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The EdTech

Industry in
By Team
Executive summary
Current Situation: Finances: Future prospects:
The current situation of the The finances matched The prospects of this
EdTech industry in with the industry are also industry are quite bright as
Bangladesh is an ever- increasing day by day. it is growing quite rapidly.
growing one.

1. The industry is still in its infancy and thus unpredictable.
2. Current industry leaders have the same type of content.
3. Bangladeshi people are not comfortable with wholly technology-
based services.
4. Lack of capable employees and experts in the industry.
1. Steady improvement of the industry.
2. Creating diversified content and offering innovative services.
3. Focusing on the internet savvy target groups.
4. Hiring creative and aspiring talents into the industry to gain a
The EdTech
industry in
Bangladesh and
relevant factors
The EdTech Industry In
EdTech (Educational Technology) is the
usage of the available technology to better
provide education to all. Although the
EdTech industry was present in Bangladesh
before, it was hot-footed into the forefront
of educational media with the start of the
pandemic. The EdTech industry in
Bangladesh is providing an alternative to
the classical education medium and is
gaining momentum through the rising
interest of students due to its accessibility.

statistics of Bangladesh

• In 2018, the enrolment rate reached up to 98%

• Increased Adult literacy rate has amounted to 73%.
• Government and Non-government sectors spend a
total of 15 billion dollars every year.
• Coaching centres amount to a whopping 6 billion
USD market size within that sector.
Current Situation of the EdTech
Industry in Bangladesh

• 1% of students in Bangladesh are choosing the online

platform for a complete education.
• Several start-ups are offering entire educational
content starting from classes to skill development.
• It is 20%-30% less costly to study through an EdTech
platform than educational institutes.
Financial Situation of the
EdTech Industry in Bangladesh
• Edtech startups in Bangladesh raised 2 million USD in
the first half of 2021.
• Experts expect the industry size to increase to 700
million USD by 2025.
• The market share of EdTechs in Bangladesh is
estimated to be 10% by the end of the pandemic.

Future prospects of the EdTech
Industry in Bangladesh

• In 2018, the enrolment rate reached up to 98%

• Increased Adult literacy rate has amounted to 73%.
• Government and Non-government sectors spend a
total of 15 billion dollars every year.
• Coaching centres amount to a whopping 6 billion
USD market size within that sector.
Industry Leaders
10 Minute School:
o Establishment: May 2015
o Founder: Ayman Sadiq
o Contents: 19,000+ video tutorials,
50,000+ Quizzes, 1,350+smartbooks
and 1,139 live classes catering to
classes 1-12; admission aspirants;
skill-based courses and much more.
o Employees: 300+
o Learners: 9.3M+

○ Establishment: April 2019
○ Founder: Zeeshan Zakaria, Shahir
○ Contents: Caters to 9-12 grade
students based on the Bangladeshi
National Curriculum.
○ Employees: 300+
○ Learners: 350,000

o Establishment: April 2019
o Founder: Jumshadur Rahaman
Xihad, Tahir Hasan Riddha, Wasif
Sadaf Chowdhury
o Contents: Caters to 9-12 grade
students based on the Bangladeshi
National Curriculum.
o Employees: 30+ educators. Official
staff number undisclosed.
o Learners: 500000+
o Establishment: December 2018
o Founder: Md. Nazmul Haque Sarkar,
Jahir Uddin
o Contents: Caters to 6-10 grade
students based on the Bangladeshi
National Curriculum, SSC and HSC
students, BCS aspirants and more.
o Employees: 100-200
o Learners: 150000+

Interactive Cares:
o Establishment: 2020
o Founder: Rare Al Samir
o Contents: Skill development-
designing, coding, CV writing etc
o Employees: 100+
o Learners: 8500+

between industry
Users: Funding:
10 Minute School comes out on Shikho has the highest
top with 9.3 Million active funding with 5.6 million
learners, followed by Roots Edu Dollars. With 10 Minute
with 500 thousand learners, School coming up 2nd
Shikho with 350 thousand with 2 million dollars in
learners, EduHive with 150 funding. With the rest
thousand users and the three companies
newcomer interactive cares with raising an undisclosed
only 8500 clients. amount of funding.

Challenges and
1. The EdTech industry in Bangladesh is still very immature and only similar
products are coming into the market which makes the competition very
2. The EdTech industry needs to be up-to-date with ever-changing
technologies, and in Bangladesh’s context, only very few companies can
successfully manage that.
3. The vast majority of Bangladeshi citizens are still uncomfortable with
technological education and so, the consumption volume is very low.
4. Bangladesh is novel about product management and it stands as a
challenge for the EdTech industry.
5. The lack of capable employees and experts stands as a major drawback to
the development of EdTech.
1. By tapping the untouched area of product varieties, it will be easier to stay
forward to the fierce competition.
2. As a growth-oriented industry, edtech attracts a suitable number of young
talents and by hiring them it is possible to overcome technological
3. By simplifying the accessibility of products, the companies can reach a larger
number of targeted audiences.
4. Experts and experience can pose a solution for the lack of product
management skills.
5. By encouraging and pursuing the experts to realize the potential of the
EdTech industry it is possible to increase capable employees.


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