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The Dancer

The Dancer
Table of Contents
Introduction: The Dancer ...................................... 3
Class Features ............................................................. 4
- Dance ............................................................................ 4
- Fighting Styles .......................................................... 5
- Grace ............................................................................ 5
- Techniques .................................................................. 5
- Rhythm ......................................................................... 6
- Avoidance .................................................................... 6
- Art Style ....................................................................... 6
- Cantrips & Leveled Spells ......................................... 6
- Resolute Focus ........................................................... 6
- Swift Reactions .......................................................... 6
- Keen Momentum ......................................................... 6
- Cultural Knowledge ................................................. 6
- Liberation .................................................................... 6
- Quintessence .............................................................. 7
- Perfect Rhythm .......................................................... 7
Art Styles ...................................................................... 7
- Art of Acrobatics ....................................................... 7
- Art of Bewitching ..................................................... 8
- Art of the Dead .......................................................... 9
- Art of the Dervish ................................................... 10
- Art of the Fury ......................................................... 11
- Art of the Magi ........................................................ 12
- Art of the Paragon ................................................. 14
- Art of the Nymph ..................................................... 15
- Art of the Saint ....................................................... 16
- Art of War ................................................................. 17
- Art of Weaving ......................................................... 17
Dancer Techniques ................................................. 19
- Offensive ................................................................... 19
- Supportive ................................................................. 20
- Adaptive ...................................................................... 22
New Feats .................................................................... 23
While Dancers may decide their skills and abilities over
The Dancer time, it is their guile, cunning, and reactionary decision making Cr
in the heat of the moment that truly separates them from the When
It had been several days since she had found him. Days spent rest. need
befriending the townspeople, gathering rumors and gossip,
and earning herself a spot on the stage. As she twirled and
dazzled the crowd with ease, a bejeweled and crimson figure
like the wind, her demure eyes focused in his direction. She
knew his desires, his sins, and his weakness. And she knew her
magic would escape the mageguard's notice as it consumed
his mind. It was already over. His secrets and his heart would
soon be hers. And in time, his kingdom would fall.
It was now or never, the moment was at hand. Though he
knew this could be his end, the rhythm of his body rejected
of a D
the notion. The monster's defeaning bellow filled the valley. He
steeled his mind, his adrenaline launching him like an arrow. A
plume of flame illuminated his bloodied face. The final
You c
opening. Soaring on high with a mighty leap, he spun around
the flames, his blades singing in the wind. Landing soft on the
ground, he watched as its head fell from its grotesque frame.
Thus was the fate of the valley changed forever. A promise
In the cold dark did they keep in tempo, two dancers, one of
Flames and one of Rivers. Their beloved allies roared and
screamed in defiance at the encroaching nightmares, slashing, Opti
bashing, and zapping the foul insects. With flashes of red and
If you
blue did the black eyes gleam, yet putrid fangs and claws
you n
could not find flesh. The Rivers shrouded their allies in a veil
of purity as the Flames burned a tunnel through the mass of
insects. A trap escaped narrowly so they may see another day.
These stories are only a handful shared about the
wondrous warriors known as Dancers. By utilizing their keen
techniques and graceful magics can they achieve feats of awe
inspiring wonder or dread.
gain p

Technical Masters
Though many would mistake a Dancer for any of its classical
contemporaries in martial and magical aptitude, what sets
them apart is their refined techniques and rhythmic
discipline. A beautiful belly dancer could be a fierce gladiator,
assassin, or magi guard. A rugged warrior could be a devilish
charmer, blade dancer, or flame weaver. For a dancer is
whoever they seek to be. Their practice in many forms of
martial and magical arts allows them to tread a path they wish
to make their own.
If fighters of all disciplines seek to hone their talents, they
can seek a master Dancer to teach them new techniques.
When mercenaries need a helping hand, they can turn to the
acrobat performer to trip up and befuddle enemies. Dancers
are there to inspire and protect allies, hinder and cull foes, all
for the sake of others, or their own.

Artistic Styles
Dancers learn their Artistic Style through surviving the wilds,
following the path of a master or academy, or gain their skills
from mysterious origins. These Artistic Styles make a Dancer a
jack of all trades among martial warriors. Though they stand
side by side their allies in battle, a Dancer is at their strongest
when they use their talents to support others or navigate their
way through social ventures.

The Dancer
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Grace Points Rhythm Dice
1st +2 Dance, Fighting Styles — —
2nd +2 Grace, Techniques, Rhythm 2 2d4
3rd +2 Avoidance, Art Style, Cantrips & Leveled Spells 2 2d4
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement, Resolute Focus 3 2d4
5th +3 Swift Reactions 3 3d4
6th +3 Art Style feature 4 3d4
7th +3 Keen Momentum 4 3d4
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 5 3d4
9th +4 Technique Slot 5 4d4
10th +4 Cultural Knowledge 6 4d4
11th +4 Art Style feature 6 4d4
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 7 4d4
13th +5 Liberation 7 5d4
14th +5 Swift Reactions(2), Technique Slot 8 5d4
15th +5 Quintessence 8 5d4
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 9 5d4
17th +6 Art Style feature 9 6d4
18th +6 Technique Slot 10 6d4
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 10 6d4
20th +6 Perfect Rhythm 11 6d4

(a) an entertainer's pack or (b) an explorer's pack

Class Features (a) any musical instrument or (b) any toolkit of your choice
(a) leather armor, and a dagger
As a dancer, you gain the following class features

Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d8 per dancer level You are now disciplined to use dances, which are forms of
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier agile movements, combat stances, or meditative gestures.
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution Chose one dance to be rehearsed, which can be found listed
modifier per Dancer level after 1st below. The number of dances you can have rehearsed
increases by 1 at 3rd, 7th, and 14th dancer level.
Proficiencies As a bonus action, you can expend 1 charge of Dance to
Armor: light armor, shields begin a rehearsed dance and gain its effects. Your dance lasts
Weapons: simple weapons, martial weapons for 1 minute, during which time you can use a bonus action to
Tools: any one type of artisan's tools or any one musical shift to another rehearsed dance, gaining the effects of that
instrument of your choice dance. You cannot have more than one dance effect at a time.
Saving Throws: Dexterity, Charisma Your dance can end early if you choose to end your dance at
Skills: Choose 2 from Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, Insight, the start of your turn, you become incapacitated, or if your
Perception, and Performance. speed is 0 at the start of your turn. If you are wielding a heavy
weapon, you cannot begin a dance.
Equipment You have a number of Dance charges equal to 2 + your
You start with the following items, plus anything provided by Charisma modifier, and you regain all expended uses when
your background: you finish a long rest. You can change one rehearsed dance
with another you know whenever you gain a level in this class.
(a) a martial weapon or (b) two simple melee weapons
Dance List You have blindsight with a range of 10 feet. Within that range,
you can effectively see anything that isn't behind total cover,
Below is the dances that can be rehearsed. Each dance has a even if you're blinded or in darkness. Moreover, you can see At 2n
primary positive effect, and secondary negative effect. an invisible creature within that range, unless the creature learn
successfully hides from you. Danc
Inferno Dance Techn
When you hit a creature with a weapon or unarmed strike
Dueling stated
and deal damage to it, you can increase that damage by an While you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no styles
amount equal to your proficiency bonus. However, your AC is other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls with that Off
reduced by an amount equal to half your proficiency bonus. weapon. You
River Dance Thrown Weapon Fighting adopt
You gain a +1 bonus to AC, are unaffected by difficult terrain, You can draw a weapon that has the thrown property as part do no
and have advantage on saving throws against effects that of the attack you make with the weapon. class,
attempt to grapple or restrain you. However, you cannot In addition, when you hit with a ranged attack using a one.
benefit from the Dodge action and cannot roll attacks with thrown weapon, you gain a +2 bonus to the damage roll.
Two-Weapon Fighting
Typhoon Dance When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your
Your speed is increased by 10 feet and you roll your Dexterity ability modifier to the damage of the second attack.
skill checks and Dexterity saving throws with advantage.
However, you make Wisdom checks and Wisdom saving Unarmed Fighting
throws with disadvantage. Your unarmed strikes can deal bludgeoning damage equal to
1d6 + your Strength or Dexterity modifier on a hit. If you
Eclipse Dance aren't wielding any weapons or a shield when you make the
You gain a +1 bonus to your Spell DC and you roll your attack roll, the d6 becomes a d8.
Charisma skill checks and Charisma saving throws with At the start of each of your turns, you can deal 1d4
advantage. However, you make all Constitution saving throws bludgeoning damage to one creature grappled by you.
with disadvantage.
Tranquil Dance Whips you wield gain the light property and have their reach
You make attack rolls with advantage. However, your attacks extended by an additional 5 feet.
do not deal additional damage on a critical hit. You can now attempt a grapple with a whip. While
grappling a Large or smaller target with a whip, you cannot
Mountain Dance make attacks with that whip until it ceases grappling the
When you take damage from a weapon or unarmed attack, target.
you can reduce the damage taken by an amount equal to half
your proficiency bonus. However, your speed is reduced by 10 Grace
Starting at 2nd level, your practice of primordial magic and
Aurora Dance martial techniques grants you the power of Grace. Your access
to this power is represented by a number of Grace points.
Whenever you restore hit points to a creature, the creature
Your dancer level determines the maximum number of points
regains additional hit points equal to your proficiency bonus.
However, you must subtract a d4 from your attack rolls and you have, as shown in the Grace Points column of the Dancer
table. You can gain bonus grace points beyond the maximum
saving throws.
equal to your Charisma modifier.
Fighting Styles You can spend these points to fuel your abilities. When you
spend a grace point, it may be unavailable until you finish a
You can learn one of the following fighting styles listed below. short or long rest, at the end of which you recover all your
expended grace points.
Archery Some of your spells and techniques require your target to
You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with ranged make a saving throw to resist the technique's effects. The
weapons. saving throw DC is calculated as follows:

Boomerang Grace Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +

When you make a ranged attack with a weapon that has the your Charisma modifier
thrown property, that weapon will fly back to your hand after
the attack, unless something prevents it from doing so.

