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PART 18 Aging

476 Biology of Aging

Rafael de Cabo, David Le Couteur

The dramatic increase in the population of older people is one of the
most significant changes in human history. In the past few years, the
number of people over the age of 65 exceeded that of children under
the age of 5 for the first time, and by 2050, older people will likely
outnumber children under the age of 14 (Fig. 476-1).

FIGURE 476-1 Globally, the people over the age of 65 years now exceed
children under the age of 5 years.

Old age is associated with an inexorable increase in the

incidence of chronic disease, multimorbidity, and mortality. In
developed nations, older people are living longer due to advances in
medical care and technology, but at the cost of longer periods of
disability and the iatrogenic burdens associated with intensive
medical care of multiple diseases, such as polypharmacy.
Establishing the relationship between aging and disease, particularly
noncommunicable disease, is one of the most important goals for
biomedical research. Recent studies in animal models have
confirmed that the aging process is malleable, raising the prospect
that medical care in the future may treat aging itself rather than
multiple age-related diseases.
Aging is usually defined as a progressive process associated with
deterioration in structure and function, leading to increased
susceptibility to disease and mortality, and is often associated with
impaired reproductive capacity. There are statistical, biological, and
phenotypic components to aging. From the statistical perspective,
aging in humans is associated with an exponential risk of mortality
with time (Gompertz law of mortality). The biological mechanisms of
aging are encompassed by the “hallmarks of aging,” which describe
the key cellular mechanisms underpinning aging. The phenotypic
components of aging include chronic diseases and age-related
syndromes that are often the target of medical interventions (Fig.

FIGURE 476-2 Definitions of aging include (A) a biological component, which is

encapsulated by the nine hallmarks of aging, (B) a phenotypic component which
includes many chronic non-communicable diseases, and (C) a statistical
component which in most species is an exponential (Gompertz) increase in the
risk of mortality with age.

A fundamental feature of aging is that for any quantitative factor

that can be measured in a population, the range of variability of
values for that factor increases with age.


Evolutionary theories of aging attempt to explain why aging, which
impairs health and survival, has evolved, and why there is so much
variability in life span across taxa. Most theories are based on the
concept that in the wild, age-related mortality is secondary to
extrinsic causes, such as predation, injury, and infection, and
evolutionary selection pressure is generated by early life survival and
reproductive success. Therefore, selection pressure to maintain
health and extend life beyond early reproductive years is minimal. In
fact, traits may evolve that are beneficial in early life and for
reproduction but are harmful if the animal lives to an older age.
These theories were set out by the classic “antagonistic pleiotropy”
and “mutation accumulation” theories of aging.
Aging is nonadaptive, meaning that it has not been shaped by
evolution; it can be considered to be the consequence of
evolutionary neglect and is not usually considered to be genetically
programmed. However, many genes influence the aging process,
and the initiating process of aging most likely involves stochastic,
nonprogrammed changes in nuclear maintenance that influence
gene expression and repair.
A common theme in the evolutionary theories of aging is that a
trade-off exists between aging and reproduction. Animals with high
extrinsic mortality tend to have short lives, small bodies, and greater
reproductive output, while animals with low extrinsic mortality, such
as humans and other primates, tend to have longer lives, larger
bodies, and fewer offspring. Moreover, some interventions that delay
aging also reduce reproductive potential. The disposable soma
theory of aging explicitly hypothesizes that evolution selects
strategies that prioritize utilization of finite resources to maintain
germ cells necessary for reproduction rather than the soma (non-
germ cells), hence leading to age-related accumulation of damage to
the soma.
There are many exceptions to these theories in the animal
kingdom (Fig. 476-3). Some animals undergo “negligible
senescence,” meaning that no obvious biological changes of aging
are noted and the rate of mortality does not increase with time.
These include some strains and species of clams, sharks, hydra,
and worms. The longest living vertebrate is the Greenland shark,
which may live up to nearly 400 years. On the other hand, a few
animals undergo programmed aging and death. These are the
semelparous animals such as Pacific salmon and marsupial mice. In
other animals, including humans, later life survival is influenced by
evolution through what is called the grandmother effect. In these
species, survival of offspring depends upon the care provided by
their long-lived grandmothers. This also explains the development of
an unusually long post-reproductive period of life in humans. Aging
remains a mystery. For every generalization, exceptions can be
found. For example, a mouse and a bat are very closely related
genetically, but the mouse lives about 2 years and a bat up to 25
years. Differences like these are unexplained.
FIGURE 476-3 Some species undergo negligible senescence while others,
such as the semelparous animals, undergo programmed aging and death. In
some long-lived species, including humans, there is a prolonged post-reproductive
period of life which may be secondary to the beneficial effects of grandmothers on
the survival of infants.


Aging is associated with a range of molecular processes that are
remarkably similar between species. These hallmarks of aging are
the mechanistic pathways that are considered to be the underlying
cause of aging. The processes are highly interconnected, and
impairment of one process will impact the others (Fig. 476-2).
Interventions that alter the behavior of each of these pathways (via
genetic manipulation, pharmacologic treatments, or nutritional
interventions) influence aging and life span of laboratory animals,
such as mice, fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster), and worms
(Caenorhabditis elegans). Each of the hallmarks is a potential target
for pharmacotherapies that might delay aging and the onset of age-
related morbidity and increase both healthy life span (health span)
and total life span.

Genomic Instability The integrity of DNA is vulnerable to many

exogenous (e.g., irradiation, chemicals) and endogenous (e.g.,
oxidative stress) stressors that often generate random DNA lesions
such as point mutations, translocations, and chromosomal
anomalies. A variety of mechanisms exist to repair these anomalies,
but the mechanisms are affected by genetic alterations in the repair
machinery and by a decrease in their efficiency with age.
Mitochondrial DNA is especially susceptible to damage with aging
because of its proximity to free radicals produced during oxidative
phosphorylation and the lack of histones and repair mechanisms in
this organelle. Genetic manipulation of nuclear and mitochondrial
DNA repair mechanisms shortens life span in mice, while human
premature aging syndromes are associated with deficiencies in
genes necessary for nuclear maintenance. For example, Werner’s
syndrome is caused by mutations in a RecQ helicase gene (WRN)
required for repair of double-strand breaks, and Hutchinson-
Guildford progeria syndrome is caused by mutations in the lamin A
gene (LMNA) required for structural support of the nucleus.
Telomere Attrition Telomeres are repeat sequences at the ends of
linear chromosomes that counteract the inability of DNA polymerase
to replicate the tips of chromosomes. In humans, telomeres consist
of a redundant TTAGGG sequence repeated several thousand
times. Some cells (e.g., germ cells, tumor cells) contain telomerase,
which can reform telomeres that are shortened during replication. In
most cells, after multiple divisions, the telomeres are truncated to a
point where cell division cannot continue. In cell culture, this number
of divisions is called the Hayflick limit, and cells that cannot undergo
further division are said to have entered a phase of replicative
cellular senescence. Some studies in humans have found that
telomere length in blood cells decreases with age, while mice that
have been genetically manipulated to have short or long telomeres
have decreased and increased life spans, respectively.

Epigenetic Alterations Multiple systems regulate gene expression,

such as DNA methylation, histone modification, and chromatin
remodeling. All of these processes change with age, leading to
altered transcription of genes, especially those involved with
inflammation, mitochondrial function, and autophagy pathways. The
“epigenetic clock” is a consistent age-related pattern of DNA
methylation changes in human blood samples that reflect
chronologic age. Histones are proteins that package DNA into
nucleosomes to influence DNA availability for transcription. The
sirtuins are a family of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD)–
dependent enzymes that regulate histones through deacetylation,
thus eliciting beneficial effects on aging and life span. For example,
overexpression of sirtuins and their activation by drugs such as
resveratrol increase life span in model organisms.

Loss of Proteostasis Damaged proteins in cells are removed by the

autophagy-lysosomal system and the ubiquitin-proteosome system.
These processes are impaired with aging, which can lead to the
formation of intracellular and extracellular aggregates of damaged
proteins and other cellular components, such as lipofuscin, Lewy
bodies, neurofibrillary tangles, and amylin (Fig. 476-4). Both caloric
restriction and inhibition of mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR)
can activate autophagy and delay aging. Autophagy is also
necessary for the removal of damaged mitochondria (mitophagy),
and age-related impairment of mitophagy contributes to syndromes
such as sarcopenia and frailty.

FIGURE 476-4 Impaired proteostasis with old age contributes to the

accumulation of lipofuscin in the liver, Lewy bodies in the substantia nigra,
neurofibrillary tangles in neurones and amylin in beta islet cells.

Deregulated Nutrient Sensing Nutrition has a profound effect on

aging in all species. One of the most important nutritional
interventions that influences aging is caloric restriction (CR). CR
involves providing animals with less food (usually ∼30–50% less
than what is given to controls fed ad libitum). Long-term CR extends
life span while delaying the onset of many age-related pathologies
and diseases. Several interconnected pathways mediate the effects
of nutrition and CR on aging and age-related conditions through
downstream effectors (Fig. 476-5), and drugs have been developed
that act on these pathways to replicate some of the effects of CR.
These so-called “CR mimetics” have been shown to increase life
span regardless of calorie intake. These key nutrient-sensing
pathways include the following:

FIGURE 476-5 Nutrient sensing pathways. The main molecular switches that
respond to changes in dietary intake (red boxes: Insulin/IGF1, MTOR, AMPK,
SIRT1, FGF21) influence a range of downstream effectors (some of these are
shown in the grey boxes). These regulate key cellular processes (green boxes),
such as metabolism of fat and carbohydrates (CHO), autophagy, mitochondria,
and protein synthesis. CHO, carbohydrate.

1. Insulin and insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-1 signaling

pathway. Animals with genetic downregulation of this pathway
have a longer life span, and this includes the very long-living
Methuselah mice with knock out of the growth hormone (GH)
receptor. Humans with GH receptor deficiency (Laron syndrome)
have less cancer and diabetes. Many of the downstream effectors
belong to the FOXO (forkhead box O) family of transcription
factors, with genetic variation in some FOXO genes being
associated with human longevity.
2. mTOR pathway. This pathway is activated by amino acids and
the insulin/IGF-1 signaling pathway and, therefore, can be
manipulated by dietary protein intake. Inactivation of mTOR by
dietary restriction or rapamycin is associated with reduced protein
synthesis and increased autophagy, leading to increased life span.
3. Sirtuins. The sirtuin family of NAD+-dependent deacetylases
encompasses seven members in mammals that are activated in
response to low energy supply. Sirtuins regulate gene expression
via histone deacetylation and mitochondrial biogenesis. Increased
sirtuin activity induced by genetic manipulation, CR mimetics, or
NAD supplementation has been associated with increased life
4. Adenosine monophosphate (AMP)–activated protein kinase
(AMPK). Dietary energy restriction is associated with high levels of
AMP in cells, which triggers the activation of AMPK. Observational
studies in humans have suggested that metformin impacts age-
related conditions. Human clinical trials of metformin are planned
to determine its effects on aging.
5. Fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21). Dietary protein restriction
increases the production and release of FGF21 into the blood,
with a subsequent increase in AMPK signaling and insulin
sensitivity. Overexpression of FGF21 increases life span in mice.

Mitochondrial Dysfunction Age-related changes in mitochondria

include increased electron leakage with a subsequent decrease in
ATP production, primarily due to impaired complex IV activity.
Accumulation of mitochondrial DNA damage and swollen
mitochondria with disrupted cristae results in impaired mitochondrial
function, which leads to increased generation of superoxide radicals
and hydrogen peroxide. Human mitochondria DNA frequently
develops a truncation at a typical site that gives the aberrant
mitochondria a proliferative advantage, and they become the
predominant type of mitochondria in aging cells. As a consequence,
age-associated oxidative damage to fat, proteins, and DNA occurs,
forming the basis of the free radical theory of aging. Antioxidants
have been investigated as an antiaging intervention but to no avail.
Many of the nutritional and pharmacologic interventions that delay
aging are associated with increased mitochondrial biogenesis mostly
via upregulation or activation of the transcriptional coactivator

Cellular Senescence Senescent cells have stopped dividing as a

result of either telomere shortening or other damage mediated by the
INK4/ARF system. Senescent cells (sometimes called zombie cells)
accumulate in various tissues with increasing age. They produce a
wide range of inflammatory cytokines collectively called the
senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP). SASP
contributes to systemic inflammation. Genetic manipulation aimed at
eliminating senescent cells that express INK4 and pharmacologic
interventions with drugs that eradicate senescent cells (called
senolytics; e.g., dasatinib, quercetin, fisetin) delay the progression of
age-related pathologies.

