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Table of Contents

Color Inserts
Title Page
Copyrights and Credits
Table of Contents Page
Part 1: Stormy Weather
Chapter 1: Watermelon Patch in the Morning Mist
Chapter 2: Urgent
Chapter 3: The Throes of a New World
Chapter 4: Lost Compass
Chapter 5: Super Eva Lifts Off
Chapter 6: Uninvited Guest
Chapter 7: Reactivating Eva-0.0
Chapter 8: Second Joker in a Deck
Part 2: Wander the Earth
Chapter 9: Stray Beast
Chapter 10: Where Memories Lie
Chapter 11: Observer Kaji
Chapter 12: Black Fragment
Chapter 13: Interference
Chapter 14: Summons
Part 3: New World Border
Chapter 15: Aftereffects
Chapter 16: Shadow Puppets
Chapter 17: Shadow Puppets
Chapter 18: Christening
Chapter 19: The Sunlit Path of Yomotsu Hirasaka
Chapter 20: Underground Experiments
Chapter 21: Beyond the Reticule
Part 4: Mass Hysteria
Chapter 22: Airborne Theater
Chapter 23: Solarside Struggles
Chapter 24: Visitors
Chapter 25: Mari
Chapter 26: Riot Red
Chapter 27: Phase Shift
Chapter 28: Shifting Blue
Part 5: Lens
Chapter 29: Black Armor
Chapter 30: Hikari Redux
Chapter 31: The Thick of the Swarm
Chapter 32: Cloud of Witnesses
Chapter 33: Confined Space
Chapter 34: Rotating Rock
Part 6: Point of Convergence
Chapter 35: The Old Longinus Curtain
Chapter 36: Landfall
Chapter 37: The Old Central Dogma
Chapter 38: Shinji
Chapter 39: Mutant Eva
Chapter 40: Apostate’s Bow
Chapter 41: Mari
Chapter 42: Armaros
Chapter 43: Moving Anomaly
Chapter 44: Convergence
Part 7: Collision Course
Chapter 45: Nerv Japan Hakone
Chapter 46: Yomotsu Hirasaka
Chapter 47: Shinji’s Impact
Chapter 48: Rumble in the Pacific
Part 8: New Land
Chapter 49: Noise
Chapter 50: A Dawn Without Shinji
Chapter 51: Ordinary Classroom
Chapter 52: Ritterschaft
Chapter 53: Sleeping Shinji
Chapter 54: Yomotsu Hirasaka Island
Part 9: Many Roads to Home
Chapter 55: White Coat Party
Chapter 56: Midnight Raid
Chapter 57: Instinct
Chapter 58: Many Roads to Home
Omake: Concept Gallery
Chapter 1:
Watermelon Patch in the Morning Mist

“W HAT HAPPENED HERE?!” Shinji shouted.

He’d come to visit Kaji’s watermelon patch for the first
time in what felt like ages and was shocked to find the land
eviscerated and hollowed out. He let go of the electric
wheelbarrow that contained his farming equipment, and the
machine wobbled, looking like it was about to topple, before
correcting its center of gravity.
“Is it because the Chronostatic Sphere disappeared?”
Shinji surveyed the area and discovered that it was
nothing so significant. There were scribbles written on the
scrap of reinforced wall that had become the watermelon
patch’s home.
I’ve taken your watermelons. –Six
The early morning sun shone down on the eastern side
of the volcano, casting the shadow of the mountain’s
summit over Hakone’s western walls. The inside of the
caldera was dim despite the clear skies. This blackout was
due to the thick morning mist generated by Lake Ashi
sinking to the bottom of the crater.
The lake’s shore was much higher than the caldera,
now that the ground had sunk a good three to four hundred
meters below its original height, making the futuristic city
look more like a rural village enveloped in fog.
“Wait, what?” In the solitude of the mist, Shinji puzzled
over the tiny criminal’s confession. “What could she possibly
want a whole watermelon patch for?”
“Well, you see…”
A squat brown shape broke through the mist and
revealed itself as Azuchi. Holding her leash was the gray
figure of Rei Trois.
“The first thing Six did upon the completion of the Eva-
00 Type-F Allegorica was move the watermelon patch.”
The clock showed half past five. The pair had their own
set of duties waiting for them right after breakfast, which
meant early morning was the only time of day when they
had sunlight to themselves.
“Morning. You out for a walk with, uhh…Momo, is it?”
“Momo is missing. This is Azuchi.”
This was Azuchi’s walking route with Six, and Trois
basically let the golden retriever lead her wherever she
wanted to go.
“Come on,” Trois returned her attention to Shinji. “I
asked the commander for directions to the patch, and she
said it was going to take some walking.”
Shinji tilted his head before hurrying to push his
electric wheelbarrow again. They were going downhill now,
and it looked like Trois was leading them toward the lake.
“Did she scoop the whole patch up with Unit Zero’s
hands? Why would she do that?”
Trois pulled back on Azuchi’s leash, slowing her pace to
an enthusiastic trot, though even this was enough to sway
Trois’ hair.
“She wanted to protect your patch by moving it to an
area less affected by the environmental changes.”
Trois’ light blue hair darkened to pitch black at the ends
from the corruption of the Q.R. Signum. She’d taken the
brunt of its tainting influence inside Super Eva to protect
“That’s probably what she had in mind…” Thoughts of
Rei Six preoccupied Trois. She hardly noticed she was talking
to herself.
The statement sounded like an afterthought. But for
Trois, the Ayanami with the inferiority complex, not to have
compared herself to Six, the most distinct of the Ayanamis,
was quite an accomplishment. The mere feat of
compartmentalization might have been a sign of Trois’
budding individuality.
Shinji stared at her back, mesmerized by the fluttering
of her dress. She noticed his gaze and turned to meet it, but
Shinji immediately looked away.
Their surroundings suddenly brightened as sunlight
finally reached the caldera floor. Their eyes hurt from mist
refracting the golden rays. Trois seemed to be engulfed by
them. It would be some time until the mist burned off and
they could see again.
Beyond the white glare of the sun, over the creeping
wall of light, lay the heavenly body that had become their

Glass Egg was the name given to the structure found

buried at the bottom of Lake Ashi after its water levels had
been greatly reduced. The transparent egg was 666 meters
in diameter and had a ninety-meter-wide opening that
served as a gate, as well as ventilation for everything within
it. The Glass Egg was currently lying on its side, as if toppled
over. The Japanese government had tried to repurpose it
into a disaster-proof shelter, but had withdrawn when the
base of the Izu Peninsula, now home of Tokyo-3, was hit by a
massive cave-in. Plans to move the central government to
the Hakone caldera would have to wait.
Azuchi, Trois, and Shinji began climbing the long, limp
bridge that linked the aperture with the outside. The
transparent shell allowed them to see, albeit hazily, several
decks of finished flooring within.
“It’s like a newly made ship in a bottle.”
Pipes had been installed in the perfect circle of a
tunnel, which allowed it to transport people, things, and
electricity into the Glass Egg. Two gigantic blowers stood at
the end of it, one for intake and one for exhaust.
“These can’t be very effective. They should really open
up more holes for ventilation.”
“Only problem is, they can’t seem to put a scratch on
the eggshell.”
The Glass Egg’s thickness and resilience to all forms of
cutting technology had made it the prime candidate for
converting into a shelter. Alas, the tunnel was its only
opening, and all attempts at even perforating the shell had
failed. Indeed, scientists were still baffled as to the Glass
Egg’s material, or if it was even made of matter at all. The
thing might have been a force field for all they knew.
It did, however, resemble something in the records.
The Glass Egg was the exact shape and size of Lilith’s
Chronostatic Sphere, which had disappeared from Central
Dogma. Of course, this hypothesis was impossible to prove,
given the information at hand.
When the Human Instrumentality Project failed three
years ago, Lilith had formed the Chronostatic Sphere around
itself and waited for the world to pass away. The Glass Egg
was likely the remnant of the Chronostatic Sphere’s outer
shell. Whether time had stopped within this shell, or
whether the shell was in a state of chronostasis itself, was a
subject better left alone.
The Glass Egg was quiet when Shinji, Trois, and Azuchi
stepped inside, even though its walls should have reflected
and amplified the faintest sound. The scent of water washed
over the three of them as they passed the cheaply
constructed ventilation ducts. The only sound they could
hear was the faint electrical notes of the fourth movement
of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony.
In a corner of the main deck, an artificial creek flowed
through a proportionately small vegetable garden. A moss-
covered, straw-hat-wearing Type-N robot stood in the
middle, watering watermelons, its deteriorated joints
creaking. It had the air of a middle-aged farmer and was the
source of Beethoven’s “Ode to Joy.” The robot briefly
stopped singing when Shinji and the others approached to
confirm their identities. It was no longer afraid of Azuchi.
“I was wondering where this one went. This is a Type-N
robot, the kind that monitors my brain waves. I guess radio
frequencies don’t penetrate the Glass Egg.”
The watermelon patch had been transported from its
previous home in the bed of a dump truck back to the Earth,
where it had been restored to its former glory. Rei Six
seemed to have carefully replanted the whole thing herself.
Kaji’s watermelon patch now sat level with the deck Shinji
and the rest were standing on.
This thing was all over the place when I was in charge.
Shinji had moved the patch from its original home in
the Geofront. He’d scooped it out of the ground with Eva-
01’s hands after the Battle at Nerv HQ had rendered the old
location off-limits.
“Six is a lot smarter than I am.”
Shinji squatted to look at the garden. It was so green
that it seemed like a movie set. The watermelons had been
jade marbles the last time he saw them. Six had nurtured
them into large emerald globes. They were not the only
fruits in the patch; there were other plants now, though
they’d yet to reach their full size. Ayanami Rei Six had made
her own little biosphere in this place the adults had
“This is great.” Shinji said under his breath.
“This patch might survive the destruction of Tokyo-3—
maybe even the whole world… Though I guess there would
be no point, then.”
“There must be. Asuka protected this garden before Six
came around.”
Tomorrow, Shinji would have to bring Trois up to orbit to
deliver her to Eva-0.0. The atmosphere had been home to
the three Ayanami Rei clones—Quatre, Cinq, and Six. These
Ayanamis had lived in a dreamlike state, sharing the soul of
Rei Trois on Earth. The girls had mirrored each other…until
Armaros came along.
When the black giant had come into contact with Rei
Quatre, the three formerly dormant Ayanamis had begun
asserting their self-awareness. It was a cruel irony that the
four Reis had lost the ability to agree with each other once
all of them were sentient. One of them surrendered herself
to her initial wave of emotions and went turncoat, while
another died protecting her clumsy ideals.
Earthbound Rei Trois would now have to go up into
space to look for the missing Rei Six, the last remaining
Ayanami with whom she had had a mental link. Her post
would likely be permanent. She might never return to the
Still looking at the soil, Shinji asked her, “Are you sure
you’ll be all right? I figured you wouldn’t like going up to
“I have…decided to be with you forever.”
“Being so close to you, to the Q.R. Signum powering
the Super Eva, being able to protect your heart that’s so far
away… How should I put this… It makes me happy.”
The statement startled Shinji. It sounded a lot like what
he himself had said three years ago.
“Everyone has somewhere they belong…” Shinji
began, but Trois held her hand up as if to say, “Wait.”
“I wouldn’t mind fading away inside of you, if that’s
what my role requires. But—”
Trois’ change of heart caused Shinji to straighten.
“I want to talk to my remaining selves about my
formerly dormant emotions. It’s the only way to learn about
them after the denial of my mental mirroring.”
Quatre had been the first to reject Trois.
“I’ve joined with Quatre, the me who is ruled by fear,
and received Cinq, the me who compromises, from Asuka.
All I need now is to meet Six, the me who is innocent, again.
That is why I must find her.”
Trois was looking for the fragments of her soul, putting
a literal meaning to the idea of “soul-searching”.
“This might be the first time you’ve ever wanted to do
something for yourself.”
“False,” Trois said with a slight smile. “I have to
become a visible color before I start looking for my own
That was a promise of things to come.
Chapter 2:

T HE GREAT BOW Azumaterasu had a sharp lower limb

that allowed it to be driven into the earth while being held.
But it also caused problems in Cage Two, because Super Eva
had difficulty gripping it due to its height.
<<Lower the Azumaterasu’s stand by eighteen
meters,>> instructed Chief Scientist Ibuki Maya from the
control booth.
Shinji watched as the grip lowered to Super Eva’s
shoulder height.
<<This is as compact as we can make it,>> Maya
said, even though the recently excavated weapon still
towered over Super Eva.
“I guess I can hold it if I have to, but…” Shinji knew the
bow would be too big to carry around. Azumaterasu was as
large as two Neyarl energy cannons.
“What if I just bring this part of it?”
<<The limbs aren’t ordinary frames.>> Super Eva
flexed his muscles as he began lifting the great bow. Shinji
succeeded in pulling Azumaterasu out of its stand. He aimed
it at the sky, exposed through the opening in Cage Two’s
I needed my heart, a window to another dimension, to
use the Neyarl guided cannon. I wonder if it’ll respond if I
call on it again…
Shinji’s stolen heart was currently beating in the chest
of Torwächter B.
Let’s not do that here.
Shinji doubted he could connect with his heart in a
non-emergency situation. He returned Azumaterasu to its
stand, letting his speculations remain.
<<Well?>> Maya asked with a hint of expectation.
“Well…if I’m being honest, just holding it gives me bad
Maya wrinkled her eyebrows. <<And when did you
become so flippant?>> “I mean, my electrical systems got
fried recently, and there was that time I had to fight for my
life for way longer than was comfortable. It’s been one crazy
thing after another.”
<<I can’t argue with you there…>> Toji dashed into
the cage. “All right, you two, it’s time to put away your
<<We’re not playing!>> <<The Azumaterasu isn’t a
toy!>> Shinji and Maya shouted through Super Eva and the
speakers of the command booth. Toji plugged his ears and
ignored their complaints.
<<We’re launching Trois into orbit soon. The
reactivation of Eva-0.0—>> Should have been tomorrow.
The change in plans startled Shinji, and he opened the
hatch of his entry plug.
“Wait, what’s going on?”
Toji pointed to the floor. “A trip to the moon’s no walk in
the park. I don’t think we’ll get a chance to investigate the
thing below us if we don’t do it now.”
Chapter 3:
The Throes of a New World

T HE MOON HAD ABSORBED massive amounts of matter

from the Earth and had swelled immensely. The gargantuan
satellite had also absorbed heat from the tiny blue planet,
which had resulted in violent meltdowns within its core.
Magma burst all over the surface of the moon as its crust
fissured, producing crevices large enough to be seen from
the Earth.
The stolen material wasn’t just boiling over but causing
impossible alchemical changes across the moon—changes
that were only visible on the X-ray spectrum. Less subtle,
although more violent, metamorphoses were occurring on
the dark side.
Another eruption, one so large it seemed like it might
split the moon in two, rocked the surface, and twelve
hundred kilometers of crust exploded into the air. Most of it
crumbled and crashed back down, but a huge chunk of
basalt bedrock, four hundred kilometers in diameter, rode
the force of the eruption and took to the sky.
The moon’s orbit had changed significantly since its
rapid expansion and advancement toward Earth. Now, the
seismic activity further distorted it. The chunk of bedrock
was flung aside just as it was about to break the Roche limit.
As the rock’s descent accelerated from this gravitational
slingshot, observers on Earth finally noticed that violent
explosions were shooting chunks of the moon’s crust into
the sky.
Volcanic gases from the dark side of the moon began
flowing over to the near side. The volcanic activity had
already been noted by government institutions and amateur
astronomers, but none of them could have predicted what
happened next.
The hunk of bedrock hurtled toward the Earth,
propelled by the gravitational slingshot. If the moon had still
been distant, the massive rock would have eventually fallen
back to its surface. But the Earth and moon were now only
150,000 kilometers apart. As such, the rock was now on a
collision course.
Chapter 4:
Lost Compass

S of countless, flocking birds—or at

least, she thought she did.
“So, that’s where they’ve gone,” she muttered in her
sleep before coming to her senses. “Wha…?”
Six awoke to the glare of the emergency light within
her plug. Her Type-N robot had changed its treads into
suction cups and was currently hanging upside down from
the ceiling. Its feet made popping noises as it traversed the
What on earth happened? Six wondered.
The Eva-00 Type-F Allegorica was supposed to
participate in the operation at Novaya Zemlya. She would
enter sub-orbital flight in Hokkaido using the Eva’s graviton
floaters. Her jumbled memories began piecing themselves
together, and she frowned when she remembered how the
black giant had interfered with her plans. She pouted,
flapping her arms like a certain penguin.
It was actually spelled “Armaros,” but Six continued to
growl her version of the name in spite of the black giant’s
official designation. Armaros had taken over her mind just
as she was about to enter orbit and had overridden Eva-00’s
autonomous navigation commands.
The Eva-00 Type-F, the one-legged giant whose arm
and leg had been converted to equip the Angel’s Backbone,
had received Eva-02’s Allegorica treatment and now looked
like a Pegasus. It ignored its orbital trajectory and flew
higher into the sky, as if drunk on its newly regained
freedom of movement.
Thanks to her rushed deployment, however, technical
difficulties with her equipment eventually stopped this
insane Icarus from spiraling straight into the sun.
The power cascade on the left floater jerked the
gravitons, which had been neatly lined up like eggs in a
carton, out of place. The right floater soon followed and
stopped operation before the Eva could go into a tailspin.
With the floaters offline, the N2 reactor’s output immediately
dropped to idling levels, preventing Eva-00 from spinning
out of control while simultaneously disabling all internal
electronics. The Eva had been in a state of emergency
hibernation ever since.
“That jerk!” Six flailed her arms again. The sudden
movement made her woozy, forcing her to calm herself.
All of the VR displays in her plug were down. The only
thing she could see was the emergency light inside the
tube. The only thing she could hear was the circulating
LCL…and the sucking noise of the Type-N robot’s feet.
The glorified rice cooker popped over to Six’s side and
chimed like a shameless doorbell. A message shone over
the liquid crystal display on its head.
<<You have 148,012 messages.>>
All of which were from Nerv Japan. She couldn’t make
out most of them because of weak reception, but the
general thrust of the messages was, “Please call home.”
Transponders and telemetry had been disabled, along
with the rest of the communication systems, but the
receiving party’s high-sensitivity receivers were still
working, at least. The last calls to the prodigal Ayanami had
been made a few hours ago.
“I’m hungry…”
Six took a pink tube of jelly from the container next to
her seat. These were emergency rations for LCL
It doesn’t have calcium, because this wasn’t supposed
to be a space expedition, but it’ll do.
She could sense that she was in orbit. Six had used to
pilot the Eva-0.0, an Eva with an exterior S2 Engine that
allowed it to operate in outer space. Her experience helped
her to remain calm.
“Let’s see…”
Six ordered the auxiliary A.I. to run a full-system
diagnostic before restarting Eva-00’s N2 reactor. She got
bored halfway through the process, however, and proceeded
to peer outside her Eva with its external cameras. An image
of her surroundings appeared on a small sub-display in her
“I’m on the moon,” Six mused. The moon was badly
burned, and fragments of it were floating like clouds above
the surface, but there was no mistaking it. She switched to
another camera to get a better view, and that’s when her
problems began.
Six sat up with a start and canceled all remaining
diagnostic processes. She reactivated the main A.I. and
reactor to quick-start the Eva-00 Type-F Allegorica. The VR
displays in her plug activated, indicating that it was
functioning normally. After running a few more checks, the
screens shifted, displaying the starry sky around her.
Six barely gave the celestial scene any attention. She
looked about frantically in the LCL, her aqua-colored hair
waving, before sinking back into her seat.
“The Earth… It’s gone…”
The only thing she saw was the scorched dark side of
the moon.
Chapter 5:
Super Eva Lifts Off

H OLDING AN ENTRY PLUGin his Eva’s hand brought back

bad memories for Shinji. Maya and her engineers had told
him they could fix the plug to an exterior rail on his elbow,
but what if he knocked into something along the way? While
the entry plug could probably withstand the damage, the
same couldn’t be said for its contents. Besides, valuables
should always be part of one’s carry-on.
“I won’t crush you, Trois. I promise.”
<<I know you won’t.>> An image of Trois popped up
in a small window of his sub-display. She looked calm
enough. This was the third time they’d had this
conversation, after all.
With a container full of supplies attached to his exterior
rail, Super Eva flew slowly until he reached the point where
the atmosphere was thinner. He activated his Vertex wings’
field deflector and kicked off. He accelerated horizontally
through the sky, making the first pass of a long and circular
flight path.
“I just think you should’ve been inside Super Eva.”
<<We can’t have that,>> Trois said, sounding a lot like
Misato. <<You’ve never been to outer space, have you? You
have to treat this as a learning experience.>> “Sure, but
this is one hell of a curve…”
<<Why? There are no enemies around.>> The Earth
was now as small as it was battered. A mantle of gray
sulfurous gases covered the planet, making it no longer
resemble a sapphire.
<<What I mean to say is, look at our planet. Everyone
says it’s beautiful, but I’ve never understood why.>> “Oh,
hmm…” Shinji said.
<<Ikari-kun?>> “Over there. That’s the most beautiful
sight so far…” Shinji said dreamily.
On her sub-display, Trois saw that Shinji was looking
slightly up, instead of directly at her.
<<The borderline.>> Trois’ plug had been outfitted
specifically for space operations, and its sensors were
currently synced up with Super Eva’s virtual display so she
could better cover Shinji. They were looking at the same
“The borderline?” Trois looked up, too.
<<It’s that spot where the horizon meets outer space.
The spot where the bright blue Earth transitions into deep
blue…and the pitch black right outside it.>> The sight had
gained a special significance for Trois when she’d seen it
through the eyes of Quatre, Cinq, and Six, day in and day
out. In those days, she would scan the horizon for enemies
and potential escape routes.
<<That shade of blue…is just like your hair.>> “…”
Trois didn’t understand. But she felt like a sudden change
had taken place inside her. This place was going to take on a
new significance, though she didn’t know why yet.
Her telescope finally picked up the long-abandoned
Eva-0.0 over the ultramarine ridgeline. They would arrive at
their destination with a few more circular passes.
From today forth, Eva-0.0 would be Rei Trois’ unit.
Chapter 6:
Uninvited Guest

S had been broadcasting its

signature once every thirty minutes, like a lost child
shouting for its parents. Six sent her signal in all directions,
since she couldn’t tell where the Earth was. They couldn’t
travel very far and had a low chance of being recognized
even if they were received.
It was possible that the Earth lay on the other side of
the moon. But given the time of day and the activation logs
of her graviton floaters, and taking into account the moon’s
irregular orbit and size, Six had not been knocked all the
way to the dark side.
Formerly, the moon’s rotation was so slow as to
virtually guarantee a view of the Earth no matter what time
it was. Now, the moon rotated faster than a cat could dart
its eyes.
Six gave up on trying to orient herself and instead
began calculating the Earth’s coordinates. There were
bound to be discrepancies, of course. Although the Eva-00
Type-F Allegorica was kitted out similarly to the Eva-02
Allegorica, its observation equipment and navigation
systems weren’t made for space operations.
Rei Six was beginning to fear she’d been shipwrecked
in space.
Beep-beep! The Type-N robot chirped cheerfully to her.
Six ignored it and continued her calculations.
Beep-beep! Beep-beep! Beep-beep!
Beep-beep! Beep-beep! Beep-beep-beep!
“Shut up!” Six yelled at the little rice cooker and
banged the controls.
The robot’s liquid crystal display lit up. <<Excuse me?
>> “Huh?!”
The voice didn’t belong to Six’s Type-N robot, that was
for sure. The plug’s internal mechanisms fired up again, and
the sound migrated from the robot to the console’s
hydrospeaker. She didn’t want the sound to override any
important incoming transmissions. Six didn’t immediately
realize that the call was coming from outside. She looked to
the corner of her sub-display, where a robot’s ID code and
transmission coordinates had appeared, telling her that the
message was coming from a different robot…the one
formerly belonging to Rei Cinq. This was the same robot that
had gone missing some time ago.
“No way!”
Six could be excused for her surprise. The last time
she’d seen this particular Type-N bot was back in Shinji’s
watermelon patch. Crimson A1, the Asuka/Eva synthesis,
had flung it into outer space. Its signal was weak and barely
reached her even with the reduced atmosphere, but it was
there. This robot had responded to Eva-00 Type-F
Allegorica’s calls to Hakone.
The Type-N’s trajectory was closing in on them, but it
showed no signs of stopping once it got there. Six’s display
showed that the robot was currently 5,600 kilometers away
from them and moving at a speed of thirty kilometers per
second. A significant distance on a planetary scale, but
considering the robot could have been lost in any part of
space, it was nothing short of miraculous that they were
practically rubbing shoulders.
“Why does its trajectory curve slightly every time I
send a signal?”
Six reactivated the Eva-00 Type-F Allegorica’s graviton
floaters without a hitch. Reaching the Type-N wasn’t her
only goal. She would use her gravitons to pinpoint nearby
heavenly bodies to help her triangulate the Earth’s
location…assuming there was still an Earth on the other side
of the moon. Six launched herself, resolving to retrieve her
rice-cooker-shaped friend.
Chapter 7:
Reactivating Eva-0.0

S continued. Eva-0.0, the Eva

equipped with the powerful gamma-ray laser cannon, lay
dormant at an altitude of 1600 kilometers. Its external, rear-
mounted S2 Engine was in a state of hibernation. Like
Angels, Evangelions usually self-destructed within a few
hours in the event of a total system failure, but the engine
hummed gently, indicating that it could still act as a power
supply. Restarting would be a cinch.
Eva-0.0 was looking pretty good, all things considered,
and that was including the slight damage to its satellite dish
from a stray meteor. Trois quickly prepared for the plug
insertion, despite Shinji’s insistence that they should do a
more thorough check of the unit’s exterior.
“What if something like Bardiel got inside it?”
<<Highly unlikely, at least as far as Bardiel itself is
concerned.>> “How come?”
Rei Trois paused before elaborating. <<You’ve fought
particular Angels multiple times over the course of this
whole ordeal, but have you ever come across multiple
copies at once? Angel Carriers aside, have you ever fought
two Sachiels in one encounter?>> Huh. Never thought of
that before.
“I don’t think so…but I wonder why not. We know they
can keep making copies of themselves…”
<<Suppose they were never copies… Suppose we’ve
been fighting the same individual Angels this whole time.
They probably need to die before they can be brought back.
That’s how the world works. That’s why my existence is an
anomaly.>> “Don’t say that.”
<<I use the word in its technical sense, not to wallow
in self-pity. Strange as I am, I still wish to understand myself.
In any case, that’s why I don’t think Bardiel is here.>> Shinji
remembered the metal cylinder in his hands.
“It can’t come back, because it’s not really gone. It’s
still a part of Toji’s shadow… Is that what you’re saying?”
<<Yes. A mere hypothesis, of course.>> I wonder who
she’s mimicking now.
“Sounds like a straight-up ghost story…” Shinji mused,
though he understood her logic. If anything, humans were a
bigger threat to Eva-0.0 than Angels. There had been
multiple instances of the Eva being hit with large
compression signals, though Nerv Japan could never figure
out which country, or what machine, had produced them.
<<Resuming communications. Hakone to Super Eva,
do you copy?>> Misato said through the comm link.
Eva-0.0 floated at an altitude of 1600 kilometers.
Reaching it had been estimated to take a good 120 minutes,
during which time Super Eva would be unable to establish
contact with any of the available satellites. Seventy minutes
was the blackout period for communication with Hakone.
<<You’re not inside yet? Hurry up! We don’t have time
to lose. Or do you still need to say your goodbyes?>> What
is this woman’s problem? I swear…
<<I want you to run this new simulation software by
the end of our next blackout period. Can you do that?>>
“Super Eva to Hakone, we’ll try. Trois?”
<<Cutting off Super Eva’s power supply to the plug. All
prepped for insertion. Proceed, Ikari-kun.>> The external
power cable connecting the gamma-ray laser cannon to
Eva-0.0 was disconnected before Shinji could insert the
entry plug containing Trois. Misato reassured him as he
hesitated over the next step.
<<Just like we planned, Shinji-kun.>> “Copy that.”
Super Eva began to shift and reposition himself. He
fired up his Vertex wings to stabilize his lower body, then
removed the Powered 8 railgun from his shoulder pylon,
loaded it with a twelve-round magazine, and aimed it at
Eva-0.0…just in case the unit decided to go berserk. The
seemingly docile S2 Engine on the Eva’s back had consumed
Cinq, after all.
“Super Eva, ready to proceed.”
<<This is Hakone command. Monitors online.>> Trois
had been waiting for those words.
<<Initiating reactivation sequence of S2 Engine.>>
The external unit on Eva-0.0’s back began emitting a green
<<This is Hakone command. Unit Zero has entered
normal power levels.>> <<Initiating S2 Engine.>> The
light glowed brighter and brighter.
<<This is Hakone command. Ignition power of Unit
Zero has peaked. You are clear to reactivate.>>
<<Activating Evangelion Unit-0.0.>> The Evangelion’s
body stirred as it awakened from its sleep. Excess ignition
power was converted into infrared rays, which were
released by the S2 Engine’s blowoff valve.
Trois slowly stretched Eva-0.0’s arms and legs to loosen
it from its long slumber and rebalance its center of gravity.
The orange giant moved sluggishly.
Thirty seconds passed after reactivation. “This is Shinji.
No anomalies at T plus thirty.”
Sixty seconds passed after reactivation. <<This is
Hakone command. No anomalies at T plus sixty.>> Trois
took deep breaths in the flowing LCL as she listened to the
low growl of the S2 Engine. Her entry plug was a new model,
but she’d learn its quirks by simply breathing as the
reactivation process continued.
“This is Six’s Eva… We’re going to find your master
now. Before the storm rolls in.”
Just then, a huge chunk of the moon exploded, sending
shock waves rippling through the nearby space.

Misato had replaced Toji and resumed her position as

commander of Nerv Japan. At the battle of Novaya Zemlya,
Asuka/Eva had gained the Torwächter designation when she
was seen aiding the enemy. Consequently, her previous
designation of A1 was changed to Torwächter A1. The
commander of Nerv Japan had taken the brunt of the blame,
but the UN Security Council’s hearing had to be postponed
because of the moon rock emergency.
Misato sighed. She stretched in her seat as she
watched the display.
“What’s wrong?” asked Fuyutsuki.
“It just feels like we’ve used up all our pieces.”
Every one of Nerv Japan’s Evas had been wounded.
Some had turned to the enemy’s side, while others had
been outright destroyed.
With the Eva-00 Type-F Allegorica missing, Super Eva
was the only functional unit they had. The lone Eva-0.0 in
orbit was in pristine condition. With that unit’s reactivation,
Nerv Japan would finally run out of reserve Evangelions and
reserve pilots.
“If all goes well, this is the last time we’ll need them.”
The work went smoothly, despite Super Eva almost
getting lost in space three times. Eva-0.0 was resupplied,
rearmed, and updated as best as it could have been.
Hyuga’s voice came over the intercom. <<This is
Hakone command to Shinji. Return with Super Eva once four
simulation runs come up green.>> “Copy that.”
Super Eva’s eyes were locked on to the terrible engine
on Eva-0.0’s back, waiting for the slightest anomaly to
The giant moon rock kicked up massive sandstorms,
obscuring its trajectory from observers. As it was, the
gargantuan mass looked as if someone had taken a picture
of the underside of a landslide.
It’s not safe to be here, especially by yourself.
A wave of conflicting emotions rushed through Shinji as
the time to part with Trois crept closer.
<<I’m starting up, Ikari-kun.>> With a blow of the
reaction control system, Trois flipped Eva-0.0 upside down.
Her head and shoulders usually faced the Earth, but tonight,
they pointed to the stars.
The timer to Shinji’s return trip began counting down.
“Be seeing you,” Shinji said, accelerating away. The
two giants were finally separating.
<<Thank you for keeping your promise, Ikari-kun.>>
“Promise…? You mean about finding a color? Wait, when did
that happen?”
Eva-0.0 pointed to the round horizon of Earth under her
<<You gave me the color of the end of the sky and the
beginning of the Earth.>> But that was just an opinion…
“I don’t think that’s good enough to be a color that
suits you. It needs to be more… You know.”
<<No. This is my color now.>>
Chapter 8:
Second Joker in a Deck

L Eva-00 Type-F Allegorica was changing

course despite being in a state of high acceleration. Her
back was pressed to her seat, the plugsuit locked in to
withstand the heavy load. The reverse acceleration would
end soon.
Eva-0.0 was facing her objective now. She used the
lidar of the Angel’s Backbone firing system to do a sweep
for the Type-N robot and make sure they were on the same
vector. Six was projecting her A.T. Field to catch her little
friend when suddenly—
Alarms went off in her plug. Having finished its
analysis, her A.I. informed her of the object’s true identity.
<<Object has an eighty-three percent chance of being
designated Relic One or One Dash. Indicators have been
changed accordingly.>>
“You’re kidding!”
Laser scans indicated that the thing she’d previously
thought to be a Type-N robot was actually one of the most
dangerous objects in the universe.
I’d know that shape anywhere! What now?!
Six magnified the density of her A.T. Field and then set
her graviton floaters to maximum output before rushing
straight for the advancing relic.
She abruptly cut power to both systems. The lance
relied on Eva-00 Type-F Allegorica’s A.T. Field to hone in on
its core; without that field, Six would be able to manually
dodge it. In the darkness of her plug, lit only by her sub-
display, she vented gas to evade the lance.
The relic whizzed right past her, but it was going so
fast that it somehow produced a sonic boom in the silent
vacuum. She caught a glimpse of its shaft as sunlight
reflected off the red spear.
“The Lance of Longinus! But which one?”
This was the copy produced by Seele.
Designated Relic One Dash, it had been stolen by the
Leliel Carrier and found by Shinji on the Apple’s Core, the
site of the Human Instrumentality Project’s initial test. Super
Eva had then proceeded to throw toward Earth. The lance
had returned to lunar orbit after crossing the vastness of
The lance sped by Eva-00 Type-F Allegorica at blinding
speeds but then returned to its original course.
“What is it doing here? I have to go after it.”
Eva-0.0 rushed into position to give chase.
When Shinji had prepared to throw the lance into the
sky, Rei Quatre—who was then also on board Super Eva—
had calculated the longest trajectory it could take to Earth.
Given that the Apple’s Core was a distant planet on the far
side of the sun, the lance had moved ridiculously fast.
Six didn’t know what the lance had been through and
could only stare, mouth agape. The original Lance of
Longinus had become the Ring of Longinus that constricted
the Earth. It had extended itself until it finally came down
from the atmosphere to pierce Super Eva’s heart. Six had
heard it was tens of thousands of kilometers long by then.
She accelerated Eva-00 Type-F Allegorica after the
lance and was disheartened when she saw it cross the
moon’s horizon.
Eva-0.0’s high speed camera caught something. Six
zoomed in on the lance’s tail and spotted a rice cooker
caught between its bloated helixes. A Type-N robot was
hanging on for dear life.
Chapter 9:
Stray Beast

H AVING GONE ROGUE at the end of the Novaya Zemlya

operation, the U.S. Evangelion, Wolfpack, had reached the
northern coast of Norway after swimming across the Barents
Sea. There were reports of the quadrupedal giant breaking
land on the beaches of Norway, but the military and local
authorities could do little about it. By the time they found
out, Wolfpack had already fled into the forest, heeding its
primal instincts.
Mari, its pilot, didn’t seem to have a goal in mind—but
she did. She was on the prowl.
The U.S. Evangelion had been created by splicing its
pilot’s genes with those of multiple animals. The A.T. Field
surrounding it contained remnants of the beasts’ souls.
Despite Mari’s inexplicable statements about herself and
the Eva, she’d never failed to comply with her orders.
Or at least, not until she found her ideal. Once she did,
she’d ignored Nerv U.S.’s command to withdraw and gone
Mari was hunting for the Asuka/Eva synthesis, current
designation Torwächter A1. Asuka had encountered the Ark
on the moon, where the data of all organic life existing from
the beginning of time had flowed through her.
Data and matter were equivalent to each other on the
Ark, and Eva-02 had synthesized with its pilot to prevent
Asuka’s organic data from being overwritten. Most of the
organic data had been spent in North Africa, and Asuka/Eva
had managed to retain her amalgamated form. However, a
mass of individual information continued to swirl inside her,
To Mari, this was the ideal self. She would stop at
nothing to find her role model and quarry.

