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Publisher: General Authority for Healthcare Accreditation and Regulation.

Preparation: General Administration of Standard Research and Development.
Edition: First edition 2021.

Edition 2021
Effective February 2021
The General Authority for Healthcare
Accreditation & Regulation
GAHAR Handbook for Primary Healthcare
Accreditation Standards

May 2021 May 2025

General Authority for Healthcare Accreditation and Regulation

Table of Contents
Foreword....................................................................................................................... 4
Introduction .................................................................................................................. 5
Scope of the Handbook .................................................................................................. 6
Purpose ......................................................................................................................... 7
Use................................................................................................................................ 8
Reading and Interpretation of the Book .................................................................................8
Used Language and Themes ................................................................................................ 10
Application Roadmap .......................................................................................................... 11
Look Back Period Rules ....................................................................................................... 12
Scoring Guide...................................................................................................................... 13
Accreditation Decision Rules ............................................................................................... 14
Acknowledgments ....................................................................................................... 15
Acronyms .................................................................................................................... 19
Section 1: Accreditation Prerequisites and Conditions .................................................. 20
Compliance with GAHAR accreditation prerequisites ............................................................................. 20
Transparent and ethical relationships .................................................................................................... 21

Section 2: Patient-Centered Standards ......................................................................... 24

National Safety Requirements ............................................................................................. 27
Patient-Centeredness Culture .............................................................................................. 29
Establishing patient centered culture ..................................................................................................... 31
Ensuring patient empowerment ............................................................................................................. 34
Ensuring patient comfort ........................................................................................................................ 36
Responding to patient’s needs ................................................................................................................ 37
Access, Continuity, and Transition of Care ........................................................................... 41
Effective patient flow into the PHC ......................................................................................................... 43
Safe patient flow within the PHC ............................................................................................................ 45
Safe patient flow out of the PHC ............................................................................................................. 49
Integrated Care Delivery ..................................................................................................... 51
Sustaining uniform care .......................................................................................................................... 53
Effective patient assessment and management ..................................................................................... 55
Effective and safe management of medical emergency situations ........................................................ 62
Effective primary healthcare services ..................................................................................................... 65
Safe management of critical results ........................................................................................................ 72
Diagnostic and Ancillary Services ......................................................................................... 74
Effective and safe medical imaging planning, management and processes ........................................... 75
Safe radiological studies.......................................................................................................................... 76
Efficient and safe clinical laboratory appropriate planning, management, and processes .................... 78
Surgery and Invasive Procedures ......................................................................................... 83
Safe and effective surgical and invasive procedures care ....................................................................... 84
Medication Management and Safety ................................................................................... 88
Effective and safe medication management planning ............................................................................ 90
Effective and safe medication storage, prescription, dispensing, preparation, and administration ...... 92

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General Authority for Healthcare Accreditation and Regulation

Safe medication monitoring .................................................................................................................. 100

Section 3: Organization-Centered Standards .............................................................. 102

Environmental and Facility Safety...................................................................................... 104
Efficient and safe environment and facility safety management ......................................................... 106
Effective and safe environment and facility safety plans...................................................................... 107
Infection Prevention and Control ....................................................................................... 116
Efficient structure of the infection prevention and control program ................................................... 118
Safe and effective infection prevention practices ................................................................................ 120
Organization Governance and Management ...................................................................... 126
Effective governing body ...................................................................................................................... 128
Effective organization direction ............................................................................................................ 129
Effective organization leadership .......................................................................................................... 130
Efficient financial stewardship .............................................................................................................. 132
Safe, ethical and positive organization culture ..................................................................................... 135
Effective staff engagement, safety, and health .................................................................................... 136
Community Assessment and Involvement ......................................................................... 139
Ensuring alignment with healthcare eco-system changes .................................................................... 141
Effective community services ............................................................................................................... 141
Workforce Management ................................................................................................... 147
Efficient workforce planning ................................................................................................................. 149
Effective orientation, training and education programs ....................................................................... 152
Equitable staff performance evaluation ............................................................................................... 154
Information Management and Technology ........................................................................ 157
Effective information management processes ..................................................................................... 159
Effective document management and recording ................................................................................. 159
Ensuring confidentiality and security of information ............................................................................ 161
Availability of patient-specific information ........................................................................................... 164
Effective patient’s medical record management .................................................................................. 165
Effective information technology in healthcare.................................................................................... 166
Quality and Performance Improvement ............................................................................. 169
Effective leadership support ................................................................................................................. 170
Effective unit/service level input and participation .............................................................................. 172
Efficient risk management program ..................................................................................................... 174
Sustaining improvement ....................................................................................................................... 178

Survey Activities and Readiness ................................................................................. 179

Glossary .................................................................................................................... 190
References................................................................................................................. 197

GAHAR Handbook for Primary Healthcare Standards 3 | P a g e

General Authority for Healthcare Accreditation and Regulation

As an essential step towards implementing the comprehensive healthcare recovery in
Egypt, here is the first edition of the Egyptian Accreditation Standards for Primary
Healthcare issued by the General Authority for Healthcare Accreditation and Regulation
(GAHAR). This edition is a continuation of the efforts started in the last century for improving
healthcare services in the country through standardization. The development of these
standards is a valuable eventual product of collaborative efforts of representatives from the
different health sectors in Egypt, including the Ministry of Health and Population, the private
sector, university professors, and professional syndicates and others.

This book of standards handles healthcare delivery from two main perspectives, the patient-
centered perspective and organization-centered perspective. Each of the two main sections
of this book adopts one of these perspectives and discusses in detail the minimum
requirement for accrediting organizations based on them. The first section discusses
accreditation prerequisites and conditions. The second section discusses patient-centered
standards and adopts Picker's model for patient-centered care to ensure responsiveness of
organizations to patients' needs. The third section discusses organization-centered
standards, highlighting many aspects required for workplace suitability to provide safe and
efficient healthcare. The third section adopts the HealthWISE concepts.

While these standards were carefully tailored to steer the current situation of Egyptian
healthcare in the direction of Egypt’s 2030 Vision, they have been finely compared to
international standards and found to meet their basic intent that apply to Egyptian laws,
regulations, and culture. It is expected that the standards shall be a catalyst for applying
change and improvement in both the culture and practice of healthcare in Egypt.

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General Authority for Healthcare Accreditation and Regulation

Patient-centered care is the healthcare that respects and responds to the preferences,
needs, and values of patients and consumers. The widely accepted dimensions of patient-
centered care are respect, emotional support, physical comfort, information and
communication, continuity and transition, care coordination, family involvement, and access
to care. Surveys measuring patients’ experience of health care are typically based on these
domains. Research demonstrates that patient-centered care improves patient care
experience and creates public value for services. When healthcare administrators,
providers, patients, and families work in partnership, the quality and safety of health care
improve, costs decrease, provider satisfaction increases, and patient care experience is
successfully achieved.

Patient-centered care can also positively affect business metrics, such as finances, quality,
safety, satisfaction, and market share. Patient-centered care is recognized as a dimension
of high-quality healthcare and is identified in the Institute of Medicine report Crossing the
Quality Chasm as one of the six quality aims for improving care. In recent years, strategies
used worldwide to improve overall healthcare quality, such as public reporting and financial
incentives, have emerged as policy-level drivers for improving patient-centered care.

Patients are not the only customers of healthcare systems. Healthcare workers face risks,
as well. Although debate continues regarding whether worker wellbeing should be
considered part of the patient safety initiatives, many organizations think about it that way,
including major players in the healthcare industry worldwide. Three major aspects may
affect the worker’s wellbeing: safety, stress, and organizational structure.

This book defines the minimum requirements for healthcare organizations to comply with
patient safety and centeredness while maintaining a safe, structured, and positive work

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General Authority for Healthcare Accreditation and Regulation

Scope of the Handbook

These standards apply to Primary Healthcare organizations (PHCs)
as whole organizations (whether centers or units) seeking to be enrolled in the
Universal Health Insurance program.

These standards are applicable to:
- Ministry of Health and Population PHCs
- PHCs of military forces, security forces, and other public sectors
- PHCs of syndicates, clubs, and other unions
- Private PHCs
- Charity PHCs providing services to special population groups

These standards are not applicable to:
- Preventive health centers run by universities
- Ambulatory care organizations
- Nursing homes or rehabilitation centers

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General Authority for Healthcare Accreditation and Regulation

GAHAR standards describe the competent level of care during its first step line. They reflect
a desired and achievable level of performance against which a PHC’s actual performance
can be compared. The main purpose of these standards is to direct and maintain safe and
effective healthcare practices through the accreditation standards.

The standards also promote and guide organization management. They assist staff and the
management team to develop safe staffing practices, delegate tasks to staff members,
ensure adequate documentation, and even create policies for new technologies.

GAHAR standards compliance guarantees PHC accountability for its decisions and actions.
Many standards are patient-centered and safety focused to promote the best possible
outcome and minimize exposure to harm. These standards encourage PHCs’ staff to
persistently enhance their knowledge base through experience, continuous education, and
the latest guidelines.

These standards are used to identify areas for improvement in clinical practice and work
areas, as well as to improve patient and workplace safety.

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General Authority for Healthcare Accreditation and Regulation

Reading and Interpretation of the Book

 The General Authority for Healthcare Accreditation and Regulations evaluates

organization structure, process, and/or outcome by setting standards that address
these concepts.
 This book is divided into three sections, in addition to the foreword, introduction,
Scope of this handbook, Purpose, Use, Acknowledgments, Acronyms, Survey
activities and readiness, glossary and References.
 Each section is divided into chapters when applicable
 Each chapter has:
- an introduction that contains an overall intent.
- implementation guiding documents that need to be checked in order to achieve
good compliance with the standards.
- purpose that details follow the introduction, and each one has a standard or
 A standard is a level of quality or achievement, especially a level that is thought to
be acceptable; it is composed of a standard statement, keywords, intent, survey
process guide, evidence of compliance and related standards.
 Standard statement:
- In this book, each standard is written as a standard statement preceded by a
- Each standard is followed by a non-black-scripted statement that describes the
essential quality dimension addressed by the standard.
 Keywords:
Keywords are meant to help organizations in understanding the most important
element(s) of standard statement, as these words or concepts are of great
significance. It answers the question of what the standard is intended to measure.
 Intent:
- Standard intent is meant to help organizations understand the full meaning of the
- The intent is usually divided into two parts:
o Normative: that describes the purpose and rationale of the standard
provides an explanation of how the standard fits into the overall program.
It answers the question of WHY the standard is required to be met.
o Informative: is meant to help organizations identify the strategy to
interpret and execute the standard. It answers the question of HOW the
standard is going to be met.
- Some standards require implementation of minimum components of processes
to be documented, implemented, recorded and/or monitored. These components
are usually preceded with the phrase "At least the following”, followed by a
lettered list of requirements. Hence, these elements are considered essential,
indivisible parts of compliance with the minimum acceptable standard.
 Evidence of compliance (EOC):
- Evidence of compliance of a standard indicate what is reviewed and assigned a
score during the on-site survey process.
- The EOCs for each standard identify the requirements for full compliance with
the standard as scoring is done in relation to met EOCs
 Survey process guide:
- facilitates and assists the surveyors in the standard’s rating for the required EOCs.

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General Authority for Healthcare Accreditation and Regulation

 Related standards:
As healthcare is a complex service, each standard measures a small part of it. To
understand what each standard means in the overall context of healthcare standards,
other standards need to be considered as well.

 Standards are categorized and grouped into three sets of groups:

- Chapters, where standards are grouped as per uniform objective.
- Quality dimensions, where each standard addresses a particular quality dimension,
and strategic categorization of standards to analyze their quality characteristics.
- Documentation requirements, where some standards require certain types of

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General Authority for Healthcare Accreditation and Regulation

Used Language and Themes

This handbook used certain themes and vocabulary to ensure uniformity and clarity. These
are the most important words that will help PHCs to interpreting the standards.

Process, policy, procedure, program, plan, guideline, protocol

(Whenever process is used in a standard, it indicates a requirement that is necessary to
 ‘Process’
A series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end.
 ‘Documented Process’
A document that describes the process and can be in the form of policy,
procedure, program, plan, guideline, or protocol.

- A principle of action adopted by an organization.
- It usually answers the question of what the process is.
- It is stricter than guidelines or protocols.
- It does not include objectives that need to be met during a certain timeframe.
 Procedure:
- An established or official way of doing something.
- It usually answers the question of how the process happens.
- It is stricter than guidelines or protocols.
- It does not include objectives that need to be met during a certain timeframe.
 Plan:
- A detailed proposal for doing or achieving something.
- It usually answers the question of what is the goal, why, how it is going to be
achieved, and when.
- It includes objectives that need to be met during a certain timeframe.
 Guideline:
- A general rule, principle, or piece of advice.
- It usually answers the question of what the process is and how it should happen.
- Usually, it is more narrative than protocol.
 Protocol:
- A best practice protocol for managing a particular condition, which includes a
treatment plan founded on evidence-based strategies and consensus
- Usually, it has graphs, flow charts, mind maps, and thinking trees.
1) Document versus Record
 Document:
Created by planning what needs to be done.
 Record:
Created when something is done.
2) Physician Versus Medical staff member
 Physician:
a professional who practices medicine
 Medical Staff member:
- a professional who practices medicine, dentistry, and other independent

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General Authority for Healthcare Accreditation and Regulation

Application Roadmap

A PHC seeking GAHAR accreditation begins by:

 Applying to join the program via or by sending an e-mail
to [email protected]
 GAHAR is going to respond by sending an application template attached to the
email, and the PHC shall complete the application and upload required documents.
 The PHC’s documents shall be reviewed.
 GAHAR shall determine survey financial fees and bank account details shall be
 The PHC shall make the payment to the Central Bank of Egypt on the bank account
and it shall send a copy of the receipt back via e-mail.
 An appointment for the survey visit shall be determined for the PHC.
 GAHAR’s surveyor team shall evaluate your PHC according to the GAHAR
Handbook for PHC standards.
 The survey report is submitted to accreditation committee to review and take
decision based on the decision rules.
 The PHC is notified of the decision of the accreditation committee. The PHC has 15
days to submit appeal. If no appeal is submitted GAHAR chairman approves the
decision and final certificate is issued.

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General Authority for Healthcare Accreditation and Regulation

Look Back Period Rules

Surveyors are required to review standards requirements and evaluate the PHC’s
compliance to them over a look back period of time.
Look back period: is the period before the survey visit during which any PHC is obliged
to comply with the GAHAR accreditation standards. Failure to comply with this rule
affects the accreditation decision.
The look back period varies from one PHC to another, depending on registration and
accreditation status.
 A registered PHC seeking accreditation will:
- Comply with the National Safety Requirements during the whole period between
receiving the approval of registration and the actual accreditation survey visit.
- Comply with the rest of the GAHAR Handbook for Primary Healthcare standards
for at least four months before the surveyor visit.

 A PHC seeking re-accreditation:

For GAHAR accredited PHCs, compliance with the GAHAR Handbook for
Primary Healthcare standards from receiving the approval of the previous
accreditation till the next accreditation survey visit is mandatory.

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General Authority for Healthcare Accreditation and Regulation

Scoring Guide
During the survey visit, each standard is scored for the evidence of compliance (EOC).

These are mathematical rules that depend on summation and percentage calculation of
scores of each applicable EOC as follows:
 Met when the PHC shows 80% or more compliance with requirements
during the required lookback period with total score of 2.
 Partially met when the PHC shows less than 80% but more than or equal to
50% compliance with requirements during the required lookback period with
total score of 1.
 Not met when the PHC shows less than 50% compliance with requirements
during the required lookback period with total score of 0.
 Not applicable when the PHC shows that the surveyor determines that the
standard requirements are out of the PHC scope (the score is deleted from
the numerator and denominator).

Scoring of each standard

 Met when the average score of the applicable EOCs of this standard is 80%
or more.
 Partially met when the average score of the applicable EOCs of this standard
is less than 80% but not less than 50%.
 Not met when the average score of the applicable EOCs of this standard is
less than 50%.

Scoring of each chapter:

 Each chapter is scored after calculating the average score of all applicable
standards in this chapter.

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General Authority for Healthcare Accreditation and Regulation

Accreditation Decision Rules

A PHC can achieve the status of accreditation by demonstrating compliance w i t h certain

accreditation decision rules. These rules mandate achieving certain scores on a standard
level, chapter level, and overall level as the accreditation decision is composed of four

1st Decision: Status of Accreditation

 Overall compliance of 80% and more,
 Each chapter should score not less than 70%,
 No single whole standard is scored as not met, and
 No single not met NSR standard.

2nd Decision: Status of Conditioned Accreditation (follow-up survey(s) to check correction of

noncompliance in 2 years)
 Overall compliance of 70% to less than 80%,
 Each chapter should score not less than 60%,
 Up to one standard not met per chapter, and
 No single not met NSR standard.

3rd Decision: Status of Conditioned Accreditation (follow-up survey(s) to check correction of

noncompliance in 1 years)
 Overall compliance of 60% to less than 70%,
 Each chapter should score not less than 50%,
 Up to two standards not met per chapter, and
 No single not met NSR standard.

4th Decision: Rejection of Accreditation

 Overall compliance of less than 60%, or
 One chapter scored less than 50%, or
 More than two standards not met per chapter, or
 Not met NSR standard.

PHCs having status of accreditation or conditioned accreditation with elements of non-

compliance are requested to:
 Submit a corrective action plan for unmet EOCs and standards within 90 days for 1st
decision, 60 days for 2nd decision, and 30 days for 3rd decision to [email protected].
 Apply and pass the accreditation survey in 2 years for 2nd Decision and 1 year for 3rd

Accreditation is valid for 3 years. Accreditation may me be suspended or withdrawn if:

 The PHC fails to pass follow up surveys in case of conditioned accreditation,
 The PHC fails to submit corrective action plans in case of presence of one not met EOC
or more,
 The PHC fails to pass an unannounced survey or,
 The PHC fails to comply with GAHAR circulars, when applicable.

GAHAR Handbook for Primary Healthcare Standards 14 | P a g e

General Authority for Healthcare Accreditation and Regulation

Primary Healthcare Standards Development Team

Dr. Ahmed Algamal Dr. Samah El Azab

Senior standard developer, GAHAR Healthcare quality and patient safety
International healthcare quality advisor advisor

Dr. Nahla Badr Nagia Sharaf El-Din

Quality director, As-Salam International Former nursing director, New Kasr El
Hospital Ainy Teaching Hospital

Dr. Eman Ahmed Darwish Hanan Salem

Healthcare quality and patient safety Healthcare quality and patient safety
advisor professional

Dr. Soha Al Marsfy

Senior infection control professional,
Sheikh Zayed Specialized Hospital

Subject Matter Expert Groups

Environment and Facility Safety Group

Mohamed Ibrahim
Safety manager, 57357 Hospital Ahmed Mohamed Saleh
Auditor, GAHAR
Ghada El Gazzar
Quality manager, Dar Al Teb Hospital

Infection Prevention and Control Working Group

Dr. Walaa Abd El-Latif Dr. Ashraf El Shafie

Assistant professor of medical Director of infection prevention and
microbiology and immunology, Ain control program, Ministry of Health and
Shams University Population
IPC advisor
Dr. Alaa Ahmed Nabil Algammal
Dr. Dina Mohammad Erfan Assistant lecturer of medical
Assistant professor of medical microbiology and immunology, Ain
microbiology and immunology, Ain Shams University
Shams University IPC specialist
IPC advisor

Dr. Shimaa Abdel Salam

Lecturer of medical microbiology and
immunology, Ain Shams University
IPC specialist

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General Authority for Healthcare Accreditation and Regulation

Laboratory Standards Working Group

Dr. Rania El Sharkawy Dr. Mohamed Yehia

Professor of chemical pathology, Lecturer of clinical pathology, Al Azhar
Alexandria University University
Lab and blood bank manager, Saudi
Dr. Solaf Ahmed German Hospital
Professor of clinical pathology, National
Research Institute in Cairo Dr. Safinaz Ghareeb
Co-director of clinical laboratory quality,
Dr. Mona Awad Central Laboratory Administration,
Professor of clinical pathology, National Ministry of Health and Population
Research Institute in Cairo
Dr. Walaa Kandil
Dr. May Sherif Assistant director of laboratory
Assistant professor of clinical management, Ministry of Health and
pathology, Cairo University Population

Dr. Ghada Ziad

Clinical pathology consultant, 57357

Medication Management and Safety Working Group

Dr. Nirmeen Sabry,

BPharm, MSc, PhD Dr. Shereen Mohamed Abdel-Gawad
Professor of clinical pharmacy, Cairo Head of technical office, Central
University Administration for Pharmaceutical
Medication management consultant Affairs, Egyptian Drug Authority

Dr. Basma ElShennawy, Dr. Moaz Masoud,

Quality manager, Cleopatra Hospital Hospital Pharmacy Administration,
Egyptian Drug Authority
Dr. Ghada Ali Mohamed Younis,
BPharm, BCPS, TQM Dr. Raghda Shehab El-Din Abdel-
Head of Hospital Pharmacy Lateef,
Administration BPharm, MSc, TQM
Supervisor of Drug Supply General Head of Rational Drug Use
Administration, Egyptian Drug Authority Department, Hospital Pharmacy
Administration, Egyptian Drug Authority
Dr. Hend Ibrahim Abou Elsaad,
Senior clinical pharmacist and
medication safety officer, Dar Al-Fouad

GAHAR Handbook for Primary Healthcare Standards 16 | P a g e

General Authority for Healthcare Accreditation and Regulation

Radiology Standards Working Group

Dr. Seham Mohamed Elsaadany Dr. Yasser Mohamed Ghanem

General manager, General Directorate Radiation oncology consultant, Military
of Radiology Medical Service

Dr. Tarek Badr Dr. Kassim Abdel-Halim Moustafa

Vice general manager, General Radiation physics
Directorate of Radiology
Sohier Saad Abdel-Khalek
Khalid Muhammad Taalab Radiation protection expert
Professor of nuclear medicine, Military
Medical Academy Alaa El-Din El Feky
Medical registration technician and

Pilot Testing Team

Dr. Zakaria Abdelhamid

Healthcare quality surveyor, GAHAR Dr. Ismaeil El Feky
Vice chair of the primary healthcare Healthcare quality surveyor, GAHAR
standards working group, GAHAR
Dr. Eman El Sayed
Dr. Nehad Ahmed Healthcare quality surveyor, GAHAR
Healthcare quality surveyor, GAHAR
Dr. Magdy Youssef
Dr. Metwally Mohamed Healthcare quality surveyor, GAHAR
Healthcare quality surveyor, GAHAR
Dr. Mohamed Mahmoud
Dr. Shaker Mina Healthcare quality surveyor, GAHAR
Healthcare quality surveyor, GAHAR

Department of Standards Development at GAHAR

Dr. Azza Mostafa Dr. Heba Hossam

Dr. Nailah Amin Dr. Hema Soliman

GAHAR Technical Office

Dr. Mahmoud El Sayed Zied Dr. Yasmeen El Rakhawy

Special thanks to primary healthcare centers and primary healthcare units in

which field testing was carried out.

GAHAR Handbook for Primary Healthcare Standards 17 | P a g e

GAHAR Board Members Standards Development and Review Team

Dr. Islam Abou Youssef Dr. Ahmed Safwat

Vice chairman, GAHAR Board member, GAHAR

Dr. Sayed El Okda Dr. Khaled Omran

Board member, GAHAR Board member, GAHAR
Team lead for the environment and
facility safety working group, GAHAR Dr. Nouran El Ghandour
Board member, GAHAR

Dr. Ashraf Ismail

Chairman, GAHAR
General Authority for Healthcare Accreditation and Regulation

Code Meaning

APC Accreditation Prerequisites and Conditions

NSR National Safety Requirements
PCC Patient-Centeredness Culture
ACT Access, Continuity, and Transition of Care
ICD Integrated Care Delivery
DAS Diagnostic and Ancillary Services
SIP Surgery and Invasive Procedures
MMS Medication Management and Safety
EFS Environmental and Facility Safety
IPC Infection Prevention and Control
OGM Organization Governance and Management
CAI Community Assessment and Involvement
WFM Workforce Management
IMT Information Management and Technology
QPI Quality and Performance Improvement

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General Authority for Healthcare Accreditation and Regulation

Section 1: Accreditation Prerequisites and Conditions

Section Intent
This section aims at providing a clear, ethical framework that a PHC must follow in order to comply
with the GAHAR survey process. Scores of these standards are always be met in order to continue
the survey process. One partially met or not met evidence of compliance is to be dealt with on
GAHAR accreditation committee level and may result in denial or suspension of accreditation.

Compliance with GAHAR accreditation prerequisites

APC.01 The PHC sustains, ensures and monitors compliance with registration
Sustaining registration requirements

Registration requirements are considered the minimum level of quality, safety and compliance for
any PHC aiming at being enrolled in the Universal Health Insurance system. When a PHC is
registered, it is expected that the PHC shall sustain or improve upon the level of quality achieved
during the registration visit.

Survey process guide:

During the GAHAR survey, the surveyor may assess compliance with the standards’ requirements.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC establishes a process of frequent assessment of compliance with registration
2. The PHC acts on all feedback and reports received from GAHAR during the registration period
3. The PHC reacts to all GAHAR requirements and reports in a timely manner.
4. The PHC demonstrates using approved monitoring tools to measure the compliance with
National Safety Requirements.
5. When a gap is identified, the PHC takes all necessary measures to improve performance and
sustain compliance.
6. The PHC reports to GAHAR any challenges that affect compliance to registration requirements.

Related standards:
EFS.01 PHC environment and facility safety structure; DAS.05 Laboratory services planning and

APC.02 The PHC ensures safe medical provision through compliance with GAHAR
Healthcare Professionals Registration.
Registration of staff

The Healthcare Professionals Registration process aims at ensuring competence of healthcare
professionals by matching their qualifications and experience to registered or accredited PHC
scope of medical services. In return, this process will improve quality of healthcare services
provided to the community. The PHC is expected to register 100% of all members of the following
healthcare professions:
a) Physicians
b) Dentists

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General Authority for Healthcare Accreditation and Regulation

c) Pharmacists
d) Physiotherapists
e) Nurses
f) Nursing technicians
g) Health technicians
h) Chemists
i) Physicists
The PHC created a process to register all applicable newly hired staff members within 1-3

Survey process guide:

During the GAHAR survey, the surveyor may assess compliance with the standard requirements.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has an approved process for registering all members of the required medical
2. The PHC assigns a taskforce to ensure complete registration and identify those who are not
registered within a defined timeframe.
3. The process covers all full-time, part-time, visiting, or other types of contracts/agreements.
4. The PHC reports to GAHAR, health authorities, and professional syndicates any finding that
can affect patient safety such as fake or misrepresented credentials.

Related standards:
WFM.01 Staffing plan; WFM.03 Recruitment.

Transparent and ethical relationships

APC.03 The PHC provides GAHAR with accurate and complete information throughout all
phases of the registration and accreditation processes.
Accurate and complete information

During the registration and accreditation processes, there are many points at which GAHAR
requires data and information. When a PHC is registered, GAHAR’s scope includes being informed
of any changes in the PHC and any reports from external evaluators. PHCs may provide
information to GAHAR verbally, through direct observation, an interview, application or any other
type of communication with a GAHAR employee. Relevant accreditation policies and procedures
inform the PHC of what data and/or information are required and the period for submission. The
PHC is expected to provide timely, accurate and complete information to GAHAR regarding its
structure, PHC scope of work, building, governance, licenses, and evaluation reports by external
evaluators. GAHAR requires each PHC whether registered, accredited or just interested to engage
in the accreditation process with honesty, integrity, and transparency.

Survey process guide:

Before and during a GAHAR survey, surveyors shall expect transparency of sharing information,
reports or concerns related to registration, accreditation, licensure, inspection, audits, legal affairs,
reportable sentinel events and reportable measures.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC reports accurate and complete information to GAHAR during the registration process.
2. The PHC reports accurate and complete information to GAHAR in the period between the
registration and accreditation processes.

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3. The PHC reports within 30 days any structural changes in the PHC scope of work of addition
or deletion of medical services by more than 15% of its scope, building expansions, or
4. The PHC provides GAHAR access to evaluation results and reports of any evaluating

Related standards:
IMT.01 Information management planning; IMT.02 Quality management system documents.

APC.04 The PHC uses the accreditation process to improve safety and effectiveness.
Accreditation process value

GAHAR accreditation implies that a PHC is a place that maintains high safety standards. Public
bodies, governmental bodies, PHC staff and third-party payers, among others, will assume
credibility in accredited PHC processes. Thus, GAHAR has the right to obtain any information to
confirm standards and accreditation policy compliance and evaluate patient safety and quality
concerns at any time during all phases of accreditation. When external bodies other than GAHAR
evaluate areas related to safety and quality such as, fire safety inspections, Police criminal
investigations, court allegations checking, staff working conditions inspections, and evaluation of
safety incidents or quality complaints. These evaluations complement accreditation reviews but
may have a different focus or emphasis. Creating a safe culture is not an easy task; it requires
everyone to be aware of safety issues and able to report them. The PHC improves PHC safety by
sharing knowledge with GAHAR about any challenges identified through internal or external
processes. The PHC’s website, advertising and promotion, brochures, newspapers, and other
information made available to the public accurately reflect the scope of programs and services that
are accredited by GAHAR.

Survey process guide:

During the GAHAR survey, surveyors shall expect transparency of sharing information, reports or
concerns related to safety issues. GAHAR surveyors shall expect to see announcements to inform
staff and patients on mechanisms to report safety issues to GAHAR.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC permits GAHAR to perform on-site evaluations of standards and policy compliance
or verification of quality and safety concerns, reports, or regulatory authority sanctions.
2. The PHC accurately represents its registration and accreditation status and scope.
3. The PHC informs staff and patients on mechanisms to report safety issues to GAHAR.

Related standards:
QPI.10 Sentinel events; OGM.03 PHC leaders.

APC.05 The PHC maintains professional standards during surveys.

Professional standards during surveys

Surveyors’ aim is to perform their duties and responsibilities and to attain the highest levels of the
ethical performance to meet the public interest and maintain the reputation of GAHAR. To achieve
these objectives, the survey process must establish creditability, professionalism, quality of service
and confidence. The PHC is expected to maintain professional standards on dealing with

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surveyors. The PHC is expected to report to GAHAR if there is a conflict of interest between a
surveyor and the PHC that could affect any of the following:
a) Integrity
b) Objectivity
c) Professional competence
d) Confidentiality
e) Respect
The PHC ensures that there are no immediate risks to surveyors' safety and security. The PHC
respects confidentiality and sensitivity of survey process.

Survey process guide:

During the GAHAR survey, surveyors shall expect that safety, security, confidentiality, privacy,
respect, integrity, objectivity and professional competence values are going to be cherished at all

Evidence of compliance:
1. During surveys, the PHC reports any conflict of interest to GAHAR with evidences.
2. During surveys, the PHC maintains professional standards on dealing with surveyors.
3. During surveys, the PHC ensures that the environment does not pose any safety or security
risks on surveyors.
4. During surveys, the PHC avoids media or social media releases without GAHAR’s approval.

Related standards:
OGM.09 Ethical management.

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Section 2: Patient-Centered Standards

Patient-centered care represents a paradigm shift in how patients, healthcare professionals, and
other participants think about the processes of treatment and healing. It is defined by the Institute
of Medicine (IOM) as the act of providing care that is respectful of, and responsive to, individual
patient preferences, needs and values, and ensuring that patient values guide all clinical decisions.
The rise of patient-centered care makes way for a healthcare system designed to optimize the
agency and comfort of the most important and vulnerable people in the equation: patients, families,
and communities.

Over the past two decades, patient-centered care has become internationally recognized as a
dimension of the broader concept of high-quality healthcare. In 2001, the IOM’s Crossing the
Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st century defined good-quality care as safe,
effective, patient-centered, timely, efficient, and equitable. The report set out several rules to
redesign and improve patient-centered care, including ensuring that care is based in continuous,
healing relationships; customizing care based on patients’ needs and values; ensuring the patient
is the source of control; sharing knowledge and information freely; and maintaining transparency.

The IOM report defined four levels that further define quality care and the role of patient-centered
care in each level:
1. The experience level refers to an individual patient’s experience of their care. Care should be
provided in a way that is respectful, informative, and supportive for the participation of
patients and families.
2. The clinical micro-system level refers to the service, or program level of care. Patients and
family should participate in the overall design of the service or program.
3. The PHC level refers to the PHC as a whole. Patients and families should participate as full
members of key PHC committees.
4. The environment level refers to the regulatory level of the health system. Patients and families
can inform local authorities.

Practically, many Egyptian PHCs have undergone health reform projects, but many find it hard to
actively change the way care is delivered, and struggle to involve patients and learn from their
experience. Key strategies from leading patient-centered care organizations worldwide include
demonstrating committed senior leadership; regular monitoring and reporting of patient feedback
data; engaging patients and families as partners; resourcing improvements in care delivery and
environment; building staff capacity and a supportive work environment; establishing performance
accountability; and supporting a learning organization culture.

Internationally, healthcare services use a range of strategies to promote patient-centered care,

including staff development, leadership, collecting and reporting patient feedback, redesigning and
co-designing service delivery, implementing patient rights bills, and engaging patients and families
as partners in improving care.

There are eight principles of patient-centered care as defined by Picker’s Institute:

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1) Patients’ preferences
At every step, patients should be given the needed information to make thoughtful decisions
about their care. Those preferences should always be considered when determining the best
course of action for that patient. The expertise and authority of healthcare professionals should
complement and enhance the patient perspective. Assessment and care should be in a way
that maintains patients’ dignity and demonstrates sensitivity to their cultural values healthcare
professionals need to focus on the person’s quality of life, which may be affected by their
illness and treatment. Everyone involved is always on the same team, working toward the
same goal.

2) Emotional support
Challenges of treating and healing the body can also take their toll on the mind and the heart.
Practicing patient-centered care means recognizing the patient as a whole person, having a
multi-dimensional human experience, eager for knowledge and human connection, who may
need extra, specialized help in keeping up the spirit of optimism. It helps to alleviate fear and
anxiety the person may be experiencing with respect to their health statute (physical status,
treatment, and prognosis), the impact of their illness on themselves and others (family,
caregivers, etc.), and the financial impacts of their illness.

3) Physical comfort
Patients shall summon the courage to face circumstances that are scary, painful, lonely, and
difficult. Strong pain relief and a soft pillow can go a long way. Healthcare professionals should
work to ensure that the details of patients' environments are working for them, rather than
against them. Patients should remain as safe and comfortable as possible through difficult
straits, surrounded by people equipped to care for them.

4) Information and education

Providing complete information to patients regarding their clinical status, progress, and
prognosis; the process of care; and information to help ensure their autonomy and their ability
to self-manage and to promote their health. When patients are fully informed, given the trust
and respect that comes with sharing all relevant facts, they will feel more empowered to take
responsibility for the elements of their care that are within their control.

5) Continuity and transition

A transition from one phase of care to the next should be as seamless as possible. Patients
should be informed about what to expect. Treatment regimens, especially medication
regiments, should be clearly defined and understood. And everyone involved should be able
to plan and understand what warning signs (and positive indicators) to look out for.

6) Coordination of care
Every aspect of care depends on every other aspect working as efficiently and effectively as
possible. Treatment and patient experience shall be considered as an integrated whole, with

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different moving parts working in concert to reduce feelings of fear and vulnerability.
Healthcare professionals shall cooperate in the interest of the patient's overall wellbeing.

7) Access to care
To the extent that it is possible, patients should have access to all the care they need, when
they need it, in a manner that's convenient and doesn't inflict too much added stress. It should
be simple to schedule appointments, stick to medication regimens, and practice self-care.

8) Involvement of family and friends

Patient-centered care encourages keeping patients involved and integrated with their families,
their communities, and their everyday lives by:
- Accommodating the individuals who provide the person with support during care.
- Respecting the role of the person’s advocate in decision making.
- Supporting family members and friends as caregivers, and recognizing their needs.

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National Safety Requirements

Chapter intent

The WHO defines patient safety as the reduction and mitigation of unsafe acts within the
healthcare system, as well as the use of best practices shown to lead to optimal patient outcomes.
Healthcare is a complex environment where errors can injure or kill. Usually, the safeguards work.
However, each layer of defenses such as alarms, standardized procedures, and trained health
professionals has weak spots. Advances and commitment to patient safety worldwide have grown
since the late 1990s, which leads to a remarkable transformation in the way patient safety is

When multiple system failures occur, mistakes that would usually be caught slip through, the price
we pay when such situations occur is often high, on both a human and a health-system level.
Measuring patient safety initiatives and adverse events is essential when monitoring the progress
of these strategies, tracking success, and helping to flag issues or identify potential areas for

As part of the GAHAR registration process, PHCs must show commitment to patient safety. This
requires compliance with each of the National Safety Requirements (NSRs). During surveys,
surveyors evaluate that safe and efficient implementation of each of the NSRs is maintained in all
relevant practices. The application of the standards should be according to the applicable National
laws and regulations.

Chapter purpose

The main objective is to ensure that organizations provide and maintain a patient safety program
effectively. To achieve this effectiveness, the chapter addresses all the National Safety
Requirements. Some requirements were placed into other chapters for convenience. No standards
are scored under this chapter. All National Safety Requirements will be scored in their
corresponding chapters.

Implementation guiding documents:

(Any of the following mentioned references needs to be read in the context of its terms, conditions,
substitutes, amendments, updates, and annexes

1) Egyptian Constitution
2) Egyptian code of medical ethics 238/2003
3) Egyptian code of nursing ethics
4) Jeddah Declaration on Patient Safety 2019
5) WHO Patient Safety Assessment Manual
6) WHO Patient Safety Friendly Initiatives

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National Safety Requirements in this Handbook

Code in
Code NSR Keyword this book

Care Delivery Related Safety

NSR.01 Patient identification ACT.03
NSR.02 Verbal and telephone orders ICD.12
NSR.03 Hand hygiene IPC.03
NSR.04 Critical results ICD.25
NSR.05 Fall screening and prevention ICD.10

Surgery and Invasive Procedure Safety

NSR.06 Surgical site marking SIP.03
NSR.07 Pre-operative checklist SIP.04
NSR.08 Timeout SIP.05

Medication Management and Safety

NSR.09 Abbreviations IMT.03
NSR.10 High risk medications and concentrated electrolytes MMS.06
NSR.11 Look-alike and sound-alike medication MMS.07
NSR.12 Best possible medication history MMS.10
NSR.13 Medication labelling MMS.04

Environment and Facility Safety

NSR.14 Radiation safety program DAS.04
NSR.15 Laboratory safety program DAS.09
NSR.16 Fire safety and fire drill EFS.02
NSR.17 Hazardous materials and waste management EFS.04
NSR.18 Safety management plan EFS.05
NSR.19 Security management plan EFS.06
NSR.20 Medical equipment management plan EFS.07
NSR.21 Utilities management plan EFS.08

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Patient-Centeredness Culture
Chapter intent

In patient-centered care, a patient’s specific health needs and desired health outcomes are the
driving force behind all healthcare decisions and quality measurements. As many patients are
unable to evaluate a healthcare professional’s level of technical skill or training, criteria for judging
a service are non-technical, personal and include aspects like comfort, friendly service, healthcare
professional’s communication, soft skills, and on-time schedules. This requires that healthcare
professionals develop good communication skills and address patient needs effectively and

Patient-centered care also requires that the healthcare professional becomes a patient advocate
and strives to provide care that is not only effective but also safe. The goal of patient-centered
healthcare is to involve and empower patients and their families to become active participants in
their care not only from a clinical perspective, but also from an emotional, mental, spiritual, social,
and financial perspective.

Globally, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights article 25 emphasized the human right to a
standard of living adequate for the health and wellbeing of himself and of his family, which includes
medical care and the right to security in the event of sickness or disability.

Locally, Egyptian legal and ethical frameworks supported patient-centered care as well. According
to the Egyptian constitution, comprehensive quality-standardized healthcare is a right for
Egyptians. Egyptian codes of medical, nursing, pharmaceutical, and other healthcare
professionals' ethics emphasized multiple aspects of patient's rights and healthcare professional's
obligations towards patients. The Consumer Protection Agency has identified multiple practices
and instructions for patients to assume during their healthcare processes. In addition, Egyptian
laws clearly describe the mechanism to obtain legal consents. During the past few years, the
Egyptian parliament discussed some laws that are pertinent to the rights of some groups of
Egyptian society, such as women, children, and handicapped and elderly.

Practically, PHCs need to ensure infrastructure for uniform patient-centered care policies and
procedures. Policies and procedures need to identify mechanisms to establish and sustain
patient-centered care culture. Education and techniques to encourage patient-centeredness
behaviors are needed.

During the GAHAR survey, surveyors shall be able to measure how organizations define their
patient-centeredness culture and work to sustain it through reviewing documents pertinent to this
chapter, reviewing the implementation of direct patient management, during patient tracers, and
interviewing staff. The leadership interview session may touch on this topic, as well.

Chapter purpose

This chapter is written and arranged in a logical order that first describes the infrastructure and
culture needed to comply with the chapter requirements. It describes basic patient rights and
responsibilities and touches on those techniques and cultural changes that organizations need to
address while building a patient-centred culture.

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Implementation guiding documents:

(Any of the following mentioned references needs to be read in the context of its terms,
conditions, substitutes, amendments, updates and annexes)

1) Egyptian Constitution
2) Universal declaration on Human Rights year 1964
3) Cairo declaration on Human Rights in Islam, 1990
4) Law 126/2008 on Egyptian Child
5) Law 10/2018 on the rights of handicapped
6) Drafted Egyptian law for Elderly care
7) Law 181/2018 on Egyptian “Consumer Protection”
8) Law 206/2017 on advertisement for healthcare services
9) Egyptian code of medical ethics 238/2003
10) Egyptian code of nursing ethics (Nursing Syndicate Publications)
11) Code of ethics and behavior for civil service staff,2019, if applicable
12) Egyptian Criminal code 58/1937
13) Egyptian consent laws
14) MOH Ministerial decree 186 / 2001 Management of emergency cases
15) MOH Ministerial decree number 216 / 1982 Healthcare facilities organization
16) MOH Ministerial 186/2001 Patient right to know expected cost of care

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Establishing patient centered culture

PCC.01 PHC advertisements are clear and comply with applicable laws, regulations, and
ethical codes of the healthcare professionals' syndicates.
PHC advertisement

Good advertising helps the community have a better understanding of the available health services.
PHCs might use banners, brochures, pamphlets, websites, social media pages, call centers or
other media to advertise provided services. Medical syndicates, nursing syndicates, pharmacy
syndicates, and other syndicates, addressed honesty and transparency as high values in their
codes of ethics. The PHC can start complying to this standard by exploring the relevant laws,
regulations and ethical codes and finding out how they apply to the PHC
advertisement/communication plan. Information shall be accurate, updated and clearly
communicated about types of services, healthcare professionals, cost of services, and working

Survey process guide:

GAHAR surveyors may check PHC advertisements at any time from receiving the application and
assigning of surveyors until sending the survey report. Advertisements may be matched with the
application information and with survey visit observations.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has an approved policy guiding the process of providing clear, updated and accurate
advertisement of services.
2. Advertisements are done in compliance with laws, regulations and ethical codes of healthcare
professionals’ syndicates.
3. Patients and their families receive clear, updated and accurate information about the PHC's
services, healthcare professionals, and working hours.
4. Patients and their families are informed of expected costs in a manner and a language they

Related standards:
PCC.03 Patient and family rights; OGM.07 Billing system; ICD.14 Emergency services; OGM.09
Ethical management.

PCC.02 Patient-centered culture initiatives are developed and encouraged.

Interdisciplinary patient-centeredness

Patient centered culture development and maintenance require careful planning, agile
implementation, and close monitoring. Patient-centeredness culture sustainability requires
informing and engaging staff on how to be patient-centered. Healthcare professional-Patient
relationship, communication courses and discussion among medical staff members emphasize this
culture. Education can be in the form of lectures, demonstrations, courses, workshops, role-plays,
and other mechanisms. A journey of changing/improving PHC culture requires a collaborative
teamwork from multiple disciplines. The PHC leadership can develop patient-centered initiatives,
but it requires staff adoption and implementation. The PHC team shall create a vision of
establishing a patient centred culture with clear steps to achieve it, identify potential obstacles and
resistance, then work to remove these obstacle and ease down resistance. The team may also go
for quick wins till the culture change matures up and becomes an integrated part of daily processes.

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The PHC should be able to measure compliance with patient-centered initiatives and evaluate staff
performance accordingly.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may receive information about patient-centered culture support groups
during the opening presentation. Terms of references and meeting notes may be reviewed
during document review session or during leadership interview session. Questions may be
posed to explore the mechanisms taken to plan, assist and maintain patient centered practices.

Evidence of compliance:
1. Staff are oriented, educated, and trained on patient-centered initiatives.
2. The PHC has mechanisms to evaluate the patient-centeredness performance of staff; these
mechanisms may include patient education activities, patient engagement in making care
decisions, and providing emotional support.
3. Patient-centered health delivery emphasizes aspects of care that are important to patients,
such as the convenience and timeliness of services, and focuses on outcomes such as patient
satisfaction, quality of life, and functional status.
4. PHC leadership takes actions to encourage staff participation in patient-centeredness
5. Actions are taken to improve patient-centeredness practices based on any reported violations
to patient-centered practices.

Related standards:
PCC.05 Patient and family education process; PCC.13 Patient’s needs; PCC.07 Recorded
informed consent; PCC.11 Patient and family feedback; ACT.04 Patient flow risks; OGM.03 PHC

PCC.03 Patient and family rights are protected and informed of these rights.
Patient and family rights

Seeking and receiving care and treatment at a PHC can be overwhelming for patients, making it
difficult for them to act on their rights and understand their responsibilities in the care process.
Patients should be able to understand their rights and know how to use them. If for any reason, a
patient does not understand their right, the PHC is committed to helping them to gain knowledge
of their rights.
The PHC provides direction to staff regarding their role in protecting the rights of patients and
families. The PHC shall develop and implement a policy and procedures to ensure that all staff
members are aware of and respond to patient and family rights issues when they interact with and
care for patients throughout the PHC. The policy addresses at least the following:
a) Patient and family rights as defined by laws and regulations, and the ethical code of
healthcare professionals’ syndicates.
b) Patient's and family's right to access care if provided by the universal health coverage.
c) Patient's and family's right to know the name of the responsible staff member.
d) Patient's and family's right to care that respects the patient's personal values and beliefs.
e) Patient's and family's right to be informed and participate in making decisions related to
their care.
f) Patient's and family's right to refuse care and discontinue treatment.
g) Patient's and family's right to security, personal privacy, confidentiality, and dignity.
h) Patient's and family's right to have pain assessed and managed.
i) Patient's and family's right to make a complaint or suggestion without fear of retribution.
j) Patient's and family's right to know the price of services and procedures.

