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the egg never falls far from the goose IS SUE #1 2 0 2 3

a review
by Mark Cachia-Riedl by Shea Stevenson
Tampopo (1985) is a self-fashioned “ramen
When the construction of a new building begins,
western;” a light-hearted Japanese comedy about a
the surrounding residents in the small town of
woman learning to run a ramen shop. It borrows
Geretsried are on alert. In many cases, they are soon
the plot structure of an American Western, where
notified that they have to evacuate while a bomb
two wandering truckers drift into the lives of the
squad examines unexploded projectiles that fell on
titular Tampopo and her small cast of orbiting
the town more than 70 years ago. The distribution of
goofs, and through dedication, wits, and a bit of
the remaining ordnance in the ground is completely
fighting, they turn the village ramen shop around
unpredictable, and equipment operators have to be
and ride off into the sunset Tokyo freeways.
on the lookout for their gear to encounter metal
Tampopo is important because it’s the queen of
anywhere in the sprawling, flat ground. Once the
all genre films, and to see the crown is to know its
remains of shells have been retrieved or exploded,
terrible, terrible power.
the all clear is given, construction can resume, and
Whenever I show Tampopo to someone
residents can return to their homes.
new, there are three moments that take them aback
For a long time, there was really nothing there, just an
and stand out amongst the otherwise agreeable-to-
alluvial plain next to the Isar river with gravelly, poor
the-average-American goings on:
soil overgrown with skinny pine trees and riparian
The first food sex scene. Throughout the movie
bushes. A little farther north, near the junction
we’re occasionally distracted from the “main plot”
with the Loisach, Wolfratshausen, the county town
to watch some skits, three at a time, regarding food
where I grew up, lies. And much farther north, and
in some way. These rule, and when they start, you
since the late nineteenth century connected by rail,
go: oh, okay. It’s got skits. And then one of them is
is Munich. South of Wolfratshausen, dispersed at
some hot people doing sex stuff with food and you
the edge of this alluvial forest, where cultivation
ask: is this movie rated R? (Yes.)
became possible, lay small hamlets of farms, such as
When they kill a turtle on screen. Some 3/4ths
Geretsried. The rail connection to Munich brought
into the movie, to make a dish, a character slices
my own grandparents to Wolfratshausen in 1939 to
the back of a turtle’s neck to instantly kill it.
raise their family.
cont’d on pg. 10 cont’d on pg. 3


Mutant Re󰑢e󱁬s by Olivia L. Brummett

He left the dark house American history is rich with rebellion. From
abolitionists to unionists to skinheads, it’s arguable that
by Isabelle Cachia-Riedl without the conflict caused by strong-willed rebels, socio-
political change does not occur. How rebellion is initiated
And in the house there was a man also impacts the resulting social conditions. The questions to
and I crept very quietly after him be had are abundant: Who are modern rebels? What are they
around the corner and down carpeted steps rebelling against? How will that change in the next 50 years?
Details of a community’s social and economic state often reflect
he sat then.
the attributes or ‘types’ of their respective rebels. Unionist
rebels become more active when there is a shift in the monetary
In the dark
discrepancy between upper and lower classes. Fashion reliant
In the light from the street lamp
rebels like Punks and Hippies are more prominent when a
and I sat at his feet. community attempts to enforce strong social normalities
associated with physical appearance and lifestyle expectations.
Tell me uncle where are you going?
He bent over with a rasping sound SO, WHO ARE THEY?
like ripping foil,
and took the sides of my head A list of rebels in the 2020’s would look something
into his palms. like the following: fascists, deep-web conspiracists, and union
activists. Perhaps someone else who spends their time thinking
I will go out now. about the US rebellion can give a few more examples. These
Okay. are the groups that have made it obvious they disagree with a
current system and have attempted change.
He stood and carefully moved past me The Writer’s Guild of America has finally reached
not to touch negotiations in a 143 day strike. Only 10 days shorter than
not to glance the longest reported writer’s union strike in 1988. Beginning
Monday October 1st, 2023, guild members will be voting
but to creep as I did after him whether or not to accept the deal, which puts a tentative
to leave the house without waking conclusion to this sensational display of organized rebellion.
to close the door with While carrying on a tradition of diligence among white collar
his shoes in hand middle-class jobs in the creative field, the unionists of ‘23, and
and go into the gray night each new rebel to date, fights a more complex battle than their
predecessors because each side carries a memory of the former
where a man in a car was waiting.
While WGA union organizers in ‘88 were fighting
When uncle got into the car HM
for updated contracts in light of a change in show structure
he looked up at the man and I saw
(longer episodes dictate better residuals), unionists in ‘23 are
they both had emerald eyes. negotiating against being replaced by Artificial Intelligence as
well as pay raises. While it’s easy to shove modern rebels into
categories of their past selves, the nuances in the challenges
they face makes their struggle unique to the current state
of society. cont’d on pg. 9 1
is si ons@gm ique creat v
m art poetry tsto ri e s crit i


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[email protected]





goo n

reative nonfi

Olivia L. Brummett Editor/Writer
ories c

Ryan Tuozzolo

Shea Stevenson Editor/Writer



Mark Cachia-Riedl




Ashton Carless Poetry

Binyamin Babayof Poetry

Dave Laverty Poetry


Emory Brigden Poetry


Ana Neifeld Illustration

Henry Murphy Illustration n gooseeg

Nick Potoskie Illustration
Tali Burry-Schnepp Illustration
Dov Diamond Special Thanks

fiction gooseeggs

Isabelle Cachia-Riedl Editor in Chief

o n

critique creative

try shortst

poetry sho s ar t
rtstorie ng
nonfictio ooseeggs
eative [email protected] o

c s

It doesn’t actually start with that saloon brawl. Tampopo NP
starts in a movie theater (if we were watching this on the
big screen, it would be nearly a literal mirror of us), where a
handsome mobster inundated with plates of hot food talks

