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Diplock et al.

BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders (2023) 24:232 BMC Musculoskeletal

RESEARCH Open Access

The long head of biceps at the shoulder:

a scoping review
Brendan Diplock1*, Wayne Hing1 and Darryn Marks1

Background This review aimed to explore the available literature to update our understanding of the long head of
biceps (LHB) at the shoulder. Synthesise our findings to identify emergent themes and knowledge gaps to inform
future research and management directions.
Methods PubMed, Embase, Cinahl, SportDiscus, CENTRAL, and Web of Science were searched from inception to 31st
December 2021. Articles were included if they referenced adult participants > 18 years of age and were written in
Results 214 articles were included in the final analysis, and results were categorised into six emergent themes: (1)
Anatomy - Normal anatomical variation of the biceps from aberrant origins, third and fourth accessory heads, and
an absence of the LHB tendon (LHBT) are not necessarily benign, with shoulder pain and instability a commonly
reported theme. (2) Function - Bicep’s role in glenohumeral elevation and stability in healthy shoulders is minimal.
In contrast, LHB has a more significant role in shoulder stability and humeral head depression in subjects with
rotator cuff failure or an absent LHBT. (3) Pathology - There is an association between LHB tendinopathy, rotator cuff
disease, LHBT instability and occult rotator cuff tears. Early recruitment and hyperactivity of the LHB in subjects with
symptomatic rotator cuff tears and instability suggest a potential compensatory role. (4) Assessment - The limited
diagnostic utility of special orthopaedic tests in assessing LHBT pathology was a consistent theme. The utility of
magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasound to identify full-thickness tendon tears and instability of the LHBT was
moderate to high. However, the utility of clinical tests and imaging may be underestimated due to arthroscopy’s
limitations in fully visualising the proximal LHBT. (5) Non-Surgical Management - Ultrasound-guided injections into
the biceps sheath show greater accuracy and patient outcomes than blinded injections; however, the entry of
injectate into the intraarticular glenohumeral joint may have unwanted complications. (6) Surgical management
- For the surgical management of biceps pathology with or without rotator cuff pathology, both biceps tenodesis
and tenotomy report similar improvements in pain without any significant adverse effect on strength or function.
Tenodesis favoured higher overall constant scores and a lower incidence of Popeye deformity and cramping arm pain,
with tenotomy trending to be more cost and time effective. For patients with a healthy LHBT, rotator cuff repair with
adjunctive tenodesis or tenotomy fails to provide additional clinical improvements compared to rotator cuff repair in

Brendan Diplock
[email protected]
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

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Diplock et al. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders (2023) 24:232 Page 2 of 19

Conclusions The scoping review highlights the variability of biceps anatomy, which is not necessarily benign and
suggests a minimal role of the LHB in shoulder elevation and stability in healthy individuals. In contrast, individuals
with rotator cuff tears experience proximal humeral migration and demonstrate hyperactivity of the LHB, suggesting
a potential compensation role. The observed prevalence of LHBT pathology with rotator cuff tears is well established;
however, the cause-and-effect relationship between LHBT pathology and rotator cuff disease is undetermined. The
diagnostic utility of clinical tests and imaging to exclude LHBT pathology may be understated due to the limitations
of arthroscopy to visualise the proximal LHBT fully. Rehabilitation programs for the LHB are understudied. Similar post-
surgical clinical outcomes are observed for tenodesis and tenotomy for biceps and rotator cuff-related shoulder pain.
Subjects undergoing biceps tenodesis are less likely to have cramping arm pain and a Popeye deformity than patients
undergoing biceps tenotomy. The significance of routine surgical removal of the LHBT and sequelae on rotator cuff
tear progression to failure and long-term shoulder function is unknown, and further research is required.
Pre-registration OSF:
Keywords Anatomy, Assessment, Function, Long head of biceps, Management, Scoping review, Shoulder

Background Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and

The purpose of the Long Head of the Biceps (LHB) at the Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) research methodology and
shoulder is an enigma. Its functional role at the shoulder priori protocol in these historical reviews were lacking.
and its contribution to glenohumeral joint arthrokinema- They may represent an elevated risk of biased assess-
tics and stability remain poorly understood [1, 2]. Assess- ment [9, 10]. In addition to providing an update of the
ment of shoulder tendon pathology remains a clinical current literature, a scoping review protocol was chosen
challenge due to the historically poor diagnostic utility of to; (a) explore the extent of available literature through a
individual Orthopaedic Special Tests [3]. Generic man- systematic PRISMA research methodology to decrease
agement principles for shoulder pain typically include error and increase the reliability of assessment findings,
conservative treatment [1, 2, 4]. Often, specific physi- (b) thoroughly investigate and synthesise the evidence
cal therapy interventions and rehabilitation for the non- into emergent themes, and (c) update our current under-
operative treatment of LHB-related shoulder pain are standing of the function of the LHB at the shoulder to
under-investigated. inform future research and management directions. To
In contrast, there is a plethora of literature on the our knowledge, this is the first scoping review on the
surgical management (tenodesis vs. tenotomy) of LHB- LHB at the shoulder.
related shoulder pain. Often surgical recommendations
for routine LHB tenodesis/tenotomy with rotator cuff Objective and research questions
tears are dubious because the functional role of the LHB The objectives of this review were: 1) review the research
at the shoulder remains uncertain [5, 6]. Consequently, on (a) normal anatomy and function of the LHB at the
the impact of adjunctive LHBT surgery in rotator cuff- shoulder, (b) abnormal pathology and assessment find-
related shoulder pain on shoulder function remains a ings of the LHBT, (c) non-surgical and surgical man-
clinical quandary, with the longer-term implications for agement options for LHB-related shoulder pain and
shoulder function and rotator cuff disease progression (d) functional impacts and disease sequelae of routine
unknown. LHBT surgery in the operative management of rotator
Other fundamental questions about the LHB also cuff related shoulder pain 2) synthesise findings, and 3)
remain unanswered. With the relationship between pro- identify emergent themes and knowledge gaps for future
prioception deficits at the shoulder and glenohumeral research.
joint instability still unclear [7], perhaps the propriocep-
tive contribution of the LHB to the shoulder is desirable Methods
and worth retaining. Conversely, as previous reviews Protocol registration
report normal anatomical variations of the LHBT, includ- A priori protocol was developed according to the Pre-
ing a congenital absence [8], the LHBT may be consid- ferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-
ered vestigial, equivalent to the palmaris longus tendon Analysis Extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR):
of the wrist, implying its removal when pathognomonic Checklist (Supplementary Table 1) and explanation [10].
lesions to be justified. This protocol was pre-registered with the Open Science
In summary, the function of the LHB at the shoulder Framework (OSF) on September 12,
remains poorly understood. Whilst previous narrative 2021.
reviews [1, 2] provide a general overview of the LHB. A
Diplock et al. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders (2023) 24:232 Page 3 of 19

