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USOO80O3261 B2

(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,003,261 B2

Iidani et al. (45) Date of Patent: Aug. 23, 2011


2007/0015876 A1*
5/2005 Funaoka et al. ................ 264/41
1/2007 Inagaki et al. ................ 525,240
2007/014.8538 A1 6, 2007 Call
(75) Inventors: Kazuya Iidani, Tokyo (JP); Daisuke
JP 11-106534 4f1999
(73) Assignee: Asahi Kasei Chemicals Corporation, JP 2000-17100 1, 2000
Tokyo (JP) JP 2000-248088 9, 2000
JP 3 113287 9, 2000
JP 2001-81,221 3, 2001
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this JP 2001-229907 8, 2001
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 JP 2002-284918 10, 2002
U.S.C. 154(b) by 301 days. JP 2003-3007 1, 2003
JP 2003-3008 1, 2003
(21) Appl. No.: 12/097,231 JP 2003-103624 4/2003
JP 2003-103625 4/2003
JP 2003-103626 4/2003
(22) PCT Filed: Dec. 11, 2006 JP 2003-105121 4/2003
JP 2003-105122 4/2003
(86). PCT No.: PCT/UP2OO6/324655 JP 2005-56851 3, 2005
JP 3681720 5, 2005
S371 (c)(1), JP 2005-343958 12/2005
(2), (4) Date: Jun. 12, 2008 TW 1230173 12/1993
WO WO2005/040258 * 5/2005
(87) PCT Pub. No.: WO2007/069560 * cited by examiner
PCT Pub. Date: Jun. 21, 2007
Primary Examiner — Christina Johnson
(65) Prior Publication Data Assistant Examiner — Larry Thrower
US 2009/O186280 A1 Jul. 23, 2009 (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Finnegan, Henderson,
Farabow, Garrett & Dunner, L.L.P.
(30) Foreign Application Priority Data (57) ABSTRACT
Dec. 15, 2005 (JP) ................................. 2005-3621.51 The present invention provides a microporous polyolefin film
having a thickness of 1 um (inclusive) to 50 um (inclusive), a
(51) Int. Cl. porosity of 30% (inclusive) to 70% (inclusive), a piercing
HOLM 2/6 (2006.01) strength of 0.15 N/um or more in terms of a film thickness of
(52) U.S. Cl. ....................................................... 429/249 1 um, tensile strengths in the length direction (MD tensile
(58) Field of Classification Search .................. 525/240; strength) and the width direction (TD tensile strength) of 30
264/210; 429/249 MPa or more each, a thermal shrinkage in the width direction
See application file for complete search history. (TD thermal shrinkage) of 1% or less at 65°C., and a thermal
shrinkage ratio in the length to width direction (MD/TD ther
(56) References Cited mal shrinkage ratio) of more than 2 at 65° C. A process for
producing the microporous film and a nonaqueous electrolyte
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS secondary battery using the film are also provided.
6,566,012 B1* 5/2003 Kobayashi et al. ........... 429,254
2005/0031943 A1 2, 2005 Call 6 Claims, No Drawings
US 8,003,261 B2
1. 2
POLYOLEFN MICROPOROUS MEMBRANE methods tend to improve the fusing property, but there is
concern that the methods increase the thermal shrinkage,
TECHNICAL FIELD which results in insufficiency in the mountability of the film
as a battery roll and performance of the battery in the oven
The present invention relates to a microporous film widely teSt.
used as a separation membrane for separation or selective Patent document 3 proposes a microporous film consisting
permeation of Substances, or the like, and as a separator of different laminated films. The method proposed in the
material for electrochemical reaction apparatuses Such as an document 3 can be said to cause no shrinkage in the TD
alkaline or lithium secondary battery, a fuel cell and a capaci direction because drawing is not carried out in the TD direc
tor, or the like. Particularly, the present invention relates to a 10 tion. However, the film provided in the document 3 is a film
microporous polyolefin film Suitably used as a separator for obtained through a pore forming process by uniaxial stretch
lithium-ion batteries. ing only in the length direction (machine direction, hereinaf
ter referred to as “MD) and represents a microporous film
BACKGROUND ART having insufficient TD strength and extreme anisotropy.
15 Thus, there is some apprehension that the film is easily torn in
Microporous polyolefinfilms are widely used as separation one direction, for example, in a test Such as a crush or impact
membranes for separation or selective permeation of various test for the battery.
Substances, separator materials, and the like. For example, the Patent document 4 proposes a microporous film having
microporous polyolefin films are used as a microfiltration high strength and low TD shrinkage, obtained by providing
membrane, a separator for fuel cells, a separator for capaci the step of relaxing the shrinkage force in the TD direction.
tors, a base material for a function membrane in which a However, it is difficult to sufficiently remove the remaining
functional material is filled in the pores to give rise to a new stress in a slit roll only by the thermal relaxation step. This
function, and a separator for batteries. Among these applica results in insufficiency in the mountability as a battery roll and
tions, the microporous polyolefin films are particularly Suit performance of the resulting battery in the oven test.
ably used as separators for lithium-ion batteries widely 25 Patent documents 5 to 9 propose obtaining a microporous
employed in notebook-size personal computers, cellular film having high porosity, high strength and low shrinkage by
phones, digital cameras, and the like. The reasons include that providing thermal relaxation treatment and heat fixation
the microporous polyolefin films are excellent in the treatmentina film formation process. However, providing the
mechanical strength and fusing property. long-term thermal relaxation/heat fixation treatment step in
The fusing property refers to a capability securing the 30 the film formation process is not only unsubstantial in terms
battery safety by a separator melting to close its pores to block of production but also can be said to result in reduction in the
the battery reaction when the inside of the battery is over ratio of MD to TD thermal shrinkage and insufficiency in
heated by an overcharged state or the like. A lower tempera mountability as a battery roll and performance of the battery
ture producing the pore closure is considered to have a higher in the oven test.
effect on the safety. 35 As described above, a separator has not previously been
The separatoris also required to have at least Some measure present which is excellent in mountability as a battery roll and
of strength to be able to withstand the tension during the thermal shrinkage characteristics at high temperatures as well
rolling of the battery or due to the rolling of the separator or to as having high strength, excellent fusing property and high
prevent short circuiting due to foreign bodies and the like porosity.
within the battery or film rupture due to impact. 40 Patent Document 1: Japanese Patent No. 3113287
In addition, for recent lithium-ion secondary batteries, the Patent Document 2: Japanese Patent No. 368 1720
separator is required to have higher porosity for the purpose Patent Document 3: Japanese Patent Laid-OpenNo. 2005
of the higher power and higher capacity of the batteries. 56851
The separator is also required to have excellent thermal Patent Document 4: Japanese Patent Laid-OpenNo. 2001
shrinkage characteristics at high temperatures, which include 45 81221
showing excellent results in a high temperature storage test, a Patent Document 5: Japanese Patent Laid-OpenNo. 2003
high temperature cycle test, an oven test, and the like in the 103624
form of a battery. It is generally considered that the separator Patent Document 6: Japanese Patent Laid-OpenNo. 2003
is preferably low in thermal shrinkage, particularly in thermal 103625
shrinkage in the width direction (direction perpendicular to 50 Patent Document 7: Japanese Patent Laid-OpenNo. 2003
the machine, hereinafter referred to as “TD), at high tem 103626
perature. However, the higher strength, fusing property and Patent Document 8: Japanese Patent Laid-OpenNo. 2003
higher porosity are typically incompatible with the lower TD 1051.21
thermal shrinkage; it has previously been difficult to provide Patent Document 9: Japanese Patent Laid-OpenNo. 2003
a separator excellent in all of these characteristics. 55 105122
The separator is also required to be well contained as a roll An object of the present invention is to provide a
form thereof into a square-shaped battery container or the like microporous polyolefin film that can be used as a separator,
and closely contacted with electrodes. when set in a battery, providing excellent battery character
