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Key Stage 2

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Grammar 5 Answers


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Grammar 5 Schofield & Sims Grammar and Punctuation

Fronted adverbials: words and phrases

Adverbials add detail about when, where, how or why things happen.
Adverbials can be single words (adverbs) or phrases. You can choose to put
an adverbial at the start (or front) of a sentence. This is called
a fronted adverbial
adverbial, and should be followed by a comma
Usually, Tyler hated getting up in the morning.
Usually, morning
In a faraway land,
land, on a distant hillside,
beside a trickling stream,
stream, there stood a cottage.

Try it

1 Underline the adverbials in these sentences.

Frantically, he searched the beach beneath the cliffs.
On the stroke of half time, United scored in front of their excited fans.
With the help of our keen volunteers, the wildlife
garden will soon be open.
Inside the restaurant, the fire in the grate flickered
with a warming glow.
Across the country, from town to town, from street to street, the news spread.
With a pencil, make a mark in the middle of the circle.

2 Add at least one adverbial to the start of each sentence. Use the correct
Out of the silence, we heard a cry.
Suddenly, to his amazement, the dog spoke to him.
In a cloud of smoke, the old car rattled down the road.
Nervously, through the dark streets, Archie followed the man with the tall hat.
Over the meadow, on the edge of a wood, there lived a wise man.

Sentence practice

Write the opening sentence for a story, starting with at least one adverbial..
On a dark and stormy night, in the dim and distant past, a man was travelling
home across the moors.    
Schofield & Sims Grammar and Punctuation Grammar 5

Fronted adverbials: clauses

Subordinate clauses start with a conjunction and function as adverbials
Subordinate clauses tell you more about the event in the main clause.
clause You can
put the subordinate clause before the main clause. These fronted subordinate
clauses, like other fronted adverbials, are followed by a comma
As the lightning lit up the night,
night, she saw a figure in the doorway.
Although it was just a glimpse,
glimpse, Abbie thought it was him.

Try it

1 Underline the subordinate clause in each sentence. Circle the conjunction..

Although it was raining, the air was still warm.
In the morning, he gave her a map so that she could find her way.
Once we have the money, we will buy new equipment for the gym.
Whenever I leave the room, you start misbehaving.
Since it was time for lunch, she ran home.

2 Rewrite each sentence so that it begins with the subordinate clause..

Punctuate it correctly.
The visitor paused for a moment before he spoke to the class.
Before he spoke to the class, the visitor paused for a moment.
George could not rest while his father was in danger.
While his father was in danger, George could not rest.
The children climbed over the fence although they weren’t really allowed in the garden.
Although they weren’t really allowed in the garden, the children climbed over
the fence.

Sentence practice

Write three sentences using the main clause below. Start each sentence with a
different subordinate clause..
… she went through the gate.
As it was open, she went through the gate.
While no-one was looking, she went through the gate.
Although she knew it was wrong, she went through the gate. 3
Grammar 5 Schofield & Sims Grammar and Punctuation

Punctuating direct speech

In direct speech,
speech the spoken words are sometimes split up, with ‘said X’ in the
middle of them. If someone says two complete sentences, you put a full stop
between the sentences.
“It sounds like rats,”
,” said Dylan.. “There
“T are
probably hundreds of them down there.” .”
If someone says one sentence, you put a comma after ‘said X’ to show that the
sentence continues.
“I heard it before,”
,” said Maya,, “but
“b this time it’s louder.”

Try it

1 Read this direct speech and decide if there is one spoken sentence or two
Then add the missing punctuation..
“ Take care of yourself ,” she shouted .“ Those roads can be dangerous .”
“ We must find the wise man ,” said the chief ,“ and ask him what to do .”
“ You stay here ,” said Arjun ,“ while we go inside .”
“ It’s not my fault ,” Natalie said quickly .“ I was only trying to help .”
“ You should hurry ,” said the ticket inspector ,“ because the train is leaving
in a few minutes .”

2 Complete the sentence spoken by each character and add the punctuation..
“ I’m having a party ,” announced Kayla ,“ and I want you all to come.”
“ I’ve looked everywhere ,” moaned Louie ,“ but I still can’t find my book.”
“ When it stops raining ,” said Sarah , “we will go for a run.”
“ We are going to the cinema ,” explained Lucy ,“ so I have to hurry home.”
“ We should stay here ,” insisted Nisha ,“ or Dad will never find us in this crowd.”

Sentence practice

Freya and Lee are trapped. Write two lines of direct speech,, split up as above,
to show this.
“We must get out of here,” whispered Lee, “before the thieves come back.”
“Good idea,” said Freya. “Let’s get to the door and make a run for it.”
Schofield & Sims Grammar and Punctuation Grammar 5

Direct and indirect speech

Direct speech records the actual words that are
spoken, by putting them in inverted commas.
Megan said, “I can’t come.””
Indirect speech (also called reported speech)
speech records
what has been said without using the actual words
spoken. No inverted commas are needed.
Megan said that she couldn’t come.

Try it

1 Write whether each sentence shows direct speech or indirect speech.. If it is

direct speech, add the missing punctuation..
She said that she hated singing in assembly. indirect speech
Jason shouted ,“ Let’s get out of here! ” direct speech
Bella told us that the hall was flooded. indirect speech
Elijah agreed that we were right. indirect speech
Mum sighed ,“ I think that is a very bad idea. ” direct speech

2 Complete the boxes so that each sentence is written as direct speech and then
as indirect speech.. Punctuate your answers correctly.
Direct speech Indirect speech

Mrs Shah said, “Everyone go home.” Mrs Shah told everyone to go home.

He shouted to us, “Follow that car!” He shouted to us to follow the car.

“Are you busy?” she asked. She asked if we were busy.

Dad said that we could help if we

“You can help if you want to,” said Dad.
wanted to.