a review
to you, the audience (this is the last time anyone will do
this), about going to the movies. He asks you, in a stunning
by Shea Stevenson narrative turn, what you’re eating. The first thing Tampopo
does is in effect command you to go get something to eat.
Already we are arrested. It’s broken the normative contract
of the movie and gotten us physically involved. In a turn
that most poetic-style movies take large fractions of hours
cont’d from page 1 to achieve, Tampopo has instantly given itself purchase in
You can see it moving, and then not. Despite there being the real world and in your literal personhood. When I first
some buildup to it within the scene, people are surprised watched Tampopo, I paused the movie and made myself a
when they actually do it. An American might have cut away. sandwich, then came back.
long time before it was ads, but movies and ads have grown
The second food sex scene. Same as the first, but even more And after the credits roll, the equation proves so powerful
up together. They can’t be separated anymore.” We were
iconic. Something about the first one has people let their that it even works in reverse. The act of eating itself, for
sitting in Central Park in the sun (summer, hot). In my
guards down, imagining that the whim has passed. In fact, a time, becomes a reference to Tampopo. It shows then
memory his waxing on this subject lasted for well over ten
it’s the only repetitious skit. its final form as a work of profound philosophical power;
minutes. He was an apocalyptic thinker and, I imagine, had
What place do these moments have in the perfect American a piece of media so effective that it joins the ranks of
not seen as many foreign films as he thought. “There will
genre film? This question is the fulcrum through which we films so persuasive that their effects are only comparable
be no more movies in a hundred years,” he said; “once we
can lift our understanding of the movie itself. to hypnotism. It shows itself as extraordinarily effective
have VR it will all be holograms and 2-D movies will be like
Tampopo is about food through a seemingly intrinsic propaganda. This is, after all, the meaning of a genre film.
vinyl records. Your kids will laugh at you for showing them
playfulness that usually manifests There are two important and generally
a flat movie.” I did not argue with him although I did think
as comedy. But while most of it opposed schools of thinking about
he was an idiot. The first point, if not correct, is a reaction
is funny, so too is it sexy, because filmmaking that came to prominence
to something real.
sometimes food is sexy. So too is it in the 1960s: Montage cinema (which
It’s essential to note that Juzo Itami (director of Tampopo)
sad, because sometimes food is sad. believes that the edit is supreme, each shot
got his start in commercials, and only got the movie
It’s triumphant, grim, nostalgic, gaining meaning from its cut in the movie)
made because his commercials had been so successful.
aloofly-contemplative in turns and poetic cinema (which believes that
Commercials are, needless to say, the purest form of
because it’s triangulating some each shot individually gains its meaning
montage cinema. Many directors come from commercials
massive (ancient) theme within from the inherent play between the
(David Fincher, Ridley Scott, and Zach Snyder to name a
the diligently-kept confines of audience and the image).
few) for this exact reason. That’s where the money is.
its Western structure. Tampopo, These are not mutually exclusive by any
What Itami and company have done with Tampopo is a
in its surprises, scatter-plots the means, but they represent vastly different
bit like building a nuclear energy plant just to power your
breathtaking silhouette of an idea ideas about what movies are “for” as an art.
electric oven. In mastering (for a fleeting instant) the craft
that we can’t help but connect the To the montage theorist, each shot has a
of normative Western filmmaking, they necessarily found a
dots on. Its story is then about NP definite meaning- their filmic language is
befouled treasure in its depths; a hypnotism; the invocation
something larger than any one story can possibly be. It needs clean and precise. The music swells and we know to feel
of an utter compulsion in a receptive audience. Tampopo is
somewhere (someone) to spill forth into. pride, or the lights dim so we know to feel scared. We see
armed to the teeth and uses its knives to carve you a steak.
Scholar Amy Hungerford makes a (perhaps pompous but) a man saluting, and cut to the flag. To the poetic theorist,
“Why do you have so many knives?” You may ask it. “What
useful distinction when she discusses the difference between each shot can be thought of as a question (often a leading
do you mean?” It will respond. Then, after some thinking,
“genre” fiction and “literary” fiction. To paraphrase: genre question, but a question nonetheless). What’s happening
it will continue: “This is what movies look like.” You will
fiction attempts to please you by showing you a familiar here? Where are they going? What do I think of this? In
reply that knives are pretty cool.
pleasure; the detective will solve the crime, the action hero this conception of the art form, there is no set meaning- it’s
You will eat a professionally made bowl of ramen at your
will beat the bad guy, a fairy tale will start with “once upon a painting in a gallery and you’re looking at it. You tell me,
earliest convenience after your screening ends, knowing
a time.” Literary fiction attempts to create pleasures outside man.
that it’s because a movie told you to.
of those charted by any specific genre, and also try to say A fairly obvious line can be drawn between montage
Tampopo reminds me of that Central Park conversation
something bigger about the human condition, storytelling, cinema and genre fiction. After filmic language has become
every time I watch it. The film calls to mind his partial
art, etc. The literary is then essentially self-reflective and in ingrained enough in a society, just seeing the stories play
correctness- it’s an ad that tells you to do something. In
some ways novel. out in a language we understand is gratifying. It’s the exact
mastering its craft, it reveals that that craft is advertising,
Of course, all art can be placed somewhere on a sliding scale same reflex that we get when we read, but the language is
is propaganda, is control. Yet it also calls to mind the
between these two imagined extremes. Tampopo seems at all-surrounding, omnisensory, intrinsically infatuating in a
utter shortsightedness of such a way of thinking. What is
first to be a straightforward case of the former: it’s a Western way that the written word simply isn’t.
Tampopo asking you to do? It asks you to enjoy food. It is
and it wants you to know it; they give the trucker a cowboy To a propagandist, the difference is immediate and
as nonspecific and harmonious as that: enjoy food, it is life.
hat and start with a saloon ramen shop brawl. The “main plot” obvious: movies are their subjects, words are words. There
Tampopo is an ad, and ads are art.
is caked in Western tropes, revels in them, performs many has never been a propaganda machine more effective than
Defiance of some standard American conventions is at
familiar beats with a gleeful dedication to the fundamentals genre film. Most people cannot put it into words: it just
least part of what makes Tampopo such an effective and
of modern American narrative storytelling. The training feels good. Genre/montage filmmaking is violent in its
multi-purpose tool. There is disgust embroiled with the
montage, the mentor’s mentor, the grand re-opening, the most basic elements: you can arrange it into something
humor. There is subversive arousal in the disgust. There
showdown at noon. After all, it is the perfect genre film. And beautiful, but its pieces have things they do best; it is a
is a different sort of humor below the subversive arousal.
yet: language of hypnosis, inseparable from a violent control.
It creeps into your skin and why not let it? It’s harmless.
I had an older friend once, a real melancholy sort of
Matter of fact: it’s probably good for you.
man, who told me that he thought movies were an Not even the people who made Tampopo could make
immoral medium “corrupted to the core Tampopo again. They tried. It’s lightning in amber, still
by advertising. It’s all advertising. glowing, still hot.
Literature had time to Watch Tampopo at your earliest
grow for a convenience. You’ll like it. Find it


Queen of the
The boy and I slept above and they slept below. Everyone
had seemed concerned by the pantry full of sardines and
the smell of the place that was admittedly putrid. I left
them alone for long stints to go to the water and swim back

