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PHÚC NĂM HỌC: 2020-2021

PHÚC Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút;
(Không kể thời gian giao đề)
(Đềthigồm 5trang)

Choose A, B, C or D to indicate the word whose underlined part

differs from the other three in pronuciation in each of the
following questions.
1. A. handle B. function C. sinking D. anxiety
2. A. laughs B. drops C. imports D. maintains
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that
differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the
following questions
3. A. important B. reliant C. organise D. amazing
4. A. impairment B. cognitive C. disabled D. disaster
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the following questions.

5. Their marriage ________ as a result of long separations.

A. broke for B. broke into C. broke down D. broke up
6. Daisy has a wide circle of friends and _________.
A. relations B. neighbourhood C. friendship D. acquantainces
7. The job they offer ________ very interesting with a fashion house in the city
A. hears B. sounds C. appears D. looks
8. I was already _______ a relationship when I met Ben.
A. with B. over C. in D. of
9. If you have any problems, go to Claire. She’ll always lend a smpathetic_______.
A. ear B. nose C. head D. eye
10. It was ____________ I met Peter.
A. the train that C. on the train that
B. the train on that D. the train on which
11. I’m sorry but I haven’t got time _______ to you now.
A. for talking B. to talk C. talking D. talk
12. In the break-in last night, the burglars ________ all the jewelry but left the
A. have taken B. were taking C. had taken D. took
13. How many times ________ you not to leave the front door unlocked?
A. have I warned B. did I warn C. will I warn D. had I warned
14. The charity provides residential and nursing care for people with learning and
physical ____________.
A. illness B. injuries C. disabilities D. limitations
15. The primary aim of ASEAN is to enhance regional peace, stability and
A. outlook B. prosperity C. perspective D. popularity
16. Shut up and mind your language. You ________ rude to your mother.
A. appear B. are appearing C. are D. are being
17. You should be ashamed of yourself for ________ so badly.
A. behave B. behaving C. to behave D. behaved
18. ________ in dark colours, the room needed some bright lights.
A. Having painted C. Having been painted
B. To have painted D. To have been painted
19. We were shocked to hear the news of your _________.
A. having fired C. to be fired
B. to have been fired D. having been fired
20. How odd that she ________ not to know us!
A. will pretend C. is supposed to pretend
B. could be pretending D. should pretend
21. Her performance was so _______ that I was on the edge of my seat throughout
the play.
A. contemporary B. catchy C. audible D. riveting
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable
response to each of the following questions.
22. Warren: ‘If only I hadn’t lent him all my money!’
Elon: “___________________”
A. Well, you did, so it’s no use crying over spilt milk.
B. All right. You’ll be OK
C. Sorry, I have no idea
D. I’m afraid you’ll have to do it.
23. Jeff: ‘What a lovely dog you have’ Evan: ‘ ___________________’
A. Thank you. It’s a present from my brother
B. Thanks. I’m just fine
C. Don’t worry. I’ll take care of it.
D. I can’t agree more.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions
24. The neighbours’ constant wrangles with each other shattered our tranquility.
A. wrecks B. wraths C. quarrels D. conversations
25. You may find that jogging is detrimental to your health rather than beneficial.
A. helpful B. facile C. depressing D. harmful
M ark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE
in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions
26. Some bird and animal populations have declined recently due to changes in
farming practice.
A. descended B. varied C. changed D. increased
27. I don’t know any films that take a light-hearted look at life in prison.
A. open-minded B. carefree C. sorrowful D. cheery
Read the text and choose the answer A, B, C or D which best
fits each gap.
I am a fashion designer by profession. Each year, I produce my own collection of new
clothes for young people to wear, (28) ________ I present to the world in a fashion
show in London. Although I like the outfits that I design and I feel very proud when
my shows get good (29) ________ in the press, the clothes are quite unlike the
things I would choose to wear myself. (30) ________, some people think it’s
surprising that the clothes I find most comfortable are not currently fashionable at
all. I get great pleasure, for example, out of what are (31) _______ ‘vintage clothes’,
especially those designed by the great fashion houses of the past. I (32) ______ a big
thrill from imangining who might have worn them when they were new and what
their history may be. Some of my coats and dresses are quite valuable, so they must
have been worn by quite famous people, but I don’t know that for sure.
28. A. who B. which C. when D. whose
29. A. replies B. revisions C. reviews D. receipts
30. A. Elsewhere B. Otherwise C. Despite D. Indeed
31. A. titled B. known C. called D. referred
32. A. have B. take C. find D. get
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on
your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of
the questions.
The air above our head is becoming cleaner. A breath of fresh air has been
running right round the planet for the past five years. The planet is apparently
purging itself of pollution. Paul Novell of the University of Colorado, the co-author of
a report on this phenomenon says, ‘It seems as if the planet’s own cleaning service
has suddenly got a new lease of life. Suddenly, there are a lot of changes going on up
Estimates of the death toll from urban smogs have been steadily rising, so the
new cleaner trend could have significant consequences for life expectancy in cities as
well as for the planet itself. The sudden and unexpected reversal of several decades
of worsening pollution extends from the air in city streets to the remotest mid-
Pacific Ocean and Antartica.
Among the pollutants which have begun to disappear from the atmosphere
are carbon monoxide, from car exhausts and burning rainforests, and methane from
the guts of cattle, paddy fields and gas fields. Even carbon dioxide, the main gas
behind global warming, has fallen slightly.
There are two theories about why pollution is disappearing. First, that there
is less pollution to start with due to laws to cut down urban smogs and acid rain
starting to have a global impact. Second, that the planet may be becoming more
efficient at cleaning up.
The main planetary clean-up agent is a chemical called hydroxyl. It is present
throughout the atsmosphere in tiny quantities and remove most pollutants from the
air by oxidizing them. The amount of hydroxyl in the air had fallen by a quarter in the
1980s. Now, it may be reviving for two reasons: ironically, because the ozone hole
has expanded, letting in more ultraviolet radiation into the lower atmosphere, where
it manufactures hydroxyl. Then the stricter control on vehicle exhausts in America
and Europe may have cut global carbon monoxide emissions, thereby allowing more
hydroxyl to clean up other pollutants.

