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Al-Az̤vā ‫االضواء‬

ISSN 2415-0444; E- ISSN 1995-7904

Volume 33, Issue, 50, 2018
Published by Sheikh Zayed Islamic Centre,
University of the Punjab, Lahore, 54590 Pakistan.

Problems Faced by Muslim Minorities in India and

Role of Mass Media
Shaheer Ahmed *
Ishtiaq Ahmad Gondal**
Waqar ul Haq***
This article is based on problems of Muslim minorities of India and role of
Indian Mass Media. Because of the differences in socio-cultural practices,
history and backgrounds, minorities have to grapple with the issue of identity
everywhere which give rise to the problem of adjustment with the majority
community. Different identity and their small number relative to the rest of
the society develop feeling of insecurity about their life, assets and well-being.
This sense of insecurity may get accentuated at times when relations between
the majority and the minority communities in a society are strained or not
much cordial. The minority community in a society may remain deprived of
the benefit of opportunities of development as a result of discrimination.
Because of the difference in identity, the minority community develops the
perception of the sense of inequity in India. Researchers also observed the role
of media and its coverage related to Muslim minorities of India. India as the
largest democratic state should have provide equality to all its citizens and in
the same way Indian media should highlight the problems of Muslims minorities
instead of doing propaganda against them.

Key words: Muslim Minorities, Mass media, Islamic social sciences.

India is a second largest country having multiethnic groups and Muslims
are the leading minorities in India. All humans of the world are ordered

* M. Phil Scholar, Institute of Communication Studies, Punjab University,

Lahore, Pakistan.
Associate Prof., Sheikh Zayed Islamic Centre, Punjab University, Lahore,
Assistant Prof., Institute of Communication Studies, Punjab University,
Lahore, Pakistan.
Problems Faced by Muslim Minorities … Al-Az̤vā

to exhibit their religions in such a way not to hurt a single creature.

Though religion is really a very private matter of a person, if we all
respect each other religion, it’s a very precious thing and also the central
crux of every religion. All religions parley the right of all humans to
accept a religion and perform it within the boundary of principles and
rules recommended by that religion. (1) Religious majority or minority
status is another route that could explain the fertility of religious groups in
India. For instance, Muslims are the largest religious minority in India. (2)
Minority is defined as “A group inferior to others and in the state of the
non-dominant position. They are different and possess ethnic, religious
or linguistic characteristics which are different from the rest of
population and they are in the state of continuous struggle to preserve
their heritage i.e. their culture, traditions, religion and language”. (3)
The rights for majority vs. minority is the talk of town. Conventionally,
the boon relish by the majority is not as like for the minority. We have
many examples of dogmatism disclosed by a religion to the other
religions but none of them can touch the bitter reality being customized
by Hindus in India. India itself advocates her as a secular state. They
have a view that they are having the biggest democracy of the world and
a pluralistic society. They say that in their country every person is free to
do whatever they want and they can adopt a religion of their own will.
But the situation is quite opposite, all minorities in India especially
Muslims, are siding extreme threats and they are not even avowed to
enjoy the basic dogmas of their own religions. (4)
The Muslims are considered as the largest minority in India if we compare
them with others Indian minorities statistically. Muslims in India are
forming the largest minority in the country and according to a recent
survey conducted in 2011, they comprise 14.4 percent of Indians total
population. We can say that there are approximately 174 million Muslims
people in Indian state. We should not use the word of the minority for
Indian Muslims because after Indonesia (constituting 87.2 percent
Muslims) and Pakistan (constituting 95-98 percent Muslims), India has the
largest number of Muslims in their country so they should never be
considered as a minority. (5)
Muslims who are living in India are basically the converts or the
ones who didn’t migrate during the separation period. They convert their
religion because of the brutality of Hindus with the lower casts. The
Hindus treated badly with the lower casts including SHUDRA. They find
it suitable for them to convert their religion. They thought that this is the
only way to get their rights but unfortunately, the Muslims are treated in a
similar way as the lower casts. (6)

