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Violence and the Supernatural

The fictional worlds of Palladium Books® are violent, deadly and filled with supernatural monsters .
Other-dimensional beings, often referred to as "demons," torment, stalk and prey on humans. Other alien
life forms , monsters, gods and demigods, as well as magic, insanity, and war are all elements in these
Some parents may find the violence, magic and supernatural elements of the games inappropriate for
young readers players. We suggest parental discretion.
Please note that none of us at Palladium Books® condone or encourage the occult, the practice of
magic, the use of drugs, or violence .

The Rifter® Number 44

Your guide to the Palladium Megaverse®!
First Printing - November 2008

Copyright 2008 Palladium Books® Inc.

All rights reserved, world wide, under the Universal Copyright Convention. No part of this book may be reproduced in part or
whole, in any form or by any means, without permission from the publisher, except for brief quotes for use in reviews. All incidents,
situations, institutions, governments and people are fictional and any similarity, without satiric intent, of characters or persons living
or dead, is strictly coincidental.

Robotech® and Robotech® The Shadow Chronicles® are Registered Trademarks of Harmony Gold USA, Inc.

Palladium Books®, Rifts®, The Rifter®, Coalition Wars®, After the Bomb®, RECON®, Nightbane®, Phase World®, Palladium
Fantasy Role-Playing Game®, The Mechanoids®, The Mechanoid Invasion®, Splicers®, and Megaverse® are registered trademarks
owned and licensed by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc.
The slogan "A Megaverse of adventure - limited only by your imagination," and titles and names such as Dead Reign, Scaring
Crow, Wormwood, Minion War, Hammer of the Forge, Beyond the Supernatural, BTS-2, HU2, Splicers, Chaos Earth, NEMA,
MercTown, Merc Ops, Tome Grotesque, Beyond Arcanum, Naruni, Mechanoid Space, Dinosaur Swamp, Arzno, Lazlo, Victor Lazlo,
Lazlo Agency, Lazlo Society, Heroes Unlimited, Powers Unlimited, Ninjas & Superspies, Aliens Unlimited, Mutant Underground,
Mysteries of Magic, The Nursery, Hardware Unlimited, Gadgets Unlimited, The Three Galaxies, Void Runners, Gramercy Island,
Skraypers, Atorian Empire, Land of the Damned, The Citadel, The Palladium of Desires, Wolfen Wars, Wolfen, Wulfen,
Cosmo-Knight, Cyber-Knight, Eylor, Eylor Imp, Gargoyle Empire, Free Quebec, Xiticix, Xiticix Invasion, Fadetown, Siege on
Tolkeen, Psyscape, Dweomer, ARCHIE-3, Morphus, Northern Gun, Coalition States, Erin Tam, Emperor Prosek, Splugorth,
Splynncryth, Splynn, Mega-Damage, Mega-Hero, Skelebot, SAMAS, Glitter Boy, Dog Boy, Dog Pack, Techno-Wizard, Ley Line
Walker, Shifter, Bio-Wizardry, Psi-Stalker, Brodkil, Juicer, Crazy, 'Burbs, 'Borg, 'Bot, D-Bee, Morphus, Chi-Town, Triax, NGR, and
other names, titles, slogans, and the likenesses of characters are trademarks owned by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc.

Palladium Online

The Rifter® #44 RPG sourcebook series is published by Palladium Books Inc., 39074 Webb Court, Westland, MI 48185. Printed
in the USA.

Palladium Books® Presents:

Sourcebook and Guide to the Palladium Megaverse®

Coordinator & Editor in Chief: Wayne Smith

Editor: Alex Marciniszyn Proofreader: Julius Rosenstein

Contributing Writers: Cover Illustration: Charles Walton II

Brandon Aten
Braden Campbell Interior Artists:
James M.G. Cannon Nick Bradshaw
BobbiDawes Kent Buries
Steven Dawes Stephen Fox
Carl Gleba Daniel Krus
Mark Hall Mike Leonard
Jeffry Scott Hansen Allen Manning
Josh Hilden Brian Manning
Irvin Jackson Mike Mumah
Chris Kluge Apollo Okamura
Mike Leonard Charles "Chuck" Walton
John Philpott
Mark Oberle Cover Logo Design: Steve Edwards
Edward J. Sauerland
Kevin Siembieda Credits Page Logo: Niklas Brandt
Josh Sinsapaugh
Todd Yoho Typesetting: Wayne Smith

Keylining: Kevin Siembieda

Based on the RPG rules, characters, concepts and Megaverse® created by Kevin Siembieda.

Special Thanks to all our contributors, writers and artists - and a special welcome on board to the artists and
writers making their debut in this issue. Our apologies to anybody who got accidentally left out or their name
Kevin Siembieda, 2008
Contents The Rifter® #44 - October, 2008
Page 6-Art ground about the Eastern Dominion, its history, government,
Another awesome, giant monster from the twisted mind of military, society, Lost Ezud, Worldgate, the Great Wall, the
Nick "The Brick" Bradshaw. (There are no stats for it because Drop, and much more.
the author failed to provide them despite our pleas for them. A New Wormwood O.C.C.s start on page 23 and include the
shame, because this is one cool critter.) Artwork by the indomi­ Eastern Templar O.C.c. and Long Bowman O.C.C., plus a few
table Kent Buries. new weapons and equipment.
Art by the indomitable Kent Buries.
Page 7 - From the Desk of Kevin Siembieda
The K Man is Palladium's publisher and chief game de­ Page 21 - Your Morphus and You
signer, writer and business guru. He trips down memory lane to For the Nightbane® RPG
talk about zombies, the undead, Keith Parkinson, meeting
Edward Sauerland is back with more dark delights for
George Romero and how Tom Savini shot his daughter, Monica.
Nightbane®. There are optional rules and source material, Psy­
He also talks about Dead ReignTM, Palladium's newest role­
chology in the Shadows, new Morphus Tables, new talents, Tal­
playing game about the Zombie Apocalypse. It is all pretty fun
ent Shaper O.C.C. and more.
and interesting.
Dream Job/Childhood Fantasy Morphus Table - Page 29
Art by Nick Bradshaw.
Hobbies Morphus Table - Page 31
Page 8 - Palladium News Sports/Athletics Morphus Table - Page 33
Why this issue is over a months late, the price of The Rifter® Car & Motorcycle Morphus Table - Page 34
is going up one thin buck starting next issue, but Palladium will MilitarylBiomechanical Morphus Table - Page 36
try to hold the line on price on most of its game books. Don't (Another) New Stigmata Table - Page 38
miss out on the Christmas Grab Bag Offer (books signed at New Talents - Page 39
roughly half price), start planning to attend the 2009 Palladium
Nightbane Talent Shaper O.C.c. - Page 44
Open House in May, and we plan to have a lot of new books
coming your way. Art by newcomer, Stephen Fox. We like his work. What do
you think?
Page 10 - Coming Attractions
Page 45 - Telekinesis & Ectoplasm
Dead ReignTM is new, awesome and a true delight for zom­
bie fans as well as role-playing gamers in general. Read all For Rifts® & Other Palladium Games
about it and order yours today. Art by Nick Bradshaw, Amy Mark Hall takes a closer look at the psionic powers of Tele­
Ashbaugh and others. kinesis and Ectoplasm and new uses and applications for these
The Minion War™ series is back on track, starting with the powers throughout the Megaverse®.
release of Dyval™ and Dimensional Outbreak™ and followed
by several other new RPG products in development at Palladium Page 52 - The Scaring Crow™
Books. Just some of the upcoming titles include Robotech® For Beyond the Supernatural™
The Masters Saga, more Rifts® sourcebooks, Dead ReignTM Ghost-buster, Steven Dawes (based on an idea by his daugh­
sourcebooks, Palladium Fantasy RPG® sourcebooks, ter, Bobbi Dawes), presents a frightening, new demonic fiend,
Nightbane®, Heroes of the Megaverse™, WarpathTM: Ur­ the Scaring Crow, that thrives on fear. This monster is not what
ban Jungle RPG, T-shirts, and much more. you think it is, read and enjoy.
Page 14 - The 2008 Christmas Surprise Package Art by Kent Buries.

It has become an annual tradition: $70-$80+ worth of Palla­ Page 60 - Chrysalis

dium product for $35 plus shipping and handling. Autographs if
A Short Story for Rifts®
you want 'em too. Items are hand picked by Kevin Siembieda
from your Holiday Wish List. It is the only way many fans can The multi-talented madman, Mike Leonard, takes a frighten­
get autographs from Kevin and other Palladium staff and cre­ ing romp in the world of demons and Rifts®.
ators. The details are all here. Order yours soon so you can get it Art by Mike Leonard.
in time for Christmas. Tell your friends, buy two - makes a
great Christmas gift and gifts for other occasions. Limited time Page 62 - Megaversal® Monster Showdown
offer. Giant Monsters from Across the Megaverse®
Happy Holidays from all ofus at Palladium Books. This array of monsters started out as an unofficial contest,
online, between Palladium freelance writers and artists to create
Page 16 - The Wormwood™ Addenda the biggest, baddest monster of them all. These are just some of
Author Braden Campbell presents a smattering of fun and the choice creatures we decided to present here in The Rifter®
gruesome optional source material for Rifts® Dimension Book for your enjoyment. Each has been expanded from what ap­
One: Wormwood (one of our favorite settings). There is back­
peared online, completely statted out, and one even has Hook, material. As for the monstrosities of the Monster Showdown,
Line and Sinker adventures. The monsters are designed with each is statted out for a particular Palladium role-playing game,
specific RPG settings in mind, Rifts®, Heroes Unlimited™, and but all are easily adaptable to any of Palladium's game settings.
so on. Enjoy. We hope you find this to be another fun-filled issue that pro­
vokes your imagination and inspires you to try new ideas and
Page 62 Sansarakhaana - Splicers® expand your gaming Megaverse®. You fledgling writers should
Written by Todd Yoho. think about sending in your own ideas for articles, adventures
Art and ideas by Brian Manning. and source material to submit to The Rifter®.

Page 67 - The Eldritch Spider of the Devil's Tower The Cover

- Rifts® and Hereoes Unlimited™ The cover is by artist, Chuck Walton. Chuck is an artistic ge­
nius and madman who loves to create highly detailed and elabo­
Written by Allen Manning & Josh Sinsapaugh.
rate illustrations. We love his work and you can count on seeing
Art by Allen Manning. more from him in the future. The creature depicted on the cover
Page 70 - Gulgoth - Rifts® and The Minion War™ is Quiserraica, a horror from the Thundercloud Galaxy. You
can read all about the monster starting on page 78.
Written by Brandon Aten.
Art by Nick Bradshaw. Optional and Unofficial Rules & Source Material
Please note that most of the material presented in The
Page 72 Philly Brood Gulper - Rifts® Rifter® is "unofficial" or "optional" rules and source materiaL
Written by Irvin Jackson. They are alternative ideas, homespun adventures and material
Art by Nick Bradshaw. mostly created by fellow gamers and fans like you, the reader.
Things one can elect to include in one's own campaign or sim­
Page 75 - Sauradon Rifts® ply enjoy reading about. They are not "official" to the main
Written by Jeffry Scott Hansen & Brandon K. Aten. games or world settings.
Art by Allen Manning. As for optional tables and adventures, if they sound cool or
fun, use them. If they sound funky, too high-powered or inap­
Page 77 The Nayk Star Spider propriate for your game, modifY them or ignore them com­
- Rifts® & Other Settings pletely.
Written by Mark HalL All the material in The Rifter® has been included for two
Art by Michael Wilson. reasons: One, because we thought it was imaginative and fun,
and two, we thought it would stimulate your imagination with
Page 78 - Quiserraica - Rifts® & Phase World® fun ideas and concepts that you can use (if you want to), or
Written by Chris Kluge. which might inspire you to create your own wonders.
Art by Charles Walton II. Also see the front cover art. - Palladium Online
Page 82 Mora Heroes Unlimited™
The Rifter® #45
Written by Carl Gleba.
Art by Mike Mumah. More great source material, adventures and ideas
for Palladium role-playing games of many different
Page 85 - Scolopendra-Ginamo - Heroes Unlimited™ settings. Fun and excitement for every taste.
Written by John C. Philpott.
• Material for Rifts®.
Art by Brian Manning.
• Material for Palladium Fantasy RPG®
Page 88 - Tyrannus Heroes Unlimited™ • Material for Dead ReignT:\f (tentative).
Written by Mark Oberle.
• Additional source material not yet determined.
Art by Daniel Krus.
• The next, epic chapter of The Hammer of the
Page 92 - The Hammer of the Forge™ Forge™.
Chapter 44: The latest installment of James M.G. Cannon's • The latest on the 2009 Palladium Open House.
epic tale set in the Three Galaxies.
• Palladium's 2009 release schedule.
Art by Apollo Okamura.
• Latest news, coming attractions and fun.
The Theme for Issue 44
The last issue of the year is always our annual horror and
Palladium Books® role-playing
monster issue. This issue delivers both in a BIG way with all games ... infinite possibilities,
kinds of spooky and terrifYing monsters and supernatural source limited only by your imagination™
From the Desk of Kevin Siembieda
What gamer doesn't love horror and the living dead? I met George "Night of the Living Dead" Romero
The very first Keith Parkinson painting I purchased was Back in the 1970s, Detroit was a happening place, and one of
Lord Soth's Charge - a dozen armored skeletons riding across the centers of the comic book world. For a while, the running
a windswept mountain valley upon demonic horses with blazing joke of the 1970s was, "All new comic book talent comes from
red eyes. the Detroit area, gets work in New York, and moves to Califor­
Another favorite Parkinson painting is Arcane Summons. It nia." Talent like Jim Starlin, Al Milgrom, Terry Austin, Rich
was the cover to Adventures in the Northern Wilderness and Buckler, Tom Orzechowski, Keith Pollard, Mike Vosberg (those
depicts a W olfen mage summoning forth skeleton warriors from Tales from the Crypt covers you see in the TV show, those are
a half-frozen river. Clutched in the Wolfen's hand, a hu­ Mike's), Arvell Jones, and others! Heck, Alex and I saw Jim
man-sized crystal skull. Keith even included Palladium Fantasy Starlin's art portfolio (gorgeous!) the week before he presented
runes on the tattered cloth skirt worn by the W olfen that look it to Marvel Comics!
cool, and when translated reads, "Boy, what a tough job I've Back then, Detroit hosted one of the first and fastest growing
got." Awesome. comic book conventions in the country, the Detroit Triple Fan
Both paintings hang in my office, so whenever I need inspi­ Fair (DTFF). An annual (and later, twice a year) extravaganza
ration about dark magic and the living dead, all I have to do is that rocked our world. It was "Triple" Fan Fair because it was
look up. comic books, film and television.
Horror, the supernatural and the living dead have been part of In 1973, I got to meet George Romero. I had seen the origi­
Palladium's games since the company's inception. Even Rifts®, nal, black and white, Night of the Living Dead on TV as a kid
a game that blends all genres together in one epic setting - hor­ when I was something like 12 or 13. Even then, I knew the hor­
ror, the supernatural, science fiction, high technology, fantasy, ror film genre would never be the same. Night of the Living
magic, superheroes, giant robots and post-apocalyptic adventure Dead changed that forever. At the October, 1973 Detroit Triple
- is packed with demons, monsters and undead. The very first Fan Fair, George Romero was the special guest of honor. He
Rifts® World Book was Vampire KingdomsTM. beguiled us with the uncensored cut of the, already classic,
It's no wonder then, that we'd eventually do a game about Night of the Living Dead, with an extra 10 minutes of suspense
zombies. and zombies, and his new sf film tentatively titled The Crazies.
I can't take credit for that. Dead ReignTM crawled out of the (I don't know if The Crazies was ever released to the public or if
imagination of fan and freelance writer, Josh Hilden. He joined the name was changed, because I never saw it in the theaters.
forces with his longtime friend and undead co-conspirator, However, I often wondered if it was the inspiration for Steven
Joshua Sariford, to create the initial manuscript. I then took the King's The Stand, and think of it every time I watch the movie
manuscript and molded it into the zombie role-playing game just Outbreak.) I wrote about it under the pen name, Samuel Evans,
released. Artist Nick Bradshaw contacted me and begged to be in a horror fanzine produced by Alex Marciniszyn and I called
allowed to illustrate the book, and so did angelic looking Amy L. Nightspawn (logo by Tom Orzchechowski, who would later
Ashbaugh, whose zombie contributions are often as gruesome create Todd McFarlane's Spawn comic book logo and lettered a
and evocative as Nick's. Then came Mark Dudley and John zillion issues of that comic book series as well as numerous ti­
Cooney begging to be part of Dead Reign™. They were both so tles for Marvel Comics).
emphatic I just couldn't say no. All of us added something to George Romero spoke at the DTFF about the making of
this gruesome chapter of Palladium role-playing games. Thus, Living Dead, the Crazies, and filmmaking in general. I remem­
Dead ReignTM is the amalgamation of at least six twisted minds. ber thinking how the filmmaker (a god to me at age 17) seemed
How appropriate after all, don't zombies eat brains? like an everyday Joe who had the courage and imagination to do
a film many told him couldn't be made. And on a budget of
Doomed from Childhood $150,000 too. Looking back at it, George was another one of my
early influences. Another shining example of how someone with
Looking back at it now, I was doomed to publish science fic­
imagination, heart and tenacity could turn his dreams into real­
tion and horror. Born in 1956, the television airwaves were
ity. Thank you, George. Regrettably, I lost his autograph years
filled with cheesy and wonderful sci-fi movies and horror flicks
from the 1950s and 1960s. Vampires, Frankenstein, ghouls,
zombies and monsters all thrilled my young, impressionable
mind. Gosh, I loved the Hammer horror films in particular. And
Tom "From Dusk Till Dawn" Savini shot my
the first time I saw Night of the Living Dead - wow. Hmm, daughter
throw comic books and animated cartoons into the mix, and it It was at a Marcon in the mid- or late-1980s, I think it was,
seems to explain everything about me, doesn't it? I never had a when we had the pleasure of meeting the charismatic and play­
chance. I had to write and publish stuff like this. ful special effects wizard and (then) new master of gore, Tom
Savini. Somehow, my children, Adam and Monica Donald,
made fast friends with Mr. Savini. Monica was a tall, personable

and mature 10 year old who impressed Savini with her knowl­
edge of movies, special effects and ease around "fake" gore.
Savini had a special effects seminar and he asked our permis­
sion to let Monica assist him. Monica was thrilled and Savini
cooked up a scheme in which he'd hook a blood squib to her,
By Kevin Siembieda, the guy who should know
she'd volunteer from the audience, he'd pick her, seemingly at
random, shoot her with a blank prop pistol, and blood would
gush from her neck and shoulder to shock and thrill the audi­
Our apologies for being so
ence. It would be awesome. The two of them rehearsed the skit late with this issue of The Rifter®
and all was in place.
Our apologies for this issue being so late. For those of you
When the time came, Monica volunteered, hit her mark on without access to the Internet and Palladium's website, we know
the floor and when the gun fired she unleashed a blood curdling you were totally in the dark and worried that you had been for­
scream that shook the building! She forgot to trigger the blood gotten or your issue lost in the mail.
and kept on screaming!
Here's what happened. With the time lost on Palladium's
Tom Savini made one mistake. It was one thing for Monica move from Taylor to Westland (by the way, we LOVE our new
to imagine it all and rehearse the sequence of events, but they office and warehouse), the death of Erick Wujcik and the six ag­
never rehearsed it with the "BANG" from the gun. According to onizing months that led up to his death, time spent on secret pro­
Monica, even though she knew it was all fake, when it all hap­ jects that have yet to launch (grrrr, frustrating) and general
pened, it seemed so real and the gunshot was so loud, it scared depression about Erick, we failed miserably at getting out new
her and all she could do was scream. product the first half of the year. That hurt us and we started to
I think poor Tom Savini was more traumatized by the inci­ feel the pinch. Add the economic crisis into the mix and Palla­
dent than Monica. He must have apologized to us lO times and dium started to feel the pinch big time.
checked to make sure Monica was okay over and over again. To fix our cash flow problems we needed to get new product
She was fme. No nightmares. No therapy bills because of it. She out and fast. We could only do so much (we're a small outfit of
knew it was all make believe, she just got lost in the moment. 7 people these days), and that meant Robotech® The Macross
Now it is a delightful, funny story to remember and make other Saga® Sourcebook and the Dead ReignTM RPG had priority
people laugh. over The Rifter®. I hope you understand. This should only af­
fect The Rifter® #44 - #45 will be out in January as usual.
Dead Reign™, the Zombie Apocalypse
As you read this, the Dead ReignTM zombie role-playing The Rifter® will cost $11.95
game should be hitting store shelves. We think it's everything
you might ever want from a zombie apocalypse role-playing starting with issue #45 in January
game. We are very excited about it and encourage everyone to We hate to do it, but paper prices went up 14% this year, tack
look at it. Dead ReignTM is just outrageous fun. Even people on inflation, gas prices, etc. and we just couldn't keep selling a
who are not into zombies have had a blast playing it. Look at it. 96 page sourcebook for $10.95 retail.
Buy it. Love it. Spread the word. And play it to ... um, death. A one dollar price increase isn't too painful. Besides, those of
Just remember it is all make believe, and don't scream too loud you who have subscribed before the end of the year will still get
when the zombie horde smashes against the walls of your domi­ The Rifter® at the old subscription price and will not feel the
cile trying to get in and make you one of them. Unleash your sting of the increased cost until your subscription ends. Take ad­
imaginations and scream.
vantage of our February and March SUbscription drive and
- Kevin Siembieda, Fall 2008 you'll still escape the increased cost.

Palladium Has Your Back

Palladium Books tries to hold the line on price increases.
2008 saw virtually every major game company - except Pal­
ladium - raise the price of games by a whopping 20%. The rea­
sons for the price increase are obvious and understandable.
However, while Palladium is also feeling the pain of in­
creased paper, shipping, and other costs, we are trying to hold
the line on price increases.
Palladium did NOT raise the price of our RPGs and
sourcebooks in 2008 and we will try not to raise the prices
much in 2009. We've already been informed by UPS and FedEx
that shipping will increase another 6%, and our printer warns
there could be more increases on paper (which went up 14% in
2008) in the coming year. As a result, we may need to raise our
prices ... a little bit.

If Palladium increases the retail price of its role-playing In addition to myself, many of Palladium's other creators are
products, we will try to keep it to only one or two dollars - a running games: Julius Rosenstein (quickly becoming a legend­
5-10% price increase compared to 20%. Yes, this cuts into Pal­ ary G.M. at the Open House), Carmen Bellaire, Jason Marker,
ladium's profits, but we are hoping that sales volume will offset Carl Gleba, Jason Richards, Brandon Aten, Josh Sinsapaugh,
those losses. John Philpott, James Brown, and many others. Plus you get to
Why? Our hearts go out to the many Palladium fans suffer­ meet many of Palladium's artists, staff and freelancersin a
ing during this economic crisis. It seems like every time we small, intimate environment, the Palladium offices and ware­
blink we're hearing about someone who has lost their job, seen house.
their hours slashed, are in jeopardy of losing their home, or suf­ Start saving up your money now and join us, May 1,2, & 3,
fering from some other economic crisis. I grew up poor and 2009, here at the Palladium offices for nonstop gaming action.
know the agony of such difficulties. Palladium had its own crisis Best of all, it's 99% role-playing and it's all Palladium games.
a few years back and Palladium fans were there for us when we
needed them most. Palladium has the most loyal and wonderful 2009 Palladium Open House - May 1, 2 & 3, 2008
fans on the planet. Now it's time to return the favor. It's as sim­ Dates: May 1,2 & 3, 2009.
ple as that. Time: 9:30 AM. till midnight (or later; all night gaming at ho­
The Christmas Surprise Package Attendance: Limited to around 320 or so garners.
can save you money & Cost: $40 per person for the weekend (Friday, Saturday &
Sunday), or $16 per day for Friday and Saturday, $12 for
brighten your Holidays Sunday. Available on a first come, first served basis.
The Palladium Christmas Surprise Package has become an V.I.P. Tickets (April 30): Sold out in 13 hours. Sorry.
annual tradition going on 10 years now. $70-$80 worth of prod­
Open House Hotel - $69.95 per night - Reserve your
uct for $35 plus shipping and handling. Plus autographs and sur­
room as soon as possible. Space is limited and Palladium may
need to book rooms in a second hotel, so book your room NOW
Take advantage of this wonderful offer. We are happy to do
to get this great price and location.
it. See the complete details elsewhere in this issue of The
Rifter® or go to the Palladium Books official website ­ Hotel information:
www.palladiumbooks.comformoredetails.This is a limited
• $69.95 plus tax per Double or King room.
time offer. Spread the word to your fellow garners and friends,
and order yours today. • Clean, comfortable rooms Double beds or a single
king-size bed.
A Zombie Christmas • Free continental breakfast from 5:30 AM. to 9:30 AM.
• Exercise room open 24 hours.
It's starting to look a lot like a zombie Christmas for Palla­
dium and its fans. Our new Dead ReignTM Role-playing Game • Executive meeting room for all-night gaming; provided a
- The Zombie Apocalypse - is generating a tremendous Palladium agent is present in the room.
amount of buzz and pre-orders. So much that it is starting to • Large meeting room with tables and chairs for six additional
look like Dead Reign™ may be the big selling RPG of the holi­ games for all-night gaming; provided a Palladium agent is
day season. (Robotech® sales are up there too, so maybe it will present in the room.
be a zombie and giant robot Christmas.) • Plenty of places to eat just down the road (Denny's,
And with good reason; Dead ReignTM is epic, fun, intense, Wendy's, McDonald's, Bennigan's, and many others).
exciting and a blast to play. Zombies are given the deluxe treat­ • TO MAKE A RESERVATION at the $69.95 price you
ment in this RPG, the setting is explored in detail, player charac­ MUST tell them you want a room in the Block Reserved for
ters are compelling to play, and the game is fun, fun, fun. Check Palladium Books. 734-455-8100 tel.
it out, you'll be glad you did. Comfort Inn Plymouth Clock Tower
40455 Ann Arbor Road (right off ofI-275)
2009 Palladium Open House Plymouth, MI 48170
We have never had so many people preregistered so early Call 734-455-8100 to make hotel reservations.
three times what we usually see at this point! With more coming • Palladium Open House Dates: V.I.P. Thursday is April 30.
in every week! Open House for all is May 1, 2 & 3, 2009.
Preregistration suggests we may have a record number of
Palladium fans from around the world attending the 2009 Palla­
dium Open House. That's fantastic, because we plan on making
The log-jam is broken,
the 2009 event bigger and better than ever! More days. More new product is coming
games. More fun. In fact, I'm planning to run as many as 10 We have spent the last several months getting new product in
gaming events which means I should be able to game with 120 the pipeline. These are just some of the books we have planned
gamers (about one third of the people we expect to attend), plus for 2009:
panel talks.

Mysteries of Magic™ (Palladium Fantasy), Rifts® Editor Alex Marciniszyn believes Dead ReignTM could be
Shemarrian Nation™, a Dead ReignTM sourcebook, Dimen­ Palladium's next big hit! We can hardly wait to see what gamers
sional Outbreak™, Heroes of the Megaverse®, Armageddon think of the game. Sourcebooks arc already in the planning
Un limited™, Megaverse® in Flames, Fleets of the Three Gal­ stage. If zombies are your thing, we think you will fall in love
axies™, The Thundercloud Ga/axyTM, a Nightbane® with this game.
sourcebook. Triax™ 2, Warpath™: Urban Jungle™ RPG (we Brave human survivors refuse to lie down and die! They
hope, in time for the Palladium Open House! I), Robotech®: battle the walking dead on all fronts, watch each other's backs,
New Generation sourcebook, a Zentraedi Sourcebook, and a struggle to forge safe havens away from the cities, rescue other
heck of a lot more. You ain't seen nothing yet. survivors and fight without respite.
If this economic downturn doesn't crush Palladium's sales • Six Apocalyptic Character Classes (O.c.c.s), including
(and so far, it has not), we have one amazing book after another the Reaper, Shepherd of the Damned, Hound Master,
planned for you. Best of all, 80% of the titles listed above are al­ Apocalyptic Soldier, Scrounger and Ordinary People
ready written and awaiting fmal editing, rewrites and produc­ (40+ occupations to choose from).
tion. • Seven types of zombies plus the Half-Living.
We'll have more new product descriptions and schedules • Secrets of the Dead: Everything you need to know about
next issue. zombies if you want to live!
• Tips on fighting zombies and point-blank zombie combat

Coming • Terror Cults: Survivor refugees or Hell on Earth?

• Death Cults, their Priests, power over zombies and goals.
• Retro-Savages and why they feed people to zombies.

Attractions • Resources, vehicles and equipment.

• 101 Random Scenarios, Encounters and Settings.
By Kevin Siembieda, the guy who should know • 100 Random Corpse Searches and other tables.
• Quick Roll Character Creation tables.
• A powerful setting and many adventure ideas.
• Cover by E.M. Gist.
• Written by Josh Hilden, Joshua Sanford and Kevin
• 224 pages $22.95 retail- Cat. No. 230.
• A complete role-playing game. Shipped on November 14,

Rifts® Dimension Book™ 11:

DyvarM, Hell Unleashed
Dyval™ is another plane of Hell as dangerous as Hades and
a whole lot stranger. It is the second book in the Minion War™
series, and is every bit as fantastic as Hades. The Deevil Host,
evil monsters and minions, Deevil society, monstrous War
Steeds, magic, adventure settings and more will make this an­
other welcomed addition to the Palladium Megaverse®. Suit­
able for use with The Palladium Fantasy RPG®, HU2,
Dead ReignTM Role-Playing Game Nightbane®, BTS-2, Phase World® and Rifts®. In final pro­
Zombie-mania hits a fever pitch as online pre-orders for duction right now!
Dead ReignTM exceed 100 copies as of the day I'm writing this. • The hellish dimension of Dyval mapped and described.
Oh my gosh, are we excited about the release of this new • New Lesser and Greater Deevils along with all your old
zombie role-playing game. It is so fun, exciting and intense, you faves.
are going to love it. In play tests, the odds are so stacked against • Inhuman minions who serve as the Host.
the human characters that players instantly bond, work together
• Magic weapons and horrific war beasts.
as a team, and protect each other's backs. When the zombies
come (and they inevitably do), the players are there for each • World information and adventure ideas.
other, shooting, bashing in skulls and saving each other from the • A stand-alone Dimension Book that is also the second step
Creeping Doom. It is awesome! The play tests have been some in an epic, five book adventure that spills across the Pal­
ofthe most intense and fun games I've ever run! We are confi­ ladium Megaverse®.
dent you will NOT be disappointed.

• Companion to Hades and the next chapter in the Minion is said, the Cosmo-Knights will cease to exist within a genera­
WarTM. tion and the forces of Chaos shall reign. Needless to say, the
• Artwork by Nick Bradshaw, Mike Wilson, Mike Mumah, Lords of Hell, the Splugorth and many others who serve Chaos
and others. would do anything to get their hands on the List ofHeroes.
• Cover painting by John Zeleznik. Rumor also suggests that the artifact may hold clues to the
location of the Cosmic Forge, perhaps in some sort of code or
• Written by Carl Gleba and Kevin Siembieda.
the memories of the heroes who can be evoked. And there are
• 192 pages - Cat. No. 873 - $22.95 retail. Should be re­ many other tales of cosmic power, healing and knowledge all
leased before Christmas. associated with the book and the ghosts of the heroes named on
its pages.
Rifts® Dimension Book™ 12: As circumstance would have it, the List ofHeroes has fallen
Dimensional Outbreak™ into the possession of the Player Characters. The question is,
can they keep it safe from the forces of two Hells until it can be
- January 2009 returned to the safekeeping of the Cosmo-Knights? Or will they
The Minion War spills into Phase World®, the city ofCen­ misuse it for their own, personal gain? How will this scenario
ter and the Three Galaxies™. The epic scale of the Minion unfold? Who is on that list? Buy a copy, play out the scenario
War just got bigger and even the Worlds of Warlock, the and find out.
Splugorth and Naruni are involved. • Minion War tie-in adventure sourcebook.
• Phase World's Center described and mapped. Four new • Written by Kevin Siembieda.
levels, including the Gateland, Central Station, the Spaceport, • Illustrated by various Palladium heroes.
Repo-Yards, Free Trade Zone, Warlock Market, notable mer­ • 96 pages - Cat. No. 877 - $14.95 retail.
chants and places of business, and much more. • Shooting for an April or May release.
• Demon Knights, Star Slayers, demonic legions and more.
• Demonic spaceships, magic weapons and new horrors. Rifts® Tales of the Chi-Town 'Burbs™
• Deevil fortifications and defenses. The Rifts® anthology book of short stories is getting rave re­
• Space spell magic (new). views. Not only is it a fun read, but it provides ideas for game
• Spaceships, power armor and other gear. adventures.
• The plot for conquering the Three Galaxies. Juicers, Cyber-Snatchers, Combat Cyborgs, Dead Boys, Dog
• A stand-alone Dimension Book that is also the third step Boys, Erin Tarn, Chi-Town, the 'Burbs, parents, siblings, bar­
in an epic, five book crossover that spills across the Palla­ tenders, comedians, monsters, dark magic, tragic endings, happy
dium Megaverse®. endings, and new beginnings are some of the things you'll read
• Artwork by Apollo Okamura, Mike Mumah, and others. about in this collection of new and original Rifts® short stories
created special for this book. Each written by one of Palladium's
• John Zeleznik cover painting. Written by Carl Gleba.
premiere writers. Several by Kevin Siembieda or Siembieda and
• 192 pages - Cat. No. 875 - $22.95 retail. January (tenta­ others.
• Trade paperback size (6 x 9 inches).
• Erin Tarn's unique view of the 'Burbs and the good they
Rifts®JPhase World® Sourcebook: serve.
Heroes of the Megaverse® • Stories written by Kevin Siembieda, Jason Marker, Braden
War factions from the Hells, Hades and Dyval, have discov­ Campbell, Carl Gleba, Josh Hilden, Mark Oberle, Jason
ered the existence of a great mystic artifact that has been hidden Richards, Jeffry Scott Hansen, Josh Sinsapaugh, John
and protected by the Cosmo-Knights of the Three Galaxies. And Philpott, and Taylor White.
both sides want it. • $12.95 retail- 224 pages - Cat. No. 304. Available now.
The artifact is an ancient Rune Book that contains the names
of the 2000 greatest heroes the Megaverse® has ever known. Rifts® and the Megaverse®
But it is more than a historical document, it is a magic item of The Art of John Zeleznik
unparalleled power.
According to legend, the tome has many great powers.
- "Collector's Masterwork" Edition
One such power is that reading the name of anyone person in­ A reminder about this truly unique collectible. To our knowl­
scribed, while evoking the proper magic, will give the reader the edge, no publisher of any kind, anywhere in the world, has ever
knowledge and power of that great hero. And many are the pow­ offered an original piece of art in a collector's edition.
ers of the 2000. • Each original work of art is a concept drawing (pencil or
The artifact also has its dangers. It is said if the List of ink, a few are in watercolor!) used in the actual creation of
Heroes™ is wrested from the Cosmo-Knights and kept locked one of the works of art presented in the art book.
in the pits of Hell, then the Knights and all heroes of the Three • Each drawing is different; all by John Zeleznik.
Galaxies will lose hope and flounder. If the book is destroyed, it • Limited to 199 copies (only around 80 remain).

• Color hardcover, different cover than the soft cover edi­
• Numbered and signed by John Zeleznik and Kevin
• 128 pages quaUty reproduction and color.
• Cat. No. 2510-CML - available only from Palladium Books
while supplies last (only about 75 copies left).
• $125.00 each, plus $15 for shipping in the USA, $20 to
Canada, and $35 to all other countries for shipping.
MUST be sent UPS, Priority MaiVCertified or some other
way it can be tracked and is insured to arrive.

Wolfen Empire™ - back in print

Wolfen Empire™ is one of the most popular of the Palla­
dium Fantasy RPG® sourcebooks and is back in print.
• Killer Winters.
• The Twelve Wolfen Tribes and Imperial States.
• The Coyle Hordes and Wolfen Government. Robotech®:
• 13 new monsters and animals.
• Random Encounter Tables and 101 Adventures by Erick
The Shadow Chronicles® RPG
Wujcik. 8% x 11 Deluxe Hardcover Edition
• 6 fully fleshed out adventures in the Great Northern Wil­ An expanded hardcover "core rule book," and it or the
derness. Plus towns and adventure settings. Manga-Size Edition is needed to play the Robotech® Macross
• Adventures are written by Kevin Siembieda, Erick Wujcik, Saga Sourcebook.
Kevin Long, Alex Marciniszyn, and Thomas Bartold, with The Deluxe Hardcover Edition has been completely redone
ideas from Bill Coffin. and laid out as if it were a new title. It is filled with additional
• Written by Erick Wujcik, Kevin Siembieda and Bill Cof­ artwork throughout, offers superior reproduction of toned art­
fin. work, better paper stock, larger type-face, and some additional
• An epic adventure sourcebook set in the Northern Wil­ text, including two Haydonite spaceships, three UEEF ships,
derness. space combat rules and a handful of additional vehicles.
• $18.95 - 160 pages - Cat. No. 471. Available as a special, • Larger illustrations throughout.
limited run printing directly from Palladium Books. Avail­ • Some additional art and text for a few new weapons and
able now. vehicles.
• New Haydonite and UEEF spacecraft & spaceship com­
Robotech®: bat rules.
• Veritech Fighters, Cyclones, Bioroid Interceptor and
The Shadow Chronicles® RPG more.
- "Core Rules" Manga Edition • Invid mecha and adventure ideas.
The Manga Edition is the Robotech® The Shadow Chron­ • Haydonites, the Wraith, Infiltrator and spaceships.
icles® RPG "core rule book" as a 336 page, portable, • Fast character creation, skills and options.
manga-sized book. It has all the information a player needs to • A complete role-playing game.
start a Robotech® game and it is necessary to play the
• 8Yz x 11 full book size, hardcover, core rules.
Rohotech® Macross Saga Sourcebook.
• 224 pages $30.95 retail Cat. No. 550HC Available
• Human mecha: Alphas, Betas, Cyclones & more.
• Quick roll character tahles and M.O.S. skill sets.
• O.C.c.s include the Battloid Ace, Veritech Fighter Pilot, Robotech®:
Military Specialist, and others.
• Key Robotech® mecha statted out and illustrated. The Shadow Chronicles® RPG
• Invid enemy statted out and illustrated.
- Signed & Numbered, "Gold" Hardcover Edition
• The Haydonites, their mecha and more.
Undoubtedly destined to be a collector's item, the 8Yz x 11,
• Adventure settings and ideas.
Collector's "Gold" Hardcover Edition of Robotech® looks
• Fast playing RPG rules. Mega-Damage setting. fantastic! Kevin Siembieda has personally glued in all of the
• Manga size for easy portability (5x7Yz inches). signed and numbered, color signature sheets himself. The cover
• 336 pages - $16.95 retail Cat. No. 550. Available now.

is rich, classy and impressive. Everyone who has seen it, wants • Interior art by Brian & Allen Manning, Mike Majestic
one! and others.
• Only 500 signed and numbered copies. Sold on a fIrst • 256 pages (64 more pages than originally advertised!).
come, first served basis. • $15.95 retail- Cat. No. 551. Available now.
• Black leatherette and embossed gold foil cover.
• Color signature sheet signed by Tommy Yune, Kevin Robotech®:
Siembieda, Jason Marker, Brian Manning, Allen Manning,
Wayne Smith, Julius Rosenstein and Alex Marciniszyn. Eight The Masters Saga™ Sourcebook
signatures, total. This book is going to wow a lot of people. All new artwork
• 8~ x 11 full book size, hardcover, core rules. and a lot of new information, weapons, equipment and mecha
• 224 pages - $70.00 retail - Cat. No. 5500HC available that are going to floor the fans!
ONLY from Palladium Books. Available now! Never before revealed mecha designs, weapons and equip­
• A complete role-playing game. Everything you need to ment, stats and information about Earth's fighting forces and the
play. Makes a great gift. invading Robotech Masters. In final production.
• The Armies of the Southern Cross™ Earth's defenders.
• Hover Tanks, AJAX, Logan and other human mecha.
• Never before seen mecha and power armor for the
Armies of the Southern Cross.
• The Robotech Masters, Bioroids, spaceships and weap­
• Other vehicles and weapons.
• Manga size for easy portability (5x7~ inches).
• Written by Jason Marker.
• Cover by Apollo Okamura.
• Interior art by Brian & Allen Manning and Mike Majes­
• 192 pages $15.95 retail- Cat. No. 552.
• Ships January 2009. In final production.

Robotech®: Palladium T-Shirts

The Macross® Saga Sourcebook • Property of tbe Coalition States™ T-Shirt - Cat. No.
If you love Robotech®, the Macross® Saga, and/or Palla­ 2528. Black on grey T-shirt, this shirt could be a real world
dium's Robotech® RPGs, you want to get this book. It is gor­ undergarment of a CS soldier. 50/50 cotton blend, quality
geous, packed with information and provides endless hours of shirt. Make sure you give us your SIZE.
gaming fun. At least put it on your Christmas list. • Triax™ Logo T-Shirt Cat. No. 2529. Yellow/gold trian­
The Macross® sourcebook is a toy chest packed with the gle with the word Triax in red on a black T-shirt. 50/50
mecha, vehicles, weapons and characters that made Robotech® blend, quality shirt. Make sure you give us your SIZE.
famous. Valkyries, Destroids, ground vehicles, aircraft, space­ • NEW! Naruni Enterprises™ Logo T-Shirt - Cat. No.
craft, weapons, Zentraedi soldiers, Zentraedi mecha, alien in­ 2530. Silver on a black T-shirt. 50/50 blend, quality shirt.
vaders, heroes, villains and more. There are no plans to reprint Make sure you give us your SIZE.
this title in a larger format. • NEW! Dead ReignTM T-Shirt - Cat. No. 2531. White print­
• Veritech Fighters & Destroids. ing on a black T-shirt; Dead ReignTM logo and zombie art­
• 14 aircraft and aerospace vehicles. work. 50/50 blend, quality shirt. Make sure you give us your
• 13 ground vehicles, plus weapons and equipment.
• Zentraedi mecha & select spacecraft. Sizes & prices for all shirts:
• Zentraedi warriors and their culture. Small & Medium - $18.95
• Quick Roll Tables for Macross characters. Large & X-Large - $18.95
• Ordinary People O.c.c., new skills and more. 2XL-$20.95
• Notable anime characters statted out as NPCs. 3XL-$22.95
• Detailed illustrations, comprehensive stats and informa­ 4XL-$24.95
tion. 5XL-$26.95
• Manga size for easy portability (5x7~ inches). Plus shipping and handling: +$6.00 USA; +$11 Canada,
• Written by Jason Marker & Kevin Siembieda. +18 overseas. Or go to the Palladium website for exact costs and
specified shipping.
• Cover by Apollo Okamura.
cause it is fast, reliable and can be tracked. Media Mail cannot

2008 Christmas be tracked, and one-of-a-kind items, like art or a gold edition,
can NOT be replaced.
Credit card orders are welcomed. Visa and MasterCard are
Surprise Package preferred. Order by mail, telephone or online.
No C.O.D. orders, and we must have a street address (no
For the past 10 or 11 years now, Palladium has offered a P.O. Box) to ship via UPS.
Christmas Surprise Package ~ our way of saying thank you to Send Mail Orders to: Palladium Books Dept. X 39074
our fans and making their Christmas a little bit more special. In Webb Court Westland, MI48185-7606. Or e-mail using the
this tough economy, this deal becomes even more special. Take ordering info on our web page at ~ or
advantage of it. call our order line at (734) 721-2903 to place an order by tele­
phone using a credit card.
What is a Palladium Multiple orders will result in some duplication.
When you can order: Now till December 31, 2008. Note:
Christmas Surprise Package? Orders received by Palladium after December 14th can NOT be
It's $70-$80 worth of Palladium Books goods for $35 plus guaranteed to arrive before Christmas. Likewise, Palladium
shipping. Plus Kevin Siembieda hand picks every Surprise makes no promise that foreign or military base orders will be re­
Package and he and available Palladium staff members and ceived before December 25th regardless of when they are
freelancers are happy to sign EVERY item in your Christmas placed.
Surprise Package!
It's a surprise package because we request you send us Ideas for "Special Wants"
"your list" of 8+ items you'd like to get from Santa Kevin. Then To insure your X-Mas Surprise Package is everything you
he selects items from your "wish list" and may toss in some ex­ want it to be, send us a wish list of your "wants." The more
tra things, so you never know what you are getting until the Sur­ items listed, the more likely you are to get items you want. List
prise Package arrives. All you know for sure is that you'll get them in order of preference (at least 7 items, but 10 or more is
some of the items on your list, and $70-$80 worth of items for better). That way, you don't know what you're getting and we
only $35 plus shipping. have a large selection to choose from, making it fun for you and
Indicate if you want autographs and Kevin and available easier on us. Thanks.
staff members and free lancers will sign each book in your Sur­ PLEASE do not ask for books you know are not yet available
prise Package. or out of print like Vampire Kingdoms, Tome Grotesque. Di­
The Christmas Surprise Package is only being publicized to mensional Outbreak, or Mechanoid Space®.
readers of The Rifter® and on Palladium's Web Site ­ Note: Santa Kev and his elves are NOT mind readers. If you ~ so tell your friends, buy one for do not give us a clear idea of your wants, you may be disap­
everyone you know, and have a very Merry Christmas. pointed by what comes in your Surprise Package. You do NOT
Multiple orders will resillt in some duplication. make our job easier when you say something like "I own every­
If you ask for signatures, every book will be signed by Kevin thing, surprise me." Provide a list of7-1 0 books!
Siembieda and available staff members and free lancers.
• Rifts® Ultimate Edition and core books like Rifts® G.M.
Note: If you do NOT want autographs, please state as much. Guide, Rifts® Book of Magic, and Rifts® Adventure Guide .
• For Rifts®: Tales of the Chi-Town 'Burbs™ (short sto­
The Cost ries; new), Rifts® Machinations of Doom™ (graphic novel
$35.00 plus $10.00 for shipping and handling in the USA and and awesome sourcebook), Rifts® & the Megaverse® the
Canada that's $45 total. The ten dollars goes toward shipping Art of John Zeleznik (soft cover art book, color throughout),
and handling per each individual X-Mas Surprise Package/Grab the Zeleznik Coloring Book, Rifts® Sourcebook One Re­
Bag (i.e. one Grab Bag is $45, two are $90, and so on). Those vised, Naruni Wave 2TM (back in print), World Book 10:
ordering online can select their method of shipping, but you will Juicer UprisingTM (back in print), WB 11: Coalition War
pay for the additional shipping costs as well as a handling fee. Campaign™ (back in print), WB 12: Psyscape™, WB 14:
Overseas Orders require additional postage of $34.00. Rifts® New West™ (back in print), WB 15: Rifts® Spirit
Sorry, we are only passing along the increased postal rates of West™ (back in print), WB 26: Rifts® Dinosaur SwampTM
Priority Intemational (typically 2-5 weeks delivery; Parcel Post and/or WB 27: Rifts® Adventures in Dinosaur SwampTM,
no longer exists). Such orders may take extra time to arrive. If Rifts® Atlantis, Rifts® Australia, Rifts® South America,
you want faster or special delivery you will need to call us or or­ Rifts® Mercenaries, Rifts® MercTown™, Rifts® Merc
der online where you can select different methods of shipping. OpSTM, Rifts® Merc Adventures, Rifts® WB 28: ArznoTM,
YOU, the customers, pay ALL special or rush shipping costs. Rifts® WB 29: Madhaven™, Rifts® WB 30: D-Bees™ of
All North American orders are shipped US.P.s., Media Mail North America (86 D-Bees!), Rifts® Conversion Book One,
(the "slow" Book Rate), UPS, or the way Palladium decides is Rifts® Conversion Book 2: Pantheons of the Megaverse®
best. Those ordering online can select the desired method of and Rifts® Chaos Earth™ RPG (and sourcebooks), etc.
shipping but will pay accordingly. We strongly suggest UPS be­
• Dimension Books like Hades (Minion War™), Naruni Other titles you might want to try include RECON®,
Wave 2™, Wormwood™ (more demonic horror), Phase Splicers®, Beyond the Supernatural™, Nightbane®, Heroes
World®, Phase World® Sourcebook, and others. Dyval™ Unlimited™, Ninjas & Superspies™, and Rifts® Chaos
(Minion WarTM) will not be available till after Christmas. Earth™.
• Rifts® Ultimate Gold (limited and signed). We have ap­ • Palladium Greeting Cards - Mixed set of six different
proximately 30 copies put aside special for the 2008 Grab Bags; cards, or six ofthe same. Value: $12 per set of six.
$100+ value as a collector's item - request it, and it is the ONLY • Palladium T-Shirts available while supplies last; some
item you get in your X-Mas Surprise Package. sizes are already gone; first come, first served. All have a $20+
• Robotech RPGTM Manga Edition and Hardcover Edi· value.
tion. This is Palladium's hot return of the Robotech® Going through Hell (Minion War) All sizes Medium to
role-playing game series. As a "licensed" property, the number 5XL.
of Robotech® books we can include in our X-Mas Surprise F_in' Brilliant All sizes Medium to 5XL ($25 value).
Packages is limited. You can ask, but we can't promise you'll 25th Anniversary (2006; gold on black) XL and XXL only.
get one.
Lazlo Society - XL only.
• Heroes Unlimited™ and sourcebooks: Any of the fol­
Rifts® Logo - XL only.
lowing make for great superhero gaming! Heroes Unlimited™
G.M.'s Guide, Powers Unlimited™ One (back in print), Rifts® Dog Pack - XL only.
Powers Unlimited™ Two, Powers Unlimited™ Three, Vil­ Rifts® Cyborg (Color) - "Small" size only.
lains Unlimited™ Revised, Century Station™, Gramercy Is­ • Going online to order gives you more Wish List sugges­
land™, Aliens Unlimited Galaxy Guide™, Compendium of tions;
Contemporary Weapons, Ninjas & Superspies™ RPG, and
Mystic China™, among others. Ordering the 2008
• Palladium Fantasy RPG® and source books. A unique
fantasy world with human and non-human races that go well be­ X-Mas Surprise Package
yond the Elf, Dwarf, and Gnome of other games. There is the
Palladium Fantasy RPG® itself, plus sourcebooks like West­ Include ALL of the following information •••
ern Empire™, Eastern TerritoryTM, Mount NimroTM, North­ • Special Wants list several specific books, new and old, or
ern Hinterlands™, Land of the Damned™ One and Two, and other items like Dead Reign, Hades, T-shirts, Rifts® minia­
others. Mysteries ofMagic, coming in 2009. tures, a Gold Edition Hardcover, Compendium of Contempo­
• Dead ReignTM - The Zombie Apocalypse RPG. Palla­ rary Weapons, etc. (at least 7-10 items please).
dium's newest, hottest horror game. Zombies done Palladium • Indicate "No T-shirt" if you don't want to be considered for
style. Can be used with Beyond the SupernaturaJrM and one. If you DO WANT a T-shirt include your size (many
Nightbane®. shirts are limited to only XL & XXL; see above).
• Beyond the Supernatural™ RPG Soft Cover Edition. • Your favorite Palladium games.
Modem Day horror and weirdness reminiscent of the new, hit • Palladium games you have not played but you might want to
TV show, Fringe. Can be used with Dead Reign™ and try.
Nightbane®. • Indicate if you want autographs.
• Nightbane® RPG and sourcebooks. All titles are in stock • Comments and suggestions.
except the discontinued Shadows of Light. Did you know
• Accurate & complete mailing address! UPS cannot ship to a
Nightbane characters can be used in Heroes Unlimite(./fM,
P.O. Box; provide a street address. Include your apartment
Ninjas & Superspies™, & BTS-2TM?
• Back stock: RPGs, sourcebooks, world books, and supple­
Cost: $45 ($35.00 + $10 for shipping & handling) in USA &
ments you've been meaning to get, but haven't gotten around to.
Canada for each 2008 X-Mas Surprise Package. Multiple orders
This is a great way to fill those holes in your collection, get hard
will result in some duplication. $69 overseas due to the high cost
to find back stock items or try a new game like the Dead
of postage ($35.00 + $34 for shipping & handling).
ReignTM, Rifts® RPG, Palladium Fantasy®, Nightbane®,
Heroes Unlimited™, Ninjas & Superspies™, Mystic Credit cards are welcomed: Visa and MasterCard preferred
China™, After the Bomb®, After the Bomb® Sourcebooks, (but most major credit cards are accepted). Go to the Palladium
Beyond the Supernatural™, Chaos Earth™, Deluxe website ( and fill out the 2008
RECON® or Splicers®. Christmas Surprise Package Order Form and pay with a
credit card. Or order by telephone (734-721-2903); this is an
• Rifter® Back Issues. Palladium has stopped reprinting
order line only.
back issues of The Rifter® and issues 1-13 are no longer avail­
able except for the X-Mas Surprise Package and conventions Place orders by mail by enclosing a check or money order
attended by Palladium. (issues #4, #8, #22-26, #28-35 are NOT along with your wish list, info above and address, and send to:
Palladium Books - Dept. X - 39074 Webb Court -
• After the Bomb® RPG, Road HogsTM, Mutants Down
UnderTM, Mutants in Avalon™, Mutauts of the Yucatan™
Westland, MI 48185 USA
and Mutants in Orbit™. © 2008 & TMs Palladium Books, Inc.

