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Ôn tập học kỳ II – Tiếng Anh 6


I. USE OF ENGLISH : (3.0points)

A. Choose a word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest :
(0,4 points)

1. A. leave B. break C. repeat D. peaceful

2. A. photo B. going C. brother D. home
3. A. writes B. makes C. takes D. drives
4. A. guest B. gathering C. generous D. great
B. Choose the best replies for the questions: ( 1 point)
A B Your answer
1. How is your first week at school? a. Yes, I’d love to. 1. ………
2. Where is the cat? b. Oh, wonderful. 2. ………
3. Would you like to have a picnic? c. It’s under the table. 3. ………
4. What shall we do this afternoon? d. Yes, First go straight. Then 4. ………
5. Can you tell me the way to the turn right. 5. ………
beach? e. Let’s go out and have an ice-
C. Underline the best answer in these sentences below.: ( 1,6 points)
Ex: He……..tall and thin ( am/is/are/has).
1. Mai…..……..her uniform on Mondays and Saturdays ( wear/wears/is wearing).
2. Look! The girls…………… in the schoolyard.( skip/skips/is skipping).
3. The dog is ………………the pillow.( front of / next/behind).
4. There………………a table and four chairs in the middle of the room ( is/are/has).
5. Mina is very……………She likes to draw pictures. She always has lots of new ideas
( talkative/kind/creative).
6. Go straight. Take the second…………….on the left ( turn/turning/going).
7. The street is very……………with a lot of traffic so we can’t move fast.(
8. Things in this shop are……………..things in that shop ( expensive/more
III. READING: ( 2,5 points ) :
A. Read the email and answer the following question.: ( 1,0 point)
Dear Phong,

I’m sorry I couldn’t write to you early because I was very busy. Now, we’re staying in a
small hotel near a shopping area in District 10. Near my house, there is a cinema, a post office,
a supermarket and some cafes. There are some big shops at the end of the street. It is also
very noisy here because there’s always a lot of traffic day and night.

In my hometown, I live in a quiet street, there are some small shops, a school and a post
office in my neighbourhood but there isn’t a park and a cinema. The streets are narrow but they
are cleaner and there isn’t so much traffic. The air is much fresher, too. And every house has a
backyard and a frontyard.



O. Where is Nam staying now?

Ôn tập học kỳ II – Tiếng Anh 6

He is staying in a mall hotel near a shopping are in District 10.

1. Why is it very noisy around his hotel?.............................................................................

2. What are the streets in his neighbourhood like? ………………………………………..

3. Is there a park in his neighbourhood?...............................................................................

4. What are the houses in his neighbourhood like?...............................................................

B. Fill in each blank with one suitable word to complete the passage bellow: ( 1,5 points)

wish festivals at from wear until

New year is one of four important traditional (1)……………in the United States. On New
Year’s Eve, most people go to parties. At twelve o’clock (2)………….night, everyone says “
Happy New Year” and they (3)………… their friends and relatives good luck. New Year’s
parties usually last a long time. Some people don’t go home(4)…………..morning. Children
usually (5)……………beautiful clothes and get lucky money (6)…………….their parents.

V. WRITING : ( 2,5 points)

Write a short paragraph about HaLong bay using suggested questions( 10 sentences).
1. Where is it ? 4. What is it like ?
2. How far is it ? 5. What is special about it ?
3. How can you get there ? 6. What can you do there ?

Ôn tập học kỳ II – Tiếng Anh 6


I . PHONETICS : (1,0p)

*Choose the word which has the underlined part is pronounced differently from the

Keys : 0.2 for each option.

1. c 2.a 3. c 4. c 5. b

III: USE OF ENGLISH : (2.0ptps)

*Choose the best answer to complete these sentences bellow : (1,5ptps)

* Keys : 0.25 for each word

1 2 3 4 5 6
are near any stadium are there where
* Give the correct form of the verbs in the bracket : (0,5p) : 0.25 for each word
1. washes

2. does Minh have

IV. READING : 2.0ptps ( 0.4 for each answer)

* Keys :

1. He is forty-five years old.

2. He works in a big factory in London.

3. Every day he leaves his home at 3.30 in the morning.

4. He travels to Briston by car.

5. No, he doesn’t.

V. WRITING : ( 2,0 ptps)

* Write a complete passage using the words given:

*Keys : 0.4 for each right sentence.

- Her name is Lien.
- She lives on Tran Hung Dao Street.
- She goes to school by bus every day.
- There is a rice paddy near her house.
- In her (the) neighborhood there are two schools.

