideration or planning.

This scenario represents a battle fought between marching

armies, in which the outcome can hinge upon the timely
arrival of reserve forces and where the initial battle lines can
be most uneven.

Deployment Zone A


Deployment Zone B
Place terrain as described on page 268.

Once the battlefield has been set up, the winner of a roll-off
chooses which player will deploy the first unit. The winner of
this roll-off must also choose their deployment zone (A or B),
as shown on the map opposite.
Historical Recreation
Before deploying their army, each player rolls a D6 for each The Drakwald Forest incident was a battle fought
unit, including each character and war machine, in their army. between two armies of the Empire from rival provinces
On a roll of 1, the unit must be held back as reserves (see towards the end of a civil war that had raged for a
below). Once a roll has been made for each unit, those that thousand years. The army of Reikland should include
are not held in reserve can be deployed. Players deploy their a Witch Hunter, representing the firebrand Dietrich
armies using the alternating units method, as described on Haslav, whose actions arguably sparked the incident. In
page 285. addition, the Reikland army should include at least one
unit of Greatswords to accompany its General, a captain
First Turn representing Magda Rassel, and might also include
Once deployment is complete, the winner of a roll-off takes one unit of Flagellants to represent the Witch Hunter’s
the first turn. The player that finished deploying their army followers. The army of Talabecland should be led by a
first adds +1 to their roll. captain, representing the famed Leonard van Obelmann.

Game Length Both armies should include plenty of State Troops, the
The battle will last for six rounds, until one side concedes, better to represent two forces on patrol. Both armies may
or until the time limit agreed by the players is reached, as include war machines. Ideally, neither should include any
described on page 286. knights (of any type) or Wizards as there is no suggestion
any were present.
Scenario Special Rules
Reserves: Reserves are not deployed at the start of the Finally, to better capture the nature of the battle, units
battle. Instead they can enter play during the Compulsory arriving as reserves that are arrayed in Close Order
Moves sub-phase of any turn – other than the first – of their or Open Order formations should be deployed in
controlling player’s choosing. When they arrive, reserves may Marching Columns.
enter the battlefield from any point on the long battlefield edge
within their deployment zone, and move on using the rules for
reinforcements (as described on page 134).

Once the battle has ended, use Victory Points to determine
which player is the winner, as described on page 286.
L ate in the Imperial year of 2141, battle came to the usually peaceful Gisoreux Gap, marking the culmination of several
years of growing hostility between the lords of Castle Desfleuve to its south and Fort Bergbres to its north.

The Battle of Gisoreux Gap

The Gap, a wide and easily navigable mountain pass between This pattern continued for several years, even once the outbreak
the Grey Mountains and the Pale Sisters, had long been a valued of plague had receded, with ever more ludicrous charges imposed
trade route linking Bretonnia and the Barony of Westerland. upon travel through the Gap. In response to complaints from
Consequently, the pass was guarded at either end by substantial merchants, each lord demanded loudly that their counterpart cease
forts, each heavily garrisoned. These forts would stop merchants imposing extortionate fees upon travel, whilst ignoring all pleas to
trying to enter or leave the pass and levy heavy tolls upon their do so themselves. In time, complaints turned to threats and threats
passage. For decades, such taxation had been an annoyance but, turned to violence, and the garrisons of each fort marched forth to
considering the security brought to the region by the forts, one do battle.
grudgingly endured.
The battle itself was a brutal affair. The forces were hemmed in
This was to change in 2136 when a minor outbreak of plague in by the steep walls of the Gap and unable to enact complex battle
Bretonnia caused the mercenary forces of Fort Bergbres to demand plans. Ultimately, the battle was to become a bloody stalemate. The
greater remuneration. Countess Bergbrech responded by levying a conflict was eventually resolved some time later by the heirs of both
punitive tax on Bretonnian merchants intended, so she claimed, lords, for Sir Desfleuve fell in battle, and Countess Bergbrech died
to cover the cost of vital medicines for her garrison. In turn, Sir some weeks later of her wounds. Their heirs quietly agreed to review
Desfleuve imposed a similar tax on Imperial merchants headed the tolls.
into Bretonnia, which he claimed was to cover the costs of caring for
Imperial citizens that fell ill whilst visiting his lands. Mountain Pass
Many of the kingdoms of the Warhammer world are
separated by towering mountain ranges that can only be
crossed at the occasional mountain pass. These narrow defiles
are of vital strategic importance, and present a defender with
the perfect location to confront an invading army.

This scenario represents a battle fought in such a pass.

The battlefield is long but narrow, making simple
manoeuvres difficult and outflanking almost impossible.
Consequently, such battles become matters of attrition
in which only the most courageous will prevail.

Deployment 12" 12" Deployment

Zone A Zone B
Set-up Historical Recreation
Place terrain as described on page 268. The battle of Gisoreux Gap was a brutal affair fought
between two elite and well-equipped armies (all that toll
Deployment money had to go somewhere!). The Bretonnian army
Once the battlefield has been set up, the winner of a roll-off should contain a high number of units of Knights. Any
chooses which player will deploy the first unit. The winner units of Men-at-Arms might be given heavy armour
of this roll-off must also choose their deployment zone (A or to represent the wealth of their lord and their superior
B), as shown on the map opposite. Players deploy their armies position as guards of an important trade route. The
using the alternating units method, as described on page 285. Empire army, being an army of Westerland, a province
famed for its use of mercenaries, may include any number
First Turn of units of Veteran State Troops, provided all have the
Once deployment is complete, the winner of a roll-off takes Mercenaries special rule. To help reflect the bitter nature
the first turn. The player that finished deploying their army of the battle and the inability of troops to simply turn
first adds +1 to their roll. tail and flee, players may give up to half of their units the
Stubborn special rule.
Game Length
The battle will last a random number of rounds or until one Both armies should be led by a General mounted on
side concedes. Starting at the end of the fifth round, roll a D6 a warhorse, representing Sir Desfleuve and Countess
at the end of each round. Add the round number to the dice Bergbrech respectively. Historically, there is no evidence
roll. If the total is 10 or more, the battle ends immediately. If that the two fought single combat during the battle,
the total is less than 10 then the battle continues for at least but, as the battle was a matter of honour, players should
one more round. spare no efforts to ensure a challenge is fought between
their Generals.
Scenario Special Rules
Bottleneck: The battle is fought in a narrow mountain pass
enclosed by high cliffs. Because of this, the long battlefield
edges count as impassable terrain. As such, no units (including
fleeing units or any arriving from reserve) can leave or enter
the battlefield via either long edge unless they have the
Ethereal or Fly special rule.

Once the battle has ended, use Victory Points to determine
which player is the winner, as described on page 286.
The Lonely Tower

I n early spring of the Imperial year 2123, a large force of Goblin wolf riders was reported to be raiding fishing villages
around Reaver’s Point on the northernmost coast of Couronne and across the border into the swampy environs
of Marienburg.

Neither the Duke of Couronne nor the Burghers of Marienburg completed. All told, within just three weeks of the most recent raid,
considered this to be their problem; the raids were a minor seven watchtowers had been erected and a considerable fighting
irritation they expected their neighbour to deal with. By contrast, force amassed. With their preparations complete, the peasants
the local peasants felt strongly that Goblins raiding and burning waited for a signal that the wolf riders had been sighted.
their homes was a terrible calamity. Reasoning that a long wait for
a foreign government to intervene when it suited carried with it a The rough towers proved their worth when mere days after their
high risk of untimely death, the peasants took matters into their completion, lookouts in two of them spotted riders approaching
own hands. Reaver’s Point at dusk. Beacon fires were lit and pigeons dispatched
to warn the nearby villages, and the peasant regiments mustered to
Acting quickly, the villagers set up a network of march forth to face the raiders.
watchtowers along the coast to ensure
advance warning of approaching At the closest tower, the peasants met the Goblins. The battle that
raiders. As these went up, ad hoc followed, whilst lacking the splendour of cavalry charges and the
regiments were formed of all percussive boom of artillery, was a savage and close fought affair.
able-bodied adults. These The forces battled through the night and, as dawn light lit the
regiments wasted no eastern horizon, the Goblins had been routed. In the months and
time in garrisoning years that followed, the towers were built ever taller and sturdier.
the various towers To this day, the villages around Reaver’s Point maintain their
as soon as towers and employ well-armed militias so that they may look to
they were their own defence.

Command & Control

The Old World is dotted with many important landmarks,
be they watchtowers, arcane monoliths, grand mausoleums
and more besides. Many battles are fought around
such landmarks, and very often control of the
feature is a great boon to an army,
either in terms of morale, position,
or something more ethereal.

This scenario represents a battle

fought for control of a special
feature – a significant terrain
feature at the centre of the table.
Deployment This may be any of the special
Zone A features described on page 272.



Zone B
Set-up Historical Recreation
Place terrain as described on page 268. In addition, place a The battle of the Lonely Reaver’s Point watchtower was
single special feature (as described on page 272) in the centre by no means a grand affair. It was fought between lowly
of the battlefield (players should agree which special feature to peasants, eking a meagre existence as fishermen along the
use from the terrain available). hostile coastline of Bretonnia, and a ragtag warband of
Goblin raiders, likely forced down from the Pale Sisters
Deployment by Orc aggression. The armies used to recreate the battle,
Once the battlefield has been set up, the winner of a roll-off then, should be equally humble.
chooses which player will deploy the first unit. The winner
of this roll-off must also choose their deployment zone (A or The Bretonnian army should contain no knights of any
B), as shown on the map opposite. Players deploy their armies type – only peasant soldiers. The Goblin army should
using the alternating units method, as described on page 285. contain no Orcs of any type – only Goblins. Beyond this,
there are no restrictions, and including war machines and
First Turn Wizards will only add to the chaotic fun and confusion.
Once deployment is complete, the winner of a roll-off takes
the first turn. The player that finished deploying their army This should be a fun battle to recreate and, more than any
first adds +1 to their roll. other discussed in this section, players are encouraged to
abandon army composition rules, and even points values,
Game Length when recreating the Lonely Tower. The less constrained
Before the game begins, players can choose to play a ‘fixed’ by such rules the players are, the more fun the game
length game or a ‘random’ length game: will be.

