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Story: JVC Parry What Lies Behind the Mask of Ubtao?

Author: JVC Parry As the characters travel through the dinosaur-infested
Editor: Ken Carcas jungles of Chult, they come across a rundown encampment
Proof: Julia King named Camp Resistance. They quickly discover that those
Cover Art: Danny Pavlov who created the camp left after a strange being began
Interior Art: Danny Pavlov, Dean Spencer, Matt Morrow & demanding tribute. Now the Chultans who remain are
Travis Purvis convinced that the being is a manifestation of their lost god,
Cartography: JVC Parry, Matthias Rothenaicher Ubtao, and continue to pay the tithe but are seeing little
Layout: JVC Parry for their work. Who or what is the strange being? Can the
Assistant Layout: Julia King & Phil Beckwith characters help free Camp Resistance from oppression?
Playtesters: Ethan Wrigglesworth, Julia King, Molly
Meadows, & Tom Wilkins A 5-10 hour Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition adventure for
Patron Supporters: Chris Mooney, David Morris, Jeff 5th-10th level characters.
Stevens, Luke Instone-Hall, Magnus Andersson, Paul
Wright & Tristan-Olivier Donat

Introduction 3 The Wizard’s Lair 15
Tips for the DM 3 Map: Tomb of Impersonation 16
Adventure Background 3 Outcomes 22
Dramatis Personae 4
Appendix A 23
Part 1: Camp Resistance 5 Albino Dwarf Warrior 23
Map: Camp Resistance 5 Flying Monkey 23
Camp NPCs 8 Giant Snapping Turtle 23
Part 2: Encounters at Camp 11 Girallon Zombie 24
Jaws 11 Pterafolk 24
Overrun Mine 12 Spinosaurus 25
Time for Tribute 12 Straw Man 25
Part 3: Tomb of Impersonation 14 Tyrannosaurus Zombie 26
Lair Roster 14 Wizard of Zo 27
The Wizard’s Presence 15 Appendix Reference Page 28

The Mask of Ubtao, a manifestation of the Wizard of Zo,
appears in his monkey roost. His booming voice commands
all intruders to flee his lair lest they feel his wrath! Skulking
behind a pillar is Boq, Zo’s albino dwarf architect and smith.

Artwork by Danny Pavlov.

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and
their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. All characters and their distinctive likenesses are property of Wizards of the Coast. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United
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INTRODUCTION upon its land, which caused the factions within the camp
to fracture. Many of the local Chultans were convinced that
this seemingly invulnerable manifestation was an avatar of
he Wizard of Zo is a one-shot D&D 5e

Ubtao, whilst the Order of the Gauntlet saw the thing as a
adventure for a party of characters from foul jungle spirit; a true heresy against The Triad.
5th-10th level. It should take 5-10 hours to After refusing to pay the tithe, the camp was assaulted by
complete, depending on which elements you the weretigers who crept in under cover of darkness and
choose to use. It should be an easy addition killed several high-ranking lieutenants. The following day
to any Tomb of Annihilation campaign or any the spirit returned, and tribute was duly paid. The camp
campaign which takes place in a jungle environment. The was built near a rich source of gold, the mining of which
adventure can also be easily adjusted to suit lower level allowed Camp Resistance to trade with Port Nyanzaru.
characters, as it has a heavy focus on roleplay. With the ‘Mask of Ubtao’ demanding a large tithe, the camp
began to falter, and is now little more than a mining outpost.
TIPS FOR THE DM Most of the Order thought it better to risk the journey to
Camp Righteous than remain, and many of the experienced
As with any adventure, The Wizard of Zo should be adapted Chultan scouts headed back to Port Nyanzaru.
to work for your group. If you don’t like the way an element The truth behind the Mask of Ubtao is far stranger than
works, please feel free to change it. If encounters are too any in the camp might have guessed. The mask is, in fact,
difficult for your players, remove monsters or replace them a major image cast by the self-dubbed ‘Wizard of Zo’; a
with an easier, but fitting foe. zorbo who happened upon the corpse of a wizard that had
Similarly, if you would like to adapt The Wizard of Zo been possessed by the trickster god Obo’laka. Struck by
for your world, you can easily substitute appropriate plot the strange trinkets the wizard had collected, the zorbo
hooks, NPCs, and items. innocently took them for itself. This included a headband
In order to deliver an optimum experience for your of intellect, which eventually made its way onto the zorbo’s
players, it would probably be best to read the adventure, in head and thus, the Wizard of Zo was born.
full, before attempting to run it. There are traps and puzzles
that you need to understand fully in advance.
In my opinion, players need not level up during this
adventure but do so at the DM’s discretion. They may not Hook 1: Supplies from Camp Vengeance
have achieved all the necessary xp from combat, but I Characters who have visited Camp Vengeance may have
would suggest rewarding players xp for solving puzzles and been asked by Commander Niles Breakbone to search out
besting traps to make up the difference. Alternatively, you Camp Resistance and deliver to them a few small crates
can use the popular Milestone Levelling system. of supplies. Niles has not heard from Commander Emeny
Text to be read aloud to the players is in grey boxes. Feel Redcrown of Camp Resistance since Camp Righteous fell a
free to tinker with this text to fit your roleplaying needs but couple of months ago and worries that they may have fallen
try to keep the original message clear as they may contain prey to a similar fate. If the characters return with news of
important information. the Camp, he rewards them with 200 gp. Niles has little
To assist the DM in finding references to creatures and hope that Camp Resistance is still active.
resources within this adventure, an Appendix Reference Hook 2: Diminished Gold Shipments
Page has been included at the end of the adventure. Any If the characters meet with the Merchant Prince Ekene-
creature or resource within the adventure printed in bold or Afa, she asks the characters for a favour. An old friend
italics points you to the Appendix Reference Page. of hers, Omoyala Imbogoro, set off into the jungle a few
Try to have fun running this adventure! It was highly months ago with a group of Order of the Gauntlet knights
enjoyable to create and play with my own group, and I hope to make camp on the River Tiryki. Since then, Omoyala had
that you can share in that experience! been sending shipments of gold down the river to Port on
behalf of the Order, an inside deal that was making Ekene-
ADVENTURE BACKGROUND Afa a great deal of wealth. In the past tendays however,
these shipments have been diminishing. Ekene-Afa wants to
Camp Resistance was built by the Order of the Gauntlet, know what’s wrong upriver, and whether her old friend from
who came to Chult to fend off the undead plaguing its the arena is okay. Ekene-Afa rewards the characters 200 gp
jungles. The camp was constructed at a similar time if they bring back news.
to the now destroyed Camp Righteous on the nearby Hook 3: Respite from the Jungle
River Soshenstar. During the first few tendays, the camp While travelling through the jungle, the characters
flourished, easily fending off the waves of undead that threw stumble upon the rundown Camp Resistance. Although
themselves against the fortified walls. the camp is far from a fine resort, it’s certainly better than
Unfortunately, it was not long before the Order came spending another night in the mosquito-ridden jungle.
upon a foe that couldn’t be dealt with through force alone. When the characters arrive, they are welcomed by one of
A pride of weretigers arrived at the gates, accompanied by the factions within the camp and drawn into the internal
a hovering, ethereal face the size of an ogre. This strange struggles. Before long, the Mask of Ubtao makes an
being demanded tribute from the camp for trespassing appearance.

Major NPC Description Page
Arveen Tallcastle Order of the Gauntlet guard cursed with lycanthropy 6
Boq Leader of the albino dwarves in Zo’s lair 17
Dorothy Waters Lieutenant of Camp Resistance and Order of the Gauntlet member 8
Emeny Redcrown Commander of Camp Resistance kidnapped by the weretiger pride 18
Kwento Spiritcaller Chultan druid serving as a guide in Camp Resistance 10
Lyle Wiseoak Father in the Order of the Gauntlet religious corps of Camp Resistance 9
Omoyala Imbogoro Chultan ex-gladiator and friend of Ekene-Afa in Camp Resistance 9
Polékobé Awakened giant snapping turtle friend of Kwento Spiritcaller 10
Razira of the Pride Leader of the weretiger pride working for the Wizard of Zo 13
The Wizard of Zo Egomaniacal zorbo demanding tribute from Camp Resistance 21

OPENING in order to convince the guards to let them in. If they have
been sent by Niles Breakbone, they have advantage on
The adventure begins once the characters arrive at camp: the check. If a character is a member of the Order of the
Gauntlet, they gain access for themselves and the party
After days of trekking through the jungle, fighting off undead without a check. The drawbridge takes 2 turns to open or
and packs of velociraptors, you reach a place of respite; or close, the undead dinosaur is 1 turn away from the clearing.
so it initially appears. Built on the shores of the River Tiryki If the characters enter the camp, the tyrannosaurus
is a ramshackle camp. A ditch has been dug around the charges at the palisade. Unless the characters and ballista
compound, into which the river flows. Behind the moat is a kill the dinosaur before it reaches the walls, it comes
palisade wall, fortified with a handful of guard towers. smashing into the camp, and the characters are forced to
fight it in melee. If the dinosaur breaks through the wall, it
Characters can hear raised voices within the camp. leaves a 15-foot wide hole.
Before they reach the drawbridge the sound of fighting has Reception. If the characters played a part in defeating
broken out. Read or paraphrase the following: the tyrannosaurus zombie, they are welcomed into the
camp by Omoyala and Dorothy. Otherwise, they are merely
As you head toward the drawbridge which provides access tolerated and, for the first day they spend in the camp, have
to the camp, you hear the frantic ringing of bells and hurried disadvantage on Charisma (Persuasion) and (Performance)
footsteps up the guard towers. The raised drawbridge leaves checks with the NPCs within. If any of the warriors
you disconnected from the safe haven of the encampment. died in the attack, the mood of the camp is sombre.
Off to one side you hear the firing of a ballista and as you turn Regardless of their reception, the characters are
to see the source of the noise, you notice great crossbows escorted upon entry to the Command Tent to meet
mounted in the towers. Bolts as long as a man’s arm are Lieutenant Waters
being launched toward the jungle’s edge, where a gigantic and Omoyala.
shadowed form is charging toward the clearing.