Ôn tập học kỳ II – Tiếng Anh 6



1. Choose the words that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others:

A. earth B. them C. than D. feather

2. Which word has the sound / eə /?

A. show B. shine C. share D. feather


I. Choose the most suitable word or phrase to complete the sentences : ( 2pts)

1. Sherlock is a mini-series about detective Sherlock Holmes in _____. (A. Iceland/B. Finland/C.
the USA/D. Britain )

2. VTV is a _____. (A. national television/B. local television/C. news programme/D. game show)

3. You can’t meet him. He _____to the movies. (A. goes/B. has gone/C. is/D. has been )

4. My mother _____ anything for me. (A. buys/B. has bought/C. bought/D. didn’t buy0

5. You can watch Harry Potter on TV ______ you can read it. (A. so/B. when/C. but/D. or)

6. Nam is not very ______ . He never plays games. (A. sport /B. sports/C. sporty /D. sporting)

7. Find the odd word: (A. watched/B. got /C. went/D. drank)

8. We have learnt English _________ nearly two years. (A. in/B. on/C. since/D. for)

II. Complete the following sentences. ONE word for each blank: (0,5pt)

1. A man on a TV or a radio programme who gives a weather forecast is a_______________

2. Your mother tells you not to tease the dog: She says: “______________ tease the dog”.

C. READING: I. Read the passage and answer the questions: (1pt)

Teenagers and sport

The British love sport. In fact, many popular sports come from Britain, for example
football, rugby, golf, and cricket. Britain has got lots of beaches, but the weather isn’t very good,
so water sports aren’t popular with many people. Britain has got lots of green grass, so team
sports like football, rugby, hockey and cricket are popular.

About 55% of girls and 68% of boys do sports at a sport club.

Young people also do other activities with their friends in the evening and at weekends.
Dancing, swimming, and horse riding are popular with girls. Boys like to go to the gym, play
pool and do martial arts.

Ôn tập học kỳ II – Tiếng Anh 6

1. Name four sports that come from Britain. ________________________________________

2. Why aren’t water sports very popular in the UK? __________________________________
3. Are sports club more popular with boys or with girls? _______________________________
4. Which sports is popular with girls? _____________________________________________
II. Read the passage and write True or False: The Lake District

The Lake District National Park is in the north of England. There are 15 National Parks in
Britain, but the Lake District is bigger than the others. It is about 55 kilometers from east to west
and 55 kilometers from north to south. There are mountains, lakes, woods, towns, villages and
even some beaches.
The Lake District is famous for its beautiful scene. There are a lot of mountain and
hundreds of hills. There are 16 large lakes, and many smaller ones. This area has also got a lot
of different animals: for example, you can see rare animals like the red squirrel and the Golden
Over 40,000 people live and work in the Lake District. There are also many visitors every
year. You can go walking or climbing in the hills, and go swimming and sailing on the lakes.
You can also visit many pretty villages and towns, and the homes of two famous English
writers: William Wordsworth (1770-1850) and Beatrix Potter (1866 – 1943). It is a very popular
place for visitors because there is something for everyone!
Are the sentences true or false? (1pt)
1. There are fifteen National Parks in the north of England.
2. The Lake District is forty five kilometers wide.
3. There are more than sixteen lakes.
4. Forty thousand people visit the Lake District every year.
D. WRITING: I. Rewrite the following sentences. ( 0,5pt.)
1. We wanted to watch Pinocchio, so we turned to The Movie Channel.
We turned __________________________________________________________________
2. Peter was a careful driver.
Peter ______________________________________________________________________
II. Rearrange the words to make correct sentences. ( 0,5pt.)
1. his career/ began/ at the age/ when/ started/ Pele / Santos Football Club/ playing/ for/15/ of/ /
2. Singapore/ been/ times/ have/ I / three/ to
III. Write a short passage about the programme on TV you like (About 40 words): (1pt)

1. What programme 2. What it is about

3. Why you like it 4. How often you watch it
Ôn tập học kỳ II – Tiếng Anh 6


A. PRONUNCIATION : ( 0.5pt) 1. A. earth 2. C. share


I. Choose the most suitable word or phrase to complete the sentences ( 2pts)

1. D. Britain 2. A. national television

3. B. has gone 4. D. didn’t buy

5. D. or 6. C. sporty

7. A. watched 8. D. for

II. Complete the following sentences. ONE word for each blank: (0,5pt)1. Weatherman 2.


1.Read the passage and answer the questions: (1pt)Teenagers and sport

1. football, rugby, golf, and cricket 3. Yes

2. Because the weather isn’t very good 4. Dancing, swimming, and horse riding

2. Read the passage:

Are the sentences true or false? (1pt) 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F


I. You will listen to the talk and fill in the gaps, ONE word for each gap. ( 1 pt) (Bai nghe
so 23) (1) 14 (2) 3,000 (3) awarded (4) 10,000,000