Fixed Game Length: The battle will last for six rounds, until
one side concedes, or until the time limit agreed by the players
is reached, as described on page 286.

Random Game Length: The battle will last a random number

of rounds or until one side concedes. Starting at the end of the
fifth round, roll a D6 at the end of each round. Add the round
number to the dice roll. If the total is 10 or more, the battle
ends immediately. If the total is less than 10 then the battle
continues for at least one more round.

Scenario Special Rules

This scenario has no special rules.

Once the battle has ended, use Victory Points to determine
which player is the winner, as described on page 286. The
player that controls the special feature at the end of the battle
wins a bonus of 200 Victory Points (in addition to any bonus
controlling the special feature may normally give).
Campaign Battles BATTLES
L inking games through a story, map or some other method is considered the ideal way to enjoy Warhammer: the Old
World by many players. In such campaigns, each individual game represents but one battle fought in an ongoing war
and there are plenty of excuses to enjoy challenging and varied games.

Many stories of the Warhammer world are told through Campaigns can be complex, involving many battles over many
campaign books, supplements and other publications which months and including rules for lines of supply, sieges, allies
present exciting tales of epic deeds. Such publications present and spies, perhaps even random events such as plagues or
rules for recreating famous battles of history, translating them rampaging monsters. Alternatively, a campaign can be quite
from the page to the tabletop. a simple affair, with only a few parameters influencing the
scenarios used in a small number of linked games.
Often, campaigns are about conquering lands, with each
player controlling multiple armies of the same faction, located Campaign Trees
in different regions. Each rival faction attempts to build its
own dominion, increasing the size and strength of its armies The most simple type of campaign that two players can enjoy
and holdings. Such campaigns quickly turn bloody, as armies is one that uses a campaign tree, such as the one shown in the
march forth to invade the lands of their neighbours. example below. In suchTrees
Campaign a campaign, the outcome of each battle
determines the scenario that will be used for the next game.
As victorious armies seize land, the defeated forces must Should players wish, they may add a few caveats regarding
retreat, regroup and rebuild their strength. This adds new how their armies might change for each battle with each win
strategic and tactical challenges as a player attempts to or loss.
outmanoeuvre and outmatch their foes on the campaign map
as well as the battlefield.

Play Meeting Engagement

Player A Player B
wins wins

Play Flank Attack Play Open Battle

Player A Player B Player A Player B

wins wins wins wins

Play Command & Control Play Mountain Pass Play Break Point

Player A Player B Player A Player B Player A Player B

wins wins wins wins wins wins

Player A Player B
Player A minor victory minor victory Player B
major victory! major victory!
League Campaigns Taking It Further
For some added depth, the players within a league campaign
For many players,
Leaguefinding the time to devote to a long
Campaigns may be split into two opposing teams, or ‘alliances’. At the
and involved campaign can prove a challenge, with the end of the campaign, the alliance with the most Campaign
requirements of real life all too often making it difficult to Points is declared the winner and can be crowned alongside
commit to for fear of letting down friends. For others, the the winning player (who may not even belong to the winning
mere thought of running a campaign can itself be daunting – alliance). In this way, players can work together to overcome
creating a map, keeping track of the battles fought and so on their enemies and mitigate the impact of individual defeats.
can seem like a tremendous undertaking.
In conjunction with a simple campaign tree, the performance
In such cases, players may wish to partake in a simple league of each alliance can be used to determine the scenario played
campaign. In such a campaign, each participant simply plays in each round of the campaign. Should you wish, some of the
each other participant once (or twice, or thrice, if everyone games played can be multi-player battles, with two or more
is keen enough) and records the results. At the end of the allied players facing off against an equal number of foes.
campaign, the player with the most Campaign Points is
declared the winner. As the action unfolds, the alliances will build bonds that
strengthen over time, savouring their allies’ wins and
Scoring lamenting their losses as bitterly as their own, and fierce
In order to determine a winner, each participant in a league enmities will appear between opposing armies which can
campaign wins a number of Campaign Points (CP) after each be built upon as part of a more complex campaign in the
battle, based upon their performance: future. Very quickly, the seeds of a simple league campaign
can provide more than enough narrative content for a more
• Crushing Victory 3 CP involved campaign.
• Victory 2 CP
• Draw 1 CP
• Loss 0 CP

Should any players be tied at the end of the campaign,

particularly if they are tied for the top spot, their overall
Victory Points can be used as a tiebreaker – although by far
the most satisfying way to settle a tie is with a final battle
between two would-be conquerors.
T he Warhammer world is a dark land of heroic deeds and astonishing tales. Adventurous players can use their battles to
fight out these incredible stories for themselves, or to tell their own stories, based upon the exploits of the cunning and
bold leaders of their own armies. The following pages aim to provide some ideas and suggestions to inform the reader and
inspire them to try some different types of game.

Part of what makes Warhammer: the Old World great is the Historical Recreations
richly described and vibrant background of the Old World The simplest examples of a narrative battle are the historical
itself. Imagine your game taking place within a dark clearing recreations presented in the pitched battle scenarios. By simply
deep inside the Drakwald Forest, as morning mist curls following the guidance given there, by using appropriate
through the dense trees and the sun lies hidden behind the armies and terrain, you can attempt to recreate that
dark canopy, whilst all around dark things stir and foul forces historic event.
gather. What if the unexpected occurred? A new threat might
arrive in the midst of a battle, such as packs of Ghouls, drawn Custom Scenarios
by the carrion feast, creeping onto the battlefield from its tree- Some players may wish to create their own scenarios, either
lined edges to set upon the undefended archers at the rear of by utilising different elements of the pitched battles scenarios,
your army. or by creating their own special rules. Such scenarios can be
assembled to tell a simple story, and you will find a table of
The possibilities are limitless, but how can you add such events narrative motives on page 306 intended to provide ideas for
into your games? your own games.

What Is A Narrative Battle? Narrative Scenarios

There are many examples of narrative scenarios to be found
The term ‘narrative battle’ describes any battle that allows in Warhammer: the Old World supplements. These provide
players to explore the background by adding new rules to unique deployment maps and maps of terrain to recreate,
the game or by foregoing rules that seem restrictive in the along with special rules to use. Narrative scenarios tend to be
circumstances. Of course, there is nothing wrong with simply created along the lines of historical recreations, giving guidance
fighting a battle for the sake of it – the game is there to be as to the forces to use in order to represent the battle the
enjoyed in all its forms, and it can be argued that any game scenario describes. But, as with the pitched battle scenarios,
has a degree of narrative behind it as almost all players will narrative scenarios can be played with any combination
imagine the action unfolding in cinematic scope within their of armies.
mind’s eye. A narrative battle is one that expands upon this,
drawing both players into a shared story.

