k6 - Revision For The 2nd Mid-Term Test

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LÊ ANH XUÂN SECONDARY SCHOOL School year 2023-2024


A. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently.
1. A. talk B. walk C. should D. simple
2. A. listen B. costume C. pasta D. Plastic
3. A.performance B. general C. terrible D. September
4. A. southest B. throw C. another D. bathroom
5. A. birthday B. three C. theater D. there
6. A. terrible B. comedy C. president D. general
7. A. stay B. listen C. study D. start
8. A. single B. plastic C. simple D. bottle

B. Choose the word that has a different stressed syllable from the rest.
1. A. wildlife B. bottle C. protect D. office
2. A. newspaper B. recycle C. hospital D. Charity
3. A. soldier B. horror C. Author D. dislike
4. A. mystery B. Comedy C. Adventure D. Character
5. A. station B. bottle C. reuse D. donate
6. A. wildlife B. protect C. purpose D. useful
7. A. charity B. hospital C. library D. recycle
8. A. recycling B. container C. newspaper D. direction
9. A. supermarket B. community C. environment D. imperative
10.A. action B. drama C. horror D. invite


Choose the best option (A, B, C or D) to complete each of the following sentences.
1. At the concert, you can get food and drink for _______. You don’t have to pay money for it.
A. reuse B. free C. recycle D. charity
2. _______ to turn off the lights before going out.
A. Remember B. Forget C. Don’t remember D. Do forget
3. There’s _______ new girl in our class. _______ girl’s brother is in Dan’s class.
A. a/ The B. the/ The C. a/ A D. the/ A
4. I need to go to the _______ to send these letters to my grandparents.
A. library B. police station C. supermarket D. post office
5. I like going to the _______ because I can read and borrow many interesting books there.
A. bookstore B. library C. department store D. school
6. You should recycle empty cans and bottles. Don’t just _______.
A. throw it B. reuse them C. throw them away D. donate it
7. You can _______ old books and computer equipment to charity.
A. donate B. protect C. reuse D. get
8. We should _______ wild animals, such as whales or tigers, or they will disappear.
A. pick up B. take part in C. look D. protect
9. There is a _______ near my school. Homeless people go there for free meals and a place to stay.
A. organization B. charity C. hospital D. police station

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LÊ ANH XUÂN SECONDARY SCHOOL School year 2023-2024
10. A: Do you like watching horror movie? B: _________
A. Yes, I do B.I agree C. Yes, I think. D. Yes, I’d love to
11. The movie was so __________ that I cried at the end.
A. awful B. sad C. fantastic D. terrible
12. William can’t watch __________ movies. He thinks they’re too scary and he always has
bad dreams after watching them.
A. comedy B. action C. horror D. drama
13. My friends, Susie and Mike, __________ in London last weekend.
A. was B. were C. are D. is
14. We often go out __________ Friday evenings and come back home at 11 ________night.
A. on/ at B. on/ in C. in/ at D. at/ in
16. My birthday is __________ the summer, __________8 July.
A. on/ on B. in/on C. at/ in D. in/ at
17. Trưng Trắc and Trưng Nhị were Vietnamese great female __________.
A. armies B. invaders C. generals D. soldier
18. A: Do you want to see a movie on Sunday? B: _________
A. Yes, I will. B. Sounds great. C. Yes, you can. D. I didn’t see it.
19. The film was __________. I felt asleep in the middle.
A. scary B. boring C. exciting D. entertaining
20. The Voice is currently one of the most __________ programs in Vietnam. It attracts a
number of viewers.
A. popularity B. popular C. unpopular D. popularly
21. My school has a big _______. Students can borrow books and comics there.
A. bus B. hospital C. library D. café
22. William can’t watch __________ movies. He thinks they’re too scary and he always has
bad dreams after watching them.
A. comedy B. action C. horror D. drama
23. My friends, Susie and Mike, __________ in London last weekend.
A. wasn’t B. Weren’t C. aren’t D. isn’t
24. They would like some milk __________ dinner.
A. in B. for C. at D. of
25. The shop is __________ the hospital and the post office.
A. to B. in C. for D. between
26. What are you going to do __________ Sunday morning?
A. in B. on C. on the D. in the
27. I put all of my pencils and pens __________ the pencil case.
A. in B. into C. of D. to
28. The movie was very _______. My sister and I slept during the movie.
A. boring B. exciting C. fantastic D. funny
29. My younger brother doesn’t like _______ movies. He finds it scary.
A. comedy B. animated C. action D. horror
30. My mother uses a _______ instead of plastic bag. She can reuse it several times.
A. cans B. cloth bag C. paper bags D. bottles