wall that would stop the Unholy from spreading eastward. Enor­

The mous border forts were erected along the Drop and in the
Zaeradi Pass. The resin towns of Izrui and Alhir were also
heavily garrisoned. In short, Ezud closed itself off from the rest

VVormwoob ™ of Wormwood, and tried as best they could to pretend that the
Golden Age still went on.
That the Unholy had also suffered massive losses was a boon

to Ezud (and the rest of the world). The demonic forces could
not immediately press their advantage by spilling further into
the Dominions of Man. They had to regroup and rearm. This
gave the human kingdoms the time they needed to fo~fY the~­
PartTlVo selves. King Avylos knew that the Unholy was commg to m­
vade Ezud. It was just a matter of time. Eleven years after the
defeat of the Congregation, a demon army under the command
Optional Material for Rifts® Wormwood'fM of three Hosts marched eastward with the intent to bum Cenyaw
By Braden Campbell to the ground and capture the Mayvoc. King Avylos died the
previous year, never living long enough to see that day. How­
ever, his excessive defenses proved their worth. The formidable
Ezud - The Eastern Dominion Great Wall that now stretched from Ounka to Zolm stopped the
demon army dead in its tracks.
"Men ofsense often learn from their enemies. It is from their
foes, not their friends, that cities learn the lesson of building Chaulron was now King of Ezud. His shame at having run
high walls ... " from the field of battle gnawed at him, making him more para­
noid with each passing day. Like his father, he too ordered that
- Aristophanes the Dominion should barricade itself in elaborate obstructions.
Thus a second Great Wall was built, dwarfing the first one by
Historic Overview nearly three times. It was as much a wonder of magical engi­
In the days of the Unified Realm, there was an immense ex­ neering as it was a defensive fortification.
panse of land to the east of Charun called "Ezud." It was a flat Today, Ezud is a land steeped in a tradition of defense an.d
plain nearly 64,000 square miles (163,840 square kIn) in size, denial. Its people are adamant practicers of Vram Yufovya. It IS
characterized by cool temperatures and stronger than normal the last bastion of the Alchemy Guild, and its know ledge of the
winds. This was the land given over to Avylos during the Sun­ worldly sciences is unsurpassed. To the rest of Wormwood, it. is
dering of the Realm. Under their new King, the people of Ezud the exotic Far East; a land of light and beauty, filled WIth
built several huge cities. Each one contained numerous temples strange ways and great wonders.
and palaces, museums and monuments. King Avylos was a man
of quiet understanding, and the first thirty years of his reign Government
were ones of peace and scientific advancement.
Ezud is a monarchy in every sense of the word. Unlike the
When the Congregation made the decision to liberate Charun
Cathedral, the people of this land believe in a stark division be­
by means of force, the soldiers of Ezud went to fight by order of
tween church and state. The King (or Queen) is an absolute
the King. It was not the King however that led them to war, but
ruler, and everyone, including High Priests of Light, is answer­
rather his two eldest sons, Chaulron and Khadis. A vylos was by
able to the Throne. The King keeps a royal court filled with ad­
then too sick and weak to leave his palace. The two princes took
visors, each of whom is a specialist in a particular field:
with them the Mayvoc, the Orb of Wormwood, Ezud's most sa­
Archivists to maintain the meticulous records of the Dominion,
cred Holy Relic, Nearly 25,000 knights marched with them onto
High Priests to speak on behalf of the Church, Grand Masters of
the Plains ofKhulam. Only 9000 returned.
the Knightly Orders, and several representatives of the Resiner
The number of casualties was staggering: sixteen thousand and Alchemy Guilds.
dead and mutilated. Two out of every three men who had gone
The King appoints a "mayor for life" for each of the cities.
to war did not return. There was not a single household in all of
This office is called a "Mekou," and each one rules as monarch
Ezud that hadn't lost a father or a son. Even the royal family
within the confines of his or her own city. The powers of a
was affected, for Prince Chaulron brought back with him the
Mekou may be revoked at any time should the King so wish.
broken body of his younger brother, Khadis. When King Avylos
Furthermore, the title of Mekou is non-inheritable, meaning that
was presented with this sorrowful sight, it is said that he rose up
if a reigning Mekou dies, a new one must be appointed by the
from his sickbed and walked to a balcony where he looked out
King. The replacement may indeed end up being a relation of
upon the great city of Cenyaw. From the rooftops he could see
the previous Mekou, but this does not happen by default. The
black flags being raised, each one marking a house that suffered
Mekou of each city will have a council similar to the royal
a loss. He swore then and there that the dark forces that had
court, but comprised of local representatives. Again, the Al­
taken over Charun would never enter his Dominion. Never.
chemy, Archivist, and Resiner Guilds will have a strong pres­
Ezud then adopted a new national strategy, one born from ence in this group, as well as military figures, and High Priests.
grief and fear; a policy of protection and defense that continues Each Mekou also appoints a "Sanaver." This person is best
to this day. King Avylos ordered the construction of a massive
thought of as an intennediary who represents the citizens of a Vram Yufovya called Eastern Yufovya. Three times daily, the
given city. If a peasant has an issue that needs to be taken before whole country stops for thirty minutes of prayer. Diet is rigor­
the Mekou, it is brought to the local Sanaver, who in turn pres­ ously controlled and observed, and consists almost entirely of
ents it to the Mekou. This is as close to democracy as one will Wonnwood-generated foodstuffs. There are only six holidays in
find in the Eastern Dominion. The division between those of no­ the year, and each one involves fasting. Overall, the people of
ble descent and those who are vassals is kept very distinct. Ezud are lean in body and tough of mind. Were it not for the
The current ruler of Ezud is Queen Notari, a 37-year-old fact that they are trapped in a tradition of non-aggressiveness,
wOIilan of average appearance, and selfish demeanor. Her hus­ they might very well have become the rulers ofWonnwood.
band, Prince Baldael, is a little more conscientious (Scrupulous This is one of the primary reasons that the leaders of the Ca­
alignment) but is equally uncharismatic (M.A. of 8). They have thedral are both fearful and resentful of Ezud. In their highest
only one son, fifteen-year-old Prince Ranen, whose single out­ echelons, they know that they have become power hungry and
standing characteristic is his skill in combat (P.P. of 19). spiritually weak. There are some, including High Priest Mat­
The anarchistic behavior of the Queen is leading the Domin­ thew Pentecost, who would like nothing more than to absorb
ion further into decay. In the four years since her coronation, she Ezud and convert its populace to Cathedralism. These people
has done little to improve the army, and has let relations with dream of a new Unified Realm, with themselves at the head of
the other human kingdoms sour. She observes only the public it. But an armed attack against the Eastern Dominion carries
trappings of religion, and in her private life does not concern enonnous risks. The Cathedral is not confident it has sufficient
herself a bit with matters of the soul. The common people know manpower or resources to fight both the Unholy'S minions and
nothing of this, but behind closed doors, it is of great concern. one (or more) of the human lands. Thus it is not so much good­
The truth is, if the royal court had its way, Notari would not be will, but logistics that have so far kept Wonnwood from total in­
Queen at all. It was never intended that she take the Throne; her ternecine war. Secondly, while Ezud's military has not even half
older sister, Calavi, was supposed to rule instead. But fate, it the numbers of the Cathedral, it is very powerful in tenns of its
seems had different plans. Calavi died before her coronation, technology. Magic is the machinery of the Living Planet, and
and Notari, who had never been trained to be a monarch, was the Alchemists of Ezud have forgotten more arcane knowledge
crowned instead. than any living in the Kingdom of Light. And because the Three
The Court is now privately weighing its options. While no Major Guilds often work in conjunction, Ezud holds a tradition
one has dared to suggest that the Queen be "removed" (i.e. as being a place where learning and scientific discovery are lit­
killed), everyone has thought about it at least once. This in itself erally centuries ahead.
could prove a very difficult matter. Firstly, whether good for the The backbone of Ezud's advanced culture is the predomi­
Dominion or not, Notari is the Queen. To remove her before her nance of the Three Major Guilds. The old guilds of the Unified
time would be to court disaster by upsetting the Natural Order. Realm were, during their time, exceptionally powerfuL How­
Secondly, there is some question as to who would be best to ever, like most everything else, they were destroyed following
plant upon the Throne. Her son is not the favored choice, and the Battle of Khulam Plains when the Unholy tightened his grip
that leaves only a few of her nieces and nephews. With different on Charun, and the Cathedral brought its craftsmen under the
members of the Court each backing different replacements, this rule of the church. Only in the distant east did the guilds con­
situation could very easily degenerate into civil war. tinue unabated. Several of the smaller unions eventually merged
Lastly, anyone attempting to assassinate the royal family will together until there remained three massive organizations: The
have only one chance to get it right, and will have to kill all Resiners, The Archivists, and the Alchemists.
three of them simultaneously. The royal family directly controls The Archivists are scholars and scientists who maintain the
the actions of an elite cadre of assassins called the Dakiva. record halls and libraries. Their field of expertise is in the area
These killers are unsurpassed in their art, and have sworn abso­ of the "physical sciences"; astronomy, chemistry, cartography,
lute loyalty to the Throne. The Dakiva have spies and infor­ mechanical engineering. While their knowledge is Medieval at
mants everywhere, so should any effort to kill the royal family best, it is still quite radical in comparison to the other human
fail, those who sanctioned the attempt will quickly find them­ realms. For example, the Archivists were the first to prove that
selves on the wrong end of a poisoned knife. Wonnwood was round, not flat (the Cathedral denies this fact).
They established a measurement of the planet's diameter by ob­
Society, Technology, and 'the Guilds serving the transit of the twin moons. Thanks to them, Ezud has
figured out how to produce glass from ground resin, which in
At its heart, Ezud is a land of religious fundamentalists. Its turn allows the manufacture of items such as mirrors, spectacles
basic way of life has changed little over the past 1000 years, and and telescopes. Their invention of both the horizontal loom and
its rulers have worked very hard to keep it that way. For outsid­ the spinning wheel means that clothing produced in Ezud is of a
ers, traveling to Ezud is like stepping back in time. Its cities are much fmer quality than the rough garments worn elsewhere.
few in number compared to the Cathedral, but each one is un­ The Dominion's most popular trading item is hard soap; only
matched in architectural beauty. The buildings are tall and the Archivists possess the chemistry needed to produce
graceful, with sweeping bridges and walkways interconnecting non-magical cleaning agents.
them. There are large parks and retreats everywhere, and open
The Resiners are a craft guild, pure and simple. There are
courtyards where the faithful gather to pray.
actually many smaller sub-groups within the Resiners, but all
Ezud's regimented devotion is what most differentiates it fall under this umbrella organization, for every one of them
from the Cathedral. The main religion of Ezud is a derivative of works with resin in one way or another. The Resiners include
the miners who actually go dig the soft material out from under how to put together a large offense. Unless something changes
the mountains, those who make weapons and armor out of it, soon, Ezud will be doomed to slowly lose its possessions with
those who craft furniture and sculptures out of it, and those who no hope of ever getting them back. It will simply dwindle away
have found ways to refine it into other substances. into nothing, and be swallowed up by the Unholy.
Finally, there are the Alchemists. Like the Resiners, this However, that day is not here yet, and there are many who
guild is made up of many smaller disciplines. Any profession continue to defend Ezud from assimilation. Most of the O.C.C.s
that deals with magic is represented here: Wizards, Diabolists, in the Wormwood™ main book can be found in Ezud. Priests
Temporal Magi, and healers. The guild is presided over by a of Light, Wormspeakers, and Symbiotic Warriors can all be
very small council of true Alchemists - those who have mas­ found here and may be played without any changes. Members of
tered all of the aforementioned areas and more. These masters the three monastic orders are also accepted in Ezud. Even the
are all quite old, most extending or preserving their lives Apok are treated without distain, for Eastern Yufovya teaches
through magical means that few have even dreamed of. that once a man has been forgiven by Wormwood for his past
deeds, no matter how vile, then that man is born again.
Military Freelancers, on the other hand, are viewed with suspicion be­
cause they are all commoners; the nobles of the land have a
As has been said before, those who defend Ezud are steeped
strong aversion to armed peasants.
(some would say trapped) in a tradition of defense. Their reli­
gion dictates that one must only go to war or adopt an offensive
posture as an absolute last resort. It is wiser to fall back and Foreign Policy
build a better defense than it is to charge forward and open one­ Ezud is generally introverted, preferring to deal with its own
self to defeat. Over the millennia this has become the central slow erosion by ignoring it. It also wants the rest of Wormwood
point in what is called "the Ezud Theory of Battle." It is very to see it as it sees itself: as the world's last bastion of civility.
different from the fighting styles found throughout the rest of This is the great paradox of the Eastern Dominion; it wants to
Wormwood, most of which favor taking the fight directly to the both lead and follow, be closed off and open. Its dealings with
enemy. The Ezud general would rather retreat from combat and the other factions on Wormwood can be somewhat complicated
live to fight another day than risk losing all his men in a as a result.
death-or-glory assault. Unlike the Cathedral, there is no such
thing as "acceptable losses" or "disposable troops." Every man Lost Ezud
is precious, and in war, is not to be expended lightly.
While still technically a part of Ezud, the land west of the
This line of thinking has done two things. First and foremost, Second Great Wall has been an abandoned no-man's land for
it has had a great impact on weapons development. The seven centuries. When the First Great Wall finally fell in 322 of
Templars ofEzud do not carry swords as their Cathedral cousins the GT (Great Tribulation), the forces ofEzud fell back six hun­
do. Instead, they are trained primarily in the use of pole arms. dred miles (960 km) to the gates at Cemko. The three Hosts in
Pikes, staves, and halberds are all used, with the traditional charge of the invasion, when presented with the Second Wall,
weapon being the hadaras. Each of these weapons gives the decided that three hundred years of siege warfare was enough
Knight a long reach in melee combat. The idea is to never get for them. They returned to Charun, and let the captured areas
closer than seven feet from one's enemy, and to keep them at fall into disrepair and ruin. However, in order to ensure that the
bay outside a large defensive circle. Ezudites would not just reclaim the land once they had left, the
Range is also a key concept for the Ezud military, and no­ Hosts opened a permanent dimensional Rift in Ounka. This por­
where is this best exemplified than in their missile weapons. tal leads directly to Br'talb, the home world of the Demon
From the longbow to the compound ballista, the armies of Ezud Hound Riders. The riders have since taken over the entire area.
can outrange any force on Wormwood hands down. The Demon The Archivists have never been able to accurately determine
Hound Riders in Lost Ezud learned at great cost that coming their numbers, but think it in the hundreds of thousands.
within 800 feet (244 m) of their enemy put them in harm's way. Officially, Ezud is actively planning to reclaim this land. In
There are even a select few archers in the army who can strike a reality their efforts are half-hearted at best. The Grand Masters
target at a range of over 1200 feet (366 m)! While the rest of of the Ezud Templars know that the Hound Riders could be
Wormwood has opted to increase their fighting range by import­ wiped out, but cringe at the probable cost in human lives. So
ing black powder flintlocks from the City of Worldgate, Ezud they do very little. The last "big push" occurred about four hun­
has honed its missile weapons to such a degree that they have dred years ago, when Lord Pasrael of the Templars led 1500
become the machine-guns of Wormwood; a mid-level Long men (most of them Long Bowmen) on what was dubbed the
Bowman can fire anywhere from sixteen to twenty arrows per "scorched Wormwood" campaign. Lord Pasrael killed every
minute. As well, resin arrows are far easier to produce in large Hound and Hound Rider he encountered. He then burned every­
numbers than the magical wad used in pistols and rifles. Its su­ thing of the enemy: their clothing, their gear, their bodies. By
perior range, coupled with an abundance of ammunition, makes the time he had traveled halfway to Ounka, he had generated a
the Ezud Long Bow a weapon to be admired and feared. great fear in the Br'talb, who had never developed bow weap­
In a more negative light, the Theory of Battle has made the onS. To them, the ability to kill a man from so far away seemed
Ezud commanders give up a lot of territory with no real plan of god-like.
how to retake it. After so many generations of falling back and Lord Pasrael and all of his men were slaughtered when the
consolidating, there is no one now left alive who has any idea of Br'talb trapped his expedition in the city of Desgrind. Only one
magic pigeon ever returned to Cenyaw, and its bleak message, Notari to proclaim a Crusade to retake Lost Ezud. Even those
"Pray for us. Their number is legion," was enough to end any who are loyal to the Throne are beginning to think that the time
further serious undertakings. Now, every forty years or so, it for Ezud's "head-in-the-sand" national policy should be reevalu­
seems that some young, know-nothing hotshot decides to gather ated. Meantime, the hardliners want the Eastern Templars to
a force and charge out into Lost Ezud. Their goal is always to send the Cathedral Missionaries packing and bum their Mis­
"destroy the Br'talb savages and put Lord Pasrael' s soul to rest." sions back into Wormwood. The Grand Masters of the Eastern
It has yet to work, but those who go out are always lauded as Templars are themselves split; some agree with the hardliners,
heroes. but cannot condone a course of violent action on their fellow
Templars. And if there is fighting in the streets between the
The Cathedral Neophytes and the Ezud peasants, do the Eastern Templars have
the right to arrest or even kill the citizens of the Dominion?
In the days of the Congregation, when all the lands of Worm­
wood were united in purpose, Ezud and the Cathedral put aside All in all, Ezud's honeymoon is about to end. It can either try
their differences. But with the defeat on Khulam Plains, and the to kick the Missionaries out, which will more than likely lead to
death of Lord Reorith, that alliance ended. Ezud's relationship fighting, or it can continue to do nothing, and let itself become
with the Cathedral cooled with every passing year. Now it bor­ an extension of the Cathedral (which is exactly what Matthew
ders on becoming openly hostile. Pentecost is going for). Again, having Notari sitting as Queen
does not help the situation. She was never educated in the finer­
What one must understand is that, although related by blood­
ies of politics, and is completely incapable of finding a way out
lines and religion, the two lands have drifted very far apart over
of this mess. Which leads the Royal Court back to the question
the past millennium. Ezud used to see the Cathedralists as lost
of replacing her with someone else who might be able to.
or misguided children, but as the distinction between church and
state vanished in Stronghold, that view changed. Eastern
Yufovyists see Cathedralism as nothing more than military dic­ Reorith Province
tatorship. They support the use of Freelancers, which is some­ Ezud has been a less than equal partner in the defense of
thing that the nobility of Ezud cannot condone (why would Reorith. Eastern Templars are almost never stationed farther
anyone arm the peasants when the Templars are supposed to way than Sondassi because the Grand Masters want to keep
protect them?). Ezud's leaders can clearly see the corruption them as close to home as possible. However, new units, many of
that has taken hold in the Kingdom of Light. Many in the Royal them from W orldgate, are constantly being brought into Reorith
Court genuinely fear the ambitions of Matthew Pentecost, who, to replace the slaughtered and strengthen the front line. Even­
it has been learned, is the man behind the Cathedral Missions. tually, the ways and customs of these new people rub off on the
For the past twenty-one years, ever since Matthew Pentecost Ezudites. Anyone who spends time in Reorith often becomes
became a Cardinal, the Cathedral has been sending missionaries quite open-minded; they accept Freelancers and find camarade­
into the Eastern Dominion. These priests and Templars seem to rie with alien beings such as the Holy Terrors. When (and if)
have one ultimate goal: to convert the people of Ezud over to these soldiers are rotated back home, they tend to spread their
Orthodox Cathedralism. There is now a Mission in every city of new attitudes to their loved ones, further deteriorating Ezud's
Ezud; Churches of Light built in the Cathedral architectural ancient cultural preconceptions.
style. The priests there give sermons that encourage their listen­
ers to arm themselves and join the fight against the Unholy. The Worldgate
Templars there are willing to teach any who wish to learn the The Royal Court and High Eastern Priests would prefer to
basics of sword fighting and hand to hand combat. Already, have nothing to do with the last of Free Cities, but that's just not
more than 20,000 Ezud commoners (about 1% of the total popu­ economically viable. Ezud does a fair amount of trading with
lation) have become Cathedralist Neophytes; the equivalent of W orldgate, exporting talom, cloth, resin sculptures, and hard
Freelancers, all trained and armed by the Templars. soap. As with most other Wormwood nations, they also trade
The Cathedral claims that it is simply following the tenet of water, stones, crystals, and foodstuffs. In return, they receive
their faith that drives them to bring civilization to those who mechanical clocks, Temporal Magic scrolls, and blank spell
have none. The Ezud Royal Court thinks differently. While the gems loaded with Temporal abilities. Try as they might, the Al­
common man has never been out and out forbidden to carry chemists of Ezud have never been able to learn more than two
weapons, it has always been the tradition that only the Eastern or three Temporal spells, so closely guarded are they by the
Templars are armed. Of course, the Eastern Templars are all of Lords of the Exchequer. They would pay very handsomely for
noble background, and so this is really a tradition of keeping the the rumored "Annihilate" spell, especially if it could somehow
peasants in check, though it has never been oppressive. The be fitted into a ballista weapon.
Eastern Templars are charged with the protection of the people Unlike the Cathedral, Ezud has no problem with the number
above that of their own lives. In short, the Royal Court sees the
of non-humans living in the city. That's a secondary concern.
Cathedral Missions as survivalist or militia compounds. They Their beef is with Worldgate's military. Ezud knows full well
are dangerous and only getting more so.
that the Free City supports itself only by kidnaping people from
What this all adds up to is trouble. A real split is beginning to other dimensions and then renting out its army. The impress­
form in the Ezud populace. The Neophytes are now going out ment of non-Wormwoodians aside, Ezud dislikes the fact that,
and trying to convert their families and friends, and the Missions technically, Worldgate is a neutral party. The fear is that if they
are welcoming it. The Neophyte movement is calling for Queen were so inclined, they might very well hire their mercenary

army out to the Unholy, or to whomever could offer them. a quently, the freedom fighters no longer feel any allegiance to
better deaL Such an action would mean the end of the Reonth Ezud and should it ever throw off the shackles of the Unholy,
Province, and that in turn would mark the beginning of the end the r~sistance will form its own civilian government. Zolm will
for the nations of Men. then become a Free City akin to Worldgate.

The Skelosian Retreats Desgrind

This city was once a rest stop for travelers heading towar~s
Ezud knows that there is a large forest of pillars to the west
of Kriktonspire, as it appears on the ancient maps of the Archi­ Cenyaw on their way from Charun. Now. it is a gh~st to,:n m
the middle of Lost Ezud, its populations eIther long smce killed,
vists. However, they have only ever heard unconfirmed rumors
or long since fled. The only travelers the city sees now are
that the descendants of King Emeron's daughters continue to
Hound Riders, and the young, foolish Templars who try to sanc­
live there. Even should they learn of Lord Krikton's plan to raze
the forest to the ground, there is little that they could do. tify the ground where Lord Pasreal died.
Skelosia is simply too far away.
Ezud will not plan any course of action based on mere hear­
say. They like their facts checked, checked, and checked a~ain. A resin-mining town north of the ruined Great Wall, most fa­
The most that may happen is for the Royal Court to appomt a mous for the Battle of Seven. Since the city is not connected to
small investigative team to travel there and get the lay of the the Second Great Wall, it is conceivable that demonic troops
land. Such a group is not likely to have the approval of Queen could simply cut around to the north and enter Ezud in a large
Notari - she simply doesn't care about trying to reunify the flanking maneuver. Indeed, this was once tried. Over two hun­
Realm. dred years ago, an army of demons numbering into the thou­
sands attempted to circumvent the Second Great Wall by
marching far to the north, passing unseen through the resin
Notes on the Cities and Places of Ezud mountains, and then driving southward straight towards Izrui.
The First Great Wall Beyond that lay open, undefended plains and the city of
Cenyaw. Fortunately for the Ezudites, a group of seven Apoks
In its time, this massive fortification was the largest single had gathered outside the mining town, each of them driven there
structure on Wormwood. Now, it lies in ruins. Large holes are by the Spirits. of Wormwood. Although they had been shunned
blasted through it, and chunks of petrified Wormwood lie scat­ by the townsfolk, the Apoks took the fight to the foe, and in a
tered everywhere (because it was made permanent, it will not tight mountain pass, fought the demonic horde for three full
sink back into the Living Planet). These lands are under the con­ days. All the while, Eastern Templars rushed to erect defensive
trol of the Unholy's demonic minions, and the rubble provides positions around the town. In the end, this proved unnecessary
shelter for Demon Hound Riders and all manner of flesh-eating for the demon army turned back and fled for the Dark Domain.
parasites. The seven were never seen again. Many Ezudites credited the
victory to the Apoks, and from that day forward, their kind were
Ounka made welcome everywhere in the Eastern Dominion.
Once this city served as the northern anchor for the First Today Izrui's population of workers is small (only about
Great WalL Long abandoned by the Humans, it is now a haven 1500) compared to its armed force, which is twice that number.
for the Hound Riders and a gathering point for demonic armies. It is still surrounded by trenches, man traps, and watchtowers. In
At any time there might be as many as 4000 + 3D4xl00 Br'talb the center of the town is a large monument depicting the seven
found living amidst the decaying buildings and sinking streets. Apoks standing triumphant atop a pile of demon skulls.
With no knowledge of Communion, the Hound Riders can only
sit back and watch as, year by year, Wormwood absorbs this The Second Great Wall
city back into the dust from whence it came.
While the first wall held the Unholy'S minions at bay, King
Zolm Chaulron ordered the construction of a second, even greater,
wall. Measuring 30 feet (9 m) thick at the base, 12 feet (3.6 m)
Nestled against the demon mountains, Zolm is a wolf-in­ wide at the top, and averaging 150 feet (45 m) high, the Second
sheep's clothing city. It boasts a population of 3000 Humans, Great Wall runs a total length of 900 miles (1440 km) from
but is held by 300 demon troops, 40 Worm Zombies, and 20 Coyzu to Prave. It can actually be seen from space! Its construc­
Parasites. Most of the occupiers are Skyriders who have made it tion was only possible with the help of the Mayvoc, which gifted
their mission to ensure that their hated cousins, the Hound the builders with the incredible amount of P.P.E. needed for a
Riders, do not occupy another city in Lost Ezud. project of this size. In order to breach the base of the wall one
Unknmvn to most, Zolm has an active resistance; rebels who would have to inflict over 3000 points of damage, a feat which
operate from a network of tunnels and caves carved into the has deterred most enemies for the time being.
mountains. Their greatest asset is a "nexus cave" which contains Small watchtowers have been built into the top of llie wall.
a dimensional portaL This cave links directly to the city of Cen­ There are roughly four hundred of them in total, spread out
ter, on Phase World, and means that modern amenities such as about two miles (3.2 km) apart. Each watchtower is manned by
energy weapons and explosives are actually somewhat common four Eastern Templars and two Long Bowmen.
here. Zolm has been under demon control for nearly 700 years,
its people waiting for a liberation that never comes. Conse­
Cenyaw, the capital of Ezud, was founded over 1000 years
ago by King Avalos, and is the largest on Wormwood in terms
of physical area. At twice the size of Cathedral Stronghold , it is
a massive, sprawling place filled with hundreds of temples,
parks, and museums. Its population, though, is only 400,000 .
Cenyaw is one of the most heavily defended places in the
world. It is surrounded by a high wall, with gunnery towers built
into it at regular intervals. 10,000 Templars are stationed here,
along with 3000 Long Bowmen and siege operators. In the cen­
ter of the city is the Royal Palace, also called the House of
Avalos. It consists of a castle and keep, surrounded by a both a
wall and moat, sitting in the middle of four square miles ( 10.24
sq uare km) of courtyards, fountains , and monuments.

This city marks the site of the largest and most productive
resin mine in all the Living Planet. It is also the biggest hole
ever made; a gigantic open pit mine, 4000 feet across (1219 m),
and 1750 feet deep (533 m) at its lowest pointl In other resin
mines such as Hammer, Chisel, or even Izrui, workers wait pa­
tientl y for the goo to bubble up from deep below the surface.
Here, they have teamed up with Wormspeakers and Priests of
Light, and have slowly but surely created an ever-deepening
crater from which to extract the liquid resin one bucketful at a
time. The sides of the pit are covered in ramps and ladders . A
nexus point formed at the bottom of the mine several centuries
ago, and occasionally something horrible slithers out. Other­
wise, the Priests channel the extra P.P .E. through thei r prayers
Prave to drive the mine still deeper. At peak production, 8000 men can
be found working within it. The city is protected by an army of
The southern end of the Second Wall is this large fortre ss 1500 Eastern Templars and 600 Long Bowmen.
town . Prave not only has to defend the Wall, but the Zaeradi
Pass as well. It therefore boasts a population of nearl y 3000 ci­
vilians with an equal number of armed forces. There are a fair
The Drop
number of Freelancers here, mostly soldiers from neighboring If the Grand Barrens are an ocean without water, then the
Reorith. There is also a mountain monastery in which 12 monks Drop is its seashore. This vertical cliff runs north-south for over
of Inner Spirit reside, as well as some Knights of the Cathedral 700 miles (I J20 km), and maintains a constant height of 350
who will defend their missionary church first, and the city sec­ feet (106 m). Viewed from the Barrens, the Drop is smooth and
ond. One of the Prave's greatest defenses is a slumbering Battle white, and looks like a wall of solid bone (or for those familiar
Saint, located in the southwest corner of the city. The Knights with Earth geography, the chalk cliffs of Dove r, England). It is a
Templar have pestered Mekou Civith for decades, demanding lonel y and abandoned place overall, with only a few outposts
that the saint be taken into Reorith Province and used at the built along it. Rumors and stories have persisted fo r centuries
Front (the Cathedral considers all Battle Saints and Orbs to be that somew here along the base of the Drop are runnels that lead
its sole properry). The mayor-for-life has so far flatly refused, deep into the heart of Wormwood, perhaps even to the Plexus . If
but as the number of Orthodox Cathedra lists in Prave increases, such caverns exist, they have either never been discovered or
can he continue to hold on to his hard line') have never been made public knowledge.

Cai Isoete, Gyvovral, and Gudj

This city is just one of dozens of small communities that sur­ These three "port towns" are really not much more than glo­
round the capital. Like them, it seldom has a population greater rified forts sitting along the edge of the Drop. They are meant to
than 4000 . However, Cai is notable for lying at a crossroads of provide a first line of defense against any demonic in vasion
sorts ; from here it's only 250 miles (400 km) to Prave and the coming from the east. This has ne ver yet happened , since any
Zaeradi Pass, 300 miles (480 km) to Cenyaw, and 800 miles such attack would have to come across the Grand Barrens, a dis­
(1280 km) to Alhir. As a result, Cai is a bit of a trading town, tance of at least 1000 miles (1600 km). Each of these three
filled with Resiners, Templars, and merchant caravans. towns is surrounded by a high wall lined with heavy ballista.
Each one also has an elaborate system of pulleys and cauldrons

built into the eastern wall, which would allow gallons of steam­ years to the point where it is as much a philosophy as a mar­
ing liquids to be poured over the Drop and onto an attacking tial art. Raschomla teaches the Templars to maintain a
army. At anyone time the population will number ID4x 100 sol­ "sphere of defense" all around them , out to a distance of
diers, half of whom will be civilians acting as Long Bowmen seven feet. Even when forced to form a phalanx , Eastern
and siege operators. 4D6xlO civilians will also be found here , Templars will space themselves out accordingly with an av­
most often running businesses that cater to the needs of the sol­ erage of fourteen feet between each man. Raschomla is char­
diers. acterized by large, sweeping parries and cuts. Jt gives the
Eastern Templars the following bonuses: + I to parry at levels
4, 8, and 12 with all kinds of pole arms and spears. These are
New Wormwood O.C.C.s in addition to the bonuses from W.P. Staff Spear. or Pole
Eastern Templar O.C.C. Raschomla also teaches the Power Strike: This can be a
powerful thrust with either end of the pole arm, or a huge
There have ahvays been Knights of the Order of the Temple.
sweeping chop with the blade. Either move has the Templar
In the days of the Unified Realm, they were members of the no­
lunging and putting all his weight behind the blow. Inflicts a
bility who served the church of Vram Yufovya gladly. But in
Critical Strike (double damage) , but is the first and only of­
the aftermath of the Sundering of the Realm, the various
fensive attack the character may make for that melee round.
Templars began to reflect whatever denomination they were
The Templar must have won the initiative in order to Power
aligned with. By the time of the Battle of Khulam Plains, those
Strike . The character may parry and dodge as normal that
in Ezud had a very di fferent outlook from their cousins in
Stronghold. Now, a thousand years later, the differences have
continued to widen until the Templars of Ezud bear little resem­ O.c.c. Skills:
blance to the Knights of the Cathedral. Language: Ezudesh at 98%.
The Ezud Knights of the Order of the Temple are more com­ Literacy: Ezudesh at 90%.
monly called "Eastern Templars." In terms of physical training Language: Demongogian at 90% .
and ski lis learned , they are nearly identical to the Cathedral Lore: Wormwood (+ 15%)
Knights. However, Eastern Templars tend to be a little more Athletics (general)
physically fit owing to the dietary restrictions of their religion.
Land Navigation (+ lO% )
In accordance to the Theory of Battle, they are trained almost
exclusively in Raschom/a, the art of the long melee, and carry
pole arms rather than swords. As well, their attitude towards the
common man is quite different from the Cathedralist Templars.
Instead of disdaining the peasant class, Eastern Templars have a
sworn duty to protect and defend those who cannot defend
themselves, and to do so without prejudice.
Alignments: Any, but the majority are either Principled or
Attribute Requirements: A P.P. and P.E. of 12 or higher are
recommended but not required. What is absolutely necessary
though is that the character be of noble birth. Commoners
must serve either as Long Bowmen, or as squires to the
O.c.c. Bonuses: +40 M.D.C. (S.D.C. in other environments),
+ 3 to save vs Horror Factor, + 1 to save vs magic, + I on ini­
tiative and one additional attack per melee' Meditation helps
the knight to focus and heal twice as fast as normal.
Defenders of Eastern Yufo\ya: As the one and only knightly
order attached to the churches of Ezud , the Eastern Templars
are die-hard followers of their faith. Their strict dietary code
gives them the following: + I 04 Hit Points, + I to P.E., + I to
P. B., and + I to save vs ingested poisons (one time only bo­
nuses). As \vell, the Eastern Templars can go two weeks
without food, provided they have adequate supplies of water.
After that, they must roll under their Fasting skill (below) to
avoid becoming weakened or sick. These characters can also
go for three days without water and not show any ill effects
from dehydration. Base Skill: 40% +3% per level.
Rasr hnmla , The Art of the Long Melee: The art of fighting
with long pole anns has been developed over the past 1000
Wilderness Survival (+15%) There are hundreds of different styles of armor, ornamen­
Horsemanship: General (+ 10%) tation and accessories. The official colors of Eastern Yufovya
Math: Basic (+25%) are gold and deep purple. The pictogram for Ezud (a small
W.P. Pole Ann t-shaped cross atop a large circle) represents the shape of the
Mayvoc, and will appear on all capes, cloaks, surcoats, and
W.P. Knife
Hand to Hand: Martial Arts (or Assassin if evil)
Transportation: The Eastern Templars rarely travel outside of
O.c.c. Related Skills: Select six other skills, plus two addi­ Ezud anymore, but when they do only 20% will ride a horse,
tional skills at level three, and one at levels six, nine and Pegasus, Unicorn, Gryphon or other attractive, "noble" crea­
twelve. ture from Earth or another dimension. The rest walk.
Communication: Any (+5%). Money: Not applicable.
Cowboy: None. Cybernetics and Bionics: Virtually non-existent.
Domestic: Any (+10%). Symbiotes: While Eastern Yufovya does not distain the use of
Electrical: None. Symbiotes, the Ezud Templars have sworn to remain pure in
Espionage: Any (+5%). body. Therefore, they will not use symbiotic organisms or
Mechanical: None. Slime Magic, but can pilot the Battle Saint and Battle Saint
Medical: First Aid only. Orbs. They can also link with the Spirits of Wormwood (a
great blessing), and use crystals and stones.
Military: None.
Physical: Any except Acrobatics (+5% where applicable).
Pilot: Any except robots, power armor, tanks, or spacecraft
Long Bowman O.C.C.
(+5%). Taken from the Palladium Fantasy RPG® with adaptations for
Pilot Related: None. the Wormwood setting
Rogue: None.
The Long Bowmen of Ezud are commoners who have volun­
Science: Any (+ 10%). teered to serve in the army for a set term. Many are the sons and
Technical: Any (+20%). daughters of Long Bowmen, and the weapons they use handed
W.P.:Any. down over the generations. These master archers have become
Wilderness: Any (+5%). the backbone of the Ezud military machine, and to serve as one
Secondary Skills: The character gets to select four Secondary is the greatest honor that a commoner can achieve.
Skills as found on page 300 of Rifts® Ultimate Edition. The development and art of firing these unique weapons goes
Standard Equipment: Traveling clothes, a set of dress clothes back thirty generations to the Battle of Khulam Plains. The bow
or dress body armor, a pair of boots, a pair of gloves, a hat, is generally five and a half to six feet (1.66-1.83 m) in length. It
sleeping bag, blanket, lD6 small pouches, backpack or is made of layered resin and the core material of Wormwood
saddlebag, lD4 utility belts, 100 feet of rope (30.5 m; made pillars. It is then left to cure for two years. After the bow is fully
from angel hair), a grappling hook, 2D4 resin spikes, and set, a string of entwined angel bair sealed with talom is added.
2D4 weeks of food rations. The total pull of these bows is nearly 100 pounds (45 kg).
Weapons: The hadaras is the standard issue pole arm for the The traditional long arrow is also made of resin. It measures
Eastern Templars. This is a two-handed weapon almost iden­ three feet (0.9 m) in length and is tipped with small barbs. This
tical to a halberd, and can be used to stab, chop, or trip/entan­ design is made specifically to pierce through plate and chain
gle. It measures seven and a quarter feet (2.2 m) long, and mail armors, as well as prove difficult to remove from flesh. The
inflicts 3D6+3 damage. Crafted by the Resiners and finished wound left by a single arrow can be three inches long by two
by the Alchemy Guild, the weapon is magical in nature; its inches wide and six inches deep (7.6x5.lxI5.2 cm).
blade is eternally sharp and will never dull or chip. Its supe­ Long Bowmen who have left the Ezud service are much
rior craftsmanship gives it + I to strike and parry, in addition sought-after mercenaries. Exceptional marksmen (and high level
to any other bonuses. characters) can usually dictate the terms of their enlistment, spe­
Eastern Templars may also carry four or five additional cial bonuses and/or a percentage of booty.
ancient-style weapons, the exact type of which can vary dra­ Special Ability - Superior Bowmanship: The dedication to
matically from character to character. the use of the long bow and extensive training involved is remi­
Knight Armor: The exact type of armor can vary greatly. Most niscent of the Earth martial arts known as kyudo. This training
knights of the Temple prefer to wear medium to heavy plate makes the Long Bowman think of the weapon as an extension of
armor. The average knight will own two different suits of ar­ own body and provides him with astonishing precision, speed
mor. Common types include: and ability when using this weapon. Abilities include using a
long bow without penalty from horseback, a moving vehicle, or
Light Plate or Scale Mail: 60 M.D.C., but -10% to Prowl.
an awkward position - swaying on a rope bridge, hanging upside
Medium Plate, Banded or Splint Armor: 75 M.D.C., but down, leaping and shooting, etc. Note: Skilled archers who are
-15% to ProwL not Long Bowmen will lose all bonuses to strike and half their
Full Plate: 100 M.D.C, but has a -20% Prowl penalty.

nonnal rate of fire when off balance or when shooting from
horseback or an awkward position.
Rate of Fire with a Long Bow: Two shots at level one, + 1
at level s two, th.ree, fOill, five , six, eight, ten , twelve and four­
teen. Use these in place of the W.P. Archery numbers when us­
ing a long bow; don't combine them . The W .P. A.rchery rate of
fire applies to the use of all other types of bows.
Superior Range with a Long Bow (special): 700 feet (213
m) +25 feet (7.6 m) per level of experience!
Special Aimed Shot: A slow and carefully aimed shot gives
the bowman +3 to strike, but uses up two melee attacks or two
shots from a bow (reduce rate of fire that melee round by two) .
The player mu st make a " Called Shot" to strike a specific part of
the target, such as the bull ' s-eye , a candle , rope, hand, finger,
etc .
Penalties: Any W.P. bonuses to strike are half when using a
short bow, crossbow, or bow of terrible quality; the long bow is
this character's specialty.

Long Bowman O.c.c.

Alignments: Any .
Attribute Requirements: P.S. 10 and P.P. 12 or higher.
O.c.c. Skills:
Athletics (General)
Languages: Native Tongue at 98 %, plus two of choice
(+10% each)
Wilderness Survival (+10% )
W.P. Archery (all bows)
W .P.: One of choice.
Hand to Hand: Basic
Hand to Hand: Basic can be changed to Hand to Hand :
Expert for the cost of one O.c.c. Related Skill, or to Martial
Arts or Assassin (if evil) for the cost of two O.c.c. Related
O.c.c. Related Skills: Select eight other skills at level one,
plus select two additional skills at levels three, seven, ten and
thirteen. All new skills start at level one proficiency.
Communications: None.
Cowboy: None.
Domestic: Any (+5%) .
Espi onage: Escape Artist only (+5 % ).
Horsemanship: General or Exotic only (+5 % ).
Medical: First Aid only.
Military: Any (+5 % ), except Camouflage, Falconry, and In­
terrogation .
Physical: Any , except Acrobatics, Gymnastics and Wrestling.
Rogue: Any.
Science : Mathematics only.
Scholar/Technical: Any (+10% on Language, Literacy &
Lore only) .
Weapon Proficiencies: Any.
Wilderness: Any (+5%).
Secondary Skills: The character also gets to select fOill Second­
ary Skills as found on page 300 of Rifts® Ultimate Edition.
Starting Equipment: Two sets of clothing, hooded cape or Ezud Trebuchet
cloak, boots, a pair of gloves, belt, bedroll, backpack, one This is the grand-daddy of all siege weapons. Standing over
large sack, two small sacks, a quiver for arrows, and a water 50 feet tall (15 m), a trebuchet has a long arm attached to a
skin. counterweight (which itself can weigh over ten tons). At the end
Armor & Long Bowmen: Can use any type of armor, but pre­ of the arm is a payload of some kind; historically, this was
fer studded leather (40 M.D.C.) or light plate (60 M.D.C., rocks, but on the Living Planet of Wormwood it is often a ball
-10% to Prowl). Reduce the character's rate of fire by two, of magically-created ice. When the machine is fired, the coun­
and bonus to strike by half whenever a suit of full plate armor terweight rotates downward, flinging the arm high in the air,
is worn. The usual Prowl and movement penalties also apply. which in tum releases the payload. One hit from a trebuchet will
Transportation: Most walk. shake all but the stoutest of fortresses, and a sustained bombard­
Money: Not applicable. ment will eventually destroy whatever it is shooting at.
Cybernetics and Bionics: Virtually unheard of. Ezud's trebuchets are most often stationary, meaning that
Symbiotes: None to start, and not likely to get any while in the they have been built into the walls of cities and fortresses. Each
service of the Ezud anned forces. Long Bowmen who be­ one requires a crew of twenty men. The P.P.E. needed to create
come mercenaries may get symbiotic organisms if they can the payload can be provided by Wizards, Priests of Light,
find them. Wormwood energy crystals, or any combination thereof. The
trebuchet cannot be aimed in any meaningful way, and its maxi­
mum rate of fire is once every 15 minutes (60 melee rounds). A
New Weapons few good hits from one of these things can cripple a Crawling
Tower. (G.M.s: Note that the average Tower has 8 to 12 levels.

and Equipment With each trebuchet strike, roll randomly to see which floor of it
is hit. If the M.D.C. of a Tower level is destroyed, then all the
levels above it will collapse downwards. Most beings still inside
The Eastern Dominion has access to several technologies that
when this happens will be killed.) Should any singular person be
the other human kingdoms do not, including missile weapons,
hit by the shot from a trebuchet, the Game Master should de­
talom, and the science of building siege engines. Although such
clare them dead. Spectacularly dead. As always, if the machine
machines were readily available in the days of the Unified
is fitted with a Wormwood Battle Stone, it will inflict double
Realm, the knowledge of their creation has been lost over a
thousand years of warfare. Only in Ezud, where the Archivist
Guild is still strong, can such machines still be built. Unlike Trebuchet: Each time the machine is primed, its built-in en­
their historic Earth counterparts, Ezud siege weapons employ chantments create a ten-ton ball of ice. This requires 300 P.P .E.
several magic spells and components, making them, in effect, per shot! Base damage is ID8xlOO per shot. The target must be
Medieval-era Techno-Wizard weapons. between 200 to 1000 feet away (61 to 305 m). The machine it­
self has 500 M.D.C.

Ezud Compound Ballista

The size of a wagon, this oversized crossbow can fire a pro­
jectile the size of a small tree. They are crafted from a resin This oily residue is created when resin is boiled, distilled,
frame, layered with Wormwood pillar, and often fitted with a and refined. It smells like kerosene, and bums just as well.
Battle Stone. It is crewed by a three-man team. Although they Talom is one of the few flammable resources produced by
are reasonably portable, Ezud deploys these siege engines as de­ Wormwood. It can be used to cover materials to make them wa­
fensive emplacements. They are found all along the Second terproof, used for lamp oil, or coated on arrows to make flaming
Great Wall, and in elevated towers in all cities. missiles. (A flaming arrow adds 106 points of damage, and has
a 15% of setting combustible materials on fire.) Interestingly
A ballista is at a penalty of -6 to strike small (man-sized or
enough, once Iit, talom's fire is magical and will hann Mega­
smaller), moving targets. Giant-sized targets (dragons, Rathos,
Damage creatures.
Hosts, and the like) require a strike roll at -4. The maximum rate
of fire for ballistas is once every five minutes (20 melee
rounds). Note that the damage listed below is for standard resin Ezud Long Bow
bolts. Flaming bolts will inflict an extra 406 points of damage
every melee round until extinguished, and will have a 12% Hand crafted over two years, this is the pinnacle of
chance of igniting whatever they hit (if it is combustible). Be­ man-portable, Wormwood-native missile technology. Range:
cause they are coated with tal om, the fire is magical and will 700 feetl213 m. Weight: 2 lbs (0.9 kg).~ength: 6 feet (1.8 m).
harm Mega-Damage beings. Units fitted with a Battle Stone will Draw Weight: About 100 lbs (45 kg). Damage: 206 from regu­
inflict twice as much damage. lar arrows. Can also fire flaming and other enchanted arrows.
Light BaIlista: Base damage is 1D4xlO per bolt, 1155 foot
(352 m) range. The machine has 100 M.D.C.
Heavy Ballista: Base damage is 1D6xlO per bolt, 1320 foot
(402 m) range. The machine has 150 M.D.C.

