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Exercise 3
Unit 1

Accept any relevant answers.

14 Beadlng E:rercise A
1. acceptable
Accept any relevant answers. 2. celebrities
3. vital
Sample answers 4. role models
People A little polit€ Polh. V.rv Dollte

parent tr 0 V 5. universal
sibling tr U tr 6. acquired
grandparent tr tr g 7. impart
close friend g tr E Exercise B
neighbour tr a n 1. universal
teacher ! D g
2. acceptable
school principal tr tr g
3. vital
classmate tr a tr
cleaner U tr tr
4. impart
shopkeeper a tr tr 5. Celebrities
trafiic policeman E ! u 6. role models
medical doctor tr a tr 7. acquired
E rercbe G

No. Good Bad

1. The difference between 'manner' and
'manners' is that'manner' refers to the way
1. @ tr of doing something but 'manners' refers to
tr g the way a person behaves in society.

3. D g 2. lf we accidentally hurt someone, we should

say'l'm sorry.'
4. a tr
3. Children's manners originate at home.
5. tr a
4. Children can learn manners from their
6. tr g elders by imitating them.

7. @ fI 5. Apart from home, children learn or acquire

manners from their school.
8. a tr
g 6. We can say that the work domain is an
institution that imparts manners because
10. tr g once a person gets a job, his work domain
becomes an added institution to influence
11. a tr
him, for good or evil.
12. a tr


t I

7. Celebrities often influence children and Exerclse C

teenagers today.
Accept any relevant answers
8. The most responsible persons for imparting {C Grammar
good manners to children are all the elders
of the present generation. Exerclse A
L To build a well-mannered society, the 1. must
elders of the present generation should 2. Can
conscientiously join hands and teach their
juniors to be law-abiding, upright, honest, 3. should
self-respecting, disciplined, punctual, 4. should
charitable, helpful, merciful, and forgiving.
5. must
10. Accept any relevant answer.
6. can
{B Vocabulary
7. must
Exerclse A
8. can
1. (i) key player
9. must
2. (d) ready-made
10. should
3. (g) swimming pool
Exerclse B
4. (a) undergraduate
Accept any relevant answers.
5. (h) checkout
lD Lletenlng and $peaklng
6. 0) good-looking
Exerclse A
7. (b) English speaking
8. (c) well-paid 2..{ 3.r 4..{ 5.,t 6. .{
9. (e) old-fashioned Exerclse B
10.(f) world famous 1.c 2.b 3.a 4.b 5.a
Exerclse B
tE Wrltlng
1. swimming pool
Exerclse A
2. world famous
Accept any relevant answers.
3. undergraduate
Exerclse B
4. key player
Accept any relevant answer.
5. English speaking
6. well-paid
7. checkout
8. old-fashioned
9. good-looking
10. ready-made


5. lf you are envious of someone, you,_are 6.

Unit 2
more o experience negative
such as inferiority, dejection and
2A Readlng
depression. 8.
Pre-roadlng earvr,Ac&
6. Your mind and body are closely re.49 in 9.
Accept any relevant answers. that if you feel stressed out, you are likely 10
Exorelee A
to experience fatigue and muscle tension;
similarly, if you feel happy and calm, you
1. stressful are likely to have more mental energy and 1.

2. sympathy more physical vitality.

3. downhearted 7. Accept any relevant answer.

4. contentment (Sample answer: I feel happy and calm if I

see a beautiful sunset while walking in a
5. passionate park.)
6. encounter 8. Accept any relevant answer.
Exerelse B (Sample answer: I do not agree with the
1. downhearted statement "Money is the best way to'find
happiness" because -l haye. met dome'rich
2. passionate people who are ,is8tdffi")nd some poor
3. stressful people wlro are happy.) ' ' o
4. contentment 9. Thinking back to pleasant incidents in the
5. sympathy past can improve your mood and make you
more cheerful.
6. encounter
10. When you practise meditation, it will ease
Exerelee G the tension in your body, clear your mind of
1. When you are in a peaceful state of mind, negative thoughts and give you a sense of
you are most likely to feel relaxed and inner peace and well-being.
happy. 2B Voeabulary
\ 2. Accept any relevant answer. Exerclsc A
(Sample answer: I think having a lot of
money is better because I can have 1. (f) 2. (i) 3. (a) 4. (b) 5. (g)
everything I want if I have a lot of money.) 6. 0) 7. (c) 8. (e) e. (d) 10. (h)
3. Accept any relevant answer.
Exerelee B t
(Sample answer: I prefer living with a large
family because I like having dinner with my 1. attitude
family members and I can have a chat and 2. fatigue
share my feelings with them whenever I am
not in a good mood.)
3. accomplished
4. After helping other people, I feel that it is 4. satisfaction
not only good for them, it also makes me 5. benefit
feel happier.



6. relaxed 3., which opens the cupboard door.

7. prosperous 4.
8. mood aoolication.
9. envious 5. who interviewed me
10. depressed
6. which Marlar sent to me
Exeraise G
Hxcreleo G
1. She felt homesick, but she attempted to
appear cheerful. 1. Our principal wants to set'tr-)r ar:chitect

2. When I travel by car, I usually keep up a who designed our schoot riOri/
constant speed of 50 mph. 2. Nobody I ire@ birthday cake that Win
3. The teacher wants all her students to Win made. / Win \Mn made the birthday
achieve the assigned tasks. cake that.nobody liked.
4. We need to take vitamins that are vital for 3. The woman whose flat was burgled spent
good health.
the night at her friend's house.
5. They have to identify potential problems
before they start the project.
4. t met@tO lady who was one hundred and
two years old.
6. Children always crave for excitement when
they go on a camping trip. 5. The factory that was built twenty years ago
2C Grammar closed down last week. I The factory that.
closed down last week was built twenty
Exercise A
years ago. .
1. which / that I

2. who 6. The picture that is worth two million kyats

has been stolen. / The picture that has i
3. which / that been stolen is worth two million kyats.
4. which / that
7. We foun@hop that sold old records.
5. whom
8. The police interrogated@ man whose son
6. which / that had disappeared.
7. who
2D tlobnlng end Speaklng
8. whose
Exerelse A
9. who
Student 1 - c
10. who
Student 2 -a
Exercise B
1. who are oaid a poor salary
Student 3 -e

2. who had saved their son from drowning.

Student 4 -b


Exorciso B Sleep that is adequate also has a oositive

effect on the apoearance of a person
TRUE FALSE Enough rest increases your performances 1

tr V
Student'1 you will gain more success and achievements I
tr @

being kind to other people may also make you l

V tr
Student 2 haooy
a tr
g tr
happy peoole are more likely to take on
Student 3 voluntary work
tr a
tr V the more voluntarv work they do. the hapoier
Student 4 g they become
Exerclse G

Exercise C Accept any relevant answer.

Accept any relevant answers.

Exerciae D
Accept any relevant answers.
2E Writing

Exerclse A

Exercise B
three factors that will helo you lead a happy life
a good state of health is an important factor
that influences your hapoiness

because there are no worries about diseases

sleeo patterns also influence vour happiness


Unit 3
2. We should eat grains, fruits, vegetables,
milk products, animal products and beans,
and oily foods to gain essential nutrients for
3A* Roadlng
our body.
Pre+eadlng 3. A major cause of ill health is the lack of
Accept any relevant answers. essential nutrients.

ExorclEe A 4. We can strengthen our immune systems

and protect against illness by eating a
1. (e) 2. (d) 3 (a) 4. (c) 5. (b) balanced diet.
5- We should avoid eating processed foods,
Exerelse B refined foods and high-cholesterol foods.
1. excellent 6. Forests are beneficial to us because they
can provide us with mushrooms, bamboo
2. important shoots, nuts, berries, leaves, and tubers.
3. advisable 7. Deforestation can causc loss of bio-
4. healthy diversity and loss of nutrition in many local
5. nutritious
8. Some nutrition-related health problems are
6. artificial malnutrition and infectious diseases.
7. adverse 9. Nutrition is said to be closely related to the
8. careful environment because environmental
deterioration can Gause nutrition-related
9. local health problems such as malnutrition and
infectious diseases.
10. processed
10.We should avoid eating processed foods
Exereise C
because they contain a lot of sodium which
1. processed causes high blood pressure.

2. artificial 38 Voeabulary

3. advisable HxeralseA

4. local 1. nutritional
5. excellent 2. consumption
6. healthy 3. associated
7. nutritious 4. infectious
8. important 5. recommendation
9. Adverse 6. medical
10. careful 7. Deforestation
Exereise D 8. pollutants
1. A nutritious diet is a mixture of all the 9. environmental
nutrients that our body needs to survive. 10. protective


3C Grammar 8. lt was an ambulance that I saw rushing to t

the scene.
Exercise A
1. Having finished the exam, she felt very 9. lt was Thandar who found a wallet on her
way back home.

2. Knowing that his friend enjoys reading,

10. lt was the drought that caused many
farmers much trouble.
Maung Maung has decided to buY her a
book. Exerclse C
3. Having been made redundant, she started 1.1Not only will they paint the inside of the
looking for a new job. fiJnatt, but they will also paint its outside.