Stem Cell Exhaustion The age-associated reduction in the number

of stem cells is probably due to replicative senescence and telomere
shortening. Transplantation of pluripotent stem cells from young
donors to old recipients extends life span in mice and may improve
frailty in humans. Another strategy involves induction of genes that
regulate stem cells (Yamanaka factors: OCT4, SOX2, KLF4, MYC),
which delays aging in progeria mouse models.

Altered Intracellular Communication and Inflammation Aging is

associated with low-grade activation of the innate immune system,
leading to elevated circulating levels of interleukin (IL) 6, tumor
necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), and other molecules such as C-reactive
protein and elevation of erythrocyte sedimentation rate. This change
in intracellular communication, called inflammaging, may be
secondary to several factors including SASP, chronic infection with
cytomegalovirus, obesity, leaky gut, and activation of the nuclear
factor-κB (NF-κB) pathway. Inflammation is a key factor in the
pathogenesis of many chronic diseases and, in particular, frailty.
An unequivocal relationship exists between aging and disease, and
old age is the major risk factor for most chronic diseases. The nature
of the relationship has been the source of debate for millennia. On
one hand, it has been argued that aging is similar to any other
disease and, therefore, is amenable to therapeutic interventions. On
the other hand, it has been argued that aging is an inevitable and
untreatable process that increases the risk for diseases. Regardless,
a marked and often exponential increase in the prevalence and
incidence of most chronic diseases occurs with age, and the main
burden on noncommunicable diseases is carried by older people.
The burden of disease is usually captured by units called disability-
adjusted life-years (DALYs), which quantify both years of life lost
(compared to remaining life expectancy) and years lived with
disability. DALYs emphasize the impact of disease on younger
people because of their greater remaining life expectancy. Even so,
DALYs increase dramatically beyond age 60, particularly for
cardiovascular, neurologic, and cancer-related conditions (Fig. 476-
6). In addition, several conditions are generally considered to be
primarily age-related disorders, including dementia, sarcopenia,
frailty, and osteoporosis. These conditions are very rare below the
age of 50.
FIGURE 476-6 The relationship between age and disability adjusted life years
for several common non-communicable diseases. COPD, chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease.

Geroscience refers to the study of the relationship between aging

biology and disease. Aging leads to impairment of many physiologic
systems that will increase susceptibility to disease. For example,
aging is associated with marked changes in immune function.
Immunosenescence refers to age-related deterioration of the
responsiveness of the immune system to infection and other
antigenic challenges caused by (1) thymic involution with reduced
naïve T cells and impaired memory T cells, (2) a reduction in
hematopoietic stem cells, and (3) impaired function of antigen-
presenting cells. Aging is associated with many endocrine changes,
most notably a reduction in sex steroids and growth hormone, which
contribute to sarcopenia and osteoporosis. Vascular changes,
including increased arterial stiffness that leads to high peripheral
vascular resistance and microvascular pathology, have an obvious
link with cardiovascular disease, but also probably contribute to other
conditions such as dementia, osteoarthritis, and sarcopenia.
Although the usual dogma is that aging is a process that
increases susceptibility to diseases, the relationship between chronic
disease and aging may be much more fundamental. The
pathogenesis of most chronic diseases includes one or more of the
hallmarks of aging, and differences between disease and normal
aging are defined by a quantitative difference in the expression of
these hallmarks and the tissues that are affected. Likewise, the
difference between aging and disease in terms of the clinical
features is often based on quantitative differences. Therefore, a
continuum exists between aging and many chronic diseases. These
are often separated by so-called “pre-diseases” or “subclinical
diseases,” which are evidence of this continuum. Therefore, chronic
disease can be considered to be a manifestation of aging that is
predominant in a particular tissue. The presence of several chronic
diseases, termed multimorbidity, represents aging-associated
changes that are more advanced in several tissues. Frailty can be
defined as a multisystem aging syndrome, where aging-related
changes are present in most tissues, leading to multiple deficits and
impaired function.
Aging is the main risk factor for chronic disease, and chronic
diseases can be considered to be a manifestation of the biological
changes of aging. Therefore, treatments that target aging may not
only delay aging and increase life span but also reduce or delay
chronic diseases. The “longevity dividend” refers to the concept
whereby an intervention that impacts the aging process can delay
the onset of a wide range of age-related diseases and syndromes.


Aging is an intrinsic feature of human life whose manipulation has
fascinated humans ever since becoming conscious of their
existence. Several long-term experimental interventions (e.g.,
resveratrol, rapamycin, spermidine, and metformin) may open doors
for pharmacologic strategies. Surprisingly, most of the effective aging
interventions proposed to date converge on only a few molecular
pathways: nutrient signaling, mitochondrial proteostasis, and the
autophagic machinery.
Life span is inevitably accompanied by a gradual functional
decline, steady increase of several chronic diseases, and ultimately
death. For millennia, it has been a dream of mankind to prolong both
life span and health span. Developed countries have profited from
advances in medical care and technology, improvements in their
public health care systems, and better living conditions derived from
their socioeconomic power to achieve remarkable increases in life
expectancy during the last century. In the United States, the
percentage of the population aged ≥65 years is projected to increase
from 13% in 2010 to 19.3% in 2030. However, old age remains the
leading risk factor for major life-threatening disorders. The number of
people suffering from age-related diseases is anticipated to almost
double over the next two decades. The prevalence of age-related
pathologies represents a major threat and an economic burden that
urgently needs effective interventions.
Molecules, drugs, and other interventions that might decelerate
aging processes continue to be a major focus among the general
public and scientists of all biological and medical fields. Over the
past two decades, this interest has taken root because many of the
molecular mechanisms underlying aging are interconnected and
linked with pathways that cause diseases, including cancer,
cardiovascular disease, and neurodegenerative disorders.
Unfortunately, results often lack reproducibility because of the
unavoidable problem of the time needed to assess the effectiveness
of antiaging interventions in mammals. Experiments lasting the
lifetime of animal models are prone to develop artifacts, increasing
the possibilities and time windows for experimental discrepancies.
Some inconsistencies in the field arise from overinterpreting the
results of animal models with shortened life span and scenarios of
accelerated aging.
Molecules, drugs, and other interventions have been proposed to
have antiaging properties throughout history and into the present. In
the following sections, interventions will be restricted to those that
meet the following highly selective criteria: (1) promotion of life span
and/or health span, (2) validation in at least three model organisms,
and (3) confirmation by at least three different laboratories. These
include (1) caloric restriction (CR) and intermittent fasting regimens,
(2) some pharmacotherapies (resveratrol, rapamycin, spermidine,
and metformin), and (3) exercise.
Caloric Restriction One of the most important and robust
interventions that delays aging is CR. This outcome has been
recorded in rodents, dogs, worms, flies, yeasts, monkeys, and
prokaryotes. CR is defined as a reduction in the total caloric intake,
usually of ∼30%, and without malnutrition. CR reduces the nutrient-
mediated release of growth factors, such as growth hormone, insulin,
and IGF-1, which have been shown to accelerate aging and enhance
the probability for mortality in many organisms. Yet, the effects of CR
on aging were first discovered by McCay in 1935, long before the
discovery and signaling properties of these hormones and growth
factors. Some of the pathways that mediate this remarkable
response of CR have been elucidated in experimental models.
These include the nutrient-sensing pathways (mTOR, AMPK,
insulin/IGF-1, and sirtuins) and the family of FOXO transcription
factors (orthologs are found in D. melanogaster and C. elegans). The
transcription factor Nrf2 appears to confer most of the anticancer
properties of CR in mice, even though it is dispensable for life span
The effects of CR in monkeys have been assessed in two studies
with different outcomes: one study observed prolonged life, while the
other did not. In these monkey studies, key differences were noted in
the onset of the intervention, diet composition, feeding protocols, and
genetic background that may explain this discordance. However,
both studies confirmed that CR increases health span by reducing
the risk for diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. In humans,
CR is associated with extended life span and increased health span.
This is most convincingly demonstrated in Okinawa, Japan, where
one of the most long-lived human populations resides. In comparison
to the rest of the Japanese population, Okinawan people usually
combine an above-average amount of daily exercise with a below-
average food intake. However, when Okinawan families moved to
Brazil, they adopted a Western lifestyle that affected both exercise
and nutrition, causing a rise in weight and a reduction in life
expectancy by nearly two decades. In the Biosphere II project,
volunteers lived together for 24 months undergoing an unforeseen
severe CR that led to improvements in insulin, blood sugar, glycated
hemoglobin, cholesterol levels, and blood pressure—all outcomes
that would be expected to benefit life span. CR changes many
aspects of human aging that might influence life span such as the
transcriptome, hormonal status (especially IGF-1 and thyroid
hormones), oxidative stress, inflammation, mitochondrial function,
glucose homeostasis, and cardiometabolic risk factors. Epigenetic
modifications are also an emerging target for CR.

Periodic Fasting It must be noted that maintaining CR while

avoiding malnutrition over a long period of time is not only arduous in
humans but is also linked with substantial side effects. For instance,
prolonged reduction of calorie intake may decrease fertility and
libido, impair wound healing, reduce the potential to combat
infections, and lead to amenorrhea and osteoporosis. How can CR
be translated to humans in a socially and medically acceptable way?
A whole series of periodic fasting regimens are asserting themselves
as suitable strategies, among them (1) the alternate-day fasting diet,
(2) the “5:2” intermittent fasting diet, (3) a 48-h fast once or twice
each month, and (4) daily time-restricted feeding (TRF). Periodic
fasting is psychologically more viable, lacks some of the negative
side effects of CR, and is only accompanied by minimal weight loss.
All these dietary interventions involve a substantial reduction of
caloric intake for a defined period of time, leading to an elevation of
circulating ketone bodies during those low-calorie intake periods,
illustrating the metabolic switch from the utilization of glucose as a
fuel source to the use of fatty acids and ketone bodies. This
metabolic shift results in a reduction in the respiratory exchange ratio
(the ratio of carbon dioxide produced to oxygen consumed),
indicating greater metabolic flexibility and energy production
efficiency from use of fatty acids and ketone bodies.
It is striking that many cultures implement periodic fasting rituals,
including Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, Jews, Muslims, and some
African animistic religions. It could be speculated that a selective
advantage of fasting versus nonfasting populations is conferred by
health-promoting attributes of religious routines that periodically limit
caloric intake. Indeed, several lines of evidence indicate that
intermittent fasting regimens exert antiaging effects. For example,
improved morbidity and longevity were observed among Spanish
nursing home residents who underwent alternate-day fasting. Rats
subjected to alternate-day fasting live up to 83% longer than control
animals fed ad libitum, and even one 24-h fasting period every 4
days is sufficient to generate life span extension.
Repeated fasting and eating cycles may circumvent the negative
side effects of sustained CR. This strategy may even yield health
benefits despite overeating behavior during the nonfasting periods.
In a landmark experiment, mice fed a high-fat diet in a time-restricted
manner, i.e., with regular fasting breaks, showed reduced
inflammation markers, did not develop fatty liver, and were slim in
comparison to mice fed ad libitum despite equivalent total calories
consumed. From an evolutionary point of view, this kind of feeding
pattern may reflect mammalian adaptation to food availability:
overeating in times of nutrient availability (e.g., after a hunting
success) and starvation in times of food scarcity. This is how some
indigenous peoples who have avoided Western lifestyles live today;
those who have been investigated show limited signs of age-induced
diseases such as cancer, neurodegeneration, diabetes,
cardiovascular disease, and hypertension.
Fasting exerts beneficial effects on health span by minimizing the
risk of developing age-related diseases, including hypertension,
neurodegeneration, cancer, and cardiovascular disease. The most
effective and rapid repercussion of fasting is a reduction in
hypertension. Two weeks of water-only fasting resulted in blood
pressure <120/80 mmHg in 82% of subjects with borderline
hypertension. Ten days of fasting cured all hypertensive patients who
had been taking antihypertensive medication previously.
Periodic fasting dampens the consequences of many age-related
neurodegenerative diseases in mouse models of Alzheimer’s
disease, Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, and
frontotemporal dementia, but not amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
Fasting cycles are as effective as chemotherapy against certain
tumors in mice. When combined with chemotherapy, fasting protects
mice against the negative side effects of chemotherapeutic drugs,
while enhancing efficacy against tumors. Combining fasting and
chemotherapy rendered 20–60% of mice cancer-free when
inoculated with highly aggressive tumors such as glioblastoma or
pancreatic tumors, which have 100% mortality even with

Pharmacologic Interventions to Delay Aging and Increase Life

Span Virtually all obese people know that stable weight reduction
will lower their risk of cardiometabolic disease and enhance their
overall survival, and yet only 20% of overweight individuals are able
to lose 10% of weight for a period of at least 1 year. Even in the most
motivated people (such as the “Cronies” who deliberately attempt
long-term CR in order to extend their lives), long-term CR is
extremely difficult to adhere to. Thus, much focus has been directed
at the possibility of developing medicines that replicate the beneficial
effects of CR, but without the need for reducing food intake (“CR
mimetics”; Fig. 476-7).

