Mid-Term Exam

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PROFESORA: Paola Azcoiti FECHA: September 29th, 2020. ESTUDIANTE:


1. Re-read the poem “Alien” by Richard Macwilliam. Can you identify one figure of speech?(0.25 p)

2. Re-read the poem “Flight From Planet Earth” by David Harmer. Can you identify one figure of speech?(0.25 p)

3. Identify two values fostered in the poem “Alien Exchange” by David Harmer. (0.25 p)

4. Re-read Terry Eagleton’s “Introduction: What Is Literature?” According to Eagleton, the definition of Literature given
and used by Russian formalists has some weaknesses. Mention two of them.(1 p)

5. Re-read Jonathan Culler’s “What Is Literature and Does It Matter?” Why are readers important in Culler’s definition of
Literature? (1p)

6. Is Isaac Asimov’s “True Love” humorous? Why (not)? (1 p)

7. Look for an example of a concrete poem on the Internet and paste it here. Why did you like it?(0.25 p)

8. What is the rhyme scheme of Shakespeare’s “Sonnet 116”?(0.25 p)

9. What is the point of view or narrative perspective in “Editha” by William Dean Howells?(0.25 p)

10. What is ironic about “Editha” by William Dean Howells?(1 p)

11. Bearing the definition of epic poetry in mind, why is Beowulf an epic poem? What are epic poems precursors of?(1 p)

12. Re-read the extracts of Beowulf analyzed in class. Why can we say that Beowulf is arrogant, foolish and ruthless?(1 p)

13. Would you say the ballad “Get Up and Bar the Door” is old-fashioned or modern in its subject matter? Why?(0.5 p)

14. Re-read Chaucer’s Prologue to The Canterbury Tales. Complete the following chart:(1 p)

Character Eyes Hair Complexion Body type Clothing Other

15- Re-read Chaucer’s Prologue to The Canterbury Tales.What character traits does the Friar appear to have in common
with the Monk?(1 p)
1-Assonance; “And horrid furry stuff on their head”

2-Alliteration; “Let the dust die down”


-The definition is literature is left up to how somebody decides to read, not to the nature
of what is written.
- The literary work was neither a vehicle for ideas, a reflection of social reality nor the
incarnation of some transcendental truth: it was a material fact. It was made of words,
not of objects or feelings, and it was a mistake to see it as the expression of an author’s

5- The literariness of literature may lie in the tension of the interaction between the
linguistic material and readers’ conventional expectations of what literature is.

6- Yes, it is.

7- Personally speaking, cats are wonderful and I love them. Also, inside this image I felt
identified with the content and brought me plenty of feelings. Thus, I think this image
represents how a cat is o how is it thought to be.


9) Editha’s point of view is third person, omniscient.

10) There is a situational irony on Editha’s story. Editha glorifies war; she thinks that
war is something great and good. However, she didn’t expect her husband would die in
11) To begin with, Beowulf is an epic poem because it’s a long narrative poem of a
dramatic character dealing with a fictitious story of notable actions carried out under the
inspiration of some powerful social or supernatural force.
12) It’s definitely easy to conclude that Beowulf has a certain arrogance about his
superior fighting skills, but considering he is able to prove his skills by slaying Grendel
the first night, I’d almost say it’s acceptable. The nation under Hrothgar had given up on
defeating the monster; yet Beowulf was not only brave enough to give it a go, he also
succeeded in doing so. Maybe his arrogance is deserved…

13) It is an old-fashioned subject matter. The reason why is that the lady is expected to
do everything without help while the man is waiting for dinner or something else,
without moving any part of his body. This is a situation that has been seen till


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