Problems Faced by Muslim Minorities … Al-Az̤vā

Indian Muslims have always been held responsible and questioned

for India’s disastrous partition in 1947 and the "Two Nation theory" which
not only overshadows the validity of constitutional discussion but also
keeps them in an uninterrupted sense of guiltiness. (7) India declared itself
as a Secular state, secular state is the one where population enjoyed
fundamental rights without any kind of discrimination but on ground
reality is totally different. (8)
The Emergence of Islam in Sub-continent:
In India, the religion Islam makes its way through the Arab
invasion of Sindh in CE 712, by the successive incursion of the 11th and
12th centuries. Through the Mughal emperors, Islam slowly spreads its
power in the 16th century. The Mughals, by and large, refused from
forceful alteration to Islam. Akbar – the great king set an example of
generosity and give rights to non-Muslims as well. He was considered as
the symbol of potency and forbearance. Many people started following
and praising AKBAR because he was the one who gives equality to
everyone even people started to convert their religion especially the
Indians belonging to lower cast because the behavior with a lower cast of
Hindus was ridiculous at that time. And in this way, the amount of
Muslims in India arises. Similarly, the concentration of Muslims in the
north-west of India (present-day Pakistan) and the east (present-day
Bangladesh) increases gradually. If we talk about the decline of Muslims
and Mughal in India, there are a number of factors behind it. After the loss
of empire, Muslims have to face many problems including the bad policies
and brutal behavior of the colonial powers after the disastrous mutiny of
1857. Muslims at that time was not willing to adopt the dominating British
culture because adopting their culture means losing their own cultural
identity also it was not according to their own values and beliefs system.
Muslims than accept this bitter reality and they stop struggling for their
betterment. At the end of the 19th century, Indians completely take over
charge. Muslims of that time started a movement for the protection of
their culture and to spread awareness among Muslims. They started
working hard which makes them strong. Certain groups were created and
these Muslim-specific groups were created in response to requests from
Muslim faculty. (9)
After Partition of Sub-continent:
After the partition of Pakistan and India, many incidents have been
taken place between both of these countries. At the time of migration,
several of Muslims killed as a result of brutality from Indian armed forces.
We cannot ignore the incident of the Babri Masjid. The babri mosque was
built in 16th century and a great legacy of Muslims. In the city of
Problems Faced by Muslim Minorities … Al-Az̤vā

Ayodhya, Hindu activists demolished the Babri mosque on 6 December

1992. This knocking and cruel confrontation took place during the
political rally and this rally suddenly changed into brutal aggressive acts
and then they said that the Babri Masjid demolition is just an incident and
there is nothing famous or infamous about it.
This incident depicts the cast level politics in India. With the
charge of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), in the 1980s and 1990s, they fight
on the name of religion and cast started in India and they have exploited
India on the basis of cast and religion and they named it as politics. This
conflict has been spread from cities to villages. Hindustan politics always
give way to wicked parties such as the Shiv Sena in Maharashtra. But the
incident of Babri mosque has created many of problems for Indian leaders
as Muslims were very active during all this process. This incident
strengthened the politics of Muslim identity. In the early 1990s, as part of
the development of spiritual individuality politics more than a few
opinionated groups rise that led to the prospect destructive expansion of
caste individuality politics. (10)
Gradually, In the 1970s Indian Muslims began to reassess their
very own position. The tragedy of 1975-77 proved a cut-off point, with
Muslims in northern India who are specifically becoming sufferers of the
forced sterilized campaign. Muslims started campaigns for their rights.
The most miscellaneous challenges for the Indian’s Muslims have been:
the Shah Bano case (1985), where the impetration for a uniform civil code
was met with outright friction from Muslim fundamentalist groups, parting
views between the Hindu and Muslim communities (Ayodhya, 1992).
Muslims are receiving continuous threats in India and are not enjoying any
rights. Member secretary of Sachar Committee, Economist Abu Saleh
Sharif said that he has observed that Indians Muslims are living below the
line and are not enjoying their rights (The Indian Express, 31st October
Problems faced by Muslims of India:
Muslims of India are facing severe problems from the time of
partition. With the passage of time, despite minimizing their
complications, they are increasing day by day. In the current era, problems
are at its peak. Some of the serious societal problems of Indian Muslims
a) Constitutional problems
India is considered as one of the greatest pluralistic society as it
ensures rights for majority and minorities as well but practically it is not
so. (11) Constitution of India as give many rights to Indian Muslims but
they are not getting their rights according to it. Indian Muslims have many
Problems Faced by Muslim Minorities … Al-Az̤vā

