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Barotac Nuevo National

School Grade Level Grade 8

Comprehensive High School
Daily Lesson
Teacher Rhea Mae L. Sumbo Learning Area ICT
Teaching Date
February 22, 2024 Quarter 3rd
and Time
The learners demonstrate on how to create a new publication
A. Content Standards
The learners shall be able to participate in activities in creating a new
B. Performance Standards
publication such as brochures and invitations
Learning Competencies
Creating a Publication
C. Learning
I. Learning Competencies:
Competencies /
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
 Customizing publication layout.
Write the LC code for each
 Changing or adding template.
 Adding, rearranging, and deleting pages in a publication

II. CONTENT Creating a Publications


A. References ICT 8 Activity Sheet Quarter 3 | Week 2

Creating a Publication

1.Teacher's Guide Pages

2.Learner's Materials
3.Textbook Pages

4.Additional Materials
from Learning Resource
(LR) portal/internet
B. Other Learning
IV. PROCEDURES Teachers Activity Students Activity
A. Presenting So, now let’s proceed to our new lesson.
examples / In this lesson, you'll learn how to create a new
instances of the publication using either a template or a blank
page. You'll also learn how to customize your
publication by modifying page layout, applying
a new template, and adding, deleting,
and rearranging pages.
Publisher offers dozens of
Has anyone have an idea on how to create a templates for almost any type
publication? of publication you would want
to create, including brochures,
Very Good! newsletters, and greeting
new lesson cards. Understanding
B. ENGAGE Publisher offers dozens of templates for Publisher's templates and
almost any type of publication you would want layout tools will help you
to create, including brochures, newsletters, create publications that look
and greeting cards. Of course, if you can't find the way you want.
a template you like you can always modify one
to suit your needs or even create a publication
from a blank page. Understanding Publisher's
templates and layout tools will help you create
publications that look the way you want.

Let us recall our previous lesson, last meeting Student 1:

we’ve discussed Basic Operations in Publisher The Publisher environment
Environment Anyone can recall some ideas in consists of the Title Bar, which
C. Reviewing previous Basic Operations in Publisher Environment? also contains the Quick Access
lesson or presenting toolbar, the Ribbon, the Page
the new lesson In the previous lesson, you learned about Basic Navigation Pane, the
ELICIT Operations in Publisher Environment a Publication Page area, and the
publication. With that knowledge, you're now Status Bar, which also
ready to create a new publication. contains the Page Layout View
buttons and the Zoom Slider.
Learning Competencies:
At the end of the lesson, students should
be able to:
D. Establishing a
 Customizing publication layout.
purpose for the
 Changing or adding template.
 Adding, rearranging, and deleting pages
in a publication

E. Discussing new Activity 1.

concepts and Today we will be learning the following steps
practicing new skills on how to create a new publication from a
#1 template:
EXPLORE 1. Click the File tab to go
to Backstage view, then
select New. The Available
Templates pane will appear.
2. Select the type of publication you
wish to create.

3. A selection of templates will appear in the

Available Templates pane. Choose from
one of two categories:
 templates, which include
templates created by other users.
User-created templates are indicated
with a User icon.
 Although Microsoft does review these
templates, you should use caution
when downloading them, as they are
not guaranteed to be free of viruses
and other problems.
Installed templates created by

4. A preview of the selected template

will appear in the Preview pane on
the right. Review the template, and
modify template options as
5. When you are satisfied with the
template, click Create.

6. The new publication will be created.

Student 2: Raising Hand

Column 2: Read in Chorus

Depending on the type of publication you

create, your template may offer
more customization options than shown
in the example above.
So, anyone want to try how to create a new

Creating blank publications

2nd column please read.

If you don't want to use a template or can't

find a template that suits your needs, you can
create a blank publication. Remember, when
you create a blank publication, you will have to
set up page margins, add guides, and make all
layout and design decisions on your own.

