Direct Torque Control and Direct Power Control of Wind Turbine System With PMSG

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Wrocław University of Technology, Department of Electrical Machines, Drives and Measurements


Direct Torque Control and Direct Power Control of wind turbine

system with PMSG
Abstract. The paper presents the control system of variable speed wind turbine with direct-driven PMSG. A back-to-back Voltage Source Converter
(VSC) is employed for the power conversion from the PMSG to the AC grid. The control strategy of PMSG and Machine Side Converter (MSC)
combines the technique of MPPT, DTC-SVM and the pitch control algorithm. In the control system of the Grid Side Converter (GSC) the application
of Direct Power Control (DPC) has been used. The results of digital simulation of the control system have been presented and discussed.

Streszczenie. W artykule przedstawiono bezprzekładniowy system turbiny wiatrowej o zmiennej prędkości z generatorem PMSG. System
przekształtnikowy jest złożony z przekształtnika maszynowego i przekształtnika sieciowego. Do sterowania generatorem PMSG i przekształtnikiem
maszynowym zastosowano algorytm MPPT, DTC-SVM oraz sterowanie kątem pochylenia łopat turbiny. Do sterowania przekształtnikiem
sieciowym zastosowano metodę DPC-SVM. Przeprowadzono badania symulacyjne właściwości zastosowanych metod sterowania. (Bezpośrednie
sterowanie momentem i mocą w systemie elektrowni wiatrowej z generatorem PMSG).

Keywords: wind turbine, PMSG, DTC with MPPT, DPC, simulation studies
Słowa kluczowe: turbina wiatrowa, PMSG, DTC z MPPT, DPC, badania symulacyjne

Introduction Wind turbine aerodynamic model

Wind energy conversion system (WESC) is the one of The wind turbine rotor converts the energy from the
fastest growing energy resource among the other wind into mechanical rotational energy. The mechanical
renewable generation technologies. The increased trend of power produced by wind turbine can be described with the
wind energy conversion system has a significant impact on following equation [2, 3, 5]:
the AC grid [1, 2, 3].
Most of the major wind turbines are developed as
variable speed wind turbine systems. These types of wind
(1) Pt   A C p  ,   vw3
turbines have many advantages: operation at MPPT
(Maximum Power Point Tracking) over a wide range of wind where: ρ - air density; A = πR2 - area swept by the rotor
speeds, reduced mechanical stresses, greater output power blades; R - radius of the turbine blade; Cp - power coefficient
in comparison with the operation at fixed speeds [4, 5] of the wind turbine; β - blade pitch angle; vw - wind speed;
Nowadays the variable speed wind turbine systems  - tip speed ratio, which is defined as:
using the direct-driven Permanent Magnet Synchronous mR
Generators (PMSGs) are suitable and promising for (2)  
application in wind farms [3, 6]. The PMSG can be vw
constructed with a large number of poles and can be where ωm - angular speed of turbine rotor.
operated as low speed direct-driven system without
The dynamic equation of mechanical motion of wind
gearbox. This results in reduction of installation and
turbine system is given by:
maintenance costs and provides an advantage over the
other types of generators. d m
The electromagnetic construction of the PMSG is more
(3) Tt  Te  J   B f m
complex than in the case of conventional generators.
where: Tt - the mechanical torque of wind turbine; Te - the
Currently the direct-driven PMSGs have many advantages
over induction generators, including: higher reliability, electromagnetic torque of generator; J - the total inertia of
higher power, higher efficiency, higher torque, no gear and the system; Bf - the coefficient of viscous friction.
simple control methods [1]. The power coefficient Cp is described as complex
The performance of the wind energy systems can be relationship of tip speed ratio  and blade pitch angle β.
greatly enhanced with the use of a full-capacity converter Power coefficient Cp can be approximated by the following
system [1, 3]. In these types of power converter systems, equation [6, 7]:
the generator is fully decoupled from the grid and can  c5 
(4) c    
 