4. Standing in a queue, I realised that I didn't i-ilfh"v will paint not only the inside of the hall
have any money on me. but also the outside of the hall.
5. Being shocked by the sad news, she didn't 'b2. Not only does the circus comprise
know what to do next. magicians and clowns, but it also
comprises tigers and lions.
6. Filled with pride, Kyaw Aung walked
towards the stage to receive the prize. The circus comprises not only magicians
and clowns but also tigers and lions.
7. Having picked up his coat, he slowly went
downstairs 3 Not only will he sing a song aljlg@L
party, but he will also dance.
8. Having finished their training, they become
fully qualified doctors. He will not only sing a song but also dance
at the dinner party.
9. Not understanding the lessons, he asked
his teacher for help. 4 Not only does she enjoy learning English,
but she also enjoys learning French.
10. Realising that she had left her ticket, she
went back home. She enjoys learning not only English but
also French.
Exercise B
5. Not only does the actress have long, curly
1. lt was in the mathematics competition that
blonde hair, but she also has lovely blue
my daughter won the first prize.
2. lt was a Honda Fit car that my parents The actress has not only long, curly blonde
bought for me when I passed the exam.
hair but also lovely blue eyes.
3. lt is for children that the author has written
6 Not only are my cousins good at playing
many good short stories.
basketball, but they are also good at
4. lt was the mad dog that the angry boys playing volleyball.
chased away from the garden.
My cousins are good at playing not only
5, lt was Nyo Nyo who broke the flower vase basketball but also volleyball.
yesterday evening.
7 Not only did I wash my car yesterday, but I

6. lt is because he is honest that he has also cut the grass in my garden.

decided to give back the purse to her.
I not only washed my car but also cut the
7. lt was last night that a big fire started in my grass in my garden y€sterday.
neighbour's house.


t I

8. Not only mn my brother speak Spanish

well, but my sister can also speak Spanish

Not only my brother but also my sister can

speak Spanish well.
L Not only does he like to do exercise at the
gym, but he also likes to go jogging in the

He likes not only to do exercise at the gym

but also to go jogging in the park.
10. Not only was it raining heavily, but the wind
was also blowing hard.
Not only it was raining heavily but also the
wind was blowing hard.
3D Llstenlng and Speaklng
Exerclse A

1. nutrients 5. work g. vitamins

2. effects 6. balance 10. nutrition
3. varied 7. fats
4. dietary 8. specific
3E Wrlting
Exerclse C
Accept any relevant answer.

S- r'-


8. lt was the tourists who enjoyed taking a

Review 1
ride in the bullet train.

Exercise A 9. lt was she who bought a mansion in the

Golden Valley. / lt was a mansion in the
1. manner
Golden ValleY that she bought.
2. cultures
10. lt was I who wrote poems because I

3. vital enjoyed comPosing Poems.

4. cultivate 11.An earthquake occurred on the remote
5. responsible island, destroying the whole village'
6. depressed 12. The children sang songs and danced very
7. relaxed happily, walking back home'

8. cheerful 13. must

L accomplish 14. Can

10. fatigue
Poem 1
11. nutritious
12. deforestation Exercise I
13. harmful Accept any relevant answers.
14. diet Exercise 3
15. an artificial
1. The poem is about the imaginary things
Exercise B that I can do in the library.
1. who 2. The library is made of stone, glass, marble,
2. which iron and concrete.

3. I became friends with Thuta whose 3. I can study and do research in the library.
interests are the same as mine.
4. I can visit Rome, Siam, or Nome in the
4. The pop singer whom Kathy invited to her poetess' magical world of the library.
birthday party did not turn uP.
5. A whopping pike can be caught in her
5. Mogok which is a beautiful hill station is
surrounded by mountain ranges on all
sides. 6. She can have all the dogs she'd like in her
6. My daughter won the first prize not only in
the essay competition but also in the poem 7. The word 'wonderment' is repeated two
recitation comPetition. times for emPhasis.
7. Japan is not only a developed country but 8. The poetess wants to give the message
also a super rich country. that we can learn to do things by reading
books in the library.



Exerclse 4

ride acamel iatrain

(a)leam to sing sr-ls
bake : apie
(c) plant a tree
train c r a horse

catch e a whopping pike

Exerclse 5
2. ln a library. u/e can practise listening to
audiotapes to rmprove our listening skills.
3. ln a library. we can read old newspapers to
gain knowledge of past history.
4. In a library. we can do assignments with
our friends.
5. ln a library. we can use Wi-Fifreely.


5. bias
Unit 4
6. weakness
4AReading Exercise E
Pre*eading 1. strength
Accept any relevant answers 2. fairness
ExerciseA 3. stability
1. (d) 2. (t) 3. (b) 4. (a) 5. (c) 4. ovenrhelming
5. stressful
Exercise B 6. distressed
1. resilient Exercise F
2. recovery 1. The two main types of emotions are
3. serene positive and negative emotions.

4. deliberate 2. Accept any relevant answer.

5. modest 3. When something bad or unkind happens to
us, we blame others or criticise them.
6. induced
7. chronic 4. When we cannot fulfil our wants or needs,
we feel depressed, distressed or frustrated.
8. touched 5. Emotional well-being is so important in
9. cope with seeking happiness and life satisfaction
because emotionally healthy people can
10. integrity
cope with life's challenges, and they can
Exercise G even manage to bounce back after having
1. chronic been defeated.

2. induced 6 To enjoy a better quality of life, a good

sense of emotional well-being is essential
3. touched for us./ A good sense of emotional well-
4. resilient being is essential for us to enjoy a better
quality of life.
5. cope with
7. Accept any relevant answer.
6. lntegrity
8. Accept any relevant answer.
7. recovery
48 Vocabulary
8. deliberate
Exercise A
9. modest
1. disappointed
10. serene
Exercise D
2. terrifying

1. pleasant 3. relaxed
2. mild 4. worried
3. relaxed 5. tiring
4. unsteadiness 6. excited



7. annoying 2. scared of
8. amusing 3. fed up with
9. fascinating 4. aware of
10. confusing 5. angry with
Exerclse B 6. good at
1. amusing 7. upset by
2. boring 8. excited about
3. interested L pleased with
4. confused 10. bored with
5. bored 4D Llstenlng and Speaking
6. amused ExerciseA
7. confusing .
1. Mindfulness
L surprising 2. Laughter
9. surprised 3. Taking regular exercise
10. interesting , 4. Keeping a mood journal
Exercise C Exerclse B
1. a. exciting, b. excited 1. disease
2. a. interesting, b. interested 2. death
3. a. annoyed, b. annoying 3. sleep
4. a. disappointing, b. disappointed 4. weight
5. a. disgusted, b. disgusting 5. manage
6. a. exhausting, b.exhausted 6. chemicals
7. a. shocked, b. shocking 7. pain
8. a. relaxed, b. relaxing 8. three or four
9. a. embarrassing, b. embarrassed 9. exercising
10. mood journal
10. a. astonished, b. astonishing
brercise C
4C Grammar
You ought to ...
Exereise A
I think you're right.
1.c 2.d 3.a 4.e 5.b What should I do?
Exercise B You should ...

1. interested in you should ...

That's true. I haven't thought about it.


What do you suggest?

You'd better ... al ),
',' i

you should ...

... is a good way to ...

I see your point, but ...

Why don't you ...

OK, l'll do that.
Exerclse D

Asking for
Givlng suggestions
What should I do? You ought to ...
What do You should ...
suggest? you'd better...

Why don't you ...

... is a good way to ...


Agreeing Dieagreeing
I think you're right. I see your point, but

That's true. I haven't

thought about it.
OK, l'lldo that. a


Unit 5
8. Advertisers choose bright and cheerful
colours to say that we will have a brighter
5A Reading future if we use their products.

Pre-reading 9. Accept any relevant answer.

1. red Exercise D

2. orange moods
Colour Golour and
3. warning feelings
4. green Wh fresh, Blue calm,
5. Seven. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, peaceful distant
lndigo, and Violet. Red Green safe,
Exercise A ene rgetic envious
1.c 2.d 3.f 4.a 5.b 6.e lYellow timid, Pink lovely,
Exercise B
Exercise E
1. a / the red carpet 'r'-r ' :

Accept any relevant answers.

2. black sheep . !.

58 Vocabuiiry
3. green light
Exercise A
4. once in a blue moon
1. feel blue
Exercise C
2. red tape
1. Any colour expression mentioned in the
text. e.g. feel blue, red-handed, black 3. green (horh)
sheep, etc. 4. yellow
2. Blue is most commonly associated with 5. in the pink
sadness or loneliness.
Exercise B
3. A person who is young and inexperienced 1. green
is commonly referred to as a greenhorn.
2. blue
4. We can use the colour expression "l'm in
the pink" to say "l'm in good health". 3. red
5. 'A red letter day' means an important or 4. yellow
specialday. 5. white
6. Two colour expressions in the passage that 6. green
indicate a company's financial situations
are 'in the red'and 'in the black'. 7. black
7. The colours of a national flag represent the 8. green
country's history beliefs and values as well 9. blue
as its glorious past and hopefulfuture.
10. red


Exercise C 5. When/ lf you trust yourself, you will know

1. green with envy how to live.

2. in the red 6. Moe Moe decided not to buy the dress

because/ as/ since the colour didn,t suit
3. in the black her.
4. flying colours 7. The fr{m was so boring that I changed the
5. white elephant
6. in the pink 8. Whenever I visit my grandpa, I see him
working in the garden.
7. blue blood L He went to bed after he had finished his
8. blue collar homework.

9. red-handed 10. I broke my leg while I was playing footbail.

10. grey matter 11. The maths questions are so hard that I can
only do one of them.
5C Grammar
12. Mum will be happy if you arrive home early.
Exercise A
13. Don't go out until lget ready.
1. until
14. Unless you listen to me, you will be in
2. as if trouble.
3. as 15. I left home early so that I wouldn't be
4. Although caught in heavy traffic.