Blind Fighting

Rhythm Abi
At 2nd level, you begin to harness the unique rhythm that When
flows through your body when performing artistic endeavors and 1
or rushing across the field of battle. You now manifest this choic
inner power with your Rhythm dice which equals a 2d4. This norm
dice changes as you gain dancer levels, as shown in the featu
Rhythm column of the Dancer table.
Whenever you perform a technique that requires you to roll Res
your Rhythm dice for an effect or the damage, you can add +2
to the effect or damage if you have two matching dice
numbers, +5 if you have three matching dice numbers, and
+12 if you have four matching dice numbers. Whenever you
roll, o
roll your Rhythm dice multiple times as part of a single
technique or feature, you only match dice numbers per roll of
the Rhythm dice, adding any bonuses gained from the rolls to
the sum total damage or effect. Sw
Your Rhythm dice, and any added bonuses to the effect or At 5th
damage of a technique, is never doubled due to a critical hit. If react
you have disadvantage on ability checks, are incapacitated, or You c
your speed is 0, you roll your Rhythm dice with disadvantage.
By 7t
Starting at 3rd level, whenever an attack misses you or you your
successfully save against an area of effect spell or ability, you Chari
can use your reaction to move up to 5 feet to an unoccupied Aft
space, potentially avoiding further attacks or area effects. This of you
movement does not provoke opportunity attacks. your
The distance you can move up to with this reaction
increases to 10 feet at 7th level, and to 15 feet at 14th level. Cu
Art Style At 10
you t
When you reach 3rd level, you adapt an Art Style, chosen from you s
the list of available styles. Your style grants you features at 3rd creat
level and again at 6th, 11th, and 17th level. You can now learn outsid
dancer cantrips. Chari
the n
Cantrips In
You may learn two cantrips of your choice from the dancer intera
cantrip list. When you gain a new level in this class or learn a learn
new dance, you can replace a previously learned cantrip with follow
one you know.
Dancer Cantrips
Blade Ward, Control Flames, Dancing Lights, Druidcraft,
Friends, Guidance, Gust, Light, Message, Minor Illusion, Mold
Earth, Prestidigitation, Shape Water, and Thaumaturgy.
At 13
Leveled Spells 0, or
Certain subclasses will enable you to cast leveled spells using At t
grace points. Once you reach 5th level in this class, you can forgo
increase a spell's level by 1 for each additional grace point you affect
spend. The maximum number of grace points you can spend As
to cast a spell in this way equals your proficiency bonus minus creat
1. creat
Leveled spells cast using grace points causes your maximum
grace points to decrease by the amount of grace points spent.
This maximum grace point decrease is removed after you
finish a long rest.

Quintessence Art of Acrobatics in mi
At 15th level, you can now use your grace to restore the power along
The foundation of this art is in the belief that nothing can
of others. As an action, you can restore a spell slot for a
keep you down. Using the graceful magic of the zephyr, you
creature that you can see within 60 feet of you at a cost of 1
are able to manipulate the air around you to perform
grace point per that spell slots level, the level of which can be
spectacular aerial feats. Do you use such power to be an
no higher than your proficiency bonus. Once a creature
entertainer who displays feats of acrobatic prowess, a fighter
benefits from this feature, it cannot do so again until after a
who gracefully moves like the wind across the fields of battle,
long rest.
or a bold treasure hunter seeking ancient ruins? Whatever
your path, your skills and talents will allow you to explore the
Perfect Rhythm great wonders and horrors of the world, forevermore.
At 20th level, when you roll your Rhythm dice and match
numbers, you now add +3, +7, and +15 when matching two, Acrobatic Dancer
three, and four numbers, respectively.
3rd level Art of Acrobatics feature
Once per turn, when you roll your Rhythm dice, you may
You are adept at seeing danger coming and avoiding it. You
change one of the d4 rolled to a number you desire.
gain proficiency in the Wisdom (Perception) skill.
You learn the Cat-like Reflexes, Nimble, and Spinning Wheel
Art Styles Strike techniques.
While dancing, when you make a Strength (Athletics) or a
Dancers can distinguish themselves in several ways with the
Dexterity (Acrobatics) check, you can treat a roll of 9 or lower
use of magical cantrips and dancer techniques, but it is their
on the d20 as a 10.
chosen Art Style that elevates their personal desires and goals.
The following are the Art Styles you can choose from at 3rd
Level to hone your craft.
Wind Rider
Most Art Styles teach you a few dancer techniques. This 3rd level Art of Acrobatics feature
does not grant additional technique slots nor can they be Your magical grace enables you to harness powerful and
unlearned. See Page 5 for the general rules regarding precise winds. On your turn, you can use your reaction while
techniques. in mid-air to jump up to 10 feet in a straight line. While in
mid-air if you hit a creature your size or larger within 5 feet of
you with a melee attack, you do not begin falling until the start
of your next turn. The distance you can jump while in mid-air
increases to up to 15 feet at 11th level, and up to 20 feet at
17th level.

Zephyrian Agility
6th level Art of Acrobatics feature
When you begin a dance, shift dances, or as a bonus action
while dancing, you can take the Dash or Disengage actions, or
make a single weapon or unarmed attack.
In addition, you learn the Agile Evasion technique.

Wind At Your Back

6th level Art of Acrobatics feature
You can now bless allies with the same winds that carry you
forward. While dancing, whenever a friendly creature is
within 10 feet of you, it gains your current dance's positive
At 12th level, the range of this feature increases to 20 feet.

Acrobat's Endurance
11th level Art of Acrobatics feature
Your acrobatic training has granted you feats of physical
strength. You gain a climbing and swimming speed equal to
your walking speed, you are unaffected by difficult terrain,
and you can hold your breath for thrice the normal duration.
When you finish a short rest, you can forgo regaining grace
points to instead remove any effects that are reducing your hit
point maximum and decrease your exhaustion level, if any, by

Dancer of the Azure Skies Art of Bewitching skill c
17th level Art of Acrobatics feature Fascin
A dancer who practices this art rarely does so for altruistic (Perc
Enhanced by the primal magics of the zephyr, you ascend
purposes. You are one who seeks personal gain, and the safety you.
into an acrobatic master. You now gain an additional positive
of others in such pursuits is not guaranteed. Your magic allows
effect when you begin, or shift to, a rehearsed dance
you to fool lonely hearts with demure smiles, seek fortune
associated with the following effects:
through espionage, love through bloodletting, or unleash
Inferno Dance. When a creature hits you with a melee or chaos through a simple gift. Many of this art choose to be
spell attack, it takes 5 slashing damage. agents of desire and intrigue, beings of discordant mischief, or
River Dance. Your speed is increased by 10 feet and your perhaps even charming assassins. Whatever you may seek, or
movement does not provoke opportunity attacks. what may be wrought by your enchanting presence, you'll
Typhoon Dance. Your jump distance is tripled and you fall always make sure to have a trick or two to come out on top.
60 feet per round, taking no fall damage.
Eclipse Dance. When a creature misses you with a melee Beguiling Glance
attack, it must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or
become blinded until the end of its next turn. 3rd level Art of Bewitching feature
Tranquil Dance. When you hit a creature with an You understand the power of a gentle touch, a coy smile,
opportunity attack, the creature's speed becomes 0 until the and a steel mind. You gain proficiency in the Wisdom (Insight)
start of its next turn. skill. You learn the Alluring Touch and Fascinate techniques.
Mountain Dance. You count as one size larger when You can now spend 1 grace point to cast the Charm Person,
determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can Hex, or Sleep spells.
push, drag, or lift.
Aurora Dance. When you gain this effect, or take damage, Dancer of the Night
you regain 1d6 + 5 hit points.
3rd level Art of Bewitching feature
When a friendly creature starts its turn or moves within 20
Your magical talent allows you to coerce and taunt others on
feet of you, you can spend 1 grace point to use your reaction
a whim. You learn the Friends cantrip. When you cast the
and grant it one of the above effects associated with one of
Friends cantrip, you can spend 1 grace point to force the target
your rehearsed dances.
to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, it is unaware
of the magic you cast to influence it.
You learn the Vicious Mockery cantrip. When a creature you
can see within 30 feet of you misses an attack roll, you can use
your reaction to cast Vicious Mockery targeting that creature.

Touch of Enchantment
6th level Art of Bewitching feature
Your enchantment spells can be enchanted into a piece of
parchment, a flower, jewelry, small potion, or elixir. When a
creature interacts with, or drinks, these enchanted objects,
they trigger and are targeted by the enchanted spell.
You decide what triggers the enchantment when you cast
the spell. An example of typical triggers include breaking a
wax seal on parchment, pricking a finger on a rose's thorn, or
wearing the jewelry upon their skin. Liquids that are
enchanted must be consumed by the creature in order for the
enchantment to be triggered. Objects you enchant in this way
appear non-magical to effects such as Detect Magic, but can
still be affected by spells like Dispel Magic or Remove Curse.
You can use a body part, lock of hair, clipping from a nail, or
similar portion of a target's body as part of the components
for the enchantment spell to cause the owner of such
components to make its saving throw against that spell with

Enchanting Espionage
6th level Art of Bewitching feature
You can now spend 2 grace points to cast the Animal
Messenger, Calm Emotions, or Suggestion spell.