problems. One main dilemma is language. In northern parts of India,

Muslims only know Urdu, but Indians do not like Urdu speaking people
and treated them with cruelty. Because Urdu is not a recognized official
language of India. Famous Muslims leaders struggled hard for Urdu to
make it executive together with Hindi and they finally succeed and Urdu
was ranked the official language in Uttar Pradesh in September 1989 but
then there were sturdy clashes between Hindu and Muslim students and as
a result, at least twenty-three people died.
In addition to the cruelty increasing from Kashmir, the Indian Muslims
declare to have suffered from maltreatment and genocide in the state of
Gujarat. Muslim leaders tried a lot to impeach those people who were
mixed up in this viciousness and force Indian court. But police did not
take it seriously. There were accusations made by the victims that the
police is not taking notice of their complaints. They complained that the
establishment and police failed to give them their constitutional rights and
they are not arresting the culprits involved in mass murder. They are not
taking strict actions against them. Additional conflicts arise after the
terrorist bomb blasts on 11 July 2006 in Mumbai. In the blast,
approximately 209 people killed and nearly 1000 were critically wounded.
Indians blamed Muslims on this terrorist attack and blackmailed them
badly and arrested many innocent Muslims.
b) Educational problems
According to recent data collected by National Sample Survey
Organization (NSSO) in 2006, only 3.6% of Muslims who are above the
twenties are college graduates, 54.6% Muslims in Villages and 60% in
urban areas never went to schools. There are 3.1% of the Muslims
community in urban areas and 1.2% who are postgraduates. In rural areas
only 0.8% of Muslims are graduates. The committee also found that there
are insufficient numbers of government schools in Muslim majority areas
that’s why less number of children attending the school. And shockingly
there is only 6% share of Muslims in government jobs in every field,
especially in high Muslim population states. The Report conclusion shows
that there is no state where the demonstration of Muslims equivalent to
their populace shares. (12)
On religion base, National Minority Commission has recognized
Muslims as minorities alongside Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists and Janis.
Among these minorities Muslims are the prime one. Despite of being
largest minority they are far behind in terms of education as compare to
other religious minorities. In few states their literacy rate is also terribly

Problems Faced by Muslim Minorities … Al-Az̤vā

Balika Vidhyalaya for the girls of Scheduled Castes (SCs),

Scheduled Tribes (STs), Other Backward Class (OBC) and minorities in
backward areas where feminine literacy is underneath the national
standard and broad gender hole exist. In spite of all these supplies and
involvement by the government, most wanted progress in education has
not been happen particularly with regard to the Muslim minority. (13)
Sachar Committee Report was the first attempt to identify Muslims
problems related to education and it has been proved that Muslims are
actually facing problems in education. (14)
c) Problems in performing religious practices
They target the Indian Muslims for eating beef. Muslims eat beef because
it has been allowed by their religion and cow meat is halal. But Hindus
punish them for eating beef. In September 2015, a young man was killed
in New Delhi because he slaughters his calf and eats his meat. The mob
killed him cruelly. Similarly, a bus driver in Kashmir was killed and they
spread petrol on him because they have a doubt that he had killed a calf
and eat him. In another incident, Indians vicious activists spread a black
ink on the face of a young talented Muslim lawmaker in the same qualm.
(15) Main problem is that, Indian media protrays Muslims in a very
negative way and all Indian population trust their media. They are
breaking stories without doing any research and without checking
authenticity and nature of the news. (16)
d) The wicked and Brutal behavior of Indians
Uttar Pradesh is India’s most populous state and it has 22% of India’s
Muslim population. Unfortunately, this state recorded the most instances
of violence against Muslims, especially after the BJP came to power in the
state in a landslide victory. Also the appointment of Yogi Adityanath, a
Hindu hardliner with controversial anti-Muslim views, as chief minister,
also led to a spike in anti-Muslim violence in the state. Many of the
reports reported that “Muslim families fleeing their homes”. In Uttar
Pradesh, an ancient mosque was brought down by Hindu fanatics in 1992
claiming it had been built by razing a Hindu temple. The bulldozing of the
mosque triggered nationwide communal riots solicit hundreds of lives.
e) The act of hate against Muslims
If we talk about the word minority in the Indian concept, so we will come
to know that this minority has not been properly defined and discussed
anywhere in the Indian Constitution. But the status of the minority has
been conversed on many groups. If we talk about the Indian article, so it
should remember that according to the article 29, the group living within
the boundaries of Indian can promote its language, culture and literature.