Underwater by Isabelle Cachia-Riedl

world of clouds. The birds replaced the fish, and the wind
replaced the currents. They flew in long lines with a leader
at the front. They might have been going somewhere
important like back to their nest homes or out to eat. Some
birds could swim I thought, and how wonderful it would be
down to the cave. The fish waited for me to come back and
I did not like to keep them waiting.
My guests got increasingly irritated by my absences,
eventually the boy blurted out, “Where the hell do you go
all day! What are we supposed to do here in this stinking
to go anywhere on earth in the water, sky, or land. apartment?”
I thought those little underwater houses looked like this I returned the exclamation in astonishment, “How dare
one my grandpa made, a miniature version of the house he you speak to me that way! I am in court making big
built in the south of Germany. He showed me this house decisions all day! That is what I am doing while you are
when I was 11. I remember him looking down at me and in this stinking apartment. You don’t believe me and that
The ocean is blue, in some places it is bluer. In Elba it is the smiling, but it seemed that glint in his eye, was a reflection is fine because you are missing out! There are whole cities
bluest. It is a deep blue and a bright blue, and the waves are of something so far away deep like a silver pitcher at the of fish down there and they all respect me.” The boy was
gilded in gold. There is a secret place deep in the ocean, a end of a long dark hallway. He became demented soon after wide eyed, pink, and still.
cave submerged in water. that and died soon after that, I never saw him again. But This whole scene was in front of Teresa and William. I
On the hill I had a bed, it was in an old stable and used to be these houses I thought, looked so similar. They had that ran out of the room and Teresa followed me. I wanted
underwater too, as everything once was and will be. That is glow about them that only a doll house can have, or like to show her the cities and the desert and even the Cave
why it smelled of mold. When it was underwater the horses looking down at a city from an airplane. I wanted to cram where I held my court. “Teresa, come with me you can
had long scaled tales and their front hooves weren’t good for myself into one or be tiny like plankton They were pockets use my goggles. I want to show you what I mean. There is
much. I can relate because I wish I had fins too. It is funny of warmth flickering in a tiny universe. so much life, they build things, they have a real organized
that it used to be a stable because before I was born my The kelp forest receded into a large desert of sand, scattered society and I am the head of state. It is amazing really, but
uncle Christain took a donkey there, and painted the walls with abandoned shells and old gas stations. Small aquatic it is true. I inherited the crown from my Uncle, but he has
black like the bottom of the ocean. I think he remembered tumbleweeds rolled by. I knew I was looking for something, been vacant from the throne for years. There is a Cave!
something but everyone said he had gone crazy. waiting for something to show itself. A glimmer of a You can breathe in there. It’s decorated with abalone and
He sat on the porch with a rifle, and the donkey at his side. tale shone in the corner of my eye. It had nestled itself sand dollars and I sit on a throne of coral. I am going to
He just pointed it at people, letting air out of his mouth (whatever it was) between two rocks the size of basketballs. stay down there, I’ll take you.”
like “tchhhh tchhhh tchhhh.” They didn’t let him back I took a huge breath above, then swam towards them. As I She said Ok. I led the way down to the shore. It was
after that, although he didn’t shoot anybody. I thought grew nearer the rocks grew into large boulders and when I particularly windy, the waves crashed against the huge
this was a strange story and wanted to see shell. I took her to the edge.
the place myself. I wondered if the place “You must jump here and swim
had anything to do with what he had done. out that way (I pointed) past
My Dad and Oma had painted it all back that rock there, there is a big
to white before I got there, but it still stunk crack in the earth, it cracks right
like the ocean. I imagined it filled up, like though a huge boulder and that
an underwater cave, how nice it would be to is where the cave is. You might
live there if I were a fish. not think you can fit, but you
I knew the way to the ocean before I saw do. Here are my goggles. In the
it. The path that goes behind fences and cave feel the wall and when it
along the pipes that bring the ocean up. My turns smooth, then you can see.
Papa must have walked that way a hundred I’ll be right behind you.”
times growing up. I don’t think he found Teresa looked at me and I
the cave, he would have told me. He went couldn’t tell if she thought I was
to a different beach too, one that is past fudging it or not, but she took
Madonna delle grazi, you have to walk the goggles and dove in.
around the Church and past the cave to get The waves were harsh and it was
there. His beach has a cement diving ledge hard to keep track of her as she
that is still there, when you jump you fall swam in front. I couldn’t see
15 feet down and hit that deep blue water much, my goggles were leaking,
hard. All at once it is blue even if your eyes it had all become a huge blur.
are closed, and the fish scatter. There is a I was looking for her and when
sharp rock you are worried that you might I finally found her she was
hit but won’t. If you open your eyes there clinging to a rock. Clinging to
will be bubbles and a forest of seaweed. the rock right above the Cave.
My beach wasn’t much of a beach at all. It
was a huge clam, about 30 feet high and just
as deep. It was open at a square angle and “Teresa! Did you see it, the city
the water would wash up. It was so shallow had reached them, the split between the rocks grew into a HM and the cave?”
the hermit crabs became my friends. It was a carpet of huge cave. When I entered at first it was completely dark, “I cant see anything! Its too muddy, everything has washed
jewels you had to be careful where you stepped, or else it the water grew colder and my fingers gliding along the wall away. Here take the goggles and see for yourself!” She was
would be a *crunch* and shards of shell would be stuck in sensed a change from moss to sharp smooth crystals. Then yelling over the crashing waves.
your foot. I would sunbathe in the crook of the clam, like a I could see everything. With the goggles on I dove in. Everything was gone. It was
pearl white and shining. At the edge of the clam, in ankle I cannot say much about the cave and the events a mud storm. There wasn’t a fish in sight. The houses were
deep water you could jump off and sink into a forest of kelp. that happened there as I have sworn to Neptune. When gone. The desert had washed into the town and covered
The first time I jumped a huge fish chased me. I could sense I did emerge, barely conscious from lack of oxygen, I had everything up. I could barely see the entrance to the Cave.
it swimming behind me. I swam until I couldn’t swim any become a Queen. It made perfect sense that this happened, “I can’t see anything! I don’t know what to do! I’ll be right
more. When I sank down to the bottom surrounded by the that the fish have an underwater city, and that there are big back!”
kelp I thought forsure I was a goner but not too long after I secret caves in the depths of the ocean. I always thought I dove back in, I wanted to find the cave. To make sure it
woke up coughing on the shore. there would be. I don’t think I was ever shocked to find was still there.
Back in the old stable I found goggles, a snorkel, and anything down there, the confusion always came afterwards, When I reached the boulder, the one with a huge crack
flippers. My Oma must have kept those for when my uncles when returning to land. and a cave inside, it was just a rock. It was a boulder, what
were younger. There were three pairs of googles, two of The week I found the cave and became Queen, a boy came seemed like the same boulder but it had closed up. There
which had snorkels. I thought that would be perfect when to visit me. He was handsome with dark hair and eyes; I had was no way in. They must have known she was there. I
Teresa and William arrived. known him since the previous fall. I had mostly forgotten swam back up. “I’m sorry Teresa, it’s not open right now!
The next day I returned to the clam with sardines and figs about his coming because of all that was happening to It must be the storm! We should head back!”
in my pockets, and my goggles securely fashioned over my me and how exciting it was. He came after I had already We walked back up the hill, towards the old stables. It was
eyes and nose. changed and I decided it was too late. When he first saw a cloudy day.
The water was clear and when I dove off the me he said look at you! And grabbed my tit, I could have Teressa and I swung our goggles around as we walked.
clam there was the forest of seaweed. Squinting through punched him. He did not know I had become Queen down William was on the terrace when we got back, he had
the water I made out little flickering lights in windows there and what he did was disrespectful. He never did begun to paint the sunset.
of homes with sea moss lawns. Whole villages of fish understand. It just never seemed that important to him.
including supermarkets, the DMV, and banks full of sand So I had to go about as Queen around him, careful to not
dollars. The sand dollars had the image of a young man demand too much, or to sound too royal because by then
stamped on them. It looked like one of those pictures it had become a touchy subject. That’s how the week went
the school gives to parents, their kid looking startled and before Teresa and William arrived. Teresa and Willam were
grinning so big because he hadn’t learned to smile yet. my good friends from home, they were artists and were on
The fish didn’t seem to notice me. It was like I was flying, a big trip around Europe. I thought they might be more
looking down from above. I came up for breath sometimes, understanding of me, being artists.
but everytime I could go longer without air. When I got
tired I floated on my back catching my breath, and it was a
THREE POEMS from Selections
by Ashton Carless

O R 1

My first night in the palace under these

common circumstances. The door is closed to
Cleo. No keening, not until tested to not
give even a little. We are both stuck
right here and I need it to be lightless to
rest. I need it, smell as perfumed authentically
and no foul on the floor because
this place is hard to ventilate. What holds
the roof and dusts stays to remember its
endeavors like the droppings of our lives too.
I set up a fan to do what it can. The
bricks look wet but are not. There are
no windows. It feels as if I am living
under weight distributed as to kill me
This is for myself, I swear, all the
thousands of reproductions too.
The Heartland I am that, as to require this, as
to manifest and reflect as much.
by Binyamin Babayof

The facade of this summit has been under construction.

They lifted and took away the
fine mesh before scaffolding came
roped down slowly. I hadn’t seen
its face in years. I left
my palace slowly so I stop
writing slowly, I try to justify
everyday what I do and not.

I think in the years with

the place here now always I still
feel like that little kid
shipped off by himself.

And what I can tell him:

If you have a bag of almonds
on you at all costs at all times
you will probably be alright.
If you can’t manage that, or
water and those many less
necessary things of all great import:
i.e. simple sleep in comfortability,
go and get able help, and there, wait.
And soon, and quietly, look for compression
like little crystals, little seismic talk
that went exactly where it needed to
reading in, and turning outwards, open up.

I want all these things to stay in the night they happen.

Like the route the train takes me on, like exactly the
distances I go in the carriage, sitting down, reading my
own writing to myself. The track always remains as
this line. RIght now, this exactly happens. The train is
above the street, I go along with it. I take it three stops
into Queens, over and over, and past the places I have
always lived, here. I read an old note I wrote to myself,
“I want to know that I can make it, in acting so, and
ultimately ending, good,” The window is scratched
with vague profanities, names, or callings to one
another. Outside passes dark. I slept long enough into
the day for sunlight to reach me long nor well enough.