operate in full speed range. In order to convert the electrical C p (  ,  )  c1  2  c3   c 4   exp  i   c 6 
energy produced by the PMSG generator the voltage  i 
source converters (VSC) should be applied. 1
A typical WECS configuration has been presented in (5)  1 0 , 035 
 i    3 
Figure 1. The considered topology consists of: directly-    0 , 08    1 
driven PMSG generator, which is connected to the AC grid
through full scale back-to-back converter system, which where: c1 to c6 represent coefficients of wind turbine
includes Machine Side Converter (MSC) and Grid Side characteristic (c1 - 0,5176, c2 - 116, c3 - 0.4, c4 - 5, c5 - 21,
Converter (GSC). Figure 1 presents also the applied control c6 -0,0068) and β is blade pitch angle expressed in
systems which will be discussed in the next sections of the degrees.
article. Figure 2 shows the power coefficient Cp as the function
This paper proposes a Direct Torque Control (DTC) of of tip speed ratio  and blade pitch angle β. As it can be
PMSG with MSC and Direct Power Control (DPC) of GSC. seen, for each value of angle β the optimal tip speed ratio
In the control systems of power electronics converters the opt exists at which the power coefficient Cp has the
Space Vector Modulation strategies have been included. maximum value Cpmax.

PRZEGLĄD ELEKTROTECHNICZNY, ISSN 0033-2097, R. 92 NR 10/2016 249

Machine Side Grid Side
Converter (MSC) Converter (GSC) Grid
vw Lg , Rg v ga
PMSG Cd vgc
wind speed i sabc vdc i gabc v gabc
vw opt

m_ rated MPPT and

Controller of Controller of
MPPT Machine Sid e Converter Grid Side Converter

Pt _ rated control
control WECS control gg

m  s Te vdc pg qg
Fig.1. The scheme of variable speed wind turbine system with direct-driven PMSG generator and back-to-back converter system

Te  n p  sd isq  sqisd 
0.5 3
Power Coefficient , Cp

C p max  0,48   0o
0.4 2
  5o
0.3   10 o
The Direct Torque Control of PMSG with Machine Side
0.2   15o Converter
The principle of DTC is based on directly selection of
appropriate stator voltage vectors according to the
opt  8,1
0 differences between reference and actual values of
0 5 10 15 20
Tip Speed Ratio λ magnitude of stator flux vector and electromagnetic torque.
Fig.2. Power coefficient curves of Cp for diffrent tip speed ratio λ The conventional DTC can be implemented by using the
and pitch blade angle β hysteresis flux and torque controllers, which are operated
with switching table. This conventional DTC system with
Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator Model hysteresis controllers generates the variable switching
The considered mathematical model of PMSG is based frequency caused the electromagnetic torque ripples [3, 8].
on the following assumptions [1, 5]: Moreover the high sampling frequency is needed for digital
 Sinusoidal distribution of stator winding, implementation of hysteresis comparators.
 Electrical and magnetical symmetry, The alternative for control with switching table is the
 Damping windings are not considered, implementation of improved DTC with Space Vector
 The magnetic circuits are linear, Modulation (DTC-SVM). The DTC-SVM ensures the lower
 Saturation effect, eddy-currents and hysteresis losses harmonics stator current and allows to reduce the
are neglected. electromagnetic torque ripples. The other advantage of
The model of the PMSG was developed in the using SVM modulation is the possibility of maintaining the
synchronous rotating dq reference frame, where the d-axis constant switching frequency [2, 4].
is aligned with direction of the permanent magnet flux Figure 3 shows the block scheme of DTC-SVM system
vector. The mathematical equations of the PMSG in this for control of PMSG with MSC. The control scheme consists
reference frame can be described as follows [6, 11, 12]: of three control loops.
disd The outer control loop with PI controller regulates the
(6) vsd  Rsisd  Ld  e sq generator speed to follow the optimum speed ωopt of wind
dt turbine rotation at which the maximum of turbine power is
di obtained. In order to achieve the operation at conversion of
(7) vsq  Rsisq  Lq sq  e sd maximum mechanical power from wind turbine the special
dt algorithm of Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) has
The components of stator flux vector in this reference been applied in the control system. Additionally at wind
frame can be given by: speeds greater than rated wind speeds the respectively
(8)  sd  Ld isd   PM limitations of the wind turbine mechanical power is required.
This task has been realized by adopting the pitch angle
(9)  sq  Lq isq control of the blades of wind turbine. The applied algorithms
of MPPT and pitch control have been described below.
where: vsd , vsq - dq components of the stator voltage vector; In the control scheme presented in Figure 3 these
isd, isq - dq components of the stator current vector; algorithms have been combined in the common control
Rs - stator phase resistance; ψsd, ψsq - dq components of the block.
stator flux vector; Ld, Lq - direct and quadrature stator The two inner control loops with PI controllers regulate
inductances; ψPM - flux established by the permanent the magnitude of stator flux vector and the electromagnetic
magnets; np - number of pole pairs of PMSG; ωe, ωm - torque of the PMSG. In the PI controller of the stator flux
electrical and mechanical angular speed of the PMSG rotor, vector the reference and the real estimated value of the
defined as: magnitude of stator flux vector are compared. The output of
(10) e  n p   m this controller determines the reference component vsx* of
the stator voltage vector in the reference frame xy oriented
The electromagnetic torque of PMSG generator can be with stator flux vector. In the PI controller of the
expressed as follows: electromagnetic torque the reference and the real estimated

