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Ms. Chandini Malviya Dr.Asst. prof. Kejal C.Vadza
Ms.Srushti Mangukiya
Ms.Mahima Vaghela

This is to certify that the project titled “Plant Manage System ” is the bonafide work carried
out by Chandini Vipulbhai Malaviya(2736), Srushti Bhaveshbhai Mangukiya (2740), Mahima
Jayeshbhai Vaghela (2792) students of TYBCA Sem-VI of Sutex Bank College of Computer
Application and Science, Amroli, (Surat) affiliated to Veer Narmad South Gujarat University.
They have successfully completed their project work in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the award of the degree of "Bachelor of Computer Application" during the
academic year 2022-2023. And that the project has not formed the basis for the award
previously of any other degree, diploma, fellowship or any other similar title.

______________________ ______________________

Dr.Asst. Prof. Kejal C. Vadza Dr. Mukesh Goyani

Project Guide Principal


Place: Amroli, Surat.


(Following is Just sample text written to suggest the format of

acknowledgement, student have to write their own acknowledgement)

This project would not have been possible without the kind support
and help of many individuals and institutions, I would like to extend my
sincere thanks to all of them (college, the principal, faculty guide,
industry person, family and friends).

Weare highly indebted to Dr.Asst. prof. Kejal Vadza for their guidance
and constant supervision as well as for providing necessary information
regarding the project & also for their support in completing the project.

We would like to express my gratitude towards my parents & member of

Sutex College of Computer Applications and Science for their kind co-
operation and encouragement which help me in completion of this project.

We would like to express my special gratitude and thanks to industry

persons for giving me such attention and time.

Our thanks and appreciations also go to Our colleague in developing the

project and people who have willingly helped us out with their abilities.

Chapter Page No.

1. Introduction
1.1 Project description 1
1.2 Project Profile 2
2. Environment Description
2.1 Hardware and Software Requirements 3
2.2 Technologies Used 4
3. System Analysis and Planning
3.1 Existing System and its Drawbacks 11
3.2 Feasibility Study 12
3.3 Requirement Gathering and Analysis 13
4. Proposed System
4.1 Scope 15
4.2 Project modules 16
4.3 Module vise objectives/functionalities Constraints 17
4.4 Expected Advantages 18
5. Detail Planning
5.1 Data Flow Diagram / UML 19
5.2 Process Specification / Activity Flow Diagram 27
5.3 Data Dictionary 36
5.4 Entity-Relationship Diagram / Class Diagram 38
6. System Design
6.1 Database Design 39
6.2 Directory Structure 42
6.3 Input Design 47
6.4 Output Design 60
7. Software Testing
7.1 Testing Introduction 70
7.2 Test Case 74
8. Limitations and Future Scope of Enhancement
8.1 System Limitation 76
8.2 Future Enhancement 76
9. References 77

1.1 Project Description

1.2 Project Profile

1.1 Project Description

Our application has two sides seller and buyer.

 Online plant manage system is a Application designed primarily for use in the
onlineplant selling industry.

 This system will allow plant nurseries to increase scope of business by reducing labour
cost involved.

 This system also allows to quickly and easily manage an online different different
plants category which customers browse and use to place orders with just flew

 Our system presents an interactive an up to date our plant category menu with all
available options in an easy to use manner.

 Customers can choose more items to place an order which will land in the cart.

 Customers can view all indoors ,outdoors ,garden ,herbs ,climbers ,trees, creepers ,
grasses etc types of plants items.

 Customers can also view all types of plants related information and also show how to
care a plant as its required.

 Customers can choose home services or drive an pickup options .

 Our System can provide labour for your gardening process this may take extra charges.
 Our system can provide to buyer scanning features that can scan your plant and show
that type of plants and their information.

 At the end customer get order conformation details. Once the orderis placed it is
entered in the database end retrieved in pretty much real time.

 Customer can see all orders which can be seen on the customer side.

 Payments for search online orders can be made through various payment methods or
cash on delivery or even through digital wallets.

 In our application seller can add multiple plants categories and their images also add
plants information.

 Seller can remove and update a category of plants.

