DNA Finger Printing

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DNA Fingerprinting

It has been a subject of human interest since primitive times when man used to
hunt for his food with the help of animal’s foot prints. Science of fingerprinting was
first used by Sir William Herschel as a method of identification in 1858. In India
the science of fingerprints was discovered by chance during a murder investigation
in Jalpaiguri in 1897.

Alec Jeffreys (1984) invented the DNA fingerprinting technique at Leicester

University, United Kingdom. Dr. V.K. Kashyap and Dr. Lalji Singh started the DNA
fingerprinting technology in India at CCMB (Centre for Cell and Molecular Biology)

What is DNA-fingerprinting?
DNA-fingerprinting (also called DNA typing or DNA profiling). It is a technique of
determining nucleotide sequences of certain areas of DNA which are unique to each
individual. Each person has a unique DNA fingerprint.

Unlike a conventional fingerprint that occurs only on the fingertips and can be
altered by surgery, a DNA fingerprint is the same for every cell, tissue and organ of
a person. It cannot be changed by any known treatment. The ideal way to
distinguish an individual — from other people would be his or her entire genomic
DNA sequence.

Principle of DNA Fingerprinting:

By their differences, about 0.1% or 3 x 10 6 base pairs (out of 3 x 109 bp) provide
individuality to each human being. Human genome possesses numerous small
noncoding but inheritable sequences of bases which are repeated many times.
These sequences occur near telomere, centromeres, Y chromosome and hetero-
chromatic area. The area with same sequence of bases repeated several times is
called repetitive DNA.
They can be separated as satellite from the bulk DNA during density gradient
centrifugation and hence called satellite DNA. In satellite DNA, repetition of bases
is in tandem. Depending upon length, base composition and numbers of tandemly
repetitive units, satellite DNAs have subcategories like microsatellites and mini-
satellites. Satellite DNAs show polymorphism. The term polymorphism is used
when a variant at a locus is present with a frequency of more than 0.01 population.

Variations occur due to mutations. While mutations in genes produce alleles with
different expressions, mutations in noncoding repetitive DNA have no immediate

These mutations in the noncoding sequences have piled up with time and form the
basis of DNA polymorphism (variation at genetic level arises due to mutations).
DNA polymorphism is the basis of genetic mapping of human genome as well as
DNA finger printing.
Short nucleotide repeats in the DNA are very specific in each individual and vary in
number from person to person but are inherited. These are the ‘Variable Number
Tandem Repeats’ (VNTRs). These are also called “minisatellites”. Each individual
inherits these repeats from his/her parents which are used as genetic markers in a
personal identity test.

For example , a child might inherit a chromosome with six tandem repeats from the
mother and the same tandem repeated four times in the homologous chromosome
inherited from the father. One half of VNTR alleles of the child resemble that of the
mother and other half with that of the father.

Technique for DNA Fingerprinting:

i)The DNA is extracted from the nuclei of white blood cells or of spermatozoa or
of the hair follicle cells that cling to the roots of hairs that have fallen, or been
pulled out.

(ii) The DNA molecules are first broken with the help of enzyme restriction
endonuclease (called chemical knife) that cuts them into fragments. The
fragments of DNA also contain the VNTRs.

(iii) The fragments are separated according to size by gel electrophoresis.

(iv) Fragments of a particular size having VNTRs are multiplied through PCR
technique. They are treated with alkaline chemicals to split them into single
stranded DNAs.

(v) The separated fragments of single stranded DNA are transfered onto a nylon

(vi) Radioactive DNA probes having repeated base sequences complementary to

possible VNTRs are poured over the nylon membrane. Some of them will bind to
the single stranded VNTRs. The method of hybridization of DNA with probes is
called Southern Blotting, after the name of the inventor, E.M. Southern (1975).
The nylon membrane is washed to remove extra probes.

(vii) An X-ray film is exposed to the nylon membrane to mark the places where
the radioactive DNA probes have bound to the DNA fragments. These places are
marked as dark bands when X-ray film is developed. This is known as

(viii) The dark bands on X-ray film represent the DNA fingerprints (= DNA
Applications of DNA Fingerprinting:
(i) Individuality:
Like skin finger printing (der- matoglyphics), DNA finger printing can help to
distinguish one human being from another with exception of monozygotic twins,

(ii) Paternity/Maternity Disputes:

DNA finger printing can identify the real genetic mother, father and the offspring,

(iii) Human Lineage:

DNA from various probables is being studied to find out human lineage,

(iv) Hereditary Diseases:

The technique is being used to identify genes connected with hereditary diseases,

(v) Forensics:
DNA finger printing is very useful in the detection of crime and legal pursuits. DNA
fingerprinting has proved that Dhanu, the human bomb, was the real murderer of
Shri Rajiv Gandhi, the former Prime Minister of India,

(vi) Sociology:
It can identify racial groups, their origin, historical migration and invasions.
Genography is the study of migratory history of human species.

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