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I. Instruction: Write the letter that corresponds to your best answer. Strictly No
ERASURES allowed!

1. Who is known as the Father of modern photography?

a. Daguerre
b. Niepce
c. Talbot
2. The first practical photographic process invented in the history of photography.
a. Calotype
b. Talbot type
c. Daguerreotype
3. It deals with the study of the notion of photography, its application to law enforcement work
and the preparation of photographs for court presentation.
a. Criminalistics photography
b. Modern photography
c. Police photography
4. It is defined as an art of producing images of objects upon a surface sensitive to the chemical
action of light with the used of image forming device.
a. Photography
b. Photomicrography
c. Photomicrography
5. What is an image forming device used in capturing images of objects?
a. Camera
b. Lens
c. Flash
d. Shutter
6. What is known as developed sensitive material?
a. Film
b. Positive
c. Photograph
d. Negative
7. The first application of photography is law enforcement was confined to the problem of;
a. Evidence
b. Personal identification
c. Investigation
d. Surveillance
8. What is a form of electronic energy that excites the retina of the eyes and makes thing
a. Light
b. Radar
c. Matter
d. Sound

9. The average speed of light as it travels in the atmosphere is;

a. 120 m/s
b. 186,000 m/s
c. 16,000 – 25, 000 m/s
10. The changes in the direction of the light whenever it passes from one medium to another is
known as the phenomenon of;
a. Diffraction
b. Refraction
c. Reflection
d. Transmission
11. When the rays of light bend around the object especially if the object has a sharp edge, this is
known as….
a. Diffraction
b. Refraction
c. Reflection
d. Transmission
12. It means same likeness and accurateness as seen by the naked eye.
a. Carbon copy
b. Falsified image
c. Photograph
d. Faithful representation of the subject being photograph
13. The following are important features that need to be photographed in rape cases except;
a. Remoteness of the area
b. Bruises or any sign of struggle on the part of the victim
c. Brocken branches and pressed grasses if the outdoor
d. None of the above
14. What type of lens is ideal in stakeout and surveillance photography because it would make it
appear that an object is very close to the photographer?
a. Normal lens
b. Telephoto lens
c. Wide angle lens
15. Which of the following permits one to open and close the lens of a camera completely, so the
light may pass through and expose the film?
a. Film
b. Lens
c. Shutter
16. The process of obtaining photographic magnification of minute objects by using a camera
attached to a compound microscope?
a. Macroscopy
b. Photomicrography
c. Photomicrography
17. The taking of picture of the scene which includes the placement of objects, position of the
body and all pieces of evidences, this includes proper measurement and scaling of evidence
a. Crime scene photography
b. Police photography
c. Photography
d. All of the above

18. When light rays pass into a convex lens another formation of light rays may occur. This
refers to;
a. Converging rays
b. Diverging rays
c. Focal point
d. None of the above
19. A type of lens which is known as variable lens or erratic lens is;
a. Zoom lens
b. Macro lens
c. Wide angle lens
d. Micro lens
20. When the film is removed from the camera in a darkened place and treated with certain liquid
chemicals this process is called;
a. Photo enlarging
b. Fixing
c. Film development
d. Printing
21. The developing time of the film inside the developing tank is;
a. 5 to 6 minutes
b. 10 to 15 minutes
c. 4 to 8 minutes
d. 15 to 20 minutes
22. A location where illegal acts took place and all physical evidences are gathered by the
alert investigators.
a. Scene
b. Place of accident
C. Crime scene
23. A process whereby photographic film is treated after exposure to produce the desired
a. Stop bath
b. Development
c. Fixer
d. None of the above
24. It is a chemical agent or solution which causes development.
a. Film developer
b. Stop bath
c. Film development
d. Fixer
25. Which of the following is not a purpose of crime scene photography?
a. To record the original scene and related areas
b. To record the initial appearance of physical evidence
c. To provide records to the other investigator for future use.
d. None of the above
26. There are major points of qualification of photographs in court which includes the
following except;
a. The object pictured must be material to the issue
b. Photograph must be accurate
c. Photographs shows distortion or misrepresent the scene
d. All of the above