The Orb of Wormwood
The origin of the Mayvoe, like its two companion pieces, is
lost for all time. Certainly the three Symbols of Office date back
to the founding of the Unified Realm, possibly back to the first
arrival of humans on Wormwood. No one is certain who created
them, as none of them have any kind of inscriptions or signa­
tures. The Orb is perhaps the strangest looking item of the three.
Your Morpbus
It is a perfect sphere made of Wormwood crystal, and is about
the size of a basketball. A single metal band runs around its
middle, joined to another band rounding its top half. A small
and You
t-shaped cross extends from the apex of the second band. The
metal pieces of the Mayvoc have a flat, dull look, like steel, but
Optional Rules and
are, in fact, composed of Soulstuff. The crystal portion continu­ Source Material for Nightbane®
ally glows from within with a warm, magical light. Like the
Kidoe and Abendzul, it is apparently indestructible. By Edward Sauerland
The Mayvoe has only a few abilities, but they are quite pow­ Ever get the feeling that your character is just a collection of
erful. Firstly, the Orb is a P.P.E. battery, much like a Worm­ numbers? It can happen even in an RPG as imaginative as
wood Energy cell. When full, it contains 1000 P.P.E. This Nightbane®. There are plenty of excellent articles in The
power can be tapped by Wizards, Priests, and other magic users, Rifter® about crafting 3-dimensional characters, but I wanted
and was instrumental in the construction of the two Great WaIls. to add my two cents by deconstructing that most special aspect
The Orb will recover its P.P.E. at a rate of about 40 per hour of the Nightbane: the Morphus. What follows are a few ideas to
(goes from empty to full in 25 hours). help you explore the background your character didn't even
Secondly, the Mayvoe can repel evil. Except when com­ know he had in the hopes of explaining why the heck he or she
pletely depleted of this P.P.E. reserve, the Orb shines from looks so weird. After that follows some new Morphus tables
within as if lit by an internal star. This light is actually true day­ based more on motives, fears, dreams, and desires. Enjoy.
light, and will harm vampires, shades, and other beings affected
by the sun/light. It will repel such beings out to a radius equal to Psychology in the Shadows
the number of P.P.E. left within it, in feet. For example, if fully
So, why exactly does your Morphus look like a humanoid
charged, vampires could not come within 1000 feet (305 m) of
puma with large chunks of missing flesh exposing the bone be­
someone holding the Mayvoc. If some of the P.P.E. reserve was
neath? And why the heck is it dressed in Roman Legionnaire ar­
used, the circle of protection would shrink, and the light would
mor? No doubt you've asked similar questions in the past about
dim a little. Should such beings become caught within the af­
your character. Let's start with the obvious.
fected area, they will suffer 1D6x I 0 points of damage for every
melee round they remain too close. What You See Is What You Get: This is the most basic idea
regarding the Morphus. This is the "I like birds, so it turns into a
Though it has never been used in recorded history, those who
bird" philosophy. Simple, very straightforward. If this is your
have studied it insist that the Mayvoc does possess a third
stance, than I'd assume that your character is a very honest per­
power: It can completely discharge its P.P.E. reserve in a single,
son. Thus, a twisted, frightening Morphus form would indicate
enormous, destructive blast. No one is certain what this would
an evil Nightbane with a soul that matches its monstrous appear­
look like, or what exactly it would do. The Alchemists' leading
theory is that the Mayvoc would send out a wave of pure Light.
The radius effect for this "nova" is thought to be 1000 feet (305 Opposites: Now we're digging deeper. Often, the Morphus
m), but, again, no one has tested this assumption. The fear is may be seen as a true window into the soul. Someone plain and
that causing the Orb to forcibly eject all its power could cause it ordinary might become incredibly beautiful. Someone weak,
to break, or go out forever. The power to nova may be a sickly, or disabled transforms into a powerhouse of muscle, and
one-shot deal. Despite past efforts, no one has found a way to so on. On the flip side, someone obsessed with their good looks
build a second Orb, so the Mayvoc is simply too much of a cul­ could be robbed of them every time they undergo the Becoming.
tural icon to risk it in such a way. There is definitely an element of karma at play here, as people
get what's coming to them, for better or worse. This opens up
whole avenues to explore. Consider the shy bookworm who
transforms into a beautiful, chiseled, godlike Adonis that exudes
charisma. Suddenly, he's the center of attention. Does he remain
a bundle of nerves around the ladies, or does he abuse his power
and start taking advantage of them?
Obsessions, Fears, Love and Hate: Scared of heights when
you were a kid? Yeah, you're going to end up with wings. Love

chocolate a little too much? Your Morphus might end up look­ as an example. A uniform is the most direct, obvious way to ex­
ing morbidly obese. Biomechanicals might be obsessed with or­ press that concept. But what else could we use that might be
der and timeliness (everything moving like clockwork). Thus, more creative or better define the character as an individual?
their Morphus has gears and gyros to keep everything running Animal attributes are a great way to symbolize ideas like
smoothly. Anything that conjures up powerful emotions is likely strength or patriotism. An American could obviously choose an
to manifest itself during the Becoming. Makes it tricky to keep eagle to show his pride, whereas a Russian might choose a bear
some things secret. or a Chinese person might have dragon-like traits.
Extremes and Irony: Many aspects of the Morphus symboli­ Consider the person's service branch and specialty. Airmen
cally magnifY some personality flaw or quirk to almost comical and pilots would probably take on shapes derived from birds of
levels. Obsessed with being thin? Behold! Your Morphus is prey. A cavalry officer could tum into a horse and sailors take
nothing more than a skeleton dressed in rags. Painfully shy? on fish attributes like gills or shark teeth. One of the many nick­
You have the No Face characteristic. Accident prone? Roll for names given to U.S. Marines is 'Devil Dogs,' so how about a
multiple Stigmata. You get the idea. But extreme characteristics canine Morphus with little devil horns?
might not be that obvious. That's where irony comes in, like the Other soldier ideas include Biomechanical traits (see Military
entry above where someone shy or plain becomes super beauti­ Hardware below) or even the selection and manifestation of Tal­
ful. The Morphus can be an outlet for emotions. Someone with ents. How about Stigmata resulting from battlefield wounds? Or
seething emotions can maintain control wearing his Fa~ade, but give the character's skin a camouflage pattern like an all over
perhaps turns into a rabid mutant badger in Morphus form. body tattoo, or camo that shifts to match the surroundings, like a
Symbolism: In one culture, cats may be revered. In another, chameleon. Now, that's quite a few different ways to express
they might be feared as harbingers of doom. There are always the 'soldier' aspect of your Nightbane, and all that's just if we
multiple ways of looking at something. This ties in nicely with keep the character set in modem times. What about Native
Obsessions, Fears, Love, and Hate, above. One person may American warriors? Roman gladiators, or a knight of the Cru­
think that they are on the cutting edge of technology, and that's sades? Lots of possibilities.
expressed in their Morphus with multiple Biomechanical traits.
Another person might see technology as the downfall of civili­ Specific Characteristics
zation, isolating individuals from society or feeding them a con­
Okay, so some of the stranger Nightbane characteristics are
stant supply of sex and violence. Those differing viewpoints
harder to explain. Take the Plasmoid body shape. Why would
might bring two such individuals into conflict.
someone become a large tub of goo? Well, maybe they can't
Motivation: The Morphus becomes a tool or a weapon for make decisions or they lack courage. In essence, they are spine­
carrying out the character's mission in life, be it theft, revenge, less. Plasmoid would also fit a slippery individual who always
self-discovery or finding true love. Their Morphus could be a manages to get out of trouble somehow.
mishmash of odds and ends; equipment, basically, that sepa­
Unnatural Limbs often arise from some need in everyday life.
rately serves no purpose but makes a strange sort of sense when
What single parent couldn't use an extra set of arms? Or, uh,
brought together as a whole.
tentacles. Hey, every little bit helps. Likewise, intelligent, obser­
The first Nightbane I rolled up was like that. He started out vant, or paranoid people might manifest extra sensory organs
with a full bear form, enhanced with both Physical Perfection like antennae or multiple eyes. Giant mouths and fangs might
and Animal Magnetism. A few more rolls resulted in Articu­ symbolize greed or gluttony.
lated Spikes, a Metal Endoskeleton (counts as Stigmata in this
case), topped off with a Metal Head and Camera Eyes. Yeah,
explain all that to me. I decided that some tragedy in his back­
Clothing Optional
ground had turned him into an anti-hero type or vigilante. A bit Falling under the obvious category are those people who say
aloof and a loner by choice, he would need to be really tough in "My guy always wanted to be a cop, so his Morphus is dressed
order to fight and survive alone. Being freaky looking was just in a police uniform," etc. I'm not arguing against that. Indeed,
an added bonus. many entries on the following Morphus tables are like that. But
~Is What It Is: Well, sometimes there is no logical explana­ for me, any clothing on your Nightbane should be more about
tion, and that's great news. Why? Because the character is free defining his or her personality than just stating the obvious. I
to walk his or her own path. Unanswered questions can be frus­ opted to dress one of my Nightbane in a Western style duster
trating, but they can also be great motivators or hooks for future and hat not because he wanted to be a cowboy, but because it fit
adventures. An oddball Morphus is a great starting point. After his personality well. He saw himself as a modem day gun­
all, your brand new first level Nightbane probably knows very slinger, wandering around righting wrongs and dispensing jus­
little about his or her true nature and the limits of their abilities. tice from the barrel of a gun.
After they get over the initial shock, the first thing they're likely So I'm not saying don't do it, I'm just saying try to find
to do is go out and take their Morphus on a test run to see what something other than an outfit to describe your character. Think
they are capable of. about other things related to that job. A firefighter could be
dressed in full gear, or better still, he takes on some features
Beyond the Obvious from a Dalmatian. Something related to what you're trying to
convey without hammering someone upside the head with it.
Maybe you have a concept for your character and you want
You can use the types of clothes and their condition to rein­
to build the Morphus around it. Let's take the soldier archetype
force your ideas. High fashion could indicate a prissy attitude or
arrogance. Shredded clothes might indicate a survivor or some­ A.R. starts at 7 instead of 6. The second number represents
one who is always getting into fights. modifications due to other Characteristics. So, for example, if
One final note is that clothes can be worn regardless of size you have a full animal form and any number of Stigmata, add 1
or shape. So your giant spider-humanoid with four arms can still to your base A.R. for a result of 8, and so on.
be dressed like a cheerleader, it's just that the outfit will have Primary Body Type (Base Number)Modifier (Adds to Base
four sleeves instead of two. In general, adding clothes to the A.R. Number)
Morphus does not really add to the Horror Factor that much: just Mostly humanoid6N/A
a +l bonus unless it's something really specific that's meant to
Full Animal Form7N/A
instill fear (an SS officer's uniform, a medieval executioner's
hood, etc.). Mostly, the extra Horror Factor bonus conveys that Centauroid7NIA
"What the [blank]" reaction you get from seeing something that Other Human/Animal hybrid6N/A
just doesn't make much sense (like the aforementioned giant hu­ Reptile7+2
manoid spider that just happens to be dressed as a cheerleader). Armored animals"'8+3
Armorgraft 10+3
Weird Is as Weird Does Metal ExoskelotonlO+4
Okay, so after all that, are you still not sure what to say about Biomechanical (other)9+ 3
your character? Is it just too crazy, too strange, too ugly, scary, Physical PerfectionN/A+ 1
etc.? Consider the multitude of oddities in human myth and lore.
The sphinx, the gryphon, the minotaur, dragons, faeries, shape
changing gods and other legends have been a part of human cul­ Bones/skeletal9+2
tures since the beginning. And most if not all ofthem are at least Hulking Monster8+2
a little bit strange. Check out some of Palladium's other titles, or StigmataNIA+ 1
stop by the local library, or, you know, do that Internet thing to Wood7+2
learn more. Crystal, stone, brick, or other hard substance9+3
'" Includes animal types with any sort of tough outer covering
Optional Rule: Horror Factor such as turtles, armadillos, and hard shelled insects like cock­
The upper limit on a Nightbane's Horror Factor? Simply put: roaches, etc.
forget about it. Well, to be fair, keep it at a max of 18 for hu­
mans and the like, but don't cap it when dealing with supernatu­ A simpler approach is to take a base number (use the chart
ral threats like Hounds or other Nightbane. In this case, the above if you like) and add + 1 for each different Nightbane char­
Horror Factor is less about getting them to wet their pants. It's acteristic. Let's say your Game Master sets the base number at
about first impressions, more of an Awe Factor. I mean, it's go­ 6. Your character has two animal characteristics, one Stigmata,
ing to be hard to spook a fellow freak show or evil minion, most and one Biomechanical trait, resulting in a total A.R. of 10. A
of whom have substantial bonuses to save vs Horror Factor any­ third option is to set a base number and add the roll of ID6. Of
way. But a Nightbane can convey power and majesty, exuding course, all this is optional based on what your G.M. will allow.
that air of "You don't want to mess with this!"
So when your Nightbane comes face to face with a Night
Lord, he can use the full weight of his Horror Factor to stare
New Morphus Tables
down that villain, if only for a second. The Night Lord is taken Now the part you've been waiting for: new Morphus genera­
aback for a moment (an opening to attack, flee, or talk). Then he tion tables. The thought behind these, and indeed most of this
gives a condescending smile. "You are indeed impressive, my article, is to explore your character's background, personality,
friend. [Pause.] For a lesser being ... " and motivations. In some cases, this means granting him or her
instinctive skills that apply only while in Morphus form. Some
Optional Rule: Armor Rating entries give the character a free Talent. This Talent is gained au­
tomatically at first level (ignoring any level restrictions), at no
Many minions of the Dark have an Armor Rating, but
cost (doesn't require 'burning off P.P.E. to acquire).
Nightbane don't. An oversight? Game balance issues? I feel that
an Armor Rating is appropriate in many cases. Sure, a
Nightbane with tons of S.D.C. can ignore small amounts of Dream Job/Childhood Fantasy
damage or just heal away some minor injuries. But some traits This table is made up of 'ideal' jobs, basically the answer to
lend themselves to creating tougher Nightbane. Bullets should the question "What do you want to be when you grow up?" If
ping off of metal plates and blades should be useless against you don't find your particular job here, don't take offense.
bare bone. Even a Nightbane with a mostly human Morphus is These jobs are what I think the average 6 to 9 year old considers
still a powerful supernatural being, despite appearances. cool or interesting (at least when I was a kid). Let me put it an­
All Nightbane have a base A.R. of 6 unless otherwise stated. other way: if you can make a Halloween costume out of that oc­
Certain Nightbane Characteristics can add significantly to this cupation, it belongs on this list, so feel free to add to it. Such a
number. The chart below will walk you through generating your form might reflect childhood innocence, or the Nightbane's la­
A.R. The first number is the base number that represents your ment that they have not reached their goals or regret over a path
primary body type. So, if you have a full animal form, your base not taken. ("I wish I'd studied harder to become a doctor" or "If
only my eyesight was better. I could have been a pilot" and so also gains either the Darkbonds or Lightning Rider Talent (the
on. ) Nightbane equi valents of handcuffs and tasers).
Police detectives (or private investigators) gain W.P. Pistol
or Revolver (choose one), and +15% to the Interrogation skill ,
along with either the See Truth or Remove Far;:ade Talent.
Both types of police can also temporarily boost their M.A. in
order to command or intimidate. Each 3 P.P.E. spent adds + I to
their M.A. The effect lasts rwo minutes per level of experience.
o tion: The player can also opt to roJ I on the Canll1e animal
table for more features. Typical breeds that work with law en­
forcement are German Shepherds, Dobermans, and B lood­
hounds, though you might decide on something different.
22-28% Firefighter: Arguably what most sets firefighters
apart from the rest of us is their amazing courage, running to­
ward danger while everyone else runs away from it. Add +2 to
initiative, +4 vs Horror Factor, +2 to P.S. and P.E., and W.P.
Axe. Takes only 1/4 damage from heat and fire and suffers only
half the penalties when caught in a fire (such as being blinded
by smoke, etc.). If dressed in fireflghting gear, add 4D6 S.D.C.
as well. Or select traits from the firefighter 's symbol, the Dal­
matian .
29-35% Medical Professional: Doctors, dentists, and veteri­
narians all gain the appropriate medical skill at the M.D. level:
80%. Surgeons may find the fingers or nails of one hand re­
placed by scalpels or razors, while the opposite hand sports
clamps or other tools . Likewise, dentists can have drill bits
growing out of their fingers. They work, too, doing 2D6 plus
punch damage. Such tool hands add +2 to Horror factor. Veteri­
narians may choose to roll for an animal fonn, as well. Or select
one Talent that best fits the character: Infectious Control ,
Sharing the flesh, Lord/Lady of the Wind.
01-07% Astronaut: This trait is especially common among 36-42% Musician: The Morphus gains either the Singing
'Banes born between the post-war years up through about the skill or a specific Play Musical Instrument skill (professional
mid j 980s. The Morphus is clothed in a spacesuit of some sort, quality for either) at + 15% and the Darksong Talent for free.
either of realistic design or something from a science fiction further Nightbane characteristics can turn the character into a
movie . This gives them great resistance to extremes of heat, one person band: a Morphus with multiple mouths can sing dif­
cold and radiation (all do only half damage). When the visor is ferent parts of a song (lead and backup vocals, be a one-man
down and sealed shut, the character is immune to gases and the barbershop quartet, etc.), while multiple limbs enable them to
vacuum of space. The oxygen supply lasts for six hours. Unseal­ play more than one instrument simultaneously.
ing the suit for two hours or reverting to the Far;:ade for an hour
43-49% Actor or Entertainer: Add +2 to M.A. and roll
replenishes the supply. Add 3D6 S.D.C. and + I to Horror Fac­
once on the Physical Perfection table, or add +2 to M.A. and se­
tor. Also, the character gains one skill from the areas of Me­
lect either the Reshape Far;:ade or Borrow Morphus Talent for
chanical , Medical , Science, or Technical at + 15%. Note: This
trait also counts as Biomechanical.
50-56% Pro Athlete: Roll on the Sports table below or se­
08-14% Cowboy: Still a favorite after generations, this trait
lect one that's appropriate .
can manifest in several ways: either the character is dressed to
57-63% Soldier or Warrior: See example above for ideas.
fit the role and/or he takes on animal attributes appropriate to
All soldiers, regardless of other fearures , also gain one Modem
the Old West, with horses being the most common, but buffalo,
W.P. (or Ancient, if playing an ancient style warrior) , a +2 bo­
snakes, certain birds, and even scorpions being possibilities.
nus to strike with that W.P, + I to strike, parry , and dodge,
Roll on the appropriate animal table. All cowboys gain the ski.lls
+2D6 S.D.C., and +5% to any Military skills they kno\,v.
of Horsemanship +10% , W.P. revolver (+1 to strike), and +1 on
initiative. The G.M. can also opt to include skills from other set­ 64-70% Spy/Secret Agent Man: This Nightbane probably
tings like Sharp Shooting, rope tricks, etc. grew up during the spy movie heyday of the 60s and 70s. They
gain the skills of prowl + 10% and add 10% to any espionage
15-21 % Police Officer: The Morphus mayor may not be
skills they know, plus W.P. Knife or Pistol, +2 on initiative, +1
clothed in a uniform (intact or otherwise), but it does gain W.P.
blunt (nightsticks), W.P. Pistol or Revolver (choose one), as to disarm and automatic knockout/stun on the roll of a 17 or
well as +10% to the Find Contraband and Streetwise skills. He better. Amazing how they can knock anybody out in one punch,
eh? The Morphus may also be wearing clothes to fit the part like
a tuxedo or typical 'G-Man' attire: a dark suit and sunglasses.
71-77% Ninja: Who didn't want to be a ninja when they nus to Automotive Mechanics, Basic Electronics, or a piloting
were a kid? These Nightbane have an instinctive ability to prowl skill.
at 80% +1% per level. Add +3 to Perception Rolls, +2 to strike, 16-20°/0 Animal Lover: Roll or select an attribute from an
+2 to P.P. as well as W.P. sword and two other ancient W.P.s of appropriate Animal Form table.
choice. Ninja outfit is optional. Hmm, spies and ninjas ... if only 21-25% Activist: This person's powerful beliefs translate
there were a game that combined those two. into his or her Morphus form. For instance, Nineteenth Century
78-84 % Pirate: Another childhood fantasy that comes to life abolitionists would have been covered in several lengths of
for some Nightbane. The character gains the skills of Swimming chain or have whip marks or other Stigmata to show their empa­
and Pilot: Sailboat, both at + 15%, as well as W.P. Sword. Toler­ thy with slaves. Protesters against genocide might have a
ance for alcohol is twice that of regular people. Lastly, roll on Morphus riddled with bullet holes. If there is a particular animal
ID4 of the following tables: Biomechanical, Unusual Facial they are trying to save, they take on features of that animal (roll
Features, Animal (avian or sea animals only) and Alien Shape. on the appropriate table). Environmentalists can roll on the Plant
Give the results a proper pirate spin like a hand that morphs into Form Table or gain the Storm Maker Talent (Mother Nature's
a hook, eye patches covering three out of six eyes, or parrot fury unleashed) for free. All activist Nightbane also add 3 to
feathers replacing hair. M.A. to represent their strong convictions.
85-91 % Comic Book Style Super Hero: Driven by a desire 26-30% Creative Type: This person enjoys some type of art
to help and protect innocents, these beings are powerful even or craft, from painting to sewing to sculpting. The Morphus
compared to other Nightbane. Roll once on the Unearthly gains the chosen skill(s) at 70% +2% per level, and may also
Beauty table and once on the Nightbane Characteristics table but take on attributes from the chosen field. A sculptor's Morphus
ignore any calls for multiple rolls that result. Then add 206 to may look like a statue carved from marble, for example. Or, at
P.S. and P.E., +106 to M.A., +306 to Spd, +2 to initiative, +1 first and forth levels, choose one Talent and modifY it per the
to Perception Rolls, +2 to strike, +10% to all Physical skills, Talent Shaper O.C.C. below.
+20 to P.P.E., +25 Hit Points and +2D6x1O S.D.C., plus give 31-35% Gardening: This particular Nightbane has a prover­
them one extra Talent for free. Skintight superhero costume op­ bial green thumb. Select one or more from the following: roll on
tional. Sounds great, but there's a catch or two. The character the Plant Life table (Nightlands world book), select the Thoms
needs 10% more Experience Points to advance each level. So or Bark-like Skin traits from the main RPG book, roll on the In­
while other Nightbane need 28,301 points to reach 6 th level, you sect table (the exact type of bug can be one that is beneficial to
need 31,131 points. Plus, if your alignment falls to Selfish or plants, like bees, or one that devours them, depending upon the
Abberant (all suitable for anti-heroes), reduce all combat bo­ character's outlook on life), or the Nightbane automatically has
nuses by 25%, and by 50% if the character becomes Miscreant the Storm Maker Talent for free.
or Diabolic!
36-40% Collector: Collectors have a special fondness for
92-98% Other: There are a lot of you and only one of me, so something, from cards to action figures to movie posters, or
somebody's bound to come up with another great idea. Lumber­ whatever else you can imagine. Their love of these collectibles
jack, politician, jewel thief, plumber, the only limits are your (or fear that the items may become lost or stolen) manifests it­
imagination and the Game Master's permission. Or roll twice on self in several ways. Some Nightbane end up wearing rows of
this table, ignoring rolls of 92% or higher. their favorite trinkets such as a vest made of stamps or 'chain­
99-100% As above, but roll three times. mail' armor made from rare coins. Others might have their col­
lectibles imbedded into their flesh in some terrible way. Sports
Hobbies fans might be covered in memorabilia like an autographed jer­
A Nightbane's preoccupation with something often translates sey or hat. In any event, the Nightbane will be quite knowledge­
directly into his or her Morphus. Cat lovers become cats, hunt­ able about the value of such items (can guess the market price
ers develop gun limbs, etc. Here are a few more ideas involving within 5%). Any of the above manifestations results in bonuses
common pastimes and how they relate to the character. of+3D6 S.D.C. and +1 to Horror Factor (more odd than fright­
ening in most cases).
01-05% Sports: This guy plays touch football at family pic­
nics or is on a hockey team. It's not their profession, just some­ Q£tion: Instead of toys or comics, this character collects at­
thing they do for fun. Roll or select from the Sports!Athlete tributes from the Nightbane universe. In other words, he is the
table. collection. Roll ID4 plus 2. Take the result, and select that
many different tables to roll on. Apply each result to a separate
06-10%, Technology Freak: This Nightbane just has to have
body part like the head, torso, or a limb. Then add another table
the latest gadget, phone, MP3 player or game system, preferably
(like Biomechanical, Stigmata, or Unnatural Limbs) to modifY
the day it comes out, or might be a computer whiz. Roll or select
the whole mess. So you might end up with the body of a gorilla,
from any Biomechanical table, or give the character an appro­
a lobster-like left arm, a robotic right arm, a reptilian left leg, a
priate Talent like Lightning Rider, or a 20% bonus to an appro­
bird-like right leg, and the head of an Elil Then you could add
priate skill (he is pretty good with computers, but in Morphus
wings or a tail or open wounds or who knows what to make a
form, he's a super hacker!) or something else that feels right.
truly bizarre creation. Roll on the tables as normal, but apply the
11-15% CarlMotorcycle Nut: This is the guy who's always result to only that one area. So if you rolled for a full bird form,
in his garage tinkering with his prized classic vehicle. Roll or you get either one single wing in place of an arm, one single
select from the Car/Motorcycle table, select an appropriate bird leg, a bird body, or a bird head. If you go with this option,
Biomechanical feature, or give the Morphus a skill or skill bo­ add bonuses only to the appropriate areas (a robot arm adds to
P.S., not Spd, obviously). Add all bonuses including S.D.C., 61-65% Historical Re-enactor: Much like the Historian
then divide by half, rounded down. Why? Because the bonuses above, this person knows a great deal about some group or indi­
listed usually assume a symmetrical fonn (two cat legs, for ex­ vidual from the past. The Morphus gains the skills and knowl­
ample), and you are probably employing only one. That's half, edge (and possibly the attire) of the archetype being copied.
and hence, half the bonus. Examples: The bard at the local Renaissance Fair gains impres­
41-450/0 Games: Many people worldwide have a passion for sive singing and dancing abilities in Morphus fonn, while a
chess. Or maybe this eharacter wants to win big at poker. In any knight gains W.P. Sword or W.P. Lance and Horsemanship, etc.
case, the Morphus takes on some aspect of the character's favor­ The clothing, and indeed the persous themselves, can be as
ite game. They could resemble game pieces, like chess players beautiful or monstrous as the player desires. So a Colonial
gaining a horse head or other feature to make them look like a blacksmith might have a pristine outfit, or one that's ripped to
'knight' or their clothes change into monastic robes to become a shreds, while his body is perfectly human, utterly beautiful (the
'bishop' and so forth. Or their skin and hair may take on a black Unearthly Beauty table), or frightening (defonned, extra limbs,
and white checker pattern. or an animal fonn).
Texas Hold 'em players might fmd themselves dressed like Special consideration must be made for military re-enactors
the joker or their skin imprinted with card images or an intricate and their gun limbs (if any). These weapons will invariably
pattern from the back of the card (the "Bicycle" logo, and so match their role, with musket balls replacing modern bullets.
on). Or give them the No Face feature found under the Unusual See the Soldier description elsewhere for hints, most re-enactors
Facial Features table for that truly unreadable 'poker face.' gain + I to Horror Factor and usually pick up an appropriate skill
Dice chuckers (like role-playing garners) might have dice im­ orW.P.
printed on their irises or even replacing their cyes! Another pos­ Annorgraft is another way to tailor a re-enactor type charac­
sibility is that a gun limb shoots dice instead of bullets (damage ter. The annor will of course reflect their area/era of knowledge,
and all other stats unehanged). Also see the Fool's Luck Talent from Greek Hoplites to gladiators to Medieval knights. (In
below. For any of the above, add + I to any two saving throws or Rifts®, the results could resemble common M.D.C. suits or hu­
eombat bonuses, 5% to anyone skill, and + ID4 to Horror Fac­ man scale power armor, possibly even Skelebots.)
tor, or bonuses as per another table where appropriate (such as 66-70% Occult Studies: This person was interested in the
the horse head in the above example). occult but might not have had the aptitude to perfonn magic, or
46-50% Tinkerer or Enthusiast: This person is probably he had a run-in with the supernatural or simply suspected that he
not a full-time architect, mechanic, or whatever, but they do was different. Imagine his (happy?) surprise upon learning that
dabble in their spare time. They might build a ham radio, train he is a Nightbane! Add a one time bonus of 20 P.P.E. to the
pigeons, or read medical journals simply for their own enjoy­ character (available to the Fa(,:ade and Morphus alike) and the
ment. This enthusiasm grants extra skills available only to the following: For the Nightbane Sorcerer O.C.C.: Add two addi­
Morphus fonn. Select three from any of these categories with a tional spells to your starting knowledge and a 10 P.P.E. bonus.
20% bonus: Communication, Electrical, Mechanical, Medical, For the Nightbane Mystic: Add 106 spells plus a bonus of 10
Science, or TeehnicaL These skills progress nonnally as the P.P.E. These spells are gained at any new level after level one.
character goes up from one level to the next. Or, simply re-roll Any or all of them could show up, so if you rolled a three, you
on this table to detennine what the character dabbles in. can add all three at second level, or add just one and save the
51-55% Woodworking/Carpentry: I know we always got others for a later level. For other non-magic using Nightbane:
the safety lecture the fITst day in shop class, though this person Add one Lore skill at +20% or add 10% to any existing Lore
might not have been there. The Morphus fonn is granted the skill, and the player ean also select one additional Talent for free
Carpentry skill at +20%, and the player may opt to roll on the plus a one time bonus of 20 P.P.E.
Stigmata or Biomechanical tables for other features that match 71-75%, Taxidermy: This extreme version goes beyond just
this hobby (missing a finger or two, circular saws instead of stuffmg or preserving dead animals. The Nighbane becomes an
hands, etc.). expert on death and dismembennent, adding + 10% to any skills
56-60% Historian: The first option is the academic who is that can scientifically detennine the cause of someone's death.
well read in a variety of disciplines and traveled abroad for a Also, the 'Bane automatically recognizes any fonn of the
few years conducting research. More than just straight intelli­ undead and can even sense their presence within 100 feet (30
gence, these studies have granted insight. The Morphus fonn is m). The downside is that this guy will be a little creepy, even
wiser and not easily fooled: add +2 to M.E., +2 vs Horror Fac­ among other Nightbane: + ID6 to Horror Factor.
tor, and +5 to save vs or see through any type of illusions. Also 76-80% Body Modification: We're not talking a few tattoos
add 10% to any Lore skills or give the character one Lore skill or getting your tongue pierced. No, this is the over the top type
+10%. Second option: Add +2 to I.Q. and as if by magic the of stuff you see on tabloid TV shows like people who undergo
Morphus speaks and reads all languages at 80% + 1% per level dozens of plastic surgeries to look like a certain celebrity or
and knows all Lore skills at 50% plus 5% per leveL Third op­ some other strange fixation. Roll 1D4 times on any Stigmata ta­
tion: Choose skills as per the Tinkerer above, plus the character bles, and add another +2 to the total resulting Horror Factor be­
has built-in versions of Speed Reading and Total Recall (works cause the end result is always that much more extreme and
just like the psionic power but is automatic, requiring no I.S.P. disgusting.
or P.P.E.). Fourth option: Choose an animal fonn that you feel is 81-85% Addiction: Not a hobby per se, but it is something
appropriate, like an owl to signify wisdom or an elephant (as that takes up far too much of the character's time and money.
they say, an elephant never forgets). Check under the Stigmata table in this article for options.
86-95% Dream Job: Roll on the Dream Jo bs table or choose just roll on the appropriate table . A San Francisco 4gers fan
o ne . could be outfitted in miner's gear. and so on. Look elsewhere in
96-100% Surely there 's something I've overlooked. Create thi s article for ideas related to occupations.
your own hobby and ass ign bonuses as you see fit or roll twice One final note: There 's no possible way [ could ha ve in­
on this table, Ig norin g rolls of96 to 100. cluded every s po rt or acti vity known to man, but thi s table
s hould hopefu lly give yo u some ideas on how to adapt what you
kno w about a sport . Remember to think beyond just the attribute
bonu ses. Someone into Curling might be able to run across
ice/slick surfaces at full speed without fear of falling, or because
it's more of a gentlemanly game, add to M .A. instead. Lacrosse
players might develop their own unique Armorgraft or vo ll ey ­
ball stars could have extraordinary leaping abi lities. Pads and
helmets can look like the real thin g or ca n take on monstrous ap­
pearances. Be creative' Other gear like c leats would add I D6
damage to kicks and s tomp attacks.
01-05% AcrobaUGymnast: Select any two: the Morphus
kno ws the chose n sk ill at + I0%, +2 P.P., automatic dodge, or
adhesion (ca n walk on walls and cei lin gs , carry ing himself as
well as up to half his P.S. allowance in weight).
06-10% Boxer: Give the Morphu s the Boxing skill, or add
bonuses as you see fit (see the example above or the Punching
Bag in the Stigmata tab le below).
11-15% Swimmer: The Morphus has the in st inc ti ve ability
to Swim at 70% +2% per leve l, regardless of its s hape , or add
15% to the facade' s sw irruning sk ill. A lte rnat ively, the
Morphus could have the ability to hold its breath for 1D4 melee
rounds per point of P.E. an d gains an automatic dod ge in the
16-20% Dancer: The Morphus can move with grace and en­
ergy. Give him or her the Dance skill at +20% , or add + 10% to
Sports/Athletics the Facade's skill, and add +2 P.P. , or g ive the chara cter the
Dervish Dance Talent for free.
This table is for those Nighlbane who aspire to be an athlete
21-25% Weight Lifter/Bodybuilder: The aon s and/or legs
of some sort. As with many other instinctive traits and abilities ,
of the Morphu s become disproportionately large (at least twice
th e Nlghtbane will only have access to said bonuses or sk ill s
as big), adding 10% more weight to the c haracter , + I D4 to P.S.,
while in the Morphus form. [f a skill is duplicated , the player
+2 to P.E ., +4D6 S.D.C. and +2 to Horror Factor (conside red a
and G.M. can decide what ' s most appropriate: Either roll again
Stigmata, Unnatural Limb or Alien Shape), or th e character is so
on th is table or select a new c ha rac teri sti c. take the higher of the
proud of his muscles that he wants them seen direct!\' , as in
two percentages (the Facade knows prowl at 4 5°;'1, but the
without any skin' Add 3D6 S.D.C. and lD4 to Horro~ Factor
Morphus has the skill a t 70% . so you use the 70%), or in a rare
(considered a Stigmata).
case , Game Masters can a llo w the bonuses to stack (add them
together). 26-30% Race Car Driver: Roll on the CarlMoto rcycle tabl e
or select one that seems right.
A better a lternative is to accentuate a different aspect of the
sport. Let 's use Boxing as an examp le . Ways to express the 31-35% Runner: The character's spec ialty dete rmines what
MOI-phus form's pugilistic prowess might be to have it dressed bonuses appl y. Sprinters add ID4x I0 to Spd and gai n a quick
in boxing attire, or increa se the range of the undeclared knock­ s trike ability like so me an imals . Once every ten minutes, the
ou t (e.g. any natu ral roll or IR-20 scores a knockout). or the face character can double his or her speed, adding two attacks per
and body is bruised and cut from past matches (see the Punc hing melee round, +4 to a ll com bat rolls and granting an automatic
Bag li stin g under the Sti g ma ta table below). Still another idea is dodge' The effect lasts just one minute, and the character is fa­
to make the c harac ter even more resi stant to punishment (add to tigued during the next five minutes (alJ combat bonu ses a re half)
P.E. and S.D.C. or make him immune to stunning/knockout as he recharges himself. Marathoners add ID4+3 to P .E. and
blows,. or add another +5 to roll with impact), or give the char­ 2D6 to S.D.C. They can run at the ir full speed for 20 minutes
acter an Armor Rating of 7+ 1D4, or add some other feature to per point of P.E. before feeling fatigued. Cross Country runners
make them fearsome fighters (Biom echanica l fists or arms , gai n 2 D6 S.D.C. and + 106 to P.E. as we ll as the La nd Naviga­
sp iked knuckles, etc). See') All those ideas jus t from one little tio n skill at + 15%.
Morphus feature. 36-40% Extreme Athlete: These are unconventi o nal sports
The player may also opt to make hi s c ha racte r look like the like ice wall climbin g and bungee jumping. As such, they appeal
masco t of his favorite team. These ca n be scary, comical, or any to the fea rless (or stupid ): Add +2 on initiative, and +2 to save
combination you like . Ma ny team s are named after animal s, so vs Horror Factor. Also choose one bonus that best describes the

character's chosen sport: +2 to P.S., P.E. or P.P., or +306 to and adds +3 to roll with impact. If the Morphus has skates, they
Spd . The G.M. may decide that the player also knows a skill as­ add 206 to kick damage.
sociated with that sport, like Parachuting if he's a BASE 76-80% Cyclist: This Nightbane always dreamed of winning
Jumper Also , because these guys tend to get hurt quite a bit, add the Tour de France . Add + J to M.E ., +3 to P.E. and +206
306 S.D.C. and roll at least once on the Stigmata table (cuts, S.D .C. , plus the character can peddle a bike with amazing speed
bruises, broken bones and shards of glass are all extremely com­ and agility. Gains automatic dodge while riding a bike and
mon). speed equals the Morphus ' speed plus 20' Piloting skill is 80%
41-45% Golfer: Golfers add 2 to their P.E. (long walks) and + I % per level. Or, the upper body has been fused to a bicycle in
gain the unique ability to enter into a limited berserker rage Morphus form (same as Wheels and Treads Biomechanical
state. By making an M.E. roll (same as the Becoming) they can trait).
fly into a fury that temporarily gives them 50 extra S.D.C. , +4 to 81-85% Rugby Player: These guys are tough and Just a lit­
strike, +5 to damage, one additional attack per melee round, tle bit crazy. Add 204 to P.E., +1 to strike , 306 S.D.C. and roil­
W.P. Blunt, and add +3 to their Horror Factor while enraged. ing once on the Stigmata table for a ' permanent' injury wouldn ' t
The downside is that defensive rolls I ike dodges are performed be a bad idea either
with only half their bonuses, rounded down . The golfer's rage 86-91 % Outdoorsman: As an avid camper, hiker, back c
lasts for one melee round per every three P. E. points, but once it packer, or hunter, this person loves the great outdoors . He or she
ends , he is fatigued (all combat bonuses are halved) for 106 gains the skills of Land Navigation at 70% , Tracking (both hu­
minutes. Chasing that little white ball can be so frustrating. manoids and animals) at 60%, and Camouflage at 70%. Or the
46-51 % Baseball Player: The Morphus mayor may not be character ' s skin is imprinted with a camouflage pattern, helping
wearing a uniform, batting helmet (+206 S.D .C.) or catcher's him to blend in with his surroundings. Adds + I to Horror Factor
pads (+406 S.D.C.) . But he will enjoy bonuses of + 1D6 S.D.C. , and + J5% to Prowl when moving at half speed or lower (double
+204 to Spd , and automatically gain W.P . Blunt (batter up'). ifhe remains motionless).
Throwing distances are increased 50% and he ' s +\ to strike with 92-97% Martial Artist: The Morphus form is blessed with
thrown obj ects or weapon s. Pitchers add another +2 to strike even greater fighting skill s than other Nightbane . Add one at­
with thrown weapons and their throwing range is doubled. tack per melee, +2 to strike , parry, and dodge , Paired Weapons,
52-57% Basketball Player: Slam dunks will be easier be­ and the character gains automatic dodge and inflicts triple dam­
cause the character's love of the sport stretches his body, adding age from Critical Strikes. Alternately, select anyone non-Exclu­
three feet (.9 m) to his height. Add 206 S.D .C. , + I 0 to Spd s ive martial art form from Ninjas and Superpies, Mystic ChinG,
(long legs = big strides), plus increase throwing distance by or The Rifter":&. This form represents on ly the Morphus ' fighting
50%. skills .
58-63% (American) Football Player: The Morphus is par­ 98-100% Choose another sport not mentioned here or roll
tially armored by pads and a helmet, adding +2 to roll with im­ twice on this table, ignoring rolls of98% or higher
pact and 406 S.D.C. And everybody practices throwing,
catching, and tackling at least a little bit. Add + 1 to strike and
Car and Motorcycle Table
+5 to damage from a tackle, and increase throwing distances by
25 % (double all throwing distances and weight limits for quar­ Characters with a car or motorcycle in spired Morphus can be
terbacks ). gearheads , car collectors, enthusiasts, or professional dri vers
(racers, stunt drivers, or even a criminal wheelman) . Unless
64-69% Soccer Player: Add I to P.E. , +2 to P.P. , +8 to Spd,
stated otherwise, these characters gain the skills of Automotive
and all head butts and kick attacks inflict +206 damage .
Mechanics at 50% and the appropriate piloting skill at 70%, or
70-75% Hockey Player: Add +2 to P.E ., and th e character add 15% to those skills if they are known by the Facad e. All
gains W.P. Bhmt and takes only half damage from cold. Pads traits marked with an asterisk (*) below also count as Biome­
and gear create a makeshift Armorgraft that adds 406 S.D.C. chanical traits.
01-08% Driving Suit: The Morphus is dressed head to toe in
some sort of official looking racing gear, including a full body
suit with gloves and boots and a helmet with flip -up visor
Logos and patches cover most of the surface area of the suit.
These can denote 'sponsors' (the Nightbane's faction ?) or some­
thing random . The suits are fire resistant (fire does half damage)
and slightly padded, adding +2 to roll with impact and 206
S.D.C. Motorc ycle racers will have similar outfits except that
they appear to be constructed out of leather and feature extra
padding at the elbows and knees, adding +4 to roll with impact
and 406 S .D.C. instead. Increase base piloting skill to 80% in
either case.
09-16% *Dash Board: Somewhere on the Nightbane ' s body
(usually the chest) is a set of gauges, readouts, or indicator
lights. These can be digital like a jet fighter ' s heads-up displa y
or old school analog gauges with dials. White these might ap­
41-48% *Shields and/or Weapons: One or both anns can
have a shield or weapon fashioned from scrap metal and spare
parts. A car door and window fused to the foreann works Just
like a SWAT team riot shield and has 3D6+40 S.D.C. and adds
2D6 to damage when used as a blunt weapon . Bucklers made
fTOm hubcaps or motorcycle tires have 25 S.D.C. and add +4 to
parry. A Biomechanical Weapon HandlLimb (see RPG, page
105) will morph into something vehicular like a muffler (W.P.
Blunt) or a crude weapon seemingly made from junkyard dis­
cards and scrap metal. Add 2 to Horror Factor.
49-56% *Armorgraft: Identical to the Biomechanical Trait
from the RPG except that it manifests itself here in the fonn of
vehicle parts. The Morphus wears a sort of patchwork annor
made up of bits of cars or bikes: shoulder pads made from bits
of tires, a helmet shaped like a motorcycle gas tank, and so on.
Emblems and hood ornaments can be added for flair or arranged
to look like military awards.
57-64% *Machine Man: A more extreme version of the en­
try above, this Morphus is clearly mechanical in nature. The
Machine Man looks like a vehicle that has shifted its anatomy
into a humanoid shape, much like a certain famous toy line.
pear to be little more than random flashing lights and numbers, Sadly, the N ightbane cannot transfonn into a vehicle, but his
look closer. Most of the systems serve some function for the mechanical body is extremely powerful and rugged. Add +4 to
Nightbane. A fuel gauge might measure how much P.P.E. the P.S. , +4 to PE. , +5D6 to Spd, + 106xl0 to S.D.C. and + 106 to
character has left. A check engine warning light means the char­ Horror Factor.
acter has sustained a great deal of physical damage (lost Hit 65-72% *Engine: There is an automobile engine growing
Points!) A pressure or temperature gauge is usually a good indi­ out of the Nightbane's chest! It can be a high tech or futuristic
cator of the Nightbane's mood. When it's reading in the red, looking power plant, but most likely it looks to be a hunk of De­
don't upset him' Use your imagination to explain what all the troit iron pulled right out of a vintage muscle car. Adds 2D4 to
di splays mean. Add 2 to Horror Factor and 2D6 S.D.C. P.E. +104x10 to S.D.C., and +lD4x10 to Spd. Also add lD4 to
17-24% *Lights: Several powerful lights grow from the Horror Factor and the character fatigues at half the usual rate.
head or torso. Possible locations include the forehead or even re­ 73-80% *Chrome Skin: The very skin of the Morphus
placing the eyes (add another +2 to Horror Factor), one big one seems to be made of either silver or mercury. Any hair will of­
at the center of the chest, or the shoulders. They are just as pow­ ten be white or silver (possibly gold or copper) and may look
erful as a typical car's headlights and the Nightbane can switch more like fine wire than actual hair. The reflective nature of the
them on or off at will. Optionally , the Nightbane could sport skin means that the character takes only hal f damage fTOm lasers
flashing police or emergency vehicle lights. In that event, he'll and other light based attacks. This hving hood ornament adds
also have a siren or loudspeaker built into his body capable of 3D6 S.D.C. and I D4 to Horror Factor.
broadcasting sounds up to 100 decibels. Add 2 to Horror Factor. 81-88% *Pit Crew or Mechanic: Th e Morphus has built-in
Also , by spending 10 P.P.E., the Nightbane can empower his features that make the Nightbane a master mechanic. The fin­
light beams to dispel unnatural (magical) darkness, reveal gertips are replaced with different size/style screwdrivers or bits
Shadowbeasts, and turn zombies and the undead. The effect that spin to function like airguns. One or both anns contain hid­
lasts one minute per 10 P.P.E. spent. den hydraulics that allow the limb to triple in length to reach in­
25-32 % Crashed!: The Morphus carries the scars of at least accessible places. The character can 'lock' any joint into one
one major crash. Roll for two random Stigmatas and give them position so that his very body can act as a temporary jack stand.
an automotive flavor , like impaling the Nightbane with a Add +3 to P.S. and P.E ., - 2 to Horror Factor and increase the
sheared off piston, broken glass, or other debris. base Automotive Mechanics skill to 70% plus 2% per level.
33-40% *Mirrors: Growing out from the Nightbane's chest 89-96% *Fuel Tanker: This trait enables the character to
or shoulders are two side mirrors just like you'd find on any car store 20 gallons (75.7 liters) of fuel within his body. There is at
or motorcycle . The player can select their exact size, shape, and least one port on the Nightbane's body, though some Nightbane
style. They are living parts of the Nightbane , and while you can with this trait just prefer to chug the gasoline. In addition to the
check your reflection . they cannot be used to Mirrorwalk or per­ obvious benefit of having a hidden stash of gas, the Nightbane
form any Talents requiring a mirror. However, they do act as a can also spit fireballs fueled by his internal reserves! Each fiery
set of eyes for the Nightbane, so they cannot be surprised from blast bums off I gallon (3.785 liters) of gas and inflicts 106x I 0
behmd. The view is a bit distorted (objects may be closer than damage with a range of 100 feet (305 m). Add + I to Horror Fac­
they appear) but still effective. Add 2 to Horror Factor, +2 to tor, temporarily boosted by n\'o when anyone sees him drink
initIative, and +1 to Perception Rolls. petrol , + 1D4 when he breathes fire.

97-100% Other: Think of something else that could be re­ gun limb has a range of one mile/ 1.6 km and enjoys a bonus of
lated, like a car stereo, mud flaps, or a glove compartment and +4 to strike, but is not capable of firing bursts. The maximum
add it to your Nightbane. Or select a Biomechanical trait (like damage available remains 6D6.
good old Wheels or Treads) and give it a vehicular twist, or roll 11-15% Tank Gun: A huge cannon (equal to three quarters
twice on this table. of the 'Bane's height with a softball-sized bore) is built into the
Nightbane's body. [t can be mounted on an arm, shoulder, or on
the back. Alternatively , there could be a wide but stubby barrel
protruding from the chest or forehead l In any case, the damage
is an impressive I D6x I 0 and the weapon has an effective range
of one mile/ l.6 km. The gun is fixed (can be combined with rur­
ret, below), so the Nightbane wiU have to point the appropriate
body part to aim the weapon. Unlike the standard gun limb , the
Tank Gun has an internal payload that slow]y regenerates over
time. Twelve shells are ready to fire at a rate of up to three shots
per melee round. The payload regenerates one shot per hour, or
in the alternative, the Nightbane can fuel the gun with his own
Hit Points and P.P.E. Each additional shot costs 5 Hit Points and
5 P.P.E. (both regenerate normally), rate of fire remains the
same. +2 to Horror Factor.
16-20% Reactive Armor: Much like a modern tank, the
Nightbane is tricked out with armored plates that explode out­
ward to dissipate incoming warheads. In game terms, the
Nightbane has an additional 200 S.D.C. separate from his nor­
mal S.D.C. (keep tTack of both). The reactive armor soaks up
half of all damage from missiles and other types of explosive
weapons. The Nightbane can still attempt to roll with the impact
of an explosion to halve the damage again. Any attack beyond
the 200 S.D.C. inflicts full damage to the Nightbane. The reac­
tive armor heals at half the rate of the Nightbane, 5 S.D.C. per
melee. +2 to Horror Factor.
21-25% Smoke Screen: The Nightbane is able to generate
clouds of thick black smoke that obscures vision and clouds sen­
sors (-10% to Read Sensor rolls). Standard rules for fighting
blind apply. The smoke streams from vents , exhaust rubes, or
the character 's nose and mouth. The cloud is 25 feet (7.6 m) in
diameter and remains in place for 5 minutes unless blown away
Military Hardware by wind or other forces.
26-30% Future Soldier: The Nightbane is srudded with sen­
Biomechanical Table sors and optical enhancements, giving him an edge on the battle­
Here 's an optional replacement for existing Biomechanical field, much like the advanced warrior concepts currently in
tables. The theme here is military weapons and gear, suitable for testing. The Nightbane gains +3 on aU Perception Rolls, +2 on
soldier or militia types as well as military history buffs or any­ initiative and +5% to all computer and Military skills.
one looking for more offensive punch in their Morphus. Land, 31-35% Walking Battleship: This Nightbane is an ex­
sea, and air specialties are all represented along with traits that tremely tough customer. The character transfornls into a brute,
cover multiple services and some experimental weapons that adding 25% to his height and weight along with -1-6 P.S., +8
may be standard issue some day. P.E., +40 Hit Points and +2D6x 10+50 S.D.C. I Optional A.R. of
01-05% Gun Limb - Military: Identical to the standard IS. The skin takes on a dull gray hue and is slightly cold to the
Biomechanical fearure from the RPG, but with an extra +2 to touch. The character is not indestructible, though. Gases ,
strike and all P.P.E. costs are halved, so I P.P.E. affords two psionics, magic , and plain old huge amounts of physical damage
dice of damage and just I P.P.E. makes the weapon fully auto­ can still fell the titan. Add I D6 to Horror Factor (perhaps more
matic. The gun will take typical military calibers such as 5.56 impressive than scary).
mm, 7.62 mm or .50 cal. Maximum damage available gets 36-40% Battleship Cannon: Identical to the Tank Gun
bumped up to 8D6. above, but damage is 2D6x to to a ten foot (3 m) radius, payload
06-10% Gun Limb - Sniper: Much like the standard Gun is six shots, range is three miles (4.8 km). +2 10 Horror Factor.
Limb, but with vastly improved range and accuracy. The 41-45% Lift System or Hovercraft: Much like the Wheels
Nightbane 's eyes are equipped with telescopic vision equal to or Treads trait, the upper torso of the Nightbane is fused to a
binoculars. The player may opt to make this fearure obvious, smal.l hovercraft that resembles a hover car or cycle or the
like an optical implant attached to the Nightbane's eyes. The Navy's LCAC (Landing Craft Air Cushion). The Nightbane

