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(book and serie.)

Outlander is Serie of 10 books written by Diana Galbon that later became a

popular historical drama television on Netflix. She has published eight out of a
planned ten volumes. The tv series was developed by Ronald D Moore based
on Diana´s book and debuted for the first time in august 9 of 2014 on Starz.
The author: Diana Golbon was born on January 11 of 1952 in Arizona, she
became known for being a writer of romances and historical fiction. The most
popular book of the author is Outlander (cross Stitch) and it was written in 1988,
but it was published just in 1991. Of course, the book passed for a lot of
modifications because Diana at the first it wasn't a romance writer, she used to
work as a publisher of technical articles for the Science Software Quarterly that
she founded, while she was working at the state university from Arizona. She
wrote informatic articles and comic books for the wall Disney Company too. In
1988 she decided to start writing romances, just to practice and learn how to do
it without intention to show- up for anyone. As a research teacher she decided
to write about historical romance because she thought that could be easier to
write. She wrote her story based on a character from a doctor who, a Scottish
man from 1745, Jamie McCrimmon, served as inspiration for our famous James
Fraser and she decided to create a women character that took care of the story.
To explain the modern behavior from the character she decided to choose the
time travel.
A little bit of explanation before I started tells you about the books and Serie.
Both shows a lot of war, so we have blood and body exposition, a lot of sex
scenes, rape, torture and violence. So, if you do not have a strong stomach I
advise you: DO NOT WATCH IT. Now we can start it.

Name of books
First one: Outlander, was published in 1991 in America. Published in in Uk,
Australia and New Zealand as Cross Stitch. In Brazil it is known as A viajante
no tempo and It has 640 pages. The time in the book is 1946 / 1743 until 1744

Second: Dragonfly in Ambar, was published in 1992, In Brazil is known as A

libelula no Âmbar and It has 944 pages. The time in the book is 1968 / 1744
until 1746

Third: Voyager, was published in 1993- Resgate no mar. It has 992 pages.
1968 / 1746 a 1756 / 1766 a 1767

Fourth: Drums of Autumn, was published in 1996, in Brazil is known as Os

tambores do Outono and it has 880 pages. 1969 a 1970 / 1767 a 1770

Fifth: The Fiery Cross was published in 2001, in Brazil is known as A cruz de
fogo and It has 1120 pages. 1770 a 1772

Sixth: A Breath of Snow and Ashes, was published in 2005- In brazil it is known
as Sopro de neves e cinzas and it has 1168 pages. 1772 a 1776 / 1980

Seventh: An Echo in the Bone, was published in 2009, in Brazil is known as

Ecos do futuro and it has 912 pages. 1980 / 1776 a 1778

Eighth: Written in My Own Heart's Blood, was published in 2014, in Brazil is

known as Escrito com sangue do meu próprio coração and there is no translate
for this book yet, but you can find it in Pdf but I do not have sure that is the real
book. 1739 / 1778 a 1779 / 1980

Nineth: Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone, this one the author is still writing and
it does not have a forecast when it will be published.

Tenth: This one is the last book of the whole Serie.

Plot: After working separately during the second war Clair Randall, an ex-nurse
from the British army, and her husband Frank Randall, a history teacher
decided to go on a second honeymoon to relax and celebrate the end of the
second war, in Inverness in Scotland. Frank searcher about his past Family and
Claire goes explore the beauty landscapes of Scotland. When she arrived close
to the stones of the hill of Craigh na Dun she heard a noise coming through the
stones and when she touched the stone she passed out.
When she wakes up, she though had seen her husband, but actually the man in
front of her was the Captain Jack Randall or Black Jack as it was known, her
worst bed dream, before she gets attacked by the Capitan, James (our beautiful
hero), saved her. James took her to his friends that present themselves as
McDonalds Clan members, Clair is feeling lost but she decides to help James
that was hurt in the confrontation with Randall and uses her medicine skills.
Then Clair goes to the castle of Mackenzie clan and there is where her true
journey starts.