27. The very purpose of taking photographs of the scene is_____

a. To show the scene exactly as it was when you first saw it
b. To secure the crime scene
c. To record all physical evidences found at the crime scene
d. none of the above
28. In crime scene, if something was move before you arrived, try to reconstruct the scene as it was. The
photograph should shows the original scene and not the scene as you found it. statement is______
a. Correct
b. False
c. truth cannot be certain
29. If homicide happens inside the residence, the photographer should first take photographs to_____
a. Close-up photograph to the wounds
b. Point of entry
c. Exterior view of the building
d. None of the above
30. The cardinal rule of crime scene photography is,
a. Get a complete series of picture
b. Do not disturb the scene until evidence is identified, recorded and photograph
c. Follow the four corner approach
d. Record all the data
31. An overview photographs refers to,
a. Shots that shows a key details
b. Shots that shows important object and its and its immediate surroundings
c. Shots that covers the entire scene to bring out the relationship among objects
d. None of the above
32. It refers to a place wherein all photographs of criminals and suspects are filed according to the
types of offenses.
a. Mug shots
b. Rogues galleries
c. Galleries
d. All of the above
33. Photography has gone into three basic evolutions, the first one was,
a. Film photography
b. Daguerreotype photography
c. Digital photography
d. None of the above
34. A process of photographing objects directly enlarged on the negative and magnified 1 to 9x. It is useful
in photographing questioned documents bullets for comparison which includes fingerprints.
a. Infrared photography
b. Ultra violet ray’s photography
c. Photomicrography
d. Photomacrography
35. A photographic shot of a suspect from head to elbow level taken in various views, includes
front view and quarter face.
a. Mug shots
b. Close up photographs
c. Still photographs

36. A shot that shows object and its relationship to the other evidences is known as,
a. Close up photographs
b. overview
c. Mid-range shot
d. all of the above
37. A shot that shows a key details of the object itself. This refers to,
a. Overview photographs
b. Mid-range
c. Close up photographs
d. None of the above
38. Upon arrival at the crime scene, the primary task of a police photographer is;
a. Take preliminary photographs before the evidence is altered.
b. Take a complete set of pictures to all evidences left by the suspect.
c. Collect and record evidences
d. None of the above
39. A type of camera lens which is commonly used in regular photography is known as;
a. Normal lens
b. Zoom lens
c. Telephoto lens
d. Macro lens
40. When light rays get in contact with transparent object. What will happen to the behavior of light rays?
a. Increase in the speed of light
b. Angle of incidence by the light cause by the density of the object
c. Change in the speed of light when passing from one medium to another
d. All of the above
41 The higher the numerical value of the shutter speed dial, the opening and closing of shutter becomes,
a. Slow to allow greater amount of light
b. Fast to allow smaller amount of light to reach the sensitive material
c. Normal to allow the exact amount of light to reach the sensitive material
d. Fast to allow the greater amount of light
42. Diverging of light rays may occur when the photographer used a type lens commonly known as,
a. Concave lens
b. Convex lens
c. Lens
d. None of the above
43. Object located at the various distance from the camera can be brought into focus by
adjusting the distance between lens to_____
a. Lens to the subject
b. Lens to the film
c. Lens to the aperture
d. Lens to the lens
44. In cases of arson, the photographer should endeavor to take photographs primarily to what
particular aspect?
a. Location of fire
b. Origin of fire
c. Progress of fire

