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Research Methodology MCQS Question Bank

Q 1. SPSS is an acronym of the following?

A. Statistical Predictions for Social Sciences.
B. Sexual Preferences for the Sixties and Seventies.
C. Statistical Package for the Social Sciences.
D. Sexual Performance and SAD Syndrome.

Q 2. Final stage in the Research Process is

A. Problem formulation B. Data collection C. Data Analysis D. Report Writing

Q 3. A comprehensive full Report of the research process is called

A. Thesis B. Summary Report C. Abstract D. Article

Q 4. The first page of the research report is

A. Appendix B. Bibliography C. Index D. Title Page
Q 5. The chi-square test is:
A. A mean B. A multi-question tests. C. A statistical mistake. D. A statistic

Q 6. ANOVA is_______________
A. A government body which collects social statistics.
B. The name of a statistical software package.
C. A one-way analysis of variance.
D. A two-way analysis of variance.

Q 7. Which of the following is not one of the seven major parts to the research report?
A. Results B. Abstract C. Method D. Footnotes
Q 8. In SPSS, what is the "Data Viewer"?
A. A table summarizing the frequencies of data for one variable
B. A spreadsheet into which data can be entered
C. A dialog box that allows you to choose a statistical test
D. A screen in which variables can be defined and labeled

Q 9. What type of chart is useful for comparing values over categories?

A. Pie Chart B. Column Chart C. Line Chart D. Dot Graph

Q 10. A feature that displays only the data in column (s) according to specified criteria
A. Formula B. Sorting C. Filtering D. Pivot

Q 11. Functions in MS Excel must begin with ___

A. An () sign B. An Equal Sign C. A Plus Sign D. A > Sign

Q 12. The ____ feature of MS Excel quickly completes a series of data

A. Auto Complete B. Auto Fill C. Fill Handle D. Sorting

Q 13. How many sheets are there, by default, when we create a new Excel file?
A. 1 B. 3 C. 5 D. 10

Q 14. In Excel, which one denoted a range from B1 through E5

A. B1 - E5 B. B1:E5 C. B1 to E5 D. B1$E5

Q 15. What type of chart is useful for showing trends or changes over time?
A. Pie Chart B. Column Chart C. Line Chart D. Dot Graph
Answer Key
1 C, 2 D , 3 A, 4 D, 5 D, 6 C, 7 D, 8 B, 9 B, 10 C, 11 B, 12 B,
13 B, 14 B, 15 C

Q 1. An image, perception or concept that is capable of measurement is called__________.

A. Scale. B. Hypothesis. C. Type. D. Variable

Q 2. In order to pursue the research, which of the following is priorly required?

A. Developing a research design
B. Formulating a research question
C. Deciding about the data analysis procedure
D. Formulating a research hypothesis

Q 3. What are the conditions in which Type-I error occurs?

A. The null hypotheses get accepted even if it is false
B. The null hypotheses get rejected even if it is true
C. Both the null hypotheses as well as alternative hypotheses are rejected
D. None of the above

Q 4. How to judge the depth of any research

A. By research title B. By research duration
C. By research objectives D. By total expenditure on research

Q 5. Which of the following is not the method of Research?

A. Survey B. Historical C. Observation D. Philosophical
Q 6. Research is
A. Searching again and again
B. Finding solution to any problem
C. Working in a scientific way to search for truth of any problem
D. None of the above

Q 7. In the process of conducting research ‘Formulation of Hypothesis” is followed by

A. Statement of Objectives B. Analysis of Data
C. Selection of Research Tools D. Collection of Data

Q 8. The main objective of ………….. study’s to acquire knowledge

A. Exploratory B. Descriptive C. Diagnostic D. Descriptive and Diagnostic

Q 9. ……………… is concerned with discovering and testing certain variables with respect to
their association or disassociation
A. Exploratory B. Descriptive C. Diagnostic D. Descriptive and diagnostic

Q 10. One of the terms given below is defined as a bundle of meanings or characteristics
associated with certain events, objects, conditions, situations, and the like
A. Construct B. Definition C. Concept D. Variable

Q11. Concepts are ……………. of Research

A. Guide B. Tools C. Methods D. Variables

Q 12. Concept is of two types

A. Abstract and Coherent B. Concrete and Coherent C. Abstract and concrete D. None of the
Q 13. A statement of the quantitative research question should:
A. Extend the statement of purpose by specifying exactly the question
B. Help the research in selecting appropriate participants, research methods, measures, and
C. Specify the variables of interest
D. All the above
Q 14. Why do you need to review the existing literature?
A. To make sure you have a long list of references
B. Because without it, you could never reach the required word-count
C. To find out what is already known about your area of interest
D. To help in your general studying

Q 15. What do you mean by Unit of Analysis?

A. Main parameter B. Variables C. Sample D. Constructs

Answer Key
1 D , 2 B , 3 B, 4 C, 5 C, 6 C, 7 C, 8 B, 9 C, 10 C , 11 B, 12 C, 13 D, 14
C, 15 A

Q 1. A formal document that presents the research objectives, design of achieving these
objectives, and the expected outcomes/deliverables of the study is called
A. Research design B. Research proposal C. Research hypothesis D. Research report

Q 2. Survey is a ……………. Study

A. Descriptive B. Fact finding C. Analytical D. Systematic

Q 3. In a survey there is an enumerator and a ………………….