I want all these things to stay in the nights they

happen like trains remaining in these exact angles of
distances of my way through here, over the road I’ve
always lived off of here.

I pick up my pencil. I am meeting and entertaining the

notion of thousands of other me’s passing through and
HM into themselves, on the right side bench, beautifully
ghosted within the trains carriages place above the
track rails going east. All ways in my own time,
shuttering, still, dependent on me, always being able to
see this, for however long it takes.

The entrevista that follows is a portrait. All conducted in Madrid — first at the Hotel Savoia, All the same, the interview proclaims more affinity with the aesthetic bents of its moment
then at the Residencia de Estudiantes proper, where García Lorca was a student from 1918 to than the political (as if the two are purely separable). The sketch is highly subjective, as all
1928 — it paints for the reader a peripheral image of Federico García Lorca, both distant and are — and Ortega, a Mexican journalist, only 24 at the time of publication. Though one might
near. It is as if we could almost reach out to touch the poet himself, as interviewer Gregorio expect conversation at the Savoia, for instance, to have revolved around aesthetic and structural
Ortega Hernandez does, as if the poet becomes to us more than the astounding phantasm of a potentials for Republican renovation, the setting Ortega paints here drags, bordering on aimless.
body of poetry, theatre and prose left behind before his assasination. Is this a product of a lyrical bent to Ortega’s reporting (brimming with imagistic reference
to Spanish poetry, mimicking rhythms of verse, alternating in tense), a condescension of his
The year of publication is 1926. Here, García Lorca is still a student, and at least two years contemporary Spanish avant-garde, or an otherwise truthful, to his eye, representation of a
into formal work on Romancero Gitano, the collection of ballads (at once narrative Spanish stalled congregation? We cannot know, and there is a gift in permission to receive the reading
romancero and lyric poetry; at once informed by avant-garde modernismo and deeply attuned lightly, not forcing from it a tense wrangling of absolute fact, but delighting in its elegances just
to Romani Spanish folk song) with which he would become the preeminent Spanish literary as the sun delights upon the oleanders.
voice of his generation.
Gregorio Ortega Hernandez printed the original article along with two poems from García
We find Spain at this time still amidst the discontents of Restauración of the Bourbon crown, Lorca’s collection Canciones (1921-1924). The poem I’ve selected to translate here comes from
and at this time under the dictatorship of Miguel Primo de Rivera. Five years later, republicans, Primeras Canciones, or First Songs, which the poet wrote in 1922. As Ortega records García
socialists and members of the Catalan left would join to form the Second Spanish Republic, Lorca himself declaring: Creo que a un poeta, antes de hacerle preguntas, deben escuchársele
with Manuel Azaña (present here at the Savoia) as minister of war and, eventually prime sus poemas — (shakily) “I think that, before asking a poet questions, one ought to listen to
minister — a political experiment violently shuttered by the Spanish Civil War. their poems.” I hope to afford the reader such an opening.
–Ryan Tuozzolo

A POEM (from Primeras Canciones): This evening I imagine it thus:

Shepherd, you come. The oxen had a rhythm
of ancient church bells
The earth was and the eyes of a bird.
Traslated by Ryan Tuozzolo They put the moon
yellow. They are for the morning
in my hands.
of snow-fall, and nonetheless
At the top of that hill, I placed it again
I hem, I hem, they bore the orange
a little green tree. in the open spaces
Sweet shepherd, I hem. from the summer air.
and the Father rewarded me
Shepherd, you go, Ancient since birth
with rose and with halo.
Shepherd, you come. Neither white moon, they have no master
nor star shone. and, still, memory of the wings
Upon the daisy-ripe sky
Dreamy olive groves from their ribs.
I amble along.
descend into the hot plain. I hem, I hem, The oxen, always sighing
Sweet shepherd, I hem. through the fields of Ruth
Shepherd, you go, And now continuing
in pursuit of the river-crossing,
Shepherd, you come. through this field,
Dark woman of the grapes, the eternal river-crossing,
I go to shake the girls
cuts the cry from the vine. drunken on starlight
You have neither white sheep nor dog, from the fatal suitors,
to chew over their own cries.
nor staff nor love. I go to shower each young man
I hem, I hem, with coins of gold.
Sweet shepherd, I hem. Two oxen, red,
Shepherd, you go. in the field of gold.
Upon the daisy-ripe sky
Two oxen, red, I amble along.
Like a shadow of gold, in the field of gold. Upon the daisy-ripe sky
you dissolve into the wheat-fields. I amble along.
— F. García Lorca, 1922

AN INTERVIEW: Azaña; the dazzled eyeglasses of Claudio de la Torre; the irony Rivas Cherif, García Lorca, González Rojo, Durán. They cited
of Rivas Cherif; the malice of García Lorca; the enthusiasm of Paderewski — “The Minuet’ — Stravinsky, Gaona, Joselito,
From: ‘THE NEW SPAIN: FEDERICO GARCIA Gustavo Durán, musician.
LORCA’ Belmonte, Granero, Fokine.

The talk was of bulls, of toros. Incidental subject. García Lorca Loose names in the thirst of the avid afternoon.
Translated by Ryan Tuozzolo — face tanned, hair half-combed, half-fallen over his forehead,
eyes small and penetrating — spoke with a thoughtful abandon
By way of one of the shores of the underground Madrid more agile than winter hours. He was beside me, positioned
river that runs through Alcalá — at times with a slow, slightly back, so that we all watched him in profile.
profound, joyful song colored by the womens’ sheer RESIDENCIA DE ESTUDIANTES, Pinar, 21-23. 28006,
dresses; at times dense and still from the suffocating Madrid
— La fiesta taurina, the bullfight — he affirmed with a
heat; at times allowing brief respite for dazed eyes — scholarly jest — is the most perfect game created by man. With
and which widens with advancing current to surround The taxi arrived at La Cibeles, and I thus – with haste, tossed
harmony in its parts, it always unfolds with rigorous order; it to the right by a tree-shaded path — at the Residencia
the island of La Cibeles with wounding, cutting rapids begins at the precise moment, as in a match of Las Cortes. The
keen on finding vulnerable pupils: de Estudiantes. Midday was stalled on the branches in a
bullfighter knows the precise number of hits to give the bull, luminous ecstasy. García Lorca received me; the cordiality
and the best side from which to stab him. There are toreros of the environment condensed in our greeting, in the walk
Our tables had the feel of a beach lounge, available for like Belmonte, who create a superhuman emotion. A fight is
those who rest, more ready each moment to return to through the Garden of the Oleanders, in the comings and
animated with color and with joy. Only the Holy processions goings through the pavilions and the laboratories. We
the city — and yet we are inside of her —or to some of Toledo and Sevilla, in solemn liturgy, are comparable.
dilated marine voyage: Pedro Salinas, Claudio de la found everything quiet. The students of the Residencia had
Torre, Federico García Lorca, Cipriano Rivas Cherif, dispersed, en route to summer adventure or to familiar homes.
I pushed back, shaken with memories by my own extended Only a numbered few of us remained.
Néstor, Gustavo Durán, Manuel Azaña, González Rojo, visual experiences:
etc., those off to more temperate shores, and those of us
who remained to await the fall, the winter. This room of Later, in his room — Franciscan in simplicity — García Lorca
— ¡La danza! showed me two Dalí paintings: “Homenaje a Charlot,” one, and
the Savoia, then, was one of farewells.
the other a woman sewing before a window. The painter —
He smiled. Repeated, blunt and acerbic. remarkable, young — is one of the myths of García Lorca, teller
But that unmoving afternoon, she herself detained
by the sun’s oppressive reign, and whom we all wished of tales (at least according to the poet himself — when a rumor
— Sí, la danza. But is not the bullfight a dance, only with one is passed between writers, from one to the other like a ball: who
would make greater haste, we were all present, reunited, element more: el tragico?
in pause. said it? and if one clarifies: García Lorca, nobody believes it
anymore). Salvador Dalí is quiet; it is the poet who molded his
Rivas Cherif intervened, describing to me an evening of bulls legend, his philosophy, the celebrated interjections that García
I saw, immediate: the robust, tall body of Pedro Salinas, in Sevilla. Claudio de la Torre observes us, obliquely, through
strictly bound in his black suit, with a live face, full of Loca repeats, accommodating them to the circumstance: Como
his eyeglasses. The conversation loses its thread between dice Dalí… The poet has written an “Oda Didáctica a Salvador
color; the discontent — disillusionment? — of Manuel

