HLCC Softskills Circular

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TY B Com Sem-VI Soft Skills

It is Compulsary for all TY B Com Students to attend Soft Skills Classes Online
The Soft Skills Subject is Writing Skills
IBM SkillsBuild Program- HLCC- Soft Skills credits

After Google and Microsoft, IBM being the 3rd computer solution company presenting IBM SkillsBuild
platform for empowering HLCC students with the purpose of Skill building is now going to be part of
your academic curriculum as soft skills credits. IBM Skillsbuild has 85,000+ courses related to AI and
communication skills. Hence, we’ve streamlined the curation in the form of a learning plan. We got an
opportunity to interact with you during our in-campus masterclasses for the orientation of the platform.
Here is the complete guide on how to enroll yourself in the platform for doing courses. It is Compulsory
to enroll and activate yourself as we are going to prepare a progress report which will be counted as your
university evaluation.

- Please follow the below-mentioned steps for enrolling in the platform:

1) Step 1: Registering in the IBM Skills Build platform

- Registering in the IBM Skills build platform is the most important part of soft skills credit.

Steps to register- Set up your profile by signing up with a Google account or Gmail > Do the
activity named ‘What does a good resume look like’ by following the PPT deck given below.
ppt DECK_guide to enroll with IBM Skillsbuild

2) Step 2: Filling the onboarding form for soft skills credits

- As a part of your final evaluation, we have created one Google form which is important and
compulsory to fill out for the soft skills credit. The form consists of basic information
such as the name of a student, roll number, stream, year, and semester.
Below is the link for your reference.
Moreover, please upload your activation certificate for the activity ‘What does a good resume
look like’ .


3) Lesson plan for students

- We have created a 30-hour lesson plan for students that will improve your talents and learning in
terms of work preparedness, AI, writing, and communication skills. You will be able to generate a
certificate for yourself at the end of each course as part of the course completion.
In the given below table, the Name of the courses and links are already mentioned, you can click
directly on the link to start the course.
A) Guide to writing skills- 5 hours


1 The 2 hours 18 -Types of Report writing Learning Link 1
ultimate minutes -Laws of Report Writing
guide to -Title, Abstract and content of the page
Report -Introduction and sections of the report
writing -Conclusions
-References and bibliography
-Do's and Don'ts
2 Improve 40 minutes -Introduction Learning link 2
your -Finetune the resume by using AI
writing by
using AI as
a tool
3 Group 1 hour 37 -Introduction Learning link 3
Discussion minutes -Nuances of Group discussion
for -Advance skills and showing up right
4 How to 15 minutes help introduce yourself in a memorable, Learning link 4
Write A personal way during a job application

B) Guide to improve communication skills with the implementation of writing theories- 1 hour


1 What Does a 10mins to highlight your Learning link 5
Good Resume background,
Look Like? experience, and
abilities before a
potential employer.
A well-written
resume extends the
attention span of
the reader and
prompts them to
contact you for the
position you
applied for
2 4 Different 15 mins Strong Learning link 6
Ways to communication
Communicate methods and skills
Effectively in are key for proper
the Workplace leadership, and
can cause chaos in
any business or
3 6 Leadership 5 mins Understanding Learning link 7
Theories for theories and styles
Career of leadership can
Growth help you be more
effective in your
4 Time 10 mins strong time- Learning link 8
Management management skills
Skills: can ultimately lead
Definition and to accomplishing
Examples key goals and
advancing in your
5 Leadership 10 mins it needs good Learning link 9
Ideas: 25 leaders who guide
Characteristic their team members
s To Improve to success
6 Effective 10 mins it is important for Learning link 10
Problem every employee to
Solving Steps understand the
in the problem-solving
Workplace process and
develop problem-
solving skills

C) Final Stage: Crafting Careers through Communication- 16 hours


1 Crafting 16 hours -Learning Linked In Learning link
Careers through -Focus Your Direction with 11
Communication Workplace Research (Job
Application Essentials)
-Interpersonal Skills
- Develop your brand using
-Presentation skills

Step 4) Evaluation and live master class: 8 hours

- Post completion of your lesson plan, we will be conducting an assessment. Assessment will
consist of MCQs and a practical assignment. It is compulsory/mandatory for all the students to
appear the evaluation as you will be getting credit marks based on your performance. The
tentative date of evaluation will be on 2nd week of February 2024.