Wolfpack was surrounded by over twenty atmospheric

Mari and her Eva, Wolfpack, were Nerv U.S.’s answer to
Nerv Japan’s rigorously high sync rate requirements. The
idea of splicing animal and human genomes together to
allow for lower sync rates was an ambitious one, although
officially their scientists swore that no animal souls were
harmed during the production of Wolfpack. In fact, they
maintained that Mari’s unsettling references to her “pack”
were all in her head. She disagreed, of course. She and her
shadows were as real, and as dangerous, as wolves.
Mari had been looking for a way to live in peace with
her pack. She sensed that Asuka would know how after
surviving the onslaught of organic data.
“Hrr,” Mari growled. Her pupils had become feline slits.
Her console somehow understood her command and
displayed a window containing a special task. Voice
commands no longer worked with Mari, but mental
commands did. The cursor flickered, waiting for her to phase
The emergency program imitated Super Eva’s
heartbeats by using N2 ignitions. Its primary function was to
summon humanity’s enemies, the Angel Carriers and
Torwächters. How convenient for her that Asuka/Eva was
now also a Torwächter.
Chapter 10:
Where Memories Lie

T showed up unannounced in a
small hamlet on the Euro-German mountain range near the
Torwächter B, the one in possession of Shinji’s heart,
stood still on the outskirts of town where it had first
appeared. The giant looked like an empty suit of armor, fully
recovered from the battle of Novaya Zemlya. The dissection
marks the battle had left were barely discernible.
Though Torwächter B stood perfectly still, its pulse still
echoed menacingly.
Asuka/Eva—Torwächter A1—on the other hand, had
begun infiltrating the small town.
The Euro Eva, Heurtebise, was currently undergoing
repairs to deal with the damage it had suffered at Novaya
Zemlya. Its engineers were also using the opportunity to
equip it with tech that would hopefully take care of the giant
moon rock on a collision course with Earth. Suffice it to say,
Heurtebise’s pilot wasn’t with the Evangelion right now. She
was at the feet of the sneaking Torwächter.
Her escorts wasted no time warning her and
immediately started to extract her from the dangerous
situation. “Wait!” Hikari said. She held a bouquet of flowers
in her hand and had made up her mind to deliver it.
“I think she… Asuka wants to see her, too.”
Hikari was in town to visit a certain individual who was
hospitalized there.
Torwächter A1 raised her sharp heel to keep walking.
You’ll step on someone!
She stopped as soon as she remembered those words.
Shinji had said something similar at some point.
The dark red giant carefully navigated around the cars
and buildings, walking much slower now to avoid causing
But try as she might, the gigantic, multi-thousand-ton
humanoid could only be so careful. The plate hanging from
its back left the ground in a state of utter chaos. While
Asuka/Eva didn’t move with quite enough force to leave a
trench wherever she went, the plate still acted like a broom,
sweeping objects away like dust. The ground shook, the
streets were littered with rubble, the power lines were cut,
and the trees were felled.
Two Tornados equipped with penetrator charges had
been dispatched after the appearance of the Torwächters
and were currently circling the small mountain town, though
they showed no signs of attacking. Protocol bound them to
observe before using artillery, and the pilots had resolved to
keep what little order there was left.
Besides, Horaki Hikari was down at the Torwächter’s
The Japanese high school girl was Heurtebise’s only
pilot and Europe’s only Evangelion pilot. Losing her would
permanently impair their firepower.
She was the one who’d asked them not to lay a hand
on Asuka/Eva.
“Weird enough she’s choosing to stay, but why does
she insist on not evacuating the rest of the area?”
The fighter pilots had reason to worry. A skirmish here
could produce a second Novaya Zemlya, which, considering
the state of the world, might spell the end of the European

Asuka’s mother was asleep.

There had been fluctuations in her brain waves several
hours ago, but she was equipped with implants that created
a calming environment. Her body rejected drugs after being
exposed to them for too long, and now her brain had to be
maintained by nanomachines working through an exterior
electromagnetic network. Her doctors told Hikari that she
was not to be disturbed until they could figure out the cause
of the fluctuations, which happened in the shallows of her
memory’s neural network.
“That’s all right,” Hikari said.
She proceeded to wheel the smartbed Asuka’s mother
lay upon into an elevator. Their destination was the roof.
“Pleased to make your acquaintance, ma’am. Asuka’s
with me today. We’re here to see you.”
Hikari had requested the facility’s administrators let
the Asuka/Eva synthesis see her mother. They’d been
reluctant at first, but she added, “If you don’t let her see her
mother, she might destroy this place while looking for her.”
The administrators had relented.
The mountain town wasn’t just a scenic healthcare
facility. It was, in fact, one of Europe’s Evangelion research
facilities. It also acted as a holding area for failed pilot
candidates. Those who weren’t chosen by Heurtebise would
spend the rest of their lives here under strict observation.
The town also held individuals who possessed highly
sensitive information.
But even if Asuka’s mother were to wake now, she
wouldn’t recognize her own daughter.
Hikari thought it was a cruel irony. The vestiges of her
consciousness in Eva-02 had asked Hikari to take care of her
daughter in North Africa. The same entity was probably
what had protected her on the moon and had desperately
tried to save her by forming the Asuka/Eva synthesis.
That kind of herculean effort would tear anyone to
What was left of Asuka’s mother had melted into her
daughter’s Eva. Hikari doubted whether the soul of this pale
woman with sunken cheeks would ever come back to her
The door opened. They were greeted by the sound of
Torwächter B’s beating heart and the melody of A1’s
graviton floaters. Hikari’s eyes adjusted to the sunlight, and
she saw that the glistening red-and-black body of
Torwächter A1 cast a shadow over the rooftop.
“At least the patient’s out of direct sunlight.”
Hikari took the lead, as the rest of the facility’s
personnel showed no intention of leaving the safety of the
elevator. She pushed the stick of the smartbed forward and
walked toward Asuka.
Asuka remained still.
“Is she…hesitating?”
Hikari gave it some thought before answering. “I think
she’s surprised at how small her mother seems… Being in
an Evangelion has that effect on people.”
“Is that really so surprising?”
“Yes, actually. Especially when you’re used to seeing
that person loom over you…”
Hikari remembered how Toji had looked in the cockpit
of the N2 Flanker.
There was a rumbling noise as Asuka/Eva contracted
her muscles. She extended her arm, which made everyone
present save Hikari flinch and take a step back. Hikari stood
stalwart next to the smartbed and looked the giant straight
in the eye. She hovered her middle and index fingers over
the bed to signal what her friend should be doing.
“Hey, Asuka.” Hikari didn’t know whether the
Asuka/Eva synthesis had heard her, but the red giant had
cast the shadow of her finger over her sleeping mother.
“I’m sorry for yelling at you about Toji. I know you were
trying to save him. Thank you.”
The way you are now, I wonder if you have any reason
left to fight…
“Ritter, the patient!”
One of the personnel noticed the change. Though
Asuka’s mother was still asleep, her frozen expression was
slowly melting into a smile.
The things that existed outside her closed eyelids were
the stuff of nightmares. A red giant with black streaks gazed
upon her, its red arm covering the sky like a bridge to
another world, from which there would be no return.
Did the smile of Asuka’s mother call to the portion of
her daughter that still lay inside the Asuka/Eva synthesis?
Or maybe…
Maybe one could understand the situation better
through closed eyes.
Suddenly, the air around Asuka/Eva changed. She
jerked up and looked north.
“Torwächter B on the move!”
The black giant in possession of Shinji’s heart stood
still, though its head also faced north.
The two Torwächters turned their bodies and started
walking. They faded like mist and sank into the ground with
every step as they opened a dimensional portal under their
feet. They walked into the earth as if it were water. First it
came up to their waists, then their chests, and eventually
even their horns disappeared below ground.
“Asuka’s been called away… But by who?”

Super Eva’s heartbeat pulsed in the forest of the
northern coast.
Mari wasn’t surprised by the appearance of the
Torwächters, since she was the one who’d summoned them.
The trees here had turned white, perhaps from a
swarm of locusts or extreme climate change. Wolfpack
cleared a path through the withered woods to where the
black messengers had appeared.
Is that B I see? Looks like he’s fully recovered. And here
I thought I could finish him off while he was damaged!
Wolfpack kicked the ground and leaped at the black
giant with reckless abandon.
Torwächters A1 and B summoned their Angel Carriers.
With a two-on-one situation, the fight was already in their
favor, but the Carriers widened the gap in their firepower.
Even Wolfpack couldn’t kill them instantly.
The two Torwächters had had their back plates pressed
against each other when Wolfpack attacked. The two giants
split apart, opening a pitch-black dimensional window
between them.
Wolfpack had no choice but to charge right through the
The Torwächter on the left was partially red. Mari
turned to it and shouted, “Asuka!” but it was too late.
Wolfpack fell into the Torwächters’ trap.
Mari felt that she had been released from her chains,
only to lose her freedom.

Where is this? Where am I?!

The Torwächters’ ability to open dimensional windows
was common knowledge by now.
Doesn’t matter, I guess.
Wolfpack was launched into the air. It extended its
claws to latch on to a nearby slab of rock, but it missed.
What is going on? Her gyroscope couldn’t detect which
way was up. Wolfpack turned its body in midair but failed to
kill its own momentum. Its lower body slammed into the
ground and rebounded across the large boulder.
Are we still in free fall?! Is the rock surface falling, too?!
Mari felt her otolith rise in her semicircular canals. She
and Wolfpack were falling all right.
Her virtual display shifted from the slab to a darker
Alarms blared as her environmental sensors picked up
the sudden change in her surroundings, and she finally
noticed the jump in her electromagnetic radiation shields.
External air intake was completely sealed off, which meant
that the parts of her equipment that relied on radiator
cooling were automatically shut down.
The U.S. Eva’s body started floating again, but
Wolfpack held on to the ground by generating an A.T. Field
with its legion of animal souls. Mari extended her claws and
finally brought the Eva to a standstill.
She looked beyond the mountainous boulders and
spotted the moon nearby, hanging in the jet-black sky.
I’m in space?!
Mari’s Wolfpack was currently on the 430-kilometer-
wide chunk of moon rock that was falling to Earth.

Before she could process what was going on, she was
overwhelmed by a rumble of wings beating right behind her.
What is it now?!
Having barely adjusted to the vacuum of space,
Wolfpack was now subjected to a rush of wind.
What the…?!
The giant tumbled forward.
A white mist whipped toward her, and she discovered
its true identity. Countless birds, which had disappeared
from the face of the Earth, emerged from the mist, casting a
dark shadow over her with their outstretched wings.
A hallucination? Mari hoped so, because she couldn’t
possibly avoid the swarm. Thankfully, they all passed
harmlessly through Wolfpack.
She could still feel the wind, though. She turned to her
environmental sensors and was shocked to find the
barometer showing a solid zero. When the “wind”
disappeared, the pitch-black sky and rocky terrain returned
in nauseating contrast.
What the hell was that about?!
Mari had no time to dwell on it. She’d have to wait until
she caught Torwächters A1 and B and the heartbeat. She
leaped out of the window they opened—together with four
Angel Carriers.
Chapter 11:
Observer Kaji

N in the valley of a distant mountain range

was Quatre’s mutant Eva-0.0. Its black wings covered the
The inflated moon hung above, its exfoliated crust
hypervisible as it advanced on the Earth.
“It’s a shame that such a large chunk broke off after it
gathered so much mass.”
Quatre sighed in Shinji’s plugsuit. She looked up at the
spectacle in the sky while standing on the mutant Eva-0.0’s
chest. Behind her, the Kaji-vessel said, “The black giant has
been informed,” and lit a cigarette. He held the Q.R. Signum
lodged in the Eva’s chest.
“The other lance is already on its way to Earth.
Primarily because you kept your mouth shut. You think
you’re the only one who knows the replica’s trajectory?”
“Huh?” What was he talking about now?
Shinji and Trois had thrown the lance at the Earth from
the Apple’s Core—a planet on the other side of the sun that
had been the testing ground for the Human Instrumentality
Why was Kaji bringing up the lance?
“Allow me to guess what you and Gendo’s son were
thinking. ‘The black giant’s messengers require ground to
transport themselves. Therefore, sending the lance through
outer space, where ground is in short supply, would be the
safest route it can take.’ And you would normally be correct.
But what if I reversed your presuppositions, puppet?”
“Flipped them around?”
“Yes. How do you capture a lance flying through the
void of space? Go on. Think about it.”
What was the Kaji-vessel asking her? Quatre went
through her argument in reverse.
“You would need to teleport yourself to a point in the
lance’s orbit before it could reach Earth…but you would
need a large amount of ground to do that…”
“Yes, and…?”
The Kaji-vessel grinned as he pressed her. He’d used
this grin on many women in his time, suggesting that Seele
had not completely overwritten his mind.
As Quatre connected the dots, her face stiffened. No…
“You blew up a portion of the moon to get in the
lance’s way…?!”
Had the sudden change in lunar terrain not been a
natural process?
“But…based on its trajectory, it will be a long time
before it reaches the Earth!”
“I suppose. But unfortunately, the lance will stop at
nothing to reach its target. It will even ignore the laws of
physics unless a great obstacle stands in its way. The lance
is close to the Earth, which is a testament to its will.”
Was Seele/Kaji telling her the truth or only bluffing?
Quatre considered the possibilities.
The evidence to back up Kaji’s argument appeared in
her mind. Quatre experienced a rush of déjà vu through the
Ayanamis’ defunct mental mirroring. The whole scene of Six
sighting the red lance and being blown away by its sonic
wave played out in the blink of an eye.
“I am very pleased to see that the lance is still in high
spirits. Gendo’s son flung it into space, and it traveled
300,000,000 kilometers to the other side of the sun in such
a short time.”
The Kaji-vessel flicked his cigarette butt into the deep
valley. Quatre’s displeasure manifested as an A.T. Field that
crackled the stub into nothing.
“As for the black messengers, they will take the replica
and turn that distant land into an execution site for the
degraded beast.”
“Come,” the Kaji-vessel ordered as he released the
black scale with blood flowing through it.
“We’ll go there as well. That place still counts as
ground, after all. As Seele, we must reclaim the spear that is
rightfully ours.”
Chapter 12:
Black Fragment

<<The quantum flow indicator’s the only thing

that picked that up?!>> “No echoes on the radar and lidar.
Clear of emissions and reflections.”
But they all felt the small, hazardous object’s
approach. The search for the orbiting Eva-00 Type-F
Allegorica was put on hold as they frantically prepared the
gamma-ray laser cannon for operation.
As the unit’s N2 reactor kicked into emergency protocol
and clanged to life, its pilot, Trois, set her course according
to the quantum flow indicator.
“Unit Zero, Trois to command. Adjusting course to
avoid impact. Object will be identified after adjustment.
Seventy-five percent chance of being a Q.R. Signum.”
<<I knew it! This is Hakone to Trois. You’re free to fire
as long as you don’t point that cannon toward Earth.
Weapons free! I repeat, weapons free! Blow that thing out of
the sky if it tries to take you over like Quatre’s Eva!>> The
cannon trigger dropped into position on Toji’s command.
An avalanche of population inversions occurred in the
cannon’s gigantic triple-nuclear excitation unit, producing
lasers that converged upon a single point.
The electric field produced a massive, distorted thud as
thirty-six thousand capacitors lost their charge all at once.
The cannon fired, though the motion was terribly
subdued in outer space. Still, a blinding light spread into the
far distance as fragments scattered like shattered glass.
“Signal lost. Q.R. Signum neutralized.”
Chapter 13:

A was at play here, as unlikely as

winning the lottery multiple times in a row. The Type-N
robot, which had joined the stars after the Asuka/Eva
synthesis had flicked it into outer space, was caught in the
ridges of the Lance of Longinus as it sped toward the
moon’s orbit.
Six picked up the beeps of its distress signal and gave
When Ayanami Rei Six had woken in the Eva-00 Type-F
Allegorica, she, too, had been stranded in space. The Lance
of Longinus replica had zoomed past her, and she was in the
process of accelerating after it. “Ugh… I’m still under the
Doppler effect,” Six complained about her negative
As she kept her eyes fixed on the lance, she noticed
that a significantly large hole had opened up in the vacuum
of space.
Had that always been there? If so, Six hadn’t noticed
until now.
Although equipped with powerful thrusters that allowed
it to fly into space, Eva-00 Type-F Allegorica was still a land
unit. The star chart installed in its navigation system was
strictly for emergency situations, only detecting the
brightest stars and planets to get the unit’s bearings. It was
cruder than a grade schooler’s constellation map. Six
would’ve noticed the stark anomaly upon reboot if she’d
been provided with a more detailed system.
A large mask of shadows covered a portion of the stars.
Six took a closer look and noticed that its outline was
glowing, and it was slowly growing larger.
The large shadow was forming over the dark side of
the lunar landmass.
Sirens started blaring in her plug. The moon slab was
rushing through the thick dust cloud.
Violent sparks flashed across her A.T. Field. The field
functioned similarly to magnetic field lines, and whatever
resistance it met was reduced before being transmitted to
Eva-0.0’s body. The Eva held up its left hand to withstand
the shock waves and bursts of light. When the storm finally
settled, and Six could see again, she let out a cheerful
“Leaping lemurs!” Six said as she saw the blue ring of
Earth rise above the lunar horizon.
<<Ayanami Rei Six, is that you?>> said a voice that
wasn’t a voice. Six recognized it somehow.
“What? Who’s talking?”

Quadrupeds have excellent awareness on level ground

but are mostly oblivious to whatever happens overhead.
Wolfpack was no exception, even with Mari’s senses
enhanced by her pack.
Wolfpack’s sensors were overwhelmed by the amount
of dust being kicked up from the slab. The data from its
immediate surroundings was too much for it to bear, and
the fact that it was also still in mid-escape made for one
disoriented Eva.
Six had been so overjoyed at finally spotting Earth that
she’d accidentally activated all the switches within her
reach. Her firearms were fortunately locked by the FSC
reacting to her brainwave patterns, but her communication
lines weren’t so rigorously protected. Her Eva proceeded to
broadcast Six’s meaningless declaration across the empty
<<Leaping lemurs!>> Mari turned to look at the sky
without glancing at her communications console.
She noticed, with a twitch of the ears atop her head,
I’m not the only one who came through the portal!
The halo of light that was Ramiel’s particle beam
wrapped around Wolfpack’s waist. The beasts of its A.T. Field
shone like lightning and bolted out of the compromising
Suddenly, an inverted dust cloud exploded from the
slab in the silent vacuum of space.
The replica Lance of Longinus had finally landed.
Its impact produced shock waves over four hundred
kilometers from the epicenter, rendering its immediate
vicinity into floating rubble.
That voice…
<<Ayanami Rei Six, is that you?>> Mari growled this,
and yet, for some reason, Six understood her perfectly.
<<What? Who’s talking? Cat Ears?>> The lance stood
tall in the center of the crater. Wolfpack proceeded to pull it
out of the stone with its powerful jaws.
<<Wolves and a dog… No cats present.>> Six fired
the enhanced Angel’s Backbone at the Q.R. Signum of the
Carrier who was trying to steal the lance. It shattered into a
fireworks display of blood.
<<Cat Ears! It is you!>> Six was ecstatic to hear a
familiar voice in the loneliness of space. Mari took the red
lance and stabbed the remaining Q.R. Signum of the
lurching Carrier.
<<Six, Momo is inside of Wolfpack’s transport craft.>>
<<It’s pronounced ‘cease’! Like in French! Really? No
wonder I couldn’t find her anywhere.>> Mari thought that
this might be the first time she’d cared for anyone outside
her pack.
Eva-00 Type-F Allegorica began decelerating after firing
its thrusters in the other direction.
Wolfpack was getting used to the low-gravity
environment. It still had three Angel Carriers left to fight, but
with the Lance of Longinus in hand…
<<Six, did you throw this lance?>> <<Nope. I’m just
going after it. My friend’s stuck to it!>> <<Your friend?>>
<<Yeah!>> Mari’s monitor robot squeaked in response to
the signal coming from the Type-N robot attached to the
Lance of Longinus’s helix. The Type-N with suction cups for
legs also chimed in, and the three robots proceeded to have
a high-speed conversation. Mari could almost hear them
sigh as they complained about the humans’ treatment of
their kind.
<<Can you see Asuka from where you’re standing?>>
<<You mean Asuka’s here? Asukaaaaaa!>> Six was
unaware that the Asuka/Eva synthesis had turned Victor—or
Torwächter A1, per the NATO designation. In fact,
Torwächter A1 was also unaware that she was working for
the enemy now, and she waved to Six from behind the
Angel Carriers.
<<I see her. Sunrise to the left. Fifteen hundred meters
off its rotational axis. I think.>> That was all Mari needed
for Wolfpack to start charging through the swarm of
<<Why? What’s going on? Are you friends with Asuka?
>> <<I’m here to eat Asuka.>> Six didn’t know what she
meant by that. She squinted her eyes and thought about it.
Eventually, she said, “I wonder if she’d taste like a habanero
Six yelped at the sudden gust of white in the empty
vacuum. Birds… Birds as far as the eye could see.
<<Hallucinations. Don’t let them fool you.>> <<I
don’t think they are!>> snapped Six.
<<Look, there’s something behind the moon, and
they’re all flying there.>> Six said this on pure intuition.
She didn’t know what she was pointing to. Back on Hakone,
Shinji had said the thing that Trois had hesitated to say: The
stage for the next Earth is the moon.
The moon was secretly siphoning Earth’s materials to
expand itself. Yet, despite the Earth’s shrinking mass, its
seas remained stable, and the water was beginning to
encroach on the land.
Only the birds would survive the Great Flood.
But there would be no doves to deliver olive branches
from the new world.
Torwächter B, possessor of Shinji’s heart, stood its
ground as the U.S. Eva charged toward him.
<<You’re mine now! With your heart, I can finally drive
this body!>>
Meanwhile, a different party watched as Six and Mari
carried on their meaningless conversation while fighting
Angel Carriers.
“There goes your plan.” Ayanami Rei Quatre scoffed at
her passenger.
“Those two are very much alive and in possession of
the lance.”
“The quadruped and the puppet will die on this rock
when it falls to Earth. No rush.”
For once, the Kaji-vessel was in the entry plug with
Quatre. The A.T. Field would usually provide protection
against any kind of environment, but the field would
dissipate upon a pilot losing her consciousness. Having
fallen off an Eva under those exact conditions, Seele/Kaji
seemed to have learned his lesson.
Quatre was in the plug seat while Kaji straddled the
interior as if he were sitting on the edge of a dinghy. He
struggled to fit his long legs in the cramped cockpit.
“The beast’s execution shall commence forthwith.”
They had succeeded in transporting themselves to a
place that wasn’t the Earth, nor the moon, nor the Apple’s
The broken slab of rock was still technically part of the
moon, and Quatre’s mutant Eva had managed to use the
tunnel network to warp to this newborn heavenly body.
“The two were once one, no matter the distance
between them. We merely used this fact to travel here,” the
Kaji-vessel said.
Quatre’s Eva was the first to be infected with the black
giant Armaros’ scales. Seele, who now possessed Kaji, was
able to control an Eva pilot through these Q.R. Signums.
Quatre couldn’t fight back.
Back on the Apple’s Core, she’d traded herself for Trois
to be Kaji’s puppet. But her goal was no longer to escape
the primary emotions that ruled the Ayanami clones…in her
case, fear.
This world would be destroyed and born anew, Seele
along with it. Quatre was intent on watching the whole
This was the world Shinji had created three years ago
when the Human Instrumentality Project failed. Quatre
thought that was a good enough reason to kill him.
Whatever Seele/Kaji did, it was as a prophet who signaled
the end of this world and prepared for the next.
Chapter 14:


panic and anxiety among the population of Earth. There was
a high likelihood that the falling lunar landmass would end
civilization as they knew it.
The moon slab slowly descended to the critical zone
where it was either going to be drawn back to the moon or
pulled down to Earth. Calculating the trajectory of such a
massive object was simple enough, but astronomers
couldn’t work out whether it would actually penetrate the
atmosphere, given its shallow point of entry.
The EU and U.S. urged the use of N2 warheads, which
had been under the UN’s lock and key since before the
Second Impact. Nuclear weaponry had been sealed away
deep underground, but the gigantic rock in the sky seemed
a noble enough motive to warrant its use.
The moon slab was so massive that its entry into the
critical zone might rotate the Earth on its axis. Although, the
worst-case scenario of it ramming straight into the planet
was still likely.
The EU and U.S. were now in talks about a plan to
break up the lunar mass into smaller fragments. Moving the
slab out of the way remained the best course of action, but
it was much too large.
“Maya-san, is there any way to destroy and then
dispose of the detached mass?”
<<I don’t perform miracles.>> Maya sighed through
the intercom from the cage.
“The main issue is the lack of distance from us to it.
Whatever we do will cause catastrophe below.”
It was a bitter pill to swallow, but someone had to say
“Even if we were to break the slab into small chunks,
those chunks would continue to fall to the Earth for several
hundred years. Meanwhile, whatever’s left in the
atmosphere will remain in the atmosphere. Humankind will
never set foot in space again…assuming there’s anything
left of us by then.”
“Not to mention,” said Misato, “the moon’s right
behind it.”
The approaching moon slab was only a prelude to the
real disaster.
An operator prompted Toji to look at the main display.
Super Eva had safely returned from orbit.
“Shinji! Why’s Super Eva all burnt?! Maya and the rest
of her team worked real hard to clean him up, you know!”
The purple giant had failed to properly decelerate
when reentering the atmosphere. He took a few clumsy
steps forward, as if he were underwater, and then began
sinking into the ground, despite the lack of elevator shafts.
“What the hell?!” Toji exclaimed.
All eyes were fixed on the display, though not a single
soul knew what was going on.

Shinji watched as a vast flock of birds flew across the

sky, like rapidly moving mist.
I wonder where Kaworu-kun’s last dove is… I couldn’t
catch it last time…
The white mist turned to darkness. A mountain? And
stars? What was I doing…?
Wait! I just landed with Super Eva.
What am I looking at?!
Was he dreaming? The white mist rushed closer, and
the flock of birds passed him like the wind.
When the mist faded, he noticed that Asuka—
Torwächter A1—was beside him.
Shinji’s chest burned with his heartbeat. He felt blood
rushing through his veins. The Center Trigonus in his chest
burned as bright as a furnace. The heat it produced
certainly wasn’t imaginary. If this was where Shinji’s stolen
heart was, then—
“I’m seeing the world through Torwächter B’s eyes…”
A chill gripped him as he made this realization. Why
didn’t I think about it before? If I can call upon my heart’s
power from afar, then the heart can summon me to it—
<<Return my body. Return to me that which you
It was the voice of his other self.
“No… Wait!”
Wolfpack held the Lance of Longinus in its mouth. It
shoved away an Angel Carrier and lunged at
Asuka/Torwächter A1. Shinji, as Torwächter B, readied his
giant weapon to protect her.
A weapon?!
<<Shinji, stop that this instant! What do you think
you’re doing?!>>
Maya’s voice yelled at him through his speakers… Was
he back in the cage?
Shinji’s consciousness was merged with Super Eva’s.
He didn’t see through his entry plug but through the Eva’s
eyes. The giant’s hands were his hands. What am I…?!
“The heart is calling out to me… Maya-san! It wants…
the weapon…I’m wielding!”
What am I wielding?
Super Eva’s distant heart realized that he held the
great bow Azumaterasu in his left hand.
Shinji lost control of his hands, and they aimed
Azumaterasu high into the sky.
Azumaterasu—previously dormant—finally activated.
Particle induction elements attached to the top and
bottom of the bow’s frame lined up with their seven
respective power injectors.
Seven dazzling beams of light focused in the center as
Super Eva’s body rumbled. His distant heart was
aggressively pouring energy into him.
Yet it still wasn’t enough.
Shinji felt like he was being strangled. He wheezed as
he desperately tried to breathe.
Stop! He croaked. His heart beat louder and louder, as
the life was being choked right out of him. That’s still not
Shinji couldn’t have stopped the flow of power even if
he’d wanted to. He wondered if Trois could’ve done
something about it if she were with him.
<<The vessel of the interlocutor must not fall into the
hands of the beast.>> He’d heard something similar back in
the Tower of Babel.
This voice… Shinji’s consciousness faded as the seven
lights pulled in limitless amounts of energy. He felt himself
and Super Eva drift away in the flood.
The lights focused into a single ray.
Is this an arrow…?
And with that, he faded into a wall of white.

Alarms blared throughout Nerv Japan as the base

The seven-colored bolt of light didn’t just blast the
reinforced roof off of Cage Two. It had a disastrous effect on
the people outside as they were freed from the shackles of
gravity and turned upside down.
They looked beneath them, at the sky over Tokyo-3,
and found that a portion of the blue veil had been pierced,
leaving behind a gaping hole that magnified the stars of
outer space.
The moon that had loomed over the Earth and its
smaller slab were gone. It seemed as if the atmosphere had
vanished, too. Azumaterasu’s arrow of light sped by so fast
that it didn’t even produce a whisper. The only thing the bolt
left behind was the harsh contrast of black and white.
A violent storm erupted after that moment of
miraculous stillness, and the sky sucked up anything that
wasn’t nailed down, as if to demonstrate the repercussions
of halting time.
Then again, the sky also needed everything it could get
its hands on to patch the gaping hole in the atmosphere.

The arrow reached the lunar landmass at the speed of

light, burning so bright that it seared a hole right through
the Earth’s upper atmosphere. Once the light faded, only
half of the lunar landmass was left behind. Even its
fragments had been displaced.
The sky above Tokyo-3 sucked in everything around it.
The surrounding air pressure rose to over 6500
hectopascals, causing great shock waves at all altitudes.
The window of the sky was slamming shut, and
everything in and around the Hakone caldera was getting
the brunt of it.
Most of the command center personnel had collapsed
once gravity returned. Toji, however, had hooked his pale
blue arm around the desk console and braced himself. By
the time he got his feet back on the floor, damage reports
from all over the base were flooding in. The command
center turned into a buzzing beehive, but Toji remained calm
and called Cage Two.
“Maya-san, report! What did Super Eva do?!”
Outside, an artificial night had fallen as clouds formed
from the drastic difference in pressure. Heavy rain poured
out of the sky, as if someone had punched a hole through
the heavens.
Water rushed into the now-roofless Cage Two like a
waterfall. Maya watched from the blast shield of her control
booth as the gigantic salt sculpture before her crumbled.
The thing that had been Super Eva was now falling
The bow had disappeared immediately after firing, and
now the white salt giant was being eroded by the heavy
downpour, starting from its shoulders. Its body broke off into
clumps, each over a hundred meters long, which fell to the
ground with a resounding clang that echoed its destruction.
Chapter 15:

T HE SEVEN-COLORED ARROWfired from the great bow

Azumaterasu had annihilated half of the landmass that had
once been part of the moon. The remaining half was now a
hundred thousand kilometers away from Earth.
The moon slab hadn’t been blown into chunks but was
rather displaced by the massive surge of neutrinos and
gamma rays.
The arrow incinerated the Earth’s upper atmosphere,
leaving the surface exposed to dangerous radiation. This
event should’ve had catastrophic repercussions, because of
how much energy had been spent over such a short period
of time. That kind of power should’ve been enough to raze
the entire planet. However, most of the energy had
seemingly dropped off into another world altogether.
Although the primary threat had vanished, the world
was still in hot water, which seemed to be fast approaching
its boiling point.

<<Unit Zero, Trois… Communications…breaking up…

hear you—>> Eva-0.0 was still in orbit. Ayanami Rei Trois
had managed to protect herself from the gamma-ray storm
by throwing up an A.T. Field around them.
“Hakone command…Unit Zero…broadband
electromagnetic interference…can’t pick you up! Follow
ECCM protocol…change coding rates. I repeat—”
Hyuga’s voice crackled from Hakone, barely
penetrating the short wavelengths of the ultra-high
frequency transmission line.
The high energy particles had blasted the ionosphere,
creating intense electric surges between the E and F layers.
This was the cause of the communication problems. To
make matters worse, stratospheric communication
platforms belonging to the U.S. and China ignited like metal
in a high-altitude microwave. The various aircraft
consequently fell into the Pacific and Caribbean.
In a world that had lost both its satellites and
underground cables, due to changes in the Earth’s gravity
and crust, communication relied on seven stratospheric
airships to relay messages over the rapidly shrinking planet.
The loss of even two of these aircraft was a heavy one.
The particle blast also affected things at the lower
altitudes. Over a hundred and fifty planes had crashed,
high-frequency harmonics had infected the power grid of
the eastern hemisphere, and a large-scale power outage
had brought the world to its knees.
People desperately tried to contact emergency
services, but their transmissions had no way of getting

Heavy rain still poured over Hakone.