Dalí” for the painter. We finished lunch, closed with a wave of mystery.
the crossties to connect them. He read. He reads with an
“Homenaje a Charlot” possesses a broad-stroked grace, unity (And what of the fragrance of the Spanish vines?) inspired face, lifted, gesturing with his right hand. In the
of a multiplicity of sensations. And the young woman sewing background, the oleanders …
carries a political note — of the city and, more precisely, of We returned to the bedroom. The window through which we
the barrio — and an enchanting simplicity in the made had watched the oleanders was open. García Lorca went on — You will notice, Ortega, that in my poems I make use of
atmosphere, pieced together like the body of the youth, all confiding … elements not used before: the carabinier, the Englishman
minute delight of the hands, of the eyes. The poet moved who goes to Andalucía, etc. My goal is to achieve a theatre
the paintings to the best light, so that I might appreciate — I yearn for a made work of art, built with a skeleton of silver, that is both of my land and universal, like Falla in ballet with
them, all together, in front of the oleanders, upon which the seated with firm resolve and with great breath. Small verses El amor brujo… Listen, this ballad of the Englishman, of the
sun delighted, refracting with pleasure. are not worthy of poets. It is necessary to write the ode, the gypsy, of the wind, a renewed wind, made myth by me …
extended poem. I’m being plain: I’ve written some ballads that
We answered the call for lunch. Clean, hospitable tables I strive to incorporate into the Romancero. They are borne (In the background, growing dark, the oleanders.)
received us for a frugal meal. We spoke, leaned in a bit with this intention; if I didn’t say so, I wouldn’t be of any use.
towards one another in order to enclose ourselves in our Art, mi amigo, is a game, yes, but a serious game … I left the reading with a grief of harmonies.
own miniature, exclusive universe, both near and distant
from our sparse classmates. He told me of the visit of Dalí Positioned with my eyes towards the window, I saw García The footpaths of the Residencia called to us to walk them.
to Picasso, the cold and magnificent man of Málaga. I told Lorca move emphatically, yet without agitation, contained … Our footsteps traversed them, with that grateful and
him that I’d seen La Niña de los Peines, renowned singer of profound contemplation found deep within the golden
Sevilla: before a beautiful backdrop, a girl in song — ugly — El ultraísmo? It left nothing, nothing. Theatre is progressing arrows of the trees, within the waters of the Canalillo, full of
and aged — next to a modest, yellowed guitarist — agile of poorly in Spain; the plays are gaudy, dirty. I have The Breasts rumors, within the clean sky of Madrid.
hand. of Cachiporra, Marina Pineda and others, which Gregorio
Martínez Sierra read. Crying, he embraced me as the renovador He approached to bid me farewell.
— Did you enjoy it? del teatro español, meant to do away with that which does not
frighten the public … The sun — exhausted from the day — sought rest upon the
I answered, still enraptured in the wonder of that tired voice, houses, lying prone.
nearing its end yet still sublime when it wants to be: I smiled. García Lorca smiled, in good humor. The rain of
words continued: — Adiós, granadino
– It left me astounded.
— … the forms, ‘in the beak of the dove I send you the live sun,’ (He is currently in Granada repeating his ballads to the
A gypsy cry of generations, preserved like the rumors of are past. Something more pure is needed, more poetic. gypsies and the moon.)
shells, synthesis of the near and the distant, returned to my
memory. He approached. Serious. And: — G. Ortega Hernández, 1926

– It is essential — García Lorca said — to hear her multiple — Ortega, although you haven’t asked me to, I will read you
times because one’s requests of her must be guided by some of my verses. Don’t tell our friends, because they will WORK CITED
intuition: you don’t know what song will come out well insist that I not publish. I think that, before asking a poet
and what won’t. It’s essential, also, to differentiate between questions, one ought to listen to their poems. García Lorca Federico, et al. Palabra De Lorca : Declaraciones
the two songs: cante jondo, or deep song, and flamenco. y Entrevistas Completas. Malpaso, 2017.
Cante jondo is the admirable one. Flamenco is decadence, From an unfinished white dresser emerged the white papers, Ortega, Febronio, “La España nueva. Federico García Lorca,”
contrivance, vulgarity. marked with brief lines, as if with unfinished railway tracks — El Universal Ilustrado, Ciudad de México, 26 de diciembre
which do not unite, from end to end, the earth — and without de 1926, pp. 21 y 56.
black with oil. This is how they know she will survive. A