FIRST BOOK AND SEASON: Clair and her husband are going to a second
honeymoon in Inverness, Scotland, after the end of the second war , when they
arrived there they realized that the houses are full of blood on the door and
they, Frank as a historian man tells Clair that this weird thing is a tradition.
There is a festival that is going to happen, Halloween, or the Samhain as the
Scottish people call, where the dead people could walk again.
Frank continues with his research about his past family with a friend and Claire
goes to the kitchen talk with her new friend. The woman told her that she could
read tea cups and hands, she asked Clair to read hers. Ms. Graham starts to
read and tells Clair that she has a journey but she could not understand the
lines of her cup and hand. There were two marriages that were connected, a
travel but in the same place; a lot of weird things that Clair and Ms. Graham
could not understand. A lot of superstition and Clair always said that she was
not a superstition woman, but this, she started to think a lot about what Ms.
Graham said.
ps: But don´t worry things are going to be solved, just wait.
Things got weirder when Frank was backing home and saw a man looking for
Clair in the window and when Frank got closed to the man asking what he
wanted he simply disappeared. When he arrived, Frank told Clair what
happened and both stayed like, what¿. But life goes on right¿
In the middle of night, they went to the Craigh na Dun stones and saw a festival
happening, Clair felt a shiver in her neck and something inside her was telling
that she was not supposed to be there. She saw a type of medicine flower and
the other day Clair deiced back there and while she was taking the flowers a
strong noise coming through one of the stones started. In shock Claire got close
and touched the stone and she passed out.
When she wakes up she is in the exactly same place, but when she back to the
car she discovered that it was not there anymore. Walking in the forest without
understand nothing she heard a shot and see men’s with a strange cloth
running in the forest. At the beginning she tough that she was in a scene of
movie of the past, but it was not like this, there is no reason to the actors use
real monition. Running she bumps on the Capitan Randall and he tried rape her
but someone salved her.
Getting into a small house she is interrogated by a lot of man´s and she tells
them that she was a nurse, and she confirms this by putting James' arm back in
place. When they Start moving back home Clair asked James why they can not
see Inverness, James told her that she was looking straight to the city and she
finally realized that she was not in the XX century. She is taken for the leoch
There Clair needs to prove that she is not a British spy, because she is a
strange woman telling them that she came from Oxfordshire and had parents in
France (of course to hide the truth about her closets and words). Duncan,
James' uncle put two guards to follow Clair.
Well, after talking to the lair of the castle, Colum, it was decided that Clair could
back to oxfordshire in the next week, but has changed when the healer of the
castle died, Column had a syndrome of Toulouse-lautrec, it was a degenerative
disease of bones and connective tissue, He decided keeping Clair in the castle
as his healer. Having to accept she need start getting used to her new life.
With time her relationship with James starts to grow, she makes a new friend
Geillis, who Clair thinks is really weird, cause she asks her a lot of things about
where Claire is from, how she knows about a lot of poison that it has not
discovered yet. Clair always dodge the conversation. But something that it is in
Clair minds is that maybe Galis could be a time traveler too.
Clair made new friends but also enemies, one of them the priest, because there
was a boy who ate a poisoned fruit in the black church, a local where the people
from highlands tell it is the house of the devil. The priest tied the boy to his bed
and started an exorcism . The boy was almost dead when Clair arrived telling
that the problem was not possession but poison. The priest argued with her but
in the end the family decided to let Clair help. With a miracle cure the boy back
to the consciousness.
In a night where music was being played, Clair asked James to translate her
and guess, the song talks about a lady that traveled in the time and could back,
at this point of the story Clair decided she needed to escape to the castle or die
She started prowling the castle to find a way to escape.
At night, she started preparing herself to escape, but when she is almost getting
stumped by James, that convinced her that tonight she won't go anywhere,
because of the castle guards. Claire begged him to help her and as a gentle
man as he is he helped her. But it didn't work, even that she received a
proposal from Dogal to join them on a trip and she accepted because maybe
she could go back home. In this trip Claire discovered that James and the
Mackenzies are raising funds for the Jacobite cause because at that time the
british were trying to conquer scotland. But she doesn't agree with the way they