250 PRZEGLĄD ELEKTROTECHNICZNY, ISSN 0033-2097, R. 92 NR 10/2016

value of the electromagnetic torque of PMSG are The maximum value of wind turbine power Ptmax is
compared. The output of this controller determines the specified at maximum value of Cpmax and optimal value of
reference component vsy* of the stator voltage vector in the the tip speed ratio opt. By replacing  by opt and Cp (, β) =
xy system. The both output signals from these controllers Cp (opt, β,) the maximum power of wind turbine can be
are transformed to the stationary αβ system and determine formulated as:
the components vsα* and vsβ of the reference stator voltage
vector for SVM of MSC. (14) Pt max  PMPPT  K opt  m3
Machine Side
Converter (MSC) where: Kopt - coefficient of wind turbine.

1 C p (opt ,  )
wind speed
PMSG Cd vdc (15) K opt  R 5
vw 2 3opt
isa i sb isc
m S a Sb Sc According to power characteristic PMPPT of wind turbine
 e SVM and equation (14) the reference speed of generator can be
vw encoder
Torque and
Stator Flux *
m ,m_ rated v s* v s 
 s developed as [5, 7]:
MPPT and
s Te αβ

 ref   opt 
pitch angle

Pt _rated
of Pt * s

v *
v sy* (16) 3 PMPPT / K opt
PI sx

The pitch angle controller is used to limit the

aerodynamic power produced by the wind turbine by
adjusting the pitch angle of the wind turbine blades. The
Fig.3. Control diagram of Direct Torque Control with Space Vector pitch angle controller is active only when wind speeds are
above the rated wind speed.
The block diagram of the typical pitch angle controller
To obtain the estimation of the magnitude of stator flux has been presented in Figure 6 [7].
vector and the electromagnetic torque the several
techniques have been presented in literature [4, 8, 11]. Pt
Most of these techniques are based either on the voltage Pt _ rated
model method or on the current model method [8, 11, 16]. 1
In the method of voltage model the magnitude of stator flux m 1  Tc s