Core of the Earth

praise of love is showered upon her. Adornments such as
precious stones and cold magma are twisted together with
forged wire to make up her first outfit. These materials also
By C.K. prove important to her development. They who mummer
prayers are not the first to do so, and have learned it from
CHAPTER ONE: BIRTHING RITUALS AND AN before. The stones in which they live, and especially those
INTRODUCTION TO NETWORKS that they wear and make tools of, also whisper divinities.
In another way, of course, than from the mouth, but
1 still- it draws in energy from the layers above and below
For a lifetime I have been roaming the dark- flying, to grant power. To the young one, who just had her first
sitting, sleeping, cleaning, eating, thinking, feeling. I have drink of oil, all of these messages will organize inside of
no eyelids so I clean my eyes with my legs, quite frequently. her to grant a Vision: something fuzzy and pure, but with
Born on a spot of wet rock, perhaps already deep within time, will turn crystalline and possess a magnetism so
the earth, I have gone deeper yet. I know this because the strong all of her being will ache towards it.
blackness has been tinged by red. The hum is louder than The houses are connected by streets that go
before and it smells strongly of iron. When I was a baby, the vertical and horizontal and are mostly unseen. Made up
air was cool and the surfaces damp with enough difference of wind currents and electrical frequencies (depending on
in temperature to feel my exterior contrast against the closeness to the orb), still mass amounts may be traveled
environment. Now though, I cannot sense where I end and on these roads. First, the load must be converted, then
the air begins. Complete ambient temperature- it drives me altered, uploaded, sent and delivered. All processes have
mad. to be intended within the first thought of conversion or
After a long while, more than half my life, there else it may become mutated. There are creatures here in
began a sucking from below. A pocket of air deep within the the Center of the Earth that feed off of mutated junk, and
cave system exists causing a disruption in the atmosphere. they are most usually small and created with sharp angles.
It is a crack in the ancient clay. I go to look at the encrusted Their Visions are extremely complicated and fit into a
crevice and get sucked in. It squeezes me and contorts my very tiny, short circuits, which is why they take pleasure in
wings- uncomfortable and all at once. the consumption of other misconstrued processes.
I survive the suck and come unto a new world, Copulation is an important way of life and is
only with a sliver of mica in my side to remind me of the done in unity with the greater good. There are special
journey. I am on the brink of my lifespan and almost die places, like nests, where they come together. Precise ritual
from exposure to the new mix of elements in the air; yet is performed in order to align everything correctly: amber
I thank God because it is beautiful: Light comes glowing and tar are burned in a golden plate, the smooth, concave
from an orb more vast than I, or any of my ancestors, have floor of Carnelian is dusted off and oiled with animal
ever known. It glows steadily and softly, and does not turn fat, orbs of magma float in puddles of oil- placed in
me to into flames. This orb of molten light is embodied by HM accordance with the relevant data, secret prayers are said
the earth I come from. Atop is a mass of red clay and jagged (including ones that weaken the code for the cells of their
rock that almost dissolves around the orb, but not quite, skin, which unlock them and create a viscous surface) and
leaving streaks of earth to trail behind the clumps until belly complete with her life force and creation magic. I am the entrance of the small cave is almost completely sealed
it has accumulated down below in giant heaps at a great, in awe of the drama that surrounds it: the sacrifices of the off with clay, only leaving a small hole for their lover to
wide angle. Upon this heap, below the orb, giant bright waves and the longing of the earth to wrap around. slither into. The rest of the ritual and most of the precious
green waves go to die. I swear I can hear them moan, as they Though I notice (only now, after trance) this orb details are kept secret, and in this secrecy their myth is
crash and leave behind only thick white foam that bubbles has created more than faithful & symbiotic lovers. The born. It will live on into their seed. In a similar way that
away and leaves a sticky residue. Weak and enslaved by this light and waters and earth together have made up a fertile the dream of the planet governs the rhythm of conscious
magnificent sight, I contemplate the belly of the earth. This environment for their dreams to live, which on this plane, life and all its drama.
manifest into a conscious reality played out by creatures: Here, in the Center of their Earth, connected to
on these earthen slopes from the caves to the edges of the the surface world by few tunnels, harmony is a means of
green water exists a city. survival. The single creature existing in the idea of itself
I die. But I remember it, because I am transformed will suffer and die, yet the collective being as one, with
into an all seeing Angel: each Vision yearning towards the neverending story, will
thrive. The prayers they speak are sometimes medicine
2 that seep into the rocks and up into the surface, not only
This city is the oldest place on Earth. stopping there, but always creating an effect. Sometimes,
by Dave Laverty
There are endless streams of black oil that seep chosen creatures will go into the tunnels and spy into
from above, pooling up in neat formations within the clay the world above. They know, after a very long time, the
below. Here, oil is like meat. All creatures are sustained frequency that the others suffer. They know, that their
“… where the imagination can be ignited
by it and will be forever, as it is an infinite resource and world down below is depicted in some temples above as
toward change and creativity, not toward
the blood of the planet. The pools of oil have not been the cruelest punishment. Yet others, define it as the center
modified in any way and are worshiped. of everything, as ultimate peace, as the search from within
— Pádraig Ó Tuama
Within the heart of the habitat there are and the destination at the end of the journey. Still, this
depictions of these pools: drawings and sculptures and place most often is thought of as a great ball of white
songs and other clues. There are many different creatures or red. A blur, a blank space- one that mirrors surface
I. Sheet Music
that subside here, but the ones who walk upright with dwellers understanding of what lies within.
translucent skin utter words of prayer with every breath. Secretly though, there is technology above that
The city is full of this holy chatter which makes it vibrate. aims to mimics the flawless way in which the creatures
“We made love as the sun beats,
There is little need for words of utility, for everyone cares below harmonize. It is rudimentary at most. The systems
as coffins close.”
for one another as if their own life depended upon it. that harbor the most power are stored away in large
— André Breton
Maybe it’s because this is true. But when it is needed, low mountains and underground. This is because deep within
frequency bass is used from the lower belly/groin region. the rocks the music from below can be heard. Even if it
The Smokies sound quaint.
When the young are born they are a blueish is not known, this music changes everything, creating
color. Maybe because they are born in the water, near endless versions of itself until its Vision is satisfied.
Big rolling hills, frolicking
the shore, where the waves are mellow and very warm.
deer, patchwork quilts.
The birthing ones are hairless up until pregnancy. Once
fertilized, long hair will grow from their head (so fast
I sit on a front porch and
it will come to around six feet long by the last stage of
pick a banjo. Stare into a sun
pregnancy) and around the genitals. This is so the baby
and watch it burn.
will have something to cling to once it has arrived. Often
they will be brought up in within the shallow part of
I am your arsonist. Your
the water until it’s skin is hardened enough to face the
clay and rocks; holding onto it’s mother’s long hair while
string snapper. Thread puller.
floating. The mothers also grow enormous asses in this
Deer hunter. I skin you out and
time because there is a lot to do with sitting on the shore
(the ass grows to protect more sensitive parts from the grit
steal what lies
of the stand, which is also part glass shards and igneous
in the valley.
Whoever is nearby the birth will come to bring
You make no quaint sounds.
the small one to the oil pools for the first time. Carrying the
newborn, more and more beings will accumulate around
to help, causing a parade of sort. Chanting and humming
and booming, all with quickly changing emotive faces,
some with reddish black tears.
At the pools, the baby is bathed in the black
8 sludge and has its first nourishment, until her veins run
To the deep-web conspirators, their anonymity solidifies How are rebels countering culture when nearly everything
their cohesion. A collection of like-minded thinkers, only is accepted? How do you counter a culture that pretends A Dry (Somewhat
able to reveal their truth once they’ve set their interpersonal to agree with you? Opinionated) Essay
identity to the side, focusing instead on their extrapersonal, Politics and politicians have been individualized so every on How the USA’s
or socio-political views. Increasingly difficult to achieve citizen is isolated in a pen of self-labeled idealism. Issues that Sense of Rebellion is
expectations of mainstream culture are often amplified by social are addressed on a political front, like abortion rights or critical Progressing
media and television. For instance, attractive physical appearances, race theory in schools, have an array of varying opinions on the
financial success, as well as emotional and affective labor are often topic within the party itself. As frequently and as invariably as we
portrayed unrealistically. By the same means that technology has share ideals, the social mainstream of 2023 deems citizens would
isolated some, it has created growing, amalgamate communities of rather be viewed independently from their political affiliations.
nameless people. Arguably, this is a reason why fascists are hogging the counter-cultural
Those who attempt to rebel against common knowledge have grown in limelight.
magnitude because they’ve built forums where they feel free to express The fascists, the proud boys, and white supremacists make group
ideas that would easily be dismissed elsewhere. mentality look easy because it is their heritage. They are the descendents of
Incels, a debatable sub-culture of internet conspirators, feeling repressed motorcycle gangs and thrasher drop outs, generationally inclined to adhere
by the standards of societal beauty and finance, resort to a hateful, sexist to their differences. Their beliefs are so prominently ostracized that even when
group psychology. Ironically, incel rebellion is often spearheaded by controlling any social media account their individualism becomes invisible to
attractive, wealthy men who take advantage of the culture’s vulnerability an onlooker unless they too are fascists.
by further inscensing their discourse and charging them for lessons on how The title of this article was in part inspired by the gonzo journalist
to attain a warped perspective of the perfect man that rejects mainstream recollections of Hunter S. Thompson in his book on 60’s era motorcycle gangs,
masculinity. Infamous internet personality Andrew Tate is in legal custody, Hell’s Angels. Therein, he defines the turning point for counter-culturists in his time.
facing ambiguous legal repercussions in Romania for human trafficking. The The rebels he observes do not need to be orators or writers or understand the broader
Romanian government has not released complete details, as trafficking is not definitions of anarchy. The media, the news, TV, holds their gritty exhibitionism of
illegal in their country. He gained popularity from capitalizing on the physical rebellion on a pedestal of criticism and infamy.
and fiscal insecurities of men, in short creating a brand that advertised himself as Thompson’s dissection was a vaticination of future rebels. His analysis of how and why
a male model whom women willingly become subservient to. motorcycle gangs, specifically the Hell’s Angels, were such a sensationalist attraction to
Previously, in a similar sensational fashion to WGA unionists, MAGA fascists Americans in the 60’s, explains why our present day counter-culturists have such strong
infamously stormed the US Capitol on February 6th, 2021. The adrenaline rush and inclination towards nazi symbolism and a skewed idea of past (US) American patriotism.
look of defiance on the screaming faces that played across the news left a powerful Thompson states the following:
mark on the public. While many of the identified criminals are facing federal “Now, looking for labels, it is hard to call the Hell’s Angels anything but
charges, their impactful statement is far from being forgotten. mutants. They are urban outlaws with a rural ethic and a new, improvised
The MAGA rebels feared the already confirmed loss of Donald style of self-preservation. Their image of themselves derives mainly