Here, the damage from the discharge of Azumaterasu
was far heavier than the torrent of high-energy particles
falling from the sky.
The loss of gravity after Azumaterasu’s firing, though
temporary, had massive repercussions for the Hakone
caldera and its surroundings. The shock wave generated
from the vacuum of the concentrated atmosphere was
reminiscent of the Tunguska event. Trees around the caldera
were knocked down radially, and it caused heavy damage to
Fuyutsuki was issuing orders from the top deck of the
command center, doing his best to keep the damage under
control. He tapped the console screen with his finger and
watched as the death toll rose into double digits.
“And it’s still going,” he said. The number of missing
around the Hakone caldera was four times that. The number
of injured was now in the five hundreds.
When the great bow had fired, it felt as if Earth and
space had been connected, if only for an instant.
We got off easy, if you think about it. But Fuyutsuki
kept his thoughts to himself and continued issuing orders.
“Instruct everyone moving to evacuation centers to
bring hats and long-sleeved clothes. The ozone layer isn’t
going to fix itself overnight. Once the clouds are gone, the
sun will rain powerful UV rays down on us.”
“Trois in Unit Zero to Hakone command. Come in.”
Trois had switched over to infrared wavelengths and
transmitted her messages via laser. Her voice wasn’t crystal
clear, but it was at least more intelligible than ultra-high
“Receiving telemetry data,” Hyuga said while looking
at the screen. “Looks like you and the Eva are doing okay.”
Trois transmitted what she was seeing in real time.
Earth was spread out on the main display, with Hakone as
its center. Half of the globe was whited out, and the ground
wasn’t visible from where she was.
The high energy also stimulated the deep atmosphere,
leading to the formation of cloud seeds, which eventually
became thick clouds that made the Earth look like cream
soup from outer space.
Fuyutsuki sighed. “I guess we won’t need umbrellas
Electromagnetic mayhem had arrived, with radiation in
What’s next?
Trois answered the unspoken question for him.
<<A dense cluster of moon fragments is coming your
way. The first wave is the remains of the lunar landmass
whose matter had been displaced. After that, the second
wave will come in, made up of more fragments of the moon.
They’re as big as a car, and there’s about 720 of them. ETA
of first wave is thirty-eight hours.>> The damage caused by
these fragments would be far less than the whole lunar
mass, but it would still be devastating.
We’ll have to break them up into smaller pieces
somehow, Fuyutsuki thought. “Trois, use the Eva’s laser
cannon to break up the larger pieces. Unfortunately, we’ll
have to postpone the search for Six.”
Ayanami Rei Trois paused, but she didn’t look
disappointed. <<Affirmative. Wait… The U.S., Europe, and
Africa are all requesting to relay communications to the
directors of Nerv Japan.>> “They’re what?” Now that the
stratospheric communications network was damaged, the
nations had taken to using Eva-0.0 as a makeshift comms
<<Signal source is eastern France, European
Emergency Taskforce, Intelligence Division. Using the UE9
United Nations Armed Forces cypher.>> Hyuga frowned
when he read the message. He looked to the top deck and
signaled his discontent to his commanding officer.
“America, Europe, and Africa are asking how we
destroyed over half of the moon slab’s mass. In addition,
they eagerly await our next operation and will cooperate
when the time comes. They’re asking for an encore.”
“Easy for them to say. They’re on the other side of the
planet. Our neighbors won’t be so enthusiastic about us
blowing up the stratosphere again. Tell them we don’t know
what they’re talking about.”
Besides, the individual who’d been at the center of that
last unofficial operation had turned into salt.
<<Assistant Acting Deputy Commander Fuyutsuki, a
question, if you will.>> “Yes, Trois?” He knew he had to tell
her eventually.
<<Did an attack from Hakone cause the destruction of
the lunar landmass?>> For Trois, Hakone had been in the
Earth’s shadow when the excavated weapon fired.
“Yes. We used Azumaterasu.”
<<And where is Ikari-kun now?>>
A circular railing had been installed on the ceiling to
replace the blown-out roof. It stopped just short of the main
command building, but it was enough to keep the rain from
pouring in. Repairs had proceeded faster than anyone had
expected, so visitors of Cage Two could be forgiven for
taking a moment to let it all sink in.
The sight was enough to convince anyone of what had
Salt. A whole mountain of it.
Super Eva had stood at a height of 120 meters. In his
place was now a pillar of collapsed salt. Shimmering white
particles occupied the dry deck without forming peaks.
Sharp edges had been washed away by the rain that flowed
down into the pool. There was too much of the substance to
dissolve, however, and most of it was rapidly crystalizing.
Nothing we can do about it now.
When the original Lance of Longinus had started
orbiting the Earth, over two million people had turned into
literal pillars of salt. There was nothing anyone could do
about them.
“What the hell happened, Shinji?”
Acting Deputy Commander Toji wore an orange
protective suit as he stood in shock in front of the mountain
of salt.
Misato wore the same suit, but she’d started climbing
the salt that had once been Shinji and Super Eva. Inside, she
felt the same as Toji, but her duties as commander of Nerv
Japan pressed her onward. If she stopped now, she knew
she’d lose all motivation.
The salt crystals were heavy with rainwater, but she
kept on climbing the white mountain. Misato grunted and
adjusted her rebreather. She drew strength from the
memories of welcoming Shinji into her home for the first
Is that it? Am I convinced that he’s dead? Nothing more
than a sweet memory?
Get a hold of yourself, Misato… she thought to herself.
You can’t lose sight of him now.
<<Not a step farther. It isn’t safe.>> Maya’s voice
came over her headset.
There is a point to all this.
Misato looked up and saw the black Q.R. Signum
perched on top of the white mountain of salt like a stele.
The ten-meter-high quantum resonance plate had been
spared the fate of turning into salt, even after falling from
Super Eva’s chest. It loomed menacingly over her.
The thing had come from Armaros, and it was a
quantum portal that channeled the power and will of the
black giant himself. In a desperate attempt to save Shinji
and Super Eva after their heart had been stolen, Hikari, pilot
of the Euro Eva Heurtebise, had taken one of her own Q.R.
Signums and stuck it into his chest.
With Trois and Quatre’s help, Shinji and Super Eva had
managed to use the enemy’s device to survive, without it
corrupting him.
The surface of the quantum resonance plate gleamed
like obsidian, reminiscent of a polished tombstone.
“This is the first Q.R. Signum that has remained in this
world by itself,” Maya said, making no reference to Shinji or
Super Eva. She’d been the only member of the main staff to
witness Super Eva turn into a pillar of salt and then crumble.
Three years ago, Shinji had prevented the completion
of the Human Instrumentality Project. This meant that he’d
decided the current course of the world. His heart was the
only thing that Armaros feared. With Shinji gone, had they
not witnessed the beginning of the end of the world?
Don’t be stupid. I can’t lose sight of survival now.
Strange things were happening, one after another, and
they were beginning to numb Misato’s feelings. Maya and
Misato continued their conversation, albeit awkwardly.
“We focused on this Q.R. Signum back in the Carrier
fight. I don’t think it would’ve survived that unscathed. But
all the fragments end up disappearing, don’t they?”
“Yes…they destroy themselves. But this thing has
remained in its entirety…”
“There has to be something more to it.”
Misato was expecting an answer, but all she got was
“Well…” Maya hesitated but finally added, “We can’t
say at this stage…”
Misato grabbed the collar of Maya’s protective suit. “If
you’ve got something to say, then say it! Shinji-kun hasn’t
disappeared completely! This Q.R. Signum is proof that a
part of him is still with us!”
But is it? Or am I just saying that?
Misato didn’t know.
“Shinji’s…alive?” Toji muttered.
Maya took the chance to bat away Misato’s arm. Her
own emotions, which she’d so far kept under wraps,
exploded to the surface.
“You’re always like this! Always pushing your feelings
on those around you! No one knows if he’s actually coming
back! Stop giving Toji false hope!”
“Don’t you think I know that?!” Misato shouted.
But Maya, lost in fury, ignored her. “I’ll take
responsibility for this. Please, allow me to look into it further.
I’ll need all the time and people I can get.”
Maya knew. She’d known from the beginning, but she
needed Misato to put it out in the open for her.
In any case, one thing was clear. The second she
decided this was all pointless, it would become pointless.
Chapter 16:
Shadow Puppets

H E WAS STANDING on a shallow beach whose waves had

many colors.
Countless birds flew across the sky. He didn’t know
where he was, but his body felt heavy, his consciousness
dim. His surroundings felt like a dream, and yet, for some
reason, he had no idea where he was. Maybe that was more
evidence that this was a dream. He pondered this but felt
like he was disconnected from all of his experience and
Just recently, he’d felt that the “proof of his necessity”
had overflowed into his mind and that all he needed to be
was himself. Now, that proof felt thinner than ever.
He’d been freed from his own name, the things he
knew, and the things that held him back, and yet he didn’t
feel at rest.
The seven-colored waves splashed at his feet.
He stuck his hand out and turned. I’m not alone here.
He saw a great serpent made of brilliant lightning
slithering in the sand. Behind it was a girl clothed in red
wind. The snake bared its fangs at the girl, and he leaped to
protect her.
His body moved faster than his intentions. An odd
sensation, as if he didn’t belong to himself.
The snake curled into itself, forming a coil, and sprang.
The thing had eight heads… No, even more than that. He
readied the great bow and began firing, but there were too
many of them. The snake persisted in its assault, though it
was clearly only after the girl.
But… He felt he had to protect her…for some reason
he couldn’t fathom.

The lightning snake’s forked red tongue stuck out of its

mouth like a spear.
<<I know what that is!>> But he couldn’t remember
its name. All he knew was how dangerous it was.
Chapter 17:
Shadow Puppets

W HERE DID THAT come from?!

Torwächter B suddenly pulled a great bow from his
shadow and fired at the Longinus-wielding Wolfpack. He
barely missed his mark but managed to take down one of
the beasts that made up the U.S. Eva’s A.T. Field.
When did it…? The bow wasn’t taller than the
The moon slab was still drifting toward Earth. Although
it had lost half of its mass from Azumaterasu’s arrow, its
surface was more volatile than ever. Fissures formed on the
ground, debris flew in every direction, and to top it all off,
the avian hallucination still flittered across the surface.
Torwächter A1, also known as the Asuka/Eva synthesis,
was still being targeted by Mari. But Torwächter B, the black
giant in possession of Shinji’s heart, had jumped in between
them to protect her.
The attacks are getting worse!
It was as if something had possessed the black giant…
In fact, the change had a physical quality to it. Mari put her
nose to work. Torwächter B had left their last battle claiming
to be Shinji, but— What’s going on? The black giant now had
the same scent as the Shinji she knew.
B held his right arm in front of A1, as if to shield the
Asuka/Eva synthesis.

Without an arrow to nock into his great bow, the

black giant held out his right hand to protect the
blue-eyed girl who wore the red wind over her bare
skin. This was the form she took when he could see
her, but when out of sight, he sensed the
amalgamation of many others behind her.
In any case, the girl was fighting back. She
stepped forward, clearly wanting to protect rather
than be protected. She recognized him somehow.
Who could she be…? All he knew was that she
was important to him. Maybe he should ask her.
He planted the great bow in the ground as the
lightning serpent darted toward them.

The Torwächter used the bow as a pivot and spun his

whole body to deliver a roundhouse kick to the prongs of
the lance in Wolfpack’s mouth.
The blow caught the beast in the jaw, and it was sent
flying. It twisted its body, extended its claws, and forcibly
latched on to the ground to bring its three-thousand-ton
body to a halt.
He smells different. Why?
<<You’re Shinji, aren’t you?! That’s what you said
before disappearing from Novaya Zemlya!>> Mari yelled at
the black messenger that was Torwächter B. Or at least,
she’d intended to. What came through her speakers
amounted to little more than a canine howl.
Eva-00 Type-F Allegorica was still in the fight, however,
and Ayanami Rei Six had managed to understand her.
<<That’s not Shinji!>> she retorted. <<Shinji’s more
absentminded than that.>> But Mari trusted her animal
instincts more than human reason.
<<This black Shinji… He has the same scent as the
Shinji I know… Have they become one?>> Six was still
fighting off Angel Carriers, and she was unable to get closer
to Mari.
Mari kicked the gravel beneath her to resume attacking
Torwächter A1, who was behind Torwächter B. She was
fighting the low-gravity environment for footing.
<<Why are you picking on Asuka?!>> Six saw no
reason for it.
Wolfpack shook its neck and twirled the red lance in its
mouth like a baton. The prongs were facing the right way
<<Like I said, I’m going to eat her.>> Six felt a chill
run down her spine. She knew Mari was serious, though she
didn’t know why.
<<Stop picking on Asuka!>> <<I’ll take good care of
her inside me.>> What was she talking about?
<<Asuka! Come here!>> Six called out to Torwächter
A1 as if she were playing with Azuchi and Momo. The red
giant turned to face her, but she had no intention of leaving
Torwächter B’s side.
“Ugh! Seriously!”
Six didn’t know who was friend and who was foe
anymore. Her information was limited, since she’d been
stranded in space since before the Novaya Zemlya
Even the displays in her plug identified Torwächter B as
Victor 2 and Torwächter A1 as Victor A1. She didn’t know
that one of them had stolen Super Eva’s heart.
However, Six recognized the gravitational wave
patterns of the heartbeat that spread over the battlefield,
and it sounded a lot like Super Eva’s.
Is that really Shinji? What happened to Super Eva?
Thinking while fighting was hard on her little head. Mari
was far away by the time she noticed.
The U.S. Eva pursued the two Torwächters. It crossed a
ridgeline over to the side of the slab where the sun shone.
The bird hallucinations passed over Six, and she lost sight of
The Earth rose as Six remained in the shade. From
what she could see of the planet, half of it was covered with
clouds, making it glow like a snowman. “Why is it so white?”
Three Angel Carriers closed in on Six to block her way.
After being shot at by the Field Piercer—Angel’s Backbone—
they’d correctly deduced that Eva-0.0 specialized in long-
range combat and had no way of defending itself in melee.
Six growled in frustration. She tried to move over to
the bright side of the lunar landmass, but one of the Angel
Carriers jumped over Eva-00 Type-F Allegorica’s head.
She was completely surrounded now. She continued
jockeying to escape her cage.
Suddenly, something happened to one of the Carriers,
whose back had been facing the sun. The cocoon in its
abdomen broke open and sprouted butterfly wings larger
than its host.
Each wing spanned 1200 meters, and they belonged to
the protist-like Angel, Sahaquiel.
Chapter 18:

T which also functioned

as a shelter during emergencies, were known to have
excellent sound insulation. They opened to the top deck of
the command center, and Misato was welcomed by a
sudden scream.
The scream belonged to Ayanami Rei Trois, but this was
no ordinary scream. It was the sound a person made when
they were utterly broken. Having tried and failed to calm
her, Hyuga now had his fingers on the telemetry console,
poised to remotely administer sedatives.
Looks like someone told her what happened to Shinji. I
didn’t expect Trois, of all people, to cause a scene… I guess
she really must like him now.
After her exchange with Maya, Misato was in the mood
to lash out. She took a deep breath and shouted, “Pipe
down, Trois!”
Trois’ thoughts had overwhelmed her. She probably
didn’t even realize she was screaming. Misato’s yell
snapped her out of it, and for the first time in the
transmission, Trois quieted down.
Only then did the command center personnel notice
that their commander had entered the room. They turned to
face her, but her expression alarmed them.
“Don’t worry. I haven’t given up on him yet!”
Misato grinned. She was angry at a lot of things right
now—herself, her surroundings, her circumstances. Still, no
one in the room had the guts to ask their commander how
they were supposed to keep from worrying.
“Uhhh…” Aoba started carefully.
“New transmission from Mauna Kea, Hawaii. They’ve
calculated the new trajectory of the detached lunar slab
after the change in its mass.”
He noticed that all eyes were on him now, and he tried
to sound more upbeat.
“Losing its balance has caused it to change orbit. It’s
going to come close, but it won’t collide with Earth! It will do
three elliptical orbits before falling back to the moon!”
The command center erupted with relief.
Azumaterasu’s stray arrow had not gone to waste—and
neither had the lives lost in the aftermath.
Fuyutsuki looked at the slab’s new orbit thoughtfully,
but Misato still frowned. How close would the moon be to
the Earth by then? The lunar landmass was nothing more
than an opening performance. She gathered her thoughts
and took a deep breath.
“‘Detached lunar landmass’ is a mouthful. From now
on, we’re designating it Yomotsu Hirasaka.”
Fuyutsuki raised his eyebrows. “The road that connects
the Earth to the moon, from this world to the next—or
maybe it’s the other way around.”
Chapter 19:
The Sunlit Path of Yomotsu Hirasaka

T ORWÄCHTERS B AND A1 took turns firing their power

Mari attempted to counter the attack by using Ramiel’s
particle acceleration cannon, which hovered around
Wolfpack’s waist, but she didn’t want to harm Asuka in the
Mari wouldn’t be able to consume Asuka if her body
was vaporized. The ring of light sparked and flashed like
lightning, its energy finally dissipating, due to Mari’s
Part of the plate on Asuka/Torwächter A1’s transformed
into a spindle-like shape, and she launched it. It was a
smaller version of the atlatl B had used on Novaya Zemlya.
<<Be mine, Asuka!>>
Mari was intent on devouring Asuka. She used the
Lance of Longinus as a pivot to stop herself. With her pack,
formed out of the Eva’s A.T. Field, she changed formation to
rush through the speeding spindles. After barely escaping
the onslaught, they were now on the shortest path to
Asuka/Eva. They jumped in for the kill but were knocked
away by Torwächter B’s great bow.
B threw his weight into the great bow to enhance the
force of his shoulder tackle, but something was off about it.
Its movements seem exaggerated. Why?
Mari didn’t have to try very hard to avoid him. She
supposed he couldn’t properly control his movements in the
low-gravity environment. Having missed his target, the
excess momentum sent B crashing across the rocky surface.
According to the information she’d received from the
Europeans at Novaya Zemlya, Torwächters were empty suits
of armor. Yet the tackle just now had not been delivered by
something so light.
Mari felt a sudden rush of power surge through the
giant. He was far stronger and more agile than before, but
she still didn’t understand why his movements were so
Torwächter B leaped and kicked at her.
These moves might make sense for a human, but for
an Eva…? Is he doing this on purpose?

His hands and feet moved at an energetic pace,

but it all felt wrong…
I’m being manipulated…like a puppet.
Against the lightning snake, he’d first felt
ecstatic that he was moving faster than he could
think. But he’d slowly come to the realization that his
will was being overridden.
<<You called on me, and now I call on your body.
That’s all.>>
The voice came from his chest. Was it his heart?
Who are you?
<<I will soon become all of you. There is no need
to remember your own name.>>

The Eva-sized telegraphs were easy to read, especially

in low gravity. Wolfpack ducked B’s kick by latching on to
the ground.
What are you up to?
Torwächter B launched himself into a mountain behind
Wolfpack, leaving an imprint on the boulder in the shape of
an inverted cone. He proceeded to destroy his surroundings.
What is up with this thing?
<<Stop flailing!>> Mari bared her fangs.

Agh! Pain rushed through him.

The one that was not him was using his body to
make a mess of things. His attempts at suppression
weren’t working.
Stop! Give me back my body!
<<You’ve used my powers more than once.>>
<<You had someone who could keep me in check
back then. Not anymore.>>
Who was I with?
Were there others like this girl in the red wind?
An image of a thin, blue arc flashed across his
thoughts. It distracted him for a moment before
<<This body is amazing!>>

Torwächter B jumped toward Wolfpack while swinging

his great bow, but Mari and the beasts of her A.T. Field
dodged him. The plate on B’s back had driven into the
ground of Yomotsu Hirasaka, embedded in the rocky mass
like the roots of a great tree. When B’s jump yanked it free
of the ground, it looked like a long, fat tail.
Mari saw her chance when the tail grazed Wolfpack.
She twisted her body and pinned it with the lance in her
The plate-tail immediately shattered, exploding in all
directions and releasing liquid black smoke from its rupture.
Wolfpack’s giant gray body was knocked back by this
unknown substance. The smoke soon vanished into the
blackness of space. That’s when Mari saw a gigantic shadow
with a thin halo of light on its back. It was her first
encounter with this particular entity.
<<The black giant…code name Armaros!>>
Wolfpack regained its footing as this new shadow,
shiny and slick, crept across the sunlit surface of Yomotsu
The new tail attached itself to the plate on B’s back.
The beasts of Wolfpack’s A.T. Field leaped at the opportunity.
Torwächter B thrust his great bow into the rock. He
reached for the Lance of Longinus, which now lay on the
ground, and twisted his body. He swung the twin prongs,
and the beasts of the field dispersed into particles as the
red spear ran through them. Blood sprayed from their
ethereal bodies, which crystallized into crimson shards
under the Torwächter’s shadow.
<<Beast and Serpent, heed the words of Man.>>
Torwächter B cried out with Shinji’s voice.
Chapter 20:
Underground Experiments

N ERV JAPAN’Sscience and engineering divisions were

currently combining their efforts to lower Super Eva’s Q.R.
Signum into the former Central Dogma—into the dome of
the sarcophagus that had been the resting place of Lilith’s
Chronostatic Sphere, before it disappeared. When the
sphere vanished, it had left behind metal piles and anchors
in a neat circle, which made a solid foundation for the
construction of a high-speed train.
In the center of the circle was a large tank lined with
sensors and filled with ultrapure water. This setup was
exactly like the accelerated particle detection rig Tsukuba
University had, with one key difference. The Q.R. Signum
was placed in the transfer frame and submerged into the
An orange crane then lowered a giant staff into the
sealed-off space. This staff had been an Angel Carrier’s
weapon, and Super Eva had managed to haul it back from
Novaya Zemlya.
<<The staff will be used to replicate the enclosed
pyramid as explained in Shinji and Trois’ report. We’ll see if
the Q.R. Signum reacts at all. Even if something goes wrong,
at least we don’t have any giants around to make the
situation worse—not even Evas.>> Maya looked at the
transmission window, remembering how the Angel Carriers
had appeared out of the quadrilateral boundary formed by
the four staves.
“What are you—” Misato began to object, but she
stopped herself when she saw Fuyutsuki nearby. She
brought her face closer to the communicator and whispered
into it.
“I’d really appreciate it if you didn’t replicate the Tower
of Babel here. We don’t need any more communication
The Q.R. Signum had been abnormally active inside the
Tower of Babel. Within its boundaries, Carriers had greatly
increased their size and strength. Outside, the Euro-Russian
coalition had been plunged into chaos as all forms of
communication broke down. Human interaction,
photoelectric circuits, and even energy transmission had
been affected by the phenomenon. “That’s why we’re
conducting it deep underground,” Maya said, wondering if
her commander had even read her report.
“Our pyramid is sufficiently miniaturized. Back on
Novaya Zemlya, aircraft were less affected by the
This was true enough. Maya pointed out that for people
inside the tower, communication was so smooth that they’d
had no use for communication systems.
Misato was looking for reasons to stop Maya from
proceeding. Not to be mean, of course. She was only the
person in charge.
“Hang on…” Misato held her hand over the display.
Of course, she thought. There was one major flaw in
Maya’s plan.
“How do you plan on making a quadrilateral shape with
one staff?”
<<You do have a point.>> Maya sighed. She drew her
body away from the camera to show Misato the rail circling
the water tank.
<<I think we’ll end up with a cone.>> A square at the
bottom of the tank…leading up to a circle.
“Are you running the staff around the rail?”
<<Yes.>> This was a grade school idea with large-
scale execution.
<<Sounds stupid, doesn’t it, ma’am?>> The face of
Aoba’s professor, Mizusato, appeared behind one of the
protective suits on the side of the screen. He was the one
who’d proposed the experiment.
<<Things would end poorly for us if we replicated the
pyramid too well.>> It was strange seeing him there. Above
ground, the world was still dealing with the repercussions of
Azumaterasu’s arrow. The blast had spared neither city nor
countryside, and the full extent of its damage had yet to be
determined. Aid was needed across the globe in a world
where laborers were scarce and materials even scarcer. And
here were the brightest minds of Nerv Japan, building life-
sized railways out of scraps, like model train enthusiasts
who’d lost all sense of proportion.
“So, what is this experiment for, exactly?”
<<We’re going to look for it.>> “Look for what?”
<<Super Eva, of course.>> Misato balked at the
statement and looked to Maya for help. The head of the
science and engineering division only nodded. She couldn’t
believe what she was hearing.
<<We’ve seen humans turn to pillars of salt so much
lately that we automatically assumed Shinji must have died.
But Shinji is an Eva. The same rules might not apply to him,
even after being turned into salt.>> <<Shinji said that his
heart was calling out to him,>> Maya added.
<<We don’t know how it works, but we’re going to use
the Tower of Babel’s two-way perception enhancement to
find Super Eva’s ‘tracks’ while they’re still ‘fresh.’>>
<<Why didn’t you tell me this before?>> <<Because I’m a
scientist. I can’t act on a hunch. Besides, we might just learn
that Shinji was vaporized at the end of all this.>>
The grinder that had been polishing the railway had
been removed. Aoba’s mentor scoffed when he saw the
hundreds of jagged edges still left on the rail. They looked
like a fluctuating graph.
“That’s about as smooth as we can get it. Any more,
and it’ll warp out of shape.”
“Indeed.” Alarms rang throughout the sarcophagus.
“All right, back up, everyone! We’re about to begin!”
The old associate professor announced to the rest of the
The observation team moved to the booth inside the
railway loop, which doubled as a shelter, while the
construction team moved out of the area via the elevator.
When the effect was reproduced, it was highly likely that
communication with the command room would be
disrupted, which was why Toji was standing by to act as
Misato’s eyes and ears.
Mizusato made ready to evacuate the area, as well.
“Where are you going, sensei?” Maya asked. She had more
credentials than he did, but Aoba’s habit of calling him
“sensei” had rubbed off on her.
“I’ve heard what the phenomenon does.” Mizusato
smirked. “It transmits your thoughts faster than you could
with words, doesn’t it? When that happens, I’d rather not be
standing around a pretty young thing like you, love.”
“Excuse me…!” Maya gasped, more shocked by the
professor’s choice of words than his knowledge. The nearby
personnel quickly turned their attention back to their
support work.
The rail was installed at close to a ninety-degree angle.
Once initiated, the railcar would build up centrifugal force
and reach a point where it could sustain its course along the
inside of the rail.
The staff was attached at an oblique angle to the
virtual center of the railway loop. It was pointed over the
Q.R. Signum’s tip, which would become the apex of the
virtual cone.
“Activate,” Maya ordered with a whisper.
The two-wheeled railcar was equipped with ballasts,
equal in weight to the Carrier’s staff, to prevent it from
going off the rails. The railcar started its run slowly, so as
not to tip the balance.
Chapter 21:
Beyond the Reticule


Eva-0.0 aimed down the sights of her arm-mounted gamma-
ray laser. She watched as particles from Yomotsu Hirasaka
broke off and formed a dust cloud. The moon slab was
approaching her, but the distance between them was so
vast that it looked stationary. Faint sparks appeared and
dispersed—probably a product of the thing’s rotation.
<<Seventh shot fired from main cannon. Two thirds of
the target’s mass successfully vaporized. 158,921
fragments remaining (excluding miniscule particles). Half of
landmass remaining. Continue tracking?>> Trois’ A.I. asked.
“No,” she whispered to the display. She turned her
attention to the eighth slab fragment. “Focus on the next
target.” She continued her work in silence.
The original Lance of Longinus was passing through
space right before her eyes. The artifact had elongated to
114,000 kilometers and shone like a spider’s thread. It flew
at an altitude of 20,000 kilometers, with an orbital
circumference of 157,000 kilometers. That was two-thirds of
the Earth’s orbit. Another third, and it would form a perfect
In the not-so-distant future…
Her A.I. proceeded to select her next target, but the
system list was filled up. Alarms went off as the words TARGET
OVERLOAD appeared on her display.

It summed up her feelings perfectly. There were too

many problems on her mind—the shrinking Earth, the
expanding moon, the Longinus Ring. Even if they managed
to eliminate the antagonistic giants, she wasn’t certain that
these problems would immediately go away.
How long would it last? How long would she last?
<<Change in target management. New point spotted
on Yomotsu Hirasaka. Size: AA class. Estimated trajectory—
>> An AA class would be over two kilometers in diameter. Is
the lunar landmass fragmenting again? Another target…
Still far…
Trois’ A.I. couldn’t finish its calculations. She looked
quizzically at it.
<<Unable to calculate trajectory. Moving body
detected. Propulsion systems detec—>> “Enhance image!”
With the sound of a hydraulic exhaust, Eva-0.0 drew its
head close to the laser cannon and looked through its
biggest lens. Yomotsu Hirasaka was lit up by the sun from
where Trois was standing, and she needed a filter to make
the image visible.
There are no humanmade objects that size on the
She didn’t have to zoom in much to make out the
shape. The shadow belonged to a strange cell-like creature
whose hands seemed to be opening up.
Trois recognized it. Sahaquiel!
“Flashing to Nerv Japan/Hakone command.”
She sent her transmission under the title
“Extraordinary Emergency.”
“Silhouette of the former tenth Angel has been spotted
on Yomotsu Hirasaka.”
The message was sent with a cheerful chime. Then, the
window for the Evangelion mutual data link popped up on
her display.
The transmission caught Trois by surprise. She was
even more surprised when the 3D map slowly became more
elaborate. The screen had initially displayed wireframes, but
they were soon filled with a more fleshed-out rendition of
the space around her. An icon flashed on the surface of the
gigantic mass now known as Yomotsu Hirasaka. Trois
<<Subject identified as Unit Zero Type-F Allegorica.>>
The first message she received from the Eva was Six’s
panicked cries as the Sahaquiel Carrier chased after her.
The small Ayanami was holding on for dear life, squeezing
the transmission button in the process.
Chapter 22:
Airborne Theater

T into aiming position like a gunshot.

Two seconds passed, then three. The giant stabilized its
The long barrel of Eva-0.0’s gamma-ray laser cannon
now pointed to the detached lunar landmass a hundred
thousand kilometers away from it. Specifically, it was
pointing at the Angel Sahaquiel, which had suddenly
appeared on Yomotsu Hirasaka. Firing at objects with a fixed
trajectory was simple enough, but firing at a freely moving
body at this range would prove difficult. She silenced the
assistance of her FCS and took a gamble on where the
creature was going to be.
“Stay where you are, Six… Now!”
2100 gigawatts of focused gamma rays traveled the
ultra-long distance of space at a third of the speed of light,
blasting one of Sahaquiel’s wings, now over a thousand
meters long, just as it was about to grab Six. The effect
generated a miniature sun on the Angel Carrier’s back.
“Trois…?! Ow, hot!”
Eva-00 Type-F Allegorica was a good kilometer away
from the attack, but sparks formed on the alloy of its
restraint armor from the burning radiation of the plasma
The focused energy of the laser vaporized the right half
of the Carrier’s body, and with it, the Q.R. Signum on its
shoulder. Having lost its trunk, the arm that hovered over
Unit Zero’s head blew away like a storm cloud. Six yelped
from the recoil.
A sudden bustle had taken over the command center
of Nerv Japan. They’d received word that Yomotsu Hirasaka,
having lost half its mass, would return to the moon without
making contact with Earth. Now Six, who’d gone missing in
space, had been found against all odds.
“What’s all this now…?” Misato said, surprised by what
she was seeing. The map of Yomotsu Hirasaka gradually
populated itself, first with Ayanami Rei Six’s Eva-00 Type-F
Allegorica and then with several other icons. One belonged
to Torwächter A1, the Asuka/Eva synthesis, while the other
belonged to Torwächter B, the giant in possession of Super
Eva’s heart. Soon, the replica Lance of Longinus, which
Shinji had thrown into space, made itself known. Several
Angel Carriers then appeared on-screen, as if to complete
the diorama.
“Even the U.S. Eva’s on Yomotsu Hirasaka!” Misato
said. “Is there some kind of space carnival going on?”
Fuyutsuki brought his confused commander the data
he’d compiled. “The U.S. Eva was last seen in Norway,
where it lured the Torwächters with an imitation heartbeat.
They proceeded to drag Wolfpack through a gate.”
“At least our little prodigal’s doing all right,” Misato
said. As soon as those words escaped her lips, she thought
of Shinji. He was gone. She wondered how Six would take
that news.
Ayanami Rei Six’s vitals were now on the screen. She
was exhausted, and her heart rate had shot up because of
the battle. Still, she looked healthy. On numbers alone,
you’d never know that the little girl inside the Eva had been
stranded in space.
“How’s her oxygen?” Misato wondered. “She’s going to
hit critical levels a lot sooner at the rate she’s going.” She
turned to the operators. “Inform Nerv U.S. via Trois of
Wolfpack’s whereabouts. Also, ask them about the
terrestrial unit’s space combat capabilities, as well as the
pilot’s status. I want to know whether she’s alive or dead.”

Ayanami Rei Trois made her appeal from the orbiting

Eva-0.0, since no one on Earth seemed like they’d make it
for her.
“Hakone command, requesting permission to take Unit
Zero out of orbit.”
Now that she’d found Six, Trois wanted nothing more
than to rush to her aid on the surface of Yomotsu Hirasaka.
Eva-0.0 levitated using FSB technology, which used the
explosions from tiny N2 pellets. These reactions were
controlled by the A.T. Field surrounding its waist, and they
were powerful enough to propel the three-thousand-ton
giant into low orbit. However, with the maximum thrust
provided by the field propulsion technology of the Allegorica
unit, the Eva would have no problem flying past even the
distant moon.
<<Permission denied,>> came the heartless response
through her comm link. <<You are to maintain course and
continue your mission of shooting down the falling
Trois fell silent. She shifted her feet restlessly in her
experimental red-and-black plugsuit. It was a special model,
made specifically for Asuka. The wearable device was part
of a plan to salvage Asuka’s personality from her Evangelion
and turn her back into a human. The suit was made of
orichalcum, the same orichalcum that Kensuke had
entrusted to Misato. Scans conducted by the science
division identified the metal as lead, but they’d managed to
weave it into a synthetic skin as thin as fiber.
The suit was a humanoid medium for Asuka and thus
had the quality of a charm. It worked on the concept of
electromagnetic frequencies being attracted to antennas
tuned to the same wavelength. In theory, a human soul
should be attracted to a humanoid body, in the same way
that people often saw the human form in something
completely unrelated. The plan was to use this phenomenon
to give Asuka a specific information filter so that she could
recognize her own form. Unfortunately, she’d since gone
rogue, lowering the plan’s chance of success even further.
An interesting characteristic of the plugsuit was its high
rate of mental shielding. At its peak, it far exceeded the
current model. The same held true for the model Trois was
That’s right. Torwächter A1 is on Yomotsu Hirasaka.
That’s where Asuka is.
Chapter 23:
Solarside Struggles

A FTER HAVING ITS OVERGROWN ARMblown to bits by Eva-0.0

from low orbit, the Sahaquiel Angel Carrier lost its balance
and dove right into the rocky mass of Yomotsu Hirasaka. Its
remaining wing, now over a thousand meters long, flew
straight into the ground, carving a crater into the landscape
and kicking up a cloud of sediment.
As much as Six wanted to finish it off, she had other
Carriers to worry about, and they were nowhere to be found.
The last thing she needed was an ambush. She dove into a
nearby fissure to hide.
“Cat Ears!” Six said. “Mari, are you alive?”
She tried hailing the pilot of the U.S. Eva, the girl
whose genes had been spliced with those of animals.
Unfortunately, the burst of gamma rays caused a storm of
electromagnetic interference. She’d lost Mari’s position, and
now her comm link was also down.
Six and the Angel Carrier were on the Earth-facing side
of Yomotsu Hirasaka. Mari and Wolfpack, on the other hand,
were fighting the Torwächters on the sunlit side.
New scent coming in. Still Shinji, but weak…?
Back in Hakone, Super Eva had turned into a pillar of
salt, inflicting sudden changes in Torwächter B’s previously
efficient movements. Mari had no way of knowing this, of
course, but her keen sense of smell picked up on it. She’d
been fighting against Shinji’s heart in Torwächter B, but now
she felt the presence of Shinji himself. The Torwächter’s
double movements were awkward. It was as if the injection
of power had caused it to lose coordination, even
coordination with A1.
In the end, Mari’s target was still the Asuka/Eva
synthesis. If this fake Shinji was having trouble walking
straight, all the better. Now was her chance to pounce on
The U.S. Eva channeled its will to the pack in its A.T.
Field. Mari was surprised to find that the ones farther away
from her had begun moving of their own accord. If Nerv U.S.
saw this phenomenon, they would be forced to admit that
Mari was right in saying that she lived with the animals
whose DNA was spliced with hers.
There were about twenty shades in all, which looked
like distortions in space. They stalked around the Lance of
Longinus before leaping at Torwächter B.

He was engulfed in the mist of the endless flock

of birds. His heart had taken control of his body, and
he still couldn’t remember his name.
The lightning snake continued its assault. It
branched off, creating twenty lesser shades of itself,
which now surrounded him. Unsure whether he could
protect her, he worried for the girl clothed in wind
behind him.
<<Sweet release!>>
His heart turned his body around to grab the
No! Stay close to her!
His heart exploded into a violent dance, as if
flinging away his pent-up gloom. Using the
exaggerated motion, he charged right through the
swarm of snakes. He made it to the other side
unscathed and landed on a sandbank. Together with
his stolen body, he jumped off of it and brought the
spear down onto the water, splitting it in two.
<<This is amazing!>>
He heard the joyous voice that was his own and
yet not. His vision grew darker in the chaos.
What are you going to do once you’re me?!
<<Well…for now, I’m going to free myself from
my shackles.>>
Wait! Protect the red girl!
<<She is no longer—>>

Wolfpack’s swarm rushed Torwächter B.