The characters have to decide quickly; stand and fight the

creature in the jungle or attract the attention of the camp
and get to safety within its walls. Not all characters have to
take the same action, but each has consequences.
Stand and Fight. If the characters decide to prove
their mettle and fight they are soon confronted by
a tyrannosaurus zombie smashing through the
undergrowth. Although they may be outmatched, the
undead dinosaur is within range of the three ballistae
mounted in the guard towers, with which provide
supporting fire. If more than half of the party fall
unconscious, Omoyala Imbogoro (NN female Chultan
human gladiator) and ten tribal warriors head out from
the camp to assist.
Let Us In! If the characters decide it’s more than they
can take, they can plead to be let into the camp. Characters
must succeed on a DC 14 Charisma (Persuasion) check

amp Resistance was founded around the female Chultan human gladiator) and Kwento Spiritcaller

same time as Camp Righteous but managed (CG nonbinary Chultan human druid) and their troop of
to fortify more appropriately and hasn’t ten Chultan tribal warriors, plus Kwento’s awakened giant
yet been destroyed. Although Resistance snapping turtle (Appendix A), Polékobé.
has been trying to maintain contact with
Righteous, their attempts have failed, and R1. GATEHOUSE & DRAWBRIDGE
they fear the worst.
Not long after word stopped from Righteous, the Mask of The camp is ringed by a 20-foot deep ditch filled with
Ubtao appeared with its envoy of weretigers. Several high- muddy water from the River Tiryki, backed by a 12-foot-
ranking Order agents were murdered after the first refusal high log palisade. The depth of the ditch isn’t apparent as
to provide tithe, after which even more left, along with many it is permanently filled with water. The moat is capable
of the Chultan guides. Now, only a scattered handful of the of repelling Large or smaller creatures but offers no
original roster remains. deterrence to larger ones. The gatehouse is strong enough
Tensions run high now in what remains of Camp to withstand a severe assault. The drawbridge is never
Resistance. The remnants of the Order of the Gauntlet, led lowered unless commanded by Dorothy or Omoyala or in
by Lieutenant Dorothy Waters (LG female Ffolk human times of emergency. It takes two creatures in the gatehouse
veteran) and consisting of eight guards, are still attempting 2 turns to raise or lower the drawbridge.
to hold back the undead and maintain a connection with The gatehouse consists of the ground-level entryway,
Camp Righteous – an impossible task. Supporting the an upper floor that serves as a workshop (for repairing
Order are the remnants of a religious corps led by Lyle and maintaining the equipment), and a roofless fighting
Wiseoak (NG male stout halfling priest of Torm) and a pair platform surrounded by a palisade that gives three-quarters
of acolytes, who are deeply troubled by the tyrannical spirit. cover against attacks made from the ground. Two guards
The camp is essentially led now by Omoyala Imbogoro (NN are stationed atop the gatehouse day and night.

R2. GUARD TOWERS succeed on the check by 5 or more realise that Arveene has
been cursed with lycanthropy.
Each guard tower has a defended top level (providing Relaying this information to Father Wiseoak breaks
three-quarters cover) that looms above the camp palisade. his normally hard exterior. He is extremely grateful and
A lower level consists of a wooden floor raised several feet is henceforth more willing to share information with the
above the ground and enclosed with thin wood. characters. They have advantage on Charisma (Persuasion)
Personnel shortages mean that each guard tower is checks with Father Wiseoak and can make these checks
staffed by only one guard day and night. If intruders or instead of Charisma (Intimidation) checks. Father
monsters are spotted heading for the camp, the guard on Wiseoak is worried that casting remove curse on Arveene
duty rings a shrill bell inside the tower, hopefully alerting frees her from lycanthropy but causes her to die once
the others to come running and man the ballista. her supernatural immunities are removed. He asks the
characters for their advice. Reward the characters with 500
R3. FIELD HOSPITAL TENTS XP for the encounter.

These tents are where injured guards or warriors come R4. COMMAND TENT
to be patched up by the religious corps of the Order of the
Gauntlet, headed by Father Wiseoak. One of the tents was The command tent plays host to Lieutenant Dorothy
set alight by the pride of weretigers during their assault and Waters and at least two guards during the day. Omoyala
has not yet been properly repaired. Father Wiseoak and his Imbogoro can also be found here when not running trips to
two acolytes can be found working here throughout the day, the mine. The lieutenant spends most of her time reviewing
preparing antidotes and remedies for the various diseases documents about the camp’s supplies and records of the
of Chult and tending to 1d4 - 1 patients. mining operation. She is scared for her life, thanks to the
Characters who proved themselves valuable warriors weretiger assault, and doesn’t know what to believe when it
against the tyrannosaurus zombie can be treated and comes to the Mask of Ubtao.
healed here for free, as can members of the Order of the When the characters first arrive in the tent (directly after
Gauntlet. Other characters are required to donate to the entering the camp for the first time), read or paraphrase the
church of Torm: following:

You are escorted straight to the largest tent in the camp.

Spell Cost
Torches burn outside its entrance, and the standard of the
Cure wounds (1st level) 10 gp Order of the Gauntlet, a sword clasped tight in a gauntleted
Lesser restoration 40 gp fist, flies proudly above. The interior is well lit by a handful of
burning oil lamps, and is filled mostly by a long, hardwood
Prayer of healing (2nd level) 40 gp
table covered in papers. Striding toward you from the rear of
Remove curse 90 gp the tent is a tall woman clad in battered armour with her hair
Greater restoration 450 gp tied back in a utilitarian bun. Her face is stern and tired, but
Raise dead 1,250 gp her eyes are kind.

Wounded Guard. In the tent at all times is a horrifically Depending on the characters reception, they either get
wounded guard, covered in bloody bandages almost from great praise or a brusque welcome from Lieutenant Waters.
head to toe. If the characters ask about the patient, they If the characters are here to deliver supplies from Camp
are told that she is called Arveene Tallcastle. She is the Vengeance, Waters’ immediately lightens up and sets to
last remaining victim of the weretiger attack that took work unpacking the supplies. She is desperate to hear news
place on the camp about five tendays ago. Mention of this of Camp Righteous but is mortified if the characters tell her
gets a sharp cough and glance over from Father Wiseoak, the story of its defeat.
after which the acolytes scatter to get on with other duties. The Mask of Ubtao. The lieutenant doesn’t divulge
Father Wiseoak refuses to discuss the matter any further. information about the Mask unless characters can persuade
The characters can force him to spill the beans with a her with a DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) check. If they
successful DC 18 Charisma (Intimidation) check. He tells succeed, Dorothy reveals the whole history of the Mask,
them that the weretigers attacked after a foul jungle spirit including her fear that she will be killed if she fails to
came to the camp and tried to extort them. The weretigers comply. Waters doesn’t believe that the camp will make
took no casualties but killed many of the camp personnel. it back to Port Nyanzaru alive and knows that her friend
Since then, Lieutenant Waters has been paying the tribute, Father Wiseoak won’t leave until he’s wiped all of Chult
something Father Wiseoak is clearly unhappy about. clean of undead.
However, Wiseoak feels obliged to remain to uphold his If the characters tell Waters about Camp Vengeance and
oath to Torm. the presence of Commander Breakbone, she organises
Characters examining Arveene who succeed on a DC 15 a meeting with Father Wiseoak, Omoyala and Kwento
Wisdom (Medicine) check realise that she should probably to discuss moving the personnel of this camp to Camp
be dead but is clearly still breathing. Her wounds are Vengeance. While the Lieutenant and Father Wiseoak are
extensive and appear to be claw wounds. Characters who keen to leave and meet up with Breakbone, Omoyala and

Kwento believe they should stay. Characters can intervene
and attempt a DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) check to
try and convince any of the parties to change their mind.
A hastily erected shrine to Torm stands not far from the field
Before anyone can leave the camp though, the Mask of
hospital tents. The shrine is made of white painted wood. In
Ubtao appears to demand tribute once again (see “Time for
the centre of the shrine is a plinth of stone, atop which is laid
a righthand gauntlet of silver, palm outstretched.

R5. UBTAO’S YKLWA Not far from the Field Hospital Tents is a hastily erected
shrine to Torm. This shrine is visited throughout the day
Standing tall in the centre of Camp Resistance is a stone by the non-Chultan members of the camp, though some of
pillar around nine foot tall. The lofty obelisk has been totally them have started leaving offerings at Ubtao’s Yklwa too
engraved with a labyrinthine pattern that causes your eyes to since the attack. Father Wiseoak maintains the shrine and
blur if you stare for too long. The structure vaguely resembles is often found here praying for the strength to continue in
a spear stuck into the earth, but it’s hard to tell whether it’s the face of such adversity.
natural or man-made. Around the base of the pillar are a few Treasure. The silver gauntlet is worth 100 gp. In order
wicker baskets of fruits, a jug of tej and a scattered handful to take it without being seen, a character must succeed on
of wooden tokens. Nestled between these is a wooden sign a DC 14 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check. Failure results
with two words in Chultan script written upon it. in the character being spotted by someone in the camp (see
“Ubtao’s Yklwa” above for punishment).
This strange stone obelisk stands right in the centre of
camp. It was there before the Order arrived and the
camp’s location was specifically picked by their guide,
Kwento Spiritcaller, because of it. The pillar, called Each tent is intended to house four people in
Ubtao’s Yklwa (YICK-ul-wah) by Kwento and the other reasonable comfort. They have log floors to keep
Chultans, is a natural stone formation which has been the occupants above the mud, and reed-filled cloth
sculpted and altered by the Chultans during the time mattresses for sleeping on. None of this material,
of Ubtao. Many of the Chultans in the camp leave a however, is suitable for long-term use in Chult. The
donation of fruit, tej, and wooden tokens at the base canvas is riddled with mildew and fungus, dampness
of the pillar as an offering, with the hope that they will quickly seeps up through the floors, and vermin of
be protected from the dangers of the jungle. Kwento every imaginable variety thrives in the mattresses.
Spiritcaller has taken it upon themselves to make Although not as bad as Camp Vengeance, many
sure the shrine is maintained, removing any spoiled of the remaining personnel in the camp suffer from
goods each morning. various diseases. Many of the tents are damaged or
Ubtao’s Blessing. The sign beneath the pillar reads collapsed and require fixing. Characters who help are
‘DON’T TOUCH’ in Chultan script. Any character welcomed by the guard and thanked by Lieutenant
that touches the pillar without first leaving an offering Waters and can use the workshop in the gatehouse at
suddenly disappears as if under the effects of a their leisure.
maze spell. If a character leaves a donation worth
10 gp or more and then touches the pillar, they gain
truesight out to a range of 60 feet for 1 minute,
causing the blurring effect of the labyrinthine pattern The latrines in Camp Resistance are perhaps its best
to disappear. A character can discern that a blessing asset. None of them were damaged in the weretiger
such as this might be conveyed if they succeed on a assault and the moat provides enough drainage to
DC 20 Intelligence (Religion) check. stop them from flooding.
Treasure. Although the offerings are not worth Characters who search the latrines and succeed on
much, their combined total is 10 sp. In order to take a DC 16 Intelligence (Investigation) check discover
the offerings without being seen, a character must a 1 lb. gold nugget (50 gp) hidden in a nook in the
succeed on a DC 14 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check. woodwork that has been covered with moss.
Failure results in the character being spotted by
someone in the camp. Punishment for stealing is to
be stripped of gear and thrown into the River Tiryki.
If the characters escape the waters and return the
stolen goods, their gear is returned.