FIGURE 476-7 Chemical structure of four agents (resveratrol, rapamycin,

spermidine, and metformin) that have been shown to delay aging in
experimental animal models.
RESVERATROL Resveratrol, an agonist of SIRT1, is a polyphenol that
is found in grapes and red wine. The potential of resveratrol to
promote life span was first identified in yeast, and it has gathered
fame since, at least in part, because it has been suggested to be
responsible for the so-called French paradox whereby wine reduces
some of the cardiometabolic risks of a high-fat diet. Resveratrol has
been reported to increase life span in many lower order species such
as yeast, fruit flies, worms, and fish, as well as mice on high-fat
diets. In monkeys fed a diet high in sugar and fat, resveratrol had
beneficial outcomes related to inflammation and cardiometabolic
parameters. Some studies in humans have also shown
improvements in cardiometabolic function, while others have not.
Gene expression studies in animals and humans reveal that
resveratrol mimics some of the metabolic and gene expression
changes of CR. In most experimental models, resveratrol induces
beneficial health effects by suppressing inflammation, oxidative
damage, tumorigenesis, and immunomodulatory activities.
Resveratrol also leads to improvements in mitochondrial function
and protection against obesity, cancer, and cardiovascular

RAPAMYCIN Rapamycin, an inhibitor of mTOR, was originally

discovered on Easter Island (Rapa Nui, hence its name) as a
bacterial secretion with antibiotic properties. Before its emergence in
the antiaging arena, rapamycin was known as an
immunosuppressant and cancer chemotherapeutic agent in humans.
Rapamycin extends life span in all organisms tested so far, including
yeast, flies, worms, and mice. However, the potential utility of
rapamycin in life span extension in humans is likely to be limited by
adverse effects related to immunosuppression, impaired wound
healing, proteinuria, and hypercholesterolemia, among others. An
alternative strategy may be the implementation of intermittent
rapamycin treatment, which was found to increase mouse life span.

SPERMIDINE Spermidine is a physiologic polyamine that induces

autophagy-mediated life span extension in yeast, flies, and worms.
Endogenous spermidine levels decrease during life of virtually all
organisms including humans, with the remarkable exception of
centenarians. Oral administration of spermidine or upregulation of
bacterial polyamine production in the gut leads to life span extension
in short-lived mouse models. The life span effects of spermidine are
mediated through the inhibition of histone acetylases and the
activation of autophagy genes, such as atg7, atg11, and atg15.
Spermidine has also been found to have beneficial effects on
neurodegeneration and cardioprotection through activation of
autophagy. Spermidine supplementation is safe in humans and has
been associated with positive effects on cognitive function of older
adults and on blood pressure maintenance.

METFORMIN Metformin, a biguanide first isolated from the French

lilac, is widely used for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Metformin
decreases hepatic gluconeogenesis and increases insulin sensitivity.
Other actions of metformin include AMPK activation, leading to
mTOR inhibition and lower mitochondrial complex I activity, and
activation of the transcription factor SKN-1/Nrf2. Metformin increases
life span in different mouse strains including female mice
predisposed to high incidence of mammary tumors. At a biochemical
level, metformin supplementation is associated with reduced
oxidative damage and inflammation and mimics some of the gene
expression changes seen with CR. Based on experimental data on
the positive outcomes in model organisms and the evidence
emerging from epidemiologic studies, a clinical trial known as TAME
(Targeting Aging with Metformin) has been initiated to assess
whether metformin can delay the onset of age-related diseases
beyond its effects on glucose metabolism. TAME is planning to enroll
3000 subjects, aged 65-–79, in a multicenter trial in the United

Exercise and Physical Activity In humans and animals, regular

exercise reduces the risk of morbidity and mortality. Given the
marked increase in cardiovascular disease in the older people, the
effects of exercise on human health may be even stronger than
those seen in laboratory mice, as mice do not develop
atherosclerosis and have a far lower incidence of age-related
cardiovascular disease. An increase in aerobic exercise capacity,
which declines during aging, is associated with favorable effects on
blood pressure, lipids, glucose tolerance, bone density, and
depression in older people. Likewise, exercise training protects
against aging disorders such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes
mellitus, and osteoporosis. Exercise is the only intervention that can
prevent or even reverse sarcopenia (age-related muscle wasting).
Even moderate or low levels of exercise (30 min of walking per day)
have significant protective effects in obese subjects. In older people,
regular physical activity has been found to increase the length of
stay in independent living.
While clearly promoting health and quality of life, regular exercise
does not extend life span. Furthermore, the combination of exercise
with CR has no additive effect on maximal life span in rodents. On
the other hand, alternate-day fasting with exercise is more beneficial
for muscle mass than either treatment alone. In nonobese humans,
exercise combined with CR has synergistic effects on insulin
sensitivity and inflammation. From the evolutionary perspective, the
responses to hunger and exercise are linked: when food is scarce,
increased activity is required to hunt and gather.

Hormesis Paradoxically, the term hormesis describes the protective

effects conferred by the exposure to low doses of stressors or toxins
(or as Nietzsche stated, “What does not kill me makes me stronger”).
Adaptive stress responses elicited by noxious agents (chemical,
thermal, or radioactive) precondition an organism, rendering it
resistant to subsequent higher and otherwise lethal doses of the
same trigger. Hormetic stressors have been found to influence aging
and life span, presumably by increasing cellular resilience to factors
that might contribute to aging such as oxidative stress.
Yeast cells that have been exposed to low doses oxidative stress
exhibit a marked anti-stress-like response that inhibits death
following exposure to lethal doses of oxidants. During ischemic
preconditioning in humans, short periods of ischemia protect the
brain and the heart against a more severe deprivation of oxygen and
subsequent reperfusion-induced oxidative stress. Similarly, the
lifelong and periodic exposure to various stressors can inhibit or
retard the aging process. Consistent with this concept, heat or mild
doses of oxidative stress can lead to life span extension in C.
elegans. CR can also be considered as a type of hormetic stress that
results in the activation of anti-stress transcription factors (e.g.,
Rim15, Gis1, and Msn2/Msn4 in yeast, NRF2 and FOXO in
mammals) that enhance the expression of free radical–scavenging
factors and heat shock proteins.

Clinicians need to understand aging biology in order to better
manage and care for the older people. Moreover, there is an urgent
need to develop strategies based on aging biology that delay aging,
reduce the onset of age-related disorders, and increase health span
for future generations. Dietary interventions and drugs that act on
nutrient-sensing pathways are being developed and, in some cases,
are already being tested in humans. Recently, well-controlled human
clinical trials have started to recapitulate the preclinical evidence of
intermittent fasting on obesity, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular
disease, cancers, and neurologic disorders. While most animal
studies show that intermittent fasting improves health throughout the
life span, most recent human studies are focused on relatively short-
term interventions over a few days or months. While intriguing, it
remains to be seen whether people will be willing to maintain strict
intermittent fasting regimens over long periods of time or if there are
short-term clinical benefits in combination with other therapeutic

DE CABO R, MATTSON MP: Effects of intermittent fasting on health,
aging, and disease. N Engl J Med 381:2541, 2019.
FERRUCCI L et al: Measuring biological aging in humans: A quest.
Aging Cell 19:e13080, 2020.
LÓPEZ-OTÍN C et al: The hallmarks of aging. Cell 153:1194, 2013.
477 Caring for the Geriatric Patient
Joseph G. Ouslander, Bernardo Reyes


The United States and other countries will continue to experience a
rapid increase in the number of older adults who seek health care.
The most rapidly growing segment of the population in the United
States and many other developed countries is those older than 80
(Fig. 477-1). According to the United Nations 2019 Aging Report, 1
in 6 people in the world will be 65 years old or older by the year
2050. Gender composition of the aging population around the world
is also expected to change. Although females outlive males, an
improvement in survival of the oldest-old males could result in more
balanced gender distribution in the geriatric population in the future.
FIGURE 477-1 Percentage of the population age >80 years from 1950 to 2050
in representative nations. (Updated data available at: Accessed December
30, 2016.)

Based on the previously mentioned United Nations report, in

high-income countries, consumption of health care resources will be
most affected by the shift in the age distribution of the population
over the next several decades. The World Health Organization
continues to work actively to raise awareness of the changes
necessary in current health care systems beyond increments in their
budgets. Planning is increasingly being based on expected levels of
disability and comorbidity. As life span increases, efforts should
continue to focus on promoting healthy aging to reduce the burden of
disability in health care systems all over the world.


The geriatric population requires different approaches to care for
several reasons. For any variable that can be measured in humans,
the range of variation increases with age. The wide variations seen
in aging make it difficult to develop age-related guidelines for
diagnosis and treatment. For example, acute illnesses are most
often not treated in isolation, but in the context of multiple
comorbidities. Close to half of those older than 80 have three chronic
conditions, and about one-third have four or more chronic conditions
(Fig. 477-2). Functional disabilities are prevalent (Fig. 477-3), which
require careful attention in the evaluation of the older patient, along
with assessment of social supports available for assistance when
needed for independent and safe living.

FIGURE 477-2 Prevalence of comorbidity by age group in persons ≥65 years

old living in the United States and enrolled in Medicare Parts A and B in
1999. (From JL Wolff et al: Arch Intern Med 162:2269, 2002.)
FIGURE 477-3 Percentage of people age 65+ with various disabilities.
(Source: U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey, 2013. Available at Accessed December
30, 2016.)

Effectively caring for the geriatric population requires

consideration of several key principles:

1. Aging is not a disease; normal aging changes generally do not

cause symptoms but do increase susceptibility to many diseases
and conditions due to diminished physiologic reserve (which has
been termed homeostenosis).
2. Medical conditions are commonly multiple (“multimorbidity”) and
multifactorial in origin, requiring a comprehensive approach to
evaluation and management.
3. Many potentially reversible and treatable conditions are
underdiagnosed and underevaluated in this population, such as
fall risk, urinary incontinence, and elder abuse and neglect; simple
screening tools can help detect them.
4. Similarly, cognitive and affective disorders (e.g., mild cognitive
impairment, dementia, depression, anxiety) are common and may
be undiagnosed in early stages; simple screening tools can help
detect them.
5. Iatrogenic illnesses are common, especially related to adverse
drug reactions and immobility and related deconditioning and other
6. Functional ability and quality of life, as opposed to cure, are key
goals of care.
7. Social history, social support, and patient preferences are critical
to treat older people in a safe and person-centered manner.
8. Effective geriatric care requires interprofessional collaboration
among many different disciplines.
9. Geriatric care is provided largely outside the hospital (e.g., at
home, in skilled nursing and assisted living settings), and attention
to care transitions between settings is essential for effective care.
10. Ethical issues, palliative care, and end-of-life care are critical
aspects of caring for the geriatric population.