1.2 Project Profile


Ms.Srushti Mangukiya
DEVELOPERS Ms.Chandni Malaviya
Ms.Mahima Vaghela

DEVELOPMENT TOOLS Android Studio 2.1






2.1 Hardware and Software Requirement

Hardware Configuration
8 GB Ram , Intel core i3 or Higher
Development Time processor

8 GB RAM, Intel core i3 or Higher

Run Time processor
Software Configuration
Browser Chrome, Mozilla Fire Fox

Operating System Windows 10

Front End Flutter,dart

Back End Dart,firebase

Other Tools Figma,image background remover

2.2 Technology Used

 Flutter Information:
Flutter is an open-source UI toolkit created by Google for building natively compiled
applications for mobile, web, and desktop platforms from a single codebase. Flutter uses the
Dart programming language, which was also created by Google, to build high-performance,
visually attractive, and customizable mobile, and web applications.

Flutter provides a rich set of pre-built widgets and tools for building user interfaces, which
can be customized to match the specific design requirements of the application. Flutter's
widgets are designed to be compassable and can be combined to create complex layouts and

Flutter also provides a hot-reload feature, which allows developers to see the changes they
make to the code in real-time, without having to rebuild the entire application. This speeds up
the development process and makes it easier to iterate on designs and fix bugs.

Flutter has gained popularity among developers because of its ease of use, performance,
and ability to build high-quality applications for multiple platforms using a single codebase. It
has been used by various companies, including Alibaba , Google, and Tangent, to build their
mobile and web applications.

 Why Flutter ?
1. Fast development and testing: Flutter's hot-reload feature allows developers to see the
changes they make to the code in real-time, without having to restart the application. This
speeds up the development process and makes it easier to iterate on designs and fix bugs.

2. Cross-platform development: Flutter allows developers to build applications for multiple

platforms, including mobile, web, and desktop, from a single codebase. This reduces the time
and effort required to develop and maintain applications for different platforms.

3. High-performance applications: Flutter uses a compiled programming language (Dart) and

provides its own set of pre-built widgets, which makes it easy to create high-performance
applications that are visually attractive and responsive.

4. Large community and ecosystem: Flutter has a large and growing community of developers
and enthusiasts who contribute to its development and share their knowledge and experience.
There are also numerous packages and libraries available in the Flutter ecosystem that can be
used to add additional functionality to applications.

5. Open-source and free: Flutter is open-source software, which means that anyone can use,
modify, and distribute it freely. This makes it an affordable and accessible option for developers
who are just starting out or working on a budget.

 Flutter Architecture

1. Framework : This is the more “visible” part of Flutter’s technology. As already

mentioned, this layer of Flutter’s architecture in based on Dart. The rich set of libraries in
this layer can be divided into multiple layers, such as the basic foundational classes, the
widget layer, and the rendering layer.
2. Engine. This layer is written in C/C++. The engine provides a low-level implementation of
the Flutter framework, as well as other core APIs, e.g. graphics, accessibility support, text
layout, and plugin architecture.

3. Embedded. The embedded is a platform-specific layer that allows the Flutter

app to run on any OS.
 Dart :

Dart is a general-purpose, object-oriented programming language developed by Google. It was

first announced in 2011 and is used for building web, mobile, and desktop applications. Dart is a
statically typed language, which means that variable types are known at compile time, and it
supports both just-in-time (JIT) and ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation.

Dart was created to address some of the shortcomings of existing programming

languages, such as JavaScript. It includes features such as optional typing, garbage collection,
and a simpler syntax, which make it easier to learn and use than some other languages.

 Some of the features of Dart include:

1. Optional typing: Dart allows developers to specify variable types but also allows them to be
omitted, making it easier to write and read code.

2. Garbage collection: Dart has automatic memory management, which means that developers
don't have to manually allocate and free memory.

3. Asynchronous programming: Dart provides support for asynchronous programming, which

allows developers to write code that runs concurrently and is more responsive.

4. Interoperability with JavaScript: Dart can be compiled to JavaScript, which allows it to be

used alongside existing JavaScript code and libraries.