However, a separator has not previously been present istics and a high temperature Safety for the battery.
which is excellent in the mountability as a battery roll and 60
thermal shrinkage characteristics at high temperatures as well DISCLOSURE OF THE INVENTION
as having high strength, excellent fusing property and high
porosity. As a result of studies for achieving the above object, the
By way of example, patent documents 1 and 2 propose a present inventors have found that the thermal shrinkage prop
microporous film in which a low melting point polyethylene 65 erties of a microporous film at 65° C. close to the drying
Such as copolymer polyethylene and low density polyethyl temperature of the battery influences the safety performance
ene is used to improve the fusing property. However, these of a battery at high temperatures in tests Such as a high
US 8,003,261 B2
3 4
temperature storage test, a high temperature cycle test and an The microporous polyolefin film of the present invention
oven test, mountability as a battery roll in a square-shaped has improved porosity, strength and heat shrinkage compared
battery container or the like, and the adhesion to electrodes. to conventional microporous polyolefin films. Thus, the
The inventors have further devised a process which can microporous film of the present invention can provide a bat
provide a microporous polyolefin film combining high poros 5 tery excellent in battery characteristics and battery safety
ity, high strength, low heat shrinkage and a good balance of when used as a battery separator.
heart shrinkages balance. For a conventional separator made
to have higher strength and higher porosity, shrinkage force is BEST MODE FOR CARRYING OUT THE
left without being released in a slit product even after the heat INVENTION
fixation step; the separator released from the shrinkage force 10
when rolling the battery has had the possibility to produce The present invention is described below with reference to
width shrinkage in the TD direction in a battery-drying step, a preferred embodiment.
a high temperature storage test, and the like. For that reason, The microporous polyolefin film of the present invention
it has been considered to be difficult to simultaneously satisfy has a thickness of 1 um or more, preferably 5 um or more, in
the high porosity, high strength and low heat shrinkage. How 15 view of film strength. The microporous film also has a thick
ever, as a result of intensive studies, the present inventors have ness of 50 um or less, preferably 30 um or less, in view of
found that even when a microporous polyolefin film with high transparency.
porosity and high strength is used, a separator with a low heat The microporous polyolefin film of the present invention
shrinkage and a good balance of heat shrinkages can be has a porosity of 30% or more in view of transparency. The
obtained therefrom by providing a separator production pro porosity is preferably 40% or more, more preferably 43% or
cess having a specific heat treatment step and optimizing more, particularly preferably 44% or more, in view of battery
stretching in a directionally well balanced manner. Specifi characteristics such as cycle characteristics being dramati
cally, the present invention is as follows. cally improved. The microporous film also has a porosity of
(1) A microporous polyolefin film having a thickness of 1 um 70% or less, preferably 60% or less, in view of film strength
(inclusive) to 50 m (inclusive), a porosity of 30% (inclu 25 and Voltage resistance.
sive) to 70% (inclusive), a piercing strength of 0.15 N/um The microporous polyolefin film of the present invention
or more in terms of a film thickness of 1 Jum, tensile more preferably has lower air permeability; however, the
strengths in the length direction (MD tensile strength) and permeability is preferably 1 sec or more, more preferably 50
the width direction (TD tensile strength) of 30 MPa or more Sec or more, in view of balance with thickness and porosity.
each, a thermal shrinkage in the width direction (TD ther 30 The permeability is also preferably 1,000 sec or less, more
mal shrinkage) of 1% or less at 65° C., and a thermal preferably 500 sec or less, in view of transparency.
shrinkage ratio in the length to width direction (MDTD The microporous polyolefin film has a piercing strength of
thermal shrinkage ratio) of more than 2 at 65° C. 0.15 N/um or more, preferably 0.2N/um or more, in terms of
(2) The microporous polyolefin film described in item (1) a film thickness of 1 um. When the film is used as a battery
above, wherein the thermal shrinkage ratio in the length to 35 separator, a lower piercing strength allows sharp edges of the
width direction (MD/TD thermal shrinkage ratio) at 65°C. electrode material to pierce the microporous film and facili
is more than 2.5. tates the generation of pinholes and cracks; thus, a higher
(3) The microporous polyolefin film described in item (1) or piercing strength is more preferable. Particularly, since the
(2) above, wherein the microporous film has an MD ther thinning tends to progress as seen in recent years, the absolute
mal shrinkage of more than 5% at 105° C. 40 strength is preferably 3 N or more, more preferably 3.2 N or
(4) The microporous polyolefin film described in any one of O.
items (1) to (3) above, wherein the piercing strength is 3 N The tensile strength is 30 MPa or more, preferably 40 MPa
O. O. or more, more preferably 50 MPa, both in the MD and TD
(5) The microporous polyolefin film described in any one of directions. A weaker tensile strength deteriorates the battery
items (1) to (4) above, wherein the tensile elongations in 45 rolling property and facilitates short-circuiting in an external
the length direction (MD tensile strength) and the width impact test of the battery or due to foreign matter or the like in
direction (TD tensile strength) are each 10% (inclusive) to the battery. Particularly, an absolute strength of more than 10
200% (inclusive); and the total of the MD tensile elonga N/cm in the TD direction is favorable for the destruction test.
tion and TD tensile elongation is 20% (inclusive) to 250% The MD and TD tensile strengths are each preferably 10 to
(inclusive). 50 200%, more preferably 10 to 150%, particularly preferably
(6) The microporous polyolefin film described in any one of 10 to 120%. In addition, the total of the MD tensile elongation
items (1) to (5) above, wherein the microporous film is and TD tensile elongation is preferably 20 to 250%, more
obtained from a composition comprising a polyolefin resin preferably 20 to 230%, particularly preferably 20 to 210%. A
and a plasticizer. microporous film in which the MD and TD tensile elonga
(7) A separator for use in batteries using the microporous 55 tions are each in the above range is preferable because it not
polyolefin film described in any one of items (1) to (6) only has a goodbattery-rolling property but also becomes less
above. susceptible to deformation in the battery impact test and the
(8) A nonaqueous electrolyte secondary battery using the like.
microporous polyolefin film described in any one of items The microporous polyolefin film has a thermal shrinkage
(1) to (6) above. 60 of 1% or less, preferably 0.8% or less, at 65° C. in the TD
(9) A process for producing the microporous polyolefin film direction. A thermal shrinkage of more than 1% in the TD
described in any of items (1) to (6) above, comprising the direction is not preferable because it makes the microporous
steps of: melt-kneading and extruding a resin composition film prone to shrink in the width direction in a battery-drying
comprising at least a polyolefin and a plasticizer to provide step or in tests such as a high temperature cycle test of the
a sheet-like material; drawing the sheet-like material to 65 battery and a high temperature storage test of the battery.
provide a film; extracting the plasticizer from the sheet-like The ratio of MD to TD thermal shrinkage (MD/TD thermal
material or film; and performing heat fixation. shrinkage ratio) at 65°C. is more than 2, preferably more than
US 8,003,261 B2
5 6
2.5, more preferably more than 3. An MD/TD thermal shrink having an MV of 300,000 or less in that it combines low fuse
age ratio of 2 or less makes insufficient the force rolling and and high short-circuit characteristics. Particularly preferred is
tightening a battery in the MD direction. As a result, molding a polyolefin comprising an ultrahigh molecular weight poly
