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Day 3
14th of April 2021

Project number: 2019-1-IT02-KA204-062395

We use words to convey only 35% of messages, which means that verbal
communication - compared to the non-verbal one - is quite poor.

What All kinds of gestures, facial expressions and body position are a necessary
is complement to it.
communication? Misunderstandings often arise when messages are communicated solely
through words - e.g. when we contact someone over the phone or via the

It may be difficult to express emotions appropriately or convey a specific

message clearly, understandable to the other party.
 Verbal communication is a way of communicating with others
using spoken or written language.
What  It is the basic foundation of human social functioning, regardless
is of race, place of birth or intelligence quotient - it is the basic way
verbal of communication.
 By creating messages with words, we can achieve very different
goals and convey information in a way that is understandable to
 Verbal communication is a two-way process
 Verbal communication is about passing information from one
So ….. person to another.
 This means that both sides, the sending and the receiving of the
message, are equally important.
 Verbal communication therefore requires both a speaker (or
writer) to transmit the message, and a listener (or reader) to make
sense of the message.
 Verbal communication allows you to convey information, feelings
and influence others.
 Getting to know it better allows you to function more effectively
both on a private and professional level.
 Verbal communication can only take place when the relationship is
built by the sender and recipient of the message, and its element is

 The sender is the person who speaks, i.e. transmits the message to the
When can verbal recipient. The latter, in turn, receives information, and the key to the
effectiveness of communication is its proper assimilation.
occur?  The recipient must therefore listen carefully, which will allow him to
analyze and interpret the words spoken by the sender. The recipient of
the message can also be a group of people.

 The last element is the language, i.e. the code by which the sender and
receiver communicate. It must be understandable to both of them,
otherwise the communication will not be effective.
 Oral: Spoken Language
 Non Oral: Written Language/Sign Language
Effective verbal communication skills include more than just talking.

Communication It is important to remember that
effective verbal communication
cannot be fully isolated from
non-verbal communication:
• your body language,
• tone of voice,
• facial expressions, for example.
This form of verbal communication gives greater opportunities to
convey information and express feelings.
communication Especially when there is eye contact between the interlocutors (non-
verbal communication proves helpful). The interlocutor can instantly
relate to someone's words and make contact faster.

Oral form However, there are several problems in oral communication, the most
important of which are fact confusion or overconfidence.

The problem is the tendency to express extreme opinions and the

appropriate analysis of the facts that result from the fact that verbal
communication is very fast and requires sudden reactions.
This communication takes place via letters, documents or printed
media, and in the 21st century it was popularized by text messages
(SMSs) and the Internet.
of It gives the recipient and sender more time to analyze the content
verbal communication and create an appropriate response.

It also allows a closer look at the problem, gain the necessary

Written form knowledge, and thus minimizes the risk of incorrect assessments or

However, it is not as effective as the oral form. Both in terms of

conveying emotions, and the formality is also an obstacle for many
people.In written communications, we also cannot count on an
immediate response, which can significantly hinder communication
and solving various types of problems.
 Content of the statement
 Voice accent and modulation
That is why  Speaking fluency
effectivness of  Paraphrasing
verbal  Quantity
depends on:
This is primarily about the richness of the language used in

Content Educated people are usually able to create more complex

of the messages than uneducated people. In this case, it is also
statement important to adapt the language to the recipient. The best
example is talking to a child or a foreigner when you should
not use too difficult words or complicated sentence
The accent and modulation of the voice are of great
importance for the reception of the message. The emotional
state of the sender of the verbal message may be evidenced
Accent by:
and  stressing (underlining words according to the context of the
modulation statement),
 modulating words (including changing the pitch, timbre or
The fluency of spoken sentences may indicate a person's
Speaking competences, education or emotional state.
Any breaks and problems with the pronunciation of words or
sentences can significantly weaken the message.
It is the expression of the same content by other linguistic
means (words).
A useful skill, for example, in translating complex messages
to oneself or to others so that they are understandable.
It consists in lengthening or shortening the time of spoken

It also has a huge impact on the effectiveness of the

Quantity communication.

The speed of the spoken words may indicate the Sender's

emotional state or the value of the message.
 The Linear Model
3 Models of  The Interactive Model
 The Transactional Model
3 Models of
Basic Verbal
Skills: Effective
Speaking and
Listening Effective speaking involves three main areas:
 the words you choose,
 how you say them,
 and how you reinforce them with other non-verbal
Basic Verbal
Active listening is an important skill.
Skills: Effective However, when we communicate, we tend to spend far more
energy considering what we are going to say than listening to
Speaking and the other person.
Effective listening is vital for good verbal communication.
The ways that you can ensure that you listen more effectively:
 Be prepared to listen.
Basic Verbal  Keep an open mind and avoid making judgements about the speaker.
Communication  Concentrate on the main direction of the speaker’s message.
Skills: Effective  Avoid distractions if at all possible.
Speaking and  Be objective.
Listening  Do not be trying to think of your next question while the other person is
giving information.
 Do not dwell on one or two points at the expense of others. Try to use the
overall picture and all the information that you have.
 Do not stereotype the speaker.
 Active listening involves paying attention to the conversation, not
interrupting, and taking the time to understand what the speaker
is discussing. The “active” element involves taking steps to draw
out details that might not otherwise be shared.
 Active listeners avoid interrupting at all costs, summarize and
repeat back what they have heard, and observe body language
to give them an extra level of understanding.

Active Listening

 Active listening helps you truly understand what people are

saying in conversations and meetings (and not just what you
want to hear, or think you hear).
The Big Bang
Theory Active
 Building trust and establishing rapport
 Demonstrating concern
 Paraphrasing to show understanding
 Using nonverbal cues which show understanding such as nodding, eye
contact, and leaning forward
 Brief verbal affirmations like “I see,” “I know,” “Sure,” “Thank you,” or “I
Active understand”
 Asking open-ended questions
Listening  Asking specific questions to seek clarification
Techniques  Waiting to disclose your opinion
 Disclosing similar experiences to show understanding

In difficult situations:
 Naming of feeling and emotions – I feel… I need…
 Concentrating on the facts – avoiding „always”, „never”, „usually”
Be Prepared Choose Your

Speak Clearly

Use the Proper

How to Improve Tone
Your Verbal
Make Eye
Communication Contact

Check In With
the Listener

Bibliography Disclosing%20similar%20experiences%20to%20show%20underst

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