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Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may review patient rights policy and interview staff members to check
their awareness.
 During the GAHAR survey, the surveyor may observe the patient rights statements posted in
the PHC.
 The surveyor may also observe how patients receive information about their rights and may
check conditions under which patient rights are protected.
 The GAHAR surveyor may observe posters or brochures describing PHC services and their

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has an approved policy guiding the process of defining patient and family rights as
mentioned in the intent from a) through j).
2. All staff members are aware of patients and families' rights and their roles to protect these
3. An approved statement on patient rights is posted in all public areas in the PHC in a way that
makes it visible to staff, patients and families.
4. Patient and family rights are protected in all areas and at all times.
5. Information about patient rights is provided in writing or in another manner, the patient’s and
their families understand.

Related standards:
PCC.01 PHC advertisement; PCC.07 Recorded informed consent; PCC.09 Patient's dignity and
privacy; PCC.10 Patient belongings; PCC.11 Patient and family feedback; PCC.12 Complaints and
suggestions; ICD.01 Uniform care.

PCC.04 Patients and families are empowered to assume their responsibilities.

Patient and family responsibilities

Patients and their families should be able to assume responsibilities related to the care process.
If, for any reason, a patient/family does not understand their responsibilities, the PHC is committed
to helping them gain relevant knowledge. Inability to assume these responsibilities might affect the
care or the management processes of the patients themselves, of their families, of other patients
or of staff members. The PHC is responsible for making the patients' responsibilities visible to
patients and staff members at all times. The PHC shall develop and implement a policy and
procedures to ensure that patients are aware of their responsibilities. The policy shall address at
least the following:
a) Patients and their families have the responsibility to provide clear and accurate information
on the current and past medical history.
b) Patients and their families have the responsibility to comply with the policies and
procedures of the PHC.
c) Patients and their families have the responsibility to comply with financial obligation
according to laws and regulations.
d) Patients and their families have the responsibility to show respect to other patients and
healthcare professionals.
e) Patients and their families have the responsibility to follow the recommended treatment

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may review the patient responsibilities policy and interview staff
members to check their awareness.

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 During the GAHAR survey, the surveyor may observe patient responsibility statements posted
in the PHC.
 The surveyor may also observe how patients receive information about their responsibilities.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has an approved policy guiding the process of defining patient and family
responsibilities as mentioned in the intent from a) through e).
2. All staff members are aware of patients and families' responsibilities.
3. An approved statement on patient and family responsibilities is posted in all public areas in the
PHC in a way that makes it visible to staff members, patients, and families.
4. Information about patient responsibilities is provided in writing or in another manner that the
patient understands.

Related standards:
PCC.07 Recorded informed consent; ICD.07 Plan of care; ICD.17 Immunization program; ICD.20
Child health program; ICD.21 Maternity health program; ICD.22 Reproductive health program;
MMS.10 Best possible medication history.

Ensuring patient empowerment

PCC.05 Patient and family education is clearly provided to educate and support patients
to maintain and improve their own health and wellbeing.
Patient and family education process

Patient and family education helps to understand the care process and empower patients and
families taking informed decisions. Multiple disciplines, such as physicians, nurses, pharmacists
and medical technicians, not only the assigned health educators or social workers, contribute to
the process of educating patients and families during care processes. This could include
requirements relating to smoking cessation programs, stress management advice, diet and
exercise guidance and substance abuse management
The PHC shall develop and implement a policy and procedures to define the process of patient
and family education. The policy shall address at least the following:
a) Identifying patient and family needs
b) Multidisciplinary responsibility to educate patient and families
c) Method for education is provided according to patient and family values and level of
learning, and in a language and format that they understand
The multidisciplinary team shall identify all the educational needs, which may vary from a patient
to another; however, at least the following needs shall be addressed for all patients:
d) Diagnosis and condition
e) Plan of care
f) Referral information
The education process is recorded.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may review a policy describing patient and family education process.
 During open or closed file review, the GAHAR surveyor may check patient and family education
records to assess their completion.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has a patient and family education policy guiding the process of patient and family
education that include at least the points mentioned in the intent from a) through f).

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2. All staff members are aware of patients' and families' education process and documenting.
3. Patient education needs, responsibility of providing education and method used is recorded in
the patient’s medical record.
4. Patients receive education relevant to their condition.
5. Patient education activities are documented in the patient’s medical record.
6. Patient education materials are available according to evidence-based information.

Related standards:
PCC.02 Interdisciplinary patient-centeredness; PCC.03 Patient and family rights; ICD.07 Plan of

PCC.06 Violations against patients’ and families’ rights and responsibilities are managed.
Reporting violations

Sustaining a patient-centeredness culture requires continuous monitoring of compliance and
identifying opportunities for improvement. Empowered staff members, patients, and families are
able to report violations for any patient’s or family’s rights and responsibilities.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may interview staff members to inquire about mechanisms to report
 The GAHAR surveyor may also interview quality, leadership staff to inquire about the process
of reporting violations, its results, and improvement actions are taken based on these results.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC is responsible for collecting, analyzing, interpreting, and evaluating violations for any
patient’s or family’s rights and responsibilities.
2. Information about reporting violations to patient and family rights and responsibilities is
provided to staff members, patients, and families in writing or in another understandable
3. Periodical report on violations to patient and family rights and responsibilities is created and
sent to the PHC director.
4. Actions are taken to improve patient centeredness practices based on those reports
5. When ethical dilemmas as conflicting decisions regarding the provision or withdrawal of
treatment arise there is evidence of clear discussion and resolution of the situation.

Related standards:
PCC.03 Patient and family rights; PCC.04 Patient and family responsibilities; PCC.12 Complains
and suggestions; OGM.09 Ethical management.

PCC.07 Recorded informed consent is obtained for certain medical processes as required
by laws and regulations.
Recorded informed consent

One of the main pillars to ensure patients’ involvement in their care decisions is by obtaining
informed consent. To give consent, a patient should be informed of many factors related to the
planned care. These factors are required to make an informed decision. Informed consent is a
process for getting permission before performing a healthcare intervention on a person, or for
disclosing personal information. Informed consent should be valid during the time or procedure it

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is intended to cover. The PHC shall develop and implement a policy and procedures to describe
how and where informed consent is used. The policy shall include at least the following:
a) The list of medical processes when informed consent is needed, this list shall include:
I. Simple invasive procedures.
II. Local anesthesia.
III. Family planning interventions.
IV. Photographic and promotional activities, for in which the consent could be for specific
time or purpose
b) The likelihood of success and the risk of not doing the procedure or intervention, benefits,
and alternatives to performing that particular medical process.
c) Certain situations when consent can be given by someone other than the patient, and
mechanisms for obtaining and recording it according to applicable laws and regulations
and approved PHC policies.
d) Consent forms available in all relevant locations.
e) Consent validity.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may review a policy describing patient consent process.
 During open or closed file reviews, the GAHAR surveyor may check patient consents to assess
 During the GAHAR survey, the surveyor may check the distribution and availability of consent
forms in areas where they are needed the most, such as the dental clinic, family planning clinic
and others.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has an approved informed consent policy guiding the process of informed consent
that includes all elements mentioned in the intent from a) through e).
2. An informed consent form is available in all relevant areas and contains identification of
intended medical process, its risks, benefits and alternatives.
3. Informed consent is obtained in a manner and language that the patient understands.
4. Informed consent is valid, recorded and kept in the patient’s medical record; a new consent is
obtained when the old consent expires or becomes invalid.
5. Healthcare professionals obtaining the informed consent signs the form with the patient as
legally required.
6. Informed consent given by someone other than the patient complies with laws and regulations.

Related standards:
PCC.03 Patient and family rights; PCC.04 Patient and family responsibilities; PCC.02
interdisciplinary patient-centeredness.

Ensuring patient comfort

PCC.08 Patient-centered waiting spaces are available for various services.

Waiting spaces

Waiting spaces are a major pain point in the patient experience. Not only emotions such as anxiety,
fear, confusion, frustration, annoyance are high when a patient is waiting for a medical service, but
it is more frustrating to be combined that with uncomfortable seating, lacking basic human needs,
and overcrowding. The PHC shall ensure that waiting spaces are comfortable and suitable for
patient’s and family’s needs.

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Survey process guide:

 During the GAHAR survey, the surveyor may visit waiting spaces meant to accommodate
patients or their families.

Evidence of compliance:
1. Waiting spaces are lit, ventilated, clean, and safe.
2. Waiting spaces are planned to accommodate the expected number of patients and family.
3. Waiting spaces provide access to satisfy basic human needs such as toilets and potable water.
4. Patients receive information on how long they may wait.

Related standards:
ACT.06 Physical access and comfort.

Responding to patient’s needs

PCC.09 The patient's dignity and privacy are protected during all medical care processes
such as screening, assessments, and management.
Patient's dignity and privacy

One of the most important human needs is the desire for respect and dignity. The patient has the
right to care that is respectful and considerate at all times, in all circumstances, and recognizes the
personal worth and self-dignity of the patient. Patient privacy, particularly during clinical interviews,
examinations, procedures/treatments, and referral is important. Patients may desire privacy from
other staff members, from other patients or even from accompanying family members. The PHC
shall respect the patient's management processes privacy and shall implement processes to
protect it.

Survey process guide:

 During the GAHAR survey, the surveyor may observe situations such as patient examination
and assess if privacy and confidentiality are maintained.

Evidence of compliance:
1. Staff members provide care that is considerate of patient’s dignity and self-worth
2. Patient privacy is respected for all clinical interviews, examinations, procedures/treatments,
and referral.
3. Patients can decide who can attend their screening, assessment, or management processes.

Related standards:
PCC.03 Patient and family rights; PCC.13 Patient’s needs; IMT.04 Confidentiality and security of
data and information.

PCC.10 The PHC's responsibility towards patient belongings is defined.

Patient belongings

Patient belongings may include eyeglasses, or valuables such as jewelry, electronic devices, cash,
and credit/debit cards. The PHC shall develop and implement a policy and procedures to manage
lost and found situations and patient’s belongings security during emergency situations. PHC
policies shall address at least the following:
o How will the PHC manage lost and found situation?

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o Who is responsible for securing patient belongings?

o How shall belongings be protected? For how long? What will happen after that?
o How patients and families shall be informed about the PHC's responsibility for belongings?

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may review a document that guides PHC responsibilities for patient
 The GAHAR surveyor may interview staff members to assess their awareness of PHC policy.
 During the GAHAR survey, the surveyor may observe posters, brochures or other means of
communication that reminds patients of securing their belongings.
 The GAHAR surveyor may review security records, other records, and cabinets where patient
belongings are kept and recorded.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has an approved policy guiding PHC responsibilities for patient belongings.
2. Staff members are aware of the PHC’s patient belongings policy.
3. Information about the PHC responsibility for belongings is given to the patient or family, as
4. Lost and found items are recorded, protected and returned when possible. The PHC defines a
process to follow when items are not returned within a defined timeframe.

Related standards:
PCC.03 Patient and family rights; EFS.06 Security plan.

PCC.11 The PHC improves provided services based on measured patient and family
Patient and family feedback

Patient feedback could include concerns, compliments and formal complaint or through surveys,
that may help PHC to identify ways of improving clinical and non-clinical performance. Ultimately,
that translates into better care and happier patients. PHCs can solicit feedback from patients in a
variety of ways: phone surveys, written surveys, focus groups, or personal interviews. Many PHCs
shall use written surveys, which tend to be the most cost-effective and reliable approach. The PHC
shall develop and implement a policy and procedures to guide the process of managing patient
feedback. PHC policy shall address at least the following:
a) Measuring feedback for ambulatory patients.
b) Measuring feedback for emergency patients.
The PHC shall define if the process addresses the measurement of patient experience or patient
satisfaction. For patient experience, the PHC shall assess whether something that should happen
in a healthcare setting (such as clear communication with a healthcare professional) actually
happened or for how long it happened. While for patient satisfaction, the PHC shall measure
whether a patient's expectations about a health encounter were met. Two people who receive the
exact same care, but who have different expectations for how that care is supposed to be delivered,
can give different satisfaction ratings because of their different expectations. Measuring alone is
not enough. PHCs need to analyze and interpret information obtained from measured feedback
and identify potential improvement projects.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may review the policy of patient and family feedback.
 The GAHAR surveyor may assess the process of use of patient and family feedback for
performance improvement during leadership interview session or during quality program review

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Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has an approved policy guiding the process of patient and family feedback
measurement and use as mentioned in the intent from a) through b)..
2. There is evidence that the PHC has received, analyzed, and interpreted feedback from patients
and families.
3. There is evidence that interpreted feedback have been shared with concerned staff members
and planned for improvement.
4. There is evidence that patient and family feedback is used to improve the quality of service.

Related standards:
PCC.03 Patient and family rights; PCC.02 Interdisciplinary patient-centeredness; PCC.12
Complaints and suggestions.

PCC.12 Patients and families are able to make oral, written complaints or suggestions
through a defined process.
Complaints and suggestions

While PHCs shall be able to proactively measure and use patient’s feedback, patients and families
may also want to give oral or anonymous complaints or suggestions about their care and to have
those complaints or suggestions reviewed and acted upon. The PHC shall develop and implement
a policy and procedures to create a uniform system for dealing with different complaints and
suggestions from patients and/or their families to make it easy to follow up, monitor, and learn from
practices. PHC policy shall address at least the following:
a) Mechanisms to inform patients and families of communication channels to voice their
complaints and suggestions.
b) Tracking processes for patient and family complaints and suggestions.
c) Responsibility for responding to patient complaints and suggestions.
d) Timeframe for giving feedback to patients and families about voiced complaints or
suggestions and advising the patient of progress and outcome.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may review the policy of managing patient complaints and suggestions.
 The GAHAR surveyor may assess the process of managing patient suggestions and complaints
during tracer activities, leadership interview session or during quality program review session.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has an approved policy guiding the process of managing patients' complaints and
suggestions as mentioned in the intent from a) through d).
2. The PHC allows the complaining process to be publically available.
3. Patients and families are allowed to provide suggestions and complaints.
4. Complaints and suggestions are investigated & analyzed by the PHC.
5. Patients and families receive feedback about their complaints or suggestions within approved
timeframes and according to the level of urgency of the complaint.

Related standards:
PCC.03 Patient and family rights, PCC.06 Reporting violations.

PCC.13 The PHC identifies, communicates, and honors patient emotional, religious,
spiritual needs, and other preferences.

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Patient’s needs

Research has indicated communication during medical interactions can influence patients’
emotional experiences, and potentially have positive impacts on psychosocial health outcomes.
More research needs to focus on the processes through which clinical staff members move through
recognizing a patient’s emotional needs to ultimately providing therapeutic resources as needed.
Structures that give frontline staff members autonomy over the decision-making processes that
affect their work are in place.

Survey process guide:

The GAHAR surveyor may interview staff or patients to inquire about emotional, religious, and
spiritual needs and how some routine functions may be adjusted based on these needs.

Evidence of compliance:
1. Clinical staff members assess and reassess patients’ emotional, religious, and spiritual needs
and this is documented in the file.
2. Plans of care are modified to honor emotional, religious, and spiritual needs.
3. Traditional schedules are modified to honor patient preferences.

Related standards:
PCC.03 Patient and family rights; PCC.02 Interdisciplinary patient-centeredness; PCC.09 Patient’s
dignity and privacy.

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Access, Continuity, and Transition of Care

Chapter intent

Access is the process by which a patient can start receiving healthcare services. Facilitating
access to healthcare is concerned with helping people reach appropriate healthcare resources in
order to preserve or improve their health. Access is a complex concept, and at least four aspects
require evaluation: availability, affordability, acceptability, and physical accessibility.

Continuity of care becomes increasingly important for patients as the community ages and
develops multiple morbidities and complex problems or includes more patients who become
socially or psychologically vulnerable.

Globally, the WHO presented the global framework for access to care, announcing that all people
have equal access to quality health services that are co-produced in a way that meets their life
course needs, are coordinated across the continuum of care and are comprehensive, safe,
effective, timely, efficient, and acceptable; and all careers are motivated, skilled and operate in a
supportive environment.

Locally, the Egyptian constitution focuses on the importance of granting access to healthcare
services to all Egyptians, with a special emphasis on providing emergency life-saving care.
Egyptian laws for establishing PHCs defined the minimum requirements for licensure and for
access pathways. The medical code of ethics defined the framework of doctors' responsibilities
towards patients. In addition, the Egyptian government has announced a major initiative to
transform the healthcare industry in Egypt, where payers and healthcare professionals shall be
separated, and a body of accreditation shall measure the quality of provided services. All this shall
be under the umbrella of the Universal Health Insurance, where eligibility criteria are set for patient
access, and referral mechanisms are established.

Practically, PHCs need to consider all aspects of access to services. Establishing organization
policies on patient flows and studying flow bottlenecks help organizations to better use available
resources and safely handle patient journeys.

During the GAHAR survey, the surveyor is going to assess the smooth flow of patients from/to the
PHC and assess the process and its implementation. In addition, the surveyor will be interviewing
staff and reviewing documents related to the standards to assure that equity, effectiveness, and
efficient process are in place.

Chapter purpose

The main objective is to ensure that organizations provide and maintains equitable, effective access
to patient care services in a safe, efficient way. The patient may start accessing healthcare services
through the emergency room, outpatient department or outreach programs.

Sometimes, care plans change, and another doctor needs to be called in for a consultation or even
become completely responsible for patient care. These situations also need to be addressed by
the PHCs, and clear processes need to be established.

Sometimes, patients need to be physically transported from one place to another; this process
entails a risk of mishandling and missing some information, organizations need to develop a
process to avoid these risks.

Finally, upon transfer or referral to a service outside the PHC, clear information needs to be

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Implementation guiding documents

(Any of the following mentioned references needs to be read in the context of its terms,
conditions, substitutes, amendments, updates and annexes)

1) Egyptian constitution
2) Universal Health Insurance Law 2/2018
3) Prime Minister decree, 1063/2014 Management of Emergency cases
4) Ministerial decree 186 / 2001 Management of emergency cases
5) Transition of care, WHO, 2016
6) Law 10/2018 on the rights of handicapped
7) Egyptian code of building for handicapped
8) Nursing Syndicate Publications – Nursing Guidelines
9) MOH Ministerial decree number 216 / 1982 Healthcare facilities organization
10) MOH Ministerial decree 254/2001 Discharge summary requirements
11) Publications of Central Administration of Emergency and Critical Care, Egyptian ministry
of health and population

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Effective patient flow into the PHC

ACT.01 The PHC grants patients access to its services according to applicable laws and
regulations and pre-set eligibility criteria.
Granting access (before patient registration)

While WHO member countries embraced the concept of universal coverage as early as 2005, few
have yet achieved the objective. This is mainly due to numerous barriers that hinder access to
needed health services. If services are available and there is a continuous supply of services, then
the opportunity to obtain healthcare exists, and a population may 'have access' to services. The
extent to which a population 'gains access' also depends on social or cultural barriers that limit the
utilization of services. Thus, access measured in terms of utilization is dependent on the
affordability, physical accessibility, and acceptability of services and not merely adequacy of supply.
Services available shall be relevant and effective if the population is to gain access to satisfactory
health outcomes. The availability of services, and barriers to access, have to be considered in the
context of the differing perspectives, health needs, and material and cultural settings of diverse
groups in society, such as not hindering women by offering female healthcare professionals when
and where it is relevant. The process of patient registration usually includes a review of the patient's
eligibility to receive certain services. These eligibility criteria are usually pre-set by healthcare
payers and guided by laws, regulations, and PHC policies. Pre-set criteria need to be available for
those responsible for granting access to patients. In order to improve accessibility to the PHC
services, patients and families should be informed about the available services.
The PHC shall develop and implement a policy and procedures to guide the process of granting
access. The policy shall address at least the following:
a) The process to screen patients to determine that the PHC scope of services can meet their
healthcare needs.
b) Access through emergency areas is safe and appropriate for patients’ conditions.
c) Access through ambulatory areas include a clearly defined scheduling and queuing
process for patients that ensures appropriate identification, clear sufficient information
exchange, safety and comfort.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may review a document describing the approved PHC process then
followed by a visit to the point of the first contact in the PHC such as registration desks,
receptions, call centers, emergency rooms, and outpatient areas. Visit may be part of another
survey activity such as a tour or a tracer.
 The GAHAR surveyor may observe these areas for information given to patients such as
brochures, posters, digital, verbal messages or other types of information and may interview
patients to assess their awareness.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has an approved policy granting access to patients that addresses all elements
mentioned in the intent from a) through c).
2. Patients are made aware of available services, including operating hours, types of services,
cost of each service (when relevant), and access path.
3. The PHC defines a system for informing patients and families about services that is suitable
for different literacy levels and is available at points of contact and public areas.
4. Patients are referred and/or transferred to other healthcare organizations when the PHC’s
scope of service does not match their healthcare needs.

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Related standards:
ACT.06 Physical access and comfort; PCC.03 Patients and family rights; ICD.14 Emergency
services; ACT.09 Referral process.

ACT.02 The PHC ensures a safe and comfortable registration process.

Registration process

Patient registration is a starting point for community members to benefit from the healthcare system
services. Usually, it is a complex process that requires a considerable amount of preliminary
patient data input, including a collection of patient demographic information such as personal and
contact information, Patient referral or appointment scheduling, collection of family health history.
If handled incorrectly, this series of initial touch-points can lead to a number of ongoing issues,
including overwhelmed patients who may decide not to pursue their care at PHC that is
The PHC offers its services to patients whose medical needs can be met within its capabilities. For
each program or service, the PHC identifies types of patient conditions and concerns that cannot
be appropriately treated at the PHC and arranges for appropriate referral and/or transfer for such
The PHC shall develop and implement a policy and procedures to guide the registration process.
The policy shall include at least the following:
a) Establishing of a PHC-wide scope of service that meets the universal health insurance
package of services.
b) A competent staff member performs an initial screening process.
c) A screening process is used to determine the priority of the patient's care needs in
emergency, ambulatory or referral.
d) Registration procedures.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may review documents describing the approved PHC process for
registration then followed by a visit to the patient registration areas in the PHC. Visit may be
part of another survey activity such as a tour or a tracer.
 The GAHAR surveyor may observe these areas for information given to patients such as
brochures, posters, digital, verbal messages or other types of information.
 The GAHAR surveyor may also trace different patients to ensure that their patient registration
processes are uniform.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has an approved policy for matching patient healthcare needs to PHC scope of
service that addresses all elements mentioned in the intent from a) through d).
2. All staff members involved in patient registration and flow pathway are aware of the PHC policy.
3. The registration process and patient flow information are available and visible to patients and
families at the point of the first contact and in public areas.
4. Patient registration and flow processes are uniform to all patients.
5. Patients are instructed to visit other healthcare organizations when healthcare needs are not
matching the PHC’s scope of services.
6. The PHC receives and keep in the patients’ medical record all the patients’ medical external
reports and data (referral reports, discharge summaries, etc.) as to ensure the continuity of

Related standards:
ACT.04 Patient Flow Risks; ACT.06 Physical access and comfort; ACT.09 Referral process

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ACT.03 NSR.01 At least two ways are used to identify a patient when giving medications or
taking blood samples, other specimens for clinical testing, and/or providing any other
treatments or procedures.
Patient identification

 Providing care or performing interventions on the wrong patient are significant errors, which
may have grave consequences.
 Using two identifiers for each patient is the key driver in minimizing such preventable errors,
which is especially important with administration of high alert medications or performing high
risk or invasive procedures.
 The PHC shall develop and implement a policy and procedures to guide the process of patient
 The policy shall address at least the following:
a) Two unique identifiers (personal).
b) Occasions when verification of patient identification is required.
c) Special situations when patient identification may not follow the same process such as for
emergency unidentified victims of accidents.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may review the relevant patient identification policy to check the required
two identifiers (personal) and the occasions when they should be used.
 The GAHAR surveyor may review an appropriate number of medical records and check each
sheet for the presence of the two identifiers mentioned in the patient identification policy.
 The GAHAR surveyor may interview a number of healthcare professionals (can be 10) to ask
them about the two identifiers and when should they be used.
 The GAHAR surveyor may observe patient identification method for the two identifiers and to
observe patient identification process before procedures or care.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has an approved policy that addresses all elements mentioned in the intent from a)
to c).
2. All healthcare professionals are aware of the PHC policy.
3. Patient’s identification occurs according to the policy.
4. Patient’s identifiers are recorded in the patient’s medical record.
5. The PHC tracks, collects, analyzes and reports data on patient’s identification process.
6. The PHC acts on improvement opportunities identified in its patient identification process.

Related standards:
APC.01 Sustaining registration requirements; ACT.09 Referral process; ICD.05 First visit health
screening; ICD.11 Orders and requests; DAS.03 Medical imaging results; SIP.05 Timeout;
MMS.04 Medication storage, Medication labelling; MMS.12 Medication preparation, labelling of
medications, dispensing, and administration.

Safe patient flow within the PHC

ACT.04 The PHC has a risk assessment and management plan for patient flow.
Patient flow risks

Patient flow is defined as the movement of patients, information, or equipment between clinics,

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staff groups, or PHCs as part of a patient care pathway. Designing healthcare systems with the
effective patient flow is critical to the delivery of safe, effective patient care. Poor flow can lead to
increased costs, poor quality, and poor patient experience. The goal of seamless patient flow
across care settings is often blocked by a lack of integration both within the PHC and between
PHCs. Increasing demand and capacity issues in the healthcare systems have led to bottlenecks
in PHCs for scheduled and unscheduled care. When this is combined with suboptimal coordination
between various clinics and services, efficient patient flow is prevented.
Usually, risk assessment is a term used to describe the overall process or method where hazards
are identified; the risk is analyzed, evaluated, and controlled. In this case, it also addresses the
better use of resources. A proper risk assessment for patient flow addresses locations, timings,
and conditions that lead to peak occupancies and peak flows.
PHCs shall perform a risk assessment to identify areas in the PHC where bottlenecks exist then
to develop a strategic, whole system, standardized and shared approach to improving patient flow
placing the needs and views of the patients at the center of care plans; supporting optimal use of
resources, avoiding unnecessary delays in care and facilitating seamless coordination of care
across multiple settings. Improvements in patient flow will be achieved through targeted work
streams to redesign processes of care, support access to care in an approved timeframe, and
optimize the use of healthcare resources. The risk management plan shall address multiple
scenarios of patient flow, identified bottlenecks, and crowding areas, and improvement
actions/projects to achieve more efficient patient flow.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may perform an interactive quality management program review session
to assess PHC performance improvement processes. During this session, the GAHAR surveyor
may be evaluating opportunities of improvement in patient flow and actions taken by the PHC
to address these opportunities.
 During the GAHAR survey, surveyors may notice the existence of some bottlenecks or
crowding places during different PHC tours and tracers. These notices may be matched with
the PHC risk assessment to evaluate its comprehensiveness.

Evidence of compliance:
1. There is a risk assessment for patient flow that addresses all PHC areas.
2. Relevant stakeholders participate in performing the risk assessment.
3. Bottlenecks and crowded places are identified.
4. Actions are taken to improve patient flow.

Related standards:
QPI.07 Risk management program; PCC.02 Interdisciplinary patient-centeredness; ACT.01
Granting access (before patient registration); ACT.02 Registration process; ACT.08 Patient
transportation; ACT.09 Referral process.

ACT.05 Safe and clear responsibilities for patient care are defined.
Patient care responsibility

Family health is the main corner stone in PHCs in order to provide the optimum level of care
required. Each physician should be responsible for a predefined number of families in the
catchment areas of the PHC in order to meet their needs in an appropriate, safe and a continuous
manner. In order to achieve that, the PHC’s policy shall address at least the following:
a) A list of families assigned to the PHC unit as per laws and regulations.
b) Each family is assigned to one family health physician.
c) Rules to be followed in case of absence/inability to assign a family health physician to every

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d) Conditions to request and grant transfer of care responsibility.

e) How information about assessment and care plan, including pending steps, shall be transferred
from one physician to the next one.
f) The process to ensure clear identification of responsibility between “transfer of responsibility”

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may review a document describing the approved PHC process for
assigning patient care responsibility followed by an open or closed patient’s medical record
review to identify who is the physician is for checked patients. Identified gaps may be assessed
by interviewing other healthcare professionals to check consistency.

Evidence of compliance:
1. There are a policy and procedures for assigning care responsibility that cover all components
mentioned in the intent from a) through f).
2. There is a logbook specifying the numbers of families assigned to each physician.
3. Patient's medical record shows who the physician responsible for care is.
4. Each patient and family is made aware of the assigned responsible physicians even when their
regularly assigned physician is not available.
5. The clear handover process is performed in cases of transfer of care responsibility.

Related standards:
ICD.02 Collaborative Care; ICD.06 Patient medical assessments; ICD.11 Orders and requests;
ICD.25 Critical results; IMT.09 Patient’s medical review process.

ACT.06 The PHC works in collaboration with other community stakeholders to provide
physical comfort and easy physical access.
Physical access and comfort

Community members often encounter barriers to healthcare that limit their ability to obtain the care
they need. In order to have sufficient access, necessary and appropriate healthcare services should
be available and obtainable in a defined timeframe manner. Even when an adequate supply of
healthcare services exists in the community, there are other factors to consider in terms of
healthcare access. For instance, to have good healthcare access, a patient should also have the
means to reach and use services, such as transportation to services that may be located at a
distance. PHCs aiming at achieving accreditation may work with authorities or community members
to ensure availability of public transportation access, ramps and paths for wheelchairs and trollies,
and adequate access pathways.

Survey process guide:

 During the GAHAR survey, the surveyor may observe the PHC access on the way to the PHC,
identifying potential blockages of access such as absence of nearby public transportation,
presence of a physical barrier like a canal or even absence of clear signs to direct patient’s
journey in the PHC.
 These observations may be discussed with PHC leaders in the leadership interview session.

Evidence of compliance:
1. A needs assessment analysis is performed to identify patient needs for easy physical access
and comfort.
2. The PHC ensures the availability of wheelchairs and trollies for needed patients.
3. PHC services are accessible for patients with various types of disabilities.

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4. When services are not readily accessible for some patients with various types of disability,
actions are taken to ensure availing these services when required.

Related standards:
ACT.01 Granting access (before patient registration); PCC.04 Patient Flow Risks; PCC.08 Waiting
spaces; ACT.07 Wayfinding signage; ACT.02 Registration process.

ACT.07 Appropriate and clear wayfinding signage are used to help patients and families to
reach their destination inside the PHC.
Wayfinding signage

Patients and families who visit healthcare facilities are often under stress. Wayfinding systems can
help reduce their stress by providing easy-to-follow signage and legible directions to their
destinations. A key issue for the design and creation of wayfinding signage is the need to create it
such that helps every possible user type. Signage needs to be readable in different lighting
conditions and in different weathers (if the signage is used outdoors). In some settings, reliance on
text-based messaging is minimized, and systems rely heavily on non-text cues such as colors and

Survey process guide:

During the GAHAR survey, the surveyor may observe wayfinding signs readability, clarity and
acceptability. Wayfinding signs may include all those signs encountered by patients during their
journey in the PHC.

Evidence of compliance:
1. All PHC areas are identified with appropriate signs.
2. When color-coded signage is used, clear instructions on what each color means should be
3. Signs are visible and lit during all working times.

Related standards:
ACT.06 Physical access and comfort; DAS.01 Planning medical imaging services; DAS.05
Laboratory services planning and management.

ACT.08 Transportation of patients is coordinated, safe, and done in an approved timeframe.

Patient transportation

PHCs are busy places where staff face pressure to accommodate and manage many patients on
any given day. This pressure can lead to staff member’s improperly lifting, transporting,
maneuvering, and positioning patients which can, in turn, lead to injuries. Transportation in this
standard refers to the act of lifting, maneuvering, positioning and moving patients from one point
to another point under the custody of PHC staff members. The PHC should coordinate patient
transportation to meet patient needs within an approved timeframe. Patient transportation should
be facilitated and coordinated within the available services and resources. The PHC shall develop
and implement a policy and procedures for managing patient transportation.
The policy shall address at least the following:

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a) Safe patient handling to and from examination bed, trolley, wheelchair, and other
transportation means.
b) Staff safety while lifting and handling patients.
c) Competence of responsible staff members for transportation of patients.
d) Defined criteria to determine the appropriateness of transportation needs.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may review a document describing the approved process for patient
transportation followed by an open or closed patient’s review to assess the process
 The GAHAR surveyor may observe the mechanisms of lifting, handling and/or transporting
patients during tracers and tours.
 The GAHAR surveyor may observe equipment used for lifting, handling and/or transporting
patients during tracers and tours.
 The GAHAR surveyor may also interview healthcare professionals to check their awareness
of the process.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has an approved patient transportation policy that addresses all elements mentioned
in the intent from a) through d).
2. All staff members involved in transportation of patients are aware of the PHC policy.
3. Only competent staff members are allowed to lift, handle, and transport patients.
4. Transportation of patients occurs in a safe, appropriate manner, and within an approved

Related standards:
ACT.04 Patient flow risks; ACT.09 Referral process; ICD.10 Fall screening and prevention.

Safe patient flow out of the PHC

ACT.09 The referral process is defined.

Referral process

For PHCs, an effective patient referral system is an integral way of ensuring that patients receive
optimal care at the right time and at the appropriate level, as well as cementing professional
relationships throughout the healthcare community.
Recording and responding to referral feedback ensures continuity of care and completes the cycle
of referral. The PHC shall develop and implement a policy and procedures to guarantee the
appropriate patient referral within approved timeframe, which is based on identified patient’s needs
and guided by clinical guidelines/protocols.
The policy shall address at least the following:
a) Planning for referral begins once diagnosis or assessment is settled and, when
appropriate, includes the patient and family.
b) Responsible staff member for ordering and executing the referral of patients.
c) Defined criteria determine the appropriateness of referrals, transfers outside the PHC
based on approved scope of service and patient’s needs for continuing care.
d) Coordination with referral agencies, when possible, other levels of health service and other
e) The referral sheet shall include at least the following:
i. Patient identification.
ii. Reason for referral.
iii. Collected information through assessments and care.

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iv. Medications and provided treatments.

v. Transportation means and required monitoring, when applicable.
vi. Condition on referral.
vii. Destination on referral.
viii. Name of the medical staff member who decided the patient referral.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may review a document describing the approved PHC processes for
referrals and transfers.
 The GAHAR surveyor may visit any clinic to assess staff knowledge of the process and may
also perform a closed file review for patient’s medical record of patient who were transferred
or referred.
 The GAHAR surveyor may also interview healthcare professionals to check their awareness
of the process.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has an approved referral process policy that addresses all elements mentioned in
the intent from a) through e).
2. All staff members involved in referral of patients are aware of the PHC referral policy.
3. The referral order is clearly recorded in the patient's medical record.
4. The sheet for referral is recorded in the patient’s medical record.
5. The referral feedback is reviewed, signed, and recorded in the patient’s medical record.

Related standards:
ACT.03 Patient identification; ACT.04 Patient flow risks; ACT.08 Patient transportation; ICD.01
Uniform care.

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Integrated Care Delivery

Chapter intent

Optimal health and personal care require following universally acknowledged methods to identify
and address complex issues. There are multiple ways to categorize these methods. In this
handbook, the methods are divided into screening, assessment, reassessment, referral, and
consultation. Then care plans are developed that might be in the form of a surgery, an invasive
procedure, a medication, or any other form of care.

Usually, patients are screened whenever full assessments are not required. Screening is a strategy
used in a population to identify the possible presence of an as-yet-undiagnosed disease in patients
without signs or symptoms by performing a high-level evaluation of patients to determine whether
a further deeper assessment is required. It is a crucial step to save resources and time.

Assessment is a structured, deeper process when a patient is checked holistically by listening to

the patient's complaint, obtaining further information about illness history and performance of
observation, inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation as techniques used to gather
information. Clinical judgment should be used to decide on the extent of the assessment required.
PHCs define the minimum contents of initial and subsequent assessments. This process starts
with collecting enough relevant information to allow healthcare professionals to draw pertinent
conclusions about the patient's strengths, deficits, risks, and problems. In addition to
understanding the meaning of signs and symptoms, healthcare professionals distinguish real
problems from normal variations, identifying the need for additional analysis and intervention,
distinguishing, and linking physical, functional, and psychosocial causes and consequences of
illness and dysfunction and identifying a patient's values, goals, wishes, and prognosis. Taken
together, this information enables pertinent, individualized care plans and interventions.

The Egyptian government announced a major initiative to transform the healthcare industry in
Egypt, where payers and providers shall be separated, and thus GAHAR came into being, to
measure the quality of provided services. All this shall is under the umbrella of the Universal Health
Insurance, where defined eligibility criteria are set for patient access and referral mechanisms are
to be developed.

PHCs need to comply with a number of laws and regulations that maintain and organize new
healthcare initiatives.

Chapter purpose

In this chapter, there is an emphasis on uniformity of care, a description of simple screening,

assessment, and care provided to patients at the first point of contact of a patient with the PHC.
Then, a description of the basic screening, assessment, and care processes follows. After that,
some sections describe either special forms of assessments and care processes based on the
patient's needs or special forms based on patient's risks. Finally, there is a description of special
assessments and care processes based on specially provided services.

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Implementation guiding documents

(Any of the following mentioned references needs to be read in the context of its terms,
conditions, substitutes, amendments, updates and annexes)

1) Egyptian Constitution
2) Drafted Egyptian law for Elderly care
3) Egyptian code of medical ethics 238/2003 ( Medical Syndicate Publications)
4) Egyptian code of nursing ethics (Nursing Syndicate Publications)
5) Law 71/2009 on care of psychiatric patients
6) Law 126/2008 on Egyptian Child
7) Law 10/2018 on the rights of handicapped
8) Prime Minister decree, 1063/2014 Management of Emergency cases
9) Requirements of inspection per MOH law and regulation
10) National cancer treatment guidelines, High committee of cancer. Egyptian ministry of
health and population
11) Law 51/1981 for healthcare organizations
12) Managing victims of social abuse guidelines – ministry of health, UNFPA

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Sustaining uniform care

ICD.01 Care delivery is uniform when similar services are needed.

Uniform care

PHCs treat similar patients in similar way regardless of their different backgrounds (such as
religion, economic class, literacy level, race, language, etc.). PHCs are not expected to
discriminate between patients and provide them a uniform medical care per their clinical
PHCs can demonstrate similar level of compliance across all services including home services. To
ensure this, PHCs should have a policy that specifies what constitutes uniform care and what
practices shall be followed to ensure that patients are not discriminated based on their background
or category of their accommodation. The essential part of the policy is the provision of uniform
medical care and does not apply to those services and facilities that are non-clinical in nature

Survey process guide:

 During the GAHAR survey, the surveyor may assess compliance with the standard

Evidence of compliance:
1. Clinical guidelines/protocols, life-saving measures, patient safety practices, emergency care,
referral services, informed consents, rational use of assessment, diagnostic, ancillary and
therapeutic services are provided according to patient needs and without discrimination.
2. Quality reviews and satisfaction questionnaires are performed randomly to measure
compliance regardless of patient background.
3. Potential discrimination events are reported and investigated

Related standards:
PCC.03 Patient and family rights; ICD.3 Clinical practice guidelines adaptation and adoption;
ICD.04 Clinical care standards usage; ACT.09 Referral process; PCC.07 Recorded informed
consents; PCC.06 Reporting violations; SIP.01 Surgery and invasive procedure services.

ICD.02 The PHC has a screening process for patient needs and risks.
Collaborative care

Screening is a strategy used in a population to identify the possible presence of an as-yet
undiagnosed disease in individuals without signs or symptoms. One aspect of maintaining the high
quality of patient’s care is to determine who is authorized to screen patients. Healthcare providers
are authorized based on their capacity to perform the required screening and assessment and
available regulations. The PHC shall ensure qualified healthcare providers are permitted to screen
and assess patients in order to identify all their needs according to laws and regulations and based
on the services provided.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may review the PHC policy during the document review session, followed
by interviewing staff members to check their awareness of the policy.
 The GAHAR surveyor may trace a patient journey and assess implementation.
 The GAHAR surveyor may review a patient’s medical record to evaluate compliance with
standard requirements

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Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC defines who is permitted to screen and assess the patient as allowed by licensure,
laws, and regulations.
2. The scope of screening for each staff category is defined.
3. When a conflict occurs between healthcare professionals, actions are taken to ensure
collaborative safe care in a defined timeframe
4. Collaborative care is demonstrated in the patient’s medical record.
5. A mechanism to involving medical and allied healthcare professionals in concertation with the
patient and the patient’s family in the evaluation of treatment options and treatment planning.

Related standards:
PCC.02 Interdisciplinary patient-centeredness; ACT.05 Patient Care Responsibility; ICD.05 First
visit health screening; ICD.07 Plan of care.

ICD.03 The clinical practice guidelines development process is defined.

Clinical practice guidelines adaptation and adoption

Clinical guidelines serve as a framework for clinical decisions and supporting best practices.
Clinical practice guidelines are also statements that include recommendations intended to optimize
patient care. Promoting uptake and use of clinical guidelines at the point of care delivery represents
a final translation hurdle to move scientific findings into practice. Characteristics of the intended
users and context of practice are as important as guideline attributes for promoting adaptation and
adoption of clinical guidelines recommendations.
The PHC shall develop a policy and procedure for clinical guidelines adaptation and adoption. The
policy shall address at least the following:
a) How clinical practice guidelines/protocols are adapted, reviewed, evaluated, updated, and
adopted based on evidence-based literature.
b) The PHC should adapt and adopt guidelines or protocol for the most common/high risk three
diagnoses managed in the PHC annually.
c) Clinical practice guidelines adapted/adopted by the PHC are evaluated at least annually or
when needed.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may review the PHC policy during document review session, followed
by interviewing staff members to check their awareness of the policy.
 The GAHAR surveyor may learn during PHC orientation session about the developed/adopted
clinical guidelines.
 The GAHAR surveyor may review a staff member file to check training records.
 The GAHAR surveyor may review medical records to check implementation of clinical practice

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has an approved policy that guides all the elements mentioned in the intent from a)
through c).
2. All medical and nursing leaders are aware of the PHC policy of clinical guidelines adaptation
and adoption.
3. Training programs are implemented to communicate and train staff members on the approved
clinical guidelines.
4. At least three clinical guidelines are developed/adopted in the PHC annually.
5. Clinical practice guidelines are implemented uniformly to all patients with the same condition.

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Related standards:
ICD.01 Uniform care, ICD.14 Emergency services; SIP.01 Surgery and invasive procedure
services; WFM.06 Continuous education program.

ICD.04 Clinical care standards are used when applicable to the patient’s condition.
Clinical care standards usage

Clinical care standards serve as a framework for clinical decisions and supporting best practices.
A systematic review of evidence and an assessment of the benefits and harms of alternative care
options builds clinical care standards. Evidence-based clinical practice guidelines are a key aspect
of clinical audits. The PHC shall ensure that clinical care standards are used when indicated. This
will require continuous awareness, education, and monitoring of clinical care standards
requirements and standards of practice.

Survey process guide:

 GAHAR surveyors may review the PHC’s scope of service to identify the list of applicable
clinical care standards.
 Sample of medical records of cases with diagnoses related to applicable clinical care standards
may be reviewed.
 GAHAR surveyors may review indicators/measures done by PHC leaders to monitor clinical
care standards implementation.
 GAHAR surveyors may review a staff member file to check training records and link between
compliance to clinical guidelines and other performance evaluation processes.

Evidence of compliance:
1. All clinical staff members are aware of clinical care standards pertinent to their jobs.
2. Staff members have access to approved clinical care standards when they need to.
3. Compliance to clinical care standards is used for performance evaluation and peer review
4. The PHC implements GAHAR mandated clinical care standards related to emergency and
non-emergency care under supervision and monitoring of PHC leaders.
5. PHC leaders measure compliance of GAHAR clinical care standards and report the results to
GAHAR at least quarterly.

Related standards:
ICD.01 Uniform care; ICD.14 Emergency services; WFM.05 Orientation program, WFM.06
Continuous education program; WFM.07 Staff Performance Evaluation.

Effective patient assessment and management

ICD.05 First visit health screening is performed effectively.

First visit health screening

The first-visit assessment (initial assessment) is considered the basis of all medical care decisions,
it aids determination of severity of a condition and it helps in prioritizing initial clinical interventions.
Initial assessment should be standardized, comprehensive, detailed, and completed within a
specific time span to achieve high-quality care that fulfills patient needs. The initial assessment
shall include at least the following:
a) Patient demographics

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b) Social screening
c) Family data
d) Family history
e) Past history including hospitalization and surgical history
f) Nutritional risk and needs
g) Functional/rehabilitation risk and needs
h) Psychological screening
i) Physical examination (review of all system)
j) The investigation required according to guidelines
k) Conclusion or clinical impression

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may review the PHC policy during the document review session, followed
by interviewing staff members to check their awareness of the policy.
 The GAHAR surveyor may trace a patient journey and assess implementation.
 The GAHAR surveyor may review a Patient’s medical record to evaluate compliance with
standard requirements.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has an approved policy to guide initial assessment and to define its timeframe and
minimum content as per the elements from a) through k) in the intent.
2. Healthcare professionals are aware of the components of the initial assessment.
3. All assessments, examinations, investigations and results done are recorded in the patient’s
medical record within defined timeframe.

Related standards:
ACT.03 Patient identification; ICD.06 Patient medical assessment; ICD.07 Plan of care; ICD.11
Orders and requests; ICD.13 Pain screening, assessment, and management; SIP.02 Assessment
before surgery and invasive procedures; IMT.08 Patient’s medical record usage process.

ICD.06 Family health clinic assessment and care are done according to laws and
Patient medical assessments

The content of the family health clinic visit sheet should be comprehensive and detailed to achieve
the following: support diagnosis, justify treatments, promote continuity of care, document the course
and results of each treatment, and comply with requirements of law and regulations. Usually, some
clinic visits shall be to discuss initial complaints while others shall be for reassessments.
Reassessment is performed to re-evaluate patient health status and change/update the plan of
care; identify changes since initial or most recent assessment; determine new or ongoing needs.
The visit assessment shall include at least the following:
a) Chief complaint.
b) Details of the present illness.
c) Past history of medications; adverse drug reactions; allergies; social, emotional,
behavioral, and family history; previous hospitalizations; surgery; and invasive procedures.
d) Any diagnosis made.
e) Investigations.
f) Significant findings.
g) Education and instructions for diet, medications and follow-up instructions.
h) The name and signature of the physician.
The PHC shall develop and implement a policy and procedures to define the minimum acceptable
contents and frequency of needed follow-up visits.