Another way to summarize key concepts is using the “5M’s of

geriatrics” (mentation, medication, mobility, multicomplexity, and
matters most) (Fig. 477-4). This framework organizes care of older
adults in a person-centered manner instead of disease-driven
paradigm. The intention of the 5M’s is to optimize utilization of
existing resources during hospitalization of older adults, as well as to
focus on key geriatric issues in all settings of care. At the core of the
5M’s is what matters most to the patient when considering
diagnostic tests and therapeutic interventions and planning for future
care. Mobility is critical to individual function, quality of life, and fall
risk, and ranges from the ability to move around the community to
walking and transferring from a chair. Because mild cognitive
impairment, dementia, delirium, and depression are all common in
older adults, mentation is a core area for geriatric assessment.
Polypharmacy and prescription of potentially inappropriate and
harmful medications remain common; thus, careful medication
reconciliation and consideration of deprescribing are core aspects of
care for all older adults. Many older adults have complex clinical
issues in more than one of the four M’s just discussed, thus focusing
attention on multiples comorbidities and multicomplexity.
FIGURE 477-4 The 5M’s of geriatrics.

In this chapter, these key principles serve as the background for

the clinical recommendations for managing older adults. The reader
is referred to textbooks of geriatric medicine for more details on each
of the principles and the management of common diseases and
conditions in this population.


Several innovative models of care have been developed over the
past three decades designed to provide high-quality and effective
care for the burgeoning geriatric population with multimorbidity,
functional and cognitive impairment, and challenges with social
support. These include outpatient comprehensive geriatric
assessment programs, inpatient acute care for the elderly (ACE)
units and consultation services, and home-based programs. These
models of care are assuming greater importance in the emerging era
of value-based purchasing for health care services. While they may
be challenging and inefficient to implement in fee-for-service–based
systems, they may also result in improved care at a lower cost, as
payers shift to other models of reimbursement, such as accountable
care organizations, bundled payment programs, and managed care,
in which an increasing number of older people are being enrolled.
Improving transitions of care between settings has become a
major focus of governments, health systems, hospitals, postacute
care (PAC) and long-term care (LTC) organizations and programs,
physicians, and other health care professionals. Geriatric patients
are especially vulnerable to complications at the time of discharge
from an acute medical or psychiatric hospital, as well as at the time
of discharge from a PAC facility (skilled nursing facility [SNF]; acute
rehabilitation or long-term hospital) or home care program. With the
increasing role of hospitalists and physicians and others who
specialize in SNF care, medical care for geriatric patients has
become fragmented at the time of transitions, creating opportunities
for communication problems and medical errors. Changes in
reimbursement and financial penalties for high rates of hospital
readmissions have driven the development of many care transition
interventions (Table 477-1). These interventions involve
interprofessional collaboration and a variety of strategies targeted at
making care transitions safer, and reducing unnecessary return visits
to the emergency department, hospital readmissions, and related
complications and costs.

TABLE 477-1 Examples Care Transitions Interventions

The complexity of caring for the aging population is more evident
during a hospitalization due to a new acute illness or exacerbation of
preexisting chronic conditions. Interprofessional teams integrate
different areas of expertise with the aim of providing patient-centered
care. Physicians should understand and respect the roles of nurses;
physical, occupational, and speech therapists; nutritionists;
pharmacists; psychologists; social workers; clergy; and other direct
care staff. The evolution of interprofessional teams has resulted in a
comprehensive approach to care by opening channels of
communication between these health professionals from different
“Huddles” are an integrated mechanism of enhanced
communication for interprofessional teams. The implementation of
efficient huddles has been associated with improved safety and
better utilization of resources by predicting patient needs and making
appropriate changes in staffing and care plans. Huddles can also
help identify potential threats to patient care, such as socioeconomic
challenges that can make care plans ineffective of even harmful.
Another strategy for enhanced communication and collaboration
in the care of complex geriatric patients is “co-managed medicine” of
surgical patients. In this model, internists serve as part of a
multispecialty team of physicians (including surgeons) that provides
daily assessments, addresses medical comorbidities, and facilitates
transitions of care, thereby enhancing the typical consultant model.
Co-managed medicine is another example of how enhanced
communication between different providers improves outcomes,
avoids common complications, and saves resources. In the era of
person-centered care and value-based medicine, effective co-
managed medicine appears to deliver consistently high-quality care
at a lower cost. Since the rise of hospitalist-based care, the use of
co-managed care has increased significantly. Collaborations
between internists and geriatricians are examples of this strategy.
Hip fracture and trauma co-management programs have been
developed in many academic and community hospitals and are
demonstrating some success in reducing complications and length of
stay in older trauma patients.


A new framework for providing comprehensive, integrated, and
person-centered care across settings of care has been developed
called “age-friendly health systems.” Health systems participating in
the development of age-friendly programs focus on the 5M’s
discussed above (Fig. 477-4) as a strategy to achieve high-quality
care across the system. Strategies are implemented to educate and
facilitate all system health care providers to focus on the 5M’s of
geriatrics under the leadership and mentorship of specially trained
geriatrics health professionals.


Person-centered care is a critical concept in caring for older people
because of the complexity of their medical, functional, and
psychosocial problems and, in many instances, the lack of rigorous
data on the most effective strategies for caring for specific conditions
in patients with multimorbidity. Thus, decision-making on goals and
approaches to care must account for patient and family preferences
and goals, values, perception of risk, prognosis, financial resources,
and other individual factors. For almost any condition, from common
disorders such as hypertension and diabetes, to geriatric syndromes
such as fall risk and urinary incontinence, the answer to how best to
treat medical conditions in an older patient with multimorbidity does
not only depend on evidence-based medicine—it also depends on
careful weighing of the factors listed above. In everyday practice with
complex older patients, a focus on improving or maintaining function
and independence, quality of life, comfort, and dignity will be
consistent with patient and family goals.
The American Geriatrics Society (AGS) identifies the following
elements as key to person-centered care: (1) an individualized, goal-
oriented care plan based on the person’s preferences; (2) ongoing
review of the person’s goals and care plan; (3) continual information
sharing and integrated communication; (4) education and training for
providers and, when appropriate, the person and those important to
the person; and (5) performance measurement and quality
improvement using feedback from the person and caregivers.
Several tools are available to assist in implementing person-centered
care, including estimation of prognosis (e.g., “ePrognosis”) and
“Choosing Wisely” recommendations from the AGS and AMDA—The
Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine. Examples of
these recommendations that are relevant to internal medicine
practice are illustrated in Table 477-2.

TABLE 477-2 Examples of Choosing Wisely Recommendations

Helpful in Implementing Person-Centered Care in Complex
Geriatric Patients
Geriatric Assessment A series of screening questions can be
useful as a “geriatric review of systems” in clinical practice with older
patients because of the importance and high prevalence of functional
impairments and disabilities, limited social support to assist with
functional limitations, cognitive and affective disorders, and geriatric
conditions that may go undetected and cause patient safety issues
and complications (Table 477-3). Positive responses to one or more
of the screening questions for each item should prompt
consideration of further assessments, many of which can be
accomplished using standard and validated tools available on the
Internet, such as activities of daily living scales, depression scales,
sleep questionnaires, and mental status examinations.

TABLE 477-3 Examples of Screening Questions and Tools and

Strategies for Further Evaluation of Social Support, Functional
Status, Geriatric Syndromes, and Cognition and Affect

Evaluation of Medical Decision-Making Capacity Key aspects of

decision-making in older adults are illustrated in Fig. 477-5. Including
the patient in the consent process for any treatment is the foundation
of patient autonomy and person-centered care. Because aging is
associated with an increasing potential to develop cognitive
impairment, determination of decision-making capacity is important
not only to protect the patients against potential abuse, but also to
preserve autonomy when possible and, when it is not, to ensure an
appropriate surrogate decision-making process is followed.
Assessing for capacity is usually triggered by specific circumstances
(e.g., the need for invasive diagnostic testing or surgery).
Determination of decision-making capacity limited to medical
circumstances should be differentiated from declaring a patient
“incompetent” to make all decisions. Declaring someone
incompetent is a legal definition and usually is reserved for court
settings. Another caveat about evaluating decision-making capacity
is distinguishing lack of capacity from poorly presented information,
sensory impairment, language barriers, and/or low level of literacy.
The clinician should corroborate that the patient has received all the
necessary information, comprehends the information provided, and
has no major auditory or visual impairments. For geriatric patients, it
is important to determine if the patient uses hearing aids of
prescription glasses and ensure they are available for their use.
FIGURE 477-5 Key aspects of decision-making in older adults. (Reproduced
with permission from SM Dy, TS Purnell: Key concepts relevant to quality of
complex and shared decision-making in health care: A literature review. Soc Sci
Med 74:582, 2012.)

Standard tests of cognitive function correlate poorly with capacity

to consent for specific interventions. Several standardized tools have
been validated to determine decision-making capacity. The
MacArthur Competence Assessment Tool-Treatment (MacCAT-T) is
a structured tool that has been validated, but it is lengthy and can be
difficult to administer in some patients. The Capacity to Consent to
Treatment Instrument (CCTI) is another tool that has been validated
in patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease. It is structured
in two different vignettes, and the patient is asked to answer a series
of questions. The test has high interrater reliability validity.

Evaluation of the Older Driver For many older adults in the United
States, driving is essential for maintaining independence and driving
cessation is associated with negative outcomes including social
isolation and depression. On the other hand, older adults are at
higher risk of being involved in fatal crashes than younger
counterparts, with up to a ninefold higher risk for those ≥85 years
old. Older people should be routinely assessed for their driving
status and whether they have been in any car crashes, in addition to
assessment for sensory, functional, and cognitive impairments that
can make driving unsafe (Table 477-3). In addition to common
geriatric conditions, several different types of drugs can impair
various aspects of driving performance and should be carefully
considered in older people who continue to drive, including
antianxiety agents, narcotic analgesics, antipsychotics,
anticonvulsants, and drugs with strong anticholinergic properties.
Suspected driving impairment can be a source of conflict
between the patient (who wants to maintain independence), the
family (who may want their relative to continue driving due to lack of
other transportation, or may be concerned about their safety, or
both), and the physician (who is concerned about the patient’s,
passengers’, and other drivers’ safety). These decisions involve
liability, since local governments might not require driving retesting
for all older drivers, but in some states, physicians are required to
report older people who they believe are unsafe drivers. Evaluation
of driving should be interprofessional and aimed to first try to correct
any reversible causes of losing driving skills, such as vision and
hearing impairment. Although tests of executive function such as the
Trails B have been associated with poor driving performance, no
single screening test predicts unsafe driving. A combination of
neuropsychological testing by a psychologist and on-road testing by
a trained occupational therapist can provide the physician with
essential input in making the difficult decision on driving cessation.
The AGS and the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National
Highway Traffic Safety Administration have updated the “Physician’s
Guide to Assessing and Counseling Older Drivers,” which can be
helpful to practicing clinicians and is available on the AGS website.

Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests Atypical presentations of

medical conditions are a common feature of geriatric medicine.
Physiologic changes associated with aging can affect the results of
common diagnostic tests as well. The large variation of many
physiologic measures that is associated with normal aging makes
establishing what is “normal” for many tests challenging. For this
reason, the results of several diagnostic tests must be interpreted
with caution. Ambulatory cardiac monitoring may identify a variety of
arrhythmias in older adults. Such arrhythmias must be linked to
symptoms or adverse outcomes if left untreated before considering
the use of potentially toxic medications or invasive procedures.
Advanced imaging also could demonstrate incidental abnormalities.
Although a significant portion of these findings are benign, the rate of
malignancy among incidental findings in the colon and extracolonic
structures, as well as ovarian and thyroid gland, is ∼20%.
Musculoskeletal imaging, such as an MRI of the spine, may reveal
multiple abnormalities that may or may not be related to symptoms.
For the most part, abnormal diagnostic tests require further
evaluation in older patients, unless further evaluation would not lead
to a change in the goals of care and treatment plan. Examples
include low hemoglobin levels, abnormal thyroid function tests,
age-/sex-/weight-adjusted creatinine clearance, and elevated liver
function tests. None of these result from normal aging and generally
indicate a physiologic abnormality resulting from a disease or
disorder that may or may not be reversible.