Ubtao’s Yklwa

This shack has been dedicated to storing mining equipment There are several important NPCs in the camp who each
and the ore that the camp has extracted. feel differently about the various issues the camp faces. A
summary of each can be found below:
In the north-eastern corner of the camp is a wooden shack,
outside of which is a young ankylosaurus chowing down on a LIEUTENANT DOROTHY WATERS
crate filled with ferns. The dinosaur is chained to the palisade
wall by a thick chain around its neck. The door to the shack (LG female Ffolk human veteran)
is locked with a hefty padlock and has the words ‘Mine Store’
painted upon the door in white paint. The Lieutenant of Camp Resistance is a young woman
from the Moonshae Isles. Dorothy is a reliable member of
Ankylosaurus. The young ankylosaurus outside the the Order of the Gauntlet and has assumed joint control
mining store is quite happy and is being cared for well by of Camp Resistance with Omoyala Imbogoro since the
Kwento. Most of the personnel in camp call the dinosaur apparent death of Commander Emeny Redcrown after the
Bumpy due to his tendency to ‘bump’ people he likes with weretiger assault. She highly values the martial prowess of
his clubbed tail. Characters who succeed on a DC 12 Omoyala and the druidic knowledge of Kwento, which she
Wisdom (Animal Handling) check get on well with Bumpy. tries to balance with her own perspective and that of Father
The dinosaur is used to pull carts to and from the mine. Wiseoak. The lieutenant is not willing to admit that the
Locked Door. The heavy padlock of the door is of Mask of Ubtao is a true manifestation of the lost god, nor is
gnomish construction. It requires a successful DC 16 she willing to openly deny it. She will keep providing tribute
Dexterity check using thieves’ tools to open. If the check until she can think of a way to safely disband the camp.
fails, permanent ink shoots out from the padlock onto the Since the attack on Camp Resistance, Dorothy has
offending character’s hands, marking them as a potential realised that the Order is perhaps over its head in these
thief. Both Lieutenant Waters and Omoyala have a key foreign lands. She has developed an unhealthy relationship
to the store. The door can also be battered down with a with tej, the Chultan honey-beer and is becoming
successful DC 15 Strength check; doing so alerts the guard increasingly paranoid about her own life being at risk.
in the watchtower above. Lieutenant Walters rarely doffs her battered armour save
Treasure. Characters who steal Bumpy can sell him for to sleep and ties her dark brown hair up in a tight bun.
100 gp to Talro’a in Port Nyanzaure, or for 150 gp if the She is showing the signs of tej abuse; slight shakes, dark
character succeeds on a DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) circles under her eyes and ruddy cheeks. A character can
check. Characters who get on well with Bumpy can lead attribute these symptoms to her early stage alcoholism with
him away. a successful DC 12 Wisdom (Medicine) check.
Inside the store are two barrels containing six miner’s
picks (2 gp each) and one filled with five shovels (2 gp each).
The store also contains a cart (15 gp) and a small locked
chest of unrefined gold ore. The chest can be opened with
a successful DC 20 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools.
Lieutenant Waters has the key. Inside is 5 lbs. of gold (50 gp
per lb. 250 gp total) and two red garnets (100 gp each).
In order to steal from the store without being noticed,
characters must succeed on a DC 14 Dexterity (Stealth) or
(Sleight of Hand) check depending on the size of the item.
Stealing Bumpy is impossible to conceal (see “Ubtao’s
Yklwa” for punishment if the characters are caught).

Lieutenant Dorothy Waters

(LG male stout halfling priest of Torm) (NN female Chultan human gladiator)

Father Wiseoak is an elderly halfling who does not tolerate Omoyala is an ex-gladiator from the pits in Port Nyanzaru.
shenanigans. His advanced years have made him grumpy Although she fought with great prowess in the arena, she
and narrowed his worldview. He does not like life in Chult was not best liked as she fought strictly, without putting on
but is devoted to Torm with such zeal that he refuses to a show. Because of this, she was pitted against a pack of
leave until his work here is done. He doesn’t tolerate talk velociraptors that was sure to end badly. Luckily, her old
of Ubtao or any deities save those of the Forgotten Realms fighting friend Ekene-Afa had risen to the rank of merchant
pantheon in his presence, referring to Ubtao only as “their prince and offered her a way out of the arena. Omoyala now
lost god” if forced on the issue. He actively avoids Ubtao’s works for Ekene-Afa as an emissary of sorts between the
Yklwa when walking around the camp and is sure to be merchant prince and the Order of the Gauntlet. She knew
seen praying at Torm’s shrine several times a day. of a location where gold ran rich through the jungle and
Despite his close-mindedness, Lyle is a good man. He guided the Order there so that she might set up a profitable
stands up for those in need and won’t tolerate evil in any deal between the two parties.
form. He despises the Mask of Ubtao which he calls “foul Omoyala brought Kwento Spiritcaller along with the
jungle spirit” and its pride of weretigers who inflicted initial party to create the camp. Kwento is Omoyala’s cousin
so many casualties upon Camp Resistance. He does not and a superb jungle guide, but Omoyala hates Polékobé,
believe the camp should be paying their tithe, and instead Kwento’s awakened turtle friend. Since the arrival of the
advocates for seeking out the source of the mask. In spite of Mask of Ubtao, Omoyala has deferred to Kwento more
his strong feelings on the matter, he acknowledges that the than usual. She does not understand the phenomena
camp is run by Lieutenant Waters and Omoyala, refusing to but believes Kwento when she calls it the Mask of Ubtao.
talk about camp issues when not in their presence. Because of this, she has been trying to improve the mine
Father Lyle is an elderly halfling with grey hair and and extract enough extra gold to continue supplying both
thick sideburns. He tends to be rather short with people, Ekene-Afa and the strange apparition. Omlaya gets on well
especially newcomers he doesn’t trust, and those who don’t with Lieutenant Waters and thinks they will be okay here as
worship gods with whom he is familiar. He wears an ankle long as they keep mining the gold.
length robe which is open at the chest to reveal a chain shirt Omoyala is a young woman who wears her hair into
beneath. bantu knots. One of her eyebrows is cut in half by a scar
which descends from her scalp, taken from a bout in the
gladiatorial arena. She has a pierced septum and wears a
brightly coloured collar with a dinosaur footprint design.
Her studded armour is dyed a deep blue with a black
triangular pattern.

Father Lyle Wiseoak Omoyala Imbogoro

(CG nonbinary Chultan human druid) (NG male awakened giant snapping turtle)

Kwento is an expert guide through the jungles of Chult. Polékobé is a giant snapping turtle from Snapping Turtle
They were brought along on the expedition by their cousin Bay who was the target of Kwento’s awaken spell. Before
Omoyala. When Kwento discovered the stone pillar they Kwento came along, Polékobé was nothing but a lathargic
knew it would be a blessed site for the camp, and named it beast, resting on the beautiful shores of his home, and
Ubtao’s Yklwa. Kwento mostly keeps to themself, preferring exploring the amazing coral reefs in the waters. Although
the quiet commune of nature than the hubbub of camp. many of Polékobé’s friends had atacked humans before, he
Kwento is happy to remain in the camp for as long as never saw the appeal of fighting and preferred to listen to
Omoyala does but strongly believes that the Mask of Ubtao the natural rhythms of nature.
is truly a manifestation of the god punishing them for One cool day in the bay a young Chultan druid came to
staying around the stone obelisk. Kwento struggles to deal visit. That individual was Kwento Spiritcaller, who took a
with the deaths in camp at the hands of the weretigers, great interest in the wildlife of the area. A few days later,
blaming themself for picking the site. Kwento believes that the druid was set upon by an angry cyclops. Outmatched by
paying the tribute will make things right. the huge foe, Polékobé decided it was time to act. The hefty
Kwento has a shaven head which is often adorned with a 12-foot wide turtle charged toward the cyclops from behind,
circlet of vines. They have magical white face tattoos that knocking it onto its rump. At top speed, Polékobé ran into
glow dimly in darkness. Kwento typically wears a loose- the waves, allowing Kwento to jump onto his back as he
fitting gown with an orange sash at the waist. Kwento is went. The pair escaped the raging giant together.
neither female nor male. If referred to as “she” or “he”, After this incredibly unusual act of kindness by the turtle,
Kwento shoots a quizzical glance in the characters direction Kwento decided to use their spell scroll of awaken on
and requests to be addressed by name or as “they.” Polékobé, giving him an Intelligence of 10 and the ability to
Kwento is extremely proud to have been there for speak Common. Even after the duration of the awaken spell
Polékobé’s entrance to sentient life. Kwento found the spell had finished, Polékobé decided to hang around with his
scroll of awaken in a jungle shrine near Snapping Turtle new best friend, Kwento.
Bay and couldn’t wait to use it. Kwento was delighted when Polékobé is a truly impressive beast. He has a green,
Polékobé decided to stay after the duration of the awaken ridged shell covered with mosses and the skeletons of coral.
spell, and the two became lifelong friends. Kwento can often Although his jaws are capable of cutting a human in half,
be found on Polékobé’s back in the jungle and on the River they are rarely seen without a smile over them. Polékobé
Tirkyi, chatting with the congenial turtle. has a habit of humming to himself tunelessly.