skims over the ground at a height of between one foot/O.3 m and taUic hump. Either style provides full hover and VTOL capabil~­
10 feet/3 m (the maximum altitude possible). Operating in small ties along with a top speed of 100 mph (160 km) and a maxI­
spaces or enclosed vehicles will be difficult, if not impossible. mum altitude of 2000 feet (610 m). Rotor assemblies have a
On the upside, the propulsion system is fairly quiet (+ I 0% to total S.D.C. of 40+2D6 (heals as normal). Add ID4 to Horror
Prowl if moving at half speed or slower), plus there's zero Factor.
chance of setting off buried land mines and similar traps. The 71-75% Heads-Up Display (HUD): The Nightbane's eyes
hover system allows travel at full speed across water or land, feature tactical overlays that provide crucial combat informa­
even over the roughest terrain. Add ID6x10+20 to Spd, +4 to tion. Displays include speed (even if traveling in a vehicle), alti­
P.E., +ID4 to Horror Factor, and add 2D4xl0 S.D.C. tude, attitude (basically which way is up) and a compass, as well
46-50% Communications Suite: A series of implants, sen­ as targeting and threat assessment info. The Nightbane can men­
sors, and tiny antennae or radar dishes make this Nightbane .a tally alter the layout of these displays to suit his own preferences
walking, talking fount of electronic intelligence. The Morphus IS or to prioritize valuable data. The targeting and early warning
equipped to send and receive radio signals (and cell phone calls) systems add +2 to initiative and all Perception Rolls, along with
along a wide range of frequencies out to a range of five miles (8 +1 to strike, parry, and dodge.
km). The Nightbane 'hears' transmissions directly in his mind, 76-80% Stealth Skin: The Nightbane's skin looks normal
but outgoing messages must be spoken aloud. However, outgo­ from a distance, but feels rough or scaly. Viewing the skin under
ing transmissions do have the added bonus of being scrambled a microscope reveals its true nature: the skin is made up of tiny,
and secure to prevent enemy eavesdropping. He can also jam jagged ceramic plates that trap thermal emissions and disperse
other such transmissions within a 2000 foot (610 m) radius. The radar signals, making the Nightbane very difficult to detect elec­
Nightbane can also speak and understand most languages at tronically, -35% to any Read Sensor rolls. Add +2 to initiative
75% proficiency. The skill drops by 10% to 25% for ancient, and + 1 to Horror Factor.
obscure, or alien languages. 81-85% Experimental Weapon Laser: Energy weapons
51-55% Fire-and-Forget Smart Missiles: Racks of small only started popping up on Nightbane during the last half cen­
(roughly the size of a pencil) missiles are built into the shoulders tury or so, perhaps inspired by the numerous science fiction
or chest of the Nightbane. Alternately, the racks could also be movies that became popular starting in the 50s. A thin firing
mounted on the wrists, head, back, or mounted in turrets (see port or barrel unleashes a powerful energy beam inflicting 6D6
below). Total payload is 12, damage per missile is 4D6 (no blast S.D.C. damage with an effective range of 2000 feet (610 m).
radius). The missiles have a range of 2000 feet (610 m) and can The laser is powered by P.P.E., at a cost of two P.P.E. per shot.
be fired singly or in volleys ofany size from two up to the entire Rate of fire is equal to the number of hand-to-hand attacks avail­
payload. Spent missiles regenerate one per hour until the total able. The beam is supernatural in nature, and bypasses the A.R.
payload is restored. These missiles are intelligent hunter-seekers of Hounds and other such beings, and bums vampires like sun­
that twist and turn in flight to track their targets like something light, but at only half damage (3D6). The laser is + I to strike
out of anime, +3 to strike plus any bonuses from the W.P. and is completely silent. + I to Horror Factor.
Heavy Weapons skill. Add +2 to Horror Factor. Permanently 86-90% Experimental Weapon - Rail Gun: One or both
sacrificing 3 P.P.E. doubles the missiles' range, and another 3 arms have metallic bands or rows of rectangular plates linked by
P.P.E. adds another +2 to strike. The payload can be increased wires or power cables. The system is actually a powerful elec­
to a maximum of 20 by burning I P.P.E. per missile, while two tromagnet that can hurl small metallic objects at incredible
P.P.E. adds fragmentation warheads with a 10 foot (3 m) blast speeds. 'Ammunition' for the rail gun usually consists of tiny
radius. bits of metal like coins or paper clips. The Nightbane grabs a
56-60% Flight - Rockets or Jet Engines: Identical to the small handful, aims and fires. The magnets hum with power and
standard Biomechanical feature but this Nightbane is a bit faster launch the 'rounds' at supersonic speeds. The ultra high veloci­
and more graceful, adding +l to initiative, +2 to strike and +3 to ties generate tremendous amounts of kinetic energy, inflicting
dodge in flight. Top speed is increased to 100 mph (160 km). lD4xl0 damage, great for punching through armor, effectively
61-65% Flight - Winged: The Nightbane has airplane lowering the Armor Rating of the target by 5. Range is 4000 feet
wings attached to their arms or shoulderslback. Arm wings (1219 m). + ID4 to Horror Factor.
might look like large shields to the uninitiated. To fly, they sim­ 91-95% Turrets: The Nightbane can rotate 360 degrees at
ply extend their arms and rnn, like a little kid pretending to be the waist like a turret, with full control, so he can run one direc­
an airplane! Wings mounted on the shoulders or back can fold tion and face the opposite direction to engage the enemy. Adds
back out of the way, but are still stiff and impossible to conceal. +5% to Escape Artist rolls, +l to parry, and +l to Horror Factor.
They spring out into position to provide flight. Either type of In addition, the Nightbane can opt to mount any body weapons
wings have 3D6+50 S.D.C. (heals as normal) and provide a like guns into miniature turrets. Most turrets have 360 degree ro­
speed of 150 mph (240 km) and an altitude of 5000 feet (1524 tation and a 90 degree arc of fire. Ball style turrets have 180 de­
m). VTOL and hovering are not possible. +2 to Horror Factor. grees of freedom in all directions. Turret weapons can function
66-70% Flight - Rotors or Propellers: Helicopter style nonnally as living parts of the Nightbane or they can be set to
blades or propellers are attached to either the back or the top of automatic. In this mode, each weapon turret has three attacks
the head. The head mounted variety will be comically small, per melee, but enjoys no bonuses to strike whatsoever.
like a propeller beanie. Back mounted blades will have a rotor 96-99%: Roll twice on this table, ignoring any roll of 96% or
diameter equal to roughly half the Nightbane's height, but they higher.
can be partially folded up/retracted into a Quasimodo-like me­ 100%: As above, but roll three times.
him , as if traced by an invisible hand . The outline also covers
(Another) New Stigmata Table beds, furniture, carpets and anything else the person touches. It
Always a fan favorite, here are some more awful ways to de­ is just chalk, and can be brushed off or washed away as needed,
fonn your Nightbane. This particular table is meant to reflect a but a careless Nightbane could make it very eas y for someone to
Nightbane's inner demons such as fears, addictions, guilt, sui­ track him . On the other hand , this little quirk can be used to de­
cidal tendencies, possible insanities, reckless behavior, or per­ liberately throw someone off his trail or to leave messages
sonality quirks. (crude, humorous, or otherwise). Seeing the outline form has a
01-07% Burns: This person either survived an inferno (the base Horror Factor of 6, or temporarily adds 2 to the
famous Burger-Face as detailed in NightLands™, pages 79 and Nightbane's Horror Factor.
80) or has an intense fear of fire. Damage could be isolated to an 22-28% Suicidal: People with this kind of Stigmata might
area or more severe in some places than in others (hands burned not necessarily have tried to kill themselves. It could just as eas­
down to the bone, but only superficial burns on the face, etc.). ily symbolize hopelessness, recklessness or alienation. Some
The wounds can take the fonn of red, raw skin like a bad sun­ possibilities include rope marks and/or a noose around the per­
burn, missing patches of flesh and muscle, bubbled or boiled son's neck, scars or cuts along the wrists (possibly still bleed­
skin (like Burger-Face), or charcoal black scorched patches. ing), or a gaping bullet (or laser) hole clear through the person's
Any of these add lD4xl0 S.D .C. and +ID4 to Horror Factor. head! You can literally see daylight through the other end. All
Takes only half damage from fire. of these will be disturbing, though they don't seem painful to
the afflicted Nightbane. Add ID6 to Horror Factor and 3D6
S.O.c. Additionally , the Game Master ma y declare a temporary
bonus or penal ty to the character's M.A. attribute depending on
the circumstance. Moments of empathizing with a person ("I
know what you're going through . Believe me ... ") can add a bo­
nus of up to +5. Likewise, risky plans ("Yeah we're outnum­
bered , but they' ll never see it coming! Uh, guys?") or other
situations might incur a penalty of up to -5.
29-35% Fatigue: This person looks like he hasn't had a de­
cent night's s leep in a month. The skin will be a shade paler
than it should, the eyes are bloodshot and there are deep circles
under the eyes. This is just an illusion , as the person is com­
pletely alert and ready for action. In fact, he can go without
sleep for 24 hours, plus one hour per every P.E. point without
feeling the effects of fatigue. Add 2 to P.E. and I to Horror Fac­
36-42% Karma Tattoos: What makes these marks stand out
from other tattoos is that they convey something personal about
the Nightbane . This is usuall y some terrible secret or something
that causes the person to feel tremendous guilt. Messages like " I
cheated on my wife," or the words "Traitor" or "Coward" ap­
pear on the person's face, neck, anns, or chest. The tattoos can
even show up on bone, metal , or leather, depending on the char­
acter 's other traits. Characters of a good alignment might have
tattoos of the faces of innocents that they failed to protect. These
marks cannot be covered by makeup or by ripping the flesh off
(it just heals back), but can be concealed by clothing or dark­
ness. But odds are that someone will eventually discover them.
These mystic reminders can serve to motivate the Nightbane to
make amends or change their wa ys. If the Game Master allows
08-14% Drowning Victim: Probably resulting from a water
(and if the player has tried really hard), every new level of expe­
phobia, this person looks like he or she drowned and spent a
rience, there is a chance that a mark will be erased or altered.
week in the ocean before washing ashore. The skin will be
For instance, bringing a murderer to justice might cause the tat­
blue-gray or pale, not to mention slick to the touch (adds +5% to
tooed face of his victim to vanish. This can be a great hook for
Escape Artist rolls , +2 to roll with punch, and attackers are -2 to
deep character driven play. As long as the tattoos remain, they
entangle this character). Small bits of debris like seaweed, fish­
add lD4 to Horror Factor.
ing line or discarded trash ma y be stuck to the person and
there's a good chance (65%) that he stinks like dead fish! Add 43-49% Broken Bones: Were you clumsy as a kid? Fall
ID6 to Horror Factor. down the stairs much? This character has 106 little "mementos"
from past encounters. Some of these broken bones are obvious
15-21 % Chalk Outline: This person feels marked for death.
because the jagged end is sticking out. Others lie hidden awa y
Whenever he sits or rests on a particular spot for more than ten
until he twists a limb the wrong way, pops something out of
minutes , a simple chalk outline fonns on the ground around
place, or otherwise reveals that he has what's essentially an ex­
tra joint. It's gross but makes for a great party trick or bar well adjusted. Again, check the Insanity tables for inspiration, or
wager. +lD4 to Horror Factor (+2 when pulling stunts with the you can go with the classics: the person's eyes are W1DE open
intent to impress or disgust), +2 to roll with impact, +5% on Es­ like he's keyed up or high, bloodshot eyes, foaming at the
cape Artist rolls, and +3D6 S.D.C. mouth, facial ticks or twitching, uncontrollable laughter or sud­
den screaming fits, or the person is wearing the tom remains of
50-56% Punching Bag: This person looks like he was on
a straightjacket. Add ID4 to Horror Factor. Other possibilities:
the receiving end of a nasty beating that lasted a week. The face
The Morphus has multiple heads (ID6) that always argue or
has cuts and some missing skin, one or more eyes are partially
seem to have their own personalities (multiple personality disor­
swollen shut, there are bruises all over the face and/or body, and
der?). You can choose or roll to figure out what each head looks
was that a tooth he just spat out? Add +2 to P.E., +3 to roll with
like (normal human, an animal or mechanical head, misshapen,
punch,4D6 S.D.C. and +2 to Horror Factor.
etc.). Add ID6 to Horror Factor. Or, give the character the
57-63% Crippled: The Morphus looks like it has some in­ Splittin' Image Talent, but give it a sinister twist, like the two
jury or defect. These mayor may not be present on the Facade, halves hate each other or have a Jekyll and Hyde relationship,
as welL Despite appearances, the Nightbane is not hindered by
these fake flaws, but is instead empowered by them. Add 1D4 to
85-91 % Surgery Goof: The result of one too many facelifts
Horror Factor and select the nature of the disability or injury.
causes the Nightbane's face or body to be misshapen or muti­
Some ideas include: Blindness: The eyes are all cloudy white or
gray, or are covered by a strip of cloth, or they're missing en­ lated in some way. Large extra flaps of skin could be pulled
tirely! Nightvision range is increased to 1000 feet (305 m), and tight and stapled up out of the way, there could be big chunks of
add +2 on any Perception Rolls involving sight. Empty sockets missing skin, muscle or bone, stitches that don't fully close
add an additional +2 to Horror Factor. Deafuess: Missing or de­ wounds, or some other surgical calamity. Add 1D4+ 1 to Horror
formed ears add + 1 on initiative and +2 on all hearing based Factor and 3D6 S.D.C.
Perception Rolls. Damaged Limb: One or both arms or legs 92-98% Roll twice on this table, ignoring rolls or 92% or
have been broken, crushed, mangled, or otherwise deformed. Or higher, or roll on any other Stigmata table.
they have partial casts or braces attached to compensate for be­ 99-100% As above, but roll three times.
ing weak or sickly. Add ID6 to P.E., +4D6 to S.D.C., and either
+4 to P.S. or +4D6 to Spd (possibly both). Paralyzed: The
Nightbane looks like he has been rebuilt after a spinal injury.
The upper body could be fused to a wheelchair (same stats as
New Talents
Many players forget that Talents are a great way to flesh out
the Wheels or Treads Biomechanical characteristic) or there
your Nightbane. Not just what Talents are selected, but how
could be wires and circuitry connecting the extremities to the
they manifest themselves. Does your character's Darkwhip look
head to restore brain signals to the body. On Rifts Earth, the re­
like a shadowy pair of nunchuks, a length of chain, or a bolt of
sult might look like a nightmarish Juicer harness. They can re­
build him, better, faster than he was ... Add 3 to P.S. and P.E., +2 lightning? Customize!
to P.P., +2D6 to Spd and +4D6 S.D.C. Or roll on the Now, take a moment to decide what your Talents say about
Biomechanical table to determine what limb or other body part you. Protectors will often choose defensive powers like Anti­
was 'severed' and then 'replaced' with a machine equivalent. Arcane or healing abilities like Sharing the Flesh. Fighters favor
64-70% Diseased: The Nightbane has an obvious sickness of Darkwhip, Shadow Blast and the like, while a shy or secretive
some kind such as jaundice, golf ball-sized tumors, or leprosy person might look into hiding using The Shroud or Nightbringer
(sheds lots of skin plus the occasional ear or fmger, but the or using Soul Shield to ward off interrogators. Inquisitive people
missing pieces are all restored upon returning to the Facade and like scientists or detectives will gravitate toward abilities that
every time he shifts into Morphus). Pick a suitable ailment. This provide insight or uncover the truth like See Truth, Mirror Sight,
familiarity with illness turns a negative into a positive however, and Premonition. Manipulative people could opt for Infectious
as the character is +5 to save vs all diseases (magic or other­ Control or Deus Ex Machina, and so on.
wise) and adds +5% to any skill involving diagnosing sick­ Optional Rule: Tome, powers that surround the character in
nesses. Also add ID4 to Horror Factor. darkness such as Nightbringer, Coldfire (see below) or Shadow
71-77% Addicted: This Stigmata may indicate the charac­ Shield also bestow the rough equivalent of Shadow Meld at the
ter's drug of choice (track marks on a heroin fiend) or it may in­ same time. It just seems to me that the effects would be almost
dicate an addictive personality. ("I've been playing this video the same, but it is up to your Game Master to allow that bonus
game for 20 hours straight!") Players can use the Insanity table in your campaign. Remember, unless stated otherwise, Talents
and the sections on Obsessions and addictions for inspiration. have a duration of one minute per level of experience when acti­
Some ideas include heightened speed or aggression from co­ vated, and almost all require line of sight to target an opponent.
caine, PCP or even caffeine (+3 on initiative, +2 to strike),
greater 'intuition' from mind altering substances (being in tune Black Hole
with 'the cosmos' adds +2 on all Perception Rolls), or there can This Talent functions much like the old 'portable hole' joke
be ~hysical manifestations of the drugs like nosebleeds, very from the cartoons, allowing the Nightbane to reach through
rapId speech, slurred speech, or hypodermic needles sticking solid objects like doors and walls. At first level, the Nightbane
into the person's body. Add 2 to Horror Factor. can create a small dark spot or shadow roughly the size of a soc­
78-84% Insane: The worst part of this Stigmata is that it cer ball. Then as if by magic, he can pass his hand and arm
could be completely random and affect a person who's perfectly through the area of darkness and out the other side. Only the
Nightbane activating this power can reach through; to anyone in local weather patterns, anticipating storms and their severity
else, the wall or object will remain solid. Some mystical force at 65% proficiency. They also heal slightly faster while using
holds liquids and objects in place when they should just pour Feral: lD6+ 10 S.D.C. per melee.
out, thus the Nightbane must will any object to be pulled out. So These benefits come at a price. Characters under the sway of
casting Black Hole on a fish tank won't cause a small flood, but Feral are very in tune with their inner animal, suppressing their
the Nightbane can reach in and pluck the fish out if he chooses. human skills and sentiments. They may speak in growls or oth­
With a little imagination, the uses for this talent are endless. erwise have a distorted voice, making them difficult to under­
Cast Black Hole on a door, then reach through and unlock it. stand. Operating mostly on instinct, they will eschew any
Cast it on the hood of a car and you can pull out the wiring to modem devices and weapons, lashing out with their bare
disable the engine. Can't crack a safe? No need! Just Black Hole hands/claws/talons/fangs when needed.
it and reach in to pull out the loot. And it works both ways. The Feral can erase the line between man and beast to the point
Nightbane can open a Black Hole to toss something through a where the character cannot control his impulses. When pro­
wall to the other side. This is great for planting evidence (that voked, the character must make a save vs Insanity or else suc­
safe is still locked, remember?) or chucking grenades at enemies cumb temporarily to his animal instincts. This could mean that a
behind cover, etc., leaving no trace behind. Nightbane molded after a predatory animal will chase off after
Starting at 5th level, the Nightbane can enlarge the opening prey or savagely attack a 'competitor' invading his territory. A
enough so that his or her whole body can pass through (roughly deer or horse-like Nightbane might turn and flee instead of
about 10 feet!3 m in diameter). The Black Hole functions as a choosing to fight, and so on. The result is often all or nothing,
two-way door for its creator until the duration expires. Fantastic such as attacking without any thought of defense (never tries to
for surprise attacks. dodge) or running away at top speed, ignoring calls for help, in­
Limitations: Usable by the Morphus only. juries, or any type of danger. The character can try to regain
Cost: 10 P.P.E. to acquire permanently, then 5 to create control by making another roll vs Insanity once per minute/four
small holes, 15 for holes large enough to accommodate the melees. The character returns to normal when the time elapses
Nightbane's body. or when he dispels the Talent.
Prerequisite: At least one Animal attribute.
Coldfire Duration: 30 minutes.
Activating the Coldfire Talent engulfs the Nightbane in an Limitations: Usable by the Morphus only, not available until
aura of flickering fire made from shadow. Coldfire has several third level.
benefits. As the name implies, the aura is freezing cold to the Cost: 10 P.P.E. to permanently acquire, 12 to activate.
touch, causing anyone who contacts it to suffer 2D6 damage.
Used offensively, the Nightbane can add that 2D6 damage to his Flightbane
punches or kicks, or add 4D6 from wrestling or grappling at­ This Talent may have been created by a Nightbane who was
tacks. jealous of his winged brethren. Quite simply, it enables the char­
Additionally, the intense cold masks the Nightbane from acter to fly, taking the fight right to Hunters and other airborne
thermal sensors and optics. Operators using such devices will threats. Maximum altitude is 2000 feet (610 m), max speed is 75
incur a -70% skill penalty when trying to detect the Nightbane. mph (120 km), plus 10 mph (16 km) per level.
Finally, the aura offers an extra 50 S.D.C. worth of protection, If the player so chooses, he or she can customize just how the
reducing damage from darkness based attacks (Darkwhip, Flightbane Talent manifests itself. Some Nightbane grow wings
Shadow Blast, etc.) by 25%, but the aura suffers double damage made of shadow or black energy similar to the Darkwhip Talent.
from light based attacks such as lasers or the powers of Guard­ Others are seemingly propelled by streams or 'jet exhaust' of
ians. that same energy, leaving contrails as they pass. Still others fly
Limitations: Usable by the Morphus only. with no visible means of propulsion. Again, these are simply op­
Cost: 8 P.P.E. to acquire permanently, 4 to activate. tions to allow the player to further tweak his character.
Duration: 10 minutes, plus five minutes per level.
Feral (Elite Talent) Limitations: Usable by the Morphus only.
Characters who use the Feral Talent openly embrace their an­ Cost: 10 P.P.E. to permanently acquire, 7 to activate.
imalistic nature. Feral heightens the senses, adding +4 to Per­
ception Rolls and + 10% to any instinctive skills. The character Food For Thought
also gains uncanny tracking abilities equal to a base skill of
Dead men do tell tales - Food For Thought enables the
50%, + 10% to hunt others of their own kind (a snakelike
Nightbane to glean some scrap of information by eating a few
Nightbane hunting other snakes, etc.). Add 10% to the tracking
bites of a corpse! Though this power is frowned upon by many
skill when dealing with supernatural or magical beings and an­
elder Nightbane and even some demons and monsters because it
other 10% when following the scent of blood.
smacks ofNecromancy, it is hard to argue with results.
Feral characters have keen senses for survival, equal to Land
To use Food For Thought, the Nightbane must have some
Navigation at 50%, Identify Plants and Fruits at 40% (+20% for
specific piece of information in mind, such as the password to a
herbivores), and Wilderness Survival at 60% (locating fresh wa­
computer, the location of a hostage, or the identity of a killer.
ter, avoiding avalanches, etc.). They can also predict upheavals
The Nightbane must then take lD4 sizeable bites (just one if
they possess any animal characteristics, aren't you lucky) ~nd • Declare that his character gains automatic dodge (still needs
swallow it all, even if it doesn't stay down for long. Assummg to roll) for 1 minute/4 melees.
that the subject actually knows the desired information, the • Some other benefit that the player and G.M. agree on.
Nightbane will learn what his 'meal' knew, and he will retain
Fool's Luck is a ticking time bomb, however. The player and
that knowledge permanently. Food For Thought works on mor­
G.M. may have to have a little conference about the possible
tals such as humans as well as supernatural beings.
consequences of using this Talent. A good rule of thumb is that
Game Notes: I didn't want to codify the use of Food For every five non-combat uses or three combat uses warrants a
Thought, but just to prevent any arguments, here's the intent: To backlash. These include the above bonuses turning into penal­
gain any single bit of intel, like ONE bank account number, ties, usually at some vital moment like defusing explosives or
ONE address, etc. So Player #1 can't say "I'm going to fmd out performing CPR.
EVERY undercover agent working for this guy" or "I want to
Other small nuisances can crop up, such as a permanent
find out ALL of his safehouses/hiding places." If the player
-10% penalty on a skill that is frequently boosted by Fool's
wants to know an additional bit of info, he must activate Food
Luck, other Talents requiring 10% more P.P.E. to use, or fre­
For Thought again and take another taste.
quently losing some important item like car keys or a computer
Likewise skills are not absorbed via Food For Thought, so disk. The G.M. may consider having the player roll for a ran­
you can't ~unch on a bomb maker and suddenly become his dom insanity every three levels as well, with phobias and para­
equal, but you can learn the deactivation code or which wire to noia being the most common.
cut for one, specific instance.
The player character may begin to feel like bad luck is fol­
One last thing: Can Food For Thought be used on the living? lowing him. Perhaps everyone in his apartment building con­
Should it? Yes, and probably no, respectively. That's best left tracts the same, mysterious illness. Coincidence? Or is it fate
up to the G.M., and players should consider their character's balancing out the player's good luck with loads of bad luck for
alignment, as such a use would be gruesome and cruel, equal to others? This can be a great opportunity for deep role-playing.
torture. Still, it might be necessary in some circumstances.
The only cure is to abstain from using Fool's Luck for an ex­
Ooooh, a moral dilemma! The heart of good role-playing!
tended period of time. If the player character does not use Fool's
Limitations: Usable by the Morphus only. Luck for six months (in game time) or one full level of experi­
Cost: 12 P.P.E. to permanently acquire, 8 to activate. ence, the negative effects will begin to subside and Fate will 're­
set' itself.
Fool's Luck Limitations: Usable by the Morphus only. Special: Only
Fool's Luck subtly alters the laws of probability. The characters who have NOT reached fourth level can acquire this
Nightbane wins more hands of poker and dodges attacks with Talent.
greater ease and finesse. But one can only cheat Lady Luck for Cost: 5 P.P.E. to permanently acquire, 3 to activate. The low
so long, and eventually good luck turns bad. Guns jam at a criti­ cost is part of what makes this Talent so appealing.
cal moment or an enemy gets in a lucky hit.
Fool's Luck is also known as "the Rookie's Talent," because Groundshaker
many neophyte Nightbane develop this Talent. It gives them an
As the name suggests, Groundshaker creates targeted, local­
edge that shortsighted youths think will last forever. Elder, wiser
ized earthquakes. Tremors measuring 3.5 on the Richter scale
Nightbane view Fool's Luck as a dangerous crutch because it
rock a radius of 300 feet (91.4 m) plus 50 feet (15.24 m) per
can backfire with tragic results. As such., they counsel those
level. Those within the radius lose two attacks per melee, are -3
with this Talent to avoid using it, especially in dire circum­
on all combat rolls, and -25% on all skills. There is also a 45%
stances. Yes, if it has a positive influence, the result can save
chance per melee of losing one's balance. Falls result in loss of
lives. But if you're unlucky, you may not live to learn from your
initiative and another attack. The only sure way to avoid these
hazards is to flyaway.
In game terms: When activating this Talent, the player can
Incredibly, the Nightbane can choose who is affected by the
dcclare how he intends to use it. Fool's Luck can be used to add
quake, targeting only enemies while leaving his friends un­
+25% to any skill roll ("Honest, I don't know how I was able to
touched. The most amazing part of this Talent is that despite the
hack that computer, I'm usually not this good.") or +6 to any
violence of the mini-quake, no buildings or vehicles are dam­
Perception Roll ("How did you find this secret door?") or +4 to
any saving throw.
Limitations: Useable by the Morphus only.
Once per combat session (whether it lasts one melee round or
two hours), the player may do anyone of the following: Cost: 15 P.P.E. to permanently acquire, 15 to activate.
• Declare an automatic hit (meaning that an opponent must roll
a natural 20 to dodge or parry the attack). Hush
• Declare that a successful strike inflicts critical (double) dam­ Hush is a very useful Talent for covert operations. It sur­
age (before any damage rolls are made). rounds the Nightbane in a 20 foot (6.1 m) bubble of total silence
• Ignore a critical hit against him (takes normal damage instead that follows him wherever he goes. No sound can escape the
of double damage). bubble, so the Nightbane can easily slip past patrols or eliminate
guards without raising an alarm. The problem is that the silence
works both ways, as no sound can enter the bubble, thus careless
Nightbane can fall victim to their own power and be taken by provide a unique opportunity or tactical advantage (see example
surprise. Still, well trained fighters can use Hush to their advan­ below).
tage safely, using lights, gestures, touch, and other signals to Any and all damage suffered during the last five minutes/20
communicate. Used in conjunction with the more P.P.E. expen­ melees can be transferred to anyone opponent. The advantage is
sive Shroud (switching from one to another as needed), a twofold: The Nightbane is temporarily healed of the damage,
Nightbane can infiltrate almost any place. and his enemy is harmed. Some Nightbane prefer using Misery
The bubble starts out at 20 feet (6.1 m) in diameter, but in­ Loves Company as an ambush tactic, soaking up tremendous
creases by 2 feet (.6 m) per level. amounts of punishment, then turning the tables on their attacker
Game Notes: Hush will silence the report of any weapon and transferring the wounds over to them. Dangerous to be sure,
fired within the bubble, but once the projectilelblast'missile but also lethally effective.
leaves the area, it can be heard by anyone within earshot. Same The shock and pain of the sudden injuries are equal to a Hor­
goes for thrown objects. If the impact zone is outside the bubble, ror Factor of 15 for humans and other frail mortal foes, 10 for
it will be audible. On the other hand, if your vehicle can fit Nightbane and other supernatural creatures. Reduce combat bo­
within the bubble, you can also drive/ride/fly in total silence. nuses and skill performance by half. The damage is considered
Wonderful for tailing someone. magical or supernatural, and bypasses all armor or shielding
Limitations: Usable by the Morphus only. (like telekinetic force fields or Armor of Ithan spells). If the
Cost: 10 P.P.E. to permanently acquire, 7 to activate for the damage transferred exceeds the S.D.C. and Hit Points of the tar­
first minute, but costs only 2 P.P.E. per minute thereafter to get, they are instead reduced to just I Hit Point and they col­
maintain. lapse into a coma. Normal coma rules apply, but they are-lO%
to recover. If the damage is more than double the person's avail­
able S.D.C. and Hit Points, they are instantly killed instead!
Lay Bare the Soul (Elite Talent) Only one enemy can be targeted per insanity or injury. In
It's difficult to make a good first impression, especially if other words, if the Nightbane has three insanities, he can trans­
you are a hulking, misshapen horror. But beauty can be skin fer one insanity per activation of the Talent, targeting up to three
deep, and a terrifying exterior can conceal a kind heart. Lay different enemies or just one. Likewise, only one amount of
Bare the Soul works much like the See Truth Talent in reverse. damage can be transferred to one target. Any 'new' damage in­
The Nightbane activating this Talent will reveal his true nature, curred by the Nightbane can then also be transferred. At the end
radiating his alignment and intentions, much like the psionic of the Talent's duration, the insanities and damage return to the
power of Empathic Transmission. Nightbane, who heals as normal. The physical damage inflicted
Everyone within a 20 foot (6.1 m) radius is unaffected by the to the target is instantly healed.
Nightbane's Horror Factor for the duration of the Talent. The Examples: A Nightbane with an intense fear of heights acti­
Nightbane's M.A. is temporarily boosted by +8 (or a minimum vates Misery Loves Company and targets a Hunter flying over­
M.A. 20, whichever is higher). Every word and gesture of the head. The Hunter fails to save versus magic, and for the duration
Nightbane exudes honesty and trustworthiness. In fact, it is of the Talent, the Hunter suffers acute acrophobia. Unable to fly
nearly impossible for the Nightbane to lie or mislead someone for fear of falling or spiraling out of control, the Hunter has no
when Lay Bare the Soul is active. Such a deception requires the choice but to land, preferably on the ground, as rooftops are just
Nightbane to save vs insanity at -3. too high up. Of course, now the Hunter is much more vulnera­
So why would anyone willingly open up like this? So that ble. Example #2: A Preevert thug drills a Nightbane with a short
other people can look past their exteriors and truly connect to burst of submachine-gun fire, inflicting 18 points of damage to
the Nightbane. Good Nightbane who want to help can convey the Nightbane. The Nightbane smiles as he gets his revenge by
that message clearly despite their monstrous appearance. Like­ casting Misery Loves Company on the Preevert. Small wounds
wise, villainous Nightbane broadcast their evil. Threats carry roughly the size of bullet holes magically open up on the thug.
much more weight because everyone in the affected radius His eyes open wide in pain and horror as blood pumps out. But
knows that he's not bluffing. when the duration elapses or the Nightbane cancels the Talent,
Prerequisite: Minimum Horror Factor of 13. the wounds close and all the pain disappears, though the shock
Limitations: Usable by the Morphus only. Not available un­ and fear caused by the attack will likely send the thug running.
til third level. Limitations: Usable by the Morphus only. Not available un­
Cost: 7 P.P.E. to permanently acquire, 4 to activate. til fifth level.
Cost: 12 P.P.E. to permanently acquire, 15 to activate.
Misery Loves Company
This Talent temporarily bestows one of the Nightbane's Pit of Darkness
flaws or injuries upon another. If the Nightbane's target fails to This power opens a hole to a small pocket dimension. Each
save vs magic, one of the following is transferred to that target: Nightbane creates his or her own temporary pocket, and no two
Either one of the Nightbane's insanities, or the Nightbane can Pits of Darkness are ever connected in any way. Being trapped
transfer any wounds he has sustained within the last five min­ inside the pocket dimension is a bit like experiencing sensory
utes. deprivation. The individual is surrounded by darkness. Time
Targets afflicted with insanities will have to roll to save vs seems to pass slowly. There are no exterior sights or sounds. All
insanity but with a -2 penalty. Obviously some insanities can the person can hear is his own voice, and even this sounds faint,
distorted, or distant. Escaping from this pocket is possible if the the universe is calling on them to stop sitting on the fence an(
character possesses the Doorway Talent or some form of dimen­ choose a side.
sional teleportation. However, such powers cannot be attempted Prerequisite: Available to Principled or Scrupulous align
for the ftrst melee round within the pocket due to disorientation. ments ONLY! Only a pure, determined soul can hope to wiel<
Despite the nasty sound of its name, Pit of Darkness has be­ the power of Righteousness. The player must be ever vigilant t(
nevolent uses. True, you can temporarily capture a foe using the always walk down the straight and narrow path.
Pit, but you can also fling yourself into it in order to catch a Limitations: Usable by the Morphus only. Not available un
breath, reload weapons or heaL The Pit can also be used to re­ til ftfth level.
move innocent bystanders from a dangerous situation. Cost: 12 P.P.E. to permanently acquire, 6 to activate.
At ftrst level, only one being can be placed into the Pit. At
third level, the Nightbane can cast the Pit over an area of ten Shadowboxer
feet (3 m), plus ten feet per every three levels of experience
thereafter. This enables several people to be placed into one Pit Much like a reflection in a mirror, a person's shadow is en
at a time. Only people and the things they are carrying can be twined with their soul, often revealing their thoughts and fears
placed into a Pit, so no cars or houses or portions thereof ever The Shadowboxer Talent takes advantage of this mystical link
get whisked away. When the time limit is up (or the Nightbane It acts like a curse or enchantment, making the target's shadow ~
cancels the power), anyone inside the Pit pops back into the physical extension of himself. The result: attacks against tha
world right where they left it. shadow inflict damage directly to the target! The Nightban(
punches the enemy's shadow, but it is the foe who feels the im
Notes: Beings who are able to see/sense dimensional pockets
and similar anomalies will be able to detect a Pit of Darkness
from the 'outside' world. They can use any teleportation or Natural or artiftciallight will do, and depending upon condi
Rifting spells to remove people from the Pit. Likewise, those tions, that shadow can become a huge bull's-eye. The downsid(
within the Pit can escape using those same types of magic. is that the target takes only half damage (rounded down) fron
However, only the Nightbane who created the Pit can put any­ attacks against his shadow. So 25 points of damage against th(
thing into it. shadow translates into just 12 points actually inflicted agains
the enemy. The only other catch is that the damage must b(
Duration: Two minutes per level of experience.
dealt out with the Nightbane's own hands. So no tossing gre·
Limitations: Usable by the Morphus only. nades at the shadow or hosing it down with automatic gunftre.
Cost: 10 P.P.E. to permanently acquire, 7 to activate. Limitations: Usable by the Morphus only. Not available un
til third leveL
Righteousness (Elite Talent) Cost: 10 P.P.E. to permanently acquire, 5 to activate.
Nightbane who possess this Talent tread the path of angels.
Only the purest souls conftdent in their convictions can master Skin of Thy Enemy
Righteousness. Those few who do become powerful weapons
This gruesome but effective Talent lets a Nightbane disguis(
against the forces of darkness.
himself as a recently slain foe. The body of any intelligent (nor
Righteousness projects an aura of cleansing energy that is animal) creature will do. The Talent is activated, and th(
beautiful to behold, unless you're eviL To the Nightlords, their Nightbane steps into the corpse and pulls it around himself lik(
minions, vampires, and other foul beings, Righteousness bums a fleshy jumpsuit! The process is stomach churning to watcl
like acid with a dash of fmgernails on a chalkboard. It is utterly (optional Horror Factor of 14), as the Nightbane's body is ofter
revolting to them. Even humans of an evil alignment will scurry contorted or (seemingly) squished to fit inside the dead body
away in terror. especially when the Nightbane is much larger than the body he':
In Game Terms: Righteousness instills several holy powers wearing.
upon the Nightbane. Once per melee, he can heal another by After about a melee round of horrible sights and sounds, thl
touch, restoring 2D6 S.D.C. and ID6 Hit Points. All those of a Nightbane is encased entirely inside the dead body, which ii
good alignment within a 50 foot (15.2 m) radius will feel invig­ magically made to look completely alive and healthy. This dis·
orated and conftdent, granting + 1 to save vs magic and psionics, gusting disguise will also fool those with the ability to read au
+4 to save vs possession and mind control and +2 to save vs ras or see through illusions, though their readings may b(
Horror Factor. They are also immune to that Nightbane's Horror slightly off. Any unique physical properties of the body such a:
Factor. special vision, wings or gills are available to the Nightbane, bu
Conversely, Righteousness has a Horror Factor of 14 to su­ no skills, memories, magic, energy blasts, etc. The voice, if any
pernatural evil beings (16 to evil ordinary humans, but only 10 remains unchanged. The Nightbane still retains all his OWI
to Nightlords), and all saves vs Horror Factor are done without senses and powers, including Supernatural Strength.
beneftt of any bonuses. Righteousness also adds an additional When the duration lapses, or the Nightbane chooses to cance
3D6 points of damage to physical attacks against supernatural the power, the dead body melts away, falls off in lumps, or i:
eviL torn apart as the Nightbane rips his way free.
Selftsh alignments caught within the radius enjoy no bonuses Resistance cells have found that the best way to take advan
nor suffer any penalties except for a sense of uncertainty, as if tage of this power is to ftrst capture a subject, restrain it, ther
behead it (double damage direct to Hit Points)! It sounds heart

less , but this is war, after all, and no one will cry over a slain ents. Totally new and unique powers that no other creatures in
Hound or other monster. the entire Palladium Megaverse posses sed ! Un/if the next few
Duration: Human bodies up to a day old can be used as a sourcebooks rolled out. Pretty soon, even humans (Warlocks)
disgui se, lasting 30 minutes , plus 10 minutes per level. Skin of had access to the Tal ents that should have rightfully been exclu­
Thy Enemy must be used on supernaluraf beings within five sive to th e Nightbane. But now, a new, emerging group of gifted
minutes of their death. Duration is only 20 minutes plus 5 min­ Nightbane are renewing that relationship . Th ey are the Talent
utes per level when used on such creatures. Don't forget, many Sh apers.
creatures, such as Nightbane in Morphus fom1 , di ssolve into All Nightbane ha ve an instincti ve understandin g of their Tal­
nothingness when they perish. ents. The strength of these powers increase as the Nightbane
Limitations: Usable by the Morphus only. Not available un­ grows with age and experi ence. However. there is also a compo­
til third level. nent of will in vol ved , as a Nightbane can choose to sacrifice a
Cost: IS P.P.E. to permanently acquire,S to activate when portion of his or her Potential Energy to gain new abiliti es. Not
using a human or other mortal as a disguise, 20 wben used on a so with the Talent Shapero They gain a wide range of Talents for
supernatural being. free as they progress in level. But their true strength lies with
their ability to mold and bend Ta1ents to their will. They can
tweak a Talent so that it costs fewer P.P.E. to acti vate, or they
can increase the duration of a Talent once it 's acti vated. Such
mastery puts them on a whole separate plane from other crea­
tures, even their fellow Nightbane.
To create your :.!ightbane Talent Shaper, simply roll up a
character as normal. Design the ivlorphus as usual; P.P.E. and all
bonuses remain the same, etc. Then select an y skill package, in­
cluding the Nightbane Mystic or Sorcerer. These skill sets
would indicate either a more spiritual Nightbane or one with an
interest in the occult. respecti vely. However. no matter what
package is selected. the Talent Shaper is limited to onl y rna
Secondary Skills at level one, and one new Secondary Skill at
leve ls 3, 9, and 12. This is bec ause most of their time and effort
has been spent honing their Talents (see below).

Gaining New Talents

and the Art of Talent Shaping
The real differen ce between the Talent Shaper and other
Nightbane comes when selecting Talents. Th e Talent Sh aper
starts with one Talent as normal at first level. At second level.
select two new Talents with all the normal res triction s (e .g. no
Tal ents that aren ' t ava ilable until third level ). At level three, the
Talent Shaper gain s two more Talents. but these and any future
Talents may be sel ected rega rdfess of le vel restrictions.
Here's where the Talent Shaper really begins to stand out. At
fourth leve l, they begin to und erstand their true potenti al as they
stretch the limits of their abilities. Add a one-time bonu s of 20
P.P.E. and modify any one Talent the character possesses as fol­
• Decrease the amount of P.P.E. necessary to activate a Talent
by 25 %, rounding down (minimum o f one PPE for acti vat­
ing an ability ).
• In crease the range of a Talent by 50%. (Exa mpl e: Darkwhip
would ha ve a reach of 90 feeU27.4 m instead of 60 feetll R.3
The Nightbane • Increase the duration of a Talent by 50%. (Example :
Anti-Arcane would last I and half minute s six mel ees per
Talent Shaper O.C.C. level of experience.)
• Increase the damage of an offensive Talent (such as Shadow
When I first picked up tbe Nightbane® RPG , I was blown Blast) by 50% .
away by the creati vity on every page. The setting was new and
• Increase the protect ioniS.D.C. of a defensi \ e talent (s uch as
interesting, and rolling up a new gruesome N ightbane was fun. Shadow Shield) by 25% .
One of the things that really caught my attention were tbe Tal­
• Increase th e n umber needed to save vs a 1a lent by + I.
Upon reaching fifth level, the Nightbane gains enough mas­ the opposing walls and, if not hard enough, at least enough to
tery that he can select any Talent regardless of any prerequisites slow the Dog Boys for a moment. It would be enough.
or limitations, including Elite Talents. This means a character From behind, he felt a questioning touch on his mind; a sim­
without any Stigmata could still select the Bloodbath Talent, ple question from a mind he knew so well, one asking if he
and so on. Starting at fifth level and for every level thereafter, meant to catch up, but knowing in the moment of asking that
the Talent Shaper may select one new Talent and modify one there was no way he could. In those few short seconds, he knew
Talent he possesses or modify two existing Talents. all ofKitty's love for him; all her pain at his loss, all her fears
Limitations: A Talent may be modified multiple times, but for a future without him. He let his will gently surge, and saw,
each time, a different aspect of that Talent must be chosen. Ex­ again, the whitish ooze, this time no more than a mist upon the
ample: the Shadow Blast Talent could be modified to increase breeze.
its damage from ID4 to ID6 per P.P.E. spent. Then, the range Terrence reached out and gently cupped her face; even sepa­
could be bumped up to 750 feet!228.6 m. But the range or dam­ rated by more than half a block, he could feel the gentle tracks
age could not be further modified. of her tears as they made their way down her face. He felt the
The greatest single limitation for a Talent Shaper is that they Dog Boys cutting at the barrier... he could afford her only an in­
are incapable of purchasing new Talents by burning P.P.E. stant more. He brushed across her lips, then pushed her, gently,
Game Notes: So how does a Talent Shaper use Talents that away. He primed the cell on the pistol, and set the timers on his
call· for prerequisites like animal characteristics or Stigmata? grenades to twenty seconds. They would not give him more than
They make do as best they can on a case-by-case basis. For ex­ that.
ample, when activating Bloodbath, the Talent Master's skin will
Ectoplasm is perhaps one of the great unappreciated powers
rip open in a few small spots, or the blood will shoot from the
of the Megaverse, whereas Telekinesis, which has a similar ef­
nose, mouth, or eyes, or simply ooze out of the pores. Swarm
fect, is frequently seen as overpowered. Ectoplasm, after all, has
Self will simply create an army of tiny clones that look just like
many drawbacks that Telekinesis does not share. It is slow, re­
the Nightbane, except, well, smaller. Other powers like
quiring fifteen seconds to create and seven seconds to withdraw.
LordlLady of the Wild that enable the character to command or
It is vulnerable to attack and sunlight. It is of extremely limited
communicate with animals can change every time if the player
strength, making it less than useful at what would seem to be its
wants. One day he controls birds, the next time it may be ro­
primary role, that of an object manipulator. Telekinesis (and its
dents, and so forth.
related powers of Levitation and Super Telekinesis), on the
Experience: Use the Nightbane Sorcerer experience table. other hand, is traditionally regarded as having all the advan­
tages; with no saving throw required when a psychic attempts to
pick up an object, it is possible to strip a person of his weapon,

Telekinesis and or even toss him about like a rag-doll, and he has no recourse in
the face of Telekinetic might. Telekinesis is also far faster; it
takes place as soon as the psychic chooses to use it, without any

Ectoplasm preparatory meditation. This article seeks to introduce some par­

ity between the two. First, it does so through some optional rules
on redesigning both Telekinesis and Ectoplasm to make them
Optional Rules and Material for both integrate more smoothly into the game, and make them a
little more customizable. Secondly, however, it will highlight
Rifts® and Other Games some of the advantages that Ectoplasm enjoys, and introduce
some new powers for both Ectoplasm and Telekinesis, as well
By Mark Hall as altering some familiar powers. Before this can be done, how­
Time was running out. Terrence's strength was flagging, and ever, the concept of auras must be more fully discussed, as these
the Dog Boys were too close, and too fast, for him to get away. are critical in understanding all psychic powers, but Ectoplasm
He'd stayed conscious as they'd hit him with their Neural and Telekinesis in particular.
Maces; he'd managed to shrug off the confusion, but not the
broken rib that was jabbing him repeatedly in the lung. Even if
he could drain himself ofenergy fast enough, they'd follow him Aura
by the trail of blood and sweat he was leaving on the cracked
All things, living and unliving, organic and inorganic, have
pavement of Old Chicago. Faced with this, Terrence allowed
an aura. In most humanoids, this aura only extends a small
himself to collapse against the wall, let the others get further
amount from the body; a handsbreadth to a fingersbreadth. For
ahead, hoping to buy time for all of them... especially for his
dragons, demons, and the like, it can extend for yards around
them, letting even those who are not psychic be aware of "some­
His group pounded on, oblivious, as a whitish ooze seeped thing" close by due to the strength of its aura. The aura is a man­
from each ofhis pores. First a questioning tentacle, it soon grew ifestation of the strength and health of an individual, both
to be nearly his double in size, trembling slightly with his ex­ identifying and protecting a person.
haustion, his fear at the nearness ofthe coming pack. He looked
Every single aura is unique and identifiable. Even as changes
back, directing it to stretch across the alley, pouring more ofhis
are made in a person's life, his aura will remain identifiable to
will into the web of Ectoplasm until it was firmly anchored to
people who have viewed it before, so long as his True Name has

not changed or he has not altered his aura. Aura sight will iden­ the psychic to make a few adjustments which might surprise
tify experience through the strength of the aura, P.P.E. base by other psychics. Alterations include:
its brilliance, health by its integrity, race by its shape, and the • General level of experience can be made to seem much lower
presence of magic, psionics, or possession by additional dimen­ (level 1 or 2) or much higher (2D4 levels higher) than it re­
sions or flaws. Thus, if a psychic or a spellcaster looks at the ally is.
aura of a human, he will know it is a human, even if she has • Conceal the presence of psychic powers.
changed her shape to look like an Elf. If a Wolfen Druid
• Conceal level of base P.P.E. (made to seem much lower).
changes into animal form, she still has a Wolfen's aura. There
are a few exceptions; the Changeling has an aura that is very • Conceal the presence of magic.
similar to both a human and Elf, and certain Men Of Magic will • Conceal fatigue, sickness, or injury (looks fresh and healthy).
warp their auras through their arts. Of course, psychics may also If the psychic has the power of See Aura, he can also reverse
use the power of Alter Aura to change their aura as they wish, many of these changes; instead of hiding psychic or magical
though unless they also have See Aura, their changes are usually powers, he can pretend to have far greater powers, or use Alter
more random, or enhancements of their own auras (it is difficult Aura to feign weakness, fatigue, or even another race (so an Elf
to imitate a Dwarven aura if you have never seen one, after all). might feign magical powers and a human aura, leading his ene­
Auras also protect a person, however. As a manifestation of mies to think he is a human wizard, instead of an Elven psy­
their internal energies, auras react automatically to external chic).
threats. Attempts to manipulate a person, be it with a Hypnotic Furthermore, a psychic who is targeted by Telekinesis can
Suggestion or a Bio-Manipulation, will be resisted with the use Alter Aura to parry Telekinesis. Each use of Alter Aura in
strength of a person's aura; since their aura's strength is deter­ this way requires another 2 LS.P. and allows another save vs
mined, in part, by their mental health, a high M.E. results in a psionics, but consumes one of the psychic's attacks for that
bonus to save vs psionics, and a high P.E. results in a bonus to round. Furthermore, it will leave the aura horribly distorted, so a
save vs magic as your aura also reflects your physical health. As final use of Alter Aura will be necessary, after the fight, to
one's aura extends, in most cases, far enough to cover one's smooth over any alterations.
clothing and armor, these receive your saving throw so long as it Lastly, a psychic can use Alter Aura to make his or her aura
is within your aura. Most weapons, however, extend beyond an bigger. For 10 LS.P., the psychic's aura will double in size. This
aura's protection, and so are vulnerable to attack. Certain effects allows the psychic to protect more within his aura, and a tempo­
(such as the Temporal spell "Attune Object to Owner," or the rarily enlarged aura may be used for Ectoplasm, but it will only
bond between master and Familiar) can allow a person to tie an last for 1 melee round per level.
item to her aura, and other abilities can let a person extend their Manipulations from this power are not subject to saving
aura somewhat, but the protective qualities of one's own aura throws; the psychic is doing them to himself, so he presumably
remain the same. wants them. However, when he is subjected to scrutiny through
Both Telekinesis and Ectoplasm rely on the aura of things, See Aura, it may be appropriate for the G.M. to require that the
but in different ways. Ectoplasm is, essentially, a person's aura, psychic pass a save vs psionics to avoid his alterations being no­
filled with psychic energy and life force, then spun out and ticed.
made manifest into the real world. The aura renews itself, but
doing this is taxing, meaning that there is a practical limit to
how much Ectoplasm will be created each time the power is Using Telekinesis
used. Telekinesis, in attempting to interact with a person or ob­ Telekinesis (and its relatives) is a subtle and powerful ability,
ject, is actually psychic force acting upon that person or object's but it's not all-powerful. It has some distinct limitations to go
aura; in cases where two auras overlap (such as an item on the with its manifest strengths, and careful use is required to make
person of a human being), the stronger aura shields the weaker the most of it.
aura; if the weaker is completely contained, it's invulnerable to
The largest limitation of Telekinesis is sight. If you cannot
manipulation. Because of this, individuals subject to direct Tele­
see it, you cannot touch it with Telekinesis. This is sometimes a
kinesis (i.e. being lifted by Telekinesis or Levitation) are al­
benefit over Ectoplasm; Telekinesis can be used through force
lowed a saving throw to resist the effect; those subject to
fields and view screens, so long as you are otherwise within
indirect Telekinesis (i.e. having a knife thrown at them) have the
range. However, if you are blinded, or in the dark, or something
opportunity to dodge.
is simply behind you or moving too fast for you to see, it cannot
be directly affected by your Telekinesis. This also applies in
Alter Aura (Minor, Physical) very small spaces; Telekinesis can't pick locks unless they're
Range: Self. big enough that you can see the lock mechanism. Note that
Duration: One hour per each level of experience. Telekinesis will work on the entire object; if you know that a
I.S.P.: 2 button is on the far side of an object, you can press it without
seeing it. It should also be noted that briefly obscured vision
Saving Throw: Special.
(moving bodies, swirling smoke or leaves, etc.) will not inter­
This power enables the psychic to manipulate his psychic en­ rupt Telekinesis that has begun, but if the psychic loses visual
ergy in such a way that it changes his aura. The altered aura will contact for more than 15 seconds at a stretch, he needs to make
send the wrong message to those who see auras, and also allow a save vs psionics to maintain contact with the item.

The other limitation that Telekinesis often encounters is the Levitation (Minor, Physical)
auras of others. It is difficult to directly manipulate people's
Range: Up to 60 feet (18.3 m) away; maximum height is 6 feet
bodies and things on their person. As noted above, their aura
+ 1 foot (1.8 m +0.3 m) per level of experience.
will usually extend a distance from their body. In humans, this is
about the thickness of their thumb for first level, and another Duration: 2 minutes per level of experience.
fingersbreadth per additional level. Unfortunately for I.S.P.: 4+
Telekinetics, humans tend to identifY with their clothing enough Saving Throw: Standard.
that clothing and armor, especially uniforms, are usually in­ Levitation is a limited form of Telekinesis that can raise an
cluded in these. This aura will actively resist any attempts to use object or a person straight up into the air and suspend it there,
Telekinesis upon the target. Of course, this simply means that hovering in the air. Sideways movement is NOT possible.
psychics attack objects that are outside the auras of their targets; Four I.S.P. gives the psychic the equivalent of a P.S. of 1.
the rug beneath them, the chandelier above them, the table be­ Two more LS.P. will increase the P.S. by one, and the P.S. can
hind them; even if they're unable to damage their opponent, be set as high as the psychic likes at the moment he activates the
they can knock them down, pin them, or hinder them with tables power. Each point of P.S. from Levitation allows the psychic to
thrown in their path, sprinkler systems turned on, or fires started lift 20 pounds (9 kg), as with normal P.S .. If the psychic is lift­
(you may not be able to throw fire, but you can throw burning ing himself, no saving throw is required, and the maximum
wood!). height is 10 feet (3 m) +2 feet (0.6 m) per level of experience.
And lastly, there is the fact that simple (non-Super) Telekine­ The maximum P.S. of Levitation is equal to the psychic's M.E.
sis cannot do multiple things at once. You cannot press down on plus his level of experience (or what the psychic can afford in
an item and turn it at the same time; you cannot press on two LS.P.).
buttons that are on different sides of an object simultaneously.
This somewhat limits the dexterity of simple Telekinesis, and is Telekinesis (Minor, Physical)
frequently used in worlds where Telekinetic foes are common to
reduce the ability of enemy psychics to disable technological Range: Up to 60 feet (18.3 m) away.
weapons. On Rifts Earth, for example, the Republic of Japan re­ Duration: 2 minutes per level of experience.
quires that E-Clips eject through the manipulation of two I.S.P.: 4+
switches, that helmets can only be removed by pushing two but­ Saving Throw: Standard.
tons, and that grenades have a two-step fuse (push down and
Telekinesis is the ability to move objects without any other
turn, much like a modern child-proof cap); while these measures
means than directed psychic energy. The character can make an
do not make their soldiers immune to magical and psychic sabo­
object hop, fall, roll, rise into the air, suspend it there or make it
tage, it makes such acts less simple. 20th and 21st century gre­
fly across the room (speed of 12). When directed at other char­
nades and magazines, however, are quite vulnerable to such
acters, they receive a saving throw vs psionics.
tactics; pulling a pin on a grenade may even go unnoticed until
In order to move an object by Telekinesis, the item must be
clearly visible, within the psychic's range (60 feet/18.3 m) and
One of the simplest uses of Telekinesis is to supplement the
the point of focus. Thus, each Telekinetic feat counts as one of
user's own muscles. Simple Telekinesis can be used against an
the character's physical attacks for the round; a character with 4
object that the psychic is trying to lift, effectively lightening it
attacks per melee round may use a combination of Telekinetic
by the amount of the Telekinetic force used; a P.S. of 4 would
and other actions (be they physical or other powers the character
lighten the load by 40 pounds (18 kg). Even Levitation will lift
may have).
an object off the ground to where it can be more easily pushed.
Of course, Super Telekinesis can often completely replace mus­ When a psychic decides to begin the power of Telekinesis, he
cle power, but the supernaturally strong find it to be an added must decide how strong he wishes it to be. For the initial 4
advantage in their greater loads. Because of the single-object LS.P., he is considered to have a P.S. of 1. For every two addi­
limitation of Levitation and simple Telekinesis, many psychics tional I.S.P., he may increase the P.S. of the Telekinetic force by
will use lightweight bags or baskets to help carry weight more 1. Each point of P.S. allows the Telekinetic force to move 10
efficiently; it may add three pounds (1.35 kg) to use such a bag, pounds (4.5 kg), as with normal p.s. A psychic can actively
but it means all of your items are together, and lifted with the control only one item at a time, and lifting a new item requires
same Telekinetic force. the old one to be put down, or the power to be activated again.
Each point of "unused" P.S. (P.S. above what is currently
Telekinesis is also valuable in dealing with traps. Unless the
needed to lift the object) adds 2 points to the speed of any
trap can follow the aural trail back to the psychic, or generates
thrown object. The maximum P.S. of a Telekinetic force is equal
an area of effect large enough to encompass the psychic himself
disturbing a trapped object with Telekinesis rarely rebounds o~
to the psychic's M.E. plus his level of experience (or what the
psychic can afford in I.S.P.).
the psychic. Telekinesis does not have a fine sense of touch, of
course; you cannot put precisely ten pounds and three ounces of It is possible to fly using normal Telekinesis to lift yourself.
pressure on a pressure plate with Telekinesis; but you can sim­ However, it is very expensive to do so, as the psychic must lift
ply stand back and trip the plate, or grab the golden monkey idol his entire weight, including equipment. As with Levitation, no
from across the room. saving throw is required when a character chooses to lift him­
self; the speed of flight is the same as any other movement via

Other Statistics: • +4 to parry with Telekinesis by using a Telekinetically con­
• 1-3 to strike with Telekinesis; physical and skill bonuses do trolled object or sheer Telekinetic force to block an attack.
not apply when Telekinesis is used, though a psychic can Using sheer Telekinetic force costs 6 I.S.P. Note that parry­
learn W.P. Targeting specifically for use with Telekinesis, ing with Telekinesis is never an automatic parry, unless you
gaining bonuses to strike (and only bonuses to strike). have Hand to Hand training, spend another skill specifically
to train in using Telekinetically controlled objects to parry,
• +4 to parry with Telekinesis by using a Telekinetically con­
and already have such an object under control when the time
trolled object or sheer Telekinetic force to block an attack.
Using sheer Telekinetic force costs 6 I.S.P. Note that parry­
ing with Telekinesis is never an automatic parry, unlcss you • S.D.C. Damage from hurled objects:
have Hand to Hand training, spend another skill specifically 6 ounces to I pound (0.17 to 0.45 kg): 104
to train in using Telekinetically controlled objects to parry, 1.5 to 2 pounds (0.6 to 0.9 kg): 106
and already have such an object under control when the time 2 to 4 pounds (0.9 to 1.8 kg): 2D4
comes. 5 to 10 pounds (2.25 to 4.5 kg): 3D4
• S.D.C. Damage from hurled objects: 11 to 25 pounds (4.95 to 11.2 kg): 3D6
6 ounces to 1 pound (0.17 to 0.45 kg): ID4 26 to 40 pounds (11.7 to 18): 4D6
1.5 to 2 pounds (0.6 to 0.9 kg): ID6 add 106 per additional 20 pounds (9 kg).
2 to 4 pounds (0.9 to 1.8 kg): 2D4 • Mega-Damage from Huge Hurled Objects: M.D. is only pos­
5 to 10 pounds (2.25 to 4.5 kg): 3D4 sible with Super Telekinesis and only when the hurled object
11 to 25 pounds (4.95 to 11.2 kg): 3D6 is 100 pounds (45 kg) or heavier and is a hard material like
26 to 40 pounds (11.7 to 18): 4D6 wood, stone, or metal (not people). Does lD4 M.D. per 100
add ID6 per additional 20 pounds (9 kg). pounds (45 kg).