If y
Captivating Presence Art of the Dead Strike
11th level Art of Bewitching feature attack
Throughout history, cultures across the world have developed withi
When you make a Performance skill check, you can expend
customs that give thanks to or celebrate the dead and honor Rhyth
1 charge of Dance to treat a d20 roll of 9 or lower as a 10. If a
the lives they had lived. Those who practice this art bring life
creature within 60 feet of you witnesses this performance for
to such festivals and can range from acolytes of faith to
at least 1 minute, you can cast a single target enchantment
hunters of the damned. As you gain the memories of the
spell at that creature at no grace cost, without material
fallen, you may grant redemption, bring justice, or cause pain.
Such power is well known to corrupt. Will you be one who
brings peace to the lost? Or one who chains their powers to
Heart Breaker serve your goals?
11th level Art of Bewitching feature
Attacks you make with a finesse weapon score a critical hit In Memorial
on a roll of 19 or 20. If the target of your attack is charmed by 3rd level Art of the Dead feature
you, then your finesse weapon scores a critical hit on a roll of
Your studies and practices are in reverence of the dearly
departed from all walks of life. You become proficient in your
choice of two of the following skills: History, Intimidation,
Dancer of the Midnight Rose Medicine, or Religion.
17th level Art of the Bewitching feature You learn the Dance Recoup and Rhythmic Strike techniques.
Your deep entrenchment with your magical arts now makes In addition, you can now cast the Gentle Repose spell a
you immune to the charmed and frightened conditions. number of times equal to half your proficiency bonus,
A creature you and your allies are hostile towards or regaining expended uses on a long rest.
fighting no longer has advantage against your attempts to After casting Gentle Repose, you can choose to gain a dream-
charm them, however, taking damage still allows it to make like vision or a cryptic memory of the target's final memories
Wisdom saves with advantage. before it died. You can then create a memory token, which can
be created from an object retrieved from that dead creature.
You may only carry up to a number of tokens equal to your
proficiency bonus. When a token is created, your DM informs
you if the memory's essence is of a creature inclined to being
offensive, supportive, or adaptive.

Dance of Death
3rd level Art of the Dead feature
When you begin a dance, you can choose to summon a
floating, memory specter within 30 feet of you that remains
until your dance ends. When summoned, you shift dances, or
as a bonus action while dancing, you can command the
memory specter to move up to 30 feet and make a melee spell
attack against a creature within 5 feet of it. On a hit, the target
takes cold, necrotic, or radiant (your choice when summoned
by you) damage equal to 1d8 + your Charisma modifier. Any
creature that takes this damage is considered cursed and can't
regain hit points until the start of your next turn.
The memory specter takes the form of a medium or large
sized creature or weapon memorialized in one of your
memory tokens. It is incorporeal and it does not cost extra
movement to pass through its space. While summoned, it may
use one of your learned dancer techniques associated with its
essence at no grace point cost. Once it has done so, the token is
tapped, and cannot do so again until you finish a long rest.

6th level Art of the Dead feature
If the target of your Rhythmic Strike is considered an
undead creature or a cursed target, you roll an additional d4
with your Rhythmic Strike.

If you lose the talisman, you can perform a 1-hour ritual to
Honor the Dead magically teleport it back into your possession. This ritual can Wa
11th level Art of the Dead feature be performed during a short or long rest. 3rd le
Your memory specter now deals an additional 1d8 damage You
with its melee attack and when it curses a target, the target is your
affected by the negative effect of one of your rehearsed unocc
dances until the start of your next turn. distan
You can now cast the Speak with Dead spell as a ritual. In
In addition, when a creature of CR 1/2 or higher is brought weap
to 0 Hit points within 30 feet of you, you regain 1 grace point. unocc

Dancer of the Quiet Solace Dim

17th level Art of the Dead feature 6th le
Your mastery of your magical art allows you to remove the You
foul desecration of harmful magic and curses that plague the As an
living and the dead. As an action, you can now expend 1 to van
charge of Dance to perform a magical ritual that affects a 120 it rem
foot radius area centered on you. For the next 10 minutes, you your
must concentrate on this dance as if concentrating on a spell, you c
after which the following effect occurs: hand
Cleanse Undead. An undead creature within the area You
must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, it takes 50 po
10d10 radiant damage, or half as much on a success. If an the ta
undead of CR 3 or lower fails the save, the creature is instantly
destroyed. The area becomes cleansed allowing the dead to
rest, removing all curses and magical effects of 5th level or

Art of the Dervish

There are many who have sought to harness the powers of
the cosmic stars or the whimsical fates. You are one of the few
who succeeded, whether through study or luck, to grasp that
power. A pinch of temporal magic carried in a small trinket.
Was it a treasure you found? A relic inherited? Are you a
warrior of the sands, perhaps a gambling scoundrel, or faithful
zealot on a personal crusade? For you shall cut a path across
the realm, from scorching deserts to frosted peaks, in search of
carving your own destiny and changing the destiny of others.

Fate Changer
3rd level Art of the Dervish feature
You've enchanted, found, or been blessed with a magical
talisman that channels the unknown power of the cosmic
beyond. You determine its appearance. For example, it could
take the form of playing dice, tarot cards, a crystal ball, or
symbol of faith, perhaps even a scabbard. Usually an item that
is easily carried or worn.
While carrying this talisman, you have these benefits:

You learn the Elegant Agility and Quick Move techniques.

You can choose an additional Fighting Style option from the
Dancer class.
Alter Fate. This talisman has a number of charges equal to
your proficiency bonus. Whenever a creature within 30
feet of you rolls a 1 or a 20 on a d20, you can expend 1
charge to make it roll again. It must use the new roll. You
regain all expended charges after finishing a long rest.

Sparkler. You can conjure up to 5 tiny sticks. When ignited, Alt
Temporal Pendulum a stick slowly burns as a harmless firework for 1 minute. you c
6th level Art of the Dervish feature In addition, you can now spend 2 grace points to cast the of cre
Your control over the flow of time and space around your Pyrotechnics spell, which does not decrease your maximum area
body allows you to exchange your capabilities while dancing. grace points. When you cast Pyrotechnics, you can spark the turn.
You can either use your Action to grant yourself an additional nonmagical flame needed for the spell's effects and gain an
reaction until the start of your next turn, or when you take the additional 60 feet to its range.
Attack action, you can use your reaction to make an additional
attack during your turn. Sunfire
3rd level Art of the Fury feature
Advanced Warp The ferocity of your training has taught you to harness the
11th level Art of the Dervish feature power of sunfire. You can now learn the following three Fury
As an action, you can spend 1 grace point to touch a willing techniques when you meet the prerequisites. Fury techniques
creature. When you do so, you can cause them to teleport to require no technique slots to be learned.
an unoccupied space you can see up to 30 feet away from you.
Whenever you do so, you reduce your maximum grace points
by 1. This reduction lasts until you finish a long rest. Prerequisite: 3rd level Art of the Fury
When you take the Attack action, you can replace one of the
Pain Reversal attacks with a blast of fire. This blast is a ranged attack with a
range of 20/60 feet that you are proficient with and deals
11th level Art of the Dervish feature 1d8 + your proficiency bonus in fire damage.
Your control of the talisman allows you to now reverse pain. You can spend 1 grace point to increase the range by 20
When you use your Avoidance feature, you can spend 1 grace feet and damage by 1d8. For each additional grace point you
point to regain Hit points equal to one roll of your Rhythm spend after the first, you increase the range by 20 feet and
dice. Whenever you do so, you reduce your maximum grace damage by 1d8.
points by 1. This reduction lasts until you finish a long rest.
Dancer of the Phantom Oasis Prerequisite: 5th level Art of the Fury
When you take the Attack action on your turn, you can
17th level Art of the Dervish feature
spend 1 grace point to replace one of the attacks with a beam
Your mind melds with your talisman's cosmic temporal
of fire. This fire shoots in a 20 foot line that is 5 feet wide.
powers, granting you the ability to see invisible creatures and
Each creature in that area must make a Dexterity saving
objects, automatically detect visual illusions and succeed on
throw, taking 2d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much
saving throws against them. Creatures do not gain the benefits
damage on a successful one.
of invisibility against you.
For each additional grace point you spend after the first, the
In addition, while dancing, you become slightly ethereal
length increases by 20 feet and damage increases by 2d6.
allowing you to safely pass through any creature's space, your
movement to not provoke opportunity attacks, and making it Burst
where no attack roll against you is rolled with advantage.
Prerequisite: 7th level Art of the Fury
As an action, you can spend 1 grace points to release a burst
Art of the Fury of fire. Creatures within a 10 foot radius sphere of you must
make a Dexterity saving throw or take 2d6 fire damage on a
The wondrous sun has been cause for celebration and
failed save, or half as much damage on a success. The fire
worship for many cultures. Its blaze can be brought to life at
spreads around corners and ignites flammable objects in the
your finger tips and used for beautiful festivals of light that
area that aren't being worn or carried.
can bring joy, comfort, and hope to those who may live in fear.
For each additional grace point you spend after the first, the
For when the sun sets, and beings of darkness stir, shall you
radius increases by 10 feet and damage increases by 2d6.
cleanse that which causes fear. You will scorch a path like
many zealous warriors, unyielding paladins, and righteous
The maximum number of grace points you can spend on your
devotees have done before. One where you purge the wicked
Phoenix techniques in this way is equal to your proficiency
that stand in your way. Whoever you decide that may be.
bonus minus 1.

Prismatic Revelry Purifying Sunfire

3rd level Art of the Fury feature
6th level Art of the Fury feature
You embody the soul of festivity, glory, and fury. You learn
When you attempt to deal fire damage to a creature that is
the Control Flames cantrip, which gains several bonus features:
considered a devil, fiend, or undead, you can use your reaction
Igniter. You can spark the non-magical flames needed for
to deal radiant damage equal to the fire damage dealt instead.
its effects. These flames can appear as any color you desire
and are harmless.
Spectacle. When you create simple shapes, the flames
become harmless and can expand to fit within a 30 foot cube.