Study design Context and eligibility criteria

The scoping review was guided by the methodology All full-text research articles produced in any year were
framework developed by Arksey and O’Malley [11], later eligible for inclusion. Exclusion criteria were defined as
refined by Levac, Colquhoun [12], Peters, Godfrey [13], (1) non-English language, (2) no access to full text and (3)
Peters, Marnie [14] using a five-step search strategy of grey literature, including narrative literature reviews, the-
selected databases. (1) Identifying the research question; sis/dissertations, conference abstracts/proceedings, opin-
(2) Identifying relevant studies; (3) Selecting studies; (4) ion pieces, magazine, and newspaper articles. Morrison,
Charting the data, collating, and summarising; and (5) Polisena [16] found no evidence of a systematic bias from
Reporting the results. excluding languages other than English in a systematic
review-based meta-analysis in conventional medicine.
Data sources and searches
The lead author (BD) undertook an initial pilot search Quality assessment
of PubMed and Google scholar to identify articles on Whilst the use of a critical appraisal tool was not
the topic and map key concepts. To develop a complete required for this scoping review (Johanna Briggs Institute
search strategy, synonyms were identified from text Reviewers’ Manual (2017) – Methodology for JBI scop-
words in the titles and abstracts of relevant articles and ing reviews [11, 12, 17]. The level of evidence for the 214
the index terms used to describe the articles. A compre- articles was independently assessed by the lead author
hensive search strategy, including all identified keywords using the JBI - levels of evidence guidelines and sup-
and subject/index terms, was developed for PubMed and porting documentation [18]. The level of evidence was
adapted using Polyglot [15] for all databases (PubMed verified by a blinded second assessor (HK), with eighteen
MEDLINE, Embase, Cinahl, SportDiscus, CENTRAL, discrepancies resolved with the assistance of a co-author
and Web of Science) by the lead investigator in consul- .
tation with a research university librarian (See Addi-
tional file 2). Following the search from inception to 31st Data extraction
December 2021, all citations were uploaded into End- Data from publications meeting eligibility criteria
Note 20.0.1 and duplicates were removed. were extracted into customised tables. The data extrac-
tion tables were modified and revised iteratively dur-
Study selection ing screening for each included study. Data charted in
Titles and abstracts of eligible studies were screened the final extraction tables included the author’s citation
against the inclusion criteria by the lead author (BD). details, year of study, level of evidence and key study
Potential studies were retrieved in full text and assessed findings.
in detail against the eligibility criteria for inclusion in the
scoping review. Full-text studies that did not meet inclu- Data analysis and synthesis
sion criteria were excluded, and the reasons for exclusion Studies were initially categorised according to three main
were recorded and reported in the PRISMA Flow Dia- domains (1) normal, (2) abnormal and (3) management.
gram - Fig. 1 (See Additional file 3). All citations and ref- Key study characteristics and raw data were tabulated for
erences within selected studies were screened to identify each domain. Synthesis of key findings was performed to
additional studies for inclusion. The selection of studies identify emergent themes and key concepts.
was guided by the Participants-Concept-Context frame-
work as recommended by the Joanna Briggs Institute Results
(JBI) Methodological Guidelines for scoping reviews [14]. Selection of sources of evidence
The search results are displayed in the PRISMA Flow
Participants Diagram - Fig. 1 (See Additional file 3). The search strat-
The study population was defined as adults (18 years egy generated 6031 results. Following duplicate removal
or older) regardless of gender, a commonly used cut- and title and abstract screening, 425 full-text articles
off to distinguish the point between adolescence and were reviewed for inclusion in the study and sixty-two
adulthood. additional records were identified through reference list
searches totalling 487 full-text articles. Of these, 273
Concept were excluded, and 214 articles were included in this
Any published peer-reviewed literature reporting on the scoping review.
LHB’s role, function, or management at the shoulder and
their outcomes. Characteristics of sources of evidence
The years of publication for included studies ranged from
1948 to 2021, with 2014 to 2021 producing the most
Diplock et al. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders (2023) 24:232 Page 4 of 19

publications (Table 1). Studies were categorised into stability in the bicipital groove, as detailed in Supplemen-
emergent themes; (a) anatomy, (b) function, d) pathol- tary Table 3.
ogy, e) assessment and f ) management. Emergent themes
were further dichotomised into sub-themes and by the Impact of variation
level of evidence (Table 2). Of the twenty individual case studies in Supplementary
Tables 2, fourteen reported shoulder pain associated
Anatomy with the anatomical variation, an association between
The normal origin of the Long Head of the Biceps (LHB) pain and aberrant origins in nine studies and pain and
has traditionally been from the supraglenoid tubercle and LHBT absence in five studies. In four case studies, three
superior labrum, with its proximal tendon tracking dis- articles reported shoulder instability associated with an
tally through the rotator cuff interval where the biceps absence of the LHBT and shoulder instability and weak-
pulley envelops it and houses within the biceps groove. ness in one case study. Shoulder instability and pain were
Upon exiting the biceps pulley, it travels under the trans- reported in five articles, associated with aberrant origins
verse humeral ligament, where it joins the short head of in two case studies and LHBT absence in three case stud-
the biceps to form the biceps brachii muscle belly, shar- ies. Two articles observed a single aberrant origin and
ing a common distal tendon attachment onto the radial absent LHBT associated with shoulder pain and restric-
tuberosity ligament [19]. Thirty-six articles in Supple- tion of movement in two case studies. A solitary case
mentary Table 2 include normal anatomical variations study observed a Partial Articular-sided Supraspinatus
of the biceps brachii and the impact of aberrant origins, Tendon Avulsion (PASTA) in two patients with an anom-
supernumerary accessory heads and a congenital absence alous origin of the LHBT from the Supraspinatus. Two
of the LHBT on shoulder pain and function. Supplemen- large case series studies and a single systematic review
tary Table 3 includes three studies on the normal anat- reported a positive correlation between (a) observed
omy of the transverse humeral ligament. anatomical variances of the LHBT origin and the pres-
ence of anterosuperior labral fraying (odds ratio, 3.58;
Anatomical variation p = 0.000), abnormal superior glenohumeral ligament
Of the thirty-nine articles on biceps brachii anatomy (odds ratio, 3.69; p = 0.012) [57], and (b) LHBT absence
found, thirty-six papers reported anatomical variations and the presence of shoulder pain (85.7%) and instability
from normal. Supplementary Table 2 details the reported (37.1%) [167]. Whilst shoulder joint instability was more
variants by type and number. The most common prevalent in biceps variations in the mesotenon; it did
observed anatomical variations pooled across all 36 stud- not reach significance (27.6%: 14.9%, p = 0.305) [163].
ies included a) aberrant origins (n = 136), supernumerary
accessory heads (n = 98) and LHBT absence (n = 48). The Function
most common aberrant origin of the LHB at the shoul- In this section of LHB function at the shoulder, forty-
der was the presence of a bifurcate tendon origin in seven seven articles were categorised under the subthemes of
articles and an anomalous LHBT origin from the supra- (a) biceps electromyography, (b) shoulder biomechanics
spinatus in six articles. A trifurcate origin of the LHBT (Supplementary Table 4), (c) shoulder stability in vivo
was seen in three studies, with a solitary case of Chon- (Supplementary Table 5), (d) glenohumeral joint arthro-
droepitrochlearis and an LHBT traversing through a bifid kinematics in vitro (Supplementary Table 6), and (e)
Subscapularis found in one paper. Nine studies reported shoulder proprioception as detailed in Supplementary
the presence of a third supernumerary head in forty-nine Table 7.
shoulders, and two reported a four-headed biceps vari-
ant in nine shoulders. The overall reported prevalence Electromyography (EMG)
of anatomical variations of the biceps brachii in the case Twenty-seven studies used electromyography (EMG) to
study series ranged from 2.2 to 70% [28, 34, 36, 57, 58, investigate the activity of the biceps brachii, as detailed
86, 113, 163], as detailed in Supplementary Table 2. Three in Supplementary Table 4. Thirteen studies differentiated
studies reported no distinct anatomical structure of the long head vs. short head of biceps activity. Sixteen studies
transverse humeral ligament to support a role in LHBT used surface electromyography (sEMG) to record biceps

