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Performance Task 1

Writing a Capsule Research Proposal

Name: GROUP 2 - DESCARTES Date: FEBRUARY 23, 2024

Research Title: The Effectiveness of Dumb Cane (Dieffenbachia) as a Sustainable Rodenticide

Research Problem: Common rodent traps have chemicals that are toxic for us individuals and the
environment, are dangerous, and have a bad odor.


Rats are regarded as pests and pose various risks to humans. Notably, they gained infamy for
their contribution to the spread of the devastating bubonic plague during the Middle Ages, claiming
millions of lives. While chemical rodenticides are commonly employed to manage their population,
these substances often inflict harm on the environment and human health. Moreover, they can
inadvertently harm non-targeted organisms, potentially leading to human poisoning and further
ecological disruption.

Dieffenbachia amoena, commonly called “dumb cane” varieties typically have large simple
leaves that are often variegated with other greens is native to the tropical countries Britannica, (2023).
Dieffenbachia amoena extract is less harmful than other pesticides with different chemicals
that can affect humans. Studies led by Dolino et al,. (2018) explored the efficiency of dumb cane stem
extract as a rodenticide when contrasted with a widely used commercial rodenticide. Their findings
revealed that while Raccumin caused rat deaths within 3–4 days, the dumb cane stem extract
necessitated approximately 6 days to attain comparable lethality levels. Given the detrimental effects of
synthetic rodenticides on the environment and non-target organisms, this slower action suggests that
dumb cane stem extract may provide a safer alternative for managing rodent populations. Therefore,
The dumb cane as a rodenticide adds to ongoing efforts to promote sustainable solutions for pest
management because it is a flexible and environmentally friendly method of handling rat problems.

Objectives of the Study:

● To determine the toxicity levels of Dieffenbachia amoena extracts on rats to ensure

effective rat control while minimizing risks to non-target organisms and the environment.
● To evaluate the effectiveness of Dieffenbachia amoena extracts in controlling rat
populations by measuring mortality rates after exposure to the extracts.
● To identify the most efficient application methods (e.g., bait formulation, concentration,
application frequency) for deploying Dieffenbachia amoena extracts to achieve maximum
efficacy in rat control.
Process Flowchart:


● Britannica, T. Editors of Encyclopaedia (2023). dumb cane. Encyclopedia Britannica.
● (2018). Dumbcane stem extract as rodenticide or black rats.
Performance Task 1
Writing a Capsule Research Proposal

Name: GROUP 2 - DESCARTES Date: FEBRUARY 23, 2024

Research Title: DIY Eco - Friendly Soy Wax Wraps Sustainable Alternative for Plastic Food Wrapping

Research Problem: The use of homemade soy wax wraps for regular food storage can reduce the
amount of plastic trash produced and further environmental sustainability initiatives.


Food wrappers made of soy wax have several benefits, They prevent pollution and minimize
plastic waste, making them ecologically beneficial. They are also eco-friendly as they may be made
from leftover fabric and old clothing, repurposing materials that would otherwise be thrown away. Over
time, soy wax wraps are also less costly than plastic wrap that is already manufactured. Because they
are changeable, you may create wraps that are tailored to your exact requirements in a range of
shapes, sizes, and patterns. Because they are natural, non-toxic, and appropriate for food packing,
they are also a healthier choice.

In addition, soy wax wrap plays a vital role in safeguarding food from environmental factors that can
lower its quality and shorten its shelf life. Soy wax wrap is crucial for keeping perishable food fresh for
longer periods. (Youssef et al., 2019). It helps prevent contamination after the food is harvested and
ensures it stays safe to eat. Instead of using plastic wrap, soy wax wrap acts like a shield, protecting
the food from harmful elements like bacteria, air, and moisture that can spoil it. So, essentially,
packaging helps food last longer and stay safe to eat.

Objectives of the Study:

● To evaluate the effectiveness of homemade soy wax wraps with traditional plastic wraps
and other environmentally friendly options for maintaining food freshness.
● To Utilize life cycle analysis to determine how DIY soy wax wraps affect the environment,
taking into account things like waste production, resource use, and carbon footprint.
● And to examine how consumers view, feel, and behave when using homemade soy wax
wraps to store food. You want to know what aspects of usability, convenience, and
affordability affect how well-liked and often these wraps are.
Process Flowchart:


● Vitale, A. (2024, February 21). DIY Soy Wax Food Wraps: Upcycling Old Clothes into
Eco-Friendly Kitchen Essentials. Spicy Moustache.

● Al-Tayyar, N. A., Youssef, A. M., & Al-hindi, R. (2020). Antimicrobial food packaging
based on sustainable Bio-based materials for reducing foodborne

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