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Property ID Code: {{Ref #}}

{{City}}, {{State}} {{Zip Code}}

RE: Parcel {{APN}}

Dear Sir/Ma’am,

We are looking to purchase vacant land in {{Property County}} County, {{Property State}} and would like to
purchase your property and any others you may own, as referenced in the attached purchase agreement. We received
your ownership information from the {{Property County}} County Property Assessor's Office, as property ownership
information is of public record.

{{Company Name}} is a real estate investment company with experience in buying properties just like yours.
We offer an easy, hassle-free sale. Additionally, we will cover 100% of all costs associated with completing this
transaction, including back taxes within reason, as well any closing fees. The purchase price listed on the attached
agreement is the net amount you will receive at closing. If you would like to receive cash for your property, simply
sign the attached purchase agreement and follow the instructions at the bottom of this letter.

Feel free to call us anytime at {{Phone Number}} to discuss this or any other properties you may be
interested in selling. If you are not looking to sell your property at this time, please keep this letter and feel free
to contact us anytime if you decide to sell at a later date.

Best Regards,

{{Insert Signature & Print Out Name}}

{{Phone Number}}

P.S. Hurry! This offer price is only guaranteed until {{Offer By Date}}.


For the Fastest Way to get Cash choose Option 1!

Option 1: Upon signing, email the Purchase Agreement to {{Email}} or take a photo with your phone and text to
{{Phone Number}}.
Option 2: Mail to: {{Company Name And Address}}
Option 3: Counter Offer: $__________ Email: ________________________ Phone: _______________
Acceptance of counter offer is not guaranteed and may delay the closing.

{{Company Name and Address}}

{{Phone Number}} | {{Email}} | Property Id Code: {{Ref #}}

SELLER/S: {{Name}}
{{City, State, Zip Code}}

BUYER: {{Company Name}} and/or Assignee

{{Company Address}}
{{Company City, State, Zip Code}}

The Seller/s and Buyer listed above agree in full to the terms and conditions as such stated;

1. PARCEL/APN: {{APN}} / {{Property County}} County, {{Property State}}

2. PROPERTY ADDRESS/LEGAL DESCRIPTION: {{Property Address}} / {{Parcel Size}} Acres - {{Legal Description}}
3. PURCHASE PRICE: ${{Offer}} (Net to Seller/s)
4. CASH: Buyer agrees to pay cash for the Property with no financing contingency.
5. CLOSING: This contract will be closed on or before {{Closing Date}}, unless the parties agree to another date in writing.
If the Closing Date falls on a weekend or holiday, the Closing will commence on the next business day. This sale will be
closed by a third-party title company chosen by the Buyer.
6. DEFAULT: If the Closing does not occur by said Closing Date above, as a result of the Seller's default in their obligations
under this Agreement, then the Buyer may be entitled to damages for Specific Performance.
7. COSTS: Buyer shall pay all closing costs and any outstanding property taxes, within reason and subject to Buyer’s
8. IMPROVEMENTS AND PERSONAL PROPERTY: The property includes all improvements, appurtenances, and personal
property attached to, or upon, the above-described real estate.
9. TITLE: Seller agrees to convey marketable title to the property free of all liens and encumbrances by Warranty Deed to be
prepared by the title company. The deed and possession will be delivered at Closing.
10. ASSIGNMENT/RIGHTS: This agreement is binding on the heirs, successors, executors, trustees, representatives,
administrators, and any assignees of the Buyer or Seller. Buyer has the right to assign its rights under this contract to a
third party. Buyer retains the right to cancel the purchase agreement at any time for any reason they see fit. Upon
acceptance of this offer, Seller specifically authorizes and gives permission to the Buyer to immediately list the property on
any and all multiple listing service(s) (MLS) for the purpose of marketing and selling the Property. This includes executing
listing agreement(s), listing agreement addendum(s), disclosures, sales contracts and addendums.
11. CONTINGENCIES: Buyer’s obligation to close the transaction is contingent upon the following:
a. Buyer’s confirmation of parcel size, condition, and proof of legal and public accessibility to property.
b. The property being free and clear of all encumbrances.
c. Delivery of full possession of the property by Seller/s at Closing, including all surface and mineral rights.
d. Buyer’s written approval of the amount of property taxes owed on the Property.
12. ACCEPTANCE: This offer must be accepted by Seller and returned to Buyer by {{Offer By Date}}.

If you agree to the stated terms of this contract offer, fill in the portions below including the signatures and contact
information of all owners of the property, and return a copy of the accepted offer to Buyer.

Seller #1 (sign): ________________________ Seller #2 (sign): ________________________

Seller #1 (print): _______________________ Seller #2 (print): _______________________
Date: _______________________________ Date: _______________________________
Email: ______________________________ Email: ______________________________
Phone: ______________________________ Phone: ______________________________

Buyer (sign): _______________________

Buyer (print): _______________________
Date: _____________________________

Property ID Code: {{Ref #}}

This is a binding legal document, and all parties are encouraged to have this offer reviewed by their respective legal advisors
to ensure that they understand all the provisions and implications of this Contract before signing.

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