Table 1 Characteristics of included studies by year

Year 1940–1969 1970–1999 2000–2004 2005–2009 2010–2014 2015–2019 (n = 67) 2020–
(n = 1) (n = 25) (n = 15) (n = 26) (n = 40) 2022
(n = 40)
Reference number(s) [20] [21–45] [46–60] [8, 61–85] [86–125] [19, 126–191] [192–
Diplock et al. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders (2023) 24:232 Page 5 of 19

Table 2 Characteristics of included studies by themes and level brachii activity during functional tasks of the shoulder
of evidence [21, 29, 42, 44, 70, 83, 84, 103, 112, 114, 116, 117, 121,
Themes Level of evidence (LOE) 159, 190, 213]. Four studies used fine wire electromyog-
Anatomy Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
raphy (fwEMG) to record biceps brachii muscle activity
(n = 39) (n = 0) (n = 1) (n = 1) (n = 27) (n = 10)
[20, 23, 25, 51]. Seven studies used a combination of both
Reference - [57] [163] [8, 34, 39, 54, [28,
number(s) 56, 58, 63, 33, 36, sEMG and fwEMG for recording activity of the biceps
68, 74, 79, 69, 76, brachii and other shoulder muscles, such as the rotator
82, 105, 109, 80, 86, cuff and deltoid muscles [40, 46, 52, 101, 102, 120, 228].
123, 125, 113,
129, 141, 138,
144, 167, 219]
171, 173, Thirteen articles detailed in Supplementary Table 4
184, 185, investigated the role of the LHB in healthy shoulders.
189, 207, Six studies demonstrated LHB muscle activity during
209, 212] shoulder elevation [20, 21, 44, 70, 103, 116]. Three stud-
Function Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 ies validated LHB activity during overhead throwing and
(n = 47) (n = 1) (n = 3) (n = 16) (n = 14) (n = 13)
bowling [23, 84, 114]. In contrast, four studies supported
Reference [193] [99, 120, [20, 25, 37, [21, 23, 29, [27,
no significant LHB activity during shoulder elevation
number(s) 130] 42, 47, 51, 65, 40, 44, 46, 30–32,
83, 102, 103, 52, 70, 78, 35, 38, [40, 52, 101, 121]. Studies using an elbow brace or elbow
114, 116, 84, 101, 112, 50, 85, flexor fatigue protocol to minimise biceps function at the
121, 190, 117, 159] 88, 94, elbow confirmed an active role of the LHB during shoul-
213, 228] 100, der elevation in two studies [44, 116].
In contrast, three studies found no significant or mini-
Pathology Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
mal activity of the LHB during shoulder elevation [40, 52,
(n = 37) (n = 2) (n = 4) (n = 18) (n = 10) (n = 3) 121]. Two studies of biceps brachii activity during com-
Reference [178, [48, 89, [53, 55, 61, [22, 45, 59, [24, 64, mon therapeutic shoulder exercises demonstrated the
number(s) 196] 158, 198] 62, 87, 98, 75, 77, 111, 96] highest biceps activity in the sagittal plane, during unsup-
148, 152, 124, 137, ported elbow flexion and supination, from an extended
157, 161, 172, 195] position (e.g., shoulder extension) or during high-veloc-
177, 179,
191, 197,
ity explosive exercises such as underarm throwing [117,
203, 205, 159]. Two studies reported more significant activity and
217, 227] strength production of biceps brachii during biceps curl
Assess- Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 variations in shoulder elevation [83, 112]. One study
ment (n = 10) (n = 20) (n = 8) (n = 9) (n = 3) reported more significant biceps brachii activity dur-
(n = 50) ing isometric shoulder external rotation in sitting than
Reference [43, 95, [41, 60, [122, 134, [49, 66, 72, [119,
supine. One study supported a pre-activation and a pre-
number(s) 107, 67, 73, 81, 155, 156, 135, 140, 151,
108, 90, 104, 160, 162, 144, 164, 220] setting role of the LHB and rotator cuff during shoulder
118, 110, 115, 199, 206] 176, 180] rotation at 45° scaption in normal asymptomatic subjects
128, 132, 139, [46].
150, 149, 165,
183, 166, 168,
Shoulder stability
188, 169, 175,
221] 181, 187, Six in vivo studies examined the role of the biceps bra-
214] chii in shoulder stability, as detailed in Supplementary
Manage- Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Table 5. Five studies support a role in glenohumeral joint
ment (n = 7) (n = 7) (n = 18) (n = 7) (n = 2) stability and humeral head depression [37, 47, 56, 65,
(n = 41) 78] and a single study reported a minor role in shoul-
Reference [97, [91, 114, [19, 26, 71, [133, 143, [186, der stability [99]. Active humeral head depression at the
number(s) 131, 126, 182, 92, 93, 136, 145, 147, 225]
shoulder by the biceps brachii in patients with rotator
142, 210, 226, 146, 154, 202, 218,
201, 229] 170, 174, 224] cuff lesions was observed under radiology assessment
215, 192, 194, in one study [47]. A large study by Walch, Edwards [65]
230, 200, 204, of 291 patients undergoing LHB tenotomy for irrepa-
231] 208, 216, rable full thickness tears of the rotator cuff demon-
222, 223]
strated a significant superior migration of the head of
Totals Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
(n = 214) (n = 20) (n = 35) (n = 61) (n = 67) (n = 31)
the humerus following tenotomy. A single case report
of incidental arthroscopy findings of LHBT absence
Diplock et al. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders (2023) 24:232 Page 6 of 19