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Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may review the patient medical assessments policy during document
review session, followed by interviewing staff members to check their awareness of the policy.
 The GAHAR surveyor may trace a patient journey and assess implementation.
 The GAHAR surveyor may review a patient’s medical record to evaluate compliance with
standard requirements.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has a patient medical assessments policy and procedures to define the contents of
the family health clinic visit sheet.
2. The family health clinic visit assessment includes significant findings and investigations.
3. The family health clinic visit assessment includes procedures performed and medications
and/or other treatments.
4. The family health clinic visit assessment includes education and instructions for diet,
medications and follow-up instructions, and the name and signature of the physician.
5. Plan of care is changed/updated based on a reassessment of patient changing condition

Related standards:
ICD.05 First visit health screening; ICD.07 Plan of care; ICD.11 Orders and requests; MMS.10
Best possible medication history; IMT.08 Patient’s medical record usage process.

ICD.07 An individualized plan of care is developed for every patient.

Plan of Care

A plan of care provides direction on the type of healthcare the patient/family/community may
need. The focus of a plan is to facilitate standardized, evidence-based, and holistic care.
Recording a plan of care shall ensure medical staff members, nurses, and other healthcare
professionals integrate their findings and work together with a common understanding of the best
approach towards the patient’s condition. The plan of care is:
a) Developed by all relevant disciplines providing care under the supervision of the family
b) Based on assessments of the patient performed by the various healthcare disciplines and
healthcare professionals.
c) Developed with the involvement of the patient and/or family through shared decision making
with discussion of benefits and risks and may involve decision aids.
d) Includes identified needs, interventions, and desired outcomes with timeframes.
e) Updated as appropriate based on the reassessment of the patient.
f) Goals or desired results of the treatment or care.
g) The progress of patient/service user in achieving the goals or desired results of treatment, care
or service is monitored.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may trace a patient journey and assess implementation.
 The GAHAR surveyor may review a patient’s medical record to evaluate compliance with
standard requirements.

Evidence of compliance:
1. There is evidence that plan of care is developed by all relevant disciplines based on their
assessments. That addresses all the elements mentioned in the intent from a) through g)
2. There is evidence that plan of care is developed with the participation of patient and/or family
in decision making.

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3. Plan of care is changed/updated based on a reassessment of patient changing condition.

Related standards:
ICD.03 Clinical practice guidelines adaptation and adoption; ICD.06 Patient medical assessments;
ICD.09 Patient nursing assessments; ICD.10 Fall screening and prevention; ACT.09 Referral
process; PCC.05 Patients and family education process.

ICD.08 Oral healthcare is performed according to patient’s condition.

Oral healthcare

Oral health is a key indicator of overall health, wellbeing and quality of life.
It encompasses a range of diseases and conditions that include dental caries, periodontal
disease, tooth loss, oral manifestations of infections and diseases and oro-dental trauma.
The PHC shall develop and implement a policy to define the minimum acceptable contents of safe
oral healthcare.
The policy shall address at least the following:
a) Defining of patient groups who can receive oral health services.
b) Initial assessment requirements for oral health.
c) Identifying high risk patients who needs proper medical management before undergoing
dental procedures such as diabetics, patients on anticoagulation therapy, patients with
infections and other patients.
d) Planning oral healthcare.
e) Management of potential complications.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may review the oral healthcare policy during document review session,
followed by interviewing staff members to check their awareness of the policy.
 The GAHAR surveyor may trace a patient journey and assess implementation.
 The GAHAR surveyor may review a patient’s medical record to evaluate compliance with
standard requirements.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has an oral healthcare policy to guide oral healthcare services and to define its
timeframe and minimum content as per the elements from a) through e) in the intent.
2. Oral health staff are aware of the elements of the PHC policy.
3. Oral health services are performed safely.
4. Oral health services are recorded in the patient’s medical record.

Related standards:
ICD.06 Patient medical assessments; ICD.7 Plan of care; ICD.13 Pain screening, assessment,
and management; IMT.08 Patient’s medical record usage process.

ICD.09 Nursing assessments are performed according to laws and regulations.

Patient nursing assessment

Nursing assessment is the gathering of information about a patient's physiological, psychological,
sociological, and spiritual status by a licensed nurse. Nursing assessment is the first step in the
nursing process. Nursing reassessments may vary according to the patient's condition, the

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specialty of treatment, level of care, or diagnosis. The PHC shall develop and implement a process
to define the minimum acceptable contents of nursing assessments. Initial nursing assessment
record shall include at least the following:
a) Vital signs.
b) Pain.
c) Additional measurements such as height, weight.
d) Risk assessments.
e) A detailed nursing assessment of a specific body system(s) relating to the presenting
problem or other current concern(s) required.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may review the policy during document review session, followed by
interviewing staff members to check their awareness of the policy.
 The GAHAR surveyor may trace a patient journey and assess implementation.
 The GAHAR surveyor may review a patient’s medical record to evaluate compliance with
standard requirements.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has an approved patient nursing assessment policy to guide nursing assessment
and define its timeframe and minimum content as per the elements from a) through e) in the
2. Nurses are qualified and aware of the elements of nursing assessment.
3. Nursing assessments are performed.
4. Nursing assessments are recorded in the patient’s medical record

Related standards:
ACT.03 Patient identification; ICD.13 Pain screening, assessment, and management; ICD.7 Plan
of care; SIP.02 Assessment before surgery and invasive procedures; IMT.08 Patient’s medical
record usage process.

ICD.10 NSR.05 Patient's risk of falling is screened, assessed, and managed safely.
Fall screening and prevention

All patients are liable to fall; however, some are more prone to. Identifying the more prone is usually
done through a risk assessment process in order to offer tailored preventative measures against
falling. Effective preventive measures to minimize falling are those that are tailored to each patient
and directed towards the risks being identified from risk assessment. The PHC shall develop and
implement a policy and procedures to guide the fall screening and prevention process. The policy
shall address at least the following:
a) Patient fall risk screening.
b) Risks include medication review and other risk factors.
c) Timeframe to complete fall screening.
d) Frequency of reassessment of risk of fall when the patient stays in the PHC to receive
further services.
e) General measures are used to reduce risk of falling such as lighting, corridor bars,
bathroom bars, wheelchairs or trolleys with locks.
f) Tailored care plans based on individual patient fall risk assessment.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may review the policy for fall prevention to check for patient risk
assessment, status change; noticing that medication review is part of the assessment, presence

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of general measures generated to reduce risk of falling and for tailored care plans based on
individual patient fall risk assessment
 The GAHAR surveyor may review medical records for fall risk assessment including medication
review, fall prevention care plan forms, patient and family education material.
 The GAHAR surveyor may interview healthcare professionals, patients and their families to
check their understanding and implementation of fall risk assessment and prevention measures
 The GAHAR surveyor may check PHC- wide general preventive measures such as lighting,
corridor bars, bathroom bars, wheelchairs and trolleys with locks.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has an approved fall screening and prevention policy to guide screening for patient's
risk for fall and to define its content and timeframe based on guidelines. Policy includes all
elements in the standard intent from a) through f).
2. Healthcare professionals qualified are aware of the elements of approved policy.
3. Patients who have higher level of fall risk and their families are aware and involved in fall
prevention measures.
4. All fall risk screens are completed and recorded within an approved timeframe and
5. General measures and tailored care plans are recorded in the patient’s medical record.

Related standards:
APC.01 Sustaining registration requirements; ICD.09 Patient nursing assessment; MMS.10 Best
possible medication history; ACT.08 Patient transportation; IMT.08 Patient’s medical record usage

ICD.11 Information is available to support medical staff members orders and requests.
Orders and requests

Orders and requests represent communication from a medical staff member directing that service
to be provided to the patient. It may take several forms such as in writing, by telephone, verbally,
electronic patient’s medical record entries, physician order entry (POE). The PHC should ensure
that the required information is available for the patient and for those who are going to execute the
order. Information includes at least the following:
a) Name of the ordering medical staff members.
b) Date and time of order.
c) Patient identification, age, sex.
d) Clinical reason for ordering and requesting a service.
e) Preparation requirements.
f) Precautions to be taken.
g) Site and laterality for medical imaging studies.
h) Prompt authentication by the ordering medical staff members.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may review the PHC policy during document review session, followed by
interviewing staff members to check their awareness of the policy.
 The GAHAR surveyor may trace a patient journey and assess implementation.
 The GAHAR surveyor may review a patient’s medical record to evaluate compliance with
standard requirements.

Evidence of compliance:
1. All medical staff members are aware of the full order requirements.
2. Medical orders follow all the required elements.

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3. There is a process to ensure completeness when medical orders lack one or more of the
abovementioned elements from a) to f).

Related standards:
ACT.03 Patient Identification; ACT.05 Patient care responsibility; ICD.12 Verbal and telephone
orders; IMT.08 Patient’s medical record usage process.

ICD.12 NSR.02 Verbal or telephone orders are communicated safely.

Verbal and telephone orders

Miscommunication is the commonest root cause for adverse events. Writing down and reading
back the complete order, by the person receiving the information, minimizes miscommunication
and reduces errors from unambiguous speech, unfamiliar terminologies or unclear pronunciation.
This also provides an opportunity for verification. The PHC shall develop and implement a policy
and procedures of receiving verbal and telephone communication. The policy shall address at least
the following:
a) Verbal orders.
b) Telephone orders.
c) Process of recording.
d) Read-back by the recipient.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may review the policy of receiving verbal or telephone orders to check
whether it clearly describes the process of recording, read-back by the recipient.
 The GAHAR surveyor may review recording in used registers and/or patient’s medical record.
 The GAHAR surveyor may interview healthcare professionals to assess their knowledge and
compliance to PHC policy.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has a verbal and telephone orders policy to guide verbal communications and to
define its content that addresses at least all elements mentioned in the intent from a) through
2. Healthcare professionals are aware of the elements of the policy.
3. All verbal orders and telephone orders are recorded in the patient’s medical record within a
predefined timeframe.
4. The PHC tracks, collects, analyzes, and reports data on verbal and telephone order process.
5. The PHC acts on improvement opportunities identified in verbal and telephone order process.

Related standards:
APC.01 Sustaining registration requirements; ICD.15 Cardiopulmonary resuscitation and medical
emergencies; ICD.25 Critical results; MMS.09 Ordering, prescribing, transcribing, abbreviations
and symbols.

ICD.13 Patients are screened for pain, assessed, and managed accordingly.
Pain screening, assessment, and management

Each patient has the right to a pain-free life. Pain, when managed properly, leads to patient
comfort, proper role function, and satisfaction. The PHC shall develop and implement a policy and

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procedures for screening, assessment, reassessment, and management of pain processes. The
policy shall address at least the following:
a) Pain screening tool.
b) Complete pain assessment elements that includes nature, site and severity.
c) Frequency of pain reassessments.
d) Pain management protocols.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may review the PHC pain screening, assessment, and management
policy during document review session, followed by interviewing staff members to check their
awareness of the policy.
 The GAHAR surveyor may trace a patient journey and assess implementation.
 The GAHAR surveyor may review a patient’s medical record to evaluate compliance with
standard requirements.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has a pain screening, assessment, and management policy to guide pain
management processes that addresses all elements mentioned in the intent from a) to d).
2. All staff members are aware of the policy.
3. Patients are screened for pain using a valid and approved tool.
4. Pain assessment, reassessment, and management plans are recorded in the patient’s medical

Related standards:
ICD.05 First visit health screening; ICD.08 Oral healthcare; ICD.09 Patient nursing assessments.

Effective and safe management of medical emergency situations

ICD.14 Urgent and emergency services are delivered according to applicable laws and
Emergency services

To ensure consistency and coordination of services with higher levels of care, emergency
services offered to the community should be provided within the capabilities of the PHC
as defined by law and regulations. PHCs shall develop and implement a policy and
procedures for urgent or emergency services.
The policy shall address at least the following:
a) Qualified staff members are available during working hours.
b) Defined criteria are developed to determine the priority of care according to a recognized
triage process
c) Assessment, reassessment and care management
When a PHC provides emergency care, the emergency room register usually includes all
patient’s data in the emergency sheet:
i. Time of arrival and time of departure
ii. Conclusions at the termination of treatment
iii. Patient's condition at departure
iv. Patient's disposition at departure
v. Follow-up care instructions
vi. departure order by the treating medical staff member

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may trace a patient journey and assess implementation.

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 The GAHAR surveyor may interview patients or family members to assess their engagement.
 The GAHAR surveyor may review a patient’s medical record to evaluate compliance with
standard requirements.
 The GAHAR surveyor may review emergency room records to check registration of emergency

Evidence of compliance:
1. Emergency services are defined according to applicable laws and regulations.
2. Competent staff members offer emergency services.
3. Patients and families are informed of their priority level and expected time to wait before being
assessed by a medical staff member.
4. Evidence of registration of all emergency patients treated in the emergency room.
5. Emergency assessment, reassessment and plan of care is recorded in the patient’s medical
record and includes at least all requirements from i) through vi) in the intent.

Related standards:
ACT.01 Granting access (before patient registration); ICD.03 Clinical practice guidelines
adaptation and adoption; MMS.05: Emergency Medications; ICD.16 Emergency equipment and
supplies ICD.25 Critical results; DAS.08 Laboratory turnaround time; ACT.08 Patient
transportation; WFM.08 Clinical Privileges.

ICD.15 Response to medical emergencies and cardio-pulmonary arrest in the PHC is

managed for both adult and pediatric patients.
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation and medical emergencies

Any patient receiving care within a PHC is liable to suffer from a medical emergency requiring a
rapid and efficient response. Time and skills are essential elements for an emergency service to
ensure satisfactory outcomes. Therefore, trained staff members, at least on basic life support,
should be available during working hours ready to respond to any emerging situation. The PHC
shall develop and implement a policy and procedures to ensure safe management of medical
emergencies and cardio-pulmonary arrests. The policy shall address at least the following:
a) Defined criteria of recognition of emergencies and cardio-pulmonary arrest including adults
and pediatrics.
b) Education of staff members on the defined criteria.
c) Identification of involved staff members to respond.
d) Mechanisms to call staff members to respond; including the code(s) that may be used for
calling emergency.
e) The time frame of response.
f) The response is uniform at all working times.
g) Recording of response and management.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may review the policies for medical emergencies and cardio-pulmonary
 The GAHAR surveyor may review the process to measure and recording observations such
as respiratory rate, oxygen saturation, blood pressure, heart rate, temperature, consciousness
level, etc.
 The GAHAR surveyor may check evidence of staff training concerning recognition and
communication of medical emergencies or cardio-pulmonary arrest.
 The GAHAR surveyor may observe compliance with policies for medical emergencies and
cardio-pulmonary arrest.

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Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has a medical emergencies and cardio-pulmonary arrest policy that addresses all
the elements mentioned in the intent from a) through g).
2. All staff members involved in medical emergencies and cardiopulmonary resuscitation are
aware of the PHC policy.
3. Competent individuals are responsible for the management of medical emergencies and
cardio-pulmonary arrests with evidence of staff training on basic life support.
4. Management of medical emergencies and cardio-pulmonary arrests occurs safely.
5. Management of medical emergencies and cardio-pulmonary arrests are recorded in the
patient’s medical record.

Related standards:
MMS.05: Emergency Medications; ICD.16 Emergency equipment and supplies; ICD.12 Verbal and
telephone orders; ICD.01 Uniform Care.

ICD.16 Emergency equipment and supplies are available and functioning as required by
laws, regulations, and guidelines.
Emergency equipment and supplies

Adequate and functioning equipment is a cornerstone for resuscitating patients in emergency
conditions. Their availability all the time ensures successful resuscitation. The PHC shall develop
and implement a policy and procedures to ensure safe process of the management of emergency
equipment and supplies. The policy shall address at least the following:
a) Identification of required emergency equipment and supplies list according to laws,
regulations, and standards of practice that include at least automatic external defibrillator,
sphygmomanometer, stethoscope, and bag valve masks in different sizes.
b) Emergency equipment and supplies are available all over the PHC.
c) Emergency equipment and supplies are age-appropriate.
d) Emergency equipment and supplies are replaced immediately after use or when expired
or damaged.
e) Emergency equipment and supplies are checked daily for their availability and readiness.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may review the PHC policy during document review session, followed by
interviewing staff members to check their awareness of the policy.
 The GAHAR surveyor may review a patient’s medical record to evaluate compliance with
standard requirements.
 The GAHAR surveyor may review staff file for those responsible for assessment and
management of patient’s needs to check competence assessment.
 The GAHAR surveyor may check emergency equipment or supplies to assess continuous
maintenance and checking.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has an emergency equipment and supplies policy that addresses all the elements
mentioned in the intent from a) through e).
2. All staff members involved in life-threatening conditions management are aware of the PHC
3. Equipment and supplies are checked daily.
4. Equipment and supplies are replaced after use.

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Related standards:
MMS.05 Emergency medications; ICD.15 Cardiopulmonary resuscitation and medical
emergencies; EFS.07 Medical equipment management plan.

Effective primary healthcare services

ICD.17 The immunization program is performed according to laws, regulations, and

Immunization program

To ensure client safety and prevent errors, the PHC has to follow a predetermined vaccination
procedure, which prepared on the base of the Expanded Program of Immunization (EPI)
guidelines. To comply with the Egypt’s 2030 Vision, which targets 100% coverage of each
vaccination in the national immunization schedule. The PHC has to follow up the immunization
defaulters/drop out in order to complete the required vaccinations and determine the root causes
to eliminate them in the future. The vaccination room shall follow MOHP regulation; location,
structure, and equipment are suitable for services provided to children and clients. Vaccination
procedures are appropriately done according to EPI guidelines including checking the timetable,
correct dose, appropriate route, and child position.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may review the PHC policy during document review session, followed by
interviewing staff members to check their awareness of the policy.
 The GAHAR surveyor may trace a patient journey and assess implementation.
 The GAHAR surveyor may review a patient’s medical record to evaluate compliance with
standard requirements.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The vaccination room is an easily accessible, separate room of suitable area with separate
entrance and exit doors.
2. There are hand hygiene facilities, cooling box, ice packs, refrigerator, thermometer, and
refrigerator temperature monitoring sheet.
3. Responsible staff members are trained on vaccination procedures.
4. Coverage percentage of each vaccination in the national immunization schedule is periodically
calculated and recorded including the rate of immunization defaulters.
5. There is a written instruction on how to follow up on immunization defaulters.

Related standards:
PCC.04 Patient and family responsibilities; ICD.18 Pediatric immunization program; ICD.19 Adult
immunization program; CAI.03 Health education.

ICD.18 The pediatric immunization program is performed according to laws, regulations,

and guidelines.
Pediatric immunization program

Immunization services should be responsive to the needs of patients. Appointment-only systems
often act as barriers to immunization in both public and private settings. Immunization services
should be available on a walk-in basis at all times for both routine and newly registered patients.
Children coming only for vaccinations should be rapidly and efficiently screened without requiring

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other comprehensive health services. If the PHC isn’t providing this service, it is mandatory to
ensure that the community in the catchment area receives it, even if other organizations are
providing them. The PHC needs to demonstrate efforts to ensure that community needs are
responded to. The PHC shall develop and implement a policy and procedures to guide the pediatric
immunization program. The policy shall address at least the following:
a) A pre-vaccination assessment may include observing the child’s general state of health,
asking the parent if the child is well, and questioning the parent about potential
b) Each encounter with a healthcare professional, including an emergency room visit, is an
opportunity to screen vaccination status and, if indicated, administer needed vaccines.
c) Professionals should educate parents in a culturally sensitive way about the importance
of immunizations, the diseases they prevent, the recommended vaccination schedules,
the need to receive vaccinations at recommended ages, and the importance of bringing
their child’s immunization record to each visit.
d) Minimally acceptable screening procedures for precautions and contraindications include
asking questions to elicit a possible history of adverse events following prior immunizations
and determining any existing precautions or contraindications.
e) Accepting conditions that are not true contraindications often results in the needless
deferment of indicated immunizations.
f) The simultaneous administration of childhood vaccinations is safe and effective.
g) Providers use accurate and complete recording procedures.
h) Providers of immunization-only services that require an appointment should co-schedule
immunization appointments with other needed health-care services such as well baby
clinic visits, dental examinations, or developmental screening, provided such scheduling
does not create a barrier by delaying needed immunizations.
i) Providers should encourage parents to inform them of adverse events following

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may trace a patient journey and assess implementation.
 The GAHAR surveyor may interview patients or family members to assess their experience.
 The GAHAR surveyor may review a patient’s medical record to evaluate compliance with
standard requirements.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has an approved policy and procedures to guide the process of pediatric
immunization as addressed in the intent from point a) through i).
2. Healthcare providers utilize all clinical encounters to screen and, when indicated, vaccinate
3. Healthcare providers educate parents about immunization in general terms and question
parents about contraindications and, before vaccinating a child, inform them in specific terms
about the risks, benefits and potential adverse events of the vaccinations their child is to
4. Healthcare professionals administer simultaneously all vaccine doses for which a child is
eligible at the time of each visit, except when contraindicated.
5. Healthcare professionals report adverse events following vaccination promptly, accurately, and

Related standards:
ICD.17 Immunization program; CAI.03 Health education.

ICD.19 The adult immunization program is performed according to laws and regulations,
and guidelines.

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Adult immunization program

Globally, adult vaccination rates are extremely low, and research shows that there are many
missed opportunities for vaccination of adult patients during clinical encounters. A global trend of
recommending and offering vaccines at the same visit is initiated. Usually, patients need
empowerment by being informed about vaccinations by providing them with up-to-date information
about the benefits and potential risks for each vaccine they need. Healthcare providers need to
share the tailored reasons why the recommended vaccine is right for the patient, given his or her
age, health status, lifestyle, occupation, or other risk factors. Healthcare providers may highlight
positive experiences with vaccines, as appropriate, to reinforce the benefits and strengthen
confidence in vaccination and address patient questions and any concerns about the vaccine,
including side effects, safety, and vaccine effectiveness in plain and understandable language.
Healthcare providers may remind patients that vaccines protect them and their loved ones from
many common and serious diseases and explain the potential costs of getting the disease,
including serious health effects, time lost (such as missing work or family obligations), and financial
costs. PHC staff should be trained and educated on vaccine storage, handling, and administration,
and they ensure proper care for patients. The PHC needs to identify those patient groups that
would highly need to be vaccinated, such as pregnant women, living in endemic areas for
communicable diseases, travelers to endemic areas, pilgrims, contacts of certain communicable
diseases, targeted population by national campaigns and others. Then actions are taken to provide
sufficient education and support. If the PHC isn’t providing this service, it is mandatory to ensure
that the community in the catchment area receives it, even if other organizations are providing
them. The PHC needs to demonstrate efforts to ensure that community needs are responded to.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may trace a patient journey and assess implementation.
 The GAHAR surveyor may interview patients or family members to assess their experience.
 The GAHAR surveyor may review a patient’s medical record to evaluate compliance with
standard requirements.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has an approved policy to ensure safe and effective adult immunization program.
2. Healthcare professionals are aware of approved policy.
3. Written vaccination protocols are available at all locations where vaccines are administered.
4. Patients are educated about the risks and benefits of vaccination in easy-to-understand
5. Vaccination records for patients are accurate and easily accessible.
6. Pregnant women are provided with necessary immunization in accordance with MOHP and
WHO recommendations and clinical guidelines.

Related standards:
ICD.17 Immunization program; CAI.03 Health education.

ICD.20 The child health program is effective and covers all newborns, infants, preschool,
and school-age children.
Child health program

Childhood the most critical period of life associated with morbidity and mortality. Optimum health
is a basic child right. Focusing on child health promotion is important to achieve sustainable
development goals. Physicians play an important role in the identification of neonatal health

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problems (congenital abnormalities, hypothyroidism, conjunctivitis) and follow up. Furthermore, the
proper assessment and care of children play an important role in the prevention of unnecessary
consultation, reduce hospitalization, and inappropriate referral. Every child needs to be assessed
regularly for growth and development to ensure they are within the normal limits.
Regular assessment fosters early detection and management of any deviation from normal growth,
good nutrition, and good health. Assessment may include identification of risk factors that could
be familial, maternal, or child-related. The PHC has an important role in the identification and
referral of children with high-risk factors and poor social determinants of health to appropriate
services and authorities. The PHC should act on meeting the child's educational, preventive, and
curative needs, address the social determinants of health, and empower families to improve their
child's health. If the PHC isn’t providing this service, it is mandatory to ensure that the community
in the catchment area receives it, even if other organizations are providing them. The PHC needs
to demonstrate efforts to ensure that community needs are responded to. The PHC shall develop
a child health program that includes at least the following:
a) Registration.
b) Identification of newborn health issues.
c) Periodic examination.
d) Health education.
e) Nutrition care.
f) Management of childhood illnesses or referrals according to condition.
g) Follow-up.
h) Identification, management or referral of high-risk children according to condition.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may trace a patient journey and assess implementation
 The GAHAR surveyor may interview patients or family members to assess their experience.
 The GAHAR surveyor may review a patient’s medical record to evaluate compliance with
standard requirements.

Evidence of compliance:
4. The PHC has a child health program that cover all components mentioned in the intent from
a) to h).
5. All physicians and nurses are trained in child health programs and clinical guidelines.
6. Every child is checked for growth and development using growth charts, and results are
recorded in the child’s medical record.
7. Every child is screened for development using an assessment chart with development
milestones (motor, language, cognitive, social, and psychological), and results are recorded
in the child’s medical record.
8. Any child less than five years is checked for his immunization status, and results are recorded
in the patient’s medical record.
9. High-risk children are identified and managed according to the PHC's policy and clinical

Related standards:
PCC.04 Patient and family responsibilities; CAI.03 Health education.

ICD.21 The maternal health program is performed according to laws, regulations, and
Maternity health program

According to PHC scope of service, Maternity may include parental counseling, antenatal care,
management of high-risk pregnancies, management of normal labor and postnatal care. Parents

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may be assessed for the probability of having babies with inheritable diseases. Counseling helps
parents to understand the condition, expected risk, and prepare them for the birth of a child with
special needs. Health education is an important component of antenatal care as it enables women
to make better-informed decisions about health issues during their pregnancies, thus ensuring a
safe outcome. Antenatal care is a critical opportunity for healthcare providers to perform proper
assessments provide care, information, and support to pregnant women in order to have a safe
delivery and to give birth to a full-term and healthy baby. Repeated antenatal care visits ensure a
safe pregnancy, early detection of problems, and offers support and assurance to pregnant women
and families. A number of diagnostic tests are recommended for pregnant women for the
identification of risks for the mother and the fetus. Early detection of risk factors during pregnancy
is important for the mother’s and baby’s safety and for better pregnancy outcomes. The risk factor
may be detected at the first visit or during recurrent antenatal visits. The PHC should have a policy
that addresses at least:
a) A comprehensive package of maternal health services to promote the health of the mother,
prevention, and early detection of complication, emotional and psychological support.
b) Tracking of pregnancy using pregnancy cards, including a table of antenatal care visits
timing, required examination, investigations, immunization, education, and counseling.
c) Proper assessment of pregnant women, including full history, risk factors screening,
psychological and nutritional assessment, clinical examination, laboratory investigations,
and ultrasound when indicated.
d) Standard antenatal care is given, including regular visits, Immunization, and health
education on nutrition, risk symptoms, signs, and medication use during pregnancy
e) Care for high-risk cases.
f) Contacting and following up dropouts from the program.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may trace a patient journey and assess implementation.
 The GAHAR surveyor may interview patients or family members to assess their experience
 The GAHAR surveyor may review a patient’s medical record to evaluate compliance with
standard requirements

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC maternity health program policy and procedure to ensure safe and effective maternal
health care that coves items mentioned from a) to f).
2. All staff are trained in maternal health programs and risk factors detection.
3. Recurrent antenatal visits schedule and care are performed, tracked and recorded.
4. High-risk pregnancies are managed or referred according to clinical guidelines.
5. Postpartum care is given to both mother and newborn and recorded.
6. Data is collected, aggregated, and analyzed regarding antenatal and postnatal visits.

Related standards:
PCC.04 Patient and family responsibilities; CAI.03 Health education.

ICD.22 The reproductive health program is performed according to laws, regulations, and
Reproductive health program

Reproductive health education and counseling aim at providing appropriate information to clients
to identify and assess their own needs and help them to make their own informed decisions. It is
a two-way interaction between a healthcare provider and married couples to assess and address
the couples’ overall needs, knowledge, and concerns. The PHC shall develop a policy the
addresses at least the following:

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a) Counseling in reproductive health and family planning.

b) Premarital examination, as applicable.
c) Family planning.
d) Reproductive tract infections (RTI) and sexually transmitted diseases (STD).
e) Infertility.
f) Insertion and removal of family planning devices.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may trace a patient journey and assess implementation.
 The GAHAR surveyor may interview patients or family members to assess their experience.
 The GAHAR surveyor may review a patient’s medical record to evaluate compliance with
standard requirements.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has an approved policy and procedure for reproductive health and family planning
that covers all elements mentioned in the intent from a) to f).
2. Responsible staff are trained on reproductive health and family planning services as per the
scope of services.
3. Available reproductive health services are performed according to approved policies.
4. Reproductive Health education needed messages material are available.
5. There is a special place for reproductive health and family planning counseling and education,
health education tools and materials are available.

Related standards:
PCC.04 Patient and family responsibilities; CAI.03 Health education.

ICD.23 Management of non-communicable diseases is performed according to laws and

Non-communicable diseases

Screening and early detection can diagnose the disease while it is asymptomatic, with no signs or
The earlier detection of disease may lead to better and effective curing or longer survival.
Public health programs recommend populations to have periodic screening examinations for
detecting specific chronic diseases, for example, cancer, diabetes, hypertension, hearing problem,
neonatal hypothyroidism and/or congenital anomalies.
The PHC shall develop and implement a policy and procedures to guide the process of
management of non-communicable diseases in the community.
The policy shall address at least the following:
a) Identifying risks in the community related to non-communicable diseases.
b) Setting targets for
i. Reduction of tobacco consumption.
ii. Reduction of the average delay in the diagnosis of non-communicable diseases by the
iii. Early detection of hereditary diseases.
iv. Reduction of the risk of heart attacks, strokes, amputations and kidney failure.
v. Reduction of case fatality of major non-communicable diseases.
vi. Prevention of acute events and complications.
vii. Prolongation of the duration of stable clinical periods of coronary vascular diseases,
diabetes, asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients.
c) Developing registers for patients in the catchment area that can be enrolled in the program.
d) Provide education for registered patients.

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e) Following up registered patients to ensure compliance to treatment plans and progress.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may trace a patient journey and assess implementation.
 The GAHAR surveyor may interview patients or family members to assess their experience.
 The GAHAR surveyor may review a patient’s medical record to evaluate compliance with
standard requirements.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has an approved policy and procedure to ensure a safe and effective program for
management of non-communicable diseases that includes all elements from a) through e).
2. Individuals within the risk group screened for non-communicable diseases.
3. Appropriate action is taken to positive cases as per clinical guidelines.
4. The percentage of non-communicable patients among risk groups is periodically monitored.
5. Effectiveness of non-communicable disease management program is evaluated annually.

Related standards:
CAI.02 Planning for community involvement; CAI.03 Health education.

ICD.24 Special screening, assessment, reassessment, and care components for special
patient populations are defined.
Special-needs patient populations

The greater need for healthcare services among special needs populations is generally costlier to
the system, especially if care is not managed appropriately. Members with Special Healthcare
needs populations may also have unique challenges in accessing care, and are often overlooked
with the context of broader services. The PHC develops and implements a policy and procedures
for assessment, reassessment, and management of special-needs patient populations.
The policy addresses at least the following:
a) Identification of special-needs patient populations that should include at least the following:
i. Adolescents
ii. Elderly
iii. Disabled
iv. Immunocompromised
v. Patients with communicable diseases
vi. Patients with chronic pain
vii. Victims of abuse and neglect
b) Required modifications for regular patient assessment methods to match special patient
populations needs.
c) Management and care for special patient populations needs through an individualized plan of

Survey process guide:

 GAHAR surveyor may review the PHC policy during document review session, followed by
interviewing staff members to check their awareness of the policy.
 GAHAR surveyor may trace a patient journey and assess implementation.
 GAHAR surveyor may review a patient’s medical record to evaluate compliance with
standard requirements.

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Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has an approved policy that addresses all the elements mentioned in the intent
from a) through c).
2. Special patient population needs are assessed and managed.
3. Special patient populations’ needs assessment and management is recorded in the patient’s
medical record.

Related standards:
ICD.06 Patient medical assessments; ICD.07 Plan of care; ICD.09 Patient nursing assessments.

Safe management of critical results

ICD.25 NSR.04 Critical results are communicated safely.

Critical results

Patient safety and quality of care can be compromised when there are delays in completion of
critical tests or in communicating the results of critical tests or critical test results to the
requestor. Miscommunication is the commonest root cause for adverse events. Writing down and
reading back the results, by the person receiving the information, minimizes miscommunication
and reduces errors from unambiguous speech, unfamiliar terminologies or unclear pronunciation.
This also provides an opportunity for verification. The laboratory and medical imaging service shall
define the critical values for specific tests/ studies. The process includes instructions for immediate
notification of the authorized individual responsible for the patient with results that exceed the
critical intervals. The PHC shall develop and implement a policy and procedures to guide the
process of identifying and reporting critical results. The policy shall address at least the following:
a) Lists of critical results and values.
b) Critical test results reporting process including timeframe and “read-back” by the recipient.
c) Process of recording
i. The mean of notification.
ii. Date and time of notification.
iii. Identification of the notifying responsible staff member.
iv. Identification of the notified person.
v. Description of the sequence of conveying the result.
vi. Examination results conveyed.
vii. Any difficulties encountered in notifications.
d) Measures to be taken in case of critical results.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may review the policy of critical results to check whether it clearly
describes the process of recording and read-back by the recipient.
 The GAHAR surveyor may review recording in used registers and/or patient’s medical record.
 The GAHAR surveyor may interview healthcare professionals to assess their knowledge and
compliance to PHC policy.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has an approved policy to guide critical results communications and to define its
content that addresses at least all elements mentioned in the intent from a) through d).
2. Healthcare professionals are aware of the elements of the policy.

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3. All critical results are recorded in the patient’s medical record within a predefined timeframe.
including all elements in the intent from i) through vii).
4. The PHC tracks, collects, analyzes and reports data on critical results reporting process.
5. The PHC acts on improvement opportunities identified in critical results reporting process.

Related standards:
APC.01 Sustaining registration requirement; ACT.05 Patient care responsibility; ICD.12 Verbal and
telephone orders; ICD.14 Emergency services.

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Diagnostic and Ancillary Services

Chapter intent

Patients seek medical help for the determination and treatment of various health problems.
Sometimes, a combination of the patient’s history and a clinical examination by a primary level
physician are enough to decide whether medical treatment is needed, and what treatment should
be provided. Often, laboratory investigations or diagnostic imaging procedures are required to
confirm a clinically suspected diagnosis or to obtain more accurate information. The diagnostic
service shall familiarize the clinician with the value of the information obtained from an
investigation, including its diagnostic specificity. This requires constant communication between
clinical staff and the diagnostic service.

Diagnostic reports are valuable only when the information can be used for patient management. It
is, therefore, an obligation for the diagnostic service to provide the results to the clinician in a timely
manner so that the results can be interpreted together with the clinical findings for the patient.

GAHAR surveyors shall be focusing on the timely communication of the patient information to
ensure correct and effective patient management plans. The accuracy and precision of the results
reported to clinicians are one of the main targets of the survey together with the safety of the
patients, staff, and facility since significant PHC hazards are present in these areas, whether
biological, chemical, radioactive or others.

Chapter purpose

The main objective is to ensure that the PHC provides diagnostic services safely and effectively.
The chapter discusses safe and effective medical imaging services, as well as safe and effective
clinical laboratory services.

Implementation guiding documents

(Any of the following mentioned references needs to be read in the context of its terms,
conditions, substitutes, amendments, updates and annexes)
1) National law for laboratories, 367/ 1954
2) Law 59/1960 regulation of Medical Imaging work
3) Law 192/2001 for Hazardous waste management
4) ISO 15189, 2012
5) Tuberculosis Labs manual, Egyptian MOH 2015
6) Laboratory biosafety manual, WHO, 2007
7) Good clinical diagnostic practice, WHO, 2005
8) Lab quality management system, WHO, 2011
9) Egyptian Swiss Radiology program, MOH
10) List of essential invitro diagnostic tests, WHO, 2018
11) Law 51/1981 for healthcare organizations

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Effective and safe medical imaging planning, management and processes

DAS.01 Medical imaging services are planned, operated, and provided uniformly according
to applicable laws, regulations, and clinical guidelines/protocols.
Planning medical imaging services

An effective, high-quality, run medical imaging service increases patient satisfaction as a result of
its ability to improve patient care. The location of medical imaging is important for easy access by
patients. The PHC plans and designs a system for providing Medical Imaging services required by
its patient population, clinical services offered, and healthcare practitioner needs. The PHC can
provide some or all the services on-site or can refer to/ contract with other providers for some or
all the services. The Medical Imaging services meet laws and regulations and applicable
guidelines. Medical Imaging services results from on-site, or outside sources are available within
an approved timeframe to the patient's health care practitioner, as defined by the primary health
care center. The results are also available to the patient within approved timeframe. The PHC
should plan and design a system for providing medical imaging services required by its patient
population, clinical services offered, and healthcare practitioner needs.
Medical imaging services may exist in the form of dental imaging, ultrasound imaging or other
types of imaging. When a medical imaging service is provided outside the designated radiology
service area, it should follow the same protocols, guidelines and safety procedures as the PHC
main radiology service area. The medical imaging services should meet laws, regulations and
applicable guidelines.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may learn about the provision of medical imaging services through the
PHC orientation session, licenses and permits may be reviewed during environment and facility
plans evaluation session.
 The GAHAR surveyor may visit areas were medical imaging services are provided including
radiology unit are provided to check uniformity and standardization of services
 The GAHAR surveyor may review contractual agreements and related reports during financial
stewardship review session or during the leadership interview session.

Evidence of compliance:
1. Medical imaging services provided either onsite or through outside source meet laws,
regulations and applicable guidelines.
2. All related licenses, permits and guidelines are available.
3. Medical Imaging list of services meets the scope of clinical services of the PHC.
4. Medical Imaging services are provided in a uniform manner regardless of time or location.
5. There is evidence of annual evaluation of the medical imaging services provided in a report
discussed by the PHC leaders.

Related standards:
DAS.02 Technical standards (practice parameters); DAS.04 Radiation Safety Program; ICD.01
Uniform Care; APC.01 Sustaining registration requirements; ACT.07 Wayfinding signage; EFS.09
Disaster plan.

DAS.02 Performance of medical imaging studies is standardized.

Technical standards (practice parameters)

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Medical imaging service encompasses different techniques, modalities, processes to analyze
services, and therefore plays an important role in initiatives to improve public health for all
population groups. Furthermore, Medical imaging service is frequently justified in the follow-up of
a disease already diagnosed and/or treated. A prepared procedure manual provides a foundation
for the medical imaging service quality assurance program. Its purpose is to ensure consistency
while striving for quality. The procedure manual may be used to document how studies are
performed, train new staff members, remind staff members of how to perform infrequently ordered
studies, troubleshoot technical problem and measure acceptable performance when evaluating
staff. The medical imaging service shall develop technical procedures for all study types. The
technical medical imaging procedures should be written in a language commonly understood by
the working staff and available in an appropriate location. It could be in a paper-based, electronic,
or web-based format.
The PHC shall develop and implement procedures for medical imaging to ensure safety and
usability of modalities. For each modality, procedure manuals shall address at least the following:
a) Scope and general overview
b) Pre-examination, examination, post-examination procedures
c) Equipment description
d) Maintenance procedures
e) Quality control
f) Safety procedures

Survey process guide:

The GAHAR surveyor may visit areas were medical imaging services are provided to assess
compliance with standard requirements

Evidence of compliance:
1. The medical imaging service has a written procedure for each study type.
2. Procedure manuals are readily available for the medical imaging staff members.
3. Each procedure includes all the required elements from a) through f) in the intent
4. Staff are trained and knowledgeable of the contents of procedure manuals
5. The procedures are consistently followed

Related standards:
DAS.01 Planning medical imaging services; EFS.07 Medical equipment management plan.

Safe radiological studies

DAS.03 Copies of medical imaging results are recorded in the patient’s medical record.
Medical imaging results

The written medical Imaging report is an important means of communication between the
radiologist and referring medical staff member. It is part of the patient’s medical record and
interprets the investigation in the clinical context. Appropriate construction, clarity, and clinical
focus of a radiological report are essential to high quality patient care. Radiology report shall
address at least the following:
a) The PHC’s name.
b) Patient identifiers on each page.
c) Type of the investigation.
d) Results of the investigations.
e) Time of reporting.

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f) Name and signature of the reporting medical staff member.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may perform patient’s medical record review and assess completion of
medical imaging service reports.
 The GAHAR surveyor may interview nurses, medical imaging service staff members and other
healthcare professionals to inquire about report completion requirements and actions to be
taken in case of incomplete reports.

Evidence of compliance:
1. There is a process to complete medical imaging reports that addresses all elements mentioned
in the intent from a) through f).
2. Staff members involved in interpreting and reporting results are competent to do so.
3. Results are reported within approved timeframe.
4. Complete medical imaging reports are recorded in the patient’s medical record.
5. When reports are not complete, there is a process to inform the reporting medical staff member.

Related standards:
ACT.03 Patient identification; ICD.25 Critical results.

DAS.04 NSR.14 The radiation safety program is developed and implemented.


Radiation safety program

Radiation safety program provides information and training on the theory, hazards, biological
effects, protective measures, monitoring and disposal of radioactive materials and radiological
equipment; develops policies by which radiological equipment are used safely; ensures
compliance with regulations; and provides emergency response assistance. The PHC
environment, staff, patients, relatives and vendors should be safe from radiation hazards. In
specific cases such as pregnant patients in the first trimester, even the single or slight exposure to
radiation could be extremely harmful to the embryo. In pregnancy, radiological exposure could
cause anomalies. Accordingly, radiation exposure is avoided unless there is no other way that
could be used for diagnosis. The International Atomic Energy Authority standards confirm on
highlighting the standards for imaging the pregnant patients separately from the regular radiation
protection standards. When Medical Imaging services are provided on-site, the PHC has a
radiation safety program that shall address all components of the PHC medical Imaging services.
The PHC shall develop and implement a program to guide the process of radiation safety program
to ensure PHC environment, staff, patients, families and vendors are safe from radiation hazards.
The program shall address at least the following:
a) Compliance to laws, regulations and guidelines.
b) All radiation equipment are maintained and calibrated.
c) Staff self-monitoring tools.
d) Staff suitable personal protective equipment.
e) Patients safety precautions.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may review the radiation safety program to check compliance to laws
and regulations, shielding methods and safety requirements for both staff members and
 The GAHAR surveyor may review environmental radiation measures, thermoluminescent
dosimeter (TLD) and/or badge films of the staff results, CBC results, lead aprons inspection.
 The GAHAR surveyor may interview staff to check their awareness.

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 The GAHAR surveyor may observe medical imaging services inside medical imaging area to
check compliance with radiation safety precautions.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has a radiation safety program for patients and staff that addresses potential safety
risks and hazards encountered in the PHC in addition to all elements mentioned in the intent
from a) through e).
2. Identified radiation safety risks are mitigated through processes and safety protective devices,
for both staff and patients.
3. Staff members involved in medical imaging are aware of radiation safety precautions and
receive on-going education and training for new procedures and equipment.
4. Radiation doses measured and monitored for patients and does not exceed approved
maximum level.
5. A written consent is done for pregnant women in case of radiological examination in medical
necessity. With a separate record for justified radiological examinations for pregnant patients
is in place and maintained.
6. Signs are placed in public places, waiting rooms for patients, cubicles, and other appropriate
places, and that other means of communication are also used as appropriate, to inform that
pregnant women should be avoided in these areas.

Related standards:
APC.01 Sustaining registration requirements; DAS.01 Planning medical imaging services; EFS.05
Safety management plan; EFS.04 Hazardous materials and waste management.

Efficient and safe clinical laboratory appropriate planning, management, and


DAS.05 Laboratory services are planned, provided, and operated according to applicable
laws, regulations and applicable guidelines.
Laboratory services planning and management

Adequate laboratory services are critical to ensuring that communities receive good clinical care.
Despite recent major efforts to improve laboratory services, many laboratory systems are
inadequate to meet priority needs. There is a major need to develop effective laboratory plans,
provision and operation to strengthen clinical care systems, as an integral part of strengthening
overall PHC systems. The presence of a designated area for the laboratory ensures the quality
and safety of the services provided to the patients, as well as the safety of the health care workers
and laboratory personnel. The designated area should be physically separated from other activities
in the PHC and should accommodate all laboratory activities, including separate areas for sample
collection. Laboratory competent staff have an influential role in the creation of a safe, healthy,
productive working environment for laboratory staff. The laboratory develops policies and
procedures describing the performance and documentation of personnel competency assessment.
The laboratory services should meet laws, regulations, and applicable guidelines. Laboratory
scope of services is required to be enlisted and available for patients, PHC staff, and healthcare
professionals. The PHC should develop and implement an administrative and a technical system
for providing laboratory services required by its patient population, offered clinical services, and
healthcare professional needs as well as PHC mission. The laboratory shall have a clearly defined
and approach to POCT to ensure that it is performed safely and correctly and that the results
generated are accurate and reliable.

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Survey process guide:

The GAHAR surveyor may visit the laboratory area as part of a patient tracer or PHC tour. During
this visit, the surveyor may check laboratory scope of services and match it with related laws and

Evidence of compliance:
1. Laboratory services comply with national laws and regulations.
2. Laboratory services are available to meet the needs related to the PHC mission and patient
3. The designated laboratory area is available and separated from any other activities with a
specific area for sample collection.
4. Records of staff regular competency assessment results are retained in employees’ files.
5. Point-of-care testing provides accurate and reliable results.

Related standards:
DAS.07 Technical Procedures; APC.01 Sustaining registration requirements; WFM.07 Staff
Performance Evaluation; ACT.07 Wayfinding signage; EFS.09 Disaster plan.

DAS.06 Reagents and other laboratory supplies are managed effectively.

Reagent management

Managing laboratory reagents and supplies is important for reducing substantial costs and
ensuring a high quality of reagents as direct contributors to test results. It also enables laboratory
management to run the laboratory efficiently and increase productivity. The PHC shall develop and
implement a policy and procedures that guide the process of management of laboratory reagents
and other supplies. The policy shall include at least the following:
a) Criteria for inspection, acceptance, and rejection of provided reagent.
b) Methods of identification, enlisting and labeling of all reagents present in the laboratory.
c) Method to ensure reagents quality before use for testing.
d) Measures to ensure that the laboratory does not use expired materials.
e) Good storage conditions of reagents and consumables.
f) Define safety limits for the reordering of the laboratory materials according to the laboratory
g) Requesting, issuing and dispatching reagent and supplies as well as identifying responsible

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may review the PHC policy during document review session.
 The GAHAR surveyor may review the list of reagents and other supplies and observe their
storage, labelling, use, and quality check processes.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has an approved policy that addresses all the mentioned elements from a) through g)
in the intent.
2. List of all reagents and supplies that are used for all testing processes.
3. Reagents and other supplies are inspected and accepted or rejected based on approved
4. Reagent quality is checked before use.
5. Reagents and supplies are accurately recorded and labeled.
6. Reagents are requested, issued and dispatched according to the approved policy which guides
the reagent management policy.

