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Gumbi Mode 4.

5 Total Body Growth (Gym Program)

Monday - Back, Bis, Chest, Tris, Core

Tuesday - Spine, Gumbi Mode (Deep Stretch Day), Height

Wednesday - Legs, Shoulders, Core

Thursday - Spine, Gumbi Mode (Deep Stretch Day), Height

Friday - Back. Bis, Chest, Tris, Core

Saturday - Spine, Gumbi Mode (Deep Stretch Day), Height

Sunday - Legs, Shoulders, Core


Welcome to Gumbi Mode 4.5 you fucking sikkunt! The most advanced total body height
growth program in the fucking world. This is a mixed body part split program which has
been scientifically proven to be more optimal than the typical bro split we’ve all been
doing for years. You will be training each body partat least 2 times per week.
Progressive overload is absolutely key to your continued success. You MUST push
yourself a little harder than last time EVERY SESSION. Whether is be stretching
hanging jumping lifting etc. EVERYTHING must be progressive in nature.

Always err on the side of caution and start small and work your way up safely when
increasing weight. Safety is the most important aspect of training. Dont be a dildo and
ruin your growth spurt. Also ask yourself, if there a better or safer way to do this
exercise/stretch/jump/hang etc. Look for ways to improve and get results faster. Take
initiative and be creative. Where the is a will, there is a way. Everything in Gumbi Mode
is a general guideline, not an exact rule, adjust everything to you just make sure you
apply the basic foundations to ensure your success. Always remember, YOU’RE A
Lastly, if you are unsure about a certain stretch/exercise/jump/hang etc. youtube
it and watch a tutorial from a credible source. Bing watch all of my channels and
take initiative (even the random videos about life, trust me they will help).
Mentality and attitude is just as important as your physical training. Nobody is
going to do your homework for you. I will be posting this entire program in video
format on my youtube channel in the coming weeks day by day so once the
videos are up you can follow along.

Sets and Rep Instructions

(follow these instructions unless the split recommends something else)

Lifting Sets

2-3 Sets per exercise depending on the time you have available.

Jumping Sets

3-5 sets of each jump.

Sprinting Sets

4-6 sets for each sprint until failure.

Hanging Sets

6 sets total for all deadhangs (ie 4 weighted deadhangs plus 2 deadhang flutter kicks)
**(always do one bodyweight set before loading up weight if youre doing weighted

Stretching Sets

2-4 Sets for each stretch. 30-90 seconds for each stretch or until you reach EXTREME

If you are new to the gym start is the 6-8 rep range for month 1. Up the weight by a
small amount when you can hit 10 clean reps of an exercise. Month 2 hop into the 4-6
rep range. Up the weight by a small amount when you can hit 8 clean reps.

Intermediate/ Advanced

If you have been lifting for one or more month lift in the 4-6 rep range. Up the weight by
a small amount when you can hit 8 clean reps.


fail in your specified rep range. Once you start burning try squeezing out as many
additional reps as you can. THESE ARE THE REPS THAT WILL MAKE YOU GROW.

Stretching Instructions

Watch these Gumbi Stretch tutorials and combine them for best results. Make sure to
do a cardio warmup before your first stretch session of the day to prevent injury. Once
you are warmed up, you can stretch throughout the day whenever you want.
Stretchmaxx for the fuckin win brah. At the store in line, at the doctors waiting, in class,
taking a shit, whenever you have a couple extra minutes. Those sets will add up by the
end of the day. When it comes to stretching you can never stretch too much, but you
can stretch to far. Safety is key.

Notice how I’m stretching in the videos. I get into mild tension and hold anywhere for
10-30 seconds typically (this time window will decrease the more you stretch). Once i
feel the muscle start to relax wait 3-5 seconds and go deeper into the stretch until you
feel more tension and another stopping point of the muscle. Respec this limit and hold.
Simply repeat this process until you reach high tension and extreme discomfort. Hold it
at this point for as long as you can (typically 5-15 seconds). This is stretching until
Lastly, make sure you are stretching inbetween your sets during your rest periods. Take
long rests anywhere from 2-5 minutes or however long you need to fully recover and get
ready for the next set. The goal of Gumbi is not to burn out the muscles for hypertrophy
(size), its to target the bones. HARD. Take this time to stretch the muscle or muscles
you just worked and make sure to breathe in through you nose and out through your
mouth and relax as munch as possible during your stretches. This will calm your
nervous system and allow the muscles to fully relax. Stretching during this time will add
on to your daily stretching time and help you make faster height and muscle gains as it
will speed up recover and loosen up the connective tissues and allow for more bone

growth). No nerve damage will occur from this type of stretching so don’t worry about
damaging your nerves.

Jumping Instructions

Slight bend in the knee, core tight, jump off of your toes and bounce on the midpoint or
ball of your foot and slightly land on the heel. It should feel like a natural jump, like you
are a kid on Christmas morning jumping for joy. Jump barefoot on a hard, clean, non
slip surface if possible for best results. Keep your core tight at all time to generate the
most force from your jumps.