vector can be estimated by directly measuring of the stator

phase currents and voltages. The measurement of stator
phase voltages can be replaced by measuring DC bus m_ rated
voltage and by using the information of the MSC switching
Fig.6. Wind turbine pitch angle controller
states. In the method of current model the magnitude of
stator flux vector is estimated on the base of directly
In the control system of pitch controller the upper
measuring of the stator phase currents and the measuring
control loop with PI controller is the basic part of the system
of the actual electrical angle position of the rotor.
and the lower part with proportional gain Kw is used as
The application of current model allows to eliminate the
correction part. In the basic controller, the reference rated
stator voltage sensors and the influence of stator phase
mechanical turbine power is compared with real value of
resistance variations, which usually worsen the
mechanical turbine power. PI controller sets the output
performance and robustness of estimation block.
value of the pitch angle β. To prevent the possibility of
The magnitude of the stator flux vector can be
mechanical damage, when the turbine rotor speeds are
calculated as:
above the rated wind speed, the blade pitch angle is
(12)  s   2   2  s s
L i   L i
q sq
d sd   PM 2 changed in order to reduce tip speed ratio  and power
coefficient Cp, respectively.
where: the stator flux vector components ψsα, ψsβ are
obtained from the transformation of the ψsd, ψsq components. The Direct Power Control of Grid Side Converter
The current model considered for estimation of the The main task of the grid side converter (GSC) is to
magnitude of stator flux vector ψs and the electromagnetic maintain the voltage in the DC link and control the assumed
torque Te is shown in Figure 4 [10, 11]. reactive power delivered to the AC grid. The equations of
 PM grid side electrical circuits formulated in the synchronous
is i sd  sd  s s rotating dq reference frame with d-axis oriented with the
isa abc αβ Ld dq
grid voltage vector have the following form [12, 13, 14]:
i s i sq  sq  s To Polar
 s d
αβ dq Lq αβ (17) v gd  Rg igd  Lg igd   g Lg igq  v gcd
Eq. (11)
(18) v gq  R g i gq  L g i gq   g L g i gd  v gcq
Fig.4. Current model for estimation of the magnitude of stator flux
vector and the electromagnetic torque where: vgd, vgq - the dq components of the grid voltage
vector; igd, igq - the dq components of the grid current vector;
The MPPT algorithm and pitch angle controller vgcd, vgcq - the dq components of the voltage vector of grid
The pitch angle controller is one of the used control side converter; Lg, Rg - inductance and resistance of the grid
techniques to regulate aerodynamic power of wind turbine. filter; ωg - angular frequency of the grid voltage.
The output wind turbine mechanical power can be In the conventional Direct Power Control (DPC) the
transformed as [9]: hysteresis controllers and switching table have been used.
C p ( ,  ) This control strategy is characterized by varied switching
(13) Pt  0,5  R 2 v w3 C p (  ,  )  0,5  R 5 m3 frequency of control signals.

PRZEGLĄD ELEKTROTECHNICZNY, ISSN 0033-2097, R. 92 NR 10/2016 251

In the control system of GSC considered in this paper The considered control system of WECS have been
the improved DPC-SVM method has been applied. The tested for the assumed wind speed variation during the
block scheme of GSC control system is presented in Fig. 7. period of the 10s presented in Figure 8. The rated wind
This method has simple structure, low number of co- speed has been adopted as equal to 11m/s.
ordinates transformations and good dynamic properties 15

[14]. The temporary angle positions θg of the grid voltage vwr

vw [m/s]
vec-or are obtained from the Phase Locked Loop (PLL)
block. The applied PLL system is a feedback system with
PI-regulator tracking the phase angle of grid voltage vector vw
[15]. 5
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
The control algorithms of DPC-SVM are based on the t [s]
active and reactive power estimator as [14, 15]: Fig.8. Waveforms of rated vwr and real wind speed vw

(19) pg 
v g ig  v g ig  Figure 9 shows the waveforms of optimal ωopt and
measured angular speed ωm of PMSG obtained from
simulation of control system. It can be seen, that the

q g  v g i g  v g i g  generator speed ωm is accurately adjusted to the waveforms
2 of optimal speed ωopt, which is obtained from MPPT
where: vgα, vgβ - components of the grid voltage vector, algorithms.
igα, igβ, - components of the grid current vector in the
stationary αβ frame.