45. In determining whether the crime is murder or homicide. The photographer should focus on
what particular aspect?
a. Physical evidence
b. Manner and cause of death
c. Focus on the testimony of the witness
46. In arson or fire the color of smokes indicates;
a. Burning substance
b. Extent of fire
c. Extend of damage
47. The standard lighting procedure during mug shots is,
a. 12 – 18 inches higher than the lens at the right side
b. 12 – 18 inches lower than the lens at the left side
c. A and B
48. In processing of photographs, the chemical that causes development is known as;
a. Developer
b. Fixer
c. Stop bath
49. Basically, black and white film is composed of three (3) layers except;
a. Emulsion
b. Gray
c. Base
d. None of the above
50. The following are the three basic components photography, except;
a. Camera
b. Light
c. Film
d. None of the above
1. Indicates that line of writing in relation with the arrangement of letters and words.
a. alignment b. shading c. baseline d. tremor
2. Lina is more than 50yrs of age and haven’t gone to any learning institution for writing training mostly on
her writings possessed this kind of characteristics.
a. tremors b. tremor of fraud c. genuine tremor d. shaky appearance
3. The characteristics that associates with each other elements forming a certain word without cuts.
a. connecting links b. tremors c. hesitations d. cursive
4. Inclination of the axis of letters relative to the baseline.
a. arrangement b. slant c. tremor d. alignment
5. The result of this kind of movement are artistic design and similar to blackboard writing.
a. finger movement b. fore-arm movement c. whole arm movement d. hand movement
6. Such forgery is sometimes considered as Brain Writing.
a. simple b. traced c. spurious d. simulated
7. Mr. Gary executed the stem and staff part of a certain element of writing thus employing action of the
muscles called:
a. flexor b. extensor c. both flexor and extensor d. finger muscles
8. Writing a certain element, it always starts with the landing of the pen on the surface of the paper thus
emphasizing this part.
a. handwriting b. initial stroke c. pen stop d. terminal stroke
9. Ms. Sheena’s writing is smooth, running and the letters are linked.
a. cursive b. block lettering c. script d. hand lettering
10. This undertaking is intended for detection of forgeries, alterations and obliterations.
a. criminalistics examination b. handwriting examination c. characteristics examination
11. Curved point mounted on a handle and it is dipped in an inkwell to write.
a. cane pen b. steel pen c. fountain pen c. quill pen
12. Mr. Lito is employing certain weight of the hand muscles on the pen during the act of writing.
a. pen emphasis b. initial pen stroke c. handwriting movement d. pen stop
13. Links which contain two straight lines perpendicular to each other.
a. connections b. circular c. optical d. angular
14. Imaginary line where the letters are supposed to be aligned; the rules or imaginary line upon which the
writing rests.
a. alignment b. baseline c. low zoned d. middle zone
15. Writing weakness portrayed by unbalanced, shaky and unsteady strokes.
a. un-even strokes b. tremor c. handwriting characteristics d. agraphia
16. The light source is coming from behind for a clearer view of some intentional marks on the questioned
a. shadowgraph b. transmitted light equipment c. indirect light equipment d. hand lens
17. Going back slightly on a written part.
a. patching b. closed loop c. retrace d. repair
18. A stroke which goes back over another writing stroke.
a. retouching b. punching c. retracing d. whirl
19. A stroke that goes back to repair a defective portion of writing.
a. retouching b. punching c. retracing d. all of the above
20. An examination intended for the presence and action of fluorescence ink.
a. shadowgraph b. transmitted light c. ultraviolet light d. infra-red light
21. The horizontal and looped strokes that are often used to complete such letters.
a. arch b. knob c. spur d. staff
22. A thick rounded ending and initial strokes are results of the drawing process in forgery.
a. eyelet b. beard c. blunt ending or beginning d. knob
23. A loop made as a flourish which is added to the letters as in small letters “k”, “f”.
a. diacritic b. beard c. hook d. buckle knot
24. Canal like structures finder or sensor.
a. shadowgraph b. ultraviolet light c. electrostatic detection apparatus d.
25. An upward horizontal or downward final stroke usually seen in small letters.
