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Chaibasa, Jharkhand, India

Syllabus for
Four Year Undergraduate Programme (FYUGP)

Major, Minor, MDC, and IAP
(Semester – I to VIII)

With Effect from Academic Year 2022 - 2023

As Per Revised Curriculum and Credit Framework for the FYUGP
under the provisions of NEP – 2020
Kolhan University, Chaibasa, Jharkhand
Syllabus of UG Statistics as per FYUGP, NEP – 2020

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Kolhan University, Chaibasa, Jharkhand
Syllabus of UG Statistics as per FYUGP, NEP – 2020

Part – A
Course Structure for Major
Semester Title of the Paper Credits Page
MJ-1 Descriptive Statistics 3 6
MJ-P-1 Practical 1 7
MJ-2 Probability Theory 3 8
II MJ-3 Probability Distributions 3 9
MJ-P-2 Practical 2 10
MJ-4 Statistical Inference–I 3 11
III MJ-5 Calculus 3 12
MJ-P-3 Practical 2 13
MJ-6 Demography and Vital Statistics 3 14
MJ-7 Sampling Distributions 3 15
MJ-8 Linear Algebra 3 16
MJ-P-4 Practical 3 17
MJ-9 Applied Statistics–I 3 18
MJ-10 Statistical Inference–II 3 19
MJ-11 Design of Experiments 3 20
MJ-P-5 Practical 3 21
MJ-12 Applied Statistics–II 3 22
MJ-13 Statistical Computing Using Python Programming 3 23
VI MJ-14 Survival Analysis and Biostatistics 3 24
MJ-15 Mathematical Analysis 3 25
MJ-P-6 Practical 4 26
MJ-16 Stochastic Process and Queuing Theory 3 27
MJ-17 Multivariate Analysis 3 28
VII MJ-18 Sample Survey and Indian Official Statistics 3 29
MJ-19 Operations Research 3 30
MJ-P-7 Practical 4 31
MJ-20 Actuarial Statistics 3 32
MJ-P-8 Practical 1 33
RC Research Project Dissertation 12 -
VIII AMJ-1 Linear Models 3 34
AMJ-2 Econometrics 3 35
AMJ-3 Data Analytics Using Python 3 36
AMJ-P-1 Practical 3 37

1. In Theory Papers 1 Credit = 15 Contact Hours
2. In Practical/Project/Dissertation/Summer Internship/Field Work Papers 1 Credit = 30
Contact Hours
3. MJ – Major, AMJ – Advanced Major, MJ-P – Practical (Major)

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Kolhan University, Chaibasa, Jharkhand
Syllabus of UG Statistics as per FYUGP, NEP – 2020

Part – B
Course Structure for Minor, MDC, and IAP

Course Credits
Semester Title of the Paper Page
Code (Th + Pr)
MN-1A Basic Statistics and Probability 3+1 39
MDC-1/2/3 Introduction to Statistics 3+0 40
II MN-2A(VOC) Data Analysis Using Spreadsheet 3+1 41
III MN-1B Statistical Methodology 3+1 42
IV MN-2B(VOC) Statistical Data Analysis Using R 3+1 43
MN-1C Theory of Statistical Inference 3+1 44
V Summer Internship Related to Applied 45
IAP 4+0
Statistical Techniques for Research 46
VI MN-2C(VOC) 3+1
Survey Sampling and Design of 47
VII MN-1D 3+1
VIII MN-2D(VOC) Database Management System 3+1 48

1. In Theory Papers 1 Credit = 15 Contact Hours
2. In Practical/Project/Dissertation/Summer Internship Papers 1 Credit = 30 Contact
3. MN – Minor, MDC – Multi Disciplinary Course, VOC – Vocational,
IAP – Internship/Apprenticeship/Field Work/Dissertation/Project

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Kolhan University, Chaibasa, Jharkhand
Syllabus of UG Statistics as per FYUGP, NEP – 2020

Part – A
(Major Papers)

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Syllabus of UG Statistics as per FYUGP, NEP – 2020

Semester-I -(MJ-1)
Course Title: Descriptive Statistics

Max. Marks: 75 (Mid-Term:15, End-term: 60) Credit-3


Statistical Methods: Definition and scope of Statistics, concepts of statistical population and
sample. Data: quantitative and qualitative, attributes, variables, scales of measurementnominal,
ordinal, interval and ratio. Presentation: tabular and graphical, including histogram and ogives,
consistency and independence of data with special reference to attributes.


Measures of Central Tendency: mathematical and positional. Measures of Dispersion: range,

quartile deviation, mean deviation, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, Moments,
absolute moments, factorial moments, skewness and kurtosis, Sheppard’s corrections.


Bivariate data: Definition, scatter diagram, simple, partial and multiple correlation (3 variables
only), rank correlation. Simple linear regression, principle of least squares and fitting of
polynomials and exponential curves.


Index Numbers: Definition, construction of index numbers and problems thereof for weighted
and unweighted index numbers including Laspeyre’s, Paasche’s, Edgeworth-Marshall and
Fisher’s. Chain index numbers, conversion of fixed based to chain based index numbers and vice-
versa. Consumer price index numbers.

Suggested Reading:
1. Goon A.M., Gupta M.K. and Dasgupta B. (2002): Fundamentals of Statistics, Vol. I & II, 8th
Edn. The World Press, Kolkata.
2. Miller, Irwin and Miller, Marylees (2006): John E. Freund’s Mathematical Statistics with
Applications, (7th Edn.), Pearson Education, Asia.
3. Mood, A.M. Graybill, F.A. and Boes, D.C. (2007): Introduction to the Theory of Statistics, 3rd
Edn., (Reprint), Tata McGraw-Hill Pub. Co. Ltd. 5

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Syllabus of UG Statistics as per FYUGP, NEP – 2020

Semester-I-MJ (Practical-1)
Max. Marks: 25 Credit-1

List of Practical

1. Graphical representation of data.

2. Problems based on measures of central tendency, dispersion.

3. Problems based on moments, skewness and kurtosis.

4. Fitting of polynomials, exponential curves.

5. Karl Pearson correlation coefficient.

6. Correlation coefficient for a bivariate frequency distribution, Spearman rank correlation.

7. Lines of regression, angle between lines and estimated values of variables.

8. Planes of regression and variances of residuals for given simple correlations.

9. Calculate price and quantity index numbers using simple and weighted average of price


10. To calculate the Chain Base index numbers and price index number

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Syllabus of UG Statistics as per FYUGP, NEP – 2020

Course Title: Probability Theory

Max. Marks: 75 (Mid-Term:15, End-term: 60) Credit-3

Random experiment, Trial, Sample point and Sample space, Events, Operations of events,
Concept of equally likely, mutually exclusive and Exhaustive events. Definition of
Probability: Classical, Relative frequency and Axiomatic approaches. Discrete Probability
Space, Properties of Probability under Set Theory Approach, Independence of Events,
Conditional Probability, Total and Compound Probability theorems, Bayes theorem and its

Random Variables - Discrete and Continuous, Probability Mass Function (pmf) and
Probability density function (pdf), Cumulative distribution function (cdf) with properties,
Joint distribution of two random variables, Jacobian Transformation for one and two
variables with illustrations, Marginal and Conditional distributions, Independence of random

Expectation of a random variable and its properties, Expectation of sum of random variables
and product of independent random variables, Conditional expectation and related
problems.Moment generating function (m.g.f.) &their properties. Cumulative generating
function and characteristic function- Uniqueness and inversion theorems (without proof)
along with applications. Conditional expectations.

Attributes: Notion and Terminology, Contingency table, Class frequencies and Ultimate class
frequencies, Consistency, Association of Attributes, Independence, and Measures of
association for 2X2 table, Coefficients of Association.

Suggested Readings:
1. Goon, A.M., Gupta, M.K. and Dasgupta, B. (1968). Fundamental of Statistics, Vol I-II,
World Press, Kolkata.
2. Gupta, S.C. and Kapoor, V.K. (2020). Fundamentals of Mathematical
Statistics,SultanChand and Sons.
3. Hogg, R.V. and Tanis, E.A. (2008). A Brief Course in Mathematical Statistics. Pearson

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Syllabus of UG Statistics as per FYUGP, NEP – 2020


Course Title: Probability Distribution

Max. Marks: 75 (Mid-Term:15, End-term: 60) Credit-3

Markov, Jensen & Chebyshev's inequalities, Limit laws: convergence in probability, almost
sure convergence, convergence in mean square and convergence in distribution and their
inter-relations, W.L.L.N., S.L.L.N. and their applications, De-Moivre Laplace theorem,
Central Limit Theorem (C.L.T.) for i.i.d. variates, applications of C.L.T. and Liapunov
Theorem (without proof).