Hanging Instructions

Make sure you do a dynamic and static warmup after your cardio session to loosen the
tissues that will be stretched during hanging. Specifically the lats, the core, the obliques,
the lower back, and the glutes. Take big breathes in and feel your spine decompress
and your pelvis sink down a couple centimeters. Point your toes down toward the
ground and enjoy and nice hang. Dont worry about the time. Just hand until your grip
gives up and your forearms start burning. Push yourself a little further each session. You
can do some forearm isolation work in your free time to increase your grip strength. If
you can afford it, I highly recommend investing in some cheap grip gloves on amazon
with good reviews (about $10). Just make sure you buy the right size.
Hanging Instructions (cont.)

You will need to buy 3 separate pairs of adjustable ankle weights off of amazon. 10 or
12 lbs each is ideal. Lmk if you need a link. If you dont have ankle weights use
dumbbells and neckties just be safe. Get creative and use what you have available. Do
it at your own risk - I’m not liable for any of you.


1. Bodyweight for month 1

2. 10 lbs each foot with adjustable ankle weights month 2
3. 20 lbs each foot with adjustable ankle weights month 3
4. 25 lbs each foot with adjustable ankle weights month 4

Intermediate/ Advanced

1. Month 1: 10 lbs ankle weights each foot

2. Month 2: 20 lbs ankle weights each foot
3. Month 3: 25 lbs ankle weights each foot
4. Month 4: Consult me personally if you want to continue

Rest Period Instructions

Long rests for everything. 2-6 minutes or however long you need to fully recover for
your next set. Our goal is to target the bones so the muscles should be fully recovered
inbetween sets. Only time you should take short rest periods is for core training to really
burn it out.
Monday - Back, Bis, Chest, Tris, Core


1. Treadmill (5-10 minutes)

2. Total Body Dynamic + Static Stretch Routine (15 - 30 minutes)

Core Activation (Pre-Workout)

1. Knee or Leg Raises (1 set only)

2. Russian Twists (1 set only)


1. Seated Row
2. Lat Pulldown or Pull up
3. Bent Over Dumbell Row (not barbell)


1. Incline Dumbell Curl

2. Hammer Curl


1. Flat Bench or Chest Press Machine

2. Incline Bench or Incline Machine
3. Dips (use dip belt with weight when you can hit 8 clean reps)
4. Chest Fly Machine


1. Tricep Pushdowns
2. Tricep Exercise of your choice ( ie Skull Crushers, Standing Cable Overhead
Extensions, diamond push ups, etc)


1. Mountain Climbers
2. Ab Plank
3. Thread the Needle (L/R)
Tuesday - Spine, Gumbi Mode, Height


1. Treadmill (5-10 minutes)

2. Total Body Dynamic + Static Stretch Routine (15 - 30 minutes)

Core Activation (Pre-Workout)

1. Knee or Leg Raises (1 set only)

2. Russian Twists (1 Set only)


1. Barbell Deadlift (3 working sets) (Trap Bar Deadlift preferred)

2. Stiff - Leg Zercher Deadlift (3 Working sets)


1. Double Footed Calf Raises (for activation stop before burn city)
2. Maasai Reach
3. 1 Footed Figure 8 (L/R) (1-2 Extra sets on dominant side if you detect an imbalance)
4. Sprinting
5. Calf Raises until failure (do 1 footed calf raises if you prefer)

Gumbi Mode

1. 4.5 Deep Stretch Routine (Follow 4.0 Stretch Routine on Youtube for now and wait till
4.5 routine drops on new Youtube channel)


1. Deadhangs
2. Deadhang twists ( Dead Hang / Scapular Pullups / Twists ) (use 5-10 lbs less
weighted than ur weighted hangs)
3. Archer Deadhang (wait for tutorial)
Wednesday - Legs, Shoulders, Core


1. Treadmill (5-10 minutes)

2. Total Body Dynamic + Static Stretch Routine (15 - 30 minutes)

Core Activation (Pre-Workout)

1. Knee or Leg Raises

2. Russian Twists


1. External Rotations with cable or band (3 sets, 10-15 reps till failure)
2. Rotator Cuff Stretch
3. Banded Pull Downs (lower trap activation)
4. Barbell Push Press
5. Behind the Neck Standking Strict Barbell Press
6. Seated Dumbell Press (No back support)
7. Cheat Lateral Raises (45 degrees) (Slow eccentric)
8. Front Plate Raises
9. Rear Delt Machine
10. Dumbell Rear Delt Kickbacks


1. Front Squat (3 working sets, 3 drops sets till failure) (working sets for strength, drop sets
for hypertrophy)
2. Leg Press Machine or Hack Squat (3 working sets, 3 drops sets till failure) (working sets
for strength, drop sets for hypertrophy)
3. Squat Jumps (Squat Jumps) (3-6 sets)
4. Calf Raises (3 sets double foot, 3 sets 1-foot (L/R)