5. because Exercise G
6. while 1. Although it (my new job) requires a lot of
screen time, I like my new job (it).
7. so that
8. As
2. She is such a good tennis player that she
wins allthe matches.
L Although
3. When we got to the bookshop, the books
10. as soon as we wanted had been sold out.
Exerclse B 4. Since Ko Ko has lived in China for seven
years, ire speaks Chinese fluenfly.
1. We had to stand all the way because / as /
since all the seats on the bus were 5. Whenever I visit my native town, I donate
occupied. some money to the Shwe Taung pagoda.
2. My father devoted all his life to his work 6. As soon as the teacher came in, we stood
until he retired. up and greeted her.
3. Although we left rather late, we arrived on 7. Unless we hurry we won't catch the train.
L As I wanted to make special dishes for my
4. She is ovenreight because/ as/ since she parents, I took a cooking course.
never takes any exercise.
9. After Ma Ma had had a shower, she
watched TV.


10. Although they wanted to move to a new

house, they could not afford it.
Exerciee D
Accept any relevant answers.
5D Listoning and $peaklng
Exorclse A
Accept any relevant answers.
Exerclss B
Accept any relevant answers.
Hxorelce G
1. sky
2. anger
3. neutrality
4. luxury
Exerelre E
1. passion
2. attention
3. appetite
4. neutral
5. Iow-energy
6. abundance
7. ocean
L loyalty
9. royalty
10. artificial

5E Wrltlng
Accept any relevant answers. (Sample essay is
provided in the text.)


Unit 6 dreams a reality from time immemorial, and

as a result, the world has enormously and
64 Reading constantly changed.
Pre-reading 2. lntelligence is defined as the ability to learn,
understand, reason and make judgements
1. Work was done by hand a thousand years
in the passage.
ago and it is done by machine today.
2. Accept any relevant answers. 3. Al is a branch of computer science which
mainly focuses on creating machines with
3. Human beings have natural intelligence. humanlike intelligence and capacity / the
Exercise A science and engineering of making
1. lt = The First lndustrial Revolution intelligent machines, especially intelligent
computer programs / a machine,s ability to
2. then = the nineteenth century perform cognitive functions such as
3. this era = the Fourth lndustrial Revolution perceiving, reasoning, and solving
Era problems as humans do.
4. they = self-driving cars, or driverless cars 4. So tar, we have had four industrial
5. their = of today's students revolutions: the First lndustrial Revolution,
6. its = of Al the Second lndustriat Revolution, the Third
lndustrial Revolution and the Fourth
Exercise B
lndustrial Revolution.
1.e 2.t 3.i 4.c S.b 6.a 5. ln word processing, text editor software can
7.h 8.9 9.d suggest what we should write next.
6. Self-driving cars are becoming more
Exercise G popular because they can reduce driver
1. innovation error as well as the number of accidents.
2. unemployment 7. Hospital robots deliver food, water and
3. outperforming medicine to patients with COVID_1g during
the COVID-19 pandemic period.
4. robotic
5. artificial
L AI tools are used to study unknown stars
and black holes in space exploration.
6. unmanned
9. Al-powered machines and tools mentioned
7. electronics in the passage are text editor, auto_
L gadgets correction, facial recognition, security
cameras, industrial robots, self-driving cars,
L breakthrough
Google Maps, unmanned spacecraft,
10. reasoning
hospital robots and robotic boats.
Exercise D
10. ln the conservation of the environment, Al-
1. We, human beings, are thought to be the powered robotic boats are used to clean up
most intelligent because we have made our lakes, rivers, and seas.


11. One of the drawbacks of using Al-powered 6C Grammar

machines in mass production is a high risk
Exerclse A
of unemployment or redundancy in the
future. 1. No matter how ...
12. Accept any relevant answer. 2. No matter how ..,
-1,1.:: i
(Sample answers)
3. No mqfrbr,where ...
I think the nature of employment will be
changed for the better in the future. / I think
4. No matter who ..
Al machines will replace human workers. / 5. No matter what ...
The workload of human workers will be
reduced. 6. ... no matter how ...
13. Accept any relevant answer. 7 . ... no matter whether ...
(Sample answers) 8. ... no matter what ...
Yes, I would like to have a more intelligent 9. ... no matter where ...
robot than me because ... (l can use it to
do my housework. I l.can make it solve 10. No matter what ...
mathematics problems. / it can help me.)
Exercise B
No. I don't want my robot to be better than
1. You are not allowed to pass the gate no
matter who you are.
14. Accept any relevant answer.
2. Please don't neglect any details no matter
68 Voeabulary how unimportant they seem to be.
Exerclse B 3. No matter whether you are rich or pool I'll
be your friend forever.
1. So far
2. as a result 4. No matter how hard life is, please do not
give up.
3. to a certain extent 5. No matter how hardworking I am, I am still
4. way too weak in science subjects.
5. since the turn of 6. No matter how nice she is, she sometimes
6. allthe way \ loses her temper.

7. ln other words 7. No matter how many mistakes you make,

you are better than those who do not work
8. such as hard.
9. here and there L No matter where you go, there is always
10. As a matter of fact something new to learn about.

11. on top of that 9. No matter what road you take, you will get
there in time.
Excrclr C
10. No matter how much I explain to them, they
Accept any relevant answers. never listen to me.


6D Listening and Speaking about ten minutes. tf you have any

Exercise A questions, l'll be happy to answer them at
the end of my presentation.
(c) Self-driving Cars
Let me start by looking at what a self_
Exercise B
driving car is. ...
1. sensors car
in a self-driving a Now I am going to tatk about the
advantages of a self-driving car. ...
3. how a self-driving car operates E
The last point is that a setf-driving car
4. video cameras E has ifs own disadvantages. ...
5. actuators to control acceleration, E To sum up, I have presented ... ln
braking and steering conclusion,...
7. advantages and disadvantages of z fhis /b the end of my presentation. Thank
self-driving cars you for your time and attention. Does
anyone have any questions?
9. lowering COz emissions s
6E Writing
10. cutting transportation costs E
Exercise B
Exercise C Accept any relevant answers.
1. (b) Sample answers
2. (a)
3. (b) Advantages Disadvantages
4. (a) . great
education society
5. (c)
. easlz access fo . social media trash
6. (b) information and
. time-consuming
7. (a) advanced
8. (c)
. full of
Exercise D entertainment
Good morning, Ladies and Genilemen.
Let me introduce our group members:
Exercise C
,- , andme
- Today, I am going to tatk Accept any relevant answer.
about the advantages and disadvantages
of a self-driving car. My presentation is
divided into three main points. Firsfly, I
will be looking at what a self-driving car
is. Secondly, I will be tatking about the
advantages of a self-driving car. Finalty, t
will be discussrng the disadvantages of a
self-driving car. My presentation witt last


Review 2
4. No matter who you are, you need to wear
your lD card on this campus.
Exercise A 5. No matter how many times I warn him, he
1. white will never listen to me.

2. green 6. Dad never complains about the food that

mother cooks no matter how tasteless it is.
3. blue
7. IVy friends will eat it up no matter what food
4. black I cook.
5. disgusting
6. frustrated Poem 2
7. surprising
Exercise 1
8. Robotic
Accept any relevant answers
L unmanned
Exercise 3
10. gadgets
1. ln the first stanza, the happy man
Exercise B possessed a plot of land he had inherited
1. worried about from his grandfather.
2. excited about 2. From his small piece of land, the happy
man got milk, bread, clothes, shade and
3. aware of firewood.
4. scared of 3. People who can relax by spending hours,
5. embarrassed by days and years can enjoy good health and
6. pleased with find inner peace.

Exercise C
4. The man was able to get sound sleep
because he knew how to balance work and
1. Although recreation in life.
2. Unless 5. The man wished to live a contented life with
3. so that no anxiety whatsoever.

4. when Exercise 4
5. after Possessions What they provide
6. wherever herds milk
Exercise D
fields bread
1. Your parents will treat you like a child no
flocks attire
matter whether you like it or not.
2. No matter how young he is, he must be trees shade and firewood
treated with respect.
Exercise 5
3. No matter what others think of me, I will not Accept any relevant answer.
change my mind.


2. The result of the rise in the amount of

Unit 7 greenhouse gases is that it makes the
planet warmer.
7A Reading :

3. Some sources of air pollution are human
activities such as fuel burning, logging and
Accept any relevant answers. natural events such as wildfires and
ExerciseA volcanic eruptions.

1. deforestation 4. The function of the ozone layer is to protect

the earth from the harmful ultraviolet rays of
2. urbanisation the sun.
3. industrialisation 5. Water pollution occurs when mining waste,
4. digitalwastes agricultural and industrial runoff, and
human and animal waste are dumped into
5. sleep deprivation water bodies such as lakes, rivers, seas
6. contaminated and oceans.
7. constrict 6. The fertility of the earth's soil is being
degraded because of the excessive use of
8. ozone depletion
fertilisers and pesticides in agriculture and
9. fossilfuels disposing of the chemical wastes from.the
10. soil erosion factories.

Exerclee B 7. Our body responds to loud noise in a way

that heartbeat and respiration accelerate,
1. contaminated blood vessels constrict, the skin pales and
2. ozone depletion muscles tense.

3. constrict 8. Leopards, cats, snakes, bats and owls are

active during nighttime. They are called
4. fossilfuels nocturnal.
5. Soil erosion 9. To reduce the effects of
6. deforestation pollution, people should reduce the use of
7. urbanisation fossil fuels and promote the use of friendly
sources of energy, like the sun, wind and
f . industrialisation water.
9. Digitalwastes 10. lf we do not do something to combat
10. sleep deprivation pollution, we will face dire consequences of
Exorclee C
78 Vocebulary
1. People are experiencing hazardous
environmental conditions because they are Exorclro A
inhaling polluted air, drinking impure water 1. unpolluted
and consuming contaminated foods now.
2. pollutant
3. pollute air / soil / light


t I

4. contaminate 4. Cause: Science

5. clean / purify Effect: many changes in our lives
Exercise B 5. Cause: A sudden change in temperature
1. harmful / hazardous Effect: torrential rain in this region
2. risk / threat / danger Exercise C
3. environmental hazard / hazardous 'The problem is that the amount of greenhouse
gases in the atmosphere is increasing because
4. danger of pollution. As a result, the greenhouse effect
5. safe / keep safe is becoming stronger, and this in turn is making
Exercise C our planet warmer than usual.'