5. Modular design: Dart supports the modular design, which makes it easier to write and
maintain large applications.
6. Dart is used as the programming language for building mobile applications using Flutter,
which is an open-source UI toolkit developed by Google. It is also used for web development,
server-side scripting, and command-line scripting

 C & C++ :

C is a general-purpose high level language that was originally developed by Dennis Ritchie for
the Unix operating system. It was first implemented on the Digital Eqquipment Corporation
PDP-11 computer in 1972.
The Unix operating system and virtually all Unix applications are written in the C language. C
has now become a widely used professional language for various reasons.
 Easy to learn
 Structured language
 It produces efficient programs.
 It can handle low-level activities.
 It can be compiled on a variety of computers.

 Why to use C ?

C was initially used for system development work, in particular the programs that make-up the
operating system. C was adoped as a system development language because it produces code
that runs nearly as fast as code written in assembly language. Some examples of the use of C
might be:

 Operating Systems
 Language Compilers
 Assemblers
 Text Editors
 Print Spoolers
 Network Drivers
 Modern Programs
 Data Bases
 Language Interpreters
 Utilities

 C++:

C++ is a middle-level programming language developed by BjarneStroustrup starting in 1979 at

Bell Labs. C++ runs on a variety of platforms, such as Windows, Mac OS, and the various
versions of UNIX. This C++ tutorial adopts a simple and practical approach to describe the
concepts of C++ for beginners to advanded software engineers.

 Why to Learn C++ ?

 C++ is a MUST for students and working professionals to become a great Software
Engineer. I will list down some of the key advantages of learning C++:
 C++ is very close to hardware, so you get a chance to work at a low level which gives you
lot of control in terms of memory management, better performance and finally a robust
software development.
 C++ programming gives you a clear understanding about Object Oriented Programming.
You will understand low level implementation of polymorphism when you will
implement virtual tables and virtual table pointers, or dynamic type identification.
 C++ is one of the every green programming languages and loved by millions of software
developers. If you are a great C++ programmer then you will never sit without work and
more importantly you will get highly paid for your work.
 C++ is the most widely used programming languages in application and system
programming. So you can choose your area of interest of software development.
 C++ really teaches you the difference between compiler, linker and loader, different
data types, storage classes, variable types their scopes etc
Backend Tools:

 FireBase:

Firebase is a Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS) app development platform that provides hosted

backend services such as a realtime database, cloud storage, authentication, crash reporting,
machine learning, remote configuration, and hosting for your static files.

What is Firebase Plunging?

You access Firebase in your Flutter app through the various Firebase Flutter Plugins, one for
each Firebase product (for example: Cloud Firestore, Authentication, Analytics, etc.).
Since Flutter is a multi-platform framework, each Firebase plugin is applicable for Apple,
Android, and web platforms. So, if you add any Firebase plugin to your Flutter app, it will be

3.1 Existing System and its Drawbacks

 Low level of security.

 Seller can not list out their product for sale.
 User can place limited number of Orders.
 Limited number of Items available.
 No proper management of Buyer record.
 Limited payment methods are supported.

3.2 Feasibility Study

 Feasibility is an important phase in the software development process it enables the

developers to have an assessment of the product begin developed .It refers to the
feasibility study of the product in terms of outcomes of the product, Operational
required for implementing it. Feasibility study should be performed on the basic of
various criteria and parameters. The various feasibilities are :-
o Economic Feasibility
o Technical Feasibility
o Operational Feasibility
1 ) Economical Feasibility :

 for flawless working of Do_&_BE a fast Internet connection is required. along with an
Internet connection a costly server is required with max RAM and Processing power to
handle the maximum possible traffic on the site. It would require a cloudinary
subscription to fetch the images and logos of products. These are feasible economically.

2) Technical Feasibility :

 The system must be evaluated from the technical point of view first. This website does
require that much of higher & advanced technology. It requires database interaction
and it also requires to be accessed via web or internet. This can be easily done. Also
these should be a facility of online Order for the particular Customers on line. It must be
developed within the period of Time excluding the time period for the testing and
validation, verification. Thus it seems that the project is technically feasible to do.