reported an association with shoulder instability which to the contralateral uninjured shoulders and controls, as
improved after thermal capsulorraphy [56]. A study of detailed in Supplementary Table 7.
seven patients with an LHBT absence under arthroscopy/
MRI demonstrated superior glenohumeral translation in Pathology
shoulders compared to intact shoulders [37]. One study Thirty-five diagnostic studies in Supplementary
of thirty asymptomatic volunteers showed a dynamic Tables 8 and eight EMG studies, as detailed in Supple-
role of the LHB in glenohumeral joint stability during mentary Tables 9, were categorised under the sub-
low angles of shoulder elevation < 30° [78]. In contrast, themes of LHBT pathology, rotator cuff pathology and
a study of five patients undergoing biceps tenodesis for compensation.
chronic biceps tenosynovitis demonstrated no significant
alterations in glenohumeral joint position or activity after Long head of biceps pathology
LHB tenotomy compared to healthy shoulders [99]. As detailed in Supplementary Tables 8, common LHBT
pathologies include tendon instability, tendinopathy (rup-
Glenohumeral joint arthrokinematics tures, tears, lesions, tendinitis, sheath effusions), bicep
Thirteen in vitro cadaver studies detailed in Supplemen- pulley lesions, bicipital groove dysplasia, labral variants/
tary Table 6 examined the role of the LHB in intact shoul- SLAP lesions and an absence of LHBT. Observed biceps
ders and six articles with simulated shoulder injuries, pathology associated with the LHB’s anatomical varia-
including rotator cuff tears, Bankart and superior labral tions involved anterosuperior labrum variants, a Buford
lesions [30–32, 35, 88, 94]. Ten studies demonstrated complex, SLAP lesions, and biceps instability [53, 77,
a shoulder stability role for the LHB [30–32, 35, 38, 85, 205, 227]. Other pathological associations included; (a)
88, 94, 106, 153]. Six studies demonstrated a humeral LHBT pulley lesions and degenerative LHB tendinopathy
head depressor role [27, 38, 50, 88, 106, 153]. One study with biceps instability and degenerative glenohumeral
demonstrated a glenohumeral joint compressor role joint disease [111], (b) LHB tendinitis and pro-inflam-
[100]. The observed and often stated limitations of the matory mediators, neovascularisation, and gene expres-
cadaver studies found included rationales to determine sion [191], (c) absent LHBT and shoulder pain [179], (d)
appropriate biceps forces in vitro that accurately repre- LHBT rupture, instability with shoulder pain and perma-
sent the normal physiological loads of the LHB in vivo. nent elbow/forearm strength and endurance loss [62],
Three studies used a biceps load of 55-N force, predicted and LHBT tears with occult distal biceps lesions extend-
from the Physiological Cross-Sectional Area (PCSA) ing beyond the biceps groove (Supplementary Table 15)
of the biceps brachii [35, 38, 88]. Two studies used pro- [135].
gressive biceps loads of 10, 20 and 40-N based on previ-
ously published PCSA values [100, 153]. A single study Rotator cuff pathology
used %PCSA (55-N) to determine a passive 5 N (10%) Concomitant rotator cuff pathology associated with LHB
and active 25 N (50%) biceps preload [94]. A single study tendinopathy includes rotator cuff tears, Supraspina-
used PCSA to determine physiological biceps loads tus and Subscapularis tears, Supraspinatus tendinopa-
with no reported values stated [50]. Two studies used a thy and rotator cuff tendinopathy. A high association
biceps load of 1.5 and 3 kg [30] and 1.5 kg [31], propor- was observed between LHBT instability and rotator cuff
tional to PCSA. Two studies used a 3 kg [27] and a 20-N pathology in twelve articles, inclusive of Subscapularis
[106] simulated biceps load with no reported rationale. tears in eight articles [61, 98, 137, 152, 178, 195, 196, 203],
Two studies calculated physiological biceps loads using isolated Supraspinatus tears and Subscapularis tears in
a combination of PCSA and EMG percentage of a maxi- two studies [24, 227] and rotator cuff tears in two studies
mal voluntary contraction during a functional task, e.g., [45, 75]. A lower association was observed between the
throwing [32, 85]. incidence of biceps pulley lesions and rotator cuff tears,
SLAP lesions, anterosuperior impingement and increas-
Shoulder proprioception ing age [89]. Absence of the LHBT with rotator cuff tears
No direct evidence for or against the role of the LHB in [217]. Biceps groove morphology with LHBT instability
proprioception at the shoulder was found. Two system- and Subscapularis tendinopathy [157, 158]. LHBT sheath
atic reviews on proprioception and shoulder pain/pathol- effusion and rotator cuff tears [148] and increased cross-
ogy were found. Ager, Borms [193] reported moderate sectional area of LHBT with rotator cuff tears [64] as
evidence for an affected sense of kinaesthesia and insuf- detailed in Supplementary Table 8.
ficient evidence for an impaired sense of force amongst
painful shoulders. Fyhr, Gustavsson [130] reported defi- Compensation
cits in movement sense and passive joint reposition sense Eight EMG studies were found directly supporting
following post-traumatic shoulder instability compared increased muscle activation of the biceps brachii in the
Diplock et al. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders (2023) 24:232 Page 7 of 19

presence of rotator cuff pathology and shoulder insta- was yet to be established. The other more recent study
bility, as detailed in Supplementary Table 9. Two stud- [175] reported moderate inter-rater reliability but found
ies demonstrated significant hyperactivity of the biceps the association between within-session and between-ses-
brachii compared to control groups in the presence of sion changes in pain regarding treatment efficacy for the
rotator cuff tears during reaching and shoulder elevation Shoulder Symptom Modification Procedure (SSMP) to be
tasks [42, 102]. A single study reported a significant delay insufficient. The authors consequently concluded that the
in anticipatory muscle activation in subjects with rota- Shoulder Symptom Modification Procedure (SSMP) was
tor cuff tears during a ball drop task [213]. A recent study not reliable or valid for managing shoulder pain. A single
demonstrated both hyperactivity and pre-activation of study of a symptom modification test cluster for shoulder
the biceps brachii in patients with rotator cuff tears dur- instability reported a significant, meaningful relationship
ing reaching tests [228]. In support of biceps activity between GIRD - glenohumeral internal rotation deficit
during throwing, two studies reported significant hyper- and an impingement GIRD apprehension-relocation test
activity of the biceps brachii during simulated pitching cluster [206].
and cocking phases of throwing in subjects with anterior Several systematic reviews and diagnostic studies
shoulder instability vs. controls [25, 51]. In contrast to examined the validity of traditional and contemporary
the observed changes in muscle activity with rotator cuff Orthopaedic special tests for LHBT pathology with con-
pathology, two studies reported no significant differences siderable variability found, whilst two studies showed
in (a) biceps brachii activity with the elbow immobilised a limited diagnostic yield of bicipital groove tenderness
in a brace during shoulder range of motion in patients for LHB tendinopathy [73, 169], as detailed in Supple-
with rotator cuff tears vs. controls [40] and (b) in activity mentary Table 11. Three high levels of evidence studies
or fatigue of the biceps brachii during a gripping task in supported the use of test clusters to improve their diag-
patients with rotator cuff tears [120]. nostic yield (biceps groove palpation, Speed’s, Yergason’s
and Uppercut test) with higher diagnostic utility demon-
Assessment strated when performed in combination with diagnostic
Assessing the LHBT in the clinical examination can be ultrasound (Supplementary Table 12) [81, 169, 183].
completed in several ways. Fifty articles investigating the
assessment of the LHBT pathology at the shoulder were Magnetic resonance imaging and arthrography
categorised into several sub-themes, including (a) screen- Eighteen studies were found investigating the validity
ing questionnaires and (b) clinical examination (Supple- of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Arthrog-
mentary Tables 10, 11 and 12), (c) diagnostic imaging raphy (MRA), compared with arthroscopic surgery in
such as magnetic resonance imaging/arthrography seventeen of the eighteen studies found diagnosing
(Supplementary Table 13) and ultrasound, (d) diagnostic proximal LHBT pathology at the shoulder, exclusive of
injections (Supplementary Table 14) and (e) arthroscopy SLAP lesions and labral pathology as detailed in Supple-
(Supplementary Table 15). mentary Table 13. Overall diagnostic accuracy, speci-
ficity, and sensitivity values for MRA were superior to
Screening questionnaires MRI for LHBT pathology, though, the difference was
As detailed in Supplementary Tables 10, a single article negligible. Both diagnostic utilities varied considerably
reported limited validity for using postoperative screen- for LHB tendinopathy, including tears, tendinitis, tendi-
ing questionnaires to assess pre-operative LHBT pathol- nosis, instability, and pulley lesions. There was an over-
ogy [149]. all trend for low sensitivity and high diagnostic accuracy
and specificity values for the exclusion and detection of
Clinical examination full thickness and complete tears of the LHBT for both
As detailed in Supplementary Tables 10, a single study MRI and MRA, respectively, compared with low specific-
established a clinical examination algorithm for the ity and sensitivity values to rule in and out partial thick-
standardisation of shoulder assessment, including the ness tears of the LHBT [60, 90, 118, 139, 150, 155, 180,
differential diagnosis of biceps pathology [220]. Three 188]. LHBT instability demonstrated variable specificity,
studies examined the clinical utility of a symptom modi- and sensitivity values with a trend for higher specificity
fication approach to diagnosing and managing shoul- values to rule in dislocation of the LHBT compared with
der musculoskeletal conditions, including Rotator cuff subluxation, whilst the sensitivity values in many of the
and LHB-related shoulder pain. Of two studies on the studies identifying LHBT instability were poor [60, 90,
Shoulder Symptom Modification Procedure (SSMP), one 118, 134, 139, 150, 155, 165, 180, 188]. In a single system-
[151] found high inter-rater reliability. Yet, the authors atic comparison of MRI and MRA, MRA demonstrated
acknowledged that the efficacy of the Shoulder Symptom higher specificity for detecting LHBT appearance and
Modification Procedure (SSMP) in treating shoulder pain position than MRI [221]. A single study of biceps pulley
Diplock et al. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders (2023) 24:232 Page 8 of 19