Flames Within Art of the Magi level
6th level Art of the Fury feature equal
You practice to not only harness the magical arts, but to shut spellc
Your fury is swift and decisive. When you begin a dance,
down those who would attempt to do so as well. Rumors
shift dances, or as a bonus action while dancing, you can make
would call you mage slayer or arcane trickster, and though
a melee or unarmed strike as part of the same action.
close to the truth, the method you utilize to gain spell casting is
In addition, as an action, you can expend one Hit Dice to a bit unique from others, and a bane on casters across the
regain an amount of grace points equal to the amount rolled. realms, since you practice the art of spell stealing.
With a flick of your wrist you can steal away the magic of
Burning Grace other spell casters to fuel your own powers and techniques.
11th level Art of the Fury feature Though not as versatile as contemporary wizards and the like,
You expel sunfire from your body in the heat of battle. your ability to steal magical energies, or maybe politely learn
When you begin a dance, and at the start of each of your turns them from those you may call friend, allows you to be various
while dancing, you can spend 1 grace point to grant yourself styles of war mages, mime magicians, or primalist sages.
the effects of either the Dash or Disengage action during that
turn and double the numerical positive effect of your current Spell Thief
dance. 3rd level Art of the Magi feature
You gain the ability to steal spells. If a spell targets you,
Dancer of the Solar Phoenix includes you in its area of effect, or is within 5 feet of you, you
17th level Art of the Fury feature can use your reaction to attempt to steal the spell. If the spell
You have mastered the flames within and now display your is of 1st level or lower, the spell is stolen and has no effect on
ever brilliant glory for all to see. You are immune to the you. If the spell is of 2nd level or higher, make an ability check
blinded condition, gain resistance to fire and radiant damage, using your Charisma modifier. The DC equals 10 + the spell's
and you have a flying speed equal to your walking speed and level. On a success, the spell is stolen and has no effect on you.
can hover. If your attempt to steal a spell fails, you are hit by the spell if it
was targeting you and fail its saving throw if you are within its
In addition, while dancing, if you fail a Strength, Dexterity, or
area of effect.
Constitution saving throw, you can use your reaction to
succeed instead. When you steal a spell, you can choose to learn it and add it
to your list of known spells. A stolen spell must be of a level for
which you can learn spells of that level in order to learn it. If
you steal a spell and you simply do not wish to learn it, already
know it, or are unable to learn any more, you can instead
regain grace points equal to the spells level and removes any
decrease to your maximum grace points equal to the grace
points gained.
You can use this feature up to three times, and you regain
all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

When you reach 3rd level, you gain the ability to cast the
spells you have stolen from friend and foe alike.
Cantrips. You can learn two cantrips from the bard or
wizard spell list.
Spells Stolen of 1st-level and Higher. You know no
other spells until you can successfully steal spells. If you are
starting your character at 3rd level, you can choose two
conjuration or evocation spells from the bard or wizard spell
list. The Magi table shows how many spells you can steal and
considered known. As you gain levels, you will be able to steal
and keep known spells of higher levels up to a certain amount.
For example, if you are a 5th level dancer, you can know up
to four 1st-level spells and one 2nd-level spell. If you are a
13th level dancer, you can know up to six 1st-level spells, four
2nd-level spells, two 3rd-level spells, and one 4th-level spell. If
you attempt to learn a spell beyond your maximum, you must
abandon trying to learn it, or replace it with a spell you
already know of that spell level.

Ride the Weave
Magi Spellstealing 11th level Art of the Magi feature
Your focus into the world's weave has granted you the
Dancer Level Spells Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th ability to see magical energies. You can now cast the Detect
3rd 3 3 — — ─ Magic spell on yourself at will.
In addition, when you successfully steal a spell, you can
4th 4 4 ─ — ─ choose to instantly rush toward the source that cast the spell
5th 5 4 1 ─ ─ and land in an unoccupied space you can see within 5 feet of
the source as part of the same action. If the spell had an area
6th 6 4 2 ─ ─ of effect, you could also rush to an unoccupied space you can
7th 7 5 2 ─ ─ see that was within that spell's area of effect.

8th 8 5 3 ─ ─ Dancer of the Spell Breaker

9th 9 5 3 1 ─
17th level Art of the Magi feature
10th 10 6 3 1 ─ You gain resistance to force damage and advantage on
saving throws against spells and other magical effects. If a
11th 11 6 3 2 ─
racial feature already grants you the latter, you may choose an
12th 12 6 4 2 ─ additional damage resistance from the following: cold, fire,
lightning, or poison.
13th 13 6 4 2 1
While dancing, magical effects on you and the properties
14th 13 6 4 2 1 and powers of magic items you are wearing or carrying cannot
be suppressed by the Antimagic Field spell or similar effects,
15th 14 6 4 3 1
however, any attempts to cast spells within such fields will still
16th 14 6 4 3 1 be suppressed.
17th 15 6 4 3 2
18th 15 6 4 3 2
19th 15 6 4 3 2
20th 15 6 4 3 2

Spellcasting Ability. You use your Charisma whenever a

spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use
your Grace save DC for any spell you cast and Charisma when
making an attack roll with one.

Magi Warrior
6th level Art of the Magi feature
While dancing, you can now add your Charisma modifier to
the damage you deal with any cantrip.
While dancing, you can now spend 1 grace point to cast a
cantrip as a bonus action on your turn.

Sage Recovery
6th level Art of the Magi feature
When you steal a spell and do not want to learn it, you can
choose to recoup 1 charge of Dance instead.

Mimic Spell
11th level Art of the Magi feature
Whenever you steal a spell, you can choose to temporarily
store it. As an action, you can spend an amount of grace points
equal to the level of the stolen spell to cast that exact spell.
Doing so does not lower your maximum grace points. If you do
not cast the stored spell within 1 hour, its magic is lost.

Art of the Paragon Demand Perfection
6th level Art of the Paragon feature
You are one who seeks to perform the basics of a dancer with
When you begin a dance, shift dances, or as a bonus action
immaculate execution. Not a single step or movement is
while dancing, you can spend 1 grace point to grant yourself
wasted. Every action is made with purpose and precision. No
advantage when your roll your Rhythm dice until the start of
matter the pain. There is only one outcome. To become the
your next turn.
star of a show, the champion of the arena, or a warrior without
peer. You step with mechanical harmony, a tempo of beautiful
lethality, grace unparalleled. Where other disciplinary arts Elegant Duelist
focus on protection or healing, your focus is on visceral 6th level Art of the Paragon feature
destruction through elegant brutality. Whether you do this for You walk onto the stage and the battlefield with an air of
yourself, or to prove it to others, you will no doubt share your confidence. Your Resolute Focus feature will now also trigger
prowess with the world. when you roll for initiative. When you use your Avoidance
feature, you can choose to also make a melee attack as part of
Immaculate Performer the same reaction.
3rd level Art of the Paragon feature
You are one who practices day in and day out. You gain one Tempered Physique
additional skill or tool proficiency of your choice from the 11th level Art of the Paragon feature
dancer class. Choose any two of your skill or tool proficiencies Your brutal training has paid dividends. You gain
to gain the benefit of expertise. When you make a Dexterity or proficiency in Strength and Constitution saving throws and
Charisma skill check, you can spend 1 grace point to roll the gain one additional technique slot.
check with advantage.
Whenever you make a saving throw and fail, you can use
In addition, you learn the Bladed Defense, Close Quarters your reaction to spend 1 grace point and reroll it, taking the
Combat, Distract, and Elusive Steps techniques. second result.

Dancer of the White Blade

17th level Art of the Paragon feature
You are the eye of a storm. When your Resolute Focus
feature is triggered, you can use your reaction to make one
weapon or unarmed attack. This can only occur once per turn.
When you shift dances, you can choose to retain the
previous dance's effect until the end of your next turn. You no
longer gain the negative effects of your rehearsed dances.

Art of the Nymph

An art wielded by those who harness the magic found within
nature and the primal elements of the world. Originally taught
by various dryads, fairies, and mermaids, these dancers can
create brilliant works of beauty or sculpt intricate stories
during their dances. They are often seen as mystics, seers, or
shamans for their ability to imbue the elements into warriors
and weapons with ease. They are the source of many stories
involving those who dance within the forests, seas, and skies.

Nature's Beauty
3rd level Art of the Nymph feature
You are an avatar of nature's grace and beauty. You become
proficient in your choice of two of the following skills: Animal
Handling, Medicine, Nature, or Survival. The size of harmless
visual effects your cantrips can create is tripled.
You learn the Bubble Barrier and Repertoire techniques.
When you begin a dance, shift dances, or as a bonus action
while dancing you can grant one ally you can see within 30
feet of you the effects of your current dance. This effect lasts
on that ally until the start of your next turn.
At 6th level, you can grant the effects to up to 2 allies, at
11th level to up to 4 allies, and at 17th level to up to 8 allies.