Kwento Spiritcaller Polékobé

hile the characters are staying at Camp

Resistance, the following events may occur. Characters have the opportunity to try and save Kwento
You can use ‘Jaws’ and ‘Overrun Mine’ to and Polékobé and are joined by Omoyala in the fight.
give the characters a chance to earn some The spinosaurus attempts to crack through the shell of
XP or to give them some context if they Polékobé with its jaws and slap Kwento from its his back
are here on behalf of Ekene-Afa. ‘Time for using its tail.
Tribute’ is designed to move the story forward and thus Dangerous Waters. The waters of the River Tiryki are
can happen at any time you see fit, or as the characters are considered the most dangerous in Chult. The flow of water
about to leave Camp Resistance. is so tumultuous that even staying afloat is difficult. The
first time a creature without a swim speed enters the water
and each time they start their turn there, they must succeed
JAWS on a DC 12 Strength saving throw or be pulled beneath
the rapids (see Suffocating in chapter 8 of the Player’s
One dusk while the camp is getting ready to eat dinner, a
Handbook). Swimming in the River Tiryki requires a
terrifying spinosaurus (Appendix A) attacks Polékobé and
successful DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check. Failure results
Kwento as they are meditating out of the River Tiryki. When
in the creature expending all its movement speed to stay
the encounter occurs, read or paraphrase the following:
stationary. If a creature fails by 5 or more, they are swept 60
feet downstream.
Suddenly, a thunderous roar silences the chittering of
Adjusting Difficulty. If the characters are dominating the
insects that drones through camp. A cacophony of splashing
encounter, have a flock of 1d4 + 2 pterafolk (Appenidix A)
sounds blasts in from the river side of the fortress along with
swoop down to take advantage of the situation. Initially, they
screams for help. Several guards and warriors jump to their
pepper the characters with javelins, before divebombing
feet and rush toward the eastern side of camp.
onto any who haven’t taken shelter. If this swings the
encounter too far the other way, the spinosaurus can take
When characters reach the banks of River Tiryki, read or
out a few of the pterafolk. Another option to increase the
paraphrase the following:
difficulty of the encounter is to have a swarm of quippers
attack any characters that become submerged in the violent
Swimming in the pulling current of the Tiryki is a dinosaur
waters of the River Tiryki.
of colossal size. The beast has a towering sail on its back as
tall as a man and a mouth full of shortsword-sized teeth. The
creature is rapidly swimming toward Polékobé and Kwento,
who are desperately surging toward the far shore.

Not long after the characters arrive at Camp Resistance, Before the characters have a chance to leave Camp
Omoyala and a group of six tribal warriors head off to Resistance this encounter should occur. It moves the story
the nearby mine to extract more gold. They take their forward by introducing the main villain – the Wizard of Zo,
ankylosaurus Bumpy with them to pull the cart along the and his pride of weretiger enforcers, including their leader
well walked trail to the site. The mine is only around a Razira. The encounter should happen while all the major
30-minute walk from the camp. After 45 minutes, two of the NPCs are in the camp (if they’re still alive). When it occurs,
warriors come sprinting up to the camp shouting for help. read or paraphrase the following:
When the group arrived at the camp, they discovered it
was entirely overrun with undead, and sent their two fastest Suddenly there is a shout from one of the guard towers. “It’s
warriors back to get help. Without gold, the camp is at the back; the Mask of Ubtao is back!” All around the various
mercy of both the Mask of Ubtao and the whim of Ekene- guards and warriors rush to their stations. The warriors head
Afa. Lieutenant Waters would like to go but understands over to the mine store with Omoyala, whilst the guards
cannot leave the camp unmanned. Instead, Father Wiseoak ascend the towers and begin to lower the drawbridge. You
offers to go along with the remaining five tribal warriors quickly try and find a place where you can get eyes on the
and four guards. If the characters wish, they can go instead phenomena. Strolling brazenly out from the jungle’s edge
of or along with the troop. When they arrive, read or are a pride of six weretigers in their hybrid form, the one
paraphrase the following: in the lead has white stripes instead of orange and sports a
strange ivory greataxe on her back. Floating behind this is
You follow the trail as fast as you can, dodging the dangling an enormous green face with vaguely Chultan features. As it
vines and tripping roots. After fifteen minutes of jogging nears the drawbridge, it’s huge mouth opens wide in a broad
you arrive at the edge of the clearing where the mining takes smile. “Where is my sparkling gold?! I need far more than
place. The site is a slurry-filled pit, almost gold in colour usual!”
itself, in which now wade half a dozen zombies. On the ridge
behind them are a pack of drooling undead with hideously Unless the characters intervene, all the major NPCs of
long tongues. To your right is Omoyala and the rest of the Camp Resistance meet the Mask of Ubtao and the pride
warriors, as yet unnoticed by the undead. of weretigers at the drawbridge. Lieutenant Waters hands
over a small bag filled with gold nuggets (200 gp) provided
Creatures. The mine has been overrun by six zombies, that they haven’t ‘gone missing’. Razira takes the bag, sifts
six ghouls and a ghast. The ghast has a blue triangle through the contents and nods her approval before turning
tattooed on its forehead – an indicator that it once served her back on the camp and heading to the jungle the way she
Ras Nsi. The intelligent ghast seems to have chosen this came. The Lieutenant turns to Omoyala and shoots her a
spot to linger due to its obvious signs of human presence. worried look.
Terrain. The sludge-filled gold pit is waist high and
difficult terrain. There are four patches of quicksand (See
Chapter 5 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide) beneath the
sludge of the pit. The terrain slowly slopes up as the pit
is dug into a hillside. There is a ledge at the rear of the
pit which is 20 feet high, atop which the ghouls and ghast
stand. Hanging down near this ledge are several vines,
which could be used to swing down over the pit for an easy
Adjusting Difficulty. If characters are steamrolling the
undead, have a pair of zombie girallons (Appendix A)
swing down from vines above the ledge and join the fray. If
the characters are struggling to deal with the numbers, have
some of the zombies get stuck in quicksand, or have some
of the ghouls trip back off the ledge into the sludge below.

Razira of the Pride

Spotting the Wizard. Characters who are with the NPCs
at the gates and have a passive Wisdom (Perception) of
20 or higher notice something strange on the edge of the
jungle. Clinging to a branch of one of the closest trees is a
zorbo – a koala-like creature with thick, sharp claws. This
particular zorbo is wearing a unique circlet, has a wand
strapped to its waist and a particularly long moustache.
It appears to be waving one hand in your direction and
moving its mouth as if speaking. This is the Wizard of Zo.
Zo has currently cast both the tongues spell to allow it to
converse and the major image spell to create the illusion of
the Mask of Ubtao. Characters can spot that the huge face
is an illusion and not some spectral being by succeeding on
a DC 14 Intelligence (Investigation) check.
Creatures. The pride consists of five weretigers, led by
Razira. Razira is a weretiger, with these changes:

● Razira is neutral evil.

● She wears a chain shirt (AC 15).
● She has 150 hit points.
● Instead of a scimitar, she wields a +1 greataxe of
dwarven origin (+6 to hit). The greataxe deals 9
(1d12 + 4) slashing damage on a hit. The greataxe,
called Backbreaker, has an ivory blade and can
be left hanging in the air by uttering its command
word as if under the effects of a levitate spell.
● Razira has a Challenge Rating of 5 (1,800 XP).

The Wizard of Zo (Appendix A) hangs onto a tree around

120 feet from the drawbridge. If attacked, the wizard stops
concentrating on major image and instead uses invisibility
to help it get away. Zo is currently using Displacement
and must recharge it to use it again. Seeing their master
attacked, the weretigers pounce on whoever started
the fight and tear them to pieces. Even if the characters
overcome the weretigers, the Wizard of Zo is highly likely to
get away.
Pursuing the Wizard. If characters notice Zo and wish
to follow him back to his lair they must succeed on a DC
14 Wisdom (Survival) check to track the claw marks of
the zorbo on the trees. Alternatively, they could follow the
weretigers back if they succeed on a Dexterity (Stealth)
check contested by the weretigers’ passive Wisdom
(Perception). The weretigers won’t tolerate being followed
openly. Alternatively, if the characters manage to capture a
weretiger, they could force it to reveal the location of the lair
with a successful DC 16 Charisma (Intimidation) check.
Resolution. Now that the Wizard of Zo has raised the
tithe, Camp Resistance is in a tough spot. Their gold
shipments back to Port Nyanzaru are already dwindling.
With even less gold to trade, they’re unlikely to make it
more than two tendays. They can’t survive off forage alone,
and the camp is already falling into disrepair (especially
if the tyrannosaurus zombie smashed through the wall).
Lieutenant Waters asks the characters if they could try
to help, either by helping them move camp (if you want
to shorten the adventure) or by investigating the Mask of

he Wizard of Zo has been extorting Camp

Resistance for several tendays now and has LAIR GENERAL FEATURES
accrued enough gold to build himself quite The following features are common throughout the lair:
the lair. The egotistical zorbo is also paying Iron Branches. Winding throughout the lair are iron
the weretigers for their loyalty, as they help poles, scratched to resemble branches. These connect
him get the gold, and manage the albino areas Z1, Z4, Z6-7, Z9-10 and Z12. Where branches
dwarves who are building his new home. The Wizard of Zo cross through walls, there is an opening large enough
has read the spellbook of the dead wizard dozens of times. for a Medium creature to squeeze through. Climbing
As well as containing spells, the book contained a story of a the branches is difficult due to the lack of purchase.
far-flung world and descriptions of a terrifying undead mage Creatures without a climbing speed must succeed on a
and his lair. Having no context for these tales, the Wizard of DC 16 Strength (Athletics) check to climb along them.
Zo is trying to reconstruct or re-enact them, believing that Light. The chambers are well lit with continual flames
doing so will unlock the next stage of his life, as finding the in braziers set into the walls. The only exception is area
corpse did in the first place. Z8, which is dimly lit by candles in hollows in the walls.
Pillars. Several rooms in the lair contain pillars. These

LAIR ROSTER are not integral to the lair and stopping a few inches
below the ceiling. A Medium or smaller creature within
If any of the humanoid denizens of Zo’s lair notice intruders 5 feet of a pillar has three-quarters cover from ranged
who aren’t their captives, they try to sound the alarm by attacks. A creature can topple a pillar with a successful
blasting the horn in area Z7 three times. The Lair Roster DC 20 Strength check. The pillar falls away from the
table (see overleaf) summarizes the positions of denizens creature in a line 5-feet wide and 10-feet long. Each
across the lair and indicates how they react when intruders creature in the area must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity
are detected, or the horn is sounded. saving throw or take 11 (2d10) bludgeoning damage.
The lair is a living community. Outside of combat, Walls and Ceilings. The lair walls are made of stone
inhabitants move between chambers, feed, wash, rest, and bricks covered with a thin layer of moss and ferns.
engage in all the strange realities of their day to day lives. Creatures without a climb speed climb the walls with
You can take inspiration from the Lair Roster below to a successful DC 16 Strength (Athletics) check. Unless
emulate this. noted otherwise, the height of the ceilings is 10 foot.
Area Creature(s) Notes
Z1 1 clay golem The golem remains here.
Z2 2 albino dwarvef warriors If the horn in area Z7 is sounded, the dwarves flee into the
jungle and hide.
Z3 3 albino dwarf warriors If the horn in area Z7 is sounded, the dwarves sneak into
area Z1 and reconstruct the golem if it has been destroyed.
The golem reanimates with 70 hit points.
Z4 20 flying monkeys The flying monkeys remain here.
Z5 1 weretiger Emeny Redcrown (noble) If the horn in area 27 is sounded, the weretiger heads there
to investigate. The noble remains.
Z6 5 helmed horrors (inactive unless The helmed horrors remain here.
intruders emerge, or they are fed)
Z9 4 weretigers (only during the day) If the horn in area Z7 is sounded, 2 weretigers head to area
Z7 to investigate, the others head to area Z12.
Z10 4 weretigers (only during the night) If the horn in area Z7 is sounded, 2 weretigers head to area
Z7 to investigate, the others head to area Z12.
Z12 Wizard of Zo, Razira and 1 straw man If the horn in area Z7 is sounded. Razira heads to area Z9,
where she can respond to threats from any direction. Zo
unlocks the area to Z13 and uses the iron branches to get to
area Z7. Razira and Zo flee back to area Z12 if outmatched.
The scarecrow remains here.
Z13 Toto If the horn in area Z7 is sounded, Toto awaits orders after his
door is unlocked.