1. teld€ C{ Exercise D

2. environmental 1. A tornado blew the roof off the house. As a

result, the family had to find another place
3. waste
to live.
4. wild
increase in greenhouse gases,
5. oontaminated $6c, is getting warmer and warmer.
Exercise D 3. Coral reefs and aquatic animals died out
Accept any relevant answer. because the crude oil spill polluted the
7C Grammar ocean near the Gulf of Mexico in 2010.

Exercise A 4. The meal we ordered was cheaper than

expected. As,a result, we had extra money
'Air pollution can also be caused by natural
for dessert.
events such as wildfires and volcanic
eruptions. All these sources of air pollution 5. Thuzar completed the project successfully.
result in a rise in the amount of greenhouse As a consequence, she was promoted to
gases. This leads to an increase in global manager.
temperature, which brings about many 6. The weather forecast called for rain.
environmental problems such as floods, acid Consequently, he took his raincoat.
rain and ozone depletion.'
7. Nilar can play the drums well because she
Exercise B was trained by a professional drummer.
1. Cause: The severe cyclonic storm Nargis 8. a result the heavy rain, the roads
Effect: great damage were
2. Cause: Smoking
9. the exam with flying colours
Effect: lung cancer hard work.
3. Cause: The rise in globaltemperatures 1 extremely bad weather, the
Effect: the ice to melt football match was cancelled


7D Listening and Speaking As a result

Exercise A As a result
1. broken printer As a consequence
2. Electronic waste Exercise C
3. contaminate Accept any relevant answer.
4. toxic wastes
5. deadly chemicals
6. combustion
7. damage
8. pollution
Exerclso C
1. (a)
2, (b)
3. (c)
4. (b)
5. (c)
7E Wrltlng

Exorclso B
1. The main event is about the effects of
plastic pollution.
2. The effects of the main event are air
pollution, water pollution and land pollution.
3. The secondary effects of air pollution are
dangerous substances such as persistent
organic pollutants (POp) and other toxic
chemicals which are released into the air
by burning plastic and other types of waste.
/ The secondary effects of water pollution
are harmful chemicals that deposit in the
soil and ruin its quality of fertility and
mosquitoes and other insects that carry
harmful bacteria. / The secondary effects of
land pollution are that the marine creatures
mistakenly eat plastic for food and polluted
the water supply in the households.
4. due to


Unit 8 2. lt is essential for us to use renewable

energy instead of burning fossil fuels
8A Reading because the Earth is running out of fossil
fuels, which means that there is a need for
alternative sources of energy for use on a
Accept any relevant answers. scale.

Exerclse A 3. The two benefits of renewable energy are

that these energy sources can never run
1. emissions
out or are inexhaustible and they can be
2. adopt recovered or produced without causing
3. turbines COz emissions, air pollution and global
4. impact
4. The drawbacks of using hydropower are
5. climatologists that water turbines can have a negative
6. alarming effect on aquatic wildlife, building
hydropower dams causes land behind the
7. fossils dams to flood, and the costs of installing
8. greenhouse gases hydropower systems are high.
9. pollutants 5. Unlike hydropowel the process of creating
10. inexhaustible wind power is relatively cheap and is
considered one of the most affordable
Exerclse B forms of energy today.
1. Climatologists 6. Electricity is generated from the sun when
2. greenhouse gases sunlight hits the photovoltaic cells on
specially designed panels.
3. adopt
7. The benefits of using solar energy for the
4. fossil environment are that it helps control air
5. alarming pollution, it causes no noise, and the
sunlight is a renewable source that will not
6. impact get used up.
7. inexhaustible 8. Biomass is made from dead plant and
L turbines animal materials.
9. pollutants 9. lt takes hundreds of millions of years to
10. emissions form fossilfuels.

Exerclse C 10. The most active geothermal resources can

be found near volcanoes.
1. Examples of fossil fuels are coal, oil and
gas and we use them for our cars, trains, Exerclse D
planes, machines, appliances, and many (1) Cheap lnstatlation cost
other energy-consuming vehicles and
(2) lnexhaustible resource
(3) Using simple technotogy
(4) High lnstallation cost


(5) A large area of land is necessary 3. burn, pollute

(6) Causing Global warming 4. eat, grow
88 Vocabulary 5. doesn't rain, gets
Exercise A Exercise B
1. pollution
1. get, will earn
2. production 2. does not hurry, will miss
3. problem 3. gets, will be
4. fuel
4. will melt, do not take care
5. energy
5. will be, use
Exercise B
Exercise C
1. Fossil
1. fitted, would buy.
2. health 2. would not surprise, did not know
3. 4P6rsaative 3. would donate, were
4. light 4. owned, would drive
5. Food 5. were, would happen
Exercise C Exerclse D

1. conserve 1. had listened, would have heard

2. produces 2. would have come, had not been
3. had asked, would not have got
3. consumption
4. had prepared, would have Passed.
**=consewation - 5. had developed, would not have run out
5. green
Exercise E
6. Solar
1.i 2.a 3.e 4.9 5.b
7. Geothermal
6.h 7.j 8.c 9.f 10.d
8. prices
Exerclse F
9. wastes
1. lf she had not stayed at a hotel, it would not
10. Wind have cost her a lot.
8C Grammar 2. lf Kaythi were in Bagan, I could see her
Exorcice A
3. lf you had submitted your assignment in
1. dial, plays time, the teacher would not have punished
2. have, get you.



bfficard, he could buy a

4. lf he had a €r€ffi 8E Writing
Exercise B
5. lf Sue were in the office, she would answer
Accept any relevant answers.
the phone.
Exercise C
6. lf the waiters in that restaurant had served
well, I would have gone there. Accept any relevant answer.
Exerclse G
Accept any relevant answers.
8D Llstening and Speaking
Exercise A

1. Not Given 2. True 3. True

4. False 5. Not Given 6. True
7. False 8. True

Exerclse B
1. shortages
2. used up
3. non-polluting
4. wildlife
5. ecosystem
6. man-made
Exerclre C
I am not sure about that.

l'm sure
I have to side with you on that one.

That's true. Well. I think we're going to agree to

Excrclre D

Agreeing Disagreeing
I have to side with you I am not sure about
on that one. that.
That's true.
I think we're goingto
aoree to disaoree.


(l) 6
Unit 9
9A Reading Exercise B
1.8 2.8 3.D 4.A 5.D
1. Accept any relevant answers.
6.B 7.C 8.C 9.B 10.A
(Sample answer)
Yes, I do. I have seen a blind and deaf Exercise C
person who can learn a foreign language'
Part I

OR 1. Helen Keller was born in Tuscumbia,

I don't think so. lt will be very difficult for a Alabama on 27th June, 1880.
blind and deaf person to learn a language. 2. Helen became blind and deaf after her
2. Accept any relevant answers. illness.
(Sample answer) 3. Helen fought with other children and
sometimes hurt them.
Maybe. He / She can because he / she can
create music from his / her mind's ear. 4. The director of the Perkins lnstitute for the
Blind asked Annie Sullivan if she would like
to become Helen's teacher.
I have no idea.
5. The director of the lnstitute thought Annie
OR could teach language to Helen.
I don't think so. lt is impossible because Part ll
music is related to sense of hearing.
6. The idea of teaching a deaf-blind child
3. I think their intelligence / perseverance / made Annie feel excited.
hard work /positive thinking /
7. Helen grabbed Annie's suitcase and
acceptance / etc. makes them successful.
immediately pulled everything out of it.
8. Annie taught Helen language by spelling
Exercise A into Helen's hand, using a special alphabet.
(b) 4 9. According to the author, language means
(c) 3 the door to the world for Helen.
10. Annie wanted the Kellers to leave her alone
(d) I
with Helen because she could not teach
(e) 12 her anything if they just let her do whatever
(f) 10 she wanted.

(g) 11 Part lll

(h) 2 11.Annie wanted to live with Helen in the
guesthouse in the Kellers'garden because
(i) 13
she wanted Helen to depend on her for her
(i) 1 food, her clothes, everything.
(k) e


12. Helen's first word 'Wah - Wah, means 1. Please throw your rubbish away. Don't
'water'. leave it in the park.
13. The author says "The world was hers,, 2. lt is getting cold; you should put your
because Helen had a key to language. sweater on.
14. Helen was able to speak, read and write 3. l'm going to take my shoes off because
later. they're uncomfortable.

15. Accept any relevant answer. 4. I walked a lot, so I wore my shoes out
(Sample answer)
5. She turned the light off and went to bed.
I think so because he / she is intelligent.
9C Grammar
(OR) He /A good teacher can do it.
'16. ExerciseA
Accept any relevant answer.
(Sample answer)
1. let
I don't think so because it is hard to teach
2. made
language to a blind and deaf person. 3. felt
98 Vocabulary 4. help
Exercise A 5. listened to
2.c Exercise B
1 3.h 4.b 5.a
2. She heard him go out of the room.
7.d 8.e e.j 1o.g
3. I saw him dive into the river.
Exerclse B 4. The principal observed the students do an
1. come up with experiment in the laboratory.
2 put up with 5. From her bedroom window, Nu Nu watched
3. cut down on the police car leave the village.