Chapter 24:

O N THE SUNLIT SURFACEof Yomotsu Hirasaka, another

observer lay hiding in the shadows, the mutant Eva-0.0.
Within it, Seele had assumed Kaji Ryoji as a vessel and
controlled Ayanami Rei Quatre.
“What an awful sight…” he murmured.
Equipped with the spear of destiny, Torwächter B
swung wildly at the pack of A.T. Field beasts. It proved less
than fruitful, however. The beasts slipped easily through the
lance’s prongs and tore into the Torwächter’s poorly
shielded abdomen. His heart pulsed violently as bright
golden light poured out of his wound like shining blood.
“Would you look at that? It can bleed, after all. I’m
impressed, Shinji son of Gendo… You rode on the wrong
energy wave, but you managed to make it here.”
“What’s so surprising about that? I thought you knew
the black messenger had stolen Super Eva’s heart.”
“Indeed. Even so, Super Eva has called upon the heart
for power in the past. Now, the tables have turned. The
heart has called upon Super Eva.”
“So what’s taken Super Eva’s place?”
“An empty shell, I suppose.” He grinned. “I wonder if he
realizes that it is my replica lance he wields in his hands.
He’s done well, but none of that will matter soon. It shall all
fade presently.”
Quatre’s face paled at the Kaji-vessel’s words.
“Why?! The separated pieces are one again!”
“Because the heart retains its sentience. They threaten
to crush each other. In fact, the odds are overwhelmingly in
favor of the heart. You’ve seen for yourself how it has
forgotten its primary duty.”
B’s heartbeat filled the vacuum of space. It was loud
but not rhythmic, and golden light poured out of him with
every beat. The heart was a window to higher dimensions,
bequeathed upon Eva-01 by the vestige of Yui before she
left the universe to replace its original S2 Engine.
The circumstances were eerily similar to when Super
Eva had almost exploded on Novaya Zemlya.
“I doubt the son of Gendo can escape the avian abyss.
Soon, even his existence will be forgotten.”
Chapter 25:

H ER PACK WAS a mere diversion. She didn’t want

anything to get in the way of what she was about to do.
Mari’s Eva turned to the other giant and attacked
Torwächter A1.
Wonderful… How did you achieve that form, Asuka? All
the entities inside you make my pack seem solitary in
The Asuka/Eva synthesis abandoned her spindle, a
weapon highly effective against the pack, without a
moment’s hesitation. She knew that it would be useless in
single combat against the U.S. Eva.
She held her empty hands in front of her. Black
currents of electricity gathered and formed into the shape of
a ball…the Type-F’s impact bolt. It was a weapon
constructed from the Eva’s memories—from Asuka’s
memories. She launched the black bolt at her attacker.
Wolfpack began gathering energy through the ring around
its waist—electrical energy this time instead of a particle
blast. It fired its lightning, causing the bolts to crash into
each other.
The two massive charges of energy swapped positions
as they propelled forward.
A part of my memories die each time they introduce a
new animal into my DNA. I can’t remember the faces of my
mother and father, and I can barely distinguish myself these
days… Whatever promises I made have ceased to be
important… The only truths left are the souls within me.
Nothing else seems real. That’s why I’ll risk everything to
protect my pack! That’s why I want to become just like you!
Mari roared long and hard at Asuka instead of
speaking. Several hundred kilometers of the avian wind
blew through the choking vacuum of space. A1 stood within
the white mist of the flock as it flew toward the moon, and
Mari saw a barefoot girl clothed in crimson wind.
Red petals had fallen over North Africa, over the Valley
of Human Bodies, where Asuka and Eva-02’s forms had
amalgamated with the Ark’s databank of life. This was the
true shape of the massive pack that Mari admired.
Yomotsu Hirasaka turned away from the sun, setting its
sights on grazing Earth.

Torwächter B took a step back from the A.T. Field

creatures that surrounded him and kicked at the ground.
Mari’s beasts stayed on him, coordinating their attack
formation to compensate for whatever losses he incurred.
Although he was in possession of the lethal Lance of
Longinus, it was far too strong for him, and he could barely
hit his mark.
Even so, it had bought him some time. The animals
were more cautious now that the humanoid form had a
weapon. One of them tried to attack B from his blind spot,
but by mere chance, he’d struck it with the lance. The red
prongs pierced the animal, and he held it up to the stars.
Light focused on the shade’s corpse before exploding in a
luminous display of blood. It sprayed out like a fountain,
drenching the rocky landscape and Torwächter B’s obsidian
body, before freezing into crimson crystals in the cold dark
of space.
Even on the chaotic battlefield of Novaya Zemlya, Mari
had never lost an individual in her pack. Her family was
ethereal, which meant they were virtually immortal.
However, the Lance of Longinus had the authority to end all
life, immortal or not.
B thrust the spear into the air in victory.
<<Return to the Ark, the final resting place of all life.
From thence, life shall begin again,>> the black messenger
exalted, using Shinji’s voice.
Mari growled. She felt the pain of one of her pack dying
intensely, and it caused her Eva to reel as it leaped toward
Torwächter A1. Asuka saw her chance. She dodged Mari’s
A.T. Field-reinforced claw swipe and jumped over her,
generating another impact bolt and shoving it into
Wolfpack’s back.
“Argh!” Mari cried. But I’m not giving up yet!
Wolfpack shook its head and opened its jaws, slipping
through A1’s arms and going straight for her neck. The
Torwächter dodged, but Wolfpack managed to clamp its
fangs on her shoulders. A1’s field shone brighter than
before, keeping the fangs from sinking any deeper and
generating a fireworks display as Mari’s teeth gnashed.
Beast and woman fell back onto the bedrock. Wolfpack
clamped harder onto A1’s field, intent on breaking it. With a
combined weight of over six thousand tons, the giants
bounced across the ground.
Asuka/Eva opened her mouth to the sky, though no
scream came out. Instead, her voice emerged from her
floater slits, which looked like her hair. Gravitons vibrated
violently, creating wavelengths that sounded like crackling
silk. Red particles burst from A1’s body and engulfed
During Asuka’s scream, Mari had started collecting the
data on the countless lifeforms amalgamated inside her
body. This was what she’d wanted from the start. To grow
stronger. To devour and gain the power of her enemies. She
didn’t care a cent for the consequences.
Wolfpack’s body had already grown after the battle at
the Tower of Babel. It swelled even larger now, causing
cracks to appear in some parts of its restraint armor, while
downright changing others.

He was helpless to prevent it. His body
continued fighting the enemies around him against
his will.
He picked up a rock near his feet and threw it at
the lightning snake who’d bitten the girl.
Why couldn’t I protect her?!
No… Why didn’t I protect her?!

Torwächter B spun the spindle and fired, cutting

Wolfpack’s abdominal shield and knocking it away. The
bestial Eva twisted in the air like a cat, landing perfectly on
the floating landmass.
Mari growled through her increasingly canine fangs.
More beast than man, she didn’t appreciate this disturbance
to her data feast. Though she was being destroyed by the
violent amount of life she was taking into her, it felt right.
She didn’t care what form she took; she’d become one with
the pack soon enough.
Alarms rang from behind her. Wolfpack was equipped
with a monitoring robot to prevent Mari from being
assimilated into her Eva. It could no longer sense the human
amid the animal DNA.

He was angry at “himself.”

Where are you going?! Protect her! I thought you
wanted to become another me!
He didn’t anticipate his heart’s response.
<<With all this power, you need no longer be
He’d assumed the heart that was taken away
from him would hold dear the same things he held
dear. He’d expected them to have a similar, if not
identical mind. But this…
What are you saying? Our friends aren’t
<<What are you saying? I’ve been freed from all
this nonsense, haven’t I?>>
Freed from all relations, for better or worse. The
idea made his skin crawl. Not because his heart had
said it, but because he could imagine himself saying
it, as well.
You’re insane!
Anger overwhelmed his heart, and he picked up
another rock, flinging it at the snake. He resisted the
power within himself and rushed to the girl’s aid,
refusing to give up on her.

Torwächter B swung the sling connected to the spindle

in a huge arc as he dispersed the A.T. Field beasts around
him with the lance.
Wolfpack was already drawing close to Torwächter A1
again after being knocked away. When the spindle came
after it, the Eva beast twisted its body in a protean manner
and took to the sky, the moon as its backdrop.
Chapter 26:
Riot Red


Pain shot through her right shoulder.

She opened her eyes slowly and found a
monochromatic landscape. The night sky was filled with
stars, even as the sun shone blinding rays. The place looked
like the moon.
Right… I was on the moon… On a recon mission
when… When what?
She felt like she’d been dreaming for a long time. A
dream where she returned to Earth…
“I’m feeling homesick? Wait, what’s with all this noise?”
Something stirred inside her. Countless somethings.
She felt ill. Suddenly, a black shadow jumped in front of her,
as if to protect her.
Huh? What did I just say? Shinji?
She remembered the sound of Super Eva’s heartbeat
amid all the chaos. She looked over the shoulder of the
black figure she’d called Shinji and saw a gray beast, the
alpha of the pack attacking them. Countless voices around
her spoke in unison. <<That is the enemy who is trying to
devour me!>> She knew the voice wasn’t lying, because it
was hers. The gray beast had inflicted the wound on her
It hurts! It…hurts!
She leaned on her right side. Her body went faint as
the pain caught up to her.
I don’t know what’s going on.
<<But I do.>> What’s happening…?
<<I’ve been here the entire time.>> “Shinji…”
That was all she could say.
“Shinji… Shinji! Stupid Shinji!”
It felt like forever since she’d said that name.
Her body didn’t feel like it belonged to her. She felt
strange, as if she was part of a crowd looking at the sky
from the bottom of a hole. But for the first time in a long
while, she felt the distinction between object and subject
return to her. Intense pain and exhaustion were the first to
come home. Then, an awful feeling behind her neck, as if
the darkness had taken hold of it. She felt the need to
scream and called out to the black figure.
“Shinji, did you forget about me?!”

<<Don’t say that name!>> his heart shouted

with panic.
I know that name.
He slid toward her to hold off the swarm of
snakes. The girl clothed in red wind put her hand on
his back and shouted the name again.
She’s calling me…
<<Not you.>> That name…
<<Is mine and not yours.>> That’s right… I
remember her name.
<<You don’t. I do!>> Shut up. Her name is A—
<<Stop remembering!>> You’re so indecisive. You
really are me.
He raised the spear, which had taken the place of
his dominant hand, to his shoulder. He felt as if he
understood something.
He, who wanted his body to be freed from the
burden of merely generating a pulse. He, who
thought of everything as shackles. He, who wanted
to distance himself from everything.
You’re the one who doesn’t want to remember.
<<…>> Because you discarded it all. First your
own name and then the names of all your friends.
He arched his body and cocked his arm.
But what have you become now that you have
He shot his arm out in a straight line. The spear
flew right through the swarm of snakes.
His heart fell silent.
The world brightened as the flutter of wings
filled the air. He could finally say his name: Ikari
“Yes. That is your name.”
A third voice came from the abyss. It startled
him, and Shinji looked around for its source. He knew
the voice belonged to Kaworu, but he was nowhere
to be found.
Another pair of arms pulled Shinji down by his
collar. They belonged to the girl who’d called him by
name, and he finally got a look at her face. She had
an awful bite mark on her shoulder, and over half of
the flower petals surrounding her had been
dispersed. Still, she looked proud, even victorious.
“How dare you try to forget about me,” she
scolded Shinji, who still couldn’t remember her
name. Her cocky smile remained, however. “Even if
the world became a place of perfect peace where
nothing could hurt you, I’d still love you enough to be
the one real thorn in your side.”
She pulled him in then, for a kiss that was more
like a bite.
The images blew away. The background faded,
though she remained in the center of his vision. The
countless birds flying all around them vanished.
“Asuka,” he said, without thinking about it.
“Took you long enough! Thirty-eight points,” she
dismissed him with a failing grade as her voice grew
even more distant.

The enlarged Wolfpack dodged Torwächter B’s lance

throw and drew closer to its quarry—the injured Torwächter
“So hot…”
A sound like a rushing waterfall came from his chest as
the Center Trigonus started burning like a furnace. Golden
light spewed out of the cavity into the dark sky.
His heart wasn’t beating. This situation felt worse than
his near self-destruction at Novaya Zemlya.
“Nothing good can come out of you, can it?”
He, Ikari Shinji, stood in Torwächter B’s body with the
monochromatic backdrop of the stars above him. He
focused his energy on his giant black hand, which held the
Chapter 27:
Phase Shift

M to notice the anomaly in the

noise. An enhanced image from Trois’ optical sensors was
being displayed on the main screen of the command center.
She discovered something that was Eva-sized, though not
quite the size of Sahaquiel’s arms.
“Switch off the delay for motion compensation,” she
ordered. It looked as if the giants on Yomotsu Hirasaka
flickered in and out of existence. The effect was made by
predictive image technology to compensate for the inherent
delay caused by the distance the signal had to travel.
Misato wanted to get rid of this effect.
“Ma’am, these images aren’t being processed,” Hyuga
started, but then the screen displayed something that
caused him to gasp. For a few long seconds, Yomotsu
Hirasaka was an empty rock, but the giants returned almost
as soon as they had disappeared.
Had there been some kind of technical difficulty? If so,
what kind?
The command center ran tests on Trois and Eva-0.0’s
mental statuses, since their vision was the source of the
“All green,” Hyuga declared.
The actors on the stage of Yomotsu Hirasaka really had
disappeared for a moment.
“Maybe there was a large-scale spatial shift?” Hyuga
“Then why are the giants the only ones affected by it?”
“Because of the phase differential from their A.T.
“So, we’re seeing a spatial distortion…but not to the
point of shifting polarities.”
The screen flickered again, and they saw the flock of
birds that had been present throughout the entire drama of
the moon rock. There was talk that the birds were flying to
the moon, to set the stage for the next world. It was an odd
interpretation, but birds had been known to possess strange
powers, even on Earth.
“Would you laugh at me if I said that everything we’re
seeing down here is exactly what’s happening up there?”
Misato quietly asked Fuyutsuki.
“What are you talking about? It’s more than probable
at this point,” he answered.
“Commander, Euro Sixth Army is requesting for
support. It’s been approved by the UN Security Council,”
Aoba announced through the multitude of transmissions.
Misato didn’t bother hiding her contempt.
The transmission came through Eva-0.0, who was still
in low orbit. General Hartmann, of the Euro Sixth Rapid
Response Unit, had contacted Hakone through Nerv
Germany, in hopes of collaborating on their next mission.
First, he requested that Nerv Japan return their loaned
Q.R. Signum, now that Super Eva was gone.
Second, he offered to launch Euro Eva-II, Heurtebise,
into space to accompany Eva-0.0. They’d developed a new
weapon to deal with the leftover debris and wanted to set
up an A.T. Field to protect the Earth from its evaporative
effects. Azumaterasu had already razed half the planet, and
they didn’t want to burn the remaining half. The general
also offered to equip Trois with a parasol.
Eva-0.0’s A.T. Field couldn’t possibly cover the entire
Earth, of course, but putting a shield over ground zero
should significantly change their circumstances. The closer
an object was to a light source, the larger the shadow it
would cast over the things behind it. By that token, the
closer an A.T. Field was to a radiation source, the more it
could cover Earth.
Misato stared at the plan.
“And the closer Trois gets, the more dangerous it will be
for her. What new weapon is he talking about anyway?”
“Probably a system to deal with Carriers and Evas if
he’s asking for the Q.R. Signum back,” Aoba said. “The
schematics look a lot like the Field Piercer.”
Fuyutsuki traced the console, which showed a
simplified diagram of the new weapon.
“Code name Devil’s Backbone. Europe’s artificial Angel
is fallen. Cocteau is turning in his grave…”
Fuyutsuki called for the intelligence division.
Knowledge of Super Eva’s disappearance had leaked.
“Have all the personnel involved with Super Eva’s
disappearance been staying at the facility? I want names for
anyone who’s been in contact with the outside in the last
two hours.”
“He sure sounds confident, though. Devil’s Backbone…
Is he saying that thing is as strong as Azumaterasu?”
Chapter 28:
Shifting Blue

R was still floating in low orbit, shooting down

her twentieth piece of debris with her gamma-ray laser
cannon. She was exhausting her energy reserves and also
her time.
She looked down her sights to her next destination, the
landmass known as Yomotsu Hirasaka. Its contours glowed
in the backlight.
Rei Six was somewhere on that floating island. The
sisters had never needed to talk with each other, owing to
their mental link, but Trois felt she could really use a
conversation right about now.
The Second Child—Asuka—was there also. She’d
melted into her Eva, and yet had remained on this plane of
existence. And because she was there, the giant possessing
Shinji’s heart must be there with her.
The heart was Shinji’s last proof of existence after he’d
crumbled into a pillar of salt with Super Eva.
I want to go there.
The conclusion was difficult for her to accept. For as
long as she could remember, she’d never experienced a
strong desire for anything—certainly nothing to disrupt the
completion of a mission.
It was a pitiful fact for someone who’d never known
freedom. The mission was the reason for her creation. She’d
never thought of it as a thing she depended on, or a thing
that held her back, but simply as her purpose in life. Yet her
current mission no longer seemed to be the most important
thing. Now she faced the terrible question: What was the
reason for her existence?
Her external sensors triggered an alarm, pulling Trois
out of the labyrinth of her mind. The quantum flow
inclinometer warned her of the rapid approach of an
unidentified object, which the radar sweeps had missed. The
object’s code showed on her display. Another Q.R. Signum.
She felt her skin crawl as drew came closer.
She felt ill and immediately realized what was
happening. A presence that wasn’t hers started to dilate the
pupils of Trois’ red eyes.
The alarm kept ringing. Hakone command made it
through comms. Hyuga was telling her to intercept the
object. But it all seemed distant. It was as if she were in the
middle of a dense fog, thick enough to block out sound.
Trois pointed her long-distance antenna toward
Yomotsu Hirasaka and said in a rush, “Trois in Unit Zero to
Six in Unit Zero Type-F Allegorica. Caution. Black giant’s
mind closing in. Don’t get caught in it.”
Eva-0.0’s A.I. had correctly assessed the Q.R. Signum
as a dangerous object and altered the FCS to make it its top-
priority target. Learning from its last encounter, it took aim
at the empty void in anticipation of the flight path.
<<Affir—>> Rei Six’s voice crackled from a hundred
thousand kilometers away. <<Noooo!>> She was likely in
the middle of a high-speed pursuit, which prevented her
antennas from staying in place.
<<This isn’t the time…consciousness…hijacked!>>
She was definitely fighting for her life. But she continued her
conversation with Trois, despite the fragmented information.
<<You’re planning something.>> “Yes… Please handle
<<Can do! You know, this talking stuff isn’t so bad…
Whoa!>> And with that, Trois lost Six’s signal. The youngest
sister was probably all right. She’d likely had to make a
sharp maneuver or duck into the shadow of a rock
Trois set her gamma-ray laser to full charge. A single
blast would be powerful enough to vaporize anything.
The data of the flying object had reached Hakone. Her
objective remained the same: Shoot it down.
She was one second away from pulling the trigger. The
object was on a collision course with her Eva, but the impact
warning never came. Instead, the alarms for a system error
started blaring in her entry plug.
Trois entered her emergency authorization code. She
tapped the screen one last time. All actions were now barred
from Eva-0.0, rendering it effectively defenseless.
The S2 Engine mounted on her back increased its
output, releasing its energy through the blow-off valve. She
took a deep breath in the LCL as the pistons outside her
hissed and braced against her seat.
She knew what was coming next.
Violent turbulence rattled Eva-0.0, its source the neural
feedback link in its left arm. Trois’ left arm was thrown
about, and she felt like it was tearing open.
Then she felt the black wavelengths take over her

Hakone command watched as the black scale of

Armaros rammed into Eva-0.0 in orbit. The screens that
displayed its telemetry values showed that they were all
over the place.
“Failed to intercept Q.R. Signum!”
The unexpected turn of events turned the command
center into a beehive.
“Trois has ceased interceptive measures!”
“Why the hell would she do that?!”
Tempers flared in the command center until a voice
caught their attention.
<<Kzzt… Aa… Aaah!>> Trois croaked through the
choppy transmission. The pain was so intense that she
couldn’t scream.
“Damage confirmed!”
“Q.R. Signum lodged between two bones in the
forearm. Both pseudo-skeletons are broken, but the Signum
is altering the surrounding tissue! Quantum teleportation is
disrupting the neural network of the affected area. She’s
blacking out. We can’t get a reading!”
“Trois, answer me!”
“Mental contamination imminent! Eject the plug! Get
out of the Eva!”
Fuyutsuki barked into the receiver, but he was getting
nothing but noise. Eva-0.0’s satellite had broken down,
knocking out the conversation they’d had with Europe.
“No response from the emergency ejection system!”
“We’ve lost contact with Europe.”
“Forget Europe!”
“Has the Q.R. Signum taken over all basic functions?!”
Did the laser misfire because the Angel’s Backbone
could no longer receive orders from the plug? In the worst
case, Trois could end up like Ayanami Rei Quatre, both her
mind and Eva mutated.
Fortunately, they could still observe Eva-0.0 by
telescope, and Trois’ telemetry readings were still
transmitted to Hakone via infrared lasers. Mental
contamination might knock out its transmission systems,
but she was fine for the moment.
“Trois, did you actually…?” Hyuga guessed that she’d
cut the power herself, but he didn’t continue.
Trois was trembling on the other side of the monitor.
<<The end… Gathering of the peoples…>> “She’s back!
How is she doing?”
“Barely awake.”
The buzzing beehive of the command center froze.
They tuned their ears to listen to Ayanami Rei Trois’ feverish
mutterings. She was now a mouthpiece for Armaros,
possessor of the black scale.
<<Behold those who have gathered before the end.>>
<<The ring…is complete.>> <<The bridge… The great
bridge will span and cover the skies.>> <<The pillar…will
bind the seven seas!>> <<The staircase…will affix the
seven continents!>> “Well then,” Misato said, “that doesn’t
sound like the usual eviction warning.”
“That phase is over,” answered Fuyutsuki. “He’s likely
going to use force now.”

Trois struggled to stay conscious as the Q.R. Signum

continued to infect Eva-0.0’s plug.
“Blessed are those who board the Ark—”
That was the last of it, it seemed.
Trois felt lightheaded and exhaled in the LCL. Sharp
pain shot through her lungs.
<<Hakone command to Unit Zero. Trois, if you can
hear us, please respond.>> She couldn’t understand what
they were saying. Her body felt like it was burning from a
high fever.
Eva-0.0 looked down upon the Earth, helplessly
tumbling in low orbit. Trois thought she’d closed her eyes,
but realized with a start that they were wide open when
light began to filter in around her. The virtual display in her
plug shifted from visions of the Earth, the stars, the sun,
then back again, and she realized that her Eva was
The painful feedback from the Q.R. Signum remained in
her left arm. I feel sick… But how’s my unit? A chill ran down
her spine when she went to check.
“I feel something staring down the back of my neck. A
pitch-black darkness…”
This was the sensation all Eva pilots felt when
contaminated by the Q.R. Signum. Even Shinji had talked
about it. She turned around. The error messages that had
decorated the displays behind her had gone dark.
The same thing happened in Super Eva. But Ikari-kun
was with me then.
Something startled her from her thoughts. Fear. But of
what, she did not know. The Q.R. Signum had threatened to
consume her when she was in Super Eva. The black ends of
her hair were proof. But although it had hurt, she wasn’t
So why am I scared now? When did I become so weak?
<<Hakone command to Unit Zero. Trois, can you hear
us? Please respond.>> Her left arm wanted to scratch
something. Her hand curved into a claw, and she had to
consciously uncurl it.
Calm down… I’ve felt the Q.R. Signum’s contamination
through Quatre before.
“Urk… Aah…”
There was that time with Super Eva, too.
Besides…I’m doing this of my own will.

<<Nerv Japan via Unit Zero to Euro Sixth Rapid

Response Unit… Transmission to Hakone command was lost
due to electromagnetic interference and equipment
damage.>> Hakone could only stare at their monitors in
“Rei Trois…has made contact with Europe!”
“Trois…? Trois, what are you doing?!” Misato jumped
out of her chair and shouted into her receiver. “You don’t
have to worry about that, we’ll take care of it—”
She lowered her gaze from the main display to the
middle deck. Hyuga was shaking his head. “There’s a lot of
interference, but not enough to affect encoding levels.
Certainly not enough to lose comms…”
I knew it! So what is she doing?
Misato racked her brain trying to figure out Trois’ plan.
Trois’ pained groans continued through the speaker. <<I’ve
received a message from Hakone…acknowledging their
cooperation with General Hartmann of the Euro Sixth Army.
I, First Child Ayanami Rei Trois…am to escort Euro Eva,
Heurtebise, to the detached lunar landmass, Japanese
designation Yomotsu Hirasaka.>> The bees of the command
center started to buzz again.
“That girl!”
“Furthermore,” Trois continued, struggling through the
pain, “regarding Super Eva’s Q.R. Signum… I am in
possession of it.”
Eva-0.0 usually saw the world through the lens of its
gun camera. Now, Trois opened the masked eye on its head
to look at its left arm. The Q.R. Signum was lodged inside,
threatening to take control. Eva-0.0’s right arm gripped it
tightly to contain it.
“And please…send Eva Euro-II…Assistant Class
Representative Horaki…immediately.”

Six was holding her hands to her ears, screaming, “I!

Caaaan’t! Heeaaar! Yooooou!”
Fortunately, nothing got through to her this time
around. She lowered her sync rate as low as it could go and
shut her eyes and ears to let the black giant’s message pass
over her.
Chapter 29:
Black Armor

S changing the trajectory of the

hammer. It caught the heads of two A.T. Field beasts with a
satisfying thud, though the blow didn’t kill them. The horde
of animals was smarter than Shinji had thought, and he
needed to time the firing of his spindle to hit them. He
finally saw himself as a giant and not merely a pilot.
He was now Torwächter B, one of the black
Damn it!
Shinji didn’t have the luxury of ruminating on his new
identity. The other Torwächter, Asuka, was gravely injured
behind him. In fact, she was leaning on his back, since she
could barely stand on her own.
Their hyperspace connection plates rumbled whenever
they touched each other. He wanted to use them to open a
gate so they could run away, but he didn’t know how.
<<Stupid Shinji!>>
Her voice had been the one to awaken him. He felt like
he’d met Asuka in human form, and she’d somehow
regained her sapience and language.
How much of this is a dream, and how much of it is
One thing was for sure. Their attackers were after

The quadrupedal American Eva led a pack of twenty

A.T. Field beasts. It had devoured the data of several
thousand life forms from Asuka, severely injuring her in the
process. It was now much larger than the first time it had
expanded, back on Novaya Zemlya.
“I know it’s you, Mari!”
Mari kept attacking them. She’d already recognized
Shinji and Asuka as enemy Torwächters B and A1, and that
they were to be destroyed. In fact, she wanted to destroy
Shinji felt every sensation of the Torwächter as his own.
He’d achieved synchronization rates similar to those with
Super Eva. From the surface of his armor, he felt the violent
lack of humanity and reason coming from Mari and her
pack. They’d been dulled to nonexistence. She didn’t care
whether she was up against Super Eva or a Torwächter.
Maybe I’m still dreaming.
But his heart, the dimensional window that had
forgotten its own pulse, was billowing endless amounts of
energy in his chest. The consuming fire felt real, and it
tethered him to reality.
I have no idea what happened or how I did it…but I
guess I got my heart back.
Even so, it was no longer fulfilling its purpose. It had
reverted to the volatile state from before he’d learned to
control it, back when the S2 Engine faced the threat of a
Heat and pressure rumbled in his chest like a chaotic
drum. He had no way of holding back the mounting energy.
Third Impact.
Not long now. I can feel it.
Shinji shot at the field beasts again, but Wolfpack
easily dodged his projectile.
“Stop it, Mari! Please!”
She didn’t respond. Shinji wondered whether he could
transmit his thoughts to her through the black messenger’s
body. Either way, Mari seemed to have made up her mind
about them both. His pleas for peace were ignored.
“Damn it!”
The U.S. Eva got on all fours again. It called the field
beasts to itself, pawed the ground, and charged.
“Asuka, fly! Get out of here!”
The Asuka/Eva synthesis tried to get up but failed,
unable to find her balance.
“You have your graviton floaters, remember? Those
things stumped Maya because she couldn’t figure out how
to make N2 reactors so small… Now, fly!”
Shinji wasn’t going to give up on her yet. Asuka
remained on her knees, but she was now producing
gravitons out of the tiny slits in her hair. Unfortunately, it
seemed like it wasn’t enough.
“Keep going!”
Torwächter B turned and grabbed A1 moments before
she was shredded to pieces by the claws and jaws of the
field beasts. He kicked the ground beneath him and jumped,
covering vast expanses of the monochromatic terrain. With
half of its landmass vaporized, Yomotsu Hirasaka was now
about two hundred kilometers across. Aided by the low
gravity, his jump was strong enough to escape the small
But he felt something pull at him from behind.
“The plates!”
The plates on their backs were mysterious tools of the
Human Instrumentality Project, which could dislocate space
as long as they were touching the ground. They were
connected to a hyperspace tunnel network, which could
reach to the other side of the sun. How much distance it
could actually cover was impossible to calculate, but right
now, the plates were refusing to let go of their supposed
power source.
I can’t…break free!
The plates on both Torwächters had lengthened to over
ten kilometers, pulling them back to Yomotsu Hirasaka’s
As they fell, Shinji saw the Earth rise on Yomotsu
Hirasaka’s horizon and gasped. He saw the moon, which
he’d last seen from the other side of the sun. He saw the
rocky ground beneath him. In that instant, he knew where
he was and felt homesick. The plate on his back continued
to pull him down toward the wild beasts.
“We’re so close! I can see it!”
He felt the absurdity of injustice as a weight that
yanked him to the ground. The tether of relationships…an
umbilical cord he could never sever.
We’re tethered to the ground!
Something like claustrophobia seized him at that
moment. He remembered hearing that the black giant was a
prisoner of the Earth.
<<Humanity must not obtain wings,>> Armaros had
said when Super Eva received his Vertex wings.
“Damn it all!”
The Earth sank below the horizon again, and he
watched as the cruel rocks below him approached with
great speed.
Chapter 30:
Hikari Redux

<<A YANAMI-SAN OF NERV JAPAN,this is Horaki in

Heurtebise. I’m linking your Eva-0.0 to the Euro mission.
Your designation will be Magus, for “magician.”>> Trois was
still fighting the corruption of the Q.R. Signum lodged in
Eva-0.0’s left arm, and yet she noticed there was something
off in how calm Hikari was.
“This is Ayanami of Nerv Japan. Copy that.”
Ayanami Rei Trois watched as the Euro-II Heurtebise
approached her from the east, appearing first as a dot on
the horizon. It sped past her, and she turned to see it
disappear over the western horizon. Strange. Between the
two of them, she was supposed to have the higher orbital
<<I’m here, Ayanami-san.>> Heurtebise fully caught
up to Eva-0.0 on its next run. It exceeded Trois’ orbital
speed and came in from behind. Her Eva was floating
diagonally now, and Heurtebise corrected her course into
the proper elliptical orbit.
Trois didn’t feel the same amount of danger that she’d
felt when she and Shinji made the ascent into low orbit.
Hikari had attended the school for pilot candidates, but she
didn’t remember her ever going through maneuver drills. No
wonder she felt strange about her calmness.
A parallel consciousness… The dummy plug system…
Heurtebise was unique among the Evas. The Euro unit
utilized both a pilot and a dummy plug, though no test pilot
had ever managed to survive for very long inside of it.
But it was different with Hikari. When she came along,
an entity inside the Eva had protected her mind from
breaking under the pressure of the dummy plug. Heurtebise
was one of the failed specimens that had been cast away
during the production of Asuka’s Eva-02. It was thought that
the Eva responded to Hikari’s fond memories of Asuka.
Meanwhile, Hikari’s mind had melted and expanded
into the Eva’s body, culminating in its split-second decision
to take her own Q.R. Signum and transplant it into a dying
Super Eva.

“Magus’s signature is linked to the mission network.”

Now that Trois was connected, parts of her data were
shared with the other side. Her A.I. bombarded her screen
with countless warning windows, protesting the fact that the
Europeans were at her telemetry gates and anxious that
she’d betrayed Nerv Japan. She closed her windows until
she finally found the European timetable. The mission was
already underway.
A shadow loomed over her, and she lifted her eyes,
blurry from the scale’s corruption.
Heurtebise was uncomfortably close. A lengthy
container on its left shoulder split open at its edges, and
Trois was shocked at what was inside. A dragon’s head—
plated with scales, just like in fairy tales—twisted its neck to
look at her.
The dragon opened its maw and bit the Q.R. Signum
together with Eva-0.0’s left arm. Trois recoiled and tried to
pull back, but Hikari spoke to her in a calm voice. <<Don’t
worry, this is just the barrel of the Devil’s Backbone. Can
you disconnect your plug and withdraw it to its initial depth?
>> “No…I don’t think so.”
<<I’ll have to ask you to cut your neural feedback and
close your eyes, then. You might trigger your A.T. Field if you
don’t. Ready?>> Hikari waited for precisely one breath
before saying. <<Brace…!>> Heurtebise’s gigantic right
arm started spinning as it brandished a halberd. A loud
rumbling echoed inside Eva-0.0’s plug. Trois’ A.I. had
already cut her neural feedback, but Rei had been synced
with her Eva mere moments ago, and intense pain ran
through her entire body.
“Eegh! Aaargh!”
Heurtebise had not only amputated the Q.R. Signum
but the rest of Eva-0.0’s corrupted left arm with it.
<<Looks like you really had it, after all.>> Hikari
showed none of her usual hesitation when she was inside
her Eva. It was almost as if she’d made its instincts her own.