are raising funds, using James back, but Jamie tells her that a man needs to
choose what is worth fighting for. Clair would Like to tell them that they are on
the losing side that King Stuart will never win king George II. But she was afraid
of telling because she could change the future. In a part of the trip they find
crucified people and they know that was the work of the english and Jamie
sleeps at Claire's doors because he thought that the men could hurt her
because she is English. To help they find Black Jack Randall and the
conversation it is not as friendly as they imagined that could be. JBK spanks
Claire and the tension between British and Scotand stays stronger. JBK told
her that he wanted her in the fort Willian a jail where people are murder, and
Dogal tells her that to get rid of JBK she need to turned into a scotsh woman
and for that she need merry some scotshi man and the choosed one was
Jamie. They got married. In 1945 Franck searched for Clair desperately and
the government said to Franck maybe Clair is a time traveler, but Frank thinks
that all of that was a bushit and left scotland.
When Claire is walking into the forest she find the stones which brings her to
the past and when she gets close to the stone, she could feel something and on
the other side was Frank in 1945 he could hear her calling his name and it is
where everything makes sense But the she is almost touching the stone the
redcoats take her underest. Jamie rescues Claire and asks her to apologize
because she put everybody in danger. At this point of the series we see the
epoch traces, where the chauvinism reing.
Jamie Belive found a person that could comprove he is innocent, the Duke of
Sandringham, but Claire remembered what Frank told her about him and she
tried telling Jamie he is not trustable. Jamie wrote a letter telling all the crimes
that JBK committed and he hoped the duke could deliver to the king.
The voltage of the castle is big and Gallis asks Claire's help and both are
underestimated by witchcraft. Again we can see epoch traces where people
believed in witchcraft because the catolic church reprime medicine and people
accuse her of witch, because everybody could be accused of that and be buried
in the fire pit. The fuc*** Prist tells a lot of bushit during the jugment, but we
have Ned, another friend of Claire, that for her luck is lower too and helped her.
Everything is going down and Ned says that he can only save one, Clair
discovers that Gallis is there because she wanted to change the past, she was
a fanatic for the Jacobite cause and she discovered that Claire is there by
accident. In the judgment Gallis showed that she is loyal to Claire and says that
she is a witch and is pregnant with the devil's son and shows the mark that it is
nothing but the variola vaccine. Gallis is burned in the fire pit and Jamie saves
Claire, but not everything is ok yet, Jamie asks Clair to tell the truth because he
saw the same mark as Gallis in Claire´s arm and she explains everything since
she was in 1945. Jamie freed her back but she decided to stay and now we
have Claire Fraser and not anymore Clair Randall.
Jamie and Clairer go back to Lallybroch, James' past land and he told her he
could avoid all the suffering if he surrendal to Jack randall, because he is
In the castle, Jamie invent a lie and says that she is a pron of Jenny, that
actually is his sister, but horrock recognizes Jamie and asks for a lot of money
to not tell the redcoats and he is murdered by Ian, Jenny´s husband.
Missing Horrock his friend asks Jamie and Ian help to find him, but it is an
ambush and Jamie is taken by the redcoats.
Claire and Murtagh go search for Jamie and they use his artistic ability to try to
find Jamie and it works, Dougal tells Claire that Jamie was taken by the
redcoats and they took him to Wentworth prison.
There Jamie is been torture by Jack Randall and Claire is coming up with a
plan to rescue Jamie. They almost get it but JBK takes Claire and put a knife
under her neck and Jamie says if he lets her go he will deliver to him, torturing
him in front of Clair Jamie asks him to take Clair away and cursing BJK she tells
him the day, month and year of his death.
Backing to her friends they go with another plan while jaimie is been torture and
they got it, almot killing BJK. Claire made difficult work saving Jamie, but she
doesn't need to just save his body, but his soul too. Love could heal everything
and step by step Claire is healing James soul.
They decided to leave Scotland and left past behind. France here they go .
Conclusion: Outlander is a series that instigates our curiosity, because each episode
has a spatial learning. We can see a lot of epoch traces, like witchcraft, cloths, food,
chauvinism, landscapes and a lot of other things. We can see the character growth
during the episodes and we grow with them too. There is a lot of violence, sex sene,
rape, love and we can fell all of what the caracthors are felling because it is so deep
that we can really fell it. I love to watch this series and I recommend it for everyone
who loves history, love story and thriller.

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