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Zero Trust Overview and Playbook Introduction: Guidance for business, security, and technology leaders and practitioners
Zero Trust Overview and Playbook Introduction: Guidance for business, security, and technology leaders and practitioners
Zero Trust Overview and Playbook Introduction: Guidance for business, security, and technology leaders and practitioners
Ebook538 pages4 hours

Zero Trust Overview and Playbook Introduction: Guidance for business, security, and technology leaders and practitioners

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About this ebook

Zero Trust is cybersecurity for the digital era and cloud computing, protecting business assets anywhere on any network. By going beyond traditional network perimeter approaches to security, Zero Trust helps you keep up with ever-evolving threats.
The playbook series provides simple, clear, and actionable guidance that fully answers your questions on Zero Trust using current threats, real-world implementation experiences, and open global standards.
The Zero Trust playbook series guides you with specific role-by-role actionable information for planning, executing, and operating Zero Trust from the boardroom to technical reality.
This first book in the series helps you understand what Zero Trust is, why it’s important for you, and what success looks like. You’ll learn about the driving forces behind Zero Trust – security threats, digital and cloud transformations, business disruptions, business resilience, agility, and adaptability. The six-stage playbook process and real-world examples will guide you through cultural, technical, and other critical elements for success.
By the end of this book, you’ll have understood how to start and run your Zero Trust journey with clarity and confidence using this one-of-a-kind series that answers the why, what, and how of Zero Trust!

Release dateOct 30, 2023
Zero Trust Overview and Playbook Introduction: Guidance for business, security, and technology leaders and practitioners

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    Zero Trust Overview and Playbook Introduction - Mark Simos

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    Zero Trust Overview and Playbook Introduction

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    First published: October 2023

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    ISBN 978-1-80056-866-2

    I dedicate this book to my wonderful and beautiful wife and children. Thank you for your patience, support, and love – I couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you!

    – Mark Simos

    To my wife, Peelu, and children, Nitin and Laya, whose immeasurable love, patience, and support helped me through the long journey of getting this book done.

    – Nikhil Kumar


    As global threats continue to compound, accelerate, and grow exponentially, there has never been a greater need for a change in thinking about cybersecurity. As a security practitioner since 2000, I have witnessed the ever-changing threat landscape and the evolution of industry solutions – as great innovation has attempted to keep pace with well-funded, well-orchestrated, and sophisticated attacks. Global organizations of all sizes and sectors have been impacted by the rampant pace of cyber-attacks – ransomware, DDoS, phishing, business email compromise, intellectual property theft, data theft, and cyber espionage, just to name a few of the types of attacks that exist today. Business has also become more digital, elevating security to an all-encompassing concern across business and technology. As we have witnessed this landscape changing, the industry also recognized it needed to evolve and change. With this recognition for change well understood, adopting a Zero Trust philosophy, architecture, and strategy became the rallying cry for cyber professionals.

    What is lost in the race for a better solution to the growing cyber threats is a unified definition and set of capabilities for the successful implementation of Zero Trust in an organization’s environment. Through their series of books, the authors of The Zero Trust Playbook Series, Nikhil Kumar and Mark Simos, attempt to answer questions surrounding Zero Trust – including the core defining capabilities and characteristics and how to successfully implement a Zero Trust architecture.

    Nikhil and Mark both have extensive professional experience on the front lines of cyber defense, advising global organizations on architecture and best practices. As they delve into the topic of Zero Trust, they not only define the topic but also provide answers to the why, as well as detailed guidance on the how.

    There has never been a greater need for a change in the cybersecurity defense methodology, and Zero Trust will bring the industry a long way toward maturity. Grounding this topic in pragmatic guidance while also clarifying why the purpose is a worthy task, I commend Nikhil and Mark for embarking on this journey.

    Ann Johnson

    Corporate Vice President – Microsoft


    About the authors

    Mark Simos helps individuals and organizations meet cybersecurity, cloud, and digital transformation goals. Mark is the lead cybersecurity architect for Microsoft, where he leads the development of cybersecurity reference architectures, strategies, prescriptive planning roadmaps, best practices, and other guidance. Mark is active in The Open Group where he contributes to Zero Trust standards and other publications.