This can be done in a number of ways – by adding a story

that sets the backdrop for the forthcoming battle, by adding
scenario special rules or victory conditions (be they drawn
from another scenario or source, or be they especially
written by the players) that make the characters, armies or
environment better evoke the story. In this way the battle
itself completes the ‘tale’ begun by the scenario.
Open Play “Think Of Them More As Guidelines”
Open Play Another key aspect of open play is that it gives players
A term used often in conjunction with narrative battles is permission to change a rule if doing so will improve the
‘open play’, but what does it mean? Open play means many experience in the moment. For example, a vital unit might
things, but in essence it refers to the philosophy wherein unexpectedly lose combat and Break, causing the game to
players treat the rules as a guideline to be aided by, rather than end suddenly and unsatisfyingly. Of course, such is the way
a set of constrictions to restrict them. of things and there is no altering that. However, sometimes
players encountering such an event might agree to alter the
Armies Of Imagination outcome of the Break test, perhaps allowing the defeated unit
One key aspect of open play is that it grants the freedom to instead Fall Back in Good Order. Doing so might extend the
to forego certain army composition rules in pursuit of game and, more importantly, might feel like the more correct
the narrative. At its most simple, players will often ignore outcome in the circumstances.
percentages and other restrictions when creating their armies,
choosing instead to write a muster list that best fits the By way of another example, imagine a battle fought under the
narrative. Taking it further, some players will ignore points gloom of twilight. In such conditions, shooting may reasonably
values altogether, and instead field opposing armies created be expected to be less effective. To evoke this, players may add
purely to fit into their story. a rule, perhaps agreeing that all long range shooting suffers an
additional -1 To Hit modifier, or perhaps agreeing that the
Of course, ignoring such rules can lead to an imbalanced Range characteristic of all missile weapons should be reduced.
match-up, and this thought may be unappealing to some
players. This is perfectly acceptable and any group of players Whatever the case, players – especially good friends who know
is encouraged to use the suggestions given here, or not, as they one another well – are encouraged to make amendments
see fit. However, these imbalances can often prove part of the to the rules before or during a game if doing so will help to
charm of a narrative battle, and can invariably be countered by enforce the narrative. Provided both players are having fun
special rules and objectives. Ignoring points values might lead and are in agreement, such amendments and alterations can
to an army being outnumbered ten to one, for example, and lead to some truly memorable moments.
that army might reasonably be expected to suffer a crushing
defeat and terrible losses. But the challenge of the game might
be to hold out until turn four – perhaps that will grant a vital
messenger sufficient time to escape, carrying word of the
size of the invading army, and thus the terrible defeat can be
claimed as a victory (of sorts).
TheGames Master
Games Master An Arbiter of the Rules: For many, the
role of GM is of someone who forges and
One of the best ways to introduce new re-forges the rules throughout a game to
rules or ideas and to run a narrative maintain the flow of the action. When
scenario is with the help of a Games taken in conjunction with the telling of
Master. A Games Master (or GM for an unfolding story, this can result in many
short) is an optional third player who unusual events happening, creating some
takes a role somewhere between that of truly memorable moments.
a narrator and of an impartial arbitrator
of the rules, who presides over and runs a An Impartial Third Player: Imagine
particular battle. The GM helps the players a group of skirmishers moving through
by setting up the scenario and interpreting a wood have disturbed the lair of a
and amending – or even making up – the terrible beast, or the noise of a battle in
rules as needed. an underground realm has awoken a
slumbering Dragon. In such cases, these
The Role Of A GM wandering monsters can be controlled by
The role a Games Master takes will vary the GM. There may even be a third force
from group to group. It may be a blend of involved in the game somehow, controlled
Books of Nagash all the points that follow or be something by the GM.
In ancient times, Nagash, else entirely, as the players and their
first and greatest of games require. Fate’s Representative: Sometimes, a
Necromancers, combined battle might need nudging along in a
Dark Magic with the An Unbiased Observer: The role of GM certain direction, and if the game is part
mortuary rites of Nehekhara can be to simply observe the game and offer of a campaign, this might be especially
and committed all his an impartial opinion on any uncertainties important. In such cases, a GM might
knowledge to nine accursed that arise. Players can share secrets with choose to help one of the players in small
tomes. All were supposedly the GM, such as the predetermined point ways, or to hinder another. Ideally, this
destroyed when Nagash that reinforcements will arrive from, or should only be done when the action
was overthrown, but in the where Scouts are deployed in hiding. With requires it.
millennia since, many dark a GM’s help, entire armies can even be
souls have claimed to have deployed in secret. The presence of a GM can add many
rediscovered one or more of extra levels to your games, and players are
his books, using their profane A Narrator & Storyteller: Some groups encouraged to give it a try – no one knows
knowledge to command the will be fortunate enough to include a until they do just how much fun the role
armies of death. Rumours of member gifted in storytelling and the can be or who will be best at it.
just one book is a beacon to creation of unique scenarios. This can
those who covet necromantic be utilised by allowing the individual,
power, inevitably leading to acting as GM, to set the scene and talk the
a deadly war beneath the veil players through the action as it unfolds.
of night. Should the game take an unexpected turn,
a skilled GM can either alter the narrative
to accommodate this, or gently nudge the
action back onto the intended track.
Forging A Narrative
One enjoyable aspect a Narrative
of narrative battles is the creation of scenarios that help tell tales
of the noble and ignoble adventures of the armies in your collection. Creating a scenario
can be as simple as mixing and matching elements of different published scenarios.
Alternatively, you may wish to go further still, creating your own deployment maps and
victory conditions.

But what of the story itself? Why are these armies meeting to do battle and where is this
battle taking place? The following pages offer some suggestions for the two most important
aspects of any narrative scenario: the location and the motive.

Narrative Locations
The table below suggests six locations in which a battle could be fought. Using these, you
can create a thematic battlefield that offers unique challenges. It is also possible (even
encouraged) to combine these ideas in different ways:

Narrative Locations Table

D6 Result The Great Book of Grudges
1 Riverbank: One side of the battlefield (short or long) can be treated as Matters of honour are
impassable terrain, representing the fast flowing waters. Perhaps two adjacent sacrosanct to the Dwarfs;
edges could be impassable terrain, representing the battle taking place where to break an oath or act
the river bends. Such a battlefield might feature areas of difficult or dangerous dishonourably is a grave
terrain, representing the muddy banks. transgression that cannot
2 Forest Glade: The battlefield might be ringed around its edge with woods. The be forgiven – only repaid.
dense wood might cause reserves to get lost in the forest and arrive at randomly Every wrong done to the
determined locations. The same may be true of units that pursue the enemy off Dwarfs, be it a loss in battle,
the battlefield – they may become lost and not return immediately, if at all. the destruction of a hold or
3 Mountain Fastness: The battlefield should be long and narrow, and at least two unwelcome words, is recorded
of its edges treated as impassable terrain. The rest of the battlefield might be in blood within the Dammaz
populated with difficult and dangerous terrain in the form of rocky ground. If the Kron: the Great Book of
ground is steep, the entire battlefield could count as sloping away from one edge, Grudges. Each entry is a vow
giving an advantage to the side that controls it. of vengeance, a promise that
4 Underground Cavern: An underground battle might be a tense and all grudges will be settled, no
claustrophobic affair fought on a smaller than average battlefield with one or matter how long it takes.
two points of access. Flying creatures are unlikely to be of much use, and war
machines of certain types might prove ineffective. In fact, in the dark all missile
weapons might be of limited use.
5 Marshland: The majority of the battlefield can be treated as difficult terrain,
with the only areas of open ground being low hills that rise from the mire.
Cavalry and monsters may find such a battlefield especially difficult. Banks of
mist might drift through the air, obscuring line of sight before dispersing, making
units unsure where exactly the enemy is.
6 Desert Dunes: A desert battlefield need not be sparse. Hills can represent the
shifting dunes; rock formations and ruins can dot the landscape. The heat might
sap the strength of heavily armoured units, slowing them down. The glare of the
sun might interfere with shooting, whilst unexpected winds and sandstorms can
halt all movement and drive away flying creatures.
Narrative Motives
The Narrative Motives table presents six reasons why two armies are meeting in conflict.
When creating a narrative for the battle, the motive is extremely important. When
combined with the location, you are able to say almost everything that needs to be said
about the story behind the battle. All that remains is to learn the composition of the armies
and the outcome – and these are things best revealed by playing the game.

Using the suggestions given here and combining them with the Narrative Locations table,
you can create a scenario that gives a battle a true sense of significance:

Narrative Motives Table

D6 Result
1 Border Dispute: Disagreements over the exact location of a border are common
and they can be sparked by almost anything. Such disputes can quickly lead to
bloodshed; their outcome can see borders move and cause tremendous upheaval.
On the tabletop, a border dispute can be represented very simply with one army
trying to drive its rival off and claim victory.
2 Lost Riches: The world contains many tremendous riches, and sometimes
new wealth is discovered or lost wealth unearthed. In game terms, this could be
represented by placing several objectives around the battlefield, each representing
a cache of buried riches or a natural deposit of precious stones or metals. The
Mordheim winning player would be the one whose army controls the most objectives at the
In the year 1999IC, a twin- battle’s end.
tailed comet of greenish 3 Nowhere to Run: Tales of desperate last stands by beleaguered armies are the
black stone slammed into the stuff of legend. On the tabletop, an army might be unable to retreat, forced to
Empire city of Mordheim, deploy on the banks of a mighty river or against an impassable cliff face, where it
reducing it to ruins. The must fight to the death. Alternatively, an army might deploy in the centre of the
province of Ostermark battlefield, surrounded by its enemy.
now maintains siege works 4 Access Rights: Many battles have been fought for control of a stretch of road
around the city, officially or river, a bridge or a ford, and many armies have found themselves ambushed
quarantining the tainted en route to their destination. In a game, this might be represented by deploying
ruins from the outside world. one army in a narrow column that stretches across the table, with the enemy
Despite this, the various deployed to either side.
contenders to the Imperial 5 Conquer New Lands: As armies are defeated, their lands are left undefended,
throne fund mercenary presenting vulnerable targets for rivals. Such contests for the control of land can
bands to venture into the be represented by dividing the battlefield into four quarters, each of which can be
ruins to retrieve ‘warpstone’, a controlled by the side that has the most units completely within it. At the end of
substance allegedly possessing the battle, the side that controls the most quarters is victorious.
great power. Glory and 6 Property Damage: Treasured monuments, important buildings and sacred sites
wealth await within the all present valuable targets for an enemy bent upon destruction. On the tabletop,
walls of Mordheim – but so this can be represented by placing a special feature at the centre of the battlefield
too do dark creatures and which the armies fight to control. Alternatively, a special feature can be placed
tainted souls. in a well-defended position, with one army attempting to wrest control of the
feature from the enemy.
Linked Battles Campaign Narrative
Readers must by now have realised that there are strong
A battle is rarely an isolated event, but instead a single and binding ties between narrative battles and campaign
climactic Battles fought as part of a wider conflict. By battles, and vice versa. Indeed, a series of linked, narrative
linking a series of battles together, it is possible to string a few battles can very much be considered a campaign. How
evenings’ worth of games into an ongoing and interconnected the players go about answering the questions posed
narrative that unfolds into a saga worthy of entering the when forging the narrative, and the many others that are
annals of Warhammer history. certain to arise as that narrative unfolds, informs how
these games can progress to become something greater.
The idea of linking games together is that the outcome of
one battle directly affects the events of the next, making for The GM in a Campaign: The role of a games master in
tactically challenging battles with an exciting and unfolding campaign play can also be important. During a campaign,
story. Such linked games encourage players to rethink the GM will likely be the person that keeps any maps
strategies and consider the big picture of their ongoing battles. updated and keeps track of the participants. They are able
It becomes possible to lose a battle, but win the war by keeping to wield their power over the narrative on a larger scale as
the ultimate victory in mind. well, steering each step of the campaign towards the end
goal, one battle at a time.
The games create a natural story arc, and before long
the players will have great grudges to settle and vows of
redemption to honour. In addition to exploring the narrative
elements, it allows for an occasional change of pace as players
can use smaller or larger forces than they habitually do and
explore different scenarios.

