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2023 South bridges International School |Student Council Campaign |

Miting de Avance
Date: 28th March
Location: Main hallway / Ground Floor Time Activity Props
Attendance: Grades 3 - 9 10:20am Opening Welcome
by SC Advisor –
Q&A Portion for the batch 2023 – 2024.
Tr. Tanya
Rules and Guidelines for all questions:
10: 25 Icebreaker: Dance Song: Better
 Where addressed “All Candidates”, am by Candidates When I’m
each are given 60 seconds of speaking Dancing
 Questions will be answered by all
candidates 10:30 Rules and
am guidelines for all
Questions 1 questions:
(All candidates) What are your motivations that 10:35 First Question Time Keeper
made you want to campaign for your role in the am
Questions 2 10:45 Question Two
(All candidates) What are your party’s ideas for am
the students of SIS?
10:45 – Entertainment Lyrics Video
Question 3 10:50 (singing) by Gr. 5: (flash drive)
am Believer
(Secretary) Do you have any NEW activities
planned for the student body that allows them to 10: 50- Questions 3 & 4 Posters /
fully express themselves with their passions and 11: 10 Pamphlets
interests? am

Question 4 11: 10 – Entertainment Song: Collide

11: 15 (dance) by Gr. 5: mp3
(Communications Officer) If the student body is am Collide
hesitant to partake in an activity that your
council present, how will your council make 11: 15 – Question 5
sure to build and bridge that interconnected 11: 25
spirit? What do you think are some of the
reasons why students feel that way, and what 11:25 – 2x Questions from
can you do? 11:30 student body
Questions 5 11:30 – Closing remarks Campaign
(Presidents and vice) How do you monitor the 11: 35 by SC advisor background
performance of the people you have to lead?

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