The Importance of Compliance

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Importance Of Compliance
Anik Singal: All right, it's really important that during the intro of this we have to talk about the
importance of compliance. Listen, if you plan on making it on Facebook, if you plan
on being able to succeed, Facebook takes compliance incredibly seriously. They ban
accounts quicker than almost all other platforms, and here's the thing that stinks
about it, is you virtually have no back and forth with them, so you get an account
banned, you got an account banned, all right?

Now, does that mean you can never advertise on Facebook? No, you could start a
new ad account, but I have come to learn it's a lot easier to just play by their rules,
and their rules are good. Look, in the end of the day, what they're doing is helping
you, helping the advertisers, helping the platform, helping everybody. But, the
problem is that there's a lot of things that are a little bit of the gray area, and
Facebook keeps a lot of gray area, so there's gonna be things you'll see other
people doing that when you try to do, doesn't work. They don't like it, they decline

So, I always say that you should start really, really, really basic. Now, we're gonna
get into the deep, deep weeds of compliance, okay, we're gonna get really, really
deep under compliance. So, you'll learn everything I happen to know about how to
make things compliant, and of course, then when we meet together to do our
webinars and training, we'll go even deeper into all of this stuff, I fully plan on
doing that.

Now, here is how compliance impacts you, okay? I think the last, third bullet point
there, is the obvious, right? It impacts your opportunity to advertise on Facebook
to begin with. But what a lot of people don't realize, is that even if an ad is running,
right, if they find it compliant enough to run, that doesn't mean that's doing you
good. Your ad, and when Facebook's automated systems analyze your ad, they're
looking for certain things that if you've done or not done, it actually impacts what
we call your CPM, your cost per impressions, thousand impressions. Now, those
costs go up. What happens when those costs go up? When those costs go up, your
cost per click goes up, your conversion costs go up, everything goes up, and it starts
to make a campaign look bad, but the entire time, you may not have never known
that it was because of the negative feedback or the compliance.

So, for example, we'll talk about something called negative feedback. When your
ads are too hype-y or they're not connecting with the audience, a lot of times
audiences will click the X sign, or say, "Don't show me ads like this," or leave a
negative review about it. Well that's gonna translate information back to Facebook,
and Facebook is gonna say, "Okay, it's compliant, but they don't like it, so we're
gonna charge more money to get this ad out there," and you know what that does.
When you have a budget for $100, and you're paying a dollar ... This is ridiculous

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math, I'm just coming up with it, it's not the way it works. But let's say you're
paying a dollar a CPM ... You know what, a better example. Let's saying we're
paying $10 a CPM, that's a little bit more in the range.

So let's say we're paying $10 a CPM, that means that you're basically got 10
buckets you can buy. With a $100 you can buy 10 buckets of views, right? So that
should be a reach of 10,000 people. But, if your CPM now goes to $20, because
Facebook only finds your ads semi compliant, or they find it compliant but they
don't like it and the negative feedback is high. It goes to $20, all of a sudden you
can only buy five buckets, and now you're only showing it to 5,000 people. Imagine,
it's impacting your reach, it's drastically increasing your costs. So you really do
wanna make a good effort to do ads, and to learn what Facebook wants. Facebook
has made it clear; look, their users and their users' experience come first, so people
innately do not like sales-y or spam-y ads. Look, you have to put yourself into the
mind of someone who's on Facebook.

Put yourself in your own mind, you are on Facebook for a very specific reason,
right? You are hanging out on Facebook, checking out what your friends are doing.
Nobody ever goes to Facebook and says, "Let me check out the ads." Actually that's
not true, I do. Only marketers do that, but 99.999998% of people that are on
Facebook do not do that. They're just there because they want to see the social
community, and see what their friends are up to. And all of a sudden you're in their
face with spam-y things, and sales-y things, and things they don't like, or bad
targeting, that they are getting a bad feeling on Facebook. Facebook is concerned
about someone having bad feelings related to coming to their platform, and they
value that user a hell of a lot more than they value the advertisers, I'll tell you that
right now.

So they're gonna protect and prioritize that user's experience. So when you make
ads, it's good to think through your head and say, "Would I as a consumer have
enjoyed this ad? Would I have looked upon it as content, or looked upon it as
friendly, or looked upon it positively?" It's important to know the answer to that.
Ultimately, this is good for advertisers, it really is, because it leads to better
experiences, more clicks; the more clicks lead to more money. So, across the board,
overall this is great. This is great for you, it's gonna drop your costs, it's gonna make
things better for you.