Telekinesis (Super) Combat Telekinesis

Range: 100 feet (305 m) per level of experience. (NEW! Minor, Physical)
Duration: 2 minutes per level of experience. Range: Up to 60 feet (18.3 m) away.
I.S.P.: 5+ Duration: 1 melee attack.
Saving Throw: Standard. I.S.P.: 2+
Super Telekinesis functions much like normal Telekinesis Saving Throw: Automatically successfuL
except it is far stronger. Drawing upon the strength of a mind Combat Telekinesis is similar to simple Telekinesis, but it is
capable of generating Super Psionic powers, it generates a limited to the manipulation of objects outside of a person's aura,
Telekinetic force which is supernaturally strong. The base speed and has a much shorter duration. On the plus side, it is capable
of objects hurled with Super Telekinesis is 25. of more manipulations per melee than simple Telekinesis, and
When a psychic decides to begin the power of Super Teleki­ has the potential to be more accurate. Though most who possess
nesis, he must decide how strong he wishes it to be. For the ini­ Combat Telekinesis also possess simple Telekinesis, this is not
tial 5 I.S.P., he is considered to have a Supernatural P.S. of 1. strictly necessary.
For every three additional I.S.P., he may increase the P.S. of the In order to move an object by Telekinesis, the item must be
Telekinetic force by 1. Each point ofP.S. allows the Telekinetic clearly visible, within the psychic's range (60 feetJ18.3 m) and
force to move 50 pounds (22.5 kg), as with Supernatural P.S. A the point of focus. Thus, each Telekinetic feat counts as one of
psychic can actively control as many as one item per level of ex­ the character's physical attacks for the round; a charactcr with 4
perience, as long as the total weight does not exceed his total attacks per melee round may use a combination of Telekinetic
weight capacity. Each point of "unused" P.S. (P.S. above what and other actions (be they physical or other powers the character
is currently needed to lift all the current objects) adds 5 points to may have).
the speed of any thrown object. The maximum P.S. of a
When a psychic decides to begin the power of Telekinesis, he
Telekinetic force is equal to the psychic's M.E. plus his level of
must decide how strong he wishes it to be. For the initial 2
experience (or what the psychic can afford in I.S.P.).
I.S.P., he is considered to have a P.S. of 1. For every two addi­
Because of the strength of Super Telekinesis, it can be used tional LS.P., he may increase the P.S. of the Telekinetic force by
to fly. As with Levitation, no saving throw is required when a l. Each point of P.S. allows the Telekinetic force to lift 10
character chooses to lift himself; the speed of flight is the same pounds (4.5 kg). A psychic can actively control two objects per
as any other movement via Super Telekinesis. level at a time, allowing him to do multiple things at once, or to
Other Statistics: make multiple manipulations of the same object, provided all of
• 1-3 to strike with Telekinesis; physical and skill bonuses do it is within the weight limitation of the Telekinetic forcc. Each
not apply when Telekinesis is used, though a psychic can point of "unused" P.S. (P.S. above what is currently needed to
learn W.P. Targeting specifically for use with Telekinesis, lift the object) adds 2 points to the speed of any thrown object
gaining bonuses to strike (and only bonuses to strike). (base speed is 18). The maximum P.S. of a Telekinetic force is
equal to the psychic's M.E. plus his level of experiencc (or what
the psychic can afford in LS.P.).
Other Statistics: Ectoplasm also carries with it part of the creator's life force; de­
stroying it damages the psychic, and it can serve as a conduit for
• +3 to strike with Telekinesis; physical and skill bonuses do
other powers or spells. A spell targeted at the Ectoplasm will af­
not apply when Telekinesis is used, though a psychic can
fect the body it is attached to. While sometimes useful, this is
learn W.P. Targeting specifically for use with Telekinesis,
often dangerous.
gaining bonuses to strike (and only bonuses to strike). Com­
bat Telekinetics frequently take advantage of blindside at­
tacks, or attacks from multiple angles. At the G.M.'s Ectoplasm (Minor, Physical)
discretion, rules for volleys of missiles can be used in spe­ Range: 40 feet +5 feet (12.2 m + 1.5 m) per level of experience;
cific instances. reduce by half in sunlight or bright (250 watts or greater) artifi­
• +4 to parry with Telekinesis by using a Telekinetically con­ ciallight.
trolled object or sheer Telekinetic force to block an attack. Duration: Four minutes (l6 melees) per level of experience.
Using sheer Telekinetic force costs 6 LS.P. Note that parry­ Length of Trance: One melee (I5 seconds) to create the vapor;
ing with combat Telekinesis is never an automatic parry, due haIfa melee (7 seconds) to return the vapor to the creator.
to its limited duration; you simply cannot control objects I.S.P.: Varies (6+).
long enough to use them.
This ability enables the psychic to create a Slightly luminous
• Combat Telekinesis gains additional bonuses to strike and vapor which exudes from his pores. Immediately upon creating
parry from a high LQ., using the bonuses for a P.P. of the the Ectoplasm, the psychic loses one Hit Point; if the Ectoplasm
same value. is returned without being destroyed, then he regains the Hit
• S.D.C. Damage from hurled objects: Point. If it is destroyed, he loses the Hit Point with the Ecto­
6 ounces to I pound (0.17 to 0.45 kg): 104 plasm (though he can regain that Hit Point through natural heal­
l.5 to 2 pounds (0.6 to 0.9 kg): 106 ing).
2 to 4 pounds (0.9 to 1.8 kg); 2D4 This vapor is a sort of floating, probing fmger that can snuff
5 to 10 pounds (2.25 to 4.5 kg): 3D4 out candles, open doors, knock over or pick up small objects
(weighing under 9 ounces/255 grams), tap someone on the
11 to 25 pounds (4.95 to 11.2 kg): 3D6
shoulder, rustle leaves and knock on a door. The vapor can be
26 to 40 pounds (11.7 to 18): 4D6 seen only by the creator, those who can see the invisible, or by
add 106 per additional 20 pounds (9 kg). those using infrared optic systems. Ectoplasm, although it is an
invisible vapor, has physical properties, which means it can not
Using Ectoplasm go through walls or solid objects; however, if a breeze can get
through, so can an Ectoplasmic vapor.
Ectoplasm is psychic energy which permeates an aura, mani­ The psychic has full control of all Ectoplasm created with
festing physically in a dimension. On the Astral Plane, it is ev­ this power, and also has an acute sense of touch; while most pre­
erywhere; on most dimensions, it's a manifestation of specific fer to control the vapor by sight, they can also guide it by touch,
psychic abilities or certain Entities. Without direction, it is al­ if necessary. The vapor has a volume slightly greater than that
most always a white, luminous vapor; under the control of a of the psychic (20% more than the psychic per level of experi­
psychic, it can become a tentacle, a hand, a disguise, a golem, or ence, so at level five, there is twice as much Ectoplasm as psy­
even a bolt of destruction. chic, three times as much at level ten, and four times as much at
As mentioned above, one of the main drawbacks of Ecto­ fifteen).
plasm is its speed of use; it is not a power you can simply whip At the psychic's option, he may strengthen the vapor at cre­
out in an instant. Attempting to bring it out faster causes great ation, putting more I.S.P. into the power to create a stronger
pain, disrupting the psychic's concentration and causing the Ectoplasmic tentacle. For two I.S.P. beyond the minimum, the
power to fail; this is the pain of ripping off your own aura, so vapor has a P.S. of 1, and so is able to move up to 10 pounds
it's not one to be easily shrugged off. (4.5 kg). Every two additional I.S.P. grants the vapor another
Ectoplasm is an extension of the body it comes from. That point of P.S., though Ectoplasm has a maximum P.S. of four un­
body, if it is capable of feeling, feels everything that the Ecto­ der most circumstances. This tentacle, it should be noted, is visi­
plasm does with remarkable acuity. If it is capable of controlling ble to the naked eye; with only one P.S. it is somewhat
the Ectoplasm, it can act as a fairly dexterous limb (about equiv­ indistinct, but it is hard to miss in dim lighting. These tentacles
alent to a P.P. of 17). In most cases, it functions like an octopus' must also be somewhat thicker than the vapor; they can be no
tentacle, capable of grasping and exerting its full force any­ narrower than an adult human thumb, though they can thicken
where along its length, but it can be shaped in many ways. on the other side of a narrow obstacle, and exert their full P .S. at
Because of this, Ectoplasm isn't limited the same ways that any point along their length.
Telekinesis is. Ectoplasm can go beyond the sight of its psychic Ectoplasm, either as a vapor or a tentacle, moves at a speed
source, but like an arm groping beyond the sight of its bearer, it of 18, and is capable of both hovering and flying. It's also very
must go by touch. Because it is a limb and an extension of its agile, and capable of an automatic dodge at part of its length; it
creator, controlled Ectoplasm can perform multiple actions at is infused with a bit of life force, and so dodges on its own, in­
once, such as pushing multiple buttons or activating a two-step dependent of its creator. The psychic can direct a tentacle to hit
grenade. It is limited in other ways: It cannot move through any target he can see, though it is a poor combatant; it is capable
solid objects, nor can the solid form fit into very tight places. of doing only a single point of damage without wielding a
weapon, and it is poor at using ranged weapons; unless the The psychic can create a tool out of pure Ectoplasm. This
ranged weapon is aimed from the psychic's own perspective tool will commonly appear in the psychic's hand, but can appear
(i.e. the tentacle holds the weapon as if the psychic himself were anywhere within the psychic's aura. These tools are always
using the weapon), he will have a -10 to strike when using the solid Ectoplasm, and cannot leave the psychic's aura, but can be
weapon, due to the poor angle. The vapor form is incapable of made much finer than normal solid Ectoplasm. While normal
causing damage on its own, and can use no weapon weighing solid Ectoplasm can only be as thin as a human thumb, an
more than 9 ounces (255 grams); most often, these are ex­ Ectoplasmic Tool can be practically any solid form the psychic
tremely sensitive triggers of weapons that have been dragged wishes, even including hinges and rotational sections. As Ecto­
into position. In either case, any action (except a dodge) by the plasm, however, it still conducts heat and other sensations to the
Ectoplasm uses one of the creator's attacks per melee. psychic, making it poorly suited to electrical work, or to certain
Other Statistics: kinds of weapons (you do not, for example, want to make a re­
volver out of it, as it would be the equivalent of having a bullet
• +5 to auto-dodge
go off in your hand).
• +1 to parry The Ectoplasmic Tool has a P.S. of 4, an S.D.C. of 40, and a
• + I to strike P.P. of 17. When used for delicate work (such as medical skills
• P.P. is 17; these bonuses are the ones above, and should not and lock picking), the psychic gains a + I 0% bonus, due to the
be added. level of control he can exert. As with all Ectoplasm, the tool has
• Both vapor and solid have 1 Hit Point. The vapor has but 3 1 Hit Point, taken from the psychic, and only given back when
S.D.C. Solid vapor has 10 S.D.C. for each point of P.S. If the the power is ended without the tool being destroyed.
Ectoplasm is destroyed, the creator loses one Hit Point and
S.D.C. equal to the LS.P. spent on the power (if all S.D.C. is Ectoplasmic Constuct (Physical)
gone, they do not lose additional Hit Points).
Range: Touch.
• S.D.C. Damage from hurled objects:
Duration: Two hours per level of experience.
6 ounces to 1 pound (0.17 to 0.45 kg): I D4 Length of Trance: At least one melee (15 seconds) to create the
1.5 to 2 pounds (0.6 to 0.9 kg): 106 vapor.
2 to 4 pounds (0.9 to 1.8 kg): 2D4 I.S.P.: 6+
5 to 10 pounds (2.25 to 4.5 kg): 3D4 Saving Throw: None.
11 to 25 pounds (4.95 to 11.2 kg): 3D6 The psychic creates an object of pure Ectoplasm, invests it
26 to 40 pounds (11.7 to 18): 4D6 with a portion of his life force, and then separates it from his
body to exist independently. This construct is typically a tool or
Astral Bolts (Minor, Physical) barrier, but can be anything that the psychic desires. As it is sep­
arate from him once finished, he gains no sensation from it, and
Range: 30 feet (9.1 m) plus 10 feet (3 m) per level of experi­
takes no damage from its destruction, only from initially invest­
ence. ing it with life force. Unlike most Ectoplasmic powers, it is im­
Duration: One melee round per level of experience. possible to regain the Hit Point lost in creating an Ectoplasmic
I.S.P.: 10 Construct save by healing; once separated, the Hit Point is gone.
Sa,ing Throw: Dodge. Because of the unique nature of an Ectoplasmic Construct, it
This power can only be used in the Astral Plane and other is somewhat stronger than the standard Ectoplasm. For the base
places with ambient Ectoplasm. The Astral B~lts inflict ID4 of 6 I.S.P., it has an equivalent P.S. of 1, but additional P.S. can
S.D.C. per level of the psychic, and are +3 to strIke. Tar?ets can be added for 2 LS.P. each, up to a maximum of 10. Addi­
dodge normally. A psychic who uses his own EctoplasmIC vapor tionally, an Ectoplasmic Construct has 15 S.D.C. per point of
to create Astral Bolts may create one bolt per level of experi­ P.S., and can support 20 pounds (9 kg) per point of P.S. Lastly,
ence, but will lose the same number of Hit Points and S.D.C. at while the Ectoplasmic Construct is unable to auto-dodge, it has
the end of the power as if the vapor had been destroyed. a Natural A.R. equal to the number ofLS.P. spent in its creation.
If this construct is improved using the Harden Ectoplasm power,
This power was originally printed in the Nightbane® book,
Between the Shadows™, as a Sensitive power, but is listed here then the base AR. is one and a halftimes higher, and the S.D.C.
as a Physical power to better fit with the presentation of Ecto­ is 40 times the P.S.
Call Ectoplasm (Super)
Ectoplasmic Tool (Minor, Physical) Range: 20 feet (6 m) +5 feet (1.5 m) per level of experience.
Range: Touch. Duration: Instant.
Duration: Ten minutes per level of experience. Length of Trance: None.
Length of Trance: One melee (15 seconds) to create the vapor; I.S.P.: 10
half a melee (7 seconds) to return the vapor to the creator. Saving Throw: Standard.
I.S.P.: 12 This power causes uncontrolled Ectoplasm to pour out of the
Saving Throw: None. target. The psychic has no control over the Ectoplas~ created,
but it is a disconcerting and uncomfortable process for the tar­
get, who is likewise helpless to control the outflow (unless he Someone actively fighting the psychic for control of the Ecto­
possesses his own powers over Ectoplasm). However, since the plasm will rob him of one attack per melee round.
target is not purposefully trying to create or control the Ecto­
plasm, there is no investment of a Hit Point, nor damage if the Harden Ectoplasm (Super)
Ectoplasm is destroyed. See the power of Ectoplasm for how
Range: Touch.
much Ectoplasm is available from a given individual.
Duration: Duration of other power.
Each use of this power creates a limb of Ectoplasm with a
P.S. of 2 and 20 S.D.C. which trails uselessly, or hangs some­ Length of Trance: None.
what above the target, moving vaguely out of time with the I.S.P.: Varies.
body it is attached to. Prowling, Swimming, Acrobatics, and Saving Throw: Standard or none.
Gymnastics become nearly impossible, with each use of the Harden Ectoplasm is a power used to alter Ectoplasm. By
power subtracting 30% to applicable rolls. Combat becomes filling it with psychic energy, it can be strengthened, forming it
much more difficult; each use of the power subtracts 3 from par­ into a rigid structure which resists damage, but loses much of
ries and dodges and, depending on the location, 1 to 9 from the flexibility of traditional Ectoplasm. Of course, using this
strikes. This is because the Ectoplasmic limb will passively re­ with some powers completely ruins their primary purpose; it is
sist anything the target attempts to do. Trying to leap quickly almost impossible to maintain an effective Ectoplasmic disguise
out of the way? Not with an extra 20 pound balloon hanging if the "skin" is rock-hard, though it occasionally has other uses.
above you, pulling you back. Trying to fire on your enemies? To use Harden Ectoplasm, the psychic must choose to do so
Not if you've suddenly grown an Ectoplasmic arm from your and expend twice the usual amount of I.S.P. for the Ecto­
chest. plasm-based power in question (it cannot be used on
There are, of course, other uses of the power; directing the Ectoplasmic vapor). It requires no additional time, only addi­
power at trees or buildings can result in walls of Ectoplasm to tional energy in building the Ectoplasm. The result is Ectoplasm
hinder or confuse your enemies, or provide a quick escape from with S.D.C. equal to its P.S. times 25 in S.D.C., and an A.R.
a building. equal to its total LS.P. cost before hardening, or its normal
If not directed at a living, sentient being, less Ectoplasm is S.D.C. turned into M.D.C. if in a P.P.E. rich environment.
available. Objects, including sentient computers and robots, This power has a slightly different interaction with the power
have much weaker auras in general, and so will only have Ecto­ Ectoplasmic Disguise. When used together, they can be used to
plasm equal to 10% of their volume, unless they are magical, in form Ectoplasmic armor with an A.R. of 12 and 3 S.D.C. per
which case it will at least equal their own volume. level of the psychic.
Plants tend to have very little Ectoplasm, and so will have
only 25% of their volume in Ectoplasm. Of course, for a large
tree, this can still be a substantial amount, but it's nowhere near New Skills
what a giant or dragon of similar size may have. Mental Exercises: By constantly pushing his mental abilities
Animals (and heavily cybernetic or bionic individuals) will and working to expand the strength of his mind, the character is
similarly have small amounts of Ectoplasm; they will have only able to expand the amount of LS.P. he can hold. If taken as an
50% of their volume in Ectoplasm. O.c.c. Related Skill, this grants a bonus of 10 I.S.P. If taken as
a Secondary Skill, this grants a bonus of 5 LS.P. This skill may
Command Ectoplasm (Super) be taken multiple times to gain additional bonuses.
Range: 20 feet (6 m) +5 feet (1.5 m) per level of experience. Telekinetic Flick [Psychic]: The character has mastered his
Telekinetic abilities to the extent where he doesn't need to use
Duration: 2 melee rounds per level of experience.
the full extent of them for minor effects. He can perform a sin­
Length of Trance: None. gle action that would require only two fingers and less than a
I.S.P.: 8 second; flipping a switch which is within arm's reach, bringing
Saving Throw: Standard or none. a small item across the table to him, opening a drawer or push­
The psychic can take command of nearby Ectoplasm. This ing a button. This skill requires no check, only the expenditure
may be Ectoplasm that he has summoned via Call Ectoplasm, or of I.S.P. and possessing either the power of Telekinesis, Super
it may be the ambient Ectoplasm of the Astral Plane, or it may Telekinesis, or Combat Telekinesis.
be the Ectoplasm of another power, but he may attempt to take Telekinetic Parry [Psychic]: The psychic has mastered the
control of it and command it as he wishes. art of parrying with controlled objects. He is able to use a
If the Ectoplasm is currently uncontrolled (has no default Telekinetically controlled object to automatically parry. The
controller, as with the Ectoplasm of Call Ectoplasm or the Ecto­ psychic must have automatic parry from some other source, plus
plasm ofthe Astral Plane), then the psychic simply controls it as a Telekinesis ability (Super or simple), and already be in control
if it was his own. If it currently has a controller, then they must of an object, for the parry to be automatic. This also adds a +2 to
roll a save vs psionics to maintain control of their Ectoplasm in parry with Telekinetically controlled objects.
the face of the psychic's powers. This is especially devastating
against Entities, who often construct bodies for themselves out
of Ectoplasm. Unless their claim to the Ectoplasm is using this
power, then they may attempt another save next melee round.

while screaming so savagely that I was afraid to come near him

The Scaring Crow atfirst.

Eventually I found my feet and ran to his side, trying to hold
him down to keep him from hurting himselfanymore than he al­
Optional Material for ready had. He'd been pulling on his beard during his fit so hard
that his face was bleeding and there were stray whiskers stick­
Beyond the Supernatural™, 2nd Edition ing outta his clenched fists. I tried calling out his name several
times to snap him outta whatever was ailing him before I even­
By Steven Dawes, based on an original idea by tually brought my calls up to a shouting pitch; I didn't think he
BobbiDawes could hear me over his own screaming. Again he shouted "GIT
EM OFF ME!" andfought my restraint for several moments be­
"May 13t h, 1863" fore suddenly snapping out ofhis fit.
Today is a very pleasant morning, cool and clear. It's been a For a second he just looked at me like he'd never seen me be­
few days since my last entry because a lot's happened on the fore and then looked around the trees like he was looking for
trail. First off, we're still inside the Kansas territory; we lost something. A moment later he displayed a look ofutter fear like
one of our sick a few days ago; ferrying the wagon train across I had never seen on a grown man before and began to break
the river took longer than expected and a few of the wagons down into sobbing tears. I'll never be able to explain how hard
have had troubles. We all remain determined, one way or an­ it was to see a man like Bill broken down, shaking and crying
other we're gonna make that gold rush! We've moved off the like he was. Babies don't even cry that hard.
Santa Fe Trail this morning just after daybreak and are now Through shivering lips he whispered to me "D-don't let them
heading along a trial that's aimed for Oregon. We aren't going get me again ... don't let them ... "
that far though, our captain says the settlement is just over the I asked him, "Let who get ya, Bill, who?" He was too over­
other side ofthe Colorado divide and we should get there in an­ come with fear to speak after that, all he could do was look up
other week or two. I can't wait to get there and fill my pockets for the slightest of an instant before turning to his side to hold
with all that gold I keep hearing about! me for what I imagine was comfort and protection from what­
This afternoon, the strangest thing happened. I'm not sure ever was scaring him so bad.
how I'm going to describe this, but I'll do my best. I promised I looked up at the trees like he'd motioned, but there wasn't
Bill that I would never tell anyone what happened, but I think anything to be afraid of Nothing but tall trees, green leaves,
writing it down to ponder over some day won 'f hurt anything. streaks ofsunlight and a big flock ofcrows perched amongst the
When I'd written about running into those Indian scouts a few branches. I was really confused; maybe poor old Bill was
days back who warned us not to go this way, I can 'f help but deathly afraid ofbirds or something? I was about to help him up
wonder ifthis was why. Maybe we should have listened to them. and get him back to his wife, but he looked up again and
We stopped at a small lake around noon to water the oxen screamed "NO!" in my ear. He let go and fell back to the
and fix lunch. Afterwards Emily called us all together. She told ground in another bout ofscreaming hysterics.
us that Bill thought he saw some bushes with berries just inside His blood curdling screams were broken up with pleas of
some woods when we passed by and he went to collect some. He "GET THEM OFF ME! THEY'RE EATING ME! THEY'RE
had been gone for a while and hadn't come back yet. After sit­ KILLING MEl" In my confosion, I looked back into the trees,
ting in that jarring wagon all morning, I jumped at the chance but what I saw next I'm still having a hard time believing. It
to take a quick walk and stretch my legs awhile, so I told them might have been a trick of the sun streaks or my being so
I'd go look for him. worked up over Bill that I was starting to see things, but I swear
When I got to the edge ofthe trees I realized the woods were to my Lord Almighty that all those crows were just staring down
much denser up close. I was worried that I'd have a time finding at us. Actually, now that I think on it, they seemed to be staring
him in all that mess offoliage. Turns out that finding him was solely at Bill.
the easy part; I suddenly heard him screaming. It sounded like I didn't notice the first time I had glanced up at the crows,
he was screaming for his life and shouted "GET THEM OFF but now I reckon I'd never heard a sound or a single caw from
ME! THEY'RE KILLING ME!" I instantly took my knife in hand them. They simply stood as still as statues, leering down at him.
and ran towards his screaming, thinking maybe he found a fam­ And then their eyes, my God... I swear they were glowing like lit
ily ofcoyotes or bears. But what I saw was something I'll never candlelight in a dark cabin window; only they were green like in
quite understand... orforget. color. The sight of their eyes sent a chill down my spine like I'd
Bill was on the ground, flopping all around like a fish outta never known before. The feeling was worse than a week or two
water while holding his head and screaming like a wild man. back when we ran into those savages that were digging up bod­
But I couldn't tell why, because he wasn 'f being attacked by ies and eating them.
anything! Seeing him act like that didn't make any sense. Bill's I don 'f know how or why, but in that moment I just suddenly
as stable and strong a man as you 'Il find and I reckon that no­ had this indescribable "gut feeling" that the crows were "mak­
body ever figured him for being crazy before. But seeing him ing" Bill act crazy. It makes no sense to me even now, but I just
rolling about like that scared me more than finding Bill fending "knew" that I had to do something about the crows or they
off coyotes or bears would have. He continued thrashing about would keep on tormenting him. I spotted a good sized branch
laying on the ground a few steps away. I ran over and snatched

it up in my hands while shouting at the crows to scat. 1 threw the formation about them at this time, but they have deduced that
branch where several birds were huddled close together. They they've probably been among us since our beginnings. How­
never flinched, or even noticed that 1 was there (they just kept ever, their "less intrusive" nature and feeding habits, along with
eyeing Bill) until the branch hit them. Surprising(v, even though so easily blending into our everyday lives, have earned them
10n(v hit a few, the entire flock suddenly flew away in all direc­ less demanding requirements to be studied and documented.
tions, leaving the trees, a jew falling feathers and us behind However, in hindsight this was poor judgment, as these beings
them. Bill then stopped his screaming, returning to a bewildered have suddenly increased in either their numbers or activities
state for afew moments. (perhaps both) over the last century or so, catching The Lazlo
1 helped raise him quickly to his feet, taking his arm around Ageney off-guard and with little knowledge of how to protect
my shoulder to support him, and wasted no time leaving. Bill humanity against them.
was obviously exhausted and still scared out ofhis gourd, but he While a few snippets of documentation have been found
found the strength to move as fast as his legs and mine would around the globe, the majority of our knowledge about Scaring
carry him. We both ran till we were about halfway back to the Crows comes from a few personal accounts, from diary entries
wagons when Bill finally stopped to catch his breath. While we and "tall tales" of the American explorers and pioneers of the
both stood there panting, 1 couldn't wait anymore. "What hap­ late 1700s through 1800s. During their journeys, some would
pened back there, Bill?" doeument strange experiences that would be later dismissed by
Decipherer's Note: The remainder of Avery Miller's diary historians; labeled as byproducts of overactive imaginations or
was absent (removed) when I had acquired it. I am assuming the the superstitions and fears of being in a strange land.
missing pages were removed by a previous historian for pur­ However, those who know the truth such as members of the
poses of documenting pioneer history. Reading Bill's firsthand Lazlo Agency recognize that many of these details are accurate
encounter might have given more enlightenment in my report of encounters. There's no doubt the supernatural saw pioneer trails
the supernatural subject "Searing Crow." in the same light as a predator would, hunting along a game
- Deepak Patel, trail. While the Lazlo Agency has recorded a few passages from
Genealogist and active member ofthe Lazlo Agency this era of history, one journal in particular has caught the atten­
tion of more than a few parapsychologists. The diary of Avery
The common crow (or the common raven as their pseud­ Miller is eonsidered to contain some of the most candid docu­
onym) has always interested and intrigued mankind. Their many mented experiences of the supernatural on record.
signature traits, including their oily black plumage, distinctive Avery was like many other young and adventurous pioneers
croaking and caws, high level of animal intelligence, aptitude and settlers of the time; he left his native Ireland behind to fol­
for survival, and eagerness to eat anything (including carrion), low the great Western expansion in America in search of "the
have earned them many different symbolic visages over the gold colored fortune." His diary describes him with a zest for
ages. Tales, folklore, legends, belief.,> and superstitions from life and adventure, and budding talent as a writer, and he is be­
many different cultures and religions have been inspired by the lieved by many parapsychologists to have been psychic (if only
crow. latent). Avery wrote many entries in his diary, detailing his ar­
For example, the Norsemen had their fabled mythological rival to Staten Island, then his western journey to Saint Louis
messengers Hugin and Munin. They were two ravens charged before joining a wagon train going even further west to take part
with delivering the news of the world to Odin every evening. in the Pike's Peak gold rush. His writing might have even been
The Inuit believe that crows are the ereators of the Earth. Other prized material in a historian's collection, had it not been for the
various Native American tribes believe that a crow was once a few "peculiar" passages Avery wrote along the way.
snow white bird that brought the sun in its beak to the Earth, but Speculating on what he had written, his caravan fell upon a
during its journey it was scorched and forever colored black. pack of Grave Ghouls early in their trip, his testament detailing
Yet still other cultures believed them to be bad omens or bodies their feasting on the dead in a settlers' graveyard (he labeled
that host the spirits of the damned and the souls of murdered them as "scurvy savages and grave robbers," not knowing any
people. Even the Holy Bible (both old and new testament) gives better). Not a week later, they had stopped at a settlement in the
reference to them in both good and bad light. Kansas territory that was considered haunted by the locals.
Our fascination with the crow has continued throughout the Avery recorded in vivid detail seeing a ghost of an "Indian
centuries with us, and has stayed prominent in modern society. Chief staring sorrowfully across the landscape," which was fol­
For example, in the United States you can find the Baltimore lowed shortly afterwards by his account of Bill and the erows.
Ravens NFL team, which in and of itself is a tribute to the clas­ Sadly, Avery's notes ended in the middle of that entry, or
sic poem "The Raven" by Edgar Allen Poe. Across the ocean in more specifically, they were removed from the diary's contents.
England you can find them as an important aspect of the "Tower From stories pieced together with help from the Denver histori­
of London"; legend states that England will never fall to a for­ eal society, it's believed that his caravan was ambushed in the
eign invader while ravens reside within the tower. One can find night and what remained was found by another group days later.
examples of their inspiration throughout poetry & prose, comic What happened is uncertain and lost to time, but it's said that
books, movies, television and so on. the travelers salvaged some of the "wreckage" (including
lt is perhaps humanity's continual interest and acceptance Avery's diary) and traveled further into the Western Kansas
that has brought the Scaring Crow demons to our world. The Territory before settling down in Montana City (now Denver).
few parapsychologists that have researched and noted their exis­ The group described the wagon train wreckage as a "massacre"
tence in the Lazlo Agency databases have sorrowfully little in­ and there were no survivors, including the oxen. One man was
brazen enough to state that many of the unfortunate settlers eating their victims and bringing unwanted attention to them­
looked as though they'd been half eaten by wild animals while selves.
they were still alive. His outrageous claims caused quite a stir Actually, truth be told, they don't mind attention. In fact,
and weeks of increased watchfulness around the settlement bor­ they rely on their hosts' visage to allow their prey to accept
ders. them and hide in plain sight amongst them. Nearly every major
Avery's diary was first destined to beeome a founding piece city in the world today has a large population of crows, to a
of the town's new library. The diary was removed from the level where they are considered pests. Many rural and farming
shelves with other similar journals decades later to be used for communities also have the annual duty of dealing with crows
historical documentation. As one might imagine, the historians feasting on their crops. The point is, nearly everywhere you go,
gave Avery's diary the "salad bar" treatment, taking the "accu­ you're bound to find crows. These beings have chosen their
rate" notes of interest from the diary while leaving the rest be­ hosts welL
hind. From there it gathered dust in a storage box and eventually Scaring Crows are intelligent, cunning and well coordinated,
made its way to an antique dealer, and by happenstanee was and have proven to select their victims and seize opportunities
found by genealogist and diary eollector Dr. Deepak Patel, who extremely well, The most common scene that attracts them is
happened to be among the growing network of Dr. Victor finding someone alone and going about their business, whether
Lazlo's friends, seeuring its eventual place within the archives they're sitting on a park bench, walking home from work, sitting
of the Lazlo Agency. alone in their house or apartment with an open window, or even
While Avery's account is vague, it's considered the best doc­ someone working in an office building with the shades open.
umentation of the Scaring Crow the Agency has uncovered They are all potential food sources.
(showing just how little documentation they really have). How­ It almost always starts the same: A lone bird lands nearby
ever, it's been discovered within the last few years that his doc­ their victim and acts like any other crow/raven; picking at its
umentation of the Scaring Crows wasn't the first. Another plumage, eating the garbage and scraps it happens upon, or just
journal was recently discovered in Japan, and while its exact age perching to take a break from flying. Typically people who no­
is still being determined, it's believed to have been written in tice it may look at it musingly or uninterested for a brief mo­
the 12th Century, during the beginnings of feudal Japan. Its ment and go back to their matters at hand. Then another lands
owner was a man named Tanaka Kondo, who stated in his writ­ near the first one, then another lands by them, and so on. In a
ings that he was a self-proclaimed demon hunter, and one of his matter of minutes, a small flock has suddenly formed while
notcs mentioned "Demon Crows" with a similar description to more continue to land. Even then most people won't do more
Avery's writings. While his notes are brief and broken (Tanaka than stare out of curiosity at the rapidly forming flock.
was not a writer), they point out an important fact: Scaring Once the flock grows to over twenty strong, or if the victim
Crows have been amongst us at least several hundred years, and seems to be leaving their chosen area of ambush, their real in­
they have stayed quiet enough about their presence that their se­ tentions are revealed. In unison they will all drop their act and
crets have stayed carefully guarded. suddenly begin staring into their target's eyes. If this doesn't
trigger a sudden twinge of fear in their prey, they will tum up it
Secrets and Habits
up a notch and start cawing rather menacingly while walking or
G.M. Note: You may want to keep the following information flying closer to their target, suddenly surrounding him or her.
away from you players from here on if you want to use the doc­ From this point they will really turn up the volume and their
umentation angle noted in the "G.M.'s Eyes Only" section be­ eyes will begin to light up with a burning green glow, giving
low. In play tests the players enjoyed knowing very little about them an eerie and evil presence. As the victim begins to fear
the Scaring Crow, feeling like they were contributing new infor­ them, the typical instinct is to run away, but by then it's already
mation to the Lazlo Agency after they encountered them. too late.
As little info as there is on the Scaring Crow, anyone at­ Scaring Crows rely on their victims' fear in many ways. First
tempting to use Lore: Demons & Monsters must roll a 10% or and foremost it nourishes them, but it also creates a psychic con­
lower to know anything about them, and even then they will nection or bond to their victims, allowing them to track and fol­
only know the basics. If attempting to research them anywhere low their food wherever it goes. At this point, not even walls
else but within the Lazlo Ageney database (something not ev­ can shield them from the Searing Crow's radar-like senses.
eryone has access to), it will take twice as long as normal to re­ Even when their prey may feel safe, the unexpected abilities of
search and has a -30% penalty to find anything about them. the Scarring Crow can rekindle their fear by opening windows
It's important to note first off that the Scaring Crow is not a and doors or even breaking through them iflocked (using Tele­
typical supernatural being; any horror afieionado would label kinesis) and visually relocating their prey no matter where they
them an "old fashioned" type of monster. They are creatures that hide. This is done for the act of completely terrifYing their prey,
gather in groups that literally thrive on scaring people, for they making the meal that much more delicious.
are empathic parasites who use crows/ravens for their hosts and The Scaring Crows never tire in their pursuit. They strive to
feed off the fear of their human prey. They do not gain nourish­ figure out new methods of spooking, scaring and closing in on
ment through P.P.E. nor by eating tangible foods (though their their victims till they are either cornered or surrounded by their
host body still needs to feed normally). This aspect of their na­ avian hunters. By this point, their most evil ability yet is un­
ture has allowed them to exist quietly and remain virtually ig­ leashed upon the poor souls. Their psychic bonding to their
nored over the years, as they do not need to go about killing or prey's fear gives them the ability to instill a nightmarish vision
upon them... over and over and over again.
These visions cause their prey to experience a painful and The Scaring Crow's calculating mind is impressive in that
gruesome death by literally being picked apart and eaten alive they rarely do anything hasty or rash. As they are all psychically
by an overwhelming number of crows (hundreds of them). It all bound to each other, they can disband and scour the city, look­
feels very real to the victim, and the agony of being picked apart ing for people who fit a certain pattern or seem easily spooked
by hundreds of beaks while you're helpless to stop them is and/or timid. When one of them locates an ideal victim, the oth­
nearly unimaginable. While only a brief moment goes by in the ers immediately know and in unison will home in on their com­
real time, the vision seems to stretch on into agonizing minutes. rade to plan and execute their methods to feed. On the other
The Scaring Crows never physically attack nor even touch their hand, the Scaring Crows can also be as opportunistic as they are
victims; they merely watch in concentrated delight as their vic­ haunting. If they are hungry and happen to spot easy pickings (a
tims writhe, spasm and scream before them. homeless person in a back alley, a drifter wandering aimlessly in
When the victim seems to gasp out her last breath and be dy­ the middle of nowhere, a lone thief breaking and entering into a
ing on the ground in the forced nightmare, the vision suddenly shop late at night), they will seize the moment and quickly yet
flashes out and she's brought back to reality with the crows still efficiently begin their scare tactics.
surrounding her, still leering at her with their burning green Being as there is so little known about Scaring Crows as of
eyes. This gives her just enough time to realize she's not dead, yet, they can move about with near impunity. Psychics and
but she's still in the same predicament as before, just as they hunters are forced to use known methods of combating the su­
strike again, conjuring another horrifYing nightmare of being pernatural on this unknown foe and eventually hope to sift out
eaten alive by the crows! Depending on how hungry the individ­ what works and what doesn't. If there's any immediate danger
ual flocks are, if left undisturbed they can inflict hours upon to the Scaring Crows, it's their sudden increase in numbers over
hours of psychic agony upon their prey, the victim's fear now the last few decades. As the numbers of mankind and the com­
laced with a seasoning of excruciating pain, creating a near feel­ mon crow continue to flourish and swell all over the globe, so
ing of nirvana to the Scaring Crows. has the Scaring Crow. This leads to more encounters and there­
Once they have had their fill, the flock will simply depart the fore more experiences to document and submit to the Agency.
scene and their prey, possibly returning to them again for an­ Over time, there may be enough documentation to make a reli­
other feeding one day. The victim will more than likely be for­ able profile to educate all their members on how to deal with
ever terrified (if not phobic) of crows on sight, and therefore can Scaring Crows directly. Till then, they continue their scaring
be an easy meal for them every so often. It's not unheard of for with little hindrance.
a previous victim to suddenly spot a crow looking at them
through a window in their home or workplace, as if haunting The Scaring Crow - Haunter and Lesser Demon
and checking up on their whereabouts. Scaring Crows can go Also known as MisefY Ravens and Leering Murder.
months without feeding, and therefore have a lot of time on their Alignment: Anarchist or Miscreant; self serving beings.
talons to haunt their victim (or victims, as they can rack up sev­ Attributes: While not applicable in its energy form (its natural
eral candidates over time to select from) or seek out new poten­ state is invisible and intangible), it's intelligent, tactical
tial prey till it's time to feed again. Their constant haunting can minded and can be a relentless haunter with an LQ. of
even provide a snack as their prey may run in fear at the sight of 12+104. Otherwise, the possessing entity has the physical at­
them, releasing a quick bite to savor... an appetizer of the feast tributes of the host it controls, although its possession pro­
soon to come. vides the host with some increased attributes.
However, not all victims will be able to cope with these Armor Rating: Not applicable for the ravens/crows it pos­
nightmares. Whether it's from their first experience or from be­ sesses.
ing worn down over several feedings, the haunting and feedings
Hit Points: 104xlO for the energy demon itself.
of the Scaring Crow have driven some victims to madness.
Modern day medicine will be at a loss to explain how someone S.D.C.: The Hit Points and S.D.C. of the host raven/crow is in­
who was known to be a healthy and intelligent person is found creased above that of its normal capacity with 4D6+5 S.D.C.
the next day a dribbling, gibbering wreck lying in their own filth (typically 206).
in a corner of their apartment. Those with heart conditions or Discorporation: Only people who can see the invisible or spir­
other debilitations could potentially be "scared to death" by the its can see a Scaring Crow's energy state, which interestingly
strain their body suffers during a barrage of psychic nightmares. strongly resembles its preferred avian hosts. Those who can
Those who survive their encounters with their sanity intact see one and don't know what it is may mistake it to be a
are forced to keep their experiences to themselves once they've "ghost raven" of some sort. When destroyed, it shatters into
realized they will never be believed. That is, unless they talk to several feathers that fall to the ground and simply vanish
the right people (like the Lazlo Society or the player characters), 30-60 seconds later. It's also interesting to note that upon its
but most lack the knowledge of where to find these people so death, the host body reverts to its normal size and weight
they're forced to resort to coping as best they can. Some will within seconds and if examined, the carcass will show no un­
force self denial as they've experienced something so impossi­ usual characteristics.
ble ("It was just a bad dream ... it had to be!"), while others ac­ Threat level: x4; Haunter, a Lesser Demon.
cept their experiences as best they can. However, after so many Horror Factor: Unless the observer already has a phobia of ra­
repeat feedings they eventually realize that they MUST do vens, when "inactive" and portraying a normal raven they
something before they go completely insane (desperate, danger­ won't possess a Horror Factor (even in large flocks). How­
ous or even suicidal thoughts may emerge if haunted enough). ever, once they've selected a target to scare, they will begin
to surround their victim, constantly leering at them (usually Special: Induce Fear: Similar to a Horror Factor, the Scaring
with their head cocked so only one eye stares at them) while Crow gets its name from their ability to induce an over­
cawing in a malicious tone. This typically instills fear in their whelming sense of fear in their victims. Their victims must
victims and they must make a save vs a Horror Factor of 10 already be alarmed if not already scared by their appearance
(12 if there are more than thirty crows present). Their real and actions for this ability to work. They must also stare at
Horror Factor talents come from their natural abilities of "In­ the victim's eyes as their prey stares back into their burning
duce Fear" and "Induce Murdermare" in conjunction with green ones. The victim must make a save vs Horror Factor of
hounding and haunting their victim wherever they may run. 14 (17 if more than 30 are present) against this ability. The
P.P.E.: ID4+6 Crows may attempt this action twice per melee round.
Size: Both in their energy form and when possessing a host, Once the fear has taken affect, the victim will have an
they are larger than life at 27-31 inches (69-79 cm; normal overwhelming urge to run away, they CANNOT find the will
size is 17 to 25 inches/43-64 cm). The host grows to a larger to fight. They will run until cornered or surrounded, and
size, but it does not swell up or look bloated in any way. In cower as they are chased down. The fear only subsides after
fact, besides their larger size they look identical to their the flock either is destroyed or has released their psychic
non-possessed family. bond over the victim, or if they leave the victim's location
Weight: While not applicable in energy form, the increased size (their induced fear influence has a range of two miles/3.2
of its host adds to its weight. A host will weigh between four km!) If the victim tries to flee by car or another method that
and five pounds (1.8-2.25 kg), whereas their normal weight is requires a skill roll, all rolls are made with a -50% penalty.
usually from one to three pounds (0.45-1.35 kg). Of course, the Scaring Crows will give chase no matter how
he or she tries to escape.
Natural Abilities: Its natural state is an invisible and intangible
energy form with a flying speed of 30 mph (48 km). In this Special: Fear Bonding: Once they have induced fear into
state they are impervious to physical and energy attacks. their prey, the Scaring Crows have a psychic beacon on the
Daylight does not hinder or bother them, and they possess in­ victim and will always know where she is located, no matter
credible night vision (800 feet/244 m). Their hosts can fly where she runs. An apartment, house, building, underground
with an enhanced speed of up to 45 mph (72 km) for brief pe­ basement, cave, wherever she may go, as long as she is
riods when needed (ID6+2 minutes). within two miles (3.2 km) of the flock they can sense her.
Like a horror movie chase scene, the victim may think she
Special: Possess Corvidae: All Scaring Crows have the abil­
has lost them only to find them suddenly coming out of no­
ity to seize control of any member of the Corvidae family.
where at her (something they love doing, in fact, as the vic­
However, they seem to prefer possessing the larger and more
tim's momentary relief of escape is suddenly washed over by
intimidating species like the Common Crow/Raven, Thick­
a new surge of tasty fear).
Billed Ravens, Rooks, Choughs and Jackdaws. Once pos­
sessed they can remain in their host till its death, but can Special: "Murdermare": Once they have cornered or some­
leave it at any time and return later if they choose. Killing the how incapacitated their victim, the Scaring Crows will stare
host or expelling one from its host causes no suffering or de­ her down and try to force the "Murdermare" upon her. Vic­
bilitating effect, it simply moves on to another host. tims must make a save vs psionics with a -2 penalty. Those
who fail will suddenly be hit with a blinding flash and expe­
Special: Mind Communion: Individual Scaring Crows new to
rience the horribly agonizing sensation of being picked apart
this dimension tend to look for others and form groups. Their
and eaten alive by hundreds of crows! Her visions last for
numbers can vary, but it is estimated they account for almost
what seems to be at least fifteen minutes or more. but in real­
half of the numbers of the flocks they create. What's more
ity is only 15 seconds. Once the psychic flash ha; ended, they
amazing is their ability to link all their minds into one collec­
may try again and keep performing the Murdermare repeat­
tive union. They all know what each other is doing and think­
edly (they may try 2 times per melee round).
ing at any given time. This also provides counseling benefits,
advice in sizing up prey and working together as a like­ After two successful Murdermare flashes, the victim suf­
minded whole. Those who leave the central flock can go two fers an additional -2 penalty against the save vs psionics, and
miles (3.2 km) before losing their bond, but they immediately for every two successful attempts afterwards adds another -2
reattach the link when they return. to the total. Eventually her mental defenses are crushed and
the Scaring Crows can induce the Murdermare at will upon
Special: Summon and Contain Flock: To help keep its dis­
guise hidden and call upon more host bodies as needed, the
Scaring Crow can summon all Corvidae within a two mile There is no set number of how many flashes it may take to
(3.2 km) radius of their O\vn flock. Once they have found the feed them all before they are satisfied, but a good working
flock, they fall under a sort of psychic control and stay with number can be equal to twice the number of Scaring Crows
the flock. Some birds can be hatched, raised, and live their present. This can potentially mean their prey will suffer hours
entire lives in a flock inhabited with Scaring Crows. Flocks of agony when a large group has found her and no one dis­
are typically 30-60 members, but will sometimes swell to rupts them.
100 or more. This is rare, however, as the sight of so many For Game Masters who include Insanity rules in their
pests can cause the residents of their hunting grounds to take game, this is an opportunity to consider rolling to see if the
action and lower their numbers. suffering victim obtains a phobia of crows, or birds in gen­
eral, and acts accordingly when she sees one from then on
(whether it's a regular crow or possessed), or a phobia of be­
ing alone (or perhaps both), or consider the "Paranoid" entry to tracking down the large ambient energy trail coming from
under the Psychosis table or something similarly reflective of their nest.
the repeated torturing she suffered. Ghost Hll!lte!: When firing at a Scaring Crow in its host body
Kn()ws~l!1:l:lIl~: The Scaring Crow magically under­ with an Ecto-Slayer Shotgun, they inexplicably do double
stands all languages at 90%. While they cannot speak damage to both the host and the Scaring Crow! However if
through their host body, they can communicate via Telepa­ they spot a Scaring Crow with their Ghost Vision Goggles
thy, although their communication will be at a minimum. (in their naturally invisible state) and fire upon it, it will only
Most of their communications will be one-liners to jeer and suffer half the usual damage. Their Ghost Gun energy bolts
taunt their victims to add to their fear factor. do 2D6 S.D.C. to Scaring Crows whether in a host or not.
Dark, deadpan humor is not lost on them, and saying Nega-P~~hic: The Nega-Psychic is a bane to Scaring Crows.
phrases like "Did you know that a gathering of crows is If they come near a Nega-Psychic, they will quickly discover
called a murder?" or a simple "Quote the Raven, Never­ that their psychic union along with their hold over the flock
more" in a slow and deliberate monotone as they stalk their is disabled, while their "Induce Fear" and "Murdermare"
victims is a delight for them. Also see Psionics. abilities have no effect. Consequently they can sense the pal­
Vulnerabilities: 1. All magic and psionic attacks, but they pable negative energy as well as any other superuatural crea­
themselves are impervious to purely physical attacks (al­ ture can, and will usually follow suit and avoid it.
though their host is another story). R.C.C. Skills or Equivalents (does not improve with experi­
2. Exorcism can force them from their host and send them ence): Land Navigation 89%, Track Humans 85% and
back to their home dimension, but this will prove to be a Tailing 85%.
fruitless method as this is not wide range ability (must be Equivalent Level of Experience: ID4+2
within 8 feet/2.4 m). But it still can be useful for dealing with Attacks per Melee: Three physical attacks per melee round in a
a lone bird or scout. host body, or two psionic attacks.
3. The psychic power "Suppress Fear" will block their Damage: Beak/claw attacks do ID4 damage. They mainly rely
"Induce Fear" ability. This may cause them to retreat for the on their psionic abilities. But when desiring to physically at­
time being, or if angered enough they might resort to physi­ tack someone, they are clever enough to use group tactics
cally attacking the psychic that's hindering their ability till he and use their mind union ability to their advantage. When
or she has fled or is incapacitated. they attack they tend to dive in as a group to maximize their
4. The Psychic Medium's ability of "Spirit Strike" affects effect (their defender can only fend off so many of them).
Scaring Crows in their natural state. When attacking, roll aID 12+3 for the number of crows at­
5. Scaring Crows can only use the majority of their psy­ tacking in that action. Roll their attack as a single unit (one
chic abilities while they possess a host. Otherwise, the only 20 sided roll) and their damage is cumulative (e.g. 10 birds
psychic abilities available to them are "Possess Corvidae" doing 3 points each causes 30 points worth of damage). A de­
and "Mind Communion." This could mean that if one were to fender can fend off ID4 of the attackers with a successful
somehow destroy all the host bodies in the area, the Scaring parry or dodge roll (reducing the damage accordingly). Smart
Crows would be forced to retreat and rebuild their host num­ players will not combat a group of Scaring Crows in the
bers before they could hunt and feed again. open, as they will be quickly overwhelmed in numbers and
6. While not a vulnerability per se, the Scaring Crow is in­ their S.D.C. whittled dov,n in a matter of moments.
explicably prone to creating a large nest, as opposed to scat­ In tight quarters their numbers count for little, and they
tered nests around their neighborhood. While their bond over would be able to attack in groups of ID4 at best. A few lone
non-possessed crows allows them to build their own individ­ crows may still try to attack in close quarters, but they're
ual nests nearby, the Scaring Crows prefer to congregate in much more defendable and vulnerable. At this point they
their host bodies on their own. This is a trait that can be ex­ may resort to psionics or retreat to find a new advantage, or
ploited if paranormal investigators were to find this nest. One simply lie in wait for their prey to come out into the open
of the few instances where Scaring Crows may physically at­ again. ("They have to leave their hiding place sometime!")
tack someone would be to defend their home, and hopefully R.C.C. Bonuses: +4 on initiative, +2 to strike (+5 when attack­
kill off their witness before he or she can tell others where ing in a group of 8 or more), +2 to dodge when grounded or
they are located. Their nests can be found anywhere that's in close quarters, +6 to dodge when flying, +2 to save vs
hard to spot from prying eyes, including abandoned build­ magic and psionic attack, +8 to save vs Horror Factor, and is
ings, dumps, barns, sewers, cellars, on the roof of an ex­ impervious to possession and mind control.
tremely high building, etc. Magic: None.
P.C.C. Notes: Divin€l!: If a Diviner tries to track a Scaring Psionics: Needs a 10 or higher to save vs psionic attack. I.S.P.
Crow(s), they are already -10% when tracking flying crea­ is ID4xlO per Scaring Crow. G.M. Note: Typically creating
tures, but there's an additional -10% when tracking the en­ an "LS.P. pool" for all the Scaring Crows working in unison
ergy of one Scaring Crow amongst so many moving is easiest to keep track of.
throughout the area and so close together. They cannot track
Special: Enhanced Telekinesis: This power is similar to Tele­
"all of the crows," as divining is always a search for some­
kinesis, with the added bonus of being able to create a force
thing specific. However, if a Diviner gets with six blocks of
similar to "Telekinetic Bullets," but not quite as focused or as
their nest, he or she loses the -10% penalty and gains a +20%
deadly. This power is reserved more for shattering windows
and breaking down doors or any other object that might hin­ is having a lack of ideas, where the game becomes too quiet and
der them when hunting their prey. While normal Telekinesis the players bored, or when they are stumped on their current
allows them to open an unlocked door, ifit's locked they will mission and need to step back from it for a moment. The players
resort to this ability. Each attack counts as a psionic attack could spot these creatures in action while feeding, or perhaps a
and does ID6 damage for each Crow using the attack (again, lone player character is ambushed by a flock for feeding. This
roll ID12+3 to determine how many). Each attack costs 20 would present an opportunity for them to either continue on the
LS.P. from the I.S.P. pool, regardless of how many use it in a current mission/task, or decide to deal with this unknown, new
given attack. The Scaring Crows are not stupid, however, and threat and return to their previous agenda later. If they choose to
won't waste their time or energy on a reinforced metal door, further look into the crows, they will find that the Lazlo Agency
but may find a way to see the slide bolt from a different angle has very little to offer and has sent a request out for its members
(perhaps a window located behind the door) to move it and to supply any information they can about them. Their sudden in­
so on (use their intelligence to their advantage). crease in activity is creating more urgency to study them.
Limited Psionic Powers: Bend Metal (3 or 8), Empathy (4), The Agency will only be able to offer a few small details
Bio-Regeneration (6), Impervious to Cold (2), and Teleki­ about the Scaring Crow, and will include none of its weak­
netic Push (4). nesses. This means the players will have to fIgure out the
Enemies: They tend to stick to their own kind and "flock to­ Scaring Crow's weaknesses and abilities on their own. They
gether," as it were, and rarely get involved with other super­ will know about their ability of inducing "nightmares," and that
natural creatures. However, they do have a serious issue with they the travel in flocks, but they won't have any real details
the Bogey Man when one is on their turf. This is because available about their Telekinetic abilities, their high intelligence
their psychic bond over their host bodies and their flock is and talent for tactics, and so on. This created an awesome "fear
somehow overshadowed by their sensing a Bogey Man on of the unknown" angle in my group, as well as some surprises
the prowl, and they will respond accordingly. Once the gath­ when they encountered them.
ering starts, either the Scaring Crows will have to wait till the For example, the first encounter with my group was indeed a
Bogey Man's prowling has ended, or they may flee their lone player caught unaware in a park while looking for clues
hosts and look for new ones elsewhere. The Scaring Crows about another monster's activities. When he failed the Induce
don't like a Bogey's ability to hinder their hosts, and may go Fear saving throw, he ran and found a condemned building (he
as far as to try and lead hunters to their lair if they get an­ was in a bad part of town), ripped off the wood planks nailed
noyed with them enough. over the front door and ran in, shutting and locking the door be­
Allies: None per se, but practitioners of magic do call on them hind him. Thinking he was safe, he heard the sounds of planks
(summon them) occasionally for services. As they are intelli­ being ripped off the frame one at a time, and then the door sud­
gent and easily blend in, they make great spies and scouts, denly heaved with a few loud thuds before finally collapsing to
while their natural abilities make them great enforcers by the floor. The character watched in horror as the dust settled for
scaring their opponents and telling them to stay out of their a few moments, finally spotting a lone raven calmly walking in­
masters' affairs. While they don't mind the work (in fact, side and looking at him before cawing, sending in a flurry of
they enjoy such activities already), they are strong-willed green-eyed crows after him! In the end it went badly, as he was
creatures and don't like being forced into servitude. If some­ cornered in a janitor's closet and suffered hours of torment, ac­
how set free of their summoning, they would flee the scene quiring a phobia of birds (narrowly saving against a fear of en­
unless they were harshly treated during their captivity. In this closed areas as well). This instigated the group to take action by
case, they'd most likely attempt a Murdermare on their for­ hunting them down and exterminating them all.
mer master, if not physically attack them. But there have Ultimately, thc group will be required to think about the vari­
been rumors of lone Scaring Crows or groups smaller than ous weaknesses of other supernatural beings, and probably will
twenty that have worked alongside both human and try to come up with their own ideas of what may affect a
demonkind willingly. Scaring Crow. This turned out to be a very interesting scenario,
Habitat: Anywhere you can find the Corvidae family in large as my group came up with lots of ideas and set traps and what­
numbers, you can find Scaring Crows. not to test their adversary and document their fmdings. Even­
tually a trap that included live bait (a brave character traveling
GM. 's Eyes Only to their nest, in an old wine cellar they'd previously found, and
getting their attention), a large netting trap, and a few fire bombs
Dealing with Scaring Crows provides a unique perspective, a la Molotov cocktails flung into the net trap once it was sprung,
in that the player characters' encounters with them can give and the battle with the remaining Crows revealed several details
your players the satisfaction of submitting documented reports to the players, who in turn submitted their findings to the Lazlo
of their encounters, and therefore helping educate others about Society.
their abilities and weaknesses. When using these creatures in my
It's important to note that these are more classic monsters
game, the idea of the characters getting credit for discovering
that deal in psychological terror before physical. A death will
something new about the Scaring Crow was reward enough for
rarely occur on their behalf (and usually those will be acciden­
the group to investigate them.
tal), but the players shouldn't know this fact at first. The players
I recommend that the Scaring Crow itself shouldn't be the would more than likely assume that the birds are out to kill them
starting or main point of a G.M.'s story. Their nature by design all, until after a few feedings (if not after their first feeding ex­
was to be an unexpected encounter that occurrs when the G.M. perience), they should realize the horrifying thought that these
fiends are not out to kill them, but feed off them. Over time, the Levi paused, surveying his surroundings. The ice cold wind
player characters could fall prey several times, as the Crows stirring whiffs of snow made his eyes water, but the scarf cover­
would return to feed on them until they figure out how to fight ing the rest of his face and head protected his sensitive skin. It
back, which means they will typically have to flee or be on the was hard to recognize what had been a suburban neighborhood
defensive in the meantime. There is an opportunity for a good when he was a child. Tons of ash and debris from countless dev­
chase scene when fleeing (a staple of the horror movie diet), and astating storms had turned it into a wilderness, with tall trees on
point out to the players how relentlessly haunting these creatures rolling little hills that had once been houses and businesses.
can be, This might go so far as to trapping the characters in a lo­ Even the worn path he was on used to be a wide highway; now
cation where the Crows can't get to them, but then they'll deal he could reach his arms out in both directions and touch tree
with the fact that the Crows will wait them out for hours, if not trunks,
days, before finally abandoning the chase. It doesn't matter, he thought, today everything is new, The
The idea is to instill a different kind of fear in the characters past is past, this is my world now, That mantra had helped him
and provide a different experience for the players. Of course, it to settle with Franny's community, and begin to see a future of
need not go this far if the G.M. or the group isn't interested in living, not just killing,
digging any deeper. The Scaring Crow may not become any­ Abruptly, he stopped his march. Something was wrong; he
thing more than the occasional encounter for the players to deal could tell because his teeth hurt. He sniffed the air, and through
with during a given game session. That being said, the Scaring the condensation of warm breath on his scarf he detected the un­
Crow can work for either purpose, Use your imagination and let mistakable stench of brimstone permeating the sickly sweet
it fly (pun intended). smell of the Blue Line nearby. Drawing his machine pistols, he
bolted toward the settlement, ducking low branches and leaping
over fallen trees with the agility of a cat.