II/ Listen and complete the following sentences (1pt) (nghe 9)

1. 8 2. 8 3. 8.30 4. PERU

E. WRITINGI. Rewrite the following sentences. ( 0,5pt.)

1. We turned to The Movie Channel because we wanted to watch Pinocchio

2. Peter was a careful driver. → Peter drove carefully

II. Rearrange the words to make correct sentences. ( 0,5pt.)

1. Pele began his career at the age of 15 when he started playing for Santos Football

2. I have been to singapore three times

III. Write a short passage about the programme on TV you like (About 40 words): (1pt)
Ôn tập học kỳ II – Tiếng Anh 6



I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. (0.5 p)

1. A. gather B. anything C. father D. brother

2. A. fast B. glass C. apple D. answer

II. Choose A, B, C or D for each gap in the following sentences. (2.0 ps)

1. ……………make noise. The baby is sleeping. (A. Do/B. Don’t/C. Please/D. Can’t )

2. What did you do last weekend? – I ……… to the zoo with my friends. (A. have gone/ B. have
been/C. went/D. go )

3. You can watch Harry Potter on TV ………………you can read it. (A. so /B. when/C. but /D.

4. This is a(n) ...................... building in London. ( A. clock-shaped /B. egg-shaped/C.

funnel-shaped/D. hat-shaped)

Ôn tập học kỳ II – Tiếng Anh 6

5. They didn’t have a picnic …………………………. the weather was bad. (A. because/B.
when/C. but/D. or)

6. They are ............................. ( A. swimming/ B. cycling/C. running/D. skiing)

7. Pokemon cartoons are made in ………….. ( A. Japan/B. Viet Nam /C. China /D. the USA)

8. We should turn ............... the lights when going out of the room. (A. on/B. off/C. up/D. down)

PART 2: READING (3.0 ps)

I. Put a word from the box in each gap to complete the following passage. (1.0 p)

about children in programmes channels

There are many TV channels for .................(1) that offer interesting programmes for
entertainment and learning. When watching the....................(2) , children can visit far-away
lands, meet interesting people, learn ................. (3) the world around them, laugh with the
comedians and be entertained by the funny and colourful cartoons . Children can also take part
........................(4) a TV competition or become a guest at the studio of a programme.

II. Read the passage and answer the questions. (2.0 p)

The environment is seriously polluted today. To protect the environment, we should

reduce the plastic bags, bottles and cans. We should put the garbage in a certain place or in
the recycling bins. Remember save and recycle paper so that we can avoid cutting a lot of trees
in the forest. That means we can reduce the soil pollution. It would be better if we go to work or
school by bike or walk, we can save energy and keep the air cleaner. Or we can reuse and
recycle things. And we should not throw trash into the rivers and lakes to keep the water not
polluted. Do these things we will protect the environment and we will live healthier life.

Answer the questions: .

1. How is the environment today? ...........................................................................................

2. Where should we put the garbage? .....................................................................................
3. Why must we save and recycle paper? ................................................................................
4. Will we live healthier life if we keep the environment clean? .............................................
PART 3: WRITING (2.5 ps)

I. Do as directed in brackets. (1.0 p)

1. If we have a shower instead of a bath, we ........................................................................

(Complete the sentence )
2. They/ never /eat/ Mexican food/ before. (Complete the sentence)
→ ………………………………………...…………………….………………………..………………
Ôn tập học kỳ II – Tiếng Anh 6

3. Lan is more beautiful than all girls in her class. (Rewrite, use the superlative form)
→ ………..………………………………......................................................................................

4. Daisy has to do her homework. She is very tired . (Combine, using “Although”)

II. Write a postcard to your relatives/ friends/... to tell them about the city you have just
seen.(1.5 p)



I. (1.0 p)  (0.25x2)

1. B 2.C

II. (2.0 ps)  (0.25x8)

1. B. Don’t 2. C. went

3. D. or 4. B. egg-shaped

5. A. because 6. D. skiing

7. A. Japan 8. B. off

PART 2: READING (2.5 ps)

I. (1.0 p)  (0.25x4)

(1) children (2) programmes (3) about (4) in

II. (2.0 ps)  (0.5x4)

1. Polluted seriously

2. In a certain place or in the recycling bins.

3. Because we can avoid cutting a lot of trees in the forest

4. Yes, we will.

PART 3: WRITING (2.5 ps)

I. (1.0 p)  (0.25x4)
1. Học sinh trả lời theo suy nghĩ của HS. : Vd: we will save water.
2. They have never eaten Mexican food before.
Ôn tập học kỳ II – Tiếng Anh 6