lesions on MRA compared with arthroscopy reported used in most diagnostic and imaging studies, as detailed
high accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity values for MRA in Supplementary Tables 11, 12, 13, and 14. In Supple-
[104]. Contrary to clinical intuition, a single study of mentary Tables 15, the limitations of arthroscopy to fully
the impact of Body Mass Index (BMI) on MRI accuracy evaluate the proximal intra-articular LHBT-labral com-
demonstrated significantly higher diagnostic accuracy of plex and identify occult extra-articular bicipital tunnel
MRI for the detection of Bankart lesions in both over- lesions were reported in four articles [119, 132, 140, 164].
weight and obese patients when compared with patients
with a healthy Body Mass Index (BMI) (Supplementary Management
Table 10) [214]. In this section of Management, forty-one articles
were categorised under non-surgical (Supplementary
Diagnostic ultrasound Tables 16 and 17) and surgical management. Surgical
Ten studies examined the validity of diagnostic ultra- management was further dichotomised into operative
sound in detecting LHBT pathology compared with intervention for (a) LHBT-related shoulder pathology
arthroscopy in four studies, arthroscopy/open surgery (Supplementary Table 18), (b) rotator cuff-related shoul-
in two, arthroscopy/arthrotomy in one and MRI in two der pathology (Supplementary Table 19) and (c) rotator
studies, as detailed in Supplementary Table 14. Two cuff and LHBT-related shoulder pathology, as detailed in
articles reported high specificity and sensitivity values Supplementary Table 20.
for ruling in and out full-thickness tears. In comparison,
there was an observed trend for lower sensitivity values Non-surgical management
to rule out partial thickness tears of the LHBT [67, 95]. Supplementary Table 16 details our limited findings of
Two studies demonstrated variable specificity and sensi- four articles reporting on the non-surgical management
tivity for complete tears [128, 181]. Two studies showed of LHB-related shoulder pain. A single paper presented
high specificity for LHBT rupture [49, 181]. Biceps a care pathway for shoulder pain management, includ-
instability demonstrated an overall trend for increased ing LHBT management in primary care [220]. Two EMG
specificity and sensitivity values for ruling in and out dis- studies demonstrated a progression of biceps-targeted
location > subluxation of the LHBT [43, 49, 67, 128, 181]. activity from least active to most active during common
The specificity of diagnostic ultrasound to rule in tendini- shoulder rehabilitation exercises in healthy subjects [117,
tis was high, and its sensitivity to rule out tendinitis was 159]. A single study by McDevitt, Snodgrass [202] dem-
low [43, 110]. A single cross-sectional study comparing onstrated support for including dry needling, eccentric,
the diagnostic accuracy of ultrasound vs. MRI in detect- concentric exercise, and biceps brachii stretching for
ing LHBT pathology to arthroscopy showed a trend for managing chronic LHB tendinopathy.
higher specificity for MRI compared to diagnostic ultra- Seven studies investigated the injection of dye, local
sound for identifying proximal LHBT pathology. Sensi- anaesthetic, and corticosteroid into the LHBT sheath
tivity values for both remained poor [162]. (Supplementary Table 17). None compared injection
with no injection or placebo. Six reported greater accu-
Diagnostic injection racy and pain relief when injections were guided by ultra-
A single study on diagnostic injections for LHBT sound or fluoroscopy than unguided injections [91, 93,
pathology reported high specificity but low sensitivity 97, 126, 210, 232]. One cadaver study found a high rate
to exclude LHBT pathology [169]. A cadaver study by of dye migration into the glenohumeral joint capsule and
Gofeld, Hurdle [186] demonstrated the spread of injec- the potential for wanted or unwanted deposition of injec-
tate from the biceps sheath into the glenohumeral joint tate into the intra-articular glenohumeral joint [186].
and cartilage in 92% of specimens suggesting the lim- One article compared non-surgical care versus tenode-
ited diagnostic utility of injections for LHB pathology as sis for LHBT ruptures. Patients managed non-surgically
detailed in Supplementary Table 14. tend to return to work quicker but at lesser capacity and
with less elbow flexion and forearm supination strength
Arthroscopic surgery than patients who underwent biceps tenodesis [26]. One
Supplementary Table 15 detailed four clinical studies systematic review reported common surgical indications
that presented findings of LHBT pathology (lipstick sign, for tenodesis, including LHBT tears, instability, and teno-
sentinel sign, chondral print, and the ramp test). One synovitis [145].
study reported the presence of a detour sign on MRI as
a useful clinical indicator of LHBT subluxation, occult Surgical management
Subscapularis, and Supraspinatus rotator cuff pathology In total, thirty-five articles compared postoperative out-
[166]. Arthroscopic surgery as a standard gold reference comes in patients undergoing LHB tenodesis versus
for confirmation of LHBT pathology at the shoulder was tenotomy, with tenodesis the most common procedure
Diplock et al. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders (2023) 24:232 Page 9 of 19