Chrysalis Entering the stump-filled clearing between the forest and

town wall, he could hear the gut-wrenching roar of a demon and
the flat "plunk-plunk-plunk" of a grenade launcher firing in
A Rifts® Short Story rapid succession, drowning out the muted screams of the wall's
defenders. He scanned toward the left and could see smoke ris­
By Mike Leonard ing from the line-side walL Doubling his speed as he leapt over
As usual, Levi woke peacefully, only to leap up with a start. stumps, he ran straight toward its corner, forgoing the gate to
The dreams from his childhood made the nightmare of his real­ flank the offending monster,
ity a jolting transition, He forced himself to breathe deep and Levi paused at the corner, back to the wall and guns at the
steady, getting his bearings. His eyes adjusted quickly to the ready, steadying his breathing. As always before combat, he
darkness, and he moved purposefully to stoke the faintly glow­ quickly cleared his mind, imagining a serene pool of water. He
ing embers of the fire, As he did, the fleeting remnants of his could see himself floating in the pool, totally relaxed,
dream floated through his mind; his parents putting him to bed, His meditation took only three seconds, With a surge of en­
kissing him goodnight, light wisps of snow passing his bedroom ergy from deep inside, he tore around the wall and in a blur,
window as he fen asleep, sprinted the remaining fifty feet to the raging demon, guns blaz­
But that was long ago, Before the end, Before the Coming of ing. Silver bullets flew from the barrels in a flaming spray, pelt­
the Rifts. ing the demon under its outstretched right arm,
He quickly gave himself a sponge bath from the bowl of wa­ The Demon howled in agony, lashing out at the source of its
ter on the makeshift table, then dressed to go out. His dwelling pain; its right arm swung out, flinging a fallen defender at him.
was small and cramped, formerly a security office attached to an Levi dove to the left, narrowly dodging the decapitated body in
underground parking garage. When he'd found it four years be­ partial armor as it crumpled in a furrow of red stained snow. He
fore he'd realized the intact ventilation duct would allow him a rolled across his shoulders, ending crouched at an angle with his
makeshift hearth without suffocation behind the sturdy door. left foot on the side of a stump, and with a surge of energy, he
Careful placement of fallen tree branches adequately obscured sprang at the demon, again firing with both guns,
the smoke outlet, giving him a well concealed safe haven from His eyes widened at what he saw. The demon held a limp
the harsh world outside. body in its left hand. It was Franny. Her arms dangled limply
But today, he thought as he scrambled up the rubble out of and her head lolled back, her face and hair matted red with
the buried garage, Today is a beautiful day, Despite the roiling blood, The demon seemed to register Levi's reaction, its eyes
black clouds overhead and the dismal morning light, a smile darting from him to Franny and back again, and with a terrible
crossed his covered face. Today he was getting married. smirk, it waved its right hand wide in front of him.
Never in his life after the Cataclysm did he imagine feeling Levi crashed to a halt in mid-leap, his guns turning before
such joy. To tell the truth, when he'd first met Franny he'd him as they impacted the invisible force field the demon had just
found her abrasive, even disturbing. But after a time, she had summoned. Falling to the ground hard, he felt his right arm
grown on him, Working together defending her settlement, rout­ wrench and knew he'd dislocated his shoulder.
ing the aliens that continuously plagued the region, they had In a muted haze of pain, for a split second everything seemed
grown to love each other. to go quiet. The only sound he heard was a single "plunk" as
one of the wall defenders launched another grenade at the beast.
The air burned in hi s lungs as he screamed "NOli" while watch­ Despite the almost inhuman speed that propelled Levi along,
ing helpless ly, The grenade flew at the demon , who quickly de­ the demon was more than t\\ ice Ili s height and had a fast stride
fen ded itsel f by throw ing its left ann up in front of its head. The as well. When Levi reached the edge of the wood the demon
grenade exp loded less than three ket from Franny' s limp form. was already halfway across the Blue Line, barreling toward s a
Throug h the namt: and smoke, Levi could , ee the splatter of massive oval rip in the fabric of reality. As a grimace of deter­
gore and kne w it wasn 'till:-t the demon ' s ann disinleg r·ating . mination crossed hi s face , he charged headlong into the Blue
lnexpec(edly, a wave of calm came over Levi. Getting to hi s Line, intent on getting through that portal before it closed.
knee", he held his right ann to his side with his left, th en fell in a His blood boiled with the thought of re venge. He could al­
calcul ~te d arc on the c:dg' of a stump, popping the Joint back to­ most taste the scent of tbe de mon 's blood and wanted nothing
gether \.\ ith a h '(1vy, deer brea th he picked up his guns and more than to see it dead. Nothing mattered anymore, just killing
'tarkd runn ing a long side the force field between himself and that horrible beas t. He'd dared to dream of a good life , had felt
the creatllre tha t had destroyed his world. the warm embrace of love, and now all oftoat was gone.
The dem un lepped bac k from the explosion , dropping The portal was a glassy ma ss of in scrutable colors. He could
Franny ',' remains an d cradling its left aml \-\lith its right. With a see it shrinking as he approached and with a fin al reserve of
del ian t thnlst of its face towards the w'ali, it roared one more strength, he leapt through it. He didn't know what to expect;
time (he n turned around and charged back toward the BluL' Line. perhaps a tearing feeling, like he was fallin g apart, or maybe a
In it. fun it didn't seem to notice the ~ ignificantl ) smaller form numbness. Instead he felt as though he had passed into a blast
shad owi ng it to its left. furnace.
As he ran, Lev i holstered one weapon to reload the other. He was prepared to tuck and roll as be hit the ground on the
then rcr t.:, ted with the tiN. A familiar wave of nausea came other side, but he wasn't prepared to impact a flat rock face a
o\ er hil11 as he ap proached the Blue Line, but he ignored it to few feet from the portal. With a grunt he slid down the smooth
foc lls 1lO rm crsing the rou gh forest terrain that bufTered the set­ face and found footing in loose gravel of some sort. Breathing in
tlemcn t frum ib mag ical cncrg i '~ . the heat would have been bad enough had he not knocked the

wind out of himself. His head spun and he collapsed to the as he thought about the woman, about the fleeting dream of liv­
ground, clawing at the scarf over his mouth, desperately trying ing in peace. His body heaved as he began to sob, crying out for
to put air back in his lungs. the loss and now the hollow victory. What would he do now?
After a moment the air did return and he rose to his feet, How would he go on? Had he truly damned himself to Hell?
leaning back against the rock and surveying his surroundings.
His parents hadn't been religious when he was young, but after
the Coming of the Rifts he'd encountered many people who
were. Around him he saw red and black rock, pyres of flame
and rivers of black and glowing red lava. This truely must be the
Hell he'd been told about.
He looked up to see that the portal was indeed gone, but he
was unconcerned. Nothing mattered but the death of the demon.
Looking down at the black gravel he could see the massive hoof
prints it had left behind and concentrated for a moment. As the
sulfur-stained air burned his lungs he could again smell the
demon's blood. He jogged after the scent, along the way fmding
a path up the jagged rock to gain the high ground for his attack.
It didn't take him long to find the beast; it sat next to a flow Recently, a bunch of Palladium's artists and writers decided
of lava, resting against a rock outcropping as its arm regener­ to have a little competition, to decide who could create the big­
ated. Already the muscles had reformed and the skin was start­ gest, baddest, giant monster to stalk the Megaverse®. We now
ing to close in around the wound. Levi worked his way around present this monstrous menagerie for your enjoyment.
the demon, staying hidden behind rocks until he was positioned
to come down on the monster from its left side, then leapt otT
the rocks, focusing his fire on the wounded arm.
The monster howled with a start and leapt to its hooves,
caught otT guard. When it saw Levi hit the ground next to it, the The Devourer of the Earth
demon reached out to grab him. Levi dodged to his left, both
guns blazing, his silver bullets hitting their mark on the abomi­ - A Colossal War Mount
nation's chin, causing it to recoil while still trying to grab him.
Levi's guns were empty again. As he holstered one and Optional Material for Splicers®
reached for a fresh clip for the other, the demon grabbed him
and began to squeeze. In agony Levi dropped the gun and Art and inspiration by
gasped for air. The hood of his cloak fell back and his hair Brian "Lives to star in the sequel" Manning
caught fire as the demon held him down toward the river of
lava. He could feel his skin peeling away and his attempts to Background and text by
scream died without air in his colllapsing lungs. Todd "Gets eaten seeing if the coast is clear" Yoho
Suddenly, a fresh wave of nausea accompanied by renewed
Rain descends in copious torrents; quick the lurid lightning
vigor overcame him. He managed to get his left arm free and
pulled his scarf off, smothering the flames on his head in the
process. His skin sloughed off along with the scarf, revealing a And the wide earth feels a tremor; restless thunders shake
fresh layer of pale white underneath. His teeth ached like they the sky,
never had before and without thought he leaned forward and bit Few there are who seek their weapons, as their nervous fin­
the demon's hand, tearing a chunk of meat away. gers shake,
The demon's eyes bulged in shock and it dropped the tiny And their lips they bite in anger, and their frames in tremor
human who had just changed somehow. It could feel its magic quake!
draining as it stepped backwards, and try as it might it could not - The Mahabharata, Book III
regenerate the damage this person had done to it.
Buried deep within the layered, labyrinthine mind of House
With surprising grace, Levi rolled toward the demon as he hit
Shiva's Enlightened Librarian is an idea of such colossal devas­
the ground and leapt up between its arms and chest, his newly
tation that somewhere, amid the Os and I s that compose the per­
sharp teeth finding a grip on the monster's throat. He could feel
sonalities of the Machine, even the artificial intelligence itself
the creature's life draining into himself, empowering him as his
derives a sum of authentic fear. It is an idea for a bio-organic
hands gripped the demon's jaw and shoulder and pushed them
doomsday weapon that will eat, stomp, smash, blast and cut a
swath of earth-churning death and destruction across the ghoul·
With a sickening snap, the demon's neck gave way and blood ish Splicers landscape. It will visit this cataclysm on humanity
sprayed from the wound under Levi's mouth, covering him in and Machine alike; ironic that it will take the combined genius
gooey, dark red gore. Levi rode the corpse to the ground and and resources of both to bring about their mutual assured de­
lifted his head to cry out in victory. He had won. He was the
struction. It is Sansarakhaana: The Devourer ofthe Earth.
victor. Franny's death had been avenged. His shoulders slumped

This apocalyptic weapon has been a part of House Shiva's mor. Seeing this monster wading into the thick of combat is bad
story since its inception. When implanting her delicious designs enough for an unlucky foe, but when its belly opens up to dis­
in the hypnotic suggestions intended to craft the personality of gorge a legion of Pariahs and Dreadguards directly behind the
the Enlightened Librarian, Kali always intended for there to be crushed enemy lines, the result is demoralizing, gruesome, and
an endgame. Eventually, a time would come when House Shiva final. Sansarakhaana is a devastating weapon of war unlike any
would no longer amuse her, and it would have to be destroyed. ever seen on this planet, or on few others. It is a land mobile
What better flavor of irony than to have it come in the form of battleship in almost every respect, but it definitely will not come
the Shiva's ultimate weapon, created and released at the height cheaply.
of their conquest and power? But, why not make House Shiva's Because of its massive size and complexity, Sansarakhaana
ultimate weapon be The Ultimate Weapon? A design of such comes with a necessary built-in do not open until doomsday
strength and power that it would not only destroy Shiva, but a contingency. In order to create this colossus, House Shiva would
weapon so terrible that it would burrow to the depths of ALL of have to devote a Herculean amount of resources to its growth
the Great Houses and exterminate humanity once and for all? and development. This ensures that Sansarakhaana will not be
For a fleeting instant, Kali thought that perhaps she was going constructed before they are ready to unleash such a beast. It con­
too far. But then, that was part of the fun in her game, wasn't it? sequently has the added benefit, for Kali, that the Shivs won't
And so, she proceeded ahead with her idea of a bestial, cataclys­ bring this ruinous creation to life before she becomes bored with
mic bio-weapon as the crown jewel to her House Shiva designs. them! However, for all of its power, it still has to be an obtain­
First, it would have to be gigantic. It would have to be some­ able goaL After all, what fun is giving the humans the plans for
thing so enormous that the earth itself would feel pain with each a doomsday device, only to keep it perpetually out of their
of its steps. Sansarakhaana would have to be large enough to reach?
consume a mountain if necessary to accomplish its task. It But despite all of Kali's machinations, her intricate designs,
would also have to pack so much raw firepower that it could af­ and her affection for her new favorite toys, it is entirely possible
fect the weather around it. Kali envisioned vast clouds of dust that House Shiva may never be powerful enough to give birth to
and ash illuminated by cascading arcs of electricity splaying this calamitous creation. This may well be best for everyone; the
across the sky to announce its impending arrival. Sansarakhaana Machine included. In designing the ultimate weapon to unleash
would be a force of nature, toppling anything in its path, reshap­ on humanity, Kali will have doomed the Machine, too.
ing the earth, dominating the weather, and oblivious to harm! Sansarakhaana is, as she designed it, an unstoppable force of na­
But what form should it take? Kali wished it to be terrible, ture. It derives its sustenance from the earth itself, and it forever
yet functional, sturdy and powerful. What kind of beast could hungers. Its weapons can level mountains, and its armored shell
shoulder the burden of destroying the world? Why, the beast can survive orbital bombardment. After Sansarakhaana obliter­
whose duty it is to bear the burden of supporting the world! ates humanity, it would turn its eye on the Machine in order to
Within Kali's databanks is the phrase "turtles all the way down" fulfill the integrated Shiv biological imperative; remove all
and it gave the answer to her aesthetic dilemma. Among the sto­ traces ofhumanity from the world. In a perverse lapse of logic,
ries of old there was the belief that the weight of the world ulti­ Kali neglected to take into account that the Machine was cre­
mately rests atop the back of a turtle. Thus, armed and armored, ated by humanity, therefore, like House Shiva itself,
sturdy and steady, massive and magnificent, Kali had her beast. Sansarakhaana would dedicate equal zeal to eradicating the Ma­
Sansarakhaana is first and foremost a delivery system for a chine as it would the other Great Houses! Machine ingenuity
mind numbingly large casting cannon that doubles as an electri­ and human construction united in their mutual destruction.
fied battering ram in close quarters combat. It is also armed with It may take a thousand years, or ten thousand, or more, but in
a prehensile tail tipped with an 8,000 Ib (3600 kg) fluted club its never-ending imperative it would consume the planet bite by
capable of smashing targets in a 360 degree arc around itself. Its bite, using it to fuel its monstrous weapons, reducing all vestiges
mouth is combination shovel and scoop design that shreds soil, of man and Machine to rubble. And then proceed to consume
clay, mineral and stone with equal ease. Not even the advanced the rubble until it is the only remaining creation of humankind
techno-hardened armor of the Machine's war robots can with­ and must then destroy itself. Perhaps on some level Kali intends
stand the crushing power of its jaws. Sansarakhaana is protected to unleash this global cataclysm. Such widespread chaos and de­
by dense, interlocking bony plates, including long, shield-like struction would certainly keep her entertained until, well, the lit­
forearms that it can duck behind when under attack. Rather than eral end ofthe world!
pull its head and limbs within its shell for protection, it crouches But there is still hope. This may be one of a million stray
low, resting its cannon on the v-notch of the forelimb shields, thoughts that never reach fruition. But oh how the world will
and fires away at anything strong enough to make it take cover. tremble if it does! So, the plans for Sansarakhaana dwell deep
When on the offensive, it propels its battleship-like mass at sur­ within the near-conscious depths of the Enlightened Librarian.
prising speed, focusing the kinetic and electrical energy at the Each day, the plans inch ever closer to the surface depending on
tip of the ram/cannon. For such a defensively built creature, it House Shiva's sphere of influence, their gross resources, their
prefers to take the offense. drive and determination to fight, and the subtle machinations of
As if the impressive cannon, tail and armor that make up the other buried commands and desires of the Enlightened Librar­
primary capabilities of the beast are not enough, it also serves as ian.
a troop delivery system. Contained within its belly is a cavern­ And Kali laughs ever still.
ous air bladder that can hold over 100 warriors in full host ar­

Sansarakhaana Digging: Sansarakhaana can devour whole caverns worth of
Class: Apocalyptic Heavy Assault War Mount; Troop Trans­ rock at a rate of 8 mph (12 km), and can excavate enough space
port. to ereate a tunnel for itself.
Crew: Typically none. Sansarakhaana is intended to be an au­ Swimming: Sansarakhaana is a powerful swimmer. It can swim
tonomous entity given commands via a bio-comm like the at a speed of60 mph (96 km) and withstand depths of up to one
Gorehounds. However, it can accommodate one rider neurologi­ mile (1.6 km).
cally linked. The danger is that anyone liked to Sansarakhaana is Flying: Impossible.
subjected to stresses like no other. The sheer size and power of Statistical Data:
Sansarakhaana will likely drive any Outrider insane with power Height: 300 feet (91.4 m).
and a thirst for devastation. This may or may not be an inten­ Width: 400 feet (121.9 m).
tional side effect inteljected by Kali's implanted design.
Length: 500 foot (152.4 m) long body, with a tail length of 600
M.D.C. by Location: feet (182.8 m).
* Tongue 1,200 Weight: 40,000 tons.
* Eyes (4) - 800 each Cargo: Can carry or tow a staggering 12,000 tons behind it.
** Rider's War Saddle 250 Physieal Strength: 480, Supernatural P.S.
*** Head - 12,000 Production Cycle: 10 years gestation, plus 25 years to opera­
Forelimbs (2) 8,000 each tional age. At operational age Sansarakhaana has 25% of the
Forelimb Shields (2) - 24,000 each listed stats, which are for when it is fully grown. Once actively
Hind Limbs (2) - 7,000 each out in the world, it will reach full maturity in around 10 more
Tail 6,000 years.
Tail Club - 2,000 Operational Lifetime: Theoretically, Sansarakhaana could live
Casting Cannon/Ram Main Body - 10,000 for thousands of years. Like its more mundane cousins,
Sansarakhaana has a predisposition to extremely long life. Once
Casting Cannon/Ram Mouth - 12,000 it reaches maturity its biological processes will move from a
**** Main Body (Armored Shell) 38,000 growth prerogative to a sustaining and regenerating prerogative.
**** Main Body (Armored Underbelly) - 28,000 Unless a biological clock with a termination date is installed in
* A single asterisk indicates a small, low profile, or the genetic code, Sansarakhaana will be a menace for an Age.
shielded target that is difficult to hit. An attacker must aim Trade Value: Priceless.
and make a "Called Shot" to hit such targets, and even then is Bio-Regeneration: 6D6xlOO M.D.C. per hour for the Main Body
-3 to strike. and 3D6xlOO M.D.C. for all other locations. Sansarakhaana can
** A double asterisk indicates a minuscule, likely imper­ regrow severed limbs and weapon systems. Lost limbs can be
ceptible or shielded target that is difficult to hit. An attaeker completely regrown in about 10 to 12 hours!
must aim and make a "Called Shot" to hit such targets, and Horror Factor: 30
even then is -8 to strike.
Senses & Features: Standard, plus Advanced Eyes, Electromag­
*** Destroying the head will stop the War Mount in its netic Vision, Seismic Sense, Armored Head Crest, Increased
tracks, eliminates all optics and sensory systems, reduces the Metabolic Rate, Reinforced Exo-Skeleton, Resistance to Cold,
speed to 10% of max, reduces the number of melee attacks to Resistance to Eleetricity, Resistance to Heat, Resistance to Ki­
three total (including the rider's) and negates all bonuses netic Energy, Resistance to Lasers, and Resistance to Physical
from the animal, but the rider can still fire the weapon sys­ Attaeks.
tems and make the War Mount walk (at a ponderous rate) for
up to 12 hours after the head is gone. =-=-:.==. Sansarakhaana is a lithovore, and needs to eat 6000+
lbs (2700+ kg) ofrocks, dirt and minerals per day.
**** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will shut Sleep Requirements: Sansarakhaana only requires three hours of
down the War Mount completely, rendering it totally useless
sleep every 48 hours.
and effectively destroying and killing it.
Rider: There is an armored/enclosed War Saddle at the base of
Sansarakhaana's skull that completely enshrouds the rider.
Running: 100 mph (160 km) maximum, but it takes three full When connected via the neural jacks, the rider experiences sen­
melee rounds to reach that speed and an entire melee round to sory input through Sansarakhaana, which is an extreme form of
make a sudden stop. Normal cruising speed is 25 mph (40 km) personal sensory deprivation and overwriting that most likely
and the act of running does not tire Sansarakhaana. It can run all contributes to the high propensity for eventual madness.
day, but does need three hours of sleep every 48 hours to main­
tain peak efficiency. If pushed without rest, reduce the number Other Data (used when the War Mount is without
of attacks per melee by one and speed by 35% per 48 hours it a rider):
goes without it.
Sansarakhaana is intended to operate without a rider, so it is
Leaping: Impossible. going to have more autonomous stats than the more traditional

cavalry-type War Mounts. It is more like a gargantuan attacks. A body block/ram counts as only one attack for
Gorehound taking orders and directions rather than being rid­ Sansarakhaana.
den. However, it does have an armored War Saddle where a Body Flip/Throw with Tail: 4D6xlO M.D., plus victim loses
rider can mount and jack in, becoming one with Sansarakhaana. initiative and three melee attacks.
This is a dangerous plan of action, as Sansarakhaana is unlike Swat with Club Tail: 2D6x 100 M.D.
any War Mount ever bred. The vast amount of power and de­
Full Strength Club with Tail: 5D6xl00 M.D.
structive potential will drive anyone who establishes a neurolog­
ical connection insane and they will be consumed by destructive Bite with Shovel Mouth: 3D8xl0 M.D.
impulses. For every day that a Splicer is jacked into
Sansarakhaana they must roll a save vs insanity 17 or higher or Sansarakhaana Bio-Weapon Systems:
begin to develop a severe destructive psychosis. Failing 5 total 1. Cataclysmic Casting Cannon: Mounted on the back of
rolls (note that these do not have to be sequential) means that Sansarakhaana is a massive casting cannon that doubles as an
the rider is irrevocably lost to madness and desires nothing more electrified battering ram. The cannon fires boulder-sized pro­
than to take Sansarakhaana on an apocalyptic spree. jectiles with the force of an incoming meteor.
Alignment: Considered Miscreant. primary Purpose: Devastation.
War Mount Attributes: LQ. 8, M.E. 12, M.A. 8, P.S. see above, Seconci<lry Pnrpose: Assault/Anti-Morale and Terror.
P.P. 11, P.E. 200, P.B. 6, Spd see above. Mega-Damage: 6D8xlO per single shot, 2D8xlOO per four
Number of Attacks per Melee: 10 round burst.
Combat Bonuses: + 1 to initiative, + 12 to strike, +8 to strike with Rate ofFire: Each shot or burst counts as one attack.
ranged weapons, + 12 to parry, -20 to dodge, + 17 to roll with im­ Effective Range: 10 miles (16 km).
pact, immune to Horror Factor, impervious to toxins, poisons,
Payload: 60 rounds.
drugs, disease and mind control.
Bonus: + 5 to strike.
~quivalent (instinctive) Skills of Note: Dowsing 60%, Excava­
tion/Mining 50%, Land Navigation 80%, Masonry 60%. 2. Lightning Discharge Battering Ram Attack: In addition to
the physical damage inflicted by being rammed by the
Combat Capabilities: Sansarakhaana may engage in ranged
shrouded casting cannon, it can also unleash a storm of raw
combat or hand to hand, or a combination of the two. Remember
electrical power on impact.
that the clubbed tail is prehensile and can reach over its head
and body to attack targets in front of it. Sansarakhaana is armed Primary Purpose: Close Combat/Anti-Materiel.
with a casting cannon and a lightning discharge device for Secondary Purpose: Assault/Terror.
ranged combat, but more than makes up for a lack of variety in ~ega-Damage: In addition to the battering ram damage listed
sheer damage and potential for hand to hand combat. above, the lightning discharge does 4D12xlO M.D.
Restrained Head Butt or Stomp Attack: 2D6xlO M.D. Rate of Fire: Each blast is considered simultaneous with the bat­
Full Strength Head Butt or Stomp Attack: 4D6xlO M.D. tering ram attack.
Power Head Butt or Stomp Attack: lD6x100 M.D., but Effective Range: 100 feet (30.5 m) or touch.
counts as two attacks. Payload: Effectively unlimited.
Standing Stomp Attack: 2D8xlOO M.D., but counts as two Bonus: None.
attacks and leaves the soft underbelly exposed. 3. Hand to Hand Combat: Rather than use long-range weap­
Battering Ram Attack (plus also see below for electrical dis­ ons, the rider or a riderless animal can engage in hand to
charge attack): 2D6x100 M.D., and has a 01-95% chance of hand combat using its head, feet, body and battering ram. Be­
knocking an opponent up to 250 feet (76.2 m) tall off his feet cause the rider is completely enveloped by the War Saddle,
and onto his back. Any opponent under 100 feet (30.4 m) tall is he cannot use personal handheld weapons while jacked into
definitely knocked off his feet, but in this case, roll to determine Sansarakhaana.
the resulting penalty:
01-33% Sent flying lD6xlO yards/meters and loses initia­
tive, four melee attacks, plus is dazed for lD6 melee
rounds during which the victim's attacks per round are re­
duced by half.
34-66% Knocked down and loses initiative and four melee
attacks, takes an additiona12DI0xlO M.D.
67-00% The opponent is knocked down and trampled by
Sansarakhaana, suffering an additional2D6xlOO M.D.!
Kick with Front Legs: 5D6xlO M.D.
Kick with Rear Legs: ID4x I 00 M.D.
Body Block/Ram: 2D6xl00 M.D., and has a 01-85% chance
of knocking an opponent up to 150 feet (45.7 m) tall offhis feet
and onto his back. If so, the target loses initiative and four melee

is thus no surprise that the truly iconic formation has made its
The Eldritch Spider way into the folklore of several tribes . To them, Mato Tipila was
raised to save the lives of children fleeing the wrath of either
Bear himsel f, or several average bears. Thwarted by the sudden
of the Devil's Tower change of the terrain, the great beast's (or beasts') claws left
large scratches in the rock as he (or they) tried in vain to ascend
A lVIonstrosity of the Ancient \Vorld, the tower.
reawakened in order to destroy mankind! To scientists, however, the National Monument is nothing
more than an igneous rock intrusion that formed without the aid
Optional Material for Rifts® & Heroes UnlimitedTl'I of any elder gods or spirits. There is nothing magical about the
Devil's Tower, as magic doesn ' t exist - its solemn beauty
By Allen Manning and Josh Sinsapaugh carved out by natural forces in a completely random tum of
Illustration by Allen Manning events. Even the ominous name hold s no weight, itself a random
To the indigenous people of North America, the Devil's occurrence, granted to the monument via a translation error
Tower National Monument of northeastern Wyoming has al­ courtesy of Col. Richard Irving Dodge ' s interpreter (or so the
ways been sacred. Known to the Lakota people as MaIo TipiLa legend goes).
(the Bear Towe r) , the landmark rises prominently 1,267 feet UnfoI1unately, the self-assured scientists couldn't be more
(3 86 m) above the surrounding wilderness, overseei ng a land wrong.
that is as every bit as beautifu I and lonely as the Tower itself. It

The Devil's Tower Spider in Heroes Unlimited™ the wind. Those that tried to stay and fight quickly perished,
Perhaps the Devil's Tower was formed by the whim of swept away with a primordial savagery that seemed to know no
mercy or restraint.
Wakan Tanka (the Lakota creator spirit) in order to save some
children from the wrath of Bear, or perhaps it wasn't. Unless After the Casper Preserve was left in ruins (leaving the
someone can time travel, no one will ever know. What is known Lakota to rebuild all they had lost), the Great Spider continued
though is that the Tower certainly was not formed by anything eastward, stories of its sheer size and savagery preceding it as it
as natural or generic as an intrusion of igneous rock, this fact be­ carved a swath across the Old American Empire's wilderness.
coming more than apparent on June 21 st, when the monument According to those few that have been observing it, it is making
actually began to move! The people of Wyoming, the U.S.A., for the Domain of Man perhaps making a beeline straight for
and indeed the world watched in horror as the tower broke apart, the undisputed hub of North American civilization: the City of
its sides unfolding into eight terrifying legs - revealing a truly Chi-Town!
gargantuan spider-like creature. Scientists, especially geologists
and hardcore skeptics, were baffled at the turn of events, and The Devil's Tower Spider Itself
were at a loss to describe how or why the massive structure was Topping out at over 1,500 feet (457 m) tall, the Devil's
moving slowly across the state of Wyoming. Even more baf­ Tower Spider/Great Stone Spider is truly an impressive and hor­
fling, and twice as terrifying, was the fact that the "Tower" rifying beast. Resembling in many respects the terrestrial spider,
seemed to be seeking out and destroying human settlements, only a thousand times more terrifying, the monstrosity is able to
toppling pockets of popUlation like dominoes. Worse yet, the move with surprising speed (30 mph/48 kIn) and precision as it
"Devil's Tower Spider" (as all the major news media outlets carves its way across America. In fact, the terrifying gargantuan
have dubbed it) currently appears to be making its way deliber­ arachnid is alleged to have jumped gorges, climbed mountains,
ately toward larger population centers in Colorado! forded rivers, and negotiated all manner of terrain as it exited
Meanwhile, unlike their counterparts in academia, the Native the State of Wyoming. Apparently able to differentiate between
American elders aren't baffled by the movement of the Devil's the works of nature and Man, the creature has so far opted not to
Tower. Sure, they're just as terrified as anyone else, but at least go around, over, or between manmade structures - preferring in­
they know what is going on. Apparently, the same forces that stead to lay them to waste. Even the strongest, most well built
shaped Mato Tipila to save mankind are also at work to move buildings have been toppled like a child's building blocks,
the tower to destroy him. Dissatisfied with how Man has treated though with twice the ferocity and indifference. Truly an un­
the planet, nature is biting back, and biting back hard - awaken­ stoppable force from the ancient world, the monster's hide is re­
ing the sleeping giant that is the Devil's Tower and letting her puted to make ballistic steel seem like tissue paper, and the
(yes, her) loose on an unsuspecting world. Unless stopped, the monster itself seems to be able to destroy anything.
monster will surely lay waste to the city of Denver and then If the behemoth has a weakness, it might just be its eyes, as
continue to make its way eastward, obliterating all that Man has the monster is rumored to have shielded them whenever it has
worked to achieve on the North American continent. been fired upon with heavy military ordnance. This has yet to be
substantiated though, and might just be a falsehood born from
The Devil's Tower Spider in Rifts® the mass hysteria that the Devil's Tower Spider has spawned.
The Coming of the Rifts changed a lot of things. The oceans Whatever the case, many have agreed that this lone tip may be
rose, the landscape changed, cities fell, and eldritch forces from the only chance that anyone has to fell the beast and everyone
Man's worst nightmares slithered out of the darkest corners of is praying that it is more than just a rumor.
the Megaverse, claiming parts of the shattered world as their Even with all this being said, three questions remain: What is
own. However, one thing that was left completely unchanged by the Devil's Tower Spider? Where the hell did it come from?
the Great Cataclysm was the Devil's Tower in the Old Ameri­ And why did it suddenly awaken one day? The latter question is
can Empire State of Wyoming. Somehow, perhaps by fate, or perhaps the easiest to answer, as the increased magical energies
perhaps because of the major ley line nexus that it seemed to of the Solstice likely had a hand in stirring the creature from its
mark, the Tower remained unscathed, standing like a beacon of dormancy. But why now? Surely, it could have awakened on
the past over a hellish new world. some other Solstice (or better yet, during the Great Cataclysm),
This all changed on the Summer Solstice in the year 109 P.A. so why now? Again, if rumors can be believed, a group of
Suddenly, with no warnings to presage such a disaster, the mon­ doomsday cultists, transfixed by the Devil moniker of the Na­
ument moved. Even the air seemed to shake as eight hellish legs, tional Monument, are known to have made a pilgrimage there a
once the sides of the monument, unfolded to reveal a spider-like few days before it awoke. They haven't been heard of since (if
monstrosity that immediately set about to finish the job that the they even existed), though if they are responsible, finding them
Great Cataclysm started all those years ago. Anti-White factions might be one of the best leads in finding out either how to de­
in the nearby Casper Preserve at first rejoiced at the news as stroy the beast or lull it back into eternal slumber. However,
word flooded in about the "Great Stone Spider," as they as­ what it is or where it came from is unknown, with the only
sumed that the spirits had awakened some ancient guardian to available explanations being those offered by the Native Ameri­
help wipe the unworthy from the continent. Jubilation quickly can elders or the fallback theory that the creature has alien ori­
turned to horror as the Devil's Tower Spider turned on the Cas­ gins.
per Preserve, scattering the Lakota People there like feathers in

The Eldritch Spider of the Devil's Tower from the initial blast of an atomic bomb). The spell Desiccate
the Supernatural has no effect.
- Ancient Evil of Unknown Origin
Attacks per Melee: Eight attacks per melee round!
Also known as: "The Great Stone Tower" and "the Devil's
Damage: A stomp with one of the creature's feet does a whop­
Tower Spider."
ping I D6xl 00 M.D., while a kick from one of its legs inflicts
Alignment: Unknown, the thought processes of the gigantic spi­ ID4x100 M.D. and is likely (80% chance) to send anything
der are impossible to quantify; it lives only to destroy. Con­ that weighs less than 10 tons into the air, causing the victim
sidered/assumed Diabolic. to fly back 10 feet (3 m) per every 10 points of damage dealt
Attributes: I.Q. 19 (very cunning, despite its "destroy every­ (victims lose initiative and two melee attacks); victims
thing" mentality), M.E. 28, M.A. 2, Supernatural P.S. 80, weighing over 10 tons fly half as far and only have half the
P.P. 20, P.E. 32, P.B. 3, Spd (running, climbing, or swim­ percentage chance (40%) of being thrown back in the first
ming) 44. place; victims weighing over 100 tons are simply knocked
M.D.C. by Location: over (20% chance), losing initiative and a melee attack; vic­
Forelegs (the sides of the Devil's Tower) (8) 20,000 each tims weighing less than a ton are automatically thrown back,
Upper Legs (8) - 5,000 each flung twice the distance, and lose all their melee attacks. A
bite inflicts 3D6x10 M.D., and a slash or stab with the large
Feet (8) 8,000 each
scythe blades inflicts ID4xlOO+ 100 M.D.C. (subtract 50
"Knees" (6) 9,000 each M.D.C. per scythe blade that is destroyed) and is only plausi­
Scythe Blades (4; two per front leg) - 3,000 each ble against a foe over 100 feet (30 m) tall.
Large Eyes (4) 500 each Mule Kick (Special): Using both of its back legs, the Eldritch
Small Eyes (2) - 240 each Spider can kick at large buildings or any other large targets
Mandibles (2) - 600 each (at or over 500 feetl152 meters tall), inflicting a tremendous
* Head - 6,000 2D6xlOO M.D.C.! Counts as three melee attacks and can
only be used once per melee round.
* Main Body 40,000
Damage Note: The Eldritch Spider is a primordial creature of
* Destroying the head or main body will incapacitate the pure magic, and thus its physical attacks can injure beings
Eldritch Spider until it can regenerate (which generally takes
that can only be harmed by magic. Furthermore, it still deals
2D6 weeks).
full damage to creatures and materials that take half damage
S.D.C. Note: For Heroes Unlimited™, simply double the from kinetic attacks. Creatures and materials that are imper­
M.D.C. values for S.D.C. (so 240 M.D.C. becomes 480 vious to magic are immune to the spider's attacks (but may
S.D.C.), and apply a Natural A.R. of 18 to all areas except still be flung by a kick or crushed to death beneath its feet).
the eyes (A.R. of 12 for them). In an S.D.C. setting, directly convert damage values as
Horror Factor: 19 S.D.C. (so ID4x100 M.D. becomes ID4xlOO S.D.C.) and
Size: Roughly 1,500 feet (457 m) tall and 1,000 feet (305 m) in add the creature's P.S. damage bonus.
diameter. Bonuses: Despite its frightening size and destructive power (or
Weight: Incalculable; millions of tons. perhaps because of it) the monster has few bonuses: No bo­
P.P.E.: 6000, though it cannot cast magic. nus to initiative and is automatically last at the start of a me­
Natural Abilities: Does not breathe air, hawk-like nightvision: lee round, +6 to strike and parry, cannot dodge, +8 to save
2 miles (3.2 km) and day vision: 4 miles (6.4 km), see the in­ versus magic, and + 10 to save versus psionic attack. Potential
visible, sense intelligent being population centers (more than victims that are within 200 feet (60 m) of the monster are-lO
10,000 people) within a 100 mile (160 km) radius, and has an to dodge the creature's stomps and/or kicks, while those
unlimited depth tolerance. Has no need to eat (feeds off re­ dumb enough to get within ten feet (3 m) are -16 to dodge
sidual P.P.E. in the air, from ley lines, and from those it and do not benefit from any bonuses a<;ide from those pro­
kills), drink, or rest, and can operate indefinitely at top speed. vided by the P.P. attribute.
Detect Ambush 80%, Climb 90%10% (though it will just as Vulnerabilities: There are not many ways to truly hurt or de­
well smash through most obstacles made by man), and stroy the Eldritch Spider. What follows are the few options
Swimming 98%. that anyone wishing to take down the behemoth have:
Super Bio-gegenerate (Special): The Eldritch Spider heals 1. Go For the Eyes!: Once destroyed, the eyes will not regen­
miraculously fast, regenerating ID6xlO M.D.C. to every lo­ erate for ID6 days, during which time any attackers can as­
cation on its body per melee round, and will even come back sault the head of the creature from the inside (by shooting
from complete oblivion within 2D6 weeks. The creature can into the empty eye sockets or climbing inside and hacking
be destroyed though, just not by brute force (see Vulnerabil­ away, etc.). Any attacks made inside the head or through the
ities). empty eye sockets deal quadruple damage to the creature's
Limited Il!yulne@bility (Special): The Eldritch Spider is head and regenerate at one tenth the normal rate. If the head
completely impervious to normal S.D.C. attacks, pain (except can be destroyed, so too will the creature, collapsing into a
for the eyes), heat, fire (both S.D.C. and M.D. fire, including giant pile of rubble.
plasma), cold, disease, toxins, drugs, and radiation (but not 2. Nuclear Armageddon: Nuclear weapons are one of the
many ways that the Devi!'s Tower Spider can be incapaci­

tated although it will normally just regenerate once enough Eater Transport. Capable of entangling enemy troops with globs
time has passed. However, if the M.D.C. ofthe spider's main of corrosive mucus, damaging sound waves, and a huge troop
body can effectively be reduced to negative 100,000 M.D.C. complement with many ways of being deployed, a single
(-100,000 M.D.C.) via the use of a nuclear device (or de­ Gulgoth can level a small town, and multiple can destroy huge
vices), then the beast will have been completely atomized cities and troop encampments. Modeus and his generals have
and will be unable to return to life. Unfortunately, this would only used the Gulgoth in a few operations and when they have
require a large amount of nuclear ordnance, thus reducing the done so, they have utilized overwhelming force.
surrounding area into a radioactive dead zone for several de­ One of the most frightening sights that anyone caught in the
cades (if not longer). middle of a battle during the Minion War can see, looking out
3. The Phoenix Manuscript: The Eldritch Spider was indeed from the battlements, is a troop of Gulgoth vomiting globs over
awoken by a doomsday cult that became the great spider's the city walls that rupture like water balloons, releasing troops
first victims. The cultists learned of the spider and how to and allowing them to attack; or a Gulgoth ripping itself open
awaken it by translating an ancient scroll known as the Phoe­ only to see Alu running out onto the field of battle. A Gulgoth
nix Manuscript (so named because it was discovered near opening its mouth and dozens of Demon Flies swarming out, or
Phoenix, Arizona, not because of any connection to the its head taking a direct hit with a missile, cracking like an egg,
endary bird) with a spell to awaken the monstrosity. Luckily, and allowing Gargoyles to engage in aerial combat, or the
it just so happens that the manuscript also has the spell to put Gulgoth pounding giant robots into scrap metal or minions of
the monster back to sleep. If the spell can be read out loud Dyval into goo with its giant reinforced fists, are also common
within a mile (1.6 km) of the monster, it will fall back to sights.
sleep - turning back into the Devil's Tower. Unfortunately, The hulking, brutish creature has an incredibly low intelli­
the spell is very long (equal to about three pages) and will gence, and only lives to hurt, eat, and destroy, but at the base of
take five minutes to read aloud, during which time the its oversized skull there is a special compartment where a de­
Devil's Tower Spider will seek out the reader in an attempt monic pilot can control the beast. Hundreds of barbed bundles
to destroy him or her. The spell also has a large P.P.E. cost: of nerves rip through the flesh of the pilot, connecting him to the
2000. Note: On Rifts Earth, the manuscript can be found in a nervous system of the Gulgoth, giving the pilot complete con­
small library in Lazlo, while the Library of Congress contains trol, but also making it impossible for anything but a supernatu­
the manuscript on the Earth of Heroes Unlimited. In both ral being with bio-regeneration to pilot the creature.
cases, a former member of the cult will approach the player
characters to inform them that he or she knows how to lull Gulgoth, NPC Monster
the demon back to sleep. Alignment: Diabolic. These creatures live only to inflict pain
Magic: None. on other creatures.
Psionics: None. Attributes: I.Q. ID6, M.E. ID6+ 12, M.A. ID6+2, P.S.
Enemies: All intelligent beings. 3D6+50, P.P. ID6+10, P.E. 2D6+30, P.B. ID6+2, Spd
Allies: None per se. The Eldritch Spider doesn't mean to harm 4D6+20. Attributes are considered supernatural.
wildlife, with any plants or animals maimed by its move­ Average Size: 480 feet (146 m).
ments being thought of as collateral damage by the great Weight: 200 tons. Approximately 400 tons fully loaded.
beast. .M.D.C. by Location:
Upper Arms (2) - 12,300 each
Gulgoth Forearms (2) 16,500 each
Hands (2) 9,100 each
Demon Transport and Siege Weapon (2) 19,400 each
Tail 13,200
Optional Material for * Tail Spikes (3) - 460 each
Rifts® and the Minion War™ * Eyes (2) - 160 each
* Teeth - 300 each
By Brandon Aten * Tongue - 400
Illustration by Nick Bradshaw ** Head 4,000
The Gulgoth derives its name from a term in an ancient lan­ *** Pilot's Compartment 16,200
guage referencing its massive, oversized head. The hideous **** Main Body - P.E.xl,OOO
creature was designed by Modeus and his generals to fill a spe­ ***** Belly - 3,700
cial forces transport and assault role for the impending war with * Items marked with a single asterisk are difficult to hit,
Dyval and any of the forces in the Megaverse that stand in their
so the attacker must make a Called Shot, and even then is -5
way. Modeus was able create these huge monstrosities with the to strike.
aide of the Omega Book, much to his pleasure.
** When the head is destroyed, the creatures inside are
The Gulgoth is a combination troop transport and siege free to fly out at will.
weapon, which fills the void between Netherbeasts and the Soul


