Civilizatin VS Savagery

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Heart of darkness

Civilization VS Savagery
Heart of darkness is of one of the prominent works of Joseph Conrad
who is a novelist born in Ukraine . Certainly, the theme of civilization
versus savagery is a central and intricate aspect of Joseph Conrad's "Heart
of Darkness." This classic novella delves deeply into the conflict between
these two binary opposition, ultimately revealing their entwined and
ambiguous nature.

In this novella “Heart of darkness” the writer chooses Marlow Charles to

be the protagonist, he is a seaman passionate with adventures; Marlow’s
aunt supported him to go to Africa to participate in the glorious mission of
civilizing the backward Africans he expressed his excitement by saying ”
I .., just as though I had got heavenly mission to civilize you” .reading this
quote from the perspective of post colonialism involves saying that
“civilization” is the excuse used by the Europeans to enslave the Africans
and to legitimize their conquering to African territory as did Kurtz who
frightened them by rifles and bullets that were perceived as the thunder
and lightning by the Africans. Then, Kurtz could gain even spiritual
control(Godfather) over the poor natives who became loyal to his services
to the extent to be ready to die for him. On the other hand, being brutal
with the Africans, Kurtz lost his civilized manners and ideals and converted
himself into a savage creature looking for profit and control. Thus, the idea
of bringing civilization to Africa was a failure mission because in its core it
is just westerns obsession with power and wealth.

Conrad’s narrative demonstrates how the west see Africans as inferior,

primitive, savage, and uncivilized always in need to westerns intervention
but in fact they are just hypocrite, greedy trying to exploit raw materials of
African countries as Kurtz did with ivory. Overall, Joseph critiques this
viewpoint by illustrating the moral decay and hypocrisy that exist within
supposed “civilized society” the company’s exploitation of Africa for ivory
symbolizes the greed and ruthlessness that underlie their proclaimed

To conclude, “Heart of darkness” by Joseph is a powerful exploration

of intricate relationship between civilization and savagery, through the
journey of Marlow and the enigmatic figure of Kurtz the novella challenges
the notion of European civilization and portrays the thin veil that separates
it from the darkness within. It prompts readers to question the true
meaning of civilization and the inherent capacity for savagery within
human nature, compelling us to grapple with the dualities that define us.

Turtch repeated in the nivella which shows that the novel deep downt seeks
to reconfirm this stereotypical division between the East and the West the
latter stand for enlightment democracy and east is dark in need to the light

however many pages in the novel seems to be with colonialism even the
narrator cannot free himself from the orientalist tought “the western
myth”he was explicitly complicit with the colonizer this idea was clearly
illustrated when he said “I was loafing about, hindering your work and
invading your homes, just as though I had got heavenly mission to civilize
you” .( Marlow's self-awareness is evident in his acknowledgment of being complicit
with the colonizers. His statement, "I was loafing about, hindering your work and
invading your homes, just as though I had got heavenly mission to civilize you," lays
bare the hypocritical nature of the so-called mission to "civilize" the indigenous
people. This admission exposes the hollowness of the civilizing mission and the
reality that, instead of enlightenment, what often transpires is exploitation, brutality,
and a profound sense of moral decay.

The narrator's confession unveils the insidious impact of the imperialistic mindset,
revealing how individuals like Marlow become unwitting agents of oppression.
Despite his apparent awareness of the injustice inherent in colonization, Marlow is
unable to entirely free himself from the prevailing orientalist ideologies that underpin
the colonial narrative. This internal conflict illustrates the pervasive influence of the
Western myth, which continues to shape the perceptions and actions of those
involved in the imperialistic venture.)

although Kurtz was feeding his ego by killing Africans and putting their
heads in front his window , animal trait, the author try to give execuses to
Kurtz by blaming the African environment and wilderness that make him
insane and savage “here and there a military camp lost in a wilderness, like
a needle in a bundle of hay—cold, fog, temples , disease, exile , and death—
As Edward said said no matter how the westerners try to be just, fair they
would never be fair they are always biastes the same here whatever marlow
try to convince us as a readers with his good intention his position against
imperialism still in many pages he couldn’t escape this ideology of western
superiority and east inferiori ty

The novella serves as a powerful critique of imperialism while acknowledging the

intricate interplay of human nature and societal structures that contribute to its

Objectifying Africans voiceless,speechess denyig their agency “one of these

creatures rase to his head and knees and went of all four going to” +”they
were nothing but black shadows of disease and starvation” +”black shape..

Heart of darkness: from light to dark

“we white”/”has been one of the darkest places in the earth”highlight the
western perspective of Africa

“the horror the horror “ the deepth savagery

The roman empire and bilgim colonization

He did not take action or even talk about barbarism

On one hand, Marlow is captivated by the grandiosity and adventurous spirit

associated with imperialism, perceiving it as a noble endeavor into the unknown.

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