    Mark is constantly gathering, analyzing, and refining insights, lessons, and best practices to help rapidly secure organizations in the digital age.

    Mark has presented at numerous conferences, including Black Hat, RSA Conference, Gartner Security & Risk Management, Microsoft Ignite and BlueHat, and Financial Executives International.

    You can find Mark on LinkedIn (

    Nikhil Kumar is the founder of ApTSi with prior leadership roles at PricewaterhouseCoopers and other firms. He has led the strategy and implementation of digital transformation, enterprise architecture, Zero Trust, and security, and security architecture initiatives from start-ups through to Fortune 5 companies, translating vision to execution.

    An engineer and computer scientist with a passion for biology, Nikhil is known for communicating with boards and implementing with engineers and architects.

    Nikhil is an MIT mentor, board member, innovator, and pioneer who has authored numerous books, standards, and articles and presented at conferences globally. He co-chairs The Open Group’s Zero Trust Working Group, a global standards initiative.

    You can find Nikhil on LinkedIn (

    Thank you to our many mentors and teachers over the years.

    Special thanks to Jon Shectman, Elizabeth Stephens, John Flores, Tom Quinn, Carmichael Patton, Steve White, Wes Malaby, Brent Holliman, Michele Simos, Neb Brankovic, Dinakar Sosale, and Paul Weisman for excellent and thoughtful feedback on early drafts. You made this so much better!

    We also want to thank the security and IT professionals on the front lines sacrificing to keep our organizations, society, and economy safe. Your work is deeply appreciated, and we hope this book helps you on your journey!

    About the reviewer

    Thomas Plunkett wrote his first computer program in 1981. He has industry experience with Oracle and IBM. He is the author of several books and a frequent public speaker. Thomas has a Master of Science degree in blockchain and digital currency from the University of Nicosia. He also has a Master of Science degree in computer science and applications from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. He has taken graduate courses from Stanford University on blockchain and cryptocurrency, computer security, cryptography, and other topics. He has a Bachelor of Arts degree in government and politics from George Mason University. He has a Juris Doctor degree from George Mason University Antonin Scalia Law School.

    Table of Contents



    Zero Trust – This Is the Way

    Introducing Zero Trust

    Introducing the Zero Trust Playbook Series

    Common Zero Trust questions



    Reading the Zero Trust Playbook Series

    Reading strategies

    How we structured the playbooks

    Zero Trust Overview and Playbook Introduction

    Business and Technical Leadership Playbook

    Technical Topic Playbooks




    Zero Trust Is Security for Today’s World

    Continuous change and why we need Zero Trust

    Changes come faster in the digital age

    Defining success in the digital age

    Technology accelerates change and complexity

    A darker trend – the growth of cybercrime

    Staying balanced – assume failure and assume success

    Cybersecurity or information security?

    Implications and imperatives of Zero Trust

    It’s a team sport

    Security must be agile

    Failure is not an option

    Dispelling confusion – frequently asked questions on Zero Trust

    Aren’t attackers just kids in their basements playing on computers?

    Shouldn’t security have solved this simple technical problem by now?

    Who are the attackers?

    Can’t we just arrest these criminals and put them in jail?

    Is this just a matter of spending more money?

    If I have a Zero Trust strategy and funding, can I make this go away quickly?

    Can we ever be completely safe? What should I do about it?

    Is this cyberwar?

    What are the most damaging attacks?

    What does success look like for security and Zero Trust?

    Why is Zero Trust so confusing?

    How do I know if something is Zero Trust?



    Standard Zero Trust Capabilities

    Consistency via a simple model and durable capabilities

    The Open Group Zero Trust Reference Model

    Security disciplines

    Digital ecosystems and business assets

    Key Zero Trust capabilities

    Capabilities as a common language of security

    Zero Trust capabilities reference

    Does Zero Trust include network security?



    Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Zero Trust

    What is AI?

    What will the impact of AI look like?

    What are the limitations of AI?

    AI models do not understand anything

    AI models reflect any biases in their data

    How can Zero Trust help manage AI security risk?

    Zero Trust – the top four priorities for managing AI risk

    How will AI impact Zero Trust?



    How to Scope, Size, and Start Zero Trust

    Agile security – think big, start small, move fast

    What is agile security?

