Mineral & Vitamin

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GENERIC NAME Ferrous Sulphate & Folic Acid

Brand Name FGF
Drug Class Vitamins – Iron supplement.
Dosage Forms Used Tablet Ferrous Sulphate 300mg and Folic Acid 0.35mg.
Mode of action Increasing the production of red blood cells in the body. Essential
elements required for the formation of haemoglobin and myoglobin.
Indications Prevention of iron and folic acid deficiencies in pregnancy and
others. NURSE use and above
Precautions Peptic ulcer may reduce the absorption of some drugs and should
be given 2 hours apart – always checking interactions.
Side effects Constipation, diarrhea, dark stools, nausea, GI irritation
Dosage 1 tablet d throughout pregnancy.
Storage Store tablets at room temperature or below 300C. Store in a dry
place away from moisture and direct sunlight. Keep away from
How to take , when to Take regularly at the same time every day. Take after food. May
take (Drug cause dark stools, but don’t worry. Return for regular check-ups.
Ancillary instruction Finish the course. Take after food.

Side effects for No serious side effect that can cause injury to a person.
Interaction Avoid alcohol and tobacco use. Avoid taking with drugs such as
levodopa, antacids, penicillamine, tetracycline’s and
chloramphenicol. Interact with diseases such as rheumatoid
arthritis, blood cholesterol, Parkinson’s disease and thyroid disease.
Avoid caffeine and dairy products.
When to see a Go and see your doctor for regular checkups. Consult your doctor if
doctor/come back to you have any adverse effects like rash, shortness of breath or
the pharmacy collapse.

GENERIC NAME Hydroxocobalamin
Brand Name Cobalin-H, Neo-Cytamen
Drug Class Vitamins
Dosage Forms Used injection IM
Mode of action DNA synthesis and normal erythropoiesis
Indications  Prevention and treatment of vitamin B12 deficiency
 Treatment of optic neuropathic
Precautions  Pregnancy
 Breastfeeding
Side effects  Rare
 Hypokalaemia and cardiac arrest allergic
Dosage  The following dose apply to both adult and children
Initial treatment of vitamin B12 deficiency
 IM 1000 micrograms on alternate days for 1-2 weeks until
improvement occur
 Hydroxocobalamin IM 1000microgram for microgram every 2-3
 Cyanocolobamin IM 1000 microgram for one month
Storage Store at the room temperature between 15˚c to 30˚c.
How to take , when Injection: return to clinic at the same times every day until the full course
to take (Drug is finished.
Ancillary Finish the course. Can be taken with or without food.
Side effects for No serious side effect that can cause injury to a person.
Interaction Avoid alcohol intake. Do not take with drugs such as chloramphenicol,
arsenic trioxide and sodium iodide. Avoid in conditions such as optic nerve,
malabsorption or hypokalemia.
When to see a Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are allergic to the drug or any other
doctor/come back allergies. Also let your doctor of you have other medical condition and need
to the pharmacy to stop this drug.

GENERIC NAME Vitamin A (Retinol)
Brand Name Aquasol A parental
Drug Class Vitamins – fat soluble
Dosage Forms Used  IM injections
 IV injection
Mode of action Determine the cell sensitivity to hormone or hormone like factor
Indications  Treating vitamin A deficiency
 Also use for aging skin
Precautions Children
Side effects Skin irritation, Headache, Diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting and blurry vision.
Dosage  Recommended daily amount of vitamin A is 900 microgram for
adult men and 700mcg for adult women.
Storage  Store away from heat, moisture and direction sunlight
 Stored at the temperature not exceeding the 30˚c
How to take , when Injection: return to clinic at the same times every day until the full course
to take (Drug is finished.
Ancillary Finish the course. Can be taken with or without food.
Side effects for No serious side effect that can cause injury to a person.
Interaction Limit alcohol intake. Can interact with diseases such as celiac disease and
crohn’s disease. Do not take vitamin A with medications such as Orlistat,
Acitretin, anticoagulants, hepatotoxic drugs and retinoids.
When to see a Go back and see your doctor when you experience serious side effects like
doctor/come back liver damage, bone thinning, birth defects and pain in the joints and bone.
to the pharmacy

GENERIC NAME Paraldehyde
Brand Name Paral
Drug Class Aldehydes and derivatives
Dosage Forms Used  Injection (IM), oral, rectal route
Mode of action Reduce the release of acetylcholine in response to neuronal depolarization.
The exact mechanism of this effect is unknown.
Indications Treatment of seizure as an anticonvulsant
Precautions  Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive to the drug, patients with
severe hepatic insufficiency, obstetric anaesthesia, Pregnancy,
Side effects Coughing(With injection Only), skin rash, cloudy urine, confusion
Dosage  Adult dose
 For cases associated with tetanus, status epilepticus : 5-10 ml
vial deep inj into the buttock
 Do not give greater than 5ml/inj site
 Child dose
 For case associated with status epilepticus: 0.1-0.15ml/kg 4-8
hourly via deep inj into the buttocks. Do not give greater
than 5ml/inj site
Storage Store injection at room temperature or below 300C. Store in a dry place
away from moisture and direct sunlight. Keep away from children.
How to take , when Injection: return to clinic at the same times every day until the full course
to take (Drug is finished.
Ancillary Finish the course. Can be taken with or without food.
Side effects for No serious side effect that can cause injury to a person.
Interaction Avoid alcohol intake. Do not take with drugs such as disulfiram,
benzodiazepine and tobacco.
When to see a Tell your doctor if you had any unusual or allergic reaction to this
doctor/come back medicines.
to the pharmacy

Interaction Avoid alcohol. Do not take with medications such as atropine, warfarin and
When to see a Do not stop taking this medication without consulting your doctor. Some
doctor/come back conditions may become worse when this drug is suddenly stopped. Tell
to the pharmacy your doctor if your condition does not improve or if it worsens, or if you
are taking other drugs.

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