Age-Appropriate Screening Screening tests for specific diseases,
as opposed to screening for geriatric conditions, require a careful
person-centered approach. The focus of preventive medicine
depends heavily on the ability to identify those who are at risk for
specific conditions (Chap. 6). Several professional societies have
provided guidance regarding specific tests in older adults (Table
477-4). An important caveat about screening to prevent disease in
older patients (e.g., colonoscopy for colon cancer, Pap smears,
prostate-specific antigen testing) is that abnormal results may lead to
subsequent testing and treatment among individuals who will not
suffer morbidity or mortality from the disease because of limited life
expectancy. Thus, geriatric patients pose a significant challenge for
deciding what screening tests could offer a reasonable ratio of
benefit and risk as well as being cost-effective. As an example, the
U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends colorectal cancer
screening up to the age of 75 years. For those between 76 and 85
years old, the recommendation is to only consider screening
colonoscopy if they have never been screened and they are healthy
enough to undergo treatment if colon cancer is detected.

TABLE 477-4 Recommendations for Primary Prevention

Screening for Specific Diseases in Older Adults from Different
Professional Societies
Vaccinations The use of vaccines in older adults is aimed at
creating immunity against common infections that could lead to
serious complications and rebuilding previously obtained immunity.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends
routine vaccination against influenza, pneumococcus, and shingles
as they are prevalent in this age group. Other countries in Europe
and Asia have similar trends on vaccinations with small variances.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases Although most sexually transmitted

diseases (STDs) occur in younger people (Chap. 136), a portion of
older adults have high-risk sexual behavior. Most Americans remain
sexually active in their 60s and 70s, and up to a quarter of
individuals in their 80s considers themselves sexually active.
Sexually active older adults may have a lower awareness of the
need for safe sexual practices, such as the risks of multiple sexual
partners and condom use. The incidence of STDs in older people is
still relatively low. Individuals born in the United States between 1945
and 1965 are at higher risk of having hepatitis C due to lack of
awareness of the disease and lack of institutions of universal
precautions before the 1980s for blood transfusions. Other factors
that could affect such risk are use of intravenous drugs and
unprotected sex with multiple partners. The prevalence of tertiary
syphilis is higher than newly contracted syphilis in older adults. The
incidence of gonococcal infection decreases with age. Nonetheless,
patients presenting with symptoms compatible with syphilis or
gonococcal infection (cervicitis, urethritis, proctitis, epididymitis)
should be screened for high-risk sexual behavior and educated if
necessary. Clinical symptoms of herpes simplex infection and the
possibility of becoming contagious also decrease with age. As
ulcerative lesions are less frequent, herpes simplex virus-2–specific
serologic testing should be considered for patients with recurrent
nonspecific genital symptoms. Therapy should not be started unless
the patients are symptomatic.
In the United States alone, 2600 per 100,000 persons above the
age of 50 are infected with HIV. Since the introduction of highly
active antiretroviral therapy, life expectancy of patients with HIV has
increased, resulting in a significant increase in the number of older
adults living with the disease. De novo infections have also
contributed to the rising number of HIV cases in older adults. The
low rate of condom use and lack of knowledge of the disease play a
key role in the transmission rate. Age is an independent predictor of
HIV progression and associated mortality. There are no age-specific
guidelines for treating HIV. Like all other conditions, a higher
incidence of medication-related side effects is seen in older patients,
especially those with other comorbidities and on multiple other
medications, and this should be considered in treatment decisions.


In the United States, 70% of older adults have hypertension. Several
clinical trials have demonstrated the benefits of hypertension
treatment on risk reduction of cardiovascular events in older people.
Nonetheless, blood pressure targets remain controversial. The
balance between the cardiovascular protective benefits versus the
risk of treatment-related adverse events must be considered in
individual patients based on their comorbidities and level of function.
For example, hypotension and postural hypotension related to
antihypertensive therapy are common causes of near-syncope and
falls and related injuries in the geriatric population, especially those
with multimorbidity. In addition to cardiovascular disease prevention,
control of systolic blood pressure (SBP) may reduce the burden of
white matter changes in the brain, which are associated with gait
abnormalities and cognitive decline. To date, no studies in older
patients with multimorbidity have documented any beneficial effects
of tight control of hypertension on the incidence of falls and cognitive
decline. The European Society of Cardiology/European Society of
Hypertension guidelines recommend pharmacologic treatment for
individuals 80 years old or older if SBP is 160 mmHg or higher. In
contrast, the American College of Physicians recommends starting
treatment if SBP is 150 mmHg or higher.
Two large studies (HYVET and SPRINT) have shed some light
on these issues. HYVET was a multicenter study conducted in
several countries involving ∼3800 patients ≥80 years old. The study
demonstrated that active treatment of hypertension with a target of
≤150 mmHg significantly reduced not only the risk of stroke and
heart failure but also the mortality risk. As with other large
hypertension studies like ALLHAT, a linear association was noted
between blood pressure and stroke reduction. Nonetheless, in the
HYVET study, this association was less prominent as age increased.
SPRINT was another large randomized trial targeting lowering SBP
to targets of <140 versus 120 mmHg (measured with an automated
device) with a subgroup analysis in those aged 75 and older.
Significant reductions were documented in the primary endpoint,
which was a composite of cardiovascular disease events (including
myocardial infarction, acute coronary syndrome, heart failure, stroke,
or death from cardiovascular causes). However, it is critical to
recognize that patients with diabetes, history of stroke or heart
failure, and SBP <110 mmHg after 1 min of standing, as well as
people with several other comorbidities, were excluded from the
SPRINT trial, and aggressive treatment in the setting of these
comorbidities may incur more risk of adverse effects.
Overall, these data strongly suggest a person-centered approach
to hypertension in the heterogeneous older population. For older
patients with minimal comorbidity, no postural hypotension, and low
risk of falls and volume depletion, the benefit-risk ratio favors lower
targets for SBP (<130 mmHg measured by a hand
sphygmomanometer). Aggressive targets also may be more
beneficial for patients with concomitant nonvalvular atrial fibrillation
or coronary artery disease. However, for those with diabetes, heart
failure, or postural hypotension, careful treatment of blood pressure
with higher SBP targets (<150 mmHg) is probably a safer approach.

The prevalence of diabetes in the older adult population is now
>25% and expected to increase due to adverse lifestyle changes
and an increased incidence of obesity. Those between the ages of
65 and 74 have the highest rates of complications associated with
diabetes. Nonetheless, due to a lack of data on patients with
multimorbidity and those age 80 and older, as well as the high
incidence of hypoglycemia in this population when treated with
multiple hypoglycemic agents, the approach to managing diabetes
requires a person-centered approach like that described for
hypertension. Older diabetic patients are at significant risk of
hypoglycemia because of potential medication errors, progressive
renal insufficiency, and inconsistent oral intake, among other
reasons. Diabetic patients age 75 or older are in fact at twice the risk
of visiting the emergency department due to hypoglycemia.
Hypoglycemic episodes are associated with progressive cognitive
decline in older adults, especially those with existing cognitive
impairment. On the other hand, uncontrolled diabetes is associated
with an increased risk of all-cause dementia.
Data from randomized clinical trials suggest that intensive
glycemic control does not reduce major macrovascular events in
older adults for at least 10 years or result in improved microvascular
outcomes for at least 8 years and, at the same time, increases the
risk of severe hypoglycemia by 1.5 to 3 folds. Thus, the AGS
guideline on diabetes in older adults (see “Further Readings”) and
the Choosing Wisely recommendations (Table 477-2) suggest that,
in most older adults, the harms associated with a hemoglobin A1C
(HbA1C) target <7.5% are likely to outweigh the benefits. These
recommendations are consistent with the American Diabetes
Association guidelines from 2020 that recommends an HbA1C target
of <7.5% among older adults with intact cognitive function and
functional capacity and few comorbidities. The goals of treating
diabetes in the geriatric population should be tailored to the patient’s
functional status, coexisting geriatric syndromes, social support,
personal goals, perception of risk, and life expectancy. For specifics
of treatment options, see Table 477-5. Regardless of the therapeutic
goals for HbA1C, older diabetic patients should be regularly
examined for neuropathy, which can lead to the development of
lesions on the feet that could become infected, as well as for
retinopathy and vision loss that may require ophthalmologic
intervention. In addition, lifestyle management is an important
component of the plan of care. If possible, diabetic older adults
should exercise regularly and should have an adequate protein
intake to try maintaining muscle mass. For patients living in LTC
facilities, diabetes education of staff and periodic revision of
individual glucose targets could reduce unnecessary complications
associated with diabetes treatment.

TABLE 477-5 Recommendations and Considerations for

Pharmacologic Therapy of Diabetes in Older Adults
While good evidence exists regarding the benefits of statins on
primary cardiovascular risk prevention in patients ≤75 years old, for
those older than 75, the data are very limited. The use of statins in
those older than 75 or 80 for prevention of cardiovascular events and
mortality is the subject of ongoing debate in the geriatric literature.
The Prospective Study of Pravastatin in the Elderly at Risk
(PROSPER) demonstrated a significant reduction in cardiovascular
events over a 3.2-year follow-up among older adults taking statins
when compared with those not taking them. Nonetheless, the study
failed to demonstrate a mortality benefit. For secondary prevention, a
large observational study in Europe demonstrated that after
excluding patients who die within the first year of a myocardial
infarction, those taking statins may have a 37% reduction in
cardiovascular mortality. In contrast, a review published in 2014
concluded that no evidence from randomized controlled trials exists
to guide statin initiation after age 80 years and that treatment of
hypercholesterolemia for patients at risk of atherosclerotic
cardiovascular disease should start before they turn 80 years old.
Two other factors make the use of statins in older adults
controversial. First, the major benefits have been demonstrated over
long-term use; thus, life expectancy is a limiting factor to observe
any meaningful change in outcomes. A substantial proportion of
patients are maintained on statins at the end of life, even though
such agents can be safely discontinued. Thus, continuing statins in
older patients with end-stage illnesses does not make any clinical
sense. On the other hand, statins are safe to use in older adults,
especially at moderate to low doses. Although many older adults on
statins complain of muscle pain, the risk of myositis and
rhabdomyolysis is increased mostly with the coexistence of other risk
factors such as sarcopenia, polypharmacy, and use of high doses of
statins. Adverse effects of statins on cognitive function appear to be
uncommon. Thus, some relatively healthy adults older than 75 with
life expectancy of >10 years may benefit from statin use, and the
approach to hyperlipidemia should be person-centered in this
population, as discussed for both hypertension and diabetes.

The approach to the management of symptomatic osteoarthritis (OA)
in the geriatric population differs from the approach in younger
patients (Chaps. 370 and 371) because of the substantial toxicity of
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in older patients.
Nonpharmacologic interventions, briefly discussed below, should be
the first line of treatment. While some patients older than 65 can
tolerate NSAID use with concomitant protection from gastrointestinal
(GI) bleeding with a proton pump inhibitor (PPI), this regimen
exposes patients to two drugs with numerous potential adverse drug
effects. NSAIDs are well known to be associated not only with GI
bleeding but also with worsening renal function based on multiple
potential mechanisms and with sodium and fluid retention and
exacerbation of hypertension and congestive heart failure. In
addition, a substantial number of older patients are on
anticoagulants or platelet aggregation inhibitors, which could further
increase the risk of bleeding from NSAIDs. PPIs are associated with
a higher incidence of pneumonia, osteoporosis, and Clostridioides
difficile–associated diarrhea, and they may be associated with a
higher risk of dementia.
Thus, in older patients with multimorbidity who have painful OA,
the risks of NSAIDs most often outweigh the benefits, and older
patients should be discouraged from taking nonprescription NSAIDs
without consulting their primary care clinician. Topical NSAIDs are
better tolerated, and lidocaine patches and other nonprescription
analgesic creams may also be effective. The AGS guideline on the
management of chronic pain recommends that routine
acetaminophen in doses up to 1 g four times daily should be the
basis of pharmacologic treatment. Failure to respond could be
followed up with careful trials of tramadol or a narcotic agent (started
in a short-acting preparation) with appropriate attention to avoiding
narcotic-induced constipation. Although prescription of narcotics is
getting increasingly cumbersome because of high rates of abuse,
this should not deter prescription of these agents to relieve pain and
disability in older patients. Despite recent guidelines from
governmental agencies, professional societies endorse the use of
opioids for chronic pain, especially among older adults in LTC
Many older patients respond well to a variety of
nonpharmacologic interventions, including stretching, strengthening,
timely and appropriate use of heat and ice, massage, swimming and
whirlpool therapy, bracing, acupuncture, and therapeutic electrical
stimulation. These interventions are best carried out under the
supervision of physical therapists or other professionals with
appropriate expertise to avoid injury. Surgical interventions, including
replacement of major joints, has improved over the past several
years, and even older patients with multimorbidity may benefit in
terms of function and quality of life. Total knee replacement, for
example, has been shown to be effective in generally healthy older
patients and should be considered in selected higher risk patients.
“Pre-habilitation,” with targeted strengthening and endurance
exercises, and willingness to go through several weeks of
postoperative physical therapy should be prerequisites for referring
older patients for joint replacement.