a. retrace b. terminal spur c. knob d. staff
26. Downward strokes of any letter.
a. staff b. hump c. stem d. spur
27. Typewritten document consist of 12 characters in one inch.
a. Pica b. elite c. roman d. portable
28. Introductory backward strokes added to the beginning or ending of many capital letters or small letters.
a. hook b. spur c. arch d. beard
29. An interruption in a stroke caused by removing the writing instrument from the paper.
a. hitch b. pen lift c. loop d. hook
30. Below is the correct order of the essential phases of examination in a criminalistic laboratory.
a. Analysis, comparison and evaluation
b. Comparison, recognition and interpretation
c. Recognition, evaluation and comparison
d. Verification
31. The height of letter T outstrips the standard height of letter a.
a. regular ratio b. high ratio c. low ratio d. irregular ratio
32. Mostly found in individual signatures.
a. pen stop b. rubric c. terminal stroke d. ratio
33. Photographed questioned document cannot be cut into parts during presentation in the court.
a. appropriate statement b. can be considered
c. inappropriate statement d. indefinite
34. Mr. Fredo erased some characters thru using an ordinary rubber or clay eraser on a certain questioned
a. fraudulent b. alteration c. abrasion d. obliteration
35. Photograph questioned documents showing three dimensional enlargement.
a. using stereographic technics b. transmitted light technics
c. shadow graphing d. ESDA technics
36. Alleged papers comprises those in which the masterpiece of a holographic document is all
a. Documents questioned as to its source.
b. Questioned documents as to age or date.
c. Questioned documents as to authorship.
d. Questioned documents as to alterations.
37. During the examination of signature it was found out that both specimen are exactly alike but there was
no presence of traces of carbon and canal like structure. What does the finding manifest?
a. the signature is genuine
b. the signature was a product of simulated forgery
c. the signature was a product of simple forgery
d. none of the above
38. The reverse of the P1,000 bill is largely untouched, except;
a. for the sampaguita, the coat of arms of the Philippines, and the BSP logo
b. for the sampaguita, republic of the Philippines seal and the BSP logo
c. for the sampaguita, woven Philippine seal and the BSP logo
d. for the sampaguita, and BSP logo
39. The plant being imprinted in the new 20 piso coin.
a. ilang-ilang plant
b. nilad plant
c. kapa kapa plant
d. sampaguita plant
40. The portrait printed on the 5 piso coin.
a. Emilio Aguinaldo
b. Sergio Osmena
c. Andres Bonifacio
d. Manuel L. Quezon
41. Piso coin with plain edge.
a. 20 piso coin
b. 10 piso coin
c. 5 piso coin
d. 25 centavo coin
42. In obtaining requested standard document, examiner will observe such practices excluding:
a. Desired text or characters shall be dictated.
b. Exact amount is required.
c. Dictation should not be in recesses or breaks.
d. Never let the subject see the questioned document.
43. Questioned documents is allowed to be touch in any way except with the use of a mongol 1 pencil.
a. Appropriate statement
b. Inapproriate statement
c. Indifinite
d. Sufficient statement
44.Document should not be wet at all times.
a. Absolutely yes
b. Absolutely no
c. Except by special consent
d. Only chemical application
45.Questioned Documents is allowed to be marked if necessary.
a. Absolutely yes
b. Absolutely no
c. Except if needed
d. Allowed by the examiner
46. Exemplar documents are allowed to marked and reproduced as to many as the examiner can.
a. Acceptable statement
b. Unacceptable statement
c. Indefinite
d. Questioned documents only
47. Mr. Gilo place the desired forged document above the genuine document to perfectly execute a certain
signature of Ms. Pana.
a. Indentation Process
b. Carbon Process
c. Projected Process
d. Simulation Process
48. Questioned documents may be disputed or not but, disputed documents is always a questioned one.
a. acceptable statement b. unacceptable statement c. both a and b d. indifinite
49. Examination intended for erasures and obliterations.
a. criminalistic examination b. handwriting identification
c. questioned document examination c. disputed document examination
50. Ms. Carmela was arrested for forgery with the presence of an actual genuine signature specimen written
by the real author in her room, thus committing one of the 3 kinds of forgery;
a. simulated forgery b. simple forgery c. traced forgery d. spurious signature