4. keep up with Exercise C

5. do away with 1. e

6. get away with 2.d

Exercise C 3.a
1. (a) idiomatic (b) literal 4.b
2. (a) literal (b) idiomatic
Exerciee D
3. (a) Iiteral (b) idiomatic
1. to avoid
4. (a) idiomatic (b) literal
2. to buy
5. (a) literal (b) idiomatic
3. to keep
Exercise D
4. bring
5. use


6. to work Exerciee A
7. to help 1. Swe Swe is writing to Mie Mie.
8. break 2. The purpose of writing is to ask for
9. to be suggestions.

10. behave 3, The writer is thinking of giving up the exam

as she cannot concentrate on her lessons
Exercise E after recovering from pneumonia.
Accept any relevant answers. 4. Should I quit or carry on no matter what or
9D Listening and Speaking do something else? / ... you can tell me
what I should do.
Exercise A
Exercise B
1. Accept any relevant answers.
No matter how hard life is, we should never
2. Accept any relevant answers. give up, but carry on.
3. 1. Ludwig van Beethoven What you all need is to move forward and
2. Stephen Hawking cope with the problems that you are now
3. Helen Keller
Exercise C
4. Ludwig van Beethoven / Stephen Hawking /
Helen Keller 1. the purpose of the letter - to encourage a
Exercise B friend who is stressed out and depressed
due to physical weakness after recovering
1. The speakers are the Host of the TV from pneumonia.
programme of the lnternational Day of
Disabled Persons Contest 2022, and five
2. a personal touch - Do you remember - |
contestants - Nay Nay, Nyi Nyi, Moe Moe,
had severe flu before the final exam of
Grade 6? I could not study well even after I
Nyein Chan and Shwe Yee.
had recovered. I was totally down and
2. They are talking about famous people who didn't know what to do. Because of your
were disabled, help and encouragement, I was able to
Exercise C take the exam.
3. an inspirational quote - "success is not
1. False 2. False 3. False final; failure is not fatal: lt is the courage to
4. True 5. True continue that counts." By Winston S.
Exerclse D 4. what you can do for him / her - Let me
1.2023 know anything I can do for you. Remember
I will always be there for you.
3. development
4. deaf
5. mind's ear
9E Wrltlng


Review 3
3. do
4. to play
Exercise A
5. laugh
1. She needs a job because she has to
support her parents.
6. draw
2. The water in the lake was contaminated 7. to participate
with chemicals. As a result, many villagers 8. crawl
suffered from diarrhoea.
Exercise E
3. His computer stopped working due to an Accept any relevant answers
attack by a virus.
4. La Wun got a Mac-book air laptop from her Poem 3
parents as a result of passing the exam
with flying colours. Exercise {
5. The old woman took her medicine regularly. Accept any relevant answers
As a consequence, she got better.
Exercise 3
Exerciee B
1. There are four stanzas and five lines in
1. Digital each stanza in the poem.
2. deforestation 2. Two roads are mentioned in the poem. The
poet's dilemma is that he does not know
3. industrialisation
which road to choose to move forward.
4. fossil
3. These two roads diverged in a yellow
5. Urbanisation wood.
6. energy 4. The poet took the road that was just as fair
7. emit and appeared to have better claim because
it was grassy and wanted wear.
8. conserve
Exercise C
5. The connotative meaning of the word 'road'
used in the poem means 'life and choices
1. rises one has to make in life'.
2. had not consumed 6. The poet knew that the road was less
3. will be travelled by because no step had trodden it
4. would not have been
7. The message of the poet is that people are
5. are installed more inc\ineU to lrlstity'ineir past choices
Exerclse D even when justification is unnecessary.

1. to stay Exerclse 4
2. to eat Accept any relevant answer.


whose language he or she does not know

Unit 10
will attest to.

10A Reading 3. Communication skills are important in our

Pre-reading social dealings because they can improve
the relationship or worsen it.
Accept any relevant answers.
Exercise A
4. A person with a higher position needs more
expertise in communication as he or she
1. facial expressions has to interact with a wide spectrum of
2. tone of voice people, including those from other coun-
tries and cultures, in different situations.
3. eye contact
4. choice of word 5. Most of the young people in cities spend
their time more with their cell phones
5. sentence patterns playing games, and surfing the net, than
6. the organisation of texts talking with other people.
Exercise B
6. According to the writer, the two reasons
2. to adjust the style of one's language and why young people need to be trained are to
topics overcome their shyness and reticence to
3. to interact on a wide range of topics talk with persons of different generations
and to make appropriate use of the polite
4. to adjust the length of one's interaction
forms traditionally used in conversing with
5. to make it comprehensible to the audience older persons and more formal contexts.
6. not to be regarded as dominating the 7. The best place to train young people to
interaction too much
develop communication skills is the home"
Exercise C
8. Parents need to talk with their children as
1. phone, e-mail and video conferencing
often as possible not only to stay con-
2. the style and colour of one's clothes and nected with them but also to develop their
hair; the use of certain kinds of jewellery, language skills.
make-up, lipstick, perfume, etc.
9. The advantages of parental talk are that
Exercise D children can enrich their stock of voca-
1. The purpose of using indirectness in bulary and sentence patterns and at the
communication is to communicate different same time, develop critical thinking, satisfy
shades of meaning including the opposite their curiosity about their surroundings and
of what is said. expand their knowledge about the world
around them.
2. According to the passage, communication
skills are regarded as a vital life skill in the 10. We are required to use polite language in
21st century because it would be extremely talking with other people to show our
difficult to fulfil even our most basic needs regard for the audience and to create
and wants, as anyone who has had the rapport.
expe?ience of travelling in a foreign country


l0B Vocabulary 4. I will come with you in order to help you.

Exerclse A 5. You grust take an umbrella so that you will
not get wet.
1.d 2.c 3.e 4.t
6. ff" ggnli to finish his homework today in
5.b 6.9 7.h 8.a order that he rgllbe free at the weekends.

Exerclse B
7. The teacher spokE-slowly so thal the
€{ibtur." down thl nTlil-
1. interact
8. Concentrate on your exercises not to make
2. informative any mistake.
3. information 9. She does not eat much not to gain weight.
4. comprehensible 10. We are saving money in order to go to
5. translate Bangkok on holiday.
6. interpret 11. Ko Aung drives very carefully in order to
avoid accidents.
7. conversation
12.They surfed the internet in order to gather
8. communication
more information for their assignment.
{0C Grammar
lOD Listening and Speaking
Exercise A
1. to
1. 2.a 3.s 4. 5.u
2. so that
Exercise B
3. to
1. False
4. to
2. True
5. so that 3. True
6. to 4. True
7. so that 5. False
8. to 6. True
7. False
L so that
8. False
10. so that
l0E tlUriting
Exercise B
Exercise A
1. Mum whispered not to wake up her Accept any relevant answers.
Exercise B
2. I took my camera to take s-ome photos for
my assignment. Accept any relevant answer.
3 Lwin Lwin tU*eJ-on the tights
.ori9r"" --r she
miElearty. 6-th)


5. The boy didn't follow what his father was

Unit 11
reading to him because he did not want his
father to stay beside him.
11A Reading
6. The father went hunting when the boy was
Pre-reading resting in bed.
Accept any relevant answers 7. The boy refused to let anyone come into
the room because he did not want them to
Exercise A get what he had. / he did not want them to
2. "No, l'm all right." ... suffer like him.
"l'm all right," he said.
8. The father explained to his son about the
3. "You don't have to stay here with me, Papa, two different thermometers by telling the
if it bothers you." difference between the two kinds of
thermometers - the different temperatures
4. I thought perhaps he was a little light- in Celsius and Fahrenheit.
headed (and after giving him the prescribed
capsule at eleven o'clock I went out for a L Accept any relevant answer.
while). 10. The story's title 'A Day's Wait' is about the
5. lt was a bright, cold day, the ground day when the boy spent waiting to die'
covered with a sleet that had frozen so that Exercise C
it seemed as if all the bare trees, the
bushes, the cut brush and all the grass and a.8 b.1 c.6 d.9 e.4 f.3
the bare ground had been varnished with
ice. g. 10 h. 11 i.7 j.5 k.2
6. ... started back pleased to have found a
covey close to the hquse and happy there Exercise D
were so many left to find on another day'
No. Stages of plot Events
7. "... lt'; like miles and kilometers. You aren't
going to die. That's a different thermometer. 2 rising action k,f,e,j,c,i,a
On that thermometer thirty-seven is normal.
3 climax d
On this kind it's ninetY-eight."
falling action g
8. The hold over himself relaxed too, finally, 4
and the next day it was very slack ... 5. resolution h
Exercise B
118 Vocabulary
1. The setting of the short story 'A Day's Wait'
is created with a room with open windows. Exercise A
2. The boy was shivering and his face was Symptoms
white when his father saw him. 1. acid condition
3. The father knew his son had a high 2. headache
temperature by putting his hand on his
forehead. 3. lightheaded
4. The doctor gave the boy three different Types of illness
medicines: one wa6 to bring down the
fever, another a purgative and the third to 4. pneumonia
overcome an acid condition. 5. influenza (flu)


2. To get to the shopping mall, you must turn
6. pills left.

7. capsules 3. Along the way to my uncle,s house, I saw

several sunflowers.
L purgative
4. Sitting down in his armchair, he opened
Exerclse B the textbook.
1. acid condition 5. To prevent soil erosion, we should plant
2. fever more trees.
3. light-headed 6. By a small apple tree, the old woman was
going to rest.
4. influenza (flu)
5. headache 7. Standing completely still, U Soe listened to
the footsteps coming towards him.
6. medicines 8. Driving to work, she saw a busking
7. capsule musician.
8. Pneumonia 9. At the end of the day, I was completely
9. symptoms exhausted.
10. To have lunch with her friends, Nilar went
10. sickness to
a restaurant.
11C Grammar
11D Llotentng and Speaklng
Exerclge A
Exerelse A
1. were
'The Snows of Kilimanjaro,
2. has not slept
take-home assignment
3. were
4. had been
A little learning is a dangerous thing.
5. had had
Exerclce B
Exerclse B
2. as if / as though I were a child 1.c 2.c 3.a 4.a S.c
3. as if / as though they had seen a ghost Exerclse C
4. as if / as though I had wings and I could fly
5. as if / as though they were his children
1. True 2. False 3. False

6. as if / as though she were his best friend 4. True 5. True

7. as if / as though the grass and the bare Exercise D
ground haO figr-been ,ainlsf,eJ *itf, i."
Accept any relevant answers.
8, as if / as though he came from a big city
9. as if / as though they owned a hotel Exercise E
10. as if / as though they were not greafly Accept any relevant answers.
appreciated 11E Writing
Exercise C Exercise A
1. Near the riverbank, we set up a camp. Accept any relevant answer.