Discrete Probability distributions: Bernoulli distribution, binomial distribution, its mean,
variance, mode and mgf, recurrence relation for binomial distribution. Definition, moments
and mgf.Negative binomial distribution, Poisson distribution and its moments. Poisson
distribution as a limiting case of binomial distribution, its mean, variance and mgf,
Recurrence relation of Poisson distribution, Poisson distribution as a limiting case of negative
binomial distribution recurrence formula for negative binomial distribution. Geometric and
Hyper geometric distribution; its definition, mean, variance and relation with Binomial

Rectangular distribution; Moments of rectangular distribution, mgf and mean deviation of
rectangular distribution. Normal distribution: its definition, mean, variance and mgf.
Properties of Normal curve, simple problems on Normal distribution including area
problems, Normal distribution as a limiting case of binomial distribution.

Gamma and Beta distribution: Definition and properties of Gamma distribution, beta
distribution of first kind as well as of second kind, Cauchy and Exponential distribution along
with simple illustrations.

Suggested Readings:
1. Hogg, R.V., Tanis, E.A. and Rao J.M. (2009): Probability and Statistical Inference, Seventh
Ed, Pearson Education, New Delhi.

2. Myer, P.L. (1970): Introductory Probability and Statistical Applications, Oxford & IBH
Publishing, New Delhi

3. Gupta, S.C. andKapoor, V.K. (2020). Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics,Sultan

Chand and Sons.

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Syllabus of UG Statistics as per FYUGP, NEP – 2020

Semester-II-MJ (Practical-2)
Max. Marks: 50 Credit-2

List of Practical

1. Problem based on Probability.

2. Problems based on pmf, pdf & cdf.

3. Computation of conditional probabilities based on Bayes Theorem.

4. Computation of Joint, Marginal & Conditional probabilities.

5. Checking consistency of data and finding association among attributes.

6. Problem based on binomial distributions for n and p=q=1⁄2 given, computing mean and


7. Application problems based on binomial distribution.

8. Application problems based on Poisson distribution.

9. Problems based on area property of normal distribution.

10. Problems based exponential distribution etc.

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Syllabus of UG Statistics as per FYUGP, NEP – 2020

Semester-III -(MJ-4)

Course Title: Statistical Inference-I

Max. Marks: 100 (Mid-Term:15, End-term: 60, Practical: 25)

Point estimation: Families of distributions - location and scale families. Single parameter
exponential family. Point estimation. Concepts of estimator and estimate. Criteria for
estimators: Unbiasedness, consistency. Invariance property of consistent estimators.
Efficiency andrelative efficiency. Mean square error as a criterion for comparing estimators.
Sufficient statistic. Statement of Neyman - Factorization theorem. Fisher information
function. Statement of Cramer - Rao inequality and its applications. Minimum variance
unbiased estimator and minimum bound estimator.

Methods of point estimation: Maximum likelihood and method of moment estimation.
Properties of maximum likelihood and moment estimators and examples.

Interval estimation: Confidence interval, confidence coefficient, shortest confidence interval.
Method of constructing confidence intervals using pivotal quantity. Construction of
confidence intervals for mean, difference of two means, variance and ratio of
variances,proportion, difference of two proportions, and correlation coefficient.

Order Statistics: Introduction, distribution of the rth order statistic, smallest and largest order
statistics. Joint distribution of rth and sth order statistics, distribution of sample median and
sample range.

Suggested Readings:

1.Goon A.M., Gupta, M.K., Das Gupta, B. (1991).Fundamentals of Statistics,Vol.I, World

Press, Calcutta.
2. Hogg, R. V. and Craig, A.T. (1995).Introduction to Mathematical Statistics, 5/e, Prentice
Hall, New Jersey, USA.
3. Medhi, J. (1992).Statistical Methods: An introductory text, New Age International, New
4. Montgomery, D.C. and Runger, G.C. (2013). Applied Statistics and Probability for
Engineers, WileyIndia, New Delhi.
5. Mukhopadhyay, P.(2015): Mathematical Statistics, Books and Allied (P) Ltd., Kolkata.
6. Spiegel, M.R. (2001).Probability and Statistics, 4/e, Schaum’s Outline Series, McGraw
Hill, London.
7. Walpole, R.E., Myers, R.H., and Myers, S.L. (2017). Probability and Statistics for
Engineers and Scientists, 9/e, Pearson, New Delhi.

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Semester-III -(MJ-5)

Course Title: Calculus

Max. Marks: 100 (Mid-Term:15, End-term: 60, Practical: 25)


Differential Calculus: Limits of function, continuous functions, properties of continuous

functions, partial differentiation and total differentiation. Indeterminate forms: L-Hospital’s rule,
Leibnitz rule for successive differentiation. Euler’s theorem on homogeneous functions. Maxima
and minima of functions of one and two variables, constrained optimization techniques (with
Lagrange multiplier) along with some problems. Jacobian, concavity and convexity, points of
inflexion of function, singular points.


Integral Calculus: Review of integration and definite integral. Differentiation under integral sign,
double integral, change of order of integration, transformation of variables. Beta and Gamma
functions: properties and relationship between them.


Differential Equations: Exact differential equations, Integrating factors, change of variables, Total
differential equations, Differential equations of first order and first degree, Differential equations
of first order but not of first degree, Equations solvable for x, y, q, Equations of the first degree in
x and y, Clairaut’s equations. Higher Order Differential Equations: Linear differential equations
of order n, Homogeneous and non-homogeneous linear differential equations of order n with
constant coefficients.


Formation and solution of simple partial differential equations. Linear partial differential
equations of first order. Non-linear partial differential equation of first order and their different
forms. Charpit’s method. Homogeneous & Non-homogeneous linear partial differential equations
with constant coefficients. Different cases for complimentary functions and particular integrals.

Suggested Readings:

1. Gorakh Prasad: Differential Calculus, Pothishala Pvt. Ltd., Allahabad (14th Edition - 1997).
2. Gorakh Prasad: Integral Calculus, PothishalaPvt. Ltd., Allahabad (14th Edition -2000).
3. Zafar Ahsan: Differential Equations and their Applications, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.,
New Delhi (2nd Edition -2004).
4. Piskunov, N: Differential and Integral Calculus, Peace Publishers, Moscow.

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Syllabus of UG Statistics as per FYUGP, NEP – 2020

Semester-III-MJ (Practical-3)
Max. Marks: 50 Credit-2

List of Practical

1. Point estimation of parameters and obtaining estimates of standard errors.

2. Comparison of estimators by plotting mean square error.
3. Computing maximum likelihood estimates, moment estimates.
4. Constructing confidence intervals based on large samples.
5. Constructing confidence intervals based on small samples.
6. Generating random samples from continuous distributions.
7. Numerical differentiation.
8. Numerical Integration
9. Solution of ordinary differential equation.
10. Solution of Partial differential equation.

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Semester-IV -(MJ-6)

Course Title: Demography and Vital Statistics

Max. Marks: 100 (Mid-Term:15, End-term: 60, Practical: 25)


Nature and scope of Demography. Population theories – Malthus, Natural and Biological,
Demographic transition. Demographic data- sources, coverage and content errors. Use of
balancing equations and Chandrasekharan-Deming formula to check completeness of registration
data. Adjustment of age data- Myer and UN indices. Population composition, dependency ratio.


Sources of collecting data on Vital statistics, errors in census and registration data. Measurement
of population: rate and ratio of vital events. Measurements of Mortality: Crude Death Rate
(CDR), Specific Death Rates (SDR), Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) and Standardized Death Rates.


Stationary and Stable population, Central Mortality Rates and Force of Mortality. Life (Mortality)
Tables: Assumption, description, construction of Life Tables and Uses of Life Tables. Abridged
Life Tables; Concept and construction of abridged life tables by Reed-Merrell method, Greville’s
method and King’s Method.


Measurements of Fertility: Crude Birth Rate (CBR), General Fertility Rate (GFR), Specific
Fertility Rate (SFR) and Total Fertility Rate (TFR). Measurement of Population Growth: Crude
rates of natural increase, Pearl’s Vital Index, Gross Reproduction Rate (GRR) and Net
Reproduction Rate (NRR).

Suggested Readings:

1. Mukhopadhyay P. (1999): Applied Statistics, Books and Allied (P) Ltd.

2. Gun, A.M., Gupta, M.K. and Dasgupta, B. (2008): Fundamentals of Statistics, Vol. II, 9th
Edition, World Press.
3. Biswas, S. (1988): Stochastic Processes in Demography & Application, Wiley Eastern Ltd.
4. Croxton, Fredrick E., Cowden, Dudley J. and Klein, S. (1973): Applied General Statistics, 3rd
Edition. Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.
5. Keyfitz N., Beckman John A.: Demogrphy through Problems S-Verlag New york.