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Related standards:
OGM.06 Stock management.

DAS.07 Performance of laboratory technical procedures is standardized.

Technical Procedures

Laboratory service encompasses different techniques, processes to analyze services, and
therefore plays an important role in initiatives to improve public health for all population groups.
Furthermore, laboratory service is frequently justified in the follow-up of a disease already
diagnosed and/or treated. A prepared procedure manual provides a foundation for the laboratory’s
quality assurance program. Its purpose is to ensure consistency while striving for quality. The
procedure manual may be used to document how tests are performed, Train new staff members,
Remind staff members of how to perform infrequently ordered tests, Troubleshoot testing problem
and measure acceptable test performance when evaluating staff. The laboratory shall develop
technical procedures for all test methods. The technical laboratory procedures should be written
in a language commonly understood by the working staff and available in an appropriate location.
It could be in a paper-based, electronic, or web-based format. The Laboratory technical procedures
are consistently followed and regularly reviewed. They include at least the following:
a) Principle and clinical significance of the test.
b) Requirements for patient preparation and specimen type, collection, and storage. Criteria
for acceptability and rejection of the sample.
c) Reagents and equipment used.
d) The test procedure, including test calculations and interpretation of results.
e) Quality control measures.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may review laboratory procedures.
 The GAHAR surveyor may trace and observe a patient undergoing a laboratory service and
review preparation processes.
 The GAHAR surveyor may interview laboratory staff members to check their awareness on
analytic procedures.
 The GAHAR surveyor may visit areas laboratory service areas to observe medical calibration,
reagent use, ranges and results.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The laboratory has a written procedure for each analytical test method.
2. The technical laboratory procedures are readily available when needed and are taught to staff.
3. Appropriate pre examination processes are implemented, including complete requesting
forms, proper patient identification, proper sampling techniques, proper sample labelling and
proper sample transportation.
4. Appropriate examination processes are implemented, including documentation of examination
procedures and identification of biological reference intervals.
5. Appropriate post examination processes are implemented including the process of sample
storage, defined retention time of laboratory results, and release of reports to the authorized
6. Internal and external quality control measures are performed.

Related standards:
DAS.05 Laboratory services planning and management.

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DAS.08 Laboratory results are reported clearly within an approved timeframe.

Laboratory turnaround time.

Turnaround time (TAT) is the time interval from the time of submission of a process to the time of
the completion of the process. The laboratory shall define total turnaround time for each laboratory
test. The laboratory shall have a process for measuring turnaround times and shall assign
responsible laboratory staff member for measuring and monitoring it. The process includes means
to ensure that turnaround times are acceptable. When turnaround times for one or more tests are
unacceptable, laboratory leaders evaluate the data and, when necessary, the testing process and
take action to either modify the testing and reporting process or set more reasonable turnaround
times. The final laboratory report includes at least the following:
a) Clear identification of the examination.
b) Identification of the laboratory issuing the report.
c) Patient identification.
d) Name of the clinician ordering the test.
e) Date of primary sample collection.
f) Type of primary sample.
g) Biological reference intervals, clinical decision values.
h) Interpretation of results and any advisory comments, where appropriate.
i) Identification of the person(s) reviewing the results and authorizing the release of the report.
j) Date of the report, and time of release.
The laboratory shall have an implemented process for notifying the requester when testing is

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may trace a patient receiving a laboratory service and review service
request, sample time, test time and reporting time.
 The GAHAR surveyor may perform patient’s medical record review and assess the laboratory
result report time.
 The GAHAR surveyor may interview nurses, medical staff members and other healthcare
professionals to inquire about their experience regarding laboratory service reporting time.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has an approved policy and procedures defining each laboratory test’s total
turnaround time and means of measuring it.
2. Turnaround times are reviewed and monitored for laboratory tests.
3. Laboratory final report includes all items from a) to j) in the intent.
4. Reference interval periodically updated in the laboratory report.
5. The PHC tracks, collects, analyzes, and reports data on its reporting times for laboratory tests.
6. The PHC acts on improvement opportunities identified in its laboratory service reporting

Related standards:
ICD.14 Emergency services; ICD.25 Critical results.

DAS.09 NSR.15 A comprehensive laboratory safety program is developed and implemented.

Laboratory safety program

The laboratory environment can be a hazardous place to work. Laboratory staff member are

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exposed to numerous potential hazards including chemical, biological, physical hazards, as well
as musculoskeletal stresses. Laboratory safety is governed by numerous regulations and best
practices. Over the years, multiple guides were published to make laboratories increasingly safe
for staff members. Laboratory management should design a safety program that maintains a safe
environment for all laboratory staff, patients, and families. The laboratory should have a
documented program that describes the safety measures for laboratory facilities according to the
national requirements. This program should be properly implemented and communicated to all
staff. The program shall include at least the following:
a) Safety measures for healthcare professionals.
b) Safety measures for the specimen.
c) Safety measures for the environment and equipment.
d) Incidents handling and corrective action are taken when needed.
e) Proper disposal of laboratory waste.
f) Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) requirements.
g) Handling chemical spills/spill clean-up.
h) Instructions for the use of personal protective equipment.
i) Risk management process.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may review laboratory safety program that should include at least: list of
chemicals and hazardous materials, dealing with spills, safety requirements, suitable PPE,
maintenance and calibration of medical equipment, and staff orientation, and proper waste
 The GAHAR surveyor may review laboratory safety reports, lab equipment safety, storage of
chemicals, labeling and waste disposal process.

Evidence of compliance:
1. A written program that describes safety measures for laboratory services and facilities is
documented and includes the items in the rationale from a) through i).
2. Laboratory staff are trained on the safety program.
3. Laboratory risk assessment is performed.
4. Safety precautions are implemented.
5. The PHC tracks, collects, analyzes and reports data on laboratory safety program and it acts
on identified improvement opportunities.

Related standards:
EFS.05 Safety management plan; EFS.04 Hazardous materials and waste management.

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Surgery and Invasive Procedures

Chapter intent

Generally, surgery and invasive procedure in primary healthcare refer to a procedure consisting of
a physical intervention on human tissues. The scope of this chapter covers any surgical or invasive
procedures performed in any unit in the PHC that perform any surgical or invasive procedure either
with or without anesthesia, such as in dental clinics, emergency room, family planning clinics,
specialized clinics or others.

GAHAR surveyors shall survey all areas were surgery or invasive procedures are taking place; to
ensure patient safety, staff competency, and effective utilization of these areas.

Chapter purpose

The main objective is to ensure that PHCs provide/maintain safe, timeliness, patient-centeredness,
and effective surgical, procedural, and anesthesia services.

Implementation guiding documents

(Any of the following mentioned references needs to be read in the context of its terms,
conditions, substitutes, amendments, updates and annexes)

1) Egyptian Constitution
2) Law 51/1981 for healthcare organizations
3) MOH Ministerial Decree 216 for operation procedures
4) Prime Minister decree, 1063/2014 Management of Emergency cases
5) MOH Ministerial decree 236/2004 on anaesthesia service requirements
6) MOH Ministerial Decree 153/2004 on minimum requirements for anaesthesia services
7) Patient Safety during operation procedure committee recommendations, 2003
8) Egyptian code of medical ethics 238/2003 ( Medical Syndicate Publications)
9) Egyptian code of nursing ethics (Nursing Syndicate Publications)
10) Emergency Department unified protocol, Egyptian ministry of health and population
curative and critical sector
11) Requirements of inspection per MOH law and regulation
12) ICD-10-PCS

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Safe and effective surgical and invasive procedures care

SIP.01 Provision of surgery and invasive procedure services is according to applicable laws
and regulations and clinical guidelines/protocols.
Surgery and invasive procedure services

The laws, regulations, and guidelines control the provision of surgery and invasive procedure
services by determining the appropriate spaces, infrastructure, flow of patients, clean and waste
flow, and the minimum required equipment and staffing. The PHC is required to provide the surgery
and invasive procedure services all over The PHC safely by providing the required resources as
obliged by the national laws and regulations

Survey process guide:

The GAHAR surveyor may visit areas where invasive procedures are performed such as dental
clinic, emergency room or family planning unit. The visit includes observation of the place,
infrastructure, supplies, medications, and equipment available, interviewing staff about patient
flow, clean and waste flow. Then the surveyor will obtain a sample from performed invasive
procedures to check the staff competency in performing those procedures.

Evidence of compliance:
1. Units providing surgery and invasive procedure services have spacing, ventilation, and
infrastructure as required by laws and regulations.
2. Units providing surgery and invasive procedure services have appropriate equipment, medical
supplies, and medication.
3. Staff members performing surgery and invasive procedure services are competent and

Related standards:
WFM.08 Clinical Privileges; ICD.03 Clinical practice guidelines adaptation and adoption; EFS.09
Disaster plan.

SIP.02 Patient assessment is performed by a medical staff member(s) and nurse(s) before
surgery and invasive procedure.
Assessment before surgery and invasive procedures

Completed patient assessment before surgery with requesting the needed investigations either
for ensuring the diagnosis, revealing risk factors, assessing patient medical condition, or
determining baseline patient condition followed by proper management of all identified
diagnoses and risk factors.
Accordingly, risk assessment of the patient's condition is needed for all surgeries to determine
the precautions needed and informing the patient and family about the expected outcome of
the surgery.
Patient assessment should be reviewed and repeated if a surgery/invasive procedure
postponed or canceled to maintain the validity of the patient assessment
The PHC is required to perform a complete patient assessment before any invasive procedure

Survey process guide:

The GAHAR surveyor may trace a patient who underwent surgery or invasive procedure through
staff interview and document review to ensure compliance with a complete assessment of the

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patient, availability of results of requested investigations and risk classification before surgery or
invasive procedure, and appropriate management of the risk factors.

Evidence of compliance:
1. A complete medical assessment is performed for all patients going for any invasive procedure.
2. Complete nursing assessment is performed for all patients going for any invasive procedure.
3. Results of investigations are available for healthcare professionals before invasive procedure.
4. Action is taken for the management of the risk factors before surgery or invasive procedure.
5. All assessments are recorded in the patient’s medical record.

Related standards:
ICD.06 Patient medical assessments; ICD.09 Patient nursing assessments.

SIP.03 NSR.06 Precise site where a surgery or invasive procedure is performed is marked by
the physician with patient’s involvement.
Surgical site marking

Performing the right surgery on the right patient and on the right side without any retained
instrument is the mainstay objective of surgical safety. Establishing related policies and
procedures, otherwise known as the universal protocol, is the initial step for offering safe surgery.
Visible and clear site marking is an error reduction strategy that should be performed by the
physician who will perform the surgery and invasive procedure with the involvement of the patient
if the patient is an adult and fully conscious or patient’s family in other situations. The site marking
in each PHC should be unified, detectable, and placed on the nearest site to the surgical site. The
PHC shall develop and implement a policy and procedures for site marking with the indication and
exemption of invasive procedures from site marking, apply the process before the call for invasive
procedure and continuously monitor the compliance with the process. The policy shall address at
least the following:
a) The simple invasive procedure site is clearly marked.
b) The medical staff member with the involvement of the patient performs marking.

Survey process guide:

The GAHAR surveyor may review the PHC policy to ensure the presence of all required
components in the policy followed by observing a patient going for surgery and invasive procedure
for the presence of a clear, approved, non-washable mark on the surgery or invasive procedure
site (when applicable) and interviewing staff about policy orientation and implementation.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has an approved policy for site marking.
2. Staff are trained on the implementation of site marking.
3. Site marking is a unified mark all over the PHC and performed by the responsible physician for
the invasive procedure.
4. The PHC tracks, collects, analyzes and reports data on site marking process.
5. The PHC acts on improvement opportunities identified in its site marking process.

Related standards:
APC.01 Sustaining registration requirements; SIP.05 Timeout.

SIP.04 NSR.07 Documents and equipment needed for procedures are verified to be on hand,
correct, and properly functioning before calling for the patient

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Pre-operative checklist

Ensuring the availability of all needed items as results of the requested investigation or special
prosthesis should be done as a preoperative verification process to ensure patient safety and
appropriateness of care. Ensuring the availability and functioning of needed equipment minimizes
the risk of errors by preventing the use of malfunctioning equipment or cancellation of surgery or
invasive procedure. Implementing regular checkups is a quality improvement process that should
be guided by designed checklists performed by trained staff. The PHC is required to ensure the
availability and functioning of equipment needed for the invasive procedure before starting the
procedure. This equipment and tools could be differed according to the type of invasive procedure.
Also, the PHC is required to develop a process for preoperative verification of the availability of all
needed or requested documents and other items before the patient going for the invasive

Survey process guide:

The GAHAR surveyor may review the PHC policy followed by tracing a patient underwent or going
for surgery and invasive procedure to ensure the correct verification process for needed
documents and other requested orders as investigations. The checklist showing the availability
and functioning of needed equipment may be reviewed.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has an approved policy for preoperative verification of all needed documents and
2. Staff members are aware of the policy requirements.
3. There is recorded evidence of preoperative verification of all needed documents and
equipment before each invasive procedure.
4. The PHC tracks, collects, analyzes and reports data on preoperative verification process.
5. The PHC acts on improvement opportunities identified in its preoperative verification process.

Related standards:
APC.01 Sustaining registration requirements; SIP.02 Assessment before surgery and invasive
procedures; PCC.07 Recorded informed consents.

SIP.05 NSR.08 Correct patient, procedure, and body part is confirmed preoperatively and just
before starting a surgical or invasive procedure (timeout).

Timeout for verification of the correct patient, correct surgery or invasive procedure, and correct
site and side of invasive procedure is a single process that has been proved to reduce wrong-site
surgery. When performing a surgery or invasive procedure, healthcare professionals should verify
the right patient, the right type of surgery, right site, right side, and the patient received the
prophylactic antibiotic if applicable. The PHC shall develop and implement a policy and procedures
to ensure correct patient, correct invasive procedure and correct site and side of invasive
procedure and apply the time out process just before the start of the invasive procedure

Survey process guide:

The GAHAR surveyor may review the policy and procedure for preventing the wrong patient, wrong
site/side, and wrong surgery/invasive procedure and ensure that it supports patient, procedure, as
well as part of body verification just before start of the procedure. This is followed by observing a
case during the time-out process and review the document used to record this process. Document

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review of the open and closed medical record will also be performed in addition to staff interviews
on how to perform the process and its special circumstances.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has an approved policy to ensure the correct patient, procedure, and body part.
2. Timeout is implemented before all invasive procedures immediately before the start invasive
3. The surgery or invasive procedure team is involved in the time out process, including the
performing physician.
4. Timeout process is recorded in the patient’s medical record.

Related standards:
ACT.03 Patient identification; SIP.03: Surgical site marking; APC.01 Sustaining registration

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Medication Management and Safety

Chapter intent

Getting the most from medications for both patients and society is becoming increasingly important
as more people are taking more medications. Medications are offered by health services
throughout the world. Medications prevent, treat, or manage many illnesses or conditions and are
the most common interventions in healthcare.

Medication is defined as any prescription medications including narcotics; herbal remedies;

vitamins; nutraceuticals, over-the-counter medications; vaccines; biological, diagnostic and
contrast agent used on or administered to persons to diagnose, treat, or prevent disease or other
abnormal conditions; radioactive medications; respiratory therapy treatments; parenteral nutrition;
blood products; medication containing products, and intravenous solutions with electrolytes and/or

Medication management is a complex process that involves different phases, including planning,
procurement, storage, prescribing, transcribing, ordering, dispensing, administration, monitoring of
the medications, and evaluation of the program.

Additionally, medication errors are one of the most commonly occurring errors in healthcare
institutes, and they can occur in any step along the pathway of medication management.

It is a further state that morbidity from medication errors results in high financial costs for healthcare
institutions and adversely affects the patient's quality of life. Preventing medication errors is a major
priority in the health system, and many international organizations such as the WHO have
launched medication safety as part of its global patient safety initiatives.

Chapter purpose

The aim of this chapter is to be a guiding principle for medication management and safety in PHCs
promoting safe, quality use of medications, and medication management. It is intended to assist
in providing a framework for an effective and safe medication management and use program. It
also aims to evaluate the continuity of medication management processes from planning to
monitoring and evaluation with a special focus on the identification of risk points to improve
patients’ outcomes and patient’s safety. The chapter advocates a partnership and systems
approach to achieve safe and quality use of medications and medication management in PHCs.

Implementation guiding documents

(Any of the following mentioned references needs to be read in the context of its terms, conditions,
substitutes, amendments, updates and annexes)

1) Presidential decree 151/2019 for Egyptian Drug Authority

2) Law 127/1955 on practicing the profession of pharmacy
3) Law182/1960 on combating narcotics and regulating their use and trafficking,
amendments, and regulatory decrees.
4) Regulation of tenders and auctions law promulgated by Law 89/1998 and its
implementing regulations issued by the Minister of Finance decree 1367/1998.
5) MOH Ministerial decree 172/2011 on the re-regulation of handling of the pharmaceutical
substances and products affecting the mental state.
6) The publication issued by the Central Administration for Pharmaceutical Affairs 13/2012
on the custody of narcotics and drugs affecting the mental state.
7) MOH Ministerial decree 380/2009 on the re-regulation of the health requirements for
pharmaceutical institutions.

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8) MOH Ministerial decree 368/2012 for developing a pharmacovigilance center

9) MOH Ministerial decree 487/1985 for management of psychiatric medications
10) MOH Ministerial decree 306/2002 on medication storage spaces
11) Jeddah Declaration on Patient Safety 2019
12) Central pharmacy role and scope
13) Pharmacist code of ethics
14) Regulation of tenders and auctions law and law 89/998 and its regulations issued by the
Minister of Finance decree 1367/1998.
15) Regulation of tenders and actions law promulgated by Law 182/2018
16) Rational Drug Use Publication 3/ 2017: Drug Formulary Working Paper.
17) Pharmaceutical Care Development Publication (2) for Clinical Pharmacist Job Description
18) Pharmaceutical Care Development Publication (3) for Documentation of Clinical
Pharmacy Work.
19) American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) standards for 2019
20) WHO guidelines on medication safety in high risk situation
21) WHO guidelines on medication safety in transition of care
22) WHO guidelines on medication safety in poly pharmacy
23) WHO five moments for medication safety.
24) Rational Drug Use Publication No: 4 for the year 2017 of Antimicrobial Stewardship

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Effective and safe medication management planning

MMS.01 Medications are organized, used, and managed in a way to meet patient's needs
and are aligned with the PHC scope of services, and according to the applicable laws and
Medication management program

The unsafe use of medication is not the only safety problem in the healthcare system, but it is
certainly one of the most significant issue. Medication management processes should be
implemented according to the applicable National laws and regulations (The Egyptian Drug
Authority (EDA), the Unified Medical Procurement Authority and the Egyptian Ministry of Health
and Population (MOPH). The PHC shall develop and implement a safe medication management
program that addresses at least the following:
a) Planning
b) Selection and procurement
c) Storage
d) Ordering and prescribing
e) Preparing and dispensing
f) Administration
g) Monitoring
h) Evaluation
A qualified, trained and licensed healthcare professional shall directly supervise medication
management program which shall be an interdisciplinary effort exerted by all healthcare
professionals involved in the medication management process. Usually, the medication
management system is managed and updated through the interdisciplinary Drug and Therapeutic
committee (DTC) (also known as pharmacy and therapeutic committee (PTC)). The presence of
DTC with clear terms of reference is essential in the management of medication use. The DTC is
involved in the development and evaluation of the medication management program. In addition,
a system review shall be performed at least annually.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may interview healthcare professionals involved in medication
management processes during the medication management review session and inquire about
all steps of medication management process.
 During the GAHAR survey, the surveyor may observe how medication management processes
run and may review patients’ medical records

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has a medication management and safety program according to the applicable laws
and regulations. The program addresses all elements from a) through h) in the intent.
2. The PHC has a clear structure for pharmacy services, and a licensed, competent pharmacist
supervises all pharmacy/pharmaceutical activities.
3. The PHC has a drug and therapeutic committee (DTC) with a clear term of references. The
committee is involved in the development and ongoing evaluation of medication management
and safety program.
4. Updated and appropriate medication-related information sources are available either in
electronic or in paper-based format to those involved in medication management.
5. The PHC selects and monitors process and outcome indicators for medication safety and
medication management.
6. There is an annual recorded review of the medication management and safety program,
addressing elements from a) through h) in the intent as appropriate.

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Related standards:
MMS.03 Medication procurement, formulary; MMS.13 Medication errors, near miss, medication
therapy problems, adverse drug reactions; OGM.03 PHC leaders; EFS.09 Disaster plan.

MMS.02 Antimicrobial stewardship program is developed and implemented to enhance

prescription and usage of antimicrobials.
Antimicrobial stewardship program

Due to repeated antimicrobial prescription for dubious indications and for longer than necessary,
antimicrobial resistance is acquired which can give a negative impact on patient outcomes and
poses a major threat for patient safety. Implementation of an antimicrobial stewardship program
will reduce the development, spread of resistant bacteria, and deliver better patient outcomes.
Antimicrobial stewardship programs shall be a priority with leadership commitment and support.
Using a stepwise implementation approach shall help to familiarize staff with the new policies and
procedures. Tracking the effectiveness of the program is important to assess, monitor and improve
the program, examples include using measures such as inappropriate use of antimicrobials,
adherence to antibiotic prescribing policies and antibiotic use, antimicrobial consumption and cost
or resistance pattern. It is also important to educate healthcare professionals, patients and their
families on optimal antimicrobial use, antimicrobial resistance and antimicrobial stewardship

Survey process guide:

 During the patient journey tracer and medication management review sessions, the GAHAR
surveyor may trace the prescription of antimicrobial agents and follow the process steps for
selecting, ordering and dispensing of the agent.
 The GAHAR surveyor may use other opportunities during GAHAR survey course to assess
program effectiveness and performance.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has an interdisciplinary antimicrobial stewardship program based on the Center for
Disease Prevention and Control (CDC) core elements and the national laws, regulations, and
2. The PHC educates staff, patients, and their families about antimicrobial stewardship practices
and the appropriate use of antimicrobials.
3. The antimicrobial stewardship program uses PHC-approved protocols.
4. The PHC tracks, collects, analyzes, and reports data on its antimicrobial stewardship program.
5. The PHC acts on improvement opportunities identified in its antimicrobial stewardship program.

Related standards:
IPC.02 IPC program, risk assessment, guidelines; MMS.11 Medication appropriateness review,
competent pharmacist; ICD.03 Clinical practice guidelines adaptation and adoption.

MMS.03 PHC medications are selected, listed, and procured based on approved criteria.
Medication procurement, formulary

In many PHCs, there is a higher authority outside the PHC that select and procure medications.
When medication selection and procurement occurs under the authority of the PHC, it should be
an interdisciplinary process, and should involve efforts to quantify medications requirements,

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selecting appropriate procurement methods, prequalifying suppliers and products. The PHC shall
develop a list (known as a formulary) of all the medications it stocks. Formulary is selected based
on disease prevalence, evidence of efficacy, safety and comparative cost-effectiveness. Laws and
regulations may determine the medications on the list. The formulary shall include, but not be
limited to, the following:
a) Names of medications.
b) Strengths/concentrations of medication(s).
c) Dosage forms of the medication(s).
d) Indications for use.
e) Risks/side effects of the medications.
f) Cost of the medications.
Updating the medication list is guided by criteria (e.g., indications for use, effectiveness, drug
interactions, adverse drug events, sentinel events, population(s) served (e.g., pediatrics,
geriatrics), and costs. The PHC shall develop and implement a process to evaluate the medication
use in the PHC to monitor and update the medication list. Evaluation of medications, with a view
to add/delete them from the formulary, is an important criterion for formulary update and

Survey process guide:

 During the patient journey tracer and medication management review session, the GAHAR
surveyor may trace the prescription of a medication or group of medications and follow the
process steps for selecting, listing, procuring and monitoring.
 The GAHAR surveyor may interview those involved in medication selection process to learn
about the process and its variants such as procuring a medication that is not listed in the
formulary, procuring a medication for temporary period or for one patient.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has a list of the approved medications (often referred to as a formulary), which
includes at least items from a) to f) in the intent.
2. A printed and/or electronic formulary copy of the approved medications is readily available and
accessible to all those involved in medication management.
3. The medication list (formulary) is monitored, maintained and updated.
4. The PHC has a process on proper communication about medication shortage and outage to
prescribers and other healthcare professionals.

Related standards:
MMS.01 Medication management program.

Effective and safe medication storage, prescription, dispensing, preparation, and


MMS.04 NSR.13 Medications are stored according to laws and regulations.

Medication labelling

The stability/effectiveness of some medications depends on storing them at the correct conditions
such as light, humidity and temperature. Medications or other solutions in unlabeled containers
are unidentifiable. Errors, sometimes tragic, have resulted from medications and other solutions
removed from their original containers and placed into unlabeled containers. The PHC shall
maintain appropriate storage conditions (temperature, light, humidity) in medication storage areas
to protect the stability of medications during all time. The PHC shall limit access to medication
storage areas with the level of security required to protect it against loss or theft, depending on the
types of medications stored. The PHC should ensure labeling of all medications, medication

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containers, and other solutions is a risk-reduction activity consistent with safe medication
management. This practice addresses a recognized risk point in the administration of medications.
Medications shall be labeled in a standardized manner. This requirement shall apply to any
medication that is prepared but not administered immediately (this requirement does not apply to
a medication prepared and administered immediately e.g., in the emergency situations). At a
minimum, labels shall include the following (if not apparent from the container):
a) Patient identifications
b) Medication name
c) Strength/concentration
d) Amount
e) Expiration date
f) Beyond use date
g) Directions for use
h) Any special/cautionary instructions
i) Date prepared and the diluent for parenteral solutions (if available)

Survey process guide:

 During the GAHAR survey, the surveyor may observe at the medication storage areas to assess
storage conditions and labeling.

Evidence of compliance:
1. Medications are safely and securely stored under manufacturer/marketing authorization holder
recommendations and kept clean and organized.
2. Use of sample medications, multi-dose medications, nutrients such as baby milk occurs in
accordance to applicable laws, regulations and manufacturer’s recommendation.
3. The PHC has a clear process to deal with an electric power outage to ensure the integrity of
any affected medications before use.
4. Medication storage areas are periodically (at least monthly) inspected to confirm compliance
with proper storage conditions.
5. All medications, medication containers, other solutions in the PHC are correctly labeled in a
standardized manner with at least the elements from a) to i) in the intent.

Related standards:
APC.01 Sustaining registration requirement; MMS.06 High-risk medications, concentrated
electrolytes; MMS.07 Look-alike, sound-alike medication; MMS.12 Medication preparation,
labelling of medications, dispensing, and administration; OGM.06 Stock management; EFS.08
Utilities management plan.

MMS.05 Emergency medications are available, accessible, and secured at all times.
Emergency medications

In situations when a patient emergency occurs, quick access to emergency medications is critical
and may be lifesaving. The PHC shall develop and implement a policy and procedures to ensure
availability of emergency medications. The policy shall address at least the following:
a) Emergency medications shall be readily accessible and uniformly stored to facilitate quick
access to the right medication to meet emergency needs. For example, in each emergency
cart in the PHC, emergency medications are in the same drawer and laid out in the same
manner within the drawer of each cart.
b) Prevention of abuse, loss, or theft of emergency medications to ensure their availability when
c) Replacement of emergency medication at the most appropriate time when used, damaged, or

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Survey process guide:

During the GAHAR survey, the surveyor may observe emergency medication storage areas;
surveyor may interview staff members who are responsible for emergency medication storage to
inquire about storage conditions, accessibility, storage security and replacement of medications
when needed.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has an approved policy to guide emergency medications availability that addresses
at least all elements mentioned in the intent from a) through c).
2. Emergency medications are uniformly stored in all locations.
3. Emergency medications are appropriately available and accessible to the clinical areas when
4. Emergency medications are replaced within a predefined timeframe when used, damaged, or

Related standards:
MMS.04 Medication storage, Medication labelling; OGM.06 Stock management; ICD.14
Emergency services; ICD.15 Cardiopulmonary resuscitation and medical emergencies.

MMS.06 NSR.10 High-risk medications and concentrated electrolytes are identified, stored,
and dispensed according to laws and regulations.
High-risk medications, concentrated electrolytes

High-risk medications are those bear a heightened risk of causing significant patient harm when
they are used in error. Although mistakes may or may not be more common with these
medications, the consequences of an error are clearly more devastating to patients. Examples of
high-risk medications include, but not limited to, hypoglycemic agents, medications with narrow
therapeutic range, and inotropic agents. Concentrated electrolytes include, but not limited to,
dextrose 25% and hypertonic saline. There are several reports of accidental deaths due to the
inadvertent administration of concentrated electrolytes. Avoiding storage of concentrated
electrolytes is a one method to minimize the risk of death or injury associated with these
The PHC shall develop and implement a policy and procedures to guide the process of safe use
of high-risk medications and concentrated electrolytes. The policy shall address at least the
a) Lists of high-risk medications based on its own data and both national and international
recognized organizations (e.g., Institute of Safe Medication Practice (ISMP) and the World
Health Organization (WHO)).
b) List and inventory of concentrated electrolytes.
c) Strategies are in place to prevent the inadvertent use and administration of these
Concentrated electrolytes shall be safely stored including separation, and labeling throughout the

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may observe clinics and medication storage areas and assess measures
to ensure safety storage of high-risk medications (such as being labeled) and concentrated
medications (such as being removed whenever possible or separated in secure areas).
 The GAHAR surveyor may interview staff members to assess their understanding of preventive
strategies for managing these medications and medical necessity allowing for storing of
concentrated electrolytes in these areas.

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Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has an approved policy that addresses all elements in the intent from a) through c).
2. The PHC provides initial and ongoing training to the healthcare professionals involved in
management and use of high-risk or concentrated electrolytes.
3. The PHC regularly updates lists of high-risk medications and for concentrated electrolytes
based on its own data.
4. High-risk medications and concentrated electrolytes are safely stored and labeled across the
5. The PHC implements a process to prevent inadvertent administration of high alert medications
and concentrated electrolytes.
6. The PHC tracks, collects, analyzes, and reports data on management of high alert medications
and concentrated electrolytes. Identified improvement opportunities are acted upon.

Related standards:
APC.01 Sustaining registration requirements; MMS.04 Medication storage, Medication labelling.

MMS.07 NSR.11 The PHC has a process for identification and storage of look-alike and sound-
alike medications.
Look-alike, sound-alike medication

Look-alike/sound alike (LASA) medications are those visually similar in physical appearance or
packaging and names of medications that have spelling similarities and/or similar phonetics. Any
confusion between these medications may lead to harmful errors. The Institute for Safe Medication
Practices (ISMP) maintains an ongoing list of LASA medication names to highlight medications that
may require special safeguards. One strategy that ISMP recommends for reducing LASA
medication errors is to include both the brand and nonproprietary names, dosage form, strength,
directions, and the indication for use can be helpful in differentiating LASA medication names. If
LASA medications have different indications, then associating an indication with a medication may
help differentiating it from another medication with a similar-sounding name. Other
recommendations focus on ensuring prescription legibility through improved handwriting and
printing. Some PHCs may use physical separation and segregation of these medications in
medication storage areas to minimize the risk. In addition, some PHCs use specially designed
labels or use “tall man” (mixed case) lettering (e.g. alDOMET and alDACTONE) to emphasize drug
name differences. The PHC shall develop risk management strategies to minimize adverse events
with LASA medications and enhance patient safety. The PHC shall develop and implement a policy
and procedure to ensure safety of LASA. The policy shall include at least the following:
a) List of look-alike, sound-alike medications
b) Storage requirements
c) Labelling requirements
d) Dispensing requirements

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may review the PHC policy and the updated list of look–alike and sound-
alike medications followed by Interviewing pharmacists and nurses to inquire about processes
to minimize the risk associated with using look-alike sound-alike medications.
 The GAHAR surveyor may observe at the pharmacy, medication carts and medication storage
areas to check LASA medications labeling.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has an approved policy that addresses all elements in the standard intent from a)
through d).

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2. There is a list of look-alike, sound-alike medications that is updated at least annually.

3. The PHC provides initial and ongoing training to the healthcare professionals involved in
management and use of LASA.
4. LASA medications are stored, segregated and labelled safely and uniformly in all locations.
5. LASA medication are checked properly upon dispensing.
6. The PHC tracks, collects, analyzes, and reports data on management of LASA. Identified
improvement opportunities identified are acted upon.

Related standards:
APC.01 Sustaining registration requirements; MMS.04 Medication storage, Medication labelling.

MMS.08 A drug recall system is developed, implemented, and recorded.

Drug recall, expired and outdated medication

A drug recall is required when safety issues arise, and defective products are required to be
returned to the manufacturer/distributor. This includes expired, outdates, damaged, dispensed but
not used, and/or contaminated medications. The PHC shall have a process in place for the proper
identification and retrieval of medications recalled by the Egyptian Drug Authority (EDA), the
manufacturer, or other recognized bodies. The PHC shall develop and implement a policy and
procedures to guide the process of managing recalled medication. The policy shall address at least
the following:
a) Process to retrieve recalled medications.
b) Labelling and separation of recalled medications.
c) Patient notification (when applicable).
d) Disposal or removal.
e) Process to ensure product integrity, and that expired medications cannot be inadvertently
distributed, dispensed or administered.
f) Regular monitoring of disposal of unused, unwanted, or expired medications.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may review the PHC policy followed by interviewing pharmacists and
nurses to inquire about processes to manage recalled, expired, outdated, damaged, and/or
contaminated medications.
 The GAHAR surveyor may observe at the pharmacy, medication carts and medication storage
areas to check the presence of recalled, expired, outdated, damaged, and/or contaminated
 The GAHAR surveyor may request to trace a recalled drug from the reception of drug recall
notice till disposal or removal.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has an approved policy to guide drug recall process that includes all elements from
a) through f) in the intent.
2. Staff members involved in drug recall process are aware of the policy requirements.
3. Recalled drugs are retrieved, labelled, separated, and disposed (or removed).
4. Expired, outdated, damaged, or contaminated medications are stored separately, and
disposed or removed according to the drug recall policy.

Related standards:
OGM.06 Stock management.

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MMS.09 The PHC has medication ordering, prescribing, and transcribing processes.
Ordering, prescribing, transcribing, abbreviations, and symbols

When prescribed and used effectively medications have the potential to significantly improve the
quality of lives and improve patient’s safety and outcomes. However, the challenges associated
with prescribing the right medications, Transcribing and supporting patients to use them effectively
should not be underestimated. Each PHC is responsible for identifying those individuals by
experience and who are permitted by licensure, certification, laws, or regulations to prescribe or to
order and transcribe medications. Abbreviations avoidance prevents misunderstanding,
miscommunications and administration of incorrect prescriptions. The PHC shall develop and
implement a policy and procedures to guide the processes of ordering, prescribing and transcribing
of medications. The policy shall address at least the following:
a) Who is authorized to prescribe?
b) Uniform location in the patient’s medical record to order/prescribe/transcribe medications.
c) Conditions to permit transcription
d) The minimum required elements of complete medication prescriptions to include:
i. Patient’s identifications
ii. Patient’s demographics
iii. Drug name
iv. Dosage form
v. Strength or concentration
vi. Dosage and frequency
vii. Route of administration
viii. Rates of administration (when intravenous infusions are ordered)
ix. Indications for use for PRN medications
x. Date and time of the order
e) Listing of prescribed medications, their dosage and administration times.
f) Requirements to refill medications for chronic diseases.
g) Cancelation or discontinuation of a medication prescription.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may review the PHC policy followed by interviewing healthcare
professionals to inquire about prescription/order process in any location including clinics and
emergency room.
 The GAHAR surveyor may observe patient’s medical records to assess the completion,
legibility and clarity of medication orders.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has an approved policy to guide the processes of ordering/prescribing and
transcribing medications that addresses all elements mentioned in the intent from a) through
2. The PHC is responsible for identifying those healthcare professionals permitted by law and
regulation, qualification, training, experience, and job description to order, prescribe, and
transcribe medications.
3. Medication transcription is only permitted under certain predefined conditions.
4. Medication prescriptions are complete.
5. Medication refills occur as per approved PHC process.

Related standards:
ICD.12 Verbal and telephone orders; IMT.03 Use of codes, symbols, and abbreviations; WFM.02
Job Description.

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MMS.10 NSR.12 A process is implemented to obtain and document a complete list of the
patient's current medications upon assessment and with the involvement of the patient.
Best possible medication history

Medication history at assessment effectively reduces medication errors such as omissions,
duplications, dosing errors, or drug interactions. This can result from unintended medication
The PHC shall develop and implement a policy and procedures to guide medication reconciliation
The policy shall address at least the following:
a) Identify responsibility to obtain best possible medication history.
b) Patients and family involvement techniques.
c) Steps of medication reconciliation process such as collecting the list of medications,
vitamins, nutritional supplements, over-the-counter drugs, and vaccines used by patients,
clarification whether these medications and their dosages are appropriate, matching with
new list of medication and recording changes.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may review appropriate number of medical records (at least 10) and
check for the documentation of current medications upon assessment.
 The GAHAR surveyor may Interview appropriate number of patients and ask them if they are
asked by doctors upon assessment about the current medication and educated if any of it will
interfere with the new medications.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has an approved policy for obtaining best possible medication history that includes
all elements mentioned in the intent from a) through c).
2. Involved staff members are trained to take the best possible medication history.
3. Medication prescribers compare the list of current medications with the list of medications to
be prescribed and make clinical decisions based on the comparison.
4. Compared medications are clearly recorded, and related information is clearly communicated
to healthcare professionals involved in the patient's medication prescribing.
5. Patients and families are involved in the process.

Related standards:
APC.01 Sustaining registration requirement; PCC.04 Patient and family responsibilities; ICD.06
Patient medical assessments.

MMS.11 Medication prescriptions are reviewed for accuracy and appropriateness.

Medication appropriateness review, competent pharmacist

Dispensing is a core clinical activity that enables pharmacists to ensure the safety and
effectiveness of medications. All medication orders shall be reviewed for accuracy and
appropriateness before dispensing, or removal from floor stock. The appropriateness review is
performed by competent individual(s). Each newly prescribed medication, is reviewed for the
following elements (when applicable):
a) The suitability of the medication with regard to the indication.

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b) The dosage regimen including the dose, frequency, and route of administration, and
duration of treatment considering patient’s physiological information.
c) Therapeutic duplication.
d) Variation from the PHC criteria for use.
e) Contraindications.
f) Real or potential allergies/sensitivities.
g) Real or potential interactions between the medication and other medications or food.
h) Potential toxicity.
A new appropriateness review shall be performed when the dosage or other appropriateness
factors noted before changes; for example, when new medications are prescribed and therapeutic
duplication may be an issue. The PHC defines what patient-specific information that is required for
the appropriateness review of the prescription.

Survey process guide:

The GAHAR surveyor may interview pharmacists, nurses, and other healthcare professionals
involved in appropriateness review to inquire about the process, its variations and may observe the

Evidence of compliance:
1. Patient-specific information and its source are available and accessible at all times to support
effective review process.
2. Each prescription is reviewed for appropriateness by a licensed pharmacist prior to dispensing
and includes elements a) through h) in the intent, using current and updated resources.
3. When an on-site licensed, competent pharmacist is not available, a trained healthcare
professional determined by the PHC to perform a review of critical elements f) through h) in
the intent using current and updated resources.
4. There is a process for the reviewer to contact the prescriber when questions or concerns arise.

Related standards:
MMS.02 Antimicrobial stewardship program; MMS.09 Ordering, prescribing, transcribing,
abbreviations, and symbols.

MMS.12 Safe precautions are taken when medications are prepared, dispensed and
administered to the patient inside the PHC.
Medication preparation, labelling of medications, dispensing, and administration

A safe, clean and organized working environment provides the basis for good dispensing practice.
This includes qualified/trained staff, appropriate physical surroundings, adequate shelving, proper
work surfaces, suitable equipment, and necessary packaging materials. The PHC shall identify the
standards of practice for a safe preparation environment. Healthcare professionals who prepare
medications are requested to use techniques to ensure accuracy (e.g., double-checking
calculations), and avoid contamination, including using clean or aseptic technique as appropriate,
maintaining clean, and uncluttered areas for product preparation. Medications shall be dispensed
in quantities enough to meet patient’s needs but at the same time to minimize diversion (i.e.,
quantities dispensed are not excessive to permit diversion). The safe administration of medications
shall include verifying the following:
a) Presence of medication order.
b) Patient identifications.
c) Right medication.
d) Reasons/indication of medication therapy.
e) Right dosage amount and regimen.
f) Right route of administration.

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g) Right time and frequency of administration.

h) Review if the patient allergic to any medication in the prescription or order.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may observe at the pharmacy and medication storage to assess the
labeling and preparation of medications.
 The GAHAR surveyor may interview pharmacists, nurses, and other healthcare professionals
involved in preparation of medications to inquire about processes of preparation and may
observe the process.
 The GAHAR surveyor may interview pharmacists, nurses, other healthcare professionals,
patients and their families involved in medication administration to inquire about the process,
its variations, this can occur in any location.
 The GAHAR surveyor may observe the process of medication administration.

Evidence of compliance:
1. Medications are prepared in clean, uncluttered, and separate areas provided with medical
equipment and supplies and adhering to the applicable laws, regulations, and professional
standards of practice.
2. The PHC has a uniform medication dispensing and distribution system according to the
applicable laws and regulations
3. Medications administered, refused, or omitted is recorded in the patient’s medical record
including all points from a) through h) in the intent
4. The PHC identifies those healthcare professionals authorized to prepare, dispense and
administer medications in different situations.

Related standards:
IPC.03 Hand hygiene; ACT.03 Patient identification; MMS.09 Ordering, prescribing, transcribing,
abbreviations, and symbols; WFM.02 Job description.

Safe medication monitoring

MMS.13 Medication errors, near misses, medication therapy problems and adverse drug
reactions are monitored, detected, reported, and acted upon.
Medication errors, near miss, medication therapy problems, adverse drug reactions

Each PHC shall have a medication error, near miss, and medication related problems (also known
as drug therapy problems) detecting and reporting system. This system focuses on preventing and
managing medication errors and near misses, or any other safety issues including but not limited
to overdose, toxicity, misuse, abuse, occupational exposure, medication exposure during
pregnancy, and lactation). Medication errors and near misses are particularly important given the
large and growing global volume of medication use. Medication errors can occur at a number of
different stages of the medication prescription and use process. Although serious errors are
relatively rare, the absolute number is sizeable, with the potential for considerable adverse health
consequences. Monitoring medication effects includes observing and documenting any adverse
effects. This is done using a standardized format (The Egyptian National Forms) for reporting and
educating staff on the process and the importance of reporting. Reporting to the authorized
institutions is done in a within approved timeframe. It is important that, the PHC shall develop a
process to identify and report on medication errors, near misses, medication therapy problems and
adverse drug events. Definitions and processes are developed through a collaborative process that
includes all those involved in the different steps in medication management. The reporting process
shall be part of the PHC quality improvement and patient safety program. Medication errors, near
misses, medication therapy problems and adverse drug events shall be identified and reported to:

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a) Prescriber and/or other healthcare professional (as required).

b) Drug and therapeutics committee.
c) Quality committee.
d) Leaders of the PHC.
e) Authorized institutions according to national/international regulations.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may interview healthcare professionals involved in medication
management processes during the medication management review session and inquire about
detection, analysis, reporting and actions of medication errors, near misses and medication
therapy problems.
 The GAHAR surveyor may review the process of reporting adverse drug event

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has an approved policy to guide the process of defining, reporting, analyzing and
acting on for medication error(s), near miss(es), and medication therapy problem(s) based on
national/international references.
2. The PHC implements a process for detecting, reporting to bodies, including items from a) to e)
identified in the intent, and acting on medication errors, near misses, and medication therapy
3. The PHC utilizes reported medication errors, near misses, and medication therapy problems
to improve medication management and use programs.
4. Actual or potential medication adverse drug effects on patients are monitored and recorded in
the patient’s medical record, including the action(s) to be taken in response.
5. Adverse drug events (ADEs) are reported in a manner consistent with national and
international guidelines.

Related standards:
MMS.01 Medication management program; QPI.08 Incident reporting system; QPI.09 Significant
events; QPI.10 Sentinel events.

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Section 3: Organization-Centered Standards

While in the previous section, patient safety and centered care was the focus. Yet, patients are not
the only customers of healthcare systems. Healthcare professionals face risks, as well. Although
debate continues regarding whether worker wellbeing should be considered part of the patient
safety initiatives, many organizations think about it that way, including major players in the
healthcare industry worldwide. Three major aspects may affect worker's wellbeing; safety, stress,
and PHC structure.

Regarding safety, according to the United States Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and
Health Administration (OSHA), a PHC is one of the most hazardous places to work. Healthcare
professionals experience some of the highest rates of non-fatal illness and injury surpassing both
the construction and manufacturing industries. In 2011, U.S. PHCs recorded 253,700 work-related
injuries and illnesses, a rate of 6.8 work-related injuries for every 100 full-time staff. From 2002 to
2013, the rate of serious workplace violence incidents (those requiring days off for an injured
worker to recuperate) was more than four times greater in healthcare than in private industry on
average. In fact, healthcare accounts for nearly as many serious violent injuries as all other
industries combined. Many more assaults or threats go unreported. Workplace violence comes at
a high cost; however, it can be prevented.

On the other hand, being exposed to stress for too long may lower a person's efficiency and could
trigger negative consequences on one's health or family and social life. Nevertheless, not every
manifestation of stress is always workplace stress. Workplace stress may be caused by various
factors. Some professions are inherently more stressful than others are. Some studies showed
that healthcare professions are among the first six most stressful ones. Not all health professionals
develop the same level of stress, and not all of them develop signs of professional burnout either.
According to several studies, Intensive Care Unit medical/nursing staff report that dealing with
death is their first source of stress, compared to nurses who work in internal medicine or surgical
departments. For those professionals, workload and adequate workforce planning may be the
most important stress source.

PHC structure provides guidance to all staff by laying out the official reporting relationships that
govern the workflow of the company. A formal outline of a PHC structure makes it easier to add
new positions in the PHC, as well, providing a flexible and ready means for growth. Organization
management needs to be according to a clear ethical framework that is responsive to community
needs. Organizations have an obligation to act for the
benefit of the community at large. Workers, as
community members, need to be engaged in
assessing community needs and responding to them,
in addition, to being protected from safety and stress
hazards while working in the PHC.