Spellcasting Nymph Spellcasting
3rd level Art of the Nymph feature Dancer Level Spells Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
Your attachment to the primal elements has granted you
ability to use the magic of nature. 3rd 3 3 — — ─
Cantrips. You learn two additional cantrips from the 4th 4 4 ─ — ─
Nymph spell list of your choice. At 10th level, you learn
another cantrip of your choice.
5th 5 4 1 ─ ─
Spells Known of 1st-level and Higher. You know three 6th 6 4 2 ─ ─
1st-level Nymph spells. The Nymph table shows how many
7th 7 5 2 ─ ─
spells you can have known per level. As you gain levels you
will be able to learn more spells from the Nymph spell list. 8th 8 5 3 ─ ─
For example, if you are a 5th level dancer, you can know up
9th 9 5 3 1 ─
to four 1st-level spells and one 2nd-level spell. If you are a
13th level dancer, you can know up to six 1st-level spells, four 10th 10 6 3 1 ─
2nd-level spells, two 3rd-level spells, and one 4th-level spell.
11th 11 6 3 2 ─
When you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the
Nymph spells you know and replace it with another spell from 12th 12 6 4 2 ─
the nymph spell list.
13th 13 6 4 2 1
Graceful Magic. To cast one of your Nymph spells of 1st
level or higher, you may spend an amount of grace points 14th 13 6 4 2 1
equal to the spell's level. See page 3 for the general rules of 15th 14 6 4 3 1
spell-casting using grace points.
Spellcasting Ability. You use your Charisma whenever a 16th 14 6 4 3 1
spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use 17th 15 6 4 3 2
your Grace save DC for a spell you cast and Charisma when
making an attack roll with one. 18th 15 6 4 3 2
19th 15 6 4 3 2
Imbue Elements 20th 15 6 4 3 2
6th level Art of the Nymph feature
You can now imbue melee weapons with elemental power.
As an action, you imbue a weapon for 1 hour with elemental
magic. If the weapon isn't already a magic weapon, it becomes
one for the duration. Until the effect ends, the weapon emits
dim light in a 5-foot radius, weapon attacks made with it deal
the damage type chosen instead of its usual damage type, and
it gains one of the following effects based on the type chosen:
Acid. On a hit, the target will make Wisdom (Perception)
checks with disadvantage until the end of its next turn.
Bludgeoning. On a hit, the target must make a Dexterity
saving throw. On a failed save, it is knocked prone or pushed
back 5 feet, your choice.
Cold. On a hit, you reduce the target's speed by 5 feet until
the start of your next turn.
Fire. On a hit, you deal an additional 1d8 fire damage. This
weapon can ignite flammable objects that aren't being worn
or carried.
Lightning. On a hit, the target can't take reactions until the
start of its next turn.
Piercing. On a hit, the target must make a Strength saving
throw. On a failed save, you pull the creature up to 10 feet
closer to you.
Slashing. On a hit, you roll a d20. On a roll of 16 or higher,
you immediately make another attack roll with this weapon on
the same target. This effect can only occur once per turn.
Thunder. On a hit, the target must make a Constitution
saving throw. On a failed save, it is deafened until the end of
its next turn.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your
proficiency bonus, regaining expended uses after you finish a
long rest.

Mystic Discipline Nymph Spell List
11th level Art of the Nymph feature Flaming Sphere
You have gained greater mental fortitude. While dancing, Cantrips (0 Level) Gust of Wind
you have advantage on Constitution saving throws that you Control Flames Healing Spirit
make to maintain your concentration on a spell and you are Create Bonfire Heat Metal
immune to the blinded and deafened conditions. Druidcraft Lesser Restoration
Frostbite Locate Animals or Plants
Dancer of the Singing Winds Guidance Maximilian's Earthen Grasp
Gust Protection from Poison
17th level Art of the Nymph feature Infestation Skywrite
You have mastered the primal art to alter the skies. You can Mold Earth Spike Growth
now expend 2 charges of Dance to perform a powerful ritual Poison Spray Warding Wind
dance for 10 minutes. You must be outdoors to do so. When Primal Savagery
you complete the ritual dance, choose one of the following Produce Flame 3rd Level
weather effects to occur within 2 miles of you: Resistance Call Lightning
Rain. A cool, gale wind blows in clouds of rain. Shape Water Daylight
Fog. A cool, calm wind wind gently conceals the land in fog. Shillelagh Dispel Magic
Cloudy. A warm, strong wind rolls clouds across the sky. Thorn Whip Erupting Earth
Clear. A warm, moderate wind brings clear skies. Thunderclap Flame Arrows
Snow. A cold, calm wind carries a soft snowfall. Fly
1st Level Lightning Arrow
Storm. A cold, fierce storm unleashes thunderous lightning.
Absorb Elements Meld into Stone
It takes 30 minutes for the weather conditions to take effect.
Animal Friendship Plant Growth
The conditions will last up to 1 hour, after which the weather
Charm Person Protection from Energy
will return to normal. This feature cannot change magically
Beast Bond Revivify
altered weather.
Create or Destroy Water Sleet Storm
Cure Wounds Speak with Plants
Earth Tremor Tidal Wave
Ensnaring Strike Wall of Water
Entangle Water Breathing
Faerie Fire Water Walk
Fog Cloud Wind Wall
Healing Word
Ice Knife 4th Level
Jump Charm Monster
Longstrider Confusion
Snare Control Water
Speak with Animals Divination
Thunderwave Elemental Bane
Fire Shield
2nd Level Freedom of Movement
Animal Messenger Giant Insect
Augury Grasping Vine
Barkskin Guardian of Nature
Beast Sense Ice Storm
Continual Flame Locate Creature
Dust Devil Stone Shape
Earthbind Stoneskin
Enhance Ability Wall of Fire
Flame Blade Watery Sphere

Art of the Saint Blood and Honor
3rd level Art of the Saint feature
Many tales have been told of noble souls who fight with
When you deal damage to or cause a creature to regain Hit
selfless valor. These revered, or at times spurned, souls have
Points, you can expend one of your Hit Dice, roll the die, and
harnessed the power to use their own life force to protect
add bonus damage or healing equal to the amount rolled.
others. Its practice has yielded a handful few to walk this often
doomed path for many reasons: vengeance, a promise, dutiful
faith, a fated decree, a loved one's plea? Martyr's Bond
Regardless the path or reason, you can bring solace unto 6th level Art of the Saint feature
your brave comrades, heal wounds that cannot be seen, and When you begin a dance, shift dances, or as a bonus action
spare many the touch of death's cold grip. For when the while dancing, you can choose to forgo gaining the dance
journey is done, and the battle won, you will rest easy knowing effect and instead share only its positive effect with up to 3
many will march safely home. Even if you are but a gentle creatures you can see within 30 feet of you. The dance effect
memory. lasts until the start of your next turn.
When a creature affected by one of your dance effects takes
Guiding Grace damage, you can use your reaction to take the damage instead,
3rd level Art of the Saint feature as if you had resistance to that damage type.
You become proficient in your choice of two of the following
skills: Animal Handling, Insight, Medicine, or Religion. You learn Defiance of Death
the Leave No Man Behind and Touch of Grace techniques. You 11th level Art of the Saint feature
also learn the Create Bonfire cantrip. You can now stop the hand of death at the cost of your life.
When you cast the Create Bonfire cantrip, you can make it Whenever a creature fails a death saving throw within 30 feet
grace filled with rejuvenating warmth that causes it to last for of you that you can see, you can use your reaction to turn the
8 hours, no concentration required. Creatures within 20 feet failed death save into a success, but causing your hit point
of this grace filled bonfire are unharmed by temperatures as maximum to be reduced by an amount equal to twice the
low as -50 degrees Fahrenheit. If a creature finishes a short creature's level or CR, minimum of 2.
rest within 20 feet of the grace filled bonfire, it regains a This reduction lasts until you finish a long rest. If this effect
number of hit points equal to your proficiency bonus + reduces your hit point maximum to 0, you die.
Charisma modifier, and a number of Hit Dice equal to half
Now, if you ever die, your allies within 30 feet of you regain
your proficiency bonus.
hit points equal to two rolls of your Rhythm dice. This healing
You can grace fill your Create Bonfire cantrip in this way does not effect you.
once per long rest. At 6th level, twice per long rest. And at
11th level, thrice per long rest.
11th level Art of the Saint feature
When you use your Blood and Honor feature, you can now
subtract the amount rolled from your current Hit Points
instead of expending your Hit Dice.

Dancer of the Solemn Promise

17th level Art of the Saint feature
If a creature that you can see within 30 feet of you dies, you
can use your reaction to increase your level of exhaustion by 1
to have them become stable instead. A creature cannot benefit
from this effect again until finishing a long rest.
Alternatively, if a creature that you can see within 30 feet of
you dies, you can use your reaction to enter a state of quiet
rage. This effect lasts for 1 minute or until you are dead. While
in this state, you gain the following effects:

Your melee and ranged attacks deal additional damage

equal to half one roll of your Rhythm dice.
You gain resistance to all damage types, except force
You have advantage on all attack rolls, but attack rolls
against you have advantage.

While in this state, you cannot choose to increase your

exhaustion level to stabilize a dying creature. Once you have
entered this state of quiet rage, you may not do so again until
you finish a long rest.

Art of War Weapon Artistry
6th level Art of War feature
Perhaps the most disciplined and focused on the
Your training has granted you the most out of your weapons
fundamentals of techniques, you are one who strives to tackle
with particular properties, granting you the following benefits:
the battlefield in whichever way suits you best. Whether you
are an offensive fighter, a supportive cheerleader, or adaptive You can now begin a dance while wielding a heavy weapon.
sleuth, this art style allows you to comfortably shape your path You add both your Strength and Dexterity modifier to the
forward while keeping your allies inspired and motivated. damage rolls of finesse weapons you wield with two hands.
If you are Small or Tiny with a strength score of 15 or
Strategy higher, you do not suffer disadvantage on Attack rolls with
heavy weapons so long as you wield it with two hands.
3rd level Art of War feature
When you are under the effects of the Dodge action while
Your studies into the history of warfare have taught you the
wielding a shield, you can provide three-quarters cover to
Escape and Rally techniques.
creatures your size or smaller within 5 feet of you.
You gain two additional technique slots.
When you make an Intelligence or Wisdom check, you can
choose to spend 1 grace point to add your Charisma modifier
Well Rested
to the ability check when its rolled. 11th level Art of War feature
Your wisdom and experience gained from combat has
Tactics granted you two additional technique slots.
Once per day, during a short or long rest, you and up to 7
3rd level Art of War feature
other creatures gain the following benefits:
When you begin a dance, shift dances, or as a bonus action,
Prepared. For the next 8 hours, you make saving throws
you can choose one creature within 30 feet of you that can
against area of effect spells and abilities with advantage. Your
hear you to be affected by one of your rehearsed dances until
Hit Point maximum is increased by two rolls of your Hit Dice,
the start of your next turn. The creature chosen can
and you gain the same number of Hit Points.
immediately use its reaction to take the Attack (one weapon
attack only), Disengage action (at half movement speed), Hide,
or Use an Object action.
Dancer of the Scarred Fields
17th level Art of War feature
Focus Fire The memories burned into your body from battle has given
you one additional technique slot. Your Tactics feature can
6th level Art of War feature
now affect up to two creatures up to 60 feet away from you
You move in sync with your allies. When an ally that you can
and your Help action can now aid up to 2 allies at once.
see deals damage to a target within 5 feet of you, you can use
your reaction to make an attack at the same target.
Art of Weaving
An otherwordly dancer that controls the fabrics of life and
magic to manipulate and freely traverse the world around
them. Gentle souls who can mend wounds, ethereal assassins
who kill targets silently, or daredevils who recklessly traverse
dungeons with spinning threads. Whatever their desire, they
are a source of many unnerving tales that speak of forbidden
magic that was meant to be lost to time.