God Bless!


By: Benjo O. Paca, RCRIM, MSCJ
1. To impart a motion or rotation of a bullet during its passage inside the barrel to insure gyroscopic
stability in its flight is called;
a. Range c. Rifling
b. Gauge d. Center fire
2. Commonly, these are marks found on bullets fired from a revolver due to poor alignment of the
cylinder to a bore;
a. Shaving marks c. pivot marks
b. Skid marks d. land marks
3. If a bullet is fired through a weapon in which the lands have been worn down or through a bore
which is slightly oversized, then it received a;
a. Skid mark c. rifling mark
b. Slippage mark d. shearing mark
4. When two specimens are compared under the comparison microscope at the same direction, the same
level, the same magnification and the same image, the technique is called;
a. Positive match c. juxtaposition
b. Pseudo matching d. drag marks
5. A copper jacketed fired bullet is usually fired from;
a. Revolver c..22 rifle
b. Pistol d. shotgun
6. Class characteristics are determinable even _______ the manufacture of the firearm.
a. During c. before
b. After d. never
7. An investigator who recovered a fired bullet from the crime scene will request the ballistician to
a. Owner of the firearm
b. Model of the firearm
c. Caliber and type of the firearm
d. Manufacturer of the firearm
8. The marks left on the bullet by a gun barrel, are different from those left by any gun barrel. The fact
is most useful in directly identifying the;
a. The person who fired the particular gun
b. Direction from which a shot was fired
c. Gun from which a bullet was fired
d. Bullet which caused the fatal wound
9. Pistols with the same number of barrel grooves may be differentiated by the direction of the twist of
the rifling which may either, to the left or to the right. Of the following statement the one which may
accurately be inferred, is that;
a. Most pistols has the same number of grooves
b. Some pistols can be either left or right
c. The direction of the twist in any pistol can be either left or right
d. The direction of the twist of the lands and grooves are the same
10. The term muzzle velocity refers most accurately to;
a. Acceleration of the projectile in flight
b. Average speed of the bullet
c. Rate of expansion of the grooves in the muzzle
d. Speed at which the bullet leaves the revolver barrel
11. Discharge bullets are initialed;
a. On the base or nose c. at the right side
b. At the Left side d. on the body of the bullet
12. Discharged shells are initialed;
a. Inside or outside of the case near open end
b. Where firing pin strikes
c. On any part of the shell
d. None of the above
13. The caliber of the gun is;
a. The barrel itself
b. The circumference of the barrel
c. The size of the ammunition used
d. Diameter of the bore
14. A homicide was committed using shotgun. All parts of the exploded shell have been recovered by
the investigator. In order to identify shell from which gun was fired, the laboratory should be given;
a. The cups, the wads and the pellets
b. The caps and the wads
c. The cap and the pellets
d. The shot shells
15. Of the following, the most accurate statement concerning the identification of an unknown firearm
by means of ballistics is that;
a. Most pistols which have left lead have at least eight lands
b. The width of the grooves in pistols can be determined by the angle of the lead
c. Pistol with the same number of lands can be differentiated by the direction of the lead
d. The angle lead is the angle which the lands from the width of the groove
16. Identifying markings or imprints are not left on shell by;
a. Firing pin c. extractor
b. Ejector d. hammer
17. A revolver to be tested and used in evidence should be picked up by;
a. Inserting a pencil or ball pen in the barrel
b. Placing a piece of wire or string through a trigger guard
c. Grasping the handle with handkerchief
d. Grasping the barrel with clean cloth
18. The part of .45 caliber semi automatic pistol found at the crime scene, normally marked for
identification in the;
a. Trigger c. Slide
b. Ejector d. Barrel
19. The process of combustion results in the solid powder being converted into gases and a high
temperature, and it is the expansion of these gases which causes explosive force which propels the
bullet or shot charge along the barrel. This is known as;
a. Energy c. velocity
b. Pressure d. high density
20. When the bullet enters the rifle bore from the stationary position and is forced abruptly into the
rifling its natural tendency is to go straight forward before encountering the regular rifling twist. The
marking produced is called;
a. Shaving mark c. Individual characteristics
b. Skid mark d. Slippage marks
21. Velocity of the bullet depends on the-
a. Length of the barrel
b. Energy of the main spring
c. Load of the gunpowder
d. Load of the priming mixture
22. Major recoil will occur before the bullet leaves from the muzzle of the gun.
a. True b. false c. It depends d. Partly true and false
23. Why does the slide move back to its original position after the minor recoil?
a. Because of the forward movement of the gas
b. Because of the automatic loading of ammunition to the chamber
c. Because of the main spring
d. None of the above
24. What is the other term for terminal ballistics?
a. Ending ballistics b. finishing ballistics c. wound ballistics d. none of the