Sentence practice

Ross tells his mum that he is going to Amit’s house. Write his mum’s reply using
indirect speech..
Mum said that he must be back by six. 5
Grammar 5 Schofield & Sims Grammar and Punctuation

There are many different types of pronoun but they all have the
same function – they stand in place of nouns or noun phrases.
A man was walking along when he saw something
on the ground – a handful of sparkling beads.
He picked them up. “Well, look at these
these,” he said
to himself
himself. “Someone
Someone must have dropped them

Try it

1 Underline all the pronouns in each sentence.

Mum made herself a cup of tea and poured us some juice.
Rose ran away when she heard something moving in the woods.
That ice cream looks delicious. Can I have some?
We organised the event ourselves and it was a great success.
They looked at all the paintings and decided mine was the best.
If you give her the seeds, Lucia can plant them herself.

2 Rewrite each sentence using pronouns instead of the underlined nouns and
noun phrases.
This workbook is your workbook and that workbook is my workbook.
This is yours and that is mine.
Scott was annoyed with Scott when Scott missed the open goal.
He was annoyed with himself when he missed it.
An unknown person was coming so Anish and I hastily put the letters back.
Someone was coming so we hastily put them back.

Sentence practice

Write a sentence using the pronouns ‘someone’ and ‘himself’.

Someone had left a skateboard in the hall and Dad fell over it and hurt himself.

Schofield & Sims Grammar and Punctuation Grammar 5

Pronouns and ambiguity

You can use pronouns to avoid repeating nouns or noun phrases. However, it
must be clear which noun or noun phrase a pronoun refers to.
When Aaron rode his bike into the fence, he badly
damaged it it. (meaning is unclear or ambiguous)
Aaron badly damaged his bike when he rode it
into the fence. (meaning is clear)

Try it

1 Which two nouns could the underlined pronoun in each sentence refer to?
If I take the model off the stand, it will be easier to mend it.
model or stand
When the hunters went to catch the stags, they ran away.
hunters or stags
When Dad dropped the computer on his leg, it broke.
computer or leg
I saw her picture in a magazine but now I can’t find it.
picture or magazine
The police told the passengers that they would be there for some time.
police or passengers

2 Now rewrite the sentences above, keeping the pronoun but making clear which
noun it refers to.
It will be easier to mend the model if I take it off the stand.
As soon as they saw the stags, the hunters ran away.
Dad broke his leg when he dropped the computer on it.
I can’t find the picture of her that I saw in the magazine.
The police said that the passengers would be there for some time.

Sentence practice

Write a sentence using the nouns ‘rabbit’ and ‘hat’ and the pronoun ‘it’.
The rabbit disappeared when the magician put it in the hat.
Grammar 5 Schofield & Sims Grammar and Punctuation

Verbs: auxiliary verbs

Verbs have two tenses
tenses: past and present. Other verb forms are made by
putting ‘helper’ verbs before the main verb. These helper verbs are called
auxiliary verbs.
United have been woeful recently. (perfect form)
Johnson was waiting at the far post. (progressive form)
United will face City in the next round. (future time)

Try it

1 Add the auxiliary verb needed to complete each sentence.

The girl was fidgeting in her seat all through the show.
We have chosen a name for our new puppy.
Dominic has known Becky for years.
There will be a full moon tonight.
It is late but the children are still
searching for the lost tortoise.
I do not want gravy on my broccoli.

2 Rewrite each sentence using the auxiliary verb shown in brackets.

He explained it all to me. He has explained it all to me. (has)
I wrote a story about you. I have written a story about you. (have)
Her hands trembled. Her hands were trembling. (were)
I listen to the music. I am listening to the music. (am)
They are singing here today. They will sing here today. (will)
I like tea but not coffee. I like tea but I do not like coffee. (do)

Sentence practice

Write two different sentences using the verb ‘beat’ with the auxiliary verb
United have beaten us three times already this season.
After you have beaten the egg, pour it into the pan.

Schofield & Sims Grammar and Punctuation Grammar 5

Verbs: perfect forms

The present perfect form uses the auxiliary verb ‘has’ or ‘have’ before the
main verb. It is used to write about events that have happened in the recent
past, are still ongoing or have consequences now. The past perfect form uses
the auxiliary verb ‘had’ to show that one event happened before another past
Joe has become a successful businessman. (present perfect)
Once Joe had learnt to drive, he got a job. (past perfect)

Try it

1 Underline the past perfect form of verbs in these sentences.

The farmer had been outside chopping wood before he began to build the fire.
Once Dalia had finished her chores, she sat down for a rest.
The coach was pleased because the players had done their best.
I wanted to see Miss Braithwaite but she had gone for lunch.
Amber stared at the boy because she was sure she had seen him before.
Charlie was excited because he had wanted to visit Japan for a long time.

2 Rewrite each sentence using the present perfect verb form rather than the
simple past tense.
The house was empty for months. The house has been empty for months.
I forgot my password. I have forgotten my password.

Rewrite each sentence using the past perfect verb form rather than the
simple past tense.
I finished all my homework. I had finished all my homework.
He gave away all his money. He had given away all his money.

Sentence practice

Add two sentences about what had happened, using past perfect verb forms..
Kyle sat down and cried. It had been a disastrous day. At breakfast, he had
dropped the eggs on the floor. Then he had missed the bus.

Grammar 5 Schofield & Sims Grammar and Punctuation

Standard English
Non-Standard English is sometimes used in speech, but in writing you should
nearly always use Standard English. Pay attention to pronouns and verb forms,
as these are often confused.
Sam and me was always playing in the park.
Them was great days. (non-Standard English)
Sam and I were always playing in the park.
Those were great days. (Standard English)

Try it

1 Add the correct word to complete each sentence using Standard English..
On Friday morning, Joseph and I tidied the art cupboard. (me I)
We decided to stack those boxes on top of each other. (them those)
It was a funny story that he told us. (what that)
I need my glasses to read the newspaper. (my me)
Mrs Hawkins sent Jude and me to fetch the register. (me I)
There is a lot of wildlife living in those woods. (them those)

2 Rewrite each sentence using Standard English..

Me and me dad have writ to the council about them bins left outside our house.
Dad and I have written to the council about those bins left outside our house.
I think them computer games what you wanted is in me bedroom.
I think those computer games that you wanted are in my bedroom.
It were so windy that it blowed me hat off me head and into them bushes over there.
It was so windy that it blew my hat off my head and into those bushes over