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Semester-IV -(MJ-7)

Course Title: Sampling Distribution

Max. Marks: 100 (Mid-Term:15, End-term: 60, Practical: 25)

Limit laws: convergence in probability, almost sure convergence, convergence in mean square
and convergence in distribution and their inter relations, Chebyshev’s inequality, W.L.L.N.,
S.L.L.N. and their applications, De-Moivre Laplace theorem, Central Limit Theorem (C.L.T.) for
i.i.d. variates, applications of C.L.T. and Liapunov Theorem (without proof).

Definitions of random sample, parameter and statistic, sampling distribution of a statistic,
sampling distribution of sample mean, standard errors of sample mean, sample variance and
sample proportion. Null and alternative hypotheses, level of significance, Type I and Type II
errors, their probabilities and critical region. Large sample tests, use of CLT for testing single
proportion, difference of two proportions, single mean, difference of two means, standard
deviation and difference of standard deviations by classical and p-value approaches.

Exact sampling distribution: Definition and derivation of p.d.f. of χ2 with n degrees of freedom
(d.f.) using m.g.f., nature of p.d.f. curve for different degrees of freedom, mean, variance, m.g.f.,
cumulant generating function, mode, additive property and limiting form of χ2 distribution. Tests
of significance and confidence intervals based on distribution.

Exact sampling distributions: Student’s and Fishers t-distribution, Derivation of its p.d.f., nature
of probability curve with different degrees of freedom, mean, variance, moments and limiting
form of t distribution.
Snedecore's F-distribution: Derivation of p.d.f., nature of p.d.f. curve with different degrees of
freedom, mean, variance and mode. Distribution of 1/F(n1,n2). Relationship between t, F and χ2
distributions. Test of significance and confidence Intervals based on t and F distributions.
*only Central distributions

Suggested Readings:

1. Goon, A.M., Gupta, M.K. and Dasgupta, B. (2003): An Outline of Statistical Theory, Vol. I,
4thEdn. World Press, Kolkata.
2. Rohatgi V. K. and Saleh, A.K. Md. E. (2009): An Introduction to Probability and Statistics.
2ndEdn. (Reprint) John Wiley and Sons.
3. Hogg, R.V. and Tanis, E.A. (2009): A Brief Course in Mathematical Statistics. Pearson
4. Johnson, R.A. and Bhattacharya, G.K. (2001): Statistics-Principles and Methods, 4th Edn.
John Wiley and Sons.
5. Mood, A.M., Graybill, F.A. and Boes, D.C. (2007): Introduction to the Theory of Statistics, 3rd
Edn. (Reprint).Tata McGraw-Hill Pub. Co. Ltd.

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Semester-IV -(MJ-8)

Course Title: Linear Algebra

Max. Marks: 100 (Mid-Term:15, End-term: 60, Practical: 25)


Theory of equations, statement of the fundamental theorem of algebra and its consequences.
Relation between roots and coefficients or any polynomial equations. Solutions of cubic and
biquadratic equations when some conditions on roots of equations are given. Evaluation of the
symmetric polynomials and roots of cubic and biquadratic equations. Vector spaces, Subspaces,
Span of a set, Linear dependence and independence, dimension and basis, dimension theorem
(without proof).


Algebra of matrices - Types of Matrices: triangular, symmetric and skew symmetric matrices,
idempotent matrices, Hermitian and skew Hermitian matrices, orthogonal matrices, singular and
non-singular matrices related results and their properties. Trace of a matrix, unitary, involutory
and nilpotent matrices.


Determinants of Matrices: Definition, properties and applications of determinants for 3rd and
higher orders, evaluation of determinants of order 3 and more using transformations. Symmetric
and Skew symmetric determinants, Circulant determinants and Vandermonde determinants for
nth order, Jacobi’s Theorem, product of determinants. Adjoint and inverse of a matrix and related
properties. Use of determinants in solution to the system of linear equations, row reduction and
echelon forms, the matrix equations AX=B, solution sets of linear equations, linear independence,
Applications of linear equations, inverse of a matrix.


Rank of a matrix, row-rank, column-rank, standard theorems on ranks, rank of the sum and the
product of two matrices. Generalized inverse (concept with illustrations).Partitioning of matrices
and simple properties. Characteristic roots and Characteristic vector, useful Properties of
characteristic roots, Cayley Hamilton theorem, Quadratic forms definition and classifications;
Linear orthogonal transformation and their diagonalization.

Suggested Readings:

1. Lay David C.: Linear Algebra and its Applications, Addison Wesley, 2000.
2. Schaum’s Outlines : Linear Algebra, Tata McGraw-Hill Edition, 3rdEdition, 2006.
3. Krishnamurthy V., Mainra V.P. and Arora J.L.: An Introduction to Linear Algebra (II, III, IV,
4. Jain P.K. and Khalil Ahmad: Metric Spaces, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 1973
5. Biswas, S. (1997): A Textbook of Matrix Algebra, New Age International, 1997.
6. Gupta S.C.: An Introduction to Matrices (Reprint). Sultan Chand & Sons, 2008.
7. Datta K.B.: Matrix and Linear Algebra. Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 2002.

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Syllabus of UG Statistics as per FYUGP, NEP – 2020

Semester-IV-MJ (Practical-4)
Max. Marks: 75 Credit-3

List of Practical
1. To calculate CDR and Age Specific death rate for a given set of data
2. To find Standardized death rate by:-
(i) Direct method (ii) Indirect method
3. To construct a complete life table
4. To calculate probabilities of death at pivotal ages and use it construct abridged life table
(i) Reed-Merrell Method, (ii) Greville’s Method (iii) King’s Method
5. To calculate CBR, GFR, SFR, TFR, GRR and NRR for a given set of data
6. Testing of significance and confidence intervals for single proportion and difference of
two proportions
7. Testing of significance and confidence intervals for single mean and difference of two
means and paired tests.
8. Testing of significance and confidence intervals for difference of two standard deviations.
9. Exact Sample Tests based on Chi-Square Distribution.
10. Testing if the population variance has a specific value and its confidence intervals.
11. Testing of goodness of fit.
12. Testing of independence of attributes.
13. Testing based on 2 X 2 contingency table without and with Yates’ corrections.
14. Testing of significance and confidence intervals of an observed sample correlation
15. Testing and confidence intervals of equality of two population variances
16. Basic Mathematical operations of Matrices.
17. Transpose, Adjoint and Trace of a Matrix.
18. Digonalization of a Matrix.
19. Inverse of a Matrix.
20. Eigen value and Eigen Vector.

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Syllabus of UG Statistics as per FYUGP, NEP – 2020

Semester-V -(MJ-9)

Course Title: Applied Statistics-I

Max. Marks: 100 (Mid-Term:15, End-term: 60, Practical: 25)


Index Numbers: Definition, construction of index numbers and problems thereof for weighted
and unweighted index numbers including Laspeyre’s, Paasche’s, Edgeworth-Marshall and
Fisher. Factor reversal and time reversal tests. Chain index numbers, conversion of fixed
based to chain based index numbers and vice-versa. Consumer price index numbers.


Introduction to times series data, application of time series from various fields.
Components of a times series, Decomposition of time series.


Trend: Estimation of trend by free hand curve method, method of semi averages, fitting a
various mathematical curve, and growth curves. Method of moving averages. Detrending.
Effect of elimination of trend on other components of the time series.


Seasonal Component: Estimation of seasonal component by Method of simple averages,

Ratio to Trend. Ratio to Moving Averages and Link Relative method, Deseasonalization.
Random Component: Variate component method.

Suggested Readings:

1. Goon A.M., Gupta M.K. and Dasgupta B. (2002): Fundamentals of Statistics, Vol. I
& II, 8th Edn. The World Press, Kolkata.
2. Gupta, S.C. and Kapoor, V. K. (2008): Fundamentals of Applied Statistics, 4th Ed.
(reprint), Sultan Chand and Sons.
3. Mood, A.M. Graybill, F.A. and Boes, D.C. (2007): Introduction to the Theory of
Statistics, 3rd Edn., (Reprint), Tata McGraw-Hill Pub. Co. Ltd.
4. Kendall M.G. (1976): Time Series, Charles Griffin.
5. Chatfield C. (1980): The Analysis of Time Series –An Introduction, Chapman & Hall.
6. Mukhopadhyay P. (2011): Applied Statistics, 2nd ed. Revised reprint, Books and

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Semester-V -(MJ-10)

Course Title: Statistical Inference-II

Max. Marks: 100 (Mid-Term:15, End-term: 60, Practical: 25)


Introduction to tests of hypotheses: Statistical hypotheses- null and alternative, simple and
composite hypotheses. Type-I and Type-II errors, test functions. Randomized and
nonrandomized tests. Size, level of significance, power function, power of tests. Critical
region.p-value and its interpretation. Illustrative examples. Most powerful (MP) test.
Statement of Neyman – Pearson lemma and its applications.


Tests of significance I: Large and small sample tests of significance.Tests for single mean,
equality of two means, single variance, and equality of two variances for normal
populations. Tests for proportions.