The Wizard of Zo is not a static creature. He travels around After making your way through the jungle, toward the source
his lair on the iron branches that spread throughout (see of the threat to Camp Resistance, you come to a clearing
Lair General Features). If the characters are overpowering filled with discarded stone bricks, metal bars, and tree
an encounter or if they are getting bored, have Zo appear. stumps. In the centre of the clearing is a strange, mismatched
Zo has a variety of tactics to abuse intruders. His main stone building that seems relatively new, but is already
use is to act as an extra pair of eyes to help command the sprouting moss and ferns. Two pairs of pillars lead up to the
creatures within his lair. Zo can also use his arsenal of south-facing entrance of the bizarre structure. To the left of
spells to attack the characters. The most common use of this entranceway is a small forge pumping out black smoke.
Zo’s spells is to use invisibility to keep himself hidden, then On the roof to the right is a wide metal cask surrounded by
employ illusion spells such as minor illusion to create a heat lines which warp the nearby stonework.
booming voice or his favourite giant green face illusion to
scare characters away. Characters who head straight in through the main entrance
If the characters manage to corner Zo, he always tries to end up in area Z1. Characters who head to the forge end
keep a spell slot free for invisibility so that he can make an up in area Z2. Characters who investigate the cask can
escape via the branch network. tell that it is extremely hot. Getting onto the roof to take a
closer look requires a successful DC 12 Strength (Athletics)
check. The cask feeds molten gold into area Z8 and is
THE WIZARD’S LAIR under the effects of a permanent heat metal spell. Casting
The Tomb of Impersonation is the Wizard of Zo’s mockery dispel magic on the cask, or placing it within an area of
of the Tomb of Annihilation. He has seen scattered notes an antimagic field or similar effect, disables the Molten
of the tomb from the spellbook of the wizard he found, and Gold Spray of the trap in area Z8. Touching the cask deals
tried to emulate the dungeon in his own lair. Although there 22 (4d10) fire damage. Characters who scout around the
is no tomb, and only a handful of annihilation, the building building locate another entrance at area Z11.
serves its purpose of lair and barracks well. Zo lives here
permanently, as do his pride of allied weretigers, albino
dwarves and his host of pets.

Tomb of Impersonation
1 square = 5 foot

Standing in the sunken pit in the centre of this chamber’s In a squat chamber to the west of the main entry hall are two
floor is an amorphous humanoid seemingly formed of orange tents of dinosaur skin. From within you can hear creatures
clay. The hulking golem has huge forearms and fists which chatting to each other in a foreign language.
hang down almost to its knees. At the corners of the pit are
four pillars, each of which has been sculpted into a spiral. This room is dedicated for use by the albino dwarves,
who have pitched their tents in here. When the characters
The clay golem in this room was made by the albino arrive, there are three albino dwarf warriors in one of the
dwarves and given life by Zo himself. It only follows the tents relaxing. They only fight as a last resort, preferring to
commands of Zo but is still liable to go berserk. If the flee to area Z7 and sound the horn.
clay golem notices the characters, it immediately attacks Ceiling. The ceiling in this room is only 6-foot high. Large
them, toppling the pillars if necessary to hit more than one creatures must squeeze into the space.
character. Treasure. The tent in which the dwarves are relaxing
Sunken Pit. The 5-foot deep pit in this room is magically contains three bedrolls and six days’ worth of rations. The
trapped. If a living creature enters it, the stairs on each side other tent contains two bedrolls and a locked chest. The
of the pit snap down to become almost sheer faces. Any chest can be opened with Boq’s key (see area Z2) or with
creature on the stairs when they collapse slides into the a successful DC 15 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools.
pit and takes 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage. Creatures can Inside the chest is 55 sp and 80 gp, as well as three small
clamber out of the pit with a successful DC 10 Strength emeralds (500 gp each), a rapier with a sapphire pommel
(Athletics) check. (1,000 gp) and a breastplate with an enamelled sigil of the
Secret Doors. Built into the walls of this chamber are Order of the Gauntlet (300 gp). The rapier and breastplate
two secrets doors. One leads to area Z3, and the other belong to Emeny Redcrown (see area Z5).
to area Z8. The door to area Z3 can be spotted with a
successful DC 18 Wisdom (Perception) check. Once Z4. MONKEY ROOST
detected, the door can be opened with a successful DC
10 Intelligence (Investigation) check by pressing a certain The magnificent hall that opens up before you is filled with
brick, which looks like a dwarf face. flying monkeys, each of which is wearing a little blue suit with
The door to area Z8 can be spotted with a successful a red trim and a fez. Attached to the belt of each monkey is
DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check, as the floor around the a key. The monkeys are swinging around on vines hanging
base of the door has a few flecks of gold on it. Opening the from the high ceiling, brawling with each other or relaxing on
door is far harder than spotting it and requires a successful platforms attached to the pillars in this chamber. There are
DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) check. The mechanism four doors in this chamber; a pair of unlocked wooden doors
to open the door requires several bricks to be slid around and three locked doors painted red, green and blue.
before the mechanism unlocks.
This chamber is filled with twenty flying monkeys with the
Z2. FORGE following changes:

Out the front of the jungle lair is a small, grey brick forge. ● The monkeys have an AC of 13 (leather armour)
Hammering away at an anvil to one side of this forge are a ● Flyby. The monkey doesn’t provoke an attack of
pair of albino dwarves. Both of the dwarves’ pale bodies are opportunity when it flies out of an enemies’ reach.
tattooed head to toe, with one clearly having more intricate ● The monkeys can throw
designs and a wide pair of nose plates in his nostrils. pebbles (+3 to hit, range
15/30 ft., one target)
The two albino dwarf warriors working at the forge are with deal 4 (1d4 + 2)
distracted and have passive Wisdom (Perception) scores of bludgeoning damage
9 while they continue their work. The dwarf with the nose on a hit.
plates is Boq, the leader of the dwarves working for Zo.
Unlike the other dwarves, Boq knows the entire layout of
Zo’s lair, including which creatures are in which rooms. All
the dwarves know how to open the secret door to area Z3,
but only Boq knows how to open the secret door to area Z8.
Boq also has a key to the chest in his tent.
The dwarves do not want to be involved in combat. Boq
tries to run to area Z7 if attacked. The other dwarf flees into
the jungle.
Forge. The forge works well, though can’t be used to
make anything larger than Medium. The anvil that the
dwarves were working at has half a dozen unpolished keys
atop it. These keys are uncut.

The monkeys don’t attack unless one of their number is
attacked, or if the Wizard of Zo commands them to do so.
Keys. Each monkey is carrying a key. Characters with a
You find yourselves in a strangely shaped, red painted
passive Wisdom (Perception) of 15 or higher notice that
chamber. The walls curve around in strange angles to create
the keys are uncut; if their passive Wisdom (Perception)
a point which juts out into the chamber, under which there
is 20 or higher they locate three monkeys with cut keys.
seems to be a darkened alcove. Looking around, you notice
The cut keys are red, green and blue, corresponding to the
there are several rusty grates in the floor. By far the strangest
appropriate door.
thing in the room are the half-dozen suits of armour which
If a character grapples a monkey, they can attempt to
hang by chains from the ceiling like mechanical puppets.
wrestle the key from them with a contested Strength check.
Characters can convince a monkey to surrender a key with Any creature with a beating heart that enters this room
a successful DC 16 Wisdom (Animal Handling) check. The awakens the six helmed horrors. The horrors have enough
check can be made with advantage if the character has chain to fly throughout the room but not enough to leave.
some food to swap with the monkeys. Characters can also The horrors are hungry for hearts. If they knock a creature
recover keys from dead monkeys. unconscious, they all pile in for the kill, tearing the still-
Doors. Each of the coloured doors in this chamber is beating heart from the corpse and devouring it. If the
locked. The doors are reinforced with iron bars inside characters provide hearts for the constructs, the horrors are
the woodwork and require a successful DC 22 Strength distracted, allowing the characters to slip past.
check to smash open. The doors can be unlocked with a Secret Door. On the northern wall of the chamber is
successful DC 20 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools. The an alcove around 3-feet high, 15-feet wide and 10-feet
keys to the locks are held by three of the flying monkeys deep. At the back of the alcove is a secret door, which can
(see above). The green door leads to area Z5, the red door be found with a successful DC 12 Wisdom (Perception)
to area Z6 and the blue door to area Z7. check as light shines through beneath it. The door can
be opened by pulling a concealed handle in the alcove
Z5. PRISON ceiling, discoverable with a successful DC 14 Intelligence
(Investigation) check.
Stretching out before you is a dark, narrow corridor. On either
side of the corridor are prison cells behind locked iron-barred
doors. Snarling at you from a chair at the far end of the
corridor is a weretiger. Sitting on an ornate brass stand at the end of the hall is a
long, spiralling horn with a mouthpiece on one end. The
The weretiger in this room attacks any intruders. If it feels
instrument is clearly fashioned from the antler of a jungle
it necessary, the weretiger can use the prison cell doors
deer and has been delicately engraved and painted with
to block melee combatants reaching it, or even lock them
bright patterns.
into the cells as the doors lock upon closing by shoving or
grappling them in. If any humanoid within the lair discovers intruders, they are
Prison Cells. Only the westernmost prison cell is locked. likely to make their way here to sound the horn. Doing so
Each other cell door is slightly ajar. Pushing a cell door shut raises an alarm in the lair, the effects of which are detailed
causes it to lock. The weretiger in this room has the keys to in the Lair Roster table.
each cell door. Opening a cell requires a successful DC 30 Sounding the Horn. Any character who blasts the horn
Strength check or a successful DC 16 Dexterity check using sends a reverberating ululation throughout the lair, alerting
thieves’ tools. The cells are bare stone on the inside and any who remain to listen of their presence.
contain nothing but a bucket and straw-stuffed mattress. Treasure. The horn itself
Emeny Redcrown. The westernmost cell is locked and is worth 15 gp.
contains the exhausted Commander Emeny Redcrown.
Although no one at Camp Resistance knows she is
still alive, Zo has been keeping her captive to use as a
bargaining chip if the camp decides to stop paying tribute to
him. Emeny uses the statistics of a noble but doesn’t have
any equipment. She currently has one level of exhaustion.
Emeny’s equipment is in the locked chest in area Z3.
Emeny is keen to escape the lair rather than seeking
vengeance as without her, the Wizard of Zo has little to
bargain with.
Light. This room is dimly lit by a few candles mounted in
brackets on the walls.
Ceiling. The height of the ceiling here is only 6 feet.
Treasure. The weretiger carries 2d6 gp.