The Dark Monolith

The following pages present an example of three linked,
narrative scenarios. In the first, two rival forces encounter
one another unexpectedly whilst searching for the same
monument to darkness. In the second, they battle once more
for control of the monolith, each enduring the losses inflicted
during the previous encounter. In the final scenario, the force
that holds Narrative
the monolith mustScenarios
fight bitterly to defend its prize
against enemy reinforcements.

This is a simple premise, and much of the detail is left blank,

leaving players to decide upon the armies that take part and
upon the end goals of each player. Is the goal to destroy the
monolith, or to use it for evil? Where do the battles take place?
Deep within the Forest of Shadows, or upon the frozen steppes
of Kislev? How large are the armies? Are they small patrols
roaming the wilderness, or mighty war hosts gathered by
powerful lords? These are questions for the players to answer.
How they do so is part of the fun.

Note that each of the scenarios presented here can be played in

isolation should you wish.
N ot all battles are carefully planned. Sometimes patrols foraging ahead of two armies will stumble upon each other,
encountering an enemy where none was expected. What starts as a bloody skirmish will quickly develop into a
full-blown battle, as additional troops from each side are drawn towards the sound of conflict.

In this conflict, two forces searching the land for the rumoured First Linked Battle
whereabouts of a twisted monument to darkness come upon one
another unexpectedly. Battle is quickly joined and chaos descends Although this scenario is designed to be the first of three
upon the area. Reserves rush in from many different directions, linked battles, it can be played alone.
drawn by the sound of battle. Desperate to support their comrades,
these reserves join the swirling melee with all haste. Army Selection
If playing this game as the first of three linked battles, the
This scenario requires the players to make quick decisions and will players should consider that the size of this first game will
reward those that are adept at thinking on their feet. It is especially influence the action in the next two scenarios as well. The
difficult to protect the flanks of units, and the players will need armies used in this scenario will be used again in the second
to keep a keen watch for any opportunities to outflank the enemy and third scenarios.
before they themselves can be outflanked.
However, in the second game, both players will have to
endure losses suffered in the first, meaning that their armies
might be considerably smaller, and that one player might
have a significant advantage if their losses are fewer. In the
third game, one player is almost certain to be dramatically
outnumbered as they make a desperate last stand in defence of
the dark monolith.

That being the case, this first scenario is ideal for armies
of between 2,000 and 3,000 points, ensuring that they can
withstand a degree of attrition.

Players can use any army they wish and may even both field
armies of the same type drawn from the same army list. The
rival forces, determined in their quest, will view any other
force as an enemy and be convinced that its goals are contrary
to their own, thus setting the stage for some vicious battles!
Set-up Game Length
Place terrain as described on page 268. The battle will last for six rounds, until one side concedes,
or until the time limit agreed by the players is reached, as
Deployment described on page 286.
Once terrain has been placed, the battlefield is divided into six
equally sized zones, as shown on the map opposite. Scenario Special Rules
Surprise Battle: Due to the surprise of encountering an
The loser of a roll-off deploys first, placing a single, non- unexpected enemy, any unit that wishes to declare a charge
character unit so that it is completely within one of the zones. during the first round must first pass a Leadership test. If
The winner of the roll-off then deploys a single, non-character this test is failed, the unit does not count as having declared
unit so that it is completely within one of the remaining, a charge.
unoccupied zones. The players continue to alternate in this
fashion until each has deployed three non-character units and Reserves: Reserves are not deployed at the start of the
there is a single unit within each zone. battle. Instead they can enter play during the Compulsory
Moves sub-phase of any turn – including the first – of their
Following the same sequence, each player may then deploy controlling player’s choosing. When they arrive, reserves will
a single character with one of their deployed units. All enter the battlefield from any point on the battlefield edge that
remaining units and characters are held in reserve (as follows). is completely within one of the zones (chosen at random) in
which their controlling player deployed a unit at the start of
First Turn the battle. Roll a D3 to randomly determine which of the three
Once deployment is complete, the winner of a roll-off takes zones reserves arrive within.
the first turn. The player that finished deploying their army
first adds +1 to their roll. Victory!
Once the battle has ended, use Victory Points to determine
which player is the winner, as described on page 286.
H aving survived a surprise encounter with the enemy, the armies have retreated to regather their strength. Yet with the
dark monolith believed to be close, the commanders must press ahead in their search. With enemies discovered in the
locale and believing them to be about the same quest, the armies cannot waste time awaiting reinforcements.

The players enter this battle unsure of exactly how much of their Units that Suffered Casualties: For each unit that lost more
army will be available. Casualties suffered may not yet have than a quarter (25%) of its Unit Strength during the first
recovered or been replaced, and units fled and scattered may not yet battle, roll a D6:
have regrouped.
• On a roll of 1-3, remove:
Second Linked Battle - D3 models (to a minimum of Unit Strength 5) if the
unit’s Unit Strength is 19 or lower.
Although this scenario is designed to be the second of three - D6 models (to a minimum of Unit Strength 10) if the
linked battles, it can be played alone. unit’s Unit Strength is 20 or higher.
• On a roll of 4+, the unit has managed to patch up its
Army Selection wounded and return them to battle. The unit may be
If playing this game as the second of three linked battles, the fielded at full strength but must reduce its Leadership
players must use the same muster lists they used in the first. characteristic by 1.
However, they must roll a D6 for each unit that suffered
casualties or was removed from play during the first battle: Destroyed Units: For each unit that was removed from play
for any reason (such as being destroyed in combat, being
run down by an enemy unit whilst fleeing or fleeing off the
battlefield) during the first battle, roll a D6:

• On a roll of 1-2, the surviving members of the unit have

scattered to the hills and not yet returned. The unit cannot
be fielded in this game.
• On a roll of 3+, the surviving members of the unit have
regrouped. The unit may be fielded, but the number
of models it contains is halved (rounding up to the
nearest model).

Zone A



Zone B
Set-up Scenario Special Rules
Place terrain as described on page 268. In addition, place a Other than the army selection rules already given, this
single large hill (ideally more than 12" at its widest point) in scenario has no special rules.
the centre of the battlefield. Atop this hill, place either an
arcane monolith or a monument of glory special feature (as Victory!
described on page 273). Once the battle has ended, use Victory Points to determine
which player is the winner, as described on page 286. The
Deployment player that controls the special feature at the end of the battle
Once the battlefield has been set up, the winner of a roll-off wins a bonus of 200 Victory Points (in addition to any bonus
chooses which player will deploy the first unit. The winner controlling the special feature may normally give).
of this roll-off must also choose their deployment zone (A or
B), as shown on the map opposite. Players deploy their armies
using the alternating units method, as described on page 285.

First Turn
Once deployment is complete, the winner of a roll-off takes
the first turn. The player that finished deploying their army
first adds +1 to their roll.

Game Length
The battle will last a random number of rounds or until one
side concedes. Starting at the end of the fifth round, roll a D6
at the end of each round. Add the round number to the dice
roll. If the total is 10 or more, the battle ends immediately. If
the total is less than 10 then the battle continues for at least
one more round.

“The end is nigh; a storm of wrath is coming. Madness

will rain from the sky, and in its fury walk monsters. Our
doom cometh!”

Dammos, Disciple of the Red Redemption

S tanding victorious, one army claims the dark monolith. With little time to spare, priests and acolytes rush forward to
commence their bold plan and harness the power within the ancient stones. Meanwhile, enemy reinforcements arrive,
and battle lines are quickly drawn in an effort to halt the strange ritual.

The player that lost the second battle returns once more, their army Units that Suffered Casualties: For each unit that lost more
having been reinforced by fresh troops. Things look bleak for their than a quarter (25%) of its Unit Strength during the second
opponent, who must hold on and complete their plans! battle, roll a D6:

Third Linked Battle • On a roll of 1-2, remove:

- D3 models (to a minimum of Unit Strength 5) if the
Although this scenario is designed to be the third of three unit’s Unit Strength is 19 or lower.
linked battles, it can be played alone. - D6 models (to a minimum of Unit Strength 10) if the
unit’s Unit Strength is 20 or higher.
Army Selection • On a roll of 3+, the unit has managed to patch up its
If playing this game as the third of three linked battles, the wounded and return them to battle. The unit may be
loser of the second battle uses the same muster list they used fielded at full strength but must reduce its Leadership
in the first, representing that reinforcements have arrived. characteristic by 1.

The winner of the second battle must use the same army Destroyed Units: For each unit that was removed from play
they began that battle with. However, as even greater losses for any reason (such as being destroyed in combat, being
have now been suffered, they must roll a D6 for each unit run down by an enemy unit whilst fleeing or fleeing off the
that suffered casualties or was removed from play during the battlefield) during the second battle, roll a D6:
second battle:
• On a roll of 1, the surviving members of the unit have
scattered to the hills and not yet returned. The unit cannot
be fielded in this game.
• On a roll of 2+, the surviving members of the unit have
regrouped. The unit may be fielded, but the number
of models it contains is halved (rounding up to the
nearest model).