A. Guide B. Respondent C. Supervisor D. Messenger

Q 4. The first purpose of a survey is to ……………..

A. Description B. Evaluation C. Pration D. Provide Information

Q 5. Questions in which only two alternatives are possible is called

A. Multiple choice questions B. Dichotomous questions C. Open ended questions D. Structured

Q 6. What are the core elements of a Research Process?

A. Introduction; Data Collection; Data Analysis; Conclusions and Recommendations
B. Executive Summary; Literature Review; Data Gathered; Conclusions; Bibliography
C. Research Plan; Research Data; Analysis; References
D. Introduction; Literature Review; Research Methodology; Results; Discussions and Conclusions

Q 7. Identifying causes of a problem and possible solution to a problem is

A. Field Study B. Diagnosis tic study C. Action study D. Pilot study

Q 8. Second step in problem formulation is

A. Statement of the problem B. Understanding the nature of the problem C. Survey D.

Q 9. Questionnaire is filled by ……………….

A. Respondent B. Everybody C. Enumerator D. None of the above
Q 10. The main problem in questionnaire is
A. Accessible to Diverse Respondent
B. Greater Anonymity
C. Shows an inability of respondent to provide information
D. None of these

Q 11. What does the term 'longitudinal design' mean?

A. A study completed far away from where the researcher lives.
B. A study which is very long to read.
C. A study with two contrasting cases.
D. A study completed over a distinct period of time to map changes in social phenomena.

Q 12. Which of the following is true regarding research objectives?

A. Research objectives, when achieved, will provide sufficient earnings to obtain are asonable
return on investment.
B. Research objectives, when obtained, will ensure the viability of the marketing research
C. Research objectives, when achieved, provide the information necessary to solve the
D. Research objectives are seldom achieved but should be stated as goals to be sought.

Q 13. Wrong questionnaire is an example of …………..

A. Primary data collection problem B. Secondary collection problem
C. a and b both D. None of the above
Q 14. The existing company information is an example of which data?
A. Primary B. Secondary C. Both a and b D. None of the above

Q 15. Your colleague is confused about using the marketing research process, as he knows that
something is wrong but is not sure of the specific causes to investigate. He seems to be having
problems with ________, which is often the hardest step to take.
A. Developing the research plan
B. Determining a research approach
C. Defining the problem and research objectives
D. Selecting a research agency

Answer Key of
1 B, 2 B, 3 B , 4 D,5 B, 6 D , 7 B, 8 B, 9 A, 10 C, 11 D, 12
C , 13 A, 14 B, 15 C

Q 1. Which technique is generally followed when the population is finite?

A. Systematic Sampling Technique
B. Purposive Sampling Technique
C. Area Sampling Technique
D. None of the above

Q 2. Which one is called non-probability sampling?

A. Quota sampling B. Cluster sampling C. Systematic sampling D. Stratified random sampling

Q 3. The ___ scale measurement has a natural zero.

A. Ratio B. Nominal C. Ordinal D. Interval

Q 4. Cluster sampling, stratified sampling and systematic sampling are types of

A. Direct sampling B. Indirect sampling C. Random sampling D. Non random sampling

Q 5. A complete list of all the sampling units is called:

A. Sampling design B. Sampling frame C. Population frame D. Cluster
Q 6. The split-half method is used as a test of:
A. Stability B. Internal reliability C. Inter-observer consistency D. External validity
Q 7. What is a sampling unit?
A. The population.
B. The basic unit containing the elements of the population to be sampled.
C. All the individual elements of the final sample, drawn together.
D. The method used to collect the sample.

Q 8. Which of the following is not a non-random sampling method?

A. Cluster sampling B. Quota sampling C. Convenience sampling D. Accidental sampling

Q 9. When one examines the entire population instead of a subgroup of the population, this is
called a ____________
A. Sampling B. Census C. Population D. Bias

Q 10. A ______ is a subset of a _________.

A. Sample, population B. Population, sample C. Statistic, parameter D. Parameter, statistic

Q 11. Random sampling is also called _____________.

A. Availability sampling B. Probation sampling C. Probability sampling D. Prospect sampling

Q 12. Scale in which the respondent directly compares two or more objects and makes choices
among them is
A. Ranking Scale B. Rating Scale C. Graphic Scale D. None of these

Q 13. If the population proportion equals po Z Test = (x̄ – μ) / (σ / √n), then is distributed:
A. As a standard normal variable, if n > 30
B. As a Poisson variable
C. As the t-distribution with v= n 1 degrees of freedom
D. As a distribution with v degrees of freedom
Q 14. The degree of freedom for paired t-test based on n pairs of observations is:
A. 2n - 1 B. n - 2 C. 2(n - 1) D. n – 1
Q 15. Which test is the part of the parametric test?
A. Sign Test B. Run Test for Randomness C. Kruskal-Willis Test D. z-test

Answer Key
1 A , 2 A, 3 A , 4 C , 5 B , 6 B, 7 B, 8 A, 9 B , 10 A , 11 C ,
12 A, 13 A, 14 D , 15 D

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