the film into that particularly for a square-shaped battery olefin having an MV of 1,000,000 or more and a polyolefin
poses a problem that the whole rolled body is too thick, and 5 having an MV of 200,000 or less.
makes poor the adhesion between the electrodes and separa The resin composition comprising a polyolefin and a plas
tor, which disadvantageously renders the separator prone to ticizer may be used by mixing, therein, known additives
shrink in the TD direction in an oven test and the like. The including a metal Soap Such as calcium Stearate and Zinc
MD/TD thermal shrinkage ratio at 65° C. is preferably 40 or Stearate, an ultraviolet absorber, a light stabilizer, an antistatic
less in view of Some degree of isotropy. 10
agent, an anti-fogging agent and a color pigment.
To more effectively exert the above advantages, it is desir The resin composition comprising a polyolefin and a plas
able that the MD thermal shrinkage at 105°C. is partly large. ticizer may also contain an inorganic agent as typified by
Specifically, the shrinkage is preferably more than 5% and
preferably less than 20%. It is more preferably 6% or more, alumina, titania, or the like. The inorganic agent may be
particularly preferably 7% or more, most preferably 8% or 15 wholly or partly extracted in any of all steps or may be left in
more. A separator in which the thermal shrinkage is in the a product.
above range is preferable because the above-described effect The plasticizer used in the present invention refers to an
of rolling and tightening a battery is more exerted. organic compound which can form a uniform solution with
In addition, the MD/TD thermal shrinkage ratio at 105°C. the polyolefin at the boiling point of the compound or lower.
is preferably more than 2. This is because the ratio is effective Specific examples thereof include decalin, xylene, dioctyl
on the above-described battery thickness and the like even in phthalate, dibutyl phthalate, stearyl alcohol, oleyl alcohol,
the hot pressing step or battery-drying step at 80°C. or 90° C. decyl alcohol, nonyl alcohol, diphenyl ether, n-decane,
which is a temperature higher than 65° C. The MD/TD ther n-dodecane, and paraffin oil. Among these, preferred are par
mal shrinkage ratio at 105°C. is preferably 40 or less in view affin oil and dioctyl phthalate.
of Some degree of isotropy. 25 The proportion of the plasticizer is not particularly limited;
A preferable process for producing the microporous film of however, it is preferably 20% by weight or more in view of the
the present invention will now be described. However, the porosity of a resulting film and preferably 90% by weight or
process is not limited to any extent with respect to the polymer less in view of viscosity. The proportion is more preferably
species, solvent species, methods of extrusion, drawing, from 50% by weight to 70% by weight.
extraction, pore formation, heat fixation/heat treatment, and 30 The extraction solvent used in the present invention is
the like provided that the resulting microporous film has preferably a solvent which is a poor solvent for the polyolefin
characteristics satisfying the present invention. and a good solvent for the plasticizer and has a boiling point
The microporous film of the present invention can be suit lower than the melting point of the polyolefin. Examples of
ably obtained by a production process comprising the steps the extraction solvent include a hydrocarbon Such as n-hex
of melt-kneading and extruding a resin composition com 35 ane and cyclohexane; a halogenated hydrocarbon Such as
prising at least a polyolefin and a plasticizer to provide a methylene chloride, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, and fluorocar
sheet-like material; drawing the sheet-like material to provide bons; an alcohol Such as ethanol and isopropanol; and a
a film; extracting the plasticizer from the sheet-like material ketone Such as acetone and 2-butanone. The extraction sol
or film; and performing heat fixation. vent used is selected from among these solvents, which are
More specifically, the microporous film of the present 40 used alone or in a mixture thereof. These extraction solvents
invention can be suitably obtained by a process comprising may be regenerated by distillation, and again used, after the
the following steps (a) to (e). extraction of the plasticizer.
(a) A polyolefin Such as a polyolefin alone and a polyolefin The weight ratio of the total of the plasticizer and inorganic
mixture and a plasticizer, or a polyolefin, a plasticizer and agent in the whole mixture melt-kneaded is preferably 20 to
an inorganic agent are melt-kneaded. 45 95 wt %, more preferably 30 to 80 wt %, in view of film
(b) The dissolved matter is extruded, molded into a sheet permeability and film-forming property.
form, and cool-solidified. The plasticizer and inorganic An antioxidant is preferably blended in view of preventing
agent are extracted as needed. heat deterioration during melt kneading and quality degrada
(c) The resultant sheet is drawn in at least uniaxial direction. tion due thereto. The concentration of the antioxidant is pref
(d) After drawing, the plasticizer and inorganic agent are 50 erably 0.3 wt % or more, more preferably 0.5 wt % or more,
extracted as needed. based 2.5 on the total polyolefin weight. It is also preferably
(e) Subsequently, heat fixation and heat treatment are carried 5 wt % or less, more preferably 3 wt % or less. The antioxidant
Out. is preferably a phenolic antioxidant as a primary antioxidant;
Examples of the polyolefin used in the present invention examples thereof include 2,6-di-t-butyl-4-methylphenol,
include a homopolymer of ethylene or propylene, a copoly 55 pentaerythrityl-tetrakis-3-(3,5-di-t-butyl-4-hydroxyphenyl)
mer thereof with ethylene, propylene, 1-butene, 4-methyl-1- propionate, and octadecyl-3-(3,5-di-t-butyl-4-hydroxyphe
pentene, 1-hexene, 1-octene, norbornene and/or the like, and nyl)propionate. In addition, a secondary antioxidant can be
a mixture of the above polymers. Among these, preferred are used in combination therewith; examples thereof include a
polyethylene and a copolymer thereof in view of the perfor phosphorus-based antioxidant such as tris(2,4-di-t-butylphe
mance of a resulting microporous film. Catalysts for poly 60 nyl)phosphite and tetrakis(2,4-di-t-butylphenyl)-4.4-biphe
merization into these polyolefins include a Ziegler-Natta nylene-diphosphonite and a Sulfur-based antioxidant Such as
catalyst, a Philips catalyst, and a metallocene catalyst. The dilauryl-thio-dipropionate.
polyolefin may be obtained by a single-stage polymerization A method for melt-kneading and extrusion involves first
process or a multi-stage polymerization process. mixing the whole or part of raw materials in advance using a
The composition Supplied preferably comprises an ultra 65 Henschel mixer, a ribbon blender or a tumbler blender as
high molecular weight polyolefin having a viscosity average needed. In the case of a small amount, they may be stirred by
molecular weight (MV) of 700,000 or more and a polyolefin hand. The whole raw materials are then melt-kneaded using a
US 8,003,261 B2
7 8
screw extruder Such as a single screw extruder and a twin size of the film after the relaxation operation by the TD size of
screw extruder, a kneader, or a mixer, and extruded through a the film before the relaxation operation, or, in the case of
T-die, a ring die or the like. relaxation in both of the MD and TD directions, a value
The microporous polyolefin film of the present invention provided by multiplying the MD relaxation rate by the TD
can be suitably obtained by mixing a predetermined concen- 5 relaxation rate. The predetermined temperature is preferably
tration of an antioxidant in the raw material polymer, fol 100° C. or higher in view of thermal shrinkage and preferably
lowed by purging the mixture with a nitrogen atmosphere and lower than 135° C. in view of permeability. The predeter
melt-kneading it in a state in which the nitrogen atmosphere mined relaxation rate is preferably 0.9 or less, more prefer
is maintained. The temperature during the melt-kneading is ably 0.8 or less in view of thermal shrinkage. The rate is also
preferably 160° C. or higher, more preferably 180° C. or 10 preferably 0.6 or more in view of prevention of the generation
higher. It is also preferably lower than 300° C., more prefer of wrinkles, porosity, and permeability. The relaxation opera
ably lower than 240°C., stillmore preferably lowerthan 230° tion may be performed in both of the MD and TD directions.