<<Heurtebise to Kommandobrücke. Amputation was

unable to stop the infection of Magus’s tissue.>> <<This is
Kommandobrücke. We’ve finished analyzing Magus’s chest
and left arm. We’ll try stopping it using telemetry from our
side.>> Trois entered the emergency codes that would’ve
let transmissions through to her unit, but some parts of her
system were still barred from the Europeans. One of their
engineers ended up using a virus to bypass some of her
internal malfunctions and quickly began repairs.
The 3D bodies on her virtual display kept shifting from
one shape to another. Red warning cubes turned blue and
disappeared, and whatever cubes were left on the screen
were now a cautious orange.
Her arm twitched as she held it down. The pain from
the sudden amputation remained with Trois, despite her
being disconnected from the neural feedback network. The
black shadow was gone, though, and Trois didn’t know
whether to thank the orichalcum-laced plugsuit for its
mental shielding properties or Hikari’s borderline reckless
<<Hikari, have you secured the Q.R. Signum?>>
<<On it. T minus thirty seconds.>> Trois got the feeling
that the people outside had forgotten about her as the busy
transmission continued. She listened while holding her
throbbing arm, but the only thing she could think of through
her shallow breaths was the code name of the Euro Eva’s
new weapon—Devil’s Backbone.
<<Ayanami-san of Nerv Japan? This is Clausewitz of
the Euro Sixth Rapid Response Unit. I was wondering if we
could use your eyes and scanners to monitor the status of
Heurtebise.>> The weapon’s “barrel” was in the middle of
consuming the Q.R. Signum along with Eva-0.0’s left arm.
“Go ahead, Lieutenant Colonel Clausewitz,” she
“Horaki-san…you don’t hold back.”
<<I can’t say I have the leisure to,>> replied Hikari
with a smile. <<It’s not like I don’t have regrets. I felt
crushed after I yelled at Asuka. I don’t feel remorse while
I’m in the Eva, but it’s all going to hit me once I step
Chapter 31:
The Thick of the Swarm

S back on the ground after his short hop

and saw the Lance of Longinus, the forked tongue of the
snake in his dreams, lodged in its own crater on the side of
a cliff. He surveyed the area and found that the abandoned
great bow Azumaterasu was perched on top of a hill.
He realized then what had happened. He knew why
he’d been transported from Hakone to give flesh to the
hollow armor of the Torwächter. He’d simply returned to
where he was supposed to be. That was all.
The plates on the two messengers’ backs had
shortened again. The swarm of beasts were already rushing
them with the speed of demons in the wilderness. Shinji was
afraid of engaging these terrible animals, who had no
capacity for reason.
Do I have any other option?
His black body stepped toward the duplicate Longinus
lodged in the cliffside.
Was that his subconscious? Or was he still being
controlled? His steps faltered.
Mari’s still in that pack. I might kill her if I use this!
He looked toward the swarm again.
The swarm kicking up the dust cloud wasn’t as large as
he’d previously thought. They’d split up again.
Where’s Mari?!
He was looking at a diversion, which meant…
A large shadow fell over the lance. He turned, but it
was too late. Shinji used all his energy to fling the
incapacitated Asuka to the side and took the brunt of
Wolfpack’s attack with his Torwächter body.
Super Eva had weighed in at about four thousand tons,
and the Torwächter felt about the same. Shinji didn’t know
Wolfpack’s precise weight, but he knew that it was heavier
than he was and that there was no way for him to stop its
tackle. The quadrupedal Eva pushed him to the ground and
brought its sharp claws to his face. Shinji felt intense pain as
his right eyeball was plucked out and popped.
What came out of his eye socket wasn’t blood but the
golden particles his heart pumped. Countless sparks flew
out of Shinji’s face like a fireworks festival that was too close
for comfort.
Shinji kicked the pack’s alpha off of him, and in that
moment he felt its mind flow into him. Their last
conversation on Novaya Zemlya had felt ethereal, since
they’d needed no physical instruments to speak. This time,
it felt visceral.
<<Eat! Eat! Consume them all! Asuka, the pack,
everything that gets in our way!>>
This singular thought repeated itself, and it crashed
into him like a tsunami. Mari’s will was final. He knew that
she couldn’t respond no matter how many times he called
out to her.
Shinji’s heart burned with consuming energy, his right
eye immolated in the same fire. He struggled to get the
black giant back on his feet.
“What the hell is going on?!” Shinji yelled in a voice
that was not a voice.
Kaworu answered. <<Is something bothering you?>>
Wolfpack twisted its waist in the air and landed
perfectly. The former terrestrial unit had come up with this
maneuver as it adapted to the environment. It pointed its
snout toward the sky and howled at the frequency of gravity.
Shinji stumbled toward Asuka, but he didn’t make it to
her. One of Mari’s field beasts had slipped past his A.T. Field
and knocked him away. The pack changed formation again
and spread out in all directions.
“How is Mari managing this?”
The beasts had surrounded him by the time he realized
what they were doing. This was the worst possible outcome.
A mob was most intimidating not when you saw them as a
single mob but when you realized they were a horde of like-
minded individuals.
The swarm split up into squads that attacked him one
by one. He didn’t have time to aim his sling, so he swung it
like an oversized rod. Claws and fangs still managed to slip
through his defenses and tear at his armored shoulder. His
leg was ripped open, causing more molten gold to pour out
of the wound. He could only fend off the enemies in front of
him, and that wasn’t going to be enough. His vision
darkened as he resigned himself to fate.
Teeth sank into his arms and legs from behind. The
world was spinning, and by the time he noticed, he’d been
forced to the ground again.
His heart made a sound like a rushing waterfall. Energy
from the higher dimensions began pouring out of his ever-
increasing wounds, and it shook the ground beneath him.
Yomotsu Hirasaka rotated on its axis, and the Earth peeked
over the ridgeline.
<<Animals eat to grow and multiply. It’s only following
the most basic of its instincts.>>
“But she can do better… After what happened on
Novaya Zemlya…!”
Shinji gripped the sling and lurched to his feet.
<<Are you sure about that?>> Kaworu asked.
Through his one eye, he saw Torwächter A1, Asuka,
hurled into the air like a ragdoll by the pack of wild beasts.
“No…stop that!”
Crimson blood sprayed out of the wound in Asuka’s
shoulder as she was tossed about. Shinji fired an impact bolt
near her limp body, but the arrow only singed the ground.
Asuka fell back to the surface and was swarmed.
<<Beasts cannot sing.>>
Deadly projectiles flew at the beasts, but the animals
saw no need to dodge them.
When Shinji snapped the sling back into his hand, the
particle weapon wasn’t the only thing that returned. He’d
pulled in something else as well. A weapon that had been
lodged in the nearby landscape. Shinji thrust his burning
black fist through the pack of wild animals and spread his
fingers. Torwächter B let go of the sling, but now he held the
Lance of Longinus.
<<Though their howling might be beautiful, the beasts
cannot sing. Only humankind has the right to hold an
instrument. I hope you play it well.>>
As if it had been waiting for this moment, the Earth
rising above the rocky horizon grew hazy, like he was
viewing it through a lens.
Chapter 32:
Cloud of Witnesses

T HE ANOMALY HADN’T ESCAPED the notice of Nerv Japan at

Hakone. The command center had already been buzzing
with activity because of Yomotsu Hirasaka’s sudden
acceleration. Its arrival had been hastened by several days.
Eva-0.0 and Trois were still unresponsive, but Hyuga kept
contacting her just in case.
“Anomaly detected in the space between Earth and
Yomotsu Hirasaka.”
Although Trois’ unit wasn’t responding, it was still
transmitting data to the command center. There were
distortions in the image. An operator from the observation
team called out her verdict.
“Displaying external cameras. Something is wrong with
the sky!”
The vague statement failed to satisfy Aoba so he pulled
up a feed from one of the cameras on the main tower. He
soon understood why the woman was at a loss for words.
Clouds were rolling up from the dark blue sky and then
disappearing, allowing the sun to shine its ultraviolet rays
unimpeded. The moon, now a mere hundred thousand
kilometers away, reflected this light, making the night side
of the Earth as bright as day. At first, they were unable to
distinguish where one celestial anomaly began and another
ended, but then they noticed something else.
“Are those waves…in the sky?”
Ripples formed from the center of the giant moon,
which moved outward.
“Did anyone see what was in those waves?”
The image was fuzzy, but eventually the spatial ripples
stopped, and they were able to get a good look at what was
happening. The image was upside down as if viewed
through a giant lens, but it soon focused.
The black messenger was spinning his spear. Blood
splattered all around him as he stood in the center of a
“Torwächter B!”
The black messenger was burning with the energy from
his heart. His whole body looked like it was being consumed
in flames.
“Is this footage from the bright side of Yomotsu
“We suspect the lens is actually the Longinus Ring!”
“And it’s floating between the Earth and Yomotsu
“It’s a lens?! But, optically speaking, it should be too
large to filter any light…”
Hyuga stammered out an explanation for Fuyutsuki. His
rationale was solid, but it didn’t explain the image.
“Could it be an optical illusion?”
“Their positions match with the data we received from
“Which means the unit engaging the black messenger
is the U.S. Eva. It sure looks different from the one I saw in
Mount Daikan Airport, though.”
Misato scratched her head in frustration. “Maya’s never
here when I need her! Any news from the underground
experiment team?”
“It’s been two hours since they cut comms.”
“What do you think, Fuyutsuki-sensei?” Commander
Misato turned to Assistant Acting Deputy Commander
Fuyutsuki for help.
The lens showed Torwächter B wielding the Lance of
Longinus like a naginata. There was a large crack in his
armor, which ran from his chest to his shoulder, but he
looked…fuller than before.
“Is that a technical question?”
“No. What do you think of the lens? Who is it showing
this footage to?” Misato examined the image. She looked at
the cracks in B’s armor and gasped. “Wait…how is this
“Enhance!” Fuyutsuki noticed it, too.
Torwächter B spun the spear around his waist and
slammed his foot into the ground. It ran through the field
beasts charging him from the side, killing them instantly.
The shock wave created new cracks in his armor as it
ran up through his feet. His waist was expanding now, and
the armor split open.
“Those are Vertex wings…!”
The black armor fell away like broken links in a chain.
The final piece to fall was his helmet, split in two all the way
to its horns. A singular horn took its place, and his left eye
gleamed under his visor.
“Super Eva!”
Everyone got to their feet. The last time Hakone had
seen Super Eva, he’d fired Azumaterasu and turned into a
pillar of salt. Now he’d reappeared thousands of kilometers
away on a piece of moon rock that just might lay waste to
the Earth.
“Shinji-kun!” Misato gasped.
“Is that what happened when his heart called for him?
What’s his status?!”
“Telemeters not responding!” Hyuga said, looking from
the main screen to the screen in front of him. Misato gave
the order.
“Call him!”
Fuyutsuki lowered his voice in the buzzing command
center. “That is more difficult than you think.”
Flames erupting all over the Eva, coming from the
Center Trigonus in his chest.
“I know,” Misato said. She was startled but adamant.
She’d seen this happen before, when Shinji found out that
he’d failed to save Asuka. His sadness and fury had
manifested in the form of flames enveloping Super Eva.
Something similar was happening now. She doubted he had
a battle plan. He was probably going to swing the lance until
he or everything around him died, whichever came first.
“Contact Nerv U.S. under my name! Tell them to stop
attacking Super Eva!”
“Are you sure about this? There’s a chance that thing is
still Torwächter B.”
“I’m sure.”
“Nerv U.S. just contacted us and they’re asking pretty
much the same thing,” Aoba chimed in from the middle
Fair enough.
“Have we recovered communications with the eastern
Aoba pointed to a continuously scrolling window on his
console. “Europe’s Heurtebise apparently set up
communication satellites as it ascended into orbit. You can
watch what’s happening on Yomotsu Hirasaka through that
lens from anywhere on Earth now.”
“Hunh… A whole cloud of witnesses.”
Super Eva and Wolfpack continued their fight
unabated. Super Eva blocked Wolfpack’s charge with the
lance’s shaft. Sparks flew as he shoved the Eva to one side
to kill more of the A.T. Field beasts it sent after him. No
sooner did he slaughter one in a spray of blood than he
twirled the spear to stab another.
“Such power… On both sides.”
“You shall have dominion over every living thing that
moves upon the Earth. Genesis 1:30, I think. Or somewhere
in that neighborhood.”
Super Eva had decimated twenty of the field beasts so
far. Shinji perceived himself to be in the Eva’s entry plug. He
looked at the virtual display to anticipate the enemy’s next
movements and grabbed his control stick. He had no time to
appreciate the fact that his body had been regenerated
along with the Eva’s internal systems.
<<Such a scary face,>> Kaworu teased.
“I know.”
What am I supposed to do now?
He certainly wasn’t going to think himself out of this
situation. He needed to ensure Asuka’s safety before the
heart self-destructed, but that meant killing Mari and her.
Shinji groaned.
How did this happen?
<<Do you remember the black giant’s words? This
form must not be given to animals.>>
Kaworu spoke into his ear again. Shinji realized that the
execution the black messenger had failed to carry out on
Novaya Zemlya had merely been delayed. As much as it
pained him to admit, he was now Mari’s executioner.
Seven more field beasts broke out from Mari. Even the
Lance of Longinus was not above being overwhelmed by
sheer numbers.
Shinji thought his heart’s meltdown was inevitable, he
also remembered that this wasn’t Hakone.
In that case…
“Let the power flow to my hands and feet!”
Super Eva’s limbs received an immense flow of energy
from Shinji’s heart.
“Urgh… Hngh!”
Intense pain ran through him as his fists and feet
burned. The energy injection worked, however. Super Eva
broke into a dash, outrunning the fastest of the field beasts.
He left a trail of burning footprints in his wake. He stabbed
one of the beasts in the face, converting its ethereal body
into a fountain of blood.
<<She has been given the form of a human, a vessel
that you can communicate with. Now she has taken her gifts
and squandered it on animals who can do nothing but obey
their life cycles.>>
Kaworu was talking about the field beasts that were
Mari’s family.
They’re just distortions in the A.T. Field! Shinji told
But the distortions seemed real—real enough to bleed,
at least. In the moment of death, he felt their body heat and
smelled the iron in their blood, though these were fleeting
sensations. Seele’s Lance of Longinus might be a replica,
but it was a replica that could take life as easily as the
“Stay away!”
But the swarm was intent on fighting to their last
<<This is why we tasked humans with the business of
the apocalypse, you know.>>
“Humans have lives, too!”
<<I never said they didn’t. This is about the purpose of
Shinji looked around and saw that he’d killed the last of
the field beasts. Blood floated around Super Eva’s body like
a red mist.
“That’s enough, Mari!”
But the half-machine, half-beast continued its charge. It
pawed the ground without an ounce of hesitation.
Asuka had acted the same way when she was drowned
in the flood of all life forms. There was no way of knowing
whether Mari was acting of her own will.
Wolfpack’s ring of light fired a powerful blast of particle
energy. Super Eva blocked the bluish-white light with a
multi-layered A.T. Field on his palm.
A beast…cannot sing…
Shinji’s painful sob was audible to anyone watching the
mythological drama playing out on the lens.
“Shinji, noooo!”
Little Rei Six yelled from her hiding place with reckless
abandon. Eva-00 Type-F Allegorica initiated its graviton
floaters and made a beeline for the other side of Yomotsu
She saw a flaming giant once she passed over the
ridge. Super Eva was burning with golden fire while holding
the duplicate Lance of Longinus. The tip of the red spear
had already pierced the belly of Wolfpack. The beast could
only flail its front paws in a pathetic attempt to break free.

The Kaji-vessel’s clapping echoed in the entry plug
dried of its LCL. He watched the scene from on top of a hill
in Quatre’s mutant Eva. Hieroglyphs of the tree of life began
sprouting out of Wolfpack’s wound.
“Will this restart the Human Instrumentality Project?”
Ayanami Rei Quatre, Nerv Japan’s turncoat, asked with a
gloomy expression.
Kaji dismissed the notion. “I told you, the black giant
and his messengers are mere parts of the system. As such,
they cannot change the end of the world. That has already
been decided. Really, it’s too late for even this disciplinary
Quatre was still a bit concerned. “Ikari-kun is crying…”
“This is only the opening act. We still have to go
through Act Two.”
What did the Kaji-vessel know?
“He has shown us this spectacle to build up how he will
reclaim the spear and end it all. But he will come.”
Quatre stared at his face to try and figure him out.
Chapter 33:
Confined Space

“T HAT VOICE…That was Shinji, wasn’t it?!” Toji turned

to Maya as they attempted to activate the pristine Q.R.
Signum Super Eva had left behind. He took a step back. Now
probably wasn’t the time for questions.
“It sounded like him…I’ll give you that much.” Maya’s
answer was immediate despite her general refusal to
entertain the supernatural. She wasn’t quite sure of herself
either, so she turned to one of her operators.
“We’re still maintaining radio silence with the surface.”
The operator answered her question before she could ask it.
“I see… I suppose this cone is working as we hoped.”
“Because we’re at the heart of the Babel effect.”
“We’re now at 616 rpm.”
“All right, keep it steady at this speed.”
Conversations took less than a few words to settle
inside the provisional laboratory lined with observational
monitors. They’d successfully replicated the phenomenon
that had occurred on Novaya Zemlya when the Angel Carrier
used its staff. So far so good.
According to their records, the Q.R. Signum could
greatly increase the size of Angel Carriers. They were still
under radio silence, however, and couldn’t have known
about Super Eva’s reappearance on the surface of the
detached lunar landmass.
And yet…they’d all heard Shinji’s voice.

They were at the bottom of the former resting place of

Lilith’s Chronostatic Sphere. The Carrier’s staff, which Shinji
had retrieved from Novaya Zemlya, was spinning on the
circular rail surrounding the shielded and prefabricated
provisional lab. A young researcher appeared on one of the
screens, looking confused.
“Show me the findings on the quantum flow
inclinometer,” Maya said.
A specific portion of the graph was filled with wide-
band scratches.
“I wonder what caused it. It doesn’t look like random
quantum noise.”
“A powerful discharge? It looks like Niagara Falls… But
I’ve seen it before.”
The question now was where.
Toji joined the conversation with a meaningless tidbit of
his own. “Niagara Falls… Don’t they have tours where you
get drenched while wearing a raincoat?”
“That’s right!” Maya exclaimed. “Our raincoats got
“Uhh, so are we going to start sliding around now?”
“No! We were soaked with quantum waves the last
time we were adjusting the mirror!”
Toji had barely been around during Super Eva’s birth.
He stopped himself from jumping to conclusions and
summed up the events that had happened so far to make
“Shinji already died once, and Unit One’s S2 Engine
made a trip to the other side. Now we have this
hyperdimensional window, which could mean we’re
moments away from the Third Impa—What?”
Toji jumped out of his steel chair, and it fell to the floor
with a crash.
“These readings are from Shinji’s newly formed heart.
Are these wavelengths the same as when he almost self-
Maya shrugged, but Toji was too excited to stop.
“Super Eva’s gone, but the Q.R. Signum inside this pool
should still be connected to him, right?!”
“Still… Considering the spacetime properties of this
place…things could end up poorly.”
The screen showed another set of new wavelengths.
“Is this just feedback…?”
“Interference. And it’s coming.”
Chapter 34:
Rotating Rock

“H E’S COMING…”Ayanami Rei Quatre whispered in her

mutant Eva. She and the Kaji-vessel were observing the
events from the top of a hill on Yomotsu Hirasaka.
The Euro Eva Heurtebise had broken through the
Earth’s atmosphere together with Trois’ Eva-0.0. The two
units were accelerating toward Yomotsu Hirasaka.
Trois sensed it herself in the vibrations. “He’s here!”
“Urgh… Huff…”
Shinji gathered himself as best he could and pulled the
spear out of Wolfpack’s belly.
The glyphs of the tree of life remained.
Was she an example?
The light show concluded with Wolfpack’s motionless
body being nailed to a large cross.
Shinji averted his gaze and turned his attention to the
dying Torwächter A1 behind him. Asuka/Eva’s back plate
was lodged deep into the ground like a tail, so he put it in
between the lance’s two prongs and twisted. The yoke
snapped in half with a loud clang.
The Lance of Longinus had played its part in bringing
all causality to its conclusion. Once broken by the lance, the
back plate didn’t regenerate itself. Nor did Mari’s Wolfpack.
Her Eva was no longer considered to be a part of
The black of Torwächter A1 faded into the red of
Crimson A1. Night fell as Yomotsu Hirasaka completed its
rotation. The light from Super Eva’s chest was the only
source of illumination, and it lit up Asuka/Eva’s body.
“This color suits you best, Asuka. Thank you for
protecting my heart.”
After he thanked her, he turned his attention to Super
Eva’s own back plate.
His heart burned in his chest.
<<Shinji, he’s coming!>> The sudden comm link
startled him. He noticed who it was and said, “Six? What are
you doing here?”
Six’s Eva-00 Type-F Allegorica appeared over the
ridgeline from the other side of Yomotsu Hirasaka. She’d
come to prevent Wolfpack from being crucified, but the
Angel Carriers had spotted her, and now she was running
away from them.
<<Stay away!>> “You shouldn’t come over here,
either!” Shinji answered Six, unaware that he wasn’t the one
she was talking to. “Just take Asuka and get out of here!”
<<Shinji, you don’t understand! Mar… Armaros is
coming!>> A gigantic figure loomed behind Super Eva,
casting its black shadow over the ground like a waterfall.
Chapter 35:
The Old Longinus Curtain

<<T HIS ISEuro Sixth Army Kommandobrücke to

Heurtebise and Magus. Cease acceleration and prepare for a
change in trajectory.>> The new orders from the European
control room came as a surprise. They would’ve wasted all
the kinetic energy they’d built up on their course to the
<<Heurtebise to Kommandobrücke. Our expedition
seekers have already penetrated the Longinus Curtain.>>
<<We can see from here that the barrier is no more, but
you will make contact with that runaway train if you proceed
with the current plan.>> With Longinus? Hikari didn’t
understand. They’d made calculations to weave through the
orbiting lance beforehand.
<<The lance has changed its orbit.>> As the giant
lens broadcast the great play of Yomotsu Hirasaka in the
sky, Euro Eva Heurtebise and Eva-0.0 were fast approaching
the orbiting Lance of Longinus.
The lance Shinji wielded on Yomotsu Hirasaka was a
replica made by Seele three years ago, wielded by a mass-
production Eva during the Battle at Nerv HQ. The original
Lance of Longinus was currently circling the world, growing
in length to 114,000 kilometers. It was now 50,000
kilometers away from creating a perfect circle.
Trois was desperate to reach Yomotsu Hirasaka, but the
communication between Hikari and Euro Sixth had caused
her to panic. Images of Cinq’s Eva getting destroyed by the
spear, which had accelerated at a speed of 90 kilometers
per second, started playing again in her head.
<<We are researching the cause as we speak. Sending
your new flight trajectories now.>> <<Copy that.
Heurtebise out.>> Trois listened as Hikari spoke with the
Europeans. She gasped then, as something appeared in her
mind that wasn’t supposed to be there.
What was that?
Rei Trois had been mentally mirrored to Cinq during the
time of the latter’s demise. She could recall every last detail
with perfect clarity. But the image just now…
It was different. She was outside of Cinq, sitting in the
plug of a different Eva. There had only been one other
person there when she died.
“Memories of the Second Child? Asuka? But how…?”
Trois looked past the lance’s orbit and focused on the
giant lens behind it.
“What’s that?”
A dry crackling infiltrated her thoughts, like an old
radio trying to tune to the correct frequency.
<<Cinq! Aaah!>> She heard Asuka’s scream, and she
saw Cinq’s Eva-0.0 explode in front of her again. Memories
from when Asuka had pierced the veil. Trois’ memories
continued to play, and it felt as if her innards were being
physically gripped by them.
<<Heurtebise to Kommandobrücke.>> Hikari
contacted the control center on Earth. <<I think we found
the reason behind the lance’s orbital shift!>> The answer
lay in front of the two Evas, who were now flying by inertia.
A long beam of light, the Lance of Longinus, appeared to
their right. It spun as if unimpeded by its own weight,
making two full rotations around the lens, like a lace around
a ribbon, before exiting to the left and continuing its
previous trajectory.
“That lens…”
The original Lance of Longinus was somehow involved
in the spatial distortion of the lens. Perhaps the lance had
even made the lens.

“Ayanami-san, are you ready to change trajectories?”

Rei Trois remained silent.
<<There’s something wrong with her vitals, Hikari.>>
Trois’ anomaly hadn’t escaped the Europeans’ notice.
<<This is Hakone command of Nerv Japan.>> Hyuga’s
voice came through the comm link. He went on as if Trois’
acts of insubordination had been nothing but a dream.
<<Nerv Japan to Eva-0.0 and the European joint mission.
What’s going on, Trois? Your telemetry readings are all over
the place. Your brainwaves are going haywire.>>
“Joint mission.” That was Misato’s way of covering up
Trois’ lies. “Am I being too easy on her?” she asked
He shrugged. “There’ll be plenty of time for lectures,
should we survive this ordeal.”
“Receiving reports of anomalous tides in the Pacific
Ocean, due east-southeast,” Aoba said.
“Is it tied to Yomotsu Hirasaka’s sudden acceleration?”
Misato asked.
Aoba shook his head. “It’s too early to tell whether the
phenomena are linked.”
“Any luck contacting Super Eva?”
“No, but it seems like Six’s unit has succeeded in
establishing communications with him.”
The lens showed all there was to see on the distant
Yomotsu Hirasaka. Super Eva was supporting an injured
Asuka/Eva. Behind them, a shadow loomed.
“What is it?” asked Fuyutsuki.
Something else on the screen had caught her
attention. “Huh? Oh, it’s nothing…”
She could’ve sworn she caught a glimpse of blonde
Chapter 36:

“T AKE HER, Six!”

Once Shinji had cut off the Torwächter’s back plate with
the replica lance, he twirled it in his hand and flung it to the
Eva-00 Type-F Allegorica, shaft first.
He knew what was coming. He knew the shadow
behind him belonged to the black giant, Armaros. And he
knew that his body was on fire. Shinji and Super Eva’s
shared heart was dangerously close to initiating the Third
<<What are you doing?!>> Six yelled. She seemed
annoyed at his reckless handling of the replica relic.
“Take care of it. It’s the most powerful weapon we
have, and it might be the key to the world’s fate. We can’t
afford to lose it!”
<<All right…you can have this, then!>> Eva-00 Type-F
Allegorica removed the two racks on the left wing pylon
above her rear legs and unsheathed the Magorox sword.
She threw the weapon to Super Eva.
“Thanks! Now, take Asuka and—”
Run before I become a monster of light.
But the black shadow moved before he could decide
how to finish his sentence. Black pillars extended from the
shadow’s palms. Shinji sensed the attack and jumped out of
the way.
Super Eva was off the ground before Six could secure
the Asuka/Eva synthesis. He positioned himself behind the
black giant and noticed the lack of a back plate. He used to
have two of them, and they were both connected to the
tunnel network whose gate the Torwächters could open.
Shinji had destroyed both Super Eva’s and Eva-02’s back
plates and set them free. The fact that Armaros was missing
the back plates himself could be taken as proof that the
Torwächters were no more.
Six caught the replica lance as she fought off the Angel
Carriers. <<Why did you stab Mari?!>> Wolfpack lay
motionless. She was nailed to the tree of life behind the
ridgeline the black giant had emerged from. Shinji had been
forced to kill the U.S. Eva, since it was the only way to stop
them from eating Asuka. That was why he’d handed Six the
spear. He was expecting her to do the same to him, should
he lose his mind.
Shinji didn’t answer Six’s question.
His body was burning, and he could smell it.
Before Super Eva landed on Yomotsu Hirasaka, he took
the weapon rack he’d gotten from Six and mounted it on the
rails of his arm. It didn’t quite fit, however, so he had to
settle for banging the thing into place. Super Eva’s armor
was no longer factory standard. Bits of the Torwächter’s
design remained on him, even after he’d molded to his own
body. His old decals were gone, so he could only imagine
what was going on with the internal machinery. He knew he
hadn’t reproduced his internal quantum mirrors perfectly. He
couldn’t even stop his newly returned heart from going
Another black pillar emerged from the giant’s left hand.
He combined the pillars together and equipped himself with
a shield and halberd.
Shinji gasped. The black giant was suddenly right in
front of his face. He maintained his neutral posture, and the
terrain behind him lay undisturbed.
Could he be warping somehow?
Super Eva reacted to the tip of the halberd by blocking
it with the SRL Magorox. Both weapons had been reinforced
with A.T. Fields, which oxidized to create sparks in space.
This was the being who’d come into the world when
the Human Instrumentality Project had failed.
The name was Nerv Japan’s designation for the giant
who was even stronger than Evas. No one knew his actual
“Damn it!”
Shinji let his field explode and somehow managed to
push Armaros and the surrounding rocks away. The
tremendous power pumping through his body was spiraling
out of control. The heart, which had forgotten the rhythm of
its own pulse, kept pushing energy through the
hyperdimensional window into Super Eva. Particles seeped
out of his every pore, igniting even his restraint armor.
Maya’s going to yell at me again…
Also, what happened to the Q.R. Signum in my chest?
Chapter 37:
The Old Central Dogma

“I is doing something that will upset

me.” Maya smirked. Shinji’s thoughts reached all the way
down to the underground laboratory set up in the former
Central Dogma, and everyone present had heard him loud
and clear.
The Q.R. Signum, the only remnant of Super Eva’s
salinization, vibrated underwater. The black scale produced
soundwaves that sounded exactly like Shinji’s voice.
Toji threw the door open and made a beeline for the
experimental tank. He yelled at the Q.R. Signum, which was
now forming ripples on the surface of the ultrapure water.
“Shinji! Your Q.R. Signum is right here! Where are
Toji felt stupid for yelling at a glorified aquarium. But
the black scale reacted to his voice, and its red veins glowed
hazily in the water.
<<Toji? No, that’s not possible…>> “It’s workin’,
y’all!” Toji’s excitement was palpable. He turned to Maya
and saw her shocked expression behind the blast-proof
glass. The look stayed on her face for a second before she
replaced it with her serious mask. “It’s possible, man! It’s
your buddy, Toji! Shinji, where are you?!”
<<Is it really you? I’m on a planetoid somewhere
between Earth and the moon… Six? What’s Yomotsu
Hirasaka?>> “She means Yomotsu Hirasaka… Wait, what?!”
The underground complex was sealed off from the
surface, and they had yet to receive a single communique
on recent happenings. Toji now had confirmation that little
Rei Six was alive and well.
“Thank God… You and Six are all right?”
<<Toji, listen!>> Shinji didn’t have the luxury of
enjoying their tearful reunion. <<There’s no time. I’m
probably going to trigger the Third Impact.>> Toji
shuddered, though he wasn’t surprised. The data that
looked like a waterfall had warned him of this outcome.
<<Asuka is with me. She’s still an Eva but she’s no
longer a Torwächter. I’m going to get her out of here.>>
Their joyful reunion had turned into a bitter farewell. Maya
was already analyzing the situation when she noticed Toji
flailing his arms about. She looked to the perimeter of the
experimental area, which was a little hard to see past the
field produced by the cone around them. But she noticed
the figure walking around the facility that Lilith had so
neatly cut out.
She was walking around, admiring the works, her
hands folded behind her back.
She’s looking at the missing Chronostatic Sphere… Is
this Asuka from when Lilith was still around?
Asuka’s hair fluttered, despite the lack of wind. Her
figure phased out of existence beyond the perimeter before
the research team could analyze it with their hand scanners.
The lab stirred with noise, and Maya had to switch to the
industrial speakers to speak.
“Shinji-kun? Asuka is here! Is anything happening to
the synthesis? Is Asuka falling apart on your side?”
<<She’s slowly…melting away…>> Shinji had just
noticed what was happening to her.
<<She’s melting into space! No… Wolfpack bit her,
and she was badly hurt. She couldn’t stand up even after I
helped her. But at least she wasn’t melting…>> The
synthesis…is melting away?
The Asuka/Eva synthesis was a fusion of thousands of
organic creatures. She was less Eva than she was an
amalgamation, and now that amalgamation was dissolving.
“Can she no longer recognize herself?”
<<What should we do?!>> “Shinji-kun, don’t let go of
her! Use Super Eva’s field to bring up an image of Asuka!”
<<I can’t! I’m fighting Armaros! And my body—>>
The red patterns on the Q.R. Signum blinked violently as
Shinji’s distant voice echoed in the underground laboratory
of Hakone.
Chapter 38:

S the point of the halberd with the

Magorox. The Q.R. Signums covering the black giant glowed
red with every swing. The scales constantly drew on
Armaros for power, no matter how far they were from him.
That was why everything that used a scale ended up
being consumed by it. The scales were strong enough to
power a defunct Evangelion core at the cost of mental
contamination. Heurtebise and Wolfpack both took
advantage of the Q.R. Signums, though they each had their
own ways of dealing with its dark influence.
Super Eva and Shinji, too, had enjoyed the double-
edged benefits of the Q.R. Signum. It had acted as his heart
when his own heart had been stolen.
It’s little more than a glorified tin can telephone now,
The black giant didn’t seem to care that his enemies
were using his powers. Shinji wondered whether Armaros
even saw humans as enemies and not mere machinery to
be moved about and occasionally eliminated.
Magorox’s blade cut through Armaros’ field, but he
turned his halberd around and thrust the butt of it toward
Super Eva.
No, he’s going to hit Asuka!
Shinji threw his arm around her to protect her and was
immediately repaid with broken bones. Golden flames
poured out of the cracks in his armor. Super Eva looked like
a fountain of magma now. Even so, Shinji refused to let go
of Asuka.
This is nothing!
He took the handle of the Magorox in his right hand
and banged it against the Center Trigonus in his chest. He
was advancing his own self-destruction by drawing more
power. His left hand had gone limp, and he had to bind it
with a field to prevent it from exploding.
Chapter 39:
Mutant Eva

“G O AFTER THE QUADRUPED,” the Kaji-vessel ordered

Ayanami Rei Quatre.
“Are you talking about Six’s new Unit Zero Type-F?”
Quatre asked this to annoy him, since she couldn’t fight
“That’s right. You are to reclaim the replica Longinus.
The black giant doesn’t know the trouble we went through
to create that thing. He seems to be prioritizing the Ikari
child at the moment, so this is our chance to take it.”
Kaji had already abandoned this particular puppet of
Ikari once before. He’d traded Trois for Quatre, since he
needed some way to control the Eva. But even though he
knew she was little more than a puppet, he couldn’t help
wondering sometimes…
What is this puppet up to?
“Go over the ridgeline. Keep a low altitude and then
approach the point in a counter-clockwise fashion.”
Quatre’s mutant Eva spread the wings she’d taken
from an Angel Carrier in the shadow of a mountain and flew.
The Q.R. Signum had changed her unit significantly.
She’d initially had the same model Eva as Trois, but
hers was the first of the three 0.0s that were made for space
operations. Her right arm, and the gamma-ray laser cannon
fused into it, had been cut off by Super Eva during the battle
at the Apple’s Core.
“I’m unarmed.”
“You can commandeer that weapon. I don’t know if you
have the aptitude for it, but at least you can swing it like a
blunt object.”
Kaji pointed his chin toward Azumaterasu. Shinji had
cast it aside before he awakened. Quatre walked over to it
and pulled it out of the ground with her remaining hand.
“I can’t observe its power flow…but the material
strength is quite high. What’s wrong?”
Kaji wrinkled his forehead. “I’ve seen this bow before…
but it looks different somehow…”
The mutant Eva maintained its low altitude, though it
wavered from time to time. The bow was far taller than it
was and far too heavy to carry with one arm.
“I’ll fill the plug with LCL if we’re fighting.”
Chapter 40:
Apostate’s Bow

T was still pursuing Six. Its

fingertips grew longer and longer out of hands that were too
big for its body. Six shot it down with the Powered 8 railgun.
She wasn’t part of the Yomotsu Hirasaka mission. This was
her reason for conserving as much energy as she could
during her encounters. She ran from the Angel Carriers and
had only come out of hiding when a full blast from Trois had
decimated one of the Sahaquiel Carrier’s arms.
“Time for me to fight back!”
She closed in on her enemy while unloading the rest of
her magazine into it. By the time she was close enough, the
Field Piercer that was mounted on the Eva-00 Type-F
Allegorica’s right wing was fully charged. The Angel’s
Backbone was ready to fire. She aimed it at the center of
Sahaquiel’s remaining hand, which had a pattern curiously
similar to a bullseye, and let loose.
“Is it over?”
Rei Six suddenly noticed the mutant Eva lurking behind
“Quatre?! What are you doing here?”
Quatre had been confident that she would pass by
unnoticed, so the sudden mention of her name startled her.
It’s those sensors on Super Eva’s shoulder pylons!
Sahaquiel’s large but thin hand lost the ability to
support itself once it was split apart, and all one thousand
meters of the membrane cast a shadow over Six’s unit as it
fell across her like a blanket.
The membrane contracted like a muscle as soon as it
made contact with Eva-00 Type-F Allegorica. Once she was
locked in place, the Angel Carrier stabbed through
Sahaquiel’s palm, right into Six, with its staff weapon.
Six spoke from inside the membrane.
“I’ve been looking for you. You always hid behind the
Sahaquiel’s fingers tightened around Six’s neck,
making a grotesque teru teru bozu. The tip of the Carrier’s
staff slid through the membrane, but it stopped just before
it touched Eva-00 Type-F Allegorica’s chest. Six was holding
a prog knife in her left hand, and her A.T. Field was shielding
The ring, which was made of tessellating blocks,
expanded around Eva-0.0 to keep it from strangling to
death. It cut off bits of Sahaquiel’s hand and slithered like a
snake, finally piercing the Q.R. Signum on the Carrier’s left
shoulder with its bayonet.
This was the barrel of the Angel’s Backbone. The total
length of the firing system wasn’t much different from the
previous model, but the barrel was now made of the spine of
discarded Eva-00s, making it three times longer than the
The longer barrel resulted in an increase in initial
baryon velocity, while also increasing the A.T. Field’s
penetration and stretching capabilities. When removed from
its sleeve, the barrel could move like it had a mind of its
Compared to its previous model, which mainly focused
on long-range support, the Eva-00 Type-F Allegorica was
equipped with gear that made it more mobile and more
capable of handling close-quarters combat.
Six picked up the replica lance from the ground and
stowed it away in her left pylon.

