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3o Augusr, re47. 5;.13i'Ji)

. s7
' M.42
T.P.D., j[day L, 1947. Before price, J.
JUDGMENTS-Applicarion to presume
death-Opposition on return d"t"-blrrid"r." th"t'p"..orr,
*'hose death Court was asked to presume, in financi'al diffi_
culties at the date of his disappeirance-Evidence that he
had joined naval forces under-in assumed name_Evidence
that he had been seen by seven persons, some of whom
identified him from_ photograph-Appfitation for post-
ponement to make further investigations_postponeirent
undesirable-No order-petirioner io pry costs 6f opposi-
This was an application to presume the death of one

The matter was provisionally before the Court in 1939 and was
postponed sine die. On 13th March, 1941 , the application was
renewed, and a rule issued calling upon all persons io show cause
why an order should not be -ade presrrming the death of Jack
James as having occurred on 23rd 1une, tllS, Jnd ordlring tfoitt"
amount of a life policy taken out by him with the soutfr African
Mutual Insurance society and ceded to applicant (his mother) ritouia
be paid to applicant. In rerms of the oi8er, service was efrected on
the Society ail_ts ofices in Pretoria,and published in a Johannesburg
newspaper. The Society appeared to oppose the application.
, Applicant alleged that o1 23rd June, 1938, her son, Jack James,
rvho was in Durban, went for a bathe and did not ieiurn.- The
coast had been searched by aeroplane, but no trace was found of him
acd he had not been heard of sinte.

. the opposing affidavits, it appeared that Jack James hacl

embezzled certain money from his employers and, when he dis-
appeared, also owed money to a stockbr;ke;. After the date of his
disappearance he joined the S.A.N.F. under the name of
John Boall.
Seven- persons made affidavits saying that, since his disJppearance,
Jack James had been seen by eac'h oT them. One of tt i"pon."t.
said that he actually spoke to him and he acknowledged "that'he was
Jack James. Others said that when they saw him h"e behaved in a
suspicious manner. Three of them, among them the commander of
the.unit which he- joined, said they knew lim by the name of John
Boall and they identified him from a very clear photograpli ptrt
before the Court.
Counsel for the petitioner admitted that the Court could not.
on the papers,- make-in order presuming the ae"tt oi;acf Jh;;;.
but he asked for a further oppbrtunity -to make investigations and
that the mdtter be postponed for six months, so that he Jould renew
the application if he discovered more facts.
In the circumstances, it was undesirable to postpone the appii.
cation in the hope that the petitioner might be ible^to obtain m'ore
P.H. re47 (2)
98 Section M. 30 August, 1947

No order. Petitioner to pay the costs of opposition incurred
by the South African Mutual Insurance Society.
For applicant: W. J. Smith, instructed by Niemeyer, Steyn &
For respondent: Q. de Wet, K.C., instructed by Rooth U

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