C. The relaxation operation only in the either MD or TD direc
According to the present invention, the molten material tion can reduce the thermal shrinkage not only in the opera
may contain an unmelted inorganic agent which can be 15 tion direction but also in the direction perpendicular to the
extracted in the inorganic agent extraction step. The molten operation.
material made uniform by melt-kneading may be allowed to Surface treatment may also be applied such as electron
pass through a screen to improve the film quality. irradiation, plasma exposure, Surfactant coating and chemical
Then, the molten material is preferably subjected to sheet modification.
molding. A method for sheet molding involves solidifying the 20 A master roll after the above heat fixation is preferably
molten material melt-kneaded and extruded by compression treated at a predetermined temperature, followed by subject
cooling. Methods for cooling include a method which ing the master roll to a rollback operation. This step not only
involves direct contact with a cooling medium Such as cold air releases the remaining stress of the polyolefin in the master
and cooling water and a method which involves contact with roll but also facilitates adjustment to the MD/TD thermal
a roll or pressing machine cooled with a refrigerant. The 25 shrinkage ratio of the present invention. The temperature at
method involving contact with a roll or pressing machine which the master roll is heat-treated is preferably 35° C. or
cooled with a refrigerant is preferable in that it is excellent in higher, more preferably 45° C. or higher, particularly prefer
the control of thickness. At this time, applying a rolling treat ably 60° C. or higher. It is also preferably 120° C. or lower in
ment by bank molding is preferable because it facilitates the view of keeping the transparency.
achievement of the MD/TD thermal shrinkage ratio of the 30 Subjecting the drawn sheet to annealing using aheating roll
present invention. after the heat fixation step is also preferable because it not
Subsequently, drawing and extraction of the plasticizer and only reduces the TD thermal shrinkage but also facilitates
the like are carried out. The drawing and plasticizer extrac adjustment to the MD/TD thermal shrinkage ratio of the
tion, or the drawing, plasticizer extraction, and inorganic present invention. The temperature of the heating roll is pref
agent extraction are not particularly limited for the order, 35 erably 60° C. or higher, particularly preferably 80° C. or
method and frequency thereof. The inorganic agent extraction higher. It is also preferably 150° C. or lower in view of
may not be performed as needed. keeping the transparency.
Examples of the drawing method used include MD The physical properties used in the present invention were
uniaxial drawing using a roll drawing machine, TD uniaxial measured based on the following test methods.
drawing using a tenter, Successive biaxial drawing using a 40 (1) Viscosity Average Molecular Weight MV
combination of a roll drawing machine and a tenter or of Based on ASTM-D4020, the limiting viscosity Im was
tenters, and simultaneous biaxial drawing using a simulta determined at 135°C. in a decalin solvent. The MV of poly
neous biaxial tenter or inflation molding. The total area draw ethylene was calculated using the following equation.
ratio is preferably 8 times or more, more preferably 15 times
or more, most preferably 40 times or more, in view of the 45
uniformity of film thickness. When the simultaneous biaxial The MV of polypropylene was calculated using the follow
drawing is carried out, the MD/TD draw ratio is preferably ing equation.
1.1 or more, particularly 1.2 or more, because the MD/TD
thermal shrinkage ratio of the present invention is easily m=1.10x10 Mv89
achieved. In addition, when the Successive biaxial drawing is 50
performed, drawing is preferably conducted first in the MD (2) Film Thickness (um)
direction and then in the TD direction because the MD/TD The film thickness was measured at a room temperature of
thermal shrinkage ratio of the present invention is easily 23-2°C. using KBM (trade name), a micro thickness gage
achieved. manufactured by Toyo Seiki Co. Ltd.
In the plasticizer extraction, the plasticizer is extracted 55 (3) Porosity (%)
from the drawn sheet by immersing the sheet in an extraction A 10x10 cm sample was cut out of the microporous film
and determined for the Volume (cm) and mass (g) thereof,
solvent or showering it therewith. Then, the sheet is suffi followed
ciently dried. by calculating the porosity from them and the film
A method for the heat fixation involves performing a relax density (g/cm) using the following equation.
ation operation at a predetermined relaxation rate in a prede- 60 Porosity=(Volume-Mass/Film density) Volumex100
termined temperature atmosphere. The heat fixation can be
carried out using a tenter or a roll drawing machine. The The film density was calculated from the density of the
relaxation operation refers to a shrinking operation in the MD material used.
and/or TD direction of the film. The relaxation rate refers to a (4) Air Permeability (sec.)
value provided by dividing the MD size of the film after the 65 A Gurley gas permeability tester (G-B2 (trade name) manu
relaxation operation by the MD size of the film before the factured by Toyo Seiki Co. Ltd.) was used according to JIS
relaxation operation or a value provided by dividing the TD P-81 17. The time was measured which is required for 100 ml
US 8,003,261 B2
of air to be allowed to pass through an area of 645 mm oven, cooled, and measured for the length (mm) thereof,
(diameter: 28.6 mm) using an inner cylinderweight of 567 g. followed by calculating MD and TD thermal shrinkages using
(5) Piercing Strength (N/um) the following equations.
Using KES-G5 (trade name), a handy compression tester MD thermal shrinkage (%)=(100-MD length after
manufactured by Kato Tech Co. Ltd., the microporous film 5
heating), 100x100
was fixed on a sample holder having an aperture 11.3 mm in
diameter. The central part of the fixed microporous film was TD thermal shrinkage (%)=(100-TD length after heat
then Subjected to a piercing test at a needle tip curvature ing), 100x100
radius of 0.5 mm and a piercing speed of 2 mm/sec. in an The MD/TD thermal shrinkage ratio was calculated accord
atmosphere of 25°C., from which the piercing strength (N) 10
ing to the following equation. (In a case where the sample
was obtained as the maximum piercing load. The above length could not be secured, a sample was used which is the
strength (N) was multiplied by 1/film thickness (um) to cal longest possible in the range falling within 100 mmx100
culate the piercing strength (N/um) in terms of a film thick mm.)
ness of 1 Jum.
(6) Tensile Strength (MPa) and Tensile Elongation (%) 15 MD/TD thermal shrinkage ratio=absolute value of MD
MD and TD samples (shape: 10 mm (width)x100 mm thermal shrinkagefabsolute value of TD thermal
(length)) were measured using Autograph Model AG-A
(trade name), a tensile testing machine manufactured by Shi (9) Battery Evaluation
madzu Corporation, according to JIS K7127. Under the con Preparation of a positive electrode: In N-methylpyrrolidone
dition of an inter-chuck distance of 50 mm, the sample was (NMP) were dispersed 92.2% by weight of lithium-cobalt
used by applying a cellophane tape (N. 29 (trade name), composite oxide (LiCoO) as an active material, 2.3% by
manufactured by Nitto Denko Packaging System Corpora weight each of scaly graphite and acetylene black as conduc
tion) to one side of each end (25 mm) of the sample. In tant agents and 3.2% by weight of polyvinylidene fluoride
addition, to prevent the slipping of the sample during testing, (PVDF) as a binder to prepare a slurry. The slurry was coated,
a fluororubber having a thickness of 1 mm was attached to 25 using a dye coater, on one side of an aluminium foil 20 Lum in
each inside of the chucks of the tensile testing machine. thickness providing a positive-electrode collector, which was
The tensile elongation (%) was calculated by dividing the then dried at 130° C. for 3 minutes and pressed using a roll
amount of elongation until breaking (mm) by the inter-chuck press. Here, the coating amount and bulk density of the active
distance (50 mm) and then multiplying by 100. The tensile material in the positive electrode are set so as to be 250 um
strength (MPa) was calculated by dividing the strength at 30 and 3.00 g/cm, respectively. The resultant electrode was cut
breaking by the cross-sectional area of the sample before into a width of about 40 mm to make into a Zonal shape.