“That girl’s Eva is ridiculously strong.” Quatre gave Kaji

her honest assessment.
“All right. We’ll have to try activating this bow with the
Q.R. Signum.”
Quatre wasn’t pleased. Every time she tapped into the
Q.R. Signum for power, she was forced to look at Armaros’
darkness, and it hurt every time.
But what she saw this time wasn’t the usual dark.
Countless Evas were killing each other in a valley. This
vision was a first for her, but she’d seen the result of this
battle not so long ago.
Rock formations that look like a forest of petrified
colossi. A place where the horrors of the past seem to be
frozen in the present. North Africa…the Valley of Human
And the giant standing tall at the end of the battle was
— “It’s working,” the Kaji-vessel’s voice jolted her back to
Quatre looked at the display. “Power flow confirmed.
Syncing with FCS.”
Immediately, the energy readings spiked, sucking
them, and the soul of the Eva, into it.

Six saw Quatre’s unit on course for an attack.

“I’m warning you, Quatre! I see you as hostile! I will
fight back! And I’m really strong!”
Six bragged as she readied the Eva-00 Type-F
Allegorica for battle. The Angel’s Backbone was already
charging again.

“What is this bow…?!”

Quatre couldn’t let go of the great bow, but neither
could she stop it. Azumaterasu drew energy from
everything…from the mutant Eva to her own mental energy.
My consciousness is fading.
They were going through the same thing Super Eva
had when he’d first shot the bow from Hakone.
“This bow…it’s Sacrilegus! Where did they find it?!
Puppet, attach it to the ground and open a tunnel!”
“She’ll get me if I stop!”
The battle had already begun.
“If you don’t stop…” The weapon was so fearsome that
even Seele was afraid. “If you don’t stop, the bow will drain
us of all our energy! Do you want to be a pillar of salt?!”
The mutant Eva hesitated.
<<Gotcha!>> Six fired the Angel’s Backbone at them.
The baryons wrapped in a thin penetrating A.T. Field
grazed the mutant Eva’s shoulder and burned a bit of its
Quatre had bought some time before Six could fire
again. She jumped back and stabbed the point of the great
bow’s lower limb into the ground. She felt it let go of her as
it formed a warp gate beneath it. However, Quatre couldn’t
draw the bowstring. She only had one hand, and that was
currently keeping the bow steady.
“Picture your right hand in your mind. Just don’t hit the
She took Kaji’s advice, and suddenly the mutant Eva
was pulling the bow back with its right arm. Quatre arched
her back in her seat to compensate for the feedback she
“It’s so heavy!”
Too heavy. This bow wasn’t made for Evas but for
something much larger.
Three points of light lined up above and below the
bow’s grip and formed an arrow.
Quatre felt something shoot up from the ground and
out through the bow. Six dodged, but the mountain behind
her where Wolfpack had been crucified was blown to
This is…
“A weapon that draws power from the tunnel complex
itself. Is this another tool of the Human Instrumentality
Project? Or is it one of yours?”
The mutant Eva let go of the bow and took a step back.
The ground beneath Azumaterasu cracked, seeping hot gas
out of the fissures. The Kaji-vessel also reeled at the bow’s
display of power.
“This weapon is not one of the mythmakers. This is not
something we are supposed to touch. This is…”
The Q.R. Signum in the mutant Eva’s chest suddenly
shook. Quatre translated for the black giant’s scale.
“That…is mine.”
“I figured,” she finished.
The Kaji-vessel nodded in understanding.
Shinji saw the arrow and recognized it as the same
light that had enveloped him. He sensed the mutant Eva’s
“Quatre! And Kaji-san’s with you?”
Armaros charged toward Super Eva as the latter was
focused on the bolt of light.
But the attack never came. The black giant had
switched targets and was now flying toward Azumaterasu.
What did he say before?
<<That…is mine.>> Shinji heard the black giant’s
words even as Six softly repeated them.
<<That’s my bow.>> “What are you talking about?!”
Shinji’s surprise was mixed with anger, not only at his
heart, which was now going berserk, but also at the voice
Armaros had chosen to speak with him.
The voice was his own.
Chapter 41:

W OLFPACK AWOKE after Azumaterasu’s bolt had blown

the cliffside to bits. Mari was still breathing, perhaps
because the spear had missed the U.S. Eva’s core, or
because Wolfpack had consumed so much of Asuka’s
organic data.
However, the symbols of the tree of life remained on
the Eva beast, unlike everything caught in Azumaterasu’s
firing line. The debris was already starting to disappear.
Wolfpack could feel itself sliding into that zone, however. It
flailed and struggled, but it couldn’t break free.
“Hrrrr!” Mari growled. Ramiel’s particle accelerator ring
around her waist began expanding. “Raaargh!”
Using that ring of light, Wolfpack somehow managed to
break free, despite the lower half of its body still being
nailed to the tree of life.
Mari directed as much power to her arms as possible.
She kicked aside the debris flying at her and jumped away
from the desolate space.
She hadn’t yet finished what she’d come here to do.
Chapter 42:

S the black giant with the Asuka/Eva

synthesis over his shoulder. He couldn’t let Armaros have
the bow—he knew all too well what it was capable of. But as
he gave chase, a crackling noise buzzed in his ear. It was a
form of feedback he’d started hearing after Armaros had
spoken to him in his own voice.
<<I am…>> It didn’t sound like the words of a
prophecy. There was something personal this time.
<<Why are you talking in Shinji’s voice?!>> Six
Shinji had always supposed that Armaros didn’t have a
voice and that he transmitted his thoughts directly into the
people he possessed. But now Six was hearing Armaros in
Shinji’s voice, too.
“Don’t be fooled. He’s not me.”
<<I know that, but…!>> <<Kzzt…command…
respond…>> Is he sampling voices now?
Was the giant confused? No, he couldn’t be. He didn’t
see humans as individuals. He shouldn’t, anyway.
Super Eva circled in front of the giant as it sped toward
the abandoned Azumaterasu. He backflipped to kick the
great bow away and stopped Armaros’ hand with the
I can’t cut through him!
Armaros swung the halberd in his left hand at Super
Eva. Six laid down suppressing fire and asked, <<Do you
want me to get the bow?>> “Don’t touch it. We don’t know
what’s going to happen if you do!”
Shinji heard the giant’s voice again as he responded to
<<Kzzt…currently engaging Eva-like target…subjects
are armed…the appearance of Units One and Zero in their
phyllosoma state…>> Is he talking about us?
Six offered her analysis. <<He’s speaking through
different frequencies, and he’s changing them every time he
talks. The A.I. guesses that the frequencies he’s running are
at base twenty.>> <<Sssh…what’s going on…I can see
Terra and Luna! Misato-san, please respond!>> Upon
hearing the last transmission, Six whispered to herself,
<<This ‘Shinji’ doesn’t know where he is.>>
Armaros stood up after Six’s high-speed railgun ionized
his field. He lifted his halberd overhead and spun it. The tip
of his spear glowed, leaving afterimages in the void, thirty-
six in total.
<<What’s he doing now?>> Halberd heads flew out in
all directions, with Armaros at their epicenter. They broke
the boulders surrounding him, kicking up a dust cloud big
enough to cover the giant.
“Six, are you okay?!”
<<One of them grazed my left hind leg! It was
shielded, too! Second volley incoming!>> Six’s voice broke
through the feedback before another wave of shining spears
rained down on them. Super Eva could only block the spear
tips with his sword. He spoke to the still-motionless
Asuka/Eva synthesis on his back. “Stay down, Asuka! Watch
for stray bullets!”
Shinji was checking to make sure that she was in
position when he noticed a menacing shadow fall over her.
Fangs sank into her long neck. Claws bit into her shoulders.
Wolfpack, now only an upper torso, attacked. They’d all
been distracted by Armaros’ omnidirectional assault. Six
had had no time to use her special senses, and Shinji hadn’t
detected any anomalies until it was too late. Time felt like it
had slowed to a crawl as Asuka’s body fell forward into the
exploding debris.
“Ah… Aaah!”
Shinji could barely scream. His throat was a desert.
Red life particles dispersed around him. If the excess
organic data left Asuka’s body, she had a chance of
returning to her normal self. But she’d been in this state for
too long. Wolfpack had disrupted her stabilized form, and
now her balance came crashing down like a tower that tried
to reach heaven.
The Asuka/Eva synthesis fell to the ground, but it was
no longer a solitary unit, having lost all boundaries within
itself. It broke into tiny particles, but the particles
themselves remained suspended in the air, as if being held
there by something.
Super Eva desperately tried to gather every last bit of
it into his arms.
<<Mari!>> Six finally noticed the ambush when she
heard Shinji scream. Asuka had broken to pieces. Now,
Wolfpack’s upper torso seemed to suffer the same fate. It
couldn’t contain all of that massive organic data, probably
because only half of it was left to digest it.
Perhaps this was the culmination of Mari’s ambition.
She seemed to stare at Six one last time before the
silhouette of the wolf dissolved into a million particles.
<<You really ate Asuka, Mari. You’re like a moth
covered in flames.>> “Ugh… Aaah… Waaaaaargh!”
The scream seemed to shake the ground itself. Super
Eva turned around and spread his flaming wings of light.
<<Whoa!>> Six and Eva-00 Type-F Allegorica were
blown away by that single motion, and it seemed as if the
island in outer space began to wobble. His wings extended
around Yomotsu Hirasaka until they blew away the mountain
line in the far distance.
“Aaaargh! Aaaaaaah!”
Shinji’s screaming echoed across the entire moon slab.
<<Shinji! Ikari-kun! Come on, can’t you hear me? What
should I do?! Trois! Quatre! Anybody! Help!>> Little
Ayanami Rei Six knew she was in trouble.

Back on Hakone, Toji and Maya had heard a voice when

the Q.R. Signum suddenly began to resonate at high
“It’s at max potential!”

From the command center, Misato watched his wings

grow around the landscape through the lens in the sky.
“Shinji-kun!” She clutched the cross that was her
parents’ keepsake. The curtains to the Third Impact had
“Anomaly on Yomotsu Hirasaka!”
“Yes, we can see that!”
Fuyutsuki snapped at Hyuga, but the operator
“No, Yomotsu Hirasaka is disappearing…starting from
the side facing the lens!”
“It’s what?!”

“Damn it, it’s already begun!”

Kaji clicked his tongue as the plug rattled around him.
Quatre’s mutant Eva-0.0 had lost sight of Six’s unit, and
with it, the replica Lance of Longinus. Quatre looked for its
silhouette as the wings of light circled them. Another pair of
wings had sprouted from Super Eva, and it seemed like they
were about to be caught in the blast as it pierced the
boulders around them.
Waves tore through the landscape like a storm. Quatre
ducked into the shadow of a mountain and caught a glimpse
of Armaros amid the calamity. He picked up Azumaterasu
and set it upright. The great bow fit perfectly in his hand.
And still the giant remained distressed.
<<Kzzt…Nerv command…respond…>> He spoke in
Shinji’s voice, sounding as if he were lost.
“Am I supposed to call the black giant Ikari-kun now?”
asked Quatre.
“Only until the stabilizers return.”
A pair of shoots suddenly sprouted out of Armaros’
back. They looked like the obsidian plates he’d had before,
and they plunged into the ground. Then, two black cranes
emerged from the ground in front of Armaros. They looked
like they’d been wrapped in black tape, and it began to
unravel, starting from their beaks. Soon, two suits of black
armor stood in their place.
“Are those Torwächters?!”
Was this how they were made? Were the Torwächters
the stabilizers Kaji had spoken of? They stood in front of
him, but Armaros didn’t look the least bit stabilized. He
reached over to one of the Torwächters with his right hand
and started strangling it. The Torwächter didn’t resist. It let
him do as he pleased. The black messenger spoke in a voice
that sounded like a deteriorated recording.
<<Become one with me…>> Quatre recognized the
voice. “Why…?!”
“Why? Because it is your voice, puppet.” The Kaji-
vessel mercilessly answered her question.
“Why am I hearing it?!”
“Keep watching.”
The other Torwächter took a step toward Armaros. This
one spoke in Asuka’s voice.
<<Become one with me…>> The voice was almost
lost in the static, but there was no doubt about who it
belonged to.
“Now do you understand?” asked Kaji.
Kaji scoffed and shrugged. “I really hoped you would.
This is what a man’s mind is like. Give him tens of
thousands of years in between, and he would still prefer to
hear your voices over all the rest.”
For a moment, she saw him smile as Kaji instead of
“The Valley of Human Bodies belonged to a world
where countless Evas fought each other. You and Asuka died
before the battle took place. Those messengers are mere
shadows of your souls, but the black giant is still soothed by
your voices.”
Which meant…what?
“Armaros was the last man standing.”
He’s the Ikari-kun of that world…
And yet there was an inconsistency. As a conspirator,
was Seele unable to go to the next world himself?
With the two Torwächters supporting Armaros on either
side, the three giants began sinking into the ground,
escaping the floating island as it was being incinerated.
“With that, the personality of the other Shinji will return
to his long slumber, allowing him to faithfully carry out his
Quatre hit the comms button. “Six, wherever you are,
throw the replica lance toward Earth when things start going
“What do you think you’re—” the Kaji-vessel began.
“We can’t afford to lose the center of the impact, can
we?” Quatre said. “We need to make plans to retrieve it. We
should still be able to calculate the tide right now…”
The images on her virtual display were the beginnings
of Shinji’s Third Impact. Yomotsu Hirasaka was being
pummeled by a myriad of waves—electromagnetic,
radiational, gravitational.
“Besides…” Quatre continued.
As the mountains of Yomotsu Hirasaka continued to be
decimated, the lens beyond became more visible. The Kaji-
vessel furrowed his eyebrows as he got a better look at their
“Hmph… I suppose.”
Seele, inside him, conceded. The mutant Eva chased
after Armaros, latching on to the tip of his halberd as he
disappeared into the ground and warped away from the
storm-stricken landmass.
Chapter 43:
Moving Anomaly

A insignificant compared to what

was happening on the other side of the lens, but he still had
to deliver it.
“Sir, if you have a moment…” he said to Fuyutsuki.
His report concerned the rising tide levels.
“The shift seems to be occurring as an extension of the
straight line connecting the lens to Yomotsu Hirasaka.”
The tide was moving toward Japan. Although, if one
were to consider its position on the shrinking Earth from the
other side of the lens, Japan was moving toward the tide.
Nothing good could come of this.
“Contact Trois and let her know what’s happening.”
Chapter 44:

B of the lens, Trois was hunched over

the center console of Eva-0.0 after a violent pain had
assaulted her chest.
Pain…? No. Heat?
She remembered the sensation from when Six had
focused sunlight on her palm with a magnifying glass as a
joke. It was the same feeling, only thousands of times more
intense. Trois didn’t realize that she’d opened the zipper of
her plugsuit. It wasn’t just the heat, either. She could feel a
presence inside her.
It’s the suit. Something is entering the suit!
At first, she thought she’d imagined it, but then she saw
light gathering inside of the suit.
“The orichalcum fabric is…glowing?!” The material
wasn’t supposed to have luminescent properties, and Trois
quickly took the rest of it off. She stripped in the LCL and
kicked the suit out from under her feet.
Red particles started emerging from her virtual display,
as if they’d been waiting for this moment. Was this real or a
system error? The light within the suit had become too bright
for her to see. Back on Earth, the figure had stepped around
Trois’ body to look at Lilith’s Sphere. She’d then taken Trois
by the hand and dragged her to a shopping mall.
Trois smiled at the memory.
“Asuka is coming into herself…”
The suit, which had been originally created as part of
the abandoned Asuka salvage mission, was capable of
recreating her physical features. It had been fluttering in the
LCL, and now pulled itself taut as a slender figure filled the
inside of it. Locks of golden hair formed above the collar,
blowing wind into the LCL.
Trois reached out her arms to catch the figure and felt
resistance. The suit had weight. It was heavy. As she pulled
Asuka into her, she noticed the little girl in her arms. Trois
had seen her face before.
Mari…? But I thought she had ears on her head like an
“This is Trois to Hakone command…”
She contacted Nerv Japan, whose orders she’d
“Organic body of Nerv Japan Eva pilot Soryu Asuka
Langley is forming within the experimental orichalcum
plugsuit. Currently situated in front of the lens’s focal
convergence point. Someone else also regenerated with the
subject, but both vitals are stable. Awaiting further
Chapter 45:
Nerv Japan Hakone

M through the pandemonium to

get to the balcony. She grabbed a pair of binoculars from a
sentry posted there and looked through them.
The dark shadow of Yomotsu Hirasaka was peeking
through the clouds beyond the mountain range in the
distance. Beneath it, a giant being of light held the
landmass on his back. Neither had breached the
atmosphere so far.
The mere sight of it was enough to throw anyone into a
“It’s huge…but…”
Even amid the confusion, the scene sparked dread in
the sole survivor of the Second Impact. Aside from its Eva-
like silhouette, the being she observed was only vaguely
humanoid. But what was it, really? She couldn’t tell whether
it was Super Eva as Shinji’s other body or that Shinji had
become the giant himself.
Shinji-kun, are you still in there somehow…?
“W-we’re done for!” one of the younger security
personnel was running around madly. They didn’t know
whether to fear the being of light or to trust it.
In any case, it was clear that humanity was out of
options. Neither the Aten’s Hammer or the ballistically
propelled N2 warhead Iphiclus Javelin could stop the descent
of the lunar landmass.
The wind was strong. A strange tide moved in from the
southeast. There was a rumbling in the air as fighter jets cut
across the sky from Mount Daikan Airport. They were
headed south, where the object was supposed to have
“Attention, citizens of Tokyo-3. Evacuate to the shelter
areas immediately. We are looking into appropriate anti-
Angel measures for the occasion. Please await further
orders. All personnel, to your stations.”
Aoba broadcast Misato’s orders through the intercom.
In all honesty, if Yomotsu Hirasaka crashed into the Earth at
its current speed, no underground shelter would be safe.
The landmass would rupture the Earth’s mantle and turn it
inside out.
Still, evacuation was the best Misato could do for the
citizens of Tokyo-3. She bit her lip and continued staring at
the screen as memories of the giant of light who’d taken
everything she held dear played in her head. That giant had
been faceless, but this one…
You’re in there, Shinji-kun. Give me that much, at least.
Chapter 46:
Yomotsu Hirasaka

S holding on to his thoughts, which

seemed to expand as much as his body.
He roared as he braced against Yomotsu Hirasaka. The
two-hundred-kilometer-wide basalt and feldspar formation
was on his back. Super Eva had become a giant of light after
triggering the Third Impact. He spread his wings to support
the whole of the detached lunar landmass in an attempt to
slow its descent to Earth.
<<Kzzt…Ikari-kun…I’m beginning my approach.>>
Ayanami Rei Trois spoke through the harsh feedback. Yet he
heard her voice as clearly as if with his physical ears.
<<Yomotsu Hirasaka is still acting on the moon’s orbit,
so you have to push it east against the equator. That’s
where it’s headed. If it accelerates any further…>> He tried
changing the position of his wings, but this failed to affect
the rock in any significant manner. There was too much
mass for him to stop, let alone move.
Yomotsu Hirasaka had appeared on the far side of the
moon from where the spatial lens was positioned. Now it
was closing in on the Earth’s crust at twenty kilometers per
Shinji attempted to slow the rock’s descent by cutting
away chunks of it with well-placed A.T. Fields. He growled.
There seemed to be no end of Yomotsu Hirasaka, no matter
how many fields he produced.
Just stop!
He couldn’t let it land there. The Eurasian continent
was wrapped in the darkness of night, while the Japanese
archipelago was tinted orange to the east. His homeland
was witnessing a beautiful sunset at this very moment. He
imagined the bedrock attached to his back growing a mind
of its own, and it felt as if it was specifically targeting
everything he held dear.
Don’t come any closer, Trois! Asuka’s still with you…
and I don’t have much time left!
During the Second Impact, records stated that when
the giant of light had appeared, the mere pressure had
engulfed everything within a four-thousand-kilometer radius,
annihilating over half of the Earth.
Now Shinji was waiting to initiate the third rendition,
instead of preventing it. The event was inevitable, so he
thought he might as well take advantage of the power.
The heart of Super Eva, the giant of light, continued
pouring out blazing particles as it drew closer to its breaking

If Yomotsu Hirasaka fell upon the Earth, and the Third

Impact followed, it would truly be the end of the world.
Given how small the Earth had gotten, it might actually split
in two. Shinji’s plan was to use the force of the Impact to
destroy the lunar landmass, or at least change its trajectory.
He continued chipping away at Yomotsu Hirasaka with
his powerful A.T. Fields. He felt the violent feedback in his
arms every time one of his fields broke. The loss of energy
slammed into him like a brick wall.
The spatial lens had spectralized Yomotsu Hirasaka,
which had been on the other side of the moon, and
converged it right over the Earth. The lunar landmass was
originally only supposed to graze the planet, but now it was
on a collision course with it.
The spatial lens wasn’t all bad, however. It spectralized
and converged everything on Yomotsu Hirasaka, including
Asuka, who was falling apart on a particle level, and Mari,
who had literally bitten off more data than she could chew.
Trois said Asuka is human again, and I believed her
without a second thought…
No… If anything, I’m using Asuka’s return as an excuse
to do what I’m doing now.
He made up his mind and stopped worrying about his

Yomotsu Hirasaka was supported by the giant of light,

Shinji, and the wings that had sprouted from his back. He
extended his A.T. Field at an angle toward the Earth in an
attempt to change the course of the two-hundred-kilometer-
wide mass of rock.
The giant of light had suppressed the Armaros under
the fringes of his field. Now the fields were falling apart, and
Shinji could only focus on repairing the ones in front of him.
In the chaos of light and tremors, the black giant revealed
that he was still alive.
Armaros appeared, looking for his great bow. The
weapon, excavated by Maya’s team from the bottom of Lake
Ashi, had originally belonged to him.
Stay still, Brother! I’ll be done with this soon enough!
“Brother” was what Shinji called the giant who shared
his voice. Although, now that Super Eva had become a giant
of light, Armaros looked like a toy in comparison. Super Eva
flapped one of his gargantuan wings and held down
Armaros’ left arm as it reached for his bow.
But no one could have foreseen what happened next.
<<Shinji, behind you!>> Six?! I thought I told you to
get the lance out of here!
Behind me…?
Two dark shadows flew out of Yomotsu Hirasaka, their
tails attached to the ground.
New Torwächters?!
Their broken back plates were as good as new, and
each held a black spear in its hand. The black messengers
raised their weapons, producing a bolt of black lightning in
the space between them.
What is that?!
Shinji tried to bat the Torwächters away with his wings,
but they nimbly dodged.
The black lightning cut off one of Super Eva’s wings,
which spanned over a hundred kilometers. Stored energy
exploded all the way from the stump to the tip of his wing.
Damn it!
The Torwächters were closing in for another attack
when a blinding flash of light suddenly incinerated one of
the their feet. Trois had fired her gamma-ray laser cannon.
“Six! Provide backup for Ikari-kun on Yomotsu
<<You got it!>> <<I’ll help,>> Hikari said.
Heurtebise initiated its N2 reactor-powered graviton
wings and left Trois behind. Trois set a new course to
approach Yomotsu Hirasaka. She was about to initiate her
thrusters when alarms started ringing in Eva-0.0. Her screen
was flooded with red COMMAND ERROR windows to the point
that it caused her Eva to grow sluggish. A new mind had
been recognized by the system, one that didn’t belong to
Ayanami Rei Trois.
The eyelids of the blonde girl fluttered in the LCL-filled
plug of Trois’ Eva. The system immediately shut down all
fine controls of the unit and switched to the clumsy manual
controls. The output of the external S2 Engine, as well as its
FCS, was now locked.
The Second Child took a slow and grumpy look at her
surroundings and noticed Rei Trois’ lack of plugsuit. The first
words out of Asuka’s mouth were, “Why are you naked?”
“Because I gave you my plugsuit.”
“Did you…? Nice hair, by the way.” Asuka played with
the ends of Trois’ hair, which now reached to the nape of her
neck. Her hair transitioned beautifully from aqua to black.
“Thank you. I’m quite proud of it. We’ll have to make
today an anniversary.”
Asuka was still half-dazed, having just recovered her
human form, but she looked at Trois with surprise. “I’ve
never heard you say anything so cocky in my life. I don’t
hate it.”
“The girl. Why is she here?” Trois asked while fiddling
with the manual controls. Asuka looked down into her arms
and finally noticed the sleeping girl. She raised her
eyebrows as if to say, “Oh, right. Her.”
When Asuka had been reconstituted out of thin air by
converging light particles, she’d brought Mari along with
“She was really annoying, saying how she wanted to be
part of my team. She pissed me off so much I thought I’d
drag her here so she could see what being around me is
really like.”
<<Trois! Stay on course!>> Six called from the
Pegasus that was the Eva-00 Type-F Allegorica. <<I’m
sending something your way. Make sure you get it! Counting
down from ten.>> “Two… One… Mark!”
There was a bang, and suddenly Trois’ Eva-0.0 was
holding a red spear.
“What, is that the Longinus…?!” Asuka cringed. The
uniquely ominous vibrations of the lance reached even the
inside of the plug.
<<Was that Asuka just now? You really did turn back
into a human… Ugh.>> “You wanna try congratulating me
this time, kid?!”
<<What? Crimson A1 was so much cuter than you
are.>> Eva-0.0 looked at the spear she’d received from
Six’s unit.
“Six, the me who is childish and selfish, this is…!”
The replica Lance of Longinus. The very same lance
that Armaros had taken and stowed away on the Apple’s
Core. The same lance that Shinji and Rei Quatre had flung
toward Earth from the other side of the sun.
“Ikari-kun needs this right now!”
The more technologically advanced Eva-00 Type-F
Allegorica was already using its compact graviton floaters to
change direction.
<<Trois, the me who unifies—no. ‘The me who is in
love’ is more like it.>> Six was now returning to the
battlefield. <<Shinji told me to bring the lance back to
Earth. He said it might be the key to deciding the world’s
fate and that we couldn’t afford to lose it with him.>> The
spear was the final method of stopping an Impact. It was an
instrument that appealed to an invisible logic higher than
that of the tree of life. The lance was an instrument of
intervention that could prevent the completion of the
Human Instrumentality Project by its ability to destroy
energy itself.
Lose Ikari-kun…? Is that what he’s planning to do with
Asuka looked at the error messages, blinking her long
eyelashes and trying to figure out what was going on. She
finally realized that her consciousness was interfering with
Eva-0.0’s systems.
“Should I go back to sleep?”
Asuka fiddled with the LCD screen embedded in the
wrist of her orichalcum plugsuit. She was looking for the
manual administration of anesthetics.
“What is… Look, I appreciate the new features and
everything, but now I can’t find the one I want!”
Trois saw her contours blur into particles again for a
moment before regaining solidity. New alarms rang,
indicating a near miss. The lens had reproduced chunks of
Yomotsu Hirasaka, which were now on a course to Earth.
“Just stay as you are, Asuka. Trois to Hakone command.
Requesting permission for the release of the FCS lock and
permission to shoot freely.”
Asuka’s human form isn’t stable yet.
Trois could still operate her gamma-ray laser even with
Asuka in the plug. Hakone unlocked her FCS, and although
her external N2 reactor remained in lockdown, she began
charging her cannon.
I know why Ikari-kun doesn’t want to lose the spear,
but I don’t want to run away from this. There has to be
something I can do.
“You just gotta put your mind to it.”
Asuka’s words startled Trois. She turned away from the
giant of light Super Eva had become to face her.
“Don’t see why he’s trying so hard when he’s that
damn big…”
“Shinji’s not gonna die. Not before he does something
flashy.” Asuka closed her eyes. She propped Mari up, still
asleep, and reclined into her plug seat. “But I can almost
guarantee you that he’s going to mess up.” Asuka relaxed,
taking slow, deep breaths of the LCL. The more nervous she
was, the faster her thoughts would contaminate the Eva.
“He’s cute when he’s like this, but don’t tell him that. I
like listening to all the excuses he makes when I poke him
about it.”
Eva-0.0 maintained its firing posture and changed its
position with its thrusters. The gamma-ray laser cannon
fired silently in the darkness of space. The blast consumed a
large chunk of falling debris, ionizing it instantly.
The red spear glowed in the illumination from by Trois’
gun. She realized then that Armaros might call upon the
original Lance of Longinus, like he had in North Africa. She
looked up to see the Longinus Ring, a spider web spun
around the world by the original lance, growing longer and
Have our circumstances changed since then? The lance
is still shrinking the Earth. Then again, it might have to do
with spatial lens that transported Asuka and Yomotsu
Hirasaka here…
“Is there something else the lens must do?”
Chapter 47:
Shinji’s Impact

T HE COORDINATED MANEUVERS of Torwächters A and B were

finally broken with Eva-00 Type-F Allegorica’s return to the
battlefield. A’s left shoulder took a hit from the Angel’s
Backbone, forcing it to retreat.
“What are you doing back here?!” Shinji grunted
<<I’m here because you look half dead!>> Six
snapped at him as she charged through Torwächter A. The
black messenger kicked off Yomotsu Hirasaka to regain its
balance, but Six chased it to the ground.
As she jumped off Yomotsu Hirasaka, Six was startled
by the rumbling of the entire structure. The beating of Super
Eva’s palpitating heart was sending shock waves throughout
the entire rock formation.
What’s going to happen to this thing…?
<<Ikari-kun, this is Horaki in the Euro Eva.>>
Horaki-san’s here, too? I told you to go… Toji can see…
<<Hikari? Are you there?>>
How was she hearing him? Hikari felt the Field Piercer
Devil’s Backbone, along with the Q.R. Signum attached to
Heurtebise, resonate.
It’s the Q.R. Signum you gave me… It’s still
connected… At the bottom of Tokyo-3… That’s where Toji is.
<<Shinji, Maya thinks you deserve a medal for not
losing your personality despite turning into a giant of light.
She says it’s because the Q.R. Signum that tried to eat you
is anchoring your existence. I agree with her—>>
The sound of breaking glass echoed in the lab set up in
the old Central Dogma.
“What just happened?!”
Toji turned around and looked at the aquarium. A large
crack now ran down Shinji’s Q.R. Signum as it glowed
“But that was at maximum output!”
A’s tightly woven shield dispersed the Angel’s
Backbone’s shot into stray energy. B came in from behind it,
and together they formed a black bolt that almost sliced
through the Eva-00 Type-F Allegorica’s waist.
“Six! Stop being reckless and listen!”
The battle on Yomotsu Hirasaka was observable by
telescope from the Hakone command center. The image on
the main screen was distorted, however, mainly by the A.T.
Fields Super Eva was continuously putting out.
“These Torwächters form a lightning bolt between them
that they use to cut down their enemies. Take care that the
other one doesn’t come at you from behind, even when
you’re just dealing with one.”
Six finally listened to Misato after almost falling victim
to the Torwächters’ attack. “So, what should I do?”
<<Kzzt…pincer formation. Give them a taste of their
own medicine. You should have the communication protocol
from the Novaya Zemlya operation, so contact the Euro Eva
for help.>>
“Uhhh… This one?”
Six’s virtual display was now transmitted to
Heurtebise’s plug. Hikari was taken aback when she saw the
scribbles—Six’s battle plans—drawn in crayon all over her
screen, “Wh-what is this?”
Hikari was seeing the 3D map drawn inside Rei Six’s
head. Heurtebise’s assistant A.I. struggled with the uniquely
individual diagram, taking four entire seconds to process it
into a map that was up to Euro Sixth standards.
“This is the child version of Ayanami-san…the Eva who
was supposed to be part of the Novaya Zemlya operation.
Heurtebise to Kommandobrücke. Awaiting confirmation.”
<<Hikari…it’s probably too late to do anything now,
but you do have permission to fire the Devil’s Backbone. We
wouldn’t want anyone to think Europe has abandoned Asia
to the falling landmass. But make sure you come out of this
alive after suppressing the Torwächters.>>
“I know you too well to think that you would abandon
us, Herr Clausewitz. Thank you, and I love you. Reactor
output stable. Taking Devil’s Backbone out of sleep mode.
Beginning activation sequence.”
The Eva-00 Type-F Allegorica had a wealth of terrain
data, since it had been the first Eva on Yomotsu Hirasaka. It
attracted the two Torwächters’ attention and began weaving
through the hills and crevices. The Torwächters attacked,
and the Eva-0.0 was seemingly affected as its flight became
inconsistent. It played its role as bait perfectly.
Heurtebise, the firing half of the pincer formation,
drifted to Yomotsu Hirasaka on pure inertia. To avoid
detection, it didn’t use its graviton floaters.
Hikari didn’t have time to analyze the entirety of Six’s
mental map. “Okay, I get it,” she said to her A.I. “Cut the
conversion process!” Rei’s drawings were reminiscent of her
little sister’s. There was a happy flower on the map to
indicate that the Eva-00 Type-F Allegorica would be just out
of firing range when the Torwächter showed its back during
their next maneuver.
“Activating Devil’s Backbone!”
An ominous chill ran down Six’s spine. “What was
<<Have you ever cursed the day you were born?>>
Six and the other Ayanami clones had often received
this question from researchers and civilians if they knew
about her condition. People asked it out of good intentions
as well as malice. She’d never resented her existence,
though, even after she’d gained self-awareness.
But the chill that ran down her spine cursed its
existence. Understandable. A spine was supposed to have
hands and feet, not a rifle barrel. Perhaps it was the Q.R.
Signum’s power, or perhaps Euro Eva amplified whatever
emotions the objects around it felt.
Either way, Six said, “Your output’s too strong!”
The Torwächters had taken notice and turned around.
But the Eva-00 Type-F Allegorica’s Angel’s Backbone was
now fully charged.
“Over here!” Six aimed at Torwächter A and fired. A
flash of baryons shot out of the barrel at near light speed
and hit her target. They failed to pierce its field, however.
Torwächter A thrust its spear at Six, but she wrapped the
spine’s barrel in an A.T. Field and cracked it like a whip to
deflect the attack.
Torwächter B was still a threat behind her, but Six
moved out of the way after she felt something invisible tap
her chest. If she’d remained in the same position, that
invisible something would have gone right through her A.T.
This was the Devil’s Backbone’s firing line, and
Heurtebise had aimed it straight at Torwächter A. It was the
same kind of weapon as Six’s Angel’s Backbone, but the
difference in degree was unbelievable.
“Your phase contrast barrel can reach all the way
Six was shocked. Heurtebise fired. Torwächter A’s body
spasmed as something pierced its chest and began
squirming inside its armor.
The next moment, an event horizon ripped open in
Torwächter A’s chest, producing a micro black hole that
devoured it, blowing a powerful jet of air in the direction of
the firing line, which grazed Six’s head.
“Hey, watch it! You almost killed me!”
<<Six, neutralize the remaining one with your
cannon!>> Trois said.
Six’s gamma-ray laser sparked as it shot through
Torwächter B’s shield, causing the black messenger to
“I was going to!”
But B wasn’t going down so easily. It rushed closer to
Hikari, forcing her to engage in melee combat. She readied
her halberd, realizing she’d let her guard down slightly upon
seeing how badly damaged her opponent was.
B extended its spear, stabbing the white Euro Eva in its
She fired a second shot of the Devil’s Backbone as pain
racked her body, but it only ended up taking off B’s left arm.
The Torwächter tackled Hikari. Her consciousness was
growing dim.
She was knocked all the way to the front of Super Eva.
Horaki-san! Six!
Six cracked the barrel of her Angel’s Backbone like a
whip and latched it around Heurtebise’s foot. She yanked
Hikari to safety just before B could deal the killing blow with
its spear. Super Eva hid Heurtebise and the Eva-0.0 under
the plumes of his wing. The Torwächter B extended its
remaining hand toward Armaros, who was still under Super
Eva’s bonds.
<<Become one with me…>>
“Huh?” Six was startled to hear a Torwächter speak.
“That’s Trois’ voice! No. Our voice…? It sounds like a
really old recording…”
Suddenly, Armaros pushed back against Super Eva
with a force greater than the giant of light’s. Super Eva was
many times larger than Armaros and yet…
And yet the black giant grew.
And grew.
Armaros grew to the point of breaking through the
Super Eva’s field, and his hand, which had been suppressed
by the Magorox, brandished Azumaterasu against him.
Six squealed as her Eva was blown away by a powerful
wind that ripped across Yomotsu Hirasaka—powerful enough
to level mountains.
The giant of light reeled as the landmass on his back
shook and swayed. The black giant had broken free of his
A.T. Field prison and was now running amok on the lunar
Shinji felt a great aura spread above him.
Such power!
They’d reached the thermosphere now and had twenty
seconds left before they made contact with the Earth’s
There’s no time. All this energy, and the Third Impact
still isn’t triggering!
The giants of light and dark fought upside down on the
falling landmass, one armed with a sword and the other a
great bow. What am I missing?!
Shinji clumsily swung his blade.
But the black giant didn’t bother evading. He’d already
lost one of his legs, and Super Eva’s sword sliced harmlessly
through empty space. Armaros maintained his posture and
readied his bow.
Azumaterasu left a trail of seven-colored light when it
fired. Seele had referred to it as Sacrilegus, the Relic Thief,
and this was its most powerful attack. The force that had
vaporized a large portion of Yomotsu Hirasaka now pierced
Shinji’s heart.
It felt as if lightning had punched him in the chest. An
overwhelming force wracked his body, adding to the already
violent outflow of energy and incinerating his organs with a
loud crackle.
The arrow shot through Yomotsu Hirasaka, its vast
energy rocking the stage where the Human Instrumentality
Project was supposed to begin. All of it poured into Super
Wait…I know what this is…
The outline maintaining Super Eva’s form melted away
into photons.
The Impact had begun.
Super Eva’s body spread wide. His sword had followed
his transformation and was now an arc of light lacking any
outline. He realized that, in the distant past, the completion
of the Human Instrumentality Project had probably been
expedited by manipulating warp technology. Perhaps the
great bow Sacrilegus had been a creation of their version of
Dr. Akagi. The arc of light fell upon the great bow and split it
in two, cracking Armaros’ hardened field like ice.
The giant of light took a powerful step forward. The
photon longsword ran through the black giant—the Eva-01
of the past, perhaps even the Shinji of the past.
<<Take… Eat… This is my body…>> Armaros said.
<<Now I remember… This is what I needed…>> He
spoke in Shinji’s voice for the last time. Shinji felt his heart
burn within him as the fire coiled around it consumed all.
I see… Of course.
He’d been fruitlessly trying to trigger the Third Impact
through his own will. What he’d needed in the end was a
loud voice that could overwhelm everything.
Let’s do this. I can’t stop the descent, but I can at least
slow it down… Where should I drop it?
The people of Earth watched with bated breath as
Yomotsu Hirasaka came to a stop. The three wings of light
suddenly split into six, spreading and covering the entire