Sentence practice

Write a sentence using non-Standard English.. Then rewrite it using Standard

Mum and me thought me brother were funny in the play.
Mum and I thought my brother was funny in the play.
Schofield & Sims Grammar and Punctuation Grammar 5

Standard English: double negatives

Negative words, including ‘no’, ‘nothing’, ‘never’ and ‘not’ (also written as the
contraction –n’t), are used in negative sentences. You only need one negative
word in a sentence. If you use two negative words, they cancel each other out
and the sentence means the opposite of what was intended.
I didn’t see nobody
nobody. ✗ (double negative)
I didn’t see anybody. or I saw nobody
nobody. ✓ (Standard English)

Try it

1 Add the correct word to complete each sentence using Standard English..
Max never told anybody about the argument. (anybody nobody)
You’re not going anywhere until you’ve finished. (nowhere anywhere)
I’ve never seen anything like it before. (anything nothing)
Vasanth didn’t have any brothers or sisters. (no any)
I’m not going to play tennis ever again. (never ever)
Jenny couldn’t find any work at the factory. (no any)

2 Rewrite these sentences so that the meaning is clear.

I don’t want no sugar in my tea. I don’t want any sugar in my tea.
I’m not going nowhere this morning. I’m not going anywhere this morning.
I don’t know nothing about computers. I don’t know anything about computers.
Holly’s not talking to nobody today. Holly’s not talking to anybody today.
I never saw no lorry outside. I never saw any lorry outside.
I don’t trust none of them. I don’t trust any of them.

Sentence practice

Write three sentences using negative words to give warnings. Remember to

avoid double negatives.
Never cross a road without looking both ways.
Do not try to feed any of the animals in the zoo.
Leave nothing on the bus when you get off.

Grammar 5 Schofield & Sims Grammar and Punctuation

Revision 1
1 Insert commas in the correct places in these sentences.
Butterflies , dragonflies , mosquitoes , gnats and
moths are all examples of flying insects.
A spacious living room , modern kitchen and large
dining room can all be found on the ground floor.
Ripe mangoes , figs , sweet potatoes , colourful fabrics and shiny
trinkets were just some of the things on sale at the market.
Mowing the lawn , raking up the leaves and planting the bulbs are
some of the jobs I must do in the garden this weekend.

2 Rewrite the phrases below using an apostrophe to show possession..

the neck of a giraffe a giraffe’s neck
the nest belonging to the ants the ants’ nest
the playground for children the children’s playground
the settlement of the invaders the invaders’ settlement

3 Add a question tag to make each statement into a question. Punctuate it

It’s Monday today , isn’t it?
Mel likes strawberries , doesn’t she?
We should wait for Owen , shouldn’t we?
You collect football programmes , don’t you?

4 One word in the sentence below uses an apostrophe incorrectly. Underline the
Mrs Neil’s pupils stacked their chair’s by the classroom door.

Explain why it is incorrect.

The ‘s’ on ‘chairs’ is a plural ‘s’, not ‘apostrophe s’ to show possession.

Schofield & Sims Grammar and Punctuation Grammar 5

5 Use a different co-ordinating conjunction to add another clause to each

sentence below.
Robbie’s alarm clock began to bleep
but he did not wake up.
Robbie’s mum always had to shake him
or he would never get up.
Robbie turned his pillow over
and he went back to sleep.

6 Complete each sentence with a different possessive pronoun..

This is mine.
That is yours.
These are ours.
Those are hers.

7 Rewrite the sentence below by moving an adverbial to the start of the

sentence. Punctuate the new sentence correctly.
I sat down and replied to her letter immediately after lunch.
Immediately after lunch, I sat down and replied to her letter.

8 Underline the main clause in each sentence.

There was a crash as the man fell over.
Once Leo had found the address, he set off down the road.
Nikesh crossed the track so that he could read the sign.
Just as Bethany was about to step out of the front door, she heard a strange noise.

9 Rewrite the sentence below, adding a subordinate clause..

The people screamed.
The people screamed whenever the ground began to shake.

10 Label the boxes to show the word class each word belongs to.
She gave a friendly smile.

verb adjective noun

Grammar 5 Schofield & Sims Grammar and Punctuation

Writing task 1
What an adventure!

“Don’t press the button,” said a voice.

An adventure story starts with these words. Your task is to write the opening
of this adventure story. You should describe the events that follow after the
opening line.

Before you start writing, think about:

● where the story takes place
● who the characters are
● what happens next
● how to make the story exciting

Use this space to write down some ideas.

Schofield & Sims Grammar and Punctuation Grammar 5


● Think about the grammar and vocabulary you use.

● Use correct punctuation.
● Check your work carefully.

What an adventure!
“Don’t press the button,” said a voice.

Grammar 5 Schofield & Sims Grammar and Punctuation

A determiner is the word that comes before a noun or at the start of a noun
phrase. Many different types of words can be used as determiners. They can
tell you whether the noun is known or unknown.
the report this school our pupils two schemes (known)
a car an idea some parents many children (unknown)

Try it

1 Underline all the determiners in each sentence.

Some new houses are cramped but this house has a spacious living room.
Every magnet has two poles, a north pole and a south pole.
The room was small, with one window overlooking her little garden.
Most lizards have four legs but some, such as
the slow-worm, have no legs.
All bats in this country are protected by the law.
It took many weeks and much effort for those
brave explorers to reach the North Pole.

2 Complete each sentence using suitable determiners..

Most metals are hard but some metals are softer and more flexible.
A mole uses its front feet to loosen the earth
when it is digging.
Behind us, there was an empty space with two trees in the
middle but no grass.
Those seagulls just swooped down for some crumbs left from
our sandwiches.
Some animals such as the chameleon can change their
colour to match the background.

Sentence practice

Write a sentence about a puppy, using three different determiners..

