Placement TEST

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Student A Test
There are 60 multiple-choice questions in the 16 She … a black T-shirt today.
test. Read the example and choose the correct a) wears b) doesn’t wear c) is wearing
answer to each question: a, b, c or d. d) are wearing
Time limit: 30 minutes 17 I don’t like … football.
0 Tomasz … from Poland. a) play b) playing c) to playing d) doing
a) are b) is c) aren’t d) am 18 My friend, Jack, … at school yesterday because
1 Maria and Fernando … Spanish. he was ill.
a) is b) isn’t c) are d) am a) isn’t b) was c) were d) wasn’t

2 They’ve got three … 19 Where … last night?

a) child’s. b) childrens. c) children. a) did you go b) do you go c) you go
d) child. d) does she go

3 There’s … pencil on the table. 20 What … to do next weekend?

a) a b) two c) some d) an a) do you go b) are you going
c) are you doing d) did they go
4 My brother’s sixteen. … called Tom.
21 She … the piano very well.
a) She’s b) He’s c) It’s d) You’re
a) does b) can play c) play d) can
5 I’ve got two sisters. … bedroom is very big.
22 We usually go to the disco on Saturdays but we
a) His b) Your c) Their d) Her
… today.
6 … are you from? a) don’t go b) doesn’t go c) isn’t going
a) Where b) What c) When d) Who d) aren’t going
7 This is my book. … are your books on 23 … tennis with us tomorrow?
the table. a) Are they playing b) Do we play
a) This b) That c) It d) Those c) You are doing d) Does he do
8 … are twenty students in my class. 24 She’s more … than her sisters.
a) They b) There c) We d) It a) big b) taller c) oldest d) intelligent
9 There’s a blackboard in the classroom but there 25 London is the … city in Britain.
aren’t … shelves. a) most expensive b) more expensive
a) any b) some c) a d) the c) bigger d) beautiful
10 My parents have got blue eyes but my … hair 26 I … to Warsaw last week.
is black. a) go b) was c) went d) am not going
a) father b) fathers c) fathers’ d) father’s
27 Her Spanish is very good. She speaks it
11 … you got any apples? very …
a) Has b) Have c) Is d) Do a) badly. b) good. c) quickly. d) slowly.
12 They speak English but they … speak French. 28 We … a coffee in the café when we saw Tom.
a) don’t b) do c) does d) doesn’t a) had b) was having c) are having
13 … he play the guitar? d) were having
a) Do b) Does c) Is d) Don’t 29 The music is very loud, Bob. … it down, please.
14 I … up at 7 o’clock. a) Turned b) Turning c) Turn
d) Don’t turn
a) usually get b) get sometimes
c) get often d) get usually 30 You … take your passport when you travel to
another country.
15 We like him but he doesn’t like …
a) must b) should c) mustn’t
a) we. b) he. c) they. d) us. d) don’t have to

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Student A Test

31 We … you next week. 47 If you went to bed earlier, you … so tired.

a) see b) will see c) is going to see a) wouldn’t feel b) will feel c) would feel
d) is seeing d) didn’t feel
32 If she … the exam, she’ll go to university. 48 They … live in Buenos Aires before they went
a) is passing b) will pass c) passes to Madrid.
d) won’t pass a) were b) used to c) had used to
d) use to
33 I’ll buy … milk if I go to the supermarket.
a) a b) an c) some d) any 49 She said she … at 9 o’ clock.
a) was coming b) coming c) come
34 … you ever met a famous person?
d) has come
a) Has b) Do c) Did d) Have
50 I’m not sure if I’ll go to the party. I … stay at
35 They’ve never … to a rock concert. home.
a) saw b) seen c) gone d) been a) must b) has to c) mustn’t d) might
36 It’s not my bag. It’s … 51 That’s Mr Thomson. He’s the teacher … gives
a) hers. b) her. c) him. d) mine. us a lot of tests.
37 He hasn’t phoned … a) when b) which c) who d) where
a) just. b) already. c) ever. d) yet. 52 They don’t live here, …
38 I’m not hungry. I … had lunch. a) don’t they? b) do they? c) are they?
a) have yet b) have just c) already have d) aren’t they?
d) just have 53 I … for three hours. I haven’t finished it yet!
39 You don’t … go now. You can go tomorrow. a) read b) have been reading
a) must b) mustn’t c) have to d) have c) was reading d) am reading

40 This is the best chocolate in the world. It … in 54 I went to the supermarket … some food.
Switzerland. a) for to buy b) to buying c) to buy
a) were made b) is made c) makes d) for buying
d) made 55 They come from Rome. They … be Italian.
41 The book … in 1954. a) could b) can c) must d) can’t
a) is written b) were written c) was written 56 They’re late. They must … the train.
d) wrote a) miss b) missing c) had missed
42 If you see a snake, … d) have missed
a) ’ll run! b) running! c) to run! d) run! 57 If I … known he was going to the disco, I
43 At school last year I … wear black shoes. wouldn’t have gone.
a) must b) mustn’t c) have to d) had to a) had b) would have c) has d) have

44 This jacket is … . It’s too short for me. 58 The teacher … do the test again.
a) not long enough b) long enough a) make us b) made us c) makes
c) enough long d) too long d) made us to

45 It’s … beautiful day. Let’s go out. 59 A I don’t want to go there again.

B … It was horrible.
a) so b) such c) such a d) very
a) Neither I do. b) So do I. c) Neither do I.
46 The film … already started when we got to the d) So I do.
60 She asked me … to play tennis the next day.
a) has b) was c) have d) had
a) do I want b) if I wanted c) do you want
d) if

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