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Thank you for choosing our products,our products will create more
value for your business.
DL-300 pillow packing machine is a full servo new packaging
machine,high precision, low nolse, in order to better help you,please read
the manual carefully, and stricthy in accordance with the procedures
If you have any problems in the product use,please contact the
product supplier or after-sales service department.We would like to serve
you wholeheartedly. If you have any Suggestions for us,please kindly
give feedback to our company QQ1064266187.We will accept your
comments in a humble way and continue to Improve and update the
product technology and service.

We firmly believe that: with your participation, wewill continue to

progress, we will be in scientific and technological Innovation,keep

Improving,for direction, more high quality products and services as the

goal,with your company to create a sweet cause.

Orders to record
A、Purpose and features
B、Main specifications and technical parameters
C、The packaging process
D、Main components of 第 1 页共 20 页
第 1 页共 20 页
1、Wrapping paper for delivery
2、Pull and heat the longitudinal seal
3、Cross seal,cut off mechanism
E、Operation and adjustment
1、Safety of operators
2、Installation and commissioning
F、Directions for use
1、Interface description
2、The host linkage
3、Photoelectric switch
4、Temperature control instrument
G、Maintenance and maintenance
H、Common fallures and exclusions
I、Electrical components list

Please read the instructions carefully before starting up!

A、Purpose and features

1.This machine is equipped with three sets of independent servo control

第 2 页共 20 页
system, which can adjust the parameters and change the length of the product

quickly without changing the parts and improving the working efficiency.

2. This machine adopts the motor controller to control the servo motor to carry

out the linkage, adopt the industrial touch screen, man-machine interactive

operation, the Chinese and English display, the parameter is intuitive, the menu

operation is easy to use.

3.The design of this machine is durable and convenient for the design and

maintenance of accessories.It adopts synchronous belt transmission, which

has smooth running, low noise and fast packing speed.

第 3 页共 20 页
B、Main specifications and technical parameters

1. Production capacity: up to 500 pills per minute

2.Packaging film width (maximum):120mm

3. Outer diameter of packaging film reel (largest) : 350mm

4. Shape of packing: rectangular, square, long cylindrical

5. Packaging specification:20mm~180mm long

10mm~35 mm wide

3mm~15 mm high
6. Packaging materials: OPP, CPP, PET, aluminized film, aluminum plastic film,etc

Hot material.

7.Total power:3KW

8.Power supply:380V,50HZ

9. Dimensions (length x width x height) : 2700 x 1100 x 1650mm

10. Machine weight:700Kg

第 4 页共 20 页
C.Packaging process

The packing machine adopts the independent servo control system,materials

put into chain hook by hands , packaging film, the gearing effect in the paper, the

continuous correctly into bags, packaging film in bags in the encounter with

packing materials, through the role of bags, packaging film encase material,

forming tubular,by the longitudinal sealing paper round again to send to the

longitudinal sealing heating wheel,longitudinal sealing seal paper round is

complete, continue to advance,through the guide block, has folded longitudinal

seam sealing, and then into the transverse seal cut flower horizontal sealing,and

at the same time take knife knife cut,under the action of peace is the finished


第 5 页共 20 页
D、Main components of

1. Packaging film for delivering parts

Packaging film for institutions for suspension and continuous

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transmission drum packaging film,packaging film installedon the top of the

rack,must make the center line of the packaging film and conveying the

centerline consistent,then cover paper seat screws and paper adjust wheel

tighten,when the center position slightly deviation, can turn the handle

figure 2 to correct.

2.Traction and longitudinal seal mechanism

The mechanism is the sealing and sealing device of the longitudinal seal

after forming, and the traction and longitudinal seal are completed by two

pairs of paper wheels, and the tension force between each pair of paper

wheel is realized by adjusting the pretension of the tension spring. When

the handle is moved, the two wheels can be removed or closed so as to

guide the paper and delivery. Second, the paper wheel is used for the

traction, mainly for the heat sealing film, so the two wheels are equipped

with a heating coil. The thermocouple is installed in one of the paper wheels

for automatic control of the hot seal temperature.

3.Horizontal seal and cutting mechanism

The task of the transverse seal and cutting mechanism is to complete the

packing and cutting of the packing film after filling and filling.

Heat sealing is installed on the shaft of the transverse sealing cutter holder

(i.e. heat sealing head, can according to need to make one to six)

in the process of spinning, mounted on the knife block cutter between

complete bag and bag cutting at the same time, the knife holder is

equipped with heating tube and thermocouples.