Nevertheless, both the PHC and the staff have the

responsibility to keep the workforce safe. For
example, while management provides personal
protective equipment (PPE), such as safety glasses
to keep debris and chemical splashes away from the
eyes, it is the staff's responsibility to wear the PPE
when performing work that management has
identified as requiring it. More generally, it is the
responsibility of management to prepare detailed
work instructions that clearly describe how work
should be performed in order to prevent quality and
safety failures; the staff is responsible for following
these procedures. Elements for safe healthcare

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Thus, this section shall focus on some of the newer ideas about healthcare workplace suitability
to provide a safe, efficient, and improving environment for healthcare service.
One of the tools used to design this section is called HealthWISE, which is an action tool developed
by the International Labor Organization (ILO) in collaboration with the WHO. This tool emerged
from traditional thinking about patient safety and improvement more generally. It describes a
process and structure that may lead to improved safety in a variety of healthcare settings.

The aim of HealthWISE is to provide healthcare institutions with a practical, participatory and cost-
effective tool to improve work conditions, performance, occupational health and safety for health
workers, and the quality of health services provided. Improvements are introduced and sustained
by the combined efforts of management and staff, brought together in a dedicated team.
HealthWISE puts the health workforce in focus and addresses topics that are key to delivering
quality care. It encourages everyone to participate in making their workplace not only a good place
to work but a quality healthcare environment appreciated by patients and the community.

As organization management is responsible for providing an efficient PHC structure, where a

governing body is defined and responsive to the PHC needs, leaders work collaboratively to run
the PHC towards preset approved strategic directions. A established structure includes defining
capacity and roles of the PHC workforce, providing sufficient orientation and education, and
continuous monitoring and evaluation. Hence, strong information management and technology are
needed to record data and information, in addition to a strong quality management program that
can capture and interpret data and information.

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Environmental and Facility Safety

Chapter intent

Environmental and Facility Safety (EFS) in PHCs aims at minimizing potential risks for patients,
visitors, staff, and buildings through compliance with laws, regulations, fire, and building codes for
providing a safe and secure work environment.

From an environmental standpoint, it involves creating a systematic approach to compliance with

environmental regulations, such as managing waste and maintaining a safe environmental

From a safety standpoint, it involves creating organized efforts and procedures for identifying
workplace hazards and reducing accidents and exposure to harmful situations and substances. It
also includes training of staff members in accident prevention, accident response, emergency
preparedness, and use of protective clothing and equipment.

Globally, Healthcare design standards were developed to maintain proper PHC structure that
maintain safety and efficiency for all users. Facility Guideline Institute issues periodical research-
based standards for healthcare facility designs. OSHA, CDC, WHO and other international
healthcare players sets certain standards for various aspects of healthcare design.

Locally, regulatory requirements play an important role in EFS. The PHC shall identify and
understand all relevant EFS regulations to implement the required measures. National initiatives
include but not limited to: Organization building codes, licensure requirements for the whole
organization and the individual functions/machine/equipment/units inside the PHC, Civil defense
laws, Green PHC initiative, Environmental laws. The GAHAR surveyor is going to meet the
concerned staff in EFS and discuss the different standards of chapter and review the documents,
trace the activities and functions and measure the facility awareness about safety. Facility tour is
an important tool used by surveyors to measure environmental safety risks in a PHC.

Chapter purpose

This chapter started by planning and effective management of the PHC environmental facility
safety. Followed by requiring the development, implementation, monitoring, improvement,
evaluation and annual update of the environmental safety plans The main objective is to ensure
that organization is able to identify the safety issues and provide safe and effective program to
handle and maintain environment safety. The chapter discusses the following:
 Fire safety: prevention, early detection, response, and safe evacuation in case of fire.
 Hazardous materials: safe handling, storage, transportation, and use of hazardous materials,
and waste disposal.
 Safety: Providing a safe work environment for all occupants, ensuring that the PHC buildings,
construction areas, and equipment do not pose a hazard or risk to patients, staff, and visitors.
 Security: Protection of all occupants' properties from loss, theft, destruction, tampering, or
unauthorized access or use.
 Medical equipment: Selection, inspection, testing, maintenance, and safe use of medical
 Utility systems: Ensures efficiency and effectiveness of all utilities through regular inspection,
maintenance, testing, and repair of essential utilities to minimize the risks of operating failures.
 Disaster preparedness: Responding to the disasters and emergencies that have the potential
of occurring within the geographical area of the PHC with an evaluation of the structural
integrity of the patient care environment.

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Implementation guiding documents

(Any of the following mentioned references needs to be read in the context of its terms,
conditions, substitutes, amendments, updates, and annexes)

1) Egyptian building codes for healthcare organizations.

2) Egyptian civil defense laws
3) MOHP requirements in the website
4) Law 192/2001 for Hazardous waste management
5) Presidential decree number 3185/2016
6) MOHP Ministerial decree 284/1985 on requirements for OR
7) MOHP Ministerial decree 306/2002 on medication storage spaces
8) Egyptian Guideline for Medical Device Vigilance System
9) National strategy in disasters management
10) National Law for Environment
11) The Green Pyramid Rating System (GPRS)
12) WHO Early Warning Alert And Response Network in emergencies
13) WHO International Health Regulation
14) Guidance in environmental safety book – part 6
15) Core Medical equipment -WHO

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Efficient and safe environment and facility safety management

EFS.01 PHC facilities comply with laws, regulations, fire, and national building codes.
PHC environment and facility safety structure

PHCs contain hazardous chemicals, drugs, and infectious matter, among other threatening items.
For this reason, governmental authorities enforce laws and regulations to ensure protection
against these exposures. In addition, there are also dangers from fire and smoke that can be
particularly perilous for vulnerable PHC patients. Building codes were established to provide
guidance on safety measures while designing PHC settings. The PHC shall develop and maintain
basic infrastructure for environmental and facility safety program:
a) Clinical and diagnostic services shall have required space according to applicable laws,
regulations and approved PHC scope of service.
b) Permits, licenses and PHC design drawings are available, valid and current.
c) Budget is planned for upgrading and/or replacement of instruments or systems to keep
environmental safety and/or to expand services provided within the PHC.
d) Qualified environmental safety staff are available and match requirements of PHC scope
of services, laws and regulations.
e) The PHC shall build an environmental safety oversight structure:
f) The PHC should have a committee overseeing environmental safety activities and trainings
through regular meetings. The committee could be held urgently if needed.
g) The committee role should include review of aggregated essential data, incident reports,
drill reports, and safety plans measures, recommended actions, and following up to ensure
compliance with all safety requirements
h) The committee should report to the PHC’s leadership quarterly and a feedback from PHC
leadership should be received.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may review documents demonstrating PHC drawings, budget, safety
staff qualifications, external authorities reports with action plans and recorded committee
meeting notes and agenda.
 During PHC tours and tracers, the GAHAR surveyor may observe compliance to laws and
regulations and matching of allocated spaces to services and functions.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC leadership complies with environmental safety laws, regulations, and national
building codes.
2. The PHC maintains basic requirement for development of environment and facility safety
3. The PHC has a committee overseeing environmental safety with approved terms of
4. Environment and facility safety committee meets regularly and meetings are recorded.
5. The PHC should have an appropriate number of qualified staff in accordance with local laws
and regulations.
6. The PHC's leadership ensures compliance with external inspection reports and correction of
observations within the required timeframe.

Related standards:
APC.01 Sustaining registration requirements; OGM.02 PHC management.

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Effective and safe environment and facility safety plans

EFS.02 NSR.16 The fire and smoke safety plan addresses prevention, early detection,
response, and safe evacuation in case of fire or other internal emergencies.
Fire and smoke safety

One of the critical considerations in the safety design for PHCs is the prevention of fire, particularly
with respect to the combustibility of construction and furnishing materials and the spread of fire
and smoke. In the event of either accidental or malicious fires, suppression equipment needs to
be readily accessible to combat these fires. Staff members of the PHC need to have working
knowledge of how to use the equipment and to avoid panic. Moving all patients, visitors, and staff
out of dangerous and/or damaged facilities as safely as possible is always the goal of an
evacuation. The PHC shall develop a fire and smoke safety plan that addresses at least the
a) An ongoing risk assessment that shall have the following features:
 Assesses compliance with civil defence regulations.
 Assesses compliance with fire and building codes.
 Includes fire and smoke separation, areas under construction and other high-risk areas
for example stores, laundry, oxygen supply storage areas, electrical control panels,
medical records room, garbage room, etc.
 Addresses the safety of all occupants including patients, families, full time staff, part
time staff, visitors, suppliers, contractors and others.
 Addresses evacuation for fire and non-fire emergencies.
 A special risk assessment is performed during renovation and construction.
b) Early detection of fire and smoke system, including the central control panel connected to
all areas in PHCs according to its functionality, and ensure continuous monitoring 24/7.
c) Fire suppression system such as water system, automated or manual fire extinguisher.
d) Listing of firefighting and alarm systems includes maintenance testing, inspection
e) Availability of safe, unobstructed fire exits, with clear signage to assembly areas and
emergency light, in addition to other related signages like how to activate the fire alarm
using a fire extinguisher and hose reel.
f) Inspection of all firefighting and alarm systems should be in place, and results are recorded
with needed corrective actions.
g) Safe storage and handling of highly flammable materials.
h) The PHC should perform proper annual training and orientation of all staff in a practical
manner to make sure that everyone in the PHC can:
 Demonstrate RACE and PASS.
 Define who is responsible for medical gas safety in case of fire.
 Safely evacuate all occupants.
 PHC evacuation pathway, gathering areas, and assembly points.
i) Fire drills details including, but are not limited to, the following:
I. Dates and timings.
II. Staff who participated in the drill.
III. Involved areas.
IV. Shifts.
V. Drill evaluation and corrective action plan.
j) Documentation of all results in a proper way and repetition according to the training plan.
k) The plan is evaluated annually and, if needed, according to related KPIs results or major

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Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may review the fire safety plan, facility fire safety inspections, and fire
system maintenance.
 The GAHAR surveyor may check that fire alarm; firefighting and smoke containment systems
are working effectively and complying with civil defense requirements.
 The GAHAR surveyor may review plan of testing (drills) and staff training (all staff should be
trained on fire safety).

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has a fire and smoke safety plan that includes all elements from a) through k) in the
2. The PHC fire alarm, firefighting and smoke containment system are available, functioning and
comply with civil defence requirements.
3. Inspection, testing and maintenance of fire alarm, firefighting and smoke containment systems
are performed and recorded.
4. Fire drills are performed in different clinical and non-clinical areas, including at least one
unannounced drill annually.
5. The PHC guarantees safe evacuation processes for all occupants in case of fire and/or other
internal emergencies.
6. The fire and smoke safety plan is evaluated annually and, whenever indicated, with
aggregation and analysis of necessary data.

Related standards:
APC.01 Sustaining registration requirement; EFS.03 Smoking-free environment.

EFS.03 Both clinical and non-clinical areas in the PHC are smoking-free.
Smoking-free environment

According to Center for Disease Control (CDC), Smoking causes about 90% (or 9 out of 10) of all
lung cancer deaths. More women die from lung cancer each year than from breast cancer. Smoking
causes about 80% (or 8 out of 10) of all deaths from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
(COPD). Cigarette smoking increases risk for death from all causes in men and women. Literature
shows that although PHCs restrict smoking inside, many people continue to smoke outside,
creating problems with second-hand smoke, litter, fire risks, and negative role modeling. Smoke-
free policies are an important component of an ecological and social-cognitive approach to reducing
tobacco use and tobacco-related disease In addition, Anti-smoking policies were reported to cause
numerous positive effects on employee performance and retention. The PHC shall ensure a
smoking-free environment for patients and environmental safety through the availability of smoking-
free environment policy and procedure, proper signage according to laws and regulations. The
policy should include any exceptions, penalties, and the designated smoking area outside the
building. All staff should be oriented about the smoking-free environment policy.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may review the smoking-free policy followed by interviewing staff and/or
patients to check their awareness of PHC policy, smoking areas location and consequences of
not complying to the policy.
 During the GAHAR survey, surveyors may observe evidences of not complying to the policy
such as cigarette remnants and cigarette packs specially in remote areas.

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Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has an approved policy for a smoking-free environment.
2. Staff, patients and visitors are aware of the PHC policy.
3. Occupants, according to laws and regulations, do not smoke in all areas except designated
4. The PHC monitors compliance to smoking-free policy.

Related standards:
EFS.02 Fire and smoke safety.

EFS.04 NSR.17 The PHC has plans for handling, storage, usage and transportation of
hazardous materials and waste disposal.
Hazardous materials and waste management

Hazardous materials are chemical substances, which, if released or misused, can pose a threat to
the environment, life or health. Industry, agriculture, medicine, research, and consumer goods use
these chemicals. Hazardous materials come in the form of explosives, flammable and combustible
substances, poisons, and radioactive materials. These substances are most often released
because of transportation accidents or chemical accidents in healthcare organizations. Because
the effects of hazardous materials can be devastating and far-reaching, it is important that PHCs
to plan their safe use and establish a safe working environment.
Healthcare waste includes infectious, chemical, expired pharmaceutical and sharps. These items
can be pathogenic and environmentally adverse. Other waste items generated through healthcare
but not hazardous include medication boxes, the packaging of medical items and food, remains of
food, and waste from clinics.
The PHC should identify and control hazardous material and waste all over the PHC to ensure that
staff, patients, relatives, vendors, and the environment are safe. Hazardous material and waste
are categorized into the following categories according to the WHO classification:
o Infectious
o Pharmaceutical
o Chemical
o Heavy metals
o Pressurized containers
o Sharps
Hazardous materials and waste management plan includes, but is not limited to, the following:
a) A current and updated inventory of hazardous materials used in the PHC, the inventory
should include the material name, hazard type, location, usage, consumption rate, and
b) Material safety data sheet (MSDS) should be available and includes information such as
physical data, hazardous material type (flammable, cytotoxic, corrosive, carcinogenic, etc.),
safe storage, handling, spill management and exposures, first aid, and disposal.
c) Appropriate labeling of hazardous materials.
d) Procedure for safe usage, handling, storage, and spillage of hazardous materials.
e) Appropriate segregation, labeling, handling, storage, transportation, and disposal of all
categories of hazardous waste.
f) Availability of required protective equipment and spill kits.
g) Investigation and documentation of different incidents such as spill and exposure.
h) Compliance with laws and regulations, availability of required licenses, and/or permits.
i) Staff training and orientation.
j) The plan is evaluated and updated annually and/or when required.

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Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may review the hazardous material and waste management program to
make sure that it covers all safety requirements of hazardous materials, safe storage, handling,
spills, required protective equipment and waste disposal according to laws and regulations.
 The GAHAR surveyor may review the hazardous material and waste disposal plan, hazardous
material and waste inventories, as well as Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) during document
review session or during PHC tours and tracers.
 The GAHAR surveyor may inspect hazardous material labeling and storage in addition to waste
collection segregation storage and final disposal.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has hazardous material and waste management plan that addresses all elements
from a) through j) in the intent.
2. The PHC ensures staff safety when handling hazardous materials/or waste.
3. Waste disposal occurs according to laws and regulations.
4. The PHC ensures safe usage, handling, storage, and labeling of hazardous materials.
5. The PHC has a document for spill management, investigation, and recording of different
incidents related to hazardous materials.
6. The plan is evaluated and updated annually with aggregation and analysis of necessary data.

Related standards:
DAS.04 Radiation safety program; DAS.09 Laboratory safety program.

EFS.05 NSR.18 The PHC has a work environment plan that addresses high-risk areas,
procedures, risk mitigation requirements, tools, and responsibilities.
Safety management plan

Health services are committed to providing a safe environment for patients, staff and visitors. PHC
safety arrangements keep patients, staff and visitors safe from inappropriate risks such as
electricity and from inappropriate behavior such as violence and aggression. The PHC shall have
a safety plan that covers the building, property, medical equipment, and systems to ensure a safe
physical environment for patients, families, staff, visitors, and vendors. The safety plan shall include
at least the following:
a) Proactive risk assessment.
b) Effective planning to prevent accidents and injuries and minimize potential risks, to
maintain safe conditions for all occupants to reduce and to control risks.
c) Processes for pest and rodent control.
d) The PHC identifies potential risks because of system failure and/or staff behavior, for
example: wet floor; water leakage from the ceiling beside electrical compartments;
improper handling of sharps; non-compliance to personal protective equipment in case of
working at heights, cutting, and welding, dealing with high voltage; and unsafe storage.
e) Regular inspection with documentation of results, performing corrective actions, and
appropriate follow up.
f) Improvements for long-term upgrading or replacement.
g) Safety training depending on job hazard analysis.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may review safety plan/s to make sure that they include suitable risk
assessment surveillance.
 The GAHAR surveyor may review surveillance rounds plan, checklist, different observations
and proper corrective actions when applicable.

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 The GAHAR surveyor may inspect workers in different areas like workshops and waste
collection areas to check usage of suitable personal protective equipment (PPE).

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has a plan to ensure a safe work environment that includes all elements from a)
through g) in the intent.
2. Staff are aware of safety measure pertinent to their job.
3. Safety measures are implemented in all areas.
4. Safety instructions are posted in all high-risk areas.
5. Safety management plan is evaluated and updated annually with aggregation and analysis of
necessary data.

Related standards:
DAS.04 Radiation safety program; DAS.09 Laboratory safety program.

EFS.06 NSR.19 The security plan addresses security of all occupants and properties
including restricted and isolated areas with risk mitigation, control measures, tools, and
Security plan

Usually, PHCs enforce a code of behaviour that does not tolerate violence, aggression, thefts,
harassment, physical or verbal aggression, or abuse towards staff, patients, family members or
visitors. To keep staff, patients and visitors safe, PHCs may use a range of security measures,
including the use of CCTV cameras, duress alarms for staff members and electronic access control
systems for doorways. Some PHCs also employ security staff. The PHC ensures protection of all
occupants from violence, aggression, thefts, harassment, suicide, bomb threat, terrorism, gunshot,
and child abduction. The security plan includes, but is not limited to, the following:
a) Security risk assessment.
b) Ensuring the identification of patients, visitors, and staff in the PHC.
c) Identification of vendors/contractors with the restriction of their movement within the PHC.
d) Vulnerable patients such as the elderly, infants, those with mental disorders, and
handicapped should be protected from the abuse and above-mentioned harms.
e) Children should be protected from abduction.
f) Drill for child abduction should be performed at least annually.
g) Monitoring of remote and isolated areas.
h) Staff training and orientation.
i) The plan is evaluated annually and, if needed, according to related KPIs results or major

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may review security plan/s to make sure that they include suitable risk
assessment surveillance, security high-risk areas and security requirements, as well as access
control areas.
 The GAHAR surveyor may review surveillance rounds plan, checklist, different observations
and proper corrective actions when applicable.
 The GAHAR surveyor may check security plan, cameras, monitors, staff ID and access-
controlled areas.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has a security plan that includes items a) through i) in the intent.
2. Security plan education is provided on at least annually to all staff.

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3. Security measures are implemented including identification of occupants.

4. Occupants are protected from harm, such as violence, aggression, infant/child abduction.
5. Restricted and isolated areas are protected and secured.
6. Security plan is evaluated and updated annually with aggregation and analysis of necessary

Related standards:
PCC.10 Patient belongings.

EFS.07 NSR.20 The medical equipment plan includes processes for selection, inspection,
testing, maintenance, and use of medical equipment.
Medical equipment management plan

It is crucial to establish some basic equipment safety and service guidelines.The PHC shall
develop a plan for medical equipment management. The plan shall address at least the following:
a) Inspection and testing of new medical equipment upon procurement and on a predefined
interval basis.
b) Training of staff on safe usage of medical equipment upon hiring, upon installation of new
equipment, and on a predefined regular basis by a qualified person.
c) Inventory of medical equipment including availability, criticality and functionality.
d) Identification of critical medical equipment.
e) Periodic preventive maintenance according to the manufacturer's recommendations which
usually recommends using tagging systems by tagging dates and due dates of periodic
preventive maintenance or labelling malfunctioned equipment.
f) Malfunction and repair of medical equipment.
g) Dealing with equipment adverse incidents, including actions taken, backup system, and

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may review the medical equipment maintenance program to ensure
availability of all required documents, inventory of medical equipment, preventive maintenance
schedule, calibration schedule and staff training records.
 During the GAHAR survey, surveyor may check medical equipment functionality and trace some
medical equipment records.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has an approved medical equipment management plan that addresses all elements
from a) through g) in the intent.
2. The PHC has competent individuals to oversee medical equipment management.
3. Staff are educated on the medical equipment plan at least annually.
4. Records are maintained for medical equipment inventory, user training, equipment
identification cards, company emergency contact, testing on installation, periodic preventive
maintenance, calibration and malfunction history.
5. The PHC ensures that only trained and competent people handles the specialized
6. The plan is evaluated and updated annually with aggregation and analysis of necessary data.

Related standards:
ICD.16 Emergency equipment and supplies; DAS.02 Technical standards (practice parameters).

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EFS.08 NSR.21 Essential utilities plan addresses regular inspection, maintenance, testing
and repair.
Utilities management plan

Some of the most important utilities include mechanical (e.g., heating, ventilation and cooling);
electrical (i.e., normal power and emergency power); domestic hot and cold water; other plumbing
systems; waste; technology systems, including the myriad communications and data-transfer
systems; vertical transportation utilities; fuel systems; access control, duress alarm and
surveillance systems; medical gases, air and vacuum systems; and pneumatic tube systems. The
PHC shall have a utility management plan to ensure efficiency and effectiveness of all utilities. The
plan shall include at least the following:
a) Inventory of all utility key systems, for example, building maintenance, electricity, water supply,
medical gases, heating, ventilation and air conditioning, communication systems, sewage, fuel
sources, fire alarm, and elevators.
b) Layout of the utility system.
c) Staff training on utility plan.
d) Regular inspection, testing, and corrective maintenance of utilities.
e) Testing of the electric generator with and without a load on a regular basis.
f) Providing fuel required to operate the generator in case of an emergency.
g) Cleaning and disinfecting of water tanks and testing of water quality with regular sampling for
chemical and bacteriological examination with documentation of the results at least quarterly
and/or more frequently if required by laws and regulations or conditions of the source of water.
h) Preventive maintenance plan, according to the manufacturer's recommendations.
i) The PHC shall perform regular, accurate data aggregation, and analysis for example,
frequency of failure, and preventive maintenance compliance for proper monitoring, updating,
and improvement of the different systems.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may review utility management plan to confirm availability of all required
systems, regular inspection, maintenance and backup utilities.
 The GAHAR surveyor may review inspection documents, preventive maintenance schedule,
contracts and equipment, as well as testing results of generators, tanks and/or other key

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has a plan for utility management that includes items a) through i) in the intent.
2. The PHC has competent staff members to oversee utility systems.
3. Staff are educated on the utility systems plan at least annually.
4. Records are maintained for utility systems inventory, testing, periodic preventive maintenance
and malfunction history.
5. Critical utility systems are identified and back up availability is ensured.
6. The plan is evaluated and updated annually with aggregation and analysis of necessary data.

Related standards:
IPC.06 Disinfection, sterilization; IPC.08 Laundry service, textile; IPC.09 Demolition, renovation,
construction; OGM.08 Contract management; CAI.06 Safe water supply; EFS.09 Disaster plan.

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EFS.09 Emergency preparedness plan addresses responding to potential disasters.


Disaster plan

With climate changes, increased pollution and advancement of technologies, Earth is becoming
vulnerable to natural disasters. Floods, droughts, cyclones, earthquakes and landslides are
common. Last few decades have witnessed an increased frequency in disasters causing
tremendous human casualties, in terms of loss of life and disability in addition to huge economic
losses. Although these may not be totally-preventable but their impact can be minimized by
effective planning. Equally important are the peripheral emergencies, like road, rail and air
accidents, fire, drowning and stampedes in mass gathering, industrial accidents, explosions and
terrorist attacks that have an inherent potential to convert into a mass casualty incident. The loss
of life and disability are compounded by the lack of adequate medical preparedness both
qualitatively and quantitatively across the country. Preparedness measures are taken before a
disaster can greatly increase the ability to control communicable diseases and prevent epidemics.
Such measures include training clinical and outreach staff in the identification and management of
specific diseases considered to be a threat; creating local stocks of supplies and equipment for
diagnosis, treatment, and environmental health measures in case of disease outbreaks;
strengthening health surveillance systems and practicing protocols for managing information on
certain diseases; raising awareness among the population likely to be affected by a disaster on
communicable diseases and the need for early referral to a health organization. Acute respiratory
infections, diarrhea, Measles, lice infestation, and hand-foot- mouth disease outbreaks are
common. The PHC shall have a risk assessment tool to prioritize potential emergencies based on
probability and impact.
The emergency preparedness plan shall include:
a) Risk assessment of potential emergencies, internal and external disasters, such as heavy
rains, earthquake, hot weather, traffic accidents, power failure, fire, gas leakage, in addition
to epidemics, which may affect the PHC's building and/or activities.
b) Degree of preparedness according to the level of risk.
c) Communication strategies: internal communication may be in the form of a clear call tree
that includes staff titles and contact numbers, and external communication channels may
include civil defence, ambulance centre, police.
d) Clear duties and responsibilities for PHC leaders and staff.
e) Identification of required resources such as utilities, medical equipment, medical, and non-
medical supplies, including alternative resources.
f) Business Continuity:
i. Triaging.
ii. Staff main task is maintained in case of emergencies: management of clinical activities
during a disaster.
iii. Alternative care sites, and back-up utilities.
iv. Safe patient transportation in case of emergency is arranged by the PHC.
g) Drill schedule. The PHC shall have a drill schedule for emergencies at least annually and
ensure the attendance of staff; Proper evaluation and recording of the drill includes, but is
not limited to:
i. Scenario of the drill.
ii. Observations on:
Code announcement, timing, staff attendance, response, communication, triaging,
and clinical management.
iii. Clear corrective actions if needed.
iv. Feedback to the environmental safety committee.
v. Debriefing.

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Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may review emergency preparedness plan and its records to confirm
that it covered all the identified risks.
 The GAHAR surveyor may review preparations in terms of equipment, medication, supplies,
staff and others during PHC tours and tracers.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has an emergency preparedness plan that includes items a) through g) in the intent.
2. Staff training is performed, tested, and evaluated, including communicable disease.
3. The PHC performs at least one drill annually that includes items i) through v) in point g) in the
4. The plan is evaluated regularly with aggregation and analysis of necessary data.
5. The PHC demonstrates preparedness for identified emergencies and there is a list of supplies
and equipment need to be stocked for potential outbreaks.

Related standards:
QPI.07 Risk management program; MMS.01 Medication management program; SIP.01 Surgery
and invasive procedure services; DAS.05 Laboratory services planning and management; DAS.01
Planning medical imaging services; IPC.02 IPC program, risk assessment, guidelines; OGM.02
PHC management; OGM.03 PHC leaders; EFS.08 Utilities management plan.

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Infection Prevention and Control

Chapter intent

Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) is a scientific approach and practical solution designed to
prevent harm caused by infection to patients and/or health workers. It is grounded in infectious
diseases, epidemiology, social science, and health system strengthening. IPC occupies a unique
position in the field of patient safety and quality universal health coverage since it is relevant to
health workers and patients at every single health-care encounter.

The IPC program aims at identifying and reducing or eliminating the risks of acquisition and
transmission of infections among patients, healthcare workers, volunteers, visitors, and the
community. Usually, the IPC program is risk-based; this means that a risk assessment is required
to promptly identify and proactively address possible infection risks among individuals and in the
environment. Then, solutions shall be tailored accordingly by developing appropriate policies and
procedures, in conjunction with proper staff education. Therefore, IPC activities shall differ from
one center to another, depending on the PHC clinical activities, scope of services, and served
patient population. It is the responsibility of the IPC team members to oversee the IPC program,
and they should all have detailed job descriptions. The staff member(s) shall be qualified enough
to meet the PHC needs. These needs are driven by the PHC size, complexity of activities, and level
of risks, as well as the program’s scope. The required qualifications could be in the form of
education, training, experience, and certification.

The IPC program and its activities are based on current scientific knowledge, the national
guidelines, accepted international practice guidelines (CDC, APIC, IFIC), besides applicable laws
and regulations. The program shall need to be planned, disseminated, taught, and monitored.

Chapter purpose

Important processes and activities addressed in this chapter include the following:
1. Effective structure of infection prevention and control.
2. Standard precautions through addressing policies and procedures, implementation, and
3. Environmental cleaning and disinfection activities.
4. Safe injection practices.
5. Transmission based precautions and patient placement.
6. The infection prevention and control program in all supportive services.
7. Preventive measures during construction and renovation.
8. Monitoring and quality improvements.
9. Designing and implementation of the IPC improvement projects based on monitoring of the
IPC program and analysis of the KPIs.

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Implementation guiding documents

(All mentioned references needs to be read in the context of its conditions, amendments,
substitutes, updates and annexes)

1) National guidelines for infection control

2) MOH Ministerial decree for developing infection prevention and control departments
3) MOH Ministerial decree 187/2004 for infection control personnel
4) Presidential decree 14/2014 for performance evaluation
5) MOH Ministerial decree 753 / 2015 for medical waste management
6) MOH Ministerial decree 153 / 2004 for prevention of viral hepatitis
7) MOH Ministerial decree 523 / 2015 for reuse of single used devices and instruments
8) The Egyptian code for health care facilities design
9) Egyptian law of environment

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Efficient structure of the infection prevention and control program

IPC.01 Infection prevention and control activities are governed and organized according to
applicable laws and regulations, national and international guidelines.
IPC team, IPC committee

The presence of a qualified IPC team in the PHC increases effectiveness of the IPC program in all
its phases including development, implementation, and monitoring. Stakeholders and process
owners are then involved in the decision-making stage. Thus the presence of a multidisciplinary
IPC committee is crucial in order to provide the continuous link between the upper managerial
level, IPC team and all other PHC units. To ensure the infection prevention and control program
effectiveness, a qualified team shall develop a program, supervise it, and put an action plan to
implement this program, and educate all staff members on their roles in it. The team members’
qualifications and number shall meet the PHC needs. These needs are driven by the PHC size,
complexity of activities, and level of risks, as well as the program’s scope. The required
qualifications could be in the form of education, training, and certification. There should be a
structured infection control committee; all relevant disciplines should be represented in the
committee for example (but not limited to), a representative from medical services, nursing
services, housekeeping, laboratory, pharmacy, and sterilization services etc., and the committee
should have the right to summon whoever it deems appropriate.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may learn about the infection control structure in the PHC chart during
the PHC orientation session.
 The GAHAR surveyor may verify the presence of an approved team formation decision of staff
by interviewing them, check their job descriptions, certification or qualifications during staff file
review session.
 The GAHAR surveyor may perform an infection control program review to assess the presence
of an approved IPC committee formation decision, recorded monthly meetings of the previous
six months, recommendations as well as records to prove follow-up.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The IPC team leader is a competent healthcare professional and there is an assigned IPC
team that has a dedicated time for IPC activities.
2. The IPC team members have the ability to communicate with the top management and all
functioning units effectively.
3. Infection prevention and control committee has clear terms of reference and diverse
representation of all relevant disciplines.
4. The committee meets at least monthly.
5. The committee meetings are recorded.
6. Implementation of the decisions taken by the committee at the end of each meeting are
followed up.

Related standards:
WFM.02 Job description; OGM.02 PHC management.

IPC.02 A comprehensive infection prevention and control program is developed,

implemented and monitored.

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IPC program, risk assessment, guidelines

Constructing a comprehensive IPC program is of utmost importance in order to effectively reduce
infection risks. The IPC program is an integrated part of quality improvement and patient safety
programs, using measures that are epidemiologically important to the PHC. Measurement
information is essential to improve infection prevention and control activities and reduce
healthcare-associated infection rates. A PHC can best use measurement data and information by
understanding similar rates and trends in other similar organizations. An effective IPC program
shall be comprehensive and shall include all aspects of patient care, staff health, and the entire
services provided by the PHC. The program development requires a multidisciplinary approach
that is carried on by qualified staff members and is reinforced by sound up-to-date knowledge and
resources in order to fulfill its mission and objectives. The program shall also assure the education
and training of all working staff members and provide necessary patients, visitors, and families’
education. Surveillance of all activities shall be performed by the PHC based on the IPC program
is also a necessity. The IPC program shall be based on the annual PHC risk assessment plan,
national and international guidelines (CDC, APIC, IFIC, etc.), accepted practices, and applicable
laws and regulations. Each PHC shall design its own key performance indicators to monitor,
assess, and improve the IPC program. Examples of KPI include the percentage of hand hygiene
compliance and the results of sterilization monitoring.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may perform an infection control program review to evaluate the
presence of a risk assessment, an IPC program that is based on the risk assessment and
covers all PHC areas and includes all relevant individuals, a training plan or an annual
evaluation report and update of the IPC program.
 The GAHAR surveyor may perform an infection control program review to assess the presence
of a list of procedures and processes associated with increased risk of infection, policies and
procedures in IPC unit and services in scheduled visits or IPC improvement plan(s).
 The GAHAR surveyor may check the documentation of monitoring of data, KPI data analysis
reports, recommendations for improvement and observe their implementation.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The IPC program describes the scope, objectives, expectations, and surveillance methods.
2. The IPC program includes all areas of the PHC and covers patients, staff, visitors, and the
external community.
3. The PHC identifies units and services with increased potential risk of infection.
4. The IPC program is based on IPC risk assessment, current scientific knowledge, accepted
practice guidelines, and applicable laws and regulations.
5. The IPC program includes a training plan for all healthcare professionals, in addition to patient
6. The PHC tracks, collects, analyzes, and reports data on its infection control program, Actions
are taken when improvement opportunities are identified.

Related standards:
MMS.02 Antimicrobial stewardship program; EFS.09 Disaster plan; CAI.05 Surveillance and

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Safe and effective infection prevention practices

IPC.03 NSR.03 Evidence-based hand hygiene guidelines are adopted and implemented
throughout the PHC in order to prevent healthcare-associated infections.
Hand hygiene

Hand hygiene is the cornerstone of reducing infection transmission in all healthcare settings. It is
considered the most effective and efficient strategy for infection prevention and control. Hand
hygiene facilities shall be present in appropriate numbers. Hand hygiene supplies (hand soap,
hand antiseptics, and single-use towels) shall be present in the appropriate places. Alcohol-based
hand rubs are now the preferred products for routine hand hygiene in healthcare facilities unless
hands are visibly soiled to overcome the shortage in sinks.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may review policy of hand hygiene and hand hygiene guidelines.
 The GAHAR surveyor may review hand hygiene education posters and records. The GAHAR
surveyor may interview PHC staff, enquiring about hand hygiene technique and WHO five
moments of hand hygiene.
 The GAHAR surveyor may observe handwashing facilities at each clinic and check availability
of supplies (soap, tissue paper, alcohol hand rub, etc.).
 The GAHAR surveyor may observe compliance of healthcare professionals with hand hygiene
technique and WHO five moments of hand hygiene.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has adopted current evidence-based hand-hygiene guidelines.
2. Hand hygiene policies and procedures are established, easily accessible, and implemented
according to current evidence-based guidelines.
3. Healthcare professionals are trained on these policies and procedures.
4. Hand hygiene posters are displayed in required areas and hand hygiene facilities are present
in required numbers and places.
5. The PHC tracks, collects, analyzes, and reports data on hand hygiene process.
6. The PHC acts on improvement opportunities identified in hand hygiene process.

Related standards:
APC.01 Sustaining registration requirement; MMS.12 Medication preparation, labelling of
medications, dispensing, and administration.

IPC.04 Standard precautions measures are implemented.

Standard precaution measures

According to CDC, standard precautions are the minimum infection prevention practices that apply
to all patient care, regardless of suspected or confirmed infection status of the patient, in any
setting where health care is delivered. In addition to hand hygiene, standard precautions include:
I. Use of personal protective equipment (PPE) (e.g., gloves, masks, eyewear).
II. Use of soap, washing detergents, antiseptics, and disinfectants.
III. Respiratory hygiene / cough etiquette.
IV. Sharps safety (engineering and work practice controls).
V. Safe injection practices (i.e., aseptic technique for parenteral medications).

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VI. Sterile instruments and devices.

VII. Clean and disinfected environmental surfaces.
Proper selection of standard precautions depends on risk assessments that are performed at the
points of care, so staff education and training are therefore of utmost importance. The effort of
respiratory hygiene interventions shall be targeted at patients and accompanying significant others
with respiratory symptoms. Healthcare professionals shall always use a sterile, single-use
disposable syringe, needle for each injection given, and ensure that all injection equipment and
medication vials remain free from contamination. Training shall be performed on proper way and
sequence of donning and doffing of various personal protective equipment to maintain maximum
protection throughout the process. PHC shall have a clear method and schedule for environmental
cleaning and disinfection including walls, floors, ceilings, and furniture; this shall be performed
according to the classification of areas.
The schedule shall address environmental cleaning activities for each area as follows:
a) Activities to be done every day.
b) Activities to be done every shift.
c) Deep cleaning activities.

Survey process guide:

 During the GAHAR Survey, the surveyor may observe the availability, accessibility and use of
detergents, antiseptics, and disinfectants in the relevant areas.
 The Surveyor may observe the availability and accessibility of PPE and may interview staff
members to inquire about the constant availability, accessibility and proper use of PPE.
 The surveyor may observe the availability of respiratory hygiene /cough etiquette posters in
appropriate places, accessibility and use of detergents, antiseptics, and disinfectants in the
relevant areas and the availability and accessibility of the relevant resources in proper places.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC provides PPE, detergents, antiseptics, and disinfectants that are readily available,
easily accessible, with standardized product specifications needed for the task.
2. Respiratory hygiene/cough etiquette posters are displayed at appropriate places.
3. Intravenous bottles are not used interchangeably between patients, usage of multi-dose vials
is performed as per approved procedures and usage of single dose vials is done whenever
4. Cleaning activities and times are listed for each area and include all elements mentioned in the
intent from a) through c).
5. All medical procedures are performed in an environment that does not pose a risk of infection.

Related standards:
WFM.05 Orientation program; WFM.06 Continuous education program; IPC.02 IPC program, risk
assessment, guidelines; IPC.05 Suspected communicable disease.

IPC.05 The PHC has a process to deal with patients who have a suspected communicable
Suspected communicable disease

If the patient is determined to be at increased risk for transmission of microorganisms, the patient
should be placed in a separate waiting room/area when available. Those patients that are likely to
contaminate the environment, do not maintain appropriate hygiene, or are at increased risk for
acquiring infections or developing adverse outcomes following infection should be considered for
single room placement when available. When a separate waiting room/area is not available, patient
spacing should be maintained at a minimum of three feet or more. Patients who present with

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clinical respiratory syndromes should be instructed in the practice of respiratory hygiene and cough
etiquette and given surgical masks to wear until an examination room can be provided. Place
patients requiring droplet precautions in an examination room as soon as possible. Health care
providers should don surgical masks on room entry.
The PHC develops protocols to identify patients with known or suspected airborne infections. Place
the patient requiring airborne Precautions in a negative pressure room. If a negative pressure room
is not available, place the patient in an examination room with a portable high-efficiency particulate
air (HEPA) filter. If no portable HEPA filter is available, ensure that the patient wears a surgical
mask. Regardless of the type of room the patient is in, the staff should always carry out appropriate
respiratory protection.
Environmental measures: Routine cleaning of high touch surfaces is standard. Environmental
services personnel should wear an N95 respirator on room entry. After the patient has left the
examination room should remain unoccupied for enough time (about one hour).

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may perform an infection control program review to assess developed
policies and procedures, training records of healthcare professionals.
 During the GAHAR survey, the surveyor may observe at least one assigned area for patient
placing according to the PHC capacity.

Evidence of compliance:
1. Patients with suspected clinical communicable diseases are identified and placed in the
assigned area.
2. Health care providers caring for patients with a suspected communicable disease are adherent
to suitable PPE and hand hygiene practices.
3. Environmental cleaning and disinfection are done according to the approved IPC program.

Related standards:
IPC.04 Standard precaution measures.

IPC.06 Patient care equipment are disinfected/sterilized based on evidence-based

guidelines and manufacturer recommendations.
Disinfection, sterilization

Processing of patient care equipment is a very critical process inside any PHC. In clinical
procedures that involve contact with medical/surgical equipment, it is crucial that healthcare
professionals follow standard practices and guidelines to clean and disinfect or sterilize. Cleaning
process is a mandatory step in processing of patient care equipment. Cleaning, disinfection, and
sterilization can take place in a centralized processing area. Assigned processing area shall have
workflow direction. The PHC shall develop and implement a policy and procedures to guide the
process of sterilization/disinfection. The policy shall address at least the following:
a) Receiving and cleaning of used items.
b) Preparation and processing.
i. Processing method to be chosen according to Spaulding classification:
Disinfection of medical equipment and devices involves low, intermediate, and high-
level techniques. High-level disinfection is used (if sterilization is not possible) for only
semi-critical items that come in contact with mucous membranes or non-intact skin.
Chemical disinfectants approved for high-level disinfection include glutaraldehyde,
orthophtaldehyde, and hydrogen peroxide.
ii. Sterilization shall be used for all critical and heat-stable semi-critical items.
iii. Low-level disinfection (for only non-critical items) shall be used for items such as
stethoscopes and other equipment touching intact skin. In contrast to critical and some

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semi-critical items, most non-critical reusable items may be decontaminated where they
are used and do not need to be transported to a central processing area.
c) Labeling of sterile packs.
d) Storage of clean and sterile supplies: properly stored in designated storage areas that are
clean, dry and protected from dust, moisture, and temperature extremes. Ideally, sterile
supplies are stored separately from clean supplies, and sterile storage areas shall have
limited access.
e) Logbooks are used to record the sterilization process.
f) Inventory levels.
g) Expiration dates for sterilized items.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may perform an infection control program review to assess developed
policies and procedures, training records of healthcare professionals.
 During the PHC tours and tracers, the surveyor may observe the number of functioning pre-
vacuum class B sterilizers, the presence of physically separated areas according to the
standard with unidirectional airflow, and the presence of storage areas that meet the standard
 The GAHAR surveyor may check the ability of the staff to perform the sterilization process

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has an approved policy to guide the process of disinfection and sterilization that
addresses all element in the intent from a) through g).
2. Healthcare professionals are trained on approved policy.
3. The PHC has at least one functioning pre-vacuum class B sterilizer.
4. Laws and regulations, Spaulding classification, and manufacturer’s requirements and
recommendations guide sterilization or disinfection.
5. There is a physical separation between the contaminated and clean area.
6. Clean and sterile supplies are properly stored in designated storage areas that are clean
and dry and protected from dust, moisture, and temperature extremes.

Related standards:
IPC.07 Disinfection/sterilization quality control program; EFS.08 Utilities management plan.

IPC.07 A disinfection/sterilization quality control program is developed and implemented.

Disinfection/sterilization quality control program

disinfection/sterilization is a critical process in any PHC. Therefore, monitoring of the
disinfection/sterilization process is crucial for ensuring a reliable and efficient
disinfection/sterilization process. Quality control measures are performed to monitor and ensure
the reliability of disinfection/sterilization processes.
Monitoring includes:
a) physical parameters (temperature, time and pressure), which are monitored every cycle.
b) chemical parameters (internal chemical indicator inside the sterilization pack, and external
chemical indicator on the outside of the sterilization pack), which are monitored every pack
and biological indicator at least weekly.
The test for adequate steam penetration and rapid air removal must be done every day before
starting to use the autoclave through using:
c) Class 2 internal chemical indicators, and
d) Process challenge devices which is either of the following:

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I. Porous challenge device or Hollow challenge device. Porous challenge pack: Bowie-Dick
Sheets (class 2 indicator) inside a porous challenge pack (every load), or
II. Hollow load challenge (Helix test): a class 2 chemical indicator (strip) inside a helix (every
The PHC should fulfill logbooks for documentation of sterilization monitoring process.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may perform an infection control program review to assess developed
policies and procedures, training records of healthcare professionals.
 The GAHAR surveyor may visit areas were disinfection/sterilization is performed to check
quality control procedures and records.
 The GAHAR surveyor may interview staff members involved in sterilization/disinfection and
other healthcare professionals to check their awareness on quality control performance.
 The GAHAR surveyor may assess the quality of packaging material, the availability of
mechanical monitoring, chemical and biological indicators that meet the standardized product
specifications. The GAHAR surveyor may review logbooks for chemical indicators and
biological indicators documentation for each autoclave and logbook for chemical indicators.

Evidence of compliance:
1. Quality of packaging material, as chemical and biological indicators, are determined based on
standardized product specifications.
2. Healthcare professionals involved in sterilization/disinfection are competent in quality control
3. Quality control tests for monitoring sterilization and high-level disinfectants are done regularly.
4. Quality control processes are recorded.
5. Corrective action is taken whenever results are not satisfactory.

Related standards:
IPC.06 Disinfection, sterilization.

IPC.08 The PHC has a laundry service and healthcare textile management process.
Laundry service, textile

Procedures that involve contact with contaminated textile can be a source for introducing
pathogens that lead to infection. Failure to properly clean, disinfect, or store textiles put not only
patients, but also staff members who transport them at risk of infection. It is critical that healthcare
professional follow standard practices to clean and disinfect used textiles. Infection risk is
minimized with proper cleaning and disinfection processes. The washing machine shall have a
pre-cleaning cycle. Healthcare professionals shall follow manufacturer’s instructions of detergents
and disinfectants use and washing instructions. The PHC shall develop and implement a policy
and procedures to define laundry and healthcare textile services. The policy shall address at least
the following:
a) Processes of collection and storage of contaminated textile.
b) Cleaning of contaminated textile.
c) Water temperature, detergents, and disinfectants usage.
d) Processes of storage and distribution of clean textile.
e) Quality control program (temperature, amount of detergents and disinfectants used, and
maintenance) for each washing machine.

Survey process guide:

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 The GAHAR surveyor may perform an infection control program review to assess developed
policies and procedures, training records of healthcare professionals.
 The GAHAR surveyor may visit areas were laundry and health textile management is
performed to observe its design, the presence of functioning washing machine/s, recorded
water temperatures and quality control records.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has an approved policy to define laundry and healthcare textile services that
addresses all elements in the intent from a) through e).
2. Staff members involved in laundry and health textile management are aware of the approved
laundry service policy.
3. Contaminated textile are collected, stored and transported the Laundry service and healthcare
textile management policy.
4. There is at least one functioning washing machine.
5. Contaminated linen is covered and separated from clean linen.
6. A quality control program, including water temperatures, is implemented and recorded.

Related standards:
EFS.08 Utilities management plan; OGM.08 Contract management.