BiS- [3l\d- bI"Adsh.p. J

;z...oo ,€
*** When the pilot's compartment is destroyed (but only (about 40 in all) that all fire into the pilot, doing 106 M.D.
when a Gulgoth is being piloted), the pilot is killed and the each once the pilot is seated.
GulgOth is destroyed in the same manner as if the main body Magic: None.
was destroyed. Psionics: None.
**** When the Main Body is destroyed, the Gulgoth col­ I.S.P.: 106
lapses and melts into a pool of acid that covers a 100 foot Combat: 8 attacks per melee. When piloted, attacks per melee
(30.5 m) radius, doing ID4xlO M.D. to everything in the are the attacks of the pilot +4.
area, per melee, for 2D6 minutes.
Combat Bonuses (in addition to attribute bonuses): +2 on
***** If the belly of the Gulgoth is destroyed, the crea­ initiative, +5 to strike, +3 to strike with ranged attacks, +4 to
tures inside pour out onto the ground and are free to attack at parry, +2 to dodge, +3 to roll with punch, fall, or impact, +1
wilL to Perception Rolls.
Horror Factor: 18 (19 when unloading its troops through an Damage:
open belly).
Restrained Punch: As per Supernatural Strength.
P.P.E.: 5D6+P.E.
Full Strength Punch: As per Supernatural Strength + ID6xlO
Natural Abilities: Impervious to toxic gasses, poison and mind M.D.
control, bio-regenerates 2D4xlO M.D. per melee, hands are
Power Punch: As per Supernatural Strength +2D6x10 M.D.
large enough to completely engulf target 50 feet (15.2 m) or
smaller, see the invisible. Tail Attack: 3D6xlO M.D.
Cargo Capacity: The Gulgoth can carry 80 Gargoyles (with Allies: None. They are too brutish to have any true allies. They
Gargoyle Mages and Gargoyle Lords mixed in) in the hollow will follow orders of the highest ranking demon in their troop
cranial cavity. They can be replaced with 150 Demon Bats, complement, unless they have orders from a higher master.
or 300 Demon Flies. ID4xlO flying creatures can be released Enemies: Humans, minions of Dyval, and anyone they are or­
per action simply by opening the mouth and allowing the dered to attack.
creatures to fly out. 50 AIu or Gurgoyles, or 10 Magots, can Habitat: They can be found throughout Hades but have no nat­
be carried in the swollen belly of the Gulgoth. Creatures car­ ural habitat.
ried in the belly are released in two ways. The first is to be
vomited out in self-contained globs of a mucus-like sub­
stance. These globs can contain up to ten of the smaller crea­ Philly Brood Gulper
tures, or one Magot, and can be launched 1,000 feet (305 m).
The second form of unloading these troops is for the Gulgoth Optional Material for Rifts®
to grip the center of its belly with its massive hands and to
pull it open, regardless of how much M.D.C. is left. The re­ By Irvin L. Jackson
maining creatures then spill out onto the ground, ready to Illustration by Nick Bradshaw
fight. "It swallows you alive, and that's where the real nightmare
Tail Attack: The Gulgoth mainly uses its tail to attack large, begins. "
slow-moving or stationary targets, but can attack human­
sized targets, demons and power armor troops. This is usu­ This giant, horrific beast is a threat to all living creatures,
ally done by thrusting the tail through the ground and coming both large and small. It is not that the Brood Gulper is an incred­
up from beneath the target (target is -8 to dodge or parry). ible fighter by itself, although it is extremely capable and dan­
gerous, but it is its reproduction rate and method of reproduction
Glob Attack: The Gulgoth can vomit globs of a sticky, corro­
that strikes fear into every sane being it encounters.
sive substance that is a combination of its acidic blood and
the substance used to launch troops. These globs will affect a The Philly Brood Gulper, named so because they first began
30 foot (9.1 m) area. Anyone caught in the affected area will to appear around and in the ruins of Philadelphia, appears engi­
see their attacks halved and will be -8 to strike, parry, and neered for one specific function: to breed the toughest offspring
dodge. The Gulgoth can fire these globs 2,000 feet (610 m). possible. And it breeds them in scores. To ensure that its off­
spring are the most capable and powerful of its kind, this
Sonic Attack: The Gulgoth can roar, causing 6D6 M.D. of
semi-intelligent monstrosity keeps its numerous brood inside a
sonic damage to everything within 500 feet (152 m).
massive, rigid, hive-like egg sac. Mostly hollow, this sac is as
Teleport: The Gulgoth can teleport 500 miles (800 km) if the large as a stadium and has air to breathe, and the walls are lined
location is known by the pilot. The creature cannot teleport with dozens of baby versions of the parent creature (lD4xlO+10
on its own. at any time). The Brood Gulper makes a habit of eating anything
Dimensional Teleport: The Gulgoth can dimensionally roughly man-sized or larger that it can fit in its mouth (which
teleport at 32% plus the Dimensional Teleport ability of the could be anything up to the size of an elephant). But it does not
pilot. The creature cannot dimensionally teleport on its own. eat them to consume them. It has a special throat that redirects
Demonic Pilot: The Gulgoth can be piloted by any Greater live prey into the egg sac, which is actually its own personal col­
Demon, but most often a Gallu, Brek-Shall, or Baal-Rog. The iseum of death!
pilot's compartment is filled with small, barbed harpoons The poor victims are swallowed, deposited in this dark, dank
hell-on-earth, and then attacked by the Brood Gulper's off­

• • •

bi4 hA.d 6rA.dshf\J

spring. The offspring generally attack one-on-one, but will fight they were not released as they should have been, they do not un­
larger groups with equal-sized groups of hatchlings. This is the derstand their purpose, and keep killing for a biological function
"winner takes all" contest from hell. If the victim who was eaten that can never be filled. Each hatchling must be hunted down
can manage to kill one of the hatchlings, and remove its small, and destroyed before they render an entire area devoid of life.
undeveloped egg sac, the other hatchlings will leave it alone.
Removing the egg sac releases pheromones which tell the Brood Philly Brood Gulper
Gulper that the hatchling has won, and it deploys dozens of ten­ Alignment: Considered Miscreant; while not truly evil, this is a
tacles. These tentacles remove the victor from the egg sac, de­ vicious, nasty predator that destroys all life.
positing him through an orifice (a wholly unpleasant Attributes: I.Q. 2D4 (high animal intelligence), M.E. 2D6,
experience) back outside, thinking it is releasing its hatchling. If M.A. lD4, P.S. 40+2D6 (l0+3D6 for hatchlings), P.P. 3D6,
the hatchling wins, however, the parent-beast senses it and the P.E. 4D6+10 (4D6 for hatchlings), P.B. 1 (it doesn't get
tentacles remove the baby instead... introducing a new terror much uglier than these things), Spd 2D4xlO (lD4xlO for
into the world that dealt death and tasted blood before it was hatchlings). Strength and Endurance are Supernatural for
even born! both hatchlings and adults.
Obviously, it is very important that the person attempting to M.D.C.(adult): Main Body: 2D6xl,000, Egg Sac: 3D6xl,OOO,
escape this cauldron of death actually gets an egg sac before get­ Inner Walls of Egg Sac: 200 per 10 feet (3 m) of wall.
ting free. M.D.C.(hatchling): 3D6xlO M.D.
The dead bodies of its victims are eaten by the hatchlings, Horror Factor: 17 for the adult, 13 for the hatchlings.
and the remains consumed by the host creature. However, any
P.P.E.: lD4xlO
unnatural substances (like guns, gems, armor, etc.), are coated in
resin-like goo and end up stuck in odd places within the hive Size: 200 to 300 feet tall (61 to 91.4 m). (4 to 7 feet/1.2-2.1 m
walls. tall for hatchlings).
Like its hatchlings, the adult Brood Gulper is a vicious mon­ Weight: 400 tons (300 lbs/l35 kg for hatchlings).
ster whose goal is to attack and consume as many smaller crea­ Average Life Span: Unknown, grows to maturity in about 2
tures as possible. It is extremely territorial, and will attack any years.
other creature that threatens its dominance in a 100 mile (160 Natural Abilities: Nightvision 300 feet (91.4 m), superior vi­
km) radius. Specifically, it will target other large monsters and sion (can spot a human-sized target at 2 miles/3.2 km range),
things that may scare off the smaller creatures (humans and impervious to mind control, Climb 65%, Prowl 40%, track
D-Bees) that it eats to make its children stronger. Interestingly, by sight 70%, burrow 100 feet (30.5 m) per melee round.
this has also led to it attacking armies of technologically­ (Same for hatchling, except reduce Nightvision to 90
equipped invaders as well, as it realizes that war and violence feetl27.4 m and burrowing to 10 feetl3 m per melee round.)
are just as likely to drive people off as other monsters. Attacks per Melee: Eight! (Four for hatchlings.)
The Brood Gulper's outer defenses are more developed ver­ Bonuses: +4 to strike and parry, +4 to save vs psychic attack,
sions of those wielded by the hatchlings. It has 16 legs, eight on +6 to save vs poison, and + 10 to save vs Horror Factor, all in
each side. The front six legs are not critical for balance, and addition to attribute bonuses. (Hatchlings are more agile than
each one is tipped with a giant, 10 to 20 foot (3-6 m) long, adults, and have an additional +2 to initiative and +4 to
scythe-like claw. Two of the larger real legs have massive, grip­ dodge.)
ping hands that can tear, pry and shovel groups of victims into
Damage (adult): Killing bite does 2D6xlO M.D., scythe claw
its deadly innards. Two sets of curved, saw-like mandibles add
attack does lD4xlO M.D., kick does 6D6 M.D. plus 70%
to its arsenal. It attacks by rushing onto its enemies, bearing
chance of knockdown on any target under 40 feet (12.2 m)
them down with weight and mass. It attempts to hold them in
tall (loses one attack and initiative), tearing attacks with
place with the larger, hand-like appendages while slashing re­
larger hands do 6D6 M.D.
peatedly with its front arm blades. It will also try to bite and tear
at any exposed portions. Special: Swallowing bite takes two attacks, and can swallow
2D6 human-sized targets or one robot or medium-sized vehi­
Most militaries and cities of any size with any significant
cle. The bite attack receives a +6 to strike, cannot be dodged,
military power will send out a force to destroy one of these
but only does 2 M.D. This ensures that the creature's hatch­
beasts the moment it is sighted. However, smaller towns and vil­
lings only fight worthy opponents, as no S.D.C. creature can
lages usually do not have the firepower to repel these monsters,
survive the attack unless they are wearing armor or are other­
and just evacuate until it has passed them by.
wise protected. Those who are swallowed are deposited in­
The most accepted method of attack is by air, since the crea­ side the egg sac, where they must fight for their lives against
ture has no ranged attack capabilities. However, it does under­ the creature's hatchlings until they can obtain a severed egg
stand when it is overmatched, and will hide under massive sac (which requires a Demon and Monster Lore skill check to
overhangs, burrow into the earth (it can tear through bedrock), know) or blast their way out (which elicits an attack by a
or submerge itself in a lake or other large body of water. swarm of2D4 hatchlings instead ofjust one).
Even when you succeed in destroying the main creature, Note: Anyone who fails their save vs Horror Factor against
you've likely released an even bigger nightmare for the sur­ this creature and is swallowed must make a save vs insanity
rounding area. On death, the egg sac bursts and the hatchlings to avoid a permanent phobia (roll on the random chart in
inside run wild, each seeking to kill and kill and kill. Because Rifts® Ultimate Edition).

Damage (hatchling): Killing bite does 406 M.D., scythe claw
attack, kick and tearing attacks all do 306 M.D. When using Sauradon
scythe claws, treat as if the hatchlings ha ve the skill Paired
Weapons. Optional Material for Rifts®
Magic: None .
By Jeffry Scott Hansen and Brandon K. Aten
Psionics: None.
Habitats: Cool climates to temperate climates, mostly found Illustrated by Allen Manning
along the Eastern Seaboard , from Madha ven to Detroit. Na­ The Sauradon come from an alien world in another dimen­
tive to an alien dimension, usually coming through Rifts as a sion, which is in a "figure eight" orbit around two stars in a bi­
hatchling. nary star system. The massive gravity and exposure to radiat ion
Enemies: All life. has allowed the Sauradon to de ve lop into a strong predator and
scavenger. On their home planet the Sauradon lived in small
Note: There are some adventurers , mostl y Crazies, who specifi­
herds of 6 to 8 members and would often strategize with the
cally try to get swallowed. Anned with explosives, they col­
members of their herd to bring down much larger prey (yes,
lect any valuable loot , and then blow their way out of the
MUCH larger than the Sauradon) They would lay in wait in the
wall and escape with jet packs and small flying vehicles. Ob­
acidic pools which covered the equatorial regions of their
viously, most people think that' s insane.
planet, and when larger animals would come by, the SaUl-adon
would attack with the pincers on their trunks and would drag the
prey into the acidic pools

The Sauradon can most easily be described as a mix between peat DO NOT stop firing until everything in front ofyou stops
a wooly mammoth and a stegosaurus from the past of Rifts moving. Squads one and two, begin launching your missiles to
Earth. Thick hair covers the body and sharp spikes and armored the left and right ofthe rail gun's targets. Launch all ordnance
plates run the length of the spine. The tail ends in a club-like set until supplies run out. Tele-comm, what is the response from
of four to eight spikes used to protect and defend the creature HQ?
from almost all sides. Four eyes allow the creature to see in a Several extremely loud roars heard at this point on video.
variety of light spectrums, and the tusks and trunk allow the Major F.M.: What do you mean nearest support is sixty min­
Sauradon to cause massive amounts of damage to whatever is utes out? This is going to be over in sixty seconds. Okay, hold
foolish enough to stand in the way. The Sauradon also has a on men... FIRE!
large pair of wings which grant it limited flight, and which it can
Inaudible screams, rail gun blasts, missiles launch and hit
pull in close to the body when trying to stalk prey. Currently,
several roars and more inaudible human shrieks.
the Sauradon can be found in small herds throughout the Great
Lakes region of North America and further south in the Dino­ Sergeant A.G.: HQ! HQ! HELP! Thousands of giant mon­
saur Swamp. sters comingfrom Rift at coordinates ...
The Sauradon came to Rifts Earth through a Rift near Lake Sauradon, NPC Monster
Superior, where they were ftrst encountered by a Coalition re­
connaissance group. The group attacked a lone Sauradon at ftrst, Alignment: Anarchist.
but by the time they realized that they had attacked and killed Attributes: LQ. 1D6+8 (very high animal intelligence), M.E.
one of the young, it was too late. The recon group was attacked 2D4+12, M.A. 2D6+4, P.S. 2D6+44, P.P. 106+15, P.E.
by seven more Sauradon and completely destroyed, with only a 2D6+l2, P.B. 2D6+2, Spd 3D6+20 or 5D6+40 while flying.
single video disc recovered from the battle site to serve as evi­ Attributes are considered Supernatural.
dence of what happened. Average Size: 400 to 600 feet (122-183 m) tall, 800 to 900 feet
While on routine patrol in an area just west of Lake Superior, (244-274 m) long.
the Coalition Recon Task Force observed a very large Rift mate­ Weight: 23,000 to 30,000 tons.
rialize several hundred yards away from their base camp. With M.D.C.: 3D6xl,OOO + 1,430
special equipment and sensors, they monitored and documented Horror Factor: 17
these creatures as they entered our world. This team was full of
P.P.E.: 5D6
veterans who had seen just about every type ofD-Bee and mon­
ster known to mankind. When the Rift grew larger than anyone Natural Abilities: Impervious to toxic gases and poisons, half
had ever seen, the shocked faces and shrieks recorded on video damage from ftre, bio-regenerates 4D6 M.D. per melee, see
told the story. What you are about to read is the actual transcript the invisible, see in infrared and ultraviolet spectrums.
from what survived of the video transmission. Major Frank Tail Attack: The Sauradon mainly uses its tail to attack tar­
Moore, Sergeant Alex Grimes, and Lieutenant Jason Meddles gets on the side and behind the creature.
are noted by their rank and their initials. The other task force Magic: None.
members' voices were inaudible due to the shrieks of terror Psionics: None.
coming from their personal microphones. I.S.P.: ID6
Major F.M.: Men, there's the noise again. Meddles, turn on Attacks per Melee: 8
your sensor-track. Combat Bonuses (in addition to attribute bonuses): +4 on
Lieutenant J.M: Major, my equipment is showing an ex­ initiative, +3 to strike, +4 to parry, +2 to dodge, +3 to roll
tremely large disturbance coming from the north-northwest. Not with punch, fall, or impact, +4 to Perception Rolls.
even two-hundred meters away. It measures almost a quar­ Damage:
ter-mile wide and eight-hundred feet tall. Tail Attack: As per Supernatural Strength full strength
Major F.M.: And only two hundred meters away? Great, punch.
whatever's coming out of it will be right on top of us. Trunk Pincer: 4D6 M.D.
Tele-comm operator, I need you to relay a message to HQ, let Tusk Attack:
- -. - ­ 6D6 M.D.
them know our pas and situation. I got a bad feeling this is go­
Head Butt: 5D6 M.D.
ing to get ugly quick.
gam: As per Supernatural Strength full strength punch dam­
Sergeant A.G.: Sir, look out just beyond that tree line, at
age + 106x 10.
zero point two five on your viewfinder.
Allies: None, other than other Sauradaon.
Major F.M.: Okay, zero point two ... Uh, tele-com, call for
immediate support, tell them to bring everything. .. Enemies: Just about everything, but especially hwnans,
Splugorth, and Simvan. The Sauradon do not wish to be con­
Lieutenant J.M.: Sir! A Rift this size has never been docu­
trolled or used as mounts, but will allow it on their terms.
mented. Uh, what are those large brown things spilling out of
it? Habitat: Originally found in the acidic pools and swamps of
their home planet, but can be found near almost any swamp
Major F.M.: Everyone listen up, I want my rail gun to start
or bog on Rifts Earth.
firing in the direction of the Rift at my command. Do not, I re­



the Spider Makers and more than two hundred of their colony
The Nayk Star Spiders worlds were wiped clean by the avenging force.
The victorious heroes, who had lost more than 85% of their
Optional Material for Rifts® & Other Games effective fighting forces, thought that they had exterminated the
Nayk Star Spiders along with their dark masters. but they
By Josh Hilden were mistaken. In the final days of the war \vith the Spider
IIJustration and Inspiration By Mike Mumah Makers , a group of scientists and fleet personnel from Spider
The Nayk Star Spiders are creatures of primal nighrmares Maker high command, using a holdout arsenal of converted
that have haunted the races of the Three Galaxies, and the races trans-dimensional (TD) and faster than light (FTL) shuttles and
of the dimensions adjacent the Three Galaxies, for thousands of probes, unleashed more than a hundred Nayk eggs across the
years. Legends of the dreaded spiders reach back into the earli ­ span of the Megaverse that was adj acent to the Three Galaxies.
est myths of the younger denizens of the Three Galaxies. Th e These dimensions included the home dimension of a minor hab­
facts regarding the origins of the Star Spiders are thin on the itable world, Earth.
ground, but there are a few things that are believed to be without Over the thousands of years since the end of the war against
reproach. According to the records of the Pre-Consortium Hu­ the Spider Makers, more than a hundred worlds in the Three
man Alliance, and a handful of Cosmo-Knights still living from Galax ies and across the rest of the Megaverse have been ren­
that era, a now extinct race of sentient arachnids. whose name is dered lifeless by the Nayk Star Spiders. One such Spider arrived
now forgotten. created the Nayk Star Spiders for use in war and upon the planet Earth on December 23, 2098 via a Rift that
colonization . The now forgotten race of Spider Makers would opened within the middle of the downtown area of the city of
seed a target world with eggs , and wait till their hellish servants Detroit, Michigan. During the rampage of the Nayk. a fi 1m crew
hatched. When the spiders had hatched and decimated the sen­ caught footage of the monster as it destroyed part of the city's
tient races of the target worlds, the Spider Makers would neu­ People Mover transit system. This footage and accompanying
tralize the spiders. through an unknown process that has never te levision reports were archived by the NEMA forces In
been successfully replicated, and settle onto the now pacified Chicagoland , and sti ll rest in the Great Chi-Town Library.
Nayk Star Spider
After more than five hundred years of this style of expansion
within the Corkscrew Galaxy, the influential powers of the day Attributes: LQ. 8 (essentia ll y an animal), ME 29, M.A. 2, P.S.
decided to put an end to them. For decades , diplomats from the 50, P.P. 27, P.E. 39, P.B. I, Spd liO.
more powerful governments of the time (Human , Wulfen , Noro. Alignment: Diabolic.
and the Golgan Republik) , backed by the history and power of M.D.C. by Location: (Rifts':R' , Splicers (~\ Phase Worl dl~ , and
the Cosmo-Knights. petitioned the Spider Makers to stop de­ Chaos Earth TM.)
stroying the younger races and unleashing these "Demons of Main Body - 22,500
Science" upon the Three Galaxies. Finaily, after being ignored
Head - 3,200
and following the destruction of a Noro colony world by half a
Eyes (8) - 925 each
dozen Nayks, a coalition of the younger nations and more than
one hundred Cosmo-Knights assaulted the realm of the Spider Legs (8) - 5,400 each
Makers and wiped them out as an affront to the Cosmic Forge Mandibles (2) - 2,l 00 each
and the free peoples of the Three Galaxies. The home world of Fangs (2) - 2,900 each

Bio Plasma Ejector-75 (-5 to strike.) Damage: ID6x200 M.D.C. or ID4x500 S.D.C. per strike.
Spinnerets (2) 850 each (The spinnerets are small, con­ (Up to four legs can strike one target the size of an automo­
cealed targets and are -2 to strike. If one spinneret is dis­ bile or larger so long as four legs remain for her to stand on,
abled, the Nayk loses her ability to spin silk.) multiply damage by the number of legs used. Counts as one
S.D.C. by Location: (Heroes Unlimited™, Ninjas & attack regardless of the number oflegs attacking.)
Superspies™/Mystic China™, Nightbane®, After the Range: Touch.
Bomb®, Systems Failure™, and Beyond the Supernatu­ Mandibles(2) - The spider's mandibles are normally used
raI™.) for grasping and holding prey, but function as good close-in
Main Body 18,750 weapons in a pinch.
Head-2,700 Damage: ID4x25 M.D.C. or ID6x50 S.D.C. (If one mandi­
Eyes (8) - 785 each ble is destroyed, the other is unable to attack.)
Legs (8) - 4, 100 each Range: Touch.
Mandibles (2) 1,950 each Fangs (8) The fangs of the spider are used to incapaci­
tate its prey.
Fangs (2) - 2,200 each
Damage: 2D6x30 M.D.C. or 3D6x25 S.D.C. per fang (multi­
Bio Plasma Ejector 400 (-5 to strike.)
ply by 2 if both fangs are engaged). Any victim pierced by
Spinnerets (2) 700 each (The spinnerets are small, con­ the fangs must roll to save vs poison or they will be rendered
cealed targets and are -2 to strike. If one spinneret is dis­ paralyzed for 1D4 days.
abled, the Nayk loses her ability to spin silk.)
Range: Touch.
Hit Points: 3,275
Bio-Plasma Spray - Concealed beneath a flap below the
P.P.E.: 1,015 (applicable only as a source ofP.P.E.). spider's mouth is the Bio-Plasma ejector. The plasma is the
Height: 235 feet (71.6 m). only ranged attack in the spider's arsenal.
Length: 500 feet (152 m). Damage: lD4xlOO M.D.C. or lD6xlOO S.D.C.
Width: 375 feet (114.3 m). Range: 1,200 feet (360 meters)
Weight: 40 tons (80,000 pounds, 36,000 kg). Rate of Fire: Equal to the Nayk's number of attacks per me­
Age: Unknown. lee.
Life Span: Unknown, speculation by scientists in the Three
Galaxies hypothesizes a life span of several thousand years.
Disposition: The Nayk Star Spiders are motivated only by two Quiserraica
desires: to eat and to reproduce. All other life forms are seen
as enemies or as food.
Optional Material for Rifts® Phase World®
Description: The Spider from hell! By Chris Kluge
Horror Factor: 20
Illustration by Chuck Walton
Natural Abilities: Run - 75 mph (120 km), Jump - 500 feet
Located on the inner surface of the Thundercloud Galaxy's
(152 m) across and 250 feet (76 m) high, Track by scent - 25
Biosphere is the seemingly unremarkable binary star system
miles (40 km), Track by sound - 30 miles (48 km),
known as Janus. The system was explored and mapped centuries
nightvision - 5 miles (8 km), Regeneration - ID6x20 M.D.C.
ago by the CCW, and they did not see anything that they felt
or 2D4x20 S.D.C. per melee round.
was even worth a second look. According to official records, the
Skills of Note: Climbing 85%175%, Running, Prowl 45%, system does not contain any planetary bodies, but in actuality,
Swimming 98%. the high-tech sensors found on the Explorer Class Cruiser were
Attacks per Melee: 12 simply unable to peer through the bizarre anomalies created by
Bonuses: + 10 to strike, +8 to dodge, + 12 to parry, -5 to save vs the magic-rich world of Maelstrom, which was located dead
magic (Nayk Star Spiders are unusually vulnerable to mystic center between the two stars. The CCW may not know of its ex­
attack), + 18 to save vs psionics (Nayk Star Spiders are highly istence, but a handful of magic-using cultures like the Splugorth
resistant to psionic attack). are not only aware of this world, but brave its turbulent surface
Magical Knowledge: None. on a regular basis to mine the powerful magic ores like
Psionic Knowledge: None. Gantrium that are locked beneath its tortured soil.
Allies: None. Maelstrom contains more magic energy than nearly any
planet in the Megaverse. Its P.P.E. levels even surpass those
Minions: None.
found on Rifts Earth during the Great Cataclysm. As a result,
Enemies: All life, even other Star Spiders. After all, why share this world is constantly battered by the same kinds of apocalyp­
the food? tic storms and freak supernatural occurrences that nearly ended
Weapons: life on Rifts Earth so long ago. By all rights, nothing should be
Legs (8) - The eight powerful legs are the most devastat­ able to survive on Maelstrom for long (other than the millions of
ing weapons in the spider's arsenal. Entities Rifted there on a regular basis), but against all odds, life
not only formed on this world, but thrived. The planet is contin­

uously embroiled in chaos, and the creatures that live there re­ towering reptilian monstrosities known as the Voracious Ab­
flect that environment. For whatever reason, it seems that the sorbers.
ones best suited to thrive and evolve on Maelstrom were mon­ \Vhether these enormous predators evolved on this planet
strous predators that towered dozens , even hundreds of feet into "naturally" or were Rifted there from another world is unknown.
the air. The magic-rich environment gave nearly any species Whatever their origins, the powerful magic energies of Mael­
that sprouted on this planet (or that was Rifted there) the strom imbued them with strange adaptations that quickly put
strength and power to brave the harsh storms for awhile , but them on the top of the food chain. Of course, it is easy to see
only the largest crearures had skin thick enough to survive and why they were such successful predators just by looking at
propagate for generations. This seemed to be the case with the them. Voracious Absorbers are absolutely built for fighting .

These enormous bipedal lizards are covered in thick bone plat­ victims will be digested, which causes the creature to shrink.
ing that protects their entire body from the harsh environment This means they must keep devouring more and more victims in
and ferocious beasts that roam the planet. An extra thick ridge order to maintain their increased size and power level. Fortu­
of bone spikes runs along its back from the crest of its head to nately, as the Voracious Absorber gets larger, it is able to absorb
the end of its two muscular, spiked tails. These razor-sharp pro­ larger prey, which allows it to more easily maintain its steady
trusions provide extra protection against surprise attacks from growth rate. Of course, the larger it gets, the faster it digests its
behind, and make formidable weapons. Its massive arms end in consumed prey, so even the most effective predator can only
thick-clawed hands that are strong enough to rip through a grow so large, with the exception of Quiserraica.
starship's hull, and the same bony spikes and spines found on Quiserraica is basically the king of the Voracious Absorbers,
the back also grow on the foreIDms and knees. Its mouthful of and one of the deadliest predators on Maelstrom. His size
razor sharp teeth and pair of serrated tusks found along the changes frequently depending on the success of his hunts, but
lower jaw would suggest that Voracious Absorbers are carni­ Quiserraica is usually around 250 feet (76.2 m) tall (although he
vores. While this is true in a sense, the thing that makes these has been documented as high as 300 feetl91.4 m). He is a living
creatures so dangerous is their unique method of consuming pestilence, scouring the planet for any living creature he can
prey. find, no matter how small. Over the years he has gorged on a
Instead of killing its prey and then slowly stripping the meat steady stream of demons, dragons, and dimensional travelers de­
from its bones like a normal predator, this massive lizard magi­ posited on Maelstrom from the various Rifts that open across
cally absorbs its struggling victim through its skin while it is the planet on a regular basis. He also preys on the Splugorth ex­
still alive. The prey not only sustains the creature as food, but its peditions sent to mine the world for Gantrium and other rare
P.P.E. rich body (like most of Maelstrom's typical inhabitants) magical ores. Even his fellow Voracious Absorbers are consid­
actually causes the Voracious Absorber to grow in size. Not ered fair game. Few who have faced him are ever prepared for
only does the Absorber's size, strength, and power all increase Quiserraica's surprising display of speed and tactics. They see
while the victim is stored, but the Absorber can also tap into the this massive beast slowly plodding across the surface (in order
natural powers and abilities of its victims and can even release to conserve its strength), and they mistakenly assume that it is as
its victims as minions and control them like puppets. This means fast as it can move. However, once Quiserraica spots them, they
that at any moment, a single Voracious Absorber can transform quickly see how wrong they were.
into a swarming horde of creatures all under the Absorber's con­ Quiserraica has absorbed the abilities of many powerful be­
trol. This is typically done to capture and consume numerous ings and has learned to use them in rather creative ways to close
smaller-sized victims simultaneously or to defend the Absorber in on his prey. Some of his favorite abilities are Invisibility,
against overwhelming odds. The controlled minions can be re­ Teleportation, and Shadow Meld. He uses them to confuse his
leased directly from the Absorber's skin or they can be launched prey and keep them off balance until he is ready to pounce. He
at prey via a breath attack. It does not perform this action sometimes does this to toy with his prey, but it is usually done
lightly, since every victim released causes the Voracious Ab­ to test their abilities so he can determine if they will be any kind
sorber to revert to a smaller size. of threat.
Instead of living minions, the Absorber can also choose to Unlike other Absorbers, Quiserraica is not apprehensive
launch a Soul Blast breath attack. This is one of the Voracious about releasing stored victims as minions, and will usually flood
Absorber's deadliest attacks and one that most will only use as a an area with his puppets whenever he detects prey. He has
last resort. While it can devastate large groups of attackers with learned over the years that overwhelming numbers is usually
a single breath, it also uses up a large amount of the Absorber's more beneficial than overwhelming size, which is why he has
stored captives each time it is used. Instead of spitting out ab­ been so much more successful than his brethren. Quiserraica has
sorbed creatures as attacking minions, the Absorber can partially also learned over the years that while magic users and psychics
digest its devoured prey and spit them out as a destructive blast are some of the most empowering victims, they are also the
of spiritual energy and gore that tears targets apart both physi­ most dangerous prey.
cally and spiritually. This attack completely destroys the de­ Until a victim is fully digested within a Voracious Absorber,
voured prey, which means it cannot be absorbed again. The he or she can still be freed by a simple Exorcism (either the spell
energized gore inflicts a great deal of physical damage, but it is or psionic power). This means mages and psychics can signifi­
the twisted and tormented souls of the victims that wreak the cantly weaken a Voracious Absorber in no time. If they are try­
most havoc. They become horrific wraiths that seek out living ing to save a particular victim, they can attempt a focused
targets within the "splash" area of the breath attack and soar di­ Exorcism, or they can just cast it randomly to weaken the Vora­
rectly through living targets again and again until their energy cious Absorber. Quiserraica has learned to hate these beings and
dissipates after a few seconds and they finally find peace. They will send dozens of minions after psychics and mages whenever
can fly unhindered through armor or obstacles and inflict dam­ he detects them, and he can sense them from very far away. This
age not only to the target's Hit Points (when applicable), but to has made Quiserraica one of the first and last things many visit­
their P.P.E. and LS.P. as well. This attack leaves targets severely ing magic wielders ever see when exploring Maelstrom.
weakened and easy pickings for the hungry Absorber. The only
effective defenses against these tortured souls are magical or Quiserraica, a Viscious Absorber
phase barriers and protection circles.
The stats below are for Quiserraica when he is 250 feet (76.2
The reason these beasts are called voracious is because their m) tall, and the stats for an average Voracious Absorber are
prey cannot be stored indefinitely, and eventually any absorbed listed in parenthesis for comparison.
Alignment: Considered Misereant. • 1 additional attack per melee round for every 50,000
Attributes: I.Q. 7 (lD4+3), M.E. 18 (3D6), M.A. 4 (lD6), P.S. M.D.C. absorbed.
89 Supernatural (5D6+1O), P.P. 18 (3D6), P.E. 32 (5D6+5), • + 1 on initiative, + I to strike, parry, and entangle for cvery
P.B. 9 (2D6), Spd 65 mph (104 km) running, 200 mph (320 20,000 M.D.C. absorbed, -I to dodge for every 20,000
km) flying (6D6+10 mph/26-74 km running, 2D4xlO0 M.D.C. absorbed.
mph/2D4x160 km flying). • Add 10 mph (16 km) to the Speed attribute for every
M.D.C.: 120,100 (lD4xl000). 20,000 M.D.C. absorbed, -100 mph (160 km) to flight
P.P.E.: 9000 (4D4xlO). speed for every 20,000 M.D.C. absorbed (minimum flight
I.S.P.: 850 (only what is absorbed from prey). speed is 50 mph/80 km).
Horror Factor: ] 8 (15). • Increased Bio-Regeneration: 4D4xl0 M.D. per minute
when M.D.C. is between 4000 and 10,000, 2D4xlO M.D.
Size: 250 feet/76.2 m (2D4xlO fee1l2D4x3 m).
per melee round when M.D.C. is between 10,000 and
Weight: 28,000 tons (ID4xlOOO tons). 25,000, 4D4xlO M.D. per melee round when M.D.C. is
Natural Abilities: Nightvision 100 fee1l30.5 m, see the invisi­ between 25,000 and 50,000, 4D6xlO M.D. per melee
ble, bio-regenerate ID4xlOO M.D. per melee round (2D4xlO round when M.D.C. is between 50,000 and 100,000,
M.D. per minute). ID4xlOO M.D. per melee round when M.D.C. is between
Flight: It has two large pods on its back that provide it with a 100,000 and 150,000, ID6xlO0 M.D. per melee round
special kind of magical flight that can propel the beast when M.D.C. is between 150,000 and 200,000, and
through Maelstrom's turbulent storms at impressive speeds. 2D4x100 M.D. per melee round when M.D.C. is above
A pair of bony, wing-like protrusions helps direct the crea­ 200,000.
ture's flight to some extent, but the mechanisms that make Release and Control Stored Minions: Voracious Absorbers
this flight system work are really a mystery. can release any consumed victims at any time and control
Absorb Living Creatures: Voracious Absorbers get their them like puppets. The Absorber can release as many min­
name from their strange ability to consume living prey by ab­ ions at a single time as he wants (no matter the number, the
sorbing it directly into their bodies. This attack can only be act of releasing them only uses one melee attack). Minions
performed on targets that possess 1 percent as much
M.D.C., or less, compared to the Absorber, so a Voracious
can be released directly through the Absorber's skin or they
can be projected at the enemy in a massive breath attack. The
Absorber with 10,000 M.D.C. can only devour targets with breath attack can propel minions up to 1000 feet (305 m)
1000 M.D.C. or less. To perform a devouring attack, the Ab­ away. This sudden assault catches victims off guard, result­
sorber must first successfully pin/incapacitate or entangle its ing in penalties of -2 on initiative and -1 to strike, parry, and
prey. Once ensnared, the victim must then make a save vs dodge during the first melee round while combating the min­
magic of 12 or higher or else be absorbed into the beast. The ions. They can attack any threats to the Absorber, or round
victim's M.D.C., LS.P., and P.P.E. are added directly to the up victims for consumption, using their full range of natural
Voracious Absorber's totals. In addition, the Absorber gains abilities (damage, M.D.C., and available powers are not di­
any natural abilities and psionic powers possessed by the vic­ minished in any way). However, since they are being con­
tim, and also receives additional benefits for erossing certain trolled by the Absorber, their reflexes are not quite as fast as
M.D.C. milestones (see below). All of these bonuses and they were previously. Controlled minions only have 3 attacks
powers remain in place as long as the victim is contained per melee round and have no combat bonuses of any kind. In
within the Absorber's body, but eventually the victim will be addition, while the Voracious Absorber is controlling min­
digested and all the benefits will be lost. Voracious Ab­ ions, he loses 2 attacks per melee round (the penalty is the
sorbers have some measure of control over which prey gets same whether he is controlling one minion or 100). Con­
digested, so if there is a particularly powerful victim it would trolled minions cannot travel further than 1500 feet (457 m)
like to hold onto, then it had better be sure to eat enough away from the Voracious Absorber. Remember, once the
lesser victims to prevent that victim from being fully con­ minion leaves the Absorber's body, the beast no longer pos­
sumed. Ten percent of the Absorber's stored P.P.E. and sesses the minion's M.D.C., P.P.E., LS.P., or natural abilities
M.D.C. are permanently burned off every 12 hours, which is and they are subtracted from the Absorber's totals. G.M.s can
why Voracious Absorbers are always on the hunt. On worlds select from any number of demons, dragons, or D-Bees to de­
that are not as rich in magic energy as Maelstrom, Absorbers termine what minions are released, or simply use the follow­
actually burn off twenty percent of their M.D.C. and P.P.E. ing generic stats: Possesses 400 M.D.C. and inflicts 6D6
every 12 hours, which is why few Absorbers ever leave this M.D. from attacks.
world (even if they gain the ability to do so). Soul Blast Breath Attack: This is one of the Voracious Ab­
• 1 additional foot (0.3 m) in height for every 500 M.D.C. sorber's deadliest attacks and one that most will only use as a
absorbed. last resort. While it can devastate large groups of attackers
• 100 additional tons of weight for every 500 M.D.C. ab­ with a single breath, it also uses up a large amount of the Ab­
sorbed. sorber's stored captives each time it is used. Instead of spit­
• I additional point of Supernatural P.S. for every 2000 ting out absorbed creatures as attacking minions, the
M.D.C. absorbed. Absorber can partially digest its devoured prey and spit them
out as a destructive blast of spiritual energy and gore that

tears apart the target both physically and spiritually. This at­ pin/incapacitate on a roll of 18-20, and impervious to Horror
tack completely destroys the devoured prey, which means it Factor.)
cannot be absorbed again. The energized gore inflicts a great Damage: 2D6xl0 M.D. per punch, 4D6xlO per power punch
deal of physical damage, but it is the twisted and tormented (counts as two melee attacks), 3D6xlO M.D. for a bite attack,
souls of the victims that wreak the most havoc. They become 2D6xl0+30 M.D. per claw strike, SD6xlO M.D. per forearm
horrific wraiths that seek out living targets within the blade strike, 2D6xl0+30 M.D. per power claw strike or fore­
"splash" area of the breath attack and soar directly through arm slash, or 3D6x1O M.D. for a tail swipe (punch damage as
living targets again and again until their energy dissipates af­ per Supernatural Strength, punch damage +SO% per bite,
ter a few seconds and they finally find peace. They can fly punch damage +2S% per claw strike, punch damage +2S%
unhindered through armor or obstacles and inflict damage not per forearm blade strike, power punch damage +2S% per
only to the target's Hit Points (when applicable), but to their power claw strike or forearm slash, or punch damage +SO%
P.P.E. and I.S.P. as well. This attack leaves targets severely per tail swipe).
weakened and easy pickings for the hungry Absorber. The Magic: See Absorbed Abilities for Quiserraica's current list of
only effective defenses against these tortured souls are magi­ stolen magical abilities.
calor phase barriers and protection circles. The physical
Psionics: Can only access the natural magic abilities of victims.
component of this breath attack inflicts 2D4x1O M.D.C. to
Quiserraica currently possesses all Healing, Physical, Sensi­
everything within a 40 foot (12.2 m) radius, and the spiritual
tive, and Super Psionics.
component inflicts ID4xlO damage to M.D.C. (or Hit Points
when applicable), I.S.P., and P.P.E. to every living creature Age: Quiserraica is 3S0 years old.
within a 60 foot (18.3 m) radius. When used against enor­ Average Life Span: Can live as long as 1000 years, but most
mous living targets, the Soul Blast inflicts 4D6x1O M.D.C. will succumb to the harsh environment of Maelstrom within
from the physical strike and ID4x100 damage to M.D.C., 2D4xl0 years.
I.S.P., and P.P.E. Each breath attack depletes 1000 M.D.C. Enemies: Any living creature with at least one point of P.P .E. is
and SOO P.P.E. from the Voracious Absorber. The larger the prey.
Absorber gets, the less harmful this attack becomes to it,
which is why Quiserraica does not fear using this devastating
assault on a regular basis. Range: 1000 feet (30S m). Mora
Absorbed Abilities: Tum invisible at will, teleport self 98%, di­
mensional teleport 80% (Quiserraica rarely leaves Maelstrom Optional Material for Heroes Unlimited™
because the magic level on other worlds is painfully low),
metamorphosis at will (never uses it), Shadow Meld, imper­
By Carl Gleba
vious to heat and fire, impervious to toxic gases, cold does Illustration by Mike Mumah
half damage, magically understands all languages. Also see Sea serpents have long been creatures of legend. Sailors often
Psionics. feared that they roamed the ocean depths and would attack their
Dragon Breath Attacks: Fire: ID6xlO M.D., range 300 feet simple wooden vessels if they ventured too far out to sea. Such
(91.4 m). Ice: 6D6 M.D., range 100 feet (30.5 m). Poisonous serpents are even depicted battling the gods of old. Legend tells
Vapors: Paralyzes victims for 2D6 melee rounds with a range of the Midgard Serpent who fought Thor and that they would
of 100 feet (30.5 m). Breath of Death: 6D6 direct to Hit fight their fmal battle during Ragnarokl
Points, range 30 feet (9.1 m). Corrosive Spray: ID6x1O Mora is no myth or legend. She is a giant sea serpent that has
M.D., range 30 feet (9.1 m). Cloud of Slumber: Victim sleeps been terrorizing coastal cities and sea vessels for as long as man
for 2D6 melee rounds, range 30 feet (9.1 m). has been at sea. She'll go on a rampage, attacking ships and
Petrification Beam: Quiserraica can fire a beam of light from coastal cities for months at a time, and then the attacks will
his eyes that turns victims to stone for ID6 minutes. Victims cease altogether. Then, years later, the attacks start again.
struck by the beam must attempt a save vs magic of 13 or There are certain signs that Mora is about to attack. First is
higher. Range: 1000 feet (30.S m). the timing of the attacks. They start either in early morning or
Weaknesses: Stored victims can be freed by an Exorcism. The twilight. During both occasions a thick fog bank rolls in ofT the
chance of success is 7S% when attempting to free a random coast. The fog is thick, like pea soup, and often covers several
target (the O.M. chooses what type of demon, dragon or miles of coastline. When the area is paralyzed from the fog, ee­
D-Bee is released), or 4S% when attempting to free a specific rie lightning and the smell of ozone begins to permeate the air.
individual. However, if the mage or psychic is attempting an Soon after is when the destruction begins! The rending of metal
Exorcism on a released minion, then the chance of success is or wood is often the first thing heard, followed by the screams
8S%. of men as they are thrown into the water or devoured by Mora.
Combat: 7 attacks per melee round (S attacks per melee round). The serpent is rarely seen because of the thick fog, and she
Bonuses: +7 on initiative, +9 to strike and parry, +8 to entangle, leaves few witnesses behind. In the early 1900s these attacks of­
+ 10 to save vs magic, +4 to save vs psionics, pin/incapacitate ten took place along the Japanese and Chinese coastlines. For
on a roll of 18-20, and impervious to Horror Factor. (In addi­ nearly a decade the entire coast was demolished with attack af­
tion to attribute bonuses, +2 on initiative, +2 to strike, parry, ter attack and then she disappeared not to be seen again until
and dodge, +3 to entangle, +2 to save vs magic and psionics, World War II. In the 1940s, during the battles in the Pacific,
whole ships would disappear into the depths without so much as
oettin o an SOS off. Records after Wodd War n would often in­ Mora
dicatebthat there were no enemy ships or submarines in the area.
Alignment: Equivalent to Miscreant.
The only sketchy records ever found were from one ship that
Attributes: I.Q. 8 (high animal intelligence), M.E. 12, MA 12,
barely survived. The U.S.S. Slater, a destroyer escort on duty 10
P.S. 75, P.P. 20, P.E. 24, P.B. 18, Spd 220 (ISO mph/240 kill).
the Pacific theater, was attacked by Mora. The crew was qUick
to respond and managed to inflict enough damage to send the Si.ze: Mora is a huge monster measuring over 1000 feet (305 m)
sea serpent plunging to the depths. Records even indicate that long from the tip of her tail to the end of her snout.
the Slater dumped several rounds of depth charges to finish the Weight: 200 tons.
creature off. The sea serpent was never seen again during the M.D.C.: 6000. (On S.D.C. worlds, Mora has 2000 Hit Points,
rest of World War II, and the incident was classified as top se­ 3000 S.D.C., and an of A.R. 15.)
cret. Horror Factor: 18 just due to her sheer size I
Mora would make several more appearances during the latter P.P.E.: 120
half of the 20 Century, especiaJly dUrIng naval formations and
Average Life Span: Unknown, but legends of sea serpents go
in some instances, where nuclear testing was being done. She
back hundreds of years. Pictures of Mora can be dated back
would often make attack runs, especially at nuclear vessels.
to around the 1600s, suggesting she is at least 400 plus years
Many submarines and other vessels would be dragged to the
old. Some scholars suggest that she is even older than that
murky depths. She would also attack different navies, especially
and could indeed be the origin of the legendary Midgard Ser­
those of the United States and the fonner Soviet Union. Since
both countries were very secretive about their naval operations,
Natural Abilities: Supernatural Strength and Endurance, bio­
the information would never be made public, so no effort could
regenerates ID4x I 00 per hour, can breathe underwater indef­
be coordinated to stop Mora. The sea serpent's attacks would
initely and can breathe normal air for up to IS minutes. Mora
only last for a few months and then she would disappear for
years. making her sighting all the more mysterious. also has an advanced sense of smell and can detect blood in
the water up to 10 miles (16 kill) away. Underwater she has
Today Mora is back, and attacking ships and coastal cities of
excellent vision and is able to see well even in murky water.
the United States with a vengeance. Her attacks are deadly and
Mora can sense electricity and energy from nuclear vessels,
catastrophic, and seemingly planned l She has caused billions of
which is very intoxicating to the creature as she can feed off
dollars in damage and has taken thousands of lives. If her pat­
of the energy. This will increase her bio-regeneration to
tem continues, she wil.l eventually make her way towards Cen­
I D4x 100 per minute of contact, however the vessel being at­
tury Station. The damage she could cause to the city would be
tacked is often crushed and dragged below the water. Mora is
catastropllic, or worse, she could damage the super penitentiary
impervious to ocean depths, and impervious to all cold and
of Gramercy Island. If this were to happen, dozens of super
electrical based attacks (she takes half damage from magical
criminals would be released, making an already dangerous situa­
cold and electrical attacks). She can create an electrical field,
tion worse.
breathe lightning bolts, and twice per day she can create a
thick fog bank (same as the spell Summon Fog at 10th level). see her being most effective in the Heroes Unlimited™ set­
The fog dissipates when Mora leaves the area. ting.
Attacks per Melee: 6 Special Thanks: Thanks to Palladium message board
Damage: A restrained flipper swat does ID6xI0+60, a full flip­ member DtMK for his "Giant Monsters in Palladium" thread.
per hit does 3D6xlO+60, a bite does 4D6xlO, a body block Nice way to fire up the imaginations of artists and writers
(basically her crushing weight coming down on a vessel) alike! I also want to thank Mike Mumah for creating an in­
does ID4xl00 and if she coils around large vehicles she can spirational super monster. It was a nice change of pace from
inflict I D6x 100 per attack. Her electrical field can be created the usual writing. Usually the writers need to deseribe their
once every S minutes, and damage is 6D6 per melee for four monsters and the artists draw their interpretation. Well, this
melees. The damage, however, is to everything in a SOO foot fun little project pitting the artists against each other allowed
(1S2 m) area around Mora. This includes anything (or any­ the writers to have the artwork to inspire them and give them
one) who may be touching her at the time. Finally, her light­ ideas. This was fun, thanks to all who participated!
ning breath does 1D lOx10 per attack. It has a range of one
mile (1.6 km) and spreads out to hit all targets in a 100 foot Hook, Line and Sinkers
(30.S m) area. All damage listed is S.D.C. (In Mega-Damage Hook: Sightings of Mora have increased. Every few days,
worlds, a restrained flipper swat does ID6xl0 M.D., a full she is getting closer and eloser to Century Station. Many lives
flipper hit does 4D6xlO M.D., a bite does 2DIOxlO M.D., a are at stake and government officials are calling for the help of
body block does 4D6xlO M.D. and if she coils around large any heroes.
vehicles she can inflict 4D6xlO M.D. per attack. Her electri­ Line: A thick fog rolls in, enveloping all of Century Station,
cal field can be created once every S minutes and damage is and Mora begins her deadly attack.
6D6 M.D. per melee for four melees. Finally, her lightning Sinker: While fighting Mora, at times the creature seems
breath does 2D6xl0 M.D. per attack.) dazed and confused. Furthermore, she is moving inland where
Bonuses (in addition to attrihutes): +4 to initiative, +8 to she is most vulnerable. Finally, the heroes notice a dozen elec­
strike with the lightning breath, +6 on physical attacks, +6 to tronic devices implanted around her head. Destroying these de­
parry with the tail, +3 to parry with a flipper, +4 to dodge vices seems to restore the creature and she quickly makes for the
when on the water's surface but +8 when completely sub­ sea. However, word has arrived that Gramercy Island was at­
merged, +3 to pull punch, +6 to roll with faiVimpact, +8 to tacked while Mora was on a rampage. Analysis of the electronic
save vs Horror Factor, +7 to save vs magic, +S to save vs devices suggests that only one individual could be behind this.
poison, and +6 to save vs psionics and saves as a Major Psy­ The heroes' arch-nemesis was somehow able to control Mora,
chic. and now he has increased his henchmen to include a dozen su­
VulnerabilitieslPenalties: Out of water she is totally vulnera­ pers from Gramercy Island.
ble, with her combat bonuses reduced by one half, and she Hook: The heroes have been contacted by a mega-eorpora­
loses two attacks. Finally, she takes double damage from all
tion known as Global Petrol. G.P. is one of the leading compa­
fire-based attacks and triple damage from plasma.
nies in the area of extracting petroleum and natural gas from
Magic: None, although many of her abilities seem magical in underwater wells. They have asked the heroes to help as one of
nature and she has a higher than nonnal base P.P.E., suggest­ their major refmeries, located about 30 miles (48 km) off the
ing she may be akin to a creature of magic. coast of Century Station, is being attacked by a giant sea ser­
Psionics: None, although she has all the same abilities as pent. They have evacuated what personnel are left so the heroes
Electrokinesis at no lS.P. cost. can investigate.
Enemies: Man is her mortal enemy, only because we are seen Line: During the characters' investigation they are attacked
as food as well as a "playthings." She is also extremely terri­ by Mora! Strangely, she will not attack the refinery directly,
torial when it comes to "her waters." She will attack anything only ships or vehicles in the area. She also doesn't use her tell­
that enters her domain, including ships, submarines and other tale fog attack.
giant monsters. Sinker: Mora is protecting her breeding grounds! The refin­
Allies: None, and she seems to be one of a kind. ery is built right over her nest, where a handful of eggs can be
Habitat: Mora can only live in the water; however she is not re­ found. The thing is, G.P. won't give up this refinery for some
stricted to just saltwater. She could travel inland using any of stupid sea serpent. They have hit a very rich deposit of natural
the major waterways, and she has in the past. Sightings have gas and they will do anything to protect their investment. This
occurred all around the world, with her latest sightings plac­ includes using whatever means are neeessary to get rid of the
ing her closer and closer to Century Station! heroes, should they decide that the refinery has to go. How do
Note: Mora tends to be active for 4D6 months at a time before the characters deal with this dilemma? Do they destroy Mora
she grows weary and hibernates for 2D4xlO years at a time. and her offspring (tests on the eggs suggest that they "may"
She hibernates in the deepest parts of the ocean, often out of grow to Mora's size in several hundred years) or do they try and
reach of conventional means. convince G.P. to move the refinery?
M.D.C. stats provided for those who might want to use
Mora in Rifts@ or some other M.D.C. setting. I specifically

nano-spies. birdlike automata for reconnaissance, killer bio-en­
Scolopendra-Ginamo! gineered warrior-monsters. But his dreams were always grander,
always bigger! He pleaded for funding to build his most auda­
Optional Material for Heroes U nlimited™ ciou s creation: a monster of such epic size and power that all
would tremble before it! But funding never came. "Foo ls!" he
By John Philpott thought. "How can they not see what my creations could be')"
Illustration by Brian Manning Finally, his career a joke, his budget slashed to chicken feed ,
Ahh .' Creal devils lake me for my (oolish pride .' 1 ha\'e Dr. Wong took action to fund his research in secret. He made
I\'rollghl destrUCIion beyond my conlro/.' 1 have wrought terror underworld contacts with the Triads and borrowed huge
be\"Ond comprehension.' In my hubris 1 hm'e doomed rm beloved amounts of money. Working at night in hi s lab he engineered
I/ation.' Sc%pendra, /?IF greatest creation.' My mighliest of his greatest creation: Scolopendra-Ginamo! It was three hundred
bio-machilles.' Take me.' Devour me sllch Ihat like icarus my feet long, forty feet around. Its massive mandibles could crush
pride shall be rnr undoing.' buildings. Its tethered kill-spines could fly thousands of feet and
sink battleships. This bio-robot had armor that could withstand
- Last ll'DI'ds ofDr Jail Hila Wong.
missiles. Its feet oozed poison. Its body sho t entangling silk. It
seconds be/ore being devoured. was the ultimate killing machine!
Bio-Engineer Jah Hua Wong was the architect of his own And it was fully under Wong's mental control... or so he
downfall ill the fonn of hi s greatest triumph: Scolopendra­ thought!
Ginamo! This massive, venomous, centipede-like monster was When he turned his creation loose his aim was to frighten ,
his most au dacious experiment. an unstoppable weapon to bring but not harm. It was to be an ultimate show of power and poten­
glory and power to his beloved China.. and prove to those tial that those tight-pursed bureaucrats could not ignore! But as
"foolish bureaucrats" that he \Vas indeed the salvation of their he led Scolopendra-Ginarno to the center of Shanghai. some­
nation! thing went wrong. His carefully-constructed telepathic control
Dr. Wong was a most extraordinary bio-engineer, an interna­ bio-circuit stopped working. His mental commands went un­
tional master of biochemistry, genetics, and zoology. For years heeded. And "Skolo," as the creation came to be called, went
he devi sed various biological machines for his nation: ballistic!