testing. In addition, the total (%) of the MD tensile elongation Preparation of a negative electrode: In purified water were
and the TD tensile elongation was calculated by Summing the dispersed 96.6% by weight of artificial graphite as an active
MD and TD values. In this regard, the measurement was material and 1.4% by weight of an ammonium salt of car
carried out at a temperature of 23+2°C., a chuck pressure of 35 boxymethylcellulose and 1.7% by weight of a styrene-buta
0.30 MPa and a tensile rate of 200 mm/min. (a strain rate of diene copolymer latex as binders to prepare a slurry. The
400%/min. in case of a sample for which an inter-chuck slurry was coated, using a dye coater, on one side of a copper
distance of 50 mm could not be secured). foil 12 um in thickness providing a negative-electrode collec
(7) Thermal Shrinkage at 65° C. tor, which was then dried at 120°C. for 3 minutes and pressed
A separator is cut at a length of 150 mm in the MD direction 40 using a roll press. Here, the coating amount and bulk density
and at a length of 200 mm in the TD direction and allowed to of the active material in the negative electrode are set so as to
stand for 5 hours in an oven at 65° C. At this time, the sample be 106 g/m and 1.35 g/cm, respectively. The resultant elec
is put between two sheets of paper so that it is not directly trode was cut into a width of about 40 mm to make into a Zonal
exposed to warm air. The sample is taken out of the oven, shape.
cooled, and measured for the length (mm) thereof, followed 45 Preparation of a nonaqueous electrolyte: A nonaqueous elec
by calculating the MD and TD thermal shrinkages using the trolyte was prepared by dissolving LiPF as a solute in the
following equations. (In a case where the sample length could mixed solvent of ethylene carbonate:ethylmethyl carbon
not be secured, a sample was used which was the longest ate=1:2 (volume ratio) so as to provide a concentration of 1.0
possible in the range falling within 150 mmx200 mm.) mole/litter.
50 Battery assembly: The above microporous film separator,
MD thermal shrinkage (%)=(150-TD length after Zonal positive electrode and Zonal negative electrode were
heating), 150x100 Superposed in the order: Zonal negative electrode? separator/
Zonal positive electrode/separator, which was thenrolled sev
TD thermal shrinkage (%)=(200-TD length after heat eral times in a scroll form until a desired thickness is provided
ing)/200x100 55 to prepare an electrode plate laminate. The electrode plate
The MD/TD thermal shrinkage ratio was calculated accord laminate was pressed at 65° C. in a flat plate form and then
ing to the following equation. housed in an aluminium container; an aluminium lead derived
from a positive electrode collector was connected to the con
MD/TD thermal shrinkage ratio=absolute value of MD tainer wall, and a nickel lead derived from a negative elec
thermal shrinkagefabsolute value of TD thermal 60 trode collector, to the container lid terminal.
(a) Here, the case where the electrode plate laminate could be
(8) Thermal Shrinkage at 105° C. Smoothly housed in the aluminium container was determined
A separator is cut at a length of 100 mm in the MD direction as “good'; and the case where it was difficult to house the
and at a length of 100 mm in the TD direction and allowed to laminate therein was determined as “poor.
stand for one hour in an oven at 105° C. At this time, the 65 (b) Here, the case where, in none of 100 batteries, short
sample is put between two sheets of paper so that it is not circuiting was detected with a Voltage resistance checker was
directly exposed to warm air. The sample is taken out of the determined as “no short-circuit'.
US 8,003,261 B2
11 12
The container was subsequently dried at 65°C. under vacuum polyethylene homopolymer having an MV of 250,000 and 5
for 8 hours, and the above-described nonaqueous electrolyte wt % of a polypropylene homopolymer having an MV of
was poured into the container, which was then sealed. 400,000 were dry-blended. To 99 wt % of the resultant pure
The lithium-ion battery thus prepared has a size of 6.3 mm blend was added 1 wt % of pentaerythrityl-tetrakis-3-(3.5-
long (thick), 30 mm wide and 48 mm high. After preparing the di-t-butyl-4-hydroxyphenyl)propionate as an antioxidant,
battery, a first battery charge was conducted for a total 6 hours which was again dry-blended using the tumbler blender to
by a method which involves charging the battery until a
voltage of 4.2 V at a current value of (0.5 C) under the provide a blend comprising the polymers. The resultant blend
atmosphere of 25°C. and further starting to make the current comprising the polymers was purged with nitrogen and then
value low, in which case 4.2V was maintained. fed to a twin screw extruder using a feeder in a nitrogen
(c) To subject the battery to an oven test, the charged battery 10 atmosphere. Liquid paraffin (kinematic viscosity at 37.78
was heated up from room temperature to 150° C. at 5°C/min. C.: 7.59x10 m/s) was injected into a cylinder of the
and allowed to stand at 150° C. for 10 minutes. The case extruder using a plunger pump.
where no firing occurred was determined as 'good'. The feeder and pump were adjusted so that the ratio of
(d) To Subject the battery to an impact test, it was dropped liquid paraffin in the whole blend melt-kneaded and extruded
repeatedly ten times from a height of 1.9 m onto a concrete 15 was 65 wt %. The melt kneading was carried out under con
floor. The battery was then disassembled to observe the state ditions of a preset temperature of 200°C., a screw speed of
of the separator. The case where no short-circuit occurred due
to the deformation of the separator was determined as “good'. 240 rpm and a discharge rate of 12 kg/h.
Subsequently, the melt kneaded material was extrusion
EXAMPLES cast onto a cooling roll controlled at the Surface temperature
of 25°C. through a T-die for casting to provide a gel sheet
The present invention will be described based on having a thickness of 1,300 um.
Examples. The gel sheet was then guided to a tenter-type simultaneous
Example 1 biaxial stretcher and biaxially drawn. The preset drawing
conditions are a MD ratio of 7.0:1, a TD ratio of 6.4:1 and a
Using a tumbler blender, 95 wt % of a polyethylene 25 preset temperature of 120° C.
homopolymer having an MV of 250,000 and 5 wt % of a Next, the sheet was guided to a methyl ethyl ketone tank
polypropylene homopolymer having an MV of 400,000 were and sufficiently immersed in methyl ethyl ketone to extract
dry-blended. To 99 wt % of the resultant pure blend was and remove liquid paraffin, followed by dry-removing methyl
added 1 wt % of pentaerythrityl-tetrakis-3-(3,5-di-t-butyl-4- ethyl ketone.
hydroxyphenyl)propionate as an antioxidant, which was 30 Then, the sheet was guided to a TD tenter and subjected to
again dry-blended using the tumbler blender to provide a heat fixation. The heat fixation temperature and TD relaxation
blend comprising the polymers. The resultant blend compris rate were set to 125° C. and 0.80, respectively. Subsequently,
ing the polymers was purged with nitrogen and then fed to a the master roll rolled up in a length of 1,000 m was allowed to
twin screw extruder using a feeder in a nitrogen atmosphere. stand for 6 hours in athermostatic chamber at 50° C. and then
Liquid paraffin (kinematic viscosity at 37.78° C.: 7.59x10 35 rolled back at a winding tension of 10 kg/m.
m/s) was injected into a cylinder of the extruder using a The physical properties of the resultant microporous film
plunger pump. are shown in Table 1.
The feeder and pump were adjusted so that the ratio of
liquid paraffin in the whole blend melt-kneaded and extruded Evaluation of the battery showed good results in all items.
was 55 wt %. The melt kneading was carried out under con Example 3
ditions of a preset temperature of 200°C., a screw speed of
240 rpm and a discharge rate of 12 kg/h.
Subsequently, the melt kneaded material was extrusion A microporous film was obtained in the same way as in
cast onto a cooling roll controlled at the Surface temperature Example 2 except for extruding the melt kneaded material
of 25°C. through a T-die for casting to provide a gel sheet onto the cooling roll, followed by casting using bank mold
having a thickness of 2,000 um. 45 ing; setting the biaxial drawing temperature and heat fixation
The gel sheet was then guided to a tenter-type simultaneous temperature to 118°C. and 122°C., respectively; and allow