Tests of significance II: Tests for simple, partial,and multiple correlation coefficients and
regression coefficients. Fisher’s Z-transformation and its applications. Analysis of
categorical data: contingency tables, tests for the independence andassociation of attributes.
Chi-square tests for independence of attributes and goodness of fit.


Nonparametric tests: Introduction to nonparametric tests. Run test for randomness. Sign test
and Wilcoxon signed rank test for one and paired samples. Run test, median test, and Mann-
Whitney-Wilcoxon test for two sample problems. Test for independence based on
Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient.
Sequential tests: Need for sequential tests, Wald’s SPRT for binomial proportion and Normal
population mean when variance is known.

Suggested Readings:

1. Chandra,T. K. and Chatterjee, D. (2005). A First Course in Probability, Narosa Publishing

House, New Delhi..
2. Hogg, R. V. and Craig, A.T. (1995).Introduction to Mathematical Statistics, 5/e, Prentice
Hall, New Jersey, USA.
3. Lehmann, E. L. and Romano, J. P. (2005). Testing Statistical Hypotheses, 2/e, John
Wiley, NewYork. 3. Montgomery, D.C. and Runger, G.C. (2013). Applied Statistics
and Probability for Engineers, Wiley India, New Delhi.
4. Mukhopadhyay, P.(2015): Mathematical Statistics, Books and Allied (P) Ltd., Kolkata.
5. Walpole, R.E., Myers, R.H., and Myers, S.L. (2017). Probability and Statistics for
Engineers and Scientists, 9/e, Pearson, New Delhi.

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Semester-V -(MJ-11)

Course Title: Design of Experiments

Max. Marks: 100 (Mid-Term:15, End-term: 60, Practical: 25)


Experimental designs: Role, historical perspective, terminology, experimental error, basic

principles, uniformity trials, fertility contour maps, choice of size and shape of plots and blocks.
Basic designs: Completely Randomized Design (CRD), Randomized Block Design (RBD), Latin
Square Design (LSD) – layout, model and statistical analysis, relative efficiency, analysis with
single missing observation.


Incomplete Block Designs: Balanced Incomplete Block Design (BIBD) – parameters,

relationships among its parameters, incidence matrix and its properties.

Factorial experiments: advantages, notations and concepts, 2 2, 23…2nand 32factorial experiments,
design and analysis, Total and Partial confounding for 2n(n≤5) and 32.


Factorial experiments in a single replicate. Fractional factorial experiments: Construction of one-

half and one-quarter fractions of 2n(n≤5) factorial experiments.

Suggested Readings:

1. Cochran, W.G. and Cox, G.M. (1959): Experimental Design. Asia Publishing House.
2. Das, M.N. and Giri, N.C. (1986): Design and Analysis of Experiments. Wiley EasternLtd.
3. Goon, A.M., Gupta, M.K. and Dasgupta, B. (2005): Fundamentals of Statistics. Vol. II,
8thEdn. World Press, Kolkata.
4. Kempthorne, O. (1965): The Design and Analysis of Experiments. John Wiley.
5. Montgomery, D. C. (2008): Design and Analysis of Experiments, John Wiley.

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Semester-V-MJ (Practical-5)
Max. Marks: 75 Credit-3

List of Practical

1. Analysis of a CRD , RBD and LSD

2. Analysis of an RBD, LSD with one missing observation
3. Intra Block analysis of a BIBD
4. Analysis of 22 and23 factorial in CRD, RBD and LSD
5. Analysis of a completely confounded two level factorial design in 2 blocks
6. Analysis of a completely confounded two level factorial design in 4 blocks
7. Analysis of a partially confounded two level factorial design
8. Analysis of a single replicate of a 2n design
9. Analysis of a fraction of 2n factorial design
10. Evaluation of probabilities of Type-I and Type-II errors and powers of tests.
11. MP test for parameters of binomial and Poisson distributions.
12. MP test for the mean of a normal distribution and power curve.
13. Tests for mean, equality of means when variance is (i) known, (ii) unknown under
normality (small and large samples)
14. Tests for single proportion and equality of two proportions.
15. Tests for variance and equality of two variances under normality
16. Tests for correlation and regression coefficients.
17. Tests for the independence of attributes, analysis of categorical data and tests for the
goodness of fit.(For uniform, binomial and Poisson distributions)
18. Practical based on nonparametric tests.
19. SPRT for binomial proportion and mean of a normal distribution.
20. Practical based on Time-Series and Index number.

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Semester-VI -(MJ-12)

Course Title: Applied Statistics-II

Max. Marks: 100 (Mid-Term:15, End-term: 60, Practical: 25)


Quality: Definition, dimensions of quality, historical perspective of quality control and

improvements starting from World War II, historical perspective of Quality Gurus and
Quality Hall of Fame. Quality system and standards: Introduction to ISO quality standards,
Quality registration.


Statistical Process Control - Seven tools of SPC, chance and assignable causes of quality
variation.Statistical Control Charts- Construction and Statistical basis of 3-σ Control charts,
analysis of patterns on control chart, Control charts for variables: X-bar & R-chart, X-bar &


Control charts for attributes: np-chart, p-chart, c-chart and u-chart. Comparison between
control charts for variables and control charts for attributes.


Acceptance sampling plan: Principle of acceptance sampling plans. Single sampling plan
their OC, AQL, LTPD, AOQL, ASN, ATI functions with graphical interpretation, use and
interpretation of Dodge and Romig’s sampling inspection plan tables.

Suggested Readings:

1. Montogomery, D. C. (2009): Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, 6th Edition,

Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.
2. Goon A.M., Gupta M.K. and Dasgupta B. (2002): Fundamentals of Statistics, Vol. I
& II, 8th Edn. The World Press, Kolkata.
3. Mukhopadhyay, P (2011):Applied Statistics, 2nd edition revised reprint, Books and
Allied(P) Ltd.
4. Montogomery, D. C. and Runger, G.C. (2008): Applied Statistics and Probability for
Engineers, 3rd Edition reprint, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd. and allied (P) Ltd.

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Semester-VI -(MJ-13)

Course Title: Statistical Computing using Python Programming

Max. Marks: 100 (Mid-Term:15, End-term: 60, Practical: 25)


History and importance of Python. Components, basic structure programming, character set, C
tokens, Keywords and Identifiers and execution of a Python program. Data types: Basic data
types, Enumerated data types, derived data types. Constants and variables: declaration and
assignment of variables, Symbolic Constants, overflow and underflow of data.
Operators and Expressions: Arithmetic, relational, logical, assignment, increment/decrement,
operators, precedence of operators in arithmetic, relational and logical expression. Implicit and
explicit type conversions in expressions, library functions. Managing input and output operations:
reading and printing formatted and unformatted data.


Decision making and branching - if…else, nesting of if…else, else if ladder, switch, conditional
operator. Looping in Python for, nested for, while, do…while, jumps in and out of loops.
Arrays: Declaration and initialization of one-dim and two-dim arrays. Character arrays and
strings: Declaring and initializing string variables, reading and writing strings from Terminal
(using scanf and printf only).


User- defined functions: A multi-function program using user-defined functions, definition of

functions, return values and their types, function prototypes and calls. Category of Functions: no
arguments and no return values, arguments but no return values , arguments with return values,
no arguments but returns a value, functions that return multiple values, Recursion function,
Passing arrays to functions, Storage class of Variables.


Pointers: Declaration and initialization of pointer variables, accessing the address of a variable,
accessing a variable through its pointer, pointer expressions, pointer increments/decrement and
scale factor. Pointers and arrays, arrays of pointers, pointers as function arguments, functions
returning pointers.

Suggested Readings:

1. Kernighan, B.W. and Ritchie, D. (1988): C Programming Language, 2ndEdition,Prentice Hall.

2. Balagurusamy, E. (2011): Programming in ANSI C, 6th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill.
3. Gottfried, B.S. (1998): Schaum’s Outlines: Programming with C, 2nd Edition, Tata McGraw
4. Kamthane, A.N (2018):Programming and problem Solving with PHTHON, Tata McGraw Hill

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Semester-VI -(MJ-14)

Course Title: Survival Analysis and Biostatistics

Max. Marks: 100 (Mid-Term:15, End-term: 60, Practical: 25)


Survival Analysis: Functions of survival times, survival distributions and their

applicationsexponential, gamma, Weibull, Rayleigh, lognormal, death density function
for a distribution having bath-tub shaped hazard function. Censoring Schemes: Type I,
Type II and progressive or random censoring with biological examples. Estimation of
mean survival time and variance of the estimator for Type I and Type II censored data
with numerical examples. Non-parametric methods: Actuarial and Kaplan-Meier
methods for estimating survival function and variance of the Estimator.