3. Lan is the most beautiful in her class.

4. Daisy has to do her homework although she is very tired.
II. (1.5 ps)  (0.25x6)


I. Find the word having a different sound in the underlined part.

1. A. iron B. rock C. right D. ring

2. A. cow B. how C. now D. low

3. A. what B. walk C. water D. wall

4. A. decided B. washed C. needed D. invited

5. A. looks B. keeps C. wants D. hears

II. Choose the correct option A, B, C, or D to complete the sentences.

1. There isn’t …………………milk in the fridge. (A. some /B. any/ C. a lot /D. many)

2. If we all use this kind of bag, we ………………….the environment. (A. are /B. were/ C.
will help/ D. will do)

3. This is ……………..woman I’ve ever met. (A. the borest / B. the most boring/C. the boring/
D. the most bored)

4…………….eat too much sugar. It’s not good for you. (A. Do/ B. Don’t /C. Please/ D. Can’t)

5. If the Earth …………..warmer, the sea level ………………..(A. are/will rise //B. is/ will be
rise // C. is/will rise // D. are/ rise)

6. It’s getting dark. Let’s turn………………the light to study. (A. off / B. on / C. up/ D. in)

7. The opposite of “ hard” is………………….. (A. busy / B. good /C. lady / D. lazy)

8. I…… a native speaker of English before. (A. have never talked /B. is talking/ C.
talked / D. will talk)

9. This robot………………our faces when the scientists improve it. (A. guard / B. make /C. do/
D. will be able to recognize

Ôn tập học kỳ II – Tiếng Anh 6

10. He is looking………………..his keys because he has lost them. (A. after / B. at /C. for /
D. up)

III. Rewrite the sentence so that it means the same as the sentence before it.

1. This book is more expensive than that one.

-> That book is……………………………………………………………………………………..….

2. How long have you played soccer?

-> When………………………………………………………………………………………………...?

3. Peter enjoys listening to music.

-> Peter is…………………………………………………………………………………………….

4. My sister types skillfully.

My sister is……………………………………………………………………………………..……

5. They spend 2 hours cleaning the windows.

-> It takes…………………………………………………………………….……………….……..

IV. Put the verbs in the bracket in the correct tense or form.

1. When he was young, he (speak) ………………………….. English well.

2. She asks me (take) ………………………….. her to the zoo.

3. Nam just (finish) ………………………….. his homework.

4. If we plant more trees, the air (not be) ………………………….. so polluted.

5. Mrs Hoa (watch) ………………………….. television three times a day.

V. Reading:

Read the following passage and choose suitable words to fill the blank.

films hospital kings London airplane

Prince William was born in (1)…………….on June 21, 1982. He was the first future king
of England to be born in a (2)…………… and the first to go to nursery school. However, his life
is not typical. He has bodyguards wherever he goes. He can’t fly in the same (3)………….. as
his father, Prince Charles, because an accident might take the lives of two future (4)…………..

In many ways, he is just like other people his age. He enjoys action (5)………. and
watches MTV whenever he can. He enjoys painting, playing video games, drawing, and playing

Ôn tập học kỳ II – Tiếng Anh 6

soccer. Some people say that he doesn’t want to become king, but Prince William will probably
be King William V someday.



A. Choose the best answer: (1.5pts)

1. I ………………. to Singapore three times. (A. has gone/B. have gone/C. went/D. visited)

2. My brother can’t swim……………… he’s afraid of water. (A. because/B. but/C. and/D. so)

3. “I’ve just received a scholarship.” – “………………….” (A. Really/B. Thank you /C.
Congratulations/ D. Well)

4. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently: (A. ask/B. plastic/ C.
back/ D. grandparents

5. We will have a ……………………. to look after the children. (A. dishwasher/B. television/C.
robot/ D. computer)

6.Many girls and women ………………. aerobics to keep fit. (A. play/ B. do/C. go/ D. doing)

B. Find the odd word in each line: (1pt)

1. A. apartment B. house C. cottage D. factory

2. A. and B. in C. on D. at

3. A. kitchen B. window C. bedroom D. living room

4. A. city B. village C. building D. countryside


A. Put a word in each gap in the following postcard: (1pt)

July 25

Hi Nick,

Hue is a great city. The (1)…………………… is fine. It’s sunny all the time. The food is cheap
and delicious. The (2)……………………….. here are friendly and hospitable. The hotel where
Ôn tập học kỳ II – Tiếng Anh 6

we’re staying is small (3)………………………. comfortable. Yesterday we visited the historic

monuments. Tomorrow we’re (4)………………………. on a trip along the Huong River.

You must visit this city someday. You’ll love it.

Bye for now!