biaxial stretcher and biaxially drawn. The preset drawing ing the rolled-up master roll to stand for 6 hours in a thermo
conditions are a MD ratio of 7.0:1, a TD ratio of 6.4:1 and a static chamber at 60° C.
preset temperature of 118°C. The physical properties of the resultant microporous film
Next, the sheet was guided to a methyl ethyl ketone tank 50 are shown in Table 1.
and sufficiently immersed in methyl ethyl ketone to extract Evaluation of the battery showed good results in all items.
and remove liquid paraffin, followed by dry-removing methyl
ethyl ketone. Example 4
Then, the sheet was guided to a TD tenter and subjected to
heat fixation. The heat fixation temperature and TD relaxation 55 Using a tumbler blender, 20 wt % of a polyethylene
rate were set to 125° C. and 0.80, respectively. Subsequently, homopolymer having an MV of 2,500,000, 15 wt % of a
the master roll rolled up in a length of 1,000 m was allowed to polyethylene homopolymer having an MV of 700,000, 30 wt
stand for 6 hours in athermostatic chamber at 50° C. and then % of a polyethylene homopolymer having an MV of 250,000
rolled back at a winding tension of 10 kg/m. and 30 wt % of a ethylene-propylene copolymer having an
The physical properties of the resultant microporous film 60 MV of 120,000 (comonomer: propylene, content: 0.6 mole%)
are shown in Table 1. were dry-blended. To 99 wt % of the resultant pure blend was
Evaluation of the battery showed good results in all items. added 1 wt % of pentaerythrityl-tetrakis-3-(3,5-di-t-butyl-4-
hydroxyphenyl)propionate as an antioxidant, which was
Example 2 again dry-blended using the tumbler blender to provide a
65 blend comprising the polymers. The resultant blend compris
Using a tumbler blender, 47.5 wt % of a polyethylene ing the polymers was purged with nitrogen and then fed to a
homopolymer having an MV of 700,000, 47.5 wt % of a twin screw extruder using a feeder in a nitrogen atmosphere.
US 8,003,261 B2
13 14
Liquid paraffin (kinematic viscosity at 37.78° C.: 7.59x10 rate were set to 120° C. and 0.80, respectively. Subsequently,
m/s) was injected into a cylinder of the extruder using a the master roll rolled up in a length of 1,000 m was allowed to
plunger pump. stand for 10 hours in a thermostatic chamber at 60° C. and
The feeder and pump were adjusted so that the ratio of then rolled back at a winding tension of 8 kg/m.
liquid paraffin in the whole blend melt-kneaded and extruded 5 The physical properties of the resultant microporous film
was 65 wt %. The melt kneading was carried out under con are shown in Table 1.
ditions of a preset temperature of 200°C., a screw speed of Evaluation of the battery showed good results in all items.
240 rpm and a discharge rate of 12 kg/h.
Subsequently, the melt kneaded material was extrusion Example 6
cast onto a cooling roll controlled at the Surface temperature 10
of 25°C. through a T-die for casting to provide a gel sheet Using a tumbler blender, 20 wt % of a polyethylene
having a thickness of 1,800 um. homopolymer having an MV of 2,500,000, 15 wt % of a
The gel sheet was then guided to a tenter-type simultaneous polyethylene homopolymer having an MV of 700,000, 30 wt
biaxial stretcher and biaxially drawn. The preset drawing % of a polyethylene homopolymer having an MV of 250,000
conditions are a MD ratio of 7.0:1, a TD ratio of 6.4:1 and a 15
and 30 wt % of a ethylene-propylene copolymer having an
preset temperature of 120° C. MV of 120,000 (comonomer: propylene, content: 0.6 mole%)
Next, the sheet was guided to a methyl ethyl ketone tank were dry-blended. To 99 wt % of the resultant pure blend was
and sufficiently immersed in methyl ethyl ketone to extract added 1 wt % of pentaerythrityl-tetrakis-3-(3,5-di-t-butyl-4-
and remove liquid paraffin, followed by dry-removing methyl
ethyl ketone. hydroxyphenyl)propionate as an antioxidant, which was
Then, the sheet was guided to a TD tenter and subjected to again dry-blended using the tumbler blender to provide a
heat fixation. The heat fixation temperature and TD relaxation blend comprising the polymers. The resultant blend compris
rate were set to 120° C. and 0.75, respectively. Subsequently, ing the polymers was purged with nitrogen and then fed to a
the master roll rolled up in a length of 1,000 m was allowed to twin screw extruder using a feeder in a nitrogen atmosphere.
stand for 10 hours in a thermostatic chamber at 60° C. and 25 Liquid paraffin (kinematic viscosity at 37.78° C.: 7.59x10
then rolled back at a winding tension of 10 kg/m. m/s) was injected into a cylinder of the extruder using a
The physical properties of the resultant microporous film plunger pump.
are shown in Table 1. The feeder and pump were adjusted so that the ratio of
Evaluation of the battery showed good results in all items. liquid paraffin in the whole blend melt-kneaded and extruded
was 65 wt %. The melt kneading was carried out under con
Example 5 ditions of a preset temperature of 200°C., a screw speed of
240 rpm and a discharge rate of 12 kg/h.
Using a tumbler blender, 20 wt % of a polyethylene Subsequently, the melt kneaded material was extrusion
homopolymer having an MV of 2,500,000, 15 wt % of a cast onto a cooling roll controlled at the Surface temperature
polyethylene homopolymer having an MV of 700,000, 30 wt 35 of 25°C. through a T-die for casting to provide a gel sheet
% of a polyethylene homopolymer having an MV of 250,000 having a thickness of 1,200 um.
and 30 wt % of a ethylene-propylene copolymer having an The gel sheet was then guided to a tenter-type simultaneous
MV of 120,000 (comonomer: propylene, content: 0.6 mole%) biaxial stretcher and biaxially drawn. The preset drawing
were dry-blended. To 99 wt % of the resultant pure blend was conditions are a MD ratio of 7.0:1, a TD ratio of 6.4:1 and a
added 1 wt % of pentaerythrityl-tetrakis-3-(3,5-di-t-butyl-4- 40 preset temperature of 118°C.
hydroxyphenyl)propionate as an antioxidant, which was Next, the sheet was guided to a methyl ethyl ketone tank
again dry-blended using the tumbler blender to provide a and sufficiently immersed in methyl ethyl ketone to extract
blend comprising the polymers. The resultant blend compris and remove liquid paraffin, followed by dry-removing methyl
ing the polymers was purged with nitrogen and then fed to a ethyl ketone.
twin screw extruder using a feeder in a nitrogen atmosphere. 45 Then, the sheet was guided to a TD tenter and subjected to
Liquid paraffin (kinematic viscosity at 37.78° C.: 7.59x10 heat fixation. The heat fixation temperature and TD relaxation
m/s) was injected into a cylinder of the extruder using a rate were set to 115° C. and 0.80, respectively. Subsequently,
plunger pump. the sheet was allowed to contact with a heating drum tem
The feeder and pump were adjusted so that the ratio of perature-controlled at 100° C. for 5 seconds and rolled up.
liquid paraffin in the whole blend melt-kneaded and extruded 50 The physical properties of the resultant microporous film
was 65 wt %. The melt kneading was carried out under con are shown in Table 1.
ditions of a preset temperature of 200°C., a screw speed of Evaluation of the battery showed good results in all items.
240 rpm and a discharge rate of 12 kg/h.
Subsequently, the melt kneaded material was extrusion Example 7
cast onto a cooling roll controlled at the Surface temperature 55
of 25°C. through a T-die for casting to provide a gel sheet A microporous film was obtained in the same way as in
having a thickness of 800 um. Example 6 except for setting the cast sheet thickness, biaxial
The gel sheet was then guided to a tenter-type simultaneous draw ratio and biaxial draw temperature to 950 um, 7x4 and
biaxial stretcher and biaxially drawn. The preset drawing 117° C., respectively.
conditions are a MD ratio of 7.0:1, a TD ratio of 6.4:1 and a 60 Evaluation of the battery showed good results in all items.
preset temperature of 118°C.
Next, the sheet was guided to a methyl ethyl ketone tank Comparative Example 1
and sufficiently immersed in methyl ethyl ketone to extract
and remove liquid paraffin, followed by dry-removing methyl A microporous film was obtained in the same way as in
ethyl ketone. 65 Example 2 except for setting the cast sheet thickness, biaxial
Then, the sheet was guided to a TD tenter and subjected to draw ratio, biaxial draw temperature and TD relaxation rate
heat fixation. The heat fixation temperature and TD relaxation during heat fixation to 800 um, 5x5, 118°C. and 0.90, respec
US 8,003,261 B2
15 16
tively. Evaluation of the battery did not show good results in was 65 wt %. The melt kneading was carried out under con