    Applying agility in practice

    Focus on progress instead of perfection

    Always ruthlessly prioritize

    Myths and misconceptions that block security agility

    Pursuing perfect security is a delusion

    Pursuing perfect solutions is a perfect waste

    Perfect plans are perfectly fragile

    Scoping, sizing, and starting Zero Trust

    Will Zero Trust work in my organization?

    Is it better to go big or plan smaller projects?

    Large Zero Trust transformations are the most effective

    Good communication can catalyze executive sponsorship

    Starting small is sometimes required

    How do I ensure Zero Trust stays on track and continuously delivers value?

    What is the best place to start Zero Trust?

    Key terminology changes and clarification

    Newer terminology – technical estate

    Disambiguation – operations, operational, operating model, and so on



    What Zero Trust Success Looks Like

    Zero Trust success factors

    Factor one – clear strategy and plan

    Factor two – security mindset and culture shifts

    Security risk is business risk

    Security is a business enabler

    Security is everyone’s responsibility

    Security risk accountability starts at the top

    Assume compromise (assume breach)

    Explicit validation of trust

    Asset-centric and data-centric security

    Cybersecurity is a team sport

    Factor three – human empathy

    Zero Trust provides a competitive advantage

    Key cultural themes



    Adoption with the Three-Pillar Model

    Introduction to the three pillars

    Playbook structure

    Playbook layout

    The strategic pillar

    The operational pillar

    The operating model pillar

    Stitching it all together with the Zero Trust Playbook

    Zero Trust integration drives changes



    The Zero Trust Six-Stage Plan

    Overview of the six-stage plan

    Using the playbook stages effectively

    The playbook stages in detail

    Stage 1 – Establish a strategy

    Stage 2 – Set up an operating model

    Stage 3 – Create the architecture and model

    Stage 4 – Tailor to the business

    Stage 5 – Implement and improve

    Stage 6 – Continuously monitor and evolve



    Zero Trust Playbook Roles

    Role-based approach

    Integration of roles with the six-stage plan

    Zero Trust affects everyone

    Role definition and naming

    Illustrative list of roles

    Per-role guidance

    Role mission and purpose

    Role creation and evolution

    Key role relationships

    Required skills and knowledge

    Tooling and capabilities for each role

    Zero Trust impact and imperatives for each role

    Playbook-stage involvement for each role

    A day in the life of Zero Trust for each role

    Defining and measuring success

    Summary of per-role guidance

    Making it real


    Book 1 summary

    What’s next in The Zero Trust Playbook Series


    Other Books You May Enjoy


    This is the first book in a series that makes the complex topic of cybersecurity as simple, clear, and actionable as possible (and hopefully a little more fun, too ☺).

    In today’s continuously changing world, people face overwhelming complexity while trying to protect business assets from cybersecurity attacks.

    Zero Trust enables business, technical, and security teams to work together to reduce risk in the face of continuously evolving attackers and threats, business models, cloud technology platforms, Artificial Intelligence (AI) innovations, and more.

    The Zero Trust Playbook Series helps demystify cybersecurity and Zero Trust by breaking them down into discrete, actionable components to guide you through the strategy, planning, and execution of a Zero Trust transformation.

    These books provide clear and actionable role-specific guidance for everyone from board members and CEOs to technical and security practitioners. They will help you understand Zero Trust, why it is important, what it means to each role, and how to execute it successfully. The series integrates 0 best practices and guidance to avoid common mistakes (antipatterns) that slow you down and drive up risk.

    These books enable individuals and organizations to do the following:

    Modernize security programs to increase effectiveness and reduce daily toil, suffering, and wasted effort resulting from classic security approaches

    Securely enable digital business models to increase agility and reduce friction and business risk

    Successfully execute individual role tasks to grow your skills, knowledge, and career

    These books are designed to help you thrive in the security aspects of your role (and career) while helping your organization prosper and stay safe in today’s world.

    Who this book is for

    This first book serves as both a standalone overview of Zero Trust for anyone and an introduction to the playbooks in Zero Trust Overview and Playbook Introduction. with a part to play in Zero Trust to understand what Zero Trust is, why it’s important to you, and what success looks like.