B. Read the text carefully and answer the questions: (1pt)

In the future, we will live in amazing new houses. Our houses will use the sun or the wind
to make electricity. We won’t have cookers, dishwashers or washing machines. We will have
robots to cook our dinner and wash our clothes. We will have robots to look after our children,
and to feed our cats and dogs.
We won’t use computers. We will have special remote control units. We can surf the Internet,
send and receive e-mails and order food from the markets without getting out of bed.
We won’t have TVs or CD players because we will have watches that play music, take pictures
and tell time. Our cars might not use gas. They might use energy from air, water or plants.
1/ Where will we live in the future?


2/ Will we need dishwashers and washing machines?


3/ Who will help us do the housework?


4/ What kind of energy might our cars use?



A. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the sentence before it

1. My brother can run very fast. My brother is ................................................................

2. I love films but I don’t like watching them on television.


3. Nga likes table tennis most. Nga’s favorite...................................................................

4. Students at our school join a lot of outdoor activities.

Ôn tập học kỳ II – Tiếng Anh 6

Students at our school take...........................................................................................

B. Write about your dream house: (50-60 words) (1pt)

Type of house/ Location/Number of rooms/ surroundings/Things in the house and what they
will/ might do for you.



A. Choose the best answer: (1.5pts)

1B 2A 3C 4A 5C 6B

B. Find the odd word in each line: (1pt)

1D 2A 3B 4C


A. Put a word in each gap in the following postcard : (1pt)

1. weather 2.. people 3. but 4. going

B. Read the text carefully and answer the questions: (1pt)

1/ We will live in amazing new houses.

2/ No, we won’t.

3/ Robots will help us do the housework.

4/ They might use energy from air, water or plants.

III. WRITING : (2pts)

A. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the sentence before it

1. My brother is a fast runner.

2. Although I love films, I don’t like watching them on television.

3. Nga’s favorite sport is table tennis.

4. Students at our school take part in a lot of outdoor activities.

B. Write about your dream house: (50-60 words) (1pt)

- Học sinh viết khoảng 50 – 60 từ.

Ôn tập học kỳ II – Tiếng Anh 6



A. Choose the best answer: (1.5pts)

1. Have you …………….. seen a rainbow? (A. never/B. ever /C. before/D. yet)

2. The programme is boring ………….we can’t watch it. (A. so/B. but/C. and/D. because)

3. My class has won the aerobics contest. – “………………….” (A. Really/B. Thank you/ C.
Congratulations/D. Well)

4. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently: A. classmate/B. that/ C.
tap / D. backpack)

5. The Three Rs ………… for Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. ( A. stand/ B. sit/ C. explain/ D.

6. Many girls and women ………………. aerobics to keep fit. (A. play /B. do /C. go/D. doing)

B. Find the odd word in each line: (1pt)

1. A. apartment B. house C. villa D. factory

2. A. and B. of C. under D. behind

3. A. kitchen B. door C. bedroom D. living room

4. A. city B. village C. apartment D. countryside


A. Use the words in the box to complete the passage below.

programmes studio watching comedians

world channels meet competition

There are many TV (1) ……………….for children that offer interesting channels for
entertainment and learning. When (2) ………….………. the programmes, children can visit far-
away lands, meet interesting people, learn about the (3) ………………… around them, laugh
with the (4) ……………………. and be entertained by the funny and colourful cartoons.

B. Read the text carefully and answer the questions: (1pt)

Ôn tập học kỳ II – Tiếng Anh 6

In the future, we will live in amazing new houses. Our houses will use the sun or the wind
to make electricity. We won’t have cookers, dishwashers or washing machines. We will have
robots to cook our dinner and wash our clothes. We will have robots to look after our children,
and to feed our cats and dogs.

We won’t use computers. We will have special remote control units. We can surf the
Interet, send and receive e-mails and order food from the markets without getting out of bed.

We won’t have TVs or CD players because we will have watches that play music, take pictures
and tell time. Our cars might not use gas. They might use energy from air, water or plants.

1/ What will our houses use to make electricity in the future?


2/ Will we have TVs or CD players?


3/ Who will help us do the housework?


4/ What kind of energy might our cars use?



A. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the sentence before it

1. I am interested in the history of television, so I’ve read a lot of books about it.


2. Hien is a careful driver. Hien drives.........................................

3. Nga likes badminton most. Nga’s favorite...............................................

4. Students at our school participate in a lot of outdoor activities.

Students at our school take.........................................................................................

B. Write about your dream house: (50-60 words) (1pt)

Type of house/ Location/Number of rooms/ surroundings/Things in the house and what they
will/ might do for you.