reported (n = 9983) vs. tenotomy (n = 6855). Twenty-two Result findings are medium-term and likely to represent
articles examined LHB tenodesis and tenotomy outcomes post-surgical outcomes over time.
in subjects with LHBT-related shoulder pathology in iso-
lation (Supplementary Table 18). Six articles investigated Adjunctive surgery on a healthy LHBT for rotator cuff
the effects of adjunctive LHBT surgery in subjects with pathology
rotator cuff-related shoulder pathology (Supplemen- Of the six articles reporting outcomes of adjunctive
tary Table 19), and seven articles reported tenodesis and biceps surgery for repairable and irreparable rotator cuff
tenotomy outcomes in subjects with concomitant rotator tears, similar levels of patient satisfaction and PROMS
cuff and LHBT-related shoulder pathology, as detailed in were observed across all studies, as detailed in Supple-
Supplementary Table 20. mentary Table 19. Two articles comparing post-operative
clinical outcomes of patients undertaking either tenode-
Surgery for LHBT pathology sis or tenotomy for irreparable rotator cuff tears without
For subjects undergoing tenodesis vs. tenotomy for rotator cuff repair reported high levels of patient satisfac-
LHBT-related shoulder pathology, the overall postop- tion and PROMS [65, 71]. Of the four articles investigat-
erative Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMS) ing adjunctive tenodesis or tenotomy with rotator cuff
were similar for both tenodesis and tenotomy, across repair, higher surgical costs were reported in patients
the twenty-two articles found, with a minor trend for who underwent (a) rotator cuff repair with adjunctive
improved constant scores in favour of tenodesis in three tenodesis compared with adjunctive tenotomy or rota-
articles [131, 194, 224]. A higher prevalence of Popeye tor cuff repair in isolation and (b) arthroscopic tenode-
deformity in fourteen articles and cramping arm pain in sis compared with open biceps surgery [218, 222]. There
six were observed in patients who undertook tenotomy was a trend for a higher incidence of Popeye deformity
vs. tenodesis, as detailed in Supplementary Table 18. in three articles [71, 133, 154] and cramping arm pain in
Decreased post-operative narcotic use and quicker pain one article [154] for patients who underwent tenotomy.
relief was observed in one article for patients follow- An article by Meraner, Sternberg [154] reported greater
ing biceps tenotomy [182], with longer surgical times postoperative shoulder abduction strength in patients
observed in patients post-tenodesis [131]. Three studies who underwent rotator cuff repair with adjunctive teno-
that dichotomised their results by patient demograph- desis compared with tenotomy. In addition to the six
ics showed a greater incidence of Popeye deformity in articles discussed, one clinical trial by Godenèche, Kempf
male patients [92], with less satisfaction in younger male [174], Supplementary Table 20 compared clinical out-
patients following tenotomy compared with tenode- comes following tenodesis or tenotomy in subjects with
sis [229]. Male gender, younger age, and active worker’s Supraspinatus rotator cuff tears and no LHBT pathology
compensation were associated with increased complica- (normal) vs. Supraspinatus rotator cuff tears with LHBT
tions following tenotomy [204]. For articles comparing pathology over a 10-year follow-up period. For patients
LHB tenodesis vs. tenotomy for LHBT or SLAP pathol- with a healthy LHBT, similar constant scores were
ogy, similar trends were observed, with no significant reported between Supraspinatus repair in isolation and
differences in postoperative PROMS for pain, function, Supraspinatus repair with either adjunctive tenodesis or
and strength [197, 215, 216]. However, a more signifi- tenotomy. The authors concluded that adjunctive LHBT
cant trend was observed for increased shoulder flexion surgery with Supraspinatus repairs should be avoided
range of motion (ROM) and less postoperative stiff- intraoperatively in patients with a normal LHBT. In the
ness in patients who undertook open compared with seven articles, post-surgical follow-up times ranged from
arthroscopic tenodesis [216]. One article by Horan, 12 months to 10 years. Except for one 10-year study,
Dekker [197] comparing SLAP repair vs. biceps tenode- most studies reported a mean follow-up time of ≤ 3 years.
sis in young overhead-throwing athletes demonstrated Result findings were, therefore, medium to long-term
PROMS with a high rate of return to overhead-throw- and likely represented stable post-surgical outcomes over
ing sports. Similar strength scores were reported across time.
all studies, apart from two articles reporting subjective
biceps weakness at the elbow following tenotomy [92, Surgery for rotator cuff and LHBT pathology
204]. A comparison of arthroscopic vs. open tenode- As detailed in Supplementary Tables 20, seven arti-
sis reported greater postoperative shoulder flexion for cles reported postoperative outcomes in subjects with
patients who underwent open tenodesis [146]. Post- concomitant rotator cuff and LHBT-related shoulder
surgical follow-up in the twenty-two articles was highly pathology. Five articles reported similar post-operative
variable, ranging from 3 months to 13 years, with many clinical results in subjects who undertook routine rota-
studies reporting a mean follow-up time ≥ two years. tor cuff repair and adjunctive tenodesis or tenotomy,
with a trend for higher constant scores in patients who
Diplock et al. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders (2023) 24:232 Page 10 of 19