More than half of new cases of cancer and mortality associated with
it occur after the age of 65. Data regarding older adults with multiple
comorbid conditions and their response to cancer treatment are
limited. While only ∼10% of clinical trials have had age-stratification
analyses, the available evidence suggests that age alone is not a
predictor of harm. Nonetheless, making treatment decisions is
challenging due to both shorter life expectancy in older adults and
the cumulative effect of multiple comorbidities. Thus, a person-
centered approach is essential.
Older adults generally experience decreases in functional status
after receiving chemotherapy. Most of this negative effect appears to
be related to comorbidity and baseline functional status, rather than
due to age alone. For this reason, specialists in geriatric oncology
have proposed using comprehensive geriatric assessment, including
many of the issues addressed in Table 477-3, as a strategy to better
predict which older adults will tolerate and benefit most from cancer
treatment. Other considerations before making decisions about
treatment plans should include socioeconomic factors. Lack of social
support has been associated with poor outcomes after radiation and
chemotherapy, especially in older women. Other important issues in
cancer treatment planning include availability of transportation for
treatments, economic and insurance status, the patient’s ability to
follow treatment plans, and family and social support available during
therapy, when adverse effects and functional decline may occur.

A low hemoglobin or hematocrit is not a normal age-related change
in older adults. All anemic older adults should have a basic
evaluation to determine the etiology including a complete blood
count, examination of a peripheral red blood cell smear, reticulocyte
count, and measurement of iron, iron binding capacity, and
transferrin saturation. A serum ferritin level can help distinguish iron
deficiency from anemia of chronic disease; the two types of anemia
occur commonly in older adults. The prevalence of anemia in older
adults varies between 7% and 47%, with the highest prevalence
among nursing home residents. Even mild anemia is associated with
worse overall outcomes in older adults, including functional and
cognitive decline, falls, hospitalization, frailty, and mortality.
Microcytic indices suggest occult blood loss. Iron deficiency is the
most common cause, with other nutritional anemias (e.g., B12
deficiency) and myelodysplasia each accounting for a small
percentage. Anemia of chronic disease is common in older people
who have several chronic illnesses. The etiology of the anemia in
older adults cannot be specifically explained in more than a third of
the cases, and this unexplained anemia is generally normocytic, mild
in degree, with a low reticulocyte count, and associated with normal
or low erythropoietin levels in the face of inadequate production of
new red cells. Red cell life span is not decreased, but the production
of erythropoietin is compromised even in the absence of overt renal
disease. Anemia is frequently asymptomatic, but severe cases could
present with symptoms such as generalized weakness and
functional decline, shortness of breath, chest pain, or syncope. The
unexplained anemia of aging appears to be responsive to
erythropoietin, but it is unclear whether correction of the anemia
improves outcomes. Thresholds for transfusion of packed red cells
among older adults should be based on symptoms and associated
conditions. For example, for geriatric patients suffering acute blood
loss anemia after an orthopedic procedure, the trigger for transfusion
should be a hemoglobin <8 mg/dL instead of 7 mg/dL for patients
with anemia associated with chronic disease or a myelodysplastic
syndrome. Similarly, older patients with active cardiovascular
disease, such as angina or heart failure, may need to be transfused
a levels <8 or 9 mg/dL. For details of the general evaluation and
management of anemia, please refer to the Chap. 63 on anemia.


In this section, selected geriatric syndromes and conditions likely to
be encountered by internists in hospital, clinic, office, PAC, and LTC
settings are discussed. For a more thorough discussion of these and
other syndromes and conditions, the reader is referred to textbooks
that focus specifically on geriatrics and gerontology (see “Further

Epidemiology and Impact Among all geriatric syndromes, falls are
probably the most common that internists will encounter. Falls are
responsible for potentially devastating consequences for function
and quality of life, as well as mortality. About one in three older
community-dwelling and one in two older LTC facility residents fall
annually, with many more at risk for falls. The consequences of falls
include fear of falling with adverse effects on quality of life, painful
injures including hip and wrist fractures, subdural hematomas, and
death. Falls are associated with loss of function and death within the
year after a fall. For these reasons, internists should regularly screen
older people for falling using questions such as, “Have you fallen in
the past year?” “Are you afraid of falling?” “Do you have trouble
climbing stairs or rising from chairs?” (Table 477-3).

Evaluation The risks and causes of falls are multifactorial. Most

older people at risk for a fall or who have suffered a fall have more
than one potential underlying risk factor or cause. Many falls are
labeled as “mechanical” and attributed to simply tripping or slipping.
It is essential to recognize, however, that older people who trip or slip
may have a variety of underlying reversible conditions that could
have contributed to the event. Thus, a thorough evaluation of all falls
is warranted. In addition to evaluating the patient who has fallen for
injury, it is critical to determine, to the extent possible, whether the
patient had a syncopal episode or a seizure, which dictates a very
different approach to evaluation and management. As many as half
of “unexplained falls” in older people with dementia (e.g., found on
the floor) may be due to near-syncope or syncope related to postural
Figure 477-6 illustrates an overview of the approach to an older
person who reports a history of one or more falls in the past 6
months, and Table 477-6 provides more detail on the immediate
evaluation of an older person who has fallen. Chap. 26 provides
more detail on the evaluation of gait and balance disorders.

TABLE 477-6 Evaluating the Older Person Who Falls—

Immediate Post-Fall Evaluation
FIGURE 477-6 Algorithm depicting assessment and management of falls in
older patients. HR, heart rate. (Reproduced with permission of American
Geriatrics Society. American Geriatrics Society and British Geriatrics Society:
Clinical Practice Guideline for the Prevention of Falls in Older Persons. New York,
American Geriatrics Society, 2010.)

Management Table 477-7 illustrates approaches to the

management of falls. Immediately after a fall, injuries and underlying
acute illnesses should be identified and treated. It is common
practice for older patients who come to an emergency department
with a history of a fall to have a brain imaging study. While this is
understandable from a potential liability standpoint, it is also
reasonable to avoid such studies if no history or signs of head
trauma, neurologic symptoms or signs, or anticoagulation is noted
and to monitor the patient carefully over the next 48–72 h for the
development of specific indications for a brain imaging study.

TABLE 477-7 Examples of Management for Underlying Causes

of Falls in Older Patients
Because the causes of and risk factors for falls are often
multifactorial, management commonly requires multiple interventions
in the same patient. Among the most common and effective
interventions are physical therapy for strengthening and balance; Tai
Chi has also been shown to be effective in multiple trials. Although
many older people who fall are vitamin D deficient, the role of vitamin
D replacement in preventing falls or preventing injuries from falls
when combined with interventions such as strength and balance
training is not clear. The risk/benefit ratio probably favors vitamin D
replacement with at least 800 IU per day, but high-dose vitamin D
(60,000 IU in one oral dose monthly) has been associated with an
increase in risk of falls. Patients who suffer a fracture after a fall
should be investigated and treated for osteoporosis. Patients at high
risk for recurrent falls and injuries should be encouraged to use a fall
alert system; selected patients may benefit from hip protectors.

Epidemiology and Impact Polypharmacy is defined as the
prescription of multiple medications using various thresholds
(generally ranging from five up to nine simultaneous drugs) and has
been identified as a major challenge in the geriatric population for
decades. About 40% of the U.S. population age 65 and older take
five to nine medications, and close to 20% take 10 or more.
Polypharmacy is an increasingly complex challenge because of the
rising prevalence of multimorbidity, a plethora of clinical practice
guidelines, proliferation of medications that can effectively treat
common geriatric conditions, and rising patient and family demand
for medications due in part to television advertising and information
available on the Internet. For example, based on several condition-
specific clinical practice guidelines (which do not account for
multimorbidity), an 80-year-old person with multimorbidity including
diabetes, chronic obstructive lung disease, hypertension,
osteoporosis, and degenerative joint disease might be prescribed an
extremely complicated nonpharmacologic regimen and over a dozen
medications with the potential for multiple drug-drug and drug-
disease interactions.
Polypharmacy increases the risks associated with age-related
changes in the pharmacology of many drugs and the risk of adverse
drug events. Such events cause >100,000 hospitalizations per year;
the main culprits are warfarin and other antiplatelet agents and
insulin and other hypoglycemic agents. Other categories of drugs are
also involved, including cardiovascular drugs that can cause
electrolyte and volume disturbances and hypotension, falls, and
syncope; central nervous system drugs associated with altered
mental status and falls; and antimicrobials, which cause allergic
reactions, diarrhea, and other adverse drug effects.

Evaluation All older patients should have careful medication

reconciliation at each office or clinic visit and especially at the time of
care transitions, including acute hospitalization, hospital discharge,
admission to a PAC facility or home health program, and discharge
from a PAC facility to home. At each transition, all medications
should be considered in terms of unclear diagnosis or indication,
uncertain dose or route of administration, stop date, hold
parameters, lab tests needed for monitoring, dosages different than
the last care setting, medication duplication, medications that should
be restarted, and the potential for drug-drug and drug-disease
interactions. At each clinic or office visit for community-dwelling older
people, possible adverse drug effects, effectiveness of drug therapy,
and adherence should be evaluated.
Management Table 477-8 lists several general recommendations
for geriatric prescribing that should help make drug therapy more
effective and safer in older patients, especially those with
multimorbidity. Chapter 67 also provides information on general
principles of clinical pharmacology. Because these patients often
see multiple specialists, the internist should serve as the
“quarterback” for all prescribing to help ensure adherence and
minimize the potential for adverse drug effects. In hospital, PAC, and
LTC settings, clinical pharmacists can be extremely helpful in
achieving these recommendations and goals.

TABLE 477-8 General Recommendations for Geriatric

While undertreatment of certain conditions may occur in older
people (such as osteoporosis, depression, and overactive bladder),
more attention is now being paid to “deprescribing.” Deprescribing
must be done carefully, especially at the time of care transitions,
when indications for specific drugs and patient preferences may not
be clear. The AGS’s updated Beers criteria includes a
comprehensive list of drugs that may be inappropriate in older
people and the rationale for this rating. The Screening Tool of Older
Persons’ Prescriptions (STOPP) criteria are also useful in identifying
drugs that should be reconsidered on older people.
Several commonly prescribed drugs should be considered for
deprescribing efforts, including (1) diuretics and hypotensive agents
when patients have systolic hypotension or postural hypotension that
can precipitate near-syncope and falls; (2) overreliance on
antianxiety and hypnotic medications, especially benzodiazepines;
(3) psychotropic and other drugs with anticholinergic activity that can
cause dry mouth and constipation and increase the long-term risk of
cognitive impairment; (4) PPIs with unclear indications because of
numerous reported potential adverse drug effects, including
increased risk of pneumonia, osteoporosis, and dementia; (5)
cholinesterase inhibitors and memantine in patients with severe
cognitive impairment who have been on them for years; (6)
hypoglycemic agents in patients with multimorbidity who should not
have tightly controlled blood sugar with increased risk of
hypoglycemia; and (7) statins and prophylactic aspirin in patients
with severe chronic illness who are near the end of life.
Careful deprescribing is a critical aspect of person-centered care
in the geriatric population. Several general principles, including some
in Table 477-8, may assist with deprescribing efforts, including the
following: (1) ascertain all drugs the patient is currently taking and
the reasons for each one; (2) consider overall risk of drug-induced
harm in individual patients in determining the required intensity of
deprescribing intervention; (3) assess each drug as to its current or
future benefit potential compared with current or future harm or
burden potential; (4) prioritize drugs for discontinuation that have the
lowest benefit-harm ratio and lowest likelihood of adverse withdrawal
reactions or disease rebound syndromes; and (5) implement a
discontinuation regimen based on the pharmacology of the drug
being discontinued and monitor patients closely for improvement in
outcomes or onset of adverse effects.