Trump as their President. They have a repugnance to leftist from Celluloid, from the Western movies and two-fisted TV shows
and socialist policies. However their efforts were violent and that have taught them most of what they know about the society
unorganized in a way that Union activists were not. While they live in. Very few read books, and in most cases their formal

unions and environmental activists and even skinheads have education ended at fifteen or sixteen. What little they know
discernible lineage, MAGA fascists are a somewhat new of history has come from the mass media, beginning with
breed of rebels. by Olivia L. Brummett comics ... So if they see themselves in terms of the past, it’s
Since Nixon’s 2nd term, the beef between right because they can’t grasp the terms of the present, much
and left wing voters had been a spectacle of American less the future. They are the sons of poor men and drifters,
patriotism that came to a red, white and blue head every 4 losers and the sons of losers. Their backgrounds are
years. Right wingers resembled a crowd of Archie Bunkers overwhelmingly ordinary. As people, they are like millions
from All in the Family. But even that show pretty much of other people. But in their collective identity they have
ended with Nixon too. With a steady decline in funds a peculiar fascination so obvious that even the press has
for public education and pay for the middle class, Archie recognized it, although not without cynicism.”
Bunker can’t afford to realize the guy he’s voting for is The sons of the sons of losers have bred to fruition.
lobbying to steal his livelihood. The right’s upstanding
middle class history has bred with their lower class HOW WILL REBELS MUTATE IN THE FUTURE?
counterparts. Yes. Proud boys, trailer trash, hicks. Upper
So is that where the rebels of 2023 leave us? A bunch of
class republicans feel divided on many of their parties
uneducated, racist, sexist, cowards on the internet?
developing new campaign methods.
Quite the switch up given former American counter-
The turn over rate for counter-culturists occurs frequently
culturists: in the 50’s and 60’s they were the beat generation,
because, as the name implies, they are quick to invite
hippies, civil rights activists, protesters, motorcycle gangs,
conflict as a means of altering the culture that abhors them.
anti-war/Vietnam protesters. 70’s and 80’s they were
That is to say, the same conflict between the mainstream and
hippies, yuppies, yippies, pacifist protesters, metal heads, and
those who oppose it has been happening since humankind
punks. 90’s counter-culturists retained little of their unionist,
learned to barter. More so than in the past, many 2020’s rebels
striking predecessors of the 20’s-30’s. The USA brings you
act first as individuals rather than a generalization of peers.
skateboarders, homeless junkies, the punk, the grunge, black
gangs, (for a short time)hip hop. These rebels waged the war on
suburbia and homemade apple pie. Consequently, the rebels of the
Capitalism? Socialism? Racism? Abortion? Everything? 2000’s become fewer, they are the arsonists of the 08’ recession, 90’s
There’s a steady fight among unionists and activists against corporate college dropouts, the unemployed, and the punks cling on.
greed. Either for the environment, or the common person’s wages, these acts That’s a long list that could be a whole lot lengthier – not accounting for
of defiance are richly seasoned with historical context. Less so for the environmental years of idealized western media and television, creating and absolving whichever bad
activists, as their roots in the science field have been dissolved by the past - and present guy they’re paid to make. Modern rebels must make quite the impression as they stem
- involvement of hippies. The advantageous benefits of educating oneself on the away from the methods and attributes of their predecessors.
topic they are advocating for were completely lost on hippies and promoted a side to Presently, faded intellectualism of past counter-culturists debilitates their present
environmental activism that frequently does not help the environment at all. understanding of their dissent from credibility. As long as education remains on the
Union groups will continue to exist as long as an unfair relationship exists between downward trend in the United States, our rebels will become more fragmented in
laborers and those they labor for. Environmental groups will persist as long as there their groupings.
are people polluting the Earth at the risk of biological life. Counter-culture in 2023 is an oxy-moron, a cultivation of simultaneous intellectual
The separation of the individual from their respective community is an impertinent growth and deterioration in juxtaposition with across the board decomposition of
social change in mainstream-opposed sub-cultures that has transpired slowly tolerance for the ‘other’. An effort to internalize change has resulted in a surface
over the past century. Individual expression, after being paraded around by level merger of liberal counter-culturist ideals and the mainstream media. The
artists, hippies, gangsters, and punks since the 60’s, has finally been welcomed induction of ongoing technological advancements has led to stark individualism
into the mainstream. Ironically, in lieu of this development, culture and those among the average American.
who counter it have reached a paradox of sameness. To put it in layman’s terms, it’s chaos. There’s no discernable main antagonist.
For example, counter-culturists were successful in breaking the social norms There are a considerable number of rebels out there who don’t know their
for physical appearances and personal philosophy; however, while this has history and who lack basic education. Media attention tends to distract
progressed society in terms of promoting ableism and gender equality, from the point of any counterculturist statement, frequently presenting
some methods of promoting individualism have lost tremendous impact. their actions under the lens of a corporate agenda that alienates citizens
Broadly speaking, individuality is encouraged. Any fashion trend will from one another.
find a group to accept it in 2023, be it politically incorrect or dirty and The US has a rich history of conflict - economic, social, ecological,
hemp sewn, making the counter-culturist outfits of the last 100 years theological, militaristic, diabetic, not to mention beingsexist, racist,
just another personality you find walking down the street. However (more -isms), you name it. Remembering the past by analyzing the
different costumes can still ignite old flames. Satanism is practiced present lays a path to a better future. Rebels will continue to mutate
frequently and with growing communities while being consistently based on their surroundings while still maintaining semblance to
shunned by enraged christians. Activism is encouraged, though their common desires. No matter the form, there will always be
commonly deemed unnecessary. Racial diversity is encouraged those who fight for difference and those who counter, creating
on TV but the Supreme Court has recently ended affirmative an infinite helix of yearning for change.
action. We are a culture that pretends to accept everything
and refuses change all at once.
troops, the SS rounded up thousands of prisoners at the