undertook tenodesis [19, 142, 147, 170, 225]. Again, there found an established humeral head depressor function
was a trend for a higher incidence of Popeye deformity at the shoulder in (a) subjects with rotator cuff tears and
in three articles [147, 170, 225] and cramping arm pain shoulder instability, (b) in patients following adjunc-
in two papers [147, 225] in patients who underwent tive LHB tenotomy for irreparable rotator cuff tears, (c)
tenotomy with similar rotator cuff repair rates observed. in patients with an absent LHBT and (d) during physio-
Shorter operative times were observed in patients who logical loading of the biceps brachii in cadaver shoulders
underwent rotator cuff repair in isolation compared with with simulated rotator cuff and labral lesions. The role of
patients who underwent rotator cuff repair and adjunc- the LHB in proprioception at the shoulder was under-
tive tenodesis [142]. For subjects with a concomitant determined. Our scoping review found that both sEMG
Supraspinatus tear and confirmed intraoperative LHBT and fwEMG can be used effectively to investigate biceps
pathology, Godenèche, Kempf [174] reported higher con- brachii and LHB activity. Chalmers, Cip [116] established
stant scores for function and strength in patients who that both the long and short heads of the biceps brachii
underwent Supraspinatus repair with either adjunctive have separate muscular fibres and can be studied effec-
LHB tenodesis or tenotomy, compared with patients who tively through sEMG. Marri and Swaminathan [236]
underwent isolated Supraspinatus repair. Similar higher confirmed the usefulness of sEMG analysis of the biceps
PROMS in subjects undergoing rotator cuff repair and brachii in training and rehabilitation programs.
adjunctive tenodesis or tenotomy compared with rotator
cuff repair in isolation were observed in another article Pathology
[19]. A study of patients with concomitant rotator cuff There was an established association between LHB ten-
tears and SLAP lesions reported similar clinical out- dinopathy and rotator cuff pathology and LHBT instabil-
comes in PROMS and shoulder ROM for patients who ity and occult Subscapularis tears in our scoping review,
undertook rotator cuff repair with SLAP repair vs. sub- with EMG studies demonstrating hyperactivity of LHB in
jects who undertook rotator cuff repair with adjunctive the presence of rotator cuff tears and shoulder instability,
tenodesis [200]. Post-surgical follow-ups ranged from 1 suggesting a compensation role of the LHB in pathologi-
month to 10 years, with most studies reporting a mean cal shoulders. Similar changes in muscle activation of the
follow-up time ≤ to 4 years. Pooled result findings are deep abdominal muscles have been established in people
medium-term and highly likely to represent post-surgical with chronic low back pain [237–239]. Our conclusions
outcomes over time. agree with Khandare, Arce [240] and Kaar [241] that fur-
ther research is required to determine if the LHB mus-
Discussion cle compensates for rotator cuff pathology and shoulder
Anatomy instability. We hypothesise that the increased biceps
Our scoping review observed considerable anatomical activity observed in patients with rotator cuff deficiency
variation of the LHB from double or triple tendon aber- may explain the high prevalence of concomitant LHBT
rant origins and supernumerary third and fourth acces- pathology with rotator cuff disease severity as it attempts
sory heads to a congenital absence of the LHBT. These to compensate for rotator cuff deficiency at the shoulder.
observed variations were associated with higher shoulder Occult Subscapularis tears typically occur when biceps
pain and instability prevalence. Morris, Guettler [233] sling integrity is compromised, displacing the unstable
and Kanatli, Ozturk [234] reported similar observations, LHBT anteromedially into the Subscapularis tendon,
concluding that anatomical variations of the LHB are not leading to subsequent tearing [242–244]. Other potential
always benign. The role of the transverse humeral liga- mechanisms of LHB tendinopathy include mechanical
ment in LHBT stability was unclear, with the literature constriction and irritation from a bottleneck narrowing
invalidating the transverse humeral ligament as a distinct of the biceps groove [245].
anatomical structure. The growing consensus in the liter-
ature supports the biceps pulley as the primary stabiliser Assessment
of the LHBT in the bicipital groove [235]. The limited diagnostic utility of screening questionnaires,
special orthopaedic tests, and palpation in the differential
Function diagnosis of LHBT pathology was a consistent theme in
The role of the biceps brachii at the elbow joint and its our scoping review. Due to the variable diagnostic utility
contribution to elbow flexion and forearm supination is of special orthopaedic tests of the shoulder [3, 246–255],
well documented and understood in the literature [19]. it was not surprising that the diagnostic accuracy of spe-
Our scoping review found a lack of consensus for an cial orthopaedic tests to identify LHBT pathology was
active role of LHB at the shoulder during shoulder eleva- also highly variable, with the use of test clusters improv-
tion and throwing activities, with a minor role in shoul- ing test accuracy. The use of a symptom modification
der stability in normal healthy shoulders. In contrast, we approach during the physical examination of the shoulder
Diplock et al. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders (2023) 24:232 Page 11 of 19

is contemporary [256]. Our study findings agree with a systematic review by Castro, Corrêa [259] reported low
the conclusions drawn by Lehman [257] that the defini- to very-low-quality evidence to support the conservative
tive mechanisms underpinning the symptom modifica- management of rotator cuff and biceps tendinopathy-
tion approach are yet to be fully understood, and more related shoulder pain. Generic rehabilitation principles
research is required to validate its use in shoulder pain. for tendinopathy typically include progressive muscle
Proximal LHBT tenderness at the bicipital groove seems strengthening for tendon remodelling and adaption to
to have little utility for diagnosing LHBT pathology. load [260, 261]. From the anecdotal research we found
The American College of Radiology Appropriateness on biceps activity during common shoulder rehabilitation
Criteria for Atraumatic Shoulder Pain recommends MRI exercises, a potential LHB rehabilitation exercise pro-
or diagnostic ultrasound be performed when LHBT gram may include a progression of biceps curls into ele-
pathology is suspected, and initial radiographs are nor- vation, shoulder front raises in external rotation, elbow
mal or inconclusive. Our scoping review findings support extension and supination, and a sport-specific program
using MRA over MRI to diagnose LHBT appearance, of overhead to underarm throwing drills. Similar authors
position, and biceps pulley lesions for LHBT pathology. have inferred the need for research validating the use
Most MRI and MRA studies reported a high utility for of LHB strengthening exercises for rotator cuff-related
detecting full thickness and complete tears of the LHBT; shoulder pain, shoulder impingement and instability [30–
however, the utility for MR imaging to detect and exclude 32, 38, 50, 85, 88].
partial thickness tears of the LHBT was low. Overall MR This review found no studies that compared LHB
imaging to detect LHBT instability was found to be vari- injection with no injection, indicating that the current
able; though, there was an observed trend for higher literature does not provide guidance on the efficacy of
specificity to rule in LHBT dislocation compared with injection for LHBT pathology. In contrast, a prior review
subluxation. MRI and MRA sensitivity values were lower reported that it might give temporary pain relief for
than the reported specificity values. inflammatory conditions of the LHBT [262]. If a clini-
Similar to our MR findings, several studies reported cal decision is made to use LHBT sheath injection, our
the higher diagnostic utility of ultrasound for biceps results consistently indicate that image-guided proce-
dislocation greater than subluxation and the detection dures are more accurate and should be preferred over
of full-thickness tears of the LHBT. However, its abil- unguided techniques. Injected substances can migrate
ity to identify partial-thickness tears of the LHBT was from the sheath into the communicating glenohumeral
less accurate. Similar findings were found for diagnos- joint capsule, exposing the joint to a variety of potential
ing biceps tendinopathy. Study comparisons between corticosteroid adverse effects, including known cata-
diagnostic ultrasound and MRI reported high specific- bolic effects on the tendon, ligament, adipose and carti-
ity values for MRI greater than diagnostic ultrasound lage tissue [262–264]. In addition, high concentrations
for proximal LHBT pathology, but sensitivity values for of commonly used local anaesthetics such as lidocaine
both were overall poor. A recent literature review by and bupivacaine are chondrotoxic [265–267]. These risks
Ostrowski, Beaumont [258] found similar results with a must be weighed against pain-induced morbidity and
reported high accuracy of musculoskeletal ultrasound progressive shoulder dysfunction associated with LHBT
to diagnose LHBT dislocation, subluxation, and full- pathology. Until further research clarifies the efficacy of
thickness tears, and less accuracy in diagnosing partial- injection compared with other treatment options, clini-
thickness tears and tendonitis. Arthroscopy was the gold cians must continue to make clinical decisions based on
reference standard in most diagnostic tests and imag- the individual patient’s circumstances.
ing studies. The reported limitations of arthroscopy to
fully visualise the proximal LHBT at the glenohumeral Surgical management
joint in our scoping review findings may underestimate For the surgical management of long head of biceps
their reported accuracy and sensitivity values, and more pathology with or without rotator cuff pathology, our
research is required to validate their use in the diagnosis scoping review found similar improvements in patient-
of LHB-related shoulder pain and tendon pathology. reported outcomes for pain and function post-opera-
tively for tenodesis or tenotomy, with tenodesis trending
Non-surgical management towards higher constant scores and tenotomy trending
There were limited result findings for the conserva- to be more cost and time effective. At the same time,
tive management of LHBT pathology due to the lack of patients undergoing tenodesis were less likely to have
articles found, with subjects managed non-surgically post-surgical complications of Popeye deformity and
trending to return to work quicker but at lesser capac- cramping arm pain. A similar trend was observed in
ity and with less elbow/forearm strength than subjects a recent systematic review by Aldon-Villegas, Perez-
undergoing LHB tenodesis. Similar to our observations, Cabezas [268], with fewer Popeye signs and cramping
Diplock et al. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders (2023) 24:232 Page 12 of 19