Magical Weaving
3rd level Art of Weaving feature
You are familiar with the art of manipulating the observable
world. You learn the Mage Hand and Message cantrips and gain
proficiency in Weaver's Tools.
You've learned how to weave magic into armor or clothing.
With 1 hour of light activity during a long rest, you can work
on one piece of light or medium armor, gloves, or boots
considered non-metal. For 24 hours, or until you choose a
different object, the object gains a +1 bonus to a saving throw
of your choice if it's armor, or a +1 bonus to attack rolls if it's
gloves, or a 5 feet movement speed increase if its boots. An
object can only have one imbued effect. A creature can only
benefit from one of these imbued effects at a time.
The number of objects you can have imbued in this way is
equal to your proficiency bonus.

Silver Threads Mystical Weaving
3rd level Art of Weaving feature 6th level Art of Weaving feature
You are now capable of creating ethereal threads. When you Your magical weaving gains further potency and control.
begin a dance, shift dances, or as a bonus action while dancing, When you trigger your Avoidance feature, you can choose to
you can conjure a number of silver threads equal to your pull yourself toward a target attached to one of your threads
proficiency bonus. When you do so, choose an equal number up to thrice your Avoidance feature's distance.
of creatures that you can see within 30 feet of you to make a When a creature attached to your silver thread is hit with,
Charisma saving throw. A creature that trusts you can choose or hits a creature with, an attack roll, you can use your
to fail the saving throw. A creature that fails the saving throw reaction to yank on that creature granting it a bonus to its AC,
is considered attached to one of your conjured silver threads. or penalty to its attack roll, equal to your proficiency bonus
A creature can only have one silver thread attached to it. against that attack roll, potentially causing the attack to miss.
A creature attached to a thread is affected by one of your Doing so cuts the thread.
rehearsed dances of your choice. A thread remains attached In addition, you can use your silver threads like a long
until it is cut. If a creature attached to a thread is more than magical rope that can hold up to 1,000 lbs times your dancer
30 feet away from you at the start of your turn, the thread is level. As an action, you can toss one end of it up to 120 feet
cut. away and attach it securely to the surface of an object. When
Your silver threads can appear as you so choose, can pass used for climbing, the silver thread can be extended up to 300
through solid objects when attached to a creature, and cannot feet. The thread grants advantage on checks made to climb it.
be interacted with or cut by any creature other than you.
However, your threads can be cut by a weapon or spell Silk Warrior
capable of dispelling magic, disintegrating creatures or objects,
or destroying ethereal objects. You also always know the 6th level Art of Weaving feature
location of creatures attached to your threads. You can now make a melee attack on creatures attached to
your silver threads. Doing so cuts the thread.
Immediately after you take the Attack action on your turn,
you can make one melee attack as a bonus action at a creature
attached to your silver threads.
In addition, you can now use techniques and spells with a
range of Touch or 5 feet on creatures attached to your silver
threads. Doing so cuts the thread.

Ethereal Weaving
11th level Art of Weaving feature
Your silver threads will now stay attached to creatures out
to a range of 60 feet. When you cut a thread from a creature,
you can choose for it take an additionl 1d10 force damage or
regain 1d10 Hit Points.
When you use your bonus action to make a melee attack at
a creature attached to your silver threads, you can spend 1
grace point to make an additional melee attack at a different
creature attached to your silver threads, or reattach a silver
thread to that creature, with the same action.

True Weaving
17th level Art of Weaving feature
You can grant yourself truesight out to a range of 60 feet for
1 minute up to three times per long rest.
When you cut a thread, you can use your reaction to repeat
that same action that cut the thread on that target. If said
action has a resource cost, you must still pay it.
In addition, if cutting a thread from a creature reduces that
creature's hit points to 30 or fewer, it must succeed on a
Charisma saving throw, or it is banished.
If the target is native to a different plane of existence than
the one you're on, the target disappears, returning to its home
plane. If the target is native to the plane you're on, the
creature vanishes into a harmless demiplane. While there, the
target is incapacitated. It remains there for 10 minutes, at
which point the target reappears in the space it left or in the
nearest unoccupied space, if it is still alive.

Deadly Tempo
Dancer Techniques Prerequisite: 6th level dancer
The following techniques are presented in three categories While you are dancing, your weapon attacks with weapons
and alphabetical order. The categories are: Offensive, that have the light or finesse property score a critical hit on a
roll of 19 or 20.
Supportive, and Adaptive. When you gain a level in your
class, you can replace one technique you know with a different
Furious Strike
Prerequisites: 11th level and Minimum of 15 Strength and
You must meet a technique's prerequisites in order for you
to learn it. You may only know one technique with the (unique)
tag at any given time and do not require a technique slot to be Immediately after you take the Attack action on your turn,
you can spend 1 grace point to make one weapon or unarmed
attack as a bonus action with advantage.
Your technique's Spell save DC equals 8 + your proficiency
bonus + your Charisma modifier (unless stated otherwise).
Impaling Thrust
Prerequisite: Minimum of 15 Strength or Dexterity
Offensive When you make a melee attack, you spend 1 grace point to
Arcing Swipe thrust deftly forward in a 20-foot line that is 5-feet wide to a
Prerequisite: Minimum of 15 Strength or Dexterity point you choose. Each creature in that line must make a
Dexterity saving throw against your Spell save DC. On a failed
When you make a melee attack, you spend 1 grace point to
save, it takes damage equal to two rolls of your melee attack's
swing in a wide arc forcing each creature in a 15-foot cone to
damage die, or half as much damage on a success.
make a Dexterity saving throw against your Spell save DC. On
a failed save, it takes two rolls of your melee attack's damage
die, or half as much damage on a success.
Leg Sweep
Prerequisite: Minimum of 13 Strength or Dexterity
Bladed Vortex You can spend 1 grace point to take the Shove action as a
Prerequisite: 6th level dancer bonus action on your turn.
As an action, you can spend 1 grace point to lash out in a
flurry of strikes. Each creature within 10 feet of you must
Lethal Strike
Prerequisite: 6th level
make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, creatures take
When you hit a target with a weapon attack, you can spend
force damage equal to one roll of your Rhythm dice, or half as
1 grace point to cause the target to suffer a lethal wound for 1
much on a success.
minute. The next time the target would regain hit points, it
Colossal Smash regains no hit points and instead takes damage equal to a roll
Prerequisites: 15th level and 19 Strength or higher (unique) of your weapon damage. The lethal wound is then healed.
If you are wielding a melee weapon that deals bludgeoning
damage, you can unleash a powerful assault of smashing
strikes. As an action, you force any creature in a 15 foot cone
to make a Constitution saving throw against your Spell save
DC. On a failure, it takes damage equal to three rolls of your
weapon damage, or half as much damage on a success.
Creatures within 5 feet of you roll this save with disadvantage
and are knocked prone on a failed save. You can repeat this
action 2 more times during your turn. This damage is doubled
against objects and structures.
You can use this technique up to two times, regaining
expended uses on a long rest.

Crushing Blow
Prerequisite: 17th Strength or higher
When you hit a target with a two-handed weapon, you can
spend 1 grace point to force the target to make a Constitution
saving throw against your Spell save DC. On a failed save, the
target takes force damage equal to one roll of its Hit Dice + its
Constitution modifier, or half as much on a success. This
technique can only be used once per turn.

Dual Strike
Prerequisite: 15th Dexterity or higher
While wielding a melee weapon in each hand, you can
spend 1 grace point to strike with both weapons
simultaneously as part of a single weapon attack. This
technique can only be used once per turn.