IPC.09 The PHC has as a policy for reduction of infection risks during demolition,
renovation, or construction projects.
Demolition, renovation, construction

Demolition, construction, or renovation anywhere within the PHC can be a major risk to infection
prevention and control. Exposure to construction dust and debris and other biohazards can be
potentially dangerous to lung function and to the safety of staff and visitors. The PHC shall assess
the magnitude of the risks resulting from the impact of the renovation or new construction on the
predetermined air-quality, IPC, and utility requirements and initiate a plan to minimize such risks.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may perform an infection control program review to assess developed
policies and procedures, as well as training records of healthcare professionals.
 The GAHAR surveyor may visit areas under demolition/renovation/construction and review
infection risk assessment for these areas.
 A recorded work permission from the IPC team, if required by the PHC policy, may be reviewed
as well.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has an approved policy for infection risk assessment for areas under demolition,
renovation, or construction.
2. Infection risk assessment of renovations, or new constructions has defined criteria.
3. Staff members involved in demolition/construction/renovation are trained on the approved
policy for infection risk assessment.
4. There is a mechanism, such as work permission, to empower infection risk assessment and
5. Infection prevention measures, considerations and recommendations are considered during
any demolition, renovation, or construction projects.

Related standards:
EFS.08 Utilities management plan; OGM.08 Contract management.

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Organization Governance and Management

Chapter intent

This chapter is concerned with structures for governance and accountability that may differ
according to the PHC and its size, mandate, and whether it is publicly or privately owned. Possible
structures include an individual or group owner, government committee or ministry, or Board of
Directors. Having a defined governance structure provides clarity for everyone in the PHC,
including managers, clinical leadership, and staff, regarding who is accountable for making final
decisions and oversight of the PHC's overall direction. While governance provides oversight and
support, it is the commitment and planning efforts of the PHC leadership as well as the
departments and services leaders that ensure the smooth and efficient management of the PHC.

Effective planning is initiated by identifying the stakeholders' needs and designing the service
accordingly, Egypt's 2030 Vision that has been recently developed provides a direction and
common goal to all PHCs to ensure effective safe and patient-centered care is provided equally
for all Egyptians and is to be considered the cornerstone for organization planning. The PHC's
plan should be continuously aligned with the governmental initiated campaigns addressing
therapeutic, prophylactic, social, and nutritional aspects of healthcare. The chapter guides the PHC
to assign duties to the different levels of management and to ensure effective communication to
achieve planned goals and objectives.

Recently the landscape of healthcare is shifting closer to a fully quality-driven future and pay for
performance model. The chapter has focused on the financial side of healthcare, a focus that
affects both patients and providers. With value-based care and higher levels of efficiency on the
rise, the keys to medical practice success are evolving rapidly. The chapter handles various
organization-wide topics as contracted services, ethical management, and staff engagement,
which may reflect the efficient and effective collaborative management efforts.

GAHAR surveyors, through leadership/ staff interviews, observations, and process evaluation,
shall assess the efficiency and effectiveness of the governance and leadership structure. The
ability of leaders to motivate and drive the staff is instrumental for the success of a PHC and can
be assessed throughout the survey.

Chapter purpose

The chapter focuses on checking the PHC structure resilience by looking into the following:
1. Effectiveness of governing body.
2. Effectiveness of direction.
3. Effectiveness of leadership.
4. Effectiveness of financial stewardship.
5. Efficient contract management.
6. Ethical management.
7. Effective staff engagement, health, and safety.

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Implementation guiding documents:

(Any of the following mentioned references needs to be read in the context of its terms,
conditions, substitutes, amendments, updates and annexes)

1) Egyptian Constitution
2) Egypt 2030 vision, Ministry of planning
3) Law 51/1981 organization healthcare facilities
4) MOH Ministerial 186/2001 Patient right to know expected cost of care
5) Law 181/2018 on Egyptian “Consumer Protection”
6) Egyptian standards for accounting, 609/2016
7) Women council publications on gender equality
8) Professional code of ethics- prime minister decree 238 , year 2003
9) Law 206/2017 on advertisement for healthcare services
10) National Labor Law
11) WHO-ILO Health WISE action manual
12) Staff Health and Safety regulations

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Effective governing body

OGM.01 The PHC has a defined governance structure.

Governance structure

The governing body is responsible for defining the PHC's direction and ensuring the alignment of
its activity with its purpose. Such a body is also responsible for monitoring its performance and
future development. Therefore, defining the governing structure of a PHC ensures that it operate
effectively and efficiently. In a centralized system one governing body governs several subsidiary
organizations. Governing bodies are responsible for the health and wealth of their organization and
are thus accountable primarily for its sustainability. Therefore, to establish an accountability
statement, governing bodies have to first identify their principle stakeholders and then define in
what way they are accountable to them. Governing body is also responsible for developing the
mission statement. A clear two-way communication process between governance and
management, usually between the head of the governing body and the PHC director, enhances
the PHC's wellbeing. Governance responsibilities shall be defined and directed towards the PHC's
principal stakeholders and shall include:
a) Defining the PHC’s mission and vision statement.
b) Support, promotion and monitoring of performance improvement, patient safety, risk
management efforts, and safety culture.
c) Setting priorities for activities to be executed by the PHC; The process of prioritization
among selected activities follows this process of selection.
d) Prioritization criteria should be known to all to ensure a fair and transparent resource
allocation process.
e) Approval of:
I. The PHC’s strategic plan.
II. The operational plan and budget, capital investments.
III. The quality improvement, patient safety, and risk management programs.
IV. Community assessment and involvement program.

PHCs need to define the types of communication channels between the governing body, the
management team, and the PHC staff. Communication channels may be in the form of social media,
town hall meetings, monthly or annual conferences, or other channels.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may observe governing body role and responsibilities through the whole
process of survey with special attention given to opening presentation, document review session
and leadership interview session, questions shall include reviewing the required documents and
checking their details and approvals in addition to reviewing monitoring reports of the approved
 The GAHAR surveyor may observe the mission statement posters, brochures or documents
focusing on its last update, approval, alignment and visibility.
 The GAHAR surveyor may observe evidences of open defined communication channels,
frequency of communication and evidence of feedback to submitted reports on both sides.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The governance structure is represented in the PHC chart.
2. The governing body meets on predefined intervals, and minutes of meetings are recorded.

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3. The PHC has vision and mission statements approved by the governing body and are visible
in public areas to staff, patients and visitors.
4. The governing body has defined its responsibilities and accountabilities towards the PHC’s
principal stakeholders, and has a process for resource allocation that includes clear criteria for
selection and prioritization.
5. The strategic plan, operational plans, budget, quality improvement, risk management programs
are approved, monitored and updated by the governing body.
6. The governing body members and PHC leaders are aware of the process of communication
and approve the communication channels.

Related standards:
OGM.04 Strategic Planning; OGM.05 Operational Planning; QPI.02 Quality plan; CAI.02 Planning
for community involvement; QPI.04 performance measures; QPI.07 Risk management program;
QPI.11 Sustained improvement activities.

Effective organization direction

OGM.02 The PHC is managed according to laws and regulations.

PHC management

Any PHC needs an executive that is responsible and accountable for implementing the governing
board’s decisions and to act as a link between the governing board and the PHC staff. Such a
position requires a dedicated full-time qualified director guided by relevant laws and regulations
and/or as further defined by the governing board. Accomplishing the PHC mission requires
engagement and teamwork. Such requirements are established through knowledge sharing and
staff involvement in decision making. Committees are tools for mixing distributed knowledge and
abilities of various parts of the PHC in the format of one active and integrated unit that can have an
effective role in decision- making. A multidisciplinary selection of members of every committee and
regular holding of committees can enhance its productivity. The PHC director shall have
appropriate training and/or experience i n healthcare management, as defined in the job
The job description shall cover at least the following:
a) Providing oversight of day-to-day operations.
b) Ensuring clear and accurate posting of the PHC's services and hours of operation to the
c) Ensuring that policies and procedures are developed, implemented by staff.
d) Providing oversight of human, financial, and physical resources.
e) Annual evaluation of the performance of the PHC's committees.
f) Ensuring appropriate response to reports from any inspecting or regulatory agencies,
including accreditation.
g) Ensuring that there is a functional, organization-wide program for performance
improvement, patient safety, and risk management with appropriate resources.
h) Regular reports to the governing body on how legal requirements are being met.
Survey process guide:
 The GAHAR surveyor may expect to meet a full-time PHC director at least once during PHC
 The GAHAR surveyor may review PHC director staff file to check compliance with all required
documents of training, job description, role and responsibilities.
 The GAHAR surveyor may review an authority matrix or delegation letters for tasks that the
PHC director delegated to any other staff member or committees.

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Evidence of compliance:
1. There is an appointment letter for PHC director according to applicable laws and regulations.
2. There is a job description for the PHC director covering the standard requirements from a)
through g) as in the intent.
3. The PHC director has appropriate training and/or experience in healthcare management, as
defined in the job description.
4. There is an announced process of coordination and communication between the director and
the staff and the PHC committees/ structures.
5. Evidence of written communication (reports, memos, alerts).
6. Evidence of staff involvement in decision-making.

Related standards:
WFM.02 Job description; QPI.01 Quality committee(s); QPI.02 Quality plan; QPI.04 performance
measures; QPI.07 Risk management program; QPI.11 Sustained improvement activities; OGM.05
Operational Planning; IPC.01 IPC team, IPC committee; EFS.01 PHC environment and facility
safety structure; EFS.09 Disaster plan.

Effective organization leadership

OGM.03 Responsibilities and accountabilities of the PHC leaders are identified.

PHC leaders

Usually, governing body leaves it to their executives to see that their decisions are carried out and
that the day-to-day operations of the PHC are performed successfully. The PHC shall establish
administrative authorities and responsibilities for PHC leaders. The PHC leadership is responsible
a) Sustaining a firm PHC structure:
- Collaboratively developing a plan for staffing the PHC that identifies the numbers,
types, and desired qualifications of staff.
- Providing appropriate facilities and time for staff education and training which should
be tailored to serve both the PHC and staff needs through an iterative process of need
assessment, planning, implementation, and evaluation.
- Ensuring all required policies, procedures, and plans have been developed and
b) Running smooth directed operations:
- Creating a safe and just culture for reporting errors, near misses, and complaints, and
use the information to improve the safety of processes and systems; a safety culture
within the PHC is essential where staff feel confident when reporting on a safety
incident that they will be treated fairly, in a confidential manner, and that the
information they provide will be used to improve the care process and environment.
- Designing and implementing processes that support continuity, coordination of care,
and risk reduction.
- Ensuring that services are developed and delivered safely according to applicable
laws and regulations and approved strategic plan with input from the users/staff.
c) Continuous monitoring and evaluation:
- Ensuring that all quality control monitoring is implemented, monitored, and action is
taken when necessary.
- Ensuring that the PHC meets the conditions of facility inspection reports or citations.

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- Annually assessing the operational plans of the services provided to determine the
required facility and equipment needs for the next operational cycle.
- Annually reporting to the PHC governance or authority on system or process failures
and near misses, and actions are taken to improve safety, both proactively and in
response to actual occurrences. The PHC data are reviewed, analyzed, and used by
management for decision-making.
d) Continuous Improvement.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may interview PHC leaders during GAHAR survey and during leadership
interview session, questions about their responsibilities and their evaluations shall be raised.
Answers shall be matched with job description review during staff file review session.

Evidence of compliance:
1. There is a job description for each PHC leader to identify the required qualification and
2. The responsibilities of the PHC leaders include at least a) through d) in the intent.
3. PHC leaders understand their responsibilities.
4. Leaders participate in staff education and training.
5. Leaders participate in safety rounds and enhance a Just culture to encourage reporting errors
and near misses.
6. Leaders support quality and patient safety initiatives, monitoring, and improvement activities.

Related standards:
WFM.02 Job description; WFM.01 Staffing plan; WFM.06 Continuous Education Program; QPI.02
Quality plan; QPI.04 performance measures; QPI.07 Risk management program; QPI.08 Incident
reporting system; QPI.11 Sustained improvement activities; EFS.09 Disaster plan.

OGM.04 A strategic plan is developed under oversight and guidance of the governing body.
Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is a process of establishing a long-term plan to achieve a PHC's specified vision
and mission through the attainment of high-level strategic goals.
A strategic plan looks out over an extended time horizon. The plan establishes where the PHC is
currently, where leadership wants to go, how they will get there, and how they will know when they
have arrived.
The strategic plan provides an overall framework within which all stakeholders can find their
appropriate roles and make their appropriate contribution.
It is essential that stakeholders are involved in developing the plan to ensure legitimacy,
ownership, and commitment to the plan.
A strategic plan might be established on a higher level (governing body) with the involvement of
PHC leaders.

Survey process guide:

 GAHAR surveyor may receive information about strategic plan during the opening
presentation, then more questions about involvement and monitoring of strategic plan shall be
posed during the leadership interview session.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has a strategic plan with goals/desired outcomes and defined achievable timelines.

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2. Participation of staff, PHC leaders, community, and other identified stakeholders in the strategic
3. There are progress review reports to monitor the strategic plan at least annually.

Related standards:
OGM.01 Governance structure; OGM.02 PHC management; OGM.03 PHC leaders; PCC.02
Interdisciplinary patient-centeredness.

OGM.05 Operational plans are developed to achieve the strategic plan goals and
objectives, and meet identified input from staff, service providers, and other stakeholders.
Operational Planning

Operational plans are the means through which organization fulfill their mission. They are detailed,
containing specific information regarding targets and related activities and needed resources within
a timed framework.
Leaders establish operational plans that include at least the following:
a) Clear goals and objectives.
b) Specific activities and tasks for implementation.
c) Timetable for implementation.
d) Assigned responsibilities.
e) Sources of the required budget.
Leaders regularly assess the annual operational plans of the services provided to determine the
required facility and equipment needs for the next operational cycle.
Any planning cycle ends with an analysis or an assessment phase through which planners
understand what went well and what went wrong with the plan. This analysis or better-called
lessons learned should feed into the new cycle of planning to improve the PHC performance.

Survey process guide:

 GAHAR surveyor may inquire about operational plans during PHC tours and tracers to give an
opportunity to staff and department leaders to talk about their plans and how they are
communicated. GAHAR surveyor may be looking for evidence of monitoring plan progress,
identification of opportunities of improvement and actions taken to improve performance.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has an approved operational plans that include a) to e) in the intent.
2. Staff are involved in designing the related operational plans.
3. Operational plans progress/analysis reports.
4. The plans are communicated throughout the PHC.
5. Leaders evaluate the operational plans annually, and lessons learned are considered for a
new cycle of planning.

Related standards:
OGM.01 Governance structure; OGM.02 PHC management; OGM.03 PHC leaders; OGM.04
Strategic planning.

Efficient financial stewardship

OGM.06 The PHC manages its storage, stock, and inventory according to laws and

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Stock management

Inventory is the stock of any item or resource used in a PHC. An inventory system is the set of
policies and controls that monitor levels of inventory and determine what levels should be
maintained when stock should be replenished, and how large orders should be. Inventory control
is universal for achieving the aim of the right materials in the right quantity at the right price and at
the right place, and it is essential for the appropriate utilization of existing resources. Unavailability
of the needed medical supplies can adversely affect the PHC operation. Inventory control helps in
efficient and optimum use of scarce financial resources, avoiding the shortage of medical materials
and elimination of out-of-stock situations. Effective management of medical stores entails priority
setting in the purchase and distribution of medical materials. The PHC shall develop a policy and
procedures for managing storage, stock, and inventory that addresses at least the following:
a) Compliance of storage to laws, regulations and organization policies.
b) Management of stocks safely and efficiently.
c) Inventory management and tracking the use of critical resources.
Stock items should at least have the following records (unless stated otherwise by laws and
d) Date received.
e) Lot number and expiration date.
f) Whether or not acceptance criteria were met and if any follow-up.
g) Date placed in service or disposition, if not used.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may review PHC policy during document review session and discussions
shall take place during financial stewardship discussions.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has an approved policy for managing storage, stock, and inventory addresses at
least from a) through c) in the intent.
2. As required by laws and regulations, basic information is recorded for stock items as
mentioned in the intent from d) through g).
3. There is an inventory control system that includes identification of utilization rate, re-order limit
for each item and monitoring of out-stock events.
4. The PHC identifies its critical resources and ensures continuous supply of them.

Related standards:
DAS.06 Reagent management; MMS.04 Medication storage, Medication labelling; MMS.05
Emergency medications; MMS.08 Drug recall, expired, and outdated medication; EFS.09 Disaster

OGM.07 The PHC manages a patient billing system.

Billing system

The billing process is a crucial component of PHC management. Due to the complexity of the
billing processes, billing errors may result in costly financial losses, for example, billing errors due
to lack of or the inappropriate invoices of medical materials used by the missing barcode due to
missing or inappropriate result reports. The billing process includes that all of the services and
items provided to the patient are recorded to the patient’s account, then all information and charges
are processed for billing. For third-party payer systems, the processed for billing is based on the

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requirements of insurance companies/agencies which generally have reimbursement rules. The

PHC shall develop a policy and procedures for billing process. The policy of patient billing process
that addresses at least the following:
a) Availability of an approved price list.
b) Patients are informed of any potential cost pertinent to the planned care.
c) Process to ensure accurate billing.
d) Use of accurate and approved codes for diagnoses, interventions, and diagnostics.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may review approved policy and price list (s), during financial
stewardship review session.
 The GAHAR surveyor may interview some billing staff and some patients to match the actual
performance against the approved policy.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has an approved policy for the patient billing process.
2. There is an approved price list.
3. Patients are informed of any potential cost pertinent to the planned care.
4. The PHC use accurate and approved codes for diagnoses, interventions, and diagnostics.
5. In the case of a third-party payer (or health insurance), the timeliness of approval processes
is monitored.
6. Billing staff are oriented on various health insurance processes.

Related standards:
PCC.01 PHC advertisement; PCC.03 Patients and family rights; IMT.03 Use of codes, symbols,
and abbreviations.

OGM.08 The PHC has a process for selection, evaluation, and continuously monitoring
contracted services.
Contract management

PHC leadership defines the nature and scope of services provided by contracted services, including
clinical and non-clinical services, for example, driving services, housekeeping, Central sterilization
unit, laundry or other services. Head of units/services shall participate in the selection, evaluation,
and continuously monitoring contracted services to ensure service providers comply with required
environmental safety, patient safety, and quality requirements, policies and procedures, and all
relevant accreditation standards requirements. The PHC has to ensure current competency,
licensure, education, and continuous improvement of competency for contracted clinical staff. The
contracted services shall be monitored through key performance indicators and evaluated at least
annually to determine if a contract should be renewed or terminated.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may receive information about contracted services during opening
presentation, then questions about contracts, contractors monitoring, evaluation and renewal
shall be posed during financial stewardship session.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has an approved policy and procedures for selection, evaluation, and continuously
monitoring contracted services.
2. There is a list of all contracted services, including clinical and non-clinical services.

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3. Head of units/services participate in selection, evaluation, and monitoring of contracted

4. Each contract is evaluated at least annually to determine if it should be renewed or

Related standards:
OGM.03 PHC leaders; EFS.08 Utilities management plan; IPC.09 Demolition, renovation,

Safe, ethical and positive organization culture

OGM.09 The PHC has an ethical management process.

Ethical management

Medical ethics involves examining a specific problem, usually a clinical case, and using values,
facts, and logic to decide what the best course of action should be. Healthcare professionals may
deal with a variety of ethical problems, for example, conflict of interest and inequity of patient care.
The policy of ethical management shall address at least the following:
a) Developing and implementing the code of ethics.
b) Developing and implementing of PHC values.
c) Handling Medical errors and medico-legal cases.
d) Identifying conflict of interest.
e) Gender equality.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may review the PHC policy of ethical management.
 The GAHAR surveyor may interview staff to inquire about code of ethics, handling of medical
 The GAHAR surveyor may interview PHC leaders during leadership session to inquire about all
elements including mechanisms put in place to ensure gender equality as per the Egyptian law

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has an approved policy for ethical management that addresses at least a) to e) in
the intent.
2. Staff members are aware of the ethical management policy.
3. Ethical issues are discussed and managed according to the approved code of ethics.
4. Solved ethical issues are used for education and staff professional development.

Related standards:
APC.05 Professional standards during surveys; PCC.06 Reporting violations.

OGM.10 The PHC ensures positive workplace culture.

Positive Workplace Culture

Studies highlighted the importance of attention to healthcare professional needs for a safe and
comfortable work environment.
The PHC has an approved policy and procedures of positive workplace culture

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The policy addresses at least the following:

a) Workplace cleanliness, safety and security measures.
b) Management of workplace violence, discrimination, and harassment.
c) Communication channels between staff and PHC leaders.
d) Staff feedback measurement.
e) Planning for staff development

Survey process guide:

 GAHAR surveyor may review approved policy for positive workplace culture
 GAHAR surveyor may observe workplaces and shall interview staff to inquire about
workplace incidents related to this standard

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has an approved policy for positive workplace culture, The policy addresses at
least a) to e) in the intent.
2. The workplace is clean, safe, and security measures are implemented.
3. Measures of workplace violence, discrimination, and harassment are implemented.
4. There are communication channels between staff and PHC leaders
5. Staff feedback and staff satisfaction are measured.

Related standards:
EFS.06 Security plan; OGM.09 Ethical managements; OGM.12 Staff health; QPI.04
Performance measures; WFM.06 Continuous education program.

Effective staff engagement, safety, and health

OGM.11 The PHC ensures that there are spaces matching required staff working
Staff working conditions

Staff rest areas, including spaces that are used solely by employees for hygiene needs, clothes
change, rest, and eating when applicable, such as staff lounge and sleeping areas. Providing a
comfortable and ergonomically supportive setting for workers has become a priority to punch up
staff productivity as well as recruitment and retention. Studies highlighted the importance of
attention to caregiver needs for a safe and comfortable work environment.
Staff rest areas should be ventilated, lit and clean, not overcrowded, reachable through
communication tools, and secure.

Survey process guide:

 During the GAHAR survey, the surveyor may observe one or two staff resting areas to check
standard compliance.

Evidence of compliance:
1. Staff rest areas are ventilated, lit, and clean.
2. Staff rest areas are not overcrowded.
3. Staff rest areas are reachable through communication tools.
4. Staff rest areas are secured and not readily-accessible for non-staff members.

Related standards:
EFS.06 Security plan; OGM.12 Staff health; CAI.06. Safe water supply.

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OGM.12 The PHC has a staff health program that is monitored and evaluated annually
according to laws and regulations.
Staff health

The PHC shall implement a staff health program to ensure the safety of the staff according to
workplace exposures. A cornerstone of the staff occupational health program is the hazard/risk
assessment, which identifies the hazards and risks related to each occupation. This is done in order
to take the necessary steps to control these hazards to minimize possible harm arising and, if not
possible, to lessen its negative sequel. This is achieved through a PHC-wide risk assessment
program that identifies high risks areas and processes. The program scope covers all staff, the
program address at least the following:
a) Pre-employment medical evaluation of new staff.
b) Periodic medical evaluation of staff members.
c) Screening for exposure and/or immunity to infectious diseases.
d) Exposure control and management to work-related hazards.
 Ergonomic hazards that arise from the lifting and transfer of patients or equipment,
strain, repetitive movements, and poor posture.
 Physical hazards such as lighting, noise, ventilation, electrical and others.
 Biological hazards from blood borne and airborne pathogens and others.
e) Staff education on the risks within the PHC environment as well as on their specific job-
related hazards.
f) Scheduling of regular staff vaccination (at regular base and as indicated).
g) Recording and management of staff incidents (e.g., injuries or illnesses, taking corrective
actions, and setting measures in place to prevent recurrences).
h) Periodic specific medical evaluation (tests and examinations) is required for staff members
(as indicated) to evaluate their appropriateness for safe performance. The situational
examination may be required in case of exposure to specific substances. Results of the
medical evaluation are recorded in staff health records, and action is taken when there are
positive results, including employee awareness of these results and provision of counseling
and interventions as might be needed.
i) Infection control staff shall be involved in the development and implementation of the staff
health program as the transmission of infection is a common and serious risk for both staff
and patients in healthcare facilities.
j) All staff occupational health program-related results (medical evaluation, immunization,
work injuries) shall be recorded and kept according to laws and regulation.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may meet staff members who are involved in developing and executing
staff health program to check program structure, risks, education and orientation records.
 The GAHAR surveyor may review a sample of staff health records to ensure standard

Evidence of compliance:
1. There is a staff health program according to laws and regulations that cover items a) to j) in
the intent.
2. There is an occupational health risk assessment that defines occupational risks within the
3. Staff members are educated about the risks within the PHC environment, their specific job-
related hazards, and periodic medical examination.

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4. All staff members are subject to the Immunization program and to work restrictions according
to evidence-based guidelines, laws and regulations, all test results and immunizations are
recorded in the staff health record.
5. Post-exposure prophylaxis and interventions are implemented and recorded.
6. There is evidence of taking action and informing employees in case of positive results.

Related standards:
WFM.05 Orientation Program; IPC.02 IPC program, risk assessment, guidelines; QPI.07 Risk
management program; CAI.06 Safe water supply.

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Community Assessment and Involvement

Chapter intent

A community is a group of individuals, families, groups, facilities, or organizations that interact with
one another, cooperate in common activities, solve mutual concerns, usually within the geographic
area served by a PHC. Communities are always dynamic and live. Changes occur in community
structure, function, conditions, or behaviors that may result in changes in community health needs
and risks. Dynamic PHCs can clearly define their communities, frequently assess their needs, and
respond to those needs. The response can be in the form of widening organization scope,
improving certain internal issues that form patient perception, or even reaching out to the
community and working with community leaders to engage and involve communities in health-
related activities. Such activities, whether educational, cultural, artistic, outreach, or other activity,
can promote certain healthy practices among community members. Nevertheless, Community
involvement means also that organizations work to ensure avoiding harming the community by
any potential risk imposed by the PHC.

Globally, WHO has identified multiple factors as social determinants of health. Those factors are
responsible for health inequalities within and among communities. During the late 1990s, the term
"Social Accountability" came to the public as a motive for private sector organizations to participate
in helping communities to face globalization challenges and to sustain community development.
In April 2018, the Arab Labor Organization addressed this issue in its conference, where it
emphasized the importance of compliance to certain standards of social accountability under the
following four domains; human rights, labor standards, environment protection, anticorruption

Locally, the Ministry of Planning issued a clear definition of what a catchment area means for each
PHC category. Multiple published studies focused on assessing the impact of certain social
determinants of health and its link to health inequalities. Accordingly, during the period of 2018-
2019, Egyptian authorities announced multiple initiatives such as "Universal Health Insurance,"
"100 Million Healthy Lives," and "Reduction of Waiting Lists for Critical Conditions" and other
activities. Multiple PHCs have provided outreach programs to reach patients where healthcare
services are not sufficient.

During the GAHAR survey, surveyors shall evaluate the efficiency of the community assessment
and involvement program of the PHC. The ability of leaders to motivate and drive community
involvement practices and evaluate the outcome.

Chapter purpose

The main objective is to ensure that the PHC provides community involvement effectively. The
chapter discusses the following objectives:
1. Effective community needs assessment.
2. Alignment with international, national, regional, or local community initiative.

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Implementation guiding documents

(Any of the following mentioned references needs to be read in the context of its terms,
conditions, substitutes, amendments, updates and annexes)

1) Ministry of Planning publications; Planning of Healthcare services

2) MOH Social services webpage:
a. scope of practice as approved by MOHP
b. Quality measurement for a “social services specialist” in healthcare organizations
c. Implementation of quality standards
d. Social services role in control of infectious diseases
3) WHO/UNICEF Baby friendly community initiative

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Ensuring alignment with healthcare eco-system changes

CAI.01 The PHC defines its community profile.

Community profile

A community is a group of individuals, families, groups, facilities, or organizations that interact with
one another cooperate in common activities, solve mutual concerns, usually within the geographic
area served by an organization. However, a community cannot be defined in a manner that excludes
disadvantaged groups, low-income, or minority populations. Availability of population information
that is updated regularly as defined by the policy and when new data is available promotes
evidence-based decisions and optimizes health program utilization. Local population data may
include demographics, health status, health determinants. Profiling a community means recording
information on a broad range of factors (such as environmental/natural features and management,
sociodemographic characteristics, political and economic structures, local institutions, economic
activities and livelihoods, basic household and community facilities, and social organization). The
PHC should define the community catchment area it serves to be able to address its health needs.
Then, the PHC should identify the community partners and build agreements with them on
collaboration on health-related matters.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may review community assessment and involvement plan to check the
community profile.
 The GAHAR surveyor may inquire about community assessment and involvement plan during
leadership interview session.
 The GAHAR surveyor may interview staff to check their awareness of community profile.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The catchment area of the PHC is defined.
2. The PHC has a documented method for acquiring and updating data on community
3. Sources of community profile data are defined.
4. The PHC has a written agreement or official request letter of collaboration with those
agencies that can make changes happen.
5. All collaboration activities such as programs or projects are recorded.

Related standards:
CAI.02 Planning for community involvement.

Effective community services

CAI.02 Community needs are assessed and managed in collaboration with community
Planning for community involvement

Community participation is essential for good governance. At its best, healthcare organizations
support communities to shape their own health. Involving community members in the governance
of a PHC in terms of policy formulation, decision-making, and oversight is important for ensuring
the relevance of services offered to the community. Furthermore, involving community members in

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the PHC committees ensures the relevance of decisions at the community level. A community
health needs assessment should be followed with a community health improvement plan that is
expressed in the PHC strategic plan and through its services. Such approach accomplishes the
PHC responsibility towards its community, However, to ensure an effect that is reasonable in
magnitude and sustainable, frequently, several PHCs work collaboratively on certain priority
community health needs.
Data sources could be primary or secondary. Primary data is data directly collected through surveys
of citizens and providers, interviews, focus groups, etc. Secondary data is data obtained from other
entities as vital statistics, cancer registry, censuses, etc. The PHC may decide to perform multiple
activities to achieve a certain health improvement goal. These activities may be in the form of
educational, cultural, recreational, outreach, or other activities. There may be performed in
collaboration with nearby schools, factories, markets, malls, police stations, or other community
players. Topics of social activities may cover smoking cessation, life cycle approach to nutrition,
healthy lifestyle, sexual and reproductive health, and mental health, including depression and
The PHC shall develop a program that addresses at least the following:
a) Identification and description of the catchment area.
b) Gap analysis process involving at least the following:
i. Accessibility and timeliness of services.
ii. Risk assessment of the community hazards including environmental problems.
iii. Healthcare needs.
iv. Healthcare education needs.
v. Healthcare expectation.
c) Planning for interventions.
d) Identifying potential solutions.
e) Announcing or posting selected solutions to the community.
f) Training tools and information provided for the community education

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may review community assessment and involvement plan to check that
it defines community health needs and potential partners and collaborators.
 The GAHAR surveyor may inquire about community assessment and involvement plan during
leadership interview session.
 The GAHAR surveyor may interview staff to check their awareness of community initiatives.

Evidence of compliance:
1. There is a program that covers all components from a) through f).
2. A designated person coordinates community involvement activities and public relations.
3. There is evidence that gap analysis and improvement activities are done in collaboration with
community members.
4. Selected solutions are announced and/or posted to the community.
5. There is evidence of performed community involvement activities.

Related standards:
OGM.01 Governance structure.

CAI.03 The PHC has a health education program.

Health education

Health education program is an important determinant of health that aims at providing information
to the community in order to influence their future health-related behavior and decision-making.

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Health education provides individuals and groups the opportunity to acquire information and the
skills needed to make quality health decisions. Performing health education through a pre-planned
program ensures better coverage of both the topics and the target individuals and groups. Some
benefits of training are economy in operations, high quality of work, greater productivity, uniformity
of procedures, less supervision, systematic imparting of skills, and higher morale. Process
evaluation is performed while health education activities are going on. The PHC shall develop a
health education program that identifies at least the following:
a) Heath education needs and problems.
b) Target groups for health education.
c) Methods of health education.
d) Health messages.
e) Health educators and supportive groups.
f) Timetables.
g) How the PHC will announce the local community about the program.
h) How the program be conducted inside and outside the PHC.
i) Evaluation tool.
Personnel involved in health education are trained. Health education should be provided in an easy
to reach, suitable area and number of seats for the clients, lit, and ventilated with a supply of basic
human needs. A teaching tool is a device designed to help in presenting the teaching materials;
(blackboards, computers, and data show devices). Teaching materials used to help people
understand and remember more quickly and more sustainably (wall-charts, pictures, television
programs, recorded sound, and videos).

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may review Health education plan to check that it addresses all required
 The GAHAR surveyor may inquire about community assessment and involvement plan during
leadership interview session.
 The GAHAR surveyor may interview staff to check their awareness of community initiatives.

Evidence of compliance:
1. There is a structured health education program includes items from a) through i) that is
provided to all target groups, whether inside or outside the PHC.
2. Staff member who provides community health education is competent to do so.
3. There is evidence that health education activities are performed.
4. Health education program effectiveness is evaluated.
5. All activities are recorded.

Related standards:
ICD.17 Immunization program; ICD.18 Pediatric immunization program; ICD.19 Adult
immunization program; ICD.20 Child health program; ICD.21 Maternity health program; ICD.22
Reproductive health program; ICD.23 Non-communicable diseases.

CAI.04 The PHC uses a nutritional promotion program that covers different local community
Proper nutrition

The promotion of good nutrition aims at improving the nutrition knowledge, attitudes, and practices
of the community food consumption to maintain its health and reduce chronic disease risk. Nutrition
promotion programs are usually targeted at special community groups. They usually cover areas
such as breastfeeding, micronutrient and food supplementation, and healthy eating. The PHC shall
develop a program that identifies:

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a) Local nutritional problems and priority needs.

b) Target groups.
c) Promotion of breastfeeding.
d) Micronutrients and food supplementation.
e) Nutritional education needs.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may review proper nutrition program to check that it addresses all
required elements.
 The GAHAR surveyor may interview staff to check their awareness of proper nutrition program.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has a structured program that covers all components mentioned in the intent from a)
through e).
2. There is a process to assess local community nutritional problems, including data sources,
data collection methods, and tools, and defined nutritional problems.
3. The PHC prioritizes the nutritional problems of the community.
4. The program includes outcome evaluation through monitoring of key outcome indicators (BMI,
cholesterol level, blood pressure, etc.).
5. Pregnant and lactating women are informed and counseled about the benefits and
management of breastfeeding.

Related standards:
CAI.01 Community profile; CAI.03 Health education; QPI.05 Data review, aggregation, and
analysis; QPI.06 Data validation.

CAI.05 Surveillance of communicable and endemic diseases and reporting of its results to
higher authorities is done according to MOHP/WHO recommendations.
Surveillance and reporting

The PHC should have a process of data collection, analysis, and interpretation of the occurrence
of communicable and endemic diseases. The primary objective of disease surveillance is to
determine the extent of infections and the risk of disease transmission, so that prevention and
control measures can be applied both effectively and efficiently to minimize the burden of illness.
Early detection and response systems to potential outbreaks facilitate the effectiveness of
communicable disease control. Timely intervention minimizes morbidity and mortality due to
communicable diseases. Contact identification and tracking are the primary means of controlling
infectious diseases. The PHC should develop and implement a policy and procedures that guide
the process of surveillance and reporting of community communicable diseases. The policy
addresses at least the following:
a) List of communicable and endemic reportable diseases.
b) Case definitions of communicable and endemic diseases.
c) Detection of signs and symptoms of disease in exposed persons.
d) Management protocols and reporting requirements.
e) Early isolation, evaluation, and treatment of secondary cases to ensure effective control of
disease and prevention of its further transmission.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may review the proper surveillance program documentation and
recording to check that it addresses all required elements.
 The GAHAR surveyor may interview staff to check their awareness of proper surveillance

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Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has a policy of surveillance of communicable and endemic diseases.
2. Staff is aware of the list of communicable diseases and trained on their detection.
3. The relevant staff is trained in outbreaks management protocols.
4. Patients with communicable and endemic diseases are identified and managed according to
approved guidelines.
5. Patients with communicable and endemic diseases are reported as required by laws and
6. The PHC has a process of contact identification, screening, tracking, and control.

Related standards:
IPC.02 IPC program, risk assessment, guidelines; QPI.05 Data review, aggregation, and analysis;
QPI.06 Data validation.

CAI.06 Community environmental sanitation and safe water supply are supervised
effectively according to laws and regulations.
Safe water supply

Safe water and basic sanitation are of crucial importance to the preservation of human health,
especially among children. Water-related diseases are the most common cause of illness and death
among the poor of developing countries. According to the World Health Organization, It is a great
priority to focus on safe water supply and basic sanitation. Indeed, it is imperative to respect human
values; it provides good health and ensures economic benefits. Water safety and quality are
fundamental to human development, health, and wellbeing. Environmental health including water,
air, food, swage sanitation of the global health priorities. Identification of any environmental Health
problem is the first step to resolve it. The PHC should ensure that there is safe water assessment
system in place by collecting water samples periodically from public places and analyzing them
bacteriology and chemically in accordance with MOHP and/or WHO recommendations.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may review documentation and recording for community environment
sanitation to check that it addresses all required elements.
 The GAHAR surveyor may interview staff to check their awareness of proper community
environment sanitation program.

Evidence of compliance:
1. There is a written procedure that defines how to monitor safe water supply and environmental
sanitation. The procedure also addresses collaboration with other authorities to maintain safe
water supply and environmental sanitation.
2. The responsible staff member is qualified by education and experience.
3. Environmental health problems are identified.
4. Water samples are collected and analyzed from public places in the catchment area.
5. The PHC maintains the original or a copy of water analysis reports.
6. Actions are taken in response to positive results with relevant authorities.

Related standards:
EFS.08 Utilities management plan; OGM.12 Staff health.

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CAI.07 Outcomes of community assessment and involvement program are monitored and
Community involvement program evaluation

Assessment of the community health needs ensures alignment of PHC mission and services with
community health problems leading to better resource utilization and improved community health.
Evaluation of the program activities is important to validate the effectiveness of the activities and
identify the learned lessons. Acting upon community suggestions and complaints is an important
pillar of responsive healthcare. Organizations should ensure the availability of a transparent, visible,
two-way communication process for its community to express their concerns and for the PHC to
show its adequate and caring response. PHCs may perform an evaluation of the community
involvement program as follows:
a) Reassessment of community needs and risks at least every two years.
b) Effectiveness of interventions.
c) Community satisfaction of provided social activities is measured.
d) Complaints from the community and external customers. are addressed.
e) Handling difficult situations during community involvement activities such as managing
aggressive behaviors.
f) Media management.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may review community assessment and involvement plan to check that
it measures its outcomes.
 The GAHAR surveyor may inquire about community assessment and involvement plan during
leadership interview session.
 The GAHAR surveyor may interview staff to check their awareness of community initiatives.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC performs an evaluation of community needs and risks at least every two years.
2. The PHC compares community status before and after interventions.
3. The PHC measure community satisfaction of provided social activities using a variety of
4. The PHC handles and manages complaints from the community and external customers.
5. Measures are in place to handle aggressive situations, including calling the police when
6. There is a process for dealing with media and social media.

Related standards:
CAI.02 Planning for community involvement QPI.05 Data review, aggregation, and analysis;
QPI.06 Data validation; QPI.07 Risk management program.

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Workforce Management
Chapter intent

The PHC needs an appropriate variety of skilled, qualified people to fulfill its mission and to meet
patient needs. The PHC workforce refers to the staff within the PHC. Planning the appropriate
number and skill mix of the workforce is essential. Developing clear job descriptions, strong
orientation, and training programs help staff in delivering proper healthcare. A good organization
should always have a clear structure of its medical staff, including departments, divisions, and
medical committees.

This chapter defines the medical staff leaders' roles and responsibilities in committees, and
departments' management (head), as well as performance improvement. The medical staff
includes licensed physicians and licensed dentists, it’s particularly important to carefully review the
credentials of all medical staff and other healthcare professionals, The PHC should provide
medical staff with opportunities to learn and to advance personally and professionally Independent
practitioners are other licensed healthcare professionals as (pharmacists, physiotherapists, or
nutritionists) that are permitted by law and regulation to provide patient care services
independently in the PHC.

Globally, the shortage of healthcare professionals is seen in multiple places in the world. In some
countries, licenses are renewable, which means that physicians, nurses, and other healthcare
professionals need to go through a renewal process periodically and prove their competence and
continuous development. National bodies that govern medical and nursing education are
established in different countries. National performance evaluation and ranking of healthcare
professionals is on the rise, with many healthcare systems moving towards the pay-per-
performance concept.

GAHAR surveyors may review the implementation of laws and regulations, medical bylaws,
nursing bylaws, Policies, procedures, and plans reflecting processes of human resources
department through interviews with leadership and staff and reviewing different healthcare
professional's staff files.

Chapter purpose

The main objective is to ensure that PHCs maintain an effective workforce management program.
The chapter addresses the following objectives:
1. Effective workforce planning.
2. Effective orientation, continuous medical education, and training program.
3. An efficient mix of staff.
4. Periodic evaluation of staff performance.

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Implementation guiding documents:

(Any of the following mentioned references needs to be read in the context of its terms, conditions,
substitutes, amendments, updates, and annexes)

1) Egyptian code of medical ethics 238/2003

2) Egyptian code of nursing ethics (Nursing Syndicate Publications)
3) Code of ethics and behavior for civil service staff,2019, if applicable
4) Pharmacist code of ethics
5) Law 415/1954 Practicing the profession of human medicine
6) Law 140/1981 on practicing midwifery
7) Law 127/1955 on practicing the profession of pharmacy
8) Law 537/1954 on Practicing of the dental profession
9) National law for laboratories, 367/ 1954
10) Law 59/1960 regulation of Medical Imaging work
11) MOHP ministerial decree 70/1996 work of foreign experts
12) MOHP ministerial decree 90/1999 for the use of foreign experts
13) Law 213/2017 of trade unions and protection
14) MOHP Ministerial decree 25/2002 for medical responsibility and suspension of medical
15) MOHP Ministerial decree 293/2000 on the promotion of doctors
16) MOHP Ministerial decree 62/2004 on the promotion of healthcare professionals

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Efficient workforce planning

WFM.01 The PHC staffing plan matches the PHC’s mission and professional practice
Staffing plan

The staffing plan sets the number of staff and defines the desired skill mix, education, knowledge,
and other requirements of staff members. Staff planning is the process of making sure that a PHC
has the right people to carry out the work needed for business successfully through matching up
detailed staff data including skills, potential, aspirations and location with business plans. Shortage
of competent healthcare professionals in multiple areas is an alarming sign. The PHC shall comply
with laws, regulations and recommendations of professional practices that define desired
education levels, skills, or other requirements of individual staff members or that defines staffing
numbers or mix of staff for the PHC. The plan is reviewed on a regular basis and updated as
necessary. The leaders of each clinical or managerial area define the individual requirements of
each staff position. The PHC should maintain a safe level of staff members’ numbers and skill
level. Leaders consider the following factors to project staffing needs:
a) The PHC mission, strategic and operational plans.
b) Complexity and severity mix of patients served by the PHC.
c) Services provided by the PHC.
d) Technology and equipment used in patient care.

Survey process guide:

 During the GAHAR survey, the surveyor may review the staff documents, observe workforce
allocation and skills, or review staff files to check compliance of staffing plan to laws, regulations
and professional practices recommendations.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The staffing plan matches the mission, strategic, and operational plans.
2. The staffing plan complies with laws, regulations and recommendations of professional
3. The staffing plan identifies the estimated needed staff numbers and skills with staff
assignments to meet the PHC needs.
4. The staffing plan is monitored and reviewed at least annually.

Related standards:
APC.02 Registration of staff; OGM.01 Governance structure; OGM.02 PHC management;
OGM.03 PHC leaders.

WFM.02 PHC job descriptions address each position requirements and responsibilities.
Job description

The job description is a broad, general, and written statement of a specific job, based on the
findings of a job analysis. It generally includes duties, purpose, responsibilities, scope, and working
conditions a job. Credentials are documents that are issued by a recognized entity to indicate
completion of requirements or the meeting of eligibility requirements, such as a diploma from a
medical school, specialty training (residency) completion letter or certificate, completion of the
requirements of a medical professional organization, a license to practice, or recognition of
registration with a medical or dental council. The PHC should start by building a job description

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template that includes description of the job. The PHC should ensure that results of staff planning
process, such as skill mix, are aligned with job requirements mentioned in the job description. Job
descriptions are required for all clinical, non-clinical, full- time, and part-time, temporary staff, and
those who are under training. When staff members are hired by the PHC, there is a process of
matching credentials and evaluating the qualifications in relation to the requirements of the

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may check a sample of staff files to assess compliance to standard
 The GAHAR surveyor may check a sample of staff files to assess compliance to standard
 The GAHAR surveyor may interview staff members who are involved in credentialing process
to assess compliance to standard requirements.

Evidence of compliance:
1. There is a job description for every position.
2. Job descriptions include the requirements (license, certification or registration, education,
skills, knowledge, and experience) and responsibilities of each position.
3. Job descriptions are discussed with staff members and discussion is recorded in the staff file.
4. Required credentials for each position are kept in staff files. The process is uniformly applied
to assess of medical staff members’ credentials.
5. There is a process for verifying credentials and evaluating the qualification in the PHC.

Related standards:
OGM.02 PHC management; OGM.03 PHC leaders; QPI.03 Quality management team; IPC.01
IPC team, IPC committee; WFM.04 Staff files; WFM.07 Staff performance evaluation; MMS.09
Ordering, prescribing, transcribing, abbreviations, and symbols; MMS.12 Medication preparation,
labelling of medications, dispensing, and administration.

WFM.03 A uniform recruitment process is applied with the participation of service/unit


Recruitment and selection is the process of advertising a vacant position and choosing the most
appropriate person for the job. Unless managed by a higher body, The PHC shall provide an
efficient and centralized process for recruiting and hiring staff members for available positions. The
process shall address at least the following:
a) Collaboration with service/unit leaders to identify the need for a job.
b) Communicating available vacancies to potential candidates.
c) Announcing criteria of selection.
d) Application process.
e) Recruitment procedures.

Survey process guide:

 If recruitment is managed by the PHC, the GAHAR surveyor may review a policy describing
the recruitment process.
 The GAHAR surveyor may check a sample of staff files to assess compliance to standard
 The GAHAR surveyor may interview staff members who are involved in recruitment process to
assess the process.

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Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has an approved policy to recruit staff that addresses all the elements from a) through
e) in the intent.
2. Staff who are involved in recruitment, are aware of the PHC policy.
3. The recruitment process is uniform across the PHC for similar types of staff.
4. Recruitment process occurs in compliance with laws and regulations.
5. The PHC leaders participate in the recruitment process.
6. Selection criteria are recorded in the staff file.