Ôn tập học kỳ II – Tiếng Anh 6



A. Choose the best answer: (1.5pts)

1B 2A 3C 4A 5A 6B

B. Find the odd word in each line: (1pt)

1D 2A 3B 4C


A. Use the words in the box to complete the passage below.

1. programmes 2. watching 4.comedians

B. Read the text carefully and answer the questions: (1pt)

1/ Our houses will use the sun or the wind to make electricity in the future.

2/ No, we won’t.

3/ Robots will help us do the housework.

4/ Our cars/They might use energy from air, water or plants.


A. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the sentence before it

1. Because I am interested in the history of television, I’ve read a lot of books about it.

2. Hien drives carefully.

3. Nga’s favorite sport is badminton.

4. Students at our school take part in a lot of outdoor activities

B. Write about your dream house: (50-60 words) (1pt)

- Học sinh viết khoảng 50 – 60 từ.

- 3 lỗi chính tả trừ 0.25đ, 2 lỗi ngữ pháp trừ 0.25đ.

A. Listen and choose the correct answer: (1pt)

1B 2C 3A 4A

Ôn tập học kỳ II – Tiếng Anh 6

B. Listen and answer Yes/No: (1pt)

1. Yes 2. No 3. Yes 4. No


I. Choose the best answers: (2ms)

1. My father likes reading newspaper (and / but / or / so) my mother doesn’t.

2. (How long / When / Where / How often) do they watch TV? - Two or three times a week.

3. Mr Chau often (plays / does / goes / is) running in the winter.

4. Pich out one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others:

a/ where b/ pair c/ hear d/ prepare

5. (Do / Will / Did / Have) the children play soccer last Sunday?

6. I (have seen / saw / see / seeing) that movie many times.

7. William Shakerpeare is (more popular / most popular / the popularest / the most popular)
British’s write in the world.

8. What (a / an / the / this) difficult question!

9. His future house will be (on / in / by / under) the moon.

10. (Air / Soil / Water / Noise) pollution makes plants die.

II. Use the correct form of the words in brackets: (2ms)

1. Lan is (intelligent) .......................................... Hoa in the first semester.

2. I’m tired . I’d like ( sit ) ................................ down.

3. Mai (eat) .................................. a bowl of noodles at the moment?

4. That is (heavy) .................................... traffic I have ever seen!

5. My mother could (play) ........................... piano when she was 6 years old.

6. Shall we (turn) ......................... off the light to save electricity when nobody is in the room.

7. We (pass) ..................................... if we study harder.

8. Da Nang is (fame) .............................. for the beaches.

C. READING: I. Complete the passage, use the words in the box: (1m)

and from children programme child series

Ôn tập học kỳ II – Tiếng Anh 6

“Hello Fatty!” is a popular TV cartoon (1)............................. for kids. It’s about a clever fox
(2)............................... the forest called Fatty, and his clumsy human friends. Together they
have many adventures. Millions of (3)............................... around the world enjoy this cartoon. It
can both entertain (4)................................... educate a young audience.

II. Read the passage and answer the questions. (1m)

Futurologists predict that life will probably be very different in 2050 in all the fields of
activity, from entertainment to technology. First of all, it seems that TV channels will have
disappeared by 2050. Instead, people will choose a programme from a 'menu' and a computer
will send the programme directly to the television. Today, we can use the World Wide Web to
read newspaper s, stories and see pictures on a computer thousands of kilometers away. But
in 2050, music, films, programmes, newspapers and books will come to us by computer.

Then, 'Holographic Feedback TV' will have arrived: holograms are pictures that have
height, width and depth. By 2050, we will be able to see, smell and touch the things that we see
on television.

 New words: - Futurologist (n): nhà nghiên cứu tương lai - touch (v): chạm vào
- hologram (n) : kỹ thuật tạo ảnh ba chiều

* Answer the questions.

1. According to futurologists, when will TV channels have disappeared?

2. What can we use to read newspapers or stories today?
3. What are holograms?
4. Will we be able to touch the things we see on TV by 2050?

I. Rewrite the sentences as directed: (1m)

1. No planet in the Solar System is as big as Jupiter.
Jupiter is………………………………………………………………………………………
2. The children look so healthy.
What …………………………………………………………………………………………!
3. We tried our best to play well. We didn’t win the match.
4. Susan likes swimming most.
Susan’s favourite…………………………………………………………………….…….
Ôn tập học kỳ II – Tiếng Anh 6

II. Write a paragraph about things you predict robots will or won’t be able to do by 2030.


I. Choose the best answers: (2ms)

1. How often 2. but 3. goes 4. hear

5. Did 6. have seen 7. the most popular

8. a 9. on 10. Soil

II. Use the correct form of the words in brackets: (2ms)

1. more intelligent 2. to sit 3. Is (Mai) eating....?