18" Defender’s
Deployment Zone


Deployment Zone
Set-up Victory!
Place terrain as described on page 268. In addition, place a Victory in this scenario depends entirely upon how long the
single large hill (ideally more than 12" at its widest point) in defender can last – the longer they can fight, the more likely it
the centre of the battlefield. Atop this hill, place either an is their ritual will be completed:
arcane monolith or a monument of glory special feature, as
described on page 273. • If the defender lasts until the end of round six, they win a
major victory.
Deployment • If the defender lasts until the end of round five, they win a
In this scenario, the army that won the second battle is the minor victory.
defender. The army that lost the second battle is the attacker. • If the defender concedes or is wiped out before the end of
round three or four, the attacker wins a minor victory.
Once the battlefield has been set up, the defender deploys • If the defender concedes or is wiped out before the end of
their entire army within the 18" square defender’s deployment round one or two, the attacker wins a major victory.
zone, as shown on the map opposite. Once complete, the
attacker deploys their army anywhere on the battlefield that is
more than 8" away from any of the defender’s models.

First Turn
In this scenario, the defender will automatically take the
first turn.

Game Length
The battle will last for six rounds or until the defender either
concedes or is wiped out.

Scenario Special Rules

Other than the army selection rules already given, this
scenario has no special rules.
War In The Border Princes
In the year 2276 of the Imperial Calendar, Settra the Imperishable set plans in
motion to overwhelm the Border Princes with his mighty Nehekharan armies.
Expecting the wild and lawless region to resist his unstoppable might but
little, the undying king hoped for a swift conquest en route to richer lands and
greater battles.

But Settra misjudged the courage of the Border Princes’ defenders, and his
black heart could not fathom of warriors willing to ride far from their homes
to defend the weak from the wicked. In his path of destruction lay Louen Keep,
the stronghold of Sir Cecil Gastonne, the Wyrm Slayer. This bold defender of
Bretonnia’s borders mustered his host at Matorea, there to await the King of
the Dead.

Meanwhile, as the vanguard of Settra’s army ravaged the Border Princes, the
Duke of Brionne and his brave knights hastened through distant mountains to the
defence of Matorea. Upon his arrival in the Border Princes, the duke lamented to
see a ravaged land and rode hard to the Citadelle Bouelia. Here, he faced the vile
Prince Ptolethor and laid him low, resting only to water his dutiful steed before
riding once more to the aid of his brother knight and the good people of Matorea.
W ith the darkness of night filling the skies, the black ships of Settra’s fleet began to disgorge their Undead cargo onto
the beaches before Matorea. As the royal host approached, Sir Cecil Gastonne, the Wyrm Slayer, looked to the west.
From beyond the horizon, the knights of Brionne approached, though whether they would arrive to find the defenders
embattled, or that Settra’s forces had swept through Matorea and on towards distant Bretonnia, he could not say…

Historical Recreation The Attacker

The attacker should write a single 3,000 points muster list
The Battle of Matorea was fought between an army of using the Tomb Kings of Khemri Grand Army composition
Bretonnian Exiles led by Sir Cecil Gastonne, the Wyrm list found in Warhammer: the Old World – Ravening Hordes.
Slayer, and the undying legions of the Tomb Kings of Khemri,
commanded by Settra the Imperishable himself. To represent The Defender
this, the players should write three muster lists (one for the The defender should write two muster lists, one representing
attacker and two for the defender) as follows: their main force, the other representing the rescue force:

• Main Force: The defender should write a 1,750 points

muster list using the Bretonnian Exiles Army of Infamy
composition list (see page 30). The General of this army
must be Sir Cecil Gastonne, the Wyrm Slayer (see page 38).
• The Rescue Force: The defender should write a 1,250
points muster list using the Errantry Crusade Army
of Infamy composition list (see page 34), with the
following exceptions:
- The General of the rescue force must be a Bretonnian
Duke mounted on a Royal Pegasus, representing the
Duke of Brionne.
- The rescue force must include Lady Élisse Duchaard
(see page 40).

Alternatively, this scenario may be played with any two armies

of the players’ choosing, in which case the defender must
spend between 25% and 33% of their army’s points value on an
allied contingent to act as the rescue force.

Defensible Deployment Zone


The Battle of Matorea Attacker’s

9" Deployment Zone 9"

20 The Battle of Matorea

Set-up Scenario Special Rules
Place terrain as described in the Warhammer: the Old World Reinforcements: The defender’s rescue force gains the
rulebook. In addition, place a defensible position as shown on Ambushers special rule. However, from the beginning of
the map opposite: round two onwards, the defender rolls a single D6 for their
entire rescue force during each of their Start of Turn sub-
Defensible Position: A defensible position is a hill measuring phases (rather than rolling a D6 for each individual unit).
up to 16" at its widest point, featuring a single rock-strewn Upon its arrival, the entire rescue force enters the battle as
slope. A rock-strewn slope may be no more than 8" wide reinforcements from the western board edge. In other words,
and counts as dangerous terrain. Atop the hill is a flat area all units within the rescue force must be placed on the edge of
measuring no more than 8" along its longest side. One edge the battlefield to the right of the defender’s deployment zone.
of this flat area must be bordered by staked defences, as Any units belonging to the rescue force that cannot be placed
described opposite. on the battlefield during the turn it arrives may be left in
reserve and can be brought on as described previously during
Deployment the following turn.
The defender deploys their main force within the defender’s
deployment zone, as shown on the map opposite. Once Fresh from victory at the Citadel Bouelia, all units in the
complete, the attacker deploys their entire army within the reserve force benefit from the Blessings of the Lady special rule
attacker’s deployment zone. without having to pray at the start of the game.

First Turn Staked Defences: Staked defences count as a low linear

In this scenario, the attacker will automatically take the obstacle. However, unless it has the Fly (X) special rule, any
first turn. unit that charges an enemy behind staked defences makes a
disordered charge and becomes Disrupted. In addition, any
Game Length model whose troop type is ‘cavalry’ or ‘chariot’ must make a
The battle will last for six rounds or until one side concedes. Peril test (as if it had fled through an enemy unit) if it ends its
charge move in base contact with staked defences.

Once the battle has ended, use Victory Points to determine
which player is the winner, as described in the Warhammer: the
Old World rulebook. In addition, at the end of the game:

• The defending player wins a bonus 250 Victory Points if

there are no models belonging to the attacking player upon
the flat area atop the defensible position.
• The attacking player wins a bonus 250 Victory Points if
they are the only player with models upon the flat area atop
the defensible position.

The Battle of Matorea 21

Clash On The Zandri Road
As Prince Ptolethor launched his assault upon the Border Princes, and Settra the
Imperishable sailed up the Black Gulf to Matorea, the Mortuary Cult marched up
the Zandri Road in search of the lost Tomb King, Septhah the Amaranthine.

Though they were following Settra’s commands by searching for the lost king, the
Mortuary Cult took the opportunity to further their own designs by visiting a
number of ancient temples and raising an army of stone constructs to fight alongside
their skeletal legion.

During their search for Septhah, the Mortuary Cult assaulted the tower of Tor
Anrok and entombed its Lothern Sea Guard garrison alive in a horrifying act of
cruelty after the Elves failed to be forthcoming with information about the missing
Tomb King.

As High Priest Ashurtak called off the search and continued up the Zandri Road,
frequent Orc raids slowed their progress to a crawl. Rather than allow these delays
to plague them further, the High Priest issued a challenge to the Orc horde in an
effort to draw them into open battle and put an end to the disruptions.
A s the midday sun beat down from overhead, High Priest Ashurtak prepared to meet the Orc and Goblin rabble as it
charged down the hillside. The Orc Warboss and his forces had claimed the body of Septhah the Amaranthine as a
trophy of their recent victory, and the Orc Warboss was keen to add to his collection. However, if the Warboss were to be
slain and Septhah’s body recovered, then perhaps Ashurtak could bestow the rites of awakening and allow the king to arise
once more.

Historical Recreation The Defender

The defender should write a single 2,500 point muster list
The Clash on the Zandri Road was fought between the using the Mortuary Cult Army of Infamy composition list.
Mortuary Cult under the command of High Priest Ashurtak, The General of this army must be a High Priest who is a Level
and the fearsome Waaagh! of a brutal Orcthe
Clash on Warboss.
Zandri ToRoad 4 Wizard, representing High Priest Ashurtak.
represent this, the players should write two muster lists (one
for the attacker and one for the defender) as follows: Alternatively, this scenario may be played with any two armies
of the players’ choosing.
The Attacker
The attacker should write a single 2,500 point muster list Set-Up
using the Orc & Goblin Tribes Grand Army composition list Place terrain as described in the Warhammer: the Old World
found in Ravening Hordes. The General of this army must be rulebook. As this battle is taking place in the rugged terrain of
an Orc Warboss or an Orc Bigboss mounted on a War Boar. the Badlands, we advise keeping the terrain fairly sparse save
for a few rocky outcroppings, some patches of raised ground
and scattered clusters of coarse brush. There should also be a
road near to the western board edge that runs the length of the
board from north to south to represent the Zandri Road.

“Return King Septhah to me and I will let you live to

see another sunrise. Refuse, and you and your pathetic
warband will be food for carrion.”

High Priest Ashurtak’s final warning

If this battle is being fought as a historical recreation, the
Tomb Kings player is the defender and the Orc player is
the attacker. Otherwise, the players must decide who is the
attacker and who is the defender.