 To create a blank publication,

 click the New tab in Backstage

view, then select a blank page
size in the Available Templates
Customizing your publication layout

Whether you chose to create a publication

from a template or from a blank page, you may
decide to change the publication layout. Three
components you can change are margins, size,
and orientation. Although you can modify
these settings at any time, you should be
careful if your publication already contains
objects like text, images, and shapes, as you'll
have to adjust them to fit the new layout.

To modify page margins:

1. On the Ribbon, select the Page

Design tab, then locate the Page
Setup group.
2. Click the Margins drop-down

3. A drop-down list will appear. Select the

desired margins.
4. The new margins will be applied.
Student 3: Participating

If you are not satisfied with any of the margin

options, select Custom margins... to open
the Layout Guides dialog box. There, you can
specify margin widths.

(Pointing a student to Participate)

To change page size:

1. On the Ribbon, select the Page

Design tab, then locate the Page
Setup group.
2. Click the Size drop-down

Select the desired page size from the drop-

down list that appears. Remember, you should
make sure your printer is capable of handling
paper that size.

Your publication's page size will be changed.

If the desired page size isn't included in the
drop - down list, select More Preset Page
Sizes... to view a larger list of page sizes.

To change page orientation:

1. On the Ribbon, select the Page
Design tab, locate the Page
Setup group, then click
the Orientation drop-down
2. Select Portrait orientation to make
your publication taller than wide
or Landscape to make it wider than

Your publication's page orientation will be


Depending on the template you chose,

changing the page orientation may have
a negative effect on your presentation. While
some templates work equally well in both
orientations, others do not.

Changing or adding a template

If you create a publication from a template and

later decide the chosen template doesn't quite
suit your needs, you can always change it. You
can also apply templates to publications that
were originally created from blank pages.

To apply a new template to an existing


1. On the Ribbon, select the Page

Design tab, then locate
the Template group.
2. Click the Change
Template command.
1. The Change Template dialog box
will appear. Select a template to
preview it in the Preview pane.
2. Modify template options as desired.
3. When you are satisfied with the
new template, click OK.

A dialog box will appear asking

you how you wish to use the
template. You can either:
o Apply the template to
the current publication
o Create a new publication that
includes the text and images
you have added
2. Click OK.

The new template will be applied to your


Adding, rearranging, and deleting pages

If you're creating a newsletter or another type
of publication with multiple pages, you might
find the Page Navigation pane useful. The Page
Navigation pane gives you a way to view and
scroll through the pages in your publication. It
also includes features that let you add, move,
and delete pages.
 To open the Page
Navigation pane, click
the View tab on the Ribbon,
then locate the Show group.
Select the Page Navigation
check box.

To add a new page:

1. In the Page Navigation pane,
right-click any page, then
select Insert Page.

Student 4: Participating
1. The Insert Page dialog box will
appear. Specify the number of
pages to insert and the location
where you wish to insert them.
2. Choose what will appear on the
new pages. By default, the pages
will be blank, but you can also
choose to create pages that
include one text box or pages that
are duplicates of an existing page.

3. Click OK.

The new page or pages will be inserted.

Depending on the template you're using, when

you add a new page, you may see a dialog box
with page layout options.

(Pointing a student to Participate)

To move a page:
1. In the Page Navigation pane,
locate the page you wish to

1. Click and drag the page to its

new location, then release the
2. The new page order will be applied.
To delete a page

1. In the Page Navigation pane,

right-click the page you wish to
delete, then select Delete in the
list that appears.

2. If the page is part of a two-

page spread, Publisher will ask if
you wish to delete one or both
pages. Make your selection, then
click OK.
3. The page will be deleted.

1. Open Publisher and create a new
publication from a template. Be
sure to review
the template options.
2. Modify the page margins to make
F. Discussing new them wider.
concepts and
practicing new skills 3. Change the page orientation to
#2 see how it affects the layout of
your publication.
4. Add a new page to your
5. Move the page you just added so
it is the first page in your
6. Close the publication without
saving it.
G. Developing mastery Multiple choice. Select the letter of your
(Leads to Formative choice.
Assessment 3)
EXPLAIN 1. What is the name of the tab to be used to go
to Backstage View? ANSWER:
a. Home
b. Page Design 1. C
c. File 2. C
d. Insert 3. A
4. B
2. How do you delete a page in publication? 5. D
a. Click the page and delete. 6. T
b. Go to File tab and click delete. 7. F
c. Click the navigation pane; right click the page 8. F
you want to delete and select delete from the 9. T
list. 10. T
d. None of the above. 11.