4. Jose was hesitant to respond to Emma's

Unit 12 request for a date because in his homeland
Brazil, it is unusual for a woman to start
12A Reading
asking for a date.
5. The gesture 'holding up the index flnger'
Accept any relevant answers. does not mean the same in ltaly and in the
U.S. because in the U.S., it means "We are
No. 1", while it is an offensive manner in
1. (c) 2. (a) 3. (d) 4. (b) Italy.

6. Lee Yoo-Mi was not happy with the name

Exercise B which her Myanmar friend used to call her
because she felt a bit uncomfortable when
1. True 2, False 3. False 4. True
her friend used her family name 'Lee'.
5. Not Stated 6. True 7. True
7. According to the author, we can get to a
better world by raising intercultural
Exercise G awareness among us.
1. discipline 8. Accept any relevant answer.
2. subtle 128 Vocabulary
3. diverse Exercise A
4. perceive ,1. food (or) curry
5. affect 2. symbol (peace)
6. initiates 3. art (dance)
7. gesture 4. handicraft
Exercise D 5. national costume
1. lntercultural communication is important in 6. festival (Thingyan)
the 21st Century World because there has Erercise B
been more contact among people who are
from different religious, social, ethnic and 1. food
educational backgrounds.
2. dance
2. lntercultural communication is a discipline
3. art
that studies communication across different
cultures and social groups, or how culture 4. festivals
affects communication.
5. handicrafts
3. Japanese colleagues avoided saying 'no'
directly to Megan when she asked for some
6. symbols
suggestions on her lecture because they 7. norms
felt that saying 'no' directly would make
Megan embarrassed or even make her lose
8. beliefs
face. 9. traditions
10. values



Exercise G Exercise B
1. symbol (1) which
2. norms (2) why
3. tradition (3) that
4. rituals (4) where
5. value (5) who
Exercise D
(6) when
1. e
(7) who
Enercise G
4.t 1. Nestle which is a multinational food
manufacturer produces dairy products,
5.d coffee and confectionery.
Nestle which produces dairy products,
7. j
coffee and confectionery is a multinational
8.b food manufacturer.
2. Pathein Htee which many foreigners buy as
10. i
a souvenir is a beautiful Myanmar
Exercise E
Jraditional parasol.
1. dealing with
3. The photo which Mg Mg Oo took won the
2. brings back first prize in the lnternational photography
3. get together Competition.
4. ask for 4. The parents whom we interviewed were
5. hang out really eager to improve education for their
6. depends on children.
7. set up 5. Don't take the money that does not belong
8. gone through to you.
9. puts up with Exercise D
10. come fonrvard
1. This is the village where I was born.
12C Grammar
2. The reason why patricia came to Myanmar
Exercise A is to visit the Myeik Archioelaoo.
2. discioline @ -S.+-di--'
3. Thadingyut is the Lighting Festival of
3. -puriPo.,t-"glUf.f
Myanmar when many Myanmar people
redd@ decorate the buildings with colourful paper


4. Do you know the reason why the souvenir

shop is closed today?

5. She writes a guidebook which has pictures

of scenic spots in Myanmar.

12D Listening and Speaking

Exercise A

1. ln the picture, we can see people, snow

statues, ice slides, etc.

2. People are taking photos of the snow

statues. / People are enjoying ice sliding.

3. I think they are in Japan.

Exercise B
1. The conversation is about the Sapporo
Snow Festival.
2. Nan Su went to Japan and she stayed
there for a month.
Exercise C
1. Festival
2. two
3. buildings
4. performances
5. enjoyed
6. snow
7. foods
8. fruits
Exercise D

1. .( 2. .{ 3. 4. 5.
6. T. .{ 8. r' 9. r' fi..t
11 . 12. 13. 14. ,(
12E tflrltlng
Accept any relevant answer.


Review 4 Poem 4

Exercise A Exercise I
1. informative Accept any relevant answers.

2. interact Exercise 3

3. comprehensible 1. The poem is about a man riding a horse on

a windy night.
4. translated
2. The man was riding by late in the night.
5. communicate 3. The line "when the fires are out?" means
6. epidemic that all the lights are extinguished by the
blowing wind.
7. white-faced
4. The high wind is hinting at a storm
8. prescribed approaching.
Exercise B 5. The trees are crying aloud because they
1. are afraid of the storm.

2. so that 6. The ships are tossed at sea on a windy

3. in order not to 7. The word 'gallop' is repeated five times for
4. so that emphasis.

5. so as to 8. The rhyme scheme of the poem is

Exercise G
9. A six-line stanza is called a sestet.
1. which / that
10. The pggt qvglts_lo^give^the message that
2. who / whom th"ffinahorsehas
enough courage to continue hisjourney
3. which / that even though the weather is unfavourable.
4. which / that Exercise 4
5. why Accept any relevant answer.
Exercise D
1. get together

2. bring back
3. hang out
4. dealwith
5. set up


lV. Audio Scripts

manners like us. ln Japan, you
Unit 1: GOOD MANNERS should take off your shoes when
entering a house. And remember to
Presenter: Hello! Welcome to our programme
place them neatly together facing
'The Traveller's Guide'. Last month,
the door you came in.
we asked our listeners who had
planned to go abroad to send us Presenter:That sounds like good advice for
their questions about good you, U Nyi Nyi. Our next caller is
manners in other countries. We've Ko Kyaw Moe who is going to
invited our travel expert Ko Thura Russia on business next week. He
to answer the questions. Welcome wants to know if there is any
to the programme, Ko Thura. important thing he should not do in
Ko Thura: Thank you,
Ko Thura: Absolutely, Ko Kyaw Moe. The
Presenter: Letls start our programme. So, Ko
most important one to remember is
Thura, the first question is from
not to shake hands in a doorwaY.
Daw Thin Thin, who is going to
Also don't leave empty bottles on
travel to Thailand next month. She
the dinner table in Russia - that's
wants to know what she should do
bad luck.
when she first meets Thai people.
Presenter:Thank you, Ko Thura. And we've
Ko Thura: Well, Daw Thin Thin, most of the got time for one more question.
time shaking hands will be fine.
But, when someone gives you a
This is from Ma Nilar from
Mandalay. She's going to South
'wai' that is a small bow with the
Korea on holiday. She would like to
hands held together close to the
know how she should behave when
body, you must do like this. lf the
she meets the Korean people for
person is from lower social status
the first time.
than you, or she is younger than
you, for example, a salesgirl, you Ko Thura: Well, Ma Nilar. The most important
shouldn't return the 'wai'. thing to remember is that South
Koreans like to bow a lot. As You
Presenter: Very useful advice, Ko Thura. The
are a foreigner, you won't be
second question comes from U Nyi
expected to do so. But, it is a good
Nyi who is going to Japan at the
way of showing respect to them.
end of this month. He asks if there
The deeper you bow, the haPPier
is anything he should or shouldn't you are.
do in Japan.
Presenter: Very interesting, Ko Thura. Thank
Ko Thura: OK, U Nyi Nyi. The Japanese
you for your patience and joining
culture is slightly different from the
lMyanmar culture. When the
Japanese meet new people, they Ko Thura: My pleasure.
like giving business cards, but you
need to read the card carefully, not
just put it in your pocket. And never
blow your nose in public areas. But
the Japanese have the same




Student 1: I love playing football with my Nutrition is the study of (nutrients) in

friends.I usually play football food, how the body uses them, and the
after school mostly in the relationship between diet and nutrition. ln
playground but sometimes in the other words, it is the study of food and its
street. When my team wins, for (effects) on the body. Therefore, we need

example, it doesn't always to consume a (varied) diet to obtain a

variety of nutrients.
happen, but when it does, l'm
really happy. A nutritionist focuses on how we can use
(dietary) choices to reduce the risk of
Student 2: I love being with my friends.
disease, what happens if we have too
Eating out with friends is a great
much or too little of a nutrient, and how
time for me. We usually have a
allergies (work).
chat about friends, movies, and
Nutrients provide nourishment. Proteins,
families - this makes us forget
fibres, vitamins and water are all
all our problems. And we enjoy
nutrients. lf we do not have the right
ou rselves, reducing all the (balance) of nutrients in our diet, our risk
stress we have at school.
of developing ce(ain diseases increases.
Student 3 Happiness is when I'm in a a diet that is rich in plant-
worry-free state at weekends, I
based foods, and that limits added
can enjoy reading a good novel animal (fats), processed foods, and
with a cup of hot coffee. I really added sugar and salt is most likely to
benefit us. We should follow a (specific)
enjoy spending time like this at
eating plan in which we focus on certain
weekends, not thinking about
foods and avoid others in order to obtain
busy weekdays at school. Just
all the necessary (vitamins) to maintain
living on my own makes me
our health.
really happy.
Nutritionists use ideas from molecular
Student 4 The thing that makes me really biology, biochemistry and genetics to
happy is going shopping. I like it understand how nutrients affect the
when I go out shopping for the human body. They learn about (nutrition)
things I really want. Even if I through self-study or formal education.
don't find the things that I want They often work in the food industry as
to buy, I do the window shopping well as in food science and technology.
and come back home with


by telling them jokes or doing something funny.