    This table provides a list of roles that will benefit from this book:

    Figure Preface.1 - Illustrative list of roles that enable Zero Trust

    The book is written for people who are currently in these roles (and similar roles) as well as those who aspire to work in these roles, work with people in the roles, and provide consulting and advice to these roles.

    What this book covers

    This first book kicks off The Zero Trust Playbook Series with an overview of Zero Trust and an introduction to the playbooks in the series. This book sets up the context of all that follows and introduces the common context everyone should know.

    The chapters in this book are as follows:

    Chapter 1, Zero Trust – This Is the Way, gets us started by introducing Zero Trust and The Zero Trust Playbook Series and answering common questions about Zero Trust.

    Chapter 2, Reading the Zero Trust Playbook Series, introduces us to the structure and layout of the playbook series and suggested strategies to get what you need from these books quickly.

    Chapter 3, Zero Trust Is Security for Today’s World, shows us how Zero Trust is designed for the digital age of continuous change that we live in, and why it’s critically important to get right. This chapter also clears up some common points of confusion around security and Zero Trust.

    Chapter 4, Standard Zero Trust Capabilities, describes the standard Zero Trust capabilities in the Zero Trust Reference Model from The Open Group that are referenced throughout the playbooks. These are the key elements that will stay constant as we continuously improve on Zero Trust.

    Chapter 5, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Zero Trust, teaches us about AI and how this technology is disrupting business, technology, security, and society at large. It describes AI’s impacts, limitations, and relationship to Zero Trust that will be managed through the guidance for each role in the playbooks.

    Chapter 6, How to Scope, Size, and Start Zero Trust, answers the top questions about planning and getting started with a Zero Trust transformation. This also describes key terminology changes and common points of confusion about terminology that is used differently by different teams in an organization.

    Chapter 7, What Zero Trust Success Looks Like, covers the three key success factors for Zero Trust that are embedded into the playbooks: having a clear strategy and plan, managing mindset and culture shifts, and integrating human empathy.

    Chapter 8, Adoption with the Three-Pillar Model, lays out the three pillars of the playbook (strategic, operational, and operating model) and shows how the elements in that model work together to integrate business, technology, and security to create Zero Trust.

    Chapter 9, The Zero Trust Six-Stage Plan, describes the six stages used by the playbook, including a detailed summary of who does what. This shows us how the playbook brings everyone together to make Zero Trust real.

    Chapter 10, Zero Trust Playbook Roles, describes the role-based approach and per-role guidance in the playbooks. This sets us up for success as we move on to the playbook for our role.

    The remaining playbooks in the series provide actionable role-by-role guidance for each affected role.

    To get the most out of this book

    You don’t need anything except a desire to learn to get a clear picture of Zero Trust and how to execute it from this book.

    You will get more out of this book if you have experience working in business, technology, or security for an organization (or an aspiration to do so). This experience is not required to understand the concepts as we explain those throughout the book to ensure clarity.

    Follow the guidance in Chapter 2, Reading the Zero Trust Playbook Series, to identify the best reading strategy for your needs.

    Conventions used

    Text conventions throughout this book include:

    Tips or important notes

    That appear like this.

    Get in touch

    Feedback from our readers is always welcome.

    General feedback: If you have questions about any aspect of this book, email us at [email protected] and mention the book title in the subject of your message.

    Contacting the authors: If you wish to contact the authors, you may reach out via LinkedIn: |

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    Zero Trust – This Is the Way

    Zero Trust secures business assets everywhere they go.

    Zero Trust is a modern security approach that aligns security with business priorities and risks. Zero Trust enables organizations to manage increased risk from rapidly evolving security threats (including ransomware) and to manage a fundamental shift in security assumptions (the organization’s private network isn’t enough to keep business assets safe). Zero Trust also gives you the ability to manage risk and opportunities from new technologies such as the cloud, artificial intelligence (AI), and more.

    This chapter will cover the following topics:

    Introducing Zero Trust

    Introducing the Zero Trust Playbook Series

    Introducing Zero Trust

    Zero Trust affects anyone working in any organization that uses any kind of computer, device, or internet technology—which is nearly everyone in business, government, and other organizations today. Zero Trust makes security a business enabler and drives an organization-wide

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