Foehrenwald by Mark Cachia-Riedl

Dachau concentration camp and led them on a forced
March south. Their destination was unclear, and hundreds
of them were killed along the way. Many passed through
Wolfratshausen and perished in the vicinity before the
guards themselves disappeared before the allied advance. A
cont’d from page 1 few were helped and fed by locals; some received assistance
from the advancing American forces; others marched on to country. Their own conformity and complacency, their
an uncertain destiny. unwillingness to face evil when it arose, was now held up
The horrors came to Wolfratshausen, as elsewhere in as a mirror and constant reminder by their own neighbors.
Within a few weeks, Foehrenwald, now liberated and
Germany, in the 1930s. Gradually at first, then accelerating: There were voices of compassion and reason, to be sure, but
emptied of its slave laborers, became a refuge for thousands
teachers expelled, Jews harassed, flags raised. A member the main tenor of local reaction to the Jews was voiced by
of “displaced persons”—many of them Jewish concentration
of the NSDAP became mayor. The layer of sophistication the new mayor in a report to his district administrator in
camp survivors. Although the allied goal after the end of the
and experimental thought (emanating in large share from 1946: he reported that the Jews were forward, demanding,
war was to repatriate millions of displaced people to their
German Jews) that had begun to transform German society had plenty of money, and tried to profit by the buying and
home countries, this was simply not feasible for those whose
from rigidly conservative to increasingly liberal from the selling of goods at inflated prices. The camp was perceived
possessions had been expropriated, whose home towns
late nineteenth century onward was extinguished. An as dirty and of doubtful morals (very much in line with
destroyed, and whose means of survival upon return were
irreplaceable loss of free thought and innovation sent the well-established prejudices). Most Germans were looking
uncertain. Many Jews could not and would not return to
nation back into a straightjacket of conventionalism from forward to the departure of the Jews, and this was expedited
eastern Europe, where they had been persecuted even prior
which it did not emerge again until the 1960s. once German authorities took over from the Americans.
to the Holocaust and which was now under Soviet control.
The fascist reaction to liberalism produced catastrophic Jews were not allowed to purchase property even if they
They longed for a world of their own, but emigration to
results that transformed the gravel plain south of wanted to stay, and the few who remained in Germany had
the United States was impeded by restrictions and quotas,
Wolfratshausen into something completely new. By 1936, to settle elsewhere. By 1957 the last Jews had left, and the
and the state of Israel did not yet exist. So they built a
planning for the war of expansion was well under way. That town was renamed “Waldram”--explicitly to remove any
“shtetl” in the buildings–complete with a rich community
year, the Nazi mayor of Wolfrathsausen was informed by reference to the “squalid camp” and replace it with a name
life, synagogues, courts, schools and an administration–
the military that the forest just to the south of his town that would apply to a “clean” new settlement. The streets,
after the camp had been declared exclusively Jewish by the
bore all the marks of a promising location for a gigantic which had originally been named in reflection of Nazi
Americans in late 1945. Their numbers swelled by a wave of
arms factory: an existing rail connection, trees that could ideology and then changed to those of American states,
births. Aided by the creation of the state of Israel in 1948,
provide cover for bunkers and buildings, an endless supply were again renamed into something more in sympathy with
most finally left and resettled, although a few stayed even
of water, a sparse or non-existent population, and a flat area the latest group of residents.
after German authorities assumed control of the camp in
suitable for construction. Over the next several years, one The newcomers were also “displaced persons” who had
1951. It was not until 1957 that the last displaced person
of the largest munitions factories in been driven from their homes by
Germany, deliberately constructed the effects of the war. But in yet
in the forest and with dispersed and another tragic reversal of fortune,
reinforced buildings that made them they were the ethnic Germans on
less susceptible to direct air attacks, whose behalf Hitler had invaded
was built in the Geretsried forest. eastern Europe (although most
Once the factory began production, of this purported reasoning was
there was a constant shortage of disingenuous) but who were now
labor. The surrounding area simply expelled by—or managed to
could not supply the thousands of flee from—the Soviet occupiers:
workers necessary for sustaining the “Vertriebene” (“Expellees”) mainly
industrial manufacture of explosives from the former German-occupied
once the war began in 1939. A regions of Poland, Czechoslovakia,
solution was found: instead of relying and the Soviet Union. In late 1955
on local human resources, a pool of the Catholic church purchased
permanent and stationary labor had the camp and began to renovate
to be procured and housed. That the housing stock with the goal of
same year, the northerly extension resettling large families who had
of the alluvial plain between the been searching in vain for scarce
Geretsried factories and the town residences. Thousands more
of Wolfratshausen, known as the came and took advantage of this
“Ferchach” forest for its pine trees unique opportunity to rebuild their
was named “Foehrenwald,” and a lives. They considered themselves
small town was built in accordance victims of Soviet repression. Local
with the most modern building residents eyed them with distrust
practices–a central square and and prejudice–although not as
meeting hall, space for shops and foreign as the displaced Jews, they
schools, terraced row houses strung were still newcomers and were not
along winding streets. A new pool TBS always welcomed with open arms.
of labor became accessible through the acquisition of Many of them also settled in Geretsried, where a new town
left Foehrenwald.
conquered territories and peoples. After the invasion of was built from the ruins of the munitions factory complex.
There was little contact between the survivors and the
France in 1940, Foehrenwald became a camp of forced labor They are among those who have to evacuate their homes
Germans outside the camp, especially at first when access
surrounded by barbed wire, populated mostly by French on occasion because after 70 years, reminders of the great
was restricted and controlled by American Military Police.
workers compelled to make shells and bullets to kill their conflagration are still present.
Before long, however, a limited intercourse based on the
own allies. In only a little more than 20 years, Foehrenwald/Waldram
trade of black market goods developed. Some Germans
Little is known of the reaction the locals in surrounding had gone from untouched nature to a nexus point for
found employment in the camp if their skills were in
towns had to the existence of the industrial complex in their different populations settled there by sheer force or urgent
demand. My own father delivered the mail there. One
midst. The less that was said regarding the factory (officially necessity. Planned to serve war, populated by violence,
family purchased the old railway station and started a small
billed as making chocolate) the better. But toward the end desperation, and need in succession, it has only very slowly
market. The trauma of the Third Reich, the shame over
of the war, with the allies in control of the skies, it became become a part of its surrounding fabric of society. Sleepy and
the horrific cruelties inflicted on Jews and others, and the
clear that the forest was a target of sustained bombing runs. conventional southern Bavaria experienced an existential
disillusionment of a lost war were disorienting for Germans.
Bombs would occasionally stray into neighboring territory, disturbance partly of its own making. Lethargy and the
Locals in Wolfratshausen felt relief that the war was over
but most landed squarely in Geretsried. Above ground large absence of a tradition of human rights, of revolution, of
and a true appreciation for their liberators, but most showed
buildings were easily destroyed but unknown numbers of challenging authority, and a fear of the other were so deep-
little compassion for the new residents of the neighboring
explosives simply buried themselves in the gravel, many of seated that their combination allowed unimaginable events
town. These were foreigners in language (most spoke
them unexploded. to occur. Tragically, Hitler achieved his goal of making
Yiddish), dress, culture, religion, and behavior. To the staid
As the German war effort collapsed in early 1945, a chaotic Germany a country where Jews are only a tiny minority.
and prejudiced farmers and townspeople, the “shtetl” was
transition was under way. Some Germans, sensing that the And the ethnic Germans of the East are reunited with their
a conglomeration of threatening others. Threatening by
nightmare of fascism was coming to an end, began to feel traditional countrymen, although now crowded in a smaller
their demeanor, their completely different experiences, and
some hope and started to push back against the institutions country than what Nazi Germany had aspired to. In the
their absolute unwillingness to be integrated into existing
of the state by deserting and sabotage. But fanatics among discussion about guilt or responsibility that has occupied
German society. Perhaps the most threatening aspect was
the Nazi ruling class reacted with desperate determination. Germans since the 1960s, the rejection and distrust of the
that their sheer presence was a reminder of the locals’ own
Eager to prevent the human evidence of their crimes from displaced Jewish survivors is a very bitter sequel to the war
guilt in allowing a monstrous regime to take over their
falling into allied hands, SS members began to march the itself.
remaining inmates of concentration camps away from the
front lines. In their weakened state, many died along the
way or were executed by their tormentors when it became
clear that there was no place left to take them. In April,
just a few short weeks before its final liberation by American

by Emory Brigden

The poet sat alone with somber spliff.

With head in hands and tears in eyes, he sang:
I’m ten times tired
Of too much toil.
My hope’s expired
For life’s long coil.

After a month or so, the poet moved

Out of his parents’ always anxious house.
So, with his roommate and a beer, he sang:
A place to make a mess!
Old Style all ‘round the room
Inviting happiness
And making laughter boom!

Another month brought the poet-boy a job,

A real big-boy job at some fancy, old.
Grand library. So, on the clock he sang:
Wow! Books, book, books! I sure love books!
For each of them, a noble reader.
The students give me amorous looks.
They know I am their fearless leader!

Just as he thought a bad month must be soon,

In May he got a girl who brought him flowers,
And made him lose his count of happy hours,
Rolling beneath the Midwest’s shady bowers,
So that his ever tapping foot kept time.
He had no choice except to rhyme and rhyme.
Before a red-brick church, massive and topped
With angels white, the Virgin’s own, he sings:
O Jesus Christ, to you I pray.
I sin, receive more wine than bread.
But since I know you’re never dead,
Please take the time to make her stay.

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