All the very best students!!!

Being excited to experience the journey from classroom to boardroom, I am also filled with passion,
potential, and a desire for success. When I received the notification from the placement cell of my
college, H.L. College of Commerce, I had to apply for the role of Associate – Financial Research at D.E.
Shaw India Private Limited at Hyderabad in order to contribute my interpersonal skills and experience in
the best possible way.

During my previous role at AIESEC as a Head of Social Sector, I successfully led 9 teams throughout the
year while training and monitoring performance of each individual to help them grow as professionals
paving the way for me to achieve awards for the most progressive department and most progressive
leader. Concurrently, I had the privilege to head a product where I managed various projects on the UN 17
Sustainable Development Goals with 6 NGOs and 2 universities, adding 2 new NGOs as partners across
Ahmedabad. I generated a whopping a revenue of 3,80,000 INR and managed such a huge finance which
was made possible by me through creating a brand value in and around the city. Additionally, I have built
and maintained international relations with over 45 countries, showcasing my ability to handle global
operations, customer relationship management and my will to achieve company’s goals.

My corporate journey began as a Finance Research intern at D.E. Shaw India Private Limited which was
definitely a kick starter for me to identify myself as a work-oriented individual. It was an absolute honour
to come across a unique work culture here, where I utilised my research skills and learnt financial data
management, financial research techniques and the roots of investments in hedge funds. I was assigned to
study the after effects of the pandemic on the Insurance industry, which directly correlated to my career in
finance of becoming an Actuary. Here, I grew myself as a professional, gained passion for Finance and
developed my interest to work in a corporate world.

Recently, I have been regularly analysing the Indian stock market through the financial data and research
on the basis of the information provided by companies and the media which has been a supporting factor
to invest rightly in Equity as well as mutual funds. A strong reason for me to join D.E. Shaw is its
functionality which is totally towards hedge funds, it intrigues me to the core of my interest in Finance.
As a final year student, I have studied subjects which may fulfil the knowledge required for the position
of an associate for financial research namely, Financial Management and Financial Planning.

Being excited to experience the journey from classroom to boardroom, I am also filled with passion,
potential, and a desire for success. When I received the notification from the placement cell of my
college, H.L. College of Commerce, I had to apply for the role of Associate in Financial Research at D.E.
Shaw India Private Limited in Hyderabad in order to contribute my interpersonal skills and experience in
the best possible way.

During my previous role at AIESEC as Head of Social Sector, I successfully led 9 teams throughout the
year while training and monitoring the performance of each individual to help them grow as
professionals, paving the way for me to achieve awards for the most progressive department and most
progressive leader. Concurrently, I had the privilege to head a product where I managed various projects
on the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals with 6 NGOs and 2 universities, adding 2 new NGOs as
partners across Ahmedabad. I generated a whopping revenue of 3,80,000 INR and managed such huge
finance, which I was able to do by creating brand value in and around the city. Additionally, I have
built and maintained international relations with over 45 countries, showcasing my ability to handle
global operations, customer relationship management, and my will to achieve the company’s goals.

My corporate journey began as a finance research intern at D.E. Shaw India Private Limited, which was
definitely a kick-start for me to identify myself as a work-oriented individual. It was an absolute honour
to come across a unique work culture here, where I utilised my research skills and learned about financial
data management, financial research techniques, and the roots of investments in hedge funds. I was
assigned to study the aftereffects of the pandemic on the insurance industry, which directly correlated to
my career in finance as an Actuary. Here, I grew up as a professional, gained a passion for finance, and
developed an interest in working in the corporate world.

Recently, I have been regularly analysing the Indian stock market through financial data and
research on the basis of the information provided by companies and the media, which has been a
supporting factor in investing rightly in equity as well as mutual funds. A strong reason for me to
join D.E. Shaw is its functionality, which is totally geared towards hedge funds. It intrigues me
to the core of my interest in finance. As a final-year student, I have studied subjects that may
fulfil the knowledge required for the position of associate in financial research, namely, financial
management and financial planning.

I am keen to join D.E. Shaw for the position of associate in Financial Research at Hyderabad and
invest my skills and capitalise on my experience in the leading firm of the industry to grow
myself and the company substantially more. I really appreciate you taking out time to go through
my experience, looking forward to a positive response.

Yours truly,
Vansh Shah

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