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TTG RULES If you get hitted your hps go down.

If your hp reach 0 you faint. If you get

attacked while fainted you die.
Building a runner (character creation):
every runner has 4 stats and 4 skills. NPCs have less stats:
Allocate points in your stats and skills • HD: 1 (it means it has 1d8 HP, if 2
(the more you allocate, the stronger it is): HD then 2d8 HP). Add the HD
number to every damage dealt by
STAT: (3 points) the Npc.
body • Attack: 14 (the value to pass if you
coordination want to dodge its attack).
mind • Defense: 12 (the value to pass if you
charisma want to hit it).
• Morale: 12 (if things go bad for the
SKILL: (3 points) npc, roll d20 and if the result is
training higher than this number, it flees).
arcane Magic: you have 1d4+HD magic point
communication per rest. Every rest you reroll for MP
(they don’t add up).
Starting HP: 1 HD (meaning 1 Hit Dice, Casting a spell requires MPs. If you go
so 1d8 HP) +body down zero MP you are exausted (body
and coordination are rolled with
Class: warrior (+ 1 HD), adventurer (+2 disadvantage).
to craft/com), sorcerer (+1 arc and you
get a spell). Use a basic OS spell list.

Race: human (+1 to a skill), elf (+1 to Equipment: you have 8+body equipment
mind), catfolk (you see in the dark), imp slots. Things bigger than a knife fill a slot.
(+1 body) Unwieldy objects fill 2 slots. If you
exceed your maximum equipment
Tests: to make a standard test you use capacity you get exausted (you do tests
1d20+stat+skill, if the result’s >14 you with disadvantage). If you exceed its
pass. double you can’t move.
Don’t add skill if the test is unexpected by
the runner (like if he falls into a trap). Rest: you have to eat and rest once a
day. If you do you regain 1d8 hp, if you
Combat: initiative is a coo+training test. don’t you are exausted (body and
Those who pass act before the enemy. coordination are rolled with
You make a test for attacking disadvantage) untill the next rest.
(body+training) and a test for defending
(coo+training). Leveling up: you level up with money. To
The runners can do up to 2 different reach level 2 you need 1000 W, level 3
actions per turn. 2000 W, level 4 4000 W and so on:
Advantage and disadvantage like dnd 5e • every new level you get +1 HD
(reroll the d20 and use the higher/lower • every 3 levels you get +1 to one skill
result). • every 5 levels you
can retire
If you hit, you do damage (a shortword
deals 1d6, a revolver deals 1d8) and add
your HD number.

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