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LÊ ANH XUÂN SECONDARY SCHOOL School year 2023-2024
31. I cried a lot when I watched that film. It is a _______ movie.
A. funny B. awful C. sad D. exciting
32. The WWF is a _______. It helps to protect animals.
A. charity B. wildlife C. rainforest D. donation
33. Where _______ they last night? – They _______ at Minh’s house.
A. is – is B. are – are C. was – was D. were – were
34. The post office is _______ to the park.
A. opposite B. between C. next D. near
35. I watched an action movie yesterday and it _______fantastic.
A. was B. were C. are D. is
36. Being a volunteer can ___________ boring sometimes.
A. was B. were C. are D. be
37. The film _________________ really exciting. You shouldn’t go to watch it.
A. was B. wasn’t C. were D. weren’t
38. Napoleon Bonaparte _____________ a great leader and he won many battles.
A. is B. was C. were D. are
39. Would you like some milk for breakfast?________________.
A. That sounds good B. Yes, I would C. Yes, I do D. Yes, I am
40.A: How was an animated movie? B: ______________ .
A. It is exciting B. It was exciting C. It is great D. It were great
41. __________ your books on page 77.
A. Opens B. Opening C. Open D. Opened
42. _________ plastic bottles and old magazines .
A. Recycling B. Recycle C. Recycles D. Is recycling
1.People can d _ _ _ _ _ money, food, old clothes for charity.
2. You shouldn’t t_ _ _ _ away your old clothes.
3. In general, c _ _ _ _ _ makes you laugh – a lot!
4. In a _ _ _ _ _ film the heroes have lots of battles, do incredible stunts and drive fast
5. Tom r _ _ _ _ _ his water bottle and fills it with water every morning.
6. Scary Gary is a h _ _ _ _ _ movie that I like best.
7. I did not laugh throughout the comedy. It was really b _ _ _ _ _ .
8. The events of the film didn’t happen in a logical way, and the actors did not have much
experience. I think it’s so a _ _ _ _ .
9. People can come to the l _ _ _ _ _ _ to read books for free.
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LÊ ANH XUÂN SECONDARY SCHOOL School year 2023-2024
10. G _ _ _ _ _ _ is the leader of an army.
1.What kinds of movies do you like? (Use some adjectives to describe those kinds of movie.)
→ _________________________________________________________
2. What kind of movie do you dislike? ( Use an adjective to describe that kind of movie.)
→ _________________________________________________________
3. What do you do to help the community?
→ _________________________________________________________
4. What do you like to do in the summer?
→ _________________________________________________________
5. How can we do to protect the environment?
→ _________________________________________________________
6. Are you scared when you watch a horror movie?
→ _________________________________________________________
7. Do you like to recycle something?
→ _________________________________________________________
8. Do you often throw trash away?
→ _________________________________________________________
9. Are you often late for school?
→ _________________________________________________________
10. Were you at the library yesterday ?