E、Operation and adjustment

1.Safety of operators

The equipment must be trained to work on the job, can not open the protective

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boot in normal production, packaging and material into the transverse sealing

cutter, such as have stained knife phenomenon can't direċtly by hand to clean up,

for maintenance and cleaning, the equipment must ensure that the power to


2.Startup debugging

1) check whether the voltage is the same as the device before starting the
machine(the equipment must have a reliable grounding)

2) turn on the total power supply

3) enter the packaging parameter interface first, as shown in the figure. Set

the data you need, and then save it when you're done.

a. The length of the packing is the center distance between the packing

and the punctuation(there are non-color standard and colorless mark functions, and

the gas mark is to be determined according to the distance between the

punctuation marks. The colourless mark is not to press the punctuation, and the

pattern is unrulable).

b.The cutting path is divided into the plugging film and the laminating film.

The blocking film is the packing film. The film is often blocked in the vertical sealing

box, which is the fast and slow effect of the transverse seal cutting knife.

C.Product position is the relative position between pusher and film. for

example, cutting position is set in the packing film colormark position, the

transversal cutter will cut always on this colormark set position. it can also adjust

the cutting positing basing on the colormark.

d.start button and stop button can be interchange.

e.two axis mode is to control transversal cutter and packing film, three axis

mode is to control the complete machine motion.

第 9 页共 20 页
F、Directions for use

1. Interface description

(a)、 manual screen

Manual picture mainly check whether can measure the working state is

normal, such as one knife is a knife rotation to another knife bits (in point to

animation button, on the surface of the equipment must be made in the stop

button is red light, otherwise you won't work).

(b) signal monitoring

Signal monitoring is to monitor whether each signal is normal.

If the signal isn't normal, the signal is either bad or bad.

第 10 页共 20 页
(5)user login

a, the user login needs to enter the password 888,then press next to
determine the key to enter.

After entering as shown in the figure below picture, this paper mainly introduces

a slice cutting point, cutting knife point refers to the equipment in the stop button

when the red light, long time hold knife point move button, the transverse seal

cutter rotation to the cutting knife and cutting the knife just bite, then according to

the following locking of the blade and knife point is moving and cutting knife locking

two pulse data, in this way can we begin to adjust in the packaging parameters of

cutter in the directory path, otherwise the function of cutter path is invalid, under

normal circumstances, the equipment in the factory has adjusted the, mainly

changing transverse sealing and cutting knife, install synchronous belt wheel will

change position, so need to adjust the position.

第 11 页共 20 页
2. Photoelectric switch used

The photoelectric switch is to detect the punctuation on the packaging

film, and it is used to determine the length of the packaging film. Have the

use of photoelectric switch,photoelectric switch adjustment by the black

knob at the top 360° rotation,to take turns red,black,blank

when the green light.

3. Use of temperature control meter

Boot temperature control table after the current work, SET according to

the packaging film thickness and temperature control table to match the

speed of the equipment, if the packaging film is thick, equipment to run

fast, need higher temperature, under normal circumstances, see the

product, if there is wrinkling is temperature is too high, easy tear apart is

too low, the table setting is press SET button to enter, press to adjust the

up and down, left, adjust and then press SET key can be.

4、Adjust your knife

Cutting knife to cut off the material, is composed of the knife and knife,

two knife intersection point is the center of the material, high and low and

intermediate clearance by adjusting the M8 screw knife block to complete,

if the middle gap is too big it could cut constantly, attention should be paid

to the cutter wear, appropriate change of cutting knife.

第 12 页共 20 页
G、Maintenance and maintenance:

1. To get to and from work, it must be cleaned and maintained. Note:

the total power supply must be cut off.
(1) the parts must be cleaned, such as feeding wheel, feeding hook,track,

countertop,sealing paper wheel The product of the transverse sealing

flower shearing knife,apply copper wire brush, scraper and wet cloth.

(2) of the feeding chain cleaning:cleaning depends on local humidity and

silt content of packing materials, etc., when conveying chain and stick on

sediment available appropriate cleaner (such as alcohol) clean, clean,

chain lubrication.