ωm , ωopt [rad/s]
vdc 20

vdc Cd
i gd pg v *
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
PI PI αβ t [s]
v dc pg Sb Grid Side
v *gc SVM Converter Fig.9. Waveforms of the reference speed ωopt and the actual speed
q *g PI dq ωm of PMSG
qg g The obtained waveforms of tip speed ratio, blade pitch
PLL angle and power coefficient at various wind speeds have
vg vgabc Lg , Rg been presented in Figures 10-11. From this Figures the
αβ proper operation of the blade pitch angle controller can be
Active and
Reactive Power
i g
abc stated and confirmed.
calculation i gabc 15
Eq. (19, 20) i g αβ
vgc vgb v ga 10
λopt= 8,1
TSR λ, β

Fig.7. Control diagram of Direct Power Control of GSC with Space
Vector Modulation 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
t [s]
The control strategy of DPC-SVM for grid side converter Fig.10. Waveforms of tip speed ratio  and blade pitch angle β
uses three control loops with PI controllers. The outer 0.8

control loop regulates DC link voltage of GSC converter. 0.6

Two inner control loops regulate the active and reactive Cpmax=0,48

power of AC grid. The estimated values of active and 0.4

reactive grid power are compared with the reference values. 0.2
In the typical control systems the reactive grid power
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
reference is set to zero in order to perform the operation at t [s]
unity power factor. The active grid power reference Fig.11. Waveform of power coefficient of wind turbine Cp
is calculated on the base of multiplication of the measured
DC voltage of the converter and the reference value of igd* Figure 12 presents the responses of electromagnetic
obtained from the outer control loop. The output signals torque Te of PMSG and mechanical torque Tt of wind turbine
from PI controllers determine the reference voltages vgcα* during the considered variation of wind speed. The
and vgcβ* for SVM of GSC. considered control system allows fast responses of the
electromagnetic torque Te of PMSG during temporary time
Simulation Results variations of the wind speed.
The simulation model of wind energy conversion
1000 Tt
system with the considered control systems has been
Te ,Tt [Nm]

implemented in MATLAB/Simulink. The aim of simulation 0
was the investigation of properties of control systems. -500
For this reason the digital simulation studies were made for -1000 Te
the system with small power. The used wind turbine 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
parameters are as follows: rated power Pt=20kW; rotor t [s]
radius R=4,4m; air density ρ=1,225 kg/m3 and 3-phase Fig.12. Waveforms of electromagnetic torque Te of PMSG and
PMSG parameters: rated power Pg=20kW; stator resistance mechanical torque Tt of wind turbine
Rs=0,1764 Ω; stator dq-axis inductance Ld, Lq=4,48mH; rated The Figure 13a presents the waveform of the magnitude
speed nn=211rpm; rated stator phase current Isn=35,1 A. ψs of stator flux vector and Figure 13b presents the
The obtained simulation results of considered wind trajectory of stator flux vector. The Figure 14 presents the
energy conversion system are presented in Figures 8-16. waveform of the voltage vdc in DC link. The instantaneous

252 PRZEGLĄD ELEKTROTECHNICZNY, ISSN 0033-2097, R. 92 NR 10/2016

values of voltage vdc are quite constant at variations of wind Authors: Piotr Gajewski, M.Sc., Krzysztof Pieńkowski, D.Sc.,
speeds. Ph.D., Wrocław University of Technology, Department of Electrical
Machines, Drives and Measurements, ul. Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego
1 27, 50-370 Wrocław
[email protected], [email protected]
0.8 0.5

s 0.6 s 0 REFERENCES

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PRZEGLĄD ELEKTROTECHNICZNY, ISSN 0033-2097, R. 92 NR 10/2016 253

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