That puppy you found in your garden is our Yorkshire terrier.
Schofield & Sims Grammar and Punctuation Grammar 5

Expanded noun phrases

You can add words and phrases to nouns to form expanded noun phrases.
These help to give more information about the noun. An expanded noun
phrase might include a determiner
determiner, one or more adjectives
adjectives, other nouns and/or
prepositional phrases.
squirrel ➞ the squirrel ➞ the grey squirrel
➞ the graceful grey squirrel ➞ the graceful
grey tree squirrel with a long bushy tail

Try it

1 Underline the expanded noun phrase built around each noun in bold..
The biologist gave a very interesting talk about unusual animals.
A green grass snake with small black markings slithered into view.
We visited several interesting ancient monuments while on holiday in Italy.
Deer have branched antlers with a velvety covering.
From his balcony, he could look out over the golden roofs of the city.
I tried to count the glittering stars in the sapphire sky.

2 Rewrite each sentence using an expanded noun phrase..

We sell hats. We sell extravagant hats for weddings and special
I came to a door. I came to a bright blue door with a shiny brass knob in the
Once there was a cat. Once there was an enchanted cat with fiery green eyes and
beautiful black fur.
This is a butterfly. This is a magnificent butterfly from the tropical
rainforests of Africa.

Sentence practice

Write a sentence about an elaborate feast. Use three expanded noun phrases..
On the table were silver plates with spicy morsels, steaming dishes of roasted
partridge in pomegranate juice and towers of the finest exotic fruit from
faraway lands. 17
Grammar 5 Schofield & Sims Grammar and Punctuation

Relative clauses 1
You can use a relative clause to give more information about a noun
mentioned in a sentence. A relative clause usually begins with a relative
pronoun, such as ‘who’, ‘which’, ‘that’ or ‘whose’.
Once, there was a poor king who had a threadbare cloak.
The crown that he wore was made of tin.
In some relative clauses the relative pronoun is missed out.
The crown that he wore was made of tin.

Try it

1 Underline the relative clause in each sentence. Circle the relative pronoun..
Mum has a friend who works at the hospital.
She came to the old brick wall, which ran round the side of the house.
The fish had silver scales that glittered red and gold.
The robins that we see in the garden are quite tame.
We spoke to the man whose house was struck by lightning.
We would like to thank everyone who helped us with our
bake sale.

2 Complete each relative clause to give information about the noun..

I sent an email to my friend who lives in America.
She climbed down the rope that was hanging out of the window.
I met an old man whose name was Ernest Merriman.
I read the book, which explained everything.
He told us about his daughter who works in parliament.
She picked up the shovel that was lying on the ground.

Sentence practice

Write an interesting fact about a teacher, using a relative clause..

Mr Jackson is the teacher who taught me how to read.

Schofield & Sims Grammar and Punctuation Grammar 5

Relative clauses 2
A relative clause tells you more about a noun
noun. Some relative clauses begin with
‘where’ or ‘when’. You use ‘where’ to refer to places and ‘when’ to refer to times.
At the end of the street, there was a house where no-one ever went.

Try it

1 Use the words ‘where’ or ‘when’ to complete the relative clause in each
It was a long walk back to the caravan park where we were staying.
1969 was the year when man first landed on the moon.
We go swimming at the leisure centre where my
mother works.
Today is the day when our cousins arrive back
from Greece.
March is the month when the daffodils start to
grow in my aunt’s garden.
Visit the town of Stratford-upon-Avon where
Shakespeare was born.

2 Rewrite each sentence using a relative clause to add the information shown in
It was Monday afternoon. (The hurricane struck on Monday afternoon.)
It was Monday afternoon when the hurricane struck.
This is New Street Station. (We catch the train to London from New Street Station.)
This is New Street Station where we catch the train to London.
There is still a stain on the carpet. (Dad dropped a tin of paint on the carpet.)
There is still a stain on the carpet where Dad dropped a tin of paint.

Sentence practice

Complete this sentence using a relative clause..

I remember the day when I started school.

Grammar 5 Schofield & Sims Grammar and Punctuation

Parenthesis: brackets
Sometimes extra detail is added into a sentence. This may be something
interesting but not essential to the sentence’s meaning. You use
two brackets to clearly separate the extra information
(or parenthesis
parenthesis) from the main sentence.
Jesse Owens (an American athlete)) won four gold
medals at the 1936 Olympics.

Try it

1 Underline the extra information (parenthesis)

( ) that has been added in each
sentence. Then insert the missing brackets..
Mrs Bahra ( our neighbour ) is always watching us from her window.
For breakfast, there was scrambled egg ( which I hate ) or porridge.
The tower ( built in 1853 ) will soon be open to the public again.
The giant panda ( which lives in China ) is extremely rare.
Charles Dickens ( 1812–1870 ) was a famous and popular writer.
We spoke to Mr Cooper ( the school’s head teacher ) about the building work.

2 Rewrite each sentence using brackets to add a parenthesis where shown by

the arrow.

Grandma’s dogs travel everywhere with her.

Grandma’s dogs (Trixie and Tinkerbell) travel everywhere with her.

Jack was the first to complete the puzzle.

Jack (who was the last to start) was the first to complete the puzzle.

This book is my favourite story of all time.

This book (which is by Roald Dahl) is my favourite story of all time.

Sentence practice

Write two sentences about a member of your family. Use brackets to add a
parenthesis to each sentence.
My brother Edward (sometimes called Eddie) wants to be an inventor. He makes
strange gadgets (which usually don’t work) and spends hours drawing diagrams.
Schofield & Sims Grammar and Punctuation Grammar 5

Parenthesis: commas and dashes

You can use two commas or two dashes instead of brackets to show a
parenthesis in a sentence. As with brackets, the dashes or commas clearly
separate the extra information from the main sentence.
Jamie’s mother,, who was a great cook,, had been baking
all day. The cakes – all ten of them – had vanished!

Try it

1 Rewrite each sentence using dashes or commas to separate the extra

information (the parenthesis)) from the main sentence.
The Moon although it appears to be silver actually has no light.
The Moon, although it appears to be silver, actually has no light.
Jamila’s father who is a doctor told us about his work
at the hospital.
Jamila’s father, who is a doctor, told us about his
work at the hospital.
The water was cold really freezing so we quickly jumped out again.
The water was cold – really freezing – so we quickly jumped out again.
They threw everything bills, letters and notes into the bin.
They threw everything – bills, letters and notes – into the bin.