The defender deploys their entire army within the defender’s

deployment zone, as shown on the map opposite. Once
complete, the attacker deploys their entire army within the
attacker’s deployment zone with the exception of the Warboss,
who is deployed in the centre of his army, as shown on the
deployment map.

First Turn
In this scenario, the attacker will automatically take the
first turn.

Game Length
The battle will last for six rounds or until one side concedes.

Once the battle has ended, use Victory Points to determine
which player is the winner, as described in the Warhammer: the
Old World rulebook. In addition:

Should the Orc Warboss be slain, place a marker where he

fell to represent the Warboss’ body. At the end of the game,
whichever force has the highest total Unit Strength within 6"
of the marker (not counting fleeing models) wins a bonus 200
Victory Points.

Should High Priest Ashurtak be slain, place a marker where he

fell to represent the Liche Priest’s body. At the end of the game,
whichever force has the highest total Unit Strength within 6"
of the marker (not counting fleeing models) wins a bonus 200
Victory Points.
Warhammer: The Old World –
Rulebook – Version 1.0
This document collects together amendments to the rules contained within the Warhammer: the Old World rulebook and
presents our responses to players’ frequently asked questions. As this document is revised regularly, it has a version number;
where a version number has a letter (for example, 1.1a), this means it has had a local amendment, only in one language, to clarify
a translation issue. When this document is revised in full, the version number will be incremented.

Frequently Asked Questions

Below you will find our answers to frequently asked questions. Where possible, answers are given immediately, followed by
further explanations. When this document is revised, updated entries will be highlighted in blue, while entirely new additions
will be highlighted in magenta.

General Principles Movement

Q: Can a unit arrayed in Close Order or Open Order Q: Is a unit’s maximum possible charge range the maximum
formation be one model wide? distance from an enemy unit at which it can declare a charge,
A: Yes. or the maximum distance it can move when making a
charge move?
Magic A: It is the maximum distance from an enemy unit at which it can
Q: If a Wizard miscasts and rolls 8 or higher on the Miscast declare a charge.
table, is it only that Wizard that cannot attempt to cast any
more spells for the remainder of that turn, or is it all Wizards Q: When a unit performs a manoeuvre, can its front edge pass
in their army? through another unit?
A: A roll of 8 or higher on the Miscast table affects all A: No. The only exception to this is when a unit pivots.
friendly Wizards.
Q: When a unit wheels, is it acceptable for a rear corner to
Q: What happens to a Remains in Play spell that is already in pass through another unit?
effect if the Wizard that cast it attempts to cast it again? A: Yes, provided the unit does not end its movement ‘on top’ of
A: It ends immediately. another unit or within 1" of an enemy unit. When a unit wheels,
those at its rear do not really follow a long, curving path, as it might
Q: Can a model wearing armour or carrying a shield cast a appear when moving a large block of models on the table. In reality,
Bound spell? they would take a more direct route, following the path of the front
A: Yes. rank and resuming their formation behind it.

Q: Does a Wizard that has joined a unit need to be in base Q: When a unit redirects a charge, can it charge a unit that lies
contact with an enemy model to cast an Assailment spell, or beyond its maximum possible charge range?
do they only need to be within the fighting rank? A: No.
A: They only need to be within the fighting rank.
Q: If a unit that is arrayed in Open Order wishes to use
Q: If a Wizard declines a challenge and retires from combat, the Fast Cavalry special rule to perform a Quick Turn after
does their unit lose the benefits of any range ‘Self ’ spells that marching, can any of the models within that unit move
Wizard has cast? further than twice their Movement characteristic?
A: Yes. A: No. As stated on page 124, no model can move further than
twice its Movement characteristic. However, there are obvious
Q: If a unit with the Fly (X) special rule moves over a magical exceptions to this, such as when a Marching Column marches, or
vortex that counts as dangerous terrain, is it affected by it? when a dice roll determines a unit’s movement.
A: Yes. Magical vortexes are considered tall enough to affect even
models that are flying high above the battlefield. Q: When a unit enters the battle as reinforcements, is there a
limit to how far onto the battlefield models can be placed?
A: Yes. The unit is considered to have moved onto the battlefield.
Therefore, no model can be placed more than twice its Movement
characteristic from the edge of the battlefield its unit enters from.

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Shooting Q: What happens if a unit that wishes to make a pursuit or
Q: Can a model use a breath weapon after marching? overrun move cannot move due to the presence of other units?
A: No. A model cannot shoot during the Shooting phase if it A: It may happen that it is simply impossible for a pursuing or
marched during the preceding Movement phase and, although they overrunning unit to move without it ending up ‘on top’ of another
work differently to most missile weapons, breath weapons are a type unit. In such cases, the unit does not move, but is considered to have
of missile weapon. made a pursuit or overrun move.

Q: Can a unit that is partially on a hill shoot in two ranks or Q: If a unit completely destroys its enemy in combat
draw a line of sight across other units that are not themselves and makes an overrun move, can it attempt to reform
on a hill? after moving?
A: Only with those models that are on the hill. For example, if a A: Unless it pursued into a fresh enemy, yes. A unit that overruns
unit consists of twenty models in two ranks of 10 and only 5 models makes a normal pursuit move and, since its enemy has already been
in each rank are on the hill, only those 10 models can claim the wiped out, it may attempt to reform as if it had run down its foe, as
benefits of shooting from a hill. described on page 129.

Q: Can a unit on a hill draw a line of sight across and shoot Challenges
over another unit on the same hill? Q: If a Wizard engaged in a challenge knows and uses an
A: A unit that is closer to the top of a hill (i.e., the centre of the hill Assailment spell that uses a template, are the hits distributed
or the edge of the battlefield) can draw a line of sight across and amongst the rear ranks of the enemy unit, as described on page
shoot over one that is closer to the bottom. Units cannot draw a line 158, or is it only the other participant in the challenge that
of sight across or shoot over units that are closer to the top of a hill is hit?
than they are. A: It is only the other participant in the challenge that is hit.

Q: Can a cannon target a point on the ground if woods or a The Psychology of War
hill lie between it and that point? Q: Are units required to make Panic tests due to the actions of
A: No, a cannon cannot shoot over woods or hills, even if it is on a friendly models? For example, if a Wizard miscasts and rolls a
hill. However, a stone thrower can if it chooses to fire indirectly. 2-4 on the Miscast table, causing a Dimensional Cascade and
inflicting sufficient casualties on a friendly unit to cause it to
Q: Can a cannon target a point on the ground if another unit Panic, must that unit make a Panic test?
lies between it and that point? A: Yes (that example sounds to us like something that really would
A: Not unless that cannon is on a hill and the unit is not. However, cause panic amongst the ranks!).
as above, a stone thrower can if it chooses to fire indirectly.
Q: Units must make a Panic test when a nearby friendly unit
Combat with a Unit Strength of 5 or more is destroyed. When is Unit
Q: If my unit loses a round of combat and either Gives Strength counted – from the start of the turn, the start of the
Ground or Falls Back in Good Order, can it choose to use phase, or the point at which the unit is destroyed?
different weapons in the next turn if the enemy made a follow A: From the start of the phase during which the unit was
up or pursuit move? destroyed. For example, if a friendly unit with a Unit Strength of
A: No. Even though the units separated momentarily, they remain 10 is destroyed by enemy shooting during a single Shooting phase,
locked in place and engaged in combat once the follow up or pursuit it causes panic in nearby friendly units. Players are not expected
move has been made. In other words, the combat is ongoing and to remember the Unit Strength of every unit from turn to turn
neither unit has the time to stow one weapon in exchange for or phase to phase, but should keep track of Unit Strength during
another (the exception being the time it takes to discard a broken each phase.
lance or spear and draw a sword).
Universal Special Rules
Q: What happens to a unit that Gives Ground whilst within 2" Q: Can you choose not to roll for the arrival of Ambushers
of the edge of the battlefield? during your Start of Turn sub-phase?
A: Should any part of a unit cross beyond the edge of the battlefield A: No. Unless the unit itself or the scenario being played has a
whilst it is Giving Ground, the entire unit is removed from play and special rule that changes the way in which Ambushers arrive, you
counts as having been destroyed. must roll for their arrival during each of your turns, from round
two onwards. However, any special rules that affect the arrival of
Q: What happens to a unit that cannot Give Ground due to Ambushers which take effect after the Start of Turn sub-phase but
the presence of another unit? before the Compulsory Moves sub-phase may be used as normal,
A: The unit’s movement stops immediately, as if it were surrounded. regardless of the result of the Ambushers roll.

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Q: If a weapon with the Armour Bane (X) special rule also Q: Can a character without the Veteran special rule that has
has the Poisoned Attacks special rule, what happens if I roll a joined a unit with the Veteran special rule benefit from it
natural 6 when rolling To Hit? when attempting to use a special rule that requires them to
A: A rule such as Armour Bane (X) can have no effect if no roll To make a Leadership test (Rallying Cry, for example)?
Wound is made. In such cases, you may choose to roll To Wound as A: No. When a character attempts to use a special rule that
normal in the hope of improving the weapon’s AP characteristic, requires them to make a Leadership test, they must use their own
but if you do the effect of Poisoned Attacks is lost and you must Leadership characteristic and, unless specifically stated otherwise,
accept the result of the roll To Wound. cannot use any additional special rules they themselves do not have.

