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Characteristics of Judges

Qualities of a Good Judge

According to A Pursuit of Justice by Steven Platt

1. Judicial Temperament: ability to communicate with counsel,

jurors, witnesses, & parties calmly and courteously as well
as willingness to listen to/consider what is said on all sides
of debatable proposition.

2. Intelligence: ability to know/apply legal rules, analyses and

procedures to different circumstances/facts. –Perceive,
comprehend, understand new concepts/ideas.

3. Ethics: demonstrate personal standard of ethical conduct that

stands out among general citizenry

4. Courage and Integrity: Legal courage = willingness to do

what law requires of judge even if unpopular; Integrity = not
being influenced by race, gender, identity, political status,
wealth, relationship of party

5. Experience and Education: professional activities, teaching,

legal education, bar activities, and publications

6. Suitability to Workload: Compatibility with workload of


7. Continuing Legal Education: improving knowledge,

willingness to continue legal education

8. Ability to Communicate: listening; expressing oneself

clear/concise/grammatically both orally & in writing.

9. Civic and Professional Responsibility: contribution to the

public, & legal profession through organizations (Bar &

10. Health: sufficient physical/mental health to perform duties

of office.
11. Character: noted as most important quality*; positive
reputation in professional/residential community;
background free of indiscretions; financial stability.

Characteristics of Jurors

The jury fulfils a very important function in the legal system.The jury
consists of 12 members of the public who sit in a box to one side of the
judge. One of the jurors is selected as a foreman of the jury by the
members of the jury before the case starts. He or she acts as an informal
chairperson and spokesperson for the jury.The jurors are charged with
the responsibility of deciding whether, on the facts of the case, a person
is guilty or not guilty of the offence for which he or she has been

The jury must reach its verdict by considering only

the evidence introduced in court and the directions of the judge. The
jury does not interpret the law. It follows the directions of the judge as
regards legal matters.During all stages of the trial, jurors may take notes
of proceedings. Jurors may also pass notes to the foreman or forewoman
of the jury to ask the judge to explain certain aspects of the case.

Jurors must:

*Decide the facts of the case only.

*Take directions relating to law from the trial judge, whether or not
they agree with him/her.

*Remain impartial and independent.

*Remain uninfluenced by any person. It is an offence for any person

who is not a member of the jury to attempt to influence a juror in any
way. If any person speaks to a juror about the case, the juror should
inform the court.

*Keep statements made in the jury room confidential. Jurors should not
discuss the case with any person other than members of the jury. It is
contempt of court punishable by fine and/or imprisonment to repeat any
statements made in the jury room.
Characteristics of Defenders

1. Excellent Communication Skills

A criminal defense lawyer must possess excellent communication. After
all, communication is the only way to put your case in front of the judge.
It is important that your lawyer is efficient with the communication to
convey the right message with the right choice of words.

2. Analytical Skills
Being involved in the legal industry, a criminal defense lawyer must have
the analytical skills to crystallize the information so that it can be
presented in the courtroom. In addition to that, there are many instances
where the lawyers need to analyze the current situation and handle the
court proceeding accordingly.

3. Public Speaking Skills

Being expressive with speaking is one personality trait that shows their
confidence and approach towards the case. If a lawyer does not feel
confident with the public speaking skills, this will force them to redirect
the case for settlement.
In fact, a criminal lawyer who is afraid of speaking in public might not be
able to represent your case in the courtroom with so many people
following the court proceedings.

4. A Good Listener
Just advising and placing your thoughts on the table doesn’t make you a
good criminal defense lawyer. To become a good lawyer, you need to
become a good listener first. This personality trait helps lawyers listen to
what their clients have to say and then develop the most appropriate

5. Decision-Making Skills
A good lawyer is recognized by their decision-making skills. Based on
the understanding of the current events with full reasonableness, a lawyer
can make out the right conclusion based on the provided information.
When you are looking for a criminal lawyer, you must emphasize this
personality trait.
6. Confidentiality
You always want your information to be confidential. Therefore, you
must look for lawyers that are true with their work and keep every
information top secret. A criminal lawyer should not expose sensitive
information to others as it might impact the case proceedings.

7. Negotiation Skills
There are times when some of the criminal cases are followed by
negotiation and are closed with the settlement process. In such cases, you
must find a criminal defense lawyer who has excellent negotiation skills
and help you negotiate an agreement with the judges for approval.

8. Aggressiveness
A criminal defense lawyer needs to be aggressive with their action and
approach in the courtroom. If the lawyers are passive with their approach,
you will find that the lawyer of the party might take advantage.
Aggression helps the lawyers fight the case with confidence and bring out
a positive outcome for your case.

9. Integrity
A criminal case is more complex and dynamic than you think. Hence, it is
necessary that your lawyers keep you updated with everything happening
in your case. They need to be honest about the predictable outcomes and
sincere about the court proceedings.

10. Preservereance
Criminal lawyers need to be persistent with what they are doing; they
must be ready to use any point to defend you. And if the case goes to the
tail, the attorney must try to do everything in their power to sway the
judge and the jury.

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