2 Add a parenthesis into the sentence. Use commas or dashes to punctuate it.
The city – which was full of noise and colour – was an exciting place to be.
Mars , the fourth planet of the Solar System, is smaller than Earth.
Gavin – rather surprisingly – won the competition.
The casket , which is made of silver, is now on display in the museum.

Sentence practice

Write a sentence about a messy ice cream, including a parenthesis.. Use

commas or dashes to punctuate it.
My ice cream – which was chocolate flavour – dripped all over my white

Grammar 5 Schofield & Sims Grammar and Punctuation

Adverbs and possibility

Adverbs can be used when discussing possibilities. The adverbs can suggest
different levels of certainty. Some adverbs make ideas sound certain, while
others make them sound less sure.
That is definitely the best idea. We clearly can’t stay here. (certain)
Perhaps ... but maybe we should wait. (less certain)

Try it

1 Underline the adverb in each sentence. Then tick any sentences with adverbs
that show certainty.
The bad weather possibly caused the accident.
I will certainly arrive before the party ends. ✓
I think I could probably swim across the river.
Surely, this will solve the problem. ✓
He was obviously the best singer in the competition. ✓
Perhaps, we will go on holiday in July.

2 Rewrite each sentence using an adverb to make it sound more certain.

The new machine will work. The new machine will definitely work.
This answer is wrong. Obviously, this answer is wrong.
I think this is the best book. I think this is clearly the best book.

Rewrite each sentence using an adverb to make it sound less certain.

We will win the lottery. Maybe, we will win the lottery.
This will cheer you up. Perhaps, this will cheer you up.
I could be there by two o’clock. I could possibly be there by two o’clock.

Sentence practice

Write two sentences about why a boy is waving at you, using adverbs to show
different levels of possibility.
The boy clearly wants to catch my attention. Perhaps, he needs my help.

Schofield & Sims Grammar and Punctuation Grammar 5

Modal verbs and possibility

Modal verbs are used with other verbs to show different levels of possibility.
They can make statements sound certain or more like a possibility.
Today will be a good day. (certain)
This afternoon I could go swimming. (possible)

Try it

1 Underline the modal verb in each sentence. Write whether the modal verb
makes it sound certain or possible..
We can get to the top of this mountain. certain
This bridge could collapse at any moment. possible
We must take some sun cream to the beach. certain
There may be a storm overnight. possible
The hero might save the villagers from the
fearsome ogre. possible
You will love the new track from this
popular band. certain

2 Rewrite each sentence using a different modal verb to change the meaning.
He can finish the race. He might finish the race.
We should raise enough money. We will raise enough money.
You could ask an adult to help you. You must ask an adult to help you.
I might have cereal for breakfast. I will have cereal for breakfast.
Sophie might swim 50 metres. Sophie will swim 50 metres.
I must throw a six this time. I may throw a six this time.

Sentence practice

Write three sentences about the future, using modal verbs to show different
levels of possibility.
We might have flying cars. We could be living in space. We will all live longer.

Grammar 5 Schofield & Sims Grammar and Punctuation

Verbs with suffixes

Some verbs are formed from nouns or adjectives by adding
suffixes (such as –ify, –ise, –en, –ate) to the root words.
Sometimes the root word has to change its spelling.
solid ➞ solidify
ify hard ➞ harden
category ➞ categoriise vapour ➞ evaporate

Try it

1 Add a suffix to each noun or adjective to make a verb.. Write the verb.
simple simplify straight straighten
medic medicate pressure pressurise
pure purify electric electrify
captive captivate light lighten
flat flatten active activate
computer computerise equal equalise

2 Complete each sentence with a verb formed from a noun or adjective in

the box.

note hard critic terror strength sympathy

Exercise will strengthen your muscles.

I find it hard to criticise someone else’s work.
The cement will harden as it dries out.
Some of the rides at theme parks terrify me.
Please notify the head teacher if your child is ill.
I can sympathise with your point of view.

Sentence practice

Write a sentence using verbs formed by adding suffixes to the words ‘energy’
and ‘strength’.
Exercise helps to energise you and strengthen your muscles.

Schofield & Sims Grammar and Punctuation Grammar 5

Verbs with prefixes

When a prefix such as dis–, mis–, over–, re–, or de–
is added to the beginning of a verb
verb, it changes the
meaning of the verb.
re (load it again)
overload (load it too much)

Try it

1 Add a prefix to each verb to change its meaning. Then write the meaning of
the new verb.
mis behave means to behave badly
over flow means to flow over the top
dis continue means to not continue or to stop
re consider means to consider or to think again
mis calculate means to calculate wrongly
re pay means to pay back

2 Complete each sentence. Use the underlined verb again but change the prefix..
The magician disappeared but then reappeared somewhere else.
Simply inflate the bouncy castle and then deflate it after use.
Some shops undercharged their customers, while others overcharged.
My teacher says that when you miscount, you should always re-count the items.
You can easily dehydrate in hot weather, so drink water to rehydrate.

Sentence practice

Write three sentences to give instructions for cooking something from the
freezer. Use some verbs with prefixes..
First, defrost the item thoroughly. Do not undercook it or overcook it.
Do not refreeze it once cooked.

Grammar 5 Schofield & Sims Grammar and Punctuation

Revision 2
1 Write the adverb that can be formed from the adjective.. Then write a
sentence using the adverb you have made.
awkward awkwardly He landed awkwardly when he fell.
desperate desperately She fought desperately against the tide.
urgent urgently We need to speak to the head teacher urgently.
merry merrily Merrily, we strolled along.

2 Write the plural form of each word.

question questions scientist scientists
balcony balconies ox oxen
address addresses calf calves
volcano volcanoes salmon salmon

3 Complete each sentence with a noun formed from the verb in brackets.
Mum says she needs some rest and relaxation while on holiday. (relax)
I have an important announcement to make. (announce)
The school secretary says we need a paper shredder in the office. (shred)

4 What does the prefix ‘inter–’ mean in the word family below? Tick one

interrupt intervene interfere interface

beneath between ✓ above below

5 What does the root ‘locus’ mean in the word family below? Tick one

local location locate locomotive

long time place ✓ live

Schofield & Sims Grammar and Punctuation Grammar 5

6 Complete each sentence below with a compound noun..

I saw a buttercup in the garden.
We were playing in the playground .
The teachers were drinking tea in the staffroom .