Z8. EASTERN CORRIDOR Constant Elements. The Swinging Scythes and Poison
Darts affect each creature that ends its turn in an area
affected by them.
All along the floor of this lengthy corridor are flecks of
gold which appear to have been melted onto the masonry.
Swinging Scythes. Any creature that ends its turn in the
The whole place twinkles with the yellow light of candles,
scythes’ area is attacked: +5 attack bonus; 11 (2d10)
reflected a million times from the gilded bricks.
slashing damage on a hit.
This corridor is trapped throughout by a complex trap. Poison Darts. Any creature that ends its turn in the darts’
area must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw.
GOLDEN BRICK ROAD On a failed save, the creature is hit by a poison dart and
Complex trap, (level 5-10, dangerous threat) takes 11 (2d10) poison damage, and must succeed on a
DC 20 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned
The eastern corridor is the most direct and obvious for 1 minute.
route from the rear of the lair, where Zo and the pride of
weretigers live, to the main entrance occupied mostly by the Countermeasures. The trap can be overcome or avoided.
albino dwarves and constructs Zo has created. Because of
this, the corridor is rigged with a terrifying trap designed Avoid the Pressure Plate. There is a concealed pressure
to deter and maim intruders. The corridor is 70-feet long, plate at each end of the corridor. These plates can be
7-feet wide and 10-feet tall. spotted with a successful DC 30 Wisdom (Perception)
Trigger. Stepping on the pressure plate triggers this trap. or Intelligence (Investigation) check. Wedging an
Initiative. The trap acts on initiative count 20 and iron spike or another object under the pressure plate
initiative count 10. prevents the trap from activating.
Active Elements. The Golden Brick Road includes a set Swinging Scythes. Characters can smash the scythes
of swinging scythes along the first and last 25 feet of the to damage their components, or discern how to avoid
trap, poison darts shot from the walls in the middle 20 feet, them. The scythes are disabled if their attack bonus is
and molten gold spray throughout. reduced to -8. Ways to reduce it are described below:

Swinging Scythes (Initiative 20). The scythes slash Intelligence (Investigation), DC 15. As an action, a
across the corridor, attacking each creature in the first creature that can see the scythes can attempt an
and last 25 feet, with a +8 bonus to the attack roll and Intelligence (Investigation) check. A successful check
dealing 11 (2d10) slashing damage on a hit. means that the character can anticipate the scythes’
Poison Darts (Initiative 20). Each creature within the movement, imposing disadvantage on the scythes’
middle 20 feet of the corridor must succeed on a DC 15 attacks against the creature while it isn’t incapacitated.
Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the creature Attack. A creature in the area can ready an attack to
is hit by a poison dart and takes 11 (2d10) poison strike at one of the scythes as it goes by. The scythe
damage, and must succeed on a DC 20 Constitution gains advantage on its attack against the creature. The
saving throw or become poisoned for 1 minute. creature then attacks. Each scythe has AC 15 and 15
Molten Gold Spray (Initiative 10). Molten gold sprays hit points. Destroying a scythe reduces the Swinging
from holes in the ceiling. Each creature in the corridor Scythes attack bonus by 2.
takes 3 (1d6) fire damage and must succeed on a DC Dexterity check using thieves’ tools, DC 15. Creatures can
5 Strength saving throw or have their speed reduced use thieves’ tools in the area attacked by the scythes to
by 5 feet. A creature whose speed is reduced to 0 is foil their mechanism. A successful check reduces the
restrained. A creature killed by this damage is encased Swinging Scythes attack bonus by 2.
in gold.
Poison Darts. Characters can use an action to stuff the
Dynamic Elements. The scythes and the gold become holes from which the darts are being shot in a 5-foot
more dangerous the longer the trap remains active. long section of the corridor with cloth or wax. This
prevents the darts from firing in that area.
Scythes Accelerate. The scythes move with increasing Molten Gold Spray. Characters who can reach the ceiling
speed, slowing only when they hit a target. Each can use an action to stuff the holes from which the
time the scythes miss with an attack, their next gold is sprayed in a 5-foot long section of the corridor
attack becomes harder to avoid. After each miss, the with a material resistant to melting or burning, such as
scythes’ attack bonus increases by 2, and their damage ball bearings. This prevents the gold from spraying in
increases by 5 (1d10). These benefits apply until the that area. Characters can also sabotage the trap from
scythes hit, after which the values return to normal. outside (see Lair Exterior).
Turn up the Heat. Each turn, the damage of the molten
gold spray increases by 3 (1d6). In addition, the gold’s Treasure. If chipped from the bricks, the molten gold
saving throw DC increases by 5. is worth 2,500 gp, though it takes a character 30 hours
to claim it all. Multiple characters working together can
shorten the time proportionately.

The courtyard ahead is home to a towering tree of tarnished In the north-eastern corner of the structure is another
and rusted iron whose branches reach throughout the rest entrance. A pair of double doors leads into a chamber lit
of the building. The tree is a remarkable replica of the real by green flames in brass braziers on the floor. At the other
article, even down to the detail of the bark. The mossy floor end of the room you can clearly see a doorway, but it is
around the tree is spongy under your feet and peppered with blocked by a greenstone statue of a cowering lion. Next to
brightly coloured exotic flowers. this grovelling statue is a near identical twin statue, this one
standing proud.
This iron tree provides Zo access throughout the lair.
Characters can climb the tree as if climbing the iron In order to pass through the door in this chamber,
branches (see Lair General Features). characters must move the grovelling statue. The easiest
Creatures. During the day there are four weretigers way to do this is to give the lion courage. This can come
lounging here among the flora playing cards, chatting or in the form of spells such as heroism or ‘dutch courage’
snoozing. If they discover intruders, three of them guard the like a bottle of tej. Let your players be imaginative in their
entrance to area Z12 and the remaining tiger heads to area interpretation of courage here.
Z7 to sound the alarm. Characters may attempt other methods, such as spells
Treasure. Each weretiger carries 2d6 gp. which can change the shape of stone, which should also be
permitted. The first time a character attempts to damage
Z10. WERETIGER BARRACKS the statue, a deep, gravelly snarl comes from the stone.
If the character persists, both statues animate as stone
Several rickety beds have been constructed in this room, golems and attack. Characters will then only be able to
blocking easy movement through it. The stone floor is pass through if they can defeat both golems.
covered with animal skin rugs and the walls are hung with If the characters peacefully move the statue, read or
tapestries made of strings of beads. Attached to the ceiling of paraphrase the following:
the room are silk curtains tied up with string which look like
they could be unfurled to divide the room. Slowly and laboriously the statue before you begins to
grind to its feet. The lion’s demeanour changes from one of
This room houses four weretigers during the night. If cowardice to match its partner’s proud confidence. When the
surprised, the weretigers try to put up a fight here, using statue finally sits upright, it lets out a magnificent roar and
the objects in the room to best effect (see below). One of the the door which it previously blocked pops open.
weretigers tries to get to area Z7 to sound the alarm. At the
DMs discretion, Razira of the Pride (see ‘Time for Tribute’) Any creatures in area Z10 when this happens cannot be
may be here at night. surprised be creatures which come through the door and
Beds. A Medium creature within 5 feet of the bed has half are woken if they were sleeping.
cover from ranged attacks.
Curtains. A creature can yank on one of the three strings
hanging down from the ceiling to unfurl a curtain (no action
required). Doing so divides the room behind these silken
textiles along the lines shown on the map. Creatures on
either side of the curtains have total cover against each
other’s attacks. Retying the curtains by pulling the strings
takes an action. The curtains have AC 11 and 10 hit points.
Treasure. Each weretiger carries 2d6 gp. Beneath each
bed is an unlocked wooden trunk which contains a few sets
of clothes (5 gp per trunk) and a random trinket. One of the
trunks marked with a white stripe also contains a painted
tiger skull with bloodstones in its eye sockets (250 gp), a
figurine of wondrous power: ebony fly and two potions of
greater healing. There are three animal-skin rugs (100 gp
each) and three beaded tapestries depicting hunting tigers
(150 gp each).