4. the heaviest

5. play 6. turn 7. will pass

8. famous


I. Complete the passage, use the words in the box. (1m)

1. programme 2. from 3. children 4. and

II. Read the passage and answer the questions. (1m)

1. by 2050
2. We can use the World Wide Web.
3. Holograms are pictures that have height, width and depth.
4. Yes.
I. Rewrite the sentences as directed: (1m)

1. Jupiter is the biggest planet in the Solar System.

2. What heathy children!
3. We didn’t win the match although we tried our best to play well.
4. Susan’s favourite sport is swimming.
II. Write a paragraph about things you predict robots will or won’t be able to do by
2030. (1m)

The end

Ôn tập học kỳ II – Tiếng Anh 6


I. Choose the best option (A,B,C or D) to complete these sentences. (1.5 ms)

1. ……………… it is raining, I will go to the movies tonight. (A. Because/B. Although/C. But/ D.

2. My father first ……………… to Can Tho in 2010. (A. went/ B. go/ C. visited /D. goes)

3. If the weather ……………… good, Lan ………………. camping with her classmates. (A. is /
goes//B. is / will go//C. will be / go // D. will be / will go )

4. Do you think we might ..................... with robots in the future? (A. to live/B. living /C. live/D.

5. My sister ………to Hue before. (A. didn’t go/B. doesn’t go /C. isn’t going/D. hasn’t gone)

6. That is the ……… book I have ever read. (A. borest /B. boring/C. most bored/D. most boring)

II. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. (1.5ms)

1. A. class B. answer C.fat D. fast

2. A. great B. teacher C. stream D. meat

3. A. dear B. wear C. nearby D. appear

4. A. washes B. passes C. lakes D. couches

5. A. smile B. time C. kite D. miss

6. A. polluted B. prepared C. recycled D. watered

III. Reading: (2.5ms) I. Complete the passage with the words given. (1.5 ms)

harmful breathing pollution motorbikes need clean

People need to breathe. If they don’t breathe, they will die. But how (1) ______________is the
air people breathe? If they breathe dirty air, they will have (2) _________________ problems.
Plants and animals (3) ________________ clean air too. A lot of the things in our lives create
(4) ______________ gases and make the air dirty, like cars, (5) ______________, and
factories. Dirty air is called “polluted air”. Air (6) ________________ can also make our Earth

II. Read the passage and answer the questions. (1.0 m)

Hi! My name is Minh. My future house will be on the ocean. It will be surrounded by tall
trees and blue sea. There will be a swimming pool in front and a large flower garden behind the
house. There will be a helicopter on the roof so that I can fly to school. My future house will
have solar energy. There will be some robots in the house. They will help me do the housework

Ôn tập học kỳ II – Tiếng Anh 6

and do my homework. I will have a super smart TV in my house. It will help me surf the Internet
and contact my friends on other planets.

1. What will Minh’s future house be surrounded? ->……………….......................................

2. What will there be behind the house? ->………………......................................................

3. Will the house have solar energy? ->………………...........................................................

4. What will the super smart TV do?->………………..............................................................

IV. Writing (2.5ms)

I. Put the word in correct order to make meaningful sentences. (1.25 ms)

1. father/ What/ to/ your/ going/ do/ weekend/is/ this?


2. less/ there/ If/ cycle,/ more/ will/ people/ pollution/ be/ air.


3. materials/ A/ bag/ made/ shopping/ is/reusable/ of/ natural.


4. future /Where/ be / house/ located / will/ your/?


5. might/ Minh/ the/ not/ pass/ I think,/ exam.


II. Combine each pair of sentences below to make a complete sentence. (1.25 ms)

1. My sister can swim well. She can't play badminton. (but)

2. Hanh goes to that French restaurant every week. She loves French food. (so)
3. He was tired last night. He stayed up late to watch a football match. (although)
4. I don't like this TV programme. It's so boring. (because)
5. My mum went to Hue last month. His mum went to Hue last month, too.(and)
Ôn tập học kỳ II – Tiếng Anh 6


Part II. Language focus ( 3,0 điểm) - Mỗi câu đúng được 0,25 điểm.