The reader is referred to other chapters in this text (Chaps. 431–
434) on cognitive impairment. Because these conditions are so
prevalent in the older population, selected aspects highly relevant to
geriatrics are briefly discussed here.

Epidemiology and Impact Delirium occurs in up to 40% of

hospitalized older patients and is associated with increased
morbidity, length of hospital stays, need for institutional care, health
care utilization, and mortality in this population. While most episodes
of delirium clear within a few days if the underlying cause(s) is
identified and treated, delirium may persist for weeks or, in a few
cases, for months after an acute hospitalization.
Normal aging does not cause impairment of cognitive function of
sufficient severity to render an individual dysfunctional, which is the
hallmark of a dementia syndrome. Slowed thinking and reaction
time, mild recent memory loss, and impaired executive function can
occur with increasing age and may or may not progress to dementia.
Figure 477-7 illustrates the prevalence of memory impairment with
increasing age. Just over 20% of people over age 70 in the United
States have cognitive impairment without dementia, generally
referred to as mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Up to 15–20% of
those diagnosed with MCI will progress to dementia over the course
of a year; thus, most people with MCI will progress to dementia
within 5 years. Therapeutic implications of MCI are subjects of
intensive research. No nonpharmacologic or pharmacologic
intervention has been shown to prevent progression to dementia.
FIGURE 477-7 Prevalence of mild cognitive impairment by age and sex in
Olmstead County, MN. (Reproduced with permission from RC Petersen et al:
Prevalence of mild cognitive impairment is higher in men. The Mayo Clinic Study
of Aging. Neurology 75:889, 2010.)

The definitions of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias

have been updated by the American Psychiatric Association. The
prevalence of dementia increases with age; by age 85, between 30%
and 40% have a dementia syndrome. Alzheimer’s disease and
vascular dementia, which often occur together based on pathologic
studies, account for most dementias in older people. Dementia with
Lewy bodies accounts for up to 25% of dementia and is
characterized by Parkinsonian features early in the disease (as
opposed to dementia in Parkinson’s disease, which generally occurs
years after the onset of Parkinson’s), personality changes,
alterations in alertness and attention, and visual hallucinations that
can cause paranoia. Although most dementia syndromes are slowly
progressive over several years, dementia is a terminal illness among
patients who do not succumb to other comorbidities and results in
devastating loss of cognition and function in the later stages.
Evaluation Regardless of setting, the new onset of delirium should
be treated as a medical emergency because it can be the
manifestation of an underlying critical illness. Figure 477-8 illustrates
an overview of the assessment and management of impaired mental
status and delirium in older hospitalized patients. The first step in the
evaluation is to identify predisposing and precipitating factors such
as hearing or visual impairment, symptoms of depression, laboratory
abnormalities, uncontrolled pain, infections, exacerbation of chronic
illnesses, and history of alcohol or other substances use. The most
validated evaluation for delirium is the Confusion Assessment
Method, which requires an acute onset and fluctuating course and
inattention and disorganized thinking or altered level of
consciousness. Because the causes and risk factors for delirium are
multifactorial, evaluation requires a careful history, physical
examination, and selected laboratory studies based on the findings.
FIGURE 477-8 Algorithm depicting assessment and management of delirium
in hospitalized older patients. (From SK Inouye: Delirium in older persons. N
Engl J Med 354:1157, 2006. Copyright © 2006 Massachusetts Medical Society.
Reprinted with permission from Massachusetts Medical Society.)

The benefits of screening older community-dwelling adults for

cognitive impairment are controversial, but there are many
interventions that may benefit patients and families early in the
course of the disease (see below). Older patients in outpatient
settings with complaints (or family reports of) early signs of cognitive
impairment benefit from neuropsychological testing, which can help
differentiate between MCI and dementia and identify concomitant
factors such as depression and anxiety. The Mini-Cog is a sensitive
screening tool for cognitive impairment, and consists of a three-item
recall test and clock drawing. Further evaluation of dementia
includes a comprehensive history and physical examination,
functional status assessment (since the diagnosis depends on
impaired function), a brain imaging study, and selected laboratory
tests, including a complete blood count, comprehensive metabolic
panel, thyroid function tests, vitamin B12 level, and, if suspected,
tests for syphilis and human immunodeficiency virus antibodies.

Management Table 477-9 lists pharmacologic and

nonpharmacologic management strategies for various underlying
risk factors and causes of delirium. Every attempt should be made to
avoid or discontinue any medication that may be worsening cognitive
function in a delirious geriatric patient. This may not be possible, and
in some patients, psychotropic drugs may be needed to treat
delirium if the patient is a danger to themselves or others. Low-dose
haloperidol (0.25–0.5 mg) is generally recommended; more sedating
antipsychotics and benzodiazepines should be avoided unless the
goal is to put the patient to sleep for a short time. If a
benzodiazepine is used, it should be short-acting and in a low dose.
Overall, multifactorial-proactive interventions and geriatric
consultation have been associated with decreased incidence and
duration of delirium in the hospital setting.

TABLE 477-9 Evaluation and Management of Delirium

Although the benefits of screening for cognitive impairment in
community-dwelling older people are controversial, there are many
nonpharmacologic interventions for older patients, their families, and
other caregivers that may be beneficial (Table 477-10). Four basic
approaches to the pharmacologic treatment of dementia are
employed: (1) avoidance of drugs that can worsen cognitive function,
mainly those with strong anticholinergic activity; (2) use of agents
that enhance cognition and function; (3) drug treatment of coexisting
depression, which is common throughout the course of dementia;
and (4) pharmacologic treatment of complications such as paranoia,
delusions, psychosis, and behavioral symptoms such as agitation
(verbal and physical). The use of antipsychotics to treat the
neuropsychiatric symptoms of dementia is controversial. Most
experts and guidelines recommend avoiding these drugs and using
nonpharmacologic strategies unless patients are a danger to
themselves and others or if nonpharmacologic interventions have
failed. Patients with new or worsening behavioral symptoms
associated with dementia should have a medical evaluation to
identify potentially treatable precipitating conditions. Pain may be
especially hard to detect, and if suspected, a therapeutic trial of
acetaminophen should be considered.

TABLE 477-10 Key Principles in the Management of Dementia

The effectiveness of cholinesterase inhibitors and memantine in
improving function and quality of life in patients with various types of
dementia is controversial, and the potential benefits of these drugs
versus their risks and costs must be weighed carefully to provide
optimal person-centered care. The best evidence for effectiveness of
cholinesterase inhibitors is in delaying progression of Alzheimer’s
disease and increasing the time before institutional placement is
needed. GI side effects can be problematic and include nausea,
vomiting, and diarrhea; nightmares can be bothersome as well. In
addition to these bothersome side effects, cholinesterase inhibitors
can cause bradycardia and have been associated with syncope,
injurious falls, and pacemaker placement. Memantine can cause
dizziness, headache, confusion, and constipation. In one study,
vitamin E was more effective than memantine in preventing
functional decline in patients with Alzheimer’s disease.


Epidemiology and Impact Urinary incontinence is curable or
controllable in many geriatric patients, especially those who have
adequate mobility and mental functioning. Even when it is not
curable, incontinence can be managed in a manner that keeps
people comfortable, makes life easier for caregivers, and minimizes
the costs of caring for the condition and its complications.
Approximately one in three women and 15–20% of men older than
age 65 years have some degree of urinary incontinence. Between
5% and 10% of community-dwelling older adults have incontinence
more often than weekly and/or use a pad for protection from urinary
accidents. The prevalence is as high as 60–80% in many nursing
homes, where residents often have both urinary and stool
incontinence. Many older people (∼40%) suffer from “overactive
bladder,” which may or may not include symptoms of incontinence.
Symptoms of overactive bladder include urinary urgency (with or
without incontinence), urinary frequency (voiding every 2 h or more
often), and nocturia (awakening at night to void). If nocturia alone is
the predominant symptom, the patient should be asked about sleep
disorders (see next section). The pathophysiology, evaluation, and
management of overactive bladder are essentially the same as for
urge urinary incontinence.
Incontinence is associated with social isolation and depression
and can be a precipitating factor in the decision to seek nursing
home care when it cannot be managed in a manner that maintains
hygiene and safety. In addition to predisposing to skin irritation and
pressure ulcers, the most important potential complications of urinary
incontinence and overactive bladder are falls and resultant injuries
related to rushing to get to a toilet. Older people with gait disorders,
especially those who have multiple episodes of nocturia or nocturnal
incontinence, are at especially high risk for injurious. In addition to
the bother of the condition to the older person or a caregiver, fall risk
is a compelling reason for undertaking a diagnostic evaluation and
specific treatment for incontinence and overactive bladder in the
geriatric population.

Evaluation Internists should ask older people about symptoms of

urinary incontinence because these symptoms are often hidden out
of embarrassment or fear. Simple questions can help identify
incontinent patients, such as “Do you have trouble with your
bladder?” “Do you ever lose urine when you don’t want to?” “Do you
ever wear padding to protect yourself in case you lose urine?” (Table
477-3). A substantial number of older people will respond “no” to the
first two questions but “yes” to the third one.
Several points are worth noting for the practicing internist. The
history and physical examination should focus on identifying
potentially reversible causes and contributing factors (Table 477-11)
and identifying the specific lower urinary tract symptoms. A simple,
three-item validated questionnaire can assist in distinguishing
between the most common types of incontinence (Fig. 477-9). Key
aspects of the history and physical exam are outlined in Table 477-
12. Among older women, the most common symptoms are a mixture
of urge and stress incontinence (Fig. 477-10); urge is usually the
more bothersome. Stress incontinence can often be objectively
observed during a physical examination with a comfortably full
bladder by having the patient cough in the standing position; leakage
of urine simultaneously with coughing indicates that stress
incontinence is present. Older men commonly have symptoms
associated with overactive bladder and/or symptoms of voiding
difficulty (hesitancy, poor or intermittent urinary stream, postvoid
dribbling); the overactive bladder symptoms are usually more
bothersome. These symptoms overlap with those of both benign and
malignant disorders of the prostate, and many internists may choose
to consult a urologist for further management (Chap. 87) because a
urinary flow rate and postvoid residual determination, and further
evaluation if malignancy is suspected, are helpful in determining

TABLE 477-11 Reversible Conditions That Cause or Contribute

to Urinary Incontinence and Overactive Bladder Symptoms in
Older People
TABLE 477-12 Key Aspects of the History and Physical
Examination of an Older Patient with Symptoms of Urinary
Incontinence and Overactive Bladder
FIGURE 477-9 The 3 Incontinence Questions (3IQ) Assessment Tool. (From
Annals of Internal Medicine, JS Brown JS et al: The sensitivity and specificity of a
simple test to distinguish between urge and stress urinary incontinence. 144
(10):715, 2006. Copyright © 2006 American College of Physicians. All Rights
Reserved. Reprinted with the permission of American College of Physicians, Inc.)
FIGURE 477-10 Rates of urge, stress, and mixed incontinence, by age group,
in a sample of 3552 women. *Based on a sample of 3553 participants. (Adapted
from JL Melville, W Katon, K Delaney, K Newton: Urinary incontinence in US
women: A population-based study. Arch Intern Med 165:537, 2005.)

Most older patients with symptoms of incontinence should have a

postvoid residual determination, especially men, diabetics, those
with neurologic disorders, and those with symptoms of voiding
difficulty, because incomplete bladder emptying is common in older
patients and is difficult to detect by history and physical examination
alone. There is no specific cutoff for an abnormal postvoid residual;
the test must be done with a full bladder, and straining during the test
can alter the results. In older patients, a postvoid residual between 0
mL and 100 mL is normal, a residual between 100 and 200 mL must
be interpreted based on symptoms, and a value >200 mL is
abnormal and usually influences treatment.