Now, one other thing I'm gonna tell you is that when you start a new Facebook
account, Facebook comes into a relationship incredibly skeptical. Let me just put it
this way, so Facebook has learned through all the people that have tried to game
their system, that when you are new they basically look at you with suspicion. They
wanna know what you're up to, what's the catch? So when you start a new
Facebook account and you go right off the bat, you can make a few mistakes. One
is, you could start, your first ad could be completely un-compliant and violate their
rules, and you know what? With one decline they may very well shut your account
down, 'cause they're gonna just try to be protected. They're gonna try to basically
pull back and say, "Ah, we just won't even care, we don't want this person."

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Or worse yet, I mean, you could also come in and hit it too hard. You could come in
the first day, try to do a $1,000 worth of advertising, and Facebook's gonna come
back and tail back, and say, "Uh oh," right? "This guy is getting ready to do some
crazy stuff, so we don't want him." So, what I say is, when in doubt, either look it up
or just don't do it, okay? I've always said with Facebook, if you have a doubt, just
don't do it, all right? If you're like, "Huh, this ad? I don't know, would they find it
compliant?" Don't do it, just don't do the ad.

And their ads rules are always changing. I like to keep a checklist next to me, so as I
get ads that are shut off, I will communicate with Facebook, I'll ask what's wrong
with it. Eh, they're helpful, not helpful really, but most of the time I can look at the
ad, and if I analyze it close enough I'll figure out, "Oh, that thing. Maybe it was that,
maybe it was that." I like a list of all of those, so that the next time I'm making my
ad, I go through that list. Again, we will give you the basics, we will give you the big,
core things not to do to be compliant, to stay compliant, but it's just different.
Facebook does ... It's a very subjective process sometimes, and so you do need to
learn the rules, and then come up with your own as well. All right?

Whenever you're doing it, the best advice I can give you is, always keep compliance
in your mind, create ads with compliance, have a compliance buddy if you can.
Seriously, when in doubt, maybe come over and post it in the Facebook community
that we're building. Whatever you got, just get a second eye on it, okay? Ads truly
can be both highly effective and compliant. Look guys, I mean, we've invested well
over $3,000,000 at Lurn in advertising on Facebook, and most of our stuff is fine
and compliant. They're effective.

Wouldn't my ads do better if I said, "Here's how you can create a million dollars by
tomorrow," yeah, I'm pretty sure that would get a lot of clicks and a lot of ... But I'd
get a bunch of crappy people, I would be lying and doing disservice to the world,
and overall it just wouldn't be good. All I wanna tell you is that there's this
misconception amongst marketers that Facebook's compliancy rules are so
hardcore that it literally hinders people from having effective campaigns, and I'm
here to tell you that is not true; you truly can have very effective campaigns, and
stay within the guidelines of their rules.

All right now, the other area is, look, we could never speak for Facebook as well as
Facebook can speak for Facebook. Someone recommended this to me a year and a
half ago, and I didn't want to do it but I eventually did go and do it, and I was very
thankful that I did. They advised that I go read that page right there, They literally said, "Go read this page. Read it
from top to bottom, take notes, ask questions. If you have questions, go out and
find people, come to the community and ask questions." And I did, and lo and
behold, go figure, it worked. It really did. I learned some great things, I caught some
mistakes I was making; luckily, fortunately, Facebook hadn't caught them yet, but I
caught them, so I got ahead of the mold, and I made it so that I don't risk getting
into trouble.

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Look, this is a real quick introductory video, the point of this is, make sure you keep
compliance heavy on your mind. If you are starting brand new I would say spend
50% of your time after you've learned basics of ads, you've gotta learn compliance.
'Cause if you go into it blind about compliance, first of all, you're gonna get your
account shut down and banned, you're gonna have really bad ads, you're gonna
pay a lot of money even when they don't get declined. You're just gonna have a
rough experience, all right? So might as well take care of that initially, and line
yourself up for success.

All right, this is Anik Singal, reminding that you when life pushes, you stand straight
and push it the heck back. I'll see you guys on our live calls that we do with our
Facebook group here. But, we're moving forward, go on to the next video. Thanks.

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