Multi-shot Spinning Wheel Strike
Prerequisites: 6th level and 15 Dexterity or higher Prerequisite: 3rd level dancer
When you make a ranged attack with a weapon, you can As an action, you can spend 1 to 3 grace point to deal
spend 1 to 3 grace points to magically cause the attack to split magical slashing damage equal to your Rhythm dice to all foes
into a mass volley. Each creature within a 30-foot cone must within 5 ft of you, expanding the radius of this technique by 5
make a Dexterity saving throw against your Spell save DC. On feet for each grace point spent.
a failed save, it takes damage equal to two rolls of that
weapon's damage die for each grace point spent, or half as Sunder Defense
much damage on a success. This technique can only be used Prerequisite: Minimum of 17 Strength or Dexterity
once per turn. When you score a critical hit on a creature with a weapon or
unarmed attack, attack rolls against that creature gain a +2
Pressure Point bonus to its attack roll until the start of your next turn.
Prerequisites: 6th level and 15 Dexterity or higher
When you hit a creature concentrating on a spell with an Swan Dance
unarmed melee attack, you can spend 1 grace point to force it Prerequisite: 15th level and 19 Dexterity or higher (unique)
to make a Concentration saving throw against your Spell save If you are wielding a melee weapon that deals slashing
DC. On a failed save, it loses concentration on its spell. damage, you can perform a graceful onslaught of strikes with
that weapon. As an action, you force creatures within 10 feet
Rapid Fire of you to make Dexterity saving throw against your Spell save
Prerequisites: 6th level and 15 Dexterity or higher DC. On a failure, it takes damage equal to three rolls of your
When you make a ranged attack with a weapon, you can weapon damage, or half as much damage on a success. Until
spend 1 to 3 grace points to unleash a flurry of projectiles in a the end of your turn, you gain a flying speed equal to your
40-foot line that is 5 feet wide to a point you choose. Each walking speed and every 10 feet you move allows you to
creature in that line must make a Dexterity saving throw repeat this action, up to 2 more times.
against your Spell save DC, taking damage equal to two rolls of You can use this technique up to two times, regaining
that weapon's damage die for each grace point spent, or half expended uses on a long rest.
as much damage on a success. This technique can only be
used once per turn. Trick Shot
Prerequisites: 5th level and 15 Dexterity or higher
Readied Ferocity Immediately after a creature misses you with an
Prerequisites 6th level and 15 Dexterity or higher opportunity attack, you can use your reaction to make a
When you take the Ready action to prepare a melee attack, ranged attack at that creature without disadvantage.
you can attack twice when the readied action is triggered.
Valkyrian Fury
Rhythmic Strike Prerequisites: 15th level and Minimum of 15 Strength and
Prerequisite: 4th level dancer Dexterity (unique)
When you hit a creature with a weapon or unarmed attack, If you are wielding a melee weapon that deals piercing
you can spend 1 grace point to deal force damage to the damage, you can perform a series of successive thrusts with
target, in addition to the weapon's damage, equal to one roll of that weapon. As an action, you can rush 20 feet in a straight
your Rhythm dice. This technique can only be used once per line in any direction to an unoccupied space you can see
turn. causing each target you pass through to make a Dexterity
saving throw. On a failure, it takes damage equal to three rolls
Shatter the Fabric of your weapon damage, or half as much on a success. You can
Prerequisite: 18th level dancer (unique) repeat this action up to 2 more times on your turn.
As an action, you channel the purest form of your grace into You can use this technique up to two times, regaining
a powerful area attack. Each creature you choose within 30 expended uses on a long rest.
feet of you that you can see must succeed on a Dexterity
saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes force damage Supportive
equal to three rolls of your Rhythm die, or half as much on a
success. For each creature that fails this save, you regain 2 Bladed Defense
grace points. Prerequisite: 3nd level dancer
You can use this technique up to two times, regaining You learn the Blade Ward cantrip. As a bonus action, you can
expended uses on a long rest. spend 1 grace point to touch a creature and cast the Blade
Ward cantrip on that creature.
Skyward Strike
Prerequisite: Minimum of 15 Strength or Dexterity Bubble Barrier
When you hit a Large or smaller creature with a melee Prerequisite: 3rd level Art of Bewitching, Magi, Nymph, or Saint
attack, you can spend 1 grace point to force it to make a When a creature within 30 feet of you takes damage, you
Strength saving throw against your Spell save DC. On a failure, can spend 1 grace point to use your reaction to create a
the target is thrown at least 10 feet in any direction at a high protective magic bubble that reduces the damage taken by an
enough speed to be considered falling from a great height. amount equal to your Rhythm dice + Charisma modifier.

Cheer Hallow Nova
Prerequisite: 2nd level dancer Prerequisite: 6th level Art of the Fury, Nymph, or Saint
As an action, you can grant a number of creatures equal to As an action, you can spend 2 grace points to evoke a potent
your proficiency bonus within 30 feet of you a bonus to their bead of light centered above you. During your turn, the bead
next attack damage roll equal to half one roll of your Rhythm will shed bright light up to 20 feet and dim light for another
dice + Charisma modifier until the start of your next turn. 20 feet. Any magical darkness caught in this bright light that
You can use this technique a number of times equal to your was created by a spell or creature of CR equal to half your
Charisma modifier, regaining expended uses on a long rest. dancer level or lower is dispelled. This light is considered
Cleansing Grace At the end of your turn, the bead explodes in a brilliant
Prerequisite: 6th level dancer display. Each creature within a 20 foot radius sphere of this
You can spend 1 grace point to touch a creature and end explosion must making a Constitution saving throw. On a
either the blinded, deafened, or poisoned condition. failure, it is blinded until the end of its next turn.
If a creature within 5 feet of the explosion fails the save, it is
Determination also stunned until the end of its next turn.
Prerequisite: 7th level dancer (unique)
Creatures affected by one of your dance effects are immune
to being frightened. If a creature affected by one of your Prerequisite: 6th dancer
dance effects fails an Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma saving Your Help action now has a range of 15 feet. Your Help
throw, it can use its reaction to reroll the d20, taking the action now also grants the positive effect from one of your
second result. rehearsed dances (your choice), until the start of your next
Prerequisite: 2nd level dancer Leave No One Behind
When a creature makes an attack roll against another Prerequisite: 3rd level dancer
creature within 15 feet of you that you can see, you can use You learn the Spare the Dying cantrip. When you cast Spare
your reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll. the Dying, you can spend 1 grace point to have the creature
you touched regain 1 hit point and gain temporary hit points
Encourage equal to one roll of your Rhythm dice. The creature can't
Prerequisite: 7th level dancer (unique) regain hit points from this technique again until it finishes a
Creatures affected by one of your dance effects do not roll long rest.
attacks and saving throws with disadvantage, and whenever it
must make a saving throw, it gains a bonus to the saving throw
equal to half your proficiency bonus. Prerequisite: 3rd level dancer
When a creature gains one of your rehearsed dance effects,
Escape it can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to its next attack
Prerequisite: 2nd level dancer roll or saving throw before the end of its next turn.
You can expend a charge of Dance to grant yourself and six
creatures you choose within 30 feet of you that you can see
Persistent Presence
the ability to take the Dash and Disengage actions as bonus Prerequisite: 9th level dancer
actions for the next minute. When a creature, other than yourself, would lose one of
your rehearsed dance's effects, it instead retains that effect
Fascinate until the start of its next turn. A creature can still only be
Prerequisite: 3rd level dancer affected by one of your dance effects at a time.
While dancing, you can use an action to focus your magics
on a creature within 20 feet of you that can see you, forcing it
to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature Prerequisite: 3rd level dancer
has disadvantage on attack rolls that target a creature other When an ally starts its turn within 10 feet of you while you
than you and it can't willingly move further than 20 feet away are dancing, it gains a number of temporary hit points equal
from you. The creature can repeat the save at the end of each to your Charisma modifier.
of its turns or when it takes damage, ending this effect on a
success. This effect ends early if your dance ends. Saving Grace
You can use this technique a number of times equal to your Prerequisite: 5th level Art of the Dervish, Saint, or Weaving
Charisma modifier, regaining expended uses on a long rest. When an ally within 30 feet of you that you can see is
forced to make a saving throw against an area of effect spell or
Focused Adrenaline ability, you can use your reaction to grant them advantage on
Prerequisite: Minimum of 15 Constitution or Wisdom the saving throw as you pull them to an unoccupied space
When an ally within 30 feet of you that you can see or hear within 5 feet of you. This space cannot be over hazardous
is incapacitated or brought to 0 speed, you can use your terrain, such as a cliff or trap.
reaction to gain advantage on all attacks and skill checks using You can use this technique thrice, regaining expended uses
Strength or Dexterity and your speed increases by 10 feet on a long rest.
until the end of your next turn.

Spirit Fire When you successfully perform the Overrun or Tumble Mar
action on a creature, you can spend 1 grace point to cause that Prere
Prerequisite: 5th level dancer
creature to also be affected by the Disarm or Shove action.
As an action, you conjure four fiery wisps that encircle a If y
target within 30 feet of you for up to 1 minute. While at least can a
Dance Recoup
1 wisp persists, the target sheds bright light up to 10 feet and
Prerequisite: 3rd level dancer
dim light for an additional 10 feet.
You can forgo regaining grace points on a short rest to
As a reaction to the target being damaged by a creature
instead regain 1 charge of your Dance feature.
within 20 feet of it, you can deal radiant damage equal to one
roll your Rhythm dice to the triggering creature, or cause the Dance Through the Danger
target the wisps encircle to regain hit points equal to your Prerequisite: 4th level dancer
Rhythm dice.
While dancing, you make saving throws against area of
This technique can only be used a number of times equal to
effect spells and abilities with advantage.
your proficiency bonus, regaining expended uses on a long
rest. Deceiver
Prerequisite: 3rd level and 15 Charisma or higher
Sun Blossom When you make a Charisma (Deception) check, you can
Prerequisite: 7th level dancer (unique)
spend 1 grace point to add your Wisdom modifier to the roll.
When you are forced to make a saving throw against an
You have advantage against effects that attempt to read your
area of effect spell or ability, you can use your reaction to
thoughts and you can attempt Charisma (Deception) checks
create a temporary magic barrier to protect yourself and
when under magical scrutiny.
others. Upon doing so, each creature within 20 feet of you that
you can see automatically succeeds on the saving throw. Elusive Steps
You can use this technique twice, regaining expended uses Prerequisite: 2nd level dancer
on a long rest.
You can spend 1 grace point to take the Dodge action when
you begin a dance, shift dances, or as a bonus action on your
Touch of Grace turn.
Prerequisite: 3rd Art of the Nymph, Saint, or Weaving
As an action, you can spend 1 grace point to touch a Elegant Agility
creature and restore a number of hit points equal to half one Prerequisite: 2nd level dancer
roll of your Rhythm dice + your Charisma modifier.
You can take the Disengage or Dash action as a bonus action
on your turn.
Acrobatic Guile Prerequisite: 11th level dancer (unique)
Prerequisite: 3rd level dancer
As an action, you target one creature you can see within 30
Moving through a creature's space does not cost you extra
feet of you and force them to make a Wisdom saving throw. On
movement. If you move into a creature's space, you can use
a failed save, that creature must repeat the same action it took
your reaction to take the Shove action against that creature.
on its previous turn. If the creature cannot repeat the action
due to having no uses, charges, resources, or spell slots, their
Agile Evasion action is forfeited as it fails to recreate that action.
Prerequisite: 6th level dancer
You can use this technique twice, regaining expended uses
Your Avoidance feature can now also be used when an
on a long rest.
attack hits you. When you use your Avoidance feature, you can
spend 1 grace point to reduce the damage you take by an Flexible Grapple
amount equal to your Rhythm dice + your Dexterity modifier.
Prerequisite: 15 Dexterity or higher
While you have this technique learned, you can use your
Alluring Touch
Dexterity (Acrobatics) when you attempt a grapple check,
Prerequisite: 3rd level and 15 Charisma or higher
instead of Strength (Athletics). If you successfully grapple a
If you attempt to charm a creature that you are touching,
creature that is your size or smaller, you can spend 1 Grace
you can add half your proficiency bonus to the DC of the
point to knock it prone as part of the same action.
charm against that creature.
Graceful Recovery
Cat-like Reflexes Prerequisite: 6th level dancer
Prerequisite: 3rd level dancer
As an action, you can expend 1 charge of your Dance
You gain proficiency in the Acrobatics skill and can use your
feature to regain half of your maximum grace points.
reaction when you fall to reduce any falling damage you take
by an amount equal to four times your dancer level. Hypersensitive
Prerequisites: 11th level and 19 Dexterity or higher
Close Quarters Combat
When you make an attack roll, saving throw, or ability check
Prerequisites: 3rd level
as part of, or do to, a reaction, you do so with advantage.