Management Patients who meet certain criteria should be referred

for further urologic, gynecologic, and/or urodynamic evaluation
before initiating specific therapy. Examples include history of lower
urinary tract surgery or radiation or recurrent symptomatic urinary
tract infections, marked pelvic prolapse on physical examination of a
woman, suspected prostate cancer, and sterile hematuria.
Potentially reversible conditions should be addressed, including
the many types of medications that can affect bladder function,
which should be eliminated if possible (Table 477-11). Table 477-13
lists treatments for different types of incontinence. Many patients
respond well to properly taught and adhered to behavioral
interventions. Physical therapists and nurses who specialize in
treating lower urinary tract symptoms can be very helpful and should
be consulted if available. Pharmacologic treatment of incontinence
and overactive bladder is dictated by the innervation of the lower
urinary tract. α-Adrenergic stimulation increases tone in the smooth
muscle of the urethra; thus, α agonists have been used to treat
stress incontinence in women (although none are approved by the
U.S. Food and Drug Administration for this indication), and alpha
blockers are used to decrease urethral tone in men with overactive
bladder associated with prostate enlargement.
Anticholinergic/antimuscarinic agents and β-3 stimulation inhibit
bladder contraction and are used for overactive bladder and urge
incontinence. In men with overactive bladder and normal postvoid
residual who do not respond to an alpha blocker (with or without a
5α-reductase inhibitor), adding an antimuscarinic or β-3-adrenergic
agent may improve symptoms with a very low risk of causing urinary
retention. Patients with severe cognitive impairment and/or
immobility can generally be managed effectively by prompted voiding
and/or incontinence undergarments, as long comfort, dignity, and
safety are maintained.

TABLE 477-13 Primary Treatments for Different Types of

Geriatric Urinary Incontinence
Sleep disorders are discussed in more detail for the general adult
population in Chap. 31. Because they are so common and have
some unique features in older patients, they are discussed briefly
Epidemiology and Impact Aging is associated with multiple
changes in sleep architecture as well as multiple diseases and
disorders that can disrupt sleep. Thus, complaints of sleep difficulty
are common in older adults. Consequences of sleep difficulty include
lower health-related quality of life, increased medication use, more
cognitive decline, and greater health care utilization. Four types of
primary sleep disorders are common in the geriatric population:
insomnia, sleep-disordered breathing due to obstructive sleep apnea
(OSA), restless leg syndrome (RLS), and periodic leg movements in
sleep (PLMS). Complaints of bothersome insomnia—the inability to
fall asleep or stay asleep despite a conducive environment—
increase with age and occur in close to 30% of people older than 65.
Insomnia is commonly associated with depression, anxiety, alcohol
intake, and ingestion of caffeinated beverages later in the day. OSA
occurs in ∼10% of older adults but is probably underreported and
underdiagnosed. It is associated with medical comorbidities, such as
obesity and congestive heart failure. RLS occurs in 5–10% of adults,
and its prevalence increases in those older than 70. It is almost twice
as common in women than men; family history, iron deficiency, and
intake of antihistamines and most antidepressants are risk factors.
PLMS can be found in up to 45% of older people but is often of
unknown clinical consequence and remains undiagnosed.

Evaluation Older people should be screened for sleep difficulty with

questions such as, “Do you often feel sleepy during the day?” and
“Do you have difficulty falling asleep at night?” Further evaluation of
the nature and impact of the complaints can be accomplished with
standardized questionnaires (Table 477-3). Patients with significant
sleep complaints should be asked about conditions that can interrupt
sleep, such as nocturia, gastroesophageal reflux, chronic pain, and
caffeine and alcohol intake. Specific questions characterizing the
complaints should include inquiring about loud snoring (for OSA), the
urge to move legs associated with uncomfortable sensations (RLS),
and leg movements during sleep (PLMS; which may result in kicking
a bed partner).
Management Patients suspected of having OSA, RLS, or PLMS
should be referred for formal sleep evaluation. While hypnotics are
among the most commonly prescribed drugs in the geriatric
population, nonpharmacologic management of sleep should be the
initial and primary approach, as many patients can benefit from
properly taught and adhered to interventions (Table 477-14).
Benzodiazepine hypnotics should be avoided whenever feasible
because they are associated with next-day hangover effects, which
may manifest as cognitive impairment and can precipitate falls and
car crashes and rebound insomnia. Patients with sleep-onset
insomnia may respond to melatonin or low-dose trazadone, both of
which are safer than using a benzodiazepine chronically.

TABLE 477-14 Nonpharmacologic Management of Insomnia in

Older Adults
Definition, Epidemiology, and Impact The term frail is often used
to describe older adults. However, over the past several years, frailty
has been defined as a specific syndrome, and the word frail is more
appropriately used to describe people who meet frailty criteria. Frailty
is a state of increased vulnerability characterized by a decline in
physiologic reserve and function across multiple systems. Many
different definitions and tools to define frailty exist. Fried criteria
based on the Cardiovascular Health Study (see below) and the
Frailty Index (a list of several specific diagnoses developed by
Rockwood and colleagues) have been used to screen for frailty in
clinical settings. The importance of screening for frailty is to mitigate
disability and adverse health outcomes as well as for the
assessment of benefits and risks of treatment decisions. The
prevalence of frailty is higher among women and increases with age.
The overall prevalence of frailty in community-dwelling adults aged
65 and older varies considerably but, on average, is 10–14%
depending on the definition. The prevalence of frailty increases with
age, reaching close to 16% in individuals age 80–84 and 26% in
those aged 85 or older. In older hospitalized patients and
institutionalized older people, the frailty prevalence varies from about
27% to up to 80%. Irrespective of the definition, the prevalence of
frailty shows a U-shaped relationship with body mass index (BMI),
with higher levels of frailty in individuals with both low and very high

Pathophysiology Frailty is a three-dimensional process that

involves changes at the cellular, physiologic, and phenotypical
levels. At the cellular level, frailty manifests as changes in
mitochondrial function, the development of oxidative stress and DNA
damage, and telomere shortening and stem cell exhaustion. These
changes at the cellular level result in physiologic alterations including
inflammation, cell mediator dysfunction such as low production of
nitric oxide by the endothelium, sarcopenia, and energy unbalance.
Fried and colleagues conceptualize frailty as a vicious circle of
declining energetics and reserve, whose elements represent both
the diagnostic criteria for the syndrome identification and the core
elements of its pathophysiology. The process manifests
phenotypically as overall decline in physical function and cognitive
impairment. In particular, the phenotype of frailty has been defined
by Fried and colleagues by the five following characteristics:
unintentional weight loss, weakness, exhaustion, slowness, and low
activity (with specific operational definitions of each).

Management Although there is conflicting evidence regarding the

effectiveness of specific interventions to treat or prevent frailty,
person-centered physical activity programs and nutritional
supplementation appear to improve components of frailty such as
muscle strength, gait speed, and overall mobility. In addition,
optimizing the management of chronic conditions, medication
management including mitigation of polypharmacy, and identifying
the individual’s priorities could lead to reversing or slowing
progression of frailty.


Epidemiology and Impact The incidence of elder abuse and
neglect and self-neglect are unknown because they are often
unrecognized. The best data suggest that the incidence over 12
months is at least 8–10%. Abuse and neglect can result in physical
injuries and related pain, worsening of chronic medical conditions,
dehydration and pressure ulcers, emotional distress, and loss of
income and savings.

Evaluation Because abuse and neglect are underreported, are

unsuspected, and have such devastating consequences, older
adults should be screened (without the presence of caregivers) with
questions such as, “Do you ever feel unsafe where you live?” “Has
anyone ever threatened or hurt you?” “Has anyone been taking your
money without your permission?” (Table 477-3). Table 477-15
outlines the definitions, symptoms and signs, and key aspects of
evaluating suspected abuse and neglect.

TABLE 477-15 Elder Abuse and Neglect

Management In addition to treating the physical, medical, and
emotional consequences, patients suspected of elder abuse or
neglect should be reported to the appropriate local or state agency to
investigate and ensure the patient’s safety. The reader is referred to
two reviews of this topic for further information on specific aspects of
(See Chaps. 122 and 199) The COVID-19 pandemic has
disproportionately affected the older population, especially those
residing in nursing homes and assisted living facilities. Compared
with those between the ages of 18 and 29 years old, older adults are
at greater risk for adverse outcomes after infection with SARS-CoV-
2, especially those with multiple comorbidities. Mortality ratios are
200 and 600 times higher among those aged 75–84 and >85,
respectively, with 8 and 13 times the risk of hospitalization. While
some older patients survive with minimal symptoms and residual
effects, others deteriorate rapidly into respiratory distress, and if they
survive, many have prolonged effects in multiple systems. For these
reasons, patients in this age group should have an advance care
planning discussion regarding goals of care if they get infected with
SARS-CoV-2 or similar infections that cause widespread life-
threatening illnesses. Screening older adults for SARS-CoV-2 is
challenging as some of the cardinal symptoms are often not present,
especially among frail older adults living in LTC institutions. For
example, temperature elevations do not reach threshold for fever of
38°C in a significant portion of older adults with COVID-19.
The pandemic has had devasting consequences in nursing
homes and assisted living facilities. Tragic outbreaks causing dozens
of hospitalizations and deaths in a single facility over a short period
of time have been widely reported, even in the highest quality
facilities. Staff and clinicians working in nursing homes and assisted
living in many areas have suffered from a shortage of accurate
testing capability and personal protective equipment that has put
their own health and the health of their families at risk, especially in
facilities that serve more diverse and socioeconomically
disadvantaged populations. Because of restrictions on visitation and
social distancing policies, the pandemic has had a tremendous
negative psychological effect on residents and their loved ones.
Owners and operators of these institutions have suffered severe
financial consequences, and many may not be able to continue
operating without ongoing state and/or federal assistance.
COVID-19 has taught us many lessons for the future care of our
growing geriatric population. These lessons go well beyond the need
for intensive education on and implementation of intensive infection
control policies and procedures. The way that our society organizes
and funds care for vulnerable older people who cannot live
independently, trains health care professionals to care for this
population, and measures the quality of care needs careful
rethinking to meet the needs of older people over the next several


End-of-life and palliative care are critical aspects of caring for the
geriatric population and require a comprehensive, person-centered
approach. End-of-life and palliative care are addressed in detail in
Chap. 12, and pain management is addressed in Chap. 13. For
geriatric patients, limited life expectancy is a critical factor to
consider when making end-of-life care decisions. General principles
of decision-making are especially relevant when considering
palliative and/or end-of-life care in older patients (Fig. 477-5).
Decision-making becomes complicated, however, among older
patients with multimorbidity. Without a clear terminal diagnosis, when
to start palliative care/end-of-life care could be challenging. While it
is sometimes clear when an older patient has a terminal condition,
such as end-stage congestive heart failure or chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease, many older patients with multimorbidity have
combinations of conditions of varying severity. Moreover,
neurogenerative disorders, including most forms of dementia,
Parkinson’s disease, and patients with multiple strokes, commonly
have a gradually progressive course, and it can be challenging to
determine when discussions about palliative and end-of-life care
should be initiated. Dementia, however, should be considered a
terminal illness in the advanced stages.
Internists should play a pivotal role in making the decision when
to initiate these discussions and should be proactive in encouraging
patients and their families to execute advance directives before a
health care crisis occurs. There are good data that bear on some of
the decisions. For example, the survivability of cardiopulmonary
resuscitation (CPR) in hospitalized patients age 65 and older is
<20%; among the old-old with multimorbidity, it is much lower. The
survivability of CPR in nursing home residents is almost zero,
making it a futile intervention for most in this setting. Data and
recommendations of major organizations suggest that enteral
feeding tubes should not be placed in patients with end-stage
dementia (Table 477-2). Tools for the estimation of prognosis such
as ePrognosis, for holding conversations with older people and their
families about advance care planning, and for documentation of
advance directives (e.g., living will, durable power of attorney for
health care, Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatments
[POLST], and other order sets) will assist internists in paying careful
attention to factors that contribute to person-centered care and in
dealing with these challenging issues in end-of-life geriatric care.

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