Competing Risk Theory: Indices for measurement of probability of death under

competing risks and their inter-relations. Estimation of probabilities of death using
maximum likelihood principle and modified minimum Chi-square methods. Theory of
independent and dependent risks. Bivariate normal dependent risk model.


Stochastic Epidemic Models: Simple epidemic models, general epidemic model

definition and concept (without derivation). Duration of an epidemic.


Statistical Genetics: Introduction, concepts-Genotype, Phenotype, Dominance,

Recessiveness, Linkage and Recombination, Coupling and Repulsion. Mendelian laws of
Heredity, Random mating, Gametic Array .relation between genotypic array and gametic
array under random mating. Distribution of genotypes under random mating. Clinical
Trials: Planning and design of clinical trials, Phase I, II and III trials. Single Blinding

1. Lee, E.T. and Wang, J.W. (2003): Statistical Methods for Survival data Analysis, 3rd
Edition, John Wiley and Sons.
2. Biswas, S. (2007): Applied Stochastic Processes: A Biostatistical and Population
Oriented Approach, Reprinted 2ndCentral Edition, New Central Book Agency.
3. Kleinbaum, D.G. (1996): Survival Analysis, Springer.
4. Chiang, C.L. (1968): Introduction to Stochastic Processes in Bio Statistics, John Wiley
and Sons.
5. Indrayan, A. (2008): Medical Biostatistics, 2nd Edition Chapman and Hall/CRC. B.
Sc. Honours (Statistics)

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Semester-VI -(MJ-15

Course Title: Mathematical Analysis

Max. Marks: 100 (Mid-Term:15, End-term: 60, Practical: 25)


Real Analysis: Representation of real numbers as points on the line and the set of real numbers as
complete ordered field. Bounded and unbounded sets, neighborhoods and limit points,
Superimum and infimum, derived sets, open and closed sets, sequences and their convergence,
limits of some special sequences such as and Cauchy’s general principle of convergence,
Cauchy’s first theorem on limits, monotonic sequences, limit superior and limit inferior of a
bounded sequence.


Infinite series, positive termed series and their convergence, Comparison test, D’Alembert’s ratio
test, Cauchy’s nth root test, Raabe’s test. Gauss test, Cauchy’s condensation test and integral test
(Statements and Examples only). Absolute convergence of series, Leibnitz’s test for the
convergence of alternating series, Conditional convergence. Indeterminate form, L’ Hospital’s


Review of limit, continuity and differentiability, uniform Continuity and boundedness of a

function. Rolle’s and Lagrange’s Mean Value theorems. Taylor’s theorem with lagrange’s and
Cauchy’s form of remainder (without proof). Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s series expansions of
sin(x), cos(x), log (1+x).


Numerical Analysis: Factorial, finite differences and interpolation, Operators, E and divided
difference. Newton’s forward, backward and divided differences interpolation formulae.
Lagrange’s interpolation formulae, Numerical integration, Trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s one-third
rule, three-eight rule, Weddle’s rule with error terms, Difference equations of first order and their
solutions, Solution of Transcendental equations with NR method.

Suggested Readings:

1. Malik S.C. and Savita Arora: Mathematical Analysis, Second Edition, Wiley Eastern Limited,
New Age International Limited, New Delhi, 1994.
2. Appostol T.M.: Mathematical Analysis, Second Edition, Narosa Publishing House, NewDelhi,
3. Shanti Narayan: A course of Mathematical Analysis, 12th revised Edition, S. Chand & Co.
(Pvt.) Ltd., New Delhi, 1987.
4. Bartle, R. G. and Sherbert, D. R. (2002): Introduction to Real Analysis(3rd Edition), John
Wiley and Sons (Asia) Pte. Ltd., Singapore.
5. Ghorpade, Sudhir R. and Limaye, Balmohan V. (2006): A Course in Calculus and Real
Analysis,Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics, Springer (SIE), Indian reprint.

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Semester-VI-MJ (Practical-6)

Max. Marks: 100 Credit-4

List of Practical
1. Construction and Interpretation of statistical control chart X-bar and R-chart, X-bar and
S-chart, np-chart, p-chart, c-chart, and u-chart.
2. Single sample inspection plan: construction and interpretation of OC, AQL, LTPD, ASN,
ATI, AOQ, AOQL curves.
3. Calculation of process capability and comparison of 3-sigma limits with specification
4. To estimate survival function
5. To determine death density function and hazard function
6. To identify type of censoring and to estimate survival time for type I and type II
censored data
7. Estimation of mean survival time and variance of the estimator for type I and type II
censored data
8. Estimation of mean survival time and variance of the estimator for progressively type
I censored data
9. To estimate the survival function and variance of the estimator using Non-parametric
methods with Actuarial methods
10. To estimate Crude probability of death
11. To estimate Net-type I and Net-type II probability of death
12. To find the roots of a quadratic equations using Python
13. To calculate the first hundred prime numbers.
14. To calculate the factorial of a given number.
15. Matrix addition, subtraction and multiplication using Python
16. Random number generation using Python and obtain the value of pie using Monte-
Carlo method.
17. Matrix addition, subtraction, multiplication Transpose and Trace.
18. Interpolation on Newton’s forward, backward and divided differences interpolation
formulae using Python.
19. Numerical Integration by Trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s one-third rule, three-eight rule,
Weddle’s rule with error terms using Python.
20. Some Practical based on mathematical Analysis.

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Semester-VII -(MJ-16)

Course Title: Stochastic Processes and Queuing Theory

Max. Marks: 100 (Mid-Term:15, End-term: 60, Practical: 25)


Probability Distributions: Generating functions, Bivariate probability generating function.

Stochastic Process: Introduction, Stationary Process.


Markov Chains: Definition of Markov Chain, transition probability matrix, order of Markov
chain, Markov chain as graphs, higher transition probabilities. Generalization of independent
Bernoulli trials, classification of states and chains, stability of Markov system, graph theoretic


Poisson Process: postulates of Poisson process, properties of Poisson process, inter-arrival time,
pure birth process, Yule Furry process, birth and death process, pure death process.


Queuing System: General concept, steady state distribution, queuing model, M/M/1 with finite
and infinite system capacity, waiting time distribution in stationary cases only (without proof).

Suggested Readings:

1. Medhi, J. (2009): Stochastic Processes, New Age International Publishers.

2. Basu, A.K. (2005): Introduction to Stochastic Processes, Narosa Publishing.
3. Bhat,B.R.(2000): Stochastic Models: Analysis and Applications, New Age International
4. Taha, H. (1995): Operations Research: An Introduction, Prentice- Hall India.
5. Feller, William (1968): Introduction to probability Theory and Its Applications, Vol I, 3rd
Edition, Wiley International.

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Semester-VII -(MJ-17)

Course Title: Multivariate Analysis

Max. Marks: 100 (Mid-Term:15, End-term: 60, Practical: 25)


Bivariate Normal Distribution (BVN): p.d.f. of BVN, properties of BVN, marginal and
conditional p.d.f. of BVN.
Multivariate Data: Random Vector: Probability mass/density functions, Distribution function,
Mean vector & Dispersion matrix, Marginal & Conditional distributions.


Multivariate Normal distribution and its properties. Sampling distribution for mean vector and
variance-covariance matrix (sans deduction). Multiple and partial correlation coefficient and their


Nonparametric Tests: Introduction and Concept, Test for randomness based on total number of
runs, Empirical distribution function.


Kolmogrov Smirnov test for one sample, Sign tests- one sample and two samples, Wilcoxon-
Mann-Whitney test, Kruskal-Wallis test.

Suggested Readings:

1. Anderson, T.W. (2003): An Introduction to Multivariate Statistical Analysis, 3rdEdn., John

2. Muirhead, R.J. (1982): Aspects of Multivariate Statistical Theory, John Wiley.
3. Kshirsagar, A.M. (1972) :Multivariate Analysis, 1stEdn. Marcel Dekker.
4. Johnson, R.A. and Wichern, D.W. (2007): Applied Multivariate Analysis, 6thEdn., Pearson &
Prentice Hall
5. Mukhopadhyay, P. :Mathematical Statistics.
6. Gibbons, J. D. and Chakraborty, S (2003): Nonparametric Statistical Inference. 4th Edition.
Marcel Dekker, CRC.

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Semester-VII -(MJ-18)

Course Title: Survey Sampling and Indian Official Statistics

Max. Marks: 100 (Mid-Term:15, End-term: 60, Practical: 25)

Concept of population and sample, complete enumeration versus sampling, sampling and
non-sampling errors. Types of sampling: non-probability and probability sampling, basic
principle of sample survey, simple random sampling with and without replacement, definition
and procedure of selecting a sample, estimates of: population mean, total and proportion,
variances of these estimates, estimates of their variances and sample size determination.