7 Write a sentence using the word ‘leak’ as a verb..

I watched the water leak out of the tank.

Write a sentence using the word ‘leak’ as a noun..

There was a leak in the pipe.

8 Write a sentence using the word ‘low’ as an adjective..

The lorry could not get under the low bridge.

Write a sentence using the word ‘low’ as an adverb..

The eagle swooped low over the hillside.

9 Underline all the adverbs in the sentences below.

“It will soon be time to leave here,”
said the old man sadly.
Nadia told us later that she saw a
fire engine suddenly pull up outside.
I have spent the money already and
therefore we can’t go to the cinema now.

10 Write a sentence for each preposition given below.

between He slipped the letter between the pages of the book.
about I read a book about a wizard.
behind There was a man running behind the car.
through She passed through a golden gate into the secret wood.
after I started reading my new book after lunch.
on He put a large slice of cake on his tray.

Grammar 5 Schofield & Sims Grammar and Punctuation

Writing task 2
Read all about it!

You are a news reporter on a local newspaper. Your task is to write a short
news story that will interest your readers. Choose an idea from the headlines
below or use one of your own. You should report what happened in the style of
a newspaper reporter.

Before you start writing, think about:

● what happened
● who was involved
● what your readers will want to know about the events
● how to make it sound like a news story

Use this space to write down some ideas.

Schofield & Sims Grammar and Punctuation Grammar 5


● Think about the grammar and vocabulary you use.

● Use correct punctuation.
● Check your work carefully.

Read all about it!

Grammar 5 Schofield & Sims Grammar and Punctuation

Commas within sentences

Commas have a number of uses but they are always used within a sentence.
They are used to show breaks between different parts of a sentence (for
example, in lists
lists, with question tags,
tags in direct speech,
speech in parentheses and after
fronted adverbials).
adverbials They can separate words, phrases or clauses.
“Dad,, is that you?” I called into the darkness.
Then,, out of the silence,, I heard another creak. Someone,, or something,,
was out there. Clutching the duvet,, I huddled in bed.

Try it

1 Insert commas in the correct place(s) in each sentence.

“Come here , ” she said , “and tell me again.”
The sense of touch means I can feel if things are
hot , cold , soft , hard , smooth or rough.
Carbohydrates , such as starch and sugar , give us energy.
Without warning , the huge bird swooped down and grabbed him.
Wherever she went that day , the cat seemed to follow her.
Have you been snowboarding before , Emma?

2 Explain why a comma is used in each sentence.

I’ve told you this story before, haven’t I?
It separates the question tag from the main sentence.
When the sun is high in the sky, there is nothing better than a picnic by the river.
It separates the fronted subordinate clause from the main clause.
Poor Chris, who is allergic to cats, began to sneeze.
It separates the extra information (or parenthesis) added into the sentence.

Sentence practice

Write two sentences about someone going into a mysterious house. Use one or
more commas in each sentence.
After a quick glance over her shoulder, she put the key in the lock and opened
the door. Quickly, she slipped inside.
Schofield & Sims Grammar and Punctuation Grammar 5

Commas to avoid ambiguity

Commas are important – sometimes they can change the
meaning of a sentence.
Keep tackling Joe. Keep tackling,, Joe.
Commas make the meaning of a sentence clear and
prevent any ambiguity or misunderstanding. Think
what this sentence would mean without the comma!
The things I like best are cooking,, my dog and music.

Try it

1 Explain how the commas change the meaning in each pair of sentences.
No tickets are available. No, tickets are available.
With the comma, there are tickets available to buy.
Without the comma, there are no tickets available to buy.
Lola was a pretty smart girl. Lola was a pretty, smart girl.
With the comma, Lola is pretty and smart. Without the comma, she is
‘pretty smart’, or quite clever.

2 Rewrite each sentence using a comma to clarify the meaning.

After he ate the lion was full. After he ate, the lion was full.
I’m starving. Let’s eat Mum. I’m starving. Let’s eat, Mum.
Above a seagull squawked loudly. Above, a seagull squawked loudly.
To Callum James seemed bold. To Callum, James seemed bold.
Are we going to paint Miss Jones? Are we going to paint, Miss Jones?
I like collecting sports and I like collecting, sports and watching films.
watching films.

Sentence practice

Write two versions of a sentence to show how a comma can change the
I ate chocolate cake and sandwiches.
I ate chocolate, cake and sandwiches.
Grammar 5 Schofield & Sims Grammar and Punctuation

Linking paragraphs using adverbials

You can use paragraphs to develop your ideas in a piece of writing. Linking
adverbials can be used at the start of paragraphs to make it clear how your
ideas fit together. This helps to give the text cohesion.
We would like to offer some suggestions to improve the school playground.
Firstly, we would like you to consider providing new equipment.
Secondly, we could set up a quiet area.

Try it

1 Underline the adverbials that show how each pair of ideas links together.
Outside the cabin, you can enjoy the woodland setting.
Inside, you will find a welcoming fire and everything you need.
To begin with, we will grow vegetables in pots and containers.
After that, we hope to have a small vegetable patch in the school grounds.
First of all, make sure that you have all the necessary safety equipment.
Secondly, check the weather forecast before you set out.
On the one hand, firework displays can be thrilling to watch.
On the other hand, many people are injured by fireworks every year.

2 Plan a piece of non-fiction writing with the title: ‘Water is more precious than
gold’. Write the first sentence for each paragraph,, using adverbials to link
your ideas.
Introduction: Water is definitely more precious than gold.
Firstly, we cannot live without water.
Secondly, water is essential for growing food.
Thirdly, clean water is vital for hygiene and to stop diseases.
Furthermore, industry and manufacturing need water.
In conclusion, I think these reasons show that water is more precious than gold.

Sentence practice

Make a plan for a piece of non-fiction writing, persuading people to support

your favourite charity. Write the first sentence for each paragraph.. Write your
plan on a separate piece of paper.