Related standards:
OGM.03 PHC leaders; WFM.01 Staffing Plan; WFM.02 Job Description; APC.02 Registration of

WFM.04 The PHC has a staff file for each workforce member.
Staff files

It is important for the PHC to maintain a staff file for each staff member. An accurate staff file
provides recording of staff knowledge, skill, competency, and training required for carrying out job
responsibilities. In addition, the record shows evidence of staff performance and whether they are
meeting job expectations. Each staff member in the PHC, including those permitted by law and the
PHC to work independently, also shall have a record(s) with information about his/ her
qualifications; required health information, such as immunizations and evidence of immunity;
evidence of participation in orientation as well as on-going in-service and continuing education;
results of evaluations, including staff member performance of job responsibilities and
competencies; and work history. The records shall be standardized and kept current according to
the PHC policy. Staff files may contain sensitive information and thus should be kept confidential.
The PHC should develop a policy and procedures that guide management of staff files. The policy
shall address at least the following:
a) Staff file initiation.
b) Standard contents such as verified certification, license, education, training and work
history, current job description, recorded evidence of orientation to the PHC, the assigned
unit, and the specific job, evidence of initial evaluation of the staff member’s ability to
perform the assigned job, ongoing in-service education received, copies within three
months evaluations and copies of annual evaluations.
c) Update of file contents.
d) Storage.
e) Retention time.
f) Disposal.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may check a sample of staff files to assess compliance to standard
 The GAHAR surveyor may visit the area where staff files are kept to assess storage conditions,
retention, confidentiality and disposal mechanism.
 The GAHAR surveyor may interview staff involved in creation, use and storage of staff files to
assess the process.

Evidence of compliance:
1) The PHC has an approved policy that addresses at least elements from a) through f) in the

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2) Staff members who are involved in creation, storage and use of staff files, are aware of the
management of staff files policy.
3) Staff files are confidential and protected.
4) Staff files include all the required records.
5) Staff files are disposed of as per the management of staff files policy.

Related standards:
WFM.02 Job description; WFM.05 Orientation program; WFM.06 Continuous education program;
WFM.07 Staff performance evaluation.

Effective orientation, training and education programs

WFM.05 The PHC undergoes all staff for a formal orientation program.
Orientation program

The decision to appoint an individual to a PHC sets several processes in motion. To perform well,
a new staff member, no matter what his or her employment experience, needs to understand the
entire PHC structure and how his/ her specific clinical or nonclinical responsibilities contribute to
the PHC mission. This is accomplished through a general orientation to the PHC and their role and
a specific orientation to the job responsibilities of their position. Staff orientation, especially when
first employed, with the PHC policies, shall ensure alignment between PHC mission and staff
activities. It also helps to create a healthy PHC culture where all staff works with a shared mental
model and towards agreed-upon objectives.
Staff orientation also facilitates the integration of new staff with the already available to rapidly form
effective teams that offer safe and quality care. The PHC shall build a comprehensive orientation
program that is provided to all staff members regardless of their terms of employment. Staff
orientation shall occur on three levels: General orientation, service/unit orientation, and job-specific
orientation. General orientation program shall address at least:
a) Review of the PHC mission, vision and values.
b) PHC structure.
c) PHC policies for the environment of care, infection control, performance improvement,
patient safety and risk management.
Service/Unit orientation program shall address at least:
d) Review of relevant policies and procedures.
e) Operational processes.
f) Work relations.
Job Specific orientation:
g) High risk processes.
h) Technology and equipment use.
i) Staff safety and health.
The PHC shall develop a staff manual that describe processes of staff appointment and
reappointment, staff appraisal, staff complaints management, staff satisfaction measurement,
code of ethics, disciplinary actions and termination.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may interview some staff members and inquire about the process of
 The GAHAR surveyor may check a sample of staff files to check evidence of attendance of
general, service/unit, and job specific orientation.

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Evidence of compliance:
1. General orientation program is performed and it includes at least the elements from a) through
c) in the intent.
2. Service/unit orientation program is performed and it includes at least the elements from d)
through f) in the intent.
3. Job specific orientation program is performed and it includes at least the elements from g)
through i) in the intent.
4. Any staff member attends orientation program regardless of employment terms.
5. Orientation completion is recorded in the staff file.

Related standards:
IPC.04 Standard precaution measures, OGM.12 Staff Health; IMT.02 Quality management system
documents; WFM.04 Staff files.

WFM.06 The PHC has a continuous education and training program.

Continuous education program

For any PHC to fulfill its mission, it has to ensure that its human resources have the capacity to
deliver its services over time. Continuous education and training programs help guarantee that,
especially if designed to satisfy staff needs necessary to deliver the PHC mission. The program
should be designed in a flexible manner that satisfies all staff categories based on a process of
need assessment, tailored training plan, delivery, and reflection. The program is designed based
on services provided, new information, and evaluation of the staff needs. Evidence-based medical
and nursing practices and guidelines and other resources are accessible to all staff. The PHC
ensures that education and training are provided and recorded according to the staff member’s
relevant job responsibilities needs that may include the following:
a) Patient assessment.
b) Infection control policy and procedures, needle stick injuries, and exposures.
c) Environment safety plans.
d) Occupational health hazards and safety procedures, including the use of personal protective
e) Information management, including patient’s medical record requirements as appropriate to
responsibilities or job description.
f) Pain assessment and treatment.
g) Clinical guidelines used in the PHC.
h) Basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation training at least every two years for all staff that
provides direct patient care.
i) Quality concept, performance improvement, patient safety, and risk management.
j) Patient rights, patient satisfaction, and the complaint/ suggestion process.
k) Provision of integrated care, shared decision making, informed consent, interpersonal
communication between patients and other staff cultural beliefs, needs and activities of
different groups served
l) Defined abuse and neglect criteria.
m) Medical equipment and utility systems operations and maintenance.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may interview some staff members and inquire about the process of
continuous education and training.
 The GAHAR surveyor may check a sample of staff files to check evidence of attendance of
education and training program.

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Evidence of compliance:
1. There is a continuing education and training program for all staff categories that may include
elements in the intent from a) through m).
2. Resources (human and non-human) are available to deliver the program.
3. The program is based on needs assessment of all staff categories.
4. Results of a performance review are integrated into program design.

Related standards:
IPC.04 Standard precaution measures; OGM.12 Staff Health; WFM.04 Staff files.

Equitable staff performance evaluation

WFM.07 Staff performance and competency are regularly evaluated.

Staff performance evaluation

Staff performance evaluation is an ongoing process that is also called performance appraisal or
performance review which is a formal assessment for managers to evaluate an employee’s work
performance, identify strengths and weaknesses, offer feedback and set goals for future
performance. Performance evaluation effectively contributes to individual, team, PHC
improvement when based on a defined transparent process with clear declared criteria relevant to
the job functions. Performance evaluation also promotes communication between employees and
leaders, enabling them to make informed decisions about staff planning, selection, incentives,
training and education, and career planning. Performance appraisal offers the chance to give
feedback to staff about what they do well or poor in a confidential respectful manner, thus
promoting a learning culture within the PHC. The PHC shall use a performance evaluation tool to
ensure staff have the required criteria for doing jobs and achieving objectives. Recorded process
of employees' performance evaluation including performance review methods, tools, evaluation
dimensions, criteria, time interval, appeal process, and responsible person for each staff category.
Performance evaluation of medical staff members’ addresses certain criteria that include those
related to patient’s medical record recording and medication use such as:
a) Patient’s medical record review for completeness and timeliness.
b) Utilization practice and medication use.
c) Compliance with approved clinical guideline.
d) Complications, outcomes of care, mortality, and morbidity.
e) Professional development.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may interview service/unit or PHC leaders and inquire about used tools
for staff performance evaluation.
 The GAHAR surveyor may check a sample of staff files to assess completion of performance

Evidence of compliance:
1. Performance evaluation is performed at least annually for each staff member or when indicated
by the findings of quality improvement activities and appropriate education and training
2. Performance evaluation is performed in compliance with laws and regulations.
3. There is evidence of employee feedback on performance.
4. Clear procedures for the effective management of underperformance.
5. Performance evaluation is recorded in staff files.

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6. Medical staff performance evaluation records include at least all elements from a) through e)
in the intent.

Related standards:
WFM.02 Job description; WFM.04 Staff files.

WFM.08 Medical staff members have current and specific delineated clinical privileges
Clinical Privileges

The process where by a specific scope and content of patient care services (that is clinical
privileges) are authorized for a healthcare professional by a PHC, based on evaluation of the
individual’s credentials and performance. The determination of a medical staff member’s current
clinical competence and making a decision about what clinical services the medical staff member
will be permitted to perform often called privileging is the most critical determination as to protect
the safety of patients and to advance the quality of its clinical services. Decisions regarding a
practitioner’s clinical competence, and thus what clinical privileges he/she is to be granted, are
based primarily on information and documentation received from outside the PHC.
The clinical privileges address the following:
a) Medical staff members and independent practitioners with clinical privileges are subject to
b) Privileges indicate if the medical staff can treat patients.
c) Privileges define the scope of patient care services and types of procedures they may
provide in the PHC.
d) Privileges are determined based on documented evidence of competency (experience-
qualifications – certifications-skills) that are reviewed and renewed at least every three
e) Privileges are available in areas where medical staff provides services pertinent to
granted privileges.
f) Medical staff members with privileges do not practice outside the scope of their

Survey process guide:

 During the GAHAR survey, the surveyor may interview medical staff members and inquire
about delineated privileges.
 GAHAR surveyor may check a sample of staff files to assess compliance to standard

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has an approved policy that addresses at least all elements from a) through f) in the
2. Medical staff members are aware of the process of clinical privileges delineation and what to
do when they need to work outside their approved clinical privileges.
3. Clinical privileges are delineated to medical staff members based on defined criteria.
4. Physicians' and dentists' files contain personalized recorded clinical privileges, including
renewal when applicable.
5. Physicians and dentists comply with their clinical privileges.

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Related standards:
WFM.07 Staff performance evaluation.

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Information Management and Technology

Chapter intent

Information management is the process by which relevant information is provided to decision-

makers in a timely manner. An effective information management system is a vital component of
the healthcare service. Information management and technology in PHCs includes clinical,
managerial information, and information required by external authorities and agencies. There are
major risks associated with information management and technology in healthcare. One of these
risks is the potential breach of patient confidentiality. Patient confidentiality means that personal
and medical information given to a healthcare professional shall not be disclosed to others unless
the patient has given specific permission for such release. Maintaining patient confidentiality is an
ethical and legal concern, especially with the emerging technology of implementation of electronic
information systems.

Abbreviations may cause harm regardless of the language used; organizations need to identify the
approved reference in English or Arabic language. Globally, Information management and
technology is emerging in healthcare. Artificial intelligence is on the surge where symptom
checkers and clinical decision support systems becoming widely used. Locally, National laws and
regulations have taken big steps recently to support electronic transactions. Electronic signature
law was released. Electronic payment is approved. Practically, PHCs need to provide resources
for the implementation of an information management system that ensures patient safety,
continuity of care, security, and confidentiality of information. During the GAHAR survey, surveyors
shall be able to measure how organizations implement information management systems and
technologies through reviewing documents pertinent to this chapter and doing patient tracers and
interviews with staff. The leadership interview session may touch on this topic, as well.

Chapter purpose

This chapter addresses the main concepts of information management in the PHC:
 Effective information management processes.
 Maintaining information confidentiality and security.
 Availability of patient’s medical record.
 Effective information technology in healthcare.
Standards included in this chapter shall apply on paper and electronic data and information.

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Implementation guiding documents:

(Any of the following mentioned references needs to be read in the context of its terms,
conditions, substitutes, amendments, updates and annexes)

1) Egyptian code of medical ethics 238/2003

2) Egyptian code of nursing ethics (Nursing Syndicate Publications)
3) MOH - General Directorate of Technical Inspection. The administrative tool
4) Ministry of finance decree 270/2009: Governmental Archives list
5) Ministry of finance decree 18/2019: Non Monetary Payment
6) MOH Ministerial decree 254/2001 Discharge summary requirements
7) Ministry of communication and information technology decree 109/2005: Electronic
8) Law 35/1960 National census and statistics
9) Law 2915/1964 Establishment of CAPMAS
10) Jeddah Declaration on Patient Safety 2019
11) HIPAA— Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Regulations1996.
12) The Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP): List of Error-Prone Abbreviations,
Symbols, and Dose Designations
13) Egyptian consent laws

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Effective information management processes

IMT.01 Information management processes are planned and implemented according to the
PHC needs, applicable laws and regulations.
Information management planning

National laws and regulations address topics related to information management process include
confidentiality and release of patient information, the retention period for documents, reporting of
specific information to inspecting and regulatory agencies. An information plan includes
identification of the information needs of different units and implementation of a process to meet
those needs. The information plan aims at providing accurate, meaningful, comprehensive, and
timely information to assist in an information-based decision-making process. Sometimes it is
critical to record some processes because it affects continuity of care or patient safety. In these
instances, another plan is developed to satisfy recording requirements. The PHC has to make
the needed efforts and take steps to comply with relevant laws and regulations in the field of
information management. The PHC shall develop an information management landscape in
response to identified needs. Development of effective information plan shall be based on:
a) The identified information needs of clinical and managerial PHC leaders.
b) The information needs and requirements of external authorities and agencies.
c) The size and type of services provided by the PHC.
d) Critical processes where recording is mandated.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may perform an interactive staff interview asking to demonstrate the
process of information management compliance with requirements of law and regulations
followed by review of related documents, which includes response to required reports from
inspecting and regulatory agencies and to demonstrate the process of information needs
assessment and action taken to meet identified needs.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC leadership performs information needs assessment that includes a) through d) in the
2. The PHC leadership and responsible staff members of information management are aware
of the requirements of law and regulations.
3. The PHC stores all its records and information according to law and regulations.
4. The PHC responds within defined timeframes to any required reports from inspecting and
regulatory agencies.
5. Recording of processes is required based on their criticality, compliance to laws and
6. When gaps are identified, actions are taken to comply with law and regulations.

Related standards:
APC.03 Accurate and complete information; IMT.04 Confidentiality and security of data and
information; IMT.05 Integrity of data and information; IMT.06 Retention of data and information;
IMT.07 Patient’s medical record management; IMT.08 Patient’s medical record usage process;
IMT.09 Patient’s medical review process; IMT.12 Data back-up.

Effective document management and recording

IMT.02 Developing, approving, tracking and revising quality management system

documents for PHC’s key functions are effective.

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Quality management system documents

Establishment of a uniform and consistent method for developing, approving, tracking, and
revising quality management system documents (such as policies, plans, programs, procedures,
and others) prevent duplication, discrepancies, omissions, misunderstandings, and
misinterpretations. The tracking system of issuing and changes allows staff to easily identify
relevant policies and procedures and ensures that staff are informed about changed policies.
The PHC shall develop a policy and procedures for document control system.
The policy shall address at least the following:
a) Standardized formatting.
b) Document control system for tracking of issues and tracking of changes.
c) The system allows each document to be identified by title, date of issue, edition and/or
current revision date, the number of pages, who authorized issue and/or reviewed the
document and identification of changes of version.
d) Required policies are available and disseminated to relevant staff.
e) Staff understand how to access those policies relevant to their responsibilities.
f) Retirement of documents.
g) Policies revisions.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may perform a document review for the policy, followed by checking
the implementation of the policy by review of the related documents which include the PHC
policies and procedures (to ensure that they had standardized format, tracking system,
identified approver, issuing and revision date at least every three years).
 The GAHAR surveyor may interview staff to check staff awareness about the process of
development, approving, tracking and revising of policies and other documents, awareness
about access to relevant documents, tracking changes and process for management of
retirement of documents.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has a document that addresses at least a) through g) in the intent.
2. The PHC leadership, heads of services, and the relevant processes owners are aware of
this policy.
3. Staff can access those documents relevant to their responsibilities.
4. All documents are developed in a standardized format and can be tracked according to the
5. Only the last updated versions of documents are accessible and distributed between staff.
6. Policies are revised at least every three years.

Related standards:
APC.03 Accurate and complete information; IMT.01 Information management planning; WFM.05
Orientation Program.

IMT.03 NSR.09 The PHC defines standardized diagnosis codes, procedure codes, definitions,
symbols and abbreviations.
Use of codes, symbols, and abbreviations


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Usually, the use of codes, symbols and abbreviations is done to squeeze a lot of writing into a
small space. This may cause miscommunication between healthcare professionals and potential
errors in patient care. The PHC shall develop a policy and procedures for approved and non-
approved codes, symbols and abbreviations according to the PHC scope of service and
approved official language of communication inside the PHC. The policy shall address at least
the following:
a) Approved symbols/abbreviations list.
b) Not-to-use symbols/abbreviations list and implementation of a do-not-use abbreviation list
for medication shall be guided by reliable references such as The Institute for Safe
Medication Practices (ISMP) list that includes at least the following:
o U/IU
o Q.D.
o QD
o Q.O.D
o MS
o MSO4
o MgSO4
o No trailing zero
o No leading zero
c) Non-English abbreviations and illegible handwriting.
d) Situations where symbols and abbreviations (even the approved list) shall not be used, such
as in informed consent and any record that patients and families receive from the PHC about
the patient’s care.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may review PHC policy for abbreviations. The GAHAR surveyor may
review appropriate number of medical records (not less than ten files) to check for the used
abbreviations with medication orders.
 The GAHAR surveyor may interview medical staff for awareness of the prohibited

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has an approved policy that includes all the points in the intent from a) through d).
2. All staff who records in the patient’s medical record are aware of the policy requirements.
3. Approved codes are matching those provided by health authorities and/or 3rd party payers.
4. The PHC implements approved symbols/abbreviation list.
5. The PHC implements not-to-use symbols/abbreviations list according to reliable references.
6. Symbols and abbreviations (even the approved list) are not used in informed consent and any
record that patients and families receive from the PHC about the patient’s care.

Related standards:
MMS.09 Ordering, prescribing, transcribing, abbreviations and symbols.

Ensuring confidentiality and security of information

IMT.04 Data and information are confidential.

Confidentiality and security of data and information

Information security is the protection of information and information systems from unauthorized
access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification or destruction. Information security is achieved

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by ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information. Confidentiality means the
property that health information is not made available or disclosed to unauthorized persons or
processes. Integrity means the property that health information have not been altered or
destroyed in an unauthorized manner. Availability means the property that health information is
accessible and useable upon demand by an authorized person. The PHC shall define who is
authorized to view and administer health information or clarify and improve how and when health
information is provided to patients or other healthcare entities. The PHC should develop a policy
and procedures to ensure information confidentiality and security.
The policy shall address at least the following:
a) Determination of who can access what type of data and information.
b) The circumstances under which access is granted.
c) Confidentiality agreements with all those who have access to patient data.
d) Procedures to follow if confidentiality or security of information has been breached.
All staff shall commit to information confidentiality and security by signing an agreement that they
understand the details of the confidentiality policy and procedures and know their roles well.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may review the confidentiality and security of data and information
policy, followed by checking the implementation through reviewing of related documents such
as list of the authorized individuals to have access to the patient medical record and signed
confidentiality agreement in each staff member personal file.
 The GAHAR surveyor may observe implementation of confidentiality measures including
storage of patient’s medical records in limited access place, each staff use of passwords and
staff has no access to the information not related to their job.
 The GAHAR surveyor may interview staff to assess staff awareness of confidentiality

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has confidentiality and security of data and information policy that includes all the
points in the intent from a) through d).
2. All staff are aware of the policy requirements.
3. There is a list of authorized individuals to have access to the patient’s medical record.
4. Only authorized individuals have access to patient’s medical records.
5. There is a signed confidentiality agreement in each staff member's personal file.
6. Procedures are followed if confidentiality or security of information has been breached.

Related standards:
PCC.09 Patient's dignity and privacy; IMT.01 Information management planning.

IMT.05 Patient’s medical record and information are protected from loss, destruction,
tampering, and unauthorized access or use.
Integrity of data and information

Data integrity is a critical aspect to the design, implementation and usage of any information
system which stores, processes, or retrieves data as it reflects the maintenance of, and the
assurance of the accuracy and consistency of data over its entire life cycle. Any unintended
changes to data as the result of a storage, retrieval or processing operation, including malicious
intent, unexpected hardware failure, and human error, is failure of data integrity. Patient’s
medical record and information shall be protected at all times and in all places. Including
protecting it from water, fire, or other damage, and unauthorized access. Keep security policies
current, and decrease the likelihood and impact of electronic health information being accessed,
used, disclosed, disrupted, modified or destroyed in an unauthorized manner. Medical records

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storage area shall implement measures to ensure medical records protection, e.g., controlled
access and the suitable type of fire extinguishers.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may interview staff to assess the process of information protection
from loss, destruction, tampering, and unauthorized access or use.
 The GAHAR surveyor may observe patient’s medical records protection measures that
include suitable type of fire extinguishers in archiving, storage area and in computers areas.

Evidence of compliance:
1. Medical records and information are secured and protected at all times.
2. Medical records and information are secured in all places, including clinics and the medical
records archiving unit.
3. Medical records storage areas implement measures to ensure medical information integrity.
4. The PHC defines the authorized staff that could have access to the medical records.
5. When an integrity issue is identified, actions are taken to maintain integrity.

Related standards:
IMT.01 Information management planning; IMT.12 Data back-up; EFS.02 Fire and smoke safety;
EFS.06 Security plan.

IMT.06 Retention time of records, data, and information are performed according to
applicable national laws and regulations.
Retention of data and information

As medical records, data, and information have an important role in patient care, legal
documentation, continuity of care and education, The PHC has to retain it for a sufficient period
of time. The different data retention policies weigh legal and privacy concerns against economics
and need-to-know concerns to determine the retention time, archival rules, data formats, and the
permissible means of storage, access, and encryption. The PHC shall develop and implement a
policy and procedures on data and information retention. The policy shall address at least the
a) Retention time for each type of documents.
b) Information confidentiality shall be maintained during the retention time.
c) Mechanism to identify records that shall be archived.
d) Retention conditions, archival rules, data formats and permissible means of storage, access
and encryption.
e) Data destruction procedures.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may review retention time policy.
 The GAHAR surveyor may review list of retention time for different types of information.
 The GAHAR surveyor may interview staff asking to demonstrate the process of records
retention and destruction and/or removal of records, data, and information.
 The GAHAR surveyor may observe record/logbook of documents destruction and/or removal.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has an approved policy that includes all the points in the intent from a) through e).
2. All staff are aware of the policy requirements.
3. The information confidentiality is maintained during the retention time.
4. Data are archived within approved timeframe.

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5. Destruction and/or removal of records, data, and information are done as per laws,
regulations, policy, and procedure.

Related standards:
IMT.01 Information management planning; IMT.04 Confidentiality and security of data and

Availability of patient-specific information

IMT.07 The patient’s medical record is managed effectively.

Patient’s medical record management

Without a unified structure of the patient’s medical record, each healthcare professional will have
their own solution, and the result will be incompatibility of systems and the inability to share
information. Every patient evaluated or treated in the PHC has a medical record. The file is
assigned a number unique to the patient or family, used to link the patient with his or her health
record. A single file with a unique number enables the PHC to locate patient’s medical record
easily and document care of patient over time. The patient’s medical record shall have uniform
contents and order. The main goal of developing a uniform structure of the patient’s medical
record is facilitating the accessibility of data and information to provide more effective and
efficient patient care. The patient’s medical record shall be available to assist the healthcare
professional in having quick access to patient information and also to promote continuity of care
and patient satisfaction. The PHC shall develop a policy and procedures. The policy shall
address at least the following:
a) Medical record flow management: initiation of a patient’s medical record, unique identifiers
generation, tracking, storing, and availability when needed to healthcare professionals.
b) Medical record contents and order uniformity.
c) Medical record standardized use.
d) Patient’s medical record release.
e) Management of voluminous patient’s medical record.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may review the policy followed by checking the implementation of the
 The GAHAR surveyor may check that each patient’s/family’s medical record has a unique
identifier for each patient, medical record contents, format and location of entries and medical
records movement logbook.
 The GAHAR surveyor may observe patient’s medical record availability when needed by
healthcare professional, contain up to date information within in an appropriate timeframe.
 The GAHAR surveyor may interview staff to assess awareness about managing patient’s
medical record in the PHC.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has an approved policy that includes all the points in the intent from a) through e)
2. All staff who are using patient’s medical record are aware of the policy requirements.
3. A patient’s medical record is initiated with a unique identifier for every patient evaluated or
4. The patient’s medical record contents, format, and location of entries are standardized.
5. The patients’ medical records are available when needed by a healthcare professional and
contain up to date information within an appropriate time frame.

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6. There is a medical record tracking system that facilitates identification of medical record
current location.

Related standards:
IMT.01 Information management planning; ACT.03 Patient identification.

IMT.08 The patient’s medical record is used effectively.

Patient’s medical usage process

The content of the patient’s medical record must be comprehensive and detailed to foster high
quality and continuity of patient care, meet the health needs of the patient/ client, meet the
requirements of the legal and regulatory agencies, and to supply a database for all other uses
of documents. The PHC shall have as a policy and procedures to guide the use and the
completeness of patient’s medical record.
a) Individuals permitted to make entries in the patient medical record.
b) Process to ensure that only authorized individuals make entries in medical records, and
each entry identifies the author, date, and time of entry.
c) Process to define how entries in the patient medical record are corrected or overwritten.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may review of the policy of patient’s medical record use.
 The GAHAR surveyor may interview staff to assess staff awareness about the process of
using patient’s medical record.
 The GAHAR surveyor may observe medical record usage process.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has an approved policy and procedure to ensure that the medical record contains
completed sheets that addresses all elements from a) through c) in the intent.
2. The relevant staff is aware of the procedure.
3. Only authorized individuals make entries in the patient medical record.
4. All entries in the medical record are legible, the author, date, and time of all entries in the
patients’ medical records can be identified, entries in the patient medical record are corrected
or overwritten (if needed) in compliance with law, regulations, and policies

Related standards:
ICD.05 First visit health screening; ICD.06 Patient medical assessments; ICD.08 Oral healthcare;
ICD.09 Patient nursing assessments; ICD.10 Fall screening and prevention; ICD.11 Orders and

Effective patient’s medical record management

IMT.09 The patient’s medical record is reviewed effectively.

Patient’s medical review process

Review of medical records is usually performed to ensure that they are accurate, clinically
pertinent, complete, current and readily available for continuing patient care and to recommend
action when problems arise in relation to medical records and the medical filing service. The

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PHC shall have as a policy and procedures to assess the content and the completeness of
patient’s medical record.
The policy shall address at least the following:
a) Review of a representative sample of all services.
b) Review of a representative sample of all disciplines/staff.
c) Involvement of representatives of all disciplines who make entries.
d) Review of the completeness and legibility of entries.
e) Review occurs at least quarterly.
f) Random sampling and selecting approximately 5% of patient’s medical record.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may review of the policy of patient’s medical record review.
 The GAHAR surveyor may interview staff to assess staff awareness about the process of
reviewing patient’s medical record.
 The GAHAR surveyor may check results of review process and actions taken to improve

Evidence of compliance:
1) The PHC has an approved policy that includes all the points in the intent from a) through f).
2) All staff who are using patient’s medical record are aware of the policy requirements.
3) Review results are reported to the PHC leaders.
4) Corrective actions are taken when needed.

Related standards:
ACT.05 Patient care responsibility; IMT.01 Information management planning; QPI.05 Data
review, aggregation and analysis.

Effective information technology in healthcare

IMT.10 Health information technology systems are assessed, tested prior to implementation
are evaluated for quality and patient safety
Health information technology evaluation

Implementation of health information technology systems can facilitate work flow, improve the
quality of patient care, and patient safety. The selection and implementation of health information
technology systems require coordination between all involved stockholders to ensure proper
integration with all interacting processes. Following implementation, evaluation of the usability and
effectiveness of the system shall be done.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may perform an interactive staff interview asking to demonstrate the
process of selection, implementation, and evaluation of information technology, followed by
checking the implementation of the process by review of the related documents, which include
result of system evaluation.

Evidence of compliance:
1. Health information technology stakeholders participate i n t h e selection, implementation,
and evaluation of information technology.
2. Health information technology systems are assessed and tested prior to implementation.

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3. Health information technology systems are evaluated following implementation for usability,
effectiveness, and patient safety.
4. When patient safety issues are identified, actions are taken to maintain safety.

Related standards:
QPI.11 Sustained improvement activities, QPI.05 Data review, aggregation, and analysis; QPI.06
Data validation.

IMT.11 Response to planned and unplanned downtime of data systems is tested and
Downtime of data systems

Downtime event is any event where a Health information technology system (computer system) is
unavailable or fails to perform as designed. The downtime may be scheduled (planned) for purposes
of maintenance or upgrading the system or unplanned due to unexpected failure. These events may
significantly threaten the safety of the care delivery and interruption of the operations in addition to
the risk of data loss. The PHC shall develop and implement a program to ensure continuity of safe
patient care processes during planned and unplanned downtime include the alternative paper forms
and other resources required. The program includes the downtime recovery process to ensure data
integrity. All staff shall receive training about the transition into a downtime environment in order to
respond to immediate patient care needs.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may perform a document review of the planned and unplanned downtime
program, followed by checking the implementation of the process by review of the related
documents, which include workflow and work instructions for planned and unplanned downtime,
stock of needed forms to be used during downtime and result of annual program testing.
 The GAHAR surveyor may interview staff to assess awareness about the response to planned
and unplanned downtime.

Evidence of compliance:
1. There is a program for response to planned and unplanned downtime.
2. The program includes downtime recovery process.
3. The staff is trained in response to the downtime program.
4. The PHC tests the program at least annually to ensure its effectiveness.

Related standards:
IMT.12 Data back-up.

IMT.12 The data backup process is defined.

Data back-up

Data backup is a copy of data that is stored in a separate location from the original, which may be
used to restore the original after a data loss event. Having a backup is essential for data protection.
Backups shall occur regularly in order to prevent data loss. The backup data may be inside or outside
the PHC. In both cases, the PHC shall ensure the backup information is secure and accessible only
by those authorized to use it to restore lost data.

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Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may review the process by asking stakeholders and shall check
implementation of data backup process.

Evidence of compliance:
1. There is a process for data backup, including the type of data, frequency of backup, and
2. Backup is performed on a scheduled basis to meet user requirements.
3. Backup schedules are developed for all new systems and the restore is tested.
4. Backup data is secured during extraction, transfer, storage and retrieval.
5. Backup logs are reviewed frequently to identify exceptions or failures.

Related standards:
IMT.02 Quality management system documents; IMT.11 Downtime of data systems.

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Quality and Performance Improvement

Chapter intent:

It is essential for organizations to have a framework to support continuous improvement and risk
management activities. This requires leadership support, established processes, active
participation from all heads of services/units and staff. Performance improvement and risk
management are parts of both strategic and departmental operational plans.

Globally, PHCs have adopted, adapted, and even created improvement tools to help to enhance
the services provided to patients. Florence Nightingale, a nurse, was one of the pioneers in
improving healthcare quality. Dr. Avedis Donabedian was a founder of the study of the quality of
healthcare and medical outcome research. Multiple quality improvement methodologies were used
in PHCs such as PDCA, FOCUS PDCA, Six Sigma, Lean Methodology, and others.

Locally, the Egyptian Ministry of Planning adopted the European Foundation for Quality
Management (EFQM) award for excellence in promoting quality practices among governmental
entities. Practically, PHCs need to cherish the culture of continuous improvement. GAHAR
standards do not mandate a specific improvement tool nor specific monitoring performance
measures, yet, a minimum number of monitoring indicators are required. Among many
improvement opportunities, GAHAR standards highlighted the importance of improving patient
journey and supply chain. It is important that each staff member in the PHC understand their role
in improving healthcare quality and safety by focusing on the leadership support, department-level
input and participation, measures and data collection, and sustaining improvement. The
application of the standards should be according to applicable national laws and regulations.

During the GAHAR survey, surveyors are going to meet the leadership and staff to discuss the
QPI aspects, initiatives, and projects. Surveyors may perform tracers to check data selection,
collection, analysis of data, and methods that used to follow the improvement projects and impact
of projects on improving the quality dimensions.

Chapter purpose

The chapter discusses the following objectives:

 Effective leadership support.
 Effective departmental participation.
 Effective performance measurement and data management.
 Effective sustain improvement.

Implementation guiding documents:

(Any of the following mentioned references needs to be read in the context of its terms,
conditions, substitutes, amendments, updates, and annexes)

1) MOHP Quality and Safety Guide, 2019

2) National EFQM based excellence award
3) Law 35/1960 National census and statistics
4) Law 2915/1964 Establishment of CAPMAS

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Effective leadership support

QPI.01 Quality management program is governed by an interdisciplinary performance

improvement, patient safety and risk management committee(s).
Quality committee(s)

Performance improvement, patient safety and risk management committee is responsible for
providing oversight and making recommendations to the governing body concerning matters
pertaining to the effectiveness, efficiency, and appropriateness of quality safety and risk
management of health services provided across The PHC. Oversight aims at improving
performance, governance and PHC effectiveness and ensuring that the plan will be directed and
managed on a daily basis. The PHC shall establish a multidisciplinary committee for performance
improvement, patient safety, and risk management, with a membership of top leaders as committee
chairperson, as follows:
a) The committee shall have defined terms of references.
b) The committee shapes the quality culture of the facility through.
i. Ensuring that all designated care areas participate.
ii. Establishing PHC-wide priorities for improvement.
iii. Ensuring that all required measurements are monitored including the frequency of
data collection.
iv. Reviewing the analysis of aggregate data.
v. Taking action in response to identified performance improvement or patient safety
vi. Reporting information to governing body, PHC leaders, and appropriate staff
vii. Evaluating the performance of the committee annually.
c) Periodical meeting helps to provide the required information and feedback about plans and
activities. It also helps to improve collaboration, to provide an opportunity to evolve as a
team, and to comply with laws and regulation requirement.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may perform an interactive session with PHC leaders and members of the
committee(s) in order to identify leadership’s approach for improving the quality of care and
continuous improvement. The discussion may cover the role of the committee and responsibility
of its members, measures selection, reporting and review the minutes of meeting and
recommendations of action plans for the selected improvement projects and its effect on the level
of quality and safety in the PHC.

Evidence of compliance:
1. There is a multidisciplinary performance improvement, patient safety, and risk management
committee with documented terms of references including items a) through c) in the intent.
2. The committee meets at predefined intervals and record the agenda discussion and its
3. The committee evaluates its performance on an annual basis.

Related standards:
OGM.01 Governance structure, OGM.02 PHC management; OGM.03 PHC leaders.

QPI.02 There is a PHC-wide performance improvement and patient safety plan.


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Quality plan

Performance improvement is an ongoing process that helps the PHC continually find new and
better ways of doing things so that can enhance care for patients, increase satisfaction and achieve
even better clinical outcomes. The performance improvement and patient safety plan helps the
PHC to document and review the current performance in a variety of areas. With this plan, The
PHC will be able to clearly see the targeted areas for improvement and chart the progress. The
PHC leaders, including the PHC director, are responsible for establishing and providing ongoing
support for a PHC commitment to quality. The leaders shall select the approach to be used by the
PHC to measure, assess, and improve quality, patient safety and risk management. Leaders also
determine how the plan will be directed and managed on a daily basis, how the committee will
achieve collaboration, and how the program shall have adequate resources. The plan shall be
updated annually and approved by the governing body. Leaders shall develop the performance
improvement, patient safety and risk management plan, the plan shall at least address the
a) The goal(s) (clinical and operational goals) that fulfil the PHC mission.
b) PHC structure and improvement reporting channels.
c) Roles and responsibilities of leaders.
d) Define PHC Priorities.
e) Performance measures road map selection.
f) Data collection, data analysis tools and validation process.
g) Defined criteria for prioritization and selection of performance improvement projects.
h) Quality Improvement model(s) used.
i) Information flow and reporting frequency.
j) Training on quality improvement and risk management approaches.
k) Regular evaluation of the plan (at least annually).

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may perform a document review for the PHC plan, then followed by an
interactive session with PHC leaders in order to identify leadership’s approach for improving
the quality of care and continuous improvement. The discussion may cover plan contents,
monitoring the priority focus areas, staff training related to quality concept and data
management, in addition to the plans’ implementation in different leadership clinical and non-
clinical areas.

Evidence of compliance:
1. There is a current and approved performance improvement, patient safety and risk
management plan that defines at least items from a) through k) in the intent.
2. PHC director and leaders actively participate in the planning, supporting, and monitoring of the
performance improvement, patient safety and risk management.
3. The plan was implemented PHC wide, according to the timetable and plan of improvement.
4. The plan is reviewed, evaluated and updated annually.
5. The plan is communicated to relevant stakeholders.

Related standards:
OGM.01 Governance structure; OGM.02 PHC management; OGM.03 PHC leaders; QPI.04
Performance measures; QPI.11 Sustained improvement activities.

QPI.03 A qualified staff member is assigned as performance improvement


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Quality management team

Because errors are caused by system or process failures, it is important to adopt various process-
improvement techniques to identify inefficiencies, ineffective care, and preventable errors to then
influence changes associated with systems and that required a qualified individual with a clear job
description to follow up the plan and put it into operation by utilizing the knowledge , skills and
experience in different improvement technique, data management, project selection and
sustaining improvement. A qualified individual with knowledge, skills and experience with a clear
job description is assigned to follow up on the performance improvement and patient safety plan
by utilizing his knowledge, skills, and experience in data management, project selection, and
sustaining improvement in the PHC.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may perform a record review in a staff qualification session include the
qualification and job description.

Evidence of compliance:
1. An individual with knowledge, skills and experienced in performance improvement techniques
and risk management related activities.
2. There is a clear job description that support the work of performance improvement team to
train, facilitate and coordinate the program activities.
3. Physicians, nurses, and other staff participate in the performance improvement activities.
4. Quality management team receives required support in terms of space, equipment, resources
and staffing.

Related standards:
WFM.02 Job description; QPI.02 Quality Plan; QPI.07 Risk management program; QPI.08 Incident
reporting system; QPI.09 Significant events; QPI.10 Sentinel events.

Effective unit/service level input and participation

QPI.04 Performance measures are identified, defined, and monitored for all significant
Performance measures

Performance measures are values which demonstrate a PHC’s performance, strengths, and
opportunities for improvement. Effective design and clarity of scope are fundamentals in
establishing and maintaining value added business indicators. The PHC shall select a mixture of
performance measures that focuses on activities that might be risky in nature to patients or staff,
occurring in high volume, associated with problems or high cost. This includes at least one indicator
for each of the following:
1. Average waiting times in the relevant service areas.
2. Patient’s medical record availability.
3. Patient’s medical record completeness
4. Screening for communicable diseases.
5. Screening for non-communicable diseases.
6. Health education.
7. Immunization.
8. Medication errors, near-misses, and adverse outcomes.
9. Patient and family satisfaction rates.

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10. Patient complaints.

11. Staff satisfaction.
12. Staff complaints.
13. Procurement of routinely required supplies and medications.
14. Staff performance.
15. National safety requirements
Once data has been collected for a meaningful amount of time, process improvements can begin
to be evaluated. The amount of data that should be evaluated for a performance measure will
obviously vary based on how often the data is reported and the frequency with which the subject
of the measure occurs. The PHC uses different charts to track the improvement progress and
decides the next step in the improvement plan.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may interview some staff members and ask them about performance
measurement in their units/services.
 The GAHAR surveyor may perform a document review for the selected measures, and assist
the criteria of selection, prioritization, followed by an interactive session to assist the
implementation of the measures and staff awareness about the improvement.

Evidence of compliance:
1. For each relevant standard care areas, the PHC selected appropriate performance measures
according to its scope of services, requirements in the intent, governing national laws and
regulations, and Egypt's 2030 Vision.
2. The relevant performance measurements areas are monitored at least quarterly.
3. Performance measures are calculated and displayed in a table, curve or a graph.
4. Performance measures are used by PHC leaders to take decisions.
5. The PHC makes its performance results/data publicly available at least quarterly.
6. Performance indicators are reported to external authorities

Related standards:
OGM.01 Governance structure; OGM.02 PHC management; OGM.03 PHC leaders; QPI.02
Quality Plan; QPI.05 Data review, aggregation and analysis.

QPI.05 A staff member(s) with appropriate experience, knowledge, and skills is assigned
for data review, aggregation, and analysis within an approved time frame.
Data review, aggregation, and analysis

A qualified staff member having the appropriate knowledge and skills shall be assigned to do data
management related to performance improvement and improvement projects. The required
knowledge is covered revision of data, aggregation, analysis, trending, properly displayed and
transformed into useful information in order to reach conclusions and to make decisions, PHC
leaders are expected to understand data trends and charts to make decision based on the provided

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may perform an interactive quality management program review session
to review data management skills that were used in the selected clinical and managerial
measures, or in the improvement projects.

Evidence of compliance:
1. There is a written process of data management includes the aggregation and analysis.

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2. Responsible staff members for data aggregation and analysis are aware of their roles.
3. Data is aggregated and trended over-time.
4. Descriptive analysis is done.

Related standards:
QPI.04 Performance measures; QPI.11 Sustained improvement activities; CAI.04 Proper nutrition,
CAI.05 Surveillance and reporting, CAI.07 Community involvement program evaluation, IMT.10
Health information technology evaluation.

QPI.06 Data validation is performed according to defined criteria.

Data validation

Data validation means checking the accuracy and quality of data source before using the data.
Data validation is vital to ensure the data is clean, correct and useful. Validated data drives trust
in data and allows to use to make informed decisions and decisive action. The PHC shall use these
elements of data quality:
a) Validity: data measure what it is supposed to measure.
b) Reliability: everyone defines, measures, and collects data uniformly.
c) Completeness: data include all the values needed to calculate performance measure.
d) Precision: data have sufficient detail.
e) Timeliness: data are up to date, and information is available on time.
f) Integrity: data are true.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may perform an interactive quality management program review session
to assure the data validation is performed, followed by an interactive discussion to make sure
the only useful data is used.
 The discussion may address situations and mechanisms used for data validation performance
through selected examples done in the PHC.

Evidence of compliance:
1. There is a written process for data review and validation.
2. Responsible staff for data review are aware of their roles.
3. Data review techniques are implemented to ensure all the elements from a) through f) in the
intent are considered.
4. Data validation is done when data is going to be published, sent to external bodies, a change
in the tool, person, or process used for measurement.

Related standards:
QPI.04 Performance measures; QPI.05 Data review, aggregation and analysis; QPI.11 Sustained
improvement activities; CAI.04 Proper nutrition; CAI.05 Surveillance and reporting; CAI.07
Community involvement program evaluation; IMT.10 Health information technology evaluation.

Efficient risk management program

QPI.07 A risk management plan/program is developed.

Risk management program

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Risk management is designed to identify potential events that may affect the PHC and to protect
and minimize risks to the PHC property, services, and employees. Effective risk
management ensures the continuity of PHC operations. An important step of risk management is
risk analysis where you can assess the high-risk processes. The PHC needs to adopt a proactive
approach to risk management that includes developing risk mitigation strategies. PHC should take
reactive and proactive measures to address identified risks. Risk management plan/program
contains essential components that includes at least the following:
a) Scope, objective and criteria for assessing risks.
b) Risk management responsibilities and functions.
c) Staff training on risk management concepts and tools.
d) Risk identification.
e) Risk prioritization and categorization (i.e. strategic, operational, reputational, financial,
f) Risk reporting and communication with stakeholders.
g) Risk Reduction plans and tools with priority given to high risks.
Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA) is one of analysis tool that can be used in the PHC as a
proactive approach.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may perform an interactive quality management program review session
to check the risk management plan/program by reviewing the risk assessment steps and how
the PHC identify clinical and managerial risks, followed by an interactive session to evaluate
the implementation of risk control measures.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has a risk management plan/ program that includes all the elements from a) to g) in
the intent.
2. A plan, policies, procedures, a risk register and processes support PHC risk management
3. High risk processes are re- designed based on the result of the analysis.
4. The PHC has a proactive risk reduction tool for at least one high risk process annually.

Related standards:
EFS.09 Disaster plan; ACT.04 Patient flow risks; OGM.01 Governance structure; QPI.03 Quality
management team.

QPI.08 An incident-reporting system is developed.

Incident reporting system

Strong risk management is supported by efficient incident reporting systems that defined by the
system can identify an incident that could be any event that affects patient or employee safety.
The incidents reporting has an important influence on improving patient safety. They can provide
valuable insights into how and why patients can be harmed at the PHC level. In most PHCs injuries,
patient complaints, medication errors, equipment failure, adverse reactions to drugs or treatments,
or errors in patient care shall be included and reported. Incident reports help to detect, monitor,
assess, mitigate, and prevent risks that includes at least the following:
a) List of reportable incidents, near misses, adverse events and sentinel events.
b) Incident management process includes how, when, and by whom incidents are reported
and investigated.
c) Incidents requiring immediate notification to the management.
d) Incident classification, analysis, and results reporting.

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e) Indication for performing intensive analysis and its process.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may perform an interactive quality management program review session
to check the PHC incident reporting, management system and review system activities in the
PHC including identification, analysis, and correction of gaps to prevent future re-occurrence,
then followed by an interactive discussion with staff during PHC tours and tracers to assess
staff members awareness.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has an approved incident reporting system Policy that defines an incident-type and
reporting system that include mentioned elements a) through e).
2. All staff are aware of the incident-reporting system, including contracted and outsourced
3. Reports are investigated and gaps in services are identified.
4. PHC communicates with patient’s/services users about adverse events they are affected by.
5. Corrective actions are taken to close gaps in services within defined timeframe.

Related standards:
MMS.13 Medication errors, near miss, medication therapy problems, adverse drug reactions;
QPI.03 Quality management team; QPI.07 Risk management program; QPI.09 Significant events;
QPI.10 Sentinel event.

QPI.09 Significant events are analyzed and corrected.

Significant events

Certain events require intensive analysis for identification of root causes using quality tools.
Significant unexpected events can happen even in PHCs, such as adverse drug reactions that
cause harm or have the potential to cause harm to a patient, medication errors that cause harm or
have the potential to cause harm to a patient, other events as deemed significant by the PHC.
Such events need for immediate investigation and response. The PHC has to perform a root cause
analysis to identify actions that shall be taken to improve processes of care and prevent event

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may perform an interactive quality management program review session
to check the PHC incident reporting results of significant incidents, analysis and corrective
actions, then followed by an interactive discussion to evaluate the awareness, selected
measures and implementation.

Evidence of compliance:
1. There is a document that defines criteria and process for intensive analysis when significant
unexpected events occur, and the time required to complete the investigation and the time
required to execute the action plan.
2. In case of significant incident, a committee is formed where the chairperson and relevant staff
are trained on intensive analysis.
3. All significant unexpected events are investigated and analyzed within defined timeframes.
4. Corrective actions are taken with clear time frame and responsible person(s).

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Related standards:
MMS.13 Medication errors, near miss, medication therapy problems, adverse drug reactions;
QPI.03 Quality management team; QPI.07 Risk management program.