Stratified random sampling: Technique, estimates of population mean and total, variances of
these estimates, proportional and optimum allocations and their comparison with SRS.
Practical difficulties in allocation, estimation of gain in precision. Systematic Sampling:
Technique, estimates of population mean and total, variances of these estimates (N=nk).
Comparison of systematic sampling with SRS and stratified sampling in the presence of
linear trend and corrections.

Introduction to Ratio and regression methods of estimation, first approximation to the
population mean and total (for SRS of large size), variances of these estimates and estimates
of these variances, variances in terms of correlation coefficient for regression method of
estimation and their comparison with SRS. Cluster sampling (equal clusters only) estimation
of population mean and its variance, comparison (with and without randomly formed
clusters). Relative efficiency of cluster sampling with SRS in terms of intra class correlation.
Concept of sub sampling

Present official statistical system in India, Methods of collection of official statistics, their
reliability and limitations. Role of Ministry of Statistics & Program Implementation (MoSPI),
Central Statistical Office (CSO), National Sample Survey Office (NSSO), and National
Statistical Commission. Government of India’s Principal publications containing data on the
topics such as population, industry and finance.

Suggested Readings:

1. Cochran W.G. (1984):Sampling Techniques( 3rd Ed.), Wiley Eastern.

2. Sukhatme,P.V., Sukhatme,B.V. Sukhatme,S. Asok,C.(1984). Sampling Theories of Survey
With Application, IOWA State University Press and Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics
3. Murthy M.N. (1977): Sampling Theory & Statistical Methods, Statistical Pub. Society,
4. Des Raj and Chandhok P. (1998): Sample Survey Theory, Narosa Publishing House.
5. Goon A.M., Gupta M.K. and Dasgupta B. (2001): Fundamentals of Statistics (Vol.2), World
6. Guide to current Indian Official Statistics, Central Statistical Office, GOI, New Delhi.

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Semester-VII -(MJ-19)

Course Title: Operation Research

Max. Marks: 100 (Mid-Term:15, End-term: 60, Practical: 25)


Introduction to Operations Research, phases of O.R., model building, various types of O.R.
problems. Linear Programming Problem, Mathematical formulation of the L.P.P, graphical
solutions of a L.P.P. Simplex method for solving L.P.P. Charne’s M-technique for solving L.P.P.
involving artificial variables. Special cases of L.P.P. Concept of Duality in L.P.P.


Transportation Problem: Initial solution by North West corner rule, Least cost method and
Vogel’s approximation method (VAM), MODI’s method to find the optimal solution, special
cases of transportation problem. Assignment problem: Hungarian method to find optimal
assignment, special cases of assignment problem.


Game theory: Rectangular game, minimax-maximin principle, solution to rectangular game using
graphical method, dominance and modified dominance property to reduce the game matrix and
solution of 2 X 2, rectangular game with mixed strategy.


Inventory Management: ABC inventory system, characteristics of inventory system. EOQ Model
and its variations, with and without shortages.

Suggested Readings:

1. Taha, H. A. (2007): Operations Research: An Introduction, 8th Edition, Prentice Hall of India.
2. KantiSwarup, Gupta, P.K. and Manmohan (2007): Operations Research, 13th Edition, Sultan
Chand and Sons.
3. Hadley, G: (2002) : Linear Programming, Narosa Publications
4. Hillier, F.A and Lieberman, G.J. (2010): Introduction to Operations Research- Concepts and
cases, 9th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill

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Semester-VII-MJ (Practical-7)
Max. Marks: 100 Credit-4
List of Practical
1. Calculation of transition probability matrix
2. Identification of characteristics of reducible and irreducible chains.
3. Identification of ergodic transition probability matrix
4. Stationarity of Markov chain and graphical representation of Markov chain
5. Computation of probabilities in case of generalizations of independent Bernoulli trials
6. Calculation of probabilities for given birth and death rates and vice versa
7. Calculation of probabilities for Birth and Death Process
8. Calculation of probabilities for Yule Furry Process
9. Computation of inter-arrival time for a Poisson process.
10. Calculation of Probability and parameters for (M/M/1) model and change in behaviour of
queue as N tends to infinity.
11. Calculation of generating function and expected duration for different amounts of stake.
12. Computation of probabilities and expected duration between players
13. Bivariate Normal Distribution,
14. Multivariate Normal Distribution
15. Test for randomness based on total number of runs,
16. Kolmogrov Smirnov test for one sample.
17. Sign test: one sample, two samples, and large samples.
18. Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney U-test
19. Kruskal-Wallis test
20. Mathematical formulation of L.P.P and solving the problem using graphical method,
Simplex technique and Charne’s Big M method involving artificial variables.
21. Identifying Special cases by Graphical and Simplex method and interpretation
a. Degenerate solution b. unbounded solution c. Alternate solution d. infeasible solution
22. Allocation problem using Transportation model
23. Allocation problem using Assignment model
24. Problems based on game matrix
25. To find optimal inventory policy for EOQ model sand its variations

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Semester-VIII -(MJ-20)

Course Title: Actuarial Statistics

Max. Marks: 100 (Mid-Term:15, End-term: 60, Practical: 25)

Introductory Statistics and Insurance Applications: Discrete, continuous and mixed
probability distributions. Insurance applications, sum of random variables. Utility theory:
Utility functions, expected utility criterion, types of utility function, insurance and utility

Principles of Premium Calculation: Properties of premium principles, examples of premium
principles. Individual risk models: models for individual claims, the sum of independent
claims, approximations and their applications.

Survival Distribution and Life Tables: Uncertainty of age at death, survival function,
timeuntil-death for a person, curate future lifetime, force of mortality, life tables with
examples, deterministic survivorship group, life table characteristics, assumptions for
fractional age, some analytical laws of mortality.

Life Insurance: Models for insurance payable at the moment of death, insurance payable at
the end of the year of death and their relationships. Life annuities: continuous life annuities,
discrete life annuities, life annuities with periodic payments. Premiums: continuous and
discrete premiums.

Suggested Readings:

1. Dickson, C. M. D. (2005): Insurance Risk And Ruin (International Series On Actuarial

Science), Cambridge University Press.
2. Bowers, N. L., Gerber, H. U., Hickman, J. C., Jones, D. A. And Nesbitt, C. J. (1997):
Actuarial Mathematics, Society of Actuaries, Itasca, Illinois, U.S.A.

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Semester-VIII-MJ (Practical-8)

Max. Marks: 25 Credit-1

List of Practical

1. Risk computation for different utility models

2. Discrete and continuous risk calculations
3. Calculation of aggregate claims for collective risks
4. Calculation of aggregate claim for individual risks
5. Computing Ruin probabilities and aggregate losses
6. Annuity and present value of contract
7. Computing premium for different insurance schemes
8. Practical based on life models and tables

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Semester-VIII -(AMJ-1)

Course Title: Linear Models

Max. Marks: 100 (Mid-Term:15, End-term: 60, Practical: 25)


Gauss-Markov set-up: Theory of linear estimation, Estimability of linear parametric functions,

Method of least squares, Gauss-Markov theorem, Estimation of error variance.


Regression analysis: Simple regression analysis, Estimation and hypothesis testing in case of
simple and multiple regression models (Matrix and scalar versions) and estimation.


Analysis of variance: Definitions of fixed, random and mixed effect models, analysis of variance
and covariance in one-way classified data for fixed effect models, analysis of variance and
covariance in two-way classified data with one observation per cell for fixed effect models .


Model checking: Prediction from a fitted model, Violation of usual assumptions concerning
normality, Homoscedasticity and collinearity, Diagnostics using quantile-quantile plots.

Suggested Readings:

1. Weisberg, S. (2005). Applied Linear Regression (Third edition). Wiley.

2. Wu, C. F. J. And Hamada, M. (2009). Experiments, Analysis, and Parameter Design
Optimization (Second edition), John Wiley.
3. Renchner, A. C. And Schaalje, G. B. (2008). Linear Models in Statistics (Second edition), John
Wiley and Sons.

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Semester-VIII -(AMJ-2)

Course Title: Econometrics

Max. Marks: 100 (Mid-Term:15, End-term: 60, Practical: 25)


Introduction: Econometric models and its essences. General linear model (GLM) and its
estimation. Simultaneous equation model: structural and reduced forms.


Multicollinearity: Introduction and concepts, detection of multicollinearity, consequences,

detection and remedies of multicollinearity, specification errors.


Generalized least squares estimation, Aitken estimators. Autocorrelation: concept, consequences

of autocorrelated disturbances, detection and remedies of autocorrelation.


Heteroscedastic disturbances: Concepts and efficiency of Aitken estimator with OLS estimator
under heteroscedasticity. Consequences of heteroscedasticity. Tests and solutions of
heteroscedasticity. Autoregressive and Lag models.