<<Kzzzt…Kommandobrücke…Heurtebise. Hikari, get

out of… Kzzzt.>>
Heurtebise was the last Eva left on Yomotsu Hirasaka
as Super Eva’s shock waves buffeted it. Alarms blared in the
plug warned Hikari about her injuries and the extreme
surface temperatures. Clausewitz’s voice roused her from
her daze.
In the wave of brilliant light, the black giant unleashed
his arrow, even while pierced with a sword. Alarms
continued to ring. Hikari could barely make out anything in
the storm of brightness, but through the confusion she saw
the giant of light fighting an enlarged Armaros.
It sent her into a panic.
Compared to them, Heurtebise looked like a child’s
The warning colors in Heurtebise’s entry plug shifted.
The telemetry readings transmitted to the Euro control
center shocked Clausewitz.
<<Kzzzt… Dial it back! She’s going too deep with the
dummy plug’s parallel consciousness! She can’t…>>
Heurtebise reached for the Devil’s Backbone in its left
shoulder and opened its armored louver. Rainbow-colored
phase light leaked out of it.
“I’m sorry…but I’m not strong enough. I said I never
wanted to go under the parallel consciousness again! But
I’m just so weak…!”
In the storm of light, the white Eva had finished
charging its black dragon.
“Activate!” Hikari yelled, and the cannon obeyed by
opening its mouth.
She felt the recoil through her entire body, an ominous
The Field Piercer. The Devil’s Backbone.
Unlike the Angel’s Backbone, which used parts
originally belonging to the Eva-00 Type-F Allegorica, the
Devil’s Backbone could have become a new Eva by itself.
The spine had had its four limbs amputated, and it was now
cursed to shoot powerful, consuming fields out of its mouth.
Hrgh… Huff…
New warning windows appeared. Hikari’s heart rate
and breathing were slowly going haywire. Her emotions
exploded to the point of no longer being restrained by the
dummy plug’s fail-safe.
“You took her away from me…! Kodama…! Kodama!!!”
She remembered that Armaros was the reason her
sister had turned into a pillar of salt.
Vengeance—was that what she wanted? Or justice?
She suffered a brief moment of clarity in all that confusion,
and in it she saw the thing that was actually driving her.
The coils that had generated the field looked like teeth
at the end of the barrel. They produced a micro black hole,
which moved at a blindingly fast speed.

Horaki-san… Didn’t make it out?

Shinji noticed Heurtebise at his feet, which seemed so
far away from him. His comment reached the old Central
Dogma in Hakone.
“Shinji, please! Hikari…!” Toji yelled.
And then the cracked Q.R. Signum finally shattered into
a thousand pieces.
I’ll try… Just take care of the—
Shinji’s voice echoed like a dream.

The giant’s tidal wave of explosive light engulfed

everything around it. Armaros stood his ground and
maintained his aim. It looked as if he noticed Hikari for a
moment, perhaps even smiling. It was an odd thing to do to
someone firing a micro black hole directly at your head.
The next moment, Armaros’ entire body was
consumed, leaving only his feet. The nearly invisible black
hole forced out boiling jets of light as it flew. But this was
soon outshined by the light surrounding it, making it
impossible to see.
An intense light focused at the center of the six wings,
which grew in size, absorbing the force of Yomotsu Hirasaka.
But now the heart of the giant of light was shining like a
miniature sun. Despite losing its Eva form, he still seemed to
be standing upside down on Yomotsu Hirasaka, and his
circle of light expanded to engulf the whole mass.
A softer light enveloped the Pacific Ocean as dusk fell.
People who were fleeing for their lives suddenly stopped
and looked at the oncoming apocalypse from between their
The detached lunar landmass was slowly breaking into
the stratosphere after a long delay. As slow as it was now,
its sheer size still caused ripples visible to the naked eye as
it entered the atmosphere.
The amount of water displaced in the sky generated
myriad basin-like clouds in the troposphere, and the vast
potential difference in the air formed thunderclouds, which
lit up the sky like nests of lightning. The compressed
atmosphere billowed out in a wide shock wave that broke
the speed of sound.
Meanwhile, the six-winged figure at its center
continued to absorb energy, even as it rapidly began losing
its glow.
The shining giant had lost its human form. It barely
even looked like an Eva.
It was brought to its knees in the middle of all that

Trois had used the full power of her FSB to launch

herself upward and watched the whole procession from
“He’ll be back…” Asuka sighed. “He hates being
around people, but he hates being alone even more. Auf
Wiedersehen, Shinji. See you soon. I’ll leave the lights on for
you. I’ll get you home this time.”
Asuka finished her goodbye, and the smile disappeared
from her face. If it weren’t for the LCL, light would have
trickled down her cheeks.
Chapter 48:
Rumble in the Pacific

S in shifting the impact point. The

landmass landed 1,200 kilometers southeast from where the
Izu Peninsula had once been, the former location of the
Ogasawara Islands. Due to the Longinus Ring’s shrinking of
the Earth, the islands were now located somewhere near the
South China Sea.
There was a flash of light over the ocean, as intense as
the birth of a new sun. The shock waves it produced burned
the molecules in the air, painting the sky bright red. A
pandemonium of heat, light, wind, waves, and electricity
propagated outward from its center.
Hakone and Tokyo-3 were a thousand kilometers from
the epicenter, and they were still hit with three earthquakes
that day. Even if the aforementioned phenomenon had not
produced any shock waves, Yomotsu Hirasaka hitting the
water would definitely have shifted some tectonic plates.
The settling of the landmass alone was probably responsible
for the third quake.
Back in old Central Dogma, the linear rails set up for
the experiment had fallen apart. The Carrier’s mace was out
of alignment, and its power field had disappeared.
“Maya-san, we have to get out of here!”
“Agreed! All personnel, clear out! What’s happening on
the outside…?”

The rumbling over the Pacific Ocean didn’t stop. In fact,

it lasted for several hours.
Night had fallen by the time Toji reached the surface,
and the wind blew like a typhoon over the outer rim of the
Hakone caldera. The clouds protecting Tokyo-3 had been
chased away by the lightning bolts snaking through the sky.
The bolts were colorful, possibly due to electric anomalies
producing something like an aurora borealis. Sometimes,
the clouds themselves even flashed, perhaps as small
fragments of the moon fell through them.
“It’s like natural disasters are having a party, and
everyone’s invited,” Misato said, although one guest was
suspiciously absent.
No matter how slowly it moved, a two-hundred-
kilometer landmass like Yomotsu Hirasaka would produce
tsunamis upon landing in the Pacific Ocean. There was no
avoiding the water that thing would displace. And yet, no
tidal waves had been observed thus far.
Six’s Eva flew over the caldera like it had been blown
there by the violent air currents. The Eva-00 Type-F
Allegorica stopped outside the dome of the sarcophagus,
scraping the hard tektite concrete to break its landing. In
the end, its damaged hind legs gave out, and it tumbled to
a stop.
Meanwhile, Trois’ Eva had gone missing. Contacting her
was out of the question, since all the communication lines
were in a state of chaos. The newly installed satellites and
stratospheric aircraft had either been knocked off course or
had their lasers damaged. The guide beacons couldn’t be
retrieved to be reset. There was no way of looking for Trois,
even if she were still alive.

The next morning, Hakone command received an

emergency transmission amid the communications chaos. It
turned out that Eva-0.0 had been shooting down larger
pieces of debris that were falling to the Earth. But Trois had
decided it was time for her to land. She was running low on
fuel, and Mari had awakened.
Toji had stayed awake all night in the command center
and was thinking a little bit of sun would do his mind some
good. He was about to step outside when security stopped
him. They told him it was dangerous to leave because parts
of the ozone layer had been blown away.
“Those clouds are moving fast,” Toji said. They were as
black as they were thick, but from the breaks between
them, he could see they were covering a clear blue sky. In
fact, the clouds ended abruptly to the southeast.
Toji watched as a vertical line seemed to split the
“What the hell is that?!”
Above the point of Yomotsu Hirasaka’s impact, which
was still covered in thick clouds, he noticed a pillar
extending into the sky. He couldn’t see its apex.
Toji stumbled back to the command center. He ordered
Trois to do a spectral analysis on the phenomenon before
she made her landing.
Asuka’s voice shot through his ear. <<We were staring
at the thing last night, genius! It goes up and up, and the
top just disappears, like an optical illusion! Now let us land,
damn it! I’m hungry!>>
Asuka’s angry complaints were accompanied by the
sound of a little girl crying. Mari’s wailing echoed throughout
the command center, and the people there who knew about
her past would never have believed that she was now
clinging to Asuka like a frightened child.
Mari had shared her consciousness with the countless
animals whose DNA had been spliced into her. Now they
were gone, and she was alone. Her researchers would one
day learn that this was the first time she’d ever felt
loneliness and anxiety. The spatial lens had ripped her
“family” out of her DNA, much like how it had ripped the
organic data out of Asuka.
“Someone’s cranky… Can you share your findings with
us, Trois?”
Rei Trois began reading their observation data.
<<Makeup is mostly water… Sodium chloride, magnesium
chloride, magnesium sulphate…>>
“It’s seawater…” Hyuga muttered from the middle
It’s a pillar of seawater stretching into space? That’s
just great. But what’s causing it? Could be that spatial lens
again, I suppose. It already did some weird things with the
Toji furled his eyebrows, his expression growing more
“Trois, Asuka. Sorry about this, but you’re going to
have to head to the spatial lens to see if anything’s
happened to it. That might be the cause of the pillar.”
<<Oh, come on!>>
“You might get the same spectrometer readings on the
moon side of the lens. Command out.”
“Toji-kun…?” Misato put down the receiver in her
commander’s chair.
“Various countries have sent drones to that area, and
they’ve all lost visuals of the object,” Toji said. “I don’t know
what Shinji made, but I think we owe it to him to get a good
look at it ourselves. That pillar might be the tsunami that
should have hit us last night.”
Toji’s speculation was so outrageous that he had to
pause and take a breath.
“The moon’s 110,000 kilometers wide now. That’s
about the size of the Earth. I’m guessing it’s gonna want to
steal our waters, too.”
Chapter 49:

T HE SOUND OF WAVES could be heard in the science and

engineering division of Nerv Japan, crashing loudly then
receding softly. The science floor was known as the place
where a mob of mad scientists did their work. Maintenance
crew rarely ventured there if they didn’t have to, and the
rest of the personnel went through pains to avoid that floor
entirely. The head of the division was notorious for her
inflexibility, to the extent of refusing to implement
something as innocent as a movie night.
These were the things that Ibuki Maya, chief of the
science and engineering division, had heard spoken about
her in the past as she walked this darkened hallway lined
with airtight doors.
But now she heard the crashing of waves. She stopped
and looked back. Perhaps it was only nerves. She sighed
and was about to resume her course when she heard
something else.
<<Even for Unit One this is…>> A human voice!
<<The pilot is synchronizing too much. We can’t get a
reading!>> <<We don’t know how the battle with the
mass-production Evas is developing outside, and some of
our own special forces are still inside. There’s no reason to
activate an unknown Eva in these circumstances.>>
<<We’ve been transported into Lilith’s Egg from God knows
where. In any case, we’re already drowning in the stream,
and a reed is as good as a log if it can get us out.>> The
unseen speakers carried out a strange conversation. She
didn’t recognize the voices, but she faintly remembered
their styles of speech. Maya followed the voices and
stopped in front of the room they were coming from.
Wait, this is my room!
<<Second Impact-level energy output frozen like ice
within a closed system… Impossible.>> Maya recognized
that voice. She banged on the door wheel before throwing it
open. The voice had disoriented her to the point where
she’d actually forgotten to call for backup.
“Who’s there?!”
The noise instantly disappeared. The host A.I. of Maya’s
room greeted her, turning on the lights as she entered.
No one’s here…
But Maya noticed the flickering of her LCD drawing
board and dashed toward it.
“What is this…?” A rough schematic had been drawn
on it. Blueprints of some kind. The four fairings lined up next
to each other hinted that it might be an Evangelion’s
shoulder pylons. Words and diagrams had been scribbled on
it from at least two sides, but there were no new entries on
her usage log. There was a circle made up of many
overlapping lines, as if drawn by an indecisive artist. On top
of the circle were two Λ’s, which looked as if they’d been put
there by mere force of habit. They looked like cat ears.
Maya drew a deep breath. She would get some sleep
and then pursue the hard questions. Yes… Perhaps Toji knew
who’d pulled this prank on her. This was her initial reaction.
She stepped back from the drawing board to look again
at the diagram on the side when suddenly her files fell all
over the floor. She finally addressed that person in the
“What do you expect me to do, Dr. Akagi?”
It was like observing the Second Impact. All energy
would be unleashed during the final phases of the
apocalypse and put an end to everything.
Most of the energy would be made up of photons,
followed by a tidal wave of particles of every imaginable
wavelength. Maya followed the diagram to its conclusion—a
straight line to a black gate where everything converged.
“It’s as if time has stopped. The final second of the
end. No…I doubt we would get even a second in the end.”
Chapter 50:
A Dawn Without Shinji

S ENTRY DRONES dispatched near Marcus Island in the

Pacific Ocean had gone silent. There was no way of knowing
what was happening 1,200 kilometers southeast of the
former Izu Peninsula where Yomotsu Hirasaka had fallen.
The entire area was full of dark clouds and
electromagnetic surges. A pillar of seawater cut through the
clouds, disappearing into nothing just before it touched the
Super Eva had turned into a giant of light to capture
the two-hundred-kilometer-wide detached lunar landmass.
In the end, Shinji had willingly triggered the Third Impact
and used its force to dampen Yomotsu Hirasaka’s damage.
His cloud of witnesses could only stare as they watched
the mythical procession play out before them. None of them
wanted to say it was the right thing for him to do, but then
again none of them tried to talk him out of it. They went to
bed, and upon waking from their dreams, they realized they
had placed the fate of the world on the shoulders of a lone
seventeen-year-old. It was a hard truth to admit.
“The latest weather chart.”
They’d received news about the disasters going on in
Hakone and its surroundings, but they still quietly advanced
their observation plans. Toji had received data about the
seawater pillar from Trois’ Eva-0.0, but even he wasn’t sure
how to talk about it with the rest of the personnel.
The communications booth was still putting out calls to
Shinji. Everyone was in silent agreement that it would be a
few days before they stopped trying.
“I’m going to school,” Ayanami Rei Six said from the
open door of the command center. She was wearing a white
uniform. The personnel inside were all startled by her
sudden statement. They could only stare.
“Have fun!”
Misato was the only one who said anything. All eyes
were on the commander now.
“Look,” Misato started, fully aware of the state Rei Six’s
Eva was in. The Eva-00 Type-F Allegorica had been heavily
damaged. Resupply was already underway, but its hind legs
still needed to be fixed and its systems tuned. “It’s not like
she can go on a mission, right?”
“Hang on,” a representative from Maya’s division said.
Even though they could refer to the Eva’s black box to learn
what had happened in the stratosphere, they had some
questions they wanted to ask Six as well. Misato knew that,
of course.
“Employees belong in the office and students belong in
school. That’s a decent way of maintaining normalcy, isn’t
it? We can’t have the black giant take us for a spin every
time he shows up.”
The black giant is gone, but the moon is still
expanding, and disasters are still happening all over the
planet. It doesn’t look like there’s a future for us. Even
worse, that crazy myth the black giants were talking about
might just come to pass.
So Misato thought.
“Is the high school open today?”
“Let me check…” Aoba tapped some quick queries into
his keyboard. “Yep, looks like it.”
“Very good.”
As the person in charge of Tokyo-3 and the Hakone
caldera, Katsuragi Misato wanted to maintain as much
normalcy as possible for its citizens. Going to school was a
big part of that, and as long as there were no disasters that
prevented them from commuting, the schools should remain
Aoba tilted his head. “They only have classes up to
second period…though they do have extracurricular
activities. That all right with you?”
“I think Toji’s dying to go, too. But we can’t afford to
not have you around for the moment. Sorry, Acting Deputy
“Uhh, sure…”
But it didn’t take long before Toji had to go, too. Thirty
minutes after Six left, with a slice of toast in her mouth, she
sent an emergency signal to the command center. Misato
looked up from the map display on her table while gnawing
on her stylus. She glanced at the small window with Six’s
image and wondered, “Did she forget her notebook?” before
returning to the map.
There was something strange about Six’s window,
however, and she looked at it again.
A strange shadow filled the screen.
<<Shinji’s at school!>>
“What?” Misato’s brain couldn’t process this
outrageous statement, because it was too busy processing
the other outrageous things on the screen.
Why is everyone wearing black? And those long
sleeves… What’s with the winter uniforms?
Winter hadn’t visited Japan since the Second Impact.
Chapter 51:
Ordinary Classroom

T HE CLASSROOM was noisy. Students were overjoyed at

seeing their classmates alive. They talked about all the
strange things that had happened to them and the strange
things that were continuing to happen. Some even used the
communication terminals to contact the outside world.
“Well, I tried it!” said one student, corroborating others
who’d seen it for themselves. “My clothes go back to normal
when I go outside.”
“What’s going on?”
Rei Six was only about as tall as the waistlines of her
classmates. She stepped inside the classroom and walked
through their gossip. Shinji was in his seat, taking a
textbook out of his backpack. Six kept her distance but
moved to get a better look at him. That’s when she
What…?! And I thought Shinji being here was weird…
She called out to the quiet figure standing alone by the
lockers. “Hello, Quatre, the me who is angry.”
“Hello, Six…the me who knows no fear.”
Ayanami Rei Quatre had gone rogue when her mutant
Eva was contaminated by the Q.R. Signum. She was
supposed to be on the run with Seele/Kaji, and her formerly
blue hair was now gray from the scale’s influence. She was
wearing a black sailor uniform with a long skirt, just like all
the other girls in class. She’d chosen this corner of the
classroom because she knew no one would bother her here.
Quatre played with the light blue ribbon on her chest.
“Do you recognize this uniform?”
Six felt like she did, but somehow she couldn’t pull up
the corresponding memory. She joined Rei Quatre next to
the lockers, thoughts running through her head.
Why is Quatre here? I thought she went rogue. Did she
sneak her mutant Eva-0.0 into Tokyo-3 somehow? I should
really go see Misato about this…
“What are you doing here, and what do you want?”
“Have you ever dreamed? I’ve had them from time to
time. Ever since our mental mirroring was broken. Ever
since ‘we’ became ‘you’…”
What was Quatre talking about?
“What’s that about?” she asked, lifting her chin at the
figure across the room.
The two Ayanamis watched as Shinji put his textbooks
on his desk.
Quatre ignored the question. “Well, have you? Have
you ever dreamed?”
A loud voice interrupted their conversation. “How could
Six turned to look for the source and found two more
people who shouldn’t have been there. They were trying to
come up with a solution for an impossible problem.
“That’s the only thing I did.” Kensuke folded his hands
over his lap. Next to him stood Hikari, looking down on him
with hostility.
“I don’t know… I don’t know how I want you to make it
up to us…” Hikari closed her eyes and shook her head. She
looked troubled.
The intelligence division had a policy of doing anything
and everything in the name of achieving its goals. Nerv
Japan had severed its ties with the other Nerv organizations,
so they’d taken to selling leaks in exchange for information.
Kensuke had traded their Child data to Nerv Germany
for information about the relics. As a result, the Horakis had
been relocated to Europe without ever suspecting that they
were being kidnapped. Furthermore, Hikari’s sister Kodama
was turned into a pillar of salt after seeing the light of the
Lance of Longinus over the skies of Europe. The intelligence
division had stripped Kensuke of his office and put out a
warrant for his immediate arrest.
“You should’ve killed me when you had the chance.
Now you’re making me feel something like remorse.”
Kensuke grabbed his desk and slowly leaned back in his
chair, making the front legs hover over the floor tiles.
“This is an awful dream.”
“A dream? I see… I’m dreaming. This is what I’ve
always wanted, but now that I’m here, I have nothing to say
to you.”
“Hang on, this is my dream!” Kensuke shouted,
attracting the classroom’s attention. Everyone had been
talking in their own little cliques, because they knew how
absurd the whole thing was.
This…is what a dream feels like.
The classroom was quiet now, and it felt as if that awful
silence should never be broken.
“Teacher’s here!” Ayanami Rei Cinq said as she opened
the door. The Ayanami who’d passed away wore a white
coat over her uniform.
Shinji reacted to her voice and said, “Class Rep!”
Hikari complied and quickly returned to her seat. “All
But Ikari-kun’s the class rep now.
Her consciousness began to fade. Rather, she began to
awaken from the dream.
You’re the class rep now, remember? How long do you
plan on staying in junior high? We’re high school juniors
That was the last thing Hikari said. By the time her
classmates raised their heads, she was gone.
Chapter 52:

“M M…”

“Hikari? Are you awake? Can you talk?” Clausewitz

What a weird dream. Everyone was at school, and…
Hikari awoke in a dimly lit room with white walls that
looked to be made of glossy resin. Clausewitz’s voice came
from outside the pilot adjustment tank.
“The speaker for the European council wishes to talk
with you. Politics, mostly nonsense, you know how it is…
Sorry to trouble you, but are you well enough to go to the
communications room?”
Hands helped her out of the capsule. Her arms were
still limp, and she had to hold on to their coats for support.
They led Hikari to a chair and sat her down. She was half-
conscious, and it was doubtful she noticed when her
makeup and hair were being done. Her weary eyes and pale
skin were livened up with shadow and rouge.
“There you are, pretty lady.”
Ikari-kun, I saw you stop Yomotsu Hirasaka by turning
into a giant of light. I know just as well as anyone that that
was your final act as an Eva.
It was your final act as a person…
So why were you in my dream?
Hikari remembered the battle of the giants. She
remembered overloading her dummy plug with her
emotions. But she had no memory of how she’d gotten
away from Yomotsu Hirasaka.
Her legs wobbled underneath her in the narrow
corridor, and she leaned against the wall for support. No,
the problem isn’t my legs.
She opened the hatch and was greeted by a light
drizzle against her face. Salty. Like the tide had been mixed
into the rain.
Applause followed and then the bright flash of
cameras. She flinched from the sudden exposure as she
realized she was on board a U.S. aircraft carrier. The Euro
Eva, Heurtebise, was kneeling on the deck. Its face was
scarred, and there were burns all over its restraint armor.
Wires kept the giant in place to compensate for the
reduction in gravity. She felt like a Lilliputian standing at the
feet of Gulliver.
“Huh…? What’s going on?”
Heurtebise had vanquished humanity’s greatest
enemy, the black giant, Armaros. The media had gotten
ahold of footage from the Euro Eva’s visual sensors. The
world had seen the moment when the Devil’s Backbone
fired a black hole that annihilated the monster’s torso.
They’d been dying for some good news.
In fact, it was Shinji’s Super Eva, the giant of light, that
had done most of the heavy lifting in the fight against
Armaros, though Hikari had dealt the killing blow.
Heurtebise the Armaros Slayer.
That title dominated the headlines of all remaining
media outlets in Europe. The Europeans had finally got
revenge on the monster who’d turned 180,000 of their own
into pillars of salt. Now, they hailed the warrior who’d
vanquished him.
For one night, Hikari was the hero who’d destroyed the
world’s greatest enemy.
Chapter 53:
Sleeping Shinji

T HE STUDENTS BOWED as the teacher entered the

classroom. When they raised their heads, they saw that
“Self-Study” had been written in bold on the blackboard,
along with some assignments so they wouldn’t get too
rowdy. A video recording of the lesson was playing.
But none of the students could remember whether they
were in homeroom or some other class.
No one’s surprised that Hikari’s gone.
Little Rei Six continued observing the classroom from
her seat—front row next to the windows. What surprised her
most was how little she was actually surprised.
My thoughts aren’t slowing down or anything… It’s like
there’s some strange power at work…
Still, she continued inspecting the hallway, the
classroom, and everyone inside it.
Why is Cinq here? That’s not even funny.
Ayanami Rei Cinq was one of the four remaining
Ayanami clones. She was the most physically developed
among them. Ayanami Rei Trois was the oldest, having
survived even the Battle at Nerv HQ three years ago. But
Cinq had had a longer incubation time. After they pulled her
out of the artificial womb, her growth had quickly surpassed
Trois’. She was killed on the first lunar reconnaissance
So what was she doing here now?
Six pondered as the class quieted down. Soon, the
recording was the only source of sound.
In the back of the class, Quatre propped her elbows on
the desk and whispered to Kensuke in front of her. “This
absurdity seems nostalgic to you, Aida Kensuke. I think
you’re quite right in calling it a dream.”
“Thanks for the vote of confidence.” Kensuke sighed as
he continued to observe his surroundings. He knew he
couldn’t let his guard down. “I wouldn’t pick something this
stupid for some kind of deception. This place is probably
here to throw me off. So let’s assume it’s a dream… I
couldn’t care less about the physical implications. But
whose dream is it?”
“You’ve got a hunch, don’t you?”
“Yeah. It’s the one who seems most at home here…”
Rei Quatre and Kensuke fixed their eyes on Shinji.
“This being a dream would explain why Rei Cinq’s here
when she’s supposed to be dead. But…” He felt a strange
presence as he watched Cinq’s back. “I don’t know…”
“What is it?”
“Could be nothing. Anyway, can I borrow you for a
The two of them got out of their chairs without a sound
and opened the door in the back of the class. The hallways
were strangely silent.
“Ten bets we’re the only class in attendance…”
Kensuke went down the stairs, holding his hands out
the whole time like he was feeling for something. Quatre
followed suit. They finally reached the entrance where the
shoe lockers were.
Kensuke’s hand disappeared after it passed a certain
point in space. “Looks like this is the border between dream
and reality.”
“So, you’re not here.”
“And neither are you, fugitive Ayanami Quatre.”
He pulled back his arm, and it returned to normal.
“My right hand’s made of flesh instead of a prosthetic.
That’s how I knew this was a hallucination from the start.”
Kensuke and Quatre made their way back to class.
“Say, you’re with Kaji-san, aren’t you? I mean he’s
Seele now, but you know what I’m saying.”
“And what if I am?”
“Tell Kaji-san to team up with Nerv Japan.”
Quatre scoffed. “As if he would listen… What’s the
“There will be a point if we can clarify what Kaji’s
doing,” Kensuke said.
“Meaning?” Quatre’s curiosity was piqued.
“Seele is obsessed with the replica Longinus. I think he
said they were the ones who made it. Either way, they’re
worried about whether they can secure the lance for future
Instrumentality Projects. I’m telling you, Kaji-san can make a
deal with Nerv Japan that will satisfy everyone involved.”
Quatre was entranced, until Kensuke added…
“As for you, you can go back to Nerv. Aren’t you
running out of reasons to stay in your rebellious phase?”
He’d lost her. She turned around, but her vision was
growing blurry.
“Why would you…?!”
Kensuke shrugged.
Anyone can tell by the way you smile at Ikari and the
“Yo, Kensuke!” A loud voice cut their conversation
Toji, Six’s backup, was yelling from outside the
“Oh, hey… It’s Toady Toji!” Kensuke grinned and
stepped outside the dream.
“What’d you call me?!”
Toji rushed at him in his superior officer’s suit,
extending his arm to form a lariat. His arm whooshed right
past Kensuke like he was a ghost, and he lost his balance,
plunging into a trash can next to the shoe lockers. When he
got up, he discovered that he was now wearing his black
school uniform.
“Acting Deputy Commander Suzuhara!”
The scientist with the observation instruments caught
up with him, but an invisible barrier denied him entry into
the school. Evidently, there were conditions for entering the
dream classroom. Toji stepped out, took the equipment, and
walked back in. Quatre watched this with some amusement.
“Wait, Quatre?! Are you the one who warped Kensuke
Toji took up a fighting stance, and that was when he
noticed the terminal on his arm. The Hakone caldera had
been equipped with eight quantum flow inclinometers,
which had proved their worth on the Apple’s Core, just in
case any hostiles decided to teleport in unannounced. But
now, those terminals weren’t giving out any warning signals.
What is going on?
Kensuke had demonstrated to Quatre that all she had
to do to leave was step outside. She answered Toji calmly.
“I’ve been dragged into this space, too. It would be
quite pointless to put handcuffs on me. Aida and Horaki-san
were here as well. You could say we’re the ‘dream transfer
“What’s Hikari doing here?”
“Good question… Perhaps the dreamer thought she fit
the scenery of his everyday life…” Rei Quatre smiled—
rebelliously but not without relief.
“Stop talking in circles and give it to me straight.”

“Self-study? Where’d the teacher go?” Toji said upon

entering the room.
Some students noticed him. “Yo, Suzuhara! Did you see
our clothes?”
The recording had stopped playing, and the classroom
was noisy again.
“Our clothes? Well, they look like something my folks
would wear back in the day, but that’s about it.”
He scanned the room and thought, Wow, everyone’s
here. He waved to Shinji, who was sitting a few rows from
the windows. He fiddled with his right hand, reveling in how
good it felt, when someone started pinching his ear.
“Ow, ow, ow!”
Rei Six was not pleased. “You are late! You missed
Kensuke disappeared, but I guess she just woke up…
The slender barrel of a camera lens had been crammed
into the chest pocket of his stuffy black uniform.
Quatre returned to the classroom with a bag full of
complex broadband observation equipment she’d received
from the science division. She set it on top of the lockers.
Toji had arrived with science division personnel, but he
was the only one who could carry things through what
Kensuke called the border between dream and reality. In
fact, Toji’s beat-up school bag was apparently the only
object allowed to enter the dream, so they’d enlisted Quatre
to stow most of their equipment inside.
In his ear was a tiny transceiver, which he’d used to
receive Six’s phone call and would hopefully allow him to
maintain contact with the command center, too. Toji felt that
he was at the center of the phenomenon. He walked toward
Shinji, who sat in the middle of the classroom.
<<You’re late, Suzuhara-kun. Get to your seat.>> “Oh,
yeah, sorry…”
He felt strangely oppressed by the scolding and quietly
shuffled to his desk. He’d already been informed of Cinq’s
existence, but he had no idea why she would say that.
Back in the command center, the footage that was
being broadcast wasn’t footage at all. Rather, it was still
images that changed every two seconds.
Several students had already reported that they were
being taught different subjects. It was thought to be some
kind of hallucination or psychological interference that
pandered to the individual’s memory. The stills were likely a
product of all the filtering.
“What’s going on? We’re getting audio through the
speakers, aren’t we?”
Misato stopped drafting their next plan and shrugged.
To her eyes, the subject was Divisions of Ancient History.
“The A.I. can’t make out any English written on the
blackboard. The image and voice recognition engines are
repeatedly saying they have no information to process. The
voice coming through the broadcast is mostly noise,
although it looks a lot like a sine wave, if that helps.”
For Hyuga, it was Foreign Language.
“What do you think?” Misato turned to Fuyutsuki. He
looked shocked. “Sensei…?”
Fuyutsuki saw Rei Cinq in the teacher’s position.
The old man remained quiet, and Misato couldn’t make
out what had gotten him so spooked. She turned to the
display and picked up her headset to give some orders.
<<Toji-kun, you might not want to stay there for too
long. We think it could be messing with your emotions!>>
Toji snapped out of it upon hearing her warning. He reached
for the eraser on his desk and threw it really hard at Shinji.
Who? Shinji turned and saw Toji give him a thumbs-up.
“What are you doing,” Shinji mouthed. Ever thin-
skinned, that was the Shinji Toji knew. He smiled but then
remembered what he’d come here to do.
He wrinkled his forehead and leaned forward. He
banged his elbow on the desk, making a loud noise that
drew the attention of all his classmates.
“Shinji can’t be here. He made sure that he couldn’t be
here, so who the hell are you?”
It was a cold fact that Shinji’s Super Eva had turned
into a giant of light and brought an extraterrestrial island
down on the Pacific Ocean. No one knew where he was now,
not even Toji. But the way this Shinji was acting, it was as if
the tragedy had never occurred.
Toji regretted letting Shinji carry the burdens of heaven
and earth on his shoulders all by himself. He couldn’t accept
this false peace.
“Suzuhara-kun, you can talk after class.”
Cinq said this like she was the class representative. But
Toji continued.
“Shinji protected everyone! This guy beat Armaros and
took the weight of Yomotsu Hirasaka by himself!”
“Arma…? Yomotsu…” Shinji muttered to himself.
“Yeah! Remember…”
“That’s enough,” Cinq said.
She sighed, and Toji’s view grew dim.

“Don’t wake him, Suzuhara-kun.”