I. Choose the best option (A,B,C or D) to complete these sentences. (1.5 ms)

1. B. Although 3. B. is / will go 5. D. hasn’t gone

2. A. went 4. C. live 6. D. most boring

II. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. (1.5ms)

1. C.fat 3. B. wear 5. D. miss 2. A. great 4. C. lakes 6. A. polluted

Part III. Reading: (2,5 điểm) - Mỗi câu đúng được 0,25 điểm

I. Complete the passage with the words given. (1.5 ms)

1. clean 3. need 5.motorbikes 2. breathing 4. harmful 6. pollution

II. Read the passage and answer the questions. (1.0m)

1. It will be surrounded by tall trees and blue sea.

2. There will be a large flower garden (behind the house). 3. Yes, it will.

4. It will help him surf the Internet and contact his friends on other planets.

Part IV. Writing (2,5 điểm) - Mỗi câu đúng được 0,25 điểm

I. Put the word in correct order to make meaningful sentences. (1.25 ms)

1. What is your father going to do this weekend?

2. If more people cycle, there will be less air pollution.

3. A reusable shopping bag is made of natural materials.

4. Where will your future house be located?

5. I think, Minh might not pass the exam.

II. Combine each pair of sentences below to make a complete sentence. (1.25 ms)

1. My sister can swim well but she can't play badminton.

2. Hanh loves French food so she goes to that French restaurant every week.

3. Although he was tired last night, he stayed up late to watch a football match.

4. I don't like this TV programme because it's so boring.

5. My mum and his mum went to Hue last month.

Ôn tập học kỳ II – Tiếng Anh 6

Mình có trọn bộ tài liệu lý thuyết và bài tập đầy đủ đáp án Tiếng Anh lớp 6 –
12 thí điểm mới. Mọi người có cần thì liên hệ mình nhé!

Email: [email protected]


A. 100 đề thi chuyên Anh có đáp án : 75k

B. 500 đề thi học sinh giỏi khối 6-7-8-9 : 150k
C. 300 ĐỀ thi HSG khối 10 – 12: 150k
D. Bộ tài liệu bản word của 10 sách siêu hot : 150k/10 cuốn
1. Tự học đột phá ngữ pháp tiếng anh ( 35 chuyên đề ngữ pháp và 1000 câu hỏi kèm đáp
án chi tiết ) - 427 trang
2. Bứt phá điểm thi THPT quốc gia ( lý thuyết - bí quyết làm bài - bài tập tổng hợp )
3. Tổng ôn tập các chuyên đề tiếng anh ( 6 chuyên đề lớn và đề thi Đh đề nghị ) - cuốn
này rất dễ hiểu và đầy đủ, dùng đc cả cho c2 và c3 ạ
4. Pro S - ngữ pháp tiếng anh ( có phân loại kiến thức từ nhận biết tới vận dụng nâng
cao )
5. 5800 câu ôn thi đại học chia theo 7 chuyên đề có lời giải chi tiết
6. 28 chuyên đề ôn thi hsg các cấp - 472 trang
7. 1000 câu viết lại câu nâng cao ôn thi hsg
8. file chuyên đề + bài tập - 703 trang
9. Bộ 22 Chuyên đề lý thuyết và bài tập cơ bản ôn thi THPT quốc gia có đáp án
10. Sách Bài tập nâng cao có đáp án đầy đủ theo từng chuyên đề
E. File word 80 đề ôn thi THPT quốc gia có key + 50 đề ôn thi THPT quốc gia có key
kèm giải thích chi tiết: 100k
F. Combo Bộ tài liệu ôn thi vào 10 mới nhất: 100k / bộ
1. Công phá tiếng Anh 8+ - 50 đề thi vào 10 có key - Bùi Văn Vinh
2. 20 đề thi vào 10 form mới nhất có key - Nguyễn Thị Chi
3. 12 đề ôn thi vào 10 theo form Sở Hà nội – có key
4. 17 test ôn vào 10 kèm key
5. Tài liệu ôn tập 15 chuyên đề hay – có key
6. Hướng dẫn ôn thi vào 10 – 110 trang
7. Từ vựng, ngữ pháp và bài tập ôn vào 10
8. Chuyên đề ôn thi vào 10 – 186 trang
9. Tài liệu ôn thi tuyển sinh lớp 10 (đủ dạng)
10. Tài liệu ôn thi vào 10 chi tiết
G. Tiếng Anh lớp 6 – 9 mới (bộ 1): 100k / 4 khối
Mỗi khối gồm bài tập 12 unit có 3 - 4 practice + key.
Kèm Tài liệu trọng tâm từ vựng và ngữ pháp cho mỗi unit.
Tặng tài liệu GV và đề cương ôn tập + đề kiểm tra.
H. Tiếng Anh lớp 6 - 9 mới (bộ 2): 100k / 4 khối

Ôn tập học kỳ II – Tiếng Anh 6

1. Sách Bài tạp bổ trợ 12 unit file word bản đẹp, kèm key
2. Bài tập riêng cho 12 unit, sát chương trình có key
I. Tài liệu trắc nghiệm + tự luận có key + giáo án tiếng anh 10 – 12 thí điểm mới


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