25. What do you call a device used to minimize the recoil of the gun?
a. Muzzle brake b. lubricant c. windage drum d. handguar
26. It refers to the farthest distance that the projectile can be propelled from a firearm, up to the final
vertical drop to the ground.
a. Maximum range b. maximum effective range c. range d. all of these
27. Other term for air resistance
a. Parabola b. air drag c. ballistic coefficient d. sectional density
28. What do you call the condition of the bullet if it travels sideways?
a. Undeveloped stability
b. Base drag
c. Yaw
d. Loose
29. The raised portion on rifling of the barrel is the land while raised portion on bearing surface of the
bullet is the groove. This statement is-
a. True b. false c. it depends
30. Artillery and small arms differs on-
a. Caliber of the barrel
b. Caliber of the bullet
c. Diameter of the bore
d. A and C
e. All of the above
31. All are automatic firearms except;
a. M16 A1 rifle b. M-1 Carbine c. UZI d. 9mm pistol e. none of these
32. Under Section 877 of revised administrative code, the barrel of any firearm is considered a
complete firearm. This statement is-
a. True b. false
33. A short rifle with the barrel measuring not longer than 22 inches
a. Rifle b. shotgun c. carbine d. musket
34. What is the smallest caliber among small arms?
a. 20 caliber b. 22 caliber c. 38 caliber d. 40 caliber
35. What metal is major component of armor piercing bullet?
a. Copper b. tungsten c. alloy d. lead
36. The caliber of the cartridge case is determined through-
a. measuring its base
b. measuring its mouth
c. measuring its body
d. measuring its rim
37. The caliber of the bullet is determined through-
a. Measuring its base
b. Measuring the nose
c. Measuring the body
d. Measuring at any part of it
38. The firearm examiner should conduct test firing atleast 3 times. What is the purpose of the second
test fire?
a. preliminary b. secondary c. confirmatory d. none of these
39. All are firearms that propels jacketed bullet except;
a. 9 mm pistol b. 45 pistol c. M16 A1 d. none of these
40. All are firearms that ejected rimmed cartridge case except;
a. 9 mm pistol b. 45 pistol c. M16 A1 d. none of these
41. Which among the following will eject rimless cartridge case?
a. 9 mm pistol b. 45 pistol c. M16 A1 d. none of these
42. All are firearms that eject straight cartridge case except;
a. 9 mm pistol b. 45 pistol c. M16 A1 d. 38 revolver
43. A type of explosive which is sensitive to shock, friction and heat.
a. Primary b. secondary c. low d. high
44. If the rifling has 6 grooves then it has also 6 lands. This statement is-
a. True b. false c. it depends
45. The depth of groove can be determined through-
a. Examining the length of the barrel
b. Determining the diameter of the bore
c. Measuring the height of the land
d. Measuring the pitch of rifling
46. If it is found out that the evidence bullet has 4 land mark and groove marks, right twist and the width
of the land mark is equal to the groove mark then it will be presumed that the bullet was coming
from a-
a. Webly firearm b. Colt c.steyr d. Browning
47. All are marks found in a fired bullet except;
a. Land mark b. groove mark c. skid mark d. shear mark
48. Bullets containing nitrate compound which is set on fire when it is projected
a. Incendiary bullet
b. Ball bullet
c. Tracer bullet
d. Explosive bullet
49. As a firearm examiner, what should be the first thing to do if only one bullet is submitted by the
a. Determine the type of the bullet
b. Identify the markings
c. Determine the caliber
d. Determine the weight of the bullet
50. This refers to the part of a cartridge case where the ejector mark be found.
a. Body b. rim c. extracting groove d. all of these
51. Po2 Benz is an investigator. He was one of the respondents at the crime scene. Upon processing, he
recovered a rimless cartridge case and a jacketed bullet. What shall be the presumption in this
a. The suspect used a revolver in killing the victim
b. The suspect used high powered fire arm
c. The suspect used .22 caliber rifle
d. None of these

52. That mechanism of firearm by which the cartridge case is withdrawn from the chamber of the gun is
a. Extraction b. extractor c. ejection d. ejector
53. The small amount of sensitive explosive contained within a cap is known as-
a. Primer b. propellant c. premier d. primer cup
54. What do call the stillness of the rotating motion of the bullet and attain its highest momentum for
stability in flight and penetrating power?
a. Direct action c. rotary action
b. Translation action d. gyroscopic
55. Term used in referring to the nose of the bullet.
a. Breech b. ogive c. rim d. pitch
56. The term double action in a firearm means-
a. Cock and release the hammer simultaneously
b. Manually cocks the hammer
c. Auto loads before firing
d. Double pressing of the trigger
57. A lead type of bullet which is usually fired from-
a. Revolver b. pistol c. rifle d. sub machine gun
58. The portion of the cartridge which holds the shot in place
a. Wad b. crimp c. cannelure d. tube

59. In the study of firearms, what type of primer consists only of one flash hole or vent?
A. Berdan
B. Boxer
C. Battery

60. Among the following, what type of bullet is designed to emit bright flame at night when fired?
A. Armor piercing bullet
B. Incendiary bullet
C. Tracer bullet
D. None of these

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