Z12. ZO’S CHAMBERS Adjusting Difficulty. If you want to make the encounter
easier for characters who are drained of resources, have Zo
be unable to open the door to area Z13 in his panic. This
You enter a lavishly decorated room with brightly coloured
allows characters to tackle Toto at their own pace, or not at
drapes hanging down the walls and a plush mountain of silk
pillows on a raised dais in the corner. Up against the southern
If you wish to make the encounter harder, have the two
wall is a desk and chair covered with scrolls and tomes. In
golden statues animate and attack the characters. Use the
each other corner stands a vaguely humanoid statue of what
statistics animated armour to represent the statues.
appears to be solid gold.
Remember that you can always adjust the hit points of
These lavish chambers belong to the Wizard of Zo, who creatures on the fly to balance encounter difficulty.
spends most of his time here reading, writing or napping.
During the day Razira of the Pride often keeps the Wizard
of Zo company. The chambers are guarded from within ROLEPLAYING THE WIZARD OF ZO
at all times by a straw man who leans into the southeast The Wizard is a strange character to say the least. He
corner. has no education, save from the spellbook he discovered.
Tactics. When characters enter the room, it is unlikely Because of this, he resorts to primitive tactics if
that Zo will not be concentrating on major image. Zo threatened, such as scurrying away on iron branches.
prefers to communicate through the huge green face he When the Wizard is acting on his own accord, rather
manifests with the spell. Unless Zo has also cast tongues, than responding to the characters, he is far more relaxed.
his speech is broken Common, as he hasn’t got a full grasp He prefers to communicate through his major image, and
on the language yet. is a commanding presence. The appearance of the ‘Mask
Most of the time, Zo the zorbo hides out of sight where he of Ubtao’ should terrify the characters, which can be
can spectate from a safe spot. Often this means he keeps to achieved by having him appear at moments of danger, or
the network of iron branches throughout the lair, and lets by having him cast additional spells when he appears.
the major image do all the talking. Even when in his own Eventually, the characters may best the Wizard. In
chambers, Zo tends to slump in his desk chair to remain this scenario, Zo begs for mercy. He would rather die
hidden or bury himself up to the neck in his pillow pile. than have his headband removed and revert to his base
Razira and the straw man are more opaque fighters, existence as a zorbo. He hesitate to bargain if he must.
preferring to fight in melee. Razira does this out of pride,
the straw manan does it out of constructed confidence.
The straw man often screams and cackles loudly when it
If intruders enter his chambers, Zo wastes no time in
unlocking to door to area Z13.
Treasure. On his desk Zo keeps a spellbook which
belonged to a wizard named Murlan Firecracker. The
spellbook contains all of the spells from Zo’s statblock, a
few descriptions and drawings of the Tomb of Annihilation,
and a half-formed novel idea about witches and hurricanes
and lions and tigers and bears (oh my!). There are also four
tomes of arcane law (100 gp each) as well as calligrapher’s
supplies (10 gp). Any character searching through Zo’s
pillow pile discovers a tiny pair of ruby high heels (1,500
gp), which Zo only wears on special occasions and his
stuffed teddy bear (1 gp). As well as Razira’s equipment, she
carries 20 gp and 6 sp plus a handful of gems worth 50 gp.
Locked Door. In the southern wall of the chamber is a
locked door that is barred from this side. Using an action,
the bar can be removed, and the door unlocked with the
key. Zo has the only key. If a character wishes to pick the
lock and remove the bar they must succeed on a DC 18
Dexterity check using thieves’ tools. Hanging on the door is
a large legbone with the word ‘Toto’ engraved into it.
Statues. The statues are adventurers that happened
upon Zo’s lair and were killed by the trap in area Z8. They
are dead and can only be brought back to life if removed
from their gilded casing. Removing the gold from a ‘statue’
takes 15 hours. The gold yielded is worth 1,000 gp.
Multiple characters working together can shorten the time
proportionately. The Wizard of Zo
Pushing open the heavy door reveals a dimly lit chamber with illing the Wizard of Zo or stealing his

a vaulted ceiling. Along the edges of the ceiling are empty headband of intellect frees Camp Resistance
galleries. In the rear corner you can just make out a mound of from his oppression, even if Razira and the
straw and bones. weretigers are left alive. The characters
might also be able to bargain with the Wizard
Monsters. Unless already released Toto, Zo’s pet to reach the same resolution. Characters
chimera, is in this room. Toto attacks anyone other than who manage to free the camp are lauded as heroes by
Zo and the weretigers on sight. Toto prefers to assault the inhabitants of Camp Resistance and are rewarded by
creatures from the air, landing on the galleries below the Lieutenant Waters or Commander Redcrown with 1,000
vaulted ceiling if it needs to. gp for their actions. The characters might have to explain
Ceiling. The ceiling in this chamber is 25-feet high. Along the existence of the ‘Mask of Ubtao’ to the Chultans who
the edges of the ceiling are galleries, each around 10-feet believed it was truly a manifestation of the ‘lost god’, which
high and 10-feet wide. Characters that can climb or fly can might lead to additional tensions in the camp.
take shelter in these galleries, which provide half cover The characters may also have succeeded on additional
from creatures outside the the galleries. goals relevant to the hook which led them to adventure.
Light. This chamber is dimly lit by four white driftglobes
which float around the top of the pillars.
Treasure. The driftglobes are attached to the pillars by
thick ropes and nets. Releasing one requires a successful If the characters successfully rescued Commander
DC 12 Strength check or an attack with a slashing or Redcrown, she assumes control of Camp Resistance and
piercing weapon. Among the pile of bones and straw that makes a move to redeploy the Order of the Gauntlet at
serves as Toto’s bed are the remains of several humanoids. Camp Vengeance. The same happens under the command
Characters who succeed on a DC 14 Intelligence of Lieutenant Waters if the characters bring good news
(Investigation) check while searching through the bed find from Commander Breakbone. Alternatively, the characters
a dismembered pair of gnome legs still wearing winged might convince the Order to move back to Port Nyanzaru
boots, and an orc finger wearing a ring of feather falling. rather than risking the travel to Camp Vengeance. If the
characters bring back news of the camp to Breakbone, he
rewards them with 200 gp.

If the characters successfully manage to neutralise the
threat of Zo, Omoyala can reimburse Ekene-Afa for the
diminished shipments and begin to start the gold trade
along the Tiryki once again. Bringing news back to
the merchant prince about the state of Camp Resistance
earns a reward of 200 gp.

Characters who complete additional goals within the
adventure should be awarded additional experience
for their achievements:

● Characters who free Commander Emeny

Redcrown are awarded 500 XP each.
● Characters who disarm or destroy the Golden Brick
Road trap are awarded 3,850 XP split between
● Characters who take Zo’s headband of intellect are
considered to have defeated him and are awarded
1,100 XP split between them.

Small beast, unaligned
his appendix presents the game statistics

Armour Class 12
for new monsters and NPCs encountered in Hit Points 3 (1d6)
this adventure, including those from sources Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft., fly 30 ft.
other than the Monster Manual.
8 (-1) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 5 (-3) 12 (+1) 6 (-2)

Senses passive Perception 11

The albino dwarves of Chult were driven from their Challenge 0 (10 XP)
subterranean homes by volcanic activity, and hose who
didn’t seek refuge in Port Nyanzaru adapted to living in Pack Tactics. The flying monkey has advantage on an
the jungle. They make armour out of dinosaur hide; shape attack roll against a creature if at least one of the monkey’s
weapons out of dinosaur bones, flint, and wood; and craft allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn’t
ornate jewelry out of bones, feathers, tusks, and stone incapacitated.
beads. Albino dwarves haven’t forgotten how to forge metal, ACTIONS
but they seldom have the means to do so.
The albino dwarves in this adventure are hired by the Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +1 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Wizard of Zo to build his ‘tomb of impersonation’. The Hit: 1 (1d4 - 1) piercing damage.
master architect is Boq, who leads the other dwarves in
their work, and is also an experienced fighter.
ALBINO DWARF WARRIOR Giant snapping turtles can grow to be 12 feet in diameter.
Medium humanoid (dwarf), any alignment Although they appear slow and ponderous, they are capable
Armour Class 13 (hide armour) of startling bursts of speed and will aggressively attack
Hit Points 30 (4d8 + 12) smaller creatures that approach them. One snap of a giant
Speed 25 ft. turtle’s jaws can cut a human in half, and these creatures
aren’t fussy about what they eat.


13 (+1) 13 (+1) 17 (+3) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) Large beast, unaligned

Skills Perception +4, Stealth +3, Survival +4 Armour Class 17 (natural armour), 12 while prone
Damage Resistances poison Hit Points 75 (10d10 + 20)
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14 Speed 30 ft., swim 40 ft.
Languages Common, Dwarvish
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Dwarven Resilience. The dwarf has advantage on saving 19 (+4) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 2 (-4) 12 (+1) 5 (-3)
throws against poison.
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
ACTIONS Languages -
Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Handaxe. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach
5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) slashing Amphibious. The turtle can breathe air and water.
Stable. Whenever an effect knocks the creature prone, it
can make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw to avoid being
FLYING MONKEY knocked prone. A prone turtle is upside down. To stand up,
Flying monkeys are slightly more clever and curious than it must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity check on its turn and
common monkeys, and can be domesticated and taught then use all its movement for that turn.
to obey basic commands. They come in many colours and ACTIONS
varieties, with feathered wings that have a span of 5 about
feet. Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
The flying monkeys in this adventure have been Hit: 18 (4d6 + 4) slashing damage.
domesticated by the Wizard of Zo for their company, which
he thoroughly enjoys, and to keep his keys out of the hands
of pesky intruders.
Girallons are four-armed apes with white fur. Girallon Pterafolk (pronounced TAIR-eh-folk) are 10-foot-tall,
zombies are slower than their non-undead counterparts but winged, reptilian bipeds native to Chult. Malevolent
no less fierce. The necromantic energy empowering them isolationists, they regard most other creatures as their
fuels their murderous hearts and their hunger for living enemies. In Chultan culture, pterafolk are often referred
flesh. to as “terror folk” for their habit of swooping down from
the sky to snatch whatever and whomever they can, then
GIRALLON ZOMBIE transporting treasure and food back to their roosts.
Large undead, chaotic evil Pterafolk have 20-foot wingspans and give birth to live
young. Ancient rituals once bestowed upon pterafolk the
Armour Class 11 (natural armour)
ability to assume the forms of pteranodons and wingless
Hit Points 59 (7d10 + 21)
lizardfolk, but those rituals have long been forgotten.
Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Large monstrosity, neutral evil
18 (+4) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 3 (-4) 7 (-2) 5 (-3) Armour Class 12 (natural armor)
Hit Points 26 (4dl O + 4)
Damage Immunities poison
Speed 30 ft., fly 50 ft.
Condition Immunities poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 8
Challenge 3 (700 XP) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 9 (-1) 10 (+0) 11 (+0)
Aggressive. As a bonus action, the zombie can move up to
Skills Perception +2, Survival +2
its speed toward a hostile creature it can see.
Senses passive Perception 12
Languages Common
Undead Fortitude. If damage reduces the zombie to 0 hit
Challenge l (200 XP)
points, it must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC
of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or Terror Dive. If the pterafolk is flying and dives at least 30
from a critical hit. On a success, the zombie drops to 1 hit feet straight toward a target, and then hits that target with a
point instead. melee weapon attack, the target is frightened until the end
of its next turn.
Multiattack. The zombie makes five attacks: one with its ACTIONS
bite and four with its claws. Multiattack: The pterafolk makes three attacks: one with
its bite and two with its claws. Alternatively, it makes two
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft,. one target. melee attacks with its javelin.
Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one Hit: 7 (2d4 + 2) piercing damage.
target. Hit: 6 (1d4 + 4) slashing damage.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) slashing damage.

Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5

ft. or range 30/120 ft,. one target. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) piercing

These terrifying dinosaurs are the tyrannosaruses of the Straw men are living constructs, akin to scarecrows, that
aquatic world. Normally found hunting along river banks, a have an insatiable desire to extract and devour humanoid
spinosaurus is easily recognised by its long, razor-toothed brains. They are typically made from hessian sacks and old,
maw and the tall sail which protrudes from its back. rusted farm tools discarded by their previous owners. These
components are collected and stitched together into the
SPINOSAURUS mockery of a man, then doused in humanoid blood. After
Huge beast, unaligned the ceremony is complete, the construct is given life.
Insatiable Hunger. A straw man has no desires save to
Armour Class 13 (natural armour) obey its creator and consume humanoid brains. The blood
Hit Points 95 (10d12 + 30) in which it was soaked at birth determines the humanoid
Speed 40 swim ft., 40 ft. it is most interested in devouring. Although straw men are
occasionally overcome by their hunger, they normally make
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA superb bodyguards thanks to their terrifying gaze, and the
constant threat of having your head split open.
23 (+6) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 2 (-4) 12 (+1) 9 (-1) Rogue Ambushers. If the creator of a straw man dies,
or leaves a straw man without commands for too long,
Skills Perception +4
the construct might go renegade. These lawless creatures
Senses blindsight 10 ft., passive Perception 14
default to hunting for brains using ambush tactics,
Languages –
pretending to be scarecrows in fields or crumpled piles of
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
bags at the side of the street. Should anyone stray too close,
the straw man reveals its true form, attempt to paralyse its
Hold Breath. The spinosaurus can hold its breath for 10
prey and peel open their skulls with its rusted claws.

Multiattack. The spinosaurus makes two attacks: one
with its bite and one with its tail. It can make both
attacks against the same target.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10 ft.,

one target. Hit: 18 (4d10 + 6) piercing damage. If
the target is a Medium or smaller creature, it is
grappled (escape DC 16). Until this grapple ends,
the target is restrained, and the spinosaurus can’t
bite another target.

Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10

ft., one target. Hit: 19 (3d8 + 6) bludgeoning
damage and the target must succeed on a
DC 16 Strength saving throw or be knocked

Medium construct, chaotic evil A tyrannosaurus zombie has a gullet full of smaller
zombies, which it can disgorge. These zombies aren’t under
Armour Class 15 (natural armour) the tyrannosaurus zombie’s control.
Hit Points 65 (10d8 + 20)
Huge undead, unaligned
Armour Class 11 (natural armour)
14 (+2) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) Hit Points 136 (13d12 + 52)
Speed 40 ft.
Damage Vulnerabilities fire
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
from nonmagical weapons
25 (+7) 6 (-2) 19 (+4) 1 (-5) 3 (-4) 5 (-3)
Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, Damage Immunities poison
paralysed, poisoned, unconscious Condition Immunities poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10 Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 6
Languages Common, telepathy 120 ft. Languages -
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)
False Appearance. While the straw man remains Disgorge Zombie. As a bonus action, the tyrannosaurus
motionless, it is indistinguishable from an ordinary, zombie can disgorge a normal zombie, which appears in an
inanimate scarecrow. unoccupied space within 10 feet of it. The disgorged zombie
acts on its own initiative count. After a zombie is disgorged,
Terrifying Gaze. When a creature that can see the straw roll a d6. On a roll of l, the tyrannosaurus zombie runs out
man’s eyes starts its turn within 30 feet of the straw man, of zombies to disgorge and loses this trait. If the
the straw man can force it to make a DC 15 Wisdom saving tyrannosaurus zombie still has this trait when it dies, 1d4
throw if the straw man isn’t incapacitated and can see the normal zombies erupt from its corpse at the start of its next
creature. If the saving throw fails by 5 or more, the creature turn. These zombies act on their own initiative count.
is paralysed until the end of its next turn. Otherwise, a
creature is frightened until the end of its next turn on a Undead Fortitude. If damage reduces the tyrannosaurus
failed save. zombie to 0 hit points, it must make a Constitution saving
Unless surprised, a creature can avert its eyes to avoid throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless the
the saving throw at the start of its turn. If the creature does damage is radiant or from a critical hit. On a success, the
so, it has disadvantage on attack rolls against the straw zombie drops to 1 hit point instead.
man until the start of its next turn. If the creature looks at
the straw man in the meantime, it must immediately make ACTIONS
the saving throw. Multiattack. The tyrannosaurus zombie makes two attacks:
one with its bite and one with its tail. It can’t make both
ACTIONS attacks against the same target.
Multiattack. The straw man makes two claw attacks.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 33 (4d12 + 7) piercing damage. If the target is
target. Hit: 11 (2d8 + 2) slashing damage. If the target is a a Medium or smaller creature, it is grappled (escape DC
creature, it must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw 17). Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained and the
or be frightened until the end of the straw man’s next turn. tyrannosaurus zombie can’t bite another target or disgorge
Devour Brain. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one paralysed humanoid. Hit: The target takes 27 (5d10) Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
piercing damage. If this damage reduces the target to 0 target. Hit: 20 (3d8 + 7) bludgeoning damage.
hit points, the straw man kills the target by extracting and
devouring its brain.

WIZARD OF ZO Displacement (Recharges after the Wizard Casts an
Illusion Spell of 1st Level or Higher). As a bonus action,
Once nothing more than a curious zorbo, the Wizard of the Wizard projects an illusion that makes the illusionist
Zo discovered the corpse of a mage and stole from it a appear to be standing in a place a few inches from its
headband of intellect, a wand of magic missiles and a actual location, causing any creature to have disadvantage
spellbook. Possessed with new intelligence and a strange on attack rolls against the Wizard. The effect ends if the
determination to build a deadly dungeon, the wizard soon Wizard takes damage, it is incapacitated, or its speed
became far more than its genetics might otherwise have becomes 0.
WIZARD OF ZO Destructive Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach
Small monstrosity, neutral
5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (2d6 + 1) slashing damage, and if the
target is a creature wearing armour, carrying a shield, or
Armour Class 10 (see Natural Armour feature)
in possession of a magic item that improves its AC, it must
Hit Points 58 (13d6 + 13)
make a DC 11 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save,
Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft.
one such item worn or carried by the creature (the target’s
choice) magically deteriorates, taking a permanent and
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA cumulative -1 penalty to the AC it offers, and the Wizard
13 (+1) 11 (+0) 13 (+1) 19 (+4) 12 (+1) 7 (-2) gains a +1 bonus to AC until the start of its next turn.
Armour reduced to an AC of 10 or a shield or magic item
Saving Throws Intelligence +6, Wisdom +3 that drops to a 0 AC increase is destroyed.
Skills Arcana + 6, Athletics +3, History +6, Perception +3
Senses passive Perception 13 Wand of Magic Missiles (7 Charges). While holding the
Languages Common wand, the Wizard can use an action to expend 1 or more
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) of the wand’s charges to cast the magic missile spell from
it. For 1 charge, it casts the 1st-level version of the spell.
Magic Resistance. The Wizard has advantage on saving The wizard can increase the spell slot level by one for each
throws against spells and other magical effects. additional charge it expends.
The wand regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily
Natural Armour. The Wizard magically absorbs the natural at dawn. If the Wizard expends the wand’s last charge,
strength of its surroundings, adjusting its Armour Class roll a d20. On a 1, the wand crumbles into ashes and is
based on the material it is standing or climbing on: AC destroyed.
15 for wood or bone, AC 17 for earth or stone, or AC 19
for metal. If the Wizard isn’t in contact with any of these
substances, its AC is 10.

Special Equipment. The Wizard wears a headband of

intellect and wields a wand of magic missiles. It also has
access to the spellbook of a 7th-level spellcaster.

Spellcasting. The Wizard is a 7th-level spellcaster. Its

spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 14, +6 to
hit with spell attacks). The Wizard has the following spells

Cantrips (at will): dancing lights, mage hand, minor illusion,

poison spray
1st level (4 slots): chromatic orb, colour spray,* feather fall,
2nd level (3 slots): invisibility,* mirror image,* phantasmal
3rd level (3 slots): major image,* tongues
4th level (1 slot): phantasmal killer*
*Illusion spell of 1st level or higher

APPENDIX REFERENCE Pterafolk (ToA, p229)
Ring of Feather Falling (DMG, p191)
Spinosaurus (Appendix A)
PAGE Stone Golem (MM, p170)
Straw Man (Appendix A)
he following page provides references for Suffocating (PHB, p183)

the various rules, creatures and magic items Swarm of Quippers (MM, p338)
presented in the adventure. Tongues spell (PHB, p283)
Tribal Warrior (MM, p350)
Trinket (PHB, p160+)
Tyrannosaurus Zombie (ToA, p241)
Veteran (MM, p350)
Acolyte (MM, p342) Weretiger (MM, p210)
Albino Dwarf Warrior (ToA, p210) Winged Boots (DMG, p214)
Animated Armour (MM, p19) Wizard of Zo (Appendix A)
Ballista (DMG, p255) Zorbo (ToA, p241)
Clay Golem (MM, p168)
Chimera (MM, p39)
Conditions (restrained, poisoned) (PHB, p290+)
Difficult Terrain (PHB, p182+) Aleksandr Nikonov - - Page 28
Diseases (ToA, p40+)
Driftglobe (DMG, p166) Danny Pavlov - - Cover, Page
Druid (MM, p346) 7-10, 12, 17, 20, 21 & 27
Exhaustion (PHB, p291)
Figurine of Wondrous Power: Ebony Fly (DMG, p169) Dean Spencer © 2015 Dean Spencer, used with
Flying Monkey (ToA, p220) permission. All rights reserved. - Page 4 & 18
Giant Snapping Turtle (ToA, p222)
Girallon Zombie (ToA, p240) DMsGuild Creator Resources - Page 13, 14 & 22
Gladiator (MM, p346)
Guard (MM, p347) JVC Parry -, - Page 5 & 16
Headband of Intellect (DMG, p173)
Helmed Horror (MM, p183) Matt Morrow - Purple Duck Games: mz9000.carbonmade
Heroism spell (PHB, p230+) com - Page 25
Lycanthropy (MM, p206+)
Major Image spell (PHB, p258) Matthias Rothenaicher - Page 16
Milestone Levelling system (DMG, p261)
Potion of Greater Healing (DMG, p187+) Travis Purvis - - Page 11
Priest (MM, p348)


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