2.Lubrication work:

第 13 页共 20 页
It is forbidden to operate the lubricating oil on the axial surface and gear of

the feeding chain and sliding friction. Please use standard lubrication oil. In the first

month of use of the new machine, each refueling hole and rotating chain shall be

lubricated twice each class, and the lubricating oil shall be added to each class in

the future, and the lubrication chart shall be operated according to the airframe. As


3.Maintenance of the bagger:

Excessive packaging in via the bags will produce deformationand congestion, make

the packaging are not free to enter, to detect in a slot at the bottom of the bags is

whether the height and width just can pass the packing materials, and promptly

degrees bags to adjust, and detect whether the bags on both sides of the bottom

surface is flat and level. If uneven, adjust to flat.

4.Maintenance of hot-seal parts:(with the electrician)

(1) maintenance of the collector ring: regularly clean the ring, especially

the product and grease between the ring, and prevent short circuit of collector

ring.·In addition, when the carbon brush length is about 10mm in the

production, new parts need to be replaced.

(2) installation and replacement of the longitudinal seal heating coil: the

electric heating coil shall be installed in the longitudinal seal wheel, and if the

electric heating coil is damaged, the following method shall be changed:

With Allen wrench unscrew longitudinal seal above two M5 bolt, then

the vertical sealing wheel gently put forward (if not available two set screws

into the ejection), the electric heating circle from the longitudinal sealing, also

will lead went up from collector ring can be replaced. When reinstalling, note

that the heating coil wire must be properly connected with the collector ring.

第 14 页共 20 页
(3) installation and replacement of the longitudinal seal electric

thermocouple (sensor) : same as above

(4) installation and replacement of the transverse seal heating pipe: the
transverse seal heating tube is installed in the transverse seal holder.

H、Causes and methods of troubleshooting

So the barrier The original for Elimination method

The temperature control The thermocouple is Turn the thermocouple

·chart shows that the red very. antithetic into two lines

number is 000

The thermocouple is
The temperature control replace
chart shows that the red
Thread loosening fastening
number is high and the
Carbon brush and Wipe the dirt off the
actual temperature is not
conductive contact are carbon brush with a dry
not good cloth

Red Numbers greater than

many green (value), and

the output light is lit up far The temperature Change of temperature

less than the green or red control watch is broken control list

Numbers(setting), long

time no output, not

heating up

第 15 页共 20 页
The red number is much Heat pipe damage Replacement heat pipe

smaller than the green

number (set value) Contactor damage Replacement contactor

第 16 页共 20 页
Paper membrane unpair Adjust the handwheel

The paper membrane Refer to section 2 of

tension is not adjusted section 5

The bag is too low for It is advisable to

the feed to push the increase the bag to just

To run the paper paper push the piece of paper

The bag is too narrow or Adjust the bag to the

too wide appropriate position

Readjust the running

Sending paper too fast
CAM curve value on the
or too slow
touch screen

The paper roller is too Remove dirt and black

dirty spots on roller

Adjust the feeding

Out of order position on the touch


Tracking failure The detection color is

The color standard marked with no

electric eye flashing is problem, the sensitivity

abnormal of the adjustment of

the light is changed to

the positive

第 17 页共 20 页
photoelectric,the red

light is bright,the red

light is off when the red

light is removed.

Magic eye damage Replace the electric eye

Adjust the feeding

The material is not in
position on the touch
sync with the cutter

Cut the knife into the

Adjust the height of the
The knife seat is too knife seat to put the

high cutter in the center of

the packing center

The temperature is not

Adjust the temperature
enough or too high

A flat leak or an explosive The clearance of the hot

Adjust heat seal
stomach sealing wheel is too
loose or too tight

Paper is poor In the paper

The temperature is not

Mould seal leakage or bad enough or too high

paper The knife is too fast or

too slow

第 18 页共 20 页
photoelectric,the red

light is bright,the red

light is off when the red

light is removed.

Magic eye damage Replace the electric eye

Adjust the feeding

The material is not in
position on the touch
sync with the cutter

Cut the knife into the

Adjust the height of the
The knife seat is too knife seat to put the

high cutter in the center of

the packing center

The temperature is not

Adjust the temperature
enough or too high

A flat leak or an explosive The clearance of the hot

Adjust heat seal
stomach sealing wheel is too
loose or too tight

Paper is poor In the paper

The temperature is not

Mould seal leakage or bad enough or too high

paper The knife is too fast or

too slow

第 19 页共 20 页
The knife seat is not


Dislocation of upper

and lower knife-edge

Paper is poor

Synchronous belt break replace

Machine cannot run Foreign body stuck Exclude foreign body

Servo motor damages replace

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