the items other than that of short-circuiting. ditions of a preset temperature of 250° C., a screw speed of
200 rpm and a discharge rate of 15 kg/h.
Comparative Example 2 Subsequently, the melt kneaded material was extrusion
5 cast onto a cooling roll controlled at the Surface temperature
A microporous film was obtained in the same way as in of 30° C. through a T-die for casting to provide a gel sheet
Example 2 except for setting the biaxial draw temperature to having a thickness of 1,600 um.
125° C. Evaluation of the battery did not show good results The gel sheet was then guided to a tenter-type simultaneous
for “mountability as a battery roll' and “short-circuiting. biaxial stretcher and biaxially drawn. The preset drawing
10 conditions are a MD ratio of 7.0:1, a TD ratio of 7.0:1 and a
Comparative Example 3 preset temperature of 119°C.
Next, the sheet was guided to a methyl ethyl ketone tank
A microporous film was obtained in the same way as in and sufficiently immersed in methyl ethyl ketone to extract
Example 2 except for not heat-treating or rolling back the and remove liquid paraffin, followed by dry-removing methyl
master roll. Evaluation of the battery did not show a good 15
ethyl ketone.
result in the oven test. Then, the sheet was guided to a TD tenter and subjected to
heat fixation. The heat fixation temperature and TD relaxation
Comparative Example 4 rate were set to 125 to 130° C. and 0.83, respectively.
Evaluation of the battery did not show good results for
To 45 wt % of a PE having an MV of 100,000 and a melting mountability as a battery roll and the oven test.
point of 135° C., 60 wt % of a PE having an MV of 600,000 Comparative Example 6
and a melting point of 135°C. and 15 wt % of a PE copolymer
having an MV of 120,000, a melting point of 131° C. and a
propylene comonomer content of 1.3 mole% was added 1 wt To 30 wt % of a PE having an MV of 2,000,000 and 70 wt
% of pentaerythrityl-tetrakis-3-(3,5-di-t-butyl-4-hydrox % of a high density PE having an MV of 300,000 was added 1
yphenyl)propionate as an antioxidant, which was then dry 25 wt % of pentaerythrityl-tetrakis-3-(3,5-di-t-butyl-4-hydrox
blended using a tumbler blender to provide a blend compris yphenyl)propionate as an antioxidant, which was then dry
ing the polymers. The resultant blend comprising the blended using a tumbler blender to provide a blend compris
polymers was purged with nitrogen and then fed to a twin ing the polymers. The resultant blend comprising the
screw extruder using a feeder in a nitrogen atmosphere. Liq polymers was purged with nitrogen and then fed to a twin
uid paraffin (kinematic viscosity at 37.78° C.: 7.59x10 30 screw extruder using a feeder in a nitrogen atmosphere. Liq
m/s) was injected into a cylinder of the extruder using a uid paraffin (kinematic viscosity at 37.78° C.: 7.59x10
plunger pump. m/s) was injected into a cylinder of the extruder using a
The feeder and pump were adjusted so that the ratio of plunger pump.
liquid paraffin in the whole blend melt-kneaded and extruded The feeder and pump were adjusted so that the ratio of
was 68 wt %. The melt kneading was carried out under con 35
liquid paraffin in the whole blend melt-kneaded and extruded
ditions of a preset temperature of 240°C., a screw speed of was 80 wt %. The melt kneading was carried out under con
120 rpm and a discharge rate of 12 kg/h. ditions of a preset temperature of 200°C., a screw speed of
Subsequently, the melt kneaded material was extrusion 200 rpm and a discharge rate of 12 kg/h.
cast onto a cooling roll controlled at the Surface temperature Subsequently, the melt kneaded material was extrusion
of 25°C. through a T-die for casting to provide a gel sheet cast onto a cooling roll controlled at the Surface temperature
having a thickness of 1,400 um. 40 of 30° C. through a T-die for casting to provide a gel sheet
The gel sheet was then guided to a tenter-type simultaneous having a thickness of 1,800 um.
biaxial stretcher and biaxially drawn. The preset drawing The gel sheet was then guided to a tenter-type simultaneous
conditions are a MD ratio of 7.0:1, a TD ratio of 6.8:1 and a biaxial stretcher and biaxially drawn. The preset drawing
preset temperature of 123° C. Next, the sheet was guided to a conditions are a MD ratio of 7.0:1, a TD ratio of 7.0:1 and a
methyl ethyl ketone tank and sufficiently immersed in methyl 45 preset temperature of 105° C.
ethyl ketone to extract and remove liquid paraffin, followed Next, the sheet was guided to a methyl ethyl ketone tank
by dry-removing methyl ethyl ketone. Then, the sheet was and sufficiently immersed in methyl ethyl ketone to extract
guided to a TD tenter and subjected to heat fixation. The heat and remove liquid paraffin, followed by dry-removing methyl
fixation temperature and TD relaxation rate were set to 125° ethyl ketone.
C. and 0.80, respectively. 50 The resultant film was then drawn by a factor of 1.4 in the
Evaluation of the battery did not show good results for MD direction at 115° C. using a roll drawing machine. Next,
mountability as a battery roll and the oven test. the film was guided to a TD tenter and drawn a factor of 2.0 in
the TD direction at 115° C. Subsequently, the film was relax
Comparative Example 5 ation-treated at 110° C. for 10 seconds using a tenter so as to
provide sizes of 95% each of the preceding sizes in the MD
To 50 wt % of a PE homopolymer having an Mv of 300,000 and TD directions, and further subjected to heat fixation treat
and an Mw/Mn of 7 and 50 wt % of a PE homopolymer having ment at 120° C. for 15 minutes employing the tenter.
an Mv of 1,000,000 and an Mw/Mn of 7 was added 1 wt % of Evaluation of the battery did not show good results for
pentaerythrityl-tetrakis-3-(3,5-di-t-butyl-4-hydroxyphenyl) mountability as a battery roll and the oven test characteristics.
propionate as an antioxidant, which was then dry-blended 60 Comparative Example 7
using a tumbler blender to provide a blend comprising the
polymers. The resultant blend comprising the polymers was
purged with nitrogen and then fed to a twin screw extruder A microporous film was similarly obtained using a com
using a feeder in a nitrogen atmosphere. Liquid paraffin (ki mercial microporous film obtained by the pore-forming pro
nematic viscosity at 37.78° C.: 7.59x10 m/s) was injected cess by stretching, which is a laminate between a polyethyl
into a cylinder of the extruder using a plunger pump. 65 ene and a polypropylene.
The feeder and pump were adjusted so that the ratio of Evaluation of the battery did not show good results in the
liquid paraffin in the whole blend melt-kneaded and extruded items of “short-circuit' and “impact test”.
US 8,003,261 B2
17 18
Comp. Ex. 1 Comp. Ex. 2 Comp. Ex. 3 Comp. Ex. 4 Comp. Ex. 5 Comp. Ex. 6 Comp. Ex. 7
Film Thickness (Im) 16 16 16 2O 2O 10 2O
Porosity (%) 46 46 50 41 35 45 43
Air Permeability (second) 200 2OO 110 430 800 270 450
Piercing Strength (N) 4.4 2.3 4.4 4.8 9.O 6.3 3.1
Piercing Strength in Terms of Film O.28 O.14 O.28 O.25 O46 O.64 O.17
Thickness of 1 m (NI)
MD Tensile Strength (MPa) 90 70 110 130 270 340 2OO
TD Tensile Strength (MPa) 95 45 90 90 210 310 15
MD Elongation (%) 160 60 40 50 60 40 50
TD Elongation (%) 210 110 95 90 70 50 700
Sum of MD and TD Elongations 370 170 135 140 130 90 750
MD Thermal Shrinkage (65° C./5 h) 1.4 0.4 3.6 2.3 3.9 O.S 1.5
TD Thermal Shrinkage (65° C./5 h) O.9 O.2 1.3 1.2 2.1 O6 O.1
MD TD Thermal Shrinkage Ratio 1.6 2.0 2.8 1.9 1.9 O.8 1S.O
MD Thermal Shrinkage (105° C./1 h) 7.0 3.0 12.0 9.0 8.0 2.2 3.0
TD Thermal Shrinkage (105° C./1 h) 5.7 2.3 6.O 7.0 S.O 2.7 O.1
MD TD Thermal Shrinkage Ratio 1.2 1.3 2.0 1.3 1.6 O.8 3O.O
Mountability as battery roll** Poor Poor Good Poor Poor Poor Fair
Short-circuit* * Not Found Found Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found Found
Oven Test Poor Good Poor Poor Poor Poor Good
Impact Test Poor Good Good Good Excellent Good Poor
*The case where a rolled battery could be particularly smoothly inserted into an aluminium can was determined as “excellent”; the case where the battery could be inserted
without problems, as “good”; and the case where it could not be inserted, as “poor”.
*The case where, for 100 batteries, no short-circuiting was detected with a voltage resistance checker was determined as “not found'.
#3 No firing” was determined as “good”.
*The case where the battery disassembled after the test had no short-circuit due to the deformation of the separator was determined as “good”. Particularly, the case where
the separator had little deformation was determined as “excellent”.