Problems Faced by Muslim Minorities … Al-Az̤vā

Also in article 30, it is defined that a minority group “whether based on

religion or language shall have the right to establish and administer
educational institution of their choice but we can still predict many
Problems of Indian Muslims. Problems exist in every sector of India. The
foremost tribulations which Muslims are facing are ignorance of their
social and cultural life. (18)
f) Economic problems
Constitution of India has assured that minority Muslims will get the jobs
but the lawmakers and implementations workers are not going to
implement it firmly. They always give jobs to Hindus whether they were
suitable for the job or not and Muslims despite having fine qualification
will not be considered for the job. They are actually struggling to weaken
the Muslims economically and they do not want to see them growing with
sustainable growth. As Muslims have equal right to participate in
improving economic condition of India and to get benefit from it. (19)
The numerical facts for Muslims in rustic areas are also severely
1. In rural areas a massive number of people approximately 94.9% of
Muslims in Below Poverty Line do not get their right of free food
grains. Only 1.9% of Muslims get benefit from Antyodaya Anna
Yojana Scheme which is a government programmed indented to
stop death rate due to starvation by providing people with food
grains at a subsidized rate.
2. 60.2% of rural Muslims do not own land
3. Only 3.2% of rural Muslims receive subsidized lend. Cases of
discrimination also found by the committee, including Muslims not
getting lend from even nationalized banks. ‘There is an implicit
diktat that loans should not be given in specific areas dominated by
Muslims because of the high probability of default’, the Committee
observed after a visit to Rajasthan.
4. Only 2.1% Muslim farmers own tractors in the country having 4th
largest tractors owning population in the world after the United
States, Japan and Italy.
5. In 2005, the united progressive front government, notice the lack
of authentic information on social, economic and educational
status of Indian Muslims and found it out that they do not have
access to basic necessities just because they have Muslim blood in
them. (20)
Muslims of India are facing some serious fears from some authoritative
and pressure groups under the supervision of current government of BJP.
Extremist religious groups of Hindus always find reasons to hurt Muslims.

Problems Faced by Muslim Minorities … Al-Az̤vā

Role of Pluralist and Multi-religious Groups:

Recently, we have examined a very high graph in the hate against
the minority communities in India, including the desecration of places of
worship. The pluralist groups and the multi-religious character of the
Indian society face a stabile challenge against these problems
encountering the minorities. These problems are not only because of
government failure, but we can consider them the violation of basic human
rights. Normal people take charge and they compose the basic
fundamental statutes of freedom and equality, as guaranteed by the Indian
constitution itself. Thus, the advancement and wellbeing of these minority
religious communities ease on the amendments to existing laws and the
good practice of the same. Paramount attention is required to protect the
rights of Muslims in India otherwise they will suffer a lot. (21)
From the time when Narendra Modi take care, circumstances have
become worse because of his anti-Muslim ideology. This was the
statement of Najma Heptullah, the new minister of minority affairs. She
has made this strange statement. Many people surprised at it and some
were very pleased with this. She said that Muslims are not in minority as
they have constituted a large amount of Indian population so they have a
complete right on everything. (22)
BJP Government and their Controversies:
Muslims in India are facing constant threat storm from the Hindus
from the last few decades. With the passage of time, the situation has
become more worsen especially from the time when BJP government take
charge and they have established the system of RAMRAJ in country. Riots
have been conducted against the Muslims and hundreds of mosques have
been demolished. The most heart taking incident is the incident of Babri
Mosque in December 1992, the Hindus have built Ram Mandar on the site
of mosque. The consequences of this event took place and several riots
were conducted in which thousands of innocent Muslims have lost their
The community of Sikh which has previously supported and
cooperated with the Hindus, at the time of partition of India in 1947 got
amenity. The state of Hyderabad was annexed by Hindus with force
against the wishes of its ruler. India similarly engaged Travancore State
which had also affirmed independent state. The relations of India with its
neighboring states are not so good. Because India always tries to adopt the
hegemonic way. India wants to dominant power of the South Asian
region, so it has been caught up in mess created by Tamil Tiger in Sri
Lanka and terrorist activities in Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan and Pakistan.
Pakistan and India are both nuclear powers but they do not have friendly
Problems Faced by Muslim Minorities … Al-Az̤vā