QPI.10 The PHC defines investigates, analyzes and reports sentinel events, and takes
corrective actions to prevent harm and recurrence.
Sentinel events

A sentinel event is an unexpected occurrence involving death or serious physical or psychological
injury. Serious injury specifically includes loss of limb or function A sentinel event signals an
immediate investigation and response. The PHC is required to develop a policy for sentinel event
management that includes at least the following:
a) Definition of sentinel events such as:
i. Unexpected mortality or major permanent loss of function not related to the natural
course of the patient’s illness or underlying condition.
ii. Wrong patient, wrong site, wrong procedure events.
iii. Patient suicide or attempted suicide leading to death or permanent loss of function.
iv. Any post-partum maternal death.
v. Any perinatal death unrelated to a congenital condition in an infant having a birth weight
greater than 2,500 grams.
b) Internal reporting of sentinel events.
c) External reporting of sentinel events.
d) Team member’s involvement.
e) Root cause analysis.
f) Corrective actions plans taken.
All sentinel events are communicated to GAHAR within seven days of the event or becoming
aware of the event. All events that meet the definition shall have a root cause analysis in order to
have a clear understanding of contributing factors behind the system gaps. The analysis and action
shall be completed within 45 days of the event or becoming aware of the event.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may perform an interactive quality management program review session
to check the PHC results of sentinel incidents reporting, definition and type of cases, and how
the system identifies the gaps behind the sentinel event, reporting and time frame for
investigation and action plan. Sentinel events reported to GAHAR may be followed up during
the survey to check compliance with corrective actions.

Evidence of compliance:
1. The PHC has a sentinel events management policy covering the intent from a) through f) and
leaders are aware of the policy requirements.
2. All sentinel events are analyzed and communicated by a root cause analysis in a time period
specified by leadership that does not exceed 45 days from the date of the event or when made
aware of the event.
3. All sentinel events are communicated to GAHAR within seven days of the event or becoming
aware of the event.
4. The root cause analysis identifies the main reason(s) behind the event and the leaders take
corrective action plans to prevent recurrence in the future.

Related standards:
MMS.13 Medication errors, near misses, medication therapy problems, adverse drug reactions;
QPI.03 Quality management team; QPI.07 Risk management program.

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Sustaining improvement

QPI.11 Sustained improvement activities are performed within an approved time frame.
Sustained improvement activities

Sustaining improvement requires empowering the PHC staff members for improvement. Although
employees play a vital part in the continuous improvement process, it is management’s role to
train, empower them and encourage them to participate with ideas. An effective continuous
improvement program needs continuous measurement and feedback. Before start, PHC baseline
performance needs to be measured. New ideas for improving performance can then follow. Plan-
Do-Check-Check (PDCA) cycle, Focus PDCA or other improvement tools allows to scientifically
testing improvement progress. The cycle ensures continuous improvement by measuring the
performance difference between the baseline and target condition. This information gives
immediate feedback on the effectiveness of the change that can helps in measuring the impacts
of continuous improvement program and that is the most effective way of sustaining it.

Survey process guide:

 The GAHAR surveyor may perform a review of an improvement project, to learn how the PHC
utilize data to identify potential improvements and to evaluate actions’ impact.
 The GAHAR surveyor may review the PHC monitoring and control mechanisms to sustain
achieved improvements.

Evidence of compliance:
1. There is a written process or methodology for improvement.
2. Actions to correct problems are taken within approved timeframe.
3. Improvement activities are tested and the results are recorded and implemented.

Related standards:
OGM.02 PHC management; OGM.03 PHC leaders; OGM.01 Governance structure; QPI.02
Quality plan.

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Survey Activities and Readiness


The GAHAR survey process involves performing building tours, observations of patient's medical
records, staff member files, credential files, and interviews with staff and patients. The survey is
an information-gathering activity to determine the organization's compliance with the GAHAR

Readiness Tips

To facilitate the completion of the survey within the allotted time, all information and documents
should be readily available for the surveyors to review during the survey. If certain staff members
are missing, the team will continue to perform the survey. The appropriate missing staff members
may join when they are available. Files may be in paper or in electronic format. However, the
information should, at all times, be safe and secure from unauthorized access, up-to-date,
accessible, and readily retrievable by authorized staff members.

Activity Timeframe Location in survey agenda

1 Arrival and coordination 30-60 minutes first day, upon arrival
2 Opening conference 15 minutes first day, as early as possible
3 PHC orientation 30-60 minutes first day, as early as possible
4 Survey planning 30-60 minutes first day, as early as possible
5 Document review 60-180 minutes
6 Patient journey tracer 60-120 minutes Individual tracer activity occurs throughout the
survey; the number of individuals who
surveyors trace varies by organization
7 Break 30 minutes At a time negotiated with the PHC
team meeting/surveyor planning
8 Daily briefing 15-30 minutes Start of each survey day except the first day;
can be scheduled at other times as necessary
9 Staff members file 30-60 minutes After some individual tracer activity has
review occurred; at a time negotiated with the PHC
10 Environment and facility 45-90 minutes After some individual tracer activity has
safety plans review occurred; at a time negotiated with the PHC
11 The environment of care 60-240 minutes After document review
evaluation tour
12 Leadership interview 60 minutes During the early or middle of the survey
13 Financial stewardship 60 minutes After leadership interview
14 Patient’s medical record 60-120 minutes Towards the end of the survey
15 Medication management 60-120 minutes In the middle of the survey
16 Infection prevention and 60-120 minutes In the middle of the survey
control review
17 Quality program review 60 minutes Towards the end of the survey
18 Report preparation 60-120 minutes Last day of the survey
19 Executive report 15 minutes Last day of the survey
20 Exit conference 30 minutes Last day, final activity of the survey

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Arrival and Coordination

Why will it happen?

To start the survey process on time, the GAHAR surveyors shall use the time to review the focus
of the survey in light of the submitted application.

What will happen?

GAHAR surveyors shall arrive at the PHC and may present themselves to PHC security or desk.
PHC survey coordinator shall be available to welcome GAHAR surveyors.

How to prepare?
Identify a location where surveyors can wait for organization staff to greet them and a location
where surveyors can consider as their base throughout the survey. The suggested duration of this
step is approximately 30 to 60 minutes. Surveyors need a workspace they can use as their base
for the duration of the survey. This area should have a desk or table, internet and phone coverage,
and access to an electrical outlet, if possible. Provide the surveyors with the name and phone
number of the survey coordinator.

Who should collaborate?

Suggested participants include PHC staff and leaders.

Opening Conference

Why will it happen?

This is an opportunity to share a uniform understanding of the survey structure, answer questions
about survey activities, and create common expectations.

What will happen?

GAHAR surveyors shall introduce themselves and describe each component of the survey
agenda. Questions about the survey visit, schedule of activities, availability of documents or
people, and any other related topics should be raised at this time.

How to prepare?
Designate a room or space that will hold all participants and will allow for an interactive discussion.

Who should collaborate?

Suggested participants include members of senior leadership. Attendees should be able to
address the leadership's responsibilities for planning, resource allocation, management, oversight,
performance improvement, and support in carrying out the organization's mission and strategic

PHC Orientation

Why will it happen?

GAHAR surveyors shall learn about the PHC through a presentation or an interactive dialogue to
help focus on subsequent survey activities.

What will happen?

A PHC representative (usually PHC director or their designee) shall present information about the

How to prepare?
Prepare a brief summary (or a presentation) about the PHC that includes at least information about:
 PHC mission, vision, and strategic goals.
 PHC structure and geographic locations.

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 Information management, especially the format and maintenance of medical records.

 Contracted services.
 Compliance with National Safety Requirements.
 Summary of community involvement.
 The PHC's patient population and the most commonly provided services.
 If the PHC has any academic activities.
 Whether the PHC provides any home care or services outside the boundaries of the PHC
 Compliance with GAHAR reports and recommendations during the pre-accreditation visit

Who should collaborate?

Suggested participants include the same participants as the opening conference.

Survey Planning

Why will it happen?

To ensure the efficiency of survey time.

What will happen?

Surveyors shall begin selecting patients for tracers based on the care, treatment, and services the
PHC provides.

How to prepare?
The survey coordinator needs to ensure that the following information is available for surveyors.
 List of sites where disinfection and sterilization are in use.
 List of clinics/units/ areas/programs/services within the PHC.
 List of patients that includes: name, location, age, and diagnosis.

Who should collaborate?

Only GAHAR surveyors.

Document Review Session

Why will it happen?

To help GAHAR surveyors understand PHC operations.

What will happen?

GAHAR surveyors may review required policies (or other quality management system documents)
and policy components based on GAHAR standards.

How to prepare?
The survey coordinator shall ensure that all valid current and approved quality management
system documents are available for review either in paper or electronic format (approval should
be visible, clear, and authentic). Use of bookmarks or notes is advisable to help surveyors find the
elements being looked for, including:
1. List of unapproved abbreviations.
2. Performance improvement data from the past 12 months.
3. Documentation of performance improvement projects being performed, including the reasons
for performing the projects and the measurable progress achieved.
4. Patient flow documentation: dashboards and other reports reviewed by PHC leadership;
documentation of any patient flow projects being performed (including reasons for performing
the projects); internal throughput data collected by emergency unit, and clinics; and support
services such as patient transport and housekeeping.
5. Analysis from a high-risk process.

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6. Emergency management policy.

7. Emergency management protocols.
8. Annual risk assessment and annual review of the program.
9. Assessment-based, prioritized goals.
10. Infection control surveillance data from the past 12 months.
11. All policies, procedures, and plans.

Who should collaborate?

Survey coordinator and policy stakeholders.

Patient Journey Tracer

Why will it happen?

Patient journey tracer is defined as "an assessment, made by surveyors shadowing the sequential
steps of a patient's clinical care, of the processes in an organization that guide the quality and
safety of care delivered" (Greenfield et al., 2012a: 495). GAHAR surveyors shall follow the course
of care and services provided to the patient to assess relationships among disciplines and
important functions and evaluate the performance of processes relevant to the individual.

What will happen?

The tracer process takes surveyors across a wide variety of services. The tracer methodology's
use of face-to-face discussions with healthcare professionals, staff members, and patients,
combined with a review of patient's medical records and the observations of surveyors. Quality,
timeliness of entries, and legibility of recording in the patient's medical record are also crucial to
safe, effective care because healthcare professionals rely on it to communicate with each other
about treatment needs and decisions. This shall help guide surveyors as they trace a patient's
progress. The individual tracer begins in the location where the patient and their medical record
are located. The surveyor starts the tracer by reviewing a file of care with the staff person
responsible for the individual's care, treatment, or services. The surveyor then begins the tracer
by following the course of care, treatment, or services provided to the patient, assessing the
interrelationships between disciplines, programs, services, or units (where applicable), and the
important functions in the care, treatment or services provided which may lead to identifying issues
related to care processes.

Most GAHAR standards can be triggered during a patient journey tracer, which may also include
interviewing staff, patients, or family members. Staff members may be interviewed to assess
organization processes that support or may be a barrier to patient services; communications and
coordination with other staff members, Transitions-related resources and processes available
through the PHC; and awareness of roles and responsibilities related to the various policies.
Patients or family members may be interviewed to assess coordination and timeliness of services
provided, education, including the perception of care and services.

How to prepare?
Every effort needs to be exerted to assure the confidentiality and privacy of patients during tracers,
including no video or audio recording and no crowdedness. A surveyor may arrive in a clinic and
need to wait for staff to become available. If this happens, the surveyor may use this time to
evaluate the environment of care issues or observe the care, treatment, or services being
assessed. All efforts will be made to avoid having multiple tracers or tours in the same place at the
same time.

Who should collaborate?

Survey coordinator and any staff member (when relevant).


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Why will it happen?

To allow time for the surveyor and for PHC staff to use the information learned.

What will happen?

The GAHAR surveyor may meet in their base alone.

How to prepare?
Make sure that the place is not going to be used during the break time.

Who should collaborate?

Only GAHAR surveyors.

Daily Briefing

Why will it happen?

The GAHAR surveyor may summarize the events of the previous day and communicate
observations according to standards areas.

What will happen?

GAHAR surveyors briefly summarize the survey activities completed the previous day. GAHAR
surveyors shall make general comments regarding significant issues from the previous day and
note potential non-compliance, with a focus on patient safety. GAHAR surveyors shall allow time
to provide information that they may have missed or that they requested during the previous survey

*Note: PHC staff may present to surveyors information related to corrective actions being
implemented for any issues of non-compliance. Surveyors may still record the observations and

How to prepare?
A room shall be available to accommodate all attendees.

Who should collaborate?

Suggested participants include representative(s) from governance, PHC Director, PHC leaders,
individual coordinating the GAHAR survey, and other staff at the discretion of PHC leaders.

Staff Members File Review

Why will it happen?

The review of files in itself is not the primary focus of this session. However, the surveyor may
verify process-related information through recorded in staff member’s files. The surveyor may
identify specific staff whose files they would like to review.

What will happen?

The GAHAR surveyor may ensure that a random sample of staff files is reviewed. The minimum
number of records selected for review is five staff member files. The minimum number of case file
records required to be selected by the surveyor for review is no more than 5 (five) records total. If
findings are observed during the file review, the survey team may request additional file samples
to substantiate the findings recorded from the initial sample. Throughout the review process, if a
large number of findings are observed, the survey team may document whether the findings
constitute a level of non-compliance. The surveyor may focus on the orientation of staff, job
responsibilities, and/or clinical responsibilities, experience, education, and abilities assessment,
ongoing education and training, performance evaluation, credentialing, and competency

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How to prepare?
The PHC shall produce a complete list of all staff members, including those who are outsourced,
contracted, full-timers, fixed-timers, part-timers, visitors, volunteers, and others.

Who should collaborate?

Representatives from medical management, nursing management, and administrative teams.

Environment and Facility Safety Plans Review

Why will it happen?

The GAHAR surveyor may assess the PHC degree of compliance with relevant standards and
identify vulnerabilities and strengths in the environment and facility safety plans.

What will happen?

There shall be a group discussion. Surveyors are not the primary speakers during this time; they
are listeners to the discussion, the surveyor may review the environment of care risk categories as
indicated in the PHC risk assessment and safety data analysis and actions taken by the PHC.

How to prepare?
Make sure that those responsible for environment and facility safety plans are available for
discussion. Also, the following documents have to be available:
 PHC licenses, or equivalent.
 An organization chart.
 A map of the PHC, if available.
 List of all sites that are eligible for a survey.
 Environment and facility safety data.
 environment and facility safety plans and annual evaluations.
 Environment and facility safety multidisciplinary team meeting minutes prior to the survey.
 Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) and a recorded annual review and update, including
communications plans.
 Annual training.

Who should collaborate?

Environment and facility safety responsible staff members such as safety management
representatives, information technology (IT) representatives, and the person responsible for
emergency management.

Environment of Care Tour

Why will it happen?

The GAHAR surveyor may observe and evaluate the PHC's actual performance in managing
environment and facility risks.

What will happen?

The GAHAR surveyor may begin where the risk is encountered, first occurs, or take a top-
down/bottom-up approach. The GAHAR surveyor may interview staff to describe or demonstrate
their roles and responsibilities for minimizing the risk, what they are to do if a problem or incident
occurs, and how to report the problem or incident. The surveyor may assess any physical controls
for minimizing the risk (i.e., equipment, alarms, building features), assess the emergency plan for
responding to utility system disruptions or failures(e.g., an alternative source of utilities, notifying
staff, how and when to perform emergency clinical interventions when utility systems fail, and
obtaining repair services), assess If equipment, alarms, or building features are present for
controlling the particular risk, reviewing the implementation of relevant inspection, testing, or
maintenance procedures. The surveyor may also assess hazardous

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materials management, waste management, and safety or security measures.

How to prepare?
Ensure that keys, communication tools, and contacts are available so the GAHAR surveyor may
be able to access all PHC facilities smoothly.

Who should collaborate?

Environment and facility safety responsible staff members such as representatives of safety
management, information technology (IT) representative, and the person responsible for
emergency management.

Leadership Interview

Why will it happen?

The surveyor will learn about PHC governance and management structure and processes.

What will happen?

GAHAR surveyor may address the following issues
 The structure and composition of the governing body.
 The functioning, participation, and involvement of the governing body in the oversight and
 The governing body’s perception and implementation of its role in the PHC.
 Governing body members understanding of performance improvement approaches and
 Pertinent GAHAR Leadership standards relevant to the governing body, direction, and
leadership in the PHC, including organizational culture.
 Surveyors may explore, through PHC-specific examples, leadership commitment to the
improvement of quality and safety, creating a culture of safety, robust process improvement,
and observations that may be indicative of system-level concerns.

How to prepare?
The GAHAR surveyor may need a quiet area for a brief interactive discussion with PHC leaders.
The following documents may be reviewed during this session.
 PHC structure.
 PHC strategic plan.
 PHC ethical framework.
 Leadership safety rounds.
 Safety culture assessment.
 Patient centeredness initiatives medical staff bylaws and rules and regulations.
 Peer Review process and results.

Who should collaborate?

Required participants include at least the following: PHC director, governing body representative,
and performance improvement coordinator.

Financial Stewardship Review

Why will it happen?

The surveyor will learn about PHC financial stewardship structure and processes.

What will happen?

The GAHAR surveyor may address topics related to financial stewardship, such as observations
noted during PHC tours and tracers, the billing process, contractor's performance, availability of
staff, supplies, and equipment.

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How to prepare?
The GAHAR surveyor may need a quiet area for a brief interactive discussion with financial
stewardship representatives.
The following documents may be reviewed during this session.
 List of all contracted services.
 Agreement with outsourced providers of laundry, sterilization, housekeeping, referral
laboratory, radiology, and other services.
 Contractor monitoring data.
 Feedback reports from payers.
 Cost reduction projects.

Who should collaborate?

Required participants include at least the following: PHC director, procurement responsible staff
member, clinical responsible staff member, and finance responsible staff member.

Patient’s medical record Review

Why will it happen?

The review of files, in itself, is not the primary focus of this session. However, the surveyor may
verify process-related information through recording in patients’ medical records. The surveyor
may identify specific patients whose files they would like to review.

What will happen?

The GAHAR surveyor may ensure that a random sample of the patient's medical record is
reviewed. A sample of both open and closed cases should be reviewed. Record review should
include a random sample. The sample selected shall represent a cross-section of the cases
performed at the PHC. The minimum number of case file records required to be selected by the
surveyor for review is no more than five records IN total. If findings are observed during the file
review, the survey team may request additional file samples to substantiate the findings recorded
from the initial sample. Throughout the review process, if a large number of findings are observed,
the survey team may document whether the findings constitute a level of non-compliance. The
total number of records within the six-month case period should be recorded in the review form.

How to prepare?
The PHC is required to produce a log or other record of closed cases for the previous six-month
period, and the surveyor may select a sample of medical records to review.

Who should collaborate?

Representatives from PHC medical, nursing, and other healthcare teams in addition to information
management representatives.

Medication Management Review

Why will it happen?

The GAHAR surveyor may learn about the planning, implementation, and evaluation of the
medication management program, identify who is responsible for its day-to-day implementation,
evaluate its outcome and understand the processes used by the PHC to reduce medication errors
and antibiotics stewardship.

What will happen?

The GAHAR surveyor may evaluate PHC medication management systems by performing system
tracers. Discussions in this interactive session with staff include:

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 The flow of the processes, including identification and management of risk points, integration
of key activities, and communication among staff/units involved in the process with a focus on
the management of high-risk medications, look-alike, sound-alike, concentrated electrolytes,
and medication errors.
 Strengths in the processes and possible actions to be taken in areas needing improvement,
with a special focus on:
- Antimicrobial stewardship, including a document that describes how the PHC uses the
antibiotic stewardship program, and PHC-approved antimicrobial stewardship protocols
(e.g., policies, procedures, or order sets are acceptable).
- Process for reporting errors, system breakdowns, near misses or overrides, data collection,
analysis, systems evaluation, and performance improvement initiatives.

How to prepare?
The GAHAR surveyor may need a quiet area for a brief interactive discussion with staff who
oversee the medication management program. Then time may be spent where the medication is
received, stored, dispensed, prepared, or administered.
The following documents may be reviewed during this session.
 Medication management policies.
 Core elements of PHC antibiotic stewardship programs.
 Antimicrobial stewardship data.
 Antimicrobial stewardship reports documenting improvement.

Who should collaborate?

Suggested participants include clinical and support staff responsible for medication management

Infection Prevention and Control Program Review

Why will it happen?

The GAHAR surveyor may learn about the planning, implementation, and evaluation of the
infection prevention and control program, identify who is responsible for its day-to-day
implementation, evaluate its outcome and Understand the processes used by the PHC to reduce

What will happen?

The GAHAR surveyor may evaluate the PHC’s IPC systems by performing system tracers.
Discussions in this interactive session with staff include:
 The flow of the processes, including identification and management of risk points, integration
of key activities and communication among staff/units involved in the process; how individuals
with infections are identified, laboratory testing and confirmation process, if applicable; staff
orientation and training activities and, current and past surveillance activity.
 Strengths in the processes and possible actions to be taken in areas needing improvement;
analysis of infection control data; reporting of infection control data; prevention and control
activities (for example, staff training, staff vaccinations and other health-related requirements,
housekeeping procedures, PHC-wide hand hygiene, and the storage, cleaning, disinfection,
sterilization and/or disposal of supplies and equipment); staff exposure; physical facility
changes that can impact infection control; and actions taken as a result of surveillance and
outcomes of those actions.

How to prepare?
The GAHAR surveyor may need a quiet area for a brief interactive discussion with staff who
oversee the infection prevention and control process. Then a tour may follow.
The following documents may be reviewed during this session:

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 Infection prevention and control policies.

 Infection control education and training records.
 Infection control measures data.

Who should collaborate?

Suggested participants include the infection control coordinator, physician member of the infection
control team, healthcare professionals from the laboratory, safety management staff, PHC
leadership, and staff involved in the direct provision of care or services.

Quality Program Review

Why will it happen?

The GAHAR surveyor may learn about the planning, implementation, and evaluation of the quality
management program; identify who is responsible for its day-to-day implementation; evaluate its
outcome; and understand the processes used by the PHC to reduce risks.

What will happen?

Discussions in this interactive session with staff include:
- The flow of the processes, including identification and management of risk points, integration
of key activities and communication among staff/units involved in the process.
- Strengths in the processes and possible actions to be taken in areas needing improvement.
- Use of data.
- Issues requiring further exploration in other survey activities.
- A baseline assessment of standards compliance.

How to prepare?
The GAHAR surveyor may need a quiet area for a brief interactive discussion with staff who
oversee the quality management program. Then time may be spent where improvement was
The following documents may be reviewed during this session:
 Quality management program.
 Performance improvement projects.
 Performance management measures.
 Risk management registers, records, and logs.

Who should collaborate?

Suggested staff members include quality management staff, healthcare professionals involved in
data collection, aggregation, and interpretation, performance improvement teams.

Report Preparation

Why will it happen?

To provide an opportunity for clarification and consolidation of any findings.

What will happen?

Surveyors use this session to compile, analyze, and organize the data collected during the survey
into a report reflecting the PHC compliance with the standards. Surveyors may also ask
organization representatives for additional information during this session.

How to prepare?
GAHAR surveyors may need a room that includes a conference table, power outlets, telephone
access, and internet coverage.

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Who should collaborate?

Only GAHAR surveyors.

Executive Report

Why will it happen?

To give an opportunity to brief the most relevant outcomes of the survey and help the prioritization
of post-accreditation activities.

What will happen?

GAHAR surveyors may review the survey findings with the most senior leader and discuss any
concerns about the report.

How to prepare?
The GAHAR surveyor may need a quiet private area for a brief interactive discussion with the most
senior leader.

Who should collaborate?

The available PHC most senior leaders and others at their discretion.

Exit Conference

Why will it happen?

To thank the PHC team for participation and share the important findings in the accreditation

What will happen?

Surveyors shall verbally review the survey findings summary if desired by the most senior leader,
and review identified standards compliance issues.

How to prepare?
PHC available most senior leader may invite staff to attend, an area that can accommodate
attending staff is required.

Who should collaborate?

Suggested participants include the available PHC most senior leader or designee, other leaders,
and staff as identified by the most senior leader or designee.

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The analysis of annual medication consumption and cost in order to
ABC analysis
determine which items account for the greatest proportion of the budget.
Adherence to The degree to which the person's behaviour corresponds with the agreed
medication recommendations from a healthcare professional.
Adverse drug
An injury resulting from medication intervention related to a drug.
event (ADE)
A response to a medication which is noxious and unintended, and which
Adverse drug
occurs at doses normally used in man for the prophylaxis, diagnosis, or
reaction (ADR)
therapy of disease, or for the modifications of physiological function.
Medical occurrence temporally associated with the use of a medicinal
Adverse effect
product, but not necessarily causally related.
They are particles ≤ 5µ in size that remain suspended in the air and travel
great distances.
A coordinated program that promotes the appropriate use of antimicrobials
Antimicrobial (including antibiotics) improves patient outcomes, reduces microbial
stewardship resistance, and decreases the spread of infections caused by multidrug-
resistant organisms.
They are substances that reduce or stop the growth of potentially harmful
microorganisms on the skin and mucous membranes. Or Antimicrobial
substances that are applied to the skin to reduce the number of microbial
The process of reviewing an initial applicant’s credentials to decide if the
applicant is qualified to provide patient care services that the PHC’s patients
need and that the PHC can support with qualified staff and technical
It is a method designed to reduce the risk of microbial contamination in a
Aseptic vulnerable body site. This may include procedures like undertaking a wound
technique dressing or performing an invasive procedure such as inserting a urinary
catheter or preparing an intravenous infusion.
it is a biological agent or condition that carries a risk of danger to humans or
the environment.
The procedure and action by which an authorized organization evaluates
and certifies that a person, institution, or program meets requirements.
Someone who has passed exams from an accredited organization related to
Certified person
the work that they shall perform.
It is the process of removing foreign material (e.g., soil, organic material,
microorganisms) from an object.
Clinical pathway An agreed-upon treatment regime that includes all elements of care.
Statements that help healthcare professionals and patients choose
appropriate healthcare for specific clinical conditions (for example,
Clinical practice recommendations on the case management of diarrhea in children under the
guidelines age of five years). The healthcare professional is guided through all steps of
consultation (questions to ask, physical signs to look for, lab exams to
prescribe, assessment of the situation, and treatment to prescribe).
A disease that is capable of spreading from one person to another through
a variety of ways, including contact with blood and bodily fluids, breathing,
A determination of the staff’s job knowledge, skills, and behaviors to meet
Competence or
defined expectations. Knowledge is the understanding of facts and
procedures. Skill is the ability to perform specific actions, behaviors, such as

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the ability to work in teams, are frequently considered as a part of


One who is capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the

surroundings or working conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous, or
safety person
dangerous to staff.
The presence of unwanted material or organism, such as an infectious
agent, bacteria, parasite, or another contaminant, that is introduced to an
environment, surface, object, or substance, such as water, food, or sterile
medical supplies.
The process of obtaining, verifying, assessing, and attesting the
qualifications of a physician. The process determines if a staff member can
Credentialing provide patient care services in or for a healthcare organization. The process
of periodically checking the physician’s qualifications is called re-
Evidence of competence, current and relevant licensure, education, training,
Credentials and experience. Other defined criteria may be added by a healthcare
Defaulters someone who fails to do something that they should do by law
They are substances that are applied to the surface of non-living objects in
order to destroy microorganisms but not necessarily bacterial spores.
The process of reducing the number of pathogenic microorganisms, but not
necessarily bacterial spores to a level which is no longer harmful to health.
It may be high level, intermediate level or low level disinfection depending
on the level of probable risk.
Preparing, packaging, and distributing to a patient a course of therapy on the
basis of a prescription.
A large respiratory particle ≥ 5µ, which is generated when an infected person
coughs, sneezes, or talks, or during procedures such as suctioning,
Droplet endotracheal intubation, cough induction by chest physiotherapy or
cardiopulmonary resuscitation; with possible transmission within 2 meters
from the patient source.
Drug and
The committee that evaluates the clinical use of medications, develops
policies for managing pharmaceutical use and administration and manages
the formulary system
A manual containing a clinically oriented summary of pharmacological
information about a selected number of medications. The manual may also
Drug formulary
include administrative and regulatory information pertaining to medication
prescribing and dispensing.
An action taken at any time to call back or remove a defective or harmful
drug product from the market when it is being discovered to be in violation of
Drug recall
laws and regulations. This includes expired, outdated, damaged, dispensed
but not used, and/or contaminated medications.
A system defined that alerts appropriate individuals when a
Drug Recall company/manufacturer is calling back a drug product due to a defect in
System manufacturing, contamination, or being discovered to be in violation of laws
and regulations.
The usual incidence of disease within a geographic area during a specified
time period.
The Expanded EPI is a priority programme for Egypt due to its cost-effective ability to save
Programme of lives. EPI in Egypt has achieved several successes in controlling vaccine
Immunization preventable diseases, including strong national vaccination coverage of over
(EPI) 90%, through an increase of vaccine coverage and continuous surveillance

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leading to reduced illness, disability and death from diseases such as

diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, measles and polio.
Epidemic A higher than expected level of infection by a common agent in a defined
infection population during a defined period.
Expired Medication that is past the expiry date listed on the original packaging from
medication the manufacturer.
Refers to the outside of the organization, such as comparing data with other
organizations or contributing to Egypt’s required database.
A systematic approach to examining a design prospectively for possible
Failure mode ways failure may occur. The ways failure may occur are then prioritized to
and effects help organizations create design improvements that shall have the most
analysis benefit. This tool assumes that no matter how knowledgeable or careful
(FMEA) people are, errors shall occur in some situations and may even be likely to
A formulary containS a collection of formulas for the compounding and
testing of medication (a resource closer to what would be referred to as a
pharmacopeia today). Today, the main function of a prescription formulary is
to specify particular medications that are approved to be prescribed at a
particular organization, in a particular health system, or under a particular
Formulary health insurance policy. The development of prescription formularies is
based on evaluations of efficacy, safety, and cost-effectiveness of
medications. Depending on the formulary, it may also contain additional
clinical information, such as side effects, contraindications, and doses. The
PHC formulary list should be according to the national essential medicines
The individual(s) or group that has ultimate authority and responsibility for
Governing body developing policy, maintaining the quality of care, and providing for
organization management and planning for the organization.
A general term that applies to handwashing, antiseptic hand wash,
Hand hygiene
antiseptic hand rub, or surgical hand antisepsis.

The transfer of responsibility for a patient and patient care that occurs in the
healthcare setting.

The PHC written document that describes the process it would implement
for managing the hazardous materials and waste from source to disposal.
The plan describes activities selected and implemented by the PHC to
assess and control occupational and environmental hazards of materials and
waste (anything that can cause harm, injury, ill-health, or damage) that
materials and
require special handling. Hazardous materials include radioactive or
waste plan
chemical materials. Hazardous wastes include the biologic waste that can
transmit disease (for example, blood, and tissues), radioactive materials,
toxic chemicals, and infectious waste, such as used needles and used
Healthcare Any person working in a PHC or healthcare centre, whether he is a
professional physician, nurse, technician, housekeeper, administrator etc.
High-efficiency particulate air filter is defined as a filter with efficiency of
HEPA filter 99.97% in removing particles 0.3 microns or more in size, which makes it
suitable for prevention of airborne pathogens.
High-risk Medications that bear a heightened risk of causing significant patient harm
medication when they are used in error.
The practice that serves to keep people and environments clean and prevent

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The process whereby a person is made immune or resistant to an infectious

disease, typically by the administration of a vaccine (active immunisation) or
Immunization serum containing desired antibodies (passive immunisation). Vaccines
stimulate the body’s own immune system to protect the person against
subsequent infection or disease. Infection control practitioner
An organized system of services designed to meet the needs of the PHC in
Infection control
relation to the surveillance, prevention, and control of infection, which
impacts patients, staff, physicians, and/or visitors.
Infection The transmission of a pathogenic microorganism.
A written list of all the objects, abilities, assets, or resources in a particular
Investigational A chemical or biological substance that has been tested in the laboratory
drug and approved for testing in people during clinical trials.
Committee comprised of members from a variety of disciplines within the
IPC committee healthcare facility, bringing together individuals with expertise in different
areas of healthcare.
Statements or directions specifying required decisions and actions.
Job description Penalties, legal or otherwise, are normally assessed when laws and
regulations are not followed.
A quantifiable measure used to evaluate the success of a PHC, employee,
Statements or directions specifying required decisions and actions.
Laws and
Penalties, legal or otherwise, are normally assessed when laws and
regulations are not followed.
A person who sets expectations, develops plans and implements procedures
Leader to assess and improve the quality of the PHC governance, management,
clinical, and support functions and processes.
The possibility to read or decipher. The writing is clearly written so that every
Legibility letter or number cannot be misinterpreted. It is legible when any individual
can read the handwritten documentation or physician order.
Look-alike These are medications that are visually similar in physical appearance or
sound-alike packaging and names of medications that have spelling similarities and/or
medication similar phonetics.
Regulations and/or rules adopted by the medical staff and the governing
Medical staff
body of the PHC for governance, defining rights and obligations of various
officers, persons, or groups within the medical staff’s structure.
Medical staff Licensed physician and licensed dentist.
Any prescription medications including narcotics; herbal remedies; vitamins;
nutraceuticals, over-the-counter medications; vaccines; biological,
diagnostic and contrast agent used on or administered to persons to
diagnose, treat, or prevent disease or other abnormal conditions; radioactive
Medication medications; respiratory therapy treatments; parenteral nutrition; blood
products; medication containing products, and intravenous solutions with
electrolytes and/or medications. The definition of the medication does not
include enteral nutrition solutions (which are considered food products),
oxygen, and other medical gases unless explicitly stated.
Any preventable event that may cause inappropriate medication use or
endangers patient safety. Examples are wrong patient, medication, dose,
Medication error time, and the route; incorrect ordering, dispensing, or transcribing; missed or
delayed treatments. Any professional/discipline/staff who handle
medications can be involved in the error.
Medication A unit of a prescription medication that is not intended to be sold and is
sample intended to promote the sale of the medication. A medication sample is given

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to the patient in very limited circumstances that should be defined in the PHC
Medication- An event or circumstance involving medication therapy that actually or
related problem potentially interferes with desired health outcomes.
An unplanned event that did not result in injury, illness, or damage – but had
Near miss
the potential to do so.
Nonclinical staff Those who provide indirect patient care (housekeeping, food service, etc.)
Written directions provided by a prescribing practitioner for a specific
medication to be administered to an individual. The prescribing practitioner
may also give a medication order verbally to a licensed person such as a
pharmacist or a nurse.
An excess over the expected (usual) level of a disease within a geographic
area; however, one case of an unusual disease may constitute an outbreak.
Outdated Medication that is opened and is typically safe and effective to use for a
medication short period of time after opening (shelf life).
Equipment worn to minimize exposure to hazards that cause serious
workplace injuries and/or illnesses.
A plan that identifies the patient’s care needs lists the strategy to meet those
needs, records treatment goals and objectives, develops defined criteria for
Plan of care ending interventions, and records the patient’s progress in meeting specified
goals and objectives. It is based on data gathered during patient
A detailed method, formulated beforehand that identifies needs lists
strategies to meet those needs, and sets goals and objectives. The format
of the plan may include narratives, policies, and procedures, protocols,
practice guidelines, clinical paths, care maps, or a combination of these.
Policy A guiding principle used to set direction in a PHC.
Post exposure A preventive medical treatment that is started after exposure to a pathogen
prophylaxis in order to prevent the infection from taking place.
Tools that describe processes found by clinical trials or by consensus opinion
of experts to be the most effective in evaluating and/or treating a patient who
Practice has a specific symptom, condition, or diagnosis, or describe a specific
guidelines procedure. Synonyms include practice parameters, protocol, preferred
practice pattern, and guideline. Also, see evidence- (scientific) - based
guidelines and clinical practice guidelines.
Advising and authorizing the use of a medication or treatment for someone,
especially in writing.
Latin abbreviation meaning Pro re nata, frequently used to denote
“whenever necessary” or “As needed."
A series of steps to be followed as a uniform and repetitive approach to
accomplish an end result. Procedures provide a platform for uniform
Procedure implementation to decrease process variation, which increases procedure
control. Decreasing process variation is how we eliminate waste and
increase performance.
A series of actions (or activities) that transform the inputs (resources) into
outputs (services). For example, a rural health education program shall
require that staff to develop an education strategy, develop educational
materials, and deliver the education sessions.
All operations performed to render a contaminated reusable or single-use
Processing (disposable) device ready again for patient use. The steps may include
cleaning and disinfection/sterilization. The manufacturer of reusable devices

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and single-use devices that are marketed as non-sterile should provide

validated reprocessing instructions in the labeling.

The process of acquiring supplies, including those obtained by purchase,

donation, and manufacture. It involves efforts to quantify requirements,
select appropriate procurement methods, and prequalify suppliers and
products. It also involves managing tenders, establishing contract terms,
assuring medications quality, obtaining the best prices, and ensuring
adherence to contract terms.
A plan of action aimed at accomplishing a clear business objective, with
Program details on what work is to be performed, by whom, when, and what means
or resources shall be used.
A planned set of interrelated tasks to be executed over a fixed period and
within certain cost and other limitations.
Protocol A detailed scientific treatment plan for using a new treatment
The sending of a patient from one clinician to another clinician or specialist
or from one setting or service to another or another resource
Resources of procurement of medications /paramedical supplies
/pharmaceutical devices only from authoritative sources and professional
organizations that can help to ensure avoidance of counterfeit, diverted, or
stolen; Potentially intentionally adulterated, or the subject of a fraudulent
Respiratory This comprises infection prevention measures designed to limit the
hygiene transmission of respiratory pathogens spread by droplet or airborne routes.
The identification, evaluation, and estimation of the levels of risks involved
in a situation, their comparison against benchmarks or standards, and
determination of an acceptable level of risk.
A process for identifying the basic or causal factor(s) that underlies variation
Root cause
in performance, including the occurrence or possible occurrence of a sentinel
It is a practice intended to prevent needle stick injuries and other possible
contamination during syringe introduction in a patient; ultimately preventing
Safe injection
transmission of blood borne infectious diseases between one patient and
another, or between a patient and a healthcare professional.
it is a condition concerning public health, especially indicating provision of
clean drinking water, and adequate sewage disposal.
Scope (care or The range and type of services offered by the PHC and any conditions or
services) limits to the service coverage.
The range of activities performed by a healthcare professional (physician,
Scope of
nurse) in the organization. The scope is determined by training, tradition, law
or regulation, or the organization.
An unexpected occurrence involving death or serious physical or
Sentinel event
psychological injury or the risk thereof.
The pharmacological effect of a medication, normally adverse, other than the
Side effect
one(s) for which the medication is prescribed.
Solid or
contaminated Linen that has been solid with infectious materials (OSHA definition).
A method of classification of the different medical instrumentation based on
device usage and body contact into three categories, critical, semi-critical
and non-critical dictated by the infection risk involved by using it.
A controlled process that destroys all microorganisms including bacterial

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A quantity of something accumulated, as for future use, regularly kept on

hand, as for use or sale.
Stocking The activity of supplying a stock of something or items.
A place for storing, an amount stored, or the act of storing that it is kept in a
Storage Space
special place until it is needed.
A systemic and ongoing method of data collection, presentation and
Surveillance analysis, followed by dissemination of that information to those who can
improve outcomes.
The time between the occurrence of an event and the availability of data
about the event. Timeliness is related to the use of the data.
Orders in which the medication dose is progressively increased or
Titrating order
decreased in response to the patient’s status.
The legitimate copying of prescription information from one source to
another without any alterations or additions
A disease with the ability to be passed on from one person or organism to
The use, patterns of use, or rates of use of specified healthcare service.
Overuse occurs when a healthcare service is provided under circumstances
in which its potential for harm exceeds the possible benefits. Underuse is the
failure to use a necessary healthcare service when it would have produced
a favourable outcome for a patient. Misuse occurs when an appropriate
service has been selected, but a preventable complication occurs. All three
reflect a problem in the quality of healthcare. They can increase mortality risk
and diminish the quality of life.
The differences in results obtained in measuring the same event more than
once. The sources of variation can be grouped into two major classes
Variation common causes and special causes. Too much variation often leads to
waste and loss, such as the occurrence of undesirable patient health
outcomes and increased cost of health services.
A known method to help set up priories for purchasing medications and
keeping stock. Medications are divided according to their health impact into
VEN analysis
vital, essential, and non-essential categories. It allows medications of
differing efficacy and usefulness to be compared.

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Egyptian Ethical Framework
1. Egyptian Constitution
2. Universal Declaration on Human Rights, 1964
3. Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam, 1990
4. Cairo Declaration on Woman Health
5. Egyptian Code of Medical Ethics 238, 2003
6. Egyptian Code of Nursing Ethics (Nursing Syndicate Publications)
7. Code of Ethics and Behavior for Civil Service Staff, 2019
8. Pharmacist Code of Ethics

Egyptian Laws and Regulations

9. Law 10/2018, Rights of the Handicapped
10. Law 181/2018, Egyptian Consumer Protection
11. Law 206/2017, Advertisement for Healthcare Services
12. Egyptian Consent laws
13. Egyptian Standards for Accounting, 609/2016
14. Presidential decree 151/2019 for Egyptian Drug Authority
15. Ministry of finance decree 18/2019: Non-Monetary Payment
16. Law 2/2018 on Universal Health Insurance
17. MOHP Ministerial decree 116/2017
18. Law of Trade Unions and Protection 213/2017
19. Presidential decree number 3185/2016
20. MOHP Ministerial decree number 523 / 2015 for reuse of single used devices and
21. MOHP Ministerial decree number 753 / 2015 for medical waste management
22. Presidential decree number 14 / 2014 for performance evaluation
23. Prime Minister decree, 1063/2014 Management of Emergency cases
24. Ministry of finance decree 270/2009: Governmental Archives list
25. Law 126/2008 on Egyptian Children
26. MOHP Ministerial decree number 458/2007 for potable water
27. Ministry of communication and information technology decree 109/2005: Electronic
28. MOHP Ministerial decree number 153/2004 for prevention of viral hepatitis
29. MOHP Ministerial decree number 187/2004 for infection control personnel
30. MOHP Ministerial decree 62/2004 on the promotion of doctors
31. MOHP Ministerial decree number 99/2002 for developing infection prevention and control
32. MOHP Ministerial decree 25/2002 for medical responsibility and suspension of medical
33. MOHP Ministerial decree number 100/2002 for developing infection prevention and control
34. MOHP Ministerial decree 306/2002 on medication storage spaces
35. MOHP Ministerial decree 186/2001 Management of emergency cases
36. MOHP Ministerial decree 186/2001 Patient right to know expected cost of care
37. Law 192/2001 for Hazardous waste management
38. MOHP Ministerial decree 293/2000 on the promotion of doctors
39. Regulation of tenders and auctions law and law 89/998 and its regulations issued by the
Minister of Finance decree 1367/1998.
40. MOHP ministerial decree 70/1996 work of foreign experts
41. Law 4/1994 on Egyptian environment
42. MOHP Ministerial decree 216/1982 Healthcare facilities organization
43. Law 140/1981 on practicing midwifery
44. Law 2915/1964 Establishment of CAPMAS
45. Law 35/1960 National census and statistics

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General Authority for Healthcare Accreditation and Regulation

46. Law 59/1960 regulation of Medical Imaging work

47. Law 127/1955 on practicing the profession of pharmacy
48. National law for laboratories, 367/ 1954
49. Practicing the Human medicine profession law 415/1954
50. Law 537/1954 on Practicing of the dental profession
51. Law 58/1937 on Egyptian Criminal code
52. Egyptian Law for Elderly Care

Egyptian Guidelines, Codes, and References

53. The Egyptian code for healthcare facilities design
54. The Egyptian code of building for handicapped
55. The Green Pyramid Rating System (GPRS)
56. Civil defense guidelines and instructions
57. Egypt 2030 vision, Ministry of planning
58. Abuse: Managing victims of social abuse guidelines – ministry of health, UNFPA
59. Environmental Safety: National strategy in disasters management
60. Environmental Safety: Atomic Energy Commission rules
61. Environmental Safety: The Egyptian Guideline for Medical Device Vigilance System
62. Infection Control: National guidelines for infection control
63. Inspection: Requirements of inspection per MOHP law and regulation
64. Laboratory: Tuberculosis Labs manual, Egyptian MOHP 2015
65. Nursing: Nursing Syndicate Publications – Nursing Guidelines
66. Pharmacy: Central pharmacy role and scope
67. Pharmacy: Egyptian Clinical pharmacy standards of practice
68. Radiology: Egyptian Swiss Radiology program, MOH
69. Quality: PHC Performance Indicators Guide by HIO, 2013
70. Social services: Social services scope of practice as approved by MOHP
72. Social services: Quality measurement for a “social services specialist” in healthcare
73. Social services: Social services role in the control of infectious diseases.

International References
74. American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) standards for 2019
75. Anatomic pathology and Microbiology checklists, CAP accreditation program, 2014
76. Guidance in environmental safety book – part 6
77. HIPAA— Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Regulations1996.
78. Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP): List of Error-Prone Abbreviations, Symbols,
and Dose Designations
79. ISO 15189, 2012
80. Jeddah Declaration on Patient Safety 2019
81. WHO Patient Safety Assessment Manual
82. WHO Core Medical equipment
83. WHO Early Warning Alert and Response Network in emergencies
84. WHO five moments for medication safety.
85. WHO Integrated care for older people (ICOPE) implementation framework: guidance for
systems and services
87. WHO Management of noncommunicable diseases in primary health care
88. WHO Good clinical diagnostic practice, 2005 WHO guidelines on medication safety in a
high-risk situation
89. WHO guidelines on medication safety in the transition of care
90. WHO International Health Regulation

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91. WHO guidelines on medication safety in polypharmacy

92. WHO List of essential in-vitro diagnostic tests, 2018
93. WHO Lab quality management system, 2011
94. WHO Laboratory biosafety manual, 2007
95. WHO Transition of care, 2016
96. WHO Safe Childbirth Checklist
97. WHO/UNICEF Baby-friendly PHC initiative
98. WHO-ILO HealthWISE action manual
99. Planetree certification standards
100. US Department of Labor: Occupational Safety and Health Administration. (2016) Worker
Safety in PHCs: Caring for Our Caregivers. Retrieved from:
101. The Joint Commission: Improving Patient and Worker Safety. Retrieved from:
102. US Department of Labor: Occupational Safety and Health Administration. (2016) About
OSHA. Retrieved from:
103. US Department of Labor: Occupational Safety and Health Administration. (2016) PHC
eTools: Intensive Care Units. Https://
104. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2016). Cases of Ebola Diagnosed in the
United States.
106. Joint Commission International Accreditation Standards for PHCs Handbook, 6th Edition
107. ICD-10-PCS
108. Picker Institute. (1987). Principles of patient-centered care. Retrieved from
109. GMC Promoting excellence: standards for medical education and training
111. WHO Surgical Safety Resources

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