Schofield & Sims Grammar and Punctuation Grammar 5

Linking ideas within paragraphs

Within a paragraph
paragraph, you need to show how the ideas link
together, to make it clear and give it cohesion. You can
use adverbials to show the links between sentences, and
pronouns to refer back to previous ideas.
We could grow our own vegetables and then sell them.
For example,
example we could grow tomatoes in pots or
potatoes in sacks. This would not be too expensive.

Try it

1 Underline the adverbials and circle the pronouns that help to link the ideas
between each pair of sentences.
The T-shirt is made of a special fabric that helps to keep you cool. In addition, this is
very hard-wearing.
We have complained many times about the overflowing rubbish bins. They are still
outside our school, however.
Anna Sewell’s only book, Black Beauty, was published in 1878. Soon after that, she
died, without knowing how successful it would be.
We found that children had different opinions about e-readers. Some, for example, liked
the convenience of an e-reader, while others preferred an old-fashioned book.

2 Write a sentence to follow the given sentence. Use adverbials and/or

pronouns to link the sentences together.
The park has facilities suitable for children of all ages. For example, there is a
spacious playground for younger children.
In some countries, large areas of rainforest have been destroyed. As a result, some
animals that live there have become endangered species.
Some children may argue that they need their mobile phone in class. However,
teachers would say that they are a distraction.

Sentence practice

Write a paragraph about an idea for an after-school club at your school. Use
adverbials and pronouns to link your ideas together. Write the paragraph on
a separate piece of paper.

Grammar 5 Schofield & Sims Grammar and Punctuation

Standard English: adverbs

Sometimes people use adjectives instead of adverbs when they speak. This is
not Standard English.
English In writing, you should use adverbs to describe verbs or
other adjectives.
Zain ran quick in his race. ✗ Zain ran quickly in his race. ✓
Jess did good to reach the final. ✗ Jess did well to reach the final. ✓
Ben was in a real difficult heat. ✗ Ben was in a really difficult heat. ✓

Try it

1 Choose the word from the brackets that completes each sentence
using Standard English..
Luckily , she reached the cliff edge just in time. (lucky luckily)
We need to think seriously about this problem. (seriously serious)
He dressed smartly for the occasion. (smart smartly)
The parrot squawked loudly all morning. (loud loudly)
They played well in the first half. (well good)
The deafening roar lessened gradually . (gradually gradual)

2 Rewrite each sentence using the Standard English form of all words.
She done it beautiful. She did it beautifully.
The wind blowed real gentle. The wind blew really gently.
The concert were well good. The concert was very good.
I tries to eat healthy. I try to eat healthily.
It were a fair big mistake. It was a fairly big mistake.
I should have writ the note proper. I should have written the note properly.

Sentence practice

Write a sentence using the adjective ‘terrible’, and a sentence using the
adverb formed from it.
adjective I had a terrible pain.
adverb We played terribly in the second half.

Schofield & Sims Grammar and Punctuation Grammar 5

Sentence adverbs
Adverbs are used to add detail about how, where, when or how
often events happen. However, you can also use adverbs to
add a comment on a whole sentence. These adverbs
are often fronted, or placed at the start of the sentence.
Fortunately Mum was delayed by bad traffic.
Surprisingly, she didn’t notice the mess.

Try it

1 Complete each sentence using a suitable adverb from the box. Punctuate it

amazingly interestingly sadly surprisingly unfortunately

Amazingly, the next day the cupboard was full again.

Unfortunately, a number of paintings have been damaged in the flood.
Interestingly, people could not tell the difference between the two ice creams.
Sadly, he was too ill to go to Sunil’s party.
Surprisingly, it sometimes snows even in spring.

2 Complete each sentence, using the given adverb to comment or add meaning.
Luckily, he had time to get out before the fire spread.
Strangely, he didn’t remember anything about the events.
Obviously, exercise is good for you.
Incredibly, they escaped from the accident unhurt.
Curiously, no-one seems to have heard anything.
Personally, I think this is a really bad decision.

Sentence practice

Write two sentences, one to introduce a problem and one about solving the
problem. Use the adverbs ‘unfortunately’ and ‘fortunately’.
Unfortunately, all the apples fell on to the floor. Fortunately, there were lots of
people to help pick them up.
Grammar 5 Schofield & Sims Grammar and Punctuation

Word classes
Some words belong to more than one word class,
class depending on how they are
used in the sentence. For example, ‘before’ can be either a conjunction (before a
clause) or a preposition (before a phrase).
I left before it finished. (conjunction)  I left before the end. (preposition)
Similarly, ‘her’ can be either a pronoun or a determiner
I see her every day. (pronoun)  I see her friend every day. (determiner)

Try it

1 Read each sentence. Is the underlined word a conjunction or a preposition??

We went for a walk since the sun was shining. conjunction
I have not seen Jade since nine o’clock this morning. preposition
Let’s keep going until the car runs out of petrol. conjunction
You will stay here until the end of time. preposition

Read each sentence. Is the underlined word a determiner or a pronoun??

Mum gave me these grapes but I already had some at lunchtime. pronoun
I saw some lovely clothes in the shops on Saturday. determiner
Put those red apples in the bowl over there. determiner
Would you like to try those on? pronoun

2 Write a sentence using ‘after’ as a conjunction.. Then use it as a preposition..

conjunction We can play football after we finish doing our homework.
preposition I asked Mum to collect me after football practice.

Write a sentence using ‘this’ as a determiner.. Then use it as a pronoun..

determiner I found this dog in the playground.
pronoun Can you put this in the bin for me?

Sentence practice

Write a sentence using ‘before’ as a conjunction and ‘these’ as a pronoun..

Before I saw those new trainers, I thought these were the best.
Schofield & Sims Grammar and Punctuation Grammar 5

A possessive can be a possessive noun (a noun followed
apostrophe s’)
by ‘apostrophe s or a possessive pronoun.
pronoun Possessive
pronouns stand alone instead of a noun.
the planet’s future (possessive noun)
environmentalists’ concerns (plural possessive noun)
the choice is ours (possessive pronoun)

Try it

1 Rewrite each phrase as a possessive noun.. Use an apostrophe..

the generosity shown by the public the public’s generosity
an announcement made by the Prime Minister the Prime Minister’s announcement
impossible deeds performed by our heroes our heroes’ impossible deeds
the biography about Martin Luther King Martin Luther King’s biography
the study carried out by scientists the scientists’ study
the courage shown by the women the women’s courage

2 Rewrite each sentence using a possessive pronoun..

She came up with the idea. The idea was hers.
The mistake was made by me. The mistake was mine.
It is our responsibility. The responsibility is ours.
You have to make the decision. The decision is yours.
They have broken the world record. The world record is theirs.
He gave the best performance. The best performance was his.