relations with each other. Pakistan supports the right of Kashmiri’s to

decide about their political future if they want to be part of India or
Pakistan, India’s continuous authoritarian and dreadful activities in
Kashmir. If India wants to form itself as an enlightened state than it should
have to change its behavior towards other countries. If India does not
change its attitude, it would just be ecstatic a rogue state of Hindu. (23)
Deficiency of a clear idea of minority under the constitution has
given a probability for the conventional people and judiciary to slender
down its broader concept and limiting it only up to the religious and
linguistic minorities while excluding several other minorities like
minorities based on economic, political, sexual vulnerabilities. (24)
Media Representation of Minorities:
Mass media play an important role in the creation and distribution
of ideologies (Gitlin, 1980; Hall, 1990) and thereby contribute to the
overall cultural production of knowledge. The stories and images in the
media provide resources (symbols) through which we organize a common
culture and through the appropriation of which we insert ourselves into
this culture (Van Dijk, 1991). Numerous studies have shown mass media
to articulate dominant social values, ideologies and developments, and that
these characteristics often lead to misrepresentation or stereotypical
portrayals of minorities in the media (Hall, 1990, 1992a, 1992b; Saha,
2012; Van Dijk, 1991). Over the years, scholars have investigated media
portrayals of minorities through the lenses of race, ethnicity, and religion.
Media Scholars in the last two decades have continued to obtain similar
findings of stereotypical representation of minorities in the media. Since
the resurgence of religion in public life in late2000s, there has been a shift
in the academic interest of media studies from race and ethnicity to
religion, and Islam has been at the fore. (25)
Portrayal of Muslims on Indian Media:
In contemporary times no discussion on the “public sphere” is
complete unless it takes into account the role of media in representing
concerns of the citizens. The Media has become an extremely important
institution, with almost unlimited power in today's society. It initiates
debates, facilitates dialogue, and shapes public consciousness. We have to
examine the role of metropolitan dailies in highlighting the concerns of a
minority community (Muslims in this case) and in assimilating them in the
mainstream society. We have to focus that, does the Indian media
represent the interests of the Muslim community or just to portray a
subverted image of the community? Indian media always portrays
Muslims as a negative force. (26)

Problems Faced by Muslim Minorities … Al-Az̤vā

India, the largest democracy in the world, has a free press. Media
play a significant role in constructing the image of Muslims in India.
There is a significant difference in the framing and slanting of Muslims in
different English newspapers. Unlike its communal language press
counterpart, the English language press framed and slanted the Gujarat
communal riots heavily loaded in favour of Muslims, exposing the
communal elements in the riots during the study period. Nevertheless,
regular stories followed a conventional pattern that has not helped much in
perceiving the Muslim community in India differently. (27)
Use of Social Media by Muslims
The young Muslims of India are now using social media platform
for highlighting their issues. The motives of these digital activists are
varied: to counter stereotypes about the Muslim way of life, reclaim the
secular ground in an increasingly majority society, take on right-wing
voices directly, advertise the good work done by the community. They are
often up against “war rooms” run by political parties, especially the ruling
Bharatiya Janata Party, which use an army of volunteers to flood
Facebook, Twitter and Whatsapp with their messages. Indian Muslims
living abroad supplement this work, much in the same way that some
Hindu non-resident Indians on social media propagate BJP’s message.
Muslims on social media often face a torrent of abuse. Their intention and
effort is admirable but can Muslim online activists really make a
difference, not least when social media has become an echo chamber
where people surround themselves with those who share their worldview.
Because many elements always degrade them. (28)

On all matter, India should show some flexibility and should
present some permanent cure of present estrangement. Muslims have
given many sacrifices and Struggle for their rights. Yet it is India, who
will have to make the first constructive efforts to break the logjam. They
should develop permanent rights for Muslims and should provide all the
basic necessities to Muslims because as the citizen of India, they have the
equal rights as the rest of Indian citizens. (29) There should be some social
institutions for Muslims where they get their proper rights. Muslims
should also aware about their rights. They could only get their rights if
they know about it. For this, they should educate themselves. They have to
build unity among themselves. State should also have to change their
attitude towards Muslims. They always blame Muslims for every incident.
They should give Muslims their proper rights. They should also have to
Problems Faced by Muslim Minorities … Al-Az̤vā

give respect to Muslims opinion as this is the greatest way to give respect
to someone. (30) Researchers have also observed that Indian media is not
supportive towards minorities and are in continuous war against them.
Media should play a positive role for every sector of society. It is the only
way in which state will flourish.

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