arm pain following tenodesis compared with tenotomy. biceps sling in LHBT stability with minimal support for
A slight trend was observed for reduced operative time, the transverse humeral ligament as a separate, distinct
narcotic use and quicker pain relief in patients undergo- anatomical structure. (b) Function - the minimal role of
ing tenotomy. In studies that dichotomised their results the LHB in shoulder elevation and glenohumeral stability
by age, less satisfaction was observed in younger male in healthy shoulders. In pathological shoulders, proximal
patients following tenotomy compared with tenodesis. humeral migration, and hyperactivity of the LHB sug-
The systematic inclusion of adjunctive LHB tenotomy gest a potential compensation function in individuals
or tenodesis on a healthy normal LHBT with rotator cuff with symptomatic rotator cuff tears or shoulder instabil-
repair has been reported as an increasing trend in the ity. However, changes in LHB muscle activity in subjects
literature [269]. Our findings support avoiding adjunc- with asymptomatic rotator cuff pathology are undeter-
tive LHBT surgery with rotator cuff repairs in subjects mined. Further research is required in both asymptom-
with a normal LHBT because similar clinical outcomes atic and symptomatic rotator cuff tear populations to
following Supraspinatus repair in isolation vs. Supraspi- determine whether there is a compensation role of the
natus repair with adjunctive biceps tenodesis/tenotomy LHB at the shoulder. (c) Pathology - The prevalence of
were found. Similar patient-reported outcome measures concomitant LHBT pathology with rotator cuff tears is
(PROMS) in subjects undergoing rotator cuff repair and well established; however, the cause-and-effect relation-
adjunctive tenodesis or tenotomy compared with rotator ship between LHBT pathology and rotator cuff disease is
cuff repair in isolation were observed by Watson, Robbins undetermined. Further research is required to establish if
[19]. Whether to include routine biceps tenodesis/tenot- the LHBT becomes overloaded and, in turn, pathologi-
omy with rotator cuff repair presents a surgical conun- cal as it tries to compensate for the loss of function of a
drum similar to the standard inclusion of bursectomy torn rotator cuff or is a secondary effect of degenerative
with subacromial decompression surgery for subacromial shoulder pathology, pain, and weakness. (d) Assessment
pain syndrome when evidence supports identical clinical - The diagnostic utility of both clinical orthopaedic tests
outcomes for bursectomy vs. bursectomy with acromio- and diagnostic imaging to exclude LHBT pathology may
plasty [270]. The question of whether LHB tenodesis or be understated due to the inherent limitations of arthros-
tenotomy should be routinely performed in arthroscopic copy as the standard gold reference to visualise the
rotator cuff repairs was recently discussed by Moorthy proximal LHBT at the glenohumeral joint fully. (e) Non-
and Tan [271], concluding that whilst there is a role for surgical management - Conservative rehabilitation pro-
biceps surgery in rotator cuff repair, further higher-level grams of the shoulder that include biceps strengthening
studies are needed to determine if tenodesis and tenot- protocols are understudied, and the evidence to support
omy should be performed routinely instead of selectively the inclusion of LHB rehabilitation in the management of
in rotator cuff tears. Goldfarb and Yamaguchi [6] advo- rotator cuff and biceps-related shoulder pain is lacking.
cated that routine tenodesis be avoided during operative Further research is required to understand how a biceps-
treatment for rotator cuff tears as LHB tendinopathy may focused rehabilitation program may improve shoulder
be reversible. pain and functional outcomes in patients with symp-
tomatic rotator cuff tears and b) prevent or reduce the
Limitations likelihood of an asymptomatic rotator cuff tear becom-
This scoping review was limited to English publications, ing symptomatic and progressing to failure. (f) Surgical
excluding full-text articles published in other languages. management - Similar post-surgical clinical outcomes
Previous narrative reviews and grey literature were are observed for tenodesis and tenotomy for biceps and
excluded, including conference abstracts and thesis dis- concomitant rotator cuff-related shoulder pain, with
sertations. The lead author (BD) independently performed subjects undergoing biceps tenodesis less likely to have
the screening, inclusion, exclusion, and data extrac- cramping arm pain and a Popeye deformity compared to
tion. Whilst the level of evidence for each article was patients undergoing biceps tenotomy. The significance
assessed, the methodological quality of the studies was of routine surgical removal of the LHBT and sequelae
not appraised critically as per guidelines for complet- on rotator cuff tear progression to failure and long-term
ing scoping reviews. Articles biased towards rotator cuff shoulder function is unknown, and further research is
pathology and intra-articular SLAP or labral pathology required.
were excluded from this scoping review.
ABS Absence of LHB
Conclusions and recommendations BB Biceps Brachii
The scoping review highlights; (a) Anatomy – Common DUS Diagnostic Ultrasound
F Female
anatomical variations of the biceps brachii, associated N Force
with shoulder pain and instability, a potential role for the GHJ Glenohumeral Joint
Diplock et al. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders (2023) 24:232 Page 13 of 19

ISP Infraspinatus Author contributions

K Kappa Coefficient Mr Brendan Diplock (BD), Prof Wayne Hing (WH) and Dr Darryn Marks (DM)
α Krippendorff’s Alpha Coefficient conceived the scoping review. BD performed the scoping study, synthesised
LOE Level of Evidence the data and authored the paper. WH and DM revised and provided edits and
LHB Long Head of Biceps feedback for approval of the final manuscript. All authors read and approved
LHBT Long Head of Biceps Tendon the final manuscript.
M Male
NA Not Applicable Funding
n Number Not applicable
PROMS Patient Reported Outcome Measures
p P-value Data availability
PCC Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient All data generated or analysed during this study are included in this published
ROM Range of Motion article [and its supplementary information files].
RC Rotator Cuff
RCR Rotator Cuff Repair
SHB Short Head of Biceps Declarations
r Spearman’s Rank Correlation Coefficient
ρ Spearman’s correlation coefficient Ethics approval and consent to participate
SLAP Superior Labrum Anterior Posterior Not applicable.
SSC Subscapularis
SSP Supraspinatus Consent for publication
TD Tenodesis Not applicable.
TT Tenotomy
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Supplementary Information
The online version contains supplementary material available at Author details
org/10.1186/s12891-023-06346-5. Faculty of Health Sciences & Medicine, Bond University, Gold Coast,
Supplementary Material 1
Received: 19 July 2022 / Accepted: 20 March 2023
Supplementary Material 2
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