Sentence practice

Write three sentences about opinions. Use a possessive noun or possessive

pronoun in each.
This opinion is mine. Yours may be different. I always listen to other people’s

Grammar 5 Schofield & Sims Grammar and Punctuation

More relative clauses

Relative clauses usually give more information about a noun. However, some
relative clauses refer to what is said in the whole of the main clause,
rather than to just a noun. These relative clauses are separated
from the main clause by a comma
Edmund Hillary and Sherpa Tenzing were
the first to reach the summit of Everest,
which was a remarkable achievement.

Try it

1 Underline the relative clause in each sentence. Tick the box if the relative
clause refers to the whole clause,, rather than the noun..
There was no-one in the swimming pool, which was weird. ✓
I fed the kittens, which were only a few weeks old.
In August we are going to India, which I am very excited about. ✓
Something startled the creature, which gave Beth the chance to escape. ✓
The painting, which is very old, is above the fireplace in the dining room.
We chose Ethan, which was a mistake, and Evie to complete our team. ✓

2 Add a relative clause that refers to the main clause.. Punctuate each
sentence correctly.
We played our first league game last week , which was very exciting.
The fire is spreading through the forest , which is very worrying.
A wolf howled in the distance , which made the boy shiver.
The house is very old , which makes it an interesting place to visit.
Connor helped the man with his bags , which was very kind of him.
There was a lot of shouting in the garden , which woke the baby.

Sentence practice

Write two sentences about something bad happening. In both sentences, use a
relative clause that refers to events in the main clause..
Jim fell over, which meant he hurt his leg. He couldn’t play football, which really

38 annoyed him.
Schofield & Sims Grammar and Punctuation Grammar 5

Conditional sentences
A conditional sentence is a sentence in which one thing depends on another.
It has a main clause and a subordinate clause.
clause The subordinate clause starts
with a conjunction such as ‘if’ or ‘unless’, and states the ‘condition’ needed for
the event in the main clause to happen.
We should be there by ten if we leave at nine o’clock.
If the weather is fine, we will do lots of outdoor activities.
The trip will go ahead unless the weather is really bad.

Try it

1 Underline the subordinate clause that gives the condition in each sentence.
If the weather improves, we could visit the coast this weekend.
I won’t set the people free unless you promise to help me.
If we can persuade someone famous to open our summer fair,
lots of people will come.
My little brother won’t go swimming unless I go with him.
If you listen to a lot of loud music, it can damage your ears.
Our planet will not survive unless we take care of it.

2 Rewrite each sentence, adding a subordinate clause that gives a condition.

Superman will save the planet.
If he defeats his enemy, Superman will save the planet.
I can raise a lot of money for this important charity.
If you sponsor me, I can raise a lot of money for this important charity.
The crops will fail and people will starve.
The crops will fail and people will starve unless it rains soon.

Sentence practice

You are going to the beach at the weekend. Write three conditional sentences
about what you might do.
If it is warm, I will swim in the sea. If it is cold, we might go for a walk to keep
warm. We could hire a boat unless it is too expensive.

Grammar 5 Schofield & Sims Grammar and Punctuation

Revision 3
1 Underline all the pronouns in the sentence.
Dad said I should save up and buy the
game myself if I want it so badly.

2 Underline the pronoun in each sentence and write the nouns they refer to.
All birds have wings, although some cannot fly. birds
All birds have beaks and they use these to find food. birds beaks
Many children love sweets and they often buy them. children sweets
Amy has lost her pen. Tell her if you see it. Amy pen
Sean has a new green jacket. It really suits him. jacket Sean

3 Rewrite each sentence using the past perfect verb form rather than the
simple past tense.
The pond froze overnight. The pond had frozen overnight.
The ship sank in the storm. The ship had sunk in the storm.
I wrote to the council. I had written to the council.
She tore the paper in half. She had torn the paper in half.

4 Rewrite each sentence, changing it from indirect speech to direct speech..

Amina said my dancing was absolutely amazing.
“Your dancing is absolutely amazing,” said Amina.
Imran asked if I had found the secret key.
“Have you found the secret key?” asked Imran.

5 Insert the missing punctuation in these examples of direct speech..

“ You will be safe here ,” said the young girl ,“ until the morning .”
The doctor said ,“ I think you should stay home from school today .”
“ I have made you many gifts ,” said the cunning goldsmith .“ Edwin will

show them to you .”
“ It’s lovely and sunny outside ,” said Dad .“ I’m going for a walk by

the river .”

Schofield & Sims Grammar and Punctuation Grammar 5

6 Underline all the determiners in the sentences below.

There is one banana and some grapes left in the fruit bowl but no apples.
Your friend has two sisters, I have three brothers and you have a twin.
Can you see the difference between this picture and that picture?

7 Add a different determiner to each noun..

an actor some fabric two desks
this music my computer these geese
the traffic many factories his hair

8 Make each noun into an expanded noun phrase by adding a determiner,,

adjectives and a prepositional phrase..
lizard the fearsome-looking lizard with eyes on stalks
sword his legendary sword of burnished gold
stadium this modern stadium with luxurious seating
corridor an empty corridor on an abandoned space station

9 Use the pronouns ‘I’ and ‘me’ to correctly complete the sentences below.
Greg told Belle and me where
he was going.
Katie and I are going to the
cinema after school.
Mum made cheese-and-pickle sandwiches
for Ben and me .
I think Prashin and I might
make a model castle.

10 Complete each sentence using a different modal verb..

The kite might blow away in this wind.
We could go to the coffee shop later.
I will need a rest soon.
You may get a mountain bike for your birthday.
You should not stay up too late.


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