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e) Active And Passive Voice

(To write ffectively, one must be good at both active andI passive voices.)

Look at the following

A snake bit the man. The man was bitten by a snake.
Both the sentences mean same thing. While the first says somebody (subject) DID
intshomeeltiAin ,
the second shows WAS DONE to somebody (object). The first sentence is
Voice because its subject is given more importance, and it does something. The second
in the Passive Voice
because its object is given more importance. It does nothing but Sentence'
allows something to be done to it. passive,
Acttve Voice is used especially when the subiect is to be made prominent. Passive Voice is ...
when the doer is unknown. The passive form should never appear aWkWard but
passive voie
is often used when the doer is

Points to remember while converting Active Voice into Passive Form

a) Only those verbs which have an object (or objects) can be converted into
E.g.: Iteach you English. (Active).
You are taught English by me. (Passive)
She smiled. (Active)
No passive form is possible for this sentence because the verb 'smile' does
not have
an object. (smiling is here an intransitive verb)

b) When the voice is changed, it must be ensured that the

tense of the transformed sentence is o
Eg: Ihave completed the work. (Active)
The work has been completed by me.
c) The Verb form of the Passive Voice is Past participle.
Eg: Igave her a present. (Active)
A present was given to her by me.

Knowledge is simply an opinion we trust

enough to act upon.
Active and Passive Voice 137

ASubject becomes the agent of the action with the addition of a word (preposition) 'by'.
Eg: Mr.Pillai taught us English. (Active)
English was taught to us by Mr.Pillai. (or]
We were taught English by Mr.Pillai. (Passive)
Eg: by him, by me, by her, by us etc.
Remember that a preposition is always followed by a noun in the objective case.

e) Anew auxiliary is added before the past participle form of the verb.
Eg: He tells me. (Active) He told me. (Active)
Iam told. (Passive) Iwas told. (Passive)

Active Passive
1. People speak English all over the world. 1. English is spoken all over the world.
2. The police are watching the suspect. 2. The suspect is being watched by the police.
3. Someone has ripped-off my wallet. 3. My wallet has been ripped-off.
4. Prepare yourself for the test. 4. Be prepared for the test.
5. We hope that they will call off the strike. 5. It is hoped that the strike will be called off.
6. Iteach English. 6. English is taught by me.
7. Iwas doing the work. 7. The work was being done by me.
8. I willteach you a lesson. 8. You will be taught a lesson.
9. I will have finished the work by tonight. 9. The work willhave been finished by tonight.
10.He gave me a present. 10.I was given a present (by him).
11.I am watching you very carefully. 11. You are being watched very carefully.
12.They have examined the new student. 12.The new student has been examined by them.
13.The children had eaten up some of the 13.Some of the cakes had been eaten up by the
cakes before the party began. children before the party began.
14.Somebody broke the window. 14.The window was broken by somebody.
15.I am coaching my brother. 15.My brother is being coached by me.
16.He would not lend me any money. 16.No money would be lent to me by him.
17.Veerappan was killing amosquito. 17.A mosquito was being killed by Veerappan.
l8.They say that there is water on the Mars. 18.It is said that there is water on the Mars.

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