Unit 4: EMOTIONAL WELL'BEING It really works. People feel better afterwards,
and they don't need medicine.
Good morning, everyone. Today, l'm here to tell,
about isjaking
you about some strategies to deal with stress.
regular exercise. To reiluce stitiss, we should
You probably know that stress is considered to
starr6ilefe6i6irig three or four times a week. H
be the disease of the 21st century. According to
Walking, cycling and swimming are good ways
a recent study, about 86% of the world's of exercising. People who exercise regularly
population have experienced stress at some
are less likely to suffer from heart disease,
time in their lives. Major life-changing events D
diabetes, stroke and some cancers. We will
such as moving house, marriage or the death
of a loved one may bring about stress. Not
live longer and be healthier by exercising
getting enough sleep for a long time or working
long hours can also cause high levels of stress. @d like to recommend is
'keeping a mood journal'. This means writing
Now we will look at the effects of stress. Stress
down your feelings and your responses to
can cause emotional problems and can lead to
them. lt can help you uncover some disruptive
depression. Stress can also affect us physically
patterns. Keep your journal with you and jot
- we can put on or lose weight over a short down your intense emotions oi feelings as they
period of time. As a result of high levels of
happen. This is really a useful strategy to
stress, we may suffer from headaches,
reduce stress.
stomachaches, insomnia and even heart
Well, basically, when people feel stressed out,
they don't know what to do with their stress - Unit 5: COLOURS
they don't deal with it very well. But we have a l
number of strategies to dealwith our stress. Host: Colours influence everything from
our appetite to our productivity. So
Let us start with the first one - mindfulness. here to tell us what the four most
Ivlindfulness is*-piying careful aiiffiffi-to popular colours truly mean, we are
what's happening right now. lt helps us to find
delighted to welcome a colour
the right way to manage the ups and downs,of psychologist Dr. Thiri.
our emotions. lt also helps to clear the mind
and reduce tension. Just as we can build Dr. Thiri: Good to see you. Thanks for having
muscles through regular exercise, we .can me.
develop a sense of emotional well-being Host: Colours really do send a message
through mindfulness. without being overt, and also tell
There's another strategy - laughter. lt is often you about your own mood and hrw
siiamat-iau6hterts*thdbest med icine. Well, if your mood, productivitY, etc. can be
people laugh about something, they feel better. changed by colours. So let's start
When you laugh, your bodY Produces with the colour red. What does it
chemicals, and these chemicals make you feel say if you wear red or if You have
happier.'And they also make you feel less pain. red in your home?
So, in many countries, for example, doctors Dr. Thiri: So, red is the colour of passion. lt
use laughter as a strategy in hospitals. A group can also represent aggression. lt's
of people go around the hospital, visiting the a great colour for a female to wear
patients, and basically, they make them laugh,



because it draws attention. Dr. Thiri: Absolutely right. BIue makes you
Interestingly, red is also an appetite feel more productive.
stimulant, so if you use a red plate
Host: And, finally, purple.
while eating, it will make you want
to eat more. Dr. Thiri: This is the perfect colour to pair
with grey. Purple is the colour of
Host: Really? I see. This must be a
luxury royalty and wisdom. lt is
reason why a lot of fast-food
used for gift wrapping, yes, if you
restaurants use red.
want your gift to seem expensive.
Dr. Thiri: Absolutely yes. It stimulates your Yes, that's a great idea because it
digestion. Okay and then grey. makes you feel like you are
Grey is sort of the opposite of red, receiving a really expensive luxury.
you know. lt's a very neutral colour. As purple is not commonly found in
But it's a little bit more passive. For nature, it can appear exotic or
example, if I have to talk about a artificial at times. As a result, it has
serious topic, I often wear grey so a strong opposing effect. People
that the listener can focus more on either adore or hate the colour
what I'm saying as opposed to like purple. The colour can't necessarily
grabbing attention. Howevel I am dictate your behaviour but it can
wonied if you paint your walls grey, help you.
it gives you a sort of passive low-
Host: That's fascinating. Thanks for your
energy feeling. So grey is not a
informative talk.
good thing to have in abundance.
What will be the next colour?
Host: Should we change the story with Unit 6: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE
A self-driving car, also known as
Dr. Thiri: Yes, blue is the colour of the sky
'driverless car', is a vehicle which can
and the ocean. Nearly 33 percent
of businesses use blue as their operate without a human driver. lt has
primary brand colour. That's machine learning systems and powerful
because blue signals trust, loyalty, processors which can run the software.
and security. Another important
thing to consider is that blue is The sensors in a driverless car can
overwhelmingly the dominant detect the environment of the car. The
favourite colour of both men and acceleration, braking, and steering
women. lf you wear blue, it's a actuators can make the car move.
great colour to indicate that you are
calm and you know what you are Here is how a driverless car operates. lt
doing. On top of that, blue conveys first creates a map of its surroundings
strength and dependability. based on a variety of sensors, which are
Host: Let's say if you painted your office fixed in different parts of the car. Radar
wall blue, it would help you have sensors check the positions of nearby
more work done. vehicles. Video cameras detect traffic
lights; read road signs; track other
vehicles and pedestrians using the


road. Light detection and rang- Unit 7: P0LLUTION: A tlA?ARn T0 OUn

ing sensors, called lidar, sends out the ENVIRONMENT
light to measure.distances, detect road
edges, and identify lane markings. Khant Hpone: Hi, 'Kaung Htet. You look so
tired. What have you got in
Ultrasonic sensors in the wheels detect that bag?
obstacles, pavements and other vehicles
Kaung Htet: Hello, Khant Hpone. They are
when the car stops or parks. my old UPS and a broken
printer. l'm not going to use
Like any other inventions, driverless cars
them anymore because I've
have their advantages and got new ones.
disadvantages. Aithou$h they can drive
Khant Hpone: You are going to throw them
themselves, human passengers need to
away, aren't you?
take control of them. Light detection and
ranging sensors, or lidars, are very Kaung Htet: Right! l'll put them in the
expensive. Moreover, it is necessary to
improve the sensors' capability to keep Khant Hpone: Oh, no. Electronic waste like
the right balance between range and this is non-biodegradable. lf
they are brought to a landfill
resolution. ln the heavy rain or snow, it site, they won't break down
will be, difficult for a driverless car to and will remain on the land for
identify the lane markings. Another at least 50 years. That's why,
drawback is that it is not very clear who is deadly chemicals from e-waste
responsible for the accidents caused by a will contaminate the soil and
leak into water bodies.
driverless car - the manufacturer or the
owner or the humgn passenger. Kaung Htet: Hmm. I might be responsible
for land and water pollution.
On'the other hand, self-driving cars have
Khant Hpone: Sure! Do you notice that we
their own advantages. The elderly and produce about 40 million tons
the disabled can travel in their own cars of electronic waste every year
without depending on drivers. Another worldwide but only 12.5 of
advantage is it is safer to travel in a them are recycled? So it
driverless car than in an ordinary car. means among the whole toxic
wastes all over the world, e-
Driverless cars can reduce the number of
waste comprises 70% of toxic
accidents caused by human error. waste.
Moreover, they can lower COz emissions.
Kaung Htet: Toxic waste! How can e-waste
By 2050, self-driving cars will reduce be harmful to our life?
traffic congestion; cut transportation
Khant Hpone: These electronic things contain
costs by 40o/o; free up parking lots for
chemicals like mercury
other uses, and reduce urban ' deadly
lead and arsenic. As You've
COz emissions by 80% worldwide. lt is learnt "in science lessons,
hqped that, with driverless cars, the combustion of e-waste emits
future of our transportation system will gases which can damage our
dramatically change for the better. central nervous system and
kidneys. What a surPrise! Even
lower levels of lead can


damage a child's mental collected from sunlight, wind, water,

development. biomass, biogas, biofuel and geothermal
Kaung Htet: Oh, lsee. They're really heat. Renewable energy sources rely
harmful to us. But our mainly on nature and they are
apartment is quite small and unpredictable. However, they are clean and

have no space to keep these environmentally friendly. Thus scientists are

old gadgets. What should striving to produce more renewable energy

do? in the future.