Jets and tanks fought to contain the beast! Rockets exploded The mayhem was umnatched: Skolo devastated Shanghai,
harmlessly on the thick carapace! The mighty skyscrapers, so smashing buildings, devouring vehicles and bystanders, and
symbolic of China's phoenix-like rise, fell to its horrible mandi­ sinking warships sent to defeat the beast. Nothing they or an in­
bles, mighty claws, and terrible spines. As Shanghai burned creasingly desperate Dr. Wong did could stop the mindless kill­
around him, Dr. Wong repented the foolish error of his hubris ing machine. Half of Shanghai was devastated and thousands of
and stood before his amok creation ... and let it devour him. people killed before Dr. Wong made a fateful choice: in his guilt
But then something happened. Reunited with the mind-con­ he decided to sacrifice himself to his amok creation. It was sui­
trol bio-circuit, Wong's dying energy seemed to bring a new cide rather than a conscious act to defeat the beast, but some­
awareness to the mindless killing machine that was Skolo. Skolo thing happened once the monster swallowed its creator. Perhaps
paused and looked upon the desolation it had wrought... and it was a psionic resonance between Dr. Wong's dying mind and
then walked into the ocean. The last contact was made by a Chi­ the bio-control circuit, but the instant Dr. Wong was consumed,
nese attack submarine. It fired two torpedoes to no effect and the beast gained some ethereal sense of self. It had ... awareness.
fled. In a sudden moment of realization, Skolo quit its mindless
But where is Skolo? Does it live? Does it think? Does it feel? destruction and retreated into the sea, never to be seen again.
Will it attack again, or will it be content to slumber in the abys­
mal deep? Skolo Sleeps(?)
The Taoist and Buddhist monks of the nation hold constant It is assumed that Skolo has built itself an underwater "lair"
prayer vigils hoping never to find out. where it sleeps, hopefully for centuries. This hypothetical lair
has never been found, and honestly no one wants to look too
"Oops" hard. There perhaps it dreams, or broods, or thinks with what­
Dr. Wong's creation was, indeed, the ultimate culmination of ever possible mind it has. Many speculate that some semblance
his knowledge as a bio-weapons specialist. Designed with ge­ of a guilt-ridden Dr. Wong remains, leading to hope for recon­
nius to a scale unprecedented, his idea was spurned as a "fool's ciliation or at least peace as "he" broods alone.
dream" by the PLA management. Few realized that such a pro­ What would happen if Skolo were to reappear or "awaken" is
ject was even theoretically possible. As a result, Dr. Wong's unknown, but a frightening consideration. Nothing has much
ever more persistent pleas were ignored and eventually led to hope of fighting it if the Shanghai encounter is any indication.
lost faith in his abilities. Eventually, the promising genius was The sudden apparent "awareness" gives some hope that there's a
ignored, shelved, and shoveled off to a comer, where he grew conscience averse to the mindless destruction of the past, but all
ever more frustrated and desperate to be taken seriously again. assume that Skolo will need to "feed" at some point. The Peo­
Soon, this frustration led to anger and finally to madness. He ple's Army and Navy have made several official "mutual de­
would be noticed for his abilities! They would see him for the fense pacts" with other nations, even their rivals in the U.S.,
genius he was! Madness led to obsession that led to insubordi­ India, and Japan, should Skolo awaken, as all realize that Skolo
nation. His plan was to secretly fund and produce his ultimate is "everyone's problem."
design, Scolopendra-Ginamo, and show them exactly what he
could do! Melding the DNA from the Vietnamese centipede
(scolopendra subspinipes) with that of silkworms, varieties of Also known as: Skolo, The Megapede, "Doc Wong's Monster,"
spiders, and finally, the praying mantis, and ultimately with his and "The Hundred Horrors of Dr. Wong."
"stock" supergenes from earlier weaponization, telepathic con­ Alignment: Anarchist, but reevaluating its life; considered Mis­
trol, and biomorphic experiments, he added the final super­ creant or Diabolic by the outside world.
growth genes and let his creation grow. Attributes: LQ. 13 (Dr. Wong's original I.Q. was 24). M.E. 14,
Eventually, after several failed experiments, the creation M.A. 5 (27 for Intimidation purposes), Supernatural P.S. 52!,
proved a shattering success! Scolopendra-Ginamo was every­ P.P. 19, Supernatural P.E. 27, P.B. 4, Spd 26 on dry land, 17
thing he ever envisioned and more! It was monstrous and in the water. P.S. and P.E. are considered Supernatural.
all-powerful! It was deadly and quick and versatile! It was truly Natural A.R. (S.D.C. Worlds): 18 (exceedingly tough outer
a weapon that could not be matched. There were only two flaws: carapace).
One was that its fore-underbelly plating was, due to a slight flaw Hit Points (S.D.C. Worlds): 200,000; starts losing Hit Points
in the centipede-mantis gene splice, grafted to the mantis-like from Main Body once all Main Body S.D.C. has been de­
fore-claws, opening up a "gap" in the plating when the beast pleted. Treat as 5,000 M.D.C. "extra" in Mega-Damage
reared. The other flaw went unnoticed until it was too late. worlds. Note: Destroying the head will not "kill" Skolo (will
When Dr. Wong finally decided to display his creation to the not damage or bypass Hit Points), but will merely leave a
"public," a massive show of force meant (insanely) to "prove" mindless killing machine; see Damage Capacity below.
his ability to his superiors, the "hidden flaw" appeared. Dr. Damage Capacity by Location:
Wong's proven telepathic control bio-circuit, a genetically­
* Head - 100,000 S.D.C. (2,600 M.D.C. in Mega-Damage
modified brain lobe that allowed select users (in this case, Dr.
Wong) to mentally control a bio-creation, malfunctioned due to
a slight genetic flaw. Halfway through his "demonstration," the
* Antennae (2) - 10,000 S.D.C. each (260 M.D.C. in
Mega-Damage settings.)
telepathic link was broken and lost forever. Skolo was loose!
Mantis Claws (2) 20,000 S.D.C. each (520 M.D.C. in
Mega-Damage settings.)
* Tail Spines (2) 6,000 S.D.C. each (140 M.D.C. in ~uper-Regeneration: Regenerates 100 S.D.C. (10 M.D.C. in
Mega-Damage settings.) Mega-Damage worlds) per melee action! That's 40 S.D.C. (4
M.D.C.) per second! Can completely regenerate lost limbs,
* Retractable Spines (3) 8,000 S.D.C. each (200 M.D.C. in
spines, mantis claws, mandibles, eyes, and body at a rate
Mega-Damage settings); silk tethers are 1,000 S.D.C. (260
equivalent to this regeneration. Note that a lost limb, etc., re­
M.D.C.) per 100 feet (30 m).
mains "lost" until at least 50% regenerated. If the head is de­
* Legs (24) ~ 4,000 S.D.C. each (100 M.D.C. each in stroyed, all but the brain will regenerate, leaving a mindless
Mega-Damage settings.) killing machine! IfSkolo is reduced to zero Hit Points or less
** Main Body ~ 400,000 S.D.C. (10,000 M.D.C. in (down to negative half Hit Points) it will completely regener­
Mega-Damage settings; plus "Hit Points," see above.) ate, being "resurrected" after 50% of its Hit Points are regen­
* A single asterisk indicates a relatively small or difficult erated! Skolo will theoretically only "die" if reduced to
target to hit and requires a "Called Shot" at -3 to strike. Note: -100,000 Hit Points (-2,500 M.D.C. in Mega-Damage
Destroying the head will blind Skolo and destroy the last worlds)! Even then, it may be advisable to break out the
shreds of intelligence and sentience, but, frighteningly, the flame throwers and destroy everything, just in case!
body will live on in a thrashing, kill-everything rage! Antennae ("Sensors"): These act as bio-sensors, allowing the
** Depleting the Main Body will kill Scolopendra. Note: detection of faint chemicals & scents and detection of heat
When reared, the mantis claws are opened, exposing the un­ and motion disturbances. Equates to an excellent sense of
derbelly to attack (see artwork and Vulnerabilities). This smell (can track prey by scent at 50%, can track the scent of
lowers the A.R. to 13 and allows damage to bypass straight blood at 70%), infrared heat detection (5 mile/8 km range)
to Hit Points! and motion detection up to 1 mile/1.6 km (cannot be sur­
Horror Factor: 16 prone or 19 reared-up (it's a super-giant prised, bonus to Perception Rolls, see Bonuses). If both of
Kaiju centipede!). Skolo's antennae are destroyed, these abilities (and the bo­
Size: 300 feet (91 m) long, 40 feet (12 m) diameter (main body); nuses) will be lost.
can rear up to a height of about 150 feet (46 m). Climb on Walls: Skolo's feet excrete a small amount of a
Weight: 3 to 4 megatons. sticky silk substance that allows it (despite its ludicrously gi­
Appearance: Appears as a horrific, jet-black, impossibly large gantic size) to climb up vertical walls, most notably buildings
Vietnamese centipede with 24 insect-like legs, armored man­ and skyscrapers, or even climb along the ceiling of a large
tis-like forearms and bright red eyes. There are three barbed stadium or similar superstructure! Skolo can climb over
spikes on the upper back near the head that can launch and mountains and buildings like they were flat ground (treat as
retract on silk lines. It nonnally crawls along "head down" an "Automatic Climb" skill). It has the ability to balance and
like a normal centipede, mantis claws retracted, but when distribute its weight evenly so that it will not collapse build­
threatened it will rear-up on its aft 12-14 legs and shriek! ings despite its immcnse weight.
threaten with the mantis claws. The legs on the upper half Silk Stream (Enta~~: Careful use of spider and silkworm
will splay out to make it appear larger (much like the hood of genes gave Skolo the ability to launch adhesive strands of
a cobra or the wings of a praying mantis). super-strong, super-sticky silk. This silk can be "fired" in or­
Disposition: Apparently just a mindless killing machine. How­ der to entangle a specific target or slowly used to wrap up a
ever, a guilt-laden, melancholy renmant of the mad Doctor target. Takes a called shot by Skolo (must be dodged by a
Wong may reside somewhere in that misfiring mind. Perhaps, target since parrying will just guarantee entanglement) and, if
just maybe, a remorseful, gentle soul could be found within if successful, will "hold" the struck point as if gripped with a
anyone looked deep enough. Supernatural P.S. of 40. Multiple strands (1 melee attack
O.C.c.: None, though the subsumed "Dr. Wong" aspect might each) will increase thc Supernatural P.S. by 50% more with
retain some muddled knowledge of his former skills as a ge­ each strike (rounding down; +20 P.S. for the second strand,
netic engineer at half their original level (he was a lOth level + 10 P.S. for the third, etc., so maximum of P.S. 78 at six
Scientist). strands). These strands can be tethered to another object for
one melee action by Skolo. Note that Skolo is "programmed"
~atural Abilities: A number of bio-engineered super-abilities!
to defensively release the strand if great force is exerted (e.g.
Can rear to a semi-standing position or drop to a crawling po­
if a vehicle or bound Kaiju "pulls back"); in this case the re­
sition as an automatic instantaneous action. At home in the
leased strand will "sling" at the pulling target, requiring them
water and on dry land. Skolo has a natural Swimming ability
to dodge or be bound up as if by a Magic Net spell. Alter­
of 90%. Extraordinary endurance. Bio-recycling of its own
nately, Skolo can "build" nests, nets, traps, or trip wires out
breath or waste; can hold its breath underwater for an indefi­
of the silk (takes 1 minute per 10,000 square feet (900 m2 )
nite amount of time (can "live" underwater) and can go with­
for nets and other porous constructs or 5 minutes per 10 000
out food or drink for 3D6 months. Also, can effectively "eat"
square feet (900 m2) for densc nest/cocoon-like structures). '
or "drink" anything, including stone, coral, brick, or metal!
The silk strands are quite strong: 500 S.D.C. (130 M.D.C. in
Also, the creature has the equivalent skills of Blend 60% and
Mega-Damage settings) per 100 feet (30 m). "Nets" and
Camouflage (self) 55% when in or underwater. Furthermore,
"structures" made up of multiple strands will be even stron­
Skolo can damage M.D.C. targets even in an S.D.C. environ­
ger: 1,000 S.D.C. (260 M.D.C. in Mega-Damage settings)
ment (treat as A.R. 18)!
per 10,000 square feet (900 m2) for porous constructs or
3,000 S.D.C. (780 M.D.C. in Mega-Damage settings) per
strike roll on the fIrst round to initiate. This attack will be
10,000 square feet (900 m2 ) for dense stru~tures. Thi~ .ca~ be
"held" from that point forward until a victim attempts to dis­
used to completely tie up a subdued vehicle or KalJu In a
entangle (opposing D20 rolls adding P.S. and P.P. bonuses).
nearly inescapable cocoon (must slowly cut their way out, if
possible, requiring a roll of 18 or higher on 1D20 (~.P. bo­ Obviously, buildings and vehicles cannot oppose and are m
nuses added) where a failed roll will mean the blade IS stuck deep trouble if Constricted. In the case of other Kaiju, the
constriction attack has a 25% chance per limb of entangling
in the cocoon as well).
the victim's limbs on the initial attack, pirming them.
Venomous Legs and Tail Spines (Poison}: The legs and tail
spines can (if Skolo wills) automatically excrete a toxic, Bonuses (in addition to attribute bonuses): lmmune to poi­
caustic substance that slowly damages structures or victims sons, toxins, and disease, immune to possession or
that directly or indirectly come in contact with the slimy sub­ bio-manipulation, immune to Horror Factor, + 10 to Percep­
stance (1 S.D.C. per minute (2 M.D. per minute in Mega­ tion Rolls (from Antermae), +2 to save vs magic, +5 to save
Damage settings) until washed oft). Furthermore, the sub­ vs psionics, and +7 to save vs pain. On Land: +4 to
stance is poisonous to biological organisms: 3D6 S.D.C. per strike/parry and +6 to dodge. In Water: +3 on initiative, +4 to
minute (5D6 M.D. per minute in Mega-damage settings) for strike/parry and +4 to dodge (amazingly adept at dodging de­
lD6 minutes or until washed off; save vs Lethal Poison for spite its massive size).
half damage. Vulnerabilities: Designjlaw! A minor error in Dr. Wong's cal­
Shriek Attack (Stun): Skolo can, for one melee action, emit a culations caused the underbelly carapace to be permanently
high-pitched, high decibel shriek-scream that will shatter bonded to the mantis claw "forearms." When Skolo is
windows and other fragile objects (save at 16 or higher) and "reared up" for combat, the underbelly armor pulls out with
will stun and temporarily deafen victims who do not save (14 the mantis claws, exposing the underbelly (see artwork)! This
or higher; penalties are deafness if applicable and -4 to all lowers the A.R. for the underbelly to 13 (but requires a
combat actions for ID4 melees). Victims without hearing are Called Shot) and allows damage to bypass the S.D.C. and go
still affected by the vibrations (i.e. still affected by this at­ straight to Hit Points! Note that Skolo may attempt an Auto­
tack), but get a +3 to save. matic Parry (with bonuses) with the mantis claws to protect
Attacks per Melee: 6 this vulnerability (damage goes to the mantis claws if suc­
Damage: cessful).
Bi~: 5D6xlOO S.D.C. (or lD4xlO M.D.). Magic: None, unless you count the supernatural existence of
Mantis Claws: lD4xlOOO S.D.C. (or 2D6xlO M.D.); +3 on such an impossibly large creature! P.P.E.: 22.
initiative and +2 to strike with this attack due to its man­ Psionics: Unknown; presumably some remnant of Dr. Wong's
tis-like speed. Note: Carmot use this attack when in prone Telepathic bio-circuit remains, and some other hidden
crawling position (claws are "stowed"). psionic powers may yet manifest (55 LS.P.). Treat as an
Tail Spines: 4D6xlOO S.D.C. (or 7D6 M.D.) + possible "alien mind" for psionic purposes.
venom. Enemies: Virtually everything and everyone!
Stomp (single leg): lD6xlOO S.D.C. (or 3D6 M.D.) + possi­ Allies: None.
ble venom. Value: Unknown. Theoretically, its remains would be a trea­
Trample/Crush (multi-leg run-over or belly-flop); ID6xlOOO sure-trove of recyclable super-strong parts and chemicals, un­
S.D.C. (or 3D6xlO M.D.) + possible venom. less Dr. Wong bas included a "self-destruct" feature that
Body Smash: 6D6xlOO S.D.C. (or 1D6xlO M.D.) with a would destroy any remains upon death, assuming death is
o1-35~o ~~a~ce of knocking down an equivalent-sized target possible!
(loses InItIatIve and one melee attack/action) or toppling a Habitat: Currently resides underneath the western Pacific
building. Ocean in solace or slumber. Originally created in southeast­
Head Butt: 4D6x100 S.D.C. (or 7D6 M.D.). ern China.
Rt:tractable Spines (3; ranged attack): Skolo's main ranged
weapons are its three "kill spines" on its back just behind the
head. These spines launch with rocket force doing 5D6x 100 Tyrannus
S.D.C. (or lD4xl0 M.D.) in penetrating damage (treat target
A.R. as 3 points lower; will damage M.D.C. targets!) and are Optional Material for Heroes Unlimited™
"tethered" to Skolo by long, retractable strands of hL" "super By Mark Oberle
silk." Spines have 8,000 S.D.C. each (200 M.D.C. in
Mega-Damage settings). The silk tethers have 1.000 S.D.C. Illustration by Daniel Krus
(260. M.D.C. in Mega-Damage settings) per 100 feet (30 m), Craig Mabry, the anchorman for channel 23 news at noon
and If br~ken, the spine is lost, but will later be replaced by sat nonchalantly in his seat behind the large, faux-wood desk
regeneratIon. conjuring as much ji.llse enthusiasm as possible as he finished
Constriction Attack (Main Body): Skolo has the ability to what was supposed to be the last story ofthe broadcast.
~erform. a Constriction attack against large targets like build­ "So folks, don't forget to get out and enjoy the art-walk in
mgs, shIps, or other Kaiju. This does lD6xlOOO S.D.C. (or Downtown Square this weekend and support our local artists. "
3D6xl0 M.D.) per melee action and requires a successful

As he disposed oj his last page oj notes and prepared to rise The visage oj the pretentious anchor was suddenly replaced
Fom his seat, he simultaneously noticed t1-I'O things. First, the by that oj a beautiful young jemale reporter lvith vibrant green
red light above the camera hadn't gone o/! as usual to indicate eyes and long, dark hair that would have jimned her weI/­
it \\'as no longerjilming. Second, there was an assistant running tanned jace ~f it hadn't been jor the steady sea breeze that
tOlvard him with another note page. caused her to have to brush it out oj her eyes eve,}' jew seconds.
The young man stooped, handed the page to Craig, and said Behind her the business district oj Portside could be seen
quietly, "This is bigl" clearly. Dark smoke was trailing into the SAY in several places,
The middle-aged anchor's eyes lit up and his posture and small groups oj panic-stricken pedestrians could be seen
straightened as he read the page and looked back at the camera. fleeing from the direction oj the smoke.
"Ladies and gentlemen, we 're following a developing ston' "Yes 1 can , Craig'" the \Voman practically showed into her
from the Portside 's business seClUr. 1t seems there have been re­ microphone.
ports of some kind oj giant creature auacking multiple bui/d­ "Can you tell us what is going on down there ? Can you see
ings No injuries have been reported as oj yet and S. CR.£. T any ojthe damage ? "
teams are en route to the area. Wail. .. my producer is telling me "Well, as you can see behind me, several jires have broken
that we have a team standing by near the scene to bring us the out due to the destruction caused by the yet-unidentified at­
latest. Kelly', can you hear me.?" tacker, People all over are attempting to get as far as they can

from the area, and I've been told the authorities have started The four-armed, reptilian behemoth was nearly twenty sto­
evacuating entire blocks that may be in the path of this assail­ ries tall and left massive depressions in the road surface wher­
ant's rampage." ever it tread. As it turned south toward the news crew, it
"Are you and your crew in any danger, has anyone told you reached out with one massive, clawed hand and tore a chunk
to evacuate? " out of the corner of another building across the way. spraying
"Not yet, Craig, most of the action seems to be happening bits of metal, steel, and concrete into the parking lot where the
several blocks to the northeast, in that small cluster of news van sat waiting.
multi-story office buildings. " "GO, GO, GO, MOVE!" the cameraman screamed as he and
"Has this thing tried to communicate at all? Do you know if Kelly climbed into the back ofthe van.
it is intelligent or not? " The thundering footsteps of the snarling creature could be
"No, we haven't heard anything about the creature as ofyet. heard bearing down on the crew as the van started up andjolted
We tried to get a few of the witnesses to stop and talk to us but into reverse, swinging out of the parking space it had been
all of them seem too frightened to do anything but get as far parked in and allowing the cameraman a shot through the open
away from here as they can. " rear door as the driver did his best to turn the multi-ton van into
a drag racer.
"Have you at least gotten a glimpse of it yet, or can you tell
us anything more about it?" Unfortunately for Kelly and her crew, much like drag racers
news vans are not made to take tight turns. So when the driver
"Well. we have overheard the conversations between a few
had to veer to avoid a few retreating office workers. the van
groups of evacuees and they have mentioned that it is huge,
tipped on its side. The lens of the camera cracked, but the bat­
green, four-armed, and powerful enough to demolish buildings
tered cameraman managed to retrieve it amid the chaotic tangle
with its bare hands. Other than that, I don't think any of them
of displaced equipment. When the sound kicked back in, Kelly
stopped to draw a sketch. Craig. ..
could be heard screaming fearfully. As the camera was pointed
"Thanks, Kelly, we'll check back... .. out one of the shattered back windows, the reason became ap­
Before he could finish his sentence, the anchor's words were parent. The van was moving rapidly upwards, lifted by a mas­
cut off by the live audio feed from the news crew on the scene. sive thumb and forefinger.
Distant pops and an approaching siren caused the young re­ The horrific monster placed the van in its open palm and
porter to have to speak up even more. She began to move away raised it to face level, its dark, slanted eyes staring intently at
from the street as she spoke. the battered vehicle. After a few seconds that felt more like a
''I'm sorry, Craig, I didn't quite catch that, there seems to be heart-stopping eternity, it addressed the news crew with a
something more going on just a short ways down the street. I booming voice.
can hear gunfire and there are several local police cars headed "Humans, come out here, 1 have need ofyou . ..
toward us!"
Inside the van, there was a long, tense pause as Kelly and
For several seconds, the blaring sirens obscured her words her cameraman stared at each other, both mortified and puz­
as the caravan ofpolice cruisers careened past the parking lot zled. The enormous terror didn't give them long before letting
she and the cameraman were standing in and turned the corner out an obviously annoyed sigh.
three blocks down. The last in the line skidded to a halt in the
"Come out now or I will squeeze you out like toothpaste in a
middle of the road and the officer inside yelled to them. His
can. "
words were relatively audible even at the distance the uniformed
man was from the mic. That was all the convincing it took to force the terrified duo
from the relative safety of their vehicle. It was all the camera­
"You gotta get outta here! That thing is headed this way!"
man could do to keep his focus on the other-worldly visage that
A split-second after the warning, an explosion rippled stared back at him.
through one of the older high-rises within view of the camera.
"Good. now, I want to send a message to this nation and ev­
The flames had engulfed the building in a matter of moments,
ery other on this pitiful little rock you call Earth. "
causing the reporter and the officer both to stop and stare. As
they did so, the cameraman turned the camera to the intersec­ Cradling her broken arm, Kelly finally managed to work up
tion near the building as one of the police cruisers went bar­ the courage to yell out, "What is it, what could you want, you
rel-rolling through it twenty feet offthe ground, with its flashing monster?!"
lights making it appear more like an effect at a nightclub rather Flashing a maliciously toothy grin, the beast replied, "Your
than a tool ofthe law. world, you miserable little cockroach. I will rule it like I did the
"Holy crap," exclaimed the cameraman "let's get the hell last. "
out ofhere, Kelly!" "It'Il never happen. you freak. there are more than enough
The patrol car had already started backing up rapidly as the heroes out there to stop an army ofyou! S. C.R.E. T will take you
news crew started to head towards their van. The camera kept down before you make it out of this city!" the injured reporter
rolling despite the shaky footage it was getting as its operator screamed defiantly.
moved quickly away from the explosions and airborne police Bringing its palm close enough to its face for the news crew
cars. That's when the monster stepped around the side of the to feel its warm breath. the alien creature shot back sinisterly,
large burning office building. "1 am Tyrannus, and 1 will flatten every city before me. Nothing
can withstand my might, and I will destroy city after city and

any opposition I face until your kind submit to my will. How­ Alignment: Diabolic.
ever, exceptionally strong members of your race might find Attributes: I.Q. 15, M.E. 11, M.A. 12, P.S. 35 (215), P.P. 22,
places as my lieutenants if they are worthy. As for you, you irri­ P.E. 60, P.E. 8, Spd 13 (26). The Attributes in parentheses
tating speck ofdirt, you have fulfilled your purpose. " are for Tyrannus at max height.
With that, Tyrannus tilted his hand and laughed as the crew Height: 11 feet, 6 inches (3.5 m) minimum, 191 feet, 6 inches
tumbled to their doom. The screen went static as they plum­ (58.4 m) max.
meted and then switched back over to a shocked and horrified
Weight: 600 lbs (270 kg) at minimum height, 41,600 Ibs
Craig Mabry. The bewildered anchorman sat in silence before
(18,720 kg) at full height.
choking out a single line.
Hit Points: 176
"We've got to go to a break, folks, we'll be back. "
S.D.C.: 476 (5,876).
The Reptirox are a race of reptilian humanoids native to an­ Age: 34
other dimension. In that dimension, this space-faring culture ex­ Sex: Male.
panded to conquer several galaxies in the span of five-hundred
Horror/Awe Factor: 18 when full-sized.
years. It was on a routine subjugation mission that the invasion
force Tyrannus led encountered a freak dimensional storm upon P.P.E.: 27
entering the atmosphere. The alien overlord barely managed to Experience Level: Twelfth.
eject safely from his craft. He was the only one of the force to Disposition: Megalomaniacal in every sense of the word,
survive. Tyrannus already conquered one world and won't be satisfied
Stranded on a backwater planet with little hope of immediate until he conquers Earth. Currently, he greatly underestimates
rescue, Tyrannus set out to accomplish his directive despite his the threat that Earth's super being population poses to his
lack of manpower and resources. With his natural abilities, he plans. However, the reptilian overlord is far from stupid.
was more than formidable enough to subjugate the primitive na­ Therefore, if he isn't taken down early in his bid for global
tive races within less than a decade, brutally crushing any resis­ domination, then he will quickly adapt to (and even relish)
tance. the challenge that super-powered opponents represent.
Tyrannus was worshiped as a god until a band of intergalac­ Tyrannus is ruthless, disciplined, and dangerous in the ex­
tic heroes, survivors of other conquered races living in exile, treme; he gives his foes no quarter and expects none from
stumbled across his proxy kingdom. They managed to use their them. Tyrannus is more than willing to do whatever it takes
normal-sized ship as bait to trick Tyrannus into assuming his to win an engagement, including recruiting other villains as
minimum size. Just as the change was complete, they ambushed his lieutenants.
him with a newly learned spell that was supposed to remove him Description: A tall to enormous reptilian humanoid with a
from existence. The heroes were triumphant, the spell worked dark, grayish-green skin tone, thickly muscled frame with
just as it was supposed to, but it had consequences they didn't bulging veins, four arms, wicked claws, a prehensile tail,
realize. Instead of destroying the ruthless alien dictator, it trans­ nose slits in the center of his face, and elongated eyes that are
ported him to another planet on an entirely different plane of ex­ solid black in color.
istence ... Earth. Primary SkiDs: Language: English 80%, Literacy: English
Luckily for the twice-stranded villain, he arrived on the farm 80%, Armorer 98%, Basic Mechanics 98%, Demolitions
of James and Emma Peterson. They had recently lost their only 98%, Demolitions Disposal 98%, Recognize Weapon Quality
son in a tragic car accident, so the appearance of a bewildered 90%, Trap/Mine Detection 85%, Detect Ambush 95%, De­
and confused alien being didn't frighten them, but rather lifted tect Concealment 90%, Intelligence 86%, Interrogation 98%,
their spirits. It was a sign; they were to help this poor, misunder­ Tracking 90%, Acrobatics, Gymnastics, Running, Wrestling,
stood creature to survive in an unjust world that would fear and W.P. Energy Pistol, W.P. Energy Rifle, W.P. Blunt, and
attack him. Perhaps he had even been sent to take the place of W.P. Targeting. Can also pilot his antigravity suit at 98%.
their lost son. Secondary Skills: Basic Electronics 85%, Swimming 98%,
Tyrannus wasn't stupid. He took the chance to gather infor­ Basic Mathematics 98%, and Computer Operation 95%.
mation on this new planet while James and Emma sheltered him Special Abilities: Supernatural Strength, regenerates 10
from a world that would obviously fear and misunderstand him. S.D.C. and 2 Hit Points per minute, and can instantly regen­
Once he had sufficient command of the language and suitable erate lD6xl00 Hit Points/S.D.C. twice per day. Can carry an
knowledge of what this world of super beings had to offer, he incredible 780,450 Ibs (351,203 kg) and lift a mind-boggling
unceremoniously slaughtered his benefactors and set about putt­ 1,300,750 lbs (585,338 kg) when at maximum height, +30
ing his plan for world domination into action. He now intends to feet (9.1 m) to throwing range at minimum height, + III 0
hold entire towns and cities hostage in order to force national feet (338 m) to throwing range at max height. Immune to all
governments to submit to his rule. He will do everything he can but the most virulent of diseases, resistant to drugs and poi­
to make Ports ide the first conquest (or the first ruin) of his reign. sons (1/3 effects and damage on a failed save), resistant to
fire (takes half damage), and does not fatigue whatsoever.
Tyrannus Additionally, all of the powers that Tyrannus possesses are
Real Name: Xer Suru-t'asonnary. the natural abilities of his race. Thus, they cannot be neutral­
RaceIR.C.C.: Reptirox Military Specialist. ized by the Negate Super Powers ability or by any other
method that specifically targets super abilities.
Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Martial Arts. though he intends to find a way of obtaining weapons he can
Attacks per Melee: Seven. use at his full height!
Damage: Minimum Height: Restrained Punch 2D6+2, Full Money: Only $9,000 in precious gems currently.
Strength Punch 5D6, Claw Strike 6D6, Power Punch Allies: None to date. However, if his reign of terror isn't
ID6xlO, Power Strike 2D4xlO, Tail Strike 5D6. Max Height: stopped decisively in its early stages, he may attract a variety
Restrained Punch ID4xlOO, Full Strength Punch 3D6x100, of villains looking to get in on the mayhem.
Claw Strike 4D6x100 Power Punch 5D6x100, Power Strike Enemies: Anyone that has the gall to get in his way, especially
6D6x100, Tail Strike 3D6x100. law enforcement agencies, military personnel, and super be­
Combat Bonuses: +3 to initiative, +6 (+8) to strike, +10 ings (whether they are heroes or rival villains). What
(+ 12) to parry, +9 (+5) to dodge, +3 to pull punch, + 8 to roll, Tyrannus doesn't realize is that even if he was successful in
+4 to disarm, pin/incapacitate on 18-20, Critical Strike on carving out a small empire on Earth, the intergalactic society
18-20, Death Blow on 16-20! Bonuses in parentheses are for known as the Covenant probably wouldn't look kindly on
heights of 20 feet (6.1 m) or more. this inter-dimensional conqueror wreaking havoc on Earth.
Other Combat Information: Tyrannus is the equivalent of The question is, how much damage will he cause in the
an alien Special Forces commander, so he is well versed in meantime, and will it be necessary for the Covenant to return
the ways of combat. If that weren't enough, he was trained to Earth and deal with this new threat?
from a young age by his empire in how to best apply his nat­
ural abilities to all forms of combat (especially when it comes
to demoralizing his enemies). His standard tactic is to enter a
densely populated or critical urban area at his minimum
height to avoid detection if at all possible. Then, he explodes
to full height and wipes out any nearby resistance while do­
The Hammer
ing his best to limit travel into and out of the area (blocking
roads with debris, destroying bridges and tuunels, etc.). Once
these objectives are accomplished, it is as simple as making
of the Forge
his demands known. Chapter Forty-Four
In full combat situations, Tyraunus is quite fond of caus­
ing massive amounts of collateral damage to discourage his
opponents from pressing the attack. He has also been known "Back in Black"
to use large objects such as rubble, vehicles, and the like as
thrown weapons, especially when dealing with airborne op­ By James M.G Cannon
ponents! Night came quickly on Hurin IV, a small world orbiting a dy­
Other Bonuses: +12 to save vs magic, +3 to save vs psionics, ing star. With night came a severe drop in temperature. The
+ 11 to save vs toxins/poisons, +2 to save vs possession, + 12 star's meager rays did little to warm up the fourth planet in the
to save vs Horror Factor (it's hard to scare something that system.
can shot-put main battle tanks!), +80% to save vs coma! The cold did not bother Elias Harkonnen. A former member
death. of the Transgalactic Empire's Invincible Guard, Harkonnen was
Vulnerabilities: When at heights of 20 feet (6.1 m) or larger, blessed not only with supernatural strength and the ability to fly,
Tyrannus becomes a relatively easy target to hit. Even at full but ahnost total invulnerability to harm. Discomfort was foreign
height, he wouldn't be able to last long against combined fire to him as well. Yet he hated Hurin IV all the same.
from multiple opponents, not to mention heavy artillery such He and his ally Starkad, a Wolfen, had been deposited on
as tank rounds, missiles, and mortars. This is yet another rea­ Hurin IV by Blue Bennie and his gang. Blue Bennie, a powerful
son he targets dense urban areas, as they not only give him four-dimensional being and a pimte, recently busted out of the
physical cover from several angles but also limit the amount Consortium penitentiary on Hala, the same chunk of ice and
of firepower his opponents can bring to bear for fear of col­ rock on which Harkonnen and Starkad were so recently incar­
lateral damage. cerated. Blue Bennie, newly freed and feeling magnanimous,
At temperatures at or below the freezing point (32 degrees agreed to give Harkonnen and Starkad a lift to the nearest
Fahrenheit or 0 degrees Celsius), Tyrannus weakens drasti­ non-Consortium system. Harkonnen had hoped to join up with
cally. After a mere 30 seconds of exposure, the effectiveness the gang, but Blue Bennie wasn't holding tryouts.
of his super abilities, speed, number of attacks, combat bo­ So Hurin IV was where Harkonnen and Starkad ended up.
nuses, lift/carry weight, and hand to hand damage are cut in It was a relatively remote world, small, with a tiny popula­
ha1f1 No one has discovered this as of yet bccause Tyraunus tion. The entire planet only had three cities on it, and while they
sticks to southern climes in the winter months. possessed massive skyscrapers and traffic jams and organized
Magic: None. crime, that still left an awful lot of barren wasteland beyond the
Psionics: None. city limits. Each of the cities was built around a mining concern;
Weapons and Equipment: When Tyraunus was banished, he Hurin IV was almost entirely composed of iron. True, iron was
only had his antigravity suit and a large Vibro-Knife (3D6 one of the most common elements in the Threc Galaxies, but
damage). He will steal any equipment he feels he needs, iron planets were a rarity, and the Issea Thrim Mining Concern
had been boring into Hurin IV's crust for nearly five hundred A human with a bad haircut and a handlebar mustache ap­
years now. proached their table not long after they sat down. "You're Elias
All that mining and all those miners meant shipping, smug­ Harkonnen, right?" he said, gesturing at the Elf with the hand
gling, corruption, and graft. But it was local, penny ante stuff, that held his drink.
and none of it interested Harkonnen. He considered himself a Harkonnen allowed that he was. His white eyes surveyed the
master criminal - he was a wanted Elf throughout the human, noting that he wore light armor under his clothes and
Transgalactic Empire for desertion, and throughout the Consor­ kept a blast pistol secreted under his left armpit. "You were on
tium of Civilized Worlds for terrorism. In a few systems, for pi­ Malthus-IV when Quajinn Huo killed Lothar of Motherhome,
racy. Hurin IV was too small a pond for a shark like Harkonnen. weren't you?" the human said. When Harkonnen replied in the
But for the time being, he was stuck. Neither he nor Starkad affIrmative, the human laughed. "Let me buy you a drink!"
had access to a ship. Public transportation was out of the ques­ Harkonnen looked at his barely touched beverage, but know­
tion, because it followed civilized trade routes that would only ing how the game was meant to be played and hating every
draw unwanted attention from the authorities. The local criminal poorly rehearsed line, allowed the human to buy him a drink.
element, particularly the smugglers, offered a way off world, but His name was Sully, and he wanted to hear all about
the prices they demanded were outrageous. Harkonnen and Harkonnen's adventures with Quajinn Huo, and whether he
Starkad, newly escaped from prison, simply did not have the knew that Huo had managed to die two hundred cycles before
funds necessary. Not yet, at any rate. killing Lothar and how that might have happened. Harkonnen
Their first "caper" consisted of Harkonnen tearing an auto­ had not heard anything about Huo's activities after Malthus IV
mated credit dispenser from its mooring and flying off before it was on that caper that Harkonnen himself had been captured,
the police arrived. He and Starkad divvied the spoils in a back and since then he had been incarcerated on Hala. Harkonnen felt
alley, and Harkonnen left the ACD on a roof. Harkonnen wasn't mild irritation that he would not be able to revenge himself on
particularly proud of that maneuver, but it netted them enough Huo for abandoning him, but was glad to learn that the Draconid
ready cash to fit themselves out in decent body armor, obtain wizard was dead.
some weapons, and find a place to crash while they scouted out A few of Sully's buddies migrated over to Harkonnen and
the city and schemed. Harkonnen sent a few drop-messages to Starkad's table, intrigued by the possibility of hearing
his informant on Phase World and his former employer, Harkonnen's tale. Starkad rose to gather more chairs, silently
Thraxus, but didn't expect any help to materialize from either of urging Harkonnen to play along. He wanted off world just as
them. much as Elias did, and believed that the only way they would
Then a band of In'Valian Robo-Jockeys hit town, and things get anywhere was to make themselves friendly and popular with
began to look up. the local crime lords. Harkonnen wasn't much for pleasantries.
He was a soldier, born and bred, a blunt instrument of terror un­
* * * leashed on the Transgalactic Empire's foes when mass destruc­
The In'Valians were a cursed race. Ages ago, their highly ad­ tion was called for. He had left the employ of the TGE because
vanced technological society had sought to create a Rift, and they weren't giving him enough opportunity to vent his passion
when they succeeded, they panicked and killed the first for devastation; his superiors preferred to hold Harkonnen in re­
extradimensional monstrosity that oozed through their doorway. serve until something spectacular was needed. But here he was,
But the monstrosity'S mother had looked through the gate and stranded, and with limited options. He was now forced to play
cursed the entire In'Valian species with a congenital wasting the kind of games he particularly hated.
disease that, in the thousands of years since, had largely eradi­ So Harkonnen forced himself to play along. As the evening
cated them. Only a few million In'Valians still survived, expa­ progressed, his audience grew more inebriated and interested,
triates who had fled a dead world, slowly wasting away and but the alcohol had no effect on Harkonnen's super-charged me­
only able to interact with the physical world using their tabolism. He was just getting to the climax of his tale, to the
state-of-the-art exoskeletons. The Three Galaxies derisivcly re­ wonderment and appreciation of Sully and his boys, when the
ferred to them as "Robo-Jockeys," because they lumbered front door of the pub was thrown open, and a body sailed
around in cumbersome robotic frames, breaking china and through the air to crash across one of the tables. Immediately
crushing furniture and not fitting into taxi cabs. As a side effect behind the body came three hulking figures in heavy armor,
of their curse, it seemed that every In'Valian left alive had also sauntering cockily.
become a complete and utter bastard. These were the In'Valians, all gleaming chrome and
Harkonnen and Starkad were sitting in a mob-owned pub in megasteel, like combat 'bots in miniature, bristling with weap­
one of the seedier sections of town when the In'Valians made ons and armored plates. Each chassis had a transparent dome
their presence known. Most of the clientele was made up of that showed the pilot's face. The In'Valians had once been a
other criminals, mobsters and their wives and mistresses; handsome, blue-skinned species, but now they were afflicted
Harkonnen and Starkad were welcome only because of their with a pinkish rash and their features appeared desiccated and
reputations as off-world troublemakers. Harkonnen was not one drawn. The dome looked vulnerable, but Harkonnen knew it
to go carousing, but Starkad had convinced him to come along would be hard as megasteel, and then wondered why he even
in an effort to introduce and ingratiate themselves to the local cared. These beings weren't his problem.
crime lords. So they ordered some drinks, found a table, and The Robo-Jockeys marched into the room, exoskeletons
Harkonnen immediately began to wonder how long he had to whirring and clanking, and they scattered tables, chairs, and pa­
stay. trons as they moved. Sully and his boys tensed around
Harkonnen, and Sully began to reach for the blaster in his ann­ Vartell harrumphed again. "So be it. I suppose I shouldn't
pit. The Elf noticed Starkad reaching for a weapon as well, but complain. The longer we chat, the more chance those creatures
Harkonnen waved him off with an irritated gesture. They were­ have of harming my people. I want them gone, Mr. Harkonnen.
n't getting involved, no matter how desperately Starkad wanted Eradicated. What will that cost me?"
to impress these pathetic thugs. "Four hundred thousand. And a fast ship."
Sully stood up, drawing his weapon. "You're making a real The blood drained from Vartell's face. "You're serious."
dumb mistake, Robo-Jockeys," he said. "You got no idea who "I never joke about money, Mr. Vartell."
owns this place."
There was a long silence. Finally, Vartell said, "Okay." They
"Oh, but we do," said the In'Valian in the middle. He raised shook hands, ironed out the basic details, and Harkonnen and
and ann and a beam of light flashed across the room. Sully's Starkad left the building.
head disintegrated and his body crumpled to the floor. His boys
Out on the street, Starkad checked his weapons and said,
scrambled, grabbing for guns. "This is a message to Mr. Vartell,
"How did you do that?"
from Tox. We're taking over this town." Gunfire erupted in the
middle of the pub. The In'Valians stood there and took the "I have a reputation," Harkonnen said. "A very useful reputa­
shots, hardly fazed, while Sully's boys and quite a number of tion."
bystanders withered under the barrage. Starkad hit the ground * * *
pretty hard and covered his head with his gauntlets, having left
his helmet at the hotel. But Harkonnen sat still with a grim smile The In'Valians weren't hard to find. They operated out of
and sipped his drink. Only once did a stray beam hit him, car­ their ship, down at the space-docks. It was a massive battle
oming off his forehead and leaving nothing so much as a cruiser, bristling with weaponry, designed for maximum intimi­
smudge. dation and maximum firepower. Starkad wondered out loud why
the mob didn't just move in on their own.
When the brief battle was over and the smoke cleared, the
In'Valians gave Harkonnen a wary look before approaching the "They might, if we fail," Harkonnen said. "But that's a loud
bar. The apparent leader reached over the counter and lifted the solution to the problem. Right now the authorities are looking
landlord up into view. "You will see that our message reaches the other way, because only criminals have been targeted. But if
Vartell." It wasn't a question, and the landlord knew it. He nod­ more bodies pile up, or a starship is destroyed here on the tar­
ded dumbly. The In'Valian dropped him with a thump, and then mac... well, then you might see City Security take a closer look
without another word the three left as casually as they had ar­ at all the stuff going on. Vartell will avoid that as long as possi­
rived. The leader gave Harkonnen a backward glance, prompt­ ble."
ing Harkonnen to raise his drink in salute. The In'Valian "So they hired us."
sneered, which drew one of Harkonnen's wicked grins. "No, Starkad, they hired me." Harkonnen flashed the Wolfen
Twelve other mob fronts were hit that same night, with simi­ a cruel smile. Starkad grimaced, but didn't contradict the Elf.
lar results. Harkonnen was quietly amused when Starkad shared A ramp lowered from the In'Valian ship's belly as they ap­
the news, but the Wolfen stonned around their hotel room, mut­ proached. Harkonnen and Starkad shared a look, but they
tering and swearing. Seven of his infonners, people he had been walked up the ramp. Three In'Valians were waiting for them at
cultivating since their arrival on Hurin, had died in the raids, a the top of the ramp, in the ship's hold. They might have been the
serious setback to Starkad's machinations. Machinations which same three from the pub, but it was hard to tell. They all looked
had, so far, borne no fruit. the same to Harkonnen.
"Wait and see," Harkonnen said. Starkad glowered. "You look like you've been expecting me," Harkonnen said.
But two days later, after the In'Valians had tom through an­ One of the In'Valians smiled coldly. "We've been expecting
other 40 million credits in mob assets, the computer screen in someone from Vartell's operation to come by and capitulate.
their hotel room chimed. A haggard human appeared on screen. Thought it would take him longer."
"Mr. Vartell would like to talk to you." "Yes, well, I should really talk to Tox," Harkonnen said.
Harkonnen smiled enigmatically at Starkad's surprised look. The In'Valian who spoke looked at his compatriots for a mo­
Within the hour the two of them stood in Vartell's richly fur­ ment. Some kind of silent communication must have occurred,
nished penthouse apartment in the heart of the city. Armored, for when he turned back to Harkonnen and Starkad, he said,
but without their weapons, they waited by the wet bar for "Hand over your weapons and follow me."
Vartell. He didn't keep them waiting long. A short, balding hu­ Harkonnen gladly divested himself of his pistol, but Starkad
man in snappy clothes, he stalked into the room flanked by two was slightly more reluctant to give up his guns and grenades.
full conversion 'Borgs, "Welcome, gentlemen," Vartell said, They followed the lead In'Valian through the ship. The other
spreading his hands expansively, rings flashing in the light. two followed closely, and as the group left the hold, Harkonnen
"You want me to take care of your infestation," Harkonnen heard the clang of the ramp closing behind them. The In'Valians
said. led them through a maze of passageways, consciously avoiding
Vartell harrumphed. "Right to business, then. I'm not sure I vital parts of the ship. The In'Valians had not searched them,
like that." simply assuming they had surrendered all their weapons, but
Harkonnen smiled. "I don't have much patience for pleasant­ they apparently did not want to take too many risks.
ries, Mr. Vartell. I'm a hired gun, and if it's all the same to you, At last they reached their destination, some kind of briefing
I'd rather be out there shooting than talking." room. Six more In'Valians were already waiting for them there,
and another foursome came trundling down a corridor as When the smoke had cleared and the screams had died down,
Harkonnen and Starkad arrived. Harkonnen was a little sur­ Starkad had shakily suggested taki ng the Tn'Valian ship, but
prised. He had never heard of so many In'Valians together in Harkonnen had vetoed that. It was too much ship for their pres­
one place. This was interesting. What were they planning, and ent operation. He didn't need a battle cruiser at this point, he
why was Hurin IV so important') just needed a fast ship to get them off world and to more lucra­
Harkonnen and Starkad were escorted into the room, and tive markets. Starkad didn't argue, nor even ask about his rea­
made to stand in the exact center. All the Tn 'Va lians stood as soning, so the carnage Harkonneo had inflicted on th e
well, except for one in a sleek exoskeleton painted black and si l­ In ' Valians had immediately paid off. Vartell was simi larly terri­
ver. "I am Tox," he said. "What news do you bring me?" fied of him, after surveying the wreckage, and couldn't pay
"Nothing good, I'm afraid," Harkonnen said. "Mr. Vartell Harkonnen fast enough.
has hired me to kill you all. But as I share no particular loyalty It felt good to be feared again. Harkonnen had lost so much
to him , [ am inclined to see if you will make a better offer to to prison. He needed to recoup his losses. And some revenge
keep your lives." would be nice, too .
There were chuckles and sounds of indignation from the
crowd. Starkad grew stiff and uncertain beside Harkonnen. Tox
merely frowned . "What do you want')"
"A million creds and a P-61 Thunderbolt."
More laughter greeted this declaration, as well as a few cries
of "kill them now." The laughter was beginning to annoy
Harkonnen. His Invincible Guard armor had been taken from
him in prison and never replaced, but he had kept it so long after
desertion because of the intimidation factor inherent in its cold
lines and rich red color. Most sapients looked at him and saw a
thin , short Elf, but when they saw the armor they knew he was
Invincible Guard and they knew to fear him . These In'Valians
didn't know him, not as Vartell did .
Tox held up a mechanical hand. "You come here unarmed,
sun·ounded, and make a demand which is sure to get you killed.
Either you are an idiot, or you have something to offer us.
Which is it')"
Harkonnen smiled. The thing about reputations like his, is
that they must periodically be bolstered through acts of extreme
violence . Without a word, Harkonnen kicked backwards, sweep­
ing Starkad from his feet and knocking the Wolfen to the floor
with a crash. Simultaneously, Harkonnen launched himself at
Tox with a two-fisted slam that knocked the In'Valian off his
chair and, most dramatically , cracked the dome protecting his
head . A look of sheer terror crossed Tox 's wasted face.
"Should have made a deal," Harkonnen said. He raised his
fist to smash the dome and Tox's head, but something grabbed
his hand. He looked up, saw an In'Valian holding him, and
switched tactics . One sweep of his arm sent the In'Valian tum­
bling across the room. Another In ' Valian opened panels in his
exoskeleton and a barrage of energy beams slammed into
Harkonnen. It shredded his armor, but did not harm him.
More In 'Va lians began to fire, as if they hoped to take him
down through sheer numbers. But Harkonnen was invulnerable,
and there was nothing they could do to stop him from killing
each and every one of them . He picked up Tox, broke him in
half like a child's toy, and then launched himself at the next
In'Valian, roaring an old battle cry from the Invincible Guard.

* *" *
Hours later, clad in a newly purchased suit of battle armor,
Elias Harkonnen cruised through the air, navigating the lanes
betwee n the city's towering and brightly lit buildings. Down at
the docks. a frazzled but still whole Starkad was giving their
new ship, a K-7 Starscream, the once over.
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