While dancing, you have advantage against effects that try
to knock you prone, push or pull you, or alter your speed.
Prerequisite: 6th level dancer
You now gain bonus grace points beyond the maximum Repertoire
equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Prerequisite: 3rd level dancer
You can rehearse 1 additional dance and gain 2 additional
Physical Remedy
Dance charges.
Prerequisite: Minimum of 13 Wisdom or 13 Charisma
Whenever you roll a Hit Dice to regain hit points, you may Sneak
also regain hit points equal to your Strength or Dexterity
Prerequisite: 2nd level dancer
modifier, your choice.
You gain proficiency in the Stealth skill and can now take
the Hide action as a bonus action.
Shield Block
Prerequisite: 3rd level and Minimum of 15 Strength or Dexterity Staggering Parry
While you are wielding a shield, you can use your reaction
Prerequisites: 9th level and 15 Dexterity or higher
to block incoming damage that you take from a melee and
When a creature misses you with a melee attack, you can
ranged attack. When you do so, the damage you take from the
use your reaction to spend 1 grace point and make a Dexterity
attack is reduced by your Hit Dice + your Strength or Dexterity
(Acrobatics) check contested by the target's Strength
modifier (your choice) + twice your proficiency bonus.
(Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check (the target chooses
the ability to use). If you succeed, the target loses one use of
Spell Reflect their Extra Attack or Multiattack feature until the end of their
Prerequisite: 15th level dancer (unique)
next turn. This effect does not stack.
When you are the target of a spell that targets only you, you
can use your reaction to make a Charisma check. The DC Stance Dancer
equals 10 + the spell's level. On a success, you instead reflect
Prerequisite: 15th level dancer (unique)
that spell back at its original caster using either your spell
Your Avoidance and Resolute Focus features can now trigger
modifier for its effects, or the original caster's, whichever is
when you begin a dance and shift dances.
You can use this technique twice, regaining expended uses Treasure Seeker
on a long rest.
Prerequisite: 9th level Art of Adventure, Dervish, Nymph, or War
While holding an object that originates from a location you
Lethargic Strike wish to find, you can forgo the benefits of a short rest to
Prerequisites: 9th level and 15 Strength or higher
instead meditate upon the object for 30 minutes. While
If you hit a target with a melee attack, you can spend 1
meditating you mentally soar through the sky toward the
grace point to make a Strength (Athletics) check contested by
destination you seek, taking in the landscape and any specific
the target's Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics)
details you can, until you know how far your destination is and
check (the target chooses the ability to use). If you succeed,
in what direction it lies. The details gathered through this
the target loses one use of their Extra Attack or Multiattack
mental journey is clear enough to be remembered precisely
feature until the end of their next turn. This effect does not
and made into a map.
If the destination is a different plane of existence, you
simply see a dream-like vision of that plane, but no specific
Mystical Performance
details nor direction to the destination.
Prerequisite: 13 Charisma or higher
You can perform this technique once per long rest.
While you are dancing, you can cast spells that require a
verbal component with a somatic component instead, and you
can cast spells that require a somatic component with your
spellcasting focus or musical instrument.

Prerequisite: 3rd level
You can now use your Dexterity instead of Strength when
determining how far you can jump, and can make Dexterity
(Acrobatics) checks when climbing or swimming.
In addition, your base jump distance is increased by 5 feet.

Quick Move
Prerequisite: 2nd level dancer
You can now spend 1 grace point to use your Avoidance
feature as a bonus action.

Prerequisite: 3rd level dancer

New Feats
Listed below is a quick list of new feats that can be introduced
into the game if the DM allows feats.

Dance Adept Technical Disciple

Prerequisite: Minimum of 13 Dexterity and Charisma Prerequisite: 4th level
Your practice in the arts of performing dance and music has You have special training that allows you to perform unique
granted you the following benefits: combat techniques. You gain the following benefits:

Increase your Dexterity or Charisma score by 1, to a You gain 2 technique slots. You can use a technique slot to
maximum of 20. learn a technique of your choice from among those
You gain proficiency in the Acrobatics or Performance skill, available in the dancer class. Refer to the rules of
your choice. Techniques which are found in the dancer class to learn how
You gain 2 uses of the Dance feature and learn a dance of to use techniques.
your choice from among those found in the dancer class. You gain 2 grace points and your grace point maximum is
This dance is considered rehearsed (prepared) and your increased by 2. These grace points are used to fuel your
maximum amount of dances you can have rehearsed is techniques. You regain your expended grace points when
increased by 1. Refer to the rules of Dance which are found you finish a short or long rest.
in the dancer class to learn how to use a rehearsed dance. Your technique's Spell save DC equals 8 + your proficiency
bonus + your Wisdom or Charisma modifier (your choice).
Essence Devourer
Prerequisite: 4th level dancer or monk
War Cry
You have gained discipline in the art of life essence, allowing Prerequisite: 4th level and Minimum of 15 Strength and
you to gain strength from the demise of your foes. Constitution
Whenever a creature of CR 1/2 or higher that you can see You can now channel the unbridled power of your voice to
dies within 60 feet of you, you may roll a d20. On a roll of 11 let loose inspiring or fearsome war cries. You gain the
or higher, you can see the creature's life essence spawn above following benefits:
its body for 1 minute in the form of a small mote of light.
Increase your Constitution or Charisma score by 1, to a
As an action, you can touch the life essence to absorb it and
maximum of 20.
regain 1 grace or 2 ki points, and regain an amount of Hit
Points equal to 1d8 + your Constitution modifier. If the roll You gain proficiency in the Intimidation or Performance
skills, your choice.
was a 19 or 20, the life essence spawned will also
You gain 1 use of Dance and learn a dance of your choice
permanently increase your Hit Point maximum by 2 when
from among those found in the dancer class. This dance is
absorbed, up to an increase of 30 to your Hit Point maximum.
considered rehearsed (prepared) and your maximum
amount of dances you can have rehearsed is increased by
Magus Warrior 1. Refer to the rules of Dance which are found in the dancer
Prerequisite: dancer or monk class to learn how to use a rehearsed dance.
You learn two cantrips of your choice that are from the You can now expend a charge of Dance to unleash a War
sorcerer or wizard spell list. Cry, which allows you to choose a number of creatures
Your spellcasting ability for these spells is either Wisdom or equal to your proficiency bonus within 30 feet of you that
Charisma, your choice. Each time you gain a class level, you can hear you to gain the positive or negative effect of the
may replace one cantrip you have learned with a different dance (your choice) until the start of your next turn.
cantrip from the sorcerer or wizard spell list.
In addition, once per turn, when you roll a critical hit on an
attack roll, you regain 1 grace point or 2 ki points, your choice.

The Dancer
The Dancer is unofficial Fan Content permitted
under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/
endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials
used are property of Wizards of the Coast.
©Wizards of the Coast LLC..

Created by utternonsense123 (Irosia)

Artist Credits:

Cover Art - Dancer - Rongrong Wang ----------

Page 2 - Allure - Michael C. Hayes --------------
Page 3 - Dancing Girl - Bin X ---------------------
Page 7 - 铁处女02 (Legends of the Cryptids) -
XiaoGuang Sun ----------------------------------------
Page 8 - Beauty and the Beast - Nick Eremeico
Page 9 - Princess of Ghouls (Legends of the
Cryptids) - Livia Prima -------------------------------
Page 10 - Swiftblade - Ae-rie ----------------------
Page 12 - 铁处女02 - Crow God -----------------
Page 13 - DeathDragon Anubis - Stu Harrington
Page 14 - Dancer - Mobius FF (Square Enix) --
Page 15 - MANA - Young June Choi GPZANG
Page 16 - Rain Dancer - BeaGifted --------------
Page 17 - Lady Witch, Dark Knight - Kekai Kotaki
Page 18 - 军团的年轻军官 - Xin Jin -------------
Page 19 - Destiny Spinner - Livia Prima --------
Page 20 - 侠 - Bohan .Z -----------------------------
Page 24 - Niobe(Stranger Comic) - Hyoung Taek
Nam -------------------------------------------------------
Page 25 - 飞天乐舞 - Tea Me ----------------------
Back Cover - ff14 队友 - U See
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