Ex. 1 Ex. 2 Ex. 3 Ex. 4 Ex. S Ex. 6 Ex. 7

Film Thickness (Im) 25 16 16 2O 7 16 18

Porosity (%) 47 46 48 47 48 53 52
Air Permeability (second) 220 200 150 250 110 90 1OO
Piercing Strength (N) 4.9 4.1 4.9 5.9 3.4 3.4 3.6
Piercing Strength in Terms of Film O.20 O.26 O.31 O.30 O.SO O.22 O.21
Thickness of 1 m (NI)
MD Tensile Strength (MPa) 120 140 160 150 2OO 90 140
TD Tensile Strength (MPa) 100 65 70 130 160 70 60
MD Elongation (%) 60 45 30 60 60 50 40
TD Elongation (%) 70 95 90 90 1OO 100 110
Sum of MD and TD Elongations 130 140 120 150 160 150 150
MD Thermal Shrinkage (65° C./5 h) 1.8 2.7 3.2 3.0 4.0 4.5 S.1
TD Thermal Shrinkage (65° C./5 h) 0.7 0.7 0.7 O.8 O.8 O.9 O.8
MD TD Thermal Shrinkage Ratio 2.6 3.9 4.6 3.8 S.O S.O 6.4
MD Thermal Shrinkage (105° C./1 h) 3.0 9.5 13.0 12.5 14.5 13.2 1S.O
TD Thermal Shrinkage (105° C./1 h) 1.1 4.7 S.O 5.5 6.5 S.O 4.2
MD TD Thermal Shrinkage Ratio 2.7 2.0 2.6 2.3 2.2 2.6 3.6
Mountability as battery roll** Good Good Excellent Good Excellent Excellent Excellent
Short-circuit* * Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found
Oven Test Good Good Excellent Good Good Excellent Excellent
Impact Test Excellent Good Excellent Excellent Good Good Good
*The case where arolled battery could be particularly smoothly inserted into an aluminium can was determined as “excellent”; the casewhere the battery
could be inserted without problems, as “good”; and the case where it could not be inserted, as “poor”.
*The case where, for 100 batteries, no short-circuiting was detected with a voltage resistance checker was determined as “not found'.
#3 No firing” was determined as “good”.
*The case where the battery disassembled after the test had no short-circuit due to the deformation of the separator was determined as “good”.
Particularly, the case where the separator had little deformation was determined as “excellent”.

INDUSTRIAL APPLICABILITY permeation of Substances, or the like, and as a separator

55 material or the like. Particularly, the microporous film is
The present invention relates to a microporous film widely suitably used as a separator for lithium-ion batteries or the
used as a separation membrane for separation or selective like.
Ex. 1 Ex. 2 Ex. 3 Ex. 4 Ex. S Ex. 6 Ex. 7

Film Thickness (Lm) 25 16 16 2O 7 16 18

Porosity (%) 47 46 48 47 48 53 52
Air Permeability (second) 220 2OO 150 250 110 90 100
Piercing Strength (N) 4.9 4.1 4.9 5.9 3.4 3.4 3.6
Piercing Strength in Terms of Film O.2O O.26 O.31 O.30 OSO O.22 O.21
Thickness of 1 m (NI)
US 8,003,261 B2
19 20
TABLE 1-continued
Ex. 1 Ex. 2 Ex. 3 Ex. 4 Ex. S Ex. 6 Ex. 7

MD Tensile Strength (MPa) 120 140 160 150 2OO 90 140

TD Tensile Strength (MPa) 1OO 65 70 130 160 70 60
MD Elongation (%) 60 45 30 60 60 50 40
TD Elongation (%) 70 95 90 90 1OO 100 110
Sum of MD and TD Elongations 130 140 120 150 160 150 150
MD Thermal Shrinkage (65° C./5 h) 1.8 2.7 3.2 3.0 4.0 4.5 S.1
TD Thermal Shrinkage (65° C./5 h) 0.7 0.7 0.7 O.8 O.8 O.9 O.8
MD TD Thermal Shrinkage Ratio 2.6 3.9 4.6 3.8 S.O S.O 6.4
MD Thermal Shrinkage (105° C./1 h) 3.0 9.5 13.0 12.5 14.5 13.2 1S.O
TD Thermal Shrinkage (105° C./1 h) 1.1 4.7 S.O 5.5 6.5 S.O 4.2
MD TD Thermal Shrinkage Ratio 2.7 2.0 2.6 2.3 2.2 2.6 3.6
Mountability as battery roll** Good Good Excellent Good Excellent Excellent Excellent
Short-circuit* * Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found
Oven Test: Good Good Excellent Good Good Excellent Excellent
Impact Test' Excellent Good Excellent Excellent Good Good Good
*The case where arolled battery could be particularly smoothly inserted into an aluminium can was determined as “excellent”; the casewhere the battery
could be inserted without problems, as “good”; and the case where it could not be inserted, as “poor”.
*The case where, for 100 batteries, no short-circuiting was detected with a voltage resistance checker was determined as “not found'.
#3 No firing” was determined as “good”.
*The case where the battery disassembled after the test had no short-circuit due to the deformation of the separator was determined as “good”.
Particularly, the case where the separator had little deformation was determined as “excellent”.

Comp. Ex. 1 Comp. Ex. 2 Comp. Ex. 3 Comp. Ex. 4 Comp. Ex. 5 Comp. Ex. 6 Comp. Ex. 7
Film Thickness (Im) 16 16 16 2O 2O 10 2O
Porosity (%) 46 46 50 41 35 45 43
Air Permeability (second) 200 2OO 110 430 800 270 450
Piercing Strength (N) 4.4 2.3 4.4 4.8 9.O 6.3 3.1
Piercing Strength in Terms of Film O.28 O.14 O.28 O.25 O46 O.64 O.17
Thickness of 1 m (NI)
MD Tensile Strength (MPa) 90 70 110 130 270 340 2OO
TD Tensile Strength (MPa) 95 45 90 90 210 310 15
MD Elongation (%) 160 60 40 50 60 40 50
TD Elongation (%) 210 110 95 90 70 50 700
Sum of MD and TD Elongations 370 170 135 140 130 90 750
MD Thermal Shrinkage (65° C./5 h) 1.4 0.4 3.6 2.3 3.9 O.S 1.5
TD Thermal Shrinkage (65° C./5 h) O.9 O.2 1.3 1.2 2.1 O6 O.1
MD TD Thermal Shrinkage Ratio 1.6 2.0 2.8 1.9 1.9 O.8 1S.O
MD Thermal Shrinkage (105° C./1 h) 7.0 3.0 12.0 9.0 8.0 2.2 3.0
TD Thermal Shrinkage (105° C./1 h) 5.7 2.3 6.O 7.0 S.O 2.7 O.1
MD TD Thermal Shrinkage Ratio 1.2 1.3 2.0 1.3 1.6 O.8 3O.O
Mountability as battery roll** Poor Poor Good Poor Poor Poor Fair
Short-circuit* * Not Found Found Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found Found
Oven Test: Poor Good Poor Poor Poor Poor Good
Impact Test Poor Good Good Good Excellent Good Poor
*The case where a rolled battery could be particularly smoothly inserted into an aluminium can was determined as “excellent”; the case where the battery could be inserted
without problems, as “good”; and the case where it could not be inserted, as “poor”.
*The case where, for 100 batteries, no short-circuiting was detected with a voltage resistance checker was determined as “not found”.
#3 No firing” was determined as “good”.
*The case where the battery disassembled after the test had no short-circuit due to the deformation of the separator was determined as “good”. Particularly, the case where
the separator had little deformation was determined as “excellent”.

The invention claimed is:

2. The microporous polyolefin film according to claim 1,
1. A microporous polyolefin film having a thickness of 1 wherein the MD/TD thermal shrinkage ratio at 65°C. is more
um (inclusive) to 50 um (inclusive), a porosity of 30% (inclu than 2.5.
sive) to 70% (inclusive), a piercing strength of 0.15 N/um or 3. The microporous polyolefin film according to claim 1 or
more in terms of a film thickness of 1 Jum, tensile strengths in 2, wherein the microporous film has an MD thermal shrink
the length direction (MD tensile strength) and the width age of more than 5% at 105° C.
direction (TD tensile strength) of 30 MPa or more each, a
55 4. The microporous polyolefin film according to claim 1 or
thermal shrinkage in the width direction (TD thermal shrink 2, wherein the piercing strength is 3 N or more.
age) of 1% or less at 65°C., and a thermal shrinkage ratio in 5. The microporous polyolefin film according to claim 1 or
the length to width direction (MD/TD thermal shrinkage 2, wherein the microporous film is obtained from a compo
ratio) of more than 2 at 65°C., whereintensile elongations in sition comprising a polyolefin resin and a plasticizer.
the length direction (MD tensile elongation) and the width
60 6. The microporous polyolefin film according to claim 5,
direction (TD tensile elongation) are each 10% (inclusive) to wherein the microporous film has an MD thermal shrinkage
200% (inclusive); and the total of the MD tensile elongation of more than 5% at 105°C. and the piercing strength is 3N or
and TD tensile elongation is 20% (inclusive) to 250% (inclu

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