1. Lying Leg or Knee Raise Crunches (ideally combine both for best results)
2. Thread the Needle (L/R)
3. Mountain Climbers
4. Ab Plank
Thursday - Spine, Gumbi Mode, Height


1. Treadmill (5-10 minutes)

2. Total Body Dynamic + Static Stretch Routine (15 - 30 minutes)

Core Activation (Pre-Workout)

1. Knee or Leg Raises (1 set only)

2. Russian Twists (1set only)


1. Back Hyperextensions (6 sets) (FULL ROM (range of motion) (add weight when u can hit
8 clean reps)


1. Double Footed Calf Raises (for activation stop before burn city)
2. Maasai Reach
3. 1 Footed Jump Reach with 8 Pogo Sticks inbetween Jump attempts (L/R)
4. Sprinting
5. Calf Raises until failure (do 1 footed calf raises if you prefer)

Gumbi Mode

1. 4.5 Deep Stretch Routine (Follow 4.0 Stretch Routine on Youtube for now and wait till
4.5 routine drops on new Youtube channel)


1. Deadhangs
2. Dead hang Flutter Kicks (if doing weighted hanging 5-10 lbs less than regular weighted
deadhangs whatever is best for you)
Friday - Back, Bis, Chest, Tris, Core


1. Treadmill (5-10 minutes)

2. Total Body Dynamic + Static Stretch Routine (15 - 30 minutes)

Core Activation (Pre-Workout)

1. Knee or Leg Raises (1 set only)

2. Russian Twists (1 set only)


1. Seated Row
2. Lat Pulldown or Pull up
3. Bent Over Dumbell Row (not barbell)


1. Incline Dumbell Curl

2. Hammer Curl


1. Flat Bench or Chest Press Machine

2. Incline Bench or Incline Machine
3. Dips (use dip belt with weight when you can hit 8 clean reps)
4. Chest Fly Machine


1. Tricep Pushdowns
2. Tricep Exercise of your choice ( ie Skull Crushers, Standing Cable Overhead
Extensions, diamond push ups, etc)


1. Mountain Climbers
2. Ab Plank
3. Thread the Needle (L/R)
4. Lying Leg/ Knee Raises Crunches
Saturday - Spine, Gumbi Mode, Height


1. Treadmill (5-10 minutes)

2. Total Body Dynamic + Static Stretch Routine (15 - 30 minutes)

Core Activation (Pre-Workout)

1. Knee or Leg Raises

2. Russian Twists


1. Barbell Deadlift (Trap Bar Deads are ideal) (4 working sets)

2. Stiff - Leg Zercher Deadlift (3 Working sets)
3. Back Hypertexsions


1. Double Footed Calf Raises (for activation stop before burn city)
2. Maasai Reach
3. 1 Footed Figure 8 (L/R) (1-2 Extra sets on dominant side if you detect an imbalance)
4. Sprinting
5. Calf Raises until failure (do 1 footed calf raises if you prefer)

Gumbi Mode

1. 4.5 Deep Stretch Routine (Follow 4.0 Stretch Routine on Youtube for now and wait till
4.5 routine drops on new Youtube channel)


1. Deadhangs
2. Deadhang twists ( Dead Hang / Scapular Pullups / Twists ) (use 5-10 lbs less
weighted than ur weighted hangs)
3. Archer Deadhang (wait for tutorial)
Sunday - Legs, Shoulders, Core


1. Treadmill (5-10 minutes)

2. Total Body Dynamic + Static Stretch Routine (15 - 30 minutes)

Core Activation (Pre-Workout)

1. Knee or Leg Raises

2. Russian Twists


1. External Rotations with cable or band (3 sets, 10-15 reps till failure)
2. Rotator Cuff Stretch
3. Banded Pull Downs (lower trap activation)
4. Barbell Push Press
5. Behind the Neck Standking Strict Barbell Press
6. Seated Dumbell Press (No back support)
7. Cheat Lateral Raises (45 degrees) (Slow eccentric)
8. Front Plate Raises
9. Rear Delt Machine
10. Dumbell Rear Delt Kickbacks


1. Front Squat (3 working sets, 3 drops sets till failure) (working sets for strength, drop sets
for hypertrophy)
2. Leg Press Machine or Hack Squat (3 working sets, 3 drops sets till failure) (working sets
for strength, drop sets for hypertrophy)
3. Frog Jumps (Squat Jumps) (3-6 sets)
4. Calf Raises (3 sets double foot, 3 sets 1-foot (L/R)


5. Lying Leg or Knee Raise Crunches (ideally combine both for best results)
6. Thread the Needle (L/R)
7. Mountain Climbers
8. Ab Plank
Final Notes

Same Dr office, same tape measure and same scale so you can
monitor your progress accurately. Measure once a month during
the program. Take a before and after picture with a close family
member or friend. GOD SPEED. SEE YOU AT THE TOP.

- Jhazzy

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