3) Operational Feasibility :

 The new system can be beneficial only if it satisfies the organization requirements in
such a way that resource utilization and optimum outcome is justified. A new system
should not only be robust but should also be able to work simultaneously with other
systems. Operational feasibility means that new system should not affect any existing
system during the development phase.
3.3 Requirement Gathering and Analysis

 Requirement Gathering :

 The requirement gathering process is mainly focused on software to understand the

nature of the program to build. The software engineering or analyst must understand
the information domain for the software as well as required function, behaviour and
performance as well as interface for the software requirement for both the system and
the software are documented and review with the customer.

Understanding the Process of Security System:

 What type of forms should be included?

 How to manage all forms?
 How to manage all requests?
 How to manage reminder process?
 How to manage login and logout process?
 How to manage all forms linked with each other?
 How to manage intercommunication with internet?
 How many answers and programs are submitted online?
 How to perform all members’ security level and perform a authentication and give person
account to each member for security purpose

 Requirement Analysis :

 We analysed our gathered information and we have decided our system should have
following functionalities.

 Authentication of members: (Seller,Buyer)

o Creation of Buyer account

o Deletion of Buyer account
o Authorization of Buyer account
o Creation of Seller account
o Functionality portioned
1. Seller
2. Buyer

4.1 Scope

 Scope of System:

 Website can able to manage the Users and their details of a online product.
 Website can able to provide the best security level to the users of the site for
authenticated user online.
 Website is able to introduce new offers that can be attracting the customer for
purchasing hot items.
 Website is also good at the security level means that the web-user or other
unauthorized web user will not be able to get all details of the users.
 Website gives the best way for the registration of new members and joins the portal.
 Authorized login, highly secure.
 User friendly.
 This project satisfies the customer’s need.
 Admin can be able to manage various users information.
 This system reduces the paper work.
 It simplify the query process. Save time, storage spaces and fast processing.

4.2 Project modules

 Seller
 Buyer

 Manage Plants
 Manage Store Profile
 Manage Buyer
 Manage Category
 Manage Price
 Manage Tracking

 Mange Profile
 Change Password
 Change Address
 Make Payment
 View Plants
 Purchase Plants
 Review Plant

5.1 Data Flow Diagram / UML

A data flow diagram (DFD) illustrates how data is processed by a system in terms of inputs and
Outputs. As its name indicates its focus is on the flow of information, where data comes from,
where it goes and how it gets stored.

Strict landing page policy:

 A data flow diagram needs to be simple because user has to go through it, understand
suggest correction or changes.
 External entity
 Data flow
 Process
 Data stores
Symbols used in DFD:


 Flow of data is transformed.

 A Process represents some amount of work u.
 sing behaviour of data.
 Transformation of data from one form to another.
 A circle represents a process.
 The area of the circle is divided into two parts.
 The process number is written in the top portion and process name is written the
bottom portion.
 E.g. verify credits, update inventory file, etc.

2. External Entity:

 A source or destination of data which is external to the system.

 As the name suggest it line outside the context of the system. It represented by solid
 The people/department that will be giving the data and/or receiving information.
 It can be referred to as external entities as they do not accomplish any word done by
the system.
 The data coming in and the report produced are referred as the input and Output of the
system respectively.

3. Data Flow:

 Line is packet of data. it may be of form of documentation, letter etc.

 A data flow portrays an interface among different components in the flow diagram. It
represents the data of the data as it flows through a system. An arrow represents it.
 The arrow head point in the direction in which the data moves.

4. Data Stores:

 Any stores data but no reference to the physical method of storing.

 If there is a logical requirement for the data to be stored, it is held in a data store.
 A data store there for, is a repository of the data.