Q: Some mounted models have the Counter Charge special Unusual Formations
rule but others do not, even though they have the same type of Q: Some attacks allow a specific model within a unit to be
mount. Is this intentional? targeted. Can such an attack be used to break the coherency
A: Yes. Counter Charge is a rule that represents the skill and of a unit of Skirmishers and cause other models to be removed
ferocity of the rider, not their mount. In other words, not every as well?
rider is willing or able to perform a counter charge, regardless of A: No. As stated on page 184, you cannot remove a model from
their mount. a unit of Skirmishers if doing so would cause the unit to lose
coherency. However, if an attack targets a specific model (such as a
Q: Can a model with the Large Target special rule draw a line champion or a character), that model must be removed if the attack
of sight over or through another model with the Large Target reduces it to zero Wounds. In such cases, simply replace the removed
special rule? model with another model belonging to the same unit, one that
A: No. could be removed as a casualty, in order to maintain unit coherency.

Q: If a character without the Vanguard special rule joins a unit Characters

with it during deployment, can the character make a Vanguard Q: When a character takes a chariot as a mount, do they
move with the unit? replace one of the crew?
A: No. What’s more, if the unit is formed, it will not be able A: No. The points you pay for a chariot include its crew, whether
to make a Vanguard move. However, if the unit is in Skirmish that chariot is included in your army on its own or as a mount
formation, it can make its Vanguard move as normal, leaving the for a character. However, in reality it might prove difficult to fit a
character behind. character and the full complement of crew into the chariot model
itself. If so, it is perfectly acceptable to remove one or more of the
Q: What happens if a weapon is subject to both the Ponderous crew models to make space for the character. In such cases, we can
and Quick Shot special rules? think of the missing crew model’s profile(s) as a way of representing
A: The rules effectively cancel one another out, meaning the that the beasts pulling a character’s chariot are bound to be bigger,
weapon would suffer a -1 To Hit modifier for Moving and Shooting. stronger and better trained than normal.

Q: Can a character that is fleeing use the Rallying Cry Q: If a Warband character (as described on page 180) joins
special rule? a Warband with a Rank Bonus of +1 or more, does the
A: No, because no one would hear them over the sound of them modifier to their Leadership characteristic increase their
running away. Command range?
A: Yes.
Q: If a model with the Regeneration (X+) special rule passes
its Regeneration save against an attack with the Multiple Q: Cannon do not directly target enemy models; they target
Wounds (X) special rule, do I still need to roll the dice if the a point on the ground. How does this work with targeting
number of Multiple Wounds is generated by a dice roll? Lone characters? Can a cannon be fired in such a way as to
A: Yes. Even though the wounds were saved, they will still count hit a Lone character that would normally be protected from
towards the combat result. shooting by their proximity to a friendly unit?
A: The purpose of the Targeting Lone Characters rule is to protect
Q: Can a unit that deploys using the Scouts special rule make a characters from enemy shooting, even from shooting that does
Vanguard move? not follow the usual rules (though it does not protect them from
A: No. templates). Therefore, and in the spirit of this rule, unless they are
the closest target to the cannon, an enemy character that is within
Q: When a unit that does not have the Stupidity special rule is 3" of a friendly unit that contains five or more models of the same
joined by a character that does, the unit becomes subject to the troop type cannot be struck by a cannonball, even if their base lies
special rule. What happens if the character leaves the unit? directly under the path of the bouncing cannonball. However, if a
A: The unit ceases to be subject to Stupidity the moment the Lone character’s base lies directly underneath the strike point of a
character leaves the unit. cannonball, they are hit.

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Q: If a named character is equipped with a mundane weapon Magic Items
such as a lance or cavalry spear and a magic weapon, can they Q: Can the wearer of the Wizarding Hat cast spells whilst
choose to use the lance or cavalry spear, or must they use their wearing armour?
magic weapon? A: Yes. The wearer of the Wizarding Hat is not actually a Wizard
A: They must use their magic weapon. However, some named – their magical powers are granted by a haunted hat which is not
characters will carry a ‘back-up’ weapon which they can use should affected by any armour the model may wear.
their magic weapon be destroyed.
Q: Can the wearer of the Wizarding Hat also wear a magic
Warhammer Battles helmet, such as the Bedazzling Helm?
Q: The rulebook lists the minimum size of battlefield as A: Yes, because one is an enchanted item, the other is a type of
30" x 44" for games of up to 1,000 points, 44" x 60" for 1,001 magic armour, but we hope anyone equipping a model in such a
to 3,000 points and 44" x 90" for games of 3,001 points or way would make the effort to depict it wearing two hats!
above. Do we have to use these sizes?
A: No. These are the minimum recommended sizes. The normal Q: If the Scroll of Transmogrification is successfully used
size battlefield for a game of between 2,000 and 3,000 points is against a Wizard mounted on a ridden monster (a Dragon, for
48" x 72" (4' x 6') and players are encouraged to use this. The example), what happens to the mount?
minimum sizes are based on the folding card battlefields Games A: The Wizard is transmogrified, but not their mount. In the
Workshop produces. These are ideal when space is an issue or for example given, you would be left with a Frog riding a Dragon.
smaller games. For example, we prefer a 44" x 60" battlefield for
a game of 1,000 or 1,500 points, rather than the more traditional
48" x 48" battlefield. We find the smaller, rectangular shape
more pleasing.

Unusual Situations
Warhammer: the Old World is a complex game of manoeuvre and counter manoeuvre between tightly formed battle lines
of densely packed infantry and cavalry. It is to be expected that unusual situations will arise when units get in one another’s
way, interfering with movement, shooting, combat and so forth.

To deal with this, we encourage players to resolve uncertainties in a way that keeps the game flowing, or to seek the opinion
of an impartial third party (at an organised event, where such situations can take on greater significance, this is the role of
the event organiser or the umpires, and players should always defer to the ruling of such an official, as is right and honourable
– only the most dastardly rapscallion would argue with such an exemplar of the hobby).

For example, if moving fleeing, overrunning or pursuing units becomes too complex, with units blocking the movement of
one another, you may decide to nudge one unit aside (by the smallest amount possible) to make space for another, or you
may decide to go back and resolve the movement of certain units in a different order.

If such resolution is impossible, the simplest solution is to rule that the unit cannot do the thing, by which we mean it cannot
make the move, cannot take the shot, and so forth. As stated on page 93 of the rulebook, what matters more than any rule is
that players enjoy their game and that rivalries remain friendly!

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Quick Reference

Turn Summary Miscast Table

2D6 Result
Each player’s turn is split into four phases: 2-4 Dimensional Cascade: The summoned magic
breaks free, creating an ethereal tornado. Centre a 5"
1. The Strategy Phase blast template over the Wizard. Every model (friend
2. The Movement Phase or foe) whose base lies underneath the template risks
3. The Shooting Phase being hit (as described on page 95) and suffering a
4. The Combat Phase single Strength 10 hit with an AP of -4.
5-6 Calamitous Detonation: Roiling magic explodes
from the Wizard in a flash of light. Centre a 3" blast
Casting & Dispelling Spells (page 106) template over the Wizard. Every model (friend or
foe) whose base lies underneath the template risks
Casting A Spell being hit (as described on page 95) and suffering a
To cast a spell, roll 2D6 and add the casting Wizard’s level: single Strength 6 hit with an AP of -2.
7 Careless Conjuration: The Wizard mispronounces
• If the result is equal to or higher than the casting value, the a syllable, causing the spell to backfire, knocking
spell is cast. them to the ground. The Wizard suffers a single
• If a natural double 6 is rolled, the spell is cast regardless of Strength 4 hit with an AP of -1.
casting value and cannot be dispelled. 8-9 Barely Controlled Power: The Wizard manages to
• If a natural double 1 is rolled, the spell is miscast and is not control the magic, but at the expense of great power.
cast. Roll on the Miscast table. The spell is cast (at its casting value, for the purpose
of dispel attempts). However, you cannot attempt
Dispelling A Spell to cast any more spells for the remainder of the
When your opponent casts a spell, you can make a dispel current turn.
attempt. To dispel a spell, roll 2D6 (if attempting a Wizardly 10-12 Power Drain: With a deafening boom, the
dispel, add the dispelling Wizard’s level): summoned magic is unleashed and an unnatural
calm descends. The spell is cast with a perfect
• If the result is equal to or higher than the Casting roll, the invocation. However, you cannot attempt to cast any
spell is dispelled. more spells for the remainder of the current turn.
• If a natural double 6, the spell is dispelled regardless of the
casting result.
• If a natural double 1 is rolled, the dispel attempt fails. Roll
on the Miscast table.

Wizardly Dispel: A Wizard that is not engaged in combat, is

not fleeing and is within range may be nominated to attempt a
Wizardly dispel:

• Level 1 and Level 2 Wizards have a Dispel range of 18".

• Level 3 and Level 4 Wizards have a Dispel range of 24".

Fated Dispel: Once per turn you may attempt a Fated dispel.
There is no range limit on Fated dispel attempts.
Strategy Phase
The Strategy phase is broken up into several sub-phases:

1. Start Of Turn (page 116)

Resolve any special actions and/or make any tests that need to
be resolved or made at the start of the turn.

2. Command (page 117)

Resolve any abilities of characters that are not fleeing that are
used in the Command sub-phase.

3. Conjuration (page 117)

Wizards controlled by the active player can cast Enchantment
or Hex spells.

4. Rally Fleeing Troops (page 117)

The active player attempts to rally their fleeing units. Any that
fail continue to flee.