3. How do change page size page

orientation of a publication?
a. On the Ribbon, select the Page Design tab
b. Locate the Page Setup group
c. Click the Orientation drop-down command.
d. All of the above.

4. The ____ tab is used to change the page size

of a publication.
a. Home
b. Page Design
c. File
d. Insert

5. What are the options you can set from the

preview pane when you start to create a blank
publication or using template?
a. Page size
b. Color scheme
c. Font scheme
d. All of the above

True or False. Write T if the statement is true

and F if the statement is false.

6. The Page Navigation pane lets you add,

move, and delete pages.
7. You cannot change or add new template
once you started working with your
8. A page in a publication is fix and can never
be disarranged.
9. You can change the margins, size, and
orientation when customizing your
publication layout.
10. Page orientation in a publication can either
be horizontal or vertical.

Integrating these concepts and applying

H. Finding practical relevant skills, you can make your publications
applications of not only visually appealing but also highly
concepts and skills practical for various aspects of daily living.
in daily living Consider the context and purpose of each
publication to tailor your design and content

Incorporating generalization and abstraction,

I. Making
you create publications that are not only
generalizations and
adaptable to different contexts but also easily
abstractions about
comprehensible to a broad audience. These
the lesson
principles contribute to the overall
effectiveness and usability of your design.


Images and 15%

Typography and 30%
Layout and 15%
J. Evaluating Learning Organization
EVALUATE Color Scheme and 40%
TOTAL: 100%

K. Additional activities
for application or Create a personalized Birthday Greeting Card
Remediation make it catchy and fun, related to the
EXTEND birthday person’s life and interests. Here's a
step-by-step guide to help you get started:

Step 1
Launch Publisher and click the “Greeting Cards”
button in the Most Popular row of the
Available Templates screen.

Step 2
Scroll through the templates in the top
Birthday row or click the “All Birthday” folder
icon and review the options. Double-click a
template and it opens in the Publisher
workspace. Note the Page Navigation column
on the left side of the work area, showing you
the four sides of the birthday card.

Step 3
Click a pre-populated text box on the cover of
the card, showing in the main pane of the
Publisher workspace. The text becomes
highlighted. Type over it with your own text,
such as “50 years old, 25 years with the
company! Congrats!”

Step 4
Scroll through the rest of the pages in the
navigation pane and change all of the text,
such as adding a personal note and your name,
or a message about how the person
contributed to the organization over the past

Step 5
Right-click the pre-populated placeholder
image on the front of the card. Select “Change
Picture.” Choose “Change Picture” again from
the fly-out menu.

Step 6
Browse to an image to use for the front of the
card, such as the person’s head shot or the
business logo. Another option is to click the
picture and press the “Delete” key. Click the
“Insert” tab, “Clip Art,” and type a term such as
“briefcase” or “balloons” and double-click to
add it to the card. Repeat to replace and add
your own custom images to the birthday card.

Step 7
Click the “Page Design” tab. Scroll through the
Schemes section of the ribbon; note that not all
of the schemes fit so you’ll need to use the
scroll bar. Click a scheme that matches your
company colors to give the card a custom look.
Double-clicking a scheme automatically
updates the card’s coloring. You can click
multiple schemes until the card is just right.

Step 8
Click the “File” tab and “Save As.” Type the
birthday card’s file name and select a place to
save it on the computer. Click the “Save”

No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
No. of learners who
require additional activities
for remediation
who scored below 80%
A. Did the remedial
lessons work? No.
of learners
who have caught up with
the lesson
No. of learners who
continue to require
Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did this work?
What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?

Rater Rater Rater

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