Suggested Readings:

1. Gujarati, D. and Sangeetha, S. (2007): Basic Econometrics, 4th Edition, McGraw Hill
2. Johnston, J. (1972): Econometric Methods, 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill International.
3. Koutsoyiannis, A. (2004): Theory of Econometrics, 2nd Edition, Palgrave Macmillan Limited,
4. Maddala, G.S. and Lahiri, K. (2009): Introduction to Econometrics, 4th Edition, John Wiley &

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Semester-VIII -(AMJ-3)

Course Title: Data Analytics using Python

Max. Marks: 100 (Mid-Term:15, End-term: 60, Practical: 25)


Basics of Python Spyder (Tool)

1. Introduction Spyder 2. Setting working Directory 3. Creating and saving a script file

4. File execution, clearing console, removing variables from environment, clearing


5. Commenting script files 6. Variable creation 7. Arithmetic and logical operators

8. Data types and associated operations


Sequence data types and associated operations

1. Strings 2. Lists 3. Arrays 4. Tuples 5. Dictionary 6. Sets 7. Range 8. Numpy.ndarray


Pandas dataframe and dataframe related operations

(on India’s Statistical Survey Data or UNDP data or any other dataset)
1. Reading files 2. Exploratory data analysis 3. Data preparation and preprocessing

Data visualization using matplotlib

1. Scatter plot 2. Line plot 3. Bar plot 4. Histogram 5. Box plot 6. Pair plot

Control structures of India’s Population Dataset

1. if-else family 2. for loop 3. for loop with if break 4. while loop 5. Functions


Case Study Regression

1. India’s Statistical Survey Data on Population
2. Classifying personal income / GDPor any other similar dataset.

Suggested Readings:

1. McKinney, W. (2012). Python for data analysis: Data wrangling with Pandas, NumPy, and
IPython. " O'Reilly Media, Inc.".
2. Swaroop, C. H. (2003). A Byte of Python. Python Tutorial.
3. Ken Black, sixth Editing. Business Statistics for Contemporary Decision Making. “John Wiley
& Sons, Inc”.
4. Anderson Sweeney Williams (2011). Statistics for Business and Economics. “Cengage

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Semester-VIII-AMJ (Practical)

Max. Marks: 75 Credit-3

List of Practical

1. Estimability when X is a full rank matrix and not a full rank matrix
2. Distribution of Quadratic forms
3. Simple Linear Regression , Multiple Regression
4. Tests for Linear Hypothesis
5. Analysis of Variance of a one way classified data and two way classified data
6. Analysis of Covariance of a one way classified data and two way classified data
7. Problems based on estimation of General linear model
8. Testing of parameters of General linear model
9. Forecasting of General linear model
10. Problems concerning specification errors
11. Problems related to consequences of Multicollinearity
12. Problems related to consequences of Autocorrelation
13. Estimation of problems of General linear model under Autocorrelation
14. Problems related to consequences Heteroscedasticity
15. Estimation of problems of General linear model under Heteroscedastic distance terms
16. Problems related to General linear model under (Aitken Estimation)
17. Download the Python editor on the PC / Smartphoone & write & Run basic Programs.
18. Import the data file in the program & perform the given set of operations on the dataset.
19. Plot the dataset in various form: Scatter, Line, Bar Diagram, Pie Chart etc.
20. Fitting of dataset: Linear fit, non-linear fit., Normal distribution fit etc.
21. Data Modeling & Predictions from the given dataset.

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Syllabus of UG Statistics as per FYUGP, NEP – 2020

Part – B
(Minor, MDC, and IAP

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Syllabus of UG Statistics as per FYUGP, NEP – 2020

Semester-I - (MN-1A)

Course Title: Basic Statistics and Probability

Max. Marks: 75 (Mid-Term:15, End-term: 60) Credit-3

Practical Marks: 25 Credit-1


Concepts of a statistical population and sample from a population, quantitative and

qualitative data, nominal, ordinal and time-series data, discrete and continuous data.
Presentation of data by tables and by diagrams, frequency distributions for discrete and
continuous data, graphical representation of a frequency distribution by histogram and
frequency polygon, cumulative frequency distributions (inclusive and exclusive methods).


Measures of location (or central tendency) and dispersion, moments, measures of skewness
and kurtosis, cumulants. Bivariate data: Scatter diagram, principle of least-square and fitting
of polynomials and exponential curves.


Correlation and regression. Karl Pearson coefficient of correlation, Lines of regression,

Spearman's rank correlation coefficient, multiple and partial correlations (for 3 variates only).


Random experiment, sample point and sample space, event, algebra of events, Definition of
Probability - classical, relative frequency and axiomatic approaches to probability, merits and
demerits of these approaches (only general ideas to be given). Theorem on probability,
conditional probability, independent events. Baye’s theorem and its applications.

Note:Practical based on all the units in this course.

Suggested Reading:
1. A.M. Goon, M.K. Gupta and B. Dasgupta (2005): Fundamentals of Statistics, Vol. I, 8th
Ed., World Press, Kolkatta.
2. S.C. Gupta and V.K. Kapoor (2007): Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, 11th Ed.,
Sultan Chand and Sons.
3. R.V. Hogg, A.T. Craig and J.W. Mckean (2005): Introduction to Mathematical Statistics,
6th Ed., Pearson Education.
4. A.M. Mood, F.A. Graybill and D.C. Boes (2007): Introduction to the Theory of Statistics,
3rd Ed., Tata McGraw Hill Publication.

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Syllabus of UG Statistics as per FYUGP, NEP – 2020

Semester-I/II/III -(MDC1/2/3)

Course Title: Introduction to Statistics

Max. Marks: 75


Introduction: Definition and scope of Statistics, concepts of statistical population

and sample. Scales of measurement -nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio. Variables
and attributes, Diagrammatical Representation of Data, Summarization of Data:
Frequency Distribution and Graphical Presentation.


Measures of Central Tendency: mathematical and positional. Measures of

Dispersion: range, quartile deviation, mean deviation, standard deviation,
coefficient of variation, moments, measures of skewness and kurtosis.


Bi-variate data: Definition, scatter diagram, correlation, rank-correlation. Fitting

of linear and quadratic regression using principle of least squares. Theory of
attributes and consistency of data, independence and association of attributes,
measures of association and contingency for 2x2 tables.

Suggested Reading:

1. S. C. Gupta, V. K. Kapoor, 12th Edition, (2017), Fundamental of Mathematical

Statistics, Sultan Chand & Sons.
2. Miller, I. and Miller, M. (2006). John E. Freund’s Mathematical
Statistics with Applications, (7th Edn.), Pearson Education,Asia.
3. Mood, A. M. Graybill, F. A. and Boes, D.C. (2011). Introduction to
the Theory of Statistics, 3rd Edn., (Indian Edition), Tata McGraw-Hill
Pub. Co. Ltd.

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Semester-II -(MN-2A)

Course Title: Data Analysis using Spread sheet

Max. Marks: 75 (Mid-Term:15, End-term: 60) Credit-3

Practical Marks: 25 Credit-1


Graphical Representations-Role, historical perspective, terminology, types of classinterval-

inclusive, exclusive, Formula to generate class intervals, types of graphs-Histogram,frequency
curve, frequency polygon, pie chart, Ogive-more than and less than, Box plot,stem-leaf.


Measures of Central tendency-Arithmetic Mean, Harmonic Mean, Geometric Mean,Median and

Mode explanation with example, Measures of Dispersion-Range, Semi InterquartileRange,
Standard Deviation, Mean Deviation and explanation with example.


Curve Fitting - Principle of least squares Method, fitting of various curves likeStraight line,
Second degree Polynomial, kth degree Polynomial and exponential curves,Plotting of various
probability distribution like Binomial, Poisson, Normal Distribution withsuitable example.


Introduction to Correlation Analysis, role, uses, its properties and formula,Introduction to

Regression Analysis, role, uses, properties of its coefficient and formula tocalculate regression
coefficient, Regression Line, explain with example.

Note:Practical based on all the units in this course.

Suggested Reading:

1. Artymiak, J. (2011). Beginning Open Office Calc: From Setting Up SimpleSpreadsheets to

Business Forecasting. Apress Publisher.
2. Billo, E. J. (2007). Excel for Scientists and Engineers Numerical Methods. JohnWiley & Sons.
3. Carlberg, C. (2011). Statistical Analysis. Pearsons Education Inc.
4. Held, B. (2007). Microsoft Excel Functions and Formulas. Wordware Publishing, Inc.
5. Kanji, G.K. (2006). 100 Statistical Tests (3rd ed.). Sage Publication.
6. Remenyi, D., Onofrei, G. and English, J. (2011). An Introduction to Statistics usingMicrosoft
Excel. Academic Publishing Limited.

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Syllabus of UG Statistics as per FYUGP, NEP – 2020

Semester-III - (MN-1B)

Course Title: Statistical Methodology

Max. Marks: 75 (Mid-Term:15, End-term: 60) Credit-3

Practical Marks: 25 Credit-1


Random variables: Discrete and continuous random variables, p.m.f., p.d.f. and c.d.f.,
illustrations of random variables and its properties, expectation of random variable and its
properties. Moments and cumulants, moment generating function, cumulants generating
function and characteristic function.