Movement Phase
The Movement phase is broken up into several sub-phases:

1. Declare Charges
& Charge Reactions (page 119)
The active player declares charges, indicating which of their
units are charging, and which enemy unit is being charged:

• A charging unit must be able to draw a line of sight to the

unit it wishes to charge.
• Units that are in a Marching Column, engaged in combat
or fleeing cannot charge.

Charge Reactions: When charged, a unit can declare one of

several charge reactions:

Hold: The unit stands its ground to receive the charge.

Stand & Shoot: The unit fires its missile weapons at the
charging unit. If the distance between the units is less than the
charging unit’s Movement characteristic then this reaction
cannot be declared.

Flee: The unit flees directly away from the charging unit:

• Pivot the unit about its centre so that it is facing directly

away from the centre of the charging unit.
• After pivoting the unit immediately makes a flee move.
• If a unit is already fleeing it must declare this reaction (note
that a unit cannot make more than one charge reaction in
a phase).
2. Charge Moves (page 121) 4. Remaining Moves (page 122)
To complete a charge: Any remaining units may move during this sub-phase.
Wizards may cast Conveyance spells.
Determine Charge Range: Roll two D6 and discard the
lowest, this is the Charge roll. Add the Charge roll to the unit’s Marching: A marching unit can move up to double its
Movement characteristic, this is the charge range. Movement characteristic (triple, if in a Marching Column)
and may wheel to change direction, but cannot perform any
Move Charging Unit: If the charge range is sufficient to other manoeuvres. If a unit wishes to march while within 8" of
reach the target unit, perform a charge move, as described on an enemy unit, they must first pass a Leadership test.
page 126.
Manoeuvres: During its movement, a unit may perform one
Failed Charges: If the charge distance isn’t sufficient to reach of the following manoeuvres (note that no model may move
the target unit, the charging unit moves directly towards the more than double its Movement characteristic):
target a distance equal to the Charge roll.
• Wheel: The leading edge of the unit moves forward,
Charging a Fleeing Enemy: When charging a fleeing enemy: pivoting around one of its front corners.
• Turn: All models remain in place and turn through 90° or
• If the charging unit makes contact with the fleeing unit, 180° to face their side or rear. For every 90° it turns, a unit
it wheels to align and the fleeing unit is destroyed. The uses a quarter of its Movement characteristic.
charging unit may take a Leadership test to attempt • Move Backwards: The unit halves its Movement
to reform. characteristic and moves backwards.
• If the charging unit does not make contact with the fleeing • Move Sideways: The unit halves its Movement
unit, it moves forward its full charge range. characteristic and moves sideways.
• Redress the Ranks: The unit uses half of its Movement
3. Compulsory Moves (page 122) characteristic to add or remove up to five models to or
All compulsory moves are made during this sub-phase. from its front rank.
• Reform: The unit uses its entire Movement characteristic
to pivot about its centre to change its facing, and to
rearrange itself as required to change formation or adopt a
different formation.
Shooting Phase 4. Remove Casualties
& Make Panic Tests (page 142)
The Shooting phase is broken down into several sub-phases Remove Casualties: Unsaved wounds are applied to the unit,
and is followed in full for each shooting unit, one at a time: each causing a model to lose one Wound. When a model has
been reduced to zero Wounds, it is removed as a casualty.
1. Choose Unit & Declare Target (page 137)
A unit is selected to shoot and its target is declared. Make Panic Tests: If, during the Shooting phase, a unit loses
more than a quarter (25%) of the models it contained at the
2. Roll To Hit (page 138) beginning of the Shooting phase, it makes a Panic test, as
To determine if your models hit, roll To Hit using the below described on page 160.
chart based on their Ballistic Skill:
Misfire Tables
Ballistic Skill 1 2 3 4 5 If a ‘Misfire’ is rolled on an Artillery dice when firing a war
D6 roll To Hit 6+ 5+ 4+ 3+ 2+ machine, you may be required to roll on one of the following
Misfire tables:
One or more of the following modifiers may apply to your
roll(s) To Hit: Stone Thrower Misfire Table
D6 Result
• Moving and Shooting -1 1 Destroyed: The weapon cannot take the strain! Bits
• Firing at Long Range -1 of wood and metal debris are thrown into the air
• Standing and Shooting -1 and the stone tumbles to the ground. The model is
• Target Behind Partial Cover -1 destroyed and immediately removed from play.
• Target Behind Full Cover -2 2-4 Malfunction: One of the crew has become caught
in the firing mechanism. This problem can be fixed,
3. Roll To Wound & Make Armour Saves (page 140) but only by partially dismantling the weapon, the
Roll To Wound: For each hit, make a roll To Wound, cross- crew member, or both. The crew immediately loses
referencing the weapon’s Strength with the target’s Toughness one Wound, the model fails to shoot this turn and
on the below chart: cannot shoot before the end of the next round.
5-6 Twang: Something has snapped. This is a rather
Armour & Ward Saves: For each wound, your opponent can minor mishap, but one that will require plenty of
make an Armour Save roll, as described on page 141. elbow grease and strong language to repair. The
model fails to shoot this turn.

To Wound Chart Black Powder Misfire Table

Target’s Toughness D6 Result
1 Destroyed: The weapon explodes with a thunderous
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 noise, leaving a hole in the ground and a cloud
1 4+ 5+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ - - - - of black smoke hanging in the air. The model is
destroyed and immediately removed from play.
2 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ - - - 2-4 Malfunction: The charge misfires, terminally
3 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ - - inconveniencing one of the crew and knocking the
war machine over. It can be righted, but it will take
Weapon’s Strength

4 2+ 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ - time. The crew immediately loses one Wound, the

model fails to shoot this turn and cannot shoot
5 2+ 2+ 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+
before the end of the next round.
6 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 5-6 Pffft: The fuse has gone out. As far as mishaps go, it
is not very serious, but one of the crew will be feeling
7 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+ 6+
rather foolish! The model fails to shoot this turn.
8 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+
9 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+
10 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 3+ 4+
Combat Phase 1.3. Roll To Wound & Make Armour Saves: For each
successful hit, roll To Wound and make Armour Save rolls as
The Combat phase is broken up into several sub-phases. described for Shooting attacks.

1. Choose & Fight Combat (page 145) 1.4. Remove Casualties: Casualties are removed from the
This sub-phase is broken down into the following steps: rear rank of the unit as normal, representing members of the
rear ranks stepping forward to fill gaps left by fallen comrades.
1.1. Choose Combat & Determine Who Can Fight. A model cannot attack during a phase in which it stepped
forward, as described on page 150.
1.2. Roll To Hit.
To Hit Chart
1.3. Roll To Wound & Make Armour Saves. Target’s Weapon Skill
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1.4. Remove Casualties.
1 4+ 4+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+
1.1. Choose Combat & Determine Who Can Fight: The 2 3+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+
active player chooses which order the combats are resolved in.

Attacker’s Weapon Skill

Each combat must be fully resolved before moving onto the 3 2+ 3+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+
next one. Each combat is resolved in Initiative order. Models
4 2+ 3+ 3+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 5+ 5+
in a charging unit gain a bonus to their Initiative for the
remainder of the turn depending on how far they charged: 5 2+ 2+ 3+ 3+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+
6 2+ 2+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+
• Charging an Enemy in their Front Arc: +1 Initiative per
full 1" moved, to a maximum of +3. 7 2+ 2+ 2+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+
• Charging an Enemy in their Flank or Rear Arc: +1
Initiative per full 1" moved, to a maximum of +4. 8 2+ 2+ 2+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 4+ 4+ 4+
9 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 4+ 4+
Each model in the fighting rank can attack, though models
that are not in base contact with the enemy unit may only 10 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 4+
make one attack regardless of the number of attacks on
their profile.

1.2. Roll To Hit: Make a roll To Hit for each attacking model,
cross-referencing their Weapon Skill with that of the model
they are attacking:
2. Calculate Combat Result (page 151) 4. Follow Up & Pursuit (page 156)
To determine your combat result score, consult the table Once Break tests have been made, but before any units
below and calculate how many ‘combat result points’ your Give Ground or make a Flee roll, the winning unit(s) must
unit(s) scored: decide what they will do next: restrain and reform, follow up
or pursue.
Combat Result Table
Unsaved wounds inflicted 1 point each Restrain & Reform: A unit that wishes to restrain & reform
Rank Bonus +1 point/rank makes a Restraint test by testing against its Leadership. If
Standard +1 point this test is passed, it remains where it is and may make a free
Battle Standard +1 point reform. Otherwise, it must follow up or pursue.
Flank attack +1 point
Rear attack +2 points Follow Up: If the enemy Gives Ground, the winning unit(s)
High ground +1 point move forwards to engage it once again. Before following up, a
Overkill +1 point/excess wound unit may perform a free turn manoeuvre (of 90° or 180°).
Other bonuses As applicable
Pursuit: If the enemy Falls Back in Good Order or flees, the
3. Break Test (page 154) winning unit(s) can pursue, as described on page 156.
Each unit belonging to the losing side must make a Break test
by rolling 2D6 and applying the difference between the winner Overrun: If a unit wiped out its enemy, it may overrun by
and the loser’s combat result scores as a negative modifier. making a pursuit move directly forwards.
Compare the result to the unit’s Leadership characteristic:

• If the result of the natural roll is higher than the unit’s

Leadership, the unit ‘Breaks’ and flees.
• If the result of the natural roll is equal to or lower than the
unit’s Leadership, but the modified result is higher than the
unit’s Leadership, the unit Falls Back in Good Order.
• If the modified result is equal to or lower than the unit’s
Leadership, or if the roll is a natural double 1, the unit
Gives Ground.

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