 Context Level DFD:

 1st level DFD (Seller)
 1st level DFD (Buyer)
 2nd Level DFD
 Plantlist

Product detail user detail

Add Productlist
successfully added login credential Products

pproduct detail product id

2.2 Productlist
successfully update Update change product detail


product detail product id

successfully delete delete plant

view product plant id

View Productlist
category information products view plant detail
 Category

Category information category id

Successfully added Add add category category

Category information category id

Category updated update change category detail category


Category info 3.3 Category id

Delete category
Delete category category delete category

View category category id

View View category category
Category detail category
 Order

order id
order information
cancel order Cancel order detail order

View order Order id

Order info View Order detail order

Order id
Order detail
Order Change order time order
order time info time
 2nd level DFD (Buyer)

 Buy product

View plants plant id

View product vi View view product detail productlist

product detail product id

Successfully add 2.2 add to cart cart

Add to


product id
Order detail 2.3
Successfully order order confirm order order

Order detail order id

View order
View order order order information
 Review

add feedback product id

successfully added Add add feedback feedback

update feedback product id

successfully updated Update change feedback feedback


Delete feedback Delete product id
Successfully deleted delete feedback feedback

View feedback product id

Feedback details feedback view feedback feedback

 ER Diagram
5.2 Process Specification / Activity Flow Diagram

 Seller
Login details 1.0
Login details


1 This process under by seller

which is login with email id and
password or google or phone no

[Login process for seller]

Registration details Registration details

Seller input registration

details and update details.

[ Registration process for seller ]

Product details 3.0 Product details

Seller provides all the required

details of plants and inserts
new collection of products.

[Add Product process for seller]

Product Category detail 4.0 Product Category Details

Add product

This process seller can add

Diffrents types of product

[Add Products process for seller]


Buyer detail Buyer Details

This process takes Seller

details as input in update
the seller collection with
new details

[ Update profile process for Seller]

Product id 6.0 Product id


We can delete a product

using plant id of plants .

[Delete products process for seller]

 Buyer


Login details Login details

1 This process under by Buyer

which is login with email id
and password or google or
phone no verification

[Login process for Buyer]

Registration details Registration details

Buyer input registration

details and update details.

[Registration process for Buyer]

Product details 3.0 Product id details

This process takes Product
details As input and
searches plant which
Match given keywords

[Search product process for Buyer]

Product id 4.0 Product id


This process takes product id and

show the details of product
corresponding to product id

[ View Product process for Buyer]

Product Category detail 5.0 Product Category Details

This process buyer can
choose Diffrents types of
product category

[ Choose Category process for Buyer]

Product id 6.0 Product id

Add to

This process takes product

id of selected product and
add it to whislist of buyer

[ Add to wishlist process for Buyer]

Product id 7.0 Product id

Add to
Product id is passed to this
process and this process
add the corresponding
product to buyer cart

[ add to cart process for Buyer]

Product Detail 8.0 Order Details


This process take plant

details as input and produce a
order id corresponding to
that iteam.

[Checkout process for Buyer]

Order id 9.0 Payment id

This process take order
details as input and produce
a payment id corresponding
that order.

[ Payment process for Buyer]

Buyer detail 10.0 Buyer Details


This process takes buyer

details as input in update the
buyer collection with new

[ Update profile process for Buyer]

6.1 Database Design

1.Buyer Login:


Email VARCHAR PrimaryKey 25 Forunique
identification on of
Password VARCHAR Not Null 10 Password

2.Seller Login:


Email VARCHAR PrimaryKey 25 Forunique
identification on of
Password VARCHAR Not Null 10 Password

3.Forget Password:


Email VARCHAR PrimaryKey 25 Forunique
identification on of
New Password VARCHAR Not Null 10 Password

Confirm VARCHAR Not Null 10 Password


4.Buyer Registration:
Email VARCHAR PrimaryKey 25 Foruniqueidentificatio
Password VARCHAR Not Null 10 Password

Name VARCHAR Not Null 20 Name

Mobile No INT Not Null 10 Store Name

Address VARCHAR Not Null 30 Address

City VARCHAR Not Null 10 City

State VARCHAR Not Null 20 State

5.Seller Registration:


Email VARCHAR PrimaryKey 25 Foruniqueidentificatio
Password VARCHAR Not Null 10 Password

Name VARCHAR Not Null 20 Name

Store Name VARCHAR Not Null 30 Store Name

Address VARCHAR Not Null 30 Address

City VARCHAR Not Null 10 City

State VARCHAR Not Null 20 State

Mobile No INT Not Null 10 Mobile No

6.Plant Category:
Plant_Id INT Primary Key 10 Forunique
identification on of
Plant_name VARCHAR Not Null 20 Plant name