IV. Rearrange these sentences
1. / is / bus/ Excuse me, / near here / there a / station/?/
→ Excuse me,_______________________________________________
2. environment/ help to / Trees/clean and /green/ keep the /.
→ Trees ___________________________________________________
3. You can give / charity/ clothes/ to the local / your old /./
→ You __________________________________________________
4. That/ was/ at/ on /movie /7.30 last night.
→ That_____________________________________________________
5. on/ There is/ an action movie / at/ night/movie theater/ at the/.
→ There is__________________________________________________
6. Elizabeth / a historical/ was/ drama about / Queen Elizabeth I.
→ Elizabeth_________________________________________________
7. the first/ Take /right/ the/ turning on
→ Take ___________________________________________________
8. movies / The / really/ exciting / weren't / .
→The _____________________________________________________
9. funny / comedies / they are / People love / because / .

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LÊ ANH XUÂN SECONDARY SCHOOL School year 2023-2024
→People love _______________________________________________
10. bottles in / and / I reuse/ grow plants in them/ my garden/ .
→I reuse __________________________________________________

V. Rewrite each of the following sentences using the words given in brackets so that it means
almost the same as the sentence printed before it.
1. My house is opposite the bridge.
 There is ________________________________________________________________
2. The bus station is next to the hotel.
There is ________________________________________________________________
3. The hospital is between the train station and the market.
There ________________________________________________________________
4. The restaurant is near his house.
There ________________________________________________________________
5. Would you like to see a movie this weekend?
 Do you want __________________________________________________________
6. I want to book a table for two at your restaurant for tonight.
 I would ______________________________________________________________
7. Mary would like to join the tennis club to improve her skills.
 Mary wants ___________________________________________________________
8. He wants a bottle of juice, please.
 He would ____________________________________________________________
9. The police station is to the right of the restaurant.
 The restaurant _________________________________________________________
10. The museum is behind the hospital.
 The hospital __________________________________________________________
11. David’s house isn’t far from the station.
 David’s house _________________________________________________________
12. The gas station is far from the library.
 The gas station is ______________________________________________________
 DON’T + V…
13. You shouldn’t forget your homework.
 Don’t ________________________________________________________________
14. You shouldn’t play football in the street.
 Don’t ________________________________________________________________
15. You shouldn’t feed the animals in the zoo.
 Don’t _______________________________________________________________
16. You shouldn’t draw on the wall.
 Don’t _______________________________________________________________

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LÊ ANH XUÂN SECONDARY SCHOOL School year 2023-2024
A. Read the passage and decide whether the statements are True or False
The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is a very large charity in the world. They first started
in 1961 in Switzerland. They work in six areas: food, climate, freshwater, wildlife, forests and
oceans. The WWF has offices in more than 100 countries. To help the WWF, people can
‘adopt’ an animal. People can choose the animals they like, such as tigers, butterflies, bears,
birds, etc and make a donation. The WWF will send them photographs, information and an
adoption certificate. It’s a great way to learn more about animals. Or they can donate money by
buying toy animals. The WWF-Vietnam started in 1985. They help to save wild animals, such
as Saolas, rhinos, elephants, tortoises and turtles. They also make wildlife documentaries to
teach young children to love wild animals and live in peace with nature.
1. WWF only work to protect wild animals. __________
2. There are WWF offices in more than 100 countries. __________
3. The WWF-Vietnam is very famous. ___________
4. The WWF-Vietnam teaches young children to make wildlife documentaries. ___________
5. It’s a ____________ way to learn more about animals.
A. good B. great C. safe D. boring
6. WWF is a very large ____________ in the world.
A. charity B. library C. donate D. website
B. Choose the option (A, B, or C) that best completes each numbered blank in the passage.
Hide and seek is a (1) __________game that has been played for a long time. You can
(2)___________ it indoors or outdoors but the basic rules (3) __________the same. In this
game, at least two players hide (4) __________ and one player, or "(5)__________", will find
them. This game is quite (6)__________around the world and can be played by children or
1. A. children B. child B. children's D. child's
2. A. playing B. to play C. play D. plays
3. A. often are B. are often C. are not often D. are often not
4. A. themselves B. theirs C. them D. their
5. A. finder B. hider C. looker D. seeker
6. A. common B. popular C. usual D. important

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