33. What is the main topic of the passage?

A. The decreasing pollution of the atmosphere.
B. The changing pollutants in the atmosphere
C. Hydroxyl’s influence on the atmosphere
D. The oxygenation of the atmosphere.
34. According to the passage, life expectancy partly depends on people having
A. access to details about atmospheric pollution
B. recommendations from university research
C. improvement in atmospheric conditions
D. changes in their lifestyles
35. The word ‘It’ refers to
A. urban smog C. a clean-up agent
B. acid rain D. the ozone hole
36. Based on information in the passage, all of the following information referring to
hydroxyl is true EXCEPT
A. the reduction in the ozone layer is beneficial to hydroxyl
B. oxydization of pollutants is carried out by hydroxyl
C. there is difficulty in destroying carbon dioxide by hydroxyl
D. ultraviolet radiation increases production of hydroxyl
37. The word ‘purging’ is closest in meaning to
A. destroying B. refining C. filtering D. ridding
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on
your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
Big rocks are very heavy, so need a lot of people to move them. This is why
Stonehenge in England is such an amazing creation.
The stones in Stonehenge are much heavier than buses. We do not know why
people moved the heavy stones to Stonehenge. We do not even know what
Stonehenge was used for. Some scientists believe that Stonehenge was used for
watching the stars in the sky. This is because the stones seem to follow the pattern
of the stars at night.
Others believe that Stonehenge was used as a temple. We don’t know if
people actually prayed in Stonehenge, but human bones were found in the circle.
This made people think that Stonehenge might have been a cemetery at the same
Perhaps we will never know why or how Stonehenge was built, but it does
not matter. Many people still go to see the amazing stones.

38. What is the passage mainly about?

A. Big rocks and the stars C. The pattern of the stars in Stonehenge
B. The mysteries of Stonehenge D. How Stonehenge was built
39. According to the author, what did people think of Stonehenge after they found
human bones?
A. They thought Stonehenge might be for scientists to work
B. They thought Stonehenge might be a place to watch stars
C. They thought Stonehenge might be just a circle
D. They thought Stonehenge might be a place for burying dead people
40. According to the passage, which of the following is true about Stonehenge?
A. The stones in Stonehenge are greater than buses in length
B. The stones in Stonehenge are greater than buses in height
C. The stones in Stonehenge are greater than buses in size
D. The stones in Stonehenge are greater than buses in weight
41. The word ‘This’ refers to
A. the sky
B. B. Stonehenge
C. the belief that Stonehenge was used for watching the stars
D. the pattern of the stars at night
42. It can be inferred from the passage that
A. Scientists have found out why Stonehenge was built
B. Stonehenge is an interesting tourist attraction
C. the information about Stonehenge is inaccurate
D. Stonehenge was a multi-purposed creation.

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the

underlined part that needs correction.
43. A (A) certain amount of give and bring (B) is essential (C) in any relationship (D).
44. Whatever the problem (A), you should think (B)profoundly about them (C) before
coming to a decision (D).
45. It was in a cave (A) near Magdalena, New Mexico, when (B) the oldest (C) known
ears of cultivated corn were discovered (D).

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate

the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the
following questions.
46. You are not allowed to use parts and asscociated products of wild animals.
A. You do not need to use parts and asscociated products of wild animals.
B. Parts and asscociated products of wild animals mustn’t be used.
C. You had better not used parts and asscociated products of wild animals.
D. Parts and asscociated products of wild animals oughtn’t to be used.
47. When a man knows much, he is likely to be modest.
A. So as to be modest, a man needs to know much.
B. A man who knows as much as him tends to be modest.
C. The more a man knows, the more he is inclined to be modest.
D. A man is unlikely to be as modest as what he knows.
48. She didn’t understand the benefits of volunteering until she joined this program.
A. Not until did she join this program, she understood the benefits of
B. It was not until she joined this program that she understands the benefits of
C. Not until she joined this program did she understand the benefits of
D. So late she joined this program that she understood the benefits of
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines
each pair of sentences in the following questions.
49. Kate completed her higher education. She then decided to travel the world
before getting a job.
A. Without completing her higher education, Kate decided to travel the world
before getting a job.
B. Given that Kate decided to travel the world before getting a job, she
completed her higher education.
C. Having completed her higher education, Kate decided to travel the world
before getting a job.
D. Kate had scarcely travelled the world before getting a job when she
completed her higher education.
50. It’s not fair to put all the blame on Jennifer. She was not the only one at fault.
A. It’s only Jennifer who was involved in everything shoud be punished.
B. Jennifer deserves to be punished for her faults, but the others don’t.
C. It wouldn’t be right to punish those who were not at fault, but Jennifer.
D. Jennifer does not deserve to be blamed for everything because there were
others involved.

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