Bivariate probability distributions, marginal and conditional distributions; independence of

variates (only general idea to be given). Transformation in univariate and bivariate


Point (or degenerate), Binomial, Poisson, Geometric, Negative Binomial, Hypergeometric,

Normal, Uniform, Exponential, Beta and Gamma distributions.


Markov inequality, Chebychev's inequality, WLLN and SLLN: Statements and applications,
Central limit theorem (CLT) for i.i.d. variates, and its applications.

Note:Practical based on all the units in this course.

Suggested Reading:

1. A.M. Goon, M.K. Gupta and B. Dasgupta (2003): An outline of Statistical Theory
(Vol. I), 4th Ed., World Press, Kolkata.
2. S.C. Gupta and V.K. Kapoor (2007): Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics,
11th Ed., Sultan Chand and Sons.
3. R.V. Hogg, A.T. Craig, and J.W. Mckean (2005): Introduction to
MathematicalStatistics, 6th Ed. Pearson Education.
4. A.M. Mood, F.A. Graybill and D.C. Boes (2007): Introduction to the Theory
ofStatistics, 3rd Ed., Tata McGraw Hill Publication.
5. V.K. Rohtagi and A.K. Md. E. Saleh (2009): An Introduction to Probablity
andStatistics, 2ndEdition, John Wiley and Sons.

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Syllabus of UG Statistics as per FYUGP, NEP – 2020


Course Title: Statistical Data Analysis Using R

Max. Marks: 75 (Mid-Term:15, End-term: 60) Credit-3

Practical Marks: 25 Credit-1


Data Loading, bar charts, pie charts, histograms (equal class intervals and unequal class
intervals), frequency polygon, ogives, box plot, stem-leaf.


Generate automated reports giving detailed descriptive statistics, lines of regression and


Random number generation and sampling procedures. Fitting of polynomials and exponential
curves. Application Problems based on fitting of suitable distribution, Normal probability plot.


Simple analysis and create and manage statistical analysis projects, import data, code editing,
Basics of statistical inference in order to understand hypothesis testing and compute p-values and
confidence intervals.

Note:Practical based on all the units in this course.

Suggested Reading:

1. Gardener, M (2012) Beginning R: The Statistical Programming Language, Wiley Publications.

2. Braun W J, Murdoch D J (2007): A First Course in Statistical Programming with R.
Cambridge University Press. New York 60

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Syllabus of UG Statistics as per FYUGP, NEP – 2020

Semester-V - (MN-1C)

Course Title: Theory of Statistical Inference

Max. Marks: 75 (Mid-Term:15, End-term: 60) Credit-3

Practical Marks: 25 Credit-1


Definitions of random sample, parameter and statistic, null and alternative hypotheses, simple
and composite hypotheses, level of significance and probabilities of Type I and Type II
errors, power of a test and critical region. Sampling distribution of a statistic, sampling
distribution of sample mean, standard error of sample mean.


Large sample tests for single mean, difference of means, standard deviation and difference of
standard deviations. Sampling distributions of chi-sq, t and F: definitions, properties and
relationships between them. Tests of Significance based on Chi-square (goodness of fit and
independence of attributes), t distribution and F- distribution using classical and p-value


Estimation: Parameter space, sample space, point estimation, requirement of a good

estimator, consistency, unbiasedness, efficiency, sufficiency, Minimum variance unbiased
estimators. Cramer-Rao inequality: statement and application, Methods of estimation:
maximum likelihood, least squares and minimum variance, statement of Rao-Blackwell
theorem and Lehmann-Scheffe theorem. Properties of maximum likelihood estimators


Interval Estimation: confidence intervals for the parameters of normal distribution,

confidence intervals for difference of mean and for ratio of variances. Neyman-Pearson
lemma and MP test: statements and applications.

Note:Practical based on all the units in this course.

Suggested Reading:

1. A.M. Goon, M.K. Gupta and B. Dasgupta (2003): An Outline of Statistical Theory
(Vol. I), 4th Ed., World Press, Kolkata.
2. S.C. Gupta and V.K. Kapoor (2007): Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, 11th
Ed., Sultan Chand and Sons.
3. R.V. Hogg, A.T. Craig and J.W. Mckean (2005): Introduction to
MathematicalStatistics, 6th Ed. Pearson Education.

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Syllabus of UG Statistics as per FYUGP, NEP – 2020


Course Title: Statistical Techniques for ResearchMethods

Max. Marks: 75 (Mid-Term:15, End-term: 60) Credit-3

Practical Marks:25 Credit-1


Introduction: Meaning, objection and motivation in research, types of research, research

approach, significance of research. Research problems: definition, selection and necessity of
research problems.


Survey Methodology and Data Collection, inference and error in surveys, the target
populations, sampling frames and coverage error, methods of data collection, non-response,
questions and answers in surveys.


Processing, Data Analysis and Interpretation: Review of various techniques for data analysis
covered in core statistics papers, techniques of interpretation, precaution in interpretation.


Develop a questionnaire, collect survey data pertaining to a research problem (such as gender
discriminations in private v/s government sector, unemployment rates, removal of subsidy,
impact on service class v/s unorganized sectors), interpret the results and draw inferences.

Note: Practical based on all the units in this course.

Suggested Reading:

1. Cochran, W.G. and Cox, G.M. (1959). Experimental Design. Asia Publishing House.

2. Kothari, C.R. (2015). Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques (3rd ed. reprint).New
Age International Publishers.

3. Kumar, R. (2011). Research Methodology: A Step - by - Step Guide for Beginners.SAGE


4. Project Work (using spread sheet and statistical packages –SPSS/R)

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Syllabus of UG Statistics as per FYUGP, NEP – 2020


Course Title: Survey Sampling and Design of Experiments

Max. Marks: 75 (Mid-Term:15, End-term: 60) Credit-3
Practical Marks:25 Credit-1


Sample Surveys: Basic concepts of sample survey: concept of sampling, need for sampling,
complete enumeration v/s. sampling, principles of sampling theory, principal steps in a
sample surveys, planning and organization of a sample survey, sampling and non-sampling
errors.Simple random sampling (srswr and srswor),Stratified random samplingSystematic


Analysis of variance: one-way and two-way classified data with one observation per cell
only. Design of experiments: Principles of Design of experiments, uniformity trails,
completely randomized, Randomized block and Latin square designs.


Missing plot technique: Analysis under a single missing observation: Missing plot technique
for RBD and LSD. Factorial experiments: 22 and 23 Factorial experiments: construction and


Indian Official Statistics: Present Official Statistical System in India relating to census of
population, agriculture, industrial production, and prices; methods of collection of official
statistics, major publications, their reliability and limitations. Agencies responsible for the
data collection- C.S.O., N.S.S.O., Office of Registrar General: historical development, main
functions and important publications.

Note:Practical based on all the units in this course.

Suggested Reading:

1. S.C. Gupta and V.K. Kapoor, Fundamentals of Applied Statistics, 4th Ed., Sultan Chand
and Sons, 2008.
2. D.C. Montgomery (2001): Designs and Analysis of Experiments, John Wiley and Sons,
New York.
3. P.V. Sukhatme, B.V. Sukhatme, S. Sukhatme and C. Ashok (1984): Sampling Theoryof
Surveys with Applications, Lowa State University Press, Lowa, USA.
4. Guide to current Indian Official Statistics, Central Statistical Office, GOI,New Delhi.

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Syllabus of UG Statistics as per FYUGP, NEP – 2020


Course Title: Data Base Management Systems

Max. Marks: 75 (Mid-Term:15, End-term: 60) Credit-3

Practical Marks:25 Credit-1


Introduction: Overview of Database Management System, Introduction to Database

Languages, advantages of DBMS over file processing systems.


Relational Database Management System: The Relational Model, Introduction to SQL: Basic
Data Types, Working with relations of RDBMS: Creating relations e.g. Bank, College
Database (create table statement)


Modifying relations (alter table statement), Integrity constraints over the relation like Primary
Key , Foreign key, NOT NULL to the tables, advantages and disadvantages of relational
Database System


Database Structure: Introduction, Levels of abstraction in DBMS, View of data, Role of

Database users and administrators, Database Structure: DDL, DML, Data Manager (Database
Control System).Types of Data Models Hierarchical databases, Network databases,
Relational databases, Object oriented databases.

Note: Practical based on all the units in this course.

Suggested Reading:

1. Gruber, M(1990): Understanding SQL, BPB publication.

2. Silberschatz, A, Korth, H and Sudarshan, S (2011) “Database System and
Concepts”, 6th Edition McGraw-Hill.
3. Desai, B. (1991): Introduction to Database Management system, Galgotia

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