Cinq reprimanded Toji with a glare. He was standing in
the hallway with her.
What happened? He shook his head to try and make
sense of things.
Cinq had finally noticed that something was going on
by the way Toji had tried to get Shinji’s attention.
“That boy wanted to stop it.”
Does she know what’s going on?
“The Impact was frozen in time in its last 0.82 seconds.
That’s why it didn’t do as much damage as you expected.
Put another way, Shinji has 0.82 seconds left to live. So you
can’t wake him up. Not yet. But I promise we’ll do
something about it.”
Toji didn’t know where all of this was coming from, so
he could only stare at Rei Cinq as she wrinkled her forehead.
“Oh… Do you think me wearing a high school uniform
is too much? I’m sorry, but I felt nostalgic for it, that’s all.”
Fuyutsuki gasped as he saw the image from Toji’s
pocket camera. He finally recognized the outline of her
figure. He uttered the name that he’d buried deep in his
“Yui…? Isn’t that Shinji’s…”
The woman bearing Cinq’s likeness opened the door.
She turned to Toji and smiled.
“Take care of Shinji for me, Suzuhara-kun.”
She closed the door behind her.
Toji’s vision blurred again, and when he came to, he
was sitting on the grounds outside the school. He’d
managed to get himself kicked out of an imaginary
Shinji didn’t remember what his mother looked like.
Among the Ayanami’s, Cinq bore the most resemblance to
Yui. Perhaps that was why she’d assumed that form, to
protect the peaceful dream of her son.
“I’m not sure how I feel leaving mommy dearest to
handle everything…”
Toji got up and brushed off his pants. In the end, he
hadn’t been able to figure out anything about the dream
classroom. His classmates were under a strange mass
hypnosis. That was about the extent of his findings.
The roar of jet engines droned over Tokyo-3. They’d
taken off from Mount Daikan airport, located on the
southern face of the Hakone caldera, and were circling the
city overhead, probably as a sensor test. After a lap, the jets
zoomed away to the Yomotsu Hirasaka crash site.
Toji called the scientists over to him. “Come on, let’s
get outta here.”
Meanwhile, Rei Trois’ Eva-0.0 had appeared in the
western skies. By sheer luck, Trois had managed to secure
the rehumanized Asuka, along with Mari, pilot of the U.S.
From afar, her unit seemed to be descending slowly,
but even with all her deceleration, she was still falling fast.
Her gamma-ray laser cannon and propulsion units opened
like a parachute, and she took on the appearance of a
bouquet floating toward Lake Ashi.
“Pretty good with the current wind speeds.”
Toji perked his ears and heard a delayed bang in the
distance. Eva-0.0 had activated its A.T. Field and landed in a
body of water outside the caldera. He wondered whether
the classroom would still be here tomorrow. He wondered
how Rei Trois and Asuka would react to it.
“How’d she set up an A.T. Field with three people in an
Chapter 54:
Yomotsu Hirasaka Island

T HICK CLOUDS HAD GATHEREDover the newly formed

island, although its peak was still visible, if only because the
clouds didn’t reach that high. The summit, which was so tall
that its collapse seemed inevitable, was nineteen thousand
meters above sea level and just breached the bottom of the
stratosphere. You could stack two Mount Everests on top of
each other, and you still wouldn’t get to the top.
The stratospheric network of airships, which was now
the world’s only method of communication, would be forced
to rethink their routes. The larger American and European
observation crafts had circled the thick clouds several times,
confirming that Yomotsu Hirasaka was now a new island in
the Pacific Ocean.
The island had the topography of a plateau and the
perimeter of a pentagon.
The energy from the fall had caused the ocean floor
around it to rise up as a ring of smaller islands. Most of the
sentry drones had dropped out of range, but one of the
operators reported seeing a thick forest behind all that fog.
The lunar origins of Yomotsu Hirasaka should’ve made it
impossible for it to support any kind of plant life, yet there
were chlorophyll reactions in the log before the drone
dropped out of reach. People were skeptical but not
altogether unbelieving.
The last thing the drone saw was a large-scale
landslide, which unveiled a mountain range shaped like the
back of a large beast.
Chapter 55:
White Coat Party

“N O, I’M NOT GOING,” Asuka said.

Toji thought she would’ve been interested, at least. He
took out a tablet and showed her pictures of the high school
he and Six had been in that afternoon, though he wasn’t
entirely convinced that he hadn’t dreamed the entire
“Ya sure about that? Shinji’s in there.”
The last time Asuka had seen Shinji, he was a giant of
light carrying the entire weight of Yomotsu Hirasaka on his
back. Now he was sitting in class as if nothing had
“Now you’re interested.”
“Is he so lonely that he has to haunt our school now?
Besides, you haven’t told me why Hikari was in the Euro Eva
Asuka stopped when she saw Hikari in Rei Six’s picture.
She wasn’t supposed to be anywhere near Tokyo-3. She also
noticed Kaji’s former assistant at Nerv’s intelligence
division. Kensuke was there, and none of them were happy
to see him.
Asuka didn’t know what had transpired on Earth after
her recon mission to the moon, but she retained none of the
memories of her time as an Eva synthesis, either. All of
this came as a surprise to her, but Toji had to move her
“Never mind that. Look at the classroom.”
Misato, Fuyutsuki, and the other commanding officers
at Nerv Japan didn’t show much interest in the classroom.
Apparently, this strange anomaly was using images from
Shinji’s residual consciousness to produce images that other
observers would be comfortable with.
But they were adults and as such were prone to giving
up on lost causes.
Shinji was dead to them.
He’d escaped death so many times in the past. Even
Toji had been ready to accept his fate when Super Eva had
turned into a pillar of salt.
But again, Shinji had managed to return. Toji thought
he had enough faith for one more run. He’d come to Asuka
because he needed an accomplice.
“What are they wearing?” Asuka asked about the
“Doesn’t really matter. That’s what we’ll be wearing
when we step into the classroom.”

<<The classroom is Shinji’s dream,>> Shinji’s mother

had said, under Cinq’s likeness.
The intelligence division had discovered that the black
uniform everyone wore in the classroom had originally
belonged to Yui. Shinji might be the dreamer, but his mother
had influenced the setting.
“This uniform’s so frumpy it looks like it belongs in the
last century. I wouldn’t be caught dead in it. I’m not going.”
“Can you please not think about fashion for a second?”
Toji jabbed at Asuka, while Little Rei Six laughed at her,
lips red with tomato sauce. “Frump, frump!”
Not a trace of foreign organic data was left in Asuka’s
body. The newly reconstituted seventeen-year-old had
regained her individuality, but her physical form was far
from stable. Sometimes, the outline of her figure blurred
into particles and only regained their solidity when she
gasped herself back into existence.
Asuka received a welcome worthy of anyone who’d
been assumed dead. Everyone was shocked to see her in
one piece. Misato had hugged her for longer than she ever
Now she was in the Ayanami tuning room along with
Trois, Six, and U.S. Eva pilot, Mari.
Her organic data had been in a state of turbulence for
a long time, and she’d been exposed to a space battle right
after that. Her vitals were now being monitored in the white
room filled with machines.
They had to wait a long time for the procedure to
finish. The main reason was that the one conducting the
tests, Ibuki Maya, chief of the science and engineering
divisions, had been preoccupied with something in the cage.
Even Toji didn’t know what she was up to.
And so the girls enjoyed a slumber party in the sterile
environment. Toji felt incredibly awkward walking in on them
when all he wanted was to check up on Asuka.
Asuka, Rei Trois, Rei Six, and even Mari were all in
white coats. They sat on the floor in a circle, feet bare and
hair down.
Misato had warmed up several frozen pizzas as a treat
for what Rei Six was calling Asuka’s homecoming party.
The biggest surprise was Mari, pilot of the U.S. Eva.
She was as small as Six and stayed very close to Asuka,
mumbling under her breath.
She’d completely changed. The cat ears on her head
were no more. Like Asuka, she’d been broken down and
reconstituted by the spatial lens. When she materialized at
the convergence point, what appeared wasn’t a test subject
with a horde of animals spliced into her DNA, but a healthy
little girl.
Anyone would’ve clapped their hands at such a happy
ending, but not everyone could enjoy happiness when it was
given to them. Mari felt lost without her pack, and she clung
to Asuka like a gosling to a mother goose.
Trois picked the salami off her pizza—she’d never liked
it—and gave it to Mari. The little girl eyed the meat
cautiously before wolfing it down.
“Woof!” she announced.
“Woof!” Trois repeated back to her and wondered if the
girl was finally enjoying herself.
“I have no idea what’s going on here.” Toji cleared his
I can’t be too pushy, or I’ll lose them.
“You know, the Shinji in that classroom looked like he
didn’t remember any of you.”
That might be too obvious…
“He what?”
Nope, that was perfect! Toji kept his face like a stone to
prevent himself from grinning and slapping his knee.
Easy now…
The red fish had taken the bait. While Asuka no longer
wanted any special treatment, she doggedly maintained
that everyone should be treated according to their merits.
Rei Trois noticed that Toji’s statement was a bluff to
enlist Asuka’s aid.
Six, the only one who’d been present in the classroom
the entire time, said, “Really? I don’t think he—”
Before she could reveal the truth, Trois shoved a plastic
fork loaded with pickled jalapeno into her open mouth.
Six’s hair stood on end as if something had just
exploded in her face. She was sensitive to spicy foods. The
pulse on her monitors spiked, stirring Azuchi, who was
sleeping beside her.
Trois knew she couldn’t help Shinji on her own. She
also knew that Asuka wouldn’t sit idly by and do nothing.
She debated whether burning her little sister’s taste buds
had been the right thing to do.
Not a mistake.
But she couldn’t help feel a certain degree of
frustration at letting Asuka do all the work for her.
Chapter 56:
Midnight Raid

“S WITCH OFF THE LIGHTS at hole fifteen, please. It’s too

“This is Mount Daikan command. Copy that.”
Lieutenant Colonel Kasuga’s voice came over the
speakers. <<Mount Daikan command to Akashima. Endo,
move into battle position.>> “Akashima. Copy that.
Standing by.”
South of Lake Ashi, to the west of Mount Daikan, lay a
golf course that had been repurposed by the JSSDF. Here,
the mechanized giant Akashima was stripped of its
equipment. Its N2 turbines roared as power surged into its
heavy limbs.
A loud whistle indicated that all personnel should
watch their step as the robot was undressed. Various travel
locks were released and waterproof coverings removed. The
containers on its arms were unloaded and set upon three
layered palettes usually reserved for heavy machinery.
“Checking gyro calibration.”
“GC check green.”
“I really wanted to catch up with I-409… The guys at
Nerv Japan are going to laugh at our poor planning,
Lieutenant Colonel,” Endo complained. The pilot of the
Akashima watched as mechanics armed his mecha.
<<Let’s hope it’s a false alarm, warrant officer. We
have a job to do before we can plant our flag at Yomotsu
Hirasaka.>> “Copy that,” Endo said, looking at the
container that stored an oversized Hinomaru. The JSSDF had
devoted all their efforts to search and rescue. Meanwhile,
the Air Force and Marines were currently staking out
Yomotsu Hirasaka Island.
Military forces from other nations also had their eyes
on the newly formed island, though they deployed their
armies under the pretense of the UN’s emergency forces.
They filled the waters near the Ogasawara Islands, and
Japan had to show their sovereignty over the territory.
That was where Akashima Corps, JSSDF’s anti-Angel
unit, was supposed to come in. They were currently
stationed on the southern side of the Hakone caldera, which
was now a piece of land between the Izu Peninsula and
Honshu. They were supposed to send Akashima plant their
flag on the new island.
Akashima, the JSSDF’s mechanized giant, could fly over
the ocean using the ground effect. But the seas were
running wild due to the reduced gravity from having the
moon so close, so long-distance travel over water was out of
the question.
The giant catamaran submarine, I-409, which usually
supported Akashima and carried the giant on its back, had
been sent ahead. It was the modern iteration of I-404 and I-
405, equipped with greatly increased reserve buoyancy and
joined by a bridge wing.
They’d received reports from I-409 about an unknown
mass several hundred meters long, which couldn’t be
detected by their radar. Whatever it was, it was huge, and it
was speeding toward the Izu Peninsula.
Japan had yet to enter a state of emergency, because
the object only spread out in two dimensions. It could just
be stray bits of material or oil leaks from the seabed after
the fall of Yomotsu Hirasaka. Politicians and scientists
agreed for once, and they refused to send people into a
panic over some underwater debris.
But Kasuga had decided to send Akashima out anyway.
<<Can’t we just let Nerv handle this?>> Endo was still
sulky. He’d been woken up far too early in the morning for
this operation.
“Nerv Japan has lost Super Eva, and the Evas they do
have are all heavily damaged. They won’t be leaving Mount
Daikan Airport any time soon.”
Lieutenant Colonel Kasuga looked over the control
panels at the Mount Daikan command center. One of them
blinked and changed to a different color. A recon chopper
was phoning in.
“This is Spotter 3. Object has been sighted. It’s moving
toward Izu Peninsula.”

The JSSDF recon chopper couldn’t explain what it was

seeing. The strange mass had been indistinguishable from
the surface of the sea, but all of a sudden, its center began
to squirm and rise.
“Spotter 3 to Mount Daikan command. Object is no
longer two-dimensional. It looks like a snake…or some kind
of fish.”
The clouds were dark and heavy, and visibility was low.
Even so, they could see that the specimen ramming itself
against the cliffside was about seventy to eighty meters
long. Its efforts were eventually rewarded, as it made it over
the rock face.
“Hey…that thing has legs!”
The chopper pilot and the Mount Daikan command
personnel had all seen this creature as children. They
recalled the pages of their animal encyclopedias,
particularly the section on gilled creatures turning into
lunged creatures.
“Aquatic life’s first landfall…”
The beast walked on, consuming trees as it moved.
“We have visual confirmation that two more of those
things have landed on Mishima Coast, southwest of Mount
Siblings of the monster attacking Izu Peninsula were
making their way to the Hakone caldera.
The Akashima launched without waiting for further
orders. Its turbines revved up, and it started dashing,
shifting into ground effect mode. The giant was still too low
to the ground, however, and it scraped against the rocks. It
activated its auxiliary rockets, and by the time the shift was
complete, it was flying low and sliding down the slope.
<<Endo!>> “Civilians are moving back to Susono and
There was a large residential area near Susono and
Iwanami, which had now become a coastline. Tokyo-3 had
taken in refugees whose homes might be affected by the
erratic weather activity. They stayed inside the caldera on
UN-leased land, but some of them had started going back
Nerv’s greatest fears came to pass as the command
center was flooded with emergency calls from local police.

“Seventy percent of the city is now combat ready!”

Nerv Japan had issued the emergency order throughout
the Hakone caldera after seeing footage from their drones
and receiving a call from the JSSDF.
“Why didn’t the quantum flow inclinometers react?!”
Fuyutsuki asked Maya over the monitor. He was in the
command center, while she was still in the cage, looking
tired but not exhausted.
<<Because they aren’t universal sensors. They only
account for quantum dislocations, which means that
ordinary movements don’t cause enough quantum noise for
them to respond. Did you not read the report?>> Someone
was in a rebellious mood.
“Maya, get up here, please,” Misato cut in.
<<I have things to attend to here. Besides, I can
monitor the situation just fine—>> “We’ve got calls coming
in from local municipalities!” Aoba said.
“Tell them the subject may be an Angel-class threat!”
Fuyutsuki yelled at Aoba instead of Maya.
Back on the top deck, the elevator doors behind Misato
“You guys can’t be here!”
“And who are you to decide?!”
Toji was at the head of the mob, though he was being
pushed by Asuka, who was still in her surgical gown. In fact,
Mari, Rei Trois, and Rei Six were all in surgical gowns. Six
was even followed by her screening robot and Azuchi, the
golden retriever.
“Girls, you’re still under observation!”
“What is this…?”
The main screen displayed the newly set up port town
to the west of the mountain, near Mikuni Pass. The exposure
had been cranked up so they could see better in the dark of
night. A black, lizard-like creature was slithering about the
“What’s an enemy doing here?” Asuka muttered,
growing angrier with every word. “Shinji and Hikari killed
Armaros…so what is that thing doing here?! I thought this
was supposed to be our happy ending?! What am I
supposed to do with Unit Two?!”
The city had been converted into a battlefield, but all
was silent. Their guided missiles could reach outside the
caldera, but people were living there.
Trois made a suggestion. “Commander Katsuragi, equip
Unit Zero with terrestrial armaments. I’ll go, even if I only
have one arm to work with.”
“Both units are still being repaired,” Toji said. “Eva-0.0
has had its core removed because it lost an arm.”
“Six?” Misato called out to her, still not looking back.
“Good, you’re not sleepy yet.”
“My mouth stings.”
“I know its hind legs are still damaged, but I’ll go in the
Allegorica if I have to. I’ll stand by in the cage.” Trois was
“I know you’re compatible, but Six is the only one who
knows how to operate the Allegorica system.”
The monster on the screen charged the convoy of
refugees and began eating them. It wasn’t clear if it had
planned to do this or if it had just tripped. The beast seemed
“Is it a bio weapon made specifically to target
humans?!” Aoba asked.
Mari, gripping Asuka’s hand, whispered, “It’s just
Chapter 57:

T HE MONSTER WAS HUNTING DOWN citizens who’d returned

to their homes.
The one that had landed on Izu Peninsula seemed to be
an herbivore. But this one had landed in an urban area with
little vegetation, so perhaps it had started eating humans
purely out of convenience. Either way, it didn’t give a
second glance at the trees once it got a taste for humans.
People panicked as the monster undulated toward
them. It raged through the streets, bulldozing cars and
devouring anyone in its path. The black creature loomed
over the terrified citizens.
“Brace for impact!” The Akashima jumped in from the
side, knocking the creature away.
The black beast’s skin glowed upon contact, absorbing
the Akashima’s kinetic energy.
“Did you see that?!” Endo asked his gunner.
“That was an A.T. Field. No doubt about it.”
“Permission to speak freely, sir!” the operator said.
“I didn’t feel anything like bone upon impact.”
“Interesting. But why has it taken the form of an
“Subject losing speed. It’s reeling!”
“All right. Shift into battle mode!”
The round nose of the plane became the Akashima’s
chest upon transforming. Just as it finished, it deliberately
delayed its thrusters and wings folding in to twist its body
and kick the monster away.
The momentum carried the beast through a forest,
leveling the trees. It slowly rose, noting the Akashima as an
enemy, and attacked.
“Weapons live. All twenty of them.”
“Yes, sir! Do you think it’s an Angel…?”
“I don’t know. Maybe it’s just a meatbag with blood and
guts that happens to be able to generate an A.T. Field. Even
people have been known to have Pattern Blue, if only
momentarily. Anyway. Take aim. Fire!”
Twenty large-caliber guns, arranged in five columns
and four rows, fired continuously, creating a wall of shells.
The monster hid behind its A.T. Field, but the bullets tore
through it.
“Direct hit!”
“Mount Daikan command, target down. Hang on,
scratch that.”
<<This is Mount Daikan command to Akashima. Nerv’s
new four-legged unit is heading your way from the direction
of Lake Ashi.>>
The Eva-00 Type-F Allegorica’s icon beeped on their
“I guess they’re going to deal with the target at
Iwanami… I thought it was still damaged.”
The Eva-00 Type-F Allegorica flew in with a cascade of
N2 reactor-powered gravitons, like a heavy VTOL. It landed
on the side of a mountain and took a sniping position. It
armed the Field Piercer Angel’s Backbone and took aim at
the target.
Endo was contemplating whether he should provide
support when an urgent transmission came in.
<<This is Spotter 1. Two new bogeys have made
landfall at Yugawara.>>
The clouds in the east lit up with the fire of guided
“Come on!” Endo said.
There was a flash of light behind them, followed by a
delayed explosion. Rei Six’s Allegorica had blown the
creature to bits. The Akashima turned to look and saw
something unexpected.
“What the hell…?”
The ground was soaked.
“It doesn’t have guts or skin… Is it just…seawater?”
The Akashima shifted into high-speed mode to quickly
dispose of the new monsters. Endo felt he was in for a battle
of attrition, judging by the sheer number that had spawned
so far.

Meanwhile in the Nerv Japan command center…

“Individually, they’re not much of a threat, but there
doesn’t seem to be an end to them,” Fuyutsuki said.
“We don’t have enough units to handle them all at
once. I’ll contact the JSSDF so we can split the battlefield.”
“Please do,” Misato said.
“We’re receiving reports of creatures like it landing on
the coast of Honshu… Uh, Commander Katsuragi?” Aoba
said. “This is the seventh dispatch call.”
“Tell them our island is under attack. We can’t provide
support.” Misato repeated her decision for the seventh time.
“What are things like outside the island? I thought the
JSSDF had it under control.”
“The JSSDF have successfully intercepted some but not
others. Either way, we’re running up a lot of casualties,”
Aoba said.
Hyuga followed with a more scientific assessment. “So
far they’ve landed in the Ogasawara Islands, Izu Islands, Izu
Peninsula, and northern and southern Honshu, in that
“And what do you make of that?”
“It looks like they’re moving out of Yomotsu Hirasaka in
a cone shape,” Hyuga said.
“It’s a cone now, but it might be forming a circle…”
“Bogey sighted in Tokyo-3! North Sengokuhara area!”
an operator shouted.
That was an urban combat zone, as far from the coast
as could be.
“How is it in a city center?! Pull up the map!”
An icon lit up to indicate the new hostile. “There! Along
the Hayakawa River!”
“I should’ve known!” Misato banged on the console.
“It’s going up the river!”
“It’s right next to a civilian shelter!”
A cluster of defensive machine guns opened fire on the
monster. Bullets sparked and smoked, but in the end they
bounced harmlessly off the lizard-like creature’s field. It
crawled under a building, where the guns couldn’t reach it.
“Where’s Six?!”
“On the other side of the caldera. Distance is…”
<<I’m on my way—Kyaa!>> Six responded, but one of
the creatures latched on to the already-damaged hind legs
of her Allegorica as she was taking off. She fell to the
The black monster ran amok in the shelter area,
sniffing the air for prey. It crawled along the buildings,
breaking through them wildly, until it reached the civilian
After six charges, the top of the shelter was destroyed.
The shielding was supposed to be bombproof, but it was of
little use against a force that could gouge it out.
“Arm the guided missiles!”
“Wait!” Fuyutsuki said, cutting Misato off. “The only
effective weapons we have are anti-Angel penetrators. One
miscalculation and the shelter is done for!”
“Quantum flow inclinometers picking up a disturbance!
Mount Kamiyama plateau!” Hyuga shouted, though no one
immediately took notice.
Everyone had descended into a panic. In fact, they
were so afraid, none of them had noticed their own hysteria.
Mount Kamiyama had formerly been the highest peak in the
Hakone caldera, until it was flattened during the battle with
Sahaquiel. Now a circle of light was gathering on its
horizontal summit.
<<Good to see you’re all keeping busy.>>
The decoded voice echoed in the command center
through the old tactical network.
Misato cringed. It was Kaji.
Thirty blades of light rushed like a blizzard from Mount
Kamiyama toward the urban area, piercing the black
monster. The creature burst like a water balloon pricked with
a needle.
Six watched the light from the south side of the
caldera. She recognized it from somewhere.
“That’s Marmaros’ weapon! Quatre’s mutant Eva has
<<I came to talk, but it seems that will have to
wait,>> Kaji said ominously.
The color of mutant Eva-0.0’s hostile icon changed on
the display.
“Signs of another warp gate opening up on Kamiyama
“Wait!” Misato grabbed a headset and started yelling
into the microphone. “Ryoji! Seele! You should know what
that thing is! Armaros is dead, so why are we still being
Then an answer.
<<Do you still think this is an invasion? Those things
are merely vestiges of creatures who failed to obtain life.
They’ll die soon enough. They eat only to satisfy their
appetites and can neither grow nor breed.>>
“Why are there so many of them?!”
<<Because they are trying to open the gates of
That was the last thing Seele/Kaji said before the icon
for Quatre’s mutant Eva disappeared from the Kamiyama
“Wait! I’m not finished with you!”
“Misato-san… Commander… They’re gone!”
“But our enemies are still here…”
Nerv headquarters watched as a series of flashes
blazed from the west to the east over Kamiyama Plateau.
The three monsters on the coast of Yugawara were
annihilated by the JSSDF’s vaporizer bombs. That was the
worst of the invasion.
The number of monsters that made landfall decreased
drastically after that. Dawn broke, and the invading force
was no more.
Seele/Kaji had been telling the truth. The few monsters
that landed on the Izu Peninsula had all stopped their
invasion a few kilometers from the coast and liquified into
Chapter 58:
Many Roads to Home

T OJI COULDN’T STOP YAWNINGthat morning. He was

exhausted. He was going to school after a very eventful
night that had left a lot of unfinished business. He wanted to
see Shinji and Cinq, not so much to shirk said business, but
to finish it.
He scratched his head.
What should I talk about? What am I allowed to talk
The entrance to Shinji’s dream was in a slightly
different place that morning. Toji had barely reached the
shoe lockers when his clothes changed into the black
The attending students had gotten used to the strange
phenomenon, yet they were still entertained by the
compulsory change of dress.
“Beats having to change every time.”
The uniform belonged to a time when Shinji’s mother,
Yui, had attended school. Yui had taken Cinq’s form in the
dream, and the first time they’d met, she’d kicked Toji out of
the school.
“This dream is brought to you by Mom…”
Kinda weird not letting your own kid know that he’s
dreaming, though…
“Hm?” He noticed a commotion in front of the
Are there more classes now?
“’Scuse me. Comin’ through…”
Toji slipped through the crowd and then dropped his
bag to the floor. The seats had been pushed to the walls. In
the center of the classroom was a long, tube-like structure.
Its entire length was covered with two to three classes’
worth of curtains, whose excess flowed to the floor over its
round nose. Toji didn’t need to look under the fabric to know
what it was.
How did an entry plug get in here?
Trois had arrived earlier and looked as surprised as her
expressionless face allowed her to. She pointed at the
windows. There was a thin line between them and the wall…
They broke the wall and carried it in here with
construction equipment?! Of all the stupid…
Look inside, and I’ll kick your ass.
There was a note stuck to the curtains. It was written
on copy paper, in Asuka’s handwriting. The students
whispered and murmured. Things were even stranger than
Crap, I really feel like apologizing to everyone here…
“Toji…” a voice said from behind.
He couldn’t do anything yesterday, especially because
this was Shinji’s dream. Toji thought the same thing was
going to happen today, which was why he was shocked
when he turned around to meet the voice.
“This is what I think it is…isn’t it?” Even Shinji was
surprised at the presence of the object.
The door to the classroom burst open, and Asuka
strutted in like a model. Her hair had been cut short, and it
bounced with every step. She was like a living supercar, and
everyone cleared the way for her.
Asuka was so happy that she actually looked a bit
terrifying. A camera shutter clicked. Trois had taken a
picture of her in the old uniform she’d sworn not to be
caught dead in.
“I had a feeling you’d come,” Trois said. “Six wanted
me to take pictures.”
“Oh, shove it,” Asuka spat. She took a deep breath to
compose herself. “Nice morning today, Shinji.”
“I dunno, it looks like it’s gonna rain,” Toji said. He
immediately received Asuka’s bag to his face.
She walked over to Shinji, arms folded over her chest.
“It’s a nice morning because you get to see me again.”
“Hey, Asuka. Yeah, I guess it is a good morning now,”
Shinji said.
“Very good.” Asuka walked around the tube and pulled
down the curtains.
Everyone in the know had already figured out that the
object was an entry plug—Super Eva’s, to be precise. But its
sudden appearance in the classroom raised many eyebrows
among the lay students.
“Ow…” Toji groaned as he got up.
There’s going to be trouble later. Our classmates don’t
have clearance for this top secret stuff. But who gave the
order? I don’t think it was Misato. Could it have been Maya?!
“You can’t be bringing that stuff to school,” Shinji said.
“You say that like it’s a bag of potato chips.” Asuka
pulled the lever to open the access door. The internal power
supply hummed to life.
Asuka dragged one of the desks over and set it right
next to the plug. She sat down and elbowed the center
hatch. “Get in, Shinji.”
“What? No.”
Shinji immediately refused, but Asuka had been
expecting that response.
“What are you talking about? You’re in it already.”
As soon as she finished her sentence, Shinji
disappeared, to the confusion of everyone around them.
Asuka peered through the center hatch to look at Shinji
sitting in the plug.
“Don’t worry, he’s in here now. You can’t just jump into
the plug like that Shinji, it’s creepy.” Asuka stuck her tongue
Soryu… She knows it’s a dream, so she used the power
of her words to force Shinji into the plug. Toji was impressed.
But what now?
“It saved me during the Battle at Nerv HQ three years
ago, and it’s stayed with me since, but Unit Two’s gone
now.” Asuka said this as if she was starting a eulogy. “There
was a battle last night. Six isn’t here today because she’s
still asleep. She’s the only one of us that can fight now, you
know? It sucks… I could’ve fought, too, if I had an Eva…”
She paused.
“Shinji, where’s your body now?”
So that’s what she’s up to! Toji finally understood. This
was the solution to his problem.
Asuka had put Shinji inside the plug to answer this one
question. His dream was now playing only in this classroom,
and only students were allowed in while it was playing. The
dream eliminated anything it thought unnatural, which was
why Asuka snuck the plug in before school started.
Wow… And to think she’d come up with this idea
“You and your Eva aren’t bound by the same
relationship other pilots have with their Evas. Did you forget
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Are you sure?”
Yeah, you tell him, Soryu!
“Your heart is the Eva’s heart. The Eva’s body is your
body. Neither of you can exist without the other.
Shinji sank into the plug seat. “I do.”
“And if you’re here, that means…”
Toji noticed Rei Cinq beside him. She’d been watching
Asuka do her work.
“You okay with this?” he asked. “She’s going to drag
Shinji out of the dream.”
Cinq had warned him not to wake Shinji before kicking
him out of class.
“Shinji might never wake again unless that girl does
something. As it is, he’s stuck going back and forth between
his consciousness and the Eva’s.” Cinq look forlorn.
“Because he has less than a second to live?”
“Yes. I thought I’d allow them to meet. Even a second
in a dream—”
“Can seem really long. I’ve heard of people who dream
for days and wake up to find it’s only been a few hours.”
The woman bearing the fallen Cinq’s resemblance
smiled at Toji’s comment.
“If she plays her cards right…the peak power of the
Third Impact might be dammed up in exchange for his life.”
She sounded like she’d already accepted the end of things.
“Any other questions you want me to ask?”
“Goodness, you’re smarter than you look.”
My mother has gone to the other side.
That’s what Shinji had said the first time he came back
to life through Super Eva’s heart.
And now she’s back to clean up after her son. Probably
for the last time…
The legs of the desk Asuka sat on started rattling. She
leaned over to look inside the entry plug like she was going
to dive into it. She didn’t seem to notice Rei Cinq sitting
next to Toji.
Well, no reason to tell her about it.
Asuka stood on the desk on her tiptoes, enjoying how
the hem of her skirt swayed. Toji knew she still felt remorse
over Cinq’s death. Breaking her heart now would be mean
and pointless.

Something was happening.

No one in class knew what, but they were all giddy with
“Welcome home, Asuka.” Shinji entered the activation
sequence on his command console.
“Little late for that, buster…” But the warm welcome
had caught her off guard. Asuka crossed her arms and
leaned her chest into the pressure-resistant seal. Shinji
touched her hair as it flowed from her shoulders.
“It’s been forever. Do you remember what happened
when you were a synthesis?”
It should’ve been obvious to him that she was an
entirely different person during that time, but that was just
how Shinji’s innocence worked.
She thought about it. “Something about the way I
picked up objects. It feels so different now. It’s jarring.”
Asuka had completed her recon mission from the moon
at the cost of absorbing massive amounts of organic data
into her body. To protect her identity, Eva-02 had
assimilated all of it to create the Asuka/Eva synthesis, better
known as Crimson A1.
“I can’t remember details, but I do have something like
a continuous memory. Most of it is blank, and the
peripherals are usually hazy, but I do remember what I was
looking at and where I was going.”
She was once a giant who’d forgotten what words
were, and yet she’d still been able to communicate and
deceive. She’d lost the shackles of human pride and
become unable to perceive the finer shades of morality. She
was, in a sense, innocent.
But above all, she was unfettered. That was the one
thing that had allowed people to identify the giant as Asuka.
“What if I said you were better as the synthesis?” Shinji
Asuka smiled. “Very funny. Now cut the crap and get
your body over here!”
“Yes, ma’am.”
I really am home… The realization finally sank in for
The virtual displays, which weren’t supposed to run on
backup power, suddenly came to life, opening windows that
projected onto the classroom ceiling as a pillar of light. The
students gasped as they saw strange lights running across
the surface of the entry plug.
“Everyone, back off! This isn’t supposed to happen!”

There was a sudden thud, followed by longitudinal

The shock was powerful enough to trigger the seismic
sensors of the command center.
“Is there an earthquake?”
Misato, awakened from her thirty-minute nap, climbed
to the command deck while checking the environmental
map for aftershocks from Yomotsu Hirasaka. The new island
wasn’t the culprit.
Regardless, the A.I. rang the alarm.
Aoba wheeled over to his console after almost choking
on his tubular lunch.
“Sudden appearance of a massive entity underground,
in the ruins of old Central Dogma! Subject estimated to be
3,500 tons in weight! A.I. thinks it might be hostile!”
“We’re getting attacked from underground now?! Hurry
up on the ID! Put out an emergency call for pilots and
prepare the Lance of Longinus for immediate embarkation!”
Misato ordered.
What could it be now that Armaros was gone?
“Is it more of the monsters from last night?!”
“Maybe it’s Rei Quatre and Kaji in the mutant Eva!”
Everyone in the command center flung guesses left
and right.
“Wait!” Hyuga shouted through the speakers to calm
them down. “We’re picking up an IFF signature! It’s Super
Eva’s… No. It’s the signature used by Unit One during the
Battle at Nerv HQ three years ago!”

Maya was the first one down to the ruins of old Central
She wanted to see it with her own eyes.
The black egg that was the Chronostatic Sphere had
formed around Lilith, swallowing all of HQ and its
surroundings. Former Nerv Commander Ikari Gendo and Dr.
Akagi Ritsuko, along with several others, had also been
trapped in the Sphere.
That was three years ago. Then, the black egg had
been stolen by Armaros, leaving only the cavity where it had
once lain.
A giant was now hunched over in that cavity. Its body
was white hot, turning the water around it to steam.
“Super Eva!”
That was the first thing she thought of when she saw it.
It was wrapped in orange, and its body was covered in
restraint armor that looked very much like the old Eva-01.
“Yes. I suppose that’s all you have ‘over there.’”
The hulking figure leaned forward and put its hand up.
Compressed air tugged the hem of Maya’s lab coat,
blowing subterranean dust all over her body. Dr. Akagi’s
glasses were also carried away, smashed to a million pieces.
And yet the figure stood there, looking perfectly
Maya smiled. She’d heard the voices of Ritsuko and
Gendo in her room, and this was proof that that
conversation, at least, had been all in her head.

Neon Genesis Evangelion: ANIMA, Volume 4

contains chapters serialized in Dengeki Hobby Magazine
from September 2011 to July 2012.
I had to be careful with Yomotsu Hirasaka because of
the tragic Tohoku earthquake. I had a lot of mixed feelings
about that. If a story isn’t planned to be elaborate, then you
should advance it as fast as you can. That way, at the very
least, it won’t be boring. But I have to admit that the story
felt stale during the first act because the plot didn’t advance
until the second act. Even I got irritated at it during editing.
But I had to wait until things had calmed down in the real
world before I could send giants rampaging around Hakone
again. My current editor chewed my ear out because they
thought it was supposed to end after the manga segment.
The next volume is the last, and that is when ANIMA
will end. I have to say, Shinji and Eva-01 warp around way
too much.

—Ikuto Yamashita,
Evangelion Mecha Designer
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