4.15 Semperit - SM2 - EN

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Shotblast - 12 bar - EN ISO 3861

Application: Temperature range:

Classic shot blast hose with excellent tube quality for conveying -35°C / +80°C.
highly abrasive media such as quartz sand, steel shot, corundum,
Safety factor:
glass, etc.
3,5 : 1
Very long service life due to abrasion resistant tube.
NR/BR/SBR, black, abrasion resistant, antistatic, smooth.
Average wear of the tube 50 mm³ (according to DIN ISO
Textile wrapped.
Antistatic construction prevents the build-up of static electricity.
Standard/approval: SBR, black, resistant to ozone and weather, antistatic, cloth
Exceeds EN ISO 3861:2008. impression.
Notice: Marking:
A reinforced insert package for increased stability is available continuous mylartape, red letters:
upon request. "SEMPERIT (S) SM2® Sandstrahl Shotblast PN 12 bar".

Article number Internal-Ø in Wall width External-Ø Work. Number of Bending Weight Coil length
pressure inserts radius approx.
mm inch in mm in mm (max.) bar (min.) in mm kg/m (max.) m
48381 1370 13,0 1/2 7,0 27,0 12 2 130 0,50 40
48381 1670 16,0 5/8 7,0 30,0 12 2 160 0,55 40
48381 1970 19,0 3/4 7,0 33,0 12 2 190 0,65 40
48381 2570 25,0 1 7,0 39,0 12 2 250 0,75 40
48381 3280 32,0 1 1/4 8,0 48,0 12 2 320 1,10 40
48381 3212 32,0 1 1/4 12,0 56,0 12 4 350 1,80 40
48381 3890 38,0 1 1/2 9,0 56,0 12 2 380 1,45 40
48381 4290 42,0 9,0 60,0 12 2 420 1,70 40

Please note: Before using our products with new or untested media, or for applications that are not Important notice: Our catalogue and any individual datasheet have been prepared with great care in
clearly indicated in the product information, written advice must be obtained from a specialist dealer order to provide you with all the information you need. The information contained therein is based on the
or a Semperit application engineer. For safety reasons, all products must be inspected regularly for latest state-of-the-art industrial technology and many years of experience and testing; whenever indicated
operational safety and replaced in the event of any damage (especially of the cover) or unusual signs for a certain product, we also confirm conformity with the resistance requirements of the media listed in
of wear and tear. All products must be stored, handled and maintained in accordance with all our ISO TR 7620:2005(E). However, the individual conditions of storage, maintenance and use decisively affect
respective instructions and DIN 7716:1982. The information in our catalogue as well as each individual the safe and durable use of each product. The quality and safety of our products as indicated in the cata­
datasheet is subject to change at any time without notice since we are constantly developing and logue or individual datasheets are therefore strictly subject to the continuous observance of all specifica­
improving our products and due to constant technical developments after the latest release date of tions and restrictions in our written product information and applicable laws and standards, the specifica­
the catalogue and/or individual datasheets. In order to always have the latest product and safety tions regarding resistance to chemicals and our cleaning procedures. We reject any liability for safety issues
information make sure you visit our website (www.semperflex.com) regularly or contact one of our or other consequences due to improper product choice, maintenance or handling (e.g. squashing, ruptur­
specialist dealers or a Semperit application engineer. All contracts with Semperflex are exclusively ing, stretching or filling with non-approved media). Our products must not be used in airplanes or other
subject to our general terms and conditions (available at www.semperitgroup.com). Additional import­ aerial vehicles under any circumstance. Unless specified otherwise, all hoses are manufactured according to
ant general information about the range, choice and safe use of our products can be found at our EN ISO 1307:2008.
website (www.semperflex.com) and must be followed without exception.

Date: 01.07.2021 - V2

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