Plant_price INT Not Null 10 Plant price

Plant_ VARCHAR Not Null 200 Description of plant

Plant_image VARCHAR Not Null - Images

Category VARCHAR Not Null 15 Plant Category

Reviews VARCHAR Not Null 20 Reviews

Stock INT Not Null 10 Stock Of Plant



Cart_Id INT Primary Key 20 Forunique
identification on of
Plant_Id INT Foreign Key 20 Plant_Id

Quantity INT Not Null 10 Quantity of Plant

Sub Total INT Not Null 10 Sub Total of Plant

You have

Plant_Id INT Foreign Key 25 Plant id

Card_owner VARCHAR Not Null 20 Card Owner

Card_number INT Not Null 16 Cart number

Expire_date DATE Not Null - Card date

Cvv_number NUMBER Not Null 20 Cvv number



Order_Id INT Primary Key 20 Forunique
identification on of
Plant_Id INT Foreign Key 20 Plant id

Quantity INT Not Null 10 Quantity of plant

Total_Price INT Not Null 10 Total price of Plant

Status Char Not Null 20 Status



Contact_Id INT Primary Key 20 Forunique
identification on of
Description VARCHAR Not Null 30 Description


Review_Id INT Primary Key 20 Review id

Rating INT Not Null 20 Rating of Plant

Post_date DATE Not Null - Date



Plant_Id INT Foreign Key 20 Plant id

Plant_Name INT Not Null 20 Name of Plant

onboarding screen onboarding screen
Registration screen Registration screen
Profile Screen Login Screen
Mobile OTP screen OTP verification screen
Dashboard screen Drawer Screen
Category screen Pick Image Screen
Plant Detail Screen Plant Detail Screen
Preview Screen Tack Order Screen (Confirm)
Tack Order Screen (Shipping) Tack Order Screen (Delivered)
Tack Order Screen (canceled) Product Screen
Policy Screen App Exit Popup
Sell Buy Screen My Profile Screen
Buyer Registration Screen
Buyer Login Screen Mobile Login Screen
OTP varification Screen Buyer DeshBoard Screen
Search Screen My cart Screen

Favourite Screen Profile Screen

Edit Profile Screen My Orders Screen
All Order Screen Address Screen
My Cart Screen Payment Method Screen
Continue To shopping Payment Successfully
Track Orders Screen Feedback Screen

FAQs Screen Privacy Screen

Call Us Screen
7.1 Testing Introduction

 What is Testing ?

 Testing is the process of examining an application to ensure it fulfills the requirements

for which it was designed and meets quality expectations.
 More importantly,testing ensure the application meet customer expectations.
 Testing accomplished a verity of things but most importantly it measures the quality of
websites you are developing.
 This view presupposes there are defect in your website waiting to be discovered and
this view is rarely disproved or even disputed.

 Types Of Testing:
 Integration Testing :
We have used top down testing strategy for integrating web pages .The
separately generated web pages will be integrated and for checking that they
work properly after their integration , tests will be conducted to ensure their
proper functionality.
Using dummy web pages it is checked that weather output of page will
redirect to specific webpage After that regression testing strategy help us to
ensure that changes do not introduce unintended behavior or additional

 Validation Testing :
After integration testing, Web site is completely assemble as a package
interfacing error has been uncovered and correct and the final series of the web
site test. The validation succeeds when the web site function in a manner that
can be reasonably accepted by the client. Validation tests provide assurance that
the website as written meets requirement.
 White Box Testing :
While box testing is testing case design method that uses the control structure of
the procedural design testcases. Using white box testing methods, One can
devices that cases that –
 Grantees that all independent paths within a module have been
 exercised at least once. Exercise all logical decision on their true and
false sides.
 Exercise all loops at their boundaries and within their operational
 Exercises internal data structure to ensure their validity

 Black Box Testing :