Khant Hpone: lf I were you, I would give them Renewable energy has a positive impact on
to other people who were in the environment. lt is worthwhile to consider
need. I usually post my e-waste renewable energy to be an alternative that
on the website like 'Freecycle'. helps tackle the issue of climate change.
ln this way, I can give my old Renewable energy is produced from
one to a person in need. There resources that naturally restore themselves
is also an alternative. and are never used up. On the other hand,
non-renewable energy emits carbon dioxide
Kaung Htet: lnteresting. What's that? and greenhouse gases, leading to global
Khant Hpone: You can send it to a certified warming and climate change. ln addition, air
e-waste recycler. Then it will pollution is harmful to health and causes
be recycled in a safe and
premature deaths of mankind while
responsible way. renewable energy is green, clean, and non-
polluting. Renewable energy has several
Kaung Htet: Wow! Great idea. That's a advantages, yet it also has some
good way to prevent environ- disadvantages. People are building
mental pollution. l'll use these infrastructure to fulfil the needs for energy
ways instead of throwing my consumption. Producing renewable energy
old things away. Thanks a lot. could harm wildlife and animal migration.
Bye! For instance, people but down trees and
Khant Hpone: Don't mention it. l'll contact build dams to generate renewable energy.
you if I find those who are in This causes negative impacts on the natural
need. Bye! habitats and thus could damage the
ecosystem. Therefore, we must build
renewable energy infrastructure without
UNit B: RENEWABLE ENERGY disturbing the ecosystem. Additionally, the
manufacturing of machinery for generating
With the high demand of consumers around renewable energy results in greenhouse
the world, it is vital to meet energy gas emissions. However, it is just a small
consumption. Our society almost entirely amount of greenhouse gas emissions
depends on the extraction of natural compared to other man-made activities like
resources including petroleum, soil burning fossil fuels.
nutrients, freshwater supplies, and so on. To conclude, renewable energy is gradually
Eventually, this would lead to resource taking a significant role in environmental
shortages for future generations. Certain perspectives and it is all around us to fulfil
energy resources such as coal, fuel, and our energy needs. lt is undeniable that
gas are running out in the future if they are renewable energy makes our lives better.
extracted without any proactive actions to
preserve them. On the one hand, renewable
energy resources are inexhaustible.
Renewable energy is energy that is


deaf-blind person who was the first

Unit 9: HELEN KELLER to get a university degree?
Nyi Nyi: I think that was Hellen Keller.
TV Programme on lnternational Day of
Disabled Persons Contest 2023 Host: Correct. Hellen Keller was the first
deaf-blind graduate in the world. st
Music playing: Beethoven's Piano Concerto
My third question is "Do you know
the name of a famous music Hr

Host: Hello, everyone. Welcome to our composer with hearing

programme: The lnternational DaY impairment?" Contestant 3 [\tloe
of Disabled Persons Contest 2023. Moe, please?
We are here todaY to hold a contest
Moe Moe: That's Ludwig Van Beethoven. His
in celebration of lnternational Day
Piano Concerto No. 5, 'EmPeror'is
of Disabled Persons 2023. We my favourite. I heard it PlaYing
have five brilliant high school
when I came into this room.
students here with us to take the
test. Let me introduce them first. Host: Fantastic! Beethoven was a
From the left: Contestant 1 NaY famous music comPoser. He could
Nay, Contestant 2 NYi NYi; in the create a new form of music after
middle Contestant 3 Moe trfdt, and turning deaf. ActuallY, Beethoven
on the right, Contestant:4 iNyein composed five very famous Piano
Chan and Contestant 5 Sf,tvYetYee. concertos. Now this is Your turn,
Nyein Chan. [My question is "How
Nay Nay, Nyi Nyi, Moe Moe, Nyein Chan and
Shwe Yee: Mingalarbar!
can a person with hearing
impairment like Beethoven
Host: Today, I am going to ask You 20 compose such a great Piece of
questions related to the music?"
lnternational Day of Disabled
Nyein Chan: Well, I have heard of Beethoven
Persons and also famous PeoPle
from my father, who is a musician.
with disability. The contestants will
take turn to answer mY questions.
Most peoPle think comPosing
music is related to the sense of
ls that clear to you?
hearing. ln mY oPinion, Beethoven
Nay Nay, Nyi Nyi, Moe Moe, Nyein Chan and couldn't relY on the sounds of the
Shwe Yee: Yes, we are. outside world. lt seems he
Host: OK. Here we go! Contestant 1 Nay continued to hear music in his
Nay, what was the theme of the mind's ear even though he was
lnternational DaY of Disabled physically deaf.
Persons Contest 2022? Host: Perfect. Actually, his loss of hearing
Nay Nay: The theme was 'Transformative could not stop him from comPosing
solutions for inclusive development: beautiful music like these
the role of innovation in fuelling an concertos- lt is said that Beethoven
accessible and equitable world'. produced his most Powerful Piano
concertos after he had become
Host: Very good! Next, Contestant 2 Nyi deaf. He composed altogether 5
Nyi, can you tell me the name of a piano concertos.




Now, I have a question for Shwe talking to someone in an unhurried

Yee. Do you know the name of a manner gives him or her time to absorb
physically disabled scientist, who what you've said.
was famous for his discovery that
black holes emit radiation? The next point is eye contact. lt's
important for you to make eye contact
Shwe Yee: That's Dr Stephen Hawking.
with the person you're talking with.
Host: Bingo! Well, his discovery has Maintaining eye contact with someone
made the study of black holes a means you're interested in him or her, or
success. (The voice fades away.) you pay attention to what he or she is
Let me get back to Nay Nay. ... saying.

And, last but not least, you shouldn't

Unit 10: WHY IMPROVE interrupt while someone is talking.
lnterrupting someone makes him or her
feel unimportant.
Good afternoon, everyone. Today, l'd like
to talk about some useful guidelines for All in all, you should be careful to follow
effective communication. The first point these guidelines when you communicate
to be careful about is body language, with others. So check yourself with these
including gestures. Remember, when you points to determine whether you are a
communicate with someone, it's not just good communicator or not.
the words that convey a message. Your
body language also gives a message to Unit 11: A DAY'S WAIT
him or her. For example, if you stand with
your back half-tumed to him or her, or Yoon Yati: Hi! Sandy, where are you going?
you constantly look away while you're
talking, your body language shows that
Sandy: Hi! Yoon. I'ni going to the library. I
want to renew this book so that I
you don't pay attention to or you're not
can finish it at the weekend. If
interested in a conversation. Moreover, you're free, would you like to
while you're talking with someone, you accompany me?
should not scratch your head, tap your
Yoon Yati: Actually, I borrowed a documentary
fingers on the table, or play with pens.
fllm yesterday. Anyway, I will come
You may have such manners along with you.
unintentionally but they can be quite
annoying to him or her, and he or she Sandy: OK, Let's go.
may think what you are saying is Yoon Yati: What would you like to borrow?
Sandy: As a matter of fact, I haven't
The second point is speaking too fast. decided yet. l'll browse the shelf,
This is one of the most common first. And what are you going to
communication barriers. lf you speak too borrow? I mean - short stories,
fast, the person you communicate with novellas or novels.
won't be able to catch up the important Yoon Yati: I prefer short stories and novellas
message you're conveying. Actually, as they are not as thick as novels.


Sandy: I usually read books that are not long as we breathe in and breathe
difficult to understand. out.
Yoon Yati: By the way, what's the tifle of the Yoon Yati: Well, I've got an idea. I would try
book that you're holding? reading his novella 'The Old Man
Sandy: lt's Hemingway's 'Nick Adam and the Sea'.
Stories'. Sandy: Great! lt's about a story of an old
Yoon Yati: ls he the same author who wrote 'A man who suffered considerable
Day's Wait'? hardship. Hemingway won the
Pulitzer Prize for the fiction. I hope
Sandy: Yes, of course. He is a novelist, you'd like it.
short-story writer and journalist.
Yoon Yati: Which one will you borrow?
Yoon Yati: l've heard of him. He faced a
lifelong battle against depression, Sandy: For me, I will renew and finish
alcoholism and mental health reading this book, first, I have to do
issues. These life experiences were my take-home assignment tonight.
reflected in his literary works. Yoon Yati: Oh, we haven't noticed we are in
What's more, most of the front of the reception desk. Let's
sentences he used were simple, take out our library cards.
direct and plain. And he did not
give the reader all the information Sandy: There's complete silence.
about his characters. So the reader Yoon Yati: Yeah, I like this atmosphere.
needs to uncover his stories more.
Sandy: Me, too.
This style of writing made him
Sandy: l've read some of his works like COMMUNICATION
'The Snows of Kilimanjaro', ,Hitts
like White Elephants' and 'Cat in Yadanar: lt's nice to see you here again. Did
the Rain'. I really enjoy reading his you have a good time in Japan?
short stories. Nan Su: Oh, it's great! I stayed there for a
Yoon Yati: I find 'A Day's Wait' interesting. As month.
far as l'm concerned, the main Yadanar: Did you? Lucky you! Did you visit
character stayed in France and any famous places there?
later he moved to America. He
failed to notice the different Nan Su: Yes, quite a number of famous
measurement systems of body places. lvisited Hokkaido in
temperature in these two countries. February to enjoy the Sapparo
He was terribly shocked when he Snow Festival.
overheard the doctor say his Swan Htet: Really? That sounds amazing.
temperature was 102. This reminds
Yadanar: What kind of festival is it?
me of the first line of a poem by
Alexander Pope - 'A litfle learning Nan Su: lt's a snow festival annually held in
is a dangerous thing'. Sapparo. About two million people
Sandy: That's why we need to read more,
came to see hundreds of snow
statues and ice sculptures in the
learn more and explore more as


Odori Park. The lnternational Snow

Sculpture Contest was also held in
the park.
Yadanar: Wow! lnteresting! What did you see
Nan Su: Statues of famous buildings, well-
known people, popular events and
so on, Around 400 in total. There're
a number of stages made of snow!
Some musical performances were
held on those stages.
Swan Htet: What a great ideal What did you
do there? Did you sing on the
Nan Su: No way! But we enjoyed the long
snow and ice slides, We also
walked through a huge maze made
of snow.
Swan Htet: That's amazing! I wish I were also
Yadanar: Me too! By the way, did you try any
Japanese specialties?
Nan Su: Yes, I did. Hokkaido is famous for a
variety of local foods Sushi,
Sashimi, Lamb BBQ, Hokkaido
Ramen ... and fresh fruitg such as
peaches, chenies and blueberries.
Yadanar: That's really wonderful! Did you buy
anything as a souvenir of
Nan Su: Sure, I did! Ice statues, but they
melted on the way back home ...
Just kidding.


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