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Lesson 9 :

1 ) Study the following list of topics and choose the issue that you think is the most controversial
( causing a lot of disagreement ) . Be ready to share and discuss the reasons of your choice as a
class :
a / The emigration of highly skilled people from developing countries to developed ones.
b / Women who decide to leave their steady and well-paid jobs in order to set up their own
c / The sharp increase in the number of people who use social media to communicate with each
d / Mixed-age classes based on abilities and potential as an alternative to conventional classes
based on age.
e / Online schooling as an effective way to spread learning .

2 ) a / Complete the following table, based on your choice and answer to Question 1 :

The reason(s) Why are some Why are others My personal Reason(s) :
why the topic is people for ? against ? opinion :
controversial :

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b / In pairs or small groups , answer one of the following questions . Be ready to share and exchange your ideas as a
classs , and to complete the table in 2 / a with other relevant information :

 Do you think that virtual schools can be as effective as conventional ones ?

 If you were a government official , would you support the idea of imposing higher taxes on Tunisian
youtubers and influencers?
 Which of these adjectives would you use to describe mixed-age classes ?

Feasible / Useless / Useful * Why ?

 Can you give two good reasons that may lead a highly skilled person to leave his / her country and settle in a
developed one ?

Can you give two good reasons for not doing that ?

 What do you think of women who decide to leave their steady and well paid top jobs in order to set up their
own businesses ?

3)  An increasing number of people believe that it is necessary to:

 make online classes attendance compulsory in Tunisia.
 provide outstanding students in Tunisia with financial incentives in order to dissuade them from
leaving their country.
 impose higher taxes on Tunisian youtubers and influencers.
 fine companies that show more favour to their male employees.
 introduce and spread mixed-age classes in Tunisia.
Others , however , claim that the drawbacks of such a decision outweigh the advantages. With which
side do you hold? Write an argumentative essay in which you state your viewpoint.


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