Black box s the method of software testing that tests the factuality of
applications appeased to it internal structure or workings. Specific knowledge of
application’s code /internal structure & programming knowledge in general is
not require Test cases are built around specification & requirement , i.e. what
application suppose to uses external description of the software , including
specification , requirements and design to derive test cases .This cases can be
functional or nonfunctional through usually function. The test designers select
valid and invalid inputs and determine the correct output. There is no knowledge
of the test object’s internal structure testing

 Unit Testing :
In the web based application smallest testable unit is web page itself . So the
web pages of the site are to be unit tested. Each web page contains content,
navigational links and processing elements (Scripts, event handlers etc.) .The
testing will be driven by the content processing and links contained in the site.
Using black box testing technique web pages are tested unit by unit for whether
they receive input properly and give output in proper format or redirect to
specific web page .It is also tested that the error message are properly displayed
and give user-friendly information.

 Alpha Testing :
Alpha testing makes use of prototypes to test the software in its beta stage.
However, You cannot expect the software to possess complete functionality for
which it is designed especially at this stage . This is because alpha testing is
usually conducted to ensure that the software that is being developed provides
all necessary core function and that accepts all inputs and gives expected output.
Alpha test are conducted in the software developers offices or on any designated
systems so that they can monitor the test and list out any errors or bugs that
may be present. Thus, some of the most complex codes are developed during
alpha testing stage. Furthermore, the project manager who is handling the
testing process will need to talk to the software developer on the possibilities of
integrating the results procured from alpha testing process with the future
software design plans so that all potential future problem can be avoided.

 Beta Testing :
In software development, beta test is the second phase of software testing in
which a sampling of intended audience tries the product out. Originally, the term
alpha test meant the first phase of testing in a software development process.
The first phase includes unit testing, component testing and system testing. Beta
testing can be considered pre-release testing . Beta test versions of software are
now distributed to a wide audience on the web partly to give the program a Real
World test and partly to provide a preview of the next release. Beta testing
comes after alpha testing and can be consider as a form of extremer user
acceptance testing. Version of the software , known as beta versions , is released
to a limited audience outside of the programming team .The software is released
to group of people so that further testing can ensure the products have few
faults or bugs. Sometimes, Beta version are made available to the open public to
increase the feedback field to a maximal number of the future users.

 System Testing :
The uncovered weakness that were not found in earlier tests are removed In
System testing. The system is corrected such away that it does not affect the
forced system failure. The testing is done with the low volume of transaction
based on live data. Finally the total system is also tested to ensure that no data
are lost.

Following testing on the completed system will be performed in order to find

the errors before they become defects and correct them.
 In order to eliminate navigational errors the site will be reviewed and
tested. The use cases scenarios that we have developed in the same
document while requirement analysis activity will be considered to
uncover errors in the navigational links.
 Web pages of the site will be unit tested. For the web pages sometimes
the smallest testable unit is the single web page itself. Each web page
contains content, Navigational links, and processing elements (Scripts,
event handlers etc.). The testing will be driven by the content processing
and links contained in the site.
 The separately generated web pages will be integrated and for checking
that they work properly after their integration, tests will be conducted to
ensure their proper functionality.
 The functionality of the site will be checked with the different versions of
the Internet Explorer , Netscape Navigator etc. and wherever necessary it
will be attempted to change the implementation of the not working for
some browsers fir some case and of course without loosing the purpose
of the functionality if possible .

8.1 System Limitation

 Limited payment methods are supported.

 Low level of security provided.
 User can place only limited number of orders.
 Storage capacity is limited hence limited number of Items can be listed out on site for
 Search by voice in not supported means user can not search for item just by speaking
the name of items.

8.2 Future Enhancement

 In future we will be implementing the search by voice functionality means in upcoming

updates user will be able to search an item just by speaking the name of the item.
 Machine learning will be used to provide appropriate products to our users for their
convenience. User’s preferences, price range and product brands will be analyzed to
extract information of specific user to show them affordable , suitable and long lasting
 In future updates shopkeepers will be able to register their shops and sell their products
through us .
 We will be improving our security to protect the privacy and data of our users.
 Known bugs and error will be fixed.

9 